11 QS la ED ye V*l* Gaga! air/ AHD MITRBAR. LADIES' TIIICT SOCIETY OF LLE- Iheente-fassmiaAnmealltasting—Stee• Uses .L-telloeve east lganagoes—sre. • pule' of sae. Illeesellsey mug Teems - MIS twenty-raturtla animal' meeting of the Ladles Tract Society of Allegheny City, wee heddyesteedspeftensoon In the First PrteltTtantat Mitch, (Rey. E. E. "Swift's.)` Rai. jegin'T. Preis' ly, .D. D. was celled upon to preside, and J. E. ihellent - Eigoeted se - Secretary. - ' Upon the =elusion of the prepaosto- Zzllglatus exercise., the 121311 , Constlta. .and B -Lame of the Society were ,reed by the and approved. . escagraitr's =reser. • - -,-- The Memel 'repent - of the Secretary, Mrs. Robert& Hays, nu teen read. It wee an able end Interesting docu ment, revlewierthe gantlet' of - Home .Idrengenzatioa, fir bow-to bring the mamma under gospel influence, in en In teresting and entertaining manner. We make the following extracts: _ , -.".11ds ecielety la especiody adapted to ''aid in thieviork. - Its object-is to pro- mote maigelical religion by the circa/a . tior ti trsete, by conversation and prayer. - The talon-is mad, meanly. The is duty is to search out every ~ - tangly; penmade them to reed the Bible • Stid attend chorea; bring the children Into. Sabbath Schoch, sad do them good `es they find opp m4Y -- It ;main a - steady evangelical - and Catholic basis; and Chrlitien women of various branches of Christ's family hers mingle their praywasnd unite their labors for the toldlect of our daily pallition, •Thy. Magda came, Thy will :. be done on earth as ft in Heaven.' ' "In MU way plain pal truth, In en mth attractive form, is at led to hundreds of families who have n Christian l rota. , , 'eseits around thorn; o - bear neither . exhortation nor er , and would not be reschegtry any etas means. "Many, very newsy, too, are the sorrow ing, tempted ones—the lone, and and pear—emneot than God's children, sad, who are comforted and cheered; helped to bear , their ,bunien,by the kindly words end =wised of the Tract Vhd ...Dining the year 55,500 tractaind 11,010 messengers, in the English language, M... 150 tracts and 11,130 messengers in the ' ' Gertnatflangazge, haysbeen circulated. '" .150 children:rhea' been brought into Sab ;:beth Schools, several bibles given from the Ladles' Bible; Society and numbers .". -of skis and destitute been-relieved on .., sigi:. on to the Ladies' Relief Antoci; •.- , .The prolog monthly distribution Is -L.s,9ooopEnglish tracts and. 2,550 messengers; Woo. 1;800 Meta end MI - anmengers it the German huiguage 95 voluntary via . , '::taes ereengeged in Ws work:: .2lonectait - tell what blaming. maybe getheredfrom MUspiritual seed-sowing- among so :nay olds. No e'• but the Om-. .•-.Wei= one as follow Wse thousand. -:..: of gospel =la; no mindlett the Infinite : one can sum up the regatta- Tollla over . sight and madoua blessing do we cow - 'Mit the seed sown—to Ms people com mend the eantinuanneand *enema., of this distribution for they= to comet" .Thia report waannaninzowalv adopted.- The report of 'ld.bs A. - Fleming, .. _ Tresetwer, was also reed and Mop . , tisk - .T.t showed a inlande of tj7M 07 in tbe Tresem-y, alter an expenditure for , ; trade andeneuesugers of Ma In. \:-'lnteresting addresses were.then deliv - -end by Bev. S. F.-Seovil„ of .the -First Treibyterian Chinch, Pittsburgh, Rev. - z Cf. - Goettroan, Evongslieal Lutheran Ctuarch,Washington street, Allegheny, . 7 'M:id by Dr. Plenty, the Chairman - The. following Bmrd of officers and managers were then elected to serve for the ensuing year. ~ - . orrressa.. , . President—hint F... 8. Branet. ' ' ~_ EMMiM . . • Ulan If. Bryan, lira,r C. Cochrane, Mrs. Forrest, Miss Mateo, Mbar litch, Mrs. Yeager, B re a di ng, P ogan, Mrs. J. Pattarmn, Mrs, Mrs. Pain dexter, Ma. A. M. Bryan, Mrs. 0 miry, Mae Blackatock,lfra.. Hoag, Mrs. Kay, 311.hor.Flamen, Mss Phelps, Miss A. P.L. ; temen,Etra. B. B. Campbell, Miss Pat .. The benediction's.= then pronounced by the Chairman, and Use meeting ad, MASH, Is. . - • Th e following deeds wore admitted to . . probate at the Itecordar'a.Oface Mirth Thoutia Dunning to Wm. Dunning ,81 . av . 29, 163.6,101.5 No. 1 and 2 of Hugh Den noes estate in Pitt townahlm lochs, 1. containing 18 scree and 19 perches, . • and lot pro, , 2 contaming ,perches , ...... .8010 . • Ralph Busby to Alexander M.' Dyers, FeMmtry 17,1868,10 t on Western ,v. 'atm, • Allegheny City,. 2.5 by '737 Daniel Shawhan to Daniel William., • - March 3,1865, lot of ground in Scott township; containing 5 acres and 45 perebas Fleury Irwin ;Xi]: to'Andrew - July 8, 1865, lot of ground in Scott - townthi , ountalning4l *eras-. ..Ttho 'Andrew Rankin to &wait Scott, Msreb ,7 - 1868, the above described lot.-61000 Malcolm may, adadrdstrator of Michael ' .. . O'Hara, tolGlecage V. Rex and Frank Wolf, Mach 'B, 1898; lot 140.158, in Thomas ficott's plan of lots on Penn sylvania assume, in. the Bizth ward, Pittsburgh, 240 by POfeet, subject to nn =mud_ ground rent of Ally dollars. 6 4 . 3 30 Jo . L . . .....admirdstrato of Mary Linton, to M.; K. Moorish, January 30, DMI3; lots Nos. 24 and 25, on Frank - - lin shoot, in the Eloyenth ward, Pius- Liao Williams to Catharine We s i l mer, ,oo3 'Septe Birtni mber 3, 1834 lot oil Jane" street. , East ngham, 24 by 60 feet. -.16;0 • William _Brown t w o -C. M. Batley, :Mardi 4, 1868; lot of ground in Versailles - township, containing three acres and - - fifty-dune perches .... Robert. Ballentine to Jane Bs-Dentine, March 30,, 7 1867; lot on liandrusky street, Alleghen, 20 by 90 feet $1 • „Andrew Kloman to August Brick hams, February 13,1868; lot in John street, Liberty township, 24 by.7o feet, with • - buildings $3OOO Agnes .1. Sfation_to John Miller. August • 14,1850, lots Nos. 138 and 136 in Re. • Bert Robb's plea of lots, on John . . • streeLin Pitt township, 65 by 400 feet ..... ........... Luther J.lltimple et al to Matthew An-. scrif;larson.bed - Se lo .-pt. 22, ...1.867, the above de- ts. 61600 Matthew Anderson to Robert Kirk/nu rick, March 7, 1204 the above -do. 'scribed kris - 111,9 o Fihn.lwrii Denny to John Knoll, Sept. - 11; 1857,10 t-him 24,1 n Elisabeth 'Den ny's plot of lots is Pitt township, by 110F..:.......... . ... . ......5175 IlDmt r of tee Paso& John -Ketratalt yederday made infix qiati6 before 41ffe;Saan Mt iert anaiust PricAdielixter, rei surety of We palm The prosecutor . 