The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 04, 1868, Image 1

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Eittsim* kelt
. THE Sete • Ciksterr TRLILL,
"TM Senate laving yesterday notified
the House of Its readinesn'to proceed
with the. trial or the President, It le ex
pected that the managers arM take if the
Articles to day, ilarbielaintsei thilienate
will icknonow resolve itself into a, High
Court of :Impeachment and !eras its
e t
summons to th e President to paw at em s bar on a day to be fixed, ther in
person or by counsel, and anew to the
articles exhibited. - When be dull here
aPpaired In . obedience to the semmOns,
entering a plea or "guilty," or 'not
cacti," a day will then be designated
for the commencement of the trial, which,
whei so' begun ' will proceed from day
to :4y Until its tennination. • The sum.
asonswill probably be tutted forthwith,
and the appetrence-day may be Iced for .
tomorrow; but, after, a plea is entered.
a reasonable Period - will be allowed
the President for the preparation of his
dafinse. , The corosnencernent of the trial
shesihropt therefore be looked for before
Two ad fonalartiakswerayestarday
repotted ly the Hungers -to the minim
and, adopted,—one being imbstantially
the mum. as . ptoposed on. Monday by
Gin'...Btrann in the House, by way of
amendment and then rejected, and
Um - Celia anew article, said to be drawn
nnlirlcalge lirsossat. These articles
charge the President with dealinbag end
intendkag to sat aside the rightful an
tholity and posters of Congress,
• bringing it :into contempt,' and by tat
pitting iutd• destroying the regard and
respect; in . which the legislative power
should be , held by the people: These
tlf o ;unT articles. sPtelfYing Mr. ',Town
son's public speerites in rapport of the
charge". differ only in this, that the first
- cites his pablic deciara , lons at Washing
ton, August 18 , 1, 1866, at Cleveland,
fSeptiamhei Si, and at 111. Louis; Septem
bit, sll4. 7 irtalo the oilier conches tka case
. to the Ti'asttington speech alone.
C. Clark; teller of PJggis bankteg
ingtere, In Wwthington city, la s defender
4:Trolismup:dot 140,000. .
Fallitiver, Moan the caftan
erisrid minuets, numbering fi ve thou
sand-, have struck for higher ware.
- 7 4..goverinnent detective 'reports that
the Miro glycerine purchased in New
Tort was by the sonny of a Catuul
port The First National- Bank of Daven
,•• lowa, box application to be
••• tinned as a m
de ade
pository of pabta
—Thu HeirMeratla State Con:in/maw
of New Hanipablre announce the ma
ws-of the State as follower For Sin
clair, 29,188; Harrison r.,Zira; doubtful
—The Can to test the constitutionality
of the Metropolitan Pollee law wail die
missed by the Tennessee Supreme Court
yesterday, the old city authorities of
.Nasttrille declining to proseenio It fur
—A portion of a street barracks, in
Nashville ! Tenn., ; occupied by United
States Military, were destroyed by fire.
General Duncan's headquarters caught,
but thefts was extinguished before do
ing any damage. 1 •
- , ..Walker, the murderer of John
Baalatall, resat. Nashville, ellPiared
on Sunday, and confined on Monday
Sail at Columbia, ware taken out Mon
dsy.night by a mah, who intended to
hang him. He _ mimed just as the - y
were about tocair out their design. and
was subsequently '; captured by citizens.
seed returned to prison.
—A.t. Cooper Institute, NeW York, a
meeting was held' ; Monday evening, in
aid of Washington College- Beanintim.
-1 In furtherance of the, purpose leers adop
ted. - Among . the; speakers _were Rev.
Henry ; Ward Beecher and Trot D.
.4 Hitchcock; and letters teem read' from
James T. Brady, ; George William Car
t eGmritt Smith, Horace Greeley and
•—A lire Ia Poorle, IIL, Sunday morn
ing, destroyed the Metropolitan .Hotal
and istredjolning building; odetipied as a
restaurant, The • Bowl was valued at
$75,000, and the total loss will
t t t e ci
' near 5100,000 . c.
• ,
I and eorgents $45,000. thollLtforLPhos.
Ms, North Az' nerim.-liome Corn
: Ex
ehange, Putnam, hlsnlvittan:Baterprise.
.;;; Merchant& International, Lorillard, and
_Etna, each having 2d,140, sal the bat
: . • mace in Illinois dominates.
—Tho -Deinocritto !hate -Pmerention
will meet Ilatrisburg to -day. - The
delegates at large to the National Con
vention selected will timbably be
Samuel J. Phmdall and 800. George
IV-W°°dwlrdfrom smd Hoe. James t ' andE t :
Governor- lliglerP.
Barr from - thec west.. The electors at
si l l a N e G "i en l e i rfil " G bl eo b tire l beCon. Asa Packer,
for Surveyor General and Audi
tor General are numerous. In the event
- of the oli candidates not being renonst
. nated. It Is thought James P. Barr, of
Allegheny Manly. and A. :D. Markley,
f Montgomerywill b e. gornisnitsd.
Charles E . Boyle, ' cir Fayette, le also
, •
backed up for Auditor General. , •
oEao map
Da Johnson of Lebanon, has cur
dined the Ohio Eagle, Lancaster. nay-
TtieHoctixit geraisselyilln-sf
s ottutgon of fruit buds ebows that thay
are ildrlifisl unct. by ft o Of or
ccah: . • .
—The Mt. Vernon Repubtirom my'
that the wheat crop in that, vicinity looks
The mow-has thus far given It
protection, malt now lonics green.
—The Behnbni "Carensielei leaving Its
faith strengthened bYthe recent peening
nt lette_rs between Glen. Grant and the
President, now declares In favor of Glint
for the Presklenuy,, , ,
—One night Jut week 'Di Isc;ase of
Rev. Dr. 14 'larks, of Galilee, was entered
by burglars and coma silver spoons Yuri
jewelry were 'dolma No due to the per
pareffitklass been fourith
=The Clintott Boubtimitin irdhinted
that the fruit buds, including macho.,
are. thus far. sate and sound in that (sari,
of. the Stalin and ere represented to IX> AIR
generally throughout the enuntry.
--The Salami (Columbiana minty) Re -1
pubtiess says: Earners inform us that
the snow in the 'country tbos far is pre.
batting the grain admirably,. and if the
sprisg Is at all favorable our constry
• will to blessed with &plenteous harvest.
l'.-Thatistirenaltearragor tot e
bearded miller at Logan, Oldo. the otkor
day mreleasly suffered Ids- flowing
bounce to getcangtt in a ravoliingshaft.
Bracing ithaself promptly. Ms beard
. went by the roo.lle will hereafter
Lauri but littl e more trouble In shaving
than before. .
--L.ThePertattiontit Vitt:Me nays: The
amount of pig iron at rho depot in this
city, awaiting shipment and a market, is
aut ;MO to Tile receits per raU I
for bo the past- m ns.
enth have a p venged tOO I
tociever weac„, :Br* kyr shipments bane
been made racially. owing to the bad
condition otatiretgattem.
—The Zitissfield Fforrold says: We ' I
learn that a man named Jordan, living I
near Loudonville, drank i pint et whis
key and pepper one day last weak, to
brisk sat sktecksef laver and ague, -with
winch he was troubled. He autmeded
bruskin g it,: but at are same time died
from the stroctsoLth• dom. living bat •
abort time altar drinking the whiskey.
, —The Madison County Miles says:
We .undeMtand that our fellow chime,
.srsi. Richard. Cowling, has ode:el to
donste'ur the State hie 'line fens tvfng
I, justeast of London, on the West-fader
eon pock on condition that it shall he
made the sits of the Smte - Agricultural
College. The farm to one of the Boesch,
1 the country, containing shoat 300 acres,
L worthhat less Tian $lOO.OOO. ::So So muni
ticent an offer as this of Msjor C. ha.
rarely been made to say hastitution of
—The Bucyrus TM:ism? saes: On
Thursday lest. as the lady; aged 65, of
,t Mr. John Grim, living ebougfortr miles
I east on the Middletown road, was walk
log on her porch she slipped and fell and
'broke the mark of her thigh bone. Few
- - if any, fractures of the human frame are
more means' than this; a, young 'person'
an injured seldom Movers within Intlf
yearouad thichanced are vogy:lgnig
don Ong &lady No 'fungoid - inyong,
sgatood' with own it-onion 'fteatdant„-
1011 mo-wholly roargeh
Pewlviuda Legishdire.
Variety Sr Sills Passes Yeerall
-tahaateara Deaseire Cases —llk
peraiorms saseuntes—Lut.s. Ib
seam grieetter.ltille Vatrallarell.
Clararsert ir Ms Miami eau a a )
Idszeh 3, 1383.
Incorporating the Alleeway Grocery
ana.Provialen Company.
Authorizing the Cireemsburg Armonk
Fait,' to borrow fifteen thousand dollars.
. Authorizing the lJniontown Gas and
Water . Company to supply public build
ings in Uniontown. -
Creating s sinking fond for the estin
gulahmatit of railroad compromises,
bonded indebtedness of Pittsburgh, and
appointing a Board of Commissioners to
take charge thereof, and fotother pur-
Allowleg Notaries Public in Alle
gheny amity lawful fees for taking ao
knowledgmenta as are allowed Alder
men and Justices of the Peace.
Incorporating the Gene= St. Francis
cue liospital, Lawrenceville, Allegheny
county. .
Incorporating the Greensburg. Tough
loghany and Brownsville Railroad Com.
Incorporating The Ifniontomna and
PTeet Virginia Ballmad Company.
Incorporating the Pittaburgh,
Rampart' and Itrowitzville Itallsoad
Ear the sale of Into within. the
borough - of Washington.
F.....)+ 1 [shins en independent School
District out of parte of Allegheny. Beaver
and Washington counties. •
Enabling the School -Directors of the
Filth ward, Allegiamy City, to borroW
Ilettealing the tonnage tax cm the lion
ouzel:eta Blackwater.
Extendlnethe Allegheny comedy act,
relative to livery stable keepers to ,
Washington county.
Authorising the Belt 001.• Directors of.
Bellevue, Allegheny county, to borrow.
Money and levy tax.
. Adjourned till TharadaY.
rormimiew zuumoicoims.
Mr. LINTON, from Mooflisetia Oom
1367, wax Signed by -the Governor with
out the House amendment; and blueing
the transcribing clerks of the Senate for
net inserting the Home amendment.
•]Sr. NICHOLSON, from th• Commit-
tee an Federal Relations, reported af
firmatively the Bennie joint restitutions
relative to impeachment.
