El El ';ht Eitt6llo Galette CITY AND EaD3IIIINAN. The COSI/COM Camay Systems Dle. datum' te tan Velma liSepeallean 71. a. rewire vanssettassk-ls Re Referred to sae Voters. . A meeting of tho llopublican Executive Committee was held yester day aftdnioon at the office of C. C . Tay lor, Ersii,, on Grant street. Le the absence erg. H. Miller, Esq., Col. T. M. Bayne was chosen President. After the minutes were read, General Pearson, Chairman of the Bub-Committee appointed a, the last meeting in reference to the proprie ty or adopting . the Crawford county system, reported that he had correspond ' ad with several gentlemen on the sub ject, and presented to the Committee the -following letter. . - - Eigansermx;Feb. 12, 1566 Dees Sts: Please receive, herewith, u copy of thertdes for making nomina tions in this CCIIIOV. Expedience has shown them not to be free from chose, but the workings of this system, under - them, has home decided improvement over he preceding one—of having dele gates to make nominations. The abase has been found in the allowance of per son.. to vote who were not in sympathy with the party. When i this con be . guarded against, this wystern is preferable to all - ethers. A later amendment ex cludes from toting Mt who do not prom - ise to support the ticket at the ensuing electienand allowlepersorisarrivingat age Cry p 4 x. - between the primary fall elections to ..-_,..voteist the former.. . • • . Gem. A. L. Pearson. j • General Pearson thep presented the j.r...., following report of the as it Is • now - working in Crawfo County: First. The candidates for the several . . Offinee shall have thelr names announced in one or more of the county pa pens at least three weeks nreyloua to the pri- Allari Ilicelinga, stating the °Moe, and eubject to the action of the party at the said pri meeting. - Seare Th e voters respeedieg to P.c. • publican prieeipks in . each town, ward or borough shall meet on the 30th day of Atignst, st the usual - piece - of holding tho Spring elections, at 2 o'ciock p. in., and proceed to elect- one person for Judge and two persons for clerks, who Alban form a Board of Election tolyeelve voles and determine who are proper per sons to vote and shall hold the polls open until it p. in. Alter the polls are opened, the candidates` sane:le:oo as aforesaid shall be - ballotted ' for the names of each person voting shall be written on a list at the time of voting, no person - being allowedto vote more than once for each ogre. Third, Atter the poiis are closed the board shall proceed to count the votes that each 'candidate has received, and make out the returns accordingly, to be certified to by the Judge and attested by the Clerks. • - • Fowl& The Judge (oroneof the clerks . appointed by the lodge) of the respect - lye election district, shall meet at the Court •EOUSIN in Meadville, on Tuesday following the primary meetings, at one o'clock, r. x., oaring the returns and a list of the voters, and count the votes, and the person having the highest num berof votes for any office shall bo de clared the regular noralitee of the Repnb- Beau Darf.X. Afth. Any two or more persons hay ing nu equal number of votes for the name oftim, the Judges ghat] proceed to _ballot fore choice; the person having the highest number to be the nominee. Sixth. The Return Judge.: shall becono . petent to reject, by a malorit7, the re turns from any election distna, where there Is evidence of fraud, -either in the returns, or otherwise, to the orient of the -frauds committed. Seventh. The Return Judges shall have power to appoint Confereee—SenatorLal and Congraasional—as may be hereafter required, who shall be recommended to support the person who may receive the - largest number of votes me; for that of flee he thm county. Resolved, That the aforesaid Return Judges may at any time change the mode and manner of selecting candidate, as Lhey cony be instructed by the people at them primary meeting, due noticele- Me.tag given them by the County ,iommit- Resolvtd, That the chainman of the County Committee be required to Dime a cull in pursuance of this action of the Committee. • The following resolutions were then adopted by the Committee: Iteeroired,l. That the matter of Mak log' nominations hereafter by the Re publican parry be referred to the pri mary-meetings on the Mat of February; said primary meetings to instruct their delegates In what manner the future nominations shall be made—whether by popular sole or by electing delegates. That this Committee recommend to .the Republican voters of each district that they.instruct their delegates to. the March Contention as to. whether the nominations shall hereafter be made by 'poptdar vote or by the delegate eyetem. -On motion, this Committee recom mend the reeldoption of the district aye tem iuraaking nominations formembers of the &MAUS and llowle of Representa- Oven The meeting then adjourned to men , again at the call of the President. Gatotber Nan allaslNE—Paal Play l=== itlystericms disappearances are occur ring no trequetally of late, as to demand • atom etneaan re on the part of the author ities to investigate the matter, and it, as there is every reason to believe, "fool play" has been resorted to in any of the recent cases reported, to bring the offen ders to punishment. Several weeks have elapsed since the disaP Mr. Preyvogle, yet not the al gll= ol e to his whereabouts bas been obtained. A week or two later a Mr. Merritt -Tett his home in this city, since when noth ing has been heard of him, and Satur day evening las: a citizen of the Second ward, Allegheny, left his home in per . feet health, expecting to be absent bat a few hears, bet has not yet returned, nor can WA family learn aught of his where abouts. Thelma muse referred to is that of air. Robert Kincaid, a blacksmith, formerly employed at Mr. • Hunter's blacksmith shop, at the corner of Beaver atreetand Gay alley, Allegheny. Short. ly after supper Saturday evening Mr. if-Weald left his home, telling his wife be would return between ten and eleven o'clock. He had when be left home between eighty -and one hundred dollani in hie possesaloM The-only information in irmard to him alter leaving home is derived from a Mr. Cook, who states that he met Kincaid on Federal street, Allegheny, and proceeded _with him to Penn street, Pittsburgh, where they parted, Kincaid staying he was going to Temperanceville, to par- Chan. a blacksmith shop, and Mai he had eighty dollars in his pocket to pay for it. There can be no manse assigned for his disappearance, other than "foul play," as his domestic relations are said to have boon of the most pleaaant character, and he wt ea strictly temperate man. Diligent search has been made by the family and his friends, but nothing has been heard of him other then what we have atatetL The matter is worthy . of In vestigation. itioi so Issas! s Dollar to the Beall ===2l Now and then opportunities occur to inrest a small gum of money where it almost immediately brings a return of ten or a hundred fold. In commercial parlance this la termed "watching the corners."' Constantly and persistently taking advantage of these opportunities, whether. great or small, has laid the foundation and built tip, the fortune, of nearly all our very rich men, each as Stewart, Astor and Vanderbilt, of New York, and S. N. Pike, of Cincinnati. Packard et Co., 53 ' West 4th, Chacin natl. 0., offer in a less extended degree precisely such opportunities. They have an immense Wick,- probably We largest in the 'country; of rich Jewelry, silver ware, gold and silver watches, pianos, which' they are disposing of on a plan whereby every pemon who invests at anis sure of getting some article of real utility for at least one tenth, some. Ximcs one hundredth part its actual - - Can:alai:a Containing fall information aro Rent free on application to their ad- WPM. .111113 , -may be relied upon as strictly honorable and promptln all their dealings. - - 1 tlir Thera is &grand project on: feet for a new system of teleim4t v linoi, extend - log all over the country, nd promising We publican effective co petition, w ith the present monopolizing hoes A com pany with ton mallow of capital, to be called the Natioual Telex - mph Company, hay been organized ~New. York, with Ceorme P.:Beeter Preeldenh F.dward W. Sem/I:Engineer; end Ben. Hollis d, 'Robert 'Squirm,- George W a fte r - .Fre ay tterlekPrentfeerand others as Bi en. , tare Cornmittee: who invite sober:M. Ilona to the capital stock, and promise to _erect ten thousand mile. of wires with in one year, reaching to and through ell the leveling aides of the nation, and to do 'the lartinms,of the pub li c on just prin =plea ander ressonble rates: They be lieve they:trill not have - to call In more Watt twentv-five„ or at. most thirty-five per met. at the par of the stock; yet they cut very soon pay liberal vidends on the Call amount, We understand that the munpatip are making liberal distri butions of their stook among the Limi ness men- of the countiy.. The comes. of the °mammy emmot be 'questlonecl. We , shall allude to the enterprise again. Counterfeiter - Areveted.. - -:l3inj. Freon; r ithorwed wlth4nowing 'collateral t money, :was arrested Warne county, In - Jan. II :be, and alter a :hearing indbrei 1410.8 . ..0t the . Peil*Wati f3comitted to it4lVerren eo . mrty jail, from which he . .torfre.• oVnht sempe. J 1 Was erainequeritly reerferted - by of liter M. Fowler end hroltV : 4.til „ult a r s. o ny' inartting;-I , i_ be '. -*lre "United_dtileir,.rninissioner qde„be,wati onnwitterorP. Gallty—Ths Last figamokHjill, dieted to thetatruderpf ChM .1:4. -inks 4sonclttdod Tueicisii at aresallbarlF Trio Ary rendered a , votdkataor irarcter Pautsylvania Legiqature. I ttectaiDt.mteh to Plitalmnch Glasetts.l HAILEISI3IIIIO, February . n, SENATE. I= • fly Mr. ERRETT, Alleubeny: Allow ing Notaries Ptiltlie In Allegheny county the same fees for taking acknowledg ments as allowed Aldermen 'and Jan. tlcrat of the Pmco. Authorizing the Borough of Mißeale, Allegheny county, to borrow money for school purposes. • By Mr. FISHER; Lancaster Author izing the Governor, Auditor General and Adjutant General to examine Ephrata Mountain Springs, Lancaster county, for an asylum for Invalid !soldiers and report ilia price. ras3ID•FINAtt4: Authorizing Pittsburgh to bbrrow ono million dollars for Water Works. Authorizing the Philadelphia and Erie Re Comoauy to (nue bonds. Providing that the tirm name or any firm may consist or one general part ner. I=! Evening Rectory—The Free Railroad bill was under discussion. The question--being taken on the sinendment — allowing companies to in- Crease capital stock, If necessary, to double the original amount, It was de reatod. Mr. COLINELL, of Philadelphia, mos.