tiZa..varamlreyiispelc,m, • • • . El FINANCE,, AND TRADE • 'uncial Matters , int New arorkr • bold bfosed al.'43€4@l3tig Telegraph to the PLkteburgh (rtzette.) NEW Yana., "Afire It 14,1848. atoNrx f l / 4 2.2.D 7 0pp. Money. easy and supply increasing at cent:' on call.. Discounts:quiet. : ;Eor- ;Tyr Exchange very dull; primp pan kern' 7ps 199V c a199;4. Gold opened 1 3034; 'de= 3nedto,l3B3, , and closed stcsd,rat,l39,4a I GOVE[RNMENTS. ' ". ..- t • United States continue very ! tirgo ,soure ' - `(?..alers are large buyers, an the advarice, - ppears very much like a brokets!..rnove„- 1 _lent. The Banks are rather seers than uyers, and the. present mos? tit , ifiil• in. acing them to sell freely. The is, how ver, no very large supply on' th Market. T possible, the markek-wiU, be teinpoptrily, un l upported at the adrafib?. ' - ids of= - the' lass held by home invegor9 4 , - VsPecta4, ,:rm. Ilenry,,Cletwilk .‘' . f SW the-hrt: , vexed 4:30-4notatiors In.:Coup° '81,:11.1.30, 1134: do.a '62, 1103 4 a110364 do. (4, 108„a etpA; do. '6.5, 108,0108 N; do. new, - 1073/a ,07%; do. '67, 107) 3 .01(17V Ten-Forties, ..1011‘; s 10136; Seven-Thirties, 106Xa106,5, market strong. Conversions of,lSeveii-Thitgielf are steadily increasing. „. . „ , • WEEKLY 13, 1 17 M„ STATEMEIiT: " - •nie.....B),,acicgitioinelitlibpsllla , v,? , •, de. crease in loans, deposits and ler,artersdeis. 'his was galerallY etedi'and simply reflects the recent artific xpec ial stringency.in ;he Money mariket. , The condition at pr :tat is probablj.stronger, and very different I'rons the . 'fighieg. Ldah14,4276;81601X14-41e-1 "...Jesse $2,3x0,602 ; ; specie,, $19,744,701—de- Crease $65,532; circalation, s34,ol3,3Bl—in ;crease $5,942; deposits, s2ol;lBB,47o—de crease s6,4B,6lo;legal,tenders,kshrze,B66-,- decrease $1,278,1•17,.: :• 1 -.. i . I i :,t- • - `, t lIIMISI - • Are excited under;ErlieeporatiOns.--: A: con= Siderable amount of stooks were - Offered by, Drew party which was suspected tObea fresh instalment of ,the :new issuets, , t rice fell from 75%@73%. Litter on the app . ointment off - a receiver for the funds oh - ,tained on sales of 'enjoined Sick,' the price rose to 75 5 4 , at which . there were large transactions. At the one o'clock • board ,Eric cell to 74, at the second board to ara e rbseqUentlYtollg, Cart7ing an of the - market with it. Though 'the d 'ne in other storks is heardly so hs.v3r, the market closed weak. Under the_ bank statement only a portion - or.Tundirie-' • moved to Jersey City, subsequently that 10011.104 was deposited Hudson County Bank in one of-the New York ParilEe-- CLEISIO4T QUOTATIONS. • Canton 56a57; - Cumberland , T/a35; I 4: ells - _ Express. 39a40; - American American: Adams ;74 .4a75; - -United States 70%a71; Merclumts 1 - Union 35 3-4a36; Quicksilver 2ia20%; - Mari posa 7aB; Pacific Mail 11.0%a11.0,1:4; Atlantic 90; Western Union 33 3-4a34; ,New York Central 126%a127; Erie 72 1-2a72 3-4; Hud 'meson 14Ia1•U 1-2; Harlem ,preferred 125; • , I Reading 93 3-4a93; Ohio Certifieates3oya3l; Toledo at Wabash 51a513 ; St:. Pau1 , 52d52%; • do. preferred 67,14.167 J-2;, Michigan .Cen • tral - 113; lfichion "Southero. , ? 88, 1-2aBB -8 7 . 4 A - Illinois Central 131%; Pittiburgh" 933231-4; .. • ~Toledo , 105%a105%; - Rock . Island '-Northwestern 65a65 1 ,4_; do. preferred 72 3-4 a 73; Fort . Wayne lOtl 1-4aloo 1-2; Hantdbal & St. Joe 74%; do. preferred 80%; Terre Haute 46; do. preferred 72; do Ist bonds 94%; • - Columbus . lo6; Hartford it Erie 14; -MisSou • ie f :*-is 88; New Tennssees. 64%. -MINING SHARES. , •: Mining Shares (inlet; Quartz .1211113110a115; Gregory 365; Davidson 42; Edge ; Hill 380; • .; Smith 6t Parnarlee 75. - • - ' • - SUB-TIREASIMP RECEIPTS. .` 1 •Receipts:sub•Tressary $2,413,559; for the ! week $13,213,099; payments.to-day $980,640; for the week.510,453,475r,•-haLanCe $105,343 c ' ' 523; shipments of specie for the week. $l,- 09i3 912. imports'for the webk of dry goods • .152,031,293; t teneral merchandize ig5=,061. , New York Produce Market. 1 [By Telegraph to the rittaburgh G r aze:to.] ' ~ NEW Yiiitic; March - 14.—Cotton very firm - and in better business; sales of 4,000 bales , i at 24c for middling uplands. Pla.urf rE' . !. 