EIII #.-11*1#t0,4....0m0t i .. DYING. ET: ILOBT.Ta . • i "0 balrn, when I tun dea4. How shall ye keep trae harm? What band will gle ye bread? I What ere will kepi) ye warm? pow shall ye dwell•dn earth awn frac mid?" "0 mither, dinna tleet" • "0 bairn by night or day • • I hear nae` sounds ace. • But voices o" winds that blaw. And the voices o' ghalsts that say"' I. must awe. • • The Lord that made the wind and made the la hard'on my bairn . Audi melt *lnnis breath like maw." • - ''•O mither, dines dee "0 bairn. It is but closing hp the een, And lying down now to rise again. Many et There ansa sleeplnghaell seen -- is use pain: - rufweary, weary, andl keuna why; My summer has gone by. And sweet were sleep for the sake o' thee." mither, Whim dee." EpErmrti4s —Karisas City - has, a Bel stearn tire en gine. —M r s. - pawl gton, , otherwise 6hillaber, _has the gout. I. _ —Twenty feet Is the limited width__ of the first street in. Constantinople. -- Millions - . of grasshoppers are being hatched outon the 'Fixes plains.. _ —Dubuque, lowa, is in despair, .for beer has gone up two dollars peibarrel. —Like the Union troops;during the War, rents in New York continue to advance: —There are 250,000 native Christians in India,-and2oo native Christitin preachers. -"Bound dances" haN - e been fulminated against by several Roman. Catholic Bishops. ..=There are 31,8061awyers in the United - States. They average about 100 clients apiece.., . —lf you want your ears pierced, pinch the baby, ; says the philosopher who edits .Pulich: • , . ---"There is every prospect of a bountiful - harvest the coming season," 'says the' Eta -Ms City Advertiser. . --. , f —"The Fat Contributor" made his debut as a Thespian, on. Saturday •last, in Cincin natl. lie (lid Toddles. , --Daniel Lord never held any public of ; lice. We know several other men aa , pure as Lord in that respect. , —The City - 'of Boston dispenses. soup to about 8,000 Persons daily, who are quite linable to dispense with it. • -- . A. I;WiadelPhia 'obituaiy notice an noun.ces."corpse can be seen on Sunday af ternoon, after half past Tour o'clock." , —A Yankee inventor,is using up his ener gies and genini in an attempt, which thus far hae proven vain, to invent self-paying bills."{ , -' —St. Lords is rampant on the lottery qiiesiion. The present favorite has the tak ' ing name of "Benevolent Homestead Asso • elation." - - • • • —Mss Z. T. Greenfield, the giftednand . wealthy young colored lady, better known as the_ Black r • Swan, is giving concerts-in , Philadelphia. ' —De. Pol is in Cincinnati with his bale troupe, of which Morlaccid and Ricci are the leading members. They are playing Undine to closely Packed.houSes. \ —Several thousands of. Swisaare going to emigrate to Virginia, and one of their num ber has been sent forivind to hint up.a pro per location and to purchase it, , ,•; -7-Can any sage or philosopher explain why it is that the, - whole country has gone raving mad, within the last, few years, on' the twin subjeetsoflot.terY and the billet? —Baternarr is reported to have offered $59;000 in gold to Strauss, if he Will come to • America for a year, It must be a queer old Ostrich,that will refuse so tempting a bait. s. -General' Hooker is'in Naples. Neapol itan journal's, anxious_ to conciliate the re: -.,n0w30-soldier by speaking of him famil iarly, announce the arri:4l of "Fythi Joe." —The Boston Post call4he human body a pdripatetic cullender bcOanse it has several million pores. ' Pittsbingllhad several pours yesty, but we shan't th\nk of calling it a ndcr. •,-- del-was once, when quite young, a 1 , street musician. Although Most of the mod ern/orins have handles, theydon't all make such great revol,4iona in " , music as did the wgreat composer. - • • --Thdre is hardly a eity•iohe Union that has alheatre, that does; noohave Sunday evening religious: iervices in it. Some of the larger cities have, these services in more than one of their theatres. - =-New York.has had'some.rain. recently. The Corumerial "later:oBcl did not like it, - it Was not -a---iiiiiiiint sort of rain evidently, - for_ hat pipe/ ;poetically , inspired, . says -it was only an exaggerated Jog. .. ; 1 .--C, hanfrau. and Lotto are both going,' to ;.". .-..... Eiii , ;.