The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 18, 1868, Image 2
0 11 IKE H TaffOCIAT, rsiutu*irr U. Wrrx soilk uniformity Ims the result followed, that ea soon as 6 rein has been convicted of Counterfeiting the national . currea‘cy the_Pablic has confidently look ed for his spoedy -.pardon by President Johnson. And this expectation bu not bben disapnetnted. Almost every often . de.i of this cilia has been set at liberty, to renew his crimes. - The whole nem- Ler_ this treated . Oppros:hes one hun dred. Is It sympathy Mit moves the . President to this reckless clemency? Or do cronsider.otions, not or weslaeas, bat of a still. more flagrant •character, control him? Ma. Tamest:Lt. has introduced Into the Senate an important bill, baited epee, and in aucordance with‘ the recent de cision of the SqpreMe Court in the Re construction MCI. It alarms the law to be as the Court as 'decided; that all Courts of the tin ted States shall be • bound by the in ' of Congress , as _the political 'depart f the government; i c . `that no civil gii meat, repablicas in form, - exists In t Susie' lately iu re for volt; and that 6 c govnimente shall not have lodide executive recogni tion until C 1:1g hall so provide or until' such State shall be represented in the two Howes. Fr.on the Pres dent of 'the Petro'eurn Board we gather me facts important to be stated. 1. Th t G overnor . Geary - had not promised any one the appointment ot Inspector of 0 Is, in CIS9 the bill as originally introduced, or as it might be ' modified, should pass the,..LeFislattne. 2.. When he was assured by the repre sentations made to him by the Petro• Iron Committee of the extortion the bill -as framed would Indict on persona en gaged in the. Oil Tratle,aud of the leaden. cy of that extortion to drive butinese out of th.e Commonwealth, he was amazed and tndlgneit. - B. - That he rested his repugnance to interfere by the yet, perogatire, in case the bill as . it 'first stood, should become a law, en the ground that no coruititnttenal pint w i th involvid, and that the details of the law Weald be clearly within the die cretion of the HOlllB3. Chia explana tion, is anthentict, and cannot fail to Ott the Governor In a satisfactory and commendable light before the phblie. Iteroar- avouches that General Mc etermas is to succeed Mr. ADAMS as Minister to London, provided the Senate will consent. Tke retiring. Minister is regarded in Enropo as perhaps the ablest representative this country has 'ever had. His career has bean pre-erns. neatlysuccessful. Illustrious by birth, altaindients awl service; he will carry into. retirement aot only the respect at his country, but the regards of all abreact with whom he has come into social or official contact. - His prospective suc cessor Is conspicuous for failure. In the chaos of affairs, by accidental or tenni . tads circumstance; elevated to a hign and responsible rack for which neither experience or-genius fitted him, Le proved amarchitect of disaster, beyond parallel Initiatory. Found wanting in his chosen profession, for which he ha: capacitie, if for anything, it is now rr riously - piopoied to - start hint on a fresh career, requiring peculiar natural spit trades. as - well as special training, th e possession of which he has never indict ted. This may be taken as a sad exam pie of party infatuatnn. pniesmrr The lessolui !Democrat, which boa hitherto oppnee the nomination o General Gnaw" to the Presidency by the Repablican National Ceniention, ha. changed its tone; and now, -not reluc• tautly consents, hot wanaly.eepeuseahln clailits to the candidacy. it ran: "When General Grant's. nomination fo the Presidency was urged on the ground of expwillmicy met.- ty, we earnestly opliensed It. Thu Republican party cannel allure 10 • Irly a victory oy a sacrifice Of principles ' Who lets nominalina ens urgedbecanse t. winild please those uncertain eouls woof., lace of reel convietlonn of any kind make, Com of no nee to sitter party. we opposed Mo party con etr,,to TO boy mercenary llies at the cost of LW/pasties or di:s6mM &ming faithful friend.. "Pet ctrcumstarlem havechanged. that oberwr"Ci Gnril.'s fidelity have zone., away. dee ilnd t the enn though lin 'dun. was steadily ebittlag. , notobialice nolonzer urges; for toe sake of coped. testy Ociv. wee :tiger are told that bi name will brim., To ear standard • toot , erhoop. laCclOillen TO .waaknea. General Gra.nt. Is being placed, as events nnleld, in iamb a position mato command the heart, support or those who fight for prhiefol, • alone. Ills nominally. Is now urged on Tn . ground Gist he represents, more truly that elementme possible canadate. the gulled of the 2.•pubileatt party." So the Republican rank, close up There is no longer any question or hes Raney', as to who shall hold the firs• piece no the Republican ticket. The debate is confined excladvely to the to lectionof the best man, all Runge con sidered, for the second place.. The Republican of New York, to their State Convention, expreesed a de. cided preference for Goy. riNTO2f. BC has proved , timself a true man and an , able: adriainistrillor, and if this prefer ence abould be ratified at Chicago there would Imno holding back- from accept- Mg the choice, by Reptibliceni any where. In Pennsylvania three names have beelieprosented for the vice.presidential honors--thowi of. GLARY, Crime and Quo*. Alike estimable in private life, and richly endowed by nature and cope. ricece (Or °Ride usefulness, they have each silecial aut i l, distinct claims upon the public confidence and upon . She, support of the Republican party. Renee it is difiktult to , institute a Comparison be tweett then. Each has filled the peru liar situations to which destiny Sad the voix of the people 'assigned him, and tilled them well. Gov. Guar is tie only one of the three with a military retard behind him. .This is most brilliant—honorable to him self ea his services were eminently um,- ful to the nation. It Was this record that drew towards hies two years ago the sympathies of the people of -his native State, and secured his elevation to the gubernatorial chair. In the can vass he developed unexpected oratorical powers, and dealt with intricate ques tions of national concernment with the cogency and power of an experienced statesman—allowing that in his reedits- 1 lions, whether of the study or the field, ha had mastered prOblems of deepest signinestace. In - his administration of the affair's of the COmmonwesith,le has so enlarged Ids reputation u to create a demand for his promotion to the broader field of national service. .irr: A. G. CrIATIN hie entirely dif ferent antecedents. A lawyer by pro fession, he has been many years In the civil service of the Commonwealth. It was Ids lot, and the happiness of the peep e, to bo In the gubernatiogal chair when-the itebellion'broke out, The tie. quent popolsr orator won disclosed ma perior cipaziGes for, administration; for nroosing the people; for collating pope. lir confidence; and for concentrating all th • resources et command upon a single obbret. Not only in Pennsylvania, but throughout the Union, was hie nodding plume., like that of NLYAHRIC, recog . nizefd in the an of the contest. Upon ft rose and fell the hopes and expecta tions of our people. No 'eyel heart will ever forget the magic of that phne, or fail to 'venture the tones of that sumb voice that in many a great emergency 'was worth ten thousand Dien. Mr. anon .'has' neter'been Identified leith Bute patio or admilaietrstioa. Cast, alkaost ix his yaith, into the Herat • Wubiegten, Ise rose to = sentativun. and luminous mike than dsibifig iina' , brllliant, his career. mates . . lo_ tbo .I.2dgzaents Wax! erthmOsitlimissitargdOptellow 17405,11.1esr.oightesi, tllbittiaW, Ism to Itlipayictiois a, . tit!, tha 4eTer bit a shadow of 'din*" or uncertainty rested upon his clgomo:e or conduct. IMI Upon which of it,te throe tite oho Of tho State Costveatfoc Ritl :AA., it not easy to forecast. Noi . is nec vary to the purpose before ILI test between the respective supporter of those distinguished men ti nut ie.: amnion'. but evinces a spirit of chin, ryas rivalry which augurs well f,r the ham-mu of the party. Upon which,' cr of them the chance may faii, it wil, be worthily bestowed, anti if that choke ,hell be ratified at Chicago there wr!! be do hesitancy among the Itepublinics _ or Pcruasylvsais In acceptiug it ;,5 elision inevitable between , conllietin claim where the balance