1a inooper,..scd - has *shop in the Fourth ward, Alla ' gheny. , The defendant, , who t also a cooper, had been worktrin for him, but ego. discharged Naturist, at which it 'appoint he took offense and threatened to whi,p the prosecutor. He Irma Erected and held to hall ter his appearance at Anna Bhutillog made information Le fore the acme magistrate aiminat Louisa Bronson for rarely of the pesos, In which mite alleges that the accused ailed her a ..I.l . rty The 'patties reside in the; Th lrd 'ward. AlbilthetlY. ir &rem) t win Matattair Dp. as ova mime. - Frederick MU* appeared *direr, Aldan= Thomas, yeaterdey, and mode information . charging Frederick Bow ' man with aretanit and battery. It is al- Jeered by tho prOseettor that he went to the house of the defendant, who keeps II tenon- in Diamond' allay, And while there "a About* anise between them abonten ohs whiskey Bownian - .clarliur that Miller-owed him forty-Live 'dollars, which was contradicted by . Mil ler, whereupon Bowman struck hint on • the had end otherwise injured him. A warrant was issued and the defendant arrested. - He waived a healing madness, • ball for bla appearanoe at Conn.. LitikeTeuttig an adiourbed meeting of Birmbogbaio totizeilyea bald. Mem: bore preematt. - -Masent. -.Tatbibze, Ben, :weber, htelleribie And Betrtiartn. Dr. The Anal socotuitar Danl . el Berg, Bor ough Tax :Oolleotor, Ira presented by I the Pinattee - Ceuunittse, 1,114 reported that t h ey. b a d. m,,,m - the maple and _ . . _ _Oa motloa of _Mr. Jaaara, a Tote of taaaka wag teaderarto Mr. Bag far hb.. t Fo±l2llptiltiiil and efflaleany _ i the . Per n of las &alai as Oalladon MeiSaAaM , . lareeni ef elething.i— B. }Andrson informalloa benne Alder an Mal .ln-rotordoY.ahmling latch lEasehan oau with the Weeny of a salt pt clothes valued, at .U 7 and two Starts at V.. The promentor.resldes " Aver! stneW, 6 " ghtray, fromwhimes hangars the clothes .ware taken some two months since. He ,allsges fa the In(orntaJon that be boa reason to. belhow that the clothes wren ' Qs . bonne of the accused on Ohio street. A search wanant was n!lauld. I , • A - NaUT.l.lses...lbe unpaved•Dor • gun of tionond street, In tha Eighth Ward. jut 09179 . 11 an =menially muddystate. arischavuvrill con:pm favor ably ith that. -of - the worst of sada la the w rmal districts In thaspring seamen in p aattcularly that part jest beyond the bridge. where conaidarabl• tang has _been dons with earth dug llama the , bill aide preparatory: to paving. :Wag" na in paging link to the huts Or the wheels and “walltngo during yesterday wait a THE COIIELTS. Us.lllad -Stales Metalei Court-IE4IM 1.?! . .•14Y0M In the bankruptcy branch the fellow- Lug tatudrusse was transacted yesterday: Final discharges as bankrupts were granted to William L. Helamiteiri., of No:that:Oberland county, and Samoa R. Caldwell,' of Northumberland county, and cestilicates to that effect awarded. pea:lona for final discharge were pre. seabed by Jamas A. Sheerer, of Luserno county. 'Edwin R. Shepherd, Scnunoo, Benjamin F. Halmos, of Luzeme onuoty, and the usual orders :rude by the Cont. - A voluntary petition for adjudication In bankruptcy was• - fded by lease I.C. Gregory, of Luzern* cannty. A role Way adopted directing that hereafter where a takes proem. elan of a distillery by proem bunted for violation of the revenue laws, he stall cause the bead of t h e am to be taken off and the machinery disconnected In such a manner se to render U impossible for distillation to be carried on. It was also directed that such thetaisis shall at all times mes open toadmired= of any Internal Romaine offiter who would be entitled to admission if the Rams were not In cautady of the Idarslu. • • I- , . Ma Court yea to melon :but a short time yesterday. No maga were reedy for triad. In the auieof Pierce Tri.Tarnaban, pro vionaly reported, the Jury found In favor of defendent for $72,8 . filtarsee illessloss—Jadrire2Lathm. The. Criminal -Court Adjourned early yesterday, in eensequenee o. the De led Attorney baying no asses torten'. I= William Lewis appasied before Alder man Thomas and made information charging Reynolds Payne. with desanit and battery. It is alleged by. the prone cator. who 1.4 constable in Lower St. Mall township, that the defendant came np to him in the street and demanded the settlement of a bill due him forsome civil business he had transacted for Lewis. Upton being refused the money he laid bands on him and dragged him to the Squire'. office tomakehimpaythe money. A. warrant was issued and the defendant arrested and held to hall for a further hearing. Comagadone Recorded.—The folleering turned gentlemen baying been appointed Notarial Public by Governer Geary. their commissions have bean received and entered on record to the Recorder's ottlon - Gilbert. M.-'McMaster., Charles C. Taylor, G. M. Murphy and P. R. Men; Pitteburgb; Frederick M. Malmo, Oakland; John Ramsey, Alleshen3; J. R. Jaques, Best Birmingham. RUH csnaequence of a break In some part of the machinery, the tack factory of Chest. Smith it Co. woe compelled to stop yesterday and we are Informed will not getinaried again boll:qv Next week. Amaardt and Battery.—John O'Bryan =idol:den:nation before Mayor Black morn, charging two men, Boyd and Stewart by name, with moult and bat tery. :Warrants were Issued tr their ar : t tzfsi:-• K .11 tglagl:l FOR FRAGRANT HU CHOICE COFFEE, PURE SPICES 111=1 ROBUVSOWS, No. 20 Fifth Street. RECRUIT'S' AND COMFORT foe THE ILVLI.tbO CUMINCINPIT , J. B. FLAL — Ftrtlfw SAFETY FIRE JAElitit Car Heater and Moderator 1 Par !MOIL AND HOT AIR ;MUDS. ellsben. log tette the tat et States and tires in or anent Lt. Panaceasr ea -Denote Cart, HD the at taelbates to pradDrat tea battle az, tent wt..- rat ter [laift . af "b ntia a lr ,27.111.""; tiartne oatslated or Ntellntlad Etalaa, Lett-r. Patent ter ► *seer Jaen. eaten Is mama tee to Dust Ds matt Manta bees Sant maw be ay. pled to It to tee ;bastion Sad e tealrit itL Inienatd. It la azure bract .p.a from watteants y Ifte. arlstaadatt from !Wit.... data. et When Iron at b- D pl a p s e e narxeel wandan e ewtwae te-r W t M a e w n beectne a- vezetatd, e d e l ed rrnatwl .to s tn penal ea:W..lin wears weed or n. En tow tumble mat real may be ennead In etra. preAlsolty De, to. lam saw tettO to IMOIr ...velttion to.teias, deft .(s, twd- nes. Ill.& Yeul.n.u.„ naireaears, St.. ..dater twadnallont ate made danaireas by te ararbtaleeL. and secculp beured van lib, °A ebbllettton. A t tu to eatnernetart or it ate above /amigos ; anan, itartertal Debt.. dinerat se my •Lk 10 St earn atillag diner or btata ar ecoanD • J. S. - 8813IELIII/. . AGIP Mkt tbe PLANI 131.100 PAINT r ttalilv a 4-• ma.= AtiZILS , 11 , 411 . We p lat . Laren Pa. - ADA ar VAgES' COLOGNE 13E11, E4'.A.NUY CHINA, Part= Statuettes, BOHEMIAN 'GLASS And ether 92A.PLZ &ND MICr °WM mat }SSW,. .• 100 Wood Bfrest. RieILIRD E. BREED & Co. detilt • fHOISII. glikE B 1 Bgt =ME= SPENCER, WRAY 3 CR., WON IND biz, Port& andßrown Etc: PlTTSBigiall t CtIZECT 14 / I .7llo7lr.likbllffel• 0 V r e rirsB otiar i rtu, PRINTING Ala WRAPPING, PAPERS cLuiTim iii..IIM(VILLI. 0111 V. 11610itTON NITA" 711 W BECIUHTVN, PA. 1C 31!D 111.5.156110V115. 821111 rd Street, Pitts b urg, Pp 0114 U5155-I.i.4UST 21.1..15Zir" prellers. illtVel.llll=g r Zt .'. Dleactois—Aurast Ilott, ela. asmr, 5 Hanaux, 401r5 5. bait Pala for Papa, ntoelt. Mime NEW SPBOG QOM I=l HATS D CAPS, =I MCCQ.B.D & C 0. 2 E 4 • 234 14/0031 *Mt WEST. common; MACHINE aTONZ. WOIcKs, Northwut •C4roisr, Or vas I.4.adsaa, • , fferwic AVIVATSI •111 00. Aisar ojnalui ar %never° az sibert.U. imam am:, evtr .. 