(pc ''ShOrtl - ' They', certainly ought to .._';-"Plir~1.- - • • 3 '' 1,...•. . sseceed. when they , get there, for no more 144:: ~` _ chainang anfsts •in their separate''depart ' -' ' ." 1 :. • m(slats ever tiode the boards of any, theatres. ... '-' "•-•- --New. Jersey "talks of selling vegetables ,' by *eight. A New- Jersey; journal says ' ';-• that enthusiastic friends of the measure are I . ntinterOus:'" Are we to - jiidge from. this that ~„. ~ . Mendaof the; weights are not alsonumerous? ... . , . - ;-"In lipLvf.'other _excitements, the Chi - cag ci pliers are stirring up. he cholera ques tion onc,F3more,, and calling on the Board Of Health ii ? prepare :' , ,to y -repel an - attack - . or stand itt siege from - that"much dreaded - , .. _-. _ I RI • • • ..-A'‘ „ - OZER et , %-;"if {l,: , —Atil:every one: probably has heard, the editor .% - if the 3lemPhis Avalanche is being for his sins in the county jail. The -punislted iv)fo of this gentleman has assumed the edi torial chair, scissors and' pen, and is wield ing the latter with ability. —The young ladies ,of Carebridge City, in Indiana, have begun a new -plan to force young men to go to church. They have -- Bred- in.:council-assembled :to allow no yolung Men to accompany them froritchurch notlimself attended the service; P. BoWers 'has gone' to Cali -700" ion that she will Pay., her expenses there and no more, for she is entirely too e7.,4clitm4AOre.#s. co be lost to the Eastern owe, and the, fewer attractions similtids in theOt-tideliti; the In= piobabili ti there home r.litzt . entelner.` • Sere then is a!"%shwhil might be lionized with much more justice are -' rl .7.---------- -. ___ some foreign authors who come to make money •out of us. Powers. was the first really great sculptor which our country pro duced, and to him as much• as to any, other man is-due the elevation of the artisticttpu , tation of AMCTICS. —Jefferson Davis says that thereconstruc tion acts are not constitutional.. Than any other man we knoW of is J. 1:., endowed with. cheek, or he would not presume to have, much less to express any opinion on the' subject of the Constitution or the laws. --John Doyle, the eminent_e'aricaturist; is - dead. Ile :crag n cotemporary of Hood, Hook, \ Leech, Cnfikshank and. Thackeray, and was a li t oEnnestiaimned.theomf ° la st , nthoteedgicoorimie glorious _ d co eli te n ri e e ato o r f wit of those days, Crolksbank is the sole surviVor. : —Religious services-are held in the Bos ton Theatre on Sunday: Recently, says the Boston Post, at the foot of the programme of services was the following notice, which usually appeal , only on weekmights: "-The audience is requested td remain seated un til the • close of the grand transformation scene." —Vice President Paz, of the Argentine Republic, is deal Cholera killed . him. South AMMca is an enviable spot or conti nent; there is no place elsewhere Vice Pres idents are so easily gotten rid of. General Paz, however, was one of that class whose death is moie to be lamented than to r be thankful for. —Woather has been cbld and fuel high in price, in Montreal. When a combination of this bind occurs, 'we naturally expect that men will suffer, and are therefore not sur prised half as much as we are pained to learn that N•ery many poor families in that city have burned.stp every stick of furniture they possessed, 'grid we lying on the floors. —The _Chicago Post is inclined to be hyperpolite_ -.lt says 229 young gentlemen and,324 yoinag ladies were born in Chicago, during the month of Februnry. How ;we all have laughed at the old world Madame Etiquette :who on being asked hy a cert " ain . King,: "How is the baby ?" responded I to not, know', your Majesty, but his High ness the Prince is well." The, übiquitous Jenldns has evidently a branch house in Chicago. • —Snow troubles the Pacific railway more than a little. How decidedly unpleasant it would.be to attempt to go to San Prancisco some day when the road is completed and to be blocked up, in the Rocky Moun tains for a week or two without fad or - food. In such a case the horrible last resort of shipwrecked mariners would we suppose be justifiable, so •a - e. may look upon the Pa cific Railway as a protnoter,of cannibalism as well as of civilization. . Drink for horse-eaters----Hippo-cras. The. wind to please the pigs.