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Glass—Resolutions of Sympathy and Respect. l , Ltzpectat.l.•lsl..;tch to the Pittsburgh Gaietti.j 11..01121SDITRG March 16 1E68., • '9 SENATE. DILLS INTRODUCED. By Mr. ERRETT, Allegheny: Authorir, • ing the rt!.6 . ation. and salia of the Burial Ground of the ..A.ssoelate Reformed Church, .Pittsburg..h • • Extending the time for paying enroll ment ta.' on law - incorporating the Pitts burgh_ Tunnel Company. Atitholizing the -School Direetomi of Col lins toNsmship, Allegheny etnint3, to borreT. - . - money. Supplement to, `an act' for a State road from Curwinsville, constr-ning the nine= teenth section of said act as to underground. railway. Also, joint resoluti'on authorial / rig the Seo retary of the Conuno6, - ealth to- purehas blank books for prisons.` FREE RAILROAD CONFERENCE The Senate refused to concur in the House resolution increasing the 'Conunittee ,of Conference on We Free Railroad LaW, and instructing •agains . v t the Senate bill. -. l'ea's—Slessrs. Billing-felt, Coleman, Con nell, Cowles, Errett, Lowry, Wallace,' Winte,'Graltarn—nine. - - Nays—Messrs. Be6k, Brown, (Northamp ton;) Burnett, Davis, Fisher, Glatz, Jack son, laindon, -. .lllcCandless, McConaughy, Mclntyre Itlindall, Ridgway, Seanght, Shoemaker, Shugart, Stinson, , . Stutzman, Worthington-;nineteeh. Adjourned. • . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES "FnEE - kanmoAD LA*. . . • Mr. THORN, of Philadelphia, gave notice that lie should in future more the recon.sid eration of the rote; of the• House on Tues day, in recommiting the Free Railroadhill to : the Confererice Committee with insti.nc tions against the Senate amendment. - He explained that he dorle this to keep the bill in the House. • . Subsequently Mr. FORD, of ..4.llegherry, moved to reconsider the vote , of the _House on iiiibjec4 and 4.lvlained that Jae _did so in Vie'W`celdr.:Tlioinvittii&lbrij:ll4 House, for the purpose of_preventing axty . delay which the opponents of the House bill desired. He ,hoped the House would act at once, and vote down his own motion Ito prevent anotEr notion to:reconsider at some distant day, when the matter 'could not:be satisfactorily 'reached. • Mr. Ford's motion to reconsider was voted down, Mr. Ford and all the friendS of free railAiad voting nay. The , matter, therefore, cannot be reconsidered and the resolution wa‘rtiessagedto. the Senate. Afterwards the Clerk of the Senate an notineed .that the Senate had refused to concur. BILLS EVTRODUCED * By Mr :; RIDDLE, of Allegheny; Repeal ingir,he act authorizing the election of addi tional officers and chan'ging the manner of collecting taxes in the townships of Robin son and Nortk Fayette,,, Allegheny, ,ap proved Aftirch 13th, 186(I, so far as it relates 'to North Fayette. Supplement to the act of May 6t11,18136,, to prevent frauds ppon travelers, ' which re pealS the prol,i - so-to the - fiftk section of. said act: ' " - 1 - • By fir, SMIITH , Allegheny : Authorizing the SchoolDtivntors of East" Deer township; Allegheny, obunty, t to, borrow money, to erect sehooltawies. , • • - Empowering the Judges' of the Co of Quraiter Sessions, of Allegheny to appoint commissioners to assess damages on .the .nnxn of•Dai.-id McCabe, South Fayettetown-. ship, Alleghoy, occasioned by the mening of roads. EF.,. 13y ,Mr."`.kwENG,_Washington: Extend ing the act/for the better regulation 'of bit- liard tables, bowling • saloons and ten-pin alleys in Chester. and, Delaware countieS,' app n roved April, 13th, 1859' , to - Washingtort. county. , VEATIT OF COL. J. P. GLASS. • — Mr.