II 2 t .1,, ft 44. 'OE ciAlltsultrgg watiEttL . w Avirop,, SOMEpLEAstritu. . An eminent writer once said that "Amer leans do not:look upon recreation as neces sary, but amuse themselves in a business way." Excepting in a feW of the large and progressive, cities this fact is becoming more amd more- apparent each year. Let us take our own city as an exam le. Whatways of amusing ourselves have ve ? What'means of recreation are offered tothepoorer classes? We have'no.Parks, and therefore can have '-- no pleasant open air promenades or concerts for our leisure . hours. We have no cheap • and decent restaurants built iri.places easy of access and commanding fine-views. We have fine seenery'biitlno means - of „enjOying it.. We have uo neighboring places of re sort,tnwhich one might onsa hot summer' evening ,go in some pretty steamer up or down the, cool rivers to enjoy scenery,music • and relakation. And we have no pretty steamers to go in. 'Allthese are to be found in evr y European city, 'although few of themi . e as wealthy and we might tamest say,ri ne of them have i the .natural advan tapes for all these things, which we have.. 'New York, Philadelphia, Boston, 'Balti-: more and New Orleans are all providing themselves partially with thesethings but we, and most other Ariierican cities are not. We have not even a.fine and good 'public • reading room. .We have doggerieS, beer - halls and theatrical entertainments. Our - mbre solid men get up an occasional conven tion,. : excursion or banquet, bat always with ' . business as an . excuse, Whereas the excuse should h e for not providing recreations and ' • not for indulging in them. ! - ; When times are ,bard, our streets ate crowded with men '., standing about the' cOrners, lounging, idling and vitiating 'their. time. If there were . • parks,-or reading rooms to go to, if there were any Means provided for men to IrW - prove their minds or their bodies by gaining -' ideas from the works of able men, or from the perusal of the great book - Of nature, or • from pleasant bodily exercise, crimes would : not be so common, our streets would not be se filled with' dirontented -men, and the _ wives and daughters .of those men would , have a good way f spending their leisure 7 ------ We have • spoken with many persons on the subject and have been met with but.three objections. First, the cost - of any such means ;of recreation. Of course, this would be great, but, how many other places have provided these things whose citizens — have not the wealth which ours have? And - 'what other city needs, attractions of this kind -.so' much as smoky, dingy old Pittsburgh? '1 The second objection is that if We had such . places, the poorer classes would find no time •• to - make use of them, and the richer are able to provide congenial pleasures for them .. selves. The fallacy of this statement can be , :..._seen at an tunee by anyboily who -will take the trouble to wander through any of the public gardens of the cities which have them. Take Philadelphia, for instance; walk into - Jefferson Square; you will find it crowded with the wives and children of Mechanics, and in the evenings rfith the mechpics and laborers themselies, enjoying the.trees and • grass, fresh air and familiar intercourse. In . Washington Square you will find the same .' state of things, substituting clerks and trades men for mechanics and laborers. Fairmount - Park, too, is thronged in the evenings, and _ on Sunday aflenaoons.; It might be better if these people should go to church, but if they will not, why, then, the.park is the best . . place for them. .. The third objection is that the people here would not go, because they Might walk-in the country new if they would, but they do not. Thouiands of people do throng the " roads leading to the country now, every •. Sunday afternoon, in spite of the long, dusty hot, roads which must bey traversed before '::anything green is reached; and if parks or pleasure grounds were placed. within their immediate reach there is not the slightest Auger but they would be used, and so would --'reading rooms or libraries, ' ..