THE W DAILY GiaME, SPIRT XORXING ISCTDLISS: O ; III2 M I . I PEARVIIIIAN, 'ZERO & CO., wir,znprisatcbrms. T. RTsf+Wu... ..•JO[LY.~O. S. I. uno>. ..-...-.—. . ...7. p . nf =l2l cirricrz. GAZETSE IMILDLINIO Noe. St and 118 PII7II MILICZET: 1,6; Reparna Pupa of Vestal ParKfinis OFTICLILL'PANTII OP PITLEMIGH LID LLLEGHEIR CITY. &IRONS?. CHNIPES? grad SKS? YAWL? asell OOMMXIOIILL PAPER 1.• Sago. TISIIOI 07 Tn 7111.1 3 33 M 3. "7.1:711;;Y.'it Dr Nall boat I= =I FIST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. MON EUROPE. The Abyssinian War Von Bismarck Seriously 111. . t Italy and the Papai Weld. sr Crosing Honors to F t agu Labe South American Allem Engli-h Parliament ProHaim. Irish Reform Bill Pre arils(' The Government and Telegraphs. Habeas Ceram Sunpeuston nil G F. Tin's Arrest Explained Dublin Nation Editor Convicted ialt Telegraph to the gittsialreh U.ettal 12371:117111:1 LONDON, February o.—The New York Rerahrs special *dykes from head quarters of the Britialti - nny in Abyssinia stale that King Theodor — els at his camp near the - palace of Magdala, where the English captives are confined. The Abysalnian Monarch is said to be In a bad strait in a military• point of view. An engagement between the two armies Is imminent, and may take place at any moment. r Ve Y few ( of .tho disaffected native chiefs now acknoiledge any fealty to Theodore. The chief Kaasl, ruler of the Tigre District, openly courts the favor of Major General Napier. General Napier fears that this chief, whose" political dull-actor Is had, alms ate secret attackon him, and consequently seeks to arrange and perfixtt a binding treaty of alliance with him so as to hold him answerable fur his future arts. Thirty-five thousand British, of all el srs, have 1)66 landed at Zobla, and the advance of the Queen's army bas reached to within two , days' march of Antall), half-way towards Itlmplaia, from the shoreline, where It Is very probable the - expected battle will take place. The Egyptians, with a contingent embracing many Turks, are v%r y near to llngdata, but they use no caon, and still march •.on in a reckless anner . without the - sanction of the superior officers of the Kt:4ll6h army. The English .ID the In -leder number about twenty thousand. The troops suffered considerably from the heat of the weather. - Dispatches from Senafe announce that - the British expeditionary corps had oc cupied Adftraft, and reports reached ...t.4.....1 Senate th.a t Me advance had reached Feral and ---• ta. It was alas an nounced from the ntertor that the na tives who had revolted against King Theodore wen) again submitting to his authority. EOM= LONDON, 'February the House or Commons this *evening Earl Mayo, Into Lord Nona' Chief Secretary for Ire land, informed the members - that the Government eras preparing an Irish Re - Corfu Bill, and would be ready to lay It before the trouso on the oth of Marsh. Other measures to regard to Ireland, he said, would he brotight forward on the Sir Charles Bright allied attention to the scheme far placing telegraphic wires under Government control, and asked whether any action had been taken, or If it was proposed by Um Ministry to take any attlop tothat end. Mr. Goo. Hunt, under Secretary of the Treasuty, replied that It was the intention of the Govern ment tti purchase the lines of telegraph in Great Britain, and he prosalissd the - plan for effecting that change, which was being matured in the Treasury office, would be submitted to the House within A motion KW made for a second read ing& the bill for the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. Eton. 3fr. Fortesene, member for An dover, said he thOught the motion proved that the administration of alfalrs to Ire land wee wrong and greatly needed re form. Sir Henry Wineton; member fur IV terfonl City, said the blll Was an outrage upon Catholics, shut out as they wore from their rightful share In tho govern- =3 Earl Mayo made en explination in re ward to thecase or Getarge Francis Train. Be Bald the policerann who arrested Lim hid received general instructions to watch persons, arriving at Queenstown from the'United Staten, and to atop all suspicious portion. When. the trunk of George Frannie Train was examined copies of his own spec:enc . % on-Ireland found, which led to his tarred on saspicion. Me was finally released on giving a pledge that he would make nq speeches, and do no act in sympathy with the Fenian cause. EMIF2 FLO, February 17.—The Conn eil-haa at length resolved to pay part of Papal debts. 'FLOILZSCE, Fob. 17.—Tho public hon ors to Admiral Farragut closed last Beek with a dinner, given by the United States Minister,. Nosh. The primipal Ameri can reaidents and visitors, a number of eminent foreigne., and several leading Itallani were among the invited guest!. Admiral Fermata has left Piprence on a brief visit to Venice. 6017tH •a=wes Losootr, Feb.. 17.—Pr1rate letters from Pang Min dated January lath, represent the prospects of the Paraguayans con. tinned, to improve. Lopez was taking the offensive and had twice bombarded the Brazilian camp on the Parana with effect. The steamer Ruin Rio also brings the following news: The internal troubles of the Argentine Confederation were In creasing. The powerful State of • Entre- Floe fund joined Ecoss -Rio In revolt against the federal government. D. Marco Paz, Vice President of the Argentine Confederation, and President of the Senate, Ls deed. 115ELMID Duarse,.• Pebrassy 17,—.F.ceniag,—In the ease of arr. Sullivan, editor of the Dahlia Nativii,Whoso trial foi the pule neatien or aeilwona libels occupied the grrater portion of lad week, the Jury to day brought in a verdict of guilty. The case excited.nnumual interest: rsrssi.t. DANOEISOMIDisTCK. Bantu, Febnanry 17.—Tho YA of Count Bismarck is serious. He In not able to laiVe Berlin. raaeca Letters from Parts reiterate the state ment of changes contemplated in the policy and Cabinet of the Emperor. ' .111111111VED our. LOR.Dint, February ll.—Tbe steamers UMW Kingdom and New York, hare 37ited out, ME FORTIETH CONGRESS [es ressersee to to. IlltstAllik emu.] Wairetrscrog, February 17,1968. SENATE. - The Cosir announced that Mr. SOLOS"- SON was unwell, and that heelesired the vote on the admission of Mr:; TIIO.IdAS to be postponed until to.meenisv. Mr. DIXON presented se memoriaL signed by several Generals, that the Secretary of War may be directed to' appropriate a large cannon, to be placed on the monument to General Sedgwick. Mr. CONCKLlSPoresentesithe resolu tions of a meeting of citizens of Detroit, on the rights of American citizens • Mr. FRELINGIIUYSEN ;and 'Mr. SUMNER each presented petitions of freedmen, praying that they be sent to Liberia. Mr. SUMNER presented a memorial of German citizens praying for the ebo- Litton Of the Presidency of the United States, on the ground that it tea copy of royalty and dangerous to the - United States. Mr. POMEROY presented a memorial from the South CarolinaConventionosak- Mg for aid to the Port Royal Railroad Company. Mr. TRUMBULL presented a memo rial from the citizens of Illinois, asking for aid in the comnruction of deep [water communication between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River.- All of these memorials were appropriately I referred. Mr. TRUMBU&, from the Committee on Judiciary, reported a substitute for the House bill which was referred to the Committee December 19th, providing that hereafter any election authorized by the Reconstruction act of March Md, lel67,shall be decided by •majority of the votes actually cast, and at the election at which the question of adoption or rejec. ticin of any constitution is submitted any person duly registered may vote in any part of the State, In which he shall be registered, where he may reside at the time of Raid election, noon toe pre eentation of his certificate of registration, under such regulations as the District Commanders mar provide, Mr. TRUMBULL introduced *a bill, which was referred to the Committee on Judiciary, defining the jurisdiction of the Courts of the United States in cer tain cases It anion that repeated de cisions of the Supreme Court have deed. ed the judicial powerof the United Staten does not embrace polithxdpower. It de- - clams all Courts ortheUnited States in the administration of justice shall be bound , by thesdecisions or the political departs! ment of Government on political noes. , tines, and that it rests with Congress to decide what government is the eetablish. ad one of a States It is further declared - that no civil State government, republi can In form, estate in the Slats of Vir ginia, .NOrth Carolina, South Carolina, nun Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Lonisi- , da, Arkansas and Texas, and that no civil governments in either of said States shall be recognised as a valid or legal State governments either by the executive orjudicMl power of the United Sts gs until Congress shall provide, or until' such. State Government is reps, 1 rented in Congress; and It is further af firmed that the Reconstruction act of March 2.1, lam; and acts supplemental thereto are political in their character, and the propriety or validity of which no judicial tribunal is competent to nuestion, and the Supreme Court of the United States is hereby prohibited from ! taking jurisdiction of any case growing out of the bxecution of said acts In either of said Stales until such States shall be represented in Congress, or until Congress shall recog- nize the State government as republican in form. Ail such cases pending in said Court shall be dismissed, and all acts autlioriung an appeal by writ of error, ' hoheos corpus or other proceedings., to bring before said Court for review any. muse, civil or criminal, or other proeseed togs arising out of the execution of the sail reconstruction nets, or authorizing appeal from a Circuit Court