The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 14, 1868, Image 7

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,/ slittslmro GkEttf
Pennsylvania Legislatue.
Appropvfattesk BUI 1.e.. the Reuse
—Paley Irsasiogiar Alativria—
' rfleasarmsc.....Es•Shos—ESi• la.
_Tredieed Ono Asßate—Notattei
"blie - Aypolailassuia for AlleAl
faro to impalaless
Stow Ceavenitee. , .
ref.iFlaDl.o•lal %alba PM bairn gasett , 73
HATtnisau - no, March I, 1869.
By Mr. COLEMAN, Lebanon: Estab
lishing Railroad Companies merged by
sinndal enactment foeriena to HSI, to
take idrantage Mlle) benefits given bt
thegeneral &eke!' LS6I.
By Mr. CONHELTA. Piffled/Apia= Ons
to continue the rate of Interest at six per
cent., and repealing the usury law.
By - r. WHITE, Indiana: One Mo
paroling the Horner, Stoma*banns and
Cherry Tree Railroad Company.
.By Mr. ERBETT, Allegheny:One en
pOwering the Burgess of BraddOcks
cough to commit personsadJadged guilty
of disorderly coo duct to the county Jell
badefatilt of pay nest of lines; also, an.
thorczlng the borough of. Braddocke to
ritual Be streets - to, be occupied by coal
roads. !
'Ant/sortslig the School Directors Of
Reit Deer township to borrow money.(
Dy. Mr. RANDALL, 'of. Schuylkill:
Supplement to the act of March ..2d, 1817,
to increase the Revenues of the Com
monwealth, which makes the tax 'on
coal twenty-flue mats per ton I. .
Rum mints.
At twelve o'clock, noon, adjourn , till
klanday evenlog.
The A.ppropriation Bill passed li
The bill incorporating - the Pittsburgh
People's Pamengsr Railway passed sea
and reeding, end was laid over, with the
amendments Introduced by ittr...Pord,
of Allegheny, impoeing the 11.9.1318-1.112119
an the Company as are now paid by the
„Chino= Passenger Railway, and au
. <thonsing a connection With the Citizens
Passenger Railway upon terms to be
agreed upon between tne Companies,
the Court of Common Pleas to fix the
.! 7 terms in ewe of dispute.
rrrnifunon oxissmansmosr.
i On motion of Mr. WILSON, of Alla.
! giveny, Mr. Ford's supplement to acts
; Incorporating the city of Pittsburgh,
w amended by securing the new nor
:'• times of the city from the payment of
anyportiOn of the indebtedness of the
old portion of the city, providing that
ash corporation shall pay its own debts,
and authorising the Councils to :bangs
the assessments, thereby reducing the
tax of the rural districts; allowing the
i arectkaa - of wooden buildings, by con
( .*Cent of Canatclis; fixing the terms of new
oMcers from December 18th, 1867, to
February let, 1889; prescribing that
; eta shall no voted endorsed "City and
Council" and "Ward officers."
Laid aver for third reading. '
IMIVATZ aAL161.01.11.
The remainder of the session was cc
cupiod with the first reading of Private
this on the calendar, without final ac
. .
Arr En. Noon SESSION.-314 FORD'S
inppinment mi the illttsburgh.consollda
than acta passed finally as amended.
'7 - 1.185 ED rtwAx.t.r.
This morning tbo following bills
I among othon pissed finally:
Annexing the Southwestern portion or
Duquesne borough to Allegheny city.
Authariging East Birmingbam bor
crash to borrow 1100,000. for improve
; meats.
i. An zing the opening of Locust
• . • street, rittshargh.
Clanging the Elaine of Back street,
Talttaxustnif, to Grant avenue.
Lscorporating tlie Pennsylvania Horse
Breeders Association, capital $lOO,OOO, to
1 'hold land in Butler. and adjoining coon
. Supplement to act ielativo to the
draining cf wet and eprouty lands, ex
tending the acme to the draining cf coal
.3 I and other mines in Westmoreland, Arm
-- atrong and Somerset count!ea.
'iL. incorporating the Union Grocery, Pro
duce and Variety Co-operative Assoc's-
I tioit of Browns Ville, Fayette county,
capital $75,000.
Incorporating the Philadelphia, New
1 I York and Boston Steamship Company,
I capitaisloo,ooo, with the privilege of m
creasing to $1,000,N0. ' .
. Changing the name of Kittanning Cul
: wersitylo Columbia Univeraity:
Incorporating Apollo Cemetery, Arm
! t strong county..
incorporating St. Penl's Orphans'
some near Staler.
A rapplement for the Ben. Franklin .
Inannume cOmpany, Allegheny city, In
messing the number of Directors to fif
teen and authorising the present Direc
tors to appoint eight additional Directors
till:the next election.
Pmenting fishing with nets or seines
LAIL_ streams of heaver county for five
years hereafter. •
Incorporating Petroleum Calcium Gas,
Light Company of Penturylvania, to sup.
ply cities, towns, capital two hun
dred thousand dollars, office at Kitten
' ming, Armstrong minty.
• Supplement for People's Savings
Bank, Pittsburgh, repealing section
seventh of the charter, and authorizing
vlivitkasds oat of the net =Mogi.
Adjourned till Monday'. -
Ramage subtle ter .6 Liegimary Ceunty.
The following appointments of Nota
ries Public for Allegheny county were
made by the Governor to -day; John
Ilamsey, Allegheny City; Gilbert Mc-
Master, Philip R. Mertz, George W.
Thompson and Charles C. Taylor, PlSS
burgh; Frederick M. McGee, Oakland ;
J. E. Jacques, East Birmingham.
licketstros • Sips biLean dtaa
De!mates to the MaedaWhim State
llepubliern Convention, traveling over
tbe , Pennaylvania Central and Paying
fanfare. will be furnished free tickets by
Colonel Jordan for returning borne.
Hartarnaaru;, March 9, 180.
Mr. MANN, Republican. of Potter,
moved that when the #oeute adjourn
to-morrow it adjourn to meet on Friday
morning. Agreed to..
Ile bill 1 . p:dhoti/lug the construction
und maint ena n ce of a boom and darn to
this Allsgbany river, In C, rrydon town.
ship, Wsurcn county, passed thistly as it
came front tho Bennie.
-ByIifr.DALLADJIER, Westmoreland:
Authorizing the sesesament of a tea to
repay money borrowed to pay bounties
In Allegheny township, Westmoreland
county; also, extending the general fee
bill of INS to Westmoreland county for
two yews more.
By Mr. FORD, Allegheny: Authoris
ing the appointment of an Inspector of
stallobary steam engines and abeam boil
ers lu Allegheny county by the Judges
of the - Courts, acting with an advisory
Committee, and defining the duties of
sold InspeMor; also, ^ incorporating the
borough of Ormsby.. Allegheny county.
Bylrir.lollTll,Aliegheny;enpplemen t
to the act of 1847, relating to Manchester
borough, repealing so ranch of said act
as annexes a portion, of. McClure teitixe
'ship to said borough. • '
By Mr. NICHOLSON; Beaver: Ex
empting. the parsonage of the Methodist
Eplacelal Church, Beaver borough, from
talailon: also, incorporating the librongh
of. Baden. in Economy township, Beaver
county. This last bill passed finally,
man zarnioDuczo
ERRETr, Allegheny:- Re
• t o s ining culliconsed peddiing io Teni
tuna boroug, AlieltbonY county.
By m i .. SEAICSORT. Fayette: Incor
porating-11m MonoC3Mitela **iodation
. Baptlst Cburchee; alai', extending the
time foi • ihe payment of enroNment tax
an an act incorporating the Rolla SeT
toga Bank of 'Uniontown, Fayette
widen asst—twarbsies 1•411.411.
Thomas licCur, an old insiresiddattotthis
shy, died "Milady at his ence in
Armstrong's row, in the Nhtth mid. on
'Saturday.. The deceased was fifrpsir.
can of ennead had been afflicted with
hesridhease.. Dr. Aida° wee called in
toMe him imandistady, and stated fiat. =ay iras the came ot . his death.
CIIMBOTI held sal.inq_uesio=
body end the jury rmde a
• Ve MaM frotn-asturadaillllNl.
Latest Cable Dispatches.
The Alabama Claims.
Important Debate in.tbe
CB) Telegraph to the Plttstnuvt ewtt•.7
Lostnote, March 5.—A large meeting
of friends of D'lsraell was held at his of
residence last night. 3esrly all of
the leading Tory members of Parlia
ment were present. The proceedings
were not Made public, but the meeting
is regarded as a favorable indication of
the strength ftf the new Premier.
DUBLIN . , March s.— Th e Lord /denten
ant has released from confinement NY-
Johnson, 'Grand Secretary of thaOrange
men, who was sentenced to fine and im
penult:tent for leading the illegal pro-
LontenON, March s.—lifidnighl.—ln the
tfahae of Commons this muting
nett appeared for the first time sine the
resignation of Earl Derby. „Upon enter
ing the House ha was received with lend
cheers from bath government and oppo
aitiOn beaches. Mcrae' soon altar
wards rose, and after givingnotioe"of the
introduction of certatn measures rela
ting to Scotland end Ireland, re
ferred to the ' retirement of Earl
Derby, saying his oilleagues were loth
I. wee their connection with snob a
leader. No language could express their
estimate of the character and career of
such a chief and they all most earnestly
hoped for his restoration to health cad
power. D'lvraeli then proceeded to any
Her Majesty had been pleased to en
trust him with the task of farnling a
a government, and •he should
not decline the gracious., offez,
accompanied mit was by the , generous
support of his collesznea. In domestic
affairs the policy of Lord Derby during
the last two years of his administration
would be followed by the new Ministry,
and, in foreign affairs the policy o f Lord
Stanley would be adhered to. This
would be a policy of peace; not one of
'elation, but one of generous sympathy
and regard for our own intones
and thole of other nations. Such
a policy would never lessen
the influent* or dignity of England.
Based as it was upon esteem and respect,
the domestic policy of the new govern
ment would be a liberal one. [Cheers
and laughter.] Recognizing national
trans or the heat securing national insti
tutions, he regretted the necessity of con
tinuing the nmapension of the writ of
habeas corpus in Inland; but en Lord
Derby said on a public a:melon, such
action was the only safeguard against
unscrupulous foreign cenfederedions
Such a suspension of the privileges of the
writ was sot incompatable with the
gentle exercise of the law, and he was of
the opinion that the grievances of Ire-
land should be treated with a tender re
gard for that country. After a few mere
explanations, not of general importance,
D'lsraeliresnmedhisatat amidapplanae.
Mr. Bowverie, member for Kilmar
nock, said the policy of EariDerby, re
ferred to by the Premier, was uncertain.
If it meant retention of office only, the
new government would moat with seri
ous opposition in the House of Lords.
Earl Maimeabtuy said the entlect of
Irish grievances would male up for db.
mission on . Tassday next. After an
nouncing the change in the Government,
he added its policy would remain unal
Earl Hassell doctoral that no mad
dance could be planed in a policy which
was always saying one thing and mean
ing another. He said the liberal mons
bon had given their support to Lord_
Derby, on his pled a to bring about a
reduction of the franchise, but none in
reality bad been nude. Dna a mode of
edur.ding a party was unprecedentseL
LONDON, March 7.—ln the House of
Commons last seeming, after the transac
tion of other badness, Mr. Shaw Lereere,
Member for Reading, called up !bequest.
Lion of the Alabama II• made a
Jong and eloquent speech, urging the
settlement of this eared queetten on the
plan proposed by the American GOSoru
meat. In calling for the papers on the
subject, and In moving the consideration
of the question, be disclaimed any feel- .
