The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 20, 1868, Image 2
Eittsbuttr Gay& TavasOLT, lITJIXIIAKZ2O.ISBII. iris proposed - by the - capitalists of Rochester. N. Y., to build a railroad tram that city to the coal and lumber districts of Pennsylvania, gnection with the sway , thence sonth to the coal fields. T/1017.35 the Turk/ have wire] times announced thosubjugation of the Cre tans, that consummation seem farther off than it was sone monthiago. The Greeks have shown much of the Ire and tenacity of the ancient stock from which they are descended; and are, in the end, to secure a complete triumph over their oppressors. Sr. Lours has alined an enterprise in the way of public improvements during ha m:, the part few years which ' enveloped herself in a debt iif $9,908,l . Pad. mating the population at 2'40,000 heads, and a valuation of 1100,000,000, this will give a ratio o $41.26 per capita, and be 9.91 per cent. on 'elution. mite a re spectable burden under which!, to rest. -- Lunt. sus. Slacaissit, is common with nenrir all . the other Geneinis of the • army, Ls estideatly dissatildedl With the assault of he President ' upon-General Grant. He has, however, allowcd his sensitiveness to carry him to extremes in threatening to resign if he can in no other way avoid taking command of the new district carved out for.him. It may be his resignation, 'rider the, dram. ptances, would salt the President better than his acceptance. • ' A. T. eTZW.IIIIt, the Merchant prince of New York; has entered iqh much spirit into the campaign for Grint. He has already done. mach good work for the - soldier here. Whoa inch men, so largelj interested in the Seances of the country, lend their time and eiertions to the advancement of Grant's claims on the Presidency, weaker capitalists need not hesitate. Mr. Stewart has made a collection of all the Journal', and their name is legion, that have expremed a preference for his favorite. Tiro' New York Councilshave tat `aside $15,000 for the proper observance of the anniversary of Washington's, on Baturday next, which 'mesas-a general pyrotedusic display. The Tint" is pretty eerverp . on the ac tions stating th at th at cum of money might better contribute to the relief of the thousands of destitute, and deserv ing creataris in that city who would be greatly assisted and cheered daring these hard and cold times by the gift of halt a barrel of tour or half ton - of coal. It would certainly be more of an honor to the Father of his Country than the ex plosion of a few wretched tire-works. lii oun advice' from Harrisburg it is elated that the_Free Railroad Bill • passed the Senate. This means that when the House bill reached the Senate it was amended by substituting for it the biR that originated - in that body. It Is now apparent, from the strong majority In the Senate in favor of its own bill, that no other can pass at the present session. Either the House mast recede, and take what it can get,'or get nothing — at 'IL- Under the circumatances, we trust it will recede and accept the Senate bill. Though not all that is deemed, it is in the main a very good bill. If it shall become a law, and prove as strin gent as to prevent enterprises from growing up under it, the popular de mand will force a revision. l.r anus probable that It connection will be made between the Pittsburgh and Connellstille Railroad widths Alit- gheny. Talley Railroad at Turtle (Auk, about twelve miles abanthis city. Thi., will enable trains of the Ant named road to nth directly into buena& quer ten here and au* to effect a junction with the Pitabargh, Port Wayne sac Chicago Railroad. The depot_ thr - Allegheny road_and the Fort Wayne road are close together, so that this ar nngerr_ent will enable the three con necting line' to usi one station, and to mikes through schedule, liable to as lit tle delay or inconvenienca at this point, is is experienced under the most Avow ble drew:mance* elsewhere. Indeed, trains, whether for caumengers or fberght, can run through from Italtimon to M emo, or any other pafid west of thL .city, without the slightest impediment GEN. Warrant., who was appointed . to survey- the present canal at Louis 'Mlle, and also fora new one on the In ..titans side, in accordance with a bit , passed by Congress last spring, has far _ niched his report. Er. Kontarrox, the Committee on Commerce, to whom the report will to referred; is said to be • in favor of the completion of the preseilt canal, so as to same free navigation as WOE es. possible. To do this General - WEITZEL estimates the expense at VW ; ..400, provided the same scale of enlarge.- ' went - already began will be ranted out. The, amount of bonds of-the Com - puny to he assumed by the Goverxunent, provided it took posetuion, he rijints ' at 11,00,000, From this he deducte - 000,000, which the Company has on hand, and makes Hte total cost to Gov ernment $2,803,500. HO - presents three plans for new canals on the Indiana side, at a mean cost of $3,695,000, and re commends the Government to undertake to complete the present enlargement of the old canal, and also to build a new one on the Indiana side. His .princiril reaginfor the new ens that even it the present enlargement on the Ken-, tacky side is completed, the locks will still be too small for the largest lima boats. Ha estimates. that if both are ordered, two million dolltus will be , needed the first year, if the completion - - of the old canal alone is agreed upon. There of hardly any doubt but the re. 'commendation for both canals will be favorably acted_ upon. • I , To STA= in the Union Is more sadly - in need of mineral and agricnittiral de velepnient than West Virginia. Her broad fields and hill aides have been per : witted to remain idle for the want of labor i - capital and enterprise. Indeed, up till within a few years hack the peat majority of the inhabitants of the in tutor districts of that State had devil. • opera no energy or talent, and were but . a shade higher In the inteHectual order of society than the "poor white trash" or - the slave States more distant from free ones. The establishment of the public school system, the minx of men of edit cation sad capital who sought new gelds of operation, have *given higher Was to the people and has aroused them into a full sense of their being part end parcel of ea enlightened nation. They are gradually lifting themselves out of th e bondage of ignorance and- indoleate, ,twin followers of slavery, and a new order of things bailout to be established, . West Virginia is rich- is mineral wealth. Her hills are teeming with rich deposits of inn,. lead, coal and copper, and possibly gold, as that preCions metal has been found in quantities adikient to. Jestify the belief that it exists' in abund ance. Comparatively little capital has been devoted to the develop:nem of the oil fields, but in proportion to the amount - eapended, her regions have proven formidable rivals in richness of yield and superiority of roil toper own 'great producing rearoleum lands. The day is not far distant when lime of rail road now projected will pass trough interior and afford one of the great I irtarles of trade of the crntlnent. We see k the future of West Virginia a glory hardly dreamed of low, and but few years will . toll away before she Is papitted to take her place 1 1 amongst ~the mod prosperous States of - Nea7OllA.L BANK REsERL'Es, In October, 1868, it was developed that some, fifty of the National Banks in operation thronghont the country bad an inadequacy of reaerve, and were compelling the sound bthking mettle tionoto carry more than was required of them in order to keep general confi dence in the ayatem. The Comptroller of the Currency urged that the require menta of the law' be complied with by the delinquents, Which was that twenty five per cent. be held in reserve by the banks of cities designated for redemp. bon;and fifteen per cent, by all other beaks. There was certainly an efort made in the close of 1866 to act on the recommendation or order of the Comp troller, but the profit and advantages to be realized and obtained by an Made . gnarl. of reserve have led many of the banks into their old ways, From the reptrt of the Comptroller, embracing the statements of the Nation al Blake at the time attention 'wits di- Meted to the insufficiency of reserves held by the defaultini banks,- the reserves amounted to $ 2 18,941,476, against lia bilities amounting to $886,788,829, or 24 per conk The January, 1848, report of the same officer, while it does not direct attention to the