1 ceipts 4,973 -barrels dull and saloc lower; sales of '5,300 barrels at e8,90a9,40 for super 'i ' fine, state and we:stern, 610,00a10,65 for ex .l tra state, 0,80a11,30 for extra western, $12,-. i a 14,00 for white, wheat,'mitra, ' $9,90a14,00; ' 1 roundhoop Ohio, $10a1475 extra St. Louis, 1312a14,75, good to choico'do: closing quiet, california_unchanged at T. 9,so„sacka,6l2rsPa • 14,00. Rye flour quiet a d - steady; sales of i 300 barres at $7,75a9,61 Corn mealltdet. „Whiskey nominally unchanged; receipts— Wheat 3,150 bushels dull and 2a3c lower; sales of. 24,500 bushels at 0,15 for white Canada, t 2,45 for No. 1 Chicago spring -de , livered, $2,52, retail sales of N6:l MI lwatt-;i , kee delivered, and 52,40 for No. 2 Milwau ' kee in store. Rye quiet. = Boxlejt asid Malt scarce and firm. Corn—Receipts 36,015 bushels light supply, and is - falt *tern and ; demand at _lc better-; sales : bf - 48,900‘ bushels at $1,24a1,77 for nercir mixed western afloat, $2,2281,23 for New Orleans mixed, -; and. $1,19a1,22 for white - . Southern.. Oats-, .. 1 receipts 1,3 30 bushels formerquletcsales Of : ,2,4;000 bushels of _western in store. Rice , ~rm. Coffee firm and quiet. Sugar buoyant; i sales of 1,000 hhds. of Cuba at ilall'ic. Molaksmi firm. =Hops • fluid. c Petroleum steady at eltialNe, ~ 'Orllde(- :V..ic, - , re-„ fined bonded,. coal quiet and unchanged: Leather; - Hemlock sole 'active ated Grin, at 1-2a27,1-2e- for Buenos.: , Ayregit 1 light weight: . Wool rather:quiet; italm-of 450,000- lbs, fat 42w30c 'for . domestics 'fleece. Pork I steady and In more dement ,aales of 4,000 ~ bbls, at *24,15a24,30 for new smws, closing at $24.,A - regularLr.l4l,37am,6o for old do, / closing ar=l,4oMalifialkia' ,flif #rilni4'lo3l/1 - ' . : t2A5a23,00 for pitiiness; aalfiCalsb of r ' 1500 bbls nevi,mpini at 124562;- haYePs, for..,] mc April-and sellefs for'A zit on private ten= . i Beef steady; sales of 980 bbls, at $14a20 for new plain mess-and- pa 23 ,for .new extra mess; also sales , 6020 , h1)hc , ;•• IC-1314001,f0r it=mess and $38a40 for India mess. Beef , flrm;;salos,,pf ate, biols i g i: Cut Meats steady ; salefrot 200,p - I S TA all 1-4 c for shoulders and 15a 5 34c for, hamk,...' 'Dreavd Hogs quiet, at 11 1-4al2c for western 12 343a12 3-4 e - for laity. Bacon quiet; sales of 430 boxes, at 120 for etunber land eta; 14a141-4o for clear, and 11 7-Bal2e ' short rib. Lard quiet;- ,'sales'. of MO ibbls at -,14 3-4a15 7-8 c; , small, lots at -16 c., , Butter • firm, at 35a45c for Ohio and..45060e - for„State, Cheese steady at 12a16 '1"-2e. Trete:4U' Liverpool dull and unehauged. LA.TM4 - --41011k , closed= d0.1j,-, - And bait •i limes: "Wheat is'difititpd heavy' W. d .:-.... lower. RysZitt •papahlak and Au . Vats is firmer bill quiet, wittlialealft i • 'ern in i afore: at , 84c. Corn-: is - 2quict and: , steady,pl4l,l%27for now mixer t western afloat, and lt, 4 , Yrror 0 a ftlitMer"Pnrk" closed firmer ht sr loii3ict - 1i1iaa;i."24,30 cash and regular, or hew,puessi and 1124,. f32a24,75, seller's optiolif , er AtirlLr; ..Bli ' - active and steady . .-flut Mestis t ape: ip . fair rnest and unchanged. Banon - fie ',,d • - at 12clot Cunib3rkind auL - Lard . is dull at 15. 1 4a15 34e for falr•to-primesteamiand.ls% ,-, al6c for kettle .reattlered.. - L - -.: ', r , ' -+ ' ' , , 'Btdritko Market. - eA)TS-1 Telegraph to the Fittsbulgh Gazette BUFFALO, MttkOli f '44g-PrtiUi/iMif Wet . ?and unchanged •. Nheut .14 , ye . 4vd_ . tui-• ' changed. Corn ..-*Ociinkt minrseaT loadeat 8141CialiliS9Xnetyf McOtii ter sa l ea>,3 ,ear, loads 1 4 11 '.9 1 1 bl 3 .trlieft and 76o4matere.--34 d ra' "in" at 1465. Ittir—h r i Vr fra 9 :tf " 4gt Meaa-pork qui'et ,S2l - - quiet at 151-4a1.5 1-26. Bpletmore'llftY k /By Tel egra ph s4,,thelpf“,4=llol;trazette-'3: e f BA.TaniOgfcli ;1110011!' /44.416#,. 1 ,oetri .*hea k tri pooutkom:ls47.4gL m jLC°rn dull; iodate III,W,10; ` * 4 l .lo.#;tiatleCi* Oats Ma c . Rye &m 90c. CloVeiseed" unchanged. Provisions dull; bulk shoul ders 1440 8-Bc. • il ffB ,'-,. :ICI ii.;: ":13. ;:j'-i-, STOCKS MIMI Chicago Market. - My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.; CawAu°, ILarch 13.