The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 19, 1868, Image 1

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Utter. • B.stnen
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„to, =VTR
Pennsylvania Legislatute
Pere of &timbre, Tenet, Neterlet—
Borough ef. ettllrate to ElerTOW
—'---/feinle7+-I.tratiott Tor I.oolld got
. elrre Legions-11111 to Ancor
' burgh to harrow et,000,000 used
the beetle—Other Dllie Passed 6111.
on 110000 Perste Colendo —The
Tree Ualtroso Dill Prother
rot to the gruste—lltebousna • Pro-.
' posed Vonotttallonot Ascend en's.
,ftlsetal i.)1.1 wee to Ito PM burgh G •cts 7
HARILLYBURG, February 1, 565.
By 11r. ERTIErr, Allegheny : ow
ing !..iotaries - Ptiblie In Allegheny only
the earfie lees for taking nek-nowledg
monis nu allowed Aldermen and due'
time of the pcmen.
Authorising the Borough of Millvale,
Allog;,hotiy county, to borrow money for
school pnrpoiea. •
By M.r, risriEß.Loumater Authoi ,
icing the Governor, Auditor
,General and
Adjutant General 'to examine Ephrata
Mountain Springs„ Lancaster county, for
an asylum for Invalid soldiers and report
the prier. •
Anthoiliing Pittsburgh to borrow ono
million dollars fort - ater
Authorizing . the PhiL.ldelphie. and Erie
Itailrond Company to Lour
Providing. that the firm name of any
firm may voiril4t of ono general part
:Evening Se',iirot—The Free ll:inroad
• bill was. under discussion.
The question being -taken on the
amendment :Allowing companies to in
creme cardtal noccasary, to
double tbo original amount, it was de
Mr. CO:s.:NELL; of PhiLadelphia, mor
cd an. amendment- nnthorinnz_ tempo
Mar to borrow double the amount of
capital stock on bonds, with the consent
of a majority of the stockholders. ./e
-rested. •
Mr. ERRETT, of Allegheny, moved
an amendment allowing them to borrow
on bonds the same amount as originally
subscribed for stock. Defeated—Yeas,
thirteen; Nay,, fourteen.
The Senatd eontitraed the discussion of
the Free Itailroad bill. The Senate sub
stitute provides. that roads built might
connect with caber re:WS en terms to be
agreed upon by the respectivo manage
ments; • when approved by the stock-,
holders. _
• • , - • -
• 1.r..-EItREILE...4.-iie-411eny, inured to
app . rov4l of stoEkhold-
ors: Lief.st4ii.. .
Mr. RIDGWA.I", of
Jariced ait amendment, requiring the
consent of a majority of the etockholdeee.
He did not con%l.ler the directors always
represented the true sicive and 'wishes of
the stockholders. His. amendment , e^s
Hr. WALLACE; of Clear Geld, iu
speech, appealed to thuSnnate to adopt a
true Railroad . law. -
The Senate bill then pasged on the sec
ond reading. - - .
Adjourned.• . Y
—.,— -
!TIM llonee considered one hund
red and :10,3l bills au
the private cr.i.eadar, Mit before comple
- ling the first reading of the list the hour
of adiournment arrived..
Adjourned Oil craning.
The llopeo at eleven o'clock 'rue still
debating -Mr. lIICKMAN'S proposed
Constitutional amendmenta, made the
special order for, without mark.
' The Land alluvia' Sepia.
A private letter from a gentleman
. this city.dated id Sorrento, italV.JOara l-
.731-` gives the following particulars of
th• 'mild slip et tingles. of which abrief
account is given elsewhere:
"We isavo..had a wonderful escape •
from depth. A mountain over six bun
drwl feet above the road fell just before
we reached the spot, and after we ba ll
crowed the barricade in the riati ‘ the re
maining portlens of the motuatsbi side ,
cane down with the_ivar - M - Crtillery,"
"1101 this is-nothing to what has Just
tomarrEGLTNapfes. Bayard Taylor and
family rrsidtl at No. 21 Seota
. Lucia, and I went-
• twice, to the
• LOU. In secure an arts rtruent there, and
the - valuation wita very lovely: and should
certainly have resided there If the rooms
Lad been largo enough. Thin house
steal en the principal.street—tlse Chlis.ia
—anti stretching away up over it was a
• bill with a hones above house, for several
hundred feet. Taylor, tannk God, came
to Sorrento a fevidays ago. to see us •,
. • and yesterday the whole side of the bil l
on the Cblaja gave way, and eighty pe-
son are lost In the ruins. - Tayler'a house
is entirety buried beneath the wrack of
ihMerllppt , epee; and I am sorry to NIT
"that on omnibus, coming from
_the rail
way and containing - (among others) two
• Amerimins, was passing of the time, and
that. all tho passengers -perished.
went Into Naples to-slay to see the scene
of the disaster and em sick at heart.
"I am disincliruil to stay hero for any
.:j great lenghth of time, for It seems an if
the mountains were all tumbling down,
'•uad think 'Vesuvius is at the bottom of
t • It - all."
- .
MUM Charlotte Thompson ••• a Cot
tan Teenier.
A correspondent writts froth Alabama.
°Anythifngm Mon t gom eryl thesha
would of a
b perse soad
budget ro
ly incomplete aid:lout mention of INILas
Charlotte Thompson, the. actress. Mies
Thompson owns a plantation. fi ve miles
frown Mtge. - where she spends her time
.withher mother when riot on profes
sional tours. She has shout one thous
and five hundred acres, - two-thirds of
which are devotedto the cultivation of
cotton.. She has the reputation of—ng
a • remarkably: .Ipnlile WOMan in
- busing. - a ff airs, . though. ,with a n
'her tact and executive talent,
sho has made nothing from her •crops
daring too past two yeara The cabins
of her hired nogroes are models of neat
ness and coinfert. . Often of a :manner
mttLning she riseswlth the min, merlins
.wefaiwrlte pony, awl in Vorion inrecki ,
the gangs et work In the field. Illnikeeps
all the accounts, snakes all contracts and
superintends all the buying and selling.
I fear, however, that the next time I one
her in Julia. I shall be led to suspect
• when she buries bee face In her Mr-taker
. chiefjusi before wildly wilibing "Why
don't you speak to inc Clifford." that her
Mind is enstromted with the latest bailie
tin about the army worm, or the even
ing dispatches from Liverpool; IltOplfe..
mail scene there wouldbe no special
Impropriety in her w 9, ',Tering with a va
--pant stare, 'lrpiand =1 costa and excited!'
cardinal Ant;nellt sod War.
A letter from Rome. In the. (..Vcrra
pearfeiice fluter ur,l.sys:
Cardinal Anton elll, rev his private con
versations, expresses firm. bellef in an
° approaching one.. Tie says 01 ?.. the groin
works which the Fr etch arm exeouting
are .by moatua intended. to elicitor
• Rome limn a roof , ric In,o of Garibalth,
but to guarantee it 'against mi at
tack o f
the• num n
, Jai Ita li a srmy. In te win.
which is preparing,, he recently said,
the French army kill. tight alone
against Italy see[ wo shall keep our
treatss to beldln respeit the Ileinarrpop
utast/on. " Thin, to say the least,
_lit a sin
gular admission from the Secretory of
Stale of Lis IlolinetV, and yon will per
haps be glad to make a note of It.
me add that I hear tram a goral source
that Cardinal Antenelli. while speakmg
with some persona welt known In Ittiras
fauns great Main-Its. with which they .
• everywhere repeat t harmers they rn,eolve,
is aMd to haveciapres,rd himsolf nearlY
in these torMs: TD Emperor Napoleon
has lost all sympathy for Italian undy
over ainais e
els t
discovery of the secret
treaty between Signer Rattazzi and hirer
von Riaruarck." . • • .
Axedens in, I is. iisore sae Otito
natlrosa ,
CB. T h leerhot'to the rlttztergh 0 Ere.:
Cracomerr, February IS.—A passen
ger train- - on Ma Itslttinorn and Ohio
liallmad ran MY the trook last night near
Farmington, Va. The sileepingear , fi n
persons, .avas thrown
down an embankment thirty cent into
.13ntitakt creek. Thorn . was dernolithed.
Marcia, or Dayten Ohio, was
- only person anxiously injured.
Reconstruction Committee Session. I
Ex-Bebga' IrsabilitiesConeidered.
Bill for iUabama'ci4dmission.
The Prop 3 sea pivislon of Telco*
Complaint Against tieneral Gillem.
amount of Gold its Treasury
App icationa for Appointments.
The Expatriation QUeMiOD
A - Rew Bill to be Reported.
Order fres the State Itepartmenl
nitric:re Titiag heal Mild to lake Navels.
CeirTelegranh to to. Plustinrchtlanitie.)
WAsttlairrOtr, Yeti. 15, iSefr.
nEcOnsTlet:Crion ColtYrrrgre .
The Reconstruction Committee held a
meeting this morning. The first ;MVO:
sition presented for consideration was to
remove the disabilities of Mr. Butler,
claiming to• be a Representative elect
from Tennessee, and suspending the test
oath in his ease, in order that he might
be admitted to a mat In the House of,
Mr Brooks moved to include John •
Young Brown; of 'Kentucky; within the
.cope of the resolution, not because be
considered Mr. Brown a rebel, but be
calm the House had 'declared that he
gave aid, countenance and support to the
rebellion, and was, therefore,ineligible
to a sent, Messrs. Boiler and Brown
thus being precluded from the Heim on
similar grounds. Mr. Brooks' amend
ment was rejected by a party vote.
During the dismission it was said that
John Young Brown had riot asked to be
pardoned. 'Mr. Brooks replied it was,
true, but the Committee had decided to
remove disabilities from Goy. On., ex-
Gov. Holden and nine or tan others who
had not Made personal application for
that pirrpose.'
Mr. Stevens, ofsPennsylvanis, said the
Committee bad acted too hastily on that
subject, and desired farther time to look
into it. Be additional action was taken
on the guest] on at this meeting:
The bth yesterday introduced by Mr.
