11,1ftsb1Ugipgaitttt. • frLISIO.D4L I I,'BY? , PENNIMAN, REED ACM:Proprietors: F. 11. PENNIMAN, ,•- . + Josmilicmr.,-.- T. I'. lICKISZON, ~ \. R. gy.y.1.).. . t r Edltors-anti )tanager,' - • ' OFFier.:. . ' , GAZETTE BUILDING, ,NDS:•,B4 AND 86,tiFTH St . Terms—Dai _ 4reekhi.' _ , One year..,.s3.(lo(o4Mydariegiso, -AMT. One month. MiStt. mos.. 1.501_ .scup-impeach. 1.-. By the week, .••.151Three. mos • 7511.0 •• .14,5 . (from miller. ), anctone•tO'Agen.t. MONDAY, 44.4 ca 16, .:1868 _ - _ It 0 21181 ,17 . 0.70 2 4 . , ... Tire p ' i - lecl f this zorn nboa G v 4 ..-:Aii4aoLtiAtterftioth. Harrisburg,'and Rev w, of the 4?epublican State . Consention;" l ~ Letter from Carr.4l' "Trade and. Labor it Iligenee,"*e. Third paga--“linance an ' rade;" 4 -tlrarketitir' "linportl; 4 ' .‘iiiive and ..Weather Hetes." ,Birth page--"Poit . ;""Ephemeris;" "Mr. PeUbody'S'Olfi,'" 4 The :Wets' Tr!,afy, with North Gehiiuny." ctece,.. - :: page—". Ratify -ing th 0 . Nominarons';" "Miscellaneous .._ . . News." GOLD Closed on Saturday in New York at • TO-DAY TILE GAZETTE is presented to.-Sits , many readers in an entire new dress and quarto form, being the , fourth' material change miule in its mechanical' appearance inside of the last two years.. .The , frequent enlargements, : rendef 4 ed uccesary in order to afford :proper 'space l'ci the itdrertiilisg • i patronage bestowed on our journal, trans ' formed it from a genteel small folio sheet, to • an overgroum and unwieldy one, which - was handled with ,muchdillicplty , by the reader, and failed to .do full justice 't the advertiser. to oobviatethe . (lltEcilltiel We resorted tothe present shape, believ ing it will prove\ more acceptable and con ' Tenient to our reiders... The change has en tailed, large e:rpeitse, but it has beep : the con •• . 1 strait aim of the present proprietors to keep pace with the tinier, and to present such a journal aS'Vviirrefleit crtrait'to•thhir person r a 1 enterprise and give character and tone abroad tothb;sity ..repreentsi We have carefully weighed the ~advantages to be ob , tained through tb present change,' and are dearly of the opinion that the quarto shape is vastly superior in every point of view to the monstrous blani , .1. form discarded,Each page will daily contain, fresh intelligence and spicy reading matter, and will be's° ar ranged. aS , - . o . prove attractive to the reader, and thirs Jraking„ them equally desirable 'for advertising purposes. --- With the change in form every depart ment of ( the Gs.znrrE has been re-organized, and the editorial Rine materially strengthen!, ed by the accession of scholarly and effective writers gidworirers. We are now fully_ . prepared Id:atter the' Presidential earIVEMS about opening, and to do pod lxittle for the principles of Truth Riaht, and Justice, held by the Republican party of the Nation, and so tong and earnestly 'esPoused and chainn planed by our journal. • -OF F.X.PATRIATION: In the.lezt.pf)tbe new treaty, Which lit BAscawriiis negotiated with the, North German, tOnfederation--setting forth with precisionilio terms npon which citizens of either paver miy,expatriate themselves and becomegilfented with all the _rights and re. sponsibflttiesOf another and undivided elle, glance-Are find nothing , to warrant: the ex, traordWay - .statement which aecorapanied \. the firstralegraphierePort 'per 'cable of its negotiation at Berlin.. The telegam of-the 26th - nits specified thae:the German 'eat. gratingmustfirst obtain. leave for that, pur • purpose tiro:Shit; gOvernmeni; which per ' mission shoulthe - duly registered. Basing their critidmis upon this ' very objections-ble feator%-the leading'- _ American press nounceil l thetreaty at once and pretested ageinstitsratiflcationtY the 'Senate: The correct,testof.the_treity received and not onl.i shows dud this objection had no true, temidiitiOn, but that its Simple and • well.guerded provisions;will inaugarate, and' ti l eeesitfilly s g ;establish as an international princißlko , : pght for which the United States have contended for half a Century, the right of the citizen to divest himself, under tle;lbircii of law, of his natural elk - gianceillid'ffialopt another at his pleasure. A fruitiiirennice"ok Private annoyance and of publie 'enibartassment Is thus removed, so - far as our Gerisan s imirp - liz,ens are con cerned; and we have reason b . ; 'hope that • the exai ppw,4jirussia