Mr. NICHOLSON, from the Commit
tee on Viceandlmraorallty,xeported the
tallenbmltting the question ofllicrese to
rotors in ever 7 district of the State .t
every general election. .
• • ~t7 Ur; slurs, of Allosbeny: lomp
some= to the Emit poetlon of the act of
?larch 13, 1844„ appotatlag (*melba=
in the City of , Allegtterly.
Exempting counties and municipal
corporations from the provisions of the
act compelling railroads and other cor
poration to psycounselihes of platedffe.
A.ganaral act relating to the ormelsa
tia of co-operative associations for
caning, I:M=6r:tiring and trading pur
poses in the Commonwealth. •
To divorce Imo Crawford and Mar
garet Crawford..
Authorising the Contraltos of the Al
legheny City School District to levy zed
apportion the School tax for the month
of March.
Mr. MILLAR, of Allegheny, seta/.
,'tithing a ferry over the Youghiogheny
river at Boston, Allegheny county.
Mr. FORD, of Allegheny, repealing the
general jury act _of. MOT for Allegheny
Mr. MIDDLE, of Allegheny, for the
remora of toll bongos from Allegheny
WIPS, OIC, of Allegheny, repealing
the actlbr efeirrover the 'Monongahela
, inthorhartg addltionsl tax to Slurps
burgiAllt eau sty. -
• Asapplanmet to the eat Orr the bettor
regrdeMall a lba ADePenY mania pra
AinNililthi the Salo* /Mad of East
I Bimini= toehold it ihneerinfendlintof
PubUo Schools..
Mr. hICHOLSON, or BillTll4 entbart..
gtlitia-Anditor Cenientl,Alternsl Oar
m 4 inMAte7= o adJudi e
dm t
B444Barr . Pi a T a !` ' cotintY , for-' 4l4 *
Mr. /ACIESON, Aid Miami fir an Id
&Waal tan„ sak Kittanning teenteleY,
SS~ationg coutity, - to Toy - Laic Z.
Woodside andjai a ndi MEW far henntY
feeds edvaaeed..
Mr. LiNner,of 66:ad* yietirpric-_
tug the Hallegitiza,Conforence 'United
• Melative te emplorrof railroad com
panies and' enemata, earritisa,. vtitch I
pleas employs, apa,the sem& footing 1
as other pailailn snits for dionstes. I ;
The minds atone= session a ilia
oniet Wll/1 oemtpled In the second read
tag ud calash/indica of the insproPr*
SOZIL bill militant firdaidug. Them
he amnion to-night, atmhteit Hickman's
constitutional &month:mid* ortil be die
'cusont and dlepowed of. •
Evettano . Swertotr.—TheMotica to so;
for Mr. ILICKMAN'iI oesseitaltatt I
imendenents 'hick to the - Goma
ciarl Ccannittse was negatived - Ims ,
thirty-sla nays . . moor& 13:c3c,
men. Leedom, Meredith, PhDtita and
Thorn, all Rapala:ens, voting no.
00 the innandroelat snildrittletenerd
"white out of the Constitution the yeas
were thirteen, nays sizty-four—Mesant
Docent, (Allegheny.) Horrid, (Susan.-
lannaJEd war* (Lammas.) Ford, legheny,) Gordon, (Indiana) Hickman"
(Charter.) Leedom,-4Delawerre,)
I'hiall ° p e, e. (Potter,) Meredith, (Chater,)
Whesterpteinoshl ,)Smith
(dlleghosT,) and PoettitPkils.,) R.-
padieeen,vrete atonal) essielemating
les Tetervipi r tam rtstogriza etsras4.
Ytocumersir„ Mstetkii.,ll , sary T. Flab.
Democrit,lusi beta riHrliodad MILVir
pin of'64. ,Tlse Tibrao
twits elected nthe of fottetsem AldersemoV
(*moo, awths.--01.00 North, Be,
wasto-dig pew% 11/Lyon alao
publiamt, was to-day
thre liepnbilean Aldermen
e, ma or 'Mar.
Animas. March S.:-Samei E. Tiler,
Republican. wes , alected Mayor by 417
majority.. The Republican city and
Misuldiltocir• ,Marelli IL -11. Ir. Garrett
eon, Democrat ,. was .Madod. Superaleor
byix majority. a Deraecrof. lo to of
these ,; Mama itr-Thos. teie; Dear
oerat, was. sleeted Mayor besddr•
icy. Tbe mtmw ales are a tensely
&aided .between the Dapublicana and .
Maass, .3dareh -3.—Etteplien McDon
'aid, Democrat, was eleetsd Mayer OySta .
mejorlty. Comma Conseil fa • tic
-Row at do its.Supesolama ere liamtbll7 .
mscrn Math 3.ltes Demo%
wa r was aleChed * MOM by" 1,305 swo;
,liii,A,llll4‘..oftf /et-awes was 216.
lif \ '..'\ ~ ~ it
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Additional Arttclf s of Im
peachment Adopted.
Articles Directed to b 3 Presents
to the senate.
Senate Prepared to Receive Them
nt T•leiraptt to the Plttstmrget G.s.tte.7
WAsuosasoif, March 2, 1863.
Mr. WILSON called up the bill ' to
facilitate the payment of soldiers boun
ties under tho act of 15.16, authorizing
the employment of additional clerks and
additional mike accommodations, to.
After discussion It was referred to
the Committee on Finance.
- .
Mr. HOWARD offered the followinc
order on behalf of the Select Committee
of meets on tho question of Impesten7
Ordered—That the Secretary of the
Senate be directed to inform the House
of Representatives that the Senate is
ready to receive the Managers appointed
by the Houses( Representatives to awry
to the Senate articles of impeachment
against Andrew Johnson, President of
the United States. Adopted.
On motion of Ur. MORRILL. of Ver
mont. the Senate took up the bill to fund
the National debt and for the eonveraion
of United States notes. •
The question was on the substitute re
mitted on rted by Unar. SEI
nce. ERMAIi from the Com-
Mr. MORRILL spoke in opposition to
speech and in reply to Mr. difOrMale.
sof last week. 13e thought the
moat important things to the welfare of
the country at this time were, first, the
reduction of the expenditure as low as
possible; second, reduction of taxes
leaving only certain that something shall
be paid annually on the national debt;
third, some 131samsre looking to the
speedy resumption of specie payment;
fourth, en extension °Ls national bank
ing system to Lemmata-ate all sections,
when United States notes era retired or
specie pa eats resumed; fifth, a new
loan to absorb the national debt at a
lower rate of Interest
The bill was that postponed till to-
/00120 w.
A renly,,was received from the Secrets
ry of War to a resolution of inquiry
whether any end what military districts
had been established in the District of
Columbia, with the number*, names,
rank and duty of officers, and expense
involved, er..c. Referred to the Military
The Senate proceeded to the considers_
don of the report of the Select Commit
tee on Standing Rules of the Senate.
:The Clerk mod the were
then laid over for furtheconsideration,
At fourteen minutes past three, on
motion of Mr. GRIMI.d,
the Senate
want into Etecative session several
messages having been receive...ens= the
Bills were presented an follows :
For the protection anti anuragement
of the industrial Interests o ti e United
Requiring impeactommt proceedings
to be expedited.
Providing for the plisishment ef of
fenses ea.:dust property, dc., of telegraph
To modify the warehouse system.
To increase by twenty per cent. the
present import dutim on wines. nark.
and manufactures of iron, cotton, wool
and silk.
I To add in the construction of the In
ternational Pacific Railroad from Cairn
to Rio Grande.
To authorize thee consolidation of cer
tain railroad companies and provide
homesteads for the laborers of such
To amend the act extending the Juris
diction of United States District Courts
to certain macs on Laken and navigable
waters connecting therewith.
Concerning certain lands granted to
Michigan and Wisconsin for a military
road to Lake Soperior. •
To anthertrs the isle of a reservation
of public lands in Dubuque, lowa.
Remintlens of Wisconsin Legialatur•
in reference to the project of =ileac:log I
by a navigablechannei throuh Fan
-Wisconsin rivers the Missis g sipp ith with d
Lake Michigan.
Memorial of Wisconsin Legislature Is
reference to a road to Fort , Deward,
Green Bay, Wisconsin.
To create an additional land district in
To dissolve the Indian Place Commie-
To emend the actfar the better security
of passengers by steam vessels;
By Mr. ROOFER: To regulate the
public debt. Referred to the Committee
of Ways and Means. •
:The bill provides as' folknos: Be it
enacted. &c, that on and after the pas
nage of this act all authority under ,any
existing laws to issue bonds, treasury
notes, or other Interest bearing oblige
thous of Usti:eked State., shalicesse and
determine; provided, that nothinghersin
shall prevent the conversionof treasury
notes, known •as Seven-Thirties, both
Five-Twenty bonds, nor the conversion
of compound Intents, notesiuto the three
• -sent certificates of the temporere
loans, nor the issue of bonds or subsidy
to certain Railroad immpsnist as now
provided lay law. ••• _
Bas. E. Be it- enacted, rka., that the
Secretary of the Treasury shall publish
monthly a detalladatatermat of thoputs
lie det, at the ekes of each
mouth. •b whkga statement shall - con
tain aid the bonds and °W
u-dans_ of • the United Statesother issued
from the Treasury Department, payable
alter the year d i ngs etch • steam:it
is made, inclthe amount of 7-30
note* convertible , into 5.20
te r iTtas s 7fout not including the amount of
subsidy bonds Issued to railroad com
panies, wbuts iball be eisiemd as fundsil
debt; the United Stair notes, end the
national notes Maned for circulations*
money, shall be clawed as the currency.
debt; the • three - • per cent.. cep-
Wthates: of temporary loans shall
be d_close ea the temporary ,loan
de.sied all debt that he: poet
ye ar,
or OM will be ryable wilt:lathe:year,
stating those:me n detail. shall be clamed
Rothe matured debt, end thOnterest shalt
ewe on such matured debt when it be
cosnes due, and the same shall be paid
on presentation at the - Treasury. Such
etatesulut-ieliall also tiiititsia the anion t
outstanding of subl4dy bonds Issued by
Ralircad Companion and the amount of
coin ' lass the amount outstanding, of
geld certificate, and the amount of cur
rency in the Treasury.: • ' -
The House'procmded to the comddern
tion of the, resolution of Mr. Wilson,
of lowa, reciting that the public welfare
demands tae neeeesiti of the obligations
of the United States being kept within
the narrowest limits consistent with the
necemary requirements of the Gorton
ment, and declaring It is not expedient
at thleilme ts enlarge such,obligations
by extending dd . to the. Union Pacific
Railroad Company, - ear any other Comps.
