The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 16, 1868, Image 8

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United states District Court---Judge Mc.
SKruan.a.v,March 1.1.—A. petition for ad
judication in bankruptcy's filed by Gee.
Washington, of Lycombag canny.
A petition for final discharge was filed by
Montgomery Cox, of Columbia county.
In the case of the United States vs. one
hundred and tWenty-four barrels of whisky,
owned by William of the Fifth
ased, together
'ward, the whisky was re}s
with the distillery and appurtenances, upon
the owner ,filing a bond conditioned for
the re -delivery or payment of the appraised
value of tho•sanle..
Quarter. Sesidon Bench;
Saturday's session w devoted to business
of a miscellaneous c acter. Soutanes
were pronounced asloll WS :
John BroWn,, who pl d guilty to the
larceny of a pair of bootifrcnaMr. Eccles,
of Birmingham, being first called, a num
ber of witnesses. testified that up to ..the
time of the .commission of the offence his
character for - honesty had. been good.
had already been confined in jail for about
a month; and the -Court sentenced him to
remain two months longer.
• Jacob Beisel, convicted of misdemixmor
in attempting, to shoot' John Schmolly
tladugh the gun proved net to be Ipaed, a
fact of which the defendant was ignorant)
was sentenced to pay the.ccetspd to give
bail Ip the sum of e 2,000 , to keep the peace
for two years.
Michael Kestner, convicted of an assault
find battery on Ws wife, and in jail since
])1 e cern') e r last, havinsaile'd to procure bill'
for his 'goodabehavior, lyas relpaged'on, his
• own :recognizance to kehp the peace for two
T. J. Moriarty, for the lareeny 'of a gold
watch from Mrs. 'Russell, a colored WOMIXII,
was sentenced to the county jail for two
The Grandhaving adjourned tuitil
the fullt Monday in April, on 'notion of
District Attorney Buff the Court made tho
following order: •
!'And now, to, wit, March; 14th, 1863 3 , ft,
special session of the Grand Juty having'
• been ordered fog the first Monday of April,
• ' 1868, luagistrates are hereby'directed to
'hold defendants to appear and tutswee 'at
the present temp in all cases brought before
them prior to that time and to r
eturn all
informations in such eases on 6 r before
first Monday of April."
Fire on Coaxal Street.
Between eleven and tlveive o'clOck yes
te-idaY a fire occurred in the kitchen of the
d "-,Frardclin 'Exchange saloon, onCA;cial street,
kept by Thom Fritcher. The proprietor
with his family left the the , morn
ing to go to the c Ountry,learlitg a in the
Viking stove, which, it appears, was stand
ing near- a board partition. Not having
covered ihe fire sec - tray the stove became
heated red hot and ignited the lxiards of the
partition. The alarm was sounded from
bok 34 at Canal and Liberty streets, to
• which the firemen responded romptly,
The flames, which appeared to be contined
• — to the first floor, were soon extinguished,.
but on 'examination the room over the kitch
en was found to be densely filled
smoke, which continued to increase, and it a
more minute search to
the straw ascertain
under th the cause e
disclosed the fact that
carpet was on fire. Two or three ,streams
were at once turned into the 'room and it
with w•ater. Failing
to diliterallyscover any further 'indications lif fire
the Water was turned off and the firemen
left the ground. At about half -past_ one
- " O'clock the fire brokeout again, Ns..iiMe
in the second story, in the same room which
had been so thoroughly drenched with
Water. The alarm was sounded again,
• but lefore the tire got into ope.
ration the cause had been discovered, an
w d
the fire extinguished. An entrance as
effected by breaking in a door, and - on
'reaching the room front which the smoke
• pracceded the bed was discovered to be on
fire, whereupon it was thrown out of the
window. Tice firemen think the bed er it was
set on fire purposely, as the carpet und
• 1 was not burned.
r Knocked Down and Robbed.
Rudolph Wild, a German, resiOing at
Mount Washingten, came, to the Mayoes
office Friday and stated that he had been
knocked down and robbed of sl2a the night
previous, on Water street, giving the follow
ing particulars of the affair: Thursday he
same to the city from his home, bringing
with him $l4B. Of this he spent eleven doll
lars in making pur,chases. In the evenin
he went to Frank 'Wiggins' saloon,Ani.
Water--street, where he encountered Fre
derick Eisenhardt.: Aftthee
of they
ed out, and Went up bank the
glaeny river as far as the railroad bridge,
where they went on board a boat, - found
nleasant company, and remained for some
%Jule. During the evening he spent nine
dollars more of his money. They return
ed o Wiggins', where the deponent left the
defendant, and went ,tway alone. lie
got nearly to the Point, when he was
knocked down and robbed of e
all the mon
ey he had left, being $l2B. H went 'back
to Wiggins', and found there Eisenhardt,
who returned with him to the scene of the
robbery, and picked up his hat. He had
not told Eisenhardt. that he had been rob
bed, but only that he had been knocked
• down, but the latter h a r ked remr "I
you've got no money.left he
So pay
_toll."' He made information before
the Mayor charing Eisenhardt with high
/ *ay robbery. A warrant was issued and
placed in tho.hand.siof officer Herron, who
arrested the , kolused and brought hina,to
the Mayor's offitlir After a partial_ hearing
he was held for a.further hearing on Tues.
- -
' - Death of au Old Soldier. ..
. , . Yesterday afternoon Capt. • W. A. Marl
- iton; familiarly known to forinercomrades
In _arms- as "old PapSharlton,," departt.d
this life at his residence in Allegheny Yls
terday afternoon at two.o'clock. The:AD
- .
ceased at the outbreak of the Mexican war,
left this city for the scene of action with' the
. Jacksbn Independent Blues, as junior
.„, • second , lieutenant .. Subsequently Captain
Denny resigned and Lieut. Charlton *se
ted to fill the vacancy. lie served
cxedft and distinction during the Meal
. eaticampaign participating in the bombard
gu a n o or, Vera Cruz, and the battles of
• - National *Bridge , Cerr o , Gorda, Terote,
:". ',.• '... ::: ‘,l"allipluti "Nlisttgliitta and the memorable
' siege of Puebla. Se returned borne with
his company aridagain assumed civil life;
-, - being' largely engaged in tinumfacturicii
An 'out slater cite :Ile-raised acornpany at the
outbreali -Sr the ;rebellion for three months
service, WOich • was ' attached to the poi
regiment. , -fieservirai that short' time - and
then returned to thd-ritytand enlisted-as a
private in Captain Hall's company,
in CoL
' . ; - ".. UsM• Inacle.s.:reptient. The old '
however, could not 'Well stand the hard- -
~. ships of the campaign and siftsclaishortt i m e.
