The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 22, 1868, Image 5

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ttt gittslAttal etaitttt
le Is proposed by. the . capitalists of
Rochester. N. Y., to Leila, a railroad
hem that city to the oral and lumber
diarricts'of Permsyliania, malting con
nection with the Erie •R:ilwsy, thence
smith in the coal fields.
TIM vote of the Route of Reprefenta
titres, appropriating 51:3r thousand dol.
lam to defray expenses to the cases of
naturalized citireas imprisoned abroad,
is thoroughly-right, and cannot fait of re
ceiving xeaeral approval
Annsus In the management of Girard
College have become so flagrant that
• proceedings' bare been commenced to
take the control of the tryst out of the
City GOTETTIMCDt and rest it in the So
promo Court.of the Commonwealth.
. Mexico is Lot relapsing Into its an.
archial hat;ir.s. Repudiations, pronto.
clamentos_and revolutions are the last
notable incidents. The population does
not poasess the elements out of hicks a
respectable and permanent repo tic can
Tuonen tha Turks have save .1 times
announced the subjugation o the Cre•
tans, that consummation 5e...• afarther
off ,than it was some month= ago. The
Greeks have shown much of he are and
- tenacity' or the ancient stock roirs which
They are descended; and a e likely, in
tho end, to new. a compl to
over their opp,,,LOTS.
Sr. LOUIS has e 'need an enterprise in '
tlus way of public k orovements during
the past few ;cars vb. •11 ha enveloped
herself Ina debt of 9. D 05 .50 0. Esti
mating the population at 240,000 beads,
and a valuation of $lOO,OO 1000, thus will
-give,a ratio of tr 41.20 per .rapita, and be
9 91 . per cent. on 'rainfall, - Quite a re
spectable burden under wLich to 'MEL
'rums is promised a neededreform
in the distribution of seeds by the Corn
miesiouef of Agriculture. Ileiticultur•
rats will rejoice over this announcement.
as id days past when they planted what
were labeled with high enunding names
u favorite rich flowers, they were ex
tremely mortified at seeing stately Sun
flowers crop up like a Cinderella in gay
company. •
LISTA% GE N. 611E111U:5, in common .
...with nearly all the other Generals of the
army, is-evideatly dissatisfied with the
assault :of the President upon Genend
Grant'. lie has, however, allosvi - si his
sensitiveness to carry him to extremes in
threstening to_resign if he can in no
othes way avoid taking command of the
new district carved.out for him. It may
ho his resignation, under the circum
stances, would snit the President better
than hisemceptance.
A. T. STZWART, the merchant prince
of New York, has entered with much
spirit into the wail - lien for Grant. He
has already. done mach good work for
the- soldier hero. When each men, so
largely interested in the financei of the
country, lend their time and exertiow
to the advancement of Grant's claims on
the Presidency, 'weaker capitalists need
not hesitate; Mr. Stewart has made a
collection of all the journals, , and their
name is legion, that have expressed a
preference for his favorite.
Di OUR adTiCCS from Barrisburg it is 7
stated that the-Free Railroad Bill has
parsed the Senate. Tint — means that
when the lionse bill reached the Senate
at was amended by substituting for it the
bill that originated in that body. It
now apparent, from the strong majority
lathe Senate in favor of its _own hill,
thatmo other can pars at the prerent
session. Either the Rouse must recede,
and take what it can get, or get nothing
at aIL •ruder the circumstances, we
- trust tt will recede and accept the Senate
bill 'Though not all that is desired, it
is in the main a very good bill.
If , it
• shall become slaw, and prove so strin
:lent as to prevent enterprises from
griming• up order it, the popular de
mand will force a revision. •
11 Minn probable that a connection
Will be- mail° between the Pittsburgh
and ConneVaville Railroad and the Alle
gheny Talley Railroad at Tattle Creek,
about twelve miles above this city. This
will enable trains of the first named
road to run directly into baners einar.
ten here art4le.asily to effect n a jivection
with the PlUstrargh, Fart Wayne and
Chicago Railroad. The depots of the
Allegheny road and the Fort Wayne
road are close together, so that this ar
rangement will enable the three con
necting lines to nse one station, and to
mattes through schedule, liable to as lit
tle delay or inconvenience at this point,
as is experienced under the most favora
ble cirmamstaace.s elsewhere. Indeed,
trains, whether for passengers or freight,
can run through front Biltimore to Cht
cage, or any other point west •of this
city, without the slightest irepealraent.
WHIM . the I"..ris Expositi on was a
progress oar country had just commen
ted to recuperate from the state in which
it was left by the long waged war
against rebellion, and was in no proper
condition to enter into a contest with
the world at large for honors and prizes
In recognition of the handiwork, art
and mechanism of her chinas. Not
withstanding that fart, and the various
obstacles and drawbacks in other shapes
• under which she labored in representa
tion, a comparison of the awards demon
strates that we arc number one in grand
prizes and exceeded every nation except
ing France in the general proportion of
gold and silver medals and honorable
- 'mentions. This is a splendid commen
tary on the industry and genies of our
people, but how great., would have been
. the triumph over the civilized world
bad no impedimenta been ocfercd to full
and general representation.
No STATE in the 'Union is more sadly
in need of mineral and agricultural dee'
'realm:sent than WeSt Virginia.
broad fields and bill sides have been per
mitted to TCOIIIIII idle for the want of
labor, capital and coterprisl. Indeed,
up till within a few years back the great
majority of the inhabitants of the in
terior districts of that State had devel
aped no energy or • talent, and were but
a shade higher in the intellectual order
. "of society than the "poor white trash" of
the slave Buttes more distant from
ones.. The establishment of the public
~. school system, the influx of men of
he d l e ds
cation and capital who taught new
of operation,-Lave given higher tone to
the people and Las seemed them into a
frill cease of their being part sod pucel
of an enlightened nation. They are
. • gradually lifting themselves cut of the
bondage of .ignorance std indolence,
twin followers of slavery, and a new
order of things isabont to be. established.
West Virginia is rich in mineral
wealth. lice hills are teeming with rich
deposits of iron, lead, coal and copper,
and. possibly gold, as that precious metal
• has beim found is quantities rudiment to
juatify the belief that it exists In &bind
. num. Comparatively little capital has.
been devoted to the development of the
lit La proportion to the
- tunotint ezpituded, her regions hare
-oven' formidable rivals in richness of
yield and superiority of oil
bads. to our own
greed produdoi petroleum The
day is not far distant when lines. of rail
pad. now projected Will DA" thrOugh
her interior and afford one of the great
arteries: of WOO of the c:mtibent,
3Puete in,the future Or:Vrest rgisix
glory hardly dreamed .Of rtoer, ' and 1
but few' years :will roll .sway before
, she is permitted to take her pie-
, sloor gat the - most prosperous i3tottis Of
Eason.• -- --- .
I In October, lefee, it was developed'
Among the remarkable litera c y inch- I that some fifty of the National Berths '
1 -The Mercer runty (310 i der-tete I -Senor Jose Jacinto De Frau, an em.
dents of the current century stands the I
.in operation throughout the country lad saysthere is ,
a great dearth of good me- ' inept agricultural 'writer, died early this
fact that tne best narrators of rumors- , „ Inadequacy of reserve, and were ! ch - anics in that district month at leavann
lale epeche in the histories of Spain and The City Marshall of Bowling -General Selnave's reign in Hayti
!compelling the sound baking . ramble- 1 ..
Holland ere citlzeniof the:fluted States. lions to carry more than was required of Green shot himself through the on was very
Mr. Palma:err first won renown by his i Wednesday last. No cause for the rash appointed is sucressor. 1
them in order to keep generil confl- deed was known.
masterly delineation of the Period of rdenee in the system_ The Comptroller _ -Bulgaris seems else to be indulging 1
Tr i or that two gentle- in revolution,and Turkey has to keep'
Fgesoottlr isenneiste folthwed 'of the Currency urged that the remeire- l i Z ill t t a a¢n or
naturally fev e nlegraphic and scholarly I m ofthela w be compliedwith by men, r. send Ray and Mr. es ancleve, troops to watch the bordeie.
treatment of the Conquest of Peru. Mr. lente
, tied ertrittuents, which lin that twenty- l i ~,,,,,, .K entuc k y..
3lorter, starting later, bre ht t t
- --e g - ea het five pm cent. be held in reecree by the i ---- county,.guts de Gantlet are going to fight another
Rise of the Dutch Republic, following
- 'tuns, -[dries designated
for redemo- -There is in Missoula a city calledduelan allabout ors
dC Pearl_
it,With the History of the United Nan I
1 tion, and fifteen per cent by all other in March for Mayor, City Attorney, terrible brunt, in Cubs, has applied for ,
erlands, in four volumes, commencing I banks. There was certainly an effort
M the death of William the Silent, • d
- 1 - 1 1 made in the close of le% to act on the , Treasurer and Marshal. , pardon to the Governor General. 1
In Harriman county (Sy.) the farmers -The French cflidal journals flatly
ending with the Twelve Yearseeln ice In recommendation or order of the Comp-I
I predict very large crops of wheat; while contradict the rumors of changes in the
109- troller, but the profit and advantsges to iis Franklin and Bourbon, it is tbeught cabiuet, so we msy expect them ehortly7 l
It la not exaggerating to affirm that be realized and obtained by I
Mr, Metter has entirely ampansol any I query of reserve have led many of the
an inltile. t the frost has ruined the grain. -The so w'
Romano deniesitat
I -The Memphis Post &Melee queetion the Pope ordered the Italian Bishops to !
writer ben and educated in Holland m I b ei d e , i n t o t h eir o ld ways. i
in a manner of hopeless, despair, " How offer Te Drum in honor of the recent I
the thoroughness, accuracy and brinier's. I From the rep rt of the Comptroller. 1 man murderer:sue now aspiringtoofilen Papal victory.
ey of his treatment of these great embracing the etstements of the Nation- •
1 lathe Conservative tarty in this State t" -Mr. Tennyson Las become a regular i
themes. Be was not content eo restrict ,al Banks at th e time attention Was di- _Camila M. Clay is once more to up- contributor to the periodical press, writ• i
himself to a dry detail of lads in chron- I meted to the insufficiency of reserves held pear prominently in the political world. me three poems a month for as many
°logical order, but preferred by crerenel by the defaulting banks, the reserves He is going to stump Kentucky - for Grant different magazines.
