The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 17, 1868, Image 4

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III:1'Y AND SIFB1:11311,11i.
k (ranee litstes Coart.-41sidiss
SATIZEDAT:Treb: eilentio2l
Court-was occupied daring the atia
siTilo-dsy, in bearing and disposing of
ewes hi bankruptcy..
_Richard Fitzgerald. a•Voltmtary peti
-Itallor- roe hdlallicallon •
In bankrutnev,
t was grantei a final discharge and award
eatricertlilenta to that affect.
Petitions -tor final discharge wore also
prettentes from Latvia Rome, dlhert L
Poet and George M. Griswold, of Lozerne
county... Court ordsred the final heaudng
; ale Tomei relbbeJabele te be Made
4- and notices of mreti or mailed. '
10-am f ue of loofah Stevensonos.; li
G. "L=acier, an involuntary bankrupt,
I the Court granted leaver to pettUnner and
credhor to diacontiatue .proceedinga
payment orcoals.
The i .,- 1 -4r9ttions - credltors. petition
is the Gordon. IleMfilea Covs. Waugh 27. Saterfield, involuntary
bank:ulna, were overruled without pre.
• Judie* and alum- teal awarded.
thw twee of Webster- A. "Stepileose,
voluntary petitioner, Naive, was granted
to amend his schedule.
Vellni—Jogs .IramptoM7 -
I S.trcattalr, Feb 15, —1n, the case of
MODMiaid, _Putter • Co. ea.- Hoore - dr I
Chem - bema, - beam i
was rendered Infayorolgalutlfrator ,
The following order-Foral.Mado:. And now to wit; *Feb. - 13, 1 8 / 1 3,1 It ord resl
1 . tato list be
.mage oat lay ! the
Prothtion'Lty, to he taken tip oo the see-
,• ond Meaday of March stout, .or as soon
therea'Of surthepresen chid! be dla
pored of, to cottrut of al muses at issue
now on the Maim &tette or such others
on shall be placed thee before'. the
2 Olt faecal: which (line the ma Sat is
to be - made 00E- Per OttriaM.
, POUOllirg lathe Mit f Wader:
ni, 39 0,;11.. J0h0 K. aannan et Si. Ts. John
rt at al;
100. Thos. Femur Saroief fc
• ilu . Hannah J. Little re. " Jaren:44
• Hitson.
110. J. A. Hemphill tot Oeo. Mandort
117. 'Ohl] Carrier et aLva. Sam'lSeely.
bas ! • 111. Caleb Modem,. Jr., ve. C. W. Ho
/ - 121. Henry._ S. Bantu no.':Ethrard
- •
• S omaien Pleas—,7adire IStawe.
SATuluily.. Feb..lo.—John H. Sorg
IlmestFtokrkiiste, 'ThelurY retuned
a verdiot teethe defaudasit.
doluit Deobart vs..tazzio Denhart.
titina for divnrce_, - •
I .llsalicthMiller va.Cyrua ]fiber. Po-
Ititian tot Warms. _
Following 11 the trial lint Air Monday:
(Done) MOGhlida fadward MCGlnnia. •
10: A. glue? et.: al. re: acme.
(Dec.) ESA
.and Straln,ta.. G.' w; Ditbridge.
Jo7;:Nenz.and Eleietterubthisiva; "ohm
dr et. rd. •
IQl.^t3ame.vs : earner
109. D. Murphy et. ay. va. Michael Say
-114..T4c0b Marx TM. Jacob Ebel& -
... 110. Good &Rollachilds vit. Roder
I it Saul.
• ll 7.• .1. G. Darla va. 0. - e. amid .
149: Robert Hare ss Blgdon & Me
' 1119,. A. Evans as. 'Joseph Bruning..
1.4i-r"Senul.,.irinilriewk-. •
SsTpansr, Feb. I . s.—The .fi:Shps , U,g
sentences werencolat:,nse .. •
Andrew Kimling, convicted of melting
Mims; eras tint piled' Gotha Tuetsch,
the 'prosecutor, aliened - thit the defend
ant, who keeps a 'chop" in 'the - lower
part of the borough of Ideltrt, had
mid spirituous liquors on the „ . Sabbath
thus obit icor-the- art Of -He
wassentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollar:
and .41iff,metta, ..and .to undergo fifteen
dims imprisonment In tbe-courrryjall. -
John.Apple,oonvieted et assault end
battery on oath of the- same prosecutor,
was next called. The parties are broth
es-in-law; - and the difficulty- ocrt
which the snit grew-occurred In'Normal
be Lo in South Phtsburgh: pipe.-
ing stence tho Court_remarited thit
althOllghlßlkWardi would Jubtify
=ult. Edit! the provocsilen siren .defeod
ant "was-great...--ile wait sentenced to poi
ii fine of tweritv-fivs dollars and coati;
W. J. Robinion, who plead . tralltylo
charm* of aossult and battery, preferred
by Flunk Titterer; aim a ehirge ofaimarill
and liattrey preferred br Roger Olden,
and who way charged • ith making
threats of vithisco to officer Eagan, AV',
ilfatpljleajCithe her., On tha .fing„
die#ient havramerotencedromay *TAM,
'WAR - Clay-QV° doilara and the coma of
provectrtlon, aurae second aline of. teU
unit MIMI, and to give all in the
ens nt" three hundred dollars for hi.
weal -.behavior forme yeae.--iftobliterdi
Ic Captaiti' ot.tholgeptune
Engine Compaoy.
General F. asked the Court
to allow ball to be. entered Sartheap peter
=wear RobortStemert, confined In jail
.en a charm of embezzleEdemt, - pref 67.4
_ bit- dm Adams Express Company of ti.;{.
cite. Thedefentlant, prior to his &error,
1.. we:via - 11rd "empioy of the Onnaiway
driver, and while delivering good,'
througeont !be dry' Id Is alleged appro
ir plated :boa th ree hundred dna= u:
the plated
received to his own mice, /4.
4 was brought Court:cid reliised
The, Scullin-Hughes arsoa case ass
No ventlet had beem render
ed as - won: and the 10011,rt adjourned 1111
two o'clock. _At that boar thejary
bad _not: agreed. and there nae a font.,
adjouram.ent At li sik o'clock. 'Uncut re
toserabliEg'it-was- made known that to;
verdic.t had yet bean rewthect, sad atom
conenitOtlon It ass- determined .to ad
journ 1 111ltituday nsiaruing, by whici3
time the jary will have concerto a atault
mous matchiesk in required.:
et.mittemoittat r A.:Taman . jaik... ' SA.I
W. MOS em Der Ataanewria-ateerm,
Paused by Nier BRltil6l Mb.. atop'.
Clertanw.itt , -111 a' rt. Of thedlipswilosO•
•, ea -a, irieeea itettvilla-at immusek.
I' I • Vr r rilellithe following tremor local in
rarest froth the coin-tune of thatitichmati
. Within the pest few months a :voting
r - married woman who beam the na meof
CoriePouvons, come to thit - city, - aorent
• paniedbr her brother.ilictra Ptumbrtt
thihititti ha better bat; emsdttioa gh.
. a abort time pumices to her departure
1 ahe had-been living WWI her hulhaud
in thlit'etty. 'who, In tionsegifenne of lho
eirtert!ic7 u fpc. time; booms Am
1, reduced-an circumstances that, be
only acted 64 Wife. pat, as -the 'W-
I- ieguiM g e l „ conduct.wroW- a n. linitattanti
• 4 " - enlet :eh& resoto . eve ,
I • and -Alit - . so les _ -the - arrifbi
I t hero, ;knelt asloroa in •
home. on the earner of Fourth
r . end Smith streeta, baring meals
sent-to Diem, where they.remained dm
r idled until Monday larat. -Despairing 0r
.1 ebtelinek any employmens . =wort
t the Omer grew - Very - deepen. - Jent
and silent when In the pre once of ber 1
.iirother, and from her manna, feerml
sc 6b gem w e- la O e r=ri a tt i j ert, n . c a ' n ci ttM e g " l.:
, his rooms .-a rout the dinner hour, i.e
found his enaptc.tmoreattsec4 his . sister'
was gone, and frost the eyidences left
F. behind her win sawed that she did not
.1 • Mean to return. Etooo that . time be lies
lain seamidngthe city, but eeela firw
no traceof her whereabouts tnattiyeaterr
day. Fearing the worst, he, pald - a visit
to. the Chief of Police, an and, commturica
. - to- him - his 'euspitzteak. Chief
ideGnme .lutteediately put .-- Deice
time- B InMens Mid upon
the traelr," who. did' nor - Jogai
- 100
benne they -forted r.,,ertunateg
WOMAN- at, It gi-farne.
N 0,..; Ifs/ Elm.attree , ‘'whaia . as prelud
ed over by Bete Wl' ed-ne room
ia earn , what familiarity the Court miler.-
der. Dna brother,whabad acevmpanlrd
tbe oftioers„ pleaded with her and then
remouutrated strainistrematning la With
- • a place end loading - knelt a 'despicable
life;.des-adult - .that- he -would have the
she7-roptied to; Alai- alas
with .whx.h. acquainted
bad driven bar to such a ;renew of
lite, and 'sho r t:lad resolved to parson
it, and --if disturbed in' that, place
the waledteak *erne rither:' - Her broth
er thettaignided the *Moen to take her.
in custody; and together the ' ierty went
to the offica or the Chief of. Police. An
abet:apt-Wes rentd•hy the Mayor and the
eiderto ertvgade hes from tbe lifeshabad
rht.tettir Natal' thilr pertmaeion,.in -Winch
they pkirtred the life of a prostitute lo
all its,horrona, Mgether with the teens
and - entreaties of leer brother, could not
make taw mem; &be bad amens thrlife
of rotiterwri,;Amine-it abewonW„
friends, of no friancts,,- brother -or 110
btother, - IMtl there wee no- ciarke
pluceiragnirtist sbe was allowed'io go
. _
Arimm cisequic;itrwy...maawlir.
On -- Wenneeday - 'Mrs. Cathatino
Jlcßtein . .
ate-beadles hansniti
Lairreneevillo, made an information be - -
fora alderataa ohaimcg
Thomas Dinsmore with false mstenees,
allettletitud the delendant r w-ho was an
• employe or theallegneny Valley,Rail
road -4 A s ialians..... , olred her, a boar , / 11
amain:llMo to so; is payment.uf
he Maio hor a due, Mil, representing at
tho saute time thidtharaWas Money dua
the ethos of tta,liallroad
puny- - Shortly - .Moe the , ninsaction
-xnentfintedethirms sent one ei
bea-boatelens, 'with-4bl dee bill, to_the
- raitroaodloes„ whale-it timed
Doestruirs' olr and dia
. dram& son* lisjorage,, , ,std. , th a t, no
moue, was ianntagtobilst, Thedefend,
ant wairiirreitted and eionlmftted for trial
'_i{ & .-4[ ,11
:l.7:o"n_atud popular suctioasers-at &.•
-7-a - ,7,72f0h strew, soI4 Ing - snanui,
~F - i tivii,;.4ol7: Brick-House. X o.ZOS *tan
• aireeo , -*74hre , arrai , df ua tho' grea dig_;
P. l7934tiletateiVkatimak
4'2% I
118 Wood St., pear oczner of fifth.
Government *tee uril ies
-4101 d;
.‘ 441: Ltd 4,4 Tarr,
aZI :to prl.lmielt:ka or
lONVERSION _Of 7-30's
pp, p*re. so c 7 nye,: %be i 3CO
TL1121.1/ StEIZIor
New 1807 5-20 to;t1 Cosiunl'oJeLF:
Dealers in Goverment 13ectriitie3
Center Frosurgb . 4lt Wood
rita•Aagop,':& - iir;
I . tll , 7lCs OCT= rans•Catta trt•L‘kba,
. --. • • :. • . 11 Anessrir. Feratnezi 111, UPI' i -
—le Ia Sealed Le eachectlau erlth a d.rattt,
for United ettedei Ttre 'Tien:dies of lePtd or
rerelan neoraunt a in ne-P at
lnw Yotkedket.tlm
neva bonds of the s t ettee et ISA br, sochattag
ha the market !kid this ••eirenetateran. tabothet
elZft ' others, Teed to' the belief the! Mr. via
Craleen lo &gala Teitartlak fd the stars; Les.
of government eecatitate thrOckh lone loch,
OP stria Ito .Peat Napa.. L•'
, -
wllreao Motet Ltkle I et. ' , MY Otecitoulti.