- FORD, of Allegheny, introduced a preamble - and resolutions" profoundly re- gretting= the death of Hon. John P. Glass, late Speaker of the - House, providing that members of the Housewear crape:for thirty', days, tendering mutual sympathies to the widow, children and relatives„ and •in stritetineihe'Speriker to present a Oop,*- of thepreamble =I resolutions to his-widow and family. PassedimanimouslY.:, `A.dfourned. • • • - • .:A3RIEEF! TkLEGRArds. . - —A terrific hurricane passed -over Teron:. to, Canada, on Monday morning. The rail. way depot, dwelling houses, churches; ite., were (bmaged.• to the extent. of , $50,000._ One, On man wa4 killed and othergraertallyt wounded. • election for Mayor took place, - resulting in .. no •choice. McClelb,ncl Itep„, 'received 2,69. k Putnam, Dem., 2,54; Doering; Ind,/ Hancock left I%tew Orleans night (Or Was iington, pnrstuint to orders. Gen... Reynolds will assume conynand of the department.. —A Card iR publislid 'in mien;: Orleans, signed by two hundred - northern and west ern men, citizens orLoulsiana, endorsitw- Gen. liatiellek's Course Awhilo.: n 2 tvnanand '..Tbe•Ccainectietit river 4uts ,Timken lip' and is ::filled with Bo Ling, lee i'Thi. r e Oulteltfreshetithe wharves-at Hartford be.: • Litis reported the itariim Bay Railroad, has been sold to the Camden and Amboy. «.,,,,.r FORTIETH - CONGRESS Petitions from - Southern ,*tate Conventions Soldiers 9 Bounties and liilMltitl Impeachment Proceedings--Amendment Reported to House Bill Concerning Tax • on Manufactures—Survey of the Missis 'sippi River Supplementto the National %MBank Act—Subsidy to ( Central' Union Pacific Railroadltistoratiori of:Legal. Tendere--HDisltbillties of Es-Rebels. [By Tt Icg,raph to the PRlAYurgla Gazette.] WAstuNoTcv, .Mareli 16 1867 PETITIONS FROM SOUTHERN CONVENTIONS. _ The Chairman submitted a petition - from the South Carolinal Convention • for rtho.re a#- , A peal of duty: im 'Also, ' 66minUnica tion from the. Georgia, Convention asking for an appropriation of one hundred thou..' sand dollars, to be' .sed for° liciPtiirSlon arid the constructio.npf Certain, roads., ".Zeth re- soLoinns' The Senate insisted on its amendments to to the bill to facilitate 'the: itt•yanelic_ sol diers bounties. and also lia , the pension bill, which had been disagreed to by the Fiotise. SECRI SESSION PROCIIEDIXOS. • Mr. EDMUNDS offered an order . providing that" the Minutes' of the proceedings: of the secret session during. the trial of impeach ment be furnished to the reporter:S. Objeetion-being.mado wen:toyer:: . ratirthEigey rum.. . Mr. CA.TTEMirorn the Coitunittee on Finance, reported ;the bill- annulatory, of the currency ad of Vine 3d, MIL It provides that it shall bo unlawful for National liaks - loeateil iu thecitleSef:.Bosr • ton, New Yerk, 'Philadelphia; , oi - eny or the cities mimed in section thirtykine of said act; to-pay interest on the balancer. of,, any other National Banks. or otter any induce ment, other thari the prompt and correct transaction of buSineKs in order to secure such deposit, muter penalty of having their atlitirs wound up;by the Comptroller of .the CurreneY, according to the provisions of section fifty of the act above - mentioned. It further provides that every. National - Bank - selected as a depository' of - Public monies shall deposit 'United States bondil with the Treasiirer of the - United States as security for_ such_ deposits, and 'whenever the public money, id..sletiosited,.,shall ex ceed ninety per cent= of the par value of that held by the Treasurer