The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 26, 1868, Image 7

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Message from the President.
He Attila to lustily His Roma;
vol o Secretary Stanton,‘rsph to Om rittstrargb Uszattc.3
W.s,stristrioN, Feb. 24, :ex
The Pruldeutto.daysent to the Senate
'the following message, whichwas read in
secret 'session, laid on the table, and or
dered to be printed. The Senate remov
ed from: It the injunction of scoseey. '
To the - Senate of the Veiled Mates :
I have received a copy of the resolu
tion adopted by the Senate on the stet
:natant, as follows: •
• Whereas, The Senate have received
and considered the communication of the
President, ending that he had removed
Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War,
andbas designated the Adjutant General
of the - Army to act astary -of War
ad Waren, therefore,
"Resolved., by the Sena of the United
States, that under the m main:ai and
Uwe of the-United State. the Preindent
has no power to remove the Secretary of
War, and designate any other officer to
perform — the duties of that office ad In
' Tote retolutlnn Iscc;fined to the
=of the Preddent•• remove- the
miry . of War, and to designate
angther °Marto perform : the dudes of
Unionize ad . Wawa, and by Its pream
ble Unlade expreasly applicable to the
removal ofMr. Stanton, and the dada ,
_median to act ad interim of ' the Adjutant
General of the Army. Without, there.
doe. attempting to diatom the general
poorer of removal an to all offieera,
open which 'aul4ect no expresalon of
*Maims- is contained in the resolution,
Isbell confine myself to the question as
Gina limited, the prier to' remove the
Secretary of War. - • . . ,
It la declared In the issoinnon "that
=ruler the'Consiltntimi and taws of the
IJulted States the Presides! bas no power
to remove the Secretary of War_ and
cleihmato any- other officer to perform
"the dudes of that office ad interim." Ara
to thequeetion of - power under the Con
stitution, I do not propose at pre.
sent to enter upon ita discus - ion.
The uniform practice from the begin
-ganger the government, as established
office, anTted onsof -
prase Coml.of the- United States, have
wanted the question in favor of the power
of the President to remove all oiticece,
excepting a class holding appointments
of a. Judicial character. No practice
or • any 'dedslon hosevp r excepted
a Secretary sof War from the geziond
power of - the President to make remov
als from office. It la only necessary then
-that I abould refer to the power of the
Executiva under the laws of the United
States to remove from office the See.reta
The retiolotion denies that tinder theea
Uwe this power Tuts any existence.
other words, It affirms that no such
anthority it recognized or given by - the
stabites of the country. What then are
dlut laws of the United States which deny
therrealdent the power to remove that
.oegoer7 1 know but two laws which
,-bear upon this question. The first in
onler.of time is too Act of A.ugust 7th,
Effie., creating tho . Department of
War, tetuch, after providing for a
Secretory as its principal ollitvr, pro.
cedde ati f3 l / 0 °":
secTioat That there Shall be in the
add Department an inferior officer, to be
am,polutad by the said principal officer,
robe employed therein as be shall deem
peeper. and to tweeted chief clerk In
IkeDepartthern of W ar
___„ andwho. when
ever tbaktict principal °dicer shalt be re
:tooted from office oy the Protident_of
the Onbcdataias, or it any other PM of
vacancy, shell, during such vacancy.
have the charge and custody of all rec
ords, books and papers pertaining to the
altd Eeparttr.ent.,
It is clear that this net,. passed by a
Congress, many of whose members Di, I
tletw.ed brii formation of the Ceuta
-tuber%' nabs from denying the power of
the President toremove the Secretary of
War reorm„ lees it as cm - dog in the
emotive 'alone, without the concurrence
of the Senate , - .or et any other depart.
- smut oftheGvernment: Furthermore,
this act does not purport to confer the
power 'by legislative authority, nor in
-bet was there any other existing I agia
- Lakin through which k was bestowed
npoli the - Executive. The- recognition of
" the power by this act is therefore tsar
, plete. as a recognition under the Conine
'Sutton itself, tor there was no other
'stoma or ettthority from which it mold
tar derived. •
Mk other' act, which- refers to this
question,lithat regulating the tenure of
certain civil offices, passed by Congress
on the seoond day of Starch, 1E47. The
first section of that act Is in the following
That 1 everY person holding any civil
.office to which helms been appointed .hy.
and with the advice and consent of the ,
Senate, and any person who gull kers!
after be appointed th any such office and
,Mll. hexane duly Teethed to act there
in. hiend shall be entitled to hold office
natal a successor shall have been s like
tasciaar appointed and duly eps l lfied,l
e. ,„ - cetzt -es herein °thermos° provided;
pro. 4th that the Secretary of State, or
the T ontrary, of War, of the Navy. of
the j et ...dor, the Postmaster General
. ..Attorney General, gall hold
their offices-VieciivelY for and daring
thew . of fa ee ft,greildent by - whom they
Fee,. have b een ~..iippletted, and for one
=r ah thereafter, „Nili.Oc/. to removal by
ce aDI3 co
and with the advinsent, of the
Senate." • . .
The fourth section of . 10 ',....eatae„_„ad re -
Aries the test of office to ....„___,......2,_te . :
. scribed by the law creating ...awe'. •-tuai
-pat of theist section Marti Drenedes
the Merle°, declares that every Perwn
holding a civil ofece,.to which lil. has
,heen er may he apaohitsd by and with
the advice sod OnUlePt of the Senate,
shall hold such office until a enemeger
shall base been in like manner appoint.
ed. - It purports to take from the Execu
tive, donut t h e Axel time estabilened
fur the tenure of office, the independent •
1 to require
• rruchoremf removal,
rtn ,and to
proviso Psesidmt and Sette The
that follows innoeociv to liz the
term of office of the get:mist' beada of
departments; whose - term o.'ver had
been defined before, by prescribing that
they shall hold they orrice respn. - tfahy
for and during the term of the i'reil
dent by whom they may Mere been IV
pointed, -anti for one Month ' there
giber; subject to • removal by and
- - with ' thee. advice :-aim cemeent of.
-the • Senate. . Thus,. is,. to th ese
. enumerated officers, .the proviso take,
from the President thepower ofienoral.
. exeOptwith the advice and ebiosent of
the &mate. By its terms, however. be
fore he can he deprived of the power to !
ethiplace them, It must appear that he
himself has appointed them; Is
• only in than mss they. have any`tenure
of Mace, or any Independent right to
.: bold during the term of the Pre-Merit
And one month after the cessation of We
st, e , Itutallezus The proviso, - th ere.
.rn'''.. 's no tenure of office to anyone
kite. !fir , " - ..e. who has been appointed
.°/. the" office.. ' • . . en d one Month at
t.], the President, 1.. . - ,
' births accession of his - s eue t eee ee;
the .
In'theme under Stan. .... held the
• appointment under which la. ...,,,,,60_ •
tonic° of Secretary of War VISA 11.-
Peered upon him by My immediate Pre
the S e na, with the advice and ooment en .
' the Senate. Be. Ins nave held from me
• any &midrib:aerie as the head of the War
. Department . Vatnever rim he had to
• bold the 'other was derived from, that
original appointment and uryown. elf
fluotect.anee: - Tee law was cot. intended to
' pr incambent of the . War
.., Depart:mo a t. by taking from the Fred
- 'dent the power to remove him. , This, in - . 111dpi:tent, ' f is - perfectly , clear;
and - the - 'law ,- itself-' admits- • Of
•:-. -no other-conertrection. We. find -In ell
- that petitioner the first section , which
precedes the proviso. that asio , eivil - of
- ' • - fficerx generally the President la depriv
' place _the power of rernaval, •• aed- to
-- plain That it there had been no proviso
that Power Would just an clearly have
• - been taken from bun so far as it senile
to the seven heads of departments.. But
for reasons; • which' .. were. , 'no
: "-doubt • satisfactory . 'to - Cirogress,
•-• ' Herd "principal teweere were spectedly
provided - for, :and - as- to , them ,the
-- express anti only requirements that the
• President Len appointed them stall
no.? without t advice and eonsent of
• . the Senate. removethem front all at The
• . eonsequeneo - is that as 10 - my-Cabinet.
embracing the officers deli:nineties the
:-.. let section of Lbw ant, taker front me the
. "- . = Nitbont Abe concemence of the
, to' remove eery one of them I.
-• jars ;pp:dated_ ~=but it doe not Prot
; -mach or Las= sa.j.-dld it-does
appoint, nor
- . ere . _:to 'thee • -any ..teuurec.,..of office
.., d my pleasure. - .41t egatednelon
strieef., then, shows that Whllolll one
• . Iparteif the unction provision alaide
there far
• - .agnolooltimareni. in anothaveltuna
-.-Awarlaw.of -onleem-deslgnated by their
.. . .01Bedartifies-weo amexerripted,from the
..ipmeral Wrens of the law, sod binge
mat .el-Avbensi a clear - distinefeefell
• ...,. reade es to the general power of removal
-- limited tnemilret elute o
f f the
- Tidadistinetionts, thetas so efthese .
.. - , enamelled ofbefeelne bold office under
. ' the appehatment of the President, the
- .. . wooer of removithcan only be exercised
-1._.• - kilm with the orgasm "of the &nate,
....„„.. .1 - io.these - who have not bean In
- Wmfi......,, , .kdmrthere Is no like denial of
L 'e - Alaptace them' ftwould be
... io *plain merelog of: OW
S l l o liaka9 l th
. :'Sn. SMAI upon
midmost to 4 ...
- -..,a dapt .depart , -
meatsootin sa thi5tea....,4.... _,,
. : .. have beimappolitto , ... 1ti.," . 747;
... -..,As to blixidde, law, trivet him .
_.4.k. 1 ._ ...,'
- -.of °Alice. ..The Meadiarls of zny - :..1 . 9!"..
- -:- . artiollave been apPsolloted by•.the mean. by
;.thia- ect, . entitled ,to. held - far on:
month eller ..1110:;teref , '‘. of Amy _%..;211
- ... ,• . tics , .441, (Mae, Dot • Hr. -Stenbin
mad - note, aftansit tlie wiehgtl. ef tar
successor, holds moplent•tberesiler. r
he were perrnitted_by.that succesnor .ioi
-!-. .bold: Seth. desttien Weeks; Would that ?
-emeccemor have no power to remove/dm
But that:soiree °Lefty suomasor over him
would' ben** gerateWthera my own. It
.4,,A•p!sucelwagc would, b i de the powered
. .. ? remove 2d.r.. Seslitott : after Petuditfulg
"..'' .bfat. ...remain, &tee* ortwo,..weekas
• because • he w".. - aittaP t •,' .
1 0
m e - pre d ec e ft .:7,: I, who is to .
,arse Mr. stain:, • no more term •
•.. ,sere - ye,/ , m 4,413, harp the
same right to remov e hlnt, and upon the
earn, gronnd, namely, ttiathesent poker.:
pointed by. mo, but by my predeceasor.
Under Stria...taverson of the Tenure of
Office act, nave never doubted toy Pow;•
tci remove him. Whether the act was
conatitntionnl'or not, It was always my
opinion that it'did not secure him from
removal. Iwo, aware that there were
doubts as to the construction of the law
and from the first deemed it desirable
that at the earliest possible Mualent.
Sauna doubts should be settled, and the
true, construction of the act fixed by a
decision of the Supremo Court . of the
United Elates. My order of suspension
in August:Last was intended to place the
arse In such a position as would make a
resort to a Judicial decision both nee.
. .
°nary and proper. My underatancllng
and eight*, however, wader that order
of crapenalon, ware frustrated,-and the
late order for Sir. Stanton's removal Wu
a further step towards the accomplish
mead of that parpose.
I repeat that my own conviction as to
the true construction of the law, and as
te the constitutionality, were well set
tled and were sustained by every mem
ber of my Cabinet, including Mr. Strai
ten himself. Upon the question of con
eitutionality each one In turn de
liberately advised me that the'; tenure
of office,act was nucon-stitutlonal.
Upon th question whether as to
those members who were appoint-'
ed by my predecessor, that art took
from me the power to remove them, those
members empbatlcalbr. In presence of
the ethers rattier In the Cabinet, said
that they did not come within the pro
viders of the act, and that it was no pro
tection to them. 210 one dissented from
this' conatruzion, and I understood
theta all to acquiesce ' its
P n " I n n ot s disposedner of such
witopinimus. though fortified by my
onentutionel advisers. I have therefore
ught to bring the question at es early a
y tas posaible before the Supreme
mot or the United States for final and
thornily° decision.
In respect to so much of the resolution
relates to the degredetton of as officer
" act as Secretory of War ad anterior; I
ve only.toesy I have exercised this
wer under the provialere of-the arra
of the Act of February. 11th,
1., - which, so far as they are applicable
vacancy caused by removals, I un
derstand them to be still in form.