~t-was must-Qte d ' 9 11 1 of service: - Ile was n
condo:mi agree biennavood heare: gen:,
~ ~s •._ _-, _ ' . tleman, and his.losswillbe deerdyregetted
' ''.- "" :by a large Circle of friends and acgnsin
. buices. lie will be buried, with military
"-" -..--• --honors, to-morrow afternoon at two o'clock. '
_ - - Tables Ttrrnedemedurity-"ritalidttiribb
.. - 1 Neivineyer' And ' GeOrge "ffa made infer
-- - . :-Uraticin before the Mayor !charging, 011 icier _
'Thomas ' 11/4turdeck;'een4able of the.:_*uril --
- • with .sggravated assault and pettes.
• ' issued - and the. seen -''. . aii
warraiit Was •
rested. 'After - -a hearing; the Mayo!
chergeil - the ()Meer :and Rad' the" proem* ,
tont in,--itrArfor diserder l 7), ?Induct.
. .
_ •-
\, Pittsburgh Teachers' Associatlons
•- ' '•• s - '-- las - that '.i." . - C6nstituticrif -' AdeptedaeiOlncees
Extensive Improvements in an Old House El ec ted,. ~, ~ .• .
• Where -to ` Purchase to Advantage. s
. , . A numbs
r of the teachers engaged in the
That well conducted and cleverly ma n-
Public,Schools in this eity met in -the . Hall
aged business_ houses tend:' to makeof the ,
Western Unit building at tea
and sustain a business thoroughfare is a morning, -
o'clock Saturday for topurpose
fact that cannot be well controverted. Ev- of organizing a Teachers' Association. The ,
erybody will ecknowledg meeting e that our most was organized by calling` Prof.
favored sites for the transaction "of trade Kenaston of the High ilc School to theehair,
~. 1 ,
are those in the neighborhood of enter iris- • and appointing Mr. in, of Peebles town
ins, go-aheadatiye and progressive ruler- ship, Secretary.
Mr. Kenaston, upon ... . , •
eantile esfabliahments; • Indeed a single
taking the chair in a
-. brief manner stated the object for which
well managed house has the charm : , of at-
-the meeting had been called. • ,
tracting and hZalding to its own neighbor- Mr. •Itlcerum thought that the Meeting
ing the
hood a large share of the trade directed to the had been Galled for the purpose of discuss
expediency of forrai4such an As
eitic dins contributing largely to the sue-' sociation, and not tor eflecting an organiza--
cess of its Contemporaries in the same lo- tion as stated by the President. There was
cality. This truth is strikingly apparent an Issociation already in existence, and he
did not think a new organization was're
on the lower , section of Market street, a
aba n d o nedt h not-mimy years ago was almost
in the steady centralization of
.z'•-1 , 11. Taggart' stated that 'at a previous
'meeting it had beea decided to form an As.
busitiess towards Fifth street. One house,
sociation, and that a committee had at that
with large capital, and shrewd, - energetic
business men at its head, was established time been apppinted to prepare a
in a desert. It W Constitu
tion-and a series ef By Laws for thegovern
like an oasis;wasnet opened
in g
rade,itvhee all might do a full share
meat of the same. ,
of ta brit relying . on •• the sense and - Eaton, moved that the meeting
community; , Tdeem it expedient that „the Association be
judgment of the pnrchdeing
organized forth With. '---
and their discrimination to seek .tit a liaise
to' nsiderable discussion ensued, Messrs.
where they contd . avail themselves of un-
Eaton, Taggart, Burtt and others speaking'
equaled advantages; in price and selection,
by.• judicious advertising and a systemat i c in favor of the motion, and Messrs. bleCrum •
order of things, both in the quantity and and Still in opposition. .• -
quality of goods kept - for sale and the prices A votewas then taken and tho motion
tttswhich held, this house built upon a solid was adopted'with but two dissenting votes.
foundation a trade that startled its Mr. Taggart, Chairman of the Committee
apriointed to prepare a constitution, sub
less pr.wressive contemportuies, and added
riltexuWv to the , mercantile Importance of wilted a report.,. -
our community at large. Need the Or On motion the report was received, and
server of thing% transpiring in the ate lie the Constitution Was read article by arti
fmnished with.the name of the house of J. cle, amended and adopted. Some discus-
W. Barker & Cu. es that to which we make % sion ensued on the first article, Axing the
reference,. Every PittsAiurgher, and thous- intlrße of th e Association. 'The title p . f the
ands , outside One ttiumelfil Runts, recog- Pittsburgh Teachers' Association was
nize in this firin one that is representative finally adopted. The Constitution, which
and progressive,
,and have Wetched hOw was then adopted as a whole, provides that
steadily - it kept pa Fe with the growth-of the any teacher engaged in the .public schobls
city, and, advancing datly in. popular esti-- of the city or county may become a mem
aihtion and character, 11". risen. to a leading her of the
.A.„4-ielation by cortsent 'of a ma
and trade controlling position. 'Under the jority of the members. The last Saturday
guidance Of the senior portner, J: W. gar - of each mouth .was feced• as the time for
ker; Esq., it :has attained -aavide reputation holcling the regular meetings •of the lime.-
as the
. great bazaar for ctrl goods and the elation. - .
Mr. Built inoved - .that teachers enrolling
emporium of cheap prices. ll'ith_lerge ex
perience, extending throrigh nearly an or- their names within two months shall be
dinary life time.. 'Mr. Barker has inareel- considered as original members. Agreed to.
lously well conducted his ;business, and the Au election for officers Was then gone
Pittsburgh .houßelati:standing inonument into, with - the following result:
to his tact, industry, eMerprise and general President-Philotus,De an.
buShaeas attainments.- Vico President-Gen J. Luckey.
In setting put in our article, however,. we Secretary-J. B. Irvine.
merely intended to draw attention to the Trea.surer-J. 13. lileClymonds. - •
Ekeeutive Committee -G. N. Mt o, -
great improvements regently naade in this
large and commodiou.s house, No.-- 50 Mar- First ward ; Dlr. Patterson; lawreneeville ;..
