11 I IS U ma AND SUBURBAN ALLEGHENY COtRCCELB apeetli illootinof Onolgor via Wow. • oarceo litesotloo—lrropoooese....v. Low Aryonooloo-.lllis ArtrO isoposoor osaso—miri.• Is Coosallo, A Amecial meeting of the sunteey City Connell. was head tut evening in their than:Mem in the city betiding, for the Mime • or conlitterywthe matter of the ieportat the special committee -on k genera lewerage FE Members present: Mesas. Black, Brown, Englkb, ,- Gi, B Hartman, Motheral,_kf Faulkner yler, Pa ng tter all, son - J. C.. Patterson, A.., Philips, Bead, la rile. ranter, Einalab.....k. , Battik Wm , weetaeh, Preddem Mcßrior and D. BePerron, Clerk. 4.119.3q—Mr. Gwkaner. 21711111Ein OP - 7R7. XXZIIMO. -The President stated the object of the - meeting, end saki that the sewer matter wastes well understood attlus last meet ing. on aosaust of its being mixed up with the proposed Board .of Public Works, Mr. Brown, to emptily matters, mov • ed that the Select Branch recede from their • ACtilXl on the Enlijact at tke last • meeting. . Seconded by Mi. HMI and carried. raoroaars sawaason LAw.. - - M - . BrOwn thaapreenited a copy of a ' - supplement to the fourth section of rut act passed by the Legislature, May let, _ 1861; wider provides for deconstruction .or sewers in the City of Allegheny. We - . V?' below - a full- abstract of the I L. L i. enacted , Id pro posed ti have enact into a law by th e state lades . . . Section firstpnrrbies thattheCity E - gineer and the Committee of Councils . on Streets and Sewers shall foam a corn. 1 mission to make andadopt a gecerel ... plan dividing the who pcity into sewer districts, oath districto have one or • •• morn main sewers, with - necessary. . - I branches; corinections sad Inlets , • Section second"makes it the duty of, the commission to deeignate the district or districts in which aralwentge Is neces '• gory, and prepare plena, specifications, Jrc., for deconstruction of sewers, show. fog location, sire and .he depth below street grades. .When prepared, these .r , itir4,,,tit. 13xi=oze4a to Itue=n b t: i e r all to Com:idle for fi nal adopti „ on, and when approved shall remain the - correct plan of Sewerage of the designs - II ted district or districts, or parts thereof— noblest, however, to changes that may - be made on account of alteration in the ....- gredes of streets. -When so approved. Councils may order the construction of such sewers as may. be necessary from time to time. • . Section third provides amounts for de . fraying theexpenses of sewers as follows I . -- Ali lots which abut or front on any street se .•, I. in which a sewer or drain is constructed shall be:assessed special' rate on ru e . foot front (except common grounds, ' ' ..- which shall be resealed upon the super- , .- ficial area) tobsastabilthed and fixed by orcithancetsheoimmission shall then as see such a rate on each squares toot of I _ -- superficial area contained us every lot, - MI bile square or common ground within sold districts, as will, in the aggregate, be equal to the cost and expenses of win- , • atruction,• including lineal assestamerit; provided, however, that In assessing the cost end construction of .serwanethat any property heretofore assessed for sewer construction shall be exempt until such tithe as alt other property in the district I - in which - the asisessments are to be made shall have paid equally with the men ioned property; ninth provided, that this .... exemption shall not extend to property - - fronting or abutting on line of existing - sewers The arniessmentaSo made to be final and conclusive.. Section fourth provides that the corn- mission as soon as the construction of any newer is authorized by Conned.. ' and before entering on the work, to 1.- . certain the amount required to cover. costs and expenses of sash construction, and to assess the amount as provided on ... II ' lgor irld ty' whittle, usem en wthout ll si b :- ception or appeal, and shall be paid to the City Treasurer: - Section rive provides that assessments herein provided shall be a lien upon the - property upon which assessed, and if not paid within thirty days after notice,. it shall be collected by the Solicitor lu the same manner as provided in the act for the conversion of Common Grounds of the city of Allegheny into "Public Parks," which was approved March 1867. The statements flied shall be esi denoe on trial. The amounts collected . shall be paid to the treasurer, for which _ collection he shall receive. the five - per `cent. added to the amounts collected by him. Section six provides that the Commie slop shall construct such additionkto the sowers as they shall deem expedient, and Tarnish the proper plans: of connec tion with the private drains or sewers io be hereafter constructed, and to include the cost in that of tit• - construction of the sewer or sewers with whictito be mai m:meted. .. . . • Section seven provides that Connate . . shall establish by ordinance such roles and regulations, and provide penalties • fur their violation, and shall provide L.l - the drainage of prjvies and tempo-ale, to regulate the construction of the same and . , make rules regulating them. ... .. Sectron eight provides that the act gn . , . into effect immediahely, and repealing all acts conflicting with it. . Mr. Brown moved that the sections be ' . taken up seriatim, which was adopted. The Drat minion being read Mr- Hall • objected that. the matter of laying out the dietricta Le not. ordered to be submit .1 ... . tea to Comilla for approval. Bees mo ons the Intonllon ins to have all to e of the Commission approved Mat by Council.' ' . , • Mr. Hall stated that it did not, ho w , ever, provide for that which he had ref.- .- • ems to. It was clearly provided that the plans and specifications should to einbmitted, but the matter of the districts ~ . - was leftoot. • - „The section waa adopted with an amendment providing for submitting the arrangement of the districts to Conn- eix: for approval. - - I The second section wan read and adopt ed without amnion. • The third section was read. - . Mr. Hall. Inquired If the common grounds • would be assessed, and was answered in the affirmative. It was eon. . - eidered very proper that the city should pay for the drainage of her property. The section was adopted: • " - Th- fourth section being read, Mr. Brown explained t.M.t It was intended to pay for the work of sewer onstruction as It prograoal, under the belief that thus It would be done cheaper, where contractors bed not to wait for their money long. .Mr. Myler thought the asseasmenat " should be collected In iaatallmants, so ns to make It eta light as pasuble on the property holders. He truggerted that it be required to have paid twenty percent. every thirty days after the assemment is a Mr. Mcßrier, dent, images:ad that this might canoe nedderable trouble to collect. Mr. Hall so amendment pro ' viditur that alie sewer is ordered to bp ainstructedth at Canne ll a th en fix - hone the assommenta shall be paid. • . Mr. Brown, from the Commlltee, thought that . Mr. .14y/er's suggestion would not work well, as the trouble. t, . , collect =tall amounts, ouches theywould be, if divined Into five or six Is stai n:eats, would be impracticable. The gentleman thought the matter as fixed by the Committee in the proposed -. act-was as good an arrangement an conld be devised. hfr. Nyder moved that the section be amended as be saggeeted. Mr. Motheral seconded the motion. Mr.