. . El DAILY CIA7STIE, „rusl,3J!m;i, xVIET XURNLNEI.. r tAINIMICN, REED . , r, Ir. pIorS.K.C. . ........-.-rCoull Tu . mt., . , r. Trocirloa, :... a. r. -Slam, ' An.r. e- ' Bad.. Manutra. or!acr., oAzrrre EuiLumi saw ss sasia 1;4 BT XT. • fessi limarsis Piper el ',sits' Paniiviis: - ;/"1/01.411. PAPER OP PITISEURGR: ARP ALLY:MaI OUT. 'lliez r. AHNAPSST oad /Ear 1.1.111 i/ • _d CUMMZZUZAL "APSE to tie /Us, 72 .. 1 or rus DAILY: ...... • - JI=:1 uftlt n `4 HI ." PITTSISUR4III.77PENP.A. gittsburgli etartte NERIBLICLI hTITE TICKET 70a ♦CDflOk LINSZAL F. 191412TRANt`i PDX •17X1STOX OXXXXXLI JACOU M. CAMPIIELL. TUE TRIAL (.:03191ENRED.— . • .. ‘ . ' •Netorn,tite Senate yesterday, the. day Appotatedeanpeared AISDIULW Jonsiosr, - in -response to its EIMMODE, not in per- SOS MR by Coentel, as the law perniits rßdng thee in Court, his counsel &aired • "for a continuance for forty days, to `Oa . to prepare bi 3 answer to 4 the Articles, and his Motion was argued hi his behalf, - by Mr. liTAnnaliT with reset heat and In language which, if it had been expeenily chosen to inflame the ..54.." passions of excited. partizans, could not have been more fit tor that end than it !really was. It 'was alm sustained by _ - Judge lIILIOn, another of the dent's counsel, with equal ability and • . greater dignity. The Managers replied them arguments, one of them, Gen. : Boit.* rebating the temper of Mr. Slant:U[llY appropriately and justly. • The Court, after a retirement for eon saltation, overruled the application for "lorry days' delay, and ordered that Mr. Jameson file his answer by the 231 ; - instant, that the. Managers have three ; dap for filingtheli replication, and that the trial - should then proceed, units. ywed us use were shown: for a further de r lay. An application from the Managers , that the trial should 'commence with the ' , filing of the replication and without the ~. lot stated gratification,, was overrated, . 3vrenty•eir. to twenty-five, and the order "for proceeding after the replication shall 41.141111 ml as strove, was adopted I Dy &pole ot forty totes. ' SO Mr. Joniisost's answer in due form - ' to the articles, will Int presented Mirth • 21341;tteit Managers will formally -reply ' on or before the lifith, and the trial will Alen proceed in its regular course, unless good mesons are presented- for further v. PlutPollthfi u. Wo have no desire to comment upon Urn prroceediaga ofliny court of law, is • - emue w, hi c h is still periding, to give thereby to the friends of the accusal ,parry even a colorable pretext to cry bet sgalaat whetthey have alreadfatig :-.i. ettatised as animating to political proju. j. dices or the popular indignation. But, i since they Lave themselves striven, and .are still industriously aiming, to misreP• •. and embarrass Congrees in the faithful performance of its duties, carry. ' ing thiaimpeactunent before the Nation (Tide New Hampattir),.a.l4,;o4cal is - Fag; • we fed bound ' :Aida intim judgmelt of everzirejid. candid zenr Ale ttnrik::fatc*4 to Aup uglr J oll2 ll o 3,Ortnit he has already had, his proper require !emits. :The senate, as well as the p . ' 'Pie; tmderstands that his line of defense is already settled-and that the evidence oniitherAldals - egually accessible. No jajaeticeea sl ~ta be done, bat National Jar tits, will 16 promoted, by bringing this '::great*ilo an (Arty decision. Tan , ;Democracy were everyWherc 3 ..juldlint last year over What they fac. I . 4 3. Ikamly allied "the re-action" against ;.* ..:Beirfibliems,principlca and "P•d roleds. isle." Breanse the unimportant lions of . 1867 lo -many Butes were Inf. laid to go, in acme rae , •al•y default and ' In °there by difdrsion upon side issues, to theodvantage of the Democracy, , our 'opp' mmutalndleareetly concluded that the ; • ~a 4ttilikert party 'Via &boat to give up Amines; and would emrststlyfall toren teat {he great iections of '6B. Or; per ' haps, they supposed that we should, again . this year, amuse ourselves wito time "aide atiowe 4 which received our attention fast fall. Never did a. tee tion make a greater aolatatel Toe greit. 4 l v.apeguibUen party l O4terairiljd this - Idenlisl . Campaign, armed at alt psints, wlth-every_matt up to the front, and tie • _ tenzdned to? sweep the field by the unity" and strength of Its organization - and the 4i:resistible force of its great linng min- - dyke. We an neither to be assinie' 41 by -- • side shows" nor • diverted -'by :false -.Begituatei 0 ur, M 91.1( - Ifirttaddre, *hire - we have ` delivered nporeAtertion a'-Qlov eo'deadly tlutt-lt"hia.•alnet4y decided:tierwhole catty:l4a; ,aliall go teareliink - tatnlitg neither toile right nor left; url -"NI* November the just - mate e,f Con *inked and Popuiaz Dims stiaßbs-1 siarywletre triumphant PTSSELLYAMAt rtMLOCEACI.T., is toniktfilitn:at - Harrlibuig, -.jkat &enmities forwent - as 'ilia E r artenff 1 linewor tie*ty et troi: wane - they expected too get their beads broken the first of the fray, but it was iery unkind, to. ray the t rait. id -- :their °W - h *Arai York, to volunteer 1.0 pr,:mptly to do the; job of to do it so'effeettially. It intuit boadmitted that Mr. Seymour sad his • , da4ste knocked the IVircairtki of the olfi,,Keyatone .higher than a kite wa recommend the discomfited - and icpudliters of Peciasyrisali .to . fall tack upon Geacrat Peualaita and. - theassin cud u fast as their • legs will , • Let.. us.. feithez .tuniad - •thass that; by occuiijeg the seeiltile acid la which the ;Ittiublif . ,ieau of Pettuyinel a, Ociccaut. . Owe they *odd have esCapedlthli 01eillatteurand, disastalita invoke. (rola hairnet; party in' the Em pfAe 9tatt Etc the New _'Park Lye tnocr reakets that "keenly is the ' .faitiatitcy".ead pechapa luverata• patty ta this State iritt catch some sjimmericg thethat t= — /lettielY. eidadlikt. . • . • "I"za Mayor of Bellmore,. fiichXl the anthorling ihe loin of one ,! , 2:xiitilkeo dollars to the Conn:nit tad Ilatltoad Company. Tea with conimendahn neotn.pf;twlo; tbirs of Om city posted deordi: zilioooTei his held inII It ie nowalaw. :=-Goisaral Hancock has appointed the Mend lath days of April ler Ilse elec t an and ratification of the Consfttathrte leutslana.. The rogistrAtion is to be . itreteedwrithlit tiro days, commencing. ... f..listeteertdaya before rho election. Thaer . Are preamine. the regnintlons for Mown . erratum oftheelection,snd prohibit* any 4 Penn¢=leeks medidato tor elllne sm .., mg ',Commissioner or 'Register. -Far. =Lateen of. the order is as follows; Congress enact hereafter Uvula ~..:_ataAppralching election a vote shall also eer. fte State and other ofticens, the er some Registers and Commissioner. will y,sei =ler this order foe the election of /1.1 such an event orders be *toed faun - bemitpUrtera; notatylujObliqualified voters at such an Mem , .Ys wedlborized.O 4 . I _ . delegation ut Eminent raihned including .Ex-Gay. Deaulson, Oi Thomas L. Jewitt, of the Pubs- - Columbus and Cleetanattiltall ::,!, 10787Tbamas.A. &attend J. 31. aobarte, elf the PearisylvanLe Railroad, ,- ,-;81.1th. President at the Oblegv., Coltim-• Central e li -Stomp/on; W. K. -Edmude, W. R. Me; ignota; edlndlana, John Battelle% and-W. D. Woud , *tßittabarg.l& 1. ; are in fit Louis Si. on, :amine:se connected dalth Zbe, , inestmetion.a.r& nisi railroad. •.. • itrona the city' to IndlanappleyisMav inineia„-Ttrey- win *Pea as *Me* sad *Vint* and vigotonsiatosatee fur the 'moody taeopletion of figam:LUl:to the. - I . =EI FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. FORTIETH CONGRESS. Impeachment President' Appears ; -Ocianse Lorty rays' T me Asked I'4 Prer aratien of the Defeme. Debate on the Subject Court Retires for Consultation Motion for Forty Days Overrule, President to Appear and answer on March 230. To Which lime the Court Ad lomat d 0; TrogrAro to the l'ltt'bereh tiuetle.l WesuiNorox, Marcit 13, 113, By eleven o'clock the La , lies* Gallery, it. the Senate, was packed by a brilliant audience. The Senators' seats are ar muagin.l no t?efore. Li the open space in front of the Piesident'a chair are two long tables, each furnished with seven chairs. Ono of the tablesis inter:pled for the Man agers, and tho oilier for the counsel. Back or the Senators, met filling the en tire:lobby, aro shout two hundred chairs, intended for the acconsmodati4n of mem bers of the Moore, Judiciary nod others entitled to be prtsent on the floor. About half-past eleven half of the Senators bad ranged themselves in little knots discus wing fhe bnsiness of the day. It is no ticeable that not a single ner,ro is in the galleries. Everything is conducted with perfect order and decorum. The Chap lain invoked a blessing upon those now ertaring upon n high and important day. -Alter the traturactiorrof some regular business, at one ' o'clock Mr. Wade vacated the President's choir, and Chef Justice Chase, entering by the rear doer, tool. - his place. l lie Sergeantlit•Arms • made the re.: gluiest] proclamation, when Mr.IIOWARD moved that the House of Representutiverbe notified that the trial svaL about to commence; The Journal was then read by tho Sec retary- The Senate Chamber became very Stilt, and the mono was solemn and Impressive, the occupants of the gal leries leaning forward to catch every word rulansil .The fismt dasra of The Senate ' harnber spend and the Board of Manager% on -the partoftfurtHouseofitepresentatives, with the exception of Mown. Stevens and- Butler, -slowly entered and took seats arotualthelable to the left of the Uhler Justice.: Then canto the _House Representative!, who likewise took seats, in the rear of the Sena Mrs. By direction of the ChlefJustice the nail .was called, and those Senators ab sent at the organization of the Court stern sworn In, including Mr. Viekers, the now Senator from Maryland. Aflor all the Senators had taken the -oath, the Sergeant-at-Arm.. by d rest Mu. sailed, ln a loud voice, "Asmnew Jons sord." "Annanw Jouissoaf' Jontratisf' Thorn was no response. On motion, the President's counsel was notified to appear, and they did so They were Ifenry Stanbery , Judge Bel son, of Tennessee. and Judge Curtiss, of Slastachusetta. They took seats at the table assigned them. Mr. STANBEBY amen and said that be, by. direction of President Johnson, was"engsged as counsel: Ile read a statement of tho President; asking that at least forty days are granted luta 'th prepare hie defeosanalsoiatgeted by.the Preddent'acounael,Meu . ralittin. bury. Nelson, Curtis, Braila and J.'S. .11Iack, stating that. the time . asked for by the President was absolutelycnecessa -ry-for counsel In order to prepare all the points. The paper referred to the time allowed in the case of the Impeachment ofJudge Chase. Al the conclusion:of thoreading, MeilllNt.iflAM, of the Ward of Mdn: tigers, arose and said that under the eighth -rale adopted, after the acculed had answered' he could not ask for an extersiou of time. • • Mr. NELSON said If this construc tion was placed upon the rule, the coun sal fir the Preddent lead been entirely . _ Mi.", WILSON, front the Board - of Mtinigete, tool; the same 'view as Mr. 