es.Rittartr*t. Yttterert Cllstrtr. '7."l..tsy y!our!.., • /Mt weal sat Woweaed drank L • Pa tans, a/int at Needy.: L ~ ... . I usainto a stedsber san `, .' .: • - Awl &elated that I wanl a dy.: ...: ".., ,'L Ant Shot the devil eama ~ba ... ...- LL oe,smueorefidthatel seism:we-- - - .gidaga which a man should not despise, Ede shOuld the Softer gender, .., L.. . . For what are Iwo la this short fife - W ittiOngsan low ot sutloul Onlyllclos thi s a strife • Assayed suu old load , HI ia1d...111 th,ss you shad rousts, U•re'llgitlid tly ovum Tad Shall imLlar, you shall d Mir.; TOerfootwithin Thou horde.. ........ • And yot.wlit gLudaids, groat am!, small, .• TOut. - whtle rinses till oklog i .. : Eat ytm be sum au-do thou oil' . Zoselikly at drinki yourng, Futria's will glee mind great light, WWl* they bat keep their laver 1 The mind that glum to mu his might Aleut* it. gave the devil.. . L . Iv thee sad there to do— In vise of "Thad." or Moorhead—. W &et 1m wished, swear Linea and tau st mutt whining sorehudi He see Aboa.sold won I torn.: Ott-elowa my foes to stand tug; . had bade them go where sulphur heroed. "Or any otherlaadiug," . Eat ea* there was who old emu , ..,„ Another brake MA promio . • in outset th em / old Crer: for __ The has to Atchful The as.r • - Eat Jest ahOut the tite" AU things U male il j e t - itch . A teak of •Eads w load I: . Id Thad: . ' , le ha toy goes ton thorn. I them begin Co Marin e o 0 " , Mould woe Impeach v dolor, isa araoh auto to dro ve my woos. Maims toe Cairo rave l eg. Asd q_edelily to is Oo toll To Miele. but tO pm t OMs Helasighed, and bid ma g 0 to—dwell leitll hlm, when Pegg, ....tome. Mahn Wu to drier to • ara i • Re Irish for Fazolos br gilt hobblenclined, I would eAv Ise Toil Dail o miod • Zedr•tudy, mad ltie . mble.. • ALABAMA. 'LETTER FRO Ilso.nieetten forttneation et the Fleinstintion—esar. or the Defeat- Neer - tee 3 hiox as wenageo—ra - goideseptlete Faree—Now that No neelesare to be secetenso, or Prel, riiterthinfineated, for Armed Treason, leellitimeeoleers Do Noe Ranter, be elteemestreeseeo teorreertounave Pthehtle.ttitiree•t• 1 ... Plif.srscir.r.z, Arta., Feb. 14, IS,le. The election, for retail-ellen of the Con stitution framed by the Monty:mere - Conveatlem, le over, anti the result is the defied of that Constatntion by several thousand majority. The friends of re osnitneetion in this State are greatly dive violated over the result o f thls election, having felt quite confider:it that the Con ' WWl= would be earned by at least twenty thousand. It is of the noises which produced this result that I wish toupeak. It is due to the people cf the North list they ehonid know just how this thing has been managed, how re conerructlon generally is retarded, and what means are usol,to • prolong rebei flom Thelate election in Alabama was one oldie most contemptible farces ever pot uprorthe political boards. From 'item to stem, from center oo o rircumferonee, It - ..Was a ccessummate humbug. There WO:neither fairness nor freedom con neetod with it. Rebel influence; mid . nothing else, stretching from Wlethitir, ton to Montgomery, defeated the Caron nation. For the information of those not upon effurs South, it may be re to say that, as the reconstruc • tion law now etude, it is required Mit a majority of the registered voters Ulan vote upon ratification. There being about 105,000 quelitiel velem, it follows that 85,000 vote would bare to be polled, a majority of which, say SODA would have to be for theC onstoution, e before that instrument would lave become . valid.. Elute - as returns, so all,p ns:et - less than 85,000 votee, in have been polled in the State . And hence the Constitatiou 13 defeated. ' The intelligent reader will at once see that the blan of the rebels was to 'day away from the polls themselves, and to keep as mitny others from voting as possible. That .the Military Counnexiders of this els trie‘ and particularly those in ibis State, with the rebels, whether in re;;Mentr' rebe ls, e l tl know not, is a moral ear feisty, The rebels no understand it, and so do the Union mon.. There were no adequate provisions mete to secure a fediand free e.rpression of the send- Meets of the people upon c Con nib:Olen; bet, on thehi:limey contrary,' everything seemingly was dons to em . bargees and canines the minds of the • --people and to - give the rebels a fair chance to bring about defeat. Two weeks prier to the election Cl.ths the teed, order from the Commanding Gen era of this State to the effect that the polls should be opened at eight or ten different precincts in each county. All thought. that was. final, and preparations uses made at each of theprecincus dreg - naiad for holdLng an election. But, le I Jed a day or two before February 4th, (election day,) corn, another order re voking former orders, and requiringthat ,elections should be held only at the county town and two other places in the w ash - co. The whole former urrengement asbren up, non of the old re:ole fin's. were dismissed; mbels, who could not take the oath, wens appointed in their places, and things , generally were so mixed up that even intelligent men's minds became confused, Right at the time of election there es ne orders and elitulleteordees,_ in enultitedinons cos fttelien, at having upon their faces delib erate intent to embarrass voters and to place abetsdes in the way of the election. In this toasty, and in several of the adjoining counties, it was net osr talh on the morning of February 4th that any election would take place. There was general embarrUnment and conflation. In some counties in the • • State the polls were notopened at all, and at other pluses a still mere high heeded coarse was pursued, the polls Urine:wen taken posserion of by rut tank and the freedmen threatemed with violence if they voted, for the =n i non.. At ether points rebels managed to get to set he j rider's of dee Bern without Arming been sworn fn, en that the votes mot at places would have to be thrown out and not counted. Came this kind happened right in this neighborhood. In no county in the State did two-thirds of the registered black vegere v go a to the polls, havingbeen intim idated threats of violence. Again, the ons and conflicting orders Wen: headquarters, hat on the eve of elution, rendered 1t very our for wily rebels to - impose upon the Moo ranee of freedmen living in re mote parts of the county, by telling them that the eleotion had been put off, We., Many of the heedmen lived twenty •e the lines of voting, and, in order to Yak, Wstad have had to walk that distance. their employers refusing them even a horse or male to ride. In short, every manner of deceit, threat, and Intimldan was kee the Meeks from tl t o he polls. T he registered tedrired voters are in the majority in this Ststs, and, of themselves, with a fair slovetew and jnetice on the part of >RU MP' Commanders, could have carried the Consithation; hot, as it is, the rebels are chuckling in their sleeves ever the sitecitis of tier plum. For instance, in Lendenisle county there are tinily one thousand colored voters, bat wily dye hundred and ninety-eight of them voted. Now this Is only a fair specimen of the way the election went in every county in - : ii-Sees let me say that the white people or the South, particularl the et-slave bedding clue, have taken y ri bold and de cided stand against the reconstruction laws Laid down Cengress. The prim - elplee involved the measures aro " MOUT olmexio s tn tbe es rn, and they new openly avow that they will use any and everTenesne in - their power to prevent their being carried Out. Here and there Sedlenrest -rebels sro bold enough to threaten forcible resistsnee. They affect lb consider themselves') deeply