Lt _ n,/m.:L.l.A a lj w. N O TICE.--DTM. 3. MOORHEAD 'has been admitted d member of the brut of ' 31kx3rtri - EA_T) & co., To date from January7 , l4, 1808. Style.of firm Si beret lure. 4; 31 E . O K . . I. 3,.I 3 O I O e R c LI E E . A k.N D E .. Pittsburgh, .31i.reli1;. 184.3. - WAN . TED, ; 11 V A.Sitnatlon as Book Keeper, By ;!znar. of Middle age, who has been employed for the .Ppast NINE YEAUS In that capacity in Unruh. SalisfaetOry_ reference as to character and ability. Letters addressed to "WILLIA3I.' care Or GAZETTE OFFICE, Pitt,burgh, will be promptly .att'ldled to. uthl9:ins3-wyai • DSSOLTiTION.—THE rigid OF NVIIITE, BERGER & CO. was dissolved on' the 10th Inst.; by mutual consent. =• • • DANIEL WHITE, W. If. BERGER, I _ W. FREEMAN. 'The undersigned will continue the manufacture of Wonden Ware and Packing Boxes, under the name and; style of PRE 'MAN SC BERGER. (Mice and Factory between 31 rton and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward. - W. VREEMANI, W. 11., BEItGER. I Pittsburgh. March, 7, ISGS. uth, 9:m91 FOR SALIEa . A corrau HOUSE, , Containing' six rooms , hall - and kitchen, with sta ble, carriage and coal house; well of good water and ci s tern of eighty barrels. with iron pump iu each. rat 80 . feet on Craig street by 140 teet on Henry ' street; -with 10 foot alley at the rear; well stockea ' with pear, apple, peach, cherry and phut; trees; also, several young choice grape vines, Situate near , second toll gate, Oakland. Price $6,500. c Also, one lot adjoining the above.'4o feet by 140 L- feet. ou which Is .a newly built store room, coal and: wagon Elmds. Price. $1,700. The'stock of.Grocer les will be sold also If desired. Apply to the proprietor, on.the premises. mltibmtB7 * ISAAC. W. TENET?. ,flifcr , ;BANK, No. fl« Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. $lOO,OOO. STNIECHOLDEES INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. • ForciinfEzeltange bought and sold; and when de :sired remitted to Lur e pe. • Collections made on aft the principal points of the - - United States and Canada: • • DIRECTORS: JAMES 31CCABE, - JOHN MCKEOWN, TEBENCE CAMPBELL, Itotatim, ' • JOHN SAVAGE, - PATRICK KANE, .JAS. 'PHELAN, • ' JOHN C. BARB. CHAS. C. BAUR, Wn. ' • T. O'BRIEN. ' J. DuNtrxr, Jn.. 1). PreiAdent. J. C. BARR, Secretary. 11.—This Bank will open for business between the first and fifteenth of April, In the room lately .occupied by A. 15IeTighe, deceased, as a 'Banking House, opposite the. Cathedral. m 1118.4100 tAT'LTAL DMINISTRATOR'S SALE. A. I will sell by Pnblic Outcry, at the residence or .JOHN POLLOCK, decessed,'ln South Fayette Tp., near Oakdale Station, on the I'. C. & C. It. It., Pan handle, jou • - TIVESDA:I4 - March 31, 1868, at 1 P. 31., . . 'The personal Estate of the deceased. •eonsisting in _part of Wheat, Corn and Oats in he bushel; lot of Potatoes: some 300 lbs. Wool: !tot of good sheep, Cow Cattle, Yoke' of Work Oxen, Fanning Uten.. .sils, Household Furniture, &c. . , TERMS AT :ALE Administrator of John Pollock, deed VAN'HOOK. & McCLELT.AiiI). Auctioneers .J 017. - S. JOHNSTON. Salesman. FOR SALE. ' • ..Property nea4 Mansfield for Sale. A very desirablo-plece of laud of ILO acres. having an orchard of about 3 acres. and a good frame house of 3 rooms and cellar: a spring of never failing wa ter near the house. Located on an elevation about %of a mile west of 3lanstield,Station, on the Pau ,handle It. It. Tube sold as a whole or in lots; to _suit purchasers, from 2 to 5 acres. • • InqUire.of DANIEL SWOGER. -11eal Estate and Insurance Agent. No. 77 Federal street, Alleglfnuy City, on becloud floor. A good frame dwelling ofrooms, large hail.. finlshed attic and good cellar , with lot 24 - by 129 -feet 9 - inches, situate No. 60 Adams street. Sixth ward; Allegheny City, which will be sold low and on good terms. as the owner wishes to leave the city. mlnquire of.DANIEL SWOGER. No. 77 Federal street, .Allegheny City, on second floor. FOlt SALE.. , • BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE.—Two goodlots on Shellieh: street; one lot on Adams 'street: one lot ou Franklin street ttlrrenamallitut s -cm Charticrs street; -one lot on Fremont street , Allegheny. A lot in East Liberty, being lot No. 14 on Dennison avenue. A number of lids on Jacks Bun. Inquire of DANIEL SIVOGER. :No. 77 Federal street, Allegheny City, second flour.' - mhl3:mSs I THE UNITED PRESBYTERI4IN, A RELIGIOUS WEEKLY, IN QUARTO FORM, •PUBLISHED AT No. 74 Third 'Street Pittsburgh,P ao, is now one of the largest and widelv circulated RE ' I,ILIIOUS JOURNALS In the West: It has a large -and rapidly Increasing circulation: in the two cities and surrounding boroughs 'in the towns and singes of Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio. Western Virginia. and throughout the Western States: gen erally. As such. it is to BUSINESS MIEN one of the very best advertising mediums. as they may see by calling at . the officeand examining the list of mai scribers. A. specimen copy of the paperwiil be sent On appli cation. Address MTJRDOCH & CO., Egg No. 74 THIRD STREET, PITTSBURGH. PA zolil3:3lwF • • • • m ECHANICS9 SAVLNGS BANK, No. 14 Smitlailleldl;3treet, PITTSBURGH, PA • ' INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. ANY SUM it ECEIVED PADM ON DOLLAR LIMA p.n. - De posits received subjecrto ,vithout interest. JAMES BLACKMOItE, Pregitient. • (IE6: I). TINDLE, Secretarly and Treuurer •TAMES Yr: 110PEINS. Solicitor. TRUSTEES: James Blackmore, . i James IL' Hopkins, 'Alex. Tindle, . Jnmes Down, William W. W. Bradshaw, A. Culikage, I Robert . Wray, John Evans. THE GREAT FRIEND OF TUE AGE The "Queen" Triumphant, THE QUEEN OF=- THE WASH TUB. BIJY IT. TRY IT. FOR GENERAL WASHING PURPOSES IT IS ..PRONOUNCEDONPREORDENTED. cheaper Ilan soap—cleansgs more.thoroughly7costs less money- salves more time and labor, and is sold by all Grocers. One trial will demonstrate itssuperiority and secure it a firm place In the affection of tile entire house hold. Manufactured br the HESS MANUFACTURING CO., • Office, No. 136 WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh. MALT._ -500 BUSHELS FALL' BARLEY MALT, :'"lfecoh - ed and for site by McBALNE & ANJER, l'ittaburgh, January 2a, 18119 kiAWUML XIMIOAMMU, AT-,DMRIW-AN's .P.x-Otlicio - Justiee ot. the Peace and Police trate. 'ollice. tiItANT STREET. opposite the Ca ' lhedral, PITTSBIIRGII, PA. _ Kdeds,' Bonds. Mortgages, Acknowledgments. Depositions, arid all Legal Business executed with promptnesa and dispatch. inal6 •• CAUGHT ADRIFT. , Caught adrift, on the Ohio river, °NT. PLAT; II POIlbi„ made out of sawed lumber. The owner is required to come and prove property and take the same away, or It will be sold acconlia_g_o_law. - CHARLES CU MM INGS, Brunet's Island. Tittobusgh, March 16th t 1888. =I ROBERT POTTER',, mht9:mB3-415:F 1111 Ma HOUSEHOLD 141 WATER. STREET . . . . . . _ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. = IS6S. ar•RM.Afkir REDUCTION H J. W. BRADLEY'S PATENT DUPLEX SKIRTS, FOR THE MILLION! THE WEST. BRADLEY & CARY MANUFAC TURING COMPANY HAYING PURCHASED THE BUSINESS .AND lINTERESVOF THE LATE FIRM OF WEST 3, BRADLEY & C,CRY, AND HAVING MADE GREAT. IMPROVEMENTS IN TILE , MACHINERY AND LABOR FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF THE:CELEBRATED PATENT DUPLEX ,SKIRTS, ARE NOW ENABLED,TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL. THEM AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES THEIR OBJECT IS :TO PLACE THESE :iklicrs IN THE MARKET AT SUCH PRICES AS TO MAKE IT AN OBJECT FOR TILE MILLION TO PURCHASE THE PATENT DUPLEX. ELLIPTIC (OW D 011•• BLE SPRING) SKIRT' PREFERENVE • To .ANY OTHER SKIRT MADE.. THEY.ARE ARE. RANTED TO OUTWEAR ANY TWO OR THREE SINGLE STEEL SPRING SKIRTS, AND. THE ZRESEN T UREATLY REDUCED PRICE 3iAKES THEM, THE CHEAPEST BV FAR, AS. WELL AS THE MOST DURABLE, STYLISH, GRACEFUL AND AGREEABLE SKIRT TOME WEARER THAT IS MANUFACTURED IN THIS OR. ANY OTHER COUNTRY ALSO, AN EXTENSIVE VAMETX Or NEW AND BEAUTIFDL DESIGNS OF THE PATENT- ED ~M ETALIC ENDS" SUSPENDERS, OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, EQUAL IN wrirtz and QUALITY TO THE BEST FRENCH SHSPEN- DERR, AND AT MUCH LOWER PRICES ..lyti i .-:pit,t011E.T....51.',....0A.k.f...)1.ri.€0 WAIIEHODNE AND OFFICE: Nos. 97; . Chambers and 79. and 81 Reade Street, NEW YORK. nall:17,123:16:01 - PITTSBTJfIGH GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY. MARCH 18 1868. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BEADED :TARLATANS.' . . . SPANGLED TARLATANS. =III A NEW GOODS FOR. EVENING DRESSES._ BATES & BELL. nibl , qr - rs.tT WEED SEWING MACHINE. • lvtll oerfonn greater range arid variety of work than any other madame, either tine or heavy sewing; Usei a straight, short needle: makes a stitch alike mI both st , ii:s; WILL STITCH. II I. -FELL. BIND, Ct Ott). ItCI , I , Lt: AND TUCK -WITHOUT MEASURIN AND HILNISTITCH. F IRST s3ll VMS At Paris. 11467. etinsrivailla State Fair. 1867. 1111aor. State Fair, lB67. );1:11' thinp.litie Sate F'air. 1867 "New York State Fair. 1867. Aud the ration.; County Fairs. . . . . WEED DDES NUT TAKE ill's tut et'ELLS Witt::: Y.* WANT IT To SL"., Weed Is universally acknowledg ed to be the best by all who hit,' ,;el.ll and n..ied It. • The. following Agents are establishyd hi the differ.; eat Counties for the ,ale, of the Weed Sewing Ma chine : __ i• •W. C. Walthour. Maio .st rim:. near Tunnel. Greensburg. Westmorelaml .71{11tV. 31. P. 31'Clanahan, ELot., West '3i - ewt on. • A. 1.. Itobinson.-Market andjetrerson. Kittanning,' Armstrong county. • , S. 31. 31. Bailey - . Uniontown. Fayette county. 11. E. Patton. ilreensbern, Greene enmity. S. 31. Bell. NVreibington.• IM. i .. . - .J. Boggs. Broadway, Beeves' Bbvk. New Brigh ton, Beavereuuntr. • Geo. feeble-'. Wielthigton street. New Castle, Lawrence county. :• _ • J. A. Conner, Scott Township: • A. A. Shubson, Moon Township. Agents are wanted for the tollowinti wolinticsi 'Mercer, Butler, Clarion.. Ilidlana and I.ambria:toull tles. Address - • it.'11.1.0N01... , 119 Grant street. Pittsburgh. General Agent fur Western renn'a. . . . STEAM . . . . . CARPET 13E.A.Tter ESTABLISHMENTk 11 - 111 r -n TEN L In New York - nnd nth er Ea,teru cities h 3 proved a contplrte *recce;. ;ITS AIicANTAGES , 3.:(1.--Taillug 'aull Stirlnkagc are mmp:ettly avolde ..%I—\o ripping apart nect . isary. • 34—When freed from Aina. moth,: or thelri,arvae, the Carpet lwAs nearly a.icEtt...l zs Roc, s• the natural fatllng from wear. 4th—When perfertly clean, a Carpet wilt wear as long again, a desirable matter FS a mere pulat of economy, to say nothing of look's. • ' ' ALL ormEns LEFT. AT. THE i-)Fhi"E No. 179 Liberty Street. Or ad.lre4setl to I': 0. /lox 473. w:11 pr..arep attention. - GEO. L. MeCLINTOCK, mlllO SECURITY AND COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. J. B. HARRIS' SAFETY FIRE J VAR ear Heater and Moderator, For SMOKE A:S:D HOT AIR FIXES. dispensing with the Uhe Stores and Fires In or about the Passenger or Baggage ears, with the attachment to graduate the heat' to any temperature that may be desired