E 32 MEE cz. T f:Ji. - ) Zi IC ~, ,p 4 6. 0 Wr: iii sr WORKS 9. VIRNER, Fret uml3 l l4G,u - F9RGE AND IRON MANUFACTURERS; OF '., si ~,: ~.i .'. ~i Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; CaO, Axles - Railinnuftar *xlearitaminered: Locomotive Frames: :Loeomotive Frame Shapes; Side Beds; Yokes, Strap Piston Heads; 4Bitiandnfilt Slihitsf Steamboat Cranks; Piston Bode, Wrists; . Pitman Jaws, _Collars, de. I. Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, PA r „. MANUFACTIIRELS OF Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iv*, WROUGHT iftbri, IMMO Iron Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water; &e. - t• •-• ) OIL - WELL TUBING:.' 'r.. . Orrice, No. 93 Water St PITTSBURGH, Pa Mil flu2o:*2S KENSLN44TON IRON WORKS. r ltlrlY l' & 1111401 Li MANUFACTURERS WO. ceillll*opt,pefined,,Charco al AND . • s I f 1 '4 uNIAA - Bto, 03t(RON. - • • . MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUIRE IRON., ,HOOP. RA.ND. 'rand ANGLE IRON. BOILEIt PLATE and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. 3 , - - SMALL T RAILS. RO and 16 ihs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for shine. FLAT RAILS. Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. • • NAILS AND SPIKES. onse and:ollice at- the Works..GREEN ' ID - UGH 'STREET. (atontinuation of First street,) adjoining the City Gas Works._Pittshurgb. - EitsoliypßEsTox&. Co., ••-.1124 . Pdliirlvania Iron Workg. Warehouse, NO5. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET. 7.; . 1":472.td e i ngai1e , 4 PITTSEVRGII. : - STEEL WO QEIEFFiELD STEEL WORKS. ---------- --SWERI-V.IMMI.7_4SE NIA:4:UFAC'FLTRERS OF 'BEST REFINED CAST STEEL, • Square, Flat and Oetagon,lof all sizes. C'ructiilt, GANG AND CDOSS-CCT SAW PLATES.. ELLIPTIC AND SERI ELLIPTIC 1.4 r 1 .- .0 -- ItA9 - w - A SPIIIIN GS, .CAST SPRING -STEET, Cast and Gerinan Plow Steel, . ri.ou - WINGS AND MOWEK mtßs. SPRINGS, AXLES and STFX.I.TIIiE; • SICKLE. SHOWEL. HOE, BABE, • N., TUB, CALK and ,'"fiLA,CiIrICEIIT CAST STEEL; DA.139, ac., ac., &c. Warehouse, 88 Water Street,,Plttsburgh. seis;k4 - • • ' PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS • ANDERSON, COOK & CO., • tBITC9ESSOBB TO JONBS, BOYD it CO.,)' MalaufactUrcrs OP the REST REFINED CAST STEED , sqIJARE, FLAT and OCTAGON. of nil glzes: SAW • 'PLATES. HOE, FORK. and SHEET CAST.STEEL; • . pfiST.STEftI/4for • • lionsifin&and 'idovring Machines, Steel Plow Wings , Axles, Clixe!nlaii, &c = Cast and Common Plow &xnring Steel. Office,Corner FIRST AND ROSS STREETS, twe ;blocks above the Munopgthela louse: OCZS:dO • I:OIUIJEIVNE lion and Steel COLEMAN RAHM CO•1 ; 3,L►2vLFA4TLILL•,iGfi>OF 4,. Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, 'Steel, &,e tio. 77 Water Street, 3418:100. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK; BROTHER - & Co. lln I f ;dattaziet *l4 4! sin descriptions or : SEPr I MMIL I . 11;7 iiTgang,a2Mattr.Z, M s t , Ls* SECOND PITTSBVEGIFF s' RODERS:B4 - BURCHFIELDI 321111lrf111121.80iIiIIIVED, CHARC"L, t I.;IIAFW STEEL .', EL ' - Office and Warehouse, No. Si9l 3Lai LNET :"74"st s. r . ~ teMRF3. trio IiViIEAT - 61t 0 IVERS .It. EUREKA AMIONIATED 130NA:! -, n ; - iF , #,FXII4II:°B"IIATE O F - , P 3I7 A . _ . . 4:- ctiVX: , ''',-li/ISCP:Mil'altel) ?W I:4 ' 76 • 4 . 1 . 2 --9 The All9gnerty ;erfahzerwite sr,NattiinittheiljlikilziekiO 3,l, fV• • . t ati:Tif 11 . 1. Y ;44;flerliMitiirArCvliii,;:;':;.":.1--c,,:-,l:'i. 44:k.111 C.: ,Ineejt:".U. 111 -ii,l:4.:;' I, Pi.. , .: . /.. 11 . '" - i t i , ~ - ', l ' , c)•';irttOilleej WI Penn Streili t 'lqttqtyrAitylk, 'iTinti,it'D=!.j.A.,.•'::o,olZi'cve ...,-/. ''alto :neat ; i . F.