rE flittbutO Gay& LITERARY NOTES —Recently the Cincinnati police, icing instructed to Eappress the sale of im— moral publlontons, and to conduits all rar.h u they should find exposed for eel; discovered during their raid en a certain shop some photographs of the Appollo Belvidere and of the Venus di *edict. Them . Were actually seized upon and confiscated as prurient and ha modest. Oar American people generally can be dlvided into two clusea,whick can both biappropriately named by dividing between them the name ; which Mr. Charles Heade so sharply applied to the Bound Tsars, viz : Brilliants and Prides: The former scoff at decency the latter do not know what decency b. To re dna thaw both to a happy medium, to teach shun to appreciate the difference between a Vents of Correggie or Titian, aid an indecent picture. in a Pollee Cis. v.ette, is to be the rugged work of the cultured few who form the exceptions to tie two above named claws. The founding of galleries of good pictures 'aid natality will do much towards this sad, bat sot all, for siren in Mulch, the hears of artists, .the I false modesty of Visitors to the galleries hu forced the Illournment to grant to the masterpieces of ancient and modern art contained is the GlYpiothek, the alight corning of the .only garment known to have been fashioned by divine haids, copied in tin, and ugly enough to dleligare the Fawn of Alheas or, the Venus of the Capitol liethlog isamoral was ever created, sad the -Mum farm copied, tither with chisel or brush, by Heaven Inspired Genius, can only tend impurity and not to vitiate the minds and tastes of the be holders. If this truth were impressed en the minds of all, It should go far to teach the lesson which is needed so mach by many, among others the pollee of the Queen City. - -The author of "Cometh up as a Flower" has written a new novel with an almost equally absurd name. "The troth, the whole truth, and nothing bat the truth," and his nothing but a fiction sfterall —"All for Greed," the sew navel by the. Baroness Blaze de Buy, which is now numing in "Bt. Paula," u a serial . is shortly to be published in two Tel- • ' —"Lut Leaves; Sketches and CnU. dun," Is the title of a posthumous volume by Alexander Smith, which is being mow published In England. —A. now edition of Robert Brawnier& =AS Is being published In London. miliaria volume contains "Pauline," "Parscalsns" and "Strafford." - —Florida, the Stonewall Brigade, is the name eta niw romance by General Lee, in the Southern Hams Jamul, published in Baltimore. —knew printing club is proposed is London, which Cull translate and pub lish the best stories, old and new, of foreign literature.. —Mr. *oraley's incomplete trans lation of the "Iliad" in Spenanvin Manua is to-be finished by Pro. Con ningtom —Hepwoitk " Dixon's •'Spiritual Wives" has ruched a third edition in Engiand, which is more than it dolmen —A. posthumous TOhl/De by the late Maximilian, entitled "My first Wander ings," in Soon to be ready. —Mr. titadatone'a work on "Greece .and Phceneela" 13 nearly ready for pab• Bastion. —"Os the Wins" Is a new book about the late Arch Doke hfaxlmillaa, of Austria. .—Dora is the name of a -new noTel which NW Sidle Kavanagh Is soon to publish. —"Only Temper is the like of a new noTal now in prem. Mrs H. Newby Is author. —Mrs Yelreton Ands appreciative audiences for her readings down Borah, —L Mr. Hobert Brown la migrated oa. a k iatcaveeogriplfrif Greenland." GLEANINGS, . —Trichina prerralls In Michigan. . —Mrs. Gottise, - aged 109 years, died recently at Elckspro, —Geoige Toplej, thn English pedes trian, bas arrived in America. — . The great Methodist preacher Mor ley runshon Is corning to America. —A druggist Is on trial la New York far polioning a woman throaghcarelear item • --043 has a pepuladon of 68 to the square mile; Yeassehesetts, 169; New . Yolk 83: —Covering walls and (*Map ith shavings from wood instead of paper is the latest novelty. ' - —An ambitious youth in ldichigaa failed to chop off. his own head with -a hatchet. Not a difficult feat in polltlis. 