was an nlce to leave the reealtto Fortune. Fllll, Ginn AND 119VSE1106) 'Earopeots Farm. and Fermatas Since 1846 there haallimin a deereaseii. both thermal population and the nine her ofproprielorsin Great Britain.. The ntualtar of voters, who register on ac). count of property is very serious/7 iii mlalshed during the last thirty year,. tlintottil number of voters of that els, being something less than four Louth)... thousand In 1664.. This stale of affair, contrasts wonderfully with that (Frau, where there are 6,800,000 proprietors, (in England there are not 40,000,) is population of 27,000,000. The asriot revolutions Lave so divided the ownsr ship of-France that there are very . fe.) large land holderil such as are common England, the average . farm - is Lot twos ty•seven. acres. The whole area Prance is about 128,000,000 of acres, be. - 19,000,000 acres of which are waste mountains; more than one-half of the whole area Is arable land, and the rest Is meadow land, vineyards, orchards an ti forest. Since 1788 the crop of wheat 1.. Prance has been increased from 0 to 13 bushels per acre and Ice still progressive By reclamation of ground and educe, culture the produce of wheat and o).1) has been doubled, and the annual aches' crop roan about 100,000 bushels man) than that of the United States. The cattle of Prance within the last filly years have increased from air nut half millions to more than ten millions The sheep have increased some Three :anions in the same time, and now num ber 03.281,000. The swine are estimar led at about 5,000,000. Besides all li•.- , France atilps annually to England tare, amounts of eggs, fruit, batter and wino. This great prosperity of agricultarsl Franca In spite of the disastrous polio cal revolutions' is, says Prof. ri9Lt mainly owing to the eviateneti of Lie peasant population. Mr. Fisher ascribe) the progress, health and vigor of tie French peasants, who consume remarks- My little animal food, o "the life-giving properties of their cheap ordinary wine.' ' Bach wine is procured for fire cents bottle, consists of pare juice, and notl. tog can improve it in cheapness or flavor. In Holland lama rarely exceed fifty acres; but Holland anteing camfortatn 3 poptiLation of three aad a half million within an area U eiikit mllliou Wert s; and in I$G.2 had some taftetn hundicii thousand hinges and cattle, nearly a million atteep, and twenty-seven dyed tholumad mile. She exports an nually from Rotterdam to England more. than 10,040 head of cattle, which 1. about half of all that is nortirled Mit Great Britian. The soil of Holland is light and to being moistly reclaimed front the ocean Yet it holds . M 0,000,000 of tt .u.strtan National debt rind raises near;, enough groin for its-own consumplen - The average size of farms in Sail along is but twelve acres, the why.!. population of the country, is not as awe:: as that of Loudon and yet there et, morn freeholders in Bwitz erland in the whole of England. Thu aierage farm in Belgium is hi; 7} acres and yet it i■ probably the alai prosperoas region of Ettrope, itn size i. about that of ?ilessachusetts and C,3 tient united, its soil is light yet it has population of 400 to the square =tilt about one fifth of whom are proprietor. Ibe /illation Ohrelon. 'mat the Geratanta•rn Tel,gr Now that we have long evenings airi• plenty of time to writedet me say a fen brief words to my sister Ilbamkeepe, respecting the Kitchen Gsrdeu, wain:. du so often been 'referred to by th. editor, in terms wtich have elicited a least a portion o fthe attention hop' for. I . am vary sure that if wirer wet : to present the case to, their hushr.cds is more earnestness than they are nectic touted to do, we should ere more ex teneive and abundant vegetable encl.% area near our dwell age. In lookia c about us, in Os community, how fee really good gardens meet our eye: Linz few enjoy through the season as they could and should, the tine fresh vegeta ales which are so easily to be produced t Why should not every household hay, lettuce rind radishes until the hot sem . . mer days cut them short? Peas, of three or (oar varieties ripening, one crop after another, until we are tired of them. Sims, beans, carrots, and especially corn. Of this latter, by planting the earliest kind, following it with the Stowell Ewer green, making one planting of the ter 'bier and four of the latter, at intermis along of ten to twelve days, we can have sweet corn every day until frost; lie watt fruits. I could not love a husband who would Lot prelude for his family a variety of the best fruits.. In every gar den should be found strawberries, rasp berries, blackberries, currants, goose berries, plaza and cherries. If our lords who care for the comfort of their fausi liea.and far their own repetition, would only think that these things con be pro. vidad, at a little expenee, they woul.i certainly not allow next spring to as. without giving their hearts sad hands in accomplishing It. How much we arr. Indebted to thenditor of the. Telegraph for his ,conatant efforts to impress al. :hese things upon, our minds, I am not prepared to estimate; but I can truly .ay Mit these efforts years ago, matte a rove. loses in the home comforts of at least Osz lio.tusszareu. Irectdiss Meek from Stsek• Keay farmers, who make stock refs iug a special feature in their agricul tural operation; are frequently de ficient In bane - accomodetioas, hence are compelled to resort to the site: dog drotiess. Blacks properly made, keep nay with very little damage from the elements, but when they are located, as is frequently the case, in the meadows where the grass is cut, - a considerable loss neceasanly results both in feed and unsure. The loss is predicated on the ouppthititn that these stacks are fed rot to the meadows or fields where they are built. In this case considerable hay is blown oil and lost by high winds; it is less satisfying to the cattle when they are compelled to feed while exposed to the wintry blast. Besides the droppings from the- stock will, in a majority of cams, be deposited in some out of the way place where they havo soughtshel ter, and. not readily reclaimed for use the following spring. To prevent this expense and loss, It is only necessary to' provide trafficient yartilpg roam in Abe vicinity of the barn to accommodate the stock. Feed, from the barn that till room Is reeds for more hay. Throw in I a stack and feed until room it made for another one. In ibis way the stock will have the advantage ! of the shelter sap- plied by the barns mad sheds; will eel I lean and waste leas, while the manure de will be deposited In a compass so uarrow as not LO involve the necessity of Maine much or any of it. Thin winter removal of hay might he wholly, obVi" aced by properly 'adjestmg the stacks sLout the barn and yard at the time of I _harvesting the'crop. Huck labor would he 'eyed in this way, while supplying a grateful screen to the stock front tie j storms and beating winds of muter. Finally, the practice of stacking hay I to meadows null feeding it oat there, ie a great detriment should there chance to occur a sudden thaw, as the cattle - witl be sate to poach up the turf, destroying the continuity and yelyetyameethatta of the surface Of the meadow—direinistn g the succeeding crop, and, impeding the labsrof harvesting.—Burallfess Yorker. 150 CONORESS BT., BOSTON, / Augast 16, 1E47. Mr. S. Fletcher—Deer Sir: I have 'jest read in the Farmer, your letter to Mr. Brown regarding Mr. Metcalfe method of curing hay by the employ- I meet of lime and salt. 1 was very holy wimu you called at oar colleting room, I failed to lea= the true import or na ture of your inquiries. It is evident considerable interest will be awakened in this subject, and therefore Itasten to present to your readers, a chemical view of the matter, which 1 Vast is reliable. If the quantities of salt and quick lime mentioned by Mr. Metcalf were mixed together, and sprinkled with water, :limb'c decomposition would re sult, and C.11141:le soda and clderide of eshalusa would be Mimed. A mutual destruction takes piece between the lime and salt, and birth is given to these new bodies. Caustic soda would-be very hurtful to animals, even if afforded in small quantities. It is a powerful taus tic irritant.