II U 11 H TNT 1:10011 TIMM. Lit thY Vat time, dear ,I4rd. fa thy 'SOW null end net. • .718 e teat kis - rune tan [emelt of the'lrestd, Attie the heat awe termed of tee daY. Tne quiet altet, down • With freer.= bretierVith Sliver nary look . .. With softemsd Ilget. Aftec the' heat Lae trorden of lifes de gest Dif toe w%' larsltts snits -wa g ass& , where meet hewers 'at... After ths steno upon the ',we'r e dent. risme ',Judson Molted, sad seething Wei steal noon I Like toodtor balm. After the Starr worn the balowi deep The blamed peace ia restate at boly JO7. I. patience, Lord. I met for tae wood To takeEn tolirtay ererlti Ilpiteararly NM lIPEMMuuS. —Brain! is unwell. —Victor lingo Si going to Scotland. --Wahl!, the pianist, Lin London. - . —Sixty thousand Magnum lire in California: • —Lose Rama ia writings History of Diplomacy. —A. new book of A. Ward's is io be publisked soon. Dentocrati in Terre Hantelwanl to /au Confirm. Bothwell . . . is tho name of SW ba!Fa's new •• —Lird Derby !a better and s kaa cut his own throat. —Lodi L tO play Pocahe to Brooklyn next week. ; • —The • Newark steam man -Is ow exhibition in New York. —The Artemns Ward monum t be placedln Ceatral Park. —Tallps are the fashionable loirers funning millinirr this year. • —There are live hundred young Anaziaaaa at school In Germany; —Newark (N. ..T.) is lookizg for an early opting, but has not found it u yet. —Seven thousand Dutchmen, proper ly called Hollanders, raids bt New York. • —Beecher's Norwood is to be pub, ; naked by Scribner, in book form, on the 14th last. I 41aletayss is . Is the sew word twed by the New York luta to,kead its foreign fliepttehes. • • ; • --John Z. Ward, our late . Mahler to Chtsa,le reeding at present at Charles ton,:l3. C. —Buffalo -has a husband who gets drank and bests his family ; and is only thirteen yeanhof age. • Gladstone gave a penny read ing il , em Sir Walter Scott's works In Scotland on the . 34 inst. - -Men Nettie Sterling, the contralto linger, ha gene to Cologne to try and , pp , rfect her musical education:\ -',The newly elected Episcopal Bishop of Oregon.' lies declined _to accept the promotion so reluctantly - offand. -"Colonel Forney's Letters from-En -naps hardly deserved the knot of g re print," says the Sanniey Jietiem.., • —Wine Parisian "anises • are worth 82,500,00 e. The richest of the nine has a kelt a million; the polinii has $150,. Baraam's lightaLeg cab:dater .bas Janata:l a new air ship which serietauts aiy is the thing they hate been waiting and the Fat Con. Winter Ent Herta, sad Mark Twain all want itnitumenta in the Central Park. ~;--Thos mesa of April Is to be a Asy of Winn la Mussekusetts. It mew& .I.yle lure too for those who sum ea tha —T r is - Pall Malt Chi n zetts 'mu Its awn eri 11156,000 baton it limn to pay ex. a 1 ind stow it has a einaktirm of ,b0t,7.000;- —Alt Saints dhvich,in.ll*niakee his •F :pew belt weighing one thonsind IiEWSM2g ler Colfax's mother proddis at kis lute in Washington. She Is acid to be as proud of bar son as Is Gen. T Grist's father oriels. • 1--Four feet of snow on the banks, and /Men /octet of Ice on the river, ft the pow state of things at the beadwsters . - • . : —.Brick loosteo:7 says he despises Andrew Johnson, and always dld. Bareirtbat must be Soma