111., Is called the mother of Governors, having Varnished that lbm monwesith with their Chief Ezeentinn —St. Pard,illon., is the rat Ada mart of the world- 80,000 of the inteoblerroas littla mimes were killed for their hides lad year. —The Chicago water-works have cost nearly three millions of doLan, and the Water le not entrsordloary to quality —Twelve thousand eight hundred and iewestrseven hogs were killed =dewed at null tows awned .Connarssille, is Wks', this season. —An Ohio statistician estimates that • few years hence New York, Yennsyl- Tanis, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois add NU semi will each contain flee million in habitants: - —lt is considered politeness for young gentlemen to lin and carry the trail of ladles when the sweet creator's QM a sauddy thoroughfare. Fashion makes slayeaof us female fraud, representing has& to be worth a cool million of dollars, has keen playing the confidence game in In dianapolis, taking m and doing for a T number of shrewd meribants. —L poor woman, with want pictured la her face, and a little edition of the muyieort resting ocher atm, went ftdm door to door. in Bridgeport, Ct., with tearful, prayerful eyes, asking alma from ~.the charitable. She wanted, If possible, to collect money enough to Limo the • tweet little baby's photograph taken. 'Very aid. VUI)E :Sit - D LABOR, - - :-England Imports eight million lin. of to sosmally. _. -.A new plow factory lambs= started - -In Charleston, LL . , —The cotton mills at Wactliint, Mau., '.began to run on fall time on Ifondsy btL- - .- - 11onsly 300 mann Uctorlai and work nlval were put up in Now York city in Ou, =The Boatel:Citric& Company,. whose mills are in Palmer, Mau, have declared a S'per cent; dividend, —Alter a brief suspension, the Belle fonte (Centre county, PLO glass works have renurusl operations. —Co-operative cog companies ire 'amonsr the most •thriving assosistionsin New 'fork and Brooklyn. • -One of the formals of then Theme Iron Works, near Eason; pa, yielded _ 9.51 Willa- pig iron In one week's opera- —g,wrganotthe journeymen tailors° Philadelphia am on ■ strike upon a die pigs about gages with same of their sm. - —The Onetseille (Coon.) l!daMactur ing Company, lately running stunt, are now-iroduchig cotton goods to their tall .liitnflrede etpeopie -in Whatelege minty, Pile_ , *regains into lion grow ta,end VailliCall of p01,5./"TO bees eat winter. • __ —The Allerton Iroti Worksat Wangs. tuck, Conn., are tosiiufacturing rAttem • tire.enfdnee - of great rapidly' ' and superior workmanship. the hat trade, the New Yorkßal- Jetts, 2..t.1 knit, toys: "There is but little -vitiation in prices in. the wholeesla hat 'trod* at present. Jobberibuy only. to supply demand. Prices =de loser than • is mud at this season of the year." 1,1 :A:, Or* COVOIL A COLD. On • SO& TRUOLT mono tossmUssa at, tattles. d should be *oda& if stbrodt to COIIIMARIN • irrtr Atattos or tk. Lox go, "%MSS Dial.... or ohlponotles. BROWN'S BRONCRLIL TROCHES R. 1.. divert !armee to Um par% Kr , * t.t . =relate ratteL Tar thrriehMa h•l= Catarrh, Carasturpatra sod . D.•••••• • Trochar ass oral Ida stair. 1,..1 w ill:Zs:wad PubUs MgrltArs am Limn 01. oernigraV BiONC.2I/.. 7100- rants.,• , .sad ao: Wpm of of Lito IraannELast sh • 3157 to tff.arent, ...nhda? entb En annum. farms. muumuu. & co., BOILER MAKERS IRON WORKS. lon SO, S 2, SI and 4f Penn et. farm **maid I largt 71M1 sad farniabod with Um thmisinfrCnrsd losebtaary. vs an =a hared Le atotalactaxe every doweriptlas of WWI - Is the bsirtanater, and wszrutal thud to say =ads la I= =sultry. Cblarasys. Breath las. lb. Beds. BLUM 1b... tra, Ocrattausts. eat Fa.. T. 116 011 Lemon. annum Pam Bona Ista. Musts. brat Taus. tads.= rillleaCtikiM of BLUM- =2=E=IM!