11=Eil II El 1itt5..114( Gaptts D 1 DIY, TZEIttfiRY 26,11184. bi proposed, by the capitalists of Eochelltr...N.• Y., to bnild a railroad inimlittt city to the coal and lumber dionicts of rminffyivials, =kin con nection with the Erie Railway, thence seta to the coal Dada -:Tau vote or the Home ofTleprebents !Atte, appropriating fifty thousand dol lars to defray supensesis the cases of naturalized citizens imprisoned abroad, tharoughly right, and cannot fail ofre ceivinsrgenerla approval.. I lace= ' the management of Girard College ha e become .tto flagrant that giroceedings 'have been commenced. to take tho, trol of the trust cut of the City t lad. Teat it la the So -0-1,10 Geort.a the co.,:wmitipt. Ms:ramie fest.relspung Into. Its an. 1 srads3 bstatt . Repudiations:. , proto', chuneoici end revotations tips the hit ti . notsbbi incidents. The pop lstion does „nt!tistitesis ilia elements out of whkh s re speotelae had .Penswlent politic csn Tamen theTariut Imre several times "innattncid ttte, thJugation ..of the Cre -tam limsninmstion seems further off than It was some months age. 'Toe .tlftteks have shown fetich of the fire and 101 . $ zip*.ctie Indent dock from which y are descended; and are liters% In the end, to secure n complete triumph inter their opOessOrs. --.„_ - Sr. L01:110118 WritIc1:1:1,11 enterprise in the way of public improvements daring the past few years which has enveloped lee acbt of 69.0 09 : 600 . Edi• visaing the populstion at 240,000 heads; and'a valuation oriloo,oomoo, this wm gives, ratio of Vtt.26 per eiptts;sted be .9.91 per (rant. on valuation. quite s re ble burden under which to rest. Moms is' prop:tilted a Slceded _.refurra tit the dtatittmticwior seeds bythe Coin iiiesiouer af Agriculture. Horticultur ists(rill 'rejoice river this ennuancemerd; uin days put wherillary planted what were -labeled with high srositding risme -se - fluorite .rich &mere, they Tare -trettely mortified et seeing ststeli saw flowersTcrogi up. likes Cinderella in guy • Garr. Sitsasus, in common isith nosily ell the other °mails of thi -evidently diesatieff ed with the of the -President upon General • Glint Us his, howaycz, sflowcd hls sensitiveness to tarry him to extremes in Uuateaing to - resign if he coo in no - other inky avoid taking command of the 'new distriet carved out for him. It may ye- his resignsti6n, tinder 1314, elratir stances, would fait -the President bettor than his acceptance. • S.. T. Edvirvaxxr, the merchant prince liew,:k"ork„ has entered with ranch spirit into thocamprign for Grant. He hes rdready. dime. much good wink for the' soldiefliero. When each men, so .largris , interested in the finances of the country, lend iirtr time and exertions tothe advancement of Grant's Claims on the presidency, wester aspit lasts seed mot boasts,..3lr. - Stewart has made a imilection !lOU= journals, and their num is-legion, that have expressed a emcee for.his favorite. onn. advice:is from Harrisburg `. stated that the Free Hiiiroad Bill has rpused the Senate. This means that ielteri the House till reached the t3enato it wasitmended by imbstituting for It the bill that originated in that body. It he SOW SPparent, from the strong ma3ority In-the Senate in favor of its own hill, that Ito other can pats at the present sesliOn. Either the House waist recede, wad take what it can get,nr-gotnothmg at ;tinder - the examinant:es , we Krnat it wild recede and accept the Satiate ItilL - Though not all that is domed, it in the maim . . a Very ion& bitL If It shall become slaw, and prove so strin gent as to prevent enteiprises from ,growing np under it, the poptdar de. "nand will force a revision. . E 1 El is swots probable that a einmeution will he made between the 'Phut:with and Cmthelliville Railroad and the dile. glow Talley Railroad at TartlO theek, abOntlielve milesaboye this city: This -wilt enable trains of the fast named -road to run directly into business quar ters here and easily . ,le effect a Inaction with the Pittsburgh, Peat Wayne and ,phinago Railroad, The depots of the Allegheny road and the Fort Wayne mud are close together, an that this ar rangetrent will enable the three ethr necting-linea to use' one station, and to - makes through schedede, liable to as lit. tiedelay Or inetmveraeriee at this point, experienced raider the moat favors eircuisatar.eas elsewhere. iMiths,'asitether for Passengers or fierght, ;Ana run through from lishlaters to Chi- any other point west of this city, withatrot the rlightest = CUE I MEI , 19nars the Piria Fotposition was progreas our country had just commen ced to-recupenite trot:lithe state in which it WAS left by the long waged war stgairun rebellion, and was it1..110 proper , amend= to enter Ito a contest with , ther*Mid at large for honors sad Prizes retregoition of the handiwork, EA a e mechanism cid =ma. Not iiihi4anding that fact, and the various obstacles anti drawbacks in other shapes ander which she labored in representseion, a comParison. of the awards demon. States that we are number one in grand 'Oresund eiceedei evaluation except leg P=o , 2 , in the general proportion of gold sad raver medals- and- honorable - . racutione. This is a aracedid cowman-. easy`on the industry and geniis of our people, but how great wtedd have been the- MirlaMit : over the civilized world had* uni.ediments beenoffrred to fall tend genend sepretentation.' 1111 ao 131'ns in the • Uniera b more sadly la aced of mineraland agricultural de velopment than West Virginia. Her 'brosd fields and Lilt aides have been per saltied to remain. Idle for the want of labor, capital and enterpriss. ledeed, - up till wIWIa a few years hack tLo great Awful -Sty of the lehobluints of the in - tarter dist:lett of that State lord devel oped to energy or talent, and were but -., a shads higher in the intellectual order of society thanthe "pcornhltatrash" of the slave States more sllateint from free , once. =The egabliahmene of the pahhe school roam, the influx of men of edit . =dolt eadLaspital who airtight nen-acids iii' elevation, have given higher tone to -tirepeoo sad has around them into a full mesa of their being part and parcel of an enlightened nation. They • aro gradually biting themselves, ont of the bondage of Ignorance tied indolcr.ee, twin followers of slavery, and a new order of flange is slant lobe establlahett , Virginia. to rich In, mineral Wesl4-:- /dlisarnteeming with rich .dernetta Iron, bad, obi and copper, ..: a nd possibly old, as that reelects saebi . his been bend onantirleiSuilaChopt to --.4Mafrthe belief that 9 , ealsts Sashund ; ince; `tompuTatirely litt!o capital has beese devoted to the deveLopm,:ntof tha • hut in proportion to the ntsohnfoat her, batons have -yerew t•SorrOdable rivals ha rickneseof indTeukierity of oil to our own great .pbvllodlila poirilstun lands . The daj la not be distant. mher!..tinot of reit - • 'toed nisn,' el:elided will pus Waugh ?herinuistor afbrd one of the great Of '..trade of -the. continent, liVe sea tritirefaittra of WeitlllOgs 'lory dreamal of stetsri and - but few' i,e4lnt,. will roll sway 'before dm is permitted, to sake her Olice '.:-Itia4 33 ttet' the most poo roillwr Stategof - _..09.1.3td0n•L' ■ 1 =Eton • HInTORIC OF UNITED NETIII6II- I Among the remarkable 11ter5...7 hid- I I dents of the =rent century stands the fact that tne best narrators of memora. blo erochs in the histories of Spain and Holland are aims of that:hilted States. Mr. Pituacorr first won renown by his masterly delineation or the period. of FIEDMAND and followed naturally by a graphic and scholarly treatment of the Conquest of Peru. Mr. Mortar, stertleg later, brought out the Rise of the Dutch Republic, folloWing it 'With the Illstoryof ttm Vatted Meth eriands, in four volumes, commencing at the death of William the Meat, and the Twelve Years' Trace to 1699. It is not exaggerating eta affirm that lir. Marmanr ha* entirely surpassed : any writer born and Ousted in Bollandfin the thoroughness, accuracy and' brillian cy of his treatment of these great themes. Be wu not content to restrict himself to a dry detail of tuts in chron ological order, but preferred by careful induction to show in whit conditions of society, and in whit motives of individ. uale, ;articular actions or policies had their origin, and to. make the whole glow with a freshness frofficlent to realirestore the--Impression Of i living ty. This is the hardest ',task . of a biennia. Any intelligent and disma -1 donate citizen of oar own country who shall attempt to review both sides of the greucontroversy going.