11.4.43 700 DiIIZAVALX.S. HEZWILUT VAA/Ll6. IiZAD ABU 21/1113 MING% ite." artif Oar yrelattly ozaantuod P 111•0 Zi CHAILLEN JIZEIZONTERP, 1331 lIEVNIZALL IS7, /1141ZOIIE , t. Muth doer at ma DllatorlLl Glass, bins , Ware 14 table alien 3/I.6TXICH raimaiv r aradsi motred la • Int class am:* hand. Oall La scusotra wt. rnms. • 4011 a ittuesNANN. nnii Mint idne hod &Hakim& Ikaissetth sad Deafer ft Hardwire lUtt chri ryeds of all diontptiall bad am. ••12 Um ren galm. IWe doe. NahlTallv Oxon nollra. IWe CELEAPEST - PLACE IN TAO/ • Frs To sin Tax . . TRIUMPH .COOKINO STOVE, . - = =! P.MDI:MIT JOHN B. & A. MTIIIIOO4, MEMITIMONII ID 8:1=1 em 4 . . brork7jl.l intITILMX3I CUM as plods* rost vac% prrristaimicims. - i, ll=l . x!m.w , a4uLtssaL sarearses tam* WE WIL tt L KEEP ON _BANAN grruZZa u nto a t li r D2A%Trif4aMta Uomasrs Wismar Vim. semi . Lard& tantlary. WT." . 4L ITIIW:iii*KIIMIX a OUr BEES EMI ; IPEt. jrIVHiailYZ., BARER END BROKER, 116 Wood St.. near corner Of Fifth, Government Securities, - Veld, Silver, • Copponts •= dth4,..1...1C Ca Lthal.l terse. Or.: thid as WI the prlewthel cities of Nur., COHESION OF 7-30'S. zwz ow arm to margin ueeWOND .7wrk.v•-rtimaries MU TIM. New 1887 5.20 Geld Coupon roads. JAMES T r BRADY & 00., Dealers in Government Seanzities to.r. ra.m a wabd mama.. FINANCE AND TRADE • UPI= Ow au Prseestraga GI/Laira, Memoir, Match e, lege. Gold OPetted • doll and lower at 11.0%, de 'timed to 17SPA, advanced to 143%; and closed weal at The canes' for the &aline is to M looked for la the large amount of althea bills gm offering on the market, which asks. the shipment of settle tinneeesairy lei the sweat, the amorist wf alga on Ito marital therelore become" heavy both.h to carry Whilst enrreney tonne costinsad 7 per sent. gold. A farther destine le looked for, sad It is probable the lit sup be reached, at that figure • WV Itionbwrof Importers may buy lot duke sad refuttainta Tit Europe. Bonds, is eyntpathy with the lower rate. of the gold Freedom, hare datelined; Ittel sad teed Tiro Twenties an consconently vary weak, sad cannot be shipper!_ prolltablg at present; the. genetnl tone or the bond market la for lower rata!, and sellers predominate. Stooks ere exalted, and lisle finetuated lenity from I 1 down to 14. and op again to tit the balance of the ilet is steady with a aUsht bapraraenat on the Western shares; then la • growing disposition to buy Indolase Walkout bonds. sad. eoneequently, all the Issues of the Fort Wayne. tileseland and North Wooten:, boadi harp Improved. Moat; la Sm. and b to Id, per nat. le !Feted for gaol plinth paper rUclarth am sixty days. Mort Inquiry Is made for ell; bank 'stook. MMZ;M= 0 . 1 4 / 7 .234) WU% /RN: WU. ISIS, ilk 1 . 51 . 1 0 73i7 IS W./0334: Consols, IMitlan 101%; I-10a, MM. • - Classiand At Pittsburgh'. R. • id blossbarkis 11111011 Express E q .; Western Cahn Telegraph &la ... .... . . 77)n eittsburshrort Wayne a, 04lotto ...... 11l Northwestern nallnisd..snnopo....... Sit( NostOwntern—prafarred---.: ..... St q New York ()antral Milo son Zniwassippl Cern.Lames ........ 31.4 *Wag.) Southern. MZIMgM • • r” , . for ............ ....... The followtog statement .zEthtu thit bud mu of tho Ptilabzuxit Clearing Rouse. for tb tall y, February 1n Euebeatea alance. 33 1 .1,911117 le] Ell • • 278,249 41 47,744- 41 WO 417 09' 70.04168 • 315.011 71 • 110,414 1.1 247,00 fo 118.141 7.34,011 47 111.764 ei hiwoh 1.... -- Totals-- 54 —Toe .11asina lbst. of Sander, ant The pant fool/Mon of the Bostos money mathet tar Palma conshanol somewhat satalous. w/l, goarament aolZNmala , twee mane Imooo Wraland at very modwats rates. 'bank ellen kayo It as his opinion te-dsy that he . .sotutt borrow • mitlloa of doll.. at a per cantor leas; thou% le admitted that rho wen/lw might ha • shortcan ad th at be 'would probably ha o 50110.1• bear. wistaria day," whitf wenn arly la nall. Wow of Um bulk* aak* per seat. for rtnad 'muss on Ounrstrnent or bills strictly! &obelus Padine.thd quits • Ramat do nothing at toss Una e. Is tn• dlecoat tics, Wallet aka. rule. The waste of regular bank susamen ars mato/1W oa attortdala papa, in most.. senoras at 6 to did per eat., bat ouuddars late dtheoreted its a day or taro Um T per In about the nu, to anal .Rhin • month of Um 11.• for spasmatly statements. antsCme Trthate, of Saturday, nye: This storm, Math eartmenewl at an early boa this months sad goallaued without in. ternalaslon dating Um calm dsyounte boor nen on the street nod /Lithe Owls theeedlng.l dult The demand for money was, lawyer rather mote away malty on &okras! of gnu: oPeratore, who ea seam Agatha for a rat Sams Urge orders were resairol mortday Zoo Om puteathe a wheal, bat th• a4ramm /art Madrid, *gait was maintalnad to day, pareat6l Ours brag alled la all thstansea Whs. Molt. with Illea• Cars waa In good specatatlys dentad mostly as loaf as.., cot L ig.= Itt . s tl hig =re i sfll a ls t i k a y 1 . 1 lamer than a nay Una *Min two wahr—arre the makes 1. very easy for all heslumate nor. amen The bank rata 1011.041 alit per seat on misaelianeous allaterals. though In woe thetanfte, self Wsana are made on goretrunew sortuldes at •to 0 per lest In the open market outalg• paper awing good .knew ,.. taken al I totY per ant per month, —Vas 614.114e1ph1a 'Ledger. of Saturday, let .Thee I. • cur demand for mossy, tut these Cl wrallßooalty In joronarleur di atare at bank for wt the gaol, legitimate bust..,. papa that I. zebra. oat en hear of no traaa. astlona 'sow at Mai and teen rates. Oa can s the rata. • to g par .sat., the tomer :1 0 = ''' ) . . l‘ fa r t e vert= ' l2= tl,:t rate !mows at • to par ant. 400 the arail of what. saleemed wed paper that Inds Ito wiry to the etas& dtwonnted at Ito 9 per oat, raper that is not approved an treat's.a age hat with mu. 6161salth and at ale. ranging from I to 134 per dust per month. Maim( quotations as ramrod by Jame. T. Brady • CO.: Gold U. S. ra. Ism Ivo Fa., 1514 w tati 1.2)•, Jan. and Juir. 14§ • Pa. Jan. and July, .... 101 June, ans Adr. 7 o. its% May Comp. MO ,$ . • Orms as swi Prrnmai CtAirm. NoaaAT. Rand 1, nu. Them Pas sills • mO7 light ottP9 l l Of Cattle tiOmbly, bed while the demand was eery stash nwlnatad, them beCog so foreign Owen Mandl,.. - ad the Outshoot buying rerT mailmen, the market, a merthelesi, was a my We oat. cad Ulnas all Oho different grades tots esandaralloom ;two ritlel a Wade Wear, Prise Let Cattle sold at about last woelt , • domps, while ems= sod minim grades brought Witter prises. aa4 at moil then were bed Tory tow to the yards wand. Pilate to *Wm Smashers mtll• sold en from 034 to 1104 Row. isle to nedlun at Oita 754 sod stoMera at 1% to 136 .eras viooo,l Wag, Mogan." are buying eery spangly, whisk Is owlag to • great falllog eft In the demand for fresh nest, axe a• the working chums am obliged ltiesos conts, orpeelally those who am out of eci. ployoutat. the umber of Cattle waited L• this market Is Wing afr parasplibly, and.. 4hl. m sot soageted to tkts atarkot alone we ars lo Lopes that the prawn marblteutt amen long be nonshood. The follow*/ to • ; smug sem ass report of all We leading salon L. itothokilds report. bona; . 