The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 19, 1868, Image 5

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    tit's liithi4 &vitt
`coxßELLsviixn RAILROAD.
From the annual Report, Just pnbliah
ed, of the Pre'ldea and IY/rectors to the
stoclholders'of the Pittsburgh and Con
nelliville Railroad Company, we learn
that the gross earnings for the past year
were, from passengers., sl74,o3o;freighbi,
$312,931; 1:0/03, $3,650; rn". 'mons,
o,ooo—total, $493,190. The expanses
were--Cooducting - transpartailon, $71,-
349; Repairs of motive power, $99,240;
maintenance of esrs, $28,975; mainten
ance of road, $107,033; general expel:t
ee'', $17, 549— i0i11. 6325,209. Leaving
net earning - s, $172,972; cowling 34 73-
.100 per cent which is 1 24 100 per cent
better than the previous year. d year
ago the floating debt was $53.39 5 ; now
Expenses have been increased to pro.
vide and impose the Company's prop
erty in Pittsburgh for parties mimed in
the retell trade In coal and coke. Pay
ment of forty thousand dollars in bonds,
due to MO, on purthase of thisproperty,
has been extended until th Company
shall be in condition to mos it. Sums
have also been expended tel filling • the
variOna trestles. At Sind atch-tunnel
$B,OOO was used.
IT ra WALL WROW2C that the Beaver
Canal Company aro desirous of miler
ging the capacity of their line of commu
nication so as to admit the passage
ships betwena Lake Brio and the Ohio
River. To this end the aid of the State
is Invoked in the form of a loan, eltler
of cash or credit, to be secured by mort
gage. )in... Lowne has this project
much at heart, and may press it upon
the corusiderntion of the Legislature.
Gsammar. CaztanoN, with that far
sightedness which is' one of his leading
peculiarities, has, fora long period, ad
vocated making a slack-water naviga
tion on the Ohio, from the head at this
city to the Falls at Louisville. If this
idea shall ever be realized, or. LC it
should be consummated so f,r as from
this point to the mouth of the Beaver,
this enlargement project would assume
national importance.
We do not know what prospect of go.
ing through Din. LOWRY'S scheme has,
but if be should succeed be would add
vastly to the prosperity not enly of Pitts
laugh end... Eric, but to the advancement
of all UM 'cottntry intervening between
the two cities.
Too Pat SIZEST'I3 USJOINDEA to 0110.
Grant is given in Our columns this morn
log.. It contains nothing new; put only
reiterates his former - statements. He
Abought to make Gen. Grant a tool for
the accomplishment of some of his pur
pines against Congress and the laws; and
failed. Tnat he is mortified at his lack
of moms& is natural enough; but a
sense of decent shame aliould have re
strained:him froni accusing the General
of deceiving . him and betraying his con
fidence. The President is himself the
most conspicuous and perfidious betray.
er this age has produced. Re
ceiving vast patronage. and authority
from the ReOuldiesma, he. has used it all
to defeat their plans and frustrate their
principles.. 'Under ouch circumstances
what right has. be to -complain that the
General "changed his mind?" But It
so happens that the officer thus assailed
...stands firm enough in his integrity and
in the confidence of all citizens who bear
true allegiance to the country, to put all
his accusers to complete discomfiture.
spring. In New Hampshire on the see!
oud'rnesdity of March ; in Honnectlent
on the Ant Monday of April; and in
Ithode Island on the first Wedne3dsy of
April. The Dinkocrats have had no
chance of success in the latter Bate for
a number of years Connecticut they
_have . curled, and "In New liampsErre
have waged contests indicative of hopes.
la these last two States, the present sat
in, the canvass is unusually animated,
and, the look now Is that the Democrats
will be handsomely routed in both. • .
A =M U' beta introduced into ..the
Senate to authorise the constriction of
&boom and dam on the Allegheny river,
in Corydon township; Warren co:nty.
Ilihr grant h conditioned by the Mil on
maintaining the descending navigation
of the stream, and not raleing the cur
rent above, low water mark without the
consent of owners first had-and obtain
ed. This booni and dim are.tri be loca
ted at or near the month of Willow
This isnot the enterpriseio which we
referred some days ago, of booming the
Allegheny at Freeport.
Tire failure of three successive crops
in Eastern Prussia has caused great suf.
feting among the people. The typhus
fever has broken out, and, owing to the
miserable condition of the famine strick
en people, has spread with rapidity. The
Prussian Governmect and - local author
iticafiad it impmsible to relieve all the
sufferers and appeals for - aid have been
made to this and other countries. In
New York a committee to solicit sub
iicriptions to a relief (and has teen form ,
cd, and doubtless our. German fellow cit
izens will be called upon to contribute
Tams is on foot a strong movement
to displace Mr. Seward from his position
as Secretary of State. Ms principal en
emies are the Stairs whose influence
with President: Johnson continues po—
tent. Poor Seward! His dream of the
presidency together with his brilliant '
name and fame have gone, and he stands
tottering wreck of what once, he was,
without the shelterin g wing of either
party, or The remnant of any, to cover
him in his hot* of political despair. BO
much for mistaken and selfigt ambition.
Oun regular Harrisburg correspondent
gives a further account of the frauds by
which the democrats defeated . Mr. H.
W. Williams last fall. From the lees.
'alive proceedings it appears that one of
, the 'witnesses subpmnaed before the In
'realigning Committee; frOm Clearfield
county', was waylaid upon his return
and so beaten that be died. The frauds
upon the ballot box. and the brutality
towards the witness, are of one piece,
and illustrate the depravity and rect.
lesenessof the democratic leaders.
• Tan new Constitution of Alabama hu
isemivejeeted, it !siting to receive =c
hef as many votes as thero were voters
registered. When the people down
there bear of the decision of the Supreme
Court as to the powers of Congress in
the matter of Reconstruction they will
Mimprehead the situation, and batten to
adopt an organic law that an pats mos
. ter as republican in form and substance
as the federal Constitution now scads.
CONSIDLRING how scrupulous and ten
skive the Members of the Pennsylvania
Benito were a few days ago, their con
duct yesterday amens They zeta
ally accused one another of being "sot
up;" that is, of acting under pecuniary
Or other mercenary Influences. If the
pestilent newspapers had breathed that
imputation, to, what a towering bight
would the Mated indignation of the hon
orable gentlemen have runt
WII 219,TC Mewed from many kind
friends copies of th.s runstng weekly ps_
pen for which we adeentsed• We no
tary our earnest thanks to those who
have so generonsly responded to our ad.
Tun astonishment of the Democrats
Is jammed by ,the annorumessent that
the Supreme Coart Is unanimously of
The opinion that it has no authority for
sillustelng political questions. . -
The ljnie -7- n Pactic Railroad Company;
(main line), offer substantial ea to
wards conistructieg the_proPosed air-line
between Otrults and St. 1.0111/.. By this
line fit. Louis will be one hundred and
twenty miles nearer Omaha than Chica
go is by rail.
An exploration has been commenced
of the line of the proposed road , from
Cleveland to Zanesville. Ileriollll Ob.
stacks to the construction of a road
with low grades and with little curls
tnre are anticipated, with the exception
of one spot of a mile or two, and It Is
believed that there they am .be avoided
or so modified as to be of little Moment.
The indications ere highly favorable for
the early commencement and suceesalul
prosecution of this work.
The Pituburnh, Columbus and Cin
cinnati, end Baltimore and o..kt Rail
road companies are to build &joint round
house in Columbus, Ohio, next spring..
It is to bo-large enough to accommodate
.twenty.llve locomotives, and Is Lobe sit
uated on the lot owned by these_ (tom ,
panics in Lazelle's addition to the city.
In connection with this Improvement,
each of the above companies propose to
erect extensive shops on the same land.
• The Hon. E. Billingfelt, of Lancaster,
presented to the Senate of Pennsylvania
a 611 to incorporate the Lancaster and
Delaware Railroad ()untruly, with a
capital stock of $1,600,000, andthe right
to construct a railroad from some point
On the Dekli - PIO Myer near Point Plea
sant, in Backs county, by way of Phm
nlxville, 3lorgantown, and Chnrchtown,
to Lancaster, with the right to bridge
the Delaware. The amusements in
clude a road from the Delaware to lex
sel City, thus opening a new rim) west
ward; and putting the garden oC Penn
sylvania in direct commendation with
New York.
A raltroad lout been projected from
Toledo, via Huth= and New Philadel
phia, to Wheeling. It is contemplated
to make a connection at Wheeling with
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The
route would certainly be the most direct
one between Toledo and Baltimore. It
is said that the road will be finished dur
ing this year from the former city to
Matailon, about sixty miles of the dis
tance being already graded.
—The Chinese rebels hays 1111 army
of only thirty thousand men, but are
successful in their battles with the Im
perial troops.
—The Duchess of Genoa, the affianced
bride of Prince Humbert, is older than
the Prince, very pretty, and much too
good for him.
—Goenod is much chagrined at the
decidedly cold reception which his opera
of Romeo and Juliet has met with in all
parts of. Europe.
last accounts Carucci had just
oblauted tunste , Vion L of the presidential
chair in Pere. Next week's President
has not been named tot
—Prince Napoleon polled the nose of
the Marquis de Caul, Pantie intended,
at the Tuilleries, in 1963, at the time of
the Achille Murat scruidaL
—The Baroness Etergenyi has at
length confessed that at the instigation
of Comet Charinsky, who promised to
marry her, she murdered his wife., I
—Mr. Crawahay, the great Welsh
iron merchant, who recently died, left
some seven millions of pounds of perr I
soul property to his youngest son.
—The British Society of Foreign Mis
sions distributed twelve millions of taunts
at the
great eihibitiorTh Paris. Haw
many of them were read is an entirely
different question.
—The ()humus,- a cuts in India,
numbering some 539,000 members, hays
deserted Brahmin's= and started a new
religion, with a high priest and priest-
Tap Harrisburg Tkegraph always I hood of their own.
.professes to be -greatly shocked when The power of Juarez la strengthened
bad motives are attributed to members 01 in Mexico, and it would not be worts.
the Legislature, but it does not mind ing to see him lift to his own heed the
taking a band at abusing the City Conn. crown which rolled from the corpse of
ells. Hear it: the murdered ifsvhalliatt.
"The balding of new Water Works —Captain .Tuakins, the great boa of a
and giting Councils power to sell the , c ommo d ore olj the Canard n ee ; h as
present Works, on which the city has
expended from twenty thousand to fifty commanded thScotia for six years, and
thousand dollars within the last few daring that time has conveyed 25 , 370
years, at prints sale, is intended, no passengers stares the Atlantic without a
doubt, fa gine some farerits en &NM Ox i gio acc ident" •
opportunity for speculation."
