The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 21, 1868, Image 1

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rErninctiv, REED ar.
r. S•X,Mr. —X.
Bantueat Mutsgers
anti. aszrrrx strtLmse
Mos. U sa4 MTH lITITXT.
Nag *OW NKr d Inters tac glwiL
(num PM)IdiulGH AND
A ug
• _ .
razazar: CH7L4PISI" rub Bluer 'Amax
otanint#o4r. PAPplityie 51.14,
Wthrbz .
it "it . '
Butosappan pa yar.
Adds.'s. • GAZETTE.
r rtsv.A..
leattlag Prisoners_ to Noll'
IleutzeCtiet sad -Lumber T
the Aiessieseabele—Certtllta
Siemer to eoldtari—rtpe Tree
eagles 'Alereeesleetted—
Iteurele Valuollaallos. act *
test—DlMaesske Borough 41 .1
itellotati •
lieuet.—MAlLloo to 3 os•tesseor
Lleitetarptteettito rittzterztt GiZette
r s aLiculintuna, Feb. al.
. .
Itr..WItITS, of Indiana, isdinitting
- paiaoaeri to bail after sentenee,on write
°terror or certiorari, untkl the derision
tbiioase by the Supreme Cour%
tar. GLATZ, of "York, prohibiting the
Intermairisae et the Week sod white
.rsose in PennSylean Ls—penalty fine
firMillg the title of Telegraph compe
l:di-win other States to property in Penn
ERREET, of Allegheny. inner
porstingehi listional Deposit Corepse7
Repealing the transporation tax
coaland -lumber transported over the
Monongahela slack stater navigation.
Mr„ 3IcCONAUGH4Y.'S ioint resoht-
Sion foreograTed eerildc-ates of honor to
soldiers was dismissed, pending whith
the Senate adjourned till'evening:
. .
The fnllowlng bills were passed a t the
seeming session of the Senate:
Relating to surplus bounty funds,
which authorizes the authorities - who
base levied a bounty tax to pay the our;
pins to school Treasurers for school par
' Enabling married women to contract
ler rental ordwellinp and titors house,
Supplement to tho Pay law, which re•
quires Atie Jury Commisslonera to , tie.
posit the wheel, idler.tilling andlecklng,
.with the County Commissioners. Tim
Jury Commissioners - me paid two dollars
and fifty oents per day•emptoyed and
four cents mileage.
irrthorizing tho 3upreule Court r,
porter to publish minority opinion.
Exemptiug Inortagoat ithclother money
securities from taxation.
Anthorizing a epecial tax In Waynes
burg, Greene county, to pay Indebted
211 V JVDICIAL ms-aucT
Xt. 13.A...NDALL, of Schuylkill, moved
to discharge the committee from thecon
aideration.of the bill repealing the act
of laid Year creating a new judicial die:
trictof Dauphin; Lebanon and Scotty
kill.. Agreed ta, by sixteen to thirteen,
and made the apeelalorder for Thursday.
Mr. Niqaol.,oti", of Basle:, moved a
secoriiideration of the hill. passel yester
day, incorporating the Limeatcne Oil
Pipe Transportation Company •or War
ren. 'Agreed to and postponed tilt Wel
' . Mr. , FORD, from the Committee on Mu
-1316.1X11" COTiIOTSUOLIS; reported a supple
, smentto the Pittsburgh Consolidation act,
with amendment exempting nese dig
trieta from the payment of any indebted
nese of the old cite.
Mr. SUITE, from the same Commit
tee, affirmatively, the hill annexing
part of Duquesne borough to Allegheny
Several hundred other reports were
- 51 r.. WILSON of Allegheny;- moved
that the House tense to concur in the
Senate amendment to the Free railroad
Adjourned till afternoon., .
Afternoon - Sataioa.—The pension
for soldiers of 1512 and widows 'pawed
rroor'of one month's
service,or wounds in the service, and
neorenttaus circumstances.
rcritac PILLS PARSED rEveld.r.
"Validating marriages heretofore made
within degrees of, awisanguinity, le
gitimating the Issue thereof, and prohit,
Wag such marriages In the future.
i - Extending the foe Mlle 16115 forene
'Paying Solomon grandson of
Cornplanter, two hundred and fifty dol•
rAnthorizlng the Secretary of the
monwealth to record *Metal bonds oe,all
Stateefileers. i
Respecting the act of ISe7, compelling
the admission of acmes to cars.
A supplement to the election laws, re
gutting separate slips forward and city
oftleers. . .
The People's Passenger rtallroad of
Pitt/an:ugh was objected Orr the calendar
yesterday, and not passed finally, as in
accurately reported to to-day's papers.
WlHolm Factory of .IWallote it Co. De
bug:ea by Fl re—w.. 6!3000-90
J 67 Tigempb Oita rlttsbergh kiss
Srawnkwvor.r., Ohio, FebruarY
The large four story brick Woolen Foo
tory of James Wallace k Co., in this
city; was destroyed by tiro about eight
o'clock this morning. It la a total low.
Nothing was oared except manufactured
goods la an adjoining building, which
was fire proof. Loss on bnilding and
machinery Is about ;49,009, and $15,000
on stock and gocsis in proews of manu
facture. No insurance. The cause of
thefire unknown. It origt.' in the
fburth story; where there had been no
fire for along time. The Ere spread very
sad savers! of Um operatives
barely escaped. Ono young girlie probe
-bly fatally injured by jumping from the
third story:
Desperate Siert ti.tWern Isdinns
• eetypettea elates TreePt — Stoottot
rem Ambeabtil.
1111 2.1.105p1a10 the I.l:llbutit fismAtel
Sex FAanctsco, Feb. `.—Late
mnt advices give partial particulars of
V lllfight between the Wall:they Indians,
mem..three principal chleer, and a furs°
— Of United States troops, resulting in the I
success of the latter. The Indians-were
armed with Ilenry, Spencer and Sbarp's
rifles, add fought with great bravery.
Twentg-five Indians were killed and
'A sending - party of soldiers, under
command of Lleutenset Stevenson,
asnbnabed by Indiatie,,but nucceeded in
escaping without ices of life. Lieuten
ant Stevenson was. balefully and so ldi er
feared fatally wounded. One d
was slightly wounded.
Mining intelligence is favorable.
-.llmozwiltal of tom *William, Zoe 1D
Jobbers' of Nimes OproptiL
far Western Mg. Teutcrnb CA]
WAEUroTor, FA., Fob. 20,,p63.
Thejury in thniain of Commonwealth
Ts. ThOtosS Whittaker, Indicted for the
robbery of 2:101-6T8pr01211, abler ot David
Small. for whose murder the ammo
-Whittaker visa tried and acquitted et last
August term, have just returned a ver
dict of not guilty. • and -Whittaker was
&admired by proclamation.
4. . •
ifir...lreney Loggiallitiare. .
- -..- . it Tatestanilto Um rittentrl (Mune.)
'•• - ' - -TRENTON, .N. J., February. 20. The
- - Haase to-clay cOneninred in the notion of
.. the' Renate withdrawbeg the Suttee eon
- ._ _ wadi. the ratillcation of the fourteenth
amendment' to the Constitution of the
MT TierraPl to the PlttsburintAtatette.3
W 16111.3 a - ro , February:l3, Md.
The Chair submitted &communication
from the Secretory of the Tremors - , in
reply to a resolution of lanully, muting
forth hls.yiews In regard to the better se-
cosily of penengere in steereeldpe. Re
fared to. Committee on Commerce.
itleq, a. communication from the Presi
dent in reply to a rcooldtion of inquiry,
transmitting the report of the Attorney
General, with a list of counterfeiter.
pardoned, .k.e. Referred to Jualiciary
Committee. . •
Mr. STFAVATIT. from Committee On
meta.nd Mining - , reported,w hit amend
the bill to establish ?rational
School of Mines:
Mr. ANT110:1Y moved teat when the
- Smite adjourn it be till Monday.
After dawns:don the motion was km.
On motion of Mr. TP.ILMIIIILL, the
Moms bill to amend the set or March
trid,lB67, supplementary to the till for
the morn ollielent government of the
rebel States, 2d, lOW, and
to facilitate t=storation, was taken)
r. TRUMBULL lead front the Chi
cago Republica,. the etatement of 'a cor
respondent in regard to Cougreeeffonal
action. laying noon the Senate the re
sponsibility of the roll:fitments of at
least one-half the registered votes for
the ratification of a CorustituUen, which
be stated was anima:and explained the
circumetencee. saying the House had all
along insisted on requiring such • pro
vision, which was fluidly adopted in the
Senate by but one 'majority.
Mr. YATES withdrew his motion,
made yesterday, to take up the bill to
admit Colorado, giving notice he would
move to.take it up when the pending bill'
as dis-ed of.
Mr. TRUMBULL continued. He read
further from the article in the Chicago
Beptidilicas an assertion that many Rad
icals' complained of the disposition ho
was supposed to have manifested in en
' deavering to Mine this bill, by keeping
It in the hands of,the Committee: for
three tmeks,and that pose complaints .
had now assumed a threatening form,
and Senator Morton, among others,
would make an attack on him in open
Senate for his opposition to the hilt
Mr. MORTON said he had never made
any ouch threat, nor had be any purpose
of the kind.
TRUMBULL read from the Globe
In regard to his action ; on the original bill
in March lest, showing he had been
a prominent opponent of the majority
principle, and had been demanced by
Senator Howard Tor the views 'he ex
premed on that octagon. He did sot
cognise the applthability of the term
Radrcat to himself or his colleague, say
ing they were all acting together m ono
body. for the Union. to reconstruct the
Southern States and restore their rela
tions to the Union. He bad always, be
lieved, as be did now,'has wrong
to gins the advantage to rebels of ail who
were kept thom the polls by sickness,
death or removal, as well as those who
intentionally staved away. ;
Mr. BUCE.A.LRW offered en' amend
ment making ;Necessary a ten days' resi
dence in the district before the election
before a person Is permlUed I. vote, the
bill heretofore published allowing nt—is
tered penons to vote anywhere Julia
State. -
Mr. DAVIS took the floor to conclude
his half finished speeen, which was in
terrupted some dame clans by the reso
lution to admit Mt. Thomas, of Mary
land. He moved to amend by thatruct
log the Judiciary Committee to report iu
favor of repealing all acts heretofore
passed on the subject of remonstruction.
He reviewed the whole ground of reran
enaction, quoting the federalist judidial
docisiens, &C.. to combat the assumption
of the sole power by Congress, over re
' construction, and closed by charging on
the majority the design to continue their
power by the establishment , of negro
; suffixal and diefranchislng large num
bers of the white race.
