The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 13, 1868, Image 1

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austrz stsumute. •
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5.411•18 T. 011714PIST ad BM YAWL,
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Pennsylvaego' tat*.
. ____ [ 1
WORIIII Os• sad Coal Catre
a74-omaelarrille liebeets— a- . ,
sews Osumi Water We Iltr
Cleauty MI Deteatedt—ieeela a a
ferias. a Beware ter tae Re ree f
- - Jana Caliel Tented Malt, State
lei leepeeter—Tatia Sa ul WO
Ireewat lerer—Dereaglt of pt.
-_,_Zworperital—Peeplets Beau •I.
craws Iteek—Artlesse smolt
WWW—Weeetateaela - Valley Rea.
real Bill P• 1111114/ Court/
pees/ leeelatton Wilatesw• a e -
Trautarer Dettaate r -011 rall ' r
WllMPoi—Frate ILetlieed SW •
/.Yea—lat Velum Predicted.
repell latratee tt tat PlLL:bulk e Li 3
1 Hasnmarme, Feb. 172, I
. .
. i smia nrraormcgo. •
Mr.. WHITE. of Indiana, author
izing A change or the name 'and tn.
Made/ the per value of the stock of the
Indiana and Westmoreland Gee Ebel
Mr. SZARIGHT, ' I r isem.
of Fayette, ,
:log the &herd Directora of Connellerille
to borrow money.
Also, a supplement Ihr the Uniontown
Goi and Water Company.
The bill erecting a new county to be
coiled Petroleum oat of .parts of Craw
ford, Parrott, Penang° and. Warren, rras
defeated by thirteento ',lateen.- •
MILWAZI3 sou 4 =moons&
The limner joint resolntron, which
poised the Senate last night, .offering a
reward of two thousand dollars forthe
arrinel*nelon of the Murdererr of Ahn
CODY, pawed Emily..
The bill authorising the appointment
of aßtate Inspector of Gas was amended
by a substitute of Mr. • THORN, of ph it
adelphia. and passed to sensed reading.
,' intts rasa= ericimr.
• ne bitroduied by Mr. FORD, Alle
gheny, repealing the Tinge landlord) end
tenant law for Allegheny, Cambria land
Lawrence counties. - •
One incorporating hitllval borough,
Allegheny county.
' Authorizing the People'a Bank of
Pittsburgh "to increase its capital Stock
and declare dividends out of the net
Incorporating the Commercial Print-
Company . of Pittsburgh.
Ineorporafang the Arthares Deposit
Bank of Pittsburgh.
Adjoarned till evening. •
.Erati,g Swim' s; —The— House Free
Railroad bill was Considered.' r •
• Mr. LANDON, of Bradford, moved to
'atitsiit - eta the bill agreed upon by the
Banat* Bailmad Committee, requiring
elm a:m=l &Warr for every mile to be
intbaeribed. Adopted.
lir. ERR= afterward moved to sub
stitute Alai themand dollars. I,olt,
. - •
• Mr. LOWRY, of Erie, moved to sub-
Winter - tier= thousand dollars._ Lost.
Mr. SEAMIGHT, Fayette, moved an
aftemdtztent allowing local comp:mitts' to
• build roads of thirty miles, with; stock
infiecribed by Atrucers and mildews
Tong the route at six thousaind dollars
per mile. Lost . . by fifteen to seventeen..
• Adjourned at ten o'clock without
The bill in regarded ..effectually de
YOMOIIO►HII.• virsa-r isAiLsoAD.
- Bootleg Besslon.—The bill authorizing
the Monongahela Valley Railroad to
- build a r track from Pittsburgh to Moron
• - inhale thty, by ench route as the Dfree
lora may determine, thence to! Rico.
.Lending, and extending the math line to
West Virginia, was eonaidered.
'The amendment of Mr. PLAYFORD,
of Payette, co fining the route' to rbe
Monengabea Myer, passing through
the town of Elisabeth, was defeated.
The bill passed seCond readlrig, Mr.