outraged a nd sod their co:relax of Congoess - and prances of - J ohnson re -long and ' loud. There seem' to me to be a Ms " take In regard to the Southon)eitratien, 'very -velent among tbe people North. It to ..t the South really soma to get but into the Union, end that, were it ' =tofu thenegro suffrage part of the re- Wilelletnklilltro plan, -the Southern white people wield, of themselves. aid in car eering oat this plan. Thin is a mistake. r tienly - believe, and close observation confirms me in the opinion, that the ma- Piety of Southern whites dm not want any reconstruction iat all. The fear of punishment is ever, and they now feel quite sore that there will be no necks prop for hay - Inl in armed. tremen against --- Ow government. Nearly .tritee years berm • rowed lintel We surrender. dr- -the rebel farces , , and, during' that time,-there heel existed in the Mites just such •atate of things awe might, expert weiere th ere is no chit law, no government, no protection allibor property, eave that afforded by ninneertain and v astlydeficient milita ry force. Riot, robbery. and murder stalk sip and down this land tenpaulthed and evert unrebuked. In - every muuty tbsrene organised. bands of thieves and .eatithroateowhose daring exploits rival ' nil:Woof Joint A. Murrell, who by the Way. was capeured near this pliee. The spirit of lawlessness runs rampant owering the people, and everyman has, to I szrertri ror tau exten t, converted his " _yeas Into a entitle and fortified it for his Torn dedwise.The tumor comes to mar lin with hie eevolver buckled around .p.., ::: his gate In hone ie wagon, fully exv t.W.soMe or more "Knights Of the rose will stop hint either going " or onntego arediattempt. to relieve him of - - luif purse. -No ttemptwtatever Miriade troopeehend4Wee villeins, and their leulitthe- is • I . increasing. netted. under present renzastanew, It would be dangerous I try to apprehend them , riiAS i Lava al y intimated, this spirit' • au, Tickler:wen and absence. of: law beginning to have - a, kind= of eannee for these pimple, and more thin , Ws* I have heard • it asserted .-that the' , South O wOuld just as noon Stay' Maar ..,, unary government as not." -But„ . pere • true reason - why they do. not - ' =immediate reconstruction, is that they bay. hopes that they wilt yet, in I - some warm. other;- gala the objects for whir:they went into • an th e rs l •- To' Make inse still worse, the Stiu Pr/Ofritiivaiitgatist: and :their their PeTetV I 1 • i 1 I intesodit tied r bitterness. of feel- DE • rye yutt-ortheir iced ~teendact;ass is gFilra•urf case KiEW GOOD 81 CHEAP GOODA! tha der . acors, they iodise minutely Gi.,;`oltiresen an t isen d dltion. -open the .• . • ," eite' LW owe of v lahoto they may have a 111111111 GL 11111 & CO'S 'have a ee /-yeance Of one thing 9 • Chair. The stubb,d S ku {..that they Pmajurl of Proiidential gent the prevalent les-oalignity and Wnaeln.r ig,elire6 • ILte snore:atm of ell Bentham whites 'Orly nape, go.. la our L., an :e gi am frequently reminded wing the by hearing the expresolon, COTTON tioeUsliTi Is for the noughts . o let no alone.o. rational man ought perlops feel dis• to ask theta people what they do want.. Do they ward reconstruction to proposed by Cone -teas? No. De they twant comitroction, lea-ring outnegroeuffroge? No. Would admission to the Union, with indenitaticsdon for lose of-slaves satisfy them? No. Would a...enslave moot of the froedosen and indermahlos- Lion for loss of slaves and every species of property satisfy them? No. But I think 'I use tell. what perhaps might meet their notions of redress or griev roads. Let every Gametal and every sol dier be .at once recalled from the South; let slavery..he awestahliebed at the ex oise o; thi totted States Go'rernmest; let every negro who served In the Union army ho put to death, and his value paid to his