ri Q U lit IlittOurgit ealritt CITY AND SUBURBAN. DE . Oilit71;! Y COVIENTiON 1 I - Object • the FOnTenfloa—Sempame, ,oriTßoln..l...—..errnaneant effloora Zleelled-Reeadn- Ilona, an, 4EC. The delegates elected at the Democrat ic primary meetings held in the several districts' of the county on Saturday last, assembled in convention tit the Court • House yesterday morning., at eleven o'clock, for the puri:,..xe of electing dela ; netts the State Convention, to be hold • at Harrisburg, on the 4th of March next, which COnventlnn, in addition to nomle tutting a State ticket, elects delegates to represent the State at the National Dem °critic Convention. - The trteetlng, like Densocratio Meet. Inge genera/1y In this county, was en thusiastic and boisterous, wad was am . dueled in a modern democratic manner. „' The several Courts of the county being in *radon, the .delegates assembled In the License Court romp, on the second floor of the Court-Howie, where the 1 mornin4arafiloo was cowl acted. " The Convention WWI called to order by .T. T. J. Keenan, Esq.. Cuairman of the Democratic Co?YEfeetive°"`"a raen County Executive the object of the meeting, and alter , referring to the recent victories otthe party, etc., he sold that according to the mega' of the party It would be unnecesaary to elect a temporary chairman, as the Chairmanof , the Executive Committee acted in that 1 capacity.- In order to perfect the tempo- , noary organization, however, it would be'necessary to elect temporary secreta ries, in amordance with which. C. B. Strain, Joint S. Murray, John C. Barr and J. 0. Lambert were a : upended Sec retarial. The delegates were then requested to hand their credew leis to the Secretaries, preparatory to a Permanentorganization, and dm request was complied with by thratehavlogeradentiala. Quimanumber, ; however, reported verbally, net having been provided with the article, In call lug- over the list of districts it appeared • that twelve were not represented, and In 1 Web districts the amts were contested. On motion of John A- Elder, a Com mittee on Contested Seats was appointed by the President as follows:ile,ae k John' A. Elder, Wm. T. Parley, James P. White, of-McKeesport, Wm. Heel and Joon Bookie. • On motion of D. D. Bruce, a Committee of live was appointed on Permanent Or - ganlication as follow.: D. D. Bruce, J. K. Berr a . Simon Johnston, John B. Large and J. A. Strain. On Motion, the Convention adjourned to meet at half-past ono o'clock In Com mon Pleas Court room. AFTERNOON NLISION. The Convention reewambled in the Common Pleas Court room at half-past ono o'clock, and wan called to order by the Chairman, who stated that several delegates had arrived, who were not present at the morning ses ion, and re qnd;uested that their names be added to the I T to Committee on Contested &eta re ported in favor of admitting the follow ing delegstm: Oakland, A. W. Foster and J C. Barr; Eighth ward, P. O'Brien and Wm. Gatlin; First ward, Allegheny, William Wolliodale and S. IL Johnsen. Mr. Bowyer moved to amend the rr port by aubstituting the names of Wm. Murray, !ti place of that 0f.7. C. Barr, in Oakland township, Wry. It. Simple and R. G. Dunn, in toe Eighth ward, and J, K. Murphy and William Phillips, it the First ward. Allegheny. J. 11. Sawyer aimed that he had been informed the gentlemen whose hashes he "proposed. as delegates had not been beard 'before tee Commdttee, and he was- informed that one of the gentlemen admitted by the Committee wee net a reelaent of tee di•triet be was admitted to represent. lie. Barr oaldif thegentlemanreferred to him he had been misinformed. Mr. Sawyera.You are the man. . The amendment wan voted down and the report of the Committee ad.pled. The Committee on Permanent Omani =ion was then called - upon to report, and Oen:presented_the followmg list of otfi• President-R. B. Kerr. • Vme Pre-rids - we -W. D. Moofe, nog- Donnelly, Benny Menold, John Mackin, J. B. Fulton, Peter id tochmson, .a.. 'W. Foster, J. C. Entfurn, James Irvin, U. B. Cochran and Barnes Ford. Secret - tem-L-01as. B. strain. Lam Oct and. 7 .o*Donnell? Mr. Lambert being abeent the name or W. R. Rafferty was substituted. Tee report was adopted. - Mr. Keay anon taking the chair pro duced two sheets of - tlytlscap" closely, writ ten - orittitnatter originally Intended Son "Re.olutione," but heft election to tLe Chair preventing his acting on the c tor mitten, on rerol pions, the manuscript seas read-A.:an ' , lnaugural" address, and loudly applauded by the 'Muterrified" and boisterous throng. On motion a committee of nine AMR appointer by the their. to draft resoln tions expressive of the sense of the con vention. . .T. H. Sawyer desired to know whether, after the committee had made their report resolutions could be et:faros!. • Tbe chairmen.said: ••Of course, coin loonsense tiles the Convention." • Mr. Strain moved that when th s om• vention proceeded to vote for delegates, to the Stettiainvention, that the voting be by marking. Mr. Worry moved to amend by adding. "and the _district system• be adhered • to." The chair declined to entertain the mo tion is an amendment and proceeded to put the original motion, which caused considerable confusion. The motion pre vailed. • Mr. Morey renewed his motion, and it 'was voted down. After several important 'motions upon which there wasioud, boisterous and pro longed discussion, the Chair anissarteed that the Convention was DOW ready to receive nominotlona fur delegates to the State C invention. • This announcement_ created a scene of great confusion, as almost every,delegale in the Convention had a friend whom he wished in send to Efarrieburg. The Chair declined to entertain any nominations; until order was restored. A delegate moved that "all delegates not elected to the' Convennon be ex cluded." Alter some time order was restored and the Semetary read over the nominations when another scene of the wildest con , fhaion ensued. Mr. Bruce moved that a committee of thirteen be appointed to whet:W811001d be • referred the nomination of delegates to the State Convention, to be afterwards submitted to the Convention. The mo tion met with little favor and was Mull the table. Mr. Stratrithmt Mover/ that the nomi nations close. The Secretaries were again required to read overate list of candidates, when it appeared that there were • thirty the county the honor of representing the county in the State Convent ion. It was then moved that the eight cnn. ilidates receiving the highest number of votes should be declared thechoice of the Convention. A delegate objected, aayingte wanted no minerityneletrates. - The motion was lost. ' -- • Mr. Taylor said that the name of Mr.