inadequacy of reserves, Preeente agates froth which it Is easily educed that. the number of defaulting hanks has been largely_increasing. At the time of that report the amounted to $826,674,626; the reserve to *162.894,924, or 21 per cent, against 94 in October, 1888. The report is not as concise regarding - this subject as i s importance to the general commonly seems to warrant, 'said he who would know of the increase or decrease of re serves must wade through a sea of fir. urea, and in, the end hardly arrive at any definite conelnaton. lt has been sugges ted that the Comptroller should, in the fame, add to his list cif questions eent at stated times to the batiks, a query es to the proportion their reserve bears to ''the liabilities. AnsWers to this inter rogatory could readily be obtained and would develope at a glance the standing and condition of every institutiou to itr relations with the Government. -- Presuming that the Comptroller's re. port discloses the fact that the number° , defecating banks is increasing, and that the system of National... Banking is being gradually undermined by divergence from the basis of their strength, it seetti• highly important that the evil should Cl once be corrected, and the provision o f protection &Hotted by the law rigidly enforced. Comparatively few cramp:e., have been made of banks which permit ted their reserves to grow inadequate, but the most potent way by bring delin quents to . - a sense of duty would he, cc we hove before suggested, full pnblici'y of their affairs, And Cepecially tiff rdia_ a clear knowledge' of their adequacy Inadequacy of••eserves. ParAic faith the diderent institutions would then i k held just in proportion to their ow, showing of stability, and it would be come an object with' them to Increase: rather than decrease their reserve... STATE COSTES noy THE Mu umacans of Lancaster corn ty have appointed J. Reistand end R. J. Houston, delegates to the National Convention, and J. M. Dunlap, John L Wiley, Jactib G. Peters, Wm. AL M. R. Shirk and Joseph C. Siubba, de• egates to the State Convention. Tiic National delegates are instructed to; Gen. Grant. The Beenblicans of Bi;dford cotint have instructed their delegates to tio flute Cogivention tarots for Grant asp Manton-for President and Vice Presi dent. _ The Repnbllcans of Mercer county. Let week elected delegates to the Sin:, Convention and instructed in fivorol GRLNT for President,' and Crum; fur Vice i"realdent. The Republican Central Committee o , Penang., county met at Franklin o: Monday to select a delegate to the Scat Cortyeation, and also elect conferees : represent the Senatorial and COlagteE dental Districts in Conventions fur choosing delegates to the Republican National Coniention. Hon. R. B. McCormick, of Franklin, was chosen to the State Convention. The Congressional Conferees are Hon M. C. Beebe, of Pleasantrille, and F M. Mitchell, Eel., of Franklin. Ti. Senatorial Confereas are Messrs. E. E Clapp, of President, and J. It. Camp bell, of Oil city. The delezates were not !minuted. A LETTER FROM A inure SOLDIER. EDrZOnI GALIITZ: The organ of ill. untarrified in this section has stithlent, taken a violent interest in the impcsitioe practiced upon pensioned soldiers, b . ; paying them the depreciated legal ten • den of the country. As we always Coe sidered the Pest and the leadera of the party it represented as diametrically op Posed to any autumn which was of riei benefit to us, or the cause we became pensioners to sustain, we naturally. long with suspicion upon any of its pueer;s professing any connection with our In terest/. Analyzing the proposed - scheme of redeeming the United States bonds with greenbacks, because the pp., dice -bled soldier is paid his pension with cur rency, we find that their tears and Fyn,- pathtes are all of the crocodile order, and used only for effect. -However, they arc. in perfect keeping with their professions of friendship during the war. Our pensions aresmall enough, enct gl. but a little way la keeping the "hover luck" filled; but 'satisfied that it is es Liberal as our country can ailbrd to give, we rest content. Bat suppose we assist the party to power which would grind ont over two billion dollars Of green. becks, how far then would our semi an neal stipend go towards filling our mar ket baskets? At the commencement. of the present session of Congress the Rouse showed a disposition to inflate the currency,- and immediately gold commenced to rise. The Senate put its foot down apparently quite firmly, say ing "no inflation," when gold came down at once, and the prices of many necessaries of life with it. Lately the inflation project has gained some friends among the Republicans. Senator Sher man brought up atill to compel holders of six per cents. to take five per cent& in their stead, or else, take mine* and interest in greenbacks. A bill was in troduced in the Rouse providing 'for tie manufacture and issue of one hundred and forty million dollars of legal tso. derv, and gold went up with a jump to 1.45. We an know that the mice of gold governs the price of everylarticle which the poor man requires. Now, suppose we were toF issue enfileientgreenbacks to redeem the !roads, or inflate the currency, can any one sex • mile where the price of gold, and 'smug ger, clunoclitles, *timid stop in the upward ight ? Rdw much marketing would my pension procure met ,These crocodile seceasionleti — keow very well that they could then - have another Wing qi:zapnivsa with minions, to wh e n huc t. thi r over i peed of "Yankee ;:taanay," In inany eases the only support of the disabled veteran, is utterly worthless. Then in. deed can they put no on 'equality with the poor unfortunate , -Boutherner, who 'wu misled in his &Operate attempt to destroy his country, because, forgootb, the Democrats could -not always hold the mine string. If they deny having sinister Intentions toward the soldiers, after they have used our votes, I will refer many of my companions in arms to expressions made to them glace their retarn. Rave they not been toldthat they got nothing but theirdeserts ? .Abd they had no business to go into the army? And again ; have you ever received this cold comfort from any Republican t The writer has received such sympathies, but never in - any instance was the comforter Identified wltlttbe party which sustained as in every substantial manner during the war. Ido not mesa to snot that all Democrats are Elecenslonists, or that all Republicans are at heart good Union men; but I do assert that I never yet knew a Republican who was either In 1 the Rebel army, or &unionist who was not a Democrat. This greenback , butane= I believe Is only a part of the programme of Democrats and Secession. l ism alike—to destroy the credit of the country and bring odium upon every act of the soldiers and the &publican Ad. ministration. The grand object of the Northern - Copperheads is to regain poll, or. The object of the southern wing of their party la ultimate dissolution of the Dalon—what they fa/led in in the late • war, hot what they hope and pray for yet. These people are hard op for some claptrap cry to catch the votes of the ignorant and tuithiiiktog. Very few of them are as honest as "Brick Pomeroy,", but attempt to attain their ends by con cealing .the object—a ia Johnson with Grant. Taxes, no matter how light, are a. always - objectionable to the taxpayers, and now, when the burdens of the pea 1 ple are made onerous in consequence of, the misdeeds of the Democratic party. blindly led by the Southern slayeholid-1 era, they ate raising a noise about taxes, trying to delude the ignorant into assist- ! log them back to power. But I opine that they will not Ind the right kind of I material among the United States Vol unteers. Thelieldiers happen to know who is chargeable with the rebellion and I its attendant horrors, notwithstanding their shrieks about New England Puri tanism and Republican Radicalism, We I have yet to learn of any good either the soletlen or the country have gained from their "high toned chivalry" or secession I Democracy. They may succeed in hood. 1 winking many ignorant and unthinking, who can ill arford to pay either taxes or 1 honest debts; but If the time should come that!this synonym for corruption attains power, and the country is flooded with paper currency, then we will be all in I the same boat. A week's wanes or a month's pension will be required to pay for a pound of butter. No, no; three apologists of Secession cannot naturally have any kind feelings for us, who were ! disabled when