~» ctt . . Sri I Wandsred amity ace,. guei fear's gentle frame White& gear awastl7 Siowea. Sea glas;e4 Shaman Wilma - 1 Iran- mar, . sod AO= :,emnik I':ed 111/117 to aft the gala Weenie gym poor lreartt •tetWild stimuli beret to mace ihs wild•red love It bare mi. /AU ias.l4ol tbrilled the soma of heniter bail taws (Oita liagesineea. to daps t - Agrainseaska all - mat blur. e..ea a m • litlillointiedniy cruel wounds; a villa play Of laeOVit la mine. a dear delicious calm; Tar f Mys seen the late light awmily Milne TRIM ber brig/Mayes were &rambling Into —Putruu:Ve NEWS FROM ABROAD. .-;4ldrty deaths per diem is the horrid nand of Ufa cholera in St. Dombgo —Playa with English titles are now gmitiog largely at Paris theatres, and amen to be popular:enough. The new Record building in London a wad- to be the only absolutelY -dre -proof structure in England. =The Merchants' and Consuuncita Banks of Montreal bare amalgamated, sad are hereafter to be known as the Mackants' Bank of Canada. . Cu)- Hogan, one of the most li brarian of German historians, is dead. /lithe time of his demise be was . Pro gram of History at the - University of Bane. - bollin down of meat for ex. imitation basro = me a 'eery Important iguteh . of d i yell trade, and-bids 04r to bwmn ,, the most imoortanthsfoie ten' bug. v .- - -;-Ttue Suez Canal is to be tbsisheein 1161. The iotal coat. Will be V 17,000,009. Several :steam navigation 'wwnpanies are already negotiating for boulinge at Port Said. • ntermadlie shipping Great Britain at the bead of the list, rating 7.000,• 000 toga America follows with 6,000,-: 1:100 tons. Germany is third and Prance 'Coma ap slowly a bad fourth. —Theident Catad and his Cabinet MTV tied from St. Domingo to Vette ' sued& What a blessing it would be if a =Win other President and part of his Cohinet would follow President CabraL the 10th of Fehmary the Crown ;Anew of Frauds presented her peo ple, that .are to be, with a line healthy Prism. The family of the Primness is already nearly as large as that of her ingest mother. —Leaden has at last to enemnab to the pregame for stmetrallwaya Like every other,AMatican idea, this oae has first ' lean booted at, then. attributed to the inventive brain of some Englishman, srui ablest adopted. Tondos-is tired of having the liege droves of. Dutch cattle parading she streets., sad is about to have a foreign catlis market located besides the `Thames, where they can be sold iaune &Milky on importation. • - - —A London tailor who has surchased the right of calling himself Court tailor scythe Prince of Wales, ha's given notice that he will make clothes for no man who does not belong to a family of posm tins er Minding in the country, —ln America, champagne is cider. ,Inailngland, champagne Is. gooseberry urine. At slate grand ball given by the Zayor of Liverpool, ninety-seven dozen of this delectable field dimppeared down th e throats of happy EngliAmAn. 