- Work and labor are good things, but so arz pleasure endplay. It is the Curse brought down on us by Father Adam which makes it necessary, to dig and dehe arid earn, often, a mere subsistence by the sweat of our .: brows. But little glimpses of Paradise were 1- left for us, else why were pleasant evenings • *, and quiet Sundays;ordained? These things 17 .' are right and proper and• good and neces- sary, because God has ordered them, and - .the sins caused by their non-existence, the . . , sorrow. and care*hich might be wiped out .. • !by their - existence, will one day weigh L- „lteavily on those who should and could have "provided them and did not. If the citizens - • -*Cif Pittsburgh were intended by their Ores " rtor to' looupou and enjoy nothing but !'`griink.,:bri is; - and smoke and dust, they '. •D r i rOtildhaV been differently constituted than are other elf, but they are not, and those ' wilet wilf Uy thwart the designs of nature ' ! •3l44st stan the 1;1-i:sequences As t 1 - 5 1 Tic , . 1 "`" - -1. 4 'l; ' OUT SiTaIDO WiOctk are so „our ....., s, . ~ • beautiful-, in the sheen ol ttle summer MOOD, 'A. so - onainbusly silent in the icy , mail of - winter, so glorious, so mighty, so fascinating 'now, When they rush and swell :and roar '',.•,,with.ltheir ice }vi reaths and forest debris. .These we have, and for them lefois be .---thankful; let us be especially thankfial when [ - :•-we remember that.: we have just' escaped ' n Melancholy Fifth Street, - or the ash ' I , -heaps and: mud holes of the Allegheny Commons. t.f , _i_—___.....------------r-- ; ME ME 3. Smith says that•Andre7A - Sohn - I :101;. will Wind bistory forever branded na: ;,--',14r0t0i... this be true, ,A.ndrew,hia pro ' bably got what he was bargaining forvis; and Lee "and 13eauregard and a few more, byntreation beesiaelieriiea.ard wealthy men. ndrew envying them, has done his "level Ibest,'), tot get even 'withUlm, and is. aue ceeding )!Tevi-lr-cqk ;Republican'. 0 1 4 b I . _ . 11 9 1 d a I):.,.lllaeting op. vaTilag , Pk ,the. ,Reirliamp. bire eleFfion Nitheitb43)reaultbecame aWait4ey joitiOdrtmaitilitaltie "erase God from whom all blessings iloirr" LABOR Mu) REST "Two bands upon the breast, . • And labor's done: -- . Two pale feet crossed In rest. • The race is won: Two eves with coin weights shut. And all tears cease: • Two lips-where grief is mute. ~ Anger at peace Poun ' , - F 9 pray we oftentimes, m ting our lot: God in his kindness-answereth not. "Two hands to work addrest. ' _ - Aye for his praise: . . Two feet that never rest, --- Walking his wat =t: s: . Two eyes that look aboye, - - Through all their tears: _rTwo lips still breathing love. • .... Not wrath, nor fearsl" So pray we afterwards,-low on our knees, Pardon those erring prayers: Father hear these DINAH Manta 51t1.0eft. TABLE TALE. -Whiskey is now distilled in China. =-Addeline Patti was 25 on the 19th ult. —Androscoggin river Water cures dyspep- 811ermin is passionately fond of . niusic~ —Thermometer 88 in New Orleans on the 12th inst. . . —4en. James Shields is in St. Joseph, Missouri. • - , —A. Buffalo paper calls Lotta. "a noted banjoist." . ---Signor Blitz can't retire. He is again on the war trail. —The New York press is going to give 1 Mt. Dickens a banuttet.: , —4500 in gold is the price of U substitute fixed by the French Government. • • —The Nashville police make raids on the gambling houses of that city. —57,000,000 worth of United States -silver • coins are now circulating in Canada. —Seven hundred new members have re vived the New Albany congregations. • —Linuid fuel was triumphant in the re 'cent trial trip of the - steamer Island City. —The Fenians wore the green on St. Pat rick's day in the morning, all over town. ' —Agassiz says intellectual men should eat fish, because it furnishes' phosphorus to the brain.• . - • '--The step-father of Peter McCann was shot by his step-son in New York, on Satur day. - Delmonico is going to'build'a new hotel in New York - oppOsite Edwin Booth's new theatre... —The Duke of Buckingham is ,the Colo nial SeerOtary of State in the new English cabinet. —General J. .A. ISlcClernand declines to be a candidate for Democrutic Governor of _lllinois. .