former owner out of the National Tressuty ; let Congress pass noolutione. couched toe strongest terms, denoun cing, the hundreds of thousands of brave. men from the North who bleep. that sleep , of death in Southern groves as hay- Ito been thieves, murderers, ' and cut-throats, unworthy of Christian burial, and too mean for saltation; let gold medal be strnek for Jefferson Da vis; let a burial squad be sent to the tomb of Abraham Linooln,with instruc t:one to resurrect his honored remains and reinter him with his floe downward; , let John C. Breckinr.dgo write his apt opts; let the body of his murderer Booth be taken from the criminal's grave and placed to Jacheon Ignore or the Capitol* grounds at *Wsiohiegton, and let amonn-1 , vent be erected to los* memory; let the entire North appoint a day of prayer for forgiveness for their great presumptions - sin in coming down. hero to try to con quer the superior, chivelrous sone of the Satoh, and, in all humiliation. acknowl edge that "one Southern man can whip five - Yankees." When all that I have suggested has been complied with, and more, too,—when the ..Southern Corded : "may has become a fixed fact, and not foruetting when the burly Toombs has collect the roll of his slaves on Bunker Hill—then, and not till then, will the North have conceded all that these pea , ple try to think themselves entitled tp. ' it wee found that it took hard knocks to crash armed troeson, and Congress and the people of the North will yet find that it will take prompt and stringent meta- I use to reconstruct successfully. Appropea, your readers have seen it Mated that Sargent Hates has started from Vicksburg to W elk to Washington lity, carryingoath prohlmt States on, His dolma Is tove that the South loyal. It is suspected IT) by some that the rebels are in the regret. It la a finothingthat there is no law to pre- vent men from making jackasses of themselves, otherwise we should net know those who have talent that di .oction. ' Channel& _a.s7 ~ ~~ yy=- .I:OtiRELIA COLD. OR A 13011. C. 2tlif.l.lLT Lres Imme4lo.< at .eriu.r. and shouid cbccled. If alowe4 • rltattora of the LlasIFS L a .... Eatrart pd altrt Throat Massa.. .a• onomith. 'mat. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCILES HALT:. • dinct influence to the p•f“. El . f. 1 tc For Brenehal. Untar - fla. Colastur_pcive and Tlaredi, Troczeo are efed idtr. stasis Sow Slngdzs and Petal's 9paaker• ate taco LJ caw a Id!ti enh. al vote.. va.y •• kistoWn • deasCoLid. TOO crz•• ard dl do . UT of 1.61. Womiltilse IN fAtows d mat battened -• a • t.lx--ceinisos, SEA CO., =se s ..s lo .7.CSISSoIf. Mfeni • =Salta WASHINGTON WO3ES, f'oaaaders and ili•faidilS.Pitts bacr g b lira: f.... - torrra or Bat WI titatlontry Mean 7,1 f Ines. Slut stilt.. lkfill liaciaromi. Ilasa , lag, Shafttar. Caruncs of all desertDdons ;01 ENr.ta and BILL. Boll= and !Meat Iron Wool. ;ie.,: Ito. 11l owner Fast and Stella aid eta =ricotta for 87211.A110,5 PLUMS ER It.r.frVlC fora Winn !ours.lall:rn ieSirLAILE strratio= VIPER MILL SIRECTINCEWORKS . • prrzsmases. PA= IsledlMMT l s - CO„ Ilannbactetnera of tineathing. Brasiers' mid Solt tinpper. PressedCopie Bantams. ELiwi 221 Bottoms. Svelter mada m . taw. Importers ano flosiara InMetals, Tia Plat. lion. Wire. he. on band illansre • Machines and Trots. Marabous. No. 140 irnserr 6111.2M 1 and 120 iSECOND STEMS?, rittabargb. pecial orders of Caner ant to .01 desired pattern. x011=71:423' riff'llotNHOOD AND TOE Via- OW YOUTH rrEsstd I f ' as sns. ::ViVE.',.ll:r.'d .R.i,;,ILIT.' . ‘ rTt . :tria ' rt j C V:l7:en rrilaVgsti f lT D !,IS M S .43. ea st 111, et roar a...10es ta ou Isr OW. T be bal oral a ate ea'. aspelnuct tint In *seed.. U.siTscrs, 20 Woad Are. .syr Tort. fem..s. Yrs . . w-roicosornir OF 31•11- 11110 Z. •Now Coarse el Leanne... Vign:Vrjet e gge T tr k : ::r peale for: Tooth, staitoter anld Ade; Yin e.o.m.!, berielnol, Om eof loilldeb ttoo dattarobe oad norre , o 41.Leseo••ab0 000 te 4 .orrobe rrlloboohleolly deraboloted. St ° Cslets TOM.