1107 the . paupers of England and exclusive of Mead° poor, and Miens* increased 80,883, and the lag. lisle journals think that the present state of that country gives icasons for eipect. lag a still further Increase this year. young girls were recently brought before the ,Staffordshire assizes, who couldneither reed nor write, bad setter heathy( either God or the Bible, and had never been at echodi or eimpeL They were scullions on bosid of meal Hodgkin; an English member of .I"aribment, has made a speech ridi culing thet.,Paa,AstirAmi Conveutios. and parldadarly the ides of-umiting Anurrican Bishops to 'mist in it. The Bontriable =ember is letting bin spite .it ta enrj of things Americas carry him 'Ant of ids depth. I —Tbs new flag of the German Con fadetatton Is rather oblong in shape and ku a white ground with a black _erns which divide.' It pito four equal .parta. .Three of these parts are white; the fourth being the upper left hand corner, is striped with red. The arms of the bison ems do not unit* m theointre, but .aiolean a rotted white .medallion in thtt centre at-which is the-blackesgie of —The isuocantile marine of Italy is ressarksbly diminutive In comparison to that of other countries. in spite of a line stretch et 'ma coast' mid good bai bora, there is no perceptible advance in th lB _ . M. 1 41233 - France , England and AUSIVA are the largest canteen Of her prodnotly and do most of her carrying. Railings are liter twine rapidly coal pleded, vie& will develop Large tracts of country heretcifire only accessible by tedious journeys from the sea Coast; The Pope: bas refined to render Ake' coin of tan Mates of the Church nimilar to that of tha surrounding kicgdom, and mask isonsto =ion L the natters]. ,- Teitat. Italy Is eyidently not let s Isna - - IVS' TEMS; • =A. cltizeitof Cherokee =MY, Tex . as, says -3a letter to the IloustoriZar md. "The freedmen of this county are rtiPtegall7 isdultrionsi Th e whiles ix* at work ' and economi zing. whiles Many are 'sensing • and giving in marriage, slid . semi determined to replenish the earth, In obedience to the-divine allot. The limmais this comfy will' plant but - .little' cotton this year, turning _their at 'tenth= to the producing - of the cereals, 'milting hogs, horses, etc. . Cherokee - • minty presents an inviting field for ins migaints this mai . , Com ii, selling at Ode, potato' at 25c, pork at sc, and - :giber prevlsions • isi• Proportion: The bast land tuaimproied maim bought on accmumviating terms,- at from one to Vire" dopers per acre, and, improved ilmaim it from two to six dollars per ease; and plenty of farms to rent for the pier- 15611, to zooid industrious white --Raw ditaLay baa a =lwo who, arm Imre ago; commenced taming white