-_ —Rogers, the moulder, has gotten Off an other of his peculiar mud groupes, called the council of war. . - —Dore's two principal works are coming to .America having been Purchased by a 1 western man., . • —526,000 in gold per day is the price paid, for drinking water-by the English army in Abyssinnia, : -/ • —General Lew, Treasurer- of Rhode Island, is defaulter to the extent of $14,000. He has resigned. , , —A meeting Was recently held in Coy- ingtoi (Ky.) and it very enthusiastiadly endorsed Gen. Grant. - - I -i . 1%.i0. 87 Itrark_ct 18trect. 1 mht . —Business stagnant; hundreds' of young I . _ men out of employment. This is the state llB6B - NAACO. of things in Omaha. , ; • _ . Farragut, Fillmore and Woodward are I ARBUTILNOT, SI & CO., the latest suggestions for Democratic candi dates for the Presidency. ,!. —John B. Gough is lecturing in Pike's new hall in. Cincinnati. , Gough is said to be • _, i - on his last lecturing tour. - •.: • i —Fourteen and one-half feet of snow fell I during the first two months of 1809 in Cen- No. 115 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. tral Park, New York. i nave now open a LAlttiL NEW :STOCK, which —Udell, New York, lies a newly elected I - [kit v offer at 'T - democratic City Attorney who sers - cd. dur- I 1 LESS THAN PRESEVE EASTERS PRICES. ing the war in the rebel army. —Two great combinations of Hankins, ; ~ .,,r , . Je .. .1, t ,; s I!,r,i,kidgliriftrig to Sort up, and save the 34- each with three„lianlon brothers, are occu. 1, No. 115 WOOD STREET. pying the two Cincinnati theatres. ( • . .__ —Dr. Bethune said once that the Baptist ! C I italtqlia.F.NriNt.ol)„ IcaErtVt. CO., Church might be called the navy of the Lord, I IVIIOLESALt I)EALERS IN just as other Christians are the army. I Foreign and Domestic Try. CTI ocas, --.------------------- —The New Jersey Pneumatic Company , No. 94 W 001) STREET, ISSOLti TION.- 7 -1:1,e firm P i f . expect, when they get in working order, to Thlrdeloor above VI arnond alley, _ _ C . IIcItENNA. S:-.C 4 0., . riTTsilmom, .I.A. , . ROBIN SON. - . I attain a speed of 150 miles an hour. __, _—._, ,_.„...,,,,,,,,.„:„,,_,,,- ..- . . i or Allegheny (It . luta thl,telay .. lee_!n pssolvr4 by -Leonard Jerome was fined $l5O because I STANDARD . mutual com.ent. 3. S. ROM:O ,O N ',slit contlnue • ' the tirocery Ituslues at his new store, he tapped an aqueduct to furnish a supply LAW PUBLICATIONS. of water to the Fordham Race• Course. , - —Crowds of Northern tourists visit the I ruins of Fort Sumter daily, much to theide- light of South Carolina hotels and shops; 1 —lf St. Louis leada St. Patrick's proces sion, so had New York, ; and St. Patrick's Cathedral in the latter city was dedicated: —The hell ringers who style themselves the Alleghenians, ! ,! and :who thus entitled, have traversed the world, are now in Cin- cinnati. —Mendota; (Ill.) shipped sixty • tons of poultry to variotts parts of the• country. It's Thanksgiving day for the poor fowls there all the time. —An icebeig thirty feet high is one of the winter attractions, of that most charming watering place and summer - resort, the Dela ware Water Gap. —The Southern Illinois peach crop is promising. That's 'just what the Western Pennsylvania peach crop does every year; but it don't perform much. - • , . —Bat fattening is one of thnlucrative bus , neg geg pasued by Chinamen in San -Fran- Cisco. Fat rats are in vest demand in the Chinege market of that city. New York has a regular thieves den, or as it is called a "Hotel' de Fagin."' Dlr. !Menemd is evidently appreciated by the class with 'which he is most familiar. • —London has;accomplished boot blacks. One eleven years old was recently arrested, i 'there who spoke English, French and Po lish, and was studying German. --The Democrats of St. Louis opened their pew club at Tammany Mall, on Satur day, with a free lunch: That sort of insti. I tution generally is opened in that way. -, --A tett, for the dying Democracy:. "Love. not the 'Ilrorld; neither the things in the World. 'lf any man love the World the, love of God is not in him."