The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 22, 1868, Image 7

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    tle etilytte
•a, Aged mad Wealthy 1.111.13 Ciao:it/0d
With • rime and Sleamrige
oat /11. nrata.. • • ,
-A few 'reeks ago a young Woman
named Elizabeth B. Ruch made infer:
betas Alderman MeMosters pre
/erring charges of adniter3-. and foiniaw
lion and bastardy against Philip Showers,
weal thy, respr,c!el arid aged
Zen Of Allegheny. The . prd3ecutris. re
sided In tie, same nelgliborlvand with the
accused and the intimacy sprang, up Ber
ate month.: a. is alleged. • On Sat
nrday afterno,rx au afilf:er vi , ited the
residence of :showers. at Spring I.:ardor],
Seventh ward, Allegheny, and was met
.at the door by Aire. Showers,. Ile - asked
if Mr. Showers was in and ou being
ho was, requested to near 'OO private
business: Showera IttlAl, his appearance
when the officer took blin addeard emu
mtmleated the object of his yid:. lie
expressed a edlinigness that hit Wire
shout(' knee . : all, an:! requested permis
sion from the Mlle, to rei Inn roots
for thejiurpose 0(.013141111C ht.
after which Ito said be ,v,,uld
him. Thh requvEt ma; granted • and
Showers trey:tired , to. a led chamber.
seated Sitwell' In n chair , and taking a
loaded gain It at hit bead and
deliberately. tired, 11r• toilet p•inetrlding
the brain and causing instant death.
•Cor icor' Clithrem woe SOMOIOLIOII io
hold an In nest, met a verdict in anew . ..l-
V:MB nPkt he fact., was rendered. 'the
deceased bore an excellent character and
was widely known mid respected. Ibi
was about sixty years .y , and for a
!Ong time pumt bas been out ar tin, prin
cipal owners In the eaten. , cc Lafayel it
Foundry of Allegheny. II •
probably sso,ofad. •
Oair , Torsom reu Ab;nort—,
nova Far
l Itra 11
mew rt....bough Bsal
ISaallssees Chictizo. -
A young tnan, formerly teller In .t
banking hour.. on M a rkets set of tide
city, 'who gut into a didigi Ity with . tale
employers by • .. ....tiverdraiviiy," hi, ac
count some eix Jar,
again turned up ('bier
go, where he had repaired to-make LE;
fortune. In • Hint city he entered into
partnership with two 3 . oung men, fi er
ly residents of Pittsburgh, and for r.ear.
lir a year was prospermsly et:ie:got in
e forwmiling and commission business;
but his avarice got the better of his hen
city, and collecting some •$"11.t. , ,0 of no..
counts - due the firm on the first ofJenuti
ry, and by r,•ries of worthless draft,
which he had discounted et teinksi real
toed about more,
with whieh he
disappeared nod ha, lentigen heard fron.
since. Ills meth" optrationa with oue
of these latter in given es 'follow,: En
tering the °dice, be sought the Casilder,
and after a few moment,' converstition,
stated tbat • their house hod been
doing bosiuess with • the
tional Bank, bit that the' taller
bad been charging then, too nmeh, ant
he would like to change tleir acifaunt to
another plain. The Cashier agreed, and
the account was immediately opened.
Chicago drafts with bilk of fading at
tached are readily negotiable, and pro.
ceedlug to thecounter o foae he drew , upon
Pittabwruh house Tor til i tiOnt i attaching
abtlt of lading for e car load of "on iddir,,”
as aide pork 14 often celled. This i,pers
tiou be repeated three times. dories:one
day, etecking each lime ter fli,lsgo, leav
ing the balance, le-s the discount, mi de
posit. The drafts came to Pilt,burgli,
were presented, payment refused, nod
proteted. TIM hank hero then proceed
ed to arrestthe pork in tra.itu, but wind
was the astonishment -, of the Chicago.
Cashier. when the telegraph informed
him that theruwere here - held, subject ten
Ida order, three ear loads of ''middlings,"
a sort of feed, worth perhaps iirine a ear
The young. Men inoyedln the best cir
cles of society, was a prominent church
member, and merited, by lits open con
duct, tho respect of the entire
A "/Innate.] House , Allegheby.
Right in the midst of the busy whirl
and rush of sgreat tnanotooturiug town,
surrounded by-the life and -light of hap
py homes of the thskionable of the
city, it to a strange freak, an astounding
and startling anomaly, to find a haunt
ed House. But the wonders of nature
aro not alt known, nor are the fearful PO
crate of the - unknown world easily di.
volged. In Allegheny cite, on on coo ,
oftlaeprinelple avenue ~in one, raw
beet houses things happen net would
dash to the earth all the philosophical
theories of any but the strange-it minded
humenbeing. That they are supernal.
mat, who dare say? For nature 14 stilt
a grentelosed book to man, and what is
above her powers none can tell. Ent in
this mansion queer thin,... -s are roe 'Med
as baying occurred and an °warring
every Mailt. • In one room not only are
knockings hoard, but they are or two
distinct kinds, one as it were the tap.
-pings of slender fin era on the window
panes, and the other the determined rap
t:dugs of sizable knuckles on - the panels
of the mantel piece. Stranger, uracleady
footsteps are heard mewing through the
corridors, and shrill singing noises are
beard in the drawing coons and upper
cha obers; us from_ a piano
is distinctly beard, when the only
instrument of the kind in the house is
closed end locked, and the wheezing of
in asthmatic cough is one of the com
monest noises beard to this house whore
every inmate is fortunate in the enjoy.
ment,of the best of health. Of cuarm
these manifestations are the scarce of
much amanyance to the Gaulle, and of
trouble with the servants; beim unto
bag unusual lass b,en seen, and .14 the
nerves of the family are strong. thinza
go on their even way and the elteleten
in the household LI known to exist by
but few persons. We have the story
from a member of the faintly dwelling
In the house, who however .nslsts
that if he but knew how to tat about it
all could be explained in a talurai end
perhaps common place manner. In
these cases,hONTCVer,(and they teem to ho
more numerous than toruto r ly,l the great
trouble always is, tow ta go about it. -
- On Saturday au Insane old woman re
siding neer Smith's Perry, on the Cleve
land &Pittsburgh Ealir.rrl, had inex
perience which has probably, vre this,
resulted in her death. The Cleveland
express learn, due here aC6;545 P. Sr., Was
running ateusual speed a little this side
of the station nientiuned, when the wo
man was oMerved on the track
ahead of the locomotive. The whis
tle sounded, the brakes men) aptuied
and the enginereversed. line old voman
did not get off the track, bet the train
stopped Just Inman reaching her; site
then got off the track and welkMl heabie
the read until the train bad started again,
-thin she ran forward and stepped in
ifront of.thelopornotise. She was ;mine
,diately struck and kneel:es/ down. When
taken up it was hued that °nem' h er legs
.bad been cut off, and her head Lad re
ceived frightful injuriee. It is probable
that she IS dead before this. harn
that on Saturday morning-elle seized her
little grandchilil and threw - it into the
blazing tire of the grate, but the child
Was rescued tininjuixl.
Climb tu.s..a.wreetearPse.
A,rneeling was calical at Rota egon . .a
Hall, LawrenceriLle, 1 t evoula,%, ft , r
the partoafie or forming a Grant Clap.
• OwAng to 'tome ini.sonikrahua4iag . , tha
• Hall was net secured, er at least not
•""-- opened until after eight o'clock; in con
sequence of which many cal - zeta who
had collected did not remain. Thine whet
remained until the Moll eves final;
opened,- organized by calling Mr. S. .1.
Web:might in the (Muir, - and Mr. S. 'W.
Reynolds to act as - Secretary: -
In consequence of the amend:lnce net
--being as large as expected, nod not as
• great as it would have been but for the
elzeumstaneo elated, it was dechicd, on
roo:lon of Mr; J, W. Riddell, to do no
other boldness than the st..lettlion of et
President for the proposed - Club, ichere
upon Mr. EI Ja IVaintight was orminated
and untutimously elected.
The meeting then wipe:treed to meet
on Tuesday evening next at the Fame
Dr. A. G. MeCaridloss, physician to
the Beard of Health, "rnak.s the futio, - -
tug reportof the Irtermects In the epy
of Pittsburgh. from February 21 to Feb
ruary 9th,
Disease of spitte,'l; broneltitis,l;
^; asthma. 1; consumption, O.
pericarditis, 1, dropsy of clout, II:. con.
vuhstons, 1; atfcction of atsititnen, 1;
disease of lungs, 2. -
Of the shore there wore,- nroldr I yore,
2; from 1 to '2, -,". from 20 lo 40,1; from 49
to 68, .2; from 50 to 60, 2; from Go to 70, 4:
from Illto 80, 2.. Mali., 11; females, 5:
white, 15; colored, 1; total 10.
MiCP. ILeresattle Cs/N¢e
On mudded page to-day will be found
i fine copper faced cutof the ;magnificent
Leon block occupied by the universally
known Duff's Diemen' Ile College. Vile
institution Ls one in which one:City
eantrea a largo Osseo of pride, - and, in
deed:it la not only remittable to the city,
but likewise to the Slate and country at
large. It Is conducted on thoroughly
=omit:tat apitem, and no where elan can
youth obtain better inateundon and
training for mercantile lire in all ita
Attempted kinicide,—loan hicrritt,- a
soung man _residing in Idellemport, it
is Ignited attempted to commit suicide on
Sunday by MIL:Ig to. It ap
pears, however, that the-young , man woe
careful to notify the family with which
he boarded of his intentions, In order.
we presume to, have them witness his
tragic end. ' Of course he did not expect
tIIM they wouldbe so foolish as to in any
way Interfere with hie design. upon his
life. The canoe of the unhappy affair,
we learn; wasthe interference plasm:mg
lady's parents in a love affair to whirl,
the young man was a party:
Not temporary, but lastbag and aged
tive curse are secured in a most sionder
fal degree by that potent
,Ilfe renewing
compound sold under thame of Dr.
Keyser's Blood Bearrher. We bare pub
lished In the Gazer= during the lent
week some of the moat astounding cures
ever recordSd of any medicine. That of
Mr. Titzell, of Allegheny City, pub.
ed in a recent i 1,1130, is one of them.
In hie case the whole system was worn
to a skeleton, with hardly the pliwer of
life and motion. The useof Dr. Keyser's
Blood Searcher imparted tone to the
stomach and full power to the digestive
system, and In that way imbued the
needed material. to repair the wasting
frame. The decayed bones were dis
charged and their places supplied with
new, and each tissue ; and organ put on
renewed and wholesome vigor.
Dr. Keyser dart not claim for his
Itinod *Seincher any secret. Any phy
sician who desires to investigate its po
tency will be made acquainted with its
e- -imposition. He does claim that it Is
the hest tonic alterative yet discovered,
Gar be has been able to cure with It when
eighteen hundred pages of the Nepoti
st, IT did nut disclose a remedy. He
C 141111124 fat the dlecovery of the roots and
herbs of which it is Composed the cum.
pletest combination •of valuable: blood
remedies within human knowledge. It
realty may seem strange that under the
action of Dr. Keyser. Blood Searcher
the whole body shield start to newness
of life and vigor; bat it is no stranger
than the fact that out of the Came blood
that circles in the bone and -brain,
and hair, end muscle, and even the linger
end toe nada, are recreated and repro
duced. The many extraordinary cures
performed by it here,' within almost
speaking di o tanco of the Doctor's °dice,
utilities it ti the appellation of the most
wonderful merlicineef modern times.
