El! itt,sinaj ,Gayttt BATIVISOLY, Miuspit 7. 18118 THE COURT ORGANIZED The High Court of Imptechment com. plated its orgutizatiou yehterdsy and ha shed its summons to the President to appear and plead to the Articles. On Friday, the 13th, he will 'come per ecrsually into the Court. and make his answer. With the service of the sum mons lie Is hold to - be technically in Cann Within the meaning of the law. The Cade may. go on the appointed dill, even if he fells to render himself befoye Mall:ages. Bat thatls not iooked PRACTICAL CONSIDER %TIMIS Intelligent citizens who have careful ly opserrod the indications of public opinion in Ohio daring the past six =maths cannot be atoPrised to learn that the Republicais of that State, in Con vention, on. Wednesday, dechred in favor, First, of making all future lames of. United States bends expressly liable to taxation as other property; Second, et arresting the contraction of the cur rency, the volume of Which should be commensurate to the wants of the peo ple; sad, Third, of the inviolability of the public faithto its creditors; but de claring that the Five-Twenty bonds may __legally, and should be justly and right fully" made payable in the currency of the country which may be a legal tender whenever. thine bonds are redeemed. From our knowledge of the tons of tho Republican _porta, and of the. opinions prevalent among the manes of the party In Ohlo, - wc hart no tionht that these resolutions were adopted by more than a majority ItOte.7-probably with some - thing near an entire unanimity, and that they faithfully 'represent the conclu sions of the great body of the Party. The that of the resolution relative to bond redemption is u follows: - Resolved, That the Repubdcnn party P a glfertlrtß=tV trliTil a jja; . which the lire-twenty bands were tamed, and said Donde should be paid in the cur. reney of the country which may so • legal tender when the GOVeriII9SIIL shalt* pre-, vexed to redeem Mal Wade. Upon the question oftaution of bonds, the Indiana Oonyention proposed to subject the present issues, to their share ol the public litirthens, except where ex • prettily protected' by -existing -enact, tut con mants,whllle the Ohio Sepublica fine the question only tofutare I ssues: Substantially; ''thise petdtiont. 'agicc, alncithentioption of either seam the .• approval Of the other by the Govern- To..the pssiticsa which, Indians and -Ohio haverStras - taken, the reader-may prepay himself to see . the Fteptitaani of the other - States of the West , and Northwest bringing those States, one after another, when their „Coarentoas are held. Time State'-will east say nearly oneluar the entire rote . In tho National Canseaittost at Chicago, and . their constitnentts will denuind tha earn - at efforts of Moir delegates to embody - declaratioilif lia Me - platform of that body. - Ii is proper to stalathese facts and the jtudinferences which we draw u to their - bearbg upon political alculationathit our readers,. citizens of Pennsylvania, and meat of them Republiams, may' ex actly understand What to exper,t, when they meet their western friends at Chit C2lO. - These questions will co* up; backed with great numerical-force anal -will have to'bo disposed' of.. The Ile. publicans of those States will say—and 'prohably with truth—that they will .be in danger of losing their State elections.„ and of perilliiit the vote for President inliovember, unless they can squarely like the ground of Equality in Laudon and One Uniform. Currency for the 'dis charge or public and private obligations. As to expansion or contraction of the currency, an agreement can easily be reached on the basis of things as they are, -prohibiting- any further 'tinkering legislation and lesiing the question rub ury itself. Bat it is eery to lea diiit the other and mein points will be ' insisted , on by the West and Northwest,-end It Is I by no means sure that they will not to> coed in incorporating the plants to stilt them in the Chicago platform. The Whole question of the redemption of the principal of the Fire-Twenty Uncle in coin or currency would be prac tically settled by a return to spede ply menta: A decision by the supreme Court, upon what are known tithe Legal Tender snits, from the ` Pacific elope, have been partially argued, but are not expected to reach a final . judg ment:before next winter—that the legal tender notes are unconstitational,and that gold and elver are the only lawful money, would have tbe effect to bring the Treasury to specie payments at once, and that would end the whole question; at whatever oat to the country In the . way of a pram:int stone all Its lin.nelot and industrial interests. Treasury re. 'emotion means- universal resumption, and brought abort in that way, without being generally anticipated and prepared for, would cause a . tic-amnions sleek to the business' f the sostmloy. - It Is Idle, however, to borrow any trouble sheet that. What tie Court may decide next winter, On: war or the' other, is of no consequence whatever in dealing with the immediate quest-bias of today,-- cassabas which will govern State elections in Ohio, hob= and lowa - la October, and will powerfully Innen= those of Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota, which dispose of the State and Presidential issues at the same polls In November. - We lay entirely out of 'view any poan hillty or probability that the Western view of these questions may be adopted to any extent in the Middle or ElPerD States. - These commenities are wealth ier, and, as holders of invested capital in the bonds of the government, are more inclined by their Interest to take the contrary view. But it is well to consider that In these States wealth is not confined to one party and that the • masses of.. all political opinions are very likely to think for themselves, and their ideas of what may be for their Interest will naturally lead them to side with the Western view; r -They will Mice it fully expounded to them by Democratic jou• nab and stump orators, whose Conceit. Hon at Harrisburg the other day adop• ted and endentedit to the fullest extent I - The question cannot be kept out of the cancan in Pcnnsylranie, unless our friends decline to make it a party issue by occupying identical ground them. selves. If they make an Wee upon it, they will have to rely for their rapport upon facts of which we areignorant and upon principles pot yet familiar to a common 'understanding: When that same Democratic Convention also de clared that the exemption of any gov ernment bonds 1 4 1001 taxation I. unjust and inequitable, that means the. re pudiation of contracts, and illustrates the pertinency of our suggestion that acne of these questions can safely be ea , treated to their control. . Looking noon these questions as ris• mg fast in political importance, and re. cognizing the wisdom of our western Diced' who re • tldild,o once for all the pro.