The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 14, 1868, Image 4

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ctt gitteriti l t 4ayttt
An isessawstem Othestors-reereeesta
nos as iseesseversets lealtreow of
t ~., goats ewe compluesesesvf stepper,
5... Last evening an the par t rs of the
1. Union Dll
ePot.otel ammo tw , hundred
gentlemen assembled to participate In
:. presentation ceremonies to Robert Pit
f, cairn and J. Mc. Creigton, Ergs., the Gen-
I - 4
- ould•Hage ; Ms tentient and Asilatant SO-
S. perinterdent of the Western Division of
the Peureelyania CentratEdiresed. The
t• guinea represented point' all along the
Malice tO,Philadeiphis, and were not
only railway °Maids and employes, but
, f likewise prominent reposer:delve bai
t : need gentleman, dram together from all
ii paros of I the Mani The I meeiing I
scan - ergliedeed by calling A. French,
i Esq., to I the chair and I electing
i Meer, Jobn' Riley, Dem Chalfant. Hon..
: . J. P. Sterrett, and John Blakey (ot Phil-
f" '.' adelphia,), /as Vico Presidents, and the 1
S.•:-reporteni of 'the pm* as: So:rotaries.
1 . Aster aied and ipstrumentth music by
t •
. Meters . Bieber, Slack, Blakely. and the
s Allegheny; Quartette clab, n ißey. Dr.
t , amides proceeded to Mimi Mr. Pit-
1 calm with , * mead ficeut.Bu eat organ,
i . from th e rouse of Bieber 01. Brea., of ex-
t•-• gutsier furniture and remarkably sweat I
and powerfullorros. He said: ,
i . air- Pdearro—lt is but a w boors
;dace a member of the Comard of Arm
4 tenements informed me th at t was the ,
1 regime. of. he respected and generousi donors the I should present you, In
It'--• their name, this
ill s - magniliero /or or-
E . . gale- - II cannot tell why s Ithat they
s-- 'aleed me; unless it is on aeocent of the
I _ 'high reputation I bear for toe scascsalou
t• of. musical talent. Art who taro ever .
witnessed my performances in t is Bait
i • . : • know that In the premoceormy magically
„•,... , , artistic efforts, Handel. Hadyn Moran,
Pamusini and Ole Ball wouldl fall ink.
I - utter Ineenthcance„. But, then to make
, me an "Organ minder," to fore oh meek
l ' to atich:th stedianee as Is assembled boo
'• _ to-night
might be looked upo n as rat
ednubtialcompliment. andtithraptor '
. estimate oimensualed genius. pr, how
... erer;the voiamo of sound la proportion:.
ate to the size of • the pipes, die sound
-will not be lacking lis yoltinse. I - !
Although: no °Meld diadem- ioa, as I
i .Understand,la to bo attached to the pm+
I'-_ aentation, I, comfder li norm boner:
• even in to prise: es wee, to hay th e op
,*--- prosody of addroaaing a g tloman,l
f . , who, in his public etatini, sax P•th taw'
proud norition of a prominent and edl-I
. . dent official °tithe "Great Central - Rail-1
• - road of Pennsylyaniii.'
Asa traveler who has made exterrtivel
. -
journeys both in Europe and A erica, II
can say without fear of being contra-I
Meted by any one whose op MOD Is
worthy of considaratio p , that • rail
: ' roads *bleb center . fn Pittsbo h are,
• - equal In comanctiou and mental!
1• anyin the country, nr perhaps t world.
Their Mikes, so far as I Yoe , and I
have a genend knocrielge of m all,
" are men Pt sterling worth and bead-
- • log iutegrity, and eminently raided
, . for - the samaras. they mop And
- whilat, th er manage their save I lines,
• as they are under moral obligations to
do; for theiremunetatiori of toe-stock
: holders, who have contributed sit Übe,
• . ally of tbeirmeans be - their t ztrelon,
and are Gobbled, led, ill ar e wit Invest
. -- capital in thy Jawed ea , to an
adequate return, they neverthela eon
duct them in .thich a way n to promote
• the generalpresperity of. the public.. '
•-• . Ido not believe in -the tiortnee that
• • corpcustams bare no sonis.. - The. is, m
I uoderstacal it, that .they are no mar
alif•_feePcinsiblui They are justas re=
- spotlit bin as India - Mule. - They a held
. responsible both ina civil and cdrninel
, point cf view"by. lite niers of th land
And they are also morally reaps sill'
' - It is me. opinion that the Irma rs
_.. • our reels here are under a those f rho
' respotratnility. I believe they Ti
_ • • tut regard' for the Byers and pro y
....• -all-the patron& They bare a g i
' . gard.for their awn reputation, as all
the interest of tau stockhoide 41
.• '• of them with whom lam kept nu
are conscientious/a these matter B
accidents will happen after tho mo
.- • Malcom stew, • These . accidents - was
-. • ' they do occur'are as. great a sou
grief to the officials as tray' aro o t
public. They have no interest 1 a
. . • tribudtarto -them, -All their In at
-.. , run throe opposite direction. ,
- • In all my trareis I nave nut found b ar
- . -- Pen mister; train. boys. 'condo.. rat
employee of any grade more poll • o
Haying maid this imiciiiriti-ini our
' - Pittsburgh railroads in general, I ybe
nir• , permitted to say a few words in dto
the road with whictryon have the honor
to nocennected. The PenosylvanhiCen
- . tad basis European as well so Amthiceo
• . .
tame', It la *trued as well known In the
•. , one hemisphere as It Is In the othed In
-. the tririxophe 'of engineering skill winch
ft d.eplaya, in its ascent And desce art of
" the '.le•gthrtess, the solidity of It snore
: -tore, its capacity for :transportatlorr the
rotundity of its Mins, the safety tool
- facility to traveleri which it affor d , the
. . eceomplisnmenst of its employee and
• -their-qualifications for their roe ve
.• '.- poeticize, as.well es in the: superior and
-.; • excellent management of its a ff air* it is
... . an ineltutioutt wbkh every Pools n
. .er and Peamyiyanian should feel t
elly•prouti Without it, what would the
. tom- “Keystope 'State" do to-day? I
, cannot Mk:Wm tneeppreciadon-ofprop
,- • arty at its- terminal and listerm late
• stations wide:Nits construction n a
- _ • lamed: . Wier; Would town lota •be
worthltiPitrabisrgh were It not lb the 1
.. railroads that centre bier& . • ,
• Ido not enter open' the altei: is ca- I
lion- of - “diaerrimticro,' about w icb I
= there is frequently so much d on.
It fa add that tbia, like most otherci ea,
lions; hurtles aides to It: I leave 1 to
others to &sem it- lam speak [ of
. the management or the noide , and its
- - importance to Prttsburen and the . S ta.
. Melees:ern, .or: Pittsburgh Mee on,
which hi under your eroperintanden _ ,112
you greenly wended by my very
• - • sr My friend, J. M'C. Creighton,-e..
• the mocCditticult division - on the w ole
line, owing telt. mountain. grades, i a 7
least in as good condition and rune r
' . ordereranymber. r-Power 'redden
believe, have occurred on It. In its
petinteedancy, for about three y.-
. . you hare proved yotirsolf dine awo
anceetsorof.dudgetitisomn and echo
Andraw.Darnegfe, BIT
80. sir, worthy as your official -
• in connecdon with the road la or I
. most favorable mention, as I am into t
• . ed. and have already. remarked, this • .
*aeon bas no connection, really, t
your official prodders as Superintend
- of the Pittsburgh Dici ion. The don • n
although either directly or Indiree ,
connected with the' road, present t..i.
- beantlintorgan as a testimonial of th '
Isiglaregird for you ea a gentleman, il a
tlogulsbed for many noble' and •
• virtues, as wallas great moral and • r
• aortal worth, without thy regard to yo.
• official posit ion- By your streision of
character, answer - clog integrity, fir • -
nenlir'purpoisee. dispoaltion to aces. -
moditte., and. urbanity of manners, y• it
have andearedycinraelf to all who kn •
yam , . Titer; ansid. not express it- it
trordeloudtie Moment enough to co .
vines you of it, sod theydetaadued o
send It bone to your heart in the - thril -
. log, thunder tones of this powerful it
aoul.stinfee fnatrument, so that aye
- • time, ilt ends - forth Its key sae el
. Inwill!pancend and happy rural boat ,
• it pedeto yourself and family •• f
the chatistakt: regard of the
. No delicacy 'will maient me fro.,
„m,y Individual testimony t
- your faithfulness and efficiency Mare
position in which I three found you.
I ads ;ladle. learn that you bare latel
• ...Joined Use ranks of. Presbyteriznien.'
- • fa to Liebe; ed that in your progress oy
•*- this mad- ef "ssay grades and of
-3- Marrow you will soon become a mire:
. : to the use ofellarld'aPsalize.” -Lino.
,• yee can't sing without Its aid, fear no
. to tkrow them lute tie organ, fur the
can be ground through anything, -
But why present an organ to a gentl
conneesed with (railroad/ Watches
.. more coutinouly presented to gentle's:ie.?
. in thiarelationallip. The 'donors kri .
as well no others, that every man can tel
what time of day it tato apnoea. by
~. passing or arrival of tralna on the Penn .
sylvanistßatlroad, so that in •thort the •
. ehronomerers will be dispensed wi
- along they/hole:line. - The trains den
edong le snits good tame under your en
perimending, they . determined the
would dance no more without meek: :
I taker great pimento In prossntio
this organ to yours a" tostizeoey, of, the
- high re: ardor the donors. • : .
litr. Prthern responded In a very • .psi
. ' propriata andlitalne manner. . He scald -
B ee _ Doctor and Door Frit:ads,. Jeep.
pate that Zam expected to say. roma
- th ing arttble occasion, and althougu it
' 'ht written that Punt of the aboxidanite of
the heart the mouth -apesketh,” which
maw teortbOdox and true, but with aro,
to night, such Ly not the case, for-I ern
..- Unable to ex in biting terms, the
• gratitude.whlch dwells in my heart to
the kind friends whether* thus surprised
• , me. /fally.appreciate the delicate man
. Sser,in :which this beautiful testimonial
- of estgetn. has been presented, Whllo
I . would feel honored had it some
from. - the , employee of the road,
yet 1 more &reply appreoiate the favor
.' sines the donors represent every depart
, meet of the, roil; lefon I was made:
' 11.1.• Of the Otter of this meeting loan
' greatly imprised, and +Quid hardly rear
' Ire tbattlm erroptimeat was letendedfui
• me, as rdo not fail that I deserve
-• the high entemlums of 'prates paid me.
J have always bald • that the rein is not
made by , the, pakten I he occupies, nor
And el! men croupy the right posstlom
-- If -I have ever erred, and L feel that I
have, It' bar been an error of head not
- o f ki.e. i, What I have known as my
date' hive earnestly endeavored to do
w id,,,, i t . fear or, favor, _ and in my 1
,= l' ' ,7s i t h e-itf.7t: Hof a t y lt tu w rn ay s ? 1
Quote/on, '-'"a • lagla a ' a man for
: y e , ' at; that he la to he respected . for
no other othalderationitron' for
.nle true
rrawhoottind,tbe good:which Llt,trs him,
end tifiltrierter Beechen:Weide capacity
:he la adittri . .tb.hts.treatnt asi :though be
Amid & m setalgbei position. While I
tonnotlrithsrethe of this testimonial say .
!heti am not appreciatiod;':fat • I believe
.1 am beyond my merit; I must not lose
illaillt cr th, 'atet 'thus to.tba- -14iiinedr
... .
efiltdent, competent, careful and Intelli
gent employes of the road Ia due.
In a large measure, the sno
cam -- of our management. I do
not' believe that the employes of rail
oads are properly estimated by either
the press or the people, for they are cer
tainly a creditable clement of our society
and as good, worthy- as can be
found In any ether class.. In conelnsion,
permit me to express my great gratitude,
and believe me that this occasion will be
ever kept green in my helrt and trill al
ways remain a pictsing incident of my
life to be eheriehog sacredly in my'
At the conclusion of Mr. Pit: mina's re
marks Sol. Schoyer, Eaq., made bit ap
pearance, and addressing J. ale: Creigh
ton, PAq.proceeded to present him, in a
speech of decided fore, andbeauty, with
a magnificent solid gold cased watch and
massive gold chain of elaborate work
manship.: Mr. Schoyer referred to the
high executive aty and . geatraly ex
cellent railroad qualidcations Of the re-,
defeat, who was thus honored by hM
numerous friends with such a valuable
mark of their esicept. 'Mr. Creighton
responded in a very happy! rummer,
returning his, thanks to the donors
and expreasloi pleasure and sal iNfaction
that .li.. bumble efforts to discharge
his duties bad been apprecifited by Ins
friends. The Watch. was purchaaed at
the well known jewelry establishment of
Nfeases. Jaynes — ll: Reed dt Co., No. GS
Fifth street, and tea beautiful epeconeu
of time piece perfection. Li is one of
Howard's oclobrated pieces. adjusted to
putdnon. Thu Mewing.
heed have the supplying of time
pieces to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and
the eler - w„ nt 'one presented to .)I r. Creigh
ton is buttimtber evidence of the supe
rior quality of the watches sold by that
- The presentation ceremonies being nin
eluded, the entire party repaired to till
dining hall, where a somptuousbanqm.
hoard WAS spread, and-where all
a hearty sapper, after which the meoim
adjourned, every person ex preisaing hi m'
self., highly delighted with thececaalon'
Re Wlll here add our word of teatimort
to tbq efficiency, capability, eiery;y an,
ladnetry of the gentlemen - compliment
ed, who not only carry with them th
respect of their fellow workers but thi
eineem end confidente of tbeentlre bunt-
peas community.