Mr. CONItLING got the floor, but Le
laming asked whether it was intended to
proceed with its consideration ; to-night,
some discussion ensued upon that point,
closing with the understanding, hat the
bill will be passed to-morrow, sad op
portunity given for debate. en the sup
plementary reconstruction bill, the con
sideration of which is to follow Imme
diately, Messrs. SAULSBURY, THAI - -
ER and other. proposing to speak on the
general subject.
Mr. EGGLESTON, on personal ex.
planation, said he had voted last Friday
against the bill for the extension of the
wood-screw patent, but his vote had not
been recorded. He wished to make the
statement, as the papers were imputing
a dodging of the vete.
Mr.-HUBBARD, New York, offered a
revolution instructing the Committee on
Public Expenditures to inquire into the
receipts of Henry A. Smythe. Collector
of the Port of New York, in his official
capacity, whether such receipts have
been derived from fines, penalties and
forfeitures, or otherwise, with power to
vend for persona and papers and ex
amine witnesses under oath. Adopted.
The report of the Committee on Ac.
Counts, on - charges made against Mr.
Ordway, Sergeantet.Arms, was adapted.
On motion of Mr. CLARKE, of - Kan-
sun the Postmaster General was directed
to furnish various items of informa
f tion
in regard to Bre transportation o the
overland malls. •
Mr.:IL...NEB, from the Committee on
Foreign Affairs,. reported the bill oon
earning the rights of American citizens
in foreign States. Ordered printed and
recammittaL •
Mr. HOPKINS, from the Committee on
roblie Lands, reported a nnt to regulate
Ate disposition of lands that may here
after be given to aid in the construction
of railroads. Ordered printed. The
bill, which is reported unanimousl. ,v
provides that all lands hereafter granted
for railroad composes ehall_be granted to
Stales or Territories where roads are to
be constructed, sad shall bo by them
sold to actual settlers ate. price not ex
ceeding two end a half dollars per ar_re,
the proceeds to be paid to the =Bread
• oompany. The object to .to prevent
the withdrawal of large quantities of
land frouthe market and their mason
sly bv corporations, and to encourage
the settlement of the country.
Mr. McCLURG, from the selectm
mitten on Southern Railroads, made a
r at: re rt ttm minf:theee testimony
out which. Indicated corruption In the
Post Office Department, and suggested
that as that Committee was not author
iced to purees the investigation. the mat
ter be referred to another Committee for
1 further examination.,. The report closes
with a resolution fora Committee to
into the subject of oostracts with
he - Post Office Department for tranapor
' lotion of United States Malls, and report
such fans u may be deemed of Import
ance, particularly whether or not there
are any evidences of corruption; with
authority to send forperions, and pavers.
After debate the reaotution waa refer
' red to the Committee on Expenditures
of the Yoetagice Department.
Mr. PAINE, rising to a personal ex
planation, sent to the Clerk's desk and
had read a paragraph In the Washington
correspondence of the New York Tribune
of the 12th of February, *surfing
substantial correctness of a previous
paragraph in referents! , to Incidenta alleg
ed to have taken place In the Committee
on the subject of Impeachment, and in.
dicating the Chairman of the Committee
(Mr. Stevens) es authority for the state
ment. He also scot up a paper, aigned
by Mora. Bingham. harnswortb, Dust
well, Brooks, Durlbard, Bean= and
Ilsck,all the members otthe Iteconetruc
lion Committee except. Messrs. Storms
and Paine, as follows;
'The unctralgnod doom It but just
to my that the foregoing statement, recit
ing tee paragraph in the Tribune of the
12th of February. of, what:dr. Stevens
said and did In reference to Ur. Paine
is In every particular untrue and with
out el east color of truth. They fur
, her nay General PDIDO never attempted
to leave the room, nor manifested aD Y
desire to evade the quad Jan on Impeach
ment of the President, but on the con
trary, stated his opinion, atal TOtell with
out& word of reproof or dictation from
Mr. Stevens or any other member of the
Mr. PAHHE added This disposes of
the only issue sof fact to which I am- a
party. havo had no conversation on
the subject of thiscorresponden, either
with • the correspondent or with ce the
Chairman of the Committee.
Mr STEVENS, who bad just entered
the hall ford was occupying a seat near
the door, rose to address th•Speaeral ker, u ni t
this 'Tullio signal fora ge place Wheren rus
members towards e
be !stood. Re said: "I did not know that
this coming's:to. Yet I whole angle I
word to layabout it. That slaw
'must la the Tribune is false from begin.
ning to end. :for hive I .had any con-
wersalion of the kind with any human
being." Mr. Stevens said no mo by re.
ELDRIDGE ega-d ay
Inquiry to the Spanker, ad.
whether w that
made out the correspondent something
less than a human being?
The SPEAKER declined to, expanse
any opinion on the zubJect.
• . Alone number of bills, granting pen
es= to Indltddltlass - Wen
I, itt . b . ay'
:' 1 ...
! ~,4 .
r--- , . 1 i VI-! ' 1 -
I:, _
_ ; - -, - _ • \ '\ . • , -.. ~ , ------ t -_,
' i . 1.44..,.,...7;
the Commlttos on Invalid Pensions, and
• were panstel.
Mr. MILLER, from the Committee oh
Invalid Pensions, reported n bill extend
ing the provisions.of the hat section of
'the act of July loth. I,B2,relating to the
nateralthation of soldiers, to those who
enlisted in the naval or marine service of I
the United States.
Mr. PIKE moved to refer the bill to I
the Committee ou Naval Affairs. thee
greed to-eYea.s., fifty-four; Nays. seven
ty-foer. .
Mr. PILE moved to amend the bill by
Inserting the words 'land have leanor I
may hereafter be honorably dbicharged."
Agreed to and the bill passed.
Mr. PERHAM, from the Committee I
on Invalid Pensimpt, reported a bill to'
provide for the payment, out of the naval
fund, of pensions of widows and other
dependent' , of ofileens, seamen, firemen I
and coal heavers.
Mr. RINI:11AM, from the Committee I
on Reconstruction, reported 11 bill to re
move disabilities front Governor Holden
and °the.; Ordered to be printed end
• Mr, LOGAltrhaving had read by. the
clerk a response of the Secretary of the
Treasury, under date of Jan. 30th, to an
inquiry in reference to tubstitution of I
Ten-Forty bonds for Five-Twentive, on.
deposit in the Tromnry. to secure the
circulation of Netionel Ranks. ...He'd I
that the sales of Ten-Foriie. to the
amount of .85,tx)0,Ct.t, from the first of
October, 15157, to the 2let of January,
1860, made by order of the Secretary of
the Treasury, wore, with the emeaptlon
of live small mho, made eta lees pie- I
miens than regular quotations- in the
New hark market. He had calculated
tke 'difference and found Ibe Govern
ment had lost $24:914, be ides the corn
mimion of one-eighth of one pet cant.
given to Jay Cooke & Cu., and amount-
mg to *lo.ll '
7 snaking the whole loss
334,441. Ito are referred to a letter
purporting . to be written by the,Secreta
ry el the 'treasury to a gentleman con=
twilling a National Rank, stating that ho
would accept Ten-Forties in lieu of Five-'
Twenties at eighty-seven and a ball,
while In his report the Secretary mytt
they had never been received at a higher
'rat* than [deity-five. Having made his
statement, he asked leave to offer a reso
lution directing the Secretary of the
Treasury t e inform the 'tome whether
such letter, dated December 30, wee
was signed by him, to whom addressed,
and whether the p tpeeitions therein con
tained were complied with by the party
to where addressed, and also whether
the sales of Ten-Forty bonds fromOctobt r
18, ltolt, to January VI, ISM, were at rotes
equal to the daily quotations In New
York, ke.
Debated, end adopted.
The House, at 3 o'clock, went into
CAmnalttee of the Whole on the state ci
the Union, Mr. ALLISON in the chair,
and resumed the considerution of the
army appropriation
Mr.", AN R — LICE. made a raid upon
the appropdatioaa for arsenals, but did
not succeed in litivine; any stricken out.
Mr. SCHENCK.' offered an amendment
for applying unexpended balances to
these Appropriations. Agreed to.
Mr. SELLYE offered an amendment
limiting the total expenditure. thr Rock
Island Arsenal to the iimeent appropria
ted. 'Rejected.
The Committee rose and reported the
bill to tho House, which proceeded to
Tote on the amendment.
The amendment for the reduction Cl
the army was adopted—sixty-omen to
six! -two.
All the anthutlmente having been
posed of, Mr.-PAINE called fa r the yeis
and nays on the passage of the bill. It
parsed by sixty-three to thirty-six.
Mr. LOGAN moved to amend the title
by . adding to it the words ."and to 'de
price all son-commissioned end salon
Statesrs in the service of tke L'elted
ofpketnotion under th e law am it
now etands."
Mr. BLAINE declared the gentleman
who oppeselthe amendment looking to
a reduction of the :truly misapprehended
entirely the scope and object aol pur
port of the amendment, and he charged
attempt em that if theysutheedei in thelr
a they would be stabbing the of
ileers,of thirty' regiments. who would
have • to be mustered out in a year o•
Mx. LOGAN intimated the-amendtrien
had been offered without theinstruction
of the Committee on Appropriations. `
Mr. BLAINE inquired what authoilt , ..
had for the statement.
Mr. LOGAN replied ho hat the gen
tleman's own authority. Ho had stated
yesterday Le had takru It from General
Mr. BANKS reminded Mr. Logan that
the gentleman (Mr. Blaine's) st.stement
was that the proviso seas rtiotatod by
General _Grant.
Mr. LOGAN declared that the aroviin
deprived every non-commissioned offi
cer of his right to la examined for a corn
mission and operated as a stab spinal
volunteer officers.
Mr. BLAINE remarked he wan &mil-,
bar with` all this howl about *tabbing
volunteer officers. There were now in
commission over two thousand men wh ,
received commissions for meritorious
conduct during the late war, and the
question was whether a system should
be followed which would necessitate tie.
mustering mit of half of them within
couple of years. or else take such good
precaution for aconple of years as would
leave those men in the enjoyment of tuel r
commissions. But if Went :Point Wit
not for the education of military <Aiken., ,
he would like to know what It was • for.
'Was it a charity school? Congress should
either - maintain the character - of West
Paint, or abolish it.
The discussion was continued In ani
mated style by - aftasrin. BLAINE, LO
Finally the vote on the passage of the
bill was reconsidered, and Mr. BLAIN
withdrew the objectionable proviso.
