The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 27, 1868, Image 1

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rosuasimo man Noia,maso
-• dander& acm es) -
por - crizoxi.etcoiNh
Zattors. . .13.xutsless kluxagtm
ornoz, oazrrrs sin:Lamm
MIL id sad Si MTH. vrurr.
lesalPirs d hunt's*
allaali PAM. 07 1 , 1178 Y. 13111GE urn
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m i al'3 DUra
Vitartirg Gairtts
Tit HOWle Wain. CODLTLITed in the
&mate strelvdments to the suppleatem
1 try zettonatraction bill, this his:gone
4 to the President for his action, anal Mr•
l i t
alms= will signalize th e possibly Last
, , . bonze of his administration by swathes
1 Tato, - Of which it need only said in
iin rii
t i
i adsigee that Ms - well mown role will
be stustaked tq the bast. The in fee:
t toroof the siOlrblll Is that which sub.
1 'litotes a simple maiority of the Totes
i cast for the present requirement of a
isalogity of the registration, i the ac.
1 uoptanoe oi rejection by arty Southern
. mete of its new Constitution.
31a private elacraect, rec . :Mend from
Gest. O. IL T. 'Collis. of Philadelphia, we
kiwi that the delegates from that city
to thatlitate and National Conventions
we 'gni* tmantroons for Carlin. for
Vice Ind most of them bays
- Una IC instructed.
• Cle!for county elected delegates yes.
teidsyi=eted them for Canis.
'That gen is dereloplig much
streuilbihriidlibout the State.
• •
Method of Impeachment.
In the United Butes, the impeachment
of the President is without precedent.
LtClille once, In 1848, an attempt was
1 against President Tyler, but it
filled; There have, however, been ear
-1 • eel eases of the impeachment of other
aloe= In 1797, William Blount,
e Senator from Tel:memo; was impeach
ed for having intrigued to transfer . New
1 . • Odessa to Great Britain ; in 1803, John
Pitlkuring. Justice of the District Court
• of the 'Datriel of New Hampshire, was
Impeached on four clauses, one of which
'll alleged that he was a man of loose uter
i ids tad intemperate habits ;in 1801, the
impeachment of Simnel Chase, en As
iodate Justice of the Supreme Court of
the United States, was the. canoe of
Crest public excitement; in 1830, James
Judge of the District Court
fu r tt i i c e l l C 'District of Missouri, was
: =of .ligh misdemeanors- The
au are those of Judge Watrons
, • of Texas, Who was impeached is 1957,
and of -Judge 'West H.. Humphreys of
Tezumesee, who-in 19412 was impeached
for complicity in the Rebellion. All
- these cases constitute precedents for the
ffite.hment of the President, which
; will be conducted in a similar manner,
except that at the trial of the President
the Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court
of the tfalted States must preside. The
=its in the procedure against the
t will, therefore, be as fol-
• A committee appointed by the Hciuse
;will appear before the bar of the Senate
and officially announce the resolution or
imgesehment. ' The President of the
Senate will appoint a Select Committee
to hear the report of the Committee of
thelitsme. .A report will then be male
'by the Senate Gummittee to the Senate.
The Senate will take action, and its ac
tion will be officially communicated to
dm House. The-Speaker will appoint a
Board of - Managers to conduct the Im
peachment; they will carry to the Sen
ate the articles of lospe_actunent. The
action of the House will be read to the
Senate, which then appoints the time
when it will "resolve itself into a Court
Inneenolunent." Etch Senator take.
the oath that he will do impartial justice.
The Board of Managers of the ileum be
ing introduced to the bar of the Court,
formally prawn the articles of impeach
ment. A summons Miscued to the party
accused to answer the articles of in
pescht, fixing the day returnable,
which is rerval at least ten days before
the return thereof. The day of the
nisi having arrived,. th e House,
resolting _ itself' into Committee of
the Whole, prticeeds in a body
so - the Senate Chamber, and is ad
mitted. The retina is read by the Sec
' teary of the Smite. Arrangements are
then msde for the summoning of wit
nesses: The trial being completed, each
article is reed by the Secretary, and the
roll called, when each Senator answers
"Guilty" or "Hot Guilty," two-thirds
being required to declare the accused
Va . . The derision is given, and
ted tho used. If found
guilty, the President acc
will from that me
meat be deprived of lusollice:
The trial- of President Johnson will
tank in history as one of the most celo
boated state tried of all_ times. Barely
Las the world watched the proceedings
of • lees/Mitre body with at Intense an
interest as it will watch the action of
0024Per.ln this impeachment ‘me, and
the deourtonof the Senate, whatever it
may be, will make a profound impres
sion throughout the .—.N.
111wpeelotenaess °eschewal
Earross Gszwrra,—Among the prom.
anent candidates eeeking the_position'of
Superlateudent of the City Schools, I ob•
serve the name of Me. 3funro.
Plane give publicity In your columns
to the tea that this gentlemen who note
asks office from Republiituis is the iden
tical litanrcrwho left the party lest fall.
Be WIN discounting from the stump
agaisathat the Republican ticket and doing
• could to effort It. defeat. Ile
then belon he ged to the allied forces of the
enemy—the Labor Reform party and the
Democracy. - He certainly hoe a gond
deal of check in aspiring for an orace in
the gilt or our party, and s good deal
more of the same article in pawing
selfarea Republican.
Let these. who desert the party organ
isation in the decisive day of action, and
in the Awe of the enemy, upderstand that
the penalty le political dmth.—Shoot the
deserter. , A Rarest-WAS.
• .11.etree ..... ea'
Eollona --Did the erudite
dna:scut of the outlying districts origi
nally make a mission of their territory
to the city proper that they now propene
to imamate a masterly act of Retroces
sion? .Dogberry would have condemned
than us e d"verlasg redemption'' had
they such a pbnotein hi., day.
Johnson's friends should call a meeting
favoring retrcrimpeochincatotion imme
diately. What say you? - Q.
loniteerstle Noel's, at Plallldelptils.
rif Tekgropb to tat Mu toostiVontto.l"
arrAnrarmia, February 25. A
large Democratic meeting n wan held hr
the Eighth ward this .evenlng. Strong
TC•Olutlona wore pasted, and Speeches
made- One Colonel
id that
"beore many days lmamp-post
would be converted Into a gibbet for the
Repnbllcana." 2
Seer "eremite Demeeratki emendate
ter One nisei •
flerrenianMe to re, Mutat=
TSZNIVIT, N. J., Feb. N.—At a recent
'sapper given here to prominent Demo-
Aida of the State it was unaramously
I resolved to prevent .JoHon John P. Sion,
ton as New Jersey's a for the
nail Presidency. •
—Tltta followinggraduates of the Penn
'', .sylyards Polytechnic College have been
- added to the engineer corps of the Union
• RaMtlio Railroad and ordered to report at
Omaha without delay, with a yiew to the
speedy locati on and construction of the
diffleult sections of the road between
Cheyenne and Salt Lakin Jae It. Max
weal• W. i. Schneider, Wm. W. Harrie,
James V. McCabe , Domingo Garcia and
John B. Wiloon.
—The New York Etate Canal Conven
tion have resolved In favor of the abro
gation of the present coati act aystem of
botterolog oat the canal to secure seal
cleat water for boats drawing aim-feet,
and of the earlier openingof cicala,
mad *eking the Leckaature to wake such
mad certain other provlslows for the ben
iflt of canals. •
in IfittleberW, an oil en
ginner on the gbert Farm, eat hts
" throat on Tuesda E y las, but did not fali y
r -.accomplish his rash design on tda own
yj acre.
, —A Anions snow . storm act In atTor
t:I =2;d if great 1 g erTentli
mo a n on Tnesclo. 9. -blockinstup =Muni-%
• 3
on Ina
i - tied a rope
,i9hopler, an engineer
MeClintockoll farm, around
DL neck and to a beam, and sistutg off
* int(' etendly on 'Divides , last.
.The Near York Constitutional Con
vention is about to adjourn. The final
Tote on the new Constitution will , bo
taken to-morrow. -
• A. paw; of the Corry Telegraph,
We been arrested 'and put under 510,00 1 7
ball, for slandering the Diaper at Cony
Penasylvania Legislature.
IMp3aol3mant Rasalal4itus Adopted
in the senate.
Coo(frame ea Free Railroad Bill.
Variety of Elite introdared
and Psiled.
Propoiediepesiof Pittsburgh
I Committee from Pittsburgh.
y Te.gratoh to IN rlttabsnit
EL1A1111313241, February 28, 18E8.
_By 2.1. r. WRITE, Indium: Chsastbsi
the time of holding Courts in hitless
nd Westmoreland ionntles.
Relating to competency of witnesses
in actions airoaliist railroads and other
corporations; allowing stockholders to
serve as eritsmasea.
Incorporating , tits .A.rtivps Default,
Elank of PiAtabargh.
aziorxriorts rainonsixii nirrakcit
Joint teeatntlom mulairdng Johnson's
uspeachment and endoraing Mr. Stanton
era passed finally by a party vete.
causes:the ow SiggeII&LLIWAD GILL.
Mr. ERREIT, of Allegheny, moved
the appointment of a C.ommithee of Con
ference on the Free Railroad Law. Car
• The Speaker appended Mears. Errett,
of Allegheny, Coleman, of Lebanon, and
Wallace, of • Clearfield, the Committee,
Wing n=lll=loll3 for the Hones bill.
Mr. FISHER, of Lancaster, raised the
' point that a majority should be appointed
in favor of the Saute - bill.
Mr. WHITE. of Indiana rained the
point that it was sot competent fee the
Senate, eller sating the appointment of a
Committee. to 'minuet.
The Speaker decided the latter point
well taken.
_ Adjourned.
-afternoon See Wen.—Mr. WALLACE
der-Died serving on the Free Railroad
Conference Committee.
Messrs. FISHER and LANDO' ap
pealed from the Speaker on the following
"The Speaker having decided It not In
order to instruct the Conferenoe Com
mittee, the tuidersignet appeal from the
decision for the following maces:
"That the Committee of Conference Is
but the creators of the Senate,aad it Is the
right of Me Senate to instruct that or
any other Committee to reflect Its views
either in whole or in part. The clerk of
the Molise of Representatives has in
formed the Sedate that. the House had
non-conenrred In the amendments made
by the Senate. The bill r amended by
the Senate embraces • number of pros's
ions of the Hoar Bill, and these here
been adopted in both Houses, and are
not matters of dispute. It la only anon
the amendments that a conference is
The dr:Wane( the Speaker was revers
ed by a vote of L 5 to 14.