74 10 hood Elblag, earner st eSgeljg. Juries Waltham aoki 14 head of tows sad nears for 8010 at 034 se 754, as ahead of Pulling - too courin mum at 7: • Zetertek Co. sold 7 head Madsen good tat tow. at P 34; and 4 froth *owe al R. per hood. Orseownd k Zahn sold 74 head Chleigo wine at OS; . In. Nlabolsa Carr sold de Wad of. fair ,good Panora nears at ti% to g.g. Marks sad Tmortant report at head of nixed Mites(' aattLe se i% to O. Sohn Zemin bought two now wttla foam Shelf 8001, at 11; two extra bolls at 134, cad two tali lab do now Adam Laken at try(. (lice., lonforty Co. totalled laz bead of nixed stook, ma sontaintoo at sU to is Dais. OCo. wholmaled 111 head of good Weaterotteera to Carr at Z. Anna. sold la hood of mhos Ohio cattle to Myers k Needy at 7y, glatiswocd t Bliakattek told 17 (sod of prime Chloeto wattle, for Dolan t Co. to rater Farley at TX. ode bead for Hew., at .4 10 _ _ seamy a Gamin wholesaled 1.0 head of goad Pnovastacra, arerasin id at 7. M. Terser , whotssalad 16 bof extra rat settle is Shale & Kanner at SU& tad retailed Wand •11 to & ti mer :m -1 ; ,N 3 rej .. ”.... 5 .—t havisE .old it load de de at TX to 1,66; and lund atoelurd at I to tn. 6 to . . . . Kraus a Hasa sold 40 head Chleage. aattls .t 834. &natal at Um regalaidtalars had ad atock tc4.11 sea./ other* Haim a Taylor, Dam ian a Llsrman sad L. Sham:awry. I • Thera mu a rtmalkaldr light ...ply of sheep as ea. total sod a ensequeam. taree mho 1•1111140 4Ktmalf as to hare thti Mall of ma.. taxperlemme ao diflaulty La M. Go.. primaSat matt. sheep fold at from 6 to I sad extra at 111 le 114 at .oamila. weal.. . IS hue to ll'Allieter 4. . Zetastek ;Co. wholosalad IS Stag .f some um, awe/ragtag to Ito MIS and totalled is II toIOS. SodWAlltatar totalled 21 bald at I to 7. Javele Man sold a dome lost did aot get • MOOS. aszket le gala Out Ira, mad while that tioloolla L iltblt tains ocooponal vita loot work a:v*oomM blew, rosolog Sow toll.. Glass, Loral/ a lla allots... Ltd GI hood to =asslski (30: at Bidbotalis t alas Mott having retallikl boot St • to Zoksel•k k 00., reran bath,' rstailal tea head as • to to% E=l=2l==! Car relegraist 10 the lotttstraret klosotle4 '- Xsw Ton; March 11.—Macefats: for the Moak: OAK bosom, 11,770 Moen and lambs; /OW Imam . MASSA tor Beef Cattle to-4as way moturatsty soul: er* all Wants of botch -Wog onaparatt sm. Mos salsa made sere id a red *JIM from last Koala. There wets an abmt IMO had; extra lots mad at MID prime. /PAO RIM goo ll ty..M:lr to good, hag ; Intl:dart* MOM*. Mark et or sop and Lambs I gionar dur- Eng the formee t tert of tbe week, micas be- Ind tally lo b as, bat toraras we doss tbere was km mow perosoltdo , lode, ata/1 the yards the market Is Only molar. atilly Wain, sad velem weak. though about Me blew this those sf Lut Monday; IS tan on mamma at Sortletb street, ' , bora calm I lanalosa LC!lump, Nen iba. swat% at MO skim 400 1111nots.98 lea. at 13011,N0t quota - Mos rasa ta l = :SU I grx 1.. :VI 1 a rite i tat Mot. was don d hoary t 0.417 st_Ml Molar common to bossy Iril.. Cora f. 41 thin sore= Ws 14 oars at radiate street I and UM bout at tomatualpaw; 107 Dad. ISS Ibi warms, tosnusblOYM: - 1 . , cardeagreastler fiburfset. Urrharitaral9 l4 •Pittsbrrxr thaute..) cxgra,ro, March en-itair are ierro•Lnd &most noratua..-Berf eau.% Tarn at alAio cop for tratetters. Itaostpts for the put 41O0$ want. 11,711gbArd patilelfl6 head _ ~ . PITTSBURGH DArcy GAZETTE L =I Orstcre Or wrlbrnwurtneoilliWareb, Notroae. March 9. ISM the bteksiest condition of the weathermaa intendancy to retard outdoor [goatee., which: at best, le, and has been for some time bait, eery dull. To the rereral - ,, , riretelbere see no new fnterrea worthy of notice, and price. are without Important chance. GLULIN—WInt, Wheat to quiet and m• changed at 12,4aokissfor Had, and 11 2 , 13 112.35 for Wh•te. Carn octet but study at Waal, on tract, and .1,p50t,10, to stare. Oats arm but orwhanged; tafras, 'on track, mad pent, .tare. Ilya Is lima at $1,0., In Out hands. and SlPOLearta anta Maley Is mum, 001 In demand at $209,10. FLOUR—Ia dull .4 anchaaled; we continue to quote at •10,110011,26 tor Spr,ing Whoat; 012,10 be la later Wheat, and Ittate for tacker b , ..dt , BY. FluUt% MCA, and Buckwheat at $‘401.60. PROVISIONS—Bacon Id steady but uo• cluinged,Wltk regsdarJobblag aided at 11,151120 ter gihonlimi 1/411k Air Bibbed and Clur Bldg.; and Info for sant Cured llama. Prime kettle tallaered Lard lea in Unarm. and UV; In kegs. Dried Biel, M. Mau Pork, SD,IO. BLITIT.P.—Ia Arm ud in good demand but =banged; sales 01 prim to attain Mal at 4400 k. EGOS—Coder the • -.under the indnenw of increased or. rirs/s, tke maskst Is wank and drooping— DRIEDFBI:7IT—Ig trot sod t good drama bmOoggitotod; dolga of. Peordkra ot 7080 ter quarto's, and 1012116 for holm. and Apples GREEN APPLES-9 tgudy, yenta rgoed cal demand, and the market may be quoted limn at 13.6000 0 0. • POTATOES—Cautious dull but smehanyed; mull Wee la atmll at paws per ltudoel, and 8301.26 oar buret, BLEDS.odermseed I. ;quiet .ana unilhanged IaSSSICU. Thiothy Seat I. dull and nominal at ADO; //weed Is to good demand at . LARD 011-11 Om but uriettauged; No. L quoted at .3e011..nel Ns. I •at 111,150Li0. BEANS—Quoted at 61.2504E0 per bushel. ONlONS—Quoted at Matan p. LlONllNY—ltulat at 16.1600,11 per bDL APPLE RUETER—Ea:ea ,at Wink, pi gallon. VINEGAR Sal at 11020 e, aa to oaalltr =ZMI ;== Oen. or rue Ptrraeraoa Cfseworra ifompar, February r, twat f The roarkat was dolet but firm today, asld holder. Sr. amlearorlag to force .11111 further ...so to which buyers yet seam unwile lice to subnat. Woheard or tints to buy at 8 owl ater• to sell 'et Wei to Sq. fur was slue a Weal. sale reported, Sad fur ea we could learn the dloo.itlea to operate a either ride wee very debt, Whet Iron the °mango( the river sod ruusuption of asmtgaticu will here it le difflault at thla writing to corlecture; though so a weaned thing buyers are expect lam that la essenfbasey enfeebl e paw. here a tends., to wake theca hold back far the present • IiEFTNED.—'Rare at• so nos futures In the market for bonded all worthy of special notice. There Is ecru little Inquiry both for and tutor* delivery. but as there Sr. no adieu at present paces, we hare no tranuellous to Mind. We Oalitialle to quote In tio . ahronee of gales. at de for March' 111 , 4 to 26 for April; Z 51.4 for Nay, wad all the year, toil,re option, at U. At_ no that p•ilays if do put two yea= has the stork of reined oil btu so much reduced in this alibi u at Proust, and this being the sus, an adulate for spat Oil le gm. 1100111 , 009001.4. —Lola Ms aseatur Uwe was gaits an ca. sassiest la tbs wwket and ssrsral thousaad barrels were sold. Ws eau inert 1.000 ands for Mush milers option. at INi; 100 .10. sad 1,000 for Marsh sad apnl at s}4.. nasal was also better. Wire Laster offers to bay the WI ball of Marsh st.t4(o/1%. New Tart Produce liarlr.el fey istegrape b the Pttunersh ts, m me. I :Saw Tear. Earth 9.