iittuurlr etaiettt Trig !MAUL WCAILT.B. Within the mblehlbtai bar bath. • • Half hidden In Its deepest deeps, A dabs peernsaerlosMi- • heal. ALL illetr-erad tarsier sleep.. - Without the dbmeemsrs sparkling eyea, The rare blushes—there it lies f Medat as the tender Dawn when her DurVe Vaal withdrawn— The Rower of cems — a/llT•oid4 and Pale t Yet, what dotal sdi moult All its beauty, LB !teases. All the honors of Its placer • He who plucked It from tie bed In the fair blue Indian Ocean. Limb. without life or motion. • • frs his earthly dwell ng—dead! And his children, one by one. Whoa they look =p an th e Cult. 4. Grove the toll by btelt be drew The treasure from Its bed of blue. Gentle bride. so loaner war ' In thy night black, °dorms halr Such. a spell I It teat dt That a tender soul should alt . -- Under sea sauteed item. What need`st Mon • diadem 1 ' within whose Eastern eyes Thought; • starry genius Bell Trion, whorrakeauty bee arrayed— • Thou, whom Love and Truth have made Beautif el I—th shorn we trace Woman's softness. anger• sae e All we hope for. all that streams Upon us In our haunted dreams ! - - O. sweet lady I cut aide, . With a gentle, noble pride. All to sin or pain allied. Let the wlld.oyed ono' uer a wear The bloody laurel in his hair; - - Let the black ad sway Me Round the drinker's temples talent Let thetas - a-begotten gold Weigh on bosoms herd and cold I • - Bat Iss then forever aeon By'tby natural nett alone I tEurrj, Gmessoll. ONAL. tkinks she is not in 1 —Mr& Lin, sane. —Charles Keirrits repotted to hay left $250,000 behind h —Somebody asks lithe famous `• ~ lack Doughtes' of bistoiy was Fred. —Miss Bateman is still playin !Leah with unabatod succeas in Enilan —There arc • seventeen aspir to for the. Congressional nomination in the Third,' lowa, District. —Bob Lincoln la to ha ma d tci daughter of Senator Harlan, an not to Miss Harris, es was reported. —Mr. Frederick Douglass nays that be has reason to belleie that be is tLe son of a United States Senator. —Judge IL Holmes, of the Missouri Supreme Court, has been tendered a pro leaserreblp in the ilarverd Lew School. —Gen. Phil. Sheridan Is thirty-seren 'gam old. was horn at Samereet, Perry county, Ohio, on the Bth of March, 1831. —/....portridt of Fred. Douglass Spoils the sale of )Ire. H. It. Stowe'a new book; bit she refuses to bays- it re.. moved —lt is thought the Hon. IC P. Bald win will receive the unanimous nomins tion fer Gosernor from the Republicans of Michigan, ~ — The ladies of Cork presented Mr. Gooige Frannie Train with, what they considered a suitable present, a boiled blood podding. —Hon. J. S. Macdonald has refused the Lieutenant Governorship of Ontario and has been tendered a seat in the Do minion Cabinet. —Queen Victoria devotes a grat deal of hex time to knitting, so that employ ment has become very. fashionablo among English ladies of a certain age. • —The once notorious preacher, Ki 4. loch, leitnring in Kansas on "Lessons from - the lifd of A.bratiam Lincoln." He is Said to be the, ablest orator in tho State. —Garibaldi is very ill at Caprcra and fears are entertained that he will nevtr recover. Rope deferred has wade his heart nick beyond-the reach cf medi cines. • —George Alfred Townsend thinks that :111111rd Fillmore is one of the handsomest men hc'ever. saw, "with a neck and shoulders like a champagne bottle." • —judge Billington was executed for murder near Boston, in Plymouth Col ony, early In the seventeenth century. It was the Cant execution for murder - in this countrz ' . —Gen. labridan's denial of his en moment to Hiss H---n 14 now under stood. He is said to be engaged and shortly to be monied to Miss Grace Fen ton, of Albany. -The Marquis de Caux is said to have a 'fortune of four millions of francs of debts. Therefore, at is said, the Patti -ems at last bean prevailed upon' to send Wm the mitten. Burlingame, in his new capaci ty, maims a salary of $55,000 in gold, and has the expenses of his guile of thirty Chinese officials paid bj , the Chi nes, Goyernment. —Mr. George Ticknor Curtis thinks Xs. Winthiop would be the proper per son to whom to tender the mission to the Court of St. James, but he rears he would not accept it. —Forrest, whose infamous and cruel behavior st Fort Pillow has em his memory in rather an undesirable fora, has recently Sled a petition in' bankruptcy in Memphis. —The Senator who made his appear ance at breakfast at Willard's -recently in the costume usually.deroted to the hours of slumber, was not Yates as was reported, but Saulsbury. —Menton (the figure-aunt) sells this month for New York where the will rest (dr a dan' time, and then go to Ban Franeiwo where ehe luta been engaged to play one hundred nights. —lf Admiral 'lammed ivas, younger we should fear he would be spoiled by rte adulation which to heaped upon him; brit we fancy he can stand it pretty neat ly u well an any one now. —Tie' first child born of Chriatian pa rents In what arp now called the United Stites, was Virginia Due, In the year 1581. If - still alive and unmarried she would be quite an old maid., —Mn.s Gen. Robert Anderson is like ly to get eaten thousand dollars for fa lcate; done to the plantation of her fath er, Gen.. Clinch, In Florida, thirty years ago by the Sankt - Ole Indians. • —The ladies of Buda and Pesth have presented the Empress of Austria with a beautiful cradle for the exclusive nee of the expected addition to the Imperial and Royal family of Hapsburg. • —A. strong Rand= squadron is being fitted out for the alleged purpose of es costing the Grand Duke Constantine on a visit to his daughter, the Queen of the Cheeks. Turkey does not like 'such m arts so near Crete. —R. Emile Angler has written a new play called "Paul Ferrestier," which is said to be the greatest and most dam lag success for years. The legitimate rains it is thought will look up again on the tote strength of this production. yin,oln once said that if there was ever any difference in his cabinet he was always certalit to have the MM. her flume Connecticut on his. side. It is hardly necessary to state that Mr. Welles was that member and that he SW, exhibits the same readiness to be on 1110 . 