- 'ed an amendment authorizing compa nies to borrow double the amount of capital stock on bonds, with the consent of a majority of the stockholdens De feated. Mr. ERREIT, of Allegheny, moved sr nmendment allowing them to borrow to bonds the came amount as originally subscribed for Stock. Defeatrisl—N - eas, thirteen; Nays, fourteen. . The Senate continued the dismission of the Free Railroad bilk The Senate sub stitute provides that roads built might eonneet with other roads on terms to be agreed upon by the respective manage ments, when approved by the stock holders. _ Mr. ERRET.T, - Allegheny, moved to dispense with tho approval of stockhold. Mr. RIDGWAY, of Philadelphia, moved an amendment, requiring the onsent of a tnajoilty of the stockholders. He did not consider the directors always represented the true views and wishM, of the stockholders. llis amendment was adopted. • Mr. WALLACE. of Clearfield, in along Ipeeetk," appealed to the Senate to adopt a true Rail road law. The Senate bill then panted on the Pee and rending. • Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MAR ON PRIVATE CALENDAR. The House considered one hund red and forty-fire local bilis •on he private esiondar, but before comple dng the first reading of the list the hour ofadjournment arrived. 'Adjourned till evening. CONSTMTIONAL AICEND*ENTS. The Mouse at eleven o'clock was still debating Mr. HICKMAN'S propped Constitutional amendments, made thr 'pedal order foito-nlght, without resulc. iiAliTtlgrCßO. February 19. 186 S SENATE. ETEANDISIIP LINE To I.IIIEIIIA. The Joint Resolution for a steamship ne to Liberis'wes reported Nitro:tall cely. nILI.W IXTRO:rCED Ar Mr. WMITE, of Indiana: Protect ing the people of Indiana connty from imposition In the practice of medicine. By Sir, McIIANDLESS, Philadelphia: Betio( nng bidders forsupplying the State with paper to give bond in ton thousand loners, and ifitbe lowest bidder falls'to tempt he is to pay (Indifference between ois bid and the next highest. COXMITME OF LNN'ESTIOATION Mr. 0311sTNELL, of Philadelphia, offer c..l a resolution, which wes — adopted, i"or a committee - to Investigate in con nect on with the allegation that the Phil ..lolphi* University of Mcdicino and hod conferred degrees of Doe tors of Nielicine without authority. The Fre° Railroad bill then came up. RIDGEWAY, of Philadelpbla, -•ffend an amendment requiring the consent of the authorltien of herons:he Ind cities to pass through their et - mt. - rate I hulte. Adopted—yeas twenty-edx, nays ' Ur. WHITE, orlntliana, moved an amendment reducing the amountor cap ital stock for every mile to eiz thou-- and dollars, instead of tea thousand, as provided in the Senate substitine. tented—yew twelve, nays twenty-one. The bill then passed-finally as substi tuted be the Senate. CEBTIPICATTA OP no:cos. Eceneng Seasien—Mr. McCONAUGUY Adams, Introduced a joint msolutlon purchasing engraved certificates of bono for honorably discharged Pennsylvanl •oldies in the Into war. Passed to thin Validating the partition of. real estate tt Jehu Taylor, deceased, of Greens burg. Incorporating the Federal street and Pleasant Valley Paerenger Railway Company of Allegheny city. Changing the times of holding Courts ,tallutler county. Empowering the Burgess and Justices of 31'Reesport to commit disorderly per. sons to the County Jail in default of tine. When the Free Railroad law passed 0. ...lay, Mr. ERREITS amendment, dis pensing with the consent of a majority of the stockholders to canneet with oth er road; wee curled. MOUSE OF REPRE9ENTATIVES. Mr. WILSON, of Allegheny,. handed to the gem the tonal:ring petitions dur ing the day, from Allegheny county: Four petitions, numerously slimed, for the passage of an art relating to the in corporation and ',cognition andaupport of collerjes. • Mr. SMITH, of Allegheny,' read in place a supplement to the act extending tbe limits of Pittsburgh, 'enabling the townshlpi. of Oakland, Pitt, Peebles, Coll;ns and Liberty to retrocede from the city of Pittsburgh, they having been conoalulated with Pittsburgh by act of 1667. = Mr. MILLER, of Allegheny,' Introdn. mil a hill Incorporating the McKeesport Academy and Female Seminary. T.EXPER.LICCEV OONVE37IO2i DELEOAT EA Member. of the Btitte Temperance fen vent len were extended the privilege of the floor. . ititSONAL ALTERcaTinws. Mr. -NICHOLSON, of Deliver. had a personal altamatlnn with the Harriet:an elate -Guard . relative to I omit of the ap nropriatlon bill reported. Mf,ADAIEI, of Philadelphia,! also bad - *personal altercation with the Philadel plata Italrfis.relatlvo to statements of corruption in action on a Philadelphia hill. - = 'Tensile:4i • portion of North street, In front of the Presbyterian Churn In AD. Armstiong county, and - wetting the !tune In the church. For stostn 'ferry over the Allegheny from Canal itlivecit to Duquesne, touching at Rush street and lieres Authorizing. the school directors of Uulontowo to borrow money': Authorizing the &boa Directors of Law:nu:T*3olle !oxen real estate and bor. row money. - 'lncorporating the Limestone Pipo Aa sedation of Warren county to transport rtl toshlpging points in the West. Incorporating - the German St. Francis hospital of Lawreneiville. Initorporating the Pittsburgh and Tem peranceville Pasaenmile Railway Co. Incorporating the Federal great and' PleasantYalky Passenger Railway Com pany of Allegheny city. pcoorporallng the /leaver county llank, lag and Safe Deposit Company. - For a bridge ovor the Allegheny. front Ewalt street, 'Pittsburgh, to mouth of Oirty's Run, capital $lOO,OOO. • changing 04010 or Goorge To*, of Pittsburgh, to DeergeDlettaille.l Tuck Jeiemy. Incorporating the *Peoples Picaeisier . C°M*7°.(Jlti.lb4l3l{. prnessagfill 01221:6011DATIOX Aar. Tho , C0RP4440 gAilicdPal Corp*- ;OM WI an arneadVecit f 4, burgh consolidation nt.t to exempt tho new distrusts from the payment of any part of the indebtedness of the old city, and impoiing the same on the old dia. trictx, principal and Interest, and the bill will be so reported. ACeOUXODATION pAs,t - I:;:varn VAILIVAS DLTRATED. The nooommodation pastienger railroad bill of Pittsburgh We, defeated. "Unman Era:, Feb. 20, ISC3' SENATE. BILLS INTRODCCED. Mr. WHITE, of Indiana, admitting prisoners to ball after sentence, on writs of error or certiorari, until the decision of the case by the Supreme Cour'. Mr. °LATE, of York, prehibitlng the Intermarries° of the black and white races in Pennsylvaula—penalty fine and Inaprisonment Mr. MCCONAUG HEY. of Adams, con firming the titlo of Telegraph comps- Mee In other States to property in Penn eylvania. Mr. ERRETI', of Allegheny, incor porating the National Deposit Company. Repealing the transporation tux on coal and linnber transported over the Monong.hela, slack water navigation. Discussed. Mr. McCONAUGHEY'S iolat'reaelu don for engraved cart.iticatee of honor to aoldiers was discnesed.- pending which the Senate adjourned till evening. =I The following bilis were passed at the evening FetlBlo/1 of the Senate: Relating to surplus bounty funds, which authorizes tho authorities who have levied a bouncy tax to pay the siw plus to school Treasurers for school pur poses. Enabling married 'women to csntract for rental of dwellings and htore. house, Supplement to the in ry law, which re quires the Jury Commissioners to de posit the wheel, after filling and locking, with the County Commissioners. The Jury Commissioners are paid two dollars and fifty cents per employed and four cents mileage. • 'Authorizing the supremo Court re porter to publish minority opinions. Exempting mortagea and other money securities from taxation. Authoryitiag at spedal tax In Waynon burg, Grnene bounty, to pay indebted ness. E= Mr. RANDALL, ofSchoylkill, moved to discharge the COMM ittee from therm, sideration of the bill repealing the act of last year creating a new Judicial dis trict of Dauphin, Lebanon and tie•myl - Agreed to by sixteen to thirteen, and made the special order for Thursday. 1101.75 E OF REPRESENTATIVES. =! NICEIOLSON; ~f ltexttor, m - tvedit' reconsideration of the bill, passed yester- Anentrporatlng thn Litne-ttcrie Oil Pipe Transportation C ,nipany or War- - reti— Agreed to and P.ltponed till Wel ay. itTPPLEYENTART .NSOLTDATION DILL. Mr. FOR D, from the Com mitten on Mu nicipal Corporations rep 3rte.l a supple mein to the Pittsburgh Comohaat ion w.t, kith amendment exempting new d'u• trlcla from tho pityment of any indebted ness of the' old DIIQUE,NE ANNEXATION LILL SNLITII, from tire. moo Commit • tee, affirmatively, the bill snuesiog part of Duqueßno borough to Allegheny Several hundred other npo r rt.• were C! Mr. WILSON or iile•4lleny, !tiered :hat the llon,o re few, to • concur in the senate anieudiuent4o the Free Railroad rixdpened. Adjourned till ulterrindin. Afternoon .5,,4:071..—T150 ',mtion bill J:ers of and "widows I•ruof or one rinmtlin n_rcice, or wounds In tint .ervico, obd tbreigitotot circumstance.. =! Validating marriava haretoforn mad within dn,;ree of om,angainity, le altiatiating the NAlle th,,of, and prohib itiug sash marria4c,in the ft turn. Exton ling the fee Lill .1S;:i for ota Pay;tm .S4!onion grandam) o Co rnphanter, taro hundred and fifty dal Authorixing the 8,-ereta, tLe Com rntamealth iiirocord ntilcEti 1.1.,nt1r of al S:ate °Meer, =I Respecting the act of I 567, campellin., be Olialifillioll of negroes to' can, —:1 supplement to the electin laws, re ',wiring separate slips for ward and city COICRE,TION. Tito l'eorle'rt Pa4sedoter ILd!road 0 PnCitourgh sea. objected otT the ealonda yr.aerday, and vot pooled finally, tot Iv ar•evrately reported in to-thly'd paper.. WASHINGTON. Telegraph to OA Plltabilrj:l W.tsur,wrox, Feurunry 1:,13.11 OPINION IN E WAntitt CASE. Tbo Supreme Court to-day overrulet the mot Pin heretofore made to disuaix tho application in the lif,Ardlo want iifjurndiction. Them.. will there :ore 0)100 up forst-gun/out on itv Mont av previously arranged on tho lirrt Aloa dvy of:dare-h. n Er.aiIEn3ZAYS 1111.Mitr. The Senate Committee on Sliliiary M fain riled to reeonitnend the return n tien. Sherman's brevet norni nationto th . Prei.ident, with a rtwtilltion siatitie it is inadvisable to ranter brevet rank !on an officer of the seemd higi.est grade. GOLD IS TITS 2:llleAst7llr The amount of gold In the Trennttry /4 thy was $101,0011.00/1, including t2S,- Ittl,eoo payable in gold certificate". The - balance. $7.1,340,YN, belongs exclusively W the United Staten. It in estlinnted the ts reveip of gold fromcustoms from thin date to May, find al -1: be kS,OO - i,tnal, making an aggregate of $103,000,0L0, out of which there Is payable on the Ist 01 March $45,000.000. due on ten•fln-tv ponds, and on the lot of May about it-i. 0011.000, Interest due on live-twenty bonds, flg a balance on , hand of geld, after paying all the expannes, or $15 , ,1,e0.000 or CrOlkiAM, alter coin ,rtilicatea are de ducted. Then,. entimaten arc in (.11.30 nn 'filen of gold are nude between • the re riodn. .PA...SPORTPI It OCW I RUM I „ The following official order brut plat been hunted: - • Driotototent of Male, Iramhington, Fr/r,: it:recommended to all eivig.ns of inn United State., native or natttralianf, who have 04,—. sloll 4. vl.it Cire3t Itrit.tin or Ireland, to procure panatorte from thin Department. While the ilat.ca., corpus act reruntrot auspendni in the fat ler country eltizena of the United States unjustly artested ore liatlto to he detain ed without prompt examination until they can procure and prigin,e legal evi dence or their el intethlp. • . [Signed] Wm. 11. SXWARD. WASTIINGTON; Feb./9, 1867. EXYATSILA.T/OX (ItTEXIICIN AttOTLIJUI: The Efoupio thantnittee on Foreign At fgirl to,lay agroNl upon the following = fore reported by them. General Banks, Chairman of Um Committee, will report it et the earliest opportunity: •IV annas, 'rho right of expatriation is a mataral and inherent right of all people, indispensable to the onloyment of the right of Ilk, liberty and the pur• snit of happineva, for the protection of which the government or the United Suttee wan established; • - .