as SeetilitY, it shall be the duty of the :Treasurer to reduce the amount of said" deposits to a sum not exceeding ninety per centnin of the bonds. The ofternar, or recelvingcif.meney.or valu able considerations of any kind, as an in ducement.to'obtairt orilo be, allowed to ,re-. taindePosits of public'Money, - Is"to be pun ished by a fine of not less,than one thous, :and ddllars - or imprisonment iof .not less than one year, or-both, at the discretion of the court.: • .TAX Mr. .S;IIERNLIN, from the Committee on FinWace,repoxte,dthe Mouse bill to exe,nipt certain luattufittu•es froitiftilernar.Reve, 'nue tom, With MI tcmendment retalfti t tlthe grund,yand all - Articles . t.. . • tutes for coffee or, spices, nitistar.''t 51 17 a sugars, and on products of sugar refiner's, on sugar candy-and-,confcctionary, .on mond.s, elnerhlN4recious stones and huff 'tations, and on all jewelry. The bill leavei the t.tii• on Iticifer.or friction- matches, and all ()Hier stamp duties unchanged. 114%1 'CATTELL gni - ,e notice pat he. would call it up to-morrow.• • - STJAVEY Or TAE Air.-FOWLER - Introciliced_ a bill: to -pro- - I vide .for the survey of the Mississippi rivet.. Referred to the. Committee on Ter ritories. - . It requires the chief engineer of the army to have made a complete survey of the lis sisippi river from Cape"Girardeau, exempli fying all its topographical features on either bank, within such - limits as may be neces sary to determine a proper location of lev ees, and that he shah decide lines for per manent levees - in , the following districts. ntunely : On the east side--first, from the mouth of the Ohio to Memphis, and all such portions of Kentucky and Tennessee as may require levees ; sec.oncl,, from Memphis to . mouth of Yazoo river ; third frem burg_to___lSew„-Orleans, - and. such por tions. as nary require 'levees ; fourth, froth New Orleans's.; fartoWards the month aslands 'to -. lie'. reclaimed, from overflow ; "will justify the extension of a levee. "'On -the xvestiside--first,ifrom Cape Girard. can to the mouth of St. , Francis River; seexinil; . ' from Helena- to the mouth of White river; third.; Napoleon to the -month, of the Rick. River; fourth, thence as far " down as rail jainify the extedsion Of the levee. ;:The 'Chief' En in - cotis authorized' to' employ such engineers and laborers and use 4ueb. appLiance.s as may be necessary- for-the work, tedefrao the expenses of-Whielithere is appropriated tiko hundred thousand dol lars. He •is required . : to report as soon'as. practieabie his estimates of the cast of leVees located on lines of.permanent security, of such dimension I'l . B W-ill renderthein secure against the greatest float, together with the .area of Land' that he 'reclaimed from overflow in each district by the'cimidruition of inichleyees. MT Also 'provides for ;the completion htitilefiYilropathic and hy 'drometric sttrvey of the Mississippi from— Cape Gli,ardeait to the Guff, and appropri ates for thepresent expenses of that work, fifty thou.sand dollars. ' UNION PACIFIC itAltuciAn. ' On motion of • Mr. "HOWARD; - : tho Sen ate took up the bill relating to the Central Brandt of the 'Union PaCific Railroad. * _ , , sit OUEIFItILL-AS. The, :Cie* York Ilerala's Nl r a:shington peeial of Sunday says:, It ..4,, understood that the exjiected attack front the" Virginia shore has, within the past few days, taken a snore substantial form' , than was at -first anticipated.; It is known that an order has just been issued in the Warßepartment, di ,_ recting fortY army wagons,: with teams` and teamsters, to be kept in - readiness to- move Expenses British Abyssinian Expedition.