Mg of prejudice. All future negotiation.
would but add to the complications al
ready existing. He traced the progress
of the civil war in the United itates
to• its happy termination. He
said the tiring on Fort Sumter evoked
the famous proclamation of President
-Lincoln, and in less Gum a month from
the issuing of that proclamation Great
- Britain. had recognized the Southern in
surgents as belligerent'. .They had no
fleets, but purchased their ships in our
torts. Thme ships, notwithstanding the
vigorous measure: of our Government
to stop them, eluded our vigilance and
went to sea, and were haspltablfreceiv
ed at British Colonial porta. They cap
tured and destroyed during the war more
than two hundred merchant' vesaels. ,
In lass than two years the UnitedStstes '
flag was literally driven from the seas, ,
while the commerce of Great Beitala - was
doubled. For this reason lie thought we
ought to treat these claims generously.
They were Made In 1332, by American '
Minister Adams. Afters warm's:deed=
on the counts of the United Slates, he
mid an arbitration of the matter had '
been proposed by the American Govern-
Ment, bat was refused by Earl Russell,
wire denied the suggestion. Lord Stan
ley might have taken the other course,
but the Tories had changed on the ques
tion of household suffrage. The question
of rettogration by England was only as
to her right. If them were a right, that
might safely be referred. But Lord Stul
l/ay insisted that the, responsibility of
England was only a moral one in the
' Alabama case. He thought the less said
about morality on this , viatica the
bettor. He regarded the breaking out of
a war between England and the United
States as extremely unlikely, but he
thought on the other hand that all need
less irritation should be shunned.
Lord Stanley took the floor. He prels.
'ed the padlie tone of Mr leferre, and
warmly complimeated Minister Adams
for the spirit be bad displayed. He mid
we could not make indiscriminate con
cession, but would learn the right of the
ease. There never was a case where
there was more need to understand
the points. Much 11110WILIKO wee
to be made to the feelings of the
United States. Great Britain, in
the same Me, (With five hundred mill
ions of debt, contracted" through a civil
war, i i which a million lives bad been
imt,) might appreciate the matter better
than mere lookers on only. He thought
England bed been Mindy neutral; but no
neutrality would have pleased America.
What the United States wanted was
' neutrality, rsoupled with warm symps
tby and. support. The Queen was ready
to arbitrate and submit all gm:ldioms,
but the great point recognising the b , / -
llgereat rights of the South. Nobody
contends that at no time the South
acquired them. If , not, why deny
the right . of. Great Britain to
to recognise them at the time she did?
The Confederate ship Alabama did not
sail from England untll 16M, and the
- battle of Balt Run was fought in 1511.
`Admitting Uwe, wrong for Great Britain
i tares:spills the Smith, would the United
. States Government my that lts base
against the Alabama bad been altered
bad Great Britain made a declaration of
neutralltysix,rather Man eleven,roonthe
before she sailed? The speaker referred
to the speech of Daniel Webster in the
United States Senate, on the subject of
recognising Hungary, In support'
of . his argument, How could ling
land refuse to -- mamas* a war
Wlgeb Secretary Seward himself bad
announced to be a civil war Mno, twelve
and sixteen days before the proclams
don? Who could complain If England
had recognized a civil wa • r which the
States bad admitted some weeks
MAN.? In mmeltedon, he thought •
friendly adjustment of the difllealty
still pnalleable. Ile deprecated the de'
bate The friendly 'reeepgen of Mr.
Thornton St Washington via e • PledX•
of poem. „The Ministate are reedy
to leave the question to the people o
the attire world. - • . .
Mt. Fender, member Dean Bradford,
thought Mr. Seward's view of the clues.
tlen of the recognitionof to. Alabama
dolma dMerved better treatment and
more careful eonaideration, as being, per
haps, the view that was right and easel
Be complained of the abrupt Olapo-
Milan of the quomion which had been
made when the universal wish in the
United Kingdom was for its speedy set
tiement. Bethought had any Influential
statesman been sent to the tubed States
as 3flaister, the paint might have been
already adjusted.
John Stewart Mill was the:text speaker.
Be regarded the present conditiota of the
question as theme:at of a mutual mistake.
The real question was whether England .
was bound to prevent such expenditions
as that of the Alabama. He denied that.
Ute United States claimed, or could claim
that the recognition oftheSouthwas avio
tenon °flaw, but that it =son =friendly,
rash and unprecedented act. TheAmer
loan Government only pressed the point
for the purpose of showing that but for
the unfriendly action of England the
Alabama depredations would not
have • occurred. Mr. Mill thought
an arbiter between the two coon
trim was needless, and that repara
tion was fairly due to the United States.
B. concluded by endorsing the appoint
ment of a mixed • commission for the
proper adjustment of the question.
.Mr. Gladstone, member for South Lan
mahlre,thanked Mr. Lefevre for his able
=moat, mad Lord Stanley for his tempe
rate reply. He (Mr. Gladstone,) could
not understand why the negotiation was
ended. - Nor could he agree, with Mr. Mill
that Lord Stanley bad admitted repara
tion was due, or that an arbiter would
surely decide againat England. For
himself he donliMd if reparation for the
Alabama depredations was due the Uni
ted Stateit It was =questionably
right that the , point should be
referred to a commission, but If the
Government reared such a reforenos it
should aettle the matter at ones, er
leave the decision with an umpire.. Mr.
Gladstone inferred trona - tlie closing sen
tence of Lord Stanley, that communica
tions between the two Governments
were not clitsid, and that the friendly
feelings between the United States and
England would be preserved. He con
cluded by saying, if his Inference was
cerrec . t, the whole country would sustain
Lord Stanley 1m a Jost and honorable
settlement of the case. The debate end
ed with Mr. Gladstone'. remarks.
LONDON, March 7.—Nearly all the
loadink papers have editorials this morn;
lug on the imbject of the remarkable de
bate in the House of Commons last even
ing on the Alabama question.
The Times says the debate must con
vince the United States Governmimt that
England within to Nettle the me , In this
case in the American sense, and that the
failure et Great pritain Confer the elslms
to arbitration is Vile to no desire to alum
her just obligMlons. Mr. Seward has
only to meet laird Stanley in a like spirit
to end the misunderstanding.
The taus Of the articles in the other
Jo:trial' aIS Om -ally the same.
MiI'AICS Orrin= PAZDON AND "1131-
J rues or.
It le reported the Fenian prisoners who
were captured recently at Dmcgarran
were offered pardons on condition they
would give their paroles to lease the
,Bingdam. It le further reported the
prisoners unanimously refused assent to
this proposition.
A doublexttard hasbeen placed around
Newgate, where Burke, Casey and Shaw
are confined. Their trials have been set
down for next month.
Ls the Commons laid evening Charles
Gilpin, member from the Borough of
Northampton, rave notice of a bill to
abolish the death penalty.
Lord Stanley !submitted fortherseldial
notes about Mexico.
On an order to go into Committee of
supply, Earl Mayo said he hoped the de
bate on the condition of Ireland wont.,
end by Friday neat, so that the Boast.
might be ready to consider the queatien
of Irish reform. •
LONIXIN, Much 7.—Marquis Pepoll,
formerly French Minister to Russia, hag
been appointed to Groat Britain tu the
same capacity.
G. W. Haut, M. P., who resigned his
seat when he went into the Cabinet, bas
bee:ire-elected from Northamptonshire
He will soon bring a bill before Pailla
mentfor the purchase by the govern
ment of all telegraphs in the kingdom.
sorra ass= rA. "\
LIVERPOOL, March 5. The Saudi
American mall steamer, which touched
at Lisbon, lass arrived here.
Details from the Rio Parana are impor
tant, The good fortune of the Paragu al. -
aim continued. The Brazilians made
several attempts to cut the ca Mtn C 1111..-
tans of General Lopes through the Gran
Chaim, but failed, and la the engage
ments which took place Lopes gained
froth advantages.
General Alexander Asboth, Minister
and resident of the United Diatom at
Buenos:Ayres, died atter a protracted M
Lognow, March 6.—Late clbspsteleas
from China and Japan are -received via
India. The civil war In Japan raged
with great violence. Several combats
has taken Tibia between the parthums of
Shagoon and the Names, which were
attended with heavy - losses of life. and
great excesses were committed on
both idles In consequence of the lase•
cure condition of the country, the Minis
ters of Foreign powers had ail left Owes.
Gleagyal !males TOreagoaod—Braaa
lag 117 p or I. leo—DSomago go rots.
orgy—Wier= at Magnum tlay.
Cesium°, March 7.—The Taber of the
past two days extended all over the
northwest, and a general freshet is
threatened. Already much of the coun
try to flooded, and some damage la re
Oxeuxe., March 7.—A heavy rain pre
vailed nearly alliast night, daring which
the ire in the river broke up, carrying
away about two hundred fiat of a tem
porary railroad bridge scree the river,
There was no other damage done.
ack-stronn, 111., March—The ice
broke up this morning, causing
. great-ex
citement and fears for the buildings and
bridges at the water power. The water
Whisker than ever borers. -
Armonk, ILa, March 7.—By the
breaking of the ice gorge here this morn
log several dams and bridge. were con
siderably damaged. The loss as far es
known *nosed' twenty thousand dolled:a.
The rivers in this eection are higher
than they have been for years.
MUSCATINN, low*, March 7.—Tiee ice
in the Mistessippt river at this point
started twice to-day, moving however
but a short distance. A. high wind pre
vailed during the day. Freezing a little'
%kakis erre, Mo., March 7.—A very
heavy wind and rain storm prevailed in
this vicinity yesterday noon. Large
streams of water ran along the streets,
many croselngs were impassable and a
large number of basements and cellars
flooded. The spire of the Find Presby
terian Church was blown down, and a
portion of the roof taken off. Several
chimneys and small buildings were de
molished. Cigna, lumber and splinters
dew in all directions. The rain eutgreat
gullies in newly made streets and mused
heavy land slides in the streets where
paring was being done, It was the
heaviest storm ever known in this local
ity. No estimate of the damage has yet
been made.
Atleek Open • notl7. sad Two noes
Allime—attempt Le NM tee rather
—One Murderer A...she.
INDLPIAPOLIA, March 9.—A moat hor
rible double murder was committed near
Anderson, Incl., Saturday afternoon. The
murderer. George Stotler, sent to the
house of an old maxi, named Eisenagle,
and requested the loan of a horse to at
tend • funeral. Being refused he swore
vengeance , against the family. but
went away. Some time during
the evening he returned and commenced
abusing the family, and was ordered to
leave the house, whl ch be,,refused to do
Mr. 12lsenagle's sons, William sad Isaac,
aged respecUrsly mixttien and nineteen,
undertook to eject lilti from the house,
when a mugs ensued, daring which
Stotler drew • pocket knife mid stabbed
William four times, penetrating the
heart and killing him instantly.
Ile then caught )salt. threw him
on • bed and lash him in - the
heart, causing . Blatant death. lie
next went into another zoom, where the
old man was lying on • bed, and attemp
ted to stab him, but the old man struck
am with a stick of wood and broke the
knife. jije then left the house and fled
to the woods, bit waarreatedyestarday
and is Pow Mien at An
Stotler Lmid. to be • desperate char
atter. Re was not intoxicated - at the
time of - the, intirsbir, but, hid been
I .Summons of the- Impeach-
meat Cuurt
Official Public Debt Stateseite.
Report on IV hitky Frauds.
EICT Telegraph to the Intisbergh GUelle •
The Secretary of State sent a commu
nication to the Senate, in reply to a reso
lution of that body, on the aubfect of the
alleged integfereace of our Consul in
Rome In the late difficulties in Italy.
The Jut letter from the Conant denies
that he went out to join the Papal troops
armed with hie own rifle. He received
permission from the Commanding Gen
eral to loin and accompany the moving
column of pontifical troop., simply as a
spectator. In endeavoring to render a
wounded man assistance lie'wes slightly
wounded, and aund hit vc•i,a,,fif a target for
• Garlbalcilan rifle. Twice be was fired
at by the same person, and feeling that
unpleasantresultemight ensue, he picked
up a gun for his own proteo
tion, when his assailant retreated
and Ceased to annoy him. Mr.