aad bu =tinned ao 4olng ever elem. - -Himesas to heti perfect health; tut the - blae.k skin shrivels up sad drops off, leeeliwnwhite dear ose below t More t- - - blutiono-half of hit body is now corer -1;1 ed with s skin , seek Ell, lbr COCK And rdelf1)11.11fly whits man might be proud -111,30 r. W. Pierce, a •gantleman Who #ll4Ollll time and hie vats be ,petal laWilaimin and Alabama, Is demi biti•la Present; to the writinc articles urging the whole - sont&erii pop lailloto;vith white ihins, - to eirognue to ~11ily he picks ontAlmi par ticolaileire of territory we don'i Imo*, Aster it ie lwitanse as one else overdid. : ate ri4putoied, exam!, 0 47 Isl folltriclog • Tt thiiiiihoald meet ihe rii.Ugtll - a ;date; he le ctrnaltly - requested ;:.to :Wm tolds home _ in= Ohio, tumuli. . Alien the "culottes or a din. traimiliwodlyz . . - los good piece to invest sue_atirA, 'nOW, - Prsetiotal /IWRgr:1 1 111 1 / . 3)oze: grathsekt Eo 'upscirtlf. - - beau ofpattialsc Tata. lintoldairivilye/LI/4, sold for Ave ante All .v•rini k 64„icado Ito wis WY tratialaiiith , zr 4.z=4lloll#ltranidoia:paltos stations 1120 L - C 4 :llo&&"ingki bait SIM ( ion sinitisal, f'-' - 41 11 1 1164. 0.11111 1 10ret aria asout,iard ill on iccovitt ;.„ (e) :4: re-A-.4nouazu. A COLD. OR -A SORE THEOLS ratty. beseeditte et aidat..aisel amid Of !Skated. tf Wand zo • Irritant= or the Lust. Parsatuawat Tkroat Dtmoaaaoar taaaaaaaptaaa, =C=2l BROWNS BRONCHIAL TROCHES Hawn a dims laanseiv to ma q . t . /rive waists et.. Woe Brouelll Atelt 3 Catarrh, Comma. ptSvs wet Masao., Troths. as %sea mei awns lggcors_l!sel .tam Owen Cary WiSiines JasoaCslAl.. Tito. mum i n said as n set tan ass of US WOrillrass LICITK ta tan as ps COLD E.111.11•11M. arISOCEIRT., • MEMM , (Irma Ilimpantity dm data . ) . , MOM CFEitat. • . • BMW LEVEE, Prop•rtlea.-21aLe *dor ti •troas. dits•tv• •nd soommtiat:wolasttc. they testa bicl•7lo. sal Loslarota to mint. • • ' • Prop•rtle• amid In.. —Beetle ItsieS are jetty stlaudast, mitls • pecoxibtr tea. dens tgtheOrteertp.yere,peodnWidiere ete. OM lite other slcallar uottletaii, ezettlag They are Oren ti eolahlatats of Ik. Urban Onans, nth as Greve!. Clank Catarrh of the Diann. Morbid Irritation of the Bladder aad Urethra. Disease of Dia Pro.taie aad Botaattoa or laeouUneitee of Cris., hoar a loss of ton la t►eyarteeoarerpw la Damnation. Moran ear baii also Inn ravonateridad m DISIMP3II. Chrons fUndatatlina, Cannon A/cotton sad Mahn. STISSOLD'OirtiLICT Barra la See ' , l Pa ean. Tres sat ages et 1. Milk an/ ems S or le als Ye or aurae of lifer after tames ae Leber reins; red wetiirg la dal ermt. - in AlCostroms Poemnee to rosmotto..trus Faxtrom Butts Is mmiuslool by aty akar m.