Sold br, the grre,e dozen or elugla bot
tle nt the D.:etor'a Greet
140 11'0.1 street.
. Dr. I:eper's consultation rooms, for
troublesome chronic rbseases, 120 Penn
ht:ect, from 9 A. M. to 4 r. x.
The stomach his to bear the blame of a
great many , evils that bring pain and
~ tlier disagreeable sensations to the hu
man lody, and whoa we reflect over the
word dy,pepsia, we have a vague term,
which wo understand welt enough to
near some disordered state of tho digvst
ive apparatu_s. .It may be -fittings of
wind which usually is au effect of n sour
state of the stomach. • IL may bo water
brash, or headache, or constipation.
as welt .as many others that we
emild name, are tnanifastations of a con
dition of the. stomach which Is timidly
expressed In the term ''DyspePsia."
They era each and every one of them
remediable by ,applhartionS of medicine
'applied to the stomach, or taken into it.
Tina, to be done well, line to be done
gradually and slowly; that is, tone and
vigor must be imparted by degrees no
es to bring not only the stomach but the
w hole digestive organs up to the health
standard. People sometimes any tome:
'Dr. Keyser, don't yon think many
ruin their strmach by over-eat
ing?' Of course we do, but at the same
time would add that many do.?so by not
eating, enough. The preservation of
health depends on the right quantity
that the stomach and other organs con
cerned in digestiiin is able to work up
into rood lib ed.
For wcalterickl. states of the stomach
and an impoverished state of the blood,
Is no mediiiinethat wears nequeln
trd equal to Dr. • Keyeer'e Blood
&umber. It has restored many a totter
ing frame and brought back health which
for years had departed. Do not be do.
, •rived by the spurious compounds sold
instead of Dr. Keyseee. Sold by the
cress, dozen or single bottle,. at the
Boner's great Medicine Store, HO Wood
Dcctor Keyser's consolation rooms for
the core of obstinate chronic diseases,
O. KT Penn street.
& Megalfleent bawl-amen*.
The well known music dealers
I Ilesirs.7. - Hemmer Toerge, N0..50
I Seventh street, have received the en:,
agency for Western Pennsylvania,
Northwestern Virginia and Eastern
' Ohio, of the magnificent instruments
known as the Portable Pip* Omens.
These organs have been awarded the
highest praise by the moat eminent
and mualmi authorities. of the
emntry, and are declared to be mini
veiled by any other Matti:intent !aligns
tained sound now before thopublic. Its
advantages are patent to any person
skilled in nit:ale:A matters, and may bo
; briefly stated. In theth yon have the
genuine pipe tone with wonderful range,
s westness and volume; axe portable and
take up no attire room than the ordinary
carter Organ of reed sounds; are very
chop, being furnished at one-half the
; cost of the organ built on the old plan.
Thsy are adapted to n wider rang* of
tousle than the piano, and asan aCcOM
panknont to the human voice to singing
are vastly superior to any instrument
, aver intruder. d. while they are equally
well adopted to humiliate:leg with the
piano, har p, violin. finte, ClariOnet, or
any Instrument. When those
organs are generally known they will
have large sale, as their high merits over
ell other instruments cannot fail to be
apprechited. ' GUIZtor
the Grist Loon- Sled Ulla..
One of the most Important discoveries
in the annals of modem science is the
discovery of On. Surer/Vs Luno Cunr,
for the cure of every phase of long ail
ment. In the forming stages It is Wand
bly eon:, lu its effects. end In the last
4taiges will frequently give temporary
relief, and asuge the pain and shevline
:he cough sa distres..sing and harra.ssing
to consumptive invalids. Dr. K. today
received a letter from the State of Ohio,
from a clergyman, speaking in the high
est terms of this medicine, in which .he
speaks of its tcoriderfai effiSet.l, as. the
case had been supposed to he beyond the
reach of cure. The truth is that in the
most hopeless eases, where other or the
old medicines are concertos], Da. Kur
,sn'e LCro Cone works wonders, and
1.. achieving a name as boundless as our
counts? has limits. It is not to be won
dered at that the Doctor's medicines
should be effectiVe when we look at the
care end labor bestowed on their preps.
nit loth The veg,etable kin,gdeux does not
cent:tie reels and herbs of rarer value
than these combined in Domes:EMT
sca'S Luso Cum&
Keyser's Consultation Rooms for
Luny examinations, 13) Penn iitreet.
A serious accident occurred yesterday
at the Older Depot of the Pennsylvania
which will probably result in
the dotth of George Bell, a colored man,
aged about Dflyseeven years. Bell was
engaged In whitewashing the ceiling of
the machine shop, for which-pupate a
: platform about twenty-five feet In height
bad been erected, on which he was
lie wasworking with his
buck near one edge of. the platform, and
takiwe a step backwards, fell, striking
U. planer lat his decreed,
,breaking his
let in three places nnd otherwise
seriously 'clarinet his, The injured
I man spas conveyed to his residence on
I Logan street, where be was . attended by
Dr. flemilton. He base family of six
children, who are dependant upon him
• for support. •
Died of Ida Injurlea—Patrlek Dugan,
who, it will to remembered, was severe
ly Injured by the accidenkat Mill Creek,
on the• Pennsylvania Railroad, n full
„amount of wWelf was publlubed In the
• Casette n few days rlnee, died from the
effects of the injuries reedved at lily res.
!donee, yesterday.. . _
—The Saginaw (Michigan) .Exteberisc
of yesiteirday, publishes an interesting
detailed statement of the husineas of
Saginaw Valley last year, from which
wo gather the following figures: number
of mills, eighty-two; rapacity of mills,
61.6,0G0,000; number' manufactured, St.'" -
500,000; lath, sixty mitlieins; salt, 475.00 e
barrels.; capital Invested lu lumber man.
nfaeture, $3,500,000; milt, two million
dollars; The above does not include the
bestows of the sham of Saginaw bay
which .would Increase these figures
about twenty percent.
—Advice are received from ifayti
slattog the revolution in the southern
part of tbe Island hum become general.
Gen. 6olorston, present Ministerto Euro
pean con rta, has been proclaimed Presi
dent-in place of goinave, and all the
principal terrne am in arms against the
government and authority of Mohasco.
1111.11OLLA.ND—CAL•11.11.1C — Ots • Tbaraday,
Folra.arr 40, Boyd, Rt.
dasaditer at 0..r1ateDr...1.11.13 Cala/taa l allot
Aaegbany. caanty.
!The happy young tee**. In .mater afro'
Omit. aad eattrlog unto a On:ater opine . * Of
11 fe. bare oar boartteit sod me.t eaters*, Watts
for thetr tOoephteoa pro.p.ltr- thaY
never Itaotr the paw Olen., of atteil or WI.
° 7. pat may their path through Ida together
beoreoo r gioito garrets of tovo owl .ft ton tootikt,
joy and glades...)
I.Wteroll-TuDD-0 . 11- tebnasi
Dick. rm. br ttue Re, L 8. foalth,JOEff 1t
3 1 011TIOG—Wo 713 Wit worshis. 1114. l elook.
OVILLUS WALLII3L., wily *on of W. W. mad
WlWW—Toshoolll4 . 11 . 313.3) ,Tol•
'ivory 11, JAIIII3 W. WWI?. 1404 53 7, 11 .
11.3.1Wih0 IflsT.
no 14Ui. st hie nul •
donee hi So or. s. no . JAK.3.011/311/.
tor of eta. Nur- ood . roal c.lmlu Cliorolo of
D DL-31.nollav r - 1011..$
• ao. Whir Ifogiortag 1ti50W0332 ,2,
WOE.. wife of flotort 13•13-
i h h.....Sioarof Own.
• AT3031.-007noWay moralmit. At 3 &dee/6
E. 2. 53,11 1 T. What .e. of Altdrer raca
ogy4 Ws. weeks oca IT. days. :
111011331101131.--ilt No, 711 Cnwreird 4443.
rwoloorgtk, 31•/33 1114.4.11 111.13131/33-
wo. med 23 Teen.. MMUS Gad 10
Natal, tantsir Va. LIS
Mr. .1 WEN 8. MILL.7./a. a Lac act whiz of al'
w AN.—la 323.311•0138O,11121,1AMII
#alatlet, Riala a Mem.
Pennsylvania Lqislature.
Itaal AdJOUNIMIIIIM t nolulatios
serset—yreo Railroad JUG avoids'
Order For Tuesday Rev i—Bille
peeved to the lienate—lL Caraphiater
to the 13011.10.4) I Appropria
tion 11111 Aspersed—LlM lade Com
osissliiera-OsttysburgSer7 Let
Repealed-11111a Passed In the Reuse
—Coinatilainlie 11111 Sicced by the .
6phlal Dilryal4.l, to Pltt3burgh liatette.)
Haartrenuno, February bbISGS.
Tho House joint. resolution -for final
adjourn - went' en the tenth of March was
reported amended for the twetity-fourth
of .3farch.
10E4 P.A3 ' LRO&D um'
Mr. STUTZMAN, of Somerset, intro.
Mitred a bill Incorporating the Somerset
and Mineral Polit Railroad Company,
convecting Somerset with the Pittsburgh
and Conuellsvil to Itailroad,. being nine
miles in length. •
The Fre, Railroad Bill was made the
pecial order for Tomlay evening. The
estern me 'dyers have agreed to sempt
Le Senate bill, if obliged to do so.
Authorizing writs of error from ink
went of Quarter 5C.10114 from appeal of
Orders for removal of pauper:l.
Granting aid to advanced and primary
soldiers' orphan echools eatablished
since the act of 1567, or hereafter.
Adjournvil till 3lotOry oventrtg.
A. Clornplantor, in fall Indian cos
tume, appeared, aul through his inter
preter. Benjamin Williams, asked far
more money from the Stato.
On motion of Mr. HONG, Philadelphia,
petitions ton Ltrg,e number worn handed
to tho Clerk without being reed.
Mr. MaNN. [rem the Ways and -
Mears Committee, roporteda general ap
propriation bill for 1841 S.
AIL HICKMAN, from the General Ju
diciary Committee, returned the bills
proposed by the Civil Code COMMISSIOII
- wi:h information that It was im
politic to act ou them until a further re.
port, and with a Joint rotolution autho
rizing the Commissioners to sit till IS7O.
and make final report 1871, and minor re
porta, with drafts of hills, in the interim,
,and giving them additional powers.
The Senate bill repealing the Gettys
burg lottery aet, forfeiting the charter
and empowering the. Auditor General to
seize all its property and make repare
Lion to persons who have Invested. was
passed finally, and goes to the Governor
tar his signature.
Mr. FORD'S bill relative to limited
partnerahips, allowing the firm name to
eaualat of one member of the firm, passed
Mr. BJIITII, of Allevhelay, presented
bill validating ttie loan and mortgage
f the Whitestone Gad Company. Passed
By Mr. RIDDLE, of.llegheny, a sup
plement for the Bert Franklin Insurance
Company of Allegheny City.
Authorizing the Trustees of the United
Presbyterian ~ .hurch of Tarentum to re
move the dead from tne burial ground.
By Mr. FORD, Allegheny, opening Lo
cust street, Pittsburgh.
