The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 27, 1868, Image 4

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pitsbi4 Galette
Cnl:ea 111•{46. Ole fff • C C6s6l-4pp
WZIINZADAY. Feb. 2 3.--Court met at
thwainal hour. Liat-of travels. Jurors
On rnntirw of W. D. Moore. Eta,
Jacob A. VrOoman, Fag:, of Oil City,
wen tilmlnyol to pramiee.
Isms A. Login, EN,. of Orlensbarg.
wove admitted to praeum on motion of
Ileum D. Foster, E.q..
Joyyptt Harris ohm "Yankee Joe,"
convicted February A/ of raying man
. terfeit money in his pcsamalort and at
. tempting to pew the mama, wassailed op
for Yent-nm. The mentenee of the Court
was that ho IONA& pay Mote or preeeee"
a tine of 11,000 and undergo an
ppnsonmeat at hard labor in the Western
reni.entiff7 for dn. years.
The tyymy MI6. United Stumm. nigh.
tee,, by rreis of Ye biota yet aimed by Gen.C.
... ',Leder:in, of Westmoreland county, end
four airmail and two half barrels, niaim
rod be D valet R4binann. of Greensbanc,
Were then taken ape Proceedings for
• fort -nuns tot a vlolabon of the revenue
leas by neglecting to pay the United
Slates tax. The Jury found for the de
. fendaut in both awe:
aasiattrver BRIACW.
- ' A final discharge in bankruptcy wae
Issued to John Chamber; of Indiana
Chan: F. Dodge, of Titusville, Craw
ford county . Died • petition for final dia
. ekisrra- The usual order Wee hated.
Tted. wenty original petitions were pm-
Court adjourned.
bilirisi Cemst—.llmlss Minimums.
WIDNISDAT, February 25.—The mae
of Samuel B. Quin Sheriff, mt. Charles
Lockhart, John' Grade and
- Prew, of the dim of Lockhart Frady,
trespass vie et armis to recover 5,8931
gallons of crude o 4 was taken up
It appears the plaintiff levied on a boat
lout of oil In bulk, is the Allegheny
river, as the property of Lockhart, after
whichthe defendant, it isalleged, pump
ed out a portion of It, claiming that they
had purchased It before the levy was
nude. The matter of own irehlp was
tried upon a feigned issue In the Common
Pleas Court, and decided against the
dekaidants. Ths arguments of counsel
were concluded, and the court will
%Tthe Jury this morning.
el list far to-day :
115, J. G. Dayis vs..7no. F. Sables.
118. Same va. Henry Schuallbaugh.
117. Wier it Steel ye. Moore A Wilson.
97. Geo. W. Smith vs. B. Doming
ton d Co,
11. San Ft dford Z. Crlat vs. P. F. W. et C.
/92. Ease Fuller vs. Hugh H. H.
, Trousseau.
.111 Samuel
pßra onydley vs. Allegheny
Goo Cow.
M. Millar Mickel it Co. vs. Henry
1711.121 Marpret. Gallaher ralae. Swim.
19. Calmat Dorm ea. Patrick How
ley. _
68. Idadd & Hall vs. rannaylvaala
Iosozaao• Co.
Mk M. lic6teln et Co. U. iSZI2III
Benny. Jr.
90. .Tno. S. Pattnistock. u. Ponsuryl-
Tama B. R. Cck.
62. Z Wannorright vs. H. W. Bottum
R. Wig .
Ca. htaisax it Anderson TS. A. V
W.II7OIIIIaDIT, Feb. 715 —The Jury in the
else of the' Fort Pitt Coal Co. vi. Chrat.
Killing, reported yesterday, bad not
agreed upon a verdict at ad lournmeaL
Tbi case of Robert Lowry vi. John
Brown, &orlon on the care to recover
damages done to a cad pit, was on trial
when the Court adjourned. _
Following is the trial list for to-day
CPO - moor vi. Jecobs pt aL
C. Boot vt. Kramer. •
44. Oberinger va. Kramer.
43. 13001. NM. ICRITMET.
57. Shinn vs. Rowand.
Gering ve. Payette Oil Co.
P 4. Snaigrara vi. Gray et al.
83. Snakes... vv. Gamble et al.
• TS. Moyle ve. Ihrosen's executors. •
73. Peeve vs. 11-n nett.
77. Overholt ve. Weir Co.
Base far 111 , 6 Ilsstltat•—niesslag
Maims laaerestaa..
The Commitutee repnwentinitheser
eral Charitable and Christian Amor_ls
tions of the two cities met at the room.
of the Young Men's Christian Aaancts-
lion, yesterday afternoon. for the pro
of "kimit la
a nre str
.sme effort Is
= ixl
If of 11,,,svcitomeless, friendless
„seem-cram shy, end for the purposew
more , *Cholera pr-:lteration with the
founders of the HOMO for the Ded,itut e .
.H. C. Miller, Esq., wait - ihreen President
pro. tem. end Wm. H. Knox, Secretary.
The martini; opened with prayer by Thus.
H. Rabe, H•q.
Mr. Rabe mated the oldest of the meet -
Mg. He said that • "Home" for the Des
titute had been astabliatmd since the find
of February. Food and lodging aneta ,
log supplied to over one httudred and
fifty persona daily. • This Multi:Won
would do sway with the neosesityot
money to vagrants, which, ea soon
aa received, Is given for intoricatthe
drinks. On.r citizens man send all those
who apply to them P'c aio, to thr
lthlome.l 209 Peon strwet, where theymt,
get food, lodging and clothing. To.
work so far has been conducted mainly
by a few. The chive. of this meertingle
to obtain the earnest end hearty comps
ration of all citizens, both of thee. alum
and vicinity, in order Mathias grand sod
noble work may be mere thoroughly
T. K. dres, Eyy concurred heartily in
the remarks of Mr. Rabe, and said that
those who formerly slept at coke ovens.
- .onboard plias, or thronged the Mayor's
tombs at night. now have s mmfortable
home. He sailed upon all charitably
disposed persona to aid in this noble
pubilo work.
. Woods, Esq., stated be had stern
known a work more commendable. It
was new sa It.= grand In iti results.
and should be cigar to army true ohris
tian heart.
• ' W.M. Cheesy, urged hassle
• dist. action towards permanently organ
ising and establishing the Home on a
firm bails, and that the motto "attempt
pest things and expect great things"
should be bald. He tellegest that the
work was about to usher in grand and
- tutiouked for results, and moved that the
meeting go into a
.perzeseent organize
. Hon by th e islectloo of a Prealdent, Vice
Proddent, Secret , ry, Treasurer, and en
-.Exectitive Committee etas.
needtdatilin With the resolution, the
/whoring officers ware elected;
Thee. H. Rabe,-Fag., President; John
Watt, Esep,VieePdemt;W. H. Knox,
Escp,Seerstsry: T. K. Cress Tramenrer.
.Exectuive Coalmines. T. EL Rabe, Fog.,
John Watt; Sag, Wm. M. Classy Fag.,
X. D. Carlisle, Diq.,Frank Wend. ,, Fag.,
Felix R. Bruno; Egg., Richard Hays
On Intikal of T. H. Babe a Finance
and Supply Committee of throe was ap
pointed as fbilows:7l. Cheney,Chalrmstr, John Watt, S.D. Carlisle.
The following ladles and gentlemen
were appointed to repeating the several
Christiin and charitable Institutions of
the city: From Hem. of the Destitute—
Mrs, Sawyer. Mrs. P. Caldwell, Mrs.
John Watt, Mr. Thomas H. Rabe, Mr.
..7. T. Gilleapte. Mr. Ed. Long, Mr. W.
• H.--Knox end Rev. A. MeLeughlus
Ladles Relief Society of Pittsburgh—
Mo.. McKee: and MissPahnestect,
Women's Christian Asiggiatlon of
Pittsburgh—Mies Thaw, Min. Robinson
and Mrs. Dictation. .
Ladies" Reber Asviclation of Allegbe
ny—Mrs. Woods,' Mrs. Anderson and '
Mies Biskigy.
Tonne Men's Christian Amoeba:len of
Pittebergli—Mr. F. Wood; Mr. GI Den
zdg and Mr. T. K. Cnse. I
Allegheny County' Prison Association
—Mr..f. D. Carlia., Mr. R. C. Miller
and Dr. Wray.
We are requested to state that all dons
-nous of money or supplies will be tee
. knowledeed dully thn.uah the ',revs by
W. M. Cheney, Chairmen- of the Com
mitt,* rin Finance and Supplies , Also
that all donations nut be Sent to the
"Home," 199 Penn Wrest, or moth* sent
to- the, Chairman of the Committee on
Finance and Supplies and they will be
tent for. • • "
It la hoped that the ;chile and pastors
rf eberenes will' eleileirsie with the
ehiee eetualitiese In the furtheratice of
'the sued work. •
The members of the Executive Com-
Unnee are roc:peeled to meet tit-day
(Thurufu) vt tour r. tr., prompt, 14 the
mums or the Young. Melee Christ= A.-
voclaticn, 23 Fifth street.
• , While et aus swallow.
. Bridget Haey rued. information be
fore Alderman Taylor.'weterd s , eiarg
lug Anthony Haley, her hasbend, with
• abandonment. The polies reside In the
Ninth ward, end some months wpm it
appears that Haley made the &squab,-
thrice of Bridget,' with was then a fair
maWen ef Waist. en summers, and after a
- Uwe, order • profs as of marriage, suc
ceeded in working bee-Yvan. 86e im
- plated him to redeem his promo', but
routinuel to pot bar off whir prcun hex
After woutitsg until she became satisfied
'that, further delay would he &tumorous,
she made informoolon before Alderman
Taylor charging Haley with affiliation.
He sras arrested Toesday_ evening. and
In order to rule the matteragreed to ow
diem his promise. • .All .ttuolP being
ready, he proceedt4te tbs" residence of
the mint unsieldrid when' the .Iwalo
were made onoref - boug hypes, o r
log WitlfhliainhafklWPlW after ths taw
smonyikadkiliknot*Wee . bean heard oL
Another wildnEWlltal was made charging
bite with abandunoutat o I
UnalkodDsint.:-klattirat made
information before
day, charging ZolutAcitleylitth
.and battery.. It that the parr as
were In adrialdeg saloon In East Mr
• minstiste, discussing the political oath.
ontion,"when, as the proseautar
he was knocked down by tkk defendant
because he spoke in vindication of Con.
was. The defendant Ina wrested and
b*U l to bed for his appearesite wen.
.egtair• reamergy rittilbla,gb.
"Brick" Pomeroy seems to have form
ed no better op Mon of Pittabtugh tkum
did James Parton, as the following dem
ean:n.loll goes to oboe:
"At she cOndnence - of the Allegbenj
and hiocorigahads riven. there Ls a great
city; sideth not an a queen in regal dig.
city but rather Irk• ► black chiertnin in
amble brie. The dwellers iu this mane
factnring metropola are not decked in
Fay adore:—to tnem the mystic arta of
the French odihnerateall2lo.tUnknolen ;
no brilliant variegated hue. of g•enamer
shear's or flowery robes; no glistening
tiles nor gorgeous neck' ties, - embellish
then. aorttbre streets. Pittsburgh,
the Iron Mertnfactunng City; above, he
wed! and amend, earth, air and sky,
present one nniihrm shade of blank nes..
The mallcions blackguard then de..
crate.. Fifth strevn • • • •'an nhacure
street where Inefere mnst do c•ngregatr,
where ribald lead frnm negro brothels ott
offend. the ear, where the short-haired
fraternity hold their nightly carnival.,
and where purity and innocence never
• Wert we permitted to disems politics
In our local erhunna we might venture to
express wonder at the peculiar instinct
of the Democrats to nose out "negro
brothels." Welters been raised In Pitts
burgh, and now learn for the first time
that there Is ouch a plats of iniquity an
our Forided thoroughfare, and nor
times from "Brick" Pomeroy,
who spent one night last week in Use
aeighborho ti. We are afraid he was
mhrtaken as to the locality of the afore
said brothels, se he could not hare been
fully posted on the name. of oar thor
oughfares. Guess attain, "Brick," where
you spent that night.
Igued.—Oliver McClintock,.
who hen .0 admirably tilled the position
of Pwisident of pa Young Men's. Chris.
Lisa c_atioclation ever mum its organise.
Ron, has been compelled to raiogn on
account of the demands of Me extensive
business upon his time. Mr. H.
Porter, lately Corresponding Secretary
of the Association and one of Its moat
active and earnest workers, succeed,
Mr. McClintock, while Mr. T. H. Rabe
takes Mr. Porter's place.
United States Supreme Coart
—From the protoeffings of the United
Slates Supreme Court, on Monday, we
take thebilowing
James Millingsr; plaintiff in error, vs.