- 0.. so Cbtorosis or Notentlon. Insindmitt. Pala raCr ..... tlopprea.lot of customary Zs.. no boos, illtsrotos ot lohlrrous SIAM or tau Utuars. Lem:moots or Unitas. ...... et the Dieddth. Nigne,Th. Grans' sad Dravateal sthrejlinga-Tele medic:, a Increases De pow, of Digest on. and excite. the sothrbents into healtbr.scUott ti ...lea the Watery or Wrest coos depotattnas. std N.ll Uaastarst galarstunenie are tateced. Y tell es rata ba l e ethaxistlon. fletnre Sargent Dacha bas en - red scary nue Of distinct/ le Width it Bit bate latitatiOn of the Hera of the Madder and influttestins of Hie %Mere. 171thratisa cf the Aldneys sad Bladder. Setrattoa of Witch D emu of the Prostate *dead, litthe la the Elwood, esker.. Drexel, Ilea din Depthli. anti to or Math Discliergas, tad fir ash, bled sea Holies.. pyigutp,.., or hoth heath. Mamended wilt tie following symlitioins emo:, to Exertion. Loss id owar. Lots of demon . g. or Broathieg, Weak Penes. reth.diag. Horror of Disease, Detonates.. Dpesess of Vision. Pala in the Huth. Hot thds. glesbing or itte Bogy. times of Sae Hata Ernott•• on the Taxa Paild Ceentopture, Hnirersal Laasnade of the Donal. lagetch.a.c. EEIMEOLEVILTZLOT • nen 18 . BETIO AID SLOOD-PIIIIIETINO, And cares nil Ineesser &Haler from Habits of Laselpstion. - Excesath Ltd imprudence it laperitise cif the Blood., c . , seinen °apatite in &fictions for whiell lilt We. sataulloaardut. Blau orlon Ealadleg. tad bridal= hifectleaw-la th these diseoses ' • nth 4 in thaeithe with EAU WADI. CZEI HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND URRIRIOLL WALRHOUBR, I= Andhy Dragalstairraywhers. • AiSE.IOII ANUS/LES NO masa EZW/LBE 07 COVETZILVICITS. almw7 NEW PERIT4E FOR THE HINDKEICHIEF Blosavaug Camas. •- , Mii`o .rilgiat Blooming Bemoan Phalan , * ••Night Blowouts.' Cerra& Phalan.* "Night . Birettas Cams. PI•I.,INV• 4 .filgit 13laming Celrims., A mod szphiti, delicate, and Pracnot PerfascA Wed Sou tL rant sal bamatol limo. free whieb it takes lb num Xostbudareil ably by • pHALe:(t SON. New Taft. =WARS 0? COCITTERZETSEL An: FOR SALON'S -TARS NO OM= inr•isvitt. BARNWLL & BOILER MAKERS •ND SHEET AWN WORKERS; Nos. 20, 22, $4. and 2111 Pain itaelna. accrued aI. Taal a3A tand.a. , It ortta tta lases approvea staablzaT.vn air eta. pared to ataaataetala ovary deecalialaa arßao• en In the beat aaataer," Mal war/sated maul La Lama& La We amain. Cklalnan. EIVOCM Wt. Ilea Battu Maus Mau. Loaaaaales are. Cdad nears. Pais rata, Taal% OIL Wile. LiOatara, aattllag Pau. Bolles boa. 21elaam. saw racer. ar.d sofa sastarsatasses of ELLIN. IfiLL3PAT2LWZ BOILVES. itaralrlxe doaa o 3 the +UMW =Us. /anal MrEOBINSON, REA & CO, irelemss arz w 'EOWEIKIr: & Yl* e. WASHINGTON W(1143113,- ravaadera and Zaalanalasaailiaiallala! 