Supplement to acts Incorporating the
city of Pittsburgh. • -
By Mr. WILSON, of Allegheny, re
quiring the State Treasurer to refund
monies to certain banks of the Common-
Ely Mr. JACKSON of Armstrong, in
corporating Apollo Cemetery.
Authorizing Margaret Fuller, guar
dLan, to sell certain real estate.
ty Mr. GALLAGIIER, of Westmore
land, granting a pension to Henry
Supplement to militia laws.
Confirming the partition of real estate
of Jeb n Taylor, deceased, of Greensburg,
which passed family.
Enabling Tnistess of Boman Catholic
Church, known as St. Vincent's, at La
trobe, to cell real estate and Invest tho
proceeds for building purposes, which,
on motion of Mr. PLAY EOBD, of Fay
ette, passed fimily.
By3lr.M USK I Not Buticr,cbanging
the times of meeting of Courts in Butler
county, to the second Monday In Janu
ary and April and third Monday in
June and October, which passed finally.
Mr. IsTICHOLSON. of Deaver, incor
porating the Beaver Falls Gas Company.
Passed finally.
The Governer hag signed the Pith,-
burgh and Commßavine bill, and the act
incorporating the Neshannock Railroad,
Coal nod Ore Co.
Adjourned till `londsy evening
Dlll to..doroma a fildbor iltaxadard of
la *thud Knoviedgo—Refoodlog Tax
Paid or Slats floats—To Compel
fitastain to Pmmoro
adolptaLa mad rein Fallread—Props•
doll an, of Pula—To Create Mottos
road for If.xltoraloameof of Plato
bank Railroad Dobt—Ropidra of
Polanrylwasia fawner Ron:moon—
To osaroarato aresaaehip Comps.,
—Tariff Law for A *—‘tato OEM.
mafioso! RepOrt—General Prosima
llauatarurto, February 17, 1E S.
By Mr. CONSELL, of Philadelphia:
An act to provide for the cultivation of
a higher standard of knowledge in the
rnodical profassion, by authorizing de
grees of Master of Medical Sciences,
andblendingAllopathy and Homeopathy
in the proposed Pennsylvania State Col
lege of . Physicians and Surgeons.
hfcCONAUG HEY, of Adams:
Refunding to all State Banks the ono per
cent. paid wader the act of 1E0.16, which
was declared unconstitutional.
By Mr. LOWRY,' or Erie: Conipell
kng dentists In. MIA State to procure di
Also, earthling the Philadelphia and
Erie Railroad Company to Issue bonds,
secured by mortgage.
Also, tor the propagatlodor LIM in all
iho rivers and tributaries - in this Slate.
By Mr. ERRETT, of Allegheny: Ore.
ating a shaking fund for the extinguirda
ment of railroad compromise bonds and
indebtednesa of Pittsburgh, and a board
of commiAtionera to take charge thereof
Ily Mr. CLARK,Warron: raying. 801-
0111011 Oball, grandson of Cornplantsr
two hundred and fifty dollars,
By Mr. ADA.IRE, Fhilatielphla:Grant
log flve thousand dollars for the repair
of tho Fenn Charter monument in l'hil
By &fr. TfirdtN, rhiLuiclohla: Inoor.
porating the Philadelphts, Now *York
and Boston Strantehlp Company.
By Mr. DAY. Washington: For itie
llefofoflicera of the Themes A. Brett
By Mr. PIIELAN, fireenet Protecting
farmers agalnavrtits end vermin.
A Joint - rwolution from the Senate
urging Congress to change the tariff
laws for the protection and promotion of
American artiste and article' ',radon
Ajolnt resolution from the Senate to
print Ulm thousand fire hundred-copies
of the State Agricultural Soclety■
The general pension law for soldiers of
1812 wax under diecnealon when the
Howe adjourned.
The Gettysburg Utters—lteerard rer
:By getwass to tee mueslis assess.)
Hamatsguan, Feb. 14.—The Senate
bill repealing the Gettysburg Lottery
Act timed the House timidly to-day and
goes to the Govern r
for signature. The
Auditor General ilk authorized to seize
the property and moots. of the defunct
i c oMi rsU° Svid=litt ii di ai ng 6n . for
Gov. Gaul , to-day leaned a proclama
tion offering a reward of two thettaand
dollars for the opprehenelon of the mur
derer or murderers of John Casey a
witness in the Senate contested election
case of Robinson againetShugart.
The Dauphin county Republican Oen-
Tendon mot this evening to appoint Sen
atorial and Representative delegates to
the State' Convention. They were In
atroeted to vete for Grant and Geary for
President and Vice Praddsnt—
igviiwautuirinkrinw hmet. Amovi
By Tslamb to %DO Pluaboart 0 . .. , ‘•• 1
LO7DO:t, Februaryl3—Midnight—Yar
llament reassembled at four o'clock this
afternoon In the House of Lords. There
was a full attendance. Lord Derby, be
ing ill, was not present—he having the
gout. After the preliminaries inciden.
tal to the reopening of the session, the
House adjourned without tnuseactitur
any bustnese.
In the House of.C.!ommolos, Mr. Le
levee gave notice of his intention ofnoll
np the question of the Alabama claims
on the 4th of March.
Lord Stanley said that no dispatch on
tiakt subject had been sent to Washing
ton Inter than the one last published.
Mr. Irlsraeli brought in a bill tu pre
vent bribery and corruption iu . electiens.
It provides for a committee of itamiry,
consisting of eminent lawyers. to be op.
pointed by the Speaker of the Ileum of
Commons, which Is t . 3 V the place of
election and investrgato the charges of
bribery. • After considerable debate the
bill was read for the first Onto. The
Mouse then adjourned.
bosom:, February 13—Midnight—It is
reported that a great 'ran Slavic e - m
spiracy a,,^alttst the Austrian Empire boo
beet. discovered ib Hung.ry. • ,
LONDON. February IL—Lennon, whn
wag convicted of treason and felony, but
not of murder, was ymterday brought
before the Court ,and sentenced to im
prhonment at hard 'labor for the term of
fifteen years. After re...oring his seta
hence, Lennon mode a bitter and Ileti cut
speech, in which lie Predicted tine be.
fore Ito tarred out the term of Iris im
prisonment the British monarehy would
he overthrown. Ile gloried in the net
for which be was Ow condemned, and
hoped an opportunit!i would be given to
him to repeat it.
Los DON, February
In the House of CO/111130ns this even
ing-I:art Mayo asked leave on bring its a
Lill to suspend the operation of the writ
of 1121 x.. .corpus for a short period creel
the Ist of March. Ile said the Fenian
lenders had shown an utter disregard of
their oaths of allegiance
to the Crown,
and stated that out of two hundred and
sixty-eight Fenians who had been arrest
ed ninety-tire were Arno - iems. Ile
concluded by saying that although the
Government had succeeded lu repress
ing the rebels, still on extension of it,.
powers WM necessary to enable it to
nompletethe work. Leave to bring in a
bill was granted.
In the Commons Lord Stanley laid be
fore the members Ladditlonal papers on
the subject of the Alabama claims.
These documents have already been .
It Las been deelded that the British
West India steamers 'Mall cease calling
at St. Thomas, but some other place,
probably Jamaica, will be chosen- as a
unail station for the steamers.
Lrmoos, February IL—Humors are
current In I'aris of scouteMplated change
In the Ministry In deference to the wishes
and sentiments or ton Liberal party.
Losnax, Feb. Is.—The Earl of Derby
has been -very 111. Arr uncontradicted
rumor was prevalent this" forenoon that
he died during the night.
It now appears the reports which were
printed In the morning journals, that
Earl Derby and Judge Shen were dead,
are without any foundation, though both
have been dangerously ill. It is announ
ced tonight they me much better and re
covery confidently looked for.
Later ulvirsn do not confirm the Abys
sinian Intelligence sent last evening. A
dispatch to-day states no such move
men Ls of the Egyptian corps as allegvd
i.,a occurred. Much of the news from
Abyulnia Is to be received with caution.
Lottoox, February 18.—It is generally.
believed Lord Stanley will soon succovil
Girl Derby nt the head of the ministry.
- Fronaalca, Feb. 14.—Yesterday oven.
rag Admiral Farrago% having recovered
fvfm hie alight 'lineal., attended a state
dinner at the Royal Palace, to which he
was - invited by King Victor Emanuel.
fhe Admiral was received with marked
eourteey by. the King, and treated
filth great honor and conalderation by
e distinviahed company sia.ombled,
among adman were metnhera of the !Al
lan Cabinet, ihe high ofticiala of the
Royal Court sad of the City of Florence,
and chief ofElca
. The Italian J.
..repotia In Alp.
and eeem perm
mLasion of gre
rumor that hvi
~, c t Is to oldail
Ire of the army aud navy.
ornate conialo frequent
Id to the vhilt ofFarraget,
, oda! he le hero name
t Importance. 'The leet
appeared to that Ids oh.
1 a naval It:teflon on the
hathe has boo
the Italian govt
port of Spesaia l .
FLOTLEXCE, February l&—The dinner
to Admiral Farragut,already mentioned,
ens a grand sgatr. Sella, the firmer
Minister of Itace, - toasted the Admi
al, and in Ina mark), said "Iron hearts
and not Iron dads based his faro.'
The Admiral in acknowledging the com
pliment spokei of his love for Italy, and
Lis comiden., to her noble progress.
George I'. Marsh, representative of the
United States In Italy, on behalf of Ids
canary, thanked Sells for Ids hopoa of
eternal &Bailee. Demi..., the fernier
Secretary of Marine Affairs, said "an et
hane with Anierlea, a country feund by
c.,lnmbes, baptized by Vespmeti, and
eelebrated byl Bolts, was . entirely na
turaly." _ _
or tho United States, and
Instructed to apply to
rnment for the use of the
I =1
Fwariscr, ebrnary lt. enabts,
Prime Mintsto , has told the Parliament,
in reply to ary esticie, that the Govern
meat had dispatched Koren ships to the
River Ls Piaui, south America, but gave
no information as to the object of the ex
R&M; Flys:sum—February 14.—1 n
the Corps Leglitlstif to-day an amend
ment proposed to the bill for the reg
ulation of the iirese, Introducing certain
reforms in the administration of Courts
of Justice, was defamed after a stormy
Tim Government Is rapidly pushing
forward the organization of the National
Guard in all tho dcpartnnauts of France,
in accordance with the provisions of the
army bill recently adoptal.
Lownox, February 11.—The follow
ing la the latent noses from Acutely flays
The auxiliary corps of Egyptians re
main in Abyalirsia and are moving for
ward as the expedition edvanore, not.
withstanding the request mode by the
English government to the huhu of
Egypt that they be withdrawn, fte
poits.frVOSl the =terser gusto teat lung
Thiodonas and the British et:pelves were
at Magdelln.
LISBON, February 1.1.—1 t Is omelnily
stated that the Portuguese government
hem authorized Edward Medlleett, bank.
or of Lisbon, and Thomas En
gineer of London, to !aye Derr telegraph
ic cable across the Atlantic. The line Is
to be run frem Falmouth, England, to
Oporto thence to the Azores. and from
these i slands to mune Point on the coast
of the United States. The sew raids is
Lobe submerged on the Allen principle,
and it is estimated Lthat tho total expense
of the enterprise will not asered six bun:
dred thousand pounds sterling.