I —Louie Blanc has been nominated to
Nor doesit stop with this. It goes on the French rarllamsat by the Liberals
to declare that of llanieilles. IWe think there will be
"The Connell& are unable to account for
some rwrz xnoussso nors.sns of the another Louis,H blank in looks, st least,
present indebtedness of the city." at the Tuilleries, if this one should be
Even this is not enough to satisfy it, I elected
for it farther nays: 1 —Schneider the president of the corps
"We have the positive assurance from legislatif, the greatest iron producer in
persons in position to know, that,' the 1 France, and the most extravagant ex.
aut horities or this city have fame d m o re Labiler at the recent exhibition, is bulk
heads than they have authority by law ,
to do." , rapt, with liabilities of at least twenty
millions of f ranca
Thu is treading on somebody's corns, ,
to be sure. We awl expect mem b er . of I —The President of Venezuela has
the Counc il s, at the next. meetings of 1 , made another new catdnst, as once more
most of the members. of the olds have
those bodies to tell the public what they j
been killed. It is not an altogether pleas.
think of the amenities of the Harrtsburg
press. If their stock of vituperative ort. ant position, that o f C abinet Mini ster in
tory is not equal to the occasion, they Smith A merican MePublic
may be able to borrow a supply fromthe —Frelligrath , the great German poet
whose wonderful oriental poems are
State Capitol.
We might mil ocreelves of the °eel- among thy_ gout specimens of • word
extant, is at his old home in
sion to tell our contemporary, in lone- 1 , P aintin g
thent. language, (cupp in g i ts
recent ex. i Rhenish, Prussia, fat, and in the com
fortable enjoyment of a surecient
ample,) how moan such imputations
upon public men are; but a decent self- c erne.
—Von Beet, who not excepting His.
respect restrains us from Imitating it !
muck, is probably, the most versatile,
any particular. _ lf not the greatest statesman of Europe,
_ .
Taw firm of August Belmont de C0.,1 has advised Franz Joseph to cut down
in behalf of the Rothaelillds, sent a lot i the expenses of the Court of Vienna to
of Pennsylvania State stocks to the ! one fourth of their present amount, and,
State Treasurer for redemption, and i the kaiser has premised to de so.
asked payment In gold. Mr. Kemble, ; _G enera l Cluseret, who Is now i n
the Treasurer, replied, declinirur to pay I Paris, was most virulently assallel by
to gold, and concluded his letter as fol- I the government perm t h ere because he
lows: l stigmatized duelling as a cruel, stupid
/ have no doubt Messrs. /august Bel- I and cowardly custom.. Gen. Cluseret is , A
moat ,b - Co., had many liabilities out i now g oi ng repapers
to th eses dam • — "gra girl
at a Methodist Church,
when the Legal Tender Act was passed I p apers for .
much- in Nashvi ll e, Tenn., tricime so excited
which, became due after gold had risen . 1 ages, an action which does not add 1 and nervous, under the injudicious sp.
to a utensil:Mot eighty. I have not yet to his dignity. pails which were being made, that she
heard of their conscience compelling , _The„..eined trana in a h m prom . 1
aid •
in gold instead of the Legal i swooneo fell onto 'a hot stove,
them to pay e
are willing to give you the I his been revived In Vienna, by a RhYst - I burning herself so badly that she cannot
Tender. W
of drop of clan WhO uses it with great Kamen in - more ,.
poun d
n blocs'. fi es h, but n ot otte. .
cholera rases. The blood of healthy —Before the war Jacob Thompson
and a h frer a rTfe n nin lli g . toßetimbemoetruireesetliwonnds'of 1 7,7,_g person s i t a thf r eeed he
ed ie . th . th _ e ., V,_ . e/11 .. 1 . wu worth more thins million- of
the Rothschild" with the Pennsylvania e ` ' e Ps"r•-"`•
and rem of ''''''' . tars, he being the riciest man in Mil:
indebtedneu, he sa: . ! twenty ounces,
An Belmont A Co. have never de- 'instantaneous relict /
often- the effect in I sisappl. Be Is now an exile, living So
', Europe, where be recently reCeiveil
dined to meet any demand for the pay. , —The ifrg i r h Irsdkal Jour ., is eon _ 1
the entire proceeds at
meat in coin of any liability contracted caned about English workmen; it says 1 the sale o r. a n hi t , pro p er ty.
by them in coin, before or since the Le..
gal Tender Act. ' Unit they wear out too coon and die too 1 --Castor beans, broom - corn and sot
' And then he aids for the alneeild ben- I early, often of preventable diseases; arid 1 ghnm have been planted in place or cot
'. End
of the State Trammel: It Is now publishing a series of essay son ton in De Witt county, Teals. Seven
I take this opportunity to express my
regret that the Stem of p eami l uin i. this 'object, which will probably be read 1 thousand acres or castor beans alone
should have for its Treasurer a person i with Interest, II • large class Is vitall y I have been planted, and' 'a letter from
who could so far disgrace the State he I interested to the question: - there says that an oil press could' do a
assumes to represent, and forget the
dignity of the office he holds. as to re- i . Count Vile Thum, the represemtative 81e hydride there In the coming fall.
ply to a civil business communication In ;of a family which Is probably one of the ~zi
a manner which must raise the
of I oldest in Europe, and from which the I •_, a Monday, February third, an ex
i and destructive fire occurred In
shit" on the cheek of ever/ citizen °I. I old Saxon family, the Fitz _Thema of ,
that great and honored State. , -
i England sprang, has bees engaged by t
!Galveston, Texas, resulting in the leas
of property valued at some fifty or sixty
—The Young Men's Christian AIISOCI - 1 Pli."6 Metlernich to cult the memoirs of I thousand dollars worth of property.
. Prince Clement Metternich I
ation of Philadelphia seem to have taken his father There was some seventy thousand Apt
on themselves put of the work them 1 Count 'ills Thum Is a member of the Aar . pi . imam= spore property, wind . ,
which several - benevolent citizens are Solon Cwhinei. . i pally in Northern companies.
doing here. In Philadelphia the Ado- t —The Resat= government has found- ;
—The news from Louisiana is more
elation dialribtita tickets among the dif- .ed a new military school at Orenburg on , eseppraathg. The precautions taken,
ferret &gond:muses and those homeless i the borders of Turkistan. One hundred I by the ersittrary and civic authorities
tl and twenty of the pupils are - to bethe i have removed the apprehensions of at- 1
wanderers who take refuge for the nigh
la those places receive these, and they i sons of Tartar or Margie chiefs and the .' tack „ from the bands of whlte and black
represent meals, which will be given to I reu udeder ere to be moans, in w ” — marauders, and the peaceable portion.of
the per,,,,, preiien ti n them. miry arrangement the desire of the govern- i the , p 'potation Is at work, so that the
Persons Partook of the first melt Ou r 1 mea t that the ,various eatienebtlee lain of a lack of food are also dhow
philanthropists also provide lodgings for I sho ul d frawm6l. is clearly shown. peaig.
the destitute. It would be, perhaps, a I —Since the inpresse In th e pay of the I —During the last two wacke some
good idea to imit the time which each I Proudest army, a lieutenant gets twenty- I eighty Germs" Waned through Lea.
wanderer can stay, as It is done in the I live alders a month and a small allow- ' legion (By.) en' souse for Woodford
various hospices of the Alps: In St.l ante for hoard. On a salary of this coun ty , w h ere t h e y have er , ga ged •t o
Bernard every traveller is allowed to re, 1 amount It is a wonder the officers are work for the fanner'. If this valuable
main three days, no matter what his eta- . I sought after for husbands, and it is not , e l emen t o f our population were en .
tion or class may be. Then he must de- Latrange that the paternal government I grafted into all the counties of all the
pert Duress be - is ill; when the hospital lof Prussia forbids ill officers below the Southern States, reconstruction would
will receive him and tend him as longs" i grade of Major marrying without es- hue many of its difficulties.
It is Pr:teary. The Grimed has adopt. I press permission. affray occurred on the 31 inst.,
ed the came rule, allowing four day ' I . —England has a new religious' meet in the dining room of the American
however; and 'so it is with the others,. whose chief belief Is, " cursed is the rain n o t e d . .Atiente, , (Oa.) between C. C.
The rule prohibits laziness frail qua
rter- , that trusteth in man." They Call the `m - • Richardson, a member of the Conven
ing on charity; and a similar one would I selves "peculiar people." and never all lion, and Captain Timony, formerly id
be good for _Mr. Rabe's new and cone- In the aid of a physician, praying over the United States Army. The . Ciptain
mendable enterprise. . ' their sick s milmvie ff f aith * Sev eral lira, was at supper When Itichardson came In
rests of members of this sect have re.
—The. funny man of the Iloston (btu- , with a friend and addressed him, 'a few
cent] been • made in London, for de- wo rdsonl y d betw ee e m
tocrend Batictin gives Borstal valuable
hints to persons who are stout to give glect of children who died for want of the Captain shot Richardson, wounding
presents: . For your .washerwoman or , me di c o a id . him fatally. - Captain Timony immeill
bootbladOmv some olegillt trifle or Brio - .
allean It Is their affair if they haven't —Partly owing to the injury to the
ately delivered himself nal° the author.,
got a marble bracket or what-not to put harbor by the recent earthquake, partly id ea .
them on, and no }roma. If you have -
to the anticipated transfer of the island ' —the yeimg men of middle. Terme&
any strong Calvinistic friends, a pack of
playing cards or an opera glass will be to the United filmes ; D ritish ste amers see have many of them organized Into a
a very lively enrprliie for them; and a from Liverpool no longer stop at - BL
gift of a good heavy volume of dry ser- society for political purpo. sesoasort of
moon to your
sh ea th young friend, Thomas W Chau " Piruuugurs for - AF Rebel partite hand dallied the Kokfui
wbo delignts in ea and hal- 1 pinwall tO another steamer. Port Bop Klan. The main object of this secret as •
masque, will eery likely cause you to he al Jamaica, .1s to be the future general sedation is to se threaten and Intimidate
remeintsaed with strong eipressions of t
logbooks, [runt o[ gratitude. In buy.. depot for exchange of passengers
. and 'the negroes as to prevent them from
leg books fur children, patronize those freieht. • voting at the next election. The organ•
gloomy caverns In Conahill, frotn which :.'
the literary wet blankets of childhood A' young worn= was rece ntl y lzation Is extremely popular with' the
see homed, and select a good dismall
London, stabbed thirteen times by her lover, In disaffected portion of the Sate, and the
story of au unnatural child, who puts his
I and then forfeited her bail u a Nashville F r ees f e ars that it w ill here a
'Tending Money in the misalonary bee,
talks like a moral handkerchief, and la Ifflrroi , and refused t ° appear against bail effect the coming election.
finally rewardedby being shipped off to him at. trial. Nevertheless, the brutal
Boorleboolah fibs ea a mhodonnry. i lover was semtenced to twenty years found , —Thomas DaLs has recently been
guilty of murder and sentenced to
- I penal servitude. The girl wu after• b e h an ged In Raleigh, N. C. Be was
wards arrested for the recovery of the e ngaged to, Kiss _Laura .Foster, but his
bond, sane .200. Contributions were affections were weaned off by a young
made for her by Truisms philanthropists, and pretty widow, named Anna Melton.
among whom was John Ruskin, and the These two plotted together the death of
requisite nun was raised, in that she Miss Foster, who, one day rode out oh
could go free. horse back, and was fond afterwards
murdered in the woods. Suspicion felt
' on the rally eoOple, With the above re
sult. Mrs. Melton Is In jail awaiting
her triaL The prominence, reapectsbll.