Andrew Harta In error to the Su
premo Court of the pee.
State of Perinsylva
nfe. Mr. Chief Justice Chase &livens!
the opinion of the Court, dismissing the
writ of error for want of Jurisdiction.
Sarety of the Peace.—George 'Gros
made Information before hdderroan
Ha yesterday, against Elizabeth Gram
*Jokey, for surety of the peace. He al
leges that she threatened 4 do him bodi
ly Injury. She waiter:Wad and held to
ball for her appearance at Court.
Packet Picked.—Charles Edwards, a
resident of Mansfield, Ohio, alleges that
hit rued We pocket picked In a drinking
saloon at the corner of. Filth and Smith
field Wawa, Tuesday. He was relieved
of his Docket book containing $35..
Taiga Mar.—Janes Brown, charged
with robbing Mr. ♦. H. Overholt, eon
recently and am:danced to two
years In Its Western Pendentlary. eras
taken over to that Institution yesterday
by Sheriff Only.
lb W. &loci awft *onion Cbsrnello o/ ht City
Gionlasuat—The Water Committee here.
With Dreamt the gonna] reports of the
oets to Minns of the • Water - Works, and
emu* to can attention to . several I mpor-
Plat Mahler& mouteetwit therewith. which
erg! reqlll2ll Casual catubderatton and
nation by thuinolls.
It has become evident from the raphl
Inexesim of pOplalahlOO and m.efahrtOt let
along the shores of the Alleaheny, that et
change bathe locallan of .the Work*. no.:
perhaps In the tour. Of trt ppl v. Is pow itlt
ealatehy rose awry. In •tew of the Imp°,
tante of the mallow.recommend the
appointment of A epeei s t Verinen•slon to
la•olpleate and report open the feasthillu
aed copes. of prooprituf pore Pater from
the Allegheny or other Strewn% tocethet
with 5000 other matte. as may proper:,
no within the scone of such a Committee.
resoline eSainteattron awl report
new worts. Ili. evdent that the eXtstin
.cite tan baudepted on .upply, tor a tone
he old city and nearly all of Layer...rill•.
Pitt and Oaklmolel dimxicts, In which erten
gong of mains should Si once he made to
supply • large population now very cepe.-
featly eupplled Isln water and entirely Pet
-1.1.te of protection against Ore. To mum!,
the districts named. en este:env ore of. .0
handrod and /icy lbw:mend dollar. should
es made this...on And as Councils hat..
already applied for 'exudation to esatle th.
city to borrow money,to to, ex se w pended o
touretng and extending the Walks, when
. wynerell-nr
ZTrompt attention.
. _ .
In the Ettpututendent'e report it le stet,l
that tae levrenatna and 4 , 1:1• line of ere,
pipe fen:ll.llrd the Olt! during the lfoly•r
part of tee feetyear with a run and
feeler, supply of eat
er. the otter engine
sod fuse of river pipe bele, Out of o.
The enure Works must be plaen4l in tem
plets Order and able at any time to meet
amy coutintfavey.ltala theft. et paol'y.
la Leaking aredtCl additions aed repair.
[bell:mar of km, It may I. deemed
W. to make ► change In Ike old angina an.,
to Wanton. In plane Leaned enhnr
alma eremite Otheretyleof ftep adror ram,
'gannet.. Such an engine opted ultimate.
:y become a portion Of the mash/urn: In
nen Yorks, though from the nature or the
name. aa year, moat ...Mose before Miry alc
tiotostetod. la the meantime ma coining
works must be maintained and •Oulewhat
To tumble the odteers of tits work. to ex
erelse entire control over the supply or
water and the revenue therefrom, it i.
nestraide that Councils f
this any ordinances 'and regulation, Mate in fore. In otter elite,;
regulating the et-rsostra of piumbing mot,-
Mal and styles of attaehmeom 10 the entitle
Wpm To do this effeeldvale, all plumber.
should be DM..c by toe Way.ea.lama.,
and give satisfactory bonds tot fattalul
adherence to the laws and regulations re
lating to the elty Water Worts. anhould
De Imperative that no pipe save of extra
strength should be need for any part:twin
the upper district, nor la One lower ohmic,
ontalde of the mutt No streetOr a/to ,
should be paved or repay. without all
abandoned water ettachnuctla being Abe
carefully removed. And in laying Nicol.en
pa lament each otowner should be rra afore
L. pat la Ir.. pipe Of extra atm:tett it.
the Inside Of the Curb before the paTainsat
I. laid.
llttett annoyance Occurs from smanO
man charged Mare eonsamera to rendc
talus.. Uniform. ail ....malts undo
apical Rates and for Balding lolanda
alloold ha and. on retarn• rendered and
call by the Consumer In the sam• mann
Mat rani= foe Monne. taxes am no
1t lathe uneaten. mettlment of the Com
mittee that all enabilahments using large
1y,11,111 well as marmfactorere eu pm led oect.
•10.1 1 / 7 4 .00010 05 required to put In me
ters at their own eon, of patterns approved
by and subject to full control of the watnr
antbaritle. and that all such consumer.
alteeld be charged the rate per thousand
callous which the meter register.' It
is met daubed by this to Increase the rate ol
- thane, but to teerd against the immthe.
waste of water prevalent In nearly all large
mLIOS. 111. emisensere required to lint is;
e m o enw ehellged n
f e u g l l l e te
or a buecatotoff ,4 .
may be deemed math dthirable.
Near the
Of the year, by direr:tan of
Councils, new pine was laid on Wood street.
and the Committee ler reasons manfactery
to them, did not ogled the Pill amount. of
costa: the Lthorly street pipe from th e Pennsylvania Itellreed Colo pany, - ten.
tat expenditures are :a emus.. of thud,
Ortnided bY .PPrjrprlOU.S V. loans an
thorned by Cowell. aild Sr. rendered far
eleven menthe only. Menial ontelatritho
with termer years w 111 show the amount,
(oonslderms the labor performed) la lower
Una few some year.
Snore 12 • rII•Ikrod eaC lretttvieJr Incr.,
of revenue, amounting to (r 24,14.3 21 over 1..0
Lmout Of reTOlll. forte. year. $227.012 75
Currant arrearin for sierra mac NAM II
Iltreenalons of pipe* AIM 27
PayliarilA ort I:0.' 16W in lormer
.ayenta ljats Itt
te of Mita bllla comp.:l.. 10.7a1 ua
Total owl of vrtatutlona. 11.217 ft
Balsam in favor o , City siguo es
Eolpeorfally as am OW.' ,
W. B. HEOwif.
G. W. C , , IfYIN
J. a. wz too i.
W It. A. /111134 T.
• CHM , . A. GEHEW,
, .
Alf DIM W 84.X/TT,
• 77,903 21
By sundry warrant* -" Mae%
By inadry•aulainanta-... LIU BI
Bycaslipild Troia& byßnp.i • 41.0'7
By ease paid Tress by naair /Jed II •
By balance on hand 116 al
Marian et annrisiemaiani and rag, I Total
Ti, the Water Comm—Gntlemen
The folioeing etaienient ofd , he operations
nf the Water Works for the year ending
January 81.1 e . is respectfully •nten 'tied:
During the year fete:neve andltinuslisei•
attest toad., of leading ains amen,: the
more Important of Whir. InT uismed t. e
pirie on renhaylvaula avenue, now
affording a full and entirely sattatactory
saved, to that roosion,whlle the new linen
nu loiorty from Caren. to Clymer, and
on Butler from Baldwin • to Tall. ,
streets. ratted) • long existing
dedelenar in ' supply and furnion
much bat ter proteetiou In case of Are. The
Work Rowell done In the past par etioulit
be continued, and army mains 'sailor larger
espactry on Stoftheeld strew. from glob In
Water Mreela Lanier pipe will ne needed
sae meat be laid nn anweral ocher street. In
the lower wants. as 'rapidly asroes.. can
billprOrtiran. Ton Mee Celsius ant of Wood
street was found to be no utterly illSeleve
that it bad to he broken no The pipe (alien
rot Of Pennsylvania avenue was ratand en
vitriatt. were. in the hilly portion. Of the
811121 and Eighth Wards, effertiLa the ob.
Ject desired and enatding a tarsier amount
ofextenetnne to be made hat bad been ex
pected Could esteems with the aOOllOll or
appropristioa 9.
The existing stork* nowt be abandoned
Se 0000 fie practicable to at t
_rod of the
luef.tuttug artrernge and filth thrown In the
river ammo the an oply pipes, and no OM eV
should be permitted, but prompt. fiction
taken to mates sites and plans. for new
ehich tbe dense population of the
old end new districts of tho city already
requ ire.
To enable the work. to answer the
demands nicely to be muds open them, it Is
elmentlat that toe old enatne Stool t be
thoroughly- repaired or replaced with a
patrons or Similar or an improvedetYle.
s ad the .pr e sent pomp Om one broken
chamber :gad le mareeir worth repeirie..
TO afford better severity ldaot
and render the risks fully t bfecUre..a new
MC of When must be procured similar to
Mom pot In the cots* to DM. Tut old
07/Inder hollers have Pet enmclent capacity
to supply the new engine. .
/a timearly part of the year rule line of
[Morphia beearee Otetracted with drift and
sand: aod Cannot be med, hence, as Cum
cleat water could not be got through - outs
Hue of the pipe to supply both pumps do ring
the period of /ow water. the new =gouts
Wan* mppllad the entire city.
The hollers In the Upper works bare been
In ass over seventeen years; new boilers
should be contracted for immediately and
Use machinery somewhat altered and im
proved. 1a Is Well kooloot, the old buts
has not stiglclent eapaCo7 10 supply the
ally for over twerity-four hours; an locresile
01 WV, 1:0.1 soon hormonal toil the enure
- works are not removedand the bums
Placed at higher point ; whence the entire
disCrlct aan ow tursilsbed.
The reaer►oin ears cleaned at the meal
Mee. Daring the early pat of the winter
Oswalt oti Bedford avenge, adjoining the
•.P . PPlnitneitelahet' wy gad 1,1.1
z11ottly• rabullding is soon s. Ms InstbiL
The ranalnir time of this Lower Works
was =iji boors per d ay; of this tl=• SL. atm
earn. ran an average of 3314 h bours par day
and thaolS email= me 31 6 oars oar day.
Tit Is •ho ea • total drorras• of 74 Man her
day over ia= rear. Aventaadallir oottsamo.
tloo of octal, =O% , =tablas per day. a do
eoaaft of 513( bash.?. oar day over last ~or
Average ally ef I OP/Y 01 'Mar, 1. 4.431
coo= teat.
Tbe running time of the Upper Works
. 04 164 home Per deY. an Mumma of filly
mourn. Der day over lan year. Com cop
al:m...l bmPele par day. as Inemmle of 40
ortarels per day over Inc year. Av•mes
dolly supply of water. 1b4,0 outdo tem.
Theitalloadogextesialom bays bees made
lour Inch pipe Oa Apple alley_ r as
roar Mob pipe , . SC Pitylas alley.. SW
/oar mob pip.. on Wide 011.7 1134
Your loon pipe on Diamond a ll er. , 11S
Mime tech pipe on lisoltomew MAW , 33
Your loch woe on Lioquesn• street- 27
Tour loch pips on.Potnt street....... 77
Ytttr lock pion ltin Magee street.... AM
lour luc plpeon Karl. street 920
Poor Mob pipe on Locust street 1.113
Your loon pie on 1111.suberyer AL.. 117
Four inca pipe on 8 s'eo.ol3 MUM.. 100
Your loch pipe on Watson street— 254
.r ince pipe on PrOepeat street... 1104
Your Mee rope on ilmt street 77
Titer Inch pipe . = Aeconil street....- 173
Your Men pipe on Plinth street...-. 77
Four Mon pipe on 011th street...—. 110
Your insh pipe on Dinwidale street.. 421
Your Inch nips on Killer street - 117
Four loon pipe we Cotwell street.— VA
boor loch Moe.. Butler stress...... • 103
Sir Inch pipe on Helder. street 911
Sixteen pion.. Morris street
Aix then pipe on finals street....-.... 011
Biz 1000 pipe on Clymer street. 10
die Mob pipe on Taylor street SS
Sir moo pipe on Carroll street....... 110
Mon pre on Morton street 41
Eight Men pipe on Bailer street 1,111
Meta mon pipe on Dnqi.sne Way... 1.110
Cleat loch pipe on Waal intent I,leo
Elms Meta Moe on Penna. .00000.... 2,117
Illebt Ince pipe on Pride street 200
eight Inch pipe its Colwell street.... 117
Saglat hash pipe on Fulton street. 133
T.. 1.00 pipe on Libor ty street 34/107
Tonle, lion pipe on Liberty street.. 1.5 M
Amount told this year M 1.034
Add former amonnt,less SAO (set r..
mooed 10,014
Tote; over S 4 S.S miles or.