- - position to drw party hires noon teem, and who, appreciating their intrinsic importance, have determined that their forma solution fa safer for en intends is as hands of- pa, RepubSeas party, which is now about toes:nine that entire control of the government to which Its majority ofntuabers. hie long since ca lled It—and reminding our readers that not above and beyond these question; .but sida by side with:. than, apart or them Infinitely and necessarily inter woven, goes the : express and absolute e re °ignition of all existing contracts with The Imbho creditors—we Invite their. serious considerationmonthe positions taken by the Rep. üblidatin or the great States of the weal_ We recommend that consideration in the interests as well of Public Faith and Public Policy as of Republican Success. I= - Rersvais of religion in the Evangel ical churches seem to be general through out the country. Scarcely a community is without this revival power. Almost all our exchanges contrda items of this character, secular as well as religious papers. In some seetons of the coun try, the influence of these extraordinary vontations of the Spirit of God upon the publics mind, Is remarkable, and of rare occurrence. Such has been the e , power of the religions awakening in a , large Western city, that, it bas put a pretty or, e , fatopLo - pasties, the. An !Instance is given of stball announced to come off last week at one of the most popular and respectable houses in that city. A splendid supper was prepared; but the guests came not—they :ware nearly all at one or other of the church. es where meetings were being keld. Prom the same cause, it Is supposed, not over fortynr tlßy persona attended a fashionable concert at the Opera, House of that place. Another noticeable feat ure of these revivals of religion, is, the large number of male adult converts and heads of families. The Joint committee of the Old and New School Presbyterians, noticed some days since, -.meets In Philadelphia next Wednesday. We observe the names of Drs. Charles C. Beatty, of Steubenville, Ohio, and W. 13. Howard, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church of this city, among the clerical members of the Old ; School representatives. Hon. 'Robert McKnight is the only layman of this body front this section: Hon. Henry W. Williams, LT.,: D., of the District Court, Pattsburgh, will represent theta. terests of the ?few, School body in the joint committee. ' The Christian lerslligreeer thinks it .a Waste of zeal to try to draw the Re 'farmed Clete Dutch) Church into a onion .with the Presbyterians It as sumes there it not the atighteat desire an the.. part. of the Reformed Church to limit Christian fellowship, and^noue to PMedpyterimt roerge Ide ntity organization lame or null. The Grand Dirsion of the Sons of Temperance, in Ohio, lute aimed a dr culu'eetting apart Sunday, the 15th, u aiday OCT:stink and prayer. to . God that the cense of internreranee may be done away in tlitaqind," The ministers of the state ire *ldeated to preach at guit time, earnest pointed imp= upon the duty of. Chrimiins In now of Gals greet Rev. Mark Traf ton, after unlit - 4 an Independard Memorial -Church for a veer, his returned to thxZ itinerant ndrt wry at the 11. Y. bhttrcli, sad is !...) he atekkinea at Eiwridenim, IL I. The coml. in the case of Rey. R. Tyng, Ir.,..baie reported, recommend ing that he be reprimanded by the Rish op, in a Charch,:before at least three clergymen. It is stated that three of the nowt were in favor of suspending lum from the - sacred office; but yielded to the strenuous oppoaltion of, the two other members. The question, it appears, not settled yet, asitgoes up to the Gen era: txuavention. - The New York Independent, n' an nr. title on "Revivalii;', states that dozing feat week, 8,511.- macs of hopefal con versions are reported in the:Methodist papers. The number reported in other anominations are much lea, - but large, including about 2,000 alnung the United grethreu, 1,000 among the .Preabyteri• •ne, and nearly a -thousand among the Congregatintudlid; the Baptists and the Lutherann A Presbyterian Cluuchat Harrisburg, Ps., support two home missionaries, paying 42.50 to each per annum:. - ,The niumber of marriages performed in Philadelphia by clergymen during ISC . 7, according to the report of , tbe Board of Health wast Lvlere—swevan• lied by ministers of the M. E. Church. It appears the Catholic element is the next greatest in numerical strength, as 931 were married by them. The Epic-. copal came In next, and report ISO Next to them came the Presbyterians. 627; then the Baptist, SRL TWo of the /titan= Conferences, or. genteel in the South, by the Methodist Episcopal Church, since the war,' have just held their annual sessions,. one in Georgetown, D. C., and the other at Charleston, B. C. Great success has attended the minlattation•of the word in the bounds of both. The. increase - of members in the former, from 1864,when the Conference Was oefinized with eight thousand members, is flall twelve thousand, about two hundred and fifty percent The kerma . of members and probationersedone in - the South Caro-- Una Conference, daring the Year, was eight thousand five hUndred and twenty. t wo, or.nearly one hundred per cent. Dozing the same period the increase of church edldcos has beep flity—tive, or over la-mired and sixty per cent Bishop Tana, the presiding officer, during his I sojourn at Charleston, was the guest of Major General Canby, the military com mander of that department. A man meeting of the Germans, friendly.to the Excise and Sunday law Is New York, WAS held Sunday after noon weak it the ' Cooper Institute. .Constil Blerwirth, an honored and in. fluentlat merchant, presided. Strongly worded /imitations were adopted ,in favor of the law, for the benefit derived by closing within thirteen months two thousand four hundred and twenty...five of the worst places of dissipation and vice le that city and Brookly , .. Q.A. commit. tee of German ministers were appointed to present the action of the mass meet- Jag to the Legislature at Albany, and carry petitions against the repeal of the Excise Lsw. _ . The Episcopal Theological 'School at Cambei ige Masaachuents,.has Ile pro fessors, two resident, Rev. Dr. Stone and Rev. A. V. G Allen, and three non. resident, Ri.v. Dr. Wharton, of Brook lyn, Rev. Dr. l'otter, of Boston, and Rev: Mr. Bteenstra, of Newton Corner. The American Congregational Union aided hat year eiztyseven meeting nouns. The pressure of applications is still very great. . • A:Sudsy school established by a de• voted elder of• the Presbyterian Church, near Waverly, Y., has recently been favored with a remarkable revival, in answer to prayer. Already fifty are hopefully converted, and the interest Is unabated. A very interesting &aline of the work is., says the New ygyk Chris tian Adiocate, thatit Is carried forward, not anger the lead of any minisler, but by the happy co-operation of thiee ear nest laymen, representing the Presbyte rian, Baptist and' Methodist Churches. . Why may , not other laymen perform a similar work. Rev. Charles Cooke, D. D, formerly of this city, an4' now pastor of Mount Zion' M. E. Church, Many rink, basheen great ly favored with revival power in him church. Seventy have joined the-church within sin weeks. Bishop Stevens, who nes r .ti i lm jared by, slitiroadaccidnat and detained at Wilkesbarre, Is fast recovering. He will, however, be disabled for active ser vice for a considerable_ longth of time. ha his request, the Standing Committee will procuyo temporary asslstanie 01 some of the other Bishops, most /Seely Bishops Randall of Colorful°, and tee of Delaware, will perform Episcopal duties diving the present month. e The Eew York Independent recently made an editorial thrust at Indecent Im/illations and picturee. Strange to note, the Itlalle lune contained a vulgar advertiaement, won°, than the obacmie pictures and papers - engosed at swiss. dealers stores. "Misdoing," in the CAthrion Intel/iv - neer, says he was chs i grind, mortified and vexed, and was in a proper mood to wring the nen~ of the ignorant manager and proprietor, and clap the smooth face .of Theodore the ' Bowen err,es. Rev. Dr. Paddock, of Detroit, who was recently elected Missionary Bishop of eregon and Washington Territory. !declines to accept. On a late Sunday afternoon, Rev. William B. Woad, pastor of the new Baptist Church - at Doylestoin, Pa., baptized eight persons at the borough dam, notwithstanding the intense cold weather prevailing at the time. The new Constitution of Now York allow, women to vote for trustees of congregations. The New. York Olsen tr says this has no reference to the elec tion of any officer of the Church proper,- paators, elders, an., which is determined by the usages of the churches. Smithfield street Methodist Episcopal Chnrch,-Rey. Dr. H. Miller, pastor, de votes to-morrow wholly to missionary purposes. The sermon at the morning