- at a momdir s notice fur. the ,transportat:on . Libel ailon of Fenitins--RePorted Release of supples. . - prixato orders- have also been Of Gen. Nagle—Vinanclai and Commer- issued to the , Cerntiianders', of g ' iar' rison i s l ,- • about them to keep their, commands, both , -, • , ___. . 4 Ltny. T, !egri pi , to , :bc ritt ~ 1 , ,3 r;., 1 1 ca,zettel f.. ocers and quell, in, quarters. r , GREAT BRITAIN.. • HEALTH OF TILADDEiIS STEVENS. - I Anyssixt..-tx:r.xylinitiox EXPENSES. Since the excitement of Friday last the - health of Thaddeus Stevens 'has taken. a LoNnox. March 16.—G. W. Hunt, Chan- more serious evidence of .decline : than •at cellor of the Exchequer, stated in the House .1 any other thaw dm-ing ;Lida Conzress, mid it l t s thought by those more; intimately ac of Cinninotis ilia t the to al experises of tha , nainted with every ,"pinse 'of his failing- British expedition in Abywinia up to date Condition, that itls'very doubtful 'if he Will. were less than four millions sterling. 7. - . again be able tolfeave his room. Mr. Stev- LIBEEATION OF rENtAxs. . 1 ens has a negro servant towards whein' he lias always,been particularlY kind, and ev : IThriLIN. March Itl.L-Itooney, Kelly, taw: cry morninz, upon entering his rooini Mr. - keis and Hurl.Y are the names of the four Stevens (-ails the ,1 servant -by nanie. - Fenians of.tlie - 3ackinel packet fpartyi who ' INionday Ins. servant britered the room as have just been released by Bid British 'got-- usual, wlien Mr. Steven's was observed te look at him, bat apparently failed to rewg:. Ar in nT i e l t e il,.., ci t n is e r o e n po di l t .w ie d n a e l f u r l e e Tr eo ni i i n sg ran to , nine hint. This ...Padication..T. of so • great a. ; ions, including General Nagle, :who were change was observed•by severafof ,Mr. Ste:, 4'...r at Ann. fir. 0011t . ,,win,a 1 ;1 0 , , ,' libera vens . : houSeliold, wi? lyt`ere in the room- 'it -, -•-,,- ••-• •----?,- - ~,....,„..... - i-7.,:-.)• , -.1.411.11,1,..Aik5.taj menberW of- Con,greas. ? w o—realled.llfir/eiWaltV;`initßlirlt tan. ruitureodere Tequestella .:not to .instet upe a - sedng, _Mr. Stevens. The . gr,eatist. fears are nowentertained that Mi.•StoYens!' dits of duty.liave ended. ' ' , • . . • „_.. , „ , 1 - IMPATIENT f_•OFE-.... ' The riiiiies' Washit.,.ton.'special says: HuncivicLs of applications are lieing pia de for office under - Mr. Wade when he he-' eonics President. ' - , FROM EUROPE FIN ANTIAL AND WIMERCIAL. 'March 16--Ekeninfx--Comuls, P2-1-SaT. l 3; 72-1-5a.72-1-4; Illinois Con trail 59-5-F4.Frie F Fr..AsKreat,:Nlarch 16.--E.rening.—Bonds, Asswtap, -Id-I...Evirfiti.:—Petro letun closed. at 43-1-2 francs. Lt VE ft poor., . 1 ,"4.1.arch 16.—Eraiii47.--cotten closed* firm; but at a slight. decline; Mid dling 'Uplands 101,;:a103,1d.; Orleans, 10 1 ‘;a. 10 1 :: kl.; sales 12,000 balol. Itreadstuffs closed qtilet and steady. Corn 41s. for now mixed rn Weste. Vt'lleat; California white, 'lss. 11d.; No. 2 red„ ,-. 143:-2(l.llarley ' ss. - 6d. Oats,-. 44. Peas, :40s. 376... Provisions steady. Beef, 115 s. Pork, 97K 6d. Lard, 575. Cheese, 545.• 6d. Bacon; 225. Produee—Tallow, 4s. 3d. 'Sugar steady at,.l.V.ys. 6d..ltefined Petroleum 18.2 d.. SOUTHERN" STATES. Sl)S,Te;cgragh to ,th 6 glltf burgh Ortzetie.l . , RICII.3IOND, Mayeh It.-:-The Convention was engaged tolda2,- in;disensising tpe nione3r question, and . the 4tiestio'n' of eteeting'eer; tain Judges 14 , ,tlieji.eople.], 'No fnd: aFtion taken on either:' ORTH C4ROLIN4.