PLAYTERD refuaing to agree to a sus
pension or the rules for final passage.
trRys. i •
M. THOMAS MULLEN, of Philadel
phia, introduced a roaolotlon condemn
tog Tesomrer Semble far his correspon
dence with Almost Belmont d. Co. Die
•grceed to—yeas twenty4taree,tutpa
OM. • J '
.The on . Impactor bill- paned leally
end Ida gh to the Gorerner for bit
EBY TON:131114 to Ow Paul:ma li - lihtaitt"l
.WAsatzticrios. Feb. 1; MU.
Mr. GRUM, from the Committee on
Affairs, made a report on the res
-4 elation in regard to navy yards, passed
- in December. Ordered to beprinted.
Mr. SHERXAN introduced :the fol
lowing bill - decuilog the State of Ala
bansa restored to the right of represents,
'"1 bon ill Coligreee:
Wroransa, The people of the State of
Alabama have, in strict, compliance with
the - ath eactlon of the act of Maria
-DMZ entitled "An net to provide for the
mom efficient government of the rebel
Stater," formed a Constitution of the
United States, framed by aCoaverralon of
delegates elected in compliance with said
Ann Warms" Said Constitution has
been retitled by a majority of the quail
dad persona voting on the question of
reddest:lon, and Raid Constitution con
tains. all the guaranties required by told
Be it enacted an d declared by the San
' ate arid lianas of Representatives of the ,
United States of America, etc., That the
- State of Alabama is entitled to repereren--
. tattoo in Congress, and Senators and
Representatives ahaltbe admitted thereof
on taking the oath prescribed by law.
Referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Mr. CONFESS introduced a bill to
Rant aid in the. coloornction !of Grail
.- road framValleje to Humboldt Bay.
Referred to Committee on Pith
y:, will:LT/Im% from the Committee
en Finance. reported a joint resolution
dodging the meaning of the law rela
tive to the settlement of account; and
defining the jurisdiction of accounting
officers, and recommending the passage
of a imitable bilL
Mr. PATES, hem the Committee - en
Territories, reported a bill to admit Col
orado as • State, and gave notice that be
would tall it tip at en early day.-
' On motion of Mr. nowE. the Semite
took up the bill, pending yeederdav for
the relief of beim of Mejor General Etch
ed:dam which pawed by thirty-otter to
By permbelon of Mr.DAVIS, who bad
the daimon the Supplemmentary bill,
Mr. JOHNSON moved to take up the
arse of Senator Thomsen( Maryland.
Mr,. SUMNER oppose the motion,
Burying he bad intended to addreta the
Senate on the subject, Ind ' had net ex
pected thereeolution would be called up
during the debate on SeccoOruction,
Mr:SHERMAN somWed the reeolu
' don be.disposed and - the Senate go in
to executivo Denton.
Mr. JOHNBO;4I3 motion was adopted
by ctmaent.
- idr.MORILIo of Maine, celled up the
• reesdation fortial une the forcible
eleetment of art em oyo of the Senate
from the care of Alexandna and
ern Railroad. -
• ftiVcourite of the debate Mr. CON
-NESS urged the immediate] wonders
, _Ron of the question of the rights of
American citizens abroad, awl cola.
• plained of the delay of theCommitte&tin
Foreign Relations in acting-oh lils reeo-
Innen offered last month, to which Mr.
SUMNER replied the subject was re
ceiving ecatatant and metal attention,
. both by the Committee and State Depart
mentond that their action would: be
soon made ithown, And would, he be
' Raved, be satisfactory to the Senate and
the entire country. • .
After a lively debate a 'motion to re.
Slot° the Judiciary ComMittee was lost
. and the resolution passed.
The bill for the promulgation of the
law.; of the United States was taken up,
amended and passisl.
Mr. PATTERSON, of New Ramp
shire, 'offered a resolution that the Sec-,
rotary of the Treasury be requested
furnish the Senate with information of
the number ofisseeaors employed by the
Internal Revenue. Department during
the pant year Adopted.
