THE DAiIY GAZETTE, rintiusamo mar maxima PENNE/WIG REED ilk proprietors, 7.7- tll'. • — Waitsl;'N' o➢7ICB. GAZETTE BUILDING *km M *s.4 *4 P*rn mum , . .arN lefiricil hpa Ed= hrzyluaii. Priam. rkrzx nP rrr i ninrsaa 11D ciatelar. alfttaPlST mut MOM 71.11112' os 00N.III7ZOL4G Para M cla Xsts. - 1-4 s pa. yrs DA= restr. .41?. Addresni. T • oszwrrs. pis gittstrugli Galt* Tmc Ptratco DEr xxx puller :s -tills:ad in Februsi7, in its absolute tote. by_ about three, and a half . .tnillions or .Dactstaknts to the Republican State Goareariost”at Philadelphia; ma tlta Ittk, going by the Penrisylvattla Ceti .nalaalircsi and piyi.a4 tall fart, will iettelye tram ' col. Joltrtmt return tickets , . - 1311 prOperlyAe tetsolned riot - to disfrenchles Ohlo on its Boar. - Ifer rights have been rally recog rdied Lillie admission of hfr. WAD/. to all the in actions of a fienntor, 1 and whethee he shall or dual not claim ••• 'voice and 'rote 'upon Intpesciusent ism* safely be ler& to his own sense of personal- delleacy and °Male propriety. That is a matter which entirely rests be- tween 2 aed tho people of Ohio WzaraVne. may be the opinions of the people u the or no. _cushy of idoptlitg the tsulditiinial articles—and' ti ItePublieut press are widely divided lima that question—the Danocratie-Cmvwirathres necd'at bor row one lata of trouble about that' 1V ; tuition now. The - articles will not be withdrawn, but In due time will be no. ported by evidence and submitted, as the others, to the judgment - of -- tbe Court. - _ • True ':Onnresttco_ . granting a roan of one milliowdollars 'oat of the Memo of. Baltimore city to the Pittsburgh and Connelsville Railroad (knispany, was yesterday by both' branches of tho'Council of that municipality. This . 10.11 untold& the Company to at once con struct their road from Connelsville to Cumberland. President W. O. Rughart deiervva - r ankh' credit-for effecting - this, large and important loan. /2. m 11.1.1 . 011TZD that Gen. Bteedman has, violently harangued a Slate Con- 1 -sention . of . Democratle ex rebeldat New Orleans, sustaining the President and *detains - forcible resistance to'.Con . grew'. "Yuri" and his hearers well un derstood a that sort *of thing. • They had all the fighting they wanted for their natural lives in the later "unpleasant. mass," and have no idea of trying it silvan. Bat he wee' perhaps half in earnest, as, if all stories b 3 true about_ this warlike Cancan's 'of Rennie, he has already. began his campaign. • C47ICLLI, Ifxrcrass from the Alabama Blection shciw the defeat of the Consti tution by about three Thousand votes. One unfortunate result of this will be the postponement of her restoration to ill her "practical relations" kir several months. Another submission will be necessary and the requisite - legal prelim inaries therefor will unavoidably be pro tracted. In the present look of affairs in,the South it will not be surprising if Alatim4, — irbore Convention" was the first to complete its labors under the Re construction Lows, should be the last to be - restotiel-tolhe talon, unless labials estpid claims that slam. - TSB 01M.-=-' phraseology of the res: elution adopted by the Petroleum Con. VELLUM oq the 6th, would occasion a doubt in the minds of readers who do not peruse the fall report of the proceed legs 'and discussions, as to the real ob. Sects which its member]; wish to, reach. It is,priper, therefore, to state that the Convention desires the abrogation of the •present tax upon refined On, which. - in point of feet, gives now a decided advan tage to refiners abroad. In asking for this repeal the Convention, however, found itnecessary to ask for the removal ofthe present tai on erode iota also: Bat, as to botherude and refined, the Con -Tendon seemed to concede their just Liabilities toe tax not greater than that imposed upon other useful msnufactures; . more than that they condemn as unjust Death of Dr, William Moist Dr. William GitUou died at &Irani:Lab, Ga., 'on ...Monday hist. Althoegh • long wlthdiiarn frOm hls active professional pars - MU, Mr. Gibson Is Stillwell remem fberadia this community as one of the incetAlstingnished Stinteona among the many men who have adorned the medi cal 111111:180311C24 professions of 'Philadel phia. .FOrnearly halin• century Or • cupied tM Chair ofthargery In the Doi •veraity of Pennsylvanin, and held the :Emeritus Professorship at the time of :his doath. In his time bewail a toner of isteingdeto that inetttntirm. 'and by bin rime talents and great skill, both as an operator and inetructor in surgery, long maintained the supremacy of thelleiver shy among the medical achoola of this country. Dr. Gibson was a native of Mary land,. and Tootle& his professional edit- Mition in Edinburg; after graduating at Princeton College. At the limo of his death, which resulted from as attack of erysipelas, he bad passed his eightieth year. Ile has long been missed from the profession which be so brilliantly adorn 4d, and, at his advanced age, his death wee sot unexpected. But the announce meat will recall his memory to the large circle of professional and other friends, or two glineratimm, who were accus tomed, In bygone years, to chaos In the honors which be conferred upon his atiosen science by the great -abilities -which he so strongly derveloped - smd so long exercised in its behalf.—Phaudel piaci 'Maltlogit. a Facia _sad Gossip —"l'lle,Reasestruction Committee are still iappeaeal to any special legislation for the senalcaLon of Alabama. Tnlome special says Mit probe are that the Ways and M.o. .Coutolittee -will yet make the' whisky - tax serreuty-flye mom per gallon. They have deuld - ed to retain the tobacco tax. —The itety novenae bill is now being elaborated with great core by the Com mittee of Ways aDd Meat.. Tnototmax, metier' is being carefully prepared fa as eardamm with the vostra of Commix sioner Wells. It Is thought the spirit tax will be so arranged sr. to cheek. fraud, - - without reducing Mtring. —Some of -the I:4atorn members of - Congress are anglone imt, if Wide he . ,Voto the Prvident, the financial policy "• of the gneentmeng will bo changed to nub the views. of Butler, Logan, and other awoanahmhas ;-- but they. is .good cause tor believing that If Jobneou be removed, Wade will not favor any dan gerous finamla;-experlments. Tbo Sen ate wilt check any attempt at printing game legal tenders, „made. The bond; holden ask Congress to rgdneo the rats of inharsak and hint that if they don't, "repudiation is imminent.— Wud.. _Pros './our. ' =I A a i teclal Wrahingion dispatch to the Cat Sip TeCbtate says: There-is-some needless emit hunen t over the .cvmmun I mitten by Cider Junco Chose to the Senate of lila Maar as to the proper or ganized's= of a couri of Impeachment to try the President. The members of the committee and others Senators were well aware of the position of the Chief Jostles before their rules were retorted to the Senate. His expectation emote to hero been that the rule would be In formally sgseeti upon by the Senate= tamely Mt shads :or presentation to the Court when argeol:oxl. It is known that moat of the Samford entertain a Mb ferent view, aid regard tSir plates .0 more extenelve, and the falst et their havingproofs - Tided to"wh r =hei bass a knowledge of the n likely _fie taken by the Chia Justice, teem/ to indicate that btu opinion will not influ ence-their the matter. The precedents, In all the sewn la which - the Saagehas heretofore amides a Court of Impeachment, are in favor ofldr. Mote's -slew Markus rules can only be adopted alter the Court ht organized. On some other points the English precedents .seam to be against him as elaborately . 4 p 7 reisarited to the debate on the subject -VOLUME LXXXIII Inf EDITION. MIDNIGHT. PenwlvaniaLqhlattie .addropetattes Rill Passed the Hodes —Peepto.e Passesserltstay— . Pittsboode CeaseMufti's—Etna 1w amassed •la the swats—lt Carle. .. ppstadasats miegamai Coaats—ltalt Pare to Betaildleale dtateComrsatien. . [Boma I)llrate¢ to the nu carat paseitt. • Ilarratszunci, irsich.c; • , Skse.TE.-: zaLLA .42rrztoimasn. llp Mr. COLENLL.N, Lebanon: Estab, Ratting Railroad Companies - merged :t spacial enactment previous to 1661, to take adrantage of the banefils; given by the general act of ISO!. By Mr. CON CELL. Philadelphta: One to written° the rate of interest at eta per cent., awl - repealing the usury law. - By Mr. WHITE, Indium': One incor porating- the Mentor,' Suiquebainut and - Cherry Tree Methmarl Company, - 'By la,' ERRETMAilegbeny: O'ne powering the Bummer Braddocke-Bor ough to commit pemons INS edged giailty of disorderly conduct to the county - jail ha default of payment Of linesq Mao, an. thorizinii the baronet of Braddock," to ,permit its streets to be occupied by' coal ~roeda .. l Authorizing the School Directors-of East Deer township to barroW money. By Mr. .RANDALL, of •Schuylkill: Supplement to the act of March fMe; 7967, to Increase. the Rerannes of the Corn. monencaltit, which maims the . tax cut card tteenty-fire Cents per ton Instead of At twelve o'clock, ticao, - atiJcnirixed till Motility evening. notrsE OF , REPREELF.....NTAITVES. PASaIrD . III2tALLT. The Appropriatkaltal passel:Lib:Ally 'sorts's PASSLICCIZEL RAILWAY The Bill incoxporathsg the Pittsburgh Poopi r eltPassenger Railway pesseci sec ond reading. ara was hltipTar, with the imendments introduced by Mr. Font, of Allegheny, impos lag the same tifzes on' the Company az aro now . Pald by the Citizens Passenger Railway; and an them:lrma connection with the Citizens Passenger Railway upon terms to be agreed upon between the Companies, the Court of common-Pleas to fix the tart= in cue of dispute: rrrninusa Et coasoLn,' Aziox On motion of Mr. WILSON, of Alto gbeny, Mr. Ford' a .wapplemont to was incorporating the. .city of Pittsburgh, ante amended by securing the new por tions of the city from the payment of any portion of the indebtedness of j the old portion of the city, providing ,that each corporation shall pay its owndebta, and authorising the Connell" to eating" the assessments, thereby reducing !the tax of the rural districts; allowing the erection of wooden buildings, by con cordat Councils; fixing Uce tem - ace( new officers from December iSth, 1567, February Ist, 15ffil; prescribing that tick ets shall Ce Toted endorsed •'City and Council" and "Ward officers." Ladtiorer for third reading. 