KV, by giving; beTrid the terse of- ex ,
biting laws, subsidies of:United Stake
bonds, An
On motion of Mr. MUNOZIT the res
olution was tabled-seventy-eight. to
Ma LOP7RIDGE offered a resoluthiut
!obtruding he Judiciary Comeelthseito
Inquire whether Oen oresebee Power an
der the Constitution to regulate the rates
tabs charged for freigif . .by raliteadi
engaged in commerce botereenelltierent
States of the Union. -Adopted: •-•,,
. Ids-LOGAN offered 'a resobition thr.
Woods% die Judiciary. Committee to
report in referentss to the political. status
of - Terser. During the corudderatien the
morning expired. and the resolution
Trent over till next Monday.
The Roam resumed. the eateildirailent
of the motion at. Mr. ELDRIDGE, pled'
lug at adjeurnmintypeterday,fesospend
the ivies em that he xelghtliave reed and
placed on the Jousts' the proteletM. the
Democratic member.
~ The - motion was rejoidect-dhity-sixiiii '
eighty-four. the Speaker Today among'
Mr. SPALDING, freuri thebonthilthie
en Appropriadses. reported a bill aiding
charitable Institutions of the District of I
Columbia. to the amount of $245,1W.
The SPE.II.ILER. presented several
Executive communications of en unim
portant character, •wbkts were referred.
Also, .e masses from the Senate, In
forming the House that the Senate was
ready to molar the , tnenelpsplappehated
golouse to carry to We Be`n~le
- ciesof
dent. The man was entered on the
Homo vrent.into Committee of the
Wbolik M. ASHLEY, of the
Chair. and proseedsd settle ocrneideration
'of the postqalco appropriation bill. •
Mr. BLAINE nude a langthir KPlr
nation of the details. The bill calls too
1119,515000 for °niftier* service of the
Postorncei Department . fo the emmline
J est; and 5145,00 0 tor ;
foraliftv roman
tranaltaftittica Baderilt,tda_ , oaftirMit
With certain steamship companies. The
ordinary receipt. of the Department for
the same period ere estimated Le gross at
sixteen millions.serses lensdred thou
sand dollar., making a deficiency of two
million eight hundred and fifteen thou
sand to be provided for from the general
Tmasury.;Of this amount two millions
ars already to the credit of the Pastoffios
Department in undreesee balances of
prior appropriations, Congress Ls call
ed upon In this bill to appropriate In
round numbers $900,000 to supply the
estimated deficit.
Alter considerable discussion the Com
mittee rose wad reported the hill to the
House and It pps...lL
Mr. SCHENCK, from Committee of
Way. and Means, reported back a bill
tor the relief of certain exporters of diS
tilled (
Friday.prita the same as reported by
him on int. After discussion
the bill passed.;
At a quarter pest three o'clock Mr.
M'MER rose end repsrted frem the
magere of imresimhment the fol
lowing ;additional article, remarking
there was but one dieseuttug voice upon
it among the managers, and it had
only failed yesterday on account of time.
The following Is the article:
Tnat said Andrew Johnson, President
of the United States. unmindful of the
high duties ef silica and the dignity
and , propneties thereof and of th e har
mony and courted. which might to ex
ist and be maintained between the exec
utive and legislative branches of the
Government of the Gutted Staten, de
signing and Intending to net aside the
rightful anthorlty and powers of Con
gress, did attempt, to bring into diegrace,
ridicule, contempt and reproach the Con
gress of the United States and the sev
eral branches thereof, to impair and de
stroy the regard and reepect of all the
good people of the United States for the
Congress and legislatave power there
of, which all Menus of the Gov
ernment ought inviolately to pre
nerve and maintain, and to excite
the odium and resentment of - ell
the good people of the United Stales
against Congress and timbales by It duly
and constitutionally enacted, and in
pursuance of Isle said design and intent,
openly and publicly, and beeere diver,
assemblages of Wend...ens of the United
States, convened to divers pert thereof
to meet and receive Andrew Johnson MA
the Chief Magistrate .of the United
States, did on the 18th ;ley of August, In
the y ear of our Lord leed,end divers other'
days sad times, es well before as alter
wards,make and deliver with aloud voice
certain intemperate and scandalous • her
angina and did therein titter loud And
bitter mensees, as well against Congress
winos laws of the United States duly en
acted thereby amid the enes; Jeers and
isimhter of the multitude then usse cabled
and in hearing, which are set forth in the
several !specifies:ions hereinafter written,
in substanceand effect that is to ran' .
The &rune is supported by three spree
!teeth:lns ;riving extracts from epeeekesol
Andrew Johnson ha Washingtou. August
lath, at Cleveland, Ohio, September
;and at St. Louis, Mo., September
The specifmagona conclude: Which
said utterances, declarations, threats and
harangues, highly censurable In any, are
peculiarly Indseent and unbecoming in
the Chiet"Mmtourei sof the United Staten,
by inesue whereof mid Andrew John
son has brooght the high fleece of Presi
dent of the United Stater into contempt.
ridicule and disgrace,to the great Scans
dal of good citizens, whereby Andrew
Johnson, President Mlles United States,
did commit and was there and then
guilty of misdemeanor in Mace.
- Mr. ELDRIDGE mode the point of
order that the managers had no right to
report atheist of Impeachment, as the
E 10115.11 bad appointeda Committee for
the purpose.
The (SPEAKER overruled the I.llt of
order on two grounds, the principal
one being that a member had a right, as
a question of :the highest privilege, to
present article:a of impeachment.
Mr, Bunzir..poke in support of his
The article was eppmed Dv Ifesere.
SON, of lowa, a, tending to protract the
- Mr. LOGAN spoke in Ili fever. • . ,
After which the previous question tree
moved and meseridesi, and the !Leese pro.
seeded to vote byynas end says on adopt
ing the article, maned ea article lit
The article RS* adopted—yea& eighty
seven, nays forty-one, the only Republi
cans voting in the neglect's, being Masers.
Ashiey, Gleorada,) Coburn, Griswold,
Lenin Mallory, Marvin; Pomeroy,
Smith; Wil s on, ` lows,)
Windom and Woodbridge.
Mr. BINGHAM Uwe offered the fel- '
lowing es an additional stud oeyieg it
heel neelved this unseiromb vote et
Menagere, and be moved the prevkiiii:
I question on its adoption. ' I
Aterscom 2. That said Andrew • 'John
son, President of the United States, no
mindful of the high duties of hie Mike
• thd of Mei oath ofogiee, mei in dbirseard
of the Constitution and lase of the UM
tad State., did heretofore. to-wit: on the
18th ably of Aligned, lids, al the City of
• Washinghe, in the District of Columbia.
by public speech declare and affirm, is
substance, that the Thirty-ninth Con
gress of the United States was note Con-
costs of the United Stet., enthorirel
by the Constitution to exercise legiele-
tire power soder the same, but on the
contrary was a Cot:green of only a part or
the States, thereby denying and intend
ing to deny that the legislation of said
Congress was valid or obligatory upon
him, the said Andrew Johnson, except
In so far se he saw 11l to epproyethe
same, and also thereby denying mad In-
tending to deny the power of the said
Thirty-ninth Covers , * le Propose en
amendment to the Constitution of the
United States, and in pursuance of said
declaration the said Andrew. Johnson,
President of the United States, after-
ward& to-wit: on the 21st day of Pebru
'eery, Dian et the city of Washington, In
the ; District of coins:this, did uolaw-
fully, - , and In digrid of ; the I
requirements cif die m
Condltution, that he
should take vorre that the laws be faith
fatly executed, attempt to prevent the I
execution of an sot entitled °en act reg0...1
tiding theta:Mum of certain civil Ifferses,- I
named , Marsh 3d, 1.264 -by . unlawfully
devbing and contriving means by which I
he could prevent Edwin M. Sputum from
forthwith resuming the functions of the
office of Seeretsyy of the Department of
War, notwlttuttandlng the :edam' of the
Senate to concur In the suspension before I
enedeby theseld indiverJohnson of the
said Edwin M. Branton from said ornerier
Seceetilry of the Department of War,
and also by further onlawfally devising
and contriving; and attempting to dent.
and contrive meson then and there to
pistent tlati exeunt:lota of "fm sot entitled I
en act to make appropriations for the I
1.04 year ending June 30th/ 'l end
for other purpooes,” approved,March 2d,
ISG, and elm to pressist the execution I
ere.= act entitled on act to provide for
the.zeore • efficient Government of the
rebel States, passed March 2d , 1 8 67,
whereby mid' "
Andrew' siohnettol, - Freed
dent of therUitited Mates, did then; to
wit, es thealst depot; February, ISSB, at
the city of Weehlngtoo; commit and was
guilty of a high mbodenuoinor in ofElee.
After moms debate the article won
adopted—yeas one hundred and nine,
nave forty—a strict party vote
- Mr. BINGHAM then reported two
resoindols; one directing that the arti
cle* of Impeachment be'exhithed in the
name of the ;Haase -of Representatives
' and of all the people, and he canted to
theretenete by th e Menagerie; the other
authorizing the Managers to appoint ►
Clerk and Messenger, to send for per!
ogiA mid 011311 m, Ad 'rioted.
Mr. JENCKS offered as an additional
article the oneeffered br blmyortorday.
that bffidso - had en niUchl" ;Mf&neah -
Without inking a votesim Mr:joints'
pnvorit Mc the kformo irljourned.
Tim Aspini. treisntioeg—Tnea,
tilv.Tdeantal tat.. Mumma
Havana, starch, Advicae from
Afeahmrspresent the government active,
ly jiroiecuting faveetlgstUns of the re
cent conspiracy to asmutalnate the Prost
' dent Jusnrchsa Poet's:Med hls Intended
Tistt to ifie maia &soil end wlll ant
leave Mexico until all Wit .particulars of
Um conspiracy are brought to light and
the partial implicated brought to trial..
Intelligence from Yucatan states that
Captida,the Juariat Governor, - attacked
some bands of revolutlonitta who bad
collected at .74amal, and drove them to
Valladada: therethe revolutionists, be.
log reinforced, resumed the elTenalve,
and altar e 'hurt fight , rentad thd toms"
of_ Clniteddr' Lona litcrera on both sides,
iwt'7 l 4r )
The Vatted, Wafts
(ay tmairrspitse inn'Timinaglichunni.l
Ann 1.701.111, March 3.—The Senate stul
House of-Didelinten each: toted in- their
chambers for &successor jpr P. Francis
Thoreau; gut United States Senator.-Thera
'we..0101t,9•410.0 Yolas cut in the _House,
ofwincti Teitinss residvist tlia'• highest
number, thirty-tbres: the balsam were
scattering. Swann's (Annan aro hnlithil
back tor _some purpose. :To-thongs(
atest Cable Dispatches
Train Again Arrested'
AlmOil; Serious Disturbance
Vessel Burned at Antwerp
Confiscation in German)
Cy Tsltgyacit to the Illtabirch easell4.l
I.ortoox, bisroh 3.—lt It said Baron
long Roth...el/11d Is to be raLsod to
higher rank in peeraga
Dtrumw, March& -At the Bilge *silica
to-day the trial of Nugent for treason
wee discontinued, in consequence of the
Illness of one of the Jurors, and post .
posed till next tom.