patting down secession, and we want "none of them." But all of this has been said without taking Into consideration the credit of our country in any manner. It is purely the reason- lug of a man dependent upon an army pension cod a monthly salary. I have no bonds, and but few greenbacks; ! but there is not a doubt in my mind but that his country is perfectly able to pay every I lndebtednesa in compliance with her en- eagements. rune thing is certain. the Demo ra tio make the whole debt I appear odious and oppressive by howling, the will do it. They would undo ' Gettysburg and Vicksburg if they could I and their strongest reason for doing so would be, that those yietories were, gained" ender an'adadniatrition that was not democratic. Why financiers talk of paying the debt in any manner at pree cot, la a mystery to me. I have been reading and listening very attentively to all schemer, and although` - I am not anything of a financier, it appears tome , that by trying to avoid simplicity, they- I miss - the whole thing. The !West and South want more currency. Well, let Congress first provide for the collection of sufficient r.venue to run the ordinary expenses of the Government, econotni catty administered(which can be! done only when we get Andy Tobason out of the way,) pay -the interest on our debt, end establish r• sinking fund. Then prohibit the Secretary of the Treasury from selling our gold until we have accumulated as mach of* gold basis as sound bankers keep on hand when paying specie; i e.: one dollar in gold for every three we have issued of paper, and when he has that amount on hood allow him to resume specie payment for legal tenders- Then pass a tree national banking law, allowing 'any person or company, which can deposit with the Treasury Department =lOO,OOO worth of government or other securities, as a guarantee for the payment of their notes, to issue 70 or 80 per cent. ix National Bank currency. 'The first wttJ permit Industry to move easily until the Southern States are rep ' resented and able to pay a share of the I debt; until cur valuation North has con , r s e id co er v b re ly i o n u c r r e brea th and t un r tl we have the tug of war. The second will bring us back in the course of two ands half or three years to specie payment, and then It wili not matter to us in what medium we pay tits balance, for our paper will be "just as good as gold." Toe third will give the West and South all the paper they desire to do business with, and, It will atop the cry of inflation for hosteler& purposes, and will ben secured currency better than ever we had before the RM. Of course, this will not be a complete antidote for all the ills of our immense debt, for those who want to find fault will still do so, and we can depend upon the Democratic party always wanting to, so long as they are oat of power, and that is quite likely to be a long time- A PILIIIIONIII. • —ln Paris, the proposal is eerionsly made, on account of the great adultera tion of the milk said there, to establish a con-house from which the animals shall Is. driram each morning to the different house., and that milk maids shall milk them in the prmence of the onetime,. This recalls to the mind of the French iournalist s who tells the story, art dote of Scribe, the poet. II« heel hired • house in the country to pas. the sum mer. An seen to he was fairly Installed in it be went iu search of a farmer wb had a utilch mw, nava? found one he toted his want. "Sly g od man, my servant will come ever. morning to ho. a pint of Teiy well, It is clain sou.. Went pure milk, rer° num' "In trait care it Is ten eons." You will milk In the preeentra of my servant." "Oh! then it is fifteen eons." -I.leavily loaded wagons are no drawn over common road in Franc. b means of stoat road locookotlves adapt ed to the purpose. A VERY LARGE ARGENT Or TN/ SILK OF HI; It PI lb De It., ones rrealrelt by Ito folseds of the eoserme Dysodosto. 10 cash:, kern to pet op with to so mind 11 1•tembet? hl. city noldoes had 111 s' torebodla.• sad hemtleatlons of 01 slod. So Ilass at seerrers desene sons trel the be:levee sad sympathy or tees, hleads wh often lee oltb tilt the best add so Atte: an, said. altertd sad gored Iwo t,e Motown,. sod ding..,.'by the ted . ltre at / 1 7.1 1 .1.4/s WOllO cads Ilsdeepatle•oty Ufa se. ms to It:., bat • constant ebttnee lot ands-Inn and gloom, with nevelt but beta and slams, th Ma Inters, stil,tsd with Myer Cotnid,lbt, beedda,.. meat tot Ingestive ltrisza resell se in Ilyspsp• l/ etc cr, Loss Or, s.otad at erne resort to ;roper resedlts, which will , e sited pro.ptly. amid untold taxer.. abd save 0.211 ea:stable "lees. tre-rtnineat as sect, and.,: tiJritibytendreds oho hats tasted them, stand DR. SARGE‘T'.4 LITER PILLS, le the :OC -Vent .t... bf Dynewa, Lir Comp:at° t. *,. tiar• • t ptUmptll, p.e•esallr, tle soar g roecrrating•n4 'taw, rattag tie sycent, matlng 1 zrz A JOT AND YLZANOBZ ot •Lc rleu. many old .ad wag 4 <a‘ tI•T Sava fr 0.1 seam:labia po o, ols co,. Tarp pun a p'L4s obit lusd In. a Draarlata ur the woo Plain. or sag eated, as purchasers ral prep, Pelee. 23 Ceuta Per 16e: BEAR IN I/11ND • ' Warn W.., bee nadere teed the health, end the Wayrierd bas tweeme prostrated, a ; m that etll not ally emeng.hen, bat re tee. the ItanneCta•ely resertail to. II- ntal dissent Is a'ss a lreltdel goatee of :be tee.... down of the ...Bastion, &tot the ra sssss otthle sector to bele tb ate truly alarm. toy Tor all shah nal.flre /1011e1•71116,1 ertIMACkl BISTEIth rare be.m Broad neenr pa.ed. By settee d.reetly upon the Went!. are• they remove the heai, titeeielleahie G-alme • ter eltr, to a Bon aomplaload or by nee.. of a d•llmad l• moon ae [theft,. ft ' the patient bads tle t reserdt laertuts g Sad hie senora hearth Ish• pro•ed. Thou.. ale of parsers e emirs . that It ot. be r died of In CI eases of e.t.a aex or ner• rap debt 117 at., Oat whoa xd•rs: an , habits. The severe try or Blttere are o•dlaagyveahle to the teat th•t they ado <bite to to a weak stoma,. Th'• Is oa ten e case MOWS, T ewe EU IT te at , II he toned suet Gad eveat emte and roots eg.i pl tributh the.Bai.,,,-- v e to len de r •gt streegt bent tig. Jan Om. s lb, opt, Dar. • 'mutant which bee.•er been p•oduced conaalalne no; If( ell or •ay otter !I ‘l'PC7l:n:=-',;., d , :i;se.r ' ga ' l2lft ' eTe 2:3 peoghniore them harmless. Tb. I• nit teativt4it tit the t...taien • • or gb• hothlrtes of lt,oui htve eightieth et , he Yht•eh ra g mute Ivo. It Bever .4 heta., Dreier.- •- il m ar ,- ;:i:P.T.',";r:frl:4:- - "ma°. Chrinilc Diseases. • b. :analogu of the boloOp body it,. way; le one at • that. ♦ disoldera4 bt,102 of we broactaal babes, an ob- trectroa la the Lila or of the renal ornans, De followed bf Delo. and aches In •arl r vu, sc.:4lllw to the extent of the oron teuellattal Injury• A. Auto aCl!cted With iy perea mta soma tad mute than the stomach halt. 2b.• foal that he t wall Java falls wren the oatursl-weat fled Waite. the worn out Wet d eyorltrot some nook 'or cronocy, Ohara Irritation or pain. wheat 11 oven to 0 *Saud tamed oat of the mem. 111 dreae and thaashods of lan auih sufferers be loved iod tutorvd to health &MI V 2/ by tsw bottlis of DB. EZYBltloll BM/01) ISZAACLIEB, smith not only Liss . partsi salsa toile = no be, the blood with the elereentary prinClPle .dl4l to th, rastOration °Mho ollot marl of tie .75Nsat. u. 'car chat .een. lon ask far 1 =Mbll.l the only lelsd, that bus cured the nomberk •1 alsordert4 and broken con.titolkras that Which eared Me. Bold. It Wu that Lich cared John TltaeU. It cram that indalk A Maris ret McFarland. It was Dr, Igaar•a Blood &hatcher .Idett ward a'l - the old adonis bleb ' , rebore pubtLabrd Irmo thee to Mae •I±mor. Dr. Mins.. Blood Searcher CM= :=20321 • Median* or reeaet erten. rid D► the arum, cr daps botthe, al 11+ Voctor't t .ed 1.140 etore., No. UI WOOD*TREZT Dr. ******* mrsalialion• rams. =Min St. January Zutr, I. PITTSIIIT/itili DAIL Y GAZETTIS 1:1 HURS DA 1786. PROSPECTUS. 1868. . 