- March 16.7-The Committee on, - revision of the now ConStitittion,iepOrted • to-day, reconuitending some slight amend• - • mentsto artielcs heretofore nikipted, which l'reoommendations-cpassed. 7Tp.ino;r9w the, ConstitUtion be read. end, signed :by the delegates. The Convention ineet:at the call of the Preidderd. The Cotivention htti,oidfirOgat...Ve• tion for the Constitution and far the under it'be held; n the.2lstc..2lht anti 241.,0f Aril. ' r" he financial provisions -of the ,new Con-. :stitution in referenee to the Stitd debt lire - , AS' follows: First, that the debt shall be inviolate and 'lleVer qUestioned; Second, that the General Assembly shall pro- vide by adequate taxationcfou, the,..proNut and '• 4, regular •paymefit. et; h‘ter; third', that the credit of the State shall not be loaned for any newlworic .Avithoqt a' di rect vote of the people; fourth, itiia, no new debt, shall be created, unless:the - bill'creat ing the aameithallievy a illiekfal= title to'' the interest annualiy,;.fifth,Aluit.payment of interest shall cOmineekeeTriatiitAtmuttify lst,, =MI Xt r hirsra ,3l iircli.T.l.--ACtii6piiSphititl4sfi4 are being rmige,-by,liotktmtip a•thor-_. ough Canvass of tire'. Btate previous'. to tht! approaching election:' •-•- - It is riot yet ascertained •whetliei4iiditiri Reese will accept the Democratic norninii4 tion for Governor, ,but it is presumed he will. T 'rrr- Tholuain Aga be for Federal and State officers, as it is believed the relief and hOuresiord. eryl.Visnces!will, earry,the consti cfh:' • . I t , ' SAVANNAH, March, 16.—At a meeting held 'to day, of about • fiftein hundred no-, grow, R. Rl A :l l l4.lldAtils,gerrltilated for tiovernor, s.T. CI,M, for •Dongress, -froni the First District, sukd (.10,arlesit. Hopkins for lifriior A A Bradiey,lltdoredlangs-, formerly of Boston, _ was nendnated lfor. liiity,litnittor4ll 8. lrAN 7pc i AttlnV;AfitrOhlir:44fiticieGPlltk lte.lValuidoitiiit 11 3 ._ 11 = or three-:ll,[jab- undershxkl -! C{ado al 3f e a d ell3 : l (erermT?AtifithWii/;1 nection with the-political 2* , ' • I 411 • 'IUSHISLOWI4IN 171 -14, ,-.lr ff cx~ol% I Warollo 4 M' e rhei riVOniio hit* ia 4o l49 ll , o )ederprt. suattion:- • I -L:At _-- -•- lE=iliiil A.. .11. royrtmtim STF*ENS may: ~{~. • and Gossip.Topicat the Capital The Presideittial Outbreak. Topics.• , "- otP.EicEtwasfa' TRTAX. • Certain Republican Senators are ; very lations of "Ante,'' the Washint , ton car . anxious that the President should have a reSpondent of the Cmcinmati •Gazette, who • • • fair trial, and that this fact' shOuld so be 444 undeidate of the 14th as follows: so plain that partizan malice cannot misrer amp eachment has•liefore been said in rresent it. :tiess:B. Iressenden, 'Trutt/bit s Oarr d ""'" I 4 --.. tr to Anthony and others, - who Voted to ice thee. l t FRPan a. m e in the Senate; diut.it_Liannot be Pre.sident the longestlhnelproposedby ally i_ ; ' s PP•ce de- Senator, did it on this ground. The incliea.. nied luttithaiNew 'T - lempshire suc ad tions are clear that the trial Will take 'many moral reinforcement to theineastre:cess ds • weeks. -Setiatons • are , making ,up their •,- If there, were any. doubt, therefOre, of the ' minds that lt may last till June. The niest: nomination of Mr Wade; ilfe icket With t' sanguine are not ,hopetul of, a spee, .17 Oerteml Grant, at Chicago vesterdaymay be••": ' The- Butler 'article - ine•4l-• said to have Pladellasitran4 doubly sure as to eitlably prolong. it. It is rumored that there co - att , also. - Mr. Wade is morally certain to wag a very or.:cited debate in the ?ecret ''''' - be President of die Triiiied States' ividdn a • sion, arid that there is 50111 e - feeling against two or three Senafors who undertook r tii f ' cir .w.caka: he now really desires,. is to Whoever' cares to knots; may ::'=-' • ascribe, motives to their, itirt colleagues: • , • ol'? that what be, the i, t/ Inibli,eart candidate for Vice Presiv, TIM FUNDING dent, The Chicago, - Convention will,„of Sherman 's funding.bill has a poor chance, in dill Senate. A decided nuiloritfare in' ••c°131.4e1.,1).e.m......,adP . 