- O'Donnell wasahe third man mentioned, end he appeared near the foot of the hot. therotore desired to withdraw hi,. name from the list. His request or. granted. The Convention then proceeded to bal lot for delegates, which resulted in tn.• selection oftbe following named gentle. men: It B. Kerr, John A. Strain, J. C. Karr, J.. Reeking, Jas. Macktn, li Kane, J. B. Sweitterand Robert Morrov C. B. Strain moved that a commit! of !Sheen be appointed :to conduct u campaign. Adopted. . The r. port of the Committee on Rota lotions was then read by Cot. J. K. Kerr. whn afterwards made a regular Demo oratic speech, abusing the Republican party and rec , mmeuding the adoption of Jhe resolution:, sfr. /lawyer attempted to offer the fol lowing mutation, but was choked off by crles from the Convention for Mr. Moore .l24solecii, That it is the (t o rf oven true and enlightened friend onstitu tional Liberty to nanetion the Pre,ident of the Unite,/ States In hie great effort t.. ',emery.° the Conetitistion, and maintain the Union of the State., and equal nein: of the people optima Consmeletional tutor - panen and revolution; lie intasurvived the patriodstn. maim:a:n.l.lo and integ rity of the abtlition pony, and while it has degenerated into a pasaionato, wick ed. wanton and revolting faction, es ere:l.-lug power in impudent detience of .the Const kitten and the right. of the States and people, he stands- MlA dentle, proudly and hopefully repelling their . desperate assaults. Mr. Moore molt the stand anti bar. urged the upon with a tirade of abuso upon the Republican party, which was received with mud applause 6 . 3 , the de/orates, and outsiders. - At the conelusion of Mr. hfoore's re marks, Mr. Sawyer again attempted to get his resolution baton, the Convention, but was prevented by a motion to tot- Porn ; which as entertained by the chairman, notwithstanding he bad prom ised Mr. Sawyer that he should be laDastlelde, Between Aix and seven o'clock rester day morning, a Lew born child was dis covered lying in a private alley betwren • Cherry alley and Brant, on Third street. The alley leads directly to the tear of the residence of one of our oldest and most - respectable clUzeus, who notified the Mayor's police of the above fact. An of- Liner went to the spot Immediately. • Upon arriving at the spot Indicated, it was found impossible turfs:love the body • of the infant (which was frozen to the Irtej without the aid of an are. The . body, - which was first. removed to the ..Mayor's' voice, was afterward* taken to : Mr. Aiken's. the undertaker, where Cor- Ortel Clawson Leld an Is nest upon it. - From the testimony of thephylddan summoned there tun be no doubt but the - child, -which was newly born, had 'been wive. Various circumstances war ranted the belief - that it bad been carried to the place where It Was found. The jury returnethkil.VerdleL In accordance with the abovofacts. , • 'tfl • • J —Oar Own Pr...et I VII. In perusing Our a.raeles published from time to true in thin pallor it will ft o nerved that our System. upon thefLredfacte of the Medical &l imner; and we 'would Just say thatcv.r practice we have endeavored to bo-kov erned by the fondtmental principles of right, rule, law and order. Our Interests hare beau Identified with the Interests of Pittsourgh and the sur rounding country, both generally and preessiounlly, for more IMM twenty We hare been sustained in our princi plea by the Oomnmity, and 1...0ra11y pum:died in our profession by ail class es of citizens. We have made every effort to relieve and cureour suffering patients wheuever It was In our pow•r r and oantlnae to do so with our patrons, leaving no source unexplored for the di...a:ivory of the true nature of every disease, and sparing no pains in the selection of the appropriate remedy in every case. Thin we can afford to do upon the era sonable terms ofd resident phyvician, without resorting to the higitcharges of Itinerant doctors, whose exorbitant fees of toffy patients would settle the accounts may, We treat all kinds of Chronic diseases, from a common cold to oenaumption,. a oommotiboll to cancer, the most invet erate scrofula, the meet tronble.ro a dye pepsia, the most lingering liver-com plaint, the most painful rhea/nation or nenralgla, the most &Moult asthma, .the worst aropsv, the weakest net-rous de bilit y ,rltiza themost violent spasms, tho most cl female complalots, and the se verest. of kidney affections, and manyother diseases which we have not named here. Our remedies are prepared from sub shmacee that will assimilate with• the or zombi body; and oar prescriptions ere put up under our own immeMate duper viafon; and when these are administersv! in accordance with their really medical virtue. and the true nature or the dis ease, they seldom fall to remove the morbid condition of the system and to invigorate and improve the health of the patient, and finally effect a cure when a carols st all to be had. - Oar charge for examinations, pninscrip germ and medicines furnished, ranges Gxua threoto ten dollars. Oursurrs M. D. Skating Cantons as Canonsburg.. CANONSEinith, P.., Feb. 13, MS. 141 = 11 . 1 .EnrrousGarirrrE—Ttlere w. 1.4 Vats a COMC0131111:1 of people assembled I hero to-day under circumstances novel to the quiet town of Canonaburg. The banks of the dam were crowded, and sometimes the skating ring was intruded upon by the thronging spectators from the ourrouading, country some from Washington, a few from Pittsburgh— who came to view and p.rticipato in the unwonted scene. Agreeably to oar wishes, the weath was remarkably propitious. The was In fair condition, though not no fine as It has been for the last few days. There was quite a number of gentlemen competitors; Chiltern of tried skill and of the first description; and well they Contended for the prize, describing, with inimitable grace, the most faritaste camas—the "Dutch Roll," the " Smote Moose Jig," do. Some excelled in one thing, others in another. Mr. Orbison executing sornernaults of the M1..l laughable description with the utmost precision and elegance..Allegbeny coun ty was well represented by herchammou (bfelliiruess) who shooed us unpre tending rustics what grand, graceful •katersOnrneogleboriimcity t m produce. The prize was nasally awarded to John C. Tammy, of Canonsburg— Allegheny'e champion coming too Into to • partitipul In the contest who, in Justice to bun, was the beat skater nu the ice. To Mi.. Jenny Martin, as the best Indy skater, was awarded the other pnze, though no: so warmly contested es in the case of tin gentlemen. The crowd, after giving three cheer. for the successful Conavelltori,, gradually dispersed, gratified and plea,- ed with the atternoen pastime. A brat - tat - on. j ANOTHER ACCOUNT. r.BISRS. - E D ITO RS GAZETTE:7SaCh assemoly of people aa coilechal et Ca. ousburg, to-day, to witnews the skating match, has not been equalled hoes lb.. days of. the good old literary cootesia. From twelve o'clock until the hour o' commencing there was h corninuom. inmost of people hastening to obtain a favorable position for viewing the apor. Before the contest commenced Mr. Mc Daniel read the narnm'of the competi tors. They were Messrs. J. C. Taper. - R. C. Orbison, R. 8. 