The legislation upon the subject of
ad Puerile appointments in the
'Executive Departments stands as to the
War office as follows. The section of the
set of the 7th of August, 1780, made no
provision for a vacancy in the very Mee
of a removal of the bead of the '"War De
partment, and upon bock a vamp-
the charge and custody of the
books and papers to the Chief Clerk.
Mat by the act of the• eth,
of- May, 1702, section eight IL is
provided that In ease of seamy
occasioned by death, Absence from the
zest of Government, of sickness of the
head of the War Department, the Prod--
dent may authorize a person to perform
the duties of the office until a sueraserir
le appointed or the disability removed.
The act, it will be observed, does no: pria
vide for the case of a vacancy caused by
removal. Then by the first section of the
act of February 13th, 1775", It is provided
that in CAM) of any vacancy the
, President may appninVapansin- to - per
form the "duties whilei the- vacancy ex
ists. These ate followed by that of the
13th of February, 1563, by - the first Soo
t-ton of which provision is again made
fora vacancy tensed by deal.
Lion, laments. from the seat of goveana
, went, or sickness of the head of au ex
endive department, and upon the occur
rence elan& a vacancy power - is "given
to the President to authorize
the head of any , other executive
department, or other officers in either
of said departtnrnts , whose appointment
' [evaded In the President, at- his discee
tion to perform the duties of said respec
tive ofces until a successor be appoint
ed, or such absence or inability, by
sitelmeets shall Mora provided,' that no
sae vacancy shall be supplied In
Me manner aforesaid for a longer
pored than six mouths. This law, with
some modifications, re-enacts the act
of 1797, and provides, as did that
act, for the sort of vacancies to be
• tilled; but, ilk.e the act of 1702. It makes
no provision for a vacancy occesloned
• by removal. It has reference altogether
to vacancies arising from other crams.
According - to my construction of the act
1- or . while It implicitly repeals the
rat or VV., regulating the vacancies
therein described, it has no bearing what
, ever one° much or the actof 179 d se ep
piles to vameq caused by remove!.
The act of 170Zi iheretoty furmabas the
rule for a vacancy occmioned by
removal; one of the vacancies expressly
referred to in the act of 7th of August,
1769. creating the Department of War.
Certainly there is no express opera by
the act of Mot the act of 1795. The ro
ped. if there is any, is by implication.
and can only be admitted so far ea there
is a clear inconsistency between the
two aze. The act
. of 1790 is in
consistent with that of 1063, as. to
vacancy oecasioned by death, relives
tion, absence or sickness, but not at all
Inconsistent as' to a vacancy mused by
removal. Itis avaredly proper that the
President should have the same power
to filltemporarily a vacancy occasio ned
by removal, as be has to supply a place
made vacant by death or expiration of a
room If, far instance, the incumbent no
an office should be found wholly unfit
to execute the functime and the public
service should require his Immediate ex
pulsion, a remedy should exist and be at
once applied, and time be allowed the
President to select and appoint a succes
sor, as is permitted in case of a
vacancy canoed by death or the
termination of an official term.
The necemity therefore for an ed interim
appointment is just as great, and indeed
may be granter, in ' main of removal
than in others, Before it be held, there
fore, that the power given by the art of
1726, incises of removal, la abrogated .by
succeeding legislation, an express
repeal ought to appear. So wholesome
a power should certainly not be
taken away by loose implications.
It may be, however, that in
doubts o ther
y arise. It is coreistXy P te
of the subtlest debatable questions
which arise iu the construction of stat
utes upon such a question. If I have
-fallen into en erroneous construction,
I submit whether it should be
cheracterhowl as a violation of
official duty and of law.
havedeemed it prettier, in vindication
of the course which have considered
limy duty to lake, to place before the
Senate the mama_ upon which
I have based my action, al
though I - have tome :.advised
by every member of my Cabinet
that the entire tenure office art .kt =con
atituthemat -and therefore veld, and al
tholaghJ have expresalv concurred in
the veto moorage which Thad the honor
to submit to empress, when I returned
the blllfor conetrierotion, I have refrain
ed from making a removal of any
officer contra's to the provisions
.of the law, end have only exercised that
power In - the due of Mr. Stantonothieb,
to my judgment did not come within
Its ponderous. I have endeavored 'to
proceed with the ;crested craccunsplea-,
don, so/there acted only in en extreme
anirexceptlmal Mee. I carefully follow
the coolie which I have marked oht for
myself ea a general rele,faittdally to ex
ecute all law., though pursed over lley
ohjectiona on the More of tomtit:dim:al-
Hy. In the present instance I have ap
pealed, or senght to appeal, to fled final
; mbar% fixed the Constitution, far the
- determination Of all such qnestlorrei
this course I have been impelled by the
solemn oblituittena which- rest upon
„:•-: pa inurnati Inviedate the kerns
a - the office commated to my hand.
eruteeree ;ye the consequences merely
personal to my , f, I could not allow :
them to penal! *gland * Pnbiht dub" •
clear to my Own Mind an so impenalve
and If - what was -pomd had teen
1/.1 hid been, Wit advised
L 7r t ' th wilm be r . Edenton, that in
ttoodetatuting the trod itottirihOtt to cap
bandstnyownremonaeratlearethrel i e w ;
"I could nabs,* hesitated...By ccauddera.
donsof the Mailed atiaracter, learnedly
resolution ar um Sen.
pmterVial.inst - what Shave
ate Shlcizeharges me ,
done, with a violation of the Cowan:t
am awl la of then:lied states.
{Signed] Asnaew Joussos. _
WAralthoroat, D. C., Feb. 22,
mot =mat; torierroner,..,
nolSew :York .llcratcrscorreeractent
gives thelbliowleg as , the "oemeliodon of
intervievr. with Adjutant
, General
--- - • •
Oen: Thttmaa saki: "1'4241 gd do
CO - War Department ' , it tha usnaLho w ur. n
As Becretary of Whr ad inleridi ter all In
tents and msrposee, Without AMY teservr,
Lion or doubt that MY Pernsw tad' ' xi '
aa perfectly legitimate es Illerre:ttiose of
Generst Grant Labatt set.about the host.
Dan of the Department, tesne•rorders fir
the name of the President, give halm-
Lions to subordlnatnefehers;
the general worker the Department Of
course wlllbe eery intpliimatit _for me
to Had anima there mho may be ore
'pond to dlitmgard mr orders. 4e tasy
ffinW a ltapiwa to. be
_egomo personal
my own, bull inteCrie other
Meares thee to We the powe? confarrde
sad order them under:arrest if
t Ahoy refise:to ( 4 o '7 lll6 / 1 11 1 tImeie - su
- 0 Bat vehluttlsi . great Mead him
.rolls blatant gi to he-lett someway alone,
'Thgit's the 0,0
0 0.0 has aheady refused toreisio,s
lemmas he , will-perehrt t.
'On my own option •I• should •diacr to
tied forter."bot If the President • • •.•
me , to -ampler: pptshsa{ole'' l
tatter be consistent taut do act diowever,
shalrawalt theltuther, thrielopment - or
Ode diagraeakt bait i tre -bait* I say
arrieir writ ate;
An inteet.!erlthilleineteds Win
ton:by Os woe cot•res;eadont the for,
liter ststoi be haditot Leaned nay order.
imPrsrtiOtn" # l,l4 Ting trtri
War ' 426 shad( 110111,
totptoti6lo3o-. biortostafis.what action
lolkircott4 take if Thema Instated
on as-
emobtifitis ditties of the .War
men Ifis segos oilltieptodettosttbar..
on the ntereatetdoettPAsEbotill .
,aStailvaltrir r.riX raßintle - . 1011, "
.PQ {=p . oeictiltt.
- 130. Seine &oi.esiirodebt ir-fifferved
Viet stenumins.Otepatobes form' been
astrfrom tto Gould Arloy.Of Wats.
jarblia; notarise avilitary scipahiatotri
- with pasta establlahad la all forts of lb+
country, esulendet the settee at Conn
grims. The' general tenor of thews die
patebea la, mat tha members of the
Grmad Army of the . Republic 'will not
see Cougre..4overthr,m, and if vlolelthe
Is tied In ejecting Mr. Stanton, men are
ready to mom and put him back. The
order Ls reported In a great Mate of ex
citement, and is unanimously resolved
to take vidm with the pelicyof Congroas
and defend it In all Ito measuree if of
false me brought to ouch an extremity.
The militia of Maryland kayo proffered
Oak aerlit..ra toe prominent military
inapporter of the President, .ao it la ro
pornlid, and thin report la given color of
truth from the pra.cnee of Governor
Swann, of Maryland, who has had an
interview with the Preobdont.
If la eapposed the application for a
writ, directed against Mr. Stanton, tc, -
shoa camas why he retadm posmoasion of
therWar Department, will- be made to-
The dentate referred the nomination of
Thomas Ewiog ae Secretary of War to
thiLeonaraitteo on-Military Affairs.
The President sentto the Senate to-day
the knowing nominations: George B.
McClellan. of Ohio, Envoy Este:too
dingry and .3linlater Plenipotentiary t,
England, and James R. Hubbell, of
%AM, Minister Resilient to the Republic
of Encador. Mai. Gen. Goo. If. Thomas
to be Lt. Gen. by Brevet and General by
Brevet. - Wm. IL Farley, Surveyor
General of California. Augusum End
ley Assessor of Internal Revenue, Sec
ond District, Indiana.
The members of the National Demo
cratic Committee met informally this
morning at Pm rooms of the President
of the Committee. It seems understood
the committee appointed by the Chicago
National Convention will hold a private
meeting at 'which many preliminary
matters will bo considered. Among the
moat Important ate whether regular ses
'aloes of the Committee shall to open to
the public, and as to the powers of irreg
ularly appointed members . from South
ern States. A preliminary meeting will
he called by , August Belmont, of New
York, and will probably be held to-night
New York, Philadelphia, Cincannidi and
St. Donis are competing . cities for the
it eves Mially decided at an Informal
preliminary meeting. this morning, that
the ;National Detnocratio Committee, ap
pointed at Chicago, should meet to-mor
row et their rooms: with closed door; to
settle the details which are to govern the
regular meeting of the Committee, The
members present at the informal meet-
Mg warm A. lielmont, New 'Work; S. B.
Lrman, Maine; H. B. Smith, Vermont;
Wm. Converse, Connecticut; W. A. Gal
braith, Penna.; J. rk. Nicholson, DeL;
L. S. Trimble, Ky.; R. P. Mooney, Ohio;
W. E. Nililech, Ind.; W. F. Story, L. V.
Bogg, Mo.; .1. H. McKinney, MM.;
George B. Pool. WI.; Cherie. MANX).
or D. O. lineh, In - w . a . ; perry' Fn .'
Ism, proxy of T. E. Estan. Kansas; John
Patrick, jfebraska; Gen. S. Rouse, Al.;
Thos. Sweeny. W. Vs.; Judge Marcia,
Florida; J. W. Leftwich, Tenn.; R. S.
Starens, proxy of A. B. Green, Ark; and
J. A. Piseir, of Loutnen.
Among the prominent gentlemen
present, but not members of the Com
mittee, were Means. Staples and Allen,
of Augusts, Me. Green, Pitch, Taylor,
Wirt. pr and R ice, of Cleveland. Ohio;
Memos and)delard, of Nevada; Kennel
rich, of Leavenworth, and MM.% of
Connectlent; Bruce, of Montana; Wen
dell, of Michigan; Samuel J. P.ldon,
Marton Morale, of the World; Hum
phrey, Prince, Cornell and Outer, of
-Now Tork; .and Dareklay, Maguire,
Davis and Buckner, of Missouri.
Mastic:cans, Feb. 1569.
The National - Democratic Committee
ad:named sine die after naming New
York city as the place and July fourth
as the day for the meeting of the National
Democratic Convention. No distinction
witatever wag made between members
from loyal and rebel States, and rept.
sentativea In thy_ National Convention
are. to comas/ oT twice the number of
Congressional representatives to which
each. Stale was enttaled by the last appor
li Ita this resolution no allusion
is rondo to the excluded Stares. 'Eight
Stateo were not represented in the Com
mittee, viz: Witornia, Georgia, Florida,
LimaLmr, North Carolina, Virginia,
Rhode Island and Now Jersey,
The only resolution adoplde by the
o.nnmittee was one declaring the cantor
a National Convention shall embrace all
who are willing to aid in maintaining
the Union and opposed to radicalism.
Sitst previons to adjournment General
Emory and some other members of the
Soldiers' and Sailors' Union were ad
mitted and. formally announced to the
President they would rail their convert
flan to meet in New York at the
time. 'The last vote On place was revere.
teen for New York, eleven for St. Louts,
AMsust 'Belmont, F. 0. Prince, IL Paul
Lewisnd V. Bou were appointed tri
draw up an address when they meet on
Monday. -
A special to the N. Y. Jl std says the
Committee as a body is opposed to
Pendleton Inc the Presidency. Seymour
is talked of by many Itepreseentatlyeis of
Eastern State, but his claim assumed
no definite shape. Senator Hendricks,
of Indiana, will be 'Pressed by lice State.