—Flour is dull and the sales light. Wheat weak; sales of No. 1 at $2,05a2,06; do `..topcned_aksl,9s;., declined. to *VA and close `quiet 'at , t1i93a1,0334.:. Corn—new steady at 81%a81V,c; closing quiet and firm; Noil scarce and wanted, at 86x863 e; . sales for Mti3f:4411v414--;'•„900..1o.!:•, 'Oats rather steady, with fresh reciiiptsaild in good request-at 57y,c; - winter receipts - steady with ,moderate sales at WA '846Y 4 e5 ,closing with sellers nt 56: 'e 'and' huyers at, at 563f,c. Rye quiet and - firtrily - lield at *I,G7, al ~58 for No. 1, and $1,64a1,66 for No 2; no sales reported. Barley steady and firm at .tho,sdvance gained yieskirday; sales of. No. 2 reported at 1 52,174,20; rejected .quiet .at fi r 9lial,9s; sample lots quiet. The market for pork products rules quiet aid - firm but the sales are _not very large, , holders of round lots'are not 'disposed td•sell and are holding lots of,the market clear; pork' sold, at *24,50 at Milwaukee:. Mess, Pork ,steady 'atV23,75a24,00; prime mess steady at $20,W, - rough sides sold at llq loose, here and at Rock Island. Sweet pickled hakes firrd'at -143(044, 1 4c. Oared meats quiet and the sales&re chietlyofrejectod-lots t at 81 for , shorildersidaiLli lifiortirik ate !lies: Lard quiet; sales for, cash on erkie" and for April daily gyst.ls l A - c.rDcessed Hogs quiet and veryadWitrilroaltmitdWre ported at '0,004,50, dividing-on•2lopounds. -Receipts-x;64sbbls _ `20,156 bush corn; 2,527 bush oats; 279'dressed hogs. Shipments-5,372 bbls= flour; 4,174 bush wheat; 2,850 bush cora; 45 dressed; hogs. • , ' . • - -". , I-% '.- -.5., St. Louts Market. 113 y Telegraplaio tbe Pittsburfli Gazett6.3 .`. . . Sr.. Louis, March 14.--:Tobacco is firm anunchanged. Cotton—no: good grades. in themarket • middlings would bring:23e.. . PI lir is in golardemand for low and inedia um grades, which are scarce; superfine sold at $7,50a8,50; extra, $8,70a9,25; double extra,. $10,00a10,50; treble extrwand Earley, $12,00a, 14,00, - Wheat is dull_ and heavy, at $2,60a ~70•fek prime to choice red winter. Cdrrils 'lll . better demand and firmer, at 87a88c for shelled; 78179 e . for ear. Oats buyant and, ..hlgher,, at 68a72e. Barley—nothing doing fei4want of SupplY. .B.Ye is • steady,, at $1,65 4).470. Pork is dellundew r i,s2,3,7s.,oo. Batik meats; sales of - 1164000 lbs. at MUScai tine, at sy 4 eLt9iqulders, lle; rib sides,,l234c. Baconis dull and"lower; saleS'of rib sides, at 13e; clear sides, 14a14;(,,e; shoulders, 11c. Lard is very dull; sales of No. I, at 14; .4 /. Live stock in :better, qiiilitiesk „cattle is in fair demand, at Gs a 7;. , ,',c; common dull, 5,14 at 4y0634e; sheep,. 4c. Receipts—Flour," 2,250 bls; Wheat, 4,000 bush; corn, 3,500 bush; oats, 5,500 bush. Cleveland. Market. .1 4 CIIT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CLEVELAND, March 14.--Flortr, more' irktfity . and the market firm at the trip, XX spring at $10,75a11,50; XXied Winter; $12,00a13,50; XX. whitc,l4,ooalsio9; country, brands, 50a100 below the above 'figures. Wheat, market flrat'.but - steadraM,s2a 2,53; for No. 1 red winter, $2,40a2,45; for No. 2 do, $2,30 for No. 1 'Milwaukee spring. Corn is firmer mid higher, sales on the spot at 95a98c; for No. 1 on the spot, 98c; for the half. of March, at the close the market was ratter heavy at"the Out side.figures. Oats, rnier and,-, ic. higher; sales of No. 1 from store at 69. Rye steady and film at $1,50a1,55 for,No.'l State and west eat. Wiey,.market is nominal. Petro. .nilkiket firm but buyers awl sellers, are apart, refined in bond is held at - 2.1a22e: do free; at 41a43c. • wovrilr [sy - ,Telegraph to the l'lttsburFtt Gazette.) Isinw Yonx, March IL—Market leis active but steady, with a moderate inquiry. At- Mantic A end -Itallart-Ilead ,Sheetings, Pacific 11,190;tell, 14 3 / 4 1- GreatiVal 16%; tarenitt B, 17; City Mills, 14; Co lumbian; 1734; Indian Orchard C,' 16;. do NN 17; James, 7-4„1... ,pepperall, tine brown Jeans, 16; Stnr Brown`O'Rciriahnite, 185 ; Columbian Brown. Back, 30. Stark, Amos "item, Laconia, and Pepperell,. 17. Prints steady, at 14315 Tor makes, 13% for Amaskeag, 125. for Ar nolds and Pontoosuc,- 12. for Lowell, andru 20 fbr printed Mous Delaines. Cincinnati Market. CB y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gutette.) 1 CINCINNATI, March.l4.—Flour and grain - ,Mlehanged; notlxittch doing 11611.,,. er 4nd held higher; middling 23 3 . Tobao'. co - in good"&inand; sales 110 hhda et full prices. Mess Pork dull at. $2l for city; coun try sold at $23,50. Bacon dull• and prices 1 tioniinal. Butk meats' unchanged end quiet. 