—Cottmi Wel/ester; Wor of oX6lmles, at MXOrlde for trade line uplands, closing rather quiet. TlMar; eelpts 5,06 bidat Markel SWIM better, but leas active; salsa of 1,015 bbl.. at 1.90109,66. for superfine, State and western; 110.100 10.00 for extra State: /0,0011,63 for extra wastamisl2,lo6lll4.4l) for white wheat extras eio. l esi 7l 36 for a. It. O.;014317 for extra 01. teals, and $llOll5 for goal to cilium do, closing quint. Callfornla dourery dm; walm of 7KO sacks or 110.7.101 v 10). lira doer quiets nits of al/ Mils at 67,009,01. Cora Ideal quiet. Whisky nominal. twat; reoelpte Lilo bush; marketa •Mhle armor, and tat fair &multitudes of 67 OM bash, at 10. 6 11407.53 for No. S•prtrur la store and an. ilVarall:afk,Si for No.l do de livereds Vector mixed spring lacso3,lo fox amber Pennsyl vania; 02014 for amber tuarti fox for white Kichigmt: OM for White Canada on canal. Eye ammo and Arm; sales on 1.:6.4 Dusk Jersey at 61,401.10. Parbty. firm; salmel 16.201 boat.. at lig,6 for waded. and KM for Canada Wen. Barley Malt quiet and firm. Corotrocepts9l,oo bush; market 16Igio better, closlag quiet and Waverly .0 rum; sale. of MAW b..] at 41,7701.11 roe new moved. areal.", adrait. the latter an extreme; 0121101.4114 for old do to store; 1.1,10 tor yellow Jamey; 111.4.:'n07,30 for while southern; i 1,006,41.60 for Southern yellow. Oat.; recelpu. 1.730 haat' Markot 101 , 40 totter and more settee, - with sales or 90) bushels at velem musing from Sp `cols qc for western tsi mere. Ina follow It the stock Of gram Li warehouse: Wheat. 1.170, hmheisi corn, boatiala; oat., 1.794.4.41 bushels; ress Si 60 bustlem; bmley, 46.60 Umbels; malt, 3 1.103 fafdafdai SAN trashed. atm I. quiet, Votress is dm Sot not very active, with saki. of kW bogs RIO at przrate terms. Sugar Is sou doll Mr,alem of ma aor , a•arra utCos at 11‘4 Mr, and 1./Oboe. Havana at Mr. mat lames 16 quiet and steady, with *AIM of 010 barrel. Ftwto Paco at. private Wain non. a...quiet Petroleum la eteatly at. I.ltse for exude, and Mo for matted to bond. Pork to Irregular andlo war, with sole, of I= bar rets at Mt Is for new mess, claming at WI Si cash; 00.76 for Old do. Mostag at 11.2.413 men; 115.73c0137 for seine, and 13,11 far NYE. man; also ZObbis new mess at 00. saner few Kay. IMO firm with sales or 1.010 bbl. at 514070 for new plate mem; 11/10 . 0 Mr saw antral...l; and ffn Unto* at 6.1.1076136 for prime mess. and ssa.aoati for Lodi. moss. Beef hams are steady whit wen Of 770 adds at 102CIOSSAIL flat meat. are arm with sale. Magi pkgs 30 101 1 46: for Itioulden, 151 Se for hassa. Drentel rugs are steady at prcvlons priors. Lard Ss • spade grrocr, at 11%016x Kamm 10 firm at z 1114.10 for Ohio, and 4.stiekt for State. Cheese is Rowdy at 11010t40. Preighta LOLlyarpool are unchanged, with ensagaments per steamer of ZOto tessneLe corn ate pence. harm.—Yloor closed a shads boater ma common grades with Oply. • moderate de. ninon. CieWIMILL quiet and very Sr... Uye . arm at for . ll at Ms la .tare. Corn dull atwester. M.M.l Oats Mu 1.31. for t.sr mixed western afloat. and 11,31 for old oduel was. tern uastore.' Yolk valet and 0e with Shyers of new mess at MSS and 'Seller. at 101.11 , 4. Beef llrm with a rood Inquiry. Cal Meats auellansod. Banos 40101 and steady. Lard WNW, at 1.5,011 Min ter lair to prime steam and ULU* mattered. • =C=CI3 Leyteleowalt to the Plitsbarzn duilts.l C7lO/.00, March 7.—Pleur I. moderate request, at 210/101210.72 ler gam to choice mrinueztrste. Wb.it is tnadtrai !rely aw tins; No. 2 opened at .2.00Nar3,e1. rultd dreier, and advanced to R 1.015,4 reacted and clewed q alai, at 112.00112.104iet1ee of Nn. I . at API. Lem opened taus., at Itglaiqe for new; elated dull. at //1140123i. sales of No. I. at Stilik, - and No. I, at No. Oats opened drmt early calm., at E6QLC/.c, and liee9usat to Is 111.2401.8fd NO. 2 is quiet and Dentinal, at 1 1 . 112 0 1 .tIrtantele Mts, in,tsat,cs. nartey Is quiet, nominal and unebsaged. Fork nro• dens; tow narks& Is almostHest teak soil at r 3,024 for Kebobs. brand; lard la dull, at / 2 404/40. Cut meats. of an Enda, very quiet and prices altogether nom Mai; sweet pickled hams sold at Itl4ee dressed bog. are In toCalerat• request and steads. at 51G.10010.20 ter gond iota dividing nn %O. Seoul pl.—doer. 723 bunt!, Wheat, 30,755 bath; cora, &VA ha h ;oats, GM; Iretsed bogs, 621 be. 11 Inman 14.1%btd linurs 1.046 both. wheat; 4075 tusk. corns I,2oobusb. oats; 201 dressod bogs. Clatlrthoatt . .Mar tea Talegrata to the Yltbdough Oat .Ite.l Clabikaarl, March 9.—floor unchanged and In moderate demand; fatally, 411011.2.5. Wheat qufat, bat Arm at $2.43 far No I, and al an for No. L Corn Oral and to demand at Mefor ear, nd for *balled. loath gnu at IZOMM for a 210.1. No Bye. a1.7301.7g for No. /, Barley in dadnand at 12.13 for Na. /. Cotton natty. and le Witten aalm 1003 bales at no, noting Quiet at this rate. Proalilana un ebaugal and quiet; bat Mils done. Nola Pock to bald at IMAM. Bulk Meats, 100170. /Loony Ilyja, /Pam 110 and I 4 , 4a for Mama demi, aldm, Clear rib and clear antes. Hagar eared Bata., 170160.. Ltd doll at 15,, no demand; tberefors thita rate is nominal. Bader Marna and 10 damned at MOW for limb. Eggs declined to Eon. Hagar and Coffee uncomotred and quiet. Clovor Seod, $1171019 00 1 Tlmothr. gllOOl eO. Lthaead $11901.= lard OIL SLI 01,00 par.. lama dull at 410610 for loaned In bond. Bonny an. demand at 12.090 per pound. (Mid, LIM, buying. ===233 far Telecesh bike Plt. Resist; ussets.,..l . - Craveteen. March 7.—floor quiet, gently and In moderate demand, but there wee more Inquiry towards the end of the week, and city made and well established outside breads were firmer; XX eyrie, 410,73/311,60, ' XX red winter eidAMllleM. XX white, 4140 111; country brands are Meolll.oo below the awe& Beare.. Wheat quiet, etedely and firm No.l red winter held at nee, No. 2 do at 1PP427.40, No. !Milwaukee epried wale LW. Corn firmer and better, with eaies at 970 fee ter No. I shelled; clewing slid atom, side fignree.. Oste; reoelpti email and de mand light; No. I emus held at We to Mort. Bye uiefront arm; No. 1 held at a 1,600143 for I to . 1 atom. Earley nominal. Pe troleum market firm and steady; relined In bond held IfifyrOo for Hansar d white, do free 400420 for prime light atrate to white. Loofalllte Market. Br Talearatai 10 ma Pnt.berab L tlantl.l Locums.: March 9.—Tobexe market a IW. sealer. Inn prices austalned for hoary War.; wars at loge, at en= ittkanuraottirlog leaf WA. 7knar , —nparfioe. fancy, Wheat. $2,1502,40.-Corn, 7118 We Stir shelled bulk, and Three f ttpprr or balk. wets, Is bulk at Vitt WA 7 in i t= " t i gl 42 ILW 0. Meta a red an.i t $24,60. llama market Insouva sail lower, beid eboakteillWei clear rib aulea, Wary clear Wiles, e. Balk meate-aboaldery, 101,f,ei blear rlb du Wife{ clear shwa Ufie. Xarkee. Cs, f leetly* to the t nistnmeh dengue; Pattrhawratt, Meath 9.—Wommeeed In talt demand at PIMA /None wee° and Steady. Wheat Name red at y,lOl white at Met. Eye In tale demand at 0,73. cent to togoo.ll demand and advanced: sates of inteObnell yellow at 114/1045).. (Me at WO Petiviemen--eryle, Ihtfel relined In bond &thee/40. . • . • Ands., . Mot bet. Tetairaph to the Mubarak liasette.l Itaientocat March L—hoar &to . arid hales, Gore Moire and timber; rattle at at /11,1401.16; heliforr.- 111,1701.19: V/ heat Aro at Ip..,Meto for red; MOWN for white. Ws Inn st edlttlh.