• Accidental Shooting Affair.,
ket street. Previous, to the alterations and 11. G. Squires, Ninth ward ;R. H. Kelly,
enlargements to which subjected during "Minersville sle C. 'Holmes, Sixth ward. , . •
the past ,month, the building and ita CM MOtiOla Ot 1.. H. Eaton, a Committee of , 1 esterday evening about sever; o'clock a
apartments, -occupied by. Barker & Co., ladies, c ons isting of Miss Fiumy Caldwell, ease of accidental sheeting occurred in the
compared favorably with any fauna •arest of:ACClure township, liliss,. Rutledge, of Champion 'saloon, Fi ft h street. John Eon-
of the mountains, loth in •point of neat- Millersville, and Wigs ISity A Proiidfoot, , .., -
ness, finish and general convenience; and, ? was pointed to answe qtiories in regar
-• ' • d Waratin, S. iu. Freeman, and several others ;
since the Vilried improvements made, the to teaching :And school gOvemnient. ss were in the saloon, and ' were examinirig a I The ,Rning trade has already opened
house , has. assumed an appearance and "pepper box" •revolver •It• had
.passed lively with our jobbers. Large business is
Mr. Burtt moved that thePringipals of the . 11 - . .• ,
adaptability which makes it a model in its Schools, in etamection witla , EXecu- t rOusen, seventi hones anii fi y came expected to he transaoted during the season.
way, and an oinareent creaitable to the cl J • five Committee, enroll the mune so teac hers into those of Mr. Freeman, - who, not 1 -- , sot" -----
The building occupied is very largo and who may dcsire to become members , knowing it vi loaded, by some accident Obituary.--Col. JobnP. Glass, a ft er a pro
eommoclious, affording ample room for the On motion, adjourned. discharged it, the / contents lodging in the .traded illness, died at his residence in the
transaction of the 3.--ast trade monopolized • --.0.-_,—. head of Mr. ItiennalMtu, just above he left Sixth Ward, at tv,..elve o'clock last night.
by the firm. The wholesale•Tdepartment in
.. Livingston & Co.; Iron Founders. ear. Fortunately it was charged with hot, i
the basement ha•a been va.stly improved, the , , and they only et t 1 the sad L'
• pen ra ec e p.
• s hot.
pn • •• •• On,Wltshington avenue, about one square 1 Wooldrige- and officer Gleria, hearing the
°id ecaniters ' aleives ' ae.. hlr;lng -- ' ' f theouter depot of the Fort Wayne . report of the pistol, hastened to the saloon
therolshly cleaned out and replaced with west, o • i
new. tc and handsome -counter re- rot*, we found in our rain . .
. bias the exten- and took the parties in. charge. Freeman
placed the old ones, and a Side w- hit vice nliv establishment of LiVingston& Co., wag takentot h 1k t 't -' • I,'
e oe -up o wet an ins es i
open base, divided into compartments , to utmost .advertisement in to-day's paper . f. i
allon, aiad Kenueman won to- Doctor
r uns nearly the entire length. of the room, we invite attention. We found the estats• furdock's Office tii lievic his wounds
on 'one side, Whotherange of shelver
,ex- lishment very complete in all its appoint- 1 t h e shot,
dressetl. They succeeded in extracting
ends along the side. On the tirst m r i ts. The firm own six lots, on which 1, which were all that could be
floor is the retail Salesroom, a heauti , are the foundry, do by 40 feet; the finishing ; found. The injury, although a painful one,
fa apartment extending the w-hobs ,is not et all serious.
room or machine *hop, 70 by 40; the butting 1 c
length of the building, a 'distance and grindstone mom, inchiding core house i
two hundred and fifty feet!. A handsome , and smithy, 70 by 40; theo, ann
ith ealing
nsive litAd _1
window has been - Out in the rear end of the scouring room, 50 by 3 w exte
room, while the ceiling is lighted by two appartensuit sand coke and metal yards ;
- wa ges kylights in the rear portion. The and sheds. The firm makes a specialty ,
lls and ceiling have been made limi.d- of- "light work," and of this; a groat variety, I
some with four coats of paint; the old "box incluoiing all , kinds of castings for cotton I
counters" are being removed to be replaced mid woolen Machinery, for plumbers, gas 1
with elegant new ones, placed on iron fitters, agricultural implements, &e. They i
standards. The rear portion of this apart- also manufacture:largely for the*trade the '
meat: rich is devoted to dress goods, one various sizes of "loose butt -hinges". l'his
side being given up exclusively to -velvets. hinge leas advantage in simplicity, con-
In the second story, and oecupying_ also a venienee and riliy over any other in,
portion of the second story of the adjoininta the naarket, Mat er : builders, East and
building, are the office, the workroom an West, VC*" generally prefer ,it to • the close
the cloak and shawl department. This por- joint, formerly in time, and are rapidlfin-
Ron of the bnilding,, also, has been thor- troduchig it. All their work is sicilltully
°uglily refitted, and is very handsome in and neatly! done. We remarked in their
appearance. The third story is occupied b?, eight mouldings and ornate work a degree
a portion of the wholesale dertulon . oi smoothnesa muliaissing anything WO had
which also extends into the adjoining build- , seen elsewhere, and they are warranted to
ing. The entire house is handwinely equal the work of Eastern shops, . •
zed : within and without, and taken alto- 'This foundry. is situateremoto from the •
•gether will prove attractive to , visitors. A . a t
centre of business; lni out of the way, as Amasements:
large force of gentlemanly and attentive , ic may seem,., the unmeteus factories and ' OPERA 110r511.-M'lle. 'Zoe, who played
salesmen will be found constantly in atten- i shops in and out o f , thecity we predict will • to full bonsai all
,last week, at the* Opera
dance at ',the - various departments to wait 1
i all feel rewarded for any i trouble in finding 1
upon those-favoring,the house with a visit. ' It is destined to stipple satisfactorily a , .
11 lea be •1 f the present
• • 01.150, 5 en re-empigt.t. Or 0
The steel: is all that Could be desired. It . •charm i ng t ...4 • l ' tilt!
