The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 27, 1868, Image 3
tfit litOntr - gr eaptts Mfram , d a theme rid Emir or. vireed tell ~spi - • A dales o'er loratneleti nun. Ave In It nectar said Aladdin earn: • Wild thew the Mine Wrettinn eversion Brusbod from Um Walla' star by Mel/ Tamen,erpedssof neredfartirtaj p.w lein Zara t tie pleasure of UV use fietticireams, valise time with sportive itristrteass glom • Asa Satan beusteless to of Woe. Tits Cumno. mare tee proem. rleto, TIN Mallon babbLed - ha OVA liwast mounds trampifd, n ',llea the µsax. Tba 11. nutted work might Tarr Takas blame, Aaa •Xissef vu the pima:loos cotaxribul'a Fah h am . the Gedbla ClTtlan oath. =ant. Affi treat N. on Wall lovelier Ilps the rut. S. T.O. THE SOUTH. Eill u trying s little Nleolsoa t—nnononia 'and scarlet fever art trerWiag Missouri. `..B"eattrrl7 isisrs are iv:rattled abent the duns:ten rotes =is trade. " —The Sichiaoad ',Raga& sr delights in calling Haruriciatt eallapsed Soline-" I —Bishop Carroll. of Covington, My, Mao ill that bed tittle hopes aro enter-' Mined of his =sun , . -The Georgia Gm:mention has left questton of eligibility of negroes Oleo to the State Legislature. I—Bishop Martin is bard be roads to proceed with the building of the cathedral at -Natchitoches, La. —Maj. Gen. McDowell McOook is thi commander of tbs . ralsdistriet of .Taiss. Hialeadquuters are at Browns- —Mn.s James Prewitt, of - Mercer, Ky., kai ran off with Mn. D. A. Dams. Mr. Pnrwitt is not going off to And dathf.r of --Peas and potatoes are being planted , la Georgia, a fact which mast be espei.: hilly Veinal to the lovers of those vegetables. —Bears are very plenty In Tana. A. party of hunters started out from Bren ham and in two days tilled six bears in pseuds Comity. —Mew Orleans is about to atart a line of steamers between that . city, Havana and points south. It is to be called the Gulf Striate Marbie. - -The Democracy—so called—of the various comities of Mlzscnuir have held, or are going to bold mass meeting to or: ganiZe the citaPaiffft• ' —The Bt. Laois Reprthhree says that the Har t Jas. W. Kellogg, of Dearborn, eloped lastweek with the wife of Wil -Ilans-Ifoorehetum of the woe place. —Last summer the Missouri river at Glasgow insured 1,478 feet across. A. few days mace, at the same place, it measured luit,Boo feet.- Water fall was —The wild ducks end geese are so nu. Onerous as to be speit, inthe lower por tion of Jackson county, Ilissouti. Whole Lads of carnhana been dela*. • - --Tarsus a meeting in Yaioo City, on the 7th inst., to devise means to sac, cash:illy resist the payment of taxes. Whether they will goateed in their de vises read= to be seen. —The widow of John C. Calhoun was forced recently to _ sell his library at auction, and it brought only $200; whole shelves of books were knocked off at five to six dollars per shelf. —The North Carolina Convention re avian adjourned, on motion of Mr. Hood, a presbyterian minister,. unt il the circus bad passed the capitol; after ititicit their duties were resumed. people of Lexington and Paris, la the State of Kentucky, bad an excit ing match for the championship recently. One of the finest cock fights on record took place, and Paris was victorious. - —On Monday .Edwin • Forrest began an engagement in . Lonisville as Vir einels. The Courier of that- city, bar: tug probably been fin 'Fax Winkler tug for some time; calls him the great - est of living actors. - During the last month the heavy cotton transactions - in Nashville have . need so much money that currency is von same thereabouts. From $40,- 000 to $60,000 per day have been sent info the country to planters. young Men, who was waltzing at a ball in New Market, Teen., a few days since, fell to the floor. His puma en deavored to raise him, and it was not until then that her screams acquamted the - shocked merry-makers that ,he was a arum. stories of destitution in- Ibiza are heart rending, a Southern Ex iliange sip tinifiiomen of refinement. well bred and tenderly nurtured are begging for a little corn for themrelves and children; and there is none for —After reading the following in a Bt. :Louis papezwe concluded tkat the calor ed man referred to Ili dead: "A dnuiken amp, stepped Into the dock at Rich mond, Vs., Thursday night, and wu gibed ont Friday in an expired condi tion:" .—Fareters In the neighborhood of. Ifemplas are beginning to rippreciste -the situation and are bard at work clear ing the ground for. ph:ming, having found out that only by the sweat of their • own brows c a n bread in suMelent gums titles be procauxl. —A Mrs. Farley and her son attempt . al to croti the river at Kansas City on - the evening of the 15th inst., but took • the wrong track; and fell though a hole in the tea Mrs. Farley was rescued alive, but the body of her little son has not yet been reccmwed. • •-Texas was newer ao thronged with lawless characters as' it is just now. Yoram are almost.o plentifo' I as they .are in Memphis. " Ifighwsyrc.bberiea are Ter, frequent, and mail teaches are 'topped and_eased-of their Talnableilti true Jonathan Wild style: —The Allumni of Georgetown College in 'Unlucky, are to have a &nivel dur ing commencement week. in Jane next, and all graduates have bona requested, through the newspapers, to let the an 'bottles know of • their whereabouts, in order that invitations may be forwarded to them. • - •Bather an exciting scene took place on the.lBth but in the. Vicksburg Iter - aid office. A genfteroan came in with a tin cup fall of Petrctoll and undertook - show off its nonexplosive qualities by touching a lighted match to It. In stantly the room was In a blaze and the occupants, covered with flames, rushed from it. By the efforts of outsiders they - were extinguished, but the editor and one or two other gentlemen were very badly burned. New Orleans a man was found On the 18th inst., cut in the breast and : lying on the pavement. He said that oneelegged man came out from behind a amter r , called him a coal beaver and cut him. After repeating this statement admiral time ha died. Amen named Maddox we. shortly afterwards gestated because he was washing a bloody knife, which he attempted to emceed when ne saw the policeman. Maddox has but oneleg, no that circumstances are not lie his favor. —The Lebanon, Ky., Motion gravely saroonces that "a negro child, of the m oo pnmasion, was born at bir. Lloyd 'Adams', in that COSISIty, between fans and Ave Weeks ego, that has well devel oped bressts, and girea milk. All the -means usually resorted to, for the pnr. pose of checking the flow of milk In fe males, have been tried in thisisse with cat access, the milk conthialng to ac. attanlati: The case la a very curiae, one, Ind Is attracting a good deal of at- tention from medical men. If this lac. teal - flow continues, what a fine wet nurse the lxry will • make after a while." : This La sort of rival to ,the, woman tedritei man aterl.