in a habeas corpus proceeding to the Supreme Court, or which authorizes th' Supreme Court to issue a writ. of habeas coryus to bring before it for review any judgment of a law court In habeas corplce eases, are hereby repealed. MR. WILSON reported from the Mill. terry Committee a bill for the gradual re duction of the army, by discontinuing unnecessary grades therein. Mr. EDWARDS from the Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill for the further security of equal rights in the District of Columbia. Intro dueed a bill to regulate the present:Mier of bah to the President and the return the sum r, stating that the Committee wee unanimous in its favor. It provides that the ten days within which-the President is required by the Constitution to return lAis not approved by him MIMI he deemed the ten calen der days (Sundays excepted) next atter their receipt, nod ahall be computed by excluding the den on which he receives them and including the tenth day there after. The adjournment of . Congress, which shall prevent the return by the President of any such bill to the Home In which it originated, shall be construed to be the final ad journment of a session. In case of the adjournment of either House to a parti ruler day, it shall be lawful for the Pres ident to return a bill with objections, or send a message announcing. Its signa ture, to the office of the Secretary of-_the Senate or Clerk of the House, as the case messes and such return or sanding of a shall be considered to have the some effect as if the House in which the bill originated were in session. • Mr. CHANDLER offered a joint me lution exempting the appropriations for'' the survey of the - nortbern and north- western Lakes from the provision of the second section of the act relative to forth. tiestions, km, approved March lei, 1867..1 Referred. __ Mr. YATES preterite& a petition from citizens of Silks praying for the estab lishment of a civil government to ,Alas ka and a municipaLform of government for Sitka. Referred to Committee on Ter ritories. . . Mr. P.AMSEY Introduced bills for the protection; of settlers at Fort Ridgway reservation, and to - prevent the abuse of the franking privilege. Referred. Mr. II ENDERSON, from the Coni maim on - Indian Affairs, introduced 'a bill appropriating condemned property to the use of Indhuia. .!. Mr. ILATtLAN introduced a bill to emend usury laws in the District of Co tumble. Referred. On motion of- Mr. SCUNER, the ! President was requested to communicate any infer c ation concerning the alleged interference of the Consul at Rome with the bite difficulties In Italy. Mr. SUMIfER offered a rtmolution le- etructing tie Committee on the Dritrict of Columbia to inquire into the treat ment of a colored person on the ears of the Washington andßaktmore Railroad, and if further legislation is needed to prevent such abuses and secure equid rits. Mr. BECKALEW objected and t over. The resolution asking the Secretary pf the Treasury for information relative to the abandonment of the Dennis town Mt ! ton cases was adopted. I The Senate considered the resolution for the admission of Mr. Thomas,of I Maryland. Mr. COLE advocated it, while Mr. Mr. DRAKE give notice that under the amendment Mr. Thomas could not take IWe oath or hold his seat. . Mr. -HENDRICKS spoke In favor of his admission. ' Mr. AIORTON and Mr. FOWLER op posed the admission of Mr. Thomas, when the subject was laid ever until to- Morrow, at which time Mr. Johnson closes the debate. The Senate concurred in the Hones amendment to the bill enpplemental to the act for payment of bounties. Tho Senate considered the Mint reso lution to cover Into the treasury moneys arising from tales of captured end aban doned rroperty, and now in the hands of the Untied States Treasurer. but after a speech from Mr. FESSENDEN, and without action, the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. A largo number of bills and - joint reso lutions were introduced. and referred, including the following: To repeal an act regulating disposition of dove, penaltien:and forfeitures recover ed under custom laws. An Act relative to settlers on portion of Fort Randall reservation, vacated by General Grant. • An Act providing that greenbacks bo exempt from State taxation. An Act providing fie levies to secure low lands of Arksures and Missouri trout inundation arid to encourage oedemata. Authorizing tho United States • Dlotect Judges of lowa to appoint clerks at the .several places where courts are held. ' An Act relative to soldiers whose dis charges aro dated after their actual dis ch memorial from the; Darotah lure, Baking for aid to Misalsolp i grad Missouri Ittilroad - Conmany, and to es tablish the mute system. A memorial for the establishment of branch mint to Montana. By Mr. BINGHAM: An act to restore the • State of Alabama to repreentation in Congresa. Referred to the Committee on Reconenaction. The bib is as follows : VlllEnzsel A largemajorltyoft.hevotes given at en eteetton bold on —dsy of Feb- ' `."`---•°- '-"N '.....„...5,.........._...---Ntsji.,---.ST---......_:).4.11A8L1,5iv.....„...........T7at _415.......... 1 ' 1 ' q;.-.. `• ~ , ,E , ,,, ~,..------ -. 1 - 7 ,0 3 -.,. --. .11:2 3 : 7 4.- - V,/,.. i', ,x 1 ---.:C'- ir "\ - 1 - ________ ,_.t„, ,, o ,-"... s •-'. 1 4 1 _ ,, ' ...r 7, 1 42 4_ , :, 4 ,N , I tt - \l4 ---• 4 .. 0--,' - - • / - 1 ; 1 ___--- ll i l L I ) 1 1 1 ____-P f j?,,__.' • ;: , 7 r-- 4 •-. 1 ,,.: , - ,- ._ - ‘ ; ' I ; ' 1 ' 1 1 I -2 -__^__' _ - ,-- .1, - Tz. • ::. /44 4 _., '" VL .-' - .24 rpm rim. ..-:-.• r n ,;_, ^ - -\ , / 1 j IL • J 1 7 ), i - 1 , / \ \ •, , 1 ' \ I ----:--- ----="-- --'-- -rte -.7: - kt ..7.. 4•• -• •••'. '----- s ""L_ --- ' -- ... -...1f ---- •------' - .----'-' -=.' --...--," - ' --- -----'==' -----...----:------- / -- „...!: _.....---_,...„, "--- •-•=---- • I i e - / -- - - - :- -7 [ I ruary. llkti; were for the Constitution pre sented by the Convention of the people of the State of Alabama, end• Wumarta, A certain combine:len of citizens withinsaid State refused to vote, with intent thereby to defeat effort. of the friends of the Union to restore amid State to Its proper relations to the Union; therefore, be it 23e.tolred, by the Senate and Heusi of Representatives, etc., ThattheStats Leg islature elect under the neviConstitulloci of Alabama be convened at the capital of said State as soon as practicable, by the order of the United States Military Com mander within said State of Alabama, and upon the ratification by said; Legis lature of the 11th article of the Constitu tion of the United States proposed by the Thirty-ninth Congress, and,the estab lishment by • low of impartal suffrage within said State no authorized by said Constitution of Alabama, said State shall be adulitted to representation to the Con greas of the Unitid States In accordance with law. Mr. PAYE introdnced a resolution to pay $25,000 each to Messrs. Byrnes, Snuth, Brown and Burch, in fall for the time [vent and the expenses incurred In prose:touting claims to seats In the House. Rejected bye vote of thirty-tive against. ninety. Mr. WASTIBUI.NE, of Wisconsin, in trodueed a Joint rowintion appointing the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Interior end the Attorney General ' as a Commission' to establish a tariff for freight and passengers an the Union and Central Pacific Railroads. Tabled by a vote of seventy-three to sixty-five. ' On motion of Mr. BANKS, the Com mittee on Foreign Affairs was authorized to report back at any time the bill con cerning the rights of American citizens In forego countries. Mr.WASIIBLI-BNE, or Massachusetts, atated that he way not the person who gave the information to Mr. Butler In reference to the wood screw patent case, whereupon Mr. BUTLER said that In his remarks on Friday he refeMed to his colleague from the Second District, Mr. Ames, and the statement was correct in every far- Reuter. Mr. MYERS said the bill was defeat ed by false statements. and he would re port it again with the prevlso that if aver the patent came into possession of the American Screw Company it should be void. The House went into Committee of the Whole on toe legislative, Ace., appropria tion bliL Mr. Butler's amendment pro viding for a mission to Greece was adopPt ed PRITYN meted an amendmen t , t providing for a Minister to the Yaps States, which was opposed by Mr. WASIIBURNE, of Illinois. Rejected. • Mr. WILLIAMS moved to strike out the missions of _Ecuador, New Grenada, Bolivia, Venezuela, Guatimeda, Nicarag ua, Costa Rim, Honduras, Argentine Confederation, Paraguay and Salvador. This resolution was debated at length. Mr. LOGAN offered in ridicule an amend.nent authorizing the Secretary of State to enter into negotiations for the purchase of empires,. irdngdonve, rebel lions, wars, volcanoes, Jews:net, etc., which was ruled out of order- A vote wan taken separately on each of Mr. Williams' amendments and they were rejected. Mr. BROOKS moved an appropriation for the miaelon to Reims. Rejected by a vote of 41 to 59. Mr. SPALDING moved to increase the Item in contingent expenses of the State Department iron $30,000 to 1.fi5,000. Re jected. Mr. WASIIBUICSE, Illinois, offered au amendment requiring that no fees be paid to any vice consul or consular agent beyond ono thouaand dollars, to bo accounted for and paid Into the treasury, and prescribing that no greater soot than five thousand dollars shall be al lowed for the expenses of any vice con sul or consular agent. Mr. PETERS offered an amendment, providing that where fees are collected to exceed three thousand dollars, Abe sal ary, where it doer not exceed fifteen hundred dollars, dual be two thousand dollars. Both :unendmenta reerei adopted. Mr. 110 LMA.N Offered an amendtueut requiring Consular salaries to be paid b lawful money. Rejected. Mr. BUTLER moved an amendment striking out the words "Commissioners and Consul* Generals to Hayti and Liberia," and inserting "Minis - ter resi dent to Hayti and 'Awes and the Do minican Republic." Afters lengthy de bate he withdrew it., and the bill, as re ported to tb_o, House, palmed. Mr. GRISWOLD moved to suspend the rulesto enable him to introduce and have put onpassage a joint resolution relative to the rights of American chi me abroad: Pending the question the [mule adjourned. • --- • FOREIGN NEWS BY MAIL elleanatbly Arrivalo-Late I. by all-Defeat of Om Tarsi by lb* Cretana-Itenional et Cretan roam. lee be Greeee-Jobn artgus Adm en/A. am Abolition of Me Boras. tithed irtnireli In irolAwa and Anon ilea of .Liboral Aleitenree ter tlie bleb Potpie. tar rategroplk to Um PlttextrElt Buono.] NEW To Februhry 17, IstlS. The .tdesmors City of Baltimore and Cidibria, from Europe, arrived . to-day. The latter.brings London papers of the • The Athens journals report a serious engagement at Bernetinns, in Crete, on January-anh. The insurgents were 1,500 strong and defeated the Turks, 5,000• In number, who withdrew into the fortress, where they fell on Insurgent prisoners killing and wounding several. The Turks were said to have, Leen also de feated in engagdments near Came. The Russian vessels continued to carry Can dian Lami ita to Greece. John Bright's speech at Birmingham was very able. Be advocated the &boll tion.of the Established Church in Ire land with itsrevenne of thirteen mil lions sterling, and the distribution of small sums among all sects, and the 'adoption of measures leading to the ac quirement of lands by the Irish people. Further news from South America re. ports the new cabinet, In:galled in Peru as molerately liberaL The Japanese monitor, "Stonewall,. arrived at Callao.. The blaeiorial says that the United Stott Minister threatens that the new government will not bo recognised at Washington. Dr. Espinoza has been elected Presi dent of Ecuador. Australian dates up to January Ist' and New Zealand to the Bth, give noth ing imptstant. Twenty-eight thousand balm of wool have been shipped from Sydney to Lon don within three months, and 25,000 more are awaiting shipment "— •••• [UT cAm.e.] WINLICIAL cuss 4.01111113.11tlikL: • Lormos, February 17—Earaino:—Con sots closed at 92191.224. The withdrawal of gold from the Bank of England still continuos. Five•Twentiest, 313471 f. 11- 'lnnis Central, 883. Er1e.491. FRANKFORT. February ff—Ercning.— United Statee bond. are strong at 741. Lrvntu'OOl., February if.—Cotton; Chore is great activity and much eacite ment in the market to-day, which closed irregular but buoyant, with saint of Middlingirplands In port at 946:491d, and to arrive at 9d; Orleans 9/494d. - The sales to-day reached 30,940 balm. Bread stMEs—Corn, 43s 3d for raised- western. Wheat. 16a for California white, and Hs Id for No. I western. The other articles advanced Prrrvns—Lard haa togs Gd . Bacon has advanced to trils Od for Cumberi and Middies. Beef is stea at lifs. Cheese 525. Prisfuee dy —St irits ofPoch Turpentine have ad. vanced to•34*. Refined Petroleum has advanepti to Ile 241. Sugar in steady at Ills. Tallow 42s 9d. ANTWERP, February 17.—Petroleum has advanced one franc, with sales of standard white at 43 franca. Tete , . Tattier the WiMpose er =ideate. rgy Telegraph to the Plitsbargh Gee stte.l • f onntros bloonor.Fekal7.—The ted Stateesteanzei Wamponortg has ar rived hare from h e r!rial trip. She mode the passage from Sandy Hook to enorle., ton In thirty-three hours. The 'greatest speed made In one hour was twenty and ono half miles; the greatest speed for twenty-four hours Ids* forty and one fourth knots ; and the eremite speed dur ing the entire trip Wu xteen and three fourth knots. The trialcomplete sutteet. propeller Lynn Haien, of Nor folk, exploded a boiler yeaterday. No lives we're lost. Loss floe thouoand donuts. No insurance. York Stara noNseerSibe Pave :By Telegrag.l to I) rlhabarg4 Omata,,j ALialrY, Feb. 17.—T6e Democratic State Committee have called aikido Con vention for March Mb, to choose dele gate!" to the National tionventloe, and appointed • committee to Urge on the 1 . • 'Wawa Committee the selection of :few York city as the place of holding the Presidential Convention. —The election of a United States Sen ator for Kentucky, to succeed lion. .Tanice Guthrie, takes place In • the Kentnoley Leglidehire today. Dr. Mar vin Green and lion. U. Stanton are protaihently mentioned. SECOND EDITION, THREE O'CLOCK A. M. Pennsylvania Legislature. Ball to Ilaear. • Disbar standard of Ileal limanladire-Italandlog Tax Paid lea State Basks-To Compel San &&&&& to Procure Dtplessae-Pbtl• adelptila sad Vele lollread-Propa• gallon of Pis!-TO Create Slaking Pans ISO antlagalatintent of PM.- burin - SaDread Debt-itapalra of Pawner Manta Mortar isaameat- Te lteamCalp VonspitnY -Tartlt lan for seat/str-stto wart. eattorai Deport-titaterat Pension Lan. Special Dispatch to Pittaboralt Gazette. FIAERISUITRit, February 17, lelfai SE I.7 .A.T 311.L.9 INTRO VCEA By Mr. CONNEII., of Philadelphia: An art to provide for he vultivation of - a higher standard of knowiddge In the medical profession, by authdrising de grees of Master of Medical Sciences, and blending Allopathiand Homeopathy In the proposed Pennsylvania State Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons. lily Mr. McCONAUGHEY, of Adams: Refunding to all State Banks the one per cent. paid nadir the act of 15643, which was declared unconstitutional. By Mr. 19 Y, of Erie: Compell ing dentis6 in this Sixth to procure di plomas. Also, enabling the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company to hame bonds, secured by mortgage. Also, for the propagation of tbdi in all the ricers and tributaries in this State. By Mr. ERRETT, of Allegheny: Cre ating a sinking fund for the extinguish ment of railroad compromise bonds and indebtodneee of Pittsburgh, and a board of commissioners to take charge thereof Adjourned. OUSE OF REPRESF:STATIVRS BILLS ITTIODUCED. By Mr. CLARK,Warren: Paying Sol oon Oball. grandson of Cornplunter. wo hundred and fifty dollars. By Mr. A DAI RE, Philadelphia:Gra:al as tire thousand dollars for the repair f ihe'Penn Charter monument in Phil delphia. Sy Slr. THORN, Philadolohisr I noor perating the Philadelphia, New York and Borman Stestruship Company. By Mr. DAY. Washington: Far the re lief °toil:leers of the Thome A. Soot , regiment By Mr. PLIELAN, (:reens: Protecting Carmen against rats and vermin. = A joint resolution from am' Seim!: • urging Cougreaa to change the tariff lows for the protection and erorpotion of AMOriell6 lutists and artiste' pralu, A Joint revolution from the Senate to print throe thousand five hundred coplev of the State Agricultural Society'a re port. . • OK:4IIUL TENSION LAW. The general pension hiw for aoldi ors [2 Wlaa under tllseuesion when th louse adjourned. • MIW YORK tly Telegraph to the DOsto.r.h BOILER EXPLOSION. NEW .—T Yong February 17he steam mg Jana A. Wright was completely w reeked' by tie explosion of a loader in the New York Bay to-dsy. Four of the crew are missing, and two were navel, but injured: EOM ISLAND canr.. The Rock 'eland moo era again Satoh the Supreme Court to-day. Several um. [Ma were made, among others one to, vacate the order of reference of Wm. A. Falls, Cashier of the Corn Exchange 'Link, on the ground that be had reftnesi to answer certalts queatlons touching do paha made by defondante In the Bank, and another on the part of Clerk, Dodge A Co. for leave to pay over half a million of dollars or have the securities change!. Judge Pinions postponed the hearing of the new motions until tomorrow, and intimated that he _would name an early day tor the haring of the main motion. PAPAURECSIIITS. The first installment of Pt - min . :Riot :inn aces, recruited to Canada, loaves Mon treat to-day for this city, on their way to Rome. The recruits will be joined In this city by Prince Sabos Iturblde, the youngest aon of the Maxims Emperor of that name. • • OPENING OP NA V IOATIO:f. Preparation. are now making by terantbort companies for the opening of L emigration. PORT DORRIJOX CRLYAIRATIO:g. The Central Grua Club celebrated the capture of Fort Donelson to-night. Speeches were mule bypeneral :I tiger .011, of Illinois, and General lidtrztindale, and letters from Senator Wilson, and Morgan, Speaker Colfax, and Repre sentatives Banks, Logan and Ibirlburt were read. • TALY COLLEOR ALCYYI. A meeting of the Alumni of Yale Co ege. was held to-night to form an SW , •lotion for social purpmes.. SOUTHERN STATES Ity 'rattrap to tGi Mahar* eutette.l , itzcostorm Feb. 17.—1 n the Conven tion to the pioprietv of prohibiting counties and cities suLocribing fur public Improvements Inlthelr corporate capaci ty w o dlscusaedlvrithout detiolto action. 1101M4 CAROLINA. CHAILMITON,, February 17.—The C.,011- Vitliioo, after lorig discussion. adopted a resolution asking Congress for a - loan of one million dollars to purchase lands for the homeless. AiIIIAJCIAS fieneqd Milani has ordered an election for the ratification of the Constitution of Arkansan on the 1511 i of Mooch, to con tinue flve Jays, the haute to be conducted as heretofore In the the respective StoWo. =3 TALL/Men.; FehrClary 17.—1 n the Convention to-day twenty-eight mem bers were present. Ite Important action. The Billlnp faction offer a compro mise, i which the f Billings be nominated to Lon g:use, majority refuse to do. 'General Meade arrived to-day. Re urges both factions to reorganize, elect • new President, and expunge all records since February 2d. General Meade le the oast of D. S.