They axe regarded oat only ea demedies ha th
credit of the covernmeat. :kb. , tt 6 at the: d
ea cleatettroe neectta/cte to the ecaakat. rt.:
they utreatve e:tent In earrumartion 0.144 , -
the Serci ?kb tikl See tract. FOC Oda carers •
mast Le net Mainz them up iluouvrlba 5... , ...-
The repast elknOsted before the poblient.,
Of the February statement of the putt_ Cr::..
ths2 tlle..9sentary of the Treasury arrirl 4 u.ta
the latelldit'llalatiel eli:Soo,e co of Teo 1 , ..r•
Ues, le nes aoalraned by the etatment; the
tonseene in Abe lime of
,bnpre !Sena/AL/a bear.:
: —.The following are the most prominent an d
teral:l4g Item take freafthehlistrre t. ado
17 the ehaptroher Curteacy, or the re
ports male by all National hanks la tn. 1.7,1
tat States, as the reorttlet of the knit Mond,
(ail) of January, lee&
p.. Llama:Me, . Amiss.
CoptPig '....115111,1143,790 Diatteirel-ef1e,113•075
i l
Scrtpla ..... 141.611.,8611 &mufti... 40 o hs , - Clutdatton 117.719.193 Die fm bkA 1,-,119 its
Daltateltre .... 063.43 7: Ottert Itetes.,m,ls4,k,
Doe to Us. 11 0,42:30 Spette..... le,Cell,Cl9
eu rrenny... 11a,14{491
a ye: eta.. 44:1 4,49 ,
PonA. showe by the - ebet,eet.of tr.terleDY I , :••
re ter .Tanuary. made Ay the (Scrapuolterc:
the th arreutykallind Money 'theme an es,.
eultatlon and upoute required under sieti.n.
31 and he of the Nallonel. Idurreacy . ' Act.
unettnts 10 , al per Mat.. if Ito''slaters,
amen./ of the mettle:len aul denOtit, Ti:
anioturt required - fa .. tethelePtiee Ogee le t. s I.r 1
nent,; .:at et raduantion epic. 11 per ten Is, 1
• e•refal calenlettent/rappearr that the bank.
are holding lit the aggregate ever 173 [ 000 v. ,
more l han.leralligreg- . . ' ....., . ... . I
-Says tteePtulhewphie iedper. The ..... l ' , ' i
teethes wricalu” • easy. Bsrrstrere and
..sittluity In Petaled:4 needut aultpllet Pi teu• '
Parer] . luau Cut etoek Pothitertla at a p II
Par e
and there/tut somparat/vely lap utici - ,
done/ tratrautlone obese tltda rue; whir ;
upon Goveresecas - .gauntlet Juve • sum. c: 1
I singed ei 4 per sent.erelia some o4t, .01, ,
•lovreellestra The but eincetertual purer',
that date la taken Atte/ per ern:. Per ....t. :
—Sits 'WA' Chleage 'Tribune: '.137.1.0ae11s L, ,
fLtenaiel - elrelee'shoes.. . smainrat meat ~. 1
Mkt, volute or cetera/on. The drpace. f
mosey Is nut by say:means pe . etetriGe..d lb i
discount market ruttatturouhatiluds The, . ' 1
a' alone leellitrthrettrrerey, unertly cut i 1
she reselitseeeelo the inutile, Ceuta". Du
armee stem - e'de4ease aa compared .wlth ..-
UP day. ego.' bet ally depnatte Ara trktbA.
soy depreciable chum,. The rates or inter,.
both at back mud to the epees thit/tet, are adr.
eataux.uLzirx&A,,L - _
3 . . 23Altrars PI AT. lebmaar
Cratot--Tbabtrlsot. wee e Mate more
tha.darlag tba, pia: overt. tie seise, to
adsooptB, baboi:larker the* for' ISDIDraI re
past, toll lois Agra, orstirgrot as koosab,
B hooff , Wa M ' MM . & able Of lab bblirs',
e PolsafVp r e , ,Oll4Booo SAL bisisb de:lroev,
at 73 . 0. , tbe Only atreartar ODD. eallar
half per bit, natal'. quo/A0... ire O - -
forlboOt 81)547 . 5 4. 4 0 , :1ftrV-i .
ax to Bs for_AprOt 8 to3Mpt for aT , 3,11.
t. 1120 far all the year; ISuraros orders. TS.
eras a We for Idotatober et oNoi.' af.oo;
barreßed - oß'4l . l:ge.'on rook,' era nNT
Stara ddh e r r taa.
os boxrdears, tintrale VAI tr.ssk -
sooteartat /trait' it* ler, although •
stall aad the. great f.:-
portion of "USW bll .00 - a antilas li 'eon
;roilyln thaltattle of ratios, the-rearm
ing to snob A DJADLDIDD Af,t trithr it acrd. . .
factory for dealers to d nub, aad:e; ee ,
o o ease, l 4B - gzest s :mdsjortly .71 'lt I O f f. rat
ens dotrdellttlelor 0.1
ars ualotoottaOot- the -toYk,,flo
and prices are uoeksoded.:: _
REFLltEMsetaestrlar Aoddaiiani,
' Imes, .Mat Musk. Ma Sl , sat o'rok.!-Le
thaaggramm• beams seraparatireir Orbs, le So.
farasprldridge siorersrst. there *ye to.
DO COADIVII IOWA! epeola:storea. , spot
1.. MI voted it' ?SU; allthesassa:h,ill
optics, awujimAlma. Tad, as:atop:Wu; A!..
SMS,;43lATUmracariads sa .rro
toy all the 'yrs:, bosses optloo, at Ile. rs,
snotata,Ata Eie:Airkis4 ter...sms,lsesus-.
maddltdamidilion,.Ad %Lhasa a. talch.rey
retard. hails - semeArld tzisatriat. spare:lora, 13:
anti! mum-bet-au more be:U.:Ors= trl
Pms - esmat.Ammet. :rawssnalde . a
the alsmommae emit coratene she...oak oroUtts stile market, b._
C 504. ahAßstl.ed,la tlaostally
ARRIVAX.9...I:tus aids - ale of oil by the &I
testacy 'Valley - Plattrese to4s7, cede a.
Loratput a . . ;
Ciaskd 3cazst... 7.1 G Lter
. .
Toe a/ . .. •
TAw6l reuelptrkorwrok.......—
tonal reoalA•a Mace -..11
Nat. VAG - Ots Pragi:Ll
B. W. Moreau A/ DO, YO to Cafe. Was.l,2,
ten , 6 Cy PZ0661• 1 / 6 66.
~ •
••• • •
.tbriNdearapb setae f lir ty. a utrtTut.3
ezmoszawn:Fatuttaryls.lllour in me.g:
naterdemlattat 1111811.Z1b,LunlIp.
i d
at trLdOgil BS Mr red Inter, tm•
so boyar. dt•-m•ras:l4dl No •
MSS flr
aud 8 1133 Calm firtne.trm du le.Bll t
rnr r
5.. 01l all •
Al rye and Ilarlay - o.cdaum,d. c. 4
'etabald firmly at Ma Mr middling. but Pm . ,
40 no& mas.*ltintor to 34* or , a
lltnamirbadi Ildmeaul.M UT•47 etrutlib , / l ust .
Park dull and prices anruluat. ut ,
dip, and: l e i for country. Lard dull In:
- firm. at, I Iftet bayars, at -14 c. Dula
Huts In demand ar , -Xelb,t.', for allot '-
demand attlalt but Yid-butter in &abed. -
good damned for Bacon - at full- geld.; Sla a
nbda at Xtr,gc foj 'boulders; / . 1%0131-‘c tfLr
dear rib aide. Bathe dull , at - 0/IMc
IRKS cued, 'flatter mazy modsco add a.m.-
adi a 36040010 b /Matt western and 41411,
Or Naar rock Staid, at :Alm:,
dud Delta. ..awls. Chem dull .1/V W,
Corer Ned 'dell - and 'heavy- at Ith
Wife reodlots. - Liented oil at 111;11111,19..,..
lattar rstail.:-Timallit baud doll at 111.4:40
4.g. - Ararat. Unita ler zao, - 4: , 3ree,
/MS Otto but priors ....harmed, at
Talltnr anaroa and In demand ea 3..
rendered: bolder. haring bight, - p.lettr.
trMetrot dull at 12/114M Mr Maned dut7ball.
° O l d 3 - 0 5412/4034 taming, • - .
Btalthslopealgetle Marko.
BaVelxteare,tstotterple. - -cattle—The
inlPt st .the eagle, do-ielr -- the pig
serrxteted to .WU bead, against Mk lad net.
Priem, .to-dal ' , weft as Iditosrer.
and maslausgs, Wes ED; orrllenty 1111 A intl . :,
.'2!D stud omit, Meat; tisir ssrue.
4011.04 the vary ban binyree, S-131P per MO IN,
tb..Tarags prise haus about ge,24—ao cas.7.
- tress last week The assivrtrae Sl<Clerli
Sheep—Kaye ntil Anwar.]
freely gulag la s 04141 liK tritt 0/11eat.29 t.
AZ Weds* qUalltl ,, Prlea rested Ake Aes:
-mssSo geed et Rea .antr - good to extra ar. 7
gross, the latter honeeearte axd 1, Ge
sand, whilst/re forsherare dulL
lioes-.Tbar supply 54 heap arras equal to
the dowsed gluing ab. t o
wrack, and poxes
eteadlly advanced. but is day there tr. .4. r .
eatleiLY, sod eh xle rsrg.
tag at.the elow.ltros . par 09
net; tarter to good tat bogs.
I.lty're.eirrarb to tho rat a tirct
rabratiri IV4Tabieca to e.
wand air MI 'prima. Cotten, and ll'
tales. ,
YS to paint and at , orly. end ue
abnalel. Wheat la Varllittiaaotaaact aoa
•bricaa . 4 18Atir *ewer. . Vora very Mail
and . oasier,atka closing Lowe- arid *la
ralel Isaac ar Mato; ano lot fatty at
Mu are ofoydnil, lades at Llano. lisro and
aar+ , l aarluagea. Troy I.mna ore teff,r,
bat inaccrra.• Pork* male. •11.1eM54e. BA.:
coal rale* of olrarkl /1,4043.3.• bbool
rib .Me,,, pa ck e d .
dare qr.
aalra t 93:4910.1.
o. II talt akar
alti bet bail NMI, as tie reca ra C.
-aeaclata-41aari - ral bbla %Slum none.
Cora. 4,1.7) barb. la Backo. tlata,-1 1 .03 haat.
Ik77er/raplt so tay.!'rra et a.
Few ousts., resrmili 15 .-Cnttoi.
xace demand. formfdtllmpe"JWOW,tut
of B=l Oates Receipt. et 4.011 bales Exporra
a yuorrlo .= Calm Xrport. yesterday Irereaot
DAC head of mock: 1.1 f.ko /cgs.
laeada of sour.r. rolataes nam..l and
lower. Floor, atitierace, Co t o"t:
13, treble extra: till& La dell' ao.l
lower, salts at sl3yoolll,to, (ICA. eal.e St Flo.
rotai aud. vvy Mt/ elate
'market. Ramo 1.112. Moulder* are flootal
at LV4, clear lades / 4 11. 1 /CU
rad le recto.* t, in - (fere. of 15 keel, .1.634“.
Sterile ironies ar. .1,641185 for tietry. old
. .
! .
" . hear To rii Dry 4A ad. Bierket..
. .
cm, T.l, r.,.. 1a thstryt....i. ii... 4.,,
. ..
Na. Toad, February 76— 1e
feearabstva lar-etobbomocaf.a.4. pekoe
ors without say roatente .1.1.01, ...IN
Borman 01 - 1.1.a...100. aree - yo leave. .4
A&raja/rag. Ur i ebbe 1. 4 11 - cootrarY ft:
ber At e r. Stlro is TO F.l.lgtr Iltata.
Lion, but the. to elertiftly 4 rooftree *carer:.
/ weft harbssufleof brands of bribe. obed and
Meech . mccolt 84...c1ard sbeetints ot
11..J36.. ante.
Ana &oat ' ar...-seatos air
1 . 5014111.; W0,9/............4. 4.t .isprommL !
'- "..* 14.4d1 a d d 4, 1 . ..P4 ,010 i.. , ;.. ' s -
Car Teem"' to $44 Eitistaqin tieom.b2
'arm, rannsie . CA-ralk Aeer.Leind rid.'"ne".
ere KS. "operand CAL. nOtai at s daiti..74.'