• AND WIt:IIEAE.. In the roc vnitlon o thim principle thlw Uovernmeut Mei free IS received emigrants from ell reitihn, and invented them with the rights of cit. izennbip; . AXE. WifEttEM. It id, claimed that tit ===MLEINBI22 ceni/unts are subjects of foreign Statne, wing allegiance to the government.. hereof;' A.vu Wit /CREAM, It le necenutry t the matnienence of the public Peace that tblii claim of foreign uneginneenhould be promptly and tinnily dISAVow od; ther to Be if enacted, d.e., that any declaration, Instruction, opinion, order, or decision of any °Mews • of this government, which denies, restrict., impairs, or Questions the right of expatriation, I hereby de clared inconsistent with the fundamental principles Mate government, and there fore null and Told. Sec. 2. That all naturalized citizen, of the'Unlted States In foreign litgten.eltall be erditied.and 'reetrive 'from toll Gov ernment the same proteellon or peplums and property accorded to native born citizens in like situation. Bac. 3. That whenever it shall be duly made known to the ,Prealdent that any citizen of the United States has been ar rested and he: detained - by any foreign government in contravention of the In tent and purpose of this act, upon the al legation that. naturalization In the United Suites dote not operate, to dissolve his allegiance to kis native sovereign, lor. if any 'eltisen hall's harp 'Ewen larrested and detained, 'whose Mew upon demand ' shall - hare .. been tuireasonsWy- delayed or refused, the 1 1 president shall be and hereby la empow arid bajoider, arrest and detain in caste , ity 4137 pubio ' ot Or of t1;410 Or suet) forolv government - wbei may Ito found with thejariad Milan albs tinned &atom, amd the.Preeident. abalL Iribttont delay giro lidonnenon to Conyeei!or any Juba pro- . • • " DINA ' " : SATURDA Y. .FEBRITAII, FROM EUROPE. Ott Te.ez ti 7 It to the PI tletortett Otietto. = Los - bos.l'e;,rof , yl.l.—ThoSew Yot k Herethr.v : vl.:es om lon !- niter:era of the Brit WI array In Abyleoui., state that King Theodore Is at his camp near the palace of Magdals, where the English captives are confined. The Abyssinian Monarch is said to be In a bad strait irk a military point of view. An engagement between tlnk two armies is Imminent, and may take place at any moment. Very few of the disaffected native chiefs now acknowledge any fealty to Theodore. The chief Kasai, ruler . of the Tigre District, openly . courts the facer of Major General Napier. General Napier fears that this chief, whose political character is had, alms at a secret attack on him, and consequently socks to arrange and perfect a binding treaty of anima.° with him so as to hold hint answerable for his future nets. Thirty-Slit, thousand lirithh, of all classes, have been landed at Zelda, and the advance of the Queen's army has reached to within two days• claret, of Antal°, half-way towards 3ingdaln, from the shoro line, where it to Very probable the expected bottle will take place. The Egyptians, with A contingent embraeina many Turks, are very near to Magdahs, but they 111,9 no caution, and still march on in a recklecv manner without the sanction of the superior officers of the English army. The English to the in terior number About twenty thousand. The troops suffered considerably from the beat of the weather. Dispatches frotn Sonar° announce that the British expeditionary corps had oc cupied Addegraft, and report!. reached Senate that the advance had reached Rent! and Takata. It was also an nounced trout the interior that the na liven who had revolted againtl King Theodore were again submitting to' his authority. . • Fwnis, February la.—Errain g .—The Jioniteer Ja Soir ha, a report thM. then , bad been a atop in the advance of the British in Abyaointn and Gen. Napic 13 calling for reinforcement, ED= • IMN.DON, February 17.—In.tho Iton% or Commons tills (Welling' Earl Nlayn, 11110 Lard Naas' Chief S:eretari• for Ire laml, informal the 111,1111aa, that the Government was preparing an Iri•h. Re form Bill, and would Ill• ready to lily it before the Howie on the 9th of March. 00.4 measures in retrArd to Ireland, he said, would ee brought forward an th, • A 1110H011 n /1.9 made fora seeond reml ing of the bill for the mumemlion of the writ of h•dvoc. refiner. Non. Mr. Fortes -rte, menthol- for Art_ lover, Reid he thought the motion proved that the adminhitration of atfairu in Ire lend tens wrong and greatly needed no form. Sir Henry Win Mon, membnr for Wa. t..rford City, ttabl tbo bill NV3% An out ram, upon Catholic., abut out Is tinny wore from thole rightful ftbaro in the gurnrn. mnnt. Earl Idnyo made an explanation In re gard to the onuo of Gen-go Fr3lll/14 Train. Ile said the polleeman who :wrested ' him had received general instructional(' watch persons .arriving at Queenatown from die United .StateA, and to atop all suspicions nortiee. When the trunk of George Francis Train was examined eapies of his own . apeeeties in Ireland were found, whiehl6l to his arrest on was tlnatth released on giving a pie Ito., that he would mike nn he oo no, and ‘l4 no an In a:Mnpathy with the Fenian canse: InrNDo3, Felt. 19. —Allen, the Feni.,n prisoner, who Ira* tlturitarge , l front cum y.terdtt.3-, niter being exatnl OM} Oil 110 charge of causing toe Clean:l/wen ,aploolon, tray soon after rearre.t....l unlit trnpriclnott on at:Large or tuunler. . Tt s .. noun., of Common,. thin onionin ths. Lill for this. cssnlinuril tuvin t. .4111i1 or itextoce rorpmq in Iro!and. Lentiliog mosobern of no. Liberal party propona to give n farcitnel I dirttr to the United .taxes Mini.ter, Francis. Adams. fir ihn,s 4 n. slice; Janice of the Court of gurson's !tench, died t0...1ay. IMICEI3 Dnatax, Feb. Pt.—Count Dismarch propaseo the iilitalilinhment, at different ports of Gerninny, of a board of toderni fill:cent, to examine into the condition of vessel, bound to Anwrien. Au effort to prevent a repetition of the Leibinits her ear Is the Immediate C,lllo, of anis sal, t try step 01 the government. Erma, February 17.—fu the Pri,i Sulu Rouse, of. Deputies, yeisterday, the Government won slaked to explain why the United States Consul nt Jerusalem was allowed to procure thenrrt,it of ono Starkey, a Jewish nulijeet of Prund,, with whose ward, 11 young girl, the l i American Consulnoaght to elope. and why, after herguani fan had been thrown into prison to facilitate the attempt, :be Prusisifin Consul nt Jerusalem • refused his der/laud, as n subject of the Ruin; .1 Prussia, for pridocti-fn. • 71101,11.5 e create" much feeling among the Jews, who regard lt as involving right, and principle, nimliar to those violated In the Nloriara affair and who represent that the outrage Is an Insult to Prussia. Baron' Von Der /le) dt, the Finance Minister, replied thuttlie Gennun Consul at Jerntialetn an a Federal not n Pr.- Miall representative, mid rinniertnently the aripliration for Information TIMM. I.e inuale to the Chaneellor of the North lertusri Confederation. EMU F1.01(EN . L71.:, February , l7.—Tim Con cll!mat length ...bred to pay tort Papal debt, Fnonnsten, Fein 17.—Thu public hen ern to Admiral Farraguteloa.M latt week with a dinner. given by tho iiinted Slates !dinkier, Mani". The prin,liod Anserb can neakientx and vlaiton., a number of eminent foreigner 4, and nevem] leati!ng Italia. Were muting the lovite.l guento Admiral Parra4ut leixl,rfl Finrellt . o (01 brief visit ti Venice. • F10,11.(7E,. February M—Erening. 4 report I. current that the French 1;1.$ ernment /Inn detailed n frigate to wale the movernenta of the ,linited finite equalmn under Admiral Parragul, the eastern end of tho Mediterranean. =lE= LUNDON, Feb. 17.—Private letters from Paraguay, datrll Jan u are loth, represent the prospe c ts of the l'aragnayans ton. tinned to Improve. .I✓open was taking ihe offensive and bad twin, lAorubartled the Brazilian ...rip on Ban Parana with etre••'. The ,tremor from Itin also bringa following news: Tim Internal trouldrt of the A rgentine.Cotlfederation were in creasing. 'rho pelwerful ritatw of Mil rloa had Joined r vise Iglu In revel! against the federal government. 3larerr Paz, Wire l'rerddent of tL) Argentineronfederation, and President of the Senate,. Is dead; =MEI Dunci PJ—Evening,lir P/1;ot of the Dublin_ Iriahmon, law been con vietedof treivionnblo and or dlifo . tnt Übe Duotix, Vabruary 17.—Werming.—In the case of Mr. fittilivan,rditor °tilt Dublin Xation, whoee trial br the pub lication of seditious libels Fxcuplat the greater portion of last wehtle, the fury to day brodght hi a verdict of guilty. The case excited unhoutal 'Warmth. b.....e... A CIITIEIIA. IfimateA, rest. 10.—Tho member" of the royal linnllyof If anoimr, and a num, bar of their adherent., pow In the city, mot at a privw e banquet this work, at which the King was present. It 1e re ported that in a speech the King noticed the compoe he woahl aeon retnra boom and manna' his seat bn the throne of Hanover, In tyke of Frantz. PORTUGAL. Loanoit, February le.—Dispatchetnuld !anent from Lisbon represent that Politi cal agitation la Portugal continues. The new gMiernuient le feu 3/12100P!ll.rawii tumults are reported eurens par ot IIiAZI4 Private edvhoe ' from lintol stain n seneini conscription ben been ordered by thopsernment to provide reinforce• wine for the nrcoy on the Damns. STEUBENVILLE, OHIO, wr Ul. n ran , 1 ory 01 ITAllayn 1.4Y0yc.3 by 1/ • e —Lo • s,: 0110--,,, Jut". ranen. -,ry.fiti I, V 11.1.1% tfitio. February 'I tot large Fur *dory brick Woolen Fac tory of James Wallace Ii Co:, it, this city, wk. destroyod. by fire about eight o'clock flits morning. It is a total hi,. Nothing was 00001 except matinfacturcil gr.od3 to an adjoining liutlding, whirl WAA fire proof. Ln, on building and machinery i, alsnit; titadidit, and ,515,eiiii .Dick nod good, in proees•ii of 11131.111- facture. No in•otrania:. Tits citifi,o of the 11, ii hnkuoavu ft on in the fourth story, where's there bad been no tire for a long dinejThe fire spread very r a pidly and several -of the operatives harely e , caped. One:Young girl's proba bly fatally injured by jumping from the third story. • WASHINGTON, PA Acquittal of Toro. allblitaltor for the Robbcry or Sauey aprooll. trer W“ttra tralon Teiearao NVvsubverrox, PA., Feb. 20, The jury in Vile ease of Commonwealth vs. Thomas Whittaker, indicted for the robbery of Nancy Sprontl, sister of David Sproul), fir whose murder the name Whittaker nuns tried and acquitted at last August term, have Just returned a ver dict of not it discharged by pi New Jew C By 1 Clrirtarql to I t Triusrou. Feb. 19.