—Rchonge. Ihicako,luis t - i $250,000 stock company, which is going-to mtmufacture pig iron from Superior ate r _Pittaburgh may es well hide het dbiliiiiiiiO4, Ira 11333*0ti telis: 'RIX of. course Chicago will outdo the Iron city: hn! iron making earl' as in poisoning. GAZETTE: WEDICESDN, 3IARCII 18, 1868. AT WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 andl.B2 Federal Stirect, RID GLOVES AT 75 CENTS• I KIT GLOVES AT $l,OO -"YARD-WIDE 137..EACHEID .3IUSLINS, PILLOW CASE COTT01!!i CASE 10-4 AND 11-4 COTTON .SHEETING 10-4 AND SMETING BEAUTIFUL SPEINg PRINTS. , , DELAINES AND GINGIiiPti., .TOWELS AND TOWELING; TADt.E. LINEN, COTTON DIAPER CASSIMERES. FOR BOY'S WEAR. CASSIMERES, FOR MEN'S WEAR BLACK Atil? COLORED AtrAciS POPLINS, MACK AUSTRALIAN CRAPE 1101:EY-CO3tB QUILTS BALMORAL AND. HOOP SKIRTS CORSETS, APRONS jtANDREttcIiIEIS. TIOKERY, &c TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAY, Beautiful Shades of American Poplins and Superior to any.r re uch. or Irish Poplins at the prices A FL t.i. STOCIc, AT POPULAR PRICES, 'to which the attention of WHOLESALE A.NDRETAIL. ruitcuAskr.sfm 180 Ni)A 182 FEIYEItAL ST.. ALLEGIigNY mhiS VIEW GOODS, J. M. BURCM:EM & CO.'S, BLEAFEEED .M1:1 ' SLIMS, l Entire Stock of Goods Closing Out, To-make room for extending the Store _Boom back DRY GOODS ALLEGHENY. WILL OPEN 'ON I,A.EfiL LOT OF SllliSt RESPECTFULLY INVITED, AT . . ~VILLIIIi~ I II'L E ' E3, JUST RECEIVED, AT No. Sl' Market Street. CALICOES AND CRASH, REitE3IBER TILE PLACE, WHOLESALE DBY GOODS. Angell on The Lsw of Common Carriers. Angell.. Arneson Corporations. 'Revised Ed. Adams' Equity. New Edition. • ,- , Abbott's I's atiOnal Digest of Reports and Statutes. Bishop on Marriage and Divorce. 2 vols.. Bishop on Criminal Law. 2 yols. Bytes on Bills and• Notes. Ivor Ed. and' lieYlsed • Bouvier 's .Law Dictionary. :New Epitlou. 2 vols. • Brown on the Statutes of Fraud. ~ Smith's Leading Caeca. '3 vols. • ' • Cord on t Chance ry of Married Women. Durifill's Praetiee. 3 TOia. . The. Equity Draftsman. Revised Edition. - Billiard on Vendors and Purchasers. 1 , Billiard's taw of Torts. 2 y • ' Hilliard on injunctions. , Hilliard on New Trials. Billiard on Remedies for Torts. 'Kent's Commentaries. vols. ' Parsons on Contracts. g aols.- Chitty on Bills. ' - . . Chitty on Contracts. Smith's Forms on Procedure. - I'arsons on Mercantile Law. , Itedfleld on Railways. , New Edition: 2 yols. Wharton &Still's Medical Jurisprudence. Story's Commentaries on Agency.' Story on Bills of Exchange. . . . Story on Partnership. Storyon itailliaelitS. , Story's Equity Jurisprudence. 2 vol s. Story's Treatise on Sales. . • Store's Equity Pleadings. . Stephen on Pleadings. Sew Edition. Taylor?* Landlord and Tenant. Washburn on Easements and Seryltudee: , Wills on Circumstantial Eyldence. • - • itawlEfOn Covenants for Titles. - Blackwell-on TUX Titles.. Washburb on Real Property. tivoli. Williams on Real Proporty. - • - • Williams on - Personal s Property: Billiard on . ort Me.vole. . . . gage. . . . TOR SALE BY KAY & COMPANY, 65 WOOD ISTItEET. I:arnyetin Building. MARBLE & SLATE MANTLES,: • PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE AND .SLATE WORKS. Office and Wareroom -- 30 and 311 LIBERTY STREET.- INlttntle Wareroom on second floor. Persons wanting Illarble or Slate Mantles will Ibid . It to their Interest to call. Workmanship Easter n celled in any place, and - prices as low as in cities. Dlarble ..Mantles or Furnititre o r hich haye become discolored bu smoke, oils or acids, can . be Idarblelsed and made to taok as well as new.' There Is no other place in Western Pennsylvania where Slate Mantles are manufactured. , „ All kinds ot Marble Work done In the best manner. Marble Cutlets supplied with Sawed Marble at East. ern vices. carriage added. , , WI W. WALLACE. no13:01 - ~ rt C LEANING : 110USEREEPEIM,ATTENTION. r,-xpenelo and Labor Staved. I 4toNENOE THE WASH Is the beat Fluid fat; Cleanini.nurposci ever discov ered. Indorsed by home families ;Cleans plants , doors. doors„ shutters, stairs; dm. la a Perft manner. .11plendl.d _substitute for Soap, and is tar cheaper... Iternoves. stains and restores colors; _sad es ,tsber, mosey and health.. Fur washing; dish 01,clothe% nototscelled: 401 d by timers • .istashtitetUrsobjtneft- . • , , , 51 . • Ml* Illi4ninrA0111171111:50 Oo • .011toi, 'So. 1331400 D