without the no:Ability or tiring the ear or cars to which the Jacket may be attached. Having obtained of the Plitted SMtee Letter.; Pat ent for a Safet y Jatket which Is warranted to resist the most intense brat that 'may he ;Wolfed to it In the position and purpose for which ft to intended. It a sore protection from accidents by tire. origi n(-ing from defective Hues. or where iron pipes are used as conductors for smoke or beat. It is :midi plicable to allpiping that may become overheated, and is warranted to give perfect satisfaction where wood or other acmbustible material may be placed in close prciximlty thereto. I. am now ready-Jo ap ply my invention to stores, dwellings, facterles, ships, steambo4ts, railroad cam, etc.. wherever pipes as eonductors are made . dangerous by being overheated and security desised. 1 will sell, on ap- Ilication. right, - to manufacture nr to use the abuse nvention; also. territorial rights, to such as may wish to engage lu seining priv:leges.wither by State or couoty.•,: • • • J. B. HARMS. iFiY"ol3lce at the . "Nt: rr,u-s ULTRA . PAINT WORKS," corner of slorrla street and the Al Ninth War I, Pittsburgh, l'a. fe7.1:440 rnO THE TEACHERS AND ritnENns OF EDUCATION - IN ALLE -1 ENV COUNTY.—The undersigned would re- • spectfnily annouites. that In areor.lallre with require ments pf the Common School Law, an Institute Will be' held in the HALL OF THE FOURTH WAR D PUBLIC SCHOOL. Pittsiturgli, Pa., beginning on MONDAY. March 3011. at 10 o'clock 'a. and ending FRIDAY: Aprll 3d„ 1808. That Teachers I) Act of Assembly regulating them, eromedileh it•wllfbe seen that alt tuaehers bf the Common Schools of the County are') attend: . "Areordlng Art of Assembly, approved April 9th. 1867. It Teachers'. Institute must be held in each count} _of the Commonwealth, and most con tiuue in session at least tire days. Including day for going to and half-a-day for returning from the place of meeting; the 11:1111V4 of all persons teaching In the Common Schools of tho county; must he called at least twice. a day and absentees' carefully marked; and thoge.who absent themselves from the Institute of their county, without good reason, may have their, want of professional spirit anti zeal Indicated by certificates of a lower grade ut the next examination'' , (See Penna. School Jour nal, 9itty,1167. pp. 112.3 From the above It Will be Seen that the law per. mite Directors to grant Teachers the time to attend . ,the Institute and count it the same ns so tench time spent in teaching; and so far as I have had an op portunity to present this matter to Directors, they have not only expressed a willingness to do So; but arc anxious their teachers should attend. If teach .era act wisely, they will nut fall to attend this meet ing. • A. T. DOHTHETT„ nthliktralT .• County Superintendent. FLOuR, • FROM SOUTFIERN WILEAT We ha re commenced receiving a lot of 80,000 Bushels -Brime -Southern Wheat, And are 110 W prepared to deliver a superior quality. of EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR mhlB:m72 TO THE PUBLIC. Mr. SAMUEL E., ALLISON, of (or near) Bakers town, Allegheny county, having made defamatory statements to divers persons, of and concerning me and my business trinsactionk, was notiflettand rc quired to make proper amends, and did, on January 27th, 1808, Promptly and voluntarily sign, a full written retraction of the said slander, and agree to pay the fees of my attorney; therefore, I refrained from instituting suit against - • BENJAMIN 3IILLEIt. 