° 6 , is tculag these lector. wt.' be I...carded to bortbe!azable to btl tote. Ca ElboodosT, ore lert. folleillbradre Wac4.11117111.G.Z AND , CIE . F . eel.. of 'IL-T*l3llM' Ira. ABOSZO ...Web errata lakpodlemsts to NM. Kt Wt.. wit. var. at 01 roller. Soot it 6,llll:ctur orre.loatiargieri:44.l.l:... Plt..ll,frn. rdltl i elplll... Ft. WOW.. v4-ctirri car A. SCOTT, DENTIST, We PCXX STREET. =I PRICE ADVAIsICED, na AND ISTEREEIT I=ZEI Central Pacific Hanna prioelpa pontos of lb 11110Sil: lan 1111 ICOR YU Colllllt dented rab»t canted deneh warning oral r. .4 It 141 mamas: 1y cer tain that tba Cildremnsbas cmaassurto aartJAMS cOntracrblis 0.00 Naar bOaiin ball Etas MC* WI., as mann 1211 the tlaltsdbltatmeaearnaunt laridalmoolasa • anntrdla me sad con lien. half the mans far semittaelltur Y e a littat IsME mid , betlast an !Misdate Vaal of AI d acras of vata abl.benne linds bar tale. the Ceatral tactile Penis . . Company gay. reaeltad From Callfor- LS ware.. •denattems sad soecesslona worth mom than 121,0ACCS The sent ate resoarms of this Company , are therein anundaat for the P3,PCI3, arammung to 677,0)1 MO on the dot 724 miles at the Line. Metalling Loans mewed by • /Mat Xottgrgeatam tha mhebt Inalterit. alma amount 001 as that. I. anhady Heads. renilta already at allic nth nadm , comparstbrall streamstalleas. at fsrd subsiantlal ground for bolteelmit the CAN TR aL PJOLtiC L 3 to Ms IWO Vans4•4l. Production ant 10•• tuntrood gunrrorn.• gti Country, fn Tonseenesce of the large end rapidly In. 'creving Tsalsd, a. prize of Wee Sends nu sdosuced, the Con*nny are aim offer • leg fur tale a limited amount of Oda First Mortgage 811 Per Cent, Bonds, Prfufparnsat:intorsee perynets to Wit. Coll, is toes of sl,(Coeseh, st trar end moaned Inter Oct 00= 450.1 /lt. In tummy. r . 4 These Donds. It Is Tattered. Dove. the elee amnia sif Wet/. ••d P.n. A. • Porter Una say other elms of Corno rite Seenritlr• sow offered. sad ors Lbs.jere very dentrstile far steady Investments efsorpins I r vesiars hese In mind the follow. Int adflutiltes:' Tlxy Cu the first SiOnfsire off sierei. Tellable mid productive Ilea in the worl , l. The Retrial tensing. free: tool Doted. in liC tare "inapt then foe; Mery the sonnet In trot cogsgentents. 111. The hard - pert Tl' the reed is stow dose, nd she prarptotspf rapid cainnietton are her- able. . IY. be Company Dann liberal pabaldles. 'dank anab' a tun tb preaecose Ott vat WM areas slam. The raanareanyat Vas - bona axneedlnaly pre dint and frugal. VI. IlLirs 1t adreay • Iszsa and ovo.thig *en %lament on the ampleted and gradad line. mate to be of lemmas VII. 7be . lands art as val... V 7.41 aunt batiag eaten already gold. Via. Roth plinglpal and Warm are expli citly mad: payable la gold colt. ' • ;X. Beta the eggreesti =went or Wu ud twit Itandlair la raroP• aral Inanaa aValn centlaned K 0 0 , aae bigh rank mend Mad ard seterlttel. At !Ida than they 11114 ntarll r Mae per OM% Up IMO 'LIeIrIPMIII3IIIIIIII.I. .• , • Itoleers of 00Tt =lnert MAraritte• bare op- Postaaci.or czetarglag them for Caaaal vs. mie‘ee, beerlos tqa.l rAte of tatarest with ttroprinalyal sbehdestly stenareet. end o reallelea O prof% of lea to Mita per.oeat. la orders feat erlth the finds taro s newer: - :e Heats or isitrtis Ooespladoe era: d al ortnala atteallos. aelle 'by Mara 11.:- Preer, *edam la she Tralte4 Stets , . •te oar raft. 3.e.torentalalle DOCZl94lllTiatalflate, Neve, La, fa raterma oh elieda.4lo.aiQ. ean of the taaarrote Compeer, • • Lea WiLMANI ander. lifiEL 41k macs& Badeakare s Della. fa aernesaaatt aeeeella. , 6041 J/64.11.1.hr0tts of the 0.2 . /le. fe/felleell 21Irw Tint. • • Alreeilf elOgnliOnallebOlk.l - • -111.'nelltelllaNabOlaseaC • '.