Soling A/Xi! OA.
Memos, Feb. 15.—The Star from Rio
Janerto, arrived here today, briergs the
following Intelligence:
Beyond the newel skirmishing there
has been no fighting between the hostile
etudes on the Parana. Cholera was still
raging with unabated fury in Buenos
Ayres. ;tune was also much sickness In
the camps of both armies. The revolt
which had broken out in Senate, one of
the provinoes of the Argentine Repub
lic, had been successful, the ruling Gov
ernment having been overthrown. The
Erpanish Government hopes for a general
peace from the internal discussions now
prevailing in Peru
Collielle Slabops Apr 1422414
tar Telearsoll to Wu rlttobarsh thiaetta.
PII pp ILADZISALL, Feb. M.—Yesterday
the aintments of th Catholic Bish
ops for t he
the diocese of Philadelphia ware
received from Cardinal Dalnabo, of
The Pope
following • v. W m.
Bt. Patrick's, Bib op of Henn:don. i.e.;
BIT. J. F. fibinahan, of Media, Illaltop
of Harrisburg, and Bev. Dr. Becker, of
Richmond. Va., Bishop of Wilmington.
Gtr; ca 1 rP9 Prl,ArtMAin 3asentiita
fllosnate, FebiusTy tr, Ifni. {-
the general market. cc ctinte tiall anddr
r t any Lew enaracterlatara 4.llthy of
special collie. As s', lhtcl. the
aed for stik - st everiteJon In teatticted to
supo/yitate !k:netlike wait., alttle prises are
without •ey I.yorfaut change.
URA IN—The Grain o-crket I. very dull and
neclertrtl, with the race {Alton of Barley, of
which the ....ply In this mai het it almost en
haus:ad. Winter V. bent is 111110 cod 112 ,
ChanKrd at flit for lied, end hits foe Male.'
atadull but unchatec4: vie ea./et' Vit.."
us that he tiled very Lank to 1111 a car 101(1
at 60n., b4l NITA, arnall salealn alore'st 60010.
Corn Is ekliint to small 111. at 61,1101;
Shelled It dill, with t eras ti sell at lilt nu
ttack. Bat:* !! wanted at 61,g002. life Is
Im/chant:rat at SI,ISUIvte.I
FLUIIR, la quiet aed untheezed.• Small
tale. nt etti.tottli t • fr.e spne; IcLean,
12 a•rt , r Wleter %%1 en!, atd 1411 14 (.all
limed,. H.te la ntmint . l at 41,42, 1 :4 In 'tote. lluclovl:tat le v.acLetit t et 14,256-1:60.P,t
It atm, hot
, jolete
AID Ito color . ; roe house quotee 'et Ile for
Shoulder.; far Itithod S.dee, and 17e for
Sot., Cured Items neolher quotes ShOulters
ht lo!. to ION; 1/Ib7ml Sol:s at 121 i to 121 e,
and I t;ar Cutc:l 114:01101 to 1 04 , 3•'
1.14 to tyre, In ilmets, noot 14(716!ia.111
ss Perk. alzatatv..
15.1.1 01I.—I. 0011 but 00.14t0ce4; ore cer,
WA, to 00. tI: (or N.'. d, am: 41,17 for No. I
nt ILe me,oftmo:o.,olecm nr.,l the nuke. Is
I. • steady dab:Laud
pairco le. choice ill at 3/eau-.
ClLLEtabl—!r It:la with rastiar axles 0
Wart". Ratan, lba Re, and Gerhau at
ra:be.a t a - teKulaa tray - Du=
- I.OrY rargarbe Ire Tel
MUM/ Fill I r—la raCy tut;
er l'c at T.fiaie f at tRIAIteI aaal tua,
lit f 0 baiser, tut Apple r, .
F.X.N Getter rupply, but It,
tat urchabar.laa Zbiti ra a l'laL
POntiOt...:—C..allnue atoll, et raltbstand
-1,.: the ..Llpta rob( tube Ilaht; small rata tu
atom at 11°1,10 par burbrl, Rad pn
r.11.711"—,10 :,,the :male a 1 f1!211,44arr
,l, sad 21 , u a telnil arty.
lit:AN,-1 . n.,.• NAVY Benne ,de to e, pea
'IC tcl: - ..; 8,1.1 m n :01.11 w.F 7,t ,A Dee
V I I'llolltUtrell VET 1101.E1,13111.11i1l
Cisreek or Taw l'irronorku 11 aileron,
Momper, February 17, 10,0.
FAILITIF—The market wee very quiet to-do(,
not stogie tronsactlon reported, but prices
remain unchanged. Spot rill la .tlll quoted at
ri4e,Tiuir; Match and Apr 11, irelfer's optien,7%
et.li73lc; May Sytii‘ei and all the year, buyer'.
option, at Ilieesl/c. The domaue, both for
(relent and future delivery, is by no means
peening, though theta see full as many boy
et. there see senors, and seller. are fully a.
eiftl Beat ab ut selling as buyer. are about
but Ink. The • I inpreml ,u 1. still . OMNI
etreryth that In no recur can yokes go moth
they ereat present, and the
ellanees,ltany thing, lever so, .within
Meer of
_the trade stems to be quite popular
Amcor, mole dalers, Another argument that
may re kfranerd to support this slew of the
caw, is the fact that the repoTtirif wain= I.
4a1 , 1.11r svproaalr.g, and ratiner, will t, ll
not altendy, leel tare rivsklng up f.' the
spring and slimmer campaign.
IIMFINED—The market for hooded oll.losod
very gem and element,. excited this evening,
ea view of e Nether mfrs... In Antwerp,
re (rants being the cll./MkJ:l (tom that point
to day. A. yet, however, price. are no higher,
• La re goers .tenon dine:wed to hold back to
antrelparion of better ;Aces, and ass Nose.
Water.; there are but tow sellers at present
We can report kb bid. for brat heti of lamb,, lied 1000 for all the t ear, buyer's option.
S . 11:. Thera won" e.rfels to hay till. =What
110 mile., sod there would ha no
difbenliy In reline lire , mating from May
thiceeriber, at to for May, and advancing
111;1 cent each subsequent month. It 1. dilk•
volt to corr.:elute at tiara Intern; what the
pies.4lll ei'lluery.' amount to, but we Ira
In be at we are tool to hare a stronger
market sod better wise..
!nitneic! Matters . ie New Fork
illobed a. 114INGIIII5i.
, pivr tomr., 7cb.17, lAD
',sr,: AND nor..
Money tmebaogelnt 4es on call.' Sterling
:s Ono thou it: qulAt at told oocu
•-a At ndsaaeol nod, the &Intense
Cdurt declalon IS the Mu:trite case to 111.,i:
lind cloaca steady at 141N011114.
aro tient mml In mteterato demand. flinty
c‘ortutt Co. furolth the fielloaMa quota.-
Stone at t Ut D. Coupons 'M. 111.11111 nit
P--. 0
4,1 . 1111 1 I 4; 41c. 'CI. Irippezi; no , al,
odlialegt., to near, la:;;QInt: FlO 7. Inisiej
I"n;ii id 1u5,104 ',CMS; 7...t5, 107%11107%.
eireins opened bons an with groat et
earn:lent gun activity In Eric tt 7741111 - N,
tolln•rd tor a .1 tr In awl a slut p
hlle to ;St.. Totsrt tru oreas 7l,N,
ioned by the
filing act tall In Court against Daniel Drew.
bun with clolatten el trust In sell
ing iked/ sharws of stock oh:weird In Juan,
IIZ. RR actor ity for a loan to the road, and
o.olottng that he most return his profits
thereon to the Couipany. An Injunction
to hero us...ton Drew, restratrang him
from cooing rand shares or toe 1,18 . SIOCIE
I:akt tune have born lately made. New York
L:-A n tral tell to but entwerinently sold
13.5. .11eadlog. Toledo and Marietta were
cry active end strong. The market w
ihoyarit at one oicdoek board. and study
Ira dull at the second hoard. racept krle.
Inch was about I per cent. twitter sod en
cllo.l. ACM° <Uwe the briers were little
sly from the highest point, but atilt united.
Eric suit to generally construed as
meat el tamlarbUt.amt the Manes In.
valved are Important, aml doetnattome in
-toe:rare likely to 00 fry... Lariat Mr. 1/rew
tp sUPPralanlt. , La snort el krla to large
The following are his closing prices, at
r. a..• Canton, thimiserlanit,
3.1.4013 , 3, Adams E &press, 74Nalliai,ii Mars
elan is, f.rdli, A m °Heal., United
it: eta., rilital; Hells a r.r.,4l4lfiali
rii Maripoini, effi ii;Pacific Mall
I sitiffiltetii Ail& ni Pi:lir:el, Wee tern Union
relearati 7. o7e;iii Pre
O ; 'Judson, Mot/9: Heading,
hio Certilleano, Mai
47:.4474 . .; St. r.. , • 1 1 itibigan
pm lito4; Michigan Non( nen:, Tiiiitri/Ski
1 . 110010 Cent rat, I:Anil:kin, it t Miura
0, Hoek
N th retent. tin nre fa rreit,
ran Sistine. i0PA6101),;.. Marietta and
Cincinnati first preferred, .1.11 i; Columbus,
lA, Veinal° do I..iiten drat preferred,
ilsnninal and A.. Joseph, 71.10 do preferred,
el: Ilorlam, 131i4; litnanis,.l2liii Hartford
1•101 Erie,lai4; Vartin.i ton and .401507.
Unticsares, Imo do, 0 1,
'Mining snares ,ru 4.11.1 111.11,
D.Leldson, ti 3; lirrsory, 4,441aZi Edge
MIL 3154).141.
The reeelpteot the dutt•Treamtery to-tley
epre 411.31e.713. P.tyuletite, $110,133; IW.
ee, 11134, Wei J.
New tort••,.. , or et Bernet. '
lor Tclaerann 1., 01,•).i . .! , ,,,a L., !,,., . 1
sg,, fore, rob. I7—]'"tiro . attire, ex
Mien and folly ICI iic better; sale. of 1,9/0
bides at 7.1743,i3i ,far" 101,1 tiling upland
Finer; recetpin 7 Mt Irtl 4 and 3eld bagel the
market is lots neti tin nod A blot - et decided
ehmeisalen of G..%) b hit. at e9,naD,33 forget
perline State art' net taro; 12304310,110 foram
ire elate; 49.70(#11,90 for extra welter.
1104913 for what, - wheat extra; 0,9301410.
Itoond Mop Ohio, 1.0012 for common
to MD extra At. Lout', andalt.Ol3,ls good to
choice do, and cloning quiet. VallfOreta
doer In antic" with e sloe of 2.5110 sack, at
111.75014,00. Itt cII ;or armor with valet of
OW Dials at 1. 1 33(0,42. Whisk id, Is nominal and
pileav aro onehnrittti. derelpis of wheat
13.90 i morn ardiv., without deented change,
4.900 bushels at 1043. No. 2 spring #2,40 mixt'
ed erdlott 13. M. No. 1 poring to arrive at
11,65. lied Conn. 43,114 for white California.