'Lewis, B. C. Rea and W. C. McOonigle, Mr. Lawrence br ing indisposed. 'A list of performances bad been pre- Measly made out. They commenced with plain skating and ended Wilk, jump ing, Including some of the most difllcii:t and artistic feats. When the .mintest wee about hail - through, Mr. Burgess, champion. of Al legheny county, made Ins appearatv, and desired to enter tin:Huta. he jud:.-, hefosed to receive his name, giving a. a reason that the contest was only open Washington county, and the statement comprising Allegheny co anty was wboll2. unauthorised. After the perform.c.-- were gone through, the decision wn awarded to Mr. J. C. Tassey, Mem, Res and Orbison having too much af finity for the ice in the way of cuttinl: "stare." The Pasture of the day. the hullo' eon test, oontrosoced: There were four no trancea, Mae Jennie M., Miss. H., Kate B. and Mies D. The skating of to , ladies was very fine, though from ti. , outatart . it was evident that the demelm would be batween the Brat two. As thcl. Performed feat after feet the decision lc , came more and more doubtful nerd 1,3 an unlucky stroke on the part of M ars Il Miss Jennie ht. was declared the winner Great credit is due to Mr. Cowie In hisdisinterested liberality. Hebei showi a spirit which is worthy of emulation. STATE NEWS —The Erie imd Pictstmrith railroad about to erect a new dt.p.it at Lint rine. —The Catholics of Nen Castle and vi cinity are about setting op a fair Su 11111 of their church. —no residence of H. 11. Bole, of Imago, Crawford. sourity,. was destroy thwon the 4:li fiat —Meadville bas now an ordlns prohibiting the sale of obsoete ne papers within the city limit . G thing. —Mr. Samuel Foster, of DCIIICIIDOC has been sleeted representative delem from Perry county to the Republic. State Convention. —The Downingtown JoaranZ says t! wife of Jacob Spotte, of Springfield Cr ter 0011.1ty. Pa., recently gave birth chidren.. each weighing. rig ponnda —A line of from aix to eight ateam/ will be established between Erie am Detroit and Chicniru. ear'y the sprin.t, by the Erie and 'Northwestern Transi, taboo Company. —The partition of Lancaster and Ches ter counden, and the formation of a new opacity yaw Oxford as its ems:. of Justice. is being strongly and persistently urged by the people of the lower section of both counties. —The Keyetorie hotel company bur leased all the Pennsylvania railroar hotels and eating houses between Pt burgh and Harrisburg, for which propo sals have been solicited for tholast tw months, out-bidding all others. -Thu authorities. of Carlisle, Climber land county, Pa., have Laken' John P Noble in hand for sailing diseased meat. He has been sentenced to twenty days imprisonment, and to pry thirty dollar. due—a very moderate punishment. —The Hollidaysburg ePti.j seminary building, 01.0 of the very finest in the Stew. sad costing nearly $5OllOO, is up preaching_ completion. It will be all atm, to end a 111613111114.111 to the entetprise and energy of some o• her citizens. —A gentleman in Llarrisbnrg has late- I s Invented a new Instrument, by whit, the r.m.dlty of ielegrapning to groatls .nermsed. The litorsoeiateus will tra,a mit about 1,000 words per hoar, the Home and comblasted system from 4000 to' .000, while • Hate 01 4,000 to 5,000 is claimed for the new ono. The wflt- Ing bean a resemblance to manuscript The letter,' are traced with printer's ink, are accurate, compact and easily road, HE GILVIT-JOHMOIN t aliumNcc. Opinions of the bee Terk Pr.■ flerald for lintal for ersolcteat. far roc... to tn. pion:mom usstancl Nrw Yonic, Febrnary 12 -The Tri bune, alluding to the Grant-Johnson cotrespondenes, &Sys , Genernd Grant utterly overthrows the charge of insult. ordination, and that President Johnson comes out of the busineut as one willing to wound yet afraid to strike. The klerald ODpreBll.l DO Opinion for the correspondence hut comes out for Grant for President. The Times thinks Grant may have been hasty and Inconsiderate in giving the President to understand that he would aid him In keeping Stanton out, and neglectful to not tetilylng the Pres ident that he had changed his mind. to ' the requirements of the law, but as to hli, gaat action thero can be no doubt of tea P Pfier WorldTne regards Grant as convicted of duplicity and pursued a tortuous, un. manly teuree. The Sun rani the imildlouale devised net-whereto the . President and Lila tour aervitont sought to ensnare Grant, is ut.ti terly destroyed. They. were wicked enough to suggest a blow,-but too cow ardly to etrike. The /bat =pis the President in the matter merely playa the scold.. The Onneterciat thinks that both the President and Grant acted honeatly and honorably. and "regards the conitlet as otte_of the miserable relics of radiulism. Coastlndian SVater ts a certain cure for Diabetes and all diseases of the kid neys.. For sale by alliirstEngists. F. Penus3 lvania Legislature. :SpacialDlvpatcit to PlE•Abu:gli , Azett, : aLREISTIC no, February 10,1Vi3. S.MVATE. rarrrioxs. Mr. ERRE,S,T, of Allegheny, from ieren hundred . miners of Allegheny county, for a change Lathe Mr: as to coal SaVeMm. 31r. TAYLOR, of Bearer. on:i to pre vent feihing with iicins in Beaver county. Also, 01:C tar the repeal of the act ex, tandin; the limits of Beaver Borough. lIILLS INT:WI/LC.IM Mr. COWLi.;a, of ale r Kenb a general fee bill, being the same av pot by the House last 5T8.41011. Mr. ERRETT, of Allegheny, authori zing the City of 'Fittaliurgli to borrow one million dollar* for improving and extending t ie water work,. Al.o, one exempting Allegheny county from tho provisions of the act of May 3.1, 113.33, compelling railroad companies and other corporations to pay oontisel fees of plan:int:re In..aertain woes. Alr. 