--Sow-sow west. - - Au unknown 'qUantity—Chiltern Hun; dreds. - • A. bad investment --The money spent by the losing party in New Hampshire. Attractive motto for the shoeblack's box. _"Bright be the place of my soul." - Near-sighted invalid iftqs--'Tatrick, can you read the name the shop just opposite for me?" • ; - Patriek-"Snre, blis, it's as ignorant as yourself I am! They never taught me to read either!" • Wearin The common song—"g of the Green," to be given with fine effect a few weeks later. - Jones knocked on the door of an assessor of internal revenue, and was told to Bos co ton me in. He responded with an ncne.— Traveller. • Those; stupid foreigners!---Old Growlei cOmplains that if you asksa •German waiter simply for-a glass of beer, he directly goes . . away and brings you a choppe. Between-blemplils and Nashville is the . . . following inscription on a sign at a railroad erossin,,a: "Lookout for the Ingine when the ivtsle bloes or rings."„ • A cynical,chap insists that She fewer rela tions or friends we have the happier we are. In your povetty they never help you; in your Prosperity they always help them selves. "Poor little fellow, aren't you cold?" said a pretty young lady to a newsboy of whom she had just made -a . purchase. "Yes, ma'am,•before you smiled,'was the gallant response.--Ex. Hard story. The chap'. deservedly won hisbet, who in of , in cOrriPany, wnen every one was bra gs g his tall relations, wagered that he himself had it brother twelve feet high. Ile had, he said; ''two half brothera, each measuring six feet." A man yin Sheffield Mass, owns a horse that has not - b,een out of the stable a dozen times in ten years. He was never broken, and it is a most absurd looking animal,. his fore feet being as broad as pletters.--Mr. Perhaps it's a saw-horse. - A stupid fellow tried to annoy a popular 'preacher by asking him whether the fatted calf of the parable was male or female. "Female,-to be sure," was the reply: "for I see the male"--rlookinghis questi ner full in the face...--"yet alive in the flesh before me." There is a certain lady of rank and fashion in Paris who constantly believes herself to h be dying. To her htsband, who is absent on a pi?litical mission, she recently set the th following telegram: "Return instantly. I am very ill—dying." To which replied: "Pressing business. Wait, fort night.", Madtune de -- has waited. The latest' imeeimen of juvenile literature is this: As WI-11-1-am Wilk-ins was walk ing in the gar-den one day, he met his dear sister and thus he did soli '„"Why a• squash like a lit-tle news-boy?" She gave it up.. "Bemuse," said this wicked boy, "the older he grows the more of a yel-ler he will be." His good grandtwarana overheard him and went to bed sick with grief. The grandmother• of a well known cele brated English financier having reached the patriarchal age of ninety-nine leers and eight months, feeling very weak ono morn ing, sent for her doctor, and ask him ono thought she would attain the age of hundred? "Well, madam," he replied, "you may depend upon M. 13 doing my best. l 4 "Oh, do," replied the old lady; ghoul( like so to reach par!" , ' • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1868 Another Jibirnairrobrrin the Field. A young man i s now stopping at the Key City Rouse, by filename of George W. Por ter, whose parents, brothers, sisters and rela tives were all murdered at Redwood, Mime sota, in the great Indian massacre of 1861. He is the sole survivor, and was the only one left to communicate the mournful intelli gence to the nearest settlement. Bereft in one brief hour of all that he held dear on earth, and with the victims of savage feroci ty extended in deathliefore him, he took a solemn vow of vengeance. How well he has performed that vow, the reader may judge when we state that in six years young Porter has, alone, and with the assistance of nothing but his trusty rifle, sent to the bap-, py-hunting grounds the souls of one hun dred and eight Indian braves He carries with him cf. piece of _canebrake about twelve incites in length, and when: ever he killed an Indian he would make a notch on this. One hundred: anti eight notches are now to be counted on the piece of cane alluded , to, the last one being