Dustue, 10 P. IL—GeorgeFrancis Train
has again been arrested. Ile had wirer
tiled ho would lecture this evenleg at
tho Rotunda is this city, awl was about
proceeding to the ball when he eras taken
into' cuatody. An aridienee of Bee bun.
dred people had assembled, and when
informed of Train's detention they were
very Indignant, and demanded the re
turn of their money at the door. At one
time a **rims disturbance was throat-
seed. but the crowd dually dispersed and
all is now quiet in the slob:dip. It le
given out that Train was arrested this
time on an action for debt.
ANTIVIIRP, March 3.—The Engllah
schooner Mary Ann, with cargo of nap
the, was destroyel by fire to-day, Cap
tain and crow wished. ,
LONDON,. Marc_ B.—A. report has
reached here from the - East that the
United HMOs has mach a prop:ninon to
the Turkish Government, offering to
build a port at Marmarama, on the coast
A,latic Turkey, to be ueedua a ntatiou
Cyr vemete of the AMIITICIU nary, but
the Porte deelnucl to grant tbeneeeseary
taineetalort tor such perpose.
Beaux, March 3,—Tbe If 'Maier of
State hes been authorised to confiscate
the satetes of the ex•lfns of llviover.
:transit' ors
l/lINISNSTTICS, Marsh 3.—The steam
ship City or Baltimore, from New York,
has arrirod. She spoke to the staanutbip
Hammon's, which loft Southampton on
the 21st ult., returntng with a screw
broke. •
Barrr, March I—The steamship tit.
Laurent, from Sew York. arrived yes•
LoxDoN, `Starch 3—Erraing.—C.3.4)
wed at 031(74.1:
Central, 89i; Y.rle, 433. •
. MILT, March 3—Seening.—
Umlisd :SUM. Lamle. 333.
Marcia 3—Thrmag.—Cot.-
Lon closed at the following . quotations
middling uplands, Did Orleans, Vid.:
eaten iO.OOO . . bales. In the Meuehester
tarkat goo.ds and TIMIS R.l . * dull add
teaVy. lireadstuffs--Corn at 40s, ed. for
new mixed wratesn, and 4!.. 0.1. for old
do. Wheat lased v at 140. for California
white, and 14, ad. for No. 2 red western.
°ate at 34. 11d. liariry, Peas and Flour
ancliangwi. Provisions—Pork 744. Lard
no.. 6d. Bee 112, 6d. Chasse 52a. Ila
. .13 42i, Produce unchaugnil.
[ A:ars - lute, March 3.—Petrolenot more
[ active and advanced 50 mntunra; stand
' and whlte at 42f.6ne.
1111/111Mele• KRAIAARINI *
0R"IM llareed•••
LIMA 0 00 ..
Of, TtlaArspl. iota. •iisowrire EIALattA•I
New Yuan, March 3.—A tire broke
out about twelve o'clock lost night in
Barnum'. Museum, In the portion mei . ,
pled by Van Ambur
flame.alie Menagerie. So
pidly did th e •men spread that it was
fund impossible to cave any of the larger
animal.. The voile of the animals as the
lames repelled them w. re appalling, nod
they bounded from side to side or darted
madly against the bare in their vain af
oul. to tree themselves.. A few animals,
among them a kangaroo, a small leopard,
A few monkey., together with the psi.
rAlle., and other smelt birde, were got out.
The electrical machine was also saved.
On the Mercer street aide of the museum
the police end others were mere success
ful. The giralree, two camels, a pair of
Japaueee bog., a Burmese, cow, shams.
and averlety of email ardour's, were got
out. Many of them had narrow escape.
however, and a few wore singed. The
liftmen were at work at another fire
n Bering s, and wino thee
' arrived at the tre
b et uilding It was wrsit
In flames, and in a ;Mort time the inte
rior wall burned out, and adjoining
buildings eerimudy damaged. The side.
of the Prescott Reuse wee on fire at one
time, but wee saved by extraordinary
exertion. The thieves In the confusion.
managed to appthpriale a considerable
amount of property: Several spectators
were ;relieved of their motet.. and we.
lets. The leas on the museum and con
tents, including Vaia Amborghh - Men
agerie, will amount to floe hundred
thertmand dollars; insured, but to what
amount mold not be learned. 'The base,
merit of 539, occupied as restaura nt,
lass of stock about two thousand five
hund red dollars; insured. Thp bess.
merit of No. Ml,' °coupled by Sigler d
Clinton as sample room; lows ori bettors
and fixtunsi $5.000 ; (soured. - NO.' M 7,
four story budding, was oeimpled on
fourth floor. by P. Frakenholinef I. on
third,. by O. dealerin furs; on
w o oed, by John Wiley, book publisher,
and an -Um. first by.ll. Kelm, optician:
All kw* heavily on their stock by lire
andwater. ifo. 440, occupied culthe tint
by tp...Ettritib - Hawing Wahine Com
pany; on the second, by Wm., flail.
mimic publither ; on the upper floor by
...Amon parties, ell of ' , whom Yrlll suffer
. 12r05.. The upholstery store e'
SannielF:iretartd, on . hiercei . .streat, in
the rear, was burned, and several CitlaPf
partim lose beavity. All the people in
the museum were saved.
The atipposal twee by the destruction
' of the musem last night will reach half*
million &Usti: insured . for not' over
half that amount. Mr. Barnum has an
nounced the lots Ibr tali, and will build
on another site.
.• - - -
Islsasneen Disissol h as. Loots.
tit, 'Per itrop la to It• tlttOrOltaktilittett 4 .1
Sr. ].ante,-Hatch, e steamers
M ur -
n Sd at pham l • e vaend
iFy t
on S eo 'c w lo e c r k e
thin morning. - The. M. S. Idepham wee
a New Orleans boat, valued at SUS,OOO,
and Insured for 'about .14G,C03. The
Fanny Sant, a stern wheel boat was
valued at about ft 15,000; inertred for
FANO to FtleOUV. - Both boats were to
tally destroyed, and both belonged to M.
Mepham mßrother. The Insurance is
In Chicago- and Pittsburgh emcee.
The following Is the ineurence outhe
laminas Ittsphuirt suclAcett, butnt this
tiornlngi alt In Penland! °Blatt COM.
mama), Eureka, Amerhan Crescent,
Central; Fireman's s,oooeictu Union,
SkOtel; Buckeye State and 'Bath:Mel,
WOO each; bingnolin.BB. oo ts - Boinmell's
tO,000; Enterprise PAU; Magnolia,
0,000. Total, /GOAN
The Eats Kinney waNdamageel the,
sztent of about VOA Insured.
Oki* IC Commesitplut
nl Iltkizi.tottl tae Attztro ki.attio
COLuiintle, March
of delegates huge saTlved bete to attend
ths Union State Contention to-morrow.
The rented for 6ecrsUu7 ollitsto ban
tween Dr. William. and John Thum%
Judge WhilO will probably be nominated
'for thiliool Counnlseloner and Roduly
Fooir for Clerk of Supreme Court. The
Convention .will doubtless inetruct for
Oen. Grant for President;' ank
Wade fir Vice Prooldeht. •' ; "
, .
, Ilattrend 41061demi in /0101;•
tkr Teta:mph so nutruusetas desetta.l
Museums, lowa, March S.—Two
ooacisatt and baggage ow of the:sask^
ern bound- train .00 the Chicago an
Northwestern Railroad, were turnized
end thrown down an embankment near
tide planet twit nlghti - Daniel Ittcbard
eon, Conductor, D. Dia* of Ilterling,
IIL, wife and three children and Frank
Chadsey, of Nebraska Ctty; were in.
Jured,llo2o of th em onions 7. 1
r f 7 t: t't
Beonstruotion conititutionality.
Reipring fatigis, to Market.
astkactlaus as ta teveaue Seizures,
Nominations Acted Upon
QacOlatrantoNcittos Applied For
Caylaleirsph to Um Plitsloarzb eszetto..l
W.LLII2tAASX, Much 34, 1838.
Isti the Supreme Court to-day. Judo
BULK concluded thewnrastaht eatinet
the honstitutlonaMty of the reoonstrne
tiort,acta. Mr. eitipenter replied, argu
. Mwese eases were to entireiocerdimce
wily tooL t tw u
L. ) legielattwe power wader the
, A•uat.rus. z-utte.
lathe Senate to-day lift. 'Thayer called
up the House bill even section*
to_lbu market the lineof the Union
Pacific Railroad. the Senate piqued the
bill and It now amine the PrealdenVe
signutore to become a law.
naval:tun '..awraccrxtiort.
Tba Secretary.!of the ,Treasnry has
issued instructions, that in all mass
wiutro a Marshal:4km powesion of a
distillery, by ♦irtlio of a proosas leaned
fectillation of Internal Revenue , laws,
be 4011 immediately cause the held of
the 111111 to be taken oft, or the machinery
to be disoonnecualln such a manner as
to rander it impoatuble fur distillation to
be garried en. y.
1.10111211.1*11 CONTIRICID.
Tie Senate In I:Locative session con
firmed tho following nominations: Wm.
J. Stanford. Locel Apprawer of Mor
cluMadies, New Crier:no; Johu J . Godfrey,
CoHooter of Customs, at. Mary'o, Stour-
Pestmastazi—Alger M. Wheeler;
SaitoAde, Virginia; Jar. 11. Moon:, R 1
Pam, Idinolo; Jos. S. Coiling, Fort Ran
doll, Deootah. Conaule —Alexander
of Canton:int; at Guyamm: Robert
L. Matthews, of Alluois at Valencia.
Henry F. Herlot, Collec tor of Customa
at ileorrgOWD, A. C.: Elialm Hamll
ton;:to be Surveyor of CIISLOISL. at Quin-
Illinois; Joe. F. Green, Commodore
un the soma list of the navy. M. R.
Joins, of ludiona, Awiatant flukvon of
the Navy.
Mali, P. M., at tioymimr„
:liana; A. Warren It , we, Receiver of
Money Out Sacramento, Califor
nia; J. M. Mensica Collector of luter
malltoseune, tl3 . District, Kentucky.