114 PTITSBURGH GAZETTE. Thelargest doily paper in the Mate of Pen /seines, enters the &yid year of its, 'f .'" . '" st, sevli n g4 lth ea'"'"d f enerent "U s ihof."Xr dim- ' 3 , and yr rendering godd political service n thedmportant Presidential Cranvasa of ' 1859- Intfortheoxiissasenion of Cbngress prossiiea to proem one of the moat import ant Add since the formation of the Gov ernonk and the proceedings mill be one lonslyl watched by the intelligent Mei& In view of the deep interest centered in the procee'clings, the proprietors of the OA ZET74.E have made arrangements for daily ' dispatches and letters during the session, from a highly intelligent corre ipondene, who enjoys the confidenat and friendship of the leading members of the Senate and House, the heads of the vari ous Departments, and the leading politi-r dans echo frequent Washington, so dhat readers can depend on receivfng the fort, fullest and Masi reliable intelligence from the seat of Gm , ernment. • • . . • The - proceeding, of :the &.u4 Lugista lure, at its forthcoming session, will olio more interesting. inasmuch as many ores. bona of importance win come up . for legielation. The GAZETTE soil( keep at the State Papital. during the entire session, an intelligent and faithful eorramondent, who ' I promptly report the proceplinga by 'l2 and telegraph. It ' the col political journal of Pitts- Wry which it.Vully reflects and steadily ad tea t . prinetples held by the Union Republican Italy, and 'interpreted by a loyal Congirs.s. new. , as num ' , ad.,/ malt" a• any D.P., /vadat turf. Qattara per amnia, mall. its p r It but eYht. bey CY eboyse na anti 04 Mb kir- . 00 ympaper is Ow osYysbyttb. MTh Id esibryiy.o, everir debiartbirsi sae Ana berygbyed. Me owl Mayen. y its iiiaorki belyty Yil Ai ysibiainal. out Ott ebyttey qt . infolfe laynitaye WU lib hathally eltormwd. oolft Po Sept up to the reowireatott of the deo, out to ottutto.4 trove Mil fatt4fully rower... more, or soft of re My. Star. I.l.fotry rut ofettil at form tad tantatoto for Mt o.lllt TSB Mr terrorw of a Ir.. efffirtratoo esott Artt eta,* faualy and yoghurt.. t senefepoper. Iwln Or. hot hem recentd for shard re port., re.* ass at off rm. Do rotted open ow evens, fr tA. corrsi puatatioay for ousurat torte, Aro (mot rt.. erre. as... at.. an daily to/hr.: fern revs: raw. be &CAN( owl QS rent thr00r...4. In he river as... la to:frt.( Oda ore, art riff pro:awry totereottarfeotortoriAt Zwitututat time, dawn' newt Sac Mc% plaant to erstrt of as able ..,S cripertd two4er, rho Wit novirr ta gyro as ottroerve 0.1 vegflvi - ratty for banaare, brat r, mad Munn., men nltgtolla ..t.pqrfourid r*.tw at =ra tio% tiro Ito lutpurtnnea, and rill emulue.4 at to Air plsaalair amlrm6shis to stemforot of oil dnumaoartems. - • . 2 . 441 agrkmif um/. at, Kim.* itterary, per. ...loa'', 4 9.4...4 of 1164 paper art/I ea ea Old warW4llegit pre* salt.. , actor, to ad nude, rank. or Tao D.Ohni O•LITSAIL • 214.• Mon ty Sir Ilfost4 On/ ................... D•ai o,o PV ,06,,, VA , . Anselaur ami 81.4 Ca Iteroyhe for IS teat, P.' P./at. to Carrilere. SHE WZrKLY 11.1.112L1T1L rte wzzrzz oaszrrs a.. taw ratarss.l to tag saw Aso of far Daily, caul fa .an Ma la,. scot, App.! a lag tars madly fetal:, conarP•Pr, la Le gait. 18 saaaLt iks io as Sam. of ...ell farm, fairelyabr and byabbau awn. If gib. cab mt forty saliS rota.. ar ewarafg Bbew hassrapt an 4 .all. as Isaallaa sdsiorgals of LW act a *Naar so iserfolo of (array :ad .en mega, gyms; !vales watt esorirtaina /a.porlast par - 1.441w le lad iper4.l •r pease.. AS a•riro , - Sara/ r0t..., roil be •64tai Dab a mammer Si IN femur trek las farm ova sarf/sa,/, rhs sa.kst MKTG,/ of as wsercr a.zsrrs an by cfmaseb,b afkarnala.tyyl to be ca. Naldlara autAortry for a 5 ,06 hare" 8.4 •el j,re. and as cam...mere./ clneLe• to Wsofera reams., goals, Lastara ealar•wa withos4 erwal. ras f lea .of lL Diatrrs are oe eaftbabf. by Lae CuarlS , of Al ...ay. as raferswas la Wass, to Se tarmaoas Els rally 'mega tar met. at las hots af Olo.nays freasastwa la llsyrta. Oar alai, .8111 1 . aver a• arjr V.., Vs. $.41, fat.• az enacs, 0.4 .4 a/Lawny, tart, praseat grass to aabylee, as ow ars amts..BBssow. of oar rosaters a/low/4304pm. of • wears anat. /J -amas. ashoos an, be mls .q no, of rep, y ragas. Postmaster, and iforarats an r•- (acts( to ast mas I 0 a ma rrlsflr a Slag le 11181 a. ....... ....—... ....... —•••••••• C 7 . 5 * rt ...... . atici er. to OW reg . , wg. Ll• ra+ irpeetmer r.,yue a/ rd.. As.iy et. ..111, s ueu. clw P4lll/11A3, LEKD 4 00, U.aza-rrs num.2.. 34 and IC_PI/31 Strut. 13,143.Pyl C....11.Cen In W.l•rn Fenno, Ara.. Anat.c.ra Obk. •and ad Vlsrlala ae •nd Mad an maned ..!! t. nallala4 I. one's as rp.nn wltt LP* V •14r 11.1•zerm NEW AD V TISENLENTS. NW. BlNti. - 812G Jr., Adam. Seprrn .604, 01 I{rr..ll &rest, U kns au.l,oryna 'wore Arfirertgarelerarfcr ide 47.124/1712. am? 411044 r Oratv4o4ll 44 1.5411.11 nue. rod the TIMED PEACIIICS.-iiObairFlS snsts fbaly•sl rasa . r,. sal• ST (4 A. cit.". IrISLIo • moN,_ QiODA •1111.-100 casks corn. aes Soda Ash. I•r.,:s C•NrIZLI) PEASIL ABU,-00 casks Pearl oh /of by Ia JOHN H. CASSIS...II • II ir OT CLAY.—ID tons - ol 14* estel•••l4 Illegltdg• P.l Clay P.O tad f.""'. 7IMIN I. GA N 1 ,1111.1.• • 40W. f! EPICENE. "alta f 2•••••; y ;'7.11;11 'i P I : A :I4 4 II . I , I t 3 111E0 PEAHEN, CIIOI IL l'Ull/T. Is. net lye vi.a, ortmeybred tae.., tar .ala by U.. youod or bottler, lrs srr, lb. Yr.] y trrocery lar,re al Jon:. • irSNoti•W. te2l ~,, err Ur..pry worr rfa,l orriGz (ITT /pair # •tubOrmbY Ctry, Petrratry U. , INC ' rin REPORT OF VIEREVE a . ' 7, . :* :7"'" '"*"" • W&SUI. WISEST. • It Oro Clly et •11,bosy. I.oe MG at 414 1.•4 vale loo•res for larocOla born broriD•lr. llarr.o • I.B•Tler fr 2113 1 City lorry NoTicEIN GEGEnv GIVES W. P. L(.16 nal. J. T. STO Li and a. D. •NllicaliN. Nader the same and aryl. or FAWCETT& 700121, 8100ICD4LE ♦ 00, %Nu dlrsnlv lb tbe YlnsT of J•w. VALI?, ile a b 7 withdrawal of •In •Al• trairaUla ream Ile Ins. TNe bp ~,,,, . eestlat,.l by tas ream:alas meet ars al the arm, ander lber arm same or "Awcz - tre, LOVAS At RTOCIK DILE. TIMM AS faIaTZTT, W. P . il aTT. P J. T. ar 711 ,, • ,;„, 4.z.tari A thll, 11 1 Z. • HOLIDAY FIu:SENTSi CLARK'S DRUG - STORE /INS P/HIUMEIty. TvILAT AHT/CLta, 7 Akil , A, COLOUB 18, CI.. a No. 103 Fifth Street HOUSE KEEPING GGOls AT REDUCED PRICER. MAPEINP LISICti nun rt.'s% at &It:LILL/1 QUILT L /ICZ Cyk LA I N.. wueuxsu DAIILCK I= WRITE, ORR dr CO., ETBEIMM F. W. iD. E=DZI GLUE, CURLED HAIR, Tanners' Scraps, Ceroons, CATTLE TAILS, Bones,. Neat's Foot Oil, &et., Odle. and Wareboam— inerniritia) &MILT, (nearly opyeato Um root vmo. ) Pll7Aol.lnlan. PA UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINCERS. Ws bare wade trade imamate Whereby Ire can feral. In tee trade tb• Unlreraal Wrleger at th,lth,ththethr. th • to boleaans Pricer, pat ap In ewes or In dozen acid I delve, ♦ fall rusplr at r a b: s rale and retell*. Ca abrare be 101 Ind en 11. • H. PHILLIP,. S ands in. Cla , l an. CHAMPION DINLNG SALOON. .x'0.43 Fifth Street. WAN ALL DAT ADD ALL arimr. 41.4 at all bears, fl be? ortrrichn, In all gtyles, at thelpelli prices IA the e. 117. hZ 11l a• F. HILLY. !rep; lettoi joux R. & A. anruziiku, — nuilins, ILIUM ill mum Bt. Mee - 11% BTILISILT cone ran tiays. PITTRAIMUM PA. /..on 11W. kronen at ()LOW. DI km He• on noolo ).10 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS arAN EXfiIOITSON OF TOP F rlTVr'f'. t.bona •lIVo.O 2t en k. Der dl , ertion of Prof. DAHL! No........q.'tr''.l4efl'Atk:. ar licnvrta and I JAC64oor,'Oldite I • (Jr ttttt Cr 0.107 MI — OYSTER SUPPER, for the BIIIIFIIT or Mt CHID!CU 1101 m, at the Handal. ache.' Icon Trtuttr Chareb, az tie Evenlogo of Fharraaa oro2lty 20th soa 21.1 of February, Lurch vlll be reread each day. ' • • Tber• wlll also he sales Cr useful and ass; Slcle. and flowers. igr•POPILILAR LECTURER 01.4 THL LO' Of Int HAUL 1141141 d DJ H , 117 A. 0 . 1.7.A117. 11 D. Comm.:Ong MONDAY JIVENINO, Feb. AT LA FATE I TB . HALL. Introductory I...ctere. sesta free. The Lec lum will M eery a. tavaiv•ia Illustrated wit. beach Manikins. Mode a. pathologies, 5 1 , .,1 fi =Vail '15.:7:44Y:11,4"0ftff.V. len of e r .e, where he ectid them r Mote. ail) ref sly IVT , B . .11.amar. tot Nahag.:r. [MEI riII'"ItIIERCANTILE LIBRARY - LECTURES DR. EDWARD L. YOUMANS Recently of Yale College, wi I Lecture at ACADEMY 'OF MUSIC Thursday Ereulug. Feb. 201 h. SUBIECT••' CH , MISTAY OF IHE SUNBEAM EITEZI! Door. op:a at 7; Leciara at 7A'o•..lock tete u , a, Proeure , l at tr e Llbrarl hou•• av tame preelou. tttpx L,ciur.. fat?. HE BET KID 6'l,olfE IN Tkli 2 Wolll.l3 Ake Laporte's Paris kid Woes lIIN n Alin Woliz,•4 1Z 8 All slure. tatde tor . Sr ar ..I,natur< Laporte. 118 K, CLARK & FLAG G, feel* he Agen'a for 16e t h ird Etat t. No. 3 WSW, NI . few York tel. 1,12:17.1 NOTICE TO OWIiCRi OF DILA.Ye; HACKS, &c _ rr Noll., la twat, over! (o all earner, 4.rlorayr. Car a. arrlsg”. Saesta . r . realer. or ar n-sl.l, at la taat'ly ork/Itt,bareb. to par • L a n t d." . ."l`.*A7,7ill` . . '7,l".„."<`„lrtdi sacs al . lk an •ct Auemltly. ir.prorr.l.amt. 10:0, au.: an or..inaata I'oaarlls or tt•tAte •1 Itialasrab, pooled a prll la s 140 11caeae. cot o pall'oa yr It•flre .3 ware to tn. o•acts sr 00 • Lally..