'Timm... oar Manch'l3,lB6B . . natilo:m7o sjOHN 'Meh l _ Ornamental Hair B AIR WORKED AND PERFUMER, No. 02 Fourth street, one door from Wood, Pittsburgh. Always on hand, a general assortment of Ladles' .WIGS, BANDS, CURLS; Gentlemen's "WIGS; TO PEES SCALPS, GUARD CHAINS, BRACELETS, good Price In cash will be given. for RAW Alit. • Ladies' and Gantlemen's lialr Cutting done I the neatest manner. rnh'lnta IjnEANILIT-284 sacks on steamer 11 Bermu da , toFrive. for Halo by isibtB NAIAIL DICKST _ vv. 11:0PRIETOR R. R. KENNEDY & BRO., PEARL STEAM MILL TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS A T JOSIEPH HOTLINE The LargeAt Assortment of ILLINERY GOODS, STRAW AND nd in the City. To be Fo P.IEIIoN SILKS.MINE FROS STU FLOWERS. • - CRAPES. l' FRAMES, • ;Fa) ILLUSIONS. • I W A TRIMMINGS, ornamented. ALSO- A' WELL' ASSORTED STOCK OF . i • WHITE GOOD', . CORSETS. 110SIF.RY, 11001.. SKIRTS. -. GLOVES. • ' 'BALMORAL SKIRTS, i EMIIIIOIDERI , 11 S, A ND K ERCIII EFS. FRINGES. • • BUTTONS, TRIM3IINGS, - BRAIDS. • And a. Pull Line of Noiicins: FURNISHING GOODS. • • NECK TIES. BOWS, SUSPENDERS . . MORRISON'S STAR SHIRTS. '. Agents for BISMARCK, DICKENS, VICTOR and other popular makes of PAPER COLLARS. Prices as low a Eastern Jobbers. Wholesale Rooms un Stairs. Nos . . 77 and 79 Market Street.; IMEI A PERFECT FITTING. GLOVE: MACRUM CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, - INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR KID GLOVE DEPARTMENT, Which is now complete with eotol and shnde They In4ve . jut opened 100 DOZEN of the Celebrated hIDS, Importi.d cspeelally to ourorder. Hundreds o - f our custothers can 'el:Airy to their perfect cut and fault less quality. The colors were got up from ahades of dress material. selected and t'urnished by U 4, and are really Elegant and Desirable. The assortment BLACK.. WRITE. DARK - COLEI{S. M.;1111'51 COLONS, and OPERA. or p.N.RTY coLou:4. SIZES• 43 3-4 TO S MA CR CH CARLISLE, = SECOND ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS. V.", hal ,f• on,tantly oa hand a run ilux of • . WHITE GOODS , I=l Barred and Striped Nainsook; Plain Nainsook and Swiss; Solt Finish Carribric; Barred Organdies. THECHEAPEST LINE OF IRISH LINENS IN THE CITY A'FI.I.I.'S:TOuN. "F Ilaniburg. Edging!' and inverting,. Jotont Edging!! and Inserting's. MORRISON'S STAR SHIRTS; Selling at Eastern Prices We have a splendid line of SPRING ANkSITRIIER HOSIERY, A i l' VERY LOW TRIC:ES Our stock of CORSETS is completely full. We have a very good line of COLLARS fur Indica and gehtlexuen. XELCRIIIII, GLYDE & CO., 7S and SO Market Street. mhIU THE BEST YID GLOVES IN THE ItTILD ARE LAPORTE'S 'PARIS KID GLOVES, .:11EN , S A.tiD WOMEN'S SIZE All Glovi?, in:Lde 11mt lwar iny slguktilre, LAPORTE, FISK, CLARK F_LAGrGr, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES, No; 53 white Street, N. Y. - rels:mrrrs; FRINGES, GIMP EIE.A.DIS(G-S, IN AL ACOLORS, JIIST OPENED, AT F. H. EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth. Street: mliiii L. Ow LiVINGSTON.W..II..I.IURT.W. A. R01:11.1i80:1, IR LIVIIGSTON & CO., 'IRON I'OUNDE tB, • 3IANUFACTURERS OF FINE LIGHT CASTEM All deserlptlcnia, for Plumbers'and Ga Flttera::Ag ?Waiting linplernents, , Cotton and Wo,. len Mill Ma chinery, &c. All Job Work promptly attended to. °thee and •Works—WASIIINGTOI4 AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City. Pa. • -- CLOTHES WRINGERS. • We have Snide arrangements whereby we 'eau fur nish to the traillthe UNIVERSAL WRINGER of the manufacturer's wholesale prices,put up In eases or half dozen and one dozen. 11 full supply at wholesale and retail; wilt always be found on hand. & H. PHILLIPS; 26 and 28 st. Clots street. EMI . .. . . • T VIENNOT &` CO.,' ENERAL 'Jr • NEWSPAPER, ' CORRESPONDINU, AND ADVERTISINti. ARENT'S, . ' . ' . - 133 Nassau Streit, NO - tv York, TEstublished In 18024 1. RUFERENCEti—Mr. H. I). Helutbold,. 