It y and wealth of the pestles have caus
ed the affair to be of the profoundest in-
Wrest in Raleigh. - •' I
- - -The London Star is witty, "The land
In England. I. stadia be owned by some
'thirty thousand men. Wo have beard of
a person who was awfally uneasy. in t
mind lest these thirty thousand, ou
patience with strikes, disgusted with re
form, worried by railroads, shocked at
the incremo of population, should one
day combine and gam the whole British
nation notice to gait." • • •
—To" all who would be racing men.
Judy offers a word of advice. Backing
horses h a dangerous game I It was only
the other day that a young man backed
noDorse—intn almy.front, and U coat Um
end of mangy.
—Napoleon has deprived that aged
sinner, the Marquis d'Orvault, of hie
—Owen Meredith ,has written a new
volume of poems, Wis.! "Chronicles
and Characters.'•
—Most of Queen Isabella's children
are very illiterate. The Queen herself
is not a marvel of erudition.
—Switzerland still stleks to the old
custom of beheading with a sword all
criminals condemned to death. •
—The llamas D'Azaglia, the Italian
Minister at the Conn of St. James, has
resigned and asked to be recalled.
—Lessem the man of the Suez Canal,
his paid - more than two hundred thou
und dollars to the press of Buis for
—The gossips at Bertha are somewhat
exercised about the rumor that the fa
mous "white lady," the aaritron
which is guild to announce Im pp portant
evehts In the Hohenzollern familn, has
again made her appearanes at tho royal
cotton factory is to be erected at
Delhi, in Fratlelti j'arish,
—Hannibal, Misaonti, has but one
steam fire engine, and that is broken
--General Ceiba Coombe to trying
hard to become United Btntei Marshal In
—The Richmond Branch Railroad will
won be in running eider to L‘ncastcr,
—The New Orleans Normal School is
doing remarkably well. Theie are at
present one hundred and twenty-fire
pupils in attendance.
—An Immense number of negro yo
tars are letaing Mississippi for Alabama
and Tennessee. Some four hundred
have gone from . Monroe.
—The North Carolina Convention has
Toted down a resolution making negroca
and persona unable to read or write ineli-,
gible for the office of Governor.
Texas correspondent lays that
that State is full of idle men waiting. for
something to turn u;,, and say's all this
is the effect of training youth to live
without labor.
—California, a town in Monte= coun
ty, Missouri, has a new weekly called
the Ptirkwiekion, which Is a comic illus
trated and rather, a . oreign looking ani
matter the back wtiods of Missouri.
—Two named Smith
and Cotton quarreled a few days since
at Franklin, TennAsee, and shot each
other. Cotton received a slight woond,
but Smith was ahoti in the abdomen and
cannot recover. Ru•-•
some parts of Alabama snow fell
dazing the last week of January to the
depth of six Inches, an occurrence eo
rare that some of the 'oldest inhabitants
have found it remarkable.
—Large land holders in Greene Conn.
itT (Ala) are offering to give the use of
their plantations fey the year to any per,
sons who will payl the taxes on them;
hoping thus to escape the necessity of
selling. y~
—The Franklin (Ey.) Sentinel says
that the farmers in thatregion complain
that the senes of sadden free:legs and
thaws this winterhave killed on all of
the wheat and materially Injured the
d more whits
—Thirti•ire Monsen,
rotes than coloreld once - were cast to
North Carolina at the recent election,
and the majority! for a convention wai
*knit equal to the whole number of
colored voters.
—The Fort Smith Herald aye that
Arkensas is situated In the midet of one
of the richest and meet extensive cos!
delds in the country, requiring only la
bor and capital, and not very much of
either to =kilt pay.
The editor ot the Batesville (Ark.)
Mei informs Ms readers that he got a
whole hog from ono of his subscribers
for a single year's shbscriptlon to bee
paper, and he wishes all the others would
go the whole hog too:'
—The returns from Alabama still
leave the ratification of the new Consti
tution of that Bta'e in - doubt. The
Montgomery Mail Contains what it calls .
a Realist, being the name of all whites
who voted for the ratification.
—The Receiver of the First National'
Rink of New Orleans announces that he
finds it difficult to collect debts dab the
bank, but that if he succeeds he *fit be
able to pay the Stockholders a dividend
of fifty-six cents on the dollar.
—Some nub, bold burglars broke into
the State prison at Baton Rouge fold
stole the clothes of the OIMVICLS.' The
New York Commercial Advertiser says
they are a disgrace to the prafCssian,
and we think that it ought to Imo*.
—Last Monday the emffolding on the
new school building in Gethsemane
(11 , r.) fell. Two men were on Hat the
time, one of whom waSseverely.andthe
other fatally injured: The latter liVed
but a few moments after the accident.
.—Oa the last day of January all the
gutters were frozen over in N'ew Ot
lean!, and there was some skating on
I shallow ponds. The Picsynnesays that
ter the first time in -years people found
solid la In their pitcher!' in the mora
-1 12g.
Additional Correspondence.
Letters from the Presiaent and
Five Cabinet Members.
Grant Accused of Insuberdinallv.
Another Letter 'from Grant
t t to tee Pittsburgh timette.3
Wasitt:ceros, February 11, ISO&
Too President this afternoon sent the
folio:ring letters to the llottne of Repro-
Nell tativtw, in accordance with the resolu
tion adopted yesterday:
Ex cetriv s: 111aisstos,• Feb. 10, IltIM.
(itrentut.: The extraordinary chime
ter of yoUr letter of the 31 inst. would
seem to preclude any reply on lay part,
but tho manner in which publicity has
been given to the correspondence, of' .
which that letter forma a part, nod the
grave question. which aro involved, in- I
duce me to take this mode of giv ing ; as'
a proper sequel to the communidWona
which have passed between us, the st te•
merits of the tire members of the bi
net who were present on the occasion eel
our touversation on the 14th ult. Cordes ,
of the letters which they have addressed
to tne :mon the subject aro accordingly
herewith enclosed.
You speak of my letter of the Ist ult.,
ne a reiteration of the many and gross
misrepresentations contained In eertalli
newspaper articles. and reassert • the oor
rectness of tho statements contained In
your communiestion of tho 2 8 th nib, ad
ding tend hem 1 glee your own words,)
" Anything to yours in reply to it to the
contrary notwitlistandiug." When a
controversy upon matter. of fact reaches
the poin: to which:this haslmen brought,
further maertion or denial between the
itumedintepartno should cease, especial
ly when upon either side it ;looses the
the character or the respectful discussien
required by the parties standing to .
each ether anil degenerates In tone and
temper. In Pinch • (Ilse, if there Is noth
ing to rely upon but the opposing. state
ments, conclusions must be drawn from
ethose Matements alone and frem whatev
er intrinsic probabilities Limy &fiord in
favor of or against either of the parties.
I :should not shrank from the controver
sy; but fortunately it Is not left to thle
test alone. Thom were deo Cabinet oftl
ceni present at the conversation, the. de
tails of which in my letter of the 29th ult.
you allow yourself to say contain many
and gross rnisrepnwentations. These
gentlemen heanl that conversation and
hays read my statement. : They speak
for themselves, and I leave the proof
withenta word of comment.
I deem it proper, before concluding
this communication, to notice some of
the statements contained in yeur letter.
You my that • performance of the ,
promises alleged to have been made by I,
you to the. Prenident would have in-i
volved "a resistance to the law and an
inconsistency with the whole history of
my isonneetiost with the suspension of ,
Mr. Stanton." Soli thenstate that you . I
had fears the President would on the re
moval of Mr. Stanton sispoint 'tome one I
In hie place who would . embarrass the I
army In mrry , ing out the recomtruction
acts, and add 'lt was to prevent such au
appointment that I Las - yeti : el the antes of I
Secretary of War ad interim, and not for I
the purpteb of enabling yoit to get rid i
of Mr. Stanton by my withholding it
from him In oppention to the law, or not
doing AO myself, surreadering it to one
'who, as theatatements and assumptions
in your cum lionithtlon plainly indimte,
was sought." First of all, yes horsed-
mit that from the very beginning of what :
von term the whale history of your
cannecUon with Mr. 's sus
ion, you intended toStar ci doe rcumvent pen-
Prmident. It waste carry' Pint that in
tent that yen accepted the appointment.
This was In Your mind at the time of
your acts:puma. It was not, then, in
obdience to the form, - of our aerial°,
As e he r Ltefore hod boon supposed, that
volt imsomed - the duties of the oflice.