Lewd Tender T:-. aloalmentneks /cram. en.
*We wear Croern - PororZariAlpari Pak
ooollar Zell Mcßae 2:l4.ol4leUattlelbow
i - Jacirot.l.loo;Gould &Corry . •AiNEppine. KUL !
, f.c4 Savage 1.01 sentoetOsa i ofrormaa WS: -
, gemming! r,o; =non 'berflulelt Nortrafa
sold nil:JEW:Wage tionederrer 700eabh din ,
amen' seek& floinAlalisillapr.iodosPeporee
anon Me woos a* litainea 404th0 dor
'OF, b 1,, , 4 1 M,1P.A9i44,034 ..._ WA /44
09 an:', 'YO Water Street, •
LUZ:I)4. 1411111 10•11:110 sad
1 i•, 4 (41 '""' " 2 "
- • uabr.-="2""
And Cztr.piri.cas
_ .. •
•••-. Lreo!o. ttbzico.:4l.24llltuiWibtaa6
:vas Lar.ol y on asst.
j oo coon ...torero lad It to
:•?eV:sV b.k""'"W
Yt: feel?Ri3lf'
Car,. .7 ma Prottalmou y. l
aytr, Azar, February la , 1801.
'She gdatyal utarttia, It anything, her. boom
utaal dating the pant weak, but
aro iaat. Lowiyatlon le again tutu:Led aad
synailt _OPPtOdeanalt•
I .4 l, ovolt:iota la Guinea. Centrally.
h tale[ Ighnit Is In ntaadg QM
a:fa 4d13 41 for Bed, and Ittomtglut gut
13,,ay In .a.rot and awned, sad
seali .1.11,13. la Ant, *ad 10, la'
aye le toilet linattangid
11/oSal ..Ear - Cora LI swan and In di..
end, Rod T. , :atfnaa r to 11,050407,
hank, sad. at,1411,12, 1.. atom. 'Oats len
Wire 4.1 Pit:a:tar supply but uanhaagul t ,nu
hatione to quote at aidgola,tna traalt..w . ass
store.' ;
FL:MIL—Thu dantsnd i!gta., 544 tha aur
a, T44,-:-znd unchanged; Iva enotlnua to
holto at 8;VOilLII,50 for Whaati
;ado roe tainted , Wheat, nod $141213 for fumy
taazda. but ...mai at .4411118.16 .tort.
Baca wheat Is aathanted 5ti11,2504410.per
11:ean Is arm but uk
rkile,r2; tOt.irttle lor .tbooklers; I:glister
crmi. Sides, it'd 113(alte for
Hawk. Prime kettle Ltra.l4tfki
1. l'errektto.4 14101534 k, m knit :3/tiesPork,
13t 4 rre—Th,.. If b steely demand t,
t , elstlee lictl Dotter, eat we San ' , apart
,071{: Ulf,. There cot mash Lunar,
Lr en-osnt ysc6rC nottei. - .
Etilln—lrreenisr..salte Moe repottettbet
he iss7 (took BS to 3 6.414170 mai be
re C zetard ns thi ruling notations.
• mum._ saw"_ os
water ? BtLer7isa4 161)101.124 ttiishasiv.
t DRIED rakjlT-1e ateady bet Its:when...ll
te:ei ar Peechee at rate far quairera t 104
helves, ted 700 t tni Apples.
LigEChi APPLES—The market ht a ahmle
esabir, under the IlitilltXed 0( arli-
Pall.rlic, as pee pileea ate leilehatei.a gidli
per eel.
I.OID 011.—i.. Ann bat unattanged! `ei sem .
tin ters girt eSe for N. ma 111.15 fez 2 10:1
it the ensuctieeterere Priem .POrAlOES—Conelnee dell and unahangeoth
mall...lse La store at 11104,10 put Intakel t end
the)V r .i per bbl.
: HAY—L. quiet but natbsoged; luau Irma
.oumtp if Agolaa at from 61545)X, pot tan, U to
sEtDS—Thera le rather mom fining In (.7ki
re: af.k 1:2,117 Seale, bat prints Ara to acY leregn_
ca.2l4at be pr- nerneetlge
is in &mann Si UAL'
'IIO.IiINY 7 I. dull bra paiiiiaada
sas trifle at SB3{,tiefper 111,1, sad if is i"
• Yew Torn. rroattoo ilLareteg.
Ch - rq.rr..tbl ,, , tLt pitra:tomme wassru m l
75e.'roan, labroaty Man
anily Mare tutlve as 1013.0 better; sales
of 10,00/ bale. at 9141040 for middling TM.
I snits;; closing at ill%mr. Flottr—reCelps of
5,54 Obis; the market is 5010 a better nde cit odeo est sopna lc lost a
ure 4r ema eam ales a flo.o3o cttbndt
ter ertnornne Orate ana Winne.; 119,2001k90
f4,an,rnn,nf rit 9,7o o ll . ll 9forantrawaar.rn i
t 1 1 ,8115 tor white wheat eats.; $0.90011 for
K.ll 0 ; ele,So/#l2. for con to goal St.
Loult; ertols.solor extra sotcleans. OtoOdYm
Vs fur ma Orrrier:anlaa of US Bantams Ulm
Olt. Ilse door • shade Armen sales or SM
bb:eat 5T.3 , 49.31. Whiskey nominal. Meat
-oecatpts of 2.100 bbl. the market is manacle
Cromer and quiet; sales of 10M0b0 liar 2101
.11110alikao ot 4 1 . 47 .13,7,300 tolls prime to
1 da au nrrralel.rxrus. -Sire Is more active
far rzpart, and trmer;sairs of 10,000 bosh
eemtern use Canada at iIaNXIKIV ailed;
tho latter prm. Barley acmes and firm
, nalt aria; ..loot 7,80 bush at 11191re9111,14
rior State; et 10 1 , 0 Canada Watt. Co—te
cal ;as or 74501 bosh; the market opened
: etc lee art., and carol dr111.4 drooping
of 101000 bush az 11.1X0L20 far new
tutted aro:tern s o ontra . 4,44V for nal.
IMPIte SouLnarn; to. TemOrlanew-
Cl......—rneripts or 1.10 Maim/ IMO Market hi
bidet; miles Cl 0,100 bushel. at lam for
, ern/tern tit star, 1163,ia for 40 sew
it.ce t o at lipirelme for Carolina. ► Coffee .
g rin, .msar quioc: styes of l o bb4e of Coba
iIO4XIIO. end WO beau or Ran:Mat 11FX
tu me. Rol/Bore quiet. Hop. gelato"?' /00/
ere far .S..erfezn. Petroleum atal4 • alit,
rut 0 0 1.1, and for rednild
Co/1 q“litt. Wool ft. ors barer./ Mira of
,CAI ltd. at 414.5107.10.-dotneatto fleece.
t0...0,r arm lmt erasion. , Pork
firmer but quiet; sales of LAO man at Of AT
E pun tn. o a seees. enee
m. 5
5.42 - .0,65 rot naw co, Mooing a tll4lOrate.
ar; sl/1.4.1,14...51 for prime; e 0,01070,75 for
ca+, a 1,60 fr,fo naW MINN and
'Or{ arllera fur Zama 'Beer Mourn
1, Or at nrartana Prices: Ws. or
tierenia at 4 31 1001:3r0 for prime alma
and i5Z..,1 for India way, 11,,,f kW. ;
sal. a hOle fit 129fe52. Bacon qtaeli
an, of 44/ bones, at 10.Xfpflo for Comber.
buns cut; {li e s for long Jibbed; 11012S0
•Oort l /m%11.2.X, for loos chair; gl
ior I anon, c. 0.,. Cut Koala at I
411 oh tato494olov for - abotatlers
an t lrkidl4l,ol for hames. - . Draftird Boss
Orme-, at Ita!iralla fat waatern an 11114012.
f dry. Ltr quiet and bete); sales Of 1100
nn,. scow Joie 144‘6143 ei. Bei
tor neit,e end dna. at 44 00 m for litatet
lltesswqelso. at 11013:. rranrOta to Lh - e,
pbot It etaile borate' •
Litssi.-1, neer 01.nd Sery Ina for low
hi - '::le. and mu fair demand, part for egoOrt
31.1 spotataurmo. Igkest fins and .qtrot,
Laidera IS moan/ If apart full Drama Rye
rerl.litm and aorta for aroma • Com clou
• an .1.174151.M1 for new Weed
er , fern eat: d 111,30.1,13f0r old do l.
vore. Pate 9,1300 arid- atestoYm annagegi I
for 1123 MCP2.01 , 14 for oaw sacral
. e.RellitilLl,73 for Mar . -0..360 Mama grin
sod in tar demand. Cot meats unite end
.o.m. Rano" Weal, In borers favor, at
lol,:r.l , t' s e I/0 Cumberland ma: Lard doll as
for fate to prime steam and 001.
• thitrago Starlcel.' •
. .
VI" Te.lecTapnie ieo Pthablitzti Own.,
Caracas% Fob:mazy .15.-rtoar valet;
0.1 . 3 eorlllr . extra - 44 4 / 4 14,Nk for
ro , d to 4.1 r. 414119-% for traxt to
NO. on , t;talt• No, 1. a:MOW. sad NO.
4. 2 ..a÷.;,111.1.0....taa with salaam at SUNK
..had.EirMen Inflan Sale. at
6 . 04 r. et, iod. •Noady latalnieStaXot salsa No. 1
• t OW. 41. 46 4 Ohms( Itt
17. .Ityr nsoLregtelave,loul Witter; aal4,M
at 41.51441,31 /1.04 No. at - 41ta r 64.
Bari., gout; Nn. I I:outlast 41
or.: it , altvted: •1 L • 41 . 7 /D 1 .741. Sod
dstapl tot/ a: 11 MM.= Pork Igo •
art, Heady and 101-1; tom_
.4 04 4 Nan MO
4 . 3 ior•tandard. C otanatoi=aalot of
slo.oldeva *nein Imam, a .d _ 4
, !Ile1010054.; my ted hams 430 aaltwared
Ist of MVCD. anal/140;;g cut, Latd Oki.
at 14. Drl,•l brir,. mat 44.4,23 temliirbt
mrt 030 a lefor beam Mogan steady at Pe
2,4; for a.tod lo4fl 13•45 tomnrand trramar
1 , 7CaN.1, Womipt•-d,403 bbla tour; 1:130
ouah Omit
,7,450 bosh corn ; 141,00. both oats;
1..t9 - 3 dry efe4 1704 live boat,. altiptaanta
-I 4 , -Obl, a Iltrur, no torah wheat; I.l.ollllb4att
oora • 1.2.,.50.0natC.0404;.5107i droataat.M4l.M
r Tc4xn.7.1..U.1.4. Pi Vebs:ell Baratta..)
Borrater February. 13.—Flour to [sod
maoo. SYbeat ono/tan...l. Cara monadic
ina - er and alesPd firm with 'tb• tlaallna Te•
gain.ql; tales of la car loads of new oer th e
track at ate,. totobsaired. Aro moot
at *La for estern. Harleym
Dross. tiOg••&COX.: Well at SIZT= 4. --
sting IVO On ii':ar.oentta tleataby Nigh Illt)
Oa Illtuota .110. at ki,ts. ?too pork and Lard
Milwaukee Market. -
A 1 Tvterrine to tte Futttergh
• littwarent; Feb. 15—Fleur 4:Maud
• inweri tt. vi 69.73 for omigratileOf
eortex extra. ' Vinest lower and Clonal One
ow.lintng to Viler lie. Li and WM /01110.3.
04th weak at 37.5.0 far Ha. 2. torntett,*
Bade:, dui/ at. KM.' Pre . ..Meng
ontet bet Ana. It.teeipt•—i4M MO Skull
tsatos be wheat. buipesenta-1.803 ptjL now.
WO Du anent,
lelplata Marks ;
fJr Te room to sat Pttlsterea9osstoL3
Yel LAO strata, Tobrosu7ll.—Ploar Is doll
orol.setionee wbett„utin light supply
wito no OPmand, osolPt for Wig. JOU.
Coro Is floated dowsed, trlth tales
st i 1,5301,21 for ae ►a yellow.
of U'jo Ost. are bolo asnivee. ratatdenm la steady
for crode uom ftw mod
sEitodud w,olle a/ nalVo.,for free,. „ ,
Toles,* aiaalkel...