= forthirty years between the North and Booth, and, un fornmately. not yet brought toe close, will feel this difficulty inch a Wk. It la earl to detect the generaldrift of affairs, 1 1 but when an attempt is mideto go deep i er and pry into the secret or occult MO ' lives in which special acts originated; to strike through ipeclons reasons and pre teams set np to &bide followers and be wilder opponents; and to2ay. open the actual ISIIOMIXII that operated' ,. vrent forth from, prominent leaden inthe moment= debate, it la perceived that ties teak is udercms and delimits, requiring 1 the nicest . peraeptions and the most ex. i qubffiebalance of judgment. Time will doubtless remote mime of the o bstacles to that now exist the prosecution II study. We are yet too near the scene IA action to take in all the details so as to compregurnd the relations of the vari ous puts of each other. - Passions rise up and bias the understanding. Brea. cations are still Waned that will coma many years hereafter ; perhaps not till the-present and next generations shall -hue passed away. In th e lßeary of the 'United Bather- Lands Mr. Mon= trad the agyantage of s theme congenial to the unreal beat of in capacities, and to alibis Lutes and habits. Pox= IL of Spain was at the tad of a motpowerfuldespodkre. The whole machinery of ervenament was moved by his single will. Not only allied to t h e ecelialaslicel hierarchy, but imb=ed with its spirit, he resolved to atimMUs the ridge Inclination to doubt, to inquiry, to debate, to reformation ; to subordinate all the instincts and aspire- ' lions of the people to the despotic role of monarOtat and oligarchs Against this tremendous attempt the Netherlands stood forth, singl e hauled and alarm. By the edict of 1568 Pmair sentenced every inhabitant of the Retheriends to' Oath. The decree included women and elfficiren as well as men. By the aid of the Council of Blood, of the Wl ' oicipal officers of which he had the an omen:min, and the e.laecntioners of the Holy Inmusition,his todebtaies amount ed soupany as elibteem hundred in a week, and ran up to the appalling age*. , gate of eighteen timusstid in the course of Mx yeas. While he thus struck st e t the lives of the people, be coral:ad a system of Courlicatians fell as sweeping as in the madmen of pinion his been recently proposed in ibis country, and by which =Mien - families were re duced from comfort or opulent. tq beg ' guy. Embarrassedly the expenditures his immense enterprises compelled him to ma k e , he repudiator his debts and =taut; and seized the public proper ties pledged to the national creditors, which depth of infamy, unhappily, there are Americans who would have oar -•oyenunentirsitane, without delay or re mon. • All this Putrar did professedly in the interests of religions orthodoxy and. social order, and to mks kainself the soyer4gn of one universal and undid& a monarchy. The ambllkm, however censaMble, was not igaohle. groat a prise has seldom dazzled a loi- Inanmind with a posallity of secur ing it. Equal to the conotption of such &Velma*, which was favored by the condition of European society, he put forth searveSous stores to accomplish it. Bat m Frazier , and saigisna has projects were baffled. A sew spirit be gan to stir amoag the populati ans. While the old darkness had not diesp peared, a fresh light was break:4 forth, and destined to increase until it should Coed the whole heavens with Its re- diems. But, whatever embarlaxteonts Feb.t ir experienced in England and Stance, the chief impediments that confrcmted him were in the VOW Prorinms. Liberty there averted its inverter of. Barney. Narrow in bonmisties and meagre in =toil resanreera freedom gave such an impulse to the inhabitants that in spite of the detastetions of war - they were prosperous and lammed in numbers. 'Various arts Of practical ladustey were &nipped or doMentio& - ted. individuals and anulks, penemk tea elsewhere, fled thither sa into an ark of safety, carrying with them - their wealth,' and knowledge, and application. The burghers kept alive the pinion ate love of liberty. In a recent ratkie we attempted to show Chit this was a general tendency and • main excellence of popular sannicipal gesemnerit. One of thew burghers, Joss of Olden•Barn essid, after the death of Waxy , * the Silent, and the departure of Lord Lin. coins, presided with genuine sad high statesmanship imr the destinies of Hot- ha._ _.._.. . . But we cannot follow the unseen of the eon. These who karts a taste for this department of literature will certainly do that for themsdree - Ms. Mortar baa not laid.. aside me pm, bet is stow mend in errithist a History of the Thirty Years' . War, the newel emplane% of hie other works. This will take. him ores iro ns melt traraledandby eminent eirrtssoong these, latterly, - hy_Wr. Ch.1i1313. MI treatment of We new gabled will, there fore, afford erummsenn opportunities for comparing ids pafertnexces with that ol ' Teen additional tennity bat; Teased' hi Congress and welting the dilatant of the President, potitidek that is any "Per.. eon or persons -valid to thibounty melded by teatime in indigo( the set nuking epproprialona On the dell en. , nint flPf"noit Jul/ ed, 1886, tau we , died, in elealf. die before needling said hoglintfe it theft be pad to the. heirs of the soldicrois &gusted in this set, in _ the order . -thatch ang to none ,th 'Tow . foipublicent :of -Indionk,baye ipokenout in favor of Grant .t ot Pie a ! . dent and Colfax for Ince . The resolution was adopted numilmotuk 11 maidst much etubsudemiL -Thensks are doll growing oompart Lid solid for the Mahn biro, solve will marvel not shallia he he made the mauls= choice of tip Xstiosu4 %Maki& G XaTIONAL BANK. RGSRRV Li.. In October, 1866, it was developed that some eft); of the NatiOnal Banks in operation throughout the country had I an inadequacy of reserve, and were compelling the wand beating =UM dons to carry more than was required of them in order to keep general confi dence in the system. Thu GOirPtroller of the Currency urged that the require:- meets of the law be complied with by the aelinquente, which was that twenty five per cent. be held in reserve by the banks of cities deaignated for redernp hoe, and Mon per cent - bY all other banks. There was certainly an effort made in the close at 1866 to act on the recommendation or order of the Comp troller, bat the profit and advantages to be realized and obtained by an Jude *lacy of reserve have led many of the I banks into their old ways. From the report of the Comptroller, embracing the statements of the Nation al Sinks at the time attention was di recteal to the insufficiency of reserves held by the defaulting ~banks, the reserves amounted to $213,941,476, against lia bilities amounting to 6986,788,929, or 24 per cent The January, 1668, report of the mine officer while it does[ ot direct attention to the'iLtdequacy oreserves, presents figures from which - it is easily educed, that the number, of defaulting banks has been largely increasing.. At the _time of that report the liabilities amounted to t 356,674,656; the reserves to $162.394,0 64 , or 21 per cent, against 24 in October. 1866. The report is not as concise regarding this subject as its importance to the general community .seems to warrant, and be who would know of the increase or decrease of re ' serves must wade through a see of fig ures, and in the end hardly arrive_ratany definite conclusion. It hubieri surges; tad that the Comptroller should, 'in the future, add to his list of questions sent at stated times to the banks, • query as to the proportion their reserve bears to the liabilities. Answers to this inter rogatory could readily be obtained and would develops at a glance the standing and condition of every institution inits relations with the Government. Fromming that the Comptroller's re. port discloses the fact that the number of 1 1 defaulting banks is increasing, and that the system of National Banking is being gradually undermined by i divergence from the basis of their strength, It seems highly important that the evil should at once be corrected, and the provision of protutlon affor3ed by the :law rigidly enforced- Comparatively few examples have been made of banks which permit ted their reserves to groW.lnadequate, but the most potent wsy to bring della quits to a sense of duty would be, u we have befom suggested, full publicity of their affairs, and especially affording a clear knowledge of their adequacy or Inadequacy of reserve'. PrMic faith in the different institutions would then be held just is proportion to their own showing of stet:ditty, and it would be come an object with them to increase rather than decrease theirieservea. RID FOR TRF. CONNELLSVILLII ROAM 1 In the first branch of the City Coun cil of Baltimore an ordinance was in troduced, on Tuesday, Peovlding for a loan not exceeding foot million dollars to the Pittsburgh and Connellsville Rail road Company. with the; exprestunder. standing that the money shall be app plied to no other purpose than the con sanction of the road from Connelluille to Cuitterland. It makes B. F. New comer end John W. Garrett trustees to receive and hold as security for the pay ment of said loan a deed for the entire 1 property 4 the Company, which to to take precedence of mortgages laaced—on 1 arrangement tobe effected by the officers of the Coutiany. It Provides - that the I intend now due from the Company, sa well as the interest that may accrue and ~ reasin unpaid, from , this to the first day of January, 1871, on the bonds of the city, be directed tohe froled, and that upon the payment of the principal of the bonds, with the interest directed to be added to said principal• together with the interest that may, fall due, at the dates stipulated on the Bid bonds, on both principal and funded arrears, from and alter the let of Janus:Y. 1874 the Company 'tali be diSclisrged from all obligations ander the roortgua of Ang. 4th, 1854. That on the Ist of Jan. 1871, or sooner, if the Company shall sooner declare lisrudasets to com mence the payment of interest on the bonds and fended at the Register of the city be directed to &Mut the ar• rears of interest l op to that time, when the. Pittsburgh and Connelluthe Itsilload 'Company shall execute end do. liver to the liegider such en acknowl edgment or speenthut as the counsellor of the city shall appro ve, . U esldence the amount On which, in addition to the one million dollars donned, interest ls tobe mg . The e aid thereafter by the Company. , proceedings institu ted -spinet the Pittsburgh and Con. zeihmile Railroad Company, do account , °She interest directed to be landed, ue to be dismissed. : . The ordinance Wu referred to the ,:. Committee of Ways and Means. Its ' adoption is highly probable. td STATE CONVENTION. Tun lizrenzacens of Lancaster mum ty have appointed J. d.. ilaboend and it J. ILtinston, oele,estes to the National ConventiOn, - and J. 3L Danisp, John IL Wiley, Jacob 0. Peters, Wm. M. Wiley, M. EL Shirk and Joseph O. Stubbs, dal. cotes to the BUM . Convention. The National delegates are instructed for Gm. Grant. -The Republiams-Of.liodford county have instructed. thelr delegates to the Stara Convention to vote for Grant and Stanton for Prevident arid Vice Presi dent. • The Republicans i Romer county. last week elected delegates to the State Coniention and instructed in favor of 1114.1 re for Piesidint, and Cumra for Tee President. The Wreak= Central Ceizamittee of Vernal's* county Met at Franklin on Mendel , to aslant a delegate to the State . Convention, and relso elect conferees to represent the - Senatorial and Oringres. dotal. Districts In Coaren - tions for citOosing delegates to "the ItepUblican National Canventioi. *., Mom R. &' McCormick, of Franklin, was chosen EOM State Convention. The Congressional Conferees are Eton. 0. Beebe, of PlessanVile, and F. W. 