594 Broodway. New York; Messrs. S. B. Vunduser. & Co.;" 198 Greenwich street, New. York; Messrs. Hall is Bucket, 208 Greenwich street. New York: 3tailers. CF: Bruce. Sod Cu.:: Type: Founders 13 -. Chambers' St. N.' Y.; Messrs. Hagar. tt Co.; THie Fitunders, 38" Gold st„ N. N. • ce.l:l7B:stwr CLOTHES WRINGERS REPAIR IL) ED.—AU the (Uffeeent makes °felonies Wring ers repaired, at the India Rubber Depotifi and tS IR. Clair street. J. H. PHILLIPS. COTTOII--1 bales on the steam= er Bermuda, to arrive, fat sole tir__ - JAWS _ DIVALY a CO. y 4 si` .rf CARPETS, 'OIL - CLOTHS,- &C . IBacst SPIULNG STOCK 1868 var. uao. OF C.A.iUT9FArTS. JUST OPENING. , ' LARGE ASSORTMENT, L All qualities LOWEST PRICES IN THE .CITY SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THOSE WHO BUY TO SELL BOVARD, "ROSE & CO., 21 Fifth Street, - rnhlo:d& - A•F • OVER 8=1...ES & BELL'S 23 JUST IMPWITED, 23 And Especially Adapted to thi3 Market, VELVET 4CAIIPETS9 OP MOST ELEGANT_DESIGNS English Body and Tapestry Brussels, - INGRAINS •AXD REMPS, • THE FINEST ASSORTMENT AND THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY. COMMON CARPETS, 25 CENTS PER YARD OL.IVER N'CLINTOCK & CO., No. 5..).3 Fifth Street. 51 SPRING SALES. . - I CA-11,1"ErTS HAVE CERTAINLY REACHED I. BOTTOM PRICES. • MeCALLUM BROTHERS. Otter alrre airpfofallkiadsofCAßPET% .atilEßraf7in : r„iou3.Saon IsARALLELED.3NCiiIE CLOSE OF THE OIL CLOTHS, Of every goods, and decidedly the largest stocicdn any house In the city. . 31cCALETT31 BBOTHEIi!S, - fel° .31 FIETII STREET. above Wood. 1868. 11-11 ":'• 1868. NEW CARPETS. OUR CUSTOMERS WILL FIND OUR UN SPRING STOOK, , ve are _inn opening, unequalled lu extent . • • and variety, mud the prices - Loiter than Any . New or Ohl-Goods. Ia tar market, bf equal qualltle.4 awl styles MeIARLAND & COLLINS, 7,I.AND 73 FIETIi STILEXT, - (Z•cconct Fioor.) I fe4:i.IIT 71 73 MCFARLAND & COLLINS ARE NOW OPENING THEIR•' _ . NEW . SPRING STO.Ori.-, OF , CARY'E'T'S. OIL CLOTHS, IV/IVD 0 IV SIJADES CUltrAiN GOODS, I ' „' _ PURCHASED LAST MONTH FOR. CASH. AND IN.3LI.NY INSTANCES AT Less than Aetnall- Cost . to Manufaehire. Those ,Goods could not now be replaced for the; saute coot, and are offered FOR CASE at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Far Below Their Present Value; . . AT TIM PLACEWHERE' ThiIEGINS CAN AL WAYS BE HAD ON THE BEST STOCK • . Nos. 71.-- and 73 Fifth Street, • SMCONI) i r inv)rwpsET • THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR GOVERNMENT _ SECURITIES, GOLD,- COUPONS AND COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES. J. F. STARK f t CO., Bankers, Corner .o/Woodinni 'Third Streets. TXTELITE LIME. - • - - y 250 BARRELS WHITE Warrauted equal to any In markei. 11 "gt°To nnd sale by . • - 11170 H KIT9N, • mtU2:insB No. 3A3 Libirt7' itzsat,'Plitob a FITSBURGiI and On and after. THURSDAY. norett sth. 1868. , train 4 Nv ill arrlvi , at :tad departfrom the Depot, car-. nee of Grant atol Water atrect.l. ns futlaw.; • • Dr .- • rrive. Mall to and.frunt Cutout 'n. 6: 0A M. ( 6 A : r: 00 M., 31eliee,port Necoln111101.'11.11:00 A. )1: 2:03 r. m. Fs: to and from Union Cu. 3:00 P. )1;10:00 A. M. West Newttei 'Aeconunotrn 4:301%, - - , 8:33 A. N. linoblock's Accoranuttlat'n 6:15 p. 7:30 r. M. Night Ace. to MeKeesport.lo:3o P. x. 6:40 A. M. Sundae Church Trairt to ay , . from e,t N'ett't For tickets apply to W. B. STOUT, Stiperlutendc ' fiit i ! . KM , (3 :- Alceinnhti ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD Running Through to Venni,igo Conneeting with trains East and We,fon . the War ren and Franklin. Railroad: also with the Atlantic and Great We:deru On and after TUESDAY. Jannary:l4th, 1868, the Passenger Trains win leave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot i. curner Canal and Pike 41s follows• • Depart.: • Airive: Mall to and rm Ven. City. 7:..10 31. 