, want that has been much felt throughout 1 week. S ale is a ac rt .. ,an
embraces all styles of dress goodi e house- 1 this manufacturing community. and else- I doubtless be :15 successful the present week
keeping goads, cloths, eassimeres sheetinp 1 where. The enterprise elf the titm we feel as idle was laSt.
and geode in genera peculiar to thislin the y sure will be abundantly rewarded. •
•- 1 l'irr:411111t011 nr.,--T he amusement.
trade, which ,Were -purchased just at Tho parties are air. h.' 0.. Livingston, • going public will be grat itied to know that
proper moment during the late depression only son. of the late lamented L. R. Livings- the Old Pittsburgh The.mtre is to-be risopen
in the eistern markets. The wholesale de-
,ton, who Was the founder of the celebrated
, ed a', a Theatre Cuinifille, _Under the marl
is overcrowded with original "Novelty Works" in which the mochanitall , agement of Mt. Fred. Alinea. The build
bales, packages and piece goods, and is be, skill of the son was acquirecL (Mr. Liv- . Ing has been. renuovated and T he a
ing daily augmented by arriving inVoices. 1 ingston will have the general oversight and 1
I Bret cLes stock company' eng04.741, and the
Especial reference to- the country trade ManageMent of the.manufacturing and fin- , gnuld opening will take pliiee to-morrow
was had iii the
.purchtise of these goods, ishing department.) • night. I'red will doubtless do a good busi
though retailers in both city and country , Col. Wm. A. Robinson, well known as n ese, as he is knewn to le a very liberal
will tend it greatly to their advantage to an old . Fifth street carpet merchant, and 1 manager. ' •
purchase here. In theetail room, on the more recently fur his gallant services lu the • --eme-----.. .
first floor, are all varieties of goods, domes- nation's defence. . .
, False Pretence.
tics dress goods, trimmings, &c., all'of- Capt. W. 11. Burt, knov. - rt in business .
feted at amazingly low prices. The stock Patrick 'M'Cartan made itaormation tio
circles . for_ several years as confidential i for d A _ _ er ._ _,_ . _
of dress goods is unsurpassed in rielmeas hi man M Masters, eliarging Tim
clerk of the Perin CottenliiilLs, and for his : .
and extent, comprising silks, velvets, meri- patriotic service in the army of the tsoutla ; 1 - kinavaii with obtaining goods under false
noes, delaines, &c. in the greateat profu- west. Messrs. Robinson and ;D'art will pretence. The prosecutor, Who ia a tailor
don. In the cloa k and shawl room ! up have charge of the commercial and tlnan
stairs, the fullest satisfaction will be given v ial side of the firm's business. With ar- I
1 on Wylie street, alcies that Dotuwan came
to purchasers, the stock. being - iery, large- ration so comillete, and such oze- 1 i
i i
i .
' to litiSho 1 and °leaned a coat veined at
and varied. ' • . . - ration of enera, skill and probity nu ts I twenty c , o d larti, rc pr o s .1 g
1 sie ti tOibim that
Messrs. Barker & CO. are fair dealing and oversight, the public will tind it both prod..' Peter 01 •I, fo ri r t -w t - n i i 1
h 1 1
he worked, - owed
honorable business gentlemen, and are e 1 , re
that he could
in - table and pleasant to deal with the house of him two ilind .. 1., . ,
inertly ivorthy the full share of patrons Livingston & Co. ho
get the twen t y ''-fors dollars a-5,50011.-M : 0 would
' . --------- , }Vail for it. I s le according,lv let him have
awarded them by , a discriminating Public.. ,. Es t a te ,
.. , ,
. ' Real 'remstero. the coat, but upon calling upon Mr. O'Neil
'free. for the money, was informed by
that - gen-
The- following deeds were admittedo .i a - g did t • - 0 '••• •
!lemon that e i no ov. e gnat aia a ce nt.
' ord Friday, 'March 13, 1868, by H. Suively, A warring was issued for his arrest.
Recorder;: „ -..
Harilsen A: Cain to the Board of School ; Personal.---Itev. .D. J. Verkeii, formerly
DiXOCtOrS of the Fifth ward, AllegbetlY , 1 pastor of the First Rapti!! , Chureh of this
March 11, 18, lots No. 54, bo i _ 56 alid :5i 1 ait,y 4 and one o r the most. eloquent ,pulpit
in out lot 210, 0• reserve tract,' Page street, . orators of the couidry, will till the pulpit
Fifth walk Allegheny, 8u- by • 132. feeL ', in that church (Rev..l. S. feekersoit's) -- evs
. ......... . ....,....;-;...;-.-.... .. : ... ...
'Michael Jenegatfte Christian Keater, JSlarch , thmance ' of the revival. A. J. learned
2,`1868ts NO. 43, 44, and 45 in A. 13. Der- 1 eritie, in apeakina• Of- Mr. Yeate'S PUI
- plan of lots in Braddocks Field; 1 pit oratory, vats e.lxis woras are masterly,
also a lot on the Braddock's Field pihnh. i rielt taxi •ineALAustive, delivered with ter
road, '24 by1.20..feet........ ... . ~. . ........ .I,oao ; v., , etcy cif impa-oloned Ovate:awe; which has
Jacob Pinner-to Beldhetrl:lidicalle; October 5, , never foiled to interest air I impri , ,,,. •.
.. -
- 4........_
1867, lot on Ilium 'extenSion of Miller strts•t, I _ , . __.„,,_,
fieventh-Ward, Pittsburgh, till by ISOI-:.t -, t, 1 Counuittetb-Thoirias'e‘flrtr,,m. vas arrest-
... . ... ... . . ... . ..... 1... . .. t to.otio . cAI at the Just:vivo of hiti;slo, *lit t 1::: i.lraWni .