'Mitchell, of Franklin. The Senitodal Conferees are Messrs. E. D. Clapp, of President, and J. a camp bell, of Oil- eityi The delegates , were not instructed. - - Tun quarksliorthuntberland caumf 'slate are pronounced Inexhaustible. CigdtalLsts. are investing largely there and the -emir of developing the lands is 1 being vigorously pushed forward. Js. irartroad connection to bring the prodint told market L' In consideration. The elite obtained is of vary rope:tor quali ty.- A. bed of nu dee liraelow ochre km recently bin discnmeyd Lehigh county. The mineral wealth of our State esonot be esnmsted.. IT i. • singular fact, and one which does pot relent mach eceda to the law. makers of Maryland, that t z that State the local incoranee COmpardes are taxed ponosl,ooo to $5,000, *bile rich Lon don companies are permitted to mama lingua snedo her borders, and, in deed,..to monopolise a lane amount of thelsoritmut at WO per "outs. TSE SOUTH. —The Mercer county (Mo.) .ddeonee says there is a great dearth of good me chanics in that district. - —The City Marshlll of Bowling Green shot himself through the head on Wednesday last, No cause for the rash deed was known. —There'ls a rumor that two gentle men, Mr. David Bay and Mr. Varichive, were murdered by illicit distillers in Union county, Kentucky. —There is in MirsourB a city called Louisiana, and it fs to have an election in March for Mayor, City Attorney, Treasures and MarshaL • - In Harrison county (Ky.) . the farmers predict very large crops of wheat; while I in Franklin and Bourbon, it is thought ' I the frost has ruined the grain. —The Memphis FM askethe question in a manner or hopeless despair, " Bow many murderers are now aspiring to oflice lathe Conservative party in this State 1" 1 1 —Cassius M. Clay is Once more - to ap. pear prominently in the political world. gels lag to stump Kentucky for Grant and is spoken of as a Radical elector from that State. - -Valuable tracts of improved land I have been sold recently , in the neighbor. hood of Dolly Springs, Mississippi, for from sixty cents to ono dollar and tweet. ty.flve cents per acre. —The Conservative State Convention met at Nashville Tennessee, and nom lasted, es theirchoice Mr. Andrew John- len for the Presidency. Their choice is about as bad as their taste. —A. petrified butterfly, the head and wings of which were in a perfect state 1 1 of preserrition, was-found twenty feet , below the surface by some men who I were digging s well In Hamilton, Mo. ' —Pond' near Montgomery, Alabama, were recently frozen over sufficiently for 1 , staring purposes.: Search was made, 1 but only one pair of skates could be found in the city, and those in a dilapida ted condition. *—The Roman Catholics are erecting x new convent in Brownsville, Texas,' , near the old one. The new building is 1 11 to be much more spacious and conven lent. The olden° is to be used as an in firmary and hospltaL —A few days ago William Wright Parker was convicted of the murder of William Childress, in Wilmington, North Carolina. The murder was ac compliahed as long ago as 1863, and the murderer will be banged sometime dux. log the present month. —A Sedalia (Mo.) paper , sly' that one huniired carpenters and builders, fifty brick/gem twenty.6ve stone masons, three Mick yards and a steam planing mill are very much needed in that village, and cordil find active and continued employment. —Armee= dramatie associations which have been so popular in Wiscen sin and Meagan this winter, hare had :an equal share of popular favor In Idisesonri. We heard of several villa ges, among which are Farmington and Sedalia, where these social troupes are making fun and laughter the order of the day. —While Mr. Luray and Lis sister were riding Ina sleigh last month some. thing became loose about the harness, kfr,L- leaned over to adjust the same, when his pistol fell from his pocket and, was discharged, the load paringl through his breast killed him in stantiLl Hiss Lanner was obliged to drive t sleigh containing her brother's Corpse several miles to Lineville, (Mo.) where they lived. —They have queer ways of settling bills, and sometimes settling creditorg too, in some parts of the South. A Dr. Skinner presented his bill to a Mr. Quicir residing in Galveston, Tema. The Di bad attended Quick daring a recent at. 'ack of yellow fever and brought hien safely through, and for these services the trill was rendered. Quick objected, and that to with a liege knife. Skinner barely escaped whole to the nearest po lice office where he succeeded'in having the pugilistic and war-like . arrest ed and put tinder beads to keep the WM • Gan. Werrom., who was appointed to survey the }meet anal at. Louis• and also for a new one on the In diana aide, in accordance with a bill poised by Congress last spring, has for. nisbed his report. kir, Zaautsros, of the Committee es Commerce, to whom the report will in referred, is mid to be inlayor of the cempistion of the pretest mail, so as to secure free navigation as soon as possible. To do this General Warn= estimates the elpeele at $ 233 ,- 500. Provided the some wale of calorie went already, began will be_carded out. I The amount of bonds c the Cow pant to be a s sumed by the Government. provided It took pouculou, ha reports . at $1,670,000. From this he deducts 1200,000, which the 'Company has on hand, and makes the total cost to Gov. rnnsaat $2.303,300. He presents three :dans for new canals on the Trains aide, ate moo cost of $3,093,000, and re commends the Government to undertake to complete the present enlargement of the old canal, and also to builda new one on the Indiana side. His princiral reason for the DAM ons is, that even If the'Presmlt enlargement on the Ken tucky side is completed, the thekll will still be too Small for tha largest lithe boats. Ho intimates that It both are ordered, two million dollars Will be needed the int year, If the completion of the old canal alone ts greed agr upon. There u hardly any doubt but the re commendation far both canals will be Istrorably acted open. . TanDemomits have maths% high de. tree or admiration for General Gnurr they professed sit months ago. Indeed, few men have been more soundly abused by them than he is at the Prescott time. And this Is only the tone encement of their ram When the action of the Chicago . Convention shall have made him the papublleut candidate for the Presidency, neither his vast salience, nor his welbeented =min, will avail to shelter him from the gathering storm of °Ninny and defamation. —Me- Bergh of New Took to too ab• turd; he really smelt to be remonstrated with. He is president "or • society to prevent cruelty to animals, end to tbee capacity does that most preposterous things. Lest week he had actually the foolish temerity to, have a driver of a street car undid, because he beat Ide horses with s board. There were two' horses and they had only one car to pull. To be sure the car had more than ninety people on It, and the grade was heavy and the rails icy, but then they had no business to fill down, end It was not until they did that, that the driver beat them, and 31r. Bergh had him Cr. rested. —Frederick Geralineker, the renowned German tratelles and author, wee i n Cincinnati during the prime fight i which Ulan Jones was defeated. lie, In writiegto the /Cosine Editing, says hi Suds it strange that inch things should be allowed m a country where a horrible outcry Is raised if onedrinks a glass of beer on Banda'', particelarly as the field where the fighttook. place wee rented for that purpose by a Baptist presole-- . --- -A. strong Maiden squadron is being title out for, the alleged purpose of ea- \coiling the Grand Duke Constantinon a visit to bin daughter, the Queen of the Omuta. Takes! does not li ke stmh mi.' torts so nes: Cote. d , - NEWS - PROM ABROAD -Senor Jose Jacinto De Friss, an era- -Mrs Lincoln thinks inept agricultural writer, Bled early this sane. mouth at Havana. • ~ i -Charles Keith is repot --General Salriave's reign in Hayti ' 1 $210,000 behind him. was very short. Gen. Solomon has been 1, -Somebody asks if i appointed as his successor. 1 Douglass" of histOry a Bulgaria seems also to be Indulging I -Miss Bateman, is st in revolution, % end Turkey has to keep with unabated met - esti troops to watt the borders. ,„.„ I -Gen. Burnside ha --Prince Ac le Murat and the Mar- I once more for , Gore quiz de Gall& are going to fight another l Rhody ." 1 t,,,L . 'l duel and all a t Corn Pearl. - -There are seventeen aspiranti for -Don Cato Garcia, a daring and I the oeuirreasional nerethation in the terrible bandit, n Cuba, has applied for Third, lowa, Dlistrictj. • pardon to the Governor General., - Soli is be married to to s -The French official journals flatly daughter of Senator Harlan, end not contradict the rumors of changes th the Miss Harris, sa war reported, cabinet, so we may expect them shortly. -Mr. Frederiek Douglass says that -The Osserrators Romano denies that be has reason to believe that be is the to - - the Pope ordered the Italian Bishops to son of a Tinitad States Sena offer To Delos in honor or the recent -Judge IL Holmes ol the r. Missouri Papal victory. ' BUM= Court, has been tender ed'a pre --Mr. Tampion has become a regtiler ressorship in the; Harvard Law School. contributor to the periodical press, writ- -Gen. Phil. Sheridan Is thirty.seven rag three poems a month for as many y ea rs o ld. Ho' w as Ikon a t B em use. different 'magazines : ' Perl county, Ohio, on ties fith of March, -The dispossessed Italian princes met tent ~. recently at the house of the ex -Sing of -a. portrait of Fred. Dough's spoils :Naples in Rome and proceeded to con- the sale of Mrs. B. B. Stowe's new cod ', ll common Pont*. - -LA Chinaman was executed in Havana moved . •. ' oulh , e 7 th inst. Ito bad provionalybeen -It Is thought the Hon. N. P. Bald reonyleted of the murder of a policeman, wth will receive' t h our the unardmotu, noptlbUClnf rondos. and this was the result. tin Governer fr -Ned Russianreenlations permit but of Michigan. 