good in An lifeW yst, else why should B. P. de thug CaHgorirta has six Command km shies included intts pulyglotpuolulan. Thisallx thousand are to hares limb paper. entirely &lailu for their own-use. —A four Unmixed pound lamp of zinc . was disorierad a few feet Nair tbs sur face by ea Arkansas compiny eagaved In sinking a stud for mining pirpcsia. Saturday Lotunillekuul a kart bigamist. A man shot and killed ill wlfsida tbia attempted to de the'emis • thing to himself, but wu unsuccessful. —frbe. - Phtladalphia Age Is ' to; here one of the finest printing hems' the .ioteatty. ,, A: new building on Bernath area has been purchased for the per. . . '=on Hafiuday evening s was la !Hdonio atioarpOtat to kill Id. - fore arltii alv -of froa. Ha only- sioiaaded Phrelag lost: la a" "nary critical . condi- • • Pleadhailh . Worms' 1117 4:Usdidsdi said madly that he Ana kaow whether he had ever been ildMotor aos; az,d he waf . ties he 'did patimene - . : ' — . Bome wonder has been expressed at the non-appearance, in the will of 14 late Mr Frederick Bruce, of the name of W - shot trho kept boaee i stir him in • • —Prom six to seven feet of snow _the average at Plymouth, (lfass). If di! Mlgriut:Pethers gid,laudedbt WilthoP:Alorthil .they built Claudll mei to rind - Theodore Tilton thinks elergymea should hare to write' their eenutus on ituiped piper. Theodore farms ex- =ZZ=Z3 EMIMiIiM ;s-Abbott, so notorious for magallylig the virtues and drowning tis Maas of 1 b!, P ireilmgsu vim be blogmgMbles, ;engaged Mr a "Life of Christ. Ai it is impassible for him to :resort to ldasurnal style osmetbiag peculiar may be looked for. • Wendell- . Phillips.la speaking on tlftle Meta' la the Wan= cittea.—de diacoaneided 'Tirteent or past tints; and as liliterians are insainnfty rammed to form mere un blued apirdons when the write many morn after the orcarrance! of the create Sty dennitm, we may tikeritilOiep. pose that the great philosopher of th faturssegtspesk —Tldeis, the Scorch bistorip, 071107 and stosnak and one who will take a very prontinint politica in the history of the middle portion of the nineteenth ~inatin7,- , Is thus dertbeg: - Is_ a. littls cum, with a maid head. covered mita *hew lair. ; Be Ina bright bleak me_ prdek aerveu ,aboyeameata" et the partieldazijpeaddaat •ffiautetupezi dazing the 1/ t at one Umbel yearshirejimentUe weal - — TheNrglarri.*AfAre. Thick we ~ I tareakewef as, Ism °Aria; . theiest of the monthlies, his hu been seat to nit Every amber orateim ax law one artielerwidelt it really - defer eafgood to rad; and the Much _atupher bristles with theta: "IL feWrnll of the ...fig fails" u attaztiehrehlelt is io,sat, well :Wnk*. and Waging, that it eagleto awl will caste a , permed i s msdoiC Ail there ere other anklet to tluteerma atauel Whet r are as - meth , aborethe ; I. wetae . : .. rtakeiwaine , eiewitt as it is ire Mesas: this-new uumaishie, stew ler * t ere itetretitameas, wifiaerermid Wespirelor want orpstrorists: ',f%'=ri{..• ...f7:1~ ..~.Y.r ,'aG, w-+-..