616 of the man in power. ' —Frederick Gent scker, the renowned Gent= traveller and suitor, was in -. Cincinnati during the prize fight in - which Aaron Rules was defeated. lie, la writing to the Koerner &Ming, says he Audi it strange that such things should be allowed ut a wsuntry where a horrible outcry is raised if one drinks a glue of beer on Sudsy, particularly as the field where the'fight took place was _ rented for that purpose a Baptist --kr. Bergh of New York is too 'b. tis really ought to O nu:tenanted wlth He Is president of a society to prevent amity to animals, sad in that opacity does the most preposterous Wags. Lot week he ca had ausß7 the foolish temerity have a driver of a street car arrested, became be beat his ' horses with a board. There were two harms and Alley had only .me car ii pall. To be sere the car had more then sleety people on it, and the grade was heavy and the rails fey, but thew they had no basiness tofall down, and it win 101 anal they did Mat, that the driver heat them, lad Ifr. Bergh bad Liao ex". larA thouau. A COLD, OW 50111 EIECIAT respares tanseass• azta &Simla be clacked. is am:md se °outs... • Irrtrot lox of tbai Laos* a Psrsa..i.i Throat Dloooro. or vonsoutption. =I 11110WV8 FROMM TIMM Harter a direct islets• to Or tnatt Op. sIID~• WOWS relief. Fyn Bronchitis. Asthma. catarrh. Cossampptlve and Skstmte IN rms.. Troches ore turd *II Annus gOOO SeedCM oigte.d.edgrAPArealirlgter• the= DAL " ° n itacnnes Illacraceul. Stb Cam and de Do: W. tar of Ur WOIETTUJ4/1 ildll,llo. Um. 1,11/7 be Offend .1m . 12r1Weinr. (Fr= Yo?mien If tit Cdtei Labs) SEMI LEAVES, Pr•perlida ,.. 27aelzsdor ll !Moat. dlifddl , d , . d•ndiedrbd; arr.malle.thetr tdaves 0103141 CPI TA •aoPaealagdee too:dot. laropartles and Veow —Bache ue 11 , i ,1 7 alloveattt.. with a peculiar tes Jeer, to the Urinary Ova., prodecter it., and like other stallat medicines, exettlai disphoonle. . ' ?to are itteelaia complalata or the Dana , ' Duane. each et Gravel. Chroate Catarrh of Lb 3 Bladder. ltereld Irrlialloe of tee Bladder utd Wetera, Magma otibe Iteleatloo or laeoralassa of tiring, fres • los of tone La tam pals =acct .. ..lln its 1113.1at30. The KM. oaf has alga Woo to sosaisaaded La Dispel:4l , 6 tbruila Itbeon:at4s, Ciassalsotti elfistalLaa ant Mom. • • . BILAIBOLD'e I rritACT Smelt ia tura by Par ma. (Pm Bel sees at I. to 4, sad from 31 to ie. or U. realism or calm. or Ilia; after Con: atrentaat es Labor Bed settlag Is .1.1. . •. In Affections to to Venielt• Elsner. Boehm lo =ow. Wed try other Mo ods. as la Cblaroeto. /Seel:Una. Irregalaritr, or rroogrrroslon of Crirtomr7 so Erac lon., Ulcerate[ or talmorto Bt.* Or the Uoerar, LootorrAt s or Whites. hine•scs of the _Shedder. Affidner k s. Gravel aor Dr . s t rrtaj e motatirtzT .. ll roViiVar c riNolbeau Into broi th r tr. or. lob the Wourr or Cot , mtrons &porta... sad nit Unnuur /Galante:m at*aae re lacert, an orst. . . , m IBdammatlatt. Mambal.2l. Sixty net Itatbm has farad every mite Of Dial:deb La iden It has Lein given. Imitation of Ma Nec w k. of Mee Bladder sad latedamattria oaf the V llerys. Ulterattalt • f the &Wins anal Madder, Salmaidon id urine. Dimmes of the Yroatala bland, Sees in the Bladder. edemas. !Dare. Bd.. dirt Vapdalt. and Mama noway' Dlseltedgme, ”d fir safer- Med aau Landed., entelatetionit of both ram. , attended. be. tbe follobtne itysie=l;—ladm. ;I r Ve!O ' r;i ' . tillTen r ejoi . ellgi W ea& t ine., ea ding. Narrate of Dlmms WM Grained. Dimness rif Vision. rain In the Burt. Hot feuds Centaur or the lardy- Drfame of the Sails Iry ay. a on ibe bate. Pa.lid tied &immure. MID cemil Lasaltada of We ILladdlar Hnr 'MOLLS 81TE602 anon ni DIU BBTIO AID BLOOD-MUM°, And s cored ail throws of bang Imo Habits of 11.10.4 m. gxcale. sad lea pitolotos , to LizAtmr.:l7.°lt.ttv.7,da ;A:at - aske h • • d be, of losostandlog,onor. ulOoDhOnfo 6l.oo ' Affectlou—lot the.* &woo, noel In LMMUL conosetion HIC EIBEE3 HELMBOLD'S Dan AND 0.11131101 L wAlssouar. = = Et= =23 I=3 nEwsisz ur 00IINZILI1FIZ713. UMW, NEW PLUME FUR Iliti IL INDIUMCLUII Phaloss'a • Bldmea: Ceree• u_."llght ittel;tring Cereaa. 13321M1 "Nista Ult.rinimg ebalsoes ..Alight Bleombtg Cerras elaaszt's " firiglat Blowslns Cerms. A soon exquisite. &desk, and Frugrent Peter listened from tine ewe said beadsital dower Mt • likiek it takes its nun. lisadaet..4 ady by •_ PILALON & SON, New York. BMA= OP COCISTERFITCS. AM POP. ALON'S—TALE NO OTHER. VEII. UJJLNHLLL & CO BOILER MAKERS SKEET IS WORKERS, 2U, 42, Z 4 and 24 Penn IL hrea.r Iwo ma &ad !Mitt.. Wannact mac Llncrl. vs an ara nand La mannane ceal anniption at Boil era tttn beat manner, and yrnrranted.nninal to nr.y trnla la Uto COIMUT. =SWUM Fanexin trig. Irbe Beds. Blown rim. L.:dowel» MAl ern, Condemns. Salt ram, Tank., ell t3tllls. Agitate:l4 SetULag Para. Boller Iran, Brlagor, :Sax. Pins. and now asnofeerarnrs of SAES BILL'S PATZXT Decant= done on the [13031.41L notlne. term WROBEISON, RE! it CO., 0..41. 