=BM=I ggrItOBLIFION, EtE.A. & CO., 1311=111 WV SO RO3CItSOS. MINIS a 111=;.11.1 WASHINGTON WORKS, Ilitilsbumb Vannfaccusers of Boat and Ma!loamy Stem =dilate. Blasi Sulam /OW lasciltery, Gear- Ins,'lThaftlaa. °saunas of an dascrivtleam:ol.l hats and Banta Bother and Stoat Iron Work. Mkt, No. If aortae First and dialstiald eta. Cragaata mr (111,7a3113 , 5 PATINT Ea. =CMOS Cr MAU. balms. r'LLRE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL a SIIELTIRICWOMIL 'PIRA IdeCURDY di CO.; ilasarselsirers of an.esbtba Mull =gil t !Dormer. Pressed Calmer Bo Scums, livelier bolder. Wo. idivor ten eau [hell... la Mauls, 71a Plats. Paton Min. Wire, Calistsalle on bond KILLSInat and Toole. Waraboxiso. 140 PINdT BriLYJST 1.50 SS.OuND brMarr, rittsbaratt.. :..yeeisl orders of 0.0 p., MS 00.01 der‘rde Petters. Isirlevidertreer tgriII&NUCKIID MUD TOE TIQ os or I . ol77llnnvemt le hat w ilgr arutml. rt.4l , FlZ , olt , lt 1;84%11 Lez....arzlx.,:ene e .4 . 11. M eeraleler waist ve.. , Itte veneer... etteletee. ISaWl SaW g*: react eeeorttee te the ittnet , ees (-Mee Sr. very slap, n (au , . se It. at am bad. lox •-• pi. azure. ) Fellers Is Inpresib'e. be 4 ie .tti. 114, roar .pou t. am, ter he. 1, bad OW, a the We re anal le 7a.rICS. b. IiZZITZES. Ileeatte Ave fe21.:85-1,1 itgErPHILOROPEtIf :OF MAR. HILO Z, a New Celine et istnaree. es &Marva at tle New leek Maeda er eadweeleg tie land.... New. U.S sad watt dNee flat Taste , au - lane dad Ord are; Med ed weeevalr reviewed; tbe MS.6 Of jadllgen UP* UZI/ea. sad wernaw y • 0 I 01Sider eweasesed ratlnadd idadlel. 4ta lerket grelaweeteattaaated tares /witente will Se anwarded runlet easodele ateted.a. ne• dein of War thialde. it salressleg: 31.0115. 2.M. Wow Tart worms et daeteety_sed Mi ele. 813 Ismadway. New lard. fillhairriTlLM isirqvizroir A. scorr, • • DENTIST, O. 118 ` PRAW STREET, laraitalllAGE AND CELIELIk• 0 t• XiS•T 101. bt•st en the erteu et loattmelle. tlks DI•CASICe aml ague O. welloit tint. teped.betta Mali. au M RIAU& witb van sex. Of ...Het. Uaa la alai emsler.44 flat et YsKa. AMU., Do. J. 11111.1.411 kIOU.PITOZ, ROVMTO 21.11sdandils. Y.. ts.t,,kaF lotier,0:1:1 SPECLLL NOTICE, To Purchasers of Golhlug. CRAY & LOGAN, 47 St. Clair Street. Co ord. to door oat thate stai larva smart mat or Boys', Youth's and Children's, A.r. sow ~i... «e .nw ar,. m•ael,v.m Y•Hna.enC,tnrJ.T• arBIABOIC RLLL. ELLYEI' NIGHTS ONLY. COUIRIIGIRRIAT 1U lIIG, /thug Uti, LOGRENIA, the Royal f Quinn r, wiuots union, vex» a MAINE) lllehlt, • Lae. WPITE She • I'4eattEYll)lo hlnel All 0.23. 100 VILIIIBLN AJD uaarra. Plll6lllll Will dlumbsied he the andleaeezet the °l tt e rth h e ..d.t7.121 , 0. DAT. km • he erect"- .r Ls4tes sad htell.itt Levy atilt teh.lve • • re , :ext. Plltt/he or AD it ado:I. •.... .. , Ts . 1 let le. , ...steiton. 'I ..11rhenl• • ICILIta, ler Mtn te , 7 10 rents. D,oreop•a ate Whoa: eJumeskee • el oat -• I TtaD,..e. feint. P. P. - Itau•rtr 1.1. /CA. tlelL As'. • ash CM afreixToiluezia ACAIDt.MY OF MUSIC. 1 7014 MINT! ONLY . ENGLISH OPERA, CALKEINATII if RICIIINGS ()PERI COPANY. 1 / Caroline, WOhlogs ectrtss. IC. CI, D51T6411..j........, f•ve es; litre:lor. =EMS I= 7 Its fllowvatiottl. .01 , ....417tf 7. HlC6rBbs, Mr. W. CAVI V. Wt. M. BIOIMX. Mr. b. C. MPPAI. Mn. J , LD. rr. PI ABE BAr:b A MD Mira 0.8E40044/, Mr. P. ax. , .ut Mr, rz•tzs, B. Wi Mr. J, •. AktIOLD, Mr. T reALES, v 7 r.e•ted by Morns of Yana" - and Friel TrireDAY Merl:DM, leeneh 34 the iti be Isasetteted wlth .111.0100 . • Itihne up ere . _ 011111THA. Can:firet. Mite. P••lt.a. 111.1 we4lsa•ld WA Z. /wpm Ix thecae. WED:MEW* EVEEI-tat, Vrallsce'stmatl 4.IIITANA. 7k/UIUIO4.Y.IITZNiIf LA•IIOMIAWBELC TRMAT ZVFNIY.O. larch nistto them.. • 13.,..1111.rf MI. U. It14:11a03. EIOI)EMIAN GIRL, WITII A qacav AM! NOLL COM Box *boot 110.0•3 40•01%W00r54 Santo will lost 0p..• oo Towle,* tenor. Weblittr• Sib, so V. . lledor • stop. St Wood siowt, Sod 20101.101 tows dorlog ltd iteatoot Paten Or ..400110005.-Panittetto Pod Dreg, , Irow. One L•dotT; swatsiwaa 234 aitr•. 0•1.417. IA wont. ' .trif. ELY le IL ILK &N. Tram., RrELASCIOIC TIALU =1 MIII4 CLARA BARTON, RR THE 8714Enr CF THECHARITY FaiD, C. A. R., icmce—qounisis Cl Ar Y 7 Lars. Monday Moontny, Narott 2d. klEtts Fite •t C. C. Mellor'. as Ham Snake • etaetl t r•. Kanto biting. Doors *ova sl.:t o ,