Bingham, tor the admimion of Alabama
Into the Union, was considered for a short
time. Mr. Stevens thought action ought
to be delayed until they could got all the
Mete. Ile was rather dissatisfied with
it, however, believing a general bill ap
plying to all the Southern States should
he passed, instead of acting Span these
States separately. •
Mr. Stevens submitted a bill far the
division of Texas into three States, pro
viding the Contention about assembling
in that State fix the boundaries of the
new States, and further, that each of them
have thesante Constitution. Rethought
there ought to be four or five States
carved out of Texas territory, • but
would be content With three 4 •Mr. Ste
yens will report the bill to the House,
so it may be printed. and referred back
to the Committee for revision, if nec
Mr. Higgins, a freedmen's bureau offi
cer, appeared and made a complaint
against Gen. Gilleut in connection with
a court martial which acquitted is man
named Johnson for the murder of a ne
gro. The narrative was listened to at
tentively, but led to no action of the
The amount of gold in the Treasurr
to-dsy was 5104,000,000, Including
700,000 payable in gold certificates. Tim
Indance. 575,301,030, belongs exclusively
to the Tinned States. It is estimated the
receipts of gold from customs from thin
date to May first wi.d be SAOO/, 000 .
making an aggregate of 5103,000,000, out
of which there is payable on the Ist of
/1.0'nb545.000,000,du0 on ten.farty bonds,
and ott the Ist of May about 5-7.000,004
Interest duo on five-twenty bondn, lear
tog a balance on hand of gold, after
pnylogall the expenses, of 503,101,000 or
$71.000,0 00 , atter coin certificates are de
ducted. These estimates are in case no
wile. of gold are. ramie . between the pe
A sub-Committee of Wirt and !leans 1
is iutscsainnon the details and phraseol-
cgs._ of a new tax bill,
which will not
be reported for several weeks to COMe.
1ND . 11.3
A debgation of Pottowattomle Indians
from Kansas, had an Introductory inter
view with the Commisalener of Indian
Affairs this morning regarding the gen
eral boldness th e tribe. Indian agent
ILathews. of lfountaln Crows, has
reached this city from wi der Pharney.
Ire came by the Po River Road
alone. and reports the Indiana peaceable
in that section.
Airricaxioits Vat ATPOMTNENTS.
Notwithstanding the constant retremeh
ment now going on In the various bu
reaus of the War DepartMent, the pres
oure for appointments continues large AA
ever. The applleatious coming in ale
mostly from discharged soldiers or their
widows. Theylnvariablv meet with the
response, "It is Impossible to makead
&Canal appointment." and it is even
contemplated at an early day , to mate
a further large decrease of the force in
the Department.
- -
Notioe luss been given by the British
Po, totlice Department that on end from
the first of March single rate pottage
for letters, between the United Status Indies and England, will be
twenty eight yenta per half .ounce via
Southampton, and thirty-aim cents via
Marseilles, prepaymsmt enmpulsory„
BOUNTY In icssordwrsoors.
lipase Military Committee decl.
ded to report to tho Senate a bill giving
pay and bounties to ten regiments of tbe
Missouri State Guard, called out during
tbo Rebellion. . • •
LAW rtarmarsorr
- •
The Judiciary Committee boa author
ized Mr. Lawrence, to report a bill or
ganizing a Law Dopariment under the
control of the Attorney Genoral.
IN Till: . 110 GO,
Generals Grunt and Howard were o
the door of tho 110E1530 to-day.
The !Stott Department has received
dispoteltee from Japan, confirming the
amounts published on Idonday. --.
foreign representatives were at Orilla
with the Tycoon. The . Sham/racy Was at
Yokohama.. ,
Theo Uouse Committee on Foreign Af
fairs today considered various proposi
tions, with a view to narmOrdze the
conflicting views on the subject of pro
tecting the rights of American citizens
abroad. They will report an entirely
new bill. Several members of the Com
mittee were averse to declaring the righta
of expatriation on the ground that this
tens a principle so firmly fixed In thin
century as not to require its reomsertion.
But the majority decided to Insert It in
the new. bill, all the decisions of the
Courts everywhere to the contrary nob
jaaseoltTS itEXICIRED.
• The following official order has 'just
been issued: •
Department of State., Trashington, Feb.
Is.—it is rmits:dad to all citizens of
tne United Stol es, native or naturalized,
who have occasion to visit areal. Britain
or Ireland, to procure passports from
this Deportment. While the habeas
eorpou act remains suspended In the lat
ter country citizens of the United States
unjostly_arrested are liable to be detain
ed_ witYout prompt examination until
they con procure and produce legsl 011-
denoe of their el izenship.
iSigned] Wm.. U. StWantl.
The fmnatitstlesst Amendment.
tar TrteLreLato tL rittstrrgli kilwella.l
TIUMON, FkbrUtry 13.—Ta the Sen
ate to-day, when the joint resolution
withdrawing the assent of New Jetsey
to t offered , Constitutional amendment
was o the committee offered a
substitute to the same effect, but Valera
log reasons for withdrawal. Consider Vern was postponed till to-morrOW; '
MWellsbarg,T.,yestarday, Stamp
Campbell's' will ease. lnvolvlng half a
to illlondollare, was commenced. Among
the counsel employed are Uon. 'Jeremiah
S. Sleek, Gen. CartleliL Benpunin Stan
ton, Non. Geo, W. McCook and lion.
Wm. McKennau.
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Telegraph to the 'qualms]. Gautto.)
TEX/A LlllO7lO T. -
Garsicrroar, Texas, Febntary 17.
Official returns of the election In the
city give for Convention,vetdtea, 2 and
colored, 578 votes; against Canvention,
white•, 117 votes. Sodth and Ruby are
MONTGOMERY, Feb. 19.—011icial re
turns from forty-two counties have been
received et distrietheadquarters, Mann
der an order from Gen. bleed° publica
tion of them is TOD:L.SOd. The whole vote
or the Stets on the estion of ratifica
tion to mtimated, fr om partial returns, at
about 72,0Nt. The white vote leas tha
3,030. Ralf the registration IN la
34,000. n
R1C111102.11, Feb.lB.—The Convention
was engaged to-day chiefly on the oyster
tax question. It was resolved Le tax the
amount of Bales. Daring the debate one
of the membera called another a "exm-
A proposition to appoint a Commidee
to devise means to completo the Chose
, peak° and Ohio Railrn.d was tabled.
The Republican State Convention met
to-day. A. nominating Convention will
be called to meet In this city five days
after the nv djournment of the Constitu
tional Co a ention. The ntunteof Messrs.
Rawkshurat, of Alexandris, Rives, of
Albemarle; E. Rice, et Shenandoah, and
Thomas 0. N. Henry, are spoken of In
connection with the Governorship.
ATLKINTA, Ga., Febniary 17.—The
Convention has stricken oat by a large
majority a clause empowering the Leg
islature to alter or abolish any charter
hereafter granted. it is reported that
ten thunaand dollars la to be paid to the
membenr on Tuesday.
• .exmalera, February IS—The Conven
tion Today exempted all manufacturiee
and inatitutlons of learning from taxa
Thewonis"two•thlrda," wherever they
occur in the report of Committee on legis
lative debate, where stricken out, and
the word "marity . " inserted, to define
powers of the Legislature.
Benjamin 11111 will
here Satur
day neat. Dr. Millar has beat petition
ed-to reply to him:
ACCIUNTA, Feb. IS.—Democratic elute
are beine orgaxired in this and other
cities in Georgia.
SDl:rill C 1111.01.1 11a.
CIIARLESTON, February 1&—In the
Convention today twenty more wallow
of the Constitution were adopted.
There was a ,long,discusalon wt the
Hommtetut law, which propos
es the ex
emption of two thousand five hundred
dollar homesteads from eale for sit
debts for the present; past and future. •
Senator Wilson telegraphs from Wash
ington that Congress will not loan one
million dollars to the State to purchase
land for the poor.
INgvr Ont.siaa, Fein:nary 17.—1 n the
Convention a resolution to adjourn sine
die on Thursday was tabled. A resolu
tion that members receive no pay after
the 10th wag also tabled. The resolution
endorsing the petition to Congrees of the
Georgia Convention for thirty millions
of dollen; was discussed till adjourn:tent.
In the Convention to-day, au ordinance
was introduced which was laid over,
regulating weightsand measures.
The Committee on Style and Arrange
ment made a lengthy report, describing
so many alterations sod amendments
that one member mid the Convention
could hardly rem - Ignim its own creation
in the Conatitntion m reported by the
Committee. Ile moved to recommit that
part, which led toe Confused discussion
It was finally recomnlltted, with Maroc
tions to have the Constitution printed
without any changes whatever for com
parison *lib the copy as amended by the
Committee. , Work Is thus laid out for
an indefinite period.'
The Convention then discovered that
they had adopted no preamble to the
„Constitution and discureed the matter
I fora couple of hours, after which they
TAI.LARASSE, February Is.-The Con
vention to-day reorganized on the bards
propeoed by Gen. Mende. There was
much excitement among tbo delegates
and lobbyists.
General Meade had n. conform.oe with
the leaders of the majority and minority
and made' propositions of conciliation
and harmony, which the majority im
mediately accepted, and also, after little
hesitation, the minority. They are as
follows: The Presidents of both wings
are to resign; the (our delegates de
declared ineligible by the msiority
to take their seem, and the four delegates
'declared eligible to vacate; the majority
to decide all question+ of eli
gibly M. be determined in full Conven
tion ; Colonel Sprague, commanding the
State, to call the Convention to order and
a hew organization to be made.
Cot. Sprague urges .equal rights of all
men and classes as thessis of the Con
stitution. Forty five- members were
present out of forty.slz.
Horatio Jenkins, late President of the
majority, was reeelectod by a vote of
thirty-two to eight. The standing rules
and resoliitions of the organization
adopted by Maeemjy were re. adopted
General d and staff appeared In
the Hall after the organization and were
Introduced to the Convention. General
Mead said he was gratified , that both
sides hadapproactied him in a spirit of
and hoped harmonious antler
could ensuo.
The strictest yoto in the Coriventic
now stands thirty to fifteen, If the four
alleged ineligible members remain. The
Convention will take up the Constitu
tion thus far adopted by the majority and
re-adopt it.
H•• Gleason Etas been electillFinan.
vial Agent of the Convention.
JACKSON, February IB.—The two mem.
hers engaged in a dispute yesterday
made mutual eoneessions, apolocized
and shook bands amid applause from all
Three additional sallone of the bill of
-rights were aclOptaL
The Democratic 'Stale Convention
meets here tc.morrow.
iliy Vleirspb to thi Plltstrata Duette 1
NEW Yong, February , 18,1868.
Iu the bupretne Court, the case of
Fiske and others ogeluot the Rock Is
land Company woo np to-day. An las
d.svit. of the defcmdanto Was road, deny
ing that they were seeking to get ado
throggh the Legislatures of lowa and
The Court denied th motion
fore shay of procroodings- anti stet dawn
the male motion for Saturday.
The steamehip City of Wombington,
from Liverpool via Rotifer, has arrived.
Negotiation's fhr the purchase of the
ci t Z=ly of tli th o e .ii i . o 2n er g ,,N. . - r ew an;l le N m ea ry t
Shore Retinae] Company hove been
Slr Edmund Head, formerly Governor
Genenil of Omuta, died suddenly recent
ly, In England, in his G3l year.