Induction to show in what conditions of amounted to $213,941,471, against lit- and is spoken of as a Radical elector -The dispossessed Italian prineertmet
societ and in what motives of .mli Whim amounting to 5e56,758,929, or 24 from that State. recently at the house of the exeKing of
nabs, oarticuter actions or policies had per cent. The January, 1868, report of _Valuablt tracts of Improved land Naples in Rome and proceeded to con
their origin, and to make the whole glow the seine officer, while it does not direct have been sold recently in the neighbor- cud a common pithy. .
with a freshness sufficient to restore attention to the inadequacy of resereog, hired of Holly Springs, Mississippi, for -A. Chinaman was executed in Havana
the impression of a living reality. presents figures from which it is curly
1 from
sixty cents to one dollar and twee• on the 7.h inst. Ito bed previously been
This is the tartest thek of a educed that the number of defaultine cents - ty-five per acre. convicted of the murder of a policemen,
Any intelligent
4111P•u" hanks Lae been lar g ely increasing ' It -The Conservative State Convention and this wasithe resulL 1
/tonere citizen of our owdcountry who the time of that report the liabilities
met at Nashville Tennessee , and nom- -New Ressler. reguletions permit bitt
shall attempt to review both sides of the amounted to ei5ea1,671,6e6; the reams - es Mated, as their choice Mr. Andrew John- two war vessels of a foreign power erre.
great controversy going on for thuty y ems to else: 394.09 i, or 11 per cent, against son for the Presidency. Their choice is mein in a Ituesian port at one tide, and
between the North and South, and, on. 24 in October, 1516. The report is not about as bad an their taste. to remain but two weeks.
fortunately, not yet brought to a close, as concise regarding this subject ste eta
to the general community importan _
will recall:Lb; difficulty such a task. It Is importance A. petrified butterfly, the land and -Lord Stanley Is spoken of as the
wings of which were in a perfect elate protonic successor of his paternal eels
easy to detect the general drift of airline sem , to warrant, and be who would of preservation, was found twenty feel rive Lord Derby in the duties and emo
but when an attempt is mast° Bo deep - know of tee increase or decrease of TO- below the surface by BOWS men who luments • of Premier of England.
a nt
and pry into the secret or occult mo. sears inns , eee d e through
a see or fl- were digging a well in leseutten, Mo. -Gen. Marquez is about to publish in
ryes in which special acts onated; to ores, and in the end hardly arrive at any _Ponds near Montgomery, Alabama, Havana a pamphlet, the abject of welch
strike through gracious reaseou and pre. definite conehasion. 3t has been sugges• were recently frozen over sufficiently for will he to justify his conduct duriog the
tenses set up to delude followers and be- led that the Comptroller should, in the skating purposes. Search was made, imperial sway, and to prove that he was
welder opponents; and to lay opal the future, add to his list of questions sent but only one pair of Mates could be loyal to Maximilian.'
actual influences that operated upon, or at stated times to the banks, a query as found in the city, and those in a illlapida.
From the 1 -Cholera st has againth inst. appeared
ins Cuba
went forth from, prominentleadersinthe to the prcportion their reserve bears to tad eemett i om - to the 4
mothenthesdehate: lrlePercelTedtharthe the liabilitme. Answers to this inter- -Thu Roman Catholics are erecting a fifteen eases in Havana, all of which
task is arderous and delicate, requiring rogetory could readily be obtained and new convent in Brownsrille, Texas, proved fatal. In the Cabanas district it
the nicest perceptions and the moat ex. would develope at a glance the standing near the old one. The new building is lis raging with unusual violence. The To•ewslte Tolley-Si. eraser in
quialte balance of judgment. Time will and condition of every institution in its *Omer rare-linisis or Astra a Dies
be much more spaciouf and convert- I -On February sth the Emperor and ere. t , e Alta CallfOrßis J.e. II ]
doubtless remove some of the obsteeles relations with the Government.
that now exist to the prosecution of this Presuming that the Comptroller's re- eme
\ lent, The oldone is to be used as an in. ' Empress of Austria were received with
my and hospiteL liatral entheteirtsm by the people of Pestle
-A few days ago William Wright who eoluntartly illuminated their louses. Mr. J. bt Hutchings , the pioneer,
more generally known to the community t
of (ate years through tee association of ' a
study. We are yet too near the scene port diecloses the fact that the number of
of action to take in all the details so es defaulting banks is increasing , and that Parker was &infected of the murder of The peicy o( Von Bou tele rig well. his name wi h the great Yosemite Val. 1
to comprehend the relations of the Tar- 1 the system of National Birthing Is being Ontroge Upon Jews In Roumania
William Childresa, in Wllmington, I -Dean Stanley's newt { book on fleet • I leyewhere be now resider, is at present ,
one rents of each other. Passions rise I grednstly undermined by
se ' A leiter from Vienne contains the foi
: North Carolina. The murder was ac. I minister Abbey' has recently appeared ant
visit te San Francisco. Me tells as! lotting: i
up and bias the understanding. :Expla- I from the basis of their strength, it seems I emeot t ehe d ae long ago as 1563, and the in London. The book is or course good, that on his visit to the "Nevada Fall,"
nations axe still deferred that wile come I highly important tbat the evil should t ' t eA fresh outrage on Jews has taker:
a I murderer will be banged sometime dun lint is not large enough. Dean billmad he, with a companion from this city. sae I plasm at Birlat, a large straggling plueo,
many yens bereafter ; perhaps not till Ponca be corrected, and the provision of I tog the preterit month. ,is engaged on a book about hie cathedral h e , to the summit of he "Cap of 1 h di' s 'nage, half town, of about 15,C*0
the present and next generations shall I protection afforeed by the law rigidly ! __ si de d peak, to the neat). •f the tall, I inbebleante, or who,n '3,000 or ,000 are
-1. Sedalia (Mo.) paper esys that -St Paul's.
have pa-Wed away. I enforced. Coreparstively few examples
and there, growing in the fissure of the I Jew., s nuate nhout set piny miles north
one Withered carpenter' and budder., -General Lersundi has been making ot “a 1.410. Tilt.. place elechsl about a
lathe History of the United Nether- ' have been made of banks which permit- 1 eftk, away np nutter the very Mends, ,
month a so nfedeputv to the thember at
y bricklayere, twenty five e'er. , a tour if the tebecco districts or Cubs tines. , f oile d a tuniper tree, the trunk of which , :: .,
one ve, ..
lands Mr. Rueter had the advantage of 1 teal their reserves to grow inadequate, 1 ...ire,uhf e prem. and
three brick yards and a steam i std has met with an enthusthetle ramp- -Si-Judge ledlington was exec:sited for messured ten feet two indica in Meal- s
monk of tbe earl - Church, Levin; ;no
theme congenial to the natural bent of t but the most potent way to bring della- WLes we remember that the jun •
I planing mill are very much need d• I ItI ' ti 11 ht' I Beet to Plymouth Col- 1 ler •
c in t Oft from the peep e. aWI sOr ay mutt er Dell . . OD,mons° influence among the lower orders
his aspacities, and to all his tastes arid 1 (incubi tO a sense of deity would be, sas 1 peels, In ingot countries, a very slow e t hie :leerier :led eimoue fir his im.
that vi
and could find active and u ;sit the principal cities et the ensteru any, early in the seventeenth century.
habits. Porter IL of Spain was at the i grower, and at the best a mere bush, tteeseened , et e to , and „ t „,,b e , eeeenst
we have before suggested, full publicity 1 ertettnnee employment. ' parted the island. - It was the first execution for murder in . hardly ratios to the dignity or aMOat ! the Jens, tiroe evening or the oth
f a
head of a mostpowerful despotism. The of their affairs, and especially affording I
-Ameteur dramatic assaelations -Japan is loathe . 'Mettler revolution, I thts country. , all, the statement of the tallnenfe sire f Lowery OMpst died, rind from tle
whole machinery of government was e clear knowledge of elate adequacy or I. almost increetble, , previolut Say hie doctor expromsel
. which have basin so popular in \Siacom ,on account of the opening of the ports ' -Gen. Sherldan's denial of his en
cl'ardhise'suOen:ev'Merin Inclined to doubt I rim o pinion that he was sunrise from
moved by bis single wilt Not oho I inadequacy of reserves., Pn ' lle faith in Ima and Michigan this winter, have had t af that 'country to the world. Jarman 1 es:gement to fens— Is now under- I t h e exectneeeerthemeeeerement, Those IP. iseo, said to erase gi . seeeesieu by O ,
allied to the ecclesiastical hierarchy, but ' the different institutions would then be 1 „ equal share of popular favor in bide fmr to fell Into the ranks with Chi. I mood. Ile is to be engag,ed and ' who are "q ueinted with Mr' Hutchings
I :ie.slrem'elatt'svirliiiZoll,":ll:l}arallifig bern i rral I
imbued with its st, he resolved to held just in proportion to their own eliusonri. We heard of several villa na sea South America 'Where meow. 1 shortly to be manted to Miss Grace Fen! I will not, however, doubt the cerreetnees lus this by Jess with four huudree
suppress the risen inclination to doubt, 1 ehow l eg of stability, and it would be-1 of La btalement tor n moment, We We I ducat, t he no one wi t h In the p 1
ges, among which are Farminge= and imn is hen ineral :este 'of ifs, rs. MA, of Albany.
to inquiry , to debate , to "remote" : 1 ° ' come an object with them to inereme'
t re e ecline to tblek that the ego or tho I .oiet. An niternatton on the stiln , ct
Sedelia, where these social troupes arc -germ roc tidal. it would be a good I r-Roger A. Pryor, once notorious as I
, is like yto be very much, isms , having nre,su In a eollee-house kept by a
subordinate-all the instincta and ►aspire -
I rather than decrees° their reserves. making fun ar.d laughter the order ef I idea te keep a buge fire going on Mont 1 e fire ester, who ate his own words at ' than those acquainted with theiflow Joy, led to an attack by the Moldavian
Lions of the people to the despotic nth of I ---.......---
MO day. Blanc all the tree, and by melting 'the ' the polet of Mr. 'otter's Bewleerntre, • growth of the tree .
in other elude would ebopkeepersandpooreepeopleofthopiare I
monarchs and amoeba Agelnet this t AID FOR THE CONWIELILSVILLE wiit . I naturally estimate it. On the e eye: i I
: oi every olio 1 and hmao belonging to the I
i ROAD. 1 Mr. Larmer and las sister 1 snow to furnish wrier enough to supp , y is new practicing as a criminal Kaye; . !Jews.The doors and nindoee were
tremendous attempt the Netherlands . .plain lying around tee bees, of the great i
co wridingi el ' h ]alt month some 1 threugh pipes the cities of Savoy, South- in New York.
