.4-_ AND SUBJ BAN. TEM COTTRTS. Vistaed Num seteteles ousrs—Jewite ifeztALT, Febroart ZL—ln the tank. rupt9i.. branch the &Dewing Nahum A discontinuance . waa _snowed. In the m,n.rof theof R. G. *fuse J. saorreem i..- Petitions for float discharge were bre. seated hrJoatith - B. 'Dodson and Samuel B. Seitert,sind the Ootert made them's; ordef In ouch disco. isha C.. Barton was awarded. final dischsx ands certificate to that effect :The follOWlng criminal awe were con tiiiind on motion of the District'Attor neiy:' V. S. Tn. Mlles" Mellott; indicted on-two dunwea for on butane., without /ionise; V. S. vs_Job Wright, Sames.Wright„and John W. O'Brien, indicted for illicit distilling; V. B. Retry Ralston, of Bader cotinty, in dicted for Illicit. dlutliling, Court There beinß no maneteed/. for - trial, adjourned till to-day, ----- in , ' • abaleiON4 MONDAY, Feb. :H.—Macau of James Boughs and John. Viallzet tix. • TS. M 127 JosepkifeC4b•andlsotib Radii . occupied the entire session, without be . Ing concluded. It is an actlort hi elect to ern for a house and lot In East 1 4berty. The jury in the cue 151Lsilyre. tried but week, returned a Verdict for plaintiff for $5 56, - Toe applicatjon of Joseph . R Mitchell for a preliminary Injunction erest g . Mi tchell from slumming of rainin certain ock and fanning- bunt came up for a hearing, by a- previous appointment. The petitioner, In his bill of complaint, partnenhip arerred that In he andfarmin respondent were in the business in 1 Hobins.nn township, and th a t the :upon. • dent was burdnisas er_ It wallets° averred that respondent disposed of I 'Lock and- produce to a considerable amount, without IntYlnllever to t..- er therms ball ofprociede to w hich be was lerally-entit , . and that hs was at. usrathip proper ly. The Conn refusedof pi t to grant the ap plication fora pretimiinjunction, and the case was Following is the list for sod Tuesday: Jo . hn Et. Snead vs. T. P. 1 & 15. J. G. Davie T. Plab SLa lto, 116, J. G. Davis vs. H. llchaelitimith. 117. Wier it Steel vs. - Moore 1100. 121. John H. pegs vs. Joint Heath. St. Sheriff Cinley vs. Lockhart, Frew 00.47. Jansss Satlth vs. P., C. te C. R. R. 1:39. EL. J. Grant wt. P., Pt. W. et. C. P. common Piteea—Joalt• *km* MONDAT, Feb. 24.—The °Myelin, taken ttp was that of- John laderacm and Samuel Bell vs. Wm. Plokeragill Co.. feigned inane with defendanta, ea execu tion creditorsof Clark &Bell, late livery stable keepers. Mansto test the ownership of property malted by the Sheriff. On teak . Following la the trial list for Tuesday 24. Fort Pitt Coal Co. vat liCialing. 141 Kialing ve. Sharp and Fort Pitt Coal Co. 152. Long 're—Brown. 43. Boot vs. Z-ntmer. . 44. Oborloger ve. Kramer. 45. Boot vs. Kramer. 57. Shinn re. Rowand. 01. Gering vs. Fayette Oil Co. 6.3. Atkinson vs. ad snit 10th Wards, city. at Stevenson va. Gray et al. bnialgrasa vs. Qatobls pt. at 1112•Issary .11111abrenreark. The =rammery of the Ladles' Home hilemonat-y Society of Pittsburgh took phtce on Sunday afternoon at Christ AL E. Church. The aMandance was unusu ally large, and much interest prevailed throughout the agenioaa. The sarvice-e were opened with tinging Ind - Prayer. by Rev. LAI. GrilLan. of South Pitts burgh, after which the. President of the meeting. Rev. W. H. Locke, of Liberty street-M; E. church, made borne brief opening remarks, stating the' object o the'society, and the reeulta wed= _hod been scoompliehed daring the present 1 • Rev. Warner Long, catv Missionary .under the auspices of the &Maly The report of hi s work during theyear report opened 41.tb a refennace to, the want of suitable mission chapels, to con centrate the work and render it more ef fective. In onnee4ustics of the lack of such places, the mm77aallenary hasdevoted most of his time In promoting the vari ous Miamian Sabbath Schools at different; points. Them schools have been so fatatutted, that the, hays been nearly self-austainlng, only two hundred dol lars having been contributed from other sourcea. During the plossantweather or lest season the missionary preached to large and attentive congregations on the public common. Considerable time has been devoted by Mr. Long also to visit ing the poor and admlxdstering to their wants, es far as possible. The following _enunittary, embodied in the reportodesers some of the finders' of to. missionary's laborer 16timber of mbidonary Maio 2,o7l;religions meetings Mt tracts din trite:mid—pages 9.,994; mile; traveled on foot 646; by street care 1,690; Sunday Schools 6, with =average attendance of GM. • Report closes congratulating the Society on the success of the peat. year and eneenraging prospects In the fixture, Rev D. L F, MorganiTastorofChriet • .Chnrch, • dellvered a brief address of mich interest and one well adapted b t the DU= MIL Rev. Ifelfendree Rellley, • of the East Baltimore Conthrmsce, for merly Pastor of Christ Church, followed With en address of _ tome length, replete • with thought, and interspensedwith.tel. log incident.. The musical exercises un der Prof. G. AL Alexander, leader of the : choir athat church, rendered the occa sion mons Interesting. The singing of the gifted Miss Cora Brown. of the Puts . burgh Female: College, elicited many. - .ecomiumsofpraise. Exercisecrosed with • ' a choice narceme by the choir, ending, . with the long metre doxology arat tame - diction by. Rev. M. B. Pagh, City bits sonarytof ilia Young Ken's latuistian , s ton of this city. Weal bum. iremursre. --The following deeds.. Were left at the Recorder's °Mee, February 22, 1868:- William Bell to John G. Beatty, Feb. 21i .• 1866, lot oxiCarroll street, Second ward. . Allegheny, 20 by 100 feet, SyJB Elizabeth F. Denny to Harmer D. Rey mer, February 20, 1868, lot on Western arbnue, Second. ward; bony, 23 by 120 feet, being lot No 18 In block =Mu Robert Chasm= to Joseph F. McKee, November 12, • 1658, lot in Stewart.. - tarn; on Cyarry ereet, M , by 00 Mueller, Christopher Feldbeim to Geo.. Mueller, September 18,1867, lot an Carpenter alley, Duquesne borough, M feet front Joseph Clemcmrt, - trustee, to Catharine .Coyle,oaober 20,1867, lot Ro. 107 in Gazzam's plan of lots in Pita tmeoship, 2.7 by3o feet. --.8190 T. M. Wilma to 'John- Flak, March 13, 1987, tract of land in Ten: Mlles town ship, containing 4 acres:, ... • .MOO Francis G. Walker to Jane - N icholson, Febnasry 10, 1868,10 t No. 81 on Rebece. street, First ward, Alllegbany, 20 by BO per $l.BOO J. F. Fleming to,1". G. Walker, April 21, 1969, the above desnibed lot. 4500 Margaret Noble to the Western Peon.. Railroad, December $1867. right or way through Indiana townehlp....Bl9o - We leaned yesterday of a serious scl eldest which occurred Sundiy, the itch instant, hywhich C. Saltily, L' q:, and his wife each,haa an Ann broken. Mr. FL, who reskjeahs Peon township, on the morning Enentioaid started with hie wife in a two bone buggy to the Baptist church in the vicinity of his reeidenec, end in going -dawn Las hill the horses took Sight andran away, throwing them - bothhet with suebibrtai as to brisk Mr. Ws - left .arizi'between • the elbow and wrist. and Sirs. S's right arm *boss the elbow. - They were - discovered shortly after the accident by some of their neigh bore, who kindlyreznovixi -them to their boats, where they are ender: the cars of Dr Solvelyv ,scouring as sapktiflu , I trettalet:-.H. J. Ehlers made informatim bekas Alderman Mullin, sralnat Charles Laughlin, charging him :with false protases. It la all that the-defendant purchased a making MOTO of the pro.eciutor, for whisk hs was to pay s7.9ck representing that he bad mon tt r as e u b r t 7• 11 11 I i e l ' rr k . i n at: take afterwards refatubd to pay-for It. He was arrested; and the matter .wan ruled by Payment of theibilradd costs by the de- A Vere , Ileeten.-4faigaret• Denning made Information before Alderman . Mullen of the Foarth ward, Allegheny, -bistenfay,,charginga bashand, John u nuritheisault mid battery. Bee eges% ixastreek - several With his- clenched Sac bee- mul thret iwmes a botcher knl6s a 4 ber:- Me was arrested and held ta btr - Ws appearance at Tie Sbarpsuars . glatra=l.laon eeleary w , • 'salaams of burg, o as arraitad a frw sins:, übarged -with .having &young girl maned Johnson, bads hearing before Justice Comstock, Saturdaylila drvanlor wben - be was bold SO bail for appear• mice al Coact. •b" Masi 1 111 41.- - . A. Into , set at iennejet teeth was found In tits walttng roan of the Union - Depet,tartle evening,. They ere now Intim en of officer Book; and wlllbe ib lathe owner man-w dm i e O d c k th elWOr y k ng dt lslam' sixtytbi consecutive 'hours ha De. s city . as Saturday, whoa -I WAinehiplinee mettitou - . ku!] 111 MB SUBURB X arra Limner liebeeix—revlissere tees Aresesed—emose seemoverea. We publiabed in yesterday's Gazette an exeunt of tee robbery of C. T. Stewart's ahem stem, in Zest Liberty, en Thursday night, la which we stated that six Ler. seas, whose names were given, had been arrested en suspicion.