Mr. FISHER'S motion to Instruct was
lost by 14 to 15..
The Speaker appointed Mr. Burgett,
of Monroe, on the Conference Commit
tee, in place af Mr. Wallace declined.
Incorporating the BellTeXCOlltlty Bank
and Sayings Association.
Forma adtlitional LawJudgehe Lk* -
taenth District.
Making the par Taloa of c h arts of the
Indiana and Wmtneareintni Goa Com
pany, fifty dollars, and autnorlzhag en in
crease of the stock.
:Authorising St. 'Vincent's Congrega
tion, at Latrobe, to sell real estate.
Correcting a mistake in organizing the
White Stone Company.
Authorizing the School Board of West
Sunbury, Butler county, to borrow two
The bill to settle claims of George W.
Casa„Washington Ifkllatimk and Ad
dison Leech, was referred bick to Judi
ciary Committee, general.
Authorizing theAuditer Germinal to de
liver to the Reoeiver of Petroleum Bank.
of Titusville, United States bonds
deposited as 'wordy for the of said
Authorizing Thomas B. Sinlth to erect
a ferry over the Allegheny at Vsnango.
Authorizing E. F. Sousa o= to
interest of the Evangelical Lutheran
congregation, End Salem, Rostraver
township, Westmoreland.
Supplernent for Kittanning Gas Corn-
Pony. *
Incorporating the General Insurance
Company of-Waynesburg. Capital, iwo
' hundred thousand dollars.
Incorporating the Venango Gas Com
pany of Western Pennsylvania. .Capl-
Ital, twenty thousand dollars.
Incarporating the Keystone Co-opera
' tive Window Glass bianufeitzuing Com.
pany of Allegheny county.
Authodziner the people of Freeport,
Armstrong county, to vote on • prohibi
tory liquor law at the next borough ells.
Refundl sag to the Bank of Kittanning
two thousand four hundred dollars, over
paid Into the Stale Treasury.
Authorizing the Trustees of the .Pres
byterum Church, at Tareatam
gheny county,' to 1116070 dead bodlee '
Prospect Cemetery. ;
Authorising littalaurgh to borrow one
million of dollars for new Water Work..
A.uthonzing the Philadelphia and Kris
Railroad Company to nape bonds occur
eel by mortgage.
. Authorizing Courts to divide election
preCiucta In Allegheny county.
Extending the act for regulating line 1 1
fences to School Directors in any district
In Pittsburgh.
Authorizing Hampton township, Alle
gheny county, to levy a tax to reim
burse John Grubbs and Wm Williams
for bounty funds advert - cad.
Extending the Mechanic* lien law to
persons employed on oil Maki, - &a., of
oil roftheriega ecr—, in Allegheny, Arm
estrong,.Vezeaugo and Warren counties.
The Afternoon eSerrios wan oontpled
In the first resoling of the appropriation
bill, pending which the House nd.
gise Fooseinesst Repast of leltsabErgn
eansolleacles ALet—.l. Comentetsit
from. VlSSabaistt.
lianurentltio, FL, February 23.--h.
Committee of twenty Councilmen of
Fittsborgh, headed by Thames Steele
E„ q., are here opposing the repeal of the
Conscaldstion act. Ur. Steele appeared
before the A.liecheni county delegation
and spoke In opposition of th, proposed
. ,
Smeisastssis tor Grant sad °was.
HA1111.1334:303, Pa., February 26 ---It is
couttaeutly reported that Makio ll,l
to-day elected twenty out of twenty-two
delegates to the 'Republican Coneention
Lastrnated for Guam Nod Foils.
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Ldp. Gen. Thomas before
the supreme Court •
His Case Called Up.
Continuance Asked ' For.
Application for Habeas Corpus
Gen. Thomas Finally Dlsch arged
Fuii Account of Proceedings
The Impeachment Articles
far Tele/men to "a rutaatuta hexane.]
Wasamoroxr, Feb. DS, 11168.
VII. CAIN 01F 07. a. -THOMAS—UN is UC
Adjutant General Thomas appeared in
the Supreme Court this morning, accom
paniml by his counsel, Richard I. Mer
ritt and Walter J. Cox, with Joseph It.
Bradley, Sr., as adeutory couneoL Judges
Olin and Fisher sat by the aide o f Judge
Carter. A • subpoena was • Issued this
morning to Mr. Stanton to appear in
Court and.hrlog with him his commis
sion as Secretary of War. and Mao cer
tain official papers.
Judge Carter asked if the counsel were
ready to proceed with the case of Gener
al Thomas. .Mr. Diddle introduced Mr.
Carpenter, of Wisconsin, so associate
counsel for Mr. Stanton. Mr. Carpen
ter, owing to Illness and the Importance
of the case, asked a eontinuan. till to
morrow morning. Mr. Merrick object
ed on the ground of public interests.
Judge Carter was disposed to grant a
continuance. Mr. Merrick asked that
the case be considered in the Criminal
Court, inatead of in Chambers. Judge
Carter declined, as he sat merely as an
examining magistrate Mr. Merrick
said that General Thomas was bare, and
his bail eurrentlerod him into the cus
tody of the Marshal of the District. Ile
was therefore a prisoner. and counsel
asked for a writ of !althea. corpus. Jude , .
Carter declined to imprison General
Thomas, believing he would appear to
morrow, end informed him ho could go
The room of the Supreme Court of tit'
District of Columbia was crowded Gil
morning with both white and black
spectators to whiners the proceedings of
the can of Adjutant General Themes,
who oa Saturday gave hail for trig ep
ee before Chief /In Jostle Colter.
=us of the bar wore aloe largely
• Adjutant General Them. cu. into
the room accompanied by his counsel.
Richard I.; Merrick and Walter S. Cuo,
' with Joseph IL Bradley, Sr , as advisory
By order of Judge Cartter, at twenty
minutes past ten, the Criminal Court
woe opened. A sabre:nue was hinted
this teeming to Mr. Santos to appear
in Court and bring with him hie commis•
Mon ...Secretary of War, end also certain
different papers. After the transaction
of some e th er basins., Judge Olin
came into Court and took a oat at the
of Chief Justice Cartier. Judge
Fisher was at the left. •
At twenty minutes past eleven Judge
Cartier asked whether counsel was ready
to proceed with the cam of too United
Sat. &pipet Adjutant General MOIL..
Mr. Riddle was introduced and stated ,
that being unwell, the cub
being of high importance. he hotrod
the arse to be continued till tcemorrow
Mr. Merrick objected on the ground
that greatpublic illiterate were Ineolved
whi reqaired early settlement.
dodge Cartier was daposked to grant a
Mr. Merrick, for Gen. Thomas, asked
hat Jge r conarder this matter
the C rim inalourt. and not In cham.
Jodie Cartier decliosol to do this, say
tog ho merely sat so an ogamintng
ii e " -
Mr. n 'Merrick said that (Dm. Thomas
was now here and his bail surrendered
Moo to the custody of the Marshal of the
District of Colombia- Ile was therefore
s prisoner. and his counsel asked for a
writ of Anbees coypus.
The following Is the petition:
'To the Hon. D. IL'Cutter, ChiefJ us-
Um of the Supreme Cou holding Crim
inal Court in sold District: The petition
of Lorenzo Thome. showethst be is now
bold in custody by the Morsbal of tbl,
District nude: and by virtue of a war
, rant mad* out and delivered to asid
!taroks' by your Honor Patting in chars
, ben. He avers and will show that said
Imprioonment is wholly unlawful and
without color of llnthoritTundor the Coo
-1 ot-itaLien and Isis a the United
' BULLS., upon the facts' :dated
as the came of Ms said arrest,
and he
pram your Honor for a writ of /lobe,s
rely., ordering mid Marshal to bring
the body of your petitioner before yOur
Honor in :pen Court, that the muss of
his rapture and detention aforesaid nay
be inquired into, and be Ito dealt with
Mr.ding law."
Carpenter said he ' regarded
Gas last action as an entirely
emneceerory episode. This action hes
been prosecuted here by Me Secretary of
Wm for the purpose of bringing thls
matter to settlement In the Courts.
There is no feeling between him ond
[ General Thomas. Considerations alone
,of a public nature nave actuated
' thin prosecution. General Thomas L., a
gentleman who will not depart. We do
' not ask that be should even be required
to enter Into his own reoognizance, and
surely be cannot come into Court and
nuke himself a priioner, unlem the
Court at leant accepts that fact or soon
hotly asks hint to ho imprisoned. NY h
the fall latitude which we consent . !-
shall have, and which I have no do bt
your Honor will very willingly acco to
him. this application for a writ of hab[o.B
-- -•IISeLLUI to be rather unneceseo,--
corpus seesaw-
Cornmeal for defense again urged the
•P ge i l al aTef JetsticeLl have never heart
of a prisoner surrendering himself to his
sureties or the Marshal. It Is always to
the Court. Where the psses of the
Marshal by which is
General re Tbometa is
held? His warrant has been returned
and the party's recognisance has been
substituted. Having appeared accord
ing to the terros of hus recognizance, he
is prernat in Court to 'answer in regard
to the offence charged. It appears to
me, however; •thit is not the question
before nue, ll examispng nutgistrate,
but ra th er a questlen to be 'considered
by the Judge who dull entertain the
application for a writer' habeas corpus.
The question for use to determine, as
examining usagistrate. Is what divest.'
tine shall be made of the cane.
Mr. Cox --Certainly.
Mr. Merrick—l wax going to say to
your Honor, if vote allow me; a single
moment, that if the slew expreased by
the ether side be correct. (tweed
being before your Honor, and
applied to for continuance until to-mor
row, your Honor must make some dlr.
postilion of the prisoner In the-mean
time. When that is done I can present
my petition to the Criminal Court. If
your Honer discharge him, the case Is at
au end, and you must either discharge
or commit.
Chief Jetliners—With my knowledge of
General Thome& character, and espe
cially after avowal of counsel that they
had full confidence in him, I should nut •
hold him for a moment. '
Mr. Merrick—Then he Is discharges!.
Chief Justice—Yes, sir, Ito is die-
charged under the intimation hers, as fur'
as any personal appearance is concerned.
The cases may be continued, and, if Gen. I
Thomas le arrested, it will be hereafter.