Telecrsph so Cs* Ptttebargli U50C04.3
• Tot.loo. - rah.,
,q - Olot:- • Init.'
et ea43l; Wes alab.r , !boat/an vaAL - C0...m
21.126 basb—asarkat - orauatt - 30
r, ton MCOTeFiLd doollsOly Win NO. 1
ET6o.alo ter -173 e for. Oats
Wed at afa foe So. L Ara gala/.
fl‘ ate erflo gala Era sinChaagett.. DZOOMPOSqIt
an at . •
. , iortiallOllo
Zer . .T<Oforao to. elnat , o , TO Ouotto.l
Lmnevtcsr., l'etrettery 15—Ibbsao0orteetly
11t1 firm; loco so Totollote lea(_pr;
/roar; Stolyr rant/ CO.
hW ~=ULM= DArai.tielleoll Ea* 710.
Ooto. 041144 lo boik t ,„CoUon
L 4 ,41 flak stmuldero 1114,4 oiler • -
Btoont oboulder3 , l"ic{ Clear ri4lll
21.2 Pork W. •
vaistioare amirltee
C[B- Te'ea-apn to tkeZlttatmeab to n • ett...)
vetwonn. Tabritary 16.-41 our dull and
noel+ woad. Corn don at 411,941.41 for pawn
1.1.1.tA Mgt 714111fb. ltra
.g ern 11.05. Clororamd doll at femur
rstag. - "Prollatntu quiet; laidon ithno/dara
' Holt abonlo era Mo. 11tplin Pork
rakialt2ll4o. Lam Moue.
Zeiripkrui Marlrrit. • •
:h. tr. the Plittlentihttasene.] ,
' liurraTc February 1 4;—Cottorg lZettedi
rr.l.loltott retlpte-16L batedlt.
Wet. Sul trieltr, var.-bur 1=
Ulu uharket; white kr, tovek alert f1.e 6 01.12.
COM very rearon atliDd Oh Pork at,,ti. Bar.
'[me-4riozila err 1644 e: clear Wet no. 'Lard
Itkplse. ytournictsawirell.
CaMteii, no•abittoalithl
awl tructianfall. , •
W,44 hAMIX.9O,
. "'Aron AND.Ww•
_ •
Ciitree, 382 PM,* klritiri,
wmtw MODS* lillboom allellegi
ht 40.0- - , - -
(r0ty0. 1 1(2 . .,-
LaVdf riijiilrk &AIELLO. Tlia brig
bwa-- Turiattiov;*.
Flitaaciall Natters a New Uric
gamed ma straitryi.
or riumiis to te. fatialattia esseue.l
Itsw Tass, lob. 15, UM,
Mauer easier and treesy offense et elltS Yor
ash. Starliaressiel at Illgref. Geld open_ ee at Imei, &WI became waited In the Mit,
1001 by lreparitroat Weablooset teat the
Wayttatie Itesaa Coeesthee• *USN. Hones
sage revert la favor of 9010X0 dollen
We enthsocy. The pries till= TON to WI
141%, este Clallea IMO& - 1443 ..ert mode
frees 6 per eentler earrysai ta SAL
• .7-7.-•••••'.... • • • •
trong. 5t14.11) the foilowlag_priose - were by Henry. Meow co. Coupons
ofsid,Lbtsie i etc(4llll34; do SI, ICSM
gelogit do M . do one s MMOIK
CO . ea.fartlee tWalled.
• Beven;thlrtles IC7
lama gregalgang.
Tbe Bank Statement is unfavorable. and
there Is a decline m depOWW and Weal wi
den, probably *win todevegumens Wens
gg thsß .
b ier th assant,
si= IViimnsic,increalt Moe '
j: Ltrca.
i_te; Awns. Sat decimal Legal.
itailtiwar MAW;'
.2ba . market los Batley abuse gyy'sp
firmer—gee York Southern selling at It%
later In the day the marhat was vary buoy.
=naiad Erteadvaneed to 07731. *warn
shame am Mom for old /bath
aria Ind MOM tetwlecnt and aro.
butte d; fare at the atom. P oemellettlY og.
naly fim. Canon, 615(0eITAn-
Ateridald.l Rtpr"%eatlro
thThh..u. bra'
M lN ,B° T? " w a iiut u ir. l iii,l ° 7ll2 4.
unx. Apr Out
cam.: ' Wisimatie• SPA. - 13 t. Paul.
. 110 54050*1 •Pc. arr.'. ril• Michigan Cen
gr. I,l4 4o lRcZiga . nag& nu=drircasz:
Nr%ingangleoll.l prefe r
074%. Port. Wayne. Mpled Columbus.
lot Marietta & Cincinnati. Or* preferred.
Hannibal *St.' gooey* eh • Hartford
M MX.' New Tennwelee. • '
=wins. •
T 3
incrembig fa' actlvitvi
idea HIM, TM; EMI. =MIMI Moab
a Pommel.% gagstliti **Mt C Ol 7-
•tlart. *Oa
. •
Zark.rte of oeati. for tkaweek. 10144,434
lemons for the vreekrDei___Glooda,ll,34rafa%
imam! raerebaeetetk eI.m.SW•
Reef:did/ at Bob-Traseary t0.4a9. PAO,
Pei IMAM Receipts for the
week.; payments for Ma
glistais; baLuloe. 3104.643M1L
Proasatrasa, Oozy/nos onrotavara 11. H.,
rakozmaforaltklea Lofton
wawa* bads aniders,' Ilhomaku Ai s
rash, Sonia pkga a0000k.:
Itakkra,llatiollalitra fkg 4' 44 do. 0 . 13 We
ltoGraw a °Nada do, W 0001ar11 004 I Oa
sakaaak J :LIPSokk111; 0- PAW ow*, W L
Joan, II do do. W.yrasa & I Wes er4Ups
Al/ mass Og mhos 0604;04 KaOrnsto;
0 able grin *optimal Ao dry Jaaslik‘'S ebla
slosations,rf US oats, ' bid gook wits 111
IOW; 10 oko ram Kukla 0o; 1 oar X
W Taken 1 far • atawas,.7 Loon; too soak.oil
ma Xott 313tabarti 117 - growl bldg. aif
Hodbtotrz 60 bta. dm hale, Arbuckle. & Co; 1
oar ;Lay, Z W ratiorslol DWI Ilesak "XL fakfora
sa sks 50rk,,X43117 , drifted; SI balsiarpiro.
wow X 0o; 63 au aro, 13 If Lem; 44 imam
tom. aekb• aarresi• bop& 1401641.1
Men_ wi II deft I X loath: II bats •orkisoll.'
K.orok a Loa o Xadah
Soo. asito airs rags, podftiy i Markt 1111 .
I Vanfkll.6/4 herr YAM& 0110AllO ILX,
Taknaary 11—l11010
Ato rr e W o r ltesd, On, alea 44 4 4 La
u., HUM A' !Moo; WS Wm; olnuri .34
otuolotrzto, allatte k .1% ,m44. 4r4=,
Wskaao; a 44ga VP!.
S6aparli ska • alormakva .ILoax; tolss
onkX, W "..Barkar Jr Ss 44141 aka Soar. do
ratiargll, kaathraro: 30=71
Oa; do do, Ham &Devi. 06 Okla apparsa A
111tabark lid bay calk 111 , do aim 1 06 bar.e7,
Ido mod, Loss 10 has abeam JAW /L akin;
Ital Ms_ Oftlp • 51.pardr A skddlo. to.
booso,..l.lltUaloll_l. Oas SO dict 1.1110.11:do
aware. 11 Dtaksy k Clo; a roils bather, 0 R
HoZaarsa; a tars law, Opeolarr A 1.[.11 21
of btas white lab.fladloolot voaaapi
6,cavkaairlo63ik'll.l.mlarrasi Saiiiko4
Februsa7lo-11 ears trod ore. J 1 6a / a lar_A Boa;
I do de, tatbilasißous WNW nmunlML
I use Madam, %mum.. W Dalr ItOol
am" kos bubo, ay 11•70 a 01 1 awl 44 44 .
awa, a Shales; dm do 1b.,/ Waal; a UN I .6
&170Orlak. ilo.rmck • Gozl auk' aiksalowd,
resoor • !larva; ■ do do, J j Pettit; as 8811
soMrs,'"4 tradAlbri.
A Oat* bal. trooka.ll k Ooral
O l L a ro ltArfigerfAr , a 4. l3 . ooca Si ki l l
moms; 7144 .oarkto. Malmo &Co
btu b01t.,, 111 II Graft
41.[1.211inrT 11.-
14 urs /Lau & Brosll do 111)
to & Faoi a am. inetid. Al
4010 . clot&seaarai Moats
lava. Ica aklack Boa, Claw Sinn& & Cel tlpp
& .141 elo oats, italbou7 &
11,0 1IMI amp boa, liandtall Buoy us
pada 014084 Lippe I WIWIe;
20 4 .. 1 . 1 4 &Amur 11 Ailiajejal =I:
Ar.r.sormilt• Stamp Talaraarir
I TAP /talrser. J AL Hanotag 1a abarralla.
bads Lathrop; If do 3 Ctadlerdr .11 das
!mee. 1 &Hulot ; Iwo barley, Ide eata, 8
Pastor 111 de de, /IS W. Saar. II Naos
Saul tar 'ddalliagrommna .11s:
traa giaasdar% sear; a der brooAdaada6 . I
Hatablamea: 1 881ar word. Hattrarg • I aar
limber, Murata • Oa
PrregnowslC *ND COnngusimia."..R.
letontary 111:-Arkir. &pp's batter, thatt.
& O W W Marc ols Alas,
mod 3 • V '11+,127471 rra.k.4
...aslant. G.& Lily= WA P Rm;
wL , tanbark.. it Wil.";110611 abescirey;
W /matron. •
ova ovarobtras WELL SIND
. • •
ur Nit' Spring Stocks
wkir„.l.•• ars' jui
az opeauw. 110011LehmS Is
Len sad vstutty. 4 6le
Lower than any New or Old Goode
la Ur market. 4.1•41.1 itf76ol
71 AIM n awns mars;
warianiunexED, +row
i rtwi=";Y MOM.' owai•rAlr!
; r."'"' ' l. ' 4 •
rabiln Bale. on M. pregalscs, "P".
Wednesday, March '4, ISMS
as-rwo trcract
That portals Lotilepertol. sex=wri.abz
F a` F.E.. 441.-
Ons $lll7 Eton prating Him.,
Zan. pros w Dv AtTea pg.. 171. a Awl!
r •
Sit= Or sAILIS.
Ono kat it andirant , os Of ode. dad Ike bol
a:eta dadyeu. vita Intend, domed boad
ad maim* ea the inealeao.
eciairs asp cezrowri.,
1 - Ladle' as 4 Cllleres.• 111 ooles Basque,
1.44 1n 10. az.d Cblldna's Wooing %iv . nod YU
LAM.. ale CildreaVirool‘tglaodi mil Ore, AT rUALADI U.
• bumite" o, `"'"' ° LaaLte Axe
111 . , *4 La , 1 , 6" 1 .... • • • "0 panel, chotli - .
Wanton ArlantiVonljETT "" _ , i i. , PAZ uLli f f
or. r. 1.00,..1. J. 2 ,070./X.D4 LP Yd A. D.
AND/tosoN, wain mama sad Dm of •
PAWCEISTTIL I 4 ul;aT0011:DALB &Oil,
was Alooofyal O. OA , StRaT DAY OP JAL,.
UAlrf. us,. by it. altbdrasst of A.. LA AD.
DatoObi nom Ow Pm. . Plea bedaub ',Ulla
, ashamed by too yoloolalat seaman a. as
its. aut. Um Ora Sam. of . . .
- re.Waitrs, - Lowmt a inroakuliiii.
:. 91111braitCramelirr,',:
. •
7:2 1 :*-4t244t, ".
... AN!!/./0021... -
1114 01 0 1 1 1.7Akboaty ‘ agh nu,:-,!,.- .....,,
Houvair . PRLIENTt:
flu runnel:lm.
Twist AirrfoLts.
wo. Ibi nruistrewe
Gino " ,; ;:Y
The Inaba; Ilar_iriet Priem
PAID 101
- Jr . ! F.
-o.4loooa...twitow a.
bhd Oslo 110711. t.:
.10 bp& TO7lO Him litols••••:
I ...limit Adistionm - .