Norttk Prasyterum Churn., Alta
• Mat yof our readers have observed
neat gothic structure In Allegheny,
whose pointed spire was the first of al!
such lo our Mater city. Located on the
corner of Lincoln and ( - smut avenue, in
the midst of a rapidly growing portion of
Allegheny, and' the most westward of
any city church, at the beginning of the
enterprise—it seems to meet a public
want ln the vicinity in which it is situ
ated. •
The congregation was formed in 1662.
Under the pastoral care of Rev. A.e se'
Hodge, D.' D., who was called by the.
unanimous voice of the congregation in
ISO, a new imptilso was given to the
growth of the North ClitTerc immediate
ly, afrer his installation. the Trustee,
were instructed by the congregation to
purchase the lot -end :contract for the
erection of the thatch edifice, witch is
hut now - entopleted.,
The lot is ninety:sr" by ore hundred
feet, the building fitty-two by eighty feet,
with tower and porch projection., flank
ing the northward front the coiling is
thirty-Rye feet from the floor to the
apex, vaulted, and dabbed in stucco
mouldings, springing from corbels be
tween each pair of windows. The, wane
sod calling are finished in pure -white,
relieved by four pointed
beautiful and elaborate stained Riess,
with emblematic design" in leaden stab.
together with one large and two:flanking
windows in front, and a neat and richly
d. ornamentedoriele,overthe pulpit recess,
In the rear,.
of The foundations are very uneaten, and
pie expose several. osuraes of well cut stone.
i.a The walls are brick, strengthened by
of heavy stone capped buttresses. - The
re. style is gothic. with high pciluted gavels.
to , ornamented with en t atone cape. All the
so trimmings of the -doors, windows, hut
ted tresses and extiosial - parts are of mi ,
Sat atone. The walls are painted, a g ood o o t atorielmfor, with j.t• sufficient contrast
on to reveal the atone trimmings. • .
of Entering. by an easy I flight of atone
e steps, we And the principal vestibule in
.o. rate tower, thirteen by thirteen feet, floor
_to ed in bright blue and buff encaustic tile.
, From this vestibule a comfortable stair
way sacendi to the gallery, and also to
or the upfer stories of the cower. Opposite,
ar on the moue= front,.tbere Is also.. maul.
hula, in theism:arenas porch, correspond-,
r Inc with the tower, the two giving cues
ingress and cereal., and froin the church
proper. By thmarrangement much room
Is saved for Sesta, the vestibuJes twit,
"maid. of, but directly connected with.
the body of the church. Inside the
church proper,. separated 'from either
Vestibule by, folding cools, we fled a
spacious aisle across the front, a broad
centre aisle leading to the pulpit, with
flanking shave - on each aide, giving etYV I.
access to four blocks, containing ninety
' four comfortable pews, finished in rat.
with walnut arms and backs, and here
we find an original and-admirable 4,
rangement, by which pews of cartel
length are distributed alternately.
throughout- the c.hurch, instead of beta;;
placed altogether, as is common. The
pews on the middle aisle, for instance,
are intended to neat comfortably tire
and seven persona, alternately, giving
about nineteen inches to each, while
I those on the aide aisles are arranged to
accommodate four and six porno., al
ternately. This excellent arrangement
is obtained by ea placing. the partition
in the block, which is about navel:am - in
and *hail feet long, as to give the de .
sired distribution of shorter seats, on
each aide, alternately. The pews will
splits onmfortably , seat seven hatadro.l
and arty persons on the main floor, and .
leave room oath& Wide gallery, extend
ing WM4I the front end, for about one
hundred more.
- • - -
. The floors we carpeted tbroughotrt.
and the pews are all well en..,a
loneclik the ►am►. warm color.
The-Pulpic. is-plain but neat, iirdidied
in oiled walnut, with furniture to match.
The church is lighted by two sun bore
ie orsrof Mime fortv•idve lights each, and
ventilated through. the apex of the aril
,. Inn tied roof by two of iliforrisoo's Paten:
N. Ventilators to permit the escape of the
air. Cold air fines, witlceonamunicad cc
registers, are arranged at Intervale in the
walls, near the floor, and three feet -
Waters, on pivots, in each of the leaden
,e matt
The Church itheatedhi two "Miamlou
Glary" anthracite fur cumin rlrlir2-
dog with form reFtlisterat - the furnaces am
in the batemen; bulltup in brickand aro
.worthy the attention of those deuirous of
avoiding smoke and soot.
Ac a whole, both e.r.tetnally and inter
nally:tint.Norflkelturch Is o very nevi
and comfortable building. complete In. all
its details, reflecting credit on the archi
tect, James M. Balph,Eary„ cud on iLe
Board of Trustees, under whoae akpervi
aion the - .thole has been dladgned an .
We are intbrated that anew eight eta!
Mason t Hamlin Cabinet Organ ha
Just been purchased by the congrege
The North Church will bo opened fo
rpublio trorablp en Sabbath next, ICI
inst.; eel-rims all commence at "101
1 a. tr. and at 3 sad
We are Informed --Mat the Trusteed
will offer at public sale, In the Church,
on Monday. 17th lost, at-10 a. tt., the
choice ofpevra, wadi all who desire to
purchase, are salted; they will silo offer
for renttbeee remai ning, at 10a. to on
thefollowing Wednesday. Cards abottinu
Jae mialmaia price of pews, with the an
neal rental of each,' an be seen at the
alike of the Treasurer.
J In conclusion, we deem It but DM that
the-pabiti atonld know the - contractor"
for the erection and completion of tills
beautiful church editice.•
I The atone work sms let by contract to
ilesam• Alexander ft Whitfield. A.
Leech, Esq.. waft the contractor for the
ahell of the building; White flt Donnelly
for closing In and is/uterine
and etucco work, by Geo. BassfeU, Jr., et
Co.; stained glean. by Win. Set on; gas
fitting, by EL_Plailitt S Co.; painting and
graining, by Whlaton ft Aiken; laeatio;
furnaces, Graff S limps; cushions,
Holtzman re. Welderhold; carpets, O. Me •
Clintook S Co:architect and 6 uperin,
tendeut, Jamm . M. Balph. •
llutag Coates* C leg
CANCLIMBC6O, PA., Feb. 13, 1633.
ii. 133713. EMTORII GAsorflr—TOorel7l.
quftee ooncooreo of people amomblell
here' to-diy coder . circumstances noyel
to tbe quiet town of Canonsburg. The
banks of the dam were 'crowded, and
stimulates the akating ring was intruded
noon by tha thronging spa:gators from
the surrounding 001111417 —awn* from
Waihlngton, a. few front Pittsburgh—.
who came to viewitnd puticlpate In the
unwonted scans. .
Agreeably to mar wisbeisc the weather
wan" remarkably proidtlons. The ice
was in fair condition, though not so fine
as it, has been for the last few days.
There star quite a nundwir of gentlemen
competitors; skaters; of tried skill and
Of the Ant description and well they
contended for the prim, degerilidng, situ
loluittehles mace, the mmtr. -ranted's,
enrees--t g ha ." Dutch. Rol;. the "Smoke
Home Ji An. Some excelled ha one
Ming. omen tri soother. Mr. Orbbon
executing sonienanits of • the 'most
laughable description with the u tmost precision and elegance . Allegh eny coun
ty was well represented by berchamplon
(Mr. Bulges.).-who oho us_oupre
tending rustics what grand, gra.,,ful
Amore ourneighboring city can Prddace..
The prize was find)) , awarded to John 0.
Tassey, of Canonsburg --Alieghenyb
champion coming too hots-to pattlelpals
lathe contest—who, In justice to him,
was the best skater on the Ice. To AU.*
JeonYNArtio, ae the best lady skater,
was awarded the other prize, though not
so warmly contested as in the mum of the
'gentlemen. The crowd, afterglvingthres
cheers for the succesdul oninceeltom,
gradually dispersed, gratified and pleas-.
.1 with the afternoon pastime. .
Muses. Enrrolut GAurre . .c—Such an
• - oly of people u eotleetad ett Can
.flaborg, to-ay, to Ulnas the akaztakt
match, hae not bean equalled slum the
'i l .
daya of the good old literary conteida.
I From twelve o'clock until the hour of
commencing there wax a oentinnons
stream lof people battening to obtain a
flivnrable poeition for viewing the eport.
Defers the context commenced:llr. Mc.
Daniell reed the name, of tho tromped
! tore. They Isere Meters. J. C. Thesey,
R. C. Orbte:m. R. S. Lewls, S. C. Rea
and W. C. Mrf:onigle, Mr. Lawrence be
ing indisposed. •
A /is of performances had bsen pre,.
siou.sly made out. They commenced
Kith plain skating and ended with )ump-.
indoding some of the most &insult
zusqnnistie feat, --
Wheti the contest was • about half
throngli, Mr. Burgess, champion of Al
-1 lenhenl county, made his, appearance
and ries rod to enter thelists. .Theludges
refused to receive his name, giving a.• a
rearms that the contest was only open to
Wtodaington county, and the statement
comprising Allegheny county , All9 wholly
CILLZULNiriZMI. After the performances"
were gene through, the decision was
awarded to Mr. J. C. Taasey, Messrs.
Rea and Orbison baring too much af
finity-fir the ice lu the way of cutting
' . attire." • •
The feature of the day, the ladles' con
tesT, emninenced. Thera were four en
traren.a,lMias Jennie NI., Miss 11.; Mtn
Kate amid Mims ' The iskatibgfif, the
ladies 733 very flue, though froM the
outstart it wee evident that the decision
would be b.tween the tint two. As tbey
uertornierl fast after feat the deiclaion be—
cards mere and more doubtful until by
ass unlucky Strobe on the part of ]its
Mire Jennie M. was declared Mew - inner.
-Great !credit is 4U" to Mr. Cowie for
his - thainterestevl liberality. Rebus shown
a spirit which is worthy of emulation.
11, me for Fallen Women.—We learn
that inea'eures aro being taken toward
the e-tahlishment in our city of a Rome,
or Refuge for fallen women, alit:War" to
the env which has met with ouch favor
in Yew York. The movement la ear-
Willy - a! praiseworthy one and merits
saxes.:. I •
Not Ilreased.—Patrick McNamee
made Information before Alderman Mc-
Nlnaters, temteiday, charging Robert Mc-
Dounld with following the occupation of
soctloin,;r with° I/ t obtained a 11-
cenae. A. warrant was Issued for the arl ,
rest of the amused.
—Merivari tells a funny' story of e
man to France who ias attacked by
lb= or tire robbrrs, while retureing to
bleherme it night. A bright idea flashed
upon him. and hie began *bowleg Vire
in -RepueLiquel' Instantly the pollee
dathered lrom all quarters. the robbers
ropped ,tbeir plunder and lied, the
shouter eired--of course—but, on
making expianatisns, was allowed to
depart. The Empire is peace.
Leity.)lfttv3;3l - 611141
Exam Bon
Super-i'llosphate of Lime.
4r- . :F.VA,i3D di; C.VIPBELL
late; 556 1 I l'Ann st. a Ittsburgb, Pa.
d d :1
'l, l
• r.7.1211.1/5.11ED /MS.
31.1.V01LTF3141 OF
; 4 f Dirt A i ,L1(11:10B8
109 PeU: 9treut, Pittsburgh.
Oar C .41.1fIt't tart 'atoms,: from It a
-I,p, has crib
par a, an4lastwoug
arsaaa,tacats arab toe follow:no Drat Masa
11.0 t,
J. Po CA ICNI • ht). Csaussiat4 zaniest:l:
Cl l 4 IL Is sit/BUNG. s sass .
/1.•• Bwty .. Cadll. • ;sta.
KR.114 at) ~.h1 I/ r, buNt. 1 }that,
A. • :- Krti Crsunse.l4 Sparallal
st.ot, assorst,tos of 1' Vot.t. OLD ItYl
Wttl- SY annals:Ala Or. tool. •
ilaslogTattltrstdersasaostenla.altll As a ..
ars tots to orsr tbs elsoloss. larusa
71 ROI . . sod Lltahott, Shualaso:oll
Isools, Lad contrails. of plots sohattsd.
bp/TAMA rrt • Irrit.