All propnaitiona in favor of Genera:
Hancock are met with the reply: "We
don't want a soldier. We want a civil-
Ban." For Vice President the moat
=irked unanimity woo maulfested for
John Quincy Adam&
Counterfeit 7-30 s, Treasury notes, of
the,denomlnstion of ono thousand dol
lars, dated Jona 15th, 1865, differing
maternity in the run of number. within
which those originally presented were
Included, are being forwarded to the
Treasury Department, linking conver
sion. The public are, therefore, notified
thst sit notes of the issue of June lath,
ISGS, should be immediately forwarded
to the Department for conversion.
Fractional Currency printed duzingthe
a - oak-X . I4MM; shipped, 4So,lrii.
al Beak Nola. brined, $121,5;,0; amount
is drool+ l l... ,670,11T4 Currency re.
deenied and destroyed, E 213,400.
Teo Second l'Catlonal Bank of Dayton,
Oldo, ceased to be c depository of
public moneys and financial agent of the
United States.
Order of tilea. lismenmek IlegaraLog
• • sumlarlsamees.
NEW Onidtaxs, Feb. `X.—Lien- Den.
cock yesterday issued an important or
der regarding the State finances. The
order states that the Auditor and .Trees
titer having represented officially the in
debtedness of the State to be nuch that
under the present revenue laws the debt
,oeupot .be paid. • and .the Gover
nor in an official Communication
WI Use Commanding, General haying
declared Cho State Ta misery totally bank
, rodoCi **that Judges and all other State
officers cannot be paid and that unless
some remedy be applied the machinery
of the State Must amp, tbe f ollection of
ateliers and taxes for four years' beleg
suspended by the Legislature -ontil the,
1.376 and the appropriation act having
'expiresk Dec. 31, )301, end the emergency
being no pleasing that prompt action is
Indispensable to prevent en archy eau- j
fasten and lossof all semblance ad el 3,11
authority, the General therefore order.;
First, That from and after this elllll3 all
tbeilleigusstte trades, professions and oo
cepetiona, and the revenues, dues and
taxes or the State of Louialans, shall be
payable and . colletlod In United 'States
legal"' tender . notes. It is made
the deityrlf the State Treasurer end-all
other persons charged with these
colleotione to exact payment as above,
Ste revenue, thus
collated to be appro.
printed to the parnaufer Judicial, Ex
' ectitive and Civil officers of Slate and
approPrietion act forl eta, so far as it ap
other purposes specified in the order. Toe
plies to specified expenditures and asses.-
menta,for the aamayear, Is to be adopted
.by the Auditor- and Treasurer, and Col
lectors are required to perform their
duties under the eilatiog lass.
LPY T•l4.lirskik to ibe ritisbilnU tay.E.l
. •
. .
Lorenort, February 21.—A. remarkable
acme occurred at the last massless of the
:French Legislative body. , The clounber
was engeged .ibe discussion :of, the
M ba t r M M Haar
gy u o l f a ti th n Se he o s p en s d
mid he had a doCument which be
wished, to teed to Lb. members. It was
the judgment of the Court exonerating
bluisolf 11.. °nevelt . from charge.
I brought, against them by. the Govern
ment. The. President Interrupted Mr.
.13feet/sit:id refused to allow blue to pro
ceed..,Mr. Flavin insisted on reading
the document. Much disorder and con=
halm , followed, whereupon the Preal.
dent declared the aiding fur the day dia.
spired. The Govemmest members then
retired. The Ltlx.rabs remained, loudly
proteming strodnut the arbitrary nation
pthe President. .Thay.ware dually ex
a, , led frontthe building by the tams
I 4041 the dia. extinguished.
Y lir. lEditer:—The Philadelphia Nora
American ' , wad - ringed Matee Gazette,
of • - the 19th Met., - capita from
Vontlnentel " Gazette, the new
American paper publiabed • In Patin,
letter from General Wealmtiitan toCount
. dellucharnbezia, - which it mye wax never
Published before. This is a mietake.
I Thai letter Is the one - dated Newburgh,
Demential' •14t1h,.17/tt Qn referring to
Spark** Washington,Pol.
you-will fled the letter now ptiltiehed
the only differenoe being some slight
error,/ In copying. - In the letter na pub..
Mitred by the thiginesta/ the. word
• I!4didif,' .rabteet p.-ecodes the WE pars
fps=l,oBparks, Is omitted.
ny, Yet,. - i. 0.
Western Betel; West street,
Chlcasio,,wasde•troyed by Are en Moe
day'ittoraLog: - Lass:sso,Qoo; tosixtred for
Pennsylvania Legislature.
alpsdal D4pateaa Plltsbursl,
Ellalll.9BritO, February
By Mr. ERREfrr ~!.11
walks upon public reads and In man
airporated tom., inflicting penalty for
riding or driving thereon.
Enabling vendor, of sewing machines
to nell throughout tho Stain by paying
ordinary ilmnite foss.
Anihoriziag the Pittsburgh, irt.Wityne
and Chicago Railway Company to ex
tend their road from torminu, and build
branches from any point In Allegheny
city to connect with any other roadi;
and for this purpose ahall Inv° all the
privileges of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, but no right to' occupy stmt.
or alley. in Pittsburgh or Allegheny
without the consent of Council,.
Changing the oNanleation and manage
ment of the Allegheny County Prison.
Establishing an additional State Insane
Asylum for the Northern Dlstriet—entire
cost not to exceed two hundred thousand
dollars, ,one-fourth to be drawn this year.
Providing for the deficit to thesoldiers'
orphans' department.
Enabling purchasers of 'corporate
tights by sheriff's We to reorganize
with all privileges.
Nearly the whole time wax occupied
In a spirited discussion arising out of an
amendment offered by Mr. JONEti.
(Dein.,) of Berke, to a •total bill defin
ing the qualifications of voters for &Moot
Directors in Lancastar . county. His
amendment was to desert the weld
kfra111CK13.4.1.7, (Republican,)off.Thes
tor, spoke till the hour of adjournment,
charging that the Republican majority of
theinuao had held a caucus, in which
they refused "to face the music" on hie
mentlyproposod Constitutional amend
mentf and to smother them.. Ile was not
afraid of that caucus; it should not bind
him. Ho bad never gone into it. lie
would never soli his principles to any
caucus. He charged Mr. Mann, (Repub.
limn) of Potter. with gross inconsistency,
with dodging the question, with glaring
iniustice. Ile knew that the Republican
majority would murder his . amend
meats, because they were coward.. He
gave Democrats full perniisflou to pitch
into them'. He was eallcd to order fre
quently by the Speaker and °tidos; but
proceeded with his speech amid much
excitement. The previous quosiion etas
coiled, but not sustained, fire or
eta Republicans voting "nay"
with the Democrats. Ile ap
pealed to that God who ordered
all things, that all men should be squat
in the exercise of civil government. He
would yet live to see these recces at 1e•
publicans suffer far their ineonaldtency
and their cowanlios. The people .would
rebuke them nn one side or the other.
They assert that the negro was entitled
by the laws of God and nature-to the
elective franchise, but refused to vote
for his amendments because they, mis
endde. dodgers, triciaders and trimmers,
were afraid - of losing the next election.
LiAluturtuan, Feb. 24. 15.!.17
Mr. WHITE?, (ItepubLienn) of Indiana,
offered tire (allowing:
r Andrew Johneon, Provi
dent of tho olled Slane, in diner, ri of
Maw pmsod by Um Ontetitutloant mai
Jority of Congress over hi.. veto, ironed
on order to remove Hon. PI. M. Stant4b
on Secretary of War, and appointed be
mom Thomas, Acijt. Gen. L. S. A., Sae
s etary of War ad interoo ; and
WIIERRAZ. Lion. E. M. Stanton has re •
fused to obey the illegal order to remove
him from atm. and the National llome
of Eepreeentadvea Ina punted a remit,
Lion to impeach Andrew Inhuman of high
canter andmiademeanora ; therefore,
Retared, That the prompt action of the
majority of the members of Congress in
inning the resolution for the impoach.
went of Andrew' Johnson, Preadent of
the United State., •of high crimes and
misdemeanors, be and the ame la here
by commended and approved.
Resolved, That the refusal of Hon. E.
M. Stanton to obey the illegal order to
remove him from office meets the are
provil of the Union; loving and law
abiding eltieens of Pennsylvania.
Reaolotd, That the Governor be and is
hereby requested to • forward• a copy of
those reeolutina to the speaker of the
National Howse of Representatives, and
to Hon. E. 3I Stanton.
Hr. WHITE moved to consider the
above , resolutions, but Mni GLATZ,
(Democrat) obpned, Reath. 'resolutions
were referred to the Committee on Fed
eral Relations.
13y Mr. I:RILE:TT, of Allegheny: Au
thorizing the removal of the ruins of
dams and locks.' of the Totighlogheny
Slack Water Company. •
Authorizing the anointment of two
u(sEildrstwS . in ,boroughs South of too
Monongahela and Ohio rivers, In Alle
gheny county, to hear and d.terminu
mats of drunkenness and alum:lW ly ca in
duct, and to renalate compeuvti on
therefor.. - •
Also, providing !bat the payment/. by
Insonume companies under the tof
April 21:01, lIIS6, may be made In aw fill
ummey of the trilled ttalea. ,
BML 1117RODCTIM. eii ' .
bit. SEAItIGHT, of Payette, - it 1.111 bii
enrporatingtbe Union Lumber and:Boom
Company of Fayette. • .
A supplement to the act Incresalng the
revenue alba Commonwealth by the
taxation of theshanes'of attack of National
Banks, and prohibiting teespprraissiuent
°ranch stock at higher then toe market.
Act Incorporating the Cot:v.ll4Utints
Bank of Pittatcugh.
110178 E..
nub Dig Dut School Beard of •Flfth
ward, Atingl:ray city, to borrow money.
Prohilatlfq tho sale of Intoxicating .
'Drinks to Industry township, Dearer
county, . •
IV, WILSON, of Allenheny,n supple+
meat to Election Laws, being a reglet ry
),w for Panoryiranisagrowlnpon by the
Republican cancan of both Rococo.
Mr. WILSON, of Allegheuy comity,
eaMbllabing a ferry over tho Alleghooy
at the.. firm of John :Boner, Munson
totruabip; Araugning-oonoty.
,I.Ripplement for, Rittannhiglanufse-
Curing Company, legalizing the Bounty
Bends lamed In Harrel township,-Arm
strong county.. • .
Mr.IIIILLAR, of Allegheny, antber-
Wag °peeing of sdr courses and Wan'
deans far ooal :nines, under set of April
lath, IS, relative to underground pri
vate roadie,
• Mr. WILSON, of Allegheny, au
thorizing the Scheel Directors of Patton
Town4blP to PLY surplus bounty fund
for school purposes.
Mr. RIDDLE„ of Allegheny, author
ising the Inaklog of now, Indases lu
deal books of Recorder's office of
Allegheny oonaty, and regulating the
tianneref keeping autos. • -
Supplement to an act neased Mal
relative to applications for admis
sion to almahouaeo.
Supplement to en act annexing Man
cheater borough to Allegheny.
Mr. FORD; of Allegheny:lncorporat
ing the FenusylvanlaMintng and Trans
vortion Coinny.
Mr. HECKERT, of Allegheny: . Sup
plement relative to: weiglete and. mean-
Mr. RICKMAN, of Cheater, isiobut
resolution flaming Mr. Anthony Wayne
and. Robert Felton, as Ponneylvanians,
for statues of two Btabeemen. to be placed
In the, Old Capitol at' Washingtor,' and
authorizing the Gaverner to eianloy
native artiste for tarnishing tne atatues.
Mr. GALLAOHER, of Westmoreland,
authorizing the School Directors of Boli
var Borough, of. Weetmoneland, to bor
row mono?.
Mr. PIKE, defining and regulating the
liabilities of Railroad Companion.
reading discussion of last bill ed.
—At Mole, Monday morning, a Ore
broke oat, cenammlng thirtyheadings,
and causing a lows estimated ataLXs,ooo.
Mutineers are: Arnold Bros., clothing
store, $5,000; A. J. Christy, drug ,tom,
MAID; Lewin, Terranin Lunch, $1,000;
Dentchoe, taller, $1,00h; P. Men , grocery,
1410.000; !{'Ales, ahoernaker,sl,ooo; Jack
son, news depot, 1 Kander, clothi
store, $.5,030; Exceslsio r soo; ng
Bakery, $700; 0
Proems; liquor store, .$10,000; Ellison,
(Canandaigua Saloon,) t 2,500; Mrs. Deyo,
(Metropolitan Saloon,ls24oo; J. Merlon,
shoe store, $1,000; Dr. —W aring, $1,000;
Confer House, $2,000; Barnes, l44oo; DO
' agars House,- Michigan provision store,
87.111elialss Hotel, awe formerly occu
pied by Col. Alfred, And several barns
and outbuildings on Brown street, ail of
which were entirely command. The
Are 0307=1:rokbyi,ho explosion of A ke
rosene p.