The bill then passel without the pro - -
Mr. MORRILL asked leave to report
from the Committee on Agriculture 0
resolution instructlog the Committee of
Way. and Means to report bills providing
for the removal of Internal Revenue tax
from all useful productions, and for the
adjustment of imported tonnage duties,
so as to equalize the, disparities in
the - caistof capital. and labor
between the Unitt4 States and other
competing nations, .to encourage the im
portation of the skilled laborer Instead
of the products of his labor, to secure the
balance of trade in favor of the United
Stales, and thus Insure to • the nation
ilnanctal solvency and a sole and perma
nent return to specie values, to industrial
prosperity and :true independence,' Oh-
Welton was made.
—A dispatch front Havana, says: TM
',mealier, of the rights of naturalized
American citizens la absorbing the at
tention of many Cubans. There are ru
mors that the Spanish "Government ban
authorized the Captain General to trans. ,
port one hundred and seventy oriminala
to Africa. The shoemaker who bru
tally murdered Ida wife with an axe, a
abort lime ago, wan executed' yesterday.
—A man norms' bleary It. Ellsworth
pleaded guilty to a charge of bigamy in
the Police Court at Buflalo, yesterday.
The prisoner was married in Lake man.
ty,Ohlo, rn March,-P.O, to one Caroline
Henderson, and remarried in this city
September. lila, to Limy McNeil. Ells
worth claims he was 'intoxicated at the
time of the last mmriase and not respon
sible for the act
-In the Supreme Court of New York,
on Wednesday. a citizen of New York
sited affirm In 'rexay for the.recovery of
certain goods deliver.' during the war.
The .U113;1113 were non-suite], en the
ground that the contract was treasonable
and unlawful.
—Mayor Tompport, of Louisville, If y.,
Was I.a:suited and badly beaten in a bar
room lost night by Harry Kirby, a dis
charged poiiceman. Kirby ....arrested
and balled in the num of Me thousand
—Robert Osgood, defaulting teller of
tho Irving National Bank of Now York;
has been sentence' to five years in Mi.
State Prison. lie plowd guilty to mindo-
IXIVIIIOr under the National Bank act.
detachment of one Minaret and
fifty recruits for tire Papal %motives pass
ed through Monanchusisetts onThuraclay,
on their way from Montreal to Now
—At ILlibnlale, Michigan, Wednesday
night, the Waldron 1106.16 WAS destroyed
by fire, causing a loan of $lO,OOO, Cause,
explosion of a kerosene lamp.
—The Board of Aldermen of Nee
York, have passed 6 • resolution inyiting
the session of the Democratic National
Convention in that city.
—lt Is generally andantino,' Rev. Dr.
Unfurl i tie l r i l f r o v u i n ol l att4 ii ty
eit an n d on of rece ivele
Epbsearl Church.
—A Imsif damn mill at Richmond, Vt.,
.wad by .1. Jewell. was destroyed by
fire last evening. Loss unancertained.
—The whisky meter commission wit
meet In Washington on Monday next to
learn their praalcal value.
—Bishop Stevens Was slightly Injured
by a railroad soddent at liffilkenbirre,
The New. Military Department.
The Order Partially Rovoked
Removal of Rebel Disabilities
National Dentlcra Ic Conttniton
67 I eicgrspil to me
WASSILIVITON, February ,*186...
00N. stii.VOKED.
So much of General Orders No; 10, is
sued by the President, as assign t Lieut. '
Gen. Sherman to the command of the
newly created Military Division of the
Atlantic, hoadqunitorsiti this city, has
been revoked, and Gen. Sherman will
continue In command of the DlvLsleunf
MbuOuri. No new assigntnent to the
Division of the Atlantic has been made,'
though as yet that portion of the order is
not revoked.
Tho United States Sl:lVeyor, appointed
to establish a boundary between Oregon
and Idaho, has reported the completion
of the survey.
The boardor array officers., canniSting
of Lieut. Gen. Sherman, Major Gen. -
Sheridan and Brevet Msjor Use. Auanr,
recently Mnroned in this city to CIAIII
- into the proposed systemof revised
armyregulatiatut, has been dissolved.
The Secretary of the Treasury, in a
crimmuntcation to the Senate, respect-,
fully urges liPon the attention of Con
gress the necessity of providing for the
better protection of steerage passengers
at sea, by a thorough and immediate re
vision of the laws now In form
The bill reported by Repre.entative
Bingham today, from the Committee oil
Reconstruction, is as follow.: ..
Re it 6stteteit,cte., That the seieral per
eon. hereinafter named be and are here•
by severally relieved from all disabili
ties imposed upon thetu,or either of
tham,by the law. or the United Stale+,
co- slt : Masers. Wm. Hoiden N. C.; .1.
Rogers, of Wake county, N.C.: Win. A.
Smith, ofjJohnson county, N., C.; Calvin
C. Coulee; of Wilkes county, N. C.. Th.,.
Little, of Rochingham county, N. C.:
Pape Blackmer.. of Rornere county, N.
C.; Robert W. Floorrie7; of P rnialoe
county, Mississippi; Joedrua S. Idorri.eY,
of Clatt.irne county, Jame.
R. Berry, of tittle Rock, Arkansas; Y
tor C. Benninger, of N. C.; Gen. James
Longstreet, of La.; Robert i. Kingsbury,
' of Texas, and Thomas C. Mackey. al
South Cardllna; James B. Brown, of De.
kalb county, Ga.; and Jame. T.. Orr, of
South Carolina.
Faw of the National Democratic Cam
mitteo bare yet arrival. It is expected
nearly all the absonteu will Troaelt the
city todnurrow, when a meeting it
imitation will be held, preliminary t.,
one on Saturday for fixing the time 111 ,
place for holding the National Dem
critic Convention. Democratic polil
clan. have arrived here from all parts
the country on business connected
the Convention,
The. receipts of customs fur the wc4
. dihg on the 15th were V,916,438.
By Teteeraph to the Platsberett C.wale.l
LONDON. February '....o—Ereniny. — A ,l.
vices to the first of January, revoivul
from the English raptives iu ♦byseiuia.
Mate that they were all silo and well.
Lomnou, February W.—Evening,—
Late advlees. from Cape Town, Africa,
state the Supreme Court of Natal have
at last decided the question of the Church
property in favor of Bishop Colemo.
The weekly returns of the Bank 01
England show the bullion In . thu vault
to have decreased £413,01:* sterling. -
. Viusma, I•'eb. il.—A circular hou'hecu
honual from the Home oil3ce warning the
clergy against fomenting diecontent.
rim USUAL MID 101111SILt 111.
LIVERPOOL, Feb. :D.—Cotton 'close I
active- at an advanee of id. on American;
!sales 20,000 bales; middling uplands in
norfeat .lo l; to arrive Di; Orleans In:.
Brendstuns quiet and steady. Provi ,
ions quiet amj unchanged. Produce
generally unchanged. Clover need ;As.
Ate'rwttite, February roleu
closed firm; !standard white 40/.
LONDON, Feb. '-'o—Ecening. — Cons ol,
closed easier at- Fivsetwen , les 721(.2.
Illinois Central SSi. Erie
FILLNKPORT Feb. 20—Ens-Ling.—U. S.
bonds strong at 76(4761.
—A shocking accident occurred at tb
Lehigh Inin Weeks, a short distanc ,
atOve Catasagus, on . Friday last, by
which one man lost hie life and another
was eerionsly injured. Several of the
hands had been engaged in blasting and
in ch t filled•two holes with powder', one of
wook effect. Tin other, however,
did not, and three of too hands suppos
ing that the fire had been extinguished
wont to the place and poured in more
powder, when in - an instant a terrible
explosion took place. One man wee'
thrown over an embankment forty f.'s
high, and though not killed was danger. ,
ously hurt, while another by the name
of Runkle was lifted ten feet in the air,
and coming down head foremost upon
lame rocks, smashed In his skull, mus
ing his almost instant death. Ile leave.,
aed,e and .. foz w e l. i rbil t d . e i n uw
. r Ono ether man ,
—On Friday night, the 14th Inst., two'
villain., blacked and disguised, entered'
the house of Mr. Paul - Cunningham,,
about a mile from town.- Islr. Cunning-
ham is an old man and a cripple; and ro-
Thewith hie sister, an old maiden lady.
The rascals made their entrance through
• window, and, with pinto! in hand, de- , !
niandesi the keys of the secretary, where
they found Ph with which th e y - made! !
their escape, and, as yet, nu et slue
as to who the parties were hen been di,-
covered, although certain disreputable'
Persons aro sregocted. It is hoped that I
the authorities will bo enabled - to bring,
the scoundrels to Justice. Fortunately,
they did not discover a larger amount of
money that was In the house.—Monorigo
heist Itepublkan. .
--id Monroe county there is a
ma n ,.
named Lobar, wheys age, by his o l-11 - •
declarations , as well as undisputed au
thority. is. loetw g een 105 mid 10'S yearn.
Notwithstandin this, he .is able to saw
wood, do any_little work around his
house, and can, on a 'stretch. walk five
paras and mere. Wo doubt if there in a
llel to him in the United Steles, .
—John Miller, of Lower Nazareth
township, Northumberland county, is
charged with forging two cheeks paya
ble to the order of Philip Boner, one for
, BO and one for $07.10, and drawn by A.
S. Knecht, on the Easton Bank. Ile en
, cloned Mr. Boser's name and received
the money last week. . •
! —The grocery store of Mr. Boyles on
Julia street, Altoona, was - completely
destroyed by fire on Friday last. The
loss was a good deal more than the In.
nurrance w lea was but $l,OOO. In num
ber at least Altoona competes with the
largest cities in the conflagration way.
—Miss hiargareLa Saip, an aged woman
who resided in Jim:keenly, in a tent-' '
porary aberrationof mind, rime from her
bed a abort time balers' daybreak on '
Wednesday of bust week and was shortly
after found In an open field frozen to
death. !
. .
—Mr. David W. Howell, of ML Bethel,
ban nurehmed land on the Flats above
Una balaware bridge, in Phillipsburg,
and it is reported that he intends mov
ing his cotton factory Irma Mt. Bethel to
. --Several penman from New York
have been negotiating for the purchase
°fiends. on the Flats In Phlllimiburg, - !
and propose, if they can make arrange
ment., to put up a boiler factory there. •
—Tee Grand Jury of Bucks county
ish-ongle recommehded the erection of a
hospital and mutton, for the sick and in
sane, in connection with the almshouse
establishment of that county.