Seward disapproved the conduct
of the Consul. No instructions from
his government required his pres
ence With the Pontifical army in the
field, either as a belligerent or spectator.
No interest of the linked States could
be served by It, and no motive could
reasonably be assigned for It, except an
interest In the cause in which the army
was engaged, or mere curiosity. Mr.
Seward concludes: "It will depond,on
your own better content hereafter, or in
some part upon the circumetances not
yet fully understood, whether the depart
ment can be content to leave the case
with the reprimand."
In answer to the resolution of Februa
ry 11, the President transmitted to the
Senate, copies of the correspondence and,
relating to the abduction of Allen
McDonald, a British subject, who was
arrested in Canada on a charge of amug
gling and carried into the .United States
. ..3y at Sheriff from Michigan on the Ilth
of October het. After ,a long corres
pondence on the aubject, Mr. Seward, on
the 17th of February. addressed a letter
to Mr. Thornton British Minister, in
which be says he isauthorized to express
the disapprobation of. this govern
ment of the proceedings In the
ce-e of McDonald, and to direct
that person to be set at liberty in Cana
da. Mr. Thornton. February 7th, says
he brine, doubt Her Majesty'. govern.
meat will be made gratified and entirely
sati.fied with the contents of Mr. Sew
ard'e note, adding, in conclusion: "I
hope you will balieveithat we can bare
no sympathy with the Indivisinal in
question who chewed es great a'srant of
good faith on the occasion, nor
woo the representation 1 made
to you inspired by any wish to
withdraw a convicted criminal from pun
ishment, but was merely for the purpose
of inviting your assistance for the pre
vention of any conflict between the au
thorities of our two countries. I have
taken upon myself the responsibility of
not accepting your offer that Allen Mc-
Donald anould be set at liberty In Cana
da, confident that Her Majesty's Gov
ernment will approve of the step at the
SWIM time, and that they will appreciate
theatraightforward manner in which you
hays treated the matter."
Warunterrow, March 7, l&W.
The mmmone for President Johnson
to appear before the Impeachment Court,
prepared by the Secretary of the Senate,
is now in the hands of Chief Justice
Chase for examination, cad tt is expected
will be handed to the Sergeant-at-arms
for service this afternoon.
George T. Brown, Sergeant-at-Arms o
the Senate, waited upon President John
eau at four o'clock this afternoon and
served upon him the summons to appm
before the Court of 'lmpeachment. Th
President replied he would attend to th
The fractional currency Issued for the
week amounted to $487,100. National
Bank currency issued, $1,121,130; amount
In circulation. $M9,741,74.5. Fractional
currency dest royed daring the week,
=7,010. `Receipts of internal revenue
for the week, $5,485,W, and for the !twat
year to date, $134,843,031.
The Po/atonic* money order system
throughout the country la paying a profit
of $45,000 annually.
Eleven thousand four hundred aful
tour scree of land were disposed of at
the Brownevllls, lebreaka, land office
In February.
The foLlowing i• a statement of the
public debt of the United State., on the
drat of Much, ISO:
DAS .Esertmp Cbts Lamest.
flee percent. Maas l 1: fro
Me per cent. Rends of ter sod UM I SL 111 m
Ste per cent. lleids. 311.1C1t0 o.
Nin per cent 4 2 1,en.../po
ary Pezetes fled. MINA PP no
Total e: Id
. _
Debi learlsg Currency /Menai.
.llx per cent. Eefda •
Throe pepr coup '4 later.% Not. OS Itml_rpo
Three Ins 1.4 m Neter =PI, trO
nape par prii, Clt ril test es 56.5 to, 0.)
Aratured Debt ha Preanded for Z 3 ,3.3333.
3.33 1 , 33 Neal. doe 336 rat a.
13C— . . . . ... .. LMUIPA
C• 33333334 . 3rea N• Yes, sa•
lazed 4315 I d. 4317 a. August
U. an/ 33.10 , 41 11, SOS 133.
Irma.' 11. La.-- 3.133 Ca) to
load, .33233 ladramay a 3.33. t 0
T 33.1,7 i .La.. :017 17. Mt,
mad prior therm . .. 133,1111
leads of •pelt IS, La o el
33.3.337 Nate*. bar ..• :31 (0
Tanvorau fay-- ...... 1.10,730 te
Carlaut. of 13.1331343333...-- M.D. 0
Debt Seetrtng no interest
V. S. 0te5.......
e .. r, ........
lereetle N ul Darn
Dead Cort Men. of Deposit....
TWA. •-••• ...... ••••••4
.11 =Jr TR to
. i i.! 4)
/swung Us A. ISesuury.
cot. S in.rn r 4 7,5
1322 E!
Lamont of detO., lam coal la the
Treason.. 412.311.131,C.
Gen. Vtn Wyck will, in a few dap.,
submit to Mellower/ his report In regard
to whisky frauds. This report will do`
tapthe nature and extent of the
frauds, the manner m which
they aro perpetrated, the loss to the
Government, and to what extant federal
officials are connected with them. lie
will recommend a reduction of the tax
on whisky to fifty cent. per gallon, to le
collected at the still and In the quantity
produced, tbe amount of tax to be esti
mated by the capacity of Ms still.
Terrible wile lurdor—Th Murder,.
•atespl. se Tat. 111. U. 1414—At
Leaspla So Ispipe sad Ie Captured.
:ffy Toler:fob to Ike ittoborgh ea•ette.l
Lotliemng, March B.—"A moat bore
ble murder occurred in this city yester
day afternonn. Wm. Kriel, a butcher,
seized hie wife by the throat, throw her
violently upon the floor, and- thawing a
six barreled revolver fired, tie bell en-
tering Just above the left ear, producing
death almost Militantly. Kriel then
placed the platol to his heed and fired,
the ball glancing and inflicting a slight
wound. At this moment seleter of Mrs.
Kriel entered the apartment, whereupon
Kriel fired at her several times, causing
her to faint. 'Kriel then again discharg
ed his pistol at his head and ran, but wee
captured after sehort chase. The cause
inslimed for the crime was that Mrs .
Kriel, having received inhuman treat.
moot at the hands of her husband. hal
gone to live temporarily with her moth
er. Kriel mother there yesterday, and
becoming enraged at her conduct allot
Mb Mos MUNI by • Shot isploatim
—Utak behest bandlliag
Czacsoo,' March s.—Yesterday after
noon while five men - were engaged to
tamping an unexploded blast on the
Norton Canal, near Lemont, in this
county, the blast exploded, kill log three
of them Instantly, and Injuring another
neVhe bsequently died. The fifth
e au rionaly injured, but will probably
Ito High School building at Fon du
Lao was destroyed Iry Are bet to
gether with all the books, fi xt n
ures, ight,
The lan le estimated at $30,0001 insured
for $15,000.
The fifth annual report to the stock
holders of the Chicago, Alton and St.
Louis Railroad shows the net earnings
for the year ending D3cember Slat, 1867,
to be $1,743,733.42. .
Trial of Coosphistoro to Oforthrow
itto•Uoyouisoool—Teir Iles mad
CST Telegraph to to. I.ll.l.ltbargh
HAVANA, 'March B.—The moll oteamer
ban arrived from Vent Cruz. •
The trial. of persona alleged to have
been engird In the late conspiracy to
overthrow the Jriarea government ere
progressing.. The plan was to eilanial
pato the members of Juarea's Cabinet,
overcome the regiment stationed at dui'
Palace, rob the truantry, end indulge in
scenes of ratline and murder.
Troops' have been dispatched to quell
the revolution at Mazatlan. -
The affairs of Girlies & Co., New,York
agents for the Mexican loan, have been
satisfactorily settled. Mr. TeR, of that
Arm, is a passenger to the steamer, and
will sail for New York on Tuesday next.
Nvarytiting L /tulot. : ln the . Mexican
iieutionaf Elsie at Fara ersburp
lb. a Ip.. •eafo!d—Peb
ix•rentioe-011.4aWased by 3,000
Joseph E she tilt,. !John Shafer was
publicly executed at Parkersburg, Weet
Virxsuia, F'ridsC lard, for the merrier of
Lillienthal, Teutor and Ulrich. The two
former, it will be rim.c•mbereil, were
killed at Parkerebnrg, and the latter at
•V heeling. The murderer, it appear.,
was on friendly terms with hie victims,
and had no other incentive to commit
the awful crime, by which he forfeited
his own life. than the acquisition of
small same of money, which he paid out
to his creditor,' as aoon as obtained. The
following la the Conteassiori he Made in
February, while in jail awaiting trial:
"I, the utedereigned, confess from my
own free will that I am the murderer of
Aloys Ulrich, Joseph Lilienthal and
Rudolph Touter, and that I intended
also to kill the fourth man if Almighty
God had not prevented it, for which I
thank him on my knees day and night.
I. went no witnesses and no defence,
and canuot really give any reason for
my miedeeds, except that the evil spirit
led me into temptation, and I could not
reelst it.
"I beg, also. that no diagram may at.
Inch to my wife, who le free from blame,
as I always arranged matters no that ehe
would not have any suspicion, I also
pray that those to whom I owe may not
think that they will be defrauded. I
am anxious to give each man:hia own as
near a.. pm:tilde.
A dispatch from Parkereburg gives
the following amount of the execution:
Pangensanno, March G.—John Elsie,
alias John Shafer, the murderer of Lit
lienthal, Tonlor and Ulrich, and the
would-be murderer of hlojor White, all
of this city, was hanged this afternoon
in a field adjoining the Northwestern
pike, about two miles out of town. •
The weather was cloudy and wet, and
the roads knee-deep with mud. Not
withstanding this, a crowd of over five
thousand, of bah sexes, a few mounted
or ridiug in wagons, were there to see
the execution of oho of the moat cold
blooded murderers known In the annals
of crime.
The nrienner, escorted by his confeseor,
Father Perko, arrived at the! scaffold
about 12:30 p. In. He made !notiddrees,
but. handed to a friend a written oonfse
! mien, which is to bo published. He
maintained a calm and stolid manner,
! and ascended the gallows with a firm
! step, showing a rather prepossessing face
and presence.
The prop fell at one o'clock, end life
wasrpromounced extinct at twelve min
utes after. He did not struggle, and but
for an occasional slight tremor and up
lifting of the hand. one would have imp
posed death inetantarmoua
The ground was kept 'by two compa
nies of militia. The behavior of the as
sembly was quiet and orderly, and befit-
Wig se solemn an occasion.
Elsie was a native of Baden; alerted
two years in the Papal army, only one of
which was spent In Rome; from.this ho
deeertad and probably went to the brl.
gaudy of the mountains, as le common
with dcseitera. Ito cams to this couutry
about three years ago, and was married
about a year since. lie was a worker In
wood, but not a good carpenter or cabi
net maker. , •
Hugh Connelly and Daniel McGeary,
who were implicated In the East Liberty
robbery and indicted with others for
bone breaking, as will be seen by our
Court reports of yesterday, were ac
quitted. It appears, however, that there
was some ground foi their farther de
tention, and they were reminded to jail
by the Court. 'Yesterday evening the
reuse of their detention was developed,
by Chief of Police Green making in
formation before the Mayor charging
Ah•att with receiving stolen goods. The
,charge w0..9 based open information ob•
-mined from John PI Abseil, ono of those
convicted of the East Liberty robbery,
'who states that they received a quantity
of boots and shoes stolen from a store in
Lawrenceville last fall, and also two
chests of tea and other articles stolen
from a grocery td' the Diamond., One
clout of the tea and two empty chests
were found on the premises at the time
the East Liberty goods were discovered.
Theca men should have been originally
indicted for receiving stolen goods, as
there wan no evidence to prove their guilt
of env other crime. Commitments were
lodged against them.