On moti•. n Air. STIERMAN7 the Sen
ate Went Into; Executive session, and
subsecinently•idJournod. • •
Mr. WILSON, of town, introduced a
bill for the surrender of persona con
victed of certain crimes. Referred to
the Judiciary Committee. It enacts that
no per Non la.) may be duly convicted,
or adiudged guilty of murder, piracy,
assasaination, anon, robbery, or forgery,
Bad where the conviction hue not been
reversed, ebsil be allowed to enter; or
remain in tho Vatted States, and It Wi
thering; the President, upon the produc
tion of satisrsrtory pniof:Urat the person
so convicted of either of such crimes
boo entered, or is about to enter. the
United Stales. to cause him to be - sent
letck to the country Cram whence his
came, or In -.ldeh he may have been
convicted. Thribill has been drafted by
the Secretary of State.
Mr. VAN AERNAM - hffered a rem-
ntutiou instructing the Committee on
Inyelid Pensions to iequire whether the
Pension Bureau cannot be recoil - pad:ad
en as to promoteefficleacy and economy
in Its adruinistnatlon.
Mr. RUMPRREY Introduced a Millet
amend the set of 1545 extending the jur
isdiction of the 'United. States District
Courts' to .certain cases on the Lakes.
Referred to Judiciary Committee.
Mr. HUMPHREY preeented a resolu
tion of the Zuffelo Common Council,
asking an appropriation sufficient to
complete harbor improvements there on
a plan recommended- by the United
States Engineers Department. Referred
to Committee on Commerce.
The bill re po rted from the Committee
on Foreign Affairs, concernlngthe righta
of Arnertr citizens in foreign States,
came up as budneis of the morning
hour, ands. desultory discussion arose
as to the question of easing debate and
disposing of the various autendmente
which had been already suggested.
Mr. BANES declared htself nnal
tenably opposed to Incorporating in must-
Ines of the Untied States the offensive
English principle that the Legislature
can ,confer or withhold the power of ex
patriation. That was the doctrine of
Lordlallitesaten's dispatch to Mr. Ban-
croft to le-tP or in 1850. At length Mr.
BANES, having allowed tie amend
ments ed Menace: Butler, Spalding and
Bayer to be offered, moved turn pre.
ViqUIS question, the effect of which would
be to cut off further amendments.
The House by a decided vete refused
to second the provlous question, and Mr.
JENES offered Ids amendment, by way
of a substitute; declarin# the rights cf
expatriation and naturalisation are de
clared tube and have been part of the
public law of the United States, and
rectmg the Executive to insist on Use rec
ognition of such rights by the Goyern
monis of all other =llona ,
Mr. JUDD offered his amendment, as
Indicated at the close of his speech last
Mr. BUTLER. offered an amendment
. _
a substitute for lir. Jencks' amend
• . -
In the *ay Mut additional proviso.
The morning hoar having expired the
bill went over till tomorrow and all the
amendments were ordered to be printed.
The SPEAKER presented a memorial
of business men in Cincinnati in favor of
the resolutions adopted by the ManMse
tnrers' Convention in Cleveland, Sept.
18th, 1517.
The Rouse went into Committee of
. _
the Wool° on the taste of the Union, Mr
Wilson; of lowa, In the Chair, and • re
slimed the consideration of the Legiala
tiva, Executive and Judicial Appropria
ilea bill.
• • • ••
The regular annual dlactualon over the
appropriations for the Agricultural De
partment, and particularly over the item
of tweoty-tive summand dollars!. theds,
occupied a large part of the time spent
in committee.covering vedette questions
as to economy t extravagance, cabbage
aid turnip seeds, squashed., cucumbers,
Ac. No now points were developed.
Mr. DOI ELLY moved to amend the
bill by inserting items for the depart
ment of education to the amount of
;Mel t :lTT:l,o "a rt I t. r. WOOD' op
posed it, the latter admitting that the
object of the Committee on Approprla-t
tions was that it might work a repeal of
the act constituting the Department:
The gentieman at the head of it • • •
not spent two. months' out of the
twelve in Washington.
Without a vete the House adjourned.