0.10 HCfSI6O3• lllEil • • • . WASHINGTON WOBIES, WONsilerinaNd neeblal4lA.PitiaNlON -11.1mf.Coers of Boat And Instlosza7 Btoo Edgines, Bout KA/ORN6 Nlll IlacizlENT. Neu- Us. ShERIEE, Cuomo of all dzscriptloßs:oll Sans. and Ulna. Boller and neat iron Worn. (Wool No. 13 corner TIM and RARICAI4 Sir Azvats for OLIPARICE PATENT IN JECTOR for JUNIOR Wier. 00111111 ar'LARE SUPERIOR COPPER IRILIA SMELTIPIEWORKI PARK, -McCITRIM Lit CO.. Inannntnntrary of _lt g heat y alnAlnrnalsrlst and Bon •=liftrs v nl l i= it'zi, - ;1. la& TM ital. lawn Iron. Wire, ie. Constantly on nand limners , Moats* , an d Tools. Wasehon so. No. 140 /MST ISTISZET d ISM =COM] ISTEEMY , rittsbarga. .oonial order, of c.ppar on, to w 7 &WT. , pattern. saylCOCtisT IartIAIMIAGE AND CELIBA. rawly far T D 11 , .0. the Crime of h e at* 1.1. MAW= and anus= 'Welk Eliot. with with nada mesas at relief. dent 1. a.atea letter enreloaes, (meat/Lardy. Addams Dr. J. MULLIN HOUdiECIVII. klarant Awe- IliCadlalabla. fa. aICF RFATINCT A. SCOTT, DENTIST, xo. 228 PEXX STREET EM217:1 JOHN D. BAILEY & sno, STOCK ANS REAL ESTAT4 Dr.Sals AID LUCTIONtiIIa. /aft prapsfer to San at /Matto. 'torts Ealld ud all ands of IlloctErtass. Saar Estee Eloa oold ?natter, au. Otto . oa taa ;maim a at tar asaril of Thula. Rooms. Eartltalar asacttloa ;alas Y lllustofote, to th ale or Aral Estate al prlvasa sate. salts of Lest Estate la the own try site:ado& Utlaa. I , ll roincrii anncrr. OL J. SCHOONIdASEIt & SON, X.X.L.rf.i3I7.I . IGMC White Lead and Color Works, WHITS SSD RED LLID, WWI PUTTY SIAM MEAD ilk vie/ ouri arms elesz. A. all Bolan 4.ry or la oW omen, Ns. Cl roosra STICK= . Irartary. Ilw. 1110. 469. 4114. •54 as. 455 W.I. If tryet .4 119.11 sad 13 Lea. /Herb. , • OOLGATE & E0.P19 N...G CI 4)' 171AGAINZ i 9 &fa rt . % TOILET SOAK; .1. uu.• •••-• Ar v.re... 1 b. atn.l ...... ,-_- . air f. MS Lk* b•St la. Jr yO wv.,lltriArtrz:.% r a d caowas. badigrery. REMOT OREAT SALE AT COSTt u t; lorge n ttook . of NUISIOLt n LVITZIINraII am Dam t.l.dar. $O. I.3 ' l3nNartirliLD RS botwoos PIGS tad alitll otry. to. and . ..11l Imo" at =7 Moan& Mot at OUT' LOW PZIO RA. • JOUN ZW ZIDINGIN. No.loo kn 0111.1.14 most' C33E3 CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE arr To DOT TIM TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, I= ffr== ROBERT ARTEILIM .4s.vx“roxtseztnr, No. UN lONNFIJ I?, pima...Th. Special Mention is Men to collection% mat ters is Le trtpnnn✓ Conn. Ontat.ntioss Of Taws. and erica Ont.ntne ~t~atrill•. ♦enno : l• cement of Rene% Dtposon% •e., lie o roc all tite Atm% on o. .I. WATIMItI. —D. r. JAY 100 N CITT nEvr WORKS. • CEO. 0. CLARK CO.. iattaetnrern of every .tios of Matt, ft etzatebnel. Cameated - sad RIM. I.l•Vrazlit4 Encos.litior Seltisz . Uvieu Denne. NO. 409 maxim BCD., 04 floor , nt Plitaban I JOIrI PECK OBRABILEMTAL /OeEkvw..vorx.wigg igunglat, Aryl. on haw' • moral aporteseat Of EL dim Wiles, Bazt% Cl. Eintlenma , 4 Wlts, tvpimL, Bc•lpa, ttnarellirsoelcus. La. • A goody:Mall esth *ll.l he apes far . are :Ladles. &DJ gratIMIVIIIIIIII-Ca• 12 naoLuat rucAnqvAnrgia4 FOB . Warm Aft Relaters saffentibitors, albs w issawled, of it..ad." mama. at CO.'S, 1.. .3 TA r=1:1 WALL PAPERS I • IMO , PAPILialt . a . comailsias a follotoek of al Oes, from UM cheap Brom to the fru atoomn Gait rapes. io to salt lia low malts bran is foookat. 0./1 LBO 1 " 10 gillaWf• 1.0.0 . Ga. n" , - Iwo= - pamei•-ain.- I.rstlll casks tint vett, to SAM , for Weld_ SOLII.II LAMM 4100. BY GOODS, =]l!iMr./NGS NEW AND DESEBABLE DODDS =l= JOSE HORNE &. CO. lEUE=;=;I . _ alltLa Itl l / 1 1.12aid. $ll.l AWU nuLi.ioN rximice: COLOYKDVLI.VET .111.11150:1S, all width* ' THEshade., THE CH 1./.1•0 oomettlas for La4loo. L LAHGC LUT Oi Lill ID 1111.3711C1{11 atnumarti, I=2 =I ALELINIIRE'S KID GLOVES; =I Aobolou usorlment of ME //MACH 7AOWLA.I. olll•L. Wital ac. =I Ilietaarck Paper Collars, /of' sebisb w. MI: tb.• Waslessle •` w. Also. Mennta for aUCCersir./1.4Z5.2.1 ant asorrr.,er. raper Collar Companies. fluter. se we do. r aclestreJr for ash. we eat oder eoperhr ludecomes Le to ow h bolero. WHOLESALE ROOMS HP STAIRS. , 77 and IS Market Itl 01. fO7: SPECIAL IMV , 'OIITATION I SPECIAL IMPORTATION BCECIAL IMPORTATION! OF• 1...A.0MM OF RDgL X-N .9.02111M1 1=3312:2 =2 =Et= I= =:aa BARBER, - 11/IRDREKCH ir.ra ==!E3 PRICES REMARKABLY LOW I I= ==! MACHU% & CAMISLE, 19 Fifth Street. Lrla NEW GOODS! = J. M. BITRCHFITILD a Wl's, = BLEACRED.:MVBLIXI, OLLICOES AND CRASH, LLITIAL aroca. ill FRFJLIS t crxiicipsxxrcor comr.r. To mete room [or Salm:Sze the Store Booze bath- air snamb. No. 87 Market Street. v• 8 FEBRUARY. _ 1868. 1868. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, No. 116 Wood St., Pittsburgh Haas soar open a LLLUL NKR STOCK. walth Iday atter a, LEFT TRIM PIESENT EVIT6IIII NwtotOto deer! rg to wort Go; sort ray. Um adt.or, stoOkltt Cal at Ea 115 WOOD SIBIZET. DEDITILSON & HECKERT. 27 MI Ih Street. Flee Fars for Holiday ?resents =I CM= I= = wtroL a MISiNU UNUIIUIbYILTL LID GIAIV/Ll, HAXDSCRO/11Z113. E=l ambits ma awe axis= /2ES=I o au w oar roods or, eeed prices. la rder to eta oar winter red stock. C Wil a.s li ta C fr i t i ttfr 111.1 CO., W/301.124.14/t DILLUSIS Lta FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC JRTIOOIII pre.% WOOD ^alrl boon lams Dissa24 rITTESURNYL. r.. . SPECIAL NOTICE, To Purchasers of Clothing. CRAY & LOGAN, , • 47 St. ()lair Street. In Order to doss ont their stal Isar& %stmt. men of Boys', Youth's and Children's tom} or[ 4 .-710 = ►n now °ferias it.d. .1 DECIDED I►Y BIDE. BOYS' SUITS POE 55.00!- ill other good. equally 10.. GRAY & LOGAN, • NO. 47 Mt. nab' Sow& WESTER GOODS. E HOUSTON di CO., Fashionable Merchant Tailors, N 0.37 FIFO STREET,. • s*y. jut ra calved a oecood • opply of Winter Coatings, riagtr i crt r tallams of, ,, C;lrril, CAMIa prima amaT reuaaable. • nn intoaly of Man a t Bare. Blain O. CIIARILINO Oa ►lrama. at price. La a t atom noithia p . ncs.FDLE. Merchant Tailor, No. On SASllleld St.. Pittsburgh. enstastl, az band • AU wortawas of CLOTHS, CASSINERES & VESTINGS. KR MENU'S FURNIVIING COM OM'S CLOTHINLI KLDX TO OZOKZ, • tau latrO , awls. MERCHANT TAILORS • JONES i DUFF, • 11... 3 ST. 01.1113 furmomi fast • FRUIe ba y.lßat (bNootiltt l b• 11 M /2 r 1 wdyoW Vato A tD a • I. 41Ilddlrajt.Patdod: CO rt o rd smite om. Tan aro datamtalo c las:rro AGM cc to noels, Mersa psuosaro. 