Nancy. 11. Gibson to Landalin ThUllal, 1 , and eommitted by :ftoa,le,.. ;lie], ey, on ay.-
Biarch 12, 180, part; of lot ltr. 7 . in Nichol. ,
14-Itinit of insanity. lie bas tor, smite weeks
1 ' son's district, Franklin tOwuklint, c.on : i p l e i t bc.eit 'laboring tittiler ab e rration , o f Good Pure lineages
Wining 65 acres ... . . ... . . ..... ...l•,. .... ..1•.•1,77 ,1 ; mutual And lets lately alp:opted iii.eitle - lea - Tlrei.. -;,
,Candles, Walnut and , Almond
John McKague to James atcPbeliftny,Junitt i 4 „ i:out fort, y, .ar, o f i p g , and v;,i.s i, l . Isla-,
1 d Joidim and- Cream Almonds,
1, 1867, tract of land in Indiatia townaliie, 1 wont 1041 , 3f:it.' ''' It it :cud that' ..his di.* . Can Y, , .__ Li 1 d
con taining eiest..4steres . . ... :-. . .!ij ; :;.1..V?,(7 0 U 1 ease is hereditary: ~ ,1, = 1 . , , . ~1 Marsh Mallow Drops, Jelly,_ _ quor ce_all
Lawrence 'iiiiiy to William 11. .o.tulpoell, - -----•-er ------- . 1, 4 I
.. , 1 Bard Gam Drops,Fine and common,Mixed
. s allot* ,13,---18 4 38;• lot NO. 210, oci - Seetnta t istre.ets .In ,Alleghtliy.--The 1 „t•eet , ~ , o rLi - i candies, Cream Chocolates, Cream Dates,
. Street, in the 80e0W1 Ward, All e gllenyclS 1 tnissionvrs of 11:11elietty; Wlll'' 611saY .eu - 1 Cream BMA Bons, Colt's Foot Rock, Fig
by 32 feet .. ...,.... . , . , .................... . ... •.. ' . 6 . 16‘.l , , L eal un Friday -and Satur,dav 1p bav 7 "7; I Par" areerMOble, Walnaltsj- Pecans,' Soft
William C'ex, Trustee, to 'James 11. Hays, i the strer•ti; clearoA ' Fed , .rici." and' 'Olto 1
t Shell Almonds; Arabian and 13erharaDates;
September '2l, 1867; the undivided rift • streets have been w4tider folly , ititprovill y_ A. Figs, Itablins,',Prttnee,,Prepared Cocoa Nut
th t trC - of ti - trtret of lend Buldiviii Ithe yiijrk. ' ii . e ,pskt,l7te die stood '*orit I atillard; Whitman and Baker's Chow
en .
' • • - acres, ' roeds r wilt continue until tat tag street4-b...kve•liep.7l 1 ples; Spiced Salmon, - F...Xtr acts; Extract aif
_. towns ip, chest laa
~,,, • i
1 ' ' . ll d'ltillk-"Cross and Black
- - - • and 56 porches ... ..... -. . ..... . .... ...... ... ... 5,300 , "rkaaivated.- j, Beet Con •ease ,
-------4.---- '' II 1. •‘ •'1 to lan es 11..117vvs • ~ _ Chalice .-.", , ' • ' 1 Well's Pickles, Sances, Olives, Calsaps, See
•,, - , A Tobacco Thief. Barbara autib ~c, a ~ . .
~ ~,,
! • ....- ..,, - • - - .
Sept •••..Ist, I tal7; oneedlte,•en„ Iin•• I • I
l ' ii .* ill' ' - i' . . dendid
Between twelve and one o'clock_ Sunday , uliove deseribed property ii ---- ' . ' - , I •tr=
. . .... , . -,.. . •..$03,: 17 x 7 7 o farad fur thy Inc es. winting anz... i , t settee ,
" ~„ , 1 1 i alarwattde, Fresh Fruits, ingLass.tuid Papa,
Morning officer Brown. of the Mayor Po• , Samuel Merrunan; , to .. •
' ' '-,, • the Trusty Vt . I the shoe line, os Jr s. wait.. i i:is repleuisokA ..4,...,,,,-,nc. ...riesoves,
- Jellies, Spiced Oysters
. •
lice discovered Robert Willituns 'quietly.; Meriiinan t . hi . t•1+I • rt t \Ca 5..+ 110Mlia dusk. •"!` ', i . 'i 011 Gelatine, - Pr i ll os
- letneter,* - .lot in Ohio town- sre at cps leen i 1 , .1. - Fute ,,,. . 01 vs , ,
liroCsiedlog Wong_ Wood street with a box i , hi
. 5.6.9
. it,: r n ' • -'
-i'iereliaS. , .: .. ...., . Vi. of boots and ehoisi DR :every sty Ix., :t124,, ts ,
1 13-
Mel lioariroFSchool . Di- now ready-to suit all•v:Ii6 favor- biin with, a I Citron, Lemon Peal, &c., dre. ' -,- •
of tobacco on his shoulders.. He I t
. approac . . , James Call and examine at 112leclerre e t ,
ed Win and asked him where he got t 1 orsa*lFlth ward,Allegheny, March 11. mill. T 3 arr Kir . Of' boot, -",..5p.1.9. •Market. , l
..,„/..5,_..... , 5 „,.... , . , ~______ ..,...v_,...,
re - 1 - •.. • , •, " ,'-' "u' . .Y ''":_______. o ,"..7=6""P'"
PlUliattlateplied that purchased% it- in i . ~
1868 is.4os 59, 5;), and et. n , •. . i , ~, , .. ,
~ '"'''
411410* and was taking-it ome. anion ' -2/0, res,erve t ract on 5i,,,,e .
' 6-6 •t •P r. street 648 by ! . .--- --11 " ---- -- “•• ' ;Sprin • Opcning.--Now in store for in
' . §3ijo At Col..E.gaies•-•:-Well kiinwn astil•popu- 0,• ,
ellgahlation the officer diwovered to u t the 1 : 130 feet:..........21.d al t h 'mg° and retail
' ' •• 'e;si - c'th street.; spection an _it. es, a lay 0 , ,
• boi*asetnierked to'-R.ll. Miller, 011 City, I ---';',.:
5.0 1 * - s ' er .'
1 Lind a I -Millinery Goodsof eVerY•defialption for th e
The South Side.-Tlie atreets onthe,,Fouth" • =air Smithlieltr, ~u ~ rlitdfirs - Nv 4
beau shi_ppedotithe steamer p.eho, 1 S py -' '•''S J*- & .fJe.' 7gOs 77
'-- ' -t, • 1 - mew: uttlrrare ,ng 0 7 Horne .-, !....
forth atitorrit;• 'Winianis Was•liken hied* , A
% lati toe in :lc deplortible •condition. If the very large, - ti..sptn ent
.. of Ft •es. mi '79 Market.strifet. 1, - ., ' , •
dconfined in the lock-up to it a bld• t' , wet-for a devedaYs • 0111%11one, 'flue , • statl'ene i', - , maga. T ~ .