It wt.
!L-1. T' - • N 1:;, r:
Ink.Purca had r•
been t114Z11.14
thoritiem far the prewrvation of the .
peace.. A corre4pondent of ono of the
morning journals, in alluding to the lec
ture, says : As a spc.ulation It 'VMS an
an entire f.dt u re."
John Curtin, union keeper; and David
Murphy, n waiter, were arrests,' at Cork,
yesterday, on the general charge of com
plicity In Fenian movements. Murphy
recently arrived from the United States.
LONDON, February St.—The Coroner's'
jury hove concluded the protracted in
vestigation of the explosion at the Cler
k enwell ItOUNC. of Detention, and today
rendered_ a verdict that they bring a
charge of murder againai the prisoners
_Durrett, Englialb O'Keefe, Mallenoy,
the two Diamonds, the woman Ann Jus
tice, and other'. whoa° naMed are not yet
made known, Doubt is (dammed as to
the complicity of Allan; who was
discharged bullies beet; re-arrest
ed. The verdict concluded by severely
censuring the police In the Clerkenwell
District for lark of activity and vigi:
lance. I
The indications tun that Berea ford Hope
will carry the election for member of
Parliament from the UnlveraitY pf Cam
bridge. The seat wee Tendon,' vacant
by the appointment of Mr. Selwyn to the
Mr. Hunt, under Secretary 'of the
Treasury, hm informed the House of
Commons that the operation bribe new
postal treaty between Groat Hritain and
the United States has been temporarily
-suspended, but only to enable both gov
ernments to revise certain points which
were mutually overt ooked and necessary
to be set right.
Du arax. Feb. —The audience at
Train's leeture last night wAs very bole
*emu, Some pontoon preaent who hlsstsl
the speaker' were roughly used. A
strong forge of pollee was on band and
prevented any serious persona! vinionee
or disloyal demonstration,
The Jury were unable to agree on a
verdict In the auto of Inn. Mar.:ln and
others. lte parties On trial tor par tioipate
fog in the Fenian funeral preeosaion
have been discharged;
Los DON, Feb. ...I.—The Glebe has a ra--
port that alarming - revolts have broken
out among the prisoner. in. India.
LONDON, February .2.1
the House of Commons this evening Mr
D:lsraell gave an explicit denial to the
report that the expenditure', already In
curred for the Abyssinian expedition
°seeed the estimates laid before ttie
House at its last session by the Hoiern
mem. . •
Lord Stanley made an explanation in
regard to Ilealeo. lie said diplo
matic relations with that country had
loon auspentled for the reason that last
Septernl air the Mex Man tiovermuent
dined all intercourse with Moss powers
which recognized the late empire.
Sir Stafford Northeott. Secretary of
Sate for India,ald the latest letters re'
calved from General l'iapier more no
hope the war to Abysiinia would be
ended this season.
Tuesday, February :nth, has been as
ns ILO day for too eonaidersinou
~f the mtste of Ireland la the Comrmiti ,
Lomiow, Faliruary Z.t.—Mr. !Sullivan,
ot‘the Dublin Nation, recently °envie ,
tot •of publishing seditious libels, was
sentenced to six months Imprisonment.
.Nlr. riget, of the Dublin In - shams, was
sentenced to twelve months imprison
ment. .11.ith prisoners will la required,
mi the expiration of their terms of con
finement, to furnish nocurley fir (Mare
i'.`ases., who wig 410 t 'lame time
since by Capt.' Mackey, died at Cora to•
Loxtox, Frbruarylllnut Fore
l', member for Bradford, laas given no
ce that on the' g 4 th he will call Quo Amin
en of thr. Bougie of Common~ 10 the
air of the naturalization lima and right
' self. ezpatrlatlon. - •
712 c 1 pts.frprudenet nef,, of Salnrday article on tla , prospertn of peskoo
ha En Iwo. It expresinA i4ms general
of sporellensin
in sati ng that thn vast military prepand.
tionnt wgrthig otx In all puns a Fr.,.
of s character soden a senle xi lob led
tho convlcthlu that Choy ere dreigrekl
meet other poxposes than those of
nstional defense.
7.o7rDort, Feb. 2.l.—„kftemnaa.-41 tre
mendona gale prevails on the *tad meat
of England and Wales. The great
breakwater of Holyhead, 'a rnaaehrw
stone pier, nine hundred feet long, has
Inca carried away by tho waves and tho
light.; have disappeared. No diaaators
to &hipping aro yet reported.
Naar Yout,Tebruary 2.l.—The
atd'a Harlin ntbla iliapatchett ay.,: Tha .
netrottations of lion. 4;141. Bancroft on
the cut Jett of the naturaltratton of Gar.:
loan, in atncrica,.tc., wag f,roontit to a
successful loan, Thu North trennan
Mind scram to fully revolimia• and +C•
cool all the rights nf exemption from
military duty, tc. , of native torn AineVi
mns to Germane naturalized 'nrenollex
to law na citizen. of the United Sintes,
after they have spent five years in the
United Staten. A treaty to this effect
Teel eigned by Moffett on the WA.
If LASIZA. Ent rons G astrrx: In :imp
issue of the 15th, under the Lead of Lille
passed Ilnall).• In the Legindstare, le the
following, vie. "Prohibiting the bunt
ing of game In Yindlny, Robinson and
Nora Townships, Allegheny county."
What doco thls megn! What right bees
tie Legislature to peat such a bill, pro
hibiting the fanners front pretesting
their corn fields from the ravage* of the
nquirrehs. an 1 their orchards from being
destroyed by the Sabhital There wore
more than twenty nen" of eorn destroy.
eel In Findlay township Isar year by the
heedi edging front theirnamher
now, there wilt be double as much de
stroyed in the owning sooson.• And I
now, elnee the fanners ore prevented
front killing thous petits of creation.' the
way 14 open for thaw to multlpdp and to
fill the lam!, at the same time destroying
aerosol' eon. Whet vonothlo genii CPU
came from preserving the grime I can
not conceive, neither iv It possible fog
any ono to easy. The people of Findlay
townehip demand the repeal of thin un
righteous law, which musty dm , * not
belong to this ego of free government,
but the days of nowt-barbital and , feudal
A errxzws or FINDLAY TolrMittir.
staled be the llnUrond;
Mr. McDonald, e. brakeman on a shift
ing train et the outer of the Penn
sylvonia Itallroud, we..s killed Instantly,
about four o'clock, yesterday evening,
while in the discharge of hie dation. The
engine with which tomes engaged Was
shifting 'freight care, and while passing
roan one car to enether. while lu mo
tion, he bet MI footing and tell between
the cars, the wheel', of one car pass.
Ing over his neck and severing his head
Dow bin body. Ilia relatives were not!.
Pool of the sondent and ha father-In-law,
Mr. Bad, who 'hada, in • Manchester,
task charge of thn remainsand had Ulan
removed to his residence, where nn in
quest will too held to-day. The deceased
Dm en a wife and two children who we
are Informed wcre dependent upon his
latim for their support. ,
' - 'Nellnee the above was in type we have
teamed the following: Philip McDonald
wee the name of the deceased. and lie re
*Mod at Alaboning on the Allegheny
Valley Railroad. The accident °marred
atD. M. Coroner_
,Clawsan held an
Inquest and the Jury rendered a verdict
of accidental death." -
Erighsfal Aectdeat—irou4sLwr . *sato
A frightful accident occurred about
twelve o'clock yesterday at the houth of
Mr. lionrjTatnall, on Socand atreel, In
the Eighth ward, In which the mother
and Rioter of that gentleman narrowly
- escaped a moot terrible death. The
house referred to is a two 'dory building
an the upper aide of the street, and like
most of the buildings on that aide is
overtawered by the hW, the bairn of
which has been eat away to make room
for the Miura. Mrs. Tama, Who Is an
elderly lady, nod her dauglder, were oc
cupying the back portion of the; build
ing, and had just left the, back room
where they had been eatingdirmer,wberi
a large mass of rock and earth broke
Toone foam the hid above' and Poll on the
hack part of the building, crumbing it in
and burying the dining room and lie
contents beneath the immense man of
earth and rock.
genteserd.—Mull, thiwthunierar of Con
ductor C. IL Parker, recently tried attho
Court of Oyer and Terminer of Wad&
marcland county, and convicted of war
der In the auconu degree, was eantonced,
an lieunnlay, bv, Judge. Buffington, to
eight years imprisonment at. bard labor
in the Western Penitentiary. lie will
be taken ow?' '"
autrbrry to Ens Llbrrt7-yarilars
. . .
-1,, .d' .1. F. :-.:.swum, in Far"st Liberty,
wan ..nteil amt robbed of eVerythbn; of
value it N 1112111130.1. Friday IttOr.i.g
Cliieir..:l,l, ,:f the nolioe, :van net,thal
Isr til/ ,' rObiletry Otlei went to tiOrk to hull
the ver:.etrat..m. He re,aiind t-. 17 tot
Liberty and di.covered that' the parties
committing the robbery. lutd a wagon
With them, and had corns toward We
city. Having ascertained that otarty of
nu vicious individuals occupied a room
at No. 13 Fourth Street, he, i tetninanauled
by officers Herron and CI umbert, yrs Led
ths place and arrested Ed. Dawson, flat
O'Donnell, Stephen Conway and .7 he
Birdsell, autos - Buffalo Jack " , who ere
taken to tire Watd24.lolllo and lock up.
where 0 _y remained until Sato ay,
when ter :wore committed In Jail .for a
bearing. A full sot at burglar's Mole,
monist.' gof faLso or skeleton kevn, tiles,
"firom:„ ," ct.c., were found In dot room
and upiou the pardon arrested. 'There
were lib goods found on the premise.,
but the parties hod evidently been in the
country during the night, from the fact
that their boots and clothing ware cov
ered with clay mud. The "tools" found
Inti Mir no...oration, however,', in sufficient
evidence to warrant a conviction for
—Since writing the abovoi wo learn
that two others eunnected of complicity
In the robbery have been arrested.
1 About one o' lock this morning Chief
Green, accompanied by officer Ponder,
paid a visit to the "Farmer's Inn," on
l'enn street, and arrested two men, who
gave their name, Iln Ferguson and Smith.
We did not learn the circumstances ld
ing to their arrest, further than that there
I was strong evidence of their having a
hand in the rebriery.
Tie That Liberal 114111bery..POITIMIIIII—
tor. Arressed—tiood• miereiVerea.
We published in yeaterdaY i 's Garr/lean
aerount of the robbery of C.:IT. titesrmt's
sitoe store, in East Llberty„,o Thursday
night, in which wo stated'illat sir per
Isom., whose names wore even, bad beet
arrested on suspicion. ehhif Oreen, who
had the case in hand, has evinced re
markable skill an • detective, as he not
only secured the . partim who oommitted
the robbery, but has also Succeeded In
recovering the stolen goods, under cir
cumstance. which faaten the guilt noon
the parties arrested .beyonil •qwestlen,
and at the sante time bring two ether
worthies tajoatice as ramivere of stolen
geems. .Faulkner and II Ferguson
were arrests! yesterday morning, a part
of the stolen goods found! upon their
penana, end Ntr. Stewart, bookie been
sent for, tame anti identified theme It
was then fweertklosd from,: one of the
party that goods ware concealed at ' a
"Crib" on Elm and Washington street,
weenie.' by Dim MO:lorry and Hugh
Donnelly. A search w:srmut was 12•13•11
anti yesterday afternoon the ofneors Me
ceodtd to the bonne, arrested the proprie
tors, and after conalderabin'search found
Emir bundles tilled with annee sad other
.articles of inereiratutioo which had bean
taken from hlr. Siewart'a store. Tho
goods were removed to the, Mayor's of.
lice, and Chief firemt marhi information
charging Edward Dawson, Jamtes O'Con
noil John Idle sell, Stapler Conhisy,
Fret l ierick Faulkner .mtd - Sohn Forge
one w;th house breaking n&
akainst liirilarry. and Vedoelly tor ro.
celving stolen grate.. TVey will have •
hearing tr.....ay. '
The arrest of this potty very Wm
lniteennd,..alit p,,inert.S.,onfiwyorrika,.tionniti coast
bat will hare • :valency Indrise or et h h e er e .,
at their - profess' nu" to a wirer !laid o `
operation. The job was a good• ono, and
Chief t - tram to emltled to all thent•aa
to lie derived from it. as it was "worked
up" under his .peciai suls-nrision, and
most of the work Mute by himself.