- - Izt ;ply Clitlizt (a) c•=l orA cimau. A COLD. OR A untua. ac a s c="Vrit; =WM, Irritation et tkelmago, • Parammat Timm% Massa.. Or IDOSlMiarallen. BROWR% BROACTILIL TRO as•lnn , • direct Intlotus SOLO* In modlsto Mitt Poe Itroonala Catarrh. Conantsrpictre OMR T Woo oats. Town. an need nria niwnin =WAIT Wl ' Moon only cones anoecrilar. =as... and do no. lona lam of Ike 110271/11iall lurronong cn•t Inn/ ogromd• WILD L 111•1118131. tart. BAISHEELLL is CO., BOILER MAKERS • :ci:l IRON . WORMERS. 10. SO, 22,2441 A SS Penn St. linty wend a lime rut awl fandebe.lll *MA Oa meet Weaned waseblway. we are era. pandto aezawre away ilemelptlon of ers la taro beet meaner. extelgramate.l weal to say made la Cu emtri, =amen, Stoma ta& ltre Reds. Steam PIM. L0001.1:1.1 11011- Co3ulleaeare. Batt Yana, Teaks. 011 Rl l / 4 ►sitabn. Ilatalas Pam Dollar Iron. IlneSah I . Pane. azA o.le taattabeterars of 11111.11. :.* ELTZEIT sous= • ex Qoae on Me Apnea notlea. Wed FerROHINHON, RICA & CO., Mate tO 'MOSINION. inns• M 113.3111.3 :WASHINGTON WORKS, e.dinisidimaniaidats.pitiabanal kaaufge.nrori of Boot gad SuSaw! Sims 141ftle.. Blast Lostsaa. lilacidnezi. Oar tog. gbaftlog. Comore Of Ott duarlsrloost, rugs .4 =U. Sella sig nod Iron Wort. . Ms: No. IS eons¢ Iva as/ Boding as flu. Arafflosla Car SIIIWID'S MMUS! pi. ISCTOS for feeding balm. W. 1211 EN-Loax munition • COPPER MILL & SMELTINICWORKS. PAM, MUMMY dt CO., ibasafactafors of anxiaralzfl '''..""l l2=l: , " Ten. Wit 44. 0.0.10/ 4.4 Tlasure , Msehtn..4 Toots. Wareboaaa, o. 140 PDNIT 51032.01" on 13.1110 ZZOOND 441.47, Sped. 001.1 at C a . 0 . 0 4d 1.1.0171. tarDLNDOCID AND TBE TID- O% OF YOUTH trauma la trot week. E [Walt Ana:wised. DLL PICISID.IS teStaot. US LIFII rstiereS Laurrrs.wllatavar alas. arlaloaL *Crabs uf early usralcluut liab.t. self-abaft. Implatassf aad climate Ors .17 • u at r am a so aeo lawshesu=v l a . . blab are .an almpleaska vitamins.. restralat num bull. • nr pulsar.) Ta.Mll4ll la Unusable.. Bo ral tear quaUtles ea. far • be ha/loan 4.1 Sp pppt gnat la • larrlca.'h. Preatul Ate . York. . . AVI.114:1T11 IIarPUILOSOPEIT - OF dr<o SILO; 434 W Boom ot Loetarm as &Hosted at the New Tent Suwon et atatomy. imetaelog the WO tete: Woo to Hoe •04 what' SO Ore fort Tooth. ftatilOty .4 OM Ate; Kan heed getherwly tortewel; Wheaton of hatties. Woo. ilotatenee wt.l tLefTW.ll••l:etses seetteute4 • .. , . . . to rallswirohiewily Wrandweet, fiockW, owitaisiteg thew liwtaris .111 lw forwarded to 11.0161.141 alipise.. -eel • t Pane gimps. SAldreseag: RI.CEII MtM:=M IirMAIIIIIAGE AND CELIBA. LeseT toe Tina, Neu tea the Crime o f Solitude, mut Mt DULLS sad . 1 SUDO saleat anal* tmpedhaeata to 111.6. vitt aura au** of relief. Seat la Is Ilea letter aayeasae free at GYM. Adolreu Dr. J. •ICILI.IH HOUSII2I.IIS. Howard •sso- What. PIWWYD•L. Ps. titabk67l rarQIDINCY A. SCOTT, DENTIST, .ro. risavr 1321SEET, amairre rrmeartraint. 14.11 i F,1):41 SPECIAL NOTICE, To Purchasers of Clothing CRAY. & LOGAN, 47 Bt. Clair Street. In order 1.1 claw .at Mete, OM Lan wart atent.of Bap', You and Children's 1-.CIIT'3EL - I IVCir. Are may cdrerlos good. at DZCIOXD HAW 11.1796. BOY&) SUITS FOR 85.00 AD other roods *warty tow. GRAY A LOGAN, 14 Clair 50~4. MEM WINTER GOODS. E. HOUSTON & 00., . Fashionable Mercian' Tailors, EOM MU STUB% = Winter Coatings, CASa . - f molly of Yea sad WV.' HSALD CLOTHING ofboa, at prises to Mt. teatimes M as6:sta P. McARDLE. Merchant Tailor, No. on SEMIIleld IN Pittsburg'. x.meemasaTlyealuad saneassortowat of CLOTHS,CASSLILERES t, VESTING& GiNTLEMFXS FUMING CODS, szarre cr..ormsu *ADZ TO USDA. a au taws ata. MEEICHAN'T TUWNII4 • JONES a CUM Na. II x. CIA= ISTILEIT, Iranian Walton non no aan a Int noon Gonna, vat:ollM= Vita Tin dd. UYfp 0011121011. .Tr h illtek i. tit , propand b cat and mit fen, Say airittetiara:d ' lrt Salia b Uinspa “t to tonna 'Mara swoon!. son:an •-:•).14:4•9 4 00;11:4:41:44114511 SIINDAY SCHOOL crmEnns farlaoetw iPshN u DIMB MULL, &4. ICZ CM11.14 00211ZOTIONAEI th./....t. PIM SZIAtt, HENRY W. lIIMBACII, - 6111feidatal and Bakery, No. Soo EIITS7IXI.I) rraircr, 11 , 1m;sa Smath sad &Ism SfrIAINSPOTSTZS PALOON slue/bad. GmeitGE =A u, • CANDY MANUFACTURER, "MTh. I WZDZILAZ irrszir, soma dont aims tt rts F.lmasl &&&&&& b:A lizlelaPpi :4 a :1 . : I E r J. LANCE, • Nos. I= and UPI Third Street DYER AND SCOURER, Siren Goods Cleaned or Dyed KED 01.0913 .4 LADLIV FLAMM Ws. 01 . dTed. ', a. rill Emu , s • saacrr Dyeing lad Souring Mabilsbillent, - G. 11l OLSON]) AIM, Lemma Wool sad elmltair guM it. r oVa t Taratnltlro grave. uwatt.s, WASHINGTON MILS, lanta Sn MI MO lieniez • W. W. ANDERSON,. Masalbotarar of CoRK MitaL. BTX IflXll7}l. ObIOPPED /ISM girders Oatlva.. la either dry, tree • f arida of ail kinds enopooll. sad Cora sbalia4. an abort aottaa • taa:f JAMES B. JONES, Mat/1 EN Scrap Iron, ,Light Iron 0111.7 Asa Imorazne mos Mi100r . .1114 disc. .Sumer AM deIINVIZ cleStreet sad lit• . auL”ar • L. N. HALL, Manufacturer of HAVANA AND DOIMSTIO 01013/11, Whalual• &an retail &Ala t TORS.OO tne•ss. INDY r. 1421121, /..1.•1116 1:411X0 Limns 472 band. r. 114 WOOD STUNT. Wria n•ra.1.1.7t, rittalwargh. It. A. IL ENGLISH & CO., ',- 3u 98 Fourth Strut, PabMaas ala3oooD% KILT)ZN• DIAN'S ANITEDIETIO,_ • BOHTVS UNANIMAN AND CalWa.WrotlOorY NUOZ• Alba, akanufacta• ...nor MINX SOUND. NOUNAUNDINO seated aU MIMI. • Way Ntaor. of NIA TION [AT aztaruuniv as Mad. 414 Jowl s. , & s. DIMIDOCIat 111111111.1, OM ID RIM E MAI -11$ IEILITILTIZLD ITBUT. ° " 4.4"r"" mrsairson. PA. grerabiatma uatlas& Musenss astee rel BABB & MOBEla, . ALTY:II3.IIiOO . t IO . 1/21711 . POtrelt A9SICIIITIOX 1111TLITLIG. trot. 9 me 1 flu cwt. .trest. rittabenl4 11.11a1.1 /MMUS= itircl to QS detlill/ 1111.41 . 141•ICOU t fkliFtll.4 Wale DRY GOODS TRUSEMINGS. NEW GOODS!. MEM' GOODS! NICIICM, GLYDB & CO'S. We hs,fe lustreceived • flat a:ma/Imeat Or lal good. la onz laa, ma LS LOTION liO3I.ILAY. =1 I=l I=l PLITTOJIS t 7.711X11114121 Of GENT'S LAD 1...A.D123' 114 Its. ri fel line far 8 prtim sad Ilinromer. We Wpm received • c0=1 , 14.....r7 ./. Linen 11.1k.f0. for Ladlay . lhat's H setdkovebleb. of au Mad.: lioiri;Oi•iniar Mats: Wainscot ayslcs: Vlet,orla Lave. Lim CamDTI. ate Ristori .41.r.z-cozaai, Dlfacent sixes and bet.= OUR LEE OF KID GLOVES WILL DUI COMPILTITION VE RlBltottl to all ooLsto. Theo DERBY IaIAYSIMILIL COLLOR. toil tom and =AM ZIP nolasalo boyars oral Oa, Wto ohm to • IdateßTlM, GLYDS & Co.'B, 78 & 80 Market Bt. NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS JI7BT1121C31:1913) ET JOS. HORNE & CO. HAMSDRD ZDOINGS i LlinitTlNDai Dllin , BANDI3; NNW ETTLIC 111.571.11:08: GOWNED BULLION YKINDICS; 17LLATT 818301.1 e, BU w 141.1. ;R fi d ai : V.Xlir OL TIC, aopielblag for Ladles. NA 01 111-91110111 Ell= = _.::LaLAiu=&aLJ TAILIT.L2D KID OLOVIS. t elielee .sorusent or VMS FRISCH Fa.OW/Mi, BNIDAL WiMATHS, to. TEI CZLZBRATESI \ Bismarck Paper Coßats, Tor which we WV th• Wholesale J e sup. Alm TAB of ESSISTWIL =rah!lerotgraV we do.. zelestralff tor este. ent esa offer roperiortedamekeets to tub terms.. WHOLBSALTRQUIS SLURS. '77 ball 71 *azlist Strove. 