IHE DAILY GAZETTE, MET MOINIIIM tsciniers ircxrrro.) Erauuttam, REED AG m•rc•lpriertC , 2l4l4 r. r. iforrear. r. rdttorz. BrAram MarLagar& orricar. olizrrns BYLLIIIISIO Nez. 64 mad $4 FIFTH muss:. Ind liqdrzu liter of iresten hughsis. ariaul.kr a m ß y g imusaa LID 1a110.1112% CHSAPSEr awl is Ow 14111ILI mod 00XMCIALI. !WWI Ile Ow Was, ITIVII Of In DUST MM" ti:FlT . WitierTlier Iles< ::00 : ."44 B‘b.' Address. - 1118 T EDITION. MIDNIGHT. PeaßylvaniaLmislature. elteesablp Lisp to Liberia—Lineal. Mee la Ike naniatee of Mededse— Ceedraelera for raper tar the Mate • is lave . Hoed—reeelllee sClaves."- • Ilisties Ceneeraled rkIIsNIpIL direabsel -tratrerellY:deeade iv« Lailreld nul Passed—dill to Allow Tooliald pa of dekland, WILL Peebles, Collins and Liberty to lietreeede from she City et Plaiebarel . 6—Per u/eel • Ilercallone —ladepesecei Retool Diesliea—Tedorral Street sad PleaSanS,Vatpry;of Alt.sbeay,Plisa• lamb ant ,Ssospersrooettile. and Peeples nauseneordalLeer Oir bursa) tempaelte looerperantd— dalliadalenS is P illiebeagb 6.pple- Inielatary Cosi...Ladle= Art. tOrtaallaltlitlelk to rlttsburet Gooct.„,, HARM'S/117RO, February le, ISee. . SENATE. arr-axsure LINE TO LIBEILIi. The Taint liesolutioq,fors steamship line to Liberia - less reportmiallirmatively. BILLS 6-rasi7ccElN By Mr. WHITE, of Indiana: Protect ing the pooplo of Indiana county from Imposition in the practice of medicine. By. Mr. McCANDLESA Philadelphia: Requiring blddeie for supplying the State 'with piper to give bond in ten Lin:wand dollar, and if Um lowest bidder falls to Wept ho la tom' the difference between his bid and the next highest. COIOLITTEE OF LIIVESTIOATION I Mr...CONNELL, of Philadelptda, offer ed a resolution, which was adopted, for a committee to loved,!gate in con uoeVon with the allegation that the Phil adelphia University of Medicine and Surgery had• conferred degrees of DOe• tore of -Medicine without authoritv. VT= FAILIIOAD BILL 2,VOLD The Free Railroad bill then came up. Mr. RIDGEWAY, of Philadelphia, offered' an amendment requiring the consent of the authorities of boroughs and cities to pass through their corporate limits. Adopted-,-yeastwenty-alz, nays -seven. . Mr. WHITE, of Indiana, moved an amendment reducing the &mounter cap ital stock fnr every mile to slx.thous and dollars; Instead of ten thousand, 113 provided In the Senate eubstitute. De feated—yeas twelve, nose twenty-one. The but: then passed finally as subutt toted by the Senate._ CLUST.FICirES OF HONOR. EveningSesaien-31r.bleCONAZGUY , Adams, introduced a Joint resolution for purchasing engraved certificates of honor for honorably discharged Pennsylvania soldiers In the late war. Passed to third reading. BILLS PA-53Ln YINULLLY. Validating the partition of real estate of Jekui Taylor, deceased, of Greens. burg. Extern:ling mechanics' lieralaw to me ultardat and others engaged on ell tanks and other appliances of oil refineries In Allegheny, Armstrong, V - enango and Waines counties. . ' Incorporating the Federal sUnet and Pleasant Valley Passenger Railway Company of Allegheny city. • Changing the times of holding Courts In Butler county. Empowering the Burgecs and Justices ofirKeespor to commit disorderly per sons to the County Jan in default of fine. ' When the Free Railroad haw passed to-. day. 2,1 r. ERRETT'S amendment, dis pensing with the memento( *majority of the stockholders to connect with oth er roads, was carried. ROUSE OF REPRESENT ATIVES.. PETITIONS FltOM ALLEGE-ENE MENET. : MIL WILSON,.of .Allegheay, handed to the Clefs the following petitions dur . tog the day, from Allegheny county: • Four Petitions; numerously signed, for the passage of an act relating to the in corporation. and recognition and support -of colleges. snwristcrst coA m sor..na&viow DILL. Mr.. mans, of Allegheny, read in place a supplement to the act extending the limit& of Pittsburgh, enabling the townships of Oakland, Pitt, - 'Peebles, •Collins And Liberty to retrocedefromthe city of Pittsburgh, they. having beau consobtlated with Pittsburgh by act _of ICICCESPOILT FEMALE SEMECAIIY. Mr. MILLER, of Allegheny, Introdu. cad a bill -incorporating the McKeesport . ..Academy and Female Seminary. EAMLIMEANCE CONV=CiIOIC DELEO&Tee Members of the State Temperance Con- Tendon . were extended the privilege of the floor. 1 rEnsoNAL Arar.RcATloNs. - Mr; ..s.:ICHOLSON, of Beaver, had a personal altercation with the Harrisburg .Stale Gaard relative to i ems of. the ap orOpllatickablli reported.. Mr—ADAIR, of Philadelphia, also had a pivioasa altaimtion with the Philadel phia ',Bulletin.. relative to statements of corruption in action ou a Philadelphia bill, MLR PRIMO yrocet.r.x. Vacating* portion of North street, in I front of the Presbyterian Chum I in Ap polio, Axinstrong county, and vesting the mane in the church. For emir, ferry over the Allegheny from Canal street to Duquesne, touching at Bash street and llerr's Wand. Establishing. an .independent school district out of ports of Allegheny, JletWer and Washington. Authorizing the school directors of Uniontown, to barrow money. • I Authorizing the School Directors of lawman-We to sell real estate and bor- Vow money. • - Incorporating the Limestone Pipe As seed ail= of Warren county to transport oil toshipping points in the West. DaeOrperating the German St. Francis hospital of. Lawrenceville. IsMorporatlng the Pittsburth and Tern ,perancevllic Paaaenler Itailwey Co. Ineorporating the Federal street and .IPSessant Valley Passenger Railway Com 'pany of Allegheny city. Ineerporßileg Oso Beaver county Bank ing and Bee Deposit Company, For a bridge over the Allegheny. from Ewsitlatroet, Pittsburgh, to mouth of Glity's Hun, Capital $1 . 00,t0 O. • Changing name of George Glenville Tuck, of Pittsburgh, to George Glenville . Tuck Jeremy'. Incorporating the People's Passenger Rattrap Compan ' y of Pittsburgh. EftrriTAßOason CoNeOLIDATION ACT.. The Committee on Municipal Corpo . rations have ad amendment to the Pitts burgh consollchstiort c:t to exempt the new districts from the payment of any part of the Indebiednews of thoold clty, .and imposing.the Same on the old briefs, principal and Interest, and the bill swill be so reported. ReCONIRODATIder exesENGIIR RAILWAY DEIRRTED. The accommodation psesengerrsilroad bill of Pinsliurgh was defeated, em , Shorman (soya the New York Tri.inte spode) has written a lot, ter to the President respectfully making to be relieved from coming to Washing_ ton to take mein:Pond of the new nallitnry division. Tar-letter la addressed' to Grant, and-is to be -submitted to -the President by him.- Powders have writ ten to General Sherman, asking him not to think of resigning should the Presi dent Midst upon his coming bete to Sr e the new command. _.-Che cashier of Ezra Goodrich it ieronoticize in Exchange Place, , New _or es reported to hove disappeared lath !maim:mato three handred thoasand dollars of e epployers' money in Ida iIis):VVE , VV:IL.I6)aO', 634 :I:I 1= WAsionscrrom, February 19,1868. SENATE. - The Chair submitted a cescummication *Om the cigar makers of Columbus, Ohio, praying for a modification of lox. Referred. Mr. ThUMBULL, from Committee on Judiciary, reported adversely on the bill for the more efficient government of the rebel States, with amendmenta. Also a bill on the same subject. lie mid they were c rendered unnecessary by the recent amendment reported by the Committer, to the supplementary reconstruction bill, providing that a majority of the votes cast shall decide elections. Also, reported adversely the bill to regulate service by the Court of Equity. Mr. FESSENDEN reported a bill to enlarge the Capitol ground,. Mr. WILSON introduced a bill to re imburse soldiers for clothing destroyed on account of contagion.' Mr. WILSON introduced& joint reap lotion to restore Alabama to representa tion In Congress WIEZILEAN By act of March Mil, 1567, entitled "an act eupplementary to an art I to provide far the more elllcient govern -1 meet of the rebel States," passed March 11367, and toTacilitate restoration, it in provided that in the election for the rati fication 'of the Constitution of each of the rebel' States the electors) of the Stele should have an opportunity to vote freely and without restraint, fear or influence of fraud: • • • Ave wumsaa, In the election for the of the Constitution of Alaba ma,electote,crwingto tlxirdiermissel from employment, and hostile and menacing actions of combinations of person. ' had not MI opportunity to TWO freely and without fear or 'riddance of fraud; AND WIIEREA2I, CODgre•M is astisfied ' that the Constitution _of 'Alabama meeta the approval of a majority of the qual ified voters of the State; therefbre, Resolved, By the Senate and pause of Representatives of the United Stelae, &c., that the Constitution of Alabama la here by declared to'be in conformity with ths providons of the act to providefor the more efficient government of rebel states, passed March 2el„ 1867, and the said Constitution la hereby approved, and whenever the Logi-aeon-. elected , under said Constitution ratify the I fourteenth article of the Constitution of the 'United States, proposed by Rilethlr ty-nhath Congress, said state shall be ad mitted to representation in Congress in accordance with the laws of the United States. - Referred to Committee on Judiciary. Mr. WILSON stated he would tall it up at an early day, when hewould make a statement of the outrages perpetrated in that State in violation of the right to vote without fear or restraint. . Mr. MORTON introduced a bill to re move the disabilities of Gov. Holden; of North Carolina. Reterred., ' Mr. HENDRICKS introduced a bill to amend the act for recording conveyances of vessels and other purposaq Refer red. Mr..TIMON Introduced shill to grant aid to a railroad from Rinwnsville Ne braska, and to other railroads In that State that are to lnt.e f ;tt the Union Pa cite Railroad. Re Considerable discuaidon was eliVited on the general subject Of all to railroads by the bill extending the time for the completion of the Dub - none and Sioux City Railroad, celled., up by Mr. 