In the first branch of the City on- were n a eigl mountain climes of Centr il Arleen° . elt , the inmates eternefully Laren
stood for single handed and alone. em i t I.t ' reatea, .inti thetr property ' °o
fed of Baltimore en ordinance was in thieg became loose about the harness, ' ern France and Italy with drink. , -Teeny:eon is industrious; he writes may be seeu foresta l e s t' the nionip,msse,fle,, iirelv destroyed and eto tete and due went
By the edict of 1368 PIMA? sentenced ! teediee . ,
.1 on Teesday, providing for a I Mr. L leaned over to adjust the same, ' -The two young Iterate, Princes of 1 , seven or eight stanzas every day and . d e s e r ext , elleeelt , tel
s ee
e ltheeee t s e t ,
s ,, >c,
the rioters
every inhabitant of the Netherlands to I
. loan not exceeding four million dollen bwhen his pistol fell ft
h em his pocket end lilood welch is not very blue se yet, are 1 reels a great sloth his anneal income 1 f i t' t e
erepert"ethireeese•reTl,,Tee;iieWtepp,e i
ext,.,..t e e,1 1 . II; ' Cho t 1
death. The decree included women i re prefect end other
to rho Pittsburgh and Connelleville Rail- I was diaCh.rged. the load pusine 1 mid to be tne greatest mapegreou In I now aniounts LO 44'0,00 0 , and Is SIMMS , L K , r chard, an d are never of crest Meet, t eiliceele who tried to luterrere were beaten
and children as well as men. By the road Company, wo h the express under - , r rig ar s e •
tin o la hi lo ea t Lail d tom instantly. France, and to be bent on inextricably lon Ulf-, :Jimmie. ' lint the wanks are often of considerable I
:'The I,y the Dieu.
' I
aid of the Council of Blood, of the mu- a.,,,,ing that the moony
ball be , I mesa tuner was obliged to drive the 1 e ompromasing themselves if parable, In i -Tee - Marquis de CIUI is said tO.have 1
I %Me We have seen thousands a hren I riot wolild taco been resumtsi
nicipal officers of welch be had the alp-mild rateseure Irmo elle to five feet in I no .A day, withota doubt, tbut the corn
. peed to no other parpose than the eon- I sleigh containing her brother's mine . in soite of toe almoet fatherly kip:Mess i a fortune of four millions of francs of L eteter,
and would yield eeveral cords I esedetetesee,!tf.s 1. 1 .e 0 , tal,e hetd . aet,o ,
potntment, and the executioner; of the I. i.eiin Li ilitia ; under ids
struction of the rod from Connellsville I several miles to Lineville, (11.0.) where lof the Emporon I Sob er Therefore, it is mid, the Patti :of beautiful wood. They are, however, '
Holy Inquisition, his butcheries amount , 1 l ecifere, bet obeenefl have by teleerepb
1 1:o Cumberland. It makes B. F. New- I they /teeth -Mr. Erten, tbe Palau correePone - has at last lien prevailed upon to send , elamet valueless for that: fr, es the treat from Bu etemesst tiering the night to hre
edtoas many as eighteen hndeed in la Darner and John W. Garrett Irnateel to —The have queer ways of settling I ent of the Paris Temps_ says that peoph him the mitten. la invatlenly but n , e v. feet ha leegth- on the r ,,,,,,,. Ti „.,,,,,,,,,, b „,„ am ,,, i „,,,,,,,,
week, and =up to sbeappsiting sure- I , meetee sae hel e ai , secur i t , f or th e pay.. bills, and sometimes settling creature, m me e grunt error when they alippOse fir . George Tirleor Curtis thin k s i • '
acv 115,p3 llinba of Miner trunks and an end nas putto the shameful out
gate of elghteen tbonsand In the coursebranching oat as from five to ten feet mate The Value of the property stolen
oo in mime averts of the South. A Dr. 1 that Victor Emanuel Is lackiag la Irbil:. , Mr. Winthrop w s :Oil le the proper per- Irma the ear Is, Die top limbs spreading is not le-, than 1.71.0u0fr., and dealt, 2. od
!meat of said loan a deed for the entire 1 ,
of etc years . While he thee atria" at ' property of the Company, which is to Skinner presented his bill tea Mr.
the bens of the people, he enforced a I
take precedence of mortgages t he ed-an lii. I ii. n rnor, I left Bidet on the lett: of
Quick ty ; and that they will very snefla have I son to when: to tenth r toe mission to the l ant ever a spice entirely dIsprOpOTUM.- .i ,
..... ,1
:eliding in Galveston, Texas. The Dr an opportunity of finding out beer griey Court of .. a. limes, .
erd eth of Cee hmetleee feil as sweeping I a rrangement tobe effectedby the officers I had attended Quick during a recent at- 1 math they have ijudged him.
as in the madness of passion has been I
recently propoeed in this country, and 1
by which =Mims families were re
duced from comfort or opulence to beg
gary. Embarrassed hp the expenditures ,
his immenee enterprizen competed him 1
Idly, .
to make, he repudiated his debts end
contracts, snd seized the public; proper- i would not accept if.
or the Company. It provides that the lisle of yellow fever and brought him I -There is a iner t ia Paris who during -Rev. Herrick 3 ehnson has been mall •1, ' ..l at he feats he ; ate to the bight set the trees. Tina noun et • _
dl , ' ict was In dm of the ❑ la,
try le thickly dotted with the nuns of elm a-r r % 1
.. P
Aztec or Tol ec clues mend fortifications ,
in wee a which timbers expeeed to with a malitary ores, mid t ea er •asty
persons In prinon Charged with heing
coin ermod in tho-e note. The t
goe ern
einterezt now due from the Company, as safely through, and for these services the i her daily w constanthe gareees of the I elk. te keret Preebyteran Cuureb (Dr.fl the storms and bla t z t l s eg min o u f
i t:a: :re; me io nt haVo prommlisecutnin,hent‘relfur%a
I well as the interest that may accrue and bill was rendered. Quick objected, mad Trauma isy eurrounded by Barnes ) In relleeelphie. ILA response!' isusiselsimesseasresysiss, be sLosnsg
that nod 1 ~ .. .., ;.,..1 !g .-,,,,
, remain unpaid, from this to the first dal' that too with a bilge knife. Skinner ! swarnsof various kinds of small birds, leas a telegram refiring to Proeerbs inidi' builders ,
uninsere Mltat time disappeared at a cora about nit- '
sof January, le7l, on the bends of the butte seseaped whole to the nearest po. , who perch on her psreen, eat from her Chapter and to h Voss , . c pm:Lovely recant dere. Juniper
ere directed to be funded, and that
he office where be sucteeded In haying 1 1 month, and ramie in her hand. Tae, -A women In Lineaslate, Englend i l of ImTense size l
se ar s e
i f b e „, u si nd
i f upon the Ps meat of the principal of the the pegilistic and war like Quick arreet- , muse of the attraction is unknown. starred to do rf. emtly because sh
I bonds, with the interest directed to be ed and put under bonds to keep (hr I •
-The sudden coldness of Neroleon 1. 0 i would not go to the 1 ing'Llthatira
e i itliusintielLr,:lr,:.,,,t "the tree pi of more .. " ..1; bu r r the r r l oseit will,. I leer, be
IIII°I" house'
whosaidfanthe veal ' Nevertheless, the YOTeMite piniper is a
which depth of irdamy, unhappily, there I the raceme that easy fi'd due, at the 1 • 1 thousands of young legitimists and , a member of t h e parli :mine
' 1 1 remarkable tree, sod worth the attest
' are Americans who would. have our {slates stipulated on the said bonds, on I Gen. \Vernet, who was appointed
1 t other political enemies of the empire --Perrot, whole iniemoue and cruel t lion of toe smentitic.
-VdTernalentithhates wittiest del° or re- I both principsl and fended Incas, from tto sane ) the present canal at Luau - I are drilling and learning the art of war I betrayer at Fort Pete w has embalmed t
mom. and for a new one en the In
I and after the Ist of January, eB7l, the elite, alto , t
..! i
f : teethe Pope's guard,_whiCh they Meal- 1 7 memory in rethor as undenrabl i _ T be. Land %fides se Naples.
k private letter from 0 gentleman of
r All this Patter did protemedly in the I
i Company shall be discbarged from all I liana " le * in " Cdr " °°- "'" aI, Lill I Scantly call the new army of Conde. ' orm, has recently tied a petifiOn In 1 this city dated at Sorrento. Huh' , Jnnn.i .
Interests of religious orthodoxy :
and i obligations under the mortgage of Aug I taed by Congress last spring, has Xur
r I -The old Arch:l:settees Saphia, who bankruptcy in elemplala. 'ry Met, giros the following particular. of
social order, and to make himself the ! . t .
t n 18%. That On the let of Jen. ti m ed his report Mr. Femurs:rote, or used to he called the most ambitious e • -,-The Senator who made his-appear- !th • land , tin nt Nap , e4. of whieh a bnef
eavereign of one universal and undivid. 1 1571, or sooner, if the Company I the C mnthitthe edi Commerce, rose to wh,i.. woman in Europe, has complete y bro- ante at bre:deem at Willerd's recently ,
' feue't ItLTUT,:lt":loT,"e'derful eeerapC
ed monarchy. Trio ambition, however i l shall sooner declare hareadinesa to cern- t the report will he referred, is mid t
,lie I
ken down since the death of ter favor -, m the coetume umelly devoted to the froM death. A molintain Os er six him
ceneureble, was not ignoble. So ere. the
pap meat of interest on inc in favor or the completions' the pretest ' ice eon, the Em eror. drarlailliad• it ; hours of alumbej - , was not Yates as was ' dred fr.:A above Die road fell just Were
• has seldom dazzled a hu. '
great a Pon . bonds antradedarrears, e .
d th Register canal so as to ware free navigation as.e ne s principally owing to her di pion:tee,' I reported, but See sburv. • , ,oe mashed the tpot, and alter we had
man mind with a possibility of occur ' , ... et
.ea the ea)* be -.rested to adjust the Itr. soon as possible. To do tilt Gens rat I msesed tho barricade in Me ro fd, tho To.
