HESE II 11 ii D lira, AAD SITIMAN. PETf6ignM ONVE2 -Olt Bealora Is illmalim—ltiletting -1..110141 asseLliaaleas.-Ostegatell: Irma B•utak.. Vidtvetase 414 Vaillearsinuryt 41.0111rempa &a. • ^ 11 . 1 . 1-1154 . 4 .1 1 7 • .411. . , Xersitantio a revointlonadopted at meeting :i nf . the Pittsburgh Irptregeenn emr•letton tnasB, nailing* Na' tional Bean*: and Deplisniltßretrpugzorte bo sand. the Posvfjor:;'Tfadegitooid.,S Atisusigh; Wednesday,hiandx 4t.b, 1.468, a number 44 4; 841 .., . 10 Preselting..ther,P4 *dal* diffenat; podium; of the United States eseembled at.. o' . c..teelcon the day and at the plate deeigmded. _ ' , TEMPOBAai osa smiiisoic The Cealfuntiki Wires ifilled to order by U.X._ Lon,gPresident of Wa-Fittabw a h Petroleum lissociation. vius`.atitted the object of the meeting briefly. He mild it: was for Mei •petepoist itur ,the views of dealers in different localities, to UMW* 'cotunderstion the best ma finer othiakmstountrachi t ganging MULL - The _ temporary otgan lestratitepleted ' byelecting .A. F t Brooks, Secretary. On ft-I.We: tritM.r. — laxidi bait WOOED , lIIHODO of live on permanent organize d:ma was appointed bb the Chair, amidst leg of Masers. ,Chas. Lockhart, C. filesdleld4:TiA s 7. DavierEt - Iliatikhifiusti - 13enjamati - Vanglin. Mr. Downer wan ealledupon irileldrett the meeting during -424 'tientie of the Committee. Ho Mid the greet object of • tbd ContentioM Ifthey ered to have • power and W eight, the herti;°°il;ith Botolerloral ae, and hoped }la Maven/loft wotild'remain fo - until the ntatribrime bileettfa'ammue acquainted withteach other, and pert' ly familiar . ith sect; others' videsoi , • Mr ssk - be could not nnyttElnirofintereit at this stage of the, I tinximptisin.laseßreares Pleased team No - many delegates present. Be.. thought i the tax Mr. Impo inig =Wars in ip, th rou g hont aituthdhoped - the Ceinten‘ tion won] be a unit In endeavoring to have it removed. -- Mr. Flaglef mad he could only reiter ado the sentintenti 'of the gentlemen who bad -preceded . him, He.- had-but little hopea era-repeal ofthe tax until lately. whim Be hattxtiet gem'. Schenck: MaU: . man -of the: Committee of; Ways and Matadi Iniftngre : and - be bellerve fmm what. he /iteroM hini - thated cello's of delegated throughout the wonld..effeet Clserobjedlitdasited.- Mr. Simmer addremed the meeting bridle/7 meltargunguaata anzetitc dr Ms gentlemen who had preceded him. _ er.; 41441/XXlST,CattliftliTil= - f2faitCotainitten on 93%4 argent. aeaku7. stieraidwitiliasaaos . roported.she Zsucsnworr—WP:.*Eala, of eteialand.- Wleal'assrowerrs.S. Downer, of lksi too; a_y,;..24.- Clark, or H. erran','ot New Yor*,lL 1 1 4,13•141..0f..Parkers burg, WasiVirainbir Henry 11. - blbr.„ of PbbadelphiE,Wlllbuor Frew.: of Plft-, sll . loqaeq 7 .l4- Brooks, of Pita. -The report was namieed.ana• adevila. ' St.t..Mkric moireathat EbeoPrealden: Hat &J. ant tanivad.-tho-tasaparalw. lakuslnnan (outland to sat bie'errl rah' MA moved that. Committee of - five be appOinted b 7 the hair war- tuulgalbriaMem- for the Convection. The motion Wee adopted and the -following gentlemen appointed: _Messrs. Kirk, Trial Banns_ ,er .Baynolds. ;Downer Elsi „gler arid M. *II. Clark. - Mc. Kirk- stated that as the delegate. from a distance would like to visit the refinerlea in this k ealtty, arrangetnema bad been made with the Allegheny Val. loy Railroad to run a special train wher ever required to enable them to do am Mr. - Ihuris movad,that a Committee of dins be appointed to make arrangements for that:mop...mood vialt.. Mr. Kirk amended hj referring the - matter to the Committee of Arrange. Wane - Of the Pithiburgh Petradeum Are The amendment. was...Monied. The followin gentleman constitute the Com mitter, ' Brooks, .Wierdein; Forsyth, Dilssorth,and Lock- Mr. Sick: wand that the Convention adjourn to meet at three o'clock. - delegate amended to-130. • Mr. Kirk Mated that Gen. Moorhead, the Repreeentative In Congress from this district, srould attend the Convention at four o'clock, and tea the taxon petroleum originated with hlm„ he hoped the ram bore of the Convention would he pre- M . ed tO reeeiMA:thp and give him a Mr. Mirk thought the 'dealers from his ' own demi &should handle him. .The Convention than adjourned. •. LIST Or DELXOLTES. • The toUptaing la a Lit Of delegates and firms represented In the Convention. CLEmmems—W. - C.. Scofield Jno. • Alexander. JR K. 'Mager; M. B. Clark, Jno. W. Faueett, G. Westlake, F. it. Penfield, J. C. Heiman. FL K. Reynolds, D. P. Eels and Richard Clark. Carr—Charles F. ptilLan, Wm. Boer oil-Stunned Downer and Benja min - Vaughn. Amerameust Albert Brandt:WM. It. Chi - afford, W. T. Poole, Wm. - -P. Thompson, Edward Braider, 11. W. Heird,A. B. McFarland. S. P. Werfs,' H.. P. Longmoor„ Richard Clark, and A. 13. Reed. licOmustanivman—W. K. Irish. prutoramar Geurrns—E. Rankin 'PeiMMlMetir—Lockbart -'& PrewFch - syth Brothers, Emil Schalk; H. M. i.ontr, Brooks., Ballentine & Co., Harden .. Pachelder, Waring la Klng,Bationai Re fining-and Storing Company, Fawcett, Logan & Stockdide„Tsck Brothers, Clark at Sumner; Wonmer Meyers .t Co., Pennsylvania Salt Manellacturing Com pany, Aiiiver B. Jones, John , K. - Bar bour, G. S. Mallwaine H. Hoebler Ziontzheimer. Koehler dt-. Co., David Kirk, Jamul Bonney, Jr., P.Weleacher. ger & Co., T. M. Frenerman. McCurry 4. ISeawnont, S. W. Holdship, Wm. Edger - tow Mod.'! Refining Company „- v: Leech„ Y-Logan„ J. T. SLockdale. B. W. Mon= & Co., E. a. Keys, O. S. Rhu irmr k s. Sheath ,D. m. •md f ortcn. Joiepti Words, -R. - D. - Cochrane Bro. Dilworth • Bro., Samuel Richardson, , Brawn &Wagoner, - Lafferty it Waring. Annan &W Sly & Pinkerton, C. Kirkpatrick ,t McKee. Hacker & Fleming dt Co., Suffixal, Keiser& d:ka , Kirk_patrlckcieVette. a tcb e wag Oil a-caning Company, Thos. K. Betting, -Wm. Kerkeosa L- B Bro., Jobe lack, , Janees Wilkins, Fisher Bro., M. Edwardit 'James DiewMnny, ' Jonathan ßushnell,: Zahn - - Borne: - .7heeph.lilaikreatrick; A. W. D. Grafi& Co.; Teams Mankedlck, Hann .t. -Co. A. D. - Miller, Breertou & T. G. Ktrkjeitrick;John B. Bell; Balmy, Jagenman & Ce., Livingston - Bros., W. P. Murray it Co., E. C. Fawcett. • Panama:stem.— Warring,-King A C.. , Warden, Frew & Co., Peter Wright & Co., Tack tiros. et Co.: Emil Schalk, J. 13. Allen & co., D. L. Miller. E===ll The Canyon re-amembled ai Peatthr . o 'sbmk, ar..purntani to ad journment; lid was called to teller by Mr. - Leng, temportry Chsirman,who, in comieqneath:eir the: Immanent Chair man not turving arsimdipreekded during lich• --- cosnarram - lUDs - aaaa The Chatramin announiied Oat the tint business inantshwciatil Melba reeding of thiersiposSofthei paean:Lithe) Baal- . . ..11.alf.irk,Ciretrinso of the Committee, repor: r dlito followthm ..Cittamittee :would reepaiottilly anmeesi the following items of trosineee for therpotuatioratton of.tho• Cbovention: .Fina--.To - S t ake steps , the removal bribe Vatted gages goyeannieni tea on Second--To protest againstany OrZ or thedirect - OM °retail:ma :meet reftned - We wottldreefeetful%rerommend the tsk op of thalweg° g topics for dhe custoon, awl the speedo tment of a coin raitteeoftivelo report takearh branch of the subject. end nit farther time to re port bostrolee for theponyentlett: The reportinareeeired and the con - The Chairman elated tbsdtheobJect Of . -the ecarunittee use to get an idea. of the views of tbe cotter:Mon ca the raided - •Mr. Ilownianid Wet u he underst ood .the, objtmt of the Me was - for the purpose of an Infonual -Cedm on the subject of taxation on Petroleum, and he Would like to make a - fee , genteel, re marks** the - emblem.' The bunions was "now.ate ferw•year, the be. 