1 PRIVATE CALE:MAL The sea:Mader - of the steal= was pe cuided with the - first reading at twititte Mlle on the talsadar, - withcint final no tion._ Avizieroots SEttatota—Mr. FORD'S tnpploment to the Pit4lbs maserlds tbsestets passed kinkily as atheiled. This monaMig the following blll4 among aline *Lori Annexing the /3outh western portion cf Duquesne borough to Allegheny city. - Anthorking .isat. Birmingham hor- Gogh to borro7 $10004X) for. improve manta.' Authorizing the - opening or leveed street, Pittaburgti. . • - • • • Changing tho name - ot Sack street, Kittanning, to Grant avenue. Incorpaniting the PennsylvanlaHolve Breeden Association, capital $100,000, , to hold land in Butler and adjoining coun ties. Supplement to set relative to the draining of wet and spronty ex tending tire samerto the draining of Coal and mher mines in Westmoreland,_.lll2l 1 strong and Aomerset • Ineorporating the UnicmGrocery„ Pro 'duce and Variety Co-Cperatlie Aawsita tion of . BroWasvllla, Footle county, Incorporating the Philadelphia, Kew York and _Bowan_ Steamship Company, capital $lOO,OOO, with the privilege of in creasing to $1,000,000. Changing the name of Kittanning Gni vindly tollOsizimbia Univeraity: - Incorporating Apollo Cemetery, Arm strong county. Incorporating St. Paul's Orphan. Home near Butler. A supplement forthe Ben. Franklin Instu-ance Company. Anglihear' creasing the number of Directors to fif teen and authorising the present Direc tors to appoint eight - additional Directors till the next election. Preventing fishing with - nets M. wises in streams of- Power county for five year. hereafter. Incorporating Petroleum Calcium Gas Light Company orPonmylvania, tosup ply cities, towns, &c., capital two hun dred thousand dollars, office et Kittan ning, Armstrong county. Supplement for Peepleo- Savings Book, Pittsburgh, repealing seed& seventh of the charter, - and authorizing dividends out of the net earahrga, Adjourned till Monday. Sometes imbue Vie A Ilechirbk Os • stY• . . The following appolntmeaLls of Nota ries Public for Allegheny catty were made by the Governor y: John Ramsey, Allegheny City; ' bert Mc, Master, Philip It. bfertz, Amigo W. Thompson and Charles C. T lor, Pitts burgh; Frederick M.K , Oakland ; J. R. Jacques, East Binning Prow Tickets trams riespalln Rtste Comvsmahus. Deleptes to the Plillade olds Stale Republiceu Convention, ding over the Penrybranla Central and paying full fare. will be fr-rnisiled free tickets by Colonel Jordan for returning home. PACIFIC COAST Cemlral ..elseltellenniflen rettlee 141e,• - of Col Teems ini,.... Ike X• 11 wee fee new Teek--4 fee f bkaa—/Oevieoll feeM • 5 I is - Sc 4 Failla M . nCo, March. . - c. &lenity smitied that the Pacific Railroad Company kas bought the San /me, Southern - Padde, Western Pacific Valley and Sacirarnento Railroads, end that the transfer - of the San Igoe and Southern Paeltlewill be madewltbln two year& The purchase of the latter rood pine the Central the entire control of lb. Sacramento Valley' and Marysville Roads. The Central . Company hare de cided to locate the terminna_at Oakland. An agreement to that effect haa been re iltu to writing between that Company and the Daklawl authorities. ' They hays also substantially agreed upon an other tendon/at San Francisco. -- The opporutron steamer Nevada, for -Panama, galled to-day with fair hundred and seventy-four L•011•012d daLIIII• in treasure for New York. _ . The sailing of 'the Great Republic tar !lone gene has been postponed on or the noo-agrjeal of the eonstitu fronj The Republic cor nea a cargo rallied at upwardi of nue hundmi thousand dollars , and over • quarter'of • million in trevura. • Late Alaska edvico Mode the oaken and troops are well sad the Indians peanabla. Timber for the erection of barracks at Sitka Xuad bees landed, and the work or building would commence when tho weather modengp. ..-..- _ '--- }N --x_.‘ ....-'7'!-- 175 ‘.--- s,, , _ --- , - ::•;'':''' -.1 4---_ - _,..': i . 0.--..-4,,,-,..r.rr,,,-1.,-. ir.t--,**.7. - - te 5 „ , .... -----...... i .0. ~,, -t,i• - '-r,- - _ - ,4 ' ' . i .. .;: 1 1' , '": .":' "'-' - '" , -."' L7 ::=:::-' ta..... - . P.,`-.:::'.*.q-'"'" ,: t r 's•-• ::g• - •':".'" \ ',..... --%) . 7 4 ..:,' ...' . ' :r6 •/X. .4 r . [ 1 1.......:,,f,... . 1. ..'"; / " . ... . ji -4 ,1-2t:-...:„,,,,,:1...2,..., -,-,,,i-.,.-7,-;;17—. 15 . ....1. 1 .; ‘ ,1 , ....., •.„, L..- , 4- - •.•' , • f 1-•gy -77,.. :1 , ,,:r....4..,.::„.7._ ___ . ~_. : , . .Wr..i. Zi...:',742,,,,,,, -A- ' ' , r / , '-' ~.. .1A.6%,. .fi. 4 4 , ~ , "fa. , ,, _.- 4 Wk" 1 I •1 t 1 '":." ...," '' , I i \ 4 • v s , 1, - , -,- tn. , ..,........ 4 • :',. ..9 re s i i Vrots,i:,?-,-,...- It, )11. I • •., --, ', 11) .___. -— t, 1 I ' './ I j - _ - ... - -.....r .A ')• i'. `\ .. ' i•--=- ..A I 1 . _ . . _ _ . __. - .--_-!,- ----..._ - . -- Tr -, - --7--.-- .....---------,-- d...--- - ----- - . , • ---------7 ' ...Pl.! , . - FORTIETH. CONGRESS Impeachment Court The Orginlzation Completed The Hope .Appear BulesitdoptedbytheFourt Process for the President . Demanded. He is Se'mmoned to 'Appear on Friday Next. To which . TiMil the Court Ad I burned By Phlegm:4 to the Pittsburgh tiagette.) :WAIIIIINOToit.WeII G, lsiS SENATE. A. communication wall received from the President,giving infdi — matlon in re gail to the island of Alla Vela, fie= San Domingo. - Also, one in reference to the abduction of Allen Donald, a citizen of the United States in Canada. Mr. ..00.51ERtrY introduced. a joint resolution, authorizing the Segiatory of War to keep up the Gettysburg and An tietam Conioteries, which was referred to the Military Committee. The CRAM ambmitied a communies- Lion from the President in rei:y to the resolution of inoniry relative to the el 1-ed interference of tho 'United States Consul at Rome in the reoent troubles in Italy. Referred to Comm irtee on For eign Affairs. , Mr. MORGAR' milled op thejoint rest. lution relative to the default of States in the payment of interest or principal due on statics or bonds held by Ur United States. ACM° suggestion of Mr. MORTON, who desired to examine the resolution, it was laid over. Mr. WILSON called up the bill to fa cilitate the settlement of ratymaaters' lICCOUItht. It IlUttiOriitlt the reimbutee mord for accidental losses or ever pay ment made in goat faith, on proper tes timony and the approval of the Secreta ry of War. Alter debste the bill was amended, when it was laid. aside by the expiration of the mzrning hour. DIPEACII3IE-NT COURT OROANILArioN. The President announced . that • the time having arrived when the &man tras to proceed to the trial of impeach ment of the - President of -tha States, ho.would vacate the cloth' forthat The Chief Justice was again escorted to the Chair by Mr. Pomeroy, Chairman of the Committee appointed for that por no Sec:rotary of the Fnuate" read. tho minutes of the Court of yesterday. - _ The Chief Justice then stated the quer.- limit° be, au objection havingbieu shade to the swearing In of the Senator from Ohio ('Jr. Wade,) on the motion to post pone tho swearing In of that Senator until the remaining members had been sworn. He also announced that :tr. Dixon hod the floor. Mr, HOWARD, rising to a point of ortler, By the Constitution the Senate -sitting -an the trial of an int patchnient la to be on oath or affirma tion of snob member. The Senator by the Constitution is acornponent member ot the body for that purpom, There ran, therefore, be no trial unleas that oath or affirmation be taken by the respective Senators who aro.. present. The Consti tution of the United States to operative, and when a member presents himself take the oath, I hold that as a rule of or. dee it is the duty of the ofacer to administer that oath, and that the proposition to take the oath cannot be postponed. I Make the point of order that the Objeetion made to the swearing. 11 of Mr. Wade is out of order, and ala. that the motion of the Senator from Maryland. to postpone the strewing in of Mr. Wade, to opt of order under for roles and under the Cowl-notion of the rotted StateNand lask the Court respect fully, but earnestly, that the Prekident of the Senate — , — tho Chief Juntici, of the Sooreme Court of the United States pre aldlog over. that body, to decide tht• question of enter, and without debate: [object to any forther debate. lir. DIXON—The question. before the Senate - is whether under the rule the Senator from Ohio— Mr. DILAXII—I call the Senator from Connecticut to order. EEiSEMMiI atoi from Michigan has MAWS s point or order to he eulutuitted for the. cone blare !ion of the body daring the procesdin zit for the organization of the Senate for the trial .fact impeachment. For the press eat the Chair regarda the general raise of the &Wass Obligatory, and that the Senate meat determine for itself every qtleation which whim, unions the Chair to hermitte k to determine. a awe nt thin sort,hlhteting an nearly the . orient. ration of this body, the Chair Stela him *elf constadned to submit the question of ordtir to the Senate. 