1 that Ferdinand abdicated the throne of enken (the fieure-aunt) soils this 1 'M el o n , r ,„„ t i o h, o f t l i o m ounniln It
lag it Equal to the CaneePtima or each 1 refers of interest elp to that time, Wzrreith ear/males the celeenee at $ 1133 -1 A ' ' I favorof h r son,the oresent 1 ' I hfe N'w York where the will rest I crone down with the rose of artillery. -
. , tin ria n e . . Mont r L
& scheme, which Ina favored by ha 1 when the Pittsburgh and Connelimelle "' OO . P rovided t he seine scale of e nlarge-
I Emperor. t for a short time and then go to • San ' e " 1
"1i t tni i nothing to altar. has put
anent already began will be carried out. I I Mallrred at INaplea. h ared Taylor ! en.l
condition of Earopeon seelety, he Mir I Railroad Company shall execute and de- • - , -ThePrague-
, recent riots in arose in i wrancisco here she lila been en aed I I thsidell et 'en. -1 hoots
",..,,. ~. ~.e . ~ i ''' g 4 i f r
I Z d I went - tr. ice - to the
forth marre-e" --- - - Pk it" . liver to the Register inch an acknowl- The amount of bonds of the Co
m- M - 1 the following manner Car von Herbst, ,t o play ono hun dred nights.
hit Bat in Frence and England has led meat or :agreement lei the otunsellor pany to be tined by the Governesent,
I one of thenew Cebinut, was in Gat city I . 1 .-The first effild borne . Christian pa. 1
I anise to W ' stirti ariartinent there, ate
flit Alt Milton v. as very los els: and should
projects were bellied. A new spirit be- of the city shall apProve, as evidence of provided it took posreesion. he retenes lon a visit ; sonic oi the Germ= studente i rents in what :the new called the United I wi.et4stiy,,,..iugrees i s ti s od „,„ t r lti:ro ...allot,
linens so
r an t° stir ata°nr the P°Pniatielnes the amount on which. in additiou to the i et $1,570,000. From this he deducts I serenaded hive Tee Toscheeta, or Bo- I"S
, tid"' was " 41 ' 0 nare ' la the y ear I e tnrel on the principal `street -the Linen*,
While the old starkness had not Borah , one million dollars aforesaid, interest is 1 42d°,000, which the Company has en I / Leman's, Were it:dive:ad and collected leSt. If still alive and unmarried she I -rid stretehing awnv up user it was a
peered, a fresh light wan breaking forth, to be regularly paid thereafter by the I hand, and makes the total cost to ,Gov- around the hotel of the minister, when I ?Meld Le quite en old maid. lull with a I louse slash house, for ream [ N
and destined to increase until it should company. The proceedings institu- . ernthent $2.31:0,500. Be Presents three I the riots, welch gave he authorities so I e-Mrs. Gen. IlJbert Andersonls . i
etee hundred feet. Taylor, :lark God, came
to w ith
a few der" nen. to see us ;
flood the whole heavens with its ra. 1
ted against the Pittsburgh and Core I elms for new male on the Restful&
I much troub'e, begun. ly to get fleece: tboussud dollars for to - a and yintertlay the vi hole -ado of the hill
eta aide at a mew cost of 43 Gee 000 and re• , m t inc hol v news of the death • juries done to tae plantation of her falls. I on the Chiala gave may, and eighty per
i eeossees Railroad Company, on account * ''•, t . 1 -The c e . ' l eon ere Met In the ruin, aylor's house
'But' whatever eMblrlandient3 Pint ' 'of the interest directed to be fended, are commends the Government tounder aka 1 by drowsing, of Admire Bell, while cr, Gen. Clinch, in Florida, thirty e i cars i s °n re
buried bent
the wreck ot
IP experienced in England and France, I to he amts.& t to complete the present enlargement of '
trying to cross the bar at the month of ago by the: Seminole Indians. ! 1 threouppor teen; andt am sorry toniy
the chief impediments that confronted I
, The ordinance was referred to the I
1 the old cant , cud also to build ia new f
a Oman, ( Japan ) tartar, will be reeithed I . The ladies of Buda and Perth have , that no omnibus, coming froin the rat!.
him were in the United Provinces. l ilis Tibet! al
Co calof Waysand Menne. Its one on the Indiana side. p i , itth sadness by all who knew or knew I 'ay and containing (tannin.: ()then) two
f DI ttee presented the Empress of Matra with I AMericalet. wan paming at Ur . tine, anal
Liberty there asserted its superior ef. I adoption is highly probable. 1 reason for the new one is, that even if o f th a t gallant officer. lie Wan burled . O. beautiful cradle for the exclualed use that all the ipaelev,ix,re,,,, p.sesretbseesi.,„ssls
ficiency. Narrow In boundmies and i -_--....---.e.-------- I the present enlargement on the Ken- near the mouth of Otaeka Roter, and of the expected addition to the Imnerial o ' 7 ' t i lt aritreg • e ' l l irr ' i l i " n it ' an, - nick at heart.
meagre in natural resource!, freedom I 1 STATE CON VUN TION. I tacky alde is completed, the locks will Lieutenent Reed, who lost his life at the and Royal family of Hapsburg. 1 e I miss disinclined to Slop hero tor nee
rive such an impulse to the inhabitants, Ton liar entICAWS of Lsncaster coun- I still be too small for the large... ! fined ~,,,,, time, shares his grave. t len tint oftime Mr li Seems an if
ate, WIN , a few years age so erne g i . .
tho monntelue were :al tumbling eon n.
that in spite of the devastations of ,ty h
' ave appointed J. A. Heietand and boats. He estimates that if both arc -The Beaten Indies, 'maims probe- scandalized Germany by her cep:mares I and I think Vesuvins is at the bottom of
ouston delegates to the National ordered, two million dollars will le
war they were prosperous and increased R. J. H , lily of the sensation caused by the, re- is the court room, of the proceedings of 'lt aU."
In numbers. Various ar's of practical Convention, and
3 w
3 , 1.
I. Dunlap John B see ded the first year, If the completion ported engtilphing of Tortola in the a prominent member of the Berlin Cab-
industry were developed or domestica- Wiley, Jacob 0. Peters,Wile]. of the old canal alone re agreed neer , W r it Indies, have gotten up a horror Mot, inflow doing the can can in Loudon,
ted. Individuals and families, pereocu- 3L H. Shirk and Joseph C. .0
an ep bba, del- There is hardly any doubt but the re- which surpluses even the worst romance and is quite di gusted that nether the
ted elsewhere, fled
thither as into an ark I egatea to the State ConvenUore The cemmendation for both canals J aen be about that new peares3lol:l. Fortunately government. nor the police will notice
of 'Mel, carrying with them their I National delegates are instructed ' for favorably acted upon.
.... those horrible stories are generally, like her.
wealth, and knowledge, andapplicatiora I Gen. Grant. .1 I personal item!, denied noon agar they -Mr. Lincoln once said that 1( there
Bdford count Tux Democrats hey° not that etch de- I
The burghers kept olive the pas ti me- I
'of dte to the gree 0 ' admiration for Generel Gitatir their appearance . We cannot un-f i was ever any difference la his eabinet
Me love cf liberty. In a recent. allele 1 lave instructed their elegy s
\ for President and Vice Prete- few men have been more soundly abused queke in the island of
l ife akt' e. however , to deny that %AKIO hehaveh I
ForMosa, but we
reseed liz months ago. Indeed, he r :: w e er alreimyed by a recent earth. was always certain tot is m . cm
' nvention to Note for Grant and they pro
we attempted to show that this was a ' State Co yet from Connecticut on his sulel It is
general tendency and a main excellence Stantonhope that it is not true. hardly necessary to state that Mr.
by them then he is at the presmit time.
of popular municipal government Orm dent.' ing le Welke was that manner and that he
ring John, of Saxoriy, .s go
b. h
R beenna of Mercer county, And thle is only the mrnmenceinent of -
of these burghers, Josue of Olden•Barte 1
1 he
I:Peulo:ted delegates to the State" their race. When the action of the atelleste. The loss of several of hie still ex I its I e same readiness to bo on
evald, after the death of Wetteam the last wee tion
.. * ,:i
instruetti in favor of Chicago Convention shall ha l ve made children, the rather disolute conduct of the side of the man inpo
Silent, and the departure of Lord Law G nven , ddlo we t r o . ok lace in
d CURTIN for him the Republican candidare for the his oldest son, and the political degrade. -A. goeg o e n ou w s w d e
.., g
hc p
RANT for President, an
mimes, pruldedwith genuine and high
president. 1 Presidency, neither his east zerv'eet, lion which his country has guttered, Bt. Louis e nes.ay. Thappy
over the destinies of Bob have all worked severely on him. But bride tin 45,060 set of earrings and
Valle üblicth Centrel Committee of nor his well-anted renown, will avail
P ,
land. dash , last mummer , of his favorite a $730 l Tail. She is worth some
'letter him from tbe gathering storm the • -•
But we cannot follow the thread of the Venue° county met at Franklin on to daughe the 10 , Tely thlelleFS Sophie,4:l
$4OOOOO her own right. and the
Mendey to relent a delegete to the State of obligati and defamation. I Blears capped the pyramid of his •
eery. Those wbo have a taste for this
0. ' bject to groom a about as well supplied with
tion end also elect conferees to ' reavernents, and be in now en .
department of literature will certainly nven , moat digressing spells of melancholy. y .
filth lucre Ills present to his bride
represent the Senatorial and Cengres.
do that for themselves. Ills son Albert will be a poor sneewor wit worth $lO,OOO. Ills name is James
Conventions for
Mr. Mart= hes not bald aside aim atonal Matrices in
I "
hist' P Thomem Ile is &barber by profession.
oceing delegates to the Republican I P.
pen, but is now engaged In wng a ell RAILWAYS. and a negr The wife is a renlatto.
SWOT) of the Thirty Years' War, the National Convection. if -It may s . e
hateresteug to seine persona
Item R. S. McCormick , of Franklin,
natural complement of his other works. to learn slink about the prteatn charm- ,
chaser to the Suite Conventicrn.
This will take him over ground much with I 1
Confaccs ago
vb.. tar of some of prominent men of Meet-
The Coagress om,
led and by eminent authors -Among
Intim CO. The following was clipped from the
el. C. Beebe, of Pleagantville, and Fe
them, Utterly, by Mr. CAJILTLIt. WS
,private Black Ilea, a dar e r, kept by
W. Mitchell, , Etse., of Franklin. The
treatment of Ids new subject will, there. one of blammillan's private lecretules
Senatorial Conferees are Messrs. E. E.
fore, afford uncommon opportunities forels, In Mexico, and reveals some genera per
of President, and J. R. Camp
oempeting bls performences with that ol C PP, sonal trial of the chief actort i th the lat.,
The deleg ates
no t of 0.1 city. a were
his predereNtore perialtragedy in %Mit country, Theince
—.---- not instructel. lotions General Joan N. Altnentes one I
of the chief pm:motors of the intervene ,
Son, is described as "ffiehodest, apart-;i
eintrli, and revengefuL" The amagery,
of Marbues is also propmly. booked,
with the remark, "Sent to Jerusalem." ,
Of Miramon, It is told that naving once
lost at play the money of it employ of
which he Wall the captain and treasiater,
he drew his sword, and swept all the
stakes back again into "his pocket. Then
follows a recount of the way In Which
he omit his fellownascia Zeloilgs, took
se of the GorelNeaelele took the
see um go"'
Tug additional bounty bill, passed by
Congreas and awaiting the signature of
the President, provides that if any per
son or persona entitled to the bounty
provided by sections 12 and 18 of the act
lashing a ppropriations for the civil ser.
vice, approved July 28, lea°, ehsil have
aka, or lasii die before receiving said
bounty, it shall be paid to the heirs of
the soldier;sa designated in this act, in
the order theitin nanted,. and to none
other. I
.. ,_ . • • .