•! ?.;, ',,, - The 'li6stEertilizer in use, and recognized by all '...:• 1. '' YKMers who hare given it a trial, to be the stand. • - ' ' ' ' , •', ,' ard for raising large crolis of Wheat, Bye, Oats, '- .. :- •,, - Corn, Potatoes, gc. "Welsave published for grata ' item, circulation a pamphlet egntaining Interesting - - and valuable statements of this Fertilizer, copies of which will be tent to any sending 1110 their ad dreer. . . , _ . •••••t!.., • ‘' .. N7 ' • ••••.,...1•••,••••. 23322 WORKS, W. I'. PORTER, SUp't; THOMAS 11i. 1111111,,LER, Piresident. These. Works are ani'on the largest ane most complete establiabrneute; tn• the West; and are now prepared to furnish =- IMIT= ITTSBURGFTY =ll • / ~~~'.'.: :.t: NM :%^' ~:~' ~. =IN FOUNDERS,.: WWpMISTS. MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, PITTS_ 33-UILG-11. Engines, of every, descripti?n. Boilers,: 011 Tanks. Sheet 11,11 Work Railroad Castings. Rolling . Mill Cilftings. Engine 4L'astiPits• Mtiebiner Castles's. Geniral Castings. ORDERS nog:-n 69 NATION.III. FOUNDRY - AND - PIPE WORKS. • Corner Carroll and Smallnsan Streets, _ _ (NINTIIWARD.) PITT~fICfIGfI, PA. WM. SMITH ' •C — IStiiniiftaoturer . Of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER WORES. -ISly Pipes are all cast invariably in Fits. in dry land, and OS feet . lengths , Also t full assortment of General Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintendent s of Gas Works.to my make of RETORTS. 1'e16:t10 . . fiiii 11AP FORT PITT FOODRY C 3• M-A K N AP.E KNAP, President..l : Vice President. 0. KETCALE, Seey. and Tremont'. J. K. WARE; Engineer. J. G. K-NAP, General. Manager. • - DIRECTOUS: iAMES ff."'srunitAY , of Lvoti; Short) A: Co A. E. W. PAINTER, of .1. Painter A Sum:, C, B. TIERP.ON. of spang, Chalfant A Co. TtIOS S. BLAIR. of shoenberger S. Co. 3IETCAT.F. of JlBler, Barr Parkiu. MAN UTACTC,RiItS or ' Rolling Mill and Blast Mac hinery.esesi RETORTS and CASTINt.S. of every pt ion. ERNEST'S NAIL MACHIN ES. fe7-.I ROBINSON, ItEA 6%. CO., , Sucre ssor6 to ROBINSON'. MINIS S: litt.LE.r.s, i WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSBUHGH, Manufacturers Of. Boat and Stationary Steam En- Kines. ilia.t Engines, Mill Mach Parry. Gearing. idiafting . Castilla! , of till descriptions: Oil Tanks and Still.?, llotier and Sheet Iron Work. °Mei., No. 12. corner First and SmitheeldStreets. ).1 Agents for GI FGAltir S I'ET fo ENT INJECTOR r feeding Rolle rffl. • - ' jail trt..2 ..._ 111 - 61131. RULEBUNTER Olt1:. JAMES NELSON . 1. U. DOLE.' INDUSTRIAL WORK'S. 37 i: . ;-:•- - - HUGH M..BOLE .& CO., - Founders, Engine Builders and Machinists, Make to order MARINE AND LAND STEAM EN GINES of all size , . warranted to give satisfaction. CAST . V.SGS, of every delcription, made t o o o r der . JAN tis NELSON. SV.P . % -... 1.. A. Winn:E. Frm Machine Shop, corn- r In_liNT ALLEY and DC :QUEzNE WAY.' Foandr;', Nod. 52 and 54 Third street. rayloninq ' PITTSBURG EL PA. A/rONT . BLANC r -1-1-/- , - - Bittler, Street 3 - i iath 11 - ord' 1 .1. P (Oppo,(te Union Iron Mills.) _ Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, , • THIMBLE - SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACIDNERY' AND CASTIN•GS, 6ENERALLY Orders promptly and _carefully executed.:-, t Charges rea_burable;,- , - EBBERT 6c NACKLMI). • 0c13:123 BERLLN FOUNDRY. - SIMS. Omen and Warehouse, :29 Wood §treet. mituitrActitre ;tit ktelS can etautly on Band Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, *Ad - by:Wait* SUGAR NETTLES, ILOLL(4..WAREi Aad Castings JOHN RONEY, 14ECLA,FOUNDRY Carson St., Ninth Ward, near A,y. R. R. MANUFACTURER OF, id -.Z - - 11AIIM.ER DIES, STEEL MOULDS, Rolling MITI and gachine Castings gene'rally. JOYIBINti WWI F. promptly attended to. •Orders sollelted anlcarefully- stud riattlafattorily eaccuted., CENTRAL AND ROLL WORKS ,f4scp 'Penn .6f - rect. B—OLLI.ANI. BOYD & BAGALEY. 44 3tityt:sitinic Troll Lathes. &e. ICTOISI MAZIIINE Et•TABLISIIY,I) 1838. SKftnufactory of sT.E.AIII,ENGIN.I.* of all sizes 'and oflito,woost approSed patterns : ' for stationap ; A -Ta it l rYe ) 1 • 11 11 ( !e ‘ a, lra i 7611 t rstTa! 