14171 SPECIAL IMPORTATION I SPECIAL 'IMPORTATION SPECIAL IMPORTATION Xa111.C131315 1 cal 11:10.7P 211.3111 Lia Xa.A.40.111111.1101 = =1 I= lIANDHERCHIZINI, COLLARS, &c. PRIOES REIIATIYABLy LOWI IF.= ==! RACRUR & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street. - NEW GOODS! I=l BURCHFIELD & CO.'S, Ado. 97 19111.19Z9 IIL.EJCBRDIXUBLIX I 4 CALICOES AND CRASH, miu wrocx or wooos .171.ACIPIIIMXDIZCili. 1112112. r. To Ws room ror orterdlSS tho Eton Soon bark. No. $T Market Strata. Jai rEETIIMIT. 1868. 1868. kRBIAMINT, SILINNO3 CO, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, No. 113 Wood St., PittsbultPt. ovai•Laser. NIW erroci. uwy cur SIAN ISESSIT EL Th 7 Puna. Woresunta des.hisieto sada up, sad taro LN No. II& WOOD RThZZT. DEMSON & HECKERT. RI FUUs SgresL Fine Furs for &May Presents. =I attnizccows rum eratirra. I=2 Wow. a Damao trarasiaaameays. lUD GILOVIS,EAIpEXZCHULTS. 11061JUL7. SZCX. TILL SIIBPITIDLILI. omare fed sour oxen =I MMMTM=M;I C Aln tl ie lF AXD .l. 2 fLt m. WEILIISSAI4I DL LS= Ul FOREION AND DOMESTIC DRY lOUS • N. IN WOOD INTRDIW. row loose above Dlesoad Wry, PIITSBUILOH. 11%. REMOVAL. , 'MEAT SUE AT COATI i i . .XL=r scan. DIVIIIOLL 11181111MINT5 wn. 1 as ompl.ntit to now.. We saflame tralMll. 104 ISO ?H AZ ED 51.. Num... rum 5.41 etzth nrooLpol attmool of my prowatiOolllk O. VEST' LOW 14110 La JOBS SW ILIDINGS/L 10601511514 nowt' =I CHEAPEST. PLACE IN THE err* TO BUT TUZ . TRIUMPH COOKING . 'TOPE, Is at As. 146 41/WIT ITELZT. OM= ROBERT ARTZIUBS, As...r.roonsicrznr, Ita us . /omit IT., Pittalmillti6 risda to e Um Is kW. to collect:Wu. Len ha Orphans , Curt. salsatt of sod 0610. bleatall a we.Jl.ll2 ussumi-, Uvula of Leeds. Doposttlans.K.. tau for sit the +tales. no. r. mar ram CITY - BELT WORK& CEO. 0. CLARK & CO.. Nsatfootaroro of mry doMoirdlng of Divot, atroteNal. Onoontod sod Mimeo Unk-ssamo incomitia.or Saida . Ma Noo? . 4109 LIBPIZWZT . CM Soar .0 ttabersb. J OHN PECK 0111fALMENTAL BAIA WO AND P7.1170X71t. Toroth street.ooe door frost Wood. nustargo. LlWarn cla bank` • vowel usortaseat of Ls dies. San4l. Owls; Beatlesaw•• Wtre. 2421:steno, Otani Onalits. Braeole 4 Mee ix sash Om fo r e saw B MWs' nod ircetleseest.s hatr•enttLeirdeet• • 9•11• K Wall* IIEADQIIARTERS. FOR Want Alr Registers sad Tentllaton. Slack or White Isuuted. tkime or■ Md. la DJ SELL ai cues. BIM !! WALL P—APES WALL rlrsaat . steel of a 0 good.. troA.Ao . om e rA r " " to the Alao Atanned 6014 Tawr i g , A A — .A . po ' low " AMA 10000010 sass o. lot. "la WU= dos. N. 11011/0111 a 1001. riTTSBITRGH DAILY THITRSDM CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. &e ! 1: - ) 01 I a C - 1:1A 4--11 CARPETS HAVE CERTAINLY REACT ED BOTTOM PRICES. McCALLIIM BROS., Offer • large •••ormorit •on Cntnoe al , klads CI CAR- Prlll. fa St •_vedsteelos hot •r•• • lizam geard.. II I:73,3•LLIA.ZD 111.M.X TrilL OIL CLOTHS, • Of every g001...14.4.41ed1i I.ri.t• La say h. tlx• . • McOALLIIM BROTHERS 61 NUM stress, abaci Wood, fah, REDUCTION CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MINTING% yj ip ixya:j .1 ii BOVARD, ROSE & 10'S, 11 mu ? , str.t, (oVgli BATT'S!. SLLL`B =LI FEBIIIIAIII7-•••- NEW COPETS cult crorioxiii WILL Our New Spring Stork, pats►" ars jest <waled. nneesslted In ex test sad mut,. sad sbe inlets Lower, tau any New or Old Goods la flit musket. of foul qullttof aid style. BENARLAND & COLLINS, 71 AID Ti 711'm 27111117. te4:2MT . ' (12COND 71001.1 t. , ..~ .: ~,:.. ~.. _ ~ j: tourai OIL WORKS, Eureka Carbon Oil, /Sperm Lubricating OW uriszxp OIL, Ursa*. 14Mood Gad Labrlastlair Otli.; Lard, Spero', Inrae lub ous. R. C. XACHEBNEY, Agent, 19 Iry Is Street, WARING & KING, lIIIDUSI ID RIM 3 Petroleums aid Its Products. Dann Itlack;lk/quesie Way. ennrozz.ritu amass: WARING. KING *-CO.. • IST 111Slasi St.. Plana. EL M. LONG & CO, I=l===X3 MB lIIITR BOON OIL. Brand—"-LIMIFER." Wm Plc 2 Ilapesse Way, rivisumasug. PA. TACK .BROTHERS, ISKINMSION 11F2U1.,I1cu, Petrotem audits Product& errastriga OITICIF,Ds math. Mul46ir gamer*/ Dolmas* Ira sal Irst• stmt. FILILAMILPIM 0171137-IST 'IMAM W. Marva 111 . 26 .1111111 W ainii■Elf EIOLIC OEL WORKS, , Cl4lll. WICHTNIAN tANDKRSON, Deane* ad Dealers In PETROLEUM, 011/1011. [ECM° 1.201 T. 0011111 in FUN. ouOL lIIILZDT MID lIIIQUMinris WAT. a. a. incirinc.c. a. loociell..W. irarsicam , SOllO OIL WORKS, lfassbeara sad .Ik.• be We al lama ca LUBAIOdTJaG Ol LS, X. I K. MA.= ITSIZT. strirsen. mes=as a 00, WEEKLY GAZETTE, THE MUST, AND ACIEIOWLIIOOI/ 3 TO all THE HEST PAYER IN THE STATE. elobs of Ns sail upwards, eLLPT4I.IO6 I.ptsa. SUM 111 UM 1011111 MI 1111111111 M IT HAS ■0 EQUAL. It b ycme cant szlinltiel Is 14 is_ RAMPION PAPER FOR MARKET REPORTS IT COMMA! ALL THIL NEWS OF THE WEEK CLUFSJCILLY rusnoun iIAZZTTII. == IM!M=tt TO GLOSS MUOFACTUBERP. UNDERSIGNED having 11 :1 J4,..2 W oloteLmar U. tau Woof the indoroutud COPLEY POT CLAY. armored to !mem It Is My assattrf .1.3 to ppearlk orpwlet.arsids. gra g I n n e r r =rtil ' orsioVi VoTrg ' 411,1,11; abettor vitae tor pota Mao to 1.64111W1M5. oro aortas somord ammo Mood of ar• roman uak pot. ma ammo hullo' ao tom Aar ma to. magas. W s wilt rumba. masa for WI Prison:Am of the atarms• WA CIS. "MP,. RaLlity. 10 , 11 WM , la aroma ma SIVIVIZI SON. - ton Cur Glom Illort "9:01 • ' Wasalomoo at.. Initstrar M. ea. HAZARD POWDER. T 1M NOW PREPARED TO zff i g i arlast =Um. all order. for lure or lIMAER% CELEBRATED POWDER. All onion WS al or rost_by WV/ ston. 2f...1TS osrA IT& /11/11r.sal. kn. PIZ= At. ZerrOlro"°"=ola. A8T11139 KIRK. MEM pmviTE DUIELBES. • . offur—Seal T1131111112111131TT Mar Raab Pot the anv at all ammo. Of • prints aaWm I. Eros to LOU 41750,11•1,...T.1n1y anr as safe trulmeat. SanMILl Wesk.o.,vaa Mdisuse. OW 'maul 0v11.....4 1 AW Van Irarrlol.l or lg. •T1T1..• la or. w. . ~ aa iifY nom.: ON RIND AND TO ARRIVE. 641.46. Cabs /1414taes6 eV. ram 17424 60 1222116 • =gat 2724,, 26 1474•262....7, is 66 IS 1621ps 44.; 40, •• 16646.2 Osman: • awes ogiorraCkura; .• • es o• _ Il••0/111161.3 a k,Azu. sou; • " Cl 6.2174 Weal 21 1. r 'Oa MEANOT: FIGUR, ;MAUI 131 CommtwNiota Yaerebauts, 310 1.101.r.,TY l'rrSitnlau• Cons Its-rstoc.ocrr.-...../. 114110, .J. t. IJII.T.c.h c • , 1111.•11 . • 3,J• lkt , STEEL,3 • FLOUR. FEED. OIL:17.3", And r[0412.16 tcavWT,H 0. SID OH 10 13INILICT. amt . East C0r.t0n.AL,...,,,N,r COMMON KERCHAATB, VIM, Min, Seeds, Mill Feed, &c. X*9 LIBISKIT ISTIMET. istriCtS7 PITTSIITEREI. 1.41. ROBERT HNOX, Jr.' oonimmo. EXECHART. I==l FLOUR. GRIP! AND PRODUCE, Ofew. 413 LIBERTY ST.. Ptiltmbarais. L . J . . BLAIgeIIAIID, IVIIOLALLY. ♦27 D RETAIL CZk' Wt. 0 0 M 1;t, 226 Penn Street. • 13:774 frini&Ntr. & AMES, - COlNlNsission .fferchants) 1 0.g'NTIRM111 , 7 a'-.721191UM Plststar.h. . 