Pipes lowered as follower
Pour inch pipe on Crawford street.... £
Four Inch pipe on Mercer Buena._ ito
Four Inch Meson Itooerto street.— iti
Eight local pipe on B.lford • row...—. lip
Light Inch pipe on Erin street
FaCterl Inch pipe on Wssblegton st.. ISO
Fifteen Inch pipe on Basin 110
, ---
Total amount lowered INS
Number of are Waif. MI. Ibl •••••..
put is
NClllther in. olllre pins !speared sad-.
reset. • ao
Number of are pleas removed
Number of are plug Oozes put 1n..... is
Number of Ore plug bone restored- SS
Whole number adze plugs MUM-.
Somber of floodgates made
pot 10 SS
Slumber of h 00.341449 00.1 pat In—. IS
Slumber of floodfaues repalrad N ber of floodgate boxes renewed.. In
Whole ISUOMber 01 floodgates Ln
she City
Souther at leaks In males repalrt4l-145
Number of ferrules Inserted. 3.4
Inch ug
:camber of !amass imparted.
Somber of females ussert;a. PI•
feels 43
/Camber of ferrules Inserted. /
mot 13
199 a t
'Extra drllllag
Amount reuttrol and pill % City
APP..INIatLeas asad EsveaplU4i..w
Sundry approprlatloao by Conn. /
e 11 5690 03
Cash rocolve.l from sonars pa,
ilea per illroetloa b i dsusella
oa account of plpo ICUS 27
Old foetal ozelbansed—.... ....... 2,01 SI
Cash for Ixotorlsl sold Ple SS
Balsams 09 baad JaausaT 41,71457. 49 14
Bills spore/ill hat unpatclx. 10,742 tal
Total • VMS& SS
ILnlpmaditager for LaMar Wad*.
Cell for eleven montbs a $ 11,766 at
Labor Engineer and fireman for
eleven morons 7 ,110 97
i abar at irsuit• and pita - 745 441
Labor at pipe and Maga 1,745 48
Laboreleanlng baaln ' EN 11.
New inaehtuary (balimorifrOin 1$511) 1,71710
Repairing boilers' 401 14
IS...pairing roof of engine bowie... $lO Is/
Brass works and martng• 19 01
smith trork.a eastines 143 06 Iron pipit and outings 94 04
Packing, tow. rope, gri 110 76
Oil 117 113
177 46
capper and tin work ,
rtnek and br.ek work 901 an
Hose Pil 15
listring 2 6 au
Bolia -- 122 04
Maelmailtbtals and toels ' 74 4
1 ion and nails 10 ao
Carpenter work 54 ST
Plumbing 14 lu
ii aerinarrowa 15 SO
sbovals 21 lo
Soap and easine. SS Li
Rat Coral!
Watt. lead. salary. as
valor 4a. nab., la
1 . 52..xpeaditervis For Eppel. illierek•.
Cost for *liven months 4 5175. E
Labor. Engineer and rincia. for .
eleven one... 3 /412 as
Labor at vanlre and plus Pie 75
Lat.. at pipe..ll pm. El 75
Oil ....... 1117 ie
ilepeirt. boDere 161 37
R.tnalrine *mad pipe ISS 11
eienip packing, tow. topes. an 11/ 50
Ir. and nail. IS so
Lumber lit 441
Brink and brick work 17 71
Smith eel k and castings.. ...... .... 164 15
Brass wait and
w mom. 6140
Ti, and copper oik • 4.1 c 5
ilatOing 621 75
Pleranlng 61 LI
C.penter work —.._. SI 57
Haclearn 11 07
, Whaoloarroo. Lot le 10
14:1. • Tsan
Loather 7 CO
ssovels and view ' 55 gn
'ban and candle. 10 35
Blecknmithing and t 001....:........ 40 50
Gum packing 23 27
Willis le.l, glazing, emery sad Sr.
work El id
Total 011,04316
C.:pandits.lma for
Pipe da 43
tar.% loft., Pit. nY Contract—. Sa SAO M
Labor, lamellar PIP. 1417 20
Lead ' 2 ,
Lay his pi pe by pirate outlet, for-
In 77
mer yeLEII I Stilid
Ply. and Emigre. by rontract...... 11A06 a
Brass ' , Mk and ferrules ni so
impper and Du work • td 40
Hem 140
Sbove p ls and pinks 101 11
Lumber Int4l
Hauling . • 193 20
itiseksmithing and tools 107 03
Plumbing 113 St
Donkoil ey eavne for pumping DOA
ber* 70 CO
Crudes 61 04
Den and 001/0 • 113 14
Pile pities 10 St
Pick 'undies 11 49
Lather . tee
Palterer • 20 W
Ttel ' 4 61,1455 15
Expenditures, lower
art• 4a1.748 65
Expendl t t er .. , upper
wors 11.64: SO
Expenditures, prommeedt _
extemions 51,1915 IS
Balsam on 011110.-- sill 64
Bills laid oyez 10,7119 CI
Etta 41E024 ES
Water rents assessed oaianoaa •
at tblislamitate 41100006111
Flee per coat arrears, Oat I, lila ZS
Water rants for tam Idlag wow., 1,000
Water ranee far aprtalrilei streets- 11617
noose sod gro.o rents at Pula lot DM
Tummies and drilltne 111 00
OWL metal cola atid azetuarea !J0079
Balance orb uld Jae 41. lat 7 • • 10 It
. 1 1 0 70 7 T
Tow iapiti tusa.....
Balance In favor of ally
To sundry appropriation. 4 71.103
To old mount ozelmorod oy - ;18114
To !notarial :old d7 r2 p't 114 dy
To danee. Jen. 31,
19 If
To mob per Anieseor. paid Trw.. 1,096 SI
To min ;or ailpq pad Itssauver— 614 110
Proper& of Ammoe or of Water lest.
To the WSW . C4totattteet Gentlessen—
the undersigned respectfully report. that
ite bee paid 10 the Treasurer, oath tutu= of
reveiptai• lOC. ma ottoman
water rents for building porno.. • Leon fp
Rater rent. for spnEkling streets. tr 6 T 1
Renee and ground rent* at beats
The Water Rents asseweel au tga various
estatillsbeeeau to the City abel suburbs,
Macing hydrant Oster, for the year oodles
arsh 31.1, lfgtl. amonet Co 51117.0411 73 from
the follooins worms. six.
I Corm Sieve and Jail 0 1.091 to
1 tiu Works 77. m
I Castries Hume and PostoMee 16716
6 floepitais 116 50
63 01000.0 e, 116 41
51 &Zoom and Colleges 601 CS
10 Tbeatree aria lows,. Halls. W/ 00
5 P,41410 Bath Estenlislimeots. 357 01
1 151,aai Lsoulry 75 co
9 neer 141112 ' MI 1.4
1.0 cordoetionerg and Bakeries. -.LH , / 73
-4 CeanOlertes '17600
16 CaOtoet and Chair 7101001e9367 55
• 3 Coke W0rk4.1.....-. ......... •.. . 117 00
11 Gloss Works' ' 394 50
!Distilleries 470 ixi
25 Recttryleg Distilleries 653 20
4 131001 81)014g •011 111100111 760.
tortes—. .._ 719 50
1/ Met Tara.-- ......_..... . 471 II
63 Prtlng OEIOO4 MOW bluelerles 710 74
14 Planing a, /1 6,46511316. . 7770
0011 lieflnerlas MU ID
1 Illapenfok 14710
V Tr boom Fsetorles”.. ....... 4 ,...
DB 1.12er7 and other Stable...-. 1,918 lIS
71 Engtee shoos, toting rise sad
iloiler Tanis LOH 12
13 11011100 11111 a Forges and • .
Steel Work.
17 Dreeedne sad Mali Honeedo.. 35:5 n
18 Iteilroad end 2.811•87 De
aopo Mteeellaneons 34" C° ,
tortes 1.614 00
403 Hotel:. Taverusettid How&
rehouses, Stores.
1,333 Warehouses, Stores. Offloes
•ct Workshops HAW 66
637 Stu,. with" Drs.lpso at
-1,513 Dwellings •
1.1.713 Aseessenenui . ' ,
'4111,933 ls
rive percent areeseselYkLAle 1,16313
Wet. evens roe buileiherrroios Le so
Witear rents for sprieklheestreets 11637
Houses sad smarm routs at, basin
19 14'
O O Farrobauke drilling gig ix
ki Mita aul4 frebnased WO 711
BeJazus op twat February], 1117.. J 9 u
Total & U WIWI 73
Axanor of 148 es Sen t.
DS Wood St.. near corner of Fifth.
Goversusient Sonorities
Gsld, Silver,
bad Coupons.
of ataL aaa *old . ltheral 411/111. Dratla .010
71 all Ma petaeloal Wiles of
We are no• oe•oare4 to oonvert the 0 [(1351.1
.4 TRIAD 00E1E1 of
SE rz Ar- TlllB7llll
Slew 1867 5.20 Co'd fospon Bonds.
Dealers in Government Securities,
Comes ►.anti. • Wood divan.
Um. or Tn. Prnwevinst Gagers, /
Wetneces.. February Pl. ipo.(
With the promwet. that Ma coop of all the
agitation b•siegiii centre leWathington. will
at last be - removed. people revived financial
matters :nom a proper stand point and quieted
Sows. Gold market opened at 1413. destined to
14114. insd slew d weak mid dull at ISOM, with •
Prone. of • Still farther dtellas. Within two
day. the government will dither. about Eve
.d a half tallith. of gold for 'sitars. on Teo
Tort, hoods, and with • strong metre of
Nighty Wino. will he Able to beep down the
Preeduse without selling 01.
Eflld•ln Europe have .IFered but • trine of
eonaldwing the agitation of Bat..
deg •end Woe.), ang people on the other side
of the omit show more mintki.e• In that.
thirdly of the United Stelae Government than
a lane proporllon of oar own slily.. Gov
ernments were truth to-dey, and kept barely
ethe4l/ the destine wan heaviest in 8.,..
Thirties and Five Twenties of 015.
The Malt market to lee. 1.41 , 11, neither to
moixey quit. as easy ai It Wes la.t week,
which chows a blotter .fate of affairs, and le
the f.ertinner of a more astir. bust.. sea.
son. With the destine in the high Fri. mique
stook; othas will follow Lad mon. map coo,
return again to pinfaeli Ili proper !Unions .
awnng the mercantile sommunity.
The beginning of Witness !season has e.ueud
• lively demand fee gr.nbasks, partly for eat
tien snoring westward as wall as for the per.
.her of we... produce, and thebenke are
pretty-well drained of theft eurpluo legal ten.
pia.. The bank. are all short of moaey ead
and will not discount omelet for good col-
P.P. finds no form,
Chad, Mitt Ml's, III: mum, two, till
T-41111.15a. Coura iti3it / 0 4*
104%; NI
Clays/had a Pittsburgh IL E..
Itershauts trot. Express
Wester; Ingot Tshumph
rlstaburgh rots Ways. A China B. B. 111
Notthwessers 11.112144-..m05.......
tfort.lonatans-pmtern.t...— ' 72 '
Fad Tors OestraL... -Ito
Ohio •hd 211 .42 2 212P2 Cwrt1.4.1.21._ 11 , 2%
lithalg.a Soothers 94.
Quat. MIL • t
Q.letrilyar ISX
-The Goren:mem ta now whin Vetted
States In p.. MIL taa-tortles. Th. open.-
Una L. a Dr
otter one for the (loymument, as
prime now Maud, than tolling geld bearing
Q.a•tweatlta, sad 11 may enable the Treasury
to buy soya thlny betel
voltontarily .o”erted t but nlowly, with the
prowtedu Th. mining tesclorty lean to now
within $11.100.t01l or pe,ooo.oa cf betas Riad
op to the rnia t ios.lloo authorized by the out of
Muth 141917. The Be. unary has authority,
under nor at of maul r, 1910 , to ereso• a now
sari= of tends, of Um same team., blot it L.
Soatotful whether h. will feel inella.d to do so
without further iastruetions from Congress.