—Over 15.000 tom of iron are , carried
over the Catasanquact Fogelsvllle Rail
road annually.
—The Bucks county Alms House cod
the county about $ll.OOO dories the last
• . ,
JI salon. Stott , ropobtleon
—Grout moo Col lo: for Pro? Ideal end
Vico preot dent (Moo- o Nom
sonted—Plnifurm of -Pri nciplea..
to the Mtn berg e nithatie•l
IstilANAroms, February . 20.—The Re
publican Stato Convention met at ten
o'clock this morning, with Gen. Thomas
Brown as temporary Chairmen. nese
intim. endorsing General t.irant and-
Hon. Sehitylor Indiana's first
choice for Pre,ident nudiVice Pro4ideut,
were unanimously adopted. by a rising
vote and immense cheering.
After the appointment of various Cola.'
illitieol, 11011. Jame, Hughes, of Me.l - 101.1
county, was made permanent Chairmen,
coin Major 1.. M. Wilson, of Marion
county, was chosenSocretary,_ Governor'
Coral Ba ker was numinatot far re-'
election by acclamation, and lion. Will
Crinthaek for Lieutenant Governor: Maj.
I:. A. Tlonman, of thees county, ter See,
retary of State, nod Gen. Nathan Film-
Wall thr Secretary of State. . • '
The Convention on reassembling this
• afternoon conipleted the nominationefor
the State ticket, as Audit
State, Maj. John U. Lanus, of Nation
nanny; Clerk of Suprrine Court, T. W.
McCoy. of Clarke county; ileporter of
Supremo Court, J. It. Black, Marion
county; Attorney General, D. E. Wil
liams, Piaui:nu county; Superintendent
of Publi.• Instruction,. Barnaba4 C.
1101tha, Wayne 1,11111. Vi
I,etters read in the Convention
from Don. Schuyler Colfax and.
John 'Coburn, M. C. A letter written
by Senator Merlin failed to reach in
time, but on the announcement of the
fact it lei:, ordered h, La Made part of
the proeeedings of the Convention.
A strong feeling preelited with the
delegates in fa• or nt Governer Morton
Of Inciianna choice for the Presidency.
but his friends understood he declined
the owe or hie none in that minuet:lion.
The following platforfn wan unwell
'noway adorned: 'rho Union Ropubli•
can party of Italians. assembled in Con
ven.ion at Indianapolis on the 25th day
of February. 1559, to consult in 'reference
to - the present condition of the country,
eke the following declaration of prin-
Flrge—Tho Congressional plan of r,
,nNtrtietlon revs made necessary In
le rejection of tho Colvitnotional
mend Inente 1110 OW continued !libel
ous spirit of the Southern people, and
(hoc 'will not upon tb, conditions pro
:Tibet! by como the friend
the Union, it is the duty of emigres
tin whatever the emergency requires
to prevent them from dollar harm a.
enermee. •
S,curl—Theextrnsion of -suffrage to
the necrovs of the South is the dills,* re
sult of the rebellion, and the rontinoid
rebellious spirit maintained therein, and
was neec,itry to secure the vc.inetruc•
lion of the L'ulon anti the Preservation
of the loyal men therein from a state
worse than slavery, and the question of
suffrage in all the loyal States belongs to
the p e ople of those Staten under the Con
stitution of the United Stabs,
Third—The government of the United
States should toe administered with the
strictest economy censistent with the
public !direly and Revenue
should he F.ll laid OA to vivo the greatest
Possible exemption to artieltnt of primary
neeosility and fall most heavily upon
luxuries and the stealth of the country,
and all property should bear a just pro
portion of the burden of taxation.
Fourth—The public debt teade neees
essary by the rebellion '41(.1 1 1 be iton
e-dly. paid, and all the bond' issued
herefor should be paid In Legal Tenders.
commonly ....ailed -greenbacks, en eat
where by their express tern's they pro
vide otherwise, and paid in stuaquanti
tiZsi as will make the n ton,
metrin rate with the commercial wants of
-the country, and so en to avoid the greet
iodation of the currency anil an increase
in the price of gold.
large and rapid con mottos
of the cUrrency, sanction...l be the Votes
of the lictue,ratic party in Loth Rouses
of Conress, has bail a moot injilrious
effect 0 1011 thpindastry and business of
ameguutry, and it in the duty - of Cate
-5015 111 prattle by law for sot/dying
the dehelellee 4.1 fecal mode r notes, com
monly vatted greenback!, to the full ex
tent required by the iniglntss •Watits of
he. 4'olloll'y.
littt,—We ore opposed to the payment
ty part of the . rebel dolt, or to any
sat whatever for emancipated
Net:cat/I.—or all who, ere faithful in
the trials of the late war, there are Ural
!lidded to more especial honor than th.
bravo soldiers and seamen, who endue
ed the hardships or campaign and cruise
and imperilled their lives in the servh •
of the country.' Tho bounties and pen
skins provided by law for throe lira,
duienders of the nation are obliga
Lions never to ho forgotten. The widow
and orphans of the gallant dead are th
wards of the nation, arsacred legacy be
quelithed to the nation's protecting care
land• are the pro!
ertp of the people; monolnilis of then
caber by individuals or corporation
should be prohibited; they should be r
served for nimbi settlers: and x•x tt ex'
stential reeognition of the services in b
half of the Union of utile°, and aoldio
in the late civil vvar, the) ahneld Lehi
allowed twin hundred and sixty acr •
doctrine of Great Britain
eal other EUrOpeall poe.e(o. that bent yet
man is once it citizen he is always se
ust be resisted :it every haiard by thi
;oiled States al a retie of the feud:
i tries, not States
by tho toe•
of t
inns, and at war wills our nat 10111 d
ad independence. Naturalized 61.170211.1
Are entitled to he protected In all
their - rights .;f eitizer.ohlp as though
they Veer* notice born, and on citizen of
the United states, native or naturalized,.
must is, liable to arrest. and Imprison
went by any foreign power for acts done
Or words Hp.. 1,11 in this country, and it
no , nrrested and i prbomed, it Is the duty
of the government to interfere in his
Todh—We owelially approve of the
course of the Itepublbact members in
their active .1;1. ,rt the bill prohibit
ing a further contrebtion of tho curren
c, in witch they taithfullv represented
the will of the people of 'lndiana, and
thin Convention ex pre , s their UOWIIIVer
hag COO thienco in the wisdom and
patriotism of Oliver P. Morten. His
devotion to the vital interests of the
nation during the port six yearn has en
deareti.hint to every lover of Union and
liberty, and we rend greeting to hint in
the American Sonate and assurance to
hint °f our unquolilina ouderaemeat al
his course.
Elerenth—deu. U. S. Grant and Ilen,
Schuyler Cofaxm the oliobw of Indb
ens for Presi l dent s
and Vbs. President
the United SUM., nd thin
Na hereby inatruct, the d e gates to the Na
tional Convention G. cast the vote Of In
Wawa for these gentlemen.
Wisconsin Dernostracy.
CINCINNATI. February .20.—Tho
annuli Entntrer to-morrow will tton-
Cain the foll owing; Private advice% from
Wisconsin state that the delegstott to the
National Convention are for Pendleton.
tht-1,411 Of the State.
Two Congressio sal districtsinstruct. lb
that. Dulturiue county. lowa, Instruct
for him, and the• Dubuque Herald raise.
the Pendleton flag.
received from the Provinces
of Spain convoy the intelligence that the
leaders of the Outlet party have effected
revolution against the Authority of
queen Isabella in the North; and that
their adherents have taken up arms in
great' newborn in N'avarro., Skirmishes
have taken place between the civil guard
and the insurgents in the city of Navarre,
the queen's ofileersmaintaining their al.
legion.. Some law persons were
wounded during the tumult, and the an
cient. French-nisi-ow province of :So
worm Is agitated at many points, It ap
pears as if the movement irt tho result of
a deliberate and well plarund organiza
tion. The police are on the alert, and
• have seised documentary evidence of the
tact. The ollicers have already found
and carried away from Navarro three
thousand copies of revolutionary pla
cards or m mifestoes, whiner:sal to the
people or Spain. Each copy in headed
with a wood 'ill oh poraralt, to. it is term
ell, or the elder non of Doti Juan, who is
entitled and named Charles the VII. of
Spain. The young gentleman is second
cousin to QUCOU Isabella and grandson
of 'Don Carton, who made war a. slant her
ascension to the throne.. Don Juan, his
father, la the son of Doi
_-Oruat excitement was occasioned
among; Rowan Catholiiai et Montreal,
Canada, over the departure of the Cana
dian repel Zotiaies for Remo. An it.,
Mouse audience wax present at the
Dame spe
cial service at
Cathedral Inheld
with the
event; and over twenty thousand per
sons assembled at the , Station to ace
them off Several persons Isere nearly
crushed to death by the premiere of the
I crowd.
Huron, Ohio, Wednesday night,
a tiro destroyed a large warehouse and
several adjoining buildings, involving a
loss of asventy-tive thousand dollars.
The warehouse wan
:Burgess, Opnriptc V1111;11,
Outages Court—Jnege Hampton.
TItUIt.SDAY, Fob. 21t.. lu the case of
L. Itolit s, David McPherson, report
ed yesterday, the jury found, a 'verdict
fur plaintiff for $1.15.
Samuel Duff ye. Samuel Wilson. Ac-
Von fur debt. Defendant was summon
ed to answer the plaintiff of u plea that
he render unto piaintiff the sum of $ 50 .-
uOO, claimed to be due and unjustly de
tained. Plaintiff net forth in bin .intrr.
that on Dec. atti, 1661 ho sold
to Wm. P. Schell, in trust for tho Little
Toby River Oil Company. a tract of land
on Little Toby river r in Highland town
ship, Clarion munte, containing about
three hundred acres; that defendant
(Wilson) having laid claim to the laud.
an article of agreement fess entered Into
that Schell should settle' with plaintiff'
for two-thirds of the purchase money,
and with defendant for the rentaining
third, and that both 'the plaintiff arid
defendant althuld convey all their claim
to the tract of land to au...Little Toby
three Oil . Company," the question
of the distribution of the money
lu the hands of the, plaintiff and defen
dant to be battled by adjudication, or we
might he agreed upon by them. The
lead wan conveyed; and try virtue of the
agreement the defendant (Wilson) re
ceived from Scholl January eth, 1E05;
07,660 60, being one-third of the purchase
money of the bind. Plaintiff further
avers that the defendant had not at that
011ie, or at any time before or since, any
right or title to sold money. or to the
land for which the , money was paid, but
on the contrary thin the right and title to
said money wan - nail fa in him (theirtain
tffi) and that open the payment thereof
by Schell to defendant it became doe uhd
wee owing from defendant to plaintif f
and is still in arrear and unpaid, contrut
ry to the form and effect of the sigreeE.;
merit entered into. The plaintiff also
made claim for ten thousand dollars aa
money loaned.