- J. C. Patterson moved that Mr. , • Hall's suggestion be adopted: That the section be adopted giving Connell' pew . er to tlx how the assessment shall be col'ected-when the sewer bordered to be constructed. It was argued In favor or this, that in case of small sewers, carting but little throughout theolistrin, the es. , . sestiments should be .paid in at once, while on large sewers the saseaaments may be ordered to be paid in inetal 'tient& - - - . The section was adopted A with the amendment moved b 7 Mr. Pattenon„. The fifth, eixth and seventh sections wore adopted as read. - On the motion toadopt. the act as read, HMlsMyer moved tint it be Inserted in the ection -"to take effect at ono,' on all sewer* hereafter to be construe - . . tod." -Adopted. and the act as a whole - - and . as amended_approved, Common Council concouving. . Mr. Brown moved that the miles be suspended, in order to take np new Nod , lIIITTIOXS, MIIIONISRAIICAS, &C.. . - . Mr. Brown presented a. remonstrance ,egainat -the proposed whlenbag of Pitt alley Inman Matt try..-six feet, as at first proposed. Referred to the Buser -; ' Committee. . . Common Council concurred. ' Mr. Riddle preseeded a-petition from . .. citizens of tae Third ward, pantos tor - tire grading and raving of Perry street. : Referred to the Moon Committee. - ; Mr. Black presented a petition from eitlecuaa of the Filth award, praying /or „ de grading and paving o f Hamblin street from Bidwell to Flton street. Referred to the Street COM ohne!, . : Mr. Brown preened epW.tion for is . - water pipe on Inditer street, from Fraukin - ens square to an alley:. Be -ferred to Venter Committee. - .. . . - . wain or humor. Mr. Riddle offered a resolution to the - Mien that the' Police end Gas Commit tees. he i ntrusted-to meet together to, -JAMMU/II the cense of the present mail. .• tion of the gas lamps, end hero the dlf- Acuity removed immediately. , • Mr; Brown thought that the difficulty --- " lay with Me:Chairman of the Gm Cant ' .ardlloavrho should givaattention to the natter and secure a remedy.. • ..." Mr.-Halt thonght that the Commit,- lear.on..roiles and Gas lighting should . ---.-- meet - And have an 'undenkandln• be :-- 4WAllm them. - Mbar* had been • variance of-opinion. a connict,ef , aulkeztly be. tosses them.. - Mr. Riddle'Waugh" the Coulledttee ....,.... fehoodel meet and sot In liarnmay tegeth- F , Tt rz:za er. The difficulty appftred to bee want of alcohol, arid a &Terence of opinion as to who should furnish the target.% Mr. - Myler thought that there shodid be concerted action of the two Commit tees. The lamps were: kept very dirty, and, reform was needed. Other gentlemen agreed to the remark* of those who bed preceded there, but stated Mat inasmuch as the lamps had been cleaned yesterday It was not prob able that any farther dllllculty would be experienced in the future. The resole, [lon was referred to the Committees. C. C. ecmcroved, • i HIPILISHOSTATION ti CODSCLL Mr. Miler called up the matter of re presentation in Council from the various wards, a proposed 'Het. having been of fered by Mat at the last meeting, and laid - over.. (We gave a synopsis of the pro vident' of this act In our report of the last meeting.). The matter was taken up, and thero posed act read by Preside had nt . Brier. He then dated that it been prepared by the Solicitor in accordance with h.:suctions given him by a nisei u• tion of Councils, adopted ; Some time rinoe Mr. &Tabard objected to the coneld oration of the matter at the present time. Mr. Hall thought the matter should be acted en at once. He did not know whethet the proportion west-Mb; and he considered that the apportionment should be provided, fur as soon as email& and a proper act presented to the Legislature for enactment. He gave the following m the result of the apportionment pray ded for by the act as by ;the •figures known ono year ago. Select bead(. First ward would have two members; Second ward would have three members, Third ward would have tier members. Fourth ward would have fonrzuornbers. Fifth ward would have three member,. Common Council. First ward would have three membete Seoond ward would have tire members. Third ward would have six membetx." Fourth ward would have Six members. Filth ward would have faux member,.. Not haying the number of taxables in the Sixth and Seventh wards, ao mate of the members o( ' I those wards. amid be made. Mr. Brown moved test the matter he referred to a special committee with one to report. Secouded. • Mx. Hell hoped It would net be -post poned, brit that sonsethirgileenite w ouid be done. Mr. Myler hoped action woultl at one. . be taken in the matter. Mr. - Brown stated that he could not set intelligently in the matter,,as he had eat womh information on It; Re hoped it I would be referred toe special continue, Mr. Myler moved to ameudr. Brown's motion, that the Preaidenis..tif Councils and the. City Solicitor be the committee. Mr. Riddle atated that awarding to the bmiseatablished by the act under con sideration, It would make the whole rep resentation in Council Sixty membars, certalntoo many. Mr. Hall coincided with this view. The President called bribe 'donts of the members on the subject. - Mr. Myler thought that eighteen naene bers In Selectßrauch would he enough, hmtead of twenty-four. He thought, too, that if the number was reduced it would cause better men to be sent to Mandl& - • The proposed act, tt bereool hetet! fixed the basis of repreee will ntation in Select Council it one for every tour hundrol and sixty-seven taxables in a ward, acid Common Council one for; every three hundred and fifty. Mr. Motheral and Mr. Brown thought the representation In the Select Emmet, should be a delimits and fixed number. , The motion of Mr. Brown, as weezei ed byncurr. Mr. Myler, was adopted., C. C. coed. commit, Room istraovicunxia. Mr. Riddle offered n resoletlon.that thi- Commhteo on City Property be author ised to mosrtain if any Improvement* am be made In the Select Council cham ber, in the way of a false ceiling or other. wise. eo that a?eakers can be more read ily heard.. Mr. Meßrier stated that Mr. Barr, architect; had - suggested that the room could be improved, and he, was to expatiale= upon it. It not socccasl ui he' (Mr. Barr) would