( tl Ylirr. far toalecan. anal,. to far a5O att. our Mr eoliaatlou an al and ail para.. W . 00,0. I g or Woo* talo 0,01.1,4 a-a be rattle. I • p t, to rea (Ha Mayor. don taa ( towawa,. or 1.1”0,.... lb., tad Metal Val-fat, arr.l. at aaaaa tallat ratan, I at the data Llc•aset are 0111101:,01.0, or pay K• 000'I totreler. Ka ISA i•P• LICZNEE - , Cooh (rt. Icon. Vrlll,l, ' .1/ Ctc a atwo florae • ....... Ira, • 5/.., u• Nara., •• ta itaat lio:te !fact (a:on:bugle awl That., Rtre'a draaa 1 ••• Hot., Ca •re titran I•o-lar• wreacto ,1.1 • 100.010 ,r a.a aar of ta• • taa. I•aIlar. 54111. al. I 1.1 lataaater. val STONE DRAIN PIPF, rill=1! ♦LL. Mlirf. 7,1011 a IS INCH 10 000 FEET ON HAND, A.NU r., 1141 111 --. I U. JOHN M. TATE, n 7 Liberty etreet, ; and S 7 Federal btreet, AllectienY f. r SECOND 1.104 T.. %lOC -A PPLiI .• Ae; ,LL L.N•or, the t•,•..• 0/1.. iqr tar r• ruu. .1 • , +s. tavtrt. I•t ,e4r.l • a. •Nr 41:Nat. .14: v.& Blartb••• ,arrr I IN •.•r .1, Irtrat. Kull la•ora 1.1 w A. ar'. ruN r at 4 •••.alua•Na, a: w•rd .Intr su,to, 1,1,•••,1 J•••• ••••UNaa, NINA, NI •••"1. allo•r• 6.9.1.••• -deer. . .811111. Aitoras /41Nr. u Surr go, s. wet 'I: • a._ , re atra.N, laaN, ft a Nu. ' , Lem.. Krim/Nair. taNra, w a' ,V Lora.) icr.skar. ••tiss t , ••••• .Ara. • t•oc. eeeee 11,644. Wm. IN.lllNlearr, rata as Ir:bus:el 111..d.c• • nwr•u, raver, CA wa . d 44444 otacr dowls,111.• ward. ==M Tahrh•wir• IC Mlles 0., 4w••• • Co , 11•0. ••• • Ileas•th ttttt •. t•••:•••. 1••• ••mer,t OW/ t••fh, ..4te•th,••• • I..hwer C,st •vvvvv • Cal., Th• Rea. •1:1 •,t f•• Ili , b• ho•••••/Icarna•r. RAW!. I 11 , • • T. ih• g lasi.. at • o'rlorit • •so. • .10 1 / 1 111 61 SILOWN. Clerk. 311 1.TCALF, f.aro wo:, of XMAr Minix% 3, I. • .7.•in.r *1 oar Ors. to done frots..orairr ua DUVI am• a. Wort. lIIIILLIIL &Anil & isku.gv W. ISAR.. 4.11•6 • ,araclAL B. 11. ltklt CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, tpuER, BAHR & P4RKIN. Office, 38 Wood Street, riruirraJit. 101.30 WALL PAPLIttil Gapeella a dal!, new anl beikal WALL PAPERS, 702 EIPLITht) it41.11..1 reroos• &atm.°, 1101.1., rxm ie.. hi fun 1.1". fire{ CAN NAVE C:!vit.i uf NEW 2,T7L.Z.Y. W. C. Itid 11111ALL,--- MEI ill;cl2=lM .STILL THEY GREAT EXCITEMENT! . I I.IIKIL9IX DEMAND YOU THIE "Queen of the : Wash Tub." nal ONLY AER•IIiCT WATHINU ILUID IgVal inr.VVIERED. 141),,1 4 3 ;a 1 :1 1 2Vdeat0 I If gliArligin.L.:llll4:• Iltas Plalpfacturing fo Orno, No. 136 WOODOsbo,o, No $5OO REWARD th .r allrta:a r E 7o 4 l 2.l:4VdtriAlr:a.:::7,l • ANThONY TILEYVOGEL, 1 4; 1 1 z? ha ben. slay* DAT EVlN shoot pre Ott Z:Val li t'L.. 4 7;s ' lll 4 4 . llt:Whe : :4?:l:i t . llln atarolns. a tilt hat. dart mined coat. lots Pao.. sod LawrehlieTo k re n traVr:l47:gia t ari c h'n a ct ra n i:t 9 :, n irl,tl.l7,d, Vll r te 1120111 t. Liberty slyest. ESTARLInIIIED IN 101110. SETEPETA_RD'S Steam Cracker & Biscuit Factory, 817 L thirty M., Pitlaburgn, lfonotooloser ned Outfit/in all kinds of - . iDcuaSec4lscbazox'y' a I ItMINIUM AND DONICSTICI 11 , 111 Th. ;JUIN. err% OF TSIZA.II7/1... /*brim/ MC I CANAL SE MEN ASSESSMENTS Notice le herebrit;nin to the 0h... of Mot. eny viable the Melt. unloose (or the contrite. tom of the Clan hewn. and all panne Inn anted, that the laid ssssss omen Will cow ho ow calved et the Treeuntera Vales. Woe t to • 1/IDOL:RION OT so PM& flitte T.. sad blot if the same is net paid within thirty day. from the •PPeof el of the report by Cionedi., they will be Dineen Is the hand. of the City Boil el tor for col- Innen. ea nielred by law. D. I{AO►iH9ON CDT Ti IMECI pENNSTILVANIAL AVENUE LIVERY AND SALE STABLER, - 131144 140 PENIXIIITLV/1141.1 evirkium Cords.. for Porters!. 1400. Marro for Ire erslr, SOW. ricrac. boorbt of .old on cow Iwo.. 40,00 Turn•ootr f r protorsiona. vaOlgor wr. WAXD. &EW ADVERTISE AlPf-INEE'tI -!—,.... enrutu,l.l". Fel thery hul oNloelt r. bi., ttn anJe•blgued. .• Nl , ,l;V r e t f osnIII , I. , Rose. of Cl • 'UAToIt . NTIV.I . e. ' . ' Cl o t ' , .:::[o ' . Pin of . I'l, pald tan.n.' r, ni e- la the fl , ter• 1 . 81.. n: and •flle Cult., )lac Une.nalf Intbfttl. In LAD. rs Pat by 4 - J. J Gaston. tor. • •Iraprorc blanufactnre of Iron.•• ,bnac..tbira Inky., In Letter. l • a4nt otatlb, by 11. It. (.I ober: for • • thayrorenteo In Mat:bleu fo i l cottlng Files •• I thlabi"frd .V.T l r/ 1 1 1 Z/i ' riX "ri'' ga ''''‘ ihia. ft ' 6 . o n; bn.nslobt..Ll'ile/Tarf:l:.. 50 1. q . 08 DINA NC E INCREASING TO.' rut lilf. ...MOW. SicylOx d. Be II ordained and en.ier'id `l ll.. Sblort and Volntnon ConnetLe of Mb Bay of Odbny. mut It ES hobo", ontal '1,1.'4 enacted by ouldonty of Me PIT, Tn. the Co ,Ic. Yo•re f say vity I U• 11 conol t 4 , f one C le.' of I . Ilc : sevdfillonst•b bb; an I on L'ane'slo•ditaW'naeL4, ttald. ident.nthts of the Watch and Itlyenty.ll . c Wa'chnien, ..L'lllbt no %1.. Or 1111, Ord. , i.Ll[ol aa .311 R . V1 ., 12 , 1f , 1 " 7111 , ,.., r . ::b boonlb 81 by the far i reyolve, be Ornaleed and re ' s a ct ' d " lisT "aa l . '6l . day of Yebruary. Ad U 1.1 a a a. I .t ia taarla I - - , JAMES Veil 11111, President of Sol,: Connell. Atbent.: D. Mary , Snotii?r, Clerk of yokel Connell. 1 J. 0. SI.bOLII, Prelftle • Attest: Homo, ib•Lir t ot r yt ' t a"''' ""d. =411gC=!Ill • • AN. ORDINANCE; rehire; to A.l' 1,1,e . 11 ALARIV8 - 4.1. y OPPI, f:at 2t (.;/';',..ll:'&SY'4i,llll.- g /ten yr, and II it,robtr ordained a. naarred by andanstry of tlte sac., That toe salary of [be , be and the none la brar , y retnaled. Ordained and enactad Into a I•nr th ..toe 111.11 day 1.4 rebra ail, A. Ir. nnis. • Pr...4:40( lisle.. s,..auncil. Clert Of Select t'ovveU. . , Yneltl•nof l,ommue Cler• of Co ltt4et: If. mmon II of ‘""".". fer • . . AN, ONDIYA‘CE LEVI' NG A 4 ...... rlale. 1 . 000 anal ilLnx.wr.•l9 TA I e Toe . M., aud estalds•alny lb. al•Tab toll WA- Ulf;:r.7lo::"P'"°`'''"" the ""''"" altrtsOrs ' l r . ' Zird 11 orddisaal dad czar rd by the 641 ed ,Irad errnonois Coonclis of Me Co uf A 11.- Lvov, arid II ternareby marled ayisle an her-Up of Me same, Thai there Its• I no asses.. . • .•,1•4 and colloctrd from LI r yeraaus. nr fraa . lona, trade• and ranter., in and ..f tb.• CIL of •I e• yhany ..dr. sax., • t..x ot tarly.. wilts on er st:hr7,y*:er:.•% `;',.*,; , 7g=". Or "'"'" 1 " ,. : , !' ,,, ' ,u r';' , ':'V.:11 , 1 1 ..". r ., 4 0".",°:::',1 1 1`Echi,:" ",1.0,0::::t:f.';it," 00 . r..% L''.. I."• in. d''' amts. , ... • ...unt .q f annuls. aalea of ad rood. ware* and mortise dla , and upon all arata, of Ira., and aouaireran hold In the ell, wbell.rr tot ty auction or o ' eraal s nraaldlny ail p..rions 'wawa tialt• 60 Ao '' S ' It. 81.0:0 shall Ira exampl. • "'"'"' bast fartlarr •nactrd that An ordl. pan, wt.:pall as the 17.1.1 roes, n of •Asabser Iltri is gag ' Y ' s ' • 70.7, .:1y..;',0b0„:;,t.4.7,4‘,.1.°,0.,'"11en". Ire and tile sa l, Is bomb) re-prtacted la . T ..„...,,. ..,. s po•Ialons. staarba Ina r•te by war r tare. srolch IPA!! rarnaln at naer by o ulpaac.• V •171.1 Me smenty.dfsh day of ••hruary It 1. e trots lt.c. rc•elinv foto jilt trea•ury amain, Saxe , sala d Yenta. maraca.' SI Ns falLaria. Mann., and a:l,r sub - ces ' ' Reler sorb 01 nods,'" la (Or aands NI tneYi't•gurrt Iket ~therwl/..• arproprlste•l.l.eard toe asna•rn _earoy as , nroar.atad lot., fatlosalcd ptpuays I ) .!, ralarsrs 3 ISO DS •• .7' I '" r"‘ 10t 00 .; ~2.,Nr.../ Ysransen.. ... . . .... r n,tot Os •a. ~ il, •ad klrl•ge• 117. OU to •• ; .,,nee,, Wa•vre• and 1.4.0104 s %0.. SI I . . 7,0 a., a all 7, • 9 .,,natlngrat a u•J .171 : It ! W .. ,:T.f • ;: ' .7, ` , :"" ''" ' " '''' '"E R i . , :5 .p.„., ~.a... 1 .,..,. !: . • . “.„,:ta1y...;:.,; '''''''''' - .... ,&r,.t. ." ....:•, , ,:;. , .:,...,."2.,•, , ,t.,i,.. , .0.:,0 , ;f ,i,; , ;:ry.::,.. ~..., aioalue 1.0 tar • I,y• O. i ' ' ''' ' Do' Fr ,' .. NrY•Yrne•t of Inter. "' '' ' . 1 . :)! : ',.. r , ~ ..ri . .. or .q...r ‘,c‘,.....f. 2,70 al ...-- .Yota.) ...., ' *Yak S. /7 • 1,1114 A s r s tri rt wrslr, ans.. INC '. ;11 . 1:s: \ •..10...11 IA 'llulatis "11i:—.7..'. ................. ..--.. T. :::, r' 10111153 Wown sad hlair • . Yoble, 1.14e.a, .1 .1••‘• fr •ra a••• •.: 11 •11 . ...VD:rt b. ... Mi. ft. & At rf. . • CA . rt.t.a...arst. am • tsar/ traa•:tl3••••T ax., a• 4 &I M 7! C :.11:74=' . ftlr244 •".4.ri.•;:a; • i• • •;; • r•li" j r:2 rraff../:7 • ll ' ‘ ' Z ' • "" " Mill/11S '• • Ami : \ t • rtt.d•nt of del.,: Coac•11 at rrra:d•ot of Coans.•• 1. • 4&• • red Trlt; IJE.T a. CUEAP /11 PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomacleer'i Gold Medal rl o. .