The last will and testament of the late
General William Robinson, Jr. has been
probated. It le dated March Pth,
and the codicils, of which there are two,.
are dated reepectively January Ith, 1:61.
and July Igth, ISC.4. The entireestate,
Loth real and personal, is bequeathed to
his wife, Mary Robinson, during her
natural life. after which It is to be divided
among his seven children equally, to he
held in trust by the executors, Mary
Robinson, Jame, Robinson and William
ff. Sii.nberger, until such time en the
youngest son of Alexander Robinson
shall arrive at the age of twenty-one
•ears.; • when it is to be divlded. It
ileolorovidee for the payment, annually,
of two hundred and fifty dollar , . to Sarah
Cleridenning, during her natural life,
I =1
- Dr. A.G. McCandless, Physician of the
Board of nodal, furmilhes the follow hag
tat of Interrumit. and the diseases which
caused theth doling the week comment-
log February 2.1 J, sod ending March lot
The number of deaths were 4 .50 ;
9; females, II; white, 19, and adored, I.
Of the shove there were under I,year, 4:
from Ito .10 to 15,11: . ..1) to 30. 30
to 40, 3; 40c. ""
50, 2; 50 to CO, 1; GO to 70, I;
70 to SO, 2.
Dierasra —Heart apeams, 1; Asthma, 1;
Small Pox,':; Typhoid fever, 1; Manin-
Otis, 3; Conaumption. 3; D‘ Way, I;
Palsy, 1; Pneumonta,!...,". Crone, 1; Ca
tarrh; 2; Anteldaltla, 1; born, 1. '
Dr. Keyser mart
~t ...0 . 1tat moat con•
eumptive caws are th of neglect and
Inattention to the premonitory symp
tom,. Ile feele warnulted in his opinion
on this subject from the cures of hun
dreds of cum' In their Initial eters,
which, if allowed to,progreeti, would'
have ended in same Incurable lesion of
the pulmonary organs. This la true,
not only as far an the lunge areconce?ned,
but also with regard to any other of the
vital parts. In fact, every ono knows
that it is admitted in the common affeins
of every day life, that he who postpines
to an indetinite period what should be
attended he at once, in not only deethed
an unwise but even al neglectful man.
Health is of more consequence than
money, for no hno la kith, to IMO the lat
ter discreetly without a proper observ
ance of the rules whleir govern the for
The great rush of patients at the pate
lla epartnients of the Great Arabian
Physician has caused the learned and
experienced doctor WI temporarily with
draw his card from thGAZETTS. When
he succeeds In @tree ng emit, for these
already entered on hilt books for treat
ment, be will resume advertising. lie
Lou been remarkabiV, ekiliful, and baa
already effected hundreds of cures in
this city. Some of his cases were very
obstinate, but with rare care, chill and
knowledge the Great rabian triumphed
over disease.
Dr. Keyser say. tlia Rheumatism le a
constitutional diem.e and not manned
to a part merely. Wit lot ho Is willing to
admit that it manifest itself in a partic
ular part of the ovate en, heat the name
time contend Wet tbe Weems' la never
theless general, and bent. those who be
come its victims oltmtimes lows tleah
and are troubled wi wandering pains
in various portent' the Internal organs an
wallas in the J.Anta ad extremities of
the body, No case f Rheumatism or
neuralgia (pain 0,, net*.,) was ever'
permanently cured by any other course
than one which had for its object the res
toration of a Lealthylat to o of the stomach
and digestive organ . bring about
which It le not neer to pull down the
system by violent d pletory measures,
but rather to build it up to the par
standard of health..
Canst thwalnot minim to • mind diseased,
And with some sweet, blisioss antidote.
CIE•13•0 the fool bosom of th e wallow staff
That weighs upon the eat tl
Cerialuly ; Bitters will .do
It when nothing else will. Melancholy,
Depreasion, Hypochondria, Insanity, all
spring, more or lasi, from a &maned
stomach, and thla, Plantation Blttera la
sure cure for. 'There Is no miatakeabout
Ii; Dvspepela, Flauciat se, Dullness, Ague,
and tow Spirite must yield to the health
giving and genial Influence of the Plan
tation Bitters. If you ore In doubt,
make one trial and be °malts:ed. Thus
stay those who know.
AtAnnowa WA:nat.—A dellgbtful
artlele—auperlor to. Cologne, and at
ball the price. . acw:r:F
Sudden Death.—Coroner's
Barbara Shen,. died suddenly at
her reddens* -on Liberty street, in the
Ninth ward, Thursday evening, about
di o'clook. Coroner Clawson was notl
fled and held aril:aped yeslenlay =un
less, when the Jury found that death re
sulted front natural causes. The de
ceased was thirty-eight years of age.
She leaves a husband and one child, the
only survivors of quite a large &miry.'
Great . Artblail niatdan.—owing to
ills crowded patients which daily throng
the elegant sputa:tents of the (heat
Arabian Physician, corner of Liberty
street and Cecil alley, that gantienian has
been compelled to tomporsuily wiihdraw
his advertizement. Those wiabing to
avail themselves of Ilia scientific cure
will olemie call and register their names
in advance.
CountsUen Water is a oertaln Aare
fir Diabetes and all dLwaaes of the Mid;
perk #+ore ale by all Owicists. taws.
Urrt .6 IF .1/ a
reloblolliesllaPit upon • %ogre by
bate •lobe His nwe
loooo—Tbe Porp.trwor • mooted
P taltoopens of nab Pittlob
A ruffianly and brutal affray occurred
yesterday morning at No.i First street,
Third ward, Allegheny, In which Isaac
Johnsen, a colored man, was cut In a
frightful manner by John Johnson, a
white man. It repeatrs that the parties
have been working together for over a
year as " night goilere," lived In the game
house, and no difficulty has ever existed
between thorn until yesterdk morning,
when this affray occurred. The white
man alleges that while hews lying in
his bed yesterday morning the negro
came into the house drunk and was.b•-
having hiriaself In a disorderly manner,
when ho called to him to keep quiet,
whereupon ho (the negro) came into his
bedroom, eelzed a chair and made an as
sault upon him, boating him over the
head with it and swearing be would
knock his brains out. He get out of bed
as soon as possible and knocked the
negro down with his fist in order to keep
him from beating his brains nut with the,
chair. The negro then seized upon an
axe, which was standing In the room, and
made at him with that ; he lied to the
kitchen and locked himself In, and the
negro broke lathe windoive and followed
him. He then, in self d once, pulled
his knife out of his pocket d cat him.
The negro' e statement earl a little from
thin, and is order to avoid si ng either of
them injustice. having en one story
we will give the other . It is as fol.
lows; He says he is 2234 of age; came
from Baltimore over a year ago, and
shortly after coming to Allegheny began
work with Johnson as a "night Boiler,"
and bearded with him. There was also a
shoemaker boarded in the hew.. They
always got along peaceably. He bunted
up the jobs, dose most of the work, and
gave John two-thirds of the money.
Friday nigst they finished a Job of work
and went home togethei. When they
arrived at the house, Johnson, having a
key for the cellar door, went Into the
house that way and came up and opened
the front door, which was fastened on
the inside, and lit him In. When he got In
I Johnson told him that the shoemaker
I was in bed with his wife. DuriegSatur
day and Sunday Johnson was cross and
euLlen, but did not say anything more
about the shoemaker. Yesterday morn
ing, while he was sitting at the table eat
ing hie breakfast, Johnson, who was still
In bed, called out to him to keep quiet
and slop his'swearing. He replied that
he was not swearing, get up from the
table and went Into the bed room. As
soon as ho entered Johnson Jumped out
of bed, struck him with his fist and
knocked him down; he got upend tried
to get out of the room, when Johnson
came at hint with a knife and cut him
v.; timed. Ho received ono wound in
the hack part of the shoulder, two in the
breast, one on the right arm, and one on
the nose. His cries of murder brought
olliror Fisher, of the police, to his ream,
when Johnson was arrested and taken
to the lock-up. The negro was removed
there also, where his wounds were at
tended to by Dr. R. A. Johnston. Hie
Injuries, although severe, are not consid
ered necessarily fatal. Information was
made before Mayor Drum against Jahn
eon, the white man, charging him With
felonious assault and battery, upon which
he was held for a hewing.
lilapwasar,[ardor aadl lialeide—
ProL Mailerowi. ilas Wistaria. Mills
ills Mar and Commits asicias.
The following item contained In •
special addressed to the Cleveland
Leader, by a Meadville correspondent,
[loosesee• local Interest, inasmuch am
Prof. Andareon is well known In these
“Before this comes to "hand you will
hove • learned that Prof. Anderson, the
well known preandigitaeur, committed
suicide beet night in Cincinnati, by shoot
ing, first killing his little non. The
cause, no doubt, was domestic trouble.
A dispatch was reeelv,sl here this MOM
in, from Cinelmtti, saying that Mrs.
Anderson would no doubt be on then
Eastern bound express trnin, which sr
riTtl about ten o'clock. and in company
with a man who was described. A tele
gratti to Mrs. A. was also sent, which, If
she weir discovered, W. to be given to
her. 'him. A: was on the train and in
company with the roan described, whose
name 61 Id orris,an Individual who had
been In the employ of l'rof. Anderson as
superuninerary. It hen the dispatch
was handed to her, Morris reached
out his baud and took it, opened and read
it and then handed it to the victim of bis
wiles. It read stout es follows: "Your
husband last night kilt s 1 yloir little boy
and then shot himself. They are both
dead. Come back for God's sake?' The
poor creature was unite crushed by the
awful news, but struggled to her feet end
len the car; the man Morris fallowing
her. She want Imo the McHenry House
and remained until the afternoon stores
train left, when site started for her deso
lated home.
The appearance of the couple attracted
attention ou Wu train. She seemed be be
dejected, cud laboring under distract 'of
Mind, and paid but little attention to
him, who talked to her elm.d incessant
ly Ina low tone of voice. She Is repre
sented to be quite a nue looking woman
of thirty to tnirty-flve Isere of age, with
a face indicating weakness rather than
wickedness. to punishment could be
too severe for the wretch who is the au
thor of this terrible tragedy. 'We pit*
the pooerulued woman."
The jury impannelled by Coroner
Clawson to inquire into the, Manner and
Coon. of the death of James Casslday and
Henry Green, coal miners, who were
killed on the Pan Handle Railroad on
the sth hot, an as of which was
published in the Gascrre of Friday,
' convened at the Mayor's •and yester
day morning, and after hearing the testi
mony of John Ker r, H. Bolinger, Ber
nard Ikorluim, A. Lyton, Homer Smith
and William Orr, Conductor, Engineer,
Fireman and Brakemen on the train,
from which it appeared that the deceased,
had got on the train contrary to orders,'
and that the accident resulted from the:
breaking o, a whoci.a. previously stated,.
the following verdict was returned: The
dercused came to their death on the sth
day of March, lhSi, near Cork'. Run
Tunnel, Chartiers township, on the Pan
Handle Railroad, by being croaked in
,the wreck of coal train No. 21, which was
thrown from the track by the accidental
breaking of a wheel.
Jacob . Stand, a boy about eleven years
of age, son of Mr. Jacob Staudr-chan
dier, on Butchers run, was killed almost
Instantly on Saturday. Ho was coming
frem the chandlery with a wagon loaded
with boxes of .soap, on the top of which
be and the driver were seated on - two
empty boxes. In tunclutt out of the
North Common Into Pitt alley a sudden
jolt titres? the doomed directly under
one of the wheels of the wagon, whiat
passed over and broke 111111 neck. He
died almost Instantly. At the Inquest
the drivyr was exonerated , from all
blame, and a verdict of accidental death
was rendered.
Gene South.—R. W. Mackey,. Esq..
First Cashier of the Allegheny Natiotuti
Bank, yesterday took, hie de-Arture (or
New Orleans, where he will remain sev
eral months to recuperate his health and
strength.. We trust he may fully accom
plish the object of his visit and return
home physically Improved. Few gen
tlemen of this city have as many warm
personal friends as Mr. atackey, and
none are more deserving the friendship
Commissions Recorded.—The following
named gentlemen having been appointed
Notarien Public by Governor Geary,
their commissions have been receive d
and entered on record in the Recorder'.