expect no pay. The resolution was adopted: i On motion, adjourned. Common CoaselL Members present—Messrs. Blair, Corn ley, Clark, Eyster, Fleming Hanus, Hastings, linohuly, Kennedy, Kunkfe, Lindsay, Ley, :degree - . Mayer, McNeil% Ober, Reed, Richardson, Tato, Voeghtly. Warner, and President SbereL Absent—breams. Brown, Cutler, Dun ham, Geyer, McDonald, and White. The President announced that this wa a special meeting, called for the purpo of considering the report of the specta committee on the sewerage - law, an. without a suspension of the rules in ether business could be transacted. On motion of Mr. Hanna, the ru:et wage ed. The =tee d of the preceding meetint were then read and approved: Mr. -Voeghtly presented , a petition from residents of Third street, in Ito Third wa.d, mking that a tire plug I. established on mid street, between Cne4t nut street and Ea' et Lane. Referred 1. Committee on Streeta. • Mr. Mayer a petition from citizens el the Sixth ward, setting forth the fact tied they were not provided with hydra., water, and asking Councils to take the steps to have time eupplie,-. ' lrif e =to Water Committee. A resolution from Select COCILIeI, which was passed at a pro Ceding meet ing, authorising the Finance Committee to borrow ten thousand dollar. at a rate If Interest not to exceed eight per cent., to pay_ outstanding -Mils, was taken up and concurred in. - - -• The petition of the firemen, asking the titabliahment of en independent tire department, accompanied by an. ordi Dance, which wee acted upon In S. C. ot the preceding meeting, was :next taken op and read. In Select Coantal read atareferred to Committee on Engines. On motion, Comma' Council non concurred with action of Select Council, and asked for a committee of conferees and Messrs. Hanna, Tate and 'Cowley appointed. In S. C. 114eafrit. Sfyier atd Riddle were appointed. The Committee reported, recommend ing Common Council to concur with Se lect Council. The report wa• adopted. I The ordinance relative to the better regulation of the Fire Department, which was adopted In C. C. at a previous me* t lug, and in S. C. laid over and the Com mittee authorized to have the same prin ted, again came up for consideration C. C. adhered to former action ant finked a Committee of Conference, on which 3fes.m. Hanna, Tate and Comley were appointed, and 3fessre. 3fyier and Riddle appointed in S. C. The Committee reported recommend lug Common Council to concur. with Se lect Council. On motion the report was adopted. 'Council adjourned. • Seal Passes grawerera The following deeds were left In the Recorder's'ofllee, Feb.l9th, 1868 S.F. Harbison to Miss :An nie B, Bre • n, Nov. 7th, 1867, lot on !Hamilton aired, in the Sixth ward, Allegheny, 81 by 130 feet. ! -More John Burke to Bridget Burke, Feb.l7th, 1865, lot No. 79 in Wm. Brown's plan of lots in Lower St. Clair township, 20 by 100 feet, $:.00 James Lytle to Alexander Mcgoe, April 4th, 1865,10 t on Cliff street, in. tfie Seventh Ward, Pittsburgh, 23 by 122 feet.. .•• 1 $1.325 Willlam:Cheas to James Nlmick, Aug 31st, 1984, all the bituminous coal 00- denying 15 acne of ground In Char tism township. .... ......- . ..$5,000 John B . Stewart, ....... t o Thomas Marshall, Dec. 3d, .1864. 'interest of • Peter Baughman in a lot in Britdrlocks Fields, 50 by 150 feet $35 George Steinhauser to James Hamilton, ! Jan. 22,1860, lota Nos. 36 and 37,1 n Tag gar t'e plan oflots in Manchester, 41 be I 185 feet. 11,6601 Wllllem Hamilton to Peter Henderson, September. 5, 1667. lot of ground In Al legheny oily, 200 by 616 test. .$3,394 10 Lame Edmund:ma to Elmo, ' Freeman, I April 14, 1807, lot on Spruoi street, In McKeesport, 35 by 95t.- Dun David Fitasimmon: to - Johnß. 7.ls973c"C!o b lecrang , 1 ar ett ! e 9 if i g?!.; " O 4 f , lobs In the Seventh ward , Puts-1 ! burgh.... g 4, 1 ,00 J. J. Shutterly, trustee, to Conrad Rock. November 17. 186 E -Into Nos. 123 and 124 In Shutterly's plan of lon - In LI , diatuttownship, 68 by 122 feet. 4 .150.1 William H. Bills to William 11. Rodgers, February IS, 1068, lot on Poplar street, In the Third ward Alleghey, Mr by 75 t. fee 5,500 Samuel Lindsay to Mos. Semi Niblock, December 9, 1867, tract of bind In Plum tp. containing 90 acre5....45,000 Robert WOods to Mary Jane Wright, August 29, 1867, lot No. 43 In Wood'. plan of lota In Pitt township, fronting obing Middle Anent= feet and extend back 100 .... . . Nathan Graham to John IL Watson, Feb. 10th 1668, lot No. 140, In the Bu ena Vista attention of Allegheny, on Monterey street, by 1001et....V.950 William Griffin to August Veltman, Dec. 2. 1667. lot ea Pritfeatreet Eighth ward, Pittsburgh, 21 by 43 feet.. ......*7,300 Jacob. Rush to Ellen firibblta. FrP. 23. 1856, lot on Chestnut street', Manches ter, 21 by 100 feet eB50 William F. Trimble to Jarevs Steer, Oct. 17. 1887, tract • of land In sewickley township, containing 20 luxes .. • . $BOO Three - tamed Her.—Catherime Kee6o,, made Information before Alderman Tay. lor, yesterday, against Jacob Sawder for surety' of the fautee..Bbe allege that Ja. cob threatened to take her life. The par hes reside on Second street. The de. deaden& was arrested and held for a -Stephen lees, proprietor of the Mer , Man HOMO, to Meriden, Conn.. in Whose hotel Frederick .Dauglase was called a "idaiipu" and from bruta l lyblic lable Douglass wa d ejected, sisaaulted Captain Rim, editor of the Meriden Recorder on TM:mildly morning, for commenting on 4,10 e, affair. Much, ex, ennead prevalled,aid. popular ludtg. cation saaniothwed , figainat Tao. who wan arrested mai held b: answer bOtt civil anA criminal Wing: 31LIEELTZ, KWH AND BRO 118 Wood St.. near corner of Fifth. 61.1d s Silver. .• Lad Coupons, eatd wt . ilboaal was. Drat. Wald . rti.lnal act. a COMMON OF 7-301 wAIMIGWV°"wmm th a LcUND SErEx-ramTIES • , INTO THE )few HSI a-go Gold Cooped Ronde JAMES T. BEADY & co., Dealers in Government Securities (Amer reenb * Wood Illtsvet.. FINANCE AND TRADE. UTRICS OP TI. Petteae■aa Okskuk, : .Tatukkr. -February Ys, Gold opened weak at leo , declined to I3 P ody.ooed to IsONG sod was dull all ay. but at thOSIOse the market advanced to 140%. The low rata of gold has brought out a large num. bar of purebaeen of ekeksoge, sod thus the rata for forelsa bolls to equal tO the shipping point of gold sod may leadl to specie paf meats for mot Saturdas's steamer. Government bonds though dul steady, the Inteatment demand le uttrely I tined to all seaboard !Mee, and le only • t. Dorsey employment for money. Stocks are lower 000 entirely manipulated by clique., AGO though lbe money market a easy and likely to remain so, It Ls dangerou. toreayboCy out of Wall street to boy at press in! Olgh prie e. oar logs/ money market troika close. the hanks are only dlaeounting for their own ant• tomer. nod will do only ehort_paper well eO. &Mod.. Smell iwoOM) holders are musk embarraseed by this, and 'mazy us breed to mortgage their homestead's to meet peen:mute becoming dne soonlll 1. very dldleutt to obtain money in thte way except by private pante. where lanes accommodation. are conalderce personil favor. A Mak demand le kept up for all the bunt. of our local ran:eels at from 1010 in per cent. helow par. Choke( New York go/motto., roottroo Cy Ph. E X.'