—The Chicago /gegrotdteant. of Tueeday,eate:
Ballasts at the buss to -oog moo oausually
oott•Abut this won portlony due to as • slog
of the bank/ no Saturday lost. sad sot to up
lastegooff activity fa saeresottle or moments!
end... At the lase time. • brooch** of
trod* lad Isomer. team to to sore Ilvaly
thou for severs: meek. post. Deposlia ore to
oreselag. sod monoy moms to be enter all
gonad. Priam paps le la good doottad at to.
torte. buss a. the usual rat. of 10 per teat. walla mrood sad third rate paper
te oegotattod on the strootat rates equal to
1234411 per a.m. per &swan.
errraisusena rxisouncria ziutikrx
On,.'. o. Teti Preethrei Gaiety;
Weleinkair. February 21. Re& t
CRtIDL—n. Clete matt. wee..gala dell
had wash, the sales bathe amp...
. 1 1 1 1/ Re it. a th• agitegate, mid priory bare
artll farther dean/tad. Ws a. report aWe of
Mot bbla for Immediate delivery. la tank tars,
at 1%.;100 bbls for all Ranh, seller's option,
at 7%., sod we an moils sat Of aa afar to all
SIM obis for the galas delivery aid optima eel
tel., without lading a bay.. April was of
farad at 1%., with ac offer to buy at stge, and
Kay and Snails traria; fresly u Ikt, with so
takers. All the per, boyar's optic, to the
Mises.e of salon nay tto quoted at II to li..
011 ens telegram report the matte: dull gad
&poet & at that pots:, and there is so dla.
galstag the fast that for the flee Wag• to
an encase. phrase, the "bottom lam
REY/NZD—Tb• market for bonded oil eras
"gala dell anti depressed today. gad pleas and
nut sod din opts!. Thera loth not a Bloats
this reported, sad tor. assn. gas loan, there
is sot Ouch oil crating, rellster• being no will.
log, es • ggggg al thing, to sell at thonrduetion;
tbs ben afar that wall bo obtalaed for
Marsh was 2M, gad Apt I 9.l%gylto—sliowLeg
deals* of filly a am within that last day or
two. Ws are eoinlzaat of an offer to buy a
"Mt." al 2134. for May, U. for June ”ei re
for Illy, thought/rose dgurea could hardly be
realized far the.. mouths separately. All the
lease, buyer's option.lo shwas@ of sales,
• may toe quaint at Stalls. It Is reported that
the Meat txtltalitht wag originatad by • sin
gle gm n New cork, who has. Wen holding
Mob prised oil, both la this so.try suad
Ehroin. for • lea or Our. putt and la hopes
of putting prices up sufgeleally to lot then,
eat.. out, they bought lamely, but the more,
meat was a fa Lion, add they ash probably la •
worse at sow than they wen prsolous to Melt
"boll" movement. • •
HENZOLI—The demand sagas to be
provLsgt sale 0(1030 bble for hutoodiate dolly.
cry In Yt.liartelphlit, at both and lON Dbl. for all
Marty, seller's *pit., at 11s.
ARZIVAS—The ultra/a of oil by the Atte
ghat, Pally Railroad to.tlay, wen as fol.
law& •
Loskhart & 101 Flaw JIM 41
Folios & SO Sly lt Pinkerton.- lb
OIL MDT.. 11•Irr MR a. v. N.
Nat. W. Um. WO bele reload lo A. Mi.
worth a Co.. PaIIWIPOW.
Logan Bra., Pall
NoCramy • Beaumonadalptdat,
.IN do do to W. P.
EL Ladder ft Co, /Ado 4o to Waring. Elm
00., Phllmlolpida.
Platt Toad, Eabroaty 7t..—Bsor Cattle—The
total remmota for thowork are CO bead, of
width IMO wore on salt today At thte Hun.
derdth Moot I:winded la the ready. for the
week went Et head from Oblo. 11610 from Oh.
.admolt. It from Ematweey, eke frow New TOIX
Cloamtettout. tad be from Texas. The :mar
ket 10.407
was quiet mud oloud strong, with
all sold. The quality was about toodaum.
There Is a light oa Mr way, It la now
nowise. Priam aro Ige blehor. Quota:loam
to-dsl, oat.: aro as follows:
Extra, pow lb Milos
Primo, per lb . 1001.10
raft to good. P.O lb Isaitt
Poor: per lb 'Mao
Avortge. per lb. • ' Info
.boa • HobUsg told el good Oble. owl; 01
1701141 Bobblas • Idle, he 1 1 / l oott lit lb*, st
likee; T. D. Olof, le lute it, lyiewt. at led
realsEeth di /gaol& IS /Wools. 714 owl,
elhewp—Eomdeta for the weak, 15,4111. hood.
Harlemstudy for yrtiee at 10130. sod not.
woo to fair .at IlEalgge. for both those and
laabe. A gar load of SO lb. st 00000 1111holo
gold al fts. Then. wore SW head oo sado to.
. •
" Bog it—Weekro rootlets are 11,211 ha. To
day there wore ig ear.. The worlet I. doll.
Ish, sod SO lower, with Woe at A tar
of very rough Ohio. stems ale lb., sold Ist
034.; .ad a tar otidlonte.l7o lb., le:
PalLanzuwie. FebrearT el—Seerm—hie.
MP.. 1 5 00 heed. Notintketeeding the law
element eondaloe of the weather today, theta
was • goodly slumber of boggle preemst erl •
esiluied considerable dupoeltlesi to operate,
bat the enmpetitleu was holy to SO:t
able hollers to maintain the dootation
at the aloes of our last report. The Cifferinde
embreeed no ot• superior duality. baths
goolned tasholeeatedlutu mons. nada.
the supply of the letter deeeriptioo largely
predominetirm. Bela. sr JIM and gamed els.
Mews were made at.Qla V.t porn• do et 7340
Ile.; and eonimon do at gra dress..
sheep—Semlide 555 head( 'applies have
men monies forward rotate freely; the market
11•11 been dull and prices rather week; sale. of
gammon red cholas iota at lielygo per pound,
iloss—ltesalpts SAW head. TAs sellvlty
walk Ass eliassetArlsal teas depArtosot of ths
Its. stook multst for weeks pun 111111 eatatv
en. notorlthetsAdlA f set Issreasril supply.
Tb• late sass.. was 'mil &abstained, ....
ss Ms A od Unice dross yards At !revs
IIISOLS An ICA lb., at.
cllsveland Marlowe. •
FelMr5IM ta tee Fit Mama Oamite.3
Comm...ay. February Zl.—Flour la very
quiet and prime are nnebanaml, double
ours spline *1..7501140, doable extra rod
elnter $1900015 10. double extra white 4140
15. ',beat; not much doing and very gated s
bed at 050172 at for No. I red Muter. $ll4O
for Fo.l do. tad FLU for No. I wing. Corn
dull mot tower wilt, a moderate demand
and Itabt Wes at 'Motor No. 1 shelled; at
Ov clam the market war wawa Oat.; the
demand II not heavy and the market 1.
omit.: No.l Mate mild at MGM. from Mot , :
Rye to moderate demand and steady at
11.5561,65 for Fn. It • moan sale .of very
el,OlOO at 1.06. Barley quiet and .Grady at
et7net.lll fur xO.l Stale and Canada. and
e 1,1002.00 for No 1 State. Petroleum quiet
but firm; refined m toed held at SIFFRo.
free at 400430 In trade lots.. -
Italitineere lanekat
(Ey Telegraph to the ellteberte Gautl.l
bel.eletalle. Fob. 22,—/lour drill. Wbeat
dell an. unchanged. Cent drill white and
yellow 134114 e. - Uale aria at 7easi. Uve
Cloyerseed acne.; western 119. W.
Provisionsvery active and buoyant; bulk.
sboalders IM ,
C; MN rib lb. Lira ant
'treat Will*.
- 11111.11elplala Market.
tar Taleoraph to the 11,11410 btualto3
8 . 2 4 k retrolioam q cunt; anule Lo,maned la
bond uo on spot Hour Aboat
"On rod $ 11 002.62. Eye lowori Pear.
rylvann, 724 Corn very onlet; OUxOO hest
ern Otto aSaasatt.
Onto. ow yam Preeetroael 0.7.733,
• Wro...DAT. February 35, lan.
Mt gamut markata present no new eharaa•
tariatin worthy Of special notlea. There laoo
improvement to note 10 the demand for any Of
the leading articles, vials plats, genarally,are
without q rotabla change.
GRAlN—Whaat le to limited' armpit , and to
demand, though price. are unchained; Wintar
m 47 be qaqtatt at 12,404/ 47 for Red, and 1275
0277 for White. Cortiit plenty and doll; tan.
not no quoted above 0100334 on track. and 1110
ln store. Rye la Armor •nd to tor tter
mandore continue to quote at 01,4501,50. Oats
quid, and undimmed at 04055 a an tuna, and
67070 a la note. Marley Is in demand at JACO
10 02,10.
PROVISIONS—Etat. le firm and excited,
with An optiard tend..y:ll!{Offo fort:bout&
dial /Or for Bibbed: Itlittine for Clear Side..
and ITAtill7,4a for Sugar Cured flame. 1.101
is firm and advancing; prima kettle rent:frit! II
quoted at fotiercee, and 105401Atio
In ke.. Sires Pork, 021.
eSOCESIES—The grocery Market Is mode.
retell settee and • shade armor, and Sugars,
Coffees and Ste. MO all tending upward. In
other article/, there are ao chaogre worthy of
efwetal attire, and while .Here, as • general
thins, are very moderate in amount, Cies are
nevertheless Increasing to number. We quote
as follows:
Soo•as—Me. Orleans, 115ecal65ea; Cuba,
1.142 Lelia;
,Polto Rico, 134c0114e;
1121" A" Coffee, 17e1 "B" do, le!eci Eau*
"C," "C" Yellow, ISs.
002214,—Prtroa 1110,d6;4244a; good, 24a; bar,
te; Old Government Sava, 27;VeggMe; La
rs:myna, 22a.
!dowers—ttrir Orlamas, 90€193t; Cuba, 11.5 Q
TX; Parto Moo, 11107te.
arairPs—“Losennea," II; "Booth a Eac
(gr." Or; . Amber:' TOr; . .Dript„" .$1,01),a
nova— Canis, PAM; LlPma, 50:; hp•
P.z, 80., All.plae, tic; Num/ $1,64.
SAace—Mullson, Se; Sprat Mon,
• d Corn Starch, Ik. -
Paurre—Larer Relents, 151,75 rer boa; Palen.
tls,lne per pound; Prunes, Wok Currants, It.
for new.
B4tAn—l:oi Shot, 01,10 per %mg.
80011—"B.bbItt'y" 124 “thalors" , 11140
Itodo, 41404e1"Dobb10i.t . Ise.
COSIOVETZASUID Lx•-22,00 per ease.
Bt can 000A—U,10 per ease. .
FLOM:I—The market Is quiet and dull hot
prices are unchanged. We continue to quote
at 210,60,311,23 for Sprias*Wheat; V 2041240 for
Winter Want, and lIIQIO for Caney brand..
at. Floor Is .0111 quoted at 144:12,21, and Batt.
wheat at 0104.10.
REEDS—Cloeetssed In quiet and unonaniecd i
boles to aWaO lot, at 490425, amine holders
ami asking 2/100. Timothy Fieedat 14250011,21,
and dull. Flaxseed may be quoted at Skate
2,40 for small lots—a round lot would Ming
BUlTElt—Prlnis to chola. Roll nostraues
la good demand and tending upward, may be
looted at II to Lee—ides re , orted at tn. last
named i nsure.
FAGS—DWI and draping,' fresh packed
toot at IS elkOr
D PHD/ I-1. to good demand and dm
hat arrohangareales of Peaches at Toe. for
quarters, and Wells for arras, and AM.. It
.I.PPLIC4—There la only a mod
fats dmamtd. and while the market la rathe
dull, Mom ate unebanged. sales at 5506 p.
Obi. as to quality.
PO rATOES—yety del/ tut oneriengeel
smell ruin an eta. at .101,10 per truebel.lllllo
6741.45 per 00L
selltog front aountry wagons at CI
()noir ton. ltr Interior to allot.. tietotby.
11011fIrlY—Uarhanglat; sales to the tt•4ll
f 4.73. In • retail way.
CILANIIEtiIitIES—SaIea at allots.
9yilOrtS-Btalaa .111 par Ottattel..
Hi Alf S—Salea sr 505.43 par bushel.