Ilya mares with 1,402 bothelo. 41,77 Stet e,1,72
for treater. Barley !memo with. sale. of
0.301 Canada west, delivered cn opening
navigation. at $2,23, and 0,400 of western
at 12,25, delivered. Malt 11 em; sale. of 1,100
Mullett, at 13,110. Corn; fecelpte of 00360,
bothele; the Marks, isle-saetlve and scarce
ly so 0 runglllo , ll of 13.0nd Too. eat 11.2 e afloat;
111.0 for choice de. toil 1.1,21431..77 for now
white southern. 11.1 t., the meelpte were
3.030 boatel., the in st ket Is in Oro nettre anti
pi Ines are lower, with sale. or 77" bonnet.
[ at 03Me for weaterit in store. 01111 1147(0110
, aeoaln 100 Ivlll.v.lrg II 4110 .10ek 01 grain
Is wortilfimect Wheat, 1,410.134 barbels;
coin. 17e. 421 bo•heD, r3'o, 149.147 butbelsi
oats, 0,041,423 buenels; parley, 73,416 Umbel.
Ilya te gelut and unchanged. Coffee Is ao
tive and firm, with Bales of 1,100 bag. kilo at
priviste toren. Auger If moderate!) netts.
nod eteuly,srilti celesta MO bo t reboatie Cobs
at 12 iol3!.# l e. Mot vs steady with tales
of 20 barrels Now Orleans at e)(1200, and .10
hogehesde Cuba at private terms. Hope
are quiet at 130500 for American. Petrole
um Is quiet at 1140)01. CrUalS. and :4!..0 for
refined In bond. Pork; the market Is a
chants limner and More I. a moderate lie.
wand, wllb oalea °nee barrels at faltdtlygN,7s
for new. meal, eiming ail 1tM.03): =Sider;
42130021,"/ for old Mete, Melting at k33.a.
regular, 4121,60(#12.50 for prime. end 123621
for prime mu.: alsp, NU barrels new at
.l i f irtm
r for March. „Beef. le firm; galas
of Is at previous prices; lit tier.'
at': .10 for prime mete, arid WON
fog meg. Reef llama eteatlYl etdm 01
340 barbels at 111171377. lmoon le quilt; Mao.
of 13 boxes Cumberland Cat at Ulla Cot
Meats arm; sales 01 070 rack/Wed 401181050
fot shoulders. mid 1114014540 for ham..
Dressed 11•02 a am firmer at IDMMIIMit, eider:
Iv at Ile for western. and 11%MP/tic, stilally
12c for city. Lard m Mandy at 14 5 0. But
ter be firm at 450333 for elate. Cheese it
doll at 110153. Freight. to Liverpool are
doll and unelianked.
" New York Dry noose Nutlet
(87 Te'urn:A tots, PlU•batib
Ns. , Yong, gob. 17.—Dry Goode market
qullo grin for cotton QOoda, wltb a great
acarcity of favorite brands of plain mu*
lies. Heavy Brown fibeetlase dna at 17140
111, andencomia at 1014017. Printed most
make. mill readily at 1511314. and a In.
popular maken, ouch as Goober. and Marti.
mack Li, sailat 114111441 Amoslicag bring
12.,4; Arnold, 1114. and Warnsutta Bart
lett Bleached Mnaline yard wide sell
Wily at 17; .lack 154 ;J ame. gleam ' kills
151 Form:Antal., 171 35Asonville MK; gaoled
EWA 12; AttlOakteig A Mkt lei Illuirstene
River 00 ICU Tbonid Ms A 111141 Pearl lUVer
SPAI Ame 4; rican Stripe. 13114 Anedelmag
25:4429A1 rittageld 510 Haymaker brown
denims 011• U C 911 asinaksag • Harm.
iteag wrest jeans 1114; Ammknag brown
drills ISt 01amorr gingloone 1514; Lanouter
%Mum:mills paperliarnbrinsleigennobeck
2tewr York CMOs i.rk.L • •
(B? Teem mph to Um
Natw YOU, rob. 11.—Iteoelots• for the
weeks Dame& 0261 Oboe?, sisal
St& beams =WI bnOrkti isozbet War•
=mat LI 1.--,,vre , r4vitmii
I = " sa Ito Mali! =o=
light and qulcklz tibia It 901:040.
- ;
41.2.141A4M211114 C&TFLE .2411.24.1itT.
• :. _--. : .
Cm. ow 20 Prreeseturoill•urkl, 1
Shwas., February : 17, ISM
-earns. i
There wis it'll] supply of cattle as .ale to.
.:51, sod with the weather, u unueully
mmail uneibkr of buyWe sad a dki.l. ,l ••' O.-
ud, the enekkel'aru generally . .. Ceded to
be the hudeet 'experienced :at then yards
for.uveral irece• ' There Were, no eutern
buyers in attendance, and the butchers did not,
apparently, buy l,willi as much -freedom As
anti, and with lOme of ihemknehe particularly
thou who buy toed cattle, the le. meal they
.sell the Utter 'eff 'they are,. iVie A losing
- Minoru at {resent Mete. Compared with
last wick. ache dunk. repotted a decline of
LOC pot cwt, sr!Ale ethers mulled bill here
war a difference:of fully a dollar-we thiwir
however, that 000 ie a art light. Prime to
Gun SA cattle geld S it ru m WIN, endued to
feltleh butchersl steel/ m y be quoted at iiil.:
71.1 c. One thin,: the: tent le, retard bullies,
la the incubi kat. hie juices, and there ate
many reas.ks üby it who i d be le; bath dro
vers acd butcberi are co plelnici about loaine
moats, mid It la' rally herd ca unanoore;
many famillem bake t deep themeelrea, sad
We harkto doubt of our purlieu to do
without meat. Altaic! er. Stock cattle were
la fair demand and Um :cd apply, tad may be
coded at 5!./Q4e, es I quality sad condition..
Sieheii a f1r0.4 to l d A butts at 4; 2 (Mutah
etc. - . at 414,7 bud boiler., secreting 700, at
•le; and II cows as 114e.yer head. . _.
Peter Ileumea te - yeite to bead Chlcago net
tie it 414 , 27 N. 'I: -
Harks .0 TrAutmert •01.1 in heed Chicane
clock at V,4116l1; acol hi bud from Uldirm a 1
"'7 .;'llls liettal,l4, sold lb head Chicagn alia s ]
4' 1114; ~ 'i u vleee . enid LS hid el I au at .ole st-1
6 3 - e1J7.%; 17 head from Ohl: at h b%o l 3-17 head
lett Circe.
111. Varner sold 20 head of contudaslon tattle
at 6lift;3l.
Miles Ix nlektatne tato/maul 16 head-cl
prime to extra klekanray (70. (Ohio) cove and
holler. at 7311.
Carr & ate %Meter had 57 bead of Belmont
((thin) Steer. maned by that. Shottaker;
acrid 10 heal at 71.0151.4111 bead left over un-
Myers k igue,l2 sal_ ..,,00ad rflo et
7 to algid!) her of Chicago etochera at 3.70,25
heed of Chicago ht eagle et 71(0.G: nod 2 to.
Les Lickiou (to. liters, weighing fieei
ro Fred Heilatelor(33b, char) at 10.
Greenwald a Kane report hava.g retailed 73
bead of Chicago... tie et 7i4ges
Ilsalewirot re Boiehatoch wloli besilChtca.
go caul.
Jas. Doles bad head or prime Chleago
tle, but hely( unable to get Ida price, be wall
deuhtleee ship them eitat.
alma, letereettlg lio. gold 70 bend commis.
lot emit .t 3 to 11)4,sold extra extol, to
Ugh Ricbgrdson (butcher) at I.
Hefter-0C Taylor .old 13 head tot Edam. Si
file, a for lieowning at II; end la for Keened at
hilatiolaeCarr retailed :Xt head for 81.00444er
at (lee.
s• le were gotrewhat eurptleed to
cl ad Jobs
Kettein buying bulls again to-day, aeated by '
his indefatigable partner, lobs IdeAlltater. II
le all right, however, •• the elate:lo.r tee
brought hem to sell, and 01 .K. a IleA.
beg° as' touch right to buy them aa anybody
IL Kati sold 13 bead of raLawl Ohio Wools far
Kosobangt, at aid to l}j.'
Wen. Kali, an old drover, but who at presto&
is engaged In butchering at Now Collie, Pa.,
wits at the Yards to-day. vbeltlag his old
friends Sad actinslatanera.
There was ao uutirmally largo number of
Sheep on •sle to.dsy, and Its millet, at •
molter of source, was • pretty bard one, ea.
preially fur the comatener Prides, of which
rho carries* Meetly( .ecrsletert. Prime fat
mutton Sheep, of whie s h there were-bur rem
p•rattvely few, brought • fair prise, 5% to i 4,
but eissmou and, Interior sold et all kinds of
•deer—holdsrn, •• 'ir general Mir% being
obliged to accept. whatever buyer• o•w proper
to ore, •
Stokely a IWO. had 22) heed on oole; 50.14
head of pale., at 's,lo per ewt, and 121 at SIAS
per hem.
U. E. .s.leosolln sold 120 hihd rm common Co. Sheep at $2 to $3 per bead.
t. Emeolli bold 60 head of primes Bottler Co.
Sheep. averages t 00164 et G.
hlaellond .old 60 load, of prime fat Sheep
'' Jlicth Sinn 11. et ;15 hood on commission; sold
0/ at 1,20 14425.:
Glass, f.ffEtty Co. hod .24.0 head on gale;
mold had, at an average ef Oc—balancc loft
There wig • lOW supply of Cogs on sale to
day. and the niatket ora• osly moderately
Ore, the butcheto tokine hold my .1.1 1 / 2 1117
4 0 the 'Wes.% extreme wines. In a retail way
;laces ;wiled 'bomb to 1034 for fair SO Prime
heavy aralneeoj
]lrma IS'ody wholesaled :0 head lo Ens
ettok t Co. 0i•0 3 1,.d rotallod 60 had at 11'
La/Teri , y k. Co. 001d . 1.0 newkt2.l9o.
liothc.l3llda .1; Byers retailed aboutleo bead
during the'eneelt sea tO
Ewertelt ateq.. ',Fiorentino, mold about their
toot! number; bet tan ICO sad SOO at IN
'Cleans 01,17111Pmralintela Oas*nab I
ritnave. FablUary It, Ira. f
Theaamket fpr manalagturad Iron salt :411.
relents • mesa almartrt: salmon, awing maIOIT
to Ole reloorpilou of navigation.. Our *lll
are prett. •0011deot of a good -sprin g
tr. 4., which Is almost inevitable, from the that
that stoat. Ltdaughout the west at. OUT
much redneadmore au, perLapc than for sev
eral years rani and mother thing that auger.
we! for Pltta„hargh Is that labor and metal
Iltee got domalo point that wtilirualel. her to
reclaim a great. mally who doting
the past few Tear. hire been buying at other
piaaet niOnkehere areeaceedlnalgllghtousel,
at wastes, .0.1 w: try rf our tuanufactumr.l.
to do what lac-Wang' caned ..a handalca
mouth,:bolloma," Chet weep trade op.. up.
they min netHtseet Ihetr marabout.n tilled
with blah-prieMl 'ldea. and be padtraold 10
other market*. :Th. felloulnk are the card
;,!:ce " Mon. Bats ' Ue. 4fi
nom, t4h44.4.