'Will the Nemeth from Michigan elate his point of order writing? Mr. DtXON—I arise to a point of or- - The CltierJnatieo—:A. point of order i• already , ppm:lithe, end thls point cannot ne mnde until the other la decided: Mr. DIXON—I desire to know wheth er apish:dot order =mot hei wade with retard tether gime-Dont - . , • Chief Justice—The Chair is of opinion that no point of order ten be made pond ink another point of order. - • Mr. HOWARD prepared his point ol order mut aentlt to the Chair. • . _ . •ceier.ionloo--Sosuato., tho - PAnt or order outwitted ter the Senator from Minitigan,_is as folios-et ( reading.) "That the objmdon raised to sulnainlatering the oath to Mr. Wade 11 out of order, and that the .motion of the Senator from Maryland, to pmtpone the adminieter. tog of the, oath to Mr. Wade until other Senator. are sworn, is also out of order. 'Under the ruler adopted by the Seoate 013 the .2.4 ct March Inst., and under the fon- MIICIIIOII of the United Stater, the ques tion is open to deturta" Mr. DIXON—Mr. President. MM=Mii • - • Mr. DRAIF.-I call the Senator to order. Under the rules of the Senate, questions of order or., not debateable.. Mr. DIXON was understood to sly questions of order referral to the Satiate were debateable. - Mr. DRAKE—I do not so understand the rules of .the Senate. _There can be a debate upon an appeal from a decision of. the chair, but there can be no debate, in the first instance. upon a question a order, as 'I understand the rubs of the - - ChlefJustlce—The Muth-rules s goes tion'of order in debateable when submit ted to the Senate. Mr. DRAKE—If I am tnletaken in the rules of tbo Senate on that subject, I would would like' to he corrected; but / take it ram not. Chieffustice—The Senator from Idle sour' la out of order, unless he appeals from the decision of the Chair. Mr. DRAKE tithed leave to read the sixth rule, providing that when a mem ber shall be called to order by the Pres!. dent or a Senator, he shall sit down, and not proceed without leave of the and that every question of order shell be decided by the President without de bate, enbjeet to anaapeal to the Senate. , POMEROY eald,the rule applied to submisaton to the Semite, without which •enzestlan was not debaletiblet-.4 Mr. DIXON said the question was now presented In a Cifferent shape from that preeentodyesterdny by theSonstor from Michigan. and he reminded them that slier all this woes queallon of order and aught 14 - be no , decided. The question now wad whether, as a questionof order ly proceedings of this body, the Seria -1 tort:rem Ohjo mould take the oath. On that tiueatlon ho - prepctifea to addict. the Senate. At the adjournment jeaterilav he was About remarking that the Prethicett of the United States was about to he tried before this body In he judicial eapecity, whether called a Point or not, upon •. articles of Impeachment presented by the Homo of Reprceoutir; arm If upon that trial, continued Mr. Dixon, he should be convicted, thejudg• went of the laxly may extend to his removal from office and to his diaquall ficstiqu hereafter to bold any of Ira trust under the United States ,ttir far the pid‘ithehlwopld eztend to case of Ins enilo:4l-itti, LI pi tt`lifen im ~popesaaiible for any one now to say. to oli humaa • probability .It would ortend least as Area to his removal from °nice. In that event the very moment Wei the ijudgment was rendered the office:of Pres dent or the flailed States, with all Its powers' and ell lie' atttibaoca, wo*l be vested in- the .Setuitair from Ohio, mite bidding the *Lilco of •Prenident - of this body. 'flip Wilco would mat in the Free 'dent of the Senate for the time being, sod. the quesilost. beton; this body 1107/ is, for this trihunal to - decade whether upon the trial a parson holding the odloo of President of the Senate, and in whom the oftlee. of President of the United States, upon conviction wets, can be a judge upon that trial? That, sir, is the question before this tri bunal. ./ Mr. HOWARD Called Mr. DLcon to order, on the ground that the twenty third rule adopted by the Senate for rho government of the Court requires all questions of order to be dedded.with out debate. - " ThelCillefJustlce ruled that the Court v. - as not yet 'organized; therefore, the twenty-third rule wan not binding. • From this decision Mr. DRAKE op pealed, and the numaion on the appeal rill taken by yeas and nays.. The dents len of the Chair was istustalned, by ay., twenty-four; niys, twenty. Yeas.—Messre. Anthony, Buckalow, Corbett,, Dacia, Dixon. Fessondeu, Fow ler, Frelingbuysety Henderson, Ilendricka,Johtmon, McCreary, Merrill, I Maine,) Norton, Patlers7on, (Tennessee,) Pomeroy, Items, Saulsbury, Sherman, Sprague, Van Winkle, Wiley and Wil liams. Nalm—Messrs.Cameron,Cattell, Chand ler, Cole, Conkling, ,Cunness, Drake, Ferry, Harlan, Howard, Morgan, Mor rill, (Vt.) Martin,.Nye. Steward, Sum ner, Thayer, 'Ciptru, Wilson and Yetei. Senato - r Wade thereupon adranei...ll tn. the choir and took the oath as odmlnis• tend by the Chief Justice. The remaining Senator. having been also sworn, the Chief Tu.stiee proclaimed that the Se nate wan now, duly organized to proceed with the trial Of Andrew Joh& son, President of the United Sham The Sergraint-at-Anxis then made pro clamation: Hoar ye! hear ye! hear ye! All_ persons. are cenuuandeit to keep silence, en pain of impriseninent, while the Senattsof the Pelted States is illttliaz for the trial of iatieles of impeachment azainst Andrew JOhnson, President of the United States. • 1 Ifr.IIOWARD—I submit the follow. log order. Ordered—That the Secretary, of the Senate inform: the' Manawrs of the Howie of Representatives that the Sen. ate Is new 0142111 Zed. Chief JusUre—Before 'submitting the question to the Senate, t h e Chief J.. two thhalut it his duty to rotor to the Senate rules of procedure. In the judgment of the Chief Justice, the Senate Is organized IV I distinct body from the Senate sitting ju its legislative capacity. It perineum a distinct function, the members aro under a different oath, and the presiding °Move is not President pre rem., but Chief Jew. tire. Under these eirenmstancee; the Chair conceives the rules adopted by the Senate in its legislative capacity are not rules for the government of the Senate sitting for the triad of an impeachment, unless they are adopted by that body, in the judgment of the Chair. If it be erroneous, be desires to be Corrected by the judgment--of the C o urt sitttu¢ f, , r the trial of on impeachnientof the rn.Ni• dent, which, in hi. jrniErment, en, syn onemous terms, and therefore, if he be permitted to do so, he will take the see, of the Sante on thin truestiom, arluther the miss adopted ?In the •ld of March shalt be considered as the rates of procedure to this body. Cries of ''quest!oci," "question The Chief Jtmtire put the quetttion. There was but one '•no," from the Iroino tralle side. Chief Juatiee—Tho even have It by tip. sound. The nile will he consldertd wv the rules of this body. Will the Sena tor have the goodness to repeat his nio den. . Mr. HOWARD repeated He motion, given above, which was put and de clared adopted. After a few minutes delay, eta quarter before three, the doors were thrown oven and the sergeant-at-Arno annourn,l , the Managers of Impeachment on lb, part of the floueo Representatirm' . and the Managers entered and nror,edcd, ap the :dale. arm In arts, Meares. BM:. ham and Butler In advance. Mr:. Ste veils did :lot appear. Chief Jun:leo—The Managers on ti. part of the House of Representatives will take mane assigned then:. They took seats accordingly lactic tin bar. Whereupon, order haring been re. stored, Me. BINGEJAM rose and nail, lln an almost inaudible tone, until ad monished by tieaatdraniar Lim Vt epest; louder.) “We are instructed by the of Reprmentatiees to their NLana,pir, to demand that th is Senate take pr....- against Andre., Johnson, President 0 the Culted States, that he 2.1V•1' at tio bat et the • Senate the Articles of lut• peachmene heretofore preferred by tb /louse of fteprftentativeit, through it Manager, before MU Senate: , Mr. Bingham having taken his moat. Mr. 110WAIID °NMI the 1 , ..11016i0 order: Ordered—That a nutninone to. laAtied, as required by rule* of proeedure and practice to the Senate whoa sitting on • the trial of Impeachment, to Andrew Johnson, returnable on Friday the 13th day of(ldarch itadant, at ono o'clock. In the forenoon. . • The question was put on agreeing to the Ardor. It wan decided tamed and was directed to be executed. Mr. IMISTARD—I move the Senate, Mtting upon the trial of impeachment,do! now uliourri. Several members addrowked the Chair simultaneously, but Mr. ANTIIt.S was recognized.. tie °Mere,' an amend meat to rule seven, to strike mat the last clause, prOvhling that the presiding on'. rer may, 1n the first Instance, submit b. the Senate, without a division, all quet tions of evidence and Incidental gee.- thou., but the :mine shall, on demand of three•tlithe of the members present, bp decided by the aye* and nays, and inset, in lieu thereof the fallowing:' "The presiding °Ricer of the Court may rule all questions of evidence and incidental quratlons, which ruling' shad stand ma the Judgment of the Court. on • lOW 1101110 member of the Court shall ask that a formal vets shalt be taken then.. on, in which ease it shall be submittal to the' Court for dechtion. Ire may to his optidn, in tan tirsd instance, submit the question to a Tote of the members of the Court." The amendment would restore the rule to Its organized form. - Mr. ANTHONY did nottleitireto preas the amendment Immediately, and lowas laid on the table, Mr. 110 WARD moved the Court ad 1011111 to the time the summons was made returnable. Mr. tIE7SINER.