- Bye higher at et,7601,M. rrovaioas quiet sad unchanged. Pb lMatpt,b Cattle larked. Car Tasmanle to the Valetas/a 0 at..: Termantutary Yana I.—Cattle dull and mettenleadi .Ittee NUMMI; Dar to good, at Titteetawan,sll.l. Sheep hots advanteed ten awls. at Can Mead at. IMMO. Sega have IMltawadltqaaltell µwen pet !lite Financial Ziauarb la &.w Fere. ktisle l.7eM• at 140,1:0140X. (11721,19aaah la Ye ralabiatllelfsetto.l - It. roam, maren9;l92. ■ony Alla sails. ran 7,7,G per tent on Call. Stai- Ilnimcdet and nest at i,93.139}4", best bank: ere Gold Leremter and opened et 140%; de ...flood: to Lt , ,, , ti; edrancsd to 1103(,; declined to 110, end closed steady at 114NA1t0.4. 00•215.4X.T5. Grorartosients weak sad heavy. .Clows Et Co.:art:llst tbo following 4174 closing quota tions: Coupons 'Ol, do. WA 110tigi 1105; do. 1 t4.10”(310774e do. %S, lOttGefltnt 4 :: do. now, 106 , ,galta; 11140 s, Inlkaj/OPM. 7.40.6 105%(#10;34. The excitereent In the stock market on Erio is without parallel in bleary. Stock Exchange fluctuation frequent sad violent. Btock opened at Pig. rose to 83. followed de a doellite so 7114 end a rally to 78. The decline from 83 to 7114 was started on the report that tbe nee . certificate. represent ing the new stock, were tasking their ap- Deem. on the .treet, and the dechne was further accelerated by another retort thatthe prlnctpal broker for the bull party bed felled. These stone were wittiont foundation, and ten broker In gnestlou not Only marginal his Erie down toll, but had a large beak balance over. One bother alonneold forty Mounted to fifty thousand Owes. which ts understood to be for the aoConnt of Mr. Drew. Elliott Interest is lame, and wen Increased by the heavy fall toalay. Great fluctuations In Erie tended of Ocitiree to detract from the rest of the market, but Western shares are stronger and higher to many eases. Webs/W.oAm go and Alton. and Northwestern common and preferred are higher and In demand. CLOtIIY Q17017.1.TIOXI; Canton, W , 4l2ol , l , Cumbarland, 361113W1 Walla Express , . Ili Antarioan, 0000.; Adams, 7107114; aged natal. CHHIStI; larnhants• Un100,1M303314; clatok•lt•str• 13M151 Martians:4Si PacUlo Mall, mani4; Atwato. IMISIVW)Id Wiwt.rn union Tale groph. 34X05175t New York Central, 1Z1 , 48 . 129 411trie,TN,ATIX; Preferrsd.7lloBol liar. lem, no onniatioo• Muds,. 1130101 Read. WlLZfel e ll34 l,4 (:4lo s ::,' ir r tleat z ts,. ,4 4141 , 31; P.rdjorred. e5h11107,4; Michigan Central.l.l.4 stinhigan Southern, 91%1123; 11111101. Coos ;rat, 12;% 8 11111; Pittsburgh, 101340108; Rock Island, , ($97%; Northwesters, 10,4003%; Preferrd, 65.61111P,(rP0rt Wayne,lol4lllln; Hartford Erle,l4 TerrwMante, .9%; Ila rlettsu 111 proferrod, 32; Hannibal and hi. Joe, 71; Cleeebusd t Paineellie Ill; hits- Wort's WU; hew TennesseWsThs ales of Eris to-day readied 170,0(0, • -• . • Ylll.l .I.lloLog litares dalll Ema A & Parmelee, 3 ()tuns 3(1I1.13; Laulge L•03.711.1.MMT. 113.2:60Z / ; enta, $3,757,571 balazics, wAta,333. pn ym E1E=C022352 ter Telegram, to the rtt blush liesette.l Sr. Lotus, March 9.—Tobaeim le less active but prices are maintained. Cotton; there mete no O r e. today. Stour; the• market ia bu t t'ces are COMM alit steles of superfine at prices mashes from IL% to WM.. extra from SAW to se, and double extra from 1111.10 to Slop. Wheat II Inactive• and enchanted, exenit for very choir. fall. welch Is bettericholee whits and Meer red sold at $2.11itet.75: prime to choirs red no 10.601112.07. Corn la Amer at wino for shelled, and 77Siele for ear, tMheT latter .0 delivered. Oats:e Is heavy CaGet. tmicrlethholce =whet le held higher. and spring le held at 10.40. Rye: the market i Soil sales were mode at prices rant. mg (rpm his, to /IM. Pork Is dull, buyers offering $24.15 soil holders asking 111.504. llama is dull with only a small ardor bast. nee* doing. cholee stioeldeni eola at 1114 e; rib sides, 134c:clear rib. 11a and clear sides at liXe. 801 l meal.; tbore Ist very little doing. wits Wes of elinniden at Me, and clear sides at las. La.r.l le ewer at L ist for chidee city Mezzo rendered. Keetepts—UVOO barrels floor: 24103 bushels wheat' 4,600 bash els corn; 19,000 boatels oat.. • ~Xerr York Pry (Maio karkos. la...ma t. tee tit Unman iisaose. Nair Thin, karch9.—The dry goods trade Is mars attire, 111flaenetil by tine weather nd the market Is vary dont heavy brown a rhombi ha are m light atack and gall readily as 1901910 tor best makes, and •tte013.1.1 at lairekt,C; Indhia Orchard U ommaaml MO; do W itc; lio L Mei Bedford H Hide, LAW. lance X 17i Hood & Mcn 4 ol/ • Hoodt odo do, Tarttr A Cot 12 rho re , Biro/hoot At Long; HI do' do, W Moak; lo do o do, Stewart. it Co ii 18 do rm. McCullough, Smith ilk, NO bBla oil. P• Woloostborgor C 022 Ohio ostler kraut, .1 H Trite. Pyrreiroccoo an 1.10.11111•1.LOM.T.I1 B. B, our.Haab 7.—.11 roll. too Lapps It Mahon le .T 11 Youog k Col e aka morn, do brae, 2MO flour. li B Gm 21 Alto 1141r..1 H Him, 40 Moo Beam'. Ewer, IlaoHltou i Co; 4 cit. oloromod. Dille/ow a Stamm/ .8 bundle. .hoop poll., Timm /1, 110. .10111.11.. SIIODSII.. ..... W. U. LATIIku.W - 141401 ANDEIB N. JOSHUA RHODES& C 0„ Itaa'stern. BARLEY /ED HOP DEALERS, cunt., 352 Penn Strut, riatontaes, FL. • • - awe Staked, vioiktiLa• Work., 4I teatimes. HAZARD POWDER. I AM ir NOW • IeREPAUM TO ati l mtutall orders fat Mu 07 MUIR DI ccunnATED Lit Ord , lllleft at or sent tm NMI tom y Not. 11• and 114 PIDICH.A.I. LITIUII.I% , IIIIt. rawly City. Pa.. or to 1011 SZOOND 011111 T, Pa.. 04,11 Melia orosoptattontlOl. ARTIII3II KIRK, sat A. sTimmiEn ILLISCPACTITI.II2II 07 steam Iklilers, Oil E4this. • 4d INK= iRON WIJUIC, et all kind/. Lamp se, IMAM 'Ward. Pittston* ESDAY. MARCH 10 1868 11118111 i ;WO 111)Pk.Mika. sancta a :r.. Ell2ll I'GR.I)4INR 116111, a 115 Waive FM NEWS hionongahatit :tram inentist with wive, , and fifteen and a half feet in the /Mir. The Allegheny continues to put out mould rah!. Ise, although It is estUng thither and reclia , nattered, and by to-day It will doubtless Pretty well nut out. At last mounts, the fillisigheny was open op above Oelopelle, and th is It Is deubliath alter of I. up to Its Its Waters. The weather yeeten dal wth elond4 - i and dark with an omits/mai sprinkling of n, and while the now , has en tirely dlseptired, It Is only hero and. there . that • restag e ¢ f Woe can be men. Thug hag ano antra]. or deoartnre• Moth our Jut grthort, with the eamptlon of the Mononteh e larlyer, , paakeis, n o r will there be instil the 111 'nine oat. The Kenton and Melee Mug the been waltleg_ilthe Sate...