An ingenious' wed* of tiger killing is
that which is employed by the waives of
Onde. 'They gainer a number of broad
leaves of the precise tree, which much re
semble' the sycamore, and having well
besmeared them with skied of birdlime.
they strew them in the ardmila we?,
taking care to lay them with the preptir
ed side uppermcat. Let a tigerbrit puthte
paw on one of these Innocent looking
leave and his fate Is settled. nudism
the leaf sticking to his paw, he shakes St
In order to rid himself of the nuisance;
and finding the plan umincansfa.4 be
endeavors to attain his object by rubbing
It against his face, thereby smearing the
ropy birdlime over his nese and
gyre, and gtning the — eyelids . to
gether. By this time he has probably
trodden upon several moreof the tzesch,
emus leaves, and is bewildered with the
novel ineenverdence; then .he cells an
the ground, and rube his head and face
on the earth in his efforts ta gutless. By
so doing he only adds fresh birdlime to
his head, body, am! limb; agglutinates
his Week fur together. in troagbily tans,
and finishes by hoodwinking himself we
thoroughly with leaves and birdlime,
that he lies floundering on the ground,
tearing tip the earth with his claw; ut
tering howls of rage end Mammy, and
extumstokby the impotent struggles in
which he had been so long engaged.
These cries are a signal to the anthers of
I his mischief, who ran to the spot, armed
with guns, taws and epears, and find no
difficulty in dispatching their blind and
&12.1211 1 IIONAXXED AICS—AII Amer:
Iran missionary has recently; most
unexpectedly, encountered a Moham
medan. co wa:ratty la one of the
interior prosiness ef. China- It is esti
mated that one-third of the population
of the prevince are followers of the False
Prophet, Andes a necessary consequelsoe,
epeakers of the Arabic language. Thrb
missioaarT has gent fir a supply of the
beautiful Arable Bible, prepared by the
0211310125.1411 1 11 of the' American Board, for
the Forkista Empire. Thus the gospel
will be Introduced tato the interior of the
gteat kingdom of China, by means of a
translation of the Scripture, p repared
for an entirely different plI I.
coopectiLtarity of Mottsmmeftaftm,thst
wherever It Romit carries th e Amble
Lawns" with it ; and men are tadght
to read the Koran in the language of
their prophet, inetead of having the
Koran translated into their particular
—The London Review says of the Poet
Laureate: "Mr. Tennyson has grown
weeaarryy of Incense. Ere is 'sick of Indis
praise. A surfeit of venue
adulation has produced a strong reac
tion: and he gives everybody notice that
benraforward he will not take say Dare.
and that there le Lie OS* fn offering it. It
seems that his innumerable admirers
bare always bean in the habit of Bandit:lC
him mannacrigarerses and letters In tol
erable quantities; but that this token of
popular regard has lately Increased toat
quite unbearable extent. U. will no
more answer these vague letters from
strangers; ho will no more reed their
thin versiclen ; he has closed the door of
hisheart against them. and net the meat
touching appeal nor the most astounding
flattery will draw from him tha boon of
en autograph. Ho has requested the
newspaper preen - to inform all whom it
may concern of this hi, Meal dechsion.'
how ro Bernie.. A Rn
New. Parte, Ohio, tbsothtr day, a nom
bar of ladle., determined to avail them
selves at their " leap year. mielleges by
getting np sastirprise party' and ealliog
upon a couple of gentlemen wile bad
recently rdsbilehed a whiskey shop in
that town. Armed with their knitting
work, the party marched to the salaam,
helpml themselves to mats, matte them
'elves as comfortable as passible; and
staid till night. Next morning the same
party called again, remained tiroughout
the day, ware meelefarced
i % a Cira 2 4
party of recruits toward al tfall, and
did not depart till rise
o'clock. The
disgusted publlnnedminorLes. that ''not
a d—d man came in' , during the two
days, rimedy pulled up stakes. packed
up their unsold rum, and evacuated: the
town without waiting for a third visit,
. ,
Inmanlit Tall*, • asst-
sets la law. I
111 Toligesph b the YlSSaisrall esseta..l .
Haw Fnencisco, Feb. 12.—1 n the Leg
islated!. to.rlay the House passed, over
the veto of the Governor, the &Ilona
a portion of the .Yeeemlie grist
made to the State by Congres, on the
- condition that it he kept for public en.