Given Gratis to ali Subscribers
o .ItrrlSrlJs '4 Nor repots, rAttlopa of
CD teeebt $1.60 nes trill 1e.% vt,s.D.g4.
abit IN; re • +a 1 •41t • ••••b tat. estLe• in
oar 11.7. ' l l t• tad KLlttlit 101.
r. ON Ur DICK VI, L•sesreateak•etttnal. to.
t•tbtr , ••• •.•••I 1 - p•••• 1•••••tt •
IS••2E1. 1•011ttlt tit IlltltiMlll,
0•41 or !bob.% 7r. e2.eals4 tf •Ita 41.1103.11Iltk
•0 motto, yel•scrs or Oats ••••1••
tVe C eic ' t ' : l( . 4 "rlVl V g . l:l ' .L -. 3 ' 2•l47t ‘ rti=^
7 .14 4.'• It •••01.: ••••rrat peetattou,
e- et, - •Niebela• 3 1 1411•1/7.•• besot; •7 .2171. ,
au tunics •• U,•••st, •
•7,7, a
cocas •. velv•t• I•L•tar• ev.r7 ••.14. lbe
e - I•nrs, on (aryl •neel.toc•lb r trllk !bat or
tralL eirelet • .f r apOed, vr:11 be 11211•432 Una—
aL•l4l7. so • Ins 1n 1Q
of CI• • •S
sent, natal 1n 1.1 parts of the •••••1777.•tn
rot al. on/ Roit of Ivelsous 4 , 7,7 Willi, its
et•r7 •pprfttles far.
r sea eirtt 14/1 leer 42••7 bay I/1 r .... t this
j; r AV:l '• rw.s - tar nag. terns.
L. ArPLN fttata-ni.
JaL7;ll3l 443 644 Brestlwa7. / • ••••2.••
N 1116,, 110.PPER. dt CO.,
.tolcsmal 14;14 AIM to
Of Every Description
gligt ,4 )l, ORICE FußrirrunE
fir,. as Kn ithfleia Wed,
1 1 r 1771:2 i:Fi6u..l. YrL.
Ll'lt U utortruP,lL
w ritStonrea X..ts e, pa • .1.11 , ..1YEXT
...I. 0. wttr.
No. '2O
Itte are
tea e u o ga jeohpl nw pur t os a e t s e . n w g hi d
we Lay e etweeel to will eft* native eattsfaethen.
• I
• With It won can rase at fairyom three to eve
hoots , hard !oho, ea the Poore, eaddeee
nway, slew axe fwd.
For f I Ha rats tail Is tevatuabla:tweauelt
eleatte them easily and make. thaw erhebtar.
.It 1e alto aeolal tor a 0111.111.111.1511 /MOLY;
W w 0111240 Dltteltrhi i.e. It 11 I•lltutee to
ocelots ,
or ntart tolorloosattlalo. For 111. by /H lO
C[)4awl 1/11UNGIETO reporallt. pad whole
le soh ens?? at oar 01Peo.d tl a / a riroolo, No
44.0: U .111LaTill A.OO.
Tubitit9 Btre4, cth,
eaa rat.lottly HyN swim.
PYRD. uram diarenel Ls
attiser elty. tiro -1 rharpe walp yj all kind.
.loopmd. and Core s1.1:al. ctort notles•l
3 . • HALL, anatactarer 'of
• HAVELS AHD toO3EBIIO moats ;
W. 1.11
41.14 on band, 4.4 rm. 444kr T TOXIC( HNLIVit. .4414•1Ile T
Is 4 WOOD wrozET
I/UN. Cora. LIE.ItT. ntl•lNiZsb. 7*.
118 Wort St.. near corner of
Goveir nisse n t Sec-Waits,
And Cocapeur
Focr Drr-Ils gold
aLI. al
j i .. g= i liztz vo a:avert the (WON])
New 1867 5-20 6old coupon flop&
Dealers in Government Securities
llonater Ift - crib & Wood Ltrooto.
Orr= op tica PlT.Tratrtsil 6ALICIri,
TiLIUIDAT. FeOrtuu7 13, 1t W.
The Winn et the Itopesehmeot queutlon to.
day lo Cour.= Itsadoproated tbo Take of gold
from EtIM to 1054, trlth • 0011 mutat: ex
oUsugo, lik•w/•• 1. dull, snit/me la • proby
blll,3, that the amtket will further recolo io
333, at "'lda polot !argot purchases will be
emulator shipment, and la sallalp•Uou of
port datlite.
l'ho hoed teorket In governments Irot Very
tottyant. La Ctrs !nonfat, 1.0 no.. •
Online or Xto X 'per dieoL took plies, with
WWI pr Womb:toting..
The stook merest. t. Ina oa the "thole, bet
wee* of the fawned have 'yielded, and the mar•
ket is tweak.
la Mates eheres Quartz /(111 was the
raela future of the den settler from 1,10 on
Tnu•Ly to t,OO today.
Maier to more easy, yet biake ate not able
to'take any outside paper, .0 coals. them
eetrei etMetly to deposthars ta . dirlltag their
liailheeS, Menai easeedlnely eves
signs of Impressment, and It Is eon-
Idently a:peeled that the samosa Congrees
hes settled on a lied policy In regard to the
further teens of Currants sad the node of pay
lee the present per gent. securities, large
essoonts of capital will be retargeted In seen
entails intstPda•a, that have be. laying Idle
for fear ofJcoperdising It.. • _ _
♦llegh.nv nauroso bonds now cow
mug Wit per. swat. to the auks; and are
sourly bought up u Mgt. coanallrrilla bend,
ere held at
Clog:Leg New Tick quotatius, tooting by
rh• it. Meng, ate u follows:
Gold. 1109 t: 1631'5. 14C., ISt;
Ilu, ROM; uculsobe, Wrii;
Cleveland& Pltraburgh R. 8.....
blenhante Caton
Weatera Vales Telegraph
Plushursti Port Wayne &Mime U. B. lel
Northwestern Itattros.l—eonuneu of
New Wort Central.
once end hilselsalypi Cartgisates
itileidgru Southern
tisane. Si
Quietslifer w ys
—The following le • statement of the ay.
proximate earnings and expenses of the
Pittsburgh, Pt, Wayne end Chicago gall.
way Company daring the month -ot Jan.
alt., and of tne earnings and expanses for
the !seal yaw', Fabinary 1.1, 1101, as
compared With the year 190:
. .
000•• 1367. olrar 11,07.
rn,,100. , ft a 34..;10114
la-602/oov . /00.94.1 U
1 0 ;10. 31014er.. a 4• to a 447 .....
.3110.00.1•300 . .. 1.50 00 -
3.4317 ....
Tow iru it I ic
«A.:. 43 41311 J 31
Decrease seer, tet . —atetitit $7O oth Gt ast•
s. e 5.... CP ISO 43;
v as . ... ...Lt., ...t S.;
:11::!, * ji ‘ iftt ' it: C . " Set it ' alVit,ol7gris ` ! '
—lt Le ander.
I r . .
that the deeretery of the
Tres.usty Is e at a salt • eoraiderable
amount. gold La order to meat the .240111,
Atom an tae Ile tat Last he arse
"Impelled to se ltt4o. bonds for Me est. par'.
prim.,_ Time are sow to. salt.. of told I.
to. Tresstm, willsb he its effstd to dbl..
of trlttoot notstrassim Lt. PtTotett of the
Iteret lute..os the allTerltal./ °turtles.
—I. sus. w as enttntt (Lie ...kin flew
TOO that the Atualsen Esetsme SAM had
been tabbed of a I.E. sou of tamer by us* 01
Its tsars, rho Y led. The fottadstlon I.
140. sensstion,wis the het that the nesletszt
outlet tad been dlonlased for elaluts; en
ttateetent to iairo, lsothlag ie. do 'nth stool I
speerdalloss. The ...of the bank In retard
to It. dellanneat MT., IS worthy of and.-
ttoa, and de.retne of puttee.
—The eouelListed er !utilise bill UMW
frost the iSouate Tinwaa• Conualtiee, which I.
the Shotauk bill wits hutaerite aaaeagmeau,
doge soh moot with witch Savor. T/ie
seat anllffi at i• Med by'the "%uncial
Cl rome:Le ae follows:
if. as Is e. nil, the broker, ard eaiwalo
tate usage ft
log Metz banns wlter• gaeastal
eoatozwe musk this but ought to be • veal
favorite with Mats. >. atc h aeo order of per
wow. Tar ekiwiel asp sue& awiaaare •ret
cone • low. touhlag cc Sore orrica Mae that
ea era of ouhrost w.. 414 Wets fu gads. w
Atlas, sad that Ike females .aus Aisle kw./1 I
ehale the rein labile of IRV bask metal..
wllicU la built up*, Ile. To the otapl
foundations of the otlotte *malt taus miaow.
wawa apply Itself. sad mud/coal, couienola•
at dieobr• away their 5011[ uhreluita i 5111 the I
waotnaUoit altruthe frois eaateceptaiLog what I
would eeme ann.
- .
Tba teadmi♦
tolktant cello Wilt. that (or Gm
ilrat Use 4401 m Ilit•ellJ1 tdribry sha sous.
try it Goons to • omMewia/Meittion. The Itelo
- of our eternal. Government emiel4oo
aiclaw. to VG the m up. awl to take tneleo4
per 011 L bead, or, II tier refuel. code M.G.
WI sue threat. to pep lb.. 44' II g 0....
becks al imr, mimeaths slow tka Eve nave
option oxpin.. Tor the hr. Mumma end
emittelin nallicom of of 4 par tent. Wills of lire,
Gus la• aropeem to laatio latemllobeik ee
.4001 01 boadl. sta.
Jolliet taa bolters rataw to maNtolt to th•
ecoOptllJOrf eldtang.. ltula at Jo appolotol
Met Q. LLtmm.t L to be otakpook. Isom the,
day forward WI Glataattad tiousemla of en k'
musant mateelly moll, If TreseGed to G.
Tramerv, W 41M050.011 Itta Illatullatatl. The
ans pOIII7 or regoviliattoo Is to be matinee
tows.' the rentakaing 100,010,0. II et • Als of tti•
Maw luurt mall the kuidva have Mt 000541.-
lad Go Um leo% or, in disgust, bays sold OM,
bowls to otbevparemm at boom or abrialid.
In the 1.0.4 overarm of ourerollt, time
am be felted IsT Lanai./ more pillast lb.
esfeireoment of their Voiced Gilds.
0//sell o. Tao Pregeee.l
Tligneeset. relernalry IA au. 1
CRUDE—Then ahem aeW faunas wonky
of epeeto nogg. There la Neale lOtn laqalry
loth for pratent an 4 fetes, deliver, but hold
en are net ty arm ;a their alive, and nage
etnetly. tare le net moth all ad:tering at ppm.
at SCUMS einellhatendleg the Proepene ter
an Saran'. are not very proielang, If• eta
report lOW bblt, ale not. at One; nett do at 714
end tttu in barrel., it lea, beetle leeleded.
Spot 011 may be fairly gated at YWO7IO Nana
and April, Rein, 'a option, at lbganat and all
tie year, buyeea opt.loa, at •Infigillge. Oil
City telegram* Jena the market early St
voscr2 10, cad private advisee report ael•
psolletlee well., from whith It Ye Oar to War
that Ike matinee to Inteselq.
It P.TINCLI—Th• manna nevbellged ell la
tole; Sod oechanged. Sale of en Intent. Int
half 01 r.w.q. n6V),MIIO for lam ball of
July et !Car, acitloo for Int bin of August, .
et 27e,‘ W a are fogaleaal of Sn 'offer to boy at
Ile for Bloch, and ea Oder to Sell et 1444.
the year, buyer'. option, may tee quoted at Poet
Mae at [.xso ,:.,a September] at InOlabie.
The market IN to a anoint eenditloa al pros-
LAYS-IBTOCK mAnairr. eat sod the future nine of the trade to Do
armorials thit operator. are at a lan to know
TUODIeA..s, ups, what Is brat for them to de. The ilmatel PC
-0/114.114 I.g among redeem however, I. 00110.111 very
Th• mane% fornttle Ise been a vary Pena. 1"1",for fu t ure9,lmtlt••
Ilar oaadodag lb. pantweek. Then has been e. tate **Doted 5 111 In 1..11e1.
• lar eePP/7. and with an *dean reported In at. prices go math rower, and that, the eheacee
ate Is lead. If ea atterwe., II nihll that
Ith/ag would 1511 been 91.1.4 ell to great WWII non then aaytAlail elme la retard sum :
bate, but ash has not been lbm tan. The now .54 {estlict opinstluee.ape we •eannot
number of buyers In atteedascs wee very lan for any aidirity atll NMI Meet na he
.moll; ad the few that were here bought ttellted.
inanely, ad the /celled seems to be that r
plus are too etoel legated at penal, and
the ebb entirely too gre.t, and on leo part of
din... there la a genotal aversion to catering
Into the node largely. It le true, penal are
earweeloglu snip here,hat they an. not out
el the trey anon we take Chicagri and
Dell let. ooleadonafeel In the former marks
on Wedandey, pr Lake W tuft. rattle 'brought
IClyde, aid In the latter plan; 10041; raw tn
MI. marlin the game grade et attn. are ad.
lag atr e iellie, and sale well knave, Chicago
Leon. main aura of 009917 et Ude eta.n -.4
the yea. ttoneintere are growling bitterly at'
the butakete, while the bunkers are growiteg
at the drover., aid the drovers are mewled
at tbe Gamlen; the carat tle pretest real.