- der. both helni leaded, and It /a likely they will est away badly, , The Robb. Moore will ateo leave to.dly, the lee Permitting. • guiles noser of sold tuge were busily en. pied le (MI tow. ready yesterday, and • lathe number of these boots wilt Do ready to. leave as won sh the Ayer IA WIC. 1111 thid, however, thatre amomt of aosi hare ready be to tams on Is nit near th large as gene. rally as most people would imathrui, and the run ll not Ithelj to be near as heavy as Mecum in Desenther. I The Sallie, Cipt. Stoekdele's new moustaln edema, Is now 1;44 ,et the mein landing_ ready to eask . peeseements for the tippet, Atimourl, arid will be the first boat out for Fort Beaton.L , • '. The Argoosy; apt. Vaederelft; with Mr. W. H. Stott, la the ceiss, la announeed to leave far Cloolneatl to -day, .ad passengers cad Map. pars should Intfir tale In Wad. Gen. Charles Barnes, thAllifs. Hollthalleek cal (Jailing. wood are her 'mute. ' The Mazy Drag* lad barges, Capt. Cully. bell, I. Cling i rapidlffor St. Louie and will goon be ready i' 'take her departure. The:lulls N .1, from Zthethille, end the H. 0. Orig. from , altar. are arnOng the grey boats doe. Among thee Maa r the Gray hea a quantity or anger and. molasses, whim eras re shipped on heriat Calroby the ()Mt Republic. The Allegheny Bluer boots were bring yet la eondliron fortram; yesterday, and they will doubt/sae ' mimeo making regular tripe saw[ n u the lee rune out of the Allrgbeay Rarer. These oate hare had a long nut. . The ViNstree glean arrived at Neer Orleans on lgettlidee, eltd the 1.00111dl• left there the ease day for lathtsbargh. _ . - . 1 She anal 4tepublle left Cairo on Saturday a t . 1 morning for II ' Louie. She E. C. Cray /aft Clneinuall oe elude, for Pittsburgh. ' Tba Moil rim Is reputed olau of 1., and/nu. 'osrlgabe eoadlttort• • LooteelEo WARM stet. that th e Belle Lee made the from Now 04•••• to Vick. lough In pus homy and Musty *ln . . wee. L Lou!., ALou!. elegem.. nadir MEics. camitoLL — ic .siirrnEst, ■LITG/AClftlt-MS TUBULAR. DOOBLZ•YLOED, MAMAS nmszo: CI'LIODZIVITMAII WILMA OIL BTTLIA LTD OIL TA.BOLI. ctronnrrs, suzzcznire ASIDAIIII rime BATTLING PAIN% BALT PANS AND COX.. DTABABA, BTAAJA PIPTS. GABOALIT moor( DOOM AND 094 L 01/171•011. Ogles exil/WerkassiworDosad., Mir& • Maar' nikal lelloerity W. Pittsburgh, Petuleylvania. 111MOnton 'mato thoalmnro ad&SII tatty D! Dnnaptly attoade.l to. • sat7lll, KEICiUNGTOII IRON 'WORKS LLOYD do BLELICEC k .iturarAurtuesixr . • Beet Common, Relined Ctuuceal Juniataßldg:sin Iron. MISONANT BAN, BOUND i SQVAXI Hour BAND. T and AlleLg INUJI• rthitiltaniter? ONLINDZIL wad QUAND OH 71H 2.34 Dr. ANALL V • D .;giua ad 1S lbs. to Ur NoNA. WNOUNKT (IMAM Asd BMus ow maw FIAT LAMB Nuacteli azA Cbanzenat. COAL aClizthr NAILS and MANS. at um weit. ems,. POOH Na oxillavallos of JIM strast,) lot.ing th Clt7tlss Works. PUTJDUZItt. aM.IO /AMU I. soils INDUSTRIAL WORKS. HUGH.II. - BOLE.* CO., POILTDERS, Eosin Billden Mad Illatliblds = Cutlass. of crary aNT7ptloi. as4l Waft's", .1.0 , 424.14 , 35. eiP't...A. D. licax - lorsa Xuil.• con rang Apr, a Magma War. losadry. K. irtsagliMAUt street. 1111.111181Mim PA. *, . . pirrsutrusinsTEELlNromik ANDERSON COOK &DO , umecisms TO Joan, BOYD • 00..1: I= RigntrEn CAST STEEL 4 ' 1 ..6 MU. tnA Dat.4.4 or on ales: a.. elnenaloa, loft sad Onset Cast itall;OaSS • RILAPISOI.IID WOWING MAOKINZIL IPKIL PLOW WINOS. aplisas • 4=58. CTIOULLkZ. •... As • . Coot, noon Common 'Plow 46 Pintos Moth - , I -, ~ trees-coins f Th ut at a Baas !lamas: Mr bloats slant tha taamabalh Haase. oeZha MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Stmt., Ninth Ward orroarsz tallow mur inia^ i• • wx.rwitizsmrsiiwzi. Mang MIA and Bridge tasting). MIMI WM ID MI 1118, izektscry ant castings giumnaLlY ordin womvtis awl eamiuy enesta& CHAAUXIIII.74BUNAIILL EIMEZIT 4,IIIACLILLIND. BLAME DIALEIOXD ' STEEL WORKS mut, BROTHER a t . . SR 02099 and Waseca:me, 119, 216 No sue =94119 dlt ISt 1.19951 Streets, BERLIN FOUNDRY PRICE HMI; I=l No, 99 Woo' Street Itaaafsejsudltimieanattlyeaisad Ilitimaxis, Skin t Pips Boras •t • WAGON ZOIDe , DOS DKNI,IIOIII.II Kgrriza. 11UL1411/ MAW, had awing. maw... ROBERT LEA, VAIV/A0 . 217153 , 111421 ENaltdAMI - 11=10 Pree;ght Holsters AND DOCTOR ENGEM alrOadisr tatirl ilathrtpuni seals lig:us Cents r .'Plea sal )IPen7 ' Benet" mysanenx PA. PITTMEGII MON WORD A. PA ANTER Ft SONS. 'rou t Bimiel,tub int Trunk RQqOAND WERIM o reran [lrian. PA. EVIMSIRC - PRESTONii CO. . N4-12 rfalPELEES, epiadu Monouatklas Pntabardi. apitor UNION ENTERKUSE RIJERT Will. M. JOHNSTON. ig alt n ior iu ng ovi t Kulinds of HOLIANI7AMIC 1111/1 all kiwis of MACHIN 6 RV' 04131INutli cot. 7)4ll7oll" %trellit M! IRON CITY MILLI. RGERS & vi - - - atonstastorers ot : ttectiod.igioroood,iarttatadt Poona GISZICErsrw X17(1,C03W., MOM AN o • mu o. NO. NJ NJLIUE raft. - WYstaiblourtalu 'PION INOUE V OR ALLICOM 7 A. NT COMM WORE. E LIVII 10. , nllttlin lll rlZAlN974.ll I . 4 =TAX4A r gra= =. 1120 4« .4 otiou .0 , tb!, agar ere*. • ' 13...w.26ftztket TM -.' uai it lELAViRME: leo:mum. _sib . . hagef man 21=4,0,gtilic z i rv i rilL ut a.. aai Pit4r • • CC:='" 1° _N-14.1bales'on steamer ''`4 XABUFAMThMIN3. rreet.....W. P. POwnia. PITTSBURGH FOR I AND IRON. CO., turoracecacros c.• litaliram2 Ink Ears sad Bolin / tar Axles.liisilledl Railroad Oar fie. masupgri , dl . l] Leeimetiwo Itrarafrat Liciamslive frame member . V Nude *aft • ri Tow., ' - rims Mob' iisseauess simnel j. 0 , Sieumbasi croaks. - - 1 11 rite= Leda, 1 11 1 rilliq Pitman Jaws, 00/lars, a.. By bran Orozco, No, 171 PA PENN STREET Prrrsainuan. . 4 NATIONAL POOM PIPI3 liVOOlUlMik Corner Vsuivll sad limallawe' streets, Nlntb PIT T 1111786161 PA. Si atoorroonnol or Cast lien. ]Bowl FOB OAS Ain) WATER Mr Mrw are ail east vauftmnaltby isi4r !Wad Ma LYS. WPM= 110. DUI swap. Milt 01 • . . , 411811 vim OUR. I wester apasill tla attest:Loa *t_liddistsiit ea taloa eta Wacks Sooty Rua" of aarv7rlll. NSW 111111119111{ lloi Sterrit.& ;Inver; ifinifsovers a hiporte;l of HARDWARE; ciTTLERT, &e. 3 uuknmisri clew. wavr , re Below- lbdow :. : ...MT4s,l3lliKka. sr assinesseluniaLints• mingrq gusiraus. SIM CK& ti & 14.111MOTI:111111 OS ! BUT RUED CAST MO nifin eetitel, u 111111. . i . . . llAMmAT.CONClrliAMMmWmftilelvi r SAW PLATES. ILLIZTI47 11:11114:1112110 • RAILWAY SPRINGS - caw *4l ofi 'Rua, q, Cut and Gomm Plow -121.0W.W731116 meow= 3A OPIUM, Ants no gram ink Ul•lkkp g ßA& OBOW-ate. as., as.. as. y Warthogs., 81 Wider St., Mari n, ATLAB "OREM X ORTOX STRAUB . AI'S Ward, PI l 4- - - TZIONLISIMILEME*Prestden& • non Works an mow! larout. aal loapla• en.abuomman la Me wad. ilald ani . . . . . • Regime of loary Duitrlpthe 31 , s h , 9 9r Tai T E _. lattroad Cana" snow 9,attap.. imse..4• Fuca" simraz IXELDIZO3 fAXNEeraDi JAMES IVI. RITEFt, SS mail 4UI Water Street, • ' PISTR/17161114 'Ago 23111.073, COXZIi IVALZIO - SEAB. nrruire PANE, corrss ars►X PLPZ.I BOLLIX@ MILL sracis, ' JOHN RONEY, Mkt carawatour Ward, war 41. Y. ILI WrIMILTOIII liazuker Mee t Steel Mo!ilde, ao siliSitin ~"ix;;r&ars Rosa C. sm.vo;:—.--cuLacil Do=!sal GaEZ?/TrOPP'Ffß iri q llr ' • MIMI DONUT.: Jobbing and Cstiegs; M t 07:11", lin= CAM rpm motet, nada to ordor. . . VA Liberty Street, mix= tlloodear, of Mato W. 10)//111ra.U611. 30,301m..i.ASOLtall BOILER . WORK& Kowtow, BARNHILL - 4 CO., ILMAPACTI7I2IIII CP SWUM 1801 1 / 2 14 011 laaliir - Anis. Rat 'Pans; Gawastant,- limed iron , 'boot Iten COB. LOUT! AND- SECOND M. PITTREIIIRGIFIL r aznauniu owns .rauirrfcr. • Mill DVQIDESAE Iron and Steel Works - , 001MLIN, BAIL a co., XASII7/1.472URE511 UV Iron, AallsApt lagianles,Blsel i . _ w.kaltot9r._ 115 a. Bum. MN! .V ( OTlYouflit.. BRUM,: goo; iiumens immundar at • F63k ParligAid Resuagr-Stines, r iA lV. 4 lot 4 i k M .o i tta 6110111.) Maxattesurp alums, aasra IPiplfril; Abet 4areitiretirmi wol etne4rimmer s h. 1111101449 Mom{ /lib muzur.