412,14 LIVERY STABLES. MERCHANT, LIVERY AND SALE STABLE LW. NICHOUION. PROIIIIETOL ROL 111 LID 141 THIND DMA= Wyposas lathaatil kthitl.l MM77777M7 tICSLIIN=:YIII7!....-.D•IIIZi L. 11101FLOD a MITCHILL, LlTtery and Sale Stables, 2111MUllarlr lITRIFC MOM rialainals Dix& PITTSBURGH. ranwur otSostlos IWO to tailliEloo C nra . r: - "t" MIZIII PITTEIBI O8RF0B3'IE; ! FROM ENGLAND. WE DAVE 317 6 T RECEIVED the lnt Hop['notion or the rearm, per stroorera BUtrIA. sad UM.. of our Truing noose( English Brussels Carpets, VELVET RUGS AND hint, ENGLISH EXTRA SUPER INGRAINS. Th. Roost assortreeps, latest Md.. sod lowest_ wises 16 the cd.T• OLIVER WOLINTOCH & co" No. '23 Fifth Street. P: - ) a;I ( 0 1 . 41 11, CARPETS HAVE eERTAINLIC REACHED BOTTOM. PRIM McCALLUM BROS., fffor • large amoortnfoot of all kinds of CAN ' PETE. sauna from previous fes :,..o=inasnyinktit.L.l..E.El3 ZINC& Ttill OIL CLOTHS, Of ry alai decidedly Me largtst ctock it any bone to the city. McCALLIIIII BROI.`ERI3 61 Pltttt Attire% above Wood rem: REDUCTION CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, IRTTIIINS, WINDOW SHADE', &c., AT BOYAR% ROSE & CO'S., Al Fifth arms; r= =l_:==M::l lITEUND & COLLINS. = NEW SPRING STOCK CARPETS! OIL CLOTH P, wI WOW F DADEFI, CURTAIN GOOllll, PURCHASED LAST MONTH FOR CASH MIMI= LW Ti Mg Mt 1Q WEIMER = I= =I Par Below Their Pewit Value, =1 ea the Met 0.1 la Ma se Nas. II ud IS FIBS Mot I, 1=1:3 cTii wouxa & COMPANIE* :twit:4:l.lo 84'110:4:41 Eureka Carbon Oil, Sperm Lvbricating Oils, OHZKICAL• LINEOEKO OIL, (Mud*. Selimed as/ JLebrfentiog 01144 Lard, w/ers•. WSW* sad rho. oil.. Et. C. 3SAO)3II23NEY, Agent, 19 Iry Is Street, WARING & KING, MIMI Ma on ID 1141311 a Petroleum mid Its Products. DalzelPs Illeci t ,Daquitute , Wsy, renssumma. WA FULLALFILMUJI ADDZilir - WANING. KING CO., ====!3! H. M. LONG & CO., /LINIIIIC =MUM OF Lei;v1IIHIIIII1Haillql WOMB." its. 3 Da paw) Way, PIITIIEI7WiIn. - TACK BROTHERS, I*NIIISSON lIIMCBAMM Petroleum and lts Products, 11ME1311611. 1.1711011.)s maw et Dminums Rd W 1n4.2 Amt. rtuirmrazitu. 071201,41111, w.se■l apl:mlil EII.GLE on. wolup, zsaWv:•a Cuircrrnik. WICHTMAN ANDERSON, . Masai aiti Dealers la. PETROLEUM, 0,1103. mown nom mammal. 000 Z DIMIZSTIII VAT. J. 0. .p7/0X..0. A. AXICIMF..W. 111112TAIIMAD SOHO OIL WOMAN, • allamkbetal. sad MVO rr.o adillia of L ÜBRICaI 2 1 .1.11 a OILS, No. IR. MUM lITIZZT. 111111111/1. lIILIUM • CO. NOTICE TO COETILACTOBI. opted normals rellt be ntestrai, for /flea den Inn d*. (Febnary We) et tbe °See of the alldergseer. for $04024111210, OrISBING sad rAViele or IL IX LANA, =Max IT., 1118/ADDIJI STSCILT, PENS ITIILICT, XAI N bijklrT, TiOT STILL= sae ONION LLLZY. iperlllealbram pit. erea it the °Zoe or the Burets. Pr' Mwriss et Miaow. Smut. ALlie ROH DAILY GAZETI' Jul. IMMEZ MEANOR E4l HARPER, FLOUR, DRAIN ANG PRODUCE Commission Merchants, c... 3 14, 2 u 9 . t n it ,5 11C . 111 , 1i Or.. Pirre.CltOtt. EtcrancNcrt—i: it;1.14. • a PalaLle S'IILIELE SO,/, PrALE`Elliti ri. o un, FEED, edli4J- 4 .,. And Produce ren..rally. No. 93 01110 iTtIE r, rout Last Como.. • ALLY.4III4NY CITY. tircuutv tr. ILITCIIART, 00MYJSZION MZPAGRANTI3 _ Srkis, dui Feed, 4c, LITIE4TY 1.17111511W311. ROBERT KNOX, Jr.' c.ori atuvuor: Pirgeactar, =I YLKIII, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, 41Z LIOEUTY NT.. rittemrsh J. D, riIJULALZ • N It/Ce 411.. 3PI. C:3) 298 Penn Street. M'ZIANE Ac AN/Elt, Cotainisetun Xarciscints, Maier* in . I , I:JUL *ALAIN Vt7siN 7 llt:l7e . rg. WATKI4 'FETZER & AIMITRONG, -1011,10116 AP) COMM for tie oc Una, Baton. Luc; lie LW' 1."1454 Pralt., and rmaace plumer•nl. fla l le L aril% atroat. wryer of Inn I, Pat.,. M.. e. rearm SCIIONARIER & /leo draalara Inkirocarlea. Floor. Gain. Pro duka. Proristona, PIM Clow, tilt, Carbon La: NCou/ta l r agnhd ll Wood 717601. otattlbertytorl, JOCIN 1. uovoz.zuvrAiniuorsz:.lrlC. 1104”. j 0111 N BOUM h. BROIL, Rec. 1.7.50 en TO Jrarfc I. HOOPS A 00.. liTtela .212 firoc..n tad Vosnmlcaloo Meramots, cot Oar eh =MC eld ocid rlttaboret. lag 101 YUDDLE,No. 183 Liberty Si., rlttabarub. ra.,Conord salon llerabant.nna NY - tieing Oa Molar In Country Prod... roeurS an Flttuourgh tillietifacturf.. Clash adrueref nu rJonslyarnents. nalo tor lezoduou •1113 RKNOX tr. SON, Commissioa . MIFI(JkI AliTdana I>aalus la YLOUIL OWN, MILL /ELI) and rallUlleigesaral• IT. No. TY naaload...or.mta CMYHML IrOVIT VILr. lal DAV. (RAWEOUD. COillitlko NON NI.NOILONTIorItIaIIrrAL, BLOOMS OUL Witt/NUT:LT nomr inoN. ME HINNY ud(Llx. Le. Worthen. •ad Onto, Nos. Me and 166 I'ZMN NTIMLT. norms Smashed Coaslonomot•soltr.:ten. net LITTLE. 1131 RD it PATTON Whole...tatlineal. Commlaetan Merchant. Teadealers In Prottleee. Timm Bacon. Cheese Carbon and Lard OIL Man. OMIT. Glue l'allon Yarns sae all Plasherett mannfacturet matter - ally 11 an/ 111 hewed strata- Itlllanerre. r. 31.111.—.1ng. D. MiTIIII REIEMLEI & 11110& o -, (SuCcesso r 1 Utitpor Laderronlltnnleorla 1,88 , to rr l, Ig r.n Fraltr . Nuts ard Rote's. Coefe,Bl4. t", 4.1 jonist CANFIELD,Comunii .. Mon an War - warding Marcbant and salt olealui I: Wratarn 14.461,45 amt., Ha, tat. Lard. Port. 214.1. /1441 k, rot and Curl Ashes, and Ms. Llned hots. and no Sett samara:l7, 0401. IN and :in Front 'treat. rttlaVara n• • • • • - ••••---------•••••- 111.CTON &WALL A( E, 11P hole ..laa N KOCK,. kNI/111,01/1TCX1311.1.61. N. 0.16 .1. .I...eet. 1.1,,.n. lac:ru rri Sint Ali OE. W ESTEILI INSEILENCV , • Or rITTMSLTiLkitt. . A LILIAN 1,Z.11 V.U. f. It rat dlr.t,r, tx.rrtary. 11L01...K 31.1.1X =EV. In, V. aaer , '[..a( • moat , sp stain, lt.ora WIIIIO stop utalt.istttv. Of 3D. ita.l Mar Altts. A hoar LysLitutl,7lstmlatto,od 1 , 7 PLrettor trho aro .311 i a37th i 0 como.chttr. anal *h. Atm dttortr.sr.l 5.4 Ilbentltt 4.0 mt.:WA:a tea characteratwok,. they bats a. anxeo. rOlextott thr prololto,i, 1.001• ta,Ltt t.) a ~.t. I J4taa It. IL.