31astarraszara of Bast sad laatlamasa Dacca adalnes, Elan Zaglats. Racilaart. Gear. tag. Us/Max. Cutup of all daacrlytiass; Ott nate and atilla. Dollar sad Sawn I=aa Wart. o.2ce: Ra.llloacier ateslaad dirlarnta tar atrnueDni TATIatT I. ITCTCaI On foot= beam; - Una= FLARE 1111:1PEBIOlt COPPER MILL a. IMEtTINEIVOUL MIX McCITADT M. iliailictaceses of Ciessala Briclits. sidle d& CiA i sUo atZcra msresi ils. a tt Masai lWri Airs . Chen L=rs SW Au. Isel Mss, its Constantly.. bud ilnigsre• YL ecn n al Mi l liV- 4 77MitSZTPIttsistrch. "" act!in of SANK. cis so tar Antis. r:=lJ - ItartriIIIIIIME AND CELIBA. Areas 4=4"..lyc j ll T °Wifrllion: sus WAWA moods tospltlMesom to *AA. MAMA. with sum Imam rALIALImt Is masa morokomA oi Msrms. Alamo Dr. J. WM/LIN 710onlirrOd, Bomar. As/w -isdom- Tbilsaadolda. P.. SodlokAl - RrizuprmL.6corr, T-DEIN - T/8 1 A dro.ripovlr STREET, .- _ . 1nk13.111 ITITIMURGH. . ~,r: SPrOWILL NOTICE, To Turehasers. of Clothing. .CRAY dc: LOGAN, 47; At:: Clair.-Street, la ordar In class oat, Lagar ally lafts waif !IOW; Tanhos aid filldres'a C3.7_•CITZ'33 1'4T4131-, Ana now affarlas rep u DiClinD DAS. BMW EMITS --FOB $5.001 aCharpiaita aqultikrar; s ! on*.y &Loam', ' 47 SG ands Blummil. WEVIC6.I . 1:600D8... E - 110IIBTON it 00., • Fachlonable Merchant Taller% . • 10:07 raw muss, Am Jut nerivol •• secoull anti ac • ,Sitintst Coatings, — ofri7GUrliaira, Eti = 1;2 A 1 , 11 Duni, eats* mad Bon MILADY X11)11 CUMMINS on toad. a; prises -to wll IND slam. IikItirCAINDLE• Merchant Tailor, 14; Si.. Mbar" INp~eamw~a9}a b$ da IMMO, YESTINOS, 40, ENIUMFAI NIIHMINIGVS, • , . azirri CL022112t .- :ILIUM TO own. a MERCHANT TAILORS. 'JUNE* & DUFF , vi.p--1.,2 Ire 6 :1'117: M wWULZiAIM Irnintir trap. tros tie east* fall_ Jana, or WAR Eleaaut,, OVAROWL2I.III*a. .V141.1.41.1.*•=7,rwm toe n ma nal* Owl. 'They attesalsed lo amino salltfat '" tonally* a Want lawn am • - swans. • PLO .1:-14-4 1 0 0E1:4 I *it n •tiv? UnkCIF.../N 4 C (4sr ffvij aK riLa , AlitiestifirtiSVlCOlidela ONIMINh MgZiiaa IPM.W W •i#9, 4 9!! tam reSkOter CMS= 114.L001f stbahmt. ; MAlNlFiettliat, - ,6 ? , 4 462 " iomai Aoattag ran" mairowArerrommitotrolum DRY GOOD% MM3MTE/13 _ NEW GOODS! GIIZAP GOODS! NICRUM, RUB & CO'S. lira have lost f•CA•VO• a Ise ars Mines, of on Loofa la oar Ins, sun ss COTTON 11011IEBY, 11111CZIE0 HOStilltY, =I 1:1=3:=!= Burro.ms s Tztr.mrifirsras IN !DENT'S AND LADIES , trZerPZINII.VI73.46. Nap 1 0 6 ;igeTetre e .P. n erm i retil?Ar e & d or e=". We LlskelrNdr , D.. for Ladles, that's . N.Ctllldregi; Lau gmdke . reraler , or all klrldi. Morrie*rt , z mar Start.; NsDiroot Victor /6 Las, Mara Clumbt ate. lao tcorl 3hroams, Dilfartult slsei and beautiful pattern/. OUR LINE OF• KID GLOVES WILL Daly COMPETITION • vz LITE r 11181111N3 In ma 'The new DIARY nit/lier= COLLAR to et tome tot . .