TELTORA7II to WY:el:tram.
Some twenty capitalists here have sub
scribed five thousand dollars aitch for the
construction of a telegraph from Cuba to
the other-Weet Indies and Pumas.
J. F. !Avelle, conductor of Seventh av
enue, was murdered last night by
drunken man who bo pot off the ca
for non-payment of flue. Tho murderer
who WOO genteel y drawled, has not ye ,
been apprehended.
e—tlvixr.::N.°o.llollTOOrri. a" 1
tar Telscroph to toe eittraanta asset.)
LOUISVILLE, Feb. 18.—The Democrats
of the Legleinture held a caucus last
night to narainate &Senator. Afterslght
ineffeenal ballots t ie canon, adiourned
at a late boar to meet again at 81 o'clock
this morning. The lest ballot stood—
MeCreery, forty-stx; Bright, thirty;
Stanton, twenty-four; Detths, one.
At tlie caucus meeting this morning
Bright (who wag not a candidate end re.
ceived & large vats notarithatandlng)iutd
Stanton withdtear their namm, end
Thomas C. lid eCreery, of Daviees county,
was nominated unanimoualy. Ile has
always been a Democrat, and is regarded
as one of the Ilrst men in the State intel
lectually; This Is the Boot °film he be.
ever held.
In the Deggalature to -day the vote
wood hktireery 110; Barnes, 'ltadlcal, 6 ;
Harding, third party, 5.
Howe Grisly lectured on sell made
men to-night, to a very large andlemoth
The French Press Bill
Violent Debates in L9gielature
Vessels from German Ports
Emigrant Horror to be Avaidtd.
The Deposed German Powers
OlcOmlwell Explosio Prisoners.
Egpy lion Troops in Abyss I rs /a
The Uabeas Corpus ln Ireland
■y Toleinipt to CU Plttalimsatt Olutattcl
LoirDON, Febrriary . IF.—The bill for
the regulation of the Prose is still under
dhicussion in the French legislative body.
There was a violent debate yesterday on
the question et distribution of Govern.
meat advertising-patronage. The oppo
sition claimed the Liberal Journals were
Jtuilly entitled to a Mare of tbe advertise
! meat+ published by the national and mu
' nidpal authorities. This was demanded
se smatter, not of necessity, but at prin
ciple, the ausskers declaring that in laws
for the regulation of the press all jour
nals shonldba treated with the strictest
impartiality. The effort to •bese the
bill. modified by the insertion of a pro-
YiSipn to this effect was defeated, bu t the
majority against the preposition was
PARIS, February . 18.—Enesieg.--The
.Itoniteur du Soir has a report that them
had been a atop to the advance of the
British in Abyssinia, and Gen. Napier
yelling for reinforeementa.
Max Ontrey, Agent and Consul Gen
eral at Odin, has been appointed Minis-
Or to Japan.
In the Corps Legielatif to-dos
.• _
amendment to the bill for the regalati
of the press, permitting the free &dun
'ion of foreign papers' and the unr
stricttal sale of French journals, 7
Bum-LI, Feb. 19.—Count Dierostrcla
proposes the establishment, et different
port. of Germany, of a board of federal
officers, to examine into the condition of
vessels bound to America. An effort to
prevent a repetition Of the Leadoffs hor-
rot ls the immediate cause of this salu
tary step of the government.
• Mum, Feb. 18.—The Upper Douse of
the Diet paved the Convention MOP
with the deposed Powers whose terri
tories are annexed` to Prussia. The
King engages to snap nit all payment of
money to Prima, and confiscate their
property, in sure of disloyalty.
The lona of the American bark Entre. -
ha, by fire. at Antwerp, is doubted. I .
Contradictory reports having been re
ceived as to the names of vessels de
LONDOX, February 18.—The examine-
LiOrl of persons arrested on suspicion 01
being connected with the Clerkeneell
explosion has terminated. All the
— prisoners -were remanded to confine.
monk. except Allen, against whom no
evidence was elicited. and be hes been
The bulletin. in regard to Lord Derby,
report be Is Improving.
' testes, Feb. le—Eoenisag.— Ire the
House of Commons this- evening Sir
Stafford Northcote, Secretary of State
for India, made a statement in regard
the preeecusof Egyptian troops in Abys
stain. Ile said, at the request of the Eng-
Itch Government thersaha would recall
his auxiliary force from Abysents. and
reports since resolved that the Egy - p•
lions still remain in the country, and are
advancing with the British, have not
yet been explained by any official die.
patches • received by the government-
Ire also stated the expedition was no
longer suffering from scarcity of water.
. .Ifidafght.—The Ikons. of Commons to
night, In Committee of the Whole,
agreed to renew thesusperugon oral:them
corpus in Ireland.
AATIVZitr, Feb‘ltt --The leases entail
ed by the dre at the petroleum dock's in
this city, on Saturday, fell most Eisele
alvely on Dutch and Belgian Insurance
companies. .
p 1 I. Cl&L£ DC ILL..
LariarooleFeb.l B .—Erating —Conon
closed active and higher; middling up- '
lands 91; Orleans Oh Maw Wit= bal. ,
Advioes from Manchester, are favorable
and the market for rondo and yarns ie
buoyant' Breeds uhf—Corn 430 3d.
Witent lee 10d b
redCalforni white.and.
14* 6d• for No. 2 western. Rarity' 341
6d. Oils 3a 10d. Pea 45a W. Flour:Co
fonew. L Provielow*--Boal 115 e. • Por 71a
sol 62a6d. Cheese 53a. k Ba
con 39a. Produee—Supr firmer at 24..
Common Rosin Tie 6d. Turpentine 340.
Tallow 4.516 d. Refined Petroleum lad.
LONDON ' Errata°. February IC—
tra l ao Mi 4 E Erie
2 - a 2 t o 49 I. tat
Faansvoar,EVlCNlNO. February 18.-
1 t • nds closed at 151.
FIADXFORT. Feb. 12.—Erating.-41. 14 .
bonds closed strong at 75/(3•76.
far Tetersoto uss Putsbergh tiasatbso
• Wasuszscrrow, Feb. 11, lets.
Several petitions were presented, In
eluding one by Mr. HOWARD, for the
Improvement of the Harbor of Now
Buffalo, Michigan.
By Mr. ANTHONY, from some sharers
In the caverns of the Rebel Ram Albe
marle, for prize money, and by Mr.
GRIMES, from several Commodores,
on the retired flat on the first of lanubrY.
1067, to be promoted to be Rear Admi
ral.. All were referred.
Mr. POMEROY intteducad a bill to
amend the pedal laws. and increase the
eflidency of the postal service. Re
The Senate penned the blouse bills to
reduce the expenses of the Wsr Depart
ment, and f or
c e , o gradual redaction of
,the military o de. Both have been
Mr. CATTIYLL, from the Committee
on Finance., reported adversely the
House bill forbidding the dissignafion as
a publin depository any national hank
within fifty miles of a place where an
Assistant Treasurer is located.
The resolution fbrtheadmission Of Mr.
Thomas„ of Mar/land, came up as the
. Mr. TRUMBULLreplied to some th
wack. made in debate relative to-his
form closed the debate in
favor of admission.
Mr. STEWART made some remark's
in zepiy to Mr. Trumbull, ised after
some farther debate the . Senate ad
A bill was peered authorizing the rest°.
;talon of the Farmers and Citimns
Bank of Villdentabarg, New York, to
the ownent,on_cerialn conditions. •
Mr. DIMES. introduced a bill to
amend the act establishing
rilt in rlarranoo to Voting 61y p,
iIikRIEWEATHEB introdn,--
a bin placing woo dollars In the bands
of the Secretary 41' State,' to relieve the
grants and dainty the expenses of the
return to rotted States of destitute citi
zens imprisoned In foreign omntries
without justice, and tl d without
c arge
, trial, Cr acquitted. Pa ed-104 toM
On motion of Mr. K ktR, the Presi-
d tint was requested to mmunicate any
report in reference t the ship canal
around the Falls of the hio river.
The Hones resumed th consideration
of the bill, before publish, giving pen.
alone to certain n survivingotllcers and
soldiers of the war of 1512.
' During the debate, 'Mr. LOAN stated
the amount to be paid under the bill did
not exceed two million per year.
After debate, Mr. WAI3I3.BLTILN,' of
111., being the main opponent, the bill
passed without division.
The llouse, iu Committee o f the Whole,
Mr. ' WILSON, of lowa, in the Chair,
considered the leitialative, Ac., appropri
ation bill.
After debate Mr. DONNELLY'S
amendment, Inserting Items for the De- '
partment of Education,_was rejected—tl'
to 61.
Mr. DA.WIIII wade the point of order
the dual clause of the bill, limiting
iployes Of the various departments to
3 number specified In the bill, and re
:ding all conllictink neis. The only
jection was it was independent legisla-
The CHAIR sustained the point of or
dor and the clause was struck out. -
The Committee rose and reported
n .
11.r. - WASEIBE RNE, of Illinois, otTer
ed as an amendment to the House the
clause just struck oUL
Mr. DAWES made the same point of
order; Intimating that the object wee to
save the Ihmartment of Education.
The SPEAKER unstained IL
Mr. WASIIIIE RN E then nindliled the
amendment by omitting the repealing
portion of it. and by limiting payments
under the bill to the persons provided for
In it.
The House seconded the previous
question on the bill, and pending the
amendment Mr. WASUBI3.II.NR, of ll
linotsoisid he would not press legion
upon the bill this evening.. • •
Mr. SCHENCK Introduced a bill for
the relief
R e e f rtain exporters of distilled
spirits. , rred to ecturnlttee on Ways
and Means.
On motion of Mr. E\C6 the Sec
retary of State was directed to furnish
Information in reference to the Ninth,.
gent fund at his department. '
—Private advises from, London kale
the receipt of intelligence from 111exice
that that GovCrument hen deterinined to
repudiate all debut of foreign count. 109,
except the 1.1 idled Stales, has given rise
to an intense feeling of indignation In the
English tiovernment. This Government,
it Ls said, Is now sarintutly rented:whiting
the fitting oat of a fleet to take paces.-
eon of the ports of Mellen anti hold
them 'until autisfaction is given. n is
miss understood that Franca, tough cn
sulted, has declined for the h present o le
participate- • . .
--Sergeant Bates, carrying the United
States flag, arrived at Montgomery, Aloe.
barna, on Monday. lie was .mot by a
large number of citizens in 'tiarrief...-ea.
decorated with tinned States flags. and
by aha 11 of music. About three thous
and people turned out to hear the recep
tion 'Neches and fo welcome him. lie
was the guest of the city. All the sneak
ers and marshals of the day were Con
federate . aoldiens.