.. are so follows: koM, MX: MM. 111 X; 0.314, MU, 111%; Mk, MN:Mk.M NiCkMWW,IO%•MMM 1113 M 7-Rlll/4107X, Cleveland a Pittsburgh E. /L..— .. i . Igr 2 blarshouts Onion Express Western Union TslegrePt, . .. 11% Eris It. IL.. Pittsbarghrort Wayne 6 Illblngo B . R. __' 41" Noodle...so itsitroad—somm. gogg Nortbarestern—preferred..— 74% Nee. York Central --... ..... lII=% Ohio awl Mississippi Cent Beare' P% Itishigan Southera...... 147%, Corydon_ - su M;= —The following are the pregeot and esti. mated liniment EVltlal of the gold bearing funned debt and the annual gold ,tnterest charge thereon: ' Aftdr lull' la, Feb. 1.1863. I Belt Ualle,l Stated i11.P1a.E.145.158,1160 111.476..01d Sided of IBIS :SLIM flO 233.6711,1,e0 Tea Ponies 100.217,2vd Old 6 per teat. 33,0:2,000 ' 27,=1,000 old 0 per ots. 1007 7. 9,438,Z11 Navy Pedalos fathell aol T d o i rl t p. PWiP.I 1'12.11,41,330 ' 117,119,230 The amount of Seven Thizty per cents en-. titled to be fended tato Ualted 'States Five Tweratthe no or before the lath of July next, if not previously pnrchteed by the Tremor, from the &call. of Its currency balances and the proceeds of the Rates of surplus gold, was, on the drat of l throw. 11114,233,130, or Ills - 041,X0 mare chants allowed for In the forcio lug estimate of the - maximum gold-beerier funded debt. To purchase which co mms to ell the next ere monthe, or to mud"... if deemed cheaper, and mace/ for the Making Mad, thyref the old Five Twenties, regletertd or coupon, the Tremor) . owned 'os the first of February, ge1,f11,11:2 in gold coin, after the ptymeat of the January interest, and allowing for MUSA) ontstmoding gold net.; Thin large balance will probably be. increased be fore the blay !Ithaca falls doe to gluil,tox),Fto, or more then font times the elm required to pay t h at interest, con Ceive of the customs re- - eetpte aval/able in !lay. —the Mileages tone, of WmMeador, oefsi 111. in the 4UTtgatlll 0111111144 demand for the groWhig out Of the to. weaned .trelty la Dramatic* WI. prostslons, mad hulloes. at the banks engaged is the pro. duce trade extublted more arumallon than for soma. time peat The immure bank. were check - lag to about Ohs same extant II =Med ye ~enal, tald le MO. Qoaelen .untney was wotklag quite mows. The moss Delleelbi• fea ture In gutty with the market I. the com paratively alight demand tor diaconate on nous - antlie paper. Stinks of all kinds of lamben t, are unusually low, and the merchants are --•- " " be marked falling MY to the COWlll.demmd for nzcitnnlth• ft Is Meg...rat be li ef la flommul circles that Me requutaseatsol the atermaltle ementrinlty will be Small daring Me oationg spring s ss Menet. no totes:woo on tbs part of our Imber. to troth tip to say extent boomed neemeary sosortment., mall the proipects for the spring trade mall have fully deveiopa.. The demand foe ellseount• it mostly contl.ed to t he smuts ofciperaton In bre...tuff. and phi leio ck though there •Is the usual amount to be found—osostly on the meet. The rat. of interest unelented. ezirnui.a. uvz-srocK ALUM ET 011 W Os vas Prrrosouartiaawrz, THIMBDAT. Februuy 20, There was a Maid improventeat la the de mand for Cattle tide week, there being a lager .amber of buyers la attend.. than usual, though, Wrisg everything into eau- Wyatt.. prices are no better than lest week. The Philadelphia market was reported pretty hard on Monday, the v eapplY bring coneldtt ably In runes - of the demand, sad, as a some tutees, Philadelphia buyers. did not come out prepared to pay an advance, notwithetanalng the advises from New. York wen favorable, area holden hen expected better puttee tide work. As • gra.m ttau r I ,b• awny of the sallte on sale was hardly up to the usual Man; dant, sosaistlng mainly of rough oxen, steer. add Iowa; there Were esitt• mellow butchers cattle, and • few ankle, but the offerings were mostly, Mwe have already stated, of an In ferior. order. The Coles, In the aggregate, wen but Ude haa been the ease for several week. pest, and the great proportion of the settle arriving at thee. lards are shipped an east, owners generally Preferring MI. to taking the shames of suiting here, though it oftea happens that it would have been much better for them if they had deposed at their Mock in this market. Laffarty & Um gold 30 bead of Rood uttlo for Budsen to Moss, * Menem at 1.54; al for Copula., to am* buyers, at 7,4-110 oP. If for Do rol to same buyer, at' F,l',; all for Bod• 400 t o o CiSO:1•00 0 , 110; 23 for Maur. A Bud. ly to Klemon & Ault at 7,5‘. Madam,* Taylor sold la head for Staman'to Moors at 6,43 i t at 4, and 21 for Lomb to Stela. & Son at 4,13.7 Char as • Shama/ma sold 17 harld of fattish Belmont tawny. Oblo, steers to Messenger. o:nett & Co. at 73. °Mom sold Klemen 7 had, Lotto: Bog item at 7—matibed 1,120 lbs. Kraus & Haas sold Mecca & Moue, 17 hood of pretty 3004 little, Weighing 21,310. at S. Kuocb sold 20 haad tow to John MeArdlt. weightng Hon, at CG;......./d B. M./m, 10 at 11.16;:0 at 7M-2 maga at 7, . With soetinued light arrivale, and a condo. tuni Cindy gapping demand, the market for Hog. ha. ruin dm dories the peat week, and prises are well meinWatd, ranging from 750 to Plia gross, for mitamou to cholea hear/ erentgea end these may be regarded ma the ex. mutes of the =Atka. floor long these ex treme, wealth, as; exorbitant prices will be mennahted, it is elledmat to coryeettuir at tile writing; eama dealers think there will be e break down and that, tea eery K.., intake their prediction on the ground that the Pros. ant 'extreme prises will hurry forward large ezrivaisi while others argue that • reaction Le not probable. as they ematend that the woman , is pretty well drained. Be thin as is may, of one wog we are remain, sad that Is, that the demand for-'fresh pork will be very touch di aticasbed, as poor people, out of employment Senn ot pay the present root Want prices -It is *imply out of the question-7and tads of hull will have fronsiderable Indoense toward. breaking the wake. 016s0. Lafferty et Co. ao/d 117 head for Hod van to Croue. Emmerich t (Jo. •t for baud to Drippa • Stockton as 0j611e7 for Hodmon to Crum Mamie* It Co. at 740;96 for aame to Imhoff at 416; MS for Dead to Crosse, E. k Co. at 6}.:197 Mr nom loollehrete.6. Co. at 9%; Se for quick to Blesseastr,ol.llati h Co. at m; lit for Dud to E. Health at O 3; MI for Kma to DODS. t &mitten Matra. vmstdog ,0035) at 6.33; ST for same to 011stirelst • Clo. at 11%. 