—The. resolution% Withdrawing the consent of Sew Jersey to the 14th 0111SthlthaIlai amendment passed the Senate by eleven to tweed. —Advices received (non tho Provinces of Sri convey the intelligence that the lead.rs or no, cares party have effected a• revolution against the authority or (plait Isabella In the North, end that their milforentx have taken up urea, lu great numbers in Navarre.. Skirtniahoa liter taken place between the civil guard and the insurgents In Ma ellyof Navarro, 'the Queens orricera maintaining their al. le4intes. S one law persons were woondol during t h e tumult, and the an. "hint FeeleM-Ilispano provlneo of Na verro is afritmed at litany points. It nis ;hat, ir,th,•.9,,qiirpt is the result of a deliberate nod well planned. organira lion. The polleeare on the aiferr, and hove s.•irts) rinfounenta ry evidence or no. I:uai tdpoorA have already found out carried away from Navarro three thousand copies of revolutionary pin rank or m inifeato,a, 11. Mo-roast to the tart to or Spain. Each copy is headed with a wood cut or poraralt,m. it is term:. aid, of the elder AOll of lion Juan, who Is entitled and named Charles Um VII, at Spain. The young gentleman is second msin to quint • Isabella • and grandson of lion Carlo', who made war against her A.. 0011.1011 to the throne, Don .Juan, hi, hither, is the s .o•ir bon cMeloA. --Privet,' advit,t from Luz.lon state Iho rcrrir t of ititeflizonre from Moxien that that Itovt rnmrnt has dottritillonl to Of. f,oreigit vomit ten, t•xini.t the Unitott Stter.4, bin givrtr rine to an ;meant. fottlinttof itolignation In Oar En:clink .tovt.rimiria. Thin qovernmetit, it ti ,aol, in now ...Howdy routtauplatint: hi. 14,114.,•• out or it fleet to take po,nrs• ,ho t of the Foil of_ Mi , xico and huh Ihrm s..ti.raetion itgive., at, , 1111111,11C011 that France, thoit,th ilerlined file the venom lit t.artielpree. Tho Pawer• • sae'. Duty and Riled. These are meseittratily enntmlli.,l and egereised areoraling to the elate of health or action of the various organ, by which they ar, exeinnsl. A sound mind, there fore, ...an se:m.6y exist, br at any rate t roobt ta, of but little 000, if it had not kieinil boil.;tea veente its tfi3O rho himself W.llllll have been a poor era.. tor if his teovers hail linen exirteil Illroucti an nnf 01,1411.411 d C‘linliAt4 , ll.otl. slllololl. tail. Conviion of the manna mina have a would organ through whirl]; to aet iir it w 11l soon, part by part, t tiv 0 y anil 11.07'....ee1e5e. High b eam wa , vigorous Call 100 10one ontalin d by an an uphilibnun, of the whole organism,. The stornaidi toastprepare and digoist the next; the heart Most propel the blood Li in; yarn., 11..ilitlatii , 11%; the 11411,',1101.4 re , alVe their. doe proportion of vital sir; the skin' timid his kept ins., and its exhalations' alloaril to pskii 110;.,ra , 11141: the kidney. r owl eliminate the viliat.Nl and itseless dui is iif the ; the bowels ;inert earn , out the worn out waste; and if rill theia. thiligst Ore AMP` in harmony with the Whieh .trovern the whole, healtb, it., grratest of all earthly mind lie the 'there is no mai niedieine that will do all this, but of al, the niedteitie- yet as:silvered to int. . the slonla..li, to parity tiro blood, to ttentip idlontlatet he skin, to ltrgi. tile Mils neysi and bowels to the requisite F:r._,rair's Neareheir far eistArritsi all ethers, it is the true I elixir of tife in ail threw derangements Wlll.ll the blietd, 00r...entente: ttobliind nipairinz element, I, In a !boiled an l impure Mode. Dr. Kt.:s,es illisel :Wandler ins igoratel the etif.x.l4,l .10.a:h. 1 t ;strengthens tho khionpv. 1 t Annie:ales the bowels. It ...arches the ; vents and b restored health Ise I vitt.r to many we iry invalids,. Ask for lir, IVeyi•er's and take no other. For .ale at the IX , ' t grew' medicine 0101.0 Ito Wtl.4 Or. Key...ir's (7iiniiultation C.)) P. 9111 (1,1 . 111 9A. M. until 4 Incoralo4 Lore. Thero i+ no . dont,: n - ,mtever that di+. cav,v of Ow n ißn. or ulcer, of whaLorcr , o - t nu any or tho Internal organ+ limy and urn tn. - goer:fly cored, and a corn po.to ,o.litiort of !wallh mtabllahol. II ho trlatr,ra Ito fonetiott, of which the Y.011111.`!I the 1 , 61111117 and 1110 , 11 irrl po(ttltt 'l.e. are rermred to a condition to :In the re; wring of the human rsyntcnt, odo ra ue pore+, a Lerner ut+m t u [uni t :, riot c. r tho Li.lneta or the Larval+, or upon tho rn , prently the 1111 11 , 1 1 / 1 .14/0 1, load and it complete tantlard laraltla rmestablialted In the vwuan Irdy. - We have tri.;illently aern thran reanlla froth the tva. Of Fin. IC.Evsr.ten Lena Clint; u filiitttallt seal Agreeable nuslicine, a idol] nib ripen rip and urry sot or the niuml eoonoloy all We, 'and Carl nip material. lir. K. rare that ha has known dos 6.0.1 ditiri and harraaslng oourrhs, whose', ibralions would threaten •halto the whole constitution to plec, the course of it row day.. , In trig standing cases of eork.umpti,,o if tho4ltibiae .mlElll[ll,4 fatal, but always troublraolno and annoying. anal who+, knawn na oa•arrb. olthonio traolid Is or It It a wondOrfal alleviathn: medlolno, In the farmer, and a an, ours lu tin lath, db.- lin Keyer'e Lung Cure la enri e h rr j by went. of the paiel h er b, homy,. :e be neehd 'Mel Punitive in ail deteriorated watea or Elie human 11.. ed. and whilst it 1..1,14 to Its pla...nin, it at the , 211101i1111. VillitulaVe, gently tot etreetively, the akin, the kidneys, the liver, and the glandular eyelet]) to moth vient notion In ramie the body to lake on healthful aetear and eradicate ill - nal...ease. The nick and [Onion! elundd boar in wind the 'rim U(l4 mf thin great inedleine, /11111 if il.on' who ere aollleiently ,diva to del importune...of health, will meld. he It In the le ginning of a cough tir veld, there would he no falling into deoline. and nqid rioroiniptlon, hounlemly !neu ral:le rind so trued unrely fatal. Sold by the grin., de1..., or Angle lxittle, at Dr. key,r'n great medicine Wore, 110 Wood etreet. Dr. Keyeer'e °Mee for Lung I.:x -airilnutioua No. la/Pours rime!. *glow Can yo Mourn .o and Voir rr goPs the old Scotch gong. How? Why, thove who ohoA• the bloont of healtlt on their cheek', titleb l'hintation Haters, wldeh has the power of fiwtltylnn the np.111 , 4 dlorew•, and W regulating the digestire apparatus, Are ou dye. p,phr, e/ can, %old of energy }- Have y ou )000 Ceden appetite, headache, con tinued lam and depreeelon of ' , Mille? Take T.—PelX.. end - bloom and bounty n • Ill return. The Illtto a Lave keenl y a household (deed. MMINOLTA. WATAR.—A to! L 3 artlele--auporlor to . Cologne, and ball the Tnieo. The nerd end original 'Tonle :or Iron,, and Callanya, known UR ( . 1141Vii, Jlxe h CO.'S itIITO 141.1.110ra. ted Elixir at Calleaya Bark. The Iron restores color to tim blood, the l'llf-apha. rue ronewn waste of the nerve tiwitte, and the Cal haws gl VOIR a - smi oral health. rut tone to the cligrortlve organs, therel,Y enrin4 dympepola In 'lto seri - um . forms, Wakefultrom, tieneral Ikbilhy,. and DI. preaolort of Spirits. Aranurartured only by Caswell. Horan! dkr Co., New York. Sold Icy all , Jrugglata. • ri.iWF Chapped ILauda.taeo and all roughness o r the ekle, certainly cured by using the Juniper Ter Soap, made by Oaseroll, Hamm! et Co., Now York. It surpassee ell, other remedies, as It Will prevent .roughoess of tho akin, If used during cold weather. IL Lsoonvoniently applied, avoiding. the tsenlila of the greasy eompontals now In Quo. dt cab be maid by ladles with tho Most tender skin, without Irritation orpain, nutleang It soft and clear. Sold by the . Drugglets gen erally. • Constitution Water Ire certain .no Mr Diabetes and all diseases or the kid nova. Fort itle by sirdrogglitts, mwp, MAIIRIED TALOON—ATEVILNISOM—t/A the lith lust., by the Ile, Trench Church, at the reehlehoe of the bride, Ile. WILLIAM TALowir, of Pute burgh, met MIM IILAXtrESIVILM/308. of 1%14- . .4.lPhlhe 1? , P), BLAlL—T•ttmar: UN WA • t Yellear Cr:111. or :puny,: <11111; 0,4.4 Y LLLq taqqta year bla age. V. 11.1•1 4 / 4 0,,—Ito:nap art . RO f tlf.pant t: o'clock A.. JAW./ ittAllattNt tat tit: lath year or ta. utzusoll.—in Gertmoi.ll:llBT altd SIM affit, • way. children of U. A. :Ad r.anAta Allataab. _ ' • . lA,uNr.-(1 Bond~ ,lebeeali zjCt, nuut[ 1 ACBYAI((C . f 4 .l Lean. dUidpitE,RCIA 1. •lAKIIt'I>. • ••• 3 , TufF.srur, Tiacgoectrailnulteta senle Mll4 • 4 4, j 4.• 113! • 41 ' 4 4- Maud tor ' most of Liao leading articles, end' a fair volume tf . bualneaa, In the aggrecale, bo there • aro eoraperatirely lei ct tded anon. oils round lot cti anier. CiltraLN—Wiiitur Hietii. is its etaid: dee totud and niaibe gored at 5t,4it:1,45 for /141, anL. i2,50ga,51. tor. ' White. tiara la dull tnt unchanged; We earl report sato, rd liar. on wharf, at }I, •nd ha attoe at }1,0501,10. idata. Utile dull; we total ue to quote at as;;:ene, du track, on; it o t ,l o: In atom.. Ilailey—nouri Id market and la in Mr* demand. lido may he quoted it :4 40 0 1 . 4 . 5 i FLOOO-10,11—. ''ai) —Arlie:, • and uaclisayel. Small sales In store at .1110,501011,60 tor Synng Wheat; g12i312,60 (or Wintei Wlneet, and 11141215 for fancy Imands. Flour le I.l.achwael at 144 S,M, in etorh, and Buckwheat at plc cwt.. PBOVISIONS—IIscoa le dram but prices are unehanged; wit continue to quote at ley(: lie larNhottlders, Intaelns for Ribbed Side's, end (hr - Sugar Cured Ham, Prlele kettle Lard, l'Sß a syliLe, to Braes. , and 16.11 165,,e in koga. tlountry L'ard, 13 allc, In krit'e, as to quality. i s lire. Pork,ll22Mati. OROLIERIEN,The grocery market seem. to be Improving tinniest:at, nod while the Meal &attune generally me of a local char...it; there le, neva±tetclesr, a fair a,liaae of bug;- .. in the aggrettc. There le a geed Una a9:l for Now °demi. I agar and Mal sssss ; la other alleles, there Steno new features worthy f special notice, i - . Scooto—New- thie•os, lloal5c; Cot 1,, 141133ie; Yotta Rico, lO!SottWid; (homed, Cotierf, 17e; "IP do, la!; , 3-; ExtrA 111.4<:,•%/".Yollow, Currim—Prltdo rood, .le; Ile; Old Clare{ardeat . J•va. 37ScCiase: tuayre, 2/10. . . biot.aaaua-0, eta Orleans, 901296 c; Cuba, 6.4 10a; P..rtu Sratrta— . Loianas'•," SI; '.llo.atli d E - gar," 80a; "Amber" 70c; . .Drips," 11,0000 11,10. • j, Mucus—Cull., 3 . .31i5e; Clove, UM; Pep par. SIC; A1101..4 .12.•; Nutmeg., 11AO. ItiOu—ltucgtuA,ioe; U•tulln•.l.M. • SAT:CU—NU. nI„e; ;3110cr..1.0.... e Id' n. and Corn 5t...10M ~ Furies—Layer Itnlsine.ll.,be I et On:x; Ve.lex/• tle,One per pound; Yrunee, doe; Curtente, 16, for am BAD. LLAD—IV, FLat, $3,L4 per tat, Sokre— t tlisbbtte,tt I:ct ••(.Ist.lej, tett' 111,;k. UOrtht ViCket . I)..httlum,t• The. Ckpausti—tllntkitl, 1134 a; Star, 13c, C•Ae.TIAA•I4,ti Lail-O,AI per Cape, Lt Wort r;ottkllike psr la NO demand as e s, t rutty hut uu abaultetl; les tea Iteitort Flies uf tuna et thlt kliegheus Fade. at Shia .1 per tcat utso, loads of Itte uttl ' flat Musa , at SIM; ay 1 I Llg: of kola husks at it: per peutd. • fitirrk:ll-411 :ILA: esti In 'tteruse.:l hut an. changed, Isles luf prima to ehttler bah A: 18a1:e. Ittl , N—Vroehapestl at AlL:4r_ fur lime:, autl fresh pastel at Ukase:. SEEDS—TaIe' at•rlist I. quirt. Clovers...l mar he tooted a ~S/ 29 tt , ; Ttat,tl:y and Flasat,lsat t,t.sit s,so. PU rArolits--It . oettn,e dun but nathante.!; mall sales at ' l l,o l o o l'er And : 3 (Sa LI rev LW, aa to quiltt F. (Iftp:11 AI PLEat—The ta.arhrt le le. al, t re, hut p.c..