The defendant, lin hi. affidavit of de
fense, denied thtireceipt from Schell of
any NUM or amount of money for the use
of the plaintiff, or, in which the plaintiff'
had any right or Interest pursuant to the
agreement referred to. Ile stater, that
Schell paid him, - " , by chock, ii 3.Z0, and
also delivered to him a promissory note
'for 1t1,012,50, which has been paid; Schell
also deli soma to liini fifty-nine hundred
or six thousand .ttlitro of aback to the
•'Little Toby Diver Oil - Company,"
upon the condition and agreement that
he (Schell) was to cold said stock and re
alize for defendant one dollar per share
in -cash, and which proceeda of stock
were to be taken and applied In pay
ment of the amount specified and agreed
to be paid to defendant for the ono-third
part of the purchase money of this land.
Defendant thank . says maid agreement
has not been perfOrrued or compiled with.
and that Schell has failed and neglected
eeil said stock or realize the said aunt
crone dollar perlshare for the name, and
has failed to perform ills said contract.
The evidence on the part of the plain
tiff having beeninreeented, murisel for
defense, 8. A, and W. S. Purviance,
moved fur a non suit, on the ground that
under the evidence the action of debt
could not be sustained.
The Court - giiinted the motion, and
Judgment of ndmault was entered, with
leave, dm.
Counsel for plMntiff, ft.' and S.Woods
tad L. B.l.luff moved the Court to set
aside the Judier9ent of-non-splt,
Mary Ann Daly vs :Owen Reilly. An
ion for damages to a stone guarry,which
lefemiunt had leased from plalnuff, rod,
as la alleged, left in a damaged condi
tion: On trial. •
Lid for Friday:
173. 11allaghet . vs. Sweeney.
07. Smith vs, Darlington Co.
11. Wslnwright's ex:no vs. Buffnm.
—164. Bradley vs. Allocrbeny G. Cu.
J5O. Boughs ut nI. vs °Neill of
W.:. Full, vs. Thompson.
39. Nl'Stein tbr use vs. Benny.
Tnertstmi-,l.,iebruary,.2.o.—lu thetas° of
Georgv Walther et us vs. James Camp
-1.411, reported yesterday, ttie Jury found
rordirtin laror'of plaini 111 for $2.,11.5.05.
Station coomel for a new'
• •im Berkowitz vs. Stns. t Loeb
to show limy, why nou•suit shoulc'
not Lo taken off. •
Cutler ii Bro. tw. John liuckenstein.
Action on a emit met for furnishing booth
and shoes. VOtlivt in favor of plaintiffs
Nferrhigton vs. James Harrison.
Action for dela. A ppeal from judgment
01 Justice Llehtel ;r47,10. erdiet for
StA 36 .
Wm. Barkr=r. Jr ,administrator of Ed
mund Hyde T0n'.41;14, Livingston A:
Co. This was an action for breach of
contract for apioning cotton yard. Ou
List fin . Fru, :
143. Christ. I Kcl ing vs. Ft. 8.. P..
147. 11.... s A, Kra um T. I'. FL, W. RC
R. R. Co. ' j; .
14M. Saute cx. SIIIIIP.
150. Alex..rither.,ll w. Jae. Gillespie
An4rion Bell vs. Piekersgil
A, C... • ,
153. Robert 1,110 vs. John Brown.
151. Robert MeCready vrt. Penna. R.l
el. N. V. MeKoil is bane S Co.
I. W. 11.1 Wait vs, Same._. Davi&Priceo - Vel. Mode. et; Nichols
S. Johtilk , re vs. C. dr P. liallroad
The Tro-to i t s
Tato he ttie—S llforemen.
A t bolt •
We referred a few days ago to the
famine prevailing in Eastern Prussia,
owing to the failure of three euccesalve
crepe. In the East a movement has been
I started to afford relief to the thousands
of suffertra ,in the Fatherland, and our
German citizens have taken steps to
wards raising a. fund to be applied to
their relief. On Wednesday evening a
large meeting of that portion of our corn
tnualty was held at Turner's. Hall to
take action, at which .I.l..ffosthen, Esq.,
prralded. aubecrlption list was etarteil
and a considerable sum was realized,
Which won promptly forwarded yester
day by Mr. P. R. Mertz, the Treasurer.
Contributions are requested from the
philanthropic, especially from German
citizens. lionetions can be (crowded by
mail to Mr. Mertz, w'ho will acknowl
j edge the name and promptly forward to
relieve tbeaufferere.
~lletbool Pollee rove.
At a meeting of the Police Committee
of Allegheny City, held In the Mayor's
°Moe on Weihaosday erecting, tho Com
mittee, in conjunction with the Mayor,
made the following additional Nino:at
m:tents on the police force of that city:
Day Police—Henry Berman, James
Stewart, Ambrose Lynch, Washington
Night Watch Allen Stewart, Richard
Wilson, Valentine - 80 , er, Jackson Scott,
WFrill ia ederick' Faber, William Furguson,
nt.hl9l air', CharlesW. Heasley,
Prank Cempirli, G. 11. Williamp, Wm.
The -fortis now consists of thirty-one
men—twenty-ono might watchmen and
ten day police. older the supervieion or
a Chief ofil'olice, Captain of the Night
Wittch and the Lieutenanta. The entire
knee Vill]to, provided with uniform as >S,
ISO that they may be dietiugulahed by
Change of geelestmetteed ielat ton.
At a special meeting of the Pittsburgh
Presbytery of the Deformed Presbyter.
'rian Church, bold at Darlington, Pa., on
„ ,
Thursday, a _unanimous petition was'
presents& by the Free Pi eabytarian Con.
gre,qation of that niece to be received
under the care of the Presbytery. The
papers having teen read, It wax moved
by Reir.'Dr. Scott that on giving it, its
adherence to the principles, of the Re
formed Presbyterian Church, the. Free
Congregation of Darlington be received
underthe career Presbytery.
The c4Ogregation veal then referred to
the Committee on Supplies to receive
preaching. This being the only business
for which it was cidled, Presbytery. ad
journed with the usual formalities.
• ,
A Well CA•shi.
3. W. Barker, Jr., made information
before- His Honor Mayor. Illscitmore,
charglinill tutors T. Wolf with conceal
ing goods with Intent to defraud his
creditors. It appears that Wolf has bees
doing Ithainea• in Ulla city for some tithe
past and has contractedseveral debta;
among which was one with Mr. Barker
to the amount of three hundred dollars.
It is,aliewsd by lb. prosecutor that Wolf
has been shipping his goads away secret
ly with! the intention above elated. A
warrant woe issued and Wolf arrested
and hold for a halving.
Labor Ret.rm.—A large meeting of
workinguion was held Ant eventsig at
Boilers Hall,- ,o•rner of Fourth and
.Smithfield streets, fa take tote consider
ation the Mll.lllllll thou t necessary for
the relief of the financial and industrial
interests et the country. J. W. Krepps,
Esq., ,ptesided. Able addrosses Were
ilelivered by . Hen. Alex Cataphell,o l
Midas, and Williont H. Bylcie, of
pi, oc.l a Frees et rtitiolittionn
, T ;' A 0.4100.14.
• .
a. .
41 1, r
Unthread 00leiskin' Colonplaseented—
reesefltatione se the Preside...Cana
sinperletendent eV the Plualeargh
and Railroad. •
A most pleasing !and Mteresting 'cere
mony took place last e4tfing at McGin
ley's Dining Salcmh, oo Pifth street. The
occasion was the proeniation of h beau
' Wel silver pitcherjand Flair of goblets to
W. 0.-11ughort• rut. President" of the
Cennellaville Railroad ComPany, and an
elegant gold watell and chain to William
It. Stout, Esq.. Superintendent The tes
timonial.' were presented by the em
ployes of the Company, in eminectiou
with n few friendepf the p,entlemen men
tioned, doing businesi on the road.
At eight o'clock about fifty invited
gnestriensemblei itt the elegant dining
rooms of Mr. 'McGinley. The meeting
was called to order by. General .1. B.
Sweitzer, and orgardied by calling to
the Chair Marlin B. Stouffer, Esq., of I
Concellsville. General Swelter then
proceeded, In a few neat and pertinent
remarks; to date the object of the an- ,
xembling of fri ends. :General S. paid a
handsome tribute to the Connell:41,111e
Railroad, and the administration of Mr.
Hughart. He than introduced Mr. John
Armstrong, n henry cnel dealer, who
proceeded in a twirl and happy style, to
present the pitebPrs and goblets.
In the absent from the city of Mr.
Hughart, the beautiful testimonial was
received for himlby Geo. W. Shires, Esq.,
Solicitor of thel road. Mr. Shims' re
marks were brief, bet particularly happy
and to the pointl
Gen. Sweltzer next introduced D.
Barnes, Esq., MIS - 11111.isICE of tho road, who
in well chosen tend' pointed remarks,
presented the watch mid chain to Super
intendent Stout.
Mr. Stout received , the token as it was
presented, in neat and appropriate
The gills we eprocured at the well
nown estabilehment of J. R.
So, Cl Fifth street, and are
Tminently worthy the reputation of that
excellent firm. ! The pitcher and gobleta
are of elegant !pattern and are of roll,'
silver, beantifiltly.chased. The pitcher
bears the inneViption. "Presented to W.
o.leh llughurti President of the Pine
burgh and ConnellnVille Railroad, by Use
employee." The goblets are each in
scribe] with the recipient's name.
The watch hen magnificent hunter ease
lover, from theostribUnimientof Howar,i,
of New York. The case betas the inscrip
tion, "Presmitel to Wm. B. Stout.
Superintendent of 'the Pittsburgh and
Connellsville Itailroad, by the em
ployes., The!silver not .and watch each
cost $375.
Eagh of the gifts Is luxonapaniol by a
beautifully fracueel'parchnient, on which
are inscribed, one': hundred and tary
eight 'names ;of the donors. with a twit
leave natning the gift presented. The
Inscription Is : beautifully engrossed, the
design of the vignette and runrgine being
, very new and appropriate. These beau
! tifut tirticiew nro the pen work of Thomas
C. Did; Esq. ,
After the pr!esentlition ceremonies had
been concluded the couvany were invit
ed to partake of an excellent 'repast,
which bad been prepared rinllcGintey'a
best style.- Upward of fifty eat down to
the table. and the edibles wore discussed
with a lest which preyed that if the em
ployes of the mad were generous and
appreciative ed' thn good qualities ~f the
otlictre,lbey. could also appreciate good
eating. After Supper serest,' short
speeches wee., made, and the company
dinpersed, well Opened with the pro
ceedings of the evening.
itereanttle Likirar.* Lei:mares.