'HAR LAN, which was amended and panted. Mr. WILSON moved to take up the bill relative to officers dismissed from the United Stated army by general court martial. Mr. HENDRICKS opposed the mo- tion, urging the continuation of the :m -ar:tatted business, namely: The resolu tion providing for the admission of Mr. Thomas ea Senator from Maryland. Mr. WILSON'S motion wan icet on I division, and the Senate took up the ape dal order. Mr. HOWARD addressed the Senate, in reply to the remarks of Mr. TRUM BULL yesterday. - ,Aver further debate Mr. SUMNER withdrew hie amendment, that Mr. Thomas was not entitled to take the teat oath or to a seat- • Mr. comanzo offered ono similar in effect. Means. HOWE end DAVIS spoke in favor of the admission. Mr. Cannes+ op poeed the admission.. Mr. CONKLING withdrew hie amend= merit and Mr. DRAKE waived hit con templated amendment. Mr. JOHNSON closed the babel. In favor of Mr. Thomas. The vote being taken an the resolotiori for admission it was rejected. - I eta—Meseta A.ntliony,Bayarci,linck= slew, Cole, Davis, Dixon, Doolittle, Feaseriden, Freinghuyeen, Grimes, Hendricks, Johnson, Norton, Patterson, iTenn.,) Rose Saulebru7,Tipton. Trum. ball, Van Winkle, Wiley and Williams Nays—Messrs. Cameron, Cattail, Chandler, Conklin:: Connees, Cragine Drake, Ferry, Fowler, Harlan, Render , son, Seward. Morgan. Morell (Mates,) Morrill, (Vermont,) Morton, Patterson, at. H.,) Pomeroy, Ramsey, Sherman, Sprague, Stewart Sumner, Thayer, A aril, Wilson and 'Vats-2S. Mr. Howe was paired with Mr. Ed munds. Mr. DRAKE then offered bin amend ment, whichwea substantially the same. , the original resolution. but with the ad dition at th r.ro teme end Of the words "that the President intern:: the Governor of Maryland, of the action of the' Senate In the promises." Adoptad—Z' to MOM% Cretan and Grimes not voting. Adjourned.. HOUSE 0? R,F.PREEMiTATIVES. Mr. LAWRENCE, Ohio, from ludi Clary Committee, reported a bill to 0.3- tablLsh a Law Deoartnient, which was ordered I. be printed and recommitted. Mr. WILSON, lowa, from mime Com mittee, reported back th, bill providing for the surrender of persona convicted of certain crimes, and asked it to be put upon passage. The bill as amended by the Committee provides that person who may have been duly arrested, tried, convicted and adjudged frailty of mur der, piracy, assassination arson, rob bery, or forgery, and when conviction has not been reverent, shall be allowed to enter or remain P r e siden t, Uted Suttee, and authorises the on protium. tion of ismisfacimy proo, that any Kith person who has entered or is about to enter the United SWAM, to return or I cause tr o y b e rol an. Id.: such convict tothe which oe f may have been so convict:Xl. Mr. JUDD asked Mr. Widen whether the bill would exclude a person metric ted of any such crimes and subsequent- I ly pardoned by_nts government! Mr. WILSON answered in the nese- live. Idr..TUDD asked whether it would aP' ply to a person *ha. after haring paid the full penalty inflicted, as Imprison ment for twenty years, and afterwards. came to this country? Mr. WILSON ',Mel it certainly could could not be so construed. I The bill passel without division. The House proceeded to dispose of the amendment% fifty-nine in number, re- ported fr.= Committee of the Whole on the Stale of the Union to the Legialatiee, I Sts Appropriation bill.' Mr. WASHBORNE, acting chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, withdrew the amendment pending on adjournment of the House yes terday. The drat question on which' the yeas and nays were called was an amendment adding twenty cen per eppropria, gone Tor the enooloYee of such 'lions. Mr. WASHBURNE opposed It. Id supporters contending It only car ries out an existing law which .makd the Wands permanent, the amendment was adopted--eighty-eight to ferty-fiva. The next question dicey by yeas and nays was on amendment in reference to the Court of Claims, providing that no Judgment of that Court exceeding five thousand dollars dual be paid out of the , appropriation. Agreed to—yeaa sedenty tw4tenays =lug. cuttu, d th e I clerical force at the Exeentigve do wn and forbidding oftlcers of the' army and navy' Deing employed there on civil duty, were, at the suggestion of Mr. Weehburtie, of Illinois, rejected. All the ameadments having been dis pond or, tha.bill passatL The handeweet into Committee of the Whole on the Stale pf . the IJnion. Mr. WASHBURNE, of WieliMik in the Chair, on the army appropriation tot. The bill appropriates in the agvemde Mazt,p93. The following are the pax cipsl epproprlattents: Fay of army, Oman Millions; rissunutation of officer. subsistence. $2,133,4= , Magas} end hos pital „DePattment, PAM. quarter-, „,p s tars Department, regular supplies,' Aye aglow.; .44narte t r Ciener . and inoiden* pepeneee, wo mil ll pen, Trartsportatio,n r arm:Ale million; Ordnance Cs's 110(1,MO• uartere fer officers end trocigatwo Sti; 'AMMO* and arumer at Idabel, VS* OW; Repainted 1124111.900. . After some debate ipa n'l.-tioad• a of order that the - proviso iantrleri to "tha item for pityof Hie anejahclilld not be atte4o ll to PrOt*T l OF the ducting/ af ui• army- Str. BLAINE conamted that the pro -11119/1/- WV* "a /4 tOA pcdigt ki , ,W:B - Li; .r k --- o--.__,, 7.,' ' .:•,,,-., 41 -1). 178 . .5 . , , .5.. -,:-:_:- -II - 7. ...v.- 4 .-j": -. -,---' , - - • ' - . 4 ...,:! OA- . . - .p.•;V" ,, a,.. , 2,,."'''''-;',. r•_-__ a , r e.4- - A y,,j-. • -'- , .l . ? rbir,4,'' - • - -- -/ - i• tl ~.' _ -lam _ :,........ - _,, --- -,- - Y41 , - 1 , 3„-- i-„, , ;--4-...-_,,,..?„... ,-.,4„. -. _ . . I .* • •!. I I . 164:Y1 . ' ... • " . .' , -1.. ' 77 :r*,:: , 1 ‘ Vp: . : 4X5 11 6 \ 4 '' ' C " 3 1 ...-- 3' ; , ft , / t . ...-- • Z 1 . # ,e)„.,,ts , ''' ' I ' -.1 f - ,--L, -----:- ~.- .-- - 7 r."- .. - _--- --- -- :..-_.•-- _,.--,-. -. I' '—', 7 ..,2',......., - ••••ire....--.,,,...,.._ ..—,—. --_,_ .---- 1 It 111 . I 1 • 1 I.' and then meverlthit It be deserted , at the end of the bill. The proviso as malifted 1.4 as follows: "Provided, the expeudi tare of money herein appropriated shall be limited and controlled by the follow ing condition until otherwise ordered by law: no now commission shall be issued In any regiment except to those who are by law - entitled to appointment asSecond Lieutenants by graduation at the United States Military Academy, but this pro- VXSIOn shall not be construed to deprive any officer of whatever promotion may be opened to hint by the occurrence of vacancies.' • Mr. PILE made the pointer order that thin ass independent legislation, and, therefore, not in order is an appropria- tion bill. The CLIME overruled the paint The proyleo gave rise to considerable discussion. Meeers. LOC/A.IZ, PILE and WASHITERNE, of Ind., opposing it on the pound of lot favoritiem to Wust Point Cadets, and Mr. SCHENCK op posed it., being no attempt to legialate generally loon appropriation bill, which he considered wrong. Mr. ELAINE asked Mr. Schenck • . - - - whether he was in favor of maintaining the army at its present strength. until mattere worn settled, which did not seem very likely to be nettled for a year or two. He believed there was a general disposition, as soon as the condition of the country would admit of it, to resort 'to some sy = stem or reduction of the army, but what he objected to woo a piece of reform, which be referred to, and which would render something else necessary hereafter, to be thrust into an appropria tion bill. The question should be lento the Appropriation Committee. On sr vote by tellers the amendment was agreed to—fifty-four to forty-three. Ilitring the further discussion Mr. PI ISE anked Mr. Blaine whether the pro viso which he had otfertel was favoredby General Grant, remarking ho did not ac cord with the General's views as sub mitted to the .Committee on Military Affairs. •• Mr. BLALNE replied ho had this morning submitted to General Grant the prey'o in the printed bill, but he object od.to specifying the number of regiments to which the army shall be reduced, and he (Mr.. Blaine) had then and there writ ten, according to General Grant's dicta. Bon, which the Committee had adopted. Mr. LOGAN took exception to an in sinuation by Mr. Blaine as to thejeal ousy of West Pnillt, and said ho had been educated to fight tricks whenever he met them. anti he saw a trick attempted to be passed off on the House, as had been dote to-day. He justifie s himself in his remarks without asking any gentleman td be his censor. He had no prejudice against West Point, hut protested that neither West Point, nor East Point, nor South Point, nor North Point, nor Main Paint, should introduce a trick in Le ' gielation. He wits as good a friend as Gen. Grant hail and he wanted the cour iers of West Point to quit insinuating against him that he wan attacking Gen: Grant. Mr. BLAINE said, in reference to the expression about tricks in legislation. that the proviro, which was .in the bill originally, had been „reported