00 0g.ra LOU, bought 104 had from Hob., faun at 9,11;3t from Olama. Lafferty & Co. at M lo from Hagler at 9%; 60 from Clifford at 9; lie from Hedges at S; Mom Conklin at 11%. Shlpped AM head Chmogo floss, combs 006% at Comas, %Neu @ sold 61 head for /Wal ajar aid all; Os fur fl Taylor unbaroth at 7 77)071 for a Heuer A Co. to Poorets of 5 ,4173 0 0 Emmarlek at Co. at 1511 for Combs to smith It Co. at tin, Ka for smote. Galearelat a Co. at 9; t 77 for Eva. mom • Pldattak to fledges at 634; 1211 for same to mut at s; 1M for same to same at SAO; 65 tot now to Croon. Emmett Ca. at 9%. Stremoler.olllett • Co. bought oi toad at 7.10; lrem A. Miler at 710; from J. Corso at 7 xi: SO from Killer at 7.90; C from (Rua at h. hold 111 bead Mt Crisp. a; 010.kton at 9% Cuff. ;to ovum, mount ►Co.. 1.51 bead at 1117 Hifi= to /Mime t Stoektott ej. 1710 Peary* at T 4. trUchtedat .11 Co. bought 499 head from Ma moos at 1,14, 433 Qom Tilden at 'Aug from Hamilton at Rothabilds k Byrn bought 17 head from Ln. her at 034; and g from hit:Fadden at b3g. Pumas weight 14 from Enerlek%Hy He from Crompton at II; 17 from DtirOp• Stockton . at 7,87; el from Cochran atO34; N GM Friend at eji. Them waa a vary foll ... aupply of Shan, UM wad , . but May Were mostly of an latatfor 9Ual7. Sod whit* prime fat mutton Sheep. Bullshit; for the swam retail matluta. wea good amuse. and add readily ac INI pliant mamma and Wend, gradm wen asematmily Ma; add maid 0017 b. &nomad of 'at vary low !mum. She but quality of fat Sharp may ho c.e.d gt Ito 115011. 1111711 N lan* 11110011 m to manna* mad sr from Sly down to 4. if people Would 1)4 mote mottos and lam beef sod yolk, they would do mush towards breaking down the extutdtall now current sof the lattaf.MAlM at rho sae Um, It isita•- PITTtiBUAGE. DAILY UAZIST JAIN 9412E1J, & Son, •69 sad TO Water Street, LLD 011 NANUFACTUREII6, Lan deslen n C.117D/L. uir/l/OCATIEIi and 1.11 7 SOS Ulla. t o wo. warranw nlo. I Lazo Or qui oft goat anclasall. or alba own** opa propow One bo Lard lo /ow as Olnetnna4 Lab/ Oor lane eau. 11 a af ananol be Out ,reea ant y o and standard brat& of Carbon eminently on mi.. Xanrbaate and man AL! mon will Ind It tl UM, /waren to gin a gall Wore ordinal Lord 1./ll from the Weill. ell. lrally conaeded that Sheep seat In the carat health/al meat offered la =sad. lass. weeny *lSt bawl for Holmes & l i ttlegio to J. Lloyd at Cab for quick to same boyar, at Nit. Lloyd• alto tamght MI from tiatly, aceraging 10,8,40; UM from Friend, aro:ruin/11, axial from Elllolt, aver•gtrg *kat 8114173 from Greene, averag ing 10, at 11.0ai 1011 from Hedges & Taylor, aver- Bodo.• Taylor mold SO for Soblawon to Deltrlati at Huai Sr for Fon to Maack Co. at 44; YIS for h/daft to Year.. at a—lli/Oyer; lid for Shatter to Dettylah at 6,00: 00 for Bat ton toms* toyer.at 5,35; SS for Vaa Stumm to mato buyer. at 436; 111 toy Slrlakard to Hasa at kaki 11l for Boater to Dellalch at I5i;104 for Bryant: km to Hato at 4,10. Saslth I &Image told 171 head for Irwlo to St yen at 6,15. Pastan to Kw lel hood lair Waablaston actunty Sheer. averagiag 101, at CO; Myers to mama boyar. 7.67. ararailltit at at 5.00. Hewer boutht2TO from lialloaa at 6; lel Bow Blackwood at S; 171 from Memo t 5;13 from Janina at 6. Par.gout bought 87 from Bari at 4%; IM (rem Miller at gyg, mut 17Z from ,Plakerfog at 6. Bunter mod tot head to - Deltrtaft at a 54; Coo to atsru.4l 87 at aft Crago to MgClaloo at Broadhon t In 0,4 Taggart a to Dalaort 141) 63. f; !tar to t St. rzrzioit ono ELILEALETIS • 01/Dlll op wee Prennthotoathrareve, Tangeoar, February 20. thee. f The general market. Sr. moderately active Ina Irmal way; that 1.. then le • f•lr Weal de. meadfor moat of the leading articles, and a fair volume of, business, In the aggregate, but there are eamparsUvely few operation. of • 00000 lot thoooo4/: OWN—Mote's Wheat a to steady do. mend and may be quoted at $2,t0e7,45 for fled. and 12,6001,12 int. White. Vona Is doll but onchaneedi we eau report salee of Nu, on wharf, at ft; and in atom at 51,54N.10. Oats UMW doll; we continue to quota se steo ~ on mak, sad SIOSS: In Care. Batley—none to market aad Is In settee demand. Nye may be quoted at stmei,ea. FLOUR—Is quiet and unchanged. Small sales In more atlllo,6ogfil,6o for Spring Wheat; lirate.Sefor, Winter Wheat, and Meld for fancy brands. By. Flour is uneblemed 8042 8,25. to More; and Buckwheat at $404,50 per eh. • • PROVISIONS—Baton le Arm, but Mew are unchanged; we sontMus to quote at 105(00 Ile fp:Shoulders, 125iggise for Bibbed Sides, and ISXWITe r for Sugar Oared Rams. Printer kettle Lard; 11.501450, in Heroes, and Ikea 14(o keg/; Uountry Lard, lleflte, In kegs, sa to - quality. Mee. Pork, ingl2l4. ILty—ls la fair demand and atemly but us shushed; we can rayon tales of Ti load at the Allegheny Smiles at SIIQM par too; also, loads of By. sod Oat Straw at Sit; aail I load cleans halite at leper poend. • lIIIPTER—Ia gnu and In demadd but on. abangedi sale. of prime to choice Roll at $110420. MlS—Uastaatred ►t riOna for tlned , and trash Natal ►t 3aona. SEEDS—The market Is gelid.. Ulovereeed • ey be ideated at $501160; Timothy at ti,Vel, . d Flazeeed at 111.1422.40. POTATOES—Continue dull but uraonaceee; mall gales at 11101,0 per buabal, and 144:13.50 pat bbl, asia—quallty, GREER APPLES—The market 1. luar t re, but prices are mud:mita% ranging f Retie ber 001,es to quallty. .1 COO 00 Watt , 01.1.—/e btu: but noel:kluge]; we co • Unue tont. No for No. :, and 41,17 for No. se the L.:Km Pub.. DRIED YR llr—le steady but unehaegod; Wee of Peaabee at 7119 e for quertery, and 1044 Ile foe halite, and Tate for d pile.. liberate lts for wtp land, and 40e for pitted. BEANS—Starce and In far lota demand at at T1Q4,00 per bushel. ONIONS—Seam and Inlamad; arse pert sales at $1 per bushel'.. HOMlNY—Ueeltsaged; sales to We trade at $6 008e.71, and Si In a resell way. . CHEESE—S.Ies of Western Reserve at led lee, asul Cioihea et - " I : I6 SINBEILRIES—Raose the Tray /so 1114013 per bbl, as to q rsrisaincian - pirrsoLa on arastarr. Omen on ewe Prrreenon aunt.; ' Tneneney. Tebroary U, lead. f CRUDE—The market wee considerably ex. sited, and to coneequenee of an Cram Co er &deuce. there wed little or teething done—hut a single ale reported, 000 bbl., en epos, at 01q. Spot oil may be quoted at 754 to 'Xt. .and there were no area le all kiamh be low Be; It la but proper to remark, however, that, as yet,'buyees refuse to take hold at the advance, though tee Is alwaye the use on iha opeoliu or ma excited market, there belug di:multiuse to hold off and ,awes future, de velopments, and thin polity very frequently faults dthaetrouthy to alone, as by /iota./ beak they, in may cane, Instead of bullet (or law pay ennelderably more, fill City taker.me report euelderable a:elan:at at that lulu, and an advance of from to to U. per barrel ha I been ateldieted, the lateet diapeabee quo ting at ki,letfft,73. REPINED—The muket for bonded ell was reel