• WN:11 ELTE't COTTAGE GROAN 7 4 war.. a •.id La. •••••y• •••••, 4 •••••: r atj:••••• car ...... •art • ,• l• t•••• tr • • r•••• fra , a EV4. :•• a •r. • I.san a.: o (.1-1 how ;.7= •, •.,,,.•,• 1 sTr,, r•Te:N. ••V,•71. t In. 133 J. 1... n a4l.•a. BARR, HtETTLEII II GT. 121. 11,1 K5TILL1 A rAnix.y COSTE3 ♦ new 31t , aoveq ♦.. f t LI•1.114 . HOT 1: WATER. HOME . I%%!•••;;t' G r tt , •• ' :to7l ' :l7c: p:Pdr •••• tz,,sser p r cs , I 314 •a es4,o•ls "". ess in: no. ••••j• ,•f ter c•••• , . • ' assir a • saas• ens cs a , .La apy s ,S.egli L;litt urli. us • 1c , ,11S I rota La, JL , t,s• altacird • • stets t.:,••• Ateacasaces. a.a• . A •S.LA ail, BISSELI.:!: CO, • I= MECHANICS' SAI'IIG3 BiNC '*(:). 14 Smithfield Street, rnnmasumuu.rA ANY YUII ItILI:aITICD YLLVY UN”. l'abltv. to. ettca. .11..1 la JABLIJI SLACV, Nu RIG, rrnaMort- ihISO. D. 'flit DIE, than. mad T JA.IIIIEX NI- HOPMINR, neucu Val,rlt.t J• 1112., Itl..:1.041, • JAI. M. liOr. •Llat. TiNnii JAY. IIOWN. Wit.t.l•• 1, a..4.1, W. W. Ill• 04. A. U. evsytAA A. Hun., WiAT, ..1011 11,0a01. sELusti,..orir AT COST IiOBEtiTS SHI;REATT'S, 6i Smithfield Street, OUS B'looB 8088EFUILII ISHING GOOD 8 • STU vv.: ring Drum, co.s.L VA l:N, " 4Z.npZAN US. A Good (fiance to Purchase Presents . _ NoTxcE To 1,11,11'?"Ukt. 11014/EEO or SHAKES OF NATIONAL UAW , . to, VlbArt holdoii• or tn. Elettvog• and north N•tuom tar l'ltp.orglt. •nd others who , 47 . 111 , 5 t r . t , :Lao) t e rt .i s e v l t n ot t r h r , count', are herv r .v notllle4 that Ihv boots :iii to, open on an :el As• e 1 Vittels arm), ttat re clip{ of the tare) Intl! rqate tee for UV. a. her ri`":4::111,.2`,.V."2111 I Jit;T:- We rveelot of otooe Ca.. Which U.. &Mr,- tors will Tr appOotte..l to rolleet from della. a..." ''a. \ 'llr.: Tefolouree. ICIRE . IkIAt.Z.T TEAM, 1 . 4 kr! Fon The Cheieeet Greeeriee, Timm, 121ralecois, And the Ire4l, ChhiN6l, 11111. 1 / 1 11, I . IeXLIV &G.. st the most t•conable yrirtAt. go to AriCE'S a rea DIART, 1.111 IS lamina', rmemr.k. NEW lIEATEu FOR POU LIC r na•Tellt, I am am orepand to famish 1110 Anniamy onto ty, uncoil to °tarn the ant and •satimtee County Sea .111ste Illatals• reran. 4?;3107th:41117:".....` ttlet Itno.tre"ll.:lrlotrl par LICA who haven la on. I AL an{ fourth .beet, . .1.16 4 Co., of Ot Fourth sad aailtbleld streets, t'lltenandt. I C:= l . "4 l:glnt. " . ' Fl t= Iretnlrr APin d trg7 . . ' .1" '1".""h. X. 'scram. (Maniere township. /111,,,ma150 Waatetl. w AT CM 11 Flint Street, - .111.5T IttoEl4`llo, OF THE Duplex: Elliptic Skirts, A 1)110106. ANBORTALICAT. at R.ecluoo t Price.. NOtiCE,—IICifICE IS lIIENEBV uIVEN tbs t we will eel!. lot eater age. BOAT BUUelt, et-, wow lying. the old ferry lauding. ear hew MB& Ben, tat ite.uot of whom It any comm., eh Bei 14111 DAY OF JIANCB. Un i ts. eleanteit.and thatiet DCA Delhi to (het dole. Itit001(4, ItAl LANTI NE A (iv. February IBA. LW. tetinif FE BRII RY 20. 186& • • 1{1 . 411E CIiANCE .fur BUS - INES& • h I,Y •c 2 .•r tionur,r, . .1 13. .2 • Interrot Mtn ONE OF THE BEST STANDS nt ohtslncl ..ent in the • IX E.I.BII67LVAIS/A FOR SALE. Ael wash i/trsct thecae 1:IV re 11,44. to bell, rowder.loffer tiry co:W.lllk°' a Jane arid ' , Nell itsiert tSP/liC[ Groceries, La arils, Table Glassware CHANDELIERS AND FIXTURfs Noose consists of the two flue, c . mm(4 and well seraoged eteoee. Ncis.ll7i and 174 Federal Stree • Counseled by openings In first and tree.' sto ne, •. ean nard ellb-r separate or toast. r; .10e Wig,. and start:DK on bads's. or lut tot four nor.. and torte wagons. Polst laontrl'nTercurVen.Trcab;'."l." front clnek or itooo . . too Ten -lusinn•ana'srbuihnsrrs. /11.131 ;Leder.", 'Terms aceommodaslng, with •PProved "rarity. ARTHUR KIRK VEW 4100118 t CHEAP GOODS! 4‘ ifiCllllll, GLIOR & CO' We have twit received a pee deatlelcat anode lh oar Lee, each am COTTON 111031111117, MEIHNO isosiser.; AN NXTNA F/Nr. LoT Or BUTTOXS a - TRIJtI . RII AVE IYUxY2 , n*ND LADIEW 17 .N. 7333 .1 = LITITZLELZI, . ei ao • Liotin Hilt,. fur 1,101, Gent's t Child Lac.. ifaailkeictiliirs t of all nada; 1•:.. i star Shifts; Naa.ll Vict ri oria Lava, Linta (iambi!, ttc. • RY~tcox-.2. dpr oas, • Dltretqzt .lan snl besellitil ►.4erm. OUR LINE OF KID GLOVES linl= • yEL.Ver all/WINS i n Thu n., DCReIY 'COLLati at tarp , and ma.. Air 'et Itolceale Outrera Will do weal to Vie as MACRUM, GLYDE. & C0.'13 S k 80 Market Bt. THE HEIN NOSE P.11.1 . 11T11 or 2/1E El NAM ILL C 4+) OZAERA. LOXIS or anima, El, All 'issues of the Mucous Mul -1 brace of the Head and Throat Successfully Treated by .426.:1134.1zL1NT, PIIISIVIIN .45D SERGLi:IN Ear Lleerer♦ al . tie tie, Ear, llama . . Threat Ind tblie{nn• of lPeel. 111, 1(•+L +sue CRGICAL SmithEleld Street I'Aro-9 A. Al. as • P. All 4.4 GOVA: 1 11611' AND COMFORT fo• itt X Z.ILI VLLLt4 CIAIII Q.% ITT J. 13. I 17t.lEt TtlS' SAFETY FIRE WERT, Car Heater and Moderator, roar nyor.i AND iluT •iit rcuri. aim... 1•• ...a ihelua, mu.. aad Ilres in or abet I 4..-41::I.7.P7.:a%ia!:.tfre'l:t‘17.•;Ia-¢-t,,:: ‘, 1 .‘,7-11.7,'.,,,,:;,:,T.'4,-,'„tr;;:1t"..,,x.',71:,1; r. ~ ...had.; r--- r:lU:'Oa.!.°l:4'!/: ;Z:t i wPtgl::1;;L • 111;7:. the ova. ..ate brat that may be •pa pla-, . It la toe poa , loo and verposa far a ht. k Hi.. t,,4,,...t. it J• • *are orotsclioArrotr ...<14 , r1. r•V Ir.. • or , ro a.lor front detretnor Itar...or where Iron rtr,o ore aget o!feodoetrie ff.:.t ,3• : „ ' . .. 7. .:'• „ ...' , 14t.°4! . :. - Ty.o,:',f;llll !tv,':i7 a-,l:ZgLr:;!-,1";,:n4;',1°,1%": r::,,,111.7,1,:z.:::, W,r4.l,Vrolrr•.°Z,V ateate ..... taneva..l ea.. le.: nab. ravor ea e- 0n....a.. .• mute .I.oarous arerhrawl. ant eae•rlty neelecd I wlll sell, .., ...cute., rasltle I* Omatartare or -431.• tbe a,..., Semallue; moo, t‘rrltrrlal flea., to r,.:, •,..., 0,..A to •ontlo oelllns prtolJegco. ell, r or 3tAio or run ty. 1 1 J. H. MILEVELFII. XIII.. ar 'T` . . , ~. !• NZ MASA ULTRA TAINT : ' :oT K ' i . ... 1 :; r 1U:ir071, 4 ?TX: ri j A i .....l:: re 11.a.0 —.. HARRIS & EWINd, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Corner Lamy and_ Wayne EtreetB, ra.. PITT •ID CDUSTIT TRADE SOLICITED. w. offgr lesasiatactatere logres,ritse, I. SCNOONSINIER L SON'S STRICTLY; rum WHITE LE4i, ZINC, PAINTS, . AND EVILttrV MITT Or Cof CZ. IA riri. E 3 , wet 4.. zip tittouND A 1.., wirriv, bs gait •ka3 la Maw& dere sad may. MOE Li.ED. for 011 Noilaiers • .11.1 • general.sortmeet of Food. .a:ted lar BUHISTEI, tfirOClll9 AM/COI:MIT 161.414 UARVIIV'S . CRACKERS ARE BAKED IN A PATENT OVEN. his enr 011 1 , II IFISTM tiIERTIJIL It gives • narrETZll Ana more •Ifortely baltea eve?ter, loonseasently more m.4m tau O; Kltoaearbar a I •lll ' vrarrant ov• ,rooas eoperlor loamy Ott. tro b. val.tment over WO arrest taker" Ever In Pillsborsh. one ry peck Nyman. wa le , . kI.IIIVIN It on the .! de g S. S. I%I.A.RVIN. • No. 9cLtberity sireet. ts:l °LINEN, HELL it CO., AriCHOR COTTON „MILLS, rirsenvicum _ . ullttereri. of . Ltesyy,. Modlom, and Ligh Ammolt Lin. IIAUSIOLIA __AI_I667TAU , !, 41 . 21 n iATTIRRI WE VFSI. JEV RAND uritnitZruZATtioNek cEtra t, • uiliu tllDWAtf, B ,llll-1: ° tl - • ea wt:ltn i k.lo and At ,I,LIOI2IItEI il4?f 1 , 70 a" aatl "'"V b UI T s• . "%Mat PMINIMT., •11411 J . D. MAITIIE/Y9. STAMP AND STENCIL CUTTER. 113{ Utterly . outrun.. Wood. Cfna k t r; 93 l.l6 B / 4 111411174 'LS 'lg LOlff irty "2 -'l= = in • st wonii FOR ALLEGUE. E N A. c fllTZtTl Y t. w " k g.Y."At t api o . DAT aamY,lo6l7tor Iwo of asel Wrooobt 5051+, I'Zi:l.lVi tot epectecallosee2ololl44 at Owl:Mee of Barr a Moser, rart i trati L liAt i l E elt. 01•144 t. ' roe. Wood wed /fourth eta:, 11W D.A. 1 11111" 4 I a0,..1"... dal•l7 10 /00 oao too,oooe - mit received, the starts moonlit of BROOK lA OLEN rW Ire illePOwld of at low rake, it. titilLWer, Wl,Olosala Grocer. SIl latartv drai. Pittston-44 9 91 . • CL ''TnENlsraimaEne RE: PA ERZ D.—All tbo , lloWent makes of Mottles J. • Lt. L'LLII.LINO FIND PIPORTGD GOODS, JUST OPENED. BATES & . BELL Inv i ite particular attention to:their choicest eelection of IMPORTED GOODS 1 FOR ROTISEREEFEM, Now CkLI. .10=111la1ticaza. 21 FIII'J STREET. pENNSYLTANIA, ES N Tafr3 NAME AND BY THE AUTHONITY Corainoinveatih of Pennsylvania JON W. GEARY, Governor. N riumEi Hl.O VV.'S A 'PROCLAMATION Two Thousaad Dollars Reward TUN TUX dlillEsT 6, THE. HURDEHERi OF JOHN CASEY .. L. 14%111.9. 'he Senate and Hansa cc bleier*. senionies have enacted the following Pr•sto le and Joint Pcsolut•ony, v z; • Joint Iteisaintla a Mallet to the death of John Gate, ;•• •• Wunnitzs, Darien the hearing to the a• deuce la tits sue of attrilii; HOSInON versus 11 . 1 1. 