Wm Heels the net that the apply , of prime
fot tattler. hardly anal to the demand, and
Welder farmers ere In Net •poaltlan that.if
they (00 their prlee,th leg le Gee Other
%Mpg tiny can do, lump their cattle. •
smin h Tilmeete gold le head of . Medlent
butcher. .... ItTtrfilt‘ t 1 Mi Leh for Of dill
to J.Zoth at 7.
Fledges It or,' bag for llosylead to
•511 t/0. al fieryit IC for tlopeleen to M
onk • Co. at a to St If for Seakethaff to Iti«
mea a 7% mad ale even el for tiopolited
Inman at Oita 1,21 for. Lath to &ono A Co.
Swope sold Yana 5-0, 111 heal of good
bumblers eattle..weightug ONO, at 7Yo.
It Anger to Deena • thiney,lll head fan
butchers cattle at 1%.
•. Dolga :ranee to flaleamb, Iliad of pre.
alum oxen aid weighted Ittn, at BIN
and two seem bulloe•s e arta no/ Live.—
thoulti w• understand thet they also ger.
thrown In et the awe prise and $l4 ear,
Browning Ise. Panetta. It bead ninth
hoteliers tattle. weighted item, at 1%.
Fatuities to Munk a 00., II head gammon
Ohl? Moak at 7,
e Yeti .T.batait eay. Tha Of
of ap.oLatinalaereases tuba,' tart allimolos Of
thelituni.t supply of Cheap moo., of Which
e gnat. part sealt•ploym eat la earrylay aaso.t of eyeestiattire thane. Para.
hutted than, and th.eloitaina upon them,
ail. wes that nate. nprealtat
tltair. and not real values. aad also Aar.
hat aid. the tows.* of ea. moray, had
ths danger or forth., eurtearry expaceloo by
Moire.. mock Mahar points will c• Trash..
u oder those eciariellont he number et buyer*
steadily 15e..., aod the milling.. of
den Shows noabatement , a pees.
Nothisg maid im mono stimulating Co spawn
latloos stn. than Oh. dasnrial yeller of
the ...It COOlgre.ll, and the buret: delays
II••n rind • Polley tootle( to tally lembesp
iten o app... the butter will
M. Vallee by llareurb• tad 4.nairtair See P I Lhirlog the rebeill. Ih• !Isabela,
Oboe of tionareas madeall lomil prt pony Of..
more daairaom than the •atIon•1 debt, mialiel
oaderlaid and bald aa eiteadte for Its payment
' all the prop.. of ...aunt.. With 1... pa•
per moue y than le , nom la um Erie .mtnou
sold at 1112, Hods. Moor lop, Steadier ifs,
Klohhlllb ...Unarm 111. •14 Cliereland aa4
Pittsburgh IN. Thew prises eatm
bet bihine Is 17..4 to beer.. Them bot •
- Dills indiscreet /gestation loth as may at any
manual he had.
Glees, La Crest,lt Co. to Anti ,It" Klenten. IO
hot." of eoeet. 0n , 10Xett,je01int0x12.040...4.7.1144
Taylor NSW !bend or pito. Ottlo stews Bo
oxen to Mau, righing NO tea ALKtusand
pounds. at FN.
Texontto oXIPPod thee. ear to /taltl.
nom sad Hastetroott I Etlaekstock bad Wee
toke loads unato.,
. . _
no Nog market has beta quite ultra dar
lkg the WOK Week. th• Wu; In the suregati,
batag Larva tku Mho* of the week 'medics..
tmd. be • tbartfol titbit. pricks 'hove rt l / 1 fut.
thou sdrhoood. Ats will be teMl by retoranu
ham whoa :Naiad from 7 ta So for [Mr . to
1.41 to ho for prime to ohultuh and and to
Pm for extra—Otto mad Numb brought s%
thin wore but tow Wm • abati u. tual *34
*nay be rogarded as Um Malay floatation for
yams to obalos aruaier. /41.1 a nog., both
JArtaZ isdiataf. &SON,
!Wawa 11. Y FYa.Er kitroe;
Lth,th)L, t.tlDALthealii.) the.
.-D• 1 c , the
Let.iethor ethetht be
a...lst.indar4 binds
Of (,11 .13.2L1Q :It cc bang.
v , tfl'.l`.%Ytzg.°4llA4
Lenl 011 ,re=
ere unusually shipped to 'New Tock.avar
quotel at Taf to IXef.)i. There . la but one
cause for these satresse Pates, a 0 1t Is •goal
oat. elocrelt7; sad UAW Om aratinge Loess.
onsiderably, so deollae eu reasonably be
Iswkse for.
Gk.. Lafferty a Co. 113 he.' for Cowl to
Crouse, Hayrick a. Co. u . 7% for any to
fur.lll , ol 7,10;103 for Haden to. sates l3)2;lol
mama to same at 1524112 for Doud I. same
or 7 k , 11 61
tort r.e.lelt. sae"altlall yer@
at 7.74; Tt. taler tot 801 l for Doutl
to Oro. Ensirlak C 0..; 8; HI fors, me to
looLortal.4.80; lett for litulaon to ()Cabral. &
t ;0. at SIC fOr Myers fa Needy to Crouse,
Emortak S Co. 01'754; 161 for Hudson to Gil
ehrost rt Co. at 8,64 46 for Doud to Emsalajg
(.0 1 ta mete/due 1460) at IN; /17 ter quit teo
gr. He . dgra it 85t; 111 fur Doug to Colas., Em
.enak 44o.atIsd.
/ledges a ?altar sold ft (or Prode9 gerCHI)
ehretsa a Co. no eh; ThOludattla LO.E
emull At 854:110 to 'Amy to 011ehmiet a 1./0.•:
2%; at for Luber to Halter at e; 148 fur Poi a
ttritaoto to Otlehtelate, Co. at 8,10; 63 for Dealer
to Pearls at 7.110141 fur Lug. to Cillattrelat a
Co. at 8.01; fur - Beall to P/ditook a Co.
;Jotelot On. bought 42 Dori Bough at
2,14; 1021 frnra A.. Moore at 272; 00 from Joha
3 10..7)2; HI nu Herman .t
111 from
Hed a Taylor 11Jo; LI from same at 8 8);
ea tr am Loulter at Hdt 921 from le. /3 e d eee .
9,61 from Hedges. a Taylor ar 104 IC (vim
Loughrei alreso;• 505 from latterly at Ill; So
front Yloaock at 8,01;02 from Hedge. 6 Taylor
halml Dela Precook 834; 104 from Lye
a at 9; 110 from Hedges 6. 1601 St at
1,65; 161 from Loreto. .1660. Sldopedear
loads of Chicago Hogs to Pldtadelphla.
bookers Imbutt bought el from Decker at
8 . 412.1 from Dagger a /way at 814; 01 from
lOtoorea ca 26, 91 treat Orr &Dot at 6 70 ;
67 Oran 61. Johnoton at 11,71; 18 tam On lk Co.
at 1.8 o; al from DI Johnston at IN--extra; lei
from latorty. a Co, at 680{101 Irom Tlldett al
891;1;5 tram - 111m sender, 0111/1. Co; at 44;
113 tram Tilden at 0. Shipped{ double decks
of Chicago Hogs, "thug trots au co Balla
31. Johnaton sold A3rito. a Stockton 06 at
864, Decker at Co. So tame ftli at IX; FraU
Jailaatos ta aas • • • •
Croure,'Ziarnek U. bode. 77 Dom Ev
erett. Weighing MO at 13; 5 from Holum at 13 52;
00 from Heath 6t 130,, .
There was a fair gossip of Sheop Ulterior*
and while the marker on eke for eon
moo lad roferlar grade., pHs,. fat Sheep gold
modlls, sad that, too. at 1004 • PrlemsarrY 6 to
61. k. But aa boa Data the one 'for seam time
poet, the rlasamol fop_ the soromoser gisdaals
. ,
very Litt, sod, as Seum.l4enee s tt
to sent lila kind of Sh.ritutiess - exitetaugly
low prima are sampled. I '
Olsen, Lafferty 6 Co. cold SI bead for Quick
to Puerrek 6 (In, at 0%; 16 fur Msgr. • ?reedy
Lank at 04--ihis **sr as antra Mach.
weadhurs Losouder ICI 'far trhapreau
Ras 4 0 , Sod 54,14 overt 160 for M yore Ir
Nerdy toMn,... at 6.00, IN for Acflarao to
Beat at 4%; S 1 for Sherrie* to White at Mr'
11. for -4. Li. Grass to Carroll at 4,16
sort, h 6 Talmage mold' 11 1 6 .11411175 Take to
F. !Ingo at SX.• YMdeucY l'
rs •0111 liasalle head at 43.1, And
Puleoek Co. bought It. from Coulter at 4Ng;
SI Loot Ul
~ Lafferty • 11, at a%
Sleds. rosier sold 173 lot Ladd to
0000 rs flu. at t:3; /01 for Shackles to J. Z 073,1
at 44119 a Su Currie to Lolll at 111.111 per Imadt
91 lut Clalk Holamok at - 616 MI
M. 4 04; 170 for Vatatailiall to' K.. at 114
Loyd beusht Its from Slog at UM p•r heart.
ISO from tied,. a Taylor at 83,40 per heal; 1.6
(tom J. Voter. cures. welghlug 110 at MN use,
11 5.14 01110 ,Laataa, Poesula
at 7.
Smsere to Koala IM he6l,averirktos about SS
lbs, a: be.
liars to Ireltrleh ill head ammo; almaglss
410., at Sys, par Lead.
rrrnestrim at =Limning.
Usetim or ?us Prrovmpaort fiemmtetn,
Terwmay, Fabrnary It ISt*. f
She general ...fiefs plaasat Dot .11111 e that
Is really new or Itoportaat. For some few sr.
tteles there lea all/ally ImProsed dammsd,Stad
that, too, at atltrenlog prime, Cul thla la the,
esceptdom ratter than Um iseraarad Cldertaloll
dull:mule atUf the order of yeraty. • ' ,
0 6 , 0121-Wlntmt Ml* atem4Ydaillawl hat no.
ehaavedt we tnoalaft• to boob a: 12.40 for Cad,
I and 1261 .for Wblte, end .apply very Iliht.
0 ata quirt but atealy at alelcso on track, and
C 144704 la ana•e. Barley la agar ee sod muted,
and may be bulled-0m Ai-It/aria Aral, VW
II Is actowlOtibili ram:Nmi trtarie ma la
dritandt are'enntlineto boot./ on Lamb stiKOS
01,orztihellol ta doll , bed un•hanged, Rye Is
bnchttnerd at 11,1101.01.•
FLOCK-la quiet aralmtachtataited, •Wet eon- I
alaue to qa,ta at 110,15011 M for 1 3PtanS ,
*heist bacm,so for 'flatter [Wheat; sat 411441 I
Ii for it..:ey breeds. Rye floor Ia dall.bui ow
Casaba,: i *mall wata• Is nor* let *Wk. Rau.
wham Is Cu,! tut anahumed it 0C401•54,.
PAWS! aliaNn-Staaon Is Stan and 'lending
upward-lot, to lir Or Srenahlarst IS to Its
'far tilted sod Clear Slam; and 1114,017 s for
richer LeTC - 4 Rene. Lard, ?Aso heal. tea.
eared Is basted as If la tiara.., sad lire
tart. to keno Daml Hear, aO. and Mess Fork
IzSII.UX., .
LA RI/ OIL-Is Ire and tendlag upward, is
sympathy with the 411,000 is Lard; we boo.
Case to biota, !VT/OW. st ble far No. I, awl
$1.13 for Ne. I.
galot act swami:P.4 salmi tram
ootwtry artivas al fton /tat 11111.
1110:134 In beta H.T , and Dat
REEDS-chanced ataTall Saatftl
$ . 3.15 4 .4. sad nazi... I. la 'demand at Stns.
211aatLy .weed a belt.( sold la tortall army at
RITTER—Prima to th also Han It la &loam!
smith. Ramos. matgalted'amoady at AWL'
P ll o l —L'achaair•4 at 31e. -
CHU:3E-8,64y bat tmettatlired; sal.. of
Wetter& Ittaatre at lajDlt, *ad G.tuha• at
I - .