- Chief Omen, who bad the case in hand, has eTitiCed 1111- markable skill as a detective, es he Lot "'only secured the parties whocommitted the robbery, but has also succeeded in recovering the stolen goods, under clr irunstances winch fasten .the guilt ranee h e parti arrested beyond a question, and a tet mune time bring two other worthies telluric:o as receivers of stolen goats. Faulkner and Ferguson were arrested ate and morning. a pan of . that • etalsn goods found upon their pavans, and. Mr. Stars - art. hating been sent dm, came and identified them. Ir was Um ascertained from one of the 'party that_goards wars csonceslea at a t • "Crib" on Elm and .Witahington sneer, occupied by McGarry and Hugh Donnelly. A. search warrant was Darted mad yernerday afterniton the officers pro-- :seeded to the hens*. arrested the proptie•- • arra, arid alter considerable search found four beadles with shoo. and other articles sf me which bad been taken from Mr,.. Eitewart'a store. The Roods veers removed to the Mayor's goo, sad aad mite Green made information. charging Edward Dawson, James O'Cen sell. John Birdsall, Stapler Cortices., Frederick Faulkaer arid John Farr!. son with house breekingand larceny, and against McGarry and. Donnelly for ra giving stolen goods. They will have t hearing today. The arrest of this party I. a very corn. mendable piece sr work, and their MDT le Sea will not only rid the eity of them bat wilt Lave a tendency to drive others of their "profesaion" to a safer field ot reperation. The job was a good one, and beeCide Green is ent ito all tled the area a to dered front t, aa it was "werk...l up" under his especial supervision, • and most of the work done by himself. • - ' WON en the Railroad, - Mr. McDonald, a brakeman on a shift log train at the outer depot of the Penn sylvan's. Rai/road, was killed instantly about four o'clock, yesterday evening, while In the dhichaige of his duties. Tb engine with whicithe was eagagesi was shifting freight cars. and while passing from one ear to another, while in mo tion, b. lost his footing and fell between the cars, the wheel. of one car pass. log over his neck" and Revering his he from his body. His relatives were noti fied tattle accident and hie father-in-law,. Mr. Best, who resides in Manchester, took charge of the - retnaitui and had then, removed to his residence,- where an in quest will bis held to-day. The deceased leases At wife and. two children who we are - informed were dependent upon his labor for their ISUpport.. --Clines the above was in typo we have learned the following: Philip McDonuid was the =neer the 'de-Nisei:4, and be re sided at Mahoalag on -the Alleghen: Valley Railroad. The accident occurred at 2 P. M. Coroner Clawson hold an Inqnsst end the Jury rendered a verdict of accidental death. . A Distrom!lag Affair. A Cue of a very cliatresaing characle was brought to our none* yeaterds which will areird an opportanity for tb pkilauthropints of the city to relieve I some extent the wants of a destitute firm fly. In yeaterday's_GsirrrE, in stir to pert of Ilaturdey'a Court proceedings we noticed the sentence of Edward Quinn who was triad and convicted on thre indictuthmta, 'and sentenced in the tbrr eases to pay costa of prosecutiou un. amounting to about $2OO, and to dergr an imprisonment la the county jell fir thirty days The sentence were doubt less jtud, as he had knowingly violet./ the taw, and deserved to - pay the peanity far so doig. But the matter doe. ma end bars /t appears that he has a win• and six mall children who are depetul eat upon him for support, smd yeerterda; the =other of the children was sr-meted and committed to jail on a bail-piece, she having been indicted for satanic su e t battery Cenaequently, tie pr children, the eldest of which i hot um year., ars thrown upon the sold charities of a hearties. world. The law.. being c't a matter of necessity framed for geaer.l application, in sunny instances whoa applied to particular cues, seem hard and oppressors /SW 410.11den , -9arese... loquenr. An accident of a very distressing char-. actor occurred yesterday which resulted in the death of an old and respected cit izen 6f Allegheny city, Mr. Joseph Su-- tios: About two o'clock yesterday after noon, Mr, Justice, while walking eon; the side of tembutry Hill, salved and fall over an embankment, a distanoe or Mean feet, free...tiring Ms skull and in dieting other injuries, causing his dealt ins towboats afterward. Coroner Claw. eon wee notified and held an Inoue,: noon the body, when the jury rendered a verdict of accidental death, in ate 6r dance with the facts. The dereaaed war sixty-one year. of age, and leaves a wife and dvechildnon. OrzstAHeass.The Opera 00.0 crowded last night, at the opening of the .Tapansee engagement, notwithstanding the Inclement weather. All appear anx ious to witness the mat rellous feats or this trulyinanderful company. .Masoutc HAr.4-legreafa,' the unap proachable lIIIICTOMISIner, continues to draw large audiences to lfasortio Rail, to Wilssess his strange doings. Tau Rms.. —To-nlght the last goad masquerade of the sermon oomes MT at the Rink. ICIII Centinuat.--The special sale r. flee and fashionable jewelry at the ere: known jewelry store of Rainyciao, Slay ran &Bledle,Ne. 29 Filth street, still coo threes, and the firm are offering sad bargains in good goods as lave seldo• or neva pr railed here. The stock is a; crew and desirable, having been purchas ed for the opening of the magnifica. , new store which our readers will r member was damaged by fire, and the firm are anxious to close out, the bar gains alluded to are offered.. Tits fluttuatlea in the markets and ex • dtinoTonta at the National Capital ha re dechange In the _epeeist bargains In dry geode, house keopinz goods, shawls, tfekteg, @ ctn., 'Etna fasbionablk headtpurtara of Bates er, Nell% Na 21 - Filth street. Ladies eith find, by paying thin establishment a visit, that they can purchase to decided advantage, and are offered rare selections In patterns, qualities and styles. Surety el the Peace.—John Wilbert toads Infortradlon before Justice Bmker, of Etoum,Pittaburgb, yesterday, against Henry Krems, for surety of the peace. The parties got Into a difficult a Mansfield, shim, as the proseentor y e- t lites, the defendant threatened to whip him. Kress was arrested and bold in firm hundred dollars bail for bis a . _ EMMESIMI Arnett end Mattery.—Malinits (Mixon zaatarday audio miorniatlon before Al. aezman Taylor against Thomas McCaff rey chariM him wi th. assault and battery. . 6illson realties In the PIM Ward, sad elm- alleges that tho defendant same to her rseldence dundayorining, and when she ordered him "to Mare be took the poker and atrook her en the arm. McCaffrey was Coanrtseled- and bald for ids appearance at u. Dauber= &deemed Citizen.--Heorgo nknachutz Esq., one of our oldest and most respected fellow cltimns and formerly a popular Steamboat. Captain on the Ohio river, departed Milslife, at his residence on. Caldwell street, last night. He was universally known and esteemed In the city as a gentleman of culture and refinement, and his death will he deeply regretted by all who en joyed lals acquaintance. • Takata arm—Sheriff-Hood, of West ratoralaad meaty, yesterday arrived in Madly,. having In charge Samuel Hull; cearictad of the murder of conductor C. H. Parker, sad sentenced to eight years, and Junes Brown, can•ioted of larceny, end. sentenced to eighteen month, in the Western Penitentiary, wheat ha spoorted to that institution. IsallWas .. Meeklen—Cluist Weaver made 'atom:union before Alderman Tbuniss, charging John Wagner with malicious mischief. It is alleged by the premonition that the defendant broke hie wladows sad door stem A. warrant was lamed, the defendant &meted and. lurid to banter, a Anther haulm,. SUPPosYv—The strode and aldfriralka ue shame tainualble for pedestrians, In anumquonce of the retest rain and sleet. "Heavy falls" are ai CUZIIIIIOI2 as water, Ws, aid while dry goods bare a decided downward loulme7 stwelestber is con tiettally on the etas.' Heath/ate mea ea the safest are alt anthdpfulua a "crack." -•- - City Consullo.—An adJonnsile nasedng of ati - Miceli will le held at . two o'clock r. z today, when the noon. of the Controller, Clark of Hornet; whorl niontero, and other public °Mean will be presonted. The Gozwrrs of to-morrow will contain • full andoottiplete report of Oannoll plat:Wings. Grim Proennoingik—John tai midi Informal= before Alderman M ullen charging Loopold Uromwith asesul and balmy. Ho alleges Ina E. defen t ds= Km= Km on Um forehead with .m e ad la throe Mau, knocking him down, and this Jackal him. A warnatwiaismed e.a . . .. ig_.--.:- -. - no tried and ar —.Nych nmened on as Indio:mat tar fatendation and bastardy,- area commit ted I. jell in November last wail!. he shanbi Comply with the sentence at , the Roust, ersayeatarday released pader lb. , tiseirsit laws. - • We notify Ik. nubileth meson re- siding in Brooklyn, N.Y., is practising a dangerous innovation,.. and if steps sre throw to stop kis career, It will over time nonored principle@ and basti-4 rations. We refer tO Dr. 