7 ; ENGINEs, „d d, will be 6tild at, , very reOpot e o, prices. ' = • F. GEISSE, vlllo~ O« nitictibefoic 'line of C. & I'. no9:112. IRON BROKERS. QMIItiEL. WICKEIVOIAM6 ka':;!l;i 7 S:= 4 W:•_'.V:r IRON.BROKER 9 124 - First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Afent for the sale of Cornwall; Doughawore, Jo- Repaint.. Isaholla, Doncau M rion,;anhipe , and other brands ofi9i.W=uolle, 'Youghiogheny Colic awl C.ll. Charcoal PIG ritoNs , • • • • Consignments and orders respectfully rolielted DFMlflit ACRAP.IRON.I.JLICHt .,, IRO4 ifEicastAtud Vonght Iron, 'Ope l &e. Corner ANDERSON STREET and MYER AVE. SUE, Allegheny City. vommopi efult , ..,Aach.94o sroue 'Works NorthWesi Corner West; Common,. Allegheny. : '2.101* 1 0 9 % 4W/TATEIV& CO.. Ind:ae on hand Or prepare On short . notice Hearth tep:lKama, ; dor,. Sidewalks, Brewery kr oir lg o pmu ww:tat reasonable. Am „He and 7 r. OlnhStones. Ste. - t „.,,i4„..,,,15t0nq fern's e Stollo Quarry, To Ardor or by the Oar load, 'la W. P.R.. En quire of xahLl:moo . .. ~ ' ':'l,'7. / .i.,51 -' 7 ,172- 1"- ' iTi; 17 '', 1 ...., • '-.7i7 , ..T;•• 7 • • • •.` ,. :IT - i - I•1 7 '-';1.{.•:::.: 3 .... 7 : 7 • - 7 , • 7 .c7:rir 2 .- '.-,---.-:-! e , .. .-.:. .._•.L.:...,. PrrtBl3tlll4l l- I. GAZETTE :-.-TtES - liiii;i:iiilA - 1;-: i(l4 . ' -17, ..----.1868.. ENGINES, BOILERS, &C. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK EMS CARRdLL & SNYDER, TUBFLAR. DOUBLE-FIXED TURIIHAR, FIRE - BUS AND CYLINDER STLAM BOILERS. Olli STILLS AND OIL TANKS. CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH FANS, esETTLINENt R P.A.,NS, SALT PANS AND CON- tH4Eg; STEASL -7dAithoLL-TERS 1 - 14 ND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES. • • BE Office and Warehouse. corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets,. Orders' sent--toAbc% above addre6s will bo peoaptteittended to. vab7:Js9 E. R. 11.0nit?vr ....JAS. B. 8A1LN1111.L...../AS. u• OHARA BOILER WORKS. NORROII, BARNHILL & CO., Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETER,„ WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WORK, &c. Cqr: LitietV al*cle - second Sts" S. , PITTSBUI2GIL PA. REPAIRING promptly clone. OFFICE OF TILE Piivtorown GAzETTE, i :Sicxn,,y, .I%larch 11.1., 18418,-- -i Gold opened strong at 1391,;,; ads - inked to 13sy„ declined to 139,g, and closed steady lat that. The demand for gold is siill lim ited, and the rise is only engineered by the 'l'oreign exchange dealers who hold a large amount of commercial bills which they anxious to sell at about 140, l ' ' i The investment demand for bonds is very light; the sudden decline during last Week has freight_ened the small ins - esters, and to buy at an, advance, has alwris cost them a six months' interest. The fact is that the large holderk of bonds have . mostly sold out and the middle classes are the - hcilders of our national, securities at present, and ,_ can ill afford Wiese 34 or I per cent. by buying above the average market•value. Stocks are dull to-day and lower, with little disposition to buy. In Erie, North Western, Cleveland, and nil * the West ern Railroad companies the decline has , been front 4to 7 per cent; The unfavorable' 1 bank statement, together with the general bearish feeling of the operators, has cast a. I gloom over all the leading dealers wlile . li ; althost amounts to a panic. Local stocks are very dull, and a national decline in I some of the Railway bonds are noticeable. I Bank stocks are dull and difficult to sell, leit'okititt3ntblac‘(-oniel7l:3°oniered at 10 to • 11, and ' other stocks sell far below their actual i value. , Money tnarket tight. Closizig quotations as received by Pli. , R. ' Mertzi! , Gold, 139 N; IS% lxmds, 111, ,- ' 18112 5-20 s, i, 110 8 ;;; 1864 do, 109 q; 1865 do, 10034; Consols, i 107; 10-465, 101!.,; 7-30 s, 10634'. , , :.. Cleveland &Pittsburgh 11. R.. 90' ' Fort Wayne • 100x,' 1 North Western—common 65 .North Western—preferred 73-y, 1 New York Central 126 I Eric 70:;(, Iptd Southern ' ;--- -- , S'7l, Ohio it MiSsis.sippi - '. -2tt ,V4 ', Western Union Telegraph . : s :i 1 Meichants Union Express 34N c'icrytion 35 • Quartz Hill --.