1' . -:, • two War vessels of a foreign power to re- -General Albert Pike, the poet, . sot. Main in a Russian port at one time, and diner rebel andrapactOlion, is a step ion to remain but two weeks. - of Paul . Pillsbury, thiman who Invented -Lord Stanley's spoken of ris the shoepegs. i probable successor of his paternal rela- -Hon. J. B. Macdonald 'has refused tire Lord Derby in the duties and cmo- the Lieutenui,Governorshm of Ontario ' Inetents:of Premier of England. and has been tendered a neat in the Do-', +Oen. Marquez is about to publish In minion Cabinet. Havana a pamphlet, the object of which -The ladles , of Cork presented Mr. , 1 Will be to justify his conduct daring the George Francis Train with, what boile theyd Imperial sway, and to prove that he was mouldered a Mashie present, a , loyal to Maximilian. , blood padding. Cholera has again appeared In Cuba- -The Davenports who have been fully 1 From the Ist to the 4th lust, there were exposed so often, Mill travel, and draw Arleen cases in MMus, all of which large honsesi - When but heard from , proved Mkt In the Cabanas district it they were at Marseilles, France. I is raging with unustud violenee. --Alum Victoria devotes a gr.at deal 1 HOn February sth the Emperor and of her time to knitting, on that employ- Empress of Austna were received with Meat has become very fashionablel loyal enthusiasm by the people of Pesth, among English.ladles of a certain age. •I Who voluntarily illuminated their houses. -Col. A. IL Tyler was engaged, with \ The policy of Von Heusi is telling well. a n umber o r Umlauts, at Rona, Mo., on -Dean Stanley's new book on West- the 10th inst.,ln removing as the bridles ot minister Abbey h recently appeared Ualon soldiers' ed. there during the in London. The book !sof course good, war. . . but is not large enough. Dean hillman -Garibaldi is y ill at Capra& and IS engaged on a boos &heel his cathedral 'fears are enteral ed that he will never -St. Paul's. recover. Hope deferre d has made his I I -General Lersundi has been making heart sick beyond the reach of rota- a tour .f the tobacco districts of Cuba eines. ex , mid has met with ith'enthusiastic recep- -Judge Billiugton was ecuted for ilon tram the reclildi ' Me will shortly murder near Boston, In Plymouth Col-1 Irisit the principal cities of the eastern tiny, early in the seventeenth centnryj perto( the island. . - It yes the lint execution for murder In 1 , -Japan is haying another revolution, this country. I on account of the opening of the port, 1 -Gen. Itherldnn's denial of his en bill of that country .to th e world. Japan gam:runt to p... 11—n.ls now wider. bid. fair to fell into the ranks with Chi- stood. Ile I - said to be engaged and nn. smo South Ameribe where zeroth- shortly to 'minted to is Grace Fen tion is the natural Male of affairs.. too, of Alto . • , • or; once notorious as -Some one thinks It would be a good -Roger A.., 'Pry ides. to keep a huge Ire going on Mont a fire eater, Who ate his own words at i Blane all the time, and by melting the the point•of 11d.r.• Potter's Bewle.knife, snow to furnish water enough to supply is now prseticing as a crloilzial lawyer through pipes the cities of Savoy, South- in New .York. • - ern France and 'ltaly with drink. -Tannin:On, is Industrious; he writes 1 -The two „young *raga, Princes of seven or . . eight stanzas ever) day and I blond which Isnot very blue as yet, are roads a grerit deal Rio annual Income said to be the greatest ecapegraces in I now amounts to $50,000, and Is steadily France, and to be bent on inextricably i on the inerease. - compromising thezateltes If possible, in -The Marquis de Cut Is said to have . in spite of the almost fatherly kindness a fortnne'ef four Millions of francs of , of the Emperor. -Mr. Enke, the Italian. cintespond- has at last r been prevailed upon to send cot of the Paris Temps, says that people him the mitten., ; make • grand error when they suppose -Mr. George Ticknor Cattle thinks that yictor Emanuel is lacking in ablll- Mr. Winthrop would be the proper per ty ; and thst they will very soon have WTI 1.0 whom to tender the mission to the an opportunity of finding out bourses/. Can't of St. James, but be fears he curly they have misjudged him. would not accept it. -There is • lady in Park who during -Rey';',llertick Johnson has been call-1 to daily walks in the gardens of the 1 ad to the First Presbyterian .Church (Dr. i Tuilleries is constantly surrounded by I Eames) In Pbtlailairlda. Ills response, swarms of Talus kinds of small birds, ' Was a telegram referriug to Prolerbsind, who perch on her Person, CM from her Chapter end ISth Verse . - 'I month, and nestle in hi r hand. The ".--a, lia13:411 in Lancashire, Eaglet:o,ll cause of the attraction is unknowu. starved to death recently because 'shel l -The sudden coldnetoof Napoleon to would no . t . go to the poor house, and all i the Pope is sr:counted for In the fact that because th i n once had *relative wa n wan 1 thousands of young • legitimists end ' i member - Ft r the parliament . 'other political enemies of the empire -Forrest, whose Infamous and 'cruel are drilliag and learning the art of war behivior, at Fort Pillo w has embalmed is the Pope's guard, which they algal. ids memory la rittner 'an undesirable, fiantly call the new army of Condo. term, his recently Ned a petition in -The add Archduchess Sophia, who bankruptcy In Memphis used to be called the most ambitious i -The s e nator w ho made his appea. 1 woman In Lampe, has complete'Y bro- once at breakfast at Willard's recently \ ken down Mace the death of her Wear. la the epitome usually devo te ted to the Ito son, ' the Emperor Maximilian. It :h o urs of plumber. w. sot 'ras Was prindpally owlets to her diplomacy ; reported, but Sanialtury. that Ferdinand abdicated the throne-Meilkenthe figure-aunt) mils Rik Aus.ris in favor of her son, the present i month for Hew York where shevrill rest Emperor. - Dr a :Mont time, and then go to Ban -The recent riots in Prague arose In Francisedwhere she has been' engaged the following Inaliuser i Harr von Herne; to play one hundred nights. : - ' one of the newsCai, was in that city -The first child born of Christian Ms. on a skit ; som of the German students , rants in what are now called the United setenaded him. The Tzschechs, or Bo.: &alai was Virginia Dare, In the year hemline, were indignant and collected , 15.11 i If still alive and unmarried she around the hotel of the minister; when! would be quite an old maid. 1 • the riots, which gave the authorities sir ' , -Mrs. Gen. Robert Anderson is Min. much trouble, began. . ly to get fifteen thousand dollars for In -The melancholy news of the death; juries:done to the plantation of her Nth• by drowning, of Admiral Bell, while er, Gen. Clinch, In Florida, thirty years trying to cross the bar at the mouth of ago by the Seminole Indians. , I • Gooks (Japan) harbor, will be recelyo -,The ladles of Buda a nd Perth hive with Maness by all - who knew or knew presented the Empress of Austria with of that gallant officer. Ile, war buried, a benutiful cradle for the exclusive rnas near the mouth of Oracka' River, and of Otto:peeled addition to the Imperial Lieutenant Reed, who lost his life at he and , °yet family of Hapsburg. - ! same time, shares his gravi.l -Inure, who a few years ago so -The Eaatem Indies, lesions Prob- scandalized Germany by bar exposure, bly of the musation mused by the n o- in the court room, of the prom:edit:iv' of ported engulphleg of Tortola in the a prominent member of the Berlin Cab. West Indies, have gotten up a horior. inet, !snow doing the can can in London, which scrPosiee even the worst romans sod la rnifie di-gusted that neithei . the about that new possession. Fortunately Uenthient nor the police will n tea those horrible stories are generally, like her. -,_---, 1 personal Itenia, denied soon after they i, Mr.: once said that Ir there make their appearance. We cannot Un- was ever any difference In his cabinet dentate however, to deny - that 80,000 to *„ always con g a to have the e i ten , lives were destroyed by a recent earth, ,i quake ha the island of F'ormoss, but lwe be ? Crew Connecticut on bin nide ' l it in hops that his not true. I hardly necessary to state • that; Mr, -King John, of &Luny, is going to Welles was that member and that he abdieste. The loss of several of Ibil etill exhibits the same readiness to le on children, the rather disolute conduct of the side of the mid in power. ; a, his eldest son, and the Dollar:11 degrade• j:7-4. gorous wedding took pl in don which his .conutry has su ff ered, St; PM' on W6d161:11. The /fanny have all winked severely on him. illet bride wore a $5,000 set of ear-rings and the death, last rammer, of his favorite a' $750 taco veil. he x S Is Worthi some daughter, the lovely Dachau" Sophie, in g 400 ,000 to her ow , ight. m i t the Barons, upped the Pyramid or JO bo• - bowell an lied with resvements, and he is now subject to siroom, Is •et al PP , most distressing (palls of melanchely. fiat blare. His present to hill bride Ills son Albert will be a poor successor was worth slo,roo. His same is James to him.- -- - _ • i 'P. Thomas. He is a barberby profiteer'. , • , mid a negro. The wife il a mulatto. *be Interesting to some Persons RAILWAYS. —The Winooska bridge. the scene of ' the late sruident on the thenVermot Gin- twit. Railroad, is restored for passage of treble —The Trempelesu (Whs.)