'Wohnt; who has au office at No. no Chatham Kum. NV., Arch street, Philadelphia, 68 te Winr street, &deb, 184 Vine street, Ohip, and the probability is that be will have a firm footing estab- Eshed in all the principal cities •in the United States and aloserhars. At all of the about platine he removes physical path of any main* or nature, free of cost for •verybody with a liquid preparation he calls Pelt' Paint, applied blithe surfed, Inn limbs or body with a break. Al. though the remedy appears to be harm less as water, certainly learn ne Stain, and people who have kad an application may that the sensation produced is de llghtful, and invigorates them wander fohy, allaying every manner Of pldri er Inflammation Lestantlyi and although it breaks up violent fevers in afew minutes, yet the system he adopts is most dama ging to all manufacturer of Pills, Lail monis, and various otherspreparations.' which were rennerly rued for the same purpose. Snt he supersedes and wri the:tine all these old -sets remedies, I and insists that Pain Paint steps the pain indantly, and does not cause mars pain who nee. His meth briar . curing all room free of east, to each of his different office large crowds of too goho sitar rt 2 21 Pi t imtic A or P ain d nolithtiork. a aa l d chit!, of h co eir uree . , '' b . rirge more. and more patient*: and thus dm* [root damage to -the regular profession. Patients loses their physicians and to Dr. Wolcott. effloe, or rush to the 'near- I sou drug etore and purchases bottle of Pain Paist, instead of Pill. or other Liniments. Druggist. admit that they sell twenty bottles of Wolco're Pala Paint to one leottle or Lea ofaay other routedy. Times are now dell, and it Is very trying to alt down and quietly sub mit to a man so dangerous to alt menu leaurere or patent rernediett sad to the net army of physicians. We props., mowers), to have printed in all newspaper.. having a wide circula tion (het Wolcott's Pain Paint will kill everybody who knya it. Self-defence is the first law of nature; and althoughtho free ;Tete= of curing everybody, adopt ed by Dr. Wolcott, may of the great eat good to the mewls, vet it is death to as who loam trfacinre Pills and Lista:fee ta. Heeler a response may be unanimous for calling a alastlac to raise funds to carry out the project and crush Pain Falai, our motto shall he, "Reventre Rule Rivals." Rawson & Co, N. Y. . Ike New flame Law. lidassza.Enrroira Oszarrtt : In your I issue of the 11th, under the head of bills puma finally In the Legislature, is the followihg, viz: u Prokibltiug the hunt ing of game in Findlay, Robinson and Scott Township", Allegheny county."• What does this moan? What right kayo the Legitilature to par mutt a bill, pro hibiting the farmers from probeetios their corn Sold. from the ravage, et the squinels, an/ their orhhards from being destroyed by the rabbits? Then were more than twenty acres of •oart. " 1 " 1, °7 - ed in Findlay township tear year by the squirm* and jaidgipg from their number now, there will be double as imuctCde- Buoyed fa thecoming mason. And now, algae the farmers are prevented from tilling them pests of creation, the way ta atom for them to malhply and Jr) till the land, at the use time deatroying acres of corn. What possible good mu come from preserving the game I un-. net conceive, neither is it passible for any one to my. The people of Findlay township demand the repeal of this un righteous law, which sorely does not belong to this age of free government, bat the days of "meat -barbiun and feudal despotism. A Crr=Ai or FINDLAY Tolrxsiur. Tke amidst sews from Waahlsgtau has caused gold to dance midway be• tween forties and fifties, esd has likewise advtdaced and atiffernsi the quotations in the markets, but It has not affected tho very low pricm at which Messrs. Hdrne rt Co., Nos. 77 and 75 Market street, told their intrestose stock of seasonable trim ming-a, kotions, variety .and goods The clearance side to make room for smock anew spring goods, still con tinues to crowd the emend,* wholesale aid retail salesnmens with purchasers I who en shrewd enough to avail them- I ealvets•f the ram opportunitiespresented for obtatnieg bargains. The stock Lo large and varied, and having lams but recently purchased, embraces all the latest stales and ntsveltim Is trimmings, embroideries, laces, general furnishing and fancy goods. The line of helmet frames, silks, ribbons, flowers, ite., is very complete, and is offer. d, as an all the goods to the establishment, at pricers much blow those prevailing' in this most extenslve Jobbinz biome of the east aar..l4lltar; —ma Philadelphia Forte Amerman and United States Gazette; of the 18th hat.. copies from the Continental Galata, the new American paper published is Paris, a letter from General WaskingtollteC4nnt de Rochazabeen, which it says was never published before._ This • is a mietake. The letter Is the one dated .Nawbargh, December 14th, WM, On referring. to Sparks' Washington, Vol. VIII, page 332, Tau will find the letter now pub.lahed the only difference being ecru sliest errors in copying. la the letter as pub lished by the Oratineatal the word "Adieu," whim precedes tie last para graph in sparks, is omitted. • Allegheny, Feb. 24th, MIL I. C. I FJecttew ef Otecere,—The Coe: Mews Trust Company, one of the most !lowish leg &Ad Waif:tanned banking iMitito• dons of the city. yesterday Wetted tho folioed:dr Bona of Directors: A. J. Baker, President. W. A. Herron. W. J. Pederson Thomas Farrow, J. D. John s.. A.J... HAstics. J. D. Faikiner, Ches. Schleifer, W. &Beep, John Gaol. Canaittill.--Jamee Barret, charged on oath of Mary Barret, hie wife, with mama and battery, before Alderman Denaldwim was by that magistrate cum. milted in 'default of the required ball for his appearance at Court. CITY. ITEMS. Is order to close out the really elegant freak stock of trimmings, notions, laces, furnishing and fancy goods, at the popu lar retail house of W. -W. Moorhead, el 3farket street, prices have been mu terially reduced and barged, Ds are offered. We earnestly urge our-Lady friends and all others to favor this first-class estab lishment with a purchasing visit, and thus be made. acquainted with the rare advantages afforded its patrons in selec tion and quality of goods and reasonable prieee. Geo elemen will find s magnifi cent essortment of furnishing gsods suit able for the season, and embracing all the litest styles and novelties, Hoots Ewes and Gaitars—Of the vary latest /style, can always be had at Mr. Robb's, BB Market street. He keeps a splendid stook always on band and sells at the lomat prices. Mcßride Jr Cargo, No. 164 Federal 6 i -feet, Afleghen.r, the extensive and eaterprising wholesale and retell gm ,cers, here just received afresh Invoice of cooks family groceries, dour and pro duct, which they offer• their patrons at the lowest market prima For any and everything in their lure favor this house wlih a call, is you can petrel:lam no where else to better advantage. Dry Goods at Wbelesale.—We are of fering full lines of bleached and brown Molding, Prints, Mks. Gingham; and ofber staple goods, making the largest stock In the West at Easternrices. .r. W. HAMNER IL p CO., No. 60 Market street. Helts/lel:air. at the popular Continen tal PegsDinin Saloon, ha s street, next door to the trdllee, has the eputatlon of keeping on hand the rarest viands or the season, end of serving up meals; la the boat stPle or art. Give him oral! and Judge for joutselves. A trait& !svelte of chola" tea& has Just bean opened at the old established tea toart of Joseph A. Robinson. No. 2A Fifth street. Rousekaapers are astured that at this sterling old establishment noth ing but the purred teas, coffees, groceries and apices are kept. The prices slavery reasonable. - Everybody knave that at Holtabehn ow's popular Continental Dining 'loom; Filth street, neat door to the Pasta!!lee, a most liellClollll meal can be obtained at any hour at a very reasonable price. Give him a tail and depend—upon It you will be pleased. Perseus contemplating making gas or water improvements In reeldeneen, sieve rooms or warehouses are reminded that T. T. Ewes; N 0.1113 Wood street, attends to all such work In the most skillful manner enlist very reasonable prices. Steams Sitting In all it. branches and details is attended to at the 'hottest no. tic. and at most reasonable prices. by T. T. Emma, nractical_plumber. gas and steam fitter" No. IBS Wood street. Or ders from the country solicited. The Mee to get austere meal, which you wilt euloy, Is at Heltzbelmer's Con. tt 'motel Saloon, Fifth street, next door to the Posh:One. lila prim are very ream °cable. • ada, Shoes aad Ganeen.-Cifthe Very lateigt Kyle, j*n alway. be had at Mr. 'Robb's, SS Market wee. Me keeps a splendid sleek always on hand and sells at the lewced prices. The advance. in gold has aimed MO clamp la tha ph* Of t(1311 and core., opiate and groratice,, at the eld *stab- Halted tea mart of Joseph A. Robinson, No. 20 Filth street. Ladles are directed to fresh Mock of gioeerlen, tom, ocean and spleen Just •ened at the old eatabllabed Ma mart of Joseph A. Robinson. No. al Fifth atmot. No where else ma purchases, be made-to bettor advantage. : TiJESDA.Y, FEBRIi LVD BRUM 148 Wood St. near corner of Fifth. iSloverousent Securities • t i lddy S ilT-ert • end tiotipoias;: Statist sad moist Ca insral lß mti Drafts sold an all is isrtulaal YU. at Remus. CONVERSION .41 -- a re atuara t iz ,,.colivert the 8 6COND 3E FEJMTIIIRTILR DPW MX Heir 1867 5-20 Gold Coupon Beide. JAMBS T. RUDY & CO., Dealers in Government Securities earner Feallll4o Wee 4 Sixosta. FINANCE AND TRADE. lino. or in Pri - renamez Gaurre, NORIA,. robram H. UM Gold before Misheard' war liTtd. afterwards daalialog talent, acorn:leg to IUX. and slot. ed wehk egg dull at lek34. There wee groat exeltentent ia the gold • room and opinions vary mein dlelitedu to the tendeocy of the market. ' Government bends were yery dull to-day and lower; the deallas through the entire Its; was about perßeet.; Ws remained ettmly at last week's nuoratioite.. Unteu Closgreea pase• law sanetionlag a further Issue of cur. nosy. governments will decline. The eon& donee In the laregrity of the government will be shaken at house At well as abroad. and It le mere likely that people will direct their atten- Roo to same more , ante and tangible property aka bads for the turestmeat of their• end ings. The stock market ht lower and wary weak, not so muck from' . the /ants of the Impuchi sae= eluvial.' as from ths reckless minuet la whisk Railroad property his toe. managed by pante. who were entrusted with the sue sad management of It far the hellcat of the stock holders. but auseeeded to make money only for themeelrr Hugform, Mouth dull to-day, ou artionot of lb. mosthor le allgolly Improving. The rim 1. einton and oU, our motile smolt., gives r out st.lituitio to. Mods sad Cm/Minns, Ins onto of mods mgalost Mousy tt lest .1/dugout, but CD Lan oa ant thing but lltsbolso•--..m... She otloduit . of salsoanstomus 06. a. Is eeily, ey e . by p. n .,. ,„„tu are allpp011•41 to b• - at tue . gt.t, ptuot Is trend at pus sent. O. aonsl. and stare man command 12 to 11. ciocjyr /Tow Tort quotattena, malved Py eh.... :on.. All u talOVII: Gold, 141y{t tell'a, MX; inns. 1/012, 111 ta; IN4. loiltf, INN. Iw Uonsole, 1011 g; loges, lelAji (-lee. laN. eleveleral ft Pitteburgh It. E.