I shell not hold him to personal Mimi*
onment, when my own confidence in his
character corroborates what is' said by ,
the prosecution. end especially when
they do not desire it. • I
Counsel for tleneralThotnas then asked
that he be finally discharged,
Judge Certter gmated the motion fur
the following reasns It 11 confessed
here by the presecut o lon, or rather stated
by the prosecution and it is a truth'
which, under the circumstances of title
case, we ore all wed advised of. that' .
Gen. Thomas does not seek to evade the ;
process of the law in any regsni. That
he is here, and will be here, ready to an-' i
swer or to demand when called prey This, ding ,
I believe is, the Wednesday ding ;
the Monday when the Grand Jury
convenes In this District—only
tour days—when the tribunal
charged with the presentment of
all such offences will be In session
to hear tia, and all other cases 'Under ,
circumistanoo like therm, what is toy
duty ae an examining magistrate? , To
bold this case from day to day for exam- ;
: Ination until the Grand Jury meets, or
narytedlemlas It, and
j et it abide the ordi-
process of ustice. It appears to
me my duty la tolet the case take the lat.
ter course,V wreath nocirenrastancesdes .
vaiapad in it, appe to ine. that
es. settle anythisanit g
bolerohls mere hie
Van' tjiblil4ll. and i Minot disguise
from myself that the subject which un- I
dialled the controversy Is passing t he
ordeal of the highest tribunal of I
the reentry, and that in contrast ,
with its gravity the preliminary •litin
!nation here, which must terminate with
the eeseion of the Grand Jnrv, wetild
take on the character of trilling. Ido
not propose to be inetrumental in insti
tuting any such proceeding. tinder the
avowals made before me to-day, I think
hy duty ait a magistrate is properly dis
barged in dismissing the case upon the
molten of the counsel for the defendant,
and shall de so. ' General Thomas, you
can go hence..
As General Thome, loft the Court root
with his counsel, several hundred persons
in the street welcomedisint with cheers.
The delay of the Ileums Committee o
seven, in _framing articles of impeach
ment email:et President Johnson, is said
to be owing to the fact that an imprenslon
exists that he cannot be convicted by the
Senate on the prominent charge of
lating the tenure rioters, act. Hence
the Committee are to day engazed in
(timing articles wit iew to secure a
united party vote, an 1 possible to avoid
all doubts. -
The Committee we In session all this
afternoon and it is Id examined Gen.
Emory to ascertain! whether the Presi
dent rnad• an efforttto nee the garrison
of Washington for the advancement nit
his purnosee. Atija taut GeneraiTtiontss
waa also examined With referenee to the
President's- order td him di-meting that
he take posseesien f f the War Depart
rprouvor RICCOIIt.
Reports have been in circulation this
morning that the Secretary of the Treas
ury has given orders that reenialtlone
from the War Dniartment, signed by
Secretary Stanton,should not henred
at the il'reasnry. All out reports are
witheut foundation. Rai
ilitill or
Mr. Stanton for various amounts on 111,
count of War Department were passed
through the proper bureaus of the Treaa
m7 Department this morning.
tIEN. TtIOX.A.I V 151 1 .3 Tull rugstnattr.
General Thomas did not visit the War
Oftice to-day, but after hie discharge from
custody went to the Executive Nlension
-and after a short interview with Presi
. dent Johnson returned to his home.
••seconers.ccrion" rocceetsrs.
The documents reed in the Senate
from General Grant contain the follow
ing telegrupe:
WAIIIINOTON. August .3, le,C.:.—lt
Major General John Pone: I think vow
views sound, both to the winstru'etlor
Which you give to the laws of Cane - res.
and the deities tertian supporters of good
government to so* that when »construe.
lion is effected 'that no loophole is felt
open to give trouble and errikermss
ment thereafter. It is certainly the
ditty of district orenmandet • to
study what the . framers. of the re.
,ocitructieri laws wanted to satir
as much as what they do exprees, and to
execute the laws scour sling to that in
terpretation. These I believe they have
generally done, and es far have the op
proval of all who approve the COL
.Kresslorte plan of Reconstruction.
[Signe/ .1 D. ti Sant.
On the Z , I of December fact, General
Graphselgraphed Gem. Pepe as follows:
'*Th constitutions adopted by enn-
Ventiol.ll no. in See..ioo Ste not the laws
of the States until submitted to the two.
into and retitled by them. Ide not see,
therefore, how you can enforce the - Ise ,
cuacted by them until ea retitled."
General Grant. January loth, it
graphed to General Mesas &penis' log's conduct' is removing the Si
TTreasurer ot Georgia for not obey
he orders of the Coneltaticrual C.,
Also the following: "1 wouldnet
Interfere with the election ordered by
the Atlanta Convention, unless very
vatisfactory reSSODS Saila for doing no.
As district commander you will be per.
fortly justlenble in sdopting, as your
~vrn order, the stay laws proposed in the }
Constitution to be aubmitbei to the peo- I
pie of Alabama and Georgia.
LeTTL. vans MIL St . 11.150•XI:.
The State Department has renewedletters from 'Amon .Durlinsame,
mg the circumetan.we of his appotot
' meat as Chinese AmbeenaLlor to the
treaty powers. All the facts have already
been published.
Under the new arrangement of the
Dominion of Canada rootage on intern.
[Metal letters will be retituvd, ou the Ist
~f April. to six cents per alogls rate
whoa prepaid, otherwise ten cents.
It Ital agreed toolay by a majority of
the Committee of 'Was and Moans to
report • bill retaining lb, whiskey lax
at two dollars..
11.11.111:11M To DoLtvi A.
The rrewident to-day nominated to the
Soaad• J. W. Caldwell, of Ohlo, as alln•
later to
TAMIPORT asuni.artoirs.,
The statement is unbiunded that the
recent regglatione relative to laattilsa
L ampert! have been promulgated.
Ho Makes a Speech to His
Maryland Friends,
tar 'relate: 4 to tea elftelearetfluene. l
Vigallll•TON, Feb. '71.116 1 .
The President, to the course of a reply .
to • delegation of clamed; of Maryland,
who waited as him to-day, to prissent
resolutions relative to the right. of
American citizens abroad, said:
I shall not attempt in set terms or
metmerisi phrase to respond to the re
marks which yen hivcruade to refer
ence to the modifies of of airs at present
agitating the pnbito mind. The pre
sentation Of suck kind sentiments
and Ras encouragement which they
give, coustrain roe, however, to say
they offered me a gratification
widish words are Inadequate to etpreas.
Flock assurance at title time gives me
strength and courage in the fieme coo.
6ict which now prevails around um.
Pointing you to the pool
aa an
to what my future conduct will be, I
beg of you to believe that in
so honest effort faithfully to discharge
the high and , rarponsible - dunce imposed
on me by the Conatitutlen and the laws,
I will consider no personal sacrifice too
grind for me to bear. or
a great prin.
einlecennot be compared with the great
obrioct to be attained of preserving the
aciples of our Republic by a strict ad
orer!ce to the Conelltutiun and the low.
made In accordance with lie provisions,
God being willing, I will perform my
duty, let the eerisequencee he what they
may. From my advent in goblin life,
now some years ago, to toe pretient time,
I have loused through many ordeals in
my struggle for the talesman. of the people.
Never hovel fora inonient swerved from
the straight line of duty, and standing
in this presence, I can sinrely declare
there kiss never been as ye c t e an occasion
when, having been assigned to
e ; ty, I
have abandoned my poet.. I new,
se in the past, upon the intelligence, the
patriotism, and the Virtue of the Awed
can people, who, I believe, will Coate in
all their might and etrength to
them rescue
of the country and save ifr the
destruction which now seems to threaten
Its ruin. My faith in the Arneelean peo
ple is strong and abiding. I have never
betrayed them, nor do I believe now,
when the waves of passion threaten to en
gulf the land,they will desert or abandon
one who In their canoe in engaged in an
earnest struggle for the preservation of
constitutional liberty and the suprema
cy of civil authority.
I again thank yen, gentlemen, fee tide
encouragement, and assort you that en
lens as the vital efferent continues to
warm nod animate my existence, and
memory holds its place, thin occasion
wilt be remembered and oherished,
gases Awnless New..
Iry Teteareea to tea Vsteargh ilaaene.)
Nam Yonn. February Z.— as
OLitelasippl brings itto Janeiro clates
to the' of January. do
Brullueev was very dull st RIo.
liaise for several daye from the Platte.
Tim lot name from OM mat of mar et.
unsatisfactory. The mire ilumaita
eonlinned. al
lies at delay pre
' veiled. The allies w e
drainin the
country of its gold, 'laving ell the Co.n.
Tho Brazilian
Itdr la buying
ono.n •enatderflllenlgrtmheyin.
The cholera rag that
ed Tearfully In Buenos
Ayres and was spreading into the in
The rebellion in sante Yee Reser° was
growing stratup •
ream 00000 sae I.
tee estearsett to tes Munro SisSonts.]
PrElLADetrilla, Febrtiery 26.—The
Elentale of Penneybrania pulsed resolu
tiOle endorsing the impetiebment of hir.
Johnson. They Will probably be passed
by the House to-day. .
Da6llllSale. glatiell.
Inr Telegraph so tee Tletabnigh Gazette:l
Pathahshvt February 53.8hd0r
Gemmel McCall died yesterday nt
Cheddar. • •
English Cabinet Changes.
Dispatches from Abyssinia.
American Imprisoned in Path.
Germany' and American Nat•
American Meeting in London.
14peeche9 by Jelin Brigid and New
man Ilan.
Secretary Seward and Garibaldi.
bi,T.legrstris W the rlttalArib
...oNnos, February 25—MidnighL—It
, now thought that Mr. D' Larson will
resign his position as Chancellor of the
Exchequer, and that Sir Stafford North
cote will hake his Wren. No one is yet
named no the probable successor of the
latter as Secretary of State for India.
1.0N130%, :February
delta dispatches—from tieneral Napier
says the envoy sent by I.llm to Prince
Kamera eras well received at Durbor; and
found two thousand warrior*, with their
ion.erubled at Advs., by whom
he was heartily received.
Lonnoxi 116.—The Tones this,
morning, commenting on the change"
in the Cabinet, stays Lord Derby's resit.;
nation was a foregone conclusion. So ,
also war the succession of IT.lsraell, and
no other Mill has an equal right
to take the tory lead. It -thinka:
Lord Chelmsford will retire., but no
other change I. likely to ho roads. It
',MI no, reason in the meeent cirrum
, rumors r hy the Ministry should not
pormihent one.