Heavy. 144nd '
Sinop 4.414444
11m41A z•cspre..,.
v 44.1
0 14
AA ;12
Half Oral. 4 6•1111.1.4 -
HAUT Iron •SSq
E 21117121
4heet Iron, 1 9 t, oil 9% ' 9
1/1 11
to .46 / . .4
Tt !V 7% IP
All dieCe 99 . 9 r 19 LP. w'hlc I.:: extra.
teneisi 19,1 rl tibe T 60
Brads *3 9 'Ol ti..l II 80
1.1 and " BSo ut I9ls fce
SI and 15 ...... 8 9
44 Awl bd .. I 0/ Cat ' i Is
i t c• i fo 1
Barrel rte.. 513.1 lash,
meh, 811,55; intb, ismh, ipho).
Tama. —Node r mat alas` at 63 dem* with
tomcat, tete I:setiwto an Nat York; of •
atiCetillt 011 6 , er cent. fat twit. If remitted ea
;et of Intel... Yet meat. to be wade le
Now Yolk Iticbente. U. S. Tremont Notes,
or then. teultalent. Nuts I. iota of 1,00 kegs
end opWarde, 161 e 101 bet off . . 11155000,
on Mlle of lea*ltut 0115
' (flatus or TIM I • triaanana Oa-arra.
Fauna,. February la. larg.
The maitell', exhibited it.. activity than laat
►a<k, thonghl here cu a fair molting of bind
lad walla apply of leadlog brada of
forge dearlyttona is llght, primal an main
tained. Infettor grade.. ho►erar, •te
"mating. and. fate. are irregular and droop-
Inc Fouodry fro. are dull hot unchanged.
tic unnte the follarto axles:
. E .....oa•Cren.
160 ten. UstdAnlty.sice 007 10-4 moo
1(00 . 4 11.4 Short - 03 00— tuts
60 .. Neutral ' • 0. L
...hoot,. Yalta. Purge.. 10 00-4
. .• . 11 00-4 mo.
too Close filmy Twit..
too " ONIX Grey
" Up es Ones
Vki tool; No. l; Ilonglog it0ck..,.5411 06-41 dye:
CUM..% rob. 17.—Flour more active. at
10.104210,0 for spring extras. Wheat mat or.
ately 11.:11111 and 1412 . M lower; (melt , talcs
of N 0.2 at 62.08‘02,101t0;bu1 submouently.
eat coed and closed 130101.1 81.9 2 1 aalcil 0 1
No. 1 .1
12.0302.05. Corn settee and Ste
lower' soles or no. 1 at .111X0Siti; NO. 2 at
an , l nor at ikeguito lints doll and
racier, closing with Mayors at Oidf, and sel
lers at. 170. Teri thin; CA or No. t.
Barito—nottilne doing. glees Portnand
oal St 11=.000M,2 3 for pnmet mess firm at
414. Bulk meats dna and quiet; aboulders
INiljedte, Cumberland Wattles 1.40; loose
smoked hams 13i4c, /Omit picketed boom
quiet. at Mo. Dogad and green meats MAC.
ties; Drrillati bogs steady and firmer, at 59
OISIS for 115 ht. and 52,1002,00 for heavy; Ilea
lo• riot snipping demand, at 47,007.0.
Receipts for the past forty.elght boors
-4,120 Ills flour, 10,00 bosh wheat. 01,500 bush
corn, 17.000 bosh oats, Mel dremad and Last
lire bags. liblposents.-4,202 Ibis dour, 320
bosh Int aati 17,00umb earn, 1;.00 bush oats,
0,103 droned - and 1, 111 live bola
toy Telegrati to the pttunnuan dandle.]
elmmrsart, 0., Petinrary 17.—floor and
whoaz unchanged and quiet. Gnu 1. dtll,
and offeredat See, without payers for shell
ed, mart be bought as WOW. OM., bye
Maley are unchanged. Cotton ts sanded
ant prlcee higher, closing at 210 fdr-Itild
dltog. and mot much offered. Mess pork la
In active demand; Wes of Vero nOts at $.%
tor cltr, and Vane for 0001001. ♦ £OOlBO ,
wand for Wm mental antes of MEM Mb)* at
12110 for city, nod tyleloKe for countrY.
Inactive demand 167 11.001 Wen of HO
Wide at. 10%.3 for shoulder, end Mg for
gra.' *burl .and 11%0 for ale. (lb eldee.
Nothing done in Lard, and ts Mehl Arch at
14540, Lad JO higher. llutter Oros at 8411400.
Kean are quoted at no. Seed is unchanged.
flats are steady'. Linseed; 41,1701,1 0 . 0 01 d
Is quoted at µ,Ol , 807100. •
Welsospa to tee ritisbaren Ossetia 1
CLat =eon, Pobruary 17.—flour markot
q.ust ezereneedy, double extra spring at
t 4.11 outdo extra red winter $11.031
18,150, double antra w 11114.0 0 0 / 5 . 00 J Moo"
try hoe:01183011M Omer the above Ozone,.
Wheat Tory little Inquiry, attod7 odd an.
odaneod, No. 1 rent winter at .1.63; No. 9 do.
at 07,2( 2,00, and No. 1 Alllwankee sprite( to
ear lota et OWL Corn weak antl inaction
Wes of, low oar lots reported at tOidlidlO
for NO.l shelled loom the store. Oats ;Met,
bet the market steady Judi Ana at OM for
No. 1 state (front store. Nos don, bet in
light apnea', and bold at VAT for No. L.
Barley puletand Kandy' at ferdlo.
1 state and Canada, and 41.111412.01 tor No-1
data Petroleum , QOM. bet Anal standard
wane ln bold b. 14 at IWO& l'sitori Lett
straw to whtto free at 11000.
Mai lrareteee auteti
c/eSftfQybl Liu rltUbttol
inoeallne $7,16. if beat—oholoe stappmg
Legal Tinders 71Xa.
Castle I[avast.
I~77Ne[realitot PlUalogrzh Oasorti•-1 •.
CSICAOO. February' 17.—80 d OSUMI trA/0.•
tire awl ntr....111.
'' •. _ .. . . , .. , ,
,_,. . . •
- i IV - ca. 37 i Fairt.b.': Street, .IEPIA - talour . g3a, X.. 19,.
. . . . ,;.,. • . . . 'l. - -•
. _
. ._
.. .
I . ,
1 We have the pleasure to 11130011tlec that oar standard system of Business Educittion no generally commended by Business man for twenty-seven years, is now
flu , ther perfected and extended by DUFF'S NEW SYSTEM OF BOOK-KEEPING. pp. 100, Royal 8 vv. II:1.15, postageil.,i cents. beautifully printed in color , . 11' Bat
eelv,. New York. Sold lir Bookseller. Thi.,, splendid work introdueas into the College. the theory and Nrectiee of a inomprehensive illustration of MERCHANTS
and MANCFACTURERS .BOOKS. opening, coudncting and closing SIX SETS OF BOOKS. it intry - situ:cm for the !Brat lime the study of NATIONAL BANK
BOOKS, practically recording . bus ness from , Ite formation of the company to the dwiaration of the firmt, dividend. Witlj4ll the fittest improvements and labor-saving
forms, In a full set ~f. TWENTT-TIVII lirslNl:al :BODES, These aro followed by our new system of RAILROAD ACCOUNTS, exhibiting the Surveying, Srading, Build
ing and Equipment of the Road; its operations, disbursements and 'receipts until the declaration of the first divldendi'practically exhibiting - l' SEvitts VIIINCIPAL
Boos,. We next present the trot publishod set of PRIVATE' BANKERS" BOOKS, practically illustrating the Paved. Bankers' Business, In discounting business
wilier, exchanging money. buying and selling bills, making city and foreign collections, An., exhibiting TES BUSINUO tio.GR. One now treatise on accottMa thus , ox-•
tends the student's education ante depart 111,.. , :1th or acconntant.hip nover.before attempt.' in Collage, It Is also a standafil book of reference for business ainountants,
merchants, manitiltcturer, hank and mill , ad officers, Joint stock companies, and alt who have to do with accounts. Order Ilaussn's Cotrx - nrro.lfouss_KlHTloN or
Darn's Boos..EnEristi. For a full de4cript ion of this work, the College farms, far xi .tile engravings of our Penman's Writing; engravings of medals, with about 700
mfereneto...4olla for our elegant now„ la page norm): QUAIVIO CIIICTIAAR, mailed free. Address,
I. . .
. . '
, •
P. DUFF cz; SON, Principals, Pittsburgh, Pa.
1• • •
1 • ntottA,.rirtratn, Merkel
SatilSoan,lrehreal7ls.—Cattl.—The on:-
Inge at the seal. :luring th. P." week - ff .. V3110111 'REPUBLICAN
amounted to IINI hed, Nolan CO lea weak.,
Prime to-day ranged a. follow.: (11.1 tow..
and seal•wage, 115/15.5e; ordinary thin ateere, ea ..... e e....., ot e se t a• mme ew•esna
eaten and cows, {5.10:4; felt ,I good oettlit,S7 , ‘,..r.rt.srat r CO Fe VCM • ay.,
GS: and the very best beeves, Waterer iOO the
; .
the overage prise being about elLoi—cot agog. .
1402,1., w. e. The market ye, won arise.
; Sheen—flare been e: ming !onward mote ; then! County •re r euetied 13 meet at the tonal
freely during th e pat week, but are thirty of . ply, s foe b;;Idlog
, tin. in the sevelkl
an Interior quality. Prices racial as follow.: w,. ~,,,,u . .t . ~.1 T 0 , e , ,,,,,,m , G .
Fair to good at bpf.e.anst good to entre Gala' -. •
per lb, ere., the latter betng sear. aad Lu de- .. nturday,Feb.2.9th, •, lust 1868
wind, whtle the former .re dull.
' '
tinge—the supply hes been about equal to ._
the demand daring the haat week, .4 Pte.
eteadtly saren.d. Ina to-day tact. wee la.
sattrtty, .24 quotettres ettaaa lower, rang
egal the close from 11l Gall pa Ito yowl.,
net. La /air to good fat hog..
thltadelptil• 4:attle Market
;Pranantcrnta, Fel,l7—Cattle Ls dull and
;met...need; laden of 15.5 Lead at 101111N0 tor
extra renneyleattla and western steers at
ea0..40 for talc to goal: 5070 for
nneep are In fan. demand; nalerof 6,000 head
Yof 4074 a. Hogs :are In demand at an .1-
4nm:sales of 3,1 , 0 Load at 124313n.' •
11. P. BALLARD. & CO.,
Produce Commission louse,
YE S 2 WathisEica Si, Stir Tort.
sttiagaittlo.l for dlo,•lng or WOO,
!Cops. Is f ToZneco arid tllglaolon dint_ to
qt: r .;:nl2l " l ' i ttt:lon 11:00 to. Butte ,cases.,
Itto. rar1t..144[.1 rio ,r, (train. Beaus. t..• se.
tkeswas. D d Green Yrults. 10..1t. and
ohsu It lads of c oun t !! rrodtv,
"n ct ` itreT.Tia , s star.D.
xxxxxx cos.-North Ul,, Atamt. N. Y.:
attr l A N . ' N " 0 0 . 05 13 ( 5 ,3 .5 0 La . n j u t rxT .. C NT lt '- . o7 l l l l o h n a . D M arti
Ittils. No. roldwity. T.; IttCottcr,
NO. in ero , td. , tlt Ballard a 11:0 . Inettotott,l.,
A VERY LARGE ..1:71101.1:1T
Oa' Trila ui6Y .leY Malaita: Sin 11 ,
often repaired by. I.e friends of the confirmed
Dthemptio. to nimble thins 10 pot up with the
meaning 111-temper, his fl 1, illy notioas and the
ermmy . toreboth sr s and tumid all.t of
mind. dollar. <CWT.,t desert, moth troth
the palitace mod Or:thistl, at thesis friends who
often,. mitt grief the barn a:4 .5108 st 01,ner
sltleas altersel sod tooled solo the root Scroll
and Mew, ethle hf the 'ea lIVA of Dyepepi is.