—. en Neretwate Union Lamas le .Western Union Telegraph ....... —___ St% l ext‘ his IL. II- iusburgh Tort Wayne At (Wow r- B. 61 %V0 Northwestern Itallrowt—eonsaon Nortdwestent—prefernel._— WA New York enetral It 7 4 Ohio and Ntatisaippl Certilleatew WS Ylehigen Southern 114 a Uorydon--- de tgnaru },lll . I Re Quleltellver 11!", The followieg stetement exhibits the buss.. Bess of the Fittsbargh Clewing Houma for the week uding Saturday, February SIN: • I EN 1 .44 1 44. ENlnaces. 4 133 ,4 4 ur 6.52.4:4 IS . amens ST 1 14444 II • $ 4 4. 01 0 14,144 e 4 ,N 41,444 44 44.:14 14 1114411 N 41,4.21 94 Fob. IT MI 13Z=1 - • . — A.... 0 from oil rMou Indleate that the produttlen this year will De full canal to tha Stem, taint., of OIIPPiy :Of WoOnl Tanta pall. In the eoustles of Wail.. Venange, and Cracrford, which eonslltuta the great pe tiole.■ fountain of Peanrylonsta and lb. walla. theinpply an fat La In of !OMIT lean el tab t.aa o . TA. cold always areal.. the supply. all the well, ue more wally worked In wars than le iota weather. Bat notwithstanding the dratrauk of as unusually saver. and pretraatod *later. Om Salto Oro ductkrn has ataranof LIAO barrel. Theater. age for lliat Was ator tarrala a dal, though the sat.' =oust Wag larger towards the Cote of the leer. With the approach of wane weather It la expected that an ltureitaarl oupply wilt he obtained. The oil reatoaa sow prelate all the appear/Lams It an established laduatry. to eone particular districts the aupply la dr aroulnir. Ia!ltho/. will about oan.tanth of the large auppty of lies la oitalaed. zed La Pldeout the production. to falling o 2 fiat a* the supply flattish*" la oartiths loesllU a, other plans at, frond which ataintaia the .map lama.. la away tuna abaatioaed walla hate beea worked *ilk Front. The total exports of pettolatu, Winding i naptim, Mow 1342, from N.• Tort. SMMoa. osof Plalladolialm La follows:. ISM, SM,III bomb.; lOU, Mk= bomb, IMO, ?MAN Dar. rel.;l.q 711.123 homers; IMO, 1,45,T01 Darnels; 1117.1M.,111 barrels. T o total atoelf of relined potroloun on 6.41 1a the I:lAltst !fates, Jul fury 1,111 U, to Ia fortign puns. Total I,Ukcio T. &smut as haad at I. oorresposMai period to orate. UV mu (estimated) B —..., ?SCOW Produstlowla lOC &UM Aso Onesnaptloa foe IMO 'AMMO As tin* es iArts la Ile anomted to 1,C7,z00 banal; It lOU be wen that the forelyz locket Witty awl. toe hoeweenautptlon. —no Ohlotto Repaelloata, of Saturday, toy.: 2k. report to-day tkat a. tint Pra tlettal Nook of Keokuk hot fan., mooed a 211.10 dotter th moset.ty alreleet Oat oe Ow enby wit Out that while a lotto motet of bestows Is tratuoted between tits etty ana Keokuk, the httte molly *me et. IL Loma, o that these eu M faw,lf any. lon• toured In Ude qty. oaly owe beat In the oily had ear ...U. with the Lesko* lailtltotlaw; end that was only ea ezatteage abeeont. there son be little or of toe enetalnetll Of eontea. thn seenrllles of the bolt In easetlon Ise Wit. tout eat pe to mot the demands of the bllbholtare, and the poblle yenerally wlll tow tain no t 0.., eel we boo ao pattlettlafl with food to the fallow, fanher ...meat. at moat are antweenaff. rrrrsistraen rxrsomom mama rr Venom On ewe lirramintsa Gasser% February 14, loN. OBUDB—Tho market eolitlnties Ira sad somewhat @netted, and whin. Uwe is no quo table cheep to prisms. tke tradeney la still op. ward. Bpot oil al Is light (lonely 'old la de mand. and we beard of offers to boy et NO Is., wish ao response on the part *feelers, We can report a mile of 1100 WolB earl, for Bay end Jule, at M asd tiam—ea uartudey even lag—at ft, for lone. AU the year, ettyites op tion, may be quoted at Halts—the Bat * sale reported wits at Ile, but we do net believe List • seller eoold now be found at that genre. Old CUT Megrim. report eaudderable excite. mat, and fa le Oven es the ruling quotation. Bow loot Um market VIII einithatie in its pre. et suited sad usseUled cosdUlos. it Is BA milt to cseproture, as there are eo many Ms. tlageneles, and the, of seem, wilt hay. a - denq to restriet badness nod re tard operations. EZIPINED—Tke market for bonded - Till opened up Inn and sonsiderebly (melted this manly. but in the afternoon, la eonseq untie of • della. to geld the feeling war • Mlle tame, and the demand beta for preeett and (a ttire deltvery was reported less attire. We men report miles of IBS kilo for dna half of ' Ranh at Ifitis; 0000 for Miele delivery at Sl}(ei km for sama delivery at 213.4ei tee for dreg belt of June at 1034., &Want for first het( of May at AA It wan also reported that there bad keen • Woof • CUnit,” mantel from April to•Ao. fait, tommenting ot2llB for April, hot we can. aot 0004 h (or Us correetneas We are tonal seat of en oder to buy all the year, boys'. op. boo, alliCand an offer to 00U at 010. There item. se ealse of epot oil, to the abeam. of "'bleb, we quote nominally et legySllge. AUL 0111/7/10 1a0.117 A. Ir. Net. Iteg 101 bble rased to Warier, 810ga Co.. Pbtladelphia. • Unionlll/11n11111 DINIIIEIII2 SWOT. Beg (Jo. 1071515 !Vinod to W. B. Le gen &Bre., Philedelphis Kirkystrisk • Clo.llo do do to W.B. Logy Pkiledelphis Boßanna t Rogers. it do bessole, Wald/ FN. i Uo., Philedelphis. ati eggs markt L - - 0/1 Valairtah lo tae /Mubarak Omuta.) Catosect, labraary SL-Tlcntri thus Is • better tntfirb7. laid holders are arm, with wan of- spring extras at prises ranging from M to 5L0,75. Wheatrtke market Coca. ed Arm for No. 1, with askant at.moiss4, advanced to 22,01. sad closed wash wits ael to.. at MAK land sales& No.l aeronauts at !MOS. Coro !maned firm and sally., and sales were =KIM at 314 , 0100 for new{ de. Mined to 71.4g1M50, and clamed arm at oittl &alma( No. at 1115(111334. fi r mer 1 at. Illtfo. Oats; tbe market - opene and 1011}(a blither. srltk Wee at INaler4e, and elowal at/4 , 40210. Rya Is more active sea l sOa~a /diva r t Lig ei r s . at l, olV2ll:4% Muslim arm. Bariryt Me market Is nog:a nal end there Is nothing dolor, bot sales wars made at Weems for No. a, and rams 1,02 for releoted. fork orodfets Oa more sottraand [debar. with .alp of Masa Pork as $211,10.21.75 for ootuttl7, and ere . 4r, for :4.7.41:101 11 8: 1 11= i , lib! abort Moo, ifffi/flfcs moan tildes are ,f• blither. and sales wen made at Ilted loase.aad bellies at 110 lab... Duvet pickled barns malt $1 Men dry tatted llama at lac for least dry salted ant:raiders are Spud blamer 'with Waist tkio sash for loose, and 93411170 for fatal* delivery. Dressed hog. aremodarately settee and abe killer. with eater at 15.11.11,160 for Hata, firm . at for bear!, themarket elating firm. at 1460010 far good , lots. lard Is firmer and Mato Matter, wilt sales ad 16IfffiLPNo Cuti for prime. eleateed. Yid MO for extra fib/10. do. There was nothing don* In she lira I stock moMe reompm for the rrm rs were 14940 barrels oan el:I market. bask woe WINOS bushels l coralpast. /SM.' bnebela oats; 1;111111Pd of &wed, and Alm kaad Of Pee *SIIIPMeate.-13.011 barrels floor; SAW baskets whea busked. anal 1177 Lead of drained, and kis{ bud Of Ibre hogs. . . ISllusisokse • . fliTelairaps Me alusoene toustwo Mrtaravxsa February 0 W....riouruiet ,43 for extra eny Darin Whea q t =mot at tleat Zagros. e l a o X na 2 do ll f i or n g e w li a k7 g 4e . eZar , wwlwated et VA Tor So L Droned toga' IMMO Oth trowlefeso bald Wiper. Mob porh.OXl4l. Zommopts-I,leolble Start IMO IthWoregata bbb Apses 1,1 g 1 busk wheat. NM DAUM & SON, • • • allo and 1' Water S et, LARD OIL MANUFAOTETItaz . , £2 , 1 dor... to CitUDX. Ltraillehlt-ett sad Uh./Jto24 tab& We warn= au Liti. 1 Lahr ttt ben Arbrtalvtl,tr Mar buttes, tze prep o ., to sell Its low no Ott ho qthrtrattl or 112:ctro rater., tairts Lubricator tenhot be eZUpeZetlihre ..rrer ' , Val:ratite led stablard bretds of (Whoa totatan b 7 ea read. lllr erebrabt tar, maim tactantrs ve112:11 to LM L1,1: - 2 It V:. "` 1 " '.d."111", /412.2111110116111 21#.0/1111/1. Owes ar rem Pre-/wattage Generea, 2110 inkr.'Februsy 24, ISIS. The Inclement mindltioa of the we bad A tendency to retard huMnsaa 45442, which at best has beta dull for some Umel put. In the moral markets there are as hew feat uree worthy Of special noun, whin as a general thing, prices remain unchanged. I GRAIO-2/Inter Wheat I. lei demand; we now 1 1 0014 al 113,4400.41 tee led. and nue Led for White. Curs Is la berell ettaftlY dal/ but unchanged; we aestivate to, quote Ear and Shelled at WWII, at whirr Mid tnek, and 11,007.10 in alert. Barley Is !man. And le demand, and sprier sell, readqnt 11.1. Oat. quiet and anehuge6;64ol,se on track, end r 70515 .ten. Rye It tea et 11,40044 d. • FLOVE—Tha market it quiet lad dull but puce, Sr. enchained. We intent. to quote at 210,50011,10 for Sprng Wheati, ' lllol2,6o for Winter Wheat, and 1114015 for fano brands. Rye Flour 110111 quoted at 41101,i6, mod Bark. wheat At 50,2604.50. • PROVISIONS—Rana It Mee/ At 110 i Ne for Sho ulame; l 2 , l4ol4,l4.yor Ittbb el and (Sear Sides, and 17017145 for Sugar Gored lame. Lard. 1514,121150 m timeee tor kettle rendered, and 11, la kegs. Country Lard, 1.11401430, In kept,. to quality. Men Perk, $ll.Wlll$ll. • NUEVER—Prima to *knee ltoll Is la Cord demand, and may now he quoted Zr.., but anklet:nd at 42041 e. r010.,--rn.b probed at name. UWEESE—Steatfy, with regular sales a s Western Ewan. at 1 /Mgr, Sad; Got 1312100. DRIED FRU/I . —ls Is Rooddr Out tidal aaaaa tesiyor •- • NPR It.' SmdApplts at gaugers:and 14,0soi•fr - • se, for pitted, and lee for on. GREL,ialq - Lk.i , —Qulst sod la t.d scP ply Eat 40.11. 