'At the conclusion,: f the 'debate which followed; the question was put by the atter zwdice to Via Court, whet/ter the Presidint should .bo alloweu the time talked for, when ..iiiIr..EDMUNCS moved -Ole President .be siren until April Ist, instead of forty d -S s i:iiiloll . lo2l incised "liSt 'thiC,nart retire -to vet/vitt on Our'. matter. The Court left the Senate Chamber, ae emapanied by the Chief Justice, REGULAR astrosir.i By TRu‘rapnttpile Rasemle.7. WASTLIBOTON, Match 13, 1867. 7 . - TRIAL. ' At t;1100 ; CIOCit, the Murata g Muir Inv tng:eielred Chief Sitatlee !ChM* took tbo'X4irr and . - the, Hergwanto-Anne :nodes proolarriationin the usual way 'lhe Secretary then read the kennel of trd.leatmestfrulorthe Court !!!, of Itnpretentatieee, headed`. ths•Zdansigerrof Impmeh meat, meanwhile were standing onielde Ortbi open Aior. ' ' • ~ ' On motion of hfr:HOWARD, an order NM made 'that - the -fferen,,, ant-at-A.rrna ablify ttfellonae that the &made la or niedma in 4 Court ofrmpeseement quid ready tn ',plumed with the trial. at An. immectiately,thereafter the Managers ausd tho mem bank of the Hone took:tbe nein/ prosletottfor them, Mr,Butler teas Tbo Senaion who had not Ilona a soak the oath. • -.-• The - return of the Sergeant:at-harm of hie service of 81 1 / 1 21110113 an the President was mad, when, -Oa motion of Mr. JOITISSIIi, the Counael elf the President were noduld of thenommencement of ierodeediugs- and itessru flianhery, Curtis and Nelson took their amts at the table on the right of the Chief Justice and opposite lathe inailatters,Whe Were ,gated on the left. Mr. Butler, the -remaining manager, mono ip, end shortly after another dep.'s' tenon of the ifeuee entered; hauled by Speaker Washbarne, of Illinois, and Mr. istcy.berson, Clerk s'f• the Ueuse, and renEedstiremSelyee behind Weber. • Mr. STANBERY rose. and addreiso ing the, Chief JuiOusireed the snower of the President entering hts Oppeameee, and amain ac Mu °sunset Meagre. nun. berg, Curtis, Nelson, Black and, Evart% end asklng,,as a rimmudde:tltnet Mr the preparation' othie* defense, the period of I fortydsys.-citlng various more in which periods as long, in prasmt io nt o granted:the 'lr'rltltt . h I Al,onbehaltoftheMaz ager; riontended the eighth - rile pm. .1•14101 'that on the appearance of -the President Le was required to. Ille-his answer, end in cambia smetwer was not tiled, Me trial - abetild'proceed.us on a pie* of not guilty. Ho claimed, them, fores„tho trial 111101111 t proceed forthwith'. Mr. CURTIS, in reply, referred le the awe. of Judge Humphreys aad ethers, and argued that the wee atmeeptlble of no such 'esratetrnenoune ,that pot on -it y3ridr. Eurituun- • '- Mr. ilELSON,lblorwed, enlarging; on I the same flews settle colleague, , Mr. BUTLER. asked : to be Wahl ofd behalf of the Miunigelmtd_aaked Why railroad speed. ghoul net . bonged on I trtaL contended that the rides and points' of eribtary courts :wore not applicable' se line WA. • La ordinary leittla-tio'rittegei reeelled Mae-delay ' In ease • the • necessity for prompt„ - .halm, .was - ,pressing.',n'bo seephxuteeth -at The: bar': .'cohtonect the”, ltetvei , of the t nation, ma sty moment of jazed6s, preitidice. or . rong. 'melt for the Injury. ;et , tvitkof the Money,. The buslifease of the Waf-Departeneut would etop dolt' Ihitetrulttlf Wli trial was ratehect.- The pulse pf the nation heats •prsturbstion itnatitsi lletta dn.. lie claimed an early lisi OW' 'itheuid,b• A xed-foe the de. lenohVehlvettraneeoted Itthert he,een - show that he bee hoped - MO h!prepsze =ZEE i .. • 1 -I I „, - If . _- • . "7. 4 : :-. 1 ' i7-'''''''- . . _ 0.4..- I ' '1! ' . 1 " I- - - . . 1 , -t.- ! -_,-.,-...,14.„.,' I ..:%. I • -'''. - ' . II • -..,,, .- 1 I I :rz , •,,,,,„ - ....,c - . 4 ' N • , I , ' ', '''..-2...21.....: grant hint the intlulgesee of fort ter time. We, on [lie part rftlan Hou4oofßepresell tativen. which we are here repre4enting, ask that the ruin adopted hr the Serial for thegovernment of this Lane, he enforced - , It is for the Scant e to 5.1 y whether the rule shall be awoained as a rule to govern the came. or whether It shall he changed; he' di,'" chatia..., tut standing as n rate at this talus , we ask Its mil'. ircoment. Mr. STANIIEItY expressal greater surprise than he had before felt at Ills claim, urged forward by the Manaavra, and saying therm seemed to boa d biped bon to hurry through this tumoral blow; trial, as if it were a rasa before a relic. Court. Reargued from the word ing of the other rules that the appear-. ant,' day was not Intended :o be the day for answering and trial day. Ile said two of the President's Counsel were not -present; that no opportunity bad been . offered for the preparation of the defence,' or calling of witnesses; and that iii the worst days of the "Star Chamber" Lail an attempt to hurry through a trial s hail , not been made. Ile spoke very warmly, loving there seemed to have been a trap set for the President and his Cooties). At the conclusion of lain remarks, The CHIEF JUSTICE said tun uao tiou would be argued for an hour, in ac• conlantv with the rules, when Mr. BINGHAM rose Una said he had been greatly surprised ut hcaringthe I hasty words which had been dropped from the lips of his learned friend, Mr. Stienbery, and asserted the rimy motive of the Managers was to en fore° the rule which the Senate had made, and prevent a dilatory line of defense. The CHIEF JUSTICE was about to put the coestion on Mr. Slanbery'a mo tion, when • Mr. 1:11111iNDS an order that April let be the day appointed for the bearing"( the President's anewer; that ',Whin three dace themsfler the Mom egere lit, the replication, and yet on the dth of April their trial proema - On motion of Mr. iturallN, ..t• tyro n'el6A, the `',l tt rt - nred for eousulta llmt, At 4:10 p. Di. filo Senatubi returned, their Chamber. and Una Senutereq.se. bled. The CHIEF JUSTICE annolll2o/21i this motion ender consideration bad been overruled, and an order wattentered that the President be required to tile his an swor,on Atomlay. the Std of March. • MeiBINGIIANf °tiered an order that on the tiling of the replication by the Managers the trial proceed forthwith. The CHIEF JUSTICE sithmitted the order to the Senate, and on the question or 'adoption the ye.s and nays were taken, resetting twentc-tive affirmative,' twenty-sis negative. - So the order was denied. - - The yeis and nays were av f,llo*s Ctunerott, 11.1., Stomut, Cattell, Hobs., Nemeer, Chandler, Now., - Tbsyer, Cole, Morton, - . Tlotter, Conklin,[, Nye, Wallet.; Con new, Pstteretto, N /11 1 r aeon, Corbett, Pomeroy. Tate-e-21:. Make, • Itemeep. Perry, 11.0, Anthony, Grime% Patternon(rd 114yerd, Henderson, SaulAhory, Boeirwlew. Ilandricka, nWerr.nr.. Rowe. Johnson,main 1, ' Enmoof Yet:ratty. Van Winkle, rensenden, Morrill (Ile). Fn..... Fowler, Merril (TI). FlLlter-26, FrellnEhrlynenliorion. Mr. SHERMAN offered the following order, width was read: . Ordrred: That the trial of the Articles_ of Impeachment Anil proceed on the nth day of April next. Mr. HOWARIY-1 hope not, Mr. Went. Ur. WIL.St moved to amend Lt making it the lot Mstestd of the nth April. Mr. BUTLER—Mr. 'President • am' Cientlemen of the Senate.-116‘rover an gracious It may seem on the part of till Managers, reprts.enting the !loose an; Representatives, anal thereby represent Mg the ',tropic of the United •States, in ressi ug an early trial of the serused, ye! •.. . . . r duty to thaw who send us here, r. • . . *main_ their wish,, speaking n , . ,ohalf, and by their command, the peaee of the entliiity nod the interest, of tin people, all scorn to .rsquiro that we should urge the speediest possible trial. We must not shut ,me toys+, tat the raw that there are railroad. and telegraphs Ito give the crooned the privilege or, coiling hie counsel together, and of getting sowers from any witnesses that we have summoned, and to tiring thorn here. It should have an important hear dog on the course we aro to take. That, I submit-lea : rot to 3» overlooked. Rail roads-and telegraphs have changcd the order of thing. In every other business -of life we recognize taut fact. Why should we not in this! Passing frmo that which is hut on incident. a detail, perlaxe, will you allow me to suggest the .ordinary course:of jestlce, the hatlnglry delay of warts, the ordinary ,time given, in ordinary cases, f.r manta answer. when called before,: ants hatjuttlerc luives.no - applieatlon to this 'Mum. Not even, sir, • when tetatea are heard before the Supreme Conrt of the United States, urn the rules applicable to this particular case. Fee this tampon, if no other, that when ordinary trials are had, when ordinary questions are ex amined, at the her of any Court of jus tice, there is no danger - thoCornumn- Wealth in delay, The republic Mai take no detrment, if the trial in delayed to give the accused-Alm, It Interferes with holiody to give htin •indulgence, hurts am one, and may But I ;aubnilt,:wlth deferentu.. that wheti, for Lbo first time in the history of the world, nation has brought Its ruler to the bar of Its highest Court, under rules and forms provided lay the Conatitution, nit li analogy, all,likenem to an ordinary trial, taaaee there. I say the Chief Executive, who is Commander of year armies, who dents that • command, who ewntrela through his enbordlnees your treasury, !Who controls your navy, wh.ooontrola all elements of power, woo controls your 'arraign relations, who may comeliest,. In an hour. of passion, or prejudice, the - whole nation, is Cho respondent at year bar, and I respectfully submit that the Cory Mutation hare at issue, this day,, is whether her 'hall metro!. beyond the 'reach of your laws, and nutslde or your laws, the army of the United. States, "After farther- remarks la the rune view Mr. BUTLER' said ; while all the alinfrknown to lieneconsery when tie ruse came to trial 'Mould be granted, nn time should --are Bret 'ln advance. ,, The' • • .. ehould not pretutue la ndveuca that Ehi respondent could not got resu.b•- bleu "put fn, his answer:, thou, If h. 