1 l1.1£1. ; T. WWI/AMT. due Cr the al Jinn membetecf4ile renal- (rum the Twenty-fleet Senatorial :Wet, • cimalt JAIN ealeitlf waa exemine'da• a with as on tshair of the sold John IC, itohl thy conteitant• sad tie said Casey, after•ios ex amination, •iya - u wa,lald In tbeniumly gicardeml•mi ereellyb•atan and ahem), tbs 4 he has slate diet Irian Injuries reed red in Witt/smog. tharelore. He It resolved' , tr the beanie and Hamm or Rep "violative. o<atte Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania in General Anent bly mat, and It Is berth, enacted by the ...horny al the t 1 hat the Governor bend he hereby Ruth an, , zed and re. embroil in Offer • reward of • • TWO.TII,OUBAND DOLLARS for tech' trt "On:Patton as wlll lend to 'I,. &rust and etrenk.lou , the person of Persons who coot mated the boll otitis, and that tool reas titer of the Comtnnacalth ' t ,. .suthortsed and stlutred I, pay the 1.11 elm on: nos money to the Treasury not uttleentn.•approprtated.” Approved the ltdrteenth day or February. A.l). An WinnelS, The repinatlon of th ernment„ ;be nackAnd t &chilly of ILe cltisens, and the obileatloorof jelltlce cud Intranity n• gauze that the o.trpetratcra of thts to orlma ebohld be tningtrt to tpeedy and CO II dlgp paslshrnaot. Now enintroar, 1 , JOIN W. ti MARY, doe. era., ot (Lomat.: Common ntaltb, In eoni:llnnen rr:th the teldJo:nt ketoluil.rt-ond by virtue or the Pan a r •ni antes rite yea+, ill ter, do hMue this., Proclar.s.tion, hereby uer:rlng a reamed Al TWO.SROCBAaU POLLARD to uty parson or ;croons ,rho atilt/ apprehend and ateare trial the murderer or murderers or the cud JOnti CADEY. to It, Data Upon the eottTlettott of the ertiotsal ur •trltolitaln thd 1 hereby ta:l all ofteirsof luttlee nod fled eltszens every vigilant and nett, toftllng Inthelret. t. forth., apprehrphloti et' he sail carat putdvrent la tl?e. rya [tut tie ontrag ate e. t•en oda. my Id ah 4 wad the fire* heal or the Male H.rlsbaie, tine feurttinth Oa, ci rebranti. to the year of ear Lori ene-thoo tied eight htle.lred end elzty•elehi. end Of the Cemmeewealtb w 7 elecipse,ohd., .10. Y.: (IMAJtr. 0 7 , 1.1r. u srs, aii S escrosrs of tteCssyslosw,sim ELM M SEMPLE'S, lies. 160 and IS; Federal Et .1 ALLE(I-g~;NY PILINTEt Arr P4IST3 1 AT,10.,-D•l{X.i.iLtitiliAMo. . . AT . 11 .1-.—llta t.4.C1) DEL LINE A. AT WWII HEAT I" MELILIN. AT l• Wide ft le Apes ekl nth, .111;7tl/.11( AY . 1:4a.-11.1M017cinr jicqt, AT 33.71 . d. NW. PEATIIEIL SIMI!, II .LT 11 k.—.131. 1 k a cola nxucaba ALrAcAr ST 11 , ,,0.-=1.5 dos. Red bordered LINEN ••- • • TOWILa. AT COVEkS. MITON AND LINEN TA LL FUUNITIIIiI CRICK. ac., A VENT LiIEGE STOOK, firbolesitie Lind Retell, at WM. SEMPLE'S, 80 & 182 FOrral Si,, Allegteny. JUST HEADY THE MARDH•HIIMDSR PF LIEENCOTI'S MAGAZINE, . 0 9 2 xtexizalaas- ; HALL E,' Ci 4 j;Ily1111. A. •me 4144 Tl iraiTST.4.l..wEunt "t",4l4U t ll'Voi't :E A4 : 4l eLl4.34l/44.' 4. •-• •ffit ,CII Aarkt.A YD. At'UTI TiV.IV . I.IVON THE ISHOHE. in. I. 441.4'21'1,14,141T4474110"E'.i1!' LOv r E t..l4,.'"T`V?Z`L',ll4.N, T. 11 "' ! • TAWN 4.4.44LTH1al NOVELI,TE. 01 1 0.11. I 13; 01111+ KS or A DIAMOND. 1tt144 MONTH LT HH-L,H. It. Larrital UHE ur THE ULT. TEIIIB OF LIPPIHOOTTIMAGAZIVF. lar• E F er annuto. Eisele ..mien pki...TIV-447; o for .e,. 1/01444: fl 4 b U C ' oo'... for Mitten Vol I ara: g 0 .0p,47 . for Uo rE7 c ".-rivaivrtlf ialLitt,ll:;4l tre:re,l4,l.lg " r'Ll"t""tUDWlZ'On'i. 1 , 14 , 1; 1 4 olYthe H4t. S.lDnen sent to toy .44.5 t. "1"rl'" 7::ll:pg?:.Eglftdrln rem IT. 1". J. B. LIPFIROOTT & 00., - runuatticas. ft a lg a TIT ItILRIECT 17....1%11.1e1pbb6 H. KIRKPATRICK xriaLiyzyrx.D.A.x. BOOK-KEEPER AND ACCOUNTANT. rinirsroVVVii4HW Stteila"ix- MING AND CLIISING mERCNANTV- BOOKIL EMU= Vskiljran=t • g FA NiItSMITIMIENTi2II-11.46 MS rout. Matz.. OM. • rourrTe Arian l"th"%reir STOVES: STOVER! • FREDERICK ZCHULZE, k Copper. not Aid /rain wars, Maier!. Cotlory, Cooktog. helm lotC ro Htfatim. ff' l "r4. iLl ood b lid d ohoko.O. and attood u Wl to.tali. AAL iobtilii; sad Zombis( lindoptly. ME 13 - 11 - CATi `.l t; • COUNTY COOVENTION-. Tne tirglith EICPUBLILTBBVOTICIIB . of Alle gheny Count,. are ~.nett to meet assn. aunt plats, plats, for holding eta' as to tbe terend Wards. Boroughs and TosOrmlng. on saturday, Feb. 2f 4h, inst., 1865, . . . And eke!, Tiro 1111!“..ItinflAS Look each elle li lion alktrlet. to • County . nveutlon. to be held on the to:towingMD N Det it 10 o'clock 1.. kn..,, for tie of nootth an .delegates to the mate Convention, and . .ttlthe Clog Inch JAI,' b11. 2 .kk th oaks On ' PrOAdkrbroug ht hero - e to. the Primary Elettlene fcllto Townships ex ceptine tee Tonrukhlps ,nfikbaland, Pitt, Pee bit e, Llberty. CAlln. and iltiollklike, which will be be twekn the hnani of / Id? o. 'c,:ock. and the young to be by balm.,) wlllAefnkktbeturken the hours of three• All oli Wellir.l 0. 14...6 In fee borengba nod Clllek Antonin Mello., of dye •nd norm o'clock A, .u. frdthe Cates and Ifni. , ouch, the Aeolic.e shall holy b.1101 , ..nd boAhk Townsnlpu by nutrklnA. JACOB IL 21/L.2l4Chalzman: • . . if:.,7:4Vitu. 1'..."44.' ..;., icia.2:ol.l. IainVOTICE TO iIONDITOLD T. B nfTir, TVITITIKKCIitEUASI7,9y.NLIaT!";,. Holders are hereby ottled,na Ce• no. t r 1 7 .1, of tbeee nonda, due Yebrußy tat isea. wtihr MI. an .4 •fter that .dsd.. o n . efentailoa Mit,lg s si" , fl St We C r iraOlN 1. at , 0 FL nal Bank of- OM, T"""". • ritosburah. Jain . it, Ml 7 Jailtre lidtr - THE •INTEIIFT. IV 4OLD, on 04. YinqfliJoUS /11.Z4.9 of The Nos fuLsc Railway Comm, laste:a iig: P oi`jeo n ZTAlX:rie.sll:44 of O.IIN XV, 111./1:0 atlo.r4. l szctlionge Piro, Yew o•ork. on .oast,. lbw:. ate. , - 1.7.wr . WM, J. r..eAtion. Troxsurer. IMEM CO.;ouy WAlrfizA emc...070 RA.13,1 way, 9yalflt ST Till BECOre/are. yitu ergh. PK. lab. If. Ira. ITHE ANNIUd i t' IttrEVING Cormoan.yof.ll•Pr*jb.col.e.glta ,fldlbligc.orZt. such tab.. Oustueso may . OusUe before It. "11l )of at/AWIII 11. Ir4H at 10 o'c.Ocx A. N. C''....r4P•74,osotTOll4°?,llloTr%'lLr. gil°r",sl,4` uncl of Tsojusfer Ilifeze• m o ttle City of New Curt, will -be 01.1,4 op , day of Mayen. al t.'clock Y. al., at: claseel us. ill 1511915 day alio:ea thereifte, • M. ttUTCHIN• • fell: omen or Tax 7?,T. core Arr. t Pmcgocrian. rt t tV.:MiEia. - nr•hl OTIE Al NIIAL ILEZTLNIJ of the etnekboldere at We Triumph Cif Onnpsny II be held.{ tb,ro/12<e4 aVYIUY, Nprch a, .ti, oc141 1 . ;. N. Yet the Internee of electing Illic , re for the en. , nine year. nag transitettngabgti oiling balatea may be pretented.. n .- - IN/LLIII.IOII- VS 5.1.12. Re natant. • urrzcs 1 . •17211 • Hama..4t-r... tf , veuta.ty 100. Mk arA MEETING o 1 (h e stock . Euiltrt",loo;4l4 ZIZAVAZI'°- 114 Y, lebrukry Mu th , ISM- 05 ho. BO rolarth strect, t , tocta_lbe boors of 41.3,1113 o'clock A al., o elect. •Preuldept god , clraln fa*: NI. 7. 000 .61,2i:91Uff.0T.0.c.y. -unlcs u ononoanal.caalcae CO., I I rivreetrmaa. Wa h l f IarAN.ELECTION TOII- TENN if •NAGMBiI ogdbe Coomagy Dar er nl ica .g • Bridge over tie Illolebortheis 111 Eo ehr,',n,°l7.l-51,1,UrieVL""'R"Iri.. Minh 24, lief, 11 .10 . CIOCk C.% jAl'l3Wßlgalri rfrel vinc!_ . .u.r.soilarroisame s ELECTION. Arit' i". Y O., t ttra of he Com pact r oaf Election , Chevy pv . ibr •rectt tt, VW" kt:.7 . ;111'4E:P0.1;4 4•ILZL:r7tZ r • to t the toot:A.l oPtn ou " 411 the dip of iltlarce.b4l. 4' d 2 MO 2- ' W. it4IELMI:I.4'k UT JVAL'ALLR rill:L=l% A TTHACTIVE aucrioN Lux o• Born A Nll OBOES. ; On TUUI.Y, ..7auarr 3641. t LOA. awl 7, , f P. K. M.O , land enntlnulag flat'. a at 105 ar " IMAPIV:,.V.,Ig• ;LIP , 0 6°, 1 :: will be sold posltlvely erli.tont.r•aer:e., a lan and .apertor &aroma... or seal...oda Boots. o.,,nalt•ro, . 4.1 •1•10 Boot% de., m n co atom made •nd Fartern 1/7 i7, , i la ,L and best irnallile• Par a lasting. for tirant.*:47'3‘"4.4;" and CAldren• wear. B°- - 2 ha att. n . ,on of deafen and biads of tamllle. to fay. 2, PA Inn dn./sate fre .1, Ile and . to SOIL •te ad 01 . 1 0 , .. dlspof Ed of In la 2 Jrllll. meet. • .c.,11 BY a L/rAiflAnt.' 1310IU 4E AND LOT, Chightut ♦LLtHHLNY. AT WCTllawi.—Wlll tor , to the Pla WalrhArDAY, Mat 4.,* MP:T.I'4Z Mo re 11 taree.s.ry spa t. le* roots, larae nore trawl, a., be: sea cold 'rata. atUrs. 011 . 01(11 calla•. lc- . Terms-Übe• tblrd es ; ü bs laca:fla two years. ISS A hOrII cartes Alledbco, CITY LOT g—CITV property cot. er Cheat., strt , et wutt W.stern r;:b u g D'r . r2. * hrJ1;1:, V.7‘llMlVlltttl: mad. and bong on a. bun.. thorn's gb t tea ers tote Droyerty worthy [Le ;Deny O,Unn. lion of button* men. Tonal Illke;i!. feli 4. L .t1 4 ','%'.1. 4 e' red A, 1411eg,ray. j_101011: AND LOT ON TAYLOR AA. •VICTUE. ALLSEIIILIIT AT "AT/6- Tl.ll,—Tbe ✓pose sad Lot No cora/tor A..