hour will be delliered by the pastor. In the afternoon, two o'clock, the Sunday School anniversary wllLtake place.. Dr. Morgan, of Christ Church, and Rev. S.M. Hickman, of Allegkeny city, will make addresses. At night Rev. Dr. Pershing, of the Female College, will occupy the The following interesting item, taken tram an account in one of the Canadian papers, of the dedication of a new Eng lish Lutheran Church, in Welland coun ty, Ontario,(Canada West,) we would commend to our readers, as an evi dence how our German population are "rooted and grounded" La the faith of their fathers: "But what gives special interest to this little flock, consiAliag of but sties famdiss, is that they , are the descend ants of two members of our Church, named Hans Near (Nohr) and Nicholas Michael, who emigrated to Canada West from Rhinebeck and Claverack,on the Hudson, New York, in 1797, or 1798. One person, Mary Catharine Mi chael, is yet livingof those who first came from New York. Though now more than eighty-eight years of age, ahe mikes ale of her old German Lutheran hymn book prepared by the Patriarch, Muhlenberg. It is well bound and pre served, and was printed in 'German town, .Ps., by Christopher Batter, in -1760. It contains the gospel, and epis tles of the church year, with a short prayer after each gospel. It also con tains Luther's Catechism, with a short and excellent application. Another of her household immures ii a copy of Luther's Catechism, published in Phila delphia, by Carl Usst, in 1791. These families were intro connection whatever with' the Liathenn Church, except through these invaluable little manuals of doctrine and.devotion, for more than sixty. ears, and yet the result of a few years of missionary labor In their neigh borhood was the organization and estab lishment of an Evangelical Lutheran Church I - What an argument for the method of our fathers in laying a found ation in the faith, instead of the epheme ral feelings of the 'hour! Let not this little chnrch in the wilderneas be forgot ten by the Brotherhood, but be affec tionately commended to the future care and protection of God. Much has indeed been lost and scattered widely, but God can yet gather the scattered, mid bring back that which now seems .ropeleuly lost." • Aston' the vohvals burned at Bar- Mine. Museum were fronlion cube, four leopards, two bye:cm-ono white bear. two lynx, roar porcupines, two large lions. one panther, two black bears, one Ibex, one Itrazilian tiger, four Mingaraw, two white peaoocke, together with all of the birds, parrots, monkeys, So., on the upper Hour, were also - burned. The giraffe was burned solndly that Ills nut expad.ed to Ilse daring the day. It was valued at twenty thousand dollars. The seal rescued from Maitre at the old Mu ten= was burned. The wardrobe of the Museum was nearly new, baring been collected lance the hre or two years and a half ago, and was valued at 1ki5,003. The ices of the owners of the Museum is esti mated AE1400,000, on which there Is an in surance of 050,000. The safe is in the retina, and the names of the companies. are not known. One hundred and thir ty-are persons are thrown out of em ployment by the tire. The oom pany bad in preparation a piece for which a large outlay bad been made In machinery and acem ry. This was alldeetroyed. lines valued at eighteen thousand dollars. A pair of tigers burned were vetoed at twenty-flve thousand dollars. A num ber at persons connected with the Mu —A somewhat bard case has boon decided at the Cours d'Angers. Ao cording to the terms of the French law, the child of n widow. If born three hundred days after her liushand's death, is considered zul legitimate. ',Madame Mercier, s widow, plecded for the re, =onion of her son; born three, hondred &pseud six hours and a half alter the decease of her husband. The decuilon of the court was that the child iras illegitimate. This prevents the child from inheriting hie share ofM. Mercier . “ property, winch. be would otherwise have claimed. XECUTORY • NOTICE—Lea Teotan•atart ay la U.., lut Will ay.] Tettliallat of EWA , ATIJITLEIt, Dr, ialle or has towashlp. 41111,ebear coallty. ra . 41t. Igaelag brea Issued be alp:len:gape. all pee... Lela., calms animal. ale,l 0.10.111 Will prase. tbrect..lll y aa Ivatlesten 'as e e l. lt.laat. an acme. le.lebst. ate Itatlllsd to ea. Lb. eaderetrte4, la Penn tow •• • tont?. r• • — lt. L. STOblp. Ileybaar L. 1.201 - 11.1111. J.. L1.V.1{40/8. • ViScni• CO.? • I RITILI LARGE . . •-• r. CargtaVotoisgit timpwll.lcaray.. HIVE YOU A oottan I= kIAVAIT(cr Lerinsoir Ctinmac BROXCVMS D. Clarivar's Cumr6tyr. yogi. Hays You IlrlllllolPrrrer,tc? Dr. Carg.a'a Cloth *nay 0:11 telleyl Tom 11A.1 yort Orriturox to ima ChM . / Dr. Sargent's Cotta Sirup *I/Ingle,. lop lisTa T.O Waux Luso.? D,Surreat's Cough trap .UL tarn you if...Yana/. Go. ilnorr • Dr. GifllP. Cestk $llOl care /MI HITi. YOU ♦NT DULLS, OP PUS 7121 , 024, —LIMN O• ifirr? • Dr. Slrialt • ' 0 •11 1 . •71111)1. the beat prow, fitlop Dr ala disess,s 705 ••% UM. = C= A Few Words to the Ladles. mos /thin, partfetrarty methen serene. 50:Mathis of a 11.:* hallths teethe. or oomp'ma ea aristsg to Ike moraine.. On the wife thilathltho &Solves the rthroesiblllth or orgratlnif 1B dolt. of the household. tier earth so. numeroth. end the awatal se sell as Pb' steal nonthm Sr. ler ate tle eal le tato scowl tido.. raw ofon !nth her .retie loetoptilos • teary ILA acd eel these a burden. w 1:e at Lee same time she bases mealy Mmes. DOS.. 'MITI/WS STOMACH DI MEM , . It resorted to stink period, will reolle - ali .14.111.5 'Meath tor Udt Itnno7 ll s I. stable. TI,. atteu of oot.at Venter* sushi sten la the roll cheek sad Mitstlssity of the header are isartly, se, with to. stored health and renewed startle the tat to, r sthostomen blew In the family thole. If thle (rind la need be regal and, those depress theaYmptams will he complained Or. se l 101.117 would Istsltede not be else leaned, bet many dl. iaths (lie +lee Its •4 yea& Ls sorld• ed.. A. a MeVICAL AGENT It has no steal, wallts plereg Perm. sad tutelars.: term. hes m ad .e It , heaths It le hoe from all properties ...Waled Impale the ./stem. ter trad es.. o oonee , atrthie. ter t al. w eep ve oath the BI titre air ten its putties ea ramethod lute sth. Chronic Diseases 1110 :UMW/ ill of the panne body give wet, anasi a time. ♦ alsordernd Leer, or e alight DMA'Sba of the broetblal tube., an Q.. = re to b. Ibllowee b . , pd. IL ache. In earl- • • Dula. actordlng to Qs extant of too organUs itnctleual Minty. A man 011cled vrla der peerrla will soon dad more then the stomach at Loft. The tao 4 that he swains. L 4. to rows, the taiarst west •a 1 sults, IS. won oat 'totter =1 - sues irritation or pan, whelk It oostst to boo !sows Of sal carried out of the system. Has- ===l =II by b he bath t of Drt. EMMY./ EUX)II . LILICLIZEt, wblfd not ably hate thus bathe rtmoto.h ud dlieetln oroliors. bat Illus . las en. rle her tae blood with the olonientorY trrliOlple* nsedfal b tan icsborallos of the . 011.1 energy Of tld Mites. Ito amend irbra 7w art for It to tit UR. EILISEWS. tar that Is tha klna, ant I:=1 =I It was that which mad Yr. Boyd. It was that =I f , TIcT , t,J Blood Beaten r *bleb curd • I the old cbionle =1 = =I =1 {ran• time's. or 01.60 . 7,001 a. et the ILI oqat• inset medicine stere,:,.llo: 110 .. W00D lermeri C=E==l PIT i'SBITEGH DAILY GAZE tTE ME =I Thi: ir.i'''..'