~.'s ~.. e-...a....1 x .s. ~. '_... gird 410CREL' A coLD, on A I Vl3Xol.Tlllodre•lstaiallate unituma. be elected. LI allawad to Lrf4tNa at Una Lwaigs.a Pealasmeat Wilma/ Dlsßass. sr fl.ramptltes... Is orisei Us malt • BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES • Barbs a direr; "nausea to Ina in. - YRrt. 1211. sedlata Miff. Per Ilrosahnia, tams. Catarrh. Coasarepttra wad Tsk.vat Llaa••••0. Troehas anirmaed whit always 1.4 awe.. dign d r . d4te Speak.. ass 041211 'tai .61611. Chula LIT • Baoscriat. Tao mow • and ar m ulr las WORIUAOS 4111•1101n1m may be stand. SOL Minimal sallAtT farm:no/v. (Tt kpootapd m hitii 1114.) • EOM MALTA, • BMW IMES, Op .t 1 scroas..iirm,* &ad scoarirbat molar.; thelz taitas blttalsb, sad saalaron• to Witt. biallaal Pragmatist asst 17••.;-11 - artm igtat•11111 rattly rumwati, mitt • pmatliart••• a... 1 1 9 11. MiaMrit Ortmas protaatar Out sty mai Ms wise gaga/ auktidsm. abatis: nay ira prat is oaatlalati or U. (titan Wpm. isch Varna. Claw* GLUM of WI ilatibm, Irritstlot or tbs Matra ua trretbsz. Dumas or Zaarlata •ad botastlas trellogattaasca al Mita. Mao • lassie teas U Um MU meats! Is Ha Gramma.. TM as. My Walla , Una .ratommatmmi L Draptlala. Obraticitilesmatan Clatatsos• Mingo., sad It sias 111 W? Bram 1. ual by Wm. eu tr , .• sh• me.tt It to al, nod In MI to . 11 . of It - doollaoar rases. of after Coa• , Isessoas ot Lai= Palm: Ned trout.. la all. area. . at ls I t t I VIV•"“, ir c l,e A "'"!:"l= % l er arigrAt ode. av 1a etarooola or Febtatloa. traaoloritr. Mafia.n or gamma.. el Costeattry aro. val.; Meeralot or retarroar Mau ea LM— Mom. Loeorrara or alla. allooolos s ot elm Itlatle:rt u NklM , great ' 1:121% itrlVAtiot aftlagena, zee warm tat Arterbetas lo4s bealtiyaottoat ick Wo loa==titoatloa m a . sad In - se Arrata area very ease 01 lasartos is In It hem tree ere., ingot:los eflfeet of Mt Meader .„. sad Taanataatlat of t o g a llveya, lyleetatleo4 so. the Aldan.alad.der IM t /leteattoo or Udno. er. 0 4 11&ae. arang. o llll lakyvaara on i'Ll' — ead a Y a m Dennis G th lina taol a of 4 oth pi k e, amoeba watt the folloatoo MnAtotaa raga I ffirliAta L. " re Zi fau .f a o•vosonae, ler+. of W. MLR., Ductops of rata la the auk. Hot Hoods. flmblog of Um- moo. urfaur of Um ram Itntot•ooaa Tam ra4l4 f.loantosyeo, UalTeria Laffllflide of the mucus/ Elrfam.a. misams,ErrßAOT UM 18 DID. AMID 13D SLOOD-2131121138, Ase num al Durns, alslas free Babas of Diu* ration. Bummed ud •TAr • 14 , Z i gm . 1113117 Mud. f ur ;.i. zr. Ousubsta.ol , rold kau swizz. dadRAUMA Arsuliou-la urea" 'mar IA codualea vitt • ' CLBoLtill 100.11 WARD. •. SOLD AT • • • HELIIIIIOLD'iI . • DRUG IID cauziou vanaotriT., BROADWAY. taA 117 DrUllAUMWirksid. • ' - ARK TOR inturßozrra. AND RAZZ NO ORB* BEWAZZ OP COVETTILTLITI. alann. IVIIvN4z4 4n*,.11:11,1.1 rp:ilx I 3= rk•Side* "Niergil al•elleag Cons*. E1m1..7s , “Nliglkt 1114mEd.w INte'intat Pitalas% 111••60..g Oteiriao, = EMTM=ga CM ILVLILLON 04/N. Row T•air. .axg. row TIrALOWX , 7II:I X 0 OTHLa arWIL Binranur. s Ca, BOILER MAKER : I ~ IRON WO :: 1 : 110am,1i,14 and 1111 rem 111. Ratlag sestrog a Ism sari sag forigolog flit the Boos apprersa asasktassr. ono ant or. Os asaatistars every lsocriorloa of Bon. sofa the left ossaass. sad ..maim gaga to say mils to tt. ossate7. Catiamo7s. Bomb tag. lfro Sods. Blom !Um LOYINIOtniI sr% OW oasis. ILI ram. Teats. Otl getarors. Manta Pass. Bona Ina. Brisson. . . _ HILL II MILTZ2iT BLIELSII2. latairlas do. on the shortest Boum. %Coil gayntonewso3r, AEA & CO., illases• as to 1141¢1111014 Kam • KlZZacta. WASHINGTON • WOIIA, rallladeri Nadi illaajdaSataqUipbarillk Naaallselams tif Hist and tizatlaaai7 !him Zdalsee. Elan Itairlaan. Bw Mar.aialim Gear. Ltai Ilmtuaa, Comm of all duersatbl=l:oll -Alb awl BAIL. BOCIa , sal Mot boa 11/M. In:*: Be. IS foram last sal laallkaela eL 1111.10 ala to 817IPAZDII zmirr 7202121tfarIMetsa t.n xs FLARE SUPERIOR COPPEI 'YULE& SMELTIIICWOUL PARE. NeOIIRDY 41k 00 Ilasifiptetmrs arlSisatnta_ six! !WIZ 001 Ms. Pmeed wawa% italzai = 4" ' ill MI llTtb• r S i la K. Ckassastly Ina Ttraere Leaasof Toole. 1/..,.. w arebessegt ir maltATZ "41" D or OAP. ws w W dextrN varlixalzewr IigraCEINCT a. SCOTT, DENTIST, , ps.r.r aritIERT, =3 larli&1111.1161E AND CELIIIA. c..-as son kW Tomes Ws on Ulm lithos of Solitude, awl Um DlalLfiala sad BUS .blot woofs hauedtmeata with ono med. ea - relief. Gm Is Mod letter envelopes, free of taws. Addison Dr. J. lIILLOI HOUGHTON. Ls &ow Loyloo..Pidladdsdds. P. • !USW?, 00 REWARD! Tdia . llorra reward 'MI be paid far latarraatk ra mst !MI lookup the Caarrarplalubsrasiaansot • ANTHONY PRHYVOGIEL, Wbe ba•b• esltary •slantog dada TDZSDAY Ju LIR Newt 41. iIsNNN erne ladies Ls w i se or, wad um • D iu Me walk. ill bad es elms he WS lalt nonraajks Olt Int.AlarkviUsd en; p•aumed •••• a dart cartoon •••naNt. NA Wee Nktek lowan Oaks paio a w teadN„. .I•ONsasales may lo• lan as WN.. ANOXIC- ItTOTLZ. SON It om W•••••10••t • of at NM Cl /1. AMI/NO w43o.lrxcrEL THE FIRM Or LLUGBEAD •"", HUM luive fW la par 64 town et melon to /MOOS =SR ear =NJ: Lournsa. All palms Wise clams main staid Am win prom ass sin MOUS& POWWL, mad all palms /11.0•101•11 to tic nu. veLl Otsyl settle theft 21.01111 d, It Ile 02, Of Ike War: J. Snit • 00., au. J 37 Zona Irteash •nw.s =I CM OAIMI3B IMMIX ODBED celWitheat the au or Um =NS et C.l3lllCr wish Cosnparailvely Little Pala. saUatMla ft. effects 7A ALL CIAAZIL Des.' 14316111111145 T OrL MOST llrral far Clux lar; Lituraess, La. adetnrit Dr. T. J. HEM" IiSZILIZO. V. V.L. M:1:1 34LPANNING, rwir oursitcrria., ST . WILLIAM LLOTD, Ifi;i 114 Cla IPtireat. 2 . 1113=888. ATFcev 84s .da.i ti M4RIIN LIIBLZB, NATO. CAPS AND FURS. 1416,. Zioralbeurte, Wllogissle. sal 1.3111 . Maass , 11117a1:11. Vat4111:11. Xe.113111111011111146i1 [WNW PisaMltUre. sal "Alithen.• ma. 'IVOTICZ --NOTWE MUM= IF lamaeintit s eat in WU men. z . baajm; t. ionliallara r atiesosatat Whom • 14TEI DAT Of lILLSOL Le .i mp claim** mad chars= Datil piatto WL /MODAL suitz.Airlias • 00. BARB & Men; r m. tom LOSOCIATIUN mu) 141474".' -B". Y nu 1.114' ,balbrtair at tem sad BE/r4. _ JOHN D. BELEAr * REM ruing alum= samini z a, swam WM pax rte,- 011NAMMITAL hilte tn il team i cs i nz ikit LFf i=ss " Zred="aullWltt ilitealit siaiws444da MISSES pasailin - WM. SEMPLE'S, iaidmramirind, mitsieg •very large lat.( sten leaglb A et DZL/LIBLO. TIIIIITV, •LTA.COMI, PLAIDS, CA55114107.2.11, ie. IN Armand for u'• oa Wednesday it Thursday Morning, LT • O'CLOCK. ikwa bargain •1111.. (Ina. ON FRIDAY, will ismi • l• dock e Colored Bid Gloves, at 760 At giant barn a, at WM. SEMPLt'S, 80 & Hi ftderal 81.. Allegheny SECOND ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS. We km canstaktly es baud * full Mu of WHITE GOODS. C10XT12113161 LAMED AND lint/P11) NAITISOOI: AI.aPOL D Mira: . AUBT 71.11.111t1AUJIZIO; OASAILMLIA, The (heaped 1.1116 of Irish Lhasa Id TS CET. A nal steak et alarmarau.avram. , MOBBBOWS L TAR SHIRTS, ISILLIIIIII AT .111.12X1X may, IPIOSALI Ilse or Spring and Summer Nosiern AZ VZI LOW !MCI& par slack of 00102T3 r warms rut. ' We Wm, • .27 feel flat et Callan for Ladles and Guttman. MIX GLYN & CO, & 80 Market lit. VZ>ni • w ,DravvoJi.t,tr),,la MACRU & CARWLF, 19 Fifth Street, iNvlrs arruninr Tam KID CLOVE MiniMAUI, 12= linad, ts Sew entsll.l. with /•/ Calert el/ alba. Thel lass Jut opravi 100 DVS.= of Um calatraied A. C. Cr aouvind SIDE, Tarpon*, esimiely to oar gkr•sr. Haiamts out mammas esa trim to 1.11.11. to &al Matta= Su.UOI. Tat Won Ten col cp tamed CC innal, selected sad ti n awl rutty rlenat suid Desirside. T. sasertaiut llUlAp SLAM W 111.6 DD a anz zt CO om LO2l. XXSTEM COLOaI, awl 0111.• 01 Cma. I/E1111.43i 10 S. 7IACR,I7It - lk CAELIBLE, 19 71158 ISTISIT. NEW GOODS aurr 3.lciirvian az Ul3 No. IP ILARIUrr STAMM BLE4CDED XVSL/Jrd, amacon AND muss WM= STOCK 0I 000D0 C/ZsCANIXMITGIV 40112 P. To auto roam lb? extgradloo W OlorO fano book. Sr ftiaaabm Ours. No. ST Maskst Btre•t. 18613. izinwAlir• 18613. IIBIPMIIOI I , BILIMON 4 CO., WHOLEBM.S DRY GOODS, No. 113 Wood Rave .er• epee ILJLIZIE .111rilr AUCX..II-10 11•7 arse as MU TM rash ZWITSIUI PIMA aumitnata &gnat lie Waft ap, Sad pn tfN NO. 11/ WOOD neat. DE12211102 &IQ:ECKERT,. 27 rink Nowt nu Pin ter IleMay Presents. pinion SENS 144.11.1111 AND 11177/LISS. JIMMIKuipll WA/ SHIM WI Wads at /AMOY ISWIGLit. WOOL • XIMLIO 11XDIZ•Eux••• KID GLOW" HARDILIOuIaum. 1101411". KIWI TIM SIIIWILIIIDI/J. 001WOLIrmal Boor szizß. /AMY PAIL • All inte nAlls al Muesli plow Is ANN ti eloge set our-winter,. Mel. CAMtaCCAMIL9I I 4OO% wliuLliuita Dam Ala is MEIN An MIMIC MINIM is.% WOOD OTIMILINT. lane store Dimmed lila. •llso*Yw Fl. NY* °BLEARS SUGAR AND MOLASBEa, la sten =4 f a ti.til MOO. W. IMS• tit dada; MO SW. )7.4lstion lielassei. petal ebedin •.• • plas 00161 as Y iss . =MMUS; itarartates elan t • zearuttm.... L-kat on Pp 1.11 •••••4 .110171111 a SNOB.. imaram.as.urau aal Water 'twat+ I,rThl.. 't.411.-t STIN; AEI Ma ESTATE IWIMS . 1 4 , :ruel ksm a r ee6se Ay . = a n= ~ i l ikze ini. .Soc i S .7 11" ! .' MOM*ai_Vreatm lo Ike Ws oe llitLini IreW ut:ri agi,l2.L . US" /US =WM SIM • SPRING STOCK CARPETS, JUST OPENING LARGE ASSORTMENT ILL . QUJILIT/ER LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY. NT Optotal ladoescuoto to *now who boy to WARD, ROSE & CO., 21 Fifth Street; mwoma.► (OY& BATZia WALL% I JEST IMPORTED. hi 4424 loptei le din last VELVET CARPETS or moor ZLZULWr DZBION.S. Eagllsk Body A Tapestry Brussels INGRAINS All The ruarr UNORTNINT sod tho"LOWVIT • PNIOre IN TUN CITY. COMMON CARPETS, 25 Pent' a Yard. OLIVER NE'CLINTOCK M, 23 'Fiftb.l Str C eet. SPRING SALES. CARPETS HAVE CERTAINLY REACHED BOTTOM PRICIS. McCALLIIM BROS., 0 11 V, a Wee adooltmout of di Mach of OAS. rim% to , at • rOOemUOO from ,terl.o NM acwi~i : ii ."""" OIL CLOTHS, linooo row% Wigy larost clock baulk la - i~ ~ Jl4=l:ic a m 111 Th etzeN. Obey* Weed. inuhm & COLLINS. Ala NOW OPENING tests NEW SPEEN STOCK CARPETS! OIL. CLOTHS, IW/ DOW SHADES. CURTAIN GOODS, PURCHASED LAST MOUTH MR CASH AND IN MART TRATANCIA ♦T fIU LCIVII COO ft LUillertit Thar ' .d weld ast .. le nylsca4 for I= WIIIOLZIBALE