by the Committee on Appropriations. and a di rect, explicit, double leaded, plain printed proviso. The' gentleman from Illinois had gone off In a good deal of temper about something. Mr. LOGAN hoped Mr. Blaine would withdraw the word "temper." (Langh. ter.) Mr. BLA.LNE repeated the words good deal of temper and denial hat mg charged 11r. Logan with jet:Duey c Weed Point. He simply said, while to had no pleinditao against West Point, he had no jeatousy of it. The gentlemen could not, If he tried with ever so much temper, get him Ina quarrel here. (Mr. Logan kiseed hie hand to Mr. Blaine amid much laughter.) Mr. BUTLER, ns one of the metllb s en of Ilse Committee on Appropriations, said be did not wish to be made ream, Bible for the proviso, for it never had been communicated to him. He wished to w ash his heeds of It, and say the country had fallen on evil times when the army was to be cut up oreut down at the cameo or under. direction of any officers of the United Stites. The army bad been put in the hand, of the reprmentativs of the people, and the lost man who ought to intinenee those representatives as to the strength of the army was the Generale( the Army. Civil and military powers should oe kept .114- Una. lie trusted he might say so much without any imputation of bad taste or had faith toward any one. Such a pre cedent was one in which the future might prove fatal to the libertias of the country. The Label" of the Republic had bet s . careful to guard against It by allowing nobody. except the President of the United States, to give sivite or Instr..- . dons to Congress. My. BLAINE expressed the hope it w mid never be considered derogatory to the charneter of the first °Meer of the army to recommend a redaction of mili tary foram. Mr. BUTLER asked where in the Con• stitution any right of the General of the Army could be found to recommend auything to Congress' Mr. BL SINE .id be wrim not speak ing about the Constitution. If the Gen . ieral were recommending an Increase of the military force, there might be some, grounds f.,r jealousy and sanattivansaa, but when he recommended a reduction, he could see no cause for alarm.. -- Mr. PILE, in reference to Mr. Butler's. remarks about the bad taste in union Gen- Grant's name In the discrtaslon, said the violation of good taste had been on the part of the gentleman himself. Mr. BUTLER invited Mr. Pile to state exactly what Gen. Grant did recommend to the Committee on Military .Affairs Mr. PILE declined. . Finally the disc-mission avast and the Committee proceeded with other portions , of the bill. The item approprieting tten,ooo for an senal anti armory atltoek Island, gave todlscpaslon.._ It was agreed to. Mr. VAN WYCK moved to amend by addingthe following proviso: "Provided, no money appropriated by this act shall be used to pay for any new cannon or small arms." Adopted. Without disposing of the bill the Coat. mitten ruse. • The SPEAKER presented a comnun• (cation from the Secretary of the Treas. l i nry, relative to the transfer to the Into. or De - fartment of jcirmilletion over certain Indian matters now exercised by the Treasury Department. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affair, Also, a message from the President, with a report of the Attorney General mto pardons granted to persona convic- ' td of making or passing counterfeit money. Referred to the Judiciary Com mittee. Also, a inemage from the President, with correspondence and infonnation in ,relation to Russian America. Referred to the Committee no Foreign Affairs. Mr. BLAINE - Mked Mare to offer a resolution requesting the President to communicate all the cormapondeneo in reference to conferring on Ident. General Sherman the brevet rank of General, and the correspondence relation to the establishment of a stew military division. Mr. ISIBLACK objected, but eulfrse. qnently withdrew the objection, and the resolution was offered and adopted. Mr. LoqAzi Introduced an act re voking the authority of Cho Secretary of the Treasury to pay per contage for the sale of Government socuitim or honthi, and repealing all laws a r ethorizing the appointment of agents for the pureme of negotiating or smiling Government secu rities or bonds. Ile:erred to Committee of Wave and Mean.. • Mr. )3ROOMALL, from the Committee on Accounts, to whom had been referred certain charges against Mr. Ordway, Sergeant-at-Arms, presented a report 'signal by four or live, members-of the Committee, endingresolution that the Committee be dbreharged from tbe further consideration ef subjert. Ile .tared Mr. McCulloch ;dis the agreed to the report and might present a minority re . j P' A r . t sjoumed. 1 Mulatto and ctoeineatt R a ilroad— an et 01111071.. :B1 201/H7•14 1 b tae rltt•Calri CiactimaTl, Febrgary 19.--The annu al meeting of the Marietta I Cincinnati. Railroad Company 70." held at Chilli cothe to-day. * Col. John Madeira was . . . appointed Chairman. The annual re port.. for the year 067 were submitted and ordered to be published. The fol lowing gentlemen wore then elected to serve I. directors for the ...log year: Messrs.. Jn King, Jr, Thoma. Whiltridge. o John Hopkins, V. Oliver, C. Dann el and Allan A. Chapman. of Baltlmoie; J. N. Camden, of Parkers burg; Wm. Pleader, pf Comaltution, Ohio; D. A. Schulte, or Chillicothe, Ohio; 'Nathaniel Wright, It Pl. Bledsoe, li. C. Lard, BriggsSwilt, and Samuel B. Keys., of Cincinnati. Ap gupbsequent meeting of the Direc tors Mr. 'John. 74'.2 . , Jr.,. wee elected Prilident of the Ced.wpani. Mr. King Is well known as thmoe resent Vim Presi dent of the Baltire p and Ohio - Railroad CR l n =l 7 ,itiun was panned, by nearly • unanimous vote, sitappipg further scrip disidends on preference' .4 - CU. The whole number of shares represented at iLtd, meeting was one hundred. end eigh ty-three thousand four hundred and twenty-four, amormtlng to nine tell- Don one hundred and smelly-one thou slued two hundred end PLnrdoUari, SECOAD EDITION, THREE O'CLOCK A. M. PROM EUROPE. Arrest of a Prussian Subject. Elopement by an American Consul. Royal Family of Hanover Political Disturbance in Portugal. Conscription in 13 razil Farewell to U. 8. Minister Adams. American Fleet and France inclose .'Buy Bias.' Arrests lor Ite Performance By T Corm% to tte,Plttsbaroh tissotta.) I LoNtnr, Feb. 19.—Allen, the Fenian prisonef, who was dlntharged from cus- tody yesterday, alter being examined on the charge of causing the Clerkenwell •zploalon, was soon after rearrested and Imprisoned on enhance of murder. The House of Commons this evening passed the bill for the continued suspen sion of habeas corpus In Ireland. Leading members of the Liberal party propose to give a farewell dinner to the United States Minister, Charles Francis Adams. Sir George Sheri, Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench, died to-day. =ED BERLIN, February 19.—1 n the I'rus. sian Rouse of. Deputies, yesterday, the . Government wee asked to ea - plain why the United States Consul at Jerusalem was allowed to procure the arrest of one Markey,: A Jewish subject of Peuseisi. with wlictise ward,. a young girl, the American Consul : sought to elope, and why, after her guardian hod been thrown into prison to facilitate the attempt, the Prussian Consul at • Jerusalem refused his demand, as a subject of the King of Prussia, ter protection, The case creates much feeling among the Jeww, who regard it as involving rights and principles similar to ['last, violated in the Mortara affair In Rome, anti who represent that the outrage is au insult to Prussia. Macon Von Dor Goya, the . Glinsneo Mi.:net., replied that the German Co rt 4 at Jerusalem was a Federal not a Pm,. elan representative, and consequently the application for information must IA mule to the Chancellor of the North German Confederation. =I! VIF.NNA, Feb. IN.—Thu 221.1f1bvt, of the royal familyof Hanover. and a nu.. her of their adherents, now lo this ci: net at a priva• o baugnet this week', hick the King wee present. It k iertai that in C eipecch the K ing assur he company he would soon return ho • .nti resume his seat on the throne lanover, in spite of Prussia. ' I LoNun:4, February PL—Dispatrhoss.nd letter. from Unbolt represent that polls val agitation In Portugal aontinnes. The now government is very unpopular rind tumults are reported in varionA pars of the,eountry. - =l:3 • LONDOX, February 18.--Erratng.—T Parts Temps of to-day S/1111 twenty. sons were arrested ou the eictuul rUr6OlllOl of Victor Hugo's drams, "1 Blaa," at Odeon. =0 FinnENcr., February 1:1-Erryt A report IA current that the French Gov ernment bedotelled a frigate t,, watch the movements of the Unitech States ?umadrou under Admiral Farmmd, in the eastern end of the Tdeditarranean. I DCBLIN, Feb. 19—ticonln g. r f Dablin /rialgzaan, Len been con loved of publishing tn . ...0n:0,10 and a.- littoas libel". =3 Private mildews from lire t til +Lite a general conscription hna been ordured by the government to provide reinfore, meat% (or tho array on the Parana. risiAaciLL Ass) CONNEDICIAL. Feast KFORT, February 10.—U. S. bonds firm at l'lll. LIVEMPOOL, February 10—Ererna0. Cotton salsa and buoyant closed Can: middling upland. in port at Of, to arrive 1,1. Orleans 10; anion of "21,(00 bal e s. Amount of cotton lett at Bombay for this port In December wu 13,00,0 , 0 bounds, and since then to the 11th loot, was 45,0 D 0 bales. Braudstutis without change. Zee declined to 1140.. l'ork (lUD at 111. Sugar had au advance:tot:ls Spirits; or turpentine to 1414, other. unchanged. Airrwsnr, February 111. , —Fetrolcum cloned firm at an adyanee, standard erbitio 411( GOO. • LONDO N te Eveoo PAW., F , Februarruary y IP.