• Tux Bepubliesum of Wilma have
molten out in favor of Grant for Presi
dent and' -Colfax for Vico President.
Vhoresoletion mad adopted unanimous.
17 amidst 'much enthusiasm. 'Thomas
sin daily growing compact and solid for
the soldier hero, and ire 'marvel not
Bhara iW bemade the unanimous choice
of the NatiOng Coniention.
.. ,
Tnn Northumberland count; slate
quarries are Pronounced inexhaustible.
Capitanibs are investing largely there
and the work of developing the lands Is
being vigorausly pushed forward. A
milroad coniection to bring the prodnat
into market is in consideration. The
slate obtained 11 of very superior quali
ty. A bed lof very flue yellow ochre
has recentlrbeen discovered in Lehigh
county. The mineral Tordth of our
Btatesannot be estimated.
Blngular fact, and one which
does not reflect much credit to the law•
makers of biaryland, that in that Btate
the local insurance companies are taxed
' f r om $l,OOO ie VA% While rich Lon
don. Companies are permitted to transact
busineu Intact her borders, and, in.
deed, to monovilizei a large amount of
the buthce:" l , at POO per SELLICIII.'
Bergh of New York is too ab•
surd; he really ought to bo remonstrated
with. Re is president of a society to
present cruelty to asimals, and in that
.capacity door the most preposterous
things. Last week ho had actually the
foolish temerity to have a driver of a
street car arrested. because he beat hi■
horsea with a board. Therei were two
horses and they had only ,one car to
poll. To be - sure the car had! more than
nines/ people on it; and the grade was
heavy and the rails icy, butt then they
had no business to fall down; and it was
not until they did that: that the driver
beat them, and Mr. Bergh had him ar•
—Frederick Garin reciter, the renowned
German traveller and walker, w 55 in
CinCinnatl during the prise fight in
which Aaron Jones was defeated. lie,
in writing to the Horiner Zei‘usy, says
be finds it strange pat such things
should be allowed en s country where a
horrible Way I. nailed if one drinks a
glue of beer en Sunday, particularly an
the field where the light .took place visa
rented for that purpose by a - Baptist
sfrong Itrisstan squadron is being
fitted out for the alleged Purposenf es
corting the Grand Duke Constantine on
s visit to his daughter, the Qfleen of the
Greets Turkey . does not like such es•
ants so soar Crete. . •
wiErtl Y
1:::DIS ES )AY. I EIII - 1U A ItY
—The Winooeka bridge, the scene :01
the late accident on the Vermont Can.
tral Railroad, is restored for the Tutelage
of trains.
—The Treatise[eau ( Record
says the Ls . Crosse, Trempelcau and
Prescott Railroad Is to ho completed and
in fall operatioa thisaummer. ' I
—The West Shore 1111112.00 RiVCT road
is to run througn the W:Akill Valle) from
Eloboken to Kingston, and thence to
Albany. The' construction of the road
as tar as Kingston is an asenred fact:
—Cars on the Connell Stride and E3O2X
City Railroad reached Woodberry,
seven Tulles from Slone city, on the sth
inst., and the 'knead! states...that the
locomotive be in that' place by , the
45th lost.
—The Ls Crosse Demo at says work
has been suspended on the St. Paul and
Chicago rallreai, between Winona and
St. Paul, and men ordered' to be retained
on pay unlit railroad matters are straight
vied oat to that State.
) Transcript trim the
Baird ofPeori
SuPervisors of Tazewelccoun
ty, on Wednesday, ordered that an elec
tion he held in that county on the 17th
of 'March, to vote on the question of
subectiblng $lOO, O OO in stock of genre
tin, Lincoln and Decatur railroad. We
understand the people of Deletes will
vote on the proposn the e lorbitalp
eubscription Of $30,000 taame road,
and that the city or Pekin proposal to
Tow ssubseription of S3S. i .>;
TRADE. AND LAMM. . 1 A elpiearsto Ins eeeee nose.' In Roston. i PENNSYLVANIA N
; • -,-.----.- , , —A. paper mi lks to be built at Cler-; A brilliant ontortionim was giver; in I
. .'
—Mrs. Lincoln thinkssne is not in• I InOnt, tows, Mxt summer. . . neaten CO T. -1;1,112y suing, by a I
Sane. .l I I —The MsiSa6Olt Mille, at Huntington, 1 Young utilltoriiire of at city, on tho i
—Charles Kean is repot ed to have left i ill'w.; Lure, out one wriol fine writing occasion 0. his coratclof ego and Into I
$250,000 behind him. I paper per pap. loans stun of Ms rotate. The event is
. ------------7-------r.--------- N EWS.
, . —Two . - thrive! of African peanuts, 1 descrllaxi:
—Somebody astral( the amons "Black I
comprisins 15,000 bushels, arrived In k "Oorticultural fall woo last evening!
Douglass" of history was Fred.
' . ' Boston lset weck.
—Miss 13$1,errian lietill Playing Leo?. 1 —Tharkjg the year 100; 53,400 hides I the Keene cf a very costly and a very
I were shipped from New Orleans to New fashionable entertainment, which crest-'
with unabated enemas In nglantl.
rut, ! Bo ston. York, and 51,207_ ..from New .York to ed a , grit:. sensaLloWi,among the bract
nue. The syste ~Its:o. obtained great
—OO Burnside has ecided to favor this 10,00011 and last, of hiring a hall
once more for Geyer or of "Little ,
Rhody." I' ' .
._The iniatory steps have already been Papantra in Treniont street, Ilorticul
. I taken toward the erection of one of the tomtit:ill and Minot Mall have witnew.
largest woolen factories in the west, at ed many lively gatherings of [lda kind.
Lansing,lows. ' It Kaym waar and tear of furniture and
—Several sales of lumber have been carpets, derangement of rho internal
made at .Say • City, 31. h., daring the I , : C .
. 0 ,
, I LO 7, ,,, ,, ,, , .I.,fxbinett7eltroorldme,i,,,re,
,3 f ; o f t s c . , l t;._
past creek—one of over 1,000,000 feet at fates the 71143`vstitv for 0 house to be
$O, $l2 end $35. turned upside ilorM for a week M ad
„,--Baltlmore, the newspapers of that I vanes. '
I city, sayjexpects to become the:fleet to- ” T , he portyivto,,t: evening i el e , lie n e, l ,' r h y,.
bleep market in the world when her new 1 ., e 7„d 0 ',',1 - „J o ' ~,,, to o p ' ;itti, famous --
1 .
EUrOpeall steamship line is In full opera* at batte `os otte of the millionartes
I ken. - I '
.if Boston. TA1135 . 11C expense were
—lt takes MOO bales of cotton, or afar.] to render it superior to ,anything
6,420, 00 0 pounds, to supply the daily de. of the kind ever seen here. rho mai
mends of the cotton mills of the world. e° e , t , vise froth $1 5 , 00, to. 520.(we. Tho 00-
i tit...orations of the two hells were
Of this immense amount one thousandth
, r e ' ; ' l_lll thousamt eamelies, innumerable
P ut i s e" ev er y day by the Were" he . owes, calla tides, mid other choice now-
Mills, New Bedfdrd.
era; rare plants, ale- The pillars, the era . -
—LoWelt's old title of the "City of aims, the chandolier4, the halroules
SpinUtee" is no longer its colorist doe. i every
_imei:aaible or "MT! , point, war
Fail Rer exceeds it by 40,000 spindles, '.,t.e.V.d" V h
i?Lh.L.,,,Tele..„l,..tenko‘roe3,:he'er leaves,
and It, weekly "production, when its `"
Mirem in great . prufueion. In the centre
mills arc in fall 'operation, will surpass"fevery window of alto upper ball hung
that of !Lowell by 200,000 yards. I a glohe hum oat, 0 bail or flowers, 1102. t.
—A !prat machine has recently been I 1441 ekrie together. movenahfect Marcum-
invented Ly Charles lilcore r of Spring. i fermis,. Thus form of bouquet is now '
lets, Ma , which can. be worked hy to Bostou. Some or them awritnined,ap- ,
steam pr water puwer, and can turn on; paretatOns tnanv asfiftyeamclies. And.
I eightyitons of real per day. Machines ,tit.i.',ll`,l:rte,r,rtsh, eri'-:pcPeleil,eleiteeirge,elitZer:
! Of thiS P attern', will cost Er na ' $ 3OO to shied .with shifty Mind arch, surround
ssoo. ! . • lug a malty mirror, which reflected back
p an).—T ranite mill of the Granite 31111 the whole nrilliant segue. Behind. this
Comany, St Stafford Springs, Conoco. mirror IVILS YI:11 haled . tl fall orchestral
ticut, contents 125 looms, and employs hand. The - floral dioplay alone cost
125 hands, whose joint efforts produce "h'1,'.11,,rru,;,',, who arrived I . ~,..i.i,,,,
1,200,000 yards of shirting. and sheeting in full dream; alighted on a carpeted
per year, consuming 300,000 pounds ot sidewalk, beneath a C3l3Ory, Itild were
cotton In the work. The machinery is oworted umstairs to the drewling rooms
driven by water power. . each aide of the MO II entrance. Supper
—At Moline. Illinois, the new Works ',',o,t itunnuneed at It o'clock. There
of Dimock A. Gould have a capacity of . lar g o„, t, , :r" b.i iT l y i e o rl , i t. , it: 1A.1.,,,e,,. centrenLf
turning • out d lily
1,;.”) bud ''' . 500 atit ' l whoa, and numerous small tables
wash tubs sod 000 wash boards. Deere wore arranged ;around the hall at which
A CO. ore soon to make an extensive ad- the gurus 'Were served. The table ores
dition to their works, and are pow turn- taunts, silver, floral, confectionerv, etc ,
log out over 000 Plows Pei' Week. besides were exquisite. and In keeping wlth the
a large nutniser of sulky plows and cal• I lavish manner whih
each of the whthol tables
e e affair
',lore. • . WWI conducted in Ojio n
wan a I.yramid of esinelins, , rx 'in the
- form of stare, or groupedrtogothsr in
mawsivo bouquets, eansing the banquet
bail to assume an appearance almost as
brilliant ns the tarpon° above. The in
terior of the building was carpeted; with
the exception of the floor of the uppo ,
ball lu which tho dancing took place."
n sepirents for
..Ination in the
i l .