Au individual hailing - from the hills of
Greene aunty, near Ilse , Virginia
where it ia said corn orbisky end' •'dry
oil. Wells" are the eontualitiew,
made a visit to the city a'SeW days since,
on a pleasure excuraion; and having •
"head for boatmen," endear oral by way
way of speculation to defray' his expert-
Pes. On his wan down he i rurchawl a
quantity of eggs, which he *WO to Mr. H.
Steven., X.Vettr, on Market , alley,- near
the illarnond, be
fresh. Mr. Stevens having ma much
confidence in the Greene counts , matey
reprosentationa, took one hunarad and
twenty-4x dozen of egg. iat a twat 'Of
thirty-two cents a donut, ennonetina to
forte dollar* and thirty-two cents. Yee
tenlay morning he opened the barrel
ormtatniug the eggs, and upon ex.amirta
lion found that they stem, eggs."
fleeting that J. Mitchell, the man who
'had add him the eggs was still ln, the
cite, he mote Informationiagainst him
beton , . Alderman flumbeirt, charging
hits with cheating, by faleoParteruse, A
warrant was. Waled, and- Mitchell ar
rfated and token to the Aiderman'•
nee, where he at once disgorged the
amount received far the elms, paid the
rests. and starts: to a deg tx t for the
Brownsville lon, The uirsinees. , was
certainly new lm from his frightened
manner, and it is net , et pill probable he
will ever envage in the egg business
A faulty organ, loony' party' a man'•
Ludy, most Inevitably bring In its train
• wart*. of evils, and this.i he
proportionate to the importance of the
ousts or y,ams• affected, tend every organ
Important 'to n Ara. 1,51; cjistermr. Cor•
naro Irani to an hundred and ala, after
forty yoars of dissipation,' did so by
an.slonrionment t h e bib and Moss
which led to him former infirmitv, and
nearly every ono can do what Corruno
rod, and enjoy goal Learns during the
hours oillinnrily allated to 'man.. Dr.
Filch stays that m at persona mold ar
ths at the age of art hundred years in
good health, and undortakes to show
h o w into rosy to done, In a wink of over
!bras hundred Fe* men tiara.
done more In Ws country towards the
mire of distamm of n consumptive char
rotor anti tendency than balms.
.Ws hal lota that Dr. If glass's Pao.
TORAL Hinter has, in •thaussods ci
Instances, hindered the tiorelopment
and tnanifmtatlon of disease Intim lungs.
and in-that way haw delta much good'
towards the toilet and Cure of suffering
humanity. The Doctor haa, bowers;
another remain called [Alms Cute, for
old and
ohms, old Cli.•, - whia. he has used
suocemdblly In a large vartatv of pulmo-
nary diseases. The. la:mg - Cure Is for
chronic casee, and the Pectoral Syrup for
recent moms, and has In hundnols and
thousand% o' cases of common coughs
and cella cured with low than coo bottls.
Laboratory and steams:it 140 Wood
street, Pittsburgh. Canso dalion rooms,
for lung .IlMitlll4ollll. No. 121) Penn
street Odle* Lours from p a. in. until
4 p. •
A 11111.1.0•12, Alfa.
A ease of it very dietriwairig character
wee blOLlgilt to our nou n s yesterday,
• Web wilt afford an opportunity for the
phllanthroplaterof the city to nature to
some erteut the wants of a 4emtituto fam
ily. In yesterday's GAserte, in our re
port of. Saturday's Court [ proceedings;
we noticed ths sentence of lid ward qui nn,
whn was tried and convicted- on three
indietrrienta, and rwnieneed: In the three
cases to pay noels ofpratecutlose, done
amenntlng to about SZIIII, sind to undergo
an Imprlesnment In the county jell lot
thirty daya. The tiontenive were doubt
less jug, us he had knowingly 'violated
the law, and thwarted to pay the penalty
for so doing. But ; the mattor does not
cud here. It app°ltra ti at'll° has • wife
andel' small children who are depend
ent upon him the support, and yesterday
the mother of tee chtidrou was arrested
and committed to jail on, a baii-plece,
she having been Indicted for assault and
battery Consequently, the poor Hula
children, the oldest of which itt but tan
yenta, are thrown noon the sold charities
of bear - thaw world. The being as
a matter ofneceseity framed for,generld
application, In tunny hyaenas% 'when
applied to particular caseti,. seem 'hard
and oppnlente.
By calling at any of our city book
storm and examining Tuff's •spienditi
new system of imokkeeping parsons de
siring a thorough businews education,
embracing all the latest laiprovements,
Will and nothing compare
with our standard course of itudy. It
Will be found, by . proper Inquiry, that
there Is no other eysteruliof National
[woks, private. bankers, railroad or
accouters accounts taught elsewhere In
the city. It is also well known that we
employ the beet pmcilcal business we
°mutants ILL the city an teachers. It is
not easy to estimate We future advanta.
gra of a business add on .obtained
nom such a text' book and from such in
etructont. Our now &lateen; page double
quarto circular Is mailed free to all de
siring full particulars, by.. t
P. Durk dr. Bow,
r street; plttsburgh Pa.'
Dr. A. G. McCandless, l'hyilcian of
the Board of Multh, reports tbo follow
log Internrente from Fehruary 9th to
February 18th;
Diseases—Cmuntmption,s; Bronchitis,
1; OUIDS, I; old ago, 1; I.lydr , ocephalus,
Anaemin, 1; Pneumonia; Abscess,
1; 'Encephalitis, 1; Catarrh Fever, 1.
Of the above there were: tinder 1 year,
4; Irma Ito 2, I; to 10,1; 10 to 15, 1; 15
to 1.4), 1; 'Mtn SO, 1; 30 to 40,1; 40 to 50,
Ed to G 0,2; 60 to 70, 1; 70 to 80, 1.
Maier, eh females, .19; white; 10; col
ored, 0; total, 10.
Death area IRetecated ClUsen.--Goorge
8. Anschuts Esq., one of our oldest nod
I , lofit ren4Cted reUoty onizens, and
formerly -a popular Steamboat Captain
crab° Ohio river, departed this life, at
hia rovldence Cu Caldwell street. last
night. Re web universally. known and
esteemed in this city ea a teistleman of
cullers and refinement, l i d: his death
will be deeply moaned b who en
joyed by anqualOuree. •
‘ •
26, 1868
Brutal Ontraca,a Girl larrire tear,
of • go Outrage(f by a :1.,0.
A brutal outrage wits ownutAtetl n-ar
Derr;. - Station, on thelPennsyl vaiii
Thorriday evening, of whioli we • " , c 2 raie Frrntntraan GAM". t I
X.O.SUalr, February It, inal.
!taco olgai nod the f ing . part Onion, Ft., I:clement nonillion of the weather had
wednesday ernoon Carrie I,vton,• a tr,iee ey to retard boning , radar, which at
aged twelve ,year, daughter' id
ti a Avo:by 4.1 bee bets dull for some time pan. In the;
farmer near Derry ilation, wart.] to f markets there,.,. no new fea..llre•
Visit a roliiiivo. :el,o lived o :me dist:lmo of •Prelal attic.; while aa general
rt.. -Ices rema `genera;
• • i`" 'GRAlN—Winter Wheat la in demand; we
the place she bud to pass through apiece n w quote at c2,43a,,,s for tr,d. and 41.630 ;
of wood, A negro boy about nine- c,r3 for wine. Coro ix In good nubbly and :
teen retire of age,: wirewaremployed n n i dull but uncLar.cad; we continue to qt.,' Ear
the farm, heart her speak of the pro. cad Sneered at t1.f13, on wharf and track, and
nosed visit, and iinmediutely started foe si,esamo to clone. Barley 1e ream tad to
the piece of :voids referred to and so
demeed; and Spring sell. readily at_ll2. Call
rioted himself near the road along ;q ui e t
which she wonld pass, and when she d no traak. and •70
approached spran frombis placo of con
can. BF* tram at 5t.4001,13.
knockedher down end FLOUS—The market le quiet and dun but
teal her person. lifter accomplishing his prier. are uncliangsL We olutlane to quote
hellish purpese,land having satiated his 1 : et 510.600n,r0 for Spring Wheat; f12(217,50 for
beastly desires, he fled to the woods and winter Whorl, and gin a lls for fancy brand..
left his victim lying insensible on the blips Flout 1. still gaoled et glifitbna, and item.
ground, where ate was found some time ! 'wheat aN4ybof.6o.
afterwards by some persons passing PROVISIONS.—Ration is eteadl atilt/11X*
along the roan, who conveyed her home,
for Sooulderailgbfegifyge for Ribbed and Clear
when,. mho was restored to consciousness Sidee,'and 11Q17Na for Sinter Cared U...
and relates' the facts we have stated.
The Wows was circulatad in tho .velghtior- Lard, ifidiglal,fe la tlerees for kettle rendered,
and IS: in keg. Country Lard, 13540 . 104 e. In
hood, bud in n Short time an Infuriated
- crow , of men started i n th., keel, aa to quality. Alm Pork, 1124.3.0125.
negro, fully resolved to deal with him in - BUTFER—PrInte to choice Boil Ls In good
a summary manner If : they caught him, demand. and may now be quotes arm, but
He was traced to, Blairsville, whore they unchanged at 26042.
. _ .
lost track of him. It appears, however.
tifeit Instead of going farther away from
the scene of his hellish work, ho got upon
a freight train and returned to Derry
!flatten, and from there went to Mr. Lay
ton's barn and remained until 'morning,
when he wan arrested and_taken to
Greensburg and lodged in jai.
If there le any case ,w here Lynch law In
excusable it Is In extem of this
farts an 'fated, there
and If the fan aated, there would
have been little if any narrow expreseed
against hanging tile bleak fiend to the
nearest tree. in oyery Country where
capital nunlshruent prevails thin offence
should be visited with thedeatts penalty.
Fatal Iweta.i.—tora....inqueal
Ai accident of a very distressing char
attar occurred Yesterday wl - . ch resulted
to the death of an old and r itpocted cit
izen of Allegheny city, Mr. Joseph Jas.
tire. AbouttwO o'clock yesterday after
noon, 3Sr. Justice, while wilking along
the side of delinnary, Hill, 'Moped end
fell over ILLI embankment, a distance of
fifteen feet, fntiouring her skull and in
flicting other injuries, causing his death
Ina few honra aftdrward. Coroner Claw
son was notified and held an inquest
noon the body; when the jury rendered
a Tel-diet of accidental death, to accor
dance with the facts. The deceased was
sixty-one yearn of age, and leaves a wife
and dye chililren,
Taken Over.:-Sherlff Reed, of Wou
zneretand count•. yesterday arrived in
this city, having in charge Samuel lin
cmiviotod of the murder of conductor
C. H. Parker' and nentenced to eight
years, and Jain. Brown, convicted of
Jeremy, and sentenced to eighteen
months in the Weatom Penitentiary,
whom he escorted to that institution.
laectlon ofollcero.—Tho Coal Men's
Truot Company, one of th banking lnotite most floursh
ing ond boot managed ro.
dons of the city. y.terday elected' tho
tollowlnn BoOrd of Directune A. J.
Baker, President, W. A. Herron. W. J.
Patterson; Menu , . Farrow, J. D. John
sen, A. J. Efiwon, J. D. Fackiner, Chao.
Schleifer, W. It. Boggs, John Gast. •
—Mn.i 'Mary! A. Pestilee, an inmate of
the Insane Asylum et Augusta, Maine,
was ahoekingly murdered • on Monday
morning by Mrs. Catherine 'lmlay, an
other Matinee, Ouring fit or frenzy.
ADAlls—lttrUtiL. — At Caul , Cathedral,
po the Matt ~ ammo hattand,
yuiVCIR ADAM!, of B•ltalvlrlmen. and Illai
ELM); L. DODGE, of ilttatematt. No eardt.
rTa~ b o y hl youel maple carry with theta nee
her wishes. We know emit is hf deaeseler the
ether. mid' tract: their lire. inky-dime. PrdePer.
om. and that their wri , hway may Serer
be dart.
tied by a shut •Jadverttif
gilded with thel hMaht tf i"ei
toattneai and imfbidem.l
rehmary Tab, mi., by the ieee. John iJavls. at
the madden , * of the bride'. parents, Cr. JOKS
II•Tt and bilis JEANIE L. DITIIE: O.3.
Mth teat.; 0i
rt.ldenee rl the bride, father. In Patti
taimialy, by the Rev, Irmlock, LEVI li. lIEP4
LEE. Jr., and ill Ise LIZZIE MALL, both of
Ems Liberty. I
GILL-OMEN' At the romidenee of the bride'.
fatter, TimesdaY embing._Tehreary
by the 1t.,. Wm. Tonal. Mr CHARLES
GILL and lollta 'EATS OWEN, MI et this city;
No emit.