-Walker, acting Gov ernor. =3ZI A special to the Philadelphia Press soya: "thaoMcial returns from all hut two counties in Alabama Indicate that 81,000 voter Were cast at the lads election, sufficient to ratify toe cooaUtution and elect the State °Meer." VARIOUS TELEGRAMS —The West news received respecting the Chinese rebellion ' lo the effect that the Impedelista have gained several vic tories over Loth the Nionfter and 3,in hammedana. .... . —Pour negroea were thrown into the river at Nashville, yesterday, by the napalming of a canoe. One of them was drowned. The others were reamed by the crew of the steamer Umpire. —The building owned by L. W. Bred ley, en hialn street,Dultaque, lowa, waa totally destroyed' by tlre Saturday nlglt. Lomi on building and contente fifty thousand Julien.. Ineuntnoe, thirty thousand dollen. —A very large and enthusiastic Fenian meeting was held at The Court Howie. wereifille, jut night. Adilreues made by Got. P. F. Walsh and James Gibbons, of the Brotherhood. —The ?might Ileum of the Norwich and Worcester Railroad, at Danielson hisesschnactts, containing a largo amount of freight, was entirely moon-, med by fire on the evening of the 15th. The depot wan saved by great exertion*. —The cholera Is raging terribly In Buenas Aire., there being 160 to 100 via. time • day. The citizen.* are flying from the city. .At Villa Nears, ten hodf sev enty laborers on the railroads died almost at once, and the people are flying In all directions. WASHINGTON. tor T•lerraph to Oa Pihsbertu ess•tu t WASIIINOToiI, February OPINION IN TUE M'AILDLT.O.4I4. The Supreme Court today overruled the motion heretofore made to chemise. the application lu the AlcArtile cane for want OfjeriStlieliOn. The nee will there fore cotes up for areiment on its ,rnerllts as previously arranged on the tint lioa. day of 51arell. I= In the CARR of MeAnito, the Supreme Court to-day overruled the motion to dismb. the appeal for want of Jurisdlo lion'. The Chief Justice in the delivery of the opinion held that under the act of February sth, 1167, an appeal lieu from ,tho judgment of a Circuit Court In an original case of habra4 comas to the Bu-• memo Court of the United Stales. I Fpon - the other point made in the argument, that Meitrdie was in military custody, charged with a military offence, and that the Jurisdic tion conferred bv the act of February 5, ISO% being additional,' therefore the Circuit Court of Mississippi had no J or- Isdictionmf McArille under act of RV, the court expreased no opin jp n, but held there were questions golngo show the Jurisdiction 'of the Circuit Court which would come upon their mlnutcs or. final argument, ou the tirst Monday in March next. • TREATMENT or TRINONERi The select committee on the treat- MOnt or union. proomor, by the Confederate authorities have taken a largo mass of testimony, and will go to Richmond next weak to pursue their 'ln quiet.. • . ORN.BIII:IIMAN'S RREVF.T. Tho tienato Committee on MilitarytAf faira voted to recommend the return of Gen. Sberman's Lrevra nomination to the . President, with resolution stating it Inadvisable to confer brevet nmk on an officer of the second highest grade. • SOUTH CAROLINA MARSHAL. Among the, nominations sent to the Script° to-tlav wan that of Thom,. Tttn, Marshal of dm D,striet or South Coro- ME= For tho wink tldmr, Fob. sun, two undred and, nkoty-six p oto Fire at ilarriabong—AO liy Telegraph to the rltlebargli eiesettet IlAnntsoulto. February 17.—A fire to. night in the c3llar of Anthony Ring's hArtlwar.S. store, corner •of Third and .Nlarket streets, was canoed by the esple- Mon" of a root oil lamp. The tire was supposed to have been extinguished, and the store yeas full of [...pie, when a ter• ritic explosion took place. by which about thirty firemen and citizens were injured. No toss of life Is redorted.. Goings Vp.. Jew• to ttteaaual► It letter from Vleuikt motalna t6o fo fresh entrain. on Jews boa taken plate at theist, a large straggling plate, half village, half town, of about inhabitants, of whom 3,tcXl or 4,e11) are Jews, situate about seventy miles north of Godutz.: This place elected about a• month ago as deputy to the Chamber at Bucharest. 000 Velma, a prirod and !Ilona of the tirtvk fl Church, having im mense Inuence among the lower orders 01 his distriet, and faunas for his tm pweioned sermons and speeches at i ntlnst the •Jews.-1 On the evening of the nth of January this priest. died, and. from the preview. Saturday its doctor expretoted the opinion that he area suffering from ',hien, said to have beeu given him by a ierman womin, it whose lotaandaini took his meals daily, she having been bribed to this by; the Sews with four hundred ducat., is yet no one believes in the psi seining. An enervation on etc subject [laving arisen lii a eollee-hottse kept by Jew, led to an attack by the Sloldavian +honk eepersand isiorer people of the plate on every chop and house bejonging to the Jew.. The doors and windows were tasiten in, tho initiates shamefully beaten 411.1 ill-treated, and tie,ir tproperty en tirely destroyed and stolen, anti this went on in a fine utoonllg4t evening from It. L. to midnight, when the rioters gave in eshanited. The prefect and other ~metals who tried to interfere were beaten out the mon. "The riot would have been resumed nest day, without doubt, but the cone inantiant of the plaee, Who had sortie 'nfly 1100:1111015C44 under his ortiers, had obtained leave by telegraph from ulletittretit, during the night to pre on the rioters. Tilt.. /001 n bram, known, and an end was pal to the shameful out rage. The value of the property stolen Is not leas than 175..0fr., and destroyed lunch more. 1 left ltirlat on the 12th of January, and then the: esum:indent of the dietrict was in 4-harpe of the place with a military fore and had over silty persons In prison eharged with betng ...onetimd in linen riots. The g,overn pnont have promised a strict inquiry the matter and puribbmen I. for thoo• coneermal; but the result will, 1 fear, be about nil.- apootasieoes Comba•slala ta le A correspondent or the Pall Mall *IC writes: I was lately conversing with one' of our inott.eininent scene painters. upon the late cats...drop - in nt tier Nlajestra Theatre ' and he gave his decided opinion. Unit the accident pro cvs,ied (tont 'mentality:ins combastic.n. 110 stateddhat largos heaps of the debris and refune of the painting and property ream,, were often swept together, and loft to itecumulate..for years, and that helm! awn !mires..ln to rem plain of this prsetknn and to, point oat the .datuter of Telated one Instance in which much a biap had ktood in a theatre' for a loriß pNriNd, 411.1 alter many 0.001- plaints he induced the authorities to re. move It, and the momentSINNIO WW flames. thrust Into It It burst into flames. I see that In the Tooes a correspondent puts aside spontaneous combustion becnose scene painting is done with water color, which la not inflammable; but the data though sortmlimee existing even in the painting-rootu, lies noire particularly In the property-Ram, where varnish and oil eolors are largely us d, and whore Scraps of oiled rag, toe, tarnish, saw dust, and tine or stun are swept iip to. nether with other matters. They only require to be damis,l, as is not an uncommon practice, for the purpose al laying the dont, to Maucro eventually spontanenunceinbindion. lily Informant also • pointed to i lie clam, , Astley's Theatre, he stAte4i wa4l,llrsit do w u hat 111 thin way (I . ollltlle nwcopings or the .wd Qst anti stables; and from Ills experience, icicle!, is very great, he fall certain that Finality other theatres had been NO burnt." . . —ln a recent pastoql Bishop Arthur Cleveland. Ilex° says: '•\then I see the tawdry• fashions, lb. costly vulgarity and wielzeil estrus, wine, of the times, I feel sure that annul ands of Amcrlcsn M 011 1 4.11 are strange' to the first law of refinement—al mill i irf manners and attire. "Whoa I see that thousands of A. .-au women read the most shatitotul ro mance. and the most degrading newspa pers; frequent the vilest dramatic enter tainments and Join In dances to shocking to be named among Christian's; I feel that Christian matrons are lxicoining too few, and that civllire'd heathenism is re turning to the fields wo have wrested from the Indians. ',When I read daily, of the most un, godly divonss. end of crime against Oat purity and against huma - n lifeJtself, widen are too gross to mem manned more particularly, feel that too mane of our countrywomen are without uud in the world, and that radical reforms nro ne cessary in the systems of etlinattlun on which the young women of Aincrien are dependent for their training. s•Wketi I see thonsends of households In which young girls ore roared for a life of pleasure; without reference to duty, I cenno&wontler at these result., nor at the calSery in which tlmy involvo fami lies alid oommunities, Sow the wine and r6se Id reap thewhirlwind! 'As a christain Bishop, therefore, I nuke' my.anpeal to you, Christian we nen, : and I ask you tobeght the refor mation, by faithfully bearing your mo nk against all that tend. to the deg redatlou of your sett, and the more Cr,, when such crime In not 'rely winked at, but receives countenniteuln circles which ought to be exemplary.", —The large penguins of the Anton:tie Oeooe exhibit a curious peculiarity In Also piano if deposit of the AliIf(11. egg laid • by them.' This intend of being phased In a cent, us with other birda, is held between the legs stud foatheri of the belly, and tranalmrted by the bird wherever it goes nail hatched. —A now gymnast of extreerdlnarYL strength kma made his appearance at the Holborn Theatre, London. Ito makes a • full siting upon the impel: holding the rope only by his teeth, and Imaging by his feet, head downwards, he It whip three men depending t.a the strength of hie wrists. —A long-boarded miller at pagan, Ohio, the ether day day carelessly suffer. ed his flowing honors to get caught in a revolvlngthaft. Brach% himeelfprompt ly, his beard went by the roote. lie will hereafter bare but little more &liable in shaving than before. CITY BD SIJIHIBBiII. MISSIONARY MEETINGS Beaver Ittroet 11. 