Now Teak Penna.* Mark.[
7tly Tets•rspa to the Pittsburgh elssesta I
HUI Tear, February M.—Cotton Unlined
steady and closed drill and a Mohr* In war,
ssith Wales of 4.100 bales at LILA Mlddllng
Uplands. Floor; tbe maim.: to-day Wens
1,047 barrel.; the market la heavy, and me.
alum to good grsans at. from 10 to Ito toe.
ar, anis salmi of 7,700 barrels, at 113.0303.40
for •uperdne Mahn and greats:a; $2,61010.a,
for Mora atate;119,501111,30 for astra western:
417014,30 for a bite beatextra; 49,a3013„.
for Hotrod Hoop Onto; MI for common to
ftir extra at. lnula,•nd $llOlO far pond to
chose. do. tea market cl.lng heavy. Call.
foal. d ;or Is heavy, alth sale* of 750 soots
at $llOO, dye dour la aMarly, with sales of
.no Famed., at prime rangtng from 117,30 1,
02.53. Corn Meat Is tithed 00th Sales of Ho
barrels , at MI for city. ' Whthlt.y
Worst; the recall:as unounted to 1.1#1) lames
ale, the market I. nommally 1030 loser,
and males, were made of /Mal boatels at 11.51
, far choice Nut hprlng to store. Yds la Orm
Wart anion of $OO ho•lislsJeroey and 50010.
Maat Alba Harley la near., and firm.
lta armor and sa:es ears mule of 1 Hu
bustles at pron. ran. top from 1110 to 11 15.
Caravans rs rept* Istoselinted 1011,1*3
o 1 e: the market Is Jul , l favors buyers:
eale• F o r
made of 31.601 aw
onneel. $l.OO
for nee edged me. Men afloat, W i re t i ns
for blab Elated ...A
.yetino, 111 •aC11,,,t fur
-Otto Southern 111.Uf51 , 6 for now sallow
Jer•ey„ not ledf 1,, n0t,..1 Tentle•ww.
Oats, Ws reneopto•tuonuted 10 3,00 cmbers,
tomarket Is nom Mal and sales errs ma:,
Iti'me for western In store. Leatber
e e ry n r , oaf maths at prices
lattan's from 83, to 417 M for Mien. •Tree,
1400 mere.. ll7ml I. 'item. oar Mown
tan t °Daubs toprice. Won; is arm and In
fatter dammed,. and Sale. were made 'of
1.41,000 pouna• at 421 4 00 c dolnaHlC 13rHan.
Hite Is arm Lodes ts arm. Sugar is
nlet:sales Cuba at Mo. Mont.. quiet
Hop. quiet, Perron: um arra at 310 far crude,
abJ HX4lnse foe evened in tool. Pork heavy
dnaopialllianw I ten tv.l. at 514,51,014 ter
tor be. me., riming at 1114.31 rasa{ aul
113.73 for old dui cnoinn at 131.62 reebt CMS
M 7O for P.m.; $l3 10003.7 t far prima mums
1333 Mectty do : amo row hhle new masa sellers
far •Pra Wke7 deaf steady;
tier.. 473
bele at pre•Mus prices; •ftles at
wan far prime Emma, !Merl for India
mires Deaf P.a.! amen no balm at
015 00. Cut meats arm; halen 013 Oka. M
1:41, ellsoulder•els4lll6e, for barn,
Oreassal bog. Mainly at inSell}in foe wee,
era; 11 . ..,,01r1n0 for clef: Lard Omer and
qtasthesleu 1,140 bhl• at 16. 011birl. Batter
draw at 301145 s for student: ts aMe for Mate.
Cheese humt and steady at 1101 Co. Bacon
arm ; .ales Lesbos. at 115•0113 for Cato her
land curl Ise for short rlbtwd; tic for .eon
clear. Trtaget• to Liverpool firm, 4 He bc,
grain per .tone at 0%,1 fur corn, and 11/1 for
wheat. .
I.ararr—Flonr to dull lov e roloo lo•or.
Wbeat nominally IWM Roe qalet
and steady. Uata nonaltml at Wye for Sma
rm& lit Yore. Corn heavy and nominal at
force. MIXe.I .asterit atlas, and
el.wi for old In store Pork doll and
log at 1133.kirrIM 'or old mow. rr. s olkiik
for now kir... IPA P 002 475 for rutted. one
. 24 . 01 '40 -11 X l i for •pril. tire( stead? ' , Mat
• moderate denying. Cot klroW very erns
with. fair detuand, Bacon trot at 11%0120
for Cu ra Nyland Cut. Lord quiet and scarce.
1Y on firm at for (WC to prlmO and
.eats and kettle rendered.
Inv Telegraph to the gittsharge Hu dot.)
Clams Awl,, February I.—rlour and
wheatnch•nged and quiet. Corn drub
and to fe u le demand. at th:elnlo for ear; and
130010 for shelled. Oat. firmer and prices
miner; No lAt dlc. Rye unchangai at 41.73
01.75. Dailey nnettang.l and quiet; No 1
and eitra fall at IIIErCI2..V. Cotton irregu•
ler; middling 1. held at IMm, but not mune
ble at Oetter [haus.. Eggs bees advanced
to itt. and the euoply is but moderate. Pfo
visions buoyant and the prices ol all artl-
Mee are higher. bless pods 7.402* for old
and new. Bulk meats In active /Ismael:,
*ales of VLODO rounds at 100 tor shoulders;
Ile for sides. and 130 for clear sides. Bacon
is In demand and the quantity out of smoke.
Is not equal mit; advanced
dg Ibe
to Ides,lSi clear rib, 144 c, and clear
legglibe e; el ielostne Krone. Sugar eared halm..
170. Lard excited and pilots unaettled; all
oßend at 1540 Isms taken. ..4 at the clone
160 eras asked and not much offering; toll
was alter the reports from Liverpool. cuss,.
firm at 1312140 for net relined; and ISO ..o
for hard. Cod. firm at 200214. Deeds un
changed; Mover . III; timothy, 0,40111/1,40;
du bolds. 113,721. fla dull
quietl er
tenon arrival. Potrel y
emn et 4304 ;1 50
for relined, free. Linseed oil, 111.1001.1 h
Used oil &Ammo.' to 61.184119 for No 1 mul
antra. Gold, 14071 buying. and 141 .siding.
' /Sew York Ur, Seised• Are get.
ffr Telegrene to the mots. Os. del
New Toll. lee ffi —dm 'the Dry (laid.
markst tee demise! for Cotton goods has
babater]. owing to Len reversible news from
orope respeeting Cotton which closed a
momentary patio among boy.. here, bet
it lies not otherwise affected the Cloth mar.
let. Th•oolit weather ilea moderated some
whet 11114 there in glair inquiry for standard
Cahoon of Cwt mates at 110100. The Mari
rlmack show some magnificent styles lo
Chintzes which gold at 12e for hoe, and
for equate Cloth. Prints Clothe were weak
yesterday at Ile. but they cannot be
bought fo leds_s_.d M n e ssy
Bffko i wn bbee ttus•
X a tern . akes Bea a he o ßu ongaree boat
In light ninety end steady. Tne Isst de.
liveries of New York Mills were at Yee, but
the goals for the 101 l Job were quick at3oe.
Drown Drills are relatively low. and the
beat makes are selling at 1540. Qloghame
art pretty well sold tip. aod um prices of
Lancaster and other popular makes are le
higher. //elan:Maar° In good request at lee
caseate Manse&
/Pe Toirteraet• to too Pltranoten rissatta.,
Ciria•., February VI anged{
bolders army sales 'of Inn ingtote,. at keel
12,50. Wheat quirt{ &alas of Mn. lat 03.e.t;
No. 2 opened at al/1 5 1:r tot vanood 21,91 t(0
1.26, and [111.141 weak,witk•aller• at 21.75/‘
Corn opened quietnd nicely at ]ester.
data pricer.; salon el a new at 765 , (07015,e, mat
leg at 1nd7214e; No. / eery quiet. at SMEIV4e.
Otte In moderato request sod 1412 tie loner;
sales at fg•e' ‘2156c- to *tore, cloning quint at
One. Rye irr moderate request,' at 111,1201 A
for No. and r1,5e01.51 for No. 2. Palley
stoadY. at fa t 6522.02 for No. 11 and Sipa for
Tr/eclat]; sample lota told at 21,21/22.0240.
Pork; Nodalni• gulet,• coestrpOrk aales at
for March dalleery. Lard ebid at
alteglit. ler poor tenantry, 15t(uteri far good
de, sad leXelle for city. 1114..121 Comber
lamp middles Ito, loose shoulders and hams
quiet and unchanged. Hreased Linea{ nfr,g,
fogs vary light; salt." braked, at 10,5ogligeo
for bight and 410.00 for heavy. Itreelpts
-4,ldBbbia boar;, Grt both wheat; 61.115 bush
corn; 5.515 borlitoaf at ell dressed bogs.
Shipments-7,0n able Ilnurl4,olo bosh wheat . ;
corny 1,110 scab. oats, 11l dressed
, maerrepn .41 te• rltm a ab •.....
Tons., Fah. I k—rifler—Receipts, TM
bbla—the Market le quiet and nestled.
Weed—receipts. 1141 bda—rae Market Is
dull. sales doers at FLO Corer-ramipts,
hdh— the re dell, °people at
Illtfoorml 0100100 at de and an 4 0744.4 dked.
054s—rreelpls, 006 booo—ths market Is
110.1; held at 64, Rye—receipts, 000 boob—
the 01.70,11. dull sod nommal. Cloversead
100 lower; tales at 4170.
llitarsiolowe Week.
/Pr Teta..a in tne Putout,. e onion*
.tl tt.w aux.. February hil—Tiour weak .t 1
nominal with no mt.. what is null and
heavy al. for Not. and CAI for No I.
Date are timer; .ales at the. Cora onCO.■.
ea at 71eallye IC steady at al.. Barley lot
Ontet at wcou Provolone doll and weak at
:Die for Sweat Pickled Daum neceapto—
hour CD bbl.; aurae 0.000 00.0. littipmeate
—4100r1,000 bblai wheat DUO bit..
Egg releerape to ter P tib.ree thootts.l
Bommo m Teb. 16.—N0 cbmgn to either
llour or larplal Wee ham s upward
local Mule. Provlaloira
tenoencyg home" Mee* Tort INA /Uhl 1 1:t.
Lard 16016*. Dressed Hoge Anal Isles a;
Financial Miners In new York,
0.10 C1...4 u 140%0141
CIT Itiortrtolt to to. rttubtoin flitsatto.l
. Nn Ton. Feb. 37. 1161.
1(0111T AID 101.0.
, .
Roney quiet at ever cent. on call. Star
bog steady at 10010;4 (or best bine. Ex
ports of specie 14i-day 10,31.601 Gold loner,
opening at 141% and Mooing steady 01110%2
141. The Aseletant Treaan r eold 040,40.1
to.elay and lan Frlday hall a million, the
proceed. to be employed in e purehase of
7.&1.. Loan. made 5011 par ent. for carry
' big, ma also 14! .opr coat- , ,
dull. with little foot:try ter Investment.
Getman banterssro full of bonds. loony,
Clews a Co. r^pOrt the follOwlof price. at
30 3. 0 Coupons' of '3l. do of
`02.11074 , 1111%; do or 'O4. Keg I(ISyi; do or
11/3010tOil do n0v..10/54310100 or .611, 107%12
103% 10-40`s, 104%01044; We: 108%Q1063.i.
'Rocks dull. weak and a central tentletev
toward lower rates. An arrangement, it Is
underemod; bee been made for thn
tattoo of the New :'York Central. Erin and
Pennsylvania Central Cowls,and It le said
that Drew has made It conditional in his
a:erector thereto that the '. ending sults
awalnst him he withdrawn., Erie Is mirth,
ularly weak on the report that Drew had
loaned the cneepany 4500,000 to make bills
payable.and that he would have to loart•
(nether sem of haqa million this week to
meet the maturing interest on bonded debt.
The temper of the .tweet is decidedly bear
The following ',Pine closing prices at 500
r. N.: Cancon. aoh'igetty:: CUmberland, 11%
0311; Alnergraii. 701 M UP led Staten, 73fg
731: Morel:ants En uni, 05% ; w e d. a
Yargo, 111011. Quicksilver . 1.3100 1 4: Mar -
Ipow., 70T14; Pacigo Mall. 111%0111U: .&t_
lantic, 67 1 4.15'.0%; Western Union Telegraph,
111111151%; Mew York City. 11,5„;011 ; Erie.
071505754: do Preferred. 70117014: Iluclenn.
I.T.Pritui IIKIIII.1,1127615; Mending, 92300
91%; 0 uln CertlCealhe, 50 0117,0%; Wane:111.00
4500; St. Paul, 0015' , 4: ,to pre fa rred. 66005%;
:Mich bre n Central. 1100111; Michigan nOnup
ern. 90 1 4010-%: 1111nole Ca teal, 157%01.14:
Pittsburgh. 1109.01: Toledo. 100,0107;
Hot. Idand.SWlMs.ll.l , Niw a we torn, SON
59%; do_fireferrwl, 7407/%; ✓ arc Wayne, Iluji
0001 s tblartford A Er1e,15% 155;i Mlseourla ,
lug; old Tennimace.Cs l ,-Z; ce do 011.