-211311348,1`,11•13T a CO.. rumnucti. jellshiletTellt • • ESSEN° itosizZir, SPRINCI 61 arras rtss wr or TOLNAIIr OII . 11!!MI We key• f ed ewe tecelved We Va. TMVia for Lallle;;V, 'emmer• Late tl sane. eater, al all kV: - taca C. " /4o!rt ICE=I Nall:mot col. Victoria Lars. Linea Vamtrtc. LOS. Riastc.N . l Ai.prcb3uff4 Different nate. and beaultul OUR' LINE ..Ql' KID GLOVES WILL DIN'Y COHPLItTIOA• to dc lOW dccdocc to give 11l • air X holoside buten wil l do w NACRUM, oLYDE & CO.'S, Is & so Market Bt. NEW AND DESUIABLE GOODS JUHT aicravzo lir JOS, HORNE &, CO, HaILBUIIO ICTIGIS4IIS s 148LIISING11; VIT I LIVVIVP11 1 . 11( US; RIOT. ACD RULL)O.* VaINGTa: COLuttal. ) Vat.) far BATIK/X.), mil withal, sal shades , TIM USA ECOL sotaeltlag mew. fat Ladles. LOT o - MU 139 Ra-SIIICaII 913111 LCIIW, IME3=2 A 101 l U. of LLI absios sad iluto ALEXANDRE'S RID GLOVES; TALUEL.T.D KID GLOVES IWW '. L WSELtaO, tP6sDIOH SHE CILLIBILLTED , Hil,Mll,2Ck Paper Collars, K "`T h lnirr'Srerainiratertiti Compates. WHOLISSALERDIRE HP STAIRS. 77 sad_7P gadget .t...t. 1107: SPECIAL IMPORTATION I SPECIAL IMPORTATION! SPECIAL. IMPORTATION 1 COW Ft 112749.1.• X-N.A.CMI O or x=s-Ee.eor. JUiT BECLIV CD JUST IiZOEIYILIS This lel. t.t ELEGANCE ald VAIIIETT. .17 IMTIOIIS tsisportatl,. REST ELLS• 11111WFX. 0017/12rIIESI BLYVILSBCHIEN II . cOLL.I.II I I, PRIOES RESLARIABLY LOW „QED 73 117T8 lITIBLET., Rar Ladle. ehoeld not delay their selectloa 011, WORKS & COXPELIara =1 BIACRUM CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street. NEW GOODS! J r 11.1.02tIVIED:We J. M. BIIEWIFIELD & 00.'S, 3e. 37 /I:L3IIILET 111111.31-1 BLEJCBED .741VSLIXS, CALICOES AND CRAEH, 113TIZZ STOCK or 600175 CrSaCIPMIXTQCOr 40,11:Pri To make room far Ilittloll4 the atom Boom back. JrleMber tno ptrzo. 140.87 Market Street. 1868. fimu lAßL 1868. LRBIAILIOT, SHANNOI & CO., vatoLEiAial" : DRY GOODS, Ito. 115 Wood St., Pittsburgh. Fla. loom open a 44801. AZW ISTOOS. vaSzth 'hoz afar as UNII TEO PIEBEST EASTERN nuns, WWl:Ards Eltsilire ta Wort ay. 166 We the alanidtbl , at 11. u 11FOOD •IREST. DENNISON & HECKERT. 27 FM& Mrs& Flue Furs for Holiday Presents. = 71 - iiZ /GUM AND 111:11/LES2 ILITHIITZON'S 5r Alt BIiIHT IAISOT IZWiL*Y WOOL a NIZRIIIO =gDMWMEC,2II. SID iILOVZE. HANDLEBOHISIII. )1031111T, 2ISCIC Iltls. 15031.111DL1L7. _OOEaITI sad ROOP 15.1altill = 11l our R om oods at mlaead ardor to • °at at stmt. O'BuZI AN 't. PalerLlOs4l../. ONALL.I:IO 121 . FORM! AEI DOMESTIC DRY GOOSE N 0.94 WOOD lITNENII, turd boUt OUT Inammi On. V1171,11211T1W11, PS. REMOVAL GREAT SALE AT CORTI ult=r.,ook INSTBI7II72tTh t e Wn b r a Sitn ; T XllP ti.A ir ,n akt... of my Premat stock at V==S 0611102 '1021117=1"v • • CHEAPEST PLACE EV TUE in - rx To Inn Ttcs TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, st ric% 146 BA FT STILTS/. Oa. of Übe of rollrood ROBERT ARTHEOE3. ALTTCPEBTOTITri rm. Its term= arr., ratesiersa. • ,OosinaCasstiomfary. to ocalatUssi. last lm la Oa or: W Coln, ez dlandalou of TM... sad odds* DSC." WaSCISIIT• Cdeinla midaDeusauca. la.. cams Ita WI OS Maur Palma MT Ow. LL cLese.....J.-S. werizria4-94 er. IQOR CITY DELT WOELBS. CEO. 0. CLARK & Nattlfwectere exam" 4401¢004111 et hetet, Etzetahee. teneeateel sad arteeet Valeasansol itzeavrisayr 3910111za. . 2r. 4109 LIRICETY rt.. an pot • its Veers Demi. Pimentte. TOM PECK, OIINALIMTAL 111./D WOBILLS AND PiIIITXT.I4 91 roans. .tr0 .. 0.. ori./ , :orjrtra Wood. %Tatra: Wt. litivernioaugavi=4 RI(.. 17=prkeninsalt win la Over for MAO ° Loam' soar reaLlamter trals.crUardose tit . t HZADQ,EIIIITEI I B FOR • , Wars dirllegistern and lientllatoTe, insekar Willa Zusawled, 54we of Bola. if saysELL & CO.'S, ,1 Wel. Ilita TAPTIWYrr: !T 111 WALL PAPERS : WILL mom M gam =tr. .. 10 . 1 1,.0 , 4V4n S be Boia IA Lo. Axil. 10.Mli la auto.. Cat r'-ar mums: errimrs,assi ;cm 'l6 dues 3a ash PIITSINIAGR-,DATLY GAZETTE:. TUESDAY. ERBRUARY "Istz Jth. a =Anon DR. ltrif 39 . MEASOR tx DATIPEIR, • . . . . . . . FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE ISOM., 13 . !IGVAD. Commission •Ilerchants, . , . - • . --- 339 LIIIC9TY IS., flriasoitea. Convict... 