AUID 1121.11.1114 Fu Below Their MIMI Vsltie, ♦t Ur pima vim* bargatas of aft ay. W bad I= NoB.lll sued Ttl 'Flab meet, • a CO.'3, ==l p rip I SPECLILL NOTICE, To ?erelumen of Clothing CRAY do LOGAN, 47 St Olair Street, muta min to skim sal ibitr .1.111 I.g• wan st - kyr,bis sad Cldldraa's Aso sow agates goods IS DICW*D EL 0g.0131. I . IOYS' suns FOR $5.00 all othargoodi &quay tow GRAY & LOGAN, imu ma!: U. mar soil«. WESTER GOODS. HOUSTON 4 00., PastiesMe lisiclukot Tailors, 110.37 MIMI SUM. Han Jan Riletea 11111601,8 mm 47 at Winter Coatings, iii YUTtbus. 111. rum tel ue 7 " 0 4 1 •7 t p . 111kAIRDLE, Merchant .Tailor, ttey sti Saltblklit St f ritisbargbe 7L•sviipansikur azimut taa usestessiot CLOTIK UMEIg . ILESi TESTING% /Mk Minn RIMMING 67005, OTXTIIOLOTIUNEI *ADM TO COWIL • MEIMILLIPT TAILORS. /ONO &AIM, Nak II W. 11, 112ELT Itarmillss Ulm% tram 112 ouri • I WAM ik e T wa. OA Itertmy prs•ar S. ass sad sato 4. .1• 1 11 . 4.. = =4 , 13 . 7 t r to mins • Mini toms ow • ronn4 DYERS AND SOMMERS. H . ',11 LIN N. lila awl 1.117 Third Street DYIB AND 8430tnilli, MU ZID raw 14DICII. nu mu B. PUEILIVAI 'Amer Diefalai favrtegEstalklisbmeal, ID. ell ISILIMND ALLEM Simon Wlra sa.f Ilmluoce l Ur.ls IMO a. SMOI M two mos ...otm " ...‘ S 10 Mt WOO, twoMa won.l. amitt NOTICES TO LESSEES OF SEE- 0.21“Z01.L22.2 Afl4l, igagrizAT Pc*. Z , . VALI = parllestasMS.T. tar d may of no lhop.m.threjr.• gr i 4 ttit s e i tz of Won trliethl.. ' • ' *MIEN N. AAA OK as 17.1.UvUt PITTSBURGH DAILY . GAZETTE : MEALNOU & DAUPER, FLOUR. GRAiii AN. PRODUCE Commission Merchants 310 LIBERTY ST., nrrsacsan. CoEßEnment. •nllclted. • U. Martin , Cutle• Mech. ~.„ ;• ,,n . g . i . .n e la tz . f lt 111.1.mrtd eG. T .11,11:E3 M . STEELE & SON. OEALZBAI2 FLOUR, FEED, GRAM; loid Produce ooneraily. No. VS 01111.1 STRZET. MU Zan Common, ♦LLZOHY}(T C/17. TA. SITOILAIT COMMESION 20110HA151 TB. Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, ae 249 wzrurr ETRSIST. SCMUlbff PITTSBUIWEL ROBERT KNOX,' 00X103)1011 IMRCEILINT. • /Lad dilater in FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, a• ~ L . J. BLANCH4RD, WHOLJILLZ &MD RETAIL 4 13" Pg. CZ! 333 R te, 888 Penn Street worm. k AMER, Corsonimpion Xerchantsj . Malan, la 717.01:1'5. GRAIN alal recouvas Caa•ralll t sans atallalleal tract, rttlatatrielf. & ARRIDITRONG, 198VIIIIN in 0111381011 lIICIWITI, far Lb. rda cf 11 , 10. r. Sorer, Drl•4 hafts, and ?mincer* y, No. allartatiltr•cl. mazer of Flrsi.rlrfar.rith G,CIIO3ILAKEG LANG, Whole- We doolors !cannel.. Maur, Orsirs, rro dud, Provisions, PM, Chem. Polkt, Carton in and 11. Wood litrontoloorliinsoiliiinsvi. ntutcrah. r.. noa:nut PM. f. riOalps..Wlll2l 110.1...1 . 111. a. liN I. HOUSE & 11110/4, Bow- CzaBo. TO Jour 1. HUM A CO., WIK,I• flit Oracers sald Connellsaftra Ilorelmils, not Su V.1111,11.<14 and Water Ataints. PI/Lnbarrt feal H. r TIDDLIC,No. VW Liberty Si, rtsteutigh msasfseturts. Rash sdvszezt on GossizSztents. sad two fOr /*sod.. M.' sca XIOS 'Fp KNOX & SON, Commission M.lOlOll £RI ,a 4 Desiers La PWU& 0511111. /MD and ZEUDIIOR ward- U. Ea TO Dismoad. 077100.11. CHIRAL Al - (0.07 4117. . 