Walla under itodethetie ter 'hem
bat a thostant thithes of therethon and gloom.
inittiauctit Out grain and Cohen in the
Those stained with I.lrer Comfillni, Derange.
meat of trigesti rer Cog the stsultlop It, Dynan.
.Is. Ylttotttne, Lorir Appetite. should at O: ea
resort to proper SerOallell, which mill. If need
promptly, an +id an:old tuderlern. and i.e.. many
amenable lives. dre-thnleent st snot., and on
d.rred by tinattrads 'thin hate tolled them, stlrsil
DR. tiARGE‘T'S L 111 PULE.
In the Inipleht stag, of lthal ninth. Liver
Complaint. that a t promptly. sothil and
V.v./mule, animate g. 'shouting end thinrigo.
fall,' the eprern. making
Ins ♦ JOY kiln PLZANUR E.
leer al of oxi. le many old sod etollroa:
irOas thry bora cf Ord rermaliablo and
sirerl7 cores. Torso pills tin bo obit lord tram
Oil 'llrof (lido In tpe coon'•;. 1 . 1511, or toga?
enaied, 5s putebasers I,T Work r •
• Pines, 2) Cents Per Item. •
Frightful Prophecies-
m op
Or reit/loos. •thlrust.ata; sad. 00 the;
al r latt hood, philosophers 1011.0 that the centre
of the Earth Is amass or Ore—the'. the poles or ll
the Earth will emir d ash, athhorna.tor, and that
the jtaa ta vadat:lT Indies: Tall Ilke thl•
serf undid. t but, poodles tech
rel.:attics, It wall Pros well foe each rotator of
social, to tate care of I Li or for tenth. and
lease the feet to Prueldr ate.
14 sad comet prematurely t t SO who, Oceocl
the ,presetnsalon cf :has lasstlmabht Measles.
CILETI.Iner discs, dr, male, chronic
poling:tor sot other ailment to tate 11. 000.14
Italteckei% and It 01.1 easaredl7 .boron
It eiLsol Le *old that Its oases of proteetleit
the Spit= ssatoot the Pl'ectlitpelllng el.. of
daesse wphrell. TOO coast:lo,one Led
phi 4 .00 of Me tont ratest mot Ur to atreelph•
. 00 . 1.11ded br ne mu of 1111TZr1EIltd
BTOMACH 'MVPs E'S sato realer them ail bat
lerbillerablr. OM 001710 the stitch. of chide ,
disorders. lot aim to the oraluart caterdatotl
bhp prevail to all coantlles ant at all .eacon..
10 tae snon ,safe lanortanee or PfItrEECTLEZ
XELICEEION were polversally
toll Waal:wattle vegetable antidote, whlol Is
epeads the tcost psttilar Wale In the world..
wool'', everywhere be clattelamons the staple.
of tell, Sled nojr.spoi wants days to be without
.0. The t . me may arrive...hen 1110 will to tar
curl for tersest. adds by n 0,... , 3 0100000.00.
the list 01.00,0 vale bee IL.
Chronic Diseased.
'llse function& of the humab body give way,
eentelly meat arm. A dlsordireil llva, or
.1141vvItsUovi of Leo bronchia/ tube; 211 ob.
10e In the' skin or of the null orgnev. are
...nit,. to Mai,. d or vitae and gene., in ynete
ova 'Owls. newt : 4lox to tbe extent el' tno Intuit' I
or futtettonal Wary. 2 tnanged6 cted with dy.:
soon .end mom than tits at7atach at
1444 y_b2l9.llltat Le awall tau. to unew
the nitnrat "car and MAW, the worn ant until ?
Is deismatol to some took or cr,nney. , fbero It
Mae; Irrilattonor polo. "Li. It oulakt to t•
throw~t Oltarid U 141104 out or the system. Itun
dra&l.oo sboussods or Jon such avfferera 'have
beet r0110v.4 and roAtored to beallb aryl
by a i pw rattle.
,01 . 111 t. /illlrSEtt , d BLOWY
widen not only lunarla tone to tbe
~ ta.f4h and din/tile Gifu., tat 14evelse en.
iletutd the blood with the elementary prludnitil
needfill to tho netorallon of the olnl teeny
of ;hi system, : Ile careful when you no for It
to nit ps. XILTIBC 88. far that It the kind. and
the on* kind, that Due cared to newborn..
nun of els Ordered a n d troten ounelltunnue.
Itw uhloh cured Hr. Boyd. Itwea On
wklek .arod Jots =Will.. It Ira* Mat whioll
toultd btarrtral KoZirlaatl. It was Dr. Eerier'.
Illoo&Y!laarchti cored al' tba old ebroolo
mow irklelt we Ws coblltliett tram Cam to Wls
tithale malnsoma. De. F,07 eee * Blood 'Outlaw
aY cared more cuts at ramie &mans au
any nrellolan or renart. odes. Drid by an,
sraar,loaran, or mingle bottla. a& th.Daatorr
groat iliorfilWirr gm: No. SO WOOD DTDILICT.
Dr. KOlrar.o Courifirdlons roams, 170 Prim R.
JuMirf , , • •
1 .4 flea TWO DICI.tII &TIM rem eselr r el.o.
tiotollttr let. to a Corwly C.ventlon, to be held
tea the loVowlng MOIOJetT. at 10 01der.... 0.,
fur Oa bur pot of nominating delegate. to the
1 1.• u Conrentloa. and tres<ng much other
boohoo onto b: properly , ght tero , e 11.
to Nth. ZleOlons to the Tg1..,.10.1 ex
certlne the Towathlps o' Ilabland;r4tl., ree
., Liberty. Co.lins and Wilkins, w1:1
o'. 10+.0 thl boos of 3.0 7 relelork. wad tee
to be bTballot.) era: be htld baW[l.6 the
toot of throe aa d gli 0,1001 r. Y , and 1111 is
Go /cu.. sod between the boo" of Ire
Id uteec oloteek F. 0. In the Or es and Dor •
otelts the e'en...hall be by h."..t; and In the
T.tertisblps by waral.•
r. kayo. e
C.•:. TAY, oh. ^ - ` l v --- • lAT
AntE•3CLIII AS SALVE. for Burns. Beside.
rJrari, Salt . 111aeton, HDrO, Broken Bren/ts.
Venst Site., Chltblalns, Met.. 8M..., Cut..
woutowe. me., whether opprtmu or tenet, is
Lie tent wonderful ankle ever pronoun Other
row.' artle/ es alleeletet ate sore, It &lays In-
Itemeentlon. entwines pale, and heel. without •
cc tr. [ell waren Its welsht tt goldlo any fatale
and eknahl. ninny. De on bend. It Is wsr.
ranted wan what It says terry time.
Wet- ant used In private-practice It, ICE They
were tarred acc4 to Me pablie in 113.3, .taco which
tnce their reputation has extended. until they
have a tale in .inn of all other Cathartic and.
Sorifylng bledletnes. There is hardly a faml y.
civilised nations who bare molter...nal
..blnee of thar beneficial tdircts, Their great
fenceis le owind le their uniform reliability In
cthes of Constipation: II illon. and Etomaelle.dl
- whether of long or abort daratten. They
aro catirelf vegetable to their emnboaltlon. and
harm fa as to the testiest Infant. One Ingredica
5,... tee pores of the shin: another Is dlaretle,
nod simulates proper action of the Whey.,
third Is emollient. looming phlegm and home
nam the lam other Pro/ionic, art warming
tablintle, and cleans. the thoianch and
I , theis from unhealthy secretions. Their cow.
`tired effect to to regulate the Impaired Nine- .
ti,as of the syatem • and to prod an battik. r It is
not sinned Motet's MI. are • thin all—that
they tall care all complaints—but nadir ordlna.
ry Orethrstalec• they mast be retied sport to 1
core /Carron. aad Sick Headache, Co.f.thenmc
11% epepslOs adtgestiox, Jaandlec Leer and
itilion• Complathis. Cold.. Seamy, general
Weakness, to. They are expressly made tier
these Glues., billlion. open mllllothof mires
can beetled. In no single Ithtance boa a oom.
platen ever come to oar knowledge, where they
have not operated as recummehded.
The printed circular around each box fatly ex.
. plebes the symptoms sad elects.f each dlacthe,
rpeelfin treatment. farntsles erldence, to.
Webs Icily re Mr to lie, Parld Elder, /rank
tin- IC C., vb. seas cared of Dyspepals. C. E.
Cross.. of Theolke. 111., caned of Livey Com
plaint. IL llooley. of Springfield; Po, btd
Ocrofals, and had to lea Gretchen nee eared to
three week. Jas.°. Noleho of Addax. Mich,
rued or 1111:en. lever. Ear. finery firths..
krthbyterlan Church.. ilatienthus. Cal.. of le-
I ref thd Axe.. lire. Ed. 11. gay. Twenththret
Ave Took, of Elthestualsen and Piles of I Z Tears
...ante Per. Samuel Bawler , . Editor et the
hpringeehl (Eno) Itepnblican, was cared or
terrible Costiveness. Non. Ed. 'Webber, of
Itumner, N. U.. of Liner I'omplattt. etc., etc.
A bozo/ Nodal . . Life EEL, with tett tire . ..lbs..
, will be seat greCis to .r rh7 WWI pe Clem - man
1 or the recite tof two tb rag postage mumps.
•31o1Ist's lAN rills are:s cents •per box. Mof
fat'. Thorax Miters 111 per bottle. Tikerilthe
slid by all respectable dealer's:throughout the
continents and the Lstanda of the Ocean.
WHITIE • HoW , ANDj Droprletorr,
Fue.lora to nr. Jou. .1I• sod Dr. W.
•riri - r. I.:f Liberty . stre....New Xork.
Naos IL CaTaanil
01A1E6A, VMS or ehlLl, Lie.
All Thiea;ses of the:3lnoona Mem
brane.of the Head and Throat
Seiccesolully Treated: by._
roe Eist ' umni of the Lie, Ler: moo.
Thronleukt theennuee. chest.
. _
146010 AL Juni enzOtOAL
NO. 124 Smithfield Street.
diT irethe'e Macs to A. 11. le • P;11.
•' • '
278 der'olZand, ,
Ablekeltuated en.Me Ilea benrcen
iletivr4latva-.11 Rit i a
soweulup. and Leaf i tWU bieet' t county I* In
Call towlksplo. lair lane Is Skeet sixteen
collet, I nun .bout two miles
from the e•eneesdue Railroad, Ott hundred zed
any alma aro owed ane slant alatefg
Ile et,on. Moms. atniedanne Of valor 1.4..7
field, and ea welch leer* t• a geed carettard. Tem
reminder le coveted with the beat Of oak tlin
tor, end leo *bele le uederiald With teal. The
Improvement, amulet et tee Mesa and whet
oandhoto. •la aelieeulent mode,
se!cola ••• theme... , . • .