4., 7 Darr linue •Afte .
itt••-al. l -
Bertiriug • .7.43141,
M.... 4 •. t: .A4 1 141112411604?4.-
1 117811016111 ROPE WORK
lEsaattnetari SIM beet
T WINES, affe 2 l
tarehesse. 111 O 113 Wald es.
J•n or sam4 Ler 01xenlas
The weather wu dear Dad pleasant y eater
dot and it begin. to look u though the Irma
of the winter Woo o,llt. ' The river la clear of
lee sad barely neelgable eongltien, although
there le not sufficient water to let out Urge
boats loaded to their tau espaeity.
The Eats ilohnison 'gat CinelaneU
Saturday atterioon. as did also the Eagle for
karkersbang. The Robiaeon had a very good'
height. Nat. She took • barge be%ow Brunek.
l At. Louis telegram under date of !Wiley
mays t Capl.pla Nirega Flaglett leehu today
for Pitteburgli. 110 las aunouneed the
beg boats for the acouittelne IdA.Stoeltda/s.
Idatioratl, unto, Pflaranah, Andrew
Aoleyed Arablen.
The J. N.AteCtfiloegty,Elepla 010. D. Moore,
ihn regular.pactet.for PaAkerebtirg . tOder •
,leuving presently it soon, andpansawire sad
shippere „should bear thls in shad and art ao.
The lelessenger,Eaptain Jess. Dean. is All.,
/nine rapidly for 81. la also the
ecallau (Lanigan Am Dean for Nashville. The
DellevelsOn; Cape. Derregh, V Alma annonnesA
lorSt. Lbals.• •
espltto oa Rottato b /*turned • toms.
sitor brier'ilatt . to to 81. Loots Gad Chi.
Kellowarwk. laroatorwl It...automates
treetws." now Wag plaael an the Me.lor An
derson.. who came. laser outline hi. life. by w•
cleanly taktar Klan. at Loalsrllle on KM.;
has move:wt.
Opt.-Ranh. Kafir. la . eoamied of, the.
Tatter, when she Weal la Arliaatae
deer.lit* aoskawia of um main.; • Alm.
phla . aad Lltlln>Zaal pallet; ..
• Capt. Pliti , totwr[s et the 110.01b
suds the otarlight,la Pim of Metal* Hap.
£lOO. Gallipoli. papa !ism Captain O. Y.•
Saltier; or Gallipolla. M about tesouttut
for the bulliUng of !mother asw boat, for the
'Kanawha trade, al Pletaborgh,of the ewes di,
e elt meeloas ea limentato -Holy. sow . boiler
M for • hilts Y thee plans us Mires Mr
Pittetiogh la malt Mo. • • '
An Evansville tillar 4 :. node • debe of
Moines_ .1 saes:. The mond £4010.4 ALI i
: . Min (KO tow Widest euradwasote roe
/ow.- Parket. Method' k• CMOs warehouse. MI
Grand View. was' burned /eat mot, with Om
baiss NW. leo mire owe sad mash other prop.
Mir: Lem. Meal ao laserame. • •
W. etly the Mewled llama from the °Main- I
1 ; 117"e"1"41b 1tZ.ri '44. .e . 1 484". 1
uaoure4ISLIST. Where as lett uipe.
Erase. who wee Improrter W. G. :
Thresher. torment Omit at the kowtow».
soge. la the nutlike 's oNes of Rua meaty.
The Paws. A r e Mem Spray, Amon sad A
W. Gamete lathing for New Orleans. The
WammelMand Wade asit"week. The Loom:
I villas. Oars.' Munk. leaves Louisville Ms
for New Ovisens. The Albion mom
to trona 'Pomeroy, Welmaday. with SON of
Therstina Fleyd has • fall memo tat
wattle.. thme, Thiroalemortoo. of Bt. /AMA
szeadniag else: Thompaan»merday
soh • . mew. to porshasiad her. We nada.: '
atand 111 einem aek SWAM ,MR her. The
°Ammar Copt. pewee will drop down to ths
Aaanrulolnes to:VOITOR ISe , bar trip • tor
Ithe him lOW Oteriot salt
We. acoleei the tabu 4.7 that 710.14.01
: grove, ot .W 1 (10.' Ferry Compaq at AL
Louis, had polosehed • end In It,. At. Loeb .
I 700.15, rain. hie ibe shios why relneed to '
out ant the are on the OMis Dedeem ead ea
umegni wed* ea the Martha Inartthell
o 1 YlteileuUl• Kr. Brew* le eat to out I.
Leather amd. an Whoh he. Wen bask that
part la i•eut to the E.r.ko ,
as will he man by the tallowlog • •
i&WM dem age I Whistled RPM Wealth
v...odium of
whytoelW»ei re toWPelrl.* UM , . thetwosl6hlBnt to
W Gmpeaua bean Old
the 'gm as 'the
Mukalla Wass Do/am. widthbwonse
have» done •eo on • Aeneas
L e:re. 'seem
awl Oat ROMVPAti .
aaetamom :at the earm ao
f 0140
eatorethat 071000.
not vatooshe senesee ot the Yany Geaseele
toolfW »d ay_ au
mom.» et the Awoke ammenee
of Potetrorgh, LW Suring learned kola him
eaat u. eiaJa via eat pecastatir tonrufta
Riuserwar w e ed sil 'ewe, and that ate
had Mae It lo, .reedy» Immed
aumusamrshimein gaits piliewste 504/eir
tiothimall to UNA of May 4:that's skew
UM the Wham with width au, Sieben Thom
: la monettad Mew. es moo as maim were me.
P.M brogribl. nvi. irmaixtf.
aCtfoatlng ati,y 014 al Jon
1 These. LoupDaNang*STM A ins MOIR
, sag meadow* was, rematimltreasel ; ektels.
, merely of MIA esold'm acme ate gems aim Or.
Rater. Work of the toter Oominpatal. ' Mr.
Flaw had Miffed .fret.. of Ida isasugikeza,
aad mamma. thewswiewel the flu et 4 04
met Ms lady. Al th is potat kid 4.
Warred. .our Maws tedium.; tetteethld WO.
Mawr was itmeraunedesewristedired
that hi. tom Wets Bola. tam
monk! hr. 14 , 1 that of his wita
With for the P.m». ead they Were apowea
103011001 to Nam 011•1111.6
• The Namehle ditioemmi et Soaday, asys I
The time meowed ter tastiness.' of Nowhere: ,
Wale hem thy, Isamm amine tominrew, hut !
ayeE i 4awyweit :not». niftwed. m the
et heyW veer Mei Amtened-
Thew teem te los feet; old Thu .Mn_
beam »mem Tat Seteet umeeetworime .r la.
WWarms eel, Me test of Isom mom for
load Seeketrated weadime Mktg ikettahe
•as um wave Inea lemilmeof. Thom net a
weal( tkle pmeee Sy but that "OW* tom.
dm. sum by bolas crepogad u ma
wharf, n
havens 'esparto.: mese we de bealeem.
wharf boma tiJsratittel tOlhomate Tm
im Val awn Jairmseleestaed Mew Mt..
thee there mouth be little mom ter semplaint
treat sualabeetWelt. !rime» II Mimi Mm.
e• the atty.' , Tho twomeat
la meet
10 epee. 111
aatqoala gar, the bosleam, •WM tome the
ediae ließattteee weil give LIU thelinattea.
I Marto lot Inosamm, .
Car r.i•cr•••*.i•tadk.enpapotor.r.mio
nanLocrwrata, l'obniasy 114,11.trar au •
o Vl* clibtfeet xi tae . caul Baia mr
ton ei dm tans- Wassimr , :deili.ultA siy
theraanisteriaa' 4 - -
ft. Loma.' rebrOm7, 45,4k9ii.h!!
litanonts, roguery Is.-11rinilee1i Olean
elms plowing; Myer Ames ..useenny.
Freiretirabetlest.:. Tie ;ing2eLTanscaz alma
Commosmenailk peeneelSkeni.
Nesevu.t.e, Tetweal7. r I°
Wilms with sts ileealtit ode half mat,
on riezloeth T. .nraatlier fe mese.
not. The 'anomie/ were tee clevertnres
aan Emma Hughes. fOt the COM Coot'
breanul, axiS
• Tallateen, j Qin°. ;Slime
• • —
Freeman. February 16—Preather des:
and mann. 'Elver (=lag slas/p; 'Tee
lessessaippl passed dean. Armesd—illtex
Wm, Belle Lee Wlll Prebard.Y Frye to;
— Tbedr a t
' Thasdat..lllassicr.
irraTorror-tio *Uwe .44 all Inonnotl at*
pats tb•eklilai artlitaUma. - .
?""44 11, " . ( TIE Mar e
Jen , tau. Salsri.ers. r
0/14 XXII 111.81.4
11"11ZW."........." Ce►t.
° v tsa •• CM Warily&
akite I d INA4m/ , pow .
et • MAX of T."
J... v. 7°421)!
I, ort cuicilia^Ti and •
zotrism.... r irk k
Efe1 ai " . 4,741;.-
'flu taw ...":oqt• 'a AY, at
/t,o toltatlit,:4ollsapposa bouts outikir
toot ot Wood as;
P1 z .1 i ja.." 149 - 41 ..agr u k
- Juin lius,
WU! Wart as above THIS DAY . , at 1.• r.
tuarrayli P arou. I A
OU BaJUsaL.-. • s of o l u.
shim Ward' MI,
At 1 'rat be ikgd al
i 0 1 11141 , 41113 UOki 10, 1W411;14, 17,
• r•newi. wessimpll Cron vttoftg
11.1"1 PilL73l,lli="i.ob t
I re•so 2 DOLL 15.. sanolan.trfi'
:171:itenn.11%1111.11a,i • •
•. ;boos. 111221, • . ' to., 1 eibb Elan;
. • Jame, :4v. I
• • 7 James Younr. l et... tool•t
;. ' ll i ri=. l 4 a' 01 1 :1171reg; ' •
7 1 •4'2;•15P. 1 idatittv resume
• 41 eie.47. HolnueL It•t; •
Is Nutt. • glatrall • • A1e... , 1 1 Ilitztat!S;
u.411.71:11ti !PAP P- 4 Ictr
LI • •
jg man, i Uo. boSsteadi
piny • stsa_
_Jr exts•72l:
• mr. a. •- • • •ff
. 4 . Hanna. Yeoglar & • . •ox
I s b ttles:
43/;11 le•Irt• Pall /1”. 1 1417. its
2114&".tiii. Box ;114 I
Mn•istr i r °
ii.avdia i at t A r m
a oeinast. ••Isiv••22 2 Half 124 m ,;
•• 1.14‘ta5a. , .. Um • L., 121 . 2p2t2ry
Mk • C1.,.1. ••221 sad 1
a eZ611.... ArL2 • 0.. 1 ha• glass:
so. rev wen 1 111 . 1 .: Or i
• g ti• &
Drip Tiro
;afore MALI b02.1•17••••1,'---
arldr. l B2 .
.7 / 4 Use.
eV Yobtfix77. ; alig• I its:
ctil *
firtk'rr i .M 3 .;
*slava lala
bba Larni •
pkg.' Illraysa, Urn Indio /Pla
rr......... PM. habruart In. MIL
..., Mal Oa follosim somOnls al Memello
Zr..Adinlotessaurs.GcmMaire, Lam boon d y
=l a s Arent . lal Si. al .' va a u ra b . I. rots 'ffi tlie D ati
ono emee. Mt atuNDA.T. Masch 514 Mu r
ho 1. •er..Son 01"Jalago 11. r arum, 41.1. 4
the Lmeetors of C p taLefi lowan. dee%
Nov Db. UV. 1
Ne. I. Thetiatid al moment of 114 . ....7r.
Campbell, Adnonite . tmk of Sample cemlibe '
d• mauve. • 1/11ed 8 ...M., M 7.
• No. 11. Amount • Moline Zoblawn. rzeto.4
00 0^ tr.r. r..t.Ft . tr. ant. /11e4 MM.
.....1. Pleial • 050 1 , 111t012)weld 1111111 a pink
tom of
. mnise Zobaree d7a4. .nt.d Ir.
SM. UR , , . •
No. 1., .114.1 Amami of se. Efell. onterilmil
01.. W. hell, ancamed. filed lc, Um. 1 / 1 11.
No. 1170. anafAval file t
of 111111=
Hamilton. enaollin Of Same 01. mom,
of eimsel &lett. deceased: /Wed DM.