• Chloride of - Calcium Is a deliquescent salt need in the arta, and in me:Steiae. This also, would undoubted ly be harmful to animals. If no further chemical changes resulted, Mr. Metealf's lime and salt nurture upon Lay would certainly prove an unhappy discovery. I But the too nen. bodies tend strongly ; towards farther changes; the caustic soda ; hos a powerful appetite for carbosic acid which it Gads in the air diffused through the Lay; a union is formed; and uerbon• ate of utha reaults. But this is not all. Carbonate of seda had chloride of calci um cannot remain separate--they rush together exchange ingredients, and lo ! we get back. to MIX again, compon salt and hard, insoluble carbonate of lime remain in Mr. Metcalf's haymow aft er the play of chemical affinities is fairly 01117. MEE It is presumed that lime and emit mix ed and atiewn upon moist bay, would be:influenced chemically, in a way simi lar to that which takes place-when they are mixed and sprinkled with water. It is possible, a body of bay being porous, - unequal-diffusion of the carbonate of so ds and chloride of calcium occurs from a point where they are formed, so that they do not unite. In llus MSG carbon. ate of soda and chloride of calcium ict• main in the hay instead of salt and car ' innate' clime. It is not probable, beiv. ever, that decomposition stops short of the ultimate remits, sal; and - caulk. t his vlew, no advantages reit lit from mixing dime with salt in curing bay, as the production of chalk (carbon ate or limo in connection with the salt, I attend+ no additional presentative agent. All the gases involved in the changes are used in the new bodies formed, so that no agent of this nature 'is set free, hi act as an antiseptic or destroyer of ferment. lily treated in this way would be harmless .to anise is, as salt nod chalk are perfcctly, i920C130t19. Very truly your/.—Jac .R. in Nov Efigiyhd blible•ltedOlog. This iv an advantage in two primal • nest ways. The benefit the stock ler CCINTS firma the soft, dry bed, and the mantra it makes for the 'mailer fruits, such ea t strawberries, raspberries and Illackherries, including the grape and other priductionk It le the vegetable manure in the litter that does this. Saw 'Oust is eminently titter for this, but it mice; be dry when need. Leaves are, perhaps,betteratill. These are already dry; so is straw aid chsif, ehaving-s, and so toed, The product so a combination of antur.l and vegetable manure—what is generally needed. The proportion can be made to suit requirements. Straw has an objection, so it makes "long manure," and rehire' time to rot, unless ploughed under. ' Sawdust, leaves aid chef, as well as ehavinge, may be need as a top dressing at once, and as a mulch also, or, better, harrow lel into the scat As a top-dressing fur meadows or pastures of course there Is nothing that is better, especially it per in rat first. It will forma heap that is Most COY/Teak-Ca and moat profit able to take from and apply to raapber rice, and work into the coil with calti rotor or harrow for strawberries, Cllpt cially the WlllOB. This requires just each treatment Than our grapevines— what a fine ready heap it makes to take from fora mulct or to work into the soil ; a little! We katow good tarmera who do ' this. We base Lad a taste of it Our. selves. lace fairly tested it will never be abandoned. lilt I o Byre:llam Mr. Torr, the well kanwn breeder of tort Horn CattiC and Leicester ha the courm of some :.mart. at his :citing of the latter, touc.biot on breed iet in tenets!, ke said : "The way to ecalt!ish uniiormity of frailly . likeness is tohegin by putting tar beet male to the ts - st female, and W put the best to We best ;" secoudly,`!not to put opposite clad:attars together, or the trate of both will b.: teat; but if anY fresh character istle is required to be imparted to We 18.611 E or 'present stock animate, this must be done by degree; er by that dis creet selection which will yield a little more woo', or size arid sabitanse, the first yens , and a littlS more and more the second and third generations, and so et" ==l George R. Hawley, Glen', Fella, writes the Neraenger of that place con cerning, am4ll experiment in poultry raising during the past. BCILSOD. His ac count embraces ten month., ending Janusry at,t . 1b47. He paid. for ;lock- Spanish and Graham, $34,0 ; feed, ten month., $11),20; advertisement, SL SO. Total cog.-444,35. He told 14 dozen a: $:1 per demo, in '; chickens raised, $7- ' premium on poultry, $6 ; stuck an G aud. February, 1%7 $34,415 Tidal credit, $754:5". ,Het balance in MI=M2 9.NE CkIiTAIN ANU YONITIVE =I IP, ZAFIGENT'S BAIL-ACHE PILLS .IR.C. NJ %CM BEI but that taty do relltst szd co, 4ltemes aa ltay are releotowelded for. le 1./.4, every penot woo Gat: clod these ewatt a: by LI, to favor. We !a, elope It rtcent of cer.ii atee from Well I down and re. c.t.lz re. hr., can be •alled oon to et., the aent:n.r.t,t of the e.r doubt d. lb. , :0 . .1,w1et II - t f nuemen who : tr. e, zed by ttem. and wbo has - te'als6beted them other., woo 000,3.. h denied beatht (,oat them.- d 1:1t1 of theme nib. ems do to Pt ati they eouttla 0011110; Lel/Mout. Wog , tle.Yrtgetsole. . • tiso. A. Hee ltlr , I was so badly al. /let. wl:h pale In the I[l./ea , a that / could taro :r.7.0r Is led. :pi bramble' A:to •e bath. I bad alien nobly:4i of over ride; wel' 14.10, wbe I tountil. • box of eb , ch at on, redo red we, aed I. believe : they have born the moan. of the sate ;It.* alrh mom tat toltd them to otitis 'Abele 111, reterptrute went made, and they nave Ps:eve:7e.s proved el:Ouches. t et:tech:llr recommend them to +Mi . One sainting from 1.11:1 trouble, as 1 b :Ley* t . .ey are the bon medlctee foe this elms of dla 'eves I bare tier heart ot. Any feather Infer :to:lot eaa co`,lalne.d by , etlog ml at (later I.pct, Senna. it. It or at my refldenee t NO. 63 Ara:era atecet. J. ISEAVEE. Co , Pirtor, Peace. f altroad. Javotry BEAU IN MINI) Mato 41•^Ltat tsta ualleralas4 Lt. ataith, sad thet otpleal tytt , . L.. because prostratad. ,talia:Aat that will cot e:ly alissalben. but re more it, saute, thould ba trusaLLla , ely resorted 34,1 , 1 distress, Ct • fruitful tows* or L, 'tatting dots. of -bo a s utatlta.lou. aka tat r.rnya o , LL't oueoiy to L. • . •1; • e Very Cara, log t r. , t aastadva .1104 . 1trTall'S kflia vll twa '144L4 tato, yaataal, by ee;tha Wheal, apoa the d'alylve .fasa, Lary frcke•o Ito. 1, err. ulsaustea els f , y1,14 raer eV to • fo , a unly!abled al try Of •• a lms.' Of • [lt Ilcatc thao , rauteat. as tress aa dlyySlitot Le restored. lb* Dude:. Dada .Is •Lrez../ r../ , sad bi•iteasr• teal. ha- Prove& Tboula . a• Den •lo ',Ace thee It au la La/1 rases of w. at tenor per ,oitlocl 11l attcu oat upon std. ary balt/le. the Armors s . I or ulttors as, La , ne La , t: th•L t'4.7 Ave 1 apt laimb Lo a moth Lt Tba le mot tber rat, ast LIWITaT rdk, flt tTart . . +mkt all le Paled mid and Maria , / 1 Llca•st. LlaLaustz p.c. barna LLI roots et-mint. rest,rattl Wet, to r.ol, tortuthe and eartheathe. .to bisls lateos Only per • tlatla str at , •o l •b he. aver bete p . auueld conialelna Oa or •ay otter ('l ,el•terloos elms a, lao" <wafer set cboaa,••• her • aaalysed. Ilittars sad oramouv.• tote batrylrda. Wfalal le •yoft1:111C Loatibio•y 'Aft allo.or Lb• haadreda of tlyloSall•• e•-• pSre ay pelf ally• 11, p..•en tse. s o.rati• o etc, to of tbo a.rat yegatabi• ,11, au.: a , tra , :, of 2,4•ria +icsaa le cull to.tre. n mere, and bey., 11, collaYaß. .tfrethot ranthltiatstaas ye”. eras It sear, ' , fallible as anythlog Is tbla fallll, a wet It can b.. Chronic Diseases, 10n..1.1c0d o:tle human body jive way. one at a time. d. iiltordtred liner, or lull:Won of tha bronchial toner, an ob. truolloo La the At o: of Ike roost Organs, .re to be followed by Damns and aches la Tart 11=1 ur rauettou . ..l Inlu4• A zauattcted with dy wl.l ~an Ilad antra than its, atotnach a Cl= So aalirsl wear and nutty 4,e mum oat last!, depuzity 1., zWIIC nook or crtuttY. wttte It um!, Irrl.trort pate, wean It ogrjeat to rowel off sed merle/ um; of We rystela. lle rida sad atom sand. aria.: dna aoffamers ha bcen Tv:lived And re.tOred to hoaLla and rfv: I a f ol LI• • of Ult. h AGOULI .A2CLlfttt. whi.L sot eel) Intiotrte tone to the tntr , Ca sett r!!:, ,, stlVe OrplOr, Lnt IlttlCile ea 1c Lie. the b:,..lwlth tire tlonentax7 LrinrclDlu ,Ifot to tOo rattotcl.of ton ru,i c.ezgy =I g.. D. X.CTS EWA, f, tt!nt.l3Lbe Mud; and a wily kind. that Lam cured tile noinbafitaa 1.1" .uadrne and truk. clottltattonx .rsa U!•t 7b let cured Mr. !kid. /a was that tah cared Tltx_ll. It was that 'MI& • nd It•lgarat IN:larland. IS ea. Dr. Len.... Bloe.l2earcht •h!ch rend • 1 the ell eheoeh =ffllni Cm. col r. - Keyser,' Mood deareher 1101 =VI mere CL.S.Ot ctrople atrcuu than .y er recant eslen. 