BT., Pittsburgh, Pa, P. BA.TCII, REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 98 Grant Street, Pittsburgh. REAL ESTATE AND_ PERSONAL PROPERTY liOVGIIT. AND SOLD 7%,, WILL GirE PROMPT•ATTENTION Negothition of Loans, Attend to the Renting of Pr9perfy, Cbllection Of Claims, ;i.e.,. dc. JOHN D. BAILEY. BRO., STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS D AUCTIONEERS, Are prepared t sell at , Auction STOCKS. BONDS, and all kinds f SECURITIES. REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD 'URNITURE, &c.. either on the premises or rit t ttßoard of Trade Rooms. Particular attbntion paid, as heretolpre, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale,. Sales af Real Estateln the country attended. Office. No. 06 SMITHFIELD STREET. Gal _, • I - IHEAR FARMS FOR SALE. .k have now for sale seVertil t.ethe finest FARMS In Westmoreland and Indiana counties. -on remarka bly easy term.. so easy that any one desirous of buy ing can purch se on time altogether. Call and ex amine for you self. milt BOOKS AND STATIONERY FO . B. I$6S. Iti EI4RY 'VARIETY INITIRL PAPER AND 'ENVELOPES, Neatly put up Inirtoxe:; FANCY STArONERY, BLANK. BOOKS, Of every det.criptlon, on hand and made to order PAPER, EVERY SIZE AND QUALITY DRAY ROOKS. PASS BOOKS ItECEIrr BOOKS. BOONS CIIF.O N. HOOKS. ON THE BANKS MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., Post Bantling, 39 Fifth Street. RARE AND VALUABLE WORKS, AT HALF PRICE . --- . . • Gallery . of Nattier. by Rev. Tflollll6 311Iner. Lon- don. ! Ferguson's 111 story of 'of the Roman Republic, London. 1 Illstory of the Conquest of Tern. 2 vols., London. , The We of Charlotte Bronte; London. . Sisniondt's Literature of ;Atrope, 2 vols.. T.ondou. Coxe's History of the noose of. Austria, 3 ' vols., I London. . , History of the Cunnuest of 3lexieo. 2 vols.. Lon- : don. LOn- Blographicaland Crltlcvl Essays, Prescott, don. , Tales of the Colonies, by (Narks Rovrcroft , Lou don. . • The Poetical . Works of Charles Cotton, 1171. - , . I London. -• Gil Illas; Illustrated. Itohn's edition:T.oo(lOn. i Atakgrare's Works': 20 vols.: London. 1778. I The orks of Beaumont and Fletcher, svols. STATIONERY of all klnds, wholesale and retail, 1 .at Eastern prices. l , TOY BOOKS In great • variety, at the Publlshers 1 1 prices. _ .., I Rack numbers or all the 'Monthly Migazincs. Subscriptions received for all the 'Magazines and Illustrated Papers. Call and get a supply at the . 1868. 130Oli: AND 1%.1"17.1'Vt-_4 i)Julro•r, SIXTII STREET. Rr.l.t AV-S•NIITIIF I ELD BUSINESS CHANGES No. ISS Federal Street, Anti asiuines all liabilities of. the old !inn D' illtitans2 • • ISSOLLITION.—TFIE, FIRM 1 - OF ATWELL, LEE Jt CO. Was :dissolved on the lst of February, !SOS, by mutual consent. Either partner may sign the name of the firm In settlement. . . JOHN ATWELL, . , S ATWELL C HARLE S • ' .. A. J. LEE. • . . -- 1 • _ :The undersigned will c‘intinue the 'WHOLESALE OROCERY BUSINESSi under the name and style of. ATWELL ,I, LEE. att. to old placee. No. 131 Second street. A eonllnuauce of tlw patronage of their frlctida'and the public is respect fuilr solicited. CHARLES A.TWX.LL. 1 A. J. LEE. w I . sth, 18138: mh7.rans3 PI.TTSSILTittiII, MarelS NEW SPUING GOODS. ALL - TIIE NEW STYLES OF • • - • • lints and Caps ARRIVING DAILY, AT • ' 'Avow) & co:s foY!: 131 WOOD STREET. MARTE.II`!/EBT"E*, " 1 ...14A.rre, CAT'S .4.141) FrriliSs Also; Manataetu Wholegale and Beall Dealer In TRIIN M.. VAT Ink.S. &C.. No. la 4 tqllITll- 'FIELD STREET, Ittsbargh, Pa. ' • Orders pronlptly led and satlathetlon guaranteed, . ,WA: N ew , neautiful Lind lkpal), MALT -40,000: bugh,ls: .11/11.11 , 1.1E3C , 'MALT, 'l'. • sAtz.mor,-: • • . ••• • 1.• •• • ' . Gilmour!, isr.a4Eß,4t cch, , South Canai Street, near etteeialat, - utheanal:d&T • • • AGENTS. ; o: SO 4 6 4 m. 13tilitlrelFaIltreCt DIARIES. FOR 1868. every t.tyle =lli JOI/S D. EGA N. ROBINSON. 31cKENNA & CD., d. S. ROBINSON. ` ND CAPS HATS PAPER; IN' GREAT "VARIETY, At No. 107t1tiariotistreet, eI;EAU VIT'III3 SOS . R. HUGHES & 33"? . _ FOIL FRAkpatANT TENS, CHOICE COFFEE, .IND 3L:'-u -re. Oploess, MEE ROBINSON'S, No. 20 Fifth Street. FOR THE FINEST TEAS, • THE CTIOICEST GROCERIES, THE PUREST SPICES, And the best CANNED FRUITS. PICKLES, &.c., at the most reasonable prices, go- to • FRANCE'S TEA MART, 15 Diamond, 'Pittsburgh. mhJ•!