'MEIER, of Larica32er, a general pension Law for all Rohner. of 1312, and widows not worth over five hundred dollars. REIC.LED sos 31C8D.ERVII Mr. FLSFIER,of Lan after, offered the ! following Joint resat -- Wrinnzas, During tbe hearing of seri ' dence in the VAPO df J. K. Robinson see/Mist Samuel T. Shugart one of the sitting members of-the Senate, from the T wen t v-13 rat, Sen ato rial District, a certain John eases. was examined as witness on behalf or silo J. K. Robinson. contes tant, and said Casey, after examination, as waylaid in, the county of Clearfield and no abitml that he has bine° died; That the• Governor be and in hereby authorized and required to offer a reward of two thouiwind dollars for such information as will lead to the ar reat and conviction of „the person or per- Wlus committing said offence, and that the Treasurer of the Commonwealth be au thorized and required to pay said sum. Passed finely. Mr. FISHER raid that them persona had been arrested, but were discharged yesterday on habeas corpus. The prin cipal was still et large. Mr. WALLACE, of Clearfield, said the crime was an infamous one. CILANOINO CORPORATION MOMS. Mr. CONNELL, of Phlladelphin, a bill prohibiting. Courts from chaaglßg the namon of oorporatlons. PROTECTION OP ARTISTS. . . Kr; McCONAUGHET, of Adams, joint reaolution urging Congress to protect American artists by a heavier taritT on tonrign picture., and artists matariala Passedifinally. OIL INSPECTION DILL PASSED. The Petroleum Oil Inspection bill was considered. ERRETT moved .to amend by coutluing sales after condemnation solely for miisdllation or export. Adopted. Mr. SEARIOMT moved to amend by reducing the term of inspector from four to three years. Adopted. The bill was passed finally, anbstan tiall.y es agreed by the Committee. SILLS PASSED FINALLY. Evening Sest.o.—Authorizing Rochem ter borough, Th.aver county, to borrow three thousand five hundred dollars for enlarging school bootie. Relative to olvecion precincts In Alle gheny. Extending. to Mt. Washington, Alle gheny county, the vehicle lieense Law of lIOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PJ.S.VED FLNIALLT Prolahntng the bunting of game 41 Findlay, Rola:lgen and Scott townships, Allegheny county. Punishing destruction or Injury of grape-vines, fountains, tt.c., In Stave, count). Repealing tho act incorporating the Gettysburg Asylum for Invalid Soldier,. Increasing the fees or Justices and Constables in Armstrong county to Antietam, Darned in the act of RIONOROAIIRLA VALLST RAILROAD. The bill authorizing the Monongahela Valley Railroad Company to bolld a road from Pittsburgh to Monongahela City by whatever r ute a majority of tho dtreet ors may determine, thence to Ric.J'a banding, and to extend Um main line to West Virginia, was taken op. 'FORD, of .111egheny, moved an Amendinent confining tho route to the bank, of the Monongahela river. Mr. WILSON, of Allegben7, and Mr. - PLAYFORD, of Fayette, spoke for the itnendrnent, end Ifte.sre. EWING and DAY, of Washiuirton, opposed It. • The amendment was defewed and the bill fold over f•.r a third reading. - Adjourned till evening. TUZ CONIMITCTIONAL Ern Session.—Mr. HICKMAN'S Constitutional amendments were debated until ♦ery late. The lobbies were craied ed. ' The disposition of a majority of Re publicans Is to indefinitely - postpone inn question. At a quarter past eleven o'clock Me question au postponed until Tuesday evening ■nd made the special order, pending. motion or Mr. STRAIiG, or TiOlt" to recommit to the Judiciary Conn .-ILL., with instructions to inquire Into - pea 10110 F of reporting a bill to call . tatittational Convention. Lb. • : a Cma Mr. 111CK.114.:i was very severe int the Republicans who had oppneed his aditendmeots, =Wing It . dodging," "murder," “Irle.neiatent," &et HAneasamea, Feb. If!, ISM SENATE.' INTKODCCILD. .• Mr. WlllTE., of Indiana.' author izing a change of tho name and In creasing the par vain. of the atm* of the Indiana and 'Westmoreland Gas Coal Company. Mr. SEAIIIGFIT, of Fainto, authori zing the School DirectorsOf Connoll,ll.llle to borrow money. Also, a supplement for the rtdontown Gas and Water Company. NEW 00CNTY BILL DKTICATI), The bill erecting aan county to L. called Petroleum out of part. of Craw ford, Format, Veriango and Warren, wee defeated by thirteen to nizteen. asw•ean ron A mum:main. The House Joint resolution, which posed thoSenoto last night, offering o reward bf two thousand dollars for the aPPrehensiou of the murderer of John. Cuey, posl finally. erase 1.11,1 merncroa. The bilinuthorielna the appointment of. Sta:o Inspector of Gas aracamended by aea twain° of Mr. TIIORN; of Phil adelphia, arid peened to 0e and reading. =I Evening Session.—The House Free Railroad Mil wan considered. . Mr. LANDON, of Bradford, moved to ostitute the bill aurreed upon by the 1.02 E.14 1 / 1 . 0114 Committee, requiring n thousand dollare for every mile to be bscribed. Adopted. Mr. BilliET afterward morel to sub- Rule four thousand dollars. bat. Mr. LOWRY, of Erie, moved to sub. 'Lute coven thous: ml dollars. Lost. Mi . . SEA RIGHT, Fayette, mnsM oudment allowing lo,nl rompanl. build row!e of thlny tulle; with mock eubacrib•d by farmers and realdent• along the routciat sI thousand per mile. Lost by fifteen to seventeen. Adjourned at ten o'clock without • cute. The bill la regarded an effectually de (rated. 11017:E OF REPRESENTATiVF.S. BMUS 1,1h96D CINALLLT. One introduced by Mr. FORD, Alle gheny, repealing tho Toga laudlord and tenant law tor ,Alloghany,' Cambria and enrneotlutlei. Incorporating Millvale Lo Allegheny munty. Authorming the 'Peeple'n Bank of Pittsburgh to inereano its enpltal 'stank and denial's dividend., out of the net -milling& • Incorporating lite Conamerciarprlut- Company of Pittsburgh. ‘4 I Incorporuting the Artizans Doponit. 'Bank of Pittsburgh.. Adjourned till oTerilng. NONONOAUZLA VALLZY laIiELOAD. Evening Scseinii.—The bill authorlzing the Monongahela Valley' ItiDread to Wahl a track front Pittsburgh to Unison gaheix City, bye itch route as the Direc tors may determine, thence to Ilice's Landing, and extending the snafu lino to West Virginis. was considered. The amendment of Mr. PLAYFORD, of Fayette, co fining the route to the 3fonougaheisi flyer, passing through the town of Elizabeth, was defeated.. Tire „bill passed second reading, Mr PLAYPORD refining to *pie to a inn- PlTTSlrmr , ' ' 17 " 1- rTY GAZPTTF, penman of We rams tar toed pre ea g e . I ~.., aaa, _ ., art OIL INsplzzOn DILL. The cal Inspector bill paned finally Prepowea Registry LAW. and will go to the Governor for "...e rig. i Mr. SLo. oil , ' rh et lc:roamed in the tile Tele:retie to tat ritta...t.a ,• rt e , nature. Senate a ' a further eupplen, nt to the act GiStEaT BRITAIA. relating to election,. or Hoe i "rumen- i EAtemattgao, February La 1 etea. wea th " P rea .