muck exalted to-lay, and while the Cm ce• onions in the aggregate were larger than for some time put, prima Sr. silo a shade higher, and errs: at the advance, there appeared to Ith more blue. th teller!. The pre move ment won to bif entirely spealallaN u the demand le mealy for future delivery, nod froth this It le fair to toter that epeenlatore have tat some pretty well eatialled that priers an not =CT In any event to go any /over, and this being the feeling, tome of theta h►ee towered op euMelent courage to ••pitch In." The fel. lowing eales wen reported : 000 bbla .to frt. May to Jana MS SO) from April to June...... 006 1620 Ent turf blarcb 1007 last half Much. 244 1000 o first half 614ran—laat night 2.2y4 IMO • lam bait March 24 600 Int half April—last night 24 600 ° oaall o for July at 260 and doL two 0 last half March 24,,g 600 binrch, collet'. op:lots ARRIVALS—TO. arrivals of on by the Al. rUltetlY Val lo 7 11 .140.a0 today. Ir.. “ ful. Jac 1 7 11k1ak.... 64 f Locrt k Frew Ea Barna it Kaiak— 360 Clar k&Smas, ma Maw York Produce Markel. lty Trlra/fob to ILe !garb arra tiaresta-1 :raw Tow/. February 91—Cotton oyez .02100, axonal wad fully 4o better... Mooed with the advance 1a.., with sales of 4000 Delco at 34140 for middling uplands, Mooing at:4c Flour; the receipts amount ed to 4,370 barrels; the market I. dull, and ' medium to good grades the from 10 43 - 130 lower; sales were made Of 5,000 barrels at $1.500121 for superfine State and weeder.; 19.10010.75 for extra State; 0,69011 71 fur extra western,. 112011.69 for svelte wheat ext.; 19,3014 Mr Round Hoop Ohio; 110011 far common to fair extra et. Louis, and 111 013.0 for gad to choice Ma, the market closing quiet. California flour ranges from 15 to Vie lower. with sales Of LCD oasts at 112.75014. Rye flour is a elude firmer, with sales of 43 barrels at price. ranging from lap to 40940. Corn Meal Is aeliveand a sheds cosier, with sale.of 1,303 barrels Brandy. wine at 164343937. Whisky Is mnalnid loot prices •re unchanged. W the receipts wens 1,700 bushel.; the market le dull and 102 c lower. with 'sales of 23,00 hromeln at 10.41 for N 0.% spring, delivered; .2.4.1 for No. I no delivered; 11.894 for white . Wisconslo, and 41,51 for white Co:Horn!. Rye is scarce and trio. Marley; there;. not a Hight ice • . my and prices are eery arm. malt; the maroet non with sal. of 1,000 bushels Canada East Int v. 1.0. Corn; the recelma amounted to 57,475 bullet.; the market is layks lowor, and *Wes were made of 48 WO Imshels $1444314610r new mixed western Stoat; 41,27 for yellow for old mixed western delivered; 11,170hiS for mixed Tenneasee; 5173811,21 for yellow Jersey:ll,24 for white southern; 114701.28 for .yellow Southern. Oat.; reeelpui 1,93 bush; Intaket dull and heavy, at 13140 bid and 640 asked for western in stores small sales of Ohio et I E 1.514.3 afloat. Rice dull, at at 1101190 for cosolin.„ Caere. quiet mid without cliange. I bugus allehtly favor. buyer.: solo; of 100 bads Cabo at 11%012c. lgolamme In fair re quest bat unclmged. Hope ;pilot. at 150 600 for American. Petroleum quiet, at ily o u , for crude and DX, for reamed, bonthni. Pork steady; naies of 2.000 bids, at $21gr31.00 for new meets, cloeltur at 1 2 4,1oregule.r;grI,S7 OHM) for old do, Closing at 123,94 cue; mesa. 00 2 R . e 4 e o foourmeaend o gA ;/47M0 foe , pr m extranew plain men and SIBS= for new mesa; sales of 133 Caron., at 123036.60 for prime mess and $35041 for India meas. /De! Ham..te.39; eales of 370 hOls ot 6310 10 Bacon firm and In fair demind; solos of 650 boxes, at Ile for Cumberland Cut; 1110 long rib; Ilyie for short ribbed; 130 for long clear to arrive, at L3lO for short clan. Cut Meats arm; sales of net pkgs, at 1101010 for shoulders and 1314015 e for ham. Dressed Hog. lower. at 101.401011 c for westeni and 114011 He for city: lard firmer; Salem of 1.15 e eels at 144.11534 e. Butter active and firmer. at 4.140Wiz lar mats. Cheem 11015140. Freights to Liverpool steady; en gagemen of 1104(0 boon corn per steam at AI. tar—Flour clown dull and sto 100 llrbeat quiet and la the buyers ra. Rye nominally macaw:med. Corn beevyat 411=01.W for new Mixed veetarn taken, and 411.2221.30 for Old do. delivered. Oat. dull •t letl4e for western In store. Pork lower, dull mtd 'teary at V. 1,75 8a1.57 . ..4 for old Mel.; .24024J1}.5 for March. and W. 4 `.2.5 24,50 (or April. Beef quiet 11.1111 nnetianged. Cut meats arm. Baron very arm at 110 for Cumberland ent: Lard arm, at 1415015,0 (or fair to prime steam and kettlerenuered. Claelaaatl lanai. /37 Telegrape to the Pittsburgh timelie.) Clemenso, Ifebrnary %.—;lour and Wheat dell and uoctianged. Corn In falr demand at Mo for earl Oats dull at Mc for L ' etitt l i 1 gititiardl=4l7ir.d.tio.,WlP.ltiV. Earley dull and priors loran fall, attgemL4o. Totem*, In demand; mks of 10 linds and CS boxes at 144012020 for logs, mad 513.00115,10 for leaf. Cotton irregular. buyers holding off; middling could have been bought at tki at the Mom, though acme were asking higher prim.. Whiskey dull and swims. nominal.- Provisions firmer with • con tinued speculative dernand4 paces are higher. Hem Pork sold at LOD for new, and g 23.00 for old. Bulk Mests,l%c, 1110 and MM. Bacon In demand at lOWA 11*, 13503 and lte for ahouldem, aides and clear sides; pretty much all offered et there rates taken. Sugar masa Liam In good dermanfl • at 16017 e; common do. at 14401:0, all can (wad and packed. Lard firm and In de resod at 1154 e for new; old 14 held at 13%0 141 1411.01mM. Lnaldellgursa Butter erm at for fresh Western, and 140106 for New Yor k Mate. EMI. dtt6leed W 310310, mot Om dOpply better. Sugar and COffee steady at previous mires; :Misr, 1101110; Coffee...llol4c for common to choice 010. Clover geed unich, with a =Nitrate jebblag demand at WM. Vlonnthy aged. 42300110. Llassed 011 firmer; sales at 'LIS, but the demand , s only moderate. Lard OH, $1.150 1.70. Petroleum firmertranged, 4.16121 c. 0015 1 HO hulleg t aid 1053- Flamelal Blatiers •Let New To. Stela Clew* Y .1140,014 a x. CST Telegrapa tba I'llM/will Ilase 4:0.1 _x, You, Yob. to lifOV3T ACID - Money unebeneol. The ehipments of a rent to the Booth and Won have been itnall to have any .feet. nterllng q4le , ehanag ll= at 1063:13109Ti foe prime batik era , 8111.. Gold opened at 11611, and ehi,e. Reedy at 160.40140%. Governments steady, except Tan-Forties, which wets bought freely by lorelgnlingses, Ind Flvw-Twenties of 146..., tsitt of wblen closed strong. Geary, ClsWs Co. furutsli the following 4SO quotat lons Con ponal . pl, ni3iitin; do 'Ol. Illiiil/1164; do. 'at, l4eolo 109; do..'al, do. on,•.l4rialoo:' Gn• Teo-Forties. 1 0 1 4 40;195!i; Seven•Thtmles. 