will, in dtie Tram, be follows Wqreat Britain and other Euro: rpean Ovtlitly_ and- that what fie niay .call. the Araelcan:deetrine will soon be adopted in the)pw i slit Nations. By ifeaty,.the German immigrant wha has beC`nilir five years a naturalized citizen of the , tiiiit.6l States, •,acquires •an etiolute release- from all.tlift obligations- of allegiance to the:lo4 of his •_birth. This carries no exemiiVdn.frcen liability for criminal offen. ces fed before . his inneigrati oh,' but_ in allAter,restiectii is an =conditional as.: xi:fission froin the' liabilities Of •his' original : - citizenship: For the( first time ' in the istory, it is reeelvcd:ss n provision , of invynatielial by :pursuing :the reasotiihWatid easy methods; PrefOlbed,bY a tieititi: l 4reeth!'n hinuilS9f the last shred of the Old - ,fendEd obligiaom of his nativity, and adoptittg anotheralle&incei hecems as :dilly' •ri, 414. r zen 4? - 7 another land as if native-born. The' old { inininh* Mince a citizen tilwayi , a 'old._ , American of German birth his andivid._ i - ed duct%lii idopted land. fleece he linty now revisit, if he wishes, the spot ,of I*liirth, - without thelisk of being held as (*tan still to any: civil or military otai- Olons, and in war he is recognized`-only' as est-otaneriell* even treat war he against ' - • , " t)l,' ti \ =II , tyro t 7.70ar. • Yata F-rorr 3Ti - T "I \ • PUTTS RGH- AZ GETTE: •2. „his Own , Fatherland-, .Tl6s* very long stepin'alvanCinl mar sods” (uid personal . freedom„ •Ouur own government has hitherto, reluc tantlisrid as it were upqn coinpulsi_on i 7tez cepted the old worlif464464Thilqii r. i h le citizenship. Not a yearamiitgon;(4.y, eincG the' nineteenth century Name ,- in; (thstf•our, 'statesmen have negleited - fepliftestlagiainst , that doctrine as inapplicable to the filisiti4( and needs of our new Religoe (114 as at, ariance with the spirit oftEurvancing; ' cimlir4tion.` The freedom of cid rtafitationkt , thet 's* 4" ands of our hroad totl I,hich_even in the earlier days 'ex panded before' the ev s 'of the fathers into ilifottan half' s continent • of ;undeveloped we s 4 , awsitingrstutivi§Vtg..th..e:(PVAlTM of population, thn insult* successythich ~ alretUly attendedtthlsAilinkliirfd.-extetiQeit of .a pure Democracy, representativeoalrso far as reqpired by he exmipi„.,of ltsar9, .with' the immense gulf, Wsler 'Atlantic, but as easily crossed; 'which sep arated' political, from feudal serfdom and popular degradatien in Europe, .these, were the bi 'tely.iVCB to immigration and supplied reasons for our oppositiOtVito . - the' received .; dogma of Europe. We held it as'a-relie. of middle-age barbarism, *and kitre al*ays avowed our hostility ,to its ack-nowleag ment here. The enforcement - of the right of American eitir.ership, aquite as much as ,the commercial and iiblitic4j l Caie . t‘lies ot d fie' day, occasioned* war p';18,1 - Nrith- Great ;Britain, whieh, 'in explicit concession of thsylrneriain doctrine. :It Se. true 4i- "nigr xe. forced her claim to titliaullonnblq Ologinnno 'of her expatriated citiz - Cns i butshe has never' expressly sail-en:tiered the rights ftalle ibeh : understood and maintltinett, it is not two yairs-'since .Sibich now abandons the doctrine forever, enforced, it against us even•to tbe extent of.forcibly re claiming - nateralized .kmericans; born -citi zenS of Pruisin, fipm the decks of our own . vessels,and under the L''proteetinm-folds" of ,- ' our ,flag in her seapods.r. ArsY so-with all the nations of Europe, from the establiki: mentof our Republic up to the heur when Prusiba sigffed the 'tree' ty noW ''beftirif the Senate. Every power in Clulstendoni - has enforced the old feu al -law and the United States, always protesting, alivays ii&puesced,' `from a sheer inability to enforce her true 'policy' against theworld. All' that is now 'cfianged. • The two powers grilling : in the ~support of , the rational principle of Personal Liberty-, will give it a - moral' influence which must, be powerfully felt by,other. nations,.. Ave have just -reason to 1:1OPe 'that the presiont generetion Will see it adopted .by other European powers and finally engrafted upon the Pubkict Law , • , • • • The United States have everything - to gain and nothing to lose by this triumph. We offer homes, lands and liberty to the millions of the Old - World, -and they- will throng to our, blicales erijOy, _:theke sings, all the more eagerly since the Repub lie is nolonger powerless to prote t any of its citizens: 'Jur own children who wish to expatriate themselves are rio loss to us. The American who voluntarilyalandonstbe privileges of his citizenship was , never , • worthy of its priiti/egks.'