° uticliteyet, ran... from 3 5 0 11 per a. LARD OIL —titlrin but ntchemiteilt wit eon. Untie toelre Na. f, an I 11.11 tar No.l as the factory pri... DRIED ,Fltt/frrts .leaf; but ttachar.tetli Wee of Preschettatt l'asc for vaster., .m 1 ist; Ila (car hilact,oici 71 - tto for Ar.pil".. Via rtles at 124 (Jr uotrlttall, LOU 404 it plttr , l. BEANS.—Scirca int .fatt. Veal am.. 1 it et Stat,ho per 1 41)I, (JNIONB sod 10 Icrosal; trr can tl onrt iale• it lloet bttattel. 110111 Rate, th- tra !.c at aa.) 17'1. • retail wai-.4 EFAE:—als‘ cf Ws.tern Pessrveitt 154 and Onstita.Ot IS4('Sz. tL, way frau, 111011 par raloy. CrXTUALIAjiL.ATo4 - ;:j i tUrf tne i N •S • Tor Asi.,7, .113C3 Seta rag altobt'ira.,•rorament man; for Cat a tle 'this work, Iherr t•r,r, t o larger oombor of !k,oyera att,..l ILso Word, at , ogN, taltlyg averi.o l o: 10 .. 000 7 •!•!c•al:an. prior. art no :,,ter tt:on lair V6 , ,P4 rhe Yolladclid4a ,¢ar:•l - was rr lr.t p:rtty', h.rd Uoroi.7. 'tha COG. abZi la riots. it ILe 4to.aao!, a.2t, as gw00..../1.: , •:c1i , i2.1. Luton out Creoareal to pay nit rotriax, not lb, aivlceir Now took to,/ Latera Leo better ;•::F.• I ti.;O . latex. Ai •ialmat talog, rho •011,:y t: tl.' eatt:•oa tele netaltatal:y u:. to the ease:glue 4.1.1 if of roua tera, ...cr. , : 1,4 criers; tact, Walesetno roe !toil Latch eta] ettt/e. sea • icw 14tatr, to:t the ta,tErote were . tooetty. o. 4a :haee Aires ly stat• .1, of so. tri:ot orZer. TLe ta VI et, , cgs!r, wart! itet , .tott this heel bete, 51.4 ..le I •r *or: ' , lf sett. past. to.l the meet pret.tatoct of tLei eattlo Wrens; st theta yar,:s ate shh , pea 4 ai eat!, ottaets ,rat;a:4s. p:cfertita 11,:s CO teltloe the etreacee.of hete, tt, t; h ones Lappoae , that It I. to, ht: 'tea et, bettor fur t:.ent ,they had dt stork to tote aciot. tilts., Lteartv• 110, poll 20 htn.: n 7 Fes:d 111344 a to r•e• ro. Com, to some t. o'er, St: %-1110 1:, IS lot Ilotol to OM., uyrr, at 4-%: . 4/1 .. It. sop to Clo.zoora 4 , 1.10; :3 toe MLl..uto zy to liltmon • Att.!. 4:1`,. 11e4g5f a r . .. 11104.1 Is Anal for St....rat: 00 Nines ~ 1 ,411 t,l 1, "IA 41 To: I. ottloo • Nth at 43.41 l'horlro t...honouter sold IN lie,t nt fielooht touat.y. otter. ?.• AT .... cter. 1101411 co. o, tioc,o sol.l girtooo Ono., Itclit :log 4 oiz at —.C4herltlO.l'.!••. li•cr • listsil..lE El , men'sl7 3 ... 1 1 ,, 0tt7 "ttlo. teleioa; at 8 Eloch sold 2 , 1.4,1 al,/ to Joh - . NleAfdl: 10.3.. at ri:1101C111 mid IL Mayne. 1 at 6,14;40 at 7:4—J its.. at lEEE! With roalleutd light ante., and a rotoin• 1441 Itta.l7 abloping , ilmhand, the matiLet for Hoe. his rultil knit Jutim; the pt.t week, and tole. are .1:11 maintalm d, tao,lue from rise I to kit. grog, Ia:COM.. to choler. 1,•{7 11.1.1“..,2,1 thessi'ma9 he rtecol g . VIC e,. tft..• bt`the aitket. flow loog t lime ta• , I titott, we ellght as 9 rrot.lnant ,Aare wid I. 1 ettl...d. the .I:Mien to mit.l,ture at Jilt 1' 79- Elllse; acme de.tra think theta will be a bleak down and 'Ms, too. I try Ilse.. tatthe ! th4tr Ft edittloo ea tha gerund that the pre. i eat extreme 1111001 9 , 111 hurry 1 .riestii lame aerie.q r hilt ethtiut atiur that • rratliou It not imthahle..thry mintred that the 4 catty l. It! rtstty' 9411 drained. Lit gilt .It mar, of otiethine we art tot•talli., and that it, that tte , I &mated tir • 14th ptrk will tit very much di ! mulched . ihiot ji • errie, out al resphit sy Or e.not 1/41 the prAtutfljlNt6ol. in102 , --1: it 1 theply out of the questi.in-01,1 Milt of astir will h.e ennahlertaLle it nature therardt lifi•tlilt4 the malt.. • ill., tatlirtt'ktlo.a.;l,l 117 hea I Or 11 0,: Co Cron., hoiml.k a 14.. t A 10; 01 1,4 I :Mut to 1/liopm 9 iiievatoa at 916..17 for I limit. to Uto•uslatimmtlce & i t ht.. 1,90; la hu i'.r.'ta' lO t. i it ' t h t:t i, f . .. 79,31Z ' !; t ' s -.l 3 i rll ' i ' l!lft ' rte ' t ' h o l ' : . .: ,I ...tit 64 for ~.1e- lir 01, 1. t •s, goo, S c„ 1 nETO ~'"i ll t Zpsl )7 :4 l 4 L ' e ft:of44 l ' . .l7,l 0 iiTt: ' 1 1 .1; " ; 1 39 . 943 ) .116,1; 9 7 fur tame It litich“ltt 111 . 0. at titheer 4 Itshr.l94oneht Ha hseit frt. It .t, 1t,., at 114491 14%0 ottit, tialltute 4 tin. .t 9;10 from Ilepler re lit 91 horn Illgtord at II; Ile from :1ed...4;W from thulkits at 14. Stopped tat hose tlliteogo Hoe, matte( tam:i at Cliloat• 1',.. 11.4ges iraylee sold al not for 11:1001n3er ala 11.1; 6111, Itoehltattall ni 1 11!4;11 for Km.. k 0... Nara. a 9 : 7 .%; 73 to hiturrlrk lt. 04 at 19144 131 Or Comba iti,tailli a Cu.. 741; 119 for tame,to tillatirsist 1 Mo. at I, 111 for Erg, to an a ridrikk to Hedges at al.;; 114 for I. forlmmo at a; 1 1 9 loos.. to sso.iat Sant. , tame. C 0..; EMMIrk a Co. at 91{. : Atmtentsr,ollletheli 1'.,. bone. el timid at : 7,16;90 from A. 51111 m at 10 , , 41 from J. Cam, at 7,.61.14/ from 311110 r at 7 9411 Item Orr. st 9. Suld 111 brag 1./tt/Opp k itiork toil at al i; Ci.lt ad to Oroute, timerick a t.: , ,r., t' i.e., ats9, ' 1 • Ithfroten to rim. k Stil 9 k:ok — ki PS. 17 to Peaty , ' at ?hi I l 011ehmItt a i,;•. hought 491 hetd.ftella firs. mat ICS; 433 from Ttteen al I 4; it room Itam oat Iltoo at tti; ..'. ._. Rothehtl i lp at flyers hone. 97 head from 1.2. her at flit and I from :itt ratidon at F4l. thaught 64 frost mitli • lto at 7.4 it .04 (ton ' Crompton al el; 17 front /4199. it Stockton at 7.57 t CO. Icoto ('t ar., at el.. au from Mend at 8.70. • , There was a Yeti toll supply of Nicer, this weeks but they were mostly , of au Interim. quality, end whlk; prime let mutton Sheep, Boilable for the'eaatarn retail matkste, webs to good demand. and •eld readily •t full prises; common and ItlfftlOt, credo. were tamale fly dull, and scold only be disposed of stymy low Ilium. The best quality of fat Sheep may be V quoted at 0 to ebje, i gross, whlio common gold at (reel, down a . pie would buy more mutton and 114 . a nd pork, they would do mesh lowardellieakin down the tiOthitittit 'Vices now commit for that latter, tehlie at the semi time It le gen, rally eobeedad that Sheep me it I. the, Mint healthful moat tamed In mallet. • Olan, Laren, Co. 'old 13,3 brad for Holm'. I.l.ltrar 'to J. Lloyd at $,26 for .tjalck to loose burr, at OA I. alto lo.oght It 3 from Malty. ',analog F 1.3,401 129 troy Mood. 4voraalog By OW; 03 from Elliott, agor-glog Mot 1.731 171 from Wrote, an: kg lag at 0,00; IMI from ttodgcs & Taylor, aser- MOM 19. &M. •. , Hedges tapior gold 80 for Itobloeno to DeWitt; at 4y,tili for To; to Plkopit ft IM. at C 411,11 for Ildtpheraft femme at 4-4110 over; 116 foh Sgefter to Dejtring at 0,0:50 for list ton to eanta barer, af11,116;94 for Vanfatasn to its.. boyar, at CO ISO for. El telekard to Rare at 00;101 for Hunter to Deitrieh at f. 3 4 -; to. for Branninger to Haag at 4,40. Smith I almost; gold 171 head for Irwin to to mg at 5,1& • • . Paaton to Kam.. Ift bead fair Wseigarten 0 . 4 9 Sbf*Pl fro, at If 06; moms to egg, oovar. go. averaging MN 5 .0 0 . Bengt bought TM from Hedges at 54101 from Illaagg'oOdete it 11l from Merino at tit 17$ from lonian at 4. • • . Paccoast bought 07 from tiara at 454197 from Killer at e% sad Igiii(o6l Pickering at A. • ' Buster *old tot head to D4lllOO at Nit:lon to klartitoil Irt .1 0)4% Cray: to bloCiaine P 7 st 44; - Taggart to pJI4IOIIIIV at ii,4l /4Utt to piguadhorgt Pp « et. ; ` • • Messy eattla Market. at Tolostaol to Ma rakourga wank,. ALI LIFT, rehraar7 14. v-rattle martin , nl.. ninallv dun Ude week; net more, than KO or On head Changed , hamar lut week's prices. Total—Vial nnio sheep{ melon of 0,0)0 head at. one drove of Michigan sung ng 140 pounds. 'soldat ecru receipts 1,4110. • Dressed hogs 40 R.I. eratedemaina • . 22, 1368: = 4or 1.4.1 r "tureen, elruary • lien. $ l'•"'—The /aar.., e t sas iowithierably to. :itch. in chnemoseace ais erlu•t to. or. tar llsh /61. n az nothing eat a .aisle tale reported, 451 W., on 'pot, at sig. ti,oit too may ba quoted at 1 14 to 7i.;e,ao.Vtliore weft On oderto to cell March be low ee; It la but Vrovar to remark, liswever, that, at yet. nuyers Mi... to take hold at the advance, though tale Is alsesis the can en the erectog of aa excited market, there being _a disposition to 0,01 , 1 err and await future de er:opt...etas, an 11,11 elileg very frequantlV ressita disteirmuiLy to re neers, as by hitting I.sck they, in many tale., taste., of buying toe less pay e.usideraniy more. ehl City telegrams report comehlorable excitement at that point and XII 147600. or from 15 to Ott par barrel/sae been eetobliried, the realert dispatches quo tiny at 11.1e1Ti.75, market fur bonded ell was very much Incited to-lay, and while the trans. tattoos in the areregste were larger than for some time vast, prices ire aleo a shade higher, and even at the advance, there appeared to too more bolter. thin tellers. The prawnt move meet beams to be entirely speculative, as toe demand Is mainly.for future delivery, and from this It le fair to Infer that epeeulatora have be mime pretty well whiled that prig. are not likely lo any event to go any lower, and tills being rite ("nog, some of them hava.inumered up nutllcleut courage to "pitch 10. 11 The fol. lowing sale. wero'reported : Soo 1.5.1. each Oren May to .1 rice 23'4 ,tom April to 1uxe.........21.5( tioa heat hair. March 00 1014 " !nal heq Mirth ' WA 1 , 41 tl:st 11.1 r 23$ 1,0 1.11 1111UMetch • tx 9 It lisil April —lot night • 6,/ •: • csl." for July St 15e asul • dui " last ho!I .Olarch aollei'a option ARRIVALS—The - arrival. of oil by the Al. logbeay Yolks Railroad lo•day; were a fol. Iona: J. ' I 61 L , ahort. ayrew Duawn & Itti Clitik a Summer.. 4.1.3 = =1 Nan: lioch, lehrietry Dh-ttotton opened newt 1., ez.eittel and Wily ;in offer, and clem 01111 the iOlvimen Met, with "nits of 1.1,:10 bale, at tl".,e. tor middling 0110:1,10, It 214. FlOur; thOrecelpte anlOurit e 1 tot 70 tan market in dull, and modoitit t• knoll kraden aro from 10 to Lit lower, wile" were in:Woof G,ten barrels at 4'.74:1;:: OS for eti(erkon State and ',uteri!: ye,Woo:lii,7) for extra Litittei 7.1 for ni h. , : 61=4,01 for white wheat htro: 49,,f714 for homed /loop Ohm; yloc it for common to fair natant 51. torill, awl al] f(15.15 for amid Ito 1110100 ilo, the market 110.11:0 CalifOrnia flour range. from 15 to etc Loa,. 1.1111 oalea of (.042 11/1C144 t 40:4414. Rye float n 111400 kroner, with of 470 orleos ranging (rota. V. , to 49 11, Corn, 61.11 is active nail a .bade .oiler, with taloaof I,to barrels Brandy. 0100 at 40,11j0.17. Whi.ky in nominal end nrieee Wileali the receipt" 0 ,7 ,1 inediiii": the ma: In t 14 dlllll and 132.: lower. 01111 cal," of 2.5.00011.heis at +1.121 , 15,70,11.11, aril, riot: 41.4 5 for N.. I do ,to,f .11 44 kV; for 1.11110 Wince:nolo, ant 401 for w Mtn (1 , 111 , /ril Isl. 1110 uneaten wet 11 rti 1 • LintleY: there is 'ut a light one. i. 1- p(11 are (Inn . bl 411; the 1. I. firm !with antes pr I.LOO E.f 4 l sit 1 . , 11 lima; the rerelpin ninounteo to 1.7.475 Initiel.; 111 e Market IS lte .h 7 unit 1 ioales were niado of 4.1011 11,12(11,,: tor npsr rotonti 41,27 for yellow innahrti ternin f0ty,.,1 we.ioti 4i,1 7 / 1 1,1:1 for mire.l T ioine"": e: for fellow her wr.ty onai., , for yellow et:nit:ern. Onto; r,co.loto bunliituerkot dull aril heavy, It 111 , 40 idol and 04.: imited for western In 51.1 re: amen 'aka or (41,10 nt 1:114"1. Theo mill, at at 110117::: for t., Coffee nrol without chnnen iubll l' 14100, letyi•rat .1104 Of VD 1 011144 13 ,, Mt:into:es in fnir re eitent but uncrocured. 