Thornlay craning. rrt.
Sal, at Oar Third Idethodtat t porch, Of tar
Jaw.. Molder°, JOIIN•C. SUUt 11. slot MAUI'
At.. dant." of A. J. Moos. all of tale CITY.
sPIC•LM ft—eldhl thuradarltaroloOl
ratraoary 1.r.0.1. 01 the "caldron. of thc
wuer. of M HA, P Porter. 111...11.1.1AM
F. 011i..10.11,1.1.. Pittaloaroo. •od 111 a. tr. A.
CONXIIIt, of gut
morrivr.—oe .yralt 4 .•.r.a.
Mr EI.IJ•H MOTI/ET, •rra 19 ptaro.
n••A•. m rs Vs , U.
!ILA RY II %i b' t •t t4 ' sg•
of Y ).Lm,, 3 ...nth. •m 1 IS G•t
a 4 , ti
X ' I
c A P
t — .
4 k . U .
l•l4r1.1 . wor., T•tboakry
Mary J• • a.rd i 4 anulabs.
11.1[D1.1Y..-44:7Omr•da,. Teen., 111 C -th.. Mr.
LELiLira , to am rat 4•4 r of lair ..e.
' WARD,- —Oa batonlay, getaway "-W. at the
Kern kinapltal.: JOHN b. W•ltt , b. la the 9th
yogrut lola age. ,
OP THE 111,1 OF 111.119X - 1(114) O IC-Vo la
Doe, required by toe Wanes of the eeetiotoo
trvereeptla. to eabble Mew. to pat up who One
outag 111-lea . ir. his 114,001 bones. end to.
army lore. Au w Sad Im.glosoous or alt
slat. No true of sallowre deserve sore inn.
N. pettesu asti mummy of these 111eudi who
often.n will grief las best sod sweetest fll•use
slide. altered sod waned Into toe mo t worn..
nod dleageteshle by the es , au of to 10.
whipuedev Ise despetle sett life me. me to'*hvee
hat a outas• cause at sere , lea awl Woes.
with eavOt but pale Lad doves. the feta.,
nue alltra.d wtth 1-Iver Cynapl , lot. Dario le•
meet of loleeellye I orasos re on twe to Of *Del.
Oa. Ylataleaer. Less of aelool.l.l.lhould °ea ,
reforl to proper rueedles, whleh win. t neu
psosplll,..vol4•APAd sairarl•K good easement
voluble nue., I rewallsest 0b eore, sod en
dowed try hundreds who Ones test.* theavUul
la the lUpleet stay. el Itespepelo. Liver
Oesoplalat. et.: they a t Plbeelo l le ...Of nod
teussaile, aloualsg. yourstloa sad telarlia.
ruled It. lota.. MAWR
lacteal or • aunt a. le way oil nail ao ' nftrx.-
wl tau. they hare elf vied vs arhatde sad
speedy caves. 'These pill!, eta be Wield tree
I*l r oll ialits In toe eosawy. sate 01 ,. .114.
etated, se parehuers Way prator.,
114“,'25 Vast. Per Box
_ • mean IN lIIIND I ' .
balm dinamm as. anderslawd i t s health. sad
th I
a physical aisum has becotor pmatraMd. •
I Issalsal ass am notoal7 Mica. , bra- bet ra
...path...114 shall ho taammilwely regent d
N. flutist !Matra.. is a l ga • Initial mares of
the brambles dOwn tan eonsillatlem and tile
of all •sgmy to meth • a truly earth!
les Tar all near grids:alas llHMT(Trailll
STOMACH 81ITZ113 haws bean Swami: a
Peemati, dlivotly apes Utah Wyatt,.
errant, they remora lbw heavy, altadmen'tle
gh.liaja : tot amts., to fog tom liaised of by
o•Malls or • 4.lleate timmemmoni. Moon a.
Ovation la (trend, that wiliest dads DM
airelath familaalas sad Ida gamma: health Ml
ead. Thaataada of perms. eertify that It
. at Os relitel on is alt exam of er•almrater nay
stien'ant etas pad tau ary: habits:
She panaradt Y of bitten an to d Magrteabl• to
MK tuts that tau ate Odic Instil, • to a weal
Moms:ell. ?Ms LS sot the eus wrh 11097aT-
MiL MD. which re. II b. loved mild and
latretesly plesdant Dalt stile plums bands
1d roots ...tribal. taate erttmatlte ta to
molar !twat toting and attanit basin.. :Malt•onl7 awe a .1105 ha. seer east
peooooad coomlaia. no futtl Ott or •ny otter
mtliatirt he m lan. nt. aha meater., and
ii.Mtel ~ analysed abs M Illtters and
hriVete a / T V tis =t7tll'.
of thinmands sato harm expeneare I Me maven
ilea sad %%%%% leg.ffeat. of Om steal vegetable
tolls ass ••••ra•ly. of modern dint. la *till
Ir y Slit ,
IS rove. nod Law, Unman-
Ilm Mi. a, Mere°. Conintalobt an. maw
oral de WM, It is a. se., i.falllttlimaanytalaa
La Mil (MIMI. woad elm Its.
Chronic Diseases
lbo.fhnettono of the bosom body itre orai.
..roll) ono at htiole. ♦ dloordesed Ilyer, , pr ►
.Rabb tryltatbis or lb. broachlel tabor, an ote.
atnalios IEII4 at la oral Um rattal *raw, are
vita tabs tantroad Daaa and aata I ‘ ,l.
atm Dan.. attollair %elle eateat bi the *mania
ortanelloualliary. • man art:clod wlth dya
pepala4l.ll son Sad mars Ulan •tim siockaala at
laolt. , Tim fad UNA' ha swalhart Alla to neat
is dehoOted. is tome opal or ttlalltn *tore it
eaosu Lerthttltto or palm. whoa It ought to DS
Cornea oitasatearstoel out Of the 7ttelD. Btaa
Mid. had thoniooda of Jnit nett eofferota boo•
. •
twen 'allayed orld restored to health cod Ili. ,
by 1, irre tottiro e 1 Ult. FiZYNail`B BLOOD
s1ill:01111II, ender, and only
atomaoh cid dta4eUvo °mu., hot 111•Rlit iii•
Holm the blood with Our elevator' or:navies
needful to ttte restoration at Dm vital etv!s7
of ea mune. DO with, oh. for Jur Do It
to rat Dlt..IIII*1111111; for *bit!l tha kind; slid
if , e. any kua,i that Pu carte ta.artabarlam,
was or attorirred red Mikan ratutltstlenr.
11 was tleas .vllO oared Mr. nerd. h try 4at
iriorb itrAtl.l4lt ptreft. It war teat
rated Marterst'irelrulrarl. It woo Dr. Kanter
cues whlen pabltahei from time Ida=
lz them 'col nu. Pi. Ben ue Blood Mathew
use cured mind cure of Cuddle Minute Wu
any, medicine et meet origin. n Id by the
,tmee, &den. ct Wile betties at We Beitot`e.
Real manilas 4tats, la 140 WOOD aT/trn.
Dr. iellae's em e 061110114 10010/ 1 / 2 VA rlO.llll.
EGOS—Traati peeked at 3013 X-W.
lIHEESE—Steady. with `
regular Wes of
Western Ratane at angina, and Goshen at
DRIED rat - fir—l. In good driii.d nod fern I
hot unahanitedi oalca Feathen at Tag. 100
quartart; and lhaila for knives, and Apples;“
Tana. Uhartlas,l2e Lir patted, mad 400 for
OftEEN APPLES—Quist and la good map
ply out unnhangadi inlet at 5490,60 One bbl, laa
to quality.
FOTATOES—Tory dull: mita It lag
1.10 per bushel, and 11.101,26 pat bbl,, n. to
HAY—Is selling from aouttry wagon. at {LP
gasper ton, as to quality. •
LARD 011.—Is flan and No.l t. hlihtri wo
now quota No. I, at Pia, and No.l at $1,946 ,
ONIONS—Firm at In par bunbaL
DEANS—Semee and In fair boast drat/0,
with amail taloa at 8404.10 Pm bushel.
llo.lll.l.lY—thichanged; taloa to the trad.i at
Io,MOSX. and Isl6l. a retail way.
DRANBEILRIES—haIas . at attain.
Grimm cre , ruz PrrreatokeL tf Ak.otSis
February 2.. uS.
Theta wee a fight supply of Cattle on asoo, but owing to the unpleasent condition
of tho weather and sin unusually light del:med.
the market was a little tame and devoid of
that bony.. Which , nearly Storeys coevals
when the r Innings art light. T. teazel, of
this lies to the fast that prices are too much
gated, and while consumers have ► good
to complain, both drovers and hoteliers griml
bitterly, and meth good reason, too,a. the
trade Is In such a peculiar condition that
neither of the. Masse. of dealers are mak MI
toy money, notwithatanding it takes nee rly
double theamountsf capital to keep the al
e.. in motion.. With hundreds, we might nay
thousands of laborers and meet:lamas out of !em
ployment, many families will have to boyt *l7
sparingly if not deny thernselvze altogether,
and it le le their, ail a general the., that the
butcher. have to look for support; sad I his
being the ease, the demand for fresh meat seneL,
of necessity, be very much cestriated, and with
sdirelnlelesd demand for fnah meat. thee dee
aimed for Cattle falls off proportionately: and
what is true of this market Is applicable to at.
most every market la the country, end w sue
in hopes that the greet falling off In tad: de.
mood will bring detlen , prices to • point •
I will enable the poor. mat mast as wall.
I . those to hotter Compared with
last week, there Is but little she.. In soviets;
some deaden thought that common and mss ,
I , dlom cattle sobd a shade better, while good es.
tatting cattle underwent no - !Mange. Tho fol.
i Jarring l• • pretty fail report of the ;Wee:
Slekely d tiro. eol.l to head cf mined Pima.
Stool. at CA to e!..E.
• E. Katz 6. Co. report having arid IS head
mind maven at gig to EL
mberaDerg k tiertotwo gold 17 head Washing.
ton county tattle at 6 to . 04; also, one pair of
roue Wa.hinzton Co. Os. to S. Shanahan—
! puce not named.
L. Uothehilds told 16 ate to 7 . ,
111yere A Needy report having .10 a heeds of
, Chicago cattle at 6 to i 3.( and I load of Ohio at
~,,.97:11:1, sold s ear
1it...4 beaded Chicago settle at
Salad for Dolan It Co. at 754 to
Y. Wrr rz o d , Zen to.ty stack at
IS 04. Use from }tutor at
John Krrtrio Daunt 4 te 4%; 6 from
ald; I eras from .. 1-odi ion. • that ,ottu alto
souther at 4. It Was ral/toto• • Yds hand to
Omuta a few boils, mora to krt,
that! solthloe el•• • •
Cilats. Lula rty Co. sold •1/ head o claad
. • . S.
trtstk, oo sou •-•
RJolt. c:o cosocol•nioa., 41 454 10 IN.
enee. Taylor sold -11 bead for Castle.
L. Shamberg to head at 7M toSM.
Jae. McAllistee had •aohe on amls toalaTt
pedlar., be Manta that If he hobin off foe •
week of two, the market will break down. and
(Lea we will have lower
Molina a Mo. eola 1g prime lowa tattle to A.
ftekien. aren't. 1010. et 0,60.
Ilmelewood a Back moat . 001.1 2: heed of
Utocago voila at 6).: tooo4. The mentor new.
let 01 tilt eta treat late 'a cow speculation,
tun t hem grant annular Instead of It being*
losing use, •• he emiceted. he realised enengh
to buy • common mut elothes—not to 00
d klattC, Bold to heed of cumnionfati
Mock, at an...arks et Oa, and Coulter aoldg
but. at 6.
Thera lee. I esti good supply or sheep on
sale UM week, sad with only a moderate 4..
email. the sietkat wssa lit.'s tam. though
pages. el:spared with Iset wood, have midai
r,. go quotsble shut's. WO quote at 3to to,
gross. sad these may be reds/dolga the ed.
tteines of the atatket. The offorings, as • gati
slattasgi were sial3l3 or ae Inferior spiting,
and while pride tnt =atop Sheep sold wedgy
at fall price., aCommoo and lafetlor moved eery
Shaw At McCalad leper , hsflhg eolg Pig dead
Lawresse 416. Steep at 3 tag.
T. Beighate, 100 hew at 3 to IL
Stately d it,.. h6l 130 howl on sale; sold
most of them at 13 1901,00 per 11404.
Ilertola t 00., to bud at average of 6.
lilattland whidesals4 ea..o load .0 .on
lessees Shad" at
Glass_Liaerty d 00. 01460 head; only pa
llidly .014. ••
Toole le only ►moderate demad for ale
etas of stook, watch is owing to the extreme
pilau now panelling, and as ► genera thing,
butchers are out buying mak over half the
number they buy orilartly for Ms reaen.