Dr.-Fiwa4il L., Youmans, late of Y.__
College; deliveied a lecture last evening
In the Academy of Music, under the aid:-
pices or theN7oung Men's Mercantile Li.
Mary and Mechanics Insiitute. Tho din
anguished lecturer was handsopely in
troduced b e y Caid. W. •P. Herbert,' a
member of !the Lecture Committee. 'Dr.
Youmans then Proceeded to deliver a
lecture, on !the ..F.lectricity' of the Sun
beam." Id Ids introductory remarks lie
referred to the nude and dis , onsolatenlii
man in the; Almanac, a ho ly surrounded
by the Manse( the Zodiac, the meaning
of which is, that the ancients believed
thin, there! esiLti•ii a powerful influence
on the human organization. lie laid
down the propOsition• that all matter is
acted upon liy; celestial forcesz-the
Sunbeam Is the dynamical link between
the sun and the earth. Ho illustrated
the effect of the anti upon the dimensions
of solids bb the case of the tubular bridge
oer tho Menai Straits. A passing train
deflects the tube, at the centre only
quarter of an inith, while the heat or the
sun In his meridian strength lifts the
bridge an:inch aini a half, and causes it
Ut wriggle and dance all day like a :Make,
leis the partlelea of air In their friction—
grinding ,together—that produce ele,
• trieity. lie conelnd.:4l his interesting
lecture with a teamed disseitatine on
vlbratione of the luminous spectrum. It
• Was evident froth the attention given by
the audience that`the lecture gave uni
versal sidisfiedien., The Library Asso
ciation ate doing 'e, erythiug in their
power foe the edification and intellectual
pleasure Hof our citizens, and should
. therefore,recolvr a most liberal 'darne
-1 %le*
The Lapel Tblimag..ooriingion, as q.
. Themes Dorebigton, died at 111
renidence, Nunnery Hin t on Thursday
the 30th lilt., inl the 77th year of his age.
Ilia fune'rat wt is attended on the lot' in
stant .b.f, a very large concourse of peo
ple, amohg wlicau were several clergy
men of fheao Cities and vicinity. We
know Of no eliiren who was held in
higher cenimation by his afamaluttinees,
Ho was a roll elder in the third U. P.
Cburch.tAlleg ieny, aloes its organize
Lion. 'rho foliqwing action taken by tin
see Lion of that church in relation tt
bin death, alid,wn the excellence of hit
character, and ;the deep veneration am
regard in which ho was held by hit
.12asolred, That in this sorrowful event
we ‘lo(tplY illotllll, In that wo are bereft
of the wise counsel and valuable experi
ence of one, whose heart and life were
devoted • to the service of Christ from
early Manhoml ton good old age. •
Boreired, That we, as btollierst with
him In Christatid associated With him
officially in tho Lord's house, bear our hie unwavering zeal,
piety and usefulness, and, in his "death,
this !maiden has lost a wise and Worthy
member, the Congregation a devoted and
trne frienr; kin lentil) , a beloved hus
band und father, and the community aim
honored citizen.
JUJOIred, That the life of our endeared
friend and brether, who was justly mon
bertsl tlatnong "the excellent of the
oarth,'l shall be on.hrined in our mum
ory, still living epistle, displaying the
exalting qualities of the true believer,
a Idle evincing the humble spirit of the
glorioUs disciple.
' Wtafitay elate that
the deceased wan
the father of Joe B. Dorriugton, Esq.,
the very popOlar, energetic end Md.-
triouspeuend Agent of the Pittsburgh,
Colurribu. and Cincinnati Railroad.
Oattssinittea for court. •
Jorry Coughlin, charged before the
Mayor with 'utidielou. Mischief nod as
moult and buttery, on oath of James
Johnson, wan, after a hearing, held to
•hsil in the slim of threw hundred dollars
ou each charge. in default of which ho
was dommitted to Jail.
Jolts Maloin, a notice of whose arrest
we published yesterday, was also cons
mituid to Jail i default ifa charge of
amain and battery.
, • —,
Sher Beef.- , Thero are a grout many
American John Bull's in these cities, at
least: an forde the relish for roust beef Is
concerned. All ouch are recommended
to call at the stand of F. 13ellstlize ' No.
1115... in the Pittsburgh market, on Salizr
dsy,'^-2,1,1n5t, or No. 39 in the Alleghe ny market, on ITuesday, 25th inst., where
they will find the :beef of some of the
thirst bulloCks ever seen on,.our shwa-
Mee. Beef good enough' for the Lord
Mayer of LOndon—yes, good enough Mr
Grant. Sherman, Sheridan, or any other
patriot, eoliller or citizen.
The Mining I,llln.—Notwithstanding
the most diligent eeareh has been made
for Robert litlucald, whose mysterious
disappearance on Saturday tre nittired In
yentsslay's. GAZETTX,' not the slightest
clue caleulital to unveil the mystery
can be obtained. Hia former good char
acter and pleasant domestic relations ore
strongly ugainst the probability or his
'l:aerial; left voluntarily, without gbflug
notice of, hie intentions.
iii litileivalitc—As it is the intention
or, the Maier to rigidly enforce the ordi
nance providing for thecisansing of side=
walks on Tuesdays and Fridays, citizens
will save trouble and expense by clean-
Mg in front of their residences and pla
nes of tinniness. this morning. The
Weather le now favorable for a general
cleaning zip, sad there can be no excuse
f.r not complying with the law. •
!Surety al the Pears.—Thomas Morris
ienterday.msde intorreation before Jos
doe liaise, at litratingharn, against
Matthew EA' Igar, for en. ety of the pesos.
The parties are neighbors and it appears
got into squarrel. when Edgar threatened
to whip the prosecutor. Rewas arrested
lead held fora bearing:
Pro•ldeet W. 0. Wwiturt.
C001.111.111e laallroae Bator* 1
CIW Conseil of Battistero.
• The Baltimore American of Wed
On motion of Mr. George, the m.
bore of the Second Branch were eta
o'eloch'invited tomcat the First Bra
in order to give an opportunitty to R
Huebert; Esq., President of the It
burgh and Connelleyille Ballroad Co, m
peep, to impart information to the City
Council reepeotingthe edventages s ta be
derived to the city of Baltimore . by the
waiver of the first mortgage of said rail
road, held by the city by7virtne of the
loan of 1t1,060,000, he.
The members being seated, Mr.
Huebert, by in - Motion, ascended to the
' President'. stand, and for `about three
quarters of an hour athirst-sell them on
the important eu Weer- lle drew 'Cow
ing picture of the vaatsmount of busi
ness which, on 'the completion of the
railroad, would Pe diverted to this City,
and Instanced the reports of the opera
done of the Pennsylvania Central Rail
road as chinning that 'now. it nearly all
to Philadelphia ' In concluding tie
ferred to the great petrol u m Interests
of the western portion of Pennsylvania,
which, by a proper exertion on the part
of Baltimore in the completion of this.
railroad by building the ninety miles re- .
maining unfinished, would be Identified
with our city. He introduced Wm. P. Lo
gan, Esq., !lathe representative of that in
terest. Igr. Logan made a few -remarks,
elating that that interest was !ten ml
lions In value, and that there were turn
er) out daily about ten tiro:mend barrels
of oil, giving to the t Penney:yap'. Rail
road an in:monis. businesses of trace
porting eight hundred and- sixty-five
thousand barrels during the year. All
this come to Baltimore in the
event of the railroad from Connell:mine
being completed. early.
John IL Barnes, Esq. City' Vitgieter,
being present in the chamber with a
large nu nber of other eitirowt, including
all the directors representing the Inter
ests of the city Lu the Baltimore and
Railroad Company, was called
spook. He consented to do so and ad
dressed the meeting for about twenty
m.nutes. He particularly referred to the
vast trade of the great Went, which, by
the Wise and intelligent action or the
Council, might be secured to thle city.
Ilia remarks tended to the advocacy of
the request of the Connelleville Railroad
Cemeany, though be cautiously abstain
ed from indicating to the Council any
,onuaendation as to how to chap. its
The meeting was about to close when
an invitatioawaa extended by Mr. Du- ,
vall to any other person to address it.
Mr. John W. Davis, present Sheriff
availed himself of the opportunity, and
earnestly remonstrated agaltistthe City
Council taking any action which would
saddle the • citizens with additional
Caution. He stated that in Data. City
Council was induced by such pretty pic
tures as bad been drawn to-night, that
our harbor' would be ailed with the
white suite of vessels and theclty teeming
with a population of a million souls, to
grant a loan of pi,cno,ooo. Now, as then,
such pictures were delusive.
On the ooncluslon of his remarks, Mr.
Ilughart desired to make a reply to the
statement of Mr. Davis, and contended
-that It would be greatly to the Interest of
the pr o v ided aanction an arrangement like
that, i fur to the ordinance
which he had handed to the body,
and which he likened to that of a man
who, observing a vacant space of ground
which yielded nothing, went to the own
er and proposed to build thereon six
story house, front which there was con ,
elderable revenue. Mr. Ilughart was
interrogated by.several of the members
respecting the control of the direction of
the Company. Ile slated that, by virtue
or the city'. interest, she had three . di
rectors in the 'Company, there being
seven In all. The laws of Pennsylvania
.required that the President and a major
ity of the directors should bo of that
State: hat this was waived In the Instance
of Mr. 13. H. Latrobe, and would be
again waived. The meeting then ad
- jocund. ' ! , •
Mew Toloproph Company.
A new movement, to be known as tie
"National Telegraph Company," is be
ing organized under a recent Act of Con
gress. with% view of establishing tele
graphic cetramunlcetion on all the prin
cipal thoraughieres from East to Weet,
bet with no branch lines; The stock in
to be issued upon the same principle no
that of the Merchants' Union Express
Company, which recently commenced
operations A limitod amount of stock
has been allotted to each State, and the
amount apportioned to Pennsylvania is
OLOO,OOO. Na oubsmiptanna will be re
ceived for more than seventy-five shares.
nor less than five, and this nrreilgemerd.
will be confined Arietly tobiusiness men.