You knew it Seas the VreelderiCs pur
pose to prevent • Mr. Stanton from
resuming' the °Mee of Secretary of ,
War, end you intended to defeat that I -
purpom You accepted the of f ice, not In To the President.
the Interest of the President, but of Mr,
Stanton. If this purptim so entertained I • : —...---
by you Lad been confined to yourself, if : , Poirnfrown Derawrxescr, 1
w lieu aecepting the office you had dove ", • WitlilitoTols. Feb. 0 , 1 808 . i
41 with a mental reservation to frustrate , tits-1 em ;In receipt of your letter 01
me President, it would bevel been a de- I the nth of February, calling my atten
,ption, to the ethics of smile lumens. , ti.stt to the roi•rostrondence publishesl I
11ach con rat. Ls allowable, out you cannot , the Chronirfe:between the President ant
! dead , even upon that questionable f Sieneral 4:rant, and especially to tha
ground, The limurry of your connection : part of it which refer, to the converse,
with Oda transaction, as wrdten lay your -, lien between:the President and General
..cif, piami you in a different preallese I firant at
the Cab in tomtl gn e
thatn th l
e 1
, e ,et am], shown that you not only con- , of January,.;_with a rsstuest -
reeled: your design from the President, , what wm sald In that convereatimi It
11l ilduced htur to sup: cse, that you! reply I have the honor to state that
would carry out his purpose tat keep Ur. : have read careful::: the correetandenne
Sienten out of MU,. be retainiegit Vollr- I in qaeation, and particularly the lettel
..elf, altar Co attempt:ea restoration hy the , of . the President'. to General Grant,
Scottie, so as to require Mr. Stanton to j dated January 31, IffaS. Ti.. followthg
:atabilsh his right by indicts! decision. I extract . from your letter of the Slet q
I now glee that part of dna Lottery as , January te r General Grant is eccording
written by yourself In your, letter of the , I i my roc:dim:Von of the conversation
. i. , :alt ult that took place between the President
"S,tite time alter I assumed the Julies , :sod General Grant at the Cabinet mew
of Secretary of War of interim thePrefe leg on the 14th of January lost, In the
Went attest my sierra as to the connse I presenee of the Cabinet:
askedGea.G rent whet
Mr. Stanton e ould has e to pursue, la , write President
fat. the Senate nhould nut concur in his 1 er, in the conversation which took pi •
...pension, to obtain pant...SIMI of the : liner hisanpointrnentaa lietcretary of W
oat,. kf v reply was in substance that I off Meartat; be did not ag
Sir. Slams would have to n ppcel to the I either te round° at the head of the Wm
Courts to reinstate idea, ilinstrating my : Department mad abide any judicial:pie
pesith.ti by citing the around I tied taken , iswdings that might follow the nonwsio
in the cane o: the Italtimors Police Con, currency the Sonal• In Mr. Stanten'•
111 Ismonerig." , aufipeualort; or should Ins wish not tel life-
Now at that time, an you rultnit iu your I come Involved In such ountroversy to i
furm of the 3d inst., TOII 1161 the Office ,pu the • Proaident in the same poeld e
tha very objets t - ff defeating an ap• , with rapeet to the office a• he accept
1 ...
l ast to the t'ourts. In that letter you , prov :owl In Gen. Grant'. ape:Atrim t,
say that in acceptieg the °Mee ene tie . by returning It to the President In ti •
live was to prevent the President from I ti anticipate inch inftlon bv the See a.
appointing some other person alio would This Geneini Great win:Mid. The Pr
retain possession, and thus make Jodi-', ident then pinked General Grant if at e
ef a t proceedings neeessary. You knew ceuferonctson the preceding Saturday a
the President wan nnwilling to trust the , had not, to:avoid
Grant t misudeelate rstandiwhat ng, -
tidies with any one who could net, by : quested (filtered no
holding It, compel Mr. Stanton to resort • !Mended to do, and further, If In ready
stoodCOlll. YOn perfectly under- Itn that ituMiry , be (General Omni) had
stthat lii this intetwiew, some I not referred to their former cones .
time after you tmeepted the of. f Sons, flaying that thorn them the P I.
lice, that the Preddent, not eon- i dent underatood his position, end that
tent with your •• sden,e, denired an :his (Gen. Greet's) &chest' would be cen- ,
,weted„to,,, o t your visas and you .XI- i sLitent withthe understanding which lied
e him that Mr. atantou would have 1 beetiresehed. To these questions fine. ,
to appeal to the Courts. If the President', Great refilled ,in the allirMtstive. The
lied reposed emindenor before ho knew 1 eras dent
,fuiked Gee. Grant if, at he ,
Your views, null that contidence had' conelusiontof their thterview on Sa r-''
imen violatisl, it Might have Leen mid lie I day, it was not the umterstandiag e rd
made a mist di' e, but n vs:dation of mat- 1 they were to have ano th er conferen on
edence Xelle,ii eller that concertos, ' Monday, before final action by the
,hear- '
non, wan no mistake of his nor yours: It ate in the cam of Mr. Stanton. a.
is the tact only that needs sat stated. Giant replied that inch was the under
Jai at the 114!. id this conversation you standlng,but that he did notsuppossithe
did not Intend to hold the ofece with the. Senate WOUld net •0 5006: !hot on Mon- '
purpose of If:mini; 31r. Stanton - into : day be bad been engaged in • centerlines .
Court, but did hold it then and accepted I wi th - Gen, Sherman, and was occupied
it to ,prevent that course from I with many little molten, and askedif
Irving tarried out. In other worth., ; Gem Sherman had not called on That
yen said in the President that is I day.” ,
tho proper course, and you said I I take , this male of replying t • the
to yourself I Lace accepted request cordoned In the Preeittent's let
this office end ”rn, hi ail it to defeat that
because my attention had been I,
courao. The excuse you :nuke In a nub . - . al to the subject when the semen(
*molt toregreph nt that letter of the .., between the President and Gen. Grant
L'atn vat, that at terwarda you changed was under consideration. , •
I a. ~„ n
your vie,. ELA to wit:4.ool ben proper , .. . v., Rau pei:_n_ H. ii
.y, j .
course, has nothing to do with the point I hour obedient
W. Than ser,
now under consideration. • The pilot Is I-• f• • Aida. i,
that before you changed your views you ITo the President. - Postunoner Gen:
had secretly determined to do the very
king which tit let you did, surrender
the edicts to Mr. litatiton. You may have
changed your views ens to the law but
you certainly did ,tit change your views
as to the mum , you bad marked out for
yourself from the beginning.
I will only rodeo one more statement
in your letterer the ad inst., that the Pcr
formanoe of the ',nimbi :it, which it la al
leged were mode by you, would have in
out yet you Iti the resistance oil' law. 1
know of no statute that would hive been
violated, hafl you curried out your prom-
W. In good faith, apd tenderts.l yo urres
lunation when you concluded not to be
wades party In any legal proceedings.
You add: "1 am in a memure ion
timed In this conclusion by your recent
orders directing me to disobey the order ,
Irian the Secretary of War, my superior
anti yuur imbortlinate, without having
countermanded his nothority to issue or.
dere I AM to disobey."
On the '24th ult. you mid rooted a note
to the President, requesting in writing,
an order, given to you verbally - Iles dart
before, to disregard orders from 31r.
Stanton an Secretary of .War, until you
knew from the President himself that
they wore lila or dem. Ou the latth, In
et:emit:met, with your request, I did
give you instructions In writing not to
obey any order •fr om the War Depart- .
mord, assumed to be honed by dime,
Sun of the President, unless such order
was known by the General command
in the armies of the
States to
base been authorized by the Executive.
There are POlllO o rders which it Secretary
of W may . issue withot te authority
Mate ar
President. There a roethers svhlch
ho issues aitnitly tot tho gent of the
I'reshiet, nod which-puraport to be_ by
direction of the President. For sch -
ders the Provident In respounible, wi nd ho
should therefore know and undersitand
what they •nre before giving , such direc
tion. Mr. Stanton, in he letter of the 4th
itmbutt, which accompaulm the publieh
col correspondence, nave ho has had no
communication with the President since
the litth of August teat, and ho further
anys.that slum he resumed the duties of '
the office be has continued to discharge
them without arty : personal' Or written
communication with the President, and '
ie atids "no been
sued from this on pa
Derttnout In the
mans of the l'resident with my knowl
edge, and I have received on orders from
him." It WU. llelitlla that alr. Stanton
now discharges•-.:the duties of the War
Denser:rent without any reference lathe
President and without using his. name.
3,ty order to you had only reference to
orders assumed to be issued by the Pres
!dont. It would appear from Idr. Stan
ton's letter that you have received nsi
such order. from hint. In your note to,
the President of the ro s ult., In wlii.-h
you arknowirolgy tilereeeipt of the writ.
ten Coder of tile 'llitit, you say' Gist you
bare been informed ,b ,i 4 e. Stanton
that be lon lAtlt.,' received any
order limiting lAN authority to humour
dere to the army according to the peen
tire of the Deportment, and otate that
"while this antherity to the War De.
Er m hin ti eLt hit.nrtecveigiuteeermanto
, ti Lt t will
orders Issued - from the War Department
by direction of the ;President are autho
rized by the Erecative." The President
twum an order to you to obey no order
from - the War Department, purporting te
he Made Ly directtin of the President,
until you nate referted it to hint fur his
approval. You reply that you have
received the President's order and will
not obey it, but willober en order pur
porting to be given; by lits direction if it
comes front the War Department.
You 'will obey no direct or
der of the President, . bet will
obey his indirect' order. If, .as you
I say, therebtei been . % practice In the War
Department to hone Orders ha the name
of the President without his direction,
does not the preeLse . rder vou.havis re,
, quested p and have', leea change the
ractice to the Gen ral of the Army? I
Could not lirePrey dent countermand
any such order imp In the name of the
President to do n s lel act,. and an or.
dor directly from t o President himself
not to do the act? , Is t ere a doubt which
you are toobey? Ye answer the Ques
tion when you the President, in'
your letter of the td inst., "the Secretary
of War is my .auPerier and your subor
dinate," 'mid yet you refuse obedience to
the superior by mind of deference to
the subordinate. .;
Without further comment on the M
au I ate attitulie whisk rat have sa
au,, "et-sides to knew bow yea
mu:Yellen yourself from the orders of
tbsident; whit in mode by the Con-I
alitutio• the Comenander.lmehlef of thMi
army and navy, and is therefore the of-
Solid superior as well of the General oili
the Army as of the Secretary of War.
. „ . . RespectfUlly t yours, ' I
IGeneral N. S. Greek, Commanding Az.-
; tales o t the United States,Washlngton,
D. C.
'rho letter of the President la imam
pealed by letters, from the Secretaries of
the Navy, TreasUry, Interior, Suite,' and
Postmaster Demirel; auppurting.hhe pool-
Exscrrwt: ists.seston.
'WARM:Iamp, D. - C.; Feb. G, ltfS.
Sua—The Chronicle of this morning ,
contains a correspondence between the
President and General Grunt, reported
from tie War Department, in answer to
nresolution of the 'lionise of Represent
attires. I beg to call your attention to
thin correspondence, and especially to
I that part of it which refers to the conver
sation between the President and (ten.
Grant at the Cabinet meeting on Tues
day, the 14th of lunnary, and to request
you to state wh i t was said in that con
Very respectfully your. J
• Wasiuncvrofs, February 1, 1868.
SlR—Your note of this data eras hand
ed tome;this evening. My recollection,
of the oonversaUon nt tho Cabinet meeting
on Tuesday, tiro 14th of January. °arras
ponds whin your statement of it In the
letter of the .also ult., In the published'
correspondence. The three points spec ,
tiled in that letter, giving your recollec
tion of the conversation; aro correctly
lasted. , ! Very fiespectfully,
WASZDNOPON. Feb. I, het:.