1 i5a; sales at 11431.60 per bl.al, as to quality dull; small riles at Aley f °7 j . • ° •tr T ,sa .ri d ese2.:o per blot, se to RAT—Is eelUaf Dem eaudal ws•C••• at Ali 0111 Per too, Ss to quality. LARD OIL—I. Lltia and No.I Is Wilier; we sow quote No. 1, At Os, sod No.l st 0:140945-19au 'et 94 pee but Lei. IMAMS-94.m and la telt lent demmend teltl snail sales at 94994941 pet banal. -- route:—paettastacli salts to the trade at 111,taaci0.a4110,74 la a null oral. CILANZZILRILS—SaIes at JUGES. ♦LLEHHI.III . 11.:ATZILE !KARMA:Ir Orme. OP* . cm Pommy... tlanwyr o - hfonomi, February U. Ufa Tana wet a Ilibt supply of Cattle oo tale today, hot cairn to the emplexaset aanditloo of the weather and als unoutallt light demand. tha market ern a littn Inn met desalt of that bouyany "Matt measly aleray• yrevall, when tin r. Pangs an light. Toe sestet of Ine to the (ISt that prin. are too mush to- fitted, sad while **manacle have a goad right to complain, both drOmat• and kasha. growl sod With good means, too, as the trade Is la nth a proctoria, sondation that atlthat ttondLeansoi of dealer. azt nulled any money. notwithstanding It Inn nauly arable the mount of capital to keep 10. loni ans lit arnica With hundred., we Welt .ay 10o0ti114X of laberns sad nannies eat of ea ploy Ina t; any finally wtll hare to hay very eparimmly if pot deny filmset**. altogetker, sod It la to than, an • metal thin, Mat the bumhata tan to look far sopparto tad this, being Me ease, lb• asiond foils - mato SAC, man, - of nececaty, b. Tay man restricted, and with •dunlylnsol demand for bath mast, the de *AIM for Cattle falls of preperttnatelyo cad whom Is ano. of thrs martin la applossrls to al. net teary *OlO.O 1. the, *natty, say we ror• lo hopes that Me great Isillog off la Ile dm mead will brlog down polecs to a imam lost all! enabie M. poor to .at ant ae so. Ikon tabortlet 41.•¢2104611.3. COlikparcd wo Int wan, than It but little chan• la wren, some &slam theutht that daemon cad Mum tattle wild sands better, whin goon mr. tall...salt.. male:went aro atomic.. The fol. loan, la • ;nevi toil repot of the sales: Stately 1 Son .old la Lead 01 Win P.a.. ateek to E.. Kits a Co. report Patti. told is lama culled Moon at ltj to S Emmao . a flartant. mold 17 lead Wsehles. tot somata cattle at 6ta .Ise. am* put of extra Wu/amnion Ca unua 00 1. bkanotrg— pnce met awned. OEM . , L. Sot/Waal. urld If at 5101. Miran A deed 'sport lassiog void a loads cf Chtaaao eatUa Jt4 a to a3i. and I /0.1 of Ohio at 7 to SU. Or tealll,l4 L Kalb report hsolog all: a tar fordo at eloosso cattio at 5 to 54. Kraus it Mn. 06 howl of Chicago aattlo at to art, Carr aold II boa 4 for Dol. I Co. at IS to 1154. oral I ha. 1.1 'Wasilaitoo 400017 *tack at to oh /ohs Zenists sought 4 bent trio Issas. , it a /molls-on .. LoagJoha” at 5 11;4; a (Nal alautlitt st 5. It vs. tep.ned that .010 als.• oeustkt • faor toil. zero to hoop his Luna la tIlaL azsthlos Cow EMM! tilasa, Latterly a Co. acia 711 bead or clne4 .took. on fu1a131114.11. at t 4 to 64, Hel(tt a raylor toot Rl koad tor Castle a% T to O. NES L. tilmaborf MI head ad fIG tolP•. NeAlllator badSOLO on 50.10 13.400, perhaps, P. *Maim Mutt II Po holt• off for Irett or two, be. market will browk down,•nd Lao. we will ham, lower paces. Dolan • ill. sold 40 plus* lolraaattlo to A. Ackley, wrong!. linsi.dat O,SO. 11•11• wood • Matt anaGY sold 11 head It •t 1) to 54. Tllo Ocelot ate . ber of spa Ira woo, loco • us, •pecclation. and t Wears. mann., lammol of it Wag • lalley oat, as be cm - waled, h. realliedosough to boy •no ri lull, cC Matkes—not to is mooted aL t hat. .Itutlo a Herbst .obl :3 b.. 4 f .112116.311114 Stalk, at:mare:age or a. ..d Coulter 4,1,113 ball. at a. That... • re:) 1001 styply of titbits', Oa ash, this west, and with only a nottusta mud, the atasket was t•we, thoush prim, compared with tat weak, hare nodal goso so quotable tilsanie. x. quote at gto It, crow, .04 thin. may be regarded. the en. Wanes al the awoke- Tut ofarlal4 as a gen. Wal thing, Wart maid) of u Infartor quality, end while ',gas fat auttoa Theep sold teadtly at full velem common and lafarfor morel . vary slowly. Phew & iteC eel to report Peeing ft:dile. bee., Lew..w riLrep al a 10 8. T. 81d4 4.. Iv bead at gto 11. . Stak'olo BTO. - bed 1N boot eo saki sold moot et them o ti 14101 pot I 0 1. Banns'. U.. Slimed at eottege oil. Stalthout whet...led ese sat keg of eon , monts• Seeley at 44. UWE, Laren, • Co. had SO Saadi Only oat- Molly told. Soma Is only • moderate demand for this flani of •totk, motet Is osrloa to thn extreme Per". sow Prevailing... 2 is • Central thing. bhtebera are not h,ullog mush neer half the sm., they bay or Ilnatlly fur Ole reason. We now quote at el to 19411, Cron, tot COWSex to prime heavy averages. tad these may to (laded as the extremes of the market. Combat It Co report keying retailed about Ina bead dutlce the peat mast at t to to /Into Co. had fa awl Coulter SI head left °net...old, beta[ testis to 50 Mogi...plus.. =MIS P (nylgmralgt to tn. Pittsburgh iimatte,/ •Ctaotf Brat , Fooruary 24.—Flour In fair „ demand and tha market firm; family Ilarnestra Illuffluyl. Wheat helot hlgnari I No 1 rad e 9 Sc. Corn In fair demand at Fki tor Bart Oat. In batter demand at toe clues with buyars at We, holden. asking 1170. lye In dement' at *LIM for extra. Shirley cell and prince Iraq:deg: No I fell CM (Att.. doll and pilee• uumttlanand nominal; redadllog effaced at Aliefle. Tobacco , In Rood demand at full prices; sales ISO hits. Provisions generally Innerand holders Baking higher priers. The trouble at Wash ington, It Is thought, trill noose an Impor tant advance in algid, and a co: admen! ml- VanCe In the prices of all articles, and for Ibis cause there la great Indifference about WI lei, Ana many dealers are hot offering their stock. Mesa Pork la bald at IA but no buyers at better then 1;1,60. Balk Steals are held at 1001 M, but thme rates ate !de above the views of buy.. , and therefore there Is not amen dune. flacon la In light tuPPIY I held at 11.40. litfo and 10fe far abutdders, all. ri . clear b and clear sides, without salsa Bazar Cured llama 110170. Plain nal. lIIXOISIAk—aII eanlnumed and puked. Lard; none offered below 11P4o to any extent, but no buyers at batter than Ita. Butter steady at ,Ugiltbofor freak west. ern, Cheesy dull at 1r011 , 40 for Weelern Reserve, and 15611N0 ter factory. Clover need dull $13013,26; timothy dell at $2,400 0,tO; nothing doing lit lax. Apples mare g riglostpeepor bbl;. Potatoes dem at s3,t6gl Abb. flay V mOderate demand at 1.,411 per tun on arrival. (told 141 belying, and 14114.01115 g. • al. Leal. Karate. for Tele/vasb to the ru bared Urania.] 8. Loots, Yen. ft —1 °bane°, an mica mt. ported. Cotton—buyer*only Oder lito for middling,. Floor quiet and unchanged. ,with a Malted dal:lanai sales extra at all OOP. dotiola extra allo, treble extra 611 75 011,10, choice to fancy do. 81 1. 711 0/1 en What—mere inquiry, bat prices am, se. ehangedt bo.l aortas AM. prima to Cwt.! winter 0,5062.15. Cora very doll imd de clined to 010070. Oat. dull and uncrianged at 67073 c. Barley unclamned at a 53020 for fail. bye stasdy awl Aral. at 4 1 .7001.71. PrOvisiOlisataliadatoi bighar. Perk a wady and One at ill se. Bacon Revive and higher; (devoides l4bletts4, clear rib /NC, abould. aro 8 0 1rar cured bane lejlal7ci Ulm en ear aides. With of March. atilt. Idalk meats higher; clear rib shies loose 1934. anti clear %Idea lea, lomat ahouldar, oat 1001. Hirer, 9540. Lard advancingi intim keg at 16e, kettle and steam, up Illinois liter,ll% 11111540. Wh In better demand, at 11,114 for lairheluce. /Madura—Mar, balm, Wheat. 406 sacks; Coraill.Tia lidera Onto, GM bun; Maley, 450 Minh. . New ensue Morkso. fly Torontoh to th* entaborogn tutted Now Oormase, lebroary 21.--Gottoo doll and depreseed; anddllogs, 11,411 r. I. an; Nowt 6."06 halm metre, 6 4Sel Weald:ports. 6,671 bale& SUrrlorg. 1684,1‘1214; Raw York Ex change 34 amount. Geld. 1480164. armor SM. oroomOo, /16A rale. 14(114*: Primo to choice, 140. Mclawro, gdomo. Flour bra; 'overdo*, PHI; ohms. 615.61. Fork; llg Of ni2l7 l 4 4 anld o o lzaki e g a r . I n ear: l em e a r t i 6 6=1.G, /2360130; clear Wei, 16343. Lard, tlerces,l,No; tog, 1634,64 Tatedorllarliel. OM Millman to am ratan, slt osotta.3 _Total*, rob. 111 . — itocelpla—rlour, bbis; Me market is Quist aott Stat. Wheat; 7seba. awl las market lo dna mat &Moog walla Mob Man, VA amber, sl,la. coral Bamilutat MAO but the Market IA active, tellTsrastat. fro await:NM at Paolos market acflit and flan; taloa at i lripirlo. 4i% receipt...of Sys were WO but Ilmelpts of Ilar. lop fop Dal market gab:Small Brm: Sala of Calmat molt at VAC piTTIBUROII Roes WORM. FULTON, BULIMIA" CO. al ...Laws Ow 0.; COMMA WS OAKUM., T WINES, um misty. wsissp,sse of O HA Watenr ;.11 o «aur..rc retas, taigmtl RI lEWE3 The rlirer wee ;about ,'.rand loot encl. •witti tain elo feet In ths Channel. We ee pest to ilia ...., or eight foot today, ander the intlitente of yeetroders rain, and It would pot bei surprising If we ehohld have a goal rise with!. this Butt day or two. The weather yea. terdey wed ...fol, both over head and vender foot, Cod , 'out•door bunnen, la eonsequnpee, was yerieshell restricted. ' The Armadillo. from New. Orleans, le the only tranalust antral we have to report. The Argosy, from einelhhaU„ wA due ten night, 1 and will. doahtlesa bo found In port this morning.; ' , The .T. 27. ZdeCtullough got to from Porkers. bore on sunitayi, eight, but did not leave yes isrdh7i her' regular ll.y, being apptaheat/va that the iAlleihany lee night tame oat ai a catch beg up. Bohm. One beton,. law • theta.' • . 