111 ?( 4 ; offi cCii.k . inteis, oever: favor 'of bood•ith•ro v v erfate - o f saw a rresmentrai Convention that wasn't?' will take the- first clieneo• to -Make: • interest, but-it is himmmibleito t tigree ..upon '• -the exact rate. Western Senators demand known:their preference , for Wade as Vice four per cent as the rate, and Senatorirfroirt Pr6ident, in order that Wade,- the the Middle and Beiitern :States insist Tipon -dent; may be induced to make known 'Mk' : •preferencefarthem in them atter of appointi merits ; Mr. •COlfax, Mr. Teuton, Mr. - wir self, Mr. Cressttell; -arid the whole host of lesser candidates will doubtless receive the chinplimentary votes of their States on the ,„ first ballot, but they might as well hang - .their harps on the firSt wiIIOWS they efin- r--.. find: Their forces avill eagerly, await' the.:: chance for desertion to the winning' colors,„ • -and at the, close of the first, or before close of the secondhallot, Mr.-Wade Will - be nominated by hcclamation: and retiring little State that she always' - will furnislibothPresident and Vice, Presi— dent on the Republican ticket. • , " Torthat matter, she Is still likely to - fur or - - • nigh the head of the opposing: ticket @so. • Fora few days after the decision °ramie_ -•- `National- Committee to hold the, Conveti tion in New York, Pendleton ,stock was- •a clecided•diseount. But it seeing: note on the advance; and the impilessidn' is , quite - n•enertif here that ho goes into their, Conv'en n - on with a column so strong that efforts to break it will have to_ be abandoned. .IES - friends have all along claimed (and hissene- - 'flies have conceded) 'fhat he wbuldl - ciaa thi • list on the • first ballot. This nos:claim that lie will' be nominated beyond thepossiL _ bility af•resistanee , on the second ballot.; and some of : his enemies, amend whom May be reckeneci such "a persistent one as little 3fr.- Samuel Cox (not Miniiter to Austria) ad., mits even, this., One of. the lieu England _ - States has recently- instrUcted for him, and ; • Maryland Detnocrats•safthat Btate is do the same. - - - • :itonE CarIAT '•;Po will eventually - agiee to a. bill granting*More hanksto the govrtli anitwest.. The. exact aiithunt of adcliticirialhariliziCitas hi yet uncertain • hut it is considered proba ble that not exceed '550,60,0000. - It . is growing 'metre litobablef.eaeh , -;daY.that Congress will - - -- itot-authorizelthalitisue of more . -legal tenthirs. pima ilia-. matien has Conio'frOnaii'thembeit'et the Supreine Court :that , there is', danger thatit would- declare,. such. an issue . in• time of peace to be ,uneenstitutional. The Pendle ton Democriat here, 'who liaVe 'heard the rumof,'do not -speak so reverently, of the: Court as they;_have, ree,enti2.7 a Leen in :the habit of doing in connectionwith the reeini struetion acts. - ' • '-' HANCOCK. , Tile TrgeZ Wed special says: It is reported that Gen. liatmck htts.been teleirrapned to, by the President to return imm6dintely. to NiraShington to take command of theAtlan tie Division. , • [~ AtC/LED UtieciNSTITUTIO.NAL The United 'States Supretne Court has de cided that the law of the State of, .N,evatla, levying a tax of one dollamon eveTypaisen ger leaving the State-by coach or ruilroad, is unconstitutional: THE CiL'ORG.T.I. C.1.45E. -.. . . The . Sppretne COurt of . the United States has granted leaVe to Ale a bill in the ease of the State of Georgia vs. General Grant and others: • •OIL REGION ITEMS. „ , —The ice gorge near Flidetown broke up' yesterday and.passed down the creek. • --The Buffalo, Corry and Pittslintel; Radroad is now open, to trafel; and• trains ore 'being run rekulatly.: --Robert T. SterrOt, an old citizen 'of Erie, died on the llth inst., aged - nearly coy : seven, years.... • - •- _ • —The Eee. weft; on t Pneiry. has: stopped, flowing. It.ls.,,flictw. pytinped, and : it, is repoited•u . * has not decreasel • - • • . ” —A disastrous • fire visited', Dlea,w. Oast, week, by-whipli twelve. business firIBV Vre •burned mit t , and E'between 45;909 'and $7A,',7 7 - '4),(19 woith of ilropertyAlestrityeil: ••, • —Mite oil pipes across The Allelheny river at-Oil City have been•brolie nt n•:but theoye,. ment.of ,01l Will mot be stopied„as • prepare dons' have-been,-pade: the nver~:—The shock - 4ot an earthcilltikellva.9fclViAil Steddville on*Satu.rdaytrtigltti--,to WPoyttPß- Ofitke ;city witsrtirtmindate(t from French', Creek. PENferybody 'lattended.l.elkUrch, PA Sundiy.• ''; -, 1 . :te ~ :pt' 'I. 4-- -, * l " : ;' .., —A bilnasrpassed-the Leltiblindie ificor t , porating :theEPetrolteißalcitnn l :, Ow Light Coii ipany , o f. Tentisi . lituioPl4lllprtly cities. and toWnsil.tapitittA2oo4loo,; Atitcq . locate d;litailtanning, Pa, :. .7.:, - -I - t. ..!. :: - 1 - • ,1 i 11,1111 VtincVdrtfie'I'vinklinlErancli offstar Atlaiiite.±iiikTrieat Airestern---RaitiOtidrbe-; Oreelf''Ffinildin 7 and' , 3leadvilini', is Ifinderi lynt6riPiity'erid pilitei'ron radeonnebf .the, rise in, Frefieli" Creek,: and fiti:Meshitrluive,, korienuenittdr3iikodape r „ Itztsifeartdftot titelstiOdge ', ilarp9s, - .:Bogatl CVO: has PeenJl inirellt. istay. Ai. - ..'; i..41..:0,T i r , - . I ..,.! 3 It - .2- . - ~i 'IP-. 1 I # 6l I 1 1 f ts i it ter tiL . ; . S;;; ,theimiers of tli"eli —....unialt NO , i 'lleastintville,fkieter• .' nitii4d td test IVitsiff,tl6o4rowell,:addtzfor'i pitteivipocogio inieui;ery;,, Ina 101" Bb V 7lollSvingl'4unixhasidVe tyeki;atiltk, ivithzan'inssredie' of productioin. It- is , ' iithr kitimated tat-.7IEL i l yndrett - inirrelvaw - dayit 4 Sacker•rods not draiiitgre • 7 tkq - 4 - .. *ice: 4I 1 ' 1 1:34 1 `.l- , r ! --- _,,1ii,f,031 ~YA' 4 . elv;Volt;tv struck 1 P" l ::PctAdrthrtat l, l 3 elitileibli!'tQlll. c ti:FOit6it agile ,aege4a6 i un, otevay ..- wei,-I‘ll,beei"cbinalde , e' e vitergilte ' . • , 4:rFai2;_lf*yi?ffifeii, iducirVxWit % ' ' vN' rAftLiklartl: ; 41 MVWICIt , iXe ,MOIA' - ti t. VriA • q'l l iVtl . _ t ___,__MPF4, s ._ , : ", , 1I Wf 1 4 1 4 , 9)er!! P. 1.04349 4 , 70 Comm. '4• , ' , 411 ' q a t i tr et aTrlO#44o, 3 o9 ! : 1 1 m ' ean . • -.,- '' ,tfi',4 - 141 . ID TnE linkluxitlan..has• spread .',Serror „ and_ ,committed. various - outrages ,throughou t Tennessee. Recently a chapter of, this 'r Uolical °Mei- was formed in Iterniihis, - and _below we give their first geneTal order:.' r K: K: W9L.P.E. HOLE, BLoonf MONTH, ' . „ Fair Moon, Pitit Hour: — General Orders, No. I.] .80t41.4 IAteMPhiBI":IXV4IOO,JAII 7: '- ° 4 1„. 6"16. -,, • The Great Past - Grailtt• kliiint ce - you. The dark and"-dtsinal hour • draw nigii; SOME, LIVE "1"0-DAY --T0-1.1011:;7 1;61%1; DIE.