..r..........„-. Lz.
Weather SOU COT! InUl ~. ' . . • . ad i 1 4te fi t,'%fij,i v ery 110rit cash . :
WY an 04 ? ' 1. -4. , kiniv ' Willi' 156-:itdpaasable . for pedestrians pr ices. ca s t , ~, . .. ,
heariagialiottratiluage. of larbeny tire erri4 , . 1. - _,,,.„,,, 1 , 1 „ f s ui t ,. . ...-.•
„, . , .
' . p .:-,'. r' -• .'` • ;,..,
~,. $ ••• 5. ~ - •" ,arker b
. .
by the - ail:Cr:" '- -• ',.. - c. , :: •t :' ~lf.o,lVitt. itrt"..rlt. ..I‘.• .c-i ...1. • :''- • . L• '", ': ."' •,J •• . •;. I.
Fifth Street Property for Sale.
In another column of to-ilay's paper there
will be found an advertisement offering at
privote sale one of the.most desirable if not
the most desirable piece of real estate
thrown upon 'the market of this city for
many-years. It is that choice lot of ground
-situate on Fifth street, second from the iron
bank block 'Market street. It hose
frontage on Fifth street of Tl.g, feet e
foot and ex
tends :bock 172 feet tq a nin outlet
which connecti with atifto foot alley run
ning from Fifth street to Virgin alley and
taking in the back part of the adjoining
lot 20x52 feet, the - surface covering an
area of over five thousand square feet. We
cam imagine no better site for building
perposeg, being large, conveniently laid
out* and- on the best,spot of our principal
business thoroughfare., is held at a very
reasonable prim, when we take into consid ,
eration the fancy gilt-edged figures obtain
ed in -recent real estate transactions on
Wood and Market streets and other less
important business localities.: less
& _ ,10 Fifth street,
own will be pleawd to exhibit the.
plat of ground to persons wishing to obtain
further inforniatjoO. it
conceive thiito
be the rarest oppoitunity afforded capital
ists for investment that we have over -pub
lished, us the property Is eligible and will
leiter depreciate invoice as a business site,
--7.---7---- --- ' 7--
, ' 'Troublesome Tenint4
' 4 ISldithaVatera"-tiladEr inftirrmationbefore
Alderman3lcMasters, Saturday,-charging
Mrs. Clark atias Floyd with false pretence.
Mrs. Waters oecupies a house on Webster
street, in the Sixth ward, - and a few Weeks
since, she alleges, Mrs. Clark mane to her
and engaged two rooms, represent - 13g that
she was a married women; that er hus
band, whose name was Floyd, w absent
from home a great deal, but she as look
ing for him in a few days and wis to en
gage two rooms in a quiet phi . , They
agreed upon the terms and 1 Clark
moved into the room. She - had -not been
thermiong before she took• allot or female
•in with _ll,er, and subseVentl . another_
was added;but-tho husband fail d to make
his appearance. From the num rof male
visitors, and the irregular hou kept by
her tenants, Mrs. 'Waters suapected all was
not right, and endeavored to indude her to
give up the premises, but to no effect. The
Alderman issued a-warrant and pliCedit-in
the hands of the constable, who, upon
pairing to the houie, found the door barri
caded and Mrs. Clark on the i ide. After
vainly endea v oring to persuade erio come
out, he gave up and • returned t the office,
where we left him trying , to vise some
means whereby he could recu r his game.,
St. Patrick's Day.
To-morrow being ,St. Patrick's day our
Irish citizens have in contemplation a grand
t ! - abilect, or rather will have one,• as they
have been actively engaged, for several
weeks past; in preparing for the :Occasion.
The progr . amme for the affair is an exten
sive one, meluding a grand procession, an
oration, a supper and ball t - and the manage
ment of the affair is in good bands, conse
quently there is no danger of a failure.
At ten o'clock jn the Morning ; the grand
procession will form on Ornt streit t: with
the right resting on F- The 'pate of the
procession will be as follolks: ;Down/Fifth
to St. Clair, across St. Chkir, street IlHdge to
Allegheny, up Federal to Ohio, aleini(Obio
to Chestnul 'across Aleche street bridge,
up Mechanic street to Penn, down Penn tO
Canal. along'Canal to Liberty, along Liber
ty to Wood, down Wood 16 Water, along
Water to Smithfield, along Strathileld to
Fifth, up Fifth to Pennsylvania avone, up
Pennsylvania avmane to, Conzrees, up Con
gress to Wylie, up Wylie to Talton, along
Fulton to Webster, down Webster to High,
and thence to Tamers Hall, on Siath street.
At three o'clock an oration will be deliv
ered at the Hall, and at seven O'cleck in the
evening a grand banquet till be ,given
the same place, atter which "the members of
the Pittsburgh District will give v. grand
Fenian ball at Lafayette Hall.
A Police
.- -l About ouo Satnrgay morning
Chief of Police Greene, witb a squad of men,
made a raid on "Fort Maloney," and cap
tured the inmates; consiating• of eleven fe
Males, feur white and seven black, and
three. males of African descent. After
tbrming hem 'in procession they were
marchd- to t he' house s ofNiuicy Reid, on
Webster ' street, where another haul of a
dozen colored individuals'of both sexes - Was
made. This'squad being added to the pro
cession-, another negro den `vas visited with
like effect. .The entire spied, numbering
between thirty and forty, were then march
\ed to the lock-up, where they wernsontined.
until the Mayor arrived, who, upon hearim
I the case, committed the entire party to jail
for ton days, on a charge of disorderly. con=
I duct:— . .