MM. lea.
No. 7. Acetone Ifof Theromot Blom: AdhatlitUL
ismer of . Bonen Mesettson. doomed. /lied
Nev. Lab. 111117. •
No. L tint aterool of MabestAnd Pbconsa l
ml.ntaman.lisnlorre of James 11 11/Mmes. 4 0,0
I tease ,4 Nov. DM. OIL
reo.ll. lalnel ownrout of eel.. Meentellem an/
Jolt. 1114!11, Cm eators of esnmel/leCutehean
alareased. 111.4 7ros. lattf. Dr.
tro. 10 Mrs/ beep rozhal amount of J. 11.1..
des. Isecator MM... C. Wehme, dasomad.
111 ed Nev. 191 h, ferf.
' No.ll, oenounl of Jae, tifllllleaC mad 3004
1:41/ . 0 4 =elm I Z . Nelbseile/ lire. - dammed/
N 0.15 Teltd en. natilMacconot of W.
,o f. Az
dem. ...” Its.ento
um C. Toast. domased. Film Nov. Mee. 1147
-0.3 Is. •15.011•10( Hem
I . co awl totherfn
tekah, 4 1 4mtwetratersof I.comm irmom. o
cemd. 11 ed New. VP 0.11141. .
No 11.A. , ...C111111 41 D. ..4
.esna AMMO
home of Jobe Attl.llloll. detealiel. Plied Nov.
Let. , tn.
ft. 1.. Mimi sem mob Mahar. Adoth.f
ttr, l. c . 4. o 7 l . car.ea lamer, deer...ed. mkt,
ii... It. Account. of Jm. 17.1eflay Ind Hessit
/Mho, •dialphttlaar. or Jacob Voectly, de.'
ea... 4 71 , e4 Nov. tat. LIM..
-44c,j.47i. Account of Jaamsk B. McDonald
Somata. of 4....• 'More vanterty Meas.
holy of ak 'nista McCarthy. deesue4.- 111•1
Den Au, PC
No D. Plosl &mown of W. 11. Jactson. Ad.
at Isletrato • e f nerve, P. Dab% deceased.
liiad Dee. SA. UM
N 0.30. 1..1 &owner, of Imam Pay., f a x
aft.... 0.) I.'oo Ir. giurdlast of 300. S. ..
Limon. mhos Don of Noma Doneldaon. dec'd.
3iegtite:lfsf4TlPJPall:: ilitrtti.Plktt
Pte. us. ma .:
N 0.21. 111.1 amount olNmery Haut :AA
skiro..t..ra of namne/ Hooch. lewd. /Um
Def..1 1 141:147.• ..
No. Lt. Firehr ad heal smooth OS /mad 51,
• !taloa.. Adatolatrasof of *ahem A. 0
dreched, Tiled Dee. eh, 117.
No. 55.11ecosot of Ja.oll IS: MOM., 3.,
of Zgli'migc.v.4lV":2=r7l,&":g g
s, IM7. '
No. - 51. TIM Arad and •ewnlot OfJaress El I.
Tn . Ltgml i falra .. w . Of Pa - le Mahn, [llO
NO.ll. /law sems.t el Wallace Ahrelor
flog• rt l ? '" ?11e 00 1 . 4.;. " " °""g" . 4
. et o.M.-
If samer'r. AM. oxfl .1 a
Lebo Adarislahmon ol orge 11.020,-deo
/lied 0000 . 04 la UM.
ele.r. SIM sad pari lel 5ee..11.1 Of Wll. .
Ntalt.• snd Just. I aleoos, ...memo. of al
Lacks,* dowel. /PM D.. YAWL
~N i a. , l . l llb ..4 o4: ol=oh. s aaritec,,, t ri e nt
2.1.11. Ilael.empent of I..tvl_llre.Mmota
1;7 " . ""°
s 4"""'"ft".
. .
...e. IN. /NM attotAt or luaue A •
NUMMemoval 7..14 Match. md.. /II
1.D0.14. UV.. .
No. U. smeoot of Jomoh Walker. Elmsd
of ~ ...1111. W. H. Islevemon, alms .0001 f
umbels olevenson Altememr. /Mid 00.341
N0..11. •etnent of Jamas Nrealek,AMM•
lrator of Joao traartt. 4te.•6•11. 111,4
0.0.11 Phialechilat Of MM.. Dlckaoo.
EfoarMal of halal. N. Moo,* air or eal4 or 1
00 011. 4 • Dona. emasaeo. Illed Dee. Slat. IMI
No II Amain el . Mathew roomahrecororef
Wuna o Some, 4 1 .1.41011. 111•4 . 4tc. si,,, ON.
.. 10,, A 1 J 17 4 ,4 rIft'Arg,h1fiZ.e.,3.:
vii...... t 11114.
No NV Memento( H. iv•;.•.....10,,*
• w 2.. m•pi..4••••e. • 11.4 MA. 11. MI
. ..54512 . .. i ttet exllltai mono t :161 . 14 ,. /Flez . .
Metenee. Me' /xed Jeo. la, DZ.
No. IS. Men mad Iloal occoart or DM. Deem
WNW.. at Wfillmn Zeroes, ego .d Um MM.
Moe eilMargent Penes, Med. 71.1011 JIM. 7,
b. /Int lad ton win. of W. C.
Loigtaat o. Ida to
Zsgrut. ofXmlalittimo
_tr. 0011. on.
Agooot.f own lam lobort ud AN.
11. 204 .. 0ir ...,.. 1 2...1 r 5 p i0 Ni e . r 11.11 to
amass of' Wma. e. Nallook_enettor
o. of Yount Dlotersoa. demimod. /Um Jas.
40ho N. WaTllttimar.
efIe:T . C7E Ueda ai° ,NV411.4•'/ITAt
lr. a'a• .%M lo oloont of liraryado
j.Oa ord. 'N.J.
fro.. Ameatt *nomad W. 1011.. &MM..
Istrator CI,J sae 4111.11.41 a
mt. Ira'
No. M. Mal sommatafJ. IP. Hafloos,
s of Mary Illtrar. 14116414 r.
Noataa ?Mem and lona. nold-r. Imam
tiol'ortmof Looms. Phlsq . dro.d. 1.41Jaa..
No. S. or neralider MN. old
Taamoolltitat L r•tononot
. alt , ,
C. J/Naa: am mat of low. Waft._ Ad.
a a tosta.m of amtorkt W.L. dent. 71Itd
J.. it NM
Na s...atatt Ldltda4tr•-
• I+l. at mhabourbalee doteame. VW. Mu N.'
No. 48. nom ice... of J. W. Ir. wa re,
Gannala or ne ed t %mom maid Of Domm
um.. Med. Jim M. MI ,
N• Immo. Yd oxalate.. or/. H. Robb,
rl J mmrsoor or N.J.. mom.. glamooll•
n.o.- :L.. • •
No. :I. Mom.. of WWI. V. Haym
dl.. of IMMO Nen Me. Jr., oat or um mamma
or U.. alonloo, atm. 4.1 1. nt. Jao.
,a i roaloor Wllll. Lam Adadal.-
Iwo of arma Nab. dHV. , Till Jam Id,
ba 13. Flan amnia% Of JOIII I. Nom ud
rtitit 4:.°4=',i."l7Nsltru.""°lt. Jay
4. r
No 64 rwo .r ratortmw,
A Column: of Jarmo. rotiMmor.....
nrd Jaw WIN! I • ,
No real or )-0,4 P. !Om. gam
di. of Mort Aso J. .....
" Li G . 4" l4:l 4 =li Pattar
o. IT
amoon 'et i..Gratm.
.ard of adlt •• IMakto alarm dud e • r
t retal. Ittatia L C:aititd
at auul ern term. Name or asset!
Pirrr iL d . 11:odifr LW&
••f rTaltat, r 16,1 - 11 I
• •
mitt ot Wm. 11. toao.N.a.
mom, torSom.. dam... /Nag
No II • etoora or liobert Nona inowtor
INg .
otanct Nt.ohellara.thormtd: /Ned Jan..
ee. 0 0 . .00 et aebetaba Seam, Attalla.
snarls • f •4010 ANN .10000 net
Ne. a If iOl seNwat .010. 10000
.r teoaabl. lellealer. • =o*Jalt. ff. ILL
tint L . ! i t I,t7=t, gotat . 7l . . :TA firiirLlL ."
'Nal_ 10000 0 Atha Aertbaw,,
010.a.tat ~t o o. .sautbetor, dammed. 'silo!
afe• TOW 11. t.OllOO
•deaal anee• 4 obit 2. abaaessta.
rth 4 , •a. 14,
abeettai et Nalliselat Neine
atoolltA 0 7.:11:0003. AlleratTlr
N. Aeanga.of sa•••4 A, A,.
. s tandsNasas• /01 , 0nen• of Ile. Jeba .1..
Stem, Art td 'wet JO.O. tat
No. S. • teplea.ol.o 1141110
swaAabeta. lAA..
_4 atte•attave et 0. 0. Wet/
b /11.2.440. AIL Na. 1R • . . •
neatB.4 2 / 1 14 Of NllotAarla.'ooo.o
tsatass. 11.00. dtotafed. Nilo!
Irob lat. art.
No. IL • atta toeseat or lealirafater,_l.o.
awe" of Jas. r. 1055.... Fatt
. 4 /7:,. 0. alit
m e= ••42
0000 mad • e. 1... MI • • ••
ts Atm tat 11 •0•C<I0eXt 01.10 a NNW,
3 110a i bt Att. valet
N ' e. ft Vint owns 0 elan at lao. Di g telea.
a. eau airs a, ewe butemeaeta mws% as.
Ani. tattal Att 41
So. n. A. rtaa. of Mil. W 1.14111. t ag
de ln . 0 0.) Abe was attatatattabat of arta tag
Jebta ' a 00,10 !,%141t. Zoo,
So. Afateat of batatta I <etet Of
jet 1111.117.44143,51.
DURIES, it it 11168,
IN sysny iAzarrr
NeSll7 P.S .1: la I.2ne
at 1 , 7 deaul
*Mar. Pu 4 .4 ••• Um' ups sum
PAPER, every size and Vgatiqa
RILAY. DIEM% .1 . 4135100111, -
CHZCIL n lONA oa Ni thlll4akt
DI &RIZ for lq , evlt ' ry sty
Post ptdlding, 89 Fifth Street.
RAT/E stn
1 7431.7.11.8LM WORICB,
Gallery of Natio*. by Ben, Moos. /per!.
L nssoins's 'MAW Of th• • int
Mlirrii•of the, Ce•entest of Peso, to.,Loodoo.
ohs Lif•of Ctoirlotio tumor,
Sismondi.. Lions...el t bo,Leioeloo.
Cessis Jilatiny of tbe nous tam, s r ae ,
k Rigor, of the Cloainiest , of is 0
4:i 14".4 .4741010111 . 0100 Cotolooi Assam ProOtil.
d :Po um Coloato. b 7 Chu'. Seieeinne:'
Loe Yoet'eal Woski of Mugu Ootfos. 7171;
PGtlßese, IlieseratseL Mrs./Liniat6.Loarmlerit..
leiCi=lirszessis" Slisikeisf fob.
BYLTION2 IT or all Ittltro;rehrarrir Ma re-
ItAtIKTEIs'd varako at SOO Peals*.
Back w
• ambers or all the Yet thir Moguls..
jorar . lartzt ooed tar WUm lUtrtlta
.p. PI • ropply at
stzthgrim.. beHavir
30Ii1J EGAN.
,0110*-I#,lrd Mug searnoad..
ver um, entra or
V from Sme NV m ~
bye, CA..,
W~Cu 411 4 . Pu "n,"
Asa tillrfiley VT. 411,31‘inca4
Mouth door aboie Olsam.Ll
WA" t Jaa Waled Table I' Mr!