• • NEW ORLEANS SUGAR AND MOLASSES, IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. 530 ithets. F. 0. Sugar. prime to choice: 500'bbls. Plantation Molasses, prime to choice: 110 ' " prime Carolina Meet 500 " .ektra Salt, NN*ll.h a large and general assortment of all kinds of 'GROCERIES and other goods in our line, for sale low to the trade, by • JOHN I. HOUSE ac.Bnos., Corner Smithfield and Water Streets. mhimal • CRACKER BAKERIES. MARVIN'S CRACKERS ARE BAKED IN A PATENT OVEN, The Only one in 'Western Pennsylvania. • It gives a LIGHTER. SWEETER and more "GNI FOIDILY BAKED CRACKER, tconsequently more wholesomeo than can possibly be' produced from any other kind of an oven. I use the . hest Flour, and will warrant my gOods superior to any others. Capacity of this establishment over 100 MILS. PLR LIY. It is the LargeSt BUkery ever in Pittsburgh. • None genuine unless . MARY IN is on the side of every piekagc. S. S. MARVIN, 1 Liberty, Street, Pittsburgh. I ESTABLISIIED IN 1840. SHEPHARD'S Steam Craclier and Biscuit Factory, 317 LIBERTY BIBEET, PITTSI3ITB.G# 3fanufaeturer and dealer In all kinds of CONE'JaCTIO.Wra t-V, iFOJILIGN • AND ' DOMESTIC FRUITS. NUTS. &C. GLASS, CHINA, CUTLERY. 100 WOOO STREET ivAsEs, COLOCNE SETS, PARIAN STATUETTES; BOHEMI=A ULASS, .knd other STAPLE AND PANCI" (.;00Dr3, a great varlet 7. 100 IV OOD. STREET IRICHARD E. BREED & Limbo ion wOftD- STREET. CHARLES REIZENSTEIN, 15.2: Federal Street, Aller:bedY, SF oartk dour above Diamond.) . Glass, China Ware & Table Cutlery AT EASTERN PRICES. Ereryt.lllng required in a_ drat class store on hand., Call and examinetl4a9 our g00d5.... je PIAIsTOS, ORGANS, IaCY THE BEST AND HEAP EST muco AND oRGAN. •\ Se Gold. Medal .Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The' SCITOMACRER PIANO 'combines all the latest valuable improvements known in the con struction of a'rirst class Instrument, and has always been awarded the hiest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone la gh sonorous and;sweet. The workmanship, fur durability and beauty, surpa to. ss all others. Prices from *5O to $l5O, (according style and finish, cheaper than all other so-caned tirst class Piano. ESTF.I"9 COTTA'IE .ORGAN Stands at the head of all reedinstruments' in pro glue ling the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar Instrument in the'United States. It Is liable to sim ple and compact In construction. and not ,get out ()Corder. CARPENTER'S PATENT "VON. ITO3IANA TItEMOI:O` , is only to be found in this Organ. Price front 0100 to All guaranteed for Ave years. BARB, OUSE BUETTLER, inha No 12 ST. CLAIR STREET. sEcohlo HAND MELODEONS ,AND °ROAN'S, In perfect order, from 438 to $l3O CM ---.....,:,....-...---..... _ QUNDAY . SCIIOOL CIEMBRA. 1 , ...7 TIONS, PICNICS,' DINNER' PARTIES, &c. ' furnished with the best • . .i. .• . JOE CREAM, c.(zllyeZiptitrigt' &c t cc . At the lowest price and on the bar -., . JULIUS ri lIIICIITEIL by je=tnio.L. .1.10.14 Dliniond, Allegheny. . . HENRY IV. 1101tHACII, .. . • . - . . . . a ~. ' , ,• Confectionery - .and Tiaery , No. SOO SIiULTIIFIELD STERET; . • • ' - - Between Seventh and Liberty. IDTSTEU 9 AMON attached aIEORGE DEAFEN, ' Vl ' Candy Itlazinfaawriy, And dealer In FOREIGN &-"A3IEIIICAN 'FRUITS, ric4Lzs, Ao• , , • • • , • , • No. lid Federal Street, Second door from the 'First National Banl. Alle SIISni OUP • ''• . • • +3IME OFMONT , VIRE. Mum, &C. R. EVILER* . • '.l.„Jr a • mkt*. 1-7 CEMENT PriE DiDeli W O AND • LTZ LIME' • ANLYWATEICPrkS: • Once and wirationse, - 161*Tien posit* Mouongsbela Duthie. gen TrIIIRD LIST, 1.565, OF APPLI _L CATIONS tO selltiquors, tiled in the Clerk'a Office for month of 31.areh. Pittaintrghs Charles Moritzon, tavern. First ward. 