Gilbert M. Mclfeetera, Cherie"
C. Taylor; 0. M. Murphy and P. IL
Marts, Pittsburgh; Frederick M. Magee,
Oakland; John Mummy, Alleghenj;' J.
R. Jaques, Pod, Birmingham.
The NaCeel asa ♦llea Adair at M.
Sr. Louis, Afereh 9.—The McCooi and
Allen matter stands about as follows;
McCool this morning deposited in the
hands of the proprietor's of the Broad
Gunge Saloon five hundred dollars, as
the that deposit in the match under the
challenge telegraphed this morning.
Allen says he is wailing to. sae
If MeCool's friends will put_ up
the second deposit of .three hundred
and fitly dollars in the match made on
Saturday night. If they fall to do so, he
will claim the forfeit, and be ready to
accept MrCool'e challenge -for the
match for twenty-five hundred dollars a
aide sixty or ninety days after the fight
with Coburn, _the mill to be fought,
however, within filly miles of
Cincinnati instead of • St. Louts.
He claims It has been - his intention to
fight the winner of the championship far
94500 or 113,900, and his determination is
still fixed In that regard. Many rumora
have been Itrolrculatien during the day,
and mttehaicitentent existed among the
wties interested, but the above is ho
llered to bee- fair statement of the case
at innsent. .
Tsturrupt io tts Pittsburgb tissetta.l
Daimon, March 9.-. The city eicotlon,
to-day, molted In the choice of . A. D.
Manson, Ropublicau, for Mayor, by a
vote of 7,715 to 1,307-•4 Republican gain
of 157 from Lott fall. •
Bat.e.ter, 'March flayford,
Republican, mu elected Mayor by 130
majority. • Both brandies of tho City
governmerit gra Ilepubllow. The. Tote
woe the jargeat over polled. •
Diareromp, March . —Fe rguson
Hahne. Democrat, was elected Mayor by
175 majority. The Romocrata carry flap
of Norma. warily
AOSUSTA, March 9.—The Democrats
and Antl-Prohibitory Liquor men to-day
elected Daniel Williams Mayor by fifty
eight majority. Tho vote was Ma largest
over cast. " The Republicana have four
one of seven Aldermen. The Anti-
Prohibitory Liquor men have, majority
14 the Common commit.
• )///4741,, IP/7 . 1411 Coo
Monday hlweb 9 (tod
The tneleruent coodirlrm •.t the wearberbss
atendanry to, retard otar bus:nem which.
at best, Is, and has been b r von., tune past,
very dull. In the goners( resrltets there are no
new features worthy of nott , s, and•
without Important eloang ,
littrall—Wlntes Wheat Is qolet and un
ebangiO at V1.4304/5 for Red, an , l sr, 4 utl,sS
for While. corn ts stdet but steady at %®II,
on track, and 41,0641,10, In
but unchanged; 64018,. 011 tract. maul 0071;
store. Bye la dm at 41,10, to first hands, and
$1,63(i1" la store. Bales 10 rearm, and In •
demand at MY9,10,
'FLOBB—Ia dull and Imoltargedy mmtlaue
to quote at $10,19611,21 for Spring Wheat; ell
011g0 for Winter Wheat, and 411016 for faner
brands. Bye Flour, *weak sad Buckwheat
at 14,240 4,10.
PROVISIONS—. Bacon I. .ready hot on.
stunted, with regular Jobbing mho, at I dROll.
far Shoulders; 14015. for Ribbed and Clear
Sides; and 1734. ter Sugar Cored Hams. Prilos
kettle rendered Lard las, in Cornea, and 1034 e
In keg.. Dried leef,2oo. Ifeas Pork, Cs,io.
88/TER—I. gm end In good demand but
unchanged; sales of prime to <holm 801 l at
EGGS—lludar the izehaenee Of mamma ar
rivals, the market la weak. and drooling
DRIED rigurr—gs Inn and In good demand
but maimed; sale. of Priam, at 70114 for
quarters, and 10611 a for halves, and APO'.
at 7010.
GREEN APPLES—Stang, with • Rood 10.
cal demand, and the market may be quoted
arm at it. 5005,60.
POTATOES—Continue dull but anahanged;
small axles atala at U 01,04 per bushel, sad
$.101,2d par barrel, ta
SEEDS—Clovaraaa4l. Intilat and naalanged
a11aa8,26. TLakottsg bland la dull and noadnal
at IMAMS. lrlansaed In good demand at
LAND OIL—Is aren . but unehang..l; No. 2
L. quoted at 000001. •ad No. I at 11,2301,10.
DEANS—Quoted at $4,25040.0 per bah..
ONlONS—Quoted at SOPA Per bu.b.2.
HOMlNY—gut.t at 14220471 per bbl.
APPLE IitITTEM—SCoa at MIAle per
VINEGAE—SaIea at 1114:1at. ea to tlaaltti.
Oman as ?Ira ihreszrzaa
MONDAY. Mara 0, lOU.
There with again a very light sopply of
Cattle to-del, and while the deemed was very
tuna indented, there being no foreign buyer.
In attadase, and the butchers bulled very
sparingly, the market, athertheiese, was • very
stir one, nod taking Oa the different grades
tote antideratien, prices rultake thuds higher.
Prime fat Cattle gold at about last week's
!arse, while common end media grades
brought better Prleteit, ad at coon there wer
but very few in the yards untold. Primer.
snag butchers Bettie sold at from t% to 0%
grins, fair to medium at eX to 7% and stoekere
at 0% to Bd. Al n general nag, the butcher!
are buying very eparthgly, whith is owing to •
great falling err is the demand (or Ikea meat,
and as the wo4log classed are obliged to teen
mite, erpecially those who an out of em-
ployment, the number of Cattle wanted in this
market is failing of pereeptibly, and, as this is
not manned to this market alone we are to
hopes that the prtentt exorbitant gannet long
ere eatalsed. The following Is a pretty no.
mats report of al the leading ellen
L. totheillid• reports rianng sold 11 bead
Chleago tattle at 4140 f 54.
James idiAllister told 10 head of awe and
steam for Boyd et 1,)4 to 7%, and e head of
W sablegta aunty got. at 'I.
Dana • thir. sold 7 bead of pretty good fat
teeth at 84; and 4 Ba. fresh eat 770 per hind.
Greenwald s Kan sold 70 beet Chicago
cattle at ei4 to 8 80.
Nitholes Carr sold n/ head of halr to good
Watern suers at e% to 7%.
Mark. and Trauma reported bead of mixed
Chicago nettle a e% toe.
Jebel Kerwin bought two show cattle from
Silent Smiteat 11; two extra bulls at 034, and
two (atria do from Lao Eckert at ay(.
Ltrikety a Co. retailed .73 need of
mixed stole, on commission at iq to 3. •
Dolan a Co. wholesaled la head aft good
Patera steers to Carr axing •
7- Bertha cola le head of prime Ohio cattle
to Byers is Had/ et Tjy
liasietrad is Blaketoak .old 17 head et
enact thileseo cattle for Dolan a Co. to Peter
fable/ at 7,t4, node head for Elsamen a 034
to 7.
Staksly a Gamin wholesaled la head of
ood Peoria nacre, arentatusl,2W3 at 7.
Id. Vetoer wholesaled II head of 1011$ fat
attic to Shalt a Kamm at 1.0. and retailed
• heal ate to -
Myers • Needs moot basins sold N heed
t cattle • .7% to a, IS do do at 7% to kik and
haul stockers at a to 4.34.
Kraus a rim .old 40 bath Mono cattle at
Brant of the regain dthlara had no stock
today; amens othars Kedge. I Taylor, Shera
ton" la lithium,. the Is:Shamberry.
There .a a remarkably 11/tht apply of
sheep ea sale to4a7 ate as a oonarquesee,
those who arm se fortunate as to haven't.
Mad of stook, texperteatea no dlaleolty lk get.
Mat so mirages. flood to,prlms tat mutton
slap sold at from 6 tor and extra at 174
Garvin mkolesaled U Teed to
at I.
Emortak • Co. whoresalad If bead of — estrs
sheep,.Mersting 148 U. I% and tataCed 53
ot to 04.
Johd ld'Allater retaUedtt heal at a to T.
J /nob X= !bold aro?. bat we did aot get
hi. pie.:
' The market le quiet but Ina. end while the
demand It light. Prises With 1 .. t
wk are a abode Mahar. rasylog hoes II to 11 e.
alass. Lafferty & Co. wholesaled CI head to
Demi.* & Ito. at IN.
Rothsbilde & Bret* o.Potasy l ille Gthilt , d ti
he. at* tti
Eaterlak & Co. tarots beak retailed :0
bud at. to
07/101. Ot to Pitflnr i Gmcwrint
Yuma., Illarelt 0, lin.
rta metal market has been unusually active
during the week which has just closed, and
under the tng coulee of • .toady demand, pried.
we wall nostalowL Ike trannactumn. In the
a/vegeta, arc the largest we hate bad repott
ed lot tome time, and as will be aeon; the great
otoportlan of the axles being common and me
ditun grads, earthy to . their 'Doug relatively
abeam than wltat u boaopafl/ tanned fancy
brudn, and betidn eonsomera, owing to lb.
low rata for tamanfaaturet Iron sad .144 are
sompallad to boy as alone as posslble In ordet
to mate •lbe ands awed:. We quota the fol
lowing oaks
leo tons Way Forge. tr? 03— nosh
ka ......... al CO— cash
It 93 tub
114 00— Moe
• (im loge
SOS - Neutral No. Pori /16-6 met
COO P N 0.2 Forge 5150—0 ma.
RraUuollO COAL •%11.117/ 15021 LAU SP
110 10110 N 401210 YOCIO $37 10-00400
200 " Toro., at femme 34 OS—Imo&
too 0 040100154 V• 1147 roti•—. 105 CO— Cash
=0 at Mottled and White ...... 34 00-4 Mot
aW tl Lots grads, at torsaoe..... SO 10-1 wen
106 0 0 0 0 « 31 OC mien
too “ .. .• . . o .... U. on— sun
11C0 o Medium reels IS SO-010os
WO .. Open Grey, lay. bran' 00 20-4 moo
200 0 °MO.) Flo. to aniTs 31 00-0 moo
* go out of atol'ht p.t.
MP *p. L
Low gm* at know.— XI 00— tub
IGO Medina Guinn., x 7 ot-4 ea.
" U 1.0.-8•203
100 toes No. I polio..
110 .• (tool Wand
191 06-4 M.
. n CO-4 mw
. 10 0*74 MOS
Oman or WI PITIVIIINSI Guerra,
ritlahlr. Mash IA UK& t •
Notwithstanting It has beta aantandad that
the and rotes for mmonfastnred It.. and Ne/11
bare been kept down to it very low point for •
year past. taking ...Whiled else tato sooald
oration, there has boon a 11111 further natl.,-
lion, and we now bine bu bon quoted atitia
and 05111 at 14,0 pat keg.' llomparod with the
highest point reached during the war, theft
her Imes 5 deellne of over two hundred per
In the prim of •Iron mad Nene, end 1k le
pow alleged that, at present earn rates, there
ls no margin for the minufsaturer whatever.