'S. tYsree Analyst. wary—altromine sad /11414troues.—sasp easy Wawa' Assnllversanr of Promprat Sim* /L. The differentMetluslist Episcopal con gregations in the two cities ere exerting themselves to raise liberal contribution for the support of the Minions under the Church Home and r °reign work. In some cities In the East the churches are increasing their offerliga over inn year, In order to moot the emanti of the Pa rent Mbodonary Society: Hera the some dieposition is Manifested. hot so little has been dote by the churches yet, that we are unable to report. Last Sunday week Christ Chtirch gave a large sum, the influence of Which Is already felt for good.. ^ Sunday, Beaver etreet M. E. Church devoted the entire day and .evening to the promotion of .the cause. This Crue -1 honored chnrcu IN the oldnt. of that body • Allegfony, and hex furnished the nu cline of members for two or three other churches on that tilde of the river. Not withstandinethe depletiOn In member ship and hearers, to 1 bUild up other churches, the charge did nobly on Sun day for the motto. At the morning hour the peeler, Rev John W. Baker, pinch. ed an excellent and appropriate sermon torthe Demotion. in which he dincinsed the spread and triumph of the (kernel. At the close cf the Bernina, contributions were token for the cane. In the after- . . . tlikM the Sunday School anniversary took Owe. Rev. W. It. Locke, pastor of Libertentreet hi. E. Church, delivered MU address replete with imtruction and intereot. During the conmeof kisepoech he alluded touchingly to the filet that ho had boon n scholar in toe Sunday School connected with that church, and that over u dozen years ago the ethical body had honored hint by licensing him to preach,' and recommending him to, the Conference an a suitable penmen to enter the Itinerant ministry. Rev. L. McGuire of Weeder Chapel, in this city, also made name well timed recnarks. The evening appoint ment, by request, wax - fined by Rev. Dr. Is;.bit, editor of the Pittsburgh Christian A dopeate, who preached a scholarly file coarse, in which he prutented in a lucid and instructive manner the claimsMpon the church to anetain' the cause of. alone. At the close of the name, unite a good sun, was obtained. The granTag gregato for cite day amounted to tax hun dred andfiftydoltanr.: The pastor, Rev. Mr. Baiter, was well sustained in his effort. by C. C. Boyle, Arthur Robson, W. Gibson, and other active layman of, the charge. • . The atlernoon of Sabbath last was a high time at the 'Prospect Pt. E. Millen Sunday Salton', In this city. on the oc: casiort of their annual mhodonary anni versary. Addressees of touch interest, and well adapted to the occasion end school, were delivered by Rev. Dr. L. F. Morgan, of Christ M. E. Church, and Rev: John 11. Ebberf. The sum of three hundred and thirty-three dollars was raised, which is more than double what was eontributed by this school last year. This is pralseworffiy., The school is un der the care of Christ Church, and is conducted by NN". W. Wallace and Flor• enee Kramer, Esurs., Superintendent. We believe Mi. John Fullerton, and Mr. F. 11. Hanker, two merchants In our city. are. also associated with Messrs. Kramer and Wallace as officers. The singing is represented es being very tine, and added much to, the interest of the occasion. This fldli,Ul it one 'id" the pioneer mh.lon schools in this city, and reflects credit upon those In the I=ll The world Itini(e4 that's certain. 'rho days of Inuad-Iteatitig of mrpete, S.eareh , leg for green awards, waiting fur sunny tinys; 4t.C., In all over, and notosekeepors tam now havo their :old carpet. cleaned and made almost j no got'sl no new at slasallsoct. • Mr. 11,1,.. NlcCllntoolt bt the tette tumprictor of tho only Steam Carpet Resting Ntachine west of the tnonutains, which lino u : patent for the "flexible tvltlps" by which the carpet lo thorough ly eleaned of duet, moths, or their lam. rue carpet in pot in the cleaner just as It stmtra front the floor, no ripping apart ret mired, and it Cottle" buck. without one particle of shrinkage, and what In mill better, as no water to teettl In the cleans ing Proms,. the toilers are left as perfect RA when new, save the natural Puling from wear. The work ran he done In ail WeatherSovithott: roe,mni to shower or sunshine.l In the etstern elties•ten years expertence has reduced the business to a mien, and full • guarantee 1.11.. be givenl of reridertn4 mutts. Those who mayletuirtt their 1,1114./.1 renovated had totted do so curly to avoid tne r.ll, which we:confidently predict will be the raso about moving time. Orders left at his otnee nt the faintly grocery or T. O. Morgan, 170 Liburtv street, or addressol to P. O. 14 to 173, will meet with prompt attention. 17: pro.* wagon calling for and ' returning when cleaned. / tin price" ere tot fitliow I ',NV. Platting S vents per rant. Ingrain Wad 3 I'ly,. lo " " II russel3 " Velvety. .... . .. 11 " " Wilton and Atstu'lr. Is .Jos•ph Hose. & 1'47 \t ea. 77 sod = Sark*. afteet. Continuo tri other their huniense stock of 'Ariimuing;, hosiery, notions, milli• eery, woolen and fancy goods at greatly reduced rates, in order to make room fur an ostensive spring stock. The entire stock was porcine.' while the eastern markets were sorely depressed by the tinancialpanie which temporar ly threat ened the huskies. Men of that seetion, hot which passed ever and has left .trade Improved, as is evidenced toy the up‘vard tendency of all goods In this line. Al though goods hare materially advanced, this house has determined to keep their priees down soil to alio.' their patrons a (nil share in the advantages they - ol Mined. l'arl les who buy to sell agaie, on Wen OA retail patrons, should pay Jre seph Herrin A Co. a purchasing visit, and ho convinced of the character of bar 'gains prevailing. = A serious See!dent occurred yesten ay at lho Outor,Dopot of the I'enusylvania! which will probably result Inc the death of Ueurgo Rolla colored man,l agrni about tiftyne-von yearn. licit wan ettgagssl la whitewashing the coiling of the machine nlten, for which purpose platform about twenty-tive teld In heigh' Pall been erected, on which ho we, Ptandink. He was' worichig with hta back near one edge of the platform, and taking estop backwards, fell, striking the plotter in his descent. brooking his left leg in 'three places and othorwinO seriously injuring him. The injured man was convoyed to his reoldenco on Logan street, where he was attended lit Dr. Hamilton. He has a family of ni childrim. who are dependant upon hint for support: • . • Larsen,. John Timnionyrunde Information 1 fore Meyer illackmore against Willis Furgason, 'charging him with larceni. TIM property, stolen was a coat. valued it tweed-Ova dollars and a pitlr of gloves at three dollars, belonging to Mr. Die '- imam, and W. stolen on the morning f the Fourth stn et Om from a house in LI e vicinity of the lire. The prosecutor, who is a poliooman, having reason to 1114. Bove the defendant guilty of the then, made the information and procured a search warrant, and repaired to the resi dence. of Ferguson, in the Filth ward, where the, property wan found. The accused wan held fora hearing. Trying .ti. Lam.. On Satunlay afternoon Mr. Davidsob, of the firm of Moir .St Davidson, Wood street, while aittlng In the Itostoffice o.” ivy.] a boy come to the lock boxes n the roatefllce and try the locks of soy oral of them In 1111C11 a snsvicloua man ner as to attract lite attention. Ile world try the key In one box and thou cometto the door to ace if any ono was olaserviinr him. Ile dually ruccceded in !Indio a box that bin key would unlock and nta b. ed away. Mr. D. followed him, can ht him and brought him back to the Po t race, 'whore thekeytt were taken f .pr (rm. False-Pretence.—Mrs. Melntyre mide Information before the Mover, charging Hugh Wllstin with obta i ning boardng to the amount of po under false pre tence, It appears that Wilson nailer false representations succeeded Inn ulna a bill to that amount, and on hatnr day ti th ing Mrs. Mclntyre's alwe or wont to .the house and got .big tr uc k. Ito waa arrested and taken before he Mayor, but settled the matter by pay ng the 1411 and cast'', and was dlacha . .. The Petroleum AmoeLstlon held tl. find ennui banquet of the 3.louontpt el House this afternoon.. •Cluesta are meted from -OA City, Philadelphia other pointy. 1 . I 1 . THE .OIIRTS. r - __ J—......._. ( Called Mate. Ceart—Jodge ECOM46- IN.. MONDAY, Fob. 7.—The case of the United[ Stator vs. Peter Schlegel, indicted for tampering with a witness, taken up. After a Jury had teem imparthelled the counsel for the defense objected to the indictment. 'l,ho District Attorney , tusked and obtained leave to amend. The ~ul s jury Wre edischar I, and the can, NV. oontin ed until th next term of Court. The District At they entered a sots, pros. n the lof R. I'. &. J. Park. Indicted for earrvig on the hunimns of retail !eaters wifla ut license. The rase of Pe . Drynlng,lndicted for mcciv ng beer unsiampod r , and for aid ing hal the removal of the name, woe ' taketthux Thu -.o,ry found a verdict of not guilty, and Dia defendant we din chargid. On Motion of the United Staten Atter ' iney.the libels atiainat ell gallons of whisky, owned liyi Henry Ralsten, the stilln,ete., In the distillery of Charlie+ IfeCl re, and two jundred and tan bar rels.f oil owned by John F. Smith, were ,ilisrelmsed. • , The jurors were discharged from fur ther attendance until Monday next., • . , SP tertetCoart:Ln i Mace Ifamptea., MI ' NDAT, Feb I..—The Court adjourn ed at noon. the Hat for the day turving boon gene throngh with. tia uel McCleall, Jr. vs. Thomas A. Row ey. \'erdlet for the plaintiff for ren 1. Ali Aleut L. Ma ono vs. 