Hen J. W. Allen. the new 1
Rector of Christ .Church, . Allegheny, has
arrived and is at present staying tit the Mei'
nongahela House. Mr. Allen comes to theos
parish highly recommended, as being p
sessed of talents'of the - very highe st circler
fully equal to a wide and prominent sp
His style of preaching is orginal, fresh:
vigorous; his Christian :character is earnes of
and high-toned, and his social qua
the most genial and winning Wild.' All his
antecedents have concurred in educating
him into a poliSheder entlean tend a true
Kristian work. We g heartil m y corer . , atulate
-the vestry and members of the parish in se
curing the senices of a rector so hiOaly and
worthily recommended-
Assault and Battery.--Sarah Poole made
information beforca Alderman Taw
Saturday,_ charging 3oltn Wigglewith as
sault and.battery. The prosecutrix resides
eingdborty street,in the Fifth Ward. She
alleges that the, defendant came to her
house, raised a quarrel with her and then
struck her with his fist. A warrant was - I
sued for his arrest. •
A Ilefrauder.,--John Steinbaugh alleges
that Julius Quinostertt disposing of his,
goods to defraud his creditors. The accused'
is doing business in Lawrericeville, and it
appears has victimized. Skeinbaugh to a
considerable extent Infori nation was made
against him on Saturday before. Alderman
laylin, who issued a warrant for Iffs'arrest;
To-morrow will ,be the anniversary Se
apart for - doing honor to the Memory. of
Ireland 4 Apole,,St.__Fatrick.Our Irish
fellow citizens are arranging for a public
procession and an evening banquet. There
is also a public ball to be heat Lafayette.
Hall, lit honor of the occasion, by the Feu
lan Brotherhood. . ,
Valuable Ctuie Stelene-.4 Mr. Peebles,
of Wilkins township, had a valuable cane
and carpet bag stolen-from - him= Friday
near New Florence , Mr. P. was on the mail
train, West Pennsylvania railroad, and had
the articles mentioned in the seat with hitn.
He thinks they were taken he :was
The Pittsburgh Turpere Aisoclation will
celebrate the anniversary of the organiza
tion to-night, in its elegant and nowohall on
Seventh street. The Groat Western Band
will be in attendance. The e x ercises will
consist of gymnas - tic performances, speak
ing and dnucirtg.
- A Deserved Recognitleorge
Thurston, Esq., of this eltir; President of
the Pacific and Atlantic 'kelegr aph Com
pany, elected President of the South
Telegraph Company, at Louisville, =
urday. A. fitting compliment to a worthy
- 'The fruit crop promises well in this sec
tion of eptultry. The recent sleet did not
work so much' damage as WAS supposed at
the time. . ,
The recent coalboat rise hasgiven new
life to trade, and our retail merchants are
rejoicing in increased receipts.
SIMPSON.---CM Saturday. Malreit , l44h_ at hi
past - AL o'clock. Miss`OL D.4.A. SIDISO'N, daugti.
of the late Dr. John mpson. of S P hipperesburg-'
Iterfineralirill take place from her late residei • ,
on l'ennsylirmia tviinue, at 2 0'(110Fk THIS AFT ,
NOON, 16th inst. The friends of-the family ar4
spectfully invited to attend. 'Carriages will be'.
readiness at the residence of.Dr` , Itodgers.„No. Ili
Fourth street, all o'clock.. .. .
FLEMING.--On Sabbath morning. March 131 .
E. FLEMING. Esq.. of Mt. Pleasant. Westi '
land county,. Pa.. at the residence et Mrs.. M... •
McGee. Fleming Station. „. - ...
Funeral on NV E 1334 ESDAT 31011.14131 G, from tho't I
eral Street Depot.. on arrival of-the 10 A. Id. 'Liz',
BLACE—On SatUrday afternoon. March 3.4 l
1865, JAMES BLACK., in his 6Lst e
The funeral wilt b ike place front plate resider{
-_____ Butle-istreet, Lavrreneevide, this 'MONDAY Arm*
_____ Nom:, at 3 o'clock. Frteuds ant respectfully (. ;
--. ' ------ vited to attend. Carriages. will leave Fairmar ,
An amateur dramatic company, hailing- ampson.s
Auer rner 0. sneatn and nnattu d.
from this city, is performing at Steubenville,
streets, at 2 o P. 31. ~ .
Ohio. . ' • -
' tILA.SS—On SundaY-evening,, March 150. Ist
----411 ' _. at 12 o'clock. at his residence, No. 1.34 , Wt
Fred Douglas lectured at Steubenville on street. Col. JoiiN I'. OLAsi...z„.:ta,ibe 47th yean
Saturday night.
ag.C....N... ' '''''.-
_ 1 N
_____ . .........m"otice of in afternoon papers. ' t
. ..
An the Pittsburgh and Broa-nstrille'and
Pittsburgh, and trips.Parkersb
S steauxboats
lmve resumed their regu •
A monkey had the measles in Zanesville,
Ohio. The spots came out nicely. It caught
the diseaae from u little / child.
• The Meatlnspectoi has entered - fully
into theilischarge of his-duties. We have
heard of but few confiscations.
The street crossings on Fifth street were.
fished on Saturday, and will prove passable
for a few days at least.
There are but twent:,--four negroes in Le_
hi_h county, Pa.
At Wm. Semple's,
180 and 182 Federal street, Allegheny
Kid Gloves at 75 cents,
Kid Gloves at 81,00,
Yard wide Bleached Muslin.% at 12%
Pillow. Case Cotton,
pillow Case-Linen,
'1434 and 11-1 Cotton Sheeting,
10-4 and 11-4 Linen Sheeting,
Beautiful ,Spring Prints,
Delaines, Ginghams,
Toa - els and Tovrelling, --
Table LinenrCott,on I)iipers,
Cassitneres for Boy's wear,
Cassimeres for Men's wear,
Black and Colored Al,
cas •
- Poplins, Black Australian Crape,
lione3rcomb, Quilts, "
Balmoral and Hoop Skirts,
Corsets, Aprons,
Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, dc.
Will open,..on Tuesday or Wednesday a
large lot of Beautiful Shades of American
Poplins and Silks superior to any French
or Irish Poplins atthe Prices. A stock
at popular prites to which the attention of
Wholesale and Retail purchasers is rapect
fully invited, at •
180 and 182 Federal street, Allegheny.
Alendey• atßarketc'ev7
6 cases
• the newest styles.
5 cases beautiful Chintz Prints, 12;ic,1 , .
just a little misprinted.
3 cases beautiful Shirting 'Muslin, 12%c.,
worth -anywhere 16c.
1 case new styles Spring Frilled Skirts,
beautiful colors. • ,
I case beautiful Gingham s, 12t4 e.
125 dozen Linen Towels,
rtal Ruck,
pure Linen, 1234 c.