—Before that motion Is put, I should like to ask my friend, the Nenator from Rhode Island, whether, un der the rule now adopted, he regards that as debateable. Mr. ANTIION Mr. SUMNER—By them rules it ia provided sui fellow.: "All orders and decialeux WWI be =ale and had by yea. and nap, which will be material on rovord, without debate, exelipt_wheu the doers shall be cloned for diecunition." Mr. ANTHONY—I have not read the rules in reference to the question, and do not desire to put the mottoa at present.. Chief Justieri—There Is. nothing before the Senate but the motion to adjourn. _ . The motion was carried and the Mot Joatioe dociared lb. Court adjourned till Friday, 13th laid., at one o'clock, and vacated the chair. The Managers than r. tired =1 The PreaWent pro feat havlna rPsomPit the chair, on motion of Mr. JOHNSON, the Senate provided for adjournment to Monday. Mr. WILSON called up the bill to facilitate the settlement of Paymaiders' emaciate, which WM: amontiod by striking out the requirement of the approval of the Secretary of War, and confining the application to a period prior to the pimento of the act, with oilier verbal amendment., and then 'passed. On motion of Mr. SHERMAN, the Senate went into Executive session, Mr. SIMMER protoeting against it, in eon nounuce with the ground heretofore taken by Mat age Jest Ezdutivo recognition. After a abort 'Executive session, wl- Journed. - ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIV ES Mr. ELIOT, by totanirmina conant, introdnoed a bill to authorize contracoi for foreign Mill amyloe and to uld in the oonstruction and acuploymant or Ameri can built steamers, which we. rererroi to the Pmt Conauatee, , . . . , The bill authorises tho flostrunate: General to contract, for a tarns of year., with citizens or corporations of the Uni ted Hades, for the conveyance of foreign mails between the port. of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Italtintore and porta of Great Britain,France, !Belgium and the German Watt The vowel mutt ho built in the Gutted Staten and wholly ownealty ritlions therKtr, or et - Arra. moat established therein. Vlach lino must consist of not leas than two nor more than four 'steamships between aunt ports, be of not less then twenty-elglst hundred tone, be clamed as A No.-1, and be of apeedequal to that now contracted for with the Cunard line: The antaddy is no; to oared twenty thousand dollars s'ear for tweL steamer. Bulls were re.vt - ,led 'from the i;r..alin toe on Poldlo .Wda ad followili • Confirming the Clio of .lotedhn. 1,. Pierce, Jr., anti grantee., to theßoric Island, Id ittelialippi River, Clin ton, lowa. Flawed. hor the re lie fof L nous and Dkklooou txrunt, 4.nnendeld wan to apply to other oeuntlis l i lowa and plumed. Mr. JULIAN iepdrted dl,lllprnittdlng that pt the aslant' the Osage Indian racer 7 . c .-VaL • v --,---• no' BEM PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, MAR H 7, 1868 ration lands In Kansas, actual twitters on the 6th of March, lB6B' , who have im provements and who are citizens of the United States, or Lave declared their in tentions to become citizana, anal! have the privilege of purchaaing the saute, not exceeding one hundred acres, at the .highest price bid by any bane 'fide bid der, and shall pay for the same in four annual instalments. Mr. DONNELLY moved an athend meat, providing that both odd and oven numbered sections shall be offered for Mr. F., Knower, apoite In favor of the bill and ainendinerit,which agreed to and the bill linseed. Mr. FAII.NS WORT/I, from the Post office Committee. reported back the Sen ate bill for the relief of Henry Groutbca4 and Samuel Kelly, for carrying malls in Idaho, with an aniendinent mincing the impropriation from 3L:000 to $5,004. 'The auxotannent lear agreed to and the bill paNsed. Also, the Irons° bill, amending tho het. of 2Zah July, land,ln reference to the 'Tall road bridges across the Mississippi, so as to make it include LaCrosse, Trompleau, and Preseratltailroad Company. Passed. lIINGIIASf, from Impeachment. Managers, reported .1 resolution author izing them to sit during the sessional of .the llouseoutd to send for' persons +and istpors, administer oaths and taker Les-' simony of • Allopted—*o eighty-nine; nays, twenty-tire. ',Pr" It onus egreal that the session t,,mor roar Le for debate only. • • _ . . DA.W.F.ei, free, tho Comtottlefrtin Election,, - reported the follow:11g . Lill, whieh won unoulutomdy agreed lo hy Use Comtnlttee:., liedenaeted, .ke., That whenaver any person who has participated in the lam robellidn,and from whom all legal disa bilities arising therefrom have .been re moved by act of Congress, by a vote of two-thirds of cacti Itemise. has boon ere, led or appointed to any Miley or planner trnatln orunder the government of the United Slates, he chili . twthre entoribg upon the ditties thereof, take and sub scribe to the following oath or allirmo• tion,, and no other I, AB, •do hereby swear or anirm that r will support and defend the Constitution of the United State 4 against all enemies foreign and domestic, that I will bear title finth 'ant allegiance to the came; that I take thin this obligation freely, without any men tal reservation or purpose of evasion, anti that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the nitlee of which I ant about to enter. So help Me God. Under the operation of the previous question the hill ;amed. Mr. DAW}.:I next rolled up tho bill to. remove , the Pllith:lti .dicsbaltlas &Out Mr. IL It . Biltler, of Tenlll.oo. Rentarka were made by Mesers.Dawt., Brookcl'aine and Hardin* At thmerreiock the Iloard'of Manage, FM the part of lb.' limpet appeared. and Mr. BING lIA id, Chairman, /11111(11113,4 that the Senate wan organized for it,., trial of the Impeachment of Andrea. .I.thos,i, Provident of the United Nude , . The llotru, Yvan mod Elio raw. of Mr. Boller, and finally tensed the hi elehipaeven; nays, twenty-three. Mr. GA.Iti , fEI,D ititroduettl a bill to facilitate the st.ttlentent, of amounts of rtymaatera in the army, Referred to Mtlitary roloraitiee. Mr. it:LIAN addreeeed. , the 11111 use at length on tho h II to prevent the fr+rtill.• 10 of Nadir lauds or the ljuited,tlume., reept an provided hir in tho prrerup. ion and hotneatoad lawn for th.p..eing"of own., site; and mineral land, Mr..l.lUNt; EH introduced n hill to To tore.lohn Young 'Drown from political Iteferred . to Committee on • Mr, Introdrtzed n MI /Lineal. alory of the Nettonal &taking Loa, first, by repealing tho clause which ro• ' , lilt*ts the aggregate capital to $...100.900,- utak and declaring awn. la, no centric tion a. bt 11111111,1, Or aggregato capital or banks to lie firmed, than returning fa the principle or the New York frt. lculklng laws. tie,aind, repealing the list annion, which corapola larika to skeep reserve In lokell tender notes quat to Pinion per cent., anti in certain onion to twenty-tire per cant, of 1.12 e air culatlnu and a, a nroles and Un aer,rary It's of Interest and no prasti cal security to the hill holder or deptel i—c. titled malign pro v ides far la. redeonption or their note, In New York tiny by alt bahke at -pnr„ wItML I. In cost equivalent in Apo tie ratyrarn t Th.. sounli motion au• thorivaa new loan, parable, •prlneipal 'and faterfut, in gold coin at priiiaent weight and standard,. fa Lli. of 'redeeming all Jelml tender init.,. la co o! $11,11.0111.0.: when reduced tou that snot tie latter to. ho reortrabie far ekla toin 110Ii0I., to he payable in, and to be re-bowed to the creditors of.the Gov criarnent into may up,inv then", no that th„ .r titionnivq,piVi shall not be 01. TiAV. bill WI. rercrrttal to Iltt. Cttnitultttat cat think. and Hulking. AIIJ Durand.' ' • MARYLAND. Iteradriller. .• reelroullea—Pallaial ■tal.. **male, a ImmeaL P? I . 4l.rtur a to 14. 1.1:11.411141111.44044.7 BALTLIIIOIIIII, Menh 6.—The Itepubll - State Convention tr.Le organized inn• (A - warily, with Mr. Smith, of Al;eghany, In the Chair, and Sfr. Brack, of a Secretary, A (. 4 nmunttee on perma nent organization 10r5.4 oiKal utid and the Convention took /I re,rea until three o'clock. The 17m...ration sheeted a permanent organisation by ele.-ting John of Carrot]; Preaidont, and (3. W. Black, of Fred,rick, roelretary. The following' gentieteon wereelevted IWegatoe at. large to the Nalkand Convention: Boa. J. A.. ertenrril. Timmas,`Jr., C. 1. Fulton and E. F. Aolerdon. 1/I:+trlrE delegates warn al., appointed, and nva lutioos adopted f..vorinz unlrereal Joao hood rinarace and the • rooonstruelloo Polld" Or C0na1, ,, ; irod , ting upon rigid ve,nouiv m the li , o,ernizent; instroi.t. Ing the lief...gales to vote (or. (tract for l're•ddent, and A. Cr.:rowan. Lo Vie,. Pre-talent; oliprortti4 the impeach ment of l'rkohlent Johnson, and name,. lug ennntlenee in Senatnr Wade. - The delmaten were twleettol ler wLat Ix known au the hood faction: These fa 'verieg ttniv,val loiffroqo - were rej erto.l as stun were six hood delegates from 0 mu Thu rejected drielmters in Donglaa+ fro,tituteto roll ariothor State Con, entinti to east other delegates to the National Gotivention. - . It Is elisrsoil by the A sierteetst flown.- per that the bond faction is endessontinit to Imemo the nototnatlen of (!hase l'reiddent uad lVaile for Vim Prisddent. ANNAN:IIAS, tl.--On the third tullot to-day, timmtral ri”orgn It. Vick ers, of lent Unto chosen United Sines Senator. rso,lvingslicty-nliie voles sgalnkt bitty-one tor Phillip F. Thiinnot, sad liftssin int :Sir. 1.1.10. rdEbIPRIB Sloeslos Te-OaT—t•ea9lot of /Wilber Ity—Colorod Jury fo o loot of Par Orr. :nv TO.C.Ph N the mt.burail itrzetu..; ]fen ems, Mllll7ll 6.