—The Cincinnati Tri.v Curren( will
publish to-day the ' reports of pork
packing in Cincinnati this Season. The
whole number packed was 2.50,0C.1 head.
avenge weight r two hundred anti ten
round.. .ma average of leaf lard twenty-
Li VC pounds—allow tug' a falling off AN
comp red with last year of 105,779 head,
twentytwo p ouds In the average weizitt
and five and o n e-fourth pounds In lani.
—The Fort Sanders Imlc.r ' , ays an aruiy
.d, two thousand Indians is manhin.
info the Sweetwater country from blab,
n:1 MontanA.: Titter are on the war Fab,
net havo 'turtle.' the rareloot north er
Sprintpt, and driven otS the stock
+nnyelling the ranebturn to week retuiv
n canons
—ln Nova Scotia, a Committee of tht
[louse of Avisembly have reported wide
sprest destitution exists among the tith
ing population; and it wax also stated that
uulr..x extersite and pormauentarratige
tnents for their relief were made, many
would perish from starvation.
—The Wisiitern Pre.° nra cautioned
acaimt ono L. It. Fould, now at Louis
ville or Chlistgo, representing himself an
eonnected with the Memphis Appoif.
Said bould was res.-anti,' lot jail at Mem
phis for nibbing a safe, and forfeited his
bonds In nix thousand dollars..
—At the munleipal election in .tyr.l.-
clews N. Y., Charles Andrews, Republi
ran, was elected Mayor over Oen. John
A. Green. Jr., by about one hundred
majority. Tho entire Republicin ticket
was elected by increased majorities. Of
Supervisors and Aldermen live out of
eight Republican" were elected.
—Levi Idekett, arrested for forgery in
New Hampshire, and shot while at
tempting to recape, and who subsequent
ly got out of jail, won re-arrc'tPd venter-
day at lloidon end taken txs Sow Hamp
shire for trial.
—The report from St. Louie that W. IL
Batton was about to oomprombio with
Goo. W. Pomeroy a suit for over a mil
lion dollars,:by the payment by the latter
of .IMO,OOO, autlAritatively denied.
- • —At Lowell. Mass, on Monday, a loco
motive exploded, klllingfleorgeSpeNd
ing, theengineer, and euerionely injuring
Mr. Stillmareghe &onion; Henry Welah
and a Mr. of Lowell. le,
blooditeariluel wan fought lit 'Ar
kansas yeateMYy by two, drumflata of
Memphis After ones h o t with rifle.,
et tiny paces, without damage, the al
bur was amicably nettled.
—L. Flackeneeker's grocery store and
three or four adjoining shops In Alton,
Illinois, wore burned on Sunday night-
Loss about ilfttem thousand dollars; in
snrance not ascertains). .
—At Lockhaven, Pa., Monday morn
ing, the largo tannery of C. K. Sankey
'was burned, involving a loss estimeded
17,000, on whirl there was no theme-
—A Committee of State Board of Ag
riculture left Columbus yesterday for
Cleveland and Talodo. to see elmat lo
ading the Ohba State Fair.
—The ateanuhilaperntinn, from LI,
erpOrd via Londonderry, arrived at Port
laud yeeterday. --- " ' •
Astwuremealis ,
Oena• Howe_ The "Block Crook"
continua to draw largo crowds to the
Opera Mouse, notwithstanding it Is now
In its third week. The many new fair
dues Introduissl In the piece in t
measure accounts for Ito es:awltrued sue
Thol4llleKhing to wlLl3ess the great
op... Menia - drama to this city will have
t., &I Si the present week, no Satunlay
will be tire final exhibition.
MASONIC HALL—Th O entertainment
given at iilawinie nail, loot evening, by
Prof. Logrenls, the prince of corduroys,
waslargely attended and highly appreci
ated by the anitlentsa. lime tricks
are principally new and of a char
acter to interest all, while they are per
formed with a degree of skill seldom st
laluest by any man of that profession.
Frank Snyder, N 0.37 Fourth street, drew •
• moguidecht . lounge: winch wart tne
principet gift awarded but night. M.
eight a tine silver liuntlna.crwe lover
watch will be given to the
. person hold ,
Ing the lucky number. -
Tun Num.—Tno lee at the Mink is in
excellent oundition,turd Collie Cur tie, the
little favorite, has been engaged (tit the
present week. Tire Manager announces
another masquerade for Thuroday eve
ning, which ism betbelset of the season.
Llstmlbal,".the colebrausl trained elet
pliont, we ere informed, has at great ex=
prose been secured by the management
and will make his debut on skates at the
masquerade. This will be a "big thing
on ice" and these who do not go "can't
see It."
"Nue% per. Itutit."—We -understand
that the venerable and redoubtable Col;
Wm. Diehl will be among the windldates
before Councils for the office of Meat
lisspeelor recently created. The Colonel's
qualifying anturance has been vast; he
slaughtered beeves duting the second
war with England, while the blue casts
and red outs slaughtered each other.
None were more sanguinary In eervlng
their country than, he. We cannot, .eee
how Connate+ can overlook the claims of
so. distinguished . a candidata u Col.
Burglaries In Birmingham—On 8M
uniay night bud no lem than five helot.
and collars were burglartously entered
and robbed of a portion of their contents..
In one Instance the entire atock.of pro
vialons anything, leaving the gunny
without to ent the next day.
An Increase of the pollee force wlll soon
be required In ell the adjoining borough&
Contempt of Court.—John'Stewsit
wu arrested on an attachment yesterday
for contempt of Court, and commtttod tu
Tits rst Lanai' 'Msg.. , .1 the
PlissFie...lth •Arsoel•Cle.
The Pittsburgh Petroleum Association,
an orgautzsticin which representa all the
leading producers and refiners of Petro
leant .in this city and neighborhood, held
their first annual banquet at the Monon
gahela House yesterday afternoon.
There were present some one hundred
gentlemen, members of the Association,
and Roses. Among the latter no ob- '
served D. L. Miller. Esq., the pioneer off
the Petroleum business in Philadelphia, j
Emil tshalk, Esq., Col. William Phillips
and representatives from the oil regions,
Cleveland; Chicago, New York, Balt!. ,
more end ethic important trade points.
The Great Nirstem Band was presentand
during the dinner discoursed the sweet
stirring muck for which it in KO widely
celebrated. The dinner was spread In the
commodious new dining room of the
Monongahela Home, and in Its style
wee equal to any feast, of the character
ever presented in this city. The bill offer°
was printed in elaborate style and
embraced all the inhalant:tabs matemeld
wish. for; together with games brought'
from Cleveland and Chicago •cepscially
for the Occasion, and the delicacies for J
whiehthe Monongahela House is sojuat.
ly !amens. The feast was expensive, but
the Association windetermined thatabelr
initial anniversary ' banquet should
prove worthy of their generosity.
After the guests had partaken heartily
of the good thing. spread before them
] the chithe• were "removed and wine,
sparkling wine, WWI introduced in such
quantity and variety as to make the par
] toker.belleve that thse.rintage had. been
large during the past Year. -Ort.enotion
]of H. M. Long, Esq., who presided an
the dinner, James A. Hutchinson, • .sq.,
was elerte.l permanent President., null
nu motion of T. A. Davis, A. F. Brooks,
Esq., was designated an Secretary. On]
assuming the chair Mr. llllthetheOle
mode a few brief remarks pertinent to
Wo occasion, thanking hie friends for the
honor thus conferred upon him, and an
nouncing that the toasts of the evening
were In order.
The Secretary then read the under
mentioned sentimiliats:
1. The • " l'etroleum Anemia:lion."
"Long snap it wave."
Mr. H. M. Long, the President of the
Association,responded In graceful and
] happy man ner, reviewing in terse end
compact sentences she rise and progress
of the oil interest of, the city, and tam
eluding with allearti wish that the bond
of union which now units. the dealers,
mtinere and producer. Of Pennsylvania
may never be silvered.
, The "Old Batchelor"—Mse h. be
I compelled 'le . consume whole barrel. of
] petroleum to enable him to slide grace•
folly bite the sublimitleit of matrimony.
] Responded to 'in .Benin by Mr. A.
] Levin.
' City Councils—May they nlv n i
to retie d the wishes of their conatituenes.
Mr. Relieve, member of Council from
the Seventh wird, responded In very
well chosen words, saying :
' It Is with considerable diffidence that 1,
rise to respond to the sentiment which
Lias been just announced. Not being a
public speaker, and the fact, also, that I
have basin no lately installed in tho posi•
!ton of Cetluellumn, an humble represen
tative of the peeler, of this great end
growing city, and the consciousness of
my iaabibty to make /limitable reply, all
odd to my rmharranstnent
.1.1 that the world is governed
Lou much, but an our awn eelleter.',Nettere
the representative is ei cliseely eminectel
with his constituen4 a continent coin•
porstively now, with new., Wes, end
new gigantic enterprinew edntlnually
.p ingot;; into existence, it beleentel Us,
be actors In the great struggle for ell
oremiey among the great tierritnertoal
mat", to look well to our lutereste, and
push forward our claims wish all the
energy and ebilltien which we ran cons
umed. ir we must not be
higgarde ~ a nd wand by with rim
arose folded amid the greet strug
gle now goig on far the
iropellian trade s and treflie of thin great
eountry. l'ittsburgli, our own bolnve,i
city, beloved notwitteo ending her smoke
and soot, moot be awakened to still
greater energi. :hose 'efforts used
to further advance toe in -greatenu and
nmsperit. - . Let Xto said of her by the
Intern historian Fite! history remrda to
Venire, once the , b 1,4 and gent et the
Adriatic: "One of the greatest and most
flourishing of vale:. Iler traffic extend
ed to every it. own ,t-O and country, and
the enterprlso or 1... r merchants re
tell:reed thromili •Ii: the world:'. Let
the representative with the aid of theism
stltucnt so comities the MS... of State In
our day and generation, let the mer
chant have such. esteprehiensive views
ef duty to protionity, no well .11% to self,
they will thin dingy edy of coal, Iron
anti oil, at the tired watt re of the sea, no
the extreme eastern boundary of the
Mississippi Valley, grow into, that
greaten. and pow er which *he
in destined , • to .• occupy . 'The
great and notural advauttig, which
we p....tess In our extensive and, Me,
haustable heeds of coal, have demon-
Pirated our ability to compel tribute of
the iron and coop, ..ref within a ladles
of fifteen hundred intlee for the past hall
votary. .Howe mush mere our arils
licial avenues of trade help to build vp
this city with noel, endoetng pillarethat
it wilt conthaue to the end of time, grow
, lug greater and stronger with her en
] diminished vigor and her youth ever
renewed. In. regard to our artificial
IlVellUetl the SeprOthe Court of the State
Les gladdened our hearts within the past
few week's. "Better late late than
never' Is an old saying. and truly am ]
lineable in this case. Still, had
_our Re
presentatives retleeted the will of their
onstituents, this great public benefit,
tis shorter route to the eeasseouldhave
been !uniting in wealth In menus to-day..
