The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 12, 1868, Image 4

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District. Court—Jaagl; 'tamp too
. 1 WEDNASDAT, March 11.HIn the calmer
, .
Pugh vs. Conway, previotudy reported,
' the J no. found a verdict for defendant.
r : Camp, Hoye & Co. va 131cl : hereon &
Kerr. - Action to recover piBx, claimed
Jo be due on a book amo unt. The plain
' I.lffe-.'were grocers, and the defendante
- ilicifirletora of the Scott Herm. The de
llo:ice produced a receipt ISr the bill our
. Wiling to be signed for the, plaintlM by
Renew& a galena= In the atom. The
plaintiff; claimed that the receipt was
gleam by lirtibide in payment of a board
bill due defendants, and that be had no
authority whatever for receipting the I
- bill on behalf of • the, firm. - The Jury
':.found fir plaintiffs In the auto' of Mitt;
C. A. Whitacre ye, Jahn Gates. Action
to recover on a Acne. Verdletin favor of,
plaintiff for SI,OW. , . ,
De l ,
. Liitfor Thu aft ..• ~ . ,
15. Lawrence f ile Savings Bank 111.
,Barrett„ Ands ri &Morrow- •
tl. - 0 - . W. vu. Jeffrey Barnett.
, 1 , .... T. M. She! va. Sarver it Brown.
24,, K. Hodge Va. Bandolier & Sal r
• -- '27. J. F. Beckham va. Merriman ..t 2 r.o.
M. ti. W, Wilda vs. Jae. Trainer lel.
, 121. W. P.Jones vs. P.M': Mertz." I
t 4 Pitta . L. dn: B. Ace. vi. M. Dra o.
. .
• • Cesensow Pleee-.tiara Starr
WSbNasDAT, March IL—ln the ,
• v .I..intaar vs. Anthony Young it.l2 •
Rtnahatuter, reported yesterday, th
found for the defendant.
A motion for a new trial was ••
the part of the defendant in the
Tolner Va. Venvoorhts.
The rata of Me.itteerforuse'ofble
ihMeffinntesers.Dattean Stewart •
• was next. taken up. This was an
to rroaver $l,lOO for work and labor
"Verdict for. plaintiff for $
The next case taken up was th
Rdward rise
vs. Robert Dou
- This was an =thin for ejectment
piece 'of ground innate-in- : Chez
In tits case of Paul & Wilson et. aL
Sproul & Co,srule ires granted on
tlt>kao show c SOSO why the execution
ranted should not be sot aside, and in
the meantime - all proceedings to be
staYedianct — tho /len of the execution to
•..134 .Elogaamlllor vs. Ihmsea et a.
I.r..'Bolooti.Ta. same.
133. Harris vs. same. -
:134. Brame vs. mune.
3. Duck Creek Oil Co. vs. Elnai.
19. linderhlll vs. Taylor.
- 21. Eons an. Earth.
- 2 4.-Finley 7ti. IdoMabon.
- .14. Weddle vv. anekenhelmer et al.
Buzau ra..kungat et al.
Quarter Seasteee—Saass malice.
WEDNESDAY, lilac, ll.—We erred in
reporting that the jury in the mss of
• John Twanpson indictment felonious i
Wawa and - battery, one complaint of
. . • - Cyrus Miller, found a Verdict of guilty of i
assault and battery. - Thitjary acquitted
" u t theder'?dan,4 wan diaehat > ted, ',:3
- .Train H. Clark, all colored, were placed
on trial on three Indictments—two for ilblenlour assardt and - battery upon:Jahn
and Alfred Gabby, and ono for riot, an
oath of Michrit • Th ‘ edl d e c iendents
red oa Ned atreet, Thf.rd . ward, Alla
, glienty, In January last, which termicutted
lit the ahcioting 'at the b there Gabby,
and the "cleaning ont" of ro acolorodlionse
ofl.ll repute on North Avenue, In which
nit colored men had taken refuge from
-U an - excited crowd of white persons. The
dlatarbanoe first commenced in the beer
' saloon kept by 31 Geier, at Second
and West streets, but was continued an
the street, where the shooting occurred.
- The case went to the jury, but no verdict
had been rendered at adjournment.
David Shaffer, toll gatherer on ono at
the Haw Mill Run ferry boata '
was in
-' dieted for larceny bailee on - of
John Gleason, residing at Corks Run.
The prosecutor testified that a short time
!Mee, having crossed the :river on the
ferry, he gar* the defendant a - ten dollar
bill-our of which to take toll. Defendant '
•-lianded him ninety-live cents, m a i ntain.
In lug that.he had received a "one dollar
Thatpresecutorlnsistad thathehad
given him' a '!ten." The defendant. wee
paettire that be was oorrecthis state
: roam, shit refused to make change for
'more than aOa 'dollar bill. The cue
• was on trial at adjournment.
- The : following deeds were admit:fed of
- record - by H. Snively, Esg., Recorder,
March 10th,
William Hempbill to David Hemphill,
Feb. 12th, 1566, a tract' ofltuad In `Vent,
Deer township, containing 76 acne and
perches 82,500
H. M. Brackenridge to David Hemphill,
' . Dec. 24th, 1561; lobs Nos. 10 and 11 In
_ the Borough of Tat - manna, on Ran.
Prance Rehm to-tt'Lhiam Holmes, Nov.
186:-.lots, Nos_ 70 and 80 in Dab
. ridge and Reis' plan 'of. lota in Mott
Plus burgh, fronting an Filimorestneet,
David 8, King to William Kern,,. Dec.
04.14, 1847. lot in Union township, ma
- tattling 9 acres and 56-100 perches-150
Edward ..ingnaham to Hannah M. Wes
- nevelt, Sept. 11th, ISM; tract of land in
Chat/era township containing 2 acres
and 39 perches...ll,ooo
Vidtor &balder to Julatt - S;eger .... , Febrn
Ary 10dt, 18.68, lot on Centre street:
Birmbagham, 12./ by 80 feet 1500
Smaltztied to John Handl, Feh.
18tb,1mnb 503, lotam on Larkin's Alley, East
' Btrul, 31 by- 60 . feet
Arnaud Noll A idd Merl & WilliaFlsom
- Wigand, Mardi 5116,1853, the undivid
ed third part or a lot, on rani 'Street.
9th Ward, pitiaburgb, 29 by 120 feet.
Amand Merl et. al.- to Ernst
Jetuason, et. - al. lot on Penn street, 91-b
Ward, Pittsburgh. 12 by 120 feet„.84,150
- to Ann Tyler, Yeb. - ee.y 6tb,
1.868, lot at the corner of Enoch and
Davilderit street. 7th Ward, Allegheny,
94 by 491 feet ' _
Benjamin 114 nm-ell, et. dl . wrostaas, to
D. Barony, July 7th, 1864, het on
Beaver street, Manchester , 40 by 140
Patrick - - K;ellan T Taylor,
N0r.14, 1867,10te No. 5 and 5 ma Beaver
street, Manc hester 40 by 140 feet-81,630
Samuel P. Coon to John Getter; Nov. 2,
1867, tract of land In Plum townahip,
containing 8 acres and id parchee...ssl4.
AndrewD.Smith to Chariew.Tazaesßuck
ley, Feb. 1868. lot on Craig street,
.• • any,3o . .by 110 feet.... .. . $5OO
George Breed's executors to feet....... ...
• and John Hoffman, Feb; A MR, lot
on Sarah street, In the 'Ulmer-re Tract"
in 'McClure tawmitlp: 140 by 170 feet,
-with buildings 110,000
W. E. Taylor to Jean Hamilton, March
5, ISIB, lot on Beaver street, 6th ward,
- Allegheny. 20 by 140 Get. $l,lOO
Samuel W. Yiandlift to Thomas Craw
ford, Feb. 1,186 d lot in Liberty town
- ahip, fronting on Centro street .5) feat
end.extending hack eighty fact to an
John Boners to William Schultz, Oct.
1-18 M, lot, on Sarah street, ..Kest. Bir
minOamma E-La
Willtata ScOlotz to 'Valentina Yenzol, I
' Oct, 22; 18E, the above 'deradbed blot
If. F. Dealers to 'John Campbell et aL,
Nov. 11th, 167; tract of land In Indiana'
township, - containing 8 acres and 11
rches with buildings
Bingham; Jr. guardian of Mar
- -mot McGill, to The*. Nov
-1.4117;,the undivided one-temth of .a
lot at the - earner'of. Weed end Third
rtreet, 21 byl2ll feet 440
WilibunßingtounstaL to William Thaw,
Nov. 16th, 1.567; the undlvldjd two-
_enema the above daicribeerproperty;
........ . . ..
SartmellfeCiorialn toWilliam Thaw,
Nov. 14th, 1817;:_ ore undivided:tenth
part of the above lot. Vlfien I
• &Schaper, Zr. - sesignee land :James D.
• McGill to William Thaw, Nov. 2".4.
41E7; the one undivided tenth: of the
above /rd.' .. ' .$2,400
Cleo.- H. Anders on . 'Thaw,
Nov. IEI4 1805; the undivided - bait ot
the above 10t........... ... . .
We_ sntutb, a fanner, residing
- ,IMltlnson township, was robbed on
- Tuesday evening by George dlmnt, of
eighty dollars, Alma; It: appears, was
empinyed ea a hantiOn the ham, and be
,:log fluoilbe with the house knew dui
' the mcniry was kept trunk. Tuew
dav mornlng,abortly after breakfast, be
left the house in his shirt sleeves, saying
that be was going to the Postogient which
was about half a mile distant, to mail a
letter. He did not return Ss expected, twelve,ctielock }4 ' W., who. had
been at work on the firm, returned to
,the house, did nporigoing to his trunk
ftmndthat It hid been broken open and
the eighty dollars, which was all the
money It contained._ taken ` out. Snap!-
: don at once fell upon dlniut, end a soli
of blx,'Wosnauth'a started In. pursuit of
blm. IHe came to the city and matte the
matterienown to the relive, giving • de
scription otthe man; but at but scostutts
.be had o p tsinsd no tine as to bbt where-
• A Female ilew. , --ELiza Sent, yester
day made information before -Starer
Blsokatore tbaren Max Mary and Ite
heecattaskins with Asada ood hetteg:
sedates as InforMation for surety of e
puma There appears to • have been a
war raging - . betimes_ the parties for
some time . past. A warrant was issued.
Released en Bati.--Jobet Johnson, wins
was arrested on debars/sof felonious mu
milt. :and _bailer, foi:stibbini - lime
•Jahnsonoi colored 63111:1, a fall account
tr im
of which we Walled on , Tuautay yam
released on adrisball la thesum of$I,000;
Tina' in num ne rapidly - recovering
from appends.
Th .
e Streatr—The Street Commission
en or the dfferent districts:are aettvelj
Imrklngto_bave the rimer-pet Draper
_er alleh
&runt 'weather ea we have hrd daring
the present week ardour atreetewSl pre.
. I,6 4tVilia a iditraelat aPPearallee•
Borough Combell—Orrantza
tioas—Zionlea of °Meer. etc.
. The members elect of the Council of the
new borough of Biillvde , erected out of
portions of tattoos:lo borough And Stea
ler township,' met in the school
house lest evening for the purpose of
The meeting was called to order by
John G. Williams, Barges., and on too
/On John G. Brown, E.'sq., was app o i n t_
ed Clerk pro rm. Tho roll of members
elect was called and the following an
swered: ilnrame Williams, D. Johnston,
D. 'Demsey, M. O'Donnell, F. Seabrook,
E. Coats J. G. Brown. The oath of of
lice was administered by Mr. Brown,
aller . which he was sworn in by the Bar
Councils than proceeded to an election
of officer. to serve for the ensuing year.
with the following result :
Solicitor—F. A. Collier; Street Com
mussioner—Hugh A. Woods; Collector—
A. Johneon; 'Tressurer—E. A.
diked; Wharf Master—Josiah Riley.