50 dozen Napkins, 41,75 per dazea - i
' very cheap. . i
---I—caso_l'Olo Linens, 'white, wade and
heavy,: pur e - Linen, 55c... - •
Magnificent assortment_o_f Black and
Colored Alpaca.s and.._ Alpaca
I case best quality Sprini . Poplins,
beautiful colors; 00.
2 cases Poplins Do Soir, 05a; very fine,
very beautiful. •
Black Silks;-a fullline also,Fancy
• Silks. • "
- .... ' Another tide `rit 'llama.
I feel inYiser under obligations to you:,
well as a duty . I owe to others who lin, •
been like sufferers with /myself, in ora
i -
that they may know - Where they can fi
cured. I had been subject. to violent, cc;
-tinned attacksof Asthma for more than
years, and had been' to great expense
various medical men of experience, i,
out obtaining any permanent relief, if 1
ileved at all. I- was so bad that I nes . : -
knew what it was to be free from the \ •
ease. I had to sit up in bed every night',
weeks, without
• "any ,prospect or - hop,_
cure. My condition RUA „suck that I ttf ------ -- _
life a burthen, and when I got an attack'
felt in danger of suffocating every ?Homed •
So terrible had been my sufferings that i t
mother says that she has seen me so - M.
suffocation that - I' was - hearty black in: tl,
face from the desperate effoots made to 4 .
my . breath. In the cold winter nighl ,
many a night, with the- doors:and windoi
Of-the house thrown wide oPon, in orderi
hinder -the al:Pioint !danger of strangu
tion. ,Itithis_erdition; on the 13th of 6,
tober, ltider,hatlng. -Award of. .1:/r. Repel •
skill in Curing this tl i T called on his
in company with my hitsbandi.i.wlh ,;
err, brit+must, conwittriegreal-desti___
'doubt as to effecting a permanent cure. r l
Keyser examined 'me carefully, and - el
lungS all over, widr his lungs ound, rul
told me that with care I would get well.
persevered with his medicine feroVert
yeanimd am to-day in Vigorous. healti
and totally free from the 'Aithrita.
' MARY 3101INTJOY7 (her mother,)
-----Etirrilltigharn, Dee. 9th, 1867. ' 1
Dr.: - Ke -sees resident cor3ultation oft'
for lung ex ations and the treatment ?
obstinate ' diseases, - No, 110- Penn stre
from 10 A. 34-. until R. , 31. , ------__ -
----.----- {- --
Ncic Goods ctt. Barkeet“nklgatiday,
Joseph -Borne tii; Co.. Importers- al=
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Strrr'
Goods, Ribbons, Notions, Trireniings. co.
hosiery, Nds. 77 and 79 Market street.-Pity
burgh, Pa.
Flow,erls Ibttous, Hat and. Bonnet Fratti
for Spring, at Joseph Horne 4.Co.'s, Ns
and 79 Narket street. - I
Ladles t -Ladies 112—See the new Sprh
CioodS at Joseph Horne & Co.'s, Nos. 'Z7 ar o
79 'Maritet street.
Dry Goods, Ncholale—ancl retail, at lei
lan eastern prices, at
Great Bargains ill Hosiery at Jos. Hail
4t Na. 77 and 79 Marker straet.
White Goods at Joseph Horne d:
No. 77 and 79 hLarket street.
New `Store and Relic Goods at Binis,r's
Monday. , ,
:Goods New and Cheap dt, Barker's,
Monday. - -
Remember Barker's on Div:tday
____............_____ .....
No. 160 FOTTICTWSTREET. Pittsburgh. /1
CA. FINS of all kinds- CIMFES, GLOVES, and i
try description-of Funeral Furnishing Gearse oods fl
niched. Rooms open. day and night. H k
Carriages tarnished. 1
Rr.rratutie'Es.-ate';. David 'Kerr, D. D.. Rev. i
W. Jacolros, D. D., Thomas Ewing, F.sq.,,.lacols
Millq . ,:k2n; '
Allegheny'C where their. COrTIN ROOMS
constantly supplied with. real anti imitation Ro.
wood, Mahogany and 'Walnut -Coffins, at price's,
rying.frorns4- to • 100. Bodies .prepared for Int
roans. 'Hearses anti .Cartiagus., furnished; also, I
kinds of Dlourning it 'required. Office oil
at alThou
.1.1,i TAKER Aim •PALMEit, No. 45 - 0.1 1 . I_
if f BEET; Allogberey.- a nd : 'No. BO DIAMO,'
BQUARE, iby John-Wilson .fa. Bros., keeps alwi
on.hands the. best Metal,. itosoWood, Walnut a 1
...imitation Itosewbod Coffins. • 'Walnut CoMns fr j
OM upsaards. 'Rosewood Coffins $2O upwards, u
otber Coffins in proportion. Carriages and Beni: •
furniabed'at low rates. Cr.. Gloves, Plate A
Envarfbg furnished grails...Mien' open -day it
FrivAim-= czAßNmoui • v - 4
DV:MAN-ER. Office, lio.ffil-40HIOSTRF 1
egheny. ,Dietallie..Bitsesiood,and other fimi
with *complete stock of FuneraLlurntshing God
on hand and furnished at - shortesi notice. at lo
prices: Sale and Livery Stablee. corner Slu n g
and ffilddlestreets. Carriages.-Barouches,
1868, smARCH: 1: •
No. ,I.IS 4,lNrcicia ..street, Pittsburgh
ii&Te*Doir 0011 i KEN STOCK, w
tboy offer of
Merehante desiring to sort - .np, and save the
vane,_ should
Patent Pantaloon Draw
The grtimirio beimour trade mirk,
'7atenteei and Nanufaturers.
- *
Neil* NM!, st., New York*
4 t
SUPERIOR - .. ~.
- . . -err;rsistrimai. ,n.
, . , PABIL ibiIeCTiRDY & CO.,
11inntantarersiiSbenthIng,; Braalere and '
_d_ n_ an_ 1
• tom% sp a tter solder; 4ingt. iniunri_Er.s nus met
lur-14 at, Tip -Vito, . blrei /too. w ire, an. t
u son hand 'Mans siscuines and 'tools.
" - w - wilt& Too FIRST STREET mud
a i hou
lain STAMM littaNdrgb. . . •
44voidAraOt.CoppeF,ont to any dei..124
No. 11.1:5 Wagri MEET