'should_ plead alwenre of uccossary,wit noon,, the Managers would either no preface in a proper delay,or admit all he nought- to liy; tretimony,' Ire would not deny the respondent a idngle led idgence consistent with politic safety. They asked no more privilege:ill/en they wero willing tti grant him. There is:nothing clearer, nothing bet tor known to my learned and accomp- Balled friend, Mr,. Stanbery, then that the making of the Issue before any roil"- nal ofinetice, and the- tribunal, aro very distinct- transactione. That la perfectly undenitend; A very eimm-tahle cane in the State triaislieit tiefora me, where Lord Bolt presided at the trial of Sir Richt!. Brown, Prertorinnd others (or high Whoh ecentael ,Appeared, : RA the gentlemen appear this mern ing,in the Coprl„tt ask for contin uance, the answer which fell front the Ilpi sat theLMA Chief Justice was, 'Nee are not to eons/der the question of the tried, or Bine - for trial, until a plea - he Weeded. benanec, (as !di Lordship very well remarked,) it may happen no trial will beCrequiredi”. Perehance„ you may plead guilty- to the Indictment,-an the rule lying heibre tin ountentulatel, the Last clause of it. providing, if defend-' ant appears end shall plead guilty, there may he no- further proceedings le tin, dise„ and-no trial about It. Nothing would remain to be done but to pronounce Judgement ender the Gonstitntion. It is time for us to talk:about trial when we have an. tangle.. The rule In a plain one, ■ simple one, and I may be , portioned for sitykig that I fail to yereelve anything In -.rules tea and eleven, to widehthelearned comael have referred, which insay kind -of construction mu beapplied to limit the affect- of the words in rule eight, to-wit : ..-that If the party fails to appear, either In - parson or •by osunsel, -on the day -named in the commons, the-trial shall proem' as on the plata not guilty, anti, _further, the!, If failing on the day mimed in the summon., either in perant or by attorney, to answer the articles, the trial shad, nevertheless proceed sos en a plea of not ganity," When the words ore pimp hir' the Written law,- there enend of eisrustructiou; they shall bo folloWed. The Malingers so -1/tougtitivhin liter 'ap peared at this bar. All they oak is - that -the hole be enforced, not postponed, forty days, -to he met ratite end of that ,time, perhaps, with h dilatory plea, and a motion, if you please; to quadh the articles, Ora (mention raising the In quiry, whether-Lets is the Senate of the United States. It acorns to me, if I may be pardoned in making ono other re• mark, Abet preacrlbieg ,bollt them mice, that the summon. shall - tome -to be, returned on a day giTing; 11/1 inlhfaicwie; six days to - advance; It was Intended thereby to enable the - Presi dent, 'on the :day fixed t r :Ida • appearance, to come to this liar, and make hie answer tol he articles. I,lnar be rate.' doped for saying, , fat-thee; 'tied' it - Is doubtless known tp,everyone within the , heartnrbfmy voice, Viet technical rules do In no way control, or limit; ortoolper fie: letlect ectleii•tbat Wider :the. 11==!EMEffAM plea of lint guilty every conceivaele de fense which thin party can make to these artiele , . e it they be articles at All; if they Its preferred by a competent tribunal at all, me be attempted: Why, then, thin delay of forty days to drew up ten anew." What we - &mire to know, on loehalf of the House of Rep reeentatives, by whose order we appear here, Is, whether an answer la to Ire filed in accordauce with the rule; and If It be not filed, whether the role itself Is to be enforeed.by the Senate, and a plea of not guilty entered upon the part of the ne- cueed? That. is oar enquiry. It lanet my purpose to enter on the ditscusslon at all, an to postponing the tidy for the , progress of the trial. My desire is, (or the present, to nen whether, under thin rule, and by force of tills rule; we can obtain an issue. Mr, NELSON, of counsel, cold he ]tad tome here expecting to hear no o litical diecuadon, under the Impression prom that the forms of prom ing would Int purely Judicial in their . hnreteter; but, like the lemoruble Mena ers, he did not expect they would bit {Art tly limited' by the formal precedents of . rdittery . tribu nal., Ito thought liberality !shank' 1,0 extol:tilts] by this High Co !Ito ah uuuu nal degree. and contended that the:won t-AOC/II of the defindant WWI one deserv ing "Rich troattneut. Heeded IR rr.ln of the Court... of Tennessee, which provides fur the postponetnent of a trial to another term, when the defendant ban not had Mlle to prepare his defense. Ile spoke of the great magnitude of this case, and .urm„ ea the necessity of cau tious deliberation, and the improprie ty df railroad epeed. Ile sad the Lett two charge, of the House opened a Part. nom's box, which would necessitate a Intl loyesitigation of ell the petulant dif ference between Congress and the. Pried. lentoind would mane the trial alumni Interminable. New what do we u 41.: tam fur the l'reeitlent of the' United Stntea ' the highest Mike in the laud. Wo ask, simply, that he may be allowed that, rot his defense. On Whose Judgment Is lit to rely in relation to that? lie emelt, - It, a great part, rely DU the Judgmenl of trio counsel to whom he It. entrusted his' defense. - We, whe are professionally responsible, have asserted, In the presence of thia Senate, in the face of the nation, and of 010 Wboh, world, that we believe it will require the numb, of days to prepare the Front dent's sneerer Irina, was mated In tine nrnpnaltinn enbinitted to the Senate. Such kraal OUrolliOil.ar Art, Lb,o gra' ' , rhargett to be ru-Lett through the Senate, sitting LA &judicial tribunal, In lent haste, and with railroad speed, aud without giving tae President an opportunity te answer them—that HUM! opportnnikt V/ hilt you would giro to the meant* criminal? I don't believe, air; ChM Juntit,, acid honorable Sroateru, than yon will z,ositato ono tuouteut iu givin., its all the time we deem neeessary fa preparing our defense, and that may b. necessaryto enable this bodyludimously, carefully, deliberately nod - cautiously, and with a view of its atsmuntabillty, outonly traits conetttuents, lout to re , terity, to decide thin ease. I have thank that the honorable Senators justice to themselves, and injusticeto Lilo great land they repreaent, will en deavor to COlOlOOl this investigation at manner that wilt stamp the im press of honor and justice upon them end upon their proceeding,, not only now, hut In nit Urn to come. This is an exalted tribunal. I nay it in no spirit of compliment, ha 1 / 1 .4011150 1 foe It. I feel that them Is no more ex alted tribunal that could ho convened under the sun, end I may say, in 101SIVOI . 10 an obaervati its of ono of tho hon orable. Managers, that I for • , as an, American citizen, feel proad that we have assembled here to-day. 0111 assembled under the cireunistrinces which hove brought us together. It is ono of the tint instances in the history of the world in - .ditch the ruler of a pen. r.to has been presented bye pont° d of the represetitattuot of the people for trial bethrea Souate, sitting as a Judicial tri 'l.ll.lll. While that 1. so, h. Is equally true, on the other hand, that the Presi dent, through his counsel, conies lime and submits himself ho thrinris.bction of this court, mantlit4 himself I . o'loly, macenbly, and with c tending reliatim on the Justice of the honorable &mat , . which is to he:wills canc. I sincerely hope that Me resell:mon orrerett by the Set.- tor from Ohio will meet t h e approbation of this honorable body. I tame the time will be given, and that these proceed ings, which In all time to come will be quoted as a precedent, will be conducted with that gravity, that dignity, and that decormil, which are fit and be in the representatives of a free and great mottle. - Sir. CONIZLING offered an erne:al iment, that unless further cans* fir delay be shown the trial shall provecd imme diately after the filing of the replication. Mr. DINGILA.M express.' the salt, fitetion of the Managers with Mr. CaltSli:- LING'S amendment, He denied that the Managers were desirous of Indecent !taste, but said they did wish [nevoid de. lay ht this important matter. The 'l,O - there should croon* do, I- y in the trial of the rued tLagrant be trayer of trust the world had seen. The question wax on Mr. CONE% I.I.N(I'ES amendment, and tho vete Fet suited, aye. Arty. nos. ten. • • • Anthony, Grimea, Sherman, camerriti. nurt. 4 4 - Cattell. Ifiyadenion, lite war G 0;.,, Howard, humour. ConkUnw, 1100, , Thayer. Chandler, Lorow, Tiptop, Umnrieva, Morrill lUn Tramerall, Corbett, • Merral ( Vt), You W tokl2, Prate, • Morten. W Wry, Edmunds, Nye, Perry, Tamerlane (MU WI loon. leemeniine, Pomeroy. Tutu—lo. Fowler. U .m.sey, Prelteihteyerulikilik Huard, - Iteadrlalta,: aigulabory, ttectalim, Johnson, Viekoni—la. Davie, • McCreary, Diana, • • .I . ,tisisotc.tro.. The order a a - vended woo . then ndopted, without di*lalon, when at 5:15 the Court edjourned until the '4ld. mat. - 'Mr. WA DP • having taken 'the Chat r on onanding tilllcer or the Senate, after an ineffectual effort to go into l'aecutive sesaitio, the Sonato adjourned at bair n:on tiveu'elotk, till Monday. ROUSE OF fiII:PRESKNTATIVE.I. After