—There are: sevente
the Congressional no .
Third, lowa, District. .
—Bob Lincoln is to ho married to a
daughter of SeMstor arlan, and not to
Miss Harris, as was ported.
—Mr., Frederick Douglass says that
he heti reason to believe that be is the
son of 6 United Statel Senator.
—Judge N.l..llolmes, of the Missouri
Supreme Court:, has been tendered a pro.
fessorshlp in the Harvard Low School.
—Gen. Phil. Sheridan is
years old. Be. was born at Somerset,
Perry cinaty, Ohio, Ira the 6th of March,
—A. portrait of Fred. Douglaea spoils
the sate of .Mrs. H. B. Stowe's new
hoot; but she refuses to have it re.
moved. .
......ft iathonght the Thin. It P. Bald.
1107111 receive the unanimous tiOnling-
Oi;ler Governor from the Republicans
of Michigan.. -
—General'Albert Pike,, the poet, Bolt
tiler rebel and rapscallion, is a step ran
of Paul ?Bribery, the man who invented
shoepegs. I
—Hon. J. S. Macdonald has refused.
the Lieutenant Governorship of Ontario
and has been tendered a seat in the Do
mirth's Cabinet.
-The !Ales of Cork presented Mr.
'George Francis Train with, what they
considered 'a suitable present, a boiled
blood pudding.
—The Diveaports who have been frilly
exposed so'often, still travel, and draw
large house's When last heard from
they were at Marseilles, France.
—Queen Victoria devotes a gnat deal
of her time to knitting. so that employ
ment has become very. fashionable
among English ladies of a certain age.
—Col A. M. Tyler was engaged, with
a numbe,rof lest:Annie, at Rolle, Mn., on
the 10th rest., in removing the bodies at
tialon soldiers buried there during the
war. :
—Garibaldi is very ill at Caprera and
fears are entertained that ha va . pi never
recover. ' Rope deferred has Mule his
heart, nick beyond the reach of. inedi--
possession .
tied, levied'connetAtlons ion {he army,
and spent the, money et; gaming
table. O'lletwn' set down in blicit.
lie , was, acceding
_to, acconnts,'w
coleand vulgar villain. Sa.somatlnms
decreed death between,. clgar-pnifs.,
"General, I gan ping to shoot you,7
it:marked to an astonished af
ter tilting last 'swallow of chocolate
with him, The Gummi was 2darcial
Immo, and he was shams hoar *Up
1 1 4 sit ' -
T}! '
• 7 4
_ _1
alias Merle's. Tnaatosaa a• for
_ acin Planter.
A correspoutlent writes front lt.tbaturt al
in the shape of person
budget from Montgomery would be sad
ly incomplete without mention of Misr
eharintto Thompson, the actress, Miat
Thompson owns ix plardotion five mites
from town; wlwro.sho spoud ' s her thee
with her mother when not on profes
sional tours. She has about one thous
and five hundred acres, two-thirds of
which aro devoted to tho - cultivatiort of _
cotton. .She has tho reputation of being
a remarkably doable woman in
husineas a ff airs, though r - with all
her tact and executive talent,
hobus untdc nothing from her crops
during too past two years. The cabins
of her hired negro° , aro models of neat
ness and comfort. Often of a summer
morning eta rise 4 with the PAN UlOl.llltA
ix fax-okito lastly, and in person directs
the gangs at work In Ole field. She keeps
oil the ',Morin/LA, makes all coutractu anti
superintends all the buying and selling.
however, that the next time f eat
her in Tulin, 11411311 be led to respect
,whonake buries her lambs her Moult:re
'chief just begun wildly nobbing
- don't you speak to me Clifford!' that her
m Ind is engrossed with the latest heven-
.tin about about the army worm, or the
-log dispatches from Liverpool. In (mitc
lia's mall scene thero wouldlx, co l specia
Impropriety to her Wiliapering th a Va
cant stare, qj pl itr4 ceuts and excitedf
Cardinal Anraaeut and OVAL
letter - from Ramo, in the.. Corres
pondence itatismu, saya: . ,
Cardinal Antonelil, In la. private cetr
vertattnna; extols... es firm' Wier - in an
anproacnlng war. 110 says that the great
works which the French are executing
are by no
s o ap
de to shelter
Rotne'croin a soap de titarn,of
Mil tasuarwateo it againat an attack or
the regular Italian I arrev. In the war '
to ts . Preparing, willently said,
got • Vreech Army fight alone
against, atsly . ariti we Matti koop our
treopa le bold In respect the, Roman pop.
carillon. ' This, to nay the least, lea BlLL
addlission. from the Secretary of I,
State of kin Uollneitt, an 4 Yon will per- ,
hips be glad to make slide of It. .Let
me Odd ME I beg[ from agoad source
that Cardinal Antonelll, while speakmg
with Some persons well knewn In Remo
vest sladrltit with ' , which thlr
everywhere repeat thenewil May receive
Is _
mod to.ltave expreett4 hircuselprearly
In these tunas rue Emperor Nspoleon
has lost all sympathy Mr. Italian unity I
- ever Mute iXstrovery of , the secret
-.treaty betweenSignorßattaxii and.lierr
yen Bismarck." • "'
-111avily loaded, "wagons are
drawn over common roads In Fran , * VI,
moans of steam road Iciannotiv!s - ndapt!
ad to the PurP o69 : -
• -
'ryeMtsitre of Fnriatto
Young housekeepers do not in
undentand the theory of the chemb
and mechanical action of different sub
stances on ;articles of. Ibmltare. The
sub.tances from which furniture • is
chiefly exposed to injury aro water, oils,
alcohols, and acids-
Acids act .11•Marbli, liihrble Is itself'
composed 'of carbonate of lime; that Is, I
it is a corppotmil of carbonic acid and
lime. Now, the carbonic acid lion a
comparatl,,ely affinity for Time,
and most other acids willprorail over it
mal Its place when brought In contact
with it; thus destroyin.l the texture of
the stone, liberating the carbonic said,
and I acing nitrate of 'lime, or couriers
of limo, Or nalptuitc, or acetate of lime—
as the .so maybe—ln the form of
white powder,; in Its place. Bat
alcobUs, and water product, no ,effect
marble. I 1 --
All varnished or polished surface. df
wood, on the other haul, while not
injured usually be acids, am attlekedby .
alcohol, Varnlel;es are composed of
dinbrent gums ;and r.intr, which are
generally soluble In alcohol: Many of
them are nude by dissolving the mate
rial in alcohol eons to liquefy them, and
then, when theyiare applied; the alcohol
evaporate, leaving the gumor resin In
a thin, even rearing over the whOle sur
face. If now hey alcoholic auhstance
comes upon rind 510110 , ., whether it Le
'alcohol itself, an used for lamps, Or
spirits of any kind, or even wine, which
contains but a small per centavo of elec.-I
Col, the varnish It tacked, a portion of 1
It is disnr.l•ed, and the brilliancy of the !
surface In destroyed.
Oils will nut attack either marbles or
varnished surfacoa, and will do no 'Mary
except to naked' wood or other porous
,ost.tancei which admit them late pores,
front cannot WIC/Ward easily
ho e:pi•llt.d.
Water affects no substances exceptnoch
as trine open pores exposed, In which
case it enters and causes the substance
.srell, or such as ore soluble in water,
as glue In Joints, and mucilage or gum
arable,. ed ; somothocs for attachtng
Auperficial us
ernonieuts to fancy work.—
A Itierießtl Actium
spontaneona Consinationiasilmati
A correspondeuttialie Poll Ifall th
zette writes: " 1 was Lady conversing
with 00€ of our most eminent .Actine
planters upon the into catastrophe ,tit
iler MaJcsty's Theatre, and he gave his
decided- opinion that the accident pro,.
'needed front spontaneous conibustiom
Ile stated that largos heaps of the debris
and refuso of the painting and property
rooms wore often swept tip together,
nod left to atmumulato for years, and
, that belied often Mel reason to complain
' of this practiceand to point out the
danger of it. Ilerelehal one instants! in
which such a heap hail stood In a theatre
for a long period, and after many cum
, plaints ho induced the authorities to re
zees,' It, and the moment it spade was
thrust into it it burst Into Mom, I see
that In the Times a correspondent puts
wide spontaneous, combustion bemuse
esine paintleg Is done with water color,
which is not intlammsble; but the dan
ger, though sometimes existing even is
, the painting-remedies mere particul.srly
i o l " ,• ' 7, ' o r e 'l'e a r i t ei r :g u e ' l; .l . l„7l-.`r,N'„hllaenrde
aerates Of oiled rag. to v, varnish, Cets.
dust, and fire or duff too swept up to
gether with other' matters. They only
,reontio to . bO' damped, as is not an
mummuien practice, Mr the purpose sti
laying the Aunt, to induce - eventually
epontencetiscombustlon.- My Informant
also, pointed .to 'the case of Astley'a
T he.
which he stated wasburni down
sorneWhat in thbrway from the sweepings
of the sawdust and stables; and hem
'. xprienee, Which is very - meat, ho felt
certain that.many, Other theatres had
been so burnt." , - .
a ball given recently at the 11 eta
,de Ville, in Parts, :00 white and rose
.cemellia trees Iwo. employed to dace-
Jute the. apartments, which trees
sent from , the city gardeni., There are
now 2,000,004 cumuli. plants in The ca
mellia house ot these gardens which
corer euperficies of about ...AOOO square
,yarda, whlchspine being found Insuft
emus ,for the supply required, under
ground , houses. are . being condsucted,
the :ormenTatione for, that pramcae
over .31,000 square yards of
ground... Fdur bisql. gardeners 'super
intend OM syetdowet Juana factory.
ooeut curious Ito er Y_
of Ch
g e .! A i nta lt retlo tt.. _
• , t h e +I F ° , deposit , or too
, ie+ l 2 , lW i tt,
ld 4toid• ahli. l " t " • b u d. .. 17,
Woottt 1h12094.9.red1t other.
too;w;ett the 'lege outt /esthete or tb
held'tad illlanivarto by the bird
b h re ale it gook IA 41 P41,91-ed.."-
—.sslimeting accident occurred at tt,
Lehigh Iron Works, a ehort ilietantLy
above .Catioaeua, en Friday last, 1) . 4. -
which one man lost his life and anottiqr
was seriously injured. Several of Dee
hands had been engaged In bleating add
bad filled two holes with powder, osetbf I
wholi took effect. The other, however, ,
uid not, and three et the hands implo-
jog that the tire bad been extinguished
wont to the place and poured in .014 e
powder, when in an instaelta terrikie
explosion took place. One man stml•.
thrown over an embankment forty
i s
high, lard though net killed was dang
ouelY hurt. while another by the natlhe
of Kunkle was lifted ten feet in the *lr,
and coming down head foremost upfes
some rocks. smashed in hls skull, cano
nic him Fattiest insane:. death. He leaf es
it wife and four children. One other man
was also somewhat injured.