- h; told, oll,Ve a pi;ro . , •4l. oa T lVie. It 40 by B. U. Viwo..ll:4l s rick. 0 7 12 0 1 /COW, vie , hot and cnid y ennun. n hat a.ahle and carrladt bout, Trento wry. teltl69 A. LICU.ATA Auctioneer. --, Tederal atreet. BY A. 11.511LWA11115 UNCLAIMED rducienr. Tuesdsy Morelad , Margb 3d, .21 to will be ialttit cmusCIADIRES 10011 omiirsit Et, • "-M7_to 4 froxb t. 43434•1‘,1(1 nrare-L bur. b, 1 warn. aad a.bin [ o • and the Clore laud , lleeho.bore.. I box bo o kl " 1 tn;. l , b.r:z7„: • • ° lat,o. Di ea tFlfu: 3 . 1;3 4 1a8g1.1Wev tool 3; • . • 11 f.:1:1(1.'271;.4:5:1Pz. 31. Xviou,:atV,,b.373,l.llt;F 11tonbael""*; . 17. 1 .. i i.edlVe • -gt n se • Mmo . wll 1b00r.y.2 Ur*. x3134-1111r •• . !bulb 11.43. rt. 3.11. rope ; n n r R e Oro. any. 1 box dampers: James Broaoo. 1 bu7vl:= ACEtrinpV"" . 1:1; , :sa 1. I box T o oLs; 47; • 310-43 • 111. !Opt.% Bope, e' 0 31 c.7:1 13 8 1.11 0 t....H T i b a 1 2 1.! ,.1.1 334 ,..1„.7 a rt . Y:V7. -, 44,11z; ettxp.ladders: • " UJoueßundrlek../3 00J? PT:3:1%1.1r V s .,f, l dg*B"" 1 41 1 1 . J. Border : 4 b ar s Lead: - `•t alluoler • .Itox L0g000. 3 , U A lobom. Welcb a Co., 1 .31.11 and 1 '• NCampbell. Peak 204, IbOZ :1114 .• NI • Jayne.* Bro.. 3 booxxes boxes L Cali3l4l ro a. .. c /0r : 1•1 .144. 1 tx Maple ou gl au r 31 1 2 ..1Pobllory, I 3;o g TWA, ;.ill , :i. 4 l. ° ll:ll , ,Viiiii:Z o i % VASES, COLOGNE SETS • -= FANCIT 0111 MA., Parian, Statuett4 BOHEMIAN GLASS ad oz ATAXIA v.v.... AND WW twolin. Sox• The Mre2ll.eleslror. 100 'Flood Street. RICHARD E. BREED D. Cie dell. SAMUEL M. WICICIERSILIRC iron' Eltrotreir,4 iS4. Pirat Street, rirraainuni, &goat for lb. We of Cornwall. Ihrasigt.4... /mega., Laaeile , Duneannos. siaastm Olrsdoa, ulaonter briutdantAntlinclta.T.Ltb. loemai Coke and (ptplant.6 O. B. Matra !VG 1 ConaIIZUNII. gnamata aad order. rupoatitals Iton. , U2i l L . a WOLF, JR., &CO., =Maul Hardware Zs Cutler*. An now reeetylm ilthaal ko oar nitiik Irina ts offere4S Desists - _ _ r • zames - ernmeG Corner Liberty and St. Clair Ote s ;:: zansteeerru.rana, JAMES B. JONES, t Scrap Iron, Light Ira. OAST LID ‘r 101761= ISOM a l iOvan, ewe. AtrzzAteiwrat...t Pi l ,l / „lntrr—_4 NEAT COT: neat Artikar.• nation. lop - I. /11/81121 • 00. • NOTMES IIEffETMGB scneozeze & . 11 1 , 111EMAN, 1 Li Mt dlasolmal or• mutual 55 7 mane. • J. rns4anibx tbRIWEDIA. tiIICURO2 0. HAGablalf. • HAVING . AO II ALL MY .111V— TICIOMT la tai ?ate arm it. Ur. ISlaillOC. 11./t.ll, an late partarr. trio will tarty on taw Miura& St laa 014 stand. aa barciorane. Sat who will mitle op tile itularm uT Lao Ate arm. all persona baring clalaar aramit 1116 arm wN PM eat th r ew t 4 alla for payment, sons owlagaild Ann win call atilll . pcy liakt SCLIKOIDAU, 080/tU/1 C. klrili/CMAN. lrltribargh. Jarteary lit. 1162. feletlT • 1 - 11m 4 oLUiwir1i — . The Cu-Part btuttrntnture ItUrg between Stab dertifoted, leder the no of , KILLISPATIOCIZ LTONN t CO , lITERLINU" OIL. WORRY. bat b-en tbls dby illwolved by blt teat . o..bttn•. Dab WLi • Wt. aorta. La 'iotite latch.. to lactate Diet.bu re fi t ,, l a : 41/Tl.le ag lb=RUtarfTRILL SY.I4. jyflß YtTRIC AND law s • Tlttsbarib, Yebytooy I, , ' Y uan. U. • I— , C).4I.NtIZA. Jossrn cznxr.ernicrc • aarxa Llo2lg. r EITIEHLING' OIL vi 7 onag, KIRKPATRICK & LYONS, sxur...n•aits Or • - Bellued Carbon Olt.- office, Re. 123 Liberty Street, , WAIN rITTIOLTIKikt. PA. I ,Or PATITNIER. !Intr. lte Partneretdp heretofore exist/Le between e. B. AIL UKLE. 0. P.' MAIIKLY. JOHN MAIL ICLI and 0. 0. MARKLE and J. W. DIXON. la the htenafeetentre of paper. ander the Lenient • MAIIKLE, DIXON & 00., Is thin dal elect.. d ry radwal comma of Um partners In Interest. L . :WTI-tog withdrawing from tt. Arm. The beetle of the late arm to b• eettled b, We N heti . .114.1 th LEIS ander the Arm oft .P. 111011 f & wterare Kul teethed to collect all debts doe the Isle erg, at well ea Celtic ktibmineis., ,s, B. ItLITIC4I4 I.I.U2CLE. • artKLE, afttftitlas d W. DIXON. West Newton, gebrearylJohsta. /OMIT CTION B-38 NOTICE. JAME& S. 'PALMER and•TIII08. VlLVlglAtiligfig/ 4 :M=ln:l2 It Ilea, r. atoel., Furallary, Heola. tb Gat., pilau dame sad agla at PALMER et PHILLIPS. OPERA ROUSE AUCTION ROOMS, 170: so F. 10.13 Street. Where they will Are Witse4 t. mete oN frit:,il..-rPnrgael:VV2.ll,:;Wicv.a.e. 1.23 = lIISPOLIETTION OF pearsrrai balt.—The rartzienhlp haretotare erlathas In the Itiour and general 'gradate busteettaZ aeen LAM ICltis, OX as, J alfEst sr. ACE La arm stases of ILS.01& ALIKE R. 1. Ole day ' emsed by mutual to all psztone inaeut esl to the Arm ale rsqmsted to ma.. pa ant, and tepee baring e alum to present them t oe MP. etnent. ethers Attar Partner all, eased in theaatne Tee Moults , haslet. will be quitted by ISIAH KOOK. at the old Mand. no Snub. ny menet. glttatturib.. NOAH Italts.X. I" J. B. XeSltt. • Plttsbargh. Jaeuary I. MA landatill7 SSOLIITZON.—The Partner.. alp tiers Mame ..body under toe as= COSIEST.. ASO dk 0, • In the HOW. ra,nthie U 1.11131.14 _an Ittlaaart !T r atlrt r a r cgilidOr;:gt r t Y the Ittp r flott . teal LI .41aul or AA. tad Jab. MILIeI no 85311[Sti Dr, . Plttaburgb. TUSSOLUTION. The Co-Part. Ism Huhu., La all.esaeay, araL DIthoLViD ON - gam or J&NUAUT. 100 L, The andelalgaed volt r‘netheig2732rtaa * lVFnahvaaL I N 0.14 laansOlta aorta a.; iNOTICE:,-,,The CO- Part nerahlip Liochr:Via.gß2V ' Elligleori' s ate, i t arm JILL.LELL: & JLDWAVDS. ilealS.• la rt , % 121 :7 7 1,Nga.17e0.arv.:.,—.17 ( t:asp-0u" "r";711.2".4111111.' Of LMATTILIEW al/Walalla. .1.4.7110rt0 ' A.ll9lcßrallorr. ARMSTRONG iQ IIIITCHINSON,-- tbaecestors to -I.l rinr.OlCrllr• Alta TOofitrio artrari Cuba; CONL,AIfIp mxean VIIIPEXHIS Dd DEAL/88. road arid BIT., or ; . svpraltilt Taiveniolnizati CAS AhD FAMILY COAL . 0 . 1 :La g r irrd-rucrr or TRY BTIIILICT. .2. 0 0az pat Au sr or adrizrimr4 try! BEST FAMILY COAL Alwnyo on nand and delivered nronst44 yonder. .AT LOW= Val= SAWA Et OSCAR F. LANAI di CO., taquty Ott 4;1 e7t. T. a C. Ulm aztataleisnr CITY. An Utraclt• tottl !unlined at we Loantnt rataa. likka COAL! COACH COAL!U DICIEt3ON,.BrIWiIiT 4; CO., ff avlms tutored the!: U. to No. lI6T LIBERTY (Lately City rota 14111 SECOND )LOOS. An sow prepared to Walsh Root Youhlocb4.7 LUMP, 3CT COAL szrops. 9 lir the AU '" ortte ." rilo k ft " JET& ofilee addnaed 10 U.= throniti llama, Inn stunded to nvichts CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, H. 1017 08100kEINT 411 communal! on; .. 411 nonAci4msof Ceal.arlsollt. waft Derafp44. l / 1 041 °Oka 0171(IS IfAILD. Comma( Boti. and Mort.: Ant.. on .rtf and Clraer •tracts. Nlnth word, .4 on Vag " s ' iltd gtaYe L f.ll2 Pe? 4o ri f ille b d " 4 11% Deft article of Coal of Cdkiat W lowest es. Urdtra left at.. of /pair =nes will M.ta onnopt attention. sr jIIPEMOR COAL. C. CHERRY k CO., gello'sti 'Mary OtrerA,7,llAVeue; .S;t4FII.IIFI'iP. Ti;rlaFaWairlpr" rituv.z. DYERB A 11 . J. LANCE, Now. 1 1 16 anq 167 Thfrola!reel, DYER ABIII SCOUBEE, Straw Ge JR Cleaned or. Dyed. I[ll3 e d. Lovra &VI Lungs , in, uktas euu. 06.4 re M =-: z 1 PA NOT R Dyeing and *Oaring Establishment, Ea, eal IMAIIOND ALUM War= Wood and timltlVAreargs. AU Veda rotarood Of two Treat. ktoodo to of w,a'n ae. nwnnr awwlr w lawn eh. RIVSSILEIII. rim 678 111,1dvet; loud t Chaim dunindth and beater In Ilardwam ig.71:1415111:: fltrilgr fPri: JBPAWNI~NG ; , -riwar AND emeriuttartat. in IiVILLUD LLOYD; Igo. ass. elm Illtre•t. PITTBStr/10/1. PA. Gloom' iss casteton.so4soasnow ol to L 213 Warn AlritegLst Bud. wane z. Wa ociy:s4 a iliffili _ _~ . - - I ISSInarrTION • lIE CO.7IITIVEIZBEHP here Wore cxtßt between •W Y. YETCALF, /IN'aP, O. ETCAL£ and J. WE11.11% s uer ter prm nazs of • C. KNA.P I NE PRENVS, this' 4ay dtmel l rial ra, mutual ouserbt• mat .hattur iteeaunta anima said fir= will sent the same, tad those tutlebted mill Vt.. ue Immediate!, wits Yr. V. bIIVICALL/, who utioristd toil..Ye our scrounta. "WY.. JULTCALT. J. 1 4.1N.k.r. u. METOALP„ ELE . .!p Fort Fitt Foundry C 0. ,; IBvttwats to CELlacul R2lu NI:MIMI HUME!, SNAP, Pre&ldelai. P.realdenlL . BigreaLF,*.mry and .Trealir. K. \WADE, truAlneer. • . _ 0, ff&P,Gereterld Manseer. ~.. if DIBUTNSF: MU B. mumisr. of 0.100. 3boob a CC , ' zic J. ( K. W. ratxr. or . p.Loter & Sum . IL HERMON, eF epavg.' ellal ha t & Lb. i r os. S. WAHL of ellaciember,. & 00. .. AL 116 Tel LF, , C‘es..&: 00000 C. . - _ Icatilriormuul.9' Of ..: _ . , 1 stings and PlachineoS. .I.z atitntion 0.14 t 4; SCULLING K. OK .ad lIIALST ACHINERY. • - bllorti:onfpUr tfendid In. El2lll • SSOLUTIOSC—The Pauchser ttio existlic arder the musts ttyl• • - - .coILL. !:X)KE. &a' SCOURERS EBS FOB ers and Ventilators, , SOW* SELL & COAL or loolor. Jig xw :Asa LIBILIVIT 1 I