3,llolted. itanoncrr—J. G. Mortis. Cubic, Morton- Ds ItZ;oN,,oww J. M. Dilworth • C0ji..,..,.„, C, 311 . 6 7 . 11:15CE7 " ED .tuvtearan:B., 11.3.17.h.Pa18W, 4: al o. 1,4 . English Brussels Carpets, VELVET ~ 11U011,1 AND MATS, ENGLAIL EygBA.SUPKB, • 111121BAINS. g.snawarisrt.-..11, taut Ana andlawact p OLITTETI, • WCI#INTOCK & -CO., '23 Fi f t3i street. SP] - 1413.111.v,5. - -CARPET: , HAVE CERTAINLY REACHED BCYITOM PRICES Mc.CALLUIEL BROS., Mr a large usortment at al kind. of CAR. FATS. /to . at • MII2EOIOI Rem rte• 10114 PIIGINS UNP41.1141.1.7410 1014 Cit Tla7. CLODZ 07 TUE W/01. OIL CLOTHS, • Of *vv . ! '0.7: decidedly the larost ttoet la asty boas* la MoCALLVIR BROTHER/3 • si rim Smoot, above Wood Wok REDUCTION CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, DIATrINGS,I WINDOW SHADES, &c. BoYARD, ROSE a co's, 21 Filth Street,; lvdt*? (OVER HATill t BELL'S NEW CARPETS 1 .OtIC C 10510116113 WILL MD Our New Spring Stock RDIOL .. ar. Inn .ry.nuD unaYuiad In .= lent andrvui). vt tEe D~lea. 6.. n. WARING - 8( KING, MOM maim ni Ram ; xn Petroleum stud lts Produets.- I LGAMOT LOSS BY FIRE Dalizein Block, baquene Way, Firll3BPSUo,rd. PIULADLLPIIIA WARING. JUIN° Ft CO., tM!=Mtm 3 H. M. LONG & CO., ELAALTACTORI.IO C PURR VIM BONING OIL Brand—"IIICIMEL" No. 2 Dl4aeSite Way,' ngljahn TACK BROTHERS, eomusa iILEHUUNTS, I= Petroleum hod Its Product., rITISBIIII.OII sal Vs Bn earner of lkKama Way sad Isis ttrees: raudwalstiu. 01710 Z-11111 Waln at et, avlrwall 1114 •2,10Z011 EAGLE OIL 140 . GESs - • X+.01722•022 00171110. WICHTMAN a ANDERSON, Alliances and Dealers in PETROLEUM. oritia& swore STMT. VOMITS WM 000 X. Brit= AIID DMITLIII/11 WA.T. r. C. laffrlla..o. A. 11:1C0‘..W. a. WEITIllaa. SOHO OIL WORE% 11Csautsetnra aa# aan as gala all kinds of L F/Bitledl TIM G OXL B, • A. 1 ST. CLAIR lIMICCT. 4111 CO. - COAL, COIL& &C 0.1. A • lltrlo3llllloX. ARMSTRONG & HUTCHINSON, BILOC4UOII tD MUD/MPHIL LTD Tomlin° 001/1/AST.I row SHIrPLIO sad DLLLZBIS. Ifs :1..2)/1 rue. nr normos toosineenzET CAS - AND FAMILY COAL. Tail—rutri Or TRY 17TREIT. tau Yu Work. ff4 . m tfdr tatt,atitTsinart..l &Mooed In urrrim BEST FAMILY COAL alums ea hand izatlelllentivamolli Wader, LT LOWEST minx ZATES, ET • osaak F. Lamm do co., Btred t. It tC. pan ri!WllPMr.77,n7mur, 0.1 Coed COALS! COALIII "NUM STIWAILT & CO., • Battu reined Outs Ono to do. 06, LIBERTY.STREET, Ar a o s fo tw r i oantoa n d o ir tomO Thouo n WOO. Or/ COAL On /L OOM lo /Its lowest outs% 'WALL oda" left al woo ones. or ottdrood lo Woo Utioasb Os 0..0. 'On as to 11. LUDISTIEWAG, =alma nu - 20IIIMOGICUY OCITEILUM:4II 0012 060:61•40. rid DemdlSnirblet. oo ** • 077 M un man. Maser ot Butler Wilds:9W trittart *arab. asirasel ulnae , stmt., iamb =lT:ad traeW igartzpitrAla bon artialo of 904 ar I.l"ka at um ton s & alai: MIMI t.R at say of quits oma. wIII ricityt M . STEES.E b. SON, 1) 95 IN FLOUR, FLEA GRANT; A.rd= , 9fe Terally..No• 95 021.101STHIS T . 2.4,r '2 22. A rlrrsar. 102221112 KEIL & BITCICAUT,' • COMMON MORAMS4 LVT , V 2 13 tv Viour, Grain, Seeds, MIII Feed, dm 2** STALST. =VW.* 212.1152 ROBERT minumelos 11EIMMANT. Ax.d Baler . . FlOtri. CHAIN IND FRODIICEJ o.lllm, Lll36llTll_' HARD, J. etiviel W1101.5/1.2 yND YEILII. ( C, 4C) Ma MR,. , ._s2eru3. Street. M:BANIE a. main. Comessagaiors*.!. AL; .. V niaj eTerag ' 49l% lllol .l" ~ 41 tODU CI • e fl 1 NEnIE FETZER As. ARMSTRONG, bs 1001 1 10: d 011E43101 MLR% for ta• &&'..• oa roar, finla, taoon. L as Nate paw,. IMO Traits, &ad rroOneogivadly , linrkt& tart&d, eon, of real. Plttabargb. tott:of • SCEIOALKER tr. LANG, daslera PlOrrovrt.s. Pinar. IMPS. Pro Hr:TrVl;;fAbel'. b!"