—lten l9, — s 0100. eb Consols closed at 021. 'MP. 711. Illinois Central gab Erie 4lli. POLITICAL. Whiteman. Deseserette mute dew. ay Telegraph to tits Pinshergh Uuette. l MAntsort, Vie., Feb. critic State Convention met today and an Hon. Chas. Dunn fur Chief Justice,nd E. Holmes Ellis for AIM, elnte Justice. ; The following were elected delegates et largo for the National Democratic Convention: 11. 1.. Palmer, Nelson Dowey, Sat Clark, G. Houck, and two delegates from each district. Presiden tial Electors—George 11, Smith, 0. I, Park. N. D. Fratt, A. (I. Cooke, !theses strong, F. P. Smith, Samuel Ryan, and Theo. Rudolph. The delegates ware instructed to vole as a unit. [palates llepabiteme b eleuveotioa . Dentarraroms, February 19.—Tbo Re publican Mate Convention meets In thin city to-morrow. A lame number of del egates , are already bore. I Governor Baker will be nom - Mated by acclama tion for re-election. Eton. Com back has the inalde track for Lieut. Gov ernor. There will be a epirited contest for the other others. Ilow Jeresy Loglolataro. . . 1 CBI toleyspb to tt•littsburstillist..l Tux: roe. Feb 19.—Tbe 'resolutions withdrawing the ortsent of lime Jersey to the 14th eons itutionni amendment passed the Sonste;by cloven toseson. =Wes from Crete to January IlOth, represent the pinspecta of the lurks there as more gloomy than over. • They have been defeated In several engage ments of late, whit severe lumen. The Musselman population are becoming distrontealed, sad the troops have shoa•u mutinous distiositlon. Sawas ban utterly failed of getting even into the outer verge or his pecludic of Spha• kis, having tutee been driven back in disorderly tlight.l The island is now in a more successful state of revolution than even Anna and provisions con tinue to be sent Into Crete from all attar tore: women and (children continue to dee from the island to Greece. On the 2ith of January a Koalas oorvette landpd 1,400 women mdchlldren from Crete at the Norse= The number of Cretan non-combatants In Greece la sixty-three thousand. The Provisional Government ban appealed to the Christian' POWIMI to send ehiPs for Ws conveyance of Cretan families to Greeoe,'sno has &hi° protest ed against the erneltles lately perpetra ted by the Sultan's mercenaries. i ~~ _~~ ,1 FROM WASHINGTON. The Expatriation Question Another Bill Prepared l'reEit4ent and Baltimore Counei!a, A. J. Replies to Compliments Some "Constitutional" Talk Cr, T•terrsa b ton s . !MUM rirb WAsHINoTON, Feb..l9, cOL . xT Sf AnTIAt.srMISESC E. Thn naval court martial sentenced Captain Collins to suspension front rank and ditty for three vears, receiving the pay of a Captain on the retired list, amd to be publicly reprimanded, for the loan of the steamer BaMaMento. Lieuten ant vonimandor Bade, navigating nitl eel; of the SarraMent!>, Is:rived a simila mmtence of one instead of three yearr. Ban have bubo approved by the S.NrO tsar of the Nary and honed In a general order. • EZrArIitATION QUESTION ANOTtIEII TllO nOll9O Committee on Foreign Af t iirs to-tley agreed upon the following 1,111,as it submit tite fur the one heretic: fore reported he them. General Bank., Chairman o f the Committee, will report it at the earliest opportunity: WnEKEA., The right of expatriation is a natural and inherent right of all people, Itollspen , able to the enjoyinent of the right of life, liberty. and the pur suit of happiness, for the protection 0 which the government -of the United Shiite. soon established: AM. Wu gitnAs. In the rear Ignition o this principle this tievernment has free. ly received emigrants from nil nations and invested them with the rights of cif iLenship; Atili %Vaunt:as, It is claimed that al such American eltinue. with e reiendants are subject. of foreignPhils owing allegiance to the government. thereof; Ave it NI:II6AS, it is Iteeeieutry to li, niaintenenee of the pu hi it: priu•it that thi. claim of foreign glance should b promptly and foully dienvowisir there lore Zre it enacceit . ste.„ that city doelaration, instrueslomUipution, order, or deoision I any timer, tf this govertim.it, denies, reetriets, iniltatra, or 11‘..otIpO , the right of expatriation, is hereby di— eland mennsistent with the fuodamoutal prineipirs of the government, and there fore and void. nti,. Y. Tlat.t all paturalir.ed eitiaena of the United States in foreign Staten entitlesl aud {Mal thin tio, ,rrunent the same proteetion of person. and property error-dell to unto, limo eitirens in like Ait.tion. S Lg. 1. That whenever it Khali be duly made known to the Pr.itlent that on y rulers of Ihr United Shatra has been ar reatitd and in detained by any Ilireign government in rontraventtori. •,f t th he e ial ti• tent and purpose of this art, upon legution that natUrallLation in the slates does not operate tn. dissolve hi. •dleulatire to los WO ivt, itovorolgo, nr if any citizen ...hail have he ,, n orMatetl am! detained, whose release upon demand 'shall have •• l•enn unreasonably drifter,' or refusnd. the President shall hts awl hereby is empow ered to order, arrest and detain cti•t , - nly any enilart nr elutes , •1 . mph hotel the who may Is. f•••tithl within the jurisa int ion of thn United States, and the President shall without delay give Oirorznatloo 1,, CI .670.0 of .3 ny n 11•11 s eetiding Under this net. I= The following . II the reepon.. of Preni ,i , •nt John.. to Committee from Ha:Union.. who preemind Mtn roe re batten , of or the municipal Council of the! eito, enstion.ing. imune and e aimiestly Inciting him to Ntsit that city am profoundly thankful for th, vat roArtlon of approval by the Council of the • city of liainruere of my ofliolat eolith] , an Chief I:aeon:leo i•f thin nation. Thin manifenantion of ,In lidenco from the cttireu. of linltimure at thin time I. eon curlyacceptable and gratifying. Our country in now in the midst of grave Perlis, and our free innti tattoo.urn more endangered than when during the rebellion tote arcuien were struggling for the itetaibitc in the livid. In thin critical eatislitsenuf affair. it behoove , every s-itireti. who feel., ail tr leered in the prelervatten of emoditittional Ishert.., to anmeider thAt • nisr'n ,n governMent- or law, d 'repitre of our legislatures. thnt when a great nicasore Is pr0r0.4.41 the 11141 inoniry almlk, di-,..1t conform to ttie Cos-m.llton., abh they hage sailetnnly /tweets to .rapport. It would lot the greab.nt of vieterlen i! , the publir mind, carnet, bock within the I pale of Ma I:onstltutlon, would that, all legintateut some.,! bemtri,tly .eel by the organs.. Ti,, idea 0;j lt:0 , itll,loll IPo longer existn, Mat aiti/01.11 laN, 1111,i iit made 0 risihmia rat Ito pre•lsiiinn, taunt ottimately lead to deepotintn and tyrnst ny. If the tldiCiAi and Ecineutive iiranebes are to be broken down. and the government revelvt , l into mid plainnel under the control or the begislative de partment; If the right, and Interontn and deetinten of lids great emint.y are to to tran•ferred to the tumuli. of a few, whomo. t., tuenntire of floor paper, mite republsean in•ti t °lion* will neon yield to the wont niceilitsw deep. Pau ever witneneed by the world. The *trot:. glo In which I (lave totem et - intr.:led to • Ito nit Marrs lair toy own aggran dize:tient. :sly no', aim has boen to bring. hark the neivertunimt io the ,lain principle , of the Con4titution. If I imuld iiiennitplinli that t htet, the meaner , of my rim! item would indeed Ina tled to orllowitin. That great end ehle il ced,lt wo ve uld be the hlghent pleigaure a( ht, ith•, making my fever core to the pteiple, end giving toy thank heaYen, to yield toy antitratiesse to others, repeat that theeucouragenient given me On thin or...union in very iseceptisble ntoutrent heart, When xisrrontidel by 011 tan Ithd 111 , 11MCIA lip neein era ntPnanro and !support. 'rt. , kind ex - reenlonn n(approval of the Cite II of galls more, nitieerely appreciatd, ill bit ronietnhered pith gratitude en mg an lir. +hail Lint.- AND o.ool' Commodore Charles 11. Ctsir will he A le:ached from eonininlid of the naval 01111 nn et Minitel City, on the (lent of May; Commodore II en ry Wilke Inis burn mitered to notionand that tired; brevet Lieut. Col. 11. C. Morgan, Captain V:th Infantry, placed oil the retired list of fix army; Ilruvet Brig. (ion. G. b. shepherd, Colonel or lantry. dered regiment lsl In ll the Third Military f Distrini, to take commnml of the huh District of Alstiatna. Brevet Motor 11. T. Clarke, Lietitenan Colnitel and Aiiedstatit Commissioner ci Subsistewee, Is ”111101111i , i cbior ac„ itlirutary forth. Mili , ary iliVl4lot) of AllN 11001:1, relieving Brevet lirignilier (letter mJ. (1.111 , m1 lininoe wilt 1. 0 Jut on duty at Imarigittirtrirainntil Co: thor orders.. Brevet Brigadier 3. D Itugghw la announeed as AdJutent Gen era' of the Department of the East. = • Mr. Nome. Chalrina!) of 010 Repub lican Stale Conintliteo of 61nbIinm, and motufler elect of tho Haase, arrived here o and WON n the floor to-day. lle says many rogintored voters YrOft. Intimidated from going to the pollx, and the mind, AIOSI of Alabama. in Ithperatlvely di mantled no nreeseary for the protection people and the preeervation of maw* interei.t. which we, to have conintenced on th 2lth Instant, 111111 been postponed v. th next term, at the bequest of the proseett lion, and is likely to go over till Ma , . on COll.Ol fir defense will be unabi to try it In Mare!. or April. „ ¶llO JAW DErAItTXICNT.