1 ShouldermlOc.Lnotninally heavy. Sides in de man ratlr.c. But - ilre - held ' at - I.2rA. - Lard in. demand at 15 11*-41544.11, it is held at 14 , '. Butter and Cheese unchanged. Golds 1381‘. buying. - Linseed .Oil deellued,_ll,lB an fbut little demand. Lard Gil unehai iged. petroleum dull at 41a43 -for refined free. Ctrleani Market. tlt Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Nkw Onuniars, lkiarcli It —Cotton active at 233;a21c for , middlings; sales 10,000; re ceipts 1,809; exports 3,036 bales. Sterling 151a1533i. L Novi Yogk F..xpharm.c y t ft34 pre. mitun.• 4301 d 440. r ugatlin Melaisep Wit changed. Flour quiet at $10310,25 for super fine; $11a11,25 for treble extra, and $13,75a 15 Or choice. Contguiet end 11rItt ati r qin• 'Coati dull and uncHangtid. ' Perk thilffit f 25. Ewan Ada' it 11c for shoulder, and 15c for clear, sides; notr4nal , at, 45)0 for tiercn, and 16a163i*c for keg.' - ' Toledo Market. , CB/Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Tor.Eno, Ig f rgch 14.--Flour; receipts of 200 barrels; the market prfedit"artf unchanged. Wheat; receipts of 1,850 bush els;' sales were - made at - for amber Michigan. Corn; receipts of 6,100 'bUshels; the market opened I„%elower, and closed % abetter, with salesbfliWt at ,Oiao3c, and for all April, Mc. Oats; reefdAtt ;II it bushels; the market is steadk,With es ? lft ,66 . 340 for No :scarce. Seeds are unchanged ; with sales of elplc er seed at $7,40. 4,1•1 1 .:zi ill '•* - /Loulini,ll4 Marrket.- • • , Telegnapi to PlUsblir liGazine4) iIdOCISVICLEr. C, lower in lags at 5' forrpgicil ._OIJ?iN: sales hogsheads at lals -fdir . and 21a 25 for cutting& Cotton stead 23 4 31132 y for middling. Flour, superfitiW• 50411175;i_ ey2,50a1.3; , Wheat, .g 55 “ 2 E 60 . 93ts 70e in bulk. Cotiilsd76ll3lqrsrlilid , slielled in bulk: lard 15X. Bless Pork 24. Bacon shoulders 11P 4 bleaelihre6ll l ,34:A '4: i .. * _ - • San lirriu . Relies:Market— - , , . . . ~ . (Bi ielegrapit to the Pittsburgh tiadtte.") Cre.S.N FRANClSCO,ltlareltrlia9o9ttle *lnt moderate demand extra, , ufierfine, $7,50. Wheat is quiet itt ,65a 2, : Legal ar tenders, 72e. r lelluineltOCkt- T iYowu 044, I 1750; Gould &Curry; 650; 'Ophif, 176 c Uhdl; r 230:Wief, 284 , Ye110w Jacket; 1170; Savage • IP,Auply: 288; Umpire, 252; Overman,l .1f er t , . .v. 's A? el I . ' ret rt "et . . -031_Taiiigrap tol 1 . _ " 6 , t A 322KPILIS, Tenn., Ware 14. .Lit_. erAt 2 44 9 4 1 3ei .5 1 5 4 0 14 11 fi51 0 24Wi.1,1 07 4 21i , ; . 15tOCkoil .0 . 0rdr41 4 12 a wick* 4 . • superfine 118. k Pork_..,, 2,51 -.1-V_ suist uldere 1134; cleariouesAP- / 0.- Meats, **alders 10%; clear 41dee. If: 4x4 =- 115a - ICe.. , Corn 85._-Crate,ls.-;'Illty;1&" : . - . i .._____ _ i . 41 iltnitellibilifistlketi ET iii -.i4 - . coy Telegr:p.hgittopatt.pasotte4 _ ','N Port.Aozza;th4 - `iloto ' .'l4;;.Cloversted• . , $m508,75. ,Petroteu.milutet; erudo..4Bq re . - id in bend • 23 1.2e2,40:: , flour : dull and.' ' 6sti lSlc ° .• Wheat scar c e;; til l red : et 465;- i t *' M a r steady , at '11,2' Coin . Aiwy...4o . , 4 116 ikA, '" ','lP,'' 7 '''lfP, : i" [By To:gestate ti s i tto - --• . , ar-7. •"!' ,r,"-......1 'Z'."';`:. ... , -`i,,,e„ , , , _ ;Mikrittet. -:sq • , VdtitigthiS.W•setr.s.V 1 .,' .:;:•,_ • einCOgiltga il ik; A -lieet • Cattle ide, :i43.o4rataltrm; [Woe A illefcalor sir 'to= extra alibi° beeves. Hoe eetive 4 iiiid leis Am, sales'at BNW I for- common to -white Pl- SBITEGJL --GAZTICEE ' 'ft* trlitotiviud THIRD L15T,_16;6% OF APPLI CATIONS to sell lafpniks, sllklinitre. Clerk's ()Mee for month of March, InsC": • . Pittsburgh. triarll43loritzon, tavern, - First ward. Henry Shaler, tavern; First ward. • • - • Charles Quinn, talent, First • , John F. snvder, tavern, First ward. Lewis Hard, tavern, First ward ---F:--W-,Georgle. tavern, First ward. !guar Itichleiti. eathig houire, First Ward. , ,Fred Evert & Co., other aobds First ward. • ' l - 108 •;Floolilia,.other good's, First ward. Henry Bender, to Second ward. • Alex. Walker, tavern, Second ward. Adolph Ludwig. ta vern, Second ward. • i Eugene Zahringer, tavern, Second ward. • Pat, Ingoldsby, tavern Second ward. Pat Graham tavern, Second ward. . - Casper Ruttger„taVerii:Second ward. ' • Margaret Drheol. eating Third ward: • . Henry Colwes, eating house, Third ward. • • Chas. Darning, tavern, Fourthwark: • ' „ Jas. McKeever, tavern, Fourth ward. -`• 'Henry McMullen, tavern, Fourth ward. :.: : RoberkCauaribell, tavern, Fourth ward. • John Both it Sou, other goods, Fourth ward. B. Trauerman A Arnhold, o. goods, Fourth ward. Jane Hancoz, tavern. Filth ward: ` Built Smith tavprn,Fllth ward. ;:;= James MeGinlor,,takentsFlltlf wad Diehl & Rush,, tavern. Fifth ward. jlk..Setnveinhardt, Cavern, Fifth ward, Daniel Voltz , tavern, Fifth ward. A. 11, , Bohlman, tavern, Firth, ward:. Weis, tavern, Fifth-ward: ‘• • • . bkWllO & - Donnelly, eating house, Fifth ward. -- Soblettner, eating,house, Fifth ward. John Froelith, other goods. Fifth ward, Joseph•Dippla,sating house., Sixth ward. John Kihehe,lavern. peventb ward. - • Christ Mutdier,"lavera. 