„, EWA WE to see' airy good reasons'asSigned for the passage ofthe•bill admitting Alabama in cOntraventionofdro Umus_of the:Recon struction laws. Eiery:eigimiencpresented.,l as justifying this special from the obligations ,of those laws, is only an meat' why the majority . principle._ should., havebeere restored prior to the election, and nrebuke to the . Senate Ibrits delay in - actlig, upon he House bill re-establishing -that prineiple... It was a ,'great mistake in are original law to require l _the votes Of a Major ity Of the registration; bit it --ivas•a anis* which we delibertnely comMitted ,we .cafinot f wierproi riety, taki - adfantage of it .And wes , are confident tbat's'ach'will be the opinion of.„the Senate. , If Alabama has rejected her `oppoittinifirlet wait. _She will tie the sufferer, far more than the loyal 1 age maize's' 'aid ;her unreconstructed , rebels...have no longer a live, either from their friend at the,White House, or from die liVith'ern'..Democracy, she will hasten to seminally terms that con gresspay offer, and she willthank mirgene rosity in granting to her a second opportu nity, to aceePt - fhereion,ltrnction which she has once refused; • Nor-410,...we desire to see a mischievous precedent set before the other , Southern States., Let itbe,understood that .restoration.is j eertain, iio. maiter'.hOw their elections result, and every State of the nine 'Yet r teo pronounce - upon their nthr 'constitu tions, will witness the safe protestrof a rebel lions; majority. On need-reflect.but for a moment , Upon the'awkwaixf cornplicationg that woad follow* to ,geo,clettrly f 4:l , dis: action of such an interference as is now proposed for.Alakkma.. As THE Managers of Impeachnorett are - to be entitled to three days, after the coming: in of Of Or: the preparation of their is not likely to commence in ;regular-course: Until the 26th., It is already evident that the StrentunWelaim;foe, a furthet allowance of time after the replica tion isfiled. His counsel will be encouraged 4etniad, by the aetion of the 3enateprrfridity, , in-qualifying designa-' tlOn of the \ timefor , r6icdedlng with trial, -with the'conditiod rea a furth " " sons appear et' delay. They . . should not lie misleditt this- respect; a fur ,:ther delay can beNburtid ...PPl.V.;yer#l , . good reasons tbeTt need not • 0 0imffir . O . Col,-.S4a!tionalh ° , o o 'beiiict 9 rted' :fr om the timidityor from the iiidniteitce'of any faltering Republicati Senators 'lf ?tut%) -fit theY'relfiftitinhheyttrillfitiiiiitlioni setves,tireckoning finistati startled the Senate, th e'. , other dOi;hy exclaiming, 1 1," warn' the Ben= ate that F hair:ll - this day received information which threatefis our:whole financial system," !ut, thus du. s no intimation - of the character of this Information tias . transpired. , . WE TRUST that t h ere may he no:spfficient reason for' the apprehension of disturbances in Tennessee, which seemed to be generally entertained at Washington Saturday. Yeti, the well kyLONN'n discretion Rnd cool pdgmentaf Gen. Thomas forbid the idea t iii he have telegraphed the existence danger v nnlcss he considered his_sus picions to lmve some fodndation. Whatei•er may be the facts, we shotild hesitate to. Mr. Johnson with compliCity in`any ,srkcji folly as would be a rebel otitliriali iri ihiaeinterest, at that distance from Washing trini The rancorous hates and the tendency 4,6 Violence as between the. loyal and , rebel citizens have survived the war, ,and still burn more fiercely. in Tennesseettund in any. other ,State of the South, and the „disturhan ees.t'Whieb are apprehended are ftr more likely to be due rather to the causes we"have mentioned, than to any ‘pidtii or even kindly wishes in behalfof a man, 'who, iri ;Sitite4o;day, more than in any other tTearter of the South, is detested by the one class and fespised by the other. No general conspi racy in his behalf ,extending, as, intimated, into seveml States, could be concealed even fer:a week, from, detection by the military authorities. If any coup were really to be ;eitempted by ,the President'4 friends, its theatre will be nearer the