<, la rare,' 1.0,1 American I t:UISS. I . IC/L.I.t.S.N LTV. it* l• "AT. 1iT41!..T. eleprJr .row tie r rot *. • , `na It.• • ••• ,tv OICILA S PATE N ,. • BRICK MACHINE Fs. 131 /sorb rourth 7ltreeL THE DOUGLAS BRICK MACHINE, Tfilt .RICO.TnnT 10.1 , Ctt len YINO NILCMINC 1 ET r....wirrto. 1,1 o,ratio 1 In 1111 odelonts. al TAW , : 4.1/ betosantomn Moon. and laralng cr. Into, 93,000 Se 40 000 Ilrlcaka Par 0.1 The ally otortilon of 'bit 5154 no. In u.anat of the litunetalno• net,. 5 5 0$ 4lfeet.f f., the meth,.. to the LiIo...VLSI It, On Penh. sit flat of dr , 10.. Vol COUN IT Rlll lan so 4 at y Infgrnaellan, at,lfte. U. A. DOVULAS, 110. Ind *mM /earth letfeet.. flit• Wemtseted I. Cools. Mare er Monet he welt ao May Stove IS the Valet I DIN lELL & CO., IFRS L1131.1[11( IITaZiT. Also on 40.0 and Nt use. PARLOR STOII.II. , itrATIFOI STUVEN 0 RSTS FRONTS. 1 t,‘1 , 61t.5. CUOKINU RANSIL& ts. 0010 - Ell S POSITIVELY WIRED Wlibout a... or too xetss or CAUB ' TIC, %Id With natively Little Pain.. Comps. ly Bribable In It. etrooto IN ALL UUSIL. /hub nolnbed beyond am P9MIIIIIII.ITY 07 ♦ DQUiT,, Stnetur Vlrstilire. Zehr•pees. £O. Addtcsa Dr. T. J. MINER; ja33:lle 4 WHEILINCI. W. Y. 11,AZ ARD POWDER. I AM NOW PREPARED TO fahsagiortestnotlce. Sit 0. 1 . r. 1 .11. 0 r small lot• of • ' • • lIAZAHIVICEL : EBRATED POWDER. WbM.aririg n YTINZZIT ta1."4111 4 . 44=2 14:: rur4ll,:',`,' , ll=lll . ARTIFUIt KIRK. „ECIELFAEL, nw.sai UZMEN . T. lIRIOL Mill SILL. ISTUNIL II [AVIS._ WIIITZ LICE, OHIMNICT Tura. And WiTill rIPLW. Ofliee avail Warebnase, lei ILUSTVISEIM mats Ilonontsbe Is alease., ,13..L.1C0N, - Sealer of Welghls and Measures, Ha 6 FOURTH STURM • Between Litmeity Rua Fern Arens, Md. , . Ur.= attended te. .11,0 WEST COMMON MACHINE HTUNL WORKS, norlaireat tanalir we s U4laataa, mn,. %VI LLIVATILII • 00. • SVARTH AA) VTlllMo '. frilra, " a°' ante. 1510e -W• 1•••, •B•W WAY viIEAUYI YOB lAD ANL/ TWIII •TONTA On . P , 01 , 17 itz sc. Ltd. 741.1 YEW CB II II no $15,000 " ON lIOND ANu nuiramea. .G•. WT. .Juastesia stmt. .111(1.10 "At ARY. 21. 1868. PRICE ADVANCED, Ina AND 1r#1311.138T. Tits Cent i ral Pacific Railroad Tle Pun sad pelverpti vortlon of Me 1dE03.11 tit.% dui ectoss vol IS betnellepldly carried forward try en voDteee devted Tarot; tad It ts reasovahly lain Mat the CONtID➢OC6OOOtLaIO RAILhOAD COnnterlON lcObt star 'Vail TO SAX Pius• CISCO "SILL he NADI Is IblL l he Unitod n tat. Governmen t mralahes. up . a enbordlna e and matt:went 'lien, half the mane for twist:online the Main Mom Line; and bteldes an absolute grant Of 17,11.0 acres of •nln able public lands per mt., the Central Pantile Railroad Company nay, received from Califor nia soirees. donations an 4 eelneeslione worth more them 6.10:04000 The'ava.lable resources or this Cottlk•llT an /hexedn abutdmat for the purpose, amounting to .774. OM en the tint 7:8 miles or ;the Llne, laelndltig Loan. secured by • First Mort[ see anon tbs Whole Properly to the same amount only as the U. Mitaidy Bonds. The mo ire already attained. e.t.a.,. ender compartlvely unfayorable clrenmatattem, af ford inbitantlal (round for believing :be C/iN• iltaL Pedant, to be the ace Vavored. Prod= l ltva and Value. hi• antlrand anarrprl•• la S. Country. In eon*queate or the large Sad nipidli In ereasialadenimid. the pries of these Honda On been sillenced, so. the Company are new offer. leg for We a Mahal smonnt of Moir First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds, farm. pm/obis to 00bn Vow, a same af al.nal cash. at par and gamed Inter est from! Januar, lit, In currener. • Thesis !Bonds. It is belliived. pawns. the ele ments of iateiy. ntiablllt7 Sad groat. In a greater shigres. Meaner other clam of Coino • rite hienettle• now offered. sad are therefore, yea dealrable for Steady investments of surplus capital. Invasion heir In mind the follow ing ndrintance: I. TbsY are the Ant mortgage on one of the molt valuable and productive hoes of railroad' la the world. it. via .1.1 earnings from local business In IBC wer/ mute than four times the an hill In terest engegeineele• 111. The bard part ct the road Is now done, and the prospects of rapid e‘mPl.tlau are Incur able. IV. The Company hate Liberal subeidlee. wideb ensb'e them to proseintelthe wart with great vigor. I . V.m.agement h been exoeeithiglY prvilintvind re ail ntal. • i VI. There Is already a iirgs and [rowing Set • tiement on the completed and graded tine. ‘. Vol. Tie lands Imbibe to be or Immense vales. 37,0zs acres baring lean already sold: VIII. toltb principal mod interest are opt!• only mid* parable In gold it. Both the aggregate amosint of Inc. and Weir standing In linrope titivate for them continued =Urn) and a high rank among stead ird &mantle, At this time they /tell ...IT Nine Par ee■L open TUN Lreetse■t Holder. of 000erameot Ikearttt.• bars an op • .oortanliy or.acbanglag thew for Central Pa deo Bocds bearing an equal rOW Cl lalaresl vita Co. falnelpal abandaally aaeured, and o reallalig a-jprsat of too to bitten per cent. la addltloo. 11rders•ssnt with the (studs through responsi ble nut. or Lnpnee Colopahlee will reeelre protnetluttantien. floods sent by return Ll press, to say addreve in the Vatted hilt,. at our eat. Ihreinuation, Detertiitt•e Pamphlets, Maps, Ac., furnished on application at the °thee of the ghtlread Compeuf.' /4 a. 54 WILLIS. wrazicr. And 4f Yll4 SI SATOH, H . C. MACRRELL, ATTORNEY & ROUNIELEOb AT U' 69 Giant Street, PTITSBINIGR. PA. larsiata BItADT7: 4 OO.. I'lltabarih. I JOHN A. STRAIN. Isi,to3,7crer Baators 55.1 Dealers la Wirer:meat NoorKlei, sad /1.55.151•55515 of lta C: Y. S. 51. Co., 515 5 145.55 slzert, 2 , 1•5 , Tort. kleo, 'of R 0151350 51 a 11/1.011... TO *HEAT GROWERS. aftEKl 101.11oNAbo BONE Super-Phosphate of Lime. ■ALAUTACTUYLU ST 1 • THEALLECIHENT lERTILIZER CO., SEVizt RD 6r. CA YIPBELL I riuwaurivus. puree, $56 Penn ft; Ilitsburgit, Pa. Ttie Peat Tertl , lSer Pas,d retaaga .1 raraaart gra. ban ta i on l ie Mal, b o w Lae ataaelari for ra,. large p• a Whet R/.. N Pave pa ishea a c l•rea vet,' Liarga=at: ' .., "l7 .