:10111:4TIfINe 11Z.N:r
• - •
Fres!dant *opt uutnbar of
tc the ;Sonata to-ds.r; Including
Jalint P. Leonia, P. NI., Ohio;
curies 3... I: inclodnan Agent, Wash
'ington Trrrltoiv; Phillip Liaileley. U.B.
)11(lato Dixtrict of Tun:Maio.
•rwx 44cu w VaLarITO
I Xi is now tail lewd on application for s
writ of qui, warrant. nccrrtary Stu-
Mla tam* CAU. tky to retains
pandeu therWar Department, will not
ziarnacuilmST )1.1.1,10nn5.
The Board of Managers appointed by
Abe House to wonduct the T ropeactiment
Ltrua met thi. BT general con
'sent Mr. Ltlnznatri was selected Chief
'Manager. A general winaultation waa
hall as to the manner In which the trial
should be noodiesed by the prosecution.
Tun ►OYOIMO nu.
A 'Washington aperlal 'New York
autos ttlat no union to likely to he taken
by the Senate on Mr.' Mitertnexis new
funding bill.
Irl - o ,
„Iliz Senate Con:mitten on Foreign 11,
lationito-day 'tleeided to mks no smiles
for the present on the nominations of
General I.llsCiellen mot J. Roes Brown
as 31inistersJe England and Chin.
of Tl3etestdi to the rlttocreh U.mott
enatonn, I3arch 3.—ln the Genese
s reanlutien approving the Impeach
tof the rrealdeut wan told en the
table. •
The Judiciary Committee reported ad
versely to the petition attiring for the re
moval of alt:§tate ultacial at present soil
the repudiation of debts contracted prior
to Apr 11,1916.
The Committee nu Judiciary Depart
tnent reportod all Judkrn to be chosen by
the Legidatore, and all Commonweetu
attorney* and Clerks of Comte to he ap
t,ointed byl dm Courts; the Attorney
Uerteral to be appoint .1 by the Supreme
Court; the present County Court ay em
to be adopted, and County Judges ap
pointed. I.
A resolution was adopted that sOlgtO
remelting of the apprnpristion for the
convention - a:peones Ibe divided, giving
,lh ivied 5.52 to each member, and the reales:molly
ameng,,ita officera.
Mr. Iluniaientt clewed the suffrage de.
battened said fie had emu determined as
posittortio reconstructiou,tbut was now
willing to dLafraechize twenty thousand
more than. Abe reconstruction acts di.
Merah 3.—The Convention
last night pained the article on 'corpora
A resolution, offered by Mr. Dunham,
prohibiting the assemblage of white and
black children in tbo name schools, was
voted dosrai •
. n
The report of the Commtues on privi
leges and elections, exclnding.ddr..Mar
tin of Yadkin front a seat and - eying It
to Mr. Mitchell, radical, was missed. •
Some time was spent on the articles on
crimes and tinnishmenta.
The article of the Constitution relating
to ADUICIII and the financial pollard' the
was made Ito special order for
1101117T11 CAKOLIIIA.
• Cnistdcwron, March 3."--.Tha Conven
tion was tre.dav doped In an animated
discussion as to whether this duration
of children aludl be oompuleorg. An
attempt was mad* by a strong - radon to
force eniored • children Intoraboorad
oollegra among the wham,.
A odtiOnwill go forward to Was Mg
ton to-Morrow, 'abhor 0/ogre.. to . giv•
unrodosusad binds on tho Coast, sold for
taste tedeatttuta freedmen.
1174.117. A, Much 2.—The - Convention
completed the Judiciary department of ,
the Constitution. the Governor hap the
appointinent of • Notary Public; In each,
Judiciary District, havi the nctions
of *Justice of the Peace, ng
This lathe an
tidote to :the election by the peo fu ple tor
Justlocerof the Peace, which tuut been
heretofore'provided for.- A reconsidera
don of Gm remedy le not Improbable.
The formation of volunteer corps le au
thorized, but a man May escape molt-
duty at • entail expense.. - . .
. lines Caticans, March 3.—be the Cope
minden yesterday. some members void.
log for the, adoption of the Constitution
as whole entered • protest against pox ,
lions of It. The following are portions
of &precast by Judge Crawford against
the adoption of the bill rhtins:
"Sostulectuelit,y la attempted to be en.
forced, sod he right. of charms to mis
tral their own property is attern_pted to
be taken from them. A Judicial
eystelm, • boa bean adopted which
Is radically dejwitive and will
render uncertain and immure the rights
of property and the lime and liberties of
the people. A testi= of public, educe.
lion has been adopted which will force
heavy ormtribudons from tax payer:sand
will entirely , prevent any publio schools
front being carried , Into effect, lend to
prevent:the rising generation trim being
eclat:tied, mean and subject the State to
the exelueve control at the ignorant and
unednested. • A. ayatem ofi prostion
Is adopted which eliamptsto.deprive a
largo 7, clam of editions of the priv
liege rof 'voting ' or holding office
who " are liable' pay taxes ,
,•and Moist le bearing the burden of goy.
eminent" anti the meaner of risteistion
to -Iflluchlae Is calculated to incite the
mean end unprbaciplesil to participate int
voile i, s and holding office and be drive
Ans the =dilate , The oath I
of nicece good
inoonsistent with :noble. the Cerruti.
tutinn la absurd, disgraceful, seditious. I
The direct tendency of the Constitution
as a whole is to engender feellues be.
tweet this citizens of the State to such an.
extent as " will • lead to hostile. collisions
and anarchy and the utteranbrerslan of
.all law and Government; that the itdoP•
Win Otto Conetitution will drive away
many a good citizen and prevent 'emigre.
, lion te Um State, retard her promise, de- I
atroy her Internal improvements, blight
her prospects and-destroy her peace and
happiness. ' • .
Thos. P. Itarrison protests agai nst the
Constitution se whole. In addition to
. . .
..,t,k .
t ,, ~,,„• .
w ,
Om reasons assigned by Mr. Crawford.
ha asys that be wag opposed to any Ells
frauchleement, and in big opinion tho
whale plan of reconstruction in adverse,
to chriatian
Article 158 was amended yesterday to
make New Orleans OM capital of the
Mate, instead of Baton Rouge. Against
this a protest was entered.
The Convention; to-day adopted the
ordinance relation te tho eolloction of a
special tax, and adjourned till Thursday.
Isbirsora, March U.—ln the Convention
to-day It resolution was adopted tr. ap
point a Corn mitteep frame an ordiannee
(or the ranger the people from petunia
r7 embarrarumeetn, the same to be con
sistent with the rights and obligation of.
all parties and the Conatitutlon of the
United States.
The report on the legislatlye depart
ment was further considered.
'-zrbeattepberdinown Register, speak.
H of Col. J. R-Rehley, ofJairemon.osamty
as a candktate far slut ChsVernOr.
'-?be Dotal, Boansitaiiillhat “igotidt,
lejal andaimblonislatesititsr'!isarant .
edat Now Omik, andatlll be paid llbf
tide defending Senator ChoPllho against
the slander. of the ClualeetawnSpirit of
Jefferson rebel. . . -
-A-revival in -- the 14. - P. Church at
Newburgh. Fronton county, under the
charm, of Rev. F. A. Day, kisa resulted
in over fifty converts. .
—Mr. O. M. 'lamina boa purchased
two paroles of the tract of land known as
the "Rich Woods," adjoining Morgan.
tow., at 1147,50 per acre.
—One hundred' acre. of.lnpd (without
fences or Improvemente,) one mile from
Charlestown, Jaitersdn county, were sold
a few days since for $9O an acre.
—The Penton County Coal Company
at Amain, under the superintendence of
M. L. Schaffer, is elupping 100 tons of
coal per day and the °chill Company at
Newberry from Hilo 100 tons daily.
—We are glad tolestu from theClarks.
burg, 7letegroph that it is more prosper
one now than It ban ever been before.
The Telegraph is a good paper, and de
serves a generous supportfmnt Mel:futon
people of Harrison county.
—The Fourth Semi-Annual Session of
the Teachers' Association of Monongalla
county, will be held at the Hall of the
West Virginia Agricultural College, In
Morgantown, on Friday and Saturday
13th and 14th of March, 1863:
—The -residents*. ot Daniel Sutton,
about two' miles east of Martinsburg,
wax tmrneddowst on fianday morning
(=d4 . Very few articles of furniture
were saved. Suppeed to have caught
from a fine runniqg ln the upper story.
—A Mee Hersalin. of Austin, Preston
county, hex recently gladdened the brut
of her husband, Mr. Patrick Ilresien, by
the presentation of three boys, the en.
tirg crop- weighing twenty and one half
1303) pounds,. hire Hessian is doing well.
—Dr. Brock, of.Morgantown, In deliv
ering a count* orfree lectures In the if.
E. Chuh l ect u r eat place. The subject of
he lastwas ...Whist we eat and
drink." P. would be a great advantage
to the public If physicians generally
would adept this practice.
—An Interesting revival is progressing
in the M. E. Church at Clarksburgh. A
attracted meeting is also in progress in
the Southern Methodist Church. and
quite en Interest awakened during a
week's evening services la the Presby
terian Church at the same place.
—Wsillem Shriner, while driving a two
Lone team along the "narrows" below
Welleburgh on TLIEFORT morning let,
had the enisfortnne to have the whole
establishment go over the river bank.
One of the heroes was killed, and the
other crippled, teethes other damage
• • •
—Mae Insborg and vicinity seem to be
•affectedwitli a chrome sutack of burg
larV. The nsien says that on Salinity
Imo.) arsine thieving, hungry scoundrels,
broke open tbss smo k e-house of Hobert
Drown, about three miles w of that
place and tirriest MT all of hi s boom.
They were tracked to town, but no clue
kith* bacon could be found.
• ,
S. D. Karns, through the me
dium ere card in the Parkersburg Ttletle,
presents his "kind regards to the Par
kersburg Mill Company (or suing "him
for a balance on" his ••Idusber accemnt"
daring his "temporary absence in Wheel
ing at the instance of Parkersburg."
Rather a novel proceeding, It stnliee us
—the card, not the sash..
—The good people of Preston county
are soli exercised over 5011.110 sort of is
secret Democratic organisation hi that
musty. A meeting made op of both
parties was held lately at Gordon School
I House, in which the @Sigel:lee of this or
ganlmtion was a subject of discussion.
Certainprominent Democrats were ac
crued with having attandorl Its meetings
and deuissi it..
the fut
seems to haul been provers against them.