• Tho bill for the - OrganiraCion ore Law Depertruent reducer the cpenses of the Attorney General's ofllee i and branches dollen+, nod Montan.. tho faces of Solicitor of, Internal Revenue, indite Advocate General, Aseintant do, one 2nd and two let elms 'Vreeaurer's, clerks, MF:IIOEANT-AT,AII)I4 ACCOII:4T. • • • The Committee nu !Accounts of the House, Who Woo ordered to examine tho recounts of Sergeant-at-Arms Onitv.Y. endorso his honesty nod faithfulness to duty. COMPLUIENTALLY TO A. J. • • . - A delegation of the City Connell of Bantu - tore to-dny prenented to the Pr !dent resolution, of that body eotopli rneutary to him. eyrie coit'ir.sren mmerrotr., It la understood Mai a inttitY of PG tee fioune Election Commit ye agreed to report In fsvcr of Storgan's right to neat from the Eighteenth Ohio District. • ADM VISION OF COLORADO Senator Yet ■ Intends noon to call up the bill for the admlealon of Colorado, and press a vote. IE3 SOUTHERN STATES UT Teter...ooi , the Pittabuill dasolt..l CE=1:1:0 RICIIMOND, Frit. 19..-The Supreme Court to-day decided the stay. law en constitutionel and void ee regards deeds or trust, which was the only question In the coon. The Convention today eetnmenced the conaideration of the Franchise commit tee's ruport, the Jinn Hoc-lion, declaring that every'lnale citizen aged twenty-one yearn, etc., shall Vote, being under din. eussion. • =CI ATLANTA, Feb. 19 —ln tbe Conven tion a resolution instructing the next Legislature to enact each laws as will compel all . eOttlflloll- carriers ho provide twi,ornmodalions for all 'persons without discrimination, was tabled—yeas sixty lire nays sixty. A resolution to pro hibit the Legislature froin enacting such law was badly detested. The Commanding tieueral was reques ted by a resolution to protect the people from oppression of bail processes until they have extwessed their will In regard to t he constitution. ..ftu affair of honor borWL..in Dr. We.t rnorelaml and Mr. rowero,f cut short yoofertlay,byl o arrosi of the former. NORTH OaROLIN . Itat.r.mn, February 19.- , -T •0 Canyon- gon yesterday and to-day dept.] the . of Rights. It emixostielt some now features. The majority report of tho Commit/no on ,witfrage, with two tuinorltv append ages, has been the subject of aiscuksion yesterday and to-day. The tnajorlty ra lort Is \iberal, extending suffrage to .011 males f twenty-one yearn of ago Mal upwards. Thu minority reports Insist upon disfmnehising whites to some ex tent- Several applications for dirorro worn considered, itgainst the remonstrances of the President and others, but not deter mined. A strong movement is being Inaugu rated to reconsider the ' , MIMI of the bill of rights deel.ing tho, validity of the I.publie debt. =CLII TA.I.L.fIiAS.SF., Feb. 19.—The Conceit,: lion In-day, be a vote of twenty-five l rr fifteen, teetered Mess!, 11:11inge, Senn den, refire° anti hichardson in: eligible and their *eats vacant_ :Ir. Wow., bypermission, defended his claim to eligibility in a violent speech. The excitement ran very high, and litilingq declared his el,Il - Ca control the negro vote. The lobby waslcrowded with white and colored i ta4 , l whu•inaniftetteif es little interest ' au llfor the overthrow of tlifiMiegatet. The till norlty repast, defending the eligibility ~r tine Illelol , ol , In 111.-4111 On, wu present ed but sot adopted. The Ceirtontion adjourned idler the third reading of the • quoetion •uf eligi bility. After ltillrntnant. iccolort‘l delogat • ons attacked by ouothie negrosupporte f the Billings party,:lend struck Inc no tint: against the expelled Inenllm.f. int of the 11.-. suiting Party we. Knot throng! the Ido by ti delecom, who, the ilinico:t, we. stopped and the parties arreetod by the pntlm.• . Gon. itl'esule and ,c..fr left for Atiant , this morning, end It know probable du , work for which the Convention was .0..11.41 nest( 14, voork,jo,t,l. I nittni.iarri.. la,_tArtnr adopting t 6.• nI•N n 1,116.11 nrdinan,a, and . . ordortng that taco .14•Ittgate4 hr appoint preaPat [hi. aunt , I to Gentral thf•Conventoth .4.u:llrd to allow t tl.l of the hall to th!,.. Democrat, S Convent.... t. lattar toldy it t ,ts.tly sitonth Itiottt of tvuntirta twing rritrtsentt MEMiI Nl:tv reh. t,..—th the c 4.11- I , titi.n to-.lay Unit trilen the l'ortventiou wljourna It upt nd 1.,n t d,n, C wnh jwt. to the 4,11,f CC,, Prt,iJtent, laid "it,. The tinun- ,110,1,1 .1 hoa, r tl a proaaft.k t., Ilea Con.titu.. , Couv•altion nil jaurrie.l 12==== Ira rq't•rillEry 19. —The .11t hu• (Or La. at_ptekt eighty n r..- .- ontiny , th , , !Pt le ~t lStitiliiilt• it II It .11.ty Oab tilt. work andl scipm rn VARIOUS T.II LE 3RAINIS -I . ..ttlier HA, .t l'Ath..lle prins% n.t% van 11.. 4,itrt of St. • t.. •.s 0,0 ground thrt he 3 I re..4ll•'f, 16 the I e .‘,0••••) - s:! and as the to require hh 5t.:•c0 . ..1an. , is :lily .•‘!‘....ity.sieept as • rof .t ..r ~ t at. law. Itwas Is•tivt-ss.ll , s et.un.alln IleitP , .? ' 4 .u/a t*.ti , Y • tai.:ll4 011 —Johi; SulltAtto:errestetl in Louirtvill• n ot e t!lntrit .a Wltil robbing II to sotaliern I;A pr:.,., Irretelett, Tenn.. 11.0 hew: o olsoetest and sent., etsl A; the, teelltaultary for It. pars. --Th. forni Legishature hie pass ist unanimously a rinolpAlon wtletta; the Prowiest :wet Conttre.4 t. honoraloy net ;tot. , :Intl annex littlish Colombo% in the United Stet.-e. ' I:enicll orttanirst it'll on the P., roa-t, it to reportesh Is bring 0.e...hi L.n3 ith clot prob Able; ;Wen non of to-thing a' .11.1 on the Ilrittsh l'oesneelons. • :; —Jan.; Vree'nen h. been ennmie I in the Unit. 1 Hunee - Diet,.let Court New 1 . 111.. - a hlving exh.rted tnuur•. iltle in him onicill Luyx•t , ftvvvtitio. : • —Netvi ham lent ret'aivetl tit Havana that the 01 Now tirenitla, ttibled at lt , gatti ' hat ditchirad Sautes 11titiorri, Prio.idont 01010 Itettaidlei —ln Niagara river. Tueadav, three tarn—l .I,Na and . 11001“. Tlioturson and William Alciantlar—were drowned hr the ettiodzlnti t via 1,0:11. —C. It. Johnitte.tn, fooliatant lionerai Soperlnitindont td the Merchant% Union It priota, that - taidtlittily on Tuesday night at Clifton Siiring , i, N. I'. -,Geortgo It. Ilagitobt toltatvo factoryat Hannibal, Mi3oollli, NVYL , melted /1 few day, ago for ' violation of the rovanue —r;overnor Billiocir, or .51,ouientloetts. TtPli the bill talwaling tho istaun 'aupttabuiltry law.• • —Tho Splrttnallata or Weatorn Ne•w 'cork aro holding It Couvoutiott at LW- Al balis.333.—A Mein ratio. I rev ~114. dollar 11'1 fail to kap any idly...jut pain within five minutes: Ido it free of charge; and not constantly, relieving thousands W ho intim been given tit. as 11 utelelm, , 'Mon why pay - donor alter dollar to , M'VtOrPt wllO charge yrnt roundly,7nd rayon suffer pain. I tuns not Whitt ails you ( 14111. k, if you have pain, .401. at NtY. 170 Chatham square, New York, or 0= Arch street, Philadel phia, and .110 1,1111,31 without 133111 or 4,1,..11., If you cannot 1.01110 you can buy Wolcott',;' Paint (st now reiticdvi no druggist..., at, rents., It Will do tho work astonishingly quick. -Yon 3 word :Mout entnettling that la very an noying, very dieguniing, yet very. com mon, and nut ono doctor in twenty knows any 3.11014 It. It IN a 11i110330 called Catarrh; one third of the people aro vio• thus; it eutumenees in the head and whim at the lungs lu oumnimptlon• the' amp toms aro hawking and spitdeg, phlegm 1 dropping into the throat, head heavy and dull, eyesweak, throat more, nostrils run ning thin mucus or intlamod, voice often changed, lona ofamell, dearneas °yi:ll4ex ht the head, and u constant succession of 13/111`, in the head, me plain ludicaLlona. Some Intro all of thew symptoms; others only very few of them; yet they have Catarrh badly. I Just, use adollar bottle of Wolcott's, Instant Pain Annihilator for thin complaint: but be careful ,and buy none unless id puro white ontside wrappers; small, 2.1 cents: full pints, $l. I.:.Wot.corr, Proprietor, No. 170 Chatham square, N. Y. We advlsentir readers to rut this out and avail themselves of the above oiler when suffering Vf O have recilved from Itleasra. Barr, Ruske &Boulder, of St. Clair stmt. tor oral now and pleasing pieces of music, "Copriko by Moninger; "Wanderreer Night Song," by Otto Behr; " Thero in joy to heart when the lov ed ono is nign,“ by Mrs. S. L, end O pretty IsOlsd Tor the guitar by Menlo gor culled " Gilt of night end dew," all of which can Lnl had. at the' store of the abovo musical gentleman. - We base retained from W. A. (Illtlon -15400Y. No 45 Fifth slreot, The Lady's wltlehon usual, le what it Mb ' (note. to i.o, a callculian of thing" inter esting in fashion and literature: Also, the March nutubsr of Pktrtani. 3fogartne, lac h Is ntlll an Improvement au the fa r -goer numbers.' Taert -are at leant three articles *nab" reading In thin number, a thing which can rarely be said of ping . ulnas now a days. CITY AND SUBURBAN, ; . --•--- 1 Ilse Cradle • Counts' Pretem it.- eneeed to lb' Union Beanelimn '.... tae voter.. tines—ls la Referred to sae Vetere. A • Meeting o the Union Republican Executive Committee was held yester day afternoon Id the office of C. C . Tay lor, Esq., onOrant street. In the alawnce of .1. H. Miller, Esq., Cl. T. 