DRIED lIIIV/1-71to tea./ iallll SWIM
Len pt• Era, mute[, tkough aa
Prtota are tiatß•tit.l. of PetAtt••
!DAL. for Itttartorta. Red 11 1 0116 . for ,Itahltt,
. 34 •Pples at TQW: 1 • !,
GREEN' .5.1.1"1.17.1—T1na, attpply
sad leadlui aptrarsh atlas al ' al (50. p.r Tat.
rOrATtlES—eiiatilkno daft but as-
ha st al. aa:e• la at.. Ili.,0601.11•••• b natal.
sa46lcne II par barrel.
1 /01117(T—tatnnt .ad unehanda!; ..1..
IL. trade alt 3 6 , 1426,71, and 71 • canal' sn
•t 67.
atEANS—Ptine Nary Deana ate feta/
.1.1 at If per entail. I .
. .
- CRANIJEARIE.S-3aea of arise eulltratel
reported at x. 4814 1
.. 1
.'. ?" Clueftly Illuk *IL . L .
Z 07 Toirerash to =r rittelsurgh Quetta.)
i all*. fobs:tars IS —flout la olodarsto.
ols saut e and tincasoseul. %Shutt opened
doll and closed firm at 17,01 for No a, and
1 imos for No I. Gore °paned dull and closed
timer, witUsalna of • new at eteXCIIIIIO, with
'Mier. at Vista, Lad So. lat elleo. . Oath dall
drodsnog 'UM galas it to7(Pliotis. " 17 g;
I Um markeee Is dull and Cortese are drooping,
• with Sales of No I at 111..6501,67., Barley Is
Armor. with ulna Of 11109 At 111.04:12,00. sod
...role lots.. tette. and WV, •alea Ware
outdo at Stotologe oat relented belnOmittni at
51.7501165. I•row !somas holden, art. gun.
Neu Pork, standard, to salllog at ern Cutlet
s7l.ft touy•ratoptlott for Fehrsoar. nod pelts,
=ells at 'Maur malted abouldarx at fl i Monjoi
dry salted hams at Ito, and oonntry sweet
ptolthoot halm atlll.l.llXo LlMilla Vila Si
Ito. Dressed bags Sr. More seri,. ...d. 1.0
lao blobs,. with gated at 18.7049 for light,
and 0,3000.10 tor haatTi too matkose cloned
firmer with Wes at 43.7509 I —%. /Mk
Itacelpla-4 SOO banal. floor, la Sumbal.
wheat, 04,014 bushel. core. 14, 006 ' bushels
ono, /ate droned, and 6167 :Ilya bogs.
A11.p1.114-1,036 barrels 110 u ,r H 450 bushels
wheat, 2,soobothels Oath. Lau a...whet. Lad
2,14111/To hogs.
,law Tort -
Dry Desselnllllnri•l.
(By roommate the rutseursti naiads.)
Now Taira, February la -10 DODDS Seeds
Ito marke t I. awaited; prices kilter and
still tending upward, particularly for Is.
vortme et blazoned and unbleached
which an very entree. Atlantic, A Brnwn
Sneering quick at 124; do. 11,174 Pact Ula A
and U. 171 •Ilanue L., 111 de. V. Ilk; dd .
drilla, 1510 Stark A Brown Sheetinge, 1614
Lyman 4.. 17; Pepperell 0, >n do. X,lit Bid.
ford K. 9; elneasid Stripes. NE Gordian
Toske,39.l.uch.TPAl rarest Dale, bleanand,
17 . - I.onesdaledo.,2o, Fruit. of Lente. cry M.,.
son v111e,29, A tanateag la{ Smithfield Q, taut
Yarmy opit.'l4%; Dar r Is, 1104, Attawaugbaa.
No. I, 1114;11iten., AL ID. Mocks MDT umiak
broken, and eltarp buyers find it dldloctit to
supply the wants even at rapidly advanelug
pmea. Prints muse and_ still Wad op.
ward. Ape" from. dosmdra Makin, Otber
Masers of goods'ara comparatively quiet,
and pilau .vary
••• ' •
ad Karam. t
(Br 'relearn& to Vas elt.altu rib Ossetic -
utaystgag. rah IR—Hoar %Idiot, earl
and unchanged. Wheat Ingotlaw Xs. _
wankel. spring nominally . Uldiangad • aad
hell it pm; pia. 1 sad atatar at 0166g11 0 %
241. kiln. at laideigt. Cona la good demand
add !!anion!.. Ito ishatlaal mugs soot neat
(tuatara at 116I(021.3 Natoli dell vary, ato for
April! Oat, dull and mead,. sal lUII4 at Mkt
for No. latata front Mt Itorg /re octet al
$1,51411,65 fromlbe tore. Emley! la moder
ato datuaseknod firm at s7lir No. 'I
emu and Canada; CAW for N0,'1114120.
ratiolauutgtdat and opt anandard
walla hand /246.4ptiltat ,glt . g. to
FiEuUacuil Alb new ion.
.1111eldekTea a* 1110W3140%.
MY Soloolooti to 'a* .1 . 1tosboro! tiosetts.l
: • Prror 'razz, feb.ll,
Money Idanchanged and freely Mitered at
par nent....on Governments and 3 Der cent.
on stocks. collateral. Sterling dull at plie
3%. Gold fell I per cant_ tolday, on the den
loot °fide impeach ant bill In the Com
/rattan. C/asud ate dy as 401451101,1.
The experts of spo in to-day . were 2.317,133.
oovr. ll:cars. •
Henry, Clews d Co. ropcirt Governicents
dell and furnish rho followina g uotatl one at
3/34 p. Coupons. Gs 'ft 111/id/1d 3-36/ 62
1114011 N: do. '64 lOC/02am, do. , 63
100:'; do. l tallo734hllat; lawns lal%0103; 7-
cLostsu qrseramotts.
Stdeka In the forenoon worn buoyant, •
Mee and higher. New York Central nail
Kilo Were the rnate featnres. the fanner
selling up to 1.31 X and the latter to 7•1;tli
Northwestern Is very sarong, and baled
Nqnletly absorbed by strong parties, Iho
market closed heavytint Mill re.
xnslued active. C•nton l -31:EG1•.: Cum.
berland 13e1.0311cf Adams lox 7/ , 56/J7/li,",
illerchants3MSClM:Anterlt•en 71 , i1373; Linn et
Mates 740075: Wells 43%013i Quit/ash/ Cr
341401.5 1 ,:“ Marlpesa Si:: recite Nail 1 / 3 `t
10E; Athmtle •Western U/i'wn
TelegraPb Ne* York Centrist U%
13 00 El .; Pre:erre/I 10 , ;(1M4; Elms
'son 113 , 40 1 143 is; /larlern iat4! 9,51
034: Ohio Cer [ideates .13,tts3/llil: h ii"rp
ap-tl; Cl. Paul brag, preferred 67(1714, tale:d
m.. Central Irsailz.;• alichlulin Southern
9.1564391-3/E Wino, Central 10.310103; Pitts
burgh Stbsll943i; Toledo 113,1113 hock
Island t r 1,17311;,; Northwestern e 0 16001:
Preferred 34;0313; Fort Wayne 1 1 314,121M 1 4;
Chicago and Alton .33 1 4, ilastu.hal sod ht -
Joseph preferred 77; tl arletta and Morin
earl, llr.t orefeserd, 31: Col n reline 107 1 4; liar.
Emden and Qultay 117; Clevelsed end
Painesville /It; fame 'Saute t'd!llbllssocirls
10th,{; Now Td - 11125. 6,1%.
111 korta sa•alts. •
:niase kharak ae is tive and baoykat. Greg ,
oryk9l; ()Mink Gill' 193: Wallkill 97; Dania
apd Pozknlfe Z.S.I
Th• receipts ....of tee ny ne
en h•Troneury Fee
V 24 . 65 .5t PAYleents 41.4fR,13t; balhoue yle
New York Prodane Marnief.
it, Teaurneh to 1.1. Pittsburgh manual
New Tsar., February 11.--Cotton quiet
Ind Irregular; sales of i,SCO be at 20 1 ,;;Ile
for mlddloor unloads; chiefly . 0.1 1 ,4 r. Flour;
of 47 MAN the market le a ohmic
firmer noel in fair demand; .ales of 3,70
nand. FLOM PI for •npurAno Soot, no
w extern; 31/.1. fur extra State, sS loaf Lau for
extra ore•ierd; 112,115013 forwall° wlleat
extra; IX 00#114 for R. if. ; 1115.3.10711 lot
common to good St. Louis; alsallahu for
good to Choler. extra 00; Mrs' na quiet horn
Armer; gas 3 sacks at $1146003123 eta
lathes.. Rye flour quiet and
a shade Armor; males of 532 ClO's at 17.092 N.
Con: meal valet; sales huls western at $5 Ps
Whlsky nominal Wheat—renopta 7,520
Mush: tan market Is Arm; utiles or l e IP2O 1 P20 trash
a , #2 41 fur No 2 Chicago' 1 1,61 fur port
Washington. Ind.: winter red aael Peon's
at private, terms. Rye quiet. Earley 'waren
and Arm. Malt very firm; sales of 2,30 n 00.1,
t $1,23113,112. Corn—receipts of 76,X35 bush
User. Is a decided Omura let ills market
sales Of 13.0.0 bosh •t 11 2201,m for sieve
Jn wet s r o n s s l o 2 t funw .6
. ern.l.3* for western yellow. O r ta—receipt.
of 17,690 bus; • Mu,. Inner; sales of 21010
hos at Sitio for western to store and 142
aflOnt. • Elea (Malt and arm at 101 4011!.'c for
corolla.. Coffee taot and Arab Soggy
arm with sates of 7.1 halo of Cubs at
ipintabse ahl baits of Havana at IrAall 5,6
Noissaas Arm and quiet. Petroleum Arm
at Ito fur credo and .4No for ri Slued bond.
ed. linos 2!ilot at 1.5a0)u for American.
' Pork quiet and heavy .Ith sales at $l3 Su Or
al mesa, closing at 112.50 regular, # 2,15 M
23,60 for new Jo, elo lug at ira al reacher;
llaktat/19.L4 for prime. and lital.kaa fur
antes men; also 1,2341 hl. ofnow non at
almaoo•43o, sellers for March. licef steady
.with Bales .1.030 IMIs at 1 11 11 25 . 15 for uopw
into men; 1117.114 Mal tar extra mete;
ale• Of Sal Llama. at $.l3,y2S,Ce for pan,
men; 8.77.1:5017.40 for nulls can•. Beef
hams quiet with sale. at teg,soass,z, cut
meat. Aim with tales of V.O paaltaaea 5.4
a too ruraooolde,, and 13 .1304ic fro - llama
Droned hogs timer e;tt, nlec at tr3iMm,,e
for western and llNCelpin for Car. Lard
ealet and heavy 0115 nale of fIl bets at II
RIM., scarcely any slid at the latter price.
Naomi firm
o 11.52 boxes at b.o#l
Ito ft
Cemherland Cut. r
13 , 0313n0 for 4t
clear not 12441222 u for clear andshort
rlhend. Better ca goad canned at 4/0.5.1n
for Santa. CllOllBOlOl at 11015 e. Fretguta
to Liverpool were wll bunt any moeroa
eau .gey3,350 Una of whist and corn at. 932 ,
per sal.
. _
Lars •
aT.—Flour rioted 5.• better on low
and medium grades, with a zoo feral., dd
nt.d,part tor export and speed:stir...
Wheat quiet 'sod steady. quiet and
firm at 11 1 .7 4 61:711 far western. D ate Lila, and
belfry at al , ipla store, und afloat for
•astern. Corn heavy at e1,21,11,T1 r..r nw
mliad weatern aflOvt. Part Jolt n od
drooping at 11: 1 .751517.11..; for o'd
d7t• for are tuesa—sid L... 5131.1,1.. far
Laren. ltref steady and unchanged. Cut
Meata acute wttn anupward taudeney.
Enron very Brut wan • f-Ir dr/nand. Idtzd
dull and henry at for radr to and tattoo readdrwl. , ,
Cincinnati startel.
157 T.:rgrrapla to the Irma,qr,n fi•gette.
Cfacxesaer, rob. ll—flour aad Wheat
In achanand sad
not roach dot , e, corn In
; modera.lo:4;nunand P4l for oar;
but demand fa: shelled. Usts °inland dull hut
chased tral•r and ,blahers No. l a7u. Eta
uncefleeriol and unler. , ilarlryto coal de
mand at e1f.r41e1...; LAtt.k . titilet not btla
at VS, Navarro are not alarm( but len than
VICIMIno Muter .31 KV and arm at 211 t
nt tot fresh. Egg. I . . Prooloonns
Mari utto.
•nd ; nominally a1:mt..n..1; kohl; re Ural
M* Pork hell at Cll. Bulk meals.% *ad
Ito for 5h0nine1m.....1.., clear rte ;Lod clan;
.44... H.,. iol‘. and IflO;l: Lad
Much skunked. lialk mama eal.l at o.'sc,
ant pickled do 1.11.0 Lard n•nt at IS are
:no al.flonso Of *ales tune lipotpalt.• are
notatned 10 a (Teat estaoL - - - s.‘orer geod s.;I;
•ansiol to Ste, Sad 14 ;rood dernurl. Lla•
teed all eLIEW,IIO. Lard ml 0.111431.16 and
Atm.. Patti:deem 4112141. (Sold ISM buying
Oa, Lout* 21.1.1.