•,,li-1 - , [iAif.i.:l-i';; Ei2ll Penne . .dm:tin, enters the ,f2nrt year of its mei:tenet :nth Cacreased facilities for di., sev.inating the torrent I.oa of the day, Ind fir rendering good political service n the itlportant Presidential °lncas., of P 363. The forthaorMiNaseuian of Congress prow.lees to prove one of the most import ant held ewe the formation of the Gov ernment, and the proceedings teal be ant iousty watched by the intelligent masses. Ist Met, of the deep interest centered in the proceedings, the proprietors of the GA ZETTE have made arrangements for daily dispatches and. letters during the aessien, from a highly intelligent corre spondent, mho, enjoys the . ermitilenee and friendship of the leading members of the Senate and Howe, the heads of the vari ous Dermrtmentm and the Leading politi dem whotrequent Washington, so that readers can 'depend on recearing the first, fullest and most reliable intelligence from the seat of Government. • The proceedings of the State Legisla ture, at its forthcoming session, milt also prove interesting, inasmuch as many ques tions of importance wilt Caine up for The' GAZETTE will keep at the State ()vital, during the entire session, an intelligent and faithful, correspondent, who wtll promptly report the proceedings by marl and telegraph. It is the only political journal of Pitts burgh which faithfully refkettraml steadily advocates the prinmples held by the Union Republican Party, and inlespr tied by a loyal o:mgress. /I ewe a. Insen raviine , inatter ne rani 3030 .16 al boded dollars per oiliw, vat. Ur 'prier trst rtpkt, Mar Ma cil.warl a. writ as I. Mr -0.0 CoorssasrratA. Walt tar e a / a rr.... roar, drparlawat Arts itfik raga Otani.. of Us edvorint •0 &WM/ aa4 all ,saes. of joublie.apart.rw vlu a. ! twig aaward. rAs w.Wy stsyastos. Wit e. ispt say to U.S snartrenssats of Us stay. and In sandensnal .115 fattlkfully =trews alt Ms traassette. ana .o o/ Of sate of 01.1 Clav, Slate, Coaparf ant soared at Sas., and issaiataiss far the GA SETTE U.. ssYsaattos of a lin. sarssystst. 4*6 itrst sta./wally out essaassretal snetnespapss. Ample Stan hae bent rammed far •nsarket re. ports. Witch eass at alt Haws Pa , relied ups... camel. as as earnal imgatiosl fa , m products, tank.' ae.. ft.: an daily arsassnnd tram setwal sal.. by fattkesst asset 41. slant royss,"t. Ste river owns is Minted lota care, mut .e a t re , ... , 7oa...eftofrivritoftla 04 If l 1 TS. m.l.awtat nor.. ...tom pladord f• Curve eV an tithe mut srpnlerteed ban)... Ma totlt rvf. dor ft y 4. attnattlor anti gliesi . actly fa barolem brokers a•A dmises, s•e• fe. ml 4. dripartsurat nn{. Via attn. Nos e.. Us emt Wit b w amts.:tad as to 14 ptrati.o 0.4 mciabts te momarra qf all ittleour etesooduattour., • • if. art, Moses. tatrary, prp ett enl4 oaf". depart meats of Do ps per WL aht - • vietad I. a ow., *WA WI/ vow .:U. 'actor, to ttu motor. - =I Dottgoood Ltt JPlttoboroa, omit nit Mt ;tattooist Zooliropo /WU mato pot wsit, peryroat. to (*rve. TELL WILEIII.Y GAZETTE .111. AlrrLT 04111772 %as Ism ess/arsd Laths same Abe as lAs Datbe, assa tirlsols Or be,.. Asst. eksapsst anti but AsastlA:ferattee aroma's, is els SW. if .Avid be in LA. Aau ot Awry farm, Amass" lean 4 man. It etas essrlk ant /Arty fella tolvasoat of now.. uses by tetegrap% cut snag{ tAs toadtv wLtart.t.af as 4a11y..aa4 a Mesta seisetto% of tftentrA and tele enteite yaw. tagestArr He% essrstAra, laresrestat pertaassiss to ties wrist of JAMAS.. 2,11.1.1t,a -heat ceilisomr argil Nredtbre ea else% a masser as la led taw.' erAt% N. !dam, and sarstressr. TY wrist enterer of !Da AlltIL? ()Agri . = of Ay ease esmessost aelletenotertstat fa M LA. seassetisrd arstaorat AAA %An and letters. and 41 sosamesstat etraltt la Angara In se yI. seat.. Sabra oAte awl Wuler% Searressta of stiA•sst serval. TA. flat a/ tat .9.11111771' %AAA esetasasnty AA tem CAM 0.114 of 4 ileeirsp want,. 4a rtfersree. (S Important Lan., to do lamina Lao nil*, aeleat 45 no mannato at Us time of tA4i nam..ne tranneflon to Ms./nu. Oar melt far* no fal.ne n 9 LW.' etstur at osn. and not at:nein, Aar prund van te Annan. .• me are amens Oat nono of oar miens tonl4 lodsdniaretnes rodeo noon AS afttlaro to alga , . van M mown at aq tlms, of ,an I, rotas. Poeimas4r• aad Merciarati an Iv. insert to aid a/ londt. flax. POD Tap WarELT aUrrYli. Hawk Sian.,On' .......... Chute V. 1.L5. —and mans W vCar sp OA club. al" J . .. .P.... rrDW ✓ raker Dail, Ind Ur wee yetaer.. P.E33'IIILI, LEED is 00% UAZZITE BC-1(41.4 rcn:rr. -cL,.i.cr'r- Air ebbt.t , 7 barm In Western re•nortrsVe. VIITY ...rre-rgrra wirbram rebb.b.•4 bbber..mi be eveltie4 to one Tau's arell..nre glib the La.., War/T. NEW 'AD V ERTIS E KEN TS_ 8ING84.11; Ira Ariarour Antrim 04 , ara,ls4 7% o ol3trar:. u ari arAariarrt Almal me...Artatriia.ancr.l. .77. fLearrrict..: ai2 rahar irayare airragarra tM laKaor Plain and O. Crraaaar. =MI scAara AND COSPORTS. Latilat . sad ealltaral.• geslea Bantus. AT rHILA NV. Ladle' and Clll4reals Woolaa Hlotee .td KU. 1..•41.• Asa Cliklldge W. Want.. Flood* sad C.p., AT gIIALAIII beautital sem.. at I tulles. Its cloth O Is vlaltt. Blagtaxt Lad seatle4. AT PIiDLAT•I; louts' se l r , a aar s l A ar i g d e 0: . ••• • MM oo l If st 4l a •• aa • eat.; tops AT PHELAA'S OLD &SAIIOISIODXIDO MILE. M 11 . 0UtfE • IiOUSZKVIPZILS. ATTiMTIIIN EXPILISI .AND LL/1011 haVED. "Queen of the Waah Tab," le tb• teat Fur.: for e:easdni is•rns•up eta oltsverved. Indorsed by ...ma Steads. Clean pitch, gloom abattars. he le sf e -Ahanneb., Wenete .ablilte • Gor Ler and f frees...ly. WA:tares stale. sod reale.. colon; .5 ...bee lab, noes? and health. Fa eraeslan • etbea. dbree, ee.. of • Ife•ftd. Sold by atnee Manafedters try she. Bess Manufacturing Co. . (/fdre. Ne. 136 190014 . rittabarei. FLUN OEB, • crimp aonclilaa.,, =MED F H. EATON'S. 11= ""'" C m'T.FAT=fg.tlY,F. I NO TICE TO PAIN TEAS. 5.11.4 ProuraslaWill tx 1NC•11...1 at t. , 1 Mtil , e. West SI ark. , 11.1141:stg, Beta 111Y.30.1f atch ISIS, 1.% for PAINTIAS AND MING UP IND:X BOARDS, St thee men of all alt R th a) Otal, 111114 More th 'amd s M V y a l t a Wards. to aloe or board, It . apply to tole Oslo. L. J. noose, natnell rill Rnrinre, ve Earve,nr. p CA PITALISTS. IL Fine Nanufactorlog Site, ( ai ' l•Zi e tra f . al abutM b a e tirf r: a r rir. " : i. "" • Also, 7.11iC At/11.10310 WM la /Int. 8.1 ANA Allth aria Ibiza; Wards. I= Led twoor more BEIM kiR.USILq IN ALM:. 401KNY, tor rata aro, Me most reratztablo Mrm,. w. 111 TAYLOR, 1:1373 I=MC =! 2=! NOTICE 1U pea sons are here dr..!%;'reirtql:riAtirTelO.T" S 4 : i;t! .RAW as es. is, la ill•OT " or al asiti/1 . 1111 . DaVIS. gaud Nib February, tao. as said note was obtained by W. non sentsUsins and with. ultvalna Toselved, sat wilt tot ba paid. J. P. teli•El... _B.l , Alit iheny lijereei7 and riovut Go. TO l NeMENTEll9.—Propoutte ERECTION OF A NEW FRAME CHURCH At Maxim to 14043 township. MAT ta seta on 3.3 . 701 WAY, lb. 743 of March.at 2 04 , 11 , 1 t. 24 at trb.ro dm Inane,. man., a4d aSLC/10111.thl at taw b 01 1 ,41 of Jolontab Mark far 3 few 41.4 F. Dlmenalana. DO 32 73 fart. Zelti:11141 GOOD NEWS. • CHEAP BREAD IN DEAR TIMES. Zaplro for WARD'., 1:111W.AD. The largest and best: The Initiate 'lir. ••• on every lost. Loh for Ward'. rake n ne elm feat SUPIDUIES-102 sacks corn; DM.. .1 . 4114 w VI ; • 0111.11010 /0/hon tale. 1 ,0 1 , 111,1? 11101 IdAIAO 1.04. CO , TTON-14 -bales vow land pieufAisu—ag elts urn sorts mil., • k•"'" lll y uAit utaiir • co. iii: W . A - 017E11T - .0 E7fT EN T :-.! 1s r.;; — TISINITY ,raELI snuricX.--zests CV Ut SUN at ctr. p.m. 4 - 11. Na EVERY SAD in acted, Nate babt.th .teboal at II wet a. =. and I tn. 10 - ITATVERRALIST CERAM , CORNER OF URANT ANOTIIITLIJ a. 7 aoeA. School at 114, 5. All the people sell lb- Iltellta come and bear. . - . tm,ltot tor to loor.oar eTeataa—"ltut a TT ire.ll,l Betas: hi. march It Ilp•ILIA.`• larl7.llST nAprisT CIIIIIICH. --eery lees al tile 1119 CH APY./.. Iresrth street, above Gnat 7 - 0.11.11C/WW. et left A.ll. and at melted hatibath T h eeo at 2 e'elealt a. All Sr. e ts acsnd. reeleesee or the. Castor. AST. JAIIII3 S. DICKERSON, Is os U.S street, use tdeilt ILI.. the Slkatias Park. and ens square Mrs the t ens Iltreat City FIRST CONGREGATION an d /11CIL. lihreilla Hall. enrage et Youth Liberty art. estrum" ea lamb.