17. 186 S
it:QP I ." • ••••--
I Othl .thelfthior oblthatloth to you, LB VSII
Y\ elttl os to . Olken *lobo. thoallth 807
Athos .Ith oththth to OrOor thsttheyothr?th.'
wLen thoy c gat carol. IMO both sableth
riabßis. matured *now e;Altray . Arse*
Mob eta thsthl and hart both to thootfrtho.,
sod to voilay i an dlcaTh.ttn - Oiezithiiisth with
out obtualag pmt'WW2& I
at al. I woe et , had thal I aerer anew whs_
Ina to be free Donal &awe. 7 had to eh
la bed every nista Orr stsats - a9 Inhas. sittaa ,
oat.) prape4or hope rii Cara' /4' icalditlar
row ntrio4.tistaijinl sCharta t li.rar'd amen I
cot .4..utast 1 all to Suss! of raffouttna
e l•ritioraint...lotarrile had' elm MY =M.-
1 .4 th1L " .71 • 0,6 , 7 , 1 044411,11 4e"14•106,
Isar ntltialtDoel alai l ow warty black 11 'Du ,
hoc frtarthir il e r allitaerisdril til,4 r tr,
breath. In tacold trlnter Wed. ! •••Y •
light, walk the oar, ead whadorre of Dm house
thrown wide op•a; In Ordrai• hinatT, litLeOla
Hat danger of !etranialatlon ' In tale eondt..
Moly.= the nth lilt Ostobir; lid, I ‘Tiii ,did
of Da. EZII I / 4 7 ,1 1 Mil la atlas tat. amass.
Issaes wstata u ' isr o2l 44.7: , il4llllili ilikialail
Joseph „ Ilerera* 1 mart ellatale. with • Great
elsalsCdosat aeio cereal:o4; jrlittatrii.
Dr. .ILLTRLD elsaslaed an essatolly, sad my
lass" su ores, slit . las 1117)11180111tDiSadSateS:
no that 0111 carol ...ylcskilli;lp....iinct
With IL aissatasses for O•p2 &lOU% Ud ederro
der lnalgorolia Irealth. and 'i1. ,' flag
rime inzAftrika..." stta iSS - 14 data- alai.
greublo attends,. I have hal. one! teemalle,
lia riled &taloa. °tithe- dineia, bat I regard at!
LGLIM es 8011011 11.11•1211,114‘04. 11,111 /do
lure say stases. 'la taw demi s:t ids poetises
astactas laa•O l taly +sasses . Its I "asps feel
itoo Umtata' fo r tass 112111Copiloa tram • Osumi
tiel saw coati tee whelar weeks sad maths
of lora of eleatt.telder SIIII•flrig .11101 mints
t thoi , • 41..!; art sciNset i . lO tit" 4114441 ciis
iatiy appreniatiroi.
akaroll 3(1101311.
Xialr 110179 T JOY. Oar atotal
(=slot flapl zumunstma. D .O. MD. '
no cm, of Y.I. reeltod above. It cos
tug • Atiooftuum Ot
t• of tie attacks tbotr too Usood
ansl the ire.: Otoetratlad of a 1 tbo
41 p.m. 44 Mt g the dlueoac. Ur am
o k Imo Hz do s lee Um* ob. ins • suf.
from the of "Web siwirs., mind,
• inn 1 00 k 4 it#i,:or
bast htsltb. ella.O. butodzolt that tae ma • 1
... o",
44 of tau Ul elotrootof. Laaamotob
as me bey of go t rm., day of au 11m, be. 1
sell...nor ao ruble =Ufa. +,;.ot awe
I. et doubt 100nt4141. for tiiiateloom.
( I r l:Tßirr OZ alfltlagoOf OZISTIrAt TI E tl ° /111t1IT D C
Dilligunw /44 124, mint i . ilipL7, - tetoik le
.4..*: - .getalilr. IL ; I -.- • • ;
...-.. •••.- .L. ; t,
~. nitarrass, num nailuare.
. lhargene Pali - ins .1 .
tile Sas, • Oen" 611.2 *yea,
Ilisined /tr.., /Finn. apeales of Noire
1 / 4 •0 aatli-Ouno, IllaalerifialLy Tres!ed
1 7 . ! / ". llo lreliiiintreet. -,-- .
I'l3, • ewe to with is allede d sops wetda Mo.
or paint/me 71sbOr.1 of 1f,,, Maat73 la Me
eatlaalt ottahrsno4 by the appearance of Alm
lliber Misr la who Pada) eaUed m DR. ELT,
psis is , mot.' latak tan Sat els dada... .4 fill If Tee her to" tostits M ill
rtS inter tab Err. Mir !nibs, hid beta Pear
-17.14334 IM lam non*. OM was se atlas that
s mold nut dlotlykalab nip ob,1•10 se so to
03 ami elan Item-3,TM pia Is remarkable,
Is Madreds of eye, Ilts bort& are doe ea to
ear Ini 4.01•44. on the llama mmeat
tla then Is ao we. fad boating ma b. dom.
OM was each DL. itirress•ss lamtmeat Cro
lon month. last:bat IM 31100034. to him.
I MMO Mt bred... B OM r. slauts,"slitat
Mops trate amertaloett of her area salting hat
clam tees 411334 I. fain flown In tat tielshbor•
asat att . . sea rotas. au has ton tatatto
a. oaf of extraordlna4 mecum
. tb
Woaadetalmte Mow of the cam ot kin
was bias willta f trauma! to the tact
*int& 3: ..•
Mat ' 3 .7; 3 1.31E12. rated.;/
Tarter arta, alkirboa r;
If (Dm alert.,
Se twabortl 17 11 1 .
tbii ZRIM igt0733.133 •"4. .
Woolat a 314 it: attest '
I . ac4t.,4,
t.......e.rfiu. • Ityr il,n,n,
Mils .11:4.. . I
4 .0. - iiagar. I - •• -
C. 4,..P1eta1.. i P .M. 4., walk.
' . b."'". '- 1 '
Ooma Lemma. , Nam, • ase.
, ilit• 11 4. , atom 8 11333.134.
ila i r& it.1 . 0:0413... e.... I a W.O.t Newton. .
11 J 7 :211 . 4;r:.
T .:P . .. liSif.A. , - 1 ..i.=-e.,wit••
. .... 4 ,,, 17. 14,..,
,fr. Palteg " :
W. Lloveadoett. . tam. rat aa.
.1- t . ittstisoa, , Maass Tolle.
Ito-ltanltrtra ' ' i rn_ a. e M0t134;
titirtstisso Mahood. ' i. W. IMM.
yabs/la Ilobb. 1 Leah.
. rattan.. tom A. Maw.
6:7 3" 40_ . _ ~t. _ ifiliglig7ionor
UM esetaar. Mar inothet , / ..
To3 .. iaso Move Mama se Ism eastrapr we
DP 403030 to pMO {lea blood. and II la elt•
hr motes of penim lobo ham Moen ,
sm. twat. tat stes i; allostotto of nasitial I
TmlotttMa to Malt. md IM mammy of ler
glib. las the nowentouplat!!Lter Of her bonus
*Da faith t - ..
Da. Errata-711. IS TM LTt of taxa. that
lave to roar advartotataist of slut amen/ thE
do D. partrutta ITatint.••rThertam 101:11fItt
lag to PP that war; dors bairlosos oar
'll3o3ll latoalshal to Oa that ' as ham& lii
Wahl .4 Idol[ ler roakig atm. urtialitite
t.. , ollaalo.loa antattiot ulottatialt-Inot
a' Ms 131.33 oho W. IT es awl not maw
ionats pm an beams 4 atalitel yenta tot be
lbws a tole Ilan. We API iota Ii steams a.,
MT. .at rupees to led,
.3 I 41 . rt FLEtELS._
Mt" thillattity.' _
DI. LillasX;• ONtnatllatasse laws,.
Ms. la rasa ilarset: prim at Bosom
anty a ... 01Mat Mars teem IS a. so. so
r'.`,•:,,; ,- .
1 --- i
lIILAONAXI- comsusinnos. ustize •,••tui
, -Ituit ruaraut OXIILIttii-`....•%.
I stomata; ot aborts rood. calsostan at ma
LI astatioa mat. laitthart 0 1 / 1 1'•
: I it.
• Dant Meat ./a, Pa,
lass. :MA idi me wit! is- w s Z i lssilai, sir saw
I atoontalat swat Int Lail trallalt
asonattlalti *7 heath. this 'aka of
sitscitt Mt; mita St melhisitAsht,
rosolotbsSio sat Mn,. ' x his sut/sas rs.
scrams pus Qs Mutat. I via advised to to
i lab utoootatatoollti xal.trtyllktax• a
eillad la it doctor. mho 101 l XI lon `dam..D
atottadttlaatl aims If loatetWaS ate h
mat I Stall as at ouxrUnirrtoX. t Hants
ides am this use usu
,stiesit'faii Islainsbi
all tamol' bat lags iohotitt- imettal
comae Irons, and I trotter artery atty, aad st ,
tton llatalents-te atatorothtst•VOLAßith
Oast of tastatadaarE • aad itowlas the meal
holltd ot shm,ismara of
lotiatlitiotd of sm. made 04 .w. :. °*. 11:11YSIS:
and ...tilt his thastpatatat taste trmitu;•
1 awl/team 6 astabar tut Stain oa•sh•Doo.
too as his tam, VS haastrem.
miaow ?no wits Ids !Ulm sOtthino. He
out ma the taper lota at asslol hat vattorsr
Data masts/al. tat ha tlottant alit sussosm
ssa ft. Perattersasets theist at thtstsstale;
I erosbe 7 , oral. At its- tato I taloa ea Dr.
Nampa, bellsowastrtmatrwlia4 rye abut. ls a alasso. list I Lossssitzrw
tatted. sal had to omit_
,shilt Sat day. l coup
math the D•olastato•Masol taaallibx. 'nu
I; ache, Wotan otottatltattoa., hal mallastad It
llatalklltattalltplitaa 1,31111,1=11
ss- mesa "OW imetriiiimiii tun:,
.4:4.4 Jaguar tooramiir eitras4ti:
.43. 4
W art tom bad , twamilag. /
tart oast 12•IlatIt Its" eettaiisatit X),
all/want al las rattUal sta r
. ntat las Gotta.
as sam =Oa bssullrulls Intt.soMt4llll
ma Matins oat Moots lam ~
a the ashamed
.tae. arait allaattaattaxauttn swum
at. Ott al tat Nord. t. to by Dr,
ltaisor,va4 tothlisCottiost ILUIfir L ODUf
mast 4 teat Is msaatetiti will; Um otsir int.
Naas. atonal Poss.
rinastimm. Ilaroarll,llll4 4,-, -,- ,-- `-t ,
I aitotmicl irmix•or coaraltrtioir..
amain. ,'crs roux O. WW1 1 •0113 •30 , ThaTah
C 110304 Ltawswort COMM.
I Eau dlastartad from is. Dalon Males ant/
Is JokaarMashim somash.stal ANEW in lb. •
I M 0343 tram o awn. sad • llama lOWA diriirbii
, Dimities. tomattaato cohtsw7lohs t t ha t ,
' • Sotthlt .dyeteafedoala" INlXlloorat "4.
1 last sad tat %I to ttaaanalts. - Shortlyter Dr estutasta tha Ittatr t 1 tettliMpllceptaa
to a tpat attar &Mak ta4.-"ttlot.:
warms ,sm , Sstliassoottb"lllll42 •
I•goo, mato thalsollu ;41.11t*00./or /11 . •
swaths, alums a* limatalliet tat%
~ taw tossmi,DDl tllttall lattoaltallatta
oar.. limits, SBA sat melba took sat
I to D O CTOR/ pnrus.sp , StialittssrtiWitibt ;
tull ix' sits loop like mist 5.1 -boa habil
1 spina at tat faaaa3agrantarJl4.ll
/fa Dootir atsanal al Itaito tr 7 =WWI'
' , mint LIMO! 0011,14 Ma 3 30 1 4 *4
1 to uss was bsety Coosa - il tlhf ;slat VOW
, so it 1 est soon so neighs &squid UMW
1 by ttaknxtir las dEnottots- atter _Wlttati satt
tEtota that lay Ito Mts. - I asastunt
I aar DiaLotaa/.. Esallalseintantatnrstatattr
[ ooseasato•d to Mt* Qom. tad at goliianomosS,
lasa 10g=44 ay. ciossOtaboi Woo soils. '
*a alt./. ant,. lam It vitiolkaai.l.,ltscbstanne
, feu as ant tale fI laill; lialvaloo
1 Ms a hit oars Webt.oailioit poi silloato is
smug*" -Si Mei •sif Ifo. Lynn's
rlpapt s Apra Litt oor liti IrsisturiNsp i ,4 , A .124..1 ,,
~ , . .-- _ ,, r ........•:1. 4 - 7,-fEx.:
R ,` P ao i 8 rECTOILWAIR
....'imatunic.col .:,-...,..,.4
Oat lo hal at Ids (lIIX.IT XXIX =XX.