._ Record says the La Crosse, Treeiwedesu and ' Prescott Railroad is to be eisaltdoted and In full operetta a this summer, —The West Bhore Redone 'liver road tit° run through the Walkill Valley from Rebottle to Kingston, end thence to , Albany. The construction of iko road as far as Kingston ism assured fact. —Cars on the Council Bluffs =deb:lnn City Railroad reached 'ffoodberry,; on the lith seven miles from Botts City, inst., sod the Journal states that the' locomotive will be In that place by the 25th mat —The La Crosse Democrat says work has been suspended on the St. Pant and COMO railroad, between Winona and Si. Paul, and men ordered to be retained on pay until railroad matters are sUsight: tend out in that State. f —The Peed (111) Transcript says the Board of Stlperflllolll of Tazewell court ty, Wednesday, ordered that an eleO• den be held , in that county on the 1.78 1 of March, o il vete on the question of subscribing SOOO in stock of the N kin, Lincoln and Decatur railroad. We understand the people of Delimit Mill vote on the proposition fora toe/Wily subumiption of $BO,OOO to the same road, met Out the clry of Pekin proposes' to Tote a subscriptlou of $7O,OcW. ' -------------'--------__ tit (Do; Alia/ LABOR_ A Splendid em tttt•• t desent a tios.cas. --h. paper mill Is to be built at Cler- A brilliant entermincrient 0114 given in i moat, lowa, next summer. I Boston on Thursday evening, by a; , —The Ditassoit Mills, at Huntington, Yonne milli N eke ,of that lin oi..the i Kass., turn Out one ton et fine welling occasion of his colug of a goa and. into • paper per day. • posse:Mien of his estate. The event Is —Two cargoes of African peanuts, described: I'4-- comprising 15,000 bushels, arrived In i "Horlierditiral Hall was 1 evening Boston last week. the year 1661, 53,490 hides fashionable entertainment, which crest -Daringmong th e L ana were chipped from New Orleans to New edoZ,CreAte'ry°,,rein"°%at 0 „,,, i rea York, and 11,287 from New York to Zvor this emenn andleet, of biriog a ball Boston: for private belle, le sea an 'route,' and I—The Dilatory steps have already been Femmes in, Trement str t, Hertieul taken toward the erection of one of the to Hall and Minot Hall eve seltnesis Isrgest woolen factories in the west, at 'ea many lively gatherings f this kind. Lansing, lowa. Reaves wear and tear of f rattan. and carpets, derangement of the internal • —Several sales of lumber have been economy of households, I boa for ser made at Bay City, Mich., Bering the vanta and anxiety :for f o rms COMIC% it ob ast week—one of over 1,0e0,00 feet at views the amens* for a house to Im 0, $l2 and $35. turned upside dosen for a week in ad -Baltimore, the newspapers of that Ya,le.. , ;. I-• -7 The party last. evenin was given-lay city say, expects to become the first to: t , weathy .i.ay pt , ( hi, a bseco market In the world when her new , honnr of her eon, the holito o f dinyrtune— pean steamship line to In fall opera • whose father was one of e mlllienariea bon. : . of Boston. No pains o r expanse wore —IC taket 16,000 bales of cotton, or roared to render it superior to anything 0,480,000 pounds, to supply the daily de, o f the kind ever eelln 11071 x , x . ). TITD: t in l ... mends of the cotton ndlis of the world. r ' s rul t vv deco fr l ' i m e !: 15 :11 eh ' s, Mr:" halls were Of this immense amount one thousandth eight thnesan u a carnelias, innumerable part Is used every. day by the Viamsulta roue. calla Bliss, and other choir* now- Dills,i New Bedford. ore, rare plants, etc. I The pillars, the cor -Lowell's old title of the "City of aloes, the chandeliers, the balconies, Spindles" is no longer its especial due, every accessible eel salient point, Ives Fall River exceeds it by 40,000 spindles, draped with stringe of inkberry leaves, and its weekly production, when Its etudded with crunellas and other rich flowers in great p ofugion. In the centre mlllsare in fell operation, will aorta:as of every wind r ow o a flthe upper ball bung that Of Lowell by 300,000 yards. a globe boeqcut, a ball of :levers, mat -Pi Pest Machine has recently been led close together, several feet inclrcurn invented by Charles Moore, of Spring- ference. This form of bouquet is new -field,' Masa., .which can be worked by .to Bosarm. Some or them contained, up : steam or water and can turn out tloreolliLl...`,4.m.voZrovonprleVriceTrillO.:,...,Ag.r"°. eighty tons of power , fol,t,,Fer 1.1aF,... Machi nes .,, nn Pena that of the upper hall being dier of thin patt ern 1h " c°4 ' Min 9 "`"" t o with m irr o r floral arch. aurround ssoo: • Bag s costly,' which reflected back —nit granite mill of the-Granite Mill the whole arilliant scene: Behind this Company, at Stafford Springs, Connee-* mirror wee stationed a full'Orthestral lieut. containa 125 looms, and employs bra iti T c a . h , flonil, display alone cost 125 hand', whose Joint efforts produce "" !_ a • "The greests who l arrived in carrieffea 1,206,000 yards of shirting and sheeting in full dress, alighted on a carpeted per year, consuming 100,000 pounds 0 _ 1 • sidewalk, beneath a snotty , and wero cotton in the work. The machinery m e corted up-stairs to the dressing rooms driven by water power. each eideof the main entninee. • : Supper • —it Moline, Illinois, the new works - was announced at li o'clock . j There of Dimoek & Gould hive a capscity of verZ:lelvleZl: f Sr=brie 1 12. itin ylar g turning out daily 1,500 buckets. GOO the a d winee, a nd numerous autall tables wash tubs and 600 wash boards . Deere were arran ged around the hall at which A. CO. are soon to make an extensive ad- the guests were served. The - table orna &don to their works, and are now turn, menus, silver, floral, confectionery, eta, Ins Out over 000 Plows per week. beside' were exquisite. and in keepin with the a large number of sulky plows and col- Invech manner in :vetch the w hole affair denten. i was conducted. jipon each of the tables was a pyramid of cantelias, or in the , form of stare, or grouped) together in I massive bouquets, causing themenquet hail to Made= all appearance ost ats brilliant Rutile liege ono above. The in terior of the building was carpeted, with the exception of the floor of the upper ball In which the'dancing took place.' __,____-.------- PEIRSON . is not in / ted to have left E p n l g i hn y ut• .L,uth decided to ran •or of "Little —lt may . 6 lend a little about the private chase ier.of ome of prominent men ofi Mest a). The following wait:lipped from the *Aram lack Book, a diary kept by one of Maximilian's private secretaries lin Mexico, and reveals sense curVirts par . venal traits of the chief actors in the Im perial tragedy in that country. The n 4 lotions General lout M. /lamella, one of the chief promoters of the iniarvon-, tion, is described as "dishonesti evert. clone, and reveugefel." The savagery of Marbues. Is also properly booked. with the remark, "Sent to Jemialeria" Of Miramon, it is told that having once lost at play the money of a company of which he was sherd , ts and Magma. ,a he drew his sword and swept all tali . stakes backspin htto his pocket. Then follows a recodnt of the way in which I ha tinsel his fellowssecal Z *WM, took nosamoton of the Government, took the fold, levied contributions for the army, and spent the money at the gaining , table. O'Hontri is set down In black. rile war, sounding . to all accounts, a raid and vulgar villain. Me sometimes decreed death between cigar.pulfs. "General, I am going to shoolyou," he I, remarked to an 'uteniskted Owner, ttt tikinira last swallow of VW/costa ' with him. The General was Marcia Litman°, and he was shot an hear after ward at Tenably'. - Tam PM*Mlle Illloaailor Jo attpar Tres—note” of setae tattoo. ;Pro. tte Situ citlfarata, 355. 114 Mt.ll. 71. gate:this; the pioneer, more generally known to the community of kite Yeari through the autociadon Vail his name with the great _Yosemite - ley, trhere he now resides, is at present en a vi sit Ban Francisco. He tells no that on his visit - to the "Nevada Fell," he, With a companion from this city; as cended to the summit of the "Cap of Liberty" peak, to the north of the fall, and, there, growing in the Assure of the rock, away up under the very clouds, found a iuniper tree, the trunk of which • measured ten fret two inches in diame ter{ Whist we remember that the j per is; In most countries, • very slow -grower, and at the best a mere bush, hardly - rising. to the dignity of a tree at till, the statement of the immense sire ,of. this one appears almost incredible, and seine have been inclined to doubt the exactness of the measurement. Those ' who are acquainted with Mr. Hutchings will not, however, denbt the correctness of his statement for a moment, and we are inclined to think that the age of the tree is like.y to be very much less than those acquainted, with the slow growth of the tree in oter lands would naturally estimate it. On the elevated plain lying around the base of the great tarantula chsins of Central Arizona tray be seeh forests of tbe luniper ce dar extending to the limit of vision. The trees la these forests are scattered like apple, trees in a New York apple orchard, gad are never of great bight, but th e trunks are often of c onsiderable sire. 