- eti A •,. ee as ...1 LONDON, Febrtlary 10.-The Marmot SENATE. re t IN tr%; tn ,,, ,seript., from C aintv ; D. 'remit, Arnbamador of Ps's-, his MILLS INTEODUCED. , f ''''',',."T' hm " l a e u° ul P i. "•' a .ii ea • his rem nataan to the King of Italy, ,o,:. or white .r...t....en above tscsult,tne , M q. Mr. ERP.ETT, of Allegheny, anthuri- a ear , . of flan who are known maahall and requeets to Le recall d :rani London tare .111 tia24., Il A1 , 1g3,10/.. IA ht.; her the m e t; -, r mink in a privet° d,e -zing the. Trustee* or um United Pneeby, taaini to las quedlce 4 vet re, and opree- at art i orly day. fa : 7.7 . o i n er e, ,... o c e m i: riacra,t ai10n ,, .., ,,i 01L1 ,, er i0 . , h , 0 . 1 Patch (1,,,' P,,,,, t ~d,,,y, trepan Church at TarecktUrn to rOinto, their dead to Prospect Cemetery. Also, extending the Mochanicse Lion . non; If not a bnmehealer, hie place of onf the fell wet un eillend report was reports that laws to mechani cs en oil tanks , toa da n . Marling and with a Imam, anti it work- I pit bloated of ,the trial of Unmet fa earl 'le e for annther the n tut • of hie an- I erJa - k - i'.. or . 1 -1 = ,, rtneris , ul, -tilegheny, I ,:ja,,, when a a, paai a , „„• a"ior i 4- , , cultural imp ernenni On ', ‘ Imperial Armstrong, Venango and Warren. midi lame, to sole ny re aaott o r : r ,t r .' ;,, r : i farm, last vase, and. ea . , iinalla afr.I3I7.OWNE, ofLawrenoe, endewinn , ...lon. tal Mall eallibil ha certllnmto I 'Made to AM:QM...fa invfmtore by the , thereof to the Aasesa.r, unlow he shall epeeist eumulkaion appointed by time Colleges as State Institutions with an- I , ,„ have venal at a preceding general elec- Emperor. Ajarana prize ~ L .,,,,, at, . nullles Of 83,00:1: the 'tame as by tee Ed: 'ta and ou exbilfinon of the eeraficate notional Convention lastweek. ; the nal, shall lot marked a nth the let. Cor mich fa r . reaping much ''' , and a Mr. WRITE, of Indlaun, authorizing ' ter N; where the party . has / ' merely de- l gold modal, t gather with, an °lean. t f the purchase of experimental lams in a c n la T e l. h 4. l ,t u tti na t. r,a l i o z a i i: ,,f e c t re tia t t ; I art, to Woo I, of Roo tic Palle, Nee We'tarn mid Eastern PoonaSivao. for next election, thename shall be romked 1 Yauh i ihr hit mowing ma'1 ' 1 "" • UP I D. I; where the claim Is to vote b, rat- State Agricultural College, . , both the. gentlemen the Empiror tea Mr. nfEharoarp , of Fayette , iodorpo . non of being betamm the age:. of twenty- i coriferred the decoration of Chevalier I f rating the Pittsburgh, McKeesport and 1 t a n ' e f: n to d nta t ZTjUl. ° ;,:•,,,hl„:,, ur in d o 4 s . ,,tr' , .. t. 4 4 l i the Lemon or Honor. Other greed Bruen:lain° Railroad Company. the district to . reside since the lest 1 prizes were awarded to shit Rutile,., of and In nll casee a tux i mans IX onaso. general election the letter R to hue placed I France, Austria and Rieivia Also, a joint resolution that the peoplo I PP ° le the ram'; f o shall ' fortlllidth bo aeleaed against the 1 of Pennealvmala, being deeply interested I perenn. tin the completion of hate and I squad of CORR, February 10.--last, night a policemen who acre patroliun ha the promotion and protection I aeseasmente they are to he returned to 'the city were confronted I.y a eroed at of domeatic trade In guano, re- I tho County Commisdoaers, who shall I men In the steel, 'a lio emnineneed nn iplicate copies, with observe- • quest the President or the United Staten 1 rT.:'andci explanatious noted, to be male attack With:M.lMo. and tel 'rho po to give ImMediate and efncient prate, „T , o ,„ , n , ~,,,0 , ,,,h , and plated Beeman belit; greatly outnumbered, tell lion to all persons engaged In the same, in the hands of the Assemor, who, prior back on the nearest ntation and were andespeeally to cause the Governor of to the first of August next ensuing , is I chased somMlintance by the mob, %event! Si. Domingo to rectors at mace Alla 1 ' d c a!,',.. hte i• l a t , E n u L a ,„“,,,,,T,,ig It ar r an i ',l tt a a a e . of whom, during the flight ef the peace, Villa Inland, in tho Carribean Sea, to the ; the , reeective dist-let be required to be 1 fired - upon them with p'e'els and othea junsdiedon of the tinned States, whence I held and retain Weenier in his posseselon I fire items. - one o f ./...., sera hurt.' or the Inspet•Ll ,n, I roe et ellarge, of any lA, ,„ a „ th y ion. bad the nnglibure it was forcibly wrested without color o 1 r r esident of the erection dbitrict who shall i '- 'a of righaand demand ample atonement 1 do _ an „ ta ~n , „ tiro ~n,,,,,. It in also made hood of the n non the pursuit "aged, I for her gross Insult to on e ga g and the the duty of tlieAmersor to add from time . I and when he polite, reinforced, ,allied I robbery and Imprisonment of our cal- to time, on personal epplicatlon, the i out the crow had i s tied. As tbo 1 tens, and until smelt restoration the ne't's n( ' t 01 i n ' lL ' e l net' e' n e i te ,d 'L a , d _ I night was der and thick mine a tho M I Gaited States cannot consietently treat nnahanay seteele them with ' tnx. On 1 tacking parts , could be distinctly with St. Domingo for the purpose of-ter- the fourteenth day preeedin the elee- 1 aeon or recognized, end though the I thin in October next thereafter the Aram- n o lnera nao actively ~,,,,an tfg f ur th e ritory. Referred. nor its required to produce the list in I aggamatv ZADIONEII.9 IN ENGLAND. hie p0,,,,,, t0u to the in a p oc t on , an d ;suspected ring leaden amyl.. e net aet The joint resolution relative in pries judges of the eleetion of the proper dee , beers able to ellout any arrea.t... once in England was passed finally, trier, at a meeting to be held by tiem 00 i 1, ,,, , Dna Februnry 11.-alt' Dayid an If came from the Mouse, as follows: Tu.„,r..llnt.h.,°,,,tniftho,,d,taL,l.::ree',aniamtthe Ilrowstor, the celebrate,' Efighsh ph3 ea Bed Reaolved, she., That our boasters 71 '' ) - 0 elllcere, after nasembllng on mid tier. and dtiguished scientific Weeny- In Congeal. be Met-reeled, and our Rep reek/Maar. in that body requested. to day, shall conanue In counties to hear e proof of the right of persons whose ' re' ta author' . n ' ''' urge upon the Secretary of Slams of the name, ere contained In tho assessor's el g ht Y -niv ‘ i n• dlied I t evening, aged I United Skates the propriety end neatest- Inn, or shall apply to have their names The British Iron clad elite. of war Tier ty of inetructing our Minister at the registered, and all pet - tons who have not cults mid to Ito the largest in the world, pre. lotedy vote' In the election district mart of St. James to demand from the British government the mimeo of Amer- shat' make p f, according to exiennz *as a ' uocestsfully . Unmated at Cbatham Iwo queens, redlya or adopted by na i" Moe, of their right te vote; Like proof to 4°6 ' Y ftrd • uralLtation,linpraoned within that king be made by the,. applying for registry Cons , February 11.