13_14 by tn. MU. Emu. Cr angle WIWI, at Me Doti... Rrxt cteCilsiaci atom Jig W WOOD Billie? • Ka y .er's troll.titatiou iroOms, VS ream In, Jumui tltty IBSI. _ , PIII'SI3 t7lttGj i RAIL I iirAZ 1786 . • PROSPECTUS • Iar'OTSTEIL SUPPER, for the THE PITTSBUROLI GAZETT E. 11 elf 1171 ror rue cacricu .11011,14 at. the'eanday tleboal H:cso of Triad. , chub, Inc largest doily paper in - thc , -.ltata — of on the - Penrarynnonn, .mere tac d yin, of ltd IfTessing• existence loath inereoeed facilities for 20th no, =pi of FebencuT, teminateng the airre-cd news of the day, "" wn ' "" °4 4 " . awd for good alao be sales of aseful and aacy. uct<e ass !NM TS, n the bnpociant Presidential a:OMM, of Ina& tforthemnin leessio..f Cloagrem I promise, to ;muse one of the 74,4 import ant held truce tie fm - osution of the Gov ernment, and the proceed Mys will be anx iously matched by the intetharnt +name& in "Clew of the deep interey eesuered in the proceedings, the propric•ors of the U.l - have made arrangmenta for daily dWpalthes and letters during Me session, from a highly intelligent corre spondent, mho enjoys the onvidenee dew friendship of the . Scowling members of the Senate and House, the heads of the ',mi. ens Departments. and the leadin l y darts who frequent ' Washington, so Mai readers can depend on rewiring the first, fullest and most reliable intelligence /rant the oat of Gotrernment. The proceedings of the .Stale Legitla tore, a/ ite /or/doming session, will ales. 1 prove intereAtnny, Ottumwa/1. ay mansyque..4- lion., of importance will come up for lerialatiort. The GAZETTE will keep al I the +Slate Cktpallohtring the entire eention, an inte/li6ent am: faithful eorredpondent, who :rill promptly report the proccalinge by mad am/ telegraph. It in the only political journal of Pitto- . burgh rchithfaitynay ritlecia owl nteadily ottodeaten the piinetplea held by 11,e Union Republican Party, owl interpreted by a loyal Cttagrets. It gig. as raw. rettOm,,macter n, an; paper sold a toetre dollars per !Inmost, while ttJ price Out eiptit. Drina ine chmtast n• toll to. VW tax on weleffpaprri. Its rummommatth. Wan Me milaraaminnt, retry department has Wen rtrenerthinal. no high cAnraiier of ite editortal colon.. Wit M maintained, and all 'maim. J Pottle impartaam Isartr/00 dare mod. The sew driartownl rlll be hip( ap to f.te I ,ain....nntiat LA• day. a net in cond....luta. Mil fat/V.61/y mirror all as traturnetl.nt mayday if not. 51 Ihe lily. oral, Cowen( and Varlat at lease. and wain/airs fur nee (Li rR TTK Ito rop.intl.a •/ n Jive mrarytialng an , l Po: eta+, foomily and noartaterrial nesatjap,r, rxy le •rankly Aunt ra,errrd fur Inarkd nt porto; ae44olCan a! aft Its,, 0. ru led spun emeal. a• 14, mrreel tftektliona for setanafae fan.. /v.& prod.U. cattle, fr.. fa., an. da lly ,alhered aahalt Call., by talllyst and cleat ',pc A r e. ?A. river sea to c•lleaf•d wit% ea, ad will Wam a inan ,, tla/feeturrof [le 0.16'S 77R. 2 1 4.1Inanetal new deS-lasent A. 640 n plaard to O.K. of an abk and a.lmodenetd wilt ~n4ar ft 0,12, an attrnetle. and - clatly 1a barbers, brvlter, and bulfaute mos no crag., • • fle nt4lol6.ll44.ortawd rteriw tbr attes itoa doe its letportalled, dal rifle. roe...facia as to ba joifosia, aW roadabli to wepv,e ,Jot! mttpiout dtaaatastiano, Ti. aarteltlturat. art. *steam itter.ry, per -5114 ot.trr dotarimungo of tl. pope" lOU or .-I.4.setett Ina wawa, s 5 c* tilt ppm SOW. 'art." to Co. roodgr. Tl.l/ DAILY 1..T17.. 7tree w. Now CI A, • 4.= Ove De 14•87• 6 Patsbwrgh, Alle.gArn, .4688:b1, Du ,- "M, for 13 Der peck, poyuPle to Currier,. TLI. , Wr.M.LY GAZETTE. The ;FRAIL I 0.4217111 lass bees oni (arra el to Oa Aa. rise .1. Daggy, aad . sow au! to, - poet. sessapost tad b. sortfir ftroarr arogavospor Taft. Stags. it eggoutd la I. lA. Urn of an y froraur. ....Sawa and Steeigo.• own. ft aiar• each a., foe" rag (3 salamv a' ants as I geterrara dal nogg, CU. Asods. algArsla 1. or Id s Astir, glad a elates ...egos. of 11.raese tad red raftle an., turoggles leaf gassylatar ...Ala. 0.1a.t. to Me ..eau of rotates. rt• a.rglia is tarsi eel ass. win be odt..Ya fa sash a lasaasei.. to lag fausr ..(Math. farmer tad "art.., no soartve rm.. or !Se IirJES XL I 0. Ill Errs are 5r magas% egoterwt a 5t..... to ft tio ,a..sar s t aan.ay fa. Isg.ll barn, mad es I Irre, and. ramosorrial W.tms Pao.:•al saata.. Esastra Cate a ort IFs.arra rgranala an waft:. 'gall. Tb. 11. af VW ,bazzrrir aro 11, tAg 01.1 amino! Alumisas _ mral_ii. as rs/resnes la , atlAataa , .a.a.l, a'. , ..- 1e... as r-alisor pried fa Ile mortar ate Ur ii.. of tar L. nor. tra....k. ...sate. O. 40+04 anti Jana. ow 4 'pal, ap a,... r elsta at oass, all ssst aliogaiarlAarorearat4ssar to .Spin a• aro Saab.. faca.......• of'aar mares sl. st• 4.1 Se LA...d of a wat t masa. Ai- l -rats. kr raid. Ms is ags.. oar M., as ri.gss. As Isaac Pea... 7 glad l•retrialf Or* nr ,..46 to ad al 110 , ./. . rata. • Cal =3 orataLT loararllt. atagat trataßiaer Ct_ l eta , . of Ff.- .......... —..... .- ...... IA. , -ea. oar ..• rater ay ea. .(.e. 1 I ir For .p*. .ptat etbier • , .klw. uldnutort.• jorwpfleterc PE.IOIIILIN, BLED 8u0.0.u, 5... ad a al AAA Anna, Pnatnava. -1 /4 - Country raptly In Wtern tLnet., Zaattro •oct R okra Virrlnla alwre. wad Sen.: nit nasrlt.l p•per, enttUrti to One yr.., c.r.-hAns :4t. 11 NEW AD VERTISEMEN TS ttIIYUHAM, Jr., Adams rix.pres. POla Wrest. It en nrVicrlsni A .re rare. Ita A docrt , agau - nrs fcrLhe laVnirrpeperr I.Arsongnn,i ;A• BtAr, end O. alrl-1.144. tar MERC ANTILE LIZ7ULIES DR, EDWARD L. YODMAI4B, Nersat., of l'aJe Co ~..1 I Lacturc ACADEMY OF MUSIC Thursday Evening. Feb. 20:6 SU3IECT•••• CHifiIISTAY Of 1H SZBIAIiI. CM= MUM Daara Opto •r 7: Ltrtura at :I. o'ixt. Ti tete may to: p,ocuteß prerieu , ” the Lrcturo. H . OLIIES, BELL 0.4.0., ANCHOR COTTON ,lIILLS I= otlievry. Media= end L. 1.0 = 1:111= $5OO REWARD .T,14=7:7:a7=4,41TJ:V&2.11!",f, ANTHONY FILEYVOGE.L . Who bee bees seining mince TUitHIA Y EVEN ING. J• He Is v•out Teen 4•l' age ; feet sere. inth•• Ist height. an/ Pt • • sl ig h t 1 , 411 In Ms lieltad en when be last left Lome that morals,. • Olt h.. dark willed coat. pains and o'ad : c Tl:4l4 ' ;teTrhlehte aeal7llle Information aay be left W.M. J. ANDER bOas g CO'S. Water street, at et the CLOTH !NU STOOP. Liberty street. Lo. W. C). 14`1,111,1), GINE, CURLED HAIR., IrautierrO Scraps, Ccroons, CATTLE TAU Bones, Neat's Foot Oil, &0., uve•.•a nlll7 YIELD LITYZ ST. (yearly °D /A:< Me rut,.,) cis=l UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINCERS. We have made arra - voice. wber.Fy Ire eau V... trade the lletrersal Wr-ngve the illso•tatner , rs. tr tures., Priers, pet up In CAM/ el Meta/ten 5,41 doZeu. A full supply at selvd , alat: and :elm.. Cl., Mese. luoad OA load. T. 1 H. PHIT.I.IIV, nand. nt. An. et CIIANIPION DINING SALOON X 0.45 FU4 ',Urea I= • MZ 01,L5 at all boner Enter Itrainen, let DJ t re., at elteape.t Delete In the , city. MCOMI Rpm's"- JOHN D, BAILEY & BRO. =I 2[6. 16 6111:111161ELD NIH)ZT. reU:LU, KNAVE i CO.'S C=2Ml P. em lam Plum Fortes /or male oar, Ce•IILOTTIC tee a 'Pal stmt. 24 rlmmr aanve Wro4 LOB BENT—A NEAT COT traelt 11UUdr . With h rter.' or notund. stable and orebatd, near Artber'a etitlce. lot ly to feLl CEMMIM Dwg rEACIIES.— 06sacki fcl:t . "l. by I.AIAH 1,1(18EY fIOTTON.-14 boles to arrive, `-'ter We br DUla.rY O•. COIFEV.-1100 s4c a pi to arrive. for I,ArAll DICKEY. a CO.- RE/MIME 8.-20 soak* In store, for DILILIT d CO. 1868. arrENICVN• lUIBR g MEY. .nd attmt• .11.• tlng, un ITedaesdakr Emote. al,: 734 O'Clock AT BOIL:LAW H.iLL Era, bralito st,ets. elugyene e putter: ..r1!.: add tu a tb• 'lce Preeldent , J.S.S.l:l&lloBl.l, Y. Is Oilonel P. F. IiVALVIII, F. 113. CUT:L.6 711141,k/id Id(11111,11.1.41t1h..11.1.. IC. D.. Llstrict EMEI NOTICE —NOTICE 1$ 11E11E81 Bunn.are[b.ll7°V.r" I;ilegif:tl;!Td`r,,,t, itegl ar Zw .. e , lll . nat, for a 7 CJ., Or 1n..% ttlf LiAY OP WAlterl, Mir" ❑a,mrd Pod charger pa:d 'prior to lb i{xUUM y, /ILLI.LSTIUL I Cu. foS,II A DIIINiISTRATORIP N OTICE.— latter. ifri1t1.7.".7 f;:t"sf 1ft , i 0 1.4 to the •. r.d • te , gesd. " ail ' orosolf r il I 4 • o b l t • I. 0 a:4 est..• aro hlts; u5.1ea4.4.3 make su• me :i•te eayme at. bud thcaa haTleg el • let. will Pereasut to m m , du y autticitleaud Nroett,e., eel. J,MCD V.agT..r.lta. 0. ZIONTUIt. a eteletstra, =MI EXECUTOIVdNOTICE.