We ear quote at 0 to tO4e, grout for memos
to prima heavy averacee, and these may be re
garded lithe esthetes of the mattes.
Czarist k Ce. report hailed retailed Cheat
HO had dales the past week at $ to It.
Haat ♦ Co. bad BS and I.:outlet. If head left
over unsold. bang enable to get their Prates
1110 N AND NAIL&
Orrice 03 ran Pirreinion
February 11, IeCL . ff
'nun items to'be a slight Isiptorentent
the demand for manufactured Than and Wells;
though the turbot, as yet, le by no nuns se
ttee. The impression still gni. etringth.
however .that them will be • foal spring trade„
after navigation has been fairly mimed, nod
white priest an extremely low and margins
will be light, a better feeling will toulitlem
prevail, and the trade will be he a more health.
ful condition titan for some vearipast. flunk.
both here nod throughout the uontry, an ors•
usually light, nod we impost to ue orders
bowing la pretly freely within the next ninety
daye—at least present indication. point Is that
dello. The following are the acrd Mtn .
= c ant! ' "t.
;r , 454
• -
Hoop wa Light Band
&mud wd Squan
Half Ural mad half amand--„%ii •_.
16 11 16 41 749
ts 7,4 .
All abate over 23 tn. 60140 sv.'e extra. •
Mt to SW ?lons 2.1. 710
Fens Log sad 3.1 Ono. 760
' Brit& .576 04 thee 060
Id and 5/4 11 Os 14 1a lining S 00
4.1 and .... " I 16 • 73
4d and am out esiacs 100
0 SO
w llarrel rtsll.—H took. 17100 f 1 loch. EP: Ili
lock. 44,3313 g loon, 170,10; 1){ leratra,los43o. --
7' —hot. or asesotansa at is days, with
</Isnot ride Esebauga on New Yorki or •
discount of goer dud. for cash, It rendtten On
reoelpt of lotolea. Fragments to h meateln
Notelfotk Esehanos: U. 5. rreareiT Note,
or their •qulvaleat. Nods In tote of 101 kegs
and upwards, 11SO Per keg or. Masao=
on bills of less tbs. 1137 donors.
fltir Tolarrana totem Iltunrandi Quetta) •
Comma... Peornary :L—floor In fair
demaad and the Market arm; family 11/10
11.11 i extant 1110010.55. .Irtest held Menem
No 1 red 11 10. Corn An fair demand at CM
toe ear. (koala better demand at Merlotti
Inbuyer. at Mo. bol4lnra asking Cdo. 71ye
In denumti at $1.50 for extra. Basler doll
anti pile. droonlalft NO I ranSIM.. Cotton
doll and pees* unenUled and nOminall
middling at 10!.021.10. Tobacco In
troo4l demand atlull orb:wet males 120.1A0da.
Provision. gentlrally• Omer and bolder*
ult lag Maher price. The trot:WAAL Hash
ington.liletboneta.wtll manse an Impor.
taut adrenal, In gold. • egasequent
vaneakt Ma prices of all article.. and for
Um cause there Is grant Indl &ranee' shoot
selling, and many dealen are not offerteg
their *tack. Illaaa Pork la held at $2O. 'bat
no boyars at better Lban 111,00. Iltuk Meat.
are bald rd. 10011 M. but Ulnae. rat.' are tie
above tba vie.. of buyer.. and therefore
there le riot moan , done. Lima is in light
..nroy o.' l o /3),(o, 11140 and 4001 for
shoalotersolides.ciear rib and clear *ldea
without ulna. linear Cured Itarua 10017 e.
Plato llama 11X011P4o—all mirattard
packed. Lard; none odbred below 15140 . to
any eston‘ bot ho borers at better than,
150. Butter .Wady at MUM for fresh treat.
ern. Cberowdrill at 1.1.01140 gut Heat..
Zlisene.,so , l 1101115 timothy,y Clover
Bred doll $13013.05; lt woe
3.lei nothing oolog 4 n.lie aApple. town t ,
prime per bbl. POUIAIVIIIIrUt at
VAL Hay to thodorace demand , at
eer too en arrival. 001.1149 haying, aud
18151 ;
'Mow °flews. Markel.
Maw Oatailus; February K.—Cotton doll
sod demand; alb:Wangs, alneltadai /WAS
a.= Halal multiple, s 03 baleamulaum t 375
SUO'lltt. Lidaltd;‘, Now Tort at.
aintle alto:Mot, Goal. 1131ittL S.lfor
It ran cam mea, 13liet fair. lIGIVidu prloae to
suotee,lslcu Noo.oeß, 00Mo Floor arm;
suParaeu. eml etuue.,. It 3 0u Fork; Haat
Supply.: holders askinor L Corn eu at
adelysl.o44, late. MUM. Bacon. Marten
&boulder*, 11ar exeuraldes, Lard,
a tlareer,l2)4o lyim Rey. AWL •
PIT - Ks BUROIII m ETA 11.1 i LT.
nAi. n 1171. 11anory 171011 o.nawre
A fair amsont of •ctlyity was maintained to
taw irons, widen to especially woe of standard
Forts descriptions. The Wes et the week, al•
though not large, indicate a fair amount of
sew:salons, with negotiatiosf pending feelOts
of constderablesitgalitidw She tePonwlls r lls
were es follows:
10 tone No. 3 AOICPNIN
00 " No 9 Anthrsoita.
00 " Neutral
Neutral rOitt
Neutral Fora.
- • ... .
Nn. I Foundry.. 4400-4 Ma 4
4/ (key Forge .. F b,..ei110•
DM., extra f. 15 15— tub
Foundry IA-.4145414
srivalliOrt COAL slimienco Imo* LAO 40.
71:1 law 1004... ZS 00-16m0
" I:Tabooing NO.l Foawlty. 0 0-4 woe
210 ," Inferior Widte F0rre...... at 40-4 woe
8160 " lal. Mottled aad White.. 04 0.-4 mot
700 Open lasey 33 CKI-30
Doo .• Medium Grey Forgo 30 00— oast
SOO " Open amy—dellversblo at
•farrow* 16 00— cash
10 " Intoner, 146 furnace 31 00— 33.33
•• toner,
(Inne Fame/ 311 00-11 us.
4112 00.-4.i0011
10 1002 51111 lats
21 Joolata .. TO mcs
20 91 1.0-40a09
B.o.2ll[o.,lrebruary M.—Oattle—Tbe offer
loge at the antes Wirth' Mb 744 weak
am , tutted to Ole had, masa leall lea week
Prime troOke reared as follows: Old goer.
and sealawega. Olealla; Ordinary tale lateen , .
xaa and rmere,l44lll.llo; fat to good artle.
an, far quality breve.. lEThat" , "" he
very best Were% Savo oar Me lbe. the average
prise betel About 00. 1 0. km... The Peon..
quality of the orerloge wee tame beg_ th an
lest week. while prises remain about mum,
ebowieg may • lIIISht destine.
Sheep—The &Meals tame nog hems large car
4 11:11 M. pat week; but the amen le Ono
' deratly anyptled and rate. tuella& downWeol.
PM.. ranged as follow. fair togrod as 4001,
and extra to per lb. neer.
Hop—the ma. ket le well eupplord, but
with .tall-lad hogs. Priam ha. varlet
but little from lose, of Met wear. the market
bang fairly active at MAW)) , p er 100
pounds:net. th e latter rata for only port Pmt. .
Led hop.
11111wialigee AllarKEN.
(Brlermott to Q. PlusoantO lissottol
BULWAVICZN Webtaary 24.—flonr quiet at
15.65 for extra ettv•serine. Wheat user.
tied; V. 0140140.1 for No I; cicalae at.inslde
Wrenn. Corn dull and weak . , at 71314 e.
nchansed at OA for No 1. Dressed hens.
11.9.10(0.01 I.'rOVIOIOIIII held higher. Urns
pork.SCL7J. keeelput-I,9oobbls flour; 1,0 X)
bush heat. ehlontents— bbls noun
1,100 bush wheat.
1858. = 1867.
Produce Commission House,
IL us irlaill4ol se, sew lui.
HaTO 0110111011.41 IscUltis•for disper&U W 0 4 ,4
Hops. Iss f Tonsano wsiVlLighwinrs °Dans 20.
lila owls! auentlon glean to 80.. Chore&
3001. Pork, t. Flo ar. Drain. Beans. Pe.,
Beeswax . , 0, 104 sad Simon 7ralts. Owls. and
all kinds or soontrY Hriklar& 1.1300.1 nerDisok
nude on sonars.. pas—
Itsransircas—North Moor Osilki. N. Left:
VF OO I I 3 Cti.ktritr, c l74l - ?i, l 2l ` ..tai
:lir. no:2 Broadway. 04.. .• L. 80001 e..
No. lit, Broadway:Ballard & * BD. , Blebmoon.
Va. anlidnaT
chewy Couutyars m Roasted to meet at the tonal
plums far hula. aliotlous la the savtial
Wmil4, iloroasto mod TowsksbliMs on
Patarday, Fib. 29th, lost, 11488,
hadslccs TWO 10/1.TT.5 Loci each elect
Roc district. to o u sts Convention. to be held
furthe min./.NDLIC. at i 0 o'clock L. a.,
fur tt e purpose uthunting delegates to the
Mats Conventiond Rational Republic.
Consent!en to buns. at =oaths sod =toast
log such - 4-- TOOOOl7
brougl 'Mad to
AND p u,NNIX errrEnti.
Tee;Wrade eta effeeM et a7 dr". l...., Lift
iMlia la
cases or so siMl depression or L
orceeedleg from ledlgestiox.
Mamma mereilerm. certified,. bv
~llllon. of
prasoas solo have bee. besteatted bv them. - _ - 7.„ 7
are Me most slimly. embartle and :utlet,
berme tke ited have eves. beee in nee
p.m lat 3. They are sleep. ••t• madreliable.
dell VS all reseeetable &Were elm -abase.
• plain stotamentot Leh. I hawlt. Sera- I
01a..d many of air relotloas two . dlr4 of ti
In CM my can Ima Medlar. Talmo. and .1
pat mire. oattl In LC, natl. the advt.. my '
yttelats I moor to Ada Mgt.. 1
no benalli—triollinary m.dletn. u 4 dld eye.-
LI. I .al4. I bid to not My arm ... ...b
-tot. .11 bad aot boos able to yaw It to my bad
toroyor a root. the dlachayge from two
oas naasly a plat. day. Ambotallon anis tett
oloymoded t bat brooms a.. Modetlib. i ooald
not andsny' eathrLogs were Matoltrablm
A blend broader ma aa Ledll.b phyalotan mho
'applied. a .Ira with whirl h* sold Ite had
pWbedtatraordtaarr cam In the hospitals In
England- It mammond to roller*: I Detained
In 10 .et It halt)eleetal a mesa and earl.
um.. It Is sow lI4S. it L Ira mays dam lb..
the appear.. Of IL %VIM& My., and.. 7
has hem mod 00000 Moe. I pronse4ll. imapt
of trle we., rttl artletr-thlo blessing et ha.
snanny—and hare salted II ••I•Atill'a =Max
*AM.." and allow U. pablle to molt or not am
they Tbla tan Ittint bat 0.41 d Cats
meat, Elven meek filly In my elroalar.
Glirri. Dom Tart, D.C. IDS.
• 7 - , YOACE• Ott.
••! ht. knows. K. lamb EM.. of Geneva.
X. 1., for many year. He- It one at Ike Int
e Mrs. of Wasters Sam Toe& I saw Km last
week Isegood health. Ills am. tr. a most m
a:tastable oaa, bat *Metall Mao I. .vent parllo•
0111.64.1 1..r1a.•! .
Ira have 'watched the .at gr••trl..
favor of ••rmiriCLIALS aid ltvalthij
oarthlv. oft. ethts ereaderhil ear
Wye hevrete. hive be.. proptietars 41f the
1112. M.
It lea.. re ears tbr Baran. Sea% Corelltla.
Celt neon, r Brot.Brassfs, Trost
Ultra, Chilblain.. bUngs, Brahma. NM; Ilvel
nags, a... whether nab masa or beast. It sub.
Cues pain sad latissuattoa with earbelstaz oder.
Ity. and heels lures wlthoet a scar. No teselty
should be without It It It Nevus 'naiad. and
It always needy. We villgenelt s losesleomee
foraar slave baler. We believe more vies
never earthing like It la the world. le potato
la tla boxes, .rrenabge4 try a tell !strutter sister
hots. lastltagalala; 20.. and elf he
entered *evert ear respectable Demist,
throughout the world. Trice outs SI
. •
gooseesors to .1,11. Vaal, 111 lastaar'r trans.
New Tort. ' , riNktle .
FEIIIIIIATIT--••••••••••---18gO2 .