12:30 r. tr. Expre's " 10:15 It. 31. 5:45 p. InnolS-s Bend Accomtainrn 1145 t•. 3i. 11:00:1. M. Fir•A soda Works Accom'n. V . :30 A. N. 8:15 A. 31. Second Soda Works ACeOln• o:00 P.. 31. 2:33 P. 31. iiniton Accommodation.... 6:4O'A. 31. 6:30f. Sunday Chunth Train leaves :Aida Works at 3:10 A. 31., arriving in Pittsburgh at. 0:50 A. 31. Be- t turnin, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 m., arriving at Sodall orkis ut g:5O P. at jat.7li 1868. . PITTSBURGH. FORT WAYNF, & CHICAGO R. W. AND OLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH I% R. From January 19th, 1868. trains will leave fron,t and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, city , time. as follows: . • Leave. I 1 ; Arrive. Chicago Ex.... 2 rl3 a mlChicago Ex... 2:43 am, Cleveland Ex.. r 2:13 am Cleveland Ex. 2:43 ain Erie & Ygn Mil: 6:13 a m Chicago Ex .-....:10:58'a m Cl. &Whig3l."l • 6:28 ain Wheeling Ex . . 11:08 am Chicago litail.. 6:58 ain ichlengO :ix - ._.:. 1:53 pm. Chicago Ex.... 9:43 aml q• & Wii*g Ex 4:03 p m i'it'.s. & Cl. Ex. lErie & YteivEls: 6:13 pin • vi . a. - Youngtin 9:43 a inlChleago Ex...,. • 6:sBpm Cl. & Wh'g Ex. 2:13p ...ICI. & 'WIC.; Ex 7:08 put chicagio Ex .... , 2:28 pm:Pitts. & Ct. Ex. . Wil. & Erie Ex. 4:38 pm I via Yogust'ti. 9:28 pm D,:prirt from Allegheny.j Arrive in Allegheny. N. Brigrn Ac. 8:58 a in.N. lirigt• a Ac. .7:03 ata Leetsdale: •• 10:13 a mIN. Brigr " n -" 8:28 a m.. " 11:53 a mWellsville . 9:58 am. :4 Rocheer •• 1:33 p 111 I XeW Castle " 10:13 am. Wellsvie Ace.. 3:43p mlLeetsdale . " 9:13 a m Leetsdale Ace.. 4:15 pilaf -'• " 1:18 pta N. Erlgtin " . 5:3E pin; N. Brigi'n -' 2:43 pm. N. Brigrn. " . '6:2Bp to:Leetsdale "-4:23 pm Leetsdale " . 10:4 ( 3 pini :" ' '•' 7:28 pm. 2:28 p. in. Chicago lx- 10:50 a: in. Chicago press leaves daily. !Express arrives daily. ,lag F. It: MYERS, Genera) Ticket Agent. PITTSMURGH; LCOLITMBUS ziATI IL • of mol after .SI7NDAY, December Bth, 1867. tralas will leave awl arri7e at Union Depot. as follows. Pittsburgh time: ( , • Depart. - .Arrive.. Mall Express- • 2:15 a. !Si: 3:55 3:55 p.. Fast Line - 9:401. m. 7:05 ) m Fast Express ' - -": 1 -,0 W. iii: 10:55 a. in. Mixed Way , 6:10 a. 'in. 6:50 p. in. 31c.DiniallPS Acc'n. No. 1..1.1:10 a: ni:. - 2:10 p. m. Steubenville Accommear n. 3:55 p.m.. 9:30 a. in. McDonald's Acc'n. No. 2..', 5:10 p. tn. 8:20 a. in. tirsectal, 3:oitc.E.—Sunday EXpress leaves tit 2:50 p. ut. arriving in:Cinchtnati at 6:30 :1: ma the next. Church Train leaves Sunday at 12:55 p. M. 1. - . The 9:40 a. in. Train leaves daily,Sunday and Monday excepted, arriving In Cincinati at - 0:55 the same evening„ 7 : _B HOURS LN ADVANCE OP ALL OTHER' ROUTES. larNo change of cars between Pittsburgh and. Cincinnati. and BUT ONE change to St. Louis, Cairo, and he principal points West and Southwest: & When P irehaslug tickets be sure au dud! the t i office of t 3 e Pittsbuigh, - CSumbus ancimpti R. it., Fifteen miles from Allegheny City, immediately on -thii - linc-of the Western Pennsylvania Railroad, and. less than Rye minutes _walk front Springdale Station. Theic Lots are Most eligibly. located for Building' Sites, as the \ V illage is one ottlie most beattlfuland healthy locations ou the Allegheny river.. Five pas senger trains either way per day, and o and after the 18th instant an Accommodation Train will run: to and from Springdale. • • - • ' 'These Lots will be sold on reasonable terms. Any :person desiring to secure a home in the cotattrv, , hn a good locality, would do welt to, give these Lots their attention. For further--particulars, • Inquire of PETER Springdale, or JACOB WAL TER. Prothonotary, Courtilouse, Pittsburgh.: :,-- mliiennTh ME V A4 3l :Z• asa ill7 . jmNiraN WORKS. .SON, tafeiiiiireetsua D!allri in i'431344K.1,432fr; Cigars, Pipes; ika4 5:343V1D1CR 61 ST'* ALLEQUENY ,-, -.;‘,;-_'t,":",:z • . 