To go . Lath and sololuelthe'.4.arth, to
beautify "It and compel "it to con
tribute to the wants of man,: has
I been one of his fleet duties. since
1 , the creation. ',hall We neglect' this
' duty, or shall we avalleuraelves of those
valleys and hills which have existed
for thoumnilts of years. - The crystal
] streama that flow at our city's feet have
for long ages' past swept onward to the
] grist Atlantic. Shall no not, by dams
and other appliances of art, make title
Lgreat natural highway navigable the
year round , ' The great lakes, too: on
our borders meant have a oPinnol to the
Ohio of sufficient capacity to carry the
products of million* in the Went through
] our own cite to the tide-waters of the
Chesapeake. Lin abort,. we must take
' hold of all the facilltim wiiiilieriture has
so satiably bestowed. That city which
offers the Lest mid cheapest cotemunlesi-
Ilona, and surrounded as is ours by large
j agricultural districts, meuree they:realest
trade and most endnrlng advantages.
Duty to ourselves and our posterity urge
us to the faithful performance of this
ditty, that nothing be loft undone in our
day and generation toisocure to ourselves
and thew who crime sifter us a magisitl
cent city, that our children may
h av e he for
their proudest nionumeuts, nble
achievements of their amieeters. ,May
wo all unite .Our efforts tn.thin day of
progress by promoting to the best of our
ab h
ilities t r
e, ierests and milvanges of
our city, fo we nt lidb not. for to-day but
for all time.
4. "Our Host—J. McD. Croessn, the
man who knows how to keep a hotel."
Responded to by Mr. Crooman. -
"Tne Pennsylvania Railroad—the
Keystone giant." Responded to by Da ••
yid 11.1rk, list., who paid a high and just
to that, great corpofollonstion.
Ile concluded by offering thu wing
independent sentiment:
. "The Connellsrille Railroad—Mar it
. prove the David, to briug the great Oo-
Bath ' to his knees."
G. Petroleum, the light of the world.
Responded to byEssq.,
of Philadelphia. This geptle il man made
a very able and interesting speech, re
vhswing the growth or the petroleum
.trade audits bearing meths entice world.
Ile thought Pittsburgh ebould be afford•
ode all railroad Wattles nem:Mary to
pether what she should he, the great
roleum_. point of export of the nut'
-verse— 1 ,
7. The Pittsburgh Prop- Responded
to by Ron; F. B. Penniman, editor of the
G aZrrrit.'l
14. The -ConnelLeville Railroad—the
Infant that will yet grow to the -strength
of the giant. 11wponse by
. C. D. Brig
ham, Esq.; editor of the Clentatercbd. •
9. rho IConaUtutional Bull"—Respon
dod to by a 'limn"
10. The-American YolunteeT, the citi
zen eoldicr, “semprepdratui.' &sport.
Elected in a manner dud would have re
credit to 'Week. Twain," by Cap
J. K. liarboUr.
11. The Student of Petroleum—Re
'prated to In it happy And learned man
ner by Dr. Tweddle. .
12. Thallanklog Ditereat —Wilily co.
operates with the railroad In carrying_oll
' from the' interior to the seaboard.
rp:ndedto by Jasper E. Brady. 'Pkg., - of
Igo Citizens' National Bank. ...
Alter the regular toasts were exlatuet
-1 ed many; pertinent volunteer ones were
-offered; and speeches .were made by
Dieser& biontsheimer. Welsenberger,
' Davis. Tack, Dr. Gallaher, Obl Woods
and others, Several -beautifulate, ballade
were snag, after which the Meeting ad'
journed, •
The banquet was a perfect snows, and
we trust - the Plttaburgh. Petroleum As
to hold'"xiaLleti he org y
anizeulon and celebrate its
anniversaries in an equally fitting man
.Dipotei amrt—Jadip Ilsesptort.
Tmestui, Feb' IL—No eases were
• Following Is the Ilst for Wednesday.
46. Wm! Voight vv. Ell Wycoff.
61. Alen McKee's exalt vs. F. I'. De
Eta. P. FL W. & C. It. B. Co. v.
140. Same vs. Santole.
147. filed Covo Starch Manufechiring
Co., vial pi t & Co.
150. flouters et. oz. vs. O'Neil et al.
156 Veight vs. McPherson.
I .
, . ----
Common Pleas—Sifts StoWe.
Trresnkr, Feb. 18. 411chsel Krem
huollor v; Peter Avert. I Thiswas en au
tion , to recover wages alleged to be due
the plalnVl. The Jury ;found for plain
tiff In th stun of $370. I • -
Good,lB Rothschild va. Roder Saul.
This was an action to recover the value
of cettto elleged to lurve been sold to de.
fondant. tut partners. 'i'he plaintiffs fail
od to estiblish that a partnorship existed,
and the Jury found for ho defendants.
IlenrylKovermann Moira .t lito. .
This was au action on d 'feigned issue to'
determine the ownership of goods levied,
upon at the eqlt of Retail dr. Bro. as be-',
longing to Henry Niewind and claimed ,
by Kovennann. Verdict for plaintiff.
Noil trial limited. b ..
11.. Samuel Duff vs. .W..Pler.• Feigned
. 1
issue under:Sheriff - Ili luterploader act
oncerning lumber. n triaL
Yollollng in the list for Wednesday:
129. R der di Clark ya. A. Lyon R Va. 1
130. G o. Walther et us. vs. James
131. Maher & Bro. Va. John Hocken.
stain. I
A l l
130. Wm.lferringto/iva.Jas.llarrison.
140, 51. V. 11. 31c .r vs. Duncan,
Stewartit Co. 4, .
141. tn. Smith . vis. David Steen.
142. S tn. Braddock vs. Davis Steen.
144. Schwerdt & Westphal ye. James
Crosaan. - I
145. Charlotte Downe vs. John Jester,
144. Cl. W. Forbes va. Penna. 11. It. Co.
147. tines Jr Rrausalvs. P. Ft. W. Jr C.
. .
P- 111. Zito vs. sant 1 ,
a 1
!+ er 84ealolli•-fig.ala atreeere
The jury In. the .ficahill-Hughal
arson Ciao made their appearance
yesterday forenoon, on the essona
-1 Ming dr Court, and returned n vefdlet,
It Michael Sel h ill "guilty , ' and
Thome ughol "no guilty"
' -
' .
Wei EstatalTrawsters.
The I folloWing_deeUis were left in the
'Reoonder's °Mee, Feb. 17th, 186 Y:
V. EhAtart to WIIIIii'M Flsriitman, Deo.
Slot, ' L 1164, tot In McKeesport, on Fifth
treet, lb by 140 feet . 1 450 '
John Frazier to Johanna Montgomery,
Feb.! 15th, 1908, let In Wilkins tram.
ship) rontaintng three acres $5,000
City of Allegheny in Jarob Angustlne,
oet. pit. 1866, lot oft Mired alley, Shaler
township, 24 by 129 feet 49.9!
Flam.titc.n Nt. 'Clements to James ftains
tion,',Jan.:lnh,-loti In Fenn township.
1 sere Ind 79 perettee...VANl
I Sadie I.,ogan to Wirt Cole, Sept. 19, 1517;-
let on Beaver street, Manchester, 494 by
120 Wet, with Leith' ngs V 3.050
Martha Voeght ot ly
in t ,
Wm. Mnthler, Dec.
1 911 4 PC7. t Seventh ward, ALle
gheny, on Vlllastree t,50by136 feet..t4oo
James C. Shale,. to Alexamir; -.Byers,
Jpflsl3ll7 sth, 111, lot In Union tow n
shin, on Main s reet, 40 by CSI feet.
with Irtililings , ' 8125
Wm. 1 Semple to June Semple, Ort. 16,
1667,, trnet of tan 41 th rlhto township,
caul:Lining Gscrtstsodfk; perrhes..s2.94 , o
JohllC. Shafer to Byers. Dee.
UM , 1895, lot on Main street, Union:
township, 10 by 651 feet, with build
' inge . $125;
Same to same, Sep _el, 1564, lot on Main
street, Union to nshlp, 40 by 901 feet,
with buthling4.; . . .... ... ... . . — Sills
Shera'Wond. to Wm., * Dilworth, Fob.
7t14 1471, lot n Sroultritun street.
N ital. word. Pittsburgh, I be VS) feet;
te tut on Buller street, 75 by ISO
I . _
.. _ 10:.73
Joseph, Kirkpatrick to Win. 11.1:wing
alNov. 14th. le n& lot on Butler street,
N.linit ward, Pittsburgh, 72 by ISO blot
............. ......
John S. Sulvely * Jame. * Murray, alr
90, 1567, lots 43 and 44 In the boroukh
ori Lawrenceville, on Calvin street.
Johlib . l . ek — so " ;; el. to •Kahn Roberta,
Mr 25, 1547, lot In Vermilion town.:
ah p, containing I acre and 03 per ,.
V. 30
than Porter to Marla traria, January
19t37, lots 43, 49, 50 and 51 In Croon
cent township, no Main etieet, and en ,
tending hack 21, , 0fet... to nigh st-11,500
Isabella WlLiton tb John Dlerbor, Sept,
1367, lot on Chatham street, Sloth
17ward, PlUnbungh, Zi feet 31 inches
feet tt,Otatby
John Enpy to Christian Graft, Nov. 2,
1b47 lot In tipper St. Clair towniship,
leonalning 3 sera+ 152 percheit. 4-90
• Te iptorprisa
slew r - iyita.,
Ahern IR a grand proJea on foot for a
nest system of ttgraph lines, extend
ingi all over the . 1 . ;miry, arid promialog
the publican et rive competition, with
the,. present MOII 'sallying lines. A com
pany with ten Tillions of capital, to be
called the Natio al Telegraph Company.
ha 4 been organtied ••In New York, with•
Ci rga B. Sento , as'Preenderdi Edward
Wi Sorrell, En tither; and Beni liolla-
day. Robert Eiqinres, George IL Walter,
Frederick Prentice and others as Exec-
tithes Committee, who invite sobaexit.
tin Ito the capital stock, and promise to I
or t ten thomand miles of wires with
ne year, renchAme to and through all
th hauling ellfea of the nation, nod to 4r.,
thi, hilliness oftifilablic on just Mies
POI.; and at ressonble rates. They be
they will not have to call in more
than twenty-d y e, or at most thirty-five'
pe, cent. of the par or
the stock; yet they
ca very sootriSty liberal dividends on
tit¢ full amount. We understand that
th company aro making liberal dlatri
in tions of their stock among the boat
man; men of the country. The enemas
°tithe nom not bo questioned.