The election . of clerk was deferred. The
B argees announced the following stand
g .committees Finance lifeasm
Johnson, Coats and - O'Donnell; Ordl
enamel —Messra. Coates, Seebrouk and
On Motion the Burgess was authorized
to procure a competent person to prepare
a plot ofthe borough, - and to corner with
ing the grade's
Mr. 31'llendry
of an to the creator establish
etreeta. •
motion was adUpted fixing the lint
1 - Wednesday evening of each month 119
the time for holding regular meetings of
the Council.
M. A. Maddox was elected janitor,'
after which Council adjourned.
OPEIId liecsa.—M'ile Zoe played the
"Greek Coracle' at the Opera House to a
large utilfenee, last night. Her actiog
wan unexceptional, and the entire au
dience evinced their approbation of it by
repented wuores. The entertainment
concluded with "Robert Emmett," which
wan rendered by the company in an ad
mirable. manner. To-night Mlle Zoe
gives tan the "unreal Skiff" and the
"Broken Sword." The skillful manner
In which she handles the broad sword, Is
only equalled by the wonderful power,
of min-mace she exhibits.
Otat Forma Ceermarr.—This evening,
et Masonic Hail, the "Old Folk. Con
cert," which watt given a abort time
since, will be repeated. An 601n0 of the
best musical talent in the city is engaged
In the enterprise, a 'Gat treat may be an
ticipated. During the
amusing entertainment
several Interesting and s
will be introduced. among which Will be
an olden time singingseltool, withtallow.
candles. Tickets (or side at the manic
and book stores and at the door. '.
Plttabarab j'esiaie 42eillege—Amaal
siw aioakii
• To-morrow evening the friends and
patrons of that sterling and deservedly
popular institution of our city, the Pitts
burgh Female College. are offered an in.
tellectual treat, In the anneal essay con
test. Heretofore their contests have ex
cited great interest, the entertainments
bell:gar the highest order, and we feel
mare the coming occasion will not prove
an exception' in title regard. Instrumen
tal and vocal Ennio will add Much to the
pleasure of the evening. It has teen ar
ranged to doss the exercises In time to
allow those attending from the rural dis
tricts to return home by into trains of the
Pennsylvania Central and Pittsburgh,
Fort Wayne and -Chicago Railroad..
Lr h . e A r it e ;c s :l 6 red f i ' gr th .7= - Xtr an .
AdaOcale, Dr. James Allmon. editor of
the ! Pr ig Dr.
fearer,' and Dr. L. F.
Morgan, Pastor of Christ's Church.
Viupotilii - a Webber
The well-known photographic artists ;
corner of. Fifth and Market street; are
about to dissolve their co-partnership.
Persons having "work" there are re.
qnestedte call and take it away before
the Bret of April. Mr . . Webber will still
continuekt the busmen, at Noe. 2 and 4
St. - Clair street, - near the Suspension
bdige,-conjunction with Mr. Allbee,
where he holm; to see hie oldpatrons,
'and merit- a continuance of their favors.
They will have the quickest working
light In the city; and will do quite an ex
tensive huskies* in taking life aiza pox
tratki. Mr. Allbee *lll pay his attention
to landiewpe, views, pnvate residence.,
4n, Wateopie and plain
All perso
ho ad l will bo afforded cried - sattafac-ns
Salo 'at raetalmad rr, Igbt.
no sale of unchained freight in the
Luiz* of the .Adams EePress Compani,
which took place lainday and Tuesday
at the auction rooms of Palmer et
Phillip., No. 60 Fifth street, was largely
attended, and the nmoont or goods sold
in so abort a-time appears almost lal,
credible.' A large stem of money was
realind lathe Company by the sale, and .
=ay excellentbargadaa were purchased.
The tirm of Palmer dt Phillips is grow
rtrto Lvov-retry- 'rapidly, aria - la atm
one of the leading auction establishments
in the city. The members of the firm
are well known and enjoy a high repute
doe far honesty, promptness and eHci
ency Jo business. .
Ihning.ilYesteday bctweem
twelve and oneo'clock,. some enter
prising and decidedly dazingthlefentered
the house of hint Garda, on Wylie
has In greenbacks, seven or eight dollars
in silver, and a silver . watch and hair
chaint The theft was dlecovered by Sint
o.'about one o'clock. She went to th e
room for something . and lon id the
drawers or. the bureau broken open and
rided . . of the moat valuable portion of
Manchus Inischlet—lilchael Furey
made information before — Alderman
Thomas -yesterday.. charging Patrick
Lemanl with malicimundsablef. Furey
idlest= that Leonard mime to hbiliouse,
kicked his door dawn and demolished
the windows:. A warrant was issued,
the 'defendant arrested, and after a bear
ing was committed to jail in default of
the re:wired bail for his appearance at
A Pada Nolsaace.—Wilson N. RIME
lug made - Information before Mayor
Biscamore,yeaterday, charging D. W.
C. Bidwell and Henry Phippe, Jr., will:
maintaining a public nuisance. The ac
cused are proprietors of a powder maga
zine mar Four Mlle which it ap
pears Me citizens -demand to have re
moved. A warrant was issued.
Wiping a Cauddhig Mouse LMary
Dougherty made information before Al
derman Taylor yesterday, charging
Henry Meyers, tavern keeper at
McKinney's' /Mahlon, with keeplog a
gambling house. She also made infor
mation charging him with selling liquor
on Sunday. Meyers was arrested and
held for a hearing on both charges.
fdentlthed--The body to whicliwe re
ferred" yesterday antaeing been found
in the Ohio river near Glendale station,
was Identified yesterday by Ho, Blare,
as that:of ner husband, Brutus Hines,
and •I.S. removed toter residence, oar
ner. of Third street andßerlonbt
Itottelditretl-ldsry lldAdt;274. who his
for some time past been an inmate of the
insane deptrtment of,. the Clay Poor
Paint; andescayed A lair days since, eras
arrested last evening and taken to the
lock-up. She will be returned tu-day.
_ - -
Conindtted.—Petro Mardi. v.harged be
fore J ust/c•Ammon of Eastßlrraluham,
on oath of Johanna Fink, with raps, was
annotodaed after a bearing committed to
jail In default of the required ball for
• soppitrancei at: Court....
Funeral of A. V. nrett.—The fanend of
hfr. Alex. V. Scott will take place this
afternoon, at two o'clock.- The funeral
service* will be held in the Sixth Pres
byterian ChUreb, (Rev. Prot Wilson N)
Franklin street... -
Accident...4obn - Evank forinian of
ther blacksmith Y o rks , h a d
Anderson &
Cook's Steel Works, had the thumb of
Ma !right hand cut oft at the Drat Joint
yesterday atomism, while eogaged at
work at the shas. • "
LacHt.Up.—litbsiness arca grill*
dull at The lock-up butt night. 'There
were but flvo cases on hand at twelve
o'clock, all "drunk*" and "dlsorderllus,"
except one, an Insane woman.
Allegheny Cannells--A gem!.
mouthiy meeting of .A.llenbeny City
Councils will be held In the Conned
Chamben, City Building. this (Thursday)
evening, Match at 7 o'clock.
No Trorable.—Tre show perions what
they errant If they only call at No. 89
`Market street and see- one of the finest
selection of Boots and Shoes that can -be
had at reduced prices. Mr. Robb hay
ingjust returned from the east itsnos ,
Prepared to snit persons malting y
thing in his llne. Large alga of boot in
front of an Market street.
To Clay and country Merchants. -
Having abundantly aupplled ourselves
with 'mods before the lam extreme ad
vance la prime, we are prepared to sell
at leas than eastern prices, and invite an
examirugitm of our Mock,
.7. W. BARIUM & CO.,
SD Market street
We are catudantly asillog out of cbolce
harganw, and as constantly getting on
new oneso therefore vielt as early and
°llan at the Opera House Auction
ilocalta, No:CO Fifth
• Prlinte sale. ads day and oval:dray at
Palmer dr rbilllpas
' GevesrleL -The
- enterprising
and produce firm firm of Messrs.
Mcßride. dc- Oeorgo. No. 1134Yoderal at.,
Aliegbeny City, daily receive frail in
eoloLs of aboica- greeeties, embracing
everything itv_their line, which they offer
tbalr wholmalo and retail patrons at
Teas teasonable - :
Othlta. 01, 70 and tile, old prices, at
goad Pere Immure..
Cream Cindies, Walnut and Almond
Candy, .TOrdan and Cream Almonds,
Mandl Mallow Drops, Jelly, Liquorice
and Irani Gum Drops, Fine and Common
Mixed Candies. Cream Chocolates, Cream
Dates, Cream Bon Bons,Colt's Foot Bock.
Flg Paste, Greetmoble Walnuts., Pecans
Soft Shell Almonds, Arabian and Earful
ra Dates, Pica, Raisins, Prunes, Prepar
ed Cocoa Nut Maillard, Whitman and
Baker's Chocolates, Spired Salmon, Ex
tracts, Extract of Beef, Condensed Milk,
Cross fi Blackwell's Pickles, Sauces,
Olives, Catsup', Essence of Shrimps and
Anchovies, Mustards, Marmalade, Fresh
Frulta, In glass and cans,
serves, Jellies, Spiced Oysters Finest
Olive Oil, Gelatine, Primeness, Citron,
Lemon Peri, to., di.
Call and examine at 112 Federal street,
Allegheny city. -Gsionna BEMS".
• The Continental.
In speaking of the "Catinentar we
do riot refer to the Continental Congress
or the Continental money in one some
ninety years ago.lant it le to the Conti
nental Dining Saloon on Fifth street,
next door to the Poetaleo, of which our
friend Mr. Wm. Holtsbeimer is the proz
prietor, that we desire to call attenuom
Mr. H. understands hi, business per
fectly, as the excellent manner, In which
the "Continental" ie "run" gives ample
evidence. 'lt is certainly a model en.
loon, as its patrons can folly testify.
The table, of the "Continental" are al
ways supplied with the best the market
affords, of everything in the line of eat.
ablea, and the style in which dishes are
served Is unsurpassable. When you
went anything good to eat go to Holtz
heitneee, on Fifth street, next) door to
the Postoffiee.
Weather Inconvenlenen—The i
weather Is very likely to produeo serious
Inconvenience to housekeepere, In the
way of bursted pipes In houses. yard,
and on streets. To those of our friends
en annoyed, we commend Mr. T. T.
Ewens, practical steam and gas fitter and
plumber, No. 165 Weal Street:, He at
tends to repairing or new work of every
description in the very, best manner, at
the shortest notice and on the most ma-.
sonable terme.; We commend him as a
thorough and finished workman, and ns
in every respect worthy the patronage of 1
the community.
The Fashionable watering places and
country resorts are preparing for the
coming season, and -an is our Iriend
Joseph Llobler, proprietor of the-Pre
mit= Trunk ' Factory, No. 104 Wood
street. Re boa is _store some of the
neat selections of ttnnks, - carpet sacks,
valises, and traveling bags of all de
ecriptions, widen he odors his 'wholesale
and retail patrons at very reasonable
prices. Any of our readers riming
any I hing in this line are earnestly recom
mended to favor this exclusively trunk
house with a purchasing visit.
Relaxants. Mepllll d geldie's elegant
and palatial new building will be ready
for occupation within a few days. prt °
will be opened with the guest stoe of
Jewelry, watches, clocks, &c., over
brought to this city. In the meanwhile
great bargains are offered at the old
stand, Nu Zji Fifth street, as the arm are
anxious' entire stock,
and hat •• goods Jr
their nen
Cann' mustards, rich
apioes, -rooted syrups, fragrant
coffees, and manse sugars, best rai
sins, citrons, dried fruits and general
housekeeping supplies at very reasona
ble prices will be !bond at t:l3 oldest/xis
lished tea mart of Joseph A. Robinson,
No. 3) Fifth Street. The entire stock Is
fresh and cannot fall to afford the highest
satisfaction to pan:baser.