Or New Spring -Stork,
Widen *a anCrual orealuer. unequalled la axe
Wt aad Tamer and 1,11. plena
Lower Ilion any New or Old Goods
thinsZktt. or qaal qnsittli. and Kra.'
Grain Conmilludo4
ass sr., altfabarsia. , '
, IIG7II-Bttatooot. Motavory
MUD.. bt Maltz, Pittadsl.ll4'
Hansoev. 11,. di, Co.. Cleeng;.6l,,Q, W. Ilant
t•o, etvelegatl, 061.3; JasperL Sesar,
Cashier allselas bath:oust bank. ritaaturst.. •
1.10. T
Fmth suit Ainetitaft Cult Skir
fts. es 011 W
TOP LINIMOS,'.' 0.8131: IM . 1
colors,. as Pa se. Oa'
8425 PEI 4 DAT.
mats Ind Vestals Loci' voldi ?meter.. BIM ,
n.• Hot aid tio.orao... 014.47. spin.
lae•Il MG low roll., Ne. taplta! ego
.aadre.• 11211114$ A 01.1,Klia 21.0111,0111141
tioror Tara. <ref aT•
JOSEPH ,1114kIe.
ATT•R ST .••11-saw,
AND SOLlthaii IN 4 14 #VPIN15
WU% 3to. I►! mill snosc.rittrouri ....
:. ~~~ ~ ZY.. ~.
• - -
A DI:I 4 TIR T 00, 59 NOTIC,
Letl Adestrt'aits 103 baoa.
No4R.. 14,
.111,:beny 511 plta It
fn .1: 6
b. 15 : A . cgs: , ', l i l t . 72e ,
JsAktf J. Me 0 L , 1 5, / 11 •
Town:hip, .5.11,0,MY 0 .•
Posh.M: 1,11
: .0 ri
N6TICV4 ,II persons inter!.
e-ttd tratita °hitt of Ad.
in'altira,...lPCtive two, tirtnita the uud•r
string., aim ititi ittt.ti or.) • Mitt Sik felt., tate at
• tiowilen tlectoeid. rscae know
twit; t Ito tt.1.1 F.lllB ert rt. ,
ValleVatfilg: I,tITM plU.:NY,:drgrp`:
"."' • Ad
pat 1- ST it
.Llti.ty. illegbeoy Co. rat
lit 60—Lnao•
•0 50.4 Moo
IT 60—titlOs
ST 00— ..b
IS 00— sash
trethir, us larerreted tele n Vast
1et..., of segtioletehtloe Twee Nem 15-;.1•0 to
the na , erelhatel ea the ester e of el/WARD
i tlP ol4 Vd ‘ ‘ 4l s e lre=fr , ; l AVon ' eO t
elere eipairst the *War. retll mato papaw.
or pn.rtut
114 ar,e to -
MlthD 3W!!TZ , , , V111
ber wrap. ROBERT HOBS,
)tutolaT No 16 Tonrtl et" Pttlebereb.
that 6a1t.01.1 2 WILLI/0 16 h.. taken
ant Ad 0-iteration en inn eels,. Of
JOlln L•Ann. rlxtnetonin.kl.
dent-n*4o. tuaaela t • a. 14 WM.
endlnal- tement. tan ail havlni entloann.lnst
•-•tat 'pan Drawee-onm ond Advnint.
tran , r. •1L0L,2 WILT.
annul' • -move. Tnewaslllo. Va.
Tin. •
Central Pacific Railroad
TheNist and priseipal norsloo Er UT
111110111 A MI MOB !El torillint
Is Wag?*tdl , C 1 1 ,7114 for.ard M en
dented .61Ing taro .4 It IS Cal.
tale taut Pm_corrurDowni , ma.,tiolLiu.soLD
comtscli:43, v. lizir YOU'D) num
ctscow4li. Dublin.
the ljal4iellSaatesOorsrantent.terslaltes. 411
erho•drtae_ end torattottent Ilse., half the
weans f.f . ,:susatlit the Meld num Y: rte: sad
la s:tors 4slasilute [rant of INS sere. of vela
shit, poldltri lands per into, the esstral reside
babroutifcanit ifs hare rewired (Toni dello?.
eta soorobs, donattons and rorkesaloos worth
ultra LW F.:ll.othAti Tha sent btu resources of
titejCardzsur ore there'd, abundant bor . :ha
hotattstutallug to fl,ool V' Co the Ilett
wiles or nALtne, treludton Loses stewed by •
Pleat IlOtig .se upon the whet* property, to the
'. 7lt e ulTA a U "' elrl:at th. etta u t . u:i. ta a„ . lt idl etsli ße L d' der
oolnourattvelr ontaretstsla elrecuustanoes. as
lord satheNiattel mutat for battering:he WM-
Thar PACIFIC to to the
nose Piffrozed. Poweagerly. and Varna.
•Wainwloored lensorneloo nlea
• • el country. •
.lo.oonni9ronen'ot tGa Inns and rsoldrt
croulnetetto.d.ilue wire or tbonitondi nos ;
Own adonneed, nu , the Comeau? nro nen offer.
kg for men • limit ad &mom t of their
First 11o' rtgage 8 x Fir fent. Bonds,
Prtness4.nut teleran sellable ix BOLD OWN.
n ennui erD2,ao encll. at Dar and accraed Inter
est f.r.Oananss Ist. In entreaty.
Theme Viands It u talleved. enstela the els
meals arils/els'. re!lanally..4 Pella In a
nseasts ttian any - e Weeclass bf Ca , .•
cafe BeclarlLl• • no. slimed. and me therefore
smdesirenhle fee olesdy invest:oasts et snrplus
smptlal. f.t castor. will ness La snlnd sla Wow-
Inn adtlintanea
1. Ilksiel its tie Lest mortgass ea One of Ms
mosCiStisils aad producttre lice it ssliroad
112 the ftiald. . •
11. Vitae' teal saralega Mel hml Wiest. Is
Mr we:l,mm this {oar t 2 o tbs annuli I:1-
Tha bait part el the nod 1. sow toile.
.bat stesPla atilsigetios art faro.
able. el,.
IV. ili a Company hen liberal sebaidln.Whheh
clian pain to promeste tha wer3wlth 'gran
V. The, manannent has ban annedlagly
pr-dennhad Rani. • '
VI. Ilni re la already a Large sad bowls( in,
Uemeaniu in completed sad synod an. ,
Vit. j.ll. Inds pr. also to b or taxman
value,fon screw Oaring nen already mild.
Vl , l.4rotio artacipal sad Infant an .SNIT.
altly m a payable LI acid map. • • .. I
IE. *pi Um assents ',moan of Una and
their Wading la Enna .111 wave for them
coatinn ity nd a high rankamag nand
A l rtgr * %bey yield nwarlY ' -
Hist. amt. opals th• Investawatt.
liold of Gottrameas eleturttles have nu op.
nretna y ore:changing Om for Cleacial r..
eine IS de, bearin as anal o.a. im manna ,
with UN principal abitadantly neared. and 0 -
reallstaa a non of tan to =can poi Cent: In
acuniley.: ' .
Ovacri matwith the roan - through tenroati.
M. Bane or Erne. me Onnanlim will ?early.
PmeatVattnitloa. Bonds ant by inn= lx
pnrai, t o` Mar anus. lb the traliod Maur. at
our coisV. InfOrmallon, Doienpilva Panob'ete.
elarie..ll!-, traineh.d on application at tlim Mtn
of in Illi 10001 oOmpni ,
No , 111 eel If Llaat effilElet, , - ,
and L visa a*l &Tell, '
0 _an/ De,lers In Onernmeat Semuilles,
and 'nisi Agana of the 0. P. 11. 11. ho., No.
3 Naatna mach New Ton.
.1.10. F..! ROBINS° & Oafltt..
gth.CLICAS C0..aud . ...,
JANlfig T. BRADT & CO.. Pittsburgh.
f zl •
.Wf :
. .
pEOPLEs' , • . ...
Cartiag. • -.- '. . - $100,000..
i.'• ' • .
......,; IN COILPORATID 18/11. . , '
0010 F.., io. so Potrzia sraii:'
.... .
=' • 11.13111.1 r. LUNA).
;44 . L..... ....... WiLl.tillt itr. &
Pi . . Tutterrice. -
-..penmuoyd: . ' • • wtrulaii'u•k.
Ic."!tiOnV,'" l '' ' , Ittrie.r.r.,
W. attionut rsii.. flam o zbiaar. - -
itercht i Ireasuir..l4llllT./. TO 1411.110,.
- • 1.*re,.... 1 , Ivrea! ann. led on tt so dtpedi •
1273VA1:V . I. '
Q. 7 '..111 2 ."4 ...,. E.4 E.:
. B talt,A• ...UV oitn. . ...Y.; .....1 Wu&
.40c1- o. to Om oseloclrr. rs.. no on W...
aesdattOttl austral.; ortatag 6, sr so six s o at et
tre,ae,M • . tett, Wl'
they LiVortaPeogist. tad Medi
for Onsloo.. WWI Sorrow sad IN,
lAMB Growl ftehaUflo.
It eo)rtaior ! . liii.F.sorn.lora and SO)
1:11W4!.'1.1,:.744213°4%;3;!`""g too k
CATMOL-1101.10 eon. Aorta ban trlter -1
od.oarKr of LI , . poorlarti raa,,vrr
of tWoaork rster s awa. I *SAO
vermin,. Thr putlto are henry artllled teas . .
tar? Iptra fo rfahs to chugs osz tiro gist
1.1.1100 roar rat.m.lar , 11. of rt -far
watt rharrefar to • • T'Lli 01L-0041. 1 1.1e.belse
ealaSor, mad *a therolor• orasloa boar Jamul
p*lnsigle to 104 Oat th• book troy
ad jor Or Acoar ate.
1 utin
r o
r ut s 4aos v
b ar o s y
- e .l. hams schlnadot
o . a e Pl •M..
Pa. •
AlFel FOR . SALLE.IFfs-'. will : 11
v , 2111..fers• of Lstuti . :.' - 4
I: .
Wlikir t akto fItOWIIi 011 . tht.'ll.l.ft be , Wolla AllOt..
o hoop 4 Wsaatagtolt paste& TowLpertlow
Molt 111 , Atlas tha t
oil.. y •ks lw ronka.Tos is
townonfp. aikel that In Wan %Mitt ‘ls wants' la In . 1,
-Owen ftwonto: .71kIs Ws is abolnok•lst:wa._t,
Sun Ms Vlltobareb, . lan( &boot Ott 51:1s. 3
%Ma Olt k•onLoaklo Italic...l. Ozkolowlrtd awl
MT nftsll Ms a' ktafeki aft , fa &WM tut. of col. •
Ittatao. Ik”Oi on ano•Annokkotokosne fa einem . ~ f
iftidl Oa oliele tavola •WA enclatt I. roo •
'tot 1 all'eatownl walk tbo. low* of kkok,kkto .
bon Um WOO. If ondkerik'd w lik tonl. Tito
151rtwrowanta twoLurlof So* town. as ski • 4
Inawonlaf Ontlf.lait• -al On k Onitakkle tOnakk
Ilehowf - Iks , atok a , dike' ' ' --
- _,t
si trlrtjr , 6l4.4leitita i 4ttkkg . to ~ p . m! . ,
of /So : town., . . 1.11,15irr .
VitNA. "tf P Rafm'aZiafiri
no. t rim with about Flt•
• 1:-`4etim Alerts or Lasib ••• • :• '4
rulusi;l4 •ta . 4111:4, Ireetisereini4
umor - lwria%••zwomues •
one ch.... T out:oft, e. 67,
ezr.474 , 1 - 4~ru;:i:
?rm< saor.slas. 10. siso,i hut sera les tt;' , •
s sat of ' ' x
-h littiVtLY,
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LIJTION 'lli Tila.tor.: . .'-..
._.14 , ibs4Tea sir. ilipshre,rir, .130 , 911 . 01 1
t. -... , 0 0/a.o . :2l3calasrv'. , '..-...---. .:, ,
NM 16krAtasate 41.1D.C.-Thill.1.114%•11..141:1
.i , 1V.414.uen 0011.11, silloo.l.ra • ..). 1 . ,,,,,„ f, ,
V l / 1 14nN, J•witl27. Ml•oir P 1 ,114., W.... Tt, 1
11141.0 &_: 4 " .. .k a .!1'
Mn taiga: it .iik ttraerm, ,h,....." th . ~,,,,,
" 1 .11." u. 04° . 7.0 i neon: a rretena ,
vont .., , 0 1 / 3 ... "r„,;,,ra1 ,, 4. u , lumber a.skt q
4:ls t,t ;71M714rislarritti:rm.1*
tc,tusi . .-- , , !,,,..,...'-. :
t 'Ol D FOR ALL.—iftethentl.
t=ev i !"..., Amnia a. 4. IV ur;44-