—The Astor House is to remain a hotel lolosesii., rocrevir- Th e bill re
fer Derma years longer, new lease for Quinn too (=lent of Comtism to its
that term having Just been executed. Provislowl•
Now York without the Astor House Advises to. February Met front Idaho
would net sewn natural, especially as represent the reining Intonate unusually
nearly all thaotkar old botch; down io flourishing. Onehrusdred and fifty thou
hare disappeared. The new lessee Is sand dollars were shipped from the
Captain E.gten Stetson. . Owyhee district during lannary.
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American Expatriation Question.
Comment son Amer lean ilewi
Re ported Hesluattom ff Bi muck
AustrianPolioy Complained Of
British Frogress in Abyasinia
epecolatlen Centerateg t e Inert-
can Fleet.
Far(11111ti Going to Grecian
LB, Tem. nyh +a tlis Pittsburgh Eissettll4
GRIC&T 1111111M1N.
LO3 DoN; February 12.—Tbe American
newspapers containing the report of
Congreeelonal proceedings on the matter
of allegianoe and cid , • shio have been
received. The comments of the preen
here ars generally favorable to the ViORS
expressed in Congress. The speech bf
General Banks is especially noted and
William B. Brett, member or Parlia
ment from Heintone, has been appoint
ed to succeed Selwyn as golleitor Gen-
Coswriutrisorcz, Feb. 9 via Lommu,
Feb. 11.-olncial advice, from the mat
of War in Candle, dated on the 26th of
January, have been received by the
Cabinet of the Porte. The dispatches
detail the movements of the Imperial
troops, and call attention to the fact that
the United States war steamer, Ticonde
roga, mounting nine gum, and forming
part of the American squadron, had Sr.
rived on the coast of Crete, under special
olden received from Admiral Fannin,
In command of the American fleet to tne
European waters. It Is also believed
and understood in the pohtical circles of
Turley that the remainder of t h e vete
aria of the United States fleet under Ad
miral Farragut will leave their present
stations at as early day and sail far the
Grecian Archipelago, when they will
muster is force.
LONDON, Eczwiso—February
Important diapstehas have been ramie
ad from Abyssinia. At last accounts-
General Napier was at the front, push
ing on the advance, and the hoatilo force
were drawing nearer to each other. Ile;
.ports reached AP tonlery Bay that skh-mH
mire bad already taken piece between
the Britlah advance and the forma of
King Theodore, but no particular& are
given. Official diapatchea from General
Napier are anxiotialy awaited.
PARIS, February 12—The Lc France,
to-thy insists that Count Bismarck has
asked permisaion to mega
Felix Billy, :the well known French
raiLroad contractor of Central America,
has been sentenced to pay a hoary fine
for poi:dialling • slanderous article
against the Otnwnsment of Nithraguit.
- Brat-ire, February 12.—The ..VorrA der •
man Gazette, generally regarded is the
private organ of ltisinsra, has an edi
torial to-day in which it finds fault with
the policy of the Alaltiltll lifiniste4„
Baran Beust, and declaring he is pursu
ing a dangerous course in too realous4
befriending the exiled princes of Moo
riniaactax. - aan comaxao
• LONDON, Feb. 12.—Foiteatg,—Omeolii
closed .at 931(4921; Flae.twentlea, 911;
Ilitnob CenO0,1381: Erie, 4 2 4.
FNANDZODT, Feb. 12.—ernsing.--ti.
bonds, 751.
Lrvis.rooL, Feb. 12.—Cotton closo4
rather more quiet but firm; Middling
uplands, 01; Orleans $4; Wes 20.00 0 Web.
Breadatuffs—Corn, 4.L 13J; Wheat, 1.0
lad for California white, 14 4a for No. 2
red western. Barley, Oats and Pea, uo
clutotted. Provisions—Beef. 1170 6d;
Perk, .6 etl for new; Lard. 64.
Cheese, 52e; Hawn, 315 e 9d. Produce
=Tettl at y 2 itt a 4611; Naval steno.gawt;
9d; Rafittd Fe rp
leum la Zid.•
' Airtime?, Feh.l2.—Pstroleum chard
at 41 francs 60 centimes for Matidard
1=i:fer..%11=1.17."• - •
[By TsliegiVl MI. rlyslargli Vasets...] : .