Srwi—l have received your. rote of the
rfth haat, calling my attention to the ow
respondence between yourself and Gen- 9
eral Grant as published in the Chromic/re
of poterday, evectally to that part of it I
which related: to what occurred in the
Cabinet meeting on Tuesday the Nth ult,
and requesting me to state what was
ald in the ooaversation referred to. I
cannot - undertake to stae ttie pieclso
I.gusge used, hot have r no healtatlon
in flaying your account of that concerto.
Lien aa -given In your letter to General
Grant en ;billet ult, arthstantially lu all
Important particulars aocorda with my
recollection of it.
With great respect,
Your Obedient servq„
Iluou 11cCur.Locn,
' 1
Wwearriorolg, D. C., l
Feb. 6, 110. '
1 em in receipt of yors of yesterday,
calling my attention to r n correspondsnos
between yourself and lien. Grant, I pub
lished in the cnroe, and especially to
that. part of said correeptindonce Well
refers to the twavOrsation
u the
President and Gen. Grant at the C lost
meeting on'ruesday, the Pith ofJ nary,
and requesting me to state wh t was
mid In. that conversation, In r ply I
submit the following a:element:
At the Cabinet meeting, 'tondo: , Jan
uary 14th, 18118, Geo. Grant appeared and
took his accustomed sat ut the board.
When ho had bean reached to the. order
of business, the President linked him as
usual, if he had anything to present. In
reply, the General,. after starringg to a
note which he lindthatmorningad reseed
to the 'President, enclosing apy of
the resolution of to Senate refti lug to
concur in the reaso h ns for the ausi4onsion
of Mr. Stanton, proceeded to my Ihe re
ganiell his duties a.s Secretary of War ed
interns terminated by that. resdlution, '
nud that he could not lawfully e*orelse
such duties fora moment after the adop
tion of the resolution: that the 'relcolu- '
Mon rest:nod him last night. and that this
morning he bud gone to the Wei 'depart
meat, entered the Se :retsry's room bolt
ed one door on the inside, loci,od the
other On the Outside, delivered the key
to the Adjutant General,' and procealeo •
0 the I leadquarters of the Army and ad
dressed the note above mentionel to.the
Prosid,ent, informing him that be was no
longer Secretary of War mf interfm. The
President expressed great aurprlse at the
course which Osman! Grant hadthought
proper.; to pursue, and suit:easing
himself to the General, p oceeded
to my, in aubatsnee, that he ha antici
pated emelt action of theSenate,and being
very desirous to have the constitution
ality of the Tenure of Office bill tested,
aid his right to suspend or remove a
member of the Cabinet decidest by the
JUillohil - tribunal of the country, he
had some time ago, and shortly alter
Gen. Grant's appoluttnent as. Secretary
of War ad barns', tusked the General
what his action would be In et eve—
that.the Senate ahnuld refuse cot
in the suspension of Mr. S ton,
that, the General had then agt el el
4 ,
to remain at the head of the IY r Del.
merit till a decision could bop obtain,
from the Conrt, or resign the ollce ink
-the hands of the. President before the
case was acted upon by the Satiate, so
to place the President in the ante situaa
lion ho occupied at the time tif Grata
appointment. The President forth.-
said that the conversation valreem•
on the preceding Saturday, '
at sr/
time he. asked the General w l
.•. , fr - -='' '-'±-. '' T -- "- r.
,„ F ; :..‘ ro
A .
,1 rt.
teidel t. do if the k ,nate should entir--
La 4 e to res centre Mr. Scottie. In
re; is to 3011141 al Gotv.ral referred to
LI,. it tenter cwsll,oll,lLlLni 11110 U the +am. ,
suteste, and said 70u "umbret and iny
immune and my cendurt wilt be con
formable to that tederstandlne;" that Le
(Alm Geuensl) the expressed a repug
nance to being ma de a party to a judicial
emiceeding, sayinglthat he would expose
himself to fine Id imprisunmect by
doing so, as his et unuleg to discharge'
thdrinflet ofSeeretars - of War ad interim
aftir , the Senate e i rld have refusal to
co cur in the sus (mon of Mr. Stanton,
set Id be a v 101 l tine 'of the Tenure
;of Ofilee bill; that in reply
to„hie the President Informed General,
Greet he had not impended Mr. Stanton
under the Tenure of Office bill, but by
vi toe of power conferred on him by the
, Certi gi tution, and es to the tine and int
,pr Rement the !vigilant would pay
1 lei atsver tine wee imposed and submit
to whatever imprftweiment might be ad
, judged against him )the Generulft that
; they continued the conversation for
1 se its time, discus/hag the inn , at length,
and finally separated without having
reached a definite ronelasion, and wtth
the understanding that the General
1 wld see the President again on Mon
ddy. %In reply, Gen. Grant admitted the
- conversations had oemreeil, and nail
thht at the first convemation ho
given It an hislopinion to the Preel
dind t
thst Inn the eventof noreconeurrenee
by the Senate in the action of the Presi
dent In respect to the Secretary or War
the question wouldhave to be decided by
the Court,lbat Mr. Stanton would have
eipeal to the Court to relestate kirn in
cep, that the Our would. remain In until
t.ey could be displaced and the outs put
I by legal proceeduagi,and that he then
I thought so and bad agreed that If he
Ishoald change liiemlud he would notify
the President lu jime to enable him to
make another eripeintment; but at the
I time of the first conversation ha
hid not looked very closely Into the law;
Itt at it hail recently been discumed„by
a nowspapere and that this had Indu
ct : ,
i. h .b i m yt b
.I o .
,i.,,re examine rLt wn , l al t
and that
h r more
athew( carefully, zue lod.
d that he had come to the coraciasion
1 if the Senate • should refaile to con-
Grant) could not ntinue thereafter to
tea Secretary of War ad interim with
° t subjecting hi Itself to fine and im
p leimment; th at ace came over on Satur
dy to Inform th e Pre:dame of this
s a.
change in his
i i views, and did so
I Ibrm him ; that the President
replied that he ad not suspended Mr.
Stanton under the Tenure of Office bill,
tat under the °institution, and bad ap
pointed him (General Grant) by virtue of
L so authority derived from the Consthe-•
t on, .4e; that they continued to dlacum
the matter some time. Finally be left
without any ceapclusion , having been
ached, expecting to see the President
on Mond!. He then proceeded
t explain why e had not called on the
President on M inlay. saying he bad a
tong- interview ith Genend Sherman,
that various little matters had occupied
is time until late, and he did not think
he Senate would act KO green, and
keel, "Did not; General Sherman call
• n you on Monday!” Ido not know
hat mused between the President and
leneral Grant on Saturday, except m I
earned It from the convereatloh between
them at the Cabinet meeting on Tem
flay, and the foregoing is substantially
Whet then warred. The precise swords
bud on the oocesion are not of coarse
given exactly in the order In which they
Iswei e spoken, but the Ideas expresed I
d facts statedlstre faithluily preserved
.end presented. I
I have the honor to he, sir,
With great respect,
Your obedient %orient,
I 0. 11. BROWNING.
To the Presider
p Wasiltrarrert. Feb. 6, 1868. j
1 Stn—The meeting to whim you refer
In your letter was a regular Cabinet I
I Whe the members were I
assembling, and before the President hail
entered the Ccluncil Chamber, General ,
(trent, on coming in, said to me that ho
was not in attendance as a member of
the Cabinet, tint upon invitation, and I
replied by the Inquiry whether there
was a champ, In the War Department- I
After the President had taken tun seat, ,
Melee. sc, oft;on In the metal wnv of 1
hearing ma tera submitted le the. us.- I
oral tiecretarle When the time came
for the Se. re ; yof War, Geri. Grant
mid that L was not there es
Seeretery e War, hut upon
the President n melt-then; that he Lad ,
retired from the War Ikpartinent, A ,
died differen e thou appeared about th e
auppneed inn duce, General Grant say- I
leg that tt e dither mbe had borne lie
letter to the P i Lea ti ldeut th at morning, an
his r etirement from the War I
Department, d told him that the Pres
ident desired us see him at the Cabinet
meeting, to which the President. an 1
el that when General Grant's comment- I
tenon was delivered to him. the Presi- ;
dent ;simply Implied be suppose& ben. I
Grant would be very soon at the Cabinet
meeting. I rem.. riled the conversation ;
thee begun re; Incidental. It went on ,
quite informally, andconxisted of a pante- .
meet on :roux; part of your views In re- ;
mud hi your hatlersuinding of the tenure I
upon which l'en. Grant had assented to
hold the W r Department chi ;etre.,
and of bin replies by way of answer and
explanntiond It was respectful and eour- i
tootle on both side*, being la the meter- ,
national fern, As details could only '
have beenr report
by a verbatim
retort, and is fuse I know no such port
was made a the time. I can give only
the general ;effect of the conversation.
Certainly you stated - that although you
had reported the resumes for Mr. Stan
ton's h el d to the Senaty
e b , ou nev
erthelesst he would not e entitled
to resume the sties of Secretary of War,
even if the Inst. should disapprove of
Ma suspend D. and that you had pro.
rillto has e the question Meted by Jo
emcees, to be applied to the per
son who ;should be the incumbent of the
Department; under your designation rat
Secretary of ft ar ad interim In the
place of If r. Stanton. You contended this
was well undentocal between yourself I
and General Grant. That when he en- I
timed the department ad interim, he'
expressed Me concurrence in a belief that I
the questiott of Mr. Stanton's restoration I
would he • usmaton for the Courts; that
In a autneement conversation with the ;
General 3.0µ had adverted to the under-
standing thas had, and that Geueral
Grant exprMaed ids concurrence In it; 1
that ; the conversation
which at
had beensa ute
previously held
(emend Giant said he still adhered
to the same construction of the law, but ,
said if hebould change hie opinion he
would giv Seasonable notice ed lt, no
you could In any nee be placed In th e
same poeit on in regent-to the War De
partment at you were while Gene
l t,
pa ral
Grant het it I did rot undendand
General Giant ne denying nor as explic
itly adnutpng these etatemente In the
form and I the full extent to which you
made them.. His admission of them
was rather indirect and cirt•unetaettal,
though I did not understand it
to be an I evasive one. He said that
reasonlag I front what occurred in the
cam of the pollee in Maryland, which he
regarded li n es a parallel one, he was of
opinion, dso assured you, that it
would be is right and duty under your
hwtructiope to hold the War oftlee after
the Senate should disapprove of Mr.