'l,llOl, at 1311: hoo for onierithm.: retroleuto quiet, at 1140 'or id iide niiii 21 1 , :e for n drool 1ind...1. Vert Ateoily;.alen oI 2101 bbl., t (21024 as for o , 4ci: Fine at 411,10 rcroinrilitt.77 43:2 1 1) for 111,1 On" , CYOLioi for Prime unit t.'itftl for pron, n. ••• 114,1 .111141; o 1 , 04 at 643 hill for new to nni tee., and 4,5 a:: fur now et int 10 0 110(0-r, nt tor :rm. ow- Rod 4,(111 Co, liolin moo, 11. II , 113. , [0-3 , 11; 5.,14., of :tinhoo. or Vat: firm and 111 lair demand: %Ales of hni lion tor Liwobernitil COL; 111, Ott.; 11 . 4:: for idlort r11, 1 ,.1; II: for lon . i; e..,r to to rive. at 1.451 for "Mori elenr. in.nt„ firm, nel ltifjin'ie. for r. hot 11 . :015e for 114050.Dresniot tt. lower, ot. 1:1::: - .1lete for weak-rot atit: ll' ,i 4114( to: elf: I.not lino,: vole, of '('l no I, °:tarol i t,e. Butter net Ivo tont Inert.," 1t0t,., tor eerie. trhoesn inilt,i4e. loyerthe'l "nol 7, im ea genien Is of aril tonin core 4 0.1 ntento at Uhl. =I =I - Lau , ta 1 - ..ttraltry tat.—Flour and warat an , l Itachan.,tl. Cant fair mt nt r>v ftlr:ear. .Inll ut GI- , (tin ilyu In f,,ltt outanntl. rout tn. supply 11,. Mil Let LI arta a t 61::•uttl,:i. Ittrdalt utul .rttver; Vtarl2,4-1. h nl 111 111,41. not, I'9 Itat lea , / I.t , a of tor lac, an I kluvo.r. n“,i,rat Attu u-king Wltl-kutt 'lull and pr:ct, Prov,.frus neat,. with a 'con- , !pli,ua.l; E.rt ViV.OO for rm., i,ut,, lit, 114,12. , i o ,art,l 1 , ...e.aa.1 toi,ttnnlapr., uncles sn, ciNar tty rtitarli nil tryty.t At . sAgnr ent*Y. 11 .x.«ln wro 1 , 0 , 11415 , 1 St I 1'.,C.15e. nil ePi vA.,.1 11.1.11 art.! In n , I nl.l I. liyl,l n lila trgurrt. - Mutter firm tVe•tyr:t. nYI ..(15 1 e flr ‘A. 1:Ar• :z I I .A.Sortr.-iy.A.l nt (or y anmr,n ya...ty.• Itin. r • .Ylt/inmy.le•ratqj .I• 41.1,4`. T:innthy lAnneYll 1).1 Ilr.nyil,tltts at thli, tint the *l,ly lAA/nit-est, Lord 01411.152 I , tl.tynal ;Gym,: rel,Ard, ltibuying, nut 14.1..i.ellitsg. ' New - .Nall l!ry Clumr• Harker.. .1 22r, 1. 4,t. Tolls - nary Ile cotton itoso)is Inn/S , [ oteltu.l undo:. Adult:ea trout I,{rerTun.ll 7(5- ' 1)1)11114 !Amu '11:1of nat.:Attn : ; Itt)larolo tun. at lo poto-2, CP/1. lIE ect. ::;• ). MP demand for Ron.), C.. 111/./• ably. nt It 11 ltirearo 11. alt Orttukr uo.) 2, no. ).)01,71y1 “:Irma.ll , •act, ItroWn olloollnus ultnt.ot t)o toot 1.. t af I prier, *4 b..} 4o“.1.1. all Ito) popular tnlk .)), to font jut to,), vro•e 'tort. of Ulu U.ro. Idutic qn Ink at 11, drot will go 000 n. Al pluton and • Lynam) 4,0_114 rtootrAt, at 1, 1 4. reurtrell I, do IL It. Atlantic L Amoultra ft • I)Id 0.0 , 22. A oto)ke. II:tor:out 41116144 Olwoort Is 45'1 4 1 411 411 of the L•pottl 2lj )v.olk,),tan Wolur TwIA Watnnutta 5.1.-r;l:n ar lttiuto 1,1 for f2ockr, anti 14 , „d12,i for fare)-u. 44 owl It brawl Spratnot rritita 112441.1; Low. , lt 4.r; Iv‘w,tll44 I. .4 Coel)ocoli'4J1J;61041) 014144 13; do •ltitrtlng nod Prlnt Cloth. Ittncv Wooten/4 morn not), a:11.1 arm, for 11311 goodi it • tiouttney to., 40.1 lelgher prloo, Medium and low gt.../••• plenty null low cnough, but 14 would a , ,tlf n I.ttoutt priors In yencral pool toutchtul .Vbilatlelptalw Itcrket. :I , Y T. ct, F.l,n•t:F. rOur • c1.4.1v 111 , 11 . 1.11n1;e• 1 .ten:nrd IV lo•nt antkve, retkn•ylvnnhi 41.7 w. c.'. n 1111.k:r nvw oma wrolly at ' , H. Yrovi,ior,.l rw.k 1:4(,;.3.43; b•ma In ptatle /s"ici boil Lawn IA LArd I= 111. Ooi oltlaloon OSIMtt.) /I ral/Inary . an, Corn achlyn and Omar nth arcar:ck 41,17. 11110 Orin nt 7,rjao. o 111, and ananalow.l. eo,Cti• In /IC•LIV Clia y t!., and tcinllnc onward. Bacon -I,7ie. Bulk saouldera tin Noah' Took: altlo Merkel. iroo , l r, - .11r•Os to rt - ,,Larektl melte 7 :'Yea Soot, ret,,ON —CAttla trado Ilrfn :oott,tto to 0000. toockohoto. oalooi amo v,0,. 0101e1000r, Halo, I . Zipl?.h root-hlpla, - .1,30X, he ,INotnnonot htterp plenty ands,,,,ver• otters. Ilren, tooNtrolo for rritron. 4141ozgn Cagle. Markel. lbel'lll ,, urgr:llnat,.] I.'rl4 . tilo. Feb. 3.1. , —L1v0 If Nru too !era eN 10 1 .11:4k:./, Inter; h.•l't at 17,t 5 417.65 for , 11011: $7,+440.70 fur hulavy. Irccelpts—r;s9o‘ t•P AltAl • NOT I (fir& NORIV.AI I!STITUTE :k NEW TY.H.I WILL sxu • a_us TIIR: 17.1 r ntiaDAY - Or LINTIANY rapt c n rempl.'e w &dee fotrrie the !fermi Rae I=! -474 , `A 10414411. A et I,llk OB A ieeti^n.to 11+140/1T ".• ~.t,:,,..[01eh00,1 frrZ.N!TrTat''' LO krr Hod 101 l oftbolLeege r w err. ee'.i ,TlarOaL Dior .. , or t , o•ort r tailtlOhh.. oft,itilLo rcrolt. N'S 11£04111,11, TROCIIIM4 .101,10 tlfrkat lofty:kat, lone nuts, rift no m :allay at:. roeltrourtulfs. natnnta. torah. Consumptive Ad ro That tura, Trot!,, are nuth n ate ay* ao , •1 alt tuner.sts.l Public 4T:ten ate Om t. i V i . i ' o ' .; l, 7 "° l=4 ^ A ` lfloin evIAL 0- tiOta:' , and do . an Vor tile WOottliallaa Istvtrol•ra In t num be °farad. .OoLO Eva arani ay.' .4er311111111411G1; AND CELICIA. ":41tIn 11A,V.V471`,,V Q'taii7Bv. b gr: - ." 1 . 41r. Pulls4clphla. &WED—Ai:EATS, for TILE . . . - PLUE-COATP. and 'hole they Lased. Ftioght and IMO for the Reim with Peons, and liteldmu In the Crest Rebellion. IL rental.. oyor 11.0 Sine E loss end YR pesos, snit to the spieleot itt,tl cheapest war book published, only {LOO pee copy. Tin bublic'ere eau tinted sisloot lute Mar wools with in similar title. bee that the hook yen buy contalus vier iMienlisstinio and iCe pages: Fend for CUM . '6,1.1n.5. JONES BRAY' IMILS 0., MI. ad•:ns t•ro Vcl Spj,lll skiD . nti or 44111•1111 . 65 Vga .r.re`tti,T.ld't at, V: .g n rI11141,1:: had GailltseXClOß te sear: also seysra. Pp( Innto•resente t wo s of lo Met. tau Ge. bun. carrl•gs boss molt pkgs. The taro y .• aye* teas. to , a 1 r o ' lg i gnit;;irlle i vi,itr.eniodti..o ma; dC* I r AtiqskS.tXvTe Tri'' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; C.F.airSTER S OCCICE. t. Cll - 7;uchmt. CA.. Prewar. Ist, I' 61. • A. , fol:e IVOTICE IS Ine HEREBY Ere GlVEN ent On: the w nerount, of roe, A.gitulnistratore,tioardtanc. have twee duty In ePntedlotthh,e,rhin.•,•urto hr..• p con Crlnsllen Arid anus...ace, ev At./A DAV. March Ao Ml3l A cenn^t of Junes N. ono o the Elnr• C or harles Rowan.. Ceoo. 711E4 Nor' Vb • Fn Flrrt portial Irrov tit of Mr.. D. I. de amp. tl, .o.thn.l Flied lll Nov. ttn: to. 1.7 efittoWe Lam p d as d!1 . . O. 3. c - ofna or Jo. tam nohlwon. ineentot or In ne ra - e14.121, dr. atom. Filect Nur. utti. i C. . 0..4 .1 , 14 M aeronotof Tlecu Tor. or James RoterlA ileco.ted. Filed Nor • 'So a. Fin•l n^coont. Of Wm. 1141. 4ioardlso of . .`scetst e•l,d Noy. 11, 157. N... C. olr, cal doll account of iWlitnall. D. o r ton, linaz,11•11 of IComt. 0. IflOt , . davg, L., or , amttel Scott, drcesad. /lie 1 Dot. 1616.,5.Z. DA. 1. kermant o' Thos.. ; i on.. Ade... teat., of .11.... ere Plevenon. Petered. icedNoy, 191 b. 1107.. Do. S. unru. 'Thm. Wl•Dtruev. Eit s aotoes of J• 1 1 me. oteze•led Wlgotasen. o de ceased el rot Nor. 16.. b. N. 9. Flual aproua of bee. /del...Drop lad Joan 1.1.111, re•c nors or [small McCatclutue. de...ed. Paled Nor. 10.0. 1.67. D.o. ID First and nar..l • - e mut of J. N.V... lee. Executor of Jeults C. W. 1., deemed. Flied Ni.0.1910...7. Nn. elec.. of lan. 11611. .4 Jobs Vito. Airculaes NelettlCel /Cie. Fled Nov. 19.0, INC. • R. 1 : T:1 , 4 Ado o;e , 1.0 account of W. 11.•11 den , . •nct Jam-4 'Woo 'bon, Ex•ector or Can O.C. Yam.. de,ased. riled Nov 8 , 1%. 0 14 Aceour tof Gen. Eceett and calbarin • Erten. Admlt'etralnri of London Eat., d et• o i lOl. to Soy. 10 0.1391. 7. • Ae.eunt of Lama Verear rZtor i (.l eoLla •Lklnton. deteased. Plle.l Nor. 21st. JRS7. • . . no. I, Flool cotenant ofJscob itoln- Istr.t, of Crar ts z.r, dacoutd. Piled N4l. :V, to 7. Nn, . , I . yeittlr zed Henry ,re o% Jae• b Voe.tlf, 4.1 ecst•l Ti e• 1 Noy. 2,t11. 0 . 0.17 r /t.cuuitt 43, Smut., Mueller. Admlnl.. tra.or d• diees,e2. Yllcd Dee tl Aree "An t or JO WON 13.. McDonald lintralsa or 4,111ej , arta. faun:may anotlany, h-lr of tt Imam /delJauley. 4ecreattpe. ne 5 a. t ESE Nn Ir. acronnt of W. 8. Jackson. Ad f ...outfey P. Ila'rl, I WT. , . " F.n• 1 accnint Jlais• Payne, (no who ar... guardian crJobia C. Dan 11,60 U. falanr son of nugu Danalthow d.ed d Ilanno, Pays. and Wm. A. Pay. dos "14,st-ft of Jame. talon, d ed. lie. Lea, 2“.1. 3 , 1.1 rot of Nancy Bon.b A Ad yih s_ra ot dtc , 4l. 711., pet. • SCSI accoa ,. .t of S Latcual . l:: , . !ist•e.oalol ollam Acc'emsl of . 001,41 H. Morrloon..h.l.• of n H hrt Sl ba d ruleta MAC an..y. r.secnler deceased. Filed.D.o lath, 1,7. , . :A FIFE s,r: Coal •••e mat. or JIM. Hill ,5 0dmini.tra•or a Its 1,1114132. n, “'d Vlie 1 I/to ,G 7 Nu. Zi. rina , accuu 4 t f Wll.lpn , Z;g:r . lug "" ' C ''''''' c o ' ..l . l,e ' ll.el t fe ` l o JEG% " ... 7. ^1: A . ceohnt of ..atnt.• 11. nei.o,sillJo%l3 ii.r c l.o - A4fmlol•tr,..•ra .f Urorge K...., e! . , t.l i•,. :I I.lnr. r'o --. r Int acd pat,' .1 aer2oant of 1T 0, 12. , , e 1 . . .11, * C:'Ll -. e a 0.1.1tm. s , altuan....x•r . utora Kcnur... a• • c . d. rt SO t/ r ;c..2 .i g:L ...,,,,t0r. of N iPs•btrl ' l ° Vll n Le r t. ° deo. asetl. sEod Oat. so. t. Il :el Its'Ytt of Ia cl' llr.ooemso -J:id:so or Lett ♦tm.troot. )iltS Ott. 23111 t~ , •0 rltial ite^oll. of Adolph lilersch. •d. rola, ra , o- of F. d. deee...d. Flied V. 1,7 . No. ACCOUIa at Je.,ah Walter. liaaralL•. of cero.l-e N. H. 1 , ,,11.171, Minor .rill auto-ri - .wens , ' a de e. .ed. • lied i.te. 3.1.1E1 euei Mantel. nrAtliek. trater atetased. tiled De, :lit %11 /111.1 sc coot Moo,dr Dletrog Ou.. lan o: 2.. mlaor mild of Charlt. noore.•firceas.,.... 01101 Oat 01.1. I7 No , 21 Account of .t•thew 'cola f a t l ere..eo Yll. 31,. .547. No I.", Y.relaccl as.: account of T. W../tao llo. adalnlitr.l,,of Ito:•Lto• Hanna. Erc . J , 1 1 11r.1.1.. 2 .0. • tralnf H. Ff. ya roll.or of S. Wm. JOlrtei tt mt • I:ed Jan. 3. sir A AL a tioa, r ut of John I len. ehel dll.nr• ec rxo , taa ot(l,lstkpher id•e d. Yt J a 1361.. No M. rir•t. •na no,' Account Joist So-t 4 Go. 1, Whlsktn wit-reer. oat. or the call. .1, Magu. Ste:etr.the'd. 1 , 11.4 Jan 7. at or W. C. 'Di t...'rCt;l'Mar,errt.te, • 41,.t,1.11,'-;::Isi. -lb a.l n tittrits.. aducirdstra!oaor Pe t e er st Heenle/I,r J. Y' Cc ' .l t No *, ±o .;! ' rlt rliock. t i; m. c .4 A carut. It. ' olca're..n. deceased. I, Aetna, of Joho If, Walk 43oar.lial r. f Harga,t .0 Jg.t, MaAte. ;WA, eh 1.1 ea otllbp 1I Sled .•. 50..1i. Account of /rEatry tb. 6trlek:er. Ad ralorrf H oxo NCA. e, dee'd. I"l,4JA.st N• . M. Acrouat or6.lratiel M. natal,. a...nal of Jane Y. Yu taa, deed. FM a Ja FlaM see .u;t. c(J. P Hirfalan. Cu, .4 W 1116.111.1.•• mtleff. , urea 1 . :1 r at, 1.,..ra rf.ur r, :Ma I.Cr rartrer. 4ked. /Mad Ja .1i flc,al of Al.zzorltrli. Miller std E.ocLt of WlOllll3 C. /Suet. . t; nom aon og of ratan. Ad. c. of .04.1,00 Mos, Ylled Jos. Lt.> . c , , ,, •Cr.o'ert • arr !zilo,„l:Cp A"" Y 4114 dan 0 Vt •ccoont of J. P. 'Jib to 01.1i,0u tolooLel4l4 or Dawt• orl. ItloLly, A•hoSor 1,J•solo %lotto, A• ceased or WlJlarn V. Hass. Urn , 11,11 Crilf nle, .1, o or the otilarett ,". I,ce.n JtcErt. t. oLo., ar Pllea Jet,. = A, rLif,3"""'l.