8 An( re. . W Uoderttaad that the Earned ohm, snot • -=" paired and repel ted p”paratd Par:l2o,W earwig( the ttsburgh -.eon, yr ' 3 ." trade in place of the I.roataltua - '• i MID make' a trip o that datalla la Ir“ard to We hive no stePutann, further than the otahlog of aer lama tram St. laottlt to the that she ; '4,l' the she lank to tight feet of Una futirther partioulere will be received . . tine Antonin and Olindefe, boib tiptop oats, ore Allied up ateadily for St. t - outs,and nil soon be nary to take her departure. The Maggio Hay. ens Mary Davage and bargesome next In turn.• The Columbia, Captain Oen. W. Reed. with AI ..... . Russell en/ riplAne lu the 08., will be ready to take her departure for Oluslanall and Louleilile this evening or 'to-morrow morning. The indications yesterday wore highly furor. aide for atr early Lreek-up to the Allegheny Meer, aml i iihen It - ddeXtilve way, nitylotion will doulitides be .impended on the Ohio for • day or turn that. rune out. The Monongahela paakets are now makiag their trips with great regularity. T. Peoples' Line, we landent.d, are only run. Slag en. bait. • H. Robins!. and J. Thacker, engineers of the Bertha, decre largely In the Ateebble In • saeoof etre mettles. n long tree esti. artni• Is heeded ilAdaltary. A wife leaves her Ldeoand and takes op will, ao en gineer. Her ramereur arrested. Husband and "rife reseadind. RIM elegies next day with the engineer. Ths engtbeere were from Now Al. be.. They were dleaharged from lb. Re, !: - • Th• Lo Wirllie Courier naye that from the drat latrodubtlen or steam on the western wm , tern down t o the present day. there has not been a steamboat se analete and pea.' a. the Frank Pardriud. We had presleely the nate language used , by Dm Courier to regard to about 151 11.11.411.41.414a.r.•very Jes, She will ton emie time to the Outietilta, then be tween and New OSsatis. Th• tanner of pertlons of the stamen litrelnt• and Stonewall, at ihe apparent rate of VINO each, is 50110 MI taken u • clarion of their alue. Tli• lamana. mid probably entrees, •alation of the Virginia, was $50,000 • few dry ago, and t: •t of the Staawall, 05,• la. They are Ilttle,ll at all.over an year old, sod are among the Oast awl tat busts of their ease emir hull. Still, thers . js• deur.-- matron aria rata, to well a a that Mall ...ern near Meatier. during the' past yam 'far steamer. referred to wore yalad one yam as, at 4611.000. • A letter dated at Vlekeburg, from an calm • on the WlldiMak, else. the (afloat,' partla. - lam of an se-tidal:a t• that boat: t ' Saturday a 4. op., about aides from oo the catcalls .pore, th• Wild Duck -ail , aura up. were Irtatlallie4 by • edid• tight ,gr.rt, Antana. • small aide-Wheel a W east. ha antra grimed the peat our pi. let ease aweething *owing. yet u o Mama were risible Aura Ma opened her gr• doors, he did set know whether lt was • raft or • boat. H• Iwsrdl.t•y eigualed her for the I we were 'mated around the petaVend our Ida. amwermi tt eneratly, ad eras own plea st the middle eras titer. Her pl.t bal.! her mound • etinn datare above us and pltelatrato Uar start yard barge, arse, euttiny lbrough Mir lull, brut kook, bud melting • boa hid nn to put • boa tload le. W• Intatatettly threw • terpeuiln am Ivor had, sad ea we were so sloes to shore, Ilk.r headway door. •..1..t the hank. iglu arew up • speedy bulkkad Minima Sof mud, ad In t d ., bourn and • Lail was midis way, blase stern fureenost..We bare ropstr. her, ad this morals. at ale• ack, the lack ad birds aft airain. Dare entered motat here on the barge. The primul a./ arta•ef her emirate for your att y. amino damage Ira Mae to a tatit night we aura hoee • bulk •u s boat, amanita Lao bushel. calla. In towof the SI owned by Cobb • Faulk, of Aurora. ad 15.9144 .9144 to Atom* lama. blase. We aired bee with our syphons. We hand her with S feet water en the dunnage, porsjial her. out. -repaired dew ens. sad left hoe with her largo W. Derain:. wet. rh. Durk lan at II M. W. tuna frr Ellanart.lo. flew •lbany tad 1,111.1111 ; M aus • for 21•0-1.• asid Oln. Canal. The nolpetttion betwocut the rival Stew Or. luta. and rieleourg paekyta 1. E. Lae cod Iles. Allen, la nettle( war.. the Vlekehark Twee of lasi Saturday gay.: A alarelar, suit wt. yesterday deolded by Tagalte Leverentmeg, the Inc. ea we beanthew being is follows: A. pitmen., inlay to the mouth of lime River stopped no boaed tee •Ilea 144 MAMMA the fate to that glees, •ogether with the sharing of cert•th taxes of hoawthold goods width he 10131444 torah. with low, the clerk »plied that thepawage KAI charge ter the fratght would alumni to bito, which appeared to Minutely astielsetory, rielmoranently he bled him to the IL Z. Lee,sne re relation the amount 4,1 pinder he desired to aaaaa ism; eves told it. h a could he sm.- undated for ALL This wee, of eattree, more eatistaetory, and the gentleman waa lo the ast of eeneomg hi. good. from Abe wharfboat, where they were stored, te the Lere when an lat.rwed hits that hie trey. had beet. altethed by thesteamier Q.,. for the rem of Stet be replened them, however, shin. pad ea the Lee, sad a tew hears thereafter the e.amt wee decided by 'goalie Loewenbm in favorer the Altai. The dstandaat at one took an ppeal. The Taeody, el enak In the Tensessoe river, was raised last Friday, lad erlee at Paguealt os Sanorday, wham gilt , Will ero on lee was& • IC=! nrnatrnii, Palm Warr A Dant so A.II tor 4 Inl4l, arysa (nanti; 24 do do, Illotlak Col 24 do do. Jot Wood, 21.• Co; I de do, Tontti A (Jo; 4do do. 8..., Graf • Dull; 2do do. Jam anorbtad, .an Aare.. IL P •.Inst k Ana; kat leaf tobstat, A Snook; Ir bon barley. Z Walottlukt. II mats kcal, PhonStrin 6.10414; 1001 salmon. i 001. dry Nuke.. Llttl., 11.104 A Pa 11..; (7 tit 0000 . P/D 4 raper Co t II 4. do, 11.4./aaoulla 5.010 A 0.4;64 do A., I.l.4frey A Clark; bal. to bano, L Mn,..; Bonnl 01d,,, tell k Mtn, art; 0 ten apple butter, 114 It 04414; I do do, Orad A R. 11414; 1 blOs utt•.3 In.. whin lead, 2 . '41 Kevin k Ca; t tar 0.4, Jas Oletn:l4 444 'do, (not 1.1. !Ulan 20 bale rya Ink Dta Wallas.; In balm dour. Saw:motor A Laat; WO 41 del, • Dot; a Inn Lobottu, Ennta; It bolts broom man. Y It IdaLollnd: 10 100t0,15.4110, Johnloo A In; Oran, 1 4 / 1 10010 lour, Eel • An n.Ol. • L.L•VIILLND din Pyrrarerasx Hdrearoar, February 21-4 ears ironore, Sboaubdrier ► glair; 2do do, telatutght Ca; I do do, Bros A OadebaYl 2! do der, Leanklia t Cu; 1 Ddb ace.. LIPPAouIt Bakeerell; 00 do dyne.. el 214WbAloy • Co; M bbl. tab/14011, Jail Dile worth i Vol: do loop Ino,l 11 loads; II aka rye, W 3 M..k; 1 bbl eggs,l J Featly. 1 ear on, 1 do oats, 41 eke ions. Sd do oats, J..... tiraklua;lll2 .11• Coto II du racks., Hadford Ckalr Co; a S oy opal., lebOror_• Amato.; Al do do, r: da do, Yo 142•• Co; 1 err Ire knee. Halley, Brows /1; Ca; 100 0.1 Obit. 11 11 Moor.; el ata mars, Hod • Alatagar; 40 etra I bbl. apples, BOVIII i &Ho; 1 ear Mos J 1 Bandar. Framiammi.oobtrannrak Fabmary IA —lt 1m lard, F Sallee Uor 174 eke cora, Bleaker A Co; d bbla bona dad, Marmara 4 km If Ganda 1. Col 111 halo pork, Idu hawk W Hay.Al,.; sam stave.. W' IJeyori Er kb!. Ilk PI 1. wlllres. do waned, 11 Drown I ear ear. Srowar..al lw a to dm bard... II Fsbotstock, Son A Old tad soy. Modem Lalirg. Ja...11.117 61•110411. 8., 141.111.17 24-• NI Dbl. Ilerb•wr 11 be. mad. tom A Enka; I aar wiled, Mn, Warm! Fe; 1 ear lumbar, J Nand' ears dais. Rklya • Ite• tort...; 1611 .Eli apples. Owens a Itmaadyi IN bae Ilassmd. X Blkurdsmi 3 oars limed... Scowler Irm Liar 10 bas cornmeal, Lamela MeElkalm; I ba t aaaaa o, DUllaralll bd. Saar, U Blablnalers. Abiammi VAL., A. U. T•bniary 41. 1 . 2 1; J.. . Demon dada moral, 8e.., Oral.! Dells 14 nite rt.. Scott A Oloalg do do, W Hingham; s ear. weal. 113ensilatit, Tor ter A 00;9 de ...Woad Woo, T D Medlar. • ST BA3I BO EITS. VOIR FORT • BENTON;rafr in k and SOLD hllNlad of RV ER O .— rAho oe tl T eh aLerUIS, and NISOUIII ».....::...c.lte.t.aoatn. Will haeo .4 able. ea the Rib ef Mettle. Ilea e tt le Is thltegtU . atplovred 71:14u :Orr/eV:fore eldened n In the trZat ui er nateaatte.T.T.. ari. fell ?LACE • coLLI:.I9O4)I).•fd.U. VOl3 NT. LOUlS .—Tlieadr o t sae ateareer MII AT DAYAUE; and largos So.. I aod 2. Pont( Caareet.ea emeameeer.ovlll leave as .bave nu If ..11/112tAT, I.l;,frE"`" ZNetitYl2:l4llf°A•raN. FOB Loins AND ag a ik .1116801711 t ~l'Ee Hat commr.d.en..?anfr ARM API& data. A. C. hicOALLOIL Mg•trisl!ntli vlial•nettltata ports toll frvaslProtaltPOW4l)""e'" FOR CUITOINNATI A gMb AND LOUIXVALLZ.—The tine Helmer Capt. CISO W. Rada, Will Ivor* aa aboTa ea MONDAY,. Nth lattutt, at 1 reeloa. T. Ilk • for haled..ae pang., apply. bawd orb an or, • fell J. I. I...Ltaniawoop.f As""'. 1 4 '011. CAIRO :AND frEs i dg i b Lt/1715.—Th• ft" notmer ' 01.61111/ALE Capt. Taxi 21. - HAIM Will Uwe as atm . . on eIATUIDAY, Feb M g 11449 0 w 4.a p. Par frelibtp, npely t , ,1 iiiNaMMag JOSHUA. RHODES & CO., BARLEY ARD, I HOP DEALERS, ome., U 2 Penn Nowt, Irrrranossur, pc Male Howse NobWeca Mire,liaise eau Works, Alheaktor. ARY 25. "lass 8)4 95.1:4/ Amt. AIKEN, IMIDEIMAJBJEB No. IN Fount derma. Pt:tabor:b. Y.. 60/ 1 / 1 43. of ail ktd4a; CRAM GLOM; so 4 aydry duarlolloo sr Yommial Parawayr Utxtla toyalsbod. Noma op. day and Edon. Um a. sad Carriages ftralaboa. Ntramordla—itaY, Dana Itort. D. D..E.M 314 A. Jacobus, D. D.. Timm Ilan.. Lap. laeob N. Nmer.