118 FET'ZEII & ABDISTUONG, • H01111%119 COIMOIIIMILTs.. • . for Um ocie or Flour, Orsio. Lard,ritatir , Bowls, Drioo lraatr. Loa Prodneae 'morally. No. Illortat Parma. am or Of PIM. PittMarh. Pa. re..ll:ot RCHONLIMEG & LANG, Whole. as , said dealers lug roccrleS. roar, Grain. Pro, dn., Provisions. Flub, (Thetas, Bait s Carbon of Nos. loran Wood nurret, nut Llberirdtanal, ritta rt. noainal 1868. lon x. ucarsz.annart flora coon. T O UN I. HOUSE & HOOOS 811208 ., , SRC. Closo= l. • co.. Wiwi* roof c nl r tsodCoWaaio sntm Mosr.e r .r t t b ur oo fele H IIIDDLE, Ito. IR3 Liberty St., zi a trra: ; Et e grthoonmetei.n tow a ruut.ror sos...oar ,a m i= onr ocuossurw... 4 Mid Mr rsolvee rums. wail soar. zocra._—.—.....--.3traxv x.xua ENOS & SON, Commtutoa R lIIIICH I.l47lSand Malan is FLOM GRAIN: %ILL , /KW 1.1 rigODUCL ty. t Di... 4 ott.ds• Olt111. 1 . 1 ; 1 gun, on,. 10 7311 gV. MULTIFORM . Commix lON NISCHANT In rut ItZTELOILOOIOI OHL WILOUtIEE 80RLE LEON. Ylns BRICE and CLAY, Y. /te. Waretons• and INna. Noe. n• and 169 ENS MISES. !tom& Estalabed. ennadantnanta n E. T.rrri.r.. BAIRD a. PATTON, Irbelesalee,ceere. CAneleletioa MeVlaza, red dealers In Trodooe. non. Hama, Meese, Damon and Lard 011. lma, 19Las, Oattoo Sara. alt Pltteberzle eaeanteeleree esnanll• le and Wood Kn.. llttlaberen. •••• • • - ItEVIIER /A BROS., (anemia° l• to Hayman And anson.lWbaleasle Da al a portart jrnatts, ante Ind ante., enttrantle enT rnitars./1 itt., Not. Ile and I Wood Stmt. above ram ettlabaran. JOHN B. CANFIELD. Commis- Mon and Fonnatlnn Ifartnantand lawn. We desk, In Wasters Amt. Cates. /115- I gial a ZZ l rlid ttraYafgrat.V r t g Um, 30a. aa4 116 !rant stroet, Magata. SZHIPTON & WALLA( E Wholr s•I• ki HOC LW , • ND PILO DUGS. DILALLLES 1.,41S Mr. Mow. 11.1 . 410 , nreh. 1.2:4y DISITRANCTE. WESTERN EISURANCE or nrrlausaa. ALNAANinut xuarc.x. Wir. Y. birltHlllff rweretary. 0.11. Yr. riSoßgi 11111.111. D. general. Asc.... Ones, Yl Water Waver. Ira.' • CO.'s Ware Una. ay ratty. Irttleentrals. Wllllealereartlaet slatted., 4 lirs sad Manse task,. • Elaine win c e Lasta taastage.loY Ow era well leowa coaxer atty. sea wai toetalerallaed prelartnew awl Überallty, to yawl Dada the *Lena*, erttalk tur have ru. weoct. oCertaa toe beet Dreliewea to thou derlre to tw Wane. lramtet. Jolt V. McCraw. W.:11...r. Jr. . J. Clare*. Xa.tart. V 11 al. IS. tem. a we•enp. % .rollept Klelystruk. Fern. Weklay, . tweeter. Perla N. Lots. -"Ito= D. Lem.s.a. ['UMW!. Meeretare. BEN FUANKLL 1111313B.ANCE COMP&NY, 04 FRANXUN tIVIN4 BANX, No. 43 Ohio at.. Allegheny, ra. mum.: Firm Int. (ion. T ca. ~ .zottn. ...r. M. It • OW. D. ItlODLlG.becniar! FILNKT SAKTI. LVICRANCT I • CIiNFANY. OF PFITIBUION. PA. adee:fl 111118 Waves, /Mak O-taIS. Ix • lloSda •34 " ZIOWt •c. C. ROfl VI".. evert lint. KORZWT ran MCI. TM..., tit Aili twant.-7. . , 1,113.4 - rOiLa• 1....a11ed Melia. °eery!. RM.*. 41.1. ttlX. 4: V. TAVP, .111.30 t. CURLY:, I. C. 'lsl., /WWI LIU. Jot. VoartiVe. 4,1. U. Uopict.l.6. - !Deo.). CYCNITT FIB' AGAIRBT LOSS BY YULE I Mall 11111URAIICE COMPANY• OF Pllll-11DELP FHA. seat. 473 awl 4117 ammirsoT sr. Ilsas 713.1. . . . irtfr.%rw . INN. IN NIL IN. likono S. 11.00, id•vd.y. PLI• • lic_rtir. l. AZTI/11.1:.'...•e•d6c21,. stbWO Trwidaguit. WIC U. Bt [LLB. ifor - .4.7.1 ,4 Jr. lialliDNEß OWE L'f; xte/Swll Itoul Wilt eon Taird • Wood its. A ii.staimil INSURANCE CO BiTT51113101(.-06.4 112 1110 .trut But Bleu Emus tudul :me. of tn . * .14 Mutt. Itats. /13:33/ IN,V4 - 411. 31 4 , rre3,141.4 0. V. J 3311.1113 10,:434E:4 110.00111, 1/4 3 V 3-Aurr14 3 4,1 . 3 . 011311. 3, Caps, WTI. IMAM. Yeutmi 1 tat. s.l.ll^lloil. . . 4aba Iry la. r a Tx ; 7/21: ; Piot ,. P.V. ilia i 1 744. . 14 . u. H . .. A. ,.. jrz .. 0.1.7.%111ein5. 'rand ...liars. Marl. Nara. Capt. J. T. Ilineltd•l ob. •.1 i NICE CO. tip &liD /UTZ 1/27/ wrinorr, PEOPLES ER = a 110305 ifLAINti 1ti131321s ntPt.. NJ. .f.r *holds. Zrn i=r. =MOM sans. n s. r J p O~O Yuts, iim~. v.a~MI:IG s. (1. Hansom Lavo, eresl4.l. ♦TI. Vies rnetl44.m.g. iZark.lN. kleiVl •rt. 11. D. .1041. W w. F. "Vait.9lt. TOBACCO. CIGARS, &o, TOBACCO: TOBACCO: TOBACCO! FIVE HUNDRED CADDIr I=l JIN' AECTITID VA 0011/IBNYLIXT. ITM, RU p►ams a me, U low as 80a pop pound. _Tobuteoxl.te, Uroaers and aliars ..ho dial I I=nt lAA do well to na/loao •xempLe tG ROBERT F. WEDDELL'S Ikpluly latalatti bison ling, Car. Smithfield & Water Ste. 6•11:111 JOHN MEGRAW, ltsastactsrer of sad WAGWaIe sad distal Duler la all !dads of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars,: 40 ZICAIID;r3D ISTNILIZCIEFr. tr"."'"'"A:lnatfZe""tVg EXCELSIOR IVORIX/1. R. & WI JENKINSON.I itaanfurigral sa.l *warm la Tobacco, Snug, agars, Tipes, • TXDicrtAp ST LI.`i'ifCTIFTIIAPHE RS. aUtto P CMS WirGEICILY A. G a, MO tOotooloOni 61.. Itotol PRACTICAL LITKOORAPREITII,_ Tbe ONLY STLAY LLTIONINArIiIO N=Awe matiaistrs waar or THE SILZ /Valli& Owasso Voila, Letter Bemis, Bo ads. Isibeasi s iessuim slum Cards. Dlplosiss, Views, lA/West. of _Doposll.o. IstyliatloN Ousts, la. Bee. 7N ised 14 Third It.. Yntr bars, CHAS. A. NULL!. , LITHOGRAPH:KR; to. SO Mo6= IT.. Apollo Nall/Mg. -TOOlNVlAMOnirtratsiWs.".4 LIT". 1011/204 jTTE. SALZ--ILVA_L 2,000,000 AIME • , tiiOIITIIINON ,'''. rc.e:N :4tt.'.77%.,; • ' .. ZAZri dZi DIVISIOr, ' -.lflng al= ).0131 Ina of tit toad. A&Ad. ,& . 31.00' 1 to tli 00 Per' Nera, And on aCA IT Ur 7IVZ ISA i /fir parllcsilant, BMA ad , . nfidr&& , JOSH P. ozlzur r uz, Land Conmisalonar. /Lana. Or, CHAS: D LAMMOSIN, &wry; M. Loit& Iff Issonzi. P&RM AT PUBLIC FIALE,—The underAlgtea will expose to [4OllO Sale. 1110116DAY.111/11E011 6111. •waif Improved lune. situated at Suitors hiathol. r. E u. two Telles went of New Floe atone, W•stesorelann cooldr.. rave einnt•lnt•ll farming acres of good land. enttat far gratin.. farming or the of R i es.a the whole tract la well watered be ever ling springs. anl • well la n dTTT fsll'ng seeder In v e inrn va , d. Trot I. all sederintd with a of coal. maths frets to a fo.l.l.'sse Improve, sevt.. are • goad (rime lease; mass In Ins Sloe roma., a good frame blot heel. 40 0750 feet; good te nant bonne: three Sp el e Web att aof good fruit, tosiatec with • nettle of peas. peace and ele•rf trite. The land will .Do sold titter i• whole oatots. to nits oarcn allars. tale willla Ine•Ye a I o'clock P. whop tonna De made Snow,. fele•ild New} JAMES W/LTS. FUME COTtABE. ,, .. SITUATE IN MT. WASHINGTON, • DWahl. tainstes• Wilk of kiti. pnosilskala The boos:. contains Are roost., sl , ..ean. col atand vont,. Lot KO Is*. troll Iby an foot duos, fr nits g on time stresda. '0 Incl.:olra go lull Dearing Innisg ine. of it gigaton. vatbalet'srists ill of abrabben. soots aa nsoaebet ries. blackberries. strool-tries and merrysilo. peach, pear. settles Stint. SOS merry laces. Will to sold choap. ISVaI• of STEEL L• WILSON, =I C=ffi=Ml puaLic PALE.—On Maturdair. February SRA. Wt. IRILISX AND LOT In ono of the nos. donlrabla bunch la Man. laid. frosting on 11l male ..... t all • Rain 2, mmaa.• oallr of a. ntatlOn Th. aleento 1. nean• alias from-rata .It. of Use P. O. a I:. R: The bonne In at I.rlnk. la, nlary. nonlalnlne six Iva • mom, all 0.11 la. bed. cellar under .1. bonne. lenarldl fano. ea ands ood lara• 2arden. nfoater. ',fanner onelleal•ra tnenten L. KJ,- SH•LL. IN. Mertz Wenn. or' the mdsr.lmoL on am premiss., A. W. 12121N0, saselled. allegbanire Pn. 1 1 •011 PALE AND TO LET.