Stanton's)deuspenelon and the queetion
would be 'ceded by the courts; that he
remained, until very recently of that
opinion, find that on the Saturday be6ire
the Cabirest meeting a convermtion wan '
held between yourself and him in which
the subj ect was generally-discuss
, ed. Getieral Grant's statement was
that in that oonvereation Ite had sta
ted to ybu the legal difficulties which
Imight arise involviog tine and- imprle.
I cement tinder the civil tenure bill, and
that he did not care to subject himself to
those penalties; that you replied to this
; remark t
ti it you reganied the civil ten
''; tiro bill ; 4 unconstitutional and did not
think It penalties were to be feared, or
that you would voluntarily assume them,
I and you ,insisted that lien. Grant elded .1
eitherri taln the oftlee until re
limed by yourself according to
I what you claimed was the original un
derstanding between yourself and him,
or by Reeionable notice of change of pur
pose on his part nut you In the Berne sit
uation which you would be In If Ile ad
hered. I You chanted that Gen. Grant
finally Mid In that Saturday's mayors:l
-lion that, you understood his times and
his preeetelinge thereafter would be con
sistent With what bad been on under
stood. Pen. Grant did not controvert,
nor canll• say that he admitted his bet
statement. Certainly Gen. (I met did not
at auy; time In the Cabinet mirt
leg insist that he had in the
Saturday conversation either die
tinctly ;or finally advised you of his
decree nation to retire from the Menge
of w n th d e W to a . r
H De e per b.a tn c te o n n t v e e t r. b ed erw u lee po t n ha th n ,.
I r
under our Own istdmegnent direction.
Ho eel dewed in your stetement thatt. the
Saturday conversation ended with an ex-
Nebel; that there would be a toilets
quent nference on the subject, 'winch
ho as ,well as yourself supposed could
seasonably; teke place on Monday. You
then aftudedle the fact that Gen. Grant
did not call upon you on Monday, es you
had dxpected from the conversation.
Gen. ('rant admitted that It woo bin hz
peetat OD or purpose to cull upon you=
WWI J. Gen. Grant assigned remota
for the omission. Ile said he was in
eenfereace with Gen. Sherman: that
there ere many little matters to be at
rent matte taf the tnenmbency of the War
sour the trent with Gen. Sherman. and ex-. I ;
there ere
1 pact Gen. Sherman would call upon
tillerl Monday. My owe mind suggested a
t- further explenation. but I do not re-
I Member whether It was mentioned or
s I not, Ho mely: It was LIOL Anupp9ml by
I Gen. 'rant on Monday that the Senate
I wool decide the question u prompt
!ly as to -anticipate any % further
explanation between yourself and blut.
,r I if delayed beyond that day.' General
.and h e taade another explanation. that
ihieh , howes engaged enanday with General
to in. I BbarEas, and I think also Monday, In
_c ad ß T 3 .
the W.r 1z • .4
hope, tin Jti‘ll Ise d ti if, tut •
t tirwettro tip t o ,11.•
a irs f .t42,11tn. !, .rtql
1 hav , the litator to be,
With szrcai•retspect,
• Your.tibethent %errant,
n -
Tti the Pre,ideui. Wm.
NoTitt Eft L,ETTEtt oIA.Nr.
• Tito toylorupapying letter from General
Grant; I.,..eived. 4113,3 the trtinsull , siot4 to
the }louse of Rept4sootetive• of my coal
inimleatioh of thtic tlnte, 1s aublnitted to
the liou:so us part flf the corregrondenee
referred to to the re-t,llutiou of thd lOth
(Sigmedj Arnt KEW TOLLNe•OY.
WASIII.NOToN, Pebruary 11, 'it&
Ili., lareellenry, teeitretc Johnson
ut —I have thehonor to act:amyl. age
the receipt of your communication of
the 10th inst., accompanied by the-elate- ,
ments of tlye Cabinet ministers of their
recollection of what occurred In the Cab-
(net meeting on! the Ittit of January.
Without admitting anything Conteintal in etaternents„itere they differ
from anything )heretufore elated by
me, I propose to notice only - the !
pardon of your coiommunicalion
wherein I am charged with inisubertil
natiem-,I think !it will be plain to the
reader of my letter of the 30th January
that I did not P l' ropene to disobey any
legal order of the resident distinctly
given, but only. 10 give an interpreta
tion of whet would he'regarded SS satis
factory evidence Of the President's sanc
tion to orders ornorninunicailons by the'
Secretary 'of War. I will nay that your
letter_ of„the 11th Met dentaion the drat
intimation I bore had that you did
not accept Unit Interpretation, nor
the -reasons for giving that inter
pretation. It was clear to me before
my letter of Jantanry 30th was written
that 1, thb perean haying more public
husinesd to transact wits the Secretary
of War tharianyetheir of the l'resident's
indmrdinates, was the only ono who had
been instructed to disregard the authori
ty of Mi. Stanton, where Ms authority
was derived as an agent of the Presi
dent -- Grs the 27th of January I .re
ceiyeti I a letter from the Secretary
of War, (copy herewith) direct
ing me to Diruish an escort to
public treasure from the itio Grande to.
:dew Oriennit, dm. at the request of the
Secretary of the jTreiteary to him. I al
so eend two other inclosures showing the
- recognition of Mr, Stanton as Secretary
of War by both the Secretary of the
Treasury and the Postmaster General.
in all of. whichicasas the Secretary of
War had to mil- upon me to make the
orders requented or give the information
deolred, and where his authority
to do ao is derived in my Vie"( na
:f e e a n r t iv o f . th th
1 1 . g rm$ i d eal t.tbl,/, of a t no oo nip r r e r;
dent's; here referred to, It was my duty to
Inform the President of my interpreta
tion of It and tonbide by that interpreta
tion _until I received further ordure.
Disclaiming any intention now, or here
tofore, of dmoboying a' legal order of
the President distinctly' ny communicated,
f remain very respectfully,
Your!obedient servant,,
11.1. S. Grtaa-T.,..General.
• lime. Di leatva'n ktansion,
The Paris coircspondent of the Boston
SaturdayF7eca P ing Gc.elte gives the fol
lowing glowing account of a house Mme.
de Petra bast built in Paris. He says:
She has built ) in the avenue des Champs
Elynces one of the most splendid man
sions in Part. The steps are of the cost
liest marble, the bannisters are of bronze,
and the moldis - were broken after the
brooch wag made._The doors and man
tel-pieces of herdrvving rooms are made
of malachite. Thin stone is so costly
(although not reckoned among the pre-
ChM% stories) as to be worn quite fre
tqetorY of o a breast.plu. - Yon may have
hed tee - neof our bankersami
Prince Demidoff, Who owns the quarries
whence malachite to drawn? The banker
saw the Prince admiring his breast-pin,
and, J . guorant;of the history of the stone,
said, 'lt la beautiful, isn't it? Do you
knowthe material? It is exceedingly
tostly." Prince Detuidoff replied, " Yea,
I aw quite faMillar with it; my mantel.
piecer are made of ft," to the confusion
of the bsmlter,
The walls Of the drawing room con
tain pleturest,lone by Mons. Boulanger
representing Catherine ofßussia arrest
ing Ity a smith Turkish soldiers, another
by Mons. RIIL Delaunav exhibits Diana
Poictiers Presenting Jean Goujon and
other gr.: tirttste of her day to Henry
II ; another 'still by Mons. Compt is s
scene iu the life of Louis XIV and Mote.
do Maintenon; the fourth is by Mons .
Levy, end represents Cleopatra'a firs'
interview with Anthony. Ono may re
! member Mtne de Pairs ordered fron
I Mona. Geronie a picture with the fins
• interview between Cleopatra and Cmsar
;for its anbieeL He painted the picture.
but they failed to agree on the price, she
thinking eight thousand dollars too ush
or it, oifercsi to glee five thousand lot.
; tars, which Mona. Geromo declined and
found at once a purchaser at Ills price.
I The drawing room ceiling is painted by
M oe , ticrome ; the theme is the hours
of dawn, sue rise,ncton and sunset.
• • • tt • as , er
P.StAttj is now immenao. She owns
the almost royal =Chateau de Fancier
train, whereat:is keeps an immense ret
inue of servants; her gardener , and hust
lers are English: her lauhdres•ets 'and
dairy-mecidaare Duteln•sho bits Italians
for macaroni and Ices, and French, for
!awry, Su, In her kitchen, and IVigN
guard her estate. She hex tried in vain
to get into good moclety; but as site is !
"very parttcular" whom she recePree,
,--her only female company Ls recruited
from decayed families of the Faubourg
SL,Germaln, who are only too glad to
got a good dinner.
Such 11114. as Mmsers. =abate Beuve,
Nisard, F•ifillet de Conclun, Theephile
Gauthier, Phllarete 'Chemise, Reran and
Prosper Meneuee are her hubituaiguests.
umtag aTogey.
An ingenious mode of tiger killing Is
that which 'is employed by the natives of
Ondo. Thefgather a number of broad
leaves of the prowls tree, which much re
seinhlos the sycamore, snit having well
bennseared'tbent with a kind of birdlime.
they strews them id, the animal's way,
tatting cars to lay them with the prepar.
ed_olde uppermost. Let a tiger bet puthie
paw on one of those innocent locking
leavea and his fat* In settled. Finding
the leaf atteking toldl paw, be chokes It
In order to rid himself of the ntilonmoo, '
and finding the plan nnsuoreasful, he
endeavore to attain his object by rubbing
it against his face, thereby smearing the
1 ropy birdlime over his nose and
oven, and gluing the' eyelidn to
gether. ' By thin time he has probably
trodden upon several more of the trench
ennui kart", and is bewildered with the
travel . incloirenienee; thou he rolls on
the ground, and rubs his head and face
en the earth in his effects to got free. By
so doing I be only adds fresh birdlime to
his bead, body, and limbs, agglutinates
his sleek fur together in unsightly tuft*
and 11111M:tea by 'hoodwinking himself so
thorcaighly with leaves and birdlime,
that he lien floundering on the ground,
tearingtip the earth lett It his clime ut
tering howls of rage and dismay, and
exhausted by the impotent strugl. in
Which be bad been w in long en g gaged.