-La4. CUARLCS & PEEBLEg, Onder. TAXERS AND LINIZET STABLY.% corner of Kaminsky ntemet and rataCla ye... AINOM ny labors thole COY/fIN itilONS ars cone Mainly anDrelird Mee real .red traltaelon Bow void, Makomuy and Walnut Camas, at preen Tates front 64 to um Body. onward for la te at. Haar.* and Cardamom, hernlakeei; alai, all kind. of Mourning floods. If repaired. Unite open at all boon, day .ad negate , RioBERT T. RODNEY. ruder- T. , Arm Elam... N0..0 046 et„ .1 X..% and No. SO Mu.. Square. OM Johi Whims L Hros.,) keeps al.*. hand lb. bud. Rot.. Rosewood. 'Walsh a. 1011W10. 1/<••••••041 Canes. WolonS Co*. from as op. wow. Isessweed Ootda. 00 stewards: all other Coll. Ist proportion. Csnlades an. lUarso. raraßked at low rat. CM.. Snores. Pls . nod Eurasia, farair.s , paoa. Otod oa , . hod Slght. icl CZAR al"!1. Eoo., .4 other Lot. rsr. Filealatal• „ A 1 .. .5[21 • eossoloh.l.o•4 St shorten sot.; eshbh au hawliale old Livery 11.11., oar .trloowsaticl .Streixe.. FOR SALE 0104 8 411 E—A good am.4lr; saS TOIMT ACHED or LARD. anti tam Ot.od Wschariiis; good slarolliax h..... .table, WM. MM.. lama nom, Map, Mt. This pr• ty Le mart Is•oratila Masted !Mr miles froaa sit, .. Plitsbarati Classical E. R., near • . • . • • lausymllle. Obi.. Chestnut .11 bark em E b. 4 raaaanahly and In aay tomt/ty. Tbla yard Is ..Cal PATI., bulamaa. glits praysny eon boo k. 4 .t a bantalat au4 au lAt avaskramen.bla tan.. IXo..lra at ZAXIIET t BALL, 11 Bas- Tar starlit. All ..... y Clay. Fon; MALE . F,tOIIIOILEN.—The -.- Solna. of thew deal fable Los oow of fered st 'private sole, owl anyone ddstrouo f f floe Os lidlaK stow would do well to mat .. owlsotloa. 'A. villigo to locatodoa a r mallfol sad Maltby ir oyoe, tor ralf adios from Sborpoliarg, Or Ur* flu { ors PorrasYlosalo Sollrood. which rdr tannin lt, making tt Inrush sore voluble '' •irrse•ble. peeparstle. an maths ter erecle• a velaber of Ile• hoess• White .11 prove es ornament le the tow.. Th resealed/tree these let• e , lll ho sold at vary re .a•ble '!stes all as limos exeeeelarty eltey .LL t eIICTTEILT, trial Istate zed Sneer ArSatb.LabreeeeelHe. ,BALE.—Rittise and Lot W ..' mailer of Illaahattia as 4 Adana strait, roar Cairn,. L•ll , •Mr. Lot 44 DY 13 feet. H.. trams. soatalalng 7 masa aaa good Det. faapDaval. 0011. and L4f4 as sumac .cat DI I dwalli atreat, Allagkeer COT. Lotto Dll, faro; haffse flusw.oroatalna ball. Ira moms good offilar, wawa sag gas. ur , aayaral ago, Ins.. mina L 444 ha cootlonook, laqaff• of J HMO4I; CO., 'l4 Imo, agar Ciaarata. lifsaabealDr FOR 18,11.LIS—A. vQy &nimble rbritt.tery INDUBL, saarly nem: premed inlet INtwt. rwarttlw small.; pas are tkiewdbeet; boas< contains seven roan. sad Is!Adm./ stmt. tin. N ILK IrrIIISIST, near W7ll, Sixth wand. Pou•salort (rote April tot, INN. Knit rim at Nis bees. von; SALLE—HOIgtiEd .—A SIOW:MID'S Livery sal bale friable. ea* Sue lAICILY rams own; DAPPLE war moiarm. LANK naAvorT HORSE: three SLACK MAYAS: tens MUM Kalil. lIIDST ITlMEtobfee U f a jg, bale HIaN arlieise• bor. fal=Eill FOR SALE—One CARRIAGE, matelots for as et tee brae.; eas TWO. SOME WAGOX. sail • doable se et OAR. NUL aunty •.w. Kagan. Si the BILDPITL.N. R RENT. pm IMENT—At Pine Creek, on . I, ...- : ro o d. of th. el bocrll;er, A NrAT COTTAGE, Or seven it elglll room. Sr. row Ottat, the roosttars doerabla.. Not low. Env. in Y. & y lOolosal Sauk, roartb stmt. B. 4 SOLLYAIi, PlusboLts, Tobrao7 AO, MIL TO Lt.7—Tiro Sliore Dooms In or. Palo near awn II "Teat, /1111.46•27. With Orr,!lags Orar earl, .It. vratar, bat]. room ant a.. Letalar good fa dry goads. 'armory or retall alms atom Also la an balldl•gro. foot room, IRltael. far mall famliy. Apply at sae* •f rsizrin BU Z., Uhl* ~,, , sad Ilaelawlek moat. Allaillaay. 11111SURY DEPIRTHIT PENNSYLVANIA L gIaiILIBEVINI, DLO. 1.11, 1 I 7 • PgC)TICUEIi 1 ) HUM Ir m LOANS ME= CommoOweallh of Palmy vanlq, llae July Ist, 1868. - R777: - ; tt OOHS, 11 . 1 LAGTAGYPILIlliS OP •- ziati Trunk ECM." 1 7 11 D FEEERTS, O N•PTIBECIP1011. 1- 4 (—) I EVEaC HE FOLLOWING Du©. July let, 1868, WILL lIE INITSIEST TO DATE or rATWERT. O 1 PEA. PI=TAT/OR AT Tar. Farmer* , and Mechanics) id ittonal Bank, • I=:3 • 1 ° 1 1 7 M I MLIA-7Q311.Z.2 1v.113X.M., tAuult_otalarch 27th, 1839, duo ilt6r lit, 1888. Lean et iuly 191 h, 1839, due Mipy lit, 1868. TX.II.IIIT 011 ' MC ABOYZ LOAM WILL •s ON TNI Lim Or JULY.IB.B. MINA 1011.11, Beil et Nita I. !SMUM?, ut Went BIU Imam Ootemalif , Anaers et Maki's. 4. JACKSON - & FREW auateaaars to LOconoltr i nava IILNOTACITUXILIO AIM DULL= /X Harness, Saddlery; Trunke, ' • A. 4 akll also loon ao Had awl tare{ ltoia Zamora annals aU the late pattarsio mks sod baprorosaanta la • nike. irp AMOK.. alor Waratoaa, .• , sara. xes woc.a. rat".'lll:B74:47l;l•2l°`'nx""tt3 SPEC T.A.CLWAS. OF ALL 1 3 / 1 1136, AT DIIIWRILTII lialiLlCTrip. H ruin gnaw. WIANITFACTUREab GRAFF, BYERS & CO., 0114 A IfrAlft 14=113 kr, Hoop 'and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT - .IRON . - laula Lk !ADA it OIL. nu, Streei Office, ‘2 , III23BURGH PA. FORT PITT , BOHR, WILL MB IN clubtimem !..1tY1,1611, =I rODULAIL DOUDLIWLUALD, =BEWAIL T2ESLDOSu u YL.LNDEE@TSyI DOWSED, OIL ArLILM AND OIL 1 . 12i3:Z, 01111/7.61 - £, .111 . D AS 11 PAN! SZTTLISUI VADr3 ADD ION• D.M1:31:1;,N. aT.Z.131 r K;3. I ROY 8.-n.1.014 Ir.S, ?Amor niicatc CY):11...8atT7.78 0 / 11 • 116 ..dWer4acern•rit•no3.1. IThart sac Ltk.•rsy Inrcatx. Pittsburgh, Pe.uueylvanifi. 027.0pitra re,n. rnats eitlreraln G proton::: a:P:tra to. orl.1:111 81NGTO LEON WOMB LY,0311) 41; 835uaCK3 =1 Chareos Ofuniatc:, 1, - ,oin Iron ito A - '3lll altr. IBMS . 11 1W.1. ? i1V1 4" .:T T - r,VNII; " aA1 ' 1•11- A E i ( *. h '" - a . a.1011A1:1/ OIL 1 , 1:;',17.1: LEcl4, SP . Ltd T ' ti eL !We. AT ILAILIf, Y. 10,3 .3,2 COAL 2C9.1,...4 A t AJ .1•z,•1. XrlyLe4n“ 1: . • tte yor is. EitL •• X 2.0 a i -trt 7', . 7.) tgitlPrt.g3g%l.l4 JAJCIS INDUSTRIAL WORKS. MIL M. BOLE & CO FO 17,1"DERet, Engine iftillders, and Naehitiitits Mato to order ltarin6 oat La,: Steam Entities of MI tau, yarrauted to g:ro tatttluttosi. Cat at pt, or ertry deter:V.lot, made to °Mei I.l.ltirt Nxt,ollll, l 4 op.,— ISO.. •0 r 4". t i ; V sti l tif PITTIME , LV6.II, PA. ri'S :MIN , A h:/.. rtli ANDERSON, COOKA 00., tET1.00d...0.,12t , 4 :0 JONZ9, LOYD • CV.,I I , .anuflanrrrs of th< not REFINED CAST STEEL O 21 • INATlffri AXLJOIVINO 714021YR5. ,ISTIEL ?LOW ITIIO.1 4 BFRIRGAI AXLES. Ond(111L4X11, le., le Caot And Common Plow Is :;prlng Stet. oree—Cover of rtra and :ay'. Strati al.aolg • Alpo, , VA. afoot a talitla Motto. o 'l2:d IVIONT LC AC rOUNDRT. Butler `;*,scot, Muth Ward 1.11/01, =EMI Volllag Mai i;no, B:iitgo Castle tRIN3L9 Mb/. PIP 2 3,3111, Eleteblase7 end t,”Uns. G. morally. Ordarlp:l27tly sif7l4,. EFSIIE/IT Si,l,AcuLuit) BLACK pi.slmorin STEEL WORKS PARK, BROTHER & (04 icurirrxcvmaraut or ALL DISCIMITIGNA 07 agInE U IO.IM-Ll s OS. and If - m . 0133w°, /DO. 22, Bey ond and 119 t 171 20.0 91reo.ta, =MMI BERLIN FOUNDRY NINE 4, HMS, =MEM Woo,l v....,feclariaa..!ire;,..nneia:i. ha:ad Tit On We, Rein 8 Pipe BOXii. WAGON fit/MKS Pud tSUN2 51101 R huta.owWAlTLa..l taiLlsycl acacnalr aa.14:71 110 3ERT LL'A, ...... , 1.`71'. - ZU.Ur 71' CA • TEAM EETINE ANE BRIERS oisters AND I )R I/MMES. 4“,rintlzl4llvAde 43.41 yorsaAr eat /Pa, las, === PIN S,4l4Yl.llWirli WORKS. SON, PR.V.ViTia CO., max. Iry Cs %1-. 7 44 --- >FLEEN, almT UNION ENTEURISE FORM FYN. 31. JOItitiBTON. Illanursetlicr of COOK I NO MTUVaiI )C 2 1, IaCHZIS, OUAT Tv, Fr.:11,31 T, u. a . a , b4 . 3. - efora vrr..T.Ty. !G. Of r t, rth titariUcti. Pittatcrgb, -------- ;.;707Jerrif F.4131.1„,G. ROGPRZr &.11317RO.UPV.T,LD. ..tuoath.ctarf...ol ttikfinal,Gbatr eceo ,11natialla et Polls M3 , 71'.7.13T.Zr. , oPtt. NO. ell QM i s ittoiomx~,' . y,,~, IRON 190111 k roR ALLEGII& r 001 712 . 'Y WORK 11 Mar.. • • o pirAtzt4l . l / 2 2 , 72gra 02111 tbe 20222 OAT g 71.4 `. 1112, !.1111,7Z1r3 r2 1; ; 1 1 .: 7 9 / :1 :7 1 . 2 4 11 Va . !. 2212 spec-H.oo. itZbi uot o '' at the Les 01 "2 a Motor, Art 2112211,, No. 2 dl, Clalr OEtt. 111.11EIRS. arcatat7 t Cot, Wend sad /comb tit, PM/MOM H a. 1220t0r0, • W. n. 902 2 allttee. • • 2402.11 FULTON MACHINE - -401 NELL. 401 NELL WIMIX9, et •71 On. sail of &hi Most • 870. loptoyed vateras for Its llRroasea; A el! and *ISTLAX g AVE ZIICZ gg:1 5 11 LI! TV AM' (NOVI Mo.. rCii:J.111C.1,9•11•41.11•6 9 . • Ltn.1.:',,P717."27. 1 ' • °' th'9l*..l,lr COTTON-8 bales Oa arilaler Jaa, to gmer , , 00. i ~ }`l a~, PITTSBUItIi AND 1119,10 ---- • I WV . lo . ire, and Hap ilea Itells4 Itallvintur Milos HI • - . . Zagetivlk Irminees: • ....tiarcusstre rraas . fildelgoiisi • Yokes; atrepsi, • rine= He - Iltsambeat Shang illeambool Planks; Platen Zeds, Waists; Intsaa Jaen, Oettaxi, °m", No. 177 MIN Erni PA. NATIONAL FOUNDRY P.IEJPIE Vi'Oll.llXS, Corner Carr Oil and Bm+k+ mu Eitreets, filsab Wart)), PITTSBURGH Pi. _ I ; 747 TheIGIEL,aIT3Ia y aucturAuriming oat Cast Iron Bowl p e,. FOR GAS AND WATER 47QSH8. =ling EIT.M.,""lig b' uez =Olt Of WM CHEM ns en in ltiq OIL Of 416• W 0 7 .1.1111461511120 01112Abira NW lIEDWIRII 110ESil. • • ' ' !El -7-, F. i!f Lindsay, Sterrjt & Eimer, Mandsotarere &Importer l iof HARDWArtp, CUTLERY, am; 337 LIBERTY STRAIT, Ei==l 'okay. Wr►yae. One Square Below Baton >zpel, prprssului* M. Amami. rAntsamys. rrirTrrtillaßik'fllPl Se SINGER, MEM ;CO itilarracitirw!Cl BEST IBM EAST srfa . *DA 1W LID KIM, Or ill 101 Ilya., !MAT, 01aCoLia. fla-n. .LIDOup OR, SAW PLATES. =IT RAILWAY- Pii.INOS ' Cast Spring Skit, - Cast and .Gorman Plow 04e1 mow wilves.acto wrime PRIM, AXLES MD STEEL 111113 'lat. son 2. l lL A ,Acurot, Agr inip r tio %tailbone, 8$ Water St., pawn Ana's ORTOX ETRAIR web mud, Pittsburgh, to THOMAS N. MI Irs nose Work, are Inca. %Zs/arms& s and tan !moplots sstabltsnment a 1.17-12, sow prepared SO fasalsh ' anilinmorEvery PretrtMhlt. •) Sofia; 011 Tanta, Sheet Inn Wcrkf Railroad Cutlngo, QM M!airfrie Carttny, . ' ii %actin* Vutlnxe. . Meneral Castings, OIt.DRELB 80.L1C1TE.0.4 • 9 nolinaef JAMES . IC- RITE, 53 and be Water Street,iii pirrissultea, =MOW o=a TAL.IIXIMCOI, narrtrso ma's.' Cllr£Ls t5l/CAS BULLING , SILL ISTAOIS. 