- 110 tue --Q • ksilver I :=-Tlie Bostonz , 'money market. let' expe , • siac - bWerg to whom we make reference: ' rienced a rapid ehange since our . last, and wit, Forsythe, • •Sonith Mtwara!, , - ~ •„ , • " NVIn t'ablwell. I Rev. It. I‘l Kerr. even now may be;s:uikko.,-oe in an unsettled Willia Dairen, t Henry I ambert• • condition. • Rates', for -eall loads have ad- TRiu-NIPII, -,D.w. c. _lndwell. lA.n. i row a. . I Fi.• ll.' Yaitou, , Thum,„„i„,.1,,,,,. , t anced from 5 and 51 ; .: to 6, firm, and at the I ' -------------------7----..-. last named quotation the demand exceeds , - - - *.,, ': thO'Supply; Most'of the dealerS in govern . , ,-,-F4Cat -BITII..if„INO VS COAL. t° • Ae ° " ' mints have increased their lines of call - . monevi'aritt there is notimeable a specula .,--••"' 2 . .; i" ' .-;.- 1 , -4Li- - .'... - • :,, 1• _ .. - - , tiVe demand for short biting: from partim- , Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as - ... 1 !cll.() o illicve ri In tit i r ee rl l ;s lr - it a i t e lt,;a i n n ee the m in t a be r_ I • • ket. Three :rad four months paper of the • BANKERS.. , _ .. __ • • very best clutractcir is' discounted at 6%@7, i . ESTABLISHED 1N 1867 • , _ i and ere is a good deal offering at the i 0 - ' --..---- . . ' ' close of this - week. 'A•few of our bands are . . BISSELL & CO., '.l ! still crowded with small national bills', bu•t , ' the stock of these notes is being fast re- 14, 3Ssoutii lop. SI: . Xo. '3-35-Liberty Q• Areet: I • pIuiLADEL.rniA, ~, . , ducgd. New York funds are still ,very . . , • :. ••• 4 scarce, at:alias - 0 Sold very; frequently dnr - • 1 DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECALRITIES. 'i the week at ashilling a thousand or Also on band and _rar *ale , ' • c ~• • 1., - - - -- . li g rmiLon srov ES. ' ' -,,,- : Conve rted , , .,._,,._ ~,,, i more, premitun.—Boston I'ost, 14a. at.s.s-rimi smvEs, v , on srF. pRoNT. Tr;Nr>ssos. I / 8-lOs lulu 5 - 4 u. 1 —ciosingiluotatiolis received by James T, . . COOKINS It. %NOM a e - - ` Brody &co. • A . GREAT FAMILY CONVIDiII - STOCKS A\"I) GOLD Gold . I:NeE. - •, - ; Ibattghband rold On COmmisß loll .! here and lu .IVew .U. S. er's, lesl t york4 'CUM PAVEIt Nincitrri,t'rEts. . a 5-20 s, ~ ' . Anew. and novel arrangement for Wang I:HINT A. 1.1.0 VED o.ic DEVer 4 . ITS OF GOLD ! ~ „,,,,,_ „ 2 ,, g. 1 'AINISUUtrItI:SIC T. N , Accounts of Banks and Bank- 1 lr'Ly ' . l/ ...,... .... .••••• 1 erg received on favorable tempt. i " 5-20's, 151i.5 Rot Water Boilers , t i viiiiit " Al ' A N " N A N TGATI°N F iltST ' " 1040'8 !.Ti;}: ItA.II.IInAD 5s FOIL SALE. Also. I. „NEW I.Kliltilt GOLD LOAN'. TIICAC 1.01111; 1 " V:VS, JRII, antl.htly, '55 Alk ,1, to-the back en d or e movooo cook stoves, 1 an: hots fre_e_front orate , lud y. ,, S...,taxes. and are I id 64 66 .67 lieCtlattne•watitt blare which Vats up the &Love pipe • Inf!,,neaPta; Ruud' of "MI tLF , at PreMqat On the L " ':funi3"74o's • - heats all the water needed In an ordinary' sized fain- 1 nia t yld. ( . l , 4. " 1 „ • Th . • s -•- • , 66 1.11'4 by it the Mare directly the the troller, - ..,,. 1 • •,•; I - , P , i S . E . CGISITIK , TAlt.b..l`e• IN i , July 740's 1...M . . , -11..ANtart. AT MAIMI.T ILA. fL. ! May. Celttp., 1855. which tat. over the Otte hole or rho stove. Title I new arrangement ean be put on to any No. 7, sor I 6 , 31:1 R 4. ti ,:r7v mm illf t l ' lt ki ti F r t lll 'l7 .: ll ; ll . , . ,ankTl T Z t ati'Vli ~i,,,,,1 11 1,....1]. V , or U.