'M. Bayne was chosen Yrkident. l ifter the minutes were read, Geheral Pwirsain, Chairman of tho Sub-CoMmitteo aimminted at the toot meeting iti , referentSa to the proprie ty of adopting the Crawford county system, reportisl that he had correspond ed with tearful , gentlernen on the sub- , Ject, and prow tal to the Committee the' followitig lettl. • I NI Ativit.t.i, Feb', I'2, 180. . DISH Slit : !Please receive, herewith. a copy of the ;tiles for making notillns, Oman In this! eounty.r Eteporience has shown themnot to to free tram abuse, but the workings of this sytatem, under them, hoe heel u deckled improvement over the prep ding anie--of .. having dela,- gat - iis - to make nemintitions. Tho abuse has been Mon I In the allowance of per none to vote si ho were i not lit sympathy with the party. Whorl this can be guanled agalMat, this sytitem is preferable to all others. A later amendment ex cludes from voting at/ who do not protri- Pie to support the ticket at the ensuing eloction and allOws weak - ma:arriving adage between the primary and fall elections to vote at the former. I Very respectfully, Divin Diadems. Gen. A. L. 14 i nfaori. I ' iteriomi Pidirniiii then presented the following report of the system as it is now work - 111OCrawford County: First. The.eandidatos far-the several offices shall hive their'nanies announce.l In ono or more of ill& county rinners at least throe weleks preVlous to the pri teary tin etnign, stating the office. and subject to tho'f ac tion r of lthe party at the mitt primary meeting. screed. TAO voter, rclpontling to no rubtlewg prinliplo, iti each ,own, word o r borough altall meet on dm Seth day of August, at-lir usual place of holding the Spring ela Akins, at 2 o'clock p. m., and priossol to elect Ono parson for Judge and two persons fur Clerks, who alien harm a board of Election to receive voles :mil determine who are pmper per sons to vote anal shall hold the polls open until al ji. tn. After the pulls are opened. the •andldrates announced an aforesaid shall be ballotted 'fur, the names of etella pers.!oi voting shall Is' written On a list at the time of voting, 110 pernon being iallowed,to vote more than ones+ for eaeh office. I Third, Atte} the polls are closed the board shall proerrsi to asmnt the votes that Imola candidate bl s reonived, find make out the returnS ,ftecordingly, lobe eertified to by the Judge and attested by the clerks. 1 . Fourth. Tat. Judge ' . .4.4r °neer the rierks 1r arpolniol h} the Judge; of the respeet lie election lintrict,l 'dlll meet at- the Court House in Meadville on TtiOndsy following th primary inee'tings. et 0110 ii'eloek. r. NI , oaring the returns and u list of the enters, and count the votes, and the persOi having the highest-num ber of votes for any tallies shall ho de. dared the regular norifillee of the Repub. i Ile: tarty. I IVth. Any tl/1, orniore persons hav ing an equa number of vices for the seine office, he lodges shall i4rassssi b ballot for a el oleo, the persOn having tht i highest number tall., the nominee. iSia - Li. 'lle. :floral Judges shall be cona potent It, re eel, byia untiority ; the re turns from ta. iv election aistri,. when there IN evidence of frand e either hlb i ,4 returns, or (ails,. i , e, to Me erten( of 11, frauds tar.,'lrd. .e.-cceth. Ti e liadurn Judgo,s shall hoc, power to apf Ant Center,..,4=Senstoria and congres• on al-as may ho borealis royal red, wia/ 4 shall loe recoantnentled t autitiort the person who ma 0 revolve 111 ;largest adatail+r of votes cast fsr that of ' ti..e lia ti,.. contoy. , , l R.444eirrat, that the nf0re5...4.1 Iletiar ; Judges an a 4., at arty tittle . hang.. tai ' ' im do anti 11:14111, of selecting camtidall 3-..tiwy may I o indras, ted by the p.-•p! I , at"their mine ry nosltnig, due notice bi inn given the a by the County 'entaiiil Re.v - Ilved,Thar the chairman of th County Cenithattee lie , requir4 , l to issno cell in plarstiance .if Sias action of th Committee. I i , The following resolutions wore the adorns' by the Ceinfoittee4 L'esoicni, 1. That the. matter of mak , in,- nominations lidreafter qv the, IL' publican par, he referred to the pri merry Iliee:1111.,4 on tile .0111 oq February I.id primatryine-ctin le gs to inStruet the delegates hi [what ;meatier 'the fulfil -, notninations fdifill be nuide-whether It popular vote or by electiog delegato4. ,:. That taffy Cominittch rein onmend t• the IteroddicSn N Mors 4.1 each distric that they Instruct their gleteg,lt, 10 t!I 'arch Cone sitieri! R. to whether th atonal flat lons shell hereafter la, Made b popular vote or by the &leg:co nysten On motion this! Committee reeve, need the re-4001.11.m of the ilistrioi nsii fll ill IllAkil: 11 , qui nation', for mention I the Stowe ppnd 110.1°C- of Represent: irk. 1 Thetheetin then auljournoi to tract gain qtlllol,ll of 111,4 1.1,44kb - ed. . . 1 1 its alllatitat —Foal Play Plasprieta•. Mysincrional ilialpp,arancea are oven, 1.1 ng so frequ ally lof lair, as to deriumd ome rneasur on the part of the author. iev to Imes igato the matter, and in,. as Lamle even reasim to believe, .•fonil Lai" has he. n resorted to In any of the 'rent eases reported, to bring. the offen ors to punkhment. Several weeks have elapse...lnm, the disappearance of Mr. Freyvog e, yeti not the slightest elm. to Ili. W110,0110{161 has been obtained. A wrote or trio later a Mr. Merritt len hie borne in tills oily, sink. when troth. ing line been Ibrard of him, and Satur day evening in..rtt !citiznn iif the Second ward, Allegheny,: lilt his bonne in per. ‘ t r feet health, r is king to be ohvent but n few hours, li t hat4tot vet roturnesl, trio can his fannii leare aught of his where . alionts. Thellast ease referred to to that of Mr. Ilvoll.rt _Kincaid, a blacksmith Itlrmerly ex whips' at Mr. Mentor'. blarksmith shop, nt the o..rtior of lions, street and liniy, Alley, AlleAtirtiy. Short Iv after supper Svturday evening Mr Kincaid loft its home, telling .lnes will he would ref trnbetweent ten and eleven o'elork. Ile had : when he left horn i between el My 1 and oho • 11Ulldirt dollars in his Possession. The aril; information in i regard to hint rain leaving hone In derived from a Mr Vook, who antler. that he ink itinentid ..1 1 Federal /ere. t, Allegheny, and pr.:cede. with him 1. Penn street, l'ittsbornin where they avrted, Kincaid saying In was going ty Tenneeranervillo, to lair 1 . 1111.1. e o blarthuilith shop, and that he Ina eighty dollar's In his lavek et to par for it Then...eau ./.0 nil cause assigned for hi Ilisappearanor, other than °foul play, as his domes* relations are said to hay 1,,111 of the Most blea.ant character, an he sirs a atrikly temperate man. rnillgent senreh ham been made by It; family and hits friends, but nothing In tact, beard p him &bee baler ha what a I have stated. The matter b. worthy Min ...stiing ion. i 1212=1E1 113 wailed Kwladle On Tnesda tmfening Richard Bay, a eolored mat, formerly of Wlneheifer, Va., who ha. for ionic months pant been reablltig at narnillohl, lir thin county, ea n t e to Uni i . n•l?epot and impaired for the Suivernnrntlent of the Penney Ivan la - Ihtliroad, slitting that lie wished to make an arrangen not iwith taint for bringing in iVlnehecter to the city. led by a well tirweted man, at he wan Superintendent of Inquired of tho negro how y. ho bal. After learning it lane donate, tie told WWI old grve him the ally dot near foe tiny morn, 110 int transportation for ity from Winchester. The to do it, bat cot having hi. him, made arrangementa.to Alto depot et seven o'cluck timing. After leaving tic • eatne meatut mot Wilco ;mapentlng the negro we 'zed, agrast to go"with hut tug at the appointed time • MOMS woo delayed and lit depot until nine o'clock rod in company with hit o aeltwonatittlied Superin red, or leaq W. not toll. the pn;ltilseit. Such pro 'not unusual, and strange trentely entitle. to whot ?lot', for railroad tickets. 1114 family fr Ito WWI arms who statedd the road, an inuth term that he had I, that if he to tarn and I 4 would give h self and fat negro ugreel money Ith meet hint a t , the next n del A I, b Hague who I •Ing vlctt ' n the nu rq but by slam • not get to th whoa he arr negro, but t ndent had found !thou crttllngs hould Ix, eX they nay uto Mercantile Library Lerture.—This. evening our citizens trill have the op portunity, fttr the only Vane this at,eaon, of bearing tl i oetinnent American 'whole r and writer, Edward 1.. Youmans, deliver his c r Aelirated um) brilliantly Il lustrated leeture on the ..C.hoinistry. of the Sunlatietni. , ' Ile deliver.' thin lec ture In Phil, dolphin a abort time since to rt% ergo,' net rhounea. We expect to nee the At-114,1,1 y of Music crowded to night to greet this distinguished lecturer. TUE f.?EISI/iN BROTHERHOOD. eating at Boilers' 11•11-..Tentem Gib bons, Tire President of the Fenian Brotherhood. and Eel. P. V. Matte Addreetest the Meeting. Pursuant to a published calla large and enthusiastic meeting or the Fenton. Brotherhood woo held at Boilers Hall yrNterday evening. The meetingc-svas called-to order by Mr. P. Graham, on who,o motion the following ollicers were Prraident—LDr. E. Dannelly, Vfce Presidents—Mayor Blackmore, Ex-Mayor Lowrey, Copt, Miller .and Alexander Allender. &cretcrice—M. I , d'Aleer and the repor ters of the Press. Dr. Donnelly, amen daking the chair. 