It le mipsehol, however, that orders wIll:now
Dow to 01x1 freely. the present rota dining
talapettUoa, and en • onneequenee, our mills
will be put la fall blaet, not unit °tingle , . but
..doubto turn ,^ aml ones more Pittsburgh will
stand out prommentlyu the great Iron mut
of this muitiv—the "Birmingham of the 11.1-
teo States: , The following are the .srd rates,
serrated up to sae:
Oommon Bar ogee 1340`33i
Bono Shoe •
• •
licay Band 4 ,
114.0 414.1 L 1666 3.66 4 gip
Ruud sad &pars ...... .6714
Oval ' I.iio Of
Half Oval and half Bourul--......... a 6
Bolkar . lroo am pi
Nall Nods
Shoal U. u to II I ax l%
is to 24 1134
, 24 to 21
All Wandal in
over la In. wt , la Xa EOM -
10d to 604
N. Id . 7 co
Fosahlg nod ' Id lins - 700
Brads $1 75 itd floe Oro
Id and Id sap J( .o 5 ao
Id and Id k II Ciloah. ss
441 soot 5.1 '5 a Out noicai — 90
sd llarrel Nallt—g tub. 0f" 1 iooh, *Mt; 1%
huh. liO,50;1% in.h, Kw ; Iye loeh, NOV.
num.—Nem or saasounas at I 0 days, with
among rate of Eultaoro an Now York; or s
&sworn oil per moot. for Pub, if remitted on
moiler of lorobw. Paireasto to to made In
New York Ezoboragoo B. 'Maury Nblee,
or their equivalent. Nails in loin of IS. kegs
sod upwards, 113.5 a Dor leg or. Nedimouot
on Milo of lua Mae Aftir dollars.
. •
sew York thilll• Ilarkee. -
t 97 rogeirme to the Flttstersh Caudle.]:
New Tone Muth L—flecelpta for the
weeki 5,01 b eeves, ft= sheep and lambs;
111,440 begs. Mirka! for Ike(' Cattle today
only moderately native, the wants of butob.
en being comparatively mall. The sale.
made were at a reduction of Mingo from
lot Monday. Theta tearoom sitU abbot IMO
head; *sirs lot* lend at 1I4; Prime. iya
Imo, ant guilty, 1741111Sei fair to good, elg
Po i r i ttlr:l2l.a W mti d re:tgartrinfr d i t r ai i .
log the orator part of the week, prices be
log I¢ll7l lo higher, but towards the ulnae
ebenwy less drtanees perceptible. Today
null the yards the market Is only modes t
g.telY op r• and oaths weak, though shee
se Winer than thou of tut
et, li ear,
on market at Fortieth street, where sees
tholuded'3ll3 Sheep, slam lbaaverull. USG
11140;409 lilinols, PI lbs., at 7544: 4 1fet quote.
m oos artn, 17gV; prim*. lfg; com
on to good, s 7 1 inferior Merkel
for Swipe weed and heavy ' Coder at 118
for common to MUT Prime Caro felt
there we on We 14 ears at Fortieth strut
.1 1,207 bead at Cemmunthalri Untold.
411/14•Yorefs, brOußtittpfo,
Cl' I.ltia ET.
ilrmea (1' riTTSOCRPH GJLArITC,
F.D.', Mama*, Int
We note an important advance in the Pi/-
lowing articles: Club Acid, Opium, /dor
pole, Quinine. Camphor, Shellac, lodine,
lodidi of Potassium, Olive Oil, Madder
Spirits Turpentine and some Other scads.
Some forel en ;foals are In light oily,
end have - been Pon in `New u`New Tot on
Thu disastrous tire, arlitch orocurred et
i..torutory 11. ware. powers and Weight.
man, of Philadelphia, may render some
goals 'of their hianufseture temporarily
scarce, but the enterprise of that Wall
in:town firm will overcome all diMenitles In
4 very short time, and we venture to say
that there will be but very little, it say,
literritpuon in thaw regulaz MA.
Acid, aeetic...: • TT
Ade!. Citric' 103 $1
field iiiiirle iii l i
Aloes, Cape 3 , / IR vi
Ammonia., Agma 10% to 14 il5
Ammonia, Carbonate. 17 to 00 D
Assaioatids .—. ... ..... ; ' 50 D
/lalasta Copalbs, 1 10 11,
Day Dam 3000 to 5.50 it irali,
Cinchona, P01e......... 35 to 33 y I
Cinchntts, Red 115 to 190_ f s
Blue Y a lt s d
Blue Ms 65 i
ol 12% 13 to. 0
Borax, iteattotl SS to 40 .15,
Calmed _ . 115 D
111 ID
10 I.I ID
1 87 .. 1 . .0 162 11 , ?
Cuii;nW. Zelaci
W. •5l 41 ID
Cream Tartar
,4,1, t,I.
,-i 4 t 1
79 lb
33.4 to 1 27 4
V 14
9 to 11 14
'23 • to 24 . 14
~ 5 5 to 58 , 15
82 to 99 lb
99 lb'
20 . RID.
.740 - $3 lb
P Ka
Ether Nitro.
Ether Sulphuric
Glue No. I
Gum Amble Sorts....
Gum Arabia Select.—
Hoffman's •Anollyns..
Iron Carbonate
25 • y 5
2 IT ' 54 5
6 • 54 5
' 1 15 . :
19 . to 14 tb
90 tol al . 15
• 52 lb
7 440
1 44 11
I 11,
4 to 4% 5,
90 to 160 54 5
160 la 15
.fro to 11.50 11 5
2 50 Co 2 10? 5911.
.. 4 25 r. , :
. 410•tO5 40 ; :
1 grlz:
-- • : to, r
i 0, .
.. . 6 00
1M t
27 i
• 2 05 p o 14.
.. 47 - 114 5.
Iron Carbonate Precep.
Ivory Bieck....
Juniper 'Berries
Magnesia Cab
Magnesia Cart.
Morphia Sulphur
Nitrate Sliver
Ochre American
Ochre French -
Oil Almonds
Oil Anise
Oil Bergamot
Ott castor .......
Oil Camila
Oil Cloves
Oil Cod Liver
Oil Lemont
Oil Lemon
Oil Olive
Oil Olive, Marseilles..
Oil Pennyloyal......
Oil Peppermint
Oil Sassafras......
Oil Wintergreen
Ores Septa
Merinos .. . . .
Pouts. Chlorate....
Patens. Nitrate....
Potasea Sulphate.
Pewee Bromide.
Potassa lodide..
Qtue "
- 22 tO 24
.... • •16
..... 210'
6 10
iinini - 611;er
Hoot Aeonaiter
Root Blood
Boot C010mb0....
Boot Gentian ~..
Boot low= 40 5 .
Boot Ipecac, P0n..1...a 2 70
Root Liquorice.— .... 10 tO B)
Boot Rhubarb 370
Root SarDaparllia 53
Boot Valeilan, Eng.— Bs
Uosln 6OD to 60 , F, I
Sal Epsom 6
Sal Itoehelle
sal Soda 3% U 434
Seed Canary 11 I
Seed 11em.... ...... .. II A
E.111:111, Alex o SS fl 13
Spirits Turpentine.... li: to 030
Soda 11l garb
Whiting 334 ln 13
Mandel Ratters In New York
WIC Closed as itolgpl+o7,4
Cul Tsleen\ to QS Pitl.o.o G.+ltt
Inn" Year., Marsha. 1858.
None? eacY at 800 per cent. on call. Ster
ling quiet and week at mao34, beet bank
er. data irregular and opened at 140%; dor .
caned to 139%; advanced to UOMa declined
to 140, .d closed needy at /10%.01‘0%.
Garen:tweak! weak and heavy. Clews a
Co. fornlah the following 1130 closing quota.
bons: Coupoue NI, 110441111; do. P 64 uosta
110%; d0. , 64.11/iNalenit do. N 55, 10Eu.0W::
do. new 106%0114; 10.40 e, 101140101%. 7400,
Toe excitement In the stock market on
'Elisio without parallel In history- Stock
Exchange fluctuatioe frequent and violent.
Stock opened at M 5.... to to. fellOned
by a decline to nti and • raUy to 75. The
decline from NI to 7114 was started on the
report that the new certificates repreient
log the now stock' were making their an.
yearn.* on the street, and the deelme
was further accelerated by another reran
"thattne principal broker for the bull party
had felled. These stories were without
foundation, and the broker in cee.tloll not
only margined bin Erie down tole, but had
• large blank balance over. One broker
alone .Id fort thousand to fifty th ouesad
shares, which is underetood to be for the
account of Yr. Drew. Short Interest le
e arm,. and was morselled by the heavy fall
to-day. Great fluctuations In Erie tended
- of course to detract from the rest of the
'market. but Western shuns are stronger
and higher m many mnes. Wabanb, China
go Sod Alton and Northwestern common
and prefermdare hlgher and in demand.
. Canton, Girip64. land, SACIAPA
Wells Expreea aril Cumber American, enalea; V
Adams, 71011.!4; ntied Suite; MOTU
Merchants , Union,BB%l3.lP/H Holeasitrer, Si
ISPH4; MariPeee7ClSi Pachile 111011110
Atlantic. ilili.io9BNy Western Union
i Tele
graph 31 ,-4 031+4 : New Took Central. 129 , 40
MN; rte, Mtioraj; Preferred.7Bo9o; Liar.
lam, no quotation; Hudson. 1430145 i ead ,
Mg. bridoMl4% Onto Certitlabm,
Wanner', SPAHISP4I St Paul, WASS; do
preferred, 05-Helfaii.4; Michigan Central. 112;
Michigan Southern. 91%e11e2; I ll inois Cen.
Pittsburgb, 1011401011; Rock
111.00, 0730teryi; Northwestern, 683(,00 , 34;
Preferred. ,a , ,itiarN; FortVrayne,loiplelK;
Hartford Erie, Hi Terre "ante. iSii;
I Ist preferred, Sit Hannibal and at.
Joe, 7t; Cleveland PlailOVllle,
sourPs, 11P4; mw Tennessee's 615-4. The
males of Erie to-day renahed 170,0C11
011130 .1.11.1M.5.
Mining shares dull; 13MIth 2 Parmelee, 3
Qaarte MU1.13; Ledge TO.
6011-1.4.011 r.
Illivir Yerk Prodea• Markel.
By Tole:mat to the Eltialrotth tiasotto.l
New Yeas. March 9. 7 -Cotton better! .
sales of 6,M0 bales, at WielMo for middling
uplands, clewing rather quiet:. Floor; re
ceipts kess bbis; market 20100 better, but
lees ;salve; salts of 1,000 bbl,. 4 $0.100 9 , 0 3
for imputes, State and wens.; 919,100
10.90 for extra mow; adrsimao for extra
westere;sl9,l9eo4 ,4o for white wheat lanes
$10,10014.10 for 7t. 11. O.; eleol9 for extra 8L
Louts, and 1112413 for mood to chowe do,
cloalog quint- California flour very Iran
fl.loo or 7,000 sacks It Ill? ..71014M. BY°
oor smiler: axles of SO 66 13 at. $7,00.9.60.
Corn Beal Whiakynominal. Wheat;
receipts 1,710 busks market • shade drmer
sad In fair demand; males of MAO bush, at
41.415(09,46 for No. leering in store and no.
named; AM for No.l do delivered; MOO fOr
mixed spring 02.6e03,10 for amjper rennerl-
Tune; tagitt for amber Ste n; $l4O for
for wnite MOO for whitesquads
on canal. Bye scares unitizes; sales otlare
bosh Jersey at .1001.90. Barley firm;
Wesel 16.90 been, at 10.25 for venom md
$3,33 for Canada West. Earley Malt quiet
and firm. Corn; receipts Pk= bushiasarket
lgno better, closlog quiet and scarcely so
arm; sales Of O.OM bore, at Vann= for
new moved weatern afloat, the latter an
amnion; *1,3101.41g for old do in .store;
e 1,31 for yellow Jersey; 11121501,39 for white
Southern; SLIZYJILIO for Southern yellow.