Th. fia./y vas gays It is rovudble that
.ritrri Critubourne may sward Sir Stab
ord Northivte in the Indian nrlltiv, end ;
and htanley - ilia:, be mete Peer and
*present the Government lath. Homo.
II lards.
Tbo Telegrap i i has reaetin t , Leber ,
'it 11. Cairns will replace fiord Chelme
tart' ea Lord Chancellor, and aniCusalhit
the pnatunn of the agile Premier natl.
mates Vitra/elk cannot leaped the Indul;.,
genre alurayt +herrn kart dun to his
votorart Kan re•ered predreseesor.
The? Ma r'SV - 1.) .S:aotaile•( oa? the Leak et
II lel;aelt aatrhan , lier of th tiahoiner
one one <1 great dtrlicalty, b t bete the I
Lent fitted by courage, tart, esperience I
iend bit cl,eLe routine with Levi Derby
to succeed Inm an the still mote ditlieuit i
Leak which now devolve.. titian him. - I
- rt, ..ityreinj Pan declares Illtraeli 1
non leicomoe Prime Itlnater lens on
,07 , 1‘11.1: of the 04.1131.1 r It, 111111 treatise
there Ix r ~.,
0, 0• it., a., ht for thy place. ;
1 In the High Civil or Chancery that all
intern lemrd Pleelnitrerd anununcoil
Iva intennon a resign tug. it teens cer
tain that S.r lingh Cairnse will be bbs
- .
LON ISO7I. Yoh.. :15, 11:r. r.—• great;
imputing of friend. of the United States
eriu held b.-night at St Jam. Hall. Mr.
Bright presided.. A tiumbri of promi
nent Liberals wet• present un the plat
form. Mr. Bright mule a p. - o.errtfl
apuieriti, areusing thearuipattir of the au•
damoe fur tae American itrOPt e h 7 Cu
inent ailuu:mr to their in the
war of rebellion.
ltev..Nawinaa Flail lotleer.l witli
address In witlch be pruented with aldl
♦ the Amato-an site of the Alabama
Lwillinrftrif, and reseal his ♦Fowl
earnestness and eimptence which car.
raKl the Teat raseeMblage with him. The
mooting was very enthualiallc and broke
op with r•peatrd cheers fur Acuerica.
?ARV , . February, 21'..—Errateg, — M r.
Parker, an Anierirao, who took part 11,
the alleged dlattirb.loe at the Chleon
Theatre In the performance of Vletur
liege's drams, l'ltay Ma.," haa bewn
tried •nd aeutenbed to Ail dayal traprie
oument and the payment of a alight
'..6.—The reportn
hat the ItAllan teoverntueut In about to
sod Ueneral Miner Biaxia to Vicuna to
vegotlate a treisty.yrltit Austria., -Feb. new treaty which
has been outlets' ti between the Uniussl
States cud the North German Confeder
ation. proviqes that natives of German!
must obtain lease to entigrate; whien
limn Is, registeresl, and that those who, af
ter taltinx out t 4 - :ir nut ratization pmipure.,
hare realdel tire sears In a foreign
country, shall tot rrfexwel from the obit•
Kellum of military Sri , ' lee in Germany.
Ft.ontexce, February 21.1.--Sorne
Inn journals Are commenting on the re
marks alleged to have been made by
Sserstary Seward In regard to ilaribaldi.
bu t think his vrords must have been
inoerreelly reported:. They hope the
United State. g overnment has not been
mans{ Garibaldi. as an agent enflame:t
alon, ant Irate America decry" only
the nolly At Italy.
-•— •
LONDON, February 26—Erentag.—Con .
aids closed et 9.14; L.2oa, 711: Illinola Cero
tral, tti; Erie, rs4l.
FRANK rowr, February 26.7 -United
Stated bofids err strong at 754. surnot., February '3l.—Cottou
closed unchanged, with .1. of 11l ladling
plands lu port at 4i pence, and to ar
rive at 146 t ill pews*, nod Orlesini. 01
pence. The sales to•day reviled 10.000
bales. Ilren4stutra—Corn hSA Irclined
to 42 shilling" 3 ponce, for tniztel vr eat.
ern. Wheat la steady at 16 shillings 2
ponce for California white. and 14 shil
lings 5 pence for No. 2 red western. Bar
ley Oats and I's. are unchanged. Pro
visions are unchanged. Prdutat—Tho
Hagar market is buoyant at 24 shillitign
6 pent,
Atv - rwszr, February _with
lower but cloned firm, with talesof start-,
Hard whits at 44 franca
The heeenably et Ise CsMende Leg.
Water. •OlPeever tieeoe
f tee..
Meet pod Suma eau.
.ewe—Tae *dada to Do
e/see Need. Lam wad to aaaaaaa
1.11 Itolltdoe, teetwellar.eo aaaaa
—reheated Fenton Kane to Ilettl h
Cohamble—loapo•teat Pedalos.,et
the Nopettne tear'. •
14i Te 1111111911 19 L9l Madame heida..)
540 FllAlicastta, Feb. 2f.—The Leal. ,
leave hezembly adopted resolutions sp•
proving the action of the Fresh:tent and
g The
for the cou it ti
pursued. The Indeliendent prase rse
of the!
coast generally support Cougrees.
leading—Denw (motto paper in tide city
coils ou the Frealdent to declare martial Y,
law th the Charlet of Columbia and sus.
pond civil huelneao Including Congrese,'
till the people con eprwk.
A telegram from Victoria &aye It la re
ported a Fenian head centre has arrived:
The media of dispatchea from reliable
parties In San Francisco announcing the
intention of the Fontana to make ► raid
ou Britlsh-Columbia has caused corniid,
orable excitement. Hold InlormaUen
of such a nature that Admiral !lasting.
deemed it prudent to tuko immediate
precautionary oteps. The bankinghousee
are also active in catering thinawolvee
from Impending danger.
Supreme Court of Britiola calcuri
lila has decided that the property of Isaac
kirtnaphroys, an American citizen, who,
died intestote In Victorli; must revert to
the Crown,sluitild there .be no heirs to
claim the some. The Chief Justice sold
the office of Consul Wanereated Tor conl
tnercial purposes! only, with no ministe
rial duties or privileges attached. C.OO.
ho 01 00100L--.....1.,
tor 'Weever& to 1
114 a Plthiborsh klacetta.l
WattilvetoN, Feb. '2d, 1!87.
The CHAIR submitted S communica
tion from the German Emigration Union
of t Metal:tat( in regard to the treatment
of omigrants on chipboard. Referred to
Committee oh ' Commerce.
Mr. - YATES presented a memorial
from citizens of Utah, Praying for the
erection of the Terri ry of Wyoming
and the annexation of Utan and Idaho
thereto. Iteferred to C mmittee on Ter
Mrt PATTERSON . presented a
Petition of four the sand citizens of
'mundane, totting for their grievance ,
and hardettipa.. gets ed to Committee
on d odic:tory.'
Mr. MORGAN re ed from the Com
mittee on Financelh• House joint relate
lotion authorizing • Comptroller of
Currency to revoke t o appointment of
Receiver of the Far ere and Citizens
National Beak' of Williantaborg. N. Y.,
and to restore tho charter of said hank.
Mr. STEWART. frotti,the Committee
on Juiliciary..reported a bill for the sur
render of persons convicted of cartels
crimes, with amendments. It forbids
persons adjudged guilty of certain (whites
being allowed to enter the United States,
mid authdrines the President, on satis
factory evidence, to prevent the entrance
of such anivicte sod to deliver them up
to W e country whence they came.
After some discussion on the subject of '
extradition, during which it appeared the
bill was not to apply to pensions convict
ed of politicia otfetoies, and that 'lt wax
introduced in moot the moo or countries
with whom iwe have no extradition trea
ties, -
Mr. suralmAN offered an amend
mentto provide that the principles of ex- •
tradition treaties be applied to thwarts:ion
Alter further dloeusalon 'the bill wee
recommitted. •
M. HOWARD. front the Select Corn
mines of seven to whom wan roferred I
the mew...o of the Ilona. on the subject
of impeachment, retold.' the Following'
reetollaion t:
W UMBRA*. The House of Representa-
Beep. on ilhe twenty-fifth *lay of the'
oreseut month, by two of their Members, I
Menus. Stevens And Bingham, at the
bar of the.•Senste, itupeaehed Andrew
Johnson, President of the United Matra,
of high crimes and misdemeanors in of-
nee. and Informed the Senate that the
MUM of. Itepiinentatty.en will in duo
p ti sarc me hnorut exhibi scd tiet partit. sod ma cular arti ke cles ot
reel the
same, and, litiewi•• dem:toilet that they
!tenets tille order for the appeurando
the Kahl Andre. - Johnsen; therefore,.
Resolvq, That the s,-nete will take lb.
proper order theitot.., of which due nee
ticit will tie street ., the House of RePr' -
eentalivaa. the • '
Ceotintatoe .41, tenon mend that
notifyeormary-of S 4nat• lot directed to
f the o! Itepro•entatiree of
the passage of this
The methanol ea adopted without
The oreild . ciao n
On motion of Mr. S.ll' L.SLIEttY the
Senate MO: tip tho eappleinentaro roe
er natraetnot 1011, no n i,, In he Addr;inseal
the Bevan ,
Mr. TRU liflUl.l. fictil the Judiciary
m utter. reported A 0.11 'leaning fl u
pir t edi•tion of the Viidool Stan. Cootie
at certain cows, 11dr...duce! February
Mb, with Atnentintntit 4 ; ',inking out the
clau%o d.j.:lnt.:AZ all c. 0... new pealing
to the Supreme C..urt welch hav•
groWTI Cult of the rw-notrueilon SetA,
, bunging the Venn. , nit • tor bleb author
ire an , append 4n •nett ease. to,Lho Su
prturie Court to their iodpainalen, oi.nd
providing that no law heretofore passed
ex:0011g ti • Judietai system of the
Vetted Btateit over the Wu rebel States I
..mot i.e ,ntnAtzl2•4 w re...vette any ;
State governotent rattling th•roto until I
MeltAtarf and Representative. from Gantt
Staten shall bro admitted or Cougrwra
shall rttrn.r‘rtirte It Stated verllinotat there
in se 'valid.