- - . •,' • tb.e. - }inpet 'Red and "the #igh! arxr Garet - To-day, the 11th of,-.the mortaps•montiof._ Mardi, you will begin to scatter the 00110- -1 of the " • • •" ' • By order of - • ' "1' : • • GREAT GRAND CTeLor , s; 'G:C;T:S:-.:EI • ' New' 'fork' Cattle Market. (By" Tetc grapt! to tiii'PlttsbargliGazet ' Ni w " Yom: re 4 ceipts . for- 'the week-4,979 heeves;-'-1.4,9e2,, : 4 sheep andianills; 1.0;i / 20 Beef cattle . during the' latter' -part 'of depressed by heavy : arrivals and . prices de- • 3 clued. Te-claY„however, at "the 'drove yards, where'the/otferings comprised about 1,000 head, :the'atuixket slightly higher and' the demand at $18,75a19; crime at pl&318,,50; lirsfaitilAty , at sl7,2 . szil7,7ovfairld , good at' 816,501e1YIL'or dinary at $15a16; inferior' - at,S4al3. and lambs were very active during the r wee •and Nery,steady, the deinand s teklayi however, ..and- prlets!ratlier::.:4 ...weak though without particular, ehiinget utunber on sale, 1,000 head of• s' s h igar avUraging l l3manthigiblightfge;we extras; •3aBXe;7a7Me. Swinequtetandsteayterefwereonsale:TOM ear ltad einttilnin ; Vgad . =„, `r t e c oi nntissionquotationSBtlte4ifr4o • .day. 384 head of 111111.01 s 'averagilig "1803**4 brumght. . I .op;,..and..lW .v head ,of common saver.aging",loolAl4: brought p.' . ...• ' . ' NoW Orleans-market. .:,-:•.: , ~... :I EmTple g raph to Vic. Rittsburgh,olmette.] 0 ; ...f. E .. . , IST NV OM:Earley" MarCh 1 6.•--LOOtton-aCtlthe " ! sales 5500 middlhigs at 2-1 3-1742-4 4 tra" tl l 5623 bales; - exports ; 5672 - balya. -,„ter 41,501i1,51., New York Thiehange,pa S f;Sitol , 13 43,,c.' Sugur firm ;' common. • 12a12A,1 1 14fr , " —, 1 /,,a14, choice 14y4a15%;:_Flour.zutichange -d4:,.1 Oats,cuiet,,at 75a(0. dtdl4,--tierce-11514,71 ke,g7.10 for riominal: - liadon dull; ibhbing tilix,. shoulders 11, clear - sides -'115. 1 Pork dtar 25. • at 6 'Corn Arm and quieS, pea 97 . ,, • • .. -, - • • - 'I ` ' Phil:Ude*Mit-Market. Teistarapa to the Pltt9 buret , astetto4::!/11 - 1 4 PIrItADELPHIAi. .10.:--Pdrolimaw:t steady.. _ Cloverseed in gond. dentanjtand aclvaneil at $8,500. Flour 'dull.' i'Vliekt .. “ - Rye stegdy,l-IC-Ortt 1114. nixed western $4lB. Oats . 82 a85.._ rro viOlops linehanixed:' = Reeves 10a10 "3-4 for exfita",..B34aDk for fair to rood; 5k7312.10 , -for coganlOp• 411-249 q. in- Aar clement!, and,' asilynnekt VA I .4 isl 4 14 75. '3l* • • ~/lanitle Market. Elfy l'lttsbunxt Gazetto . EtTkio; Vilieitt.l43naksthre - and unchangedT. Coiriltrq searce.with•syt upward tendency; -sa!gspl. bushels "in store, OtVl,l. 43a 4"antt bne;ctie new on trot ( 1 1;121-2:'-'th dial; age.:l INS 77c. Rye marketuhdlird , prices are unchanged ;. , .. _... . , Biltiiddie';'lllirket.; . Z 0 ''.;,- , 4;. - al [By TelegynAnto tae'rlatblll/411Vaiette4.7 7, , t , l:yC c11.444131PuE, March i ( li - nfliM is .0 '. 1 ',... 4 ta 'unchanged, Whepit.,*,nonon4. , .:. - 0; less'Arm;'tvittCtsides--nemliiire' ht 41i' ; • la' rand =yellow atitiltitl;l7-1Z0ati..51111114424.1. qty 11g,t);#4194;"2,1 VIE firmer,. zwoo.4.,qmnuuetfil.. .11r. 1416. 'Bilikliea*4lickatiert,ll .bal.o 1 e 1 . 1,3 ihi1i5;...-.1,8e.n.1:. 011, flap ,V.V.,t,1 n..:',)tricl 114 • 4 - ) .., . Riveriad.NlFt4l-4 &J . (..1, •;41r . ..qE;) • -- ~titigeiWft4,oh ii tfigniitiiifrAtitUie .. ttal na. Nit ' I IntruirmiaillaktiltiB444**4o;iatntria !with ,1 wggetf att#el.l:**e.*ft'4arYiefilte r ft t i Lotus, a !" ';alOrigthi trtn7ll4ll4 /tl4l'.hlgtfNindm, - ,, -, -;.,:1,.'',, . -.7,8R91 .t0rt ~T iY al 11';.J:tiis ilfi;s "iii*o4:.Srf:':-.'''' ..1 - ''' ' , ._ 4, .?,-; 4 •r..%!:'l'Nx''' , 4 ~i 11 Ea ial• BM OM lEEE EIMI