on Christmas, 1866. , 'gurely young Porter has been an avenging Nemesis on the footsteps of those who have slaughtered his kindred. The Indians killed embrace representatives from nearly - every tribe on the Plains. By night and by day he followed them; through the trackless forests, over the desert wastes, by the mountain sides and in the lonely glen has he pursued his victiins, until the crack Of the rifle and the death yell pre - claimed that another redskin had been sent to his final ac count, and sated with blood the vengeance of his pirsuer. Porter has not passed through all perilous scenes unscathed. s bod has been riddled by eleven bullets Ill 'and sla s he din thirty-three. places by the knife. But he has withstood all, come out victorious. and now exhibits with pride thents e trophies cf his, power. Truly, his par terribly aveaged.--Dubuque (Iowa) Times. _-----.---qpw------'—' --=----=---- ----,----=.---- -=--_...-- --- ---- _—_____ 41:11LE & SLATE MANTLES, —A new rallrotulls now beim; surveyed'in. from Port Wayne to 'Kankakee city, by the. , AT TILT: Wareroo-310 and asii LIBERTY engineers of the Pittsburgh awl Fort, Wayne PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE AND SLATE WORKS. T m nie t e abie : inwled, equiPihe-fir4 lit,„tY miles * w.,.est_war‘d at their b . TrignoE73B.l.sfaNglie In=reite,egirnitirs will r fin I.9o3l4Eldl:43?cwPcßehich •coStty co,ViurPonulluYa m7llllll construct e t n 1: : 11 1 \to call. Workmanship not el l • ,ne ?rot, of 11pf.......___ . t i tle:. u stalo m o ttles P Air ce iru s rla i rre ' labfl:lfi rgi '....::irtte:eaxttirtes of tiO !Toledo Waba beYM*blet?ezae°l7"llll74°79B-;17:' I:vill'fl°4a:'iet "n and WtstrllgalikOttl.l tOT the thlid week n wirige.ll:4l,lll,lloBr tamintfriggred.renusYllanti Febraary-Wpre .s_Bo-o—`ailikerouse 0,11 the _All kinds of Disirldo Work done in me be/4minute. .1 earnings of tile contiponcutv. Ina in 1867 era ce:,,ctlrnip__pigitelith i n thie at Esa ", of $18,898. • , 5 --, ,• .f-, •, , M'IPI W. Ka .VALLA nol3:d . . ... ‘. O / M - .—The Herepatb, (C. W.) .Railroad Jour nal says: At least one influential proprietor has recently been in correspondence with Mr. Watkins-imd Captain Tyler, Directors of the Grand Trunk, pressing them to cib tain from the Canadian-Government a grant of 5,090,000 acres of land, and to establish a land office similar to the Illinois Central's. . _ . =Preparations are oejng made to com mence work on the AO road from Terre Haute to IndianapoliS soon. It is thought that • the • road can , be completed in six months. . Tra3INIHiND NOTIONS PERFECT FITTING GLOVE A • MICRUM &. CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, A.TTENTIOS TOTLIF.II: KID BLUE DEPARTION'II, leto with every colot and shade They have j ust. Wiach 14 "w "1" t. opened 11. 00 I.)OZ.iLN of the Celebrated A. C. C. (Jouvin) KIDS, Imported esPecially to our order. Hundreds of oar customers can testify to their perfect cut and fault less quality. The colors were tarnished rm shades of dress material, selected and by us, and are really - Elegant and Desirable. The/ aosortment Includes BLILCR...WITITE. DAItICOLE RS. MEDIUM COLORS, and OPERA. or PARTY COLOR'S. SIZES -4 3.4 TO S. • - r , IitACRIT3I X' CARLISLE, - SECOIIP *PIOIVAL OF SPRING ,GOODS. base constantly on band a full line of WHITE GOODS, Barred and. Striped Nainscolci Plain liainsook and Swiss; Soft Finish Cambric; Barred Organdies. THE cHEAFEST LINE GFINISH LINENS IN THE CITE. FinA , STOCK OF Hamburg 'Edgings and Inserting* , Jaconet Edging*• and losertinga. MORRISON'S STAR SHIRTS; Selling at Eastern Prices have a splendid line of SPRING AND SIJMR lIOSIERY AT VtltY LOW PRICES, Our stock of CORSETS 1s - completely full. We hare a very good llne of COLLARS for ladles and genCeoaen. 111.A.CRITAI, GLYDE & 'CO., Is and SO Market Street. . mmo -.lrllllE BEST KID GLOVES APORTE.IS PARIS. KID GLOVESt MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SIZES _ . AU Mores made by rnebc,r nia signatpxe,, . . lAPORTE , CLAIEVKAS: FLAGG, EXCLUSIVEAGEN:fiy9it THE UNITED sT*TES, . . No 58 white; str'oet Y Felilivxs, GIMP HEADINGS IN AI. COLOIO,-,JEST OPENED, AT p. HATCH,. Ma ESTATE WIG, No. 9S Grant Street; Pittsburgh. AND - PERSONAL PROP '. RTY .F 7) '--.--.... . a.Ot 1111 . 