'William Culp, .1; C. McCandless and Charles C. Jeremy. Thin wall a suit to recover Lai -11111,0 alleged to be due for the conntroc lion kf the triumpludarch over Pmiusyl vent avenue .oft the occasion Of the Sold ere' Convention In September, IStei. Afte the juty had been sworn, the ewe wan Withdrawn foe . settlement. Jai•vis, Halpin j i ..t. Co., vs. A. F. Chlt toneY. On mot' m or it. it. Roberts, Ilt.q.i rule on pla ntiffn to show cause why attachment issued should . not be ( I . dlinolverl. Item.' —The defendant was not and is not a n 11-resident, within the meshing of the se of Assembly in such a esteemed° and if vided, end a foreign attachment woul not lie. An a ffi davit of Teary Credo wan filed. It mita forth that alliant in well acquaint- . . . ..... nal With A. F. Chntoney and bad been In 1 3 loot three years an alelerk In sal, Chatoney'a establish ment, and as an assistant In repairing employment for the l maphinerY: that , id Chatonoy le ft him on the 31st ult., stating to arrant that he ;M i r re ln i g urn to an NpW ne , Yo v rk or atta nw t i. h; following, providhd he did not go to 110. torti—if he went t Boston It would 'Rar itan!. be Friday dr Saturday following Ware he returned, but that arrant has non seen him and does not know Ids wherealauta: that said Chateney has re- aidti here for e: umber of years, and ke t house and resided with his ; tha. his family *Tagil here and residing at 'No. Gs Float etreet, Pittsburgh, and allaant never !maid of any Intention on Charmer's part to change his residence. AO valiant further averred Unit ho h. no Interest in theapplication. kollowing Is tO. lint for Tuesday: 1. Leopold Einstein vs. Denial 3lat ten. IS4. Same vs. s me et al. 4S.S. Wightma Anderson vs. Alle gheny Valley Raiiroad. John lier Win vs.. &liver& Mc lade et al. John 13. Sr ead vs. J. P. Kahle. • tlO.. Samuel Due re. Samuel Wilson. ;to. E. Y. Denny vs. Butruni, Kehew t al. lin. l'onna. Ina. C. , v, Sheriff, vn. Lock i.e. John Hall : Si. S. B. Clul ew Co, :pai—.Thlodire IMMO. 17.—Nuns 3I Hp Vonji,t. f C(DAY, F ri nrother vs. II 1 • plelntll7.4 ro* • •rrollowing in at 1113. Th.. Stnl 116. t;ood• Siul. e llat for Tuesday h e.. Josenh P. 11:tIg Itothsehilds c Roil IMME 1 M;;1!=EIMI!1;ZI EMI 1511!tEll! OEM IMEII=23 Pin crtot tt uz. 1!1=3 . John Br, et ttz, =l= ITI~IB ruuel 1, 1 .!`J. Miler all .eorgo 1 ft. Fcllz lb lrke vs.. A. Lyou Vellaer et um. vv. Jai trandier vn, C. T. lb MOM AUSlter Jr.Meosienta—ae arnon ..,o1 had not agreed upon a verdict tip he hour of g l djoornntent yesterday riey lava been oat ninre Saturday fore tioon. *moment ibis. Judges Sterritt : nnd . it (ellen were e aged yestordu - illspoillng or the art rent list hi the 'Common Pleaa and tan. Ater Sennionn, arid will be sinillarly e , . Igige..l to-day. moseicsents. OPERA iioLiE.—There was another. large audience list night on the thirteenth prceientation this twason of the georgeous spectacular drama of the Mack Crook, It will rktmaint n the Wards every ovyre. log this week, int no longer. 1.0,111.7.N1A.—The great wizard, Lo grenia, with his marvelous troupe of trained rate, Wd.. and inky, has arrived and will open at Masonic Hall to-night with the first of lain novel entertainments. Ile has received the praise and endorse meat of the press of the principal cities of the onnutry, and no doubt will be wehanned to our city by a large Audi ence. Nasky. as a "Jour."—The editor of the Nouns. Wisconsin) &anise!, inn recent Id} of his paper gives necolleetions of his esperion al with l'etmleunt V. Nimby (Mr. tiavid Locke) as a"Jour Prih ler" in Pittabrirgh, working In the EVe2l ing Chromelr °Mee. There area number of "old printers" hereabouts who have a dintluct recoil ellen of r. Locke and remember hi • an a ..fellow of most !act le our remembrohco ',ticking type" in the of ho upper more of Singe 'back room,) 1111 rd street. Knit out.' of him, when (leo Ptniod, In ly m building, • Notwithstanding the upward tendency of the Now York dry goods market. the onterp;hting I rm of Bate. & Bell, No. 2l rlfth street, centinue to offer great bar gains to their patrons In all goods pecu liar to their Mine of business. Ladies noed not be reminded that ak this este!, lisliment are *opt the noel fashionable 'articles of dress materials, white goods, housekeeping; goods; shawls, Sc., Se., and during the, continuance of low prices all should avail themselves of the opts), tuuity to lay Inn full supply. Surety oft e Peace.—J. S. Johnston, made infornition before Alderman a.s Nfters. ye. terday-; against George Ap • plegato toren .ty of the peace. Thepar ties reside in tfemperancerilltseud some time since a,dlfilculty occurred between ' them when. Applegate struck Johnston with a beer glees and knocked him down, and now itIS to ako his life if he! We did not culty. er Court. Chastisin, Lanhardt, _a to Mr. Kaufman, al Fifth ward. made information before Alderman Tay lor, yesterday,. charging Kaufman with assault and battery. It appears that Lanhardt to h nilschleviona boy, and for Immo of hia [ranks watt chastised by his toaster. A hosting was had in the cane which resulted in the discharmiof tho defendant. Teasperaust Ltcture,.....-Th,,arst of a 4 . aeries •of 1 1111.011 before the Allegheny Temperan. League will be delivered thin (Tu yl evening by the Rev. J. W. Withers on, in the Rev. Dr. Press, ly's church. Diamond. Subject-Row can the attiention and interest of the muses ho 1,6 a secured, no as to promote rl the tem pe lee reform?. • - Lenten Pr tense.-Theinns Potts, a car- Tail-weaver In PILL township, made Infor mation befero Alderman .51' Alnetern, yen terday, charging William French with false pretence. It appears that the de fendant oblnineLl a quantity of carpet from the &executor by lase and fraud ulent repreabutatien. A 'Lurent was Ls sued for ht 4 arrest. ..,—,_.-..._ A Baguio Broken /Up -George Me- Riot mudd, Information before Mayor Blackmer* against Mrs. Ruts °, Henry Bliss, andlathers, residing on Wayne street, chatgiug them 'with keeping a bawdy . bonne. The &mauled were ar 'mated and held for a hearing, „ Catabltmr.—Mayor Drum's Snday, matte a de Bent on a rnat haw, near Main greet, ; and captured a party of `four In number, Inho were and cane awl), • Sunday pollee, on bows) on Allegheny; gamblers, .0 Mod four c Gra;ll. Clot. Lawrememovllle • • , • - • A tne:Ling wne routed at Robin:4oo4 Hall, Lawrenceville, last evening, for the prirvo.3 of 'Ca l ming a llrant Club. Owing ta Homo misunderstanding the Halt wok, not eis,ured, or at least not opened nmtil after eight °Mock, in e‘m seqUetten'of which inJny eiti7enn who had *Alward did slot remain. 'none who remained t u tu) the Halt wan filially opened, • c7gonized by ruing Mr. S. J. Waiurig'at 1.4) the ] Chair, and Mr. S: W. Reynold., to set sei Se^retary t ( In va,cittionro of the la , . tend:wee not . bring a 5 large tt+ l tantr . tett; and not ;to greet ak't would bare 1.... ion 1 ,, the eiremokanne 'Sta el, it was 11.'iliPii, no motion et Mr. J. W. ILddell, to du no other bestows than the . wrlnc•turti .it' a President for thelpron..eit I . lllh. WIP:f 1.1 0- 1 1 / 1 1 Mr. St. JW. tna.ght wrot nominated aud uunnimunsß, eleetol. Tho meeting then adjourned to nl,l. on Tuesday evening nest at the slam place. .' I • Attempted Stillite.—John M..rritt, young titan rest leg in :SicKr..spert, it is stated ritemp+.l to commit sm. hie on Sunday by taking laudanum. It ap pears, I,2wever, that the yenta:3lm. was careful to notify thewith heireardod orhilt intentions, In onfer, we presume, to' have them witness his tragic end. of c4urwe he did not expect that they would be no foolish as to in any way Int;rfere with his designs upon his life. Tho cause Int the unhappy affair, we loom. was MU interfercn, era yontt„•• lady's parvnts iu la love aittir to which the young man was a party. An ralitm Rettred.—A. W. Campbell, F.'sq., the Madingletlitor, during the past twelve years, of into Wheeling I.olli grocer,lvs nispo.tsl of his interest in I that entorprisingliournal and retired to private 111,, at least fora season. Messrs: Frew, llagans Hall,' the remaining partners,sv hereafter conduct the paper. bEe. tlamchell carries with him into pri vate life ear beetiwishes. We have ever regarded 'urn as Mater the ablest editors . and hard•rd workers of West. Virginia, one who added Much to the profession with whi^.ll he is! recognized. Circulars Stelen.—Jame! Dorly, Wil liam Lewis, Jani. lioolar. Johrt Fitz gerald and .rehnilir.ickly, were charged before Mayor Dlacicumre, on oath of Dr. S. Marc.. with the larceny of circulars nr hmldbillr, valued at lifty dollars. - They were arrested anti held for a hearing. Pay Up Your flut er; ht the Still, vissisl, is after dal influent ax Ravers with a sharp stick. and those n that district in arrears will do well to lay up at once, and thus save thorn .lves trcelble n d COM.. : lieShaiTrey, Daniel Me- Shat Trey angl' Dabiel Ellertou were ar rested by n:Tieer pyrno in the Firth ward, on a challo of ~ Kireet looting, Sunday. and this morning they were fined and vests .• Wheeler k % . i , 'llson's Improved Lock Stitch Sewing machine—The simplest and hauL The only machine using Crys tal el.,th . ?resser with Its attachments. Sales roars No. i 7 I , lrth street. SIEW. Math of an 9ld Dlerc4itt.—Mr. Singh SteShane.lan eld and respteted retired filervlmotcf this:eity, departed this I i re on Sunday night last. 510.5t.r Ja• saiee i_ p7r.4rw liTNUI(fIEfI!IUI Mr. 7. YE. Hatchings, the pioneer, more generally known to the community of late yenta throegh the association of his name with the great Yoseniiee Val. ley, where he now resides, is at present on a visit to San Francisco. He tells as that on his visitito the "Nevada Fall," he, with *companion from this city, at , . evaded to 'he summit of the "Cap of Liberty" 'eat, to the north of the tall, and there, gro7ing in the fissure of the Pock, away up pada- the very clouds, founds. 