1075 1013 • : sascas • I Continue excited, and the Interest centers in Erie, Inhich a marked detiline was submitted Ito w , carrying with It the rest of the rearket.closing weak, the bears having control of the market. The - contract for building the w'broad gunge toad front Akron to Toledo. ninety.ely. mile, , It Is un nounced wits taken at s3,uosuro, and i al ready aml lion and a hall of bonds Imre been subscribed fora new road to 'yeeeise twenty per cent of the gross receipt!, mad Erie eighty per cent, the latterThyntshing rolling ...Mc end equipment, In case the twenty per cent is not /mail to seven per cent. on g 3 ano.ooo, then the Erie, Atlantic and Great Western and Michigan Southern Compouiee are§ toltaake t h ir d deficleney. The latter road 1. LO lay a rail to•Ctit cake. IrMIE! Canton 600 , 1; Water rower tkoiktul 4'; Cu in -Wieland 9,007; Adams Co. 917469.07 r Mer chants Union 331:1737:4 Cnitro 04 ateS 7 41 14 Hull. L rargn 40 71• qoick sliver 04117;'s; litarllXelc 0 Y097:4; - Pactrle stall lou l 101C0k; At. 'satin 97017th Western Colon Teleerrinli 5P,41:73136; Sew York Central 1703400.0;',, Er i c 7 .7107 4 71•. llodann 147011 s; usaii; 4 , g 110401413; OhloCerritteuteu 310314 . ; Wgllsili 48'4; St. Pant USW:a; do professed Southern ' Centrat 114 e1147; uthern liltuG9l7;rlllinols Central 4 3.0 117%; 7 . 0.0 burial 9.1 , 40 S'4; Toledo Ittlici; Wet:: Hoek 15111. d 9040.74 t Northwestern:4l%o eat do preferred 91.310:0; Fort ;Wayne toed 1U1414 Ila rtforit Octa sale 11 , 1; liarllnij ton avu Quincy 153'4; Cincinnati preferred ltluClevelanil and rainervillo We; ilannitiot and St. JO, ',referral SO; Dubuque and Sioux COY la; lillsaourta 10 !i i ton iteooeli tkl; now do SO . , rualwo enAnts quiet and lower; Corydon 43: Quart. UM. knal7o; 0r c gor y , CV; Smit L Pattmelo, WS astu. eos•ri~ucir. Receipt•. (2.4e1,904; 1 • Raw York Dry (Carotin 7 4nekek. -• (By •rnietooptt to me Pittsburgh Oa:toff. I ' - New Teak, February 20•Tbd cotton goods market continues not Ire nod gretPl excited under. art vices tram. Liverriced rn porting large mice of middling uplands cottou or / 0, 7 PenCe-2S cents in currener. This bus stimulated the dousing for , gmais conalticrably, and pricesare again firmer Snd tend Strongly upward. Heavy brown heeting . ..mint be had ut ally price, us the 'tappers have tionght •!I ithe popeildr makes before Jobbers wise • nirare of the feet. Atlantic A mil. quick at 101 and Will go op teal soon. Appleton A and Lyman 0 arc In active request, nt 10.2. Pepperell E IS, do •LL • 17. Atlantic L 10;4 An.eskeng Dnim* 3 2. Anteekeng llencUed Muslin. Os. Atasonyills and Fruit of the Loom 21. Waukegan Water Twist LI. %Caton. la Olt.. 11111TILEIRC Prints It for frocks, 1011 14../15 , ; for fancies. Wand I/-brand Spritz:ten an Pacific Prints 105{g 13; AmankeiggLsigt Low ell II; Wamsotta 10 1 4; Cocheco 14 1 ,,Qigi WO., Cantt, 13; do Shirting 12 1 .7, and ?net Cloth; S. randy' Woolens more active, nod price* firmer for !Inn gaols withet' tendency to. ard_higher prices. Sled lulu. mail lo s' grsdesplnnty and low month, but it would seem as If prices hl geberml had teanclitni bottom. - Claftwora nark. n. CIO Toloaranh to tan Pilo mar. ti Cnicaeo, peq 'N/ —Flour continues dull: still holder. sek prevail. prives for choice and standard Brand.; other brawls are ea.lor. Wheat ala moloratelleuhand; of Na. 1. at 111,tohint.er, accordluir • to loeatlon; N 0.2.1. Irregular; openiagat {LP:, Illl,olC big to 11,1;t, Kaden:thing Corit Is firm and motirratlonly active at 1:31; 111;19..c; closing with barer. ails selle.r. 78 :Nei N.,. 1. 501,1 at .1141 , 4 u. Oat.. doll at 56kc. Iton is more aortae, and 11,1,e hlgtmr; 11,55421.57 for NO. 1; 11 ',1101.56 for 1.0. 1. avr ley Is firm; clewing at .1,01. Provntatos are firm. Sales of Meer fork at 11,1(01/23'11, math; 1a1.001.1,..1a for March di:livery. lard Is firmer at 14 , .e. Cut Ithats are am Ire 011.1 firm; bale. of :moonier. at 90, lover; ablot, 10-110; sweet pickled Ilsno, Meats are quilt, Cut 11eat. are era, Dressed More are la moderate request; wa r lots am dull, mot WhCieta bolo.; 1t0.... t0..1 soft, heavy, are 40.15; froacti, Itt , eelpht—cra: Ohne Flour: 15,5411.,, Warn,' 01,953 an. Corot 2,12 S ha. 001.;1,1.54 floe. nhttlohent4--..1511,1s Flour; I.,e7ti nit. Wheat; 31,2/. ha. Corn; tato LI% Oat, lass' moaned llogs. . Cleveland.Bartaet. My Telegraph to the Mt elmerh iJarette.l CCITILL•ND. February '29—Flour quiet a, ,1 the demand is light; double extra spring', $lO 75 g111.50;dorthIn noire mil whiter at it IV , f ., 13X , ; White at sllol.s,conutry Manila are 1.: to $ll.O below the plaice flgurce.. Pi h el dull and neglected; no iles reported: lii i I at Si 6312.1-35 tor No I reel winter; 11..144 . A.t0 for Not: dm 4 2 .11t1.1. - 43 for Not 11 Ileeau Lice spring. Corn nominal, and nothing doted In ithelleil„ at 90e; cern, Ala truck, at ranted OPLll—the re - cella. are light but the, No Is fair 11.1.1 the market better; No I Ste, held at Mc from Store. 110.1 quiet 6,41 steady. held at 41.r.1011,67 for No I Piate net 0 . .." r.• htrinir quiet aud ateady Lilt I,V. for No 1 State and Canada: al. Pau - Ate, for No 2 State, Petroleum quiet and un- Changed at 04240 for free, and . Is4/IPc lox . I bonded. ==l • fay Teter-10.0 to Luc Ihtt L/J1431e.1 hr. Lout.. Fes. ot—Tohaccd o nehrolgo.l. Corlett and LL atop dm, but no very 30101; rale, Su pull no at 47., 1 4911.110, Ora 119.Sualu.b0, toed., nitre and label' 49135. Wheat atrady .011 nr, hot tau,, to mand Judd; 'ales Z•in lOWA pprEN, at tutth abate. rut fall at a1.t.1 1 44.., 1 Q.. Caro elm., athl chola, lot• higher; Gall, at 61(.9e00 for nherhal, and 710750 tar ear on tract. Ott doll and Irregular, at 00672 e. Latter hrtul malt • aprtu‘ at Lew. lire sece cholca aL Pro, Mona buoy ar ant. ; ardv.. and bight,: Vasa Port a•lrano,i to 6h1, - .14p =.50. Bacon Maher.. c fur de, slam awl 1113.i0 for aboultlar, all olty mod. La.. 11 [ghat. at 1.1 1 %1213'40- fur ahutee eaulpta—rlanr, 1.3u0 Ws; Wheat, ZZO Corn, 3,721 [matt; Oat, 990 bust, Telegr N at:h . tft . a l :7:7lo.7l.7l3 k L%L. - • Now Gaaarass, Feb. LG.—Cotton irrrsufsr• natddlillas aLV.:C.3%G sales 3,5 AL t,l, IXL Starlint ISIGISL New Lot k sign: discount. Gold /3:4. So/Loam/id blols.s., Unabanced. Flour uusbango.l and 114:d. males. Cora easier at %GeV. LPG. onens..., ed. York nommally unchaoged. Lord n‘ Ido In tierce and Ito In keg., Bacon nearer, at. Ito for saccade/la and 13c for clear sides. Albsey CALM/0 Market Teireeipti to the l'lltetrorgo o z. tie.; , Yearoary alai° Xeaeket an - r doll this week; not Moro ikon 3r 601:1 howl changed band* at 'best week', nitre. Total—reeelpte sheep; molee 0.100 head at 4Weffie Una. °tin .trim. .( Ykbigeoaretaglng Ili pourolo. noltt at recalp4l.4e4. Dreaaeet tinge In aux, orate detriand at 10!401to. 7,4 Etllvrinnke• Market. • • • hy Tr:arra:ill to Mt rate orrt thirene.l klitarscans, Feb. :V.