• Q air w iaolessle DuJan will do wall to ;Ws us MACRI7II,. GLYDE CO.'S, TS & 80 Market Bt. f•X• NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS JIWT-ISZCZI77I) BI JOS. HORNE if CO. RA1171086 XDBIREI2I t LIOZWITNEII: Vll4Vr' . • tilLi AND RIILLtOri SKINS'S: OOLUISSD VELVET XIDEOId t, all width. ant Wadies: TEL cliA...szror TIE, wraettlaz say. for Ladles. ' A LARDS LOT OF [WS 111 HILSHICIII 1111111Clilli T 177 A full lbw of all Wades and rises ALENANDBEtS lUD GLOVES; TAISSELIIO XID (11.4/723.. hole. wart:owe of 711 ti 78130/1 FLOWERS. BRIDAL 11111.1.1 WES, to. 714.,CALLZBHATII) Bismarck Paper Coilire, For 'Wish lira are We WholesaleAgnate. Also. Wit , ••4 for MlsT oortal . TAN auIIiSITTOBIZ Maytag, so Ire Ss, r irelbtivaly for sash. owes. hear auyerlor lahusameras to sub buyers. WHOLESALE 111101113_IP STAIRS. 77 Sad 711 Markel atria; SPECIAL IMPORTATION I SPLCUL IMPORTATION! SPECIAL IMPORTATION! Oar P1L.1.416Xs i5.A.03:11115 I CO IP JOST ItiCILIVID I= =I =I MaiTHALS, morrow" lIANDELESCEILEFII, COLLARS, &e., ' SKIES BEMIKABLY LOW 1 SlirLanes shocld not delay their selection tbs stock Is broken. MACRUM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street. Now Goons Jt7s 1.21:113VED..AT J. IL BMICEITEMLD & CO.'S, de. 117 ILAILNULT =nil?, BLE4CI3EDIMUSLIXI4 CALICOES AND CRASH, 1311 . 11111 LOCK. 01 GOODS 01.80119=1: 1 04211. COMM", • To luta roan for czteadlzig the Sion Boos Loot.. I Jai No. ST Market Street. 1868. FEBM74". 1868. LIBUMNOT, HUHN &130., WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, - No. 113 Wood St., Pitisburith zi7 . 7•••Laseic arini frivox, nitusa L 3611111 PllllBll RUMS 111311; llosolussa dead*, to .1.140 n .p. sag om ornate. 'booth: cai, at • Na. WI WOOD . 1111 DOW. DIIRAIBOB•Jr. HECKERT. 97 EUtA Street. Fine 'Furs for Holiday histlda ==3 111013D0395 WWI SIELIDF. An nos a 7AJCX JZWZLt2. WOOL • //MO lIIDERSASSIIIII. lID Gnaw. nisnannacurrs. noaum. Arai vourrs msf Boor Burrs. /AMOY ?AIL atl tnr o gtoXls at redatad la War to C ua tel e r ARDur .oa. oars tsca s . l ) 6? " watmrsius DIALKX6 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DITOOOII. No. 94 WOOD NTSILET, curd tom strays latasma nrnusustat. FL RzuovAL., ORIAI Ulf AT CUT! .I=faaat al MtallOAL tOnsuictsris h saw maws: LiallralfAMN: l Wawa. 11111, aa4 litzta maraca, Asa Ina at au moan 'toot al, P 4117 War 1.4141 JOHN la LIMN Oa:ULM No. saisaiumanejt. CHEAPEST PLACE LH THE . arn so surras TRIUMPH COOllllO STOVE, = - ROBERT ABTBOIIB, • • Atiorrairtaxranr, 1"."111 ... /01711M1r, PUtalmosk, email stigaSees uOw. tlieolisatiOklut• tars is Um lniassu , Cows, arralasallos• if 7111.. =loam bes_lawiessrally. earaest of lAwsda. Dirpaallouh 4/04. ta ieiZui IMP. 0. r. Lr BOA VITT. BELT WOMB. `4EO;O. CLARK A CO.. 1=0..127.1=1,11= Zossithaz.l34.ltias, oiiei M , l 4. 1 LIMVX.,- CM low :MEIN mac, • ontunizarrea. 88.124 , 011XZ8 AND _EZNIgg 6 OII soma craadoet em wood. Atm?" of am' • Irma srottallat a. ra.s. rls; Outtenell.• . M a x e y. gleatio anbiasts. naltd was" is - ssa sin MI Wlns tow Hair. _ idgerak• Ng - Mtliates.lbahatt.tair is • mussel MM.. - PTV.. HzAnquilmaas FOE Wu i Alrlteghten and Tanagers, Ala& es Ville sailed. Souof likraM, • ==M =I WALL PAPERS!' • WALL PAPTIM 1:1041.44 , 11.4ck=41 4 .104 *Atm se ta, sernste =in 7"Writaiiikianikmasay tr ML R NM= * LIP rrfrinlOßGli :DAILY , GAZETTE': FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2s. isms JUST 1111 POSTED. Jai LpeditTy KIM to Hail Met, VELVET CARPETS, or JIM ILZUANT DZBle/43. English Boot 'filiestry Brussels, IMAMS AND HENS, - - Th • n !' ll37 l7l2lVlVTV!'"`" COMMON CARPETS, da Cents a Yard. OLIVER WOLTNTOCH & CO., ,15. 2 ;53. 28 Fifth. Street. SPRING. SALES. CARPETS HAVE CEATALNLY EFACIIED BOTTOM . PRIOBB. MCCALLUM' BROS., Of. • I.za amtartataat Of all kinds al CAL. PETS. aac I • at • tadaelloa from picalatta tea toltarzeptitnra.RatLlALED 01100 Tall OIL CLOTHS, • 01 arer/ rOOds. awl dectrledlVAi larvae Kock to say base la tam atf. M.cOALLind BBOTHBBB 51 Fink ■tree.. above Wood. ft 0: R EDucTpN - • CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, !SITTINGS, WINDOW /SHADES, Ace, AT BOYARS, ROSE & CO'S, rant Street, All:dile? (lAMB IM MO BALL'S. IMMO & COLLINS, V. X= NEW SPRING STOCK CARPETS! OIL CLOTHS, ' svianow SHADES; CURTAIN GOODS, PURCHASED LAST MONTH FOR CASH AND IX MANY trerrAuters AT WI Int /CIVIL 111111C11111, Thus tets could set sow be roptssed let the saw soot, sad sts *deist Mt Oft at witozasius all arr Au. Far Below Their Preseal raise, I= I=l3 Nos. 71 and TS Fifth Strew", ET2122123 Is) s fisvie) 4: ElKs):, • ; TVs if:4l EUREKA 011, WORKS, Eureka Carbon Oil, Simms LobricaUng Oils, CrEEKIMAL LINSEED OIL, Cosi% lie sof LaliriciMair Oa" Lista. Nona. Vials raft On& EL C. 3[ACI3IIIIIISrEY, Agent, 10 frills Street, WARING & KING, MIMI BOOM ID MUM a • Petroleum and Its Products. Blinn% osedbotipesse Way, iremixTrapan.rii. Juivessor WANING. KING i CO., 11111111•1.wai H. M. LONG & CO., XiIIiTAILVIVSKIM OF Mil 41111 HORNING OIL. Brami—KLIJOIMEL" Via,. b. 2 ate Way, • , ainfasoaam. TACK BROTHERS, geNIIMON MO!OMPITIlt Petroleum and Its Products, 11711181:Millt 017117111 , -Da. Wry lialleate coma of DammamWO Sad Inds elawt. ramanzultuiomas-wr Walnut IN opl slne 114.4 uuunraw EAGLE OIL WORM, Zsamcrzazt cookriave. • WICNTMANd.AMDERSON, manses as 4 Deakin in PETROLEUM, • .• 1.7 +AV t '1!.• • • CM sarruaa a =saw-a a .80E10 011..WORJUI, Maasfsetiss sad ban Isse al* al ki ol Lialliilo.ll ?la 49 OILS, No. 11T. CLAIIreIM. • 1111711V111. ILILIKEW 6 OD. • • JAMES B. JONES; gcrap.4lron. Light Iron 0/1.67 ANN .17/017111ITT MON MCPIT.IIII6 is ,&vase. Genies b ut k. rrsest est Aft , POT "CLAY...IO Nona of the m zig. ted litre lOW re* Mar put TeX,. TO= i. OIITTELD a sox. COMII:M'N Y, ispeavon h iLIIIIPER, • • FLOUR,CRAUR ARO PRODUCE • Commission • nerchants, 139 LIHnTr tiT., PITREMNIII. On./43.011til MilstLed. V. Marna. Culls Jhelm itgiatwanwit.