= `,7ll ri a,"‘- itarr.le.2plem of all+ eeat:troe to of st as Shalt *Jamas , MYERS, HOPPER & CO. t,CelttM•n to it. S. lII] W SS. • ILA 211111(7TVLIMIS FURNITURE Every Description. 501001, &M 0141tE FUNITERk so. 41Smithfield Street, ===323 Mira tun e.sikortageAt of rtusbrasll 11 Len. To uss. Ilan coenaally Ca Ita,./ LAI •Att IL C. L. C. MI -.WC I. RIZ., 111.69,1.11 PIITSBURGU IMPORTISti HOUSE INTABLIIIIIIILD iwa SCIIIIIIIDT & FRIDAY, airrogr.ao or GEIIIIII, FREI( CH AID SPANISH WINES AND LIQUORS, 409 Pena Stre4l, Pittsburgh • [CHU EDT baring reintnowl from In. rope: ban Itl.lll Isom porno... Lad poinciwil ermines... with De following Int CLUB RUDILLICIL Ay► Dn. Chappnigew. DR VIC mous a co— a.c.11.7. J. rintiniliin • CO.. Coosa* and Nordvans. CHAR. 1.•ABLINO. soltti•ft BOOS. 531414. a ) ,In. 11 XA1111) nekinilD r.,.`! bar/ A Knells. w BTU KR Ci.L. CreDsw nn. nRODIng Ha • , ws— Montle. BI • noels\ Alm 113 KNORR•Cs Bcoten •les. • whole. sasortment of , rows OLD BYE Winn/ELT cocaina ED on hod. Hafts, nerfeetedsrtnniremeata wills %beano, hosanna. ww aro .blew oiler the nholoro bend of WIN Sad LIQUOR:3. Xxassiontion usdnonsivarlssas of isslewi solicited. 0ng3:363 FOR FRAOBANTTEAS CHOICE; COFFEE, PURE SPICES MEI ROBINSON'S, No. 20 Fifth Street. PORT • PITT 1411161111 CO., Capital, t : $124,000. IProalassil—EDll%. DI cliAlDei. eparesars—T. WILIOM , illupertsteadwall—EDW D. 11,111031 ifiward Lhatsoet. L. r.l , unosn, Jona I It. D. Dithrlage, Hilo. W. DltLrtnr•.' 1 IL L. e. 11. Johnston, • • LIJIAB•A ARO—Corn. of HUTU= AL LAMHZNY eTA., Nlesh Ward. Wk. at TORT rum !LAN WORILA..Wash Ult.& Strest. 1 •91:116 ME= JACKSON & FREW plownwn to Loooooor • a . m.) aceltuFAcroinis .A.ND LNIALIJIN LN i Saddlery, Trunks, &c., gianylx.....l7xtggnarantrA= Isororemonto 10 I I> dbk• 141 MEI= • , Dro.l.osllllTcbacl =tweet -4 4 , - sob. &vista tea.the WOMMAIISILS MT Peets.7lvanla. saner ilV~iarn'i'ei MOM STEM BUWERY smasa....ras. MICAT.AOIII2T LEMMA. SPENCER, a CO, fitiLSTllllB B11BWBR; Ale, Pottor andßrown Stout, YITCBBDSiIN, P!,' nzua walwx. summon oat JOHN NUCLASEN, • . Attorney.itb-Lca Ofts.7l. dLJI7 Of. lttbwlid. I====3 R . A. tAmEnont Attorney-at-LaA No. 9$ Fifth Strcat. R. BIDDLE nourmrs. • Attorney-at-Law. in WM= arrturan q tl;w u u Stiotatloa ay. SO eases iA As. mPun. aria:aid EIIBMCE 8. MORROW. ALDERMAN. Ex-Othelo,Justlee of Lhe P oace, AID PULII7= KaLearnwrz. du, 34, I haiiitTui. I iltaolo6 h. Dua 13oeaF Yo Ma. Aarriirmsz l eritrgozalftat• ad' dlnatek. N. UM:r . S. so rnurzEz.v, LITER, lIAZIAM L BUTTIMEL Attoneys & Coneselers4t4l,!, AND. BOLICITOBB IN BANKRUPTCY I=== OMAN IS GRANT NTRRET. 11. =ICI A . AMMON, =I oon•nanaar, Beat tatato aid Lommad..ll.ll'. oienokr trrearr.:zut ginaliisus• of Sant stlooded to. vartmal WILLIAM H. IBABSEIM, MOT/OE OF U MOB, CONVZY~NOIR la. DOM, CL UN SittICZT, nearly apple, the Hallway Depot. awn YlA'Antral. Dastaste ea trotted to hh care promptly stloadad to. my nral DOM. McMEAL, 81. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN' No, 150 Great Bt, afar Mg J 8. FEILGESON, 'Attorney-at-Lav, 110. 00 1117.11 =I IDicor; 71.00 A. 11.1TST 1100111 W . A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 'Diamond . Street, Join W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OLTICIE I RIO, 11,5 POVICIFR INTAIMT, =I IMIIIM 01X.X2,3111.11‘..hateliale. -021cle, Justice of the Pelee L 111.) YOU= ILLOSITIANA Ones, us rush By opposite CattLidi IL JOEY C. Dicf.Xllllllll, DUMPED MD COMM II sit No. 87 Fifth Eltieat SiPreieloas. sovaun sat Wean of P. DJlcoPtli collected. acdloteie p sruiss coccm.--.--..+Mor Lars COULTER s UM% Hone and Sign Painten, ea Joe oi►e2..UAUT. PISSRISDER tossedis CRAISDC.) CLAM CARDS do. te °raw. a.taiu ROMANI:I & HAREM, HOUSE AND SION PAINTEU, OILAIEIIO A.ND MAZILUS, so.N DI &nosy, Azarnannorg • aLCIIIIIININO dose to Sao lad mane, J. K. HAMILTON, Jr.; Home and Saga Painter, 1.. 123 2211111111211111111. /Pltsballik. Gralntig, Glazing sad Gliding ZWILT ICIEZOI7IIII/ kited •Yaritta. tur. Isbu. rytty. MAK Er.bas..TltrirsUae, W. UM. ilia. 1. lytcain S.4flOl■ HUTCHINSON i HEPBURN, . lOWA CU suinnu, uin OE.IIIII/410 AND EIZAZTILES. P 1.11 1 ,41 AVEIIII6 I.llltabaniti. 111 oroore by asil promptly Renew to. 11.0.17 a•Cole/L1N..—........--/NO. MASI NICCOW&3I k SNIDER, 110138 S .811111 AID 0111111INTAL P DIAL AID GRAMMA AID GUI MB, u.. es, sorts sides( lataacmanal, AlleitatlP Cotamtrelal ad glau tiro s solo to ardor. Orders nape:ottani aolletad mad orotatoly ei eeotad. ltuad Paints. Wtadovrelata and Patty osaataatly on 0004.' .010005 CAEPENTBRS, BUUDERB IEI% &WI J a. S. Fla AR CIES, cum:ams AND WILMS, - Contracts Lassa tbr StOri heats. and Jobblug. Partlester attextloa irlvb ta tiesrf ifirsalat for YOUnAtleil 5b09 , b II all 4eurlytlons.