'Eighth 'ward; ' John liansell, tavern, Eighth ward. -Mathew Campbell, tavern _Ninth ward. onepli Philips, tavern, Ninth ward. • John Power, tavern, Ninth ward. • James Nolan; tavbrb;•%liiintkward.„••. • • • Mathias Oennen other - goads, Ninth ward.- . P. Kolbecker, tavern, Tenth Ward. - ,Mobert Steele, tavern, Tenth ward. • .1. Ruckrelgef, tavern. Tenth warily • S. C. Taylor, tavern Tenth ward. r• Henry wagner,tayern.. Tenth ward. r. •VlOrheller, tavern, Tenth ward.. : Joseplirlilser,--tavern,-Tenth ward. :John Hess, taverniTenthward. •-• • • • Rudolph IteUhtold, tavern, Tenth ward. • Alex - . Murray, tavern. Tenth ward. Rudolph Kahl, eating house, Tenth ward. • X.•Seldle. eating house Tenth ward. SlmonNeltock; other good:, Tenth ward. • , Allegheny. • r. Allison, tavern. 'First, Ward. F. Andriessen, other goods, First'ward. Jas. Neely, tavern, Second ward.% Gotielb bramble. tavern, Second ward. 31. F. Lyneboavorn, &cowl ward. - _ . John Emmel.,tivern,Second with]: ' Bernard:Gra:3,7l=ora, Second-ward: ' Jacob Kuntz, tavern, Third ward. Anthony Berninger,tayern. Third ward.,. Mich. Hoch, eatingtouse,'Thirti ward: :J: -Frey A Bra., eating house, Third ward. Johnliartinan, eating house. Third ward. • R. larysi, eating house, Third ward. • F. KocheddOner. other geodsiThlrd:!: " • Chas. Gardiner, tavern,"Founh ward. ids. Weber, tavern, Fourth ward. - Geo. Gerber, tavern, PonTtirward. E. Elkwaniter, - tairqUi; FOurtlaward. , ••• uewschopp. tavem,Poutth-ward. r s Johnltfert, tavern, Fourth ward. Gordon, tavern, Fourth ward. P. F. litc.Nelly. tavern * - Faatih. ward. . limns Michael, tavern, Flrth ward. - ! - Geo. Schmidt, tavern, Fourth ward., • Horman, - tavern,•VOurileward.' Geo. I.l."Dierker, tavern. Fourth ward. HosProhohle'dt Co, Other,goods, Fourthf,ward, Dennis Relleri. othargoods„ Fourth ward. '• • Adam - 011g. tavern, Fifth ward: tavern. Seventh ward. -' • Boraught. • !teary Snyder, eating house, Duquesne. i Sarber. tavern, Elizabeth. Osker Frieder, tavern, Birmingham. • Geo. Schatfer,iavern, lilrmindtham. atat.tlnShaefer, tavern. Bi nir l hara-F . •„ Charles Rail, eating house,. Urn ngham. _ Fred. Fd. Stolte, tavern, Bast Birmingham. •,,-- G. A. Neuman, eating house. East Birmingham H. Runt, other wants, East Birmingham. Conrad Speldel, tavern, Rnutdocks. . -- Evallne Lvana,:tacent, Laarrerrxvtife. Fred. Kauf, tavern. South l'lttsburgh. Jerome Baum. tavern, Sharpsburg. IVm. Auth taveni. Sharpsburg. • • . _ tenrinshina. Allth 0 n S YduTtlxvihts env, Baldwin.. . - John tot Ertl =veto. Ctuatters. Charles -E'e_etr, tavern. Collins.. _ Wm. - A. Speer, tavern, Hampton. ' • ..ratdab Trax,. tavern, McCandless. , Jaebb Kiel, taverat.3lllll.lC: . . ' • J - a. 4 : - Patton..tavdtnyMeelerte. -- Stich. Older, tavern, Patton: Tho.s. Gillespie. tavern. Pitt. -- , -- John Lundy, tavern, Pitt. Ignat•Pliumm, eating house, - ,.:Pitt4 • Andrew Jack, tavern, Plum. • Thos. Perkins, tavern, Robinson. •• Wm. Lorain; eating house, Robinion. - .1. F. 1 30 .4ieattag,.tavera, 9.‘aa. John Shales; tarFtik_lt4,o6. • .ttL tk.tittis"Sr. 44:,F0..., taaeraj., nowt. P ever Kelly. tavern. Shafer. - Eliz. Farmrle, tavern, Shaler: Geo. W. Boyd, tavern, .fit. Clair, upper.; Jos. Seliell,-tavent, St; Clair, lower..: ;'Mich: Krvig, eating bonse,:St. Clair, loWer. David Baraird, tavern, Versailles. ,Trangott Tsehegnearf taverns_VentUlles Boaz Marti , , Unern. 'Wilkins. - ilTke License Board will sit oa WFAINESDAY. theNi9th of March, 1869,: at 9.o'clock a. K. for beating the above applications. • JOHN G. BROWN Clerk. A T V ;9I INFt.. 1 4 E .!* :5 ' 1, I. i ' f'? . ... WE . . "1.80 and I€l2,Vederal Street, KID " HID GLOVES AT - $l,OO. •YARDOIDE 73LEACILED . 11'ILLOiv CASE COTTON. F, • PILLOtti CASE 10-4 ANDl3.44'COrkoii 014 ATING. 10-4 AND 11-4 LINEN SIIEETINO. BEAUTLFUL SPRING DELAINESAND GINDILAMS.. 