7 'AND FOLD: , ' WILL GIN - q PRO3LPT ATTENTICS TO ' Negotiation of Loans, Attend to the Renting of Property, Collection B. BAILEY & BRO., STOCK AND REM./ ESTATE BROKERS , . AND AUCTIONEERS , . - . 1 Are prepared to sell at Anction STOCES. 13014TDS, and all - kinds of SECURITIES. CREALher ESTATEhe, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, elt on tE , premises or at the Board of Trade Roams. Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. Sales of Real Estate to the country attended. Office, 1i0.116 SHITIIFIEIaI STREET. oc3 OMAR FARMS FOR SALE. • . have now for sale several attic finest FARMS fn Westmoreland and Indiana counties. on_ remarka bly easy terms, tut) easy that any 0110 desirous of bny. big can purchase on thno altogether. Call and ex tant= for yourself.- . G. 31.-PTTTY. 80 Smithfield street.: miti BOOKS AND STATIONERY. • - DIARIES; FOICAS6S. FANCY KOMITISING 1N TllK*olll‘.llo AIP F. H. EATON'S, No. 17 Iviftra Street. ~~~•~~ ESTATE AGENTS: REAL ESTATE I of claim, live., & EVERY VARIETY INITIAL PAPER AND ENVELOPES death put up lu Boxes. . . STATIONERY, suimE BoOss, Of ct•ery deseriptlon. on band and male to order PAPER, EVERY SIZE AND QUALITY DRAY BO9KS,SASS BOOKS. IVECEIPT BOOKS.,TIME.BOOKS CllEc'Kl3oolitl. WS ALL TUE BANKS, FOICIB6B. crerg ityle IM`JBAS, SCHOYER & CO.l Post Building, 89 Fifth Street. RARE AND s VALUAi3LF , AT HALF PRICE. •. Gallery of Nature, by Bev. Thomas Miluer4 Lon don. Ferguion's liistory of of the Itotnan Moabite, ' - - - London. ~ , litstore or the Conqtlest of 'Peru, 2 'Cols., London. ! ------ The Lffe'of Charlotte itronte.l.ondon. :+ 1 i ' 'VASES, Sismondi's Llterature of Europe, St vols.. London. j Coke''s Hilton of the House of Austria, 3 c(l.±: - , ; . 1 London. - .. 1 _ litstory of the Conquest of )lesico 2 -61 , I on- \ i 1 . . .... . . , • Biographical and , Critical EssayS. Prescott . Loa7 idon: • • • ;" 4.:(; Tales of the Colonies. by °pries llowtroft. Loa- lig; don. • • l4: 1 It LTunlidennr.oetieni , Wories of Charles Cotton, 1711: , I= l Illas. illustrated. Itohn's edition. London. , IshalOrpeare's Workx, 20 xolti, London. 1710. ; .^:.' Ttw Works of Beam:neut. and rleteber, Si vois. , 1 :: STATIONERY, of all kinds, wholesale and retall, at Eastern priers. 4- l ' .' • TOY 1300E5 in great variety, at the niblislitirs• , -4,1 tprices." Mack MA nernbers of ali,theltonthly Strgalliics. , . , 'Subscriptions nicely ed for alt the Magazines and t ; i Illustrated rapers. , I - Call And get a supply at the • • ~ l i 1 I , --,i 1 • . 3 1142704.-- A AND 17 CFA V-S 1) POT. • RICHARD E BREED &CO ----- . ~ , inlil-i t I S.TRE ET, lIEL SMITHFIELD. SINTII ------ ' • 100 W 4.01) sTitEET. . , OW 1 ( . .. JODN. D. FGA. . I CILBLE S BEIZENSTEIN , .• 14.2 Federal Street. Allegheny, • • .(Fottrt.h door above Diamond.) DISSOLVTION.—The firm of ` r Glass, China -Ware &- Table Cutlery ROBL\ SON' Nell-ENNA &CO. ' 9 AT EASTERN PRICES. EverYtbing required in a 9 . , first class store on hand. Caft and examlue our, • - goods. . . . JeOng) Of A.lirglieny City, has this day been (11.4m1-red by mutual consent. J. S. ItOIONSON wlll continue l --------- the Orocery /flatness at his new store, - 'PIANOS ORGANS,, &C.. ' TEIli P THE BEST AND CHEAP-, ijr tryT PIANO ANIS ORGAN. . Sehomatker's . Gold . Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN . . - -_. The SCROMACKER PIANO combines all, the latest-valuable improvements known In e con :st ruction of a first class instrument,. and hasalways been awarded the highest premium -wherever ex iited. workmanship, ull„ sonorous hen sweet. The; , foedurablltty and ty, surpass all others. Prices from StIO to 14.30, (according to style and finish,) cheaper than all other so-called firstelass Piano. .. . - . ESTEY'S tOTTAtiraORGAN • . '- ' StandS at the head of all reed instruments, in pro ducing the Most perfect ON quality of tone of any'. Millibar instrument in the United States. It 1.4 gin- . tat compact in const niction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTERS PATENT' 'AVON lIITMANA. TRE;MOI.O" is only to. be found in this Organ. Price fronf $lOO to 050. Alt guaranteed for:tive years• • BARR, RNART. A: BllETrthat, '-`'•''lo • NO. 1.11.5 T. CI, AIR STREET. SII4E-SS brIANGES No. 'PO federal Street., .Arta oEbume; all Ilabilltles of tho old lirra. 