Oats; reeelpte 4726 Min; Market 10140
and more active, with Balm of 9,t)
hostels at price. ranging from &No to eilfo
tor weitern In mere. Toe following is toe
stock of gram in.warehonset Wheat, 1,173,-
153 bullets; corn, 1,710,029 bushels; oats,
1,141.912 bushels; rye, 41.M9 bushels barley,
Melt [mottle; malt, Mara bastotle;
4,624 bushels. Rim Coffee 1s firm
but riot very .diva, with Wee of 3.550 bags
Rio at private terms. Sugar is very doll
with sale. of MO 110g,heada Cuba at M
10 to
13c. and 'Sonoma Havana Ist 1174 to o. ato•
lasses is quietuni study, with also 0 1 910
barrels Porto Uleo at private terms. Mope
are quiet. Petroleum is steady at lltfo for
erode. and We for relined 15 bond. Pork is
Irregular and lower, with sale. of 3.7311 ban
rera at $2.6.73 for new m 042 closing at CS el
anti; M 3,70 far old de, closing at 0.7,4 cash;
419,751M05T for prime, and 4.1,93 ler prime
men; also %Babble new omen SM, seller for
May. Beef la firm with Wes or 1,9 M Dols' at
04029 for new plabs ail for neer
extra mere; and tM timers 433,1:00,18 for
prime mess, and $311,10a41 for /oche men.
Beef hams are Mealy with es of 379
sales at M3f1134,50. tint mean are fl out whit sales
of 303 plop at 104 e• for ehOuldcrt, Ingo for
hams. Dressed begs ars steady at prey - lOUs
prima Lard Is a !made firmer, at 14340 100.
Butter Is arm at Mane far Ohio, and
for State. Cheese -Is steady at 1101E4.
Freights to Liverpool me undimmed, with
engegaments per steamer of 591,000 buariele
corn at t . pence.
Oincht or en Trreinstmhz lOnnee,
Taron. March 4, 120.
Mews. Enn a hoar, wh 41444 1e 4,4 4.
Ono:onset of Liberty andithen struts,
quote the following breed.
7. Sohoontaker i Sou'a Strictly Poe.. lb
Ohmura, White LIDA Work., Prue— lie
linnet Tare thr
Mail. Para
Pearl Soot. Mate
Pals Ufa
rttll.l Pars. knotted Claw
Now Toils Dry Goods GastoS
(ST Trl•rn4L to (1. ritt.bursh Ossado,..
New Tom Warehn—The dry goods trade,
Is mOre oaths% lnflaerund by lee weather
and the market is eery Arras bear? grown
abeotin Ire Ught stock and Bell readlly
as ter Wes mates, .ad seconds at.
ndlart Orebard U command 111ic;
do IS llos do L Bedford B 1014ci Low
ness. 17 t(et Nashua I Sao2l4e; de and Fulda L PepperelLE 17NOUNr.„ and
roilwrell II IS 178.- Bleeene4 saunas of
favards bran • aro IwlllBB supply &nations
at MGM far /few York sulllsi ao Mr Iran.
nat., 13112110 .000 Tuscarora{ Loneadale,
Slog Hi
Beon ls
Ido. On /Mottos( A. le'
a n
and nt Hope 1154117 a. YAM* ntesd7
and in moan at WO for foordoolo; 18)9.
for droosteag; 130 for American and Don.
n 8112004,0 for Paoldo, and 100 for Bleerl.
mask D. 01081aras ateady In lie 113 r
caster, end 170 for Glasgow.
(By ?Cep.: to the IlltabarA Oust:lA.3
Ihnimmil, Karel% k—Ylotir anatiml
and io moderato demand, fatally t ell
wheat for
at eke for Ho
at kg 00 for Ito. L. Corn firm and ha tiessozol at
$lO for ear, and Soo for &hailed. Oats arm
at MOW for No. I. 1t,.. el.734llloBtorNM 1.
Barley in denumd at elierifur NO. L Cotton
amtva bud la Metier& Wm IMO balm at 100,
oloalmr Valet at Ms rata. Prarlatcom arr.
°lmaged an 4 quiet; but little dam Yeas
Pork Is balrl •00 Walk Sulk Meats, 10.1 m.
Immo 1l (a. 211401 lie and litie for Mord
dam, Wes, clear rib mad oleo: BMW Baku
cored home 17011 e. Ltd dull allOOl no
detuanot Maggot. tbia rats Is. nominal.
Bolter maree and lay demand at 41000 for
IMAM. Egg+ devalued to Ms. Sugar IMO
Corr. wet - moved and oolat
-1112.734111akk Timothy. SLOGS Mk I,Loa
111.3110L211. Lard Oil. 11424421,10." Petro.
lama dull at 411/telki far milzad la - bond.
Honey in demand at
,1210480 per pound.
Gold. Mc WINE.
litk , !ltnar. , rattle Markel
Bexmwoks., March s.•-tiattio-She offer- -
Pigs at the aeales doting the but week
amounted to 989 heed, agatnet In last weak '
rnara to-dar rwisol Cl follows: Old cows
and setlawags, 194.13985; orillnars thin atter,
oxen and ow., $1,90/981; fair to lewd settle, II
ae: fair beeves, sad the
vets: beat beet/ves,W-010. pet lie ID..the average
ptlee being about P. 11%, QOM On eommon
and medium cattle there was a alight death,*
while good and extra qualities were Ilta:
Sheep—The aupply has been fear during , the
past week, and demand moderate,exiept 'ROT
extra sheep. which are some. Prteea ranged
as follower Fair to good at 306 C, good to
extol at 481739. Per 18, poi. the listed la de
mand and Welter.
flog•—fle arrivals have bean glow daring
Ow Put seek, and demand brie'. Price.
reefedae follows: tale to prime live boas
111.9.23015,50 per 1001 b., nee—an agent. Of 111
perl9o It.
Miamilplala Mute Sarkis.
[Hr Seismal to the Plttsbargh O .sue.:
Potraossarto March T.—Cottle doll sad
unettsairod; MA41043011; hde to 1.0 1 ,0
fre cosmos. OW. Shoop hove odelosood
soles of GAO hood at COSA. Hoes hoes
odvoadd 7Se; Wes at 413,*1111 per or,
C 122
lIARR—PLOYD.—Ia New Orleans. Ls., Pet..
=h. tits, by the Pee. Dr.Palwer, Mr. SAYUEL
BAER. Jr.. and 14. es MLA. FLOYD. b.tb et
LISP—IteLEE.O. Oredeewlay, created. the
4th test., et the residence et the bride , . nether,
by the Re, A. D. Clart, assisted by Rev. Gels.
Otesoed, Mr. J. SP: LIST. of ICUs.. Pa., sad
Ills. AbINIZ YeEILE, or Allestomy City.
BALLAD—QMIIITIN. — On Tberediy, Pettey.
=O. ISCS. in Pilladelphts, by tbe Raw T. W.J.
Write. D. D., ASITLICH ItALLOII. et Plfw
burnt, end Aims QUMTII. of Phltulaibhis.
811190.1L—eu Thursday morel's, Marsh SO,
Is at li 11All UZL CLlYlaokb, son of
U. sad Bunn Samoan, aged three months.
MD.—At at. Louis. en the 3d of
offense piton of the bowels, JOSIgll
BOWL aged Llyears.
ST01:17-0a 'Saturday afternoon, Mardi 7tl
by a lad rya One oSS a wagon, Jar:43a STOUT
aaad tl putts.
PHICI9I.II3.—On Menday. Duel I. DAVID.
son of David and Anne Trlekard, aged =teen
yearn WI seven .111•11LIt.
DAIN.—At thal.d. on OO 444 'Mardi SM.
8.09ZTTA.1... wife er Serb T. Saln.nien a 7 9 9.
WICKIRSHAM.—In BalUarera. Marylud. en
the Ist Instant. leas e S WICX=aI9 AV.
Olden et the Iwo Inekeralano loll* 7111
year et tee .{e.
LYONS—As Alta. 'ablates past twelve
o'clect, this (Idoulay) szonang.
LVOxih aged years. •
Dr. Sargent's Cough Bumpwili pus you.
Dr. Bargerkt . • Cougfl *no ./ 11 rot
Bawl nu ACtrni On COlomc Itßavenna
Dr. Sargent , . Couch ewrrp wul rall•ve Ton.
Diva Tort A MIL oz
Dr. Ramat•t Comb lyre➢ will seDIT• Toe.
Dr. enrsant • s Congri Br rup wW 11111,, you.,
1111 , 11 T 417 WELK. LIMOS? . .
Dr. durum's Couth !Tr.* 'CU cars 70.
Ulna lOU ♦ gnu TRIOS? ?
D. gargent's ce agb gerap .10 wt. lee
;Sara TOII Sal DU sAsl OP TEA TlilloST.
LUNGS oa CilirST?
Dr. !arrant'/ Coast Syrup Is ISO best priliSS.
ratios for such alarms, you sax WA.
A Few Words to the Ladles.
Kay ladles, particularly lathers nursing.
complain of a tired, Ileth sa fallen.= manta
• zhaatiou, on alga' In the morning. On the
wife sad mother devolves Um eta rralbllll7 Of
moieties Ike duties of the beachold. lice
rams?. amuse.. and the mental as well as
Ph/steal powers.* fratically ailed Into nat
al don the often dads her slhateut Occalmrla
• weary Mat sad al neace a leaden, w: lie at
the mine Uwe she has nirealar disease... MS
at this period, will prove an catalog meted,.
for this as:toying Malta. The effects of this
potful. urea are nausea in the rosy cheek and
elestle step of the Using Ms family, acwith re.
stein health and renewed Write ate la e P./
amistosseu place le tbe family Winn if Mir
Viand to need be ma Waif amd.trtem
leg symptoms will be enanalle• • • and en onlnneonn molten nat ha ape-lima.
Oat many damns folio ear Ira &dent eenel4-
ed. As • hi tDICAL A 85.112 It Zia no
Cwhile 110 pining nava ad healthfut tam
are sada It • seam harm. isle tree trees
all Deepest*. ...Zonated t • Imamr the alum.
ad IM operations are a once mlid, imams.
ans airiest. Alt w oo have nal We Bitten at.
teat In el tees an 4 manned It to sae.
Masonic Diseases.
Ike Malawi of ttuo human body [a , "
'sonny one at • Uwe. A alsordeppl 'Mr, or •
allaht Initatlon of the bronadal taboi,
tars to be tollontsl bj Dalm and oat* to♦ul
Puts. wording to ittll of the ortooll
or Ante ilossal Warr. A -- . 11 alleta4 wltb
papslawill ow" liadmore than tit. rtolaseb at
calms Irritation or pal., whoa It to In
anew; of sad carried Oat of the glees.' nth-
been rtlteredririd ratorad besleb sad 'lsar
by s f tee tattles of LH. HHTBHB•B BLOOD_
SILBOHXI2, welele riot ably tesperis toss Lott*
ttosaaab end 0001year/fan& bit atm* wt.
tlabota the bloat Ititts the alamtebtary brtaciolas
needful to the reatorattob Of as vital energy
to tit DII. KXUZa•d, for ULU Is Um land. and
It Ir. that Which cared Yr. Boyd. IS arm that
Which cared John Mishit. It 1.11 that which
Erred Margaret McFarland. It was Dr. Kane!
Blood deareher which cured all the old Mime.
tam which we have pobllthea itmo to Itto
boa ensedasore,essecot chroala diseases to
any mediaae of remst ode.. 844 bT.Lbc
Cloccil. Cc aloe. bottle, at the Vcoetors
Or. nn eiser'. tannallatlons loom., reaa BL
Janlazy to
IN. •
Valhi or Tow llosormacit.e. Snout c 0..(
flasher. h, notary 11. 111.01. t
ttd• declare.. • Weida.. of Orrla OCILLA.%
Awn .31911c1TIVIOIL 021•114
'evade to...eta...dery a their alretect•
atteed on ad alter THIIIIIIDAT. Illaeb 50,
lA/. at V, the 8•110vev01
a. Hoag *III. lIOL/1113 •
0..00. Market
mh2.0.1T 700006. WIII43IST. Teem'.
1858. -- '''''''' *** ** '1867.
Pioduce Commiaeioa It — ouse
Te ro YuWei St, Ter Test
Itava a...vaned faclll tie' mr allpoungof Wool.