Thu hilt sea , pnA , pniss.l till Monday,
Mr. TM:, Yltlt haring . the ttnor.
Several ineresage. Irons the President
era presoot.d. ,l, lent "odor , the wont...own- , 1
ormacattou Tr. tho Preddot, trent
milting the report of the See o
retary of
reply to A nonnluChto of itottltry
tAistlye tit e appointment of. •nedli
flarlitionie to a loplotnetio and other
mission by the Emperor of China.
L u st a "'port ot th• General of the
Army." Its reply to • re...lotion calling for
...plot of orlon issued' In regard to the
Third Millutrt "too r int to laeuerale rope
and Meade. • Itererret to the Committee
In it jitter Agairr.
Mr] ores mted • 144111 1 9
of ',discus' of All.--nosy .',.unit', Pa.,
and gravingof %aGo bur ,tidenon of
of g trl3lllll.lCl.
g rviluovern .
meat es menses 111.1 f •tbsoproper C • ad
justment of duties Referred t.l ...111•
mittens on Way. and Mesas.
The Senate aninsamento to tbe`t.ti new
bill intending the tone ir the couple
' tint, of the Dubuque and Stuns
Itailimol were concurred tn. •
Mt. SHANKS onered • resolution
calling on the 111.11,111 Ara ot the Interior
for 1121 111.10 , 134.11 anS the report of
commission appointed under the tiftint
article of tho treats , with the Choctaw
and 57dekasaw Indiana, and for awarded
tieeretsdy.of the Interior on euchreport,
whiny 1..5..111.1141.
Mr. Ml:tit: EN asked leave to offer a 1
rese.lntbsn recitlm: that the f
the Must
welfare al
tie. Country, and especially o
sent party, at thin particular junclure
imperati•ely demand the adrunistian of
at let one - Stets. under the 1111.11111.11 1,
1/nli 11 1 11, that it had been ionstrtainel
that many .abdiants freedmen bad de
posited theirs ballots it, thepoet office
contrary. to the instruction. of the =l
tare Commander, and declaring it highly :
ini . preptir that such ballots should be
lost, anti that without further delay Ala
barna be admitted Oslo the Ustiononad
that:every member of any other men
•otit i sg:ga i l ‘ nst the resolution be adludged
LlRlTll.7l,'",tTa'd mltr-rn7
an Mr. WASIIBUIAN ot Minnie, Inter
ropted thenstingiof,
nestling of the resolution, and
Mr. C LIAN LER objected to Its being no.
...... _ __
mired. ,
,Str.*VANIIORN of Neyr 'Sorg, offered
• tonolution directing the Secretary Of
War to furnish Information relating to
the Harbor at Wilton, Niagara county,
to connection with the prat...l Shit, Co
nal, sod OA to the propriety of Congroits
snaking appropriations for the improve-
Menlo of such bedlam. Adopted. I
:Mr. JULIAN otTered a resolution 41-
reeling the Committee on Public Lands
te enquire Into the expediency of so
emending the Homestead Low as to ea
ch"). honorably discharged whitens from
the pavment o f-teen. Aolooted.
Mr. kERR offered a moolutlon direet
ing the iecrenal of War to cane. an ex
amination, by competent and Impartial
otncers of Kagineene, whether tits Lords.
elite Company has located, and is ...sin-
structing its bridge at the head of the
Palle of the Ohio. Referred to the 'Com-
mine. on Commerce. . I
Mr. WILSON, of Ohlo, offered a Mao-
, lotion instructing the Committee len ,
Publio Lands to Inquire Into the propri
of ceding to the State of Ohio the
forty thousand acres of nosurveyed and
indisposed land of the Virginia Military
Itistrict. Adopted. l'
I The hill to provide for the payment.of
'patentees oat of the Naval Pension Fund,
Ayes referred to the Committee on Invalid
1 : • Mean. M PERHAM, BEATTY andl
UM reported a large number of
' bine, 4:c., from Committm on Invalid
Penelope, which were acted en by the
Mr. VANIIOILV, of New Yor ,
leave Introduced lefoint rosolution,! au
thorising the Secretary of War to Place
at the dlap mat of the Lincoln' Mono
noent Anociation damaged and cantor
' -- t of which to too t
. .. . .
ed orduance, out tiiW - Illci. ._ -.-
edam., provided no Maid .hull he lame
appropriated until voluntary • ennui
hu• lona for that permits. are actually In
hands of the treasurer to the amount of
$100,000. i
Mr. BUTLER moved to amend by ex
tending the resolution to all Amociation.
of a similar character, but objection be-
ing made, he withdrew it, and tiler joint.
resolution passed. t , I
the S
Ou motion of Mr. BEATTY,
,to er.
;cent-et-Arms was directed to pay the I
order of the widow of Cortmllue S.
'Hamilton, late member from Ohio, the
amount of compensation which would
hare been due him on the Othofifebru
err, 1868.
Mr. STEVENS, of Ps., asked lekve to
have taken from the Speaker'. table the
Senate emendmenta to the supplemea-
tary.i.tonstruction bill, that they might
be nont.concurred 'nand a Committee of
Conference appointed.
Mr. 1101.M.AN objected.
'rho House went Into Committee of the
Whole, Mr. SCFELD in the Chair on
the bill makingO I
a partial appropriations
for the expense. of the Indian Depart
. went to the amount 0f1g4 500 .
Pending its diecusalon the Committee
rose and a message was received from
the Sonata intbrming the House that the
Semite will take proper order on pro
• . • , t tt tt tt , llttttrrt. and duo no,
r 311-,
substitute for the supplementary Ito
struction bill was coueu La --Y
96 1 Nave •32,
The I,til now goes to the President fo
The House again went into Committee
on tho Indian partial appropriation bill.
The bill wan dincusned and aside
to be reported to the Howie, and the
Committee took up the sundry civil ex
pence bill. appropriating $0,992,057.
Mr. CLIC RC RILL moved an amend
ment, providing that the six steam cut
ters stationed on the northern and north
western lake , and Over tributaries be ,
laid up and no more money shall be paid
on their account, except for their safe
Mr. CHANLER opposed the amend
'mud charging that the laying up of
these ,
vessels; would he , nothing more
nor lees than throwing the door, wide
open to smuggling.
Mr. BRIOGS thought one wound
should ls.lelt on the lake,
Mr. Cat/ RCHILL explained that the
revenue cottons worn built during the
war to guanl the lake towns and cities
front powiiiils Incursions of enemies and
were not at all adapted to prevent smug
gling. Ile Mild the cost or those
verse s
last year They had not ren
dered the least service., either to prevent;
ing amtiggling or in any other way.
Mr. HUMPHREY' gars a different
view on the subect. lle said 'if those
vesnols wore wit h draw n the government
would lowa thin year through smuggling
more than the entire cost. He hoped the
House would deliberate before it would
do any act no largely in the interest of
smugglers... I.iIIISURNE rafters' those cut
ters were built under a ware and appre
hension that the United Simea might
haven war with Canada, and thoy were
lever intended for revenue. purposes.
Ile had rt.' letters from gentlemen liv
ing near the lakes stating that there was
no extravagance more culpable than
maintaining these cutters. A schooner
could be bought for two thousand dol.
lent, and run fur twenty or thirty dol
lorS a day, that would do more against
smuggling than those vessels.
Mr. UPSON remarked that not one of
them had ever made a seizure.
Mr. PIKE suggested that steam cut
liera wore bandy tar pie-sic women.
Mr. ALLISON said he was assured by:
many racers that it wo a fraud upon
the Ow:eminent.
Mr..I,TNCII thought it rather saapi
rimys that opponitien to the cutter, came
from the rep resentati ves of conntithenta
who might oats an interest In making
smuggling easy.
Without disposing of the subject, the
Conunittee rose.
VAN TRUMP preranted a prti•
Yr. thou tif citizens of.ltons county. Obio,th
favor of the g y, eneral reduction of the
arm told envy nod the dell expense* of
the iioVeriament, and readjununentinett
of the. revenue laws. Referred to Com
mittee a Ways and Mean,
Meat ga,ato 'groomlora.
The following deloio toere loft nt the
litoNirdor's February 20, 15 , 16: •
Loot Nil:bort to Fidel Schnell, F0h..2315,
1.44, hit on flay street, lihorpaburgh ,
100 la.,t ...... $1,700
eioargo Wwwliter to John limner, MILITIA
t•tb, 1 , 47;1w in finas township, con
taining one halt oert, ••••
St. Mary's Cern..., to Right tier.
lunenoc, In Cruet for St. ',fury'' , flo
ws,: llat.lsolie Congregation, Feb, loth,
1194, two lots in St. Mary', Cemetery
Can. In I.awryoreellie, on Church
atrrtt. 4. by 7tri feyt ••• • • . ... . . roc.
Trund.ear,.a. el. to Joseph 'Keel
ung. March 2,, 19 , 7, Int on C 11 1 ,04 1,
street, Eas t Itirtutngham, 20 be 124
J0...A also 11,t on Sarah street, 11 by OR
feet with bulid,ng• s;;loo
Cbgaufan Beveridge to Charlem rearm.,
J' r _ tra - t ••1 land in
Ntecartal'eas townol,p, containing 19
It,. wt t h I•Llibliuga ...... $1122
Nlartnunr in Schni•ler to Cnstopher flugat,
1•• th, li I
rots undividwl
fourth parts ofet roe:. of lanais: Fronk •
lin townshig,.eentatning to afire... with
Ston• to Biol.°las
2 , 11. 10 , 7'. lot in Stint,. iowtosinp,roil;
Z , N+l wdl. bond - Inge ..... .P 716
Ellen McKeever et a. to James. IdelJno,
4 1, S. tofu of hold In Lianitoo o
township, tantaluirte 3 acres, ith
bilildi ....... • ...... $3 w . 21.0
Johlt Rolle to James .11.1. Jun. February
lsoe, fraet of land ni 11 amnion town
akip, eoutaining sores. with build
ings g 4,106
Hugh Boyd to Hobert Flan , February
.21. 1141, lot on Chlslatt Street, Law.
• rear...nit, ItJ. by 10 _feet, with build
Tecieberg to John Daum, Feb. 17.