'We have seen thousands which would measure Irmo one to eve feet in diameter, and would yield several , erds of beautiful wood. They are, however, almost valueless for timber, all the trunk ;Is Invariably but few feet in length-- several large limbs of minor trunks branching mat as from five to ten feet from the earth, the top limbs spreading eat over a spaceentirely dhiproportiot - ate to the bigot of the trees. This coun try is thickly dotted with the ruins of Aztec or Toler cities and fortifications. in gone of which timbers exposed to the atoms Mad blaring min of that try ing climate are yet to be seen in a good state of preservation, showing that the builders-Must have disappeared at a corn. paratively recent date. Juniper trees of immense size are found :on these ruins la some ;daces, showing that in t climate at least the.tree is of more rapids rowth then is generally supposed. •Nevertheless, the Yosemite juniper is a remarkable tree,. and worth the atten tion of the scimatific. • Tao Laud allies at atawlas- A private letter from a gentleman of this city dated at Sorrento. Italy. ry 3lst, givee the following particulars of the land slip at Napless. nf twhicia a brief account is given elsewhererl "We bare had a wonderful escape (Min death. A mountain elver six bun- I dred feat above th e road fell just before we reached the spot, 'and, after we bad creased the barricade In the road, the re maining portions of the mountain side 013310 down with the roar of artillery." "But this la nothing to vault has must , occurred at Naples. I.larard Taylor and I family resided .at 'No. 21 Santa I Lucia, 4 and I went twice, to the hones to secure an apartment there; and theoltuation was very lovely; ansislaould certainly have resided there If the rooms bad been large enough. The house stood on the principal street—the Chleja —and stretching sway up over it was a hill with show, above house, for several hundred feet. Taylor, roan, God, came to Sorrento a few days ago, to see us ; and yesterday the whole side of the hill on the Chia). give way, and eighty per son are lost In the ruins. Tavloests house is entirely buried beneath the ye reek. of throe upper ones; and I am sorry to fury that an omnibus, coming from the rail- way and containing (amoug'others) two Americans, was pouting at use time, and that all the passengers perished. I went into Naples to-day to ace the scene of the Allender and am sick at heart. "I am disinclined to stay here for any great lenghth of time, for it seems a. if the mountains were all tumbling down, and I think Vesuvius is at the bottom of It aIL" •- Mae Motivate Thompson as a Ow sass lomuler. A correspondent writes from Alabama: °Anything in the shape of a personal budget 'from Montgomery would be sad ly incomplete without_ ,mentlon of Miss Charlotte Thompson, the actress. Mien. Thompson owns plantation, five miles from town, where .die apends her time with her mother when not on profs., Menai tours She has aboutone - tho . u of s . end live hundit4 sent*, twe-thi rd which are devoted to the coltivation of cotton. She has the reputation of being a retnarkably. capable Woman to business affsir*, though • with ell her tact and . executive talent, • eh° has made nothing from her crops during tee past two years. The cabin' of her hired at:grecs are models of nest ness end comfort. Often of a summer morning she rises with the sun, mounts a favorite potty, and in person directs the gangs at work in the dela. t racts eps .11 the accounts!, makes all cont and superintends all tha t buying and selling. I feel., however, that he next time' nee her in Julio, Ishall be led to suapect when she buries her face to herhs.olkor cider just before wildly sobbing "Why do n'A you speak to mo Clifford,' that her mind is engrossed with the latest hullo-. tip about the army worm, or the even ing filapatches from Liverpool. In Opho- , llss mad scene theta wouldbetlo special intpropriety•ln hir whispering with a v.- taut stare, 'Upland flit cents and excitedi' entoomil , A letter from Rome, in the Cbrres- Tandem* itatfenne, my!): Cardinal Antoneill, in his private con orersations. expresam fi rm belief In. an approaching war. Ile says that the great works which the "French are executing aro by no means intended to shelter Rome from a i t de main of .Garibaldi, but to guaranteeagainst an attack of the regular Italian army. In the war which is prepating,, ho recently said, the French array will fight , alone againat Italy aniF we shall . keep on: troop* to hold in fo respect the Roman pop uladon. Thie, nay the least, is a airi polar, lebninidon from the Secretary of', State of his Uoliness, and you will per haps bo abaci to make a pets of It. Let me add dual boar froma good source ' that Cardinal Animal% while speaking with sorne parents well - known La Rome for the great alacrity with which they I,72,7Miree ep7Etglesse"ncr h'inti"iirntreett% In these term: "...the Emperor Napoleon' has lc all sympathy for Italian unity' ever since the discovery of the .sacrat treaty between Signor Itattassi and Ilerr Ton Bismarck y loadof•d wagon - are Dow . dra — rrn - " o v‘i vai common roads la Franca by man, of steam rMd loocaroltres adapt: ad to the purpriala Instrege lOpegaiewr• tin Regiment. A letter from Vienna contains the lot lowing: .'A fresh outings. on Jews has taken lace at Birlat, a large etragging place, half village, half town. of about 15,000 intabitanta, of whom 3,000 or 4,000 are Jeers, situate eligtut. seventy . miles north of Galata. -. Thin place elected about a month ago as deputy to the Chunber at Bucharest ono Vernoff, a 'West and monk of the Greek Church, having im mense district, among tho lower orders ot his and famous for his im passioned itermons.and speeches against the Jews. On the evening of the sth of 1 January this priest died, anti from the previous Saturday his doctor expregited the opinion that he was suffering from poison, said to have been given him by a Berman woman, at whose locanda be took his meals daily; she having been bribed to this by tbe.Jews with four hundred decats. As etbo ono trilinves lathe sorting.. An y altercation on the subject having arisen in a eofleiabouso kept by a Jew, led to an' attack by the lioldavian shopkeepers and poorerpeopleof the plaoe on every shop andhouae belongingto the Jews. 'fie doors and windows were Widen in, the inmates shamefully beaten anti ill-treated, and their property en. iirely destroyed and stolen. and this went, on in a fine moonlight evening from 6 r. Y. to midnight, when the rioters gave 113 exhausted. The prefect and other officials who tried to Interfere were beaten ?Vri•l'Vnethrieolj'weltti.uld : have been resumed ' ne day, without doubt, but the com mandant. of the place, who had some nny itoruhansca• (militia) under his orders, had obtained leave bv Icing mph Irons Bucharest during the night. to fire on the rioters.lThissoon became known, and an end was put to the shameful out rags. The veineant tbe property stolen Is not_less than 175;0001r., and" destroyed much more. h eft Birlat on the Idth of January, and en Use commandant of the district jvaa - in charge of the place with a military fur or, and had over sixty persons in prison charged with being concerned in those riets. The govern ment have promised a strict inquiry lido the mutter and punishment for those concerned: but the remit will, I fear, be about nit." 1 • . • The Chemloop, of reirofture. Young honsekerpers do not always understand the theory of the chemical and mechanical action of different sub . stances on articles of forniturs. The substances from which furniture to chiefly exposed to injury are water, oils, alcohols, and acids. • Acids act on marble. Marble Is Heal( composed et carbonate of Ilmeilthat it is a coca the or carbonic acid - and lime. New; carbonic acid boa a comparaliceiy wean allinity for lime, and most other acids wiliprevall over it and Its place when brought In contact with it; thus destmying tee texture of the stone. liberating the carbonic acid, and lvtving nitrate of lime, or murinte of limo, or sulphate. or acetate of lime— s+ the cam rritqlie—ln the form of a white powder, in its place. But MIN, alcohols, and water produce no effect on marble. , All varnished or polished surfaces of wood, on. ; the other hand, - while not Injured tumdly by acids, are attackedby alcohol. Varnishes are composed of different gomsl and resins, which, ate generally soluble in alcohol. Many ot them are made by dfssolelng the mate rial In aloohel in as to Bone& them, and then, when they am applied, the al ' oohol evaporates. leaving the gum or' resin In *thin, even' mating orer the wtiele sur face. If new any sloahollo embstantss comes upon l mich &surface. whether ILIA alcohol Itself, as used for lamps, or spirits of any kind, or even wine, which contains buts small per cenlage of elm• poll the va.-nish sodat a portion of St la dissolved, the brilllarmy of the surface is destroyed. Oils *ill not attack either marbles or varnialfed surface, and will do no Injury except to naked wood or other paroles substance , which admit them into pore., I from Nehleii the; cannot afterward easily 1 Water arectino substances exceptsuch' as have open pores exposed; in - -ethleh case Banters and causes they substance , to swell, or such as are soluble I. ha water; , as glue in Joints, and mucilage or gum arable, used sometimes - ter ettaclung 'Superficial ornamentsto fancywork. — . AmerissalV Artisas. , WpearasseetssOMwkwatteaas sliaeaare• A•correspondeue elide Pali Wolf Go -I:ette writes: "1 - was lately conversing ',with one or our *mow eminent) scene', - pe.Mters upon the late - ostastropne at liar Majesty's Theatre, and. he gave his decided, opinion that the accident pro- evicted ,from spontaneetia- combustion. lie stated that larges heaps of the debr is and refuse of the painting andproperty momswere often swept up` together, and left to accumulate for years, and , Met betted often bad reason to complain , of this practice and to point out , the 1 danger of it. He related one Instance In 1 \ which such a heap bad stood in a tbragrn] for a long period, and after many coin- plaints he induced the authorities to re move it, and the moment a spade was , thrust, into Tune s urst into flames.. 1 thnt In the a correapondent bunts' ', I aside epontaneous combustion because 'scone painting is dons with water color, Which is not inflammable; but the alltn ger, though sometimes existing even ,In the painting-room,liesmore particularly in the property-room, where varnish and `oil colons are largely need; and where scraps of oiled nur, *toe . , varnish, sass - dust, and flue or gulf are swept up to gether with other matters. 