• .I" i 66 sai Dif laiiisu Ott h as 171•11 Z. EL .p.A.M.74111111Ef.., Rouse Builder sad reirpente4 eow y d ULUEZII.2 ALLT2 had LW QUaij.toit'tnitg ad repairing dam with r i m sha dilphich WM. J. DICII t 'Carpenter and. Builder,. Di. ai PirtilSYLVatilh ophrollMei Nett.11=.9t,n417=';.... J0...00ne with naetnese sat etepaiet. omen promptly *Mended to, anti setlesetion warrstltuL s o my Houm ISIUILDERB AND CARPENTERS. SIIILIMYI6 nal IMPAIRS 1.0.014 •JIM ea to, by BEM. tol7T ILIAC. /WE ..rot 11:(elioziF1 THE ONION HOGS • TnETRIDERSIGIVED beg to am ammo to thole Mends mot the pp•Uo at . they lutPripurebaton MA OLD 1211%.8.1.0H1LL wad POPULAR ROJAS. No. 344 Liberty Street, And PIU untie** to keep 1* tAA boot styli,. no ALARM/11 POUSIA hat ow uno Intuo rooms. t w os newly Inralrb tho loptAtylty only two WAWA,. nit loom tits Nauman Dip pot. Traveler. will Ann Mtn now an excellent o•• to stop nt .4, 454 Prtll Ps setmauno.lloo.l say ton. day pr ' Cnninotaad Uto. Home IA • olonnin Halt At Corona. Moons Ulm to baud try thfAq.v.as Or atoat.ll, oft& or Intl:oat room H:WAGNIER, Ql=l7! CIIIM CONDUCTED OE TE Eintana EIJI ST. JAMES HOTEL, • Nos. 400 & 407 Muir fit, MOM* tbo Vain /147:4, rl2lll3intpu. ADIEB K. LIMA Preptletti Till. boo. 4.11 bunt .4 . Nii ta• 41•402, .4 0011W 1 / 1 11t to alltG ltatos ooto tug lute the Straw. sa tins Me ot. vita lad .18 ao. 00..1.1, 1...0W pl. Tow wan oad pay tbr we mato you 40 MM. T. ...Mkt we. noct. wt. tel. hetel n oars et IN doy .4 MUM. Halle and pontos mon. Ltd paps at Um abort.. !tattoo sad 1,740V1 ST. LIIIIERB 110TRI,. TUN XIIROIt+73 PLL.SO N. E. Oor. Penn do Ganal Rib prrsenomin, Tz. JAMB. JOHNSON, :hoprietvir. ihietunisa nu bow thoroull7 edtled salrtv taraseke4 Iltroashoat, In d t• low el , . • mobile. NOTICE TO lIRICREAKEI I II. LAY BANE 741 it SAL Oil I Moe fee *aloe/elle.* rivi /LID ti/X1 , 11•LIF ACII , IB Alleebesy City, sot U r::l=e7e . rt f cregit.4, ut •Ire=eit the Yervoiyl,laitt toad:. ha. And tuning rr: l olll=Magg i rirlrAM said 101 14, •ilt W 0•16 coal ea.-46 ohlalite m. " al L r/117/17:= ;gal HART, CAUGHET & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREET& rirriusarst xi. !L. iU001,418010 TO HAITI. URI& 00 =I Exchange; Coin, Coupon*.. Aad pastionl. ottatatiom inlet to UN PS: .1• SOYEICICTIENT 801D.5k. swesewr warn ON LospuS.. myth.= N. NOLIES & SONS, .3gI.4LroIIar.:EXEILIEL , 140. 57 Market Street, nrnauliah. Deposita marred la Par Tandi ad ea tuna • OnPoeta. mule on MI ad artaeloal polnL CS the Latta Bala and Cana.. • Stocks, Bonds and Other Secartnes !oven MID BOLD OH 0011111=1011. For ot tacol SS atlentlos Dola . to thofourctook ' zkod U, Seouri t tl i es, Widen 0 0.5 . 61X 0. 0. 5. .d0. 6. 61XL3 or_ issrd ollod. U. a. mix 10.494. • U.O. OLISTIFIUAT.IS3 OF INDLIFFiIniLIab Wave malVoachenavaabt m CoIIIKICL 10331 KEYSTOM SIVINGS BBL , 293 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH PA. =I General Banking Business, II MB HI IMIAO•HOC@f; OI Monday, November 18th, taut. ♦eeoanto of Banks, Haan* and blackalts one banal. Colloaloamule on all pants la Mu blotted Bata ad Cambs. War. Wowed on Time 'Douala. UNITED ITEM MIMES BOIXIIT AND (OLD. Air" T. VA DOW. Onailer. WEITTIBI SAVINGS 111111, Xo. 69 Fourth Street, ws:lvOirs=r xsumr: [utmost Pahl Ma 'Timm Doposito. AMY ma famtvod from Omo Vella* upward. DODOIlit• to Ckook, tritium Mimeo*. !MISCOUNT DAILY. AT 11 O . OLOOZ• President--TRONMOR BELL. Vice President—l. M. MARSHALL ~~, 1/j2ilM=gl • socknoidaro to whom we maks Wm. Pomp Jomyll fltlwolah maumm. 0.34..14 Haw David Mai l! Dalaelt. Ilmary LaZOOM D. W.V. Bldwall. A.. It. Brown, M. W. Walton. Whoa. Ander. prrrsnuntan • • • • . BANK FOR SAVINCS, • fortnelly Oho Dlll5 SAYYNGSMITTIIytiON et Fourth' Street, ig..ir Oppeaslto Beak of Pletitrargba CHASTISED 13 1882 SPIN DAILY fn. I to 4 o'elock j _ and on WaLDNILSDAY AND SATURDAY LYZNINGS Rom Stay Lt to November lot, 7 to loiclOck, an/ Dom November Ist to Ray DUO to 5 o'clock. Boots of ily-La es p ecia lly rolatiod al tn. MS= This Institution off.. those whose cansissa a. Minted, the opportunity to accu mutate, ,mall ceposltt, eastly laved. •annt Lies wll by f be • re rource macs needs, bad bear ., LOWY. lAD./ of reamislitir matirmiSellne. 3211.cra.rct. coZ Tlrremaarsiserass • . Yslailaanti 1150213.6 Ai zanier. • .; VIVI PASSmiarrtia S. B. RANTRAN, JAYIS PAIN. Jr. ...TART AND Talutaurs...i D. In, IicIUINLZY. A. SHAUL/L. WY. E.iiiiiYlols4 A. 1 1 5 3 . 1 5 a'WORTLI. TUSU Ii H kHw A ABODES. I li U. FOLLANSBIE JOHN IiCoTT IAS. Li. It CH RISYD RAHAII, P B N. C. sotuitirrr„ ZUG. er Solaoooooo-1). W. AA. IL anti. mialtrYllis t•):101bZr-Vt•Ja4:41 AN ORDINANCE LETTING A. OtTY, I'..K/It sod 01.1611 E-15 TAX for the Vall ' ilig, " 11(1VVPIV:11:4 1 111 8 6 u r:oltfa arising teeirem. ' DoLTIOn L Be ir erda(mad omd eztooted hp tot /Weer reed Wesson Conseite et gee CUP V' 451 .• Mt. ...alto 4 t * lrrT • l ' =.l i t a u"' V.Vlgif and collet r. tut from the: peraoo. orefeeaton• Cedes and rro re rOr in 004 of the City of Al,- Shan, =We taxable. • trs - of twelve mills on the dotter. on the eonaty au. mates. for Meuse of Me city aloreant. also. three mUle •• the dollar for the el:ippon of the Poor o r city: also, there ie hereby levied and asseeeed for present yeu a tax of one Mid on Ile est'. (for the nye of g o d . , upon %be extent of misuse all ooos of ttl • sg1=:::041.14112 the etty. whet.. peel by t o or othenerlse; pout/ lag ell perm. se tolme gait, do not amount to VAMP shall be exempt Mem.. ..and It la farther enanted that the airdl emus amending spode. reetttn of CheinerlTth of the nem City Code. peered toe dey of Karel. Mb, deter Übe menet Water Bents, he and t be tame le lteroby re•goe 010 nted 0 le ail Its parts passed the Myrntr.intrati or tablr. er te.7. t.. • hat We 7e•Lipos Into tno Treatorry from We-. water rents. nartetr. Ines. I forfeiture. Umlaut and other mien.. WNW.' I null YI money. In Ms pang. ot Me Irroonror at rthmense approprlatcri. be az d thee.. are rey aimpt;tated st tno fallowing Im w ri, 5 • , ..S Intereer = Ire CO •• Englse' and rtremen ...SLIM . •• 4 . ITlntlard Sri/ gee. 17,0000 • • lo mu sa • I. Wasrees .ad 1.010 •• 7. Taros ...... . .... 7. 0 0 In •• L Dollop • • :9 Mtn •• Uontlsront Yowl • SIMI 73 •• tour Parta—oroaseds of bevy, •• 11. Water Nut. 11.01034 •• 11 Usparn Molina • ' •• Mao 14 ' • •' - •11. Intere ln s n t . 0 0 Itentmollon et .1 OM CO • oo Bort' Itonda—D ts ocoM inns Wharfage. 111410 • amo oloklog rand lar 4 Der el. • Nonds 0.001 CO' Doe Fond for mama% of Inter- • .• • 'en renreoptlon of IMAM' • liamorroment li ft 07 11,21.1114 C. sarmxma rascurr6 /OS 111611. .Cl,ffe IO El= - --.. , .....