—T110 nuu My elec tion lo.anormu• it excitingureat interest. A largo meetingof both parties I. being 1.1,1 to-night. At too Democratic, John Morria. , ,ey yrns'ealled rm. but ,Itionned attend. Deputy United Staten Collector John Martin wax arrested to-day, by Deputy .beetle Sutglater, for aLtempting . te re strain aome goods for United Stat. tax ea which hwd heou levied upon by elan- Meter under execulion: Martin war token before the Court and required to give hood.. Ife declined to do ma and ho now in the cooled)' of tho Shortfr. The coso come. up before the court tcetnor; row. The hod colored jury over I rnpannelled In thin city iu no .r Kitting In tint criminal Court, In it tae i'or murilor, wherein the. parties ro tutored. T. LOUIS. Coo solid/miles of ErlOg• Hy Telegrarh War Plitort.orgh tlaaita.J Sr: Louts, March 6.--Tite St. Louis Illinois and Illinois it. St. Louis Bridge Camponles - have filially effected' a permanent and harmonious ton. solldation and the work or brldgiog the Dl lasissippl at this point will bo pushed to a speedy enmpletlon. A 11141 W 808111 or Directors has been !brined (rein the two old boards, with Charles Dickson as President, Robert P. Tmieoy as Secrets.. ry, pre Inn, anti Capt. Sautes B. Ends us Ciller Engineer. Copt. Rads' pions have been adopted. IsrßW YORK =I Sim Yong, Marcii . o, IMS. MEM Thu xtratoer Allanln, from UM:fon t rrivorl • I=l Pita semiannual Conventain of Gen eral Tiekat Agent" adjourned to day, latying 'revoed 'thu eonstittttion, adopiod a now seitedor, of - rstationgor rates, and agreed to abstain from liquor ^•t ail I.ol,oxlmtlng drinks during meet • logs of the 21,30(1 , 41 1 )n for two years. W. Smith, a well known auction eer In Philadelphia, died anddenly km Wedneo • - • rcoxlli ..014 THREE CPC OCK FROM The Public Debt " Et,tement. Idebt Decrelitsed 870853751 American teonstil . \ An Inquiry Into Hie The Canada), Alid chi (By rotirart 24314.11100er:a 0, . WASiLilioToir, rustic DEIST are Tho ntatornent l'or the the let of March is tin (al Lein boarirg coin interest DOA bearing currency ink Not pricientrulfOr liiiyrnatit.. Debt bearctignciinterest.. Total debt.— Condae 'a Case :=m AMO out In Treasury, Coln. Amount lu Troulr cumin MD Jostmeash In T4onAar7 A .. ..... ==2TEil Department daring Vol moot ate ,requiremanno ment, room! ntimbent, Ce.n t mtseelLsnem(i tad' elan intercourse.a.. Interest on public debt ...... .. - War , NaTY • 2•04.,.= tar Peualons and !adieux 1.1100,0 xi ea Wurrants baktieri. for Ike redemption of the nubile debt aht not Included in the abuse, Itecelpts of •enktoma from February 74th to the ltb inelndye, g3,;,Stal. AffrigleAst oinsiiVL aT . Mg. . Tho Secretary of State sent / a commu nication to-the Slantste, to reply torn seen. A lotion of that bod oil the subject of the alleged interfereere of our Cosset in the. dote dinicultira In Italy, The last letter frqn the Conant tansies thathe Went out tkjoin the troops :irmed with his oiln rifle. Ile melsed Fa-min/inn from the Qinlntatitlitt,,l Pen- eral to loin and eraannpuny the tooting' colts:eV/a( pentltlulal troops, limply as • epeetatnr. In chdeavorlisir to render a wound's] elan sasirtun re he was slightly wounded, end fonnd himself • target for 1 a flaritalldiati rine. Twice he Iva, fired' .. ? t. et by the ea n', pet... nod ft ling that unplettotentresutts mlalitenaue, la picked. op • gnu f•r I. los own proles, lion, whew his i sassesnt retreated 1 and ceroOd to . annoy h cu. Mr, Seward di,,ppr eel the conduct of the run , lll, .S. , !warm:Cans from his; finbreillliiellt ~, ,,,l oill'll Ilia. Pree ..enrs .stith the Printin'ad r in the I 'field, rills r :14 alelnrerent ur ripectator. No intoroet of thl: 1.: ailed I t too could to sorted by it, to/i -no tun ire mold rnotouably tat h5a1et.3.3.1 for it, xtrpt an interest .133 Ihr r .1.... in e Lich the army was engage,l, ...r tuen, euriosity. Mr. Sontard conenniri.i, "It wilf depend hn your own &fief sentient hereafter, or in .n.lno plut up -rll the t•inrutuNtamero not yet fully utidet , hskl, n nether the/I/Tart ment roll lel , * , lll •nt t , ia•tYlll the Ca*. Whlltint reprinhttr ... ' . Annrcrio IN CANADA. . In winner to tbe:r:Nol talon of Februa ry 21, the Preableait tranautlited to the e•elothitylpied of %no correaporidenwe and paporg relating n• I he alehnliOn of Allen !dep.:led. A I:Fel:Sit subject. Who 0110 arreate,l In Croadajoil a charge of smug gling arsi ...a rrioil into lb. United fitatte• :IV *St.-riff faun - Me nvz htgen em the 7th nt tl•never • Mir.- y sr - tuns- ..lii nee. fmnaenre. el the NU nitre, Mr. Seward, on We 17th of Febroary, aldreessed a tatter to Mr. Tliorntint, t•llrithl, .•1 inhter,ln whleli lie says he LS autherit,sl t.. ..Kral.. the •Ilseiprohttioll of thin govern ment of the proeterdinin In the eaac of NI r Don aid, roil to dire: that person to be sat et liborty in Vane ..l, NI r. Thernjuni February 7114 totye no nu no dollhl lir Mnieetre govern. aria will on ovule •gtelilind and eillirtlj satiqied with tile chide/eel tit Mr. Sew aril's, :isle, ablin¢,i. in codelualart: ' .1 impc yell trIII belleart that to ran have no o3onPoth.7 .It 4 ' the Inthridual In que-dion who ehortild .xl great a want of wad faith on ; the 4 ' , ..cV•iorl, nor oa.o the representation 1 made to you itlatnnal i: by any *deb to trithdn3w a c , tovictall criminal from pan ialitnent, but was Me,rely forth, purpcam of inviting your awdatauee for the pre vention of any emo#mt between the an thorittea nr 0310 twp countriea:. I bare taken emu etym. - 4(1/1m responsibility of not seen ling your o der Ibex Allen Mc- Donald viould Uoalt at 111e 1 rty in Cana da, contld.ot that • ler ltlajeaty'a Our fameallt will tyeO P 'e'er thin atop at the same thee, stet tha] they will appreelato the straightferward Insonerta which you hare treatial tile matter." TAY 10101.0e0 TAX. Thrt majority of boo Isere rept...M ing U., mime". fruto .1'014,144441g ntar t .Hof the country I.mcopt tho rterut de ohLtoM.'l,f tho Colutotittre of Novi and Sfeatth In retain the two dollarn no wb in ky mocialtoris of at determination to lutbero to the existing ruts on ("bare°. Tar. araiitot:g The Serum, tlerettkl tieeplon to-day to the t•ormideretion of the neittl imit,n of s. S. Coal am In Aim tria. • ' I I=lE2=l FROM EUROPE By Totemplg. rtit•banro oilmen. 1 onicAr 11/111MIN. I.,ottoon, Match 4{.—A Mapatch from Aonealy nay asyn!the advance of the expalltion 144.4 mialtlon at,An- • toto the appeantore I:sotaal, Prince of 11,Tre. , who had promised to Jolvetlettere' Napier with a !area (hr.., of native troopg. &IRIAN UL AiIIIATIIIIIIIIII.I &L. • Laxt.....4. March 4.- Evening—Compoix 7.1j(j711. liuM% et , ntral St). Erie ritikNKTORT, Har{•h nin_g--. U. 5.:62114n domed - 3a 54. - - - Mantti (1.- , ) , :renireg —Cot ton closed irregniarVfluctuatlnghaa boon considerable, bnt AMerican descriptions about bl higher will, little animation, and sales or lops/ hales of middling un binds in pott at M. Orleans 10}; ItreadetulTs: Corn declined _ . to -114 ht for now nilied w&tern; Wheat Itio. 2 rod declined to 11e :id:. California widtoeiowir at 1-11.srley .Na fnf. 01110 N. Bean 10, Flout:l7,l6d. Proyiniona; 1.3n1 declined to 24 6d. Beef oteetir at 1134641. Pork IZA, ed. Choose 53 , 1 li:won 42a. Prodomiugar steady. Tat. tyw Roan lrolouin declined toA 541. trrwnne, Mania n.—Vrening—Potro• loom 'deafly at 4:11 franc,, BRIEF TELXGRABIS —The Republican Committee of Lou. Warm, at canceling boil on Thursday, resolved that they Mere in eympatuv with Congress In Its effort* to enforce the end compel publon ofileers, even the President himailf, to obey them; that the cheers eh! it were given for Jefferson Davie, an,l• the simultaneous recognition of Generril Hanenek by the .tire companies on The day previous, were Insultimg in thri nag of our country and the brave soldiers who fought to :defend it; that we recommend to CON growl and General Grant the Immediate removal of General Hancock, anti that we regard cheers for him and Jett Darts, by the same men, a IMMelent reason for removal. General Hancock and Jeff. Davis went aeon In tiresome carriage on Thursdey night. , • —A despitell to tty.ouinville Homier (Demoerafle) elates at General Grant said to Henator Witten, on the that the army ofncers were a unit In ',import of Collura., and the were not a dozen out of 2,500 who would. obey the Prod. dent'm order, unless went through him. (trent also said aboutli tonere! tienrg-e lf. 'phonies declining OM President's pro notion to Lieutenant General t "Just what I expected from Thomas he is a good soldier," I, —ln Willimantic, 'Conn., the largest pre that ever occulted there broke out on Thursday.. Fourbtuldings, including the Franklin building., were destrnyed. 'file estimated Ices Is thirty thousand dollars. The etuouut of insurance on the I. dollars Property destroyed twelve thous -In the Detnocratio Convention at Now Orleans' on 7hanulay,• General eadnitin male a yloilint speech guntalli leg Proddent Johuatian, and indicating force as the only rneilus of resistance to Congress. —Hon. IL H. B.yard, formerly United Stat. Henntor from Delaware awl Min ister to Bolftlum,dlod ituddenly I.lpiptt4 on Tharsda). 'mod aevPat7•pvo CHI ANT 6UDRUIU Letter List.