— Hey. W. GRAY. ' raster. lierele• wee, L 011.1 1 .3 Dalt, sorting and areal:in, Sabbath named amnion an D. rrtYer Heating as Wednesday ivealngs. dimmers and residents arseded wits any wort/algae lielinielas Ho alndly Invited. duetirct far• la mo. avattlat-a•Carlattaa BlkOW. : It. Dols.; n a o nd U...." IarTHE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH. earner D eus Meet lag r or;l4lVrt.Tif Irf 40st PH 81N 0, Pular or the Shamir. teas free you are kindly reviled not entre • nsaly usher. wit show 3. to nat e tundar bertel at PA. M. CUSS I= =I CURRY INSTITUTE. MEI; TUEADAir, At Ci P. AI Pere tee arlebleg to become memben of the CIA. are Invited to be preatot at the time epe cited. rairMASONIC HAIL, OLD FOLKS CONCERT. At IL- comers. rollcitottoo of moor who hoard tho OLD YOLKS COS the ••KOTLUK, haveorsosootol to s spoof. with CL.p.t Mo rro:mac. at' MASONIC HALL, Cu Thursday Evening. Hiarch 12th. the such e evening AVIV sects. will Oa introdneet. Si an Oleo. Time atmleg Reheat I the Co•htl7, dad Talley Cnullee, Tbe per encl. WUa approprtuad b alead t EM13321 Ts be lk st the Yells sad Ueda lan taS sal. Os door. Doan oyes at 1 o.elsa. Casson cannel at gar Enc ANTILE LIBRARY • LECTURES. PAUL DU OHAILLU, Thit world-rem...lel *trivia ralleeri, 11,gr 4.441 later... Wig W•lezzaUr Muir tied Lector*. M. Journey Is I. 'Clustbsi IDempatry Tll4 Worth.: Its' Illabitis sad /WWI tlei fa 5... /21111 ACADEMY OF MUSIC Tu eads) , Evtair g, March 10th •UYL4+III\ CIIITIL 11101MV1r.l. coat* Cain. reu Pi 6 WWI 14 can t 4 created at the • etlelnv al Masts , aaae altar. 4:4 Match aat, at 1 , 41•44. 4 4 area at 7; lataturia at e..tack.' INS MACHINES. vise I.EAbrD THE H• SECOND FLOOR, No 51 Fifth Street, 66 WI ALUM & RPET STORE =I MONDAY, March 9th, I=l MU lIINOS, NREDLBS. &C., 4' W:t abet ej addlt:os eltal kw. ...taatty as 4•d •tU.. ma.. Star.• OVER & SAKES 8, IL CO.'S cits aaaaaa INO MACHINE 8161 I=l Ate Best in lin Markel. ♦I.. ► hill •••ornstrat of - 00L"* COTTON, ►e the bun senvneteeu• if imp.. ii II The lloods M ru• 777777 .4 •Ichlty, 1.14 .PR.1 1 7 Rm.aa who ha•.IN Grover & Baker Maeliinee or. (.4401111nr 1.1,11144 Row lo IA ear NICW 14 alt st. WM, •DMY. ww.tbw tmy w 1•1. W put. 11.1. Or 1 are a Da cha ittnUm.•ro containing any mirot Doff lann GROVER & BAKER O. It CO Al Fifth Bilreelt, =II= trth6,oll ylnopoitaum wit! be received by tb. Oopertatesdent of Maskers for Laying a Flag Slots Floor I==! Alto,for WHITZWA , I4ITHI V 11147110 etUtolal Renal ex. a tie Western Hoer, and COLUAINU TIM Wet-3 ur HITT H•LL MaliFinnan* •Mr the stirrer wilt he Mee anti n lettn. /or farther Intermittent lignite of EMI= -DI: t g i gIATTION Or PAHTNEO. soli%r I. Ie ha+ebvelveit that the Dattnorahly heretofore exhitleg bone., the setleralgeell, mate the naee of NICHOLS & HEAP. In tho U amines., at • 27 1 1 kile argot, (My Allembany. 0.0 this day b.an elloole• • by melee: /anneal.. •11WISUR UM' bavlrg nu yeassed the tire Intrrettot thee/aid &V 11/ 0111110 LS 1n1.14 •tore and beesla.... and h., Oleato satherfs-d To telt.° ell Slits duo 10 told m and pay all debts am. by tald Oros. 11. can be found at tba old s •od. *hen Us Outsells wlll M n 411111.04 by big IN,D N1 1 1110L", inll4/IUL naAr.• ORLEANS SUGAR AND MOLASSES, E:=l 46.1..• N. 0. liars, DP:. t. obo/of am Dm.. Plantation Velma.. Pl.. wnnolo. palms Carolina allow 503 oat:snail . With Urge nod Novena osoortmoof of all Mods ofsale liit oo lllw to oohed.. O7 nod otber Goods lo ono 'lvo. (.1. Jolla s. noose & Exosk, rua . limlibiteld 054 Waler Insults eatincii • IMMO 1ipp.,1113/t daily.llllllllnd belttalna WALL PAPERS, =I Tomas Estlroas of Sulathlni rooms num to rtn tlo first. of April, CAN LUNE 0201VZ ur liscr trmrd. W. P. WAIWIIALL. — l -2..". Klb ac J. SCHOONMAILa a SON, 3PITWEIII327IA cm.= White Lead and Color Works, Itanadetnrer. of • - WHITS Ell) IMO LRAM zinc, rUTTIf. 111471 lact:UVet ACAS, awl all Wors tlrs ar 10 . 0Me.,154.6% FOURTH. STRUT. platory. Nos. 400. Oso, 404, uOO 4911.= *Se Itubeatantrtet sod 49. 91 S MYuL AlleNheart SAIIIRDAY, MARCH 7, 1868 , NEW A !):V - ;'. - 11I'L') iiENTS. 1){.;oZ; • t i n, 1:27 , 7 414 ' • Elth r • MIMMI The cedssetroct will cot XIV> th e Strtto'ssele °mossy • !lathiest, under lb name ban style of Kt Col. JI LSE, at them puce, N.. 11l sec ond sheet. .A.sontittasece .Ito ratrocilyre of %Isis friends and the tattlis I. otsdt Welly soli cited. ' chi/. lath A.TWSLL., Pittsberet. March Ott. lac. hthltmet C L°lll9 ' . CIASSIMEEES, TWEEDS, Itab'e for Boys' wear, far sale at fadaerd Wit., by IPHITC, 01211 d CO., EIS JUST OPENED, AT WM:t SEMPLE'S, IN. no ma irs rani Ftroet, Al iy 64. Fm. 130 D EnEl Best Quality o Bid Gloves EBEIMEM= ' OOLWIED A .1.00. { ' i : In all I st . Heat Kid, n Lamb Elkin. A ilftrAT LIU AI'S. ♦ et6►T AASULIN lA Black Australian Crape, roll DitlMlti, WILL 06 OPENED UN MON. D►Y, A • WM. SEMPLE'S, Vii ISI udll2 hien! Et; inglital Eity. LINEN GOODS. LINEN GOODS. LINEN GOODS. BATES & BELL. BATES & BELL. MUM SPIRT ,FROPTS LINEN TOWELS LINEN NAIPAINS. Ll* DEITLIES BATES & BELL• BATES & BELL• LINEN DAN/ISAR unN PILLOWI76 LINICN SHEETING. RABE Al D • VALUABLE WORKS, 11.A.LF PRICE. EMN=l2l=2 Illneu, bilk. Co? quest of rrrn..llv..Leados lbn Woof Ll Cluti-tue Bro., Loadon. Hr. .re of [lnv.. 21.. Loud o Loethm 2212Lorfor IlLatioale of /.222.11.. •ck . illstory of tiv Corogoest e.f X. vino. f Vols.. Blovroptileal I ana9 [ova). rno‘Voll. IlvSo es of tho'Colostv., Mules Xoorcrolt, oadoo• Tbo foot 00l Illvlts Clewle. Clottua. Lavabo. Oil ... msha'sMom Losßes. letalsp..• 1T..... = vols. ie.., 1:11. Mork. or Bsassesal u a Irmschsr, 21,1.. STATISM:raiI of nll tie". whu'es.l. snare m., at Seirtermprm is. TOT IMVMS Ls ere.% v•Mmy, IraS11•0• els' trims. ram...ter all the Mot t 2177 Massm•os. 11.1aKftpltowslivc.IVed foe a. Ike Mssaamita BOOK MID NEWS DEPOT, WWI lbolem JOHN D. EGAN NOTICE TO SEIPPERS BY EXPREIS. ; - Oa the Ist day of March, ISIS, • , TUN UNION LINZ IX rNzEm.iti wtstuir.. tar Nees..., trfrotarrom b. ream to Ye SIN ott•N NaIsOCSO so too rolloNter •t road: ;N. Newoo 4 Olt Lie 4114 V11t t•rse NaUraied. 1, amatOolrly ram; 1414111 e. •Le tles • .104441 a 404 /Mantel Sow Cuts. K.. Tolowetoeole V., 714 the Lawlor* IMO 4.1. Ultreteal. t , rtlteberib, P., via O. Prel'e7l.l4 Clevelaa/ earl NtOstmorb toed. Tee ear•Nsa 't 41.4 NstloNel• 114drenr. IllOro burg. 0_ if 1.1.741an4, 7.•••••111. sad elprisseti Na 10054, To airolOormehotoe.lNOppore NUI lON tote her•tololo. rot poidate 1144 or the 444.7• It•Orome.•, lowe the t'so 01n2. or see! 4edrer to Ow NON NTlllt s p SION 11.14 INNS; , 4 . 4. 10. lILIGIIALM, • TOE BEST KID GLOVES =3 Laporte's Paris Kid Gloves, mime AND WONEN•J AU Moves utade)", at brat my .rn•h.r o. Laporte! FIBS, CLARK et MLR% !nit in Ignts fir all tilted Ent% tec 6111 ?White NI., New Took. 1•131.12 Mr s TUE bocAtEsT INVENTION . OF ?Hi Oar, ; ANTI -FRICTION JOURNAL BOXING.- Nal Npell SIP?. W. OIL TOO • Mewl of 11/solos Is la perfoct word with *olilllo, loam. nlo. of and yrwoml. mloatett o/1 Mantle , onto Mary owl ;light. It rm. ot but om.lolr4llghter *boo Ow Com mon booth,. £44 dm* cot [metro gor pilaw whatever It book yMpll.4 roliroado, 0.11.4 am lL a will lot aaaaaaa that II wlll too.. with foot. Mort, marmot It to oow Co malbllloo at aka *Joon. • (Moto. OTAT/1 itIFOB oAl.t. A roe ollarom mol a aura o fora for•oor to lbws who moll twa omo ' ed for a fow 4171. I . MIRON DICKSON, lea laroAlt. NOTICE,—VV.OI. METCALF, for worly Of 0/ 1 / 1 14 WRAP NSPHICWS, 1.. Member of om,llltri, to data from, aaaaa ry 1.1, 1/1. ISASVI.,IIUrfI retiring. NOW of too wasom Maw. lIIILLII/. BLUE VAKEIN, C • . I.IIIIAL rAlarollot WW. 121111.0 A LT, 11011111011 /411.1,01, OM. W. BAR., I, •cuact, araciu, rmirsvit l• W. Kum. ORMENTSTELL WORKS, MILLI R, BASH & PARKIN. Office, 38 Wood Street, PVITIBBICAGIEr. 0411:44$ ! ! M=M "n" OW "°'"ulf 1911" .V, ! NOTW TO COI STHACTOII!. reol.dlo *III be waived *Cato o o n A dit:;::: . .l:ra . W.p o lpter. oath 11.71111-. Construeßog a' , Board FooWalk, Taal omoba/f fat vide. os lb. road tradla lam the Praddo•Ve flat road, at 11•11.woo4 lamas to the Matra' hid road• for rpoollestato ad plea lopulro at ate °Otte. 110011 E. sabMelle CUT Ingiumer. anthEns AND BRICK. LAT /JO. • , . 