161 Tar Dem. ast.awroup,_COMlllig• 011 IetROII4I.NT half] aiTA LaILOOKII OBS. WHOU4an 50}1.42 IRON, MI and C w.e.... Offilla an. 1 11 aid Pall l a i n NUR/. awns !Inland. T.rrns. NAIAD & PATTON lAbolasaaamms. °malaria% Nactiaias Lad dollen la inaam nal. • •• Maim Play (Whoa awl Lard OU. lloe. a BIYi T. iSTINIXR...../. S. 11 nt1x....1111. D. =TIM) 14E1MM & EROS, Alkicoesso r Romer Andar•os.) Winiassi •OW • p•••Iv% Frahm, Sluts asel Wen, Cbsfeetl Wo 61 8 '' St7v . l.a g gi ft 01". JOIE B. CANFIELD.CommaLs• it.. ana Fomurdinir 1114tekaat and whole. eleala to Wit.bni .11..esve an. anon nsnuly, dos. M 11111Iroal 4re7tubmt“ tma olca s LUPTON & WA.ILLAC E. Whole. •-• FIKUCEIIII AND PROM: DIALERS oi Myth PeVo.t. ritt.t.traki. .tallat* podzisr - cle:isiA /LAZAR 1:16I: /411121CX. rrsnants wm. P. kid REMIT baereure CAPT. 0101110 .1 1 1111.ural Ageat, 1/110. Waior wen. bbeidd • VW. .W O . dolma ♦ lO statne, macro. Will Wan bisftali Ueda et PlO add pi . massa 11•11171. tr. datermilbed Ly plumb.* ud Liberality Kalltgl till diameter mita Liiey bare se .lu, I to Uta beet protarliod le Um ud 000 be luaral. • LW. Kistiet. - Jo Ult. Itathmik. Jams W Lima KIrLym.DICS IL imam. laren.le• jM n Asieraw latl M. 1L•14 D. Thane LING Its. 'Mont./4 neor Y. HLWILLr. aKTIO.II/11c. BEx rnAsuLL'V INSURANCE COMPANY, N FRINKUN *AVM BANK, No. 43 Ohlo St, Alleghvoy, Pa. DIENCTOIS: itatry Inds. Bea Itlddla, Wanda TWIIO. T ad. liyr. J. H. dedf.b. W. M. Inman. swan Ladino, CIICO. D. LlLlDDLX,lkegniary. strintir rnaldeat. ad. PENNSYLVANIA INSCHANCY COMPANY. OF PITTIMUION. PA. 41101441112 /street, Moab Meet MIA L a llama Clastra t tay, tad lass its scat 019 oaLNU .t 1 ulnr WaILTISIL. PreC4tlat. C. C. BOTILL, VLs• Crud lama. CLI/Intla rATIMIC. Tretscm. DtallTC 1.0.11811 thlearit Worn. C. C. Uccle, tiso. . Qatari Ca/ALL C. tnatt /mob tab./no 4. C. 1 / 1 4.1.T. foetal. Mac, I Jeans Voerttal . :an . alalsa.al. Anzac, • Vti Nminorrir • AGAINST, VOBB BY PINE CUMIN INSURANCE COMPANY. Or PIOILADELPMA. 01111sei aas d 47 01111111111:12 . IT U. SUVA MILAAOSL. Aloaftel I.A.UA IaAVA 1...14 Ann.r. 'Amid I•Age Lek. • • IcAlkb Itthirard '.wg. W. j ll rttin. IVTSIV,+•44I,AA itnWIP VA Vie. Pristnimt. VX. VA•V.A. J. limunrEn COMO. Aiwa t. 112611 Worth Wen am Wird Wall na. . LLEGIIEST LiSULLINCE CO tract Ato ll M PITTV 0.* .1.M. 1 [1.-t , tl,a, NO. r /IR kritaSl ell Cad/ e nY n.' gyz, •Ist, PZ.Z . '" I I.I ...Ea ? , Jan D. not. MsDarlta, 24..7 . 11 43.7. +1.0 "46 ,4 neut., IV'Cir, pEOPLIPS /NS nun, a. creg. • . A MIMS 4)0 , 11141111I, . ' 1A37.1i1) . .T1ZE AND ALIIVINit 141114 rlnlcmOilt. to - r n ""U r Mr . 4.1114 f 1f. 1 171:6?, ""'.5. Rai. ' rwrkt. , , tmant Artmelb: .or . 4 t iit: tk: . ' p r lklaiXatviri. "" i''''lr.".4iNll. PlitiltraVitrol44.ll. 1)/1N WATT. Y 146 rneitsmi, Tr, 1 iota:2llLO, norrtt. L.,. .. Y. thug. lAii. IitnIZON, *kw{ TOBACCO. CIGARSAO. TOBACCOS TOBAOL411: TOBACCO! FIYB HUNDRED CADDIES, Asswirrev BIAIrDS. /INT SIC/VIVID Ott RIM, HIM RICE lift 'vault kw, As low as 50c. pee pound. _ TobatooaletA t Wooers mot *am or out lo 7groa woo" do well to cal I luAl ozWao ROBERT F. wEDDEws Itidatil !aide! ,a* Coe. ' Smithfield & Wafer SM. • JOHN MEG'RAW, Mize.Outtartt otaud Incitesls a.dCALI Dularta all lilsela of Tobacco, Banff and Cigars, 45 MICALSCrX) SGSMIRLECIWW. ti , ===' ,3 4 4 2 1 a7;?" 4 "4.17,V EICELSIOU WOUML R. & JENKRISON. Nasslastaxas fad 4sc.m Is TOtlaCe,4 l Sandi; Rpm Pipes, ke. hog No. 4 TIONSAL ST LissinsT. •FAII LlTHOGRAilifitile. sax muir ITINIMAT.