—On Friday night, the 14th inst., tivo
villains, blacked and dieguised, raided
the house of Mr. Paul amninglifim,
about a mile from town. itir. ettniff - -
ham is an old man and a cripple, and:kre
sides -with his eister, an old maiden ally.
The nyeeals made their entrance threggh
a window, and, with pistol in hand; Ale
mantled the keys of the secretary, where
they found ice, witll which they n - Cede
their eecape, end, es yet, no direct •Ellrie
as to who the parties were has beett.9ls.
covered, ulthough certain disreputable
persons are supected. It is hopesfaat
the nut horttica will be enabled Whet - lig ,
the staiundrele to justice. t F0r11.11110 1 ..Y.
they not discover a larger amount of
IhneLnegba.t.n,ni in the heuset—Mo o °
UO ,
—ln Menton county .theci , !
named Leber,: wheel age,. by !Annan!
ileciarationa as well ao undisputed:au -
amity. is between 105 and tO t Year..
Motwitlist.aing this, he in lade t r , •
wood, de tattle work. arennij. his
house, and ban, on a stretch. seal five
Mate and more. We doubt if alma, is a
parallel to Min in the United SWAtel -
—John Miller, of Lower. Maniroth
township, Northumberland co fat, -isl
charged with eaglet; two cheeks ,paya- I
Me to the order of Philip Deser,'ont for
and ono for $57.10, and drawn by A.
S. Knecht, on the Easton Dank. Ma eh
domed Mr. - Bosees name and reerierd
the money last week.
—The grocery stare of Mr. Bels. on
Jmlln street. Altoona, was cum efoly
destmyed by lire on Friday lastf; The
loss was it gaoti that more than Dip in.
surrance which was but sl,ooe. Trfinum
ber at least Altoona competes wia the
largest cities in the conflagration *dr,.
i.Margaret a Seip, ad man
who resided in Ducksville, in iCteni
pemry aberration of mind, rose freln her
a ithert time before daybreMc on. ,
Wednesday of last week and was ibortly'l
after found in an open - fie ld frogea to 1
—Mr. David W. Flowell,of Mt.lDtabel,l
has purchased land.on the Flati:labove
the Delaware bridge, in
and it is reported that he intend[ mov
ing his cotton factory from AD:: &abet to '
—Several parsons from itwgl York
hove been negotiating for the ptifehatte
of lends en the Flats in Phlllieburg,
and propose, if they can make Arrange - .
mono, to put up a - boiler faehaiy'.aere.
_Tee Grand Jury of Ducks 'county
strenclx• recommended the erection of a
hospital and asylum, for the et :lased
In connection with the- alixdaouse
establishment of that county. 4. • •
—Over 15 000 tons of Iron irevearried
ever the Cotleauquadt Feitela7i/k. Rail
road annually. .•
—The Bucks county Alms Ilitese„ cent
the county about $lll.OOO duringthe
--Sergeant Bates, erarryirig thS Um,
States flag, arrived at Montgomery, Ala
barna, on Monday: Fie 'was met by a
large number of- citizens i itt sit:Triages,
decorated with Cubed States itfigs, and
by aha dof music. About tlieriie thous
aid people turned oat to hear rtie recep
tion speeches and to welcome Aim. lie
site the guest of the ally. All illos en:rak
ers and marshals of the day wl:ris Con
federate soldiers.
—The Cincinnati Price Ciervent. will
publish today the reporta:l of perk.
peeking in Cincinnati this wagon... The
whole number packed wile ,I'AEGI head,
sverago weight two hundred and ten
pounds, and average: cf loaf lard twenty
live ponnde—showing A fail l,tg .off ias
compared with hat: year of 10,779 head,
twenty-two pounds in the average weight
and , live and one-fourth panels ip lard.
—Stephen Ives; prepnetor 0' itiluirr
Wan Irons°, in liorldan,ConiA, in oat
lintel Frederick Douglass 'Ails ealleil a
"nigger" and from wnoira pAblic table
Douglass HIM ejected, brittallyf assaulted
Captain Riggs. editor of Oil . Merldsu
Recorder on Thursday ruiriaing, far
iemmenting on the affair....Nitich el.-
citement prevallod and popular Intlig- ,
tuition W. aroused Sgairl.4l-11,14, who
was arrested and held to ansWer both in
civil and criminal :rations. iF. -
—The Fort Sanders/adex ls'itSe,Aan army
',,f two thousand Indians le marching I
' into the Sweetwater country'Sreu.daho
end Montan. , They amen tlje warpath,
And have. burned the ilarlek93 north id
Soda Spriogs; and driven oil the stock,
compelling the ranchmen tei:seek refuge
in tenon, ',..
—A diapat
enestien of
A. cericae
itch from Havenei rays: Tho
I the rights of t'•73ncturalized
citizens is &beetling the et. ,
...n of many Cabana. There areru
.nrs that the Spanish Goviroment bus
cuthorized the Captain Get:Oral to trans. ,
iort one hundred and seventy criminals
.o _Africa. The shoomake? who bra ,
tally murdered his wife With en nee, a
short lime ogo, was executed. yesterday.
—.A man named Henry H.- Ellsworth
. ~..
pleaded•guilty to a' charee nf bignmy in
the Poll. Court at Buffald, yesterday.
Hie prisoner was married id Lake.coun
ty, Ohio, in March, 1 , 145, to; fine Caroline
Henderson, and re-married in this city
September. 1867, to Lucy MeNeil. Ells
worth claims he was it:toile:sled at the
time of the Last marriage still not respell•
sible for the act. . •
—ln thiY,Supremo Court* Now York,
on Wednesday, a citizen ; t of Now York
soda. a firm in 'Feiss for the recovery of
certain goods delivered doting the -err. i
The itlithatitls were noMenited, on the
ground that the contract ads treasonable i
and unlawful. t•:,
—Mayor Tompport, of Onisville, Ky.,
was - as-binned and badly lit.ten la a bar.
t rcom lost night by Ilarre!,Kirby, a die-
charged policeman. Kliby was arrested
and bailed in 1,0
the sum of;.no thousand
—Robert Osgood, de:fa:4l6g mile sif
chaintiug National Ilinktef New -York, '
has been sentenced to flee years to the
State Prison. He plead guilt y to misde
meanor under the Natiold R
A. flank act
- detachment of one hundred and
fifty recruits the Papal Zounves pnThursda mts.
ed through Mw.sachasseite oy,
on their way from Heil:areal to New
—At Hillsdale, Michiken, Wednesday
night, the Waldrou licoff:evras deistroed
by fire, causing a 108 s 0f1140, 000 . Canal>.
explosion of a kerosenentunp.
—The Board of AlOrmen 'of New
York have passed a re4clullon inviting
the sessi o n of the Dere crane National
Convention in that city :]'' '
—lt in generally nett ' toed Rev. Dr.
I'vng will be found geHtY end receive
admonition for violethin a canon of the
Episcopal Church. .
,'1? • ' t •
—A tare steam mili t ia Richmend, Vf..,
owned by J. Jewell. tem destroyed by
Ore last evening. Les? unaseertalued.
—The whisky met4commlsakin nil
. ,
meet in Washington en Monday next to
'learn their practical N - 9t.1.0, . ..
—Bishop Stevens wit. slightly injured
by a railroad eeidentliat Wilhesbarro,
ThersdayMereinit. ' . '
' A. Fat tmeak trtatlaurte.
The otleir day we :41 the story of the
poor IL:ream Grlggs,:4rho wee recently
to a debtors' prlisila In Loudon.
was released on the itt . 51310 a or t 200 by
Buskin, while Ig4:1 mere were contritni•
toil by sympathizing. rlenda. The girl's
tallier writes to Me itarodou Trlegraph:
"But for your Wait liatervesalon sbc
Must bare remain In Jail tor a long
time • Unless you at a lather you eau
not imagine allot W admlos were when
I mend my poor & been exit Into'
prisno, In additiori2o the suffering she ,
had previously. endAred. my. surprise
her release was .o,ly equaled by. the
joy it gave me. I iisrl no Idea of sueeor
enrolog from such al quarter.-.irtill I me
offer you la. a grateful !Marts in widelt
Wilt dwell the raeuitiry of your dialnten
esteil arid nobles elailuet 'as long - as life_
The remainder areeP
rt the triad has been
Invested for the gliTs benefit. nee esse
Is a striltlngbotnuldintarrupon the pres ,
eat state of the Eagilsb
_ .
---..00-oe---'—. . - -,-In Faris, tbs. p roposal - is seriotudy
iliorii4t'f?J'he''roccelluk''eto°ldr i trere l4 „"to cstablla ndtau r. a
cow- Lome from which the animals shalt 7
ini i Th z t a 7bl to v e a ln e t o itia jtsW i4 , lo3 ,- w i l l a bi ' P o th e4r : /11 . : o r n l if e t a tettry :
7.yrin t h . t . c ii,,, itoin gonersily , for be driven each morning„ to the_ different -
places in the nelg rheod -of the then- bduses, end th at intik aids' shall milk
tree. Thus, -the . n sites _neer the them In th e presence of the_ customers.
Thmttre Francalo b o
on, bro a ug e h n t
tr , z . witwilrbToll o t ! the Ft;:ch
Vuurethwelf Arteirt:titeanilguvres have -doloot-Seribejihn pod. altrelltad hi red varied from ttlio tir,lSti, tho nor-Venda ,e, hnuseM the, _country to pass the elm.
villa from lIMO- toriPso, and the mace' Men - .Wren es he was fairlyinetaded .
from $OO nevartisk-:4 mater to e 4 '' e indthevrentlet he of_efamner whe ,
about one sad otii.u.lntlx 'English yettiM .helletaChz‘Plr.l. iles'mg found 'me he -
' • "--'•••• ; kited hte x. wstd. • '"lfy. od 'man, my
'--A. fler dn tlone .of Astorecienlific 'letcvlihe will *wiiest's,' In°n , lng tO buy
~,,,,, stands t h e v i e pth te ,A a n a pint of mllit:! , 4i.`;. - Trul - .ly,cti. it to et 7 . 14
uniform. _stands& et time the 'world - oraMuk,eqy_ pure
• ocrv,e3:exn.wniarmtnaterto,
io r oteg.t. the
utLiusweaf7l:lol3:o+oe: !.. 4 1.1..rx y „ .. .„ 7 „ku1 , „.,,.„... ,, L . T ..,.... ,,,T„,,,,, , : 7 " .7 ,, : m„: .