—Floor uuirt hut • steady at r 9,23010 for spring extras . W heat sotit o but• •tonle lower, at $2 tor \o.l. Corn dull and lc lower: sales at 22c. 14yo ir regular at $1461,01,47. Barley gull at e.t.a :Dreamt hogs grigOg.S. Provi rloris glnnor. Pork VICO for city 1/21.3A. Willi Boor; lkign bit wheat. hilliornts -2,300 bblx Bohr: tan no wheal. =123221! (If Te/egranh IQ the Fitteburge Use,:e.;• Tatar., February 111 —Flour—reerlyte bele, very quiet and unnilua). Witent—r, relies 10,10, bushel, ealen or Amber at /: r; for No.ll, ninny 112,10. Corn—rteelpt• ABU titiabele; dull opening, at 'Pre; Noel,. dull, at 1•134 e. Oate—.reeelpta 550 Duehri., very gate[; eates of u. 1, at etc. ea very quiet, an., no trail•actlona. (..loveze.d ea/ii bald at. 117,10.. C=3l=2! • LOY TeterrepZ to the ritteeeran (teacar t I Lotunlit; February W.—Tobacco; tales of Ir 9 hblltc logs at 007.30, cutucuoll tc Beenua, leaf skals,•2s. Flour. auforfloi• 013.73, fancy $ 12 , 50 k113.u0 Wheat 116. Corn 75fjerc. Oats befrec. Cotton kfti =Nu. .L•trd Items 1•ork Lteoon.sponletere 110 clear solos 1131 c, bulk ebouldery 10t,e, clear eblee Philadelphia Markel, - jrlySelssrapti to Lac Pittitiatab birsette.) Falbaultarale, February 'A— Flou steady-with a limited liornatl. alien cteady. Ityo 101100; Pennsylvania 11 .7 orn In fate demand; new yellow 11.1 u. Oat sloallyal Rio. PrOCIOLOOS pork 124011,25; hal. In plCklo the harm. all. Lard /N-1615...P., MaUlmer* Mar Ker. • ly Telegraph to LO9 vh,L.oocga DIM7IIIIO6{, February. lO—Hour an Wheat unchanged. Corn rwt Ire and brute rolled welter. 407. Oata firm at 7tlatt - • !We Orrc and unchanged. th. Inj anti, :tee fi.Mand, chtrcr. tel•lern. Pretrudon very 1.1210 and bending \moan!. bacon cbOttldcru /J.t:e.• t/ulk ahouldnre levee lOC. • • itotialo imartata Eft. rewgraph to the PitwLarsh Corfu., BUFFALO. February. —Flour stead, Wheat Inactive and unctinngad. Corn dull: sales of G cars of new on the frock nt 111,00 I.W. Maw bra titular; win t heavy at a;I. Laril oneeangeil. heeds, Illinois tituruhy alc76. Clove,. 67,70; Pea run flora Flax VAL • _ • New Yolk tattle Market: • rdaTeloaraoh to the nilei.rgb moot. Haw Tont. Yoh. M —Catlin trade nom, with Wu receipts, and prloes•ato a ;',l/p.40 blighter; tales at 120190; receipt... 2,5 w head. Common Sheep plenty and 144 lower; prime arm. flog. arm, at ti%olle for prime.. Ch/ease tattle klarkot. ltleTtlegraph Id the Pittsburgh (lesatte•l l.latoaoo. Feb. o).—Llvo Bogs ero lore fn tight, /50Z0 lower; bell at 47,2307,0 foe tight, a 7.80401.70 for heavy. Iteehlpts—G,Ple Ilea /loge. 14• n Prasel.o Ms.krt. • COY Telt ;trona L.t. rittsbursh San Faavemee, February 211.—Flobr quirt Legal Tend extra, SSTSer*: superfine, 117.5 u. Wbrat, , STEAMBOAT - 3 - VOW CAIRO A*Nrimer 81% 05.1..ffnieb LOUIP.—Tbe Dna I.ILENDAL6 I rapt. l'opy 11. HAM{ W ICI leaie as Above on PAP MI DAY. lob IP I. at ere.ocl p. la. tor Prelghs. os passers spr el. boar, FOrt ea T. LOVIV floe tm.' • WM leave foi sae above asi.l l""AU. jhaWr. Pont y.beao. m oo of 00 ,, , ,,,t.....ateta.!diate JAY (.1.11. a. BA I, JEN°. rj OH NASHVILLE.— Ant.' Ar Mu Hamer • CAMELIA Capt. way 1.3..0, N 111 tare fort' e &Lee not lotereoedlate port. THE DAT. at 4 0 , 610 et r r. trelirht or peornee •O ply Onboard Or to O•ri. ..h , J. D. CuLLINUMOOD. A.M.. • JOHN /LACE. IHOJA, UuLlD‘r, • • OFFICE TI) LET. up MMus, 85 tal Water Meet. Um. tit incxxxi C 0.... re.:! . :;;FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1868 IPITTSBEBEiII HOPS WORE(. ,f 1 unit, CU, I rl rr i ;:-..,Lohr.h. 141 a t: 3 tlesite• h.. 1 1,n:04 RIM [. . f,lnr...tß NEWS. .., The 1 elcather .,...4:csa, Druz., ante ~.e 647:1: _ - • Mad :GTON WORKS Li1.49Y0 :LAC thaninal • - • etAnJ, rill, GUILES FLATKJha ite.rj IdOWICK end HETA IS& Pal C1L1X0E: /11l 4, a eLIALL 'l' ILL.II.e. ee I the. tt.e ChlAillz arta . q . ll , :tte for eu.e.,. FLAT' luaus. Punch,: ';,-Lteteerratle. COAL eel,: I, Iletne, hINIL.I sett or/ leLe. Warehoese ne.l . otece aF Rho Vitae, iittET.N. 011 , RR 'T. ' le c.tieetrtoeetloe t n ee rot x e r . e st t e tlai. Re IteClrytVeres. is::re el.ll wooer ......aee IND VSTELLS L W 312539 .• HUGH. M. BOLE & pigine ficalders ate l Mad/tuts Make ic order .Itatn4, and L. ad Pate. Kag ono! stAca.latlefectlon. Caen., es. orevcry dc,,,,tion, made to ail. Nelf.t.... 4. L. 1.101,z, fore= ~'l • '=.l-..14 , !.i;T:41 Pat" II.17:TSUISIZEIII, ...ITT 3 114.:14 ST OIR 8 ANDERSON, CO)K da CO., • (suocsi.v.4.ll) JON.b73, LOYL & =I RE[ I IALP Cii.ST STEEL lignar. ?Ist atd'ago, of al. 'qv - 4; IS. PL.... /vrt and tbeut Cut . Intel: C=l liteel tar 11.E.,PESO ISU ZOWIWO ILICEINEB, firsEL PLOW W.I.YOS, AZLLS, V1k0VL.1.167, Cut and COmmon pLow,dlr. Kee Ofinc—Coroor of Tint sod ltoza Streets blocks above the 11.oroon.slela House. o"11,1 BE re ex* f 111,4113 A.1 . Z11? h EMMA' Mt B4A:11' •In, ALL Elltioi t)./ anyxy C1ic1,1:62. c,tooto, Phi to %4 tud tt at l oois t ftan , uerld V 2 t 4 D ry. ' •qt r ; - ftVAils wilt &row.). , 11..t.0te , 1 of our,old ttoot, we act tracr, fo.rrirt NEIL CIACHINIE at snort L to Itto. ?ROBY BLANC FOZJAIDRY. Butler Btreet, ICiutli Ward Ul':••;r LON ladling' NM a i Eridge l3stiugb f EMU s'73 ens, = • Olde; • prc3rti7 ,3tt <,:x lon7.rz Ku tee. • nraemy.r BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS & CO., ig,(77ACTL,LLII 07 ALL DISC7LL7IIOIIB 07 Othco .c 1 Whrobouhe, "=.; , Nee nd A=4111)&12.1 Firs' NJ...no, MICILIOLAD SCIIITAIi BERLIN FOUNDRY NINE a SIRS, = PlTTBOUtttitr. PA. 21.santactaic lad kelp eonstiutl y au Luna Th4.41.1e, Sh.rin 3 Pips Boxes Wy.4.4.).5t IVIZ.r.S. 13441 IttrlN4 EMUS ERILLM w And cai‘no.v r.dn,ralW. sn:ty4 IIej . 7 3.ERT: LEA, MESE :TEARY E 5 2:OINES AND BOILERS E'ro: 3S:oistors /110 MIG.T.YES. 1114.4.41..; , :e4l4evripttu..ade W orlo CorrSr :1 1 1 2. trIC and Fury =roelA,. PITT EMil IP.ON WOMB pj BONS. - 11 . 11, NUrACTCII ' Cle or' tithi, Du and Trunk LITIEETE, EVENSII?T, PRESTfIi& Co PE. ILT — C.C) W447hd waTrott Jan Attl uary ee at tte 'Pt!, e -ter Wet, ite. ontei.vozxtalt .•.. 2:11 a= e land Sr.. Latta Hale a Y 2la • 2A4,11idNT44 . VtltrtE:cl.siri: " .m eleXettett•tt etel •It (IJ, a St t.s. Le 3:t3 p Deptt , rt irom All go any. U. :To 1t:334M) " 1:41p m t=gickT232 N. art 6:33plir N. Blll.'ll p 4 E:riv r eA4P lll 9 .1441. 7. U.IITYI6. ) }i .` • iisi • as Hem Cante •• 19:1. .1 • L 2 oa I;.ftrtli°l 14: 4 2,- 026..00.• UttritiaPrirale:r.'7l. t:C.I.I2aUB 4 EN!Minn R. PAN HAIM . LE - 130111 • ; IDIADGZ OP TIME.-lOa sad attar VIDIDAMi Dec.:lb. Sib. I , sl into. will 100,5 1.211•1111 ell Si Cats.. Dom as follow, yittsbargb. : neraire. axIIIVX. L. W. LUX/ K. Tut Llue. .. . ... 5:40 A. Ka Tdd. r. M. 'set Xs woos . - old d. 1. :SSA. Me Mixed SP ay.. A. Y. 4:50 r. m. 's Ax. o. 1-1103 x. X. • :AO?. MG B benellle Acceend'a./ 2.657. 21. End A. M. McDonald'. Ace. Po 2.. 5110 r. N. 5:23 aractAx. Ntrr:ca -Olinda, A rsrowl leaves • Ile. P. Ke a arr•lng Claolanati at MD A. II rtYir 1 17 '4 i ' M7 12Z. 7 .1,;i_1 2 141y. .54 Moeda, excepted, &Meted le ....attn./eta at of Dm same evening, ti No/1W XN ADVADOMI OP • Lt. 111/UTIJI. 't Nrllo castise (I tome. Pitialyargh sad OinslarAtt. and Lot (INM