Capitol; andnt the worst can only be a guerrilla dash. For anything of that kind, it is understood that General Grant is fully prepared. ,TkeatE is an attempt in certain Dentocrat- Ctuarters to influence the official action of Chief Justice . CHASE in the Impeachment trial, by telegraphing to all.foints of the COlffitry, the existence of a movement to bring him out as the Democratic candidate .for -- the Presidency. This, as-_ ,a political manceuvrelms never before been matched in :;"cheek" or in, transparent absurdity. liielr - bribes and their argument will alike fail in reaching MS judgment or his integ -61.11 Ir 14 STATED that a bill repealing the law Which gave to the Supreme Conk' jurisdic- , thin. in the • 31cArdic case,. has passed both Houses. It is not supposed that this'bill can affect the rights of any parties now ac tually litigant ;since the Couriwill doubtless hold - those rights, whether - substantial technical, to be fixed by the state of the law I ,at the commencement of suiti t but the - ne'. bill'will completely control any further liti Arrmta - complicated and lingering illness of 'several Mouths duration, our respected fellow , eitizen \,Colonel .lottx P. G LASS, ,iate Speaker of the House of Representatives at' Harrisburg, departed this life at his -resi.: deuce; in the Sixth ward, at an early hour this morning. The dekeased was widely known, and his death will be mourned by his: many warm personal friends an' ad mirers throughout the entire State - Topiciwand Gossip at the Capitol. 'TROUBLE TENNES4EE. There- was considerable excitenient at Washington' City on Saturday concerning news .frOm Tennessee, and trouble is ex peeted in , that State. Friday'- afternoon qeri. / . Grant received a brief dispatch from General Thomas,,, stating that the enetuica, , of the pr.esent State Government irr'ren; -- l inessee were organizing for resistance to the laws, and to get control of the State: Gen. Theinas asked for inutiediate instructions. His 'telegram to Grant assured the latter' that these statements there certainly found, ed - upon positive , movements ''Ziffebels and supporters of 'the President7AVith out delay General Grant telegraphed to General Thomas, without oomnauni eating With Mr. Johnson, or sending an order through him, to use - all the forces at his command to preserve the peace and . pro- Wet the State authorities in their execution of the laws t&thefullest extent, and to re port if more troops are needed. Nothing additional had been heard Saturday, morn ing, but there was a feeling of uneasiness among loyal men that this movement is made .witlfthe direct knowledge of the President, in order to\frighten CongreKs. "He Is openly charged with this by the Unit, ted States Senate, and whatever smay..haVe . been the inclination, 'it ,settles .. the :question beyerid doubt that ; Johnson will not be allowed--another day to prepare for trial in addition , . to 'what ihas beeit,iiven him. A Urge, numb - er -- of Senators and CongresSmen were at the - War Othee with Stanton, awaiting further dispatches from imenacitMENT The action of the .Senate in limiting.the tithe to ten days for the President to an swer, gives general satisfaction to the Re publiams and there is a feeling decidedly against eihentling the time to prepare for trial. The Democrats are very despondent ,. over the result, but prePss to believe that the President will obtain, after the 23d of March, fully ten days more. It isbelleved that his counsel -will , not\ attempt to • get ready in the tine allowed, come into Court with the plea that mere time must . be allowed, or , a very - weal:: be . made. , • suspicions. CHARACTERS': A large number of very suspicithiS char aetersii,o‘. the 'nun - fiber of two Or three' hun dred, have arrived in Wash'firgtort Within the past week, but every movement is closely watched by thepolicesethorities. In anticipation of trouble,' a large -- nuMher 'of detectives have been sworn into the se-. cret service of the War Depart:nen% tolteep the authorities; 'posted"its tek:Cireratt . SPitelj S ous movement niade by strangers., - ... - - AFFAIRS IN LOUIMIA.NN - ; - , _:,_,SenatoryWits - ci - nhas received a letter from. a prominent gentleman ip.Louislana,which ,says that. notwithstanding the serious op posltlon hick the.Republihins - have,liadAct, enekitt4tor in that State, and the iihr - wlitelf theepposition have received from General