--............F1111At CLAW SINGEWLY & UM& . 05u0.....$ se Wes. I.llataslaaaa • 04.1 PRACTICAL UTHOORAPHES The ONI. M - T STEAM- LITHOGRAPHIC AS. Manus ir wink or Tits MOUNTAINS. Botlnem Oards4mUsr MOAN, BoadV u Abels. M (mumps, bbow Cads, Viplamas,, MU, VW., vaslicitee of Depply. moo! Onrda; k. Tog. TS Mad T• 'la It., rm., cu.,146 auLue n, LITEMGIZARETII, le.. SO *UM= ii*J.llp•llo Hatless. D1e9111,11 . 671C0, out VOT. x i alaws, &rag taw aqua, 2,000,000 ACRE or CIIOICII LINOS POll SILR ay TEX Urden Er!itir; IdirgitO DIV .111100. Lying Caul On, line of Moly 'rod. at 311.00 W $5.00 Per Acre, And on • CIOZDIT Or MVO TWO, rat partiolarn. =pa. at., address 001111 DEVERLIM Lang Momlntoner, Tope4a, Or, CIEL&N...IIII4ILNISOILII, Mess. RUM AIMIBLIC NA LE.—The undeniga will expo. to Fantle Sale, • IMMIX AT ICH. A well Improve. gum.situated al kluelon's Station. Y. 11. M., two mil. wen of N.. /lore •a ghee, Wtteoreland toasty, eq. eantat•ing .63 acres of good lead, suitable for grattias. taming or theeelliretioa of grapes The whole tract la wel watered by lever tailing 'MUNI,. and well of newer failtpg water la tog mt yard. The laud hla a/1 oaderlaid with a vein of coal, 6to Wt. The Wpm,. Meats are mania' • goedfrOm frame bowie, tentelaing aloe Tool.: • good Mame bask/bum 40 by SO feet; `nod tenant imam: three spate orchard. of good en e U riy=l7;g b tanti r t t lrile D' ared b e r .itterg whole Datats, to Mit puroamme. rale tool - meo. t I Wit F. st..- when terms "rill made known. .1411t157 IMP 'RAMEICOTTAGE. • SITUATE 1 MT. WASHINGTON, Within ZS minnticai walk of the Monongahela bridge. The brossa contain. tre room. blithe.. mans and TSUI!. Lot In lest float by MO teat deny, fr:nting 015!'. three atreeta. On Malan aft 06 tall boar - Log grape vines of Ise aroma varleiles. Who ala kinds of shrubbery, thcli as gooseberries. blabkberries. atraithrnies and diVrrtreN.46= .aoMari.=lTrerd STEEL & WILSON, lroksia and Beal IMO . Agana; Ja7o r No 66 Smltlineld street. pOOLIC P.0.E.-42n- latardaY. tool.eMlT2l:3' W I ittl ' entrnf i s A n ' S r t . Reid. Rollin[ oe doe malestreet awl • Ittla I.l:4atel i test **War the *Mal lon the abase to aad es hem ttebault. e litte of tba P. O. A l:. lt. it. itte house to ,i hrtek. tau. tst. ' l 7 : gla t i . 1 .1= a it IreVotTarteVarrllite: est dad good lame nankin 00* the best of noun Per farther pullet!". Input,* of J. L. MIAs. tWIALL., 111. then Men, or the anderstnied. ea the.ornalses. A. W. SWUM, lieuraeas. Allegheavantaty, Ps. tent: FO I E SALLE . AND TO LET.- 1 c o ....4%24.1. 1 "'" 10 7:::0 1 :1 oil rses "mi " th" locatton. Atm. a Mall. Wooled Amory" for!! *meaty urn of Ladd, and soul haproveueate, 001e1 1 will sell chew sad on remoulds terse. Ululates /loans to •0 ea good street+. Private Derellina Humus to reef I . a . Low .e. edu , ss . ... ha ant. • UAL. of . . , W1.0.L11 WARD. A COAL rilafi FOR SALE. AIWA* of Lao Sat 'AAA %Wall dally. Wading Inkaal a. Won , A.m. 4 / 4 ....4 , loam. azalea. sad WI no aseessary Manta lior a Awn twalaan aa4 Altaadlata oporulaa. Taws MlPalla " r ' rlgoTris AV ' 07 1a11 a' N...2 lw sold War ud goad lama. Apply to W. . ICIIKUUN. Baal ItstAta °Alm W gnat al.. ay • Its Ihmort Maass. aal, pA !WILY G OCERT STORE TUII OALL-Ottaate4 ea