- r Bast..".-- .-- a coo 0.,1 Swims. Ta 5.......-........— m .. .......... 10.00. CO , Market. •••••»•••• . oss CO waist' Scales • 7,N0 ta t Woad sad Bars -- A tli Vehlol• Lases= ..-............... ZOE W i 1.5..• of Yarra1e5..........—: ........ '. . .-- 1,10) so 741:117.till:. , MAW ~,,,. Wises awl forfoltotras — ' . ---• j . ... 1,ii1." COl new./ Nat. from Desasary 1...500ty. UM 34 ' Neat of Water War" lot ......... )CC.' tot rest...aka dooms-.......... WON' , Yids. It. W, A C. II- IL Co. —,.........: SAW CO , rissboral, •Llfolleoy i Dismay's...a : '• • .' rassaasso 14 w • C 0... . .... .! I. OW Oa: Dellsquant Taw, amounts was sad • ..' Owls la Treasury..., ~ ... -.... ' r .1011:A; Zstlanded nacscds Cr Water Z0w15.,.. IC C Na OW ' --...; . ' 1 $126,111 II: Ordales4 sad saaelsof Into a law ibis the lets' day of intadlry, A. D. -MA 1 . JAME , i Alaßlift. 11 Attest: D. mAc.. Presldest of ftelosl.CosliCll. m... os, . , (oot of Mil. Coavell. , '. __ ~ , J, s aLLI.T.Y., .. • .. . • President of Cosmos. Conoolf. Attests B. Dl22rolcrif.. - Clerk of Common Connali . f m.' A N ORDINANCE' INCREASINCe THC rOLICII 1090$. I SW?IO9 I. 21C it erd.stsed end anastsd by lbls &beef and CoonamoCoonesto °PM City or 'ydsay, sod 9 its /booby ordstsusl mot raaelsd onnkonftY e the ossms, - 1 - bal the Yo , lca rsoss Ms U 47 shall coast's of ens Cole' of Pollee an4 s ems a floassabOss: one Contain of Cla Womb,: -three Llentrnsals of ins Watch and tirenty.l Walehosaa.b to . I ono S. ostmach of any onillsusosa as as,: Coafilet wins:or be snoplltd by the torscolag. bni and the same Is boron f repo alsd. I Ordained and enacted Into a Lae UAW, MA' day of re bra4l7. A. D (ilea ?minas& of nalsol:Conneli. Attest: IltscrannOn • Cleft of !Iciest dancll. J. I. BLIGLX, Prost/out of C 011113,011 Connell— 5 ' Attest: Roster DscWorrn. -F4 Clartof Common Cosmen. 4210. AN ORDMINCE TellaiAng tam 110.1411a11.8 Orr riTT 0441f1sans. Ylocryxoer 1. Bs U ordoOsad and Inuseasd h tai &last rad Callous ocoaafts of OW Oda sif fts. , Urray, sad ft Cr Way srlfalisad mut wasuak4 asaerity fha nose. That Me ...Lary of tbsi Moor Iw ud U bank/ Card u 41.140..4 that of In. CU ASOSS•11( St $4OO, 03d that of all Clark lo lion mitten at WS per uasas. last ...eh of say orolaues as aura oosalos olsa, or Ds sasfdlad tharSo , 4•olf4 to u 4 the sum I. heresy monied. • Ordained .ad emoted Into • law WU Us 1141 day of Febrasrp, A. D. 11U. J•klY.a Mandl= nosldeas of !Weal. Ceusll.f -nir:r.teatrzw. ..ISLABLX, erealdral of Comma tHasull.., AUsostl IL Dtt.Wous. Clete .f Common Cousell. j • ' fard:l 04 :A :4 H.. J. LANCE, Nos. 136 and ISt Third StVcell. DYER AND EICONEEI4 Straw Goods. Chanel or Drell EID et uvra sad Limas• nit:rims 10 .deemed. (1 6. nsnErs ymicy : • Dyeing ited Scouring Establlebite*l, 'Lb. as sataiscorn•l4.l7. c•ssms. Wow% sad SmltallArn uki s, AL rorAs ratinned 10 tyro we.* tioaas knkt. tn. Mire.. k•natlra • V.., JAMES B. ,JONES 4 scrap Iron, Light Iron . over AND 'moue= atm' . afro: ChIWIL.T afa.rwi Ilt.et and_ 'All! &Ma. AlneilmesFA4o , von nEarr—A SEAT C6T- A: Taal. 110U5r., gmno..l' etabk and orchid, Near Arttlirea Italian. :INK avow iipPlY my • AMU.= AO. gar - mew OPERA HOUSE. c r. leer. flahralllBol, , 1141 W • 4; TVA. IlAhrs.„,—.....—...—...—..X l WlXhhheth , o • Theitteh+l_ llolB . ll A.R . Ij .44.t0e 'cheerful. Most,. HIEN 111 51, a postUrely lett night bat ash et the etyi; eV - e.t.a tltheager,its• • I t ; .• ;1 --. IMAM' csoost • i __ Oa* Truattara Illaamatela_tinora ST.EX.& r-, aToallil, aa4 allas &ASK 1. li SIOTZ.V. tall :-,, faiber will. al ibi Cerro/sera alga ThilltilAa../o :: boy I &ales. la emu,. mar Dances I . ; .4,.. astarday aflarnoca—Last iltiad IlLuot t; a Matlara • il nosillsy. Int an of Marshall • 1: Dever arawrat4araarra ofailtaa4o .1 *passe. r=„47 . IrINABOIVIC HALL. 1 E!.EVENIigHTS ONLY. (ii i i l inunc finial mint' Maui , iII ;ILosti enl I, the Royal fesquitri,' !!.. 1 Flt 6 klits.Mou troupe of , . ittains an si mu% :. • . , • ''; - !'...' . L'lll,',l7dattrircris'rA 'oieiik. t t. 4 l '' VALIIABLB MID INISIttI. puma= 1 iI tr , cUstrltocted to the ...tents et the deli 4 ort*arle ostersiOarovet F, *tal.'r='roses tV lt V .t .o:t: t " lTaAtil,Trre eo. ilr . a t L m .IrICLIS , ttrl VI Ur ADYIIIIn. ivrXl,..•-•'• — ' ....... ::::•::1 .."' !7'7 l l:ig4t l lt 4V -11..tg:1U;;;;iiruft.u. {score opts atj i t a erft.iAtzgra..ll l . i.... . 1 ~4 .t. .U . . VET V &I! •A':t*:%ll. fillille c -., - *C: ------ _-- - ~, OrPOPULAB LECTCIIICIII . . i.• . ;1 pw. Tilt ' ' • i liii OF WI, mite, htll%ifil 41) /hurt. - i. O' • 1 $T A. S.MAXY. X. DD . Co'bueettelas MONDAY AVANINO, reit, MC • l' • •IT UFA= rri, HAIL..', riteral.cr e ry Idctbre. to free.. VAt Lute m veil e‘teralTto."l.llpstrated vii -," r1TZ"4.•110... Model, 'nib:dories' Sped. • •,' ro.Olu. Elteletott• of /Oman VOSS at 011 f• VMS F :ft. 7:0. " . ' ealiirbera r 4 , ll;' 4 oVget . 11; r. Lampe, where be collated them re:st ' le .'., 1.. of ex X ......P .... 4 Pif th r , Van/. gotta . . Agebs sad bibbed., ~,, N EXDIOITION -OF FRO: Heihotarel t c iT u Nt 51 4.rsts r ' . DAN and soma- issitaGet'VPsogssi s o t Inst. Loom •111 epos at 7 o•etock: Der fortnasce to commerce et Admisgon so. ' 'Vests to to hid at the door'. Mask amiss She detection or Prat. D./MLitt% assisted 01 JIM. • - f lit'dlicanaa and L. 4.ILCISOIL•Of Ana . s ••osr.q.srtests. - • • la Orin • " Prior. COWPEIOB •' hi as enable Dancieg t /As New ' la , etsbis Roos.. t 1 , 17 . 111 BT., .1 gag 4'4°NiViStr_i.ig.llll74%; Lastat• Mama , II Slime (Ills* at r. K. Gentler:ma's Oats at S ant s I r. It Yrs!. CoW PCS. eta be seta ho e .." Arildesty, or at at. Cassie. Hotel. whore alma- Ws eta Ise obtained. Galt to Ist ai &sista Par [las. f•13:1.11 OrPIIOF. CASPENTER O II DANCING ACADEMY, 1 gg .. 4 .k 14: Ts Tlrs wed. ;,, , Tf a W