1111'ICIBBINA WHITE. Hashwood Brick Yard. Ar..ow prepared La Yaralah the beet datiltr Ittlit,ulNO et PA1112 , 0 011101/L, le deaallthe to nit aural:Mk . 4a/rears left at W HIT/ DMA. n Seventh Meet. et the Yard, Xlll be p. <needy Matt. Oelo,ila,TTa A NEW lAIIT WATCHES KID CLOCKS, vi,G71,17.M1ZA11N11137.!,a1v.: aad tor Ws at Ile. 112 /2121.11 AL 111 . 112/11 . , A.ll.l2lxiti •H - JOllll nrrson. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PROPOSALS INVITED. • TAE V. , t VIIMITTEF OF IIIIUNOILIf. of the flay of I'l•tsbargh. In vite proposals for forttlehluir the Water work. happ:l•• &Lid Mated It, (onne )ear, rim larurlha •prll I. lids, as feliows. al.; of T t.• , er .411:11,1' e Arta I, COAL. • Tor forhlshlr; the Lower Wort. 'with aso• Prh auppty of rued leetebanttele resl.l.o be de 'Ha lb tho lartiaa Hoot, of the Works. ra'Haraat , eat. Bid. will alio vocally amount or Mut boll that can be furnished. Ft quire 01, Led charte for Bator. deISIR coal required et lee Upper Work. to be ivered ID Loeb,. Hours Bedford avenue. lasod e rot w ei ghe d ri etred. sad ell Cosi de • livered to be os melee erected •1 Trip. Ell. work,- . . All the Pipe, lielitches and Sleeve. needed In Pre repair and ex.eaelou or Water pains. PIM Will by 'strewed for 9 or 17 feat lemma, all to be made Of beat material and thoroughly meted. vASTESop. All the Mime lumens. Castingeired for ru rally and extruelon during the fe a r FIRE rLIJOS SSD STOP COCKs. All the yin Plods ud Stop books •equirsd during the year, Includin tar alteration. and repair of work n g ow la use, of that etaimeter. d Kay seeded. in new ezteneinae. - Ike ripe. utastloss, Ping, and PPM, Cocks re. golfed f ?DOW extensluiat to be deletered along 11.1 line of volt. assca7 be directed by the elu• perMtendent, free or charge for cartage.. 'ILEPAIKM Or DASIM.WALL. For repateidg Hula Wall adjoining tipper Sight. House: to bola poet rebuilt, fetraishied ady nem none sad coptr egulred. et math, and hauling away., enrolls material ln nett repair: The Wiper llommltte• refine the rlyht for Jret Shy or MI bale. Permeate made monthly. Proporals Inert- b. made In miller. mid e domed • Proposals for 0.11.•• or Ike to. Oom try be. mller. West KKKKK dlo awl dellrared at MIII•al of bef o re War. y. bore sere o•oloot r: P. of MONDAY. *men 1615. Inst. .110.1 PER FR* NCH, mb7.m4l Maperleteadent. nil ERWIN, McCONNELL & CO3, 178 Federal Bt.. Allegheny. HEMMED If DK FS, at I:!.ic. 900 D CRASH, a Ilk: LINEN TOWELS, red border, 12; GOOD PRINTS, at 10e. BLEACIIED MUSLIIi9, at Sc. BLEACHED M USLI NS, yd. wide, i• I BATH TOWELS, lESSII LINENS. TAELI LINENS, TIMINGS FURNITURE CHECKS, &c MACK ALI'ACCA LUSTSIES = COLORED ALPACCAS BLACK WOOL DELAINES. EEZI9=I2 JEANS,MTTOITA DFS. CABSIMERIZ, for Merl &Boys' wear 41 Prices as Logo at .Ina a xolot liar WOoto.ono bayou Aro lovltoo to eon sod . "Er btoel. Erwin, NeConnell & Co., 118 Federal Street, MARCEII.IO.6I4 NOW READY. The following work, conlalnlng lOU closely whiled large octavo pages well bound la law beep. Prict , $lO. THE LAW REGhTER =II Lawln's in the Called States. TELE STAIR RECORD; Castal.fes the Count, C rev" the Organlx rZlr j air 41=Vegi a t:sg. ''. o f lke THE OFFICIAL DIRECTORY =1 Qomlnto/ Veleen OC Om Federal likerana• SYS, ths Dade. of weral Dirpanamti eli•Leit • of CI Mr Moab.» of l'oagena, the QCava gall Maas or .a. hderal Ctn..; TIIE COLLEC lOR'd ASSISTANT; tittneg leo TAWS ter C011et . ..1. 40te. 11. Verlll/1.. Vistas. •34Meg T*4. tie.. y. with fin. for le. ey &tett lel. nett We. see , el a5e 1.3,14. - 1114 • ..1.11.a. U. 012e111 D11316E91 MINOR. extrAlucu FROM orrtclar. RLTIMNII al JOHN LIVINGSTON. Or tl. Weer York leer. &triter/ or the Ile abate. ttelea law Compaq. 111 :I=7l hilistre Vy do Entails'Kitt IIV Cupn No. Its Erasdsras, Third Ilser, :la the Amulet. Kulask.• Natiosal Mull ßundle") Uii.k Ig•drdigg Drepald, la say erenna di ter Uallea gigaia. a. readapt •f Sera alt sill a rarwardad ell.. silt bill, le paid o g Oa Ildity. Frog gang. W. gailoal L, goinaneter Gen eral; or; Jong B. L , Melange, Tint Au•t. F. M. Ueneral; Sneers H. Iltanglag, Cake Clerk r. 0. Devell neut. Wneeinalesn. IL C.. Ten. 24.1151. JOner Lrfrearron, Zan., St miser Inereheala Oslo. Leo CO., New Loek.—Dear 610 'leer net Lao Yedlaler•asd 01110 DLnetory, Inn , apposes to have been van careta . ll Pre- Pend, and vre think may be of great terries Is atm trnosesUen ef LM hoists. or thin Depart wets. lba work will doebtleis Werra Valuable klOr7 ol kOlolf m "chile and heals*. wan, ' ALEX. W. laanDALLe P. Y. (intent. •tT JOHN B. p.SKINNIA. /11.stM /0311191 V.IILkC%IIII. lef Cl.tk P. V DWI. ►nu Hos. ranacu Z..6rniirlUt. 7rtaturs. of Ile Uatt&l Wasmay.lai, D. 0., Yea. U. lat. Jamb Liviben Jl , S. q.. tootelaff Stafnba Valor. Law Cs—Dear filer Tla sue Law Seats. tatted (Metal Liner oty, Jo.l anted, appear; to bare bete way earthily aerated, sad we 111 Del not unim la the tree meths of lee bath. aof this deparimeaa We hitt the work would prove a vat at bla acqulatUa to ad oliosid be oath* Out of every promiuel om• alai. batar. haulm( ad beilnea has: P. R. UPISIN i 3, Trea.ir D. IL waiontll. ALLEGUENIT OROCIIRV - AND PROVISION COMPANY. JOIE A. McGRAW, President. J. P. ISRAEL. Secretary. Tho Stook of tale Company . Le Mindy heal) r i m . h i t , .. 4 •l 4. , r , a t , :i t ivi ll .thoonolToa 411.1P.ViiIr AWN CliorICOMI • Atli Federal St. /Heinen! NEW SPRING GOODS, ALL TOE ?JEW ATTLEE OF . HATS AND CAPS, litillYlNG DAILY AT • McOOHD & CO.'S. us prOOD NTRUT. hal BELTlNG.—Leather and , .Gum o.otiV'oditi;a'ett Br an Silo:eft pineel, and warranted to We Ulf t'oll SIN LW. eimben. sarata, alwaya en nand and /KW dale. W ewe ea! e sad reual. by ' • J. • B. PHILLIP% c. • • SI sa4 SI M. CAW slahret NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALE OF DOMESTICS. 500 PACKAGES, MCI GIN GHAMS. SHEE'TI.N . G-S. SECIR,TINGS. STAPLE GOODS, SOUGH Blloll'll BEET IT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, PAOKACIR OR PIEOE, Less than Blanufaetarere Prices J. W. BARKER k CO. 59 Market Street. DIU AND: COUNTIT MERCHANTS = lOctmiparo_ ./.2•11:1141.1111 I==l CASSINIEBES, I=l Tab ieLn.•22.. Tcrwolis, 7-.1.2a0rk. "Skis co tai. Crco 'taxa. Illikkoollsas. roilliwoo•osato Cattozi. E= Noillicsvcreamo, in 123.021. A. FULL STOOK, AT LOW PRICES, Wholesale and Retail, at WM. SEMPLE'S, ISO a 182 Federal Sr., Allegheny DISSOLVTION.—The Partner ship lerst•lt.r. solstlag Oscura of u dorslaxod. Rados Um Eno. use Vid sEls of Ezur t /SCOTT, • • Is Ws du elusive.: OE ato MI emus L ET C. TAT Is uthonael to milks sr, Ida ball. BE N" " T s •. SCOTT, DEESE M. 1.0.0. orsetal Eutaw. rlltsbarEts, Much S. l /10-PARTNERSHIP—The an o-s otralsrood lisoo Bussed Co•parturshlp aadu tlo, Emu .ad style of • -- ray, 1111/11PLZ AgpIOLIM. . Dollar Ito= Totscsary Ist, 111811. RIESE C. VET • • ruNIS EX CRESCENT FIAT GLASS WORRE. Fry, Semple a HeyEeldo, Ani try wroszas or Phu Pressed, Mows. Cut and • Engraved, Table FLINT GLASSWARE, Gas and Kerosene Shades, Spedel attiitl.l MY. b ( FINE our AND. ENGRAVED TABLE WARE, No. 6 Wood Street. SOP Will ft.. .a April Ist to Na. A. Nit. UM•NT•SHOTZL, essitttlald ealtamati RAIIE.CIIAICE for BUSINESS ONE OF THE BEST STANDS • I.2.IOIISYLVARLIL • • FOR SALE. As 'nal to antrum ima r . bostssss i sag *nolo IRV .W4l Wisa •61411.1 rowder, lag*. sy u. IR or • WO Gad wall lamas. Shuffles, Latopo,TaMe Glanware, CHANDELIERS AND FIXTURES. anise seaslsts et Ito Iva *o%,osuallsms =I Intl arrassed atom. • Nos. 172 and 174 Federal Street, Cossetted try opentsgs Is trot sad woos/ H. irnegrdro7r. :11,7Vglitatrbtrai a, lot An bones 050 Woe warns& bolsi l'aratio"""l. Tegg,°,7•loll°"o:lllV7,.. 00.1 Tea irbassasil Maar. Sews Le.- Taw 1110001111.4411115 g. IPPM.a ARTHURKLBIL (tins WALL PAPERS, to UUAr VAJIWCZY. NSW. 1 / 1 1ATITTITIL A2D OWCAP, AT NO. 107 NUM= insirr. (Raul irrrat.) rta; JOY. U. HUGHES & 800. CIIEAP wAnneVon gum— it 41. , .•g=t 7 wr i .4. Utilise isms •••1 terms. 