:15,75.1.graza 01.etta,
S.. Los. robrdary —Tooicco actlve
led vary Ittiw . • traiwd. unchaagao
t:01.0.1 dadputhnity dovcd.
dtdet and firm with 'a rat, detuanrt 20, tow
drains at varbandeci 2..220.
11 ,181 At # 2 . 1 04:4151 a g drla $ 2 ,4121;01 red
Plohlta fall. Lora quiet at •la •airo at
GM.. 002. duu tad "add itr at (4[2:ac
as• aod ' , art* Onthanuat. 1 . 20•1.10 a.
quilt apt, a• 'Mita
aL 121. &arab •321 ahouid•rl
Cleat i.0412,,J.1)..23124, dry s alt •aodinars ,
MY. Lard dud site
•3 all Saira; chaff. 11.0,1"11' . 10.
itadetpts, Ilnur 3.14, tom. Co earks
.t 2 AZity idO, Weather c/aar %ad 18111.
ter 7 . ..i.k.n0 t. ..1,1"..1.4 -
77a. , I.—Colton 41,1 , 1114 r;
SAnon Ye '3l - ..0$ sole* 4,t00 balta, tecolotm
in bur*. Power and klois/te• Pr. hot
.olmagoal iltoorlpt• very Plot.
eskler;•upolian 412,5 k, tr.,. P.M Silas,
Ebolos 11l Cant arm but ouch...wt. Oats
ra at, You. Pork 030, mulct neatly
bare. Flacon Or., obooltn. ekAr
.14.. Lam Arti orllan tic. Ito,
tog kler/log ttl<o.Ze. - New Toil
Ttnkaage al•connt, Ito. •
(11eTetentuon an eituoseno enacts. I
1.0. W., LS—Tonn; s
to stoodir at SS 6601972 1 C" for 1 uyn 40 a.
111,114 n0 U
Inor, arel 5t.1113 fur Owen county cuttl
rlOlll 665152. Tor super. and
toms. Wboat 49.140 T .SW Onto 1 W15.7 ,
COrr; NISOo in ball, Lord 14, Ie
Pork la Dolt Dlinnhler• 11401 clear std
13 , {0 p•ciont num; !shoulders 104 n; ni
Ocins ISM pankod_ Casson ISO ISM; Wks
ISTISOw aa4 f,M P. 26. •
' Pr le [NIA la Ye Pla tea rrE Ceratto.l
.11Orr•Lra Tabiasza liajlaar etdaly,
Wham, rnor• Itornlr ] , dile* god, bark ea
and asjurrer ;elle. ear Wade at $l,OO on
track. Oats_ Mal at 40 ate Ineeveted.
Malt active, Matra 11,00 e bask at sl,ll(kroa,
Melee Pork any 1.4-rd arra. it
anchar.ged, : -,
a.Maahi. X!ltket,
:ay Tsierrase to the 1 , 11“S.-se Isasstte.l
Maass's, February 11 —Cettou quiet at
Wye; re=elpts,ll.37 Wes; aUlpasents IsS
bales. Cora.ll3lßau terra wares "
r Uno.
Hay dolt at gigeft,oll. Ataes Mfg SISAL
rlour. operga• gil.Wattb. Clear bolt
out of the Marge, • rib Sigel uqpisc.
aneuider. 1041141yie. itenteery taro 1:4•
name 116. Eggs gae. Brae very scare at
r. ay Telagraye to Ito ritttlurati tlarttrao
at a 9 tL .o tr o ar loi.oZ ebhr ua r yl tu Extr alo ' lo be to a d t
I. "...I; 1 . 1 . 1 at 44. 2 1 , ,t11.17.,1; lay No. I. 61,-
17 for No. Y. °Maar., dull and lowers sale.
at 0.1110 tot No, • ay. quiat, lade* at al,la
Barley dolt. Drenret brace tad Otrraar:t.dra
at 0 12 !00.:0. lt.lwalpte-.700 Oa rrylo di flour,
and fctOU bushel. Of wheat. • to ealumeute.
New Zeck tattle Market. •
IFr , talgrapti to Pitt. 0.15 titattte.t
Neer Tose, February 11—Cattle;' the to
cantle lOU, ter &m. 0... Volt head; the do.
!nand tit rootlet full vie, e. with ...Ice at Ma
Cu. Otteett ROM brue for good at if entlar•
rates, and low grade! etencery. Noce.; the
Market In a atitaao taller, watt soles or the
bootee M.M34.
Cruellinnet Cattle Market.
thy 711 to the Pitts burgh esstilte.l
CUCIIMATIs eat , . rlL—Beer rattle In light
SoPPII sett the market timer. though not
gnats/dr , anther{ entch.ra eiglit}a; vtazr.
117t1113 uer enntal Eros. tillrep Beaton
and arm at eklloo3 per rental gross. flogs
111 demand at 47 teas. 2.3 grove.
`Toledo Market,
(KY Telearath to tile elttoborge
Toatrea Yob, -flan V olet sod on trans
*CU. Noaat full; amber offered at. ao,Cn,
wllhoot anger, learn-recelpty, 11.1eS0 tio•
-market. Settee anll aeon eaten .1 , 1%0E9.
Ova-sale* No. I IL Can. ltee-no tranvia,.
h ens. Clovervand to lower; salts at •7,70.
aloane-aaledl aLahlato.
iMitlosore VrlClrt
10, To!ecruh to the rltteenneh useettod
B/11LT1110., Tohrutry 13—Floor doll and
oneo.ood.. Wheat stonily. Corn arm,
n , to neol Y0U0n,10.2001 U. Onto sotto, od.
716e10. Ilya 'e.t.d. Provisions nobly,
nocon; ebooldorn, t 1412120, Balk Koala,
GPM., Lard, 14X01.30.
Fatale PM'kat.
My T. ltem t•taarlitaearet u4ratt•,
Teernary 13.—Cattle ia dull tele
weak, attout• 700 Of au ay.:true qualify are
t it Zilg i tt ql 4r4UV l , s4. tritlr it . 1 b erril
14,000 bead. ttlight code, of elretultul Lege at
gibloasa Ont. la Market.
tar Telegraph to to. rittablinh G 4611141.
C. 10•110. 7.11. - IS . %-.Tho Cattle llatkot
Is eable. at $7a7,713 for good alai pp n atop ra.
tices ara active with sales at 0,1560.15 for
%it; 07a7,73 for fairrs7,bOall for good, and
ag,25411,60 for *Ma to prime.
PlhltadlelOUs larlitel.
ref Telegroe m Oa Vitltbamb Os/tells.]
Feb. It—Flour is quiet.
Wheat is Inman supply, and there le but
little. demand fur the article. Cum Is Jess
mean,. mixed water.; i Oats I.l6lree.
JOUStS PBODU rAlt. v . z„,,,ryoAw
JAWS AlrtinEaoTr.,
Mkt, 889 Pes,ra Atreet,
rrreselson, rA
Work s, Nall ouse Itabases Itreet sear iiIIS
N AlLlislima7.
' ,R
14 ,533
-- Its.tabatani tb• ben
• [' u
Terrines . tier wisq.
IVarnbolass, LS & 115 W. 5.7 111. i
• The river continues to recede steadily at this
point; with Ili feet three lathe. lathe thermal
last eventay, haring receded two l feet during
the twerty...four . hours ending at__thst time.
The weather yesterday was elver and pleasant,
•ed It thawed considerably—the anew kas al
most entirely disappeared, but there is still
*plenty oficelin our streets. The .. I loaorinallela
is entirely alter of lee at title point,end la tot
open to Its den:waters, and, we presume, that
the Ohio is dean open from here out.
Theta ha g beea no arrivals as yet,hut the
Armenia, Senn:mead Lawrence are dud here
this morales', The Armenia, wear. laforkied,
left littioenolla'on Wednesdvy, and the Law
rence and Kenton .were io hate left Bdiahester
yesterday folvooon.
The Leoulilas cleared for Nes Orleans about
daylight yeaterdair toorolog i usd lb. New Yogis
loft for L•ulavills tut eveskag, a. did also the
J. N. blaeullos a h for Parkeraburg.
The Sate L'oblnitoo, (apt. Hobart Robinson,
la filling up repid/y for Claalcoatl and Louis
end will take her agitator.: thls erentog.
elite IN a. statreeh sod tellable craft, arid 4111
go through with dlapatah.
Tea bleoenger, Capt. Jeasi De. e will be
the gat boat Out for St. Logla,aad the Camel.
Capt. dam De., WIII, be .6 drat boat ont for
Daanvllle: These ate both good. boats, aad
yard..rc and chippers can rely on what we
haea seated above.
The 411c:hear Elver le etlll eloced . tlght and
feat, and with the 'truant weather, it will be
some time before It open. up. Shine, the tom'
oleUon of the Allegheny Vo lley !Ullman, how
ever, It is a matter of no great importance to
the public at large.
The towboat. 'Stella and Grand Lake en
recto frem Orleanc to Plitelturgh plumed
4 Loolayille on T uesday,
Usptain W. IL Donaldson, of the Groat flz,
public, left Claslonstt fur Pittsburgh on Sou
day by roll. -
John Shriek, late of the Emerald
has beast tendrml and aceopted the unnamed
of the meanies Louisville, Captain. ll.' E.
Pierael mililne. The boat is now at Louts-
Tail. D. ref tp le tall up at New Oriaad ,
The Novs °dia. and Warta river trod .
has not been • Vali remunerative tale us
. •
prat'. general fraleht agent of the Atlantle and
lliarlatippl Steamthip and Mastoids and elt
Louis Pavkat Condn:net, at ilTairo, harts.
opted, i
pted, nod seel pted the oraminaii A
lof • the t-
Lnatla and .111. azippl EleuaaOlf. Compact '. steamer Lonna ry. ' -
The Ezra Porter Oa. wilLdramt, (rotat2,..• Wiato roil trade and. toes Ohio Red
rite, .
A dlepateh reoelvea at New Of!taw, from
Shfeeeooft. report. MOW., betas
of a riee fa Hadrye: near tattoo Um :Loads)
The Pr ealdeat of the Neill 45:14.• Dowd of
tttletwrltera. Thomas A.Aattatte, fa a lettar
to L.A. Daufaith, of Lout. ALA oa tho sub.
.loot (Ala* aalrae e claw Agatha% th•latllmt,
.1 0 ..14 areld addlag./ think the pitttles
or lasurtag haste at vatustlon to. far beyond
their trot ratueJ it 0.7 100 r /rut to the un
artrrlteras oa txts and eargr.... as la this e ewe th• Hatton e of obtain fatal wto
....ovrt Oat la a 04141 low. and Tot his whale
• outdo. hoe turn salt there were.. Inahr
tote on all boat, which deserres the highett
Tits last tunaigt report of the Artist and Surrtyor of the port of Ht. Louie,
thtt theta were 210 attawers [relate.;
to the thtstoint Montt of New Orleans, port
of St Lents, Ilatenber 11, lee, wall an neve
tate 100004 e ,II'! 11,t011 It Stole this report
ounttol• op, Oat Scroaruth, Aaaa Winos,
rs Dolt.. tad ttatoluts, will on aggregate
tuarage of 1,110 12 have been destroyed.
Tat lollowing are lb. Icoaltrille Courier's
partlealara or the atehlsot to kr. ali•Uet.llllk,
I 0 TeLl rOZ of the automat!. Creams, wltLth Pa i
turfed Honda, cieralag. - .
x a rty yetterdsj afternoon sonslderabls es.
.at. tram ...toted oa tit s ateernet liejet
nedtrtea 111 7 the trotaonlag or 3H. blollanntea,
.he bobby of tee "automat/. Inestan." II•
Vol nosed and jottutpltd o of the ttale.
rooms. tad • eau. Ise was .. tt Into Moo, at.
lbe • alter pa i n o 1
ellee et two of freshly but.
:tr. Drool In the peet took II la to the la.
hl with U. 1... W hir. Ile wet aaMog It,
.sits wattle:tan of I the boat treat Into the pan
try to Hob atter the all... Greta 01111 butter,
tid was Inforia. 021.1 th. were eaten to the
lt ton. Th. woo thetas thea la tot Er...telt
...Ls, tuth/ d to tot rest only la time Zs
Hr. .11eCercalek from swallowing the
third or fourth tootathrul he hod taboo. He
tLen Informed him that tit. Irta.l W. torero/
suit' ant.. adv. 4/1 butler to Vol.. the
ra.a, Not. bturrag, on Wall street, Um drub.
tilt, WOO talle4 In 61 tain1nletere4 to anti.
1.-de in hatde, 004 la tit. *teatime hit phut-
It.. w. illot for. and lest .tear[ he was gat
of dotter , asd tilt porton removal from Si.
stem art.. I; guntr ,, rary Loaf prating • tragedy.