'They only require to be damped, as la not an uncommon practice, fbr the purpose et Toying the dust; to Induce eventually spontaneoUS eardbnallOn. My. infnrinlint so , pointed Lo the ease of tatters Theatre, which be stated wasliunitdown somewhat In this way Cron:tato sweepings of the sawdust arid stables; sod from his experience, which is very meat,. he felt certain that many other theatres , had -of I been no burnt." ,•••; • • - war ------.-"'"'• —AI shall shun recently at the no el de Vllle, tn Parts, 700 white and rust esnittlla trees were emphryed to deco rate tbe epertmeats, 'which trice were sent !Kim the city gardern.." 'There are now 2,060,000 eametta plantain the.vat melts howar-of -these gardens, wldelt corer a seperttclas of about 53,000 agnate yards, whloh space being round IneutB - .for the supply required, ' under ground Louses are - being. coludrneted, the excavations for that purism , ex tending over 84,000: square ' yards or ground. Four head :gardeners , super intend this wast dqwer mantireotory. _..- ---71,15 IT penguins of the. Ante:cotlo I Moan exhl It a curious' prdlarlty In t ho placo of deposit of tt ._ single e l f s g ald by them. -.-Thle Instead of toe laced in a abet, as With other birth, fa hold totween the lege slid feathers of the olly, and tronsperisa by the 'lard 'notarise lives ulltil heltehed. . ' . . PENNSYLVANIA NEWSIII —A:shocking aecideut occurred at the Lehigh Iron Works, a abort dildafifie, above Catmaqua, on Friday lute k S Y which one mat lost he. if. and another , was serionslyeinjured. Several of the hands had been engaged mlidasting Mod I I had filled two holes with powder, otie?rif 1 1 . r•Pwthe b t.: l l: l u l f e:m g p'n dl it i lt:l : 3l . , u ti n t l i i m n o.th ku o" d w ir „. : : :th deh g te w ... reop o fftt i w na n d 7br'' 7 1 : :,, Ft i a li i n. 1 nh :I. lifted u l anda cu wn t, nc euhtit:B heal .1,,,e ton i. : C. hands*o b :l nOt l e e d mh f u rf : pe ll e (a n : d w 't. ty :lah„ the s ici' d a nger t''l:Y ll ::: : l . : o .rt n. ; ll . 1 ,, a some rooks, smashed In his skull, 411.- 11ml - its almost instant death. He le.Oes • a wife and four children. One other jpan, was also somewhat latired. . —On Friday night, the 14th inat.liwo villains, blacked and disguised, enta:red , I the house of Mr. Pant' Cunningham,'. about mills from town. Mr. Cunelilg- • ' ham bran old man and a cripple, mitre sides with his sister, an old maiden -tidy. The rascals made their entrance thrllugh sirindow, and, with pistol In hutall de , mended the keys of the secretary, where 1 they. found Met with whioh - they Made their escape, and, as yet, no dlrecillelne as to who the parties were, has beetaldier covered, ...although certain disreptiable I I Persons are suspected. It is hope:lt'll:int the authorities will be enabled toping I the sotimidrols to 'plaice. FortnaAey. they did not discover a larger =MOM of money that was in the konan—Mmidfi. o.- : field itcputifieon. - • • 11 „ —ln Monroe county there Is el, im 1 n'tilFriara'mlity..t.ll.°7l:la7;abe:ll3lrr ‘'ark"adbilPthh'ttidi;l'ienra.°ll:l - this, he is able ti . ..r, saw wood, do any htilo work around hut house, and can, on a stretch, walk, five tulles and more. - We doubt if Mei% le a parallel to him lathe United Stated: . —John Maier, of • Lower Nij‘trelh township,Northumberland courrti, y r is , charged with forging two checkdipaya. ble to the order of Philip Reser, sine for $ and one l'hr $67.10, and draw A. S. lineal% Easton the Eagn Bank. IMe en dorsed Mr. Bomir's name and rfitieleite : the money last *disk. . • .11 ... —The grocery stare of Mr. Botles on Julia Street Altoona, was comfiletely destroyed by lire-on Friday last The loss was a good deal morstban She in. alumnae which wee bat $1.,000. In num ber at least Altoona competes NOM the largest eltlesdn the onntiagratiorewa, ,1 • —Miss blergareta Slap; Url nom woman whip resided in Bucksville . in, rid t porary aberrationof mind, Awe it her bed a short time before daybihak on Wednesday of last week and waOhortly ether .Itonnci. in jut open field ftbzen to death. • 4-, • •'i' r —Mr. David W. Howell, of DA,illethel, bait nurchasedland on Me Fletftl eve the Delaware bridge, in rhittlpab3ol, and it is reported that he Intentle may ing his cotton factory-from Mt. pawl to Phillipsburg. ' _ t i,l —Several persons from Ne* York have been negotiating for the Iriarchwre of lands on the Flats In Phillimburg, nud propene, if they can makelarrange meats, to put up a boiler 15e434; Mere. , —Tire Grand Jury of Suck* county strongly reeoinmended the erection of a hospital and asylum, for the .Igk and in sane, in connection with the almshouse establishment of that county, t! —Over 15 000 toad of 'lron aNs card over the Catiosariona dc Fostabsttle Halle road weevilly. • - . , ir, • ' —The Buckscounty_ dime *cusp cost the county about $ll.OOO daring . the last • year._ _--tt.'. , VAiiIOIIS TELEGIOCS - ----- -, --Bergenit Bates, carrying the Unite . States dag, arrived at Montgontery, Ala- Lima, on Monday. Mn wardirtet by 'a large number of citizens Ini.carrlagee, decorated with United States illags, and by aba d ors:l:mato. About Have thous and people turned out to hoaCthe ramp don speecheri and to welcoma:hlnt. He was the guest of the city. Altitte ssw‘ek- - eland marshals of the day leeere Con fiderate soldiers- JETIts Cincinnati Price *rent will publish to-day the reportn of pork racking In Cincinnati this season.--The whole number ricked WIIS: 08,801 head.' average weight two hruldrial and tee [ pounds, and average of leaf lard twenty- I live pounds -showing a fading off as compared with last ye an of 10,779 head. twenty-two pounds m the average weight and live and one-fourth pounds in lard. —Stephen Ives, preptnetor!Ts4 thelier ideal Horne, in Meriden, Conn., Inwhosa hotel Frederick Douglass Una celled a "nigger" and from whose 311:1011a table Douglass was ejected, brutally assaulted Captain Ittriegs,editor of. Bre Meriden'. Recorder on . Tnuradiy Morning, for ' 1 commenting on . the affair.li Much ex citement prevailed and popular indig nation was aroused whisk. Ives, who was arrested and held to a4,wer both In civil and criminal actions. ~[,.;, --The Fort Sanders index keys an army , of two thousand Indians Hamarchlng into the Sweeties* counl4Dom Idaho and Montana. They are eathawar path, and have burned the ?Imams north o f Soda Springs, and driven */ the stock, compelling the ranchmen s. i.tiviiseek refuge in canon -', , . —A dispatch'from Ha says: The quittlen of the Hants 00inatundizal l' A oujon citizens is absenlang the at ' Untied or many Cilium. ahem are ru mors that the Spanish Cloy ernment has . authorized the Captain Ounind to trans port one hundred and arrenty criminals to Africa. The shoemaker who bru tally murdered his wife With an are, a short time ago, was executed yesterday. —A man named Henry iIL Ellsworth pleaded guilty to a channUif bigamy- in' the rotten Court, at, Buffett°, yonterdur. The prisoner was inarried i iia Lake coun ty, Ohio, in March, 1843. tit:one Caroline Henderson; and re-martietlin attach.) September. 1807, to Lucy Mel:ell.- Elle worth claim* he war' intolicatodat the time or the last marriage and not respon. table for the act. • it, —ln the Sgpreme CourCof Now Toxic, rut „Wednesday. a citizere,of New yook . -., L., sued *dna in Texas for *be recover y -n certain goods delivered dbring the. war. The tilalntLea wets noresulted,idikth : ground that the contract Sinus treasenahle and unlawfuL [. -3lttycliTomppiirt, of Pim brsdlle, Ky.; Was assaulted and badly iluatui In able, room last night by Harry, sham lfir diat. *barged policeman and wested and bailed In the sum 4 - one thousand dollars. -I . , -; -it I _Robert Ossetia, &finking billet Of th lus el lue r"4 n IlenSicticedua,lsvto .le y ll ea aw rs T in o t ik he . State Prison. He pleadvdity to k misdo mariner under the Ititufaud•Ban sot. —A. detachment of o f 'hundred - and . .. arty rooming for the,P..44 Zones** pass-: .erithrough hlttaruch Ite onThuraday, on their way from . ibutrear to New • -At Hillsdale; Idletc, Ntraanaday 1 1 night, the Waldron licidsowas deltroed ', by tire, cursing*. lou Of $40,000. Canso, exploalon of althreserjr:i[larcip. _ ~ —The Board of Aldermen of New I York hove passed [ a 'n,tisolution Inviting the amnion attire- Dekweratio National Convention in that cies, , [ —lt is generally rutiderstood v. r. rTyng will be found &ley wo n rece 1 admonition fore sinlatOg a of lb. ... — Episcopal Church :; j ; A large steam nal atEirliumild.V.l.. , owned by Y. -Towel-Uwe* destroyed by fire last evening,. Tun unaseertainod. , —Tewhiaky er Commisslith veil l' meet to veil -a n -Ins Monday next to I learn Sion praetimt thane. .. ' ...- ; - Bishop /downs mss . *lightly. Injured. by a railroad ao.hruit , t Wilkesbarre, [ Pa.. Thursday tnorrdng, . .., ;- . . - A tfatnerieftanatturne, • • t , The other day w hoeater,. of the poor Martha Grins was recently. sent to a debtors! *Own la London: She was released on ttatt;Pscimant of FAO try liuskinosldull.36ojaore were outran.- tea byeytupathizirig friends. ' The glene father writes to tlier•Landon Telegraph: "But kir your kind Intercession Ithe must have.7rentabied in jail u can - tor a long time,. Unisex you. nu' a father •yo not Imaginewbst err wattage Were when I found mirpoor fikl hail been cast into apt-Leon,- in aud it mir to the SuiXering she lint previously endured. My SUrprien at her release wax ieg , equaled by joy It gave . Me,' h lie idea of ancoor coming from such . a-Oa:ter. [All I can I offer yon Is a' grateful `heart, in . which will dwell the metteety army (Winter \ astral and,noble4laduct its „long, tat . Tn. remainder ti t the; hind has been I Invested for the grsTa WWII, .7 Her s ee, lilentastiggoill&C*9u4ilaVeru ti''ref —The value ot in . I 'sfiss IA given. in n labia published In the lifontreak which elbows r ho urine of any in that dry fa: give n; sone:ally for, places in tha . rheed of the - these trio. Thus. the i., us sites near t he. :The Franca* bare [ brought e .),„... metre $23.', V•upt _and , Avett:. hair the Near Opebere datives ye varied from MB*. the naw 'lands" vise from fihoo •tn . :and. the.Cialets from s9;t ape utli to - from and t it Enlist rule, —)t. - . artier - ile;' One; rot cur sedentliiii weeklies adysigiat the adoption* uniform itan tvl" Of t ime 'h e Wald Lover. inimherbig the" heals (rations to' . twenty-four, eth,libar- It Would :he, en.