—NotIce tloo l'pOijihberC.T',:i..TVSl`4'.l:49:°4;',V4: :,`,7,::r.'lit'f'.V4':..ll:LtrtV:: Ma t:tred:4 r.q +ra,..l to mate tan•ataw ralla cat. , tad Ail 'salon< claims Itma, propetly to tatentLatadJor settlevr..nt. JoisEPH ttuotitY. ei,uto ==l rum cir GLstibIC . NY. re.. TLLT.A.GUI.Ve OM( ..11•4f l ..ty . CANAL E,ll.essEsSmudTB sc,tv:t It berth/Veen to tint °NO.. Of Kn. nr:y within the 'trite niece:old far the thottreo• rem of lha Can't Endear. and MI rattans Inter tend, that Ito said mamma: ts will tow be re ceived et the Trento. eee thtdo t to • DICDUCTION nO rto.CII::T., and that if toe amw Is cot Intl .Ithto thirty aria from the aplrove:of tIA , retool by C. 0.!, ter/ wl/1 bs Oleg din the bewle of toe City dine for co:- es rt.,ulr.l bylaw. mAt:ratituri, Cl , l TreArun r WALL P.iPERS 1 tioparktsts .1417. Mew an 4 beantlfol WALL PAPERS, FOIS, britiNd [IA LE& Prrruca dchtrous or 2nli4ltag. .n.• Rip LB. Ant of rotil, CAN RAVE CZUItiC OY N/CW tTYLL.I. W. 117 V71.11D taltltlCT. IiOUSEKEEPING G 4301011 A' REDUCED PRICES. TAtIIAL LIN.6IId. LIMY XITIN = = ULKSZILL.Vi rt OW price* by iriburric, ORR I= • '1"1.11E ld. STILLTTIIET cua is. • • CREAT'EXCITEMEAII IMMENSE DZII 1511 FOR THE "Queen of the Wash Tub." .7.1....1,,,v12[Arj(;1" W•4IIING FLUID It AllsoL • IcL. .T .re an , LT azga TI VE at JVFrIJF6 thv 9.0r1n. !less Nanulacturing Co. o.ll[o. Xn - 13.1 WOOD . I's. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. VIIITEC OF AN ORDER Cul,: of Alta.h..i <eel", the 5 1111., p.. Faturday,. March 7th, 186 4 , si Tvto Irt:Loca r. a . &a , nrest,L, helps tae prey* El MM. •:Zoog c.er2114.,.'"‘ • LOT,S I OI , itinou.rD, ettoti. It tbr II or I OA )01 and frootl sg . • • 17% . 117_ ,, atrut 4.. ••t tkatl r• la, Lott 2. ' :..171 ' 1: 2 re; L:rfil=rai:VreV. ‘ 13.1 ••11. orasstr.. t• bc i.ecure4ll;r b ir t, und u " tl .11 p JOIIIN H. WALTHER, . 4 .44•3131rat0r of 14a. k1e,31 deet•ard. ,• . 11 ffNEXIM- . OE f•Ach., - N,lire l• t.111,,v al••• 1•.•1'••••` t Mays, at t,• "attar, 4,113 i of at .11• •1 133.- I.3re. 'Mt..% ITU. , • - •..c•ord••••• •I3g a s A al et ••••••bly.•• 1...••14 .•rat bz.l. /W. al, •n ...Al of 113 •••213.• 'of tli• .of rlt3hu3l), kaa.•.l • p•II /11..1b, 0101 ate. Dot p. 14 00 Sr 114,4 re WAY 45 1 , ..•,11 1A.., la , 101 n lal/4, 1111.1 r nr t'ar Co.ucti an 14111 to at. I to. • t e• II 111 ale call•ettaa L ~, .14 ail par,. t reface. la lak• 1,••••• 111 Pa ont moral Vate•tf Tr•Wlas ut! tolixt rat•ra• I aa are t•••• 013. cr 0.7 20 Cent* thertltT. KO , k 3 L I.IVESSE ==tltMl ••• •••• • ttmn:L..,ra awl 7%.1wr Wt•Wa draw - a . 411 ilve.e a. Vgattan I.)w lu. ear,. /Par car. wl• iosal ••nrw. atv•l la aura( tha star, •ttitlel a• 11Wlar. a AM l/)1...4L :7 9 ., 111 . ..../11. 4r • ebra try 1,1 STONE MtAIN PIPV, spa 311Vtiutue. $l,lr.A. 1 ; 110k1 a TO g. 4,17.11 10 000 FEET ON HAND, =I JOHN N. TATE 227 Liberty' Street, Pittsburgh; and 59 Federal dtreet, Allegheny. 121=TIZME HE BEST KID GLOVE 121 TEL Wlllll4/ ♦IG Loporte's Paris kid Gloves 1:= All g:o rep mile y y. bear my tlxn•to re Laporte. FISH, CLARK & FLAGG Nit rte iVIel kr tieViited Elzh, No. SS While NO., New York telV:res NOTIOE.—TVM. METCALF, for OloolT of Cfll4.'l:l•AP Sionixvis, WSono.rof oar Um, to data from Jarlvor, lot , 1141.11 . 1.. DVS . / litylo of Er. , MO. am ■ILLEN. DAMU di PAtIKIN .11IN6IAL 116T111169 WM. If IMUISEN UM,. BAlta, ariM•Lrmetrun: KIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, 'MILLER, BAHR ar PARKIN. Office, 38 Wciod 'Street, P/17811UkIiiII NOTVCE ItEFIEDV GIVEN that the etrtatrOttp Loret. , foreexis t l ng /e between TAUAn YAW L•ETT, S. r•WCETT. W. Y. LUU4 N. J. T. ATV ;ADALKnnJ A. D. ANDEIshON. under thei name and style et FAWOI3IIB. LOOMT, aTOCILDALE tr. CO, VARY, saolyed theee Stud DAT Or JAN. Me, bywithdtawa, of A. D. AN• DMA, oh from the Arm. The hula... tell! So Ooelleuel by tee remaining member. el the m. eerier the Arta eameof, FAWVEITN, Luicad i PiiocKDALLz. THOMAS r•WoETT. • R. r•WOATT. W. W. VJOAN. J. T. tfrOOX Da fa , , A. AV ../(JLION. ilttsbergh, J gouty). Ana, Ina.. 11 . 0/.IbAY PHESENTS, MMI CLARK'S "E,RUC STORE. riiri rugrumzur', =I YARINA, Col.oo2lZa t ac.. at Na. 103 Filth Street -ESTA.ULIaIIED IN Is4o SHEPHARD'S eam Cracker & Biscuit Factory, 17 Li/ernry Rt., Pittiburgn, Illumbeturer aad drat. ta . .llltfads it Goal•otfosaery, PtiRSIUN CND DONZLITIC filll2l, Ntlllf, 4c., Sc. : 11TES DAY. FEB' .11E W . A:0 VERTIBEIttEi THE HUNAN N". P7l:lotr. tai• Tllt NONE = OZAKBLI, LUS OE blial4. El All Diseases of the Mucous MA brane cif the Head and Throat Suc esefully `heated by ]Dr. RIIIIsI4IAN t.AD SURGEON Per lII.Lee• of Yjrn, Eon% Min • Throstimad lb• 11 of the Cperis. MICGIOAL ANI) SURGICAL BOOMS. 131 ./1 1 iP der ORIte Holz r• front ID A. M. to 4 P SECO:VD ILIST,, • r it b.. .t tP. uot...t. t Ist Want. • John tevera, tat nen.% Larrct Qttert. term:, let ward. Clleton. tavern, tat we, t.. . Yred. /tam!, I•tare, let nee t. .Jeatpb tevern. _et need. Int ,jll. Titr:lZl;s:;. " i ' eJ?;:tis " ve • e74, • lieorge .der. "etre, RAI nerd. Albert kiley. tt• her gouts, 7.7 w.d. P. le. Jutirdee. te•cro, et , wee/. Thome.ltellhadelr, [metre. eth weed. neater; tattler non, 9th Taro, 'aver Wet, Alt , ltat:elnaur. ext.ed hcvde, Diet eh • Thom... 6.yern, 1•11T , i Ott.y. 0th1r,,01.15. Oth ward I=l N. Star, vs, tnver-: garter. w Peter Ipelluan, t•o....sts La St Cl i p, . N: o Ilan nett, tens. Ostl tan. ot. To.•eg, tsvera. wcs Clair. 4. si•vi., Los, Ual Laser at. Cal, 1 best , pi dne •..licat'uss nu IV ELLY E.sls•T, tliclllll. .ft., • .111111:1i it. ARROW V. Chmli• DIAL:IE:g, =I NMAL rieEn !AND EAVELoPi,." sc.:/ 1.141, m rata FANCY STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS t dtr. arl irOCIIWIV, loa Lin I Sal mad* t PAPEll,every titcand quality, =ME racsarr nuoks. Tl.!ic 11 , y rs.,. , 111E.1.' el yi all Me taok = NIELS, SCIIOYEiI & CO„ Poet Building, 39 fifth Street BUY THE; 11E51' E:Eue.trEsT PIANO LS' p ORGAN. I tichowatkerN Cold 111,41aCilitio • EiTEl'4 COTTAGE ORGAN. j . IA E , C.I , IIACK KR r l / I . ,, aashzet•.: ,h I.••t r.....t.,rt Inanff , vnt,nts • I , lsra i% tbe err. :oct• osO f o e r a •,1" 4 cia 4 t h l a . t .m ett yucca~ Leto.,. la,hia, I It, rose Is Ma, w..:•1. and wt.. , Po at , .....ta,raa,p, far ~ t uf abrltv anti, Waal, .. ,, P.. ar nu.-. : Fro , e fn.ra /..10 lo 1 , 50 ro b ,, I to . a uld tat., elta.ap,r than all owriar 50,a41.1 I rm c,skas 11,ay. LO n'Atig UYtisv , Olooda 'La .a.l test... pror.g fur pl. t. .El 4• C at, etni•r O... tbe I. al: .1 %sot. It lo ..1 omit, e alof. .4.11•• Is to,f to to lc ued to. Oft, from *IOU :0 $330. 1.1 gol.routooKl t tiro foors. 8188, IWETTLEII ri=M=l A. lit : 1;:.:1T E.i.1111.1k" CONIVEN A 111. - • au , l now!: srtal . 4 l - 1 . 1 11 , VQ 1 ' ,1,1,1 4 HOT 'WATER BOILERS! *tracts., •uila Wcl sad of evirplal. MllOl 41i01,-;, ro trz•t rte :4 owtv wO/cS Sr, SP r 1 1• WIN: Stars ill the. warss-varr , a rll sv pst•lng 11, , Wane alrewl.l :law:4l.We 1.1-.llvv. la or r r Me rope So:, of Me stove. In, new t•I - Annv.avnt csn be pnt o avl ho.r. 11 or • Plepikiflif Cu•kloglltolre.. tl7 v s ir, VT , VV. on to usl any er eNGwit Szsrl mantle tkr 161.1. c hal, 11,11 all artard to 11,1 r n.ovve, tat, lit ArtneLnavnt, Inv Balch vs , LI,. an.. L,ll von., for 1.1, mka'rl v. cull of tILVF., , 11.4.1. Ann. ST s:1117Inv BISBELL 6 - CO., . . 1= MM=IN:MIIIMI IIEATEtt FOIR PINILI( f AN° VATIC UCH. , 4 - 1 111 , 1 ,1;;;;"',j,...j.::‘,3 rumho, l 1,1 chard ao-t3, hr to other. tbe rpu .pr 71,„nt,7 at pmhr..richt Ara re loer, In Cho 1•1131•1• l, p•rtle•arho have 1:13 James I‘ 11.1 P.. No.. Koar-11 • ire., Vittabottel. I.• r lleVav Co.. ri.n.r at Fourth fl. A. H. L 0:• flrt:Zfrfct K. loiram. vr toe•6lp. /71 - • 4e414 . • • - • . . • 111/1111.i: • FIVI V PaLcatet: It: Plttabst, NOTICE TO IYUIVWIJ /IOLDILISS Ul 'HIRES OF NATIONIG EIMO Th•nhareloblers of tlin iteettanee ' enn roarlia own i Vt Ia oar a 1 le. Namoal noel. of of ncultlee In the Mato. Sad woo Tonle In this rotor. so here , ' availed that .4v !woks setil Ixopen tie da• cf Ilnrch l ,i the re c•lps of the throo mill mat e tan fo r t. n , se per ant of Aansnnn , Y. 1210, 1747. awl 4.111 remain open 11, usual time Virtu receipt on otn.r laves; aftur which time Ca l ler. tare 11l he ~spoltated loiroll.nt train della. 4" ! ' 'th" I"o, t;ZWlrillrleif . l4 . , Jr., 1,11.107, Lint THE FINE*6I. TEAS, The Glioice6l, droceriou, .