prayer by tbi Chaplain,' Mr. FAUNA - STORM raked that the reading of the /earns] be dispraised witli , but Mr. ELDruroct objected, remark ing ho under. Mod it bill bad been:Malted throughyesterday without the kno rrl edge of t h e UOUlle, • alluding to the aminulmicit loth' Judiciary act, taking appellate- pitiirent from , the • Supreme Court la certaka C.CI4. Mr: ISELLT presented a 'petition of 'dares of the latat George A. P. Curtis, eetheir .farth• that they labored on his Arlington estate severally from thirty live to thirty:oil:le years, without wages. and bad frequently been promised pre vision on the ciliate for their old Agee. and. praying Clingers:, to grant to each twenty scree oat of the mate, whichla now the propetty of th e United Ettatee. ..ittr. 1101:MAN, from the. Conrorenee Committee, on'the bill' for the relief of Sim Geri. Autumn, for depretlatlone committed la the Bominole war ou the property of • her father, Gen. Clinch, mole a report, tho eubstanceetl.which la that $15,000 is puld taidtre. Audereou duriim berTifcttme, the stun remaining at her death - to be held in tried for her children. - After dehata Ile report wag FeJectetl hed the }lowa - receded helm its, emend, fnent and egmod to tho Lill with ea itnendmont /wincing the amount ftinn Itlsoooo to $lO,OOO. • ' • ScOYIELD moved the bill end amendment hi/tabled. The yeas and nays wore ordeted, bat the matter we, reamed over Mtbrinntly for the preaent. Ea= r.MAYNARD asked nfnr the following rosolutten,witlelt was read: , Itmeferd i That nail otherwise order. , eel, the House, in Committee of the Whoie, heathel by their chairman, will appear at ale bar of the Senate yowling the trial of the impeachment of the rnoldent of the Untied fitalea,nt tin commenesmeutof the day's precesilings, .TVITItill tin the Ouse, and then retnro to theirs% . Mrs- SPAI.iIIING objected, t was too Important a reeritntion to Ile no* paracid. r. LAFLUV, from Committee on Printing.; reported I remoiotion, whteli wee agreed to, providing for the print ing In-hook form of the proceedings of the impeachment teal for the um* of gtembere. The /lowa. tat/toted. a motion by Mr. }ERR, that during the trial the flout." met for making speeches, but to tranonet no legialptlyo businout, Oaction was - mad° to lha ,totrotino. [lnn or a proposition by Mr. MAN MUSD, that, -Os House attend ,ibe leonine daily daring tha trial of dm Preal denein a body. , „ - erne by Mr. TIT.WI2I to mid() to-riny wos Agreed to. • • - ' • - • • . - The Secretary of the Smut° Appeired nt the har a. Wellcome And Announced that the Semite Isilitted.on l's amend rtiente to the Commuter appropria tion 6111, , andAskeera OcnnmMee of Con. forenert also,- tett Senator*. were sou ready to ptheelderlth theinthettehment trial and that AIWA hart! been orepared for the mrn otaeastlon tit the House. Mr. WASUBUMNE,ofiIIInote, moved the nous* restart Itself Into COI/1191V tee of thi Whole in the Mite ofthe Union MI far the eitrpcme of proceeding in a body to be bar of the Senate. Agreed b.f- Tito SPEA.I4, amminhal Mr. - Witat• Mime to preMde. The inembera then, in line, the C 1 Ir man, nnplolrted by be .clotk -and dear keeper, Mrimr:at the Lead, at fifteen aiin 0110' O'clock nroeeedoil balm. Senato Chamber. . The members returned at twenty it kin- Iltes ilaqt five n'elook. when Mr. " 111. TR NE, an Chairman of WO 031111110400 of the Whole; reported that ateeordluF to the miler of 111°11011,0 they had atturidld the High. Court of Impeachment, '; companied by. the ?tanagers, and taw ng received tile rempoll,o of the etout{tel of neen , etl, ruljourned until the hut. /loam° adjourned. FROM WASHINeTON4 I.l;l4.lgraolt to ttt l'ltltturgb 1114,11,1 WAK u I N(i ros, Marc IRS TII6 W/1 IT.: 11.,c,iN—emit NM' 311.T1A11. Affxiro WO 'very quiet nt thr While Ilotow to.day. glare NY.4,3 Alp 11{11#19- nioll 'to vlsltorn, On account of the cabinet !acting, which woo :dleuded to by nll the tvotithi.rdext.opting the Scere: tary of fiLatO . Wll, Woo roprooouled Frederk% Seward. • Mr. SW 'dory and other. of the Prini.. 9inite.l 111111 during the forenoon; and i Mcre sq,,, me time fll Adjutant General Tlinnia4, who nt trutlia3 several cabinet eitemitationn tee cotie, 00, not present to day. rittc• - ret.-.ry Browning, Jailer , [attention. the meeting, inpainel t., tie oflieo of the Attorney Generul for the itarposo paging ill non booho. firm width might rujitire his attention, no Benny; Chief of the Betito tomtit. The Bro.-Mktt gone the ninth state Man, tbk oremiu Y . FirtCtol to twenty members of the lime. of Itimreoenta tires were pretend Will their fitinillen. BRIEF TEL.EGRAIVS —The Board. of Afanagero of the No (banal A.yluuts for diaahlrd volunteer soldiers held their quarterly mortitur In IVaahluglon city ou the T.:th. F. Butler was re.eleettal President. Toe mina loor of soldiers support. d during the gnawer wan 16,33. The Doan.l resolved to rebuild the Asylum at Augnata, and to tweet udditlonal buildings et Day ton, Ohio, and Ilttlaroukos,Wisoonsin, that by hi,,. venting fall they will be abls Ll e aufortably nitre for . .!ovu lomat.", The Boarl by a •very decided veto re to timtabibilt Oil tour° Iykna, leasurra will be taken to dituiniab the number of °Ottawa in the avveral naylnins and eeoure greater ee.orsky in their ad ministration. . C.,lVllliatite, rif Philadelphia. a member or Um. Anti of General ft' - • rang, married in Teinaleito a Mina Seundrri, daughter of Men.' Aaron U, Brown, She died, leaving her estate to her !mahout, but the v3ll.lit,y Of tine Wilt w.l+ i• rat..Q.,' in the Chruit Court at ill, and a iln•iiiion rertilemi agai - oit William.. An alive tl was t,,ken to the . Stnireti winch yeaterday• reversedttio tleci Aloft of tine Circuit. '...art and ordered the will executed. —The pnipovition of the] Coniiollilated Company, that the city of St Luba guarantee four 'million dollar., of lit, bond. when the company shows one million thillarit of ludtvid oat railicefile none, has been prison tad to the Nc. l.nu le delegation in the leghdature, and very rev irately revolted. Them is 1141d,ithl but that oho leglataturo will authorize the cite to guarantee tine the epootioit to be decided by a two-thin] vote of the eiti,n, —The Metropolitan Police of vide, Term., Thur,,lity night. mado a raid op, gambling housed, arroettir about forty gerione and earned off the imple mortis of the craft.'Cl u ng arreetod were tined by the Pone.. Cern mboliorter, and 511 1, ..2.; , ..7.1th . 'IIIV anti VOI•111.1n, of the partieVorie ricr•etivl on a mate warrant 50..11 far trial. 'f in cum. made by Ste. Breech, nii:0111• loamm.r-hant. iMir great riapriwie Coutpanies— theAdawo, tho American, tho Moe ,e Uuint , and the United St‘tes— have f inned n Beard or Control for the purl..., of harmonizing the Intoreata of the various conlyarden Alfred Gatti/en, of Cincinnati, ban been viertoti 1.1,i -dent of the limn]. All of the Co natia'' Wei touch Cincinnati by different —A Iliniatch front 111;nr. , it, Michigan • slat, the ire gorro, in Thames below Chatham, camted the Ntream to overflow. ibt"hankx. Seveltil bridge. worn came , ' Mr, also •I,ir k ;” flountitifol of woodraravos and timber. On Thursday the wator forgaol on nutlet ...roma Hie forms, swooping sir Immo., CAULa anti on.! 14 , 104111111: away aportion of thn !rook of the Great Wesiern —full return, orth; - • Now Hompahiro vl,tion, from two lonhlrioi and twtmly !owns. giro —Harriman ! Eroubl ham, • r.!!,2til, and trsholalr, Donocrat, Th- rernainim!!Vorns fast year gave /far• rinhin Sinriair, Tha In.er brand! ..f too I'..notiot ore 14.frth1rt0,...1 of Inlßepubllcans'afol 1111 ne:novratt. —eol."Gniwne and Campbell, of tbe , Mompbil ..I;qlcolehr, were taken before Judrzol4lrota, of the Municipal Court, Yecertlay, 00 a writ Mrpllll, and relea,ll until ,Itomlay. 111 1101 V of thipt few% the. mooting. of att•ircera ni.- pointed a Corn m Ito,* to /Iran. 71.11.1110111., to report after Judgo Waldron', ttecotlon. 'Ma .41 ,1 / a nt/le of ye:Ate:Aar ROA • moro Revere than over ern Judge Hunter. •— Elpet;ialtlisoldehen . revoivodatlletroll, ldieltlgan; . Jut night, from Chatham, Canada nay that all the bridges, excrlit railroad bridges, between that town and Gordon, wen] swept array by the flood. The railroad trite., was swept away for three4putriers or a mile. 'rho estimated damage at ChMllarn In 11100,1100. - 'A largo notaber of farms were Inundated. • —Two unknown anon, no Thu:witty, stole three thou.:ant five 'tundra! tiol- !era worth of Illtnstand rittp from the fewelry Wore "(John I.liitnow, No. nroadway, New York. 'rite.Nwebt were exhibited by. II clerk, W111)11 Abe Inert pinee.ltheet nutter their roma and lied before the al?rin could Ise gly2t. • —Thenues.t of Wet. Welt/Eau.. near Uncle mat, olde, wag tutored un ThUn, liey night by berglarn, who - carried nit $4,1100 itt United State+ bond',, end #I.VO In (told. Thin is the third heavy 1.11 , glary that has taken plake near Uncle :lntl thi,, week. - Defective/4 Aire on the truck of the thieves. —lt Ls rep o rted flint arrrehtm of Er! 11.allisond ['freeform have been male at tow York, for contempt of Court in vi• ntaUnk: the injunction remtralning tiro Company from inning new stock. Mr. Dovinand Mr. Flak are reported to be quartaretl at Ludlow forret. --A litter trout. Glanew, Scollruid; army roll of Inomburf, of the I. It. !Lin Vqrk ronnty, Ireland, as /1111,1• , tering •01 , ell thotoonal throe hundred and stx men., , — . rho innotirl ImpsTutor° and City Connell or St. loolls, will to-day tloo4 4 Isanuton.ot Harmon Missouri, by./nvi -I.ll.titol-W Lin Iktisioteri yacale Railroad Company. —*rho Proneli, I'ntnoL 0, Mr- Icifsh and Italbut Min Inters, and Mr. Font, Necsetnrg of the British J.,ezttien, were In the 4ftnlle liplomril c gaiter) , yester &ay, during. thin impeach ',tent preened-. ,-The Pulverlily of Pennsylvania, nt Philadelphia, held the anneal ....0111. moneenend yestonlay. One - hundred dud lilty grad marts received. the degre e of Doctor or Medicine. —A man named Ilerriman, while walking on the rallrmul track, near Day ton, Ohio, yestortlay, Iva", run over by a locomotive and Intttautly killed . 'lie leaves a family at Corwin, Ohio, —At Cantou, 11l taut, yeeterday; a tiro lottroyorl A. C. flobeoek'm dry geode tore/led otter bulldlnge, eAttaing a lose fror,ode. • ' the Cambria hotel, Scranton, ra„ liorceol3o"latlJP • oxploded, llauraday night; causing Um destruction •of the budding and damaging ether. seljelning. .-.l . ;lire Coitus Inv ace4ted John Deerre challenge to pixy 0 French gime of hll:latde oD tiro hundred Joints, On II carom table, for one ti ounand —The &rude or the At'mond legible lure, bawl pawed a toll providing that the property of - manufacturing companies shall be_ taxed the eatne individuals. .ithotli water brick mlltr, at Neils , burg, Idawachusetle, °maple' we the Star Of:aching - Works, ware dea'reyed by tiro, Friday ntothing. ' toes; 4 30 ,0 00 .: —The public roprinuria 'of ltov. Sk , prom N. Tyner, Jr., in accordance with the aenteece of the. Zcaleeitualest Coati, nod) Improneunced teeisy, at New reek. —The thicoted Cerfiregathiend thuirch nt, Norwich, - Conn., was burned seater 4*-}.• l'or„ #1 0 1 000 ; Imarail.fprtl4,ooo. OM EDITION, THREE O'CLOCK A. M FROM FIROPE latest Cable ispatelles English i nellreneni Proceedings Dobate on Ireland's Wrongs Bouquet to Adis - tyl Fartmn at Aapftx liS TrAegraph to the Ottsburth liasetta = LOSDO2I, March 12.—lirthe Howie of Courmun4, to-night, fer.f3regorylnquir el what ground Ulu Government Intend• ea to take ht regard to the •nee of mixed „furor+ for trial. ; The Attorney tionorat replied that the tovenunent did not propose to inlet/aro with the deeimioni of the Judge,. on that point. Lord Stanley outdo an explanation, up to Ow present date, of tho controversy with Sunlit concerning the Tornado case. He said the last step taken by England wax to demand the reboots of Mao Yher- FlOl3. ELIA. Mayo, tiblef Secretary for Ireland, he would soon eubtait to the con 'adoration of the Ileus a plan fer a now :flab llniverajty; the olileere of whieh were to I.;ti.akereed by Catholic*, bet whose privilege,* were not to ho confined •tzeluto vely to Catholic". The Musa then went Into Committee, and resumed debate on Lno griecaueei of Ireland. Mr. Iforman, member far Stroud, raid the hi inisteinbail promised n reforni in Ireland, but their reform only provides for it COMM i 8.41011 Of inquiry mid a new onlyerruty. Mora than thin wan needed rimelltate Ireland. Ito deprecated tbo election of a lIVIVCOIIegt , of the character deoigoe,l by the Chief Secretary of Ire land, an likely to feeler aectarinn I titter miss and anger. The laity were rathdied with the present system or untionni sclioobi. Ile declined that no ministerial abdomen( had ever canned him no mach pain. A great•opportainity was last to oancilliita, which should no longer be ruled by English laws, CtLICOLIIs and prejudice, but aisawiling to tLo wishes of the Irish people. ,11r. Robert Lowe thought that there was no good rctisou why the different re ligious seine should um agree as well In !related us el.ewliers. The oziatenen of ' Fenianistu wan not. in point no an ovi• sienco of discontent, (or there was er, proof of t h at; the hinty of the Irish people .01 not Sympathise with that rebellious spirit, which was c,utiord to Ametimn agitator, Thu triinblii ITan deeper seat ed. It wait martin ;bat Ireland had been injured by•Etiglish legioLtiuu. Cmaitral assertions only were made about land grievances, boa no facts were pre:tented. lie wan ophiawil Li) Ilan nydent of small tenures urged by Mr. Mill and others, AA WA. who 11401.4 I rub of civilization, and which, if would be stem ' invped ad A/OtettlL. Ile deplored the es • tablishmeni of n avviarian college; neither tiler:ferny nor the laity wanted iL The proposition was Pimply • a trick of the Government to gain tone, 'nun fact was that onederilli ••1' all the property in Ire land was public, but was wad fur the benefit or oniy "fie not of every twelve of the inhabitants. This .way the great evil, and it Wm 14,1{slii !Min one. Timtnas 111 glees madeareselt and urged a guttural reform in lreland. Mr. Vance, In' the coon, of Ina re. unwire argned that freer trade lout been -very inferior. In Ireland. Jacob Bright forcibly 'knout:Med the anomalies of the Irish Church. Estab lishment. • . Mr. Mill deplored the beggarly ao- anent of the Irish polies of the Allnlstry. MI approved of the manly ' , perch of Mr. Lowe on the Church quonlon, and concluded with an argument showing that emelt a college as WI. proposed RI. in - 1110,u; . Litlmrno 'Tardy defended the Govern ment, giving a long review of Its Irish poliny. Ito said lie believed the name kart were ea pressed and 11.11601:111 given in I,gt, yet how many years hail the Whigs hold power since then; without taking any action In regard to the griev• seen, of Ireland. At 014.VVU o'clock tonight LLo debate 11 continued, 87333 Narbrm, Zlfarelt PL—The naval ban -1111(4 elven by Admiral PrOc3ll4, or Om balimi navy, to Admiral Farragot, to day, Ivw attended by the vbief naval olllrern of Italy, lbc Ameriart Admiral and tunny United Slate officer., and a brilliant seeemblawi of professional giltwor: Toots wt.relrvely 11111k1 rurdinlly given favorable to onion nail highly dvitiplitnewari . to Admiral Farraitut. The oily ailtbet It!. will gives I bareitioi at au early day to the Admiral in the name of tbo people, =E3 Pena, ]lamb 12.—The now law defin ing and enlarging the right of public ineetingn has boon Introduced In the Coro" Logbilatif, and iv ,now under dln cnslnn. . Tim Joiiaro Lan been proarciWni ter violation of the an , praaalniv. FE lIARCEIL COIII.II6III'IIAL. lio pox, March 1:1-4Nening.-.Con NU 11, 9369 931; 5-Zo'., TM; Illinois Coattail n.i; Erg.. W. . i'itANKVOIST, Alxrcli 13.7-Untted Finites 'tenant, 114, Livintopou..ltfareh 13,—Cotton closed quiet; middling upland, 101; OrIwo.; 13t; trulro 10,000. Correction made, stock in port 311 ,00halm Instead of 3t9,000,1 lidarrunrwrnn, :dumb 13.--Th* 'man hot tor aandei and yarns la hoary and dull. Itrradto ono—earn drolined to 41..thlfor new wratorn; other quotation. urn On, Provisiona,•Lardcloseu heavy et, ii7n: for American , beet • Pork Bacon, ' unchanged. Prodrwo---Sugar, blently &Val. 204. - Naval Mares tiro dull but uo Outage tr4quotationa. , Aarrcnr, March 13....EIrening.- 7 -I . * troleum eltwetl firm at 41 (rums. PRESBYTERIANISM Union convention at Inaianapotte. lADI amenable, March 13.—The Pm. hyterlau Union Convention trinket, nog nestnil yeetorder, Were (Unenvied during . the eutiro entelon, ,I.Fetley,nnd the" fol • . lowininthinto adopted : • ••*- • h'irat•--7Rut this Convention holds thnt tin, Church Is,. by the ronottlutlon of her living bead, one built upon 'tbo founda tion of th•Aportles and Prophets, Jerson Christ himself being the, chief corner stene,'‘uul that however Impracticable visible organic union may meow at the present, It is the duty of all the different brunches of the Church to pray for, and by nil proper means seek, suellorgrinto union, Sevmd—That from the expression of nplelotui given la tha Lbncoution, th. basin of Um, Philadelphia Convention ix ondinsad as a satisfactory basis for 'the •ro-union of the Old and Now School Assembilea. " , • '7'l,oll—That in the larimtene' of the Philadelphia Iselin,. that the Book of Psalms, which is of:Divine Insplrittiou, is well adapted to the slate of the church In ell ages and circumstances, stud hbould he used in 'the worship of God i therm fore, we recommend, to prepare the way for the steelier beetles represented In Bits Convention to unite with the larger, that n now and faithful version of the Book of I'llalnts be prepared. which elicit take the neat Wm* In theitutherited Psalmody of the fruited Church. The Convention adJouretvl sine die; RAILROAD .. ACCIDENT. t . rcietill rth 10 sae ihisseirsa ensue. - Ilettniarmau, ]Harsh 13.—Tbe Cindn natl train, which left Now York at five o'clock last oconlog via.Readlng, mot with an'aocldont three ranee wait of Lebanon loat night. -The train , was run- ning rapidly when a roll broke, throwing two passenger cam and one Bleeping car frow the track. Fortunately the coup. broke, preventing the wrecked Cars bong dragged any distance. , • . The following persons were Mit:teed: Mrs. Niter, from insland, en mile West, seriously teltired in'spini: Dr. Luther, of Reading, chin cut; Cann Geo. W. Dont, Wirth V.-8. Innintry en route' te Join his regiment on the Plains, heartielureit. Four, wn five Atha% name not Itarnesi, were slightly injured. ME =MEE ,- 0 4 k 4 , 4 t t 111 TIV-74 tt qTI IND SUBIJR64.II The Zama, Cou&nal at the Pitlttbaratt roc:nolo . - allege—Attar.. of Lao Prise —an Interesting rresentatrau,lk.e. Our intellfgentand literary circles Lava rarely been afforded a more pleasant en tertainment than that which marked the Mere of the highly succersf nt Winto Session of the Pittsburgh Female Cbl lega—tho assay cdutest - which leek pine° last •night, In the elegant and corn. meditate chapel ' of Ord institution. There wav in attendance a very large audience which numbered* representa tives from all the Professions and higher walks of life, and which might truly Lu tcrund the bruins Vol our 'busy and industrious oils-. Them con tests, a pleasant feature to relieve thtidtill routine of the sclielar'slife, have ever been regtnlisl as the neatest and tined pleasing literary entertainments afforded our people, end we marvel not that they yearly prove• mere attractive and are more large'y attended. Ni bet ter oeitunentary an litO character of the college nail Mt thorough .systent of Int- K . art , ll=efal funlltigh toned knowledge thma the .powyr possessed by the young ludic,' to manse," entertain, edify and instruct with the coining, of their braimran audience an intensely in lelttrtuai as that which gathered tbgether last evening. • The exerci•or were opened with an eloquent appeal to the Throne of Unice by EeY. Mr. Woolf, rilter which a bril liant nod soul Inspiring comiseutieu wits ina.milicently (Imbed off out an elegant Decker Plane by Miss 'Mein., of Le il.llloll, Pa., and Prof; Messner, accent pallital nn the . organ by M11..1110.4.ner. The first essay, °Driftwncel," by Miss Howard, was :in able effort, read lit a precise, distinct voice, which was heard in ell parts of the hall. The subject war . ingeniously Wrought Into a variety of stair,', awl the essay was vi ry areeptable and praise worthy. 'Anything and everything War' the, quaint-title of Miss Sevilla Ikumy's literary, offering. It wen veer well coneeivel and developed ninch thought, beauty and elegance "Where is the was cleverly , an , *wens! In the ,say of Mien Carrie 1r fisher. This .inposition breathed in every lino a spirit of rViigiOn and a Leell sense of the vanity or they Weria intro Fel :10111 listened to:smoother language., Every sentence was rkhly framed and the periods were minded with •Ii beauty and Ilulah "The shrine ut wide!, we worship" wane sprightly coin positlemi col 14 a vivacious and lively manner,. by Misr White,ll. ,1 rich yell: Orin:eyelid sarcasm coursed through the aentuncits, but was relieved by dashes, of good nature, which every now and then cropped out. - The essay pointed a strong moral ° Cobwebs," au intrivate and highly wrought sketch, was read by Miss , 31nry Radcliff, It abounded in keen limner and pungent arid reflected much credit to We well read composer. The el.:talon af the young lady wwispirited cad fealt ies., m," A very singular subject, war 'strewn to lie full of poetry and meaning by Miss Livia. Myers. This was a gem In Its ' way, and its nether dmeloped rare mental ability in weaving, from such am ordi nary household word, an essay no full Of ripe thougut, and no beautiful in all It* pane. i'Lravers by the Wayside" was it tine specimen of twos° poetry from the nen of Miss Ira MsßutghL Uterio well read and abounded tie pretty figures of speech and elegance of eXpreseion. The lash essay, "Life Tapestry ' by Miss Auguste Mitchell, • or • ' llarrinburg. was the erowrlhnr effort et tn. evening,. It 'wen a number of plain, homely truth. strung togeths lor and told in good old mullioned English vrordn, do not Wish to give the unpression that the Con ' ,. Svfl, ordi nary. It was pregnant with nentiutent, rich in thought, and full or vigor—just Such an article as Vronla , pees current an true coinage from thel mint of went.' ov ertime., vonna Indy the Board of J edge's-Ater. Dr. Woods, tine. In, Althem, sod "toy. pr.llllorgan—evrerded the prize, end, w hide 'urn accord a large rarrernre or praise to the other lady con. 1.4.151.n.n41.. wo futert ovpres s unquali fi ed eridorberumff of the u Indent and Judg ment of the award. . Rev. Dr. Allisonpresented the prize in suet apreele, in which be highly lauded the rtnirta of the young "when and ex pressed, on behalf of the Judges, a deep regret that ho could not similarly honor erten rend every one of them. Itetween the carmen the audience es eirlreitalrind by very d W uo Wreou (Mason the piano by Prvf.. Illenen3r, one of the College Faculty, ..under whose masterly manipulations, the true worth of the meguihrwitt Decker piano, (kind ly loaned toe' the occasion by Mr. C. C. Idsllor,•aler in exclusive agent in this " 11 70 nes merle apparent. The Professor wasat times eklllfully aneirm panied by. Mime tkare, Mla.l and Mina Endsley, whore executions de tracted nothing front tim rare abilities of their Instructor,. who presided. Max venallieirtiona wore also Wooled by tiller Cora Brown, college " tmeher of vocal m ask, cord one of oureweetest ammeters, aided by the well cultured and inehttiletta voices of •Irt.is+ tilierti and Ulan thrwyer, both pool.. • After the dist:dowel of the andienre a number of invited goods, together with the puree, partook of n muzuptunint reputopread to thelsrgn college d 'ping roonta;and (hue eliweil the tri Misr Newton of tho Pittsburgh Felllerb College, on la atitirtion in which •ell citizen. should hike mach concern mid port Meal prldo. PRES . /UN To Sty. P. . Alter the repast. and• while, (ho per. lore were thronged with gueat.s, gem. ty, H. Klneahl took oecs.sfon, on behalf of the following gentlemen. Jos. Home. C. it. Nbc.. J. 11. Ilillerman, U. ti. Ileff fault, Edward fleszelton' and Thomas Dickson, a committee on presentation,to sarerleo Rev, S. P.Wtsdf, Presiding El der or the Pittsburgh Ihstrict of the M. E. Cbanda, with a purse containing lie • hatolsosue awn of two hundred delLsm. Mr: Kinesdet old' • R tty.• AND DUO •11802111:11: The polity . .? GM Methodist Rpfsoepal qb o In perallar In firmly monocle, and unlike Ally of er er‘leallmtlesl system. 'lt Is a anemia menially harmouloun In eiery part, awl on Wu, Wthem W eto ntllitmisa character. G e, reat wurn att TWA:grant* ed by thn framers of thin wonderful mt. chturt7.• ny lbs. histor,yaf.the;past ren. tury .Imn so aturly..slortionetrated..Tbe canna l of terser la unable Lo cerunrehend tble nyntent of "wheels.", whe i i n o d ateln an unfavorable light. ZPerte.ps notenturn of oar economy la tto liable to minappredmninn, or Urn bona ••lion red oonwrobololoal be people goner ally,tu. the °Mee so ndimfrably tilled by yourself. Ito venersdly Lis ennuedetl—lu. InaPolleoco penally notlerynlum.l.. Gear alone ere of frequent luvartenoto which' require the nice discrimination of nooks Recant minister, o how Judawoot h. OD- Womol and froo from loom prnjUdiee. Recognizing you on a worthrreprennil ' halts of this honorable Mike ( ?natal rig Elder), It afford. rue Ivry much plesnmer on this pecoloct to. present .you, on be half of borne frleminlu th is Distriin, nettle a nilght tentimonlal of their high per *Mal erased for 'roil, as on calm and miniator, Chrietign cod gentleman. Dr illers ine, near Sir, Dust I cameos the nentimoron of a largo number of penman in Aida coltiMuntly..wbeff i stare that you retire bum ILO Presiding Eldornldp with nu honorable record fur the ade and natinfitetory' manner tit which yon Mere dinelonned the dlnleolt and delicate duties of your peitiea.. oenwrattp late you nt the happy teemihation of your °Metal torn, and hope that your future field of letter may be plealant and all that you co u ld possibly wish In your mloinbrinl life. .• . Rey. W. R. Look* responded on lb , half of than recipient In a float sod ex tr=rll.ll'nwenbr.prnranued*VlT. the r, ant atoning spent ben Dm wells of the Plitsbanth Femnie College. Roy. Dr. I. C. Pembina may wellfeel proud of the OVOColilLor the inatitation oyer which ho prmillen and Momenta! advanoeinent of the poplin under Mt eberge—fruitn tore care, lOdOinllftble energy end high • literary ability and culture.. Aesaidt and Dattery.—Mra. A Hese made Inforniatlon before Mayor Drum;i yeeterdny, I/barging Mr.. ehrlat. limn, with aavtult and battery.. 'Mm. /hue, allegro that her children and Ma. 'itulu's wort. Mulles together, near a. 2 Plaumatt's bonne, where they got tato • quarrel, and her /WM gLr/ etruck-, one orldre. /itauman'a children, where. upon that lady mime out at the house caught/ler (Mr. lfai a I child Ly the ear and pulled It until it woo partly turn Imam twin' tree . bred.. Ohs was arrestod and held to Lail for courh ' !Witty or the Peaet.—Julia gothilegattNo- 1 Jielieha Court, yester day made Information beft:rn Aldssrmah tiellantera sastruet her daughter-W.lm, Bridget McGuire:or surety, ut .ho peace. oiThe amtaethelre,ldu- hie Li aapllepgeers' that .klk"iodgst lier f t aliy;and bona p ot oi u ythreat on ed to do -her • bodily.. ha{m.bat Awe.us %be Will barn the hoots down.' Juba say, Matters' 'era% a happy.factilly nuts! that ' ^airport .12rIdgot -come imos, tbero.V.Noriurimt'ltulant*,.l her - . MI Playing. Polleva,2.—The illeenrslty of 11=1 The propriety, or in fact the necessity of uniforms to a well, regulated and efll dent police fume, is patent to almost any one, unless it be mono person who Is so elk{ fogyish as to be unable to see the ad vantage of any iniprovaiment upon the wanner in which his groat grand fathers conducted their affairs. There.may bo acute argument against uniforming the pelicoof Pitt aburgh, but, whoa contpured with the many and mere weighty' reas ons whyit should be done, they sink to insiguirleance. — A. CIAO occurred yester day, which furnishes one of the strong est arguments In its favor. Oliver Mee Govern keeps a boarding hquse on Sev enth street, and same weeks since a younwho bad contracted a board hill of Eli 50, which an linable to : loye.left his trunk and clothing "Shiite. tiovern as security for the amount. Yes terday,naorning two men came to the Louse, after MeG scorn had left, end rep. resenting to his wire that they wore policemen, demanded the trunk, alleg ing that it hail been stolen. Mrs. ihcri. at :trot objected to tie being taken away .until her nuationacatne, who they threat ened to arrest for receiving stolen goods, trt tirmanner thiff incoeeded iri getting he tremk and carrying it off. •• Dian in. quiry Mr: McGovern fond :that, delve bad been no policemen sent for the trunk ;awl IneVing rsason to suspect Dennis Mc (lined. and John Cassidy, he made oath wafer) Alderman lateMesters, yesterday, charging them With larceny. They were arrested and held in the sum of one rhenium] dollars each for their appear ance at: Court. the Bloomers. .10111Ini Bloomer, of StewartMown, no- °Ming to his odatertheat, is a persoettted mate Joahua,ome zeara elneo dIISCOV era) that it waft " not:good to i.e illeno" and 'cm:ma/neatly entered the byntoneal yoke, elneo when he lots had a "heap of trbultle on blit mind." Joshua* wile Ithotro mum, is .Elimbetb, it itttneura not mutant to ben "Bloomer" but in sists upon donning tho " unwhisper abler," a proccvtling not in etrict weer (lance with Mr. B.'s sense of proprietor milip,notwithstandi ug it wan not only with hiscensent but at his earnest request she became s Moonier. ThLi unnatural(?) desire upon the part of the wife to don fen linsband'n babililment, against his will, created a family diaturbance, the rues it of which was, that on the Nth lent., Mr. B. received a nomad thrashing at the hands of his -"better half," and a pro mine to have ti:rib:ate repeated if he en tered the house again. Considering the Lind dose quantum sufficit,,, he very dis creetly left the premises. Yesterday he came to Alderman McMaster',, °Moo and made information chargingbis wits with assault and buttery, and likewise an in nrrnation for surety of the pence. A warrant was issued and placed In the hand* of the officer who, scoompaoied by the masculine Bloomer, started in search of Mrs. 11. Joshua rays he la determin isl to teach he • to know - her place, and to keep her out of his small clothes as well as "out of his nate," Tlae. Mitts& noirlog ireals• Nobody in these days of practimal, go , ahead Ideals will deny that a sowing ma chine decidedly 'a nice Institution to have Ma family. It does much work In so little time, and.does It so neatly and with such comparatively slight labot¢ that the women 'folks feel almost like, cooking up excusea for running the ma chine, when there is really no work to be done. Dot amid the mnitlinde of machines and apologies for machines with which the market in flooddd, it is sometimes difficult far the bewli.lered purchaser to decide which machine is the one Which he really want's—which lathe heel, and will do him the most 'lutist.- 1 Wry service. A tried of over twe years enables us to say with the greatest con faience that there li, ne better machine for general family nee than that mauto • . factored by the Wheeler LE- Wilson Ilan : mfacturlng Company,' ' Wm'. • Stunner k Co., Agents, No. 17•Vifth aerie.', 'lt makes a be seam, that dm. not Timor ravel,cuna almost 'seism lessly, is pihin, simple, easy to work, and not [table to get out of repair requires lees thread than "Slngle-Throad Ma chines," and In complete 'with attach ments that cm be need with no other machine. Their sales' Ihr. the last - five yeast - kayo averaged ten thousand ma chines more than the next largest com pany. which is proof positive that It la. armor( popular' machine in the world. It Is ati article of furrdture once in o your house, you will not willingly part with under any 'consideration. . . . allecg,foranst—rorenor's ir.e.seet. Abont three o'clock yesterday after noon the body of a man wan found in a ravine above the Willow (trove Brew cry, lu tailfrule borough, lying In the run partially covered with water. From appearance it had hilts there for some • time, being aluiest black 'foint decay. Coroner Clawson wart entitled of the feet and provaided falba place where the bodylay,letpauelled ajury, and held an Inquest. Tito body waa identified swami of at/Jenne notileati, who bad liven an inmate of the CountrPoor Itouae for twelve yeara past. .110 left' that institu tion about the 16th of - January, sleets when nothing Wel burn heard of hen. Ile wassubjeet to epileptio fin and the . pre- eumption is that 'Ate was taken with • tit while priming Moog, a_ by-road on the bang above where too body was 'fbeed, and roll over. The verdict was dant ..the stemmed mute told* dead:sat a time and from nausea unknown to thajury.". ==l=l: Dr. A. ri..lirenedlese reports Jewlug Intertheate la the city treat hierettletto'bbwah Sib, ' • . ihscosti.:-Dlncoso of. flail: %.:.C . On um:option. 3; Mamie., I; r elaltlit,. 1; Dlneow of Brolo,1; &will Pox. 3; Poen mauls, 1; I &swum of Bowel% I. Of the .bovo 111er° were. nudist. I year, 114 from Ito O . a. to 10,1; 20 Co 312% 2; 30 lo 310 io 2; 00 to 70, A; 10 to CO, 3 feroxles, f.; white, 11; colored.° gamey Ir .liast 11berly.-111r. T. B. Metionnell of East Liberty,. yealtmlay, nude leibrusatiattbefore .Itol.re David win, of chatfile., •ehergtoce •Benjacnin Linden. and Henry. Willlain ,Edwarde, two colonial bnya , .wlth the tar:guy at a awn of. many amounting to thirty or forty dollars. Lt_.! alleged that the *attend the Ater* of .111wera. J. sad :T. It. lacewings% la East. Liberty, and°recision bahlwi the noun t•r.• opened :Um drawer sod abetraidad the turn moot lowed. The inicoacd,. who are respeotirely tee and twelve year. of aget were arreatal acid In default of ball for diets. appeevericie et_Coort were eons. • • False Pat. .-Wiliam Beater made torero:whoa .titsfltro Alderman Mullin yeterday; ebergi ig W. F. Tuner with obtaining- goods under file protenest. Lto all that in January last Turner obtained groceries Lot hira on credit to tho amount of seteati-two dollara.:l4 representing that be had 0013111 property to soli, and would pay the bill es sow as heaths:tad a sale. all of whiebtles. pow nutor alleg.tram false. . : A wernat Wait booed for Wannest. ; • ;,.. . 9ecat Caneert.—Tbe 'vocal erneges I given by Lb' Allegbanyeenartotte, sAlb. egoond Methoebet eltturb,. • Nadia* 6treet, Allegheny, leak cream;, wee et nooarlete, Bemoan, Profamore (Peck, Darflo%lloreuer And Lannon , compose the du sad a tenter quartette could not be tone In the two renew. Thee concert . will he repeated We eventeg tbr Abe lenetltot tne &coact Methane Church Sabbath &boa . Admiulon meaty. hve - llnccinl &Wiesen • lberrlein, M the Acniomy or Musick Marty untret, morn minctsuc • M quarter pont Wye on nab- Alain eillentoon, bald tinder Lim .au•pl , ..nt of-the *Amin. Schont Teechen Union. All Denims tun Invited Oman. stain Attendance M Dublin worsts Ip elan where. Soeta Erse.: Daunt .Ctuistinn worker; Allatsttors end Layanen.yiattlng our city, aro conlially invited to intirntt and take part in the ozerelace. deal( iles's Christian Asseelallie:-- SO-morrow • Muttes) .etternooti there will be two preset meetings held under the engem of file Aosocialloo, one at the -Eagle Engine Moser ott. Fearth rarest„ between Ferry and Liberty Area, Pitteburgh,' the ottter at thr ."deldiens League Rooms" cur Lino* Wort, •itmr legend, ogpordte ' , Anchor Cotton MEW'. • Soaker laud 1111de,—Anotsi;• • Meow matt of yook and earth fell awe the track Of the 'Pan Handle railroad ill rear of McCully's Tae hours. Moms* Rebel., to rough,yeaterd ay eve In g, eau*, Zug coaaidarable [lamas* to the trestle work arid track at that ; , Pew itlerves,There WSTO two Wares ro from box 13, Allegheny City, Frt day Inornlgit,' !The fire aeperchmat lam. eh oat both time r bat ten amble to nlid • OM - ~.~ ~~~ Llelorstoo 41. re., Iron IF . era: , 'On Washington avenue, about one square went of the outer depot of the, Fort Wayne road, we found in our tam = - ... • ei t t Ides the exteuslve now. tat:CA.4" oot of Livingston et Co., to w advertise' meet in toslay'e paper we rite atten.:l tion. Welound the establishment very complete In all Its appointments.' The tirm own nix lots, cin which are thelburil dry, 00 by 40 feet; the Ilnlshlag- room or machine shop, in by 40; the butting and grindstone room, ihelndiug core house and smithy, 711 by 10; the annefalii* end scouring room, 60 by 30, with extensive appurtenant- treeke and metal yards and sheds. The Makes a epochal,* of "light work," and of this a great me; riety, including allkinds of outings for cotton and Woolen machinery, for 1 plumbers, gas Ritcre4agricaltural Imple. meats, &e. . They also manufacture largely for the trade the various sizes of "loose butt-bingm." This hinge ballad; vantages in simplicity, convenience and durability over any °Merin the market aflutter builders East and West verygent orally prefer It to t he close joint; former. by to nee, and are rapidly introducing It, AU their work is skillfully and neatly done. We remarked In their light mouldings and ornate work a "degree of nu/oaks:cis stirpassinganythluvwslutd seenedeewhere, end they aro warranted to equal IN . ...ticket Eastern shops.": • This 'foundry is situate remote from the present centre of business: but • out of the way, alit may seem, rho numerous factories and Shops in and out of theeity we predict wilt all feet rewarded for lny trouble in finding it.• If is destined to supply, satisfactorily a want that as born lunch felt throughout this manurso taring community and elsewhere. The enterprise of the firm we fell sure will be abundantly rewarded. ' The partners aro Mr. li.O. Livingston only son of the tate lamented L. It. Liv ingston, who was the rounder of the cal ebrateif"liroveity Works," In which the mechanical akil f of the son was acquired. (Mr. Livingston , will havo the general )yersight and trumagetnent'or the Man ufacturing and fumbling department.) Col. Win. A. Robinson, well known es an old Fifth street carpet merchant, ' and more recently for hlsgallantservlcsae . in the nation's defence. Capt. W. M. Burt, known in business circles for several years, as confidential clerk of the Penna. (kitten Mills, and or his patriotic service in the army of the eouthweaL Messrs. Robinson and Burt will have charge of the commercial and financial side of the firm's business. With arrangements so complete, and ouch cimperation of energy, skill aim probity In its nverslg,ht, the public wilt find it befit profitableand pleasant to deal with the house of Livingaton it. Co. i Mate Agricultural lieetelly Pirrentmon, March 12, 1808, To A. Boyd liarrfilton, President, said A. Brower Loagiker, Secretary, Pena trylvauia State Agricultural Society:- Massam—The fair name and Limo Of your Society are essential to Ps succees; and whrdever injuriously affects its rep -1 oration for just and honorable transact- Dons must be Just muse of regret to every good citizen, fur its influence, ilke its field of operation., la extensive, and it - Imparts its own sentiment and:char acter to a large and influential clams is the State. Yon are aware (or 'should be,) that the awards made by theSoclety at Its Annual Fairs are frequently charged, whether Justly or not, with unfairness and favor. item and hence the maxi for double guaril and caution at that. point, audit will doubtless afford you pie/sure to ex- plain any circumstances in your trans actions in that respect, which =ex. plained might injure your own reputa tion, and that of your Society. Hach, for Instance, as the following: After thecloae of the Pair held in this- City, Septem ber last, .1 card was published by the Agent fur,' Fairbanks, Mor se Co's Stales In thiecity, as follows: : "Upon the retina of this receipt to the Secretary of the Ponneylvanin State Ag ricultural Society. Messrs. Fairbanks, Morse A Co., will be entailed to a Bronze Modal, awarded them at the annual ex hibition at Pittsbugh. September, 1837, for the beat Welshing Mischine for goner s' Arm, hay rind coal purposes. •Firereed hi,ghcarprrmixon on +wars. Also, Dipki. ma for large and small stales, especially notifiable for excellence.". (Signed) "A. B. LO2IOIIMIT, On _the appearance of this card, which seriously Wetted the personal' reputa tion and businessof . another party engaged in the competitiou, who had received at • that Fair - a Diploma for • hie • beaten, said had adver tised himself as rocalvLog the "hlgbeist premium," published quotations from the 'Premium List" of 'the Society, showing concluelvely that a Diploma was a higher premium than a Bronze Medal, lance Committee haying charge of scales and .other kindred arti cles, were authorized to Immo 111 Bronze Modals, but only 2 Diplomas,. ' " : •• Since that iseeurei, tho agent has plated on exhibition la blLwindow a Diploma etatuig that it was awarded at that Fair to Fairtsuiks, Some A Co.; for the mime scale for which the Bronze Medal was (he exhibiting, only the one ale of that kind at thatrair,)and atabage enough, It also made: "First and highlat premium.",- . • - Sow Messrs. officers of the State Atiri• cultural Society," will 'you please state whether or not your signatures ar0:1111X-, ed to either or both of .these documents. If genuine, how 'came you Ist. To award twopremiume fortheeame scale 58. - How is Baia they are,lath `.'brat and highest ' premiums?" W. Why did yoti aultie quently Lome a Diplonericontrary to the' I Premium List for a Seale trcwhich the Committee bad awarded only a prime, Medal. .4th. Why .le, the only' Dlplonla awarded (Male other party) by The •Comnattee, for. toe sense clam lof scale, Ilte"Firet and highest premium?" If the eignaturea to the "Certilleate," end to the Ditifemabwe not genuine,can you inform 16A Public 11h01.V.744r' namenthereto, so that the pu th; mad know him, and thins prevent his injuring your 'moiety and the Inninessi and: reps. lation nflionaet•Menherc,' .on of boiceat-mon bareisithr? • ilavlng umd my °Metal isothert . : wi • Correnpondlag Secretary of tbrilkamt oi Managers of She Allegheny Could-Y*oJ c , cultural Society, and. my personalln/lu , I •enco as member of a Committee, to pit• ' duce tontribotksni trim myrrienda and fellow eitisens•towarda Winging the ht. Stela l'air to dila city, I Mime rimmed. It duo to them; as well ea to myself,' and. • more eepeulally to the:reputation of the, Slam Agricultural Society, to propound the foregoing inquiries, which r Intuit wilt' br entirely •ameritablei and nice* with& prompt acid satlericatoryrespowse. l am, gentleman._ , • yery,resrepit' timy your., • • • ' Encrons Ciztryrit In the Onitllshed proceedlomi 'the • Iternbllcan abate Conventlon 'the name 'Of• John , MOM Cresson thrown"; as Wien:tato dolman to Chlta}M; in place of Major J. F. Makin. la buttice to the Convention it should - he known that the Committee -who tuld (Mate Ohm matter wine not swam that Major Wiagis hail shandy been elected au alternate, end as soon se the Met arse known it wan agreed that Mt. filagloW mums should be reutatased„ and that the wieh nod wDI of the people of Um Twnn ty-steinti District ahouhl prevail In w ine choke of delegates and Menraltenrstes. • • Thera woe no intention ; to boterfen with Mr. Slagle's right In the ineminee, and Mr. trauma Wouleftea the hirt 1:014 N avail hit if of the mbtfake Inthe pro, mtediogstof the Committee. . iiMARLED; AMMLL—ROBLETllOl. 7 puTt...o. t ottic tba t,. T. N. Om Tolltro L. SUICLL; at Waibtitgtoi, IMAMS , PDX, a A1t.0.0 cit,; 3 .LOUVIIIIT—TTLZA—At tball•Tosb tiTbut . cbortb. Tut.... I pan., blo.b . iSL SUL try A. 311eble._Xt• WM. P. LOUULIIY, IntUborgb. sob Into ' rum It w. fTLar. at alusl.7 xe' • moral:: ay—lat/.617:01a Tbors4spenative< yarrh:>SA lttq as W 11.14. m. PC tbebtribbbt brUtalev. 'Not. lrokoti, 'ELL DLit AIttITOPIL —D.: mu .Mlll, eel) 44mtier of :Antal+ Ult.; j • DIED I • /May uorslax,ri n a. PAM ILa ta oVicelc, Ilnitrat. ISL. um otralaidv tAcCallelp. leh.. With ZVI. cal et h.lhf ' The ttnent to pi... 8 Thhhh: hh , ,_htra . .IN•thch:. Morttlteirc.hianci. ar.hle ;MUM, F1 , ••41 muter teeqrAt it the Cat , • • • !Chill nth, it 'The N. lsbatiol Ma dab, AK. ddr VT LT.`. 1 ill f• 1111 Woe Klealswfi shear Ilse rAarl4l litentarr Uw. p' o.o4ltlir =9 El ;Implant, -A 1:11 laid X• 11: *atm sad A2hest Omsk V thaTlib. AOLOI*OI.I4 claimer& tO max * **7 Wks, lit elab rat - • .1110tOol TO lkoncletoux—ia =Outs; Tax, powo.. ma sok giodlty- Tlku odium Toe Tsai, Tyxx lama' Wodaseday *TOW* tor =IT OcrOsifi !wombat obi mall west. • !Raw, rfralt:lrpriss. Yana Orders m V 3 Ilkelstand Eatyars, maybe seat at aarrba - • ouncrrw.;.- nrrnutrucat. lINDERT.O!LSEREI All6ll , C.% AIN EN,I 7 IIIDEIRTAKEILL IN Iroitrtti Strom. Anemic% rs. COP7Ora. -ask shag curia. ca..triwow a MUT dssalytten of Taw* Parahlitlat ti 004.• funds c =toama oppa day and alitit. LW* +ad zarlasa, David It. W.FTacens, V. D., Timm Zwlsi, Soy. }asot.g Daum EN. Ltll.otl.lrti a: MERLE.. Under* TIIIISII3-4:14D LIVIIIIIT mum, owner of Vi4tiaty Wawa sad Muck maim, AllotWo. ar elm *bore tbetc . cortiN ROOK* atv con many.appltaa with real and battalion Rwe. ano4. - 80000007 tte4 Walnut Coati.. ai Muf. , I'alTtaillttwa 111 to SIM. Halloo prepared hi Itt. tomcat; . /tairseit awl Coeliac. faralthode ' alio, alllklads of lloaralog flood., If malted. Ulla train at all hoar. day 42{4 alaat. • - Rotv.ser T. - RODNEY. Ender* tali= aas It Na4aura, No. 41 OW BL, Alloatda . /., .80 No. to Diamond Oquaro. OW Joao lEtwat a rmor.dg alum. on haw! the ' Mat MOW; Howatiod. Walnut aa4 baltalloo utumobit COM), .Walnut Oahu enna V 4 al.:- ward.; 4toworotal Cottlia ICO Unapt,: 'all Obit': Como. ¢ [a aroptitl4, 'Carrlaaaa . sae-44mM fa at low rasa. Crape, atom. PIA. : its and 1 vlagfinwattatt Fall& Mk* elmi 4.7 , -. 0. .lim • .--- *-- odi*Ana • MitINIECIELL 1 0111. aitie, ma'. so 016 . aueily; Metante. Itpanrood and alba I,l* !w ort apnntdalastneliontnaral Talleablrix aooda. Au nand And tarnished at aborteat notkn. at lowed wines: Bala and I.llnry ntables, era nes of pas and itiddla Stmt.. Cantu, a, - !Ural:Lam, Bunks, noddle Hones, an, 4 / l e.j, cot . hher:.! WANTS. 91F6E1111.—Flieg /101 . 1 'and TWO ALto SINOICRS- roe Choir let?. ot tYe eltrchwelw. Good watlara prefortttl, Agdrew,ANDLIZON.' A. WI, VitubtwAtt, r.. -• tor•THE • ICLUE-Cb1.713, and how Meg' Lived fought 41 DIM hat tha.llutou,-.. • lueldehul 1n the Went Itebeloow, It couttiu: • °Ter ItOtilue Zugmbuts Slad 603 NSW. and :..S the .pictest mud ebeapeut wrer boat hublybeo. Zrlee.wqty 4'..60 uer copy: The retblla are elui stoma Mau luffietiof wort-wlth • stuttlag fied that Thad:wt. fon bUy contothu oteu icp eugruk.lol. nod 00 {whim' Bend rcit'arcr: lam .0 , 110rewt7010:3 EINTIIEEBI C0.,11gt...;,:..y. _ . AOl TEILI—AGENTS.-;-Noiv -fax nisront: or THE OfAU. DETWIMITIIi !STATES; 1I Comoes,"Owsiter. Coggo Ina .4 U.AgUgg. , ._ 'By ALIA/MD. 8.101.C1r. ouggwo. '4. term.. • MU glow-40U. of 00' wort. *adieu,' sATION4 ront,thatzoi WANVED-20,00 0 AGENTEK--; • . A ii*pla amt st.e. 'rub ;toe to ear Om dant, In three 'boon. *esteem en axes Qv. LOS and desirable; Cin be none et bade oir Iteration: . trr both aisle and. female. ae en Oriennonm or humbug. Andre . .W. U. - CIIIDESITIk ner Broldway, Kew York. NM FOE BENT. FOB BENTL-A Good Brick Stk.' . ed..r noon alono_ intssion feeont itroot, Aoo, , 14nne room (Unable for • Carpenter Shop, Cognize Or '1781022 HOTEL, 243 Second 177 X PERT. - ENT.—Th e • • TeVe Peery.' nwttivise lfoues,. No. •1.4 Webeter greet opipp site rresbytertast ~.• lig right 'Adam With jas and water. of T. D. IE.4..MILTDIf.IOI7IItIa street. • . • F OR to Rent, sultarge tor eta er twit/rent/em u.opt Tritrct street. Starers 11, a.sm. ORIG. • To- L l o—Secornii and ffrolgi3 otWarehme Na 000 0. , Of nrawid*aainei4 areeu, suitable tor ofileFs MaKiikikl • • •• I TO LIF/TlTsvo Store lloom~in. • new 1:::01123 . 1a Otdo stronio: new IllOtwell week Allisbeny, with dwellings oror vrilb 'Work, both room and Looottoisooo for dry opals,. tracery 0r.1.01 atm* nom: Moo in SIDI! baltdlogs; !barroom. =lab& Air mon. Aiipiy at °Bloc or 7 1 / 1 411£.4 BIWA. 0010 avarteirtand FO Sodor 13 ielt street: AE Allegbroy. f.. R..- pop. NA.I.EI. GOOD INVEST. 1.1. o 11017813 88' field gerret.'iora 81818120 h; 11871re'at 31.1188 , 81488. .8./. Ole Customs Ilona, • : . • FOR 8.0,10. 7 -A 7111•DINGAI . OAL'I , rule 01..s.—The Wee le In getit and will leteold ebony lei 'Gash. lonian of DANIEL SINOGEIL, seasaa..ad 'moraine -Agent, No. :77 Federal ettiet. Allegheny , Oltv. en meow! FOB gm . LE—lle loaueeof then desii.ltie Lots ant now op: •-•.' tired at pet, . uda. and itaytoadesiant• Mita Maalox aluntwoold do inn to nail a sclietion. 'NeTIIIiNH taimea on a t Canard and Diann, irat. two and --bait =Hsi from Otargotarn. tut the Wuter4onturivuia,latliood. laden itavoin It. nuking it, sal moro.Taliab_U!!dia aliawable;. orcratatunacapv tasking for Ireanas a imolai oil* Witco; OZ; valet will *vie no ortuvent to tilotowit:" : Tit* tontaindor of , thou lo*vlll ha mid . agony .atatdo and taiviCazatedinai Heat Zolaii and Foit:lulx.--nonse am' Loirovi. • .ear rostiater , Lot. 41 or ttr Hountrfaille;*eseiatag7 atoms sod - good rrallitaprooOtiHCOLSO sad Dot oak Ittioltol4. nag pldaell sortia. Another, CRT. Lot U 'by feett.bothio 'Shoo maim Dap, Itolir twist sod modkellaretitztarand ,tlootettott LOU laic.' Imaleo. lager" of Intuit CIA; 'Beam otter'. war , Grant. - FOIC'SittE4,4I. 'l7 • dellimablek taser BRICK ilooss.:nsiAk Diwpea wick troat..aurtan manuesi ironic thicityso lit; Inonst contains erten atitt trundled Os.rrot.'Ziat. it RLK VIZIR W. tear :' rossectioc train Aptil • MIL Econiritst tan bona. RQR Bi,LLE—HORSEB.-41 T 1.1.417 sad SW Stable, else -1- ••• ItALICILIr 13011:111 allaTW Wee DAPPLE askr - soitiss, 4.4' . LAMS. mai:mitre. Minus; waKIK-AWissa. nro (Mar won .CABULliary eaeseltwer bonsai ate TWO , ROAR. W.A:4O)T. ail • tantim ag al seed:ram. Zsgatni as, tas zwitrerm. TWIT. WI/ODD:CMS r•Tzar rvirraaLs. BARODIETEES. tu kAllogrlat'spod • . . • , 4 . , i,...........ett mhzt%. P0rt a1 t., ArA= • • ' A1i . Gtz . 1L L 11:L2=11547:1 6 41:415415 .. . . 1 - 1011104 t. 1.0.11000 0,10E004.0.1.1,47, ntr . 0 , 54,100-10 . 0 . 04 0 rlas , Aimarre. - DII,II:9E , :diETZI ArdSLST2I, " org4irrs'Ausemir EWE: • EP 299 r PPLIE•rt. Mer bent TaHor ear. IN, ni Jima 1 9. viair 8 tire tis` • -I st et WEE ' sraißra Anp 4.0) t„ !Adak , 11•Aa? " 0 - 4.6 aim= adaor ta-Nr ~~ 1 ~ 4~.