• o'cl•CALPTPrrrliFf at the 002440.0•11; Mil POI.TiCAL pirrslituvai. . Pt *seines Axarain, torrws vsD. In the, cart of thy ',teat It!. h..... Ittudvappt reached ttatt..to tho deep— Swart, And ,agetty. catcl,tl tn.lnotliatAlTl n7.6el>t- Thi, [it, h w,-tillo, ring. . W Gal tt • I.llUltilor. T tot , ct t 11 , Milt thy, ht dt.4 All.l mutter of ctliat, the S. ist ' T I T hx * . t n , r oh o . . i si ', ,• ~. e v, ,h . .. i n 1 t . ~ : ~, , t b r . ‘ 0 t has ,. , , t , , , . n : 1 1 . 1 . i/ 4 0 ) ; , " 1 . , , . 1. . 14, 1 Ilet atesol.• fro% a ot he vet,. I rr-i-s-thrd • ~, t• t- m .t''' , 0 , 1 When ktre,hlect. %tent ... ~1 li,eujta, I. hitch sa the ,h ,, t et I's s a ter,:.. ii Tbatatletchas the Cars 01 to luta. t'' • .__'• Die mighty arena of ridges t I. Looks down:v sac at the rament dust 1: 1 , :ptlt''::Vtfe'rlsluTftilfti;: C' "08" fights. I),C I.', Front the entre of toe %lobo and 010 IJan- . ' tants , -.Seim the monsters of of to be guests ~ , And sliding the slopes of the morentains 1 1 The giants bting gifts o'er the crests. • 1 'Aroused by the age from ihr altsmbar, . , v The great apai,hdan spine Shakes down in the riven Ma lumber, . ' f __Al . nd helehes the lite from the r mlot, . , 1 ' 1 I 7 1.1 1 1 ". ::; , ! 14 : :::Z.14°L.1 The Iron that melts tor the dancing. Smooth-kissed by the bountintl ell. The danne, 111' allege . 10 finish; ' . • The dancers are never to tint, So long es there.; grilse In the aster, Or south% the glow' of Me htei , The tune, It is mare Man a nutalorez ' The dente, done it naught Mit amuse The feet that slip deftly to plesunre. • Sheeler , to generous nee. , • They fashion the broadaxe edges . Tht shall Addle tholomste to light, Ana 1 110 1,11110 n tinapee rileite Thal shall bled tab rooftree tight I • 77,gTAVV,TagigrlfTX°. - And its great Meow. ow:mows salve, • . : Like a rovednation'. gest... So, with this grimy amide; • Yoleaulte, /aye and steel. , . • ' ran slake ga Barred ~,,ct,;ndltig amplest.; le , weal. The gm th• West sheathe ow.u. t In a union never to Me,' - • Till tbeheavens awl the earth like* yosteti• anent, . _ tater vita fervent ire t • TIE PEARL WEARER- • Withln the midni deepest hair, flair bidden PI itdeeps, A. single Dnotices, priceless posit," Ail tillay-ered forever sleeps. without tho diamond's soarallnq es, ey 'The ruby's bluelven—theca It lies I /dal est as the tender Dawn -When hermarplevall'e withdrawa - llot dower of gemi—alily,Oold and pale Tet;what dotti all eked I All its beetitY, gaits grace. AU the tinhorn of its placer lie who plucked it from its bed . In the fair blue Indian Ocean, Lieth. libast , the ...mica. IS Ills earthly dwelling—dead t And his children, ono by one, - When they . leek upon Wu 0014 CUree the Ybk CO kirea The trend fairat ILI bed Of blue. . Cialltle bride. I'o longer 'ln thy night Mack, od or one hair Such a spoilt 10 is not et- . That a lender coal should pt • " - Under nook steamed What need's[ thou ad ad amt • Thou, within :hose Eastern eyes T treight, a starry e.t.a Thou, whom Lovelanda. arrayed,. • Thou, whom Truth nave made Seautlfull—in whom we trace Wonsan% softness, angel . l. firscie— • • • All we hope for. all that streams Upon as iu our Wonted dteams I • • U. sweet lady I neat With a smiths, mnde Prlde All to aln or pain allicaL Let toe wlld.eyed conqueror wear . The bloody laurel ba his hair r • - Let the bleak and snaky vine Round the drinker's temples twine ; Lot the elaveebegotten gold on bosoms herd and cold But to thou forever known BY thy natural ught alone •22 r Orntaall eug au ITMIt slum. AZONSILOW , Along the frozen lake alto nOmea • In linking crescents, !lent and dent The lee imprisoned Undies hetet welcome to her. little feet. . I see the 'sooty hat, the plume • Sererve.birl-11to In the Joyous saki— ' The cheekstrp to burning ; • The yottogescs eparkanstnroash the Tell The gulag breath pert her laughing Ups. The white neck stanes through ,tossing gusts I liar gesture gently sways and dips. As on sae speeds in snellllite• whorls. , • • +, • - lien atop sad analla to lai. bar go Teel Casa, they watts to p10n...a noprisa T •ay ottle bar name I they het show . 'Soma !Want trlandottly theta ayes. — • - • . Satttte. 130 i. the paean on I - Her steely footfall quicker Min I • %at follows 1%; To gr. k - Smooth ho bar wayneueureker tram Along eorluus linos .1 11(6. • • ry•ca‘ 'mat, to it •neorsalve lad— e:noble Malden, noble wife I efixamr, SfZIT o.!lo?cae There le tr eerpeet ',holm envenomed bda Ls rerely heeled. Yet. oho feels its tooth, It be servives, eft goes again, forloOth, Unto Its enis. sa if cro deligt' Toles' MS bite Kean, until toe 01110 1 • of poverty end woe reveals the truth ; tte]." vile fiend, so lov ed., et so uncouth! It to one's interest so perverts the eight „ Thai _enemies ese .thoyght,to he one's frientni, ' • And friends are seen ltillitlited come.% ' who.. blwrinnia slip trout the fin irevenro, And character on thaetleg min Steal What is this nionster_that such. power mztencsl - Ls name L Debtl—aviddlng tt be 1.0/nhincui Enqirer. iioNivanir AND Dasskszio. Llehti upon' the water .analog. trttT?;et th: w aa rralag laacn ided_my Word. wltn tAaderfanC7i.g. Long, long ago. Clouds above a dwk sea benaina, - slabs with sad *eawhw , olcainwir. Words with woa, All al , bean - with fears waterer:U=lC - Years that-two:tett with theui astral:iglus Hopes and Gi ylssrtn Ati,artillgersh Latta like °raver ehniging. Toe swap= 31FAilLIDOT Stint° bails.; still to be drest, -as you sere staler to • feast 1 . Still lobe polid'red. sallamlUmed lady IC is to be pigs= TlaOtiglitz LW causes me not fotoult ALL not sweets, all ts sot sound. Glve me • bete. • lab Tbat MOSS AMplleitie a gram t -144sts loosely losing, balr as Mee Sory streets neglect more talddll Me t j Thattlsll tb , adulteries orart. Thud strike toles eyes eat - not rates Mitt. • —ln a recent putted Bishopur Cleveland Cosa Faye: , • • "%then sei4he tawdrY'fashione,lhe vulgarriv and wicked extensi onal of the tides, Iles' sure that thous- ands oft _orican women are strangers .. Co the first tialof refinement —edmidlcity, manners end att. end, n When I ed that - thonsdols of- Amor - imut women read th e most ehamelniro- Mancesend thorned degrading newspa ping-frequent th e vilest. doss:antic enter tainments and Join in deices to shocking to bo named -among Christians; I Piet that Christian 'matrons are becoming too .fow, and that civilized, heathenism le re turning to the tields - 'we have wrested ..,Whert red daily, of themcat, un godly divorcee and of crime dal. , peg so cial urity and against hnman life itself, Whic p he're torthities to be mentioned more .partioutarly, feel,that too many of our countrywomen are without God In the world, and that radical ,refeime are ne cessary, in the aysteme of. education en which the young women of America aro 'dependent far their training: • , „ ' hen ' I see thoasande of boutiehelds' in.w hie: young girls , are reared fa life otplesuture„ yr:l-bout reference to - duty, I cannot' wonder at these rem; entat the Weary' In which they involve fami lies and communities, Sow the wind andreapthe whirlwind! oias ehrtstala . Bishop, therefore.' I make my appeal to. you, Christian fro- . inon,Wd I ask you to Wu t u n e ti refor - nuclei:l; by faithindy bearing yo tes tnon3r, wird all that tends to The deg-. redation of your sex, and the more ea, when such crime le not only winked at, hut receives emintenancito enrolee which ought to heeqmOtilia u ' , 7!' - Genen 'pape, ntalidted at . ted • aim glvoS re a rontsnos r of ei Arderlcan bolero. n. • - lug-school alfe,nrinch Is not. We Incredi ble for belief tuespt trt one or ' twotwos par_ tleuLant. • The . scene ts loested at a fashionable seminary on the Itedson. attendedby young ladles from seventeen -... totwenty. Vivre was One, whose blonde marls and We eyes appwed to the Gar- men heart who. seemed. oppressed ,- erlth hidden arta. tho Chrbettose ewe than she wenclanne-with the testi - but did not retunawlth them, Itslegram be- - Ing xlecelvedilorn her lather stattrg . that Meese tree the cause: Boon she - nap. mared; and ebbrtly-efter reedtrolzeblu trontayoungsnan whobocamesosseldn °us as to beat length: forbidden the boom by the Prtheipal.,' *ben: threw oft "ahMehie tch4te. the cherecter Of-st has baud, sued- optarwrit of bsbess corona and secured' the young woman of curls audition eyes as Massifs. , It was he who bad sent. tbs telegram intenatena . In her.detentionorbile eho woe travel log over the country with bleu - The arents ewe crush.butilnally relented • end all-te now pleasant: TheePlatd• dld ma butt the repatallon of the wanintry on the contraty it became more crowded :attar the onset than errs before. .The experiencemed to. harp bad - a= , forte says. f`lf _ surrender-tbijroung ladles elalnend Tonna dentioWoMes tbairMdleresiartnitd of rtp4l . !t , sit oloneat tsay broaden, Pad% tbe ropoial s..ierionsly . „ nude;lsnecoont of iles 7 Kiest.' advance . ' • tt,to et the colik,sold there, to establish s cserAteette.froot which the etthtelle own: be driven niCit morning tenet different itettees,sutt thidndUccuside,theilAnilit. Wen in the'possence - ths trastetsere. .Thir recalls to the. Oslo& aorresete -lountillsb s Whistelle the entry:Ste:sneer rtn'Otiteethe, the iteet4,litteek tared Ittette to the century. to pees the eato-. icor. ' iosh se he nasality Installed to it he went iii-iniateretA &Met who hida witch cowv•fitetoodtood ens he 4stedide -cestr;.lo Seftentwitko nste el ettur pult 0 OHL" ,M,Tfirw e 4A 4B.O g nt *pox" Rai/ Wan. PAre rersf Oars." ',lathe, cue lite ten mini" -..Yett"-Seill milk tothir-orteettee et ter, imtnrent: thee Ottani tepod4" ', 1 • 1.,- k.iz.