'Mies would become settled the so , tide beccurtealuiple; The Unie for ex . trenavrices has passed away - _Petro" corniof wh ich You ovold'ion, Worms:op e'en; Petroleum ylohdan. two or three.. - TAO asooolat.of peorn=lited by stlatme,* &Went and= co made It, incessary for htmest dealers to,. takes loomer, - .unawares for: iheir pins Protection, or-the trade must,. go daunt:- Matting ,tim •.vir: there was a. distoaltlanontpartaftke pea pleteau to Ut al halanWlthcononsplab2t,butidnoe . ttot war the people *imbed to know why toe arnoleOf Poirolottutallould ambers ' hotrod flan spoofs! istatkon. • There Wielk no resson,nhy should nett*: It was that h 2ohvd law in ituro - dtutth ro , and it not bean p ro fits to Steens within lbw last two ran. We atesuld :titter maks' an - MIMI to hate the tel - Congress. iveitkl not repeal *Connie tbedealensrould have to do the best they and&tettltwea Z - duty tope ye the tar removed- If was ten, kr.tleldes. which Itidlone .shr atd that "Shoddy and Petroleum car ried inuttense -*Math; with them" 42.4 he a, member; of Can grew In favor era. Bread tax. If the tax could not be reoesled Arts Nepali:in they .V.ght have it ridneeiland tiarhape • rep^teaii the next year. The dealers of a country *veld always hove to guord siiisinst,tha reign hada. cud sitstati at all times ready fo to meet It. The trade in Manes was trtialn , •orid condition and Was not crippled - as had heenreprosente& The , arrival of the. delegates from Parke/ale:mg *as a.r.nounced, and, their nitrite read. The Cnsdrmon then road the second tapic for the passidersaort of the Con- Q. r. Ir moosnXso's mixtraaws, On motion or Mr. Klrk. Gem Meot hmtwits oiled upon to, address the Con; vention. • DIM- hicsirhead said That - he was hi favor and always had been of protecting the intend of the entire, community, and although he fully appreciated the boner centered on him by being 'balled upon to address the Convedien, he mint decline to make a speed ' as Ms position on the Contedttee of W ays and Means in Congress, would prevent bon firotolo doing; I would.. place .. him in an awkward position. Ile hoped the Con , realism would argree on all points and go lotere the Committee a unit, and then he would do all he could to further thole interest; But they mud go pas unit, not one - parson representing one Manch of the trader, and another, se different branch. He small bo gledito have the entire tax removed, bat feared it could not be done. The expenses et tho Gee atilintMt.ttrast. be _paid, and to do us there Meat be tax enough levied -11 The Committee had andeanorea to re duce the expenses of the govenuneet to the very lowest point, but there mast be money raised to pay the expenses , and pwl.he Interest ondelmblie debt: Me aid Wet Wish.terply-the public debt eeN; but merely pay the Interest upon it, The Csarunitteabed hot agreed to remonsthe tea-from on. They had; however, .en- 1 deavored to remove it from 'all entitles ' which were the production of labor and retain it driltturies. He was one aide paresis who had thought oil one of the productions that would bear taxation, and thought it .'the' doty of American statesmen to Make the consimers of it pay a portion of the expensesof the goy ernment. • He - believed that all - cal ex ' parted shoehl be tared, ruder it: would prevent exportation. - he woe Intersa, ported - edi-Neuld md. - bear - tanotto:he , x olll d oppose taxing it to the very last. He bad been inftenned•- thitif, seas not the productions' of ramps that 'lnter.; fared with our market, but it was the exportation or crude • ell without ,tax which was refined •In England and brought into competition with theses , p ortation of refined here, which, under these - tollMthillittileall, would not beer e It was for -purpose et having „the dealer, innieritand the matter, endures upon some system of taxation and pre sent . their• views to the Committee of Warta and Mese* that he had consented Madders' the Convention and he would then - do 'all in his Dower to further the hatereate of dealers In this country. Mr. Mager was called upon to add; the Ocerrention. He said the question was not one of ability toper the tax. He bad 'listened ;to, General hfoorbead with great pleasure' and ba4 beeiroonsidar ablyenlightened.. He thought that if it was dble to make the article of Petro. .loom any cheaper to the oonsumerit was the duty of dealers to do' so, bat id the mune; Mae they must bear in , mind their higher duty to -ley, thelust de womb of the Government.. Ha was In favor of paying the intereaton the public debt, and after he died wished some one abet° pajr the *Meisel. The speaker read as extract from the remarks el , General Schenck., Chairman of the Com a:tithe or Ways and blesne. lie said it was not, a question whether Petroleum would bear "tax' or -not, bat whether it snot a luxury Me compared the eon samples' of. gas to that of petroleum. The- coat - of the former, lutoz.„eadd, was tie,ooo,ooo, while that of Petroleum was but V 0,000,000: The consumers of the former were the wealthy portion ofestm eatinity,:and it wan certelnlya cream luxury. thee the latter. He thought that Petroleum Was a product of labor, as mocha* as the production of salt. The Europe= manufacturers had a decided advmmege over American mannfacturent on Account of the cheapness of labor. lie thought that the Convention should en deavortin slaw. the Committee that. Pe troleunt ireenota luxury. Ailed:some further emerged* speaker, closed, and Aft. Sumner dentalled upon . • Ake motion; 'a vote of thanka wasire. turned to Oen.. Moorhead for his kind nearin eddreestng the Convention., Mx. Sumner then toiol. the - door.- He said that the opinion generally prevailed that - petroleum was an article which 4owed - Erm the ground without the no- - murky of labor. Gen. Moorhead wished to correct the gentleman. He did not consider poem mum a spontaneous production; be bad experience to the stentraty. Mr. Sumner dinomiug, said he did not intend to Bayed Gen. Moorhead had so considered the - article, but that it was en opinion gettomlty prevailing, with mem bers of Concretes end othere. He thought be could prove conclusively that petro leum was a production of labor; and coat as much relative to its cabman any other pmductin the that almost any rennery In the mural, - could be perebased for any cent" on the dollar, or one half its original own. That the dealers -maid not stand any tax, ease if it ware but two cents per barrel, theyment toe much oppressed already. General Moorhead naked permission to retakh atew remarks in explanation. Se tiouthed the Convention for their ex pressian of . itindnese toward .him, and old that what this Convention should to was to unite upon soma measure to he embodied in a bill. If they wanted certain amount of tam to say so; or it they wanted the tax napesiedtanthely, to ask for if. The-proposition to tax ex ports Ando rate or handy-dm mud r.rel wasted for the purpose .