110 ll.yr —ma: ezur.:::tral:l7,ll=ll.""!m*". 1 1126 21M., rair li t s. SISENIII6III THIS to TO GIVE NOTICE that on the"..l day of hiaeb. A. D. 15.1 S a war rant In lisnaruptcy was Istut4agatast ;las VII ATE 111 , 11. a. tlf littsbursh, in the eouity of Allesteny. and tante of Venn., Sala, who hat been ad,udged 11b.kr.r4 on Ills o 1...1t:0n; that tin pay ment of sty debts and wn ar.•lst ry of any proprrtl be.onslus us, and te o t ouch ota o u rk a ty p t p , him boyr roe ahties forbidden by law; that a m meat o ug r of t h o m mi. torso( the eall han LIUO:. to ovire terir debts and to craoote one or more ...Wanees of els Ita• tate. relit be hold tea Court of nankruptey, in be holden at the hotel of the Nchl•ter. No. id Diamond etre.. Inthe City of putaburrn, fate nalltlif 1. liAIf.V.LII. most.", on the 31day of/4411r 1"., at 10 o'clock a.m. TllO/11AN lilowLsr. zah7;11134 V. S. Manila , . as Merv/sorer. IM!!=I PRINTS, THIS IS TO GICE NOTICIF, that -a. on the Mb day of Fsbruam,.. D. try. Warrant Ds Isnekraytea was Isasita stains tle ESTATIL OF WILLIMI Of tharroburg, la the wooly of •Ilegbeny, and Btaie of ratiosylvatun, wbo ems been adjudged • bastropt on Ms ono txtllloal lost the bay =est of asy gebta to&livery of soy propene belonging so mien tislatoubt, bl= or f.r ems and the muter of any P=Pan= bY Una ii - to by law: t.at a noreling of the ll toes of Um Judd .oaokrost. to prere - tbeledotas batto enooa- out or more A 11•1112.• of bla Is• e. will be bold at aCours of , Gannlntel. 1 0 ttr:;•rttr4 Pili FS .11 kft Begiater. on tbe 1010 day of April. A. D. l I Cd4 at latedlOCl A. X. 71103 A. 'D. 11=arill al, a. Neggq..,... THIN IN TO GYVE NOTICE that ot lee nth di. of Nellyeasy. A. D. lOU. a Warm.. Bultroptcy yra lamed option the OF ALOE= COBBLE, Plasloirgh. In the 00.1y.0f Alleghoay. end Maid bf 1.0 lea beeltadiedvni a Unkempt am In• own petition: that the plyntent of any debts end de Sven.. or Soy property to eh bontropt, to blm or lot his noe. and the ...ter of toy prop .rty by 11. A are forbidden lor: akin • ...UAW. croditer • of the said Denim., Popp:no thotr tette°. onerptotoreStilts COOT Of. plata. VII be held at • Coen _of nanonlint7. , CP M heidee, et the theof the lingtater, /to. Meowed oilfeety la the Inly Of Intuberbh. beon, eLmus Lid Alt• rag, Register, on sae AMA Or of lOron, A.D. 1/41. at 00 o . cloalr. A. A. . . TICKS. II THIS I$ TO OWE NOTICE that en the Yellk day of Ifabraary. 4. 1/. 1/411. • Warraht In Banton/ toy lesued agalhet the Inas° of JOl/ en 4140 sad atql•C Jl. P[N• 21 /JCS panne. as Rise & PENNOCK, Of Pltlaburets, In the county of Allegheny, and of Pennvylvanla, who have been adeteged emote - note on Mete own reunion: that Oka pay ment uf any debts and dollen, of any propesty beton/dog to seen bankrupt.. to Above. or /or their see. and 1118 transom. of any 'DfOlnetY ep teem ore forbidden by law; that &meeting of the erection of the sale bankrupts, to prove their eehte and 1.0 noon be e p more Autenees of Shale estate. lOU bet a Corot of n Mo D . to be baleen at Weenie/tot the oft 1004 No. n Dlonond meet, la the Cur Yin. burin, before B•11171.L wAYIT.E. 'Pea., in.. eouock. Y e en toe 1114 day of •prtl. A. D. Sal, at ID c. cam Tins IS TO OUSE NOTICE that We on = V/ea k sy p o e / w hm. e d • a lt t a agu the ttt Allegheny CItT. Ile the &tint? of Alleeheey. Maus of reamer:mils. who too been adll4leo • s•si...pt on, so oleo pa at !on . that the DaYr••ht of any debt. and delivery or are poverty be• losstins to sorb tealrept„ to him. Or for lie see,and the tranafer to any peocerty by Wm are foretdden try las•, that • meeting of the creditor* of roe N 0.111.12p1, to ploy. their doom ant to ehooreofe more •salresea of Irgrae;TtVelfdl . :::7.l=VMll7i, day of •stil.•. .1 at; JO Wom 0, ma.. t l. 1111106.' a. sOWLET. Ishaant• • U.S. blasehal, a Ilesa•oger. • THIS 19 TO GIVE NOTICE that "au Um Mb day aL 7enmap, A. D. UM a .warrant la aaarempter lnauad aaalast, , lartATE or. J. E. DIFIEJ/11A0811131, Of Ohio township. to the iatillitte of AllegheuT. nod attL of renniryDania, who has bran ad- Dellrod a bankrupt on his own petition; that the Minima of any add. and 111,11•1117 of tam prop orgy belonetng to such bee itropto o him, or for Ids nee, did tee tranefer of oaf ProPertY by him are foreladca try' law; that a toesiltig of it creditors of the sold bankrupt, to yrore their debt., sad to emcee one or sloreAssi=ecte ands estate, will be held at a Moon of Br.roptcy. to tei bolo. at No. Pedant street, Allegoeny tiayilitay county, re-; before Atiltle N.. WADS/. Aso .Stegistee. Out With day I Desch, A. D. at /0 &gloat a. In. T.ISOILAS A.. uovirmar, 11. 5. Marshal. It illessenrer. I'IIIB IS TO GIVE NOTICE that oa the ISO day orltelehaver, A. D. MA a Werreatin liaskraptcy wee belted against the LUTA= or HOWLEY P. oarry, Of Arlegtem tre county of All, felndltgel lo alma_ o ffrrPon il tr m t.. wh il o tru h ri Mat the paymeto us debts cad dritnry or my ammo, lvaoaglus to such bankrupt. to Me, or forme use. nod sue sreuefer ot t n r pra t's/T*7W: rre'dr,4".4l4.lll:btak.::.'t; prove their debts, and Mamma oee or more Se al/mom of his estate, will be held at. a Of.urt of Maaknapter., to be holes et Ito,llS /edema a b t goV:Alta h lUagiq " :l , lV/470Plittr: oa lock tee 111t h day of Mama. A- 14. 1665. at 10 o'cA. THIS IP TO GIVE NOTICE that A. ea the ranaat o l l a tud t d r a a r ta r le u brr e d A .D tIN L th e hsae 1 aOOIE MAtArsir sad a .71.11.11 UALJOIAIikt. Co-III:Wen as &c., he., tiIEOZUZ ILIMAIVEY t CO« stdAlierbeny elty, In the county of Alltch.). of reetthylrnola. - Nho bate hoes Mdged op ts bank on {thin tan p.titlon: Mat the paymeat y dents and d-Iltere of any or belonging net bankrup them. or (or their toe. and (be "anthem nr S t y pron. trty by th e.. are forbidden by law; Mat • men. ar of Oen erndltors of Ina till hankropta, to pone their debto ath to choose ono or mare •a. V:=;;(4l`Zoet t acqgl 0 .1'42 t: C ie r e !ell street. gong teeth ose. Ailegtmny roomy. P.. Minns JuliN N. PLINVILLNeIi. negimer. no the meth day of Aptli, U. let., at M O'cladr. A. N. WESTERN DISTRICT OF • • PINNSTI.VANIS.. Ns.• In Um matter or NONE= B. KUMLA. a atailopt. Taa sada:signed hereby glvdaotlee of taele anyolntaant as aaataraees. or Ebb Z ter a. NO AXIS. of the (.11tX of Abash/ay, In tha elxnay of Allegbany and State of redx.yleanla. la allele odd dflatalet, mho has boon adlnd,es a bluttrayt on Ida 000 7.11000. by the 01a[01e1 Coon of uld dlatzlet. ! Dated Plttsburgb, the Pith dsr.of lebruary, A. D. DM JOHN )1„, Ei6Ntin Y. WZIRBLLN A. LEWIS. mama Attaraepe-at-Law. inineand St. WESTERN DISTRICT PENN or-LvAur.L. Sha t..34..11...a hereby ero wits. of h 1 kSBIGNKE OVROBRAUERRYET of the borough ;of Taraatosa. to the wooly of alitalragy. cad State or Paostaylnota, wlthla 0114 Mulct. who has boon adjudged a haat root oa bla ova poLltlos by Lha Dlatrlot Ooux of aakt District. 1117013 IiOLZ. Asairaea, - moon rola% Allay awl Dagemsaa Way. raya:hai WNI7 EXTERN DISTRICT Or PLNAITLTAMIA, 1511. At Plblabatab. Ma MA day a btarcW A. D. IN% The anefersigned berabyAlyat nod. of Ws lITIrrAtit,nII. O I.7 .I 6tIVAPLII: fr w. t . Lt n a :., P.11:11111d. aslo 1111.611 tds own p•Lttban, by itt:Vatilet Goan* said Dlstalct. Juan IL SIALLIGY, Aadambt. addidatit Att , y at Lavr., b St. ALL of THE MIIIITHEACTUBEW Or THE Pittsburgh White jl.ead and COLOR WORRSi • INOLUDISU , STItICTLI PURE WHITE LEW. ZINC, PAINTS, mien: sizzas, ad= b apall aud grauad la HARRIS& EWING, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Corner Liberty and Wayne Etrfels, • R,ECVIII7Ir AND coerrortir for SNM TRALYELIBO COMMUNITY. a.Be SAFETY Fllll JACIET,. Car - Heater and Moderator, for elltsKlC AND NOT AIM eLUIGS. Moen. in, vita UM .