This to done, not so much to diem's° of
che sirs* es to secure the influence of the
tockhoilders in providing burliness for
the line. The shares are $lOO each; and
can be subscribed for at the Mercantile
Agency Rooms, corner of Fourth and
Wood streets, In this city, until the first
of March, at which time the books will
be cloned. At the time of cub
scribing one • per cent. .of the
amount subscribed will be required
to ba paid down, and the balance in
equal installments until 3.5 per cent. of
the P11:10Ont is collected, wnich is all that
will be called In. This will give the,
Nom pane o paid np capital of $3,500,000,
which will ea mufflcient for present pur
poses. If the names of the gentlemen
connected with this Company can be re
i es a sufficie
thnt cc ideuce of the .res
nsbility of eorganization, sulmcrip-
Sens will no doubt be numerous. The
President, George B. Seeter, warfiirmer
. lc Mayer of Cleveland. The Vice Pres
. ident is Robert Squires, of New York,
- President of the Third Avenue Railway
e Company. The Treasurer is Frederick
o Prentice, a largo reel estate owner in
• New York city, and the Director. are
d Benjamin E. Smith, a prominent banker
s of the Columbus and Indianapolis Rail
road; Charles T. Sherinan, one of the
Government Directors , of the Pacific
Railroad. and Ben), Holiday . , the largt
mall contractor In tim Hatted States, an es d
the principal owner of the line of steam
ers runninkon the Paelfic from Portland
to B m Francisco. I •
Malicious ellsaderi—jemesCavensugh ,
charged on oath of John Newton, before
Alderman Donaldson t. l with malicious,
mchief, was held in the sum of three
hundred dollar' for his appearance at
Court. Newton, the prosecutor, is one
of the proprietor" of the Empire saloon;
which it applies they had rented front
the widow p
of the fortnerproprietor, with
alFthe fixtures, and Ca vanaugh, et be
request of the widow, removed the gam
fixtures. . •
Knocked' Down.—Diilliam McKenna,.
aspectori citizen of Birmingham, while
wailing along Carsod street, Wednes•
day evening.~ was accosted by two rough.;
John Ibunliton and David Snyder, who
without any provocation knocked him
down and otherwise !abused him. .He
made information before before inatioe
Ammon, chargtog them with manic
and battery. The aucbsed were arrested
and held for a hearing.
Larceny.—John Johnson made infor
mation before Mclennan Mullin yester
day, charging Mary Hammett with tar-
CODY. The defendant it appears resided
in the family of the proeeoutor, in the
Fourth ward, Allegheny. and is charged
wjth stealing several ;artlcles of wearing
apparel. • She watt &mated and In deNult
of throe hundred dollar ball was oom
mitted for triaL
'Presentatien.l—Thi .employes of tie
Pittsburgh Locomotive works, la a quiet
old uuestentatious I manner, yesterday
promoted Mr. George W. Weaver, the
retiring foreman of 'that establishment,
with a $lOO greenhMk, as an acknowl
edgment of their odeem an d . good will
for isim'as a follow k 'worker, friend and
gentleman. The reilpient is worthy the
Logreula, at Itf nla Hall. had a very
large audlenoe las night, and his per
formances were ex Ingle clever. As
a conjurer he la ml hty. gis cats, mice
and birds will provoke laughter and ad
miration from the Most stoical. To-night
an elegant marble table ' a barrel of flour
and ninety-eight other gifts will be dis
tributed to the andietace.
Charter R. nevied.—The, hfechanlcs
Lodge No. 9of the dndepondynt Order Or
Odd Fellows, Tor assay years one of the
leading lodges of the State, having lest
Its cherter by neglect, hsa been re-char
tered, end • the members will meet at
Curtis Hell, corner of Wood street and
Virgin alley, on Saturday evening, at 71
o'clock, to reorganise.
Stratingitam—The citizens of Bir
mingham have fond that an increase of
the pollee force wasnecessary to pre
serve order and protect their property,
and at a recent meeting of Councils Ave
additional. men were - app oint
on the
fore which was On Wednesday evening
sworn in and organised under the .con
trol of a Captain.)
Terrible Tbrests.--Roan Leonard made
Information yesterday before Alderman
Thomas, Charging Ifargarm McAdams
with surety of the poses. it is alleged
by the prosecutrir. that the defendant
threatened to tear her limb from limb.
A warrant was issued, the defendant ar
rested arid held to ball for a hatter
seeming to do ao seamy, and 'watt a full .
appreciation of the noble charity in whose
interests this fide exhibition and enter-.
taen here been prepared. •
Notwit t
hstanding the large bneinesa
done last night, the tabletwill be re,
plenished for this • evening when wo
hoes to see the house crowded as heforia:
Pain Paint supported by Common same:
Pain Paint restores Cripples.
Pain Paint realm. the Lame. -
Pain Paint cures Chronlo Disease's.
Pain Paint cure. Acute.Complainta.
Pain Paint cures Piles.
Pain Paint proves itself 'ism •
Pain Paint astonishes old Men.
Pain Paint surprises young Folks.
Pain Paint smaros tie Ladles. •
Pain Paint vrakaa up the Stupid.
Pain Paint talked everywltare.
Pain Paint mentioned in the Pulpit.
At Mtil Arob Street, Philadelphia, in
lhe Drug Store.
The • Streets,—The recent pleasant'
weather has had a deplorable effect upon:
our streets am! many of them are in a -
terrible condition. i'he Street Commimt
sioners, however, appear twfully appro ., .
date the necessities of iroprovement4
and are at work In different portions Me.
the city endeavoring to repair damage::
done by the severe wild weather dulingl
the winter.
rleerstea Law.
There is no doubt wuatever that die;)
eases of the lungs, or ulcers of whalevet
sort on any of the internal organs inn.*
be, and are frequently cured, and a cow;
pieta condition of health established. .x.z. I
tke .elaberadve functions; of which tit 4.
stomach Is the priMary and most inr
portant one, are restored to a coodttloti,
to do the repairiogof the human eyishmil.'
ulcers ev sores, whether upon the luogn,
the liver the kidneys 'or th e bowels,
upon the , legs, as is frequently the cost,
can be made to heal, and a complee
standard of health re-established in t.lx
human body.
We have frequently seen these resultii
from the use of Da. Kl7sEl'l'l3 LIJI4 ,
CORE, a pleasant and agreeable medielq,
which will rkpon up and carry out of the
animal economy all effete and used itP
material. Dr. E..-says iluithehasknown
the most distreisinsi and harrassiftg
coughs,!whoso vibrations would threaten
to shake the whole constitution hiplecee.
removed in the c ourse of a few da'yosi:
In long standing cases of consumptffin
or of those other 'sometimes fatal, tfpt
always troublesome and annoying mal
adies, known as catarrh, chronic bridn
chitls, tmehitis or pharyngitis, it hf,:u
wonderful alleviating medicine, to the
former, and a euro cure In the latter dis
Dr, Keyser. Lung Cure Is enriclid
by some of the moat valuable plants Mid
herbs known to be useful theuratfe
in all deteriorated states ohuman
blood. and whilst it adds to Its plasnla,
itat the same time etimulatm, gently but
effectively, the skin, the kidneys; Pm
liver, and the glandular system to iM4II
- action to enable the body to takit'pn
healthful action and eradicate the digitise.
The sick and afflicted should beariln
mind the virtues of this great medicine,
and if those who are sufficiently alt, to
the importance of health, will resort to it
In the Mvuning of a cough °if cold, Were
would be no falling into declines end
rapid consumption, so hopelessly incu
rable and so most eirely fatal. fioldZby
the gross, demn, or single bottle, at`- - Dr.
Keyser's great medicine stoe 140 WitiOd
street. Dr. Keyser ' i s
office f r oiLung
=illations. No. 120 Penn street.
NeW trood•I Slew Geode -;4
New Dress Goods,
Table Line
Irbtb Litiens. ns,
Plaid Nwrisook,
Stripe Nansook.
Plain Jatsonet,
Linen Handkerchiefs,
Sea Gress Handkerchiefs
Shirt Fronts,
Distort AprOnfk, very cheap,
Linen Towels,
White Quilts, &c..
A very large stock from auction opined
to-day at Wm. Semple's 150 andliti,*kd
eral street, Allegheny.
"Hew Cau ye Bloom No Freak and
Fair t" goes tbe old Scotch song. Ilow?
Why, those who show be bloom of hialth
on their cheeks, Sake Plantation lll*ra,
which has the power - of fortifying, the
system against disease, and of regalAting
the digestive apparatus. Are yonAlYii•
peptic, weak, void of energy! Hove
you little or no appente,keadache'inon
tinned lassitude and depresaion of sraritsi'
Take S. T.—IPSO—X. and bloom: and
beauty will return. The Sittem have
become a household friend.
, .
:t. article—enperior to Cologne, and at
. the price. inwd4l"
. _
. Dry Goals. at Whalesale.—Wa ifs of
full lines of bleached and *own
Muslin, Prints, Ticks, Gingtounq and
other staple good., making the ag, /f eat
stock In OM West at Eaatem priook
T. W. ar Dman C 0.,. •
u.b9 Market .tcpet.-.
Boots, Shoes and Gaitcra—or the .very
latest style,. can always be had 4 Mr.
Itobb'e, 69 Market street. He keeps a
splendid stock always on hand and, sells
at the lowest prices.
Country 011erchants will find It to their
advantage to call at the great stile la
Cloaks, Sacques, Cloaking Clotl.q but
tone and trilnuilngs, at Spence's, 51 . 0. 73
Diarket street. '
. Cloaks t floats! Coast Clealtai—WO
aro now selling off at cent to makerooto
for spring, stock. Spence's, 'ffo.7ff Mar
ket street.
.. . .
At Wholesale.—Bleached . • and Imam
Muttlins, Prints, and other staplegoods
in full lines, less than Eastern Flees, at
Boots nowt and Gaiters—Cif egitiery
latest style, can always be had it Mr.
Robb's, 89 Market street. He keeps , a
splendid stook always on hand Intl sells
at the lowest prates. •
Cattatitatkin Water ie a certalit
Dibetes awl all &Imams, of die
nays. a yor t:ale by all druggist:64r
Call at No. 73 Market street tbr
&Nue% Cloaking Cloths, Sultana
For great bargolos In Cloaks or Bis,
go to tipenos's clotting out trals, hilt
Market street. .
Sheeting, Pillow Casing, 'Biolkire
Other housekeeping goods, ver*et
at Barker's.
All of the new styine In Clea*
Barques at No. 73 Market street.