- J. is: Dllwort.tk a Oa., X. S, Ja Wag f3TEELE & SON, FLOOR, FEED, analx, ANTS Pro-loco reatrolly. No. Vi OHIO STEIN/LT. ...Last Comm., • ALLEOR.NT CITY. PA. KEIL & REECILIELT, 001121USSION KERCHAFTS, 1111.3..11 Flour, Grain, Seeds, RIM Feed, &G. 319 LIDZSIT ariltb..l2 rlrrsuvlwn, e.. ROBERT KNOX, Jr.' CONNISIIO3 BIZEORAIRT. sad dealsr FLOUR, DRAIN AND PRODUCE, WEN, 413 LIBTATT NT.. Plttibarib. L 7. BLANC HAIM, WHOLBALE AND 117.2A1L . C7r rt. CP CI, 30 rt. MI Penn Street. szam. 3. Asia. M'RAITE b. AMER, • Cosmiusiation Jillorchanth . Ilealen In YLCUR. SWAIM knd 191CODUCTI raseralTr, No. 141 WATER, •berra atreet, Pistallarrh. • Its FETZ£II a ARM STRONG, TAITAIDING LID OHPEOI USCILLII3, ror~ea w • et Flour. Braln,'Daeora, 154lada. Driett Traits. sad Prodee• vmerslly. I ttarlft Meet. lion.. of /LW, Fitter:ma, r.. • CIIWILUMItir. LANG, Who sale .7.1.4 Inoratarles. Row. Oral.. Pro dam. Pray/slots, 71. h, CD/me, Dalt, croon 7144. 5x,1174 Pfood 9.1",71, tmarLlDertiMtnral, • • • • • • • mom Inninmargraali tracrimArm. Ai. yam. JOHN I. HOUSE. &HOS" 'ne =mune TO Jornr f, TlOreni_ill CO., VIM, Ws timers and tteC111311111011• aurearata, zurr 01 COM/acid 5./ Water Ponnts. ritubwrb tag H. RIDDLE,No. IS3 Liberty Elt., Pltiat..o47lk,Comunt.kee nerabani....4 Wtolesaie Dodder IR Coanta7 Produce, Groesrl. anod r 1 berth msauttetnrea. Casa advanese. ea 0.ft...t0. at:6 paid to, Produce min, pET. IMO, KNOX b. SON, Commission 1610/011 ANTS and Dantars m 714/tla. 1an4.42t, 11.1LX. 76.21) and 1 . 111)1101ICE gelueol• iT. Ho. Tit Diamond, 0171 , 044 sib Hall. au. limn) alb. ILI 7:117 nAV. CRAWFORD, Comuils -•-•6/93/11/EXCILENT taPIO mr . LLOOI33 OaE WWI/UHT SEILIZ IRON. sad CLAY. te. Warsbnsim and OZ., tiele, 366 and 369 TINIS STS/ELT. StaragE faxatsbed. Onatixashasits WU:IW. sel .1 4 11TLE. BAIItD. & PATTON. IlaloleaskOrncon. Comaladen lacratiants, and dealers la ertoo. Roar. lawn Mak Carton and Lard OU. Iron, Nalaa, 00tran Yarns and all Rltabornlt v an irantrallr IS and 111 nomad -Krum Ransburge. P. 11.21101i.....111D. D. =MO — Eiale — Wii" ices - 40 r 00 .10 Miser a Malanoa)gbalamal• Dim! • Yoada• halt, ram mkt Conf•ellto Wn. Maahrsalonroolu, as.. Nos. 111 1010 I oos ainat. ••••• rus h rttutorrre. tvtlti . TOM B. CAIiFIELD Co Noi Wadaalt . nd . Po , Trindlan KaratUat and tall e. r om j/gr.,* Ceaele. Itch u , 51 .1,,,,, , nak r .P1ab. Pot lad ad it. and Pro. ill. 10401/07 • Haled 145 Pram num. 3 01nra12-I , os. WASSACII •1401.1118.1FFALLAC E VW hole- AND P1101.11:10x DLALX4II 14127rAl INSURANCE. MI - ESTEEM INSCBANCE of 11T1ellinOH. reed... Cat. WIL P. FISRBZET izm Secretary. (Arr. ocomis aa, aliment •Kae 'Jade, tal Water steeei. Cp./ 4 Wan ep stales. Ilmainarett. VFW tassel eet.'. ell tines vf llee rae Manes Glees. • bane ILestatailoamaeseal tqUlreesee wee are well [tens to the eonaeanll7. Ltd are determined be ereceeptate• see Liberalate, etalatate the