'stated the object of the meeting to be for the purpose of hearing addressee front ewe of the most prominent men in the order, whose object was to raise men and money for the natuk: flu then intro duced James Gibbon, Vice President of the Fenian Brotherhood. Mr. Gibbon W• 11.4 pleased to meet so many of his countrymen. Ile always felt ,us though he woo coming home when he Came to Pittsburgh. lle had been traVelling in the interest of the Brotherhood for two years past, during whleh tittle ho had visaed all the pri noi• pal ell:Mein the United States, ands grout many of the smaller, one., and ho wee pleased to soy that he found a general en thusiasm in the cause throughout the land, and the Irish notional camp tires were burning brightly all over the na tion. The perseverance of truo Iriehmeo "le said hod worked a change in the yen , linen of affairs during the last :as, veers. Thu British Government, which but a short titan 'since wee tweed, mg of her tfrowess now found herself to I dem ina from witich she would tiud it to ea lassie herself: Thohnitter we.. puzzling dm wise heads of the mfr ton. Irishmen iuAmorira were imbued with - the spirit of American liberty, and throughout the land were preparing for the coming . coldest. It : NY. the Irish no tion'in A tiler lea stilted with the Ifi(h na tion at home that England hail to fear. It now coda England ono million per day bl watch the Fenieneland it did not Cool the lenians anything to keep theta watching; so it was; only iCipiestion of limo, and the side that could hold coddle longest would win In the end. England hod hut one religion, ho sold, and that oa the Golden Calf'. She would 'rob the world, os she had done Ireland, to fill hers coffers with geld, and the heavy drain upon iper treasury was u Severe WOW. Sho VSan row (smoldering plans upon which the I ritliti itllculties nifty bOset tied, but Irish men would Ire satistie.il with nothing less than an Irish Republie, founded on the principles of the American government.' Ireland hat never tot bowed before roy alty, and sever will! Toe time he sun* Wino 111,rue/thing when a tlectsive blow Would be. otruckomel Oil true Irishmen should he ready fir the contest. lie Urged them to organize in civil circlet. and for* military companies. The spirit of American liberty was efniLsted inlayer t f the Irish nation. anth Brig lar'd knows that the' tirst crack of as American rifle in the emir of Ireland would tar the "crack of doom" to the British empire, and announce, the birtk of an Irish Republic . . After somwfurth er remarks, in which he urged the no vesoity of a unity of action and organ ij the speaker closed. Dr. Donnelly, In W few complimentary remarks, then. intiodured Col.. P. Walsh, a distinguished member or the Fenian Brotherhood, who entertained the meet hag Mr over, an hour with a very Ole and elequent address, which was ighly applauded by his hearers, MX Were forcibly argumentative, nd colcaliited to inspire a spirit of potri then iii the breast iof every Irishman ho retained u single 'spark of that vio- lent. We regret that, a want of spare revents us from publishing oven it my- Opel, of alert,. At the conclusion of Col. Wslob's re rho Dr. Donnelly proposed three ery for the• distinguished speakers hail on ably addressed the meeting I for the smite or, Ireland, which were to tit true Irish style. 'oh ‘\'a.,ll, 9.lter thank int; the (Ilea - L.I , J the cheer., etthl that cheer" were vet their place; Unit the rause WllO ire 41. f s anything more substantial. Ile :tied recruits for l it.. ••Artny of tie sh Republic," and linnet eV• ry slat o had raised his colic in the cheer: ft lialjust beau given. Who was not al ,4y enrolled, would remain add enrol itself in the noble army. flit armee re-ionfled to by tiny:four men. • 'he meeting then adjourned. Coal MaMae, • For several months past it has been id-- to coal tit-viers on the A:BeglienY Valley road that they were supplying a large number -of 'customers with coal with whom they had no account, and for which they received ' no pay. A short time Pin, a car low! mass le l ta snding C.II the track on Ptke street Over night and when taken to Allegheny the I next I:iv...nil sneaiu red, It fell olurii over lateen bushels. This was a heavier tag than Ithe dealers felt like paying at the ,count short profits !Vey have.on the ar ticle) and they resolved toiled not who the depredators were and bring them to tr as ,,d, s y evening Armstrong .l Diekson, coal dealers, run n number of loaded with coal into the city and, as usual, allowed ii.mn to remain ou the soling en Pike over night, but , took the precaution to lease a number of men to watch end it p,ssible • ascertain whore Om coal went to. They took their' station early in the evening . , anal it els pearS had not - long to waif, as shortly after dark they observed several perit,nis helping ti.,smitelvet to the article. The mystery sato where the teal had gone now being solved, It only remained to taring that parties , to au 'vaunt for the !teenier they had been taking with their neighbors' property, and yesterday morning. Mr. Joseph Dickson, of the tints dArtnstrung S.' Dickson, madetn, formation before Alderninti Taylor, against James Long; Boyd Bask against Peter S:111.1A; :lames Bell egainsfThoinas P. Wright end Mary :Mahoney: . Charles jlains against Patrick Connell, marl Jo seph. Timmins agnistst Jelin Hastings, charging them with stealing coal. War m:Ws-were issued anal the parties ar rested and held tor a hearing. Tisane depredations we learn have been under war for the I.( nix tom the, and the !inn Of -Armstrong A, Dickson say that they have host over live hundred 111.11e111 of atal within that time. • There are said tot several other parties In that neighborhood who procure their coal its this manner, anal tee learn that It is th intention of the 'dealers tat taring all to Justice hereafter caught sit it. Rar♦ t/pportFlally. Elsowhoro . WO ins bash the announce ment, offering fir sale the well known nod extensive eatablishment ot".Mr. Ar thur Karl:, Nos. 172 and 174 Federal street, Allegheny. This house monopolizes a very la.rge entre of tradd in groceries, glassware, quasenlware. chandeliers, oil tlaturrts, and is Justly regarded as one of the hest business stands in the Stole. Mr. Kirk, the propriater, is anx• lons to concentrate his entire attention to the powder trade, into .shlch he has .el loinsivelv umbaresl, and hence his offer to sell his popular re.tablishment. T capitalists this Is a rare ehance fur enter ing into a prosperous ant paying bu,l ness. = There will ba , held an Oyster Supper thin and to-morrow evenings, for the Inmelit of the "Church Home," at the Sivalay School room of Trinity churcli. ldicheon will be, served earls day.. 'The arraugemesta have been mode on a libcnd ncale, and we trust our readers will avail themselven of the opportunity to contrlbuto to a worthy object, and at the same time have full enjoyment for their money. : =MO= I=2 Mr. Lainrty, ! a gentleman connected with the Melt ILotise, qn Liberty street. LWOW to Dr.,A.horu, of 134 Stulthtield treet, seem! days aim, with a painful (11..ense of the Ott, with loss of the sight. Within thu short space of aim week the Doctor has cured the ..11sea.m and reetor oil his sight. 'All persons with chronic diseases of the ey, should apply to the Doctor with confidence. healers buy to sell t ogn klll Iltid at loser - II llorne h Colo VlMlnsole and retail trimming and notion house, Nos, 77 awl 79 Markin start, a freahrind -superior atork.' of trimmings, notions, hosiery end millinery goods at •prices much kiss thou: those Prerldling in the eastern cities. There Is no charge for ahowtng goisla and our friends are In. rited to call In and satisfy themseles of the truth of the advertisement. • (kilt} —The trial of S.lmuel Hull, In itiated for thu murder of ChA.ll. Parker; woo onaindod Tuewluy, at fireenstnntt, Titajory rendered a vardiat Of murder in thu second degroo. Sinn—rim street, carriage and . even lug drtrests, nt }lackey's. FYIURTU PAGE.-7 he Court; Real Estate Transfers, and other Local Items of filtered; \ z _ * CITY ITEMS The Power@ Mr /11:en.liliodyien0 Mod. Thew are measurably controlled and exercised according to tho state of health or action of tiro various organs by which they are ex.mted. A sound mind, there- ford, can scarcely exist, or at any rate ' world be of but little use, If it hod adt a sound hody to execute its purposes. 'Cie ero•Ll ru4elf would have been a poor ora for if his powers had bean exerted through an enfeebled and exhausted cen stitutlon. Each funeticin of tho human body must haVe a sound organ through which to act, or it will soon, part by part, give way -and beeptne useless. High health and vigorous action can bo slime maintained by an an equilibrium of the whole organsmu. , The atm:ilk:lt must prepare and digest - tho food; the heart most propel the blood to Ii itarious destinations; the. lungs must, receive their due proportion' or vital aid; the skin must be kept tree, and its exhalations allowed,to pass off unrestrained; the kidneys must eliminate the vitiated and useless fluids Of the body; Moho wols must carry out the worn out waste; and if alt these things are done in harmony with the natural lawn which govern the :whole, health, the greatest of all earthly bless ings, must ho the roetlt. 'There IS no one medicine that will do all this, but of all the medicines yet discoveired to im prove tho stOmach,to purity the blood, to gently at i niece the skin, to urge the kid neys and bowels to the 'requisite action, Dr. Sot ser's Blood Searcher ar outstrips all others. It is the true elixir.[ life in all those derangements 'when the blood, the circulating fluid and repairing element, is lu a •morbid and immtre state. Dr. Neyser's Blood Searchers invigorates the enfeebled stoinneh.r It strength°ns the kidneys. It stimulates the bowels.. It searches the veins and has restored health and vigor to many. wetry invalids. Ask for Dr. geyser's-and take no other. For sales! the Docter's great medicine store 140 Wood street. Dr. Key/Rees Consultation .1100mti, No. 120 Penn street, from 9A. at. until 4 r, x. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. During the recent cold weathe'r the gas end water pipes throughout the; Ity have become generally disarranged, and a vast amount of repairs will be necessary, to set them to rights again, and In many Instances the work to be done is of such a oomph...llMA nature that none but the most experienced workmen will be ink,- quote to the task. In This connection we will take occasion to refer any of our raiders having work to do of this char acter to.T. T. Ewens. Plumber and Gas Fitter, o. ICA; Wood street. Mr. lilwens aemploys a corps of competent workmen, nd uses in his work none but the very best motet Sal, so that all needing work in his line will tind it to their advantage to give him a call. la order to close out the really elegant fresh stock of trimmings, notions, loom, furnishing and fancy goods, at the popu lar retail house of W. W. 3loorhead, No. 81 Market street, prices.have been ma terially reduced and bargains are offered: NVe earnestly urge our lady friends and all others to favor thin first-class estab lishment with a purchasing visit. and thus iv made acquainted with the rare advantages afforded Its patrons in selec tion and quality of goods and reasonable prices. Gentlemen will find-a magniti eent assortment of furnishing goods atilt able for the season, and embracing all the latest styles and novelties. , Readers are reminded that no where lee In either city are offered better in neemeritu for their - patronage than at -tif well conducted and popular whole, ale and 'retail grocery and proCluee :luso of Messrs Mcßride George. No. G 4 Federal street, Allegheny. They arry a large, fresh stock, ma to both bole.ialc and retail pntrons offer very uperior bargains. Favor this house lib a visit and bo conlineed. Mcßride sti. George, :Sro. P3l Federal wet, Allegheny, the extensive and enterprising wholesale nod • retail gro vers, have lust received a fresh invoice of choice family groceries, flour and ',mince, which they otter their patrons at the lowest market prices.• For any and everything in their line favor this house with a call. as you can purchase no where else to better advantage. At noltshelmer's famous restaurant, Fifth street, nest door to the Pastor!lee, will always be found the rarest game of the season, tomdbor with tho substant labs of life. Nowhere °imam a , better break 'ast, dinner, supper or luncheon be ob tained at a more reasonable prim.. Par r ' tier are au pplied.with suppers in the very rot stale and at prices whiph will corn mend them to Ills economical. - At W. W. M.rticad's, ...7\o. SI Market reef,et has just been rece ived and open ed a tine selection of corsets, hoop skirto, kid plates, lace and linen hued. kerchiefs. rich point laces,Valencia, Mal. lose, thread and guipure hwes, edgings; in.ertings, ribbons, sashed and tritn• ming,. Ladies will find Inthis selection everything new, novel and fa..shionapp, and at prices Tory reasonable. Dry. Goods at Vt holesale.--Wo are of- Coring full lines of bleached .and brown Meshes, Prints, Ticks. (Thigh:tuts, and other staple goods. making the latest stock in the \Vest at Eastern prices. J. W. Bwittztat & Co._ No. 50 Market s treet. Post's. Shoes and GalterS-01' the very st,st style, cut always be had at Mr.' tobb's, 89 Market street. Ho keeps` a oloodid stock always on hand and sells t the lowest prices. • Try the rich aromatic coffee only to be procured at the old ••tabllshed tea mart of Joseph A. Robinson, No. 20 Firth. street. ThiAe who can appree.ate pure, fresh wife*" should not tarry toy: before acting on the anggestion. Try a Meal at Holtzheimer's Coign:ism tal Saloon, Fifth street, next door to the l'o,tolllee. Game, oyatera and all the' delicacies of the season served up at the;, shornoit notice. Prices eery reasonable.: Hoots Shoes and Galteits—of the veryE most style, can always bo had at ldri, 1 tobb's, 89 Market street., He keeps a! Itlondid stock always on hand and sell*, t the lovrest price& tt' -, Blankets—White and colored, mutant?, and country, chuttng out very cheap, of. Barker',,. nay your Teas at Smoph 'A. Roblnri n'a, No. 20 Fifth street There yeti'. 111 fled a very fine aaaortment of th 4 areal and choicest Importations at tryaq eanonable pnces. Table Liieena—Some slightly damage., 4 Great bArgallas at Darkeea.. Tess, coffees, sugars, spices, sauoeei limned fruits and tablo condiments coil ben% be pußibUsed. at. Joseph A. Itobbo son's, No. 2u Fifth street. =IMF FALOON—STRVENSON-00 the 13th lust• by the Arr. Francis Church, at lhr reel:lease the bride, Mr. WILLIAM TALOON, of PllO4 harsh, sod Idles MARY SYLVISSON, of Chia, surlphls.. 1.11 [~~,ut i:~~:~:. ~:~:1 ALEX. AI& EN, UN DEIITAHE I ND, WI Fourth Straet, Pittsburgh, FE. COFFINS, ut abuts; CRAM. 01.0PILS. cress detertstlon at Fusoral luralatdsh 04 , 61, ftillstsbed. Eirosua open day 11.11 d ol.bt. Ituath and Carriages toralsbud. Xasaitaasurlies, Itavld Ems. U. M. W. Jassimar. Thomas Ywfag, Jacob 11. Miller. Esq. C(I4IILIES a PEERLEP. Dude . * TAXERS AND LIVERY STABLES, eorar of Sandusky street and Charon avenue, /Magni. ny City, where their COgglin BOOM* ana atantiy supplied with real end Ltuttatton Boa- Mahogany IVAlnnt Boffins, 'at prie:a varying from $1 tong°. 13.1le• Prepared for teralenk. Bear.. and Carriages Ilarayangg; alna, all kinds of Mourning Goals, If reqn*, OfOreopen at all boars. day and night. Jo 'ROBERT T. llODNET.tnde . t ‘ • TAWI AND S.tpabt ltb No. a Ohio 114. Allvgbeny. and 10. 60 Diamond EV. , 2 John Wll.on Broo..IkINDII alornys on Nand beat Ilelal. Rosewood. Namur and looltatt , ni St oewooll Co/llno. Walnut Cotnno from= 4 ward.. Itooorood Canna CO upward.: nal nth..*l' Coon. to prOportlon. Coml./ion um llona*.l Ntrolsbed 01 low slam Mai.. Morn. P l O. and Eng - ming COrnilted MN. ON. non nod Illsht. CZAIINIECILI, .."I)ZECTAICER. Ofiles. AC... Mt OW* PtsWiik Yearn. Itosairtwa Mid.other ans, Rita aronatil.te alAct of P3zarfil Taritistat 0 .11,1%61.d tittalsbed tt alsortiot aotl4. at lt,wst prim. tale and Um,' Stablet, aer at Inry.t tad Vlddla EltreetS.'•Cantsaft, E 411110.. Saddle lion.. 116...110.: 43r Met. SPECTACLES. or Au. xnurs, AT DVHSTATII a nAl.mxrrlsi eg rurra.erntigt TH4 WEEKLY GA7Rrli Two =moss. - iftDIESDAT 111) WITEDAY. k toio ~.e. 000talmlak - 1131tTY MINN oulo tttm to eMemlag rearilam matter. tieadtr , o . r lyN on rm, larval Nemo bySoleyroPbo You, yan NesStog Wtmr (or they/L=ll - , and helm and 1110. nellum• Fin000lo: mad / ratrctortNarbet Mayorta giro. by a PoPsE the cit 4 No Tanner. ]Serb Lula or Morena should Ote : • without lt. : 44. 1,131•1,11 wamr Gain rent` MMlir b r ---- no V ''''' I. =`. hef Tea.._'......_ —And out coPF at PAM In the parson gattah. uptnee4)ata Addlttona no anal:raga be TWIG • any than. St club iatea. • Narrz4 LU /anus-1i onlartaa Yua Bayer. Le aura hhd Dwlly .bat edition pc a we Lace a Itellanneday .41thnk tom.. pealberiltaving in 4 ma nail a .net. gn", ragnva. Money GeJess' ex In *lstered. Letts.. way Da anal at ouzel.. (ILVETTfe, ,ti EITTHICCIEOII. WA . T . D —A. GENT S, oTi,r for 'C.0....m..111E 111,1Tt1RT or TlFjc WAR IVETWER `.7 _TUE STAdV; Caoseg; Character. Can net and.ltedolts.” - lion. lirobiaaala 11. &roma", rend for Cir. • colars,rlolth terms and a till deoription of the liana. ;I Address.' NA - 111.Y.KAL rUaLimmo WANT/ 4 1117—elGEA TN. tor TUE ':fiLI.TE..O).I.TS. and bee Mrl Ltred• Fought, ind'Dlrd for tlie Union, with .d • IncideSts tp tb.4 Great . Ilene Mon. It c0nt....4, over nne Enititelegs 370 Pageo, and fa'. the aActest and cheapest - war boot Pebl ,, bed• Vrlcesrnly $0.601 per Copy. The pnolle axe . 050- tloned'iagalo.t luhrlar worts witb almPar e thAt the woeyou buy contalat oTee. , ILO ocillearlogi mud WO pages. Sena ter Clren- JoYa4 EllolltEits k0j,11,1444 . adelpfle. P... I FOR RENT. FO4l RIERT—At Fine Creek, on' k tounds of the subscrtter. • A NIAT COTIrAGE. Of settn or eight iorns. flat few situations in the e,9lnly more deilrable. Rent low.- Loads at 314. M s -National flank. Fourth stutter. • - t , L. 110LIXA9. _r11.40..y1t. February 2...`th. Fa It FS7E — T I) prettii.es Fifth alreet, late y occupied by s. P. ' ClusOney, salable for • dry gomt• Or na.l.bizt • *lore' confeetfnnary and dluing saloon. and srsno the r purpose*. Pon+slua caa be glean Immediately. Apply. to JA.. NiallTal. MC.\ Kae‘orr. or TIIUO. J. K& NAN, 1.7 Illstuorot , I Wore Ftoom• in dew buildings on Obit arsons. near II dwelt sttatt. Allegheny, will, dwellingsover Each, teßlgwatere bath room an I ins. LoelslitT goad for dry goods. s racer yor retail shoe store. Also lu eArte Whiles, four moult, syllable for smolt fautrly._Appiy st °Mee of FrIAZIEIt Bats., UhiNavenue and nedswisk s rest. Allegheny. F*lll ReSTF.IIII DSVFLL INGS IN EAST I IBEETT.—Two .band. stunt modern style rtsldeneos, Ibla-d Aye ottil sontsloing eleven rooms tachlsurroundeol , . bj rSmpls grounds, having floe Maeads,nstsa4l, ro€4, with Plank walk Rom railroad station. thst ilnsipremisee are • gout stably, abundance eat wooer, and the situation is, altogether. pieta mine and convent. at. rossesslon Arai, or-April neat. Apply to 1.4.10E/lART, FREIV. , ' 40., 174 Weal greet. I . . Fort 'llvv9r—couNslav RES!. DE!VCE.—A two-story Prime lions, oga ioitaris, "with porches and pant , lea; sprigs 6t +3:ter, cistern. womb b ie.e. Ice booms. carriage .tone spriug hoe., You'd-house and stay 'AN ell In good orisl.r, with ere cores of