— snd loots tor onto In ion pvto •f the ll , y sod BULIIII.I. Alow Farm. in Cowl ocation. Llow mon Woolen 'Newry.. wi th twenty winos of fond, as 0 00 4,Mar.'5...m00 onion via cheoP son on raosowoOlo Basta. , lions:. to woo.goal rityoto Dwellloot Homo for rent in both sltloo. Tar author Drtotoo al WILLI4II WA s s RD. 110 U r rntmt. Olopooslls.e. A COAL WORMS FOR SALE. 71041ap.'s of running 1..000 tWsbels daily. In. 0* tenant, &maws, nor, boost. A.Y. wag ons, wales, ond atl inn nose ..*.. gitnres for a largo Otales.. and iro,n,dlato operation. Then ars an sores of tool. oDI. Is bus of Um torn to works on Ins Monongabela poor: will sold low and on vol serms.l ha O I L /nVin A. o H otW U Sfz ' o ' f ' fo rt 111::; ." ".7;;'• FRIIgI Y Ct I OCEfIY STORE FOR RA/.e—]hotted on nisi of lb. laattlog avenue* In Lswoodo Tlos stook It coos plate and 'still ..Inked. awl O. ow., by oo:11 Ro oo s Ito vr.oont of 1,1:0 year. Wl* sloth ag4ltloo tot. osot•I thenaf oes• cos Do oceatly *slants, Roo rot coos ood dwelling $330; or will tor A 11.111144 In of Rear Coo elty, Apply to Cats = OCLAS PATEN BRICK MACHINE OFFICE 11.. reaisit 11111,001. THE DOUCLAS BRICK MACHINE, TRW ulltATlrt7 1110 ti X111(10 llaC 1 •11111. aT rf, ',PITIED, Is -ow. foll .10 . fants In 71.1adslotta az TA KM tslstas •!. ...111•2143WS taoao. tad torn.. ... 1 03,000 So 40 000 Reek.. Per ary TA. ,so , t zzt. 01 to of 1121. 111;s4 to. It use us) 07 at Itonttains. isr et s tat. directly frots. ztos stachlt •to St. ttla. al•ION lb. expo Ltd tut zsf trots, terCOUNT! 1110070 .4. jut laftrtzallot, alstret• IA A. 1001PAILAS, 1.03 Stn. /1.4 1 / 1 Knot. wzra.r•ra. ‘ , t l,k.ARK4 e , <4, BANKERS. Q ESTABLISHED !IN 1 1831. t k? 35 SOUTH . 1 1°Ve Si: ►odes 13 t0ia.31133 !MUM 11-ICs C8?VE1170 f 403 'TOM%IO'LD Itosght ladsold .6. •66.4..tra105. lore 6.11 is Yost, 112. r.per orgomard. I.llluticri , or Goo. •%1, cCsiiiglo , lr anta re es 1666.1064. LEMON Cl , aL atip , X•VIGATION • 161C111.• rullforles o ool.llll.% Uatfroul Vs' fa, ••!c. Moo, lb. )••• • All Claa••••f eieuritlonl "alms ohmage •S telt 111 liISSELL & co., MIMEM . • ~ . 1 . Also of. bufd wad for sfq. TAILOII 'TOM* 4TL HeA Ino trlllirifk ' PEPID/C88. 6 C 4 AK1N TR 1161 1 1 7 0 11 : 6 .. fie. 1\ GROWERS. TO WH EIMER& &NIMOAIATR9 BONti oper-Phispliate of Lime. r I I muictrrainvizi , THEALLEOHENYJERTILIZER CO., SEWA up ac. icAtirsELL 1 1 1 4 uorairrusa. • , • 02lee, 356-Polui St.; Pittalgirgh, Ps. ell T rane b." 4 . lirelrie i tter k s d erl " e b Wi d ths " etasaard foe raising Wee wows of W A. Wit 66 pal •61:t1 1 ::4 116 mg, awriratre U e=estrat tit• 'f g ' • ' - ll . Le d t. i e_ooleeßf . w.tpe6 ;Will be seet tow SO &ay FORT PITT LUMBER CO., Cdpigol, t i 51112+5,000. 1. Pntstassil—EDW. rarinuniis. Ildieresarz-1. IftperlasesidesM4LDW DAVISON. • DIZACTOaII Zdward Day Lou,; ;1 L. T. MMus,. Jon. UlthridO. Soo. W. ILthrtdge, l IL L.. 11•1041. J IL ohlusan. , LEAMB•Et E' e $ rd. DIITLII3I • AL •HANY aTA alata Wa Wilms at MST ,, 17L . ULABS POSIES. Waal anon Intact. ' i , 1,31:1118 tni; xi :1 Di ;1 D1•21:1 a =WIRT, VIRE taloa AND TILE, • • ISTOM IL IMAMS • "UT WeargIEFE TWV. • ••OM. 1.1 War•hom. IRV asba - a - MUM, pasha lionombol• Ho • • !NM I. 33, LYON," Sealer of Weights and Measures 515. 5101178 TM .TN T. 7 . 1 7 tteliders ems. • attioeflod-ta. mr111:0 • CLOTHES WHETGERS HE. PAIRID.—AII abeelffenat ante. of Meta. Wriagere nos/red. at Abe Della Rubber Depot, % sa4 felt. (Hatt stoma. FEBRUARY - 27. Ms BUSINESS CHANGES, 'DISSOLUTION.—The Partne z bp or r•tilora aid ' ..d ii NCHGAMDER & lIAGIZELN =I .1. 111.11.1E1,11 1 11 .1C1,111.1E, 4,1V11113E G. 11aG 11t. Prei ,111,1) AT Drift, my Isle partner, who //nil early on the b esteem el 'l.l old stead, lie heretofore sad who Intl settle tip the Duel.. of tie late all parse. Mattes delm• se . eie at said firm will pritient them to him or peymept. end eh per soya ovrtsg said aim wUI call sad pay to said dailß°lDZ'' GYOFWE C. RA.11631431. Plttsbargla. Janairy Ist, lteit. fe10.17—The log b Ccia Part - Imre:A beretoto eels/etteten the underelgue4 under W.-//rWP , HIRSLCATBICH LTOOM CO., IFFICILLINO OIL W RIL bat b/e4 this day cllwolved by la, oovoltt. .6.111/Ele W Oh LLLLL ao'd ale entire luiena late 41 " t r a 61 . 4 vnt to bla . nut .tilled q B.I.IIX.PATitiCH a LT./a,: .1 0 3/airli i 4L N O P 4 LTBICIL' J•ltl/eubla. - FittaberitL February 6. /663. roma xreFrAlratc. JANOO LIOSO. STEIWNH OIL WORKS, NIRICPATRICIL & LYONS, llgird Calboo 011. Waft, so. 62 Liberly MARC riTieslitlh(lll. PA DINg . LU'FION OF. PARTNER- . The Paresershly bor.:gore tZLUOjMMeep 11. S. MA EL)!?. O• C. ALLIKI.B; JURY YAIF ILO , a. 0. 0. hiA14.7..4 J. W. DIXON, In 00 InsaulseLurtug et paper, under the name of • MARKLE DIXON & Go., Is this day dteeslyed U mataal consent of the yartssees la laterest, J. W. DlSola trlthdrawlea from theism. The beelnesi at the 'ate tlyna ts to les settled by ' ,the 14,11.1iLY9 ender the arm or C. PI, SISLIKLY. t CO.. in. ere au thorised to wiled all debts dot the late am, as well as settle 11l beetrots. L.. C. . MARKLE, JOHN' al•es[l.l4 U. C. J. W. DIXON. :Watt lie odes., Yebeveryll4, nea. /k 11.0-PANTAEIitiIIIP NOTICE. )Pr i t i ff.l 3 :4• 3 .; i n T .! d a'• 7 22 1 2i lALountni Lai 170k11611MUN Itnalocna an deal an In Hew relate. moat, Pumlture. Boot, Camats.;Dry klocala. Notions, Ilc..under e i 1.19 • an 4 ogle 0f..;, • PALMER & PHILLIPS, • OPERA ROUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. 40 Filth Street, Mar: they ba plasma , ' to tee their old a. th e tea a •terally. H.—Yrtaalaria ea Day and Knott.. ja.ti n,PROLICTION OF PAOTNEII- O .. EM I lee Co Partnership beretedore existing be tween Pl•RTIN'Lide HY and JOHN ifftWoON, toe City of [Pitt. 40. in the badness of ••Patiodre /edit a i • • ander the name of IOW&T & DAWSON!. - • Is this day dissolved by =es! eons... all !outlasts or the late arm will 00 settl.4l 01 J No. D•Wat) a. wt. will coati,. tt• 03siness Ike 014 etsadi hies. 461 *3.1 . 163 Lrberlv street. Pittssnrgl. I MAILTIY LOWRY D&VSON. NOTICE DEREBY GIVEN that they're tnehlp t aretotare ante:Ann between Thalttne nate t , ZTT, I . ralecETT, ay. 11.041•14.• J. T. ITO IttIO•lalt and A.' 11. AND/ ent,N. nodes the name sad .tile of PIWCPCTS. LOUR, OTOCICDILB & CO, en the Fitter DAY Or J•rt unity, INS. by the withdrawal or A. tr. B AR• thltherON trete the ars. •re• hest.. will th ceutthaott by toe nion members •t the ender the nth" onto of . ItIWCIIIII, L9lll/111 t RIOCEDALIL THOMAS IaWCIETT, S. •AWCATT. E. : J. T. bTOCS. DA LT, A- D LYSOL Ilcubargb, Jima," rib. IA.MILI7ITTS NOTICE pi' DINSOLUTION The Co Pam:wady heretofore ehistleg "masa S NOLLY, la the !quieting taslieee. eras dissolv.d oa the 311155 of Feb mere, Ult. by ,mulvel consent. The betimes. twlll be merle!. Sr oir, NULLie, who WM IS WI Om D I s kOLUTIO . II.—The Partner. berollfor•••l4.4l.t . ondrr t.