Vileshall sli m 0 to the enterprise again.
enoterfelter Arreatcd.—Uctd. Rrcon,
with {Sassing counterfeit money,
!greeted in Warren county, in Jan.
ulory lent, and alter a hearing before e
j to
Urc3nrren county jell, committed
alterwerdeterfocted oscope. He-was
onbeequentivge-rcrested by officer A. M.
•rowier and biou trt to thta city yester
dity morning, wen, after a hearing l,
fro United litotes Commissioner Ga
e, he was committed toijall fore fur._
Mel. hearing.
Proprietor Arreatrar:—.We natieed
ittyeaterdaC l is GAZNTTEtho amid of four
mono byllie police of Allegheny in 'a
'ovine on East lane, charged with gam
bling, and stated that the proprietor ol
the estahilatiment had ofrocted his es
po. Yeaterday °Meer:Mader made in
formation before Mayor Drum, charging
Jooeph Jaeger, the proprietor referred to,
dlth keeping a gambling house, when°.
Orion ho woo arrested and lined ten dol.:
ern and coots, upon payment of which
lie lama dimiliarged, •
. .
i Improssments.—The repairs and reno
vation which the Mayor. (ghee Ilea or.-
tlergone hate made awonderful Improve
ineut on the appearance of that p2ce.
I T,
he front &lice has been - newly papered
d the wood work rip-painted and var
' fished. The Chef's oillco, In addition
o now paper, paint and varnish, has been
urnishod with a new ell cloth covering
or the floor. The Improvements in the
.. ntain'S office are not yet completed, but"
1 ill be lin w few days. , .
Ur. Ed wiird L. ICaumans.—Thlis void
en t Auxerlean scholar and writer will de
ear his celebrated end brilliantly Mtn
tad Wein° on the "Chemistry of the
unbeam,”ad the Academy of Anode, no
hursdey :arming next. lt is vilely
that an opportunity otters to hear so am
.„.aent a speller, and thin Is the only op-
rtunity that will be afforded o ur
ene to hOor this gentleman. tst
the distingoished gentleman will ;be.
greeted bit a crowded house. -
iliackmen.—We learn from Meier
Blackmon, that hereafter the haekmbn
will be required Whey° copyof thu§r
netitterepslting the rates to be c.barged
by them posted'up conspieuenaly in their
hocks; and a lamp, which shall be kept
, lighted at, night, also Maids the bark, en
!that paseiengere may roe for themselves
what the rates are. This will effectually
remedy the impeeition practice upon
th etrawelling public by hack drirere.
Foimal OpeFletiy.—The Manchester
Heading nllOll3, established' under rho
auspices at tho Youn Blen' Christian
Arsocistion, will be form g ally s
opened In
the Union Methodist Episcopal Church,
corner of Manhattan and Ohio avenue,
:this ?veiling. Rev. Or. Morgan, of
lion. Christ's Church, ma John M. Kirkpat
dela amlother orators will be present to
ad droes {those in . attendance. AU aro
earnest' Invited to attend. • -
•O wtt'oa!e Iniprowed Lock
. awing khatithe—The simplest
The only machine using erya•
'Acacia . with hi attachmenta.
;m No. 2 Fifth street. exv..
• Wbee
Stitch -
end bee
tat Cdd
Awes-ape is • PlsiabisiTits isms-
The Booed of Witter o=mi...stoners of
St. LOllll on Saturday' last opened the
proposals received forbundlng and erect
ing two high servicenuil two low service
pumping engines fqr the new Wider
Works at that city. Following were the
bids received:
G. B. Allen t Co., St.' Louis, two high
nervier, $282,000; ouo high service, $140,-
000; two low service, $139,000; one
- low
service, $87.000.
Knapp (Fort Pitt Foundry Company),
Pittsburgh, two high service, 0108.800;
one high service, $00,000; two low service;
$89,800; ono low service, 850,000.
Woodruff .0 linaeh,lHartford, Conn ,
two high eervice, y 293,000; ono high sere
vice $155,00 0 ; two. low. service, $180,000:
one low !service, $83,000.
Hubbard it Whittaker, Brooklyn, New
York, two !ow service,lsl6o,ooo; one low
service, MAO.'
Boston Machine Company, • Barton,
two high service, $5M,(030; one b(gb ser
vice, $187,500; two low service,42.l.o.
one low service, $12.5,000.
Robert Moore di Sons,Climiniariti, two
high serviar. $.22,000; one high service,
0100.000; two low service, $174,0014 one
low service, $93,000. • •
After a brief consultation, the (contract
for the work was awarded to the Knapp.
Fort Pitt Found Company of Pitts
' burgh, being the lowest but. The bon&
required were $4OOOO for the high *Arvin° I
&Mines, and 050,000 for The re
securities Sens given sod duly
To give an idea of the charactisr of lb
engines connected for, wepresent co re of
tract from the last semi-tumultl report of ,
the Bonfd of Water Commissioners:
"Tito river engines,l two in lumber,
are duplicate engines of the Contishßull
cias'—eteam cylinder 64 inebendlamoter,
12 feet !stroke, and phinger 54 inches di
ameter and 12 feet stroke - - each of • ca
.city 10 pum p{ . 17.000,00 0 U. S. gallons I
in 24 hours The high service engines,
two in number, are doplicete engines, I
steam cylinder 85 inches diameturand 10
feet stroke—pump cylinder 503 inches in
diameter and 10 test stroke; • constructed'
In many rearscis on the Cornish princi
ple. bin working with a fly wheei. The
bull engine has been adepted for pump
ing from the river to save cost in engine
foundation' and pits; but more particu
larly on 'amount of its affording nerdy
access to he pump packing, which is lia
ble to rapid destruction from the grit
and sand contained in the- water a re
ceived horn the river. The high service
engines being double acting, are, for the
work psrformed, comparatively of reel
dimensions, and on account of the fly
wheel are somewhat lass liable to acci
dent, but are not suited to pump gritty
water. Both classes of engines are of
approved forms, and bare been found by
experteriee to be economical is their
, .
Allivalsesty Tossperastoss Lose no.
The Allegheny Temperance 'League
met in the Rev. Dr. Prvosly's Church,
lasteverting,aocordingtoannounc ument.
During the President's absence, Rev. Dr.
Pramsly was called to the char, and
made the opening Prayer, after which be
made a few remarks in regard to his be
ing so seldom prestent with the League.
His heart was with them, but Ma health
would not pormit him to expose himself
to the night air. lie was happy to meet
With the League,
endorsed LW , proceed
ings, and hoped those now working
the cause would use all the efforts in
their power to carryon the work of Tem
perance reform. • ,
Rev. F. W. Witherspoon conuftenced
a series of lectures, with the nub
tea, 'glow nisi the attention and
interests of the masses be beat no.
cored so as to promote the Temper
ance reform!" He lint read from a
newspaper several. strutting extracts In
dicating an amount Or drunkenness In
this nation that was perfectly astounding.
In eloquent language he• described the
tearful ismscquences of strong drink.
lie spoke of the, mighty power 01 the
Christian Cite rch,inn d said that this pow
er should tss ;combined and turned in its
full strength against intemperance. Ev
era good citizen ahoulitamst his vote only
for temperate men. He related , several
thrilling Pacts, and eldsed by appecilltut
most eloquently to the large autheace to
enter largely into' the Temperance worlq
Rev. Dr. Blanchard, -of Illinois, next
spoke. lie gave a vivid description of
tearful crimes conimitted in the Western
territories, where he had recently trav
elled, and trod them all to the use of
intoxinting drinks. The temperance
cause, be said, was a good cause, and
must finally triumph. He urged - the
friends of temperance to be firm and
earnest hands grind work.
A vote of thanks was tendered to both
gentlemen for their addresses.
The next meeting was announced to
he held In the Sandusky , street Baptist
Church, on Tunday, March :Oh
The meeting closed with a benediction
by the Chairman.
One of the meet tastefully arranged
business rooms In the city, and the moat
complete in its. appointments ,for the
Matinees for which It is intended, la the
calehiatedWced Sewing Machine Depot,
IsIo:117, Grent •atreet, which is under the
supervision f Maier It..H.
y' Long. The
room, which was formerl a dingy,
smoky place, bee for some time past
twee undergoing a thorough course of''
repair and renovation, whi ch, haying
been completed. render" it a. heerful.
pleasant and attractive. place. Carpets
of tastetul design rover the lloor,,elegant
parer hanging' adorn the walls, while,
the show cases: anl woodwork geperelly
have been repainted and varniehed in
admirable style. This improvement is
nue of the teenaged. 'evidences of the
tepidly increasing busineas being done
in the sale of these machines,Vmd the:
groat demand, which has been crested
for them neceadtated increased.facilitiee
pe thsplay. The advantages
which are claimed for the Weed machine
over all °there are well known to the
public. The claims of simplicity of mn
, etruction. the adaptability to all kinds of
work, the ease of operating, the superior
manner of executing work, and the entire
rellibilita,a,at tail times, have been oetab
: limited wherever the machine has been
exhibited, and bendrals are purchasing
them In preference toanyothem.
, 7 The enterprising and accommodating
: egent, Major Long, .takes pleasnee in
exhibiting his mathlnee,
t end defining
the advantages the Weed posesesos over
all its comtitors. to that' customers
who call at pe ll2 Giant street need have
no fear. of tiring him. He is always
pleasant and' agreeable.
Tess 111.7.audiars. •
A. largo, eminently respectable, 'and"
hlghly•appreciative audience wee, we
boilers, unaiiimoun last night In praise
of the wayln which thin beautiful can-.
1 tats was preeented to them by that Inde
fatigable lady and lielightful musician,.
Miss Ernest' WhaVatOge business there
was, was well done; the costumes were,
ll:metrically; correct, and the singing wee
In all caste well done. In the matter of
chorus we can sincerely env that we have
heard few Opera troupes In Dittaburgh
which were , so well provided. AU sang
well, but to:Mias Young'si'A Dalryldaid
am l" was Awards,' the first encore, and
, ono w t hlch was well deserved: The sere
nade duotby Mina Jones and Itlaj ,r Hes•
lop was OS j dawioUS a morceen as could
be presented, for the voices were rare
ones of blab culture. Then came Snip
gins' Serenade, a rich piece of farce well
done by is gentleman whose well known
features could not be disguised oven with
the whiskers, lisp and •limp of a Dun
dreary. But it would be impossible to'
note all the excellencies of the perform—
ance. Mks Ernest .at the plane, and
Teorgo at .the baton, insured the auccees
of the orchestra, and the whole enter
tainment I was unexceptionable. Al
though the 'applause was long and loud.
we think but one pair of boots assisted
the hands; and they were plainly audible,
us they stamped away in the balcony.