Hanc'wk, that the Radical ticket is sure to be elected by a handsome majority, and the tonstitutten,adopted. A Club for Women. A number of women living n the -116- 1 urbs andpatskirts of,-Iloston btwe ; subscrib ed money for the purpose of building a club . house for their own convenience inn cen= mg port of - the city. If; atter going to - a place of amuimTnent, or a social party, they (hi nay wish' , to -return•homo immediately they desire;-placc', where they can sleep and breakfast without the expense and pub- How_ of : a 'hotel . paring , a midday .:1f hungry or, tired, a - spot is needed where a mesy•resticite-baPbtftlq,d, and a room, linceessary, without batik pro .te,cted qz a -gentlemtuG• ,The club house is intcuded to be a placs bf mectieg . where, as ''directresses -- Pf 'di ffarent ibby can hold • lientlemeni, unless •with, _anseritof- the:buly membersovill be rig id* excluded. Only those will be received' who may havelbnsiness reasons for coming. This entexprisi _ht projected by several of the wealthier 3,di es of the city. Member ship _will be strictly 'confined to their own Nadal _ . . yy Dr. Sarwint•s..Ciougli Syrup will cure you. .- Harr YOtT COLD s .'• ' -01 br."Surgent's Cough Syrup will c re you.. If.iiiIYOI:ACCTE OR CIIRo\IC -1 b 1I1TIs? Dr. Sarguuk , y, *Di 4.41.1,1 11 ItaVs. roe ASTHMA on Pirriusic? • Dr. Sargent's Cough Syrup will relieve you.; . . 'HAVE YOU OPPRESSION IN TUN CHEST? Dri Sargent's L'eugh syrup . will relieve 7011. i s f ) . _ ll.tvr. YOU WI:As Ncs ? Dr. Sargent's Cough Syrup will cure you . . HAVE Y.OO .0 Sofia. Tnuoier ? , Dr. Sargeut's Cough gyrup will Cure you .114vz TOU ANY DIE4..At4e-Cir r MUT', LOW OR CHEST? • Dr: Sargent's Cough Syrup Is the best preparatio for such diseases you cau lake: • - For sale pyal„l.l?,Tgfil!s!.... FIFTY CEN'TS , PEIL BOTTLE. . _ Some people think that Chronic Dyspepsia may he cured by exercise and diet, alone. This Is st.tuis take. The stomach must be stlinulated and regula ted, and the liver and the discharging organs put In good working order before a cinVeltibe Such Is the operation of HOSTETTER'S BITTERS. "They tone the stomach, set the liver right, And put the stomach In such healthful plight, That good digestion waits on appetite." Many persons fancy that levier and Ague can be avoided by adopting unusual ; precautions against damp and cold. Never was there a grester fallacy. There Is. no absolute safeguard Against malarlous maladies, easels BITTEILS. 'To brace the lea c, and make IE ktle-preot, Ta Keep thoeauses Of disease aloof, " There is nothluglike this genial vegetable invigo rant. So; too, in cases where there is a predisposl. ion to biliousness; the constitutional tendency is etnuhated and held In check by the alternate action of the lIITTEItS. l)iet and reginien are powerful allies of judicious Medical treatment when the preservation of health In insalubrious localities is the object lu view; but they will not answer the desired end 'atom. Use them as aids to the. BITTERS. but do not rely anon the efficacy of any formula that does not Include this admirable tonic. The ISITTEIN consist of an unadulterated vegetable essence (unrivalled among stimulants.) medicated solely with herbs and roots of acknowledged virtue as tonics. It Is agreeable to the taste and perfectly harmless. 'Even to chil dren of delicate constitutions It may be given with perfect. Impunity. in fact, with these, as with those of older growth; its wonderful. recuperaut propertfes arc at once apparent.. ANOTHER CURE OF DEAFNESS. I lost my, hearing during the last .year. Part Vielline I Wa-4 totally de xf. In April of - this year was inducql, front an advertisement, to make a plicatlonto I)ll.:rta'orat, - 12!) , ITatt Ittoot:Trlt . burgh. After having tried various medicines fro doctors. without any benefit, I have been under fityie . i's treatment now for nearly two months, at am entirely restored to my lotkrthg, that,l _„1011?; SCANZAN, Coal 111tArs,, Washluglou !mar api drop • k man called Sa-illy 'a . 21r...licy.eptc eke td ip~ - formhlmofagreat cui-e'inadi ,- bf his Li; Nc: ,or PULMoNARY. I:ESTOI:ATIV %Whilst CartA,.. are made with - 111.)t.wctor: pnyuatlun, he deslrea It to he distin - tql - ratntler4twOil tha float of his great cures ere niatto r yir nieotft,attrar& — t *lEr4 . 