• _
' Vet ttrther 9.1111.1“.1. Mpg.. t. Hvott
87.11un. AA rapotto •
Ty., two sit..rtont.
Of Etiblestetr.. • - 1•4:1Altr
joserg UUS.
• .rreasslr.wr-srw.
AND,souorren IN BANKuurrai.
met. Ls: Uri rirrn azirr..nter.e
Rio A DAT .VOR ALL.—Stamen
Tv= v f fne. Addreso A. J. POL.
14. K. Bin
Central PaCifie Rai!rad
.entral Patine, ./.•
The best and pelnelpal portion olthe/
NtrAxiLlieu t. 1.13 ACRES !El C 03111.1111,
.abtleg rspl4lc easel: 4 [Jenard hp an unpl.rge
dented Working force: .4 It Is rearons:ll. ltr
taln that the co:c7uel:oga tiatalhOen
CO , Vicrlan r OT asst . Tons Ti SAT WAit.
Coro warts. pang IN lEa
be Malted Sates (invert:men. tureLher. goon
a tub n dna e and contbutent flea. half be
means (Jr eeastanetlng the Men Ho ni4nrii/a 4
bl-bles an absolute grant of I',ll 0 aciia-pr
al - npablle buds per =Le. the
r•ViOtel telltlr•ti.7 taco rcerttra Cerra Cali:bor.
nit interns. doeatlotts and Cancesatqes wsith
tulei thse lII.CCOSOO The ars I .ble sett/ere§ of
-111.5 Company are :bore ore ablardsta lorulhe
n opt as. B.oo.lotlej to BTC.CCO COO an the niah,7:6
nnles of thoLrze, Inelndlng Loans neared: ig •
o lost Itfortgage upon ths tslsae propertr. C S be
15,,, eIDOSItit oolT as the U. b. ttihtlgy
The reraltnelrealy attained, alttotteb trAiler
crleparallvely . rnfavneable clreamstanreeZl•P
0.4 substanttel grrnt4 for belleslat :De
ESCIVIC t 3 -to the 1.";3
F . oductive sad Val°
hie usiltoadi Pr Fmterrris• la htk
Country. 4l
` a contenaence. of large end rap4lllll.
er:sflor tom .4, the ntlee of tbi.e
knell onvnnotd, in • (Iva ate new C a l!
la 6 for sale amocat Of URI"
First Mortgage Six Per Cent, Bois
Prtero/ and merest pcortMln-In GOLD Caw.
n ums Cr dt.CDO esca, at Car end necreed V/ .
est tram Jmtuart Ist, la currency.
TIM. Bonds. It Is DelleetCluietece tLFk lc
m•nte at ratety, matitlllty and prolit.An
greeter de3ree, Lena Vl7 otter elm Of quo
2.11 tecuralre now effaced. and are theDeto •
mry desirable for etezdt Ineestmente of eeepl •
ea on al. lovestArl will near In mind LtiOttpow
toe advantages:;l3
I. They are the tint mortgaso an ohs pttha
eons , valuable and product/ye Ilnes'or gala oad
In the won/4.
The . aetnal earnings /ram lona basttess Ir
Ist/were more than four limos the sauna In
tercet engagements.
111. The bard part cf the road is
-ae e. ... once et' the rota is weight
so 1 the prOspecto of rapid completion are - felvor
able. i ' il
i V. The CO9PIEI 7 , have Literal setuldies,ithich
a.ble them to prose:Tic the went willi4tent
vie er.
V. The nt .toes bee 'llls,'
Codgir - Amt Cod trupd.'
Tal en is a lure and arosel4 an.
tl e eat on Ihr emir:a:ad and graded 6na:y.l
VII. a leads •pr.maita to,' be of I n tenon
ea: we, 5,03,1 sores hair, res ernelreadp setA! •
lila. Unit, principal and Intpres.
41017 Dad: palate lu go:d
IX. [loth Ile assresale amount of 134 4 0 tad
tn. lr Douala; In Europe will 111.1afifittvem
coat !hoed sunlit and a Ltsh rant staon4itand.
arl secarttles.
• %Li •
At liLtlmatteT yield tkear/7
.. •
Nine per aeon& epee the lerrese#est.
Porters or Oov.raneut Secalties had ;u op
ewe:eh, of esebanslng than, Tor CenOrad
01.10 Bonds, bearing an anal eta at Inekrat."
with Abu prlactpal atandatly striredilind of
realising a prod! of ten to Aileen per nlnt. In
Orden ant a.t.l Out fond. taralb
his Osaka or Parr as !Companies wall ales
trrata. attentloa. Ponds ant by retith
Peer% to any addreas In the Patted et •, at
oar eat. Infanta/on. Basalt/4re raritAllet..4
Yaps, do , furnlattol on appreatton at ling onto..
of tee Salons! OorapaP.
No. 54 leiLasius ernerar.'
And et FISH. de BATCH,is •
Bankers and Dealers In Goveraneat Seneitltlesi
sad 7Luasola/ Agents or the C. P. B. FL g.. Era.
3 Pasoan street, Neer Year. is" , •
Also, of ROBINSON &BROS..' '
B. InorLICAN &CO.,end . '
J'anius 7. BRADT . co., Iltatkat.
21 Fifth Stiteet. Fa
' ` 21 Fifth Street.
I:4 •
..2I Fifth Street.
• , 21 Fifth Street:, : {';" er
f.amtiv - - - '•
, .
.VALUABLE P.ROX • Elri r Ortla
e itsbroribercifers for sail Db
. . .
li Fit
teen Acres of
rttrato to Barrett tem:loll,
ream,. meaty-tyro rates abort, rttLrbstrtr. a,
ono • m 143 from (Ittarilerr button, ea thd be.
sg.V4lll4: u oTt d m . 4, 0 ;
16dto never Velar Imre. wob , e, Ale: A tiro ' , Dalt - as , ?ot ' Or
amt. near the Perot.
' liparo of
~ • t.
' l“ '
OMAl7doir • . 0210 .
french awl,Aserlcan CaltUln
lie own IT..
. Tor LININGS, o , stm 1 ertot quallty. kml .11
Won: ea Mad. at WO we doses.. • ',43ip
~.aiIIAW•WIAMTEII4 • _: 11- •
Maui!male, tival sat Travelisoßitsi..
r al: l4 . l l. l33 . llo : 43 tV ir taters3 l : o: 7l 7 .l 7 :=l .llplor: ,
Lantern e! adzolalstratlon boning lour
mutt,. VI she underarnoen, noon toe mute of
.• N molter mettLlketar. Site of /bialy
aluntuay enmity. Pa.. Amused. all Derma.
le core to Me Icedestmewl Imike enylatott
t nee once elev. M m
elon the bolo .tats
0:11 pullet WM. duty et., outlasted. 14 tlis
tumerlturc. Ja1163 TIMMY. 4.1n01r,
-_h• rodlev_TtunnaMp. Antgumy ra. .
ell Clinton.
NOTICE:=4II persosii Inter.
w.ted wl I take heldn that bitten of Ad.
w , rds.ratlott base been Arinud .0 the end,-
II Seel 012 the Estate of I ARA! SENZi. late at
- ..dee thstethly.' deceastd, Masons know
fr. thesseelves laded ins to said ertltte
to sues , payment. and those tanitir
1411 PST Litnary, Alleibeey Ce. ra.
• that t,AHOLI Z WILLIAMS bas then
?I ‘ :)11 , e11.151 1 . t?:l4,u.
therm,. All lerlool Moab.. II •1110 estste
W•a mak • pitmen 4111•11 basing alsbasasalngt
as`,l ems. will pretest them to mud Alleslstm•
trt , •ts. ROLL" I WILLIAMS. Adn'z.
eetl: • bt'es Township. SA
AwnistsrusTonm arance.--
I..=An&9o:l.lllfilgrlNY Ihs 2 " .
the nneePatenettn the eatate• orsDwltitax
.). •ZIL. Is. of Ohio tottneblp. Ottentea.• All
Velit ' eak " f3:l7lll7l;
ut preseet tee same to
4, ' , hi Att.tneTt ItOttEuT h.s.
ItOhlt. •
JterlaT No .10170lIttl 0L,111 ,, e. , 111b.
111'1311144D &T COLLINS
OP '
:winnow insni:s,
cunrAlN 6001/8,
1559 TILT ICTOIL COOT TO woeful.
2iaolo VIMt could ast now to repLaiddditba
tun eat, and al:ldand YOH GISH - •
WHOL62II4ILIL 431 D 11=111.
Far Below Their ?meat Valve,
At ibe p:ses vehtie baralns t .t..-1 be bb4.
:SIOIU Iliad 73 Filth street,
SAVINGS -BAlill, - • .
Caiiitak • . - -1. $11,00,000.
. • . ISCO 1'08A.T1.6 13111. ,: •
, - . - ..
°pries, ap. saran= alum -,-
Presidens - 1111111111.7 LI.OI/Sh .
Vice Irresldent—.....« WILLIAM. IllS4
. Penn t.iord. . , WliUu 418*.• ': i
- inF . . lZ4l' 4 , 1". • fiTrrTitralit i a;
.111'. Y. uonnii in, . tat , 41 ) .. .
..4, 7 #.lrtssarer;MßlL, iOl 1 4 11Plia
•, • - •
' Ix Der 6 . .1- t• taut itt , wedos 11 eed.gollia ,
Inve•uaents saMe lo • e tpatalll.aad Seal Er
.1141 , 4 Oftia.ttles.
7, Stadtri..froobLys.
o'f ‘ iCt M. to o fon. o.oloct N.; axe on W , kt•
6.1115, 41 catwalk, of talnvor
A.. . . ,
THE 'BI1TE4OA18, , ).::
Lad 'hew theyrEavedl.raollll4llllll Died
for ilia Von.- wiles ewaaal
. tw Greaslebeais.
• ,
. •
tt aeotatta avta , Of Iliz . raltabl. sad if
Ma l= D IMV:411111Ja "1"'" " I'M"
'CIA.IITI6O.--Icand oar A gelds a.ailt lake.
adrantsas of the Jun} povalsrlty sad linr•elso
rum Um MIN tail as . d
top 7. TM Subtle 11111, Strut,. nettled Lae%
tat) . hard ad risen to dturga mote Ulan
- Isfarlar warta_parparclar to as •t , aLahlit
drandl er s. =Z. aLU1.0041.1 , a.". al* Was
de at theralaed anthem WI AirtaTa
um pone term last the boat yam baleen.
%alas Tar rotas ratravlaita sad KO
- :4:t.Cl7l4llfdrattfeliiar.';'::
- •
• C033..,t103;; ,'
111 k. narhioane Alsatas Dramah ra,l
-mta,l4nen tiooca,-Initelafg Table ...ern.
Wattlau. Jearatry. Sivas 1.142.14 Warlallnualt
. Jo. IkenSetallear niner•nak.w , v ,
tam cents to: aaell clatals. Sad I.lll'
setter gm at the Inta.sfi.l r.enty• a armai
' , Lorin 4 3 In Ilan...actematra ta sambas aesS''
142MUSUI4LMV=151"4 '3°4
'R....Y. al*: *Va.. Cleimip tir
Migr a =l 3l o l ..l2= 4 • ,