100 WOOD sTlisticr. Conan WU** ra t e.. Mo.
ISO MIX IOW? DantattaXstationa nit
'mai., luta lilt X I
Bar Hoop and Sheet iron,
Jul Irma mum are, 89tl, WM, at
Ottler,, 6n. . p3,.Water, Street,
:WpTricrglim4 : tr
rszn . oir woza asp
. 9043. mums'. .
OlihietbaaW• ikiiiinsirtMOSlC4ili/1 .
SIL•Ft Sid !Moony gtootith
Pittoburgh, renuaylvanis.
11111• Orders sant to pi• Mao,. sKictre. Irl.ll b toomotta &mooed to: 1167:1.
-- -
Best Colusisn, Berme+) Marcos!
3.IIIOIIENT 11.101211/413fir33 . IEO3
HOOP. BARD T .4 .1301.3
Isom= r.L.A__, A .d easy!. uuni:
movnat ...PEN EASE
unasGua, m. OR visual bias; •
MULL tso .0 its na. ritd„ !
c u ar.
Ei3LIIOIIT C/./ !r.4 and ZWIEJLE MN. !
Iat?LRRR.r 014 - cl?14 1 !•.14, 134
(" utlx= th e ' t M n e . 441, 3Z7 4:.
EA.. Ileum 0. Ettlsour.. 4.1.11
imp OIL
JAW . . IL eau,
pulusTuut - 'ovum&
HUGH. BOLE - &-tAY-,
roprDE f is.,
Yaks io Onlat Marine wad Lana Mama Enamor_
of au Ks.. warranted a am, a.Wmeuoa.
CaKtugs. ofloerj aesenvuou. made KKan
Jaw Knuth,. esp . 5....ik. B. BOWS.
AV hi gang.
.. • ITirrrsameileu. Pa..
1 . 11 STEEL wouse,
N; OOOK 64'
JOBIB BOYD aldoo.o
IV Hoe S PA aallt i et' Mesa oast
argin 'La* rrixas, EPLIpGE
" " . adtra.t vino trzrA car,,
Cad, Cononwit Plow ic Prolog Steel.
liellee—Oonter or lltel'avOl Itnet, Otreete. i/0
idoeke d ebove toe llooonel e Hove%
RIM-PITT Fount ti
CUP AffilliWB
11Vii ottViailiflgt,'
:1,1104 .1 btall'i l tch.tatlYtillY ard SW:WIT&
ZJIMIII2I attended to promptly. ,
AA acrecctost . ___thalto, sastcrtaatriparAp
Iti'd_ 4 1114 4W7a . ;, iiid sfOr..k: WI . iii
PAANL .. who mar 41(f) IIEntOPKO pUtamt,
104,,strearga iragialz s 2 :
1 . ' oo•ta
Butler. Eitree4 Ninth l'Fait
urrueirs. unund 1 / 1 16611.4,
spx.x.Fe..lisp*lar r *E.
"WM ** -1 0: 1 fAilif,onao
Mt l 4 an 1 4) tttl 10/4
) ". ,, ?-"rou!d 0, !!Ipm• iresTals•
'11 • 2 IIIN , C21111041..UP 4.Z.Vilicazmani
03=1 inn' waxeni:tos.`42,
- •
isanbelare sad ism opeastaiuy ea Wad
21 .4,5. 1 "- - Nu* Ariftriplattew
/lad auttin
ASD XONlTOB*curfpk..
rmwmaii. rt.
J.: P./ .041ilt iOPl‘...
Ron, En WOK, Tulil Sad Mrstqui
sftpramootaa, PA.
, " 'iyaay'vri#l7.l4-ritl
XELCI :,ii-SikVi:ll:l.73o3,
iwarneurr,Area. fa melt n .. ,1 % 6 4 5_,: - - •r• -
Itossaimpe s .
. • _
„,, , A :wire_
_a. Anitarres* ..;.,
it.futifreavw.wm•v d,
i l ll:4llTang, ,
i I ItC) . C I Itfdl
acitiituYtte•stai' - •
IP ,ri" latimamm i .
.:463grargrip ZELlCklir4'
o*.nz arra. No. 11111.1Ele
GIOTTO_ 11-6 • bales era
mi ff" 4mba. se mmtiv;
tab VairEa. Ilan 1r .• • y 0 ,4 :
PITTSBUIted tOiteri
-,-- - 1 -- - • . 'A '
stlircrAtairitias car
afieltillait ‘.. • - . ' . •
Manned PIM limns sae .asiget
Allatureal. Car ilizirs
. Ilastrusil Otr &slim
2 .lwassougui ramming .
Item., Strom ii
Z ino
Phalakitsmeter I ,
seembeas Owen j Jp '
. Illidisabeat Psalm - 1 V, • t
Ptsiselobam, Wrists; ! ri .
• Illeiros Jaws, v0u5e5,..41...: :
ithrmea, N 0.177 PENN BTNEDICT,
/MD :
we 8,
Oozier canon
f t r min t Math IVIA
4111 4 I MPACTAII1 1 4 ., ,
Cast Iron Howl pa,
dam — inxt z . z ,... 2,141 .0, = .
. .
Huta gamy ht Els infant On.
jwow . adoemil sitisstoi
UaziamWartebe „sifter
• .
. _
Limitsaatifila, er,
A 1#
mana4o44os4 ha . '. '
ARirilif lm
337-1111— Ort - STRAT'
,10.. equar•-seby Awn .pi t
. 1..7. -% prr/SBUREi •••
t t.
arAs.iutamkniguinup 50.- .
Hunan REEL 11111#
ENO :4: MINK :'' CO
13187 BUM Mr , H
Kitiu, no mum* u lu 6411
MlZl 4 lnztra.casainmreuraMlDOSCkillo:ll
=Luna aim nos. - ••
1 -ow -82414.0' ithla,
I Cast and Guinn Flaw ll
I - ezow Wine AND alma '
imp" um AND STEM
i s
1 1:14 " titYralta...4lck. S. 5, , ..ii
Wantons', 81 Water fil., Pnineek
Tusa worms,
1 Arearox STILL" •
' rano wan!, rutsausb.
----- u
111.. Rena an moms the lama aid
couples* enatifsescri Is a. ous
row ortparut so n..ut Wen. r
.....r.,r,..5... t i.
.., .. , ,,...k., ,
az... Welt' . .
....... ,
. ...L. ! .
Raab. Casthip
somma cuttors, . 0
-53 "114 a Water Bereet„, ri
Prris illSlMP.44,l_
, --. -3K4insraaroux MP 0 , - i':,
=Etyma- azu ma4Pirxr,
.............,: t.. !,
somas& mu. au. =
..can DAM RAW
JON& iteliray y 6 i
- • 11#1414 FOINDRY; .L '..
1 1 Mal Eti.1.14,1V-Antsle4A*LlA,X4
',, • . ii ii iv .
r if , Ac i lm
er • _ .., g
1 - i
lunum Dumk..B*!! Ifoulds,
UrAl/1/ P A 1.64* INAD P M i lk 1
zaarini iwutz....=7.rteratizai,
aqui. namuir
GIUMINO,D wormy.,
D*& BONN Y .
•it-.7...=:44-'-4.H...1.46*, WZ
P5,Pc....1 10 Pita.
pilicei'itkilrarleift street, •
iernev , ItAilladasty Kam
WOR*ll. B"a
Tam= ou .41' •
L111*34 dee:l4
•Anix, AND BEN
sonnu„,, aitvap Aro gm
D 17411E153 E
I 'boil and Steel-Wert&
porautAlk -is::o64
/L aritAc'Ytnu;ia
! F.; .;,:' 7444Wasriki•. Ei i;'..7 A , •
. 1
~AIR 27,iiraanni num.
j irpTijuruu".
i A p , 4 1 440 , 140( ' ' ' a ' OM
mmg.a.,"4 - ftno w . g ,
Goa. rarhialoi lliallm No* 1
,,foistoma.vrxr= ' lib-I t ul lFivro
. :courics; cam mufti; ika'. -
- ig l4l 3 7 Wel i gt,g a ltri"''
1 [11111W•
I s MUM* gumura ismos
.+ i n gaalt - nA MMI"Iir • •
41; -
= :z
W 1,6
ra r as . 7,lS
• artaza... . A
1 , 11T11911171161111AND CONlttLla
oa max iiataaart.
Mat b naT raal
saralaraustCp an; • '
Nat le mai tram_VaUila.,l"=. aala
IlallMoport Lomemanarta. LIMA. SG: WI" IL
MIX* &ci..)tee,°"47. .as
P. ZIT& re
nma CUT. AIL.
Aa. Mau. COL. a.
• au alanalulaumail
W l L L .prvu•s rir .. t am atall a. SS. •
.1460 . 4114•21.
atom ammt.....44.1. • sus
A so ux,Quan. VALLEY RAM: .
naanalsag Tiresla sii to Inman's; Mt a.
Ira Irin in as. tas
WM= iViresatila Saaraza n
wad Ye
Attaalla Bran Manama itathnky.
aft .4 after Imnar. I.llth JaavirT z
. M.
th..p..vj.T.tauut.. .
mai Imar. am:maw:l
at4 alan sonar Oual
melatas as ltalaltat
Mall to and I:maa Yea. Of t7. ' 7. nas a. a..
lama • •• /MIS T. att. 04111:14 •
Wawa Bond Aamstawit'a. I:Mr. a. Ataxy
itaa, Works asatas...
froitati sada Waaka Amman— Saler. U. lagi
$.340a aaxamaduica 11:13.L. 111“. a."
entatar Cluck .Trala Ica's* ataltaliatta
MO annlag . fltiabataa at 9:10 O.K.
W.a.k INA kant. elthataTito Ilk -LT
3. 7 Ocala Works at fa* ze.
. .
M7 rl"a""D asti e arn .""7"Ul64 : ll- 7 1" sa 9 Ne ‘ ..
.47f ".
bargb. 4 .r e tti i
cpu4s"kga?:. 1 411 i :
=Va. si:!'' , '!*
viaW •a• 11:44•1
k• •X: *II pI?
~ ..... tjj:
• •la AO. BLIS a
' • "•• .eet :
rtma.Behrialg.i ,e4 .llll
. JIM •• 41
irTizsa. z '
. sris .. .ft ' •• east,
aLla . UM,
las p..,
Wm leavei n = r .
moms, - caussß s moon!
. .
• carixiii
Dt=i 4 ll 3 / 4 MR, galas win Um awl
pot as =Wm. Plll.ol¢lo Stu. •
. •
• MI Jai ar. Las 1 3
p, Lao ..... LOA. at, -'.'7107/ . .,
tAr t :
torlEaaaaoma~Y..Laaßar. ,' Vat
L N aoflr.
awns{ laCla..”%7rlF .
IrSr :11.,14:=
-Zi•tro alumni Of can Denim tsater
' i naill'agtai l >ll7.o,`l'llLleasill Beath:
a i2. 2 IVAdni !ii 4 1 4 .
M1N1M14..011111611., k .1110111 AR
unto:mm*lr, MAO,
'LW! r
—.— a ,"2VIV•Aas k •
clesprnAL , • v
Iii 01411•111
th. sad after Donn= OtL. JAL - Tnibui Lin '
L.E...V.H.dalartattes the mama laltaw..
cd . .
Zre.= is LI EzeiiTg:t':
'wax:A:Ea:2 .i..V 6 i.--.. m i tt
sllht o. L..8:10 •so •Otovit......Ltsll•lll
ILL i-. 39 • in Wall% Mai ii...ndeim a
ofmatoms 4111.111.15 • a Jo
'Rimy 110 p m Wpall..M.t.t smar m 4 1
pl:: t.: 114: 2' 1 % ...14 id
AZ it sat: rim w 1 0-4 , ::1 -
. vwriz . ~.... r ia t.Lr..4. 7a ........ m in1it xis " "
Into .....—.,20.10 9 a . -'--- , - i
' 'Ars Chard. =au /..m init.. saLtkiitt ;
a ry...rittlgie rat M.! i
timer..o .7.7:41:raut2,3 1 . eilLaß ' . !
- 3 - 1 1.7. 4 4 j rft. =ado. I , . i • ~. ;
The reauntnals Mama, gut -
fizMormiglit ilo :
tog Um automat/a ralim VIII •• • f;,, 1ta b ff goad ... - :
eau.' eitocrintant
4 s '
wEemEntl- .pinwsii.T . ~.
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