'TOWELS Towgt,TN9, TABLE LINEN, tiOTTON DIAPEE.,4: CASSIMERES, FOR BOY'S WEAL CASSINERES, FOR MEN'S WEAEL BLACILAND COLORED. ALPACAS. ' PcoPLIN'S“Bt4A.V4 APSYRATAANCBAFE RONEY-COMB QUILTS. BALMORAL AND IROOP SEIRTS . CORSETS, fflcoNs. HOSIERY, frIJESDA,Y OROIVEDI!tE,SDAY, • Beautiful Shadis of imerican Popllas and lloperIo?of Ereneh or Irto optlns xkt. prlcce. l t_PTIEL '4AW CPT I T4P Al i khi a . , ithlch„the attention of • WiA Cl . L rifo46a!* . lIESPEETEDLIX INVITED. AT , • •„,t . t „ 11110 AND IEOI FEDERAL ALLEORENY. iihle EW Goo ' .;E(.2II3QT"RiaI3I73W, 1 4 'M ) 11111101tant - .„ e ; tI i g T WS ,II :::: k 3-- 4 Catite l ji OrD 4 6IASH .I4-4 --, _ • 1.;ti,..14.,.t0."14 76 Insot4' Entire' Stock`of -vi.ustloilOgithiti t, ?I ik.E:14111.11 OC2'• iTituiake.rponi fl:Tixtendlietk) Skirt BoOm back a ! ".", :si it _ NO, 'B7 Market Street. t 4 - tY ALLEGI-lENY.... oro-oN EXI3 -"; 'err 16 1868- bk.I),SY FOR SALE. 'Oft SALE.- 110110 KEN- THE =4: balance oftlioseidesirable Lots are now offered . at private sale, and any,one desirous.of line bonding sites would do well to make a selection. The village is located on 4 beautiful and healthy spot, two and a half nillef froniSherpsburg, on the Western Pe •n -'sylvanla Railroad, which : rims through it. Makin .. it much more valuable and agreeable.' Ex.tens ve. i , preparations are now xnak rig' for erecting a num. er °tithe Inises, which wilt rove an ornament to he town. The remainder of hese tots will be sol • at very reasonable' rates' and on terms exceed!. gly easy. SILL lc' SITUTTERLY, Real Estate Ai In saranee Agents, Lawrinee r ville. VOA SALE.. . . • • - - BUILDING LOTS. . 7 tA. large !lumber of destrable.BL'lLDlNO LOTS, of various sizes, lu the Village of 6 'IUNGDAI.E, 'Fifteen miles from 'Allegheny' City, immediately on the fine of the Western Pennsylvania Railroad, and less than live minutes walk from Springdale Station. These Lots are most eligibly located for.lltillding. Sites, as the Village is one of the most beautiftil and healthy locations on the Allegheny river. Five pas senger trains ether way per day, and on and alter the 15th instant an Accommodation Train will run to and from Springdale.' ' These Lots will be sold on reasonable terms.- Any person desiring to secure a home in' the country, in a pod locality, - would do well to give these Lots theirlittention t . For further particulars,. inquire of PETER HUTCHINSON, Springdale. or JACOB 11. WAS.- TElt; Prothonotary, Court House, Pittsburgh. 7-ushiG:m7s IC OEM Olt ALE,Flour, 200 bbls Winter Wheat Family Flour. WHEAT-200 ushels prime Pennsylvania Wheat; 'AO. bushel's prime Spring Wheat. (MEN-1,000 bushels prime. .Yellow. Ear; 2,500 bush Shelled Corn. FLAX SEED-100 bushels prime Flaxseed. DHIED FRUIT-150 bushels Dried Apples: SO bush Dried .Peaches. HEANS—A small lot of White Beans. For sale by HITCHCOCK & McCHEEHF. mbl6: ' 319 Liberty street. IPOlt "SALE.—HOUSE AND LOT. 1 . on corner of Manhattan and Adams streets; near Passenger. Hallway. Lot 44 by 127 feet. :House frame. containing 7 rooms and good hall, well; hisproved. • /louse and .I.ot on Shellichl. nem Bidwell street.' Allegheny City. Lot 23 by 4R feet; house frame, contains• hail, save rooms and t'theater.'ood cellar; • water and gas. Also, several small .Houses and Lots to good location. Inquire of J. Ism a CO. Beaver Street, near Chestnut, Mau! • F OR SALE.—A very - 'desirable three-Storyi 'MICK lIOUSE. nearly neir; press ed brick front. marble mantles: gas and water throughouti InMse contains seta rooms and finish ed garret. N 0.04 ELM STREET, near Wylie. Sixth wdNs Vorses4on from April Ist, 1868. Enquire at the house. VOR EatE.--414)RSES.-At HOW ARIPS LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. one fine r'AMILY HORSE Bay); three DAPPLE GREY HORSES: one if. ARGE DRA LIGHT HOUSE; three BLACK MARES; two GREY. MARES. , FIRST STREET, near Monongahela House. • . Horses bought and sold on ebnunkslon. _ll-10R BILE -A TRADING BOAT FOR SALE.—Theabove ls•In good order, and VI I:be sold eheap for cash: . Inquire or DANIEL SWOOER, Rdal Estato and Insurance Agent. No. 77 Federal street, Allegheny City, on second door. FOR RENT. _ • OR - RENT.—A GOOD BRICK STATtIA: of seven stalls. Also , a large room table fort a Carpenter Stiop. Enquire at the UNION HOTEL. 245 Second street. • FOR AENT.