A Thrttilea Caawa—• Ilarwtar Pula
a 7.101•10 WAWA. anal la Shea Demi.
On Saturday night last a burglar en.
tered the Western Female College at Ox
ford, Ohio. As frequent burglarious
melts had been made during the pant
few week., two of the teachers laid In
welt to trap the thief. They permitted
him to get nie etalts when they repaired
to the Superintendenea house, acme die
tanco off, and seamed help to capture
the burglar. Armed with a revolver,
the Principal, Mr. Lyons, and a man
named Butler, accompanied the girls to
the college. The lights In the halls were
turned on, and search was made' for the
intruder. The men amended to the
third 'dory in the main building, while
the Principal remained on the find floor,
and three teachers went to the third by
way of the stairs in thewings, The
forces aurroudded the Intruder Com
pletely. He either not having cone
-menced operations, or hearing tootatepa
(looming doom, was In the-main hall,
and in the darkness, ran against Mr.
Butler, who was unarmed. With a pre
facing oath the burglar etclalmed;
"Where am I," then turned anti walked
towarde Mr. Lyonawho said, referring
to Mr. • Butler,"Henry, Is that you?'
Ittoosivtng no reply, - Mr.' L. cried
..halti and surrender. or / willehnot.
Itehord waagiventothla, and hlr.L.tired.
The burglar still came. forward, caught
the banisters in front of Mr. L., leaped
them, and boundeddown the stairs
Mr. L., 'who Iblierged him gal the.Bwer
demanded him to haul atOPteurfettaett
throw up arms! ace. No attention wee
paid to this and ndreply given, till down
on the first floor. wherothe 6u:shit...hay
ing failed to open the front door, rushed
tamale parlor, saying' with another oath,
"Let me alone or PIl kill yi r tni" Mr, I.
aced em the man warn leaving the parlor
and entering the hall, through which he
ran, thrOwtag a settee after ,him to Am
boo xtaul intents besernent tett:ca.:atter
door '
south .Wing. Mr. L.-Wed ones
near the top of thong Matra, and twice
while the man was unboltin: the door;
which was the first time he had oppor
tunity to atm with any exactness. No
shot was fired without previous demand
to halt or surrender, and the
tired just an he was opening theßoor.
He got out and
carped un
hlodd rißdbs qunt d tackwere
Bodyt .bent
one hundred yards from the house. lie
priced to bee stalwerth muscular ne
gro, unknown In that neighborhood. lie
was unarmed. and the chief contente of
hie pool conareied of a hat, port-more
nale containing about three dollars,
some keys, narrow driver and a few
matches. 'reside hbetrousers were sewed
various little bags, Containing what he
evidently :believed to be - charms. .The
firing moulted the scholars but they be
haved nobly, giving no manifeauttlens
of fright, and uttering no screams-`. A
coroner's jury, rendered a. verdict ,of
"served the s hurglar right" -
JewailirkOmni aehtuna,
(My minima% to Ma gittatairm
Primang.t.entA, March 11.—The store of
Jame. E.. Caldwell Co. t Chestnut
street, was robbod of dialler:ld rings and
clusters valued at twenty-five thousand
dollar., by twoanin..bne* of whom was
subsequently arrested and about hut
Abe property rmovered. He gave hie
mama an Martin Bailey, trunkmaker , of
Chicago. Ho eame'hore five -days 'ago
in search of work: Ile was committed
in default of five thousan d . dollars' bail.
His acoomplice Ia yet -at large.
—The Ousrawy Tortes says!' On Sun
day, the 9th last., near
. Oiltson's otation,
this county, a man named Salton snot
himself through the head, causing al
most instant death. It isnot known
, wbetber it was-done aelthisittallY 'or an
act of self destruction. Ile remarked to
hts wile, - as she went out milk-the
omen, that ho was going to shoot a rat, sr
rabbit; -Odle did not understand which.)
end,'aiter bang. nut. 4 short time hated
the report of ame gun and immediately
returned to the house, where' die funia,
btra in the agonlettar death
. .
.—Lln s Texas, iltud corn:Oohs of the
registration nets' show the totals . tolla
'01,978 white, and 47,081 adored votrea..
The whit, majority to 9,097. 'lo)set.
ell applications numbered; •
Ammo., Centralism
A. regular monthly meeting of the Al
legheny Board of Controllers wee held
Tuesday evening. March 3d, President
Clark In the chair. The meeting was
Called to order by the President, sod the
• - .
exercises opened wit h prayer by Rev.
Wm. King. t
Members ittresent: Meatus. Bur,
Brown, Jno. h., Boyle, Barker, Heckert,
Borland, Chadwick, Crowther, Dunisp,
Eaton. Francis, Groward, Kollock, Kim
.hall, King, Lee, Lock.hoirt, 'Mueller,
Pitcairn, Parke, Richey . , Tremble, Wal
ton, Young, Alex:, and President Clark.
Members absent.: kissers. Ashworth,
Brown, John Jr., Brehm, Forrester,
ilillerivh, Ingham, Loomis. McCann',
McClinton, lielllol9lll3 t Swift, Shea,
Thorn, Terrence, White and' Young,
Robert. ,
• The reports of the Vitiating Committece
of the local boards were then"; called for
and read. The admen are tall reported
in a Sonnet:tiara extradition. !alb° First
wank the whohltranmber - of achoMmitrappt.
roiled is DZ.:with= mama attendance'
of 5= The night schoolawere 'Also rep.
resented to, be workin well,, In the
144 1 1 1 4,-
-' cottimonicstlon 'item-'the , School
Board in the Seventh ward, or Reserve
district, was read by the .Secretory,
itat I n a the reason for not. coming_ into
the Board of , Control to he ,that the
collector of school taxes &Oak, distrint
was accountable only, , to the Seventh
ward Maud. They:propose to emus In at
the beginning of the coming schoolim
and ask for Instructionis from the
of Control ieletite to' Orgenielsg. The
eommunication was received end referred
t en s the Committee on Rules and Discip-
The Secretary read the report of the
Committee on. Colored.&noels. ; ,The
Scheel is reported the douriatting condi
tion. Whole number of 'pupils enrolled
PM with an average attendance of 130.
The report wee received and filed.
Mr.. Francis reed a communication
from Miss Davidson, formerly a teacher
in the Manchester schools, relative to a
claim for salary. Mae D. It appears.
was Principal of the Manchester school.
at the time the borough was consolldatal
elite - the city, and wea teaching under
contract wi th the Mar-chestier Board of
Directors. Previous to taking Stenches ,
ter into the" - city, the Board of Control
of 'Allegheny raised • the salaries of
teachers, and as Mrs Davidson's term
did not expire for one- month after the
cm:trend's:lon, she claims the difference
between the• amount
that paid her by the
Manchester Board and paid to teach- I
ere of the mune grade In the other wards
of Allegheny, which is about t4O. The
communication wax referred tel the FL.
antics Committee. •
The Secretary submitted the bonds of
Jobs Ramsey, Robert Dilworth; James
Graham, and Isaac Stewart, collectors of
school tax. The bonds were approved' .
and ordered to be paid.. •
Mr. Reis stated that he hail been in
formed by 'several of the Principals that
they were in want of blank notices of
attendance. and moved that the Board
order seven thousand printed, one thou
sand for each ward.
Mr. Francis moved -to amend by in.
eluding seven thousand enrollment
blank* in the order.
The motions amended was adopted.
Mr. Francis elated that the law re
quired the Beard, at the time. of Re or
gastixellen, to elect a Receiver of school
Mod school building texas, and as the
minutes of the preceding meeting, at
which time the Board was organised,
showed sso each election, he moved that
the minutes be amended so sato include
DDe election of that officer; and that Mr.
. Meoferron be elected Receiver for the
enening year. ,
A weather amended the .motlon by
adding "that the compensation be fixed
at two percent.
• The amendment was accepted by Mr.
Francis without a - vote being taken.
Mr. Boyle that the matter of compen
sation should be referred to a commit
tee. he
moved that it be stricken out
and,the vote taken on the original mo
tion. Adopted.
Mr. Francis' motion was thee adopted.
On motion of Mr. Boyle the Metter of
erattpennation to the Receiver was refer
red to the Committee on Finance. •
A bill 'from F. M. Otto Co. of five
dollars fora clock furnished for the Sixth
word eic-noola was prevented, and, on mo
tion, the Secretary was ordered to draw
a warrant ter that amount'
Mr. Buyie stated that the duties of the
Secretary mid Janitor had both then in
crewel mei would be made greater tile
ensuing year than formerly, and moved
that the matter of the compensation of
their offices be referred to the - Finance
Committee. The motion was adopted.
I A member eteital that the -Board had
decided to have a vacation. of two weeks
in the month of April, but bad not fixed
the time et which it should commence.
l and moved that it be from the 2th of
MThe arch to the I.3th ef ApriL . Adopted.
Secretary then announced th
pointment of .the following standing
Committee. by the Chalr:
FinAriMil.—John Brown Jr.; Chair
man; C. C.. Boyle. R obert Young.
Joseph Walton, William Meader. S. I
lilllericb, B. it Francis.
• Gnaw= AND TEXT 13eogs.—Rev. E.
E. Swift; Chairman ; J. B. Inham I
Rev. Joseph King. Rev. B. F. Crow g ther, ,
A. Young, C. W. Kimball; Dr. F.
CouoRSD ScISOOI2.—L. 11. Eaton,
Chairman; M. Borland. James Thorn,
S. Barker, John E. 'Parke, Jos. Chad
wick, S. Brehm. •
TiAcnEraAnn SALAMl:. —Robert Lee, Chairmen; Robert Pitcairn, H. M.
Dunlap, Thomas McCanee, John 11.
Bert, William' F. Tremble, B. Bathe
Rutha- earn. ExothArione—R. C.
Leen:nth Chairmen; Robert White, .7.R.
Brows, Francis Torrence, C. - A. Shea,
Dr. J. 11. °retard, B. Forrester.
• leterrturfai:—Jarnes Lockhart, Chair
men; -Nat. McClinton J.-- P. Richey,
Frederick Beekleart, Simnel Artiworth.
Event e iSetrooLs.—R. Rdliock.
Chairman; Robert Pitcairn. Janus Lock.
hart, C. C. Beale, C. R. Shea, Joe. Chad,
wick, Dr. F. Herdtmayer. •
0a motion edjourneil..