111/1310 .•1“ • .
Mining share. arii miiiie ately active but
loge,' Quartz 11111, 115.. Smith a Parme
lee, C7301:38. lirrgory 400. Edge Hill, 130.
10 al I[lll, 31.
nce-xae.ivat nrcurrn.
The receipt/11n the SutrTrentnry were
11.'31.129; . pe7me9th; '41,091,351; bwleneei
C0.1rte,6%),040 • .
W, tons at Scranton coal were sold at
auction toelay at la r tiOa3,23, showing ► algal.
lir T. , .1 , •0 , 1 to 004144 aura b tiasetteil
Ifebruary 10.—Llre Bog. easy at
yeetarday .ale. at 117,13407,40 for
/Ighlt s7,oo 'e
01.75 for medium to fair, and
10.40011473 for grad to strictly ebolcei lota4o bead ; shipments I,,legi bead. Beef
Cattle quiet and easier, aortas to the large
sugay; sales at 17,75470,474 for good to
etiolate tiblPPlitg.llaerin•
11.2211.a.12 Sala 'PO22.lll7asil Itarl.boars,
February 24-2 cars Iron ore, L•ughlln la Co;
aceb last lumb.r. bleQue.r. • Don.lass; 25 hit,
bbls hertlog,lO do whtte lab. Watt a 'Moon:
ya tAa hardware. Secomb• da 00;6 kr* tobsom,
J Fallon: 00. ■ Olt lurr do J lullarton; I
mill sa, Hubbard, Bro. A L.; I do do, Lip.
b1n..11 w
Hakarall; hit 001 tobacco, 11 11.,
arum.: bh 0nt 0 ,eh..., 21 do apple., G W
0.1.0;24 elm AO oats, 003 .?; 4 Obis 011,
Omit Spar. A Caq II la bana; II Childs at Co;
II de do. J A litlaba.l . ;l do ...tan... 6 Av. 1244
fret, It Robinson it Cc, Dna chine, C bullet.;
etre Ora briek. 2 do city, Park, Bros a Co; 2
do bra brick Sbosolbeigar H.4lr; 470 aka con.,
W Mathams; 10 tallibpak, ado (Glom. 21
bleWhlnoty a (lc; SI kg. pearl barley, W
Go; .6.2 aba cam W 11 Hagan; i car keg.
J J Hendar; a bbl, meal, 111 kg.. Pawl barley.
Hr.b.elor Voalcaltap; a Dbl. meal, Nbrlaltler
Morledb i I es, clay and btick,(lrod, Hughes
a Cot I do do, 2211e1, Barrs Cot 6 Ob.. ciry
DDI. dry
J PeMlOll4 searn. bao()Mai l a
do .. .has , A t k a corn, hlo-
Bane at Anlert she Orr poacbas. apple,
4 Gas Need, Illoanor a Harper; anti. apples.
Vangorner a Shepard; 8 Deis beans, a au lard,
bp• apple butter, 4 DOW dry sepia, I do .11.1,
Voigt 6 Co. •
rirnartmor. korai WATT a CRIO.IO ax.,
F.bruary 00 —ID eng.motal, Nowak Bor
0, Zoorliud Co; do do, Jan Wood. 21.0 *
Voif do do, John 111.nnhasd, ■ do do, Bryan
I.ogh.lta do do, Box, Oral A Dull; hkds
tonnage. ag 13.71,10 oar. Iron ors. taboontrorier
Blair. Ido .t .131 P Alamo & Bre; I oar
wrap nue, )1111u, Ban P 100 btors dour.
3 dr. tots. Haworth, 31. Donald A 0..50 do do.
C liesslatoe; g kg. gyp!, butter, Talk. t Co;
re. Dago swat, J Y Moller: In Pb.. hard....,
noodorall; Xll4O do, H Grad Jr; 130 trtiodlng
1041•., A... 4, 10 bbl. araCke , B. keyoter
a Bros W bdls handing. anampboll A 1)111gopor;
In greensailed Chretiall; bon,
• .or. J B Mr.:lo donora . Gardlogrl An do
co, Thus. Ling; 740 yleir 14.4.
=alter A Tont LI kg. poillfgrl. B Conrad: I ear
bolksear. JB to rkiri 60 glqg grout, t
len. A Co.
ALL mmmmmm TALL.. x U.. FebtuarT It
41 bbl. ell, Fleher a DIV:. do do, Lnakaart
Foe.; to do do, iruith*. Zdartla .3 (IN 110 de
do, 11,) rlai•rtoo4 6 ears allroad 4000. T D
Desaiet:4 do matel. , Itoes, (6, at a 114,73
bee. VTII, JAi w Falqe,, n *Me apple. Juba
ear pales, 31 , Jail.. 43 eta oat. Adaam•
a •usaln; DI toils leatter, Wm Flaceus
AAA... Bair StAysb• It H.. Fobroo,y
.... klamtlton; ph..
cla.swao, J Nvltt F.
Lb. dose. Jo. Croi.;
Wow •, , pio, 7 Ll•tkortz I ON bean. Ko.,en •
tiro, 4 nave. mina. It °sty,. ► Co; .ear.
slay., Harps o. Itopoitsoe: bbt. site • Co; IM Obts'lloor, Stewart ► Lang..
Leto, t
Prryear aaa Uoicsiiirs a llgrot run IL ft.,
r•Orn•r, to—lt gkerks. E Smtta; t nnta a a .
K.a.n a herr.4,3 .fralr t Rai.
.ri,ar b.t. gaol, Pt.. 14' fircori to Cs. US, a
4o om4...lllellanty L 11rd, t buts butt.. Max.
or Ilsrpor,
MLR] titers,
0 ffice,Blol Pcitin street,
- rirrrantsuau. rA.
■.lt Hawse Illobee, Sire.' sear Gm.
No. GS 'lrcip4 'Street,
..ALrArirrTz .BUILDINU))
Aid Blink Book Manufacturers,
LAW. MILDVIAL, 3011001....214
BLANK 11006.1. Upp.,
WHITIRO • , zaraLorm
LZUAL Brivriosava.
wannsa map. 1
wry lOWA WILLY, raiN? Ni ebeeolea la
Ow re BS•brrser. •
Orders by mw pr.:propel stlends I to.
butt elecd , 411131: the
MI thenotSbant of
[Ter otrerect In this ' city, Plates tenpin/ In
price, nompl ete, fsom Ott ottI,LCLII
op ,Hikar /I.Lefld 19U PAIL
eery tape r.ur .paellty of IL
&me of rp.m the ene ..... pee madoln Late..
0 " , wh en
teem lh Al r lotrAn n li ' 4l " l:ll7:4lll7: fctio
I ns re to hey but Plot be annoyed In
Mu on W h en they teach the Ica,
NOR 11.1.L1l BY
The Highest Market Price
, ,
MUM AD cure ?l MUIR nons,
J. F. STABIL do GO. , Bankeri,
VIENNOT & - 413 a
•,• %11•1111.•••18, CIJ 444 4 01•5110 •
183 ammas •itineet. lam ,T•rk.
sets)) !he)) In )
Ririastecaseeldr. •r. rtel.mbAd. Eirnsslst.
01 ..seedwar. ~ .York; Mews. Van.-
tar • Co . 111 flreene.ten •n• t, mess,.
Mail • Martel Ilsatirtensrith It., X. T.. Y.
Y. Mrocs. nun •00 •rtjg. `i Ch.).
to is st . re. 1.: Messrs..lllsg•r co. Tsp.
rounders. le 0010 sl.. N• T. ' /c11.1711)11.”.
['anion. for Wonitolo jt OG. Hear.. for PG
onnalo. ALM tle.rsoo Doubt Led told on elm
=bolos otooo TOMOGIJ r noroeognidnA
oe3o 01.• WY. WAND.
PVthenhlph.nbtnr• exlatlng
tl.!Z: t.711T4 atrgegb.Vllll,°l'
• alms of Yht/X nelEll, Is tale der ells
so.rsd hi total e•eget.' MI e
m•e losonS.
0.2 to tee Om sea. requested to toe pargossi..
aad ttiowe bar lag a shut to sleevelet them Mr eel
wee, meta, aortae, wh. 4.1 •ad tc.
Ohs same Tao lb-mor bu.lowls will be oaoti•aed
ftltrYsl*ls 4lll rdhVals b ..ll:U t t .. lllE . Yr i i i
Mellor h. Jahn I. lO U. Isla CaSINT
TUS . I . IO ILUTION.--The Co-Part.
0 - '6o.7lAP,7lllrOrlf " ".
la Boas. taiga.
lag Haslant. V •Ilask•ay. to.
DIPSQLVIID 014 Afirrn Ulf J 49114117, That
The emilloraprned WW .0.0, the p.m... or the
M. 9ra.
14,4411 . 11174 DiVatead. walla .14.
is elm naisij
The river was' apparently at • etand last
Almelo/ with • little over els, feet in the ohs.
eel. lave expect to see more water to-day, as
• rise of several feet is expected out of the
hionoirgahelA At prawn?. - there le but little
Prospect fur an early break up In the Abe*
ghisoyi ae it has quit thawing and It Ic colder
both here and Oil (Sty.
The; Columbia, if ebb did not gati of lest
night,Will positively Faure, for etheillll•ti.d
LouistrOle tide morning. 'She ii have a
good freight Ira, end we hope she will have •
good [gotta trip. 1
Mr. 'Charles Arbuckle, of the firm of At..
buckles A tie , wholesale groom, of this
he. raters:mil from New Orleane, NOM ha ha.
„been for tome time buying suet , sod
Alitiongh In good health, be looks self be
ought ;to be rear:distrusted. He re:aorta/V. J. S
Dilworth ae havlsg gone to Togas for the ben
efit of; hie health.
The Argo.? Na,St got In from fltnalnnati on
'inseam. Meat with a good trip. She toll
leave for . Cinclunall on Saturday, and having
resumed her piece to the Pittsburgh and the.
elnutl packet trade, and on her next trip will
; leave here on Wedaesilsy week and regularly
oa Wit day herealrer. Lew Tender riftto
still la command, and Mr. W. H. Scutt in the
Meat, •
Theiblary D1174j0 and base also ar
rived root New Or'sang. and will at once emu.
men loading - tor Si. tools. Gen.'iCharlse
Barns Is her agent The MAW* Hay. Is also
up torlSt. Lout..:l_ ._L
Tb•rilendsle, Capt. Bare. ylth the yeteran
Part. rim. Mellon in the aloe, will poeltlsely
lease ;tor St. Louis this morning—at least,
the (Jiplain mg. so and he ought to know.
The (-Adele limns of the best boati- In the
Made. .
The New York and Kate Robinson . were
loading at Cinetneati for Pitteburgh on rues
day,a44 the Delaware arrived there on Monday
from Daehrille. .
Th. l ehiralltabs 4 3sPi• S. ILL McCallum. Sr. Is
gnaw:owed to leave for St. Loots today with
out fall, snd passengers and shipper. eittordd
bear th e la mind and aat ennthingly.
Vied the following' partleulars in regard
to ireaking of the Putnam in the Bundey
St.Lttula Repubfices:
The tarn-when Kamer Kale Putnam left
the city when about don Wt evening for the
purpoae of going to the "iron pile," at Cana.
deist for a cargo of ore. As the ern passing
through the chute ar Arsenallsland, she struct
oar of the numerous .l/rOtkl that are notated
In thatvicinity, which Ito.. in each • bole In
the hall aa to nun her manlier on the bottom
of theilver In shoot tea 311/.11111 after striking.
lennedlately after the ehnk was felt the boat
wart brand for the bank, Soda leading erected
near the argent. The sunken neaten Iles
perfectly straight. with the water about tour
feet .bore the duck en the etarboard lid.. In.
Kate Putnam le owaed by Capt. John Rhodes
sad others, of Pittsburgh, where the te maimed
for "Mins , Capt. Lightner as in commas]
et the:time of the snidest, nod will at once
orosead to the atiempt to nine the WAS. '
We yeeterday made mention of a sensation
local to the SLunphie Pape.. iii Wadi IttO ll."'
glance of the etearten Bertha had 0(010.4
The Billowing no the particulars of the
can, ea walthd them in the New/Albany Coot.