4th4hlteai law, that goVern tbk-,elernetc:nfaneilleltie, in w..111;.11. helms been engaged to h 4 pa4.twenty;•fite years. Last week he lire alitertit.rlOpt tif !1:0!:tter , froth a eleriyulan lu of most wonderful Lure.'' • DR. K - F,ysEirs RESIDENT CONSULTING . OFi i'ICE FOR NUEXAMINITI9NS 3144471 . 101." CIIIKINIC DISEASES, No. 12011:3IN ' STREET. FROM 0 A. 31. ENTIL 3l'; 31.. 1-TAW-WWI*,A VI 0 tfltiegt%a f Alfegtfenr 11. ] faith . I AR ELECTION FOILPRESI. • DENT and SIX PlltECTOlt'l.orthe Mau- Saving. Dank will tx-lield at their Banking - House, on SA ruictuy. tinP4l.lth day of March be -1 the hour* or 1 and 3 O'sdoex. , : • CrA. P. A.---NOTICE-The iniaern bees of A LEGILENY LODGE, No. 54. I:AinerlFan Protestant Attfoclatiqp, are particularly ref Bated to attend a regular meeting on moND AY EN ENINO. the 16th inst.. its 'business prrabnally 1 Interesting to each member will be transacted. . By order of thei.ddge, 111h14:0370 • ; • WATE' NOVICE.—At till an . lima mectfug. or the APtillilq Itk - F .FM:6 AND : :s.TORING COMPANY, held at their office. 193 Llbeety streei, on 3 1 0Nlilifk-Y, SheiMltt!t•rAtie4ll, lowing officer:4 were elected to serve forihe en.ulug ;car i Dzity.croies—JOSEPlT NIR:HIPAT,RICS, JAMES LYONS,. - . .„ 10111F:r.flAXOTT. ;*: ' • ItiVRERT 16."FiltliSON; WM.. F. LANG,. ALT. IsdjtKPATRIS _ • • Jcirts-vo.LsoN. I'uzsiDENT—JOSEPII..KtitKI'ATEIICK. TREAHLTEIt—JAMES'[.. • S.E.6;ceilnY W3l. AnhlkcinG 4. GLYMINE 'SOAP' • • -_Warranted ici?UOPT - iTti 40 VElt- CT,ii T. —tirt44 . ligent physisluti „or druggist pertialls,ku !la t is not adcidiritrad witta,the charucter or, , , . DETER SQUIRE'S ,GfifkilcAl. PFIEPARATIORS,: s _ R \r, -- rb ApPEIibITYOVEIt ALL OTITEIia, • !. And this a bpifg f,re t sl ft,oni,,ecess . of Alyniiati•, made tont ssh:.:' ' ?. • ' -.- •• 04 a' P • •.• .1 , Jr . : -.,z. -- , e tptt'ltY rEnsi . . or PURE GLYCERINE,i ,:: 114 without quespiti'llit kititithit44l pipe, pt4teiit, achiev4iiefirin.oteintrfio science. . _ :. I StIvOtTEIYA.tiatOLP .51 itION JOHNStON, DrUg_glSti . Corner Smithfield add Fourth Stream. f0r.34!iy, 1 13 sonri. • _ ENlrk PM - MECxAi TMLOR a earner ofYinn and St. ClairStreetn, r. • 3 V. - prxurts , t ,vy • _ EI-- ribITTORTABLEBIIIOI ET S Mil *in—Durability. 6th-Chenpnipin. 6th—xiagyince . , •of design nece.ry for g Call and get a Clircutar, giving doentiption_of,the same; ablo, the endoresementnf tbdiie artng tlnin in Us Pi r r.l ,l _l l . e l 351 . 1".7A i . GENERAL AGEI:an, I XIT.MIEFE.A.Wia 6C - • - - -_ ST., OPPOSITE. MASONIC HALL. ~] fIEOTRES WRINGERS REPAIR _,FICD.-411 the different makes ofelothes Wring en reputred, at the Ruth Rubber Dot,tlet sad ati . Cisitetreet. - J. & H. PRILLIPS. u3 - 4 - a4 , •vrx,==,=Az.- t'A'f+NC!'", ANOTHER CURE NOTICES. RS. t& r• ' %, • ; 1 UM 1 . ,,A' ,,, ,',. _~ ~. ~.~ .~r-:. ~ . ~ '~: r --' . NEAP ADVERTISEKENTS. , , p, 6 .115UEL McItIASTERS, .A. - r.nExtmAz4r, • . • . Ex-OtEielo Justice of.thd . reatie and. Police 31a *s. trate. Office, GRANT- STILEKT,,opPotAto the t„a thedral. PA. •, - -••-• "- ' Kdede Bonds:- .51ortgagto, -Acknowledgui - e.nte. Depositions, and all Legal Business te executed with with PrAtitptniitss nut' dispatch.' • - hl6 CeiTICAL tOUNDRY, • AND ROLL' WORKS- • SSO.Pexin Sgtrcet. 40414111N, -- BOYD & SAGAIEY. Chill Rolls; ]till Csatio - gs, Itoll Lathei, &c. S.TERN , .DISTRICT - 'olr 7•T *PENNSYLVANIA, 55.—At the City of Pitts * burgh, the 14th of Mareh4B6B.!-The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of BENJAMIN - P. 'CRISWELL, of the city of 1 adelphia; late. of Pittsburgh, In the county, ofrAlle gheny and State of Pennsylvania. within said _Die= trict, who has been:adjtidgedtir Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said - District. . IL BAILEY, Assignee, • ' • I,Att's at Law,: 89 Brant Street. OiFI6E,OF CITY ALLTAIIIENY CITY, 'Mardi lab ISM TO CONTRACTORS.,- SEALED (PIIOI'OSALS will be received at thisollige until Pitli/AY, March 20th, for grading that pertron of North Coninicin, east bf. line of Palo' ;Alto street. and the portion of East Common north of Ohio street Profiles and specifications can be seen atthe office. . . • CHARLES DAVIS,. Superintendent and 'Engineer Park Improvement. mblikurfl BY A. LEGOLTS. • - WURNITURE, OIOA 4 N - , SEWING L IND MACIIINE, EAHOVOITE...te - .. AT AIM TION.—WLIV be sold. on WEDNESDAY, March IStb. at 10 O'clock, the entire superior Household Furnlshrnent of Dwelling No. 40 ?Apia nad e street.. Allegheny, embracing a good assortment of well kept goods. Also,•n Wheeler ••% Wilson Machine, a 31asou & Hamlin Cabinet 0 , ran, a goott•Barouche and Harness. ,Vl - cry attrabtive sale.