`°""et Plus P -rzh. P it4l Doemss 1,06,..110.1.111Wrian norns.,m.mnorm jcVor.I. , IIIOII7SE & BRO IL, Sa , e f.A. H WIDDLE,No. IS3 Liberty SL, w bgtmwirm=l 4 gmvxa tea PiMbargh 1.2101.11LV 4 * (lash &Armload • on,..ohslershll, and rah! Mr rhchlh(h ' MIT R• Klima a. miff - bointaa'roll • lAZILCH /UM and ' lnsalars Int FLOUR. 'HILLIN, MULL /Ran and 1110DtICT. general. ' 1 , 1. ./.in. oprost'A City H• 11, gym/ i n , 7 , -1-20.7_,_cHAwroun. conunis. o aVVZIAA',NITNOfi,"N'Eni . °" 3 and C T, Vir•rt h MAMA Gi g ot J•As.l. A. 'O. UAL Ma Au trAbd Den • re. s vetteAefita '="lrgaZirtitta Meg; • _Ai s Pass ImIS. wham AAI4 frjag,ll:ll.4.o .ei•dig.A•AaliArAvlAMA kls ova pktltte.. *pre Dom" ?son 0f... 2"i". ion* ss. Immo= mass., &SLIM. II limas At. Ai rmusTrittostrit slum, att.7. 6 743-Ia44 1 :01 4. ..7=1=4; Amp this. lumina 40sa !tut:, mast team. dc" , !?:=V=t .- ; Midair= - • i alataistraten: ___ VIEOUT . ! , it •NOTHIE-:21 once Ja L. betobstst•Oi that batty...ll _Alstro tum.Dostba smite al . AIM, a &Ms)" . Z t . =m,.aaTlitt A.m. it.M.ll 10 .1111 u 10.0404 ts44otea 19- SS% inglailwan netm/ t to nalsokOnotillala DOsiellll,lollll4. p. Una wALpn.Wii! iii.R.lFlrrill'.W , 9 524 ' 1 " . . T e rn:Tenn IKINIEXT. , • : .. c. larrFar Orraqillgana• 'aildesszauso, .. . _ll • T. OW* oO.L. . • . roirrareur sitinears ONLY. KONT) a Y TOLOOOrT Sitay.A. every Zwestog Au. OLIAOOT Ono"Taa". '— WALLA. a Do. IVO Moored . • • mug. JArAaissir. -riv.t•L.Ga sburot is IPINOVoIIILT%wit* Molts; a • roICIALS taint, tOo "A*l TVALlMVniirit :owePool. will poloist pow towns wean. 101 l appLoA Lo diLose of proordALSLO 'Ace jorLt.IL. um =Alt tells. , 'Ursa& Joanne !Mum ea oszardsf. • rarA COLZAILI, M. D., WIU . delltiz a Leelarlicia tae BILDT.I. DADA, EAU AND nE, IT LIPLYNITII KAM . . . • SOSILIAT Mein'. rObriall *GM. AVElsf i gratt. t, iot: ll:::: :eat. 11 Is*oz.:wives. of U. ' ,toile IMO. aVi, 04 11 • Loco mi Wilt au! Do dellourvi ft. W. s. MAUI. ' , Atoms 'Si Massa. I=lll tar LtOTOBE., . Baltpiet- 1111TOILY." „'•""'.7 13-”' MIS. is to rotiarn RAID SCHOOL 1111.1. L. ran nukes, ou TIOSSIDAY 11.71KKULU 7 114MILII/7 sib xi% O'CLOCK. ME] graksomitnAi.L. ELEVEN. MONTS ONLY t4Ollll MOH 11111Elkiansi . LOME I, the loyal Coidarer, IPLitII !wawa , slaps. Immo:ratMßA% 042 a. 00 Y 11.17131.13 Aro nun roams . WI. OW or raelf sutars•lanart 'Wand Ya 1.1%. of IS a.11:1111DLY. tflielb• mos*. moilau. et /ALIN MI a. si, thllll 1 . 01 7 . Wan)/ Amitasiol. rirCatits7ruatiririar.::::ilt " Ut Ilan 'MOW, for 1M14.1.4k0,17. LeOW. Ds." "'"111:1:4011V'Vtalit= tits, VATiValra . 2:n2lu wa4l4 farrITTBBFBGEI . ACADEMY OF MUSIC. 1091 mans 01/1.1 01 ENGLISH OPERA, ST TUN CSLISSiTSD RIUitNGS FEM I 1 ANY. Canline litatiags - - W. Malta Dlnotar. ►. r.-rzttaor.a. Tim fellowlziartlna Ups. alstitly I BMA 0. 211011131611, Mr. U. 131.6TT.T. Mem. Z. 51.61111 i. J. A. iv ma:D. Mr. TIAMISLEMAMD Yrr. Mtn .1).11SIONOLLS, Mr. P. SEUISI N. • Mr. H. riAls ZS. Mir. 11, B. AIL .L. A. A 111101.13.. Yr. J. tl. rIILEMA., ES=MEiN TVZSDAT NV IWO! , Yvan is limPa 111 Do losaguratal wltS. llotoleo oriao.upus ofCed • %luso e. Bled .g. and lit. Z term'. th. east. WED/MOLT 11,1041/10, oUsael Watt. fat UOWO. 1111111ITA9A. •• itUREIDAY - LA 11031LIMIIIITLAL /SWAT Virlfirlifi. ilisre.o '0‘i.120% tas !ease. 8‘0021,1 WU. .• -MOUE Wrill a fliffAT Box fleet tar tbs late 51.41.4 Aav will be pok so. Test.dey neat . LIEMITISha. KO. a. Moller s Mar. It W Meet. snd conilass • 1.13 ens Oa reale. Plat= It • 1./611313 Pangsst4 .0d Mess lee1:1- 6 1211. lifts. ° gr. I" n " ...if; ill:Mina Or. Trawase. arPliter. IDOWPEWS • • •• • . • • Fashionable Danefeg head . emk . At IK• £. K•II, Rem. II 7IVIII IST., =,•tx:mukulyr,*alazrAnt . :. - peertis./1.111. Mmurrs. Ked MIMS , Clam pi... K. KeeKuiaira . s Class: 44 II Wel.e.k p igol.r at. trelar.Ta r.,:tl4, d. maw ai m Ur.% ar mor. CAUPE3TEI I4 DANCING ACADEMY, maul, aim- Thlrl xtml. pzum e.11 . 4 . 47air d sal2: ... W atm " rgt o gf co 11.. e 1 1 111%ry Tbarsday • •