• . The', .Tharpori 15z:blooms Sm - 'twat vitlre, PIC 0.e., at the 9ost tuttoaatrc ptl u cet. go to E.LLe CPS 113111411 T, OFF Ai' cob's' ROBt&TS SEEZRATT'B, 1 61 Smlltilleld Street, OUE SIOUX OF nousEronstanisa 000 D B lITLITEL FEN( 01:6XS I:U*4 A Go's d (fiance to Purina: f se Presents. .te2;. AT E 41.T0111 , 8 ; I , 11 Filth Streit JU-T RATGIVELI UT TUC Duplex Elliptic Skirts, CIWICY A/3101:TMEAT, ALt.l : ll.ectuoodl Z . z - loons. rat: • REMOVAL. - GREAT SALE AT COST! my largo alock of IIUaItIAT. INOTROMENTS altered al C. 1.• 11.1 .0. to M... ISIS 7 5 7 Pra taut utaek at VERY Low PittuVr . ;. I .::: 7 4l% " gligi O itri ja °tlnligiLP Sr., .NOIN ZWNIDIN UMIL No. ***** CB= CHEAPEST P7.A.1.7E IN TUE 71) LUX THE TRIUMPHCOOKINO STOVE, Lt r4O. lila UHYYT trniczT. WU= ROBERT ABTITUOS, ns no aoinrair 114., pt.bargth • gpsclal atte.j.tlen le .lien to eollectlenr , mat. tern In the Orpnen.. Court. outman:aline. St' TIC' a. and since bualutue niche . Ace cowl. eAgmentot gen taken lbr the atstes. kijo 100 , 000 , 100,0, 100 , 000. Just leoNrm . tlia aboie amount of BROOK HA& DLL., dtdr.oro4 of at /on rated, to the' *rano • W. 11.111.}1111.V. WI:tole:ale Orem. rti be r street. l'lttsberelt t1:1 Y 1868 t ENNSYLV_IN/A, THE NA E L.D BT:111}; LUTSOSITY MEM gateonwealin of Pennsylvania, JOHN W GEAIII,-Governor. PROCLAMATION. luo 'I houmtud Ruliard t =I BOEHM) OF JOHN CAtt.EY. 13.6.+3. The Senate 464 Both& Of Berrie thtlree hill enacted the thPomone Preamble lietat iletolutlons, v : • Joint Itemthatienn !vets the death of John Pete, P! "01661., Dario: the Learlne•ln the pit. •e In lb. ease of JVIIN 111)3MON rem. GEL T. 51111 Lie MT, one of the el • ems of the Cruet, from the . TtireLty•arst 1001.1 Illmrlet, • coital, JAZ* o,riolitY nemlned at a eltitet”a tehalf of the tale N. Ilableon, the coathetaat. &nettle al. ,'after hlt ci amleatioa , way vraylAld I ealety of Cloardold aid cruelly b *ten an rat a as that los loth Stem/ Mel from Inlula toad tot tall lthatlug therefore. Is resolved toe leer-04MA actl !louse o I el atty.. of Ibe Comoootregelth of l'euntel. fin e 1.... Pal Assembly ant. thi It I t hereby ed by the. authority 01 tba I•Ole, hat , the acr be aunot le hereby sotheritod 511^ Or to o lier 6 rerror.l of J b . 11.-. rI 1.-.r the r, 0 THOUSANO k-YOLLARS Itch In I3Janation at will Lead •to tha arr t et 0nv1c . .10.1 plagawal 40 Dcreune who Itatd and pa.ld ofirknac. and LULL the. u er f the CinnAL tonem. be ....leod scd rtouyed (I pay the said aunt out of suy.tiney ..b 1rt....r, so, utt.prerla., appropriate,— AuurPie.: the day ui Fehr., A. 0. if,. ..., 11111.e.A. The I,..tten., the Gov creme.. the peace and fSt el fly of Its cit.., ands e elligatlona of j ~t . .1.1. st.d hart amity.. p. that the perpetratera of this lstsmous crien thoald be. erougut tu greedy sad condign Po uteh.en t. .Noi,t TllKatrOlit. I. JOAN W. ORALLY, tie, ercu t tel the said lArtuteonvrealth, lo;llanco le.:a the 5.l.lJtAul I,:alutl. le and by virtue of th,. Hower and ...Sy! yealtd lo me, do 'Wit I nl. , hy ereonlansatlott, hereby oft .ilpg • ~,rarl Cu t C. f ' THOUSAND or DOLLARS to any pton er : re... ••lt aball ayorebund ead smarm f.r trial the murderer or aalanlarels •t' the 3.14 PO, - CA+EY, to be laid upo/itta consletron of tb i , ertmar al. or yr:lnlaid,. ail I htitby cal oa al oeillere ofj. tic. •ad grod•ena eearY• ..a I,:r Li I, Nlallaat and nar.salttlps la their ei fo lull', tie apt.r.hention , I the goad murderer or. iaillplcrvos to the ..1 , 1 Um, 11. vo:rag d lane jay he vtadleated. i Wee ender e.y flen4 altd 11. t4ratt [cal of the 2la e •-. Ilurbt:r... tile tusitt...entn day if re 111.11, il tic year of our Lord as,: thos. Cai n' right buitared and slaty all ht. and or It e ...wealth the •Icety•ftee ,vd. .IL/3 ' 4 ( W. OZAKY. . . Itr ta....r.rern, • • r. .6.1AU•14, rocrctarr i .f InrCucti.ev wealth '4EW 'FOODS! ENV..tOODS ! EW GOODS! EW GOODS ! BATES & BET.T.'S, BATES & BELL'S, BAT - ES & BELL'S, BATES & BELL'S, Flith Stteri 21 Fifth. Street 21 Fifth titree, 21 Fifth nireet RRIS & EWING, WHOLERAT:p LRUGGISTS, - • Corner Llberl and II ayne Mutts, I= ;ND MISTILY TRADE EMCITED. er al tuawatael.rers rates, 1 snit SCHOONMAIER £ SON'S i rLt PURE LE), INC, PAINTS, ♦\'U 15"LRY V, HILT11(11 , C) 3FL itY ♦SU liktouND OIL. •I is, Oats . MY, In Bulk auti 1 . .1 11Is4 13110 LEAD, for 011 Rellui,nr ne.: anon raft I. of val, su'lLed for thhICIDS Willi MICE& ♦nd .g ', ELGtiq VANE, OLOGNE SETS It'A.lcCY Paean atatuettes, 8014EMIAN GLASS • •nd othrr ST.ILIYL.E.AND FAN Or GOODS. lu attar rant y, Fox -1 The 0 Wood CHAD E. BREED CO: MA RIIEVS CRACKERS j ARE BIK ED . IN A PATENT OVEN. jilt ONLY 'PT II Rain' PETSFYtTI3I4. Vin. nlhu lied my good, •aperl6r to ••• oth • ( ~ /D . l.t hi nrieu " "`. " ' n 7 tuu Largest Oukery Ever : in Pittsburgh. o r: T •a r rAo c lee g iVe . MARVIN o 2 the aide B. IS 17. 1"• 1 Liberty &reel. . . H. KIRKPATRICK, 4 . x...ri..s.crwrctax. ' I BDUK-I(PhPEIt AND ACCOVISTAIT, UrfeelteTTlVlC TSARS , OBJUIT/CAL U. , liteliNtilL, th /NL ATTYISir TU OPENING OtiO CLOSING MERCHINIT BOOKS , Ingle Entry Boobs Closed and IW- O sod by !Doable Nrory. Dramalred Beaks yeemYyleky adJulato i tt. a t fitat ' T itiVt! irsi it cle it . " AN ' ""4 t' " t h' ITlfiVnlln! rt ''''U* B."M'lt tlt2L ° 1 FORT ITT LUBER CO., I Capit f; : ,: 4 124,000. _ •I ... r.....menzzoir. ourmisumn. . 01 1 , ..r.eary T. A. WODDIT. • apperlel dent -VOW DAVISON. t " 2 I. ' Edward Dartatn, "'C i r i. U . T. Duncan, Jona Mello I i a .D. Ottertail,. 7 .---h amtdet -- ..hi. LUllivt YAR D - Corner of BUTLSI A AL . LtekrNY n : • , Ninth Ward. who at VOUT t rixt ULLSAWIJEKS, Warn , Imiati boot. _______ , am:10 WE SOI L , ir, BEEP ON R&M ~i out make Lit order all loofa or tr 1 '''l4,...,"'N, w Valt.iltrilPh r . , • i TAI/Ulld. /ANJUST tar a, a..,,d TUUNSItKvntal, L lIAV ILAJOl r d o ra At !Among 'Adolf Wilasit. floor the Vol. lobar,. Alio!, o• Cit, wire. ,I, ... A t_i ii _ootrorsreeri a 11.0 • . • . I • DMA nEsys, • . STAMP AND STENCIL CUTTER, SAL ii.lboly i . . ebonite Wood.. C f/.7, 1210111 . 7 T 1 87 4 1411MTP..1 5 ,47; rifttriftAe h ink r PgWria I.IIIEVIn defreatoOrittionj ribistrra.Wyairan, TOOK WOUR Iron ALLVORE. COUN ;Wora, i•ro~l~oo 4 will I. rereteeo vain We , US? tmeirewal.4 le She erection of the above lull. r "L"`alifilt:ll,l,lNNlV 4 ll 4 .llnl3 Art h g l o tec . saLl. Car. Wood 01,242 Soan.b r u., PlUaburik. • • Meant. ri QehU • T NtIIPLE'S, IMEZMIMIMM LLEGIIEN - Y. sl'r:.-nsah ru,~r =1 CZ= PAK tfpYLAINE.I. Tuc..—Yekt.) WIDE ILE kV f MUSI4N ' U,e—Yd wl3o falluhrlthlrttuz LISLLN I= V 7140 PEATrifil 51,.-13,:k t COLS ALPACka • A.T I IVoe.-176 Olean lied Bordered UNIX 'LOWY :O. AT -ALL ITO7L TA /3LE COY .3111. =I ac Vi,RY LariGE STOCK, C 3411.1 a Wall, at WM. SES,6LE'S, 4:11,2 Fe,tral , Alirgheny WAND - DES:RADLF, GOODS . ( a❑ar uiceivuu isX S. HORNE CO. T l / 1 1111111 . :(1 rt+Offit).4 & ti&ri,; Se. t , TII,K }V•FFLINtiI, till.K A AFI 11111,1.t0S I.;ol.ultrlP VEI.VGI' 511 5 / 1 0,4 all WI 7P1r;i E ( 1 allco.:l1): , nzti•c u r 1. =I AU LIMIATIIdhI • litinli•Ell EOM= 121=11 'T,AfiIIKE'S KID GLOVES =I cznlce ..r.s.clat YINE VittMat c 'YJLi,BALIJAL W.11.4...1113, =I ismatck, Paper Collars hl. h lr. are th Itssle Ag•htl. Vao to , r?..ITAN afY Ke.YPToNE Collar Comp.... Ilne. es v., reclnetre:y for cub. we c r ot• to ceLla bulert. 111 - :B .LE ROOMS UP STAIR' 77 and 79 Ntreet. BEM GROCERIES, lIE P IND GLES STORE, FOR SAIiE VMS 11:.&11% ENTABLIISIIIAD, ow dolyg alnt y. bu.s.pess..llalLUl cam le Celler nod Lon ROOM r n.:¢rter, la.nkton on O. Best igusinesa Street in the City Liu. u riaraVa Is non nei dWiree .ell out rift ne inn,' can ,. sttensmni on otber buttons. Ott lEEE D FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, • r 1 wouol Co sal'. I i klJllir• °, Ilia... Mir irdll'arwttla tLe tostaces n:oVere?A'a=n7t,lt iMO=4l P. • OE ress IL, this °trice 11 ... "7 "fICELEEISHAIII SAM EMS oI Rirok-er, 124' .trt rvt street, isitaslaii, Pa. A114&141 . of enzuwall. JO•optitzi, Isabelll4 Duneanaoc. inanoo94 Ulvadoz. 4,mity:Unr bratectlarlathrulta, ongto Leah., Cka iNytanC.• Q. H. Charcoal MI Cowl. L`•d 44 - . ltrg rennet:all, lOU, FIBS:F CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. ONS, No. 116 'Vfood Zit , Plttaburgb, I YtcEBT Bv,,Ltae,rirtnzy."TeMAAilf•:-'.l. WALNUT. 4 on/ SQUARE COILTRA.I4 And L . /MI.IM FRAMEA CAA,AdA Coyne., rands tot BAIL., Cannot Tripod tad Itrzekit TegLa of AAnnia. , dcklg And ILJJIN ANL. ItEol.4l).llitYcracutcdna Richest etyle of the art. =MEI FULTOIN bIAf:FIISE of stets of trrasat xhiuiszts„ of 111 en sod of nle Mon o pprovsilVattann. tbs. no [tong, noTosen OT . anliniCsa.nstod STEAM YO.Lt ATO. st i t arls,l of 10. lo *ad home !ir c.dru s;:Lacs, wt ett Oa solo at 0517 so _ P. F. Oh:len E.: Wellsville. 