—On our fourth _page of to day'n paper will be found the official Let of uuclaimed letters furnished no for publication. New Development.. Hugh Connelly and Daniel McG.ry, who were implicated in the East Liberty robbery and Indicted with others for house breaking, as will It- seen by our Court reports of yeetorday, were ac quitted. It appears, however, that there was some ground for their further de tention, and they were remanded to Jail by the Court. Yesterday evening the canto of their detention was developed, by Chief of Pollee Green making in formation before the Mayor charging I them with renewing atoleo goods. The charge was based upon Information ob tained Irons John Dtolnell , ono of those convicted of the East Liberty robbery, who states that they received a quantity of hoots acct shoes stolen from a store in Lawrenceville last fall, and 'also two chests of tea and other articles stolen I from a grocery in the Diamond. ono chest of t h e tea. sod. two empty amide were found on the premises at the time the East Liberty goods wore discovered. These men should hove boon originally indicted for receiving stolen goods, as there was no evidence to prove their guilt of soy other canna Commitments were lodged against them. ' Rome I t=! Tho following Is a copy or a com uthmont on Lilo at lila Jail .offloc Tito document to a blank of the tuna form, Um ',rioted portion of width w omit: "The body of N. 'Ready charged be tire M. Lipp with vagrancy arrising out of absence of her mlujl, and ou oath ofi". Yogic, and in default of the authorl. ties of the Justice to send him to the hones of insanity, committed to the county J sil, end hero to keep until, three days, or if censor the better discharged end ordered by the court to a better place." If t h e bill designating two magistrates In the south aide boroughs to entertain mum of disorderly conduct, or to allow them fees therefor, pending In the,Logis ham. becomes it taw, .we would recom mend the aboire_Austios be antected as one of them. • Goma Nsldepl Teem, Xxpeeted We.. congratulate the lovers of good music in those cities on the promise which we are authorised to . mate, that some time In the coming Month the member, of the New York Germania Orchestra, conducted by Mr. William Wiese. intend to pay • profeissional visit to this and other western mile, This °reheat:t comprising eighteen excellent article, distinguLthed for their delightful entertainments kt the eastern cities, and during the vislitng seasons at Newport, we doubt not will Lind any hall In this city too email for the crowds that will do she to hear them, especially as Mr. Weise Intends to add "celebrated prime donna, and also au accelerated"d pianist to the other attractions of his rule On:Maitre. The pre,zratinno will be varied, includ ing the tlnc.t spectmens of Instrumental music. Itepert. Dr. A. G. SI ceina.ll..e, Physician of the Lk.arsl of , Ilesith, furnishes the following of interments and the disemeSsrhich caused them during tho week comments. ing February Il3d, and ending March Ist ISt:S. The number of deaths wore 20; males, U 9 , II; white, 19, and colored, 1. f the above there wore under 1 year, 4; from 1 to ^ 2; 10 to 12, 1; 20 to 30 ; 4; 30 to 40, X; 40 to 50, 2; 50 to fA, 1;60 to 70, 1; 70 to SO, 2. DC .1e , 15(3 rant .paszno. I; Asthma, I Small Typlv.24 fovr:r. I; Muni. $:1 ennmunlption,, :;; D. hilly. I I'alhy, 1; Poen:mord/a, Croup, 1; Ca larch, :2; Artielul[l2, I; Still !INarm. I. . Li!rier_by Issllera 110 kr.,.. ==:M Thyme borough, was arrested yesterday LI. N • 0.... On Innen:tattoo mule by ..' •.3,-..u.. marker, before Justice Arent, hanging him with larceny by bailee. I teenag ed that while holding the. ',redden of moorails, the prisoner eolleeted certain moneys belonging to the bon - nigh, and refused to hand the- same over to the prop:, authorities. The accused was arrlatea' . on a like duvet*. mule before Alderman Miller in OeMber, and releasedon bull, Dnums Lutex. ing responsible for 'Ws appear. anon.)Yesterday morning 3dr. Luba de nser d him _tip, and a ball piece eras issued. • New Coedat New Goodatt,—Metett. Joneph Horne dt ro , sow. 7: and ito Mar ket turret, have Just scfiltul a ifill7o ad& tion to their block carman end fashintvt. tae trimittinge. embrolderi., ho awry fus Matting and millinery goal., which will prove lilahly attractive to it nclutsem. The epecial cloaing out wale of tide firm etill continue. and anbrd rare opportunnien to oun,lntserepr great hamaltia. The prices bare hem:parked down very low and dealer. whet' buy to sell 14,111 willtlnd that they ran lay lit Weir atoeke at tar better pecuniary ad vantage than In the End. New futiods.—Messra. Bates S Bell, XIS 21 Filth' street,' are daily readying . fres.h invoices of new goods, which will more enticing to tattles looking up ma terial for garments suitable for the season.' The stock includes silks of all colon. and various qualities, French woods, solid and chintz colors, Organ yers rich, Irish crape poplin*, blank auk, together with much, else which It is unnecessary to enumerate, but whieh 'we feel sure the ladles will take pleasure In examining, and rifler that, no doubt, amid pleasure in buying. Caught ill the Act.—Tentenlay after noon Charles Miller and ■ companion went hits Palmer it Phillips' section room, and while the nateaman was en gaged picked up • salver butter dlith and two card receiver.. valued et eight dol lar., and made ofr with them. The clerk o...reed theiractionVand followed them to Stu! th tield Rimed, where he caught Mil ler with the artielen under his east, Au °Meer was called And Miller taken to the lock up, alter which John lAMmayer made information' charging Miller with larceny. He wax committed far triaL Larceny.—Oftleee Thomas A. Minton made information before the Mayor yes terday charging Hazily Dav',We colored Ind. with larceny. - The officer alleged that at ortesrly Lou r in the morning be observed the accusation First street near Market, Milli a boron Ills eltoulder, and arrested him. The boo was identified as one containing six dozen tumble., ship. , Ind by Mesara. Bryce Walker & en., on !tenni the nAlaggie Mayes," for Evans ville. The prisoner was committed for trial. Sudden Death.—taroaerN lagutat.— Mr. Barbara Sheets 'died maidenly at her rusideitoo en Lilmyty street, in the Ninth ward, Thursday evening, about mix o'clock,. Coroner Clawson was MU tieni and held on inetioat yesterday morn ing, when the Jury round that death re molted (rota' natural causes. Tito de mould was thirty-eight yearn of ago. She leaves k husband and ono child, the only aurviicra !vita a Largo family. aunty of the k'eace,—John / Hart made Informetion before Alderman Mullen, yeaterday, anuinst JohnSchliter for eurcty of the peapp. It was alleged that the accused, who boarded with bin mother, delmolished her furniture and crockery. lie wan committed to jail to answer at ,Court, but afterwards pro cured ho required bail and was released. All d Liquor itallitm—G abort Ilauff it sob a keeper in the Fourth ward, leglietly, charged belore Mayor Black moro,l on oath of Rebecca .Ackerman, with sssssspppppplilnQQ liquor to minors, WWI sorer. .11,1 y terday, and after a' hearing.' held to bat to answer at Court. .fromised..—Mary M. Morrison yes. fortiny mado Informstion Lorne° Alder man Tnylor, dunning. W H. Manlier with affiliation. Tho accused. wan ar rested; site; whlen tho .trot Was nom. IT:nis.7n mined,s f n ut o df t hLft i ce: wen I discharged The New Jerusalem Church, corner of Sixth and Womietreeta, to•morrow even ing at ; i o'clock. A public lecture on the effects of the Second Coming of the Lord, pest pre tent and prospective. Committed to Jall.—Lythe Wright, a colored;dr!, woe committal to fall yea tonlay Juattee Fleming, orreoblea townahl p . on a charge of larceny on oath' of Jane C. Clark. Comfulftod,—Flugb AC I l ugh wan arms. ted and mumbled toal l ou a broooal 'slued by the Clerk of the Court ar Qtaar tor Seaslonn for costs loourrod In a pate lu that Court. " • ' A People's Prayer Wetting will be Led on to-morrow, Sabbath, at to4l o'clock, lo_thwArsolettly of All fro tovitetr; Eteate-Free, Qom li•blesete. RM. The last mill and testament of • General William Robinson, Jr. has been probated. It is dated March 15th, 1841, and the codicils, of which there are two, arc dated respictivoly January 4th , 48.11 and July 12th, 1584. The entire estate,. both real and personal, fa bequeathed to bin wife, Mary Robinson, during her natural life, after which it is to bedivided among his moven children equally, tube .held in trust by the executors, Mary Itobinsim, James Robinean and William Slioent,erger, until such time as the youngest son of Alexander Robinson shall arrive at the age of twenty-ono years; when it is to be divided. It also provldia4 for the payment, annually, of two hnntirod and fifty dollars to Sarah Ciendonning, during her natural life, • Dlerict Court—lodge IV' FRIDAY ; March . 6.—ln the calm Of 8 Bradly TS. Allegheny Gan Company, de 2 fendants confessed judgment. Freyvoglo et al. va. Kirkpatrick .Bro. R Co. ,On motion of R. Biddleltoberti, Escj., attorney for theplaintiffs. judgment against defendants for want of sulllclent anldavit, for thosum of 0,683, with • • liliwwhere we publish' a number of oertit- fittestlag the fmtierhar aura-- live abilities of- our estelmist•felider citizen, Dr. B, d. Aborts * the well kgown and successful physician and surgeon. Tho doctor has. fistabiblhed for himself an onvlablo profs .Slonal rePutation,- which is based on pure merit sand high order of skill and talent. Ho Is emi nently worthy of public confidence. The Cod for city purposes used' at the lower water works has, for the past twelve years, been weighed when delivered nu the city scales kept there for that Mr. C. li, AnuatrOnit iras supplied, that deparianinit wlLltevul for a long time past, and is in no arsylts pi hatted In the recent alleged frauds prim deed by those who repplled the upper works. " ' Held for Trial.