. Eased et peeltta Organfallen.
A meeting of the Board of Health eras
!fold at their , °Bice, on Fourth street,
on Tuesday evening, February 19th,
ISC§, for the yurpose of electing
Officers to wiry() the Board for the emu
ens year, with the follotiing result:
l'rcadmit —David Fitzsimmons.
Secrriary—Joln Wilson.
Treainrcr—James McCune.
Physician—A. G. McCandless.
Hmith'Officer—G.erge Fortune.
.4ssithint ifrulag Officer—J. P. Wit.
The following gentlemen compose
the Board_for the current year: David
Fltmimmons. John Wilson, . Jafnes Mc—
Hays, Samuel McKee,
Joseph Kayo, Dr. A.ll.Gross, DK. Janna
King, Gen. A. L. Pearson.
We are requested to state that .It death
certificates from the comtelidated dis
tricts must now be sent In to the Health
times frOm the cemeteries.
we -
public Dieetlng.—Tbe . Fenian Broth
erhood- tuld others favorable to ISM
Nationality will hold a publie meeting
in Boller* Troll, Firth and Smithfield
streelsOlds evening, o'clock. The
meeting will be addressed by prominent
men In the. Brotherhood.
Tuts la always the hue and cry of thew
who will not take the trouble to reason,
to investigate and to test the,truth of &dy
nes, discovery In Phildssoplay and Sci
ence: I rely on nothing with certainty
(bein a matter-of-fact men) till pc/M1..1
..1 ex g
perience proves itstruth or 'falsity.
:I have had ample opportunity to test the
virtual of .Wousarr's PAIN Psuvr and
his great Catarrh , Remedy on mysolf and
in my family, therefore I, lama individ
ual, without fear of successful contradic
tion, pronounce it one of the most won ,
de rful wonders of the age to:relleve
who suffer wit h. pain. .113, motto is to
Pto,4 all things end bold fast that which
in good and true. This la my voluntary
act, without Coo or reward, end think St
right that the public should know It.
D AVID ff. Sarseettn.
Geologist and Naturalist, Cincinnati, 0.
Enforetd.'—The Onlinance
prohibiting . wagons from standing on
Liberty street, opposite the Union_Depot,
was, we believe, f
ora mea t time put in
force yesterday, wg in
been a law for over a year. Ibis the
teattott Clfllayor Blackmon , to enforce
all ordinances until they are repealed,
and we suppose hackman will now be
required to carry Man number; as well
is a card fixing the ram of et
as ordinance to that effect 2,1,0 Cooun
cils last slimmer. •
False Pretense. George Cohen' yes
terday made lamination before Alder
mart,Taylor, -charging. Thomas Morgan
with obtaining goods under false pre-'
tense. Ho alleges that the "aocused ob
tained clothing of him to the amount of
forty-live dollars, repowenting that he
owned property in the Fifth ward. Ile
was arrested and takeh to the Alderman's
office where the matter was arranged by
the payment of the bill and costs by the
defendant. . .
Pollen News.—There has been very
little police news in the city lately and
yesterday it was more scarce than tumid.
This would indicate one of. two . things,
either a reformntion in the morals of the
community or a scarcity of motley with
which to - defray the expenses which
criminal promoutions incur. We fear
the latter le the cause to which It should
be attributed. .
Dborderly.-officers Shaffer] "and
Brown, of Map:F.:Brun:de arrest.
ad John Hines, yesterday, who itap
pmrs was acting in a disorderly manner,
breaking up his fan:attire and crockery.
Me woo taken before the Mayor, who,
after a hearing, impe a email ,fine on
him..upon payment ofwhich be was..
Illegal Liquor "Illeilltig.—Catharlue
Lafitin made information before the
Mayor yesterday charging Tbonfas Car--
eou vetch selling bqnor to a habitual;
drunkard alter having been notified not
to do so. The olfeuder keops a "rum .
?n a g:. " .i " w Fort Mtl:eleay‘x¢edVrig"t*.
• Surety of the Peace.—Thomail Shaw
made information before"blayor BlaelrJ
more yesterday against John Ilowley
for surety of the peace: It is alleged by.
the prosecutor that the defendant threat.;
riled to do hint bodily injury. IlowleY
was held in three hundred dollar. for
his appearance at Caurt.
In compliance with an act of: Ansem
bly relating. to- nu companion, the Ls.w. , .
ream Gaa Company will open their nub,:
scription books at the office of Masers.:
Sill de. Shutterly; in /191Vrelleeylly0,
the 2tth flay of February. '
If the Baby Is cutting teeth nee that:
old and well tried remedy Abs. Fins
low's Soothing Syrup, which greatly fa.
ctlitates the process, and is sure to'regtb
lute the bowel; It rellevue the, child
from palm, corrects acidity ands
colic, and, by giving 'the infant qui°
natural sleep, gives rest to the %titer
(mks, 215 Faiton tared, Now Y] . °" - •
:ill High Holborn, London,!Englandi
Ile sure and tall for "Mrs. Winslow'
Soothing Syrup,' having the foe- '
of Curtis it"l'erldrt on the outside writ
per: All others are hese imitations.
Chapprdillands.faco'and all ro' ughti
of the akin, certainly (lured by using _
Juniper Tar Soap, made by Cos
Hazard ,t Co, New York. Its 1
1.11 other remedies, se .it will row* . 'p
roughness of , the skin, if used durirgi
cold weather. Jib conveniently applied,
avoiding all the trouble of the .j.i
compounds now in root. It can be u
by ladies with the most tendOr s_ •
without initailon or pain; making i ;
and clear. Sold by the . DrVELLata Reid'
orally. ' .
Houses and mots in Allegheny at • •",.
tion.-s-The following wilt be sold . . .' .4
vie: At ID o'clock No. 83 Taylor even„ ;
at 110 - clock, No. 244 Banduskyaireet
2 o'clock, No. 53 Chestnut street and the
vacant lots, cornernf Chestnut street clod
the railroad ; and MD o'clock. the vacdpt
lot 46z100 feet, . corner of North4Datial
and 'Cherry streets, suitable for eoaltktr
' manufacturing purposes.. Spebinl MU al
Lion invited to these attractive sales. ii ._l '
A. LICOCILTE, Alletbebeet
"How can -ye Bloom so Fresh iln;
veer r . goes the old Scotch song. new
Why, those who show the bloom of h t lith
en their cheeks, take Plantation BS re,
which has the power of fortif4Nthe
system against ..m., and of ug.
'the digestive apparatus.. Are ;you ya
peptic, weak, void of mum,. r '11•90
you little or no appetite, hmdache,lbon-
Itinned lassitudeaud depression of **lts?
Take S. T.-1860—X. and'bloonsland
beauty will retain. The Bitten lhave
become a household friend. ~ . _ .r;
'MACIXOLLi. dell& • - tot.:
let article—superior to Cologne, gtd at
belt the orlon, xrwit:lP
Dry Goods at lattslesale.—We ." :of
fering full lines of bleached and
sfuelins, Prints., Ticks. ding ••• and
other staple goods, making the ktrgest
stock In the West at Tutern prl
• J.W.B.muutnlt I
No. 59 Market e t
A Better Dinner Pot cannot • .' : andthan Wilson's , which at ones retinas the
unpleasant feeling or !surfeit anal fall
news, withopt sickening the stOcisch.
Sold by every respeensthe -drligkatt
the United States.
Country Merchants replenish i ' l stock
will nod an In excellent condlUo . • sop- . 1
ply their wanta at Ina than idultam
prices. • _ .I. W. Burman Co.
Ponta. Shoes and Gaiters-O[ ; v ery .
- —.. 4ways be_ ha _ . t Dr-
latest style, can always be - hat.
Robb's, 89 Market. street. He 16
splendid stock always on band ant
at tho lowest prices.
-- ,
Metashoe. and Galtera—Of: Ivory
lateld style. tan always be batr t Dir.
Rabb'e, 811 Market street. He' pa a
tiplentlid stock always on hand 4.1 Bella
at the toinad. prices. • 1 - 1 -• •
.. , -
CCMUtatiOD Wale ii a
for Diabetes and all diseases of the kid
nape. For tale by all druggists. knies.
DIEM . - • '.
p , .
Merllll ANT. —OR Sunday. Tehreary3th. Mi ,
HUGH MACMIANR. W. ii T•l'll. 1 L.,,-
iroocrel from No . IN decond street, o WON.
l c..
unmet'. tettntee7 1210. at OR . lertitrl lloirtuu
Requiem ilish Mass se St. runt Cath ' ish In
terment at ete Retro Centet.dur. Ildr , dil Pr
the family me Melted to attend. , •
. utzven.—ln firele. Genudity. lIN ItY end
El r. i
Mlrr L•sc. A, only children of li. A. mut ,
; l ho
' SI
No leriaarth Pittemehrb. No.
Comma of .n Wads; (MUSS. 014. , M.. 4
every description of ?mural TuratsbULE Uaadi
mr.uhet, hems oyez day Sad .410. Yfnf
and tand.bant,
David Inn /4 DmAtei•
Y. A. Thaseul
Jae-obit. Xlller. isq.
of gondosky Aral and Mara grourrli.hlirgl4 - :
sw My. uncrs their COFFIN ROOM* sr* eoa -
.i r onrig moiled with seal and linl4tion Rom.
wood. mampni.d Walant comait,
varying from WM alrOn. Medlin proptinni l
eer:nose. tioarroo and .CorMagfrt,*mthbeat
also, MI kinds of Mourning Q.t..? reTanui.:
Wks own at aD hoar. gar snd algk.,
-Sala ain IgnisaZwin. 41011,
Allsetnity. and No. MI Mumma *MOO.' (bil
Jobs Wilson t Bros 41rsons Orsis/o•l4niseati
best Metal, Itosowood. Walnut ...I , Zdtallat
Mee...rood Collins. Walnut Ooilins
wards. Nolte.reed Congas WO snivrat all otimil
Comes to propeatlea. OMNI.
Mnisbed lOW nua, rtsta:
.„dir,„wranesinammairiiim, •
sad Wed.
E D DIitT A AXSII.. - oMos t k If. tti l7llll.