% ON TON 'e., or a.mat any other cook Stour mad' In the Union. can have Bolt ers. attached to their Stoves. including ebe Attach ment. the Boiler and Lids. and Bibb eciaofor the moderate cult of 47. by applying to WM. BARNHILL 64, CO., BOILER MAKERS AND 'SHEET IRON WORKERS, freurel a large Yard and furnishedlt with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to h manufacture every, description of BOILERS In the .et manner, and , warrunted . equal to,airay made in the eountry. Chimneys, ltrevehtngt." Fire Beds. Stea Pis. I,,,ocomotli:e Bolters; tloutlensers. Salt Pans, m Tan pe ks. 011 Stills,—Agitators. Settling rams, Boller Iron. Bridges, Sugar Pans. and sole manu facture hi rs of Barnll's Patet Boilers. Repairing done on the shor n test notice. ' ROBERT LEA, NUF.A.CTIItER OF Steam Engines and Boilers, AND DOCTOR ENGINES. CASTINGS, of ati description., made to order. Corner of Ftrst and Ferry Streets, JAMES M. MITER, 'IRON SETT LING l' COPPER S TE.Am P CooK STOVES. 'ol.)NDit.‘• riTTsr.unGrf well as any other Stove in the Union. ap7,:yo -TON 1. FILIZETILY, Apollo, Armstrong Co., Pa WORKS. lIANIIFACTVICERS OF PITTSBURGH, Pa iiitiiCTCREISS OF NOS. 20, 22.24 AND 26 PENN ST 'FREIGHT, 1-10ISTERS, riTnncn~,_n: r.' Nos. 55'and 56 Water Street, PITTSBVRGH; mA.NurAcTrunt . or OIL TANKS, 1:01,LING 311.L1, And zsIiEET MON WORK, For Stcambonts STOVES 1 CASTINGS &C CET THE BEST. IMISSIELL Jc CO.'S , BISSELL `.& CO.; ?XS Liberty btreet, Pittsbumb. 31anufatturers THIUMPII COQK sT.ov,r, CHEAPEST PLACE in the city TO BUY TUE TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, Is at No. 146 GRANT STRF,F3. `HARE. EW HARDWARE OUSE. LINISEY AERRIT Manufgeturersand Importereio'. II Aitl) NV A E • , . 101 1 1**RY; *Ca 337 LIBERTY STREET, columit OF WAYNE, . it . ‘i.. - ' /..., .: i - :- , : k ..).o'.:° It i'-.'?r One Square Below 'Union Depot, PITTSBURGH =X= PATPFIAN N . , 1 '0 FIFTHST., bet. Tunnel*, Chathtun Sta., „ . . Gunsmith and Dealer in-liaribitare First class goods or all deeeripilonsralwart. on hand and sold at the lowest prices. It4pcitrittgdond 44FrAVr401)14. 15(k: nr B. LYON, Dealer Meati*W74l :To. 3 FOURTH tfrItEET, lßetween Liberty and Ferry streets. Orders promptly attended to , PH. R. MERTZ, ' ART, CAUGHEY " BANKER A.I.\TD BROKER, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 118 Wood St 4. near- Corner of Wood, FINANCIAL Corse) Thirda nd - Wood Streets, Gold, Silver and, Coupons, pm -Ts-13 ItA., 1 I (SUCCESSORS TO'I Exchange, And partlentar attenti COVERN; sight Drat. proLm N. i BEE 57 Ma PIT Deposits received i Par 'Funds and Currency. Collections wade on all the principal points or tutted States and Canada*• - Stocks, Bonds and other Securities DOUGDT AND FICILD 6N-00.111,LISSION. Partleular attenlion paid to the ,purelia6e and sale of • • • United States Securities, INcLunt..No E. S. SIXES OF 1881% • do do 5-910 s; ti. S. FIVES 1.0-40 s. U. S.. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBETEDNESS. Orders and Vouchers bought or collected. is.lo:al • • KEYSTONE SAVLNVS BANK, No, 209 Liberty Street, PA. EME THIS : DANE WILL OPE,N A GENERXL , r BANKING BUSINESS, : AT THEIR I£W BANKING 110175 E.--- AcCounts of DANES, HANKERS said MER CHANTS are incited. • , ' Collections made on all points In the 'United States and Canada. , • Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD N T. VAN DOME:V. Cashier --- WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, tio. J 9 Fourth Street. 01-I.ARTL'ItED 1800: Interer4t paid on alincillPeposlto ' ANT SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DErosivi , I::I3JECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT INTEREST. Dlicounts Daily at 121 o'clodc: President—TßOMPS'ON BELL. Vice President—A. M. MARSHALL. • • = DIUT.CTOIts: TIFT))IIVSON BELT., A. M. 3tAlt:qlAL.I. 1)11,WoltTli. JOS. AtaltEE. J. (.111.1.E.SPLE, i 1 PIT Tt TSBUEM PETROLEUM MARKET. „ ,„---- H. tx , -- -' <..1, • , mITILV. Or Taft i-ITTSSUG.t2LTTE. t i i•, ~ 7. 1 CRUDE-..-The market was quiet but firni MARKINRERG. DIX'. Is, 186 .. ;II tcklay, mid Millie' there was but little done, 1 , ! !, holders are obstinate and refuse to make - ' concessions in order to effect sales. We -- huve but a single transaction to report, olio NOTICE TO 'T -HE HOLDERS 1 thousand barrels ibr - June at 9c. There is lio spott_ oil in inarket; all the month - may t 'be quOteilat B,to S34e, and the lust;sale re ported for April was at fi!,4 - c, but We dii not !' ' belle'Ve that , it etrald be. duplicated for less than IP ~,c. May may be, quoted ,at f%' to • Sy,c; :tune at, 'Re, and- all the year, buyer's oi,ition, at 11 to 1134 e. As noted last week,, the fact that there is no margin in the bilsi fl eas at present tends to retard operations, Commonwealth of Pennnsylvania, ~..... i :as dealers do not , seem,. ,divosed_to invest in an article winch promises no return, and DUE JULY IST, iSas. ' !"" 4 tho h,aotuipKor:vhich is Attended by So .1.-t '''., • l'o• '- much-risk. - --- • I- REFINED—There was a firmer feeling • ...,....,• „„, 1, IttittlifeSted in- the market for bonded oil THE FOLLOWING LOAN ;5 'l* to-dtiy, and:Prides; especially for future de ,. •-"•- . - • -- - - ~.' '- 1 liveries, are a shade better. We can re- . ~,,, ~.„ ~.. "...„,.,,, s 5 uort sales of 1000 each for August Sopteni. - 14111 ° 11 ! 1 ! 11,..811.°14*i ' • "reri,'iiiii -Oet,Olier tit;,'Wc; 1000 and 500 eacli vim: 13E. itEnEr3lo, wiTII INTEREST, TO , for liaMo months, at 29c—ranking a total of I ' • 7500 OAS. All theyonth may be quoted at I; ' DATE bF, 17 4 1:411E.NT ON TIIX rItE. '1 2-iii,e; AvriL, 25c; ay, 25;4e, and a "line," SENTATION: AT THE -• •'- ~I iffnnitiefront May' throughout the year, ' * '''‘ - 4 1 linty be tiuoted at an advance of ,from one -1 half .to three-tiviartots of a cent,for each subsequent: month—offers to buy at the in side, and offers to sell at the outside quota-' I , tion.t AsaiasZbeeristhe case: for some time I past, there 'is but little i'oll otlbring, and is even a alight advance does not seem to be I. sufficient inducement to cause refiners to enter the market. -Sine the ,above was .put in type, wo have the following additional sales re- - , ported: 1000 for June'at 9c; 1000 for July ut 9S•ic; 1000 for :AUgust nt:10c; 1000 for Sop• - ' tembor at 10e; 1000 for Jun'e iit9sic; 1000 for r May at Re; and 10001br July at 9;t,c. ~ ...oil, suif..stnrs run.A. V. B. B. 1 .Ftttvedtt_, Logan etc Stockdale, 250 bbls ref.. to NY. I'. Loan Bio, - , Philadelphia. ' . at- :Eta. CO. ,R,50 dci - do to P. 'Wright & !• : $5 :0 , 1,4; prinatoi . f . ,#.Q , .1, •...;.•,t1 t , r . . Lockhart dr.,, iaw. - 158"0.10 lknitho to War den.iFrew & CO4 , 7 l4llittdelphia. 'tl f i __ , ~/SICKOI.3r3r tt 13r0m 0 200 de, do to W. P. 1.6.; gaultiaro i ~ Phirditelblil6. rt . B. NV ~Mo7g6tx 4z.,E.52.;147 do do to War -I'deiMipic--ti- 041 rmaditip4fLia. •. Ott. sitirmiracrs . .ritom Distill:mat-1u bUrirr.: M. M. Long & Co., 168 bbls refined to Waring, King it; Co., Philadelphia. Brooks, Ballentine & Co., 103 do do to W. G. Warden, Philadelphia. - D - FPART;IIENT 0 PENNSYLVANIA. or lilt; v C. DUM. FARMERS' , & MECHANICS' NATIONAL RANTC. • • . , Loanllerch 27th;, 1839 1 due July g•o-ait'iof Silly I.9th, due July j EftEST• L ON , TWE ir!..Lp• irttE 113 T or, Juvr, isitop '4 -[ ft :41-:Lr.Kitialall§4o/104, JOH?i F. 11.11.1tTRART, And. Gen. Et= , = EMI] oin, Coupons, on paid to the purchase and sale of ' ENT BONDS. e'on London.x. NM & SONS, KERB; -ket Street, IrrEill3l:7llG-1-1, PA! .x-c›.k.*iti''' . OF TUE Ist 1868. 119,11. KEMBLE, state Teenier. Ctommisstoners of Slaking rand. -.Y.,4T;.:,-,,r 'GOI'ERNMENT SMA=Di, Bongo and Sold on Liberal Term,* ISW - Drafts' sow' 01 . 1 all the principal citleaor,En% CON*ERSION OF I-3095. :We'llre how prepared to convert the SECONVaiut TRIM) SERIESSof . - • '*nov - v.N.Tririi(rtv.s INTO Tilt New 1867 5-20 Gold Coupon Bonds; . . JAMES. T. BRADY & CO., Dealer in Government Securities, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STS. tl)...litto :. llit:gij,...Ctitit.ttt FINANCE AND TRADE. :-;i PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE CP PITTSBLIBCIIIGAZETTE , *l-oNnAv,?larch 16,..1865. t :.The general markets - were moderately active to-day, there being a fair volume of business in the aggregate, although the " transactions were mainly of a local and un iinix)riant character. The arrivals, both bil • rail - and river, appear to 1)e , increasing, and /while the supply of almost everything i f .' seems to lle fully,uP to the .demand, .therel are no important changes in values.. -,, GRAlN—Winter Wheat.is in limited sup-4 ply and steady at t 2,43 to $2,45 for Ited, ands . $2,53 to s2,sb' for White. Oats quiet but • i firm .at - (We to 70c, on track, and 73e to 75c, in store. Corn is dull' and . neglected, but unchanged; may be quoted at Ooer to $l, on track and-wharf,' and, $1,05 to; $l,lO in a re tail-way. Rye is scarce and 'firm with an upward tendency; may be ((noted at $1,65 in first hands, and $1,70 to $1,75 in store. ;Barley is scarce and;`in= demand at $2,00 to $2,10.- -,' PROVISIONS—Baron is steady at ii% (4) Ily,e for Shoulders; 13% ®lsc for Ribbed and Clear Sides; 17®17y,c for Sugar Cured Hams, and 113 1 Ac for Breakfast lEtiWon. Lard is unchanged; prime kettle rendered is quoted at 10c, in tierces, and 10;4c, in kegs. Riess Pork, $25®25,50.• • FLOUR--Is Steady, with a fair local fie-1 mand but unchanged. We continue to quote at $10,50®11,25 for Spring Wheat; $l2 Q 12,50 for Winter Wheat, and $14®15 for fancy brands.. • Rye Flour is firm at $892 5 ; ia per barrel, and Buckwh tis steady at $4,50i per cwi. SEEDS—Cloverseed - is--'quiet atid'un-t , I 'changed, at 48®8,25. Ti lothy Seed is drat . at $2,750,3. Flaxseed is in active demands'. sale of 100 bushels. on private terms. ' BUTTER—Is corning in morefreely, an the market is a shade easier, though, as yet,,t prices are unchanged--prune to choice,3 Roll, 4S®s2c. ' - . .. . ~. , s : , EGGS--Quoted at 24®25c. • • . DRIED FRUlT—Peaches firm but un-1 changed; regular jobbing sales at 11;(11c. Applessteady at 7®Bc. . ---- , - - I-lAY=The arrivals will, no doubt, b 1 light for some days, as the roads are in very bad condition. We ,continne- to quote at $18®24, as to quality. • .1 •LARD OIL-48 firm but unchanged; reg ular sales of No. 2at 98c®$1, and $1,28®, $1,30 for No. 1. 7 GREEN APPLES— Steady but un changed; sales at $3,50®5,50 per bbl, as quality. , ; .- ,-- ' '. • ~:' " - i-' 7" • POTATOES—AS-note lasts - w eek, the d mandis' More r active, but -prices are un changed; we continue to quote prime Peach Blov.l at $3.25 per bbl. • CRANBERRIES=Ave being sold at froml ~_sls®l7per„bbl. BEVNI.S%--Scaiee;'-ifr 17 - 1111? demand, • 81;4,\ S . -Scarce, with tales at $4®4;50 per bush. 1101II,N.Y,—Is ,unchanged; regular sales at $6;25®6,50' per barrel—SB,7sl in a retail way;. .. . CATTLE MARKET. - ---; . OFIFCE OF THE. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, t idoximY, March 14, 1866. CATTLE. There was every light supply of Cattl= on sale to-day, and with a fair retail de mend, the market was a very stiff one, an. nearly all the Cattle on sale tad change ' hands by eleven o'clock. , Compared witl last week, common to 'medium, stock ma/ be quoted from one-hsiV - to one cent pe) . . pound higher, while prime ,to extra fa . f Cattle haVe tmdergone but little changt. Thilre was also a very good demand f stock Cattle, and we can report sales at 5 , . - to 63 ; ',c, as to quality and condition; bi May lie quOttd ; higher, selling at from;s% - to 7c. There were several sales of