Yin ea I.irmUa atreatter
At half peat twelve o'clock this morn-
ing a Are broke out in the - mrpeuter
shop of V. U.,Elliot„ on 'Fourth street,
near °amt. The building wart a one
story brick, andcontained • oonsiderable
quantity of lumber and lame finished
work, all of Which was destroyed, maraud
airmail of Mr. Elliot's tools. The damage
to toe building - wasvery slight, however,
to the roof was covered with tin which
I kept the • liamOs confined.' There wee
I considerable delay In sounding the
alarm, otherwise the - ints would have
been trill:rig. The tire department were
o the ground and la • a few momenta ex
tguished the flamed!: - " _
Pere Cheese at eat .14 Meuse.
Jarnia Robb, if°, 89 Marketaireet,
has Jastr . received avery superiorateck
of men; 'women ands children's boots,
shoes and gaitisi, to which - the "Mention
of our readers le Shiites!. :The stacJcbas
beeri-purchased with rerrich - pare, end
contains nothing but-such ;articles, as
wlll give the =pleat satisfection to pur
chaserri.' The prices or the 'old sstab
Ilahed pioneer boot end shoe , house ore
, proverblelly reasonable, end we urge
our readers ( keep thiy establishment
in ; view whoa desirous of purchasing
.any thing in their line. •
gym Lawreeseville.
fire meet:rod in the tumbles and
black - smith shoPi of Messrs.' Joseph
Dyson it Co.,' Lawrenceville; between
four sod Ilve o'clock yesterrday morning,'
resettle". in the total destruction of the
building. The eatabllshment Is located
nearly opposite -Abe ..Allegbeny Valley
railroad chop. In Lawrenceville. When
the lire wee first discovered the flames
had obtained considerable headway, and
the entire building was destroyed before
any yiterrene efforto coned` - be'made to
'extinguish them. 'The origin of the fits
could not be.assertaitted.
On. Illpoefat Dull
Lieutenant Daniel McMullin, who, It
:will be remombe isid;was assaulted an d
.beaten by rowdies In the FM ward,
while serving under ..Mayor McCarthy,
ban again been pieced on the police
forte, and will -rill be ansigned to special
duty at tile Mayor's e dine,- Mr. Matt&
lin le still .offering from the effects of
his Injuries, and is,oonewpsently, unlit
for active duty, but will fill the poeitlonto
which ho has been auaigned faithfully.
The appointment wee made 'atia meet.
o f the pollee Committee, held on
MondaY evening, and la oattalnly a coin
-mendable one. • ..
Peke SWIM. —We uninformed that
it 1$ the intention the , authorities to
establish . police stations at various points
throughout the* city' and to extend the
polies to the new districts as rapidly as
possible. Yesterday morning a station
Was established : at. Lawreneeville, , sod
four orators detailed for duty Item The
stations will all - it . Communication
with the ldwror's office by. MUM of the
ilobellimils al. 36EL
The prisoners confined In the county
jail e vinced a mutinous Writ yesterday
morning, while thornsle prisoners were
enjoying their customary two boars in
the corridor: The mutiny. although li
amounted to nothing lb the end, for a
time threatehed to become a serious af
fair. Among the number in the corridor
was John • lingeker 'ainll Ferguson,
committal to answer at °sort for com
plicity In the East Liberty oboe theft. •
group of twelve or fifteen . of the prison
ers became very noisy and disorderly.
Warden Whits called them to order, but
Muer 1111101WIDtt110 disorthirlydetoonstra
' dons were re-porn:neared, and carried to
a creator length than before. Again the
Warden pornms.ded order when Ma
Bolter, who was the ringleader of the
group, answered in an insolent and de-
dant manner. Warden Whits ordered
' him to his call, but instead of going he
resowed Ms insolence and continued to
act disorderly. Mr. White went up the
Main .for the mimosa of .taking Me
prisoner to bin cell, when the latter at
tasked him, striking him weevers blow,
in tb6. face. This comrades of ~ Me
, Eeker pr eme d and, intentionally
or otherwlskprrrantatil the Warden, for
a momeatrerising the man: - At learn. •
weser„brogotholdot him and started
him dowels Rome of the
others seined Judd ofW.Aker,,and pull
ad him use Atkin 'among' tbem: Agate.
the Warden seized , • him, .- rweivilUt
three or four addillional blows in
the fee., and again started 'down the
Maim. Deputy Warden Smith• had -by
this time appeared on the Saone of action
and rendered. ellaiatit wistaria°. At
length McEoker was taken away-from
thoi crowd of abetto and lookei
After beingPlacedin ish all he insisted
that Mr. White should come in 'there' '
atm tight him on this acmare." - Two or
terse of the other prisoners, who abetted
MoEcker so sctivoly, are also In closer
durance than usual. Among them is - a
man mond Dawson. '• . • . • .: •
The sickneesea . tLat LIDA as human I
faintly -ars an varied in, tlgar character
and oftentimes so abstruse' as to balite
the skill and laugh to @Corti the science
of the most brained mad ingebitivePhis
icaogists. Eapecially Is this trite or that
Multitudinous elms of diseises denom
inated chronic or anb.cute—iind there is
no clam of more .difibult, management,
more perhaps on amount of establishing
the real organ or function at - fink; than
for want of 'kill to the sppllcsflosof ap.
ororiats remedies. Of late years great
light p to. bag bona- brought bear on this
subject trains examination of , the. nrl-
narysocretion whichbsingsnellmination
from the blo od Itself to sdrnost Imre to
point ont where tbe existing lesion is or
the organ or fanction fading In lie duty
in carrying out the use of the human
The man who' hat' done more, in a
practical sense, - in establbhing this fact
in the discovery..ef .vilactue than any
other, Is our friend Dal/wax= of five
city, who has devoted over. twenty years
of the prime of hie life iolnvestigeting
the subject. and be ku done so to some
purpora. The Doctor is now a mania
the prime of life and there are thousands
of families throughout the country in
which his name is. an-honored house
hold word, for through ids ministration
arid Kkill they have been restored from
sickness to health,: from despondency
and gloom to that. of cheerfoineas . and
the bouyancy of youth.
Let its one wonder then at the great
respectability and credit which now at
taches to this Brum of detscfing disSl
when W bag been adoptadand need by
the ablest and most scrutinizing Minds
of both hemispheres.'
There is now scarcely a disease afflict
log the human .body in which the eigite
exhitrtal in the urinary secratlasis are
not appealed to for aid. and confirmation.
Ina thermometer
_,yesterday, regis- '
tered some six degrees -helow zero, and
and exposed I. the wind the mercury
fell much loser. :There fell doting the
early morning • light quantity of snow
which; covering the,ice :covered 'stamen.
and roads, afforded moat - excellent.
aleigbinjr. Tbe road to' Perryeville was
thronged list night with all sorts of ve
hicles on canners and the youth and
fethion of the two cities were out In full
form. Keating'e; Milder's, McKeon and
the other hotels on tlie: route drove •
very fine business, :being over-crowded
with guest& From appearances it is
probable that a thaw will satin by noon
te.lay, although "tl. A." has net advised
us to that effect. .
Alieg%Way Latta, Carrleis 111qpiiti.
The following Di the Allegheny, :otter.
Carriers' report, for rehreary,
Cenidul. Letters .Drees. t tggva. 2407 2 m.
1141E4155y - 7.014 437 8,553 B.2fir
linemen ' &tee , 4,443 . • -3,5 7 7: , .
Cramtan.„,.. 4573 CM $6
Moore . T.= 555 0,732 4,125,
• 35,235 2.764 • 15,043 - 61,514:
Letter.. .Drops. Agree. PIM"!
Mefislvy 2. 022
2,262 201 34 "
Cretatott .
Sal r
M00t5.........T00 210 0,006
- -
6.342 3,713, 10,881
Lectaria—Rev. Audis: -firriwne,, late -
Chaplein of the lOOth Pennsylvania Regi:
Intent, and State Senator from Lawrence'
county, end - President of- Wilmington:
College, will deliver a lecture next .FriZ
day evening, at No. 124 Lacockatres4
Allegheny, to aid of the Soldie&
brary Fund. The, subject the learned
and able gentleman hes chosen, '"FroM
this Rapidan to Antietam: , is `ftin 'et
meaning, and those Who attimd'
safely anticipate a sate intelleatual end
Fr*teal leall.—Testerday .
.Tames Budd), a. hey fourteen, pars af
oge, while paeans aloes the bill ,at , , the
camera/ the twain lot, slipp ed : anr fill
over the bank, a Maumee oMast! fee?
lie wee picked up lirtunuals and rM
moved to a house meat at hand; whet%
by . We applies/km. of mutt rvitedios,
he was restored to anuelonsnese. Tor ,
sanatatrno bones were brolmo,.but
feared-ile was: Injured haternalli , t
was removed table iktbsearealdence.
False Frateme.:-CharlasStoGrair,
a grocer lathe ThircrwaniVartado
melon berme Alderman hieldasters plat=
tenlay, charging A. 8.. Itohinson s with
obtaiding ir3od. 'Wrier • Wee WIWI*
Ile alleges that.thobLumn at :a:art.:li
times purchased groceries Of him on e,
pretence that, he would gips
furniture In pate:lent; and on one AMA
aim came Into' the Morn and itot'Mreo
donna, saying that' prowocutor's pentOer
had sent him Ibr it. A:warrint,loo,
attaihnd to dee
of the Allegbany.arst Manchester **t.
.anger esa kilted leaterds,, onSfae
hem grade otcroderal street. 'Menu
was descending the grade - *hen /Ire
hake gave way and-lororder tri step
the driver ptittedJthe , honeetoorse +Ow
when - one .ed theta .+-was Abrown
against the peat - et*" shallot ea-sp.
amebas alai. which entered Ala Aida
"nd- killed Nita $ 10,0 4 im"ntl7p
Gioia flouts illtuzed...-:k fir, 9d
red Lawrenceville.*Unt baltpastnnd
o'clock, id Charles Jeremy's glasnhonse,
nd Ewalt 'street, -dwittoying 'theentfre
building with Its contents: The abithf
:was sounded from box 11.5, but belbriths
engines could get thereltunntirebtid
log was conitmed.7. , t •
GRANDO* ) ,W,•
OF TrCE mai*
oluarD•rotrattAltzrr' t.
BY ktniiarra, 43M04
Tsn Knights s 1, , p1 , entand ISf
'witfaded ft%eit the etent;tei. 4 •:',
Alm (sow" 7/111
QIIVEZI - 6 0 ' 331111 TY
GREAT graliteVlWlV,.fli l ,.•: , ...
to assoustaxanoi saax wart
'►:seL'ogir'o"aitmie~i d r r:
4756ui f s is,
asiisaaul .:.I:"O;caaiiaiiaiiis.4l;titi;
oao• as aata czar. Isis IlaUlar - Oaa
n suos slaws. c awl imitatia idatt -
N Wag Illerdia,
mess wrilsigzokuservirl,siiia
TWO 10:11nCT&
& oast. OOalatotar =weir 011 t
orllll talarertlse Mona& wager, mgagg
wolge.saltarigg‘iiguro No.!. OY W.V.*. a, 1
Roodlog M.U. rbr 114 Toraiy.