1341 z, threw lots on Harrison street.
ey 100 feet ... .00
John Y...kehninn to George B•ritnur,
01.005 10, 15e7, lot on Chestnut street,
I.awrenoev tile, It by 120 feet. 1075
Itoteol hlcKee et al.doSaiuuei I.lec rook
art, Feb. 11. 1540, lot nn Congress street, -
south of Franklin, Sixth ward,' Pitts
! burgh. tO by ~ e 3 tert.t. with Inflicting! ,
i 3 sV
............... ......
• Alleglieny City to - llugh Coll, Oct.. 1,
Iso7, tern lots in Poor Farm plan,46 by
130 foot • r
:Henry Alles to John Billemuth, Feb.
1100, two lota on Davis street, Seventh
ward, P•ttaburgh, to by 04 leet.:• • .340(1
lames. McAuley-, adinluistrator of Geo.
Martin to' Joseph hlegilight. Feb. 12,
the Interest ea well of the said
11e0000 Martin as of Elizabeth Mar
tln,lieorge Martin;rind Andrew Richer
Martin, minor children of mid
George Marin I the Bi coal rmin p rin t
Iron NVorks. t with n
• roda..•••p—ilolo Roan Radar.
.k r. 41 hot poker applied hi the limbo
or hotly over the locality of pain is of
more Cement than Spanish tiles or any
liniment compounded of Cayenne pep
per end turpentine. Each meld. the
flesh and created more smart sod pain
on tho aurface than the original com
plaint, and. the poker application is
quicker, cheipor, anti less dangerous.
Conservativequacke are walling over dull
Unit.; CUBTOUIOII. are ILS Atlol'4 sialts; a
burned child is afraid of the tire. The
public hare been bunted too often by
those worthierss nostrums that produce a
greater pain to cure a it.,, and will not
give them patronage. Sensible folk
know bettor also titan to dose theumelyee
with penile or to have pills of any kind
crammed' down their stomach. any
longer. They have also learned thefact
that - Melted lard Is of as much Impor
tance and benefit as cod liver oil: that the
stomach. was , made for food, and no
medicine ever invented is tit to put Into
it. Ail know that] pills produce emtise
nem and ill health, and, those nho use
them moat freely. are miserable.. The
venders of thole worse than oseless mot
pounds time got a tit 01 costiveness, and
syleen, and are Running Rapidly Rabid,
and beg their customers not to leave
them. Folks know that; there Is one
place In New York where all mug° Wberi
in pain hordingbe s of relief instantly,
without more tire to their pain.
Dr. Wolcott, 170 Chatham square, .New
York, and (12-r . Arch Street, Phlladelphia,
in the Drug Store, removes allkind. of
physical pain free or expeneo, and three
facts hurt the once lucrative buitinem of
the old-fashioned Cayenne pepper slim
ulants, Spanish Ries, anti drug pills, and
the senders gasp ror breath in holy hor
ror at Dr. Wolcott and hie wonderful
remedy—Palo I'ainl. • this Paint given
no pale, leaves no enter, la harmless as
water, reduce. all inflammation rapidly,
and rOMSVO6 any pain the tongue can
mention in less than live minutes In any
part of the limb. or body. Dr. Wolcott
teaches all to quit the dangerous and
health-ruble. practice of swallowing
medicines; to correct the diet, and live
naturally, Instead of Indulging in arti-
tidal mummeries.,
Dr. Wolcott in the well known proprl-'
atm of that Mandan] remedy for Catarrh
and colds in the head, the Instant Pain
Annihilator. Sold by drugrgists, in pure
white wrapper.. Beware of brown or
tinted paper..
alpselal Cale.
The special sale at greatly reduced
prices continues at the extensive and
well managed wholesale and retell trim
ming and notion bonne of Mesas. Jos.
Horne A. Co., Nos. 77 and 70 Market
street. Everything sew and fashionable
will be found in the stock. We cannot
enumerate the Items of the Immense and
varied stock. such as comets, hoop
skirts kid gloves, handkerchiefs of taco,
and linen rich point laces, Applique,
Valencia, 'Maltese. thread and guipure
laces, edgings and ineertings, full lines
of embnnderies, white goods of an end
less variety, and indeed every article,
cle concleveable in 'the line. The se
!onion of ribbons, sashes, trimming and
neck-ribbons is vary large and embraces
new and novel ntyies hover be
fore Introduced. Clentlemen
will nleb
nod at Horde ,t Co.'s • Tory full line of
furnishing goods, collars, cuffs, shirts,
under clothing, tics, suspenders, hull
hose, ,to., Ac., which,ure marked down
at prices approximating those which
ranged anterior to the war. Few MO
acquaied sharei fact that thta hones
does a large of the trade of the
rem° custom. Its hue:mu is conduc t :li
upon • perfect system, large force of
gentlemanly' salesman and lady clerk,.
are constantly In waiting In - the Various
wholesale and retail departments, while
the prices throughout the house are uni
form in all articles and to all cash:marl.
Laarranaavlll• eras§ Clab Neatiaa'—
laeaelatten•—Tboaaals Howard, Maq„
aurrested• as a Candidate for Cea•
The. Lawrenceville Grant Club met
Tuesday evening, pursuant to adjourn
ment, S. J. Wainwright, President, in
the Chair. Wi S. Brown was chosen Vice
President, Samuel Melfahon as Treasu
rer, and Rlllfam,King as Secretary. '
A Copamittee on Resolatiorui—Gen. A.
L. Pearson, N. W. Shaffer and John 11.
Kerr—reported att 101107 , 3:
NJ:musks, In view of the Gaming
Presidential nomination it behooves the
American people to indicate their pref
erence; therefore
litanival, That the Grant Club of Law
renceville do hereby nominate General
U. S. Grant as the Republican candidate
for the next President. of the United
States, fully convinced that he will in
the future, as he has ever Da the past,
triumph over secret or open enemies to
law and good order.
Reaolved, That wo haw'sntire confi
dence In the firmness, om and pa
triotism of our loyal Congress, believing
they have out reflected the sentiments of
the loyal masses of the Republic in the
impeachment of Andrew Johnson of
high crimes and misdemeanors.
Reaolved. That we approvand e the
f (nurse
of Hon. E. hi. Stanton,' eel asz
eared that he will be triumphantly ens-
Coined by the peciple.
Dr. Covert offered the following; which
was unanimonaly adopted:
WHEllltas, Our distingulehed repre
sentative, General J. K. Moorhead, has
declined a re-nomination for Congres•
Reaotved, That w ithout disparaging the
claims of other gentlemen, whoare men
tioned as suitable persons to represent
this district as hie successor, we avow oar
preference for Thomas Howard, Esq.,
and, us hie friends and immediate
neighbor+. we urge his nomination as
the Republican nominee, believing him
eminently qualified for that high pall-
Remarks:were made by Gen. Pearson,
Nosh W. Sheffer and John B. Kerr, after
which the meeting adjourned.
The k essh Glee. o.lealdhls
Some weeks ego the cable informed
nur citizeam of the departure for this
country, fkom Liverpool, of the world
known bruieer O'Bitldwia, the Irish
giant, who fills our Ides of ye oxidant
Lehen Lawdhor Oahe: Yesterday be
arrived in thie city. end, soaking his
headquarters at A.lecie Murray's, In the
Diamond, was called upon by hundred.
of the admirera of nerve and millet°. In
ennpany with our Jimmy Ilamllt, who
wee ehowing him the sights of our poet
lxgrimed city, we met him. He Is one
of the ducat specimens Of humanity we
have ever come scream of pleasant ad--
drew, courtly manners, and is devoid of
the etheknevlams so often observable in
members of the sporting fraternity, but'
he has a pair " of. powerful "hitters,"
evhiekare destined to do service la this
country, provided any of the heroes of
the "prize ring" will venture to measure
lance , . with him. Ws believe ke will re.
1111111 here several 'days, and that it Ls hie
intention to aive a sparing exhibition be
fore he deparut.
PoilmMaa musetumged ,
Thomas Trainer, one of the Mayor's
pollee, we ore Intormed, was discharged
from the force yeaterday. The dream
etarmat leading to • his dismissal were la
follows: Monday night Jane . Fitzpat
rick, the heroine of eeversl "outrages,"
and m many "drunks," was arrested on
n charge of disorderly conduct Tues
day night she woo roll:tired by the May
or to pay a fine of twenty-five dollars or
serTe a term of thirty day., in PAIL hot
haying the "mob," she requested time to
procure It, in ecooniance with which a
commitment won made eat and placed
lin the bends of officer Trainer, he was
oireelmi as Maker return a receipt from
the Warden for hie prisoner er the mosey.
The primmer, accompanied by theolliosr,
left the office, after which nothing w an
beard of them until
Tueeday night.
when it Is alleged they were. boil found
drunk. The were both tahen In charge
Dad yesterda y mornittg the officer watt
relieied from duty and the frail Jane
committed for thirty days. ,
Coulter re. HasW.
From the following challenge which
appears in the New York Clipper, of this
week, It is evident that Jimmy Hamill,
if' be wishm to retain the championship
of Antortran waters, as a scalier, has
some hard work before him. Tho chat,
Isnge explains itself:
Bilitor of Clipper.-1 will row James
Hamill -alive mile race for one or two
thousand dollars a side, in.llay next,—
the date to, be'sgreed upon it the time
of putting up the first deposit.—and for
the championship of AlneriCll. The race
to COMO . °fiat, or within one hundred
miles of Pittsburgh. If Mr. Hamill
want• to row, I hope he snll accept this,
as I don't want talk but work. If he ac
cepts. 1 Pill tueet Itlm any time and place,
to put op a forfeit and alga articles.
Yours, truly.
131.11 RT COULTIP.
Mertes* *Pottiest.
John Snyder, a boiler at Bennet, prat
A Co. 'rolling mill, at '<tidy'. Run, met
with a serious accident on Monday, from
the ellecta of which. his recovery Is
doubtful. Mr. Snyder, in 'company
with George Couch, bad been to Troy
Rill during the day, and in the afternoon
started to return. They bad proceeded
to a point where there le an embank- -
meat forty or tiny I net in height, when
Mr. Snyder slipped on the ice and Mid
over the embankment, !striking his head
against sharp atones in his descent. A
serious gash was cut above hie left eye,
hie under lip cut through and several
other injuries of a widens nature re
beaned. e as carried home
and hd t returned to conscious
ness yesterday. An evening contempor
ary stated that be was assaulted and
knocked over the embankment by Coneb,
which, we are informed by a friend of Mr.
Snyder, lea mistake.