-Auother attack dam upon mere anspielou of poluteal Or- whose utile, are net enrolled by the was madethePolice in, th t t upon ii e it ree ranee, end to Inaba upon tbe adoption of senior, uud it Shall be the duty or the a fixed policy widen will infilire such '3 r • to forthwith arra y said person yeeterday bye mob„ who pet ea them privileges and Immunities to our worth. - e - with a tax as required bylaw, on proof with stones and Micas. The Pella., woo as they are justly entitled to. Fars Italt.noral BILL, being. mode to the malefaction of the were armed with 'muskets, fixed i election boiled. Os the list of I:rnpli 4 a 4 00.4. the Improve Mr to to area Ina. two-aloe. hMelt too.. of /1 rooms • torFotory spring ome, orris londier r tome. , • . l.4! , ttra, with •o:ti,'ll;',f 07.:1.11'1'. ".,-,54".".c....4 with! ;,'.:!0..4`; :flt.llroVt".'eli• ~70.,t4 . 11:,.:,2'..:.!Tr:: ..,....: Read fenny.. au/ all underland w.lb nliotencoos none coal of tha be 4•11t1; and Is wed adapted (or Dairy or ea desire pur.se•. 3 1 1 =41 ?to ith 4S tt T p 4 . s lll .4 f o h ' s i rl e e P egt?f. s lT, s l , 2 mhos bum P... o On. en ire It. of tad LOnne.l4ollle 11. Moot. rho taltrareinents ars • log home. writ berhoordad a tlfraste oank nano,t an crehard of :° fruit [lse,. la good oraer. Tots lartutoll seNold Vet, toe 4 =:i1 '5 7 4 . k 0 Mg 4 .ta'''ll 14 O 11 ;e•04 tni wa rs l:V .' n e'rtitsl ldass:o4;laleagZg:Or.a s. e7.ltha 5 t5111.50 d Twenty-Ov s o 0, own. sOlp, 0h..., colony r 0... . th o aloe of the trempfh Id Knlrowl. awl*. and cite.eattatlles from the Connell/elite l e *moo Wa hon. 00 "Ito f.rm ore le *moor .:.erl r white oak Umber. ettlett ale. to now w..h•to on-oolf 550 porn ask. far um rthola tip[, .100 0.. ror,n7,7,`2,`Vg . 5 0:,?. 7 , 4 4t.!;,,'f,17.a0rre,;.?"'1t I. well watered owl nrolerlald wltt liounone and flag name of o ouster!, orlon rf, vtl n nowt C oal for th e toe of tr.e farm o• roue No. 4 • rano or Ons lthoared and Tthrty one acres of coo•ce ..../tos lama. In rd... torment, 11j mhos alatont rem IMO moe.hgvitto . • 1r ml. attroter`o eV... 1 hese no abontloo.r. of this Iron eltirra and tin. rler goo ream.. Wu reelleve of 1114 lona In etitt oak tluolme. 11. Imp rOrCeivn a art • bnek dwelling af 7 room s sod sachem a los bon, trot. .•01 trod doable won.. and car rlaga Alcoa, WI h corn cr as and a cane orch.l 000040, rorlc. 100 whole Ira", m won:rola tre S r::: ,• :. I L S . " Prb: I 4.!:IP,IZIN: ' ;',:gT,;,", end nate 11 It well • atereu, neVlna a cool Winton eult neldon the faren. aullwat to laid nit barge!. . -... ono AO 5. litteated 11l th. ell benne. Woomorrland.ooty. 1 . • , 50011 • Ito, of the Venom/mast& Italtruml. at 110. 0 titatlon. 'lee tin proveeest• ate • two.”. 1, iVana• smut.. wllb alea. 01,3 and good cella: a-traine tonk tore an by to feet, a...! o•lor putted/cringe. Te.re It }. the Mace • Too. • op pm on a psltch orch .0. one lthadtad atta Tesoty •erus esoreO land. Melded loot ands to mooe.. me portlon of which ore well et a [ is. eloyor end tim. r ll4 fer .'sll l sl : 44 7l l'4 4: l t r ert ' alieftr74l= WTI Ona3 and Itmosturt.• nod I ..orsetent to hurch es...tools, nom.. ml lo end blanfonitht shopa. • real goos Darr In to crerea in this excellent farm: owl what It will bo 101 l Al the tenons! P.P.. On the prenalse, commit 4ot 1mr , .4 cow, tto k ea•tle• bags _ and malt[?. home., f s :* ". . s4 col ' a g ftio pl itMtra i rt s lllM P . ' 4= 4 , wi.1 5 1, s da ro e leo sulon ma. to 4os. to • te• enoneltve Varouseer ..I fot tre ' re ' V, ' ln 4 C;ft 1 1: et w eoZ i n u att .. . l i nfl i fenal;ll:3: ra.. &boat fuus miles Man the Ith.th 11•111ood 41 Horner nation. The impurrents ore • -two "017 brick noase or 0 roucto sod collar. a Isaac trank born, old other outtnoldings: 110 50701 Cleared. tue ,L balsas. 0 goocrwalte oak, 14,',°.7:.np.11"z(71:::tt :11,1,92,Pg,;:e;',;.. Pte or bard 01 ann. an trees on 04! Vien.laes. It It 'earthy the attention of those...v.l.Mo. to patens.o a eh Aare need form ... lass bu. 7, of di z Ile a ere! A Crel, In Cherry UN peasant Norton. csannty. Va.. ed.., seree end. loom tne tows sf Inner., gcVld rune 11l the way. .}1 within one suilo to tgo town of to env., ell well wothrt.d. anastas a g.d 4.,117 Of 11.. tone in aloundarcen The Ino. PoOrein.ntl. la HMI Ramo boa. nth 11.00e0; tne Icts goat and ten barn In the 0 }late. It Is well adapted for Brain Ills ox. sad sil o • to 04 e• et-ck 00001. hown. m go rosadatre, Vele., 1'47.1';',1°,1f 7.-c:lr 1 °:."1.1`11 1 ,;,11, - .... re.. Ts* atten lon of home :bona to engoonth the stock 51 IS I, patt ulsr/y 10- yl td 1/ ttna farm ao / am autworWea to seri OseY low and co good terms. it 7.11 Po. a of Thrw. tiondred all. Twentr. ti:::=l.lll;:lx,"..tv..":mt.e.'mall..iiii: oilea rennetvle.la l entral Italtrogo, 690[11. meet or the 0117. Toe he proem/atone • large raw:nt'r,r0:,.:g4.0.7,[='.tu1,..7.1 11 %... `l,7'..,'"."tirt. l'hit. 5 1'.1:1:1=1. 1 '111t; c r f Ismostene • h, about 2.0 .tas Tura: toe u•lstras CM acre In nrst goallte - to ;elute oak cer.•rry Con at e m anLL roof al onnil t le, 1 5 0 14 nOrr In great dema la *ll tie 0 n matketa, as well as to 0 0, own =Liu.. - For 5 ToraiNT. s :!= A'.,;;Tef.rlt".° 00200.0 A eras lu West le foothold thontrallp, In/116a coorhy. Ys. The Pop overcoats are • goooAwwne.47 Orlet house awl knelt... goo* nret rood or entre. welt fenced. at naps enure Ob. ,Sent It la wed Watered, cad Ilea alto. II Use...WM. trona Lae Covtr.l Italics's! at Langan, no It. to .14 at • team Cd prise.. Me swot Vorlaht• to tame. to She west. .! WO. Id ,arm of .30 Aorta. 111 n• eft Women stele nom% the dee of the Penny W.. had road, a.Blais rLI e IntrneetiOn. samhe• es, uf the 0117. The Is t rovancraO • oth Alvan ato , y stape hot:0001 1 tont., a lio. 1 barn 45Sty 14.0, 1, nest a Stabling .4 011 04, It Tl/0 land Iles weti • to woo itsocol. I. lc 1 ana log Order, and wilt be au d eery cheap' f applied i , No. 11. farm of Tea liondrcd dere 11101.4 In west aria tone. township. Inclaa coon., 7/... nahls a nil to or the 100.71 11 MCI. road, at 14. w 70reoce etatlon. lt.a tenure.. with anwel.comfortaole [roma hone • r-umu c 5 ;1 4 >, 551 ZAT 5 00 0 ) 5 5 4 . 