= reveutte, bnt for the purpose of pro- totting the honest dealers. If the fraud- Went dealers could be .stopped there would be more revenue and alma tax, and it would be a benefit to honest deal-1 ra, as their prodeds would not_ be brought In competition .with fraudulent nil. The Committee wanted the aid of thetas to enable them to fix a tax and Laved collected. He wanted diodes/era to go toWeshineton• prepared to give the Conon:ado such Information as would enable them to prerent - frauds.- The '. Committee wanted the dealers to help to collect tho tax, and then thee would aid dealers in repealing or reducing the tax. Mr.: Planter thought the Committee should to remove the tax on exported Miff it be shown thatthe twee ty-fiVe cents per barrel 11100 d between a sinall profit and 'direct loss. Tee Com mittee, be thought, should adopt the aye, tem of compelling the tax to be paid be. ore the all was removed ON shipment or sale. -The tax ebonid be odiected at the 'retlimikebefore theoll we/dot:matt: He tbooght the syteem adopted by the Cem entite...l6 levy a tax ?thistles to the suede of tolisonly opened an avenue for fraud. Gee. Moorhead, in explanation, said that loorememberedliti. P. as one of the ;modem= erbohad been before the Com mittee asidng the repeal 'or the tat on refined etil„.and he remembered, too, that his statement wee able and logical. -Bat! that *se only one) side of the question, for shortly alter he bed been them mode sr committee came, twerestootlatc. the aviation interest:Mut made equally as falr atetement of their side of the quite- dors. What now desired was for the twolnierests to unite upon' some mess- UFO acceptable to both, and then lay the motto-before the Committee. -Mr. Downer wished messy in compli., merit to amend - Moorhead that he had taikei the same here an it. had to com mittee at Washington. lt was net sti weystheematom of political men to talk demote way ill different *sere - He ounsidared * eddit to the General.- fle.. thought if the Cooveption would show the Committee of Ways - nod Meths, an - they should do that petrea 1 loom would notlear 2 tax:there would be no =dully in having ft removed. Ile was opposed to the tax and thought it ail wrong, and be believed that the trifle' had In General 'Moorhead a firm and veinal& friend. - s • 11?: - .1fourittleinutc was called upon end read ea foibles • - arr.: Prament—m - connectsoa with-the . proposedpert on to Petro. Eellaed beg leave dirtyour Moe tndilntwhicls,n my optilononef viral o When it was found nets:Gary to meet the payment...of the interest of our large public debt end desirable to create a sinking fund far the gradgal payment of 1 the debt Itself, our- st.. boom wisel y concluded to make Moropet--whieb•had 1 gained to, largely bye= great nations. mixfortune-badaportion of oar burden by lamming iMpart duties, and thereby protecting our home industry, Is could hardly be expected thst amen the many molutures atio_pted dote Ovoid not have been some that proved to he nntimely, nay, oven damaging to orm beat Interests. The mei - Adel -rehMke made was the txation ; of nor eatock. la the unroects. streets( States* Too all know dot by that nosanre tbe eiddratlon apart% 1¢ India, Egypt ruakesewhare, etssot by the assay sup p lles-of do batter -AlbeliClM staple droller the rebellion, was karerod to send:toe and Mortal. L. the &Ailment of oar ownprople. damns of the, went our= tors iras the well-known phrase:LbNnn . Is king; Europe mart bare It, and - that dollar a bele will help largelyao.Ali ofilr eaffen, while .those trasuKStlantio pock. ets 1011 hardly miss that small moan?. .The conelualon was correct, leuttbe prop.' °slam was UultYl -- beDoe the rellurscor their 'lnge. Europe waists our cotton but If necessary do with has that; we are =Vows to ship. • . I fear, gentlemerythst an apasil i r mistake I. - about to.he made Is regard to PetrctLetun: Twenty-tfre -cents per , barrel seems indeed, A I .ol l hAr alna, but this seen - Joey ittos,ll. amount be r' -ad may be the tiny claa which ' warns the re dlor that there is danger of selorin. , j am in posaandon of documents"-which prove that our friends in Europa are be glutting to cansider the propriety of not only starting theirltalf foten,idle,old , miloariee, but are even think serious. 1 ly of putting mallow ones. They go Intend to frighten ns again with their, antiquated whale olli they propose to try .. conclusions with: us by importing and Willrelining our on Peamaylvaniantuds 011, Unity them todosof Perhaps Moroi lowing calculations, captained In it Teri late letter - of sahreard ..tnterembosinesS menowill satisfy, the gentleman. on Mat pcin4- Fisurae, honWy Per . ; ars r more corprtiminathiLMWOrfirilegtnenta. Antwerp-4:We .Catoninti of sMotit four lamOred barrel. refine oil: -- SCObbls.wona 55,4050 AMograspnes erode ou At SS Mama, 5,750 Il workmen. n; werkSSqn,Per Toek Interest r e cm work at 40 weeks per an. lto DUDS tneurance at 157,0k1 fro color oU per mt. Interest on ,ogee (rants capital ao cooed AS 5. per cent, 40 woreffeng weeks. ........317 Wear and tear per week to taa 100 kilogrammes kficerrammee - sold, 1 7 . francs per 35 , 0 Bode::::..:... ... . ..... . ..... % tone;;;;;I: 400 Prelims on erode oil ar work. tram Antwerp . and nertand MI. neonate, eta. err. w tral on eta re , Clemstros e.. end preparing at 4.0 Me. as ... . ..... . 475 Tben.ll9o6 francs will 11801 ISM MS* reline:lo% at the WA 00 PI per rant- - SS.= kilogramme at - 41 franea....... 15035 Deo.olll at the rate or 15 per sent., 9,750 Wiegman:Men at MI Mena 44 neauterunat ttn: ram of apex ,ceott,. 7-. 115,20) kil orrmossee Si trance. ... Allee • u av v y ail jnitica. 211,11 z 711 _ /. 171 !li nerviest. - mats.3l7rno iummly 10 ftszlati equal t0..."4cT.113 This calculatiols is based on crude oil purchased_ fee an. .Aistwerp .dealeg &Slim - 131hapirtibir itliimaelf the Ant werp refiner will. _perhaps. gala another 5 thAteri - ably'hendred Mitt The'impor tant advantages Muropean relines have arei- 'cltettli biter :end .risa - ss est Yen will atones ttat the present de. mend for boneole bee grmt deal to de with the excellent reseg ,of the above calculatiom The 'possible overvalue of boned* la the only, ...fancy" figure In the statethent otherwise the cost caltmlatket is 'very liberal and will practically prove lower than stated. In regard to benzine it is not at all likely that the present de mand will decrease, though prices may go itown , with larger shipment*. In or der MildVoyou an idea how Immense the opimumption pithst article has la creased, and how much more it will to - cteseerwith heavier_ ship:matt I .will stets that In-Paris alone three thotwand benzoic lampsof all styles and patterns are now need dady spinet only elek tam bundredthrue Months ago. tensine _ l _T ilot t itt sdhdtolilbrwitabbglveol.. imy ire now erectin4 fates! 71•1=wy with a weekly rapaci tyof ono thalami:id to - twelve, hundred" barrels. emthe tank of the titcheltio--dppoeitod.ntwarp. Others follow. Our Antwerp correspon dent marts gravely that :within three years from now the export or crude oil from the United . States will be muck larger than the export ofrislinad OIL In the Ana conniounues .of our strength It le perhaps not Rosemary to fear atprosent thisthreatoning Vitropesn competition; out would it beads. to legit late, in the face of above facts, new bur dens for a bueitmeswhlch naa tematend with so many difficulties already grimy cent added to caster exportation of refined petroleum /2 an encoangataent to European enterprise, The gro:s pro ceeded the proposed 25 cent tax on pe troleum will be about 'iioo,ooo. I am disposed to doubt that the net yield of dile export tax to the government will Wilzig° enough to defray the Gevern moot expenses faroseds/- If ournsends in Washington are deter mined not to leave mailers as they are, letthem act fir us by taxing the expor tation of crude olland not against us by trying to turn 25 honest peonies out of every- our ahores.rrel of, relined petroleum that leaves Mr. Moorhead said he wold like to know whether It mu the souse u the •ConvenUon to have a tax on crude oil. Mr. Lay said he wished it understood that they did not want a tax on crude oil. On motion — of Mr. rral Moorhead wits invited to attend the meetings of the Convention. Mr. Long moved that the Committee to' be appointed to represent the oil interest before the Committee of Ways and Means be instrneed to two their 'endeavors to have all tax removed from oil. both erode and refined. - . . th e Mr. obj F.a ofr said ge Convect io that ea be rinder was stood ect the n, it to have all tax removed from every canon f oil. lie did not think Micas, although .it scented to be, necessary , to juror= the otWays and Means that oil wiss not a kixnry... Mr. Lay insisted upon Miring a vote upon his motion. - The Chairman decided it nut of order. A delegate protiosod a night 1144 1 / 1 /013. Mr. Davis said -It would be Insonvan tent to many of *the Pittsburgh delega tion to attendan evening session as most of them.realdesl.ont of mint. Mir 'Kirk Seemed to adiourn - iiirrieet at ten j o'clock Thub v imy: lb. only: to give I the !Committee time to prepare their re porta. I The Chair announced_ the collosion Committees appointed by him pursuant to the repostot 1 4. 02 Imnitte• MI 13 " - nets : Committee on -Bonded Cll—Afenars. Stunner, Mager, Tkumm, Third and Waring. COnitnittne on Free 011-Itesera. Dow nor; Scofield, AL ft. Clark, ley, and Longtooor. EMM2EM r Frgw. CASTLE. 04 lie ibis{ - as Sew preeemme..—ae•es ruteeerebere— eta @tuns wasuww 7 ets• mem/ s, Cairn.; Muth 4,00. -Itsentsw; Eortaws; —Having been called to thls polut t.,11 hosing:es, / desire to !Urals/A your radars with a few scraps of norm on the say and t in this village.. Taking- Tuesday morning's train, au:Warted by that aideat of able condoctrea, Ell Torrance, fjio cash for thbij I left your city add a °Old and bias-radon' idornlig aed Droceetted to ).i'ew Grata: On the wry I nottord at Free- dem two Wrier of modern • Or being constructed! also rime brick - station to rephiceithe dilapidated old 'stricture which hits stood at the ahoy* place since the Openiug- . .0f 'the Pittaburith. Port Wayne and Chicago Railroad; at New Brighton new and commodious church,. almost " completed, for one of the dm:cm:mamma that quiet "PoL and. at Mani other • towns on road marked improvemente aloes I my-lioß trip in this directlart. Ruching New I_Cmilia..l,-repaired to Ow Lathe Rouse and from thence to Patterson's News Depot-11piece onowoula natural ly seek - under 'Malian eircpmstances (a duß looking day and 'Mena/1y cold wen therl+-where I found the 'Filet but femme Ben comforting himself over a brilliant fire, and It wan a eoreforethat morning. lieu lean old Pittsb her, yet be Is not the 'only one located here. I found among others Charley Ebbert, Paul Zim merman, Messrs. Reis tt Berger, and Cs it. -Blehardson.,' Bob Patterson, of livery tuna, is nicely situated on his form, Svlr billet out of= The weerher hers has been and throughout the winter the grou p has boast ansmedwith anow.thosafford log the lovers of that exh (Iterating spars -- Madgiting-mnopienoppartunklee to en joy themselves. . tho'cinzens ire slow so regards'ini provements. I notleod, howsver,a sum- - 1 ter of new buildings already- completed' and being h.r.Ogght to eompletto,n among thenathe bimk and' businame r 'Olooic 'nu I Main strect.whlch m rchandsome addi tion tol the leant of the' town, The Young Men's ChrhhLm Ainerciation have opened abeauttful reading room In the businata Mock and lgat night elected their onloara for tlui ens es jeer- The' H.beaango Hall to a gnat improTeMent on the Old affair ho this place. - It is over the town market and will comfortably seat twelve hundred pinions. Theaters is 1141 rpm, It should be, it having no sePilmroM bitutfilir desired by a &remel t° or minstrel tronp% TBErniflii Rah" toWM - are'now In full operation and Lmoderstand are doin g welL New onea are aeon to be New Ibtelletas been bountifully. imp , plied !vvitlii lezuuseriientar the peat three months." About the Holidays • .Ronses Dramatic Troupa'f o p ened and continued for fifteen nights, doing a - fair beanies"; I 'Weston! the traUtest lectured And did• "trete armour' In Chentimo /MA One night led weak, in lees then ten min utes., -kfmartred". dtetanee one mile. "Blted Tom" ailed the "erne ball two aighMlast week. The . oonßilantale" followed "Tom" and alao did wall last nigtrtc - -llarte -and • JetTerson, recently of trourclty;opened their atra axious." to an ! excellent holm. The per formance, nottrithstxpdlng many draw back", maim =Mr , a eitisfortotr. Le It is their bright particular star,' They opentc.n l -likV °° sad go from ;oglll match& The Catholic Fair ta to open shortly. Todaytrlille. at the depot a 1 notlmd poor woman with children an. geavortogio procurepearaige on the mein. Plum row te Tack, prominm, , es y ollr:nmlo gentl eta emen. them o¢ tp thatf Oohed deatirudion. The gain/moan to question 11 4. 1 rit one times, dons slatilar good acts. or I .rrinf ef tlm& ' I refrala from Mei fog thrther. _ Cum. ilakeStay Polka are about . don blue !Rib !cops, navy pattern. with diver piated no °bore on Me front.. The aidhtpailino.wtil - bo provided with bblto and FuWia. - • Cinini4 . Cent and new &malt' of Iron ore tuteli... recently Wei found -in Mill- stone township, Foreacconnty. The theenibtirt Bciaid atttertises that It [units* ow{ fort) Jed of reatlifit 1:113 , ./.1611:4: - ; izt4.. arSAIIT paints ILECTIIMZ WLElLitir ) AT-L AFAY ET TE HALL ; 2110 i TO mtoster, i7DATaIOtIT , ipumuip. lninmter as'qqswarm, =erouuri tw. APSat% idea t. us Ts tatas._,Ple./...a. ead blUs 4t I[l. Apps moutuiPt• - nAirjr' . 4.prrlrr THITR§DAY. MARGIT `5 1868 IREC /18'Wow b\ - ...nze,Fratitor of Fifth. Ocid, Ind Coupcous, ettaiatteaSsalet.aa Liberal tens.. Drgu 4 .4 41181111 w principal alga.. et Strom. gOrililiSlON - OP 1...30 S. zwe n grtGAlrad o to wraith._ LW 11VAND .;fagrEdr-7111271TL1E8 New 1867 640 Coil Coupon Bonds JAMES I'. BRADY & CO Dalai* in GovetiameA geOrities Orme" Vomit & ilteaalteriels; ntsTANon AND TRADE arms of vgs ?vermilion GAzsiwk ,Wewaranner. Atwell NA I I 'Gan ill dart' '4N to 1425:. bu 'sitha ales% qiiotatloin• ?Mead at I 4 w the Ming rate. The opinion prorells, tL leenid thleielethient :ilepowit•esier trial foie will go tom; on the cabin hand, 'Wen laattutionr'axe age het law her worap atoneili to beak Molt opinion by per chow or ohm Mos on - fold..' • The tact that,hpadi bare materially loa prined 'ind and at hood would Matzoth ih• eentldenee et th• 'beep% 4/4 . .whoa thehtul y . asolotteati in great dear or idle. toik Maio, imanotoo the pond* edit hire amnia to de to cite; tetiarlr ore &SAUL . • lima hare adyammiodato to day from SC pro mat. eight-sae bonds are tie gamiest ea the tut, and bet tow bends are en the market. 'Mtn Thlrtteil ire- item:l.'44i Ten 'IAMB are no sleethd:- •Tha hither tale on - all lean. may .Umowoi Cbiltoithboo. 4144121 . Atka, but the moment t ea-market tamed upward aaeh lagmbeediiiethul ort the aisiket . ' try paid thot ertur.had, oald *hart thet l lidolkY•ed wawa Otiose la trioiltabba • • Ibteetre are higher. atmeg 0.124*4.212.J. All the Tale gonneationg are up, Erie (rpm 62 yr. fader to quaint 4o4fay at UR; 1 . 411, 'York Uen tralfromlSßtoulKd North Western, mean aadpreaned, aro tram 2 tee percent. higher :that Monday. AU ,lbe through that. ion -` netting with the Nolte roads oip•et to do • unto hi/meets gad the steaks an bought no by among puttee for threotatent. • Matey ammo to tie eider ter i ll drat.isas Falath cad thereto wren mere 00.11Sallit• Mont hensia that 11.115.1ruklbut hate i 4464 dOrie• the king trial of tom/Natty, of [buslamo. • Dreoperono Lana may talkie many business mon nor anbarramod. -• • • Clogair mar Torts tanntatlotts, nealrod.by Moll. Mans ese as fo/herst - 11014.1 W it UNIV. HI!. , SElast Ids!, noLil "°"". 1 f 434 . Mooched a Pituatutl .... blerslaaata Vince Express al Weahnn ttnton•Taiegrapl. ..... 1104 Erto ft. IL—. T. Plgolnugb sort Wayne at Chleagoll. flosiMmoslaato Itellsoad—eoteette Norlawastersterrosi___f Vo% New York i. Ohio and au.hriaCar7 OMalt= &Mews... pye zydmo. ......... Quarts 111 ..... as —The gold Minot pobllo debt of Um Vaned States will lose be rolueed to taw mat MIMS, Seth* now boartng a per mat Li gold a. so 'count of the navy passion land: The fond, mated by the CtoreramonVe half In the ptoi eePh ertnlem oapiorod Maytag the was Is to be lIIIMPtte44 to the fennel Ow o! the . Tree.. bey' end stied to Its mieesllasents melon. by sultargy la the go noml Toulon solovoptiellon MU, pasted by Um Helmet fleptehrotettra a Low dam svo. Lod whleh Wig Prooably boom. nand to by the. Shun. The semen lot thts chasm* la that the mooed tangy inotoos smeon t to soil IntILMO, t ennead', whets. the hen Omaha food, by Ito aemmonlatloos cow, ylehlandhOoo a yam in gold. The sated. cat. &her 'Room expleastioas by the am ber of the °catmints on Appreprtelloaa bat_ lag oho bLU ia thugs patted the /loose ninth. one i ' obvlslas It or. shown Mutt the rfello son wee boom: for :ha navy pennons antho, Ind or tabs authorised by law. la ea, event, eie:ltt the eery peones fond pawls; out of tho was Olen, whin! was exhausted beton all the old pabziaee were eallelleg. The alter azla to be made . = the gold beanat public date hagglers to the extent of ilighoneS tha !moonset deslanstuat of nalagag the to. Val rank debt !netted lemma to gold to two tholiend Wigan, of tholhus. Clcising oguntatlo. as meirectiry Jute. T. Stalls 0p.,: Oott 1.7. S. rm. ism- . Sado.. t•i4. • 4204 .. • 111.44... 6 44, Jan. ascints, Jas. ma Jai', NAI J an% T•ss. • July. 7.30. -- 21 4 CCM". 111 U /Uhl /CADji ......MK •-•-•• lON 711 N I'i ThsVaan PITACILEtriI SLUM= OVirm ow vas Pm:savoy Gators*, irsisahav, Must a. talt. OSCI)E—The, eau ket was avowal.. 4 OrMI to.e•/. *Una then wss toldsottlf • IMor hellos. and Ivo tau nowt • Ws of Ito* bb/s for all Mush. :vapor's optloa, at do, whlah Is a blot advaaw, there bah( so bays:virus You. dof tad Tametay above 'Ma Spot all, la the shwa. of sig., way be goateed at V% to , me, nod With. year, eollset °tam, at Me to se, sad wow Malvern tom'. optics, at wre. W• presume that tea ttoavasUoa had s telteehey to !Alta* twit.ua tads*, mew: 0: LIS opus. toiv Wag In ausaltaw, awl tig.. am , 7 tan taw *that sal as Ross no did sot get, ao than ten %alto • .mbar at dollen. Mel we fiklied to owe: 4.5 Wesel nato4, hal..var, there v. veldaatly • draw Sollov, sal tor . only UN ri•porta4 shows we advt. es of at loan • low. ter of • cut per taloa. I ILEFISIF—There nee hat tittle done .1a beatd•L L. es-de7. tot the tub tenon. CON that t.tlataue wee reetrtoted la Urea*, tie great 'equity at the renew. sad Waxers as. tat to attest:saes at the Coreeatioa. Ueda the Ispter.se of ae serapes at Aalls , M, Doe aT.r, the:. wee • Wtits Main, ay ssu.sa gezerally had their “idasaa ay solecrlsti ws had NO • Wight Sale 1111.ftled. 11%0 tibia fettle tut belief Want, at lea ire eon gaote Cl too for list, sad SU for laaa ball' of Mush. aheerieg it; adVaLta or half • seat, to:veered VIM TUndST. Sid aateez Antwerp atotgd eathhtale tale mother tan Isealment, we es. dailydeo tAta ores al eztood Wooer dottrel Tear, Oat save., oar or .41. 0, N. 1. kNot. Het Co.. aca belt ref. to Y. A. Dilworth en,PhilsAelplita .M.X•117. L.- L Cr, ate do do to W. P. Lo gan A Be., rallod.loon. W. Atorgita A C,ry-100 do do to a. Sadie 11, Cr, 11,11doelpIdo. • Wow Yea% Piredprellashet. idyTehmranh to Um Vittmerat Veatto.l New Toss, larch 4.-Gottri more attire and Iollyo better, with ales of ape) bale* Ot 25efor middling ntdanda irloart receipt, f 100 bairt 00110 better on low gradee, atilt sae doting for ~port, at 0310100alti for sae parent Slate and western. 0,75010.0 for extra rate. 0. 5 501130 for extra Watt , . *110191410 for whiteheat cum a.Ol MT% for It. 8. o w . 610012 for extra Lonna CUM for rood to {Moire ilo; *Mang , California armee and more active, with melee of Lea mat at 11 12,55 0/5.50. ..are Aar quiet sod tinotiaaed. with ales of 710 aide at 07,10, Corn Leal trahanged. wiles! nominal, What; no recetylei a etuule ann. er with mere dales, ebierlr forevynrig :t r O i liti b erdtrar:tirtiVZ,V,V7 Weablegtotteprirdi nattered. WS for foram. o em n e 15•1 !!fate. qttlet. Zarin- galet and eahaniad.. 80r1 , 7 73 1140 omit • Wealth/ Lrigit.444,l, tie...m(l= bbilltrat smiei,u for now tetra western .flea. gi,lsol.lP4tor white 130ut0ern, and .1,24 for .eon. Southern , Dow. gat; ntl reordoui; tilido better, with sales Or elan mu ,temp for weentre stela Mee quiet. Coffee arse teat +pita. Saar steady; Wet 31e hale Cobs lakrathir. arnawas gestalt eal. tie hit a arid 4151. pi Cyba at Oa Hone tinier and am:hanged- Yetroleidn erode, at thi, for ma* and 2530 for maned beaded. [ Goal tinfet ad enamored. Wool Irea so are sod arms rata 400,0 W no az 4 0 0051 a 4001.0110 fleece. Leltiler Moderately so- . I live at :bream]. prime. Yorlt decidedly I limit; Wart= ale, at /1134,112821.(4 ter dem awes. ELMO( at 11 & ,00 00104,11147,x00 ,15,24 tor 014 do, cloning at eZ,Lo reenter. 130 - fur Pff.befibl=o2.o (of western dame Mimi} 811.1505.1,00 0117 dot also 01 bade new men tor *Cora, too Met 11)11 for agn,eb, at ati.M. Devi' oteadyi eales of 410 Mats. at MOW for nar plats mem; WWI ; for new extra meat MOST for prima nem, and 504010 [Or Anita men. Bann steady' ant, digit WWI 'Of 50 laza, of aloft rib at Tie. Cow bleats Irma Wes of 410 h p, at 1 011.40 Jot eboisidere aid gas 0 for a Dratted holie firmer, ate; k Jo for wrelern, third/ Ite: and Mee .Lard a shwa Invert gala Ina hide at wA fetiti malt lot. Of very (Melee kettle re f Mitred/14a. Better salvo tad Ora, at 411 00af rwnt.rs 001 45000 for Rats Choose oda at 1101 a. Freights to Liverpool a shade salon agairentenla per steamer of ow oath nba wheat at Whd, and 000 064 floor o6 rate , Latent...4lpar elated saws , bettor Art the kw pulsar thedemand was pertly trey ll.4B export trade. Wheat ts erre arid la fan. dc.. mead. elderly_ too export. Kra te quiet. and Awry: gauge dm as *Norm. w est eutiLin ,fore. Corn lestgarly stll.zig :la new m ea ead wutre, shoat." port tt to; new =ea& erktowas °Pared. and asked regular. maltere.Apfl23.l.94 turreted, aud rekTiasked. heel la falrly =tr., sad Ann. Cut Monte are @leads and In fair demand. iterhp le prfla.l. JAM Is quiet at 11alet‘o dared, urr to prune steantrut "ad fettle.toP? , Saw To►k prit liotata t{aralet: tat Talottapa so tla hat4barg6 Maws.. I • Now 'foxy. North 3.—Dty. goody morkot atW eattUnnas lOU anwaoh Mr all glands at endda bath tandem and docoestk, although ' toe Weather 111 tam Woolens ore Inoallira. and prides low asoogn. Cotton dom. Under Lnropeao anew. MUM ailveneed bare. as cattd 4 9lowan. howayer, u apsed. btio.O 4naeya 5. ationtfo 41.4 p otan A,Lttnan sod new. are In moderate bat ate Jr regnesl77,. leg, At mantalos6, elbererlie In Like prop.?. tian. krutto„ deislate, glagtioala Mkt evitard &MI 10 fee [teed *opt/ ,, mito dui bi tteg, bolas. otlllauWWwi ironandly at Tory cr i ginoTa a jy, "9 , IFF!' . . ektalliriallillUMlSket. ply Tellestapa to tits Pittetetipt Wants.] Cloosoo, itstabltet oerite r ail ft 7 tor stiothus to Dar enKsool4 Pa to sooo to Oak* ao. !top open as r ADO AM kertoloost albedo muter under tn. Intittesse of Leavy reoelpts V. t 7 , 7 ;0 1 . 21 3 for common to good., sad p,ulapol for toad to otiOltee. . vs=tkivaiati.!AL•2:iium s cot op rus Proossimum Gowns, t Wu:mummy. ratimiy.4. uta• tit26664.afkett..breuut seam akstyr. teuetioe wottby of .pecial notice, with the eh. etytion. thet the meat mow storm la the westheobestrietiot yety.toulth the toottoty but tide w 11111154 *of buoidaittleo; while; fir M., =sails., the litlppl7 of ltiotoit etierythiag L folly op to the demigod. GRAIN—Them le a good demand for Winter V haat, nod prime Bed mot be 'quoted at Odd, and White at 56. Corn le rue doll and dreoping; ere elm report a We of 170 btlehela shelled, on track, at One, end it la eaLl there vu a isle of tome 7dd barbels, on the wharf, the other deg et EWA. .*ar Corn cannot fairly be quoted stare •313911... wharf and meek. ltie Lola demand ft 'Livia. Oats Inn but unchanged; ye continue to quote et mace, on meek, sod enleloe, he Mom Berke Is ammo and Itiza it 4202,10. 011 001K8IEM—Thers Is more salleity mam. Mated In the Grocery market, the operetta.. Ia the esentgate. Muted the yea Week having byte considerably larger than trsoal. and moat oiler Isidloy house. hare as may orlon as the, us sttssa to. In prism there have been nti important chasm. - Corsi to firmer. cooler the Isloyme of mehmorelde &dile*. from Rio JaskerfOftiregard to the growing mop. shtie Tobacco lee little shaky, wader an smarm. iloa.the las sill be manna. Scud and Ile lessee ire delm Gough some puttee repeat • MOM** ertilim um: sat clot, days. The levied motive rollett goat/Lwow • • 8 oikaa:•,Nsw •- °dam., 1430421630; au* 1113133 av Pori° Rico, 113.041100; Onnhird, lie; "lig Coda>, nal •./r , do. MO; Extra c r i. .1),"115in .7011aw,16., ' - -. C' 2 "..'' 4 14, 4530211.1 P. E. 244; fair, SC.4 OW, ore:meat Jars, rtAgnillet lA ersayis,•sia - . . Moc...miss—iur Odes., DOOM; 6 .4. 0 1 4:111 Wei Ent, ? , ykoi INIPP. , • • • Soitiii.L"Loverioo." Ili "Booth a Ed- P+. ^, }7y "Amber," lot; "Drlps," 11,oce er7ces—cues. -mem; ogre.. /Do; Kr. Sal A11.P.1.4 11.; NutPi.P.U.6*. R l o[—Rattoon, eitrais, 1234, Silver Ob**, 1234.4 and Corn,Sbach, Iso. Faurrs-I.spitßatalni,l4,l4 tar boxi Yalta. tla,loe per paundt Prunes, 18s; Currants, lea for new. • Bat Laos-42ei Slug, 111,50 Dei b.f. SpAts-e.1340b1W4" ties .oskterio. Lop 11.4.14,49.4143 .Ihibblus,“ Ilia. Calacles—Nould,ltt{s; Star, ala. CosagrziArki par we.. - • Mx Cass Soria-41.50 par we. F.al[-Whlta run, $7; Law 114 bisaSarat No. 1, 0187 N.. ty effete" N.. a. /Ililu Itsinarials Lao mom • Saanoco-81aek1 fR 105.56 4 . 4 Lank , DDl Ifavi,MOTlei W. GranVi lin and Navy. 83e; V.R D. Tabun., De. TRA.—Tho Mork.% So sad gdool taghor tog oeir, atop. Chola. Yoisog Ilgooo, 0,111; rat?, tlAh tloangott to Clow,. 1te1,15; Oologg, 76 4. 4 4 i. Oi4tt.gl.ll and 41,36; toed Portal/Aso, ;Imo, .. to qvalty. laytLl , $lOl.OO. Sh Far, ib Yursolo-1404.40, PHOVLSIONS— Baum I■ Imo but pa. .buried; 12. for Plano, and InSie for Sugar Cared Stoolilarst IS for Illtubod ail U for Clear stdar; and 1730 for Sulu Clued limn Prim kettle tendsnol LAM U4la Moms.- nun 10)01 IT. J. keg.. Moss P.b.143,1N. Country Lent In kegs, I tkelf. FLuCre--Tao mutat a6atLaaaa qulatamt eat bat naohaagadi $10,11d011,15 for Sanaa Whew rauivo far. 'Mawr Waoir. aid MO tld fo , Tariff brauta. Nja Mar landuagad aaataa. aa4 Bustwarat at ITEI—Ia mfg. ama to dastaa4faalas of pita. to .hat.. Ban u tirOaaa..ad • Nadi e.nitr, aides having boat tr4.oete4 to-day at nazt, • «a—The demand lu Clara • and nee. thy seed in light, and oo ow:Moue to 'quote at WOO tot the turner, .4 gygeogTl lot the latter: Fleasottl is la eteady donned **OM. HAT—I. needy sad a Owls Dow, le ens acqutem •of tight antral., but uothenrt, re. ging Eros to to quelltl. autEN{Ap'ol.l.l:44.ot, - pi to atilsishod tivals,the ail kat Is Sim, teat} rotail.eltgut. ere not qu. Whiz taghat. reeelog bum gt MU, Drumirsirir=ishigood &salad and alas bUt narhargede ulna rf Nu►a salads far naszters; and Walu far balsas, and Apples at EEtEM=M PO rAtOl5- . 4l¢suaos att bst, -.mat caul la nom it , 1110414 WE bliabo.'and 1.4.270 U MiEiilEM=l LIOM/Nlr—Dulli Was is ail. trade al 14,114M0. alatia.sa la a tatall way. ONIONS-Aims sal to t 7 odes at It - Cikolig• Aartell; or Sdriusah true titaiiiitilt calcAlta. March —float la ilrekeei salsa of apriag dram 'Wm." Caner arid 147iNei Weber, Wes of Pa I at early War of Sla .14 WSW , Viread dolt u •Lsaximas Lora la maid requitatartirlrOPeard 7 1 %0 7laie, awl domed area at matte of No. , id 1 :401 1 a. tiftltiff arm to tee outdo. Non , tada caddy, ripened at 55,1411peet...1 rioaal at yegroi‘c. Ryer cutot, aunt dolt at .11201.110 for Po. Laud 41 1 .001-14 fOr riar try quiet.d Una at ardat,aa for No. I, 1. 0,7:4/1,53 for,rojeoled. Sk Pork quiet sod aim 11th re aaleereportadi mesa bald at arksdetri sake et 'mutat, packed at Irak Vilma atria ar ramps at AULT& Lard la cot limy, of rlilaelm quiet, cu.. tote tied Ina;•..kingider• aelaar, ..r.d. for Nano.. Unerwa Mare gam wad needy ar $lOllll far 1 4 - bs to aralr .ararairea lionipts - Oyu ildiatititsi wheat - 14.:10; cora d.,11/0. oats LIU bstaPi ~r vue4 IP/esti% lir • do 1,1111. abfOralts— hour ip2o MU: artist 1,411.4 Para aft!, eats 1,400 Palau 410••e4 Note ?Sty din do /XI. . alanannati Saar los. . • tar T.:adman So iSso risudsorrlt Utast/ea Csirmsers, Mats!, t nactousgodi trabdir. 1111.00.11.14. Wilma tom, de. raexaftind the mugs?. trtaart tabta /a/ 445. Coro bolter: aos:t plow to Itlatar. *toeing at 146iiie. Osteady at Cie. doll at tttrley he ld to Walken rro. I held at 412-311. cotton tmoottled. els ea to that secorato gootetatee memo% be ahead nold4Unsr be/4 at tie, but bursa aro bold , lad bark *ad not torrid( berm that 31340 Tot.arto la good daso.ssl at hat torlees; tale. ot- 111 WO. Whistai inventor. Atiall twnot to epote4. ProvleuNlS quiet wad WA to boa. but preps at. seehoogod. llalb NW/could Ure beta bobbin at las no. ;faeces 11 4 .0 for ohookdors, and 114. 14 , 0 for clear rib not rib stela. Lard dolt; offered It/arjwao for ettotnin mut/7 50/1 atllk. Better *elm end itl32 It fielde. Kgeo droutrai to re and 4.5. (afor a e? boost dull at tattlirS: Timothy. . 01 . 0 4itt OI L ~1 . 8 Cod Voles Slam at toll who*. /Attired ssu, u,• lard ed. laLteLlit farad, lAN. /qty. a. Car Yeltirob b tle ell Alt4rda lefustls. Ctavictasay Marta t —Moor ealst, etea47 a+d la demand; malts of dasabla sutra eprfai at i10.75011,ta, doable eztra re4,vilar. 612.•01.11,/0; doable extra *ear a. 4 1 4.004, Is 09; cmsetry brands 0tlle•$1011 141st toe &boys Ilium: Wass' la daft sad bOaklaal ass ke IWO at 113,041.• tar ao.l essli axe US for No. Ifftel tkasllll.lo for No. l 11111.. 11aate. strraeg. Cara fa many d. n 4 ya aals ot p u nk a , paar l y 1 ee 4 a all sada• bl aa / IM* 1.53,. tow:lathy. tlets—the Market le 4911 and sronslell ahem tOr Av. 1.111t4141, tram store. /tartars gal* aria aomufat, rocrs. umm la gala{ tales ot Waite, la boadoes fa • £lsoprsotlitti a, rm. owe. . , • itat . l463* Int Tinetta tati!la 5551 emus.) Itg• Kura S.—Tobacco Minn at hill price*. Cotton batten at :Wei. Ylonr la gcnet caligLan4 pt law grade, al unchanged 5 , 15... traniti demand better,' bat place nchaaundt tot and White winter Sold at d issi7.7s,sa4 emus u stimitp.l73f, waiter, at /11.104, gate atlinat atlet ananged C.Wita. utcrajits, at 1 , 143 torturing. Eye sold lone dull. with only orate d ema nd.. Mort mid at MAC. llama sold at Into tar abaci. Rett. USIA tot 515 aides. sa4 IlltallSgo tot * t au *ldeal waist annul • bawl, commuted, it mai itchtto sold at 15.101 An lacood i pti.llottt.l.l* bust wheat, 7,M1 aunt cora, lOttleallts, Ceti, IX/ has. • , BF Beitottol jp tlpirotstaog• Flo WO Laporn.to, 11 6.rcb 2...—T0b000e Arm; •91.9 1,16 btolo Pao to medium hot at pBIHILt.I4 Ogren county cottlag, 118.73$ Hart clown, oo artßtOttalt. 62113. Contra hu adrancod to x3c watt anupFroot tendeskay. , Hub Pork at .494,66. Bason—Ottraldffs. Ht60144t1 chow aides, 1H(611354at fancy MM.. Nat olaar 91.1 m, ISHOItt. Ilaremoullas Ito. IV !oat at stboaltt.S. • dolt atT3a.(Ho* IO 69a. • Hloar—topotßaG. 66.10; oStiii fatally, 611. 2 / 1 Witt•ltst, ttalmt psi; Tio for capper in bond. How I wok tattle Market, Br Tenwrapa to Its Manama timette.) Now. York, 'Karen 4—121 eottsequelote of a snow storm same were no animus or cattle at tno !Judson City yards ma Townley. tblr tyotlne ear loads boring boo n blockaadd. 40 no. . boy: only • alanot ileveatplars bead from t/rausa 00 , 3111, had emits, aid g argo 11 0 tabor of eproulatort were analone. ly awaltlnst the arrival of delayed trains. As Mao CS, TrirsrsDr to tar I%ton:ogres 41•”ttrt.t Bev psis, March, 4.—llaur • imactutsged. Wbo►; noso.ll et ItBl for JO. 1 .1411 wee, nee. Corn doll; talres of 1.7C0 buabele Of rm/ :t , 11 . .01 to 4%1 r 7 :c I 613:1,1 y tM :ItaW and 711 stores . ISre naairral St IPp 0 14 western. Pork &toter et $2.1,0 rar sesV7. Lard SO. at 17a. Jilshrrines sarnisal. ' Tollmle (BY rewaral tti ti.rieues,4o, aa.ett..) 7OLIIOO, march 4...-Floorl rooltipla of T, brig o at amber add :t Vararroollipt "Of OA imarll:4l and 10 balm with' sales of No. I. woo boyora, for la 01 040. 011Ori no 410 U httexi tutea. 2.33 a fly T pbatoela fbefluatzga U 4161 Mbilail laVgttPFllll/147 1 15 Th:l' yielms du 4 - Park $41,2 for w i n ne itt ". : calpt.p.llot Usti ois. iittipstetm-49,bbts flourpu) wheat. • • - •• • - Balllamre laarkei. tHy Teleirrapb to Um Plttobant Usune.l Ha S.Tmcmi.X&l C—rlour r irAxtaritruzuntor • TEAS, PPM AU IMMO • ECoisteria AID ' , DOWN' 21101118111 e. lertmetter. °WI deletietions nef e to anti: Center et nest sad Perry Street% P1V11411110114 PITTSBURGH IRON WOHS J. PJISITER re SONS. tron, Hu ckl(z/ s Tub asull Trunk /Mora AND IDUTETS. • ...prelion.n.pi. ZVEItSON, PP.ESTONdk uELC W4I3O7ELELN. ar= IZAW:gr k_c= UNION EMI= ninny WM. INL. I OIII9IITON.'-' • gratrwit,c2V7 kIRC..I narßit Arm sof .Re of •IVATYLIN am Ulf VT of PHU ftroat rilMollll 1.14 IRON CITY MILLS.. -- ROONRB di BUR •: I i 1 1 • thalied.Clinanbelatuatallail Pena lanormarz. =mix. 'Ll:arm Awn IFI. max. Nn, OM VAltti _____ 12= 111 CO, i~ttt~blrili i+.r• JRON WOll3ll IFORALLIGGHIC. y o CONi t a E a nettit t . Iron reqln.l■Um entrattoth et Um Omelet I[nr Ip.l at = abltectit• n4 o. SY 4.4. 01•18%. ar.liaallairgirearkt 1j ULTC6I - %LACHINE a! 911/118, Kin*lsetori_trivry • tses Isd nf WWI& two p an 11/42 . 3,11.61:V A 0011 IA la :Om as ult., s. rAiti.in.llll7•llffraram• SIM* ,at, 4411.0 41f4L-.112 11 1 1. . . - Cin"N^-41:1balea at/or jkWiltzle cci. mmurA.crulmas. JAS. lizaus, Pxaa•t.....W. P. Anna. aap•L , PITTSBURGH . FORGE AND IRON CO., arrives; IMlressi Plan Bars sad Bolas IMllread Mr /Miss LePliests franissind Vas &Mos llammernd IseemrsUmi Primness LamenseUve Prease ansimms Ride seas Takes. Semen Plslass Hanna ■teaeawt Shaba InSannabesm Cranks; Planes Pena, Webster Mama Paws. beaus, •e. Onica, No. 177 14NA 81111 LIT I'+~r~ NATIONAL FOUNDRY , MID VIEW NWCOIarCS, Co7er ift.,m, Car th ro mn ltas ib d W Suailmaly . I•ITTI97®IiB6H 'WW. elm3mmx, • • MANWAVII7III3IIII or Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAB AND WAITS WOMB. m.ll Mal"..,V%t'.llg= mous Ims in an MT= run .ftraraMAIVAZIMMIRI4 IMF RIRDIVIRB HOUNB Lindsay, Bteirit & *nautili= di Imparters of HARDWARE, ::CETTLERY, &en az Wait! STREET, Oar. IDtra67 - xte, re Befell- Dales De xrknusußGH. NIPI4V.MarIPAIII :11EPITELD UM WWI :11 MICK &CO BIM 11211111 D CABS RIR ICO4 Rd MI si as en Wu, Stma. otaccx.u.iiicta =magma CD SAW PLATES. =WSW AND INNI-ALLINND7 RAILWAY SPRINGS. Cass Arprt4a etedi Cast ud Osamu Plow Steel 7L1711 WMIS AND KM= LEL fiIgUNGS, AXLES AND STEM TIRE M: CIEYWI L AFINiT Rai ta a. ini7 CR0111 , Y11.70. ae.. fa.. L %tense. St Waif M., Paten. rattkil ATLAS woes , • AI OE oer s2RJED . Math Ward, Pittsburg% THOBSASH. 211iMint, President. TU. Worts 4re reso. thelarseet sad molt 402.1.4. 4.7...ttat..t in the W• 34, .4 .9 low pram. to Parel. lingl.neseilCvery Bann; on Tanta, Sheet Iron Wert. llWitted cgs, !WU' ank.Caittsgs. liasisa Cutlass. llseslas Cuttass attlehli Cutlnp. ODES samarTED, JAMES M. RITER, 55 and 58 igratar Summit.' • I.ll7llllVailar. xstemcr CP X.r. • arrnaNg • OOPPJCIL MAY rail • , SOLLIX6II MILL. RTAOXII, .1411 wary illy wont. J 01331 RONET, 101311111, CVOS KAM ward, sear eitit. WillinUer ISM CP Enliste r mei, Steel toulde, idient uiLdin ea w g a r ty. - .11'="Wazarigi= ItMOllO. aztAys. GIU=NMOOD — FOIINDIct. . . MVO & 1101INBLIS. Jobbing awl Muawry WILDA b ,Lle . tz eil ltraoldto 4 =b,.. lo •••• 7 MP. mod sto wor -"". Mace, 230 Liberty Streit, 1 . istmiedsr of Kula aunettnr:) I. S. sosasit..taF. tworatia...taa. same WOMUL RHEUM 'BARNHILL It co., - .11JUMFACTOILW OP *Ma . sigater: 021- et Wa. Aielfatali "asks. Salt Paw. Ciaaamatara !rn litV _lrma part • • CAL AMITY • AND MOND WM - iptrrannter. urArants Danz raumr.rfty. rstes Evan Iron. and Bkol Work& ooLinien; BARN ik CO., xis" tiviii;Nidie-;,priuzas „ es, Sled 4, 4 - wausouits. Iff!. 74L'ne errnium 14 MUM BRADLEY a co. ci . ekrorilltud 148"4 V Ia ga L ECE Urltileiml4ll LIN .ae. street„crrat.. WWI& JAS ec151717 - eirr n) 4 * 22°18k swivplmtuu . o • Naa.lleUers, GU fitUbk: tame, 13140 Ira W•rks, 411 - P•seis IL. ' • .PildtabsorsA, . la Man TOM' aaiMOLL WORill. moo sregieuo. rein BOLLHAII, BOTH sHirictjay. anti nab. WU Cluasi. moil TAU THOS. 0.6.13,1 ZEN. NummaniftiquilUnu ••=-T, prima:rase AZIDCONSELLII-. vu44# th nod 'WWI . TWITILEIDAT. Yana ttaha orlaa•rtire Si and drAWIltaW tam Depot, craw ofl§itastaa4 W Agiroßtl.4s /Won: - toil tomtit ?ow Install's. 7as A. W. leoaeorport Aosoatodat•in. MAI 1.• I.np. to WI trookr.lont•lo &Wroth 7 0,0) A...• Wow X oonloa Alloogoopm, 45 r. 14 -IJ4 BraddoclVO Aeco ma Va . 10.12., 11.10 is Matt Aed. ant....4.1:r0M1% . ..10 A. W. 'Sunday Ctarch Troia 10 owl • - Vow 2700 Wen ts 47)Ply SO. 1:10 L. 16 . 1010041. Y. For • ' J. a. latie,Aant. w. n. axsitirt, Saptstateza..., A LLEGBEIIIt TALLEV.ItAIL. • - Rwatataisluau" t. Itatiasticalttaty. Oetuatttlair !IQ Itistaa.t Wilt ea LLe Warren sad maxim mimaatt alatt.Et• Aalaatte ••• Brut artsienrEglaa.T...: t.r• sad attar t 11121DLT. - 3.lth Jaatiry, Lb* Pass•aaa••••nit lecartato raid frrt•• ita Ike Me /Aiwa sonar Caaat maa rtk• Dogma. -Amigo. Yall att•tra Vas. Oil. tail •• ra MS ) a* tit • Lamm 10:141,14 ans. is. Smarm Brad •erataaodla Lair. ALI:=7"&"'"- Vo l t a.u.sum soaday Vlore!. S tara sear me ta • ti lt . ta,%ant•lag ta Kalman sr. . t. ittaratnir, darter Mubarak at 111, R..... IS 11,1•• at nada Warts as atat IRWINaaS~Tmaw/wen*, oml.. • • trn . W AND batkali 21 1141 k" nir . P:L.l4' city tia t ,, EgrgHeirgq: itl. a aTra.ai v • a ti.„cwi.L as . u tAa. Boa filer - go la arit:s p ;la NI r es, ast.Ubteszo " 027 1a12.1W. PIIIEBOOO4. Cournaus i 1114CINRITI p e il - • PAL-11111DLE lOTTL - • Tiots.--oa a aftermnitimx. Decanted. WI, 1 trainn erill leave and. entre It Union itOta iota... Pltttburglettele • MadMIS he tfi .. . , etpdr: N. Mega. 14 Lee as holly Nixed way:— ... made ZeJleltele ice. PNI.. N. Ide P. ire Stetibenvillteaccomd , n.. x:gr.s. eatlet. aa ilebtroatd , td.ea cnr lta4krlD •" le=ll . ll hiss:.. OlneltLialir 11:10 sr I TOLL,' p. Da Yonder excepted, arriving In Cincinnati .113 • the atm* evening, L HOW= LK :AO VAJIOS OP ALL OTHia ROOTSIS. orNo clung* tat can between Pitlebichr . f . alka C a I 's irk a n tilt tar firt Pairs. Ol Wi eo et nst Ow imenhigii Tioteil be saresa4ll4oill . •• • menviaCtegitri a amamsflT, Unioni. De t, (south iblik.)"' ....tveecTlN7riri • pENNICkVAM/11. CIESTRAI. , of and ad= OCTOBIR 6%14 2217. - me= will o arrive and depart thel2a!ea Dom e wrier W and LitoriMta., al tallow= • D.Z422r . , Rail Rea= Idle = Day leaprimr..ll4la Vast Line icall , a Po. le., Wee. al W hits a aft lig 10;7 s 7 .r , :014 Wa/ra 622 Z y tiannhts::ll:l6 •sa YIAuP :VA MI Mt T.' ?4,11,c..):::* pp Pla UP'w,,o4 No. #,SI L.. 1112 P : Lint. laey /WOOL AtIGIAIi • No i 57.:Iiheepaa Ite irEn cyr 1014 ° Lea inn's !Rattail 1044 e?hy at Villa . =seamy pliubn=it. tor. a. RI. Retarareavez i tiaouigi= - .alere sae. MR arra* at n'a Bute= •Claiansati laave• • an , eiaze trains daily am.= =mem =-• • Mgmarlysll. UMW, tea Altoona Ream.. 211 . 2=011 ant .6=p4l,..emyiente.,iiit..t.r.: 11.11 other I =ll4 , ➢ ezeaps Begg, los Laileartaterwailon ayoly_to • W. 1 10.12kie Altailet. The Pealvaala Railroad Cotiew arm 1111M1110 aay ',Mat aiiMmid' InelMgliniat d Dol?yalnVale.. All nig lasi =relax{ is =dee will rea2M. to. polar, / p ilaw airivi • emaariatandaaa, ikae=2l 1111- • BAILEta-V.-r atUrWESTEI 210911dit a 1. the Pruner., TM." tJas Wrk. P i ca railroad irla dows.trona thr lottata.. atrelt ikasittotar Otte... foliar.; ' )41.4.ire: ...fp...(1i0 ease., hre. eltiffrAat. MiteeeSllo.3 eVII•01 Kepner ..—.40:10.1..V. hisrprOe / 11ah0 lasarovg P.M. log par, 11reepon No. W 4:15 Fat. liorteers - r•e/Le ItISINta men , Freeport Ste 3 S:O3 FM Iformerree 47::.3 rac. lituraric No Tarr.= 3S it b eTbzW=llX4 .9 A n".t h n ltt.' , overt Bandar it nal a. 1. - L. - - m—riar: -All4kalro Chty at ma 101. Eataralrg, Catylkt I'. Linz. X. cutout's as Alloittrror la Slo?rta-TOr SW I% ribektoti go ' • t 7.1 a i idrale - Itturepsbartr. •414 Rood only as see treette elope plmestar •PrettrA oat [teeer.. • pert , I= dger."Trefg. Ittrigosa".4."ol.4"a3- Work.s• Liar ten:Lyres to. Ahab. oad . substorre. OtTaN'h ittraNiAt°n"l' arma rtt.b.rgb, oaclk Um /Loot andopfo.: IkfirOrottlos. Tbe Wcaterti renagll lona u.suro say glak trU z aStept. aroopi. foorwa, iiiloireiroe4 tircirerrogiogu. el.:teeing thls!troaturt In sellte,wlll tet, ip fla of the teener. halos taken Or .12 , rds. sop- , roc. ;191; , .. AHD H. WIL.A.Lifo; SMOKY El )I,o* IMON PICK Ite#TRAY; . :I g4ST . THEOgnoiRTEST AND fitotliV =LLB/4 - 11101:117 Stan us am ... ootenuu"; , cwarconfigy maw le,acirou, VW, tralaa luta Maas Lisa as iddat : amaigh..' daar. Madan akatatad.) ow Ib m arrival [Mao af Paatadl,paLlamta fr om at. Lamb.; and Haaaltal and .3 1.:4a111Wavad from Waal. laa'.. 4 maLlat atlaamtal. Topeka lad 11 , 19,saito *Oa.- Stator Ibr W txdria It Kamm. - Mead of tact, =cruse inakat Unmet* vat the IMMO MM.- CtiIaPAIIIII DAILY WW II? OlriaLaarn 14* ATI =mut f,aup..s DENVREt. BALT LAKE,"". AND axa rums iat Tam tinizminsj-t tad latill•brlallsOEPS 221,112air0t Wapiti Of 011a1229 fa Tort Usloa. 11.1 a.• NAM rm. a•••••••••. Baum awl ail 9022.6 . 11 , t IRMO. reams Mai. of raitaraaikala • apnea. sal irramenerattala• vorn. sPelab• twasay naupsaaws tiara froof lts waters tersaatt, thls.road sag cam no. Canal lhalitlatfa tt•timsalaloa!Ol 0140,,, Tlekaalkor saakt aq 114 la•apa alas IN Um [IMAM datua.6oCalmt_as. Es Avic,:rum TICSJITI wear mit. aprrni. Immai 4ficiinck!, - 1.41101/Alr. =UNLIT DIMON. , . Aanzzoosio..A- Ciatni allantatjaa•t•,'' • . ••. Z. 31.*11;1611VM • .• Queen ir•lem aao Tlataf• STVJAII*O AMID FROST ; Ul7oool4oEnitaiWathki'l •rwies wainit .1,10% .'" THE 474._ liall ht rim 1111MDAT—,,,,Txtr • Ll V T , t 7 .": „..... l • 7 4:* * accrli n S4 Wm la - ! YOa 9,1 " 7• -!,}l *Dawn Asult..., soak libr.i.nitm.titunamk. HASSLE INV, arra RIMITLI2F "Me rdbacgi ibids 14 1 / 4 1 Ware . mosaMai ST O MA SLlnt4 oil eaeopa *X! Poisons Imam ltv4bm OliO, M au.. r skt; 10 la puma olsier r _g= Nita= CiAuta:- .ydo, Iwo memo Oloollatol brzescu r 4...berevrgintittnatios • all tiled* or SUIT. Won Atloloolo • b=r trAL =tor WO Odiliater • 7, 511V * 44,16*36'. I 41 LISS PlirpArminv - ; , Tug 1 66 ) _ • bairta .17 ' alaNl6ll r' aUsbnua " 1 . 41wwi Aur-ta• et Wu • COPLAYIPOY CLAY K Ili ear • USW & u. 1121=02/4.4 2.1 a belle ,4-46,,,-.2 , vm WW I . - . rani ristlllami m 111141 . Visubma.7ll.2 = VO . 1. , DAT " FORA LL.l.Damicii, 1803. WIND WO aPITITIBUitikt. Wlol{lo 111. 1010. trablii itaa • • Delx4..llotarnes. mica ix 1;11,1. (Ws. lial&g. e. II: Myra M. e Zw. •12 . 4147.11. Bal`ta . • ellsrUis toe •ay CUM ..10:111•* am L" it" 10 W. BrYoa FM leg„tals vh&r. istorEit.; , tewLvi SEE MEM