+3 IT • A - • • Bei “,,. • iill"4-41121 11natotcc3,nt nf la 13 J Vase .1 Pam a. rI. eV I. rst It. Pt t• .1 January 31 I.W. rra " 31 latit.c:a ta.t ..f gran, t.inwtl. , 3.41,.16 Pettier W. deteaLl . .I.d 3t 1,11. Ftnal e ant nf hn P. cot t r -434 .1. ..13.1 •In elsogloai, J • p.lla d. 1,1,1 J ISM. at. 1.1 arr„ ,- Lat et .143 . 1.1 *145, oar; mla.> P Haw 5 d 111. d J 3.1.13 1344 • 7 Na• I t a'...e nt Jou.. 5.3311 em 1,9 . a Utak a attatur chtld ' 7 " . C z • •nkta ....ea id, 11 •.3 oar. 31.1,3. 3 . ..t , l.re3usta of 3' N. 1111,1:, gaud, e.l;a"3".ll"si • I,' • cc,nt of Wm. 3. Laaton. V. 'sant le doccued. Irat4 n. I f 4 scl•lnt.., Iltbnt. Babb. Li - c.to• of tr • FL:e.l Atc." Ito( Jr.lrklana V•fge, dze. ..:st.s • f 1:,..1.155.5, deceased. IL:ed roll tin Cl V.v.! ...out of 01,11ne. kltxter. Me. • 61 as, I n- ,t .1. rt of tl. ~,r .1, 4 5.r.../f..e.utp• l N.l r.sk Sce.vao. •f Jolla e. , ,A1r.1, of Ms, Satch.lor, deCe•tetl. Ylt Jet,s I,S. No IS • ccocial Thom B.llslulltog. ..ern . rl , tra.o. of Joliet T. (01140. d a ce: .1. Yii36l. . N,+ nat of .N•rawlict Nelson •rderl.a. N•rnat. 0. al.-0 1.7.1 Mt I Jao...S. . 1,3 An Arc,,t 0f 10 1.A . ,14,111t,bA I Sr. and. • .1a .4er IlAtt• Ca,. of Or. John L. ra• . nes, 11..4 • tivpletnetrtai A,Ollll. vt It. 13 . 4d1. , .5. 4r,, x.y.. Adrolo.str.t., 01 0. V. brcaf. P Jan..ll tr.l 'fuel ..ccount Lead, Adlopa• t!at•ls to arec 1.1.n4 No , . 71. 1.1.4 , 11,001:11 0 ° Ir , a of 4.ort T. Plied lat 1.41. 72. 11..1 account of John Harper Sol El's. I,State of . .obert ketone,. .•0.4 1,44 V 4. tat. nil No. :3 1•11,1 and c.axna,nt .1 Join Nlebel, U c: 0! 81,7 Mr.. wlnt.ar r Attu r au s Lod 14.1.. La, 1,(11 74 an,l efe• on ouns cl 2.lekal. ••••• A' rum lagfamenta aoracro, of 4 !Isom. dr.,.1: • 1,1 0.5. Ist. i 5.11 'lcA,r. a Arc 411 00 !fol. Willlato Hort, •ow wax lofol>tra.c.r .3 Marla INit roLf~.• . 1,04 Pro. I, MI. S+. G. 00 oontor 1.500 Holmes.drecuter of dec . d.Plod Yob.lst. l!Gf. • 7+. Accoont of •onf.t Lunhin. Guardian cf k it O. L•GUIv, 7173,4 1,4 1"..126f. JOS. A. GRAY. grat.ter. pENNSII.VANIL4, EP. • MIME= IN TIN NAVE AND BY THE ALITHOBITY MEM Commonwealth of fennsylvania, JOHN W GEARY; Governor. A PROCLAMATION two I bons itid Dollars [toward FLIT? THE ARRY.ST Or Tfl MURDERERS OF JOHN WRY BIM W until,. The Eetate and 'tinned of Ware. pivot:via have enacted the follow.ne Fn Cretin and tole% es:loins:one, v• : Joint Resole:Mu. re'sittee to the death of Juba Caine s'i •sins.tathia. Inning the bear. as In the Oct d: eco In the one of JOHN 110:11nON venue OASWEL T. eitu.t•ur. one if the it tint metehina of the been' Irons the Tweet - Tin:at en•:orial District. • mettle J..RV (.14NYT ••5 arclnt J es• w liar.. on tonal, of the ashl J... K. lioldeoh. Ito usuteltant. and Ile ante Cart!, after r iszeinatlon, Wee erapieli in thecnuniT of Cliaraild and ecoolly b Att.]. ant •bu, an that el hog diel irons Wail. roe. loud te.eald thirster., . • Be It 1 , 11.111 .1 . , the ethate Ltd Mama °f sete. r.mn.aileaa of .he Commonwealth or ...mant a/0h In lienttat Amembla mot, and It is tattled toy th e ththortty of ebb lbat the Covorner be and be I.li ruby Loth, Sol awl f.c -cf,.llcllo after a rms.? of TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS tar such M ormatlon at will lend to Ito aremt and conviction. or the mama at Deno.. Who sonatatt d tad ast.lotresse. mot that Ma I tam er of the Comm msrealth ho .tntiottahl- and fi notrett to nay the sant sum out Of any moon la the Treasury Ott *iterate. oppropmaled.•• ...pooped the itlitee nth day of rearm/. A, 11. AND Viillo.ol, This repot ttlon or lb. Poo., otomeol. tee piton nod aossoltr or Its title..., Rod the oblltallooo of justice mod to, sully r 0 joho that tie ptrpotrottis or this Lohman. crime !itoold bin hrotocht ta toter, sod oc.od:go poolOhment. . • Now Ytizaaroion I, W..tilL/lir, Gov ' yid are 104 Coale ea walla,. In °male/tar with the 1114 Julat lic.olulLa and by elites of the tower eut Lutht illy rtated In ton 4010106 this., rraelamtllen. hereby oft rine 0 reward of 'YWO TIIOUSAND .1)014.11I0, ea any ptroon or yereona cite shall apprehend and Loire tat Wet the manl:rar Or morn.. I of the' Bald JUAN 44 4.41 . , to ttO yald cyan the emaylellcaa of the ertpEr of or eryalcaln sad I hercbc ea') en all officer/ of Iva Cleo and g co 4 ratan. every.- w ter* t. ba vlglnot sad unntsattlef Ia Welter. to tc for ills ;combo:Won c f the maldletenterer et as et dere. to the eta that the ootng laU' nay L. vlr.dlooted. Wean no4ar my Heed . 004 th e 4irest Ortt - Of th e ' nolo' ot Ihre:cborg. 1011 fahrteental asy •Of rant uu 7, In tb*.ron of our toed ono Mos. oact4 non boc4n4 Asia sixty+ elarbt; aa4 of no Como:m."44n fin Woolly. ?Ont. • • • • 4 0 1 tY 3 ..r: 02.1.17. • JOADAII. teerctnryottbeeloimonwvai.4 -- WANTEII,2IZ,OO4I AGENTS,— A •Ilmlo4 sant free, with 44114. to dss hove,. EWA.. entltebi Ilibt .4 dulrable. C. be do. *About, or ummllas. br both Mae .be hassle,. Eo stn enterprise . 1atu0b.g.,.4.441e4. C UWE ' T I 4 4 M8...T.T. Now rook. ON/ LEGAL. ORPHANS' COURT Siti. Rl' VMS ICE OF AN onnia Wog out or the gliptoras. Court or` le- Khoo,' County, I volltot or for eels' oa tn• tool, on . ' TOESDLY, 3d VAT OF lIASCII, 1468 = tee followthe Real 3.6., ate nror.erti olj►L IX/Oil/ES 81711215, late et sal tocestaiide etued. t+ wit: _ i;1 The anent.< d emboli pert of • certain 10 . rm In Findlay !owlishly. JOlsincety esnoty.rnen talelog Two Hendrs4 Acne, MO enes.):Mons or ices, boon/led on th i. northwest ty nee. 01 Andrew 11cUeory„ Jacob lint, ad:o.r B4ns. Cohen iacClarrea and damn! Byers: oni,lbe oorth by lend of John lien, onto. w 541. 2. by land of Tann shlil's hell.: on the south byle e da of Moms. Beni' helm and on she mut Of leads of Jonah -Tonn g. • TWO thirds of tho:ann ta cleated Ind Ink blab state Of col trretlost t the other third Is ros.nd into • donne Mad IntsoT grown& of the dour oak Umber /k Use connlT. obi, b tendon this one of the moat venebleknd /zones le farms tett e nolebborbsod., • Ine••Uos of the farm Is nedsrleld with on etneellontret• of black coil. wenvoeient of emus. °litho noels. en neon I • doeb . • log bans, lodl•tssi Me sod Wm. shop. The ...be fof he Mosso. laterasals hold'ims der au aoalotois paruiloa among tis beIA of William Cern* demand, doted J. 64 110.M1.17. and recorded In Deed Book. eel tn. mage!..l73; and Its other half ander deed nom Tbeetts Horns and Wits. dated Day Id. Ifdi, ree.k. 4- • 1 In vol. let psgolo/. Tinto In 15/2.1—0n0-belf cub osi the lion nametioe Its sale Mad duns ry of the des df.insl tee other h If In tow rev d aonou p. 7.45!., with sit percent, Intones named by boodind n o r ' es ' sl:feT..ll7l 1;t. s T sgd s sie! l ; " DKR Is BUBNd t s mentor. bindle, To.. Fla. I. IP4I. fie lon jiM s r IN THE onireisors , counTilior •Ltarsis,l•T 00110 'I. ,f. In Tam, PIiTATZ 114.&.1T 'MK aDY. die nand. o. I. 0.n.0., 'AM. rel. Writ of ?until.. on.pellasn 01 Wal., k.l aid TWle ..Y. - • :I To Francis Tiriady and Trams Tn.*: of Carroll county, Haglund; ItobTS Snouts/. of hole efou n ow : sod T V; t lf . a i ry ,. .t:At , Ktd r i, olltdlsna minty. la : le/ a? Direly nollpnd Inns nou•Sill will be 1,010 la oursaanes of the eh), mention ed Welt Pertllleo at •altiatlon. oe pte. 181.3 the roast of 101 aeere he 1 121 pitchy. so t osusoon of irrdeo say ••111 Al.rl arcs., . se sea. situate In count s (tanner y num., Tonna p nlis.bety y. fa's'. 11114511 Y, the VIII any el Fanny L 10363 AT It O'CLOCIC A. M. • mate partition to and among the hails . nd dem% ed, In taco 'mann. r and In melt tit • onion, IL, by notch ws of chit Coranaenehllt • da /setae. Sawtime and Naze y on may • cal 3en think proper. • pisslUlL B. CLILET. Albeit= 1•P:I97:r : I I:olLeirinTolv4 811. E of ai*AL . tr,Bt X Ill.t/CX Ulf COAL. cat' s IN. ef tho Pteubentil , e nellroad.—Th• stai,ipLined Xi. ea or or it Lheyett, wt. . Pa. ,. to Pub le hale et the prelim... on ex OAT. Starch elite, Ott, at to ttie,oet A.,Ylf.. salvable Boca of Coal situated to bomb:Fay t . - 1117.:ZA.V011r4.1= 1 . 7 ; T.1, 1 ;7, :il.° t.l pares Mtn the city, Sail lag leehteeif W. JlO.Oll. Jame. flays and dot.-Is, eoutialelor .0.50 11l eve, , luild..—tine.he't ea.b, acid ibe ale• le two Equal sonnet veinal"; tererti - hareett. payahic p an t/ el.y. to bearmored hy_bond awl a morteare • le eh • ore ...ship elves eprli I.t 116 i. awonledrefl d.l. lan ratite e.”h perm -1 I will be neat day of sale. Noy puttoul.rs apply to • • Wit•Ll 0. gitiliD.7.i.eatiir. lioar Wallet's 71Illahlittiott, C. 4 tY..11., B. •19:11 NOTICE.—WHIER EArl,••.3.'ettsrs riiitilirrAr7r ZU.neltn'tVe7.7.lll,lll. A eT mateed. Fare en grant., to tar To ail eoix lad. ta • tli •at atr are ➢ To atidinan to lmin nliate p nt. an 1 log " """ c* Pl'; n i:V r if , " Egn gi J• 17307 l%itreeMUlmy eat<,.e . ' WLiNREAs. Letters of Adinin istralltan ea V. tree d Esta : PrACCM VEN a, bees resulted to de”lrgv4l. all I ergot. kneeled [genitive. la deb Led t, the • 5. :Lieof decedenterl.l m•te reyveerst.to tte en W . A.:let% or 0. H. W .1, Attorney- " Lew.lee llnn etre', rittsborgh. Pw4•Ated IA ale her el.lute said ..atate .eat them. dLoy ImM..sl .ed f. r pre rats:grab. Dee. 7. Igt7- LIZZ , C X, rilcuhAllSNT. :I:g px cer TOWS NOTI CE.—Let ten BAL..Taironet. e , k•fty haling tte-n trtaal- • d to the 12.01 strtZtl. alt past". 2.7101 e alme egtonet atit ent-ete .111 we eat them y authenticated forset m,nt Mid them todeb.ed to salt e3tszi. Will 1:3131Y• Daylitelat W 3 -3 .14,k:A H. HELL Fesecitibr. tesl:l[Hr OcArt.ur.o rrirll,l,lllll/ rETTERS TIESTAWEIV63I . ' Ri co eats • ea' 11cCLIntr.,Ff ne'd, :cte or k [ln %Celle [clench:a hating no to tne to.derclnne.l;•rersone helegllchas atowtii Reec. then. ptpoerl 1.1 u !eve.' fen netOtnonnt. ate: thoentadebt cd lA% 011103;;44 pqtrte tto elle,. gnatitlat• • REDUCTION cum C P OIL (LOTIV3, ITTINGtS; WINDOW SUM:I64, 64VARD, ROSE a. Os 2t Filth Streg t, ph =i=tlE odzru ni4ttra: • CROIFT - & POILLIFTOO, Beal Estate &Insurance Brokers, 13 Dinar:a sr, errremarst , " ii. We have ramric ( 1 1 l E 5 TIVIIS. Ice eoatatal•a a al dcecrli t10n.111,4410a. 'dee sad tams of all the Doman., watt ....tad to our care toa sale. latio CJBALft cf ! Farina, Grist Mills, Eo4ses, LOT. 4, STOATS, COAL LANDS+!::: COAL STOUTS'S, COAL 111TEISLOTS ifirSTICIIN LAND'. lIUTELS, (In AND , IDSOROAN rsorauf* 'YOU Itztlst.. • s- •plnt Vtes ap •F epto•ce rtd tatoary....ka. otn Ve 'l . ' Ve . 1 .r o ee I=nrVo.ll • copy on be ;44 •7 won., rout . sl ant} . Jonuary ale no. selti• . Jott:15;11 FRUIT TIIF.ES. BEAM VLNXIR.STICAIVBEHRIV., 4 OO:E8EISE1113. VILNISO l LOW EIIYJIU 81111.0 ''.;.' EMMEIII2I O6NAM/3111'AL T 11412, ASPLRAOUS, nuuniuo nuom a Of lb. most syDroreJ of, 11‘ tiff es, for m. , t•t Dt.r.nof fiol.y . r.f X •f r o n :r"argle /11 I. l :4Xr . Ot torten. Adur c.v.., rut,: tau slOpytl, or Cehirtad 1. littsbargh dally. T.L. SHIELDS lt rirresoQua. ~ • sa- Na tree yr Milers ea pler7e4 .1111 r sitab. rer9ll3: DIRES FARMS AT PUpLIC 6ALIC. 61 Acres—HO Acres--126 AeTes • 0 i TIIIIILSDAY, FEB. 27u, 1565 . Tee ntidtrirter4 rreg et r WAN, Free, 04 toe :remanln Wes, Ploler lowan lo. Trualog rguitileisaa4:• 6 *. ROI/tins rdlase tatr one ol 14;,.11:71 rite traiTres:. litrearma ofe re 4 re: , o pp,tantti far seirelaisers gt a t i ne tarot at their own since I twltb of 'ti e eto tracts I. aboodiosilr gio I erstir tor taxa,. she erOaal trio 11 - . ealube lead. sae tore ale °OWN Sleet . zo churches .11w* , nod atones. Tb• frresit ed ict II en • b o th er. a - 4 ir purebaleW by and witty, wash! fine a lams brana or loaf rams. aWe perfect, WOW rat Inv raw co Eked Estee. garms Made [Pawn Oa u,P of A. Kt. r1==!!1 VALVABLE PROPERTY COO • theLli..