• o COPOIT. PRO: • (0., In t , • Hau•• ra'allne Ba.lneaS. ASS this nal . . tbea ISIS Crs Will II ...LI. by JOS. •na JAM th it ' lP:A . ha. w rx.ssz s rlttilonr•ln. NOTICE—Thevo-eartnrshlp ":”'ll;4lrarn7.l'V" u lA7 l r. a DW l' a. .:".,'""° l ;4 4 7 ""'“ 5:1”.% ' "' ...Dn.,. ata9bor of' the Jo HTI a11.14..5.a a ; • •Y •D COAL coKk.. &o; C• K. AMA/1100164. A. • • ISC , COM•011, ARMSTRONG 8' RUTCRINsON, A1111.00.40n .111t.•011..ik•ND TOCUMIO 0111priCuss IYINIISS,..IIIiebbb sad 1./LAL7 by Mb mad mail =vet, of ItUrralOUTOoalllo6llll/151r CASiISO F AMILY COAL. °Mee tab im.4—rutri UT Tin by. WYrlog. jilit " .442tiVirler 4 ""1"..4 BEST FAMILY COAL &Mlleoa luad sad iellyezed orS., ILLILIT.10121; BT 0130A8.i F. LA MM Its,Co., ht. Old $ P. ft. T. 1 I tam, • ALILMSIUMATi CITY. iSll.ll2.l3Nlcioaf tunki•Ded tts to-won istra 1401:* COALI ORALS! COALS!! „,111C18011, STRWART di CO., !Orli, rammed Matr ties u No. 567 LIBERTY STILEET, (aialy Ctil Mar DWI) SZCOND TWOL Ari sow prepand a faratolt rood . Togiglackees LOST.' MUT GOAL OS 1111.1.015, At the lowan wytel, /IPer/LII enters left la their allae k le UM Meanie Ms mail, b. tl.e:/a.O ( I HABLICS H. AIISISTBOSG, r YOUGHICIOSEHT & COISECUSVILLE Oak &ad Ifseabc .a..n or Ps& Mask, iall4 Desalpaatisid Ulr/rOl MID YAZD. Corner or slat Sad Itanalt: Int yard On Las arts aad dirldsr Me ese.*. Isla ..rd, sad de assead rms., tsar Lost Pio I. rlttabarna, latedllsa and ltuantsturats sappllsd Ida It, art artists tor (Mal or eats at the 'lodsst ass: ratas• Ord.,. 106 It any a Matz enteas twill Maids , decnnst atitastScra. SUPERIOR COAL. CHERRY & CO.; Meer, awd Otelpeere of errrenthuift, OAS, 10{{0{1 mad WAVILY Meta NOT COWL and BLACK. Coal he m are to al{ pests of law eltlee, , att he lowest market rates. Mao sad Toot terser YoUNTIOazoi RAT BUN (roman, LTA ae,INTE.II3IIS. Titesto=ll r. 0. 110.1 la s; rtiGt s. b wrwooi..aiorsolt seam.✓ ; )10C-MrllltT TWOOD & iI'CRPRBY. BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM 1 AND GAS SITTERS. Cor. of 3rd and Liberty Striate, lane Oarriiii • Saran% rttlibargh. remit. Light aa6: 4 4agy Cag tagaithad prigaPtit to Bridal at Ues paid 16_ Itio - attlas est aa: re l arzin lialserlea.OUriaritti Agents 'ser ES:Cameron & sir - Balsa' P UMPE &NU • BLOWER ENGINES. Theft Mahe tan rimier advantages overill *then, awl gym one is warranted ta rye .. c.. ftetioa. Yampa eenitasU• on head. MI WO RAT.......11111111T Ll 3. iOU m. COOPER & CO„ BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, .. lisaaftstetras of PUMPS AID OLLISs WOlllt o. 11717111 7 a " T =V i ral? gets!" FIX. Corner o Pike and Wateid Streets, . v . , 11 TaBURCIIII, PA. fecm :V41:40 24:1 MEIII.4IABITEP LIVEBE AND SALE STABLE J. W. NICHOLSON.. PROPRIETOR. NOD. 14111XD 14.1 THXRD 11111XX1 How.) commit. mmexats. How.) ROSSZIS..OIjiRLAOIS. for KIT. ral• lar assiln.lers psl4' W. Wt.. ma Hems. .11:44 maw larwrx..—. —.Dar= s,aurcassa. soargAn & rurcuzu, Livari and Sale Stable!, . 11101.121113111' Cisroodlo Itallresel DVP3t. ' PITTSBURCH. are.t4th. attsettoli W fla lol .B Hum sad Cervisees ray tamale, Nene. st terry. MDR BENT-A NEAT CO T .O. Taal llWed. With did um. of crud& diddle ud qraturt, Ude Arumr• PUMA. for Um. ant/ so-- jOcIN aIcCLABEN, Atiorney-afft , Ltx Once, 71 %mum 111%. 1.11111712/516 = CAICX.IION, tienaey-at-Lavt No. 94 Fifth Surt-iit R . BIDZLE nomarre,-. attcmey-at-Law Olio,Ne. Z 6 e 111.1112 arDpulell er.catlon elm to essai n gAvg 1.P419. EIISTACT, S. MORROW, fiE.DERMAN. Ex-0121cio,Justice of the V Wits, 4s - n :mums if.I.GIIITRATI4 0111:e, Rs 11 riamintis 1 1 34 Deeds, Den , :e, Norineet, Annewlednietile, Dept:4llton and Mt Leeel none. entitled wlto oroansiezie Lad dlenicA men 11.nd no.. /Comoro ISt& I. J. & • appotated Cameolaslon, to Ulm lea Tao nyott Dart of lloollant and repot; the AAA to Cdart. . 5a1t1741.1.21.0 WMUTER,CAZIAM&IBUTTERRELO. Attorneys & Counselors-at 14v, AND BOLICITORS IN. BANIRDPICTi I= =1 DTTOBITZ .111 M CATIII4 11/12=1 A AMMON, 31111Tiet OF TAB PEAC7II4 Couesyszosr, teal Last* ax 4 'foramina! Lint. 0.1.10103 errOXIVr, root Itlnolootum. Onlionuoo o: gents solicited .6 ISSOMPUT intended to: WILLIAM IL 11767.1013 OP THE PEACE. CONtirEtaNcaa. ()Mem CATIVO; 13TRILIT, nearly apprZmo tat Rosin Depot. Booth Ptttobstrah. flooltmtm mr• tammed to Mr ono promptly otrowtoll to. DANIZIL 11149111 EAL, Itt. D., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN! Ur. &ad Bectdszte... No. 154) Croat St., Hear iUQ►, a 0.10.111 J . S. FERGUSON, Attorney*Lavi, VD. IN 717111.1RTRJEWIN I= Doom ►ram IiTANT SOON W . A. 1r.r.W18, , • ATTORNEY AT LAW, N0._:93? Diamond: Street, = % TORN. A. RIDDELL, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, 01:11110r VG, 111* 7911018YL1 111111. M. = IMITI H . C. MACKRELL, ATTOINETA 00UNSEUN AT UW No. 64 Grant Street. .PITTIMURGH, PA. mu:to JOHN A. OTEIAL4. 'ST47:I3:II:ISL Ex-0111c1o. Jtutlce of the P AND rOUCZ giozeraers. once, 112 PHU, 84 oppodtc Catttedi sl, PITISBI7IIkia, PA. ortganss, Aettowlldgcnits DMItl 0r1.1 . 21111 Ismrsi RM." ea.:read WM promptness smecttrostelm msl.lll JOHN C. ricCOINIIS. ATTORNEY IND COUPOIELLDR IT No. 87 Fifth StrOat AirPeesrtons. Sosntles. *ad *man :51 PAY 910Z19119 eoilaCW. o'JrilO PAINTERS 1 1 011:LTEU & tAii Hansa and Sign Paintaxa, so. a* smut: 1171111:112. Pltabiargh fOppealta Gt2od ..1 °LAM CI3DB dons to • • . ROWLAND i. FIAABI& FiIIUZE AND SIGN FAINTERS, tituktscrts CLAMIts. ' Mo. 64 DI .11101.11. tiLILIMIIIEST, CM.CIIII , INO lb* btortmanner. a. K. HAMILTON, Jr., House and Sign Painter, No. 133 TWINE. WISEINN. Ntatotranrb. Gralnlac Glazing lid Gi FLATLY 1.7104,T2D. letzt riklato. I Tar WM. P.tti. Omaha., T9PMSIIIIO. inuta 14541. b „—. p, J. BIEFSDIN • HUTCHINSON HEPBURN. Elt !VA SID 11111 1 6111 !MESS CIPASZT.2II AND OLAZIZZIS, . 7ewLa PRA 941' iLVZIIII7I/4 Pllttabarrea. tymmit promptly atProtled verna McCOITAN & SNYDER. BOSSE BIOS AND Oftlill "ITU. TUNS SW. KID SILLINESS LID GLUM& So.**, Nerratt Odd of AIILitLIY. Cowden:lM Led los. IlLos wads to order . Orders rer.eertrall, 'aliened sad rereaptX7 es teased. Waist Palate. "diadem plus end ratty st”el• ae bead. IMAMS* CARPENTERS, BUILDERA, 121EMMii CAII.PEITOS ARI) BERME% Co...ateltor Mattel:Ass. Mere TreAti. tg ,_,"Aul gf=nzlirdu°,l,ll7":l deacrlplicep. 