• • • • A. LEUGATE, Auctioneer. • mine• 150 Federal street. Allegbenyr • TO THE PUBLIC. ItIr.'SAXT..7EL ; B. ALLISON. of (or neart Bakers town, Allegheny county. having made defamatory statements to diver's persons, ofatuteoncerning me and my business transactions, was notified and re . quire.% to make proper amends, and did, ou January 27th. 1868, promptly and voluntarily sign a fall written retractionjof the said slander, and agree to Tay . the fees of m attorney; therefore: I refrained from Instituting suit against him. DE:N.I,I3IS MILLER. Riciit.AND tr.. March 13, 113438. . - ru6ll=7o FROM SOUTHERN WHEAT. 'I . We have commenced receiving a . lot of 80,000 Irdia l l4 - Prime - Sonthent - iVheiti Aaul.sre now preparod[l4.i dOtivei a saperior quality EXTRA FAMILY- FLOUR:. R.; R. li&NlAltkiilto. l 311/44, ti2MG:m72 - • : 0. LI VI NIN,;.3y. H. BURT.It. Jl4 ".. • , IRON FOUNDERS,' N UFACT MMUS 01 FLAW. LIGHT -CASTINGS, AN dmmriptfons. for Plumbers and tag Fitters; rlcultural Implements, Cuttonand Woolnn MIN Ma -etdArrry. .te. ' • if) I Job Work promptly attended to. . .. Mee and iVorkg3WASITINGTON AVENUE, ne..v.r Outel,p9)at„ f 4lle.glieny City, ra. N ; • THE)II.AorTER OF THE AP.- .L mat:ATI - o'g - ortlii • " ------ ' - '7 -- - Lower St. ChitiltailtlizweitadVoan sac-tattoo, fora Charter. Notice Is hereby given that au applleatton has . tIk•11 Med in the Prothonotary's o . tllce.. at NO. 39, June Term. 1968, by the'Bullding and. Loan Assv- UR ,which of Lower St. C' TOrilialifite44(.l4 . #q. Which will be granted next term or Court, unless exteptletta are filed. JACOB H. HALTER. , • Prothonotary.' THE MATTER OF THE PLICATION of thy. • Battalzat and Loan Astoeiation No. 2, of East Birmingham, m2riG:m:3 Fora 4:4arter of Incorporation Notice - Is hereby given that an applicatibu has been lied In the Prothonotary's Oates, at No. 38 June Term, 1868, by , the Building andi4ua fitifortNo.:„ of East Birmingham, for itChaiter of Incorporation. which will be granted at ofit - teriti 'of Court, unless exceptions are Med. . J Alittg MALTntA arriotwinoty. 1i14:tru745( • • rvIRPILAVVIV • COURT SALE.—Bg V7irtue ; oraud In , pursuance„of an order, on the C)rohansWourtot AlleghtttY cOnnty, Pennsylvania,. dated 3tarch'l3th.' , 18611,1 will, expose at pnbUo ,I sale at the COURT lIOUSE,. to Vittsburgl4. On. .TRUIISDAY. April Oth, 4868, at 10 O'clock A. 711:. 'alt that ear - brpiceg,_eLground situate in the township of Liberty, now in tim City c;f - PlttSblirgr, 1 Allegheny ceuntr..Pentigylviintaw imunded. d -de-, 1 scribed as' folldwiir - Beginnitirmt - -a "pust -on an , Main .'l street, at the corner of lot now or late of Samuel ..I. Itleltardn; tjninannactsg !Deo 1 Ole of• said lot itortii-60 'degress 25 nithu tia east - Io.4.fect 4 inches to land tie i Phillip Winehicldle; thence' -briald - Wlneblddle , a , 4 land north 4iPt.degrees :West ao fe t to a post; ' thence bpi land' *tow •on late of., Rev: lUrbard.Len. south 60 degrees AS udritites West 4 feet 'Ant o'' „inches to ap:43ll...Natlljttreet; the en along Kahl We in Matti; ~, Biitv7lttßay3,6 Ject ti rg it piace7 - of beginnln ,• . • ~_.'' t'd _ - t Terms of /bale . Made. known on day of site. .. :-. For further information minaire of tbe-subseriber Pr of •A: ' 31. AtltOWN,fE,sq.," at No: , 1 14 .. Fifth street, Vlttsburgb,lw. -. - . .-- "'•• • • , ' • . - TAROT VIE-IPLIGHES.' '•• . i- ' . Administrator of yhoniaaj.liughes, don't!, ETTERS REMAINING ,DucawiA,zl7.-x"PTPFIatrE, 1:1' ST OF 'L nnoalleil for arch" 16th, .186 Hook linsin 'Hord( [llope ficlany Hicks Hamel rmrlar Allen Barrie ,: AlexanderJ Armstrong B ber gmttut4 Beebe I:A . - Boult Bonnie • Blaney Wm Beam Jas Bspiolph Vie* , • C • Jolint K 11 , Nay Craig 1131 Ciosa Edward . Catopbell C J Clark Alex 'Cgrtott:Jos john Dougherty Sate Dean Weston . DownsarY #4l.u.n• t • ,Duell MJ Drew Simon Ell ; Al ai t i_r. ;I Fred ng_Retit McSw' 3 !cAf (ilennen Wm • %Weller Julia • , tr.rer Legrai Lewis Irk L frei L wr MWEI O.I,PPLIES IFORWATER WORKS -_qctnigohtmehovewE,_ _ _ • Cimor • AriALEolfrlv, , Wrotfulos, mt. BEALEn ritorou..s witi be received at this aton-wiirttitriVlNlrilelBl4kofletgAgtt .chtrinir tbkeurrent year iyip lee toowingsuppilen, levying sdppiles, DDANtitEd ANDSLEEVES ' he follo*ltilt. diameters; viz': 4,-B , ;'B,•l4Xiind isvioslies. Also - ,f f 6 COCKS, rulcs; Allite .l `' mis(*LiNlitotißlitusllNesi •ALSO.. • - - ALL THE STOP COCK AND FIKE;PLIIG BOXES 44..; , 1)P REQUIRED.DURING TIM YEAR. • ''Also, all the COAL required dtpring-the. yam., te be , of th e best quality of nut, and to,o helleened in the rd of tiffater Works: • • • s All of the abovo. supplies to ne.delhereil at such - Aimee cu m Wl as the Superintendent of the - Agriro",t Tparate h-ef 1141-arts bids for each of water hkiktite of-she-SupMen t z :Jrin. Paul:. at the officeooe t Jr.;', :5 • The rig : ?I*WdetadrlidU is t`'l./f1 Proposals so . .,_bejeceived 0..t.L time far idoing.lbe ktkijolNO rcillarew , hr Ake 'Water: Werke during the Teiti - r , ?::: ,,, K. ,- .6.IIPRAXCIS; . ., . mnierkon it City Controller:. ,/i. ' , (2REAm . aLtciues.s a T RECEIVED. o, Scroll, .Noyeltni Almond , Wine. Milk, Or ange scut Ginger . Crackers, fresh .from the bakery, for side wholesale or retail by_ • - RENSIIA.W. • mhl6 •-•- comer Liberty and liand streets, .. ~..n+hYr i?%..T..? ._. y~ =I , ADVERTISEMENT'S. O STREET PR O PERTY FOIL SA .m • • . scrtherg will - offer at private sale, until tbo r snte of the most • DESkt BUSINESS SITES .011 FIFTH STREET; tWEE:c WOOD 7A..ND '• • - • ~.- - „TP,..e:• : ety has a line.front- on Firth Street of "-Ind extendabackl72 feet, taking in the 123,c,k -Ind adioining lot, 20a15511 feet, with an " 01(3 ifthe.trark part - 0 feet -wide,' to a 10 foot, alley, w, fl as through from Fifth - street to 'Vie - The Wtgurfacc covers tm area" of over 5,000- squaw f _„ . -m-elttn of Capltillsta to Inlit•Nl to this prop as'eftunlttes for investing In such eligible and ttmlniti ve real-estate seldom,occur. A ll im° l loll concerning' the property can be had at the m o f . '',:IIIACSIIM ~ ' CABL~I4tE, mhlartu79 . .. ... t,; - IF. - TEACHERS -AND ' ' F 5 ,. 1 5 17 .„..,,,_ _A • 'OF.' - EDITOATION IN ALLE-, "TY—The. undersigned would re spectfully an ce that in acebrdance with rOontre ments of die moo Shhool Law, an Institute win .• _ held - in t ALL OF TRY. kOURPH.WARD. Flamm 16 --Pittsbargh,-Pa., beginning od MONDAY M ' aoth-et.ao o'clock A. M., and ending FAILDrii 3,1,1868. ' That Yeachc a j)lrectors' may be thoroughly 'aecnialided wl e law ,reguiating the holding of f t County-Instit we subjoin the Act of Assembly regulating thed om which it will be seen that all teachers of - themmoir Schools Of the. County Are expeeted tOattel • - • "Abcording" V e t T ,_a I „,,. Of ASsembly. abproved April oth, 1867 Institute :must be held in. each. county of coniconwealtli, and must con tinue in session k.ast tive •days, - includina. half-a day for going tothair-A-nay for returning fro= the place of the ; the names of all . persons Leteachingln' the : mon Schools orthe county 'lnuit - be called, a st twice a day and at.sentees carefully marked: those who absent tt.,ouselves from - the Institu te . their bounty, with.,:t go goodnames reason, May have r want-of professlonalV and zeal Indicated the next examinatil °rtllieates of a lower gra ak• (See Penna. School Jo t.=.' nal, May. 1117. pp. - _ . From the above ill be Onetethat the law per , wits Directors togl eachers the time to attend. the Institute and c it the same as so touch time spent in teaching: so for as I have had an op-. portunity to presen s matter to Directors, they have not only expre a willingness to do so, but are anxious their tea should attend. If teach ers act wisely, they w of fail to attend this meet-• ing.. A. T. DOUTHETT. nthl6:m:r.T , , County Superinte . dent. STATIEMLENT oluE RECEIPTS AM)XPENDITURES, Borough' of Ur.renceville: FROM AFRFIst; 1867, ti NTIIgE 10*. Day - of . aba-ch, 1868. i. coLurAmonneEponr. • . . . W3I. JA.3ICEY, , Collect°an account with tho - Borough of Lawrencertile.: ...! . •... DR . . To amount of duplicate. of ward..s 5.117 85‘ To.amount of duplicate of lictid . ward 9,621 97 --- . WM. JANCEY. Collector ,I account with the 'Borough of Lawrenceville. ' . CR. 1 • • i... . t . y.iirsiount paid Treasurer forrittwaid - duplicate .4 $ .4,664 SO i r 3 B 5! y amount of deduction of cent, \ - _. * _ on $3,4-74 91 as perordinXn . . .... 173 By amount of lost taxes in Fir a . w.i.. : 5/79. 61. By amount paid Treasurer fo ccond —,- ' ward .doplinate . .t , - 6,257 36 By amount of deduction of 3 pr cent. • 1 - • on $4,731 36, as per ordluant , - 3656 I By amount of lost taxes in Seconward 0 05- - . T i ItEASIIRER*4 Msgtt. • . _ - WM. j ~UsitEl.- r -A"rea.