—The TWO STORY DwELIAIND HOUSE. No. 104 ;.Webster street,. opposite Preskrterlan Church, containing ,elght rooms, With gat and water. Enquire of T. It. HAMILTON, Willi. OM_ street. ' , -BOOKS A N D kl--ATION-ERYI RARE AD • • VALUABLE NVO.RKS, Gallery of turt, btnev. Thorns.. ?Slicer, Loa- M3IIIIMINEE= IE Hit - tory of the COLICPIPAL of Peru, 2 volt., London. The Life of Charlot.te ktronte, London. Sisrnondi's Literantit of Europe, London. Coxe'a litstory'or tho Homo., of uat Ma, 3 vols., London. - - history of the Cooeuest of Mexfro, 511 vols.. Lou don. rlographltot attitf*ritfrol Prebtott. I.on . Tales of sbe Colouiei. Dg et:Lades Itosceioft, Lon- E;EIMM===II lilas. illustrated, llohn's edition, i.ondon. sitiskspeare's WOrlis, 20 London. 1772. TLe 1 1 , orks of Beautztourand Fletcher, 21 vols. STATION'EhT klnds, wholesale And retail, at Eastern priers: ..• , .- TOY 11LitfrKS - In great variety, at the Publishers' &tees. . .Balk'numbers of all the 'Aonthly Magazine.. SubseripU la ns received fur. all [lle Nagazin4 , 6 d I"ustrated :Call and gena supply at the, • • BOOK AND I%rrAvl DEPOT. SExpl_SlatEET, BELONS: 011T1,IFIELD =II DIARIES, }7O,R itstm • .11 EVERY yArtIET INITIAL PAPER AND ENVELOPES, Neatly put yip' in 'polce FANcy-, STAT 10 NEI:LY, BLANK `BOOKS, Of' every devcrlot lon. oo hand and made to- der. PAPER, EVERY SIZE AND QUALITY. DRAY ROOKS, PASS BOORk • -.••• • REvErrp nooxs, (111£(1R • FORIT, wicry WERS11011010311:& Post Bolliting, 89 Fifth Street. ' _.. STEARI:BOAVI. rORTig MlSSODELRlttlitjarog nIREC 'T.--Fnit LEAVEN IL , ICANSAiI CITY;•ATC11180N, BT. JO SEPH AND. 0.11A1LA.7-The sjplernitft ateanier WAUANIf.A. Capt. TttosrAs SHUMAN, abilie on VrEIINEBDAr, 18th Inst., For hettgAtoar ptite apply on boarfl. Vaitt k CAIRO. - " Ii01118;—The steamer wrLDI4I7CR, and nargoi.Capt. Nr.tsAWALV , 1% will lest/eat above On tIATUR6AV; th 2141 Itt7 without-fait. , Itateasatisthatory.- • ' . • . For freight or passage apply on ' board or to • —CHA B ,..BARNEt4' Agent:. • Dip :Steet•Works. •, • • 6iiiitEß:4 :OF •, • Iron Nalis, Spriags~ Axles, Steel, &c Igo; Ti Water _ . - . _ ASSOLt. 210 N ~ - - -TiIIE:VIERNIVOF , ATWELL.: LEE* CO; we 43traolVea"m the Let of February: 18611: by mutual - meant. Either. partuer,marelsO the twee oftke dna In sottleplent. ;JO" A'I , WELL: . EH ATWELL. 'Yr • ;-• the undertlEued uoutthuelhe , ' , WHOLESALE UOCERY.BuSINESI4; tinder the twee *idtty)e of at ATWXLL &LEE, the old,place,So.../.11 tleeofOl. iltreCt. ' A - eoallutiance",ol ,- ,tue , patronage of ,thoir friends and the ptfhtlotoresper.trullysolletted. - -"- • CHAELEE ATWELL., irfTFiliirMiltOkfarefi Etb.' les& • • OOTTOPI-4 bales on the sitsalni. A./ ersonands, to arriganrittkry.k.oo. TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS A PERFECT,FITTEyG GLOVE. MACRIII* & CARLISLE, KM BLUE DEPARTIENT, Which Is now complete watt every ado! and shade They have just opened-100 DOZEN of the Celebrated A. C. C. Jouvin) lUDS, Imported especially to our order. Hundreds of our customers can testify to their perfect cut arni fault less quality... The colors were got up from shades of dress material, selected and furnished by us, and are really . _ The assortment Includes BLACK, WHITE, DARK COLERS, BIEDIUM COLORS, and OPERA or PARTY COLORS. .111118: GRAND :OPENLNG STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. Ribbons, Fl French Pattern Bomiets and Hats, Nos. 77 and 79 . Market Street. mhuo SECOND ARRIVAL OF , - ( - , SPRING- GOODS. We bare eousiantly o‘u nand a full line of WHITE GO cops , \ COMPRISING ' Barred and Steped Nai sook; Plain Nainsook And Swiss; Soft Fin i ish Cambric; . Barred Organdies, THE CHEAPEST LINEOFIRISH LINENS IN THE CITY. A FULL `STOCK OF numbai s Edgings and Inserting's, Jaeonet Edgings and Insertings. MORRISON'S STAR SHIRTS, Selling at. Eastern Prices. • we bare a splendid lice:of r 7 nsms SPRLW 01).SITIMERHOSTERY 9 , - - - - L" , - 1 - , ', .• *T VERY LOW PRICES. , • Mir stock. of CORSETS is completely full. We lime a very good line St. COLLARS for ladles and gentlemen. ' - NLACRUBI, MAMIE & CO., I'S and• SO Market Street.