ApeetwAy. 11.1.1314 Harwood2=l7 I.IA
Ins, wttlt somigete Real, elftstr.7 tan , :
&fob. ea load sad finstaal Artkia,
ungrat plop. 1!W Ice Uverj , taw... tar.,
aer of.lint sad 111,1614 !Matti. *EMUS&
ItamebeL 'MOW WM* Rotr7. La. are..
Two spinosa.
.?1111111)11211LICY LID fIATITILDAY.
Wires. eentslatft FORTY Mi.,
11X 3f,::: , et Wariest:ft roadie. water s twistilua_
les.4:ft =Aortas. Aftat Yew. Teutrave aad r
MMeSSOftleftle Raft*, Matter fez the IrwskUs,
tote plea swiftest senate Mute* wad
teesols' a. tilsftet Reports Weft by asf p.p. .19 ,
theo4 it
'. lie /sweet, etbftle Korot:mut
0..44 be wltltow. lt.
art -'tare VON ft= temin.T eastern t .
I *Me
—WO Oft .97 of P.P. to the yeses ritSble
UP Oa deb. Wtettftes to Waft en be =eft •
say** at dub rstis.
NOwts ft• 61761eterbrn — Le eftftlas Teel ‘:
ftWO r • , be elt4 sad naatr eatitet 1.•
wets we lass Weettesdal solltleafer e ft s
seri Wing bat oft WWI • weft.
Dftrs, 5.M.% MHO titkes
er l4jHaNtetw Letter e. mat be nut st oar eft .
A4arews. • OAILLTTW,
fit; nirsurricoN. Pftre•A
• .....
N : 4,• •N T E li—A G ENTS.— NOW . 5
• .1 reed, - for Casa-sere, ...TILE lIIMItr E .
C Charsetio, Curi Inat and llesults.•• Dr
lia. : JELihalata 11..STArtras. tend for Eir- t
culhes, with terms arid a full deacriptiors of 04 t .
was. Address, NATIONAL runciswou ;
Cr.b`s. Philadelphia. EA . .
If f
: • lILL't-COATEI, is d now they Lived. -• f
FO ht and Oled for the Onion. with:scene. ad . i
la data In the Sireat . Iletiellion. It cantatas s
oiS 110 ithiCE aaaaa lora ad tae. Eases. ad le ' i';',
Or_ spielers and cheapest war boob. published. .....-.P
F ' si. all - V. 30 Per coPi. Ti.. Publlo . 4
tbi ed agates% Inferior_ septa with a dollar :. • I
time. See that the hawk roe buy thstits. over .. j .
'loVeriTovistiol and 304 ram Send for Clem. .t
tali. LO.tats
I.ljlphis. Es. - i - air •—• 1
iten .RENT--Tbe preinimies No
A re
ICS Fifth stet. .late y occupied by A. T.
Chicory. meltable fora dry goods or forolallint
ebefectiontoy :and Tiptop eshloo. And..
tarty other purposes.' To•actel'ont can be Woo. .
IrAlnedlately. Apply to JAS. T. WIIITIt.'Mr.
esport. or TINS. J.
, hEIIS.II.N. lttentood,
:1141luvr-Twci wore itoomo .
. :neer beldame on tlhlo negate, near B: dwell
)tee.' Allegheny. with :dwellings ores e net,
oplt wales. bath goon mut von .LoonlitY Flnnt
going, goods. granary or total aboentore. Also
take.., nalldlogt, fon', mock/. enllshle for ...II
Inaglly. Apply at Otto of FRAZIER BROS.,
avence end Seggalch elect C.. Allegheny.
MOB l 6 SASS; LIBZUTT. -- Two htwd
sfitshgeoetern WI!, reside...o.o Has , d uSo•
eautalnlog slevan rooms *Oh. surrounded
tr ample grounds, ballot Ann mandato/sad
shad, with plant sisal - Woo railroad station. Os
fiSs premises ars' It gate stable,' abundance of
idliter. hod Oa situation Is, altogether, pletu
tis,sl, us sod conventint. rObielsloll giro , . first
41.APril zest. Apply to Locsturtr, rasvi
deco.. Wood isreat.• •
DENCE.4.I. two-story Yr Imo Noose arid
rooms, with liorchae. nod pantiles : apriu la •
flier, doers. wash house, lea boa.. ouriete
louse, stone spring home, wood house and sta.
good ord-r.with ere acres of
ltd. well eat In selected remits. grapes,
a. the Flttehurgli. Fort Warne i Chi
•gitgo 21 tot ei (rote the city. neer Logan
#sition—it Wag s beeutlful sod health,. location
Chao Over, within ono (doer's ride of the
air, to rent, with Immediate Lirooetalou, very
I,her: Vogl:lre of. 11. H. TOWN% No. IN !fourth
(;trues. Pittsburgh. .1 •
VOIVIIENT-4 Frame Owen
1N owriskoolo... fold and trees on 'ea
_ cod floor. Alen, a TENANT. 1101.PdE. ,of two
Weer., all to rood tobatantlot l order. gaoling
ade".arrietre born. Sir rove of ground. awl/
planted in ermine Emit—food... arraroe •
1"-trnorrioi. imposnro. 81mta on the hill tunas.
'trtitalystoootboOntie Devote in rite town:Ledo;
*Alvaro a JONN WATT. nntroolCstreet; or or
../EATT. tr. WILSON. LlteeriT street.. . •
;TO LET—. 4 glad rismeDWell -
INO. . contalnlar wren moms, Wi th two
..ere. of land and,AMOle,,mit set •otth fruit
'Mess, and Ina rood 0100 urcultloottom olnutUt
an Bomar street. pt the flatottolt of BouickleT
„63141 within doe minutes, titan of 10. 010llon.
possession it , en faimodiodels..if destred. Tor
Indalm of WM. 'BI.N6IN, on Um
F E Ru.T—orriprt, AND
" . BOORS Inaba pow building nreeLedbT the
a. Keystonelsaelaga Bank, EaI.IIIEHTY eV:MET.
corner of Osrrllon allay.. Immediate ;emersion.
alai. Tor terns. an.. apply at THE DkNE.
FOR ILILEL-00R01LE4.7-7he
ludinee of these . desirable Lots are now of
fered at prlvatesiale. oarl any on • desire= a (roe
Walser slew would do well to makwaseleetion.
site village is boosted. on a s eaustful sod healthy
Wet. tors; aod what( roles Irons liThorpsharg. on
the Western Deosisylswia Railroad. which new
through It. matlas It much more valuable wad
sgrecable. Itzteuslre ~preporstlen. are now
'moms,: for erecting a unmacr . of doe houses.
warts all prose as orooment tuthe WWI. The
remainder of these loss will be sold at vere'res ,
sonalde now sod of terms exceedlooly easy.
iLL ASEULITTIRLY. R4al Relate and lona+,
vow Agents. LAWrCUPITiIi.
FOR O.ALL.--Hottse and Lot ow
earner, of Maabatt.a. tad Adszot stresse s
SseW Paiwinger Railway. Lot 44 by rzr fool.
;Holum balm, wail/obery roams bad Wed hell s '
well boproved. • Howl gad Lot oulthogiodsl. war
'Bidden Onset. alleitsodr atT. Ida Ti brU
frets Uwe ?romes contains hall, five rowels and •
good cellar; water and gw. Also, several moll
Hots Roo and Lot. in rond Ismatloo. /squire ol
s Deaver snout, near //W.W.I.
- ttt SZWICX7AT. - .e line brick elieettley.
Willa the teoetaohet.htiu IDILIkIIII. - prttlt com
plete aurtagements ter gas; not aO4 cold 'Wee:
Leanne. lint air tee.. a.' P.= One to thee
&mesa imam . Vary near (baker Valley Ma
J07.1.14.W.V/. Jr.. Sentekleyrille P. 0.
FOti . 8/11Lig—A very delaTable:
tbreo.tini BEIM HOWIE. neariy Dann'
prnane,d brick dread. amnia Inandles; p. and
Inter dirnantiodt; helm cantatas *incur:man,
and Lathed garret, No. 94 ELLL ISTEECT. near
thsth mart, Passeasdan teem ►poU ha t
lOW - Steretre at the home. • '
.08: SALE-110118E8
HOWALD•B Livery sad 1144 Mild% au
fne TOXIN 11.511311 tHay); three DarrlX.
GM 11061LES:' am . • LAILat DIWYULIT
4011131:; time. XLACX t. GUT
KAM. 113WL SMST, stirlde itamem.
Wiprsesionte; sa4 veld Os meadadia.
FOii• • gLl.E . —oile • CARRILGE,
sidtsbli far 611, ar - tani holle4 one T 179.
UOTZE -WAGON. sad • daabla se . o.f itoz
-211M; sully mew. Latsl4l. et the rprECIEIST‘
• ;
uzscrpric -
lisauf . tared by PLTZBISQOI62. 271 Oifora
Pd. Soap bee beta. %I • Pen.11.1P00.4. f eeaa
freer the axe.. of alkali elnuy Inrartably [Deed
arealbdpare‘t goepa; 'sad el the woe time It
la made IO take up %lam eneithly.of Glycerine.
la Per Iter.) It h tcdde...letter sanctum that
allay ogee eelegiptalleflening that .
prooerring .tbe nouipleslon.' Tourmaline
thspidng end the unpleaaliat rougbarte ospart.
owed In cold .nether. It Is found roost useful
fn aleviattnifthellthalen produced by meets
of the Ala, Un =Meng of to greet pantry It
recommends Itself to ell pomp, OM ender Men
tG Irdetleed SAP: for dedicate able. It Is
b. nay Soap that ea* b. tolerated. WU par.
tlergarly useful foe alsentdrut"dbereel also,
where the Initatlon peeduced by ordlnargboapa
t M.
elas a
notes so IftsichltientaAVW.Ute. It
the Moss
wordtble Sliming easy thateart•be saitilOyeritin
the ells son andatearrtnide. The roePI dental,
sold as (I liderine 80 . mid contain little or is Gil ,
eerine. it t. oar neeesserrto enilly the twine
to the urines and the genuine • be dirtin •
gashed by the eoetit taste. -
Agent. 1111rON JOHIiSTON, fourth* hanith.
geld etreets. igen , for VIICIifSA.
iiliAl!. . Sur
Cor. reran anCtin ,Ciaitotreso
a "WATCH ,
131'11AMISO rzarrar evcorss
. -
&BEAT ErDitimmyrs
'To Taw: w Ammo cutriuNo
We sem eau gar stalk ' • •
,C41515pa,M 3 . 9111413 GA t'
anacoringos; •
WU* *ldathe utast urls.
fair NO Pia M0rTC"..1126 1117=1)
THIS moos: car , 4 , 2 airkts•l••• • 4
z•.ss iirmizsm. swum: et hi eii)
' k
~~ :~`:
y ~.