Thane erten are a signal to the authors of
his mischief, who run to the ',pot, armed
with guns, bows and spears, and find no
difficulty in dispatching their blind anti
—The INorf York L'urning Pug am
tains the fallowing °human' of a genii
luau whOse Uame In as familiar au boas
hold words in our oil merchants:
• • • •- . -
"The 'death of Abrithern• M. Corbena
was as ituloOked for nil event nshis com
mercial! failure a few days before Mot
Leen, Mr. Conons had nmuy friends In
the eonlinunity to whom ho was endear
ed by his genial and friendly manners,
his goileroint temper. en Irk piddle
spirit. 'Po WM a friend and d
liberal en
courager of the tine arts, and at ono thus
the Prilsident of the Art Union in this
city. Ills disposition W. enterprising.
and he!wits, we think, the first
will, tn
tnxluced the manufacture of kerosene In
this country, procuring by the action of
heat a crude petroleum or reek oil froin
cannel coal before the oil wells were
openedl . end then refining it Into keror
done. This woe suceeekled Icy extensive
entermases in, petroleum, to which he
he awed his unfortunate (allure mid his
death- The clreninstanetes of that fail
ure, operuting upon it sensitive and In
genuous nature, throw- him Into Buell n
state Of mental agitation, that he died
wlthinla very few days after his failure
became known to the public."
, .
Tier, llEsnar. Etstn.AND.f oil
carriages, perhaps, that were —O
ever in
vented, the beers° 14 the most hideous,
and the realty is no propriety about Ito
build For decorations: whatever. 'lt is
simply a very unseemly cupboard; and I
why it should in surmounted with
plutnes, of ail conceivable things, no one,
we presume, hi ;trepan , ' to explain.
These plumes again appear on the heals'
of the bevies, without apparently any
11numol or suitability; and then, be It t
0.45[611, to be buried in anything like
style !von must hove (out horses. There
Is something grimly ansurd In the Idea
eremite honest city man, who has gone
to his-TaTly Lass tor yearfin a cab or an
beyondis last public dve,
'don he", enjoying It, in of ur
in-hand. lie would have astonished his
friend. with a yengeancooit he had ever
sported a drag while he was living, end
why !Mould he be made to begin such Ill
treason:tee, and le a line so distant from
his tastes, when he to dead apd helpless?
London Leader.
--Why would Venus descending from .
Olympus be like illiberal husband? Os
mium ahe would come down handsome.
ice Iry Iljts,,G 43,:aXD 811.11EAte.1,
WASHINGTON,' February 13, I: •
rF-u:ll3l.l:7ST—REsui.cTioN,: or Tn,,P.
sTEVENS. ' I ii
Ine Reeenstrmition t u nimiata--ioad
a b ri e fsession thie morning, n ..`.the
members being present. Thud. Shiva..
staled that ho to - soled to bring the eukile-t 1
of impeachment ton test in the Conelit
tea He bellevedtthat the investLeShen
had gone far enough, and that the tame
had ;come when ! some tangible netion
i •
should betaken, ; Ho ; had preparti he
Said, the following report to the H 4 se,
and he would non take the seat: nts
.if the members of the Coanrulttee dyer,
on a
'The Committee ou Beconstruetion,
to whom was referred the correspondence
of Andrew Johnson, President °tithe
United State., anal U. S. Grunt, DetAtrel
commanding the mantes of the ;IJlntal
States, having considered the aa er end
the evidence, do! report that by rate of
! the powers with which your es niattee
!has been invested, they Levitt f 111,1 ex
amined tho evidence before Ali n,Aand
ore orate opinion that Andre* Jehnthon,
President of the United Status, ie stellltv
of high crimes end inhale neanorsliana
therefore see recommend the ndoptind of
the followiug resolutions t %tt
Resedred, IllatAudrew Johnson, Frits
talent of the UnitualStates, be irragenehed
of high crimes andtmledemeanors. tit
Resalred;. That the Committee itti hi
the Senate, end St the bar thereof, it the
name of the Mouse of Reprostentalivis,. -
and of the people of the United Steteti, do
impeach Andrew Johnson, PresideAt of
the United States, of high crimoiand
misdemeanour: a n d acquaint the Senate
the House! of Itepresentativeseivill ,
in due time, exhibit particular tartlet. of
Impeachment against him. and Make
good the mine! . a_ : .iji
.Resothed, That said Connuitteel . de
mand the t-the Senate take girder I', ; the
itlipearence of said Andrew Joh nto
Ammer,' to said impeachment. . ;
As seen on the reading of the la:-
rt. ) ,
times was finished, Judge Bingham eve
oil to ley the report and while sub et of
Ina yeaehment on the table. t
Mr. Saeveus said. that he wante the
yeas and nays recorded on that . ni don,
so that the country might knows,. Was
and - who was not an Inver of takln ;cog
nizance of the crimes and miulemraors
committed by the President. a
The vote was then taken, and' toed:
Teas, Messrs: Bingham. Beaman; Faine,
"further% Brooks and . Beck. I-Neya,
Meseas. Stesens,.Boutivll and Farns
worth. t ! a , .
t ; -
Thaddeus t Stevens is greatl I cha
grined at the result, though he ei s he
did not expect much different. 'says
the Republican party. In stir " de
ferred, and through cowardice of it, own 1
members. He snatches much or the,
blame teGeneral Grant end his Wends,
who ho says homme frightened anll de
moralized, for what reason he dotia not
exactly know.,lt le Ma firm bellatt that
had the friend.of General Grant ilk well
as Grant hlinself kept their hinda elf.
nothing have saved Johns Mi.
When the !Committee adjournikt, life.
Stevens invited, Messrs. DontweD and
Farnsworth to meet With him In,biller to
take other steps on the subject. '. a.
t I
. ,
The monthly report of agriculture fur
January contains a table of the aver,'
age yield per acre of the princi fame
crops of 1567, showing, with the eragn
bome prices' at the present time.l about
the Mule range as In Sanualy - ,. 1, . 'ln
New England there la a slight red. ellen;
In the west a decrease; la th e , 'aunt,
except in! Miesissippl, .Lentlana,
nod Texas, a marked red. etion.
A reduction Is shown in Georpts, the
Carolinas and Virginia In wheal. Tee
- average of !potatoes .le higher Inaill the
Atlantic States. and generally In the
Wm t, excepting Kansas and, Ye mks,
the greaten Western inerease,, being
noted In Illinois, where the elyerage
yield was 'sixty bushels _per acatlo, and
the average orice one dollar sett:wee
ty cents per bushel. The reper.l64, con
cerning the average of winter wkeat in.
di nds uo materialthange comnad with
last year. In Pennsylvania, Ne eYore,
()hie; and Indiana there appears o be a
slight decrease, and an increase appears -
ic-an soil lin some Southern P tales,
announting in North Carolina forty
percent. Al the beginning of th whiter
the appearance of the crops was :rot gen
erally qtalte so favorable as Instal. A
tarominent feature of the ropoft in in
presenting, special statistics or farm
resources and products for the ~lastern
and Middle States, giving -a comparison
with 1860 in. paces of barne and wild
lands and Interesting facts as tiirjthe re
iemrees In timber and - mineral, opecial
it.est of pasturage, &La. § ~
eirwaravie. arrnerstavtoiy. a
The consular and diplomatic agpropri
ation -bill; reported "on the tolls differs
from the one originally introddiad. It
restores the appropriation for tig. salary
of the Minlater to Portugal, .4d pro
vides Commissioners and a Cort4ll Gen
eral to Hayti and Siberia lent/ Min.
isters. e The bill mntalns mo a ropria
lions ter Minister. to Greece an ' Rome,
end iodate** the contingent fund of the
state Department from 5.03,000A11.30,08 0 ;
oanitesaLsry of Second Assists:a:rm.:Teta
ry of State, and falls to appropr4te mon
ey for the following objects: ham:liner of
Claims, rent of State Departmeilt build
ing, Superintendent of StatUdles, dis
patches by cable, and boundarylcommle
,lam Sur, Washington '4iirrritOT.r.
The -.hilt contains a ta't•ortslou
that ~'no Consul Genera. Con
sider 4 %gent or Cymmemial b irnt b•
paid except those specified the act,
all laws end parts of laws 4. siding
for the payment of any other igocaular
officers than those In this act ;Specified
are hereby repealed and alt moneys re
ciyed for foe. et any Vitro Col i tlate or
Consular Agency 'tor the UM ..
beyond the sum one thousand - collars in
any one year, shall be accounted for and
paid into the Treasury in the oulne man
nerl as other money. received officers
of the United States." The
specified In the act le about on,. hundred
and sixty, leaving upwards of Feta hund
red Consuls and Commercla: gents to
be no longer paid. The total sum tap-
priated Is 1112,U5.9,:111.i
The following telegram was end le the
Pane::: Senate to-day by Mr.
ifonteernere .Ataberao, Fe . IS; Tot,
"lon. D. F. Patterson., Senatoxirrom Ten-1
nesseet The ratitlattion of the Conetitu- 1
lion was defeated by over 15,(0; What
is th 6 prospect for the passage of Sher-
man's bill respecting Alaban4---- --- ' I
Lslgnedl D. D. D'XI.I.S. •
I Goventor's
A letiei received here frornlat l aa med.
cart citizen at Pleyrout, Syria;. al Jana
ary Ild,lsaya John C. Breekt rid e"Saraa
there. i making Inquiries 1 regard to
traveling through Syria. dulled all
elairreto the privileges of a ol teener the
United Stalls and appeared uett affect
ed while conversing upon aegis 1 in his
country. When naked If hetnterded to
return', he said he bad nOwiltit tottecome
a martyr and should.not re tant geatil he
could do so In personal tuff tyP but no
other country; could. bo Inert:erne. He
said in reference to alfalre,9l3 the war
was over and appeal to the. !maid had
been decided against' those *heal whom
he had been asseelated, he *Ss w "ling to
shoulder his gun like anv i gher Man In
defenie of hie country. , h :Sever.
spoke of matters at Syria tei t tlio tone of
a foreigner. •
The same letter slates Jre.ob Thomp
son and other leading partiePof the South
during the late war werl wandering
about Turkey. . 1p ,
internlation in Coinser e circles. la
to the effect that coneiderahle Procreate
has limn quietly made tl4l:ingbout the
country, by those prondn -.. In he Phil
'adelphia Convention, towatti G. efinaug
uestlon of a combined :Ho lyment look
ing :10 the formation of thied party
upon the former plan of ' Conventlora.
Llostility bet" to Grant r .ai d stch Dem
i errant as Pendleton and ymeur, will
I mark the action taken, an . the name of !
i General Dix, which is tangly used
'by dame men, Indicates t kind of par-
Ity organization contemp,ated , Them
have been nnutorona priva r p meetings of
staleCouneittees, in, vedette pada of the
country,, and It is expect/ liwafthe Na
tional Committee, appol ed t 'Phila
delphia, will aithembleberg.
rItERMICN:iS ne4a.v.