• of MTet usd flees to Ile 10051 61117Z.1e " MITI ' ' le It ton{ mt NOSY be deolred vicuna shossossitOMY or Altai tbe ofir or cars to IWO?, the Jacket my be miasmal. . Ramat otrtalard et tit Unlta4 Mates Learn latest fora 15a Hr J sabre 'ratan la warrmte4 mum Om MOH MOIL. bad. Mat May-be a piled li t .t la Lae boablon sad iturpoM tablet lalaatled. It barns protection trove Seeleaata be leek Ortirla attar from de rectiae Sat. war Iron Mom ale and me boadartera lO la .1 .41'=‘.414:111:Vikita,V.I.14 Weirs perfect tallsrarlen Ir re Irtoe moth temeastible 1111aUsel may be owed la Mose =olio stmt. dwell am 1 7 7.:=ra. gr 4 51011211.441,1111111140 Cart. Ire.. - plp. a.e^adtatora. am made daagerom hO belch embeeted tad flinty desired. I will alt. Oa Mgrt i /ViatVP riritltre rtf Oltattr t eIOI tlatate Or toasty. • U. 8. 21.0.111M1L11111. • mr olle . e at the "NI MUD lILT/ Pl]Vr. s I.VES!OOI9e7 Merle etreet thd the elle ilZ h Aral /thread, /data ward, nu. a SEISING OFF AT COOT Bonus & pantßATrsi 61 Silthdeld Street, 01111, 810010 P HOLUIEPIIBIROBIZO 1100 to IF WOVE*. PZISOZZA. COAL V el an ksoas Siodl trreereet, LGood shmiceaterehasePresent,. dal NOTICE —NOTICE IS HEREBY unmet MU wavin sal.. tor .klivire. • BOAV /SWAM P.oncrir lylv g at, th• old carry *WIN& noarßaw Nil Mix. for set Imat or .mm It mil *Men, ea 1.11• 14Th DAY 07 ILLIIOa4 ' tlatsiii claimed and charge* paht "afar to that 70 . 7 7 400 14 411. BALLJUirritilfp BANKRUPT NOTICE'S. , rETEI TUOIL/I.* 2,IIIOIIIILLT. lab4:ml7 U. B. AI ants al. as Illungger W;;MRIM7gII WATE oP 301111! SPE4III. EMEEI THOS. UOWLEY. U.S. /WOW. a. Xe•rniger 1:2:3 THOS. A. SOWLIAr. V. A Marshal, as 31,4sa1er TEAMITS 611ULRII ! VERdAILLIVI gamma. annoax TaLLovr. ♦aunuuos, errriutuzen. rs NOTICES. PrkiSß . oll Prruneope he.ocipmoß Roo g. I fittpbergb. Pet, =, ift ar/N ACCORDANCE D'llr 11 A rtintrie r. itiiitttsmVi Pk itl i e b n! 1" of "b A NATIONAL CONTENTION I .Ot l 3 l=Tlstyn_l94.O . Tos In •Petrolunni nut nn st the Stuart of !Fhta Weglnausay. March,4tb, 186116 AT i% o'ctocc r. ;CI dealers. oad others toter...nod r aro le alb. Ala eorStuty toettod to attend 'nebulae. one imyertanca to sae-one ' hth i en "ai he br.pent Deign tae t:parenuov. RS Pdtatur*b retroi L 4°Ne. • imovati. boot do e' . ah""h". do. X9O lar/iOT/CE TO BONOSSOLDo T , EIR Ilwavaga — ZL 2r I F °. It onters are hereby notteed that Cacaos et 9. '1. ; ot'antae Bond., dot reOrnary 1010. win ha D. 14 on atel' setae that nate on wetentatton alne:denaary at me VIM National Dant of Putt? batik. JXO 13. Ph.ott. Jut. 084. ruts.* d 7 "*"'" • ..ra.b.ro. Jan /fa * I ' Platkrn KEETIff MIL Overall°, Tam 1117 , X0saAR3LA Saimaa ( P/Mbarl l 4 7oboury UrS. I ner THE PRESIDENT AND XLSAGILS. OF TOW CM /WAXY hare Shadow &eland • I).ldearl * h e I. .1( DOLLAN ArtrISILY !MIT NVIC WEN I ISR ISO 4.r. lame:able totOoetlolders their eiratonnausett• (OOres on. and after THISFLIDA.Y. Ilarch B.D. (WA's( the Noah>, MOM Of N. HI/L1123 • BV La, I' Mules a , rtes. J• 11•5 H. WRIGHT. Treiet.. !afrerfs or yalr Fafnir • OIL COY P . arr, t No. I D ltarla Same. retalrtou. February nit. rDIVIDEIID NO. 1.--Th• —7- ths ß o y d d ofl a D d re • orae dr u M of O r a e arcei PAN VILNI., payable on %aHo o k s* e laid,' Rom lets to Ito . 47 ,t ata . vv ,....... Illeennary and Treardiree. 1574571 VirPITTABINIGII NATIONAL COAL AND GOYS 011 PAN Y.he nue,o4 Annual meatlng of the Illuellualdars at thaTlClsbalun SaUanal Coal and (Yoko Calais.- .r.mui lad held at .19itarsday, Mixeli, 5 th,19111, if 9 A. M. at Vitae% Mums= i 0..8 Warehouse, If Liberty strut. 41. W. ISCEILITZDIt WIER& Suntan sad Treasurer. @MI tarlrillE ANNUAL MEETING of the 11t7ckholden of tho UNION Un- Clityti nil/NANO IiPANY edit be attest, bold 04 Me °Oleo of the Company. 113 Llbeety en XONDAY,'N/LitClll Mt, Br tireen the hours of 4144 4 r. N., for theatre- Waal savor Lltrcetorr weerre for the ausalug . Or W. A. frf4 , 131 • Orr-rotary. 11,hillaeltaa, Atha WATalt a =MAO° HAI •,.h.I.Y Co., Orebde os amt BsCabhAhh. • Chtsbarth,ra.. lab. D mr-roof t the FlockN ANUAL MEETING f sad handholds'', o thls Goehthey, ftr the eleettoa of 11 , 1theiOn. and Sock other heathen., as May come Wore lt. will • be h4d al the edam of Seth Company. les the Clty ol , Plttaboreh. on the Thing triUMEaDaY 118114) of /SLUMS'. A.D. 1/I,ea 10 o'clock L Y. Tee thank thel hoed nowto hooks of the .ocatethy, ht the. oglot la the CUT of 7111 s• barge aed at lbs ?remiss •gencs 10 the 0111 *Cosi' York. wl , l be elestd ons the We d y alt Mane. a , slosk P.O., led ream,* clue ea. 111 the lath day 0(44,01 thereaftes. /NM. UUTCH IN• Oh . fah" ' 'Montan. AUCTION BALES. UT ZULLISER a PAILILLIPS. ivatatEn & PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEERS Ai .d Commission Merchants, • PERA.HOUSE AUCTION ROOM!, Nei (0 Fiih Fired, Plitsburgh, Pa. I '•?3001'8, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, „; • " AT PRIVATE lIALS DITI. S WiNlllO. _ COURINWROIIIs 111011111ted. rivals* I{44Onks. . tahl: Er A. Esau ATE. ITCTION SALI6&. .:EVERY IUESDAY AND FRIDAY. The Imelda litigation of buyers Is directa to %bey., Intim:Uwe maims ewes or londesiieVY minMAY and MiDaY, eller/Let tetorshics,7 commencing at a O'clock, as tee Altalloa • lad Federal Street, Allegheny. kitty conceivable kind ofgood.. Sr. offered at these sales. an. many rare balsam ma to be amyl Consignments , rom allilircadone are be le. dell, received, tberety malatalahm variety in MP salec Merebanta having ennui:amis. Winder ananlable and advautageons for their speedy conversion to cash. Ifleas ' WM embrace • „ • BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. DSI • GOODS, LFAISIOk. ',GOO .; Catl err, Furniture; Jac, 1:81 114ers eats aleo be 'accommodated at "whale valm More open da6r. from 7c, A. 54, A. LIGGATIN Ave Clasen% • ,rr MP refitral Btreet eroeo7 gDELL HOUSE AND LOT, ?:Ivoodte Rim, Bicelira Tp.. T AUOTION. Sett be *AO. be order et tail .11aalimes Of LUOVItraD a HARZ, ao Ti ski, March 10th, at 2 o'clock, • wi prtamma. 'that LW! or (MOUND at laclala , Easy ECU are tolmaillo. Ca Beaver Maw. near ste. rra•bytetta% Ohara, Clitelra Larr:Na. 7:40 feet 1 , on la valetsla erec Leak ted ara Dan, Dalai 1 ILOUM or TIMIS ROOMS Al" Um tot os the road 46414 ap Wrote 'aux, attar Dart or the lot 21. tfi t treoara Dlturitudt hat. =s TitssuplOne-thlrd can ths balsams ht miths. A-LEGG/17Z, Allah:aster, IBS Irceleiskstreet,...lo.legamo 1). P. EIF-462TC • IEAL ESTATE OFFICH,. No. 98' Grant Strreet,, PITTSBURCH • Beal Estate and Perckmal Prcrperty g;` Bought kod Bold enimTi 'Amour, artixTlON TO Naito(Sanwa of Lou.. 'Mond to "the ineating et Prop•rty. 7 . ! elan of Clalas. uy THE HEST & CHEAPEST B PIANO AHD ORGAN. Sclionacker's - Gold Illednlilland LND EATEV'S COTTAGE CRUEL Twe aeIIMMADEIIe PULIIIO ramble fi 'siert veritable Improvement. Munn It theeme• madden of • an class tunrament. and bes always beenawarded the hiateet prenalset unworn exhibitd. . Ilathhe n th . tosetrous arid wad. 710 K orkmatimpas Ite durability sad beauty. staples all Wipes knees lama 000 b 11 5 00.(atterdLuitto Erne andlin lano . islia cheaper than 011 other tio-ealleul bat lassel , tt e , diIIT.T . 3I:()T7AIITS OBOADC amide at the bead or all reed Imeretatents tp rmehtei shatter, ost perfect Woe enalityor settee of uty attrument made ix the Vette& States. It te strejle anti compare in easetrime tiattnnattei erirIat(2"4.4I.7I.I:INANk .TIIMMOLO" Is only lobe Mend Ix ills tart. rrial 0m , eroYto 05.50. all rytantgedrpy 1484 HOARE & SCUTUM, 210. 1270. cruLnt MARVIN'S CRACIER-87 ARE BAKED IN A PATENT OVEN. IRIVIT 111 11 minim& le Aires .• LIQIITLIL SWItZI7II salf imam rnamltursvurtlf vtiUri.e=aer.Ro.zeoptaliteavattrirmi.....n. sad hid Intr.% my npralar a go 300 o nlallfag. " l:4 4 4V 4'en ag. r 100 Largest Bakery Beer is Pittsburgh. .Nbtie pante...lo MARVIIS ta ea Um aldw .. of v. 1- Pgr-bl4O- Ss B. XE.A.RVIN No. 91 Liberty Street. (M. plenum'lfr..D iscs. Eitel* Cracker m Malt Fade% • 811.1 .- Libarty fit,Pittsloargh, )14 , 1 . 1;soutm . and asoizia W ktadil AND norxemo yawn,. Num ac nia. JAPANNING.: I ' INA=IeTAL. ST T AIR " VT ' La r i LLOYD, . . , • .. lit. Ola Beeleat. MllllllMail4 P4l earfolts , Tea Caatekat Betaißaiuml ."' _ la .
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