• ,
... .:•,,,,,. . ... ...... ~‘„,,,,, ..i.-• ~,.:,...:,
....., . .
. _
onotnii ALI/nen TowIItXD.
In the elpft Of thS nrent.. Itlt bend,
..31(on,ippl t remelted Ont 200.1e0P-7-
nwart, ntel nth/ I-Ikn o,to `,.
ha c - inoplan . the moue Mtn Irteep —
Thh+ clir . . wrllatng
ty ty ,tel
the lottothun..r. or prleat.
Thon*Yestor ylaws
Ad.) mother of nate', the .
'lt; a :am ton no %Da , n hat in story, . •
A izortti, pat lant - 0 bet n titaver; '
The; ittnr , varitent..l , th e trev.r. of Its giert. •
1111 ti• trtltlt• trttwn ot its prue , .. ,
Inc lt , atnt...tottr., rod-r,tnett ttr tt t• at r* ,,, N
'When Itrtttltln.tla nnnt tict,t, lit Itcattjt.n, •
I. Mita SS the it I. Ot I. ccrt‘,
That'sverehed the store rd Its thee. • .
The mighty caeca et 'bides
Lookd down at the sotronseut rites; '
pewn.the wizard perspective of britligtall
Leon red the hrtnentat lig
and the fonn•
From the gaits Of tnu globe
Swint the monstersOf etc era to he guestss
And slidin the elppei of illo lllolllllltltlf
T he g tant g e
Orin gttrts Oer the crests.
Aroused by tan ag troll 03 slumber, . • .
• Toe great Spolae o
llion Spine ' • '
Shakes .1000 to the river); its loath , . ,
And belches the lire (rum the uilbe.
The rains. lifting up the lung rive.;
Bear heartily pnahrtl the spoil; -•• •
The Iron that raelbe for the dancing. --
batoodleklssed hy the bountiful oil.
The dance; it le toyer to ilttitb;
• The dsneers are never to tire.
Se long at there's pulse lc the water,
• Or soul in tile glow nf T.llO flan;
Tee tune. it is more than a measure:
The dance. does it naught but amuse
Tile toot that slip deftly to pleasure,
Silp nondUr generous use. -
They !Ashton the broadaxe edges •
That ehrl I fiddle the toreel P. to Ittitt,
And the billion tingling rivets
That shall bind the rooftree tight; . '
77;,.T.'„q::,`,X.,`„;nVntgP.','"•. • .
And its great blab: eancou'd Nairn,
Like a roused colleted roe:.
. -
.. , •
so. with thig grimy maser',
Volcanite, hiva rod stem. '
So %take of claptrap, '
Rat catved with our oagle.kel.
The gte A West wodetho ocean
Ina union never to tt re,
Till the hoeveris and tho earth likes patch
Roll together 'nth fervent fire!
lit C PEAILL •
Within the Midnight of her hair. •
Half held*. In. Ito &whets deeps,
A WWI.. penile., price-ie.
All ahoy-eyed forever sleep+. •
Without the diamond's sparkling ryes.,
The ruby's biu-his-there It tier I •
Wmit the tender linwn
ho es a h e er s
purple , vall's ithdrawn
.Thelluwer of gores-alilv,cohl and pale I
Tet, wren dofa ell avail'
All its beauty, all its grade.
All ;the houorgef lts pineal
Be wlto plucked it from ate bed T
le the lair Mee Indian Ocean,'
Lleth. without lift or elution.
In Ole earthly divelllng-deed 1
And his children. one by one. -
Whet( they look open the sun,
Curse the toll by which he drew
The treasure from its had of Mee. t.
• 'Gentle bride, no longer Wear
lathy night bleak, cod metes heir
Such a spoil! It is not fit
Thera lender soul should. eft •"
, Under such accursed gem
What need'at houa diadem I
Thou, within whose Eastern eyes '
Thought. a starry genius lies I
TOOII, whom I.lolllty has erriryed-
Thou, whom Love and Troth have made
Ilesuttfril I-to whom wt( trete 1
Women's softness, anger. green-
All we hope for. all that streams •
Upon us Moor tutuotod llreamet
0. sweet lady I cot aside,
With a gentle. noble Prfdo•
All to sin Mogan alliedi
Let.thn seltd.eytd connector wear
The bloody laurel In his hair ;
Let , the black and snaky 0100
Bound the drinker's temples
Let the slevechegotten gold
Weigh on bofotes hard and Cold;
Bet be then forever =own' •
By thy natural tight. elone ! I
Berry pontoon:
Aiorupos.. !
. . .
Along the frozen lakes/Le comet , J
In tasking crescente. !gtitengl toot I
Toe Icelmprlsonett tlndine hums 1
A welcome to Der Hide feet.
I see the jaunty gat, the plume
Swerve e lathe jous
The cheeksbtr.l-lik 'Way na burnin oy g bloom,
The young eyns sparlthng through the yell.
Tue coact breath Darts b & laughing UP..
.• The white neer shines through toss Log
Iler Texture gentlY sways and dirs.
[ .An on she speeds In 0001141 Se whorls.
Non stop sod smile to see her go ;
Tnn7 gar!, they untie in pleased sorprlsel
T...ey ask her Tame they long to show
goons sheet friendship in theta eyes• •
• . .
Bbst glances not: she passes ens a
iler steely footfall qhloker rings;
Storguesses natant) benison.
. Which College her on noiseless win
Smootlibobar wive, soave bar trout
Along the dovioue linea ot lite,
Prom onto to ',Tull eticereelto ltd—
.!. noble inaltlen,noblo wito I .
. ' ; '' " • -.
There is a serpunt whose envenorned tote I .
lamely belled. vet, ate feels Its tooth,
If he surr troy, oft goes sesta, forsooth, .
Erato Its haunts, as If it were delight
To feel me bite again, unlit too bllght
O f f Ilt:evritlye;Lt.nddw,'::l7,.g,ll; e; tVAnth; 1 '
It to ones interest 80 berVeitsttn% eight , ..
'Met enemies are thought to ha one's
Andlrferti n s are seen In llghtof 'enemies. -..
White bleuangs slip train the fingoarnds ,
. And character on fluctios pintos flies) .
What is this monster ant sfich ,power' :„ t ,
is name Is Debt l—avold Inc It
I - [Cincinnati Pavan*. ~.. -
, .
IItiOrtLIGIAT ASH Dalt h r.s
Lights upon the water dancing, -
Eyes beneath !be mountain ;Lancing,
.Filled mp heart with tender fancying, -
Long, loud ago. j
Clouds above a dark sea bendlng.
SigthswevAbos;?ile:riele,:tr blending.
Altier beert with (etas were rendlog
. ;Lang, longago.
Tells tbst brought with them astraugin
I .I!2pet sod
- Love. ILn /Is foreve llexd r
Sthee 10egsgo.
Still to lie neat.. Wall to be dreet.' '
As you were salon to a feast
StEll to
t w o he
stilt perfumed ::
lAdy - lt to to he preanmen.
'Thongb ert.4 bid eattess era notioend,._
1 'All is not sweet e,all;te not sound,. ;-,-
Give me alooke, sure meet face. -
Tom makes eimplieltle ,erisee
lobes loosely lowing. their as tree:
• Saab tweeto nogleetloore tAlketlrsee.
Than all at' anniteries or Art. -
That etrike Mine eves bat ilot mine heart,.
• Bee -
--In a recent pastoral Bishop Arthur
Cleveland Coke says:; . .
"VS/licit I see the tawdry fashions, the
costly -vulgarity and- whital cut:are,
game s of the times, I feel sure that tbous- •
ands of' American women aro strangers
to the Iltut law of refinement—simplicity
in manners and attire. , i
“When 1 see that thous : and; of Amer
women read the moat sbamelul ro
mances and the moat degrading nstwerm
perm frequent the vilest dramatic enter- . _
minuends and join in Mamas to shocking
to be named among. Christians; I feet
Mat Christiab matrons are becoming
few, and Mat heathenism Is re
turning to the fields we hare arrested
from the Indians.,
',When I resod tinily, of the most un- •
welly , slivorcess and of crime spinet so
-elarpirritlaid against busman Ilia
which are too gmm M . he mentioned ruore -
ixtrticularly,./_feet-that too many of our .
are Witbout.„God In the •
world, and that radical; reforms are ne
loess:try in'tbe systemsbf education on
which the young women of Anaerics. aro
dependent for their tminint tl, - , • '
“Whett nee thousands of `households
in which younguiris-nro rearlsi for a life
of pleasure, witboutireforeneo to duty, I .
cannot wander at these results, nor
the misery in which they involve fami
lies cud oommunities, , . Sow the wind
and reap the Whirlwind!
“Ae a ebristaln Bishop, therefore, I
make my appeal to you, Christian are
MOO and lank you to begin the refer
madon, by faithfully bearing your tmtl , - . 's - l *-
many against alb that tends to. the deg-:!. ,
vredatlon cri m e notaid 1110 morn so,
ane such only winked st,
but eamitemineein circles which i - ;
aught to he 11xemplary." .
"—LA German paper, published at LOW
zlg, gives a romance of American board:
ingachool life, which is not too Dimwit+
ble for belief exempt in 'one or two par-
heeler.. Thescene is banded' at ft, +.'
faabionahlo scitilnary. 'on the Hudson,'
attended by 'oang Indies from enycnteon • +
to twenty. 'Thine:was 'one, whose blonde -,-
ctiris Ind blue eyes appealed te the Ger
man heart who- seemed oppressed wit.h.. - +
a hidden grief. At - the Citronella vacs, - .
don she went home with the rat, but
did not return with them, a telegram be•
big received horn hen father' Stating that .
Gine= was the cacao. - Soon the
andabortly lifter received Visits - •
rau+ ayoungg man who became so assidn-'- •
ons ns to beat iengthforbiddeuthe bowie
by the Priamtpal , -111 e. then threw off
disguise and,-in the character of a bus
bawl, sued mat a rho(' habeas corpse
and secnrecrthe * 'young woman of &then •
earls enfilade eyes ps.tds wife. It was.
he wheliad sent the. tolerant announc
ing her detantion,'white she wus travel;
ing over the - country with him. um .
parent+, wile cruel„.bcd finally relented ':
and all is now. pleasant. The eplactd• did
t hut the reputation of the seminary;
on the contrary it became more ctiavrded
alter the evunt ;Guth over before. The
Ptinclial• scented to Lave heel strange
eiperfeeee, for he wart. "If I ithould.;
thrrender the youngndies claimed by
young gentlemen as their wlvest,l.woutd
In rottidea-A4 oiouck my_ breakfut