'subpar arts:,, the trunk of which measured ten feet two inches in diame ter. When. weiremember that the juni per is, in most countries, a very slow grower, sad at tho best a mere bush, hardly mimic thei dignity of a tree at all, the statement of the immense size . of thls ors appear& almost incredible, and soma Stave I beau inclined to doubt ~.. .. . .. the exactness of the measurement. Those Nebo new acquainted with Mr. hlutchiogs will not, however, doubt the correctness e l ., of his stattme t for a moment, and we are inclinei to ink that the age, of the tree - is L liie.y to be very moth less than thos esainted wilh the slow growth of the thee in other lands would unturally estimate it. On the e'evated plain lying strutuul the base of the great mountnin aheins of ,centrul Xrizona may be seen threste of the iuniper . ce. dot extendlogl to the limit of vision. The trees in thrso forests are scattered like apple tte6 in a New York' apple orchard, gad ore never of great bight, but the trunks ire often of considerable size. We have seen thousands which would meramo tram ono to five feet in -diameter, and would yield several cords of beautiful wood. They sr; however, almost valzeleas for timinr, as the trunk Is invariably but a few feet in length— several large Ilimbs of minor trunks branching out as from five to ten feet from the earth, the top limbs spreading out over a space entirely dispreportior— ate to the bight of the trees.' This coun. try is thickly dotted - with the ruins of Aktee or Tol•ec cities and fortifications, . . In some cf trittch timbers exposed to the swims and blazing sun of that try ing climate are yet to be been in a good. .state of preservation, showing . that the builders meat have dissppearai at aeorn• paratively recent date. Juniper. trees Of il:1101COUI iize are found on these rotas in scant places, allowing that in that climate at least the tree is df more rapid growth then is generally supposed! Nevertheless,lthe Yosemite juniper is a remarkabie :zee, sod worth' the atten tion of the azicutinc. • A Brohen-Dowla Old fl M====it bps wife, art/ the days of mourning being ended, that Jonathan because al dc him self, and be nailed his sons and daugh tern unto Olin, and spoke there wortla unto them, •Ilteliolti thy mother Is dead; bury me also with her, for my life is burdened -ay, distress and by reason of great angesh," and tie placed his hand upon and Erased thews. And it tame to pass that when his children heard theso words, that they werenere, and sold one to another, IWnat shall we dor And ' the oldest snake these words smto.thom: "Deltoid. them Is a man in the great city of New. York who healeth all manner of pain In a mOnaent ; and behold, we will talrtrour tallier thither:" and when they beard thins I words they brought forth bags of gol'l silver and precious stone. as a present; to the Doctor in the great. city! And 'John. %puke yet again and haid: "Ileirsid, the great Doctor will take no gold, silver or precious stones, but re rueveth alt rain without coat for rich or pdor." And they saddled their beasts arld took the old man and Journeyed many days., and cause to the groat city of New York hod they lifted the old man and carried him tenderly' unto Dr. Wol cott, in Chatham Square, N 0.1170. And the Doctor 'leaked upon their father, and saw that he,424 very sick and nigh unto death. And the Doctor led him lute a private root:. and commanded that his garments tils all taken off. .And it came to pass, alter he was stripped, that the I Doctor toor. a liquid called Pain Paint, and puts brush into it.and painted Ilan and behold, while the Mutter with yet painting: Pao old man recovered and stood up, ,F.ed Immediately walked as beforetimoS. And the children gathered together and emnraced bins with great ley. They r‘b. tilled their bawl with hot. I ties; of PaimPaint, and took their depart ure wills music and gladness, and Alley told lisle people as they Journeyed. And the people marvelled greatly; but when they es se tics bottles of l'am Paint which they lad bought, they elfemd money, and bought also for their own sick toll. And certain Men galled druggists Rent to the great i . 1:7 and bought muds Pain Paint io which removed all Falun of any nature:and thee houghtolso, much Instant l'alu Annihilator, fur Catarrh in the liebolu, It in 110 W sold every where for '2,la, t? 1 and and has 007 whito . lrrappprs on the net brown Avrappers. Teced free of rest. at Cr.= Arch street - , Philadelphia, In LIM Drug Store. '— - - MEM —At a bat given recently nt the Hotel de Ville, In Paris, 700 white and roue camellia trre wore employed to deco rate the Apr.:Limas, which trees were Bout from the' city gardens, There are now 2,ooo4l4itnelin plants in the Ca mel la bones of these gardens, which cover a nuperncles of about 4:1,0001 square yards, whits awe being found Wendt mat for the nopply requires', under ground hrievat are being constructed, the excavations for that purpose ex tending n'car 344000 equitre yards of grettrid. rour head , gardeners super. I intend rest flower mannflictoiy, i ( fl / s CITY ITEMS Tae Arabian isseter—llCard. - ..j • . N/FR.SR.i. EDITORS GAZETTE% IHi 11. noticed an article in yourSonrnal, a:though likely to cause my title arutlan-: acnese considerable notorleiy, 6 till of ouch a chanteter as would be like 6•• to prove prejudicial to my hcretoforel , ood 'name, and to my pr.:sent large practl4, I u reply, I would resphtfully ray thatlin:dq nut claim Arabian birth, neithein I Lave any tricks or trap', and I frt.efth. vu.. all w It. may have Interested C. 0 1 .1- ••••IVOI by restonlay's article to calM and see my bt t.t Au ret.arda the itnpittatiOnaagalm, key Pnandu,riral nsaminer. I would .tat' that I ill bawl: hint agslasi ally or all of the per,in.t claiming any wpm's' ~kill in r.:11; ology in the counlyeEellle gitl..v • _ , of pi - IF:Lice t on•einstllv, that lathe sclonh. of coring MS firlSolsjoll by the Arabs. flup- Inn that yolk nod - the parties wlio in formed you Or and about toe, when:4galrt crlllei•duz my tleinzt.t, will at leartraver me with A rasa. lam yours, eat.„ It • -Tu.: AItAItIAN 1 . 111,41 , 1A1, N.,....1 , ....1,11 , krtv stk . kt. 1140IllegajTItes and to. Federal ntreat, 41.11eArny, At Pe Dark Prints. . At 11: . ie (-0 0 d Print. At 10e DArk Glnghams At L:ic Figured Dclaines. ; At 12.fe Yard Vale A1.:121t; Yard Wide Bleached Skirting : • At l.yc lientuckvJeans: At '2.le Yard Wide Feather Tiekik. s. - At :kk, Black and Colored llrocqo Al P4C11.4. At 14e 175 dozzn Rod Bordortd'lnen Towel!, • • At $l,OO Ali Wool Table Covers,' • Cotton and'Lluen 'Fable Diaper. , ,; Furniture Check. A very lari, , C stock wholesale andletail Wm. Semple's eet, Allegheny. ;• , Bridal Presents .— The bead. seleeiron of .lid silver and silver plated ware;loilet nd tea table art.cles, fine .Jov.blry; par an wares, marble, bronze and :" rasa end:Lure elnaks, and an hundred' tber rueleasui table for wedding gifts eitn be - .moored at cage reasonable .... pria,. at ho well known jewelry establla ''.. ent .f Belneman, Meyran t &Idle, 'o: ao , ifth street. The firm purpose .f . king potoeasion of their newstore a few. honer., and in the meanwhile . 076 porior bargains to their patrons. Reader. are reminded that no here lee In either city are offered hatilr theements for their patronage than at he wellconducted andi popular Abele ale and retail grocery-and ptialuee cause of 3lessrs Mcßride A: Georg No. GI Federal street, Allegheny. r t rhey arry a large, fresh stock , and to (Loth holesele and retail. patrons offs gory - operior bargains. Favor this lhOuse •Ith a visit and bo convliteed. At Lioltahelmer's famous resist rant, Fifth streM, nest door to the Pose Noe. will alwayu be found the rarest g oof the Beason. together with ttto anbattaatials of life. No where else can a bottorgereak ra4t, dinner , supper or luncheon !ob tained at a more reastpuble price. Par ties are supplied withtsuppera in th ,l! eimry best style and at prices which will.lcom mend them to the, economical. ' At W; W. Allookiead's, No. 81 arkBt street, has Just been remixed and:open ed • a lino selection of corseted hoop skirts, kid gloves, lace and Ilnerpa, kerchiefs, rich point laces,Valencisl, Mal tese, thread and guipure laces, edgings, insertings, ribbons, sashes andi'Ailin ming, Ladles will find in this seiection everything new; novel and fashianable, and at prices very reasonable. - I • Dry Goods at VI holcsale.—Wo. o of f,rinz full linos of bit:lmbed andAlrown Maslins, Prints; Ticks. Ginglianta, and other staple goods. making the ...I.hrgest stock to the West at Esatern pri* J. W. Itasksa &Coq No. 5.9 Market si eat. • Vacant Lot at Auction.—That, nt, 46 by 100, corner of North Can - • and Cherry streets, Fourth ward, Allegheny, will be sold to-tnorrow, (WedneiAity) at three o'clock. Being On the Western 12 1 l'etunqlvania Ra ti. ilroad, it la well opted ri for a'coal yard or monufhetnn • put pD4eii. A:Leggate, Auctioneer. Try . the rich aromatic coffee nal' procured at the old established of Joseph A. Robinson, "So. nt street. Those who canl apprec:a pore, fresh coffee should not tax ' before acting on the suggestion. 111 Try a Aeal nt Holtzheimer's co*! tal Saloon, Fifth street, next doe: Postofnee. Game, oyaters and done:lelea of the season served if Amittest notice. Prices very Boots Stiocs and Gaiters—Of o Tory 11{04 style. can always be lauTjht Mr.'s, - 88 Market etre:et Ho itbeps a plendhl stock always:on band acid *Kara t the Wriest prices. Country Merchrints replenishin stock will find us in El:contra condition to sup ply their • wants st toss thentstera J. W. BAnnun Co. • foots, Shoes and Gaiters—Ora, Tory. latest style, can always be bantat Mr. liebb'e, S 9 Market stroeL He keeps a splendhlatock always on hand taid sells at the lowest prices. - Buy tour Teas at Joseph tobin son's, No. 20 Fifth 6troet. Ttl you sill tind very fine assortmen of the rarest and choicest importations "; t most remonablo‘pnces. T. eolrees, sugars, aplees;hattnees, eannediruita and table oondininbta can be purchased at Joseph -14Robiu eon's, No. 20 Fifth etreet4' . . , rohas your apleee at'Joepli.... Rob old tea mart, No.: 20 Fl elroeL None but the best quality and p4oat are otten3d for male. Party Suppers gotten up In the lAset style at very reasonable ratan lay,Helahelmer, Fifth street next door to the Y. t office. Howes Ind Lots at Auction_ tion sales on second page. A. Auctioneer. An Immense stock of Printa v ! Sheet ing, and other Staple Goods, atless than eastern prices, at Barker's Vonstftsdlon Water is a. co ; n ea or Diabotie and nil diseasat:or4he kid oya For, ale by all druggista4t,trwr. Table Linens, slightly d maws at Barker's. - Red gutlts in grenLvariely,VM choaP BArker' e. • .?