—Samuel Fearfield tibia(' information before Mayor Black mon., yosterday charging Remy Crefin with larceny by bailee. The prosecutor allegmthat the accused was hauling coal for him, and- inst. •he sold a load and appropriated the money to - his Worn use. He was arrested and held for trial. Postponed,—The Coroner's jury Mi. pannelled in the rams of CamMy and Green who were killed on the Pan "dan dle Railroad on Thursday, met at the Mayor's office last evening, but Ln.con sequence of UM absence of witnesses wijourned until Monday at, ten o'clock a. - Prop:rale Invited.—The Water. Com mittee of City Councils Invitee proposal. for ooal, water pipes, tniamllantems cast ings, tire plugs, step nooks, and for the repairing of the basin wall. See adver tisement In seventh column, second page, of to-dity's . paper. INV We V iP_ 34 k ., kl =1 We have heretofore called atteittlon to that line brick building on Fifth street, between Wood and 11nrket,_ erectol by one of the aunt enterprising firma in our city, Itoinemast,-adayran X Seidle, Jew elers, teMpararili located at 29 Fifth street. The building whlchwaspartially dekroved by. Are some months since, has been repaired and re-finished In magnithent style, *nil will loon be resets for occupancy. In order to facilitate them In removing from their present location, the firm are selling off their immense stack at remarkably low prices, and consequently offer great induce- MOMS to purehasers. The stock, con. statln•d of watches, clocks, sliver and plated ware, and every description of Jewelry, ht one of the largest in the city, and Ilan been selected with unusual care. ===l fir. rouser saps that most con. campfire morn are those of neglect and lattention lo* (he pramonttorY M, /Se meat - MN • • • • nn till:limb/act from the curet of hun dreds of cases ha their initial atagesi, which, If allotted to progress, would hate ended to same incurable lesion of the pulmonary organs. This fs trun no: only as far se the lungs areconcerried. but alto wittercgard to any other of the vital parts. In fact, every one knows - that it is admitted !tithe common affairs °revery day life, that he who postplanes to an Indetiniln period what should be attended to at'once„la not only deemed 'an unwise but even a 'neglectful man. Health is of more aghtaequenee than nloney. for no one is able to Use the hit 01r discreetly without a proper 'observ ance of the rules which govern the fer nier. MEI! E:===! The gmat rush of patients at the pala al of the Great Arabian Itysirhut has caused the learned and experienced doctor to temporarily with draw his crud from the ClairrrP. When be succeeds in effecting cure• for those already entered on his books for treat ment, he will meant° advertising. He has been remarkably skillful. and has already effected hundreds of cures in this city. Scum of his roses were vary obstinate, but with rare care, skill and knowledge the Great Arabian triumphed over disease. The Beet and original Tomo of Iron, Phosphorus, and Callsaya, known as Caswell, Mack .t Co.'s Ferro Phosphoru test Elixir of Odisaya Bark. • The Iron neuores color to the blood, the Phospho rus renews waste of the nerve tissue, and the CAIISMII gives n natural health ful tone to the digestive organs, thereby coring dystwpsla In • its varLus ffmns, Wakefulness, tteneral Debility, and Do. invasion of Spirlo4. Manufactured only 1r C aswell, Caswell, Hazard Co., New York. Sold by all wwF Great Arabian .Physiclan.—Owing to the crowds of patients which daily throng tho elegant apartments of the Great Arabian Physician, corner of Liberty street nod Cecil alley, that gentleman his heetarslmpelird to blimp - warily wit hdmw his advertisement. Those wishing to avail thetnsolves of his scientific core will please mil and register thelr names In advance. • •t Piverneados popular andiaattiontble retell trimming notion how*. No. Market street, new novelties are dolly being toeslved from the kliustarn market. Ladies ea anot tail in get aniteciAri any article lit the line whirl thoy may de sire. Opera ,Gouda.—No where else in the city will there ho found a finer or mare desirable. stook of opera goods, than at the first-claw retail trimming establish- ment of W. W. Moorhead's, No. 81 Mar ket al.rect. Prices reasonable. • Freida Tcas.—At the old established tea mart or Josef& A. Robinson, No. 20 Filth street, a flesh stock of very choiee teas has just been received, emits otTared to the trade nt very reasonable prices. Gent'a(Varidatatig Goods.—At W. W. Moorhead's, So. fil Market street, gen tlemen will fled everything in the way of furnishing goods at very reasonable pricks. Eye, .Ear, Threat and Lung Dheeases, and chntole Catarrh of the heed aumosa fully. treated by 1)r. Atom, 134 Smith street. 111 e book, .bycat re ., Mitt of Lilly emits. Old Price. for Dry Doodo.—Prlnis Pc, lOer .First claw; goals 123. We cor ner Market and Fourth otreeLs. GARDNER tt. NITIWART. Go to Robinson'. old culabllobed Tea Mart, 10. :Al Fifth street, Ibreboloorant ily teao, ootrees, groceries, maned fruits, spier., sugars and syrups. ttlankets; Country and klasitern, do nr out at extraordinary bargains, at • koes. • • Table Linens, amonisbing brgains, at 37; maim and upwards. GARDNEIt STSWAItT. lknathar bad thlu week, but it don't hittorforo with tlati mill to rinock's. Zoe" nest week at the Opera House rltto4 has photos. of her unit others. 111ntlIni Qe, 10e, 1210 and 113, same as before the rine, at Barker'a. Travelers next not ho told that tho belt trunks, or all descriptions, aro linsinutac lured and sold at tarp reasonable prices, by Jeoeph Idol,ler, Ao. 104 Wood street. Cashmere Long and Square Shawls, great bargains, at }darker's. The Eugenia Skirt ut Barker's. Fancy Chromes at Yittoak's. terixuKopla Vloweat Pittock'e. Coto Barker's fur dry goOdu. fY 4 NUMBER eal CITY ITEDXI3. Denim. Catarrh Carible. It T. Kscr., Ewa., of Clarion county, Pa., euffered fifteen years with chronic catarrh of the head, which reduced him in weight thirty pound& Under Dr. Aborn's treaiment he has been radically cured, and has gained thirty•throo pounds, which is three pounds heavier than be had over weighed before. Dn. R. B. Snows - , of 'Prop, Jefferson county, Pa, had the pleasure of witness ing the remarkable cure effected in the ease of Mr. Keck by his pt afessional brother, Dr. K. S. Aborn. rfotr. M. C. lima, late member of the Rouse of Representative., resident o Plemantville, Pa., gi vve publicity to the fact that Di. Abora has cored Ms eon of a severe attack of Catarrh, which bad ho. come so serious as,to bring him near to the graver =I : Du. P. D. 13=3, who loci the sense o smell from the ofroct of Catarrh, !Mum hid curd Is due to the of Dr d.bdrn. I • 41. 1 11 7 1;1443,5T1M15;b02k atrefits certifies that Dr. Jason lies eared him Al' Mrs, Catarrh Asa Da. A. l'azcoarzik"of Lagrone/141/e, ,Pa., who has priunibed - madtelne Au op wards of forty year", ..was minded with - Catarrh of the Head which affected his lungs so eertanalY Lisette thought It almost /mix:nail:le for him Ia have lived another week, when be sought the aid of. Dr. Abort; No. 13i Smlthgeld street In July last. Immediately after placing bin:mai! under the treatment of Dr.Aborn -hebegan to Improvetw rapidly that with. to elz weeks be was gun. restored to the health nod vigor MM. Touthrul tiny.. Dn. Anoint cin be corugidted l Person ally, letter, upon all diseases of the Eye. Ear, Ilernl, , stud orns of the chest Medical Throat and Surgical g r a oonis 134 inilthtleld street. - ' - roe coattsensia. „. , • In speaking of the tContinorital” we . do not refer to the Conttnentsd Congress or the Con money ip use son. pinery y ago, but It is CO thi &met laental D ng Saloon on Fifth street; next door Pattie Postofflos, of Which our friend M r Wxr. Haltzheimer Is the prri -1 prietor, we desire to call atteamon. kfr. 11. understands hie business per fectl, as excellent manner In which the "Continental. is' "run" gives ample evidence. It it certainly a model sa loon, . Its patrons can fully testify. The tables of the "Continental" are of ways supplied Wlththe - hest the market affords, of everything in . the.line of eak ablest, and the style In which dishes are is neutralista°. -When you ;foul AnYthing good to eat go to Holtz- hetmer's, on Fifth etreek next door to the Patentee. - ' - Yea am two to And at Barker' a what hey advertise. • Glaghams 10c, 121 c and ISo at Bark er's, old prices. ; . Black Maracas bargattna Plain Mohan burains. Dress Goods, eurgama Balmoral Skirts, bargain.: Blank Merinos, bargains. Water Proof, bargains. - 'Paisley Sbawls, bargains. Toilet gufito,bargains. New Goats, bargains. Old Prices, bargains. West corner Market and Fourth streets, all old prices. RDNEK S Sinrwarrs. • Weather Inctinvenlenne.—The prmaint weather is very likely to produce acetone inconvenience to housekeepers, In the way of bursted pipet In Loosen, yards and on atroeta., to those of our friend. so annoyed, we commend 3lr. T. T. Jeweils, practical steam and goo Jltterand plumber, No. NZ Wood 'street. He at tend' to repairing - or new work of every ..taliattititateaffirir-danheswes,ftt songible terms. We commend him aa a thorough and finished workman., and as. In every respect worthy the patronage of the community. '` Ja.t Opel. At Wm. Semple's, 181 and I'&2 Fode street, All. glaeuy, 130 dozen beet quality kid gloree, Black at $1,14, Colored at $l,OO, la all sizes, -Beal kW, no lamb akin. .1. - 'A great bargain. A Feast bargain In black Australian crape Tor draperies, will be opened on Slunday, at Wm. Semple's, 100 and 182 Federal street, Allegheny. • 'blrUnF Lam., and -Shirt Pont., cheap at itarker's. Beat linen Huck Towels at i23c, worth ate, at B.rkor'st To Clay and Cotuitry Mere Mints— . abundantly supplied onrselres with (roods before the lattniextrame ad- Vail di in prices, we are prep:vac:Lbs. sell at lays than eaatern prices, and invite an examination of our atock. ! • J. W. Balm .t. 59 Market street. Hasllus, 7; Sc, Bc , We, 121 e; extra Heavy lea. all at old prices. 