110131NSON, Mcli ENNA & CO zalll4mW. . . • ___ ISSOLITT lON.-TIIE FIRM OF ATWELL. LEV: .k. CA). - was dissolved on the. 1 st or Februsty...llnBB; by niittual consent.' Either partner may stipn the name of the !inn in , lietticraent. ATM 111.1..._ , H • • , - CARLES ATWELL.... ~ The unilersigned Rill continue the . NYIIOLESALS GROCERY RUSIN Est 4. under the name tout tityle ot ATWELL 5. LEE, at the old place. O. 131 Second street.' A continuanc of the patronage of that Mends awl the public li restrectfully solicited. • - . • , .• -• . CHARLES ATWELL. PITTAIICIIOIS. ilnrch sth. 18 ---- 08. mlf;:rnait - HATS AND CAPS EVI' 9PRING 1.400D9. , ALL 'l'llF't, NEW STI'CLE6 OF ItsitS and Caps, • / AjtItIVING DAILY, AT 2 r CORD- & C AAr.ARTIIII LIEI3LER, A_TA. • ~ • DY.ALSE. 1.14' ItAtaset, , 4c: trl ANI) Also;Dianutsettkrer, Wholesale and VALISF.S. &e. No. rjELDSTIthIET. Plttshurgh.'Pa. OrderePTOlMPLlThllod-andsatlefactlo , IN :,GREAT VARIZIT, Now. nonutiKul and.4Cheap, At No. 101. Market Stieet, MALT ---20,00 A, bushel's pilule 1 6,.......06. ( 33 El* mA TAT, sm.vwx . -. esiaoltico `"""' co., lislitii ll ; Isouth Ctilli Etireet;ititar Chestnut, Altekbenl, ro. rubs:uo.:divr _ . , , ‘ FOR FRAGRANT TEAS; CHOICE COFFEE, AND Pure SEiroloess9 GO TO ROBINSDN'S, No. 26., ilifth Street. ___,_ -_____ Fria THE FINEST TEAS, • THE CHOICEST GROCERIES, THE PUREST SPICES, And the best-CANNED PRINTS. PICKLES , &e ut Hie must reasonable prices, go to - I FRANCE'S TEA ALIO, 1,., K4\ 13 Diamond, Pittsburgh • i b 9: , EWE ORLEANS', ....i SUGAR AND MOLASSES(' IN STORE ANT) TO ARRIVE. ' , . RBStlT:.•(.2i.,llgritEaTee.t,°l4.l'gr:. , 110 " prime Carolina Wee; ' 500 " extra Salt, '-- NttlidtFlW'sanartd ..... e..olee i dgeolgar4lo=tirronutroti n a e " I fo in r d s s a ' g low to the trade, by. ' - JOHN I. 110CSE 4 BROS., Corner Smithfield and iVater Streets. inh3:m34 ___----------±..--...m.m. CRACKERS - ARE .BAKED IN A PATENT OVEN The Only one in Western Pennsylvania " . .. . ~ . It gives a LIGFITEX, SIVEF.TER sand more UNI FORMLY RAKED CR.WKEIt. (consequently more wholesome,) than can possibly be produced from anal other kind of an oven. I Ilse the best lour, ana will warrant my goods superior to any others. Capacity of this establishment over 106 lIIILS. PLR DAY. It is the . . . Largest Bakery ever in Pittsburgh. . . I None ueutilne unless MARVIN 14 on the side of I every package. 1 S. S. IVIA.RVrti, 91 Liberty Street. I.lthaburgh ESTABLISHEb IN ISt°. SHEVIARD'S Steam Cracker and Biscuit Factory, 317 LEBEI In STREET, FITTSBMIGE. 31antifa.-iu,rer and. dealer,,ln all klnd4 of CID.SrVaC.S.ICENV;WS:, • FOitElliN AND I)O,I}.STIC 1 iS, STRLET. I ---- - 131 NV3rID ITUS, 'Willi Dealer :311 guaranteed MAAR FITTIL) SOS. R: HUGHBSA: BRO CRACKER BAKERIEI • GLASS,. CHINA, CUTLERY 100 - WOOD STRtils COLOGNE SETS, PART. N STATTJETTES. a'. FACT SETS, BORMAN IiiLASS, Altailitter STA t P %-arit ttLE AND 'FANCY ti4.lol): + . a gry. 100W001) STREET SECOND NAND NFIODEONS Og(, S, In perfect order, from $3.5. to gip°, 4NI Fifth at., 51d door above Wood• _CropirECT IONEEKES. 4;II.TNDAY SCIIIOOIL CELEBR TIOS FirCNICS, DINNER 'PARTIES A , ac., furnished N with the beg ICE CltElthl, CO NFEC UITSTION , ERIES, CAKES FR. an., ie.. At the.loweg price and on the shartest notice. by JUVII/93 j e 23,: t op \o_ 15 Diamond, Allegheny. HENRIK W. IFILORBACH , I Confectionery And Bakery tio. 90)0 SMITHFIELD STEUET, • • • . BettreetiSeveuth and Liberty WADIES* OYSTER SALOON attached. arEORGE HEAVEN, Candy Manufacturer, And dealer In FOREIGN & AMERICAN FRUITS, moo Es, NUTS. Ito., I. N0.'1191 Federal eeeee Second door from the First I..:atlonal Bank, Alle. gheny City. FIRE BRICK, &.C. A.- ECKER, m • / TAALIIII IN CNIKEIM FIRE SNICK Ate Lp za ILE, ' ..STv.NE HEARTHS, _WHITE CHIMNEY TOPS AND WATER Ktrz...• °See so V'areb use, DST POST STREET, op. 33 polite Nonongstielo Rouse • • • . fle MISCELLANEU S ___ llInD LIST. I.S6S. OF APPLI- rfi ..1.. CATIONS to sell Liquors. tiled in the Clerk's I °dice for month of March, inst.: 1 . • Pittsburgh. • 1 . chutes Moritzon, tavern. First ward. Henry ?haler. tavern, First ward. 1 Charles Quinn, tavern, First ward. John F. t,nvtler, tavern., First ward. LCIIIIS hard. tavern. First ward. F. W. Georgie, tavern. First ward. Ignaz Richlein, eating house. Firat ward. , Fred Evert & Co.. other goods. First ward. t Jos. Fleming. other goods. First ward. Henry Bender, tavern. ;aecond ward. Alex. Walker, tavern. Second ward. Adolph Ludwig. tavern. Second ward. Eugene Zahriuger, tavern, Seeoud ward. Pat Ingoldsby. tavern Second ward. Pat Graham tavern. Second ward. - Casper Hunger. tavern. Sweond ward. Margaret Driscol, eating hound Third ward. Ilellr; Colvres. eating ill3lllle, Third ward. Chat:fuming, tavern, Fourth ward. Just. liteNeeVer, taverm-Fourth mard. ~. . ~..., • Henry 31eMullen, tavern. Fourth ward. 'Robert Campbell, tavera. Fourth John Roth & Sou, other goods, ward. B. Trauermatt ,t.A.rabold.•o, goods, Fourth ward. Jane Ilancor. tavern. Fifth ward. • Bolit Smith. tavern,:Fifth Ica: fd• "., .-.. • James Mctilttlev; tavern. Fifth wind. ;1 , Diehl & Rush. tavern. Fifth ward, A. iSchWelnhardt, tavern. Fifth ward, Daniel Volta, tavern. • Fifth ward. . • A. B. !Millman. tavern. Fifth ward. It. Welt, tavern, Fifth ward • Costello & Bouncily. eating house. Fifth ward. Marg..tichleffner . eating house. Fifth ward. .- John Froelich. other goods. Fifth ward; Joseph ple tav ern. house. Sixth ward. John liihche. rieveuth ward. - ' Christ Mucller. tavern. Eighth ward. John Hansen. tavern. Eighth ward.ward. . _ Mathew Campbell. tavern. Ninth Joseph Philipa, tavern. Ninth ward. John rower. tavern. Ninth ward. . , James Nolan. tavern. Ninthward.h ward. Mathias Oeliner. other good.,int ' P. Kolbecker. tavern, Tentward. ' Robert Steele . -taverm..Tenth ward. • J. Rucitreigel. tavern. Tenth ward. S. C. Taylor. tavern. Tenth ward. . • Henry Wagner, tavern, Tenth ward. d. war G. P. & H. Vferheller, tavern. Tenth Joseph Kiser, tavern. Tenth ward. John Hess. tavern, Tenth ward. Rudolph Bechtold, tavern, Tenth ward. • Alex.3lurray. tavern. Tenth ward.. Rudolph Kahl. eating house. Tenth w a r d.. F. N. Seldie. eating house, Tenth war. Simon Schock; other goods. Tenth ward.: Allegheny. :,WilliWilliamP. Allison. tavern. First ward. ' F. Audriessen. other tooth, First ward. : 'Jas. Neely, tavern. Second ward... Gotielb Bramble, tavern, Second ward. m John Lynch. tavern. Second ward. Emmet. Second ward. Bernard Gray. tavern. Second ward. Jacob Kuntz, tavern, Third ward. . Anthony Ber niuger. OA ern. Third wa Mich. Hoch. eating house, Third ward rd. . .1. Frey & tiro, eating house. Third ward. • John Hartman, eating house. Third ward. R. Prysi, eating house. Third ward. Chas.eotr„ other goods. ard. Gardiner. taVern, Fourth Third ward.w Jos. Weber. tavern. Fourth ward. Geo. Gerber. tavern. Fourth ward. • - 'Fou E. Ellwanger, tavern Fourth ward. ward. • Geo. SchoPP. tavem,rth A. Seinen. tavern. Fourth ward. , John Gordon. tavern. Fourth ward. , P.F. McNeil). tavern. Fourth ward. ' 'fans Michael, tavern. Fourth ward. • Geo. Schmidt, tavern, Fourth ward. Win. Holtman, tavern. Fourth ward. Geo. ii. l)ierker. tavern. Fourth ward. H. Ilespeulietile & Co. other goods. Fourth ward. Dennis Keller, other F ond*. }mirth ward. ;. Adam ling. tavern, I. MI: ward. J. G. 'Walther, tavern, r..4eventh ward. - 'Boroughs. Henry Snyder,- eating house, Duquesne. OsDakernielPrinci Saltieer .tavern, B r. tavern. Elizabeth. os irmingham. Geo. Schaefer, tavern. Birmingham. Martin Shaefer. tavern. Birmingham. Charles Mill. eating house. Birmingham. :- Fred. Stolte. tavern. East Birmingham. G. A. Netlllllll. eating house. East Birmingham. It. Hunk. other goods, East Birmingham. Conrad Speidel, tavern. Braddocks. Evaltue Evans, tavern. Lavrienceville. Fred. Kam', tavern. South Pittsburgh. Jerome Hamm taVern, Sharpsburg. Win. Auth. tavern. Sharpsburg. . • • Townships. . Anthony Young. tavern. Baldwin. John Snyder. tavern. Chanters. Charles 'Reed'. tavern, Collins. . •- Win..A. Speer, tavern. Hampton. Jacob Tray. tavern. 3li c t MtlinCan.dless. • ;Jacob Kiel. tavern, Jas. rattan, tavern. :McClure. Mich. Oiler, tavern. Patton. • Thos. Gillespie. tavern. Vitt. John Lundy. tavern. Pitt. nat Ptiurnm, eatinthouse. • Andrew Jack. tavern!. Plum. Pitt. Thos. Perkins. tavern. Robinson. Wtn. Lyrain, eating house. Robinson. - J. F. I). Keating. tavern. Ross. John Stder. tavern. Ross. John Schulz'. Sr.. & Co., tavern. Ross. 1 . eter Kelly. tavern. Shaler. j • Fitz. Faro rte. tavern. Staler.. i Geo. W. Boyd, tavern. St. Clai, upper. . jos. Schell, tavern. St. Clair, lower. 