—Tbe well: hewn t bolt/ LlNtt/1.14 llooeb—la too thrnlay Tllnie Of oa the P. at. Gr. H. It. Tee hove I• ton-nary into. of Priam loot, Mc cellar. antb • brie% bellitag tort was.. the • petinr• Ma 0! .01221 I. net& estgantni far • ball aaooll or Winton. be!nir 411feo•loor illll.l ro tedfarbnre.r.nep,..nter..leen cod teed. . t •table CO by Cl. .0220 en, t 0... 1.1 berms sod S:r , its ten ni! bay. Tale pronyty I 1 be rota coati I[epDIIN he tore. hold be lb. rat of ',141 held tenant fore Lem ef ye an. i• Teta property to 7011 eatcelated tor earring loot Ira g ma t tesi tc , .. "- Zei .o canted la oz. • . • wifira Olin inn ertpbre or Owl Tgq rtIVT. st also le - thtzt- ber.,en the pierelact.' Jinni • 4. We ltit%Y. FAUN FOR SALE., • ti TO• au , e , atirood wlil roll at P , lvato kla Para. 'Waal./ la alleallear lowaohip. 11Ca.t. oto , •1•.4 ooa/tY. too .at a halt aallo• took apolto litattuai Oa tho N . P. E. L coatalslar • 92 1-2 ACREISi; , Havlsi Oa volt oveCtod a groat LOa . . Mt% went/m..M lotto Pram, Dan. loos or alto llto aecoaaaro *alkalies*. Thin farok Is wait watarad, oat tb alt• la of tbo Int .14.itt:i. lloaveate of to obarelion awl wt.. • . Yorfonlor par , lealaro analto *1 tia lotto syte4. eta the Dretalle.. 1114111711. cialuronit. CM • Felt lISIIT—AL ArAlt4l• 131 Ohio talatamea MUM, 0 aid Mama Aaras.:bla ::112:ig.5411f ♦ aVaLgYe:triirara lola barn.btan• Onaniro abbot. 124 carand mid m li l ajeagokat:: gantedialt4a 4 . ZII2 V4V-1.0112. MO. ebb Faulk Attralltalb 00,k1210.• .TsAz£e :QINN, whq•sequepio . tl3 . l. en% Mlll Feed and Betel WATIII`6IID ft yarn ars.. • 14. Tao ..... a. me NIIPAV, kr611143.! 8,11, szlr. °incur; Qum AZD inz.4l.vram si.acaraunuo at, ailizeketnut .r lua u ..a o, "11.4 age 74141 AlatZIM t i t . .. 7 cm. es. AU 7 7 . 1 .014 kt MEDICAL. A "IT LIRE. OF ASTIVIA. Pte msi.j c node; obltrattoos to Toot.ot won I=l rercrs wit► mptelf, Iv ordtiCast ttep pm! taOw .bete. the, ect cct cure]. I Liaal beetk!ublart to violent, .nti toed for more thou pit you*, ad 6.4 been to vest expense amel to tattoos tend:cat men or t xnertinet; wItD not obtslntan any permanent -ilk(.' relieve 4 all. I maa sn bad that . I ' tae. whs. WY (.3 be free fr. m the disc .. I bad tort lat.e . every night Mi. Itzele and weeks, with. 0.1 any Orosixct or hope s ir re. 'Sly condilioti was each that 1 felt:Ille a be then, and when I got as attack I NU ger of sturocatMg leery moment. go terrible tied been my anger ing. that my mother says that r he has teen me so .near sndocation Mat; was nearZy black la the Ikea fr..m the detonate edorta matte to' get ,breath. - tn. the coig winter tight., meny a night, with the dome and windowi of the boom thrown wide oyez, In order /*hinder the epos =I Hon, . the nth ntOctobar,l9t4. I avlng Usti of DR. 861". 4 26•el still 10' e&Hog mil disease.: I coiled on him, la compinytrlmmy nasnmd Joseph Morin, bat 1 whit confess, with a grist deal o!' doubt as to efeclintt • permanent mire KICTsZE eialalutd meisrarally, ana liars W alley, ICU% MA WINO $017N1.), satl told Fs Mu 'dill we I would get,IFOL I .persentred whit blo nindletnes for : orazi tzar, ind am to- day la ♦taorona Health, and T0741.LY razz =MMM meanie attendant.. I Onee hid, once le awhile • sllghtaltack of the dim., but I rem d =lv =M!!IIMMI .or attack, a few dos.. of t➢e Doctor•. eriettlelza ImnedtatUy relleveslt. truaot too tntralut for tbe. exemption from • disease which used to cost the whole we e k cod thomtbs of lose of elects. behlaSS sufferpts 0000 =!:MIEN!ItMEI EMlEfflfall NANOI MayAga, MARY MOUNT JDF, (termotter,) GROHLUANA. FLARE% • Rinaingtham, The Thong uhf ILli Myers, railed above, lama of more than ordinal) Itelkorteeee. bteatme of ibe violence of the att.). I their mtetlueed length, and the Areal. oreetratlon or at the Tilt! powom aneadLLthe else.,. Any. nee who knew her during the time ate, was a tufo firer from tie disease of whiedi abe was eure4. and will look at her sow, Ito Nature of rout bealtb. cannot but admitthat tte cure e one of morn that *rat..f ehitsetee, lememe4 Kawe het Of All lh9ll. 0 , 0 • T dR Of our liTts, be= inn adltesse . of at Incurable nature. Let those who doubt Inveatleete for th±w mina. . DR KRII3ERM RESIOENT (X./1 1 / S IILTIND OFFLCE FOA LONG EX a X tNe.2lOllO AND • Hie THELTIIILNT hf ÜBSTLVATE CHRONIC 0 1 / 3 8a101). No. 121 MYR OTERZT. frail 10 A. X. until 4P. U.. • '; , I:Martini/4S; :II &RD EIESS , ING. . , , .Dlrebarres treat tbe Ear: Polypus et lbe Ear, tbtlirrla. Saone, Siliet Eyre, tanatara Eyre, Every Spectre of Sere Elea atelltaii, Sareesalelly Trottel by Dr. Keyser, 120 Pearl Street: ' . SIGHT RESTORED. The ease to we alluded some Weeks of Christ:sus tither, of Dearer county, Is now eatlrelyl man ned . by the ark... of MI. Fisher hers.. who to-day called on 74Jr..•11Z1 ..11' In person. to theok him for bin/leans. and .14 In restoring her 'to 2.2114 Z AWLS PCRTECT BIN HT. Was Sieber had Dud new , ly b.lad for font months. the was ss. !Wind tint $ could not Cities... .7 übleui 'lO uto make out what It wu. Thee*. le reloarkable. Is hundred. of es,. ilke hernial* tree ed to teat . ter-ending dark th• 11.44retext that there Is noun, and nothing mu done. [hewas under LIM EZYSICIteIs troatmeht for tea months. and before she ,aliplied '4o biro. thwunth her broths.. !RYON Zs PLIMEII, top. were entertained of her Weer getting nec .ler.t. Der cue It wall known, In the neighbor. hued 'bete she mad., and hen been rewarded &sone of sstesoroloary steal - cry. • • We. the undu.sleuen. Snow of thee:ire of Itlfs fisher. and lwas wllLLna testimony to the WS crtiAtrlAN het in. ZINIOX P.lta. CarOtZter.) Asnn 113a.01.1 . . Jolor Javelin*, A!leghenr, 111 arts IteCaslucT, 1.0c7. /nail. (ha , niece.) September 17th. it 37. Lln+ l T 3 ue itztesa. A. B. Hr.', Mic .A hael . N.. .1.. M Vasa. I..n n ams 4 Aliz • Hyde. I , leveu.eer T. 1.. ToaDA. • k. 1 71V : t:f.. r".• - A. I.lev..arter, A. her incr. 1/. Lleveridort .1. P. Mnrrtsoe. A. SI. Mortisol4. l!aert 11*.ead, tArletlart• 11•Stad, Dos. N. 1, 'o AntAnt.s n . 12. Alslwr. • T. if alabradi imaiT. Brow.. " Tate A. Miorl4o. J. C.' Weller, • rea. j kl:Mi t .7! ilf b ;leT Ei ll it Haze n . , isif Tara as - b, H. YorWn a Jennie li Wilma.. • brim. Wt WM., I ban Pules. ...malt Ptte Martha Pi a n ea, n. . • Jam rea. ef,Pitng„, • J.Dole Y. J. liV.l Tlobb.. • 1 U , T.bm. mll. Pew., J. C. Timber, Willantleib Fisher.. lhar coothur.l ' 121Mtti (hei bioater. lbe case above Marred to wee enatcy eared e by medicine. to .'.lily the blood, arid It awls. to toed by scores or persons lobo have tool,. Na. Daher. and have a it....'s of her total rentoretton to health. 000 Orel recovery other sight, as the accompanying litter of Lir brother sets forth: Dyt. Errata-711s Is the 11.1 af banns teat hint to you advert:lament ofehe dare of ory • it. e-. Christians 'Fisher. mei were ell wills tag to put their nuns down. land were very abet astonished to tee that you brausht her *lett to soon. My mstber Wain terltbanta to . you; sue cat s 'yon are one of the sreatist a the world.^ foe says LkWel bob not come , arrest you she belle,. her ehlat would not be, 110100 at this Gar.. We all tolls , In *endow nor lore and reapew la you. t • B. P. FL3IIII/.. North 11eotet's/7. I • I Dr. Ma7.ll . .4itsalMaltlala Moovent. No. 120 Poem 11 darner at Evan. alley. Ones boors from', 9 a. go. 10 .4 a, na. --••-• I, PULMONARY CONIDDIPTION' REd2ILTINO 711,031 PLEURISY. COILED. ttifemant of George Nord. e.t.a.'. aLNlt.' le bri:roe tax., Allegheny I Leib a violent alma of 010001.7. IrtYlers• ISO. Widen left me with a cough lasting all a.m.. seer, weartne ewer my ar”stbett4 gralbellT boderabang air health. fetalme, &auk or cletutsy 1 hat sayer. phyacteas of the blithost reputation la the atty. After I had pentally es corcred from the pleurisy, I was advised 00 go Into the abreuT. whleb laid. and whoa there called to a doctor. who Cold no my lift lens was &fleeted. and that 7 something went not done. soon 1 wooly die of CONSIMUTION. I Hour— al on from this lane mall shoat the middle or dole, my cough aid long 01100.0 gaits . Milt growl., womb; and I weaker crazy den and al um deepetraig of ever gettios 'welL In We Mate of destondenoy. aad IntivOns the gleueral toilet of Do Ineureilllty of Coamsmptios, and teeing heard of curie made by Du. RZYMIN, aral roans tie advertisement la the newspapers, I wan Induced to October last to eat] on the Doc. to vitas peke, =Penn street, and had btm ex. amine my lunge with Eli "LUNG SOUND.. lie old ma the upper lobo of my left lung was vary moult dlseued, bat he thought with grimacer. and the persoverenee la the nee of fill asedrolge, I Would get well.. At [be t Uwe fulled on Dr,_ Xeleee mr Pulse was Dear 000 headred and tide.. 10 Mats la a rotoute.' and P was geoendl7 py >a— ital.. and had to eatMll night mut day. 7.com meloo4 the Doctor , . trectnient Intletobst, onto a feeble, beckon constaatlon, tald ea atoned IS faltnfally neW the present ame. roe Doctor's r m . Maine, helped sue from the vs., iot.d gradeally fral Mybelf tattled assuager. , and my coast 'and ikkoctoratton lemmata& ' 1. have gained greatly Its amt. 'and aboxidet'ary. Belt well: &lithe rattling of MY long bee deeded, end iby mend teeth ts bt every way goat, All my Weaves mil friend. know of the &dreamed make of MI &sales sad toy extreardtamw swear. 07.1 Ono of the medlernas stems Me by. Dr. Reiser Ins a =Aldo° called LUAU 'ODDS, whirls I toot la connection yak Use other tree.; tacit. • 1110a9nnelk, Prertoromen. Marched, 1817. • I• A.NOTlflat OUSE OP . COFTWONLYT;myr,..•. anTWIT Oy lair* a. Insitaa.'En2 =a; A.L.LaanzaT Cour; — I Ins discharged /Tom the 1110,8. w .,.. . r .i 1 .0.7.111 1 1. ea swum Al s w oaad ty. head, boa aa.m, an I dl' tr blab the sneY. ' , hyaenas pronounced ti )1 f1 1 0311 . 1101il. I bird a tenible coaaa rad 1D away Us itrentb and Leh udwu nine to do unbind: Bharat al. ter mo runs from the aray. I made application to • Plana/Auk of My neighbarimeid tmd. ntar— crude. Wanner La PlUabrain of bin +OW— stenhtlicsnimenes I used faun:ll4'ln ism inane. without ny Wean whataver.butruta-• er grew worse. and waned la Mat had strebstb nOl7 dn. /a Parma, turd. alp runer took me' so DocroaliakTlSZT, of =Penance*, When eUhl la such asses Ilk. min had heels hightlf' ante* at sad pat myeelt males Ilyeanomal Doator exaat-taad ro7 was. Ivo, aneptll7 with his Matti um II aux lan el% tan was badly alsene.) at. Sim sta.' Wt. hat It I w.o carnal he noon% be arall by ibllowbas ant Crean.. deftly. 'Okla L Id Leda. that day So thlm I gradany banned az. der ro.b a y. medlnaeo tram In lint went. athaamwal to takiithath. mad oP sewn hesin hapromed sod sir oisoot.'•hosit_sl...alla;. ea Sway. bad Than lS palmed me, boo hewn. Pa/1 ud atthath athi taw !tow path. I Cu b.. don Alt darnveark. Amelia* *rut runes is, Celts my larsbanar Woe of Dm Insert,. trastseat sad ludiehme. - • L i • • MMSM=I DR. REBER%IOII/L'1111117? "EYSESI LUNG CURE ou tell 4 at 144 0111“0 IDICLIM 4191111, 140 wool) enizirr.' cossoutia, eon.. It f ISO P2Oll 814407. Lo. / 41:40 00 11000 „ '