• llousrkeeping Good; very 4ieap, a Barker's. ' ' Linen 'Toweb, at Barkers. Real Huck' • • DIED: . IlUallM, ANE l — lEapded7 Y yeab. e, 14 ' nh, WS Fusexal from Pi co, :110 Second Metal - flan Wan %steal., Wellman Ilsth, seta .'clog.' Poke= Handle= Illgh Maas aklel.l . 4111 . 11CatnAdral..1a . torment aa Pt- lariat Cemetery. Tlandelends or the tatallp boo Invited to attend. , , 7 - 2 ' DEAN. a ld.-111 Pali FraPcleeo. Cal., lIIELPJAIIiPI DEAN. of lloatetlar. smith 2 leaul.,;: a"THE RINK. AN ; OI . ItEIT:GALA WEEIN ENGAGEMENT • P%, OT THE ELEGANT SKATER AND POrOLLIC/A7c*Rl'rE, • : , CALLIS CURTIS. • URA (D ALSQUERADW Uti TnualoAr WREX TILE TRAINR/i ZLRriLINT oILLNNIRAL” WILL RitIIBIT p 5 TREly . r. I • CAI LLR CURTIS . In tho elde-splitting Isrtl THE NOVICE" v„'• • ;'4 MEM . PLOT WES vrarvisEVta nut. PAIIIII3.—AI I Me ;SIM rent ask ,a.oftletbes 'Wrt.r ftrirod..l the new. pas *a., la! . ( 41 4.111 NIKU4ril. wEEKT:i a_AZEI7I TWO tDcrioNs. IFKOHDADAI AID tiATOILDAY. A Imre ateet, aoalabitegOrrAT Abb. RIANIS of laMtaatlat reading Matted, tuoludtbe lea4lag ltdltort lig: latest New. trylniegrertn Nil. ' , Ottani. Reading Matter tbr tbe 'and tnltest and most rellablantraaelal and Roue mortal Market Reports pliers by lay payer pl ale 00. No lamer, blesthaull or.Notobstr about,' be weittout IL SUM. TOY. tat wuILS 0.21121 me. Subscriber Crabs of Niro. ..... ...... --Crabs of Telt. ... .... —Aid oat wspy of paper to the parson setting up th e do, Additions to elutes lea be south any time, ai einb Men York. X 26 SaarKMINICEIL —La erdesilg yns: paper, be rare tad •partly .kat edition ycn want, as we Lune a Wednestar edition for sot. scribers !unfair bat one mitt a watt. Jar Mousy by Draft, Mbprebs. Mosul Qbecy. or In Registered Letters, may be soot at our risla Radian. . • LnAZSTVIC. PrrIsBUI3OII. i j ,i i 1 - , s ALES. Alai EN, IU.S D AREA No. 114 roorw Stmet... Flitabnigh. ti. COF FI NS. of 01 Mae:CRAP - KS, (LOWCS.... every desoltnlon of ratan! Front OLI ett. Oor to ratsbed. Rooms open day uLd Me.. i • and Carriages 142TRIIINCi$—Rev, 1%0.1 lien, D.,R 4.. Y. N. JakoLos, 11. L., Ilkdatu Friss, Scot 4.'01 , 11. Nlll' 11332 .----•-- (111 Alt LVIS R PEE AK!, LIVF.H.Y STARVES, corner of E.audawly street Lad Chufet 11,11110, Alleghe— ny. City. whe. their :00111 ',raon. "sant; +nprlte.l with rt.., twitatlon '.Nlab ,, esty and 11 - 'Ol.l balms, at rrOes varying front ji to (La Itodles prepared far In terment. Ifiaraes eirtlages foralshed; ali Made of Moarniug Conk,' If required. UtSee open *fall boar, day sod sane. ROBERTI'. ItuDNET. 11/ad6rs. AAAAA •Sn nstualaster. No, 45 Uhl* St.,. Alleybetty. and Nu. 50 • Plattond .?•taare, Jam Wtlsoo s nroa.a keeps always on band the best Netit. Hosea eto4. Walnut and Imitation sa•euod Cents. Walcut .Cunr,s (rem tZ3 Conn. Ste) uPwatai: el.tLct etlaki/ 2,1 troportlort. Carriages sue Ilearae at lit rates. Crape, Cloves, Plata wad vnu..m.lurelahed pads. Ones open day ..t,l pfliVe6liD •fZARNIE42,EiIf, usirrAzxs. • olles , s itt4 Ohio sov,u, allenbeays liatallie..Rosavorod and Othor OA. an:, with sewn Pieta !tooter funeral Farnialting Goods. on Land and tarnished at untrtest nottoN at lowest priors. Hale aad LtrafT Stahl... 2 e nor of /first and ?Middle Etroets. Carriascs ‘ itaronehra lIURFtrI, itaddlo horses, Sc., to.. for hire. ' WANTS. WA 7S TE 11—A GENTS.—Now ear; for Cartrlreen; tiTIIE 1113Tp1IT or THE 117:SWEEN TILE SSATFA : 1. Colors, Chnineter. Con Wel and. lleaulth' Er Hon. At. en:torn 11. Srrittntrt. lend for (le en..., netb terms and n full dererthtlon of thn A.ldrese.• NATILINAL rehmettiNci nom.. CUrPhihnlelphlo. lb. WANT rIIAiIEiEVPI. for TUE 111..PE.COATEl, and bow .they Fought and Itle.l for the Union. with teeny. 304 Incidents In the tireat Rebellion. It rentals._ over 100 fine Eogracings .04 0 0 Pages. and 10 M.° spiciest and cheapest war bOok s lintillahrd. Price. only 32.10 Perron). The publln are eon. tinned against Inferior works with a - title. Nee tiatt the book yen buy contain* over 100 engravings and (00 pages. Pend for Circu lars. A. 44 ree s 401i1:4 BIIOIIIE ES P. 1.0.. Pitll - Pa. " 4.k P FOR RENT • T O L'C'TTsvo Wore Dogma new buildings on (thlo 'avenge, near it dwell street. Allegheny, with dwellings over each. with water, bath room any gm. Locality 1. 0 4 for dry goods, grocery °rectal] shoe store. Alto la name buildlags, tear room, suitable for nwall family. Apply at office or FRAZIER BROS., Uhlo avenue and Sedgwiek street, Allegheny., POR D 49 INtiS IN EAST I lIIEETT.—Two gond somootooom style residences. on ITlts•.l aye • nue, containing eleven ruoms fact. surrounded by ample grounds, Laving line Insesdemised road, Irlib plank walk from rallroml nation. On tile simuntsei are S goo i stable, abundance of slater; . sad tbe alteellon la. 'altogether. 'pictu resque sod coneeni nt. rosSessten glee , tint of April next. Apply to LOCKHART, FREIE A. CO.. TaTTood street. • FOR RENT —COIINTRY BERL - DENCE.—A two-story Prime House or a roosts, with porches and paean. sprigs or water, cistern. want buns, Ice house. carriage house, stone spring house, wood house and sta. I,le, all in good untie, with are acres or cholAt land. well set In tre . geted fruits. gropes, de. (in the line °I the Pinstmegh. Ton Winne di Clll-' ego lintway. =t m 1 es from the city. ben Logan Station—it beings bruntilhi and healthy location on the (Ado river. within one hour's ride ante clty, , te rent, with immedint possession. Yet+ low. t Enquire of O. 17. Tv W EE. No. 104 rourth “reel, Pittsburgh. -- - FOR REST—A. Frame Dwell o ti. toren rooma'on first and three on tee. and Boor. •lso, a TENANTIIIOILiE, of two an, alt la good sobstantlat,orther. Stabling d ca rriage bons, Mx acres Br ground. nearly alt planted In eholce froltrisraehr, aPPier, cherries, grapes. to. Bltuatti ea the lifil Immo. dtately alnive the Outer Depot, in PM township. Enquire of]Milli WATT, re Penn street; or of WATT A. WILSON, Liberty street. TO LET—A. g dod Fthlllo.llWelt. ING, -containing acren rooms, with two shies of land avid stable, well sot with fruit trees. and In • good stateuf cultivation. attn.,' on Beaver sireet. In the Borough of StiwtekleY and within doe minus" welt of the Station. Possession at, en Immediately, If devised. For terms, de.. Inquire of WM. BANKIN, on the nteintses. to be mart Filth good, tong poR R E N T—OFF/CE'; AND BOOMS In dm new building erected ty tn. Heycronn Enc Logs Bonk, = LIBEILTIISSUEET, corner of I/ arrlson alloy. In medleto • srerrlon ,Irect. Tor terms. A e.. apply ss TH o BANK. llama , to tho 1 the Int the noble. FOR SALE. FOR BALE—OOTROKEV.—They • balance of these desirable Lots are ton - of. fared nt private sale. and any on • desirous • f doe hot ding sites would do wsll to make ri selection. Tile rlllaire to lotated as it'• eon t trot and healthy spot. two and a.balf from littariiisiatirg. on the Western reun.ylvan la Railroad. Which rims through It. soaking It nalleb more valuable and agreeable. Erteu.lre preporati,. are makirg tor kreeslng a number of nue houses. • which sal prove an ornament to the town. • the reinaluder of these lots will be sold at verS re , zsonatas rates and on ierms exceed:slaty es...v. ziLLIBIIL7TVIIILY, Res. - Estate and lout. aura Agenti, Lawrenceville. ' FOR SALE.--Bonsa and Lot oa corner of)tanhattan ana AAsms stmts. sear 'Passenger Hallway. Lot 44 by MI. hone frame, cont/Intel; 7 room and goon hall. well Improved. flown, and Lot onnhelbeld, naa DI dwell street, Allegheny Clty. Lot bY II feet; booms frame. eontelnr belt, An rooms sad goon cellar; water's:A gas. Also, seven! wean Hoes. and Lots In good locatlon, inonlns of J, BC& r CO., Sesser 'street, near Chesnea, Itsaehester. FOR. PULE—FINE DWELLING IN SEWICKLEY.—A 11 , brirli built to the most anbataothel rommer, with cow:, Plate arranger:cots for' steal but add cold water; ash alto, tot air. dais, de. gretooe to Ore . term, or around.' Very ..Va. ValleyBtar tloo. JOHN V 7.1.1% Jr.. Seleacklerrllle P. O. FOR 84LE-4 very desi'able threeatory BRICK IMMO:. nearlyamr; premed brick front. marble mantles: has and water, throughout: house contain. wren rooms and dulsked garret, No. 94 ELUL BIRK V.T. near Will4o4l.lth ward. romeasion train April Mt, Lanni at tan house. I • el nue • ggato, TOR PALE--111.011SE8 .—AT': HOWARD'S LDers sad WA IDAWA, sa6 trieRAXILY HOWDIAllang thiea u A pr t,r; GELD HORSES, WA LAMM DRAUGHT 'tomtit theca uLAcic • summit two GRIM MARES. mar 1 TR6RI, OUT tha Xocoass.. bola noise. • = Gralnt VOR rEIALLE-15 a CA.11.111 I AGE, saltabit tenon., ar:two bones; one TWO BORIS WAGON, stet a doable se of HAR NESS, nearly new. Madeira et the rr—VITEN TWIT. ' H . E.lmt G. aux., Merchant Cow. Pena? anC4i.. Clair zilre I CI PITTSBURGH, PA M i 1 11. 8. 'WATCH IS %LUMP ♦ rzurECT ==1:::: DIINETHATII 6E HMl'arm, ==! GIEC4T INDUCEMENTS. • T 0 .111098 WANTlNUCi.tvnilla: • We now offer our .took of 9ABMOZabI. VraZTENOS. -` OVNICONPIXEM . slnd , "in be Inadlrt4 or.le , thiaatelt fully 113 PER 0/CIT. LIM TtIk.V.O7.I7.RED T 7113 8E.6.30.N. Call and ny.andna Wit 5.4 H.METBiNertftot Tailor, vs. sa Irr.• ""?." ° P:ECTACLESO ar..O2InUSIDS. AT DUI • , nrnilpriuum I 1 MEM