0. : 1 , 111yN1:s r?t:a burgh: oa the Oh:o nye, JOHN PEER, ORNAMENTAL rougife.A " g l at Ax" "R"ln"i r from ntuo.f.t. Wier. 71an.,y I: 'l3' z'OttoWl r e%:TeVs ' 4l rc' er:2ll 6 ;Ve ' l rtl;rl C ed I VeT reir HMI, • 1, 1.4.) sue:Orli:eh::: bete-tut:leg aoaw f. • 11.1,1 R IF Jour( • '. a .4 c, . AMIDOCII, • . Mag&l 11,PLORISTR BD SUPSDN, Ili. SToelt ill NA (T Ilium) 13TILILET, oyposl. rua II tlillm, PI, tirnenboaaeA . l t Voknvo L d. ii ITsl3 nro lU .ries VACE on ngolr ret tin!. I 1.1(1 El= llitfl EtitAt, inivel Saud & hunts En, Gunsmith I ad Dfaler in Ha rdware 11r leis,. ir I tz.nd arL. , sold 1 11n st e am 1271 r J'API I 10 of o'4 de•cdp:lonaalm:o3 on "r nug 3:n60 • I i . t..A.LN AND. OILNAISESTAL. LLOni, Roy 8 St. C/o; Hiroo'. r/TTOSEIIIett. fa, .Nod.rstl'oaittaiciort /to,totoood equal to equal • MARTIN LIEULEII; JIZALE.It HATS. OAPs' AHD FURS. Alto. _L ld trttatturrr. Wboirlo and Helot] p • oer SoI2IItINIC3, V LIOVS. /510. IWO StollthlilolO Plttstrurch, Pa oromptly C11b3 .. tod . caUstattlou guar- L . N. LIAA.L, "Manufacturer of HAVANA AND DOWEBTIO MAU, Melanie R. 11 1 ,0411 'dealer In TIMAOU F,atv,•„%ma ao, LontsTule 1. 1764 . WOOD 1112111 LET.•rtir. F's. H BLIDQU,4IITEIIs ,FOB • Warm A trll4s Is I ars and Ventilators, Buck or Whlls.' =Ord. Scioarr or Zoned. at BISSELL ik co. , q. • • IV, .1.12 A LI I,tq VPT r`i trelaCbes fur iha! illigtielyCouty rettipp.. • reeeerod 515ezt Ds% ttle • T. dialing • roman of the orkimelld GEM AltititZll%. &nestle). els ma, be seem at AMU, & t, Wnl, .tenet fehlat2 übEtt•ti tmes. a" UNION tic e*iii.iuTAN ' I* , COUNTY COrIyENTION The UNION ItKPUBLIcA, ' PU rit AS of Alle gheny county are t. cached N meet at the mei plzets for Itooldlog oleitlo in the eevotal WAN,. Borough. mitt ToiraPtililoe t on • inturday, Feb. 29 4 .1, Iti6B, And elect TWO ith.C.litnlT46 f um each elec tion.lt_ttict to l County Cone en don. to be bald en the g MON 1ia.P.4,0 o'clock J. D.. fur tot peonage of nothicatihn delegates to the !tile Coneetition, and trairtug nob other buskin.. inn Property , aught ben, It. The Potosi, Elections In Abe Towneblys (ex cepting tae Toernenips or (!ik:mad, Pill. Pee bite, Liberty-00.11ns and \tilos, which vela be between lb rbannaf a onit. Wean. and In voting to be by ballot.) nib bad be...a the boors of nice, and Mx Weak , le. Y., and to inn Itorougtit and Clile. betbeciii tbe, boon Of no end eleven o'clock P. .. fa qn. Clued and bor. Inane the entlent sbablin Ont, and la the TOirliitlrm by niarklitd. JA ell n. ggILI Canna= Rath. ) •C. TANI cin,3 OW.Petsfl.A. • w•Noricr..l-toSOSDIIOLD u_ _K. ; t CG. non No et tb•avronds, due re i bruart Ma. all ' be pan, on and a:ter lb. dairy on, p e.eutatios and etrilsery at tot First 511M.] Rink of Pittabuegb. 42.0 j a , °Lk, Pitts. Coitit.W.,T.l . 4l, " t d 7"" "!' f:ttaburab, Jan 1!,11f4.4 5 INTEREST. I V GOV D. On tfos FllttT fAtitt BONI4B Of The Itiop rage Railway Seep v, hslee I ne ?ternary lot. Odo al , fon ptettni a lion of too Coupons. at tho4 , askoln& doles of Ila Nt SY, a .l' & Co. ,01 Izabal:lgo 1140., Yew Cott, "14.1.ftfA'. Trell•ltt•Lf. MEETI*ISZ PlTryinntilll, PORT iFATITY — R'RUIOAOO RAIL WAY CO.. ‘Yry ICY •F ZTAILT, Pittsburgh. PIO. tab. 17.18.8. 127—THE A I,IINU A 1,1 MEET EC 4, Conoeo or th e !to< aad lithidneldbrs xt thlh D. t " lItL 7;,' .4 . 1, II n t a m o k tad 0 , 1 :"7 " :1`h'; OCe f 1 " il I " txe d e ay of y March. at 2...Vatic P. Az..lirAyryi 1110.4 an. Sll Qs 19th day of Mat e% tbstihrtur. P. SibUTOLIIN felt: • ' teerstafy. urrivior nus Tatar e¢ Pu. (101trANT, ~ No, 19 India street, Prrrsarcau, Feb . :roar, IS. IA6II. 1 ' arri OT. I C,E.—TVIE ANNEAL MEE:TIM/ at lbwl.e.ockboldara ottba Triumph cti itoisspain g Will bo haw at their 1119 e ., a • MONDAY, Marcti2d, 111o'clack nal.. Fan the Parroao of rift:llog 111o,re tat tbi en suing yea, a:4 , ransarllog I . Oa opt. b.itaras a. may be prreanted. • 'j WILLI tat EIIIIViLItit, 1e1711.51 ' , '.li Eteretarn '''''''P" Ttnflt 2 2ll;lfitl.7', "L' i IA ItlLETlNZ"Cetlli"es.Btock bolrrn Crib. t'lltainralt a Moab... OAT, " ;ClrtVaiP ' sa P toW, ' 11.14911dV 0 . n jlggri, "e;rl...` , b oor. b .- .I.7g:AT J , A * p O EN: e nod 4.1 111 . 0 ' B l oc k tl A f-19: 10 11. F. v i etailt.,slsllolte e?o,o-,r..: ornca moropoinax4 31100. 00., / Yrrif BUM.. JO. 11, Saga.( larAV ELEVI'IOI.IA" l TAM. T CS - MANAGER" , it the com pany tot ertea a Brldie over tke Zfreteamithets opp otl rut IA ib•coEuty of wl , ..lll<zy. 1, - ; tiaS et;,>'%ll,4l°,!`-P 0 * mBND "' aamss'4l: wiuutrr, Tremoter. rilffl , OrvlCe ALLeaelr.l4 Barbell / pitt•onr.o,lll.l24,llt& I - far Erection for I...e•ldelt. Manson, add thaws of the Conapaol.for erecito< a Ftia• e over the • 1. ttr; *Ting :g e l . " r111115 4 P ritt [0: Tll . l boo •o , at ibe meth z,r1, 02 's BON. • ' o3Miltla. `"' ! " _ . : HI 5 remitter,. AUCTION '1 ; .; LES BY BMIYHBON, VABBOOKIEVOLEILABB. TWo-STORY BRIG DTVELL;. ./Y0..112 Penn'Aireet, Oa Monday, rebr' ary 104 o•e1otk D. v.. en thettr. ottlEt , w.lll be to d steel lon. Ihst Tor..-tto/y Erick 1/vel , lnt n0n...! el/ht....n...4 Cast. + attic, tto. rtion titer/ nett Fiat eG<e•t:. mart,. mnL. Lira In para, gu, beta ud c/.14 valet Llttongb. •ut toe bone. Let tat a Pori Penn ttrce/ Cl 3 /Pet nod rzteLdln A , back nnet to wtttley.' rttrtitt.. eeetrlng to /11,ni... • ecantortab'e tlCt','ll. toVa ', W l g r g. ' llf.T r o " ,;ll, ' ll: MP. trt, Terms tey. nv , Tilovv, Ve./1/10..M. CCM EL I. ND. kr/ is Autumn:ere:: PALT/Ea 6 JP • ATTRACTIVE AtIcITION SALE ov 11 , :p1 . 6 A ND 03111MA x oa TEIIINAI , AT. January 40:11. at 10A-11., and P. It, (uteleontlaulttsOdall a- Lithe .am un u] alt dl , ivad. o.rerun Stre et, 21 be sold s iflt ubmit mime. a lance o coroDn Cf a' J ag kest.,tp mania •athcasiAra matiteao. a7.lotL )!1J!t;0=1,,b`,.;.0.1.114,`!:rt1°,104fa I , At/?ea, A.Oll, Youth e cq &Mtn mat eulls of famtllei la ' .l • =i l ,ll. ° a t O - .1 . .tn 1:e sgi 5 gi 11. 1 31 grnAnu f a e lll tie. to lull PatYER$ PHILI lam A vattorteers. Noyi49 Flit at catl.. AT BRADDOCK'S iPIDIDS. A Desirable Dome at Auction. •,•• 0, TUISDAT. Tamar/ ntb, at 1 o'cloct V. si: . on the , treatbres, will ia)tAld vvaltivril. (owner remri; to an A Ja lnli t, l n t4 a . vrry l ' Z• r , *, : , ltti '.. l7ern r t 1 g rai r ,Zar ii::I. ' : ' 10 feet 7, '.`g.`.1°ft'11;',!•:.,%,11, 1 ,.`;', '.`,`,..*:;. , , i ltcre'll ~ elect ent water avd pump toner; ontbxcl, lags norm. tr: ascend by a ,ml, new , va lag leave. Iba dort,ling 14 an ientirely• new two coil. 0 Pram. }loam of sevenirooale, binds= style, out damt.rd mesvellengllovttirmogroat, VI ' Ve 1 10,;1 1 ;* tiiltat imr‘trr:':ol/V:vg.nri'il"o'plrr. Oast, two - hitt .porebts and A 4a 4 417 cellar. `VIAT.V.Z . J.I7t:tn.i.i4, t. os. ~ , ''' 4, lVArrjt , 4:;p=4l. l k!.l t?lfTeed. )13•Ing to reliably lon It.i. only winty yards lotus 31•11. PILL:Dunn Ctinutll,l It ! , vll read, and Irlthlit Ave mlnutes:lfal It Pons Lamp trranad en PtnaLyoranla Ilailri , . should co . - . t he att.:lntl.. of pell•ODIV peeling •com rj".lleAbLall'ift'ltu'rTll4...,,..v,,P.4,vc,T..,.e.::,... Closet tiotse.ilacun Booms, 11111 k street. felt . BBADDOCI*7B r.IELZ), • • , PROPERTV . • ..gOr ..a.mrowsl9 . 4. • • . o ...ruzsosT ; A:r...vjarvterost4ree c k. i.titi l g:Ld frontier 40 r,.ian *vithl:gg; rat, Men:, mbar:, •1 cam-biles back in feet to 31mot eller, on Which Mkt, en [mo at., frame bonne, neenla saw tight Manna. Intlifitta <=4411: Munment 'bale poll t m ean re. ace y . ban CelltrAl iCKALIUIL Of on pperty, and bee Um no cm, of amens to end from ante elm Mould attram toe attention of renrunia ;Ilealeleir • to renteni Mann morplaee of Mitintft combined. PALL its • rtill.Line.Anot.n. Opera Homo attire Rooms. I _t 14 street. MI • ' a 2;& steliwsuit • 17.ALITABILE STOCKS; EIONDS, 60 lid wu.s J..a1133 1 , velar, sc.—Us TUVIii. AY XVINIX(*. bro•OX 14,11. at f); aolowk, will be sole. on the eceoria floor of Com . taerclal Sale. Room., Na. XeCtraltXtlatd street: ID staves loots Peon Co. XI shares Tatra xoaolooyl nazi: Xmobaage National 0. 31 30, rea oatlonol 21=41 7. 1 shorts krootons Saylor, Bask. 2 - .)saares rattle two AO mina frollOsOaah Ce. t a 'Par. • • Ilettuat y It suraane 0 1 . Xo shares elva,as ega•enger 11:,11,..ay CO. 13 anima t.lll3cao Natloesl Book; to elates cootoma etas log Malt. 23 share. Pealigrivanu4ns. nal P. 1 4. . 10 V .,11.171 ;liTe... in tra. "-* icents/oudo Law. 11.‘ ' rem:a mauve. 3.01 - • SVC° Allrght County Compr , o3 Bond.. tell a. IicILWAI, X *act, sr a. xamewrie4. yr _ otriE tOT, ClieStnot St, ALLIGUNENY. AT • I, CTINN.