Professor of Elocution. Vocal Culture
and Gymnastics, who to strongly corn
mended by Hon. V. M. Rice, Superin
tendent of Public Instruction in the State
of New York; Prof. T. F. Leonard, of
Cambridge, llme., and other., as • a sue
ceasfut Elocutionist, and whe now his
olasses at the University and Female
College in this city, will give public
1. p ublic
readings at the 'Chapel of the emote
College on Friday everting next.. The
selections will embrace a variety of hu
morous, pathetic and patrloue pieces
from some of our best authors.
Nothing in the Interesta of odneaticrn
Is more needed than correct elocution,
and probably none of ifs teachers have
bad more complete enemas than Prof.
CrN nler, whougnserybinly should bear on
Friday night.
A /..oelea• AamalllSNll. i oat
Jame. Vashon made information be
fore Justice Heise, yostehlay, charging
John Ulrlck with faloniews mason and
battery. The parties were drinking to
gether In a saloon la Birminghans,when,
as the prosecutor alleges, they quarrelled
about ammo business matter, whereupon
the defendant struck him with some
heavy instrument, inflicting a moms
wound on his forehead. The sosmod
sass arreated and taken before the msg
trate, wheutt epee.= the cam was set
tled at the request of the prosecutor, the
defendant paying the *meta._
*Point ofVeracitygettled.—Duringlhe
recent municipal campaign it was stated
that Mayer McCarthy had paid into the
City. Treasury more revenue from his
office than any of his predecassori. This
assertion wee pointedly denied by the
opposition. Through the kindness of
Mr. Chris. Magee, chief clerk of the
Controller we have been the
{sty oursel'ves of the truth of the state
ment, by 61:1:1221C0 at the socomita.
Es.-Mayor McCarthy paid during kis
term of office into the City Treaanry
112.5,606,79; and ex-Mayer - Lbwry du
rind his term paid over 1117,631,31, of
juat /5,175,481e5 , than hie same:nor.
Telegraphing Made ELM—Railroad.
Telegraph, Expressman, Insurance
and the businesamen generally of Pitts
burgh and All
city are invited to
call and exarnine ths'new mods of Tele
graphlig, now on exhibition in the Hall
In 1d .atory over lidoCalturn's Carpet
store, on Fifth street. An/person CM
learn to Telegraph hy lids mode is tem
meemoss time. open from nine
o'clock, a, m., to four. O'clock. p;
To Leta.—We Yatardai V ita
a number of oTo Leta" on hennas tn the
Fifth anh fittattslVarde Allegbony, late
Manchwiter. - -
Sedans Falle.—Feter 1 Miller, a
dent of the Fourth ward, altliegh r eng
rig while returning from a ball on bloridat
night, fall in crossing Chestnut s L
His head struck the frozen round wl 'it
such force en
racture Ms Jawbone d
break his nose. He was carried to s
home on Aver otreet:whorehis lupe 'is
wore attended by Dr. Kraus. •. I,
Tuesday, Thomas McGuire, erb b
crossing Fourth street, near Groot,
slipped °lithe lop and 'fell etrixing his
bead upon aboulder with such force*
to render him senseless. He was w -
rigid to his residence, where he !still 'is
mains in a ser-oonocious state. His ~..
covery is oous.ilideeed doubtful. A
There are sundry pilot; of stene in the
eartway In !riot of Watley's, at Be
corner of Federal- etretql and Stoek:On
avenue. The eide-walk at the interne
lion of the name streets is torn up in d
the bricks laying loosely..about. 'Phis
*tate of Wogs in both annoying Uhd
dangerous. It is eurprising. that they
are suffered to remain for a single day.
The city, In the find place, and the indi
vidual who left the stomas or tore .up the
side walk, In the next place, is respOn•
Bible in law for any damdips to persolor
property that mar result. Neither has
any right to .make a atone yard of ibis
street or to mutilate or destroy the s de
Bow In Blrtalegluim.—Yesterdayi;af
ternoon a party of roughs and comer
loarentwere engaged at the corner; of
Canon and Harmony streetx, B -
ham, in "pitching coppers," *hen 4 dia.
pate noise between them, which on ted
In. O. general row. For a few mo Outs
brickbats and poring atones ere
brought Into requisition, and sere of
the party knocked down. The y
was terminated, however, before aq3 of
them were seriously injured, by this cry
of "police," fans some of the looker !;-on,
which caused the parties engaged tie the
affray to scamper in every airectiorri, No.
arrests were made. ri
Wetted:ed.—A Mrs Fergason, vast
ding in Beaver county, Rear Roeh , .r
was swindled out ofa hundred aV/ m rti
dollars, Saturday loot, by three ps
who practiced the "confidence Ins"
upon her. She purchased • two tgold
•waiches, or rather took thorn in .predge
for the WO. The watches were iliceci
Sri a box which was locked and left 'Rpm
o table. While the lady went out to get
a glen of water for one of the partials the
watches ware taken out of the box. riSlte
diecoverd some time afterwards th she
bad been victimized, bat the bad
left the pronalees,
The attention nt the Wiles is •
to the fact that Items. Bates & the'
fashionable dry goods se. 21
Fifth street, are offering theirttire
stook of ..go:Labia goods at grab re.
duced , Prices The high , oharaar of
this Arm la • soinclent .pmaran
gce preSent reduced rates are eln
od faith to clear out the boor ',Stook
in order to make room for fresh ring
goods for the forthcoming einennt. .
Pa. Aecidest.—Allttle Hugh
streetgirl,rTaylor, tobacconist ork'fFenn
, a few days since wax playing at
the door, when she caught hold if the
key and pulled at it, when It cant :out of
the door and struck her in theoyf with
such force as to put it 012 t. .
Th. Streeta.—The streets are onwi mere
cleared of the slippery coat that has cov
ered them for several days, milky, al
most itripassable on imeount of thA
Until a thorough system of underground
drab:mire is adopted, Pittsburgh will
never Lave dean Weds. • ti •
Severe Fall..—Ori Ttiesday a 11 nam
ed Birr living newthe Union -hating
Pnik Allegheny slipped and felgirsak
log one other ribs and otherwise siring
herself. She vim taken tato a n -fghbor
hag house and medical aid nun • , nod..
The Antittictlea Journal Bo now
on esitittlonfu the Gazette /a no
humbug. To le. it will oonviiiira aay
one of nueintneea and pod; w ane:
State rights for. Rule. hoe , advert' oement
in another
Died of His Infories.—Robert T . mtimo,
o little boy aged about twelve y, son
(Thomas Graham, on Llbert _ street,
died Tucedayl from the effects_ KI a faH
received on Seventh strait atihtd ' two
weeks elticts. • I
Division 42.—A. special m
Division 42., Sons of Tem perm • ,
held this evening at Mozart Hal
member. should attend, m
importanm will be transacted.
Mil Meet Te-Mght.—The Cli
five Committee ot Allegheny .: ,EX
safWt this evening at. seven o'ol— sidle
CIO Traanurer's office. A. Dill agenda:me
of the Committee is requested, 111
North AilnlileChureb. The nifif church
edifice intended far the use ol the North
Areuue hi. E. Cormrere. haling
pushed forward rapidly.
Allegbeni Gmandls.—A meet I
Allegheny city Councils will • . I
orenikg. .
la order to close wont
fresh stocker Winn laces,
furnishing and fang, login
lar retail house of W. , No.
81 Market 'street, pr ma.
teally reduced awl wed.
We earnestly urge ; and
all others to favor stab
listunent with a 1 and
thus be made UOretleint 4 u ~.., . rare
advantages afforded ita atroWsin selece
Lion and quality of goods p and k!sasonable
prices. .Gentlemen will find it magnia
centassortment of furniahing suit
able for the season, add eta dug all
the latest stvlas and noveities.t
Lady Readers and holusek .pers gen
malty will Xemember that at the popular
wholesale 1 and retail grocerr , and pm
duce • house' . of Mestrs. *Bride
.George, No. 164 Federal street, Alle
gheny, will be found a vt i 4euperior
fresh stock of groceries, • coffees,
table condiments, canned Suits, do..
which is offered et the lowesC • priom. A
purchasing visit will convincg all that IL
la to their advantage to bestir patron
age on this house. • •
Great Bargain. In fashionable jewelry
are offered at the old establAed jewelry
house of litelneman, MsynM Simde,
No. 29 Ftfth street. Permute nMrt of
anything in the line of forel end Amer
tam watches for ladies; an isrentlemen,
solid silver ware, plated tab g sets, man
tel ornaments, Parisian wards, gold and
silver bedded canes, floe bible cutlery,
and jewelry of all macripticids, will dnd
elegant 'selections at ve E,reasenable
Dry Duda at Wholesale. We are of
fering dill lines of bleach , and brown
Muslin% 'Prints, Ticks. Gingham% and
other staple goods, making .th e largest
Mock il3; the West at Eute prices.
• 1 J. W. Bandrifit
No. 69 Market street. •
At Roblisos'e old estsiblished , Tea
Mart, -No. 20 Fifth streit,tyon can get
the finest green, black mutt litprn tau,
beet Rio • Coffee, new TuDriak prunes.
dried cherries, blackberrle4peachee and
appleal honey, maple , endar, Graham
wafers; or almost arty 'other Mild* you
may want in the grocery Mine, at very
reuesable priors. •
Haitsheimer, at the popular Continen
tal Dining Saloon: Fifthatriteteput, next door
to the Postotillee has thOon of
keeping on hand tharsre4 vbinds atl of the
reason, and of serving uP meals in the
beet 9tyle of art. Glve him a tell sod
judgafor youreeleae. I. • '
Beats Slums and' GreatOf thevery
lateetistyle, ciin always, had ak
Robbta, fe Market str ee t .' Be keeps a
splendid Mock always§ on And and sells
at the lowest pricers
I '
ETFinoay kno:i that !St' Holtshelm
m'a popular Contieentat Booms.
Flfth street. next door lo Postal:lm,
a most delicious mad can ibe obtained at
any I hour •at a very rakionable price.
Rive him call anft depesrl upon It you
will ho please.
P er centemplating making {as or
water improvements in , idenom. start
rooms or
are-reminded that
T.Ewens,No.lo.sWaalatreet ,attende
to all such work in tik MOB skillful
mannerand at very • Prices.
4 .,::.
• ---a-- 7 -- .