111. u 4 NI Italians 6t. Ingkay Mich salt 014 • Z. IL JPA.1.,31:1E-lEit, House Sander and Carpenter, nta , e, miner al ttAILKIA'S 11. LIT sad DU W•T. iirlobblag ape MAULS d Mill anal ma Ran &spate!, jra:an WM. J. DICK, Carpenter and Builder, ra VINTSITLVATII_A. c •ViIdirIs litb •NO. li ßesltissas. No. looms star ortra7scres d :r.s . sr a'S.ts."l:2ll4, HOUSE BUALDEIIII. AND CARPENTERS. BUILLnII44 ant REPAIR 3 prOmplly attasd blr ' rIIIMILSOM • niCeX. airt: II? Illak Itbl.ld strpg HOTELS. TILE MANSION HOUSE rrffE lINDERSIGNED be to an mwWtr frt..a. b n v riNz • No. 344 ildberty Street; And will c'er.lllls to keep It 11 the besot] le. rho MANSION MOOS. haa la the one hundees moms, all newly threiebee la the beet Mlle, sac only ten went. , Walt hem. the Maloweal Per pot. Traveler, win end Ms bons*. woollen: Door, to atop at. and 1011 be actentlnalatad eel b° Co " nele s o ' tel'elitta bt ithe HOose L• mipterletle Het for Concerts. Families cr steels persona-Isles to board by Sheeny. week or swath. with at without stoma WAGNEER, . . . • 0E171544 1 . PITTLIBURGU. OONDOOrD I:11 TB 1317BAPIL11 PL/ ST. JAMES HOTEL. . , Nos. 4400 & 407 Llborer St., , wood'. tda Data Depot, rITIIISIIRMI. JAMES K. LANCRAN, Proprietit Thls Dorm 1. asoly baitand aylandldly Ca' althea, sad cot:verdant to 01 the dadroada tan VIT.131:: 1 4.,=; h1 "%r.111! plan. T ot near*our room a s ps) for putt mash at yea rata m. Itaataantat at. netted mita tote betel Is ow. a% all boort of t , day natttogbt. bade Lad pantos sayyllyd arlta aa&pard at tag saorten notate sad naao roam IAWRINCII 110111, N. E. 001's Penn*Osnal ===!C3 IMES .TOEFISON, :Proprie4i. Slila lanes kw been tborearktr svlttAd 'unrtv Malawi throutorat ea sow au. 01111116. • NOTICE TO ORICILOAKCIE4 LAY BANK 1...RYA...A Olt NILN r.— I have for al.. II•Nt AND ONK•tI•LN AA , R- K MG . ..noun ,!. A MAAASY CU L. Lit .b• Ae•vatoty ppm. sag app... 'by r..ldYster of W. KaCtiowet. wYYUKEAK 'the Parrytyllie phut r.d• Ont. An. 'Bialy bag/ w ke 0 , •• Raton II to fit AM. eon' MU. •Wd pl city trum ito t few den,. 1.111 BlTlft •11d lot to • It pelt.. • owl esa M otrtsllns bi elL 7 7107/: tar MAINWWA Allialt“.7 06 IN THE MATTER OF PPLI. CATION OF TIM Ziklop jkaiding a Um. SabotWien Ui tt• City of FNUtu'lt. fur • Clmiler. No. Notice i. hire ty Claes that an appllsallon bas Ana note to the Court of Comat% . ll Plesa of County,l.3. the Union B.rdbqr ehe Lean ...linos, of Illtt•barah, fora fanner: lust es Its rowan wrlttne. 6Seelfrum the torn..., coedit loe.. and nay o. style or tit, tad..t'eh they b n .6 eel.. 0. hal tweet d tie . 00,1104 eied to .he re,- tboiotarf , and If no Man I. IS.n to t. 6 socdrus, .1 Chaster .111 be coated at the sett term of Ob. Coon. BY TUL COITET M2a2ER,IMNI ALLEGHENY 1;01INTY, is • IU tee Coast or Common Piste; 1411123.1. Wlr SWOP. by her next friend, S. C. Haat- Lxi. versus WILLIAM F. MTN/S.oOn = o wiLf.Alt ►. WTT:HuOP. the above named • respoadeal: =l= That I will .nano far it. parturstm of My oh. IMlatatent. at Ms Oita of H. C. Mackrau, No. It Want attest. rlttthargb. on WuDhuaDAY. Match lith. S. D. WI. at S o•Cleat •. N.. at MAIO llm• sat plaza you may IMAM 4. I= yam ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY VIRTU' OE Ai ORDER of BM!E)=MI AT TWO 0'01,04:11C , tht pretattes beteg the property et WM. ILlelet, dere* ee:yest Al than pertale LATH OF OIROUXD, In tne,Thlrd Sera of Altuba ,. r t and froetlan oa rirto •trwt II ,ree ud ro pre...Tint the am. oldth. 1 0 Ilea. 1 . 50 5 Luta boa. 1.04 , 0 tar Itblnetnan °lax Os lout. 7 u x . u . 111 —S p . It::: balance oa liveh team. s. .0 oe •...Tod 14 . ! owl and JOHN 12/WALTIIILIII. AdastalCrstor W. Bet= • doe/sued vaas U . b. 11 AE$ ALAI 017/01. 1 w "'"1,`41:f.'1=4....11 5 1'• 3 TIM IN TO GIVE NOTICE that w 1. 112:,:igptel:I"Tagi...ituru.t =I baha4alybl• flata of the CUT Of Pitta. rb..) • .111 Coan.• of all•g•tay. and out* or Popo., • roots. who tLs been se mag•d a bank rupt g2 , 3, 1 .. .,... t . erai? :0e that the payttAtt of Wring to 411-11 nobropt r to tor es, and tb. [rostra o atty proo•rty by la • ars forrldamt by /a, that tl.. or tb. edltora of tb• sato b.nampt, p.ora their diets. alio to abooro o. • or wore •tttgoota of WI as tato, w .1131141. at &Court of Ilastroyloy. illhe beaten at Mr ethos of toe Horturr. No. be mond street. In too elty of Platabor , h. be. to. boot° Ifiltrtn„ II . waists, rot the Int. It day of mach. ♦. 1413. atilt o'clock A. ta . . =l:==M U. e. 31/122112f.110721 , 7.. Wostoro Dlomot of r ..... 12. 11 1.. Yrrrentrsan. Woontyv 21. 12/1/1. THIS IN TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 721 dor of rebro222. air a Warnal. La maazniptey +.l 11211 . 12 21111 ESTATE. or LZWII T. SOOTHE. Of the City of rittaborsh. the minty of Alla. osga the ' ny 'n b=4l 7 .l..on b 12 , 747; Ere on. and toe transfer of *Sy 9rodert7 hY htm are forbidden by law; that a ting of the credit.", of the meld benkrapt. totrey, their debts, nod to shame One ns. more Aestganes of his hotate, will be held at DArt of Stansrop toy, to holden a t e the slide of the tleglider. leo 93 lliameed street. In the City of ristsbargh. be • the nAmust. li ar tR, 4 5_, Begin. , on the .7th day eta, A.D. ma, St In Weloei =I MEMIM=2 WESTERN DISTRICT PENN- OTLVA.NIA. Air ; T , . .. 4 .r 0 4. 4 . 3 bomb, LW. modem of his otrivlanoent of • ASSIGNEE OF ROBERT HERVET of ues borough :of Taferatua& In the comedy of gliegleruy. and Mate of Pennellmln. wleldn mid Insiglat, who hum beez Kludged a bank. =peon Ms own wanton by the Marled OKI of HUGH H. HOLZ. •.'5.... earner rolat Allay aa4 Do4auae Way. aca:tal =;==l Ott eireltDlY. Yeomen' sets: late, at Vag t , At V."gferiet .Ic.n7 Irsetroy4 srf I' sell et mole Atee.lon. ' it at. Pittatovio. Pa.. lb. leterest of tee fotlenr'est ter. Pas.s' aye Cuttles Ifsallse.• erlt: Ups. , elf lattefest 15 Lett , rs Patna ebtaLped by J abston. tor lamptorestent In Os earn's. lure of 1r05..• One.thlrl late:se. le Letters. Palest obtstsel by et. P. trober for •'llaprovesset.t Is X.ltlve for t_utttoe Idea •, Os• tette .s ..... • •• ells Ca Mfg Ila• ibis. , at A•Witnee. isZt'lls ea • n..b.or. 11 •RAIII•L7ft ft .I,EI —R y V ~UU a ll e its v.T.S of sorodaloot avows.. IsSeKl out 1111 , riet on Or A. M. Wootora Llsolo. o. I' oissfliro la. .00 to tot dl d . 111 to p r 0t110 0.. .r5, , .. I) Or - , Isikr.TA T.T.'llll4l.tu lOo'Work._ A.• Oso to: o. I.``d •nbea sooPrOY Wilt ito.ros or islloottn, •aany B•r• .ice. Weep .roo; 04505: 1 •'ona Ole sloe; KAGAilsry osto sor DlostOlos 00 , ou. iserel sod rosfrlied Or Ho orovotT of JOHN F . &MTH. to OA Uottod ...tau. • THOU kg A. NOW.L.T. • • U.N. M•restafesSfro ro4 za. nor • poTiCir.-L,tters treatantootary upon the teat WU* tame. of tatektiel lata a' hl Ta. • alleabear county. ' a-. 4e. lased. hsylag be 1 1..44 , to 00. sad.* .44. C11M. 44 • 44 . 4 1t rt-taa tali ..a.,111 wawa eam, dery entaea ea tor pattlam.•l .4 o.titn .b.4 0.• a. 1494 1. Um uadasslgaeo, 5.04. tomea., Clealtea- to.a Mt • OS • WILLIIOI WoOPS. SC.. 111:1a0 Iterate ~ NOTlCE.—Whe.eax. tellers of • mota.strottop to • 11. Istate of trHtalt roWlltt.t., tate of toe Borooott of Member , am, &cowed, have boon araatea v• to =toast., all venoms t deblea to the salo estate an et -0 to mote tomcat tot passions. sad tiro,* atom o- amaze. ...lan the.... of sold e -outlet Istllmalte lnow. vette .3 delay. to OaTsikEt , It P. to , ILL. 10=101st/star. jes.ksimi crtyr,e., A DMINDITIZATOIVICNOTICICA -4.;:t.r.7.l:4'grulteJg'4l:;; the Int-entgatitl on the etude at DIVABJ) U . • itL,.l.ltto of Ohio tworatalp. dettatc-d. All or sttokaat i a n.• to MUIIVEZD ZWITAT, MeV& • .11relp•In 'tty, MM. star , ..,. ' ROSIE? su e d :• J.4:diti Na 167Saarti rattab.rgt• I F.M1213 OF ADAIIINIIITRA TION bowing beau granted .bo oadrr stoned by the bb.gtat rof Wi ts o f •t taboo, Imo oar the snots of till•B/.1.1.• KEIRLX., Imo of lloldolo tottorbtp. dOcrutot. 