4. gIT-. 5 % 5 0 - 0 " :1krs otwO 0 . 0 0%; U'f,;'l,tr M,V,11'1,%":44' . :,11 4 PgP1'... paw hes and pan.. a g.o ,eta of Nowno l ne , sna tb- isnotor to all. good oaer. ti • , -.0.12. perm orntheree, ad,otrilor Die oboe. tmorsmosto tip are a taro be w. 51.. hone, with 5 rum.. sew tering..., a bogy t largo frame Lath. A bout Ito acre clAt ea, Lee to elaue an good white oat, b ant oak owl red cr.. tlmtrer. 1114 :f 7 n . c!: 41 . 5 10 5 4 4 1 5 0: 0 471 1 21. btraVess 414 n .043 u dy: wonta make • Om rite swot /km,. • .4 win to sOld veto" new •nd On easy •eranS. ss the loOstl tries[ aged In olner i Ulcers aria Is wlllt t 10 .:eta .oetr. Oat at a, low nattreSo • {Sod , c 1 , Ito. 14. A larm o• shoot 700 •eres, 1n Valuta d tOwitsblp, Nt.taurelocd .anta. Pao Oa tbls form .be.s Is •050. 110 . ems of twang land, CO ant. of .0105 .6 crest a bottom. will etc In msg. 40 .. 00 . 00110 largo 'not. ^1 h.Y. TOO w byte .. zu 'sal cut Lira.. 4 and yid./ a a Out sr.% cr.ps of b.,th roll and nrlog plantll.g. S.hd tith 00 abandon,. or ilmastotte aua goutohrlora al wooer. T. Improvononto ate • nee' armee hon. ef ...otos sad OM/ten, • conleigen t and rott! " , o .: *- 5 1 . "4 1..::f,% ,5 b 4 . 4;e l u:.:lfig? Oil 01001 us-Waldrop. To any one warding a good farm at sharp., tn. oat prrasnts•moott up- 1 portot.tty. IN ,o la. I . Acres Unimproved Land 1.110-11. the man I. 7.1.a.e.500. etas land le etneated la the mint of tho /0001000 at neva- clue , alatmet In ,Illent or Sante. Israeli,.. nearly druldea In populstlon In the Vast two yo.rs, rode n this earUml. want, lumeas.a In tethel ort awl wealth.. /y MO twr cent. To • nieng num wlth ••small capital Ufa is • rani onowthoUr of lue• other gen...: ( 5 , 74.m.J1 • n amtwelt.. WtetteoPeta:Actoonty,/•::314;V01100 1 :24 Unbar coltlvallon, V/ sages of egetlll wntto oat at:tanner 010 so of gamier. I one-st* y one. two them boom...ter ant hone and other out tot liner. sod a etaant awe mill In r.d/Oonlag tad.; a yoos c ore.. of nailed ft nth Sind rolling every acre 01 labia. wit. Ildenon a 11 and Rohm II anclitamerewsntrer.f VI a,,,,V,„ of trat-r. , lb. farm la c eassolty s . s d4ll.lol. sltuated. In • good nelintorhood, atul rentenas to 01,115100 role a 1 4e l'onn spy onto Centro Had 000 1ut thmllet east el throne. 0 afdalutllm of Clermont.. and l• all undert Irttit V. 0101 all atom of atone coal V4l salty hum me d Ash bmallfullyeltuo' farm of Iwo and tetaty Lao Arreurt. tne Psetn.lr.la Conn! tlellrestd. ata Talon'. . tattoo. el mite. Aron ate . tr. A 2... t. ID acres offs Is cleared. and auder tLerab 7 con fenc 1ne..4 on Sea Isro story ream. heaseolf oh. aidegzl . ro . nole...,l= 0.610.70 feel orlon e. one syn.. octatti rnitt l acal h V ' / I 's rep ' n c Tet: rt r i tf ' X '5 . ;I; to entrant', 0 00,012atore• la . arta 1 nt no Mart/el Vogel/ It rent. cheap One anew sate nomedOte Lectesefllu• . Ifatut No n.. lase nonared .4 7111 Arno i lA l" fftellt 4 r= d iatl: A el o trl=A d Lo 4 t klai b./2 lad Santa, it asod I amp end ee At Ito 1/ d00r... Very large Irons torn. NMI. I S. and 111 ascassary tratholinura. torn r. 04 o r. erda 000 of em .97)be of or., 110 sea of a rea ' LOU. 004 MO pea. Men. It 10 1.11 as. rest, vlng • goad anlng to almost /Ter/. 11.1.1 Llnts a to. on the plane, aorlmonyenlant , e .11: Chun.. /012.111 • mutt, store, to. el ebe :Ws la • destrou e protorto. and la St T 1 at a Tonno.lll7 prat[. •14 5 5.%ft it t r oVI rod and t 1.' 4 era i In rand.l4 teleuetdv, tetotraorstald 0 aka{ 74......11. =llea mutter the /harm ant Railroad. at Boilyer atallOn. The lancro• ens • area tsro..tory 10 x Lona, Inth lonr room • lag barn an 1 otne r vattdldlaes. , Ida tam ii.. Catered, Itch I.& nadergoo4 Wrong, asen 0111 to 0 at sOla pm. 55, Lps pay ientlthcl to gr. toe.. Foto no. 30 Containing One. Plundrej and Twentossren tern, 30 of which are Unloved S coo p . under fem.. 6110E44 In Waal TV. Selo Omagh. lad lava many. ea , two mho. root Locapott notian. on the Fettnyleonto, .- 1. ad. /moron mental consifillor of ono grist tolit, atewoe mut, the. dwedlag 005.0, 4 4 1 M0 1 ...tag .4 one smolt Warn. Alto. choir Pieto• IT: tenkten7 .111 ,1 1. of .ne line Of Ana taro, tooth loot loot. two elteu ar moos. one •Ir aw. ono ollde ran tsrnlno latit la Imo nand lal burl s 4 *000110101( a.llOO, 010. On' so l d Preol.o e a • fele of M. c 001... wo ed , no clay, Ilmertoth. hydraulln recant" andonher minerala. 7001.14 cheap. . Fong No. V. acTest..Elve Acreisoa th.Tl ob• 100 beer grey. Sc. - alma's Mallon ttnegl. a miles from lice wty; ove.ttall neer Sot Ond the Nolan. nil Oro s .d nearly-all thlente VI Le ItuprOthmosta taro ••0r0... ~ p r y lola 00040 or 61. Waltn all ..ti allath• rood frthoo Wok here Walt stalalne 1.0,0, tl Oultrullethre: • *rod ,sthll of water sat ton door; reactor go:mesh, tr0 r eti.P. b. 11}1 5 . 4 1,7.t.:,%• tar."' "11"! . .r37'.1: n... of the •hostmlthllle gailt 4 o.e. stor a ... hwf tulle of Oho tltattuo. at Stead's, arid nu e Rood orchard 0' app N. et* my, p.a., .4r, gather and {rape. a oat tell. (crate soli It lanst It a.. atd. 011ie for garden...or • 4+l I hot. C 0.11 Baler Twelve. Large Lots. sash 010:107 IIM4 to10)7In0: ( 14. 4 XC0 01e 000.1. 44 54 lid to that tone.. befollte.nearth.stoaon cr the Men Penworrarla rallra• •, and tat rap ra In :rCiraltonres:os are ' Piects d .l s .44 s tril o t:toll Moly, or the whole VlCettue, very 0bt0^,....4 4 0 04 tern s of toys... ' . 1050 No. 3 • volusble tract 01 lart 3 110 IC k. . 4 ttrt;: il.Zt47 Ve Z.e 4 o s trt ' i irarrl:// ' - I &e v ent./ . ...Mon: lain Ocernents. Ivo our,, tota stab cs gool }owner.: •it In potion.. got 4 for 1•ItIvatloo. • oat and Ilmestoon ate ILO ta bell & 1 ig 5 71 " ,,,,i ", I VI:: .',ll.l,'"rf t 1 tho tract• Wlll 117 .14 very low a. on ' epOtral terms root 770. 21, contahtluglSO A ere. once al.. Improved lan/. M I bra Inn Conn y. 1111ntha, Inln two am. one.. 1 nth es of the Illsoido I lot.ol Hallroul, at netampUoti Stitt On. •.W.. re than oleo, acre... tamo to •5400 Ur,. • , sl la contrail., atol baa • too nor. trot:too." 1 1.1 natatt an/ • yos log app. Oretard. T I T SM.. th 111 Oa Ito a 01000, or !Vona/toad Aar rape rth I. the 01ty or tuba tal. - F . 0 P e 1 .11. 4 . 4 g1J7t 1 5 I ' t i ‘ a ' ri2 :totTo 4 ;slV. d . gol l fP s 4. 