Table Linea., extraordinary :
slightly damaged, at Earket'49 .r 4
'Black Alpaca.; all pric",lo
Barker's. - e . • -
No. 111 Fourth Street; PirlitCoshil.
COFFINS. of all kinds: CRAPES. GLOOM
ever, description of lonorallrarnis l 4.l f.l .
famished.. sang op. day sal sight •
lizransurcia—iter, David Earn DZ:D.,
Pl. W. Jac:aims, D. D., Taman My*.
Jacob U. Mars. Msg. ' • ,:".; ^
of gsadinky street and cnyirsh 11110121 W,
Cyty, where th eir corm 11001 A
nanuy suppllsd with real rad baltnDo•
Matiainnil saaWas.s. ot7mi. l . •
varying Doing' toga*. Atones 1).1 Ind
ternyeat. Hearses sad Carvisgss
id* all kinds of Wanda' Goad&
DlSas open st W hears. an! sadWOW
:AmAsp iisamunh Se. 4MA
Allesbettf. and lep. S Olssload Ours;
Job. Wilson sBrw.ll:eel* slsralisialiq
best Metal. Ilbasswood, !Walnut sad? bult.
Rosewood cams. Walnut Mass tAletalti
wards. Itossonsoil Oats, a= urns,* till
ten. to Ds*porten. ..4..}1.4
mr,doect .4 10. rst.s. 0, 4*.5•
and Welt.
rourraxrat.'•ofeee; ere. en due • ,
Agnew. Xstailla. lu:worm& ea& odka • -
11., K eimplete docket - • • • ,
Owts; os ;tad sad. fand.beekt
as lowan 914*-N. I ma Urite
, 'Wis. • •
• isJ t v oimirtedni. •
lima Anat. eialasim WRIT Oltul
01410 tameness mean vtansr: meta:tog
Issaing idllctilalalorkNinn Tel•V•Pbs..4"
valvable Walla[ liLsfadar ler the Hal...
amitallint aid wet rabbis Itipada lua Ora
mm 11Liaist 1 ./
bOltY. Yedhaa.l4 or Koren= ,
dalll lamlUniPat
• t'.3 TIMM IMO= Warm. •
ebe et Teb.:,.. - 7:====.
one «ItYpt.pver to.tha perks int4ra
a*be deb. Addltieasebilee eas be made •
lea abbe. &tetanus. , - ,
Solana go Saa•Canaaa...ta ataziag you
p4ar. and meats ..4‘ anti= TM
.20., as an lanza a Wataadabry oeltlai far aata.
rathan lumina bat au malls anat.
firMht.tal bi.Dtaff., ispreas. Nasa, oaa..
•Elnitaihrtatratt /Attars. wax atkM at (tartlet
:Addrosa. ;4,lo.ailaTTlra
WANTED-2 . 0,0 6 0 AaErrl3.
~ A •
X. pt. mot five: with len.. for anT
Aie to elenitES d. 117. to there bear.. Iloilo.*
cittrelyalem. light end desirable. Can be done
22 home er trßrllej. bfbotk mine and female.
ert entarprtail or Donahoe. Addresa W. H.
-01111ASif.R. 3e Iltomllral. New York. -
~.''' .. nady of Canesamrs, ••TEDS HISTORY
Vomit.. Coareeter. 'Con Met dad Restilia. l. ay i
0e...15r zawnia H. Stitli.ll4l., Pend fin cir-
;wa ' rs, with terms and a RH description of Qs -•
Pi.l.. Philsdelphin;Ti.
, . BLUR-COATS, uol Dow they Lind, •
rongitS sad Died for the Union. with Bowies MI
:Incidents la the tired% ,11abel/lort. It contaloa
Toter 100 AtotzmnivOgi .4 la) Niei. and la. '
46.3 spot. , and cheapest war brat pubillhett; I
•rices °air 51A,30 per cop,. The public are raus I
i . ilonesi spinet Interior *arks with 5 similar'
Utle.. Be. tint the boot. Toa 157 oontsins oreti
.. WO el:taming* and Igo pais& Send for Chaos
i ' ntr. eadro. JON= ILROTEIZII3 15.0._, Pia ,
adelphis. Pa. ”
I . ''
' - -'14:01 RENT. • • 1 .
Fog neAT—
wbAi Pine l Creek,
r Len
Of seven or Writ roots.. But few .Ituation.
the ...typos. desirable. aunt low. =VIM
at X. tIL lietional Bank, booth street- ,
Plt.oll7ab, rebrum OS..
pOrt RN:NT—The premises No.
los PLEA street, lately ocempled by A. T.
Cb stoney, suitable for try goods or furalteloa
store, confectionary sod dialog saloon. sad
many etber remover , . Poemisiee to. be steed
Immediately. •pall to /AL P. WHITE. Ea
Eeesport, or TWOS. 7. EZENA.N,II7 Mamma
To L'CT-Two Store 'loom.. ill
new bolldt• gi on Obleamonte/ near IS don't
street. Allesheny, with dwelling.' Or.r
with water, bath mom ma. gy. Locallir Fowl
for dry heads. smeary or retail sAm store.. ADM •
in tams bolidtsgu, fotr rooms, suitable fbr man
family. Apply at olliew of FttAZIER ARON,
Oblcourenu±s sndAmlgtitelt. street,Alleghtny.4
RENT-41 , NE
some moutern stylo roalgenewt.on Itilatd Ara,
nu a..utAlniagmoats rook. eutrounded
Impla ground... Aortas Ana macadamised
byroad, with plank. wait from railroad station. On
tba premises are • gottOl stable, abundanewl st
water. end Ithi situation ts, altogether, plotto;' ,
wog.. d toureohnt, l'omession ipso Ant'
of April nest. Apply to LOCEltilillt. ruaw.
A CO., 17IWood atraot... •
TO LET—A gold Frame 111/Ferl%
INGIe aintsloingthoren rooms, with tan;
serer of Isnit and stibls, well set w i th ifnlj. L.
crers, and Ina good grits of miltirstlao. Minster ,
on Messer street, to Um Borough of fleirleitier •
and within dm Wantes walk of the atation. - ,
Possession lib If dears& lag.
terms. a . m.. Inquire of .TM. BLBIfIH, on 000
• '
pon. nrivir.ToFricoit AND •
BOOMS In the nesi Minding sreetsOy;this
{Lsisloneliminss Bank, = LIBLILTY INTIMET.
corner Of Garrison &U m. In mediate limiessionj
siren. For terms. de.. apply at THIS HAMS.
rOR 411 E—A. good Tannery.
.and rOHTY ACHES Or LAIC% withal.*
aead orchard., dead dwelling how. ircab!e,
bark boast. leach boa•wwkep. le. Tblo DroPar .
ty is most lavorably healed Silty is ilea from the •
city en the Pitiabargh • Cleveland IL E.. near -
gallneville, Ohio. Chastord oak hart canna had ,
reuonably load In any quantity. This yard la
acar dein; spaying basin's.: lids
be but as •liargala std *a the most •.?
karats. !again. of ICIALSEY t HALL, 01 Beaw
r er street, AlleakenY CflY;
- •
••••• balance of these desirable Lots are noir ofi
fend at private isle, .0 .7._ deelreas i thow'
betiding sites would do well to make a Wroth.;
ts lee.te6 on a emalfut .4 heeldj
mot, two sod wbgalf mhos from Eb.pidnargl'on
the Wetter" Peboselvanta Itallread. nhleh 0005. -
throng. It. midden it much more val.blo and •
sewreable. ILitenahm preporatlene are new • .
essiticg for greenling a...saber of glue booing
I prove us OflllMlllate the town.: TM • !.!
regualader of these lots no. •he .site at Teri res. •
maids rat. and on terms rx.egliosty easy.
`ALL • ISHUTTEELT, Ural Estate anelneass...
.co • • Is. Lawreaserillis .
FOS £I.IILE.-11ouseand'Lot
cosset of ALsohattsa sad Adams steely
sear rsuesser Rah ray. -Lot 41 by 127 i Zeal.
Hos» muss, astalslaa7 rooms ul good *
wel lesposTed. noose sad LOt oanstioldi
111 dwell stmt. 4.14445T7 CUT. LOS bY '
feet; hosssitsiss. end:dm tun. Iva ilia= and
row:lodise; Indstessul gas. Also, Own.' *Mat
Holm, itsi Lots la good 44.1404, 1440100 M.. -
EVET. i CO., Barer. its.; was Masan;
Manchester. .
• -
J. , IN ervirtexcrr.,-• dna tea
built In the mat mbstantlal rear, with ram,
plate arramgementa for gar, ot aad Gold *Mom
In pHs, bet alr data. 10. Tram 11l to Ore
. seres of irroend. Tau Dear- 7 .Q ,VaneySto
JOUN,WAT. Jr., Bewiekleyrllle
FOR SALE—A v•iry deslyiible
thrertory BRICE 11008 E. nue!' aw , R
preased brick feast. atarblo
water tbroagboat; loose =Atlas seveiraaats
llntabwd garret.; N. IN ELM. 817.1.11.1 . , near
Write. Math ward. l'afoestlon from iprU Ist
38 , 18. inaake at %ha ton.. - ' . • •
je 0 11311LE-110 8 E
aoyrAsses Liv. 7 .4 la. luta% we
arto SANELY noun awn sb... Duna
GEST 1102.8113. LAX MEDIUM
moan: tar. Mt Jett 1lit1211: tyro 'GM
EASES. 71851' ISTIZS/, ...t the litorrotikr
Misname. .
/argon. town tat mold of woraltdos.
mitablik Moss os Sas lownes; sarTWO•
HOME WAGolf, sal. doubts of Bak.
14128, surly ars. US. , . al the PiNiTSII.
1143111/.161.1 by PITIM Boatiar. SI TT Arliki
Bacot. Landon.
Thatkap Das Mei. by • PwoollteliltWMlLAPPOlP ' •:
tramthooroess of alkali alloo,tboulablytib
eresobt Ito hops, sad sfillia mai Ws*
b owls to Wt. shay 01.0 4 ww .•
(10 per teat.) teats httsr satotstios that
a thletly owes Its soothlosquallty — soilteilogthe
slab, presents/ tbe toespioslosi. preetillbbe
clapping sod the itopleswint rose...stet:Ad—
toted In cell eniga . . lets fbead waft tiled
a &Metalling ars Welts , toW produced by . mono
at Utit atia. Oa samosa of Sts oast peaty'
reeobaotatls Itself to oil persons WI salter frost
tbo las et tomb. kat; for SeptetsSU. 111
the only Soap thst.bto be . tolerated. is isms
tiotarly sue fel roil clematis disossed sham.