--:.......aaann0vi 4 sem. JAMMU) M.nlitiran 110 N, isainnwmpaar , Oita Bonen, sune,-risks. facet Ires_Weits,te. 111 Penh PinabeirilPek sUIPYIK CBI AL. _'FOUNDIT 1110 WM, Mil eatu sothhiem mm!lnl TIELOE3. -- "0r#4.1511a2q. . war nEMlT .27 4o, " 6l4 : 4 l ,.m l iMialn• os tenaiTRIANFIF.,4I • - -., j ~. zezutommx I prirrsfarnsuAszocosamwo ; YILLI Rummy. SINIMINI Os-sail sitar tlitliteDilr. Jeuvll etbi Isei Int. auhrt as Klld AIM. Ma Um Dm.: comer •I Una% MI WK. Mauna. IW Zapalt. r • Itari to sad titat T 500.4 tg. xesessms Aceolaodal.ll. nma. 1.141e. y i Z.D. tg , and tram intonili. - &el r. a. WWI 44 .11, oan o k . , : 11 " 111 1. :74.0 .3 % . V. I s. 3 =C2T i Tzvek ta sad • , • I r.ria.t. "Mr' 11 rPi l ' 16 . • • J. OK Air la bbt. A LLEMIENT VALLEY ILUILI6I, IlmataLag srpurairk Ls Vaisage Onagrailm with Tram L,{ cad Wirt al. dip! Warns all "mina 110.1=0 .Ii Us Albano awl (Mat way= .ur ua th.E47lll .4l aftar cnotlimau ll:7l2WAT in alr win Juilaii m . P14,01/1, • /KW to mites Ye& 64: 4..z.11:314. on,. .10111 AA 411•1. &w. SAAIAJJKAANC4 , I4 IriSt.l4 JASIAO4 sten &Ada I:]..104:. Ada.. 4 &coal IiOIS Wart. AAKAma..1.14414. WI 414 Mato. Akeecamodsuenk lei? A. ar. 000 P. 8. avian Ceara UsuLliptallyealls MS 4 a 4. antylaiLlnpittab seta wta ur as bb. 46 a, U. 'Tar , JI. BLacaurrium mot. I 1868.' - mss. 186% W n r ". . al .21 B M " G n LZ4IM/rlWrt 11 iftti t:4 1 7. 1 14 Treat Jaausry 11 ll/14 ', their WM' leave gftwr sad aims al um Dirtm. _PM 11 Vitubargh. ear muk so • ea l LiAll4 ......Ww.lts .... 11.12 to V: . „ 4 .1:1 7 MI: dl iv.. 1:11 an iiiiirlavv. Musa: . .avo 1t....20111 a al al A ZAII I .2: lain.i &r i l l /ft.. . 11" 111 . VA rit e ttTa'ai: ''''" g,....177-ift.:m: c„ , .im—,„ A fI 1; : 81 1, 1 ' E .- TG, , ill " 0u: wt....—. 2;2, . m ri.411., -au . "1 wh.azn.z.....,41,33 pia ila ocunt_lllllllp illa MrVilia.7.lWA !IrdiVarrersiZi fieittale •• lap s: tm . ! :: Sas •• litorliester •• n ig ille am, clalii .1712 •m Wellsirle too. I:fiv al Lul • .Oal . :•• Ma •a. Laitadala Ac. LIS p a _•, .._• :', • 1:111,11 1..8r1t.a • am 12 Iv N. nrlas ! •• I+llP 1 , 1 . vris•a •• MI Vva lona . .lals •• gal vll tulai• •• 1 1:16 p a • •••MI p al 1:0 1.. ut.Craler In. are.rs .. z . mow, L Pitzr "7.Vistriva. 11.1.1 4 =4. F. MUMPS CINCIptIiTI A. I PAII HAIDLE , ROtti i zgezark 2 . 4 4 l2 , 7L um lii 11 Ilakta Dept?, as &Um. Pittatuargh Wm: DICP•Sef /MUM Mall ESIReaS. 11114. N. u. l /an ; ' • Tsai r. 105006 r. tr. .•• 14 , yaDozzl::=ril7.l;:ngt. l .El 221.: 1 4.! ateabesyllla . Aaamet.s.. r. ; a. /I , 11=Vo s io.s. /1442 7. 1.10r.11.4 . taIY.A. r. arzlinag 14.1711171.4 4 2 aS 410 A. 81 1! niestorabl ! 'Egg/ S. it e 1 1= ricetif itateZTeMterier .. 11 Intrirr.01,14 ! QUALL MILLI KAMA. • - w•No alums of ca. between Plltebil OtathlMSll. cm Wu, WIX elms to • Cans aad I.:Small/4 Pceas Welt &ad 80. u ., e wk.=of no ...b..billakela be soll !LOW ail! au P 1?!! imic ceme. k . I. I. Vados Depot, i'motatt ol y li~o a .) Joxii Agoas. pmaniswe ZAILBOAD: ~os. s adoesei anus _ . `U w, Virt" .2, ki, =::: MlNi.l2:t °lmams Asatag a mi Zsgrrass My = lairy N. 8.% I:l3pm 411 , 1210. 4... tOpst aIIV A0.116-111111p le •11.1 Ka L. Mrs M I L= cur,-.-.064.11. rr.i:mgm.A. stk --- 7113W•114.1.... it , til KW•lik 1 " lror tart/utr W.W. Intonum CoralagArl" =rwcablin7 . Matt Wigan% lkollarsirritif ` 2a th" takTayrA.ant rut. 71" alt. 5,.. Wl5 -8"-r PENNI th ~ ,i e m st ri e tr n aE o N DAAnDaz.— u.:_ _ lianls.z ti r wm e . a NOVLVAIS LE.. ii,. p i .eesr Tref m . as nosedO sse 71.•1!Ipist= . A1.../1 . 4%A "mom - .i - ! Ilhexplb,gl.lll4lS.l4 Walt ......t IaAA.O IPippOrt. NO. 1 SolAai. hem. o. I SeSiA.ll 5bc50e5e;.......40ae.L.1. Sear ollialkil U rrelettit s l ' ail: el=4/141.11 rag 1 eita11.......,.....1.1.. IL Proopoftlib soon r4ll Xxxesiva Aix itur.l4. Shers.2 Re. Above Miserly es.P. ea... .".. t. ' TM Om. le.. .oxyllazderst. .110_ .L. I. roLebn , X .'' City... ap Aspubbyr. Leam t.• Cinv al 11S r.lt. Sad anlvoreLAl.E.. last •Casosata'al. ta Yorsayt Le res..._ Twestyb i l n. berres . 1:11 , all& S ills?. art tad sood l or v lbiThal. RM. mg at Pumas mayokee. .• . . 1 - rhr thus lama/ A 11... Cl.. tie '• . . tutee .4.l3mat coosesun st • /reel= I T . k . , W01k... LI. AC Mem for 1.1. °LTVTleforte malt be ponsaiwel , , __:, 3St Cllslx SUWON. •11S= . ribtobs.:l4; and /42.14 Doe% 91%.2"gaitierlanizili-wen . 1 I • . ja"a SVerstreitet. I nOWidieral .11exxxs_ _ _ mok , 1,10rua1k2a2111.4%. :i., 117%. i '• .ra i lfigiiklm Docuas !' I. C aseedt. Ms moan IA .1.4_ • Ile • , i list ef 11!@ Orlia, =pus t . akisa lom,etik foo. i '" 4‘ . .. - ' .1i$11•11D 13. Iljigk . ' --.- • : enigma eari. : 1 -.1 SNORT MIL ROUTE 111101 PACIFIC IRAnwAti, ' maw wrisloN. InfO uTz =II o~ra~eso, ;V: CaLuinuria, • • . &11111110:11rAi 1 / 4 940 , 1rykirres. 111 . 410 .• :01141aO/L. • Z-Ttle tralsileare Rats taariuut telt:'esmynit tty: :treahreei mussed.) Ats antral 'et iattr from et. Lent; hat litiaashel IL t. milUllres4 Italie>. eat. mane Limning* Topehattad Whimhhe .0 leans for ell Mate la Lust& At tow et treat teeth or interoth trlth the 13111211/1 IMAMS caintaxvit - DAir.lr ;Tars oir . qyzatuarai:Nuin AM)=MOO Ockkall 1 3 . NV& - • • •-• -1 • I • ritallMlß; BALT LAE% I • Airbus. roterre Tx :Rs rsmicreorttles,. winteraixDiat ranoird e evauvraturmari I . COALOILItB to Veda Seem Nem L : Allnedieidet Mat Fa saft,ad L pOtats te flee:dead iteerderese. • • - r tiontal arroicsa atatuomiet oak as it ~Ildpraiac,, thedersaddliektdmd• Ida net stealth!. Omuta Stsedditathee Uses bed Ittoreaern tendses, thls resetatir tietess diddled teaddadtsr the idesedeorcedisets Itched ter ads at ell the meddsloatee tkiiealieddatpaadOaaadaa.:._ AS rate sad A9l Pod Ttordiffsl Thild IltdoXT 211Ld. ROUTE, ITstOti,Loul9 isaraux.rsarraws mvzsmin.:,., 4 ARldilidez. • General dozededashim I. ' 31411111461/1. iti • tlatend F,. t saatletitAingt. WAN TO AlfD MOM. 11YEEnai. a Quanorn TELE INMAN Ittity tirt&f.vkar # l, .../ tow. iddda w . (M t idd Hdrid - andidnAii ' I , otzettuiroitutiopeotaateA. fl itra — Ni=. lr ie f uibl asj 'r.ir a ••11. nIIBILIC MID - BIAI* :MAMBO *Os Pitt*, ilia siiiit ft Val; I i!...w.,.........,1,..,. . iht.....-ium..x..e. itetil! r.n.4"' "11 nad."... tomtlectit,,= v iva ilumei Ift urnetteera billumuntl 44e a rate t till .. . e.ittererl Inds sit Manta wlMumgi mi. W 1 Omen u!. mown luicra, alli , :• - - '.- ..a , , ; in , ~...... .._ dia. -Tazi'' 414881 "` ' " ia1 "" n" '",. ' .4......; -1416.11•1;41i n IV" srivor or.... 1 ' icoiLayi:Si .• -- . "- l''''; , rt I a" =.4...ncuji 1 v.- .nittlemtb"V. - Imlars - i'so...Tria i ii:ge hr er g t "l42. f.. 7t r r;d. T1W14.4.31 rw : , .., , 7.7s , Ti gr u ,, ,,ii , -I-0 -, I -4 goA Hums bUteis. - ! kalgs=llool6 WIZLIVIRCU j • if''•. .. ' ' - t: -•';ialtr ',l U IDE2TRAI4 a h 24 , 11 I O t OOWL - iitiTIANI - DOOMOtt I 1 O1 :71t11111:: % 1 TVIIT1741:: FgeWrlfig:: 49gVrttt:11 1 . 14110.4.... - Won • worn M OMMOMIWO; II 12 t ,•, ‘tt t POORC WOW t llon outobarp SOWS b 1-0/11. Ow of t vl. at. t_ Won t Oolq. ,OIS VOW