4 at .1.0. (*Nu •Or Usmtrat Ilthirosa al New 7 r. routea hatlon. contain tug 111thro. o ' ' , able.. route I.tl, sad o ...len ts ar.med anew Nate dweller two., with elan; r.v MO a frosts Iv . Of/Vb . :l:4s %.I f°2!..2;',Z1:10;111,1%.:.,1,1 ... to m it the.. lard thorn. }.l 7.11 ha Awe elta., NO nr. • mall Oath onte A of very Tar...laza lo Detre t oe, We attrOreluld 0 1 0 7 , Pa., well fanned and. • nib note of 0.1,1 511. n. tr.lo new frog.. no. how and nave orantildingn a oleo ammo • that. and saw Mel tnaplete. vlth tWo to i . vrtrre. ta n no flog cl,tas. au•J Set tne nto a 0 a In., I goo • cooler, .4 • young otoliard et...Nolte:ln to an woo On twit Is •• . t t yolo of coal. 0 00 eff a pen. an I waxed, at t e back al the itattl 11.. `lee tone In 1.1101. 4.1•Il boon le tl secure a revel Worth:. 1050 ICo - 7. Itoing MO Aerss tu ere t Who. geltllownstdp. /nd ana scant), '• 11.4 re no - toon 1011.. • 0.01 Ilatloud. l at ' elork 1. 5 natl.: the Ira pre.. man • aro • Oat. heatelrf No roolna nun kitchen, I I/M.olra alsi2fetarta orate 0 moo W . I. and ethe • out. 0 ha 11...; leo acids w the 1.4 men. sat well he WU Ile ser• •4 . : Web., ernlte oat. root oar. elessaut 1124 Nett I • gowl orchard el atieetedlool,• In accal bee, leg co 0011von. Th. 1.1 Is noderlotel wlth tot four Icotyein of toe. on Iron • re ono of m/01 at; g 1 7 1 ,.. ! ..i .., Ina, mud an atundalthe ef No. ga. An elegont Ilekk Cottvictr, len roti ott the Watkof that/no litter. Wit teen Ia &Nat° la • re Oflroard on eri.len . tor t tie,carnage 0 .o te • el A wen ol good ea, reg., the 000 r. at Ilea lame/Int/AY °Pro 111 lan dile, tatl an. l'illthurolt. You W a y , 0 god); e sso hot! way It tours from Um C1, , ,n0n Int rs et 1 ' X fal 041 libTV:411 " 1:1T0 ' . b .i,It e ja;l and n mtel. th tons tom t; anottag tr.. from . lino. toren is 511clon. tenant • /rOunde 111 50 rot rate (Carr, Va. rendtr df epltlt a Nash, grove, seen..., gtreeborhrl CV atter, lama bte rr. re. Tth horro v emelt to cos Illnt . :l7e ti nett o o o o ;I a. ' 0 ' 0 W " 7 , 1 ow PS A •artn of 12 nerea In Derry to • OOP. Weatothrel couoiy, . a coll. !Torn Latrobe e. n. re...lourollV. it eig Improved. etas lorreframe nosef a thm•orZ able looms. a welt torn.. tr.. barn 10 by •5 5 .171.1 5 .41 4 e 'ls o tel 4 tlVart.7t " ttl i atrl hrat " e " e " l •s. al • reja:V ' e and 00 abundant of Ilmeati arra coal thereon, sults I rated 1n the colon tbe bast lertaloolselda /11WesiWunelitiod counter hot. cc... le. t to %horst., acre els, mlll4 1:: M. lonatattably gsNd..4 owl t,,,, go , Wri."*.°V*. ,tr .. dr ~, Ng rs A ..-, laarca outy. low: Ind ill 7ll.lteawm in ../ tract an 4 10 tr.loo sera Itt .ather too ll .lgc 1,11041 s thltnty illwOott. Ctontal tin, • P 7r i s Mr! iailhe 1114,-;f:lrr.,-..:: lend .4 .. 4 r l l: 4 loo.o4 Z il o r r a .ordelntd.lol.oZ. I /43 ° M 111 41Pzi:VsiMfil$W110,111 changed for Property let Me My gr neillthaci3 hood. • No.= Two Lola In the City of pis t .h.,h, tac 'lord lid ie.. on Warren sar-et, betwo.n be Ifebater moms. on I,lch ts bolt one-Cory frame Po.. of I roma. and ram mat kltehea: • well of :good •••ster. a hate.. sio A to-. we:OMM be roll • feLltl t ets ' g eo r r cent:peedfor • mall tam will,- 20 mto 60 toll. ot Wecity. on tho Coe of a [tat , 6.4. . , ,u. b. Alto. a two-story Itr:el filloote, :mob 161.. M.A. boron cr of It Km.... IZ 3 -rrot o Uc i t u t;3 by L,ll feet, froiA*ou h. orlet sm.. and gatandla c' back To a :33 /,.4 at,..; a tine •aroes. taltb, Iran it,. a :a' q, Oc• Ti., nall:Iltlya have t et. isle. rept:rod. lido tad and'a Nem. &nom °gored lot, yand 0 . 11,33-' ton . lama. 1,1 ......ta and rt, octit hotte alb. 11:tle ovre a atar3l rt - • 701100.0. 4. 14: aer..• org •..,1 L led. ,111. 1 .7. Chaco t• vroatlt, to tat 'mat •n.l 0,140 . ra t "II Mu 1.n.; 33311610 f ate We.t ,n Ilsanlilltil.. 1..1W, at mantel.., Abu, . •c ea ..r.. elf ac 4 and In a gig, cote. mule. 3.3. 00,1 r g mid .7rft l l l st I . 6 o .: l re ' egte t o o i ta d t r * ag I . tr . r . • . 7 1 ' 1 ' :Ai ff . nand . ettall, of wait. oak. wain. an 3 .l :cast Owner .1 [1.3 pzeinlst a ll nadotald 1.. h v..0al and iltnedLottr... 002 aro lint•mv_..l with • brick dnelll, haere. of too, Man.. .41,k1lettert. • hankbara 4107 6.1 foe., an apple otubl.. Oeseltet frzll a. •134 th, ntnal antbalotny3 Ayr the 0033•0• Mau. of co 'arm. Tit e cud ANL term. Cr naente, rely lib - rai. No. 01. Also. ulo crea of-ogee:tet 1 0 1 Is o,, Land. In llama omety. Allitmel. . tie In the so t.ta•we.t I vt or the . U. 4 UV Dart) pralrie. So d ;only comes. iwlth timber. art • reit td 1..1 •4•010.1: to :taegrow.h. t f 7•1;1 . 11 ' ; oar. .nt•:::=ti :::t7p P artgilg ' s Ir:A gm .. Dalian • no cilmatc ' ead anon Waters.. No. U. also. CM act. in ICC county, :isle. sour 1. to he toll la ote nod, - or to porn. t• .4 Parent... Shoe are doe, munle iltuda deel6, eic toll, well adapt. 4 to tat. grow. of all the N 0010xone (.013.01 the norm 00.1 In • itotilon ,0 crie c r ton.o o. tic. mad Oct.: th•) sea well watored and tat, an abardane3 et Mo. bar, acd Al s o titl. no. Q. Also VA •c3e3 la two trsots, In Jef•• lb.. county. Illatourl, In the lead renooo, rl ' i . : 1 : '. . " ati P ilg " !;:11 1 :11 . 022 ! ::113 . . r am On:.IL Also, 001 to reale Vernon county, 31Isseart. Its t•o Ire., Act arm land, cm -100.1 will 1112111 r. In a coenty ,that I. 1•111119 up rpldiv ilor Yale cheap, to o•otte oat a partner i:alp bush... o. AI. Amen CO arrn cf giM.l Land la 840 alr r r.'3.l6l3"stgrtilliZil'l',ti.l.:tv;,t7.-.• ,:.,..1 1 ,Alat, Manna In c 'fright mac.. CM - *intl. fun likenil lontillictlee rem ton of rota tat re, waldt is . 0 01 7 4 oP nplair. Ti.,, MI, tot tand • ase eutionelog le 'LAI.... y•lr Doe- • In; the year 1107. no 1,13 than CAW fors:go Iso • ottcotn•- •ftioced toms CAW bil/A16.1 In 70086 K165017111. 00. 47. $l7O Thomsen. Acres. a eery ralnabla . • Mote, In la arthlogtort towa.l9, flausertg mac :37l,,P;ltl'e' t th gl! ' or P,11°.t,:. 1 . 0 1,T0',:1f :711; - • gunman Tract;' , Leo lasprosokaratt ate two , I ,:f IV :1' , 1 0 .1 0 „t1,7''2111;.1%!;1°°t!,?:,' Mprortnat cm twa .w mill. one stem and th, . tn, waver 0 .wor: a largo Coro C.a.. c 3 = ' , l7 l:gl;s 4l . ' .:C ' . " o o 4C ' ;: . a f r o a r 7.o.r.lrTiet':',7ll:: _ ry t'itti'L,T:, t .1,7,1t1f ";,7, 2 1:14.:.T'g1;p1'..1,1 If: , de.t3 the whole tract% t ayee.la/Ir 1111•01. 4 [ova. -i mug purrosce. Put the gfaat value •of tills . Prince', estate 10.,100 name ona ura, of loon lost. ';':. to 111, v .. 01 3" n ano. g:1,14w, ,°,,,:r.": ~ toll& mote clan 4.0.0 ace aof a teary growth c ( I, ash, cherry, lino, poplar. hemlock. meal tint a. d oak timber, f.rerhien th.re lea °octant .4 In% 111.11, demand. • o 3 b tut cid wen la It can • 0 ...or ehtpPtd Oltli, way by the i nencylva• -' nla Ctntr , al ..atlrOrZi.i:ool,Ftnrea alien.lnzt:,lll6l ; 1.1::7) 1 0 ' 7e °TT?. 71°TlWZIt D es! Aar. C., Pittetturga. and gaz a neologi and 131.3.1- 101001 *import. reale by Prvfm.aor Wm. P. MIN