Why not Buy when you can buy so
cheap ? The way we are telling. goods
wincing t
day and evening, is con
cing the most skeptical that the
cheapest place to buy is at Palmer . k Phillip., No: GO Filth street- Beets,
whore, du goods, carpets, clothing, cut
lery, fury, hats, caps and notions at auc
tion prices.
Freak Grocerlea.—The enterprising
mmeery and produce firm of Never.
„Mcßride et George, No. 164 Federal of.,
Al!.nbany City, daily receive fresh in
17010PS or choice groceries, embracing
everything in their line, which they offer
their wholesale and retail patrons at very
reasonable prima.
Fre.h Grocenes.—The •- enterprising
=and prod firm of • . 112111.
8 ft George, nee
No. 1114 Federal ic
Allegheny City, daily receive n fresh:ln
voice of choice :groceries, embracing
everything In their line, which they offer
their wholesale and retail patrons at very
reasonable prices.
Boyers of Dry Goods, al wholeasle
should seo our stock and prices hsfor,
buying. ' BAUKSII at CO.,
\o. :l Market street.
AI pi mrteatirs popular and fasblottsble
retail trimming notion bonne, No. SI
.Market street, new novelties are_thaily
befog tonelved from the Eantern market.
Ladles cannot tail toget suited in any
article la the line which they may de
• The best place In the ells to procure
faahionable trimmings, embroideries.
lace, edelogs, tesertloge, gloves, hole.
orT. , te.. is at the well known bowie of
W. W. Mooabead, No. dl Market atreob
Prices as low as the loweat
Furniture, Carpets. queens rare, Mir-
Fora, Cutlery and Sundries at auction on
Friday, (to-rnorrots) at 10 e. M. and 2 r.
Y., at the Opera House Auction Moms,
:re. GO Fifth atreet. Palmer .
Caatunere Stack and Colored Centres
and' Black Thibet Long and Square
Stunels, In variety and very cheap, at
Table Linea—More of tb.e very great
bargains at Barker's.
All tte Novelties of the season in th
wa7 of trimmings, luegoodo , oinbrold
wino, rjhbons and notinn.4 generally kept
constantly an handat W. W. Aloorhend'a,
No. 81 'Market atreer.
Spring Drum Gooch—Already can some
of the sayles In these be found at Bar
ker's, and at prices, too, aurprlalngly
i li. Sie u ßa w r o k rt %l o, l2 :. 4. cent. S.hirting
Eye, Ear, Throat and Lung Diseases,
and chronic Catarrh of the bead aureess
treated by booksr] 1 th
streak Els by matronre
ceipt of filly cents.
More of Wove one dollar Kid Gloyee
aG Barker's,
NIIR Goods are daily rooel zed f
at She
popular retail triumlng and notion house
of W. W. 3foorhtsd, No. SI, Market
Jar '
MuWu 04, 0 and 1,0 cents, at Barker's.
Bays? Wear, for Spring, at Barker'e.
The New Skirt, at Birker'tr.
-JA t trq
STE. 4 476 AND ffs:. ern
UYEP.rini. OUEFt'!iTrVat, !rem(
TELE , 1N1111.14 LENT:,
. t .1 27V: T v 7 : 7 1 ,D, W a
."4 7 ."AL
ArPl4 .
AZ, MlNfili ABC Jr.. "
cln 800 Aroit to Book Cabla / . 1.10,1.11
• 54 /I rill 21111CBT ,
4 , lmacarpra• =et. P` aboroh.
ma. C 7 MC. IS IC:UW*3'
new evjaeed le Issauffeturtair talr
Taluble uslela tor eLegarla . Irma
we Iltsre amide.. mill err en tire causaar...
sot ox lava ails awl ilssah nn. tans men
Incur lard Labor au Ma boast. boedaa
aanosy.l alma nag (W.
Story 111 X. PALDITII tI. lavalstable, boos.; Is
Mesa then easily and wakes these Irrigates.
la also ass IV tor MIF/131/31101 /UAW.
WAIsHISIU DI.Lt O . am /I . /a warns MI to
T.T - itorw,.
Cother Lormloco ankle. For old* In BRO.
ZEn Skid U111J1.131111% ocoorall y aolf
sale NO orlon of Otleo ISld , etrootia. No.
it 04 Killkali Nam luble Ms THU
- .
011111... ad Wtrerana—Tl9 *aft 2111 LTBZICIT
mixt.. nasals Wallow= osk sateosd
' Personaareal:fag Startle of elate - Yantis. wlll
F l24 ilafr it. 4 1 1'Z ' n es w `gils km "Erstl
Webs side , . base bessme EUsellersd 0. ameba.
oils or odds. eta be blarbletsell. Made le
Not Yell a. beer.
Santa no otaar_pl Women e la Woen
Tall wawa alas /natio. an amaallotared.
AU tads of Marla. Won dETO 112 the bW
anasor..l Marble Callon anoWlad with !law,
um. at tuturra raw. wftig
0/ Le.-1 as prepared sr oh U. to MI or- .
Oar* fOr WO Manor. ArsailOg ray
mu/111m f•ros
Ado. IlleVoqr for markfog Owe% b0x....4
mut rukasout. / moso orraturaotio• rotul Stn.
CU/ far 'want ebtUal and Soo Ulm gods.
lab *God meat;
$lO A DAT lOU ALL. . e-DeAsclll
14.14 ST=Ve".4
118 Wood Bt.. near comer of Fifth
Government Securities,
Gold, Sllver.
Ind Coupons,
tkaaht aaLl tuid tarma. Drafts aut./
ID all Ms rrfacipal Oates al Mamma.
je i tre s siat Era.= co convert the SECYTD
New 18674.20 Gold Coupon Bonds
Deakin in Government Securities
Coma" north & Wood rtreets.
077702 07 T.ll PITTSRMISO
Wenatepay, Marsh 11, 1645.
The gold umbel was steady toolay at. 134,i;
the lowest quotation mu 139%, and the high- .
*et 169%; with very light trowel:4looc 11 doe.
not seem no If gold had reached' Its lowest
point hefere any 'stemma of the May 110up001
panne., hazarded; the teadeary Ls still down
weld, so long ac there Is no politleal agitation
sad our noon, continue as hairy se hereto.
fore. The amount of our Laporte bars exceed
ed twenty million., whlab la covered. by lac
ablpsuentOf 11 adducts of spate, but meetly
eta sepoete have been heavy, whisk by tak.
lay Into oonsideration the Jorge 'amounts of
forties 0001101 bold here for investment and
EMI tomleglo, may ogset the remaining differ
once between export and Import.
Ouvernicent bards were' vary doll and lower
tad ay, with large offers to cell; the advance of
the rate .ton call loans, - and the unfavorable
bank atilament have had a dapresaing in
flame on the bonds, more so than the bilis
intrOdused to Conroe, to fords hidden to an
astaptarsa. oft per enot gold loterost. Littie
conadence, Is plaord to the proposition to issue
020100a1 motet', .3 • mono, Improve
the Owlet.. of the country. The kook mar
ket la gradually drooping for tonal of cheap
An anttelpeted further deolieo to (tavern
meat bonds has release! a large amount c(
money sleeking invesimmit In the lacat sec uri
ties and /Unread bine.; couldromble amounts
or Alleihsn7 Valley Railroad hood. hays been
transferred from Vhliadelylas. Plttsbeirs{h
. _
... •
and Commllavllle bonds are more In favor.
Businead lobes:l.Ltug to be tore emir., but
It is mating compared 'Milt the...aeons rd liC2
and leaf—everybody la trying to curtail ea
Puma, •
CLocing Raw To:* quo/1414a5, 17
eh• Et. Martz, sre as follow=
; Gold, 1304; tars, 11614; 14%.,19112, lay
/1 41 1. /01341 13.11.147 X; Consols, 111%; 104 o:
101; *1834.
'CI. 02 da Pittsburgh IL gni
Iltereliturts ..tledon Ihtpress sax
Wtern Polon Telegraph ...... —.......
Cris E..... . .
'Pine:crib Tart Waymire, ChicagoirOS
Northweeterp itailrosd—entimon se
Nortlewesterri--prelernid.— 7P.4
New 'fork t/entral
Ohio and Idisslaalppl Certillashas. — ' Ea
Mithigert sOnthern.toy s
don so
Quieksilver I to
—Ti. NeW York Times .tuba that Yr. Jay ,
Cooke hss wetttme I. Stutter Sherpau a let •
ter protaming ageiest aoy and all attempts.
by threat or otherwise. to , alarm or Impair the
eirmildeoes 'of the bondholder. of the Coned
.t.atts. Its eoculd nuncios and' boreal de:
duetions from the legislation of Courts. dor-
Peg the war, Conran alike all the bendhoidere
of the Vatted States, as it would ba an act r(
pellet to attempt to discriminate In the In.
Oblate raw or aseurity of any Cam of bend.
paying interest fa gold, ands the Principal al
*bleb must In goal faith be pad in gold
whenever the Treasury to .prepated to pay it
at all, if an eneeption to attempted, where the
cement great loco eat provided the Seen In
gelid for bath principal Sad Lutereet, to wit.:
the mulct. taranue. upon the topple. of
which, le geld, the Waking fend he. stow a
Cato equal to I par •alit. • year epos the
to • ale public gala ac It road at the Claw, re
. • . rely, of Ur halal 7aara earag Jens M.
MI, lilt. IW4, lael . aad pet. That tra feed
laa aot heal properly testi:red or adulate-
tared by the Semetsry of th. Traamary fa act
the Imat of Maim.. Tam It may yet be al-
ended to, sag at so awls day, through th
Vegetates of pan of the etu . st. gold to.
gentle belong to It, ere hers sone 214111021 t•
b.f.. If ottly to tb. *stoat of the &mune
doe to the oof boade sod registered etoek o
11C. melee eatapscated to the alth Jule sleet,
are cent relent to • about 63.1.003,0:0 I o told, or
15 0 464400 la eateener. Thls provision Is the
eallat otalutledi he the dem:lnes of the dire.-
altlod of the excess of gold tee:ants bete the
mantel aerie spas then forgold later“t, sad
of the (radial rehabber...bent of the vine; eel
of the, abltPxarind atiblls debt; sad Coed:tee
expedite/7 arbelded that tale dotted teed
sheet.: nefailapelnd er as _aha resolution
of UM aldell beet:teed eatherltyntedt '
the Searot•tv to dispose a the goll m ttl
pledeed to M sollected etclulrely 1a cell, ead
to oe spylled to the public debt, here yielded
slaw the !act of•Fabettery. Met, se el:depend
With- the :bargee opt,. theta Impend by that
set, itay be Inuattetudtty the fallowing tables.
payment .t tns Annus] tatareet oa the funded
debt; eeeoodly, Moe the putehetee of payment
of 'one per Otetuto of the eollte debt of the
naiad 'Stites, to rte mach vitt in *sea aunt
year alley the t.: of July. 11112.".4 thlrry,
teal of the prattatetltg pubes debt te It
.7.0 M. MS, customs reerirtj - .... 1 Din 443
J.* ee,1144. ellar..l2ls 10,111ctil
ins@ 33,1611, eaetoms V1C1M4.... u 11:11.210
Total toolaae thritar 1133,314.a14
0014 lo:seed 18,1 Coo,coo
Gold Intateat (164. GI M0,400' .
0.64 Latatrat 400. E
Together ... . . ete;Ao.o
Demand bates is:LI otg. • WOMAN
Lose 0111C1 paid oil' 1.1/000.5
Teats lodereolty Wel of 7.200 .000
Das Slaking /and 111.11..50,V17.11.11
Llo. elating nand MM.. IT ta4,161.