sho Cattle, at prices rangX,TfrOTT 9Nc to 10e i ;Upon the whole, themarket VAS sharp "an ' quick, tuici heldet4 !Ilia it pretty much their own way, in consequence of the ver limited supply, and the butchers always i buy with less hesinition when' the suppl y ` is. light , and the Tar& are rapidly bean cleared. as was the case to-day; indeed, \V believe that a much larger, number soul have been sold. than was offered, :e mani of the butchers did not get all they wanted! and we noticed some of them lounging rosin • after the pens were pretty';,Well cleare The following are the sales: _ Stakely & Bro; had 23 head on sale; sol one pair of six-year old oxen ti, Greenwal & Kahn at 836 c, and the balance, consistin of cows and heifers, were sold at from 4'!, to 6,,tr.. • " " Myers & Needy sold 30 head of goo Chicago cattle at to 9; 30 head of Ohl . §tocket tX to 8 1 A; 4tteridl.l.c.king count • Ohio, oxen it 10; 'one extrat- cow to Sheinberg at 9'%, rmd 20 head of stocker E. H. Davis wholesaled .30 head pretty good Ohio steers to Myers & Need at 714., ' ~".• ',, . ' , , Glass, Lafferty & 'Co. retailed 13 head L mixed stock at 71.,t0 8),1. , L.`Keeferretalled'ls head of Penne cow heifers , and bulls at sto 716. •''' Marks it Tranrmsn report. having soli about 100 head of Ohio and Illinois cattle , ' 7 1 ,4 to 9 for good to extra, and 5;4 for stockers. . _ Hailewood A t' Blll'eksteek Eiold 6 head . . Hasson at. 61.‘, to S;;;10 head 'for E., H. i vis nt. 6 to 7, and 14 head for Graham .Innroe at 6i to . SV 4 , John 'Kerwin reports . having bought . „head of bulls at S .tp 6!„4„_'. John is now gerdctlas beingthe liestdiiill;buyer in m, ket, as he is an excellent judge . of this c 1 of stock. • • . • E. Katz sold 21 head of inferior to co.. ntou Ohio, stock for Boenbaugh at 4' L. Rothchilds sold 27 head of Chloe_ cattle at 7,30 to 8. '. , . Kraus & Haas report having sold 4111 of Chicago cattle at .7 to 9. Greenwald, dr. Kahn sold 45 head of . cago stock at 8;4 to 91i. Beeler sold one imir .5f prime Penne ox • to Stak.olv at Bro. at 8,45. . • . I . OUr old friend Carr had no cattle to-da and the same was Irue of. Jas. :NicAlliste Hedges & Taylor in en & Shamber • M. erner, and Smith .. Talmage. ! . 1 "4 .-,-..• t There :•.,11 .- „, - , KII:LIE'• . .:- wasa quite an 'acitiie demand f Sheep, to-day and with orA mode y a ode s "upPly,:thefficarketivtis ft remarkably s otie,.and" conipared . with hist week, pric haye still further advanced. Beside t butchers there was some inquiry for shi ment, and as a consequence,' holders ex rienced ,no - difficulty in selling, and tbik too,lat the adVaneo above noted. The 174 lowing sales were reported : Atilt' tt. Myers , sold ill head of prinjw, sheep to Tesli Lsr. Bre. at IN; and 20 head Richardson at 7. Sarsk.:stnt,wh9losaled 30 head of good 0 Sheep, averagitig.oo4b4, to'lool - yers d: Nee t. . Katz wholesaled for ,Boenbaugh livers LC'. Needy:43 head -at 6,40. ' ifAakely it Bro. hat, 67 head of Pe Leila Sheep on sale=we iiild not get th , prlee r s. itivi 3 , x eiVilister,whojefied 121 head ISiyerk 'Se Nebdy: Mimi:kin 86 lbs, at 6 and retailed 118 , head at. C: to i • , ME . 111% . los% . 108% i07 !4 . 107 10034 .:. • 106!..S 118 .. "I 1 The marks for this Class of stock ie, - but quiet, and tho exorbitant pricestri • t, the demand in dimi hig very much the; demand lbr fresh por. IN 0 00W,quoto in rt'retail wa y at 4c to la gross, as to quality and vondition. Myers S.-. Need_nren4haying retailed -heaa at 13,501:01% , ' ':-, . ' :gi ne ti c k s t , Co ( xeport having sold a • :200 heaid at , 9 to 11, Rotliehils dr. Myers rePett having sold head at4.10011;6#. a t 1 ;1(1 •, „ „ . , , ; f• - • •CM o Cattle iMarket. zi (By telegraph to the rntsbureb Gazette.) CHICAGO,March 10.—Beef sales at Cattle ci a ui at #8,12;02 5 . Hogs quiet; 9,50 for fair to good. '. • . . ,