1; PiLLR3ADS FEE= 1.00 r. m.10:00 .1. M. IiLAOKSTONE;•Sup , t PANCILINDL.E ROUTE. „, I:371 0N DEPOT,' (SO UTIE SIDE. ) M. D. MOTHERSPAITGIL Ticket Agent S. P. SCULL General Ticket. .7 OILN 1). MILLER; Gen.lretglit Agent FOR S A T.'FL FIFTH STREET PR - oPIE pTY pon. The F•ub , •eribers will offer at prl rate sale. until the PlltsT OF one of thewoit DESIRABLE BUSINESS SITES ON FIFTH STREET, BETIVY:EN WOOD.AND . The nroperty has One front on Fifth street of 9234 feet. and extends back 179 feet. taking In the back part of the adjoining lot, 90x52 "feet, with an outlet from the hack part . 9 feet wide, to a 10 foot alley, which Tens through from Firth street to Viz- The whole surface covers an area of. over 5,000 square feet.- The attention of capitalists is invited to this prop erty, as opportunities for inveStingim stich and remunerative real estate seldom occur. All information concerning the property, can be had at the (Mice of Acurm & CARLISLE, = FOR SALE. • ; .BUILDING. LOTS. ~.Ali o rs e .niimber of desirable TiLITLDIIkai LOTS; or artou.±.4WA;lll. tie viand•_f FOA SALK.--116USE - A,NI I .:IIVr .on corner of Manhattan and - Adahas•streets, near l'assenaer Hallway. Lot *4 - by 1.917' feet. House frame. vontalutug 7 roonis,and good b4lll, well Improved. House and Lot on Sheffield, near Bidwell street, Allegheny City - . 451 feet: house frame. contains, lit•e , rwms and good cellar: water and gas.. Also, several small Houses and Lots In good location. inquire ofd. RUSH .1: CO. Beater Street, near. Chestnut; , AriP- FOR SALE.--Flonr, -.200 ' bbls ;Whiter Wheat Faintly Floui. .WILEAT-200 bushels prime Pennsylvania Whent3. , 2oo bushels pyline Sprink Wheat. CORN-1.000 bushels prime fellow Ear ; 2,500 bush Shelled Corn. FLAX SEED-100_, bushels prime Flaxseed. DRIED FRUIT-150 bushels ` Dried Apples: 80 bush Dried Peaches. small lot ,ot'Whitc Beans. For sale by HITCHCOCK' & MeCREERY, 319, Liberty-street. FOR SALE. HORSES.=AtHOW~ AHD'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, one flne VAMILY HORSE .11Linpl: three • DAPPLE GREY' HORSES: one LARGE-13RAUGHT HORSE; three BLACK •MARES; two GREY .MARES. • Elmer STREET. near Monongahela Honse. Horses bought and sold on commission. •. . , . . SALIE:—A• very '-desitable A: three-story, BRICK HOUSE, ,nearly new; pfess ed brick front, marble mantles• ' gas' and -water throughoutt-bouse contains seven rooms and finish ed garret. No. 94 ELM STREET,. near Wylie . , Sixth ward. Possession recoil April U k r,: 1888. idulro- OR SAILE.-,A TRADING:I3OAT FOR , SALE.—The above is In good ordek and Vll Nv be sold cheap for. cash. . Inquire of .PA.INIEJ„ A WOOER, Heal Estate and, Insurance. '.Agctlb. N 0.1.. 77 Federal street, Allegheny Clty,• - bn" se and door: WANTED. •;• WANTED, - • 'T.I-111E:V1 4 111fk-lii" To take toildof the eaile;ttiettlng goods e - roew' ' ed and Bglls evetzwitero.:. - . , 11.. OLIVEIf a.CO. 196 I,tbeity ap:gef.- WANTED-SIN,G_Ens. our Tenor and 77!? Fora eitriChiureh Choir, .AbttityteNead plain mu- Hie 111. that wlll,be!equtred.. Address u .15.1Uhlt, P. 9, 435), 1,421, rgh: rittsbu Box , :„ , mhnns4:- - ;• - FOR RENT. F•" RENT.—The' TWO STORY 13WELL1 -MOUSE, NO. .101 Webster Street opposite. 'resbyterian Therein; eoutalePag eight_reemb, , with gas and water.- Enquire ; of %At. RAJULTO.2.I.9BIIfth street. - - TOBACCO AND CIGARS. M! __J. ~. .. ~~'~° 19 FIFTH STREET