Ton re of • Hhergeta was told at
Era:atilt* the other day fur 11140. . •
A St. Louts excirsasse auyet We hesril lb.
sugeeatlon made that Captain 111,--L. Efenty
one. ta leal. a valuable pretext to the Pres.
4e. of tb• 1.17 Company. fur dasliata a to
rt,“,er a stmt. of warn.. the ...err Clara
Dolse whene.. .he was burning. .
Tie even:sett vete hats ht.. turrerlng the
regtoo of greet Sty 14r the mayo... et' deter
Hutt . ht. ttaglir of conseettile Om waters
r the bey .140 e Missltstppl, of ma. of
oat Hr. and t a nal , have reported 05 . rt.
.411 . thou Item* From this report It Sp
,eot. that ths canal 4. be bui l t, with Is le :30 1.., side sod Sh Int lout tulastantly deep
,1•• 2 Ito the largest alt. of stern whoel me..
lotte load oa the /it Itslatlarl—tbat Ica. tont—for 115,000.000., The easel .0,114 be
'able to:tlanepeet 11,000 Dee tone of trait. dun.
tag the Names of /1 It 1/teatime. - , •
ST.lverinag We•sibor.
far t+ runes rib tissette.l
Ler February 114-11,trer rising
wlth servo /fretslf hushes lc the carnal by
mark. Weather clear with the thermouse•
fer at 43 degree*, I
Manta fo, Frbruory 10.—Weither
'tote, February 13—Rivet still rte.
log with elf and a half feet of water oa
Berra:ft Sheais. 'Weather pleasant. ar
rlstol—A len, from Lipper Cumberland. De
patteol—Nstl,llll4,'lor Cairo.
Ilf Yobrauy la—Weather clear
'nd pleasant. Rarer falling. !relights up
tad Kruse: DegOrted--lodiana, 3fo tons
groceries for Loulsrliler Faullan Gamut,
Loutinary, init trip, New Orleans; Si.
Fatrlck, 1.D30 bale!, Eraftsvlllo. The tow.
goat Bee CMG up fast night from Claire.
laruara pit 111.111620&D.
PITTSIMMUL Farr W•ilir•iall.oo lt.R.,
February 11-114100 l tonal, Bryan &Caughey;
4 an do. I J Moorhead; II do do,
Strolak Cacti do dn. a WOOdi Sol & Cot Di
aka barley. Ito bbl. ifiar, Culp & Stirpard; 111
rare, 21.111., Malmo A U.; 4J.bybap
ley, Ammer & llaltayi. a kgs apple .attar,
Vumorder & Slava/di tibln sugar, Haworth,
.11allna•LI SUm g aka rajt6 .o;;. rope 0.4 i
404, a Clark; lon ./224,2231,1,0 do tye.W J Hawk;
o• [obis butler, 2 kg* bird. I bbl egg., Volt% t Cu;
,bbl butl•r. I nn apple bolter, I kg. skurtea,
bbl tokeL H . Rd.; .11 kg. lard, Slum/um 14
Lang: 5 aaaaa ye, D Wallace.
Ft Dry•2l, thottfil, All MIMICS i i
F L Fehdeatoek & Co; II ease. tobacco,
E Healleton; ID bile pry peaches, J S Dilworth
& Cut la do do, Stionsliker & Lang: 2 Int. fruit,
1,111 thillwell; I bade tubasco, J 3lurphy
bale, collo., 6H. Uhlhla & Co; lot old metal.
Hall &Shear' so Mlle raper, Pitm Paprr
boll Mil. lunar, °rat& thittant gi aka barley,
.1 &bode. & CO bye oil meat, JNY Thistly
bbl. dry Praeha.,Aroutikle• CMi
biles Moos, (I ft Hoffitottt tar corn, Camp
bell it Drawn:
I.4avipaan Amu etaissoap,
February ll h) tons pig Iron, Union Iron
ear. ore, Zug Co; 2do do, Laughlin
Co; 411,6,0 feat lumber, A iA Wilma; It aka
area, t J Faltllllo bbl.onion., Vangorder &
Shapard; I tar brink: Arida..., afoot &
0 Lela otter, Fulda t Voila bag &nap, J. 12 DU.
wilt lb Co; I ear
boil. Olen. I bag. lye,
01014 1 vine; 41 lab. ', Graff a II•14•4414
4144 rag.. lyarkla , Dlehlua k Cut 40 tolls all, B
Ii Floyd 6 Co.
.sokiner Tagil:. R. P.:. February
r old Imo. I) II Le Is; C4l tads ell, Mark a
..uson•r; Ta bags hale,) Lse serape, Rbssk;et a
co; s ear. railtua.l 1,4, P. FL aO. R et,2 cue
ply Iron, Lion ; Shot a Lle; 2 sass old look
lisilmset, Rehm at 110.
AeLeutilenT Sean,. R. IL. Fsbrosty IS—
A hog• soromsel. Ale air k Robinson ; I ear
Oases, .1 NI lienaghlik est bailor. 5I eleakst.
ken; I aft staves. Rails * gobs:teak; I kegs
peer; barley, Chas it....
VOCI tor. LOuli.—Thek4W4
Hie. - texture
h .1).‘an•II, Maslow.
Will tooth fur the ole4e and •CU ititenaid.oto
I f lee. e the op • nit, m711.10/1.'2.
For [relent Cr roes.. el apply no roore• or k• •
J. If. (4 , 1.1.1 U Qui). I
j' agcni i .lNh, AI""
Utter. Ballo Ed. •
11 1 (1 , II NAllllllii.Lll.
... .The Atte 01.411.1014 t ' j
1.7A.111414. •' Capt. Wei. DL .
W 'Metter for, . e aterrot end lotertON'tao Pont
TM be Y. at 4 u'elnek 20 Y. -
rof treleb
< ttrizsAteeEp 4 l7 on board or to
1 Ii„,t i tiNLIALINtIfrOOD, } Afoot.: .
.I.“ JAn. uus.L.V.Pk . .
Sad swift ...rimer
KATZ lioUlrisUN
WM leave am a4n vaTIMII
Y r. fretaht or parrAge‘!...i.
OAT?. 17011 1 / 1 1101t.
PAY. et hr. Y.
•cb n beard. at the
FOU e r. i ou: I
W2ll li tv a .tote TIBNI
-"" titer
`! .. p
Cl LLI • B•
jfl al'. at
. vaarr""
At the littibirgit Flax futile k blete►otte,
OM , e rad Wervionm-41 1 0 add 341 LIMB ITY
81100 41. Sammie Wares+m ea second loot.
Mr; ft1:',17:4",1,10:::Pr0r,41,w.",=714.
1.11. mr . any.dliee, asid prices La loltas
bitgr 41 4" 1".
ot studs, Cl. be Illarlsielmal e sad Made So
less as welt as Dere. ,
Three le slo other OA. IA WHtera Arna.ils
Cools Where ere aufeetered.
Ali loads Or Morel. WoH dope In M. best
rtanaer. aksrale (Intl/1 ntaplled wan sassrsd
Marble sm !Casters price , .Smr&S
111;,W. Iv/ILL/LIM
liElAlNN — Leallier and Gum
...P.',":4.: I A;L:VAIATI, B "' ritg%
r.l , :: .,,,s = ar kv i : , 4 r sit: did/. t..). als%
1' o r tale, sr bottaaaad A7•11,71;1 . " h"4 ! '
j li a B bINZVA S.
• taio
1-Koi VE4
Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron,
fill WWI ttlIS B GU, 51111,11011, IA
.1111.1.1121 CD.
(Mee; No. 98 Water Street,
,001141111,_ STILL in TA
:l1 149..1. Zt. SNYDER,
TIM iILAZ, DotrZLE-FLUND, rum:max
""Mazvlsav ''''''''''''
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
iwroutatrigass air
Rem Common, Refined Charcoal
;inn i ata
.8 our. BAND, r" hltiLlt MOM.
9011.4/1 YATL..edand A
N=OWL'.. an L d CiA.PICR BARS.
T HAILS; kW and ICI IDs, tO tha 1 .. 1 1
Witt/ IhkiIiTAJIIAIIIS and lIPIIiES gaziae
ILA? IiAILL Paneled and Onantenntnn. •••
COAL 506,11.11 N MON.
MAILS and nriKhd.
Nenreheate and °Mee at the 'Torte. GRIMM
(MOH WC. (a of Yltss amt.) ads
telninß thelAtcOu Warta. Plltcnureh. an 23.111
Engine Builders and 'Machinists
Slue to order Menne and Lead Moder Udine.
Quail elan, everruited to give eathilisctiog.
Outten, of evevg deerstottoo. guide to ordu
/Mtn Ni 1.03031, Up` t....A. 11. Nowt. Nom.
Marble. Stop. car. P.M Alley thlezve.•
Way. rOvuelry, Nos; 61.41114 T hird , rime.
vianle prrriarzesi PA,
piTTsztvirrerur STEEL louse,
NavaLactircn ofthe ben
!anon. flattad Otanron. or all alias: lbw
or lioa. - fork ant • neat Cart, Sara; C pop duel f
• 5.Z4711, PLO IT WIZOI4BP.R.IS9iI
4U:B. 011k0117LAMS,
Cut and 0311=0111 Plow Sr Fining Steel
Oacc—Cornar of nest saki Ito.trestgr, t •
Itla. abort ILa Xoadagabels Lions.
1 ME
11.1. J., KIIIVt. ISZACJWIT.S-911.
A 5 ' X
" FiILNIVIAVIIRtLi ' and - 31
...nano smeared rrroottr.
btlrttotore, ire bUt 11.1,18.1) rill WWII
, creel at tits rotottlyr.
tisrltig atanneed or our 01 steer, Ira an
Paw rtrr Alrlo DIMIUMW
u • elran'l4l
det rrperttsloa or i t i nt
zr.r, to fart YACEIIr Irri at abort uO
Rutlor StrOot, Ninth Ward.
'orruirrr. umoN MON MILLE.
Ell and Bridge Castings.
LT) 191 1681,
YlaaWaary ui Ca.stbags goakisrany
cwt., pror..ol.S carnally .mm*44
• Et r a l WnlZWlr ‘•
Wks 430 Wax . ..bone:l" 112, DO.
ad and 112 & 121 Pustileesaly .
No. 20 'Woad otrolot
Nsiahesttie .41 timo etearissaly Oa Lao
-Thisait, Khasi I Pip. Dotes '
wioui acara li DOG'lllolre,meAs
rrnas. OLLOW
led cut ii lass nr....11T,
Freight lEG:deters
4.10 DOCTOR riFonas.
4TOYLIu t . at 011 delaiPilo.s EMS SO Ordit
Gomm .f rtret .4kil-irerry Sizes Lie
nrraiozes. PA.
- mu ttYacromens
Iron, Burnet, Tub. and Trunk
- pcxrarz,r-taza
jg:gatirtrAl7.4lf:Yt• MB
thrt ° PVlTelateMe , ""t! yns vi lkiLI ARCEn TS
ell klads of IDULLoW WAN, wlisims
1.1 all Mad"
Iseaned.illiuroosalaemlata 1411.
TinTrx Asa xv • • Nn. If
COTTON-8 bales ee steamer
a ttet , is. to imiozit u it s si
Mum , l . o4l,4liar 8.
Bar lam
Raflois4 Flab Rare Mad In
Railroad Oar attles Atoll
Wallated Car /Wet Ham ailed
Locoman.. ltraokelk..
Locemoihre Frame Sbapee
Std. Ruda • I
Yoke., Strap..
Plato. Heaths
Steamboat Stott.
Steamboat Crank..
P.n.s Itodo'yfrlstat
Pitman Jaws, yearn,
Orrx,cl,lto. 177 PENN.
• 11
Corner Carroll and SOE)allinale
dereau, Ninth IFrard,ll
' -
NM . 3Mr.
Cast Iron Bowl Pi pp,
,ac i p in =
of V". Also.
tn4t GEM CUM ICI 01 1111 VAR 4ID
jer g a gir'nV:ngrorar 41 !
fell 3
NBW HIRDW ilot i sE4
T •-•!
Liudsay,Sterrit &fin4fr
Manufacturcea & Importers 1
337 LIBERri §llOl,
One Fqnare Below Eriten
......I.OxnuforIATILBANICIP OA=3. ;'l.
swim sum, woRKLII
WOK& (10
mull. A. 13 CCI/001, 01 HI 16P4
, 4C7
Cast Npring Mad,
Cast and German Plow
PLOW 197310.1 Lary movrsa
eireimsasHovn., HOE. BUM )0111,26X
WOW-L4llll. .146. 41.3... IN. A
Warehouse, 83 Water St., Plilbegh.