—WIII be 'wet. to toe p torollser, op W WWI /DAY, Yet- T 7 at 2 o'clock the altt, env No. Claw. ut Ira t, Ale he . y .711 by ad Haute It itlante•stori Corot:. tool teM:tfrattfis7,..: Tortaa word eath; btl tote tit two •A. batiatAT A µ4tloner, , Nl3 . 132 Veatral Otrreitt. l klletrbear CITY LOTR-,CITY r 5 tee emblem oe Witten 163 4 1.44. Y. Fcbreltat loth, &I o'clock. will to col 4, proDetlT or. ~t hst cabbie • 'suet irel,r,,r4 NW. beta khe close oreiltelt rib the bell' "". " b ,a7gt ""VlttfP. LatittA - ri. fen ' lSt 'federal ebbe. Atilcehtlef. 10101INE AND L OT _ ON TATE-AIM Pitzi.lnt l PoLegitil i gn " lyT or ritart ll . b ;4l l ,l l :4l9,V.PriNgr T l e tot la 40 ba DO. The house la • mo•sor. a t •y °fall' rooms, aas, ant AIM e..ld wal or, and at•y wpaa. uleat*abla And earrla,ra Tett. rary.. f 15 S.llOVgataltretrZall7:,.7. 1H.A...11.313 , 197A, B. WOLF, 7i3., ‘ll.l nasssHardwareVeuia rs Don read% rag largaik %our itoOk • which b oferWt ibalen •• IC.3.TUNTIPI7-Xt7MCIAL Corner Liberty and 84 Clatr BLt" r . a:reembluxer3boP a. STOVES ! STOVES FREDERICK BCHULZEi? COrpOlt• Mini and Bbest.lroa- r liVasik, • l Wan, ' p 2nam ld el.*l l ad !IB M T T; "'" , . W ••• • glees n d wAll Jobbing salt Itspairtncitromptly aite,ded to JAMES B. JoN4s• Scrap Iron, Light Iron (Item AND .soutinir xuoß wirocirE.23, etta. S ttttttoad:Tth. Akram!kas. 124 . 7. *ay IRON Orr BELT WORKS. . . CEO. 0. CLARK & CO.. maw:Warm of arm 4.lnallOr cd,.m..5 Inrattaad.Chuasaltal azat &Irk -Oak . a Xacialaserz 3901.111.1a:3 . u rl i rlo tiger er . .. ad loon :: i Alt 1 I / 1 , DISSOLUTION. -Thy a. rVO , Z.V.Vrit.rten. i elil7.l2,1 1 1 E1,..1.1NY. under the Ira elm, el • • JOHN W. PITTOOK ok 00. rtimust i tb:t rxrrstgrEekt !MA *ir s .Vl7 ?our rt =TV 1.°4"?.1 ILIi t alra WthilMrat"' ill / ittsbn22E. Tt r?‘"2221711::/4.lis;-1'.(r.r'""• • TE UNDERSIGNEDI !ATM • A ro, wro2lla IN THE Plod 0.1 .1../IN 1 . 11•1 , 12 . K & LYI, . '22.124222 1 .7 2 t:/ . lltIN W. ITIOCK alvs • atabormad to tot 1-Itre bail ee.. o r the :e1.41 Er a, by.,2h022 callect/ont 2110 1122 ..k.12. • • i111.111.2T T. OA -Iran L. KY Et. skOOllE. rel.l. l _l! • DISSO - L171 1 .10N., • THE CO-PARTNERSHIP here wrorc bcOrrot MAL .11.1f.TOALT. J. 31. EN! l', O. ALLSC.S. LT and J.' U. SNAP. ander Um arias zos,,t eZ • Q.' KNAP 14EREILIVE4 d4..1...d I, inetual consent. An rent., biting oct,outa ogaissi said ilrotwill Oresent th< 11.1.0Je. aid thole indebted wilt whoa* settle homealstely with Mt. U. lilltrcezr, who soilloillsti to <lova Our ICCOILIA. Wit. hisrcaLr. J. ..If.A.N.IIP,' 12Z11.1.11LA, .1. U. AI% MEM ll= THE Knap Fort Pitt Foundry Co., aecz 71, to (MASS LZA HASA r Nzettawe.) Presiaent • J. M. !HELP. •Ice Vo. METCALF. geeey and 'Ereener K. 'WADE, Engine...! 3. U. KNAY, General glanseger. J &!(R5 B. 11.1.1XICAT. of 1.7,01. Oborb • Co A. X. W. ILI..tfiZEB. of J. I•stntsr Sons. C. IL IIEtLIWII. Chaffs= 2. Co. TI: 05. 5. BLUM, of thoeubfrizer .t. 00. micsiTe. Li% Or Czoff.sol 51,01 u..,NtrrAtrlutani or Castings and Machinery. fprel•l a.ttoLtoo pal , ll to HILL WU Rif Au I BLAST TottWng peolopt . l, atteet2N to. leto.llo DISOLUTION.— Tito I . artzter- Slip bertto!uro eiloroug 1/.4C/ late ammo, .ea sty:e pt titil/LOZDER h ItAGEST, Is thin day Ma/mired m utu al do;aa.d. •-' I , J VILEDISEICK 1-CITInIFDER.. tinc,RUlt C. -..t. G 11.t..ti tIAa. • . . - HAVING 'BOLD ALLI( MY IN. / --.. 2lt F.Sl' 4 the late arm to Ur. Clllloi- DZIL, ley late 'farmer , tellowlll. can on the buelmat a: lee eta steed. as hereto ore. and who will tett', op tn.: tmelneei of the ate fine, all persons neaten <Mlle: laelmrt slid l ona VIII Pre ent them to biro :or i,ry.,,,,t, toot gi per. soon owing said rem will call and paj to Sant I , belillOnDEn. .. . • 1180Itti8 C. ILAGILWAIe. , Ittlebo: eh. Jane:key 111, 1103. I feloo7 ' fiIIiSOLUTIoN —Thn Co-k.ara nerthlo heretofore esletleg betereen the undershthed, littler tee Crele of K~WCPATIUCIi. L'IrONN 41t ISTERLIND OIL t.e^ OA-. r rdd lb eetlrc rant to p.rtuen, roOre• from e,s,<l u rts;fa7 'oel9, N' refs 81 iIf.II ANW KIRA P/I.T. Flstabuzgb, Yal.Teuxty • o.49—Weia. Joan 13611 r &TIM. /AMU =ON/. STERLING OIL 'fI'OBRI3,-, IMIKPATILICK & LYONS, 11 •INVIAG1C8i3115 or j Refined Carbon Oil. Vince, O. 193 I.lberly 19Lnoel. fenl.lCo 'l l Tr4llll/1611. PA lIRSOLUTION OF PARTNER. •••••••; . • he Parinerablp berate:Jona casting bitarean S. 11.11/0: KW!. C. Y. WORE Le, JOHN MAU. KW: and O. V. SIa.IIKi end J. W. DIXON, In the enannteetanna 'of pipe,, under the aimed MARKLE, DIXON & CO., Cala day dimly , d 1 avytoat couient of the partner. la Idlezeta. Ibla.oYiwUtedaaanai from (Imam. To. basiaeds of Lis 'Ma Ina la lob• settled by alto li•aa:a. Mkt:di:XS addar, the dm of C. P. iCiIinCLIC irbo are aa• j 1000.4 to collect ;ad debt. day the lyta dray, as wall I. fettle all Uwlte a.. " . . . ..... i:l : . M Nl l 2ll6t r e .1011:: KARALk ( ,_. . WestN..wtoo; If Lbraary E, ''''' 36.6 , 3... t't , 1144. 1a g. 7:797 ' ' EEM CO-PAiiThERSIIIP hOTICE. JAMES S. PALSfEII. and PROS. I'ItILLIPti have tateted lota Onnaral AIIIITIIIni and COSldlltann./N notltess. a• deal. en I s Nerer es , Mist.. a:ocka. l'unitnar. &ants. nboa the name and Sty et Nogonv,-/c., ander yle ' • PALMER a. PHILLIP9 I , AT OPERA HOUSE AUCTION HOODS, Ito. 60 Milt street, When> they lad to y11 ,. .. , 4 ,1 0 sda the', old 'flea , e and the yubtle gt-tt. , rex _ x. 3. h. E.—yr:mats as ea Day art E 113 nissoLuTioN OF PARTNER. 4 i e riZ VOSt; r L. e . 11 t el K IS : . b o t i rAt .1. . I . th e COKES S d ro ot by motel, coneeot. berroes Inello4. eol to the trio ue Quelled to as , . ptinffnl, end those having o ilea to preseet them for Kb* cetera: weer+ elth.r tout/ter 11,11y the ta:an worrid to T ht:t r iiniZtl=Vl:llll. ' l ''"" tiV Arty o4reet, 111441.4th0b. Plttatztr_ei. January I. 15d 1411:411:**/ LIISSOLII VIOLA.—The Partner.. atop heretofore eslttloiy loader I 0 t..nte OS • cotters.: RHO ae Co., . • In an Home Pa.ollot eel WI Oen Vogiery v.ll. 4 . oltrolved Ly mutual 11.061MsL o • I t ' , K ,..lg : Y E r ::11111 " COltble. fet7.lll be Fel PENIS pletsburibl • niSSOLUTEOS.-• rite 1 co-Part 711?21770tlf:gttt14es,'I2, IgliNeoe Seeth r 6.llesheßT.,.. DIehOLVAD ON SUTIr Or JABIIA.BY, The euerrelgeedwill'tett e the bueletee of di ate tem..• Whl.-21. ROWLAND. I - telitteltenle No. be Mare Orld, north nle4l . • NOTICE. --The flh.Partnerablib NUT 4I II 44 PITUNTinIi=O - Nr: !es jf,t MILLER_d 15EVe.01)1, Es .lealter =V0.74V:=7'17.7.AT1=V4 Um firm RIM be eiRMe.l tie tutor member of Um late Rm. MMIM MILLER. fe7.559 A.TIRIEW:ADWAMDfI. CAL. COIC2. Br.o. ARMSTRONG aiRGIALINSON, OCOw~On Li" rim,ax.r.nma SXD r01:761111Ci GIZIRFT (ALL COUP/JG) • FLIMSY:LS,. SILIFFiIiI Fad DEA.1.!14.5, FT Da road sui: 2113 . 15 r, of . . . . . nII3PEEZUIt TOUGHICIIHMIZNY*--.1, CA6, Atli) FAPAICY COAL; . (Mee and Yorct+XVUT UT SIM 9T1L1Z67. tete the Works. ar orders ton at the y.nt or addreose4 by nail win yromyuy BEST FAMILY COAL Akfmrs 03 haul and delirtreel timapW Waft. - • AT', LOWEST 7SARLST FARM, ler OBOAR F. Liklni - tk CO., 'll%. Enlist! Pfraq e i P. FL V, a C. 61.1LEd11.15311" CUT. Coal furnished as ate taßlNit ZS* Ittem COAL! C 05.1,1! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEFART & CO., Murtng TCY.OI - elt:actr QMcs Nu, 561 LIBERTY STREET', ItattlyClti ilenr !!!) 131CIAND PLOW& Are now proparod to format rood Yovglitoilromy LIMP, HOT COAL oa SLAttli, 41.0100 Ipmett 'market prim Sr All orders rot, at tne!oaZotor ad aros to them Altropes tha troll, will Do aroro4.4lltp Prompt!, mrarolti C IE WELLE .B Et. MinallitOi yorramourp.Al: GO1(71li3 l' aaA 111..actjellof C 7719,8 AND )I, " nr ed e". Ir. Comm of Hatter .4 Morton; Ir. yud on All. etty /ea tanner Stnets, 21m111 word, ele 011 ereoed street, n“r L o ok Not, rrti.tvihri. &adios-norm:tom: [loss.. . bost artle. of 0.1 0000111 SA Um rxtam. • grdors lett at amy Of ItiOU Offtol wai nears OM= ottool.loa. - sumo:non COIL. • 'C. CHERRY a CO., Tcu~t' , M7 x t, 8,48°L 4 tIWCA , 1 9W Oosl rthuuntl VV.% parta ' Aggitll • vlVP. =`," PollaTti sob war. (formerly Cana1,i21211.6X.11, flttoboird.. r. 0. Etas. I.=. 04E: DYERS AND SCOURERS. H . LANCE, Nos. - IE 3 rind 2.:”. Tiqrtlfiireeit, DM: AIM Straw Gold, Craved or Byte, HID dIQ9E¢ ` affi lADDsa , mulcts deu ad or dyne. • F O w. G. 1 11814 E n ri lt er . Dyeing finflEcouring • • rn, Dianosia ALIXT • ratotm Wood and th/1454 street., , 175E11111111 PA. All gnats returnee - oas ka ' 15015<1 to tem own,. ' • 355114." • • Il II II !! 0 ri In 11 ibts LT•any Itled. bp settakl ICK,•