Thu 81.1 lug /rand Iff-S- 211.71:3,130 111114,1111.741
-- 1111.000,000
Lisviite after 51.14.1.e1 Fittsd aztel
prloclpal 110.031,110
{01(14 •INC ...MC, R• 11.
Jun. 38, MI. customs reselved.... i1t71,041.0,0
J o , E IMI. cutouts received-- 176,41400
Jt. 14 ISSI, teitotrott tutti tn.
Lthatttsd Sl3,llT,tss
Total throe 'olio OCO
Gold interest WS $ 44 . 0 c9.taal
Gold llama{ Itot 111,tc0.000 •
Gold Ist:one. 100 114000,004
Torythsr... • .IPAIACAAso
Pziti•lpai of watfe. is" .0
DU Makin ra.4 /Sm. 40101,0X0
StakidA ru.od4t , 11Lf 00
D. Hinklag nni MS.. • 23,000.x0 1750,113,c04
• Leas , lug attar Slakl Fug!, le. 3 0.723503
—Cludag quatabloaa as rewired by J rem T.
Wady t Co.:
Geld •
U. S. fa. 11 at
••1 NI, Ito
aba.t. lNe
Jan. and July. Va.
I Jaa. and July, NG,
Ime s 7.20.
July. 7.240
May Cony.
07/102 OV VIM 11111111V.t ELLIIMITS,
Wzootanar. Meson C .
CRODE-41te market was atmedinily quitt
mid rather dell to-day, the tresteaatioo., la
no aggregate, being tuossoollY light, and, com
p.:ed./1h 'e.t.d./. Poles, area anode lower.
Wounreport a sal. of 2m bbis, la bOlk cars.
_for immedlato delivery, at de. and IMO Ilia for
W this month, sidim'sopUon, at Op, =We are
cognisant °Lan offir to mil April at with
So offered. Thum Sturm eontrutsd with
thou of Monday and Tussday, show* testi ae
of trots ono qoartor to one-half sent per gal
lon, and wren lithe rodattion,ths demand was
by so plena urgent, burns, az Is nearly al
ways dao ease oo • declining market, mammy
dlepond to hold off to enwtation of • still
Cunha, reduettoo. Olt City telegrams ssuoto
at an,lefff DAL
REPINED-7k. Market for bonded 01l was
also dull and wask to-day, sods. io ilia qua
of and., prisei are a . duds lower. The last
bWof Marsh. welsh sold yeaterday at MO
WO. wu agitated today at U. Without lad
les takers. Wbele theta was main aski In
mud ton, we potatoes that Metre delivaties
at* clrsred es well as prawn, though.., haa
be.. the ow for sons Wu, than Ls /in!. or
no ell offering In this market, and taa gnat
rioOpOrtlori of Use Ws. reported for my day.
SW wars punbauutto Philattelphla on Plitt
bomb Wetutt—beught by Pittsburgb rsilests
and apeaulatori to weber "short? Wee. '
BENZINE-4o gate. orlth a .lady demand_
at 11., dethroned la Philadelphia. litoilauune
la my doll sad oaanot be earnestly quoted, to
oOssl gangs or ilia loot ihat there wan, vats
oa whoib to tan a quotation,
.MIT/I1:0 AAA, DT A. T.M.
Warta( !Mac 271 bole bonoole to Waring,
Elsa Bak, PbUsdalphla. -
Loekhars MN, All do do to Wanda, Frew
a Oa, Palladelphla. -
Nat. Ref. Cko., In do tat to P. A. Dl orhrth
Do., Plaladophlie.
, P. Waterabonta Oe., 111 do da to Waring,
! P.
()a. Philadelphia.
Clark Baneer,lito do do to P. Wright
ffioKelTp`nta. SO do de to Lome a Bro..
Paweett, Lagoa I stook/au, do do to
Lona Zito.. Plultallelpals.
an, ISZITTXT MATT AT 102911011 0300?.
- H. TT. Lea/ U0.,110 able nellinert to Tack,
Bra. I Co., Phtladalphla.
• M Palta ama delph s Rows. Ida do to A. P. PhiPlio,
_ .
Claimer Cattle
NM Telemann to Me gingham% awns.) .
C117C.10, March 11..—neef cattle neglected
sad lower, elegem, with • a downward tea,
emi; ge11,75 for light steers; 1707.60 for
fair gOOO do. logs active ma excited at
an &dr/m.301150250 on the lower and 400
alo on the toper quid/nen sake at 17.1100
for light; $0.23 tormeditim, and 1/9,11.1010
for good to chalets. ILecelpta-3.049. hogs,
Ohlpsusnts—push bop.
puma' pu , tax Prrrasuzza Gaarrvu,
Wasacsoutur. Fabraury el, Mt g
There seem to Da ratter son sellittir to
thu genezal markets, therzaD tie volume 41
Dullness is Ught, la the aggregate, and values
ara srltltout Important stanza. Tha ream.
it= .vg-atlon deubtlees prelim
batter state or antes, cowmen/ally, as wel
011 .00ERIES—Thare bls beens good bizl
In areetne. during the peat week, the
male . ; In the eurr4ste, appentntly, beteg
lamer thin for roma week. put. Cede
timer and teadlag ttpward..end the.
true of Flab, Lake Flak, ae well as 31sekezel.
Sugars tuachaeg• d. though a ileelLue
looked for leltblu thirty days.. The fallowing
age the ruling quotations.
soonan—Few Orleans. 1430()163{e; Cobs,
1331.1 Xe; Porto Moo. 11 1.“0105m Ornoned,
WA^ Coffee, 17e; 4 ./1" do, In34e; Extra
" 0, " Irk% . 0" Yellow, We.
Conssz—Prints Rt0,..V..025344; op/. I4e; fair,
=a: Ow Government Jaen, 37340313 e,
Alota.scua.-Nest.Orleans, Kenn; 0.05. ISO
75c; Porto Rico, 70;(2750.
Syerro— . .lavertorr 21; "Booth t Ed
tsc; “ , imbere. 709; . .Drlps,. 0,000
.!itticow—Casoda, EIDOSSe; Cloves, 60a; Pep.
per, arie; Alleplea , 33at_2entaarga, $l,OO.
Hion—Uangroon, Carolina. iNa.
&anon—Nadia., 4j Surer 6101., 12340,
and Corn Starati, 114
num.—Layer Etalalns, *4,05 rer bonyValen.
Us, mkt per pound; Prunes, Vie Currants, I6e
for new.
Ban Laalo-1:e; Simi.. $1,60 Per 2 42.
Soave— , "Babbitt'" 1:0; "Oakley'. , ' 113
' llosln. Ciale; "Lobbing.° Ik.
CAW oc.-111ould,1450; Star.l2.
C0110.1•IIATCD Lra-11,00 per case.
111 CAlla SODA—U.IO per ease.
nen—Whits Fleh, $1; Lake Harrier, kr
111sekerel No. 1. $10; No. 2, 1117017,113; No.l,
elf; in half barrel. doe nose.
Tenacco—Black Is.10e,!,(01 and ' Louisville
Mary, 710700; W. 11. Grant'. We and Nati,
Sk; O.& D. Tobseeo. 200.
Toa.—The market to rim .4 prieta hllhar
for navy atop. Choice Tututg I/ non, $456;
F 314 VA% Uoitattima to (food, 110 1 .13; Oo looX,
nay Eye. 4 0 1 1 44 41.13 and 11 1,3 3110. d rottO Ble4,
1101 85. so to quality. !mortal, .110446.
pan—tamial, *LSO; rah, 11.
GKAIN—Wlate• Wheat Er — quiet and wc•
changed at , 3.1.430hge for Red, and 1th.E01,54
for White. Gerais quiet but steed) a 1 SKYE,
on track, and 11,0E31.10. In Oat...caret
and higher; we now quote f at rU/170r, on link,
and 730:6:, In ague. Earley la acme and to
demand bat unchanged at ge112.10. Rat t. gnu
at 111,50,1 u grit henda, and $1,65431,C0, la
• PROVISIONS —Bacon la unchanged at
1040DX far ahoulders; latifklla for Ribbed,
and if, for vicar Sides. and 1710/# fof
Sugar Cared llama. Prima kettle roodared
Lard la, /a llama, and 1(4, to teas—onuotry
La 51,11,115. Alma Park, MAD.
LARD 01L—Is ern but mcllangials.regular
Atka at Paa,ll for No. St, am/ 11,D101,a7 for
Na, 1.
FLOUR—She Flnur market Ls quint but on.
abutted. We continue to quota at $1 , 2,t0 to
114= for • Swing Whaati $1! 00 to 12,60 for
Wither Wheat and ilt,Ciffilt.oo tar fancy
brutda. - Rye gone mechanic! at . IS to iht,' and
Buckwheat at 11116.
EtrreElt—llero ,Is a contiout4 goad
and for pries to .none Roll Dotter, .4 regular soli& at atesoo.
EGOS—Domino! dull and droontar, Utd.
the Induces of lammed lull we no
Quote nominally at 40u1k21.
Era but ttarhimgml; •alor from
oormtry orrmor• .1 $1111.14 'LK Loa... to
DRIED FRUlT—resents us nem sad lashes.
penny Litre. Doing quoted at lieti±4.--sssss
anklet 12s. Apples In Netter demand
sue armee sa: rsostianged at last
GREEN APPLE:—Firm Cut nuansupsd;
sesalar sales to awes at 13,1066.60 per SS!, as
to Qlllllt7.
PO ATOP.S,Voutlncie Gull but uttbanjed
email oklcs Is atom at ficti,ns ter 6,u hel, am
ii63,lllpkt Cartel.
SEEDS—Clovereetal la vast and icehenred
st Traethy Seed Is e•Illeg at ELMO
rlaisee4 1 In ateadl deutsnd et AlAs
02,10. I• •
et seas44,lo per bneEN ;
ONlONS—Quoted at 1104,15 per tere/ret.
110 MIN T—Salmt at 111.9*(14,111r., DbL
On•NLIZIIRIE.3-tl,uoteo at StiGl7.
new Terlk Peoftere Aim* es
, (ev rri..ambit In tat Filial:rush sialcita.;
Nan Tour, Starch IL—Caton I. a shsde
firmer. closing Clint: LAO) balm 154 mid.
Mtn, ;viand. floor—reoelphs, 4.115, nod
and heavy at )501.15' lower; suparfino It
mares and haulm proirlort• prices; s,Sul Wale
at 1210411,604 superfine State and avatars,
a 10410,110, •xtra Slat*. gag51:111.15; extra
wrier.. 11 11 11 .1%. Mk. Wham. extra, woo
late; rotind hoots' tin, 110011011 aril. St.•
duls, 111.14213,104 good 10 ouoins sconeming
ll; Californ la i• dipole, lag, Ild 112,60
(M,OO, 1/ Cour 1.• Mors aollva; 11,1 beds,
C.:4610,00. Corn masa viler.. Whine,
nominal. Cocalpta—Whast, 4,1M1; dull and
a shade lower. 1„310 bash to. 2 spring. at
12.0002.13 In atom and dellverod. .aye;
gulls , - hurley, settee and tom; hark, molt
scarce met firmer, lA* bush at lI I AI on
snore time. llemipm—yore, 43,h6 no heavy ,
-at 20 lower; 17,
1140 bush at 91,13013 iµ new el ted.wmtern stoat, 41.11 N; old do. It.
stars, *4,11 1 : do. delivered- 111.11411:Z;
for bite southern. Ifocelpts—llato,
2,11115 lon Peary *MI lower; 61 .. 10 bin at
8.3a,3 uu
, wrsrn k PIM.. .1:.113g at
the lumin prim. Wear is Orin bet
not Ten , attive, ~.1,140 INS 11. i. 11113 14. for
ItOlSlenso B a ne mm . Cite h rm, Cells. Arm.
Sugar uosrateivii.4ooands Cuba at 11X012.;e.