Arad tilillass sad mcdt ronobl• 71.nasolo1 awl tkar
000ttil ,11arket Itayr . co_ pr. bf W. Papas la
tea 4‘ , 7.. No Forma . . Ilrodualo or moroboot
gt0r.2.4 to *Wont It. • '
it ,01,1611WiSSIT 01.11MMIE.
ci A m of us
--Aag ono coin of paper to AD. penes ptitr•
oida.. Additions bents out b• tes4l• •
•n1,t0••• ChM row,
MOMS. to - maaalaa—la animate, 10w P.404.. bib am aid araaati .Ni *Mica Tao.
wadi as we Wataasday adlsmat tonne.
mialamlaavtag bat ciao 'WI • wean
arOr:Vamy try Draft inn" Orkn
Or Attegia* l LOAM% NATI. aff.a 0.13.1
us Fourth Strom Pltubarib,
CC4h1124 ofW [has; OBAP Sh.,,,IILOVIA es, d
csisl dascilDtlas raw.) Pan:DAME tkodo
tar*lmi: Itoomopeiday Ind Wiht.
Itlirsuscra—En. Doia, Kerr. D.D.,Rev.
11.:MV. Jacobus. D. D., Thcssu Malt. I.l*
JaeUU H. linter. lot.'
—" - -
tilleftLEß & PEEBLE... Under. 1:
er44.4esa7 street ond Cher. eacnae, Aileen. •
-nySl4. who. therleal. peLN ROOMS are con- •
meetly sopplted wltla real and leattatiou Zne
woad. leatoerany leraleet C 01... at pelf.
0.1114 to WA Oodles Drerarel for Leo • i
tonne.. Hearses end Caartage • Inralatoolv.
.4. Lied. of moureni`a..e. it lallal , o 4 *
Olese ones as all boars. dm! . "
itODEIIT T.:RODNEY; truelei
,: was um rireliehttr. YrO. IS Jilt. 134.'
Alfilteerdr. Lae lta SO Diaravad sOa.ra. (t
Yap. WIWI:, t Bros...)teehr 44. n Oa hand the
brik R 1, Roaalrood, Wahrut old Iteltatton
11.4etreo4 CM.. Walnut Cueing nvall2S eP•
wiOdr. Buserrood Core= 1120 upward.: allpthar
COO= to PrOPOttlon. Cantata. aee Uwe , .
fittriabard at tear rata.. Crape,. Ohrrea,• nate
aeflEngrarthearairead gralle. Meow*. day
DXICTIZS.A. -011 e• Ohio lama.
ao:avrood and oat. Cot.
altairtat aamaalati ad* of Amaral traralabicra
*404.. oa load and faratetual .1 atoned sotto.,
at,towett prima. Yak mad Um? Malawear.
taat Ftrit sal • WM. Mama: CarrlaSal.
latrootaaa. Banta. eaKr• a•al
1 1 A Large Roamer Yard,
ifhas than Is palm. esssosUel iUmdmE tone
Os wood zgasufacturin .•,,Vd7
su..table to rut beam ttnrur to
.i.dd[ew Z. S. C.*CO.,ST QuAxtaS
111.111C01713, end now they • Lhed,
/*eke aa4 Died Itritlattrakaaileitheeenes. 4
*ldeate In the (Rat Rebellion. It mutate*
dm llntheavthaa and lee Pate• nod
th;or Widest said thaspeatneer book pablisbed:
Eike. only IMO PC WM. Tee,Venne nit bee
agatnes loretier work - with n annther
tAne. • See that 'the beak - Tie Am eantsins offer
I eeverloo and sooLlAire.. tend f.-Clecee
.elathla, ' 44. T
.WANTET-10,0t 0 AGENTS:,
- A ample cent free. mlth terms. Om soy
eies to clear W 3 datll. lo Wrie hour.; Dwane=
ihUrely sem, light and Mulamble. Gas be done
irt home or: by . both hale and ,female.,
Pe rift enarprla or Irember. Adereis W. H.
CLUIDOWILL MG Baothear. Meet York. ail •
NV • E GI ENTI4--Now.
4,• • Toely for Csaveaaws:-TIIIC HISTORY
/me, Oloireetni. Gi leet and Reselui.••
i1a...A.L•21,111 , 1111 H. .[ITMPITCNI. Beld IbrCll ,,
*th , r/i, WWI term mid • fell deirerlptloa et the
OR •-• FA L&—ROROKE9.- - -.1 he
balure of Mese deettsbla LOU' are saw of
ned at private Ws, and suf dearsne 1 rune
sltri would do well to make a arlettlat...
millase 11 located in a t eanund iud health's.
ePot.. two and a-balf whO Irma 'tlbarpaburd. as
fns. Welters TeuusTronta Itallroad. width rubs
vbrilegb It, making It math more valuable and
Ygreealda • • lllteo.lre'.ptepirtl•.>. ' arc now
'esat..l.4 for eierilus • vtarober of hoe bootes.
*bleb wVI brave as vita:ions to the, tows. Thu
iemalufer of time left .111 be sold al Tar ma.
:Sonata* rates and tre- tame' exaredbmly earp - :
PULL b SHUTT L E/ILT, - Neal Mutate and Inter.
riate Agent. Laerreneevllle.
4 1 011 SALEe-antuse and Lot QA.
r corner ollgenbsttso Olsd Adams streets.
-near remoter Hammy; '''Lot: 41 br != fee.
lloods tem% maenad/7 rooms and good ban..
,oolllsemersiol , „lids. and Lot onflhedleld. mule
ill diva street. 111egbarr Orr. Lot S. ey 1 2
lest: boon treseeveoststas tea: fire seems sad ,
'goad ethers water end gas. also, soma slord.k.
ycrtises and Lots lo good loestion, Inquire old.
ming a CO., Beaver street. new
FOB fi - .very dextral:oe
threa.aary 8R10N.,1101.181%.
:praised gala trona toacbla..akantlac gas an 3,
water throughaat: !magi einktalai .vez meta
aadtalated garret,ll. al 'ILI!. gratzT, taw
slat 4 Paamaoulan Mak.Avett Ist.,
.seal. nail,* as the aotise.
[TeCIR ri.ALE-1101isHES.—AT
HOWAILDIII - I.lnry 'ad ed• SUMLN ...
i:SA• I'AXILY HORSE taw); ihrt. Lt.rria
m= goguill, ~ ..L LAILEti _DRAW=
uomatt Uwe. injuxi mum; 1.0 ogler
MAIMS. Futsr_enart.n.iuur i.....“..
ilarilorseaboulli =dada ipa tw3D:I3,IW[UnL. -
TOR RlLE—une ipiIiRLIGE. •
• sail:loga At oaik kir tors twins; init Two-;
HO/in WABON: - *lad's. 'disable .. of
,Nl9* oUxl7 fiero. 'UMW* 14 the P 21117501,
• .
To vser.HTvvo'fVoTe.itcroms lin
seminilldlagi Cilia &Toni., near IltdweU
triet, dilieseny. lwfih. dvkillsgs
mini Ina., likalinoin !sui gas. LocatlT gc..4
istalpsboe &Wm Alm
.axne baltdlogi. fbur moms. suitable for !mall
:42•11y.7 , "Aypit 'it - liter or irnassan yam,
. . . . •
RP! 4 1 9 I Wfmr-• ,- • •
united, inienuallenii eenindi innY.ldda. .• • . "
3othteganproneneil them Is tsa Anna, land;
Indepadenipey Itekinitemee pannid nays,
leillatonepeogrealdoit, lieu...ate end dun •
so/land sad teltienland , e 7.1.2: boasting aid.
'vendeland nt4 pi/!Aid., L ion dims In tin
, nrinenntind all eakotoeu sootokor they seed.
The Polak at out action. the JoyDr oar
mean thee keep nkilaietbeen we sleeping,
.1144 FlokqytoY,VPAlk
Endineeinos the eallreed; rive..or geld. • .
.11A7 an lawman cflf.end• nienneni:den . ,
• saga
i Wien nnninads.,ndeid then. Inifertng Wt
;it'sentillßbe ennitrinied let - ron altaidi' • ,
-,Thimeseneert,.the bonnet% seetinate - ind 411.:
!Cell Olen 5111 For Neltddr.,!prlng, tanner end
Amnon the eameinsien the oaten tint inintein;
'SF* ,
One Annaldin klineneltb dean wortittent uno,
: tall In at
IlegitATt. , mu .loomi In'
r--.. ..toteetrii, dilated on mads.
TIM prepFl44 tem pte!the, Ikeree,',
the eeekstlietete of the, ee)etratod IttnerstWao
ter, lad Is Irigt ly tteauesselideel t.trelere.
)thietoperUee crettlelitedtestsayieertheatliels:. -
Indus . '
taw lapoirident a mtat at.imbit•
epethllrie . ,ratee"Weler.
thereftedthd.blr eF-l'or•' ll, 4 4 rd
,C1111X11100.31',A11.513 1 1. 1 6. •
:Ige Atereetheeth preeportles c$ Ititht Us d .
etegtht preptratioa . pre reththid to the Wariest
- elebeets ttegranttlietiele.'preeaelog
"I talent epethithiceireeeeleessoilatt teseerre.:
the Savor as • oat stable taltho,PrePOL •,
SEIDL= rowptit3.-_-,
, . .. . . . . .
Tbliipo.mrottaulieltriiimiriiiviooiriirieed for ' .
}W*PRlkitlrPe . A5i...1:1P.M.014P ill .thi'i!
qa..,111.1‘.1 51, tb eVepr,tett . 15010*t4ein .4:',
Gemini:. -ilaosrtiii!rablezkidli.bis...
diessift tip • 1...2440* 10 .“ 1 ".;: ..4 " ., ''
im!.su 114....P1a eytti otnallair r pm.porkra , li.."
Hi iCiled lit yeti( Anatolie lor eases or,.
hililtbir :". iSiiilliWiieldlEr a
1," ~, Stall*. Err ai ft.
totkitinineat or sINFACM 0." I' 0 • 4
:i• lispoited Ca1"..14 Writrt loilarvow, -
: idlifilittbaida Sid fradirnuet.. ,, c .•,, , ... ~ ,-
.. .. ,
- -
: Ualc~~•.?sl ..
'cos. maim-m*4k Ciiikiltrsati;
0 t•4': ,