Hops. Iw I TOOseeo sad Illgtortneo arca lo
Tao vans! imtantlo. even ton 80.. Omen.,
Ecto. Polk, r. Maar. arils. Usu. rest,
Mantra:, 1) 0104 and tiro. 'Wt.. Soca. aoo
01.1 ,C
omernts.try 1,040..1.100ral Wan..
inane coaalc
CO Milli o SION , Button-au.
Worawcza—Nerth Bluer OW. N. Y.: See
on4 Nattonat Bank, Jorcey tntnt 0.11.0 •• May.
111..21PotTiVtf. 0 211 U it! 1. D ' H riait ' ci d ,
N./ 041 ThoWn7; liadatut . Bro...ftiebount.
Va. aortae/1T
BLLTE-CCIATTI. end how they Lived
lonhht .ltd DWI Ittr the Raton, with Seelig 1.141
Itteldanta I lb& Gran IlebelUaa. IL COUWD.
over ltd tine Itegravlng• lid KO Peg. .4 •
the epteleet 104 chesheet wee hook petollabed.,
R01zw..17 00.00 Oar con. The pohlle are en
-010604 against Wert. wart. with ► .100000
Ulla. Zee that the book Roo bay <rental. over
100 engssvlag• and ZOO yam. Rend the Rim
less. Address JON BUMMER • CO.. Phil
adelphia. Pa. dar
• oomph mot fres, Was, At tor
cog to floor d 3 chile. in Moe bourn Bodnar
entirely RION light sad desirable. Coo begone
ot home er frontline, *loth nuad hod flossig.
No flit entomb* or kuroboir. 44drars R. H.
CtILDLEITZIL, bll Itroadvoy, /noir S.ob. ear
_ 1..
... ...
%MON 07 ANN ItagLatreztai. Sat Um
Wadi a! tha Inatwat Law. X. 117, Yard.
Kara Si, Vtia, petlilsa amulet' Is Opts
Cowl, sat tbe Swiss lasi 07 the Court the
3,/t4 day of *..4 sink at tax essiosk • Ir..
sad direst subtle:4lot tabs wads.
- ST IIIII.001:111%.
Is butanes of the Sams oldei .sottee 111
WebT dues* to sit sines bittroAsit. Abe
above %pigtail:ea foe it. limit of lb lateN
vest Laws. HOWARD 511.10704 r
sal,aalt _ - •
?WIWI Or • LLIGISZ.N . / 134UNTI. Net
we et Muck Three; UM
/./le7Oherveratlee •et •Me neatest cuiva
Weetleallaa4 Penmen if All•lielatechuat
la the Clty .
11. ups is iwyb, Ones MA oa Itatardm 74. b.
nary SIM UP. the reppar4 Chinn . tor the -
Mn* saUtled eorperattgA was wrakestNl to lAA
abon. Oman. aa4 detla Osenao et the rio
tkatorat, sts4 appitutioa wide to Hu
saki Goan tore deem Apyrorlas sad coa/haa-
str? AUorosy for trebilotiers:'
A D 11111,18T111TOBV
Les...s of Adelaismolos
4 11 s:
alirsksey avast.. 1%. dososasd; all Toss to Um islet IMAM maks ro. sant,
r i ft ailavimuel . sgil 7 sgstovrzt ,
slant I. meatuottai. -
muyT Ameteastratdr •
otai11: 1 / 4 1.Ueitairroo.,
"on whs. onaaa. • • • :s•myar
L ,
____ •
that tie tobtoritore tate towed MN, It
United ih,tutztldp an/tett:dr tee loon of
CostoojatrdaltB of franillt•l.a, and the.l
.1. That itt Immo or Oct larder widen tall
Toto e ntr.4o . le to be oondultod la
Doloal nature of she business la
tended . :tro ...acted 1. the nanefattaro of
I D:N. RI! sea BOISE ;mom, at the •./a- •
plate leor.Worts. , ` la Me city of ritisonria. :
and etatefof PeLLylvants, and tea sate of goot,
n.asfae stew
I hat foe hums of tho Remo al Pothers
b are
of tee dint, le the OILY Of M.P.% mantate
of 0111m,tilultAli • B. BLAIR. whose place. of
regunee'At the City of Flltsbathb. and [tete
of PennejileenLit CeAbLIIS L. Fll2. 3L'ett.
whose ;Dias of natant. to Col Ons Township,
laths Cosily ol Allecheity.'ma huts of Peen.
stlealth*.ad WILLIAM CRAWFORD,-
whose pleas of reaterao• Is the CRT ot
[bane, mid Etats of Penneyloceta, • ia4
names of :An enselsl•Parteers arc JOHN
SEIOninFOLDIR. whom olsea of teekkaos ts
Cit 7 Cif Patsbarait, .ad Btst• or '
ale. aed. i'4ILDIOR K. ntiOthilt.ROSlLwhoso
plan of tel laments the City of Claelasett. one
ntate - of Uhle. " • • •
,Thot,,„.•the Wrareaste =cut el the MOLD
somobroea by the Sprelst Partners to Mona.
VIVA httml/EtZD DOLLARS lawhhu WM
so mutated t. 7 the saIdJOIIII H. SHORN.
ISLatiltLi *proud Partner; ad. of
been eo Vont:Motel by tie ssid,l3loAtt K.
SHUR is et swot, tiped.A. Partner.
S. ThoOtte Veiled an *bleb $Ol4 perteatiMP
II to matienee oaths 054 of February. A. D.
UM, mad the pedal M which It le totem:elate -
LI Ito thlitr.r. do Of Deomber,A.D. lIC7.
I 7; COAL-L.
1.1 4011 M, Z. arty/.
flonerel Partners. ,
- 'ORO. I, nacilsocuurs, •
selanortiet , 'AM:Metal eatimers.
• sk.Ot. immervx. b Y entex•ei late •
limited linkmanltlO, sgicezbly to ths Lowe of
the Compareslth of Peassylenala. and, they
dl>berebr “cliff
1. Shat Abe aunts or lnie nada. If kith sold
partnarebig ta ba conducted I.
810ENBERCEit, BLAIR t (O. .
•1. Thal that mull o.lo+l of tlto thilsaath '• •
tended tale 10.ira4144 le the thapatathath of •
MB 1110zi la the IZty of l'lttabothh.
3. That fth Imes et the Omni' Ha:aloof, are
WILLIAM H. 111101.133911041.. whoa. path , •
of resthethe Is the fatf of Clathastatl, sae Olate
of 01th :L;THE/11/015. ISLAM ethos. place of •
roaldench Is the el VT of 111101,00, the State of •
Peaofllv olai WILLIAIt CBAIT/OILO,' Jr.,
MUNI pith. of redeems 31 114 0110 of /nth. _
booth, aid 21010 of Ttha.3lthala; MANIAS
1.. srtzfizeli. Whose piano of iantelence
CoOlas thotastily. 000011 el Alleahane, are
State of kaaasyleanla; sad JOHN Z. 117.99,
Irian 211401 residomd 10 tl. CDT of Alletha - •
ny. the liato of Pesos, truth; hoe lb* that. •
et M. Bpi:oth Panthers are 'JOHN IL 011011•
9100.10: wheat plate el resume la tha Otty
of rismviisb. sad Stale of Pennthththlth 004
OZONONA. BHOINOIIII4I/111, whose 9/aos el
reahlasol43 the City .of CloothaW.the Bute
of •
4. Tkatihe ataxia* wathat of capital
Othated thane...slat Pathaen to the 001.000 '
LANS. (9100.000 J of 0010$ ?Iffy THOU. .
HAND D0 . „1..LA111 la cash has tete so othtflb.
the 4 by $3. tam JOHN IL SHOZNALHOZ.N.
Ocala! s4rlkr, aa4 of Ithlolt SIFTT THOU.
BAND DOLLAIOIO thal Itaa teeth cootzt Oath!
Dr to math 010 O 1 0.1001x110401. 090 : . •
Parther. r
0. Tioththe parlodat ohlthk said partothsl49 • .
le to ealthave tithe. 904 0.7 of Nth ...T,
abT tb. 9101.4.1 ideal., 11 ti to far.
salstateuithe thlrsy.llastdayof Deothaber. A.D. ' •
JUL • WI. H. anerszzsezi. •
. THOS. A. AL eflt. •
r. WIG CBASO7OIO. Jr., •
CHAS. L. rizzazrau.
JOHN z. : arazz, •
.oszerzt rartzuz.
K... J. U. 81109.11/111.110113.
' •
NAM= T Spacial Earthen.
• •
ourrommas 1 -
Our[iiNew Spiimg -Stock,
Wlttell:~a ars ten opening. unto oolled •
tun osVomtl. olthe zo/oco
Lowet than any New or Old fioedr
1. Ms gallite, of viol aaettwt oac:t cOrsoi , •
MCPABLAND' & coutrii, !..
• . •
7Q.222 7$ Firm STUMM.
fet:o2'7_ ' -13:CCOSO 7720E4
pEO t 5 ' ,..i LES , . !! . • • •
• ' SAVINGS BANK, ,' 7' .. ', •:-
capiLi . - - - -- 5i0.,006.
. • -
• _...
ticoirovarzo lilt. , , • ,
;, •
' orzias, iro. SO 701:11171 BURET,
Praddyst ' lIIMILT LLOYD. .- . ..:.
Niles Iftwieleal-. WILLIAM MI&
;II , TRlThrril. • • , : -• •: j • , MM.. P .% • • . .•• ' ,
Jan. , . menact% /.... OrPf.. tx.
A. t . :, - ,kosar, Lau. Tres. Manor, •__. ..-
W. X. ,.." ,°'' i1111 - 11= P h OY.. IC7'IY.
ItatimiAbianz..!lllll LOS lil3llBl, • - ...
z.:4:XilltZririllgingUalriasTia: . . .'-',:
%we Ill•er• Mr • : i
8 cur rot. /dry. erorp: ihrdaysi, Ma VIIO - ....
let:tit it. IL tO to. Walock r. ag" al. en Wea. .• ..i:
rgals.2 'sturdy avatars, sr. sa l t va u...
..:. . $
• I:4o.—Ttukabacrlbtx often tor We las
ria7fiElllg Mill With *bout Fit.
['Ott' Ackos if Laid,
Duran - tewsublin
aluntrOwntr•nro =llea above Plttabarge, tut 4
••• W. 141 tray (1114111•11. ttathlrl4 On 1•• Alt*.
it.ol Isla good or. .
•Of um, ••• . 4 PGIL Sell 1611Dd WM!
r•l2l . li:r•V •Vr1111;• 1, IV 1
Tema tease, a•nblu le. %.oub,
awl- gear Ma Than
itaatta.r Os the TRIM .
LAVIIS—Tat cut fteiliVe for .the
,P.4:11311.11i . • -.. •. •
11.. Kiln. &ad Aimee. Dresses Eta% W.
anale:Llara Mn... inlayed Table •
L /raleas., if•thy se . 611. a L
elate PICA 4 WO% Mw
~ IC ; • e• ra elu of tes az mom wlua •
ten *eats tor .aeb descrtylly• dues. 014141 mi •
ibp to
the CA Ina rood. -a vneeas • •
wane IA to OA, sc.ord:f tc61.91W 1 L '
lree n Urli t leti 1 uriii a4l 24.1raA shy*, • -L. ":
roan: — • 4 ." 11 " . - •
• k.: - .••Law,
Omar lfo . US strut rnzri, rttuinu - eiva.
Jr ethuctieusiet. .• • otly.,- .au T -
Graii Cfflanibudm Nerohants,
SO,LIDZiIIr ST, 11“albarsio. ,.
Itzviit ' smos4Utettelt:' 1126 . 4 7 C7r
oam,...l24•Closanidr. rums:sa t •
Frsu wed:NN fNis Calf Sklrs
L _ as isf. wink ar..±unctiy.Ps;