!Sean Fitting In all l branches and
details Ls attended lo at be shortest no
, •
tiro and at moat moo hie. prices, by
T. 'l‘. Ewen, przoticeg_ _ bar. gee and
edam attar, No. 165 . b0d stroat. Or
ders from rho country sadted.
FMCS to get a H eim meal. which'
nth anion la at lizhe
.rital Saloon, Fifth tante, t, next ,*
Postoalce. peal* are a
oat; Sheer Jibe very
t cis TtwaY!t be but it Mx.
bb's, sly Market strr. He keno
endid; , Vk alltays o baud in'
:the prices. 5
E. A lurk . Oast. APOrAgat•d TOBTT OOL
GUYED at ummdt4 mane sastisr.Liolndlria
tlasdins Ealsorlsls,*Art , Nev. by Talsgrsobsa d
Ma% voluble 88aosEEllanii Wol , Tbs . tiv IT•odli..
. .ad Nasal sad •Orat. rellablo Ttasadal sad OISTI.• 'unary glow/ 111 41 Mar L.
me atty. No TarroGr. *salamis or liorshans
should la atriums It. •
• Tanta 'Vann vrissiiT ailarrit •
tiret." 12:
' coo.
—And cm CoIST or Wier be Its wows gotttas
as th• Islay Ldditlqrss fa slats ssa ta la•do •
spy Us. , sS alla rails.
• 'lion= TO TrIa•CIIII•Ms.—Ia *Amin Tsar •
all Sara sad Raiff/ TANI vim., T oo . ,
Irons, IN irk 12111111 • Watamday adm. t o ,
• araltars Imolai bat Oall nal • Inst. •
Tirlioasy yDttilß rzynas. Yew Cosisrs
sr lallsitstarod roddsts. may Ds seat Id ear risk
• Address.GAiETTE.
. •.•aso
DAD'. thee of •
the brit. - 40(91 , r7
Hth, ISM by the Itto. Chas. Walther, Mr. lin.
H. HAULER.. 304 of °Aiwa. Pt., and Mite
TILLIE BAcKOPR.H. et rutsburilt. Fa. Ho
cards. . -
:a —Atreside , .
le's pans., Tuesday 0•111111 g, Yetil
RUDINSON.—On Toted ay morales. Tebraary
Rtti. ISM. Oen. Wu. RUBINSON, Jr., In the 13d.
Teat of his age.
The tuoend will take place framable lain rest-.
dirk. No. I Tederal street, BlieShonY
City, on
Yam te, the tub et &ilea Y. V.
BROWN.- 0 ( Searles We. °a TeoslaY after - •
Itat a o'clock. KATIE. dud of Rev. Jobs
ti and Caroline Z. Brow.. &pedal niontbs.
The funeral will take pill. trom the Teddellee
of her parent. No. 110 Wastingleb stieet. Idle •
'M City. Tovilirni, rib Ise., at lOo'ctock
Y. ]
The friends of Os fatally see respeottally
lavitad to .tend.
RINICHAILT—CIe Teeeda)_ resolve. February
Us, at 11:1.1 n clock. LOIHSSe BUS of Willies ,
/enteral from the Polder... No. Si Penn
Otte:. Tinie...l% rob. tab. elle o'clock.
- - -
le Fourth Stsbe. PlSteresh,
.00171145, of alleles! (lILLPF,,W.4UVIC, d•
dersielon of noes! ins theds
foratobod.. Soo sos ewe lay sad ilea. Hoes.
and Ourloes foreshow!. .1" •
RelelaCe—Rov David Ler. p.
M. W. Jambe, D.; theist WSW. loco
Jacobi(' IMAM X.
enAuLts s PICEBI.Cf. Under
of essdeaky street and Mirth avenue, Alleghe
ny Cliyoehere their C97Tlii ROOMS are con
stantly siipplied with real end Imitation
wood. Phdrogany arid Waist. Celina, at tau.
ragtag from"' to gad. Bailee prepared for..-
.rose.. Mears. and Garth[.• faralalmdi
alto, all kind.•
of (too., if required.
taildiopen at all boars. day mid night.
Tmust . .i.ap leitaa.ims. No. 43 Ohio 13t..
•lleeeeee , and No. ei Dimond Moue. RI
Jobs wttwn a Rres.,) keeps always on land tba
Lest Y.W. Intsewoode Walnut wad Initts.Uoo
Co Regius. Vininnt Rollos Rom
al CZ up
wsrds wood Coffins upwards; l other
Coigns In proportion. CalTiL6llll sue Rear."
furnished st Ins rotas. Crepe, Moves, Plata
w,d Roaming forolsbed gratis. Ogice nab nsf
and olght. '
IaraTAXIS. Mee, N. 241 Ohio sow;
♦lltemOe. Metallic. Boagarockl and ether Pot• _
au. Vllth a eaxaelete sleet of nmoral Tara Wane
Oteds. ea Dana sad fttraislmal at aeortast
at unrest prices. We and 'Aware Stablea, ear
ner of Viral Lad loam. Beretta. Carriages.
Ilareachas, Bagels. /addle Hems. a., 1..
tar .
GEN TS.--Now
• ready far Casa.... •ITNEMSTONT
Caaa“, Ckaradter. Con.lact sad Itavalta." By
-Gon..aae Nara. N. Brarams. toad [dr Cir.
an, .G 0 Salm and a Pall damnation at NG,
wort. Addraaa. MTIOPILL ?11/MIMING
CO., Phlladelplal. P.
A mwapie sent frem with terms, for any
no to dear 4% Maly, la trine beers. Inalmile
entirely new, hilt and desirable. Can be Joni
" 00 tooling• Is/ bet" ...1..* female.'
No gift enterprise or Mambo/. Addicts, W.
CIIIDIrSTICIL,INIBradwer, New TOM , . 4"7
WARTED— for Tar.
- BLUE-COATI. gad lans they Ida...
Fought and Died Or the Dal., with genes gad
Incid.ts laO. Great Reiman.. It costal.
4". 1W gals Iragrastnae sad 100 ruse, and ••
the spiciest and ...est war tweak patilistiet.
satif 04.4 a eaPT. The Pahlio axe an.
tionad against lalaries works with a dash.
4. that *alas.k yea bey" wail. oyer
1 00 ••greataia and and pages. Used for Clan
' larg. Ada.. JOXICI 1L130110014 • Co..
mistrals. Pa. Pa. dal%
VOR S& LE—A good Tanner
and TOSTT ACUe Or LAND. with two
good orchards, good dwellag , house, ststna.
Lark house. Duch Smug shap.'fic. TWa wiper
ty Le most 'favorably located fey mtfis from the
city rt. tb. rittahargh • Cleo dad Z. YL., near.
ChM. Chestnut oak hark can Us had
tgartashly and la May nasality. rbts yard Is
ow. &nag • part./ badmen. Tido property gig
ha had as a Weak aad ost the mort ! reasonable
termlA !Unities ef RAMIZT 1 N
Tar street. A.Deirtveay City. • j
I 'lug of
will be
1,, Eisry
Slices of
bolas. of the. deilmale Lots ire now of..
fared at pit.. met, sad anyone dean:oar( fine
04110100 atam woald do wall to taa2e ealeatioz. -
the "Made Le local. on enntifel mad traltirfi .•
oPot, two and whet WI. from abartoklarqes
the Weems Penastiranta Railroad. welch tnam
tarot:jib tt. maklat It atacb sore ealnablo and
agnemblo. . aro now
ataklre for erecting a aarabor of Ina %mum
odd. will pre're au oramseat to tee Teo
remainder of the. lota will lea sold at wer)' res.
eonable nags mad ea tart. wrowellOSlT .
SILL 0010 t7TTZELT. Dna Zatate sad Immo
an. ago.. LAWrIIiG•TIIIO.
Ine of the
held thin
FOB BALl.—lionie and Lot on
comer et Itssgstlma sad Adam. street;
wear Tssosagor Wheat. Let .114 Dr ttr tad.
Holmstrom., arotstotsg 1 rooms gad good ball,
.B.lllmotorod. Zoom sad Lid oaltbotOdA. soar
Idooll area, Alleglossy MT. L ot tg Vat
teat: goose tram.. mostsiss haR fro roams sod
good *Mr; wow sad W. Also, swami tossoll
Hoemn gad Lo. to good lesottss. looks of .),
HMIS i CO.. Emma' stmt. tear Clossant,
FOL 2 . II i ILE--1 , very desirable
111101. BOOM mut) stmr:-
primed Inlet Cwt. .ambis =WIN: ma sind
mom thromboas; boar emenim mma mem
ma lINBINd ameN; Na. N 11111ILT. mar
3.2 t mad
81.. rowans.tros .LNII
int. Miming at Um Mom.
FOB S•YE-1101a6leti .—.ll T
HOWARD'S Livery .d Sal. WAWA. la,
MIA Ram.
Arlinses bwAL itad WA ea sanwoludos.
Fos sAur,--une 'icaufnAGE,
sellable Mime sn - the horses; ono TWO
HOWL WAGOS, sad • doable.. et FUR;
N. Fasiatzs setbi 2ZNITILt
FOR HENT—At. Pine Creek, on
prOnsids of the sabserlba. • ;
Of emu crated , roosu. But how sitaatliarge ,
the celMy nor. deelrahle. !Lent teen .1)01i!,1
kt y. it X. National Dank. I mirth ihrenti..! •
a. L. DOLLIa7:
TO LET—Two store BoOsiliW
saw buildings on Okla 0r... aidwell
;root, with dorslllitas or. ach.
with Irate, bath room .4 go, Looldltr
for dry gooda, aroo.y or rot. shoo aura. Aiwa
In mat hallillogs, fa. nom. for mood
Thistly. Apply at aloe di; PidAZIEEL
Ohio ammo and Sedtwlck gime, Alloghoey.
trim Q. BALE,
Merchant Tailor,
tor. Fenn andfit. Clair;9ireii4,l
• TO THOM imarrure curraii!rif. •
R. 110.1 Walt oar not .t • • • ••
- cuuseciArkatt& incrrurea. •
infra 411 Do ;Nadel.; order la tlatlatadt
TWO ST 011. Call sail asaailn• flock • 4
II VET% Merchant Tailor
M!!!MA I 5 1 1 1, V!r o !!!'ll
, yITm.
N9ATCtii •
PSOV/110 • MATZ= Ti 3001231.,
lot ak.bfilt•looth
oi AT.
1 '
1; , 1
FOB` man.