210 advances. Fear days only. Cornor of Market and Fourth streets. GARDNFIt STEIVAICE: Our Allegheny readers are reminded that they have in thit city a wholesale and retail grocery establishment, which Ls equal in every respect to the best on this aide of the ricer. We refer to the well Disarmed houseof Mcßride M Geor, No. 164 Federal street, where will he fouraka large,' complete maid ele gant stock of fresh Max spices, sugars, canned fruits, syrups and groceries gen erally, together with seasonable; fruit and produce. Their prices are very rea sonable, as a purchasing visit will satiety say one. • ,Boota, Shers'and Gaiters of all alias and atyles,of the very best workmanahip, and at reasonable prices; at the old en tabliabed lamas ot Jame. Robb, - No. FR Market street. • !Beached Muslims, yard wide, 9e. Beautiful quality 121 e. Call and zoo tnesogoods beforebuying Barker's. Domestic Goods at old prince, for a short time only;alGi mi.:learns per yard, rornor Market and Fotirtlyatroota. GAlllni/IL STNWAILT. Black and Colored • Alianek„ n very stock all prices and vitry cheap, jaker's. Prints, last colons 61c. Prints at 10c, worth 121 c. Prints d 123 c, worth 1.5 and 10c, at Dar ker's. Cann•d Fruits, pure mustards, rich spices, unadulterated_ syrups,. fragrant coffee., flue and coarse sugars, beat m ains, citrons dried traits and goner( t honseltoepin sulles al very • reautom. M e prime w ill be found at thg old estab liehed tea mart of Jossph A, Robins° , atreet. Tho entire stock • •• fresh and cannot fall to affbrd the high-. t matisfactlon to puretmaera. • Wheeler de .Wilson's Improved Lee t➢titab Sewing Machine—The simplest n d best. The only machine axing (,rye. MI el ,th Presser with its attachments. Sales room No. 27 Fifth street. eltw. Blankets, Blankets, Blanked, Blank , ts, cheap, cheap, cheap, at Barker's, InithdPaperandPverniltlalod at Pit lock's. Have yea bean tbo nie.ldualla at Bar Prints 01c., 10c. and old erica, at Barker's. • - Wailetr; Gold Pew., Albums, 'at Pit ock's. The place to mane stout, durable and fashionable, boots, shoes ousdiallors, Is at the old established house of James Robb, No. Id Market street. • Prices very reasonable. The want ) , ofd wok—Pato& keg received amend Mew books this week. I:Nakees works and- Dicksn's Phoke at Plttock'a. - Everybody should hare • good trunk, and everybody 'should know that the bot articles are made and sold byJoaeph Llahler, No, 104 Wood •trbet. • Prima very raisonabde. Everything just u ruiverthaxl at Ticking toe, 12Ic and ISc,at - larktit , ' . a. LAUF Bill. '" Ma photos at l'ltttock' Wblia Iraws—ltis bost{t4e4iat Piltock'a. 'VIE WEEKLY GAZgil E E= TIRDIRSDAT AND SATURDAY. le terse eb.b, areelelatag Fewry r, ' 5 . URNS at larereertag nutlet natter, tar, , g leadleg lbdtratlets, latest New* by Talegrear d vailsabla it alma Matter tar ter .54105e51 awl must reliable Pbsteaclel =aide' Market saports giTest by nay 101 l 'r. LbFieltr. No Penner. blebbealc sbkeld be 5410051 TILISIRS TOIL TB-It ritlba Of On. mil' of taiNT , tec Ptts4 op *. elm, addltleta to alum eta CO ma, a 1112411110, at [lab tataa. ironcs TO t:rnaCnOtana—la orderlag Toar *O. be at. and simelfT aim edition Tn. wa4, aa na Lena a Wedaeaday galltiaa Weal) , asetbett haring bat elm mail a ween.l ilgr *my to Dram Storm. flossy Oat,. *T Bantatered Lett.% stay Co seat at ouf Pt.t ''' : rims:swum. CITY ITEMS. A Preventive Of Cevei.—t you m are coerive, blood-thick nod insittlye, poor appetite, a dull pain in the head, you re qutin the Pimple Banbober. etnb.l by John l'iaw FilW ind Tunnel etreets. ji . erph Llebler, Premium Trunk FAO UMW, No. 104 Wood street, manufactures to:Order all aorta of trunks, valises, handsacka, &a, at err reasonable pile" Orders by mall solicited. At Jame Robb', No. 89 Mark ot street, afresh,,ux:k of well made and twill ionablu rtasoa bofax, ablo.mimes, and guitars. Prlcea . very • - Towels; Napkins and Dayllea, at PcV9z°D. Great bgr tl in n s i STEn'atir. AY o . Tilde Lurua, ono cm, 55c per yard wdith T;c., at Hat Inr'a. Diann Cocain at. Wattley'n h Co'n • DIED: • c. oo the SI of March, of ctiagoo.ottno of tie ',owes, .11.)Stril Hoop, si;ad To.s. gpitz:44, IA 4 ESVIWRItESTALIitai sato; instabiaih. r*, O:MIPTIM.VtaII titan OLUVMau evai v d emripUmPimmal.rmaiNaamikr42. tond4e4. .Rodma ei aina dssad Vat. name' Map , smeicsa—Bev. David Kat. D. D.Otav, M. V. &calmly M. - D.. -Thaw Mwing.• tiIIOtHLES & PEClBLEci , Vnifihs tAICERSAND LIVERY STABLES, eater of Saidoolor area and Chayok roam, ATlogba ay Etty, Irate Boaz. contur ROOM& Oro boa oaPPllod wllh ml aad lmltettlita Itotoa wooi t flohorauy And Walnat Code , as polio. omi t .. foam Ito to SILO. Halloo lactated too /al torment. Leann Carrlasso foralthadll alo0.;1111 Mad, of Rooming Otrodi,.l( requtrod. 01114 - ppon at all balm day and olobt. ROEAT IttoDINEII4. lUsider- B Hanirarai, la Ohio Pt, Allegianry. :sad No. 10 Dimond areas, 61 J.k•ZW•raa • 8r0.,) keeps Cragspp paid ep g best Metal. Biodessood. Walnut aid Isoltatirri rtzseyieed Cordes. Walnut . Caries Dom op , Tai* • Mairwood Codfai avenge: 4U eta. Catifia preportloa. Carriages aim U. feraraked ra log rate. Crape, Mons, Plate .. 4 Kkerse/agrinalsbed gratis. Vikee epee , day CZALRIFEFIeIit. •••-• like:Alma. owe. lc.. 144 onto 4t.rnie. Allertibar. lietallla. Rosewood and other Mt. ansoiltet oamplete etock of funeral ltrxeshlu t Goads: on b.d.d . turnalked as snorteri n0t1.4 blot pleaa S. ruul LiveiT Enable; &ar tier Ofj first and 1111dIe 13tretta. • OuTlagn. Etarogilles. •Bnigtes, Saddle Horse; A.. do., WANTS, W4IHTED-;AGENTS. for THE t...OLuE-co418.• old bola th ey Lb.'. Fought and Died for Lb* Union. whit ticane. and Incidenu in the liriat coastal.. wet clicl dna Entracipan sod stO Pates. and • tba sitycllcas and. Maness war book rrahllshed. Price.'wata V. 30 Dor any). Tha public an on.. tiontatlagnitmt Inferior works with • airollat trtkailden tbat the book you bay mutable carer WS enlisting. and .00 pages. Send for Circa lars. 111201117118 .le2phje. " W4FTED--20,00 0 ACIENI • • saropla Dent free, with tern, for any One to altar $S dally, in prose boors. Hubei., en sleek new,. Labs and deelrable. Can bedew. at bonfa di travel ng. by both male and. female. Noglifenterpriali or number. Address W. H. CIIII.9IAMES, se Broadway. New York. dalf W T E 6 E NTB.—NoW ..ruk 13161toRM or TB WAR. IiETWEENI THE STATER; Iu Catisolutraster; Con loci anal Results. , fly lion. 4noral.. H. tircroriro. Send (or Clc colariortth tersto.d a roll description orlhe wort.: d , Addross. NATIONAL rIIELL9IIIiite pfdladelptd, rso FOR S b' bablnee of these deaftable Lots - ere now of fered sOitrate sate. and say one desirous of foe buildlot Wes would do well to make a 'selection. lie Mirth/a= located ou o i eauttfut and healthy spot, do end anal: adios from Sharpeburg, on the Weitess Pennsylvania Pallrowl. whlctrons • throcabf.dt, making It nett more valuable and sgreeaMe. Extensive" preparations are Dow mith-ejbe erceling - a number of One houses, "blob sill prove an ornamicnt to the town. The rematuaer of these lots will be sold et re= rex sonablettates and on terms exceedlonly easy: ANHUTTERLY, Real Estate and rotor- • &nee Alante, Lawrenceville. FOJW SlLLS.—Etouse and Lot ott coiner of Manhattan and dafams Meets, near l'asseener Eallwar. Lot 44 by LE Mel. Bowel** email:WWl rooms and rood halt, •• welt Imbroved. Room and Lot onEhelneld,raltr B Marta! street. /Meet.= Ctty. Lots by 1: • feet; hPbos Dame, nontMas hail, Ovo rooms and Lwodee}tari warns and gas. Also, eaveral omoil Housesiand Lots Let good location, -Lanni= or 4, • ECM* CO., Bearer ONO. near Chesnat, Manetteifter.- ri°EIALE4 very dest*able topa-Nory . BRICK ROMS. nearly new: pemaNvibriek trent. marble man Nan gm and Inter Nlronaboat; boots contr.! seven rooms and gated garret, N. IN ELI& grIIBILT. near Willa, ambles:lL . IPoaaradon Mu Awn IN& Zaunire at the Lou. • 'Ron BAL E-110 111 E .—A T 1101.7.118.1P9 itoot7 Bole Roble... one 71411 ULT HOIME (Barn thIGO DAPPL.IO GRIM 'NORM, eta LAME DILAUCIIIT. 11011.84 Moo .BLACIE ILL 11303; two BRIT M.4.8112#4 71113 T BTB.ZB - U. Moootry. holaktolise. API tlwni.egt uni sold on .amiasdon pony .946 E—one. CARREILGE, sal"faido for aoa or two bone;. one TWO 110119.71WAGOla, and • doable . of HER, NUS' Zoe*e at the ruirmar- !lIIMIn= - - - TO ILET—Second and Third artinizs or Warehouse Ne. 1!, corner of First a4t tUoltlOlold *torero, •11410. foOoMses or okerduroltstor. Inquire on tlio pftElifti. --- TO LCT—TiTo Wore Iloomsin besibalidlego on Ohio 'areas., new' B'doeh street, :htlerbear. with doettlogi over, seas with srister, bath room and rat. Lorhilte rood for dry oast, grocery or tidal' oboe store. Alao to same iodine/Fs, (oar roar...ratable tor meal t thrally: Apply at ogles or. ?HAZIER. MUM. Oblo sestet and dettorlek street. •Ileghestr. WOODS 71"8 =I BAROMETERS - -• • • . Ifare the following ioalanalltte= Isl. At...racy. 24. Portability... M. glcoolt- • city. 4th. ' Darabllttf. • sth. Chaaroncsa. Ott Itlcaanco of Malan mad Beast,. In fact. at. the on !Motion. necauary fora good. Tell•ta• fall tirte=ridlfddear=VlT:; frozutho =I DfIXSEJTIF S'.azatir..var, I4ds 1 2 ,:vrro81Tm MASONIC HiLL. El4lfl - G. lIALV, ercnnt Tai COr. Penn and Pt. Clair kitreeti • PCITIMUROH. PAT SHAT EIDECEMENTB. TOMMIE WANTIII6 CLOTHINU. am ontroandoet at WINt fj S PAIVE. And OVARCOA7INUti, , . . {YEkt 1101 be mada to order la theitt.est 111 If fdir.stEpig. 01NT. LIM THAN . 071131 Er; 11114 **SON. ow a 4 " i tallTil, Merchant Tallor• career De Modem! DR. G. W. EMENGEB; mainly- 86E0E03 AND DEMIST ti 244 Poen Street. ..Aortu . likea *self • end. Elainsui ayes N 0 40 !slates sad. io order.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers