EN ~if~sirur~r ~~2 urrx AND SUBURBAN. TRII COURTS. Vatted lista. Bl.Crie I Court—Jadge Estaatalps. TtrzanaY.• March 3.—The case of the 'Unified States Vl5. afehael Thiel:en% on trial for some day., was resumed, and Ives not concladsd. Ocr motion of R. G. C. Sproul], Eel.. C. w..3l.llenry, EM., eras admitted and duly qualified to practice In MB Court. The following petitions fn 'bankruptcy were Bled: e.: Pbuso ay, • Bradford county; Jasper J. Seymour, Wyoming county; Nathaniel B. Stevens, Bradford c'iunitTi George W. Thompson, Bradford county; 'Amon :Kline, LO.lllll county; Michael Susqueharmus county; talon Leach, L ome COUntr . JOsPph Barnett. Armstrong county. COOTlL—.llladre Wingert.. Trnesiex. - Mirch S—TL. ewe of J. Groxeenor Deets ve. J. F. Seidl& 'rent to Meilen% N verdict bed teen rendered at tutteed - dorent. . 0011•2001114.1111/11.-JElige fiteWe. TUESDAY, Afarch 3.--John 11. Shinn TR. C. 11. itnwand. Action to recover $527. th '4O In. amount o st y witerest,. from f the L pr3thornhunr of May, 1%7n0te., Theiary found for the plaintiff in the mum of VAC In the mita of Rchert Long v ona. John Brown, tried lent week, a. moti for a new:trial yea made an the part of the defendant. There being no other me ready for trial. Court adjourned. • 4uwites Isessione—iriags ardlen. • The only business transacted was the hearing of some surety of thoi pesos cases. Adjourned at LW!. Ste,l Itstata Tramukters. The following Deeds were left in wo Recorder's office, March _2d, • Mark Eagleson to Jackson and Crulk ahank, February 1938, a lot on Ridge street, in "allts township, conudning-one acre. SMO Janes McDonald to Robert Monocled, January 17th, 1863, lot on Bingham • • street, South Pittsburgh, 21 by 14 feet, Anthony Rick Go. FelixManz, lot-on Chestnut street New Troy, in Reserve 'township, 67 by 100 feet with building. El Charles Bargchlak to. John Lablettatic .Bss k, February 29th, 1958, two lots in Lower Clair township, on Carson etreel, 20 by 100 feet buildings .. Jacob Bopp to Jacob Beckert, Novem ber 2cl, 1067 tract of hind in Ross town. • ship, containing 4 acres and 91. perches 4130 Alexander Highlands to Elizabeth 9l, B: December - hi, 1937, a lot In 'Ohio township, containing 7 acres and 150 perehes.. . .. . Jams. Highlander to Elizabeth - Battey, Dec. 30, 18C, eleven rods ,t ground 'adjoining theaboyedescribed tracG.Sso Charles Enhlmer to Jacob. Brad's:lick I Sept. '5,1867. lot Nal 21n the Borough of AIG Washington...s by 113 feet-3500 'Alex. Highlandsto'Roliert Daloeli, Dec. - 3,1047, lot of ground in Ohio to amaii?„ containbaglaacresand IS peribeesSAG-3 John Rimer - to Bonin& Ks' upp, Feb. IE, s hi p, two lots in lower SG Clair town. , sp, Nos. 155 add 150 inßrown', plan, fronting 40 r,et on 'Hill street and erx- ' tending tack E 5,26 Frederick Snoder to Scott Lodge No. 54 L 0. of 0.-F., Dec. 7, 1847, - )ot in Eta- , kerstown, Richland township, ,30 by 185 feet 1150 John Stewart, Sheriff, to A. H. Miller, Feb: 24, 1866. interest ofJohn Aiken and lo lots 17 to 21 inclusive, in Reis , pion of lots in the Sixth ward, and va rioui other interests rosy, Fe ,Jolusaton to James If ..155cEir o y, ' February 811, 1868, lot in Filth Ward, Allegheny, on Sheffield street, 24 by 124 feet Alexander Patterson et. at, to James M. • McElroy, Februsa7 20th, 1868, lot in Filt Ward.- Allegheny. on Sheffield etreet.„ PG by. 124 feat .$2OO Robert, Johnston to Matthias Delmer. March Id, IEOB, Awe lots in Liberty townshipOto. 34 and 35, section 6 , Pat terson's pan, fronting on Cedar street, 40 feet and extending back 125 feeGSZO AL B. Brown to School Directors of Soot t township, - January 'Mb, 1847, lot in Mansdeld, at the corner of Broadway and June streets, 100 by 140 feet.....sl Michael. Shoop to the Frugal. of M. E. Church at Springdale January 25th, 1868, - lot In Springdale, 30 by 100 feet .... .5 John .McClure I. Goo. H . Vann, Sep t 7th,-144", lot on Clinton street, East Birmingham, 30 by 55 "Thomas ..liamilton toJamss R. Burk and. February 11th, 1663, tract of land In- Roes. township, conedydr,f 3, 83 Meottaireftliseitlleiiitear Leausie. 111 Tne Allegheny Temperance League held its semi-monthly meeting last even ing, In the Sandusky street Baptist - Church, Allegheny . City. In the ab sence of the eresident Mr. Isaac Charles • was called to take the Chair. The meet ing was opened with prayer by Rev. A. K. Bell, atter which the Secret/icy, Mt. W. G. Warren, read the minntes of the lust meeting, which were approved. Alter singing by the choir, Rev. A. K. Bell was Introduced and proceeded to aridness the members, on the expediency Gist once erecuriagthe adoption of &atria prohibitory law. Be argued that the social relations of society sa they now ...ea - 144*nd the alarming spread of infest pentium. among us as speople, demand that we have a strong prohibitory law; but the real want of the people at, the present time Is to encourage temperance in all Its bearing; in the church as well — as among; the people out of the church, to try to build up the good cause by eon ' tinnall agitation and argument, and thew aware - the popular yoke, looking to the passage -at af prohibitory law u tbe natu ral resul of ccotitrued labor. -- •rAs the child ran ollsrael, tusder theirgreat leader Joshua, encamped around about and en compassed the Jericho GI old, es should the friends of temperance centilitre to labor and Jock for anaemia. • The address was welt received and ap mediated --by the large and intelligent andiedeopresant Itirr,CoL Clark being present, .made some remark. on the auceess of to. atlas in the northern part of the county.. Afir-t. singing by , the doxology.choir.. and; benedictton, the sleeting adjourned rtiestTcresday even- Churchinh l7th„ In tha Rut Common , td hear Rev. Lwow on the gum- Uteri fOr lb* Interests of. the TamoPefuticril Minim that :It "should-be Male s test Ict our political elections I , - - Tai Examen Orres..—There anew bled last mgl>L , at limAnademy of Male one of the laigtiei and most brilliant 19- - dieneas wa,.bave aver , seep together in l;- Ode city, on the eeraiddn of the opening . : • era brief semen of English. Opera by thiiikebrated caiozinditteldnei Ixoupe." - The rendition of the: grind opera, of • • Martha, was 'verfAne eat the audience F. took frequent occasion to exprees their 1.1 .delight in manifestattena of applause. 'FuntgLt the beautiful operniflfaritana t will be produced with powerful caste. We faiths*. It is unnecesesuy to urge our t'_enders to attend, az they would be leek lug appreciation for true music did they f'lll° eduibl"rua the ppr r ~ ~a Oni r °Pr rt. °x !" Y °urns. Hoven.—The darn:dug young i• sore.,. Iliss-Ellici:/ferwton, now tilllag .-au' gilOgsmsig., at. tha OPeql House ts es y most cool Hat luta-appeared 6711 - Ctsbargb -tor a 47 number of yam Elas octanes not. only ram talent but high cultivation in her praesaion. As a Serb' comic &dram vibe, is unequaled, and has few sceneriore as a commedlan. Her rendttion of 'Hy Rupert the Iteckbas." last night, was le every respect satisfactory to the large - ar.d fashionable audlenee. The plecewill g be rereeed-•in night, with ilk rir4k. - Wife' as an mine:place. • - • AitsieitirgAiL. , =-Th• Royal Conjurer coatietUra -to area immense isadknxieti at Haamder , ltslit AO' Witiletra Ida wonderful arid megki like performances. ribs en tentainmants are not as moat of that class are. a tapptilkor- oath -e vening- o w:* w.n e m `aealba aloe - althepnimi vEcd o n na, g. but of th unary.. there IN a change , of o rgra ew : d r nf arr a rafteglft i ortfteh lovers At - ltrar, perrornianeol ton be later- R. rtb prose . nta_ara dtatrtbutad among the il g .di a r p i n T* * at tgut I . . ll Ter' watch and Facot.tb!praser!ta. ' ,Larcenybyßattee.—John Velar ma& intbrinatiori - balbri ' Alderman Melia.' :i, tors yeaterdayeo, halloo.- bazgivir .Ijosepb. itacrip, L , witkiarooncy by XoKes is pro- • • ,les,„01 hoiel, wham Eielerbo Eloha.ddleseir Alit he paid his board bill, 1 44 gl!at.McKee thatmlii t° bar' ". ifigs! k”." bill of four - dollars again:ft- him . . frWeb liizafaied to pay,:saut .43r whieti . 1.1.e500 took ponowitio of a - amok; shot, goo, two kateboas sad two ha:omen, tha Pfpprrty' of the proeoeutor, which he re fork Co joie op. -e warrant was /awed '_tor his i r retE :-.. - .lbre.tileat.-4ieeraeTharaby, a dray zosoewltile engaged In Loading oil . her , nasal thenagoleirie depoK am Monday, bed the ascoact - an of hie leatt- hand tajciii.litr at thertlretlotot, - arid the third finger terribly =abed and lecereted;by tong .caught, ' he tweett qtrsods of two barrel.. - trains on 4ho Pmmosit- Adrmd. we - 0 - from throe. to Avg hours: Wand :time' Monday - Idea, and MoNeot.cm laiao -Woo thro* hoary be .ol4lllol4.oonso4romoq of Um storm. was • a:- , .2itral„..lostudst 7 on. !barge of (User , : deny conduct, and taken before .Ittattoti wisv oolemadtted blat - for twenty tbaWary latest aliza, cark always be had it - Mr. Babb' - falliarkartitraW 'Ha keeps • atuakidarayaollhandVdlig The Atha. Yesterday afternoon tho Rink was thrown open free to the inmates of the Orphan Asylum, and we venture to sty Calle Cards has seldom bad a mere de iighted audience than the two hundred orphans to whom his feats in skating were so novel and so wonderful. After the exhibition hurdle races and mimes enured, and when the children left their bright fume showed the pleaanre they had derived front their visit to the Rink. In the evening Mr. Hervey, on belaalf of ..Ammar the pamonsof the Rink 'Kimble] not opportunity to contribute towards the gold watch presented to Gabe Cur tis three weeks ago, presented Mr. Cur ds with en elegant diamond breastpin. Califs, responded in a neat little speech, and said that this secondmama l . detest present took him completely, by surprise: be never should forget ' the kindness shown him in the Ley steno Rink, and as the only method In hie power ofebowing hie appreciation of it he should remain a couple of days longer and endeavor to contribute tolhs amassment of the patrons of the Rink. As will bo seen by advertisement spend tournament, by knights in armor, wind ing lip with crowning the queen of beauty, whl take pleas to-morrow night, and as such a spectacle has never been witnessed ken., we predict • crowded house. We think the victorious knight in the lists will have a diflicult• task to selsart the queen of beauty from amOng the hundred. of fair ladies of the twin cities who will be at the Rink. CITY ITEM'S -- ! Cann them not minister to ■ Mind diseased, Amd with setae sweet, obllvious antidote,' Cleanse the foul bosun of the perilous stud[ That weighs upon the bust I • Certainly; Plantation Bitters will , do it when nothing else wilL Ifelancholy, Depreralon, Hypochondria, Inaimity, 'all s pring, more •or less, from a 'diseased tomach, and thin, Plantation Bitters la a sure cure for. There Is no mbatakeabout it; Dvepepala, Headache, Dullness, Ague, and Dow Spirits most yield to the health giving and genial Intl genes of the Plan tation Billet,. If you are In doubt, make one trial and he oonvinced. ThILI way those who know.! haanoLta, delight:ft:Ll trol let artlele—inor 1O Cologne, an&at half the mice. ; unnatif Children Teething„—The mother finds a Gabbro] friend in lira Window'. Sooth ing Syrup. It la perfectly reliable arid humbles. It relieves the child from pain, cure dysentery and diarrhea, re lieves griping In the bowels, cam wind colic, softens the gums and reduces in timation. By dieing relief and health to the child, ft comforts the mother. Be cure and call for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soak ing Syrup," baying the fat-simile of "Cards A - Perkins" on the outside wrap per. All others ere Was Imitations, One Camp Bleached Loom Finished Table Linm, very heavy, 55c, worth 750, at Barker's. Cupped Siands.faos and all roughneis of the akin, certainly cured by =Mg the Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard it Co., New York. It eurpesace ill other remediee„ as lt will prevent roughness of the akin, if used daring oold weather. Ills conveadentiv avoiding all the trouble of ale greasy tempounda now in um. It eat be used by ladies with the most tender akin, without imitation orpain, making it soft and clear. Sold by the Druggists gen. Table end Plano . Covers, very obeli at Baker's. To City and Country llterebants..i— Having abundantly eupplied 'Gumtree' with goods before the. late extreme ad-. min prioea, we ars prepared to sell at Man eastern prices, and invite an em - arnination of our stock. J. W. Bengali it Co., • 59 Market street. Another Cue of than 5-4 Sheeting Mitallna, a little damaged, at Barker's.. Dr. Wilson , " Pill. ars rapidly super seding all other family medicines, be muse they are applicable to so many ammon cases. They never fall to re. Hem dyspepsia and other diseases .f the stomach and bowels. All druggists sell. them. One thin beautifal Shirting hieslla Ilia, at Barker's this • Whieler & WlLson's Improved Lock Stitch Sewin Machhie—The simplest tod best. The g only machine using tb - ys. Cal Cl,th Presser with Its attachments_ isles room No. 27 Fifth street. • sisw. Fiesta, Khan and Gaiters_ Of the very latest style, can always be had at Mr. Robb's, 89 Market area. He keeps a splendid stock always on band and sells st the lowest prices. - Cashmere Long and Square Stumb4 great bargains, et Barkers. Canatltation Water t a Certain 41.71. Car Mulattos and all &seams of the kids eeyi. Fortelle by all dragghtla. xwa, 1 Gs to Barkier'm for Bargaina. hivz*.w.:o:l.Licimr4*:l4 4 .1 S. LANCS.. st. IZS and 121 "Thtzt Sired, An rj.4jetti fUnti-34 er Dyer ,ft.)431.1:171 , 2 4.1 LiDW 11.1725 - 121 4:4.e. dyed. • O . G. FISHER'S /AIMS e lag and Scouring getaisiisPsea f'.3. er DIAMOND All.Er, iCt] • "A"Oc.,tatil rt ttusl Saittoietd stirs% - ivzll. ~ .14..1.fri1.-Tlad is two eek, sooßwo tN• mnnmo. LfI'TSBERQU PAPEII mar -t AOTUZINSIVISPANY. ilasalfecems of PR:NTING Ate WRAPPING PAPERS. oi.zwri.ufmns... dB/sin:x.lA, MUD. arzatrzus MILL. PAW .11AMITUN. PA. OPP/CIS JIB WAHMIGIVSZ. ea; S: Third Street, Pitlabont., Pa; pp7 l .74osizraitarre lo pirtacrt. l. ,Eisatte. Jra 4twert, I eft: STBAN:BRNIVERL •`LT..COZzST IiDD/U4. -REICH, MUT AL CO.; - _ /MI Ale, Porter imdßrowa Stook • .111711BORGII, IA; WATSOII. Namara.. RALMLILL , M. MICREAS.ELIN troll ' .Etroker, 124 firtt 13treet, 1 , 16 . 2141111544121. ps east Q. w. at Cleinnritl. Pawpaw* cstoblme. Labcifi buneannat. A:rafts, culoVier arcadsafiallaselle, You,gt teNtr,,yeok• =E. L72ya> 71 iO, L Malawi lie t..C , Pralteatosts .asid Wan i5m...t.t034 net, e. • • Woo:). AND _r/FTEI STREET Serer Assessment. ' , . . 11114.611.5161, tor cossirsalas. W. WJD ',&;•D IrL/211 &max? awric xu ban left Is stri fist/. !fir ettleetba, sad ARMS br paUl b. 4,917cent:171d, La, Is order to amens. .wevAL . Azazaxivar. =2=Ml flopr. spit ie - NULLS. • • is. a. azdalMl. /I N... Eliantlir It...Bl7lPEArf 6annasaciat in J. 1.1. Llano, saaafactarnrs and Deana, in ad =sae of andlida da.I , IIOPPICD 'aria!), No, la and 14 ,uvrrß IT. 4 1 / 1 4. bar. 11. Pant inartaL,lnat. 111.al traal Corn Mani atdarl load..._itniailaig eau W az6ar cramp:4: Wanda dial call fof Ifdatat ad 4 atm. ,®lea.. aid as . 1iaL1.,.-111tuultactiumi T7ldtalk s l- 1113 ME/Xl7O MUM Mitts Vei MA " . aftZrUO wwE;?=m Tim nertiliT OF VIEWZVIII =pow.. *a beati Sat daage.inag r • WANIBIIIIINOIL9IIIIIIIIST, he lb. aty H A 1 1 , 11 1 ..14.1. as eto .1 nosmil., awl IrIII apex we Saapurtlma • atil WEAL DA Vi.eL • MU IRREgit OAT ittEAL andGBITS. --Jut regalted.•ll.l • 12tall //USD OAT TEAL-AID amts. ... Lree.Tresn r'erti 011#1,6f Mpalor 41.4111. sale Istioleilaki 441. .; • - JU.I/4 • 257111jfAW. MORTON' AILLET.--NOTICJC 419113 f ttui the Bawd TIMMS. sloo suttered' • -• amuse asatirei ,ALLEY. Beanie Ward. llogLlray. boa lu ...l lm fa. Ws. ltes , loalar. AveMN. Ls Ulm 1144 al. Mo. al Lall Tialo. a d yla Oadoesi luniiosoaXimptimars Sledga thaw, 0.1101 - u. 41•DUKCI. • - Car Ausnary. , Mn= Tam 000,9,7mE5s Beam = zps 'foal 41.4; El. kit. , ..IIIOEIEIVIEZ, BINKBII IND Noit 118 Wood Et.. near goner of Fifth. Government tienvitiest Gold, Sitter, • Ind Coupons!, • f1e.h1..4 ea! Iltrezal Wats. Dratta .o:d cm m. 113414 yr.r.cl=l aides of Sar.6.o. CONVORSION OF' 7-30'S , zimiz it u ra p c . l . 4 to convert the SLCUStit at PTA"- T/7/R /NT . O THZ New 1867 5-20 Cold 108Pon I:onds JAMBS T. BRADY & CO., Dealers in Government Emarities Owner Soarlh a Wesel Street.. VLNANCE AND TRADD Vanua Or Tie Prieentraok °Aiwa. - Tuxarsay. alma 3. Urn. ( Gold opened at 140% advanced to and remained salst at that to the eh., The dr. manlier cash gold is •letreaslai, and the mat kat will soon be Mined from ail the floating amounts, which though small, thang• own.. vary rapidly. The market In likely to be as sented for the next week or two On amount of the uncertainty of the impeaelatent gnaw (tad. Governinent bond. art atronger and barn d. vatted. except Five Tinstales of ; is= and is 1, with light transactions; the reaction come too sudden and too coon to bring out Doyen, and It la Ilkaly that the market will go back again Went the end of the week. Storks ass all hishar, the adv.ce on last night was (rum *it.* l per sent. North West. Ira. summon and prafwved, are very Wong. sod Erie and New York are arm at the ad ranee. Cleveland th steady, and I Fart Wayne I. stittalaed,thinigh It is rumored that tha out dividends will tm reduced to either oor a par out. and the Rapine 0014 far the im provement of western road. to 'calmest this inns With the Paella Railroad. The meeting on the lath of this month will decide the question. Than le more actirLy in buslocaa, and more damned for menet - , but principally Irani borrowers. The manufacturers 'an holding limit yet, but generally obtain money oa cheaper rats, than tn. elan Share nasnal— from 9 to la per cant. Is the tiling rate. An error crypt lathe report of yesterday ea the Triumph Oil Company, it *tooth hay. read, "is wanted at one dollar azni fifty cents instead of dCy cants: , Cicalas Now 'York cuotatiens, .teeal rod by Pb. R. Mirth, are as follow= Gobi, I 41%; Mtn,. ill; Fats, drag, clod: Ites, 107%; Iseh tlb%; Commis, us)(1. MX: r-ktms hag. Clerelaud›. Pittsburgh N. .derelaanti Calla run. • ' Western Caen Illearapit... Erie P.. • ......... .....-• ' • klttaborkb Fort %kayak O. ClarkLo H. E. lots. Northrrescens liatirosel—orkorrou GS Northrrestark—prktorred........ 743 S Nor York ()rural. ... . . ...... Irk . Ohre and Altsatattplet Culknoator —"—". VS illotakso ttotathent a t tbryook. ...—.. u —The Bapremt court of Melne;;; " seetleo et Senor, has Just suedes deeththe of tome latetest to bthkere. The Sethi,an dealer. the C....1.th the Behror at ethors levied spas data. th entloaal haste ta Berm belonging non-reeLthada within tthe State to be Toth. St./110,We an the 01:1, wh oh haeeow . come • lea,, the prorlaloor or widen ilia . ha., ptarionaly explained, will wale the dinitnity, .loss It dm...tit Otovides that alum In na tional banks whet• the owe.: Urea to tha' Slate are to ha taxed to hint atlttle place of m iaow, and where Da Ilvoa oat of the State. wlltbe - taxed when the bank lo tooated. -• • —Xt. following Souls ore,. st.l.ltooolay oaths. Much ad, no Accord floor of Oct.. lamaAl aimasilt.,..n.. 10.1 Salt/dial street, by A. KfllvrAtit., Austioncer. tat Of Pittsburgh ' • 117.00 /thablithe flettaal Rut— ' STA. Peoples " lehes Illegh.y Valley Sal road te.l6 E. and X. Inman. (I late —The Philadelphia Lodger, of gtthday, saint the ban =eget be ewive ano pee seat on a path. foe isiwomnoothilao. T. manta.. to the South for the movie/ of the ninon woo he istmething to do %Int the motile athath In the demand fdr money; the sensattera romon from Weehlagton also have maw.na to do with 1% but there la little doubt Mat to • peat extent the movement le art Wt and has been festered if net produced by the looney ad!. Interest ter their own supposed adv.. tate. Dingo luau are a nil at failesco Tribune. of Pron Say, 'Chore was more activity la the dimmer ter elsectemis, growing our et the mill...eats of crabs aod provisions as Ma and of the swab. but In other respeeta Mora were to new fez res decelopod. The ouppi y ofroanlhta fonds ample to moot all amessitle., sod borrow. era la OM dam Mad 01 1104 no 4121enity is obtaining rocognlttoro. Scam of the becks Sr. bi a moderate extent talesg shore. date *mold. Piper. Warta. prim* aliastorts. AS • tem. pomp , larretasat. —A Lhatmrael, of Thdsr. mom.. ea the wool tran f s o ouf Mai iste Dunn/She week 41.1•22.•• teed., Um. waa sold more wool than eras avec Won disposal of by dealers In Bos. , ten In the space of time siren. boa. mate for nn' larvae by epecolstors: 0.• 0005. aLmis said 431,11.1 potties. and Oa* pus cbssar bluetit mess p , ark•• at • lace, par ewe& 7 2••••?•111.• of wank so far aa made sp. amorists to anent SAOII.IIOO peuit2ll, with •• o4vatierr of leper omit. rsintscrissain yrs-mecum MAUI& LT 01171. 07 ilflt Prrrrnanz fitinirrn, Twoorwr. Yana I. CULTE.—Tho aortal Is davatel of nay sow f o .M , r o sortDp rPooliti notleo—wolopo Dot • rioglo No In roPort.lo/9 Dbl. for oil tits year, or/lorq optitto, at Spot on la onto& sod nochuged at 7501 . 5141 oon alt ikO buyer's option,' any bo quoted at! Man.. non , Irmo no wain for Aprill. My or Salm tuts' prornrie *lino for num sonald• Gould .• be bold at ale to eta. Xll tha year; barge's *Pile.. mat' hel emoted at /le, aar TWA, sailer'. eptian, the, laic reportod ialaa having bay tads at thug agar.• W t 7117 telegram +a part the amkat quiet at that gnat, acrd haste nominally at litatet,ah - • IiZYLIED-22m laseket for bonded oil Ls doll and ierseelest deposed. ander the la !Immo unfavoratl* advises from 'Swope, sad berms ersistsidtsg etill lodide es. ceolonves. staid, as yet, gam semi enrells : 1100 to Mai:di The bast ethos to-day yeti as for the nest, sal U. for tae tut 1011 of Karate U to 2.13.0 for April. asd bee tot dila* Sear, Onveris optic.. It Is not probstlst Ind tae prated readies will to of rue lade du. Om, pitet/sularty at Ms nasos of the rear, as tali Wain lelddlesaproadlag sapor ten mut ester Me market la fosse, and veldts NQ prises art not to 0. expested, an leprosy. added prosant quotestloaels almost astrtata-,. - .• It Ls saiy a ;patios of Una Planners, gam. istalals Ala Mllaf . mad. ai alosumk limits, the Oast Srlty of them arivalrfah hng to awaiting prim. Whotiag Paths, to hold Wk and tat. the shaaw r!SMEREMM 'labor & Mo I I. Clallaster Jos. WILMos ISO loltan, 31. t 00... 19 =MEE . OLL start MAST IST a. v. R. it. r= A u Lt.r.a . Obl• ref. to Warden. Fawoott. Logan a P liStookezla. IM do dei to W. P. lAmpa,a , PlWadolptlo.. on. tivtttaft voo. vtgovoos anon. H. W. I.,ng it Co >w Mt", Zoe At Co.; to Watlng , To l i t t =ld 7 #.atodo lo W. P. Laps 11 • - Chao. ram ED do do to Stoollsotoo . The. Co., rtliodAphls.' • IL A./1 watt tt 09,12 do do to Brosdattoot, Now Tett.—' . . I TaMyrna to. Ma Pltesterskessotes.l °mosso, Ilareb 11-INner very deli, sod noindold4 stnebasmstl...lVnast. moderitthel. It SAITO. Wee *T. 111/1040/MIC, add lower for No. S, earls. Was of No. I at SI.IO, and chmsllnsa' for WM adrasoad! sad aimed Si SLITICO/X4. Cora opened galas, and other tame at 7P to fort and on roamed ITTC.To hisbor, matt sales at 7774077 NA sod dosed Oros at Issonilo ter Na Z. 4014 Cs lotto essl,artel Iffo slons,daltsareel In April. Oat. Irmar, nod stolo htrbar, seder at UN =Ns. sad ematakflros at taketatto. Is fah damned: sod staler Iran palm as $1.1701.Nt for NM I. Barest seemly,' t oils Walla: SP/OWN Tor ' sad wool" for..,roNsttent.. Pork. preommds quiet, sod ,• 0141 MI dna, sot disposed to maim mama. alontrasea peris sold as SSW for tomeU7, Sod city,' Ma latter from droned Sows' • vombariasd sold! at tip for Imam prima 1 1 soma mold at. 200, and 'rumple at Met dressed .hoffs la Night supply. salmi:WWl at 120 GITM for - we. a1d,001110.16. for fight. And MONT for a sTomed olmlog Mond)" Ilya as. the sad - dram 1001 to Tamer, sales asST.fo LITJZTOr common to rood. - Itrosinta-4.111 s of AM.!. MSS bombe]. of Wheat, "ISM 110Stiela Cdrn.'l,llo botbolo of oats, sad indesased bap. abfossents-4.1114 bar rots of poor, VS barbels of mbass, -- 14.553 kn.!, .14 . 0 me, lisehala of oats. •TANI Locit• leasicet. f7Tddipaelk tn. tn. bil,z2lo.sitik) an- Lam, March &—Tabacoo ni steady and hanged. Gottoula unchanged and Jon. er, 'Wit; Was or ltlitelling at 17 , 40181. plenzelodatatirlti a fair demand zor low with ease of nunerdne at. 470 IratittrltiCdolOCllll double h•aw, 1n,11811,00. and Pablo wins tO lindr,_lllMld,it." t to to fair demand at MAWS for ;lid and white winter& eiertnit to wary 4411 and than la tent.lll4lo Cloths. Corn 20 firm but slow, at prldiet t i :n i Enn Iran Ilyeled for shelled, and f un 1 , 0 , ter tor gA s t t A a rehT l 4.• L 0 sondtanwed IVO. Trcelsione dull and Awn. rran elonrstr•retall 114.171. _ Balk mama ars quiet wllB Woe of Lies 04041• Ann at Ithe, ritultla• at d ullard , sod JOW 300 an lac. Bacon Is dull and anabanged, Mos at leo for clear sldsa,llo lot clear rib •Idaa, and Ilyte Itxr. dleoWdara.. Lard 1, dull and korer /SW; tor prima tierce. and i t t gp i r chain* keg. Masts, Is Ina at tom. p.atitrm,Vl2.'r.'"V.lolVAlN - . . 'imatairtltitatarlael. Lai Palala . lt so iko risomrao lissoitcl 'Lolitions44, - IpirAns... l -toooeco arto; Sakai 1 a Lis wids at (4.140/4,111 tot lean And weal. 1 mu Mott diallownd,Poro. as SIPA port 000 r r y a .bs•t i I i t ~- orroPPlorh . VA - ~,1 . 21401 -, inour IS soporlistor. 11 1 0400.r0i orwrL . : Wood II 10.130941 ' Cana at , Oats itgefa: Lord at . 1..1g00s f at el gr Q ldoirr . . aY . A___ __lnr&k a la m' . alaatirldastak, W.aw—m l w. pn.:- -.-. ''''''''. :")LILT y px7Temviutati UAILWASI9 Own= ok raw Perraarvwx aureve. Tanner. February; ltSa. The general markets are devote of any new shatweterliellosarorthy of epectet :Mem War eons &mar:Mee, In =rue name of scarcity, there le a firmer feeling an: Up!: , priee, hnt these are eseeirlonet, and the ralae:e of beat nee, in the aggregate, Le He:it. (MAlN—Winter Wheat I. ant with • good ctillingeaotame,all that offer. Is taken at about; 416 for7ree, and $2,(.5 for. 3n, 1 Spring rug be quoted at it:,avar,rl. Oorn 1. quiet and unehugedi sale of t ear prloas Earktel.-small sales to store SIAM i,lO, end . but little In market. Oats • abate Irmer bit unchanged , et edGmie .on tank, ud uOms in stare. Rye, 111, 60 0 1 .4.1, PROVISIONSEMeon Is isms but not quote. My Maker-12e for.Pleta. and lE.O for Roger Cared Sbouiderst 14 far Ribbed sad 11 /or Olear Sldem and 17gs for Surer Cured Rama Prima kettle rendered Lard lee, to Rams, and 1034 Q Ile In teas. alms Pork, 'RA Country Lard, In kegs, 14ROIS. FLOUU—Ins marital e . ontlauea quiet and deal bat rusehaaged, Si0,00(11I,2% for Spring Wheat; f1ta12,130 far °Plater Wheat, and tl4O 1116 for turfy prude. By. Flour °Actuated at 141314.. wol Buckwheat at es* SEEDS—CIove...I Is quit at /141.,10, and the aams t. true of Timothy at 1.4001. Fiu mud Is taken by arushers at MAC. BUITZ.—TA mu* aud lu darmad, ulas of 133MI;111=1 EGGS—Le eorompeoce of the die:dabbed ar rival. my be goatee at wan, 817—Is not *oozing In ea freely, which In ace...quote of the had audition of lb 0044 r, we contleue to quite at et 6024. fro .• . 0 00 1 07 wagon., ae to quell ty. LARD gun bra undamaged •t fl tot No. a and 111 0 10 for No. 1. GRIM( APPLES—Owing to dizolalalied ar floats, the market Is timer, but prima, as trot era eat quotably loom, ranging from fa to IV am to quality. POTALIOES—CtbIat and unchanged; mall aalee at $101,06 per barbel, aatl PIK= Per barrel. • ONIONS—Seeme and km; smell Wee al Si 4:14,28 per busliel. BLOTS—Seale* la . 'air demand, with ale& al 1.4.2504,t0 per bushel. DRIED FRUIT—Is hen unit In almond but unchonvid; ors oontintio to quota Poaches at 'tap for quartors, ltpllo for halve., sod Ap Plea at ROK. Rev tack Prodacto Markel Sy Tcle; nfl to Me l'FLL:turrh ,4aseLt, YU. Thaw, Larch L—Cotton oparla.l voi7 Arm with a fair basinamo; sales 3,3 bales at Zia for middling upland.. /lour_ receipts 0,111 bbl. and 1,110 bags, and Irregu lar, unsottled nod more ineady; sal. ISO Pole at 91.15060.23 for auperdne State and wester;ll.sf/10,50 for extra Stte; 40,4013 1111,90 for n extra 'restore; 4123 II fo r te e ex trite efillkilLnd for IL. /L. 04 e 104112 for extra St,. Lords; 41261.5 for enrol to, cant/. aril Mill. steady. Cal Lfornia Boor snore act tr•e sales 1.400 aaaaa at 811.21011,60. lye flour quiet; sal. 150 buts at $7,3013 ken. Cornmeal steady; Salem Dille at /d; city about 66.10. Brandrelve whesky nominal. W 0...— receipts SOTO. and quiet and steady; sales srhill California at a3,IS; amber State gkeelf,.. Eye quiet; male. 1j3,0 bunt el.Wllles. Berle)* scam and Omer. Barley malt Arm. Corn —receipts U.= be and '1 io to better nod More act...ales 9.002 Du at 111.1113',12 for new mixed western abost; e 1,1901,21 for old do. in store, .4 $1,411. for do. ann.. Oats; reeelpt• sfriS bush: =arse,. lelo Pet tar; sates of 21,50 but.. It 'eleSPintor ...t -orn In store, aloe dud and urienangeol. Coffee quiet and Bra; eatee Ural.t. btu Itto on private Corms. Sugar melee .1 133 bade Cuba at INCIIIXte. Molasses dnnO 2 7oales of ISO bids Co. arid linscova. o at felltSic. Bop. quiet. estrolenne steady, at 11%gfl for crude and No for re fined bonded; Pork firm but - quirt; atles of 1.240 bbl.. at ff 24.514124,0 for new mese, clot , ing at 424,10 regular; for old do, closing at 423.16. oath; /1112 . 31.60 for prime; 9ii,LSOM,SO forprime mess; also 760 bbla new men at PO for sellers for May, and $24,87 for sailers let April. Beef firm; Mee f Dade at previous print; sal. or :11l tierces. at Vil*S6,4o for prime mesa old $331:1 10 for ladle. me... loaf Bente steady; seise of 304 bids at likeff33,sl. Bacon gal.; Sales nf $4 boxes, at 12,4 e for abort ribbed and hide tor reject. Carnborland cut_ • Cat Maate'steadyt sales of SOO pies. Dreamed Ifogs Ortner, at 1114g111,4‘c for western and ifskitlit Mr . rII7. heavy and lower; .1. of tell blels atlll4allliNce areal] I to Ifil,ge. Batter act.. ano gem at SllueSo fey western and 43365 e far Slate. Cheese slowly at Ilgalll4c. rrak.gut.... to Liverpool gleitt and Brno Lsrar.—Plonr 'closed morn etrady and a shad. /Inner. Wheat elneeel flrmnr; 4.0 sfAS for fro.: et4fhll.ll.l for Sn. 1. syrinx. Use is gale: at $107,11.113 for ',stark, - Oats ii refry firm at 420 for western, In eturn. Corn Is aril's and arm at 5L.101,11 for now mixed knetern,•Soaff sl,llll4llfor oLt caked of/stern, in store and delfv.reet Pork is steely and arm; flas,ip.o3,lll for old aloof IniffrestPli 71 for nom mess; SSA for April dsffrary; Weser 1.1.10 oho.: new :Roulet 1111.75. regular. fleet is quiet not steady. Cat Wools arehokft and oneffangent. lissom La dill and allthrlyril boyar'. favor. Lard Is doll and braryflGOlOll. for fair to prima stsamad and katflorandsred. • - erstelanall Markel, COT T•legrark to Lim rittsborgllbm.tto CACI/I/ATI, March L—float d¢III family Wheat lull; No. I mot winter CA. Caen In goal denoted at ail foram, Oats Ina at Co foe No. L. Boric gond. and unebattcycl; No. I fait gf,3o. Cotton nriner; middling hold at flr, •wlth teem. Tobaroo firmer and the ilcoand wood at lull if tea lebtaky remota, IlTentilar. loll ing at siff,r,su duty paid col comintrig to cfrehmo ma. Hem York quiet: With not corn mond; old le hind at 173110.Wit,(0. , suds.. st 1g4.2 5 024.10. bat In the olowitien of wiles thowirates toomlnal Bala Meat. quilt; with Ica demand, and rather more q uilt; to 11. at NMl:etc Shoulders and Old., and c for Como: Ramo firm but quiet; ahouldars Woe, aides Maar - Mb 144 e, and clear Lliei lbwe are the mac soiled; plain 'lam. lie. ',agar turtoll74l Pc. Lard den and nothing doing; It can Oe bought at Win. Mutter came nod Warier, fresh 41013 a. Etc S o Ind •steady. Timm nOchatig• C ll gang. Gold 141 buying. • Elev.Masai' Markel. [BY TeLeeman to it. Ylt , ebnes Ctavanairo, March 1-11 our to doll and nomtnal, males of amble extra spring, at dental. extra rod winter, n 12,00 61340; double eau* whit* winter. IlleAele land; country Manna, Inediel,ol woe .10,0 figure.. By. flour u Steady Mad Arm, at in.ooaS,so. Wheat To dull sad montlaal, and I. held at Ild,Bein.an tor Se • I nal: einCetall for No. II do-, 112,M01,31 for No. I Milwaukee. Corn Le dull and loots . ; eaten of laet Ulf of North sellers Option, attic , from •tore. Mate dell and nominal, at Me for No.l Vico. Eye la and nominal, at 41100143, as to rani c . Barley Le quiet sad oommali n. tim'a regmrtd. retreleumil Old atesdYlredaed e bad la Mild aSl.Oll,e; do Cron, 600411 e. - • Nom Orleans Market. Telegraph to tae glfsmarta Omni.) Taw Ommars, Stuck x...cotfoo f the ...- foal,. quiet, with sale* of nitrlflllag at Wag The woe to-day amounted to &PAW.; the receipts were LIM balm. told the nxPOrtfl , worn Pieff. Mats Sugar bast declined latt. kfoluses Is esensmawl. Floor has drollord will sales of superfine at Sit, and dontd. exln at $1010610,M, Corn is firmer at 914 Mem Oats Ist and th antes at 711 PM fork Is scarce and Or .. r 7 -. /Moms; tko stook to market fa light. and only a retail bulb.. was dorm. with Wei of shoulders 113gc,elear. Met, tic Lard Is w ill, salsa of tieme at latifil7c. N ew lie 17Nw. Sterllng.l3344llW4 To o k ga. change 100 du0.... Gold, /MI. Nemplli• r•legrang to the rlttahuralk bustl4.l Merabl.--Cottou at at .nanyc. Corn sewer at Ne. Oat* Wall at See. Mom Pork at INftketo Bulk kLeau ae tete at Ile to: shoulders, and 14tOr for eisar •Idss. Zs son quleLl remitters at LP,(UPPie; clear std. at Pal . Corn Maw dull at $4,93. lisy den at. 1117e14 .B.ln dori at antb:k Floor dell at 11.50611,134. Imre mitre at we. Potatoes dall at. $3,(003,30. Onion. warm Pall:Wetlphla,:iagkag. (err Telegraph to tae rn , lamest tlatstla) I t stravat.ssia, March It.-4;torantoad al. gala& ratrolatroa Ina; mule. leant:get rednael boad.2la. flour Inactive. Wb.lt scam, at 113,50,1119,53. Wye, renaartvanta at 01:13. Coro—mere to a - Hamad laaalryt Wee of OAP bash Pas 7ellos , at 1141 . 1 mixed trimaran at $1,1101.40. Oats •taatly at 12, ProrlalOaa atealy. Kees Pork, k 25,60. Lira. leXa • T.I.C. Blames. ! Lai ratarrooo to ttt flustatsa 0 sstst.) Tottroo. March B.—Root—r•osipts, 047 bbls—sbla plot gad nominal. Mb eat—roosipts. 1.100 b—dans ails. amber at 62,Ei. /Co 1 Sprlag $2,10, Nct. SI: Corn—rsoostpis. mu. blab—entire o4a tagont, 00.3110 g gt 03. closing as Ma. Onto—tees' pis, ost Dub— quint; safes So. Ist Sib. Sys nontnaL. feeds -sales tams Si 57.14. m a orig./. rny tfelearapnu Ile rtt.aanc, u. s .u.„ l Ilwrawkaa. /lamb I.—/loor quiet and weak. at AU for.prtnl extra. Wheat doli and lower at 111.04 , ‘ for Ito. I, CAI for ko. 9. Oats steady at tOO for Sio IL Cora aoll at 80. Prorlsloaa weak. Mess Pork $13.75. Iroyer,JlLarek. Beeelpte-100 set e tour , aoko aue wheat. tlitipataata-1.140 Obis flour, MO Ona wheat - - - 8011 teas Mark•l. C , Telesr.;k to too rilittar,b u meant.) e l n nm Whe at uh e n O h,Co rn moo n a b d b Oate, de,WeAnq Barley, MOW hal Itye, 114,00) 'bn. Floor to atealy, and awe ts retold.. man d, Wheut. Oats and Burley are doll and snehmurnd.• (.pro to qnlet and arm et 11,0#. Msan - Pork Lod .Lard are Arm, • • B.6llllna•re Market.. Ley Tele/mph to sJ. rittchuio Oate:te.l BALTmoan, Much —Flnur quiet, Corn trlfte 41. 1 001L14. 3. 70110 , ..1.14 Irtibat. Hall snatntasnea. Hy* doll. Provision* tan. Otianged. • isa Pramlace ID, Te.e.raph t> tee Plitsborth 11asttcp, SA: rwcsion, Kuala 7 —nonr paled•, sr. grs 49,25, a.porane $7.150. irkest 69,6602.70 (Or abslrs •Wpplng. Legal Tondum Crslessa tattle graver et. • ter SNa6►De to tee rutoturb u. 4 .1 1.4 CRIOACIO, March a.—Beer cattle grm and active, with sal.e at tcssasa for, good to Geoloo aolooicit boevy, 1,1"' amuoi W.ll. LiTilt•W JACOB ANIMA! ' • - • JOSHUA RHODES& CO., 1111a,leters, BARLEY AND HOP DEALBBB, °duce, 352 Pp, se arrest, rrrTunrintm, PIL • Nall Meuse Itebesesetreet mar Una Work.. allfthe.Y. WALL PAPERS I. comy ti (lat 1 fiu .toot a t r atsf,...'ic ~k h an e enettr Men to et. Managed field raper. to beel lie ker pi 111 Law.. in market. Call sea at . • HO MAlialrt Arnim, rear'lb:: =!=== PUN ALLEY.—Notlee Is here ... by glee • last the Viewer., Reran la the OFSR//19 OF Jr.y •1.1411 CT. Intel/sal, a/lethal Wiled at hie. tn. • tall • Term. 1a sea be eon drama ellen - ila. tag Ilea In WO, tmw u ;IN C. h i lt !ta. Selloalt ' City e/. Flitanclsr Manse's In New York. V 0..• at ligg2ll4l4'. C:, Tctidivrob IL< rmattrgh tiaset4,l Toxr, Earth 2, UM 5101•1 . 2.11 *OLD. Loney taut, aotivo, bot stlil orGy at Ga 6 per cunt. on call, loaas. ilteritng quiet at 1C034010054, gold, for first char hula. Gold srlthout decided change, open ing at 111, advancing to 141%, and elating at 141%010Y„sumc. • • GOTZZIIIMITiI. Government} better and Clam steady. Genre. Clews g. Co. glen the follo*lng 400 r124'4"1'1717,'d0C.07,i47111;i510,V,!°,i,M1 CS,dol;011. D i fi e de: new, 1C054,1107; 4/1./KO/; Ten-ft:Mos, lONC/101%; . Sevezi-Thlttlas, 10670116%. Steaks active and show a restart! Inf. movement. Erie . openedat MN, sold as nigh as a, closing at • , • The sudden upward movement completely parties the street, and has caught a large number of operator. ca the .nort Md.,. There has been undoubtedly honey Pareba... for meant by the Beam but atilt taunt Internet uncovered meet be /arge. It Is reported tots efts that an Injunction trill be Lents restraining the trio Directors from unnertaking, or In toy tray aiding, any en. terprlse outside the limlts of Matra proper again. Theottlact apnuently Is to prevent the Company from dolog turylktng to aid the building of the promoted Akron Drench. Other reports state that the diflicultlen have been !tattled Mr. Drew had changed from Bear to Bel l i, , tad that Vanderbilt nad taken the nook In hand. The pabilo are completely In lhe dark shout the whole matter. Vanderbilt'. road sham all high. ell Central calling at ISXOIgh Madsen, 11114. Among low brined Western shares Northwestern common rose to f4f4 te i Weinmit In better demand and row to te bids St. Paul at Sill for COMM.. and ditlgigell for preferred. Pacific Mall was Old up to /10X hot quite doll. rn tern. —Can/013.61W; Cumberland. Si e 33; IC Toren, 40611; nmetlean, ISPA 4971; Adam5,.73;413173; United kudos, 7.3%0711; new, 3343314; yntokeliver. T/; Mariposa, 11 1111.5; Peseta Men, 110140111.1114; Atlesue, 331199.,i; Western 7.lnton Telegraph, 34%0 34'i; new York 'Central, IeISOIT/34; Ern, ; O do. t o ode t ze . d, TS; Ito: sc i, l3 144; Ohio Cartlfleasns, btoth We,. 4434; c. Pant, 3r0.31 1, t do. preferred, 97; 111;onlgan C.Tarni, I l3 ; . Yerro Hautepref.-TITO, 7E4; Atlchlgan Southern, 9114111,91%'; Monne Can trot, 10); Plcre burgh, 911,1094'5; Tohsle, 1030 Wli; Ronk / 11 ./. 3 .1333(097, Korth Western, P r ekr.. ), 71.7i1.171 Fort Warne, 113/0101.1.4; 111/Wool and kite, 13t4011.X; Illorlelte, drat preferred, 731; Burlington and Quincy, 1433 e Columbus, 11:134; elesourts, biSil old YonnesoW4,lB; new do., (Mit See eourl texas of 13,0, 73. YlalaY 1.111•Zil. QtPt: 11166 11111, US; Smith and PArmalos, 616; 1666 , Tort. I. • • •cs-rulasmir. P.Tm .Mts. $1.679.7i0; IMPOSTS ■T UAILIWAii. Frrtsakkon. Foto , Warms & ClatlOAloo 11.11., 110008 3.—lt ears metal. Brea.. & Maughur ;19 do do, latmlak & Co; ado do, J. Wood, Son k 110:1 do do, Joho Aloorhaad,• bOle meth, Stdotoo & Waist.; 23 do Ilutetter a Sculth{lo san bulk mut, F Sellars &Von 100 belt flour, LI Kaom IWO do do, 4 B Doc 100 40 eo, Watta Wilso2; WOO do do, las 00041.. , Itul.o do do, John 111.1)untt. 11 pkg. baeo a. n, 11 Taylors II beg. glove...M. 4 do wheat. Statham & louesi 100 gnu 01.1.., Way. & Stewart; tub hag eloekm Stott & Haanlwaa :33 d. buketa. da cover, S Inalteet 100 Out abuse, Arm:4Elog a 00 100 do do, Kirk. otlolol & lit.ruo; 01 hoe glom, Ihmaea & Sou; tJ els rue, Godfrey Ai .1 1 / I .lri ID On abuse, :a Coos,. SO do do, SmSh. Johnston '&110 ;10 do do, J B llntatbern 83 bale. wool. W Barks. Jr a Co. el half Uhl. doh, -I B Southeo; 244 bale halt.T W C Feld; 11:1 tars Imo ort , 880.300,. Ur 6. 11..1,01 041..p0ku, Flue a Bro, has 1h.., Shumate. a Lang; 20 to do, Junes :00401. ALL 444•57 VALLar R. L. 2dookl, I aria batter. I thr mar, J Sebowloti I pooßon Mate? nod MI, A R etmoser; Ido do, l ETtt•• an; I do 444, J = 114004 XI aurya, W Mork; IS do W Kltkpat:l4k 475 SO 654620.2 bra engt. S 44 butler, 0 Small; a ntm N Starolabt. Loner col Int t O lll. ir Li otalstoo; a 44 • 0444. IT 46. 474. 5 B /844; 4 oats 414 Elmbta • Dm: I sot pig Iron, Laois. Sbarb 1 Co; Zan bb 14 011. J Galladbor; 0 4 do 44 . ml W 11111444 1442 4o do, Rolton, Mu , eli & Co; t it. toottar,J Rohl. Sorsolbeism r UoLVara so a 0 1 2113172 1 / a TI24 So Marsh 3-2 owe caves, 0l; Sarbb; 1 do do, 1 Kfoofsal ISO blf bras bob, S P abb./4,135 bbla oat, rlrw/ai • Ifto; 2 tea bane, D F (loop. th owe **bike., L /oats; blids• oo,2 118..r;1esn Sots, k: Tater: AS 461 brootia. It Beall; So alto rya, Stowell, Isweemey • 1/o; I Salr wool, S Bradley s Soo; 20 lee lard RI two soap, Sailer. • (3o; I balls totAwo, PUS.- nna. ,LarTliaND Aln llTrintr..SZ Wanznmn., Same 1.-4 e bits MI. Wm KeCut.Mem Malta oats. Jam limhamilo de ow% la& a n of 071 sli• MeHard a &rim. OM do do. Dodma 11...11.1 bal. dry apple., Volga Co;11.000 Goa lomLeq Moladroam • limalsam a ear. ken n... W It Skmabottiar • BAH; I do de, Brim • Cowimy. I do do, Singer, NOMA • Cm t n..cr, al eeplioCijb, Smltt. • Co. ..thasommi iyames 12. 11, WOW. 3.- 1 car atarady I emph111;11 do do,Nalya & ionetts.s. I in do Gm OMer; •Um ems, J 201. Blur, &Mom& & Leartdl.la; e eat .Alm, di map, Om Boldly; /it airs, Boom & &wimp rilrholiCatChs din Coiditidaniail I. S.. almen-2.—a Stet !min!. J bilarestb a un; a `=IA. Komi S Orr; IM de 4C4 Oily., req. ti C. lard. 1 554 Mt., 2do mfrs. Smile, Jobaamm & MI. payer, Nukte • .Its J 114 Ms matm, S!.wen am, l thilinger. WEEKLY GAZETTE, THE LARGEST, ttiti .ACIMIRLZDOID 7i) THE BEST PAPER IS THE STATE _ Mi ra e/nbi 1k JD NI.. •/-131 Mira Is ..aplea. 111.14."1 l 3 d PIPII TOE Ili NMI MD PlI MB, IT HAS NO EQUAL 6jl tstmaz taunt . .ittutleiteil Mt 04 C.A1913N PJp.A FI3I 'WET EMT& CVNT•IIO &LL nut NEWS OF THE WEEK CAUZILI'LLY 11.1/PARID I" CUM.= •a 0.111 1:31=21 =r2 I 12711T1 1101i1E GtiTA R !API IW. ST'dMIDT & FRIDAI takrouuss or . GE2tai F.nE CH AND SPANISH IMES AND LIQUORS 409 Penn nirees, Pittabargk. i . ar HO. TUNIC fin lowing rotatie4 from Nu.; moo, box so lure part-m.sm. and _ffirartoebed mat,. armsArseats lona lA* fellovtAs •rsll Cary H O IIIILI.ZII, knot. Champs( YIa m NI:RhIPT,V4MIZITP • .„..rRIAe wow.. C.C. • PO.. alt ki rg 0 - nou win r. bt•sosbum A Rhea. A, .• F.114-eft 00.. La . ..SAO. lipinclalal • tad- IsAtb AnAll.b KW. tfliNo CU el neoteb A adoter utortlocAt of FUSS (MD ATM eosalastly es Amt. 04111'.0,04 osrsanautatvrill thaaof bno.-4-.. aroma. of, th e et brma my .r , L youtizt. tiosalsAttoe quality 844 Coln • AI WWI .. 1141 .A. .eII:AXA MYERS, COPPER & CO., =I I=l I VVRNITURE Of Every Eogariptioe VAt (*FRE fIbNITII-HE o, 45 Stolthtletd street, I= te.! tro.rt. - Oe,{ rtiollotryo /La.!". Art, YOrn , Ozr , Co.+C.V ,I IO , bownir ..It • A. vrints....ras. 0. anrrx.,..lru. O. WILT. • Nr.:-.4a FEUDIUALIY--- 1868. NEW CARPETS vU] otrrroxtes WII.L rim) Our New sprini Stock, %Web ws ua Jain °malt. Sat as3s4 la Vt , ut rariely..o up p:lcel Lower than any New or Old Goode 11 the roOtOtt, of (Olio! 0t5111144 IMO .tyleo, MorAIII . 4ITD" Qc COLLINS, 72 son 71 ?arra razors:. r.:s6? =CA ?MIL pnfT4TE piseAsEi. 11=E21=1 /or Os CM of an LUNAR:Da O. taint& Satan), ava V., to ft.' dtTIZMAVV7 U. sat all ettrirai4ll of Um gelltikS Oryry4=l ' - r i l illl ; l6 "4 lX "''r i . VllVtilittn/ telIN . 1111 444-... Much r. W... V .;oott A,i i ,BNEAp IN DEAR TlMff. Xop•Lro hr WASUp.IIIIMAIN.Io=ut aid WA. - rid biUSI. "Hy W.n era eivryloa. &Mhz lforpo..talts amain. • WEDNES DA.I . MARCH 4. !868 PITTSBURGH ROPE ViiiRKS. FULTOBI, _ ~ ...ettsclare tte bv st 1:)611, ‘44lPs. CUM T Arli 171272922 =1 ',i RIVER NEWS. - - Yesterday, It la isserted, wee as cold • day se we hsiihed thin winter, the thermometer la the moor tong belng els degrees below zero. Thechinge;belng . sodden sran the wore se. fore, wad the osireme cold weather was the general topic Vontretzation. The Monangso O beta rel% lye , unexpectedly, rose lame ten Ile twelve Inehtt. during Monday night acd yesterday forenbon,. but last night It wee about at i t,,it.a with • little over .la feet In the ett../. . ; , . The Le nto Leoll, from Parkoreburr, Dile. ware,(rod u 4 ills, end the Nate Robins., from Louti ille.nre the only arri./I—there were no dep ; ertuties, nor le It likely that there i will be•ey bell the weather moderate.. The river itras full of new mode Ice yeeterr day, and the M nongehela, it is sold, frt. over entlecii• • the dam on Mandeynleht, which to a :tete kablo eye., If 'true. All m all, this Law,bee the severest whiter we had for serszallyeats, and reminds ace eel old thew. ll • The M.O. Hay., Capt. Martin, and Hoop D andtterge., Capt. Campbell, are ailing r up steadily or St. Louis, and will lea.. a. soon ih as the wea er moderate . .. Tito Armadillo, tlaptain - Do . Hendrick eon, will also load for St. Louts. • The Argo, Cant. Tatilergrift, la up for Cloanneti. and the Sallle, Capt. Calhoun, Is new ready tc/engisto tele. and parsteger. far the Upper lltamotahroelear through to Pmt t Gent., a , It Is rumored that Gept.Wlllianmen, for. cell of the rider listen, and a St. I.anis man, I hat, or Is about toamain command of the Importer, ma will load her for the mount... , The.: rely...ant:. St. Louie and Omaha Packet lime Was the ....NI bidder far th. transportation of WO army wagons and some lOW.. of (height to Le...nroll/1. ' The •tatemai Imperial, which has been laid up le winter ciattere on the Upper bill.onri, hat been sold. by the Man.!, .1 brought but t1,N71. t Th. wrecker boat Saltor is at work at the 2 Intake. steamer Hats Putuset,.4 will, doubt le.. hare be ado.: in • short thee. A gun.' plantation derkle. are Seising In Tout.' Nandi (or platil•ttoo miti...., right over the wreck of the Emerald. They &tett.- les fir. ratelistk s ...pulp hoeing ..ought 40 barrel. ' i A LOttl.iiiii telegraei, under dateref March I let, turnistee hie following items: The Pales tine paned Eiazteville 'esterase, and is now , due here. Stellateearn totmeco, and Cotton ter thealmatti whit/ will bet reshipped on the natil Woos Two flat rears, Ineded with earn. from Kentucky over, art.. y v.+. I day. l'Oe Chasm. horn below, wor.lloo a.. corn fut Parltersuitrg. waived yesterday. After tem. pottery detention by the Shortly, the anteceded upwards, The /ailing, hoes Lulasulat,and Sanbe.r, hear theelaaard..avad at Weal ph/a Thursday. The Greet ii.publis Is le. poranly W.*. et Veins. Trio W. It &shut le hard agnooo4 at Calm, Toe Cora S. is du. o o . nt .. em pania . lT•hvee Alfioe . New arrived ta ft - to e New Orleans. froth nod twee. are dos free New TII.I :it. Marys. wt. sate for P....botible dap, but will LIT, to sea at Portland for • rt.e. The Alpha Ilea gone UP Ousitoriasd Slier tO tighten the Nightingale slyer the shoal.. TbeCieslenatt Gaulle Segel The Cali:Lab!a O frees Pad•Ourga yesterday, sod was ...gad half the day Inreatitplag her lower over freight. She put sheet trot, toe. on the 1.141.1 Smote for Laut.i../e ' and too hundred 1e.4 thirty Plows on n. • Swallow for New (14 . .. an. See al. has gee Ste glesewars and one keg e.ttg. for Memphis, nod - about twesly te. tot Nanhvills. /t is trot decided whether atte.yrill turn honk us go to Nutorlite. We entreat the following flame from ft./11e ...at Owasseretraf, Of klead.y: The time dal. pa.. onto from rittanit,h for Sr. Louts and adult carp,. Cant Irene hen. Ala tord S. A. Er. piloted the Glendale The Colnetbis same in from Pittsburgh with a full sargu, a - A:Gt.. to Patsburgh to-mar. row. The 05e0ess departed for Pro Benton with. oght itirlght, ets full of people.. She alie out With freight at St. L. ruin The swab I low deputed for New Otte.. with •, full *arm drawing; oeet 7 ' feet Pilats-4.reat -rehire and Wash Tithe... ttoL Joe /freer.. f nnowly of theblver, I. ems( C l e rk t o the ant. tr. St. ter Ilarsoatt's eels, at Pteharyb. Coot. Metlarti`a to ow, ` hoe t oNew Oilcans stile tsip, on the Swallow, shirt departed last Stets. Th• Stock. sea Sub fltuilit rat the OSSO rt.., pawed Vicksburg on the Iteutt. Colin, Strahl, g S Co. gut the 11 , 13. treat I r the ineehloety eat on• of the Dew/taste tote butlt at /Madman. Caps Mtn,. Miler, Tho torm.ly fornim.d ed too tab. gunboat ank., oho the At leeteoppl, is, how or, o r the pltot•of the Lien. Goltea.. c_ The St. 1. rola', Rg,..1.1,16enn Asp, ..11rvr me th• mighty sling o Copt. Jim Is het. ton. ter Itsown of late Soya at la. Aid aenanuen 4 r e tie d Ir tom bet with /rho itarterware, and le DOM • ptol.l. lose member. • sotai abetumaca tower, tws es y teat this etey tree taken le sheli tea greet .... al to h. for a number . hi. trieads who writ...tames, but not wilt entre*, his noble (t)alleerio to - °Wert:atm that great enettif of the holt. raga. The Le* vcstrotth 719,1 5070: Tee old Mudd. Cad • otootalnii. woharatee Tester a., altranoon tor at Lout. p - Wow. to dui Pot evening It diAl ogee *Setae a feet. It is soil ruing. (hare was lea fee passing 4 it p riorynrardelbut the thank s were entalit it bed • , (1400/r , lvt .... Meer.. No steamboat. hoot alerted out yet, tervattaitt. Nate Om hiontil Ott, Press: Th. Novel Co. mleelen law.. the 01001 . .0. 11100 at t..la pia. on Velfat of hat week. :they pro nounced V. tron , ellde et this elation Ole Non •sesals .4 le tit hest sualltlon of .. they • h. wee. . , The St. Leple Moped. cur.: The Pure raperlinent at Mr. Merry, le expected to to serrle4 nut wore compel* thir leer, ands:Ord faellltlee for toutsportallog grata to bulk, .... before eeJoyed by Oh. Western prods. obv s. net grow greeter dications, e hirprre nil • no lease ,;of in 'cranium. 1.110 "pad to roue, se th e tut rowyetton and Oh. eneeubre tee of the ..... a le eon at keep the e,at Of tr.pWtallo• at • very law Oyu.. Our barge eowpony, wren now, tette • very lbw tins of wan., are earning Muir to N.. Orion. at Ur per Sorrel, thigh le only oh-nutlet par baadrwl. The , * Is no denier the ful, bower., d teastronaly. it we work to them." of etesabottO. that lb. bulb or the male OM* of tab Nottberest will, Is • gory •bon tlme, be t”nepartaten on 1 erg. In bulk. It le tbe only way that the agricultural pro ' dome of lowa awn; Mulseeota lan be wowed to water tritneportellon, end wrortell brow the Keene= railroads taw far the yam Ow year. have wo•opo/leen the greater portion of It. Ileasiber. :er 'Olean el Ot Plltabvren Swim< I LoCIIITILs. tiL-121vor t taloa slowly with vertu feat Omni !nob.. fo to. 0.4 by mark. Weatkermlear sadmoderettec er.Leirm.lfarrit 7Q-Wcathar clear sad milder. Ifesram, Man i la :. — Weather clear aski P1....0L illverl tallier Maul). Yrs/OLD Arkansas dales. two feet to LttU. Rork. Departed 4 -Alsolca,foo bales, Clifton, 4700 bales, for Ciuclnn.lll Marble City, /GO Was, for Bt. Lout. : IL Patrick, WO balms: for Smear/4.i 74 •rtton r, Imo bal.. for New Orleans. 21•”vu÷s, Wish It—drat rising rapidly •Ithearea teat liarpeth shoals. Weatb or e 10.1.7 sad cold. ♦rrlrod—Uavana, !rem Umpire, Upper Cumberland; Lining iragarllli . Departed—Ellallushaa for UPlaar Conalailaml; Linton, Noraturrill If tingclo, tlneinnath Tyra., Cairo. b`CRAXBOTeLTS. F°Et 11 L061,--7'he 11.•Leaatr AV IIAVILLO..-4).,t. D. L. nsprallifl,.o,f, • O. . 111 irava at attova oat VlLDNlrtrar. Ito 4b at t at lu'eloak rtt VG for (night or pat a sooty on board or to silt JIttr.?ItACA or A J. D. .w.L.....bwbou. 1 A,..". Ron cAsso';'AND 5T.,.. 4 1..... ' & LuUl l .-17.&144k4tc•mer ' • 1 1 / 1 0.3111 PA1X....4 . -- Ow. IlArrt,, Wilt 'O.. id ab M. ci& 71114 D &Y. 4.2 4 r. x 4 rw Ftitit,i , lll l rlrl H& 1 1 •n - r f4x, g. air• 0 I REGIULAR 4. u♦l rAcIVET . 'Olt CIN CINNATI —lb. Auer ra ,, tor AAGUAS ..... CA!, LANNI VANDIaAIIT. fr. N. ik . crrr:clooll•{.4e or Pee total rt•t UaP orstlei health. all tberaroVary of Ur .cl Scletclablln yin/ letter of Per brother dr ta (anti : 1/s. a Zeta n—Thls la the Ire el names that base to your adeertnentent or the can of my aft e•. Carlttlan s /lane, They were all WU- Ins to Out Melt names' dove, and were 'eel tr.:a satoulaned to see that you toirebbt bet alzel. Iwo woe. Mt mother mole her thanks to rn~; eta ebte•lyof Itn, one Of tb• realest an the wield." The or. a we had vet Come seroel yd• ate belle.. 0 ell ehl.d would sot ti 'hist at Lae time. W. all tole to tendlna es love and roam,. to yen. •B. r. TUNS!). Norte rirroletloy or. lisit•rs Conan Hasten norm; 124 Prom ■item. comer or Bram Awry. 0111100 Ceara Rea • a. ma. as • p. ma. • • PULLOIIkaY Cl/NktiIPTILIN. 11=7LT1311 Foote PLEUltilsk. klaimemt of %mini Ford, mysionter, M Ys Asmoson weft, kliegbeim City: I tool a •161.111 attar* of elmelry, Is 111 m. late me with. co ooh lamlegal' em 'Mar, westing arm my strength and Enigma!) in.lermlning int health. Daring Ills &Meal 'er den arr.! nod ...sll6l physiclaas of the highest ospetatioNa Ml.' 134parklelly re corand fro_ 'De plearley. was adyl.l to ee • ate roe mites sehlell, I 414. end alien tlmre • coiled in • d•flOr. WhoOto.4 recent Dift hag we e steeled. end that if aoraetline wen sot tent soon l woelddla of CONOUPOI . 7IOK. 1 llaser ed oa Rom tale aims sett silent tae middle of 4.. my L moth and. long 'Menem gredusill • appiring mono. and Imaaker ewer/ 40. Sod most Amen:ring of weer gotta/ well. In this ewe of dmpragetel. aa4 knowing to geamal betel oe the ineamitlity of Coesomptfon. end Meru:wheals! Meares made by DM ead•meelag h/a adeerthamestinthemerinaPerM 1 was induced lo October last to call on the Doe lee at 11, oec., Ire flax aftert4in4 hodMatOM melee my lame with hie "1.1100 SOUND." He el. , me the WPM lob* WI my are long sem very meet illseemd, bathe th.eht lth great cars And tea peremermaa la theme of he medicine. I woold set sell. sg Alln time les:ll.4os Dr. Renee spy poIIIG , RIS liTga in. Ws mind an.Deldr ty Mate la salaistm and 1 was generally pros- trated. and 134 to comer night and day. .1 tom. monce4 the Doctor's treatment In October, woe a feeble. broken mutilation s and emillaned II faltDfally mall the Pregast time. Tb. Motor's ma • , laniet helped me from the very .tart. and I 000.1 Indent:l : 'Vol myself getting ,firenpr s • .0 my bough' eat eapeeloratkia -lessmthirs baT4 tabard greatly in lash, tad lionelder MY self well: all thel•Mitall Of long has mimed, and my [aerial holm le fa ireviy - way teal. • relatlrt• end Meade kmw of the adrenal mem of my abeam end MT allritircilllMierteutt o m. one of the asedletem glean me by Dr. Key.ar wise- a ne419.11411 galled 1.00./ 011111. whlclll look in epaocet3lslYoo the Other tree. lltfltititan. 'larch 0, 1012.• AtItITMEIt ouur. or colisummor. AAAAA .1 . 911( O. WlGyMot. ‘ ol, Tenn. 1•1 I was discharged from the United httlet anal la J.... 7 15•4 as secant of • wild to the base. from • libel, and • discs. orb leh the army phyelotaa•Vroliatto•dfthllaUllgTlUß, ,I hat • terrible cough and fei away io Muffle and Seel tool was oanbyl to do sanklat...3bast.l7.l. ter me Marotta= elt• man. i 9414 , 4 applleatloa to a oltyttchtiCtV *di r igUb.load glad. .4.• alltda.t.o another la rutibirch of high raga ta.. this, who. madam i NMI Milifelly far-ire mouths. 'althea GIP banal& arbalaer,brantli er tree, worse. and vratrht isa-lloa aims atramay, era, day. la AVEIIIII4, laic' my mother tOell ma so hharoll &MIMS" of /X geturateet, Whose kill la each can. Lie mla had beta highly spoke's Of 11111d.pla lay•alt imam lEta "treatiaaal The bailor examined my higge very earriltilly with big LUNG. SOUND, asa told me that my oft haw was badly Waxed at thee - apper gat, but If I era• earall b• theregbt laroouldeauti mr 07 following tila dlnteUotte eloe4Y. erhith* did front that day totals. I gradally tiatioaeit ap Ater Dr..1147MV11 mallajaaa *data* gni wok 1 coananr4 tp tat WM, udmy itpaital bialth has ilartrova4 and my aaaat;iptiar• wualal. att ....Y, sad where It paned ma; - hie biome hill aid ataatif and .Aliat tram pad. • I aaa 'Jae. 46 • tall 074 wart. int4tak.jnal ttNallereth Laing ray tealmeal Yp /hew og. Dr. Sailer , . uvataaa*tl.,lad 1744191111., • 46= U. wmitU, riita Creak.... rtnermAap.4iouluul, • OR. KEYSER'S PErfORAL SYRUP '10111,1;, —krii!rs Immo: euit. &Si 141,ia I• 0 WOOD 1111121.• Cowsetatton-m*Ne. IVO rxxis MUM; Ling cnualsalloutriiii: Illsatl 4" it MEDICAL. GRAFF, BIERS & CO., Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, 1101 IFEIIIITIBLI FOR :P., STIAA, MIR, IC OIL WELL TL'lltiO (Mee, No. 98 Water Street, PITTSBURG/1, PA. . tun .eV2 FORT PPM' NILE, STILL ED TANK WO - lEIJEZP. ceamoLi, ei $4l1 4 YDEEL rCariffal:, nuuatz-rwv-D, TrrsuLia Pfxc,aly g CS-LINDEN ETHAIIBOILIPA CAL 8271L9 AND OIL TANIS, CHIMNEYS, LS.ZECALENI AND Ant PANS BATTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON CSNSARA, STEAM PIPES. (lASONATICBII, AND IRON - 8121 1 / 4 3Z8, PILLION DOCUIS AND 00A1, aIIUTZB. 'lTlV:l=Tgrregt.'""" 4 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 614.0 , 1tre seem to taleAne Mantes Will E. attaa4e4 to. 501a:162 KEESINGTOE IRON WORKS LLOYD & BLACK, Rest tometan, !leaned tbstr ;Trunata Bloom Iron. ,T.P.CHANT BA AL BOUND lIQUA.SII /1103 HOOF, HAND, T and A AOLL IRON. BOILICIA PLATAjoad biltiLT /NM. iIOWYIe and ItAjPER SARA. oTLIIII-1Z et and GUARD 011. MOILS IRON, NLIJA. T ItA/LA, MO and IS lbs. to tea fare. illtUt;itT V.llll/th tad SPIKES fox sato% FLAT RAILS. Fonibod and Cetuttararelk. Warabento a N 17.1118. nd OM. Si Um Worn.. OREM.- 0000 rt., (*continuation at /Int meet.) ad- Inlets. Um (At, Ota Work, ?nu 011rin. 5n21.14 BOOK K. OAS. pDIUSTREAL Wank& At h a N. - BOLE & CO., 7 ' POU.rIDVIIR, it,clne Builders and Machinists Mate to order M•rhle and Land Mama /enema of all Ilse., wavao:ed to give lattsfactlon. Cutting., of every d.e.extyllon, table to °rata JAlia Nitotox. Eap . t....A. B. SOLI, Tom. WIrd;11;-.4;j: Oar. Potat Si!7 V. P:47" lII= p ITT SIRIVR4.3II I I CITEEL WORE 0 ANDERSON, COOK & CO., Josrs, UOTD a 00..1 EZEFISM) CAST STEEL, I-I' r eLg" 14k and cut ht.ed ror . RA.411.1110 AHD MOWN() NACILIffEII. SYISIL PLOW WINGS, SPRINGS !ILES, fIIittIULAJIS, Cut and Cosankon Plow d Steel. Ofteo—rilortorr of ltrst ash floe. kltissts, t trt , ot strove the Muttons shelf Hours. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. sutler street, Ninth Ward uzTo3rz z ( MIN MILLI. 15. X . P . 1C 105 3211:11R.Ci4.113E. RCM?: :NH awl Badge CastinzE, !NAM UNI3 OD NU MIL 11.•41ners. le.ecq23o Libe Street, lEsaielltfleinse.l 1. W. NOInoW../“.1. 2 . 1 a1arar...118:9Z11 (Y son , Ea r wonsa.. , MORROW, BABA RILL & 1 111.1112134,1=a2. 00 , 'Rum Hollers, ' Olt .ssiasar. "Balt Plan. Gsannotery, Wrowele Erce Bridges, nom iron Wort, OUR, LIBERTY AND EIECOID .STS. arrapirrsaun LOMB PuolieTLT. I,4:ta DoquEs,NEI Iron - and Neel Works. couire*, -iuum 1 41 1 13PACITLINIMI or tialls,,Spings,Ailes,fiteel, at. aw Tr F AM 'a 87 / 1 4SMTs -" ' 11 1 0 Co. .A 2 pyr......11.Taxx.x......t. saaavg 1 STOVE WORKS. IM&DLIY . & Imiuskosotruyinina n g Cook, Parlor and Beating Stoves, yam sin.the tftud zmuura ruorit, sze Thammuull jgbeu WM.& VATS/SAX aad (wool (kick worm) al. maul . = two , aRATER,„ MAUI 11 1 011M1, oh& . a@.• ale Waraansa, earner at lhanvl 0.00 A r ea . atrom. 1112.0.206 ammo. tr...aa ADM 114 D. =LID. , JAM, lIL 11111 VIM BON, Sean Boilers, Off Otflb, Tanks, Skeet treltWoLlics, , ' 6 . 1 pelt s Ift,-.Pftfaihtrahr rd. OEM TOIMMIt 1 - anzo sou. minus. 0130 1 0, Daaas gOriereat. BOLLILIN, BOYD BLEILIT. 'stn I n n Cuelais. Moll Lasll.l. &41., THOS. OAR.LIZT. SIMI VW nom no BOUM UM. wurnuszy exurr..:4,taintrAr&orrk; itarsingiact 'VirigilThiNtEls moa„,„ v 11•111 saws, wAan.49 111Wileattill 441= lIPACTM:UiaIs. JAL Was., Ytea•{ W. P. MITE; !!?y{, PIT'TSBURGR FORGE AND IRON Ca, Dar iron; • Railroad Flab Maim and lialial . Railroad Oar axles Rolled: Railroad Oar Adobe liataisoret. Learoaddro !roman : • Leoroasslor Frain* /Wawa ".. Mae RN.: Yokes, Straps; Plata Read.;`. `Y . Illandadroat labalam ', litaaaaboat troaßla \ " Plates. Rada, Wristsi " Illtabia Zama, Cellars, as. Oman, No. 177 PENN ST/3114 PITTNIRCIIieII. PA. NATIONAL rouNDO AND PIFE liVol;tn*, Corneir Carroll and timadlinna litreeta, Ninth Ward, - PITTSBVIEMB PAL V • r•; laniErrir3Ere X.I3II4 . MMnMi 01 Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAB AND WATER WO : • Y 7 Pima us .11 gut vuUdally la PIA., tlll3ll bud *sel 12 7su =tams. Alto, atoll suo : ', mut of CIBEIGI NI al w Tun Treao NEW lINDWIRB HOBS Lindsay, Sterrit & Eimer, Mandoottirera & Imp or t er s of ; HARDWARE; CUTLERY, &c., 337 LIBERTY STREET' a , or. T . Arai.. 7-aaeb, ware Below Yrri. bit u SANT. I mr •rmu for 7ILTILBANSS; 5 ALLI:S. SHEFFIELD STEEL wuals. Eng Low of iLvery Desertpqoa alellera, OH Tanta, abort Iron Work, Raltros4 . Casting• noutoir rtti camlnv. MON eutltyks, Macau. 4.:adiro. Eseneeal CugUl4i. ad and 56 Water Street, Pradoetussa, Pd.. I gro. 4 l7;Alr. 9 " ,i ' a lal • . „ r*ccitc wiuctlei Marble er Plate 7lfictiles ic111 , 2 excl WC° thelr inure" ca Alrouonato, 1 : 1 ; 1 1.14 1 1:2 ,7 1...:7.11:1441 1 4.A4r"' Sachs WY on bac. Iceozlnc ,Ilse3loccu noo k o colsonacids. caw Mactuebtett. V •14244 look as nett screw. Its=lArs Att. I: tMr 14 1 . I. IF All CAW* or ino,ol.4 W on it;bl74 wa.aelavg., goada tu iS o ir7_ 41, Telete.ss 111.43ERWITIVAIT.7 r e i e t m irriziEralGrry.b. • taVtimg ' the aole +genre irmr%. eye qy.... ehlebeettid , • ~ ' - •• COP LtY 'POT .i cLAy;) , - a ,, ..44. 0 . 4 lo farahal !It la delthaltill''' R thoae >Cable' Se raw... f•P'.l. impute, anieta Omar theta leen' see era Meals? ara have ae , :. lived et *eel DeetettUe.... we boiler; mIR ; abater et.lo3*Au•sou ane a . a y I . tke .. rt ., .. ... ',wes t emend eno etetagatehe ,ett el a := 4" S" ret 11,4 rd" t..1..".= ter lea Wax= al WA • 4 , „„r ud„,,,, ,' • =1 Va L ik. 1 ' Mat 0: • Weeta: :trelP" Altifaer:the.' - .0111.1111D1T lOLt ALL—gitgiricill' .T.G:BoripigleVO N *l Awl"! ...413i,T47; BA/LI2O.AIZ. pIITTABDIDDI AND CONN ELLS viLiA NAD.Bou.). MUM Va .d after !Tittraftl3/IY, learners so.e let a. Lamas will ivrtee at as depart heat tdi Dz.. camas et Ural ad Russ streets. es 1 Awe: Malt to Y . ; and flex 17¢W . et' 7ituo. X. egel r. rt. Yeaeesxrt evcomoilat`n. tXte... X. SiOSP.lig. Kip. in wet fecal:Mß.:We. 3:0P.1g. 10 , 00 A. a. West Newton IsiOr. rosr.. Y . Brow`, Accolowalet , o.—., aus r. Y.. 7 ti►. X. Night See. to elLeaseioet, wise, Y. 11:10/1. al &ledge Churell Troia to wid from West 3:005. Xi =AA. Y. for TlCLete appll eo Femerlutendent. 1" r4110‘ . ' , V. BMUS J. 71 KLNO ' A LLEGHENY VALLEY HAIL. 2°l n. itctlattLog Tkelniall to Vanalttgo City., Connect.; wits ?raise ititet and Watvca .4 Franklin Hallroad t aim Atlantic .4 CI rest w littera VD and Qtar 1131:40Ar. tats Joan n . Ma. the Passel:lvey Tr./. will leave lion and flop ai th e rittebulta DePot. Oat.: Canal anit rum weals. al follows: Mall to .4 Yen. City. 'Mi. nil, A. N. Badge •• •• •• MO?. CHAP. Du Madre Head Amon:ma:Va. 131 tisoa. 'lc, coda We.. Amos.— C ann a. .in. 01134. Second coda Works Actions... acter. 2 - 14 Halton A cccolation . •• a:WA. X. ow rat.. tlotolay encreti Ttala itacce mt. Work. 11 4,10 x., anteing In Plltabuica at lOW A. letoralme, leave. rlttshavgli at t. A, re M. NW at notla Wort. at tito r. If. I .l.4oltalviirt. 1868. 1868. AYNY. Cell Atilt 6PITTABUY C tib FS. 74 , lea, halm will have , •lon hewn, none Me. fallowal Frr.M.s eitiIIGH, YT. W.. AND ULLVILAJN Prom January hum um ammo at us Plitalkargn. eltr UM. Faltf:311 1 7;141"°1 Ed: • Van k ii :ru :11g, 1,01.1 P4L. JCL tn. E i wtt.a.'Erte Sr. ti r D•nmUnnal AlMittany. x. 11, Mtn• •m Leat l aa.!• 10:12 am M am flochesnar • '• NU 1:32 pun Welborn. AIM:. Minya I...dna. Ana 4:LS • m N. Ennana N. 11r11 . 4 •• 0:. Lansdp. tne al0:. Chiclygo42 Pj'al?""f;..elVENN.' sarrn. I P l 4:MriTll.lt2 AZ.e..10:41a tFr 4 Z , 21 Jr C ; . 1 Eris * TAN ix ; &Nip NI Zz....... aNN tl4 *W It rats. et. hig. F. 3. Torlat`N. OCI p Arlin- la Allasbear. N. INVUB NA. N. Hr.ta •la WellsTUNi lONS • Sr ./.Iro 11 ea •' • .114% N. 3:13323 LollettLtle ^ C. 3 ./Mlo:2* 6. ' 2. jo IIIttiVA. FintSURSt, COLUMBUI • tilititaitil R. 11 :FAB •IlaidiDLE BOUM. • .. tls.ases OTTDID.-0/1 Med Sher AtINDAX. December SO, ber. trabui leave nod artila at Orion Depot se Pletabargb time t Derma. Amara." Mall XIS A. H. PM V. IC XX" Mae ....- MO M. . 7bo V. M. Vast evpre.x.- r.o. 70. Mixed tome. H. • tMI P. MeDemale 's Arc. V0.1..11n0 ab 2:10 T. M. Ifteubc9llll.lAteemd.m.. Mla r. X. amt McDonald 's Ate. lle. atm v. H.. - BeD A. le" z irAtintairslTT4, lemma INlblery at ?PIMP. U. 4 To 440 A. at- Tralu berm Moir, Needy tOe excepted. ambler 10 01 0 st sll.O menu,. tl 0111.1bel 10 ADVADW. OP' ALL OTH it /WU TEA. CIIt ft f, ' Xi but a at t :h 17 1 a aa6 toe pmew pants best anottleZ.br'• WWham ofrc pabastnit 'Masts be sere sad tad be =le the ,11P.11111, CC. M! A CERIUM 1,1; .. Union Depot, (Heath 1114 D. DIOTIVILIASPIVOR.TIaket Arm; I. o .n. m vp.p . W ft. sl . 7llll . T i l f k A ltiarkt. pENNNYLV..43IIA GENTHAL satutoex, , AtiOtiOtt: lutw -a-tg stoiMis•'Oc., aart,Olr - rata - Ye' • Wsll4 SioaVat • CinelVtl 2...1:1113 a SS 19 - all's No. 8.,..115vas Johonoolrab. - 131710 sa NIL'S No: ISSOpos