Holum,. quiet. lino gate.. Petroleum
quiet ac 115 tor WWI., and 131. A. for relined
in hoed, coal ; dommtlo ateady with a mod_
aratadernaud; foreign mares and nominal.
I:sdther firm with a good demand at 'lea
I Tikes hemlock Hoene. Ayres nobs welsh,
1 1 .dir drill and drooping; LAO idd• at SILOS
eni.ssr.,... ition. ~,. , i nIC at Va./. 0 ....1 , ;
9 - ,o l llo rl l l l llll l 44r l .ll4l2l.lllor.prisna glad.
Noel steady:lM bets at previous prices; 19 tea at 114031 fur prima limas, and 0304 00 for
India mcm, llwf name steady; 515 bbl. at
4. 11 0 2 1% Cat meals grin; 5141 pugs at rolia
llign for •honicievs, and 11.41.1,11 n for hams.
Pressed liugs• shade. lower as. 12 411 1 /340 fir
7. ,, am: not 114131131 for city. Bacon 0101.1
nod alc.lll 140 his Cumberland cut at 120
I.sio quirt at 14)ligige. Collor grin and ao.
lave tt =Ulla fur western. and 1.545/0 for
Stale. Cheese stray at ligiel;e.. b reylhi•
o Liverpool dull; 11000 bosh ton par sail
at *I
L flour cl.ssenl drill MO 3,210 u losr•
et. Wheat gulet tad lerlo lower; holders
more otetated to trolls.. Itt. yule; and
imcbanced. Qate dull and Leary. at
Mt for western 113 atone. car. and de
cinlngt POW mtatel Irestatn Aunt 11,210
1,3i;o1.1 an In store $1.:401.141g Potts dolt,
booty and low
newtt 11344.1tr24,17tg ease snd
taut/tar tor mete, nn..l $1.4.3714a94,:c)
Roller, April. Dec( golot Ana unchanged.
Cut Strata nominal. Bacon mu:otos!. Ltrd
doll rot ISlgttlf lot talc to prison siesta land
settle tendered
(Ily t.irxrstb 10 fife Yitto-nrc. "et. 1
Ca 1.... Wank —Y/Iror--choica city
brands remain unchanged, bat an easter
feeling rinsvalind generally Oa all other
510410,a Whom., No I *Old at $2,06122.0d: Nol
opened firm at EU; and declined to
01.93; clostos with sellers at 51,62 Corn
opened steady at elfge for new, and closed
althsellers at Clef Nol Is sett ee active at
141.011.4114 e. WIN opened firmer, with sellers
. 1,6 ,40Nc. and cloenal quietat lay, gee
Arm and Idle Win
a:triune, 01 al.adiala7 for
No 1, and $1.63 for No 2 Barley gaud and
grater. at 02,1001.15 for No 2, and al.ssoi.r:
for rejected.. The market for pork products
Is perfectly tireless and the roues are smarty
notnioal; mess pork quotable at orksocm,ll,.
bet no saLee were reported. Lull acid at
MA cash. for prima atelltaedi 330 for old
do. Cot Meats of Katrina. see golat and
quotations hoodoo'. The Offerings o
ddress.,ban ar• extremely light and Stare-
ly sogiclent to establish • market(( prices
are without touch chufge, at 49010.f0;
loggmet kreeinta-2.7112 bpi* flour; kas
knelt wheat; 12.16261ufh corn; kill inf , E; oats;
CO dressed hogs. ilhipmenta-3,872 Ghia
door; 93,40 bosh wheat; 2,560 bean 00rn11,741
bosh cam IDS dressed hogs.
CI.eIWU alike keL
c ~. 1 •r.:..n
; L ap la die Winds. I eh ti•uetts..)
• MArell 11.— ;flour moderatn
=awl and JAI, market Orm; tatatly $llO
Wheat arm tut dotal; No. 1 red Mitt.
Corn steady and In good demand; ear die,
shelliad IGSldde. flys 41.7601,1 EL Buie* firm
art fall ga10129,16, and not mock ottoman,
bolder, nattelpating high. prices. Cotton
0101 at 2:114c fOr middling, and the demand
hot mmlerato. Whisky Irregular. Provis
ions quiet and but LW* doing. and the yr!.
cot tend I lownwaril. Mese pork $11,26 for
fat, and title rate Is merc y nominal, %CI
bbl. Old city brand. cold at SA • forced
sale. Bulk meats di:111;100,0M pounds shoal.
darn sold at 89,70 delivered at,
Kentucky telly le held at 101)lito, without
any sale. Bacon &Mir/mall sales at 110 for
shoulders. and 140114 e du l ll a rib and
clear nines. Lull t Lie under
the Liverpool news; 14540 was the best prlee
vatalnable this aftarnoott. Butter Rarest
and arm at 410100. Egg. Me and in good
*apply tireosiles nuenang.l and quiet:
Ciovur seal Jobbing ate /Mo. Timothy dull
at s4,inglip. Linseed; oil gold buying. • _ ' 1111
(Sr Tsirarsen to the Pit thane Outdo. 1 .
?damn 11.—floor firm, with
more log miens nnehankedi double
ostra•prlme 1110.613012,150 i double •astra red
winter 41201:1,60; °outdo extra tenth, alai IS;
eoentry brand* 500014 below the a.thefe
figures. Wh eat In more loynlry and the
market ;n No. I red winter 42,601
No. 2do ala. 4.1862,10, and No. I aprlng at
am. corn opened on the neer at II asked
for No.l ehelled: It &tanned to coo at the
board, and elated dell and heavy at ffla
anae. at one
doll and nominal: No. I State
from atom held at COM , . Rya In hotter
Inquiry and the market Arm. at 11,6301,ed
for No. I from store. Barley; mottling doing
at prosent and the nsarkernonnal. Petrm
loom arm and onobangodldernan_4 good for
relined, at 106473 for free and mama for
Toledo llerlsel, r
tar 'eternise to tee' 0.
Totsno, March IL Qui et and
bbts; th so Is quiet and tiornlmni.
W Nat, rooelpt. 7,000 bash' the market Is
dull; sales of No 9 /MUT at Mt,aol alrlber
held at TtG3. Corn; recelpts. a„nosht tha
mvigot 14.1041 man at 2/0 Ott .Dot, Sod Pb
/Of buyen for al/ April. Oats; receipts, f.M
bush; the merlon Is unchamired. lise—sabo
of No lat 111.61, Clovereeed,,
Zs!timer. ibutlieg.
OSco aa t . I Mar c h t lL—floo a ac ti v e
arm. Wino; firm at $2.e,0413.10 for rwl, and
.2141390 for India. Coro lorari
:12 1 r .. Weir ° itev e gj
ahoulders,l2l(otatdoo,llBl4so. _mak atonal
ohotadorn. WO; r/O slam. /*O. Lord,loo
(Mr Telegraph te the rtustargh (Imette./
• 3lealreui, March 11.--On/on q aLetand r:0
reeelptil baler/experts 602 haleg, near
doll/ euperfine Porkr6o. Hamm
/Moulder 120/elear Woe 16 , I balk Lepel&
era 10/4c/clear rlb Ike La. now.. corn
.3543. tat. lbw .16016. Rutter Mares.
Eggs 17c. Cora meal 11/044.
atilqiutkele Mark•t.,
tar telearsol to Om Inttobarok Runts.]
abogratotaa. Much IL—Floor oral awl
unchanged. Wboat attot $l.OO br No. I.
(Mu weak at to,tryo Corn So layer. Rye
roam, at $1 OL llarlay era at 040.
oalpta—ZGO trtaa flour. YAW boo 'CUM.
ateatto..2,3oo DOW Raab 11,000 boa Wbliat. •
Pinancial inners in Row fork
Gold eased as 139502139,%;
(t► Telesrapt tD us rtsublagti Gastitia.l
. law You, March 11,113E4
Rosary •ID SOLD.
- -
Money stringent at 7 per cent. sharp for
call loan.; discount Is dlinculty at 701.
Sterling noininal at 9%119%. Gold steady;
0p03134 at /3)34; declined to BOX; advanced
to 1.. M-X, toad closed at /33349/3/33.,c.
GOVU/331.3111 1
Weak and lower. Ileory, Class .!t Co. fur
nish the annexed 1.30 Quotations: Convene
of 1 41103“1111014; do of 'ln; 109%41023i; do
IONQ107%; door , C.S. ItrAllglot no new.
r3 . 3,glgit a t, of : 03,107!4; 10-40's. 1010101!4;
The ridden closeness of money has ne
er-imitated a - good deal of realising upon
stocks, and prlces have fallen off 4/31 per
cent. Erie has been less alifecipl - by she
tying up of money than was expected, the
blow belnir especially intended for the
stock. The market was stronger towards
the clone, with a generni recovery from the
lowest point.
The Y.xpress say. It fri now evident that
of the ten rolilionsof dollars of convertible
bends of the Erie Company, nutherixed by
the Executive Committee, from e 5,000,000 to,
.7.000,000 have been converted with com
mon stock and sold on the etr et. This was
done through Flak, Belden & O. firm
. have been geks; wh which kayo been
held. thus virtually locking o greenbacks.
' & 3' Bl eViVellre t aTllTlr, :2 'TIT j znil ittuh
tins but bstrefure become a redltooto the
house to a very. rga amormt.
The certified checks amen t to s3,oo3ece,
soil the °Meets and diem re requested
Fink, Belden t Co. to torn. in the checks
and take the greenbacks. and also with
draw their accounts. This is really the
Muse of mousy stringency.
Canton IdGeTal Cumberland 33k; Wells,
Fargo & Co. 40040 1 44 &merle. IZOGYrsi
Adam5:26207354; Unlted States 69.tieend.,••
'Merchants Palma 3224033; (2 oinked ver 21610
Ph Mariposa 7; Pacific Mali im,Lanu;g: A,
j.ptio Awl 9916, Western Union Telegraph
34; .New York Central 13734012324 Erin 75620
723 i; do. preferred 79; 'lunar 1410142; Ha,.
Iwo. no carnation; Resdi ir 027 (93; Onto
Certificates 36. 1 4; as 61 91 1 ,61.6 L, gam st
09294; W preferred-C; 31161110;o Central
112 kitchluan Soothernloo9l/ 1 ,211111n01s Gen.
tral i 0 90139; Plttaburgh 93017:114; Toledo 1126-xt
100ck114Iand 91%(696 1 4: Northwestern
064; do. preferred 75:1407314, Fort Wayne
116 510/16%; Hartford aud Erin 14014624 Han
nibal son St. Joe 74; Chicago rugl MO;
do. Preferred 1.6314; Cleveland and Paine"-
Mlle 16312;T. 11. preferred 73; altsmimm 67;
Tenni. 66%; new 671.2.
Mining sharer golf% am) lower; lirrwory
3 7 5 1Quart.1111115; Smith a Plumlob .273.
11 C. - T5g.1761 . 1.0111,1.
VIM'S; b¢lwoo 1102,910,131.
, Hew 'fork Fry tiond• Market
21 , •arabb to the PI It/burgh b.f.!
NeW Yost, liarch . ll.—The Dry Go-ode Mar.
get ts still Inactive, although there Is anus
rently a more general inquiry and price.
are steady for Cotton Goods, Influenced by
Cotton M
actlvlty end rmness In the Liverp of arket. fi Heavy Brown Hheettno of
the beat makes are In firm- request at ill fc.
Brown Drills, like the Boot° • 17 and Cabot
A Shirting. bring Mc; Leconte. H. 18tie;
AndGkolg A, 10c; Lawrence . F. 11m. Pori.
mouth A. Mc; Naumkead, Ile; Pepperell E.
17 1 40; Marlon c.f.i. 1 214 n; Great Pall.
blrung,lsc; Warren AA, 1314 c. Print. Ito
In steady but moderate demand at Itelbo
impulse makes. funnel shoe *souls baud.
same Atylee which bring 1(u higher; Audis.
keses ern:amend. 1310; Arundel., 11:14ei
Lowell, 13s. Printing Cloth, are ocarec at
atr/o for best. makes, owing Is non•prodUc
lion In consequence of a strikeat Fall river.
- Bt. koala Market.
ra. tamo Hw
Br. Louts, March 11—Tobacco; offerings
largo but primemaintained. Cotton sold
at Mr. 'limp dull and nominal at 112.750
2,c6 for choice 111,e•eif. Floor Om and low
greats held higher,. tint quotation* Changed. Wheat Wheat dull Lou drooping. rang
sing.t 1/.45iff1,10 for mid and white fall, and
small lam fano' red ai 1111,73. Corn firm and
batter. at 8743 Sec fur nheiled, and :8410,1 fur
Br. Outs dull and clonal lower, at ititegic.
arley active and higher for spring. with
sales at Bre firm at 11.70,31,71. Pro•
mato]. dull, irregular and easier- Pork
declined to 1114.15. Bulk Bests dulld
unchanged. Bacon dull and easier at 110:
far shoulders,and 14140 for clear • alder.
Lard dull at leo fur choice tierce, and lebo
for keg. area iptx—Plour.ll,oo bushy wheat,
to XL bus hr corn, 1,54%) sacks, to ,2,00 bush:
barley, Brio bush; rye, 330 bush. - -
Louisville Searket.
ay Telctta , h to Vat thlutturao
Loctsvicke. March M.—Tab...lactive;
10144111 hba• Ithbt at 115.141b1.5,75, fate loaf
4111.733 1)...1 a Co. kW. Colton 134.1M4c.
flour 4s.wata3..- Wheat kL3Ddhlka.
Lora 7.1.74 c fOr obeli.' and aar. Oats fre to
balk. Lard 13140. Mast bark Mt 10. Bacon
—shealdera Wye; rdem clues 14La. Balk
meaty sad bachaaged. If Chitty 12,barj
kUs far frac
Plttl 4.lpttla Market.
itr!Telitgr.ila tat: L'lltabareh tiasette.
. . ... • .
PritLsossr• histrcd I/ —rastratems dr=
St Wie/13 C. 1 .410 balk, .41 tiOrSllic tor
redrsed In hood. Flour wale.. %Surat a rmst 11551533.111. Cr* st SI,TS. Corn Ira. oche.,
at tIM tilt yellow mined Western. 0.4
tinily st taelFc; Yeas York . at
Lard at Ma • .
ill 761e/trap/I Ia tte ritunault tla,tste../
Nrlytut, March 11.—VIntir tletaly. Wheat
firm; tale* of 7,00 btudi Nu. / 11111,1/kre
at /WIN tort stratty /and tmellitcgtd..
Otter articles Om at previous prlces.
•sa - K0 k 211 it yl_eV_Llr
CLertGein :ND Yrriasrsori /is ullost..
Moue 11-2 ears ere, thrso ►Catictre; 11
slams hid*, rout !tither, N 11/. tarot t;
pki• lee. Kul/yid/irk. Stoma Ik Cy; a de do,
Walt k Alls tti It obis plater, akorrsoa
Gs; UO 141.• broom kuilleo IL H .12KJWILAwq
do do, Wm elsolorl k Go; fa Vie loardosre,
i.e./nab P H A I saw, Llyilisou • Cet 00 ..
o . 2l4 a;lssfarso • l i n t ersa roM.
LP arts, Silver re Peletio; addles Weaver, D
Leilsey ;I WI /wryer, /0 Ilmary re Co; it
aka rye . D 91 •11 sea; do eo Ceres, eaplth
U.; 4 idla pryer, Nakao./ • ' Kant/kit; miry.
dry aplerk I da eat/sod, I do <L P, wor
' Keifer, Leila ill, 2 este oils. 13 rt. rye. Ka- I
Hurry • Hone; her batter, Cole • Uo; 1.1/ 1 4
vinegar, 11 0 noir.
N YYTT ene II lIMII WWI, tole Wei:: it /Dewar/0 A. A.,
—to rOl• Blur, J DO.; do do,
Koipernek it Karroo:l Wdr du. E 1.0
100 do. Onto • Sheysil; 113 do do,
to aka no. Mattis •1/c1 42 re. Ware 4.4 . 1. -11
entree; IN sea boner. J 1.1 Killer; I asstE
togs, . 1 1eCtileugh. Smith lerr rye,
Wools, 43 as brooms, J Oer
tt:, Co;
ne dn; M Oomery; 4 1.21.11 butter, VC II
Mad; I tile dry apple., Ktreysfrlrk 2 Unto,;
Wee lord. J Wm/y:1 I. do, Nora 41. Ma; 10
os •osp, Salre.
• Oa, 0 do J+
Faltrearrlur IS de do II 1.. Faltsecoak; ILI
04, W Pratte t Son; 10 etor errra syyle., tv
Grid; Spee. Orilter;ll Kay Jr; II Irk tut/soca,
Pnrl24lo t Co; 2 bill .44 4 .1 Ore 1. 111121 .1 ,
szg. t:aLOxin b lliseurls• 1, a.
Merek it—lce bble 1P0ur, , 4111.1 or & Vbeiblap:
T 2 eke 1101 . 8. S"lploet • I be: eggs. I
IA Woos. E Jo 111. otdylly s l 8 herb;
Obis bulgy, Votyt & Co; CO bed Iva. Om!!
ILelteri I brig d:y palish., It IC Iros6 CO, IS
eke barlry. Foteeolselol 1 eks rye, II
do 'odd. Mellrarr A 7 1:oils ro 101. dddr.
Lladtay Jr Oo :firs *aware, E hirers A
Vs: 13 Lay tooooro, If Joan; II kiln dry
bars. D etiestaut t lo; I. au wheat, W.l
Auarramag /Teem. H. D.. /twirl 11.
Oa an rata, lilppley • 1 / 1 11er: 16 do tie, air
bile /our, larresa a arneely; 4 aka cornmeal,
I 11rarram;li do eats, tole JII M.
£5.4 4 pigs Wooden ware. J W a - Mannar 10 boa
rIM ID do dr/ acplra 1301 egra, & ► Carona;
30 OW. /our, S 11 Xellarterm 101 do do. Ili twa
gore, Etas • aro; ear rwara, Barra a
Ilebortaoor 1 'Eli. mmer, arreurdi & Nis
atom IS kegs w Wag, Wm Wilma; 31 tale
glassware, Jon hull; 3 rtge, Wooer & /tor 4
We ape*, J &grim/
40 Wen boy, 5.4r04 4" MIMI 1 DIM •442, LJ
Blanchard;bar bomber, Rler. Fatter A Co; Is
tie no, Stewart • L nnnnn beim; 22 . 00 J
rue ; eke mm., 4 bib butter, t o ries. I ellek
Mothers, I Liam IS bre me. 8 13 F tort a Coil
bbl brme. (half a Itstort lem muck Mon.
Raab. Guff a Lill; 20 bbl. tabled all, Poems.
Solt Co.
306110 A 11111.1:110n
r... r.t.rmy.
JOSHUA 11110 DB& cO„
0111ce, 0.0 Penn
P/ITSlik ILIA'', e`4
•.It Wu.. Iletwee. , trort utqar
Warne, A tlang bony.
11(tt , PL:r: 41)
..r . V a .14 re IS I.i. iS
411 Kvery Deucripfit
CfilM, ;Nir (WMt: ru,.4
rio. fski,aiAiffssfs~S6srv~
r ira ..,~;:....,
spa itat....xrueutor
wrol Irnralta, consts.tly tA,RI f.
C. 4..1142.4.....aa. wzr.t
1 0 :14 :.;:t) liili ii .',1,!..j
No. '2CO Fifth Sot
ROlt nprr—A • NEAT COT.
;ttig: apply to •
SODA. ABlll.-100 - casks CoM.
smolt Abdo A.M. forms!. by
'kW JOHN 8. 888 FIR T.fl a SON.
- _
MON-44 bales now land..
ao ftlituad. for sale by
tald 16.41.141 InOtly -
Manniselpe Wawa.
Liu) . aAty,
visrehause, 114 CAL• 1 , /ater MIL
i:n11 or and for Circular
The river au WWI rtslusteattllylut ettez.
with earentect AM a-half Get le the alik"
.1 by the ellatheny sad .lateen ud a-half by
the Monongahela marl.. The weather yes
tent. wee mild and plimuto ond all that
could youlbly be duffed for the tratteactloa of
oot-door bualneu.
fire have been no arrival. as yet, though
there aro several boats doe, among other., the
Julia mi. 2, frost Zanesville, Grey pale,
from Parkersburg; and tlhe 11... 0. Gray, from
There departure. IMO the Aram, for Cho-
Mutat!, But.., fo?Loular111., and the Din
gle liars and Armadillo, for Bt. Lout. Alt of
these boats had eplendld trips:the• Armadillo
was erowded with paimenger., sad the same,
we believe,la trni of the other.. Tie Mary
Davao and , barge., In command or Captain
Gampbeil, wlll positivelytesve for St. Lon!.
Ude 'motaLirt.,
Bustneee wk. again quite set In at the Lad•
fob Yesterday, and everything eolineeted with
steamboats present.• morn cheerful appE►r•
One thin that tends, to 'draw l oot
freights is the remarkably low rate., andshlp
penarenoi►lowlataking advantage of this,
their opportunity.
ItlonellohL—.la addallou to the llst of boats
ski= out coal, published yeeloolay, ecc, h‘ee .
he follocrlag additional repocitl : • .
E•pl for L 7UlllllilO
(}rand Lake for Nair Orlemol.
V. F. Wilton for Nem Oat
Little Alps for•Loufeelllo
Previously reyortesil—
Diaz' Total 3,815.000
The Rob t. 111. re left for Portsmouth penta
d., with • TNT ZOO , l .tip. Com. ; Kerr thlak•
he bee ens of the but bean that come to this
The new wountfin steamer Sallie, (fantail
OaMona, hling up eapldly for St. LACILE and
the Itiplier Missouri. and will Pe the - Sher boat
Captain Charlet Reora Was ono of lho pilots
of the Anaadj.lia. He expects to load the Rob
Hoy At ClinsinolU far the monntaloa.
The Wituanlta, Capt. Thomas Shuman, la
Anatol:meal for :it. Loula and 31laaoult
and will load lo turn &Ler the Saliba Com.
Konntz , s now mountain it amen Peolnah sod
Andra. Ackley, are 1111209.13¢ed rat the mean•
The J.N. McCullough, Capt. Geo. D. Moore,
a the regular punt for Parkenburg to-day,
easing piomply at 12 t'ileck, and pruiengen
tad ehlppers should bear tbde In mitet.
The New York will net be pot up at auction
2112 00 SelodticY• II hag been moaned, the
abuse to; Bata a tatirtairal ha.log petal re
morel by t h e (laptop buying out ,the Intereet
of. dituansted owner.
The Bellevermni passed Evarievlllo on Mon
day, en route from 00. loots to Pittsburgh.
The Wild Duels was to have left Olneleinatl for
Pittsburgh or, Tuesday, mutthe St. chariest.
advertiamito tall on nonslip, • •
The Nashville Gasstte, of Saturday, say.,
The W. P. than. Int the upper wharf Yemen
day aftmeoon, at about 7 o'eleek, fort answha
and had la Seer • barge. and lo trying to ose
the pima of the railroad bridge Meek on e of
them sod Move Ina portion of her bull, Meths
portion of iNar l r ortonatcly there
were no pagessgers aboard. ,The host was
hauled Into the fork booth thistitnifaad
The barge , we nodantand. woo sunk., saved.
Leavenworth (L0u..,) Timm of Fri
day lut, lap: There is but= lathe, at Port
Wullam; thereto but 20 theries a short Matta.*
obey. Weston. About 14 miles above St. Jae
the water was to low that eattle waded moose
Jolt tiler the lee went out. A man who had
restded there 17 years by te neer at that
point has not been so lo tonna Since be
has lived there. The Nyreph N 0.2 monk •
reek.. Stein en Wednesday, and soak la 4
feet water.. She was loaded with WOO buthele
of coal and Mood I r this city. Met desk wa .
hot messed, and unless she should bleak op
r cargo ean• be eared. She their In 22 alio
lass after oho etrunt. nee Mots 'min the
appears to be epllt In the middle. and that she
moat be a toted lob. We bear that - she was
ignored for 0g.060. That la about Whoa ~ ha I.
A St. Luis telegram, and., date of 21 .-
day; Cape: The dyer here Is
not la seven feet.• water to Deno, and It he
expelled to go up to tweirs hall,. but not
Walter utiles. the nth. of nig mmralarand
last night were Tat Ittessun ha.
Nista semiderably at SI. Joseph and below.
ce lee le gorged at _Oaths. Snow fell In the
taln fig - moon Thursday and Friday, at.
most anorthic good water for the Damao
Meth Tho Upper 141salnippl I l l ino isty
100 k.,., Keokuk. yesterday. ne Is
repartee lomat mg. It la nen pal probabl• that
them will be m a
freabet the Lower Xlmle
ethyl. although throe will be Mgt water to 0/1
the Masa. mem here. Dueltieeen doll.
The Republle has nor yet dented whether so
load or thy up. The °leaden, Champion and
Aram:Milne hen. .1666 Lawman willlon
ehm* Mu' Straiten on bet antral from New
Damns, If she prove. 1010.00..
• The St. Louis Aeoublicsa, of alooday, ono
Steemboat sedan wars qulte lively yestenUlP
re thm three being reported. Mel ham
L, try thiplale E. A. Suable, for amount of
Loots and Poona Puke! Company, to
tie Fred. Dexter, for 00,0.0. Deer Lodge,
Memphis Packet Gompmy, to Jost,
me., for the Nornorestera Packet Como
„at et.,610. Star/hat, by Motel, item
Davide.. alto to Joab Limns., for the
.sme mmalty, prim 212,1100. several other
transfen are us the
whit k may be
sonsumated to-morrow or mat day.
Mtutph t le peper
he oars - The Mosh.lno.
Moms... ern ad In t sit, vesterdayore
routs to the Ho Springs for his health, Capt.
John It. Davis,separinteedent of the White
lit,. peeked Cempasy. 'who nand for his
apiiited enterrotm,teatlered to 31r. Mornessy
the hnepladinee of tam lovatorYl4. ageop
tot. The seutlemanly °Ricers of the Liberty
No. g will mate the trip •pleamnt for the
M. U"
It r,,
bp the
The ftroesbeek WU. 11,1 the mail et the held
or the easel Setneilar. bar enelie4 through
whit but little delay.
Ae Ike Genera tannin. ye.. Lek, Prosis
den., a dee! was oil the ter. het... U. W.
ilwith. the whiirthet proprietor at that pal..
sail Mr. r➢eero Sties, who, In ...INea with
ht., brothel'. tkilewboe Allea . of the New Or.
tee. Wee, U verytetnerally known by slyer
liven Sad Mealtime,.
ny Tairayana ti the. fluidram% turetta 1
Lonny:tau, Uoirehlyer riming with
eight feef ton lathe. .by Canal murk.
Weather Nay. Thermontater
By. Long, lfareh napped raining
about dark to-alight, and although U la
ctUl rin7 olondY. More are Some ladle
noose( the wthirier elecriar up
H.R. - maw. !larch 11.—giver atx
and a ball feet want oe ilarpeth Shoals.
Weather warm and cloudy. Arrilad—EKa
IlligheaUpear Cumberlanili Erma inried.
ClticitraU; Nashville. Cadre; W. R. Brown.
Kanawha. Departed—alert. Upper Com.
berlandi Umpire, gvansitille. The Umpire
took nine hundred tales of cotton.
. .
Itenstirs, Maya 11.—Weather oleo and
slum. Ulcer rising steadily. Yeetants
quiet. Devarted—L2ssto Cdll, early this
moratris. lonic' Itinneota. IGsO [tales
cotton, Cinctintatlt lltaelsstapt, Rew Or
leans. lo sort—Dayllnie and Ulnittnan.
FOR ifOIiTANA, rortzki
IDINVA-ate sem stesadr
rimix LH..—. Cr.
,1110,,;;I:„.1!roat.rartruoulemer., will In
IND7Eir •Cltier.:..l3tpt tiaalutrritaus,
Wlll Ivy. &rib. moo pore en kAKIII 1.11
b,Ftri%:Dige'rfee git=.l4.s.venitie
esuslont emitroei..
rorltiqgtat or yvvolfzialoa . Nor 12
J t'inAol.P. dint.
Ij Ott iniNgovizt wv : s a tra t
ea DtazOT.—rots
3Tgli n T24/ trINVIT ' L . A piertrlg
ty"...TIA im analitalr
roll /ware its almorrewn IsrUsraTl/I K , Mare/1 MA
w. 4 o/ rlork w.
ror ire IMIt or paw U. aaptl
neo 17:12AVIL"iheagrilit
nalfir 131171131. sad Rath. floc 1 and L
gLtrliL„ win 141 A 4aT%iA.
7:1 ft"" °' UTZ 171.17 AZI7/1."A'411.
4,d (.10LI) Y&Rttl of IDAIII)
itONrANO, T. 14/Ulll uo ßtYliki.-Th•lN!t Mem/tr.
EUTITA:Ipt= agrTly..ll . "".
owoointa aud allapplani
iseretofore esjoyed Wale Md. --""
EVILAUTZ row.tiT,7, vm,r,g3m•
Tracfng /Ivalmmo, MU:land Paper
Whatmaa , m Drawlug Tapers
Indio:l2k and Water Oster.
rent Cup; nee I'l!ea
Inel4 Trsadt a Oran peetteln
Frau &MIA sad none raper.
Mamma I/ rasrlaz Paper. la rah; sad
LI.111! • Drawlo •nd bkitcra
NV. S. .14.A.VEN'S
Coe. Wood and Third SU.
No. 110 Wobd St, Plttdow
Egtft_MlPS nirantieklardl e
P yr Ul { T/A au l i u u rßI r
Ctu ka l ld tip • tZ IZRalal" rtrntrrl a" ra llnt ati adta
r a V ntetlen SIZOILDINU UstntetkOt l426l lllat
12. 110111313M1
Connnlssion Merchants
sag LIBILBrr 82.. rrnsennum.
. CootlgoaLeato sott.dsed. .• .
Natlona: malocas-01. U. 3Com., aubler X. 1111.1-
Trz Nutt! 4. b. Dliworth a
mennooy a Bro. 7oal:114
And Prod.. re:Lonny. Po. 95 OHIO 1171111ZT,.
rear EL; 4i4.1.02011.
C 313
llor train, Sired% Feel,
849 wararry trimmer.
.xtinexisexim lIEEVRART.
.1.1 dealer .
Ca . - If6. Ci .E 1 PI. F-4;
398 Penn Street.
Lurz. s. Awn.
COMMiSSidlit Jfferchatshi,;
Drags In 1/1.0110,_01LA117 and 1 . 41.11/11131
ddnirall7, 210. 10 WA.TX.H. tbuto EII II IIOIO4,
attoeurlllol.lolo. I
rPRVAS6II6 Ap MEM mmortp.,
BU Cal
dB 1e1.3
far IL s Ica etrCtsr, @rah!, 11 . 14 . 7 a'issal.8 • I .r.
llisrlia Trans, sad Praluvsgunrally.l Ni.
IS Marks: tarost. earner of Tint. Plttsbassa. N.
10 We
11,476,01 X
R, o:xo'4l,v:inn ag LANG,
4.444 dealers inGroetries. Grain. Irro
Atom, Provtdo:47.n.a Cbsslo, EAlt. Carbon :
lrl and 171 , 77•4•41 Etreet, nosr LotmrtYßtry4l.
P 174.414144,11.
;caw!. rtaratuirwArm nocits..•r. B. nom
e J & =sons To JOBS 1. Peron • CO.. itlial•
ur , c kiracas and Caantedsstaa Slarehaatl. Car
alma! PrllthOOd sad Water stmts. rittsbab
H MDDILE,Ne. 183 Liberty Re g
Pittsburgh, Ps.. Commieston Ilarshaut. Ind
W butchtio Molar in Country Pralines, Growls@
stul Pittsburgh tusuutsgulths. Cash advaactS
tut Stoutlgutunsitt, mut vsl4 fur rtoduce
.12, - 111 A.
p ELNOX & SON, ConatalEalor
•••• AUZZON A2Tsa3s4 Dula= Ls FLOUR.
WWI T4ER satn PIVJOUON Ter-jr•l
-T• p • •m•rd. cyoctlts. t_Tti Hall. All.-
rbeaT CR.. 1•1 7a4
DA CritillaFFol . 3lD, commits.
okne. if II A i." 7, 11 I 4 1 .1 TROWYN.
~ac1.AY,.10.. soll WS.. Not. 31111
76UCHN HINES.M. foralsbsd.
Wtalrasl(Kassa Conan!ulna ktereasata.
and dank. Inr Phases. Flour. Banta. Obsess.
Ovben sad Lard tni. Imp. Malik Was.,
Oman Yvas end all iltaktninsb ssaannottsys
...Aurally IS and nsoond Plttann tab.
elteniDD....:Ant. D. ESTeeID:
- ipq Ern.= its,
ne OdßoOreS j"
le ( l S t w apte sSecir
leareheam.l4. Ano
ifoilic CALATFIEILD, Coma slon wad iconardlas lfaathaat and arffold•
gale &War Port ader. IfddinTs Case" Bat
aall tI74...LfV;r4V.
duce g.e.rx.:y. Mu. IR .4 to wrodt, MM.
Pl . :UN:ram - •
:our wm.t..aiza
.74 HIPTON WALL Alf F., Who's.
Pio. A MI v., swot. Pitt ;blare— 1.2:1-10
,S URAN 02.
ESTE ' - cr
k!..N.SAN/aSs NitaDM. ruts:4..3l
HYMNS/rt . , reatacal7.
( An.ituktair. SZSLL. !ma ant Atotai,
at Watat vi atztata. ma- • C‘NO! , WS ,
Hauler atatrt ttsbara I •
a y/HU/as/He aralan at/ 1.1/l ut rira aun Sant
1111;TeVert ThIPF"I:22."I.tIibtrATZTIAT
finttreltt.iled Z . ; . ;:rulaptnas Lad ' Haaratltt
la leatnlatt •Ms Mm/yr er11 , 117 . hate sa
sarta. a 4
DM bra %a Mut
• l, 'at - - laattal.
at."” l I
ittit •
-•••• "1 4. * • •••• t•• J.
it• •
1 14.• I . 16. FX • ent , : , U 1
Andre. Atilay„ ; 1p "le a
Haval • = 111 0trtaala. • •
2.17 Y. tt atanatart.
No. 43 Ohio St. Alio&Phalli% NM
Hearr Imtn; deo. U. 634.11 a, Samos Dexll. l
T J. 11. Matitk. W. M. Inevrazi.
Josepll Lantser.
Or.O. D. 1111)01..g. boorlitary; - ,
Praeld..t. -
pi,i.: 1 021 . 11N11N1.1 IN fi tra A Nell
OF PlTT:zuka PA.
Jawe, fltla Straat. Kari !fret
s llama
VOYAMVVrit'SII. head.,
'J. C. 13011.1 t, Vita Vrnatlam..
mca. Tilllllllll.l,
4 , 7913 1 1 •111.1.1..:NY, ferzelaq.
i=Ttii C. At
,Ereorrry •
OTC. t 413 am* 421 cueßratur R.
1014.1. ritt.h.
(Wanks *.q.604 7 . illordwa
t 7. 0143 1 ., ! . .
liwou R. , [dwarf
_amt{. W. Mewls. license Pale;
01146. ff. WILMOM.N.B. FTWIde.
!WWII V DAIS. VW* 11wildwat
, Y3l. U. sr
alahru Nona West eir.-nurd t woe./ Nu.
or EIT IIIII OIMII.--tlaltua, Vo. .2 rut
tryst .13art Wert 4 - ,
Issnral a:t Itloth. at yin 41t41 Yelp
•./F.:, 0. 11C,J0ku .
. O. 004 INV
'440. 'O/Z. 14• I f"""".
its intrtl -1. tat.
4,, ,... „..., _ .
oiN,' s'., ir-k.,..11j, kt,P.,t..4.111.'"4
U. 14. tins., ;
.t r isrvez ctu,A I. '..v,4,4„ . . ~1 t..., ,a . ,
~,i,L:A.;7245. c a:4. ' , evel . eisiroil.Vi h
-- -- 0 , 01. J. T. Stealsl4l.
c 4 r nrx. n. n. On n.
up4nrcis co.
1,41, run as
, flows osZEIPAUnt. '
tt,f4114."' F A K* * .S . '' •
r.kt , - Jollar. k
• 'rant
liwA ,L.
r imm :
JoHN WATT. TWA ws:111m,
..04101,. JAL
TOO/IC - C - 0
!`'. 51 '! ,27 P- 11 1% ,
lint, ma &
As *owns doe.. pee pound.
zrksatoulsta, larOasty &Id OLIO
. O . I M ***'4 "1"n C•lt ••74bjle:1 t Mu
kpfuly Istaitithl Va.,, Igen
Car. Smithfield • Water file.
Uid Pm=
Weer be all tamer .
Tarim, Swif atd .01tra1si'
ius st.auxcb -erwranzrr.
Ekciszarcot worms.
Itaautatistren,l'ilid ;
Tobacco, - amdt a6in ripasiece:.
t ,..1%. IXDZINAL xr umo Mom.
SS E / G , Enl a s tatkirl.. 7n"
PRACTICAL tirliDOßArinOR Oeavmm ■ AC
;liirgif,,4""at."4424TrAnalaz war°.
E R .I.NnEE2, wits =St'
iv 1.0
PALS. •.
wriroGßAplors, •
ll* 10 7017151TE1 NM. avant nit.
J•L P. rCiarn,
Sir Irons
Salhosid nth Raps wka Bolts;
itallreed Csr Axles Rolled;
itallrowl Car Axle• . • • . •
Loosaiolltre Franaes;
beeospeittre Rrez•• Maps*
aid. nodsi
Team, *traps;
Pisid $01141;
Mudumbest Mail*
Stesaaboss Orstalkst
Pistols Reda,
Pitman Jaws. Cleilars, Le.
,Orszco, No. 177 FENN .BTNENT,
PIPSO Wt).TECEktgli•
Corner Carroll and RIIIIILLIZOLLUF
Streets, Ahab Ward,
riTlwaviesmi PA
dreurorAorrraza o►
Cid Iron Bowl Pipe,
Mut an all out vanusli . to la Dr)
t.s. szvel 13111" r tiN0211.6. alga, • tall SSW l•
caragan& cui in um uw
.1.7:2*.1.1111.17= 'UM -a
ti" - • -
- •,'.l . '
Liidsay Simi& taller,
1 _
Mannisarors &Importers of
acrt.' 1 12317abyrise,
he square- blow Unto: Depot,
SHEMELD *TM 111111 M.
min & CO
4 1 NNW! , 01 AU ' RI
Lvrnc'n;= 0
aga sprissii 3 , 44
Co= sail Comas' Plow glee
31811.2.112 MITINILT Ra ilisrak i t:
0130 W -R•313; to ar.
Wareham*, St Water St Pillartre
aR2•O Jr .6 ia er , 2 ,
'Rath ward, Filtzbural
rtiODLILEI LS. dit LL£Ph, I.rar I east
not! aerie are rateuraii toe
• ;grate rattnallatrairani. nra ttis
Irararat•axiranl to (raline.
laglokoo of Moon
ibeet Iron ',Torii
lizAlro.l Castityp
t 't' Un i ea.U.4
Engine Castings
Otentse t-iMings
43 . atta 8 , 6, Water Street,
00I•Pda Erricius
Aad AIM= 1* II WORN.
I - tor BSc boat.
carsauB4.lkbWard,near T. 144
Hammer' Dies, Steel AlOdds,
LEI at ;Oil 48fIlii - owa r .
drl=7:l=r m a r=A
Jibbing sad linctiaery . Casting%
itat Itaritablo OM
Imo. or all Mass sa4rtilas. ratted to
"cry moo., to order.
011icacSttil Liberty Street.
iwatuse - (AListiisit; or Moro Bond's. I
L' W. itantrit.-ras. L iwunizza.JY. sun
0 7 4 1 4 1 4 ) *Mit:CrOn1g.R.
Reams? BMM eilst
allit e, Sal% dgfisisii
'TI Pam, Gasemsters.
Wrought Boa' Bridges. •
onset Iron Wert. " •
ic.. - -
ir a Dor tgraninasai P 4.
an PSOICIM P LY. 174.111
'lion ant *et Works.
mAxeraerei.eseAl f
IPA, Rslle,Spriega, Axles, Sleet, &e.
/1146.10 waysa =mar.
31314111 M,
Conk, Parlor and . .liaatlnd Ilite!ea
kw,vuit: aelledevlVllßCA
Oookilonis.) Alm
Gamesontarn "sorra ; •
0116 mad Warakaue, IKeratlr Of neeosel az.
streets. Plnannoit. Name; ir 11•00.11
MOD Wm 11117 4 11 ..............16111:13D D. 101:111111.
plum 6t mannn s boar,
l e
- '- ' - isuramininossas
6te Bailin, ell Stills, Tanks,
. i-. € 4ol4l rok.Finksate. . ,
Ix Patois - 84 luitifibisipla, IPa.
Bo ;101114-11KiLlY
4.. 011111, sour. , Mn' °Walled 2'ol
1 / 3 1 WRIT ill LIMB
F T P* 17 74,01147 1
avi t a g .. l F 4rik itr iL L
Bar, loop and Sheet Iron,
MI NM MI rei 09,113.U411111%14
. < lsCo.
Offiee,lBo, 98 'Water Street,
PORT : Priur .
801 ill Sill IND HQ
or .
1.0111/Id4, Douaizrursu••xuanuts
rnuz..3o crnserDzitaxsast sonsas,
I=ollllWi3.B.liXtzmumit AID ASH PUB
urrumi PALM, BALT PANS VtD 00Xo
Dig ttlpa, •
IMAM QAllOllll.2
nposs xRDCAIt
PittadArgb. Penzurylvints.
inprv...4 mat m tem mom 14tztoo orlit be
toontitus otttatOod to. • Waal.
Begs Wass, 'Relined - Marna
113t801111ftflaB. BOUXO
PAWL& d tiPh.filui
HULL do Nadia tba. to tbayardi -
WfWtsfiEr, %ULM aad OWM:lifor ram '
PLAT 2•1 1 / 1 aaalad aad floaarrnalt•
COAL MIX 1.1103. ' •
!MIA But =Lisa . • r
Waralleaamid Mao at tit Irons. 11213.2 f.
OMB MA. eaattazuttloa of trim straft.t...a.
ota.taa utt7 Oat Worka.Pltraltarat.
goon x. sax. caul.
prow. , Wawa.
01IGIR IL BOLE 11- €O.,
• IPOni•Dmits,
agile derti and Sladdatste
Ku. sioxiii Nan. =A au Rua rim.
oau sw.a..vmusw gm moacmetion•
MAIM*. etory xxxxxxxx. isux. anat.
JAW near. Sart B. Boil; ikalma
num.,* sax.p, Coe. Point £5l A mows
War. iroxxxy. PO5. Is ena 14 Thad etre. L.
prrrerOiralm eTzamwomas,
• ANDrasOy oogroitisj
, ,
(013002•biTTX xo JONT• BOYD • t
laitunat he best
pm, Plat ivae Oavaacna oe all 1
14. 100 j ra z
tesalv• !; fora Ave Mad cast
1147130 <gD YOIIIDO NAOII J zj,
arszttino!ir WINOS. 8.1 . 211iG0
427,14, 012004.4411. 411. as.
Cave *O4 Cateuvavj Plavtea eating Xevsel,
011ea—Carad efitne vad lin. 'limy* we
bloom mem era amaaa g ya mi Hoy.. -
amel .4 •
MONW - INTeet,,. Ninth . . • .
orrouts trmortxsoli
1• X •3 ("g11 1 3E11:73A.41:26.311.
feWng eigi end Bridge Casibma
111 MI rirl,
Itialawsellawilesatiag• goierarlr.
( "a" D"L;4 I 7 maakrata/i, aux%
EBIIMUT & sLioar.inu.
ReAciii *amino
IILAXCIMCISIXIFIII. OP MS 113 01:1113170111 or
EVl l 3llliMa.
Once and nanntanaa. /9 1 1. 1 94 9 • 0 -
11 and U. illunal atreata,
1140 a silo,
o,l= 11,1*110101,-
10e 29 W . 004 EMMY*
* 3 .4.4
Thint&iir, *mita & Pipe aitzfe,
w "T i ikftr atoil w Via& "
saw • • g
/CAi1Tr.407.11338 07
Frdgilit Eloisters
asrp I 04.1WR Mors&
111 1 . 0n0ttai.1)14144,4 , 441..., *Mar
nermsor•% frotair Shwa..
• f/11211V/0/4
t!! t L'1I)
wurtrraclimrar ar
from, g a akt; Ta and
ROOreADD enge2.4,
übt -,;,:frw-iialEt.l3ll%g,
, , ..... . .
wra. ft JOHNSTOA.-: ,
flawaractdm *lO43BlNa evelporaz.
lIRAILIta. PLNI.?. !Mil LI HT% .4
VlRl f V rd: (3'4• Migal_ r. aslllre lLB
ofof WAIRION aid liEll.Whae riIItEZTIP: 4 A2
of Mtn ituvellimmiLakm. riabilmrell.. ea
IRON OITY-111111.1.!:
Row= sempKgrptuk.
• • lIIMEIZIOW. ZNaN:674r. -
.20.171 .allAßArs
rmsetram imPoRTING nan.
unro#nas or
Pox stress, Plttsbanw
• • Aar
• a r n am
. ah . rhams n s l,
l h a t u .r i a a n zehtea rhatrm
r a h Md
1 . 11 f01t44A.,•11 a i
YlTnaft . W .
wat gestaba;
1 7 4, Ti11. it 00, swim.
MAU% • stia 6 Ahmi. •
w into :wow hiNzE 01.1) .)111011
.7. l ae n sztaraSe.aamwaft
.wunch sad 1111004101.._ khalitla_aihani
put, uhl es gram soußnelL
lea rropouti vito imarnd. anima dete .
frvaa date. (Motu! fah) it the Mau
aidstslgaid. for CII/rllla,
6'4 PAVLSO of LANI.,11211)611
engurawn mum. 7141 s
ITNIZT.IIO7 trial*? tall MON
exada --- "tome ems be mei aS IN ease It the
` swim aar;isit'"
'Bal~uof ~sa+:m~.lrellb.
' pimmis ID1111:16
(411 " - ssili ligiorY* l4 , *awl . 16..
trig. 1 . 141 1. 117 . 1 4 1 4 1 . 1 / r di r tili s e4ll .. nt lz
a ettga"=,
"(74114%.tad- 0r 1451 / I .lftlaCt
rai",trait"°‘ "4. 4 VIVJ •Vltte..a.
191 bate •
117 MMlbbl jaw