. 1 116112T0X BARBA, 711
191330 Ward, Piitsb.
TEION.AA N. Naar", pra5.44. 41 4
Yteta Worta an use= their. Lad Mit
Coanlete art•bllshatenat la thib Wes; sad us -
tow prapare6 to AM/ lb.
linglase of Every Dercelption.
foam, 01 . ,t Tante,
Sheet Iron Wert,
~Z altreed Casth4o,
ralllng_lllll Cuttuii, f
!Lngire Cart-tap,
Machine Carting.,
°Armful twurrED,
55 suid 56 Water Bili•efi!tl
Kawuraciv9,:). or t 1
mracamor csX.l4
esrittsa rxars,
oorrza rrzLx Prez,v •
For ntralataatA.
Carson Elr., fib Ward, near &LILL
Haminer Dies, Steel Monldir t ;
to .Call sal Isclgse GetEt3l6nelly. ' 6 ,
fian soltals4 ..1 menus and satiarta
1101006 immas7i
011EiNWOOD FOUND 111; it
08H0 &-lONNELLY. 1.1
Jobb* and giste4laery Castie j,
11X4, Vg".rsiZtt or Or~Y
mr; toarder.
Ottice, WO Liberty Stre'et,
or Mesta BallStuz.lll
I. W. X 0111.11.011.4111. I.lllllnccca. JAB. •
O'er BOILER W0111(9.
xampAorriaxii Or
Orsaal ) Boners, 1111 81111,/,, A6liatorr4
Thug &as ran;
Wrought Iron .Erldger.
rroet Iron Worts • t
• *O.,
iirrilLtre VoNIR rEortItTLY. 301:1•3
DUQUESNE — • • '
Emma* nAanm &
warsoronzas or
!rep, Nalls,Spr lags, Axles, Steel, he
WAR/ Millar:
I Vanz.nur*.;...T.ll. alma;
litutabatare of rerrullty cf
Cook, Parlor aod Heating 810Te5.
117 ilyatidapAial„Elwrcg
Mei nom.) Also ZUSIACtO29
011 es vie Wtreltossa. 001114. Olr &MOM CIA
S.,s, Pltuburel. llatrz444 au boat.
111 .1.0
Alum st. asinziA.. arum 0. Tulin
JAWED FL 11,011:41/1&
glean Boilers, 011 Stills; Tank
Shies Irea Works, &e, .
61 Pntts PitUabtergkira.
*ND scuts
BEto Nobasso.
mu lolls. Ossttam Thal Label. &V
itabmiarLab twin wzieuw, rtn,
Masa jiLli_t_t /NW
Mk* ito
sr Maw.
treOa and Ow IFUNDAY, Oetab. Iszt, um, the
tr..llllern the depot,*once ot hirahl
sad Water MOW. hi Mow. ,
Matt to as 4 frac ltatcht'a. LOA. W. h.
Itesee•port..o.lll.l.ll:l}Dt. X. 2:06 hg„
DM.L ,, i , rd tr
cq oth Usio
os ut:a. CCO N. lo:ooy
k .
Wen ble ceroctoote....lll::::
Night Am th ...Cheros ULM r. SAO A. hg.
Etinday Church into wand
Item Wen........... 1. N.
For Tickets anic to
KM% Ages
W. B. erotrr. Etnarlataacituth. thM
Running Tkromgh b V•mangs CRT 4
, Com.:Mg oitliTraln• R 1.0 l an . Wen.
War m m,
Aumalo um •••
Urns * fraskim,warn /Lamar Ball/road ; 0110 stilt the
tm'alm iffalr 21713 DAY. I Jimsrft.
the - Pamouvr Trams lure from .4 arms
at. Ma rats .ITh Dem. •ora•r Oimal not tun
1 1 1.11(01./ain:
Depart. ',LAiirkor..
Mall to and from Vet. cat,. 7.l>•A. Mao .M.
prtss •• • 4 10: r. K. ^CO?. IL.
Brady'. 14M.2 Amon:mod% 1,10 r. 11:104.
ovonG rod
rlnt•oea .
W iroM.s•OOmt.... atil.. e :OA. K.
r ostatul SKqe. K. '
Ef Imeolaßkedalloitlaa -.... .
G. Y. CIO f. K.'
_Panda/ Church Train I< ... tools Worn a
yip PM, In Pitubama so 134 A. at.: ,
orturolor. lure. Pltm Warm T. Ak.• at
rirl , g al *oda Warns; Ilion
111 ..•UlorMrfl.. Soot.
1868. ! 1868.''
_ troa January 'CCM, Dui leavp'
1,111 atia axrit•l3..• 11000 7Npua, nJ e.
ntubarrk. gulp time, :Wows:
tvtriPT e^.mam we
am Ma
CMIZI ..:1141:t 0.513 h. SF.7'4:OlgE/
CUM: CI. • Lrle • Tcp 11;121p
Cl. lanalut.l3. !ill IL la CM. Ex CaeD
'II:24{VVIEi I 7""
Wh.ds p m 13:1P At:4lli N N AM ..12,1 1 24 0 L e t is
IMeMuter 17stVit:
3,apm Leatv4alo IP
Lattpdale Ac%n Cl 3 p m 'JAB pm
11:1'41:1 r:4:: 11'411
,10:40p m p ICi 01
mummy; a:Ulan E CINCIIMITi R. R
trifilMer OP TIM.Z.—On and later PUNDiT.
December PLO. IMP. ming gill Int* .61 Write
at Onion Depot as follow. Pittsburgh tamp i
• Darwin.
Man rzoreas....—...-- tan A. N. lilt. N.
Irnt Line —...—. Men.
rust onion.. • Stg, P. a. littlA M.
Mritonalr Ars. le 0."1..1ine m. 2.110 r. M.
titeabenrine Arinnourn.. Mbar. at 100 a. M.
atollooald`a Ace. go. 2.. 012 r. N. 1:73 A. N.
Sled t. frrrti4 in ft l=ltu a = l er: It
sons morldna. ' ,
Church Train 1 Ehmday at 32:66 r.
The Mg at. Train learaa da‘l2, Sunday and •
Mond.) excepted, strict,r In oincinuari at 5:3 •
same evening, if ROOM IR fIDVAIICIM
Mimic ensure of core terivreen Pittsburgh and
and trot Orin cluing* to It. Lent.
vox., and La principal points Want and hontrie•
elll. et
Whea Om pre.buliti Tlctets b. rift iai Mae*
11M1111, GLUM i (TRAM B. 1,
Union Depot, tseuth
3.l;l;.3lViiilVlattnaVe Wat: " •
pEr.N to wit v v . AnlAk
- -
Oa agaM1146...,
an 4 after 00T00e... 613, UV, Irraees wW
and do/Matra= the Onion leeped. earner
or Weabanton cod Measly nes. 'ea follow:.
Amuyn. ime.Are.
am II Takla ...... SAO In Dsa t ZT..4.. S. a
11 4 . it . . 1 7: :Ts% W a : 11 rZ W. r ze n I;ilt 4
WltlP•th>. L.. I n
a sr Wall . 0 . er.f.5...115 a ea
01.13aaa Zr. aen KO. 3....tha a a
JonnalownA.a.a on • ta Jon= to . ..WAG. Id:ena
rlda,. game. 1160 pm Wan , . No. 11.., loan a
Wt'. 1181: 0231 E ZlAlfc.. — ;.
Nd y Won'. No. " era Ll na 7aaa
92190ns Attani 1 191. 1 22 17110...r....1a2720 ;
train —........ 102D3D MI
222 a Murat Trans temlParPiPtLatlOn CCM
9rooday at taste resonlnarbatat al MS.
na moturnin leant Pits, 6at LURID. CM,
-and arms at atna Patton st 12
• oCumponatl carats leaves da ily. An °MC
mina dolly eXaort
rialndelptja Erprooa and tea Altoona Actom
modation aad Xialocant Trait. arrtra Ciro
clunatl Kaput, arrival daily e.tcept Monday.
All other trains dall7 annolit 9292 daY.
Itor ruiner Intotrastlon apply to •
W. U. attawrm.
Trie 2 . ollliiriVetas WA:IMA Company tall
asanota .7 Ma for tor touring
t.F.P.TA•ir4,III,II,V,Inp,„r4 ° O W "'
tog /bet 111320 u. 'WO. n ullbe ai ' L
tile owner. nnlnna taAaa by opeclat contract.
WA.ItE/2 R.
wiewrzies pErnievILVANIA
, aad
after NOVKYII6H t. LW;
the Passenger intas on
the Westedepartrn Foh h nsftr th ania Railroad snit arrte
em e ?Mara . ROOS
Mame City, se MM..;
Mrlishig No 1 1 1 0151.0.
poralio.l 8:131.1a. limMort No. d A.
Zahn. Ll= .-
Prrprif Yin 1111 Valoi ' Vs;;Ml 1 2 1181 '
Preaport lates P.m
H a
bo 'm uti ' ':"
r. t
" rat
re . runnel r =rept bridal.
The gu d illt Trolls 1.5.0. Allemeny
C . ity ri at 5:50 Heel ti".-..thrhi-
Cltr as UDR 111. an antra at AlLeglisay Wash
et 3ift Ir. . .
COmecomation l ftekats-Yor sale to mammal
Twenty,. betweengliegaiiry Mr. Mittman
street. idorr'S.Raiinatt.-ring Creek. Lisa sag .
gbartaborg. mid good oaft on the ttles Moo.
Pftlf Steam. erieelfied Oa -
tett . I .:ir.trird't"-imerZan'Lbtol'Ytttlittl'iiiral'''.7='.
abateorn. •
f o ggier Siete. may bie oarehaand
o. 1 ht. Ulalr Wm., mar Ilastiftmeol
'were. tituburth. asell the_ltepot, austn.
w gr u luithsr in' mast t 4
Tea . Pod eral Otroot Ira Westenatsjimala Milmed I net f• •
assume .7 risk for aag,gsga. excEpt for Wm.a.
hag Ay pare(.' and Walt their
Hi e . -
000 kumvarm DoLcAsti value. All bag Pirs
, xot•dinx th I .IOEIMIIi lit InklU, vlll' De 03.
110 or the mem. calf...a tat.= lftrabilaMi - mm
lienerMgxn n' 't I p o ut i.
Completion of the Way
03" lad 411•3 1130311:14T, December' 934 Ma .
trlp• lad the mut !tan throNagt. te
City, opposite 101 l MN
The Adams Express Cempsuirs,
. .
ntki - net latallttee M.O. : Oat' in h”.•
V;ATITItra LtiettlWlTA Derre i t r iattit
t wen Pit Lebo tee and the On xestone. tatesett-
Itooe la.* lotto dallyjeittlloll.7 sad an Wu.
mediate rotate
KLTXxI iskUl7Cl2l).„. • •
Tor INuticulars, lap-urea
ILELWILL lIOUTZ [ma Um Zan " •
cauromsrza, arra.%
WSW NEXgel), /DAR%
ourceor. •
Two Dalai kayo tliasa Liao lad Losiesillirta
ollazidaya axasiited,) oa tha ortini 02
vow of
_Oselito Railroad Dino !wls, Uri
Haaattiel audit JO Rallropl from Spasm eon.
aettlait at Lemma, Topeka tad Wale:NollMß
Won far all Debits to Mutsu. At cad at Dula
west of lillaworta with tam =TRU STATES
ia FOB .
AND:ALI: YOINTS IN 211. E TSIEltr,. J • Atirk .
andarlte BANONNZONNJ T/11-WilaltVi. um,
• O/01(313L7 for lkirt Thelon, Near^ - Jeon.., ,
a, Jelaneuareno. Oanaa To. en 4 t a krouga ell .
rtaoaaanaaa.lwoe: ••
WOO the rocas 1 addlialas of "OLIN atoo - a sad ,•
e alNaeant; and Me eava n.senealle.les& olta rt.
some!, Overland TrarlDOONalon Linos
to lora= terodalu e ttels 'IVA now or
the Tar WUL ex,.
ia.aued beluy.r.l.r :Cal eeddonlearAk az mutt
, .Ticketa for sale 0..111 IN int:alba Meets In l •
. the caned Mame tad Caudal. . ~ - • .
I, lie me and ABA IVO I'.SCN 3 SIS9II-211/1
, •
f t
. . .
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;JZTJE.4.3I KO AND-F 16.031 1... "--, "
1 .,
rvnex A w-I.•: Art . : .- , .
:-..::. •
'fib /N11.11;,57 Limug - , ,'"•'
tl l , cArrwr - .. 11.11711017-msn r wen.
16 ' 4 ft l"g' 1111 % *ff. 4. tift! ., = . 4:11 •
1 w z ama ltssw,,y as DO Cossosstri. .1
117. , . . IN* miamiusr, air...- •-- -.
11, Itten.ll,6 /sae* toll.* C4bto Passinga.
'1; .:. ' • ' 64 rum' grazz , r, ;. :
, a.inu.s. m .. Man. Pussbarsis. ra. •• •
ipfil r..4.TE' DISEASES.
;•' • ..- •
(16 "4'
Valrarnimiso pc..l,oirettinded:'. i , .;•
44 4.717Ard i 11 ir ..,:in e j 12_4! to
•••., • 4- •
, • .