'Henry Stder, tavern, First ward. Charles Quinn, tavern, First ward. John r ntyder. tavern, 'First ward. Lewis Hard, tavern. First ward: • F. W., Georgie. tavern. First ward.? Ifni= Bianchi. eating house, First ward. red Evert Co.. other goods. First ward. Jos. Fleming. other goods. First ward. Henry Bender. tavern. Second ward. . Alex:Walker, tavern, Second ward. • Adolph Ludwig, tavern, Second ward. Eugene Zahringer. tavern, Second ward. Fat Ingoldsby. tavern Second ward. , Pat. Graham tavern. Second want. Casper'Hunger, tavern. Second wdrd. Margaret Driscol, eating house. Third warib Berm - (101‘fea,,eatitis house TWA% ward: Mi • ms'. Duridtig,.tavern, Fohitb Jas. McKeever, tavern, ?mirth ward. Henry McMullen, tavern. Fourth ward. , Robert Csmiphell, tavern. Fourth ward.' John Roth . Son, other geods, Fourth ward. B. Tranermart &Aroliehi, 0. goods, Fourth ward. Jane Oinet/Si tavern:Filth Ward. • Both Smith. tavern. Fifth ward. James McGinley, tavern. Fifth ward. Mehl Rush, tavern: Fifth ward.. A. Schweinhardt, tavern. Fifth ward. Daniel Voltz, tavern. Fifth ward. A. it. Bohimart, tavern, Fifth ward. B. Welss tavern, Fifth ward. Costello ,t Donnell*, eating house. Fifth wird. Marg. ficiderfteir, gating house. Fifth ward. Sohn Freelich , otltdr goo 4. Fifth Ward , 'Joseph nipple. eating lionSe, iilatk ward.. John Kihene, tavern. Seventh . Christ Mueller, tavern, Eighth ward. - John 'Hansel', tavern, Eighth ward. Mathew Campbell, tavern, Ninth ward. Joseph Philips, tavern. Ninth ward. John rower, tavern. Ninth ward• ' .Tames Nolan. tavern, Ninth ward. Mathias Delmer. other goods... Ninth ward. P. Kolbecker, tavern, 'Perth ward. ' • Robert Steele. tavern. Tenth ward. .1. Ruckreigel. tavern. Tenth ward. S. C. Taylor, Weill, Tenth ward. Henry - IA agner, tvern, Tenth ward: G. P. 1 Vierheller, tavern, Tenth ward. Joseph Kiser, tavern. Tenth ward. John Hess, tavern, Tenth ward. Rudolph Bechtold. tavern. Tenth ward. Alex. Murray, tavern. Tenth ward. 'Rudolph Kahl. eating house. Tenth ward. F. ti. Seidle. eating hous ,e Tenth ward., ShnonSehock. other goods. Tenth ward. , '" Allegheny. William P. Allison, tavern. First ward. F. Andriessen. other goods. First ward. Jas. Neely, tavern, Second ward. Gotielb Dramble, tavern, Second ward. M, F. Lynch, tavern. Second ward. • Jblin Finnic', tavern, Second warn. Bernard Gray, tavern. Second ward. Jacob Kuntz. tavern. Third ward. Anthony Beruinger, tavern. Third Ward. ''itch. ifoeh , .'eating house, Third ward. J.,Frey t Bro.. eating house, Third ward. John liartinan. eating house, Third ward. R. Pryst,eating house, Third ward. F. Koehendorfer, other goods, Third ward.. Chas. Gardiner; tavern;-,Fourth ward. Jos. Weber, tavern. Fourth ward. .Geo. Gerber. tavern, Fourth ward. . • E. Ellwanger, tavern, Fourth - ward; Geo. Schopp. tavern. Fourth ward. A. &Inert, tavern, Fourth ward. John Gordon, tavern, Fourth ward. P Han .. Laver tavern. Fourth ward. • Fs Michael..en, Fourth ward. Geo. Schmidt, tavern. Fourth ward. Wm. Hoffman: tavern, Fourth ward. Geo. 11. Inerker„ tavern. Fourth ward.: It. Hespenheide S: Co, other Feuds. Fourth wart. Dennis Keller. other goods. k ourth ward. Adam Gilr. tavern. Fifth ward. J. G. Walther, tavern. Seventh ward. Boroughs. Henry Snyder, eating house, Duquesne. Daniel Sarber. taverns Elizabeth. Osker Princler, tavern, 'Birmingham. Geo. Schaefer. tavern, Birmingham. Martin Shaefer, tavern, Birmingham. Charles Rail, eating house: Birmingham Fred. Stone, tavern. East Birrnhignam• G. A. Neuman. eating house. East Birmingham. Conradk, other goods. East Birmingham. Speldel, tavern, Braddocks. • : Evaline Lyons. tavern, Lawrenceville. Fred. Kant, tavern. South:Pittsburgh. Jerome Raum, tavern, Sharpsburg. I "Wm. Auth, tavern. Sharpsburg. Townships.' Anthony Young, tavern. Baldwin. Joh Snyde a r. tvern, n, Col lins.Chaiers. Cba n rles . .Keeff. taver t Win. A. Seer. tavern, Hampton. Jacob Tra p x, tavern, McCandless, . • Jacob Kiel, tavern. Minlin. Jas. PAttour tavern, McClure.. -!!'