The order, dismaitinul g 'lb Freed
men's Bureau in Maryia ' ; hentllcaT
and Tennesue on Satan y text, will
probably be carried. intoi. dee . C...c...
tary Stanton bas declined- to Yoko or
I suspend it, probably becallsehe floes not
1 taro to interfere while Valle at the
War (Mee are in such eng i neer n con
ultiop, and Gen. Grant ' 't now annul
thnorder lie made as Secretary of war
ad interim. The mattertait boon brought
before Congress, tut titanbody has not
yet ! ! indicated a divest! on le do any
thing In tho premises. 1., cry o ffi cer of
etmaillng In the three Stitt- rilmeal, and
hundreds of other promltiect individu-
Ma, have asked bar a aVenalora of the
order, anal it is represen _ that the Bu
reau should dot be lei dmwri before
Rummer. 1
i norm, or li-17. -
The United States, bone 2 s of 11417,which
matured alst Decenalser,9}lll,lt , Is under
stilted, be paid onp tenon at the
Treasury Department, at the office of
the Amlztant Treasure. in New York,
Interest beteg allowed it to the But of
January last. ;
asexeson Komi ,t
The President to-day et'
genus AsIMSSOr of 'ln
of oho First District
vacancy. - i
tune-,. 't! io man •
..g.Cl,,7,tanitr,,, •
01.10. r(,..,-Pnk l.l,
•!. WIIII nti htt{,ind
,I;11 11,1
1i: foal
0404, 41 W
4 .1.
yoai INuft)t,
You suseroM. rootlao; wars '
I'll lengttoS.l; go ditstiltur Past
trlth my rim:lug iikotee end girl-;.
Too ishtett,deurest, Bisset.% girl
Tim outest. neatest girt;
The Mon lull, 11,15,ttoSt. frankset. rgttrost.
Timm d est, ripest. rognieb est. rurimt.
li.prottr los% Wooing, situ Irmlost. n
11 , st or girl.. droOplng 1. Vars.
Half cooreallog %morons Pamlico -7
"Just 5250 girl far unbar, Itlre 010 I
To court, end lore, and marry. park sea—
h roe. clomks cimuring tarts'
The evretest and the best of glrisi. ;
[Cincinnati Enquirer.
• en auirt.
Sweetly we live. my wife and I,
Sweetly, all the time, ,
Asa May 20.112 her bonee of teal:el.,
Or a poet In his rhyme.
Oft In her male and qufat chenks,•l
A dash, n/ Tea cloth allow •
floe heart Is /lotto/Inc like
In ttuo wave or love nelow.a whetd
ealltnv good wile Cl/tally.
And the blushes at th e name. i •
Tbettelo the aft/0 the light of her hair and
To our iunb9 'Mr. It
II now Sweetly
not we Il the way ve—be o
trown,r gentle brow
And I, never two -that her heed Is gray, •
And' her shoultlera•atooptog dew,
—Arks . (11,o•
Glen , of trarriOr• Of 0nt0r. 1 .16/ o r 7 of
Pahl wath m.volea. pass to be lost
In nn eneleas sot— •
Glory of Virtue, to tight, 4, struggle, to egg ,
the nrreng—
:rnty, but aho .alre. , d not •t glory, no 10041
of glory shot . •
and still to
Glee her the glory , of going On,
Thes - asca of fin is death: if the wages of
Virtue be dust.
%Yoshi Ina have hoist to nodose fertile
ilfe,cll3lte worm rod the est
She' dealsex' so odes of the blest. no ettloS
seats of the jtult.
To rest in %gout= gross, or to Disk le IL
S.MIZIer Bky: • •
Give teethe wages of going on,soaet
• A. S. AN o 11. N. 0,
There was WI Old fellow named Andrew.
Drew. bow soca as n e'er beard man drew;
Said he, af.le for me. Grant."
Mid Ulymes, "I cant," • •
Did thin second O. W. to Andrew. [Qaffp.
—Aptly namad—Cash-tuero
—Red Sea—proapecta 'Ol a Cardinal's
.New name for a fog—the appa
—An alarming feature—a cannon's
—A musical burgLivr-one whobreaks
into a tune.L-Plinch. •
—A precious nosegay—a probosels
blooming with carbuncles.
—An over-worked brain—writing ital'
torials under a press-room. •
—A terrible climax—a spider running
up a 'nacho; hanille.—.Fad.y.
—No man will ever be able to Ladd a
house by , carrying brlcke in his hat.
• —Joke by Judy's watchmaker at Clew
.kenwoll t An esmpe movement—the late
;explosion. '
—Bolling watea,hurtum estimable than -
.cold, -because it I...Mn't help rising 10.00-
-To an old gentlemen with !alto teeth
n gold tooth pick lea neat and approprl- •
ate.present. (•?..., -
—A taking title fur a farce for - our•
Amorlmn cousins—Ala-Barra, or ; the
lfbrty Thlovas.—Fan.
—The Grand Trunk Raiiway..should
have-; its terminus at Berate:3k at least
during the summer. -- •
—The Austrian mission Da properly Co
called, -alum all the persons named for
the place miss and shun It. - • •
—The man who drinks to • drown care
is like one who strives to quench a lire
by throwing oil on It..—Tomuhalok ,
- —What is the sensation that en educa
ted person :derives from witenitational
novel? A - sensation of nausea—Punch.
—The gentleman. who in pia
"courted" . Republican principle., is now
hu pity "ivedded'i to Cmoservative ones I
—The manager of the Chatslot, being
asked if ho was to give a full dress re
hearsal of "Gulliver," replied "Simply
—Judy asks, Why is an "Iteir-apparenr
to a throne like au ;umbrella in -dry.
weather? Because he's ready-for the
next reign. •
-Clustead of the often' quoted "whirl
of time," Fun suggests "tlip-filapie
of time nS InOre - upproprintz for the.
pa tomimic SnaSOM
ad.,4 asks, how - 14 It that the Turks .
ex ress such an abhorrence of wine, aoe:
at the same tints that they publicly
approve of their Porte? , •
—"Woman is n delusion," exclaim.
o a crusty old bachelor to u wittyyoung
ledy. "And man is alwaym bugging
some delusion or 'otherp was the quick
retort. , .
—The Empress •Eugetile recently al.
hinded a ball in Pails in a dress of white
satin: crossed with yellow bands of the
wile, and a bunch of gold grapes which
she wore lu he: hair. ,
—The Tribuneauggeststhatthe roasting
of four insane women, in the burning Of
the lunatic asylum at Genesee, N.Y.
yesterday, is another argument to favor
of are-proof public building».
—Antigly young lady i i always anx-
Lott. to' arry, and young gentlemen are
seldom anxious to marry her. This is a
resultant of two mechanical powers—the.
Inclined plain and leave her.—Fan.
—For wetz small children. It is Well to .
buy freshly painted - toys; the sucking of
the paint will afford them other pleas- .
urea besides those deslgmal by the man.
recto:tr. •
—Be sure and attend 'all the auction. •
and special sale. which are advertised
about holiday time; as long as you are
to give the articles purchased away, it
does not matter if they. are a little •
—Vake, lady, sake! The moon a high,
twinkling stars are bemire, while now .
end then, acmes the sky, a meteor are
streamln' I Yoke Sally, sake, and look
on me—avake Squire daugh
ter ! If I'll hove yon, end you'll have MO
—(hy &eh! who threw that water I)
—A lidy not long since visiting a cem
etery, In Gardiner, Ste., with her little
daughter, observed on one or the stones
a neatly cut figure of a horse. Wonder
ing why such an emblem ahould be used .
they examined the inscription closely,
but could And no clue to its appropriate
ness, when her little girl remarked': "I
immune she died of the nightmare."
Notwithatanding the solemn surronnl
- the lady could but laugh at - the •
comicelicyof the idea.
—lliTelying anything for a gentleman
who smokes, always select one of the
many Ingeniously impassible articles i
which are to be found In the fancygoods r ,
stqres, for that, pur a pose. Cigar-cases
that are too shed, o r any brand ofcigar, •
or that would invariably smash a ciM•
to pieces if placed In it. Cigar boxes •
with springs which nn human being but
the trademark is able to work, and
which, when opened, would require a
tremendous tax of time and ingenuity •
to put in or extract a cigar from: Wea
-1 derful cigar lights, that are very - difficult
to ignite, smelt frightfully, 'and amid a .
showerof sparks overtbo elotblug, when
you attempt to extingulah them.
—The Atlantic Cable does eelsuch
nest.- to this eOuntry; • let us - not
from it.
tiarry—Wlut aro the comparatlie
numbers of falselmals on an average
daily issuedfrom this end of the Cable .
•nd that? _ -
Alltheelectricwires, however from
abroad, bring so many essages, •
that "telegram" will soon tX, synony-.
awns with "crammer." Whenever
anybody lays the thing which laaok his
hearere will observe, "That'. efele- •
army' and when you tell a girl-illy
thing th at she doesn't believe, she will •
exclaim, ..0, you Telegram!" Instead af
"0, yon Storyl"—Patkelt. •
correspondent of Peach propose.
a banquet of horse gosh. The dinner la
to be served on abuse sloe table, spread
with a saddle-cloth; .ar.d the following ,
is the bill' of fare proposed: . •
"First • course.--Saddle of horse with
maws; vegetable—grass; •
r •Second comae.—Curried horse.
"Obligate accompaniment from Slrwee- '
.(as like • a •
groom as he am make IL)
'This we expect to be very effective,
arid cause so. much emotion that proba
bly no one will eat tho curry.' Sall heel
is DOW' to be handed 'rotted. _
"Third course.—Entriws of horse's trot
ters, and others ktekehaws.
"Air' 'Trot, Trah,' to - which 'they
will be sent trotting. • ..
Towards the close of the banquet there'
will be a dish of bridle cake banded
round. and the serrap cop will be scion
the table; but* before this Knang and I
hose agree(' he's to ask me to sing.Of
course lahall may . Z•at a Wife hoarse, and
couldn't getthroqgh an air. .llnagg• is to
reply he not partieulas', tun horse *Mr.
'tgood, that, isn't itt).and to prowl um
Kale, and theta to 1ay,..3-ay." We
reckon on some of our guests bererising
and saying something good about.. ope
hersepitality. We can't very - well introi'
d u pe (=saliva, but we shall take ware
to getup a horse bunits. • Well, dam tbo
stirrup cep if to be sent round, andl
Knagg, rising will glee the Mist of the '
evening: flentlemen,earnueyour gime*
—'The Horse, and Peeve to Ms dfcraw/V
"Pk fFl•can • t. help thinking something
goottmtaht be getout aide-ems/cr. Can
teen plain enough, but whet the d to do
with the de. , I'm a Juana man, and
shouldn't wish to wean -
.rnal 'Revenue,
Ohlo, to MI a