511 pex.3.5 I.dottleo to caoll *Orbs 'oat maker parrocot, and the. boom( elan. Nolan too sane PUI pro. nit theta the stalloppott without debar to BOPP= Oltllooo3, Ptu Towastdp. sAmor.CIL wicszwinAm Iron Broker, 114 }First Street. PIIMINIMIN. rA ratter th• ul• of Ocasynal. Dowelnaffra. Icrobtae, Isabella. D1111i12131034 WM] 0013, 0:00r braid. ofastbnaile, Ton!. IPShOUYOIAS tad. Vtaliaat. , . 0.8. Clantal PIB MONS. • 0111121112.1Mt11 And OTC• 11 llneethar 1101. 14.1. ESTABLISREp AN 1840. SEIEPHARP'S Steam Cracker at Emit Factory 311 Liberty St., Pins Margie. Illannbotam &ad, dcalsr In all klid. Chcaareatlassory. roma la AND Dosseno mars: lat Te. SEL!JNQ OFT AT COST ROBERTS & BHERBATTI, 61 816111111eld Street, — on et= OP souerrtnuiturso GOOD 17.111:11 • MAL VAMi PIAZ RIMS I asig STANDS, ! Snood r hales to Partials Presenta.l Z ..7 TI'T` .. 7TrM B. WOLF, SB., &00., DIMS'S Hardware as ()riflery.' W .** 17ra: tai ls Colllied * a l. l iNtaltthltt" na.da.irradonaan w.Neseranao., earner Liberty and St. Cali . fits" NnitteilbtaralL, 311. ah, ..111:111 MALT. -600 81/11a $ FALL BARLEY MALT Imo LIV2DII4I) FUR SALL BY .111cBAlirE & &FMB,' 11l WATER SIRE= Pittsburgh. Jaasat, U. LILL i'Hoico emu irirrn trreurxr Sewer Isseesment, eeestraetleji the VrObD &MD • IPTIt BSILZIP ECRU Pre beta tatt far lay tads tor eolloottoa, rad abould be paN terms /canary Is 4 LO, lierder b INT. emets. marmiss, M=M!, PERIL APD,-410 casks Pearl . Asti tot sal. ln 410 - JUIIX L CANYIZLD 01071. 131 Ea 1411 — NEW OPERA HOUSE. NANNt. Mare - _ 'IA F :TINILY ISIX NIOIITC ONLY. latNttsY E.‘Nt.ING. Tobtvary 71.24 1 a -t.tzt. All.eitoust. WAN .41./.14 Ls* t.tottmed e' JAPANINNIF. e-shista a: yin rgitroamr.l4 1et.....31 tie. 3 • R,l, Oa tits: alla tt . ^....11,,A aim. .t•• na-3 . and 4 J ..4111.• 'tt. ' c _ a.5.r.1..1 Mat ~• ;. I t. iigrAlAtiONlC iIALI 5 -":1 ILEVEN MONTS Gtia. I ITIWG. !Array itts, .1- ELOGB Efilit the Royal t (Winer; fC I. PItS4L lauivit• %lour. of j'l•`' n ; 15 170:47j . Wtillrt teron..ted . rx.roami kiciell•AN OteTet I VALUABLE AND USEFUL passurre tit et dittnboted US...along at the Clew o *soh •olot•ssomtot rood ilatlswo oat, dD N DAT. for 'ben' ova• laii•ac on or Lulls. ate a blidien..E•ory vBtlJ ADdloilON. el.arto Tlelo t• =mat,. 40trr01.42. i50 50v0r ts, anmitve , ,rts 01 0 , Elldleo, let. toy (tt St . feel/. IP- OPPITT6BUOGII • ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Porn NIYHTS 0241 X uf ,tNGLISH OPERA, aY THY CALIBIZAILD Maim OFMII COVINY. &tonne Ricidngs - Directress. Lip raltal . ... Director. exaticciu... = ?XI. &Novas; artlita.appear 111011Litti5, Yr. WY. OLVI M. ijra. Z. MOWN: , ,Yr. S. C. OA Itragt.L. 3grj, J. A. Ad HMO. rd. PI didi B.11.83•1D O. ItZILINO Ltd; Mr. .ISEOUIN. ! 3dr. H. irElik 343, ildr. L. B. *ILI?. Yr. J, .I.II.NOLD. It,. J PICAJLES. r= • TUESDAY IV iINw, Werth 8d Ms 'mew Mill be thangeraied with rioter. lined Wen, geguLek. •kes. lUD D. g MARTEI.A. . • - )4011u and Mr. T. egum IA the urt. i'VEDDEnDAT I M&RITANA. Intl MIDAS' 7T“]179, S. LA SOM vAmtauLA. Ih ZATDAT TTICIDD D. IL 6th, , to o stuoa. B.neat •I' " UDDUA BOHEMIAN GIRL; • WITH A ditlf..iT AND NULL CUT. Box Ibect for th t'stle of Leann“ ruts will Do %Puler.olooo. IL wood .1004). and.o*olooo Div,r, 4.dr the 'eau.. ! •nd Dm, VOA D . 1.Z11.1,0n11.1 neat,.*SD.. Lll[v77M a H . TTossult. js'igTmAnoslC HALL. • LI.OTUILIC IST MIIS • CURA_BARTON, FTIi THE BENEFIT CF THE CHARITY FUND, C. A. IL krtarscr—InIOIDIENTS or Lear LINZ. Monday Eveninr, / March 2d. liiekes; tSr sale at CI. c. Xcllor's and Hart, lasts ,t kluctler's Mks!. btore.. IDwirs 09.2 St T o'clock, Lei; MIN to ISISDNICISS fallat IIrPBOF. COWPEWd • -.- Fastdanable Dancing iteatemy, .1461. Nim Adm.ldv 717,8 arggr `A e irMilreir" . .z n ue w Clu d "". s-tes: ' 'kts.dert• M I ; I ,..Tl " Vcri. l & , 4l l ltfit. e 6 " o a fell 11l ''PROF..CAUPENTERPEI • . 1.• DANCHIC ACADEMY YYll.n V•zg r r i • o r t , w ir M di? aa ' a Mort •J ' 412 1...1e. loc ‘ Laalcc. Term • O. ET., ohm • lot le ..!stkr—l own., II o'clock. Tonal INN, Coll.* C•ccco•-•—•••••214 ... L . o"-.1loct. I',ZANNI3 AND BANKERS. ART, C,A.UI;IIE,V 4 CO., - takers anti Brokers, OpIREE. TOMO AND WOOD STREETS: .i. ' 4 - VITICI/151:T.M* A. PA.. i;;COr,k..l3tioll9 SD MO/A. WM! et'l3,:l . :. oz.a.i.iss3 RC I'l Biellaing/e, Coin, Coupon'', 14 t.,. o artnts.tetiam.louosaff la tt0.941 , . et P. Mid 4 ! -• Of 40VERNIVIENT sartEN. ~. 1111-311/lOr inurra ON LONDON . ar1:213 & SONS, !lE3BIOTML.MI = UOve 5 No. 57 Ifßakst Street, 711111BITS011. [ :imports+ ree‘mo zap: mt. kao 09211+6+7+ Fpolleeticsa , radeal, all {lleortutsal Wats at fa* 173,1ted Iltalm sad Canada. Stocks, Bends and Mier Securities 1:1 =MT AND SOLD ON 001:11163:= 'o - rorusozu aczootzos pout to tho mews au oz riiTT• • SecTurlcties, R- h. • . tr. is. tuna 07 1E11: do. ~twat - Ontario cad Vocebereboodd or collected. • I cmdll 'YJITSTONII SIVINGS KINK. t 298 Liberty Street ;-• 2 ' TITTSBUICIL PL t ii SSID. BANK WILL orld , petcral Banking'. Busbies,' _ It tin . tiffStlittl, 'ltionday, November 11.8114 but. i ti Act i ,t..t /ML. Bankers alid Nerelmals Collections mule at to amnia sate nod Cassels. Intarus allowed as ?Lau Devon= !iiNITID Trak: &ECURmEZ flovcwr An tau. 471111. T. VAS Osaklar. mann tams mg, Ay". 69 AmokAi Street. mmammmmumosawL, Latatest .Pald .a Tunis Mposils. man reloahrsd Ors= Q. Dollar . , ruble* to 4311 ., 10., WltMit DA:oooff DAILY. AT If CP,OZOOMIC. - President--TIESIPBOA BELL, ee President—A. M. MARSHALL: 4.32r•se.•Ulna.. J. J GILL /Mali JOB. DILWOIMR. A. g. busecaus W.Oatholdan to ohms in mak* Wm. ir0mte ".143 5 2 44%11;021.16 Wm. Othtwe . DIMS llfArr.- WOW Iloary Lwalool. V .: - DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 46 Fourth Street, CHARTEMED IN 1855. ....111•1111.2110 19. arerd , Ati IT fai. ' 140 . 1.71:: ri tr . bil...•frtna to s oielorl saa fries Not 17:iba7 /it ia ilsY from II to lisposlie received of all sar s of am Ass • Dolls, sad a dividend of we wefts dr,- : clikinf twine tear. w ,1209 and December: ter•si Is 4 boen deolsrod ennitvannuslit sad bliecooiber nave the Bank Ass onmilen,3,4 ile;; o l7sie f per cent. • year. .. la t a dif .aot Wawa oni, WTI of depostior 7 .4tedie internt from Or MrLys 'L lif 7 ev.nairp.inviaboabdlai Mine • Ina , witannt eon •.eiai depo•itor to na. or alma to bream% P. At ibis ralemon•y apablie 11 tba►t n ßeata conaraine OA Marten., iy•Lnivs, sad lisanistions.farniebtd Amis. olispiAbliiibidli IA las alai itt , , , :..... .... - .. i ... ~......_. . m.D., I Jame. Bertmaa. Jelin R. eminalwrga, 1 • Jams Yraatlel, James 5b161..., IJam** IL D. Meads. LUn.a.517..44 . tom N. roma, Quints& 'num 1 4 Wm." Azdanaa. Kobus O. loam* ygra •Saamt atfssa , 1er . 72 . . . Lyon. 414: C 'Ellatt 7. ..; : ' Jabs Ilars i = . - Mara, ;.,,, Walter r. mania,e,.....:,,,,,,......,,,,,,,,,,.. .",.,.,,,..... var Ir.. Sr *."";' lilllla: &Hann. . alasanclor ATl* .. 1 er . l . ll x . linsksz. . rillltwiNgri, . 1 TILI4k . H.JuL n l r cy."l.*Alr saaureass. AZ BD. ai1.... iii , . . CEO