• Mich. Older. tavern,Patton. Thos. Gillespie. tavern. Pitt. John Lundy, tavern, Pitt. , • Ignat Munn. eating house. Pitt. Arldrew Jack. tavern, Plum. Thos. Perkins. tavern, Robinson. . • Win. Lorain, eating house. Robinson. .. J. F. D. Keating, tavern, Ross. • John Shaler, tavern. Ross. John Schulz, Sr., tavern. Ross. eter Kelly. tavern. Stder. Fitz. Farnirle, tavern, Studer. Geo. W. Boyd. tavern, St. Clair, upper. - Jos. Schell. tavern. tit. Clair lower.' Mich. Kreig. eating house, St. Clair,lower. David BaVaird, tavern, Traugott Tschegner. tavern, Versailles, : .Booz - Marts. tavern. Wilkins. The License Board will sit -on WEDNZSDNY, the 915th of March; 1868, at 9. o'clOelt A. at. for hearing the above applications. JOHN G. BROlini, Clerk. FANCY SETS, PIIAMOTTE BIAT:T3IE, 42 Fifth at., 2RI door above Wood EarIONEBIES. MISCELL STEAM • • • . . • ~ .., CARPET BEATINer •• ESTABLISHMENT. Which TEN YEARS' TRIAL In New Tort awl oth. ~ er Eastern cities has, proved a complete success. ITS ADVAIiTAGESz" _ Ist—Fading and Shrinkage are completely ivioid -241—N0 ripping apart necessary. 341—When treed tram dust. moths or Their Ithae. the !Carpet looks nearly as good as new, ,sate the natural lading from wear. • -- • 4tts—W hen perfectly - clean, a Carpet Will wear as long again, a , desirable matter as a mere point ot" , 1 economy. to say nothing of looks. - . ALL ORDERS _LEFT AN THE OFFICE, No. 179 Liberty Street Or addressed to F- O. Box 474, will receive prompt. attention. • - , GEO. L. 31eGLINTOCli, . PROPRIETOR. nilllo • - . QECERITY AND COMFORT FOR , • - kip • * THE-TRAVELING COPAUNITY.. .. J. B.:. DARRIS' SAFETIIIRE . JACKET . . _ 1 . Car Heater and .31aderater . .- . . ... For .MORE AND lIOT AIR FLUES, citsgensing ' with the use of Stoves and Fires in or about the Passenger or liaggageTard , with the attactsment to graduate the heat to any temperature that may be desired wititout the possibility of tiring the car or cars to which tlut Jacket may be attached. i Having obtained of the United States Letters Pat ent for a Safety Jacket which Is warranted to-resist the most intense heat that may - be mdpiledt to - it In the position and purpose for winch it is -intended. # It is a sure prof protection from accidents tit' lire. origi nating from de e Live lines. or, where iron . pipes ate used as condire T s for smoke or heat. It Is •appll plicable to all- p ling that may become overheated, and is warrante to give'perfect satisfaction where wood or other ec mbustlble Islamal maybe placed in close proximity thereto. now ready to op.; ply - my inventlsn to stores, dwellings, neterles, . ships, ateambot.ts., railroad. ears, Sm., wherever pipes as conductors are made dangerous by being overheated and security destsed. I. will sell,' on ap plication. rights to manufacture or to,use the above Invention; also, territorial rights, to such as May wish to engage in seilllnspriv:leges, eltbstr by State or county. J. B. "imam sir-Of Be e at the "NE .PLUS ULTRA PAINT 'WORKS." ecsrmer of bloavies street and 'the Alleghe ny Valley Rollroad, Nina' Wm* Plttatargh, Pa. voirwE TO , -7: - 1 114DIN;IIIVAL.ivji:ffEbS OF . .. SHARES . OF NATIONAL. BANKS. • .. . , , The Shareholders Of the EXCHANGE AND FOURTH. NATION Al. RANKS. of Pittsburgh. and others olio own stock In any of the' National Banks of. other counties in the State, and who reside In. thin 'County, are hereby notified that the books- will . be open' he the filti day of March next, for the.re- ' ceipt of the three min tate Tax for 1862% as per • Act of Assembly approved April 12 1861: and will remain open the usual time given for the re et:f'tlerrxf:l'Aw?iel f it t c l ,v2hapiintdP ol :lvm gi A iena-Va ether tames are colleeted. D ” • .. ____ • -.. - . . AVID AIKEN, Jr., -,. refit= .- - County Treasurer. ".DriTSBURGII :PAPER - ( 111,40111 U-. i . FACTUItING- COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. ciavioi: inia..-kiluniliximx, 01110• 131110IITON HILL—NEW ISEIGIgON. PA. • • . . - OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, L. . , N 0.82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OFFIdEItS—AAJOrtiT TIA.IR.TJE: riestdent. r - • SAMUELIVGST Treasure ÜBEItIBOLE. Secretary. • ljnoterotte— , Aer, vitAlartJtc Jelin. Atwell, S. H. Bertman, John. B: • 4 . Calth paid for-rper Stock' iaar:o&S . . . . OJ T . PECIEI O rna me ntal Hair HAIR WORKER ANA PERFUMER, No, 92 Garth street, one door from Wood, Pittsburgh. Always on liand,ajeneral assortment of Ladles , WIGS; BANDS,' C0a1.% OlutteniMPSWl oB , TO. 'PEESiIiOALPS,'OUARD CHAIN% 'BIitiCKLEM km :. .A.• good price - ,in pilh-xtUi bkll l Y..en , for RAW Mg. 1 - Ladles , slid , Ciantleitien o s Hair 'Cutting done i the neatest manner. nen2 • II 1 i 1 II