On the lineage of the .teenier Bertha to
Memphis, t here were, a• paneagers, Mr. Jas.
nod Mrs. Mary Bravo. The wife was felt . , fat,
...sitne and forty eating to
nye the Lantern. Linnocrai, were linOsou
Bobinsoot .0 John N. Tanker, who, serial
the tidy, were instouttly endoen with her
char., although they had nowattained m oho
trunlif perfenion. Itobin•on and Thacker
were, ,11 ap. partnere itt everything, nod
could sot heOoSe riven for her nfeetlan• Atie
eardiugly awe. decided Shot Thacker should
hare Mary. Smoothly the Course of melt
lace tan, until they arrived to Heerlen. gad,
- to ,111 /Denotation, annng woe ettepeend by
the [monad, who 1•11!0 .4 nook.o with the
gallant eagioeers, who, ,t the time they were
plying bloc with mean whisky, were uubersalre
Ow hie dome.* felony.
AI Mle.. Robins. talk cher. of Mrs.
Orono, .50 neon. her to • ...Meg hotts , ,
where. be erprmoented her as his wile. Be
then CatartMsed Lis friend *ad partner,
Thsekero and Bra., who. satplcions bad
tmen atoned, caught them in flagrant. ittluni
But the gentle Steno forgave ht. song wits.
s he notneed fattlifully. but 414 not perform.
The very nest day atm promloe4 to go to her
loran Oh., Volition/le, end the confiding
h nudged went to got ter • tient. During this
abeenn, Thacker, who was on the water,
•Isited her, ..tithe pl. was nted• top that she
should so to the Woo with her hush.d, allow
ta i t!a out ter au to• ear, and Ow 4e cad hie
Irleaaohlasou would morearnione•or on the
trip unit they could not.h off, and they
woolOnoca seek, the region of
The Ninth to eels, their lore. She nand.
tally 41tosred he( hushosd to coegust her to
the Moteoph. and Charleston depot., And plan
her owl. ens, .lad white he wa• around at
the be.ggage ear sttencllng to her barn., the
tootbat to. Hipped no board,nod as the trots
the poor tn. had tee malefaction
of rein{ Theo., and Bonne. mowing up:
the eattvhe battle kl• wife.
The IS •Loul• tigeoreiror, of Monday, says
The Kite Putnam .ot uur wharf Saturdny
forthg ler Unondint, to take on iron est mot
. nor.. hot failed to rims!. the rime.
While gonewg through tn. shot*, and not for
from thettee4 of Arsenal Woad, .he ran upon
the old:Wreck of •etenner. end. one Is wit
known . sod suet, • bow w. made to her hull
the ir,about ten minutes she wits at the bo,
tom. •n the meantlme the I at's Question
was etranged, oho wen down shun to the
wsmash Yesterday she lay etrnght, with the
weter hero feet deep on her mein desk. A bell
teat will be alongside th• shaken boat to-attest,
sad will an doubt raise her speedily. The
Pl.". owned by (Opt. John Rhone. of
Pitt Moirsh, Jim You., of th e boot, and
acheAl and lettered for twenty thoss.d dol.
tan to Pltleburgh. '
• St ILonie taiw r amoutd•r date of then.,
nrio, The eandltio• of the Late Putnam ,
sun pe Saturday emote in the Omer pest of
OA none, remain nnehenged. She will
tobe raised with doMenity. Hartgeolon
to Quin, end to Poor. la Mill lined. The
hiossoutt laes low that at. will hardly
lease" olot yet for that stream. It OS n Inches
at BOupelrille on tlaterday • It Is ewer •ren
than before the fooesleg weather. It Is lower
et St. Jonph, and all point. below, than ewer
before koo•oi and yet on Saturday freights
were stopped on boa. at ourerhaa for Los:
tenon et the low rate .f.O. per hundred. The
huge lite and three noseAtboats ere loading for
Elver a.d Menthes. •
(By Tslierapi, to t , • rittaesr• easel It.)
Nssakinsw, Feb. M—The river L again
fstttt with k feet a Mehra on Ilsrpeth
Shoals), The weather mild with light
rains. !Arrived; the Nashville, from Cairo;
krom the Upper Comber/and. th
warted Pileattrie, for LonlavlUe. The
Nistititigale 4 et the toot of the Shasta
walthati a Men
Yearns, February In—Weather cloudy
ahA co 01; It(oar tolling. Freights quiet.
Departad—litibicon, for Vicksburg, Para.
goo, Joh.. Lomb, Darting, with one /h..-
and bolos of cotton, for Cincinnati, Cora 8.
with one thousand one hundred bales of
cotton, for Louisville, and Tenneoo., With
Mx hundred bales of cotton, for Cinci n anti.
In port-goltman, Samuel J. Hale, Coun
ts. and Pearl...
FOIL I.llx ISNATI.-110 Sae
stays. partet
.11.1i004:No. I CAI . .. Lama VANriairtlrr
Wr, icon. Clerk. will !taro as above OATU
D r'Y Irro,aer. at 12 a.
For rrrirbi or Pr...le apply on bond or to
107 Y:4, 00 6 al t r a`.4
post FORT - lIENTON,I I 4E ii b'
aDd GOLD .1/2Nad of IDAHO
sod MONTANO. ST. LOUL3 and Jainuoul
RITI.K.-11.• lino Dimon.
ri lir Capt. TllO5. P. Catator”,,
Wall Irate as 50155 na the 410 or Li•reh. lief
e.lab opletond, and dee speed will ter .0
ndenter, and eblPPe'e /Poor) dloPaid ,
ad heretofore solos ad la the trade.
- roe
or t•osam, apply op node! or to
feta /LACK It Cut.l.l.ssiprota).
....S k a u s steamer • %WM&
Y DAVAOZ. and Barge. Boa. I and •
poYY .r .. romm•ndrr. will learr
For'l . 4l.7;O ' rVa '4l.
f . a ot r A r k r aPP.7 os board or an
BAlly as. Agent.
VIM Sr. L O llllB AIVP
ABMlCpla Capt. A. C. PICO/MIMI.
4 0010 leave for II e abOve and latermesTate porta
TH De 4 oclock r cc.
Inv (relent or paella, •pplv on board or to
fe2lsl.•Clt COLLIPUWIK.D. ARall• •
POll CAVIL() AND IST. Ed aZ ak
LuUli.-TP• One Hemmer
I , tarmuimr. ' Capt. JOS• H. Mean
Wlll leave aa above on TH$5 OAT. at a o'n'oelt
5/.20 /or fre/ght or paeszne eppsron LOA..
JOHN A. BIeGRAW, President.
J. P. 18114 EL, Secretary
• ;
The Moak of this Compose Ls already Pauly
op: Those trlatilop to &Sall theoiselsos
of Its beitollts. 004 better
Avir caixrcusi.
Al 26 Federal At.. Allegheny
ilerAlieliellir BTEVEJMB,
aciecenars ie J. D. Duvo, mantOkqpyvelk.srad
Vritr.lll " W.`140
but§ b. Pee rl Harl.7, Ust Meal sad Reel Con
Nell ntway, hula. HOleting done to Order
5M1Z111,7411 , 00 , will na.d net nO•s!,:es and
ULM rsiplemei sr., £r t.suasa r,
alrnavtli door above Dlaanoad.l
_Glass, ebbs Wan a Table ( unary
, Lt zarrgiuo roars.: iverytalas inquired
la a int class store ea bald. Call and ezaarlas
ear anode. nal/us
$lO L DAT FOR ALL.-Stencil j
umt.89.41.M" adft. " A.
Li IV'
Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron,
an wail nuns ma. 'Am, it
Office, No, 98 Water Street,
ruainis, DinnliarerLuaD, TURVL►i
'6IIIASIP/PL9. 43650 kt XTEB/3, 201111.11.0111
?BISON' 000/0 41.2fD O , 3AL BfillT2o.
(Part bailer 000000 neertiertad. Mama.
Start Liberty
Pittsburgh; Pennsylvania.
efloOrder• met to It. abort eddiese e,lll
promptly attendee to. m57:181
Best Commou, ReSned Chercoal
- Suniata. Bloom Iron,
maßatouvr rex. Bo ur 1.1 A 4114:DABIN LBO/
HOILEU rzeixo.d taiKrr usozr.
SMALL 0* HALL& *0 and 16 IN. to MA TAM.
WROUGHT CRAW. siats for ram%
FLAT HAlLM,Tonebed lidOoninterstat.
Warehouse and Offies ft the Wont. elusrx.
01.1011 rr., ;a eoetletatlos of Pivot street.) lot.
letting the OW ties Wort.. Piti.lirttl. sal2J4
prousTnut, WORKS.
. PO u.rnEus,
Engine Balldera and Machinists
Make to order Wortne and Lana Meant Inatnaa
(gall Want. warranted to glee rattoraetton.
Osattngt, or every deiterlytlnn. made to Order
320a111611a00, BOLL 701Inta
Machine knot, Cor. Point Alley & Itooo6lll
Wet. Zousdry. IVo.. e 2 and 64 Third street.
piTTSBUIRGH ST£4lll. WOllllB
Mama rectums" of the best
tkifinze. Flat shot Veta.ron, of. all slats: dm
110, tort sad 55.3 Vu{ Steel; OW
Stool for
AXLES, etkeDLAMS. Ac.,
Cast and COMJUOLI plow 4: Ppring Steel.
OC , -Coroor or Intst awl Room litrOW.
bl.ak.&boos the Monoo,ahola Holum.
Butler Street, Ninth Ward
• SL . X . X . 3 . IIO.I3I7NaGiaIL .
Belling Lelia and Bridge Casting§
Ja..e1 3 ..r 7 *me Casual.
Mau. prom ctlr care hill 7
E/3!IVP.T & ratiCriLESID.
131.A(EL nutracmi)
01122 221 2 , 2reboneo, 120,, 22, ■en.
u. i 191 inna
OM= :no W.1.120c81
No. 29 Wood Strew!
It.afactart ana keep eoaataau7 . ban
Thimble, Skein It Pipe Bow,
• .
. WLOON nuzins, 1,00 IRONN,
Lid <AA g• • CM).
Frefght Ef.oisterEi
arCa.ttul• tall Ottertottons mad. to arditt
C•raer...l /first a.m.! Norry
• PlTTABfflall. PA.
J. P 1 , rITIEFt a SONS.
Iron, nu cnot, Tut. and Trunk
EICX)I'3 AND ums-rs,
VintT.lll Ulf a PA
1111,40 ~. N. N , A rtrIEPOIEES.
Wunbosso, Nos. ItS sod 117 711.521 c.. MK.
11(onononnsis House. Pntobsrsb. Ps. sal%
IfirAcrengglll l l:l7V2titll3 l s
all Made ar HOLLOW ,WA RR, CAR WEI au
and all klanls of MACH C AbTlNtia, acre
ner et WASLIOR arta latiLlatit2B aTREICTIA, foal
of /Me street exuaslaa. Picea.... Pa.
le....Kamm Of
geleed , ,Vbareost,JaaLsta & Polls
010711 Afro 'Wan rtrrim. Nr, •• 111/IAKIL
N . l.t I.SI:ISLX . CM\ • 2 •
oPSZ:Nl V lP,tsis ' fiPd:al.l:l l' oo l ,,W
Pvt. required le the erection pi thy .Dore bustle
ar t rl ' ill r AVtitgatl ' atit?e d olro d ierf
it i iikt . .l . Roser d , Architects, No. 2 it. Claw et.
and/' L RR et mangy.
Cor. Woad urth cu., Pittsburgh.
I C° iiiinitYot dee di
/turatactful. of llTlmati( E 01 HICH, of all
Oan mad mf •Dofaved oattefts. far at..
t 2tftir ' AV?. 7;:aVl ß ? " fla,7l3 n al d d 17:"'
P.M•11: - NO Om, width Va. aa malt. a. Carr 10
dada arta,
• a P. r . ()AVM= WeldragNp..
tre7l. l t`TXtf •. l " • laoett7.
COTTON-8 bales ;oe steamer
eii il7 Ulna, to= ji foff i ne a li a -cu.
JAL Yzau,a. Penet W. P. Pouraz.UL
Box Irom .
Manned /LE Bars and 8.111.
N.Upend Oar Axles ltoillids
Yokos, Strops'
Milos Iloadia
ateosslost shall*
Stosaaboar Cranks;
Plasma Nada Waists; .
Pita.. Joao, Collars, ar,
(mecca, No. Vrt PENN STREET'
Pi=llll7ll6lß, PA
Cotner Carroll and Small=
Streets, Ninth Ward,
AILILIS11141:7111/11011 OF
I ;
Cast Iron Bowl rim.
. !, 111 Pipes are all east varslcally PM.. /tip
mentv i ol pm Lailitm6 alao. • Pat •
AMU, Cif w m rim ir
Ewe`, Lindsay, Sterrit & Ettwe:,
Manufacturers di Importen atil
nir ;
49c.c., 1
c.r. , a 7.7,....., r:i
One s q uare ,Below Dales Depi l,
Prpr swims.' 1
air to D'AMILINICIS , 50iL121. -7!