311cli. Kreig. eating house. St. !'lair, lower. David Ilavaird, tavern. Versailles. Traugott Tschegner. tavern', Versailles. Boor Marts, tavern. Wilkins. The; License Board will sit On WF.DNESDAY , i the lath of March, 1868. at t) Wek. Y. for hearing the above]pplicati o n s. OHN llGL___-- BROW N, 'plink. --_. STEAM • CARPET BEATINCr ESTABLISHMENT. it Which TEN—YEARS' AL iu New York arid oth er Ea,teru cities bus proved a complete success. .k.DVANTAGES: and Shrinkage are completely avoid, 1 ed: . 91.1—N0 ripping apart neCe6slrY. - - 3,1--Mhen freed from dust. moths or their larvae, the Carpet looks nearly a.,‘ good as new, save the natural fading from wear. 4th" When perfectly clean. a Carpet will wear f as loilg again. a desirable matter as a mere point o economy, to say nothing of looks„ ALL OUDEIZS LEFT AT THE OFFICE, ... No. ' 179 tdbertk Street, Or tuldre... , ed to I'. 0. Roll 473. irill rectlve prompt. atteutlon SZE SECURITY. AND COMFORT FOR - THE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. J. 8,1 11111111S' SAFETY FIIIE JACKET, .. . . Car Heater and "Moderator, . . . .. l'ur 'SMOKE AND ,110 T. AIR FLUES, dispensing with the use of Stoves and Fires In or about tho Tassenger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to. graduatethe beat to any temperature that may be desired withoutpossiby fig the carton cars to which the Jacket may be attached. .. ~ liming obtained of the United States Letters Pat- ~, ent most intenseacket which hi warranted to resist the heat that may be adplied to it in the position and purpose for which it is intended. It is a sure proteetion from accidents ironre, intend' d.. :Wing from defective fines, or where pipes are used as conductors for smoke or heat. It Is appli-• a n d is tome piping that may become overheated, • and is warranted to give perfect satisfaction where wood or other combustiple mate may be.placed in close proximity thereto. I am how ready to ap- plv , my , invention to stores, dwellings, facteries, ships, steanilwats, railroad ears. Sic., wherever pipes as conductors are' made dangerous by being overheated is security desised. , t L use l-, above plleation. rights to ruanufacturei:d to the \ invention; also. territorial rights, to such as may wish to engage in seallug priv:leges, either by State or county. _ ' . . J. B. lIABIEtIfiI. NS. trail,e''''''crinteirofalsPsigeSi ljniaTgl ;A I g if e T . ny Val:7 Railroad, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, ra. . NOTICE TO . . .--'. • - - ' . . ! FEDIVIDUAL 'HOLDERS OF , ' • . • ' , SHAMS OF NATIONAL BANES. The Shareholders of the 'SIVIIANGE AND FOURTH NA TIONAL . BANE:got:Pittsburgh, and othess who own stock In any o(' the NittiOnal Banks ' of other counties in the Stahl.. and who reside In this county, are hereby notified that the books. wilt be open on the 2d day of`March next. for the - ceipt of the 'three milt State 'Tax for 3.867,-as per. Act of Assembly apptored April 15:10,A1161, and will remain open the usu time given for the re- ecipt of other taxe.l, after which time Collectors will be appointed to collect hum delinquents "as other taxes are collected•"DA . , ' - - VID AIKEN, Jr., - - .._fe32k7l .. .!?°‘l47TYS?tilrg:.--- ITTSBURGH PAPER MANIIr 1. FACTURING CO3IPANY, IdanufacturerS of . PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. -•. . , CLINTON' MILL—STEUBENVILLE, Outer. BRIVIITONMILL—NEW BRIGII7ON, FA.. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE,. , . , . No 82 Third S treet,Pittsburgh; Pa i • . . Orin:Ens—AUG-UST TIARTJE,-Prealdent. . M J NO. 11. LIVINGSTON, Treasurer. SAUEL RIDDLE, SeetetarY. *. DIISECTOIIK—August Ilarthi, John Atwell, S. 11. Ilartnum, John B. Livington. . ...,., .... • Cash paid for l'aper Stock. . • . 7... 1 w , -- sIOIIN 'PECK, Ornamentall Hair ^HAIR WORKER AND PERPUMEIL No. 9B ourth street, one door from Wood., Pittsburgh. ' Always on hand, it general assortment of Ladie" WIGS , lIANDS, (.11.1111:3; Gantlemen's WIGS, TO gLWIR rz no? ALPS :GUARD (MAINS. BRACELETS, &o. A. trood ,Prleo In oasts will , Ile given - for, Ladles and Gantlenten•s Bair enfant done-In L the neatest manner. -,, • • ~. ;. .- -; =tan= ERIE EM GEO. L IcCLINTOCK, PROPRIETOR • 1 I 4 ' II IS EMI II II