54: • aaa 1 , 11/ILT let N W 014: for Sitaalboatt:i JOHN ROxilaixit RRCLA FOUNDRY, Carson Sr" 91a.Waret, near A. T.HO ILILIRTAcTina3 07 Hammer Diee, Steel Mona*, 11143 Ell id Ldite futirls t 4 .T 2 ratna z Zruir:=l:l4; nr..140. nO c. Da.avo.—....cnAil.cencarra,47 GREENWOOD FOUNDRY. BRAVO &DONNELLY. 1 Jobbing and Machinery • CasUn4 arjsltn W. teri•pcFccwe. cwt. to OMel.• li•-; 0121C15, 250 Liberty Street, .er:r4 tetasdazy of Rasta Ballaas.ef 150niqnr....... t zasanzz........ OMAHA BOILER WOESB. MORROW, BARIUM & co 4 KA-1 1 97.1C1T1L1111 07 ezoan, Boßer., 011 Bulb, ABitat* Tanta, kali Pans, Ganotoftere Wrintext Iron Bridge., kneel Iron Work, t ti.l4e, Br, Ca. LIBERTY MD BECQ D STIkl PIXTEDVIR CCM P 4. sIe.BILN9 DORI rIIOX.MLT. .1,13-1 DUQUESNE Iron and Steel Works. Cowman; Br4tin & 00.1: JECtitrracrrtmarsa or Iron, !Vollo,Bplin6o,Alles,Btnel,/14' WA1131701417, iiiNGIZM=I ~I 133 VANT 1 52,..—...1. 4 BUZ= 1 : / A STOVE WORK& 1: A. MARLEY it CO. llarailfotare ital . , min, of r teak; Parlor and Resting .Btoves,i' ywal AtelzavaitvigA.lnim 21. A YLTIIILAN awl LRWIRLDZiII Cloak nov44 Istatinfactars GLUM, GRATA 111:01711. Are. 1 ogre me Wozebalm tamer ax 4; slzoot4 rltie.asta. antrlia.a. 0.00am4; AD= w n almt—..---...sDauDID D. sarea. JADED EL MUM & ' 11/iXCTAt . ./:UuLs C 7 Steam goners, CU OWL% Unit) Sheet Iron Werke, ar. 61 Penn 5t.,./bittaistssisPa. taliTh I TINDRY OENTML AND ROLL WORMS, BAWL 880 1 0 exua Itraekt. BOMAN, BOYD s / ohm uon.. Nun *Lattas. nen rat- THOS. CIARLELST. nun V1N11,401111/011111111114, tua • italiftildiwt. " " 14 w w 2.1 =Mb 10 .3 unAut agagra. - • : AND 1: , )) I,lTi A 4 - I t:.l ilVSaptraVi°r so °a izt.zoran • tsal a ad .laa r arnigh 5 • 414:1 44 4.4fr0. linkman. Lau. X. to a M. WaKeellmet Attennexasin DeAl A. 11. ela lanp. t wkl from inkontn. r. No 10:1WA. Weel Weanen Aeoemen.. tall r. azASA..N. Broaa'a Ageoaankm ...AV. 01:15 r. . V.IS We 111015 ACC. I .CII/.1115e11 WM re W. Ae lannday COW./ Tram to sae • Lean Wen Newt.— .—. late r. XIIIA le 114 , for TleteA. apply to . Palk. Aiww4 • A. B. SCOOT. akeparlateAanna. ALL_Ip9HENT VALLEY !WEIL. "". nuashog Through Von Ouzo CUT. Ormooohoo with Trains Rost oad Wool ea. 'Tama and Wrawklla Ballmad also Wlthaa Altaalla and Great 'News ltaunT. , vs :ad atur,mutsl),tY, Ica JutearT. M a . tha raohnornrrouu win hors from Mel arena at Oa rittabaria I ll Pat. eon. Oaaal Yd rits follow.: Mail 16 and from V. Clty. P. 4 .11. mit a. Expre.•• •• 1.• • • 1015 T. V. ll. L. 431 's Bond Acoormo.A.a. 1:46 p. l iar. Mr • Pint Soca Worts A 04293...• alaru. Ir.' I. LIU. Sao Snort O to.!• Works Aterrat.. S:00 r • 1 : 2 4.•• Holt. Aeon:m.34ooa . ... K. MN!. 11. L1V211.. c :41:1`.../TiTZ.„%"II Z 6722. Iretsralss; lesvos •Plrts bows as pi, p. 4,, ps. riv ss Wurtsx.Tatieri,.......m. col) 1868.- 1868. li w r15315 ., A. ..51111 . 1.1 v 1.11r5, W D A.SN wri n U D Ii Y tU 13.1. 1511,. /N 4, tram win Inn. • Anna awl a.zow salt. =ln IWO. 11U"'"1 i. 7 . , Ti ` " *•""° 171,... • R.W,ll: ,7 fflftlFAVAgiii• 11. pie 11311,15 011,1mne Cr, 4#4.4.4 CEI /I 1. AZ • 03 3311.11 V ... ~1401 eaeo O ft.. tia m 1,3113.0•._ Chicago I. CO. 11.11' Erle 1.3. 0,11 vtatomn , c. 9:Cl•n 111, • Ai 3:13 pm ' ' Miele. 35 ..3.1:114 VTR gbßErlo te. 1:31 p Ti. Tolnat . n. 021 Dep.. f rom . Allcfner.y. 15.13110g11_931. • Lt.titt".l . .Nl:l' l it ,et on/ am N. Or i n It/am Itoeb.ter ,`• 1:53 pa New Cut. 10:11.3a genie , . Ace.. 3:41 p sci L4610,1.13' •• 0:13 is Laeunals Le . , n 1:134 7 . ifs p N. Otit•a al •• 10 ::epm LeetiCtle •• 09 pia :4312 .. 11 7:28. pia p. 17 - 141,8 Maw "jru.‘"tr". UnIL : a I'. 4I•TAS " A U /A. • COLIPARUS a cummtiri P. I PAM MEE 101J11. • ()HAREM OF Ttalli.—Ou .4 alter lICOIFLULF, December tub, W 7, trains aalll leave NM Amin at Union Dow. at (cllma, PlSldbOlgb t 111111: Mall leer. 2 . :15 4,a, NM re, Xs r tat Line ..... 9:40 N. ?Pala We Past Kane. taxed Way 2.t.0 P. al. It 05 A. N. sae a. V. a:Senate Ilellanalc 80. 1-11:10 a— we 3:10 re Ws isteubeavill• Accept c:lay. Y. are A. Me ; Ate. NO. t..• ale I, N. elle Srecut. Stor.lci PIN. leaves & =OP. K., arriving in C i ooi os ., i at CIO L. II awl laorstaa . Moeda, excepted. &elicits, Is Cl i ncle”tl WS& "'WM" illrito *exas of para between PltdatedUl (310c/staatt. awd Otitt .0051:_ga to SG • Care, azd prirdtpal pctsta Wan sett nwt. Wbas pureSustes 'tints lt• nyea2l !NAOS ale. at the country 1 CJEIJ3W L I. Dition Depot, (south tide.) X. Da BLOTlllelLiZPA.l.l6ll.'neball Ik._ISOULTe. amanral Tie kat Agin " JIMA - H. zemnsa. O. I. Agent. 'prariviaLvem& CIENigAL • aWPM • 134 ad attar 0014.11/11 Ott!. 11a, Trate/ win " Flirnrlgt 174%1 NAr. .4101:47 Jolt Titttrrz.-. Lae am D. ..47".W. itnet 311 Nen 1:3I •to Fell'e He. L 3,30 •IN 174 1 1 1 TIA:: !'.No. L .. t Johnston. • et_ _ Qt. EX TV. 1113 N R ; '!" rTai 14";: j° fa 3 / 4 .94t: „Is:: lad ingerent trean 10:30 3111 The Clberelt ?re. Mra W• ll.33 leilen anneal at oab w va.. main g EltUbbeirli 31 S. et. 11411t07a131 ems Pittsburgh at use D. tin.,. 334 sreere et 111.1E131ton bt2:00.3.134 •(.3betto et( ILTpte es lesm AU SUSI d4iy except begati. PtalearaptilkeLtegese end tbe i1100.104/31•• 333132.10 n Erogrant Tr eat SITIVO del j 4 .lm etaruLll arriT. 414117 ezcolt: 111 ether ;nuns dally eSeePt .312.117.. • " /or fartAbb 13.13& . 31z .. beis w t? nr. • • Me Pea:m:3.ls 13313 bad Ualapeatig , Hundred ur Tina Wfr u tt T ' lNtr47 rat taw:ll4 yelluffilaralne. AFI IgNeßlfe 0 33 11.10 lint tout ercoael la ralee Will heat the to. owner, mal i m u iz si,...igtod tag} • general traperleteodent. Al tees WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA eurt a tinitlite7 ° ', tae' I::seseiteco Tral i ne W iligl " 111 theft Mere Yancey/yealsßailreed Will= at end depart Dom the leg e: Duxes A..leghelly COW, axle/lower en Welt 1e:15.K. Prt% P nort Ito o . I 810 Att. YrueloTii . kri 31 W sproAs e. at. tiherpb`a Itel 1120 AM Ilharpe`g No 2, IFM.Y.te. 151117.11 7 H e"P* 2_, " 742 !AP:. VtterPeVtl'O.ll'l,..:lB.2 klartnertyle At/ 7:19 ray. ilharpelg Nolo Iwtioll Abate train, runnally except eultee7, The (Am roe leases AllegbearJeltel• Mr/punchy at :VA. nesehing City at MO A, W. neettrettly, leeves City at 1:SI no. 4 estlyo at Allegheay at 11:43 Y. K. 4 3 orwutte .r n atzto4or sole In pachArle el street. ketx'o. Ilennot3VAl 14.1 Mai sharpleure. AM rood only on, the Wall. OW • Pt2f." tg.Villtarltd.A3lll4l. V4l;l4`rL7l. o .77's , `, , ,TP.rti.iTtlfl 0.70.7'n 11!,1ft.M.%`.."11%?"4.9.. Pricy Yittsbur and at Depot w/wwww . ' We : alter int eh., Wen cpelyl; 141313 , t1 LLY/XIYZIA -renew nowt The ITextern Penn fylvealh Sellyead MIL ammo any riot Ito: amee, except for Wee. LAE Apparel. ./111mit tote. restenultolity:lp /../et LWILDILSD DOl.xerA in raise. • All beery* exec:to:line thie amount In Telne , will be ft the of the owner. Anleat takeA: •Poets• ' Irset. EDWARD tiIIELLTAI2I ~ doe eanerat enal. Altetlia. re. SMOKY ELL ROUTE MON plane RAILWAY, EASTERN DVISION, TIRE SHORTEST AND Dori palate la aiLLL/3.La ROUTE troasilta ZU$ COLORADO, DIRVADA. nuaroluaLt, musoarei; ivimEutNeTes; NEW IIELICO, LCIAIIO. ozzeos. Two LW. luvo rata LI. AAA LeariswOßßl any. (Imdayt ezooptod.) . tla mint at vat. of Poetic Ra/Rout Rom ISt. Lowl‘iliit RA.1.1 And St. to Ball:12M from 05... tow. ooeung at Lawreace. Tone. saA !Ram a. wItA mak. Are AR petits to AIIS.S4 At out of Root west of =sir.. wItII tko trATTXR ZXPRERI oultrAxtras D 1 LT.. Lox Olt, ovratuury Jima. AND ILLTUTRIS 00Aal RO TOR DENVER, SALT LARK %Nu /us. roum ID rst TIBIRROIII2I6- and With tiLIDZISOIV3 TEII-19Z1XLT zzza OR Callan-1M for ran , Untoe. Dezt.4 Rus. Lllrmr.orgar,ftata Lh and ` ali yablii RE a MOIL cad NI. Itostro. , • • With ine recant addi Bern of rolling Mtn WI •Adpniann and arrandanclata loads wieaaar atanaalbla Overland :Yawn . ..tat:on Lbw bait ita wanton> tanniaar, fain road non ollarri.amn daniledinctilUnatfor the ' , Annaba-4n at Rapt to tha Par Nat? j • - ?knots Son anti at all the principal alien la tan:United a taroi . Be aura and Ann POE TlCArrn !BOXY kimri TOUT!, ABIOS r4Launa AAIE.Nray, IieTZJIII DiT 103 . . 1=26 I. E. ticamt /Mire. aratTiastAit'sHl. E:~ 4 a.~.:q:i:tr;~ STRVICre AND Bllolll_ LIVECPOOL dt QUEEUSTOWN, lituar4 =! TWA INDIAN slimy giertaiDa.v—Eviiellas." gtrlraLord . Ui 4 .l . x .vi.7.l4,4r mr nun Analrat Ay,..z •0 Ito CocamA • anstartais, Zr Exel to.t frise•Faniook Cobreftslielige , • HAVilk.ll AND tit oATE - BIART1111! it al titbit* item Note & Elite Tall Oiler atid Warerraes-31111aad 3111 Wererooat on roatteliteaf e , 'reran. 44atleAMerhle or *Wet Matte* , tzrzire. 1 :1:74 , ',1711 1 ,1741,nr. ltj itt.f 0 76:1 11 1:,:L..?.. n . i .T1L1A1..4.741 1 'ni ...... Teem to ro other Nut to Ardent Yetnirite peal...then elate ItatMee era door ; AU ktadA _ltarole . Noto door Is vp• be • lanrit nstrACAtit: regledaritleallralt ' 47lf ?!weirra*T „„. • Av. GLASS 113,3IIM111111311 1 ; 4rEoc, invimiteirfoncir having Rle*Selma the sole /I.treeeT C. the lei , gbe copL EY POT' CLAY.';' . prirparsd to Malta it ups time entails, So omen, ale Mutes Meta yell.. ate °Mils tier lieges et , • 4lttea et men - protection, Ile telmwe lseiease teltzetitale fez iter . ttuus say la poperlew. OhsWes* tot. ere Asei ft ri e e els stestas. We er4ll.lcrek l ev, l ampullae et beseletuo of t • 4 • 14,30.1, ir.i...Z:OrTra t ife&- , i• • = FianA Avi r m !'" Mgr/ raZ csit tuivi sc isci 1;1 ,41)38. AL- ALND.WO3, j