810121 7 1130 STEEL WM. I;
Slife I li 1 NIXIE & C
nu m, JUT An ICU 11, of in nildi
NUJ, 111:11aT, Calicina; GLIM Liii ORM
Cast Opting faasi. l
Cast and Germ 4 an - Plow Ste
rww Wll4OO AIM KOWElit BA AL
?trims, um MID WI'EEL TL ut
CHOW-BABA a... se., M. O'
Warehonge, SS Water St., Plittrair
selStki 1 .
4111 OR TOX 87111111
Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh..
THOMAS N. KELLER, Presiden •
Thu. Works are mom the Larose ad toe
00molate establteroneat Um Wool . and
w prepared. fernier.
Maxilla! of)lEvery Deverlptiof
Boller; Oil Taub,
Illiset Iron Work,
aallroad Cutlnfts,
Bolling XIII Cuttagp l
Marne Castings,
Machin. Castlnip.
Illeneral Cutla"
53 and be Water Street,
P 771111011811, Pe ti
xxxcirair samt.
COPPia STE&X riPI. ,
Carson 81,919 Ward, sear A. S. LH
atAmicresz. at •
Hammer Dies, Steel Moulds;
Lag EU gal Isdige Cut* go:101y.
dr.tnulT.'firu.v.r. - Arigw"
111/0.1.400. •
loam C. ItCMSAT
Jobbing and Rlnchliery CasUnni
Once, %Seibert) , Street,
ems our of Made 11.1141m5.1
IL. W. KOZZOW..JMI. S. 1 4131137.1.-lii. =Ara
moutoit,BiliNHlLL a co.,
nk& Ma Solt Paww* 011, Air*Morn
. Gaonoonars,
Wrcairitt Iron thides,
Wont Iron Work,
• we, •
Iron and Steel Works.
COL , RAHN .& CO.,
Iron, Nalls,Bpr Ingo, Axles, Steel, ihe.
1110. 77 WATZ eraser,
%.4 . :47 6 . 3. .ita r rA ro ximit i t 11.2.
lita a...sonmeutetoti4
Cook., Parlor sad Beating Eton,,'
&Pot( 10110/1 ant. ago ZMUCILA
T 11,1111.1
_TRY elarro_ru-,
isa.2rA vATILY&X .4 mnlol.l.lmo-IWoot
C00k.....) Lin m0na11....
W 0, 4
fft. and Wu... oars. of Booos4 rH
W.% Maw.. 1...• an &mod I
• Mat. W.. 1
Al= at. IMP 11111................ZDN0VD ERVIV.II
Bess Boners, SII SWle, TAW,
Sheet Iron Werke, 814
Al Penis 85., PittaburgA, P.
1300 3Persza. nitro.%
. .
Chill Rolla. Nall canto" Roil Lathoa.
THOS. 0.A.R1,1N-.
10 1 / 1 11 VW MUM ILI= NA
2:01Z11141.11/ . 14 . A /MAI M ML LID
Ma " Wi r r ia L a tin Etri l ah
SUVA MAT ruania.z.i
V 11.14
On - and after T.M.MMODAT, Metannin MOM.
Moms mill lofty* at sad drool . . tram Um
s. ems= m Waal and 1/ as riteota. lo
/draft. Lbodm
Kim to and from IfilostM. TOD.. IL OM fon.
Manemoort noternarat'n.lkUl A... Lder. N.
exp.. and dos Volanyn. EMI, Y. 2.02M1A. r.
West Montan AerooakaPst.• 4110 P. N.
Brow'. Aecoolawast , s.— CIS r. lg. 7.15 P. M.
Mhant aaa t , nod...port:lod° P. N. LOA. W
6.llma""WCeltTioTh" T. N. 111 - 4 f. A. We
ler Tlaketa mroly to
W. 0. 4. KIM% Amt. arum SnparinCeadeut. 1012
, —. 4 --oealliMilli
&mamba( TbrOatlik t. Wamasslld MI ,
Cenuttontag wild Ttalue East and Waal N. li•
Warns and. Ersatlla Railroad: also WM. the
Atteatte Yd :Meat. Wattont Railway.
vs mot attar TII/CHDAY. 1410 Jszotarf. ME
Ma Paaseaor itame mill loam. from tad ardMl
54 Wm raMddrlta DepOt, Oorzat 01.1 and Ills
W as Ibilort:
Depart. Atnellde
NMI to lad from Tea. Oily. 7. A. Y . ILEA. 11.
Id 1 dress • ' - e• • • 10:15 P. E. • 5:417. IL
Bad, Head Accout:a:Pa. 135 P. N. 11:07.a. M.
Pint Soda Works carom.... 5:30a. le. 3:13a. M.
&toad coda Words Atom... COOP. N. 2173 ...B.
How. etcoommodatloa . . 4.40 a. N. Odd MM.
3:lll 4 .tr., o :4l:l,,rg o rcitTg,;lll =Tit.
attars:lam 10.0,8 PltUtmegt: at 1:10 7. a.. lI.T
Motet at doda Works .t 2150 p, m.
ICE B. tt/./4:11L01 , 0147.. emit. -
1868. alllgani 18&3.
1171118174011 IT. WI
W.. AND uLavir,LAND
Prom Januar/ 119:...
Nam =a um. at ula U 7
enUb.trE , !*eiiT WWI. •
'AVM • Uai0•110
34 PISMO Math 11.
. .
el'u • 1.
811 6 41 ii
Chi rii La . :
V 111
axle Yan Sr 'alp=
el. a WU . 710 Spa
111(u. A el. as.
c v=l. fa: V l ° ,11
cw.i t uo.
liodlLuote!ml4gll m
11 ;:
We l vtlp 1 ;43
tdp lee..
4 : 05 , L00 A e .l :pp
p m
pr r le nt. l Oh teigg
os. js.; .ViZES.
vti ramk;ii.
N. gt. • '2°M7 61
N. Beta •. inte •al
N Csatle
.• ]:ti ala
ow Ma
Liketadals 4, NM au
" nit go,
N. NOUN, B:6lps
igzukes a. au Imre:
15111 . 80Ki11. COI UMElli A CINCINNITI R.
UNA.NtiI Olr TMCS.-012 luxe EIINDSIG
December Sth. Iset r trales will mid
et Unice Depot. ea lolloss Ms:Marsh Mme:
. -
Mall sr. Lii Jr. M.
Past Line .......... 9:10 a. Y. TYPir. X.
Nast ....... L5O r. to. A.
Mixed Way- .......... A. tr. lUD P. SI
Maltonsto.• Aoc. 1..11:10 A. . LION Ne
Mnoenslllo Accomd , o‘. Mst y. M. Ikal A. It
McDosald•• Aloe. Po. 2.. ado?. N. ILIA A. II
animal. Navies -Monday /trams Maya •
1.50 r. A., ar ri ving la Oincinaatl at Sao A.
imst moraine.
1 r
at. 1 4 . 1 tit rege . s 7 dil IV:II:tit ad
emcepted.-arritine lu Oinclanall stet
mos evening, SWUM ADVADIOM
WOO camp of cars oetween Plttabmo sad
Citsainastl. and but' OMN chasf to OL Loa..
1 , 347 . , and Nn principal points art atilfliattle
hoe paroltasing TioteM s ' are and lad OSM
Moo of 'tat
Vnion i geot, (south side.)
IL p. NOT Pettali,Tleket
. taltalt
tOrhra th. r eirret TIZZ:et.I. "
1 1 2 ,
bei ls. onh.&
E a
t' .
a 44.u±:
Wall , . No. P;ISS• 1
.I.llEds•cl ti..11:11• Nr
Wall's No. L,..IIsIISIM
JobustorE . A.S. 74.10 MI
Walla No.
; " ga 5 ..1
WallSl o .. CMsa
r W an Mo N
Web'. NO. 7.. .14 IN DS
Intro Old dela= Dm
Of Wfolaasion Sad LI •
Trant......1.10 • ro
bitntoisnotn lno. . : so
Wall h e m:
CtsclnnsAl in. Irani siS
Johnstown 6.10:13 In
Walotnla lO
p n
;2::10 . • trat s si u
WASP. I. 7:00p nu
1.7 =
Tae Crimea Tlalit.l.l
B o.M. a. ll:l6ll " tetnyea I
atik."._7?!,!4:trall.. BIM
vs WlMP'Slatlan IMES
lag Pittsburgh ailllel
ttabult at 11:1111.411.,
tZilst taa m ill mai
Vali" daily steeps sued
Pallaasibbla Earn.. •
elcalatlon sad Lalgraat
ennui Explaas wives
/1.11 babe. Inaba daily
lay Mater lalabbnailm
The erllll/71.2111• W ail
basasaaay (are ag
' glared Nbllarla gbao.
lag minarm= la vain.
Ms . abless taken b
and M. Altoona Alpena.
Traits aralaa dngy. cla•
. • Conja%
m. t r.
ry A
=Ma AA,
arr th coaaracl.
stlth NOVISSIBAR 0,011M1.1111
the Pasthager-Traine o
the Weston Pennsylvania RallthAll NAT
anargebart 00. the Pelersi Meng DINGS
Alleglthay (nth. aS foßaws: •
suarpstogloro 1 ALLAN. Ball !restart StISA.N. ltherrort Ro. 1 INI/611
&spew? uharyblg Rol LIMAN
• Ite "P etstri tin 4:16 13 fd: 1:614.11
LLall —....-- pat. Pre,thort 250.1M1N1
Llarmersyle As 7:10 Cilthryslg No I, TAO P s .
Above itrainsthn aally except
Tbe Mouth Trlll leaves .Allegben.„Y JUIN.
everylithday th 7:40A. at.,
l apin. Ala ,
RUT at 9,th R. /returning lath
, es All
Olty at IM P.M. that antra at Allegbes7
at 135 P. th
COsaraLtSlloct 'notary—gar gala In packages •
Twenty, betereco Lilacpszty
_Mr, Meat**
meet. Meer. Pannell. glag Creak. Cum an
4,,, arlAbirgl.4reetrel op the tiaras itako
snakes Street c0n...0n ak grerport wit
Walk., Lima or Claims toe BMUS sad Hai*
Toroggla TleEtl. ro be purchased
ofnoe, No. I in. MO andt... Zasporol
Brige, rirtstorgb, at Ilusl.kgot,- ,,
1 1 / 1 4 . .rtbelr Otioratallor apply to
Jrcderal POMO
St. Worstret Prangtranlo Railroad —, i1.7 - 50k
MYt f0r...C0., except for Wear..
Ivy .1.1 , P.r.r. .14 Malt tbdr resoorulbOtty SO
:tors almsrollarD Doza.ono v 5.150. olllmoosos
exceollloy Latorsta tit val., will Do ot
risk of she moor, calor 'um t 7 500144,0711*
danec[l - tl q`o. ton.. 11/4
looLoasuilj' USVADAL,
ramrosusriA. urea,
1,t1.1:11 (•,,.1 1
Raw nano°. IDAHO,
Two Urdu Irani atato Idea and Leareatrarlat
(i. tttama. .71 . idara o aroartt i d.) , :: rt u a
L arrtral .. l
/iitaalta mad St. Jo Railroad from Qatacr, cos.
naming at Lavin.% Topekaand Warimago vita
Wages for a/1 points la Naas.. At cad attract •
wen of =swank Irttlk the UNITEDIMAM
RazPRIDM oumr.a.wm• pithy tam ail , .
and with SANDMOLION ral-lirinaLT
Or 00.undlus for TM Union. itutt's Nom . ,
ALhowoortuut Duty Is. and aO ;dials tii
Arizona and Haw Maxim
. With the recent ed.:lntone of roilleir flock ail
'e.eltamet. and the stoat.akente made
Wennt.le threrlaad Tiwirroxiattos Linea tram
110 'return seesaw.. We read now often ease
spelled teelittlairor the tranualufFa of Intik'
:114 the Far Wen.
Ty-lot. for tale al all tee
;Ile, °WWI state.• bad .
41sjsae and Ana /WV TICB/178 nA.
, ILA4ILWAT, tUrIT.7IV L1VI81U11 . ; .
a. ameassow,
(:astral BuDorlatasdai
J. H. wx!serria.
Uintall /naiad. and Tlkket &meat.
zynoar.l.'.lo:su i :l
4.11. y RUHR: Ii4TITRIUT—ZPt6T,4,IIII.;
.NRSUAR — earraltig O. IS. Malls. - ovate
.10004 tram Ireland. Ragland. Scotland. elm
mega. 004 Ir.nx. £7017 01 CM Uomoaaril •
- • 11M, jr. •
isoltutve anent to gook Oabto resseagsf
ado.. KM.= 01:1M6 nuakarob. Po.
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