- reado - • . JOIL'4 D. EGAN. THE BEST RIB GI LOVES - :• IN THE WORLD ARE LAPORTE'S PARIS KID GLOVES, MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SIIES. All Mere.; made by me bear my signature, LAFORTE,. FISK, CLARK 43: - - EXCLUSIVE / AGENTS fOR THE UNITED STATES, , • T -- No. white Street, N. Y. - seman:rrs • Fn"'GES, , GIMP - HEADINGS, • IN AL COLORS, JEST OPENED, AT • EATON'S, _ . • No. 17 Fifth Street. nibs • OUSE CLEANING. lIOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION. Mzrnense -and Labor Saved. • "QUEEN OF THE WASH. TOW /situ! best Fluid for cleaning purposes eveicilscov; cred. Indorsed by bomb ramilleg. Cleans paint s :lll:titerdlprienidtesililptsittauitr:dr"''sO.aiir, r Cheaper. nentoves' stains and restores colors; and' saves tasor, - inoney and health. For washing dish es. clothes, &c., is' not - excelled. gold by tirocers.' 3fiinuflictured by the . HESS . 111 ANUFACTCRINO CO. Office, No. 130 WOOD sT., Tittssur.s, Pa. AND SUMMER FASU lONS. . H. Sllrrii;Moirolutnt 98 WYLIE STREET, CORNER OF FEDERAL.' . riasiust returned frOmihe East with a well selected stook o f - CLOTIi9,.OMAINXILES, SILK and KM tIEILLEd • VEtiTLl 4 liiii- of the most approved pat -terns, selected exclusively his CUSTOM' TRAIIE, witlch he cordially:Writes his friends and the_pah-; ilc to examine. liarmentir will be gotten to in a style that - cannot he surpacied, and at a reasonable priee. - - • • • ' /1. SIIII4TII, ateLrg.liant No. 98 ?KORNAI. FTRFET: • , Oorner of Federal. IpTcucocii, mlcalczny & co., intOiattat4 611AIN DF4T "; •, • AND _ ' • " coaratuwori No:344i4l3litiTY ST4 rimatrimin,t Ornee, u stain!' L Y.; laciatittlitig:tiii . , e -- . . 5 ,-, fit; 77, et. seithivaltlzu iii, 21 4,..„4 . ~ , p,r ,„ ea. , Ak..-0 ~.,-the to bee glee -i-, ..-- , i? -Lace igua - virarrap... - .., . —.. . aro or malt .Leatlies\ Btvehi. &hi: alis , ~, 1 ~.. .., wholesale and rogyiNpy„ . ., -.. 1 , r (~p ruLlows.. Duo --....... -=--• 1* aull •' - Wilk t" . . ~, ~ - ME = 19 Fifth Street, INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR: Elegant and. Desirable. SIZES-5.1-4 TO S. 31A1CRIIM & CARLISLE, ;.; 19 - FllllB STREET OF ' / wers, AND JOSEPH BORNE & CO., EMI CARPETS, : on; &c., 1868 PRE% smch 1868. LARGE - ASSO3.ITMEICT, LOWEST PRICES IN ITHE...CITY. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO TIiOSE WHO BUT BOV.A_RD, ROSE & mhlo:dkvF . . ..lEST IMPORTED, :• 23 And' Especlialy Adapted to this , • . VELVET:CAMPETS, OF MOST ELEGANT DESIGNS. English ;Body and Tapestry Brussels, .‘ . _ IXGRAIA ANDIiEME.S, • THE yINEST ASSORTMENT AND THE LOWEST__ •; PRICES IN THE CITY. • COMMON\ CARPETS, .. 25 CENTS PER• YARD. • OUTER M'CLIIITOCK & CO; No. 23 Fifth Street.. fe.l7: • - SPRING SALES. 51 CAJEUPETS RAVE CERTAINLY REACHED . BOTTOM PRICES. tcCALLIIH BROTHERS ir c. er a at ia i rmtilt)ktmorg m l kinds r o i f os A i rE' n 7 ;3 vii i c i r . S'N_PARALLELED SINCE; THE CLOSE. -, OF Olt - CLOTHS, • Of every goods, and ,decidedly the largest stock In any hoysnin the city. • —, hfcCALLUDI BROTHERS, fell) . 51 FIETIT STREET, ahove Wood. Frames, 1868.. MARCH. 1868. . NEW CARPETS. • • 1./Ult CUSTOMERS WILL FIND ' • OUR NEW; SPRING. STOCK, I . Which - we a a r: d j ‘ t a is r t ie c e Ter a ii n ni i i t t e n=led in extent, • - Lower than' Ally New or Old •-: In the market, of equal qualities and styles. . IieFARLAND & COLLINS 5. 41. AND 73 FIFTII STREF.Ti (Second .Flo Or.) -- .. • , - - • . 71 73 McPARLAND t COLLINS NEW SPRING 'STOCK, OIL CLOTHS, wi - xl.)ow SHADES . . UltrAIN GOODS".. PURCHASED LAST MONTH FOR CASH:" -- AND IN'itANY INSTANCES AT Less than Actual Costltr,litanu These Goods could not nosi'lic. - foe the, saute cont, and are offered FOR CASII at . WHOLESALE AND BEiAiL, Far Below Their Present Value, AT THE PLACE wliKur: BARGAINS CAN-AL. WAYS "BE HAIi ON 'ME STOCK: • - : . IN, 11.11 , 3'11ARKET.'. j• , Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street sT-cOND finOminrAT THE lupgEST, :ItARKET PRICE' • - ' rmil Fott '." • GOVERNMENT- , SEeti.RITIES;' ,,- '3A crOtD, coupoNtAtpCOMPOUND INTEREST NOTESi-` ,- STARK _iitthieirs, .•`:11 • tilenear; oleWoOd and Aikitid stre446 •-• 211$82148:Wir .W l -"TF i"E• f - • .. . 260 BAitXtRES 111 LITE LIIITEi• - . .. , -: • te4 equal taAity la Insrkel,'lo;i .z. '''' ..--,,-,;. i;;;;:c.11 - •, _ - ' • - -. ' 1 ? . 5 4 .1.1",:',. 1 ... /I UGII Y . •, r ... 1:4, , ...., , . . , ~ ' ,; h'k . -P4. l3 ';‘' sabl2oosll No. 32,3 • Llberty st.cot. ... It ;pi., -..i..:..'t,:t.-..,,,,..f.t..411:::, # S ., i', cAity9Errs, JUST OPENING, All . Qualities TO SELL FIM=M OVER RATF.B & rs ELL'S ARE NOW OPE'N,ING THEIR cmt - Erv,Ps, IE NM =I