New Yostx, February 12.—The Vi
brate,, alluding to the Grant-Jolussea
correspondence, say. General Grant
utterly overthrows Me charge of Lamb
ordination.. and that President Johnson
sautes oat of the basin:ass one willing
towound yet afraid to strike:
The Jerald expresses so opinions on
the corresgr i l d denoe, but comes oat for
The Times thinks Grant may hays
beersharty sad Inconsiderate in giving
the President to understand that he
would aid him in keeping Stanton out,
and am:leafs-Iln not pot/lying the Pres
ident that be had changed his mind as to
Use reeptiewmente of tbe law, but as to
his Gael action there can be no doubt of
its propriety.
The - World regards Grant at oonyksted
of duplicity and - punned a tortuena, no-
The iy Seado me.
says the insidiously devised
net wherein. the President cod his Mar
mutters sought to enamsre Gnus; is ut
terly destroyed. They were wicked
enough to rugged' a blow, but too cow
! artily to strike. ! •
• The /est say. the President! to the
matter merely play. the scold.
The Ousessrcial thinks that both the
President and Great acted honeetly and
honorably, and regards the oonfliet as
one of the miserable relics of radicalism.
Ma i[
m am tc sl : . s ties
ins TWO:MG SO to rltigbenn l 4• ll4 . l
Comarecos;'• February encellng
here to-day ,pr stockholders, of the Co
lumbus, Chicago. And. 'lndiana Central
Railroad Melted the following Mils:re
Diroctors,W. 1). Thompson, Frederick
R. FMo r ga n, Jdson Ames Fen
nel, HenryHenY J ame s Ellwell;
Lawrems Wells. all of New York; Jac
T. Themes, of Pennsylvanie; Joseph E.
Young, of illinials; John S. Newman:tad
J. N. Cenveree, of Indiana; Desjamin E.
Smith. William Dennison. John Gardi
ner, John R. Hillard, of Ohio. noel
dant—Denjamiti E.-Rmltb; Biseretal7
, Gordon Moodie; Trecumrer—JameeAlea
! ander. •
Gov. Hays inse• received slater. from
Searbtary Seward, In reply to the resolu
tion or the General Assembly or Obis,
rug testing the return of all papyri °aril
fylng the ratification of the Constitutional
arnendmentby the Okla General Assem
bly. He says there lens law parmitting
the withdrawal of any document. from
the Department at the request of Ind!.
yldnale or likatee, therefore the resolu
tion ratifying and the one rescinding will
both remtlit on tile.
Admission of Colorado as a State
The. Third Party Movement
The Freedmen% Bureau Par
tially Iliscontinued.
T►e Johnet-Grant Correspondence
W.IIIIIINOTON, - Feb. 12, 1L413.
The Senate Committee on Torritorlee.
to-day made a (avertible report on the
Senate bill to admit Colorado into the
Union. concluding
,as follows: "as it
hew been the practice of the Government
to admit new States without requiring
any specified amount of population, and
as the present population of Colorado
appears to be equator more than of mum
Suites heretofore admitted, and as it op
rears it Is almost the onanlmoua wish of
the people to be • admitted under the
'present bill, and as Congress 11... X.
primly Toted her admission by an ena
bli Ton d o moms buti cut to the people
of that the plighted faith of the
'Government should be made wood by
her admission Se a State, which your
Committee unanimously recommend."
The Com mince show an improved con
dition of the Territory, Including an M
ores:se of population slime the former bill
was vetoed - by we President.
The kliird section of the bill declares
that this act 'ball take elle& with the
fundantental and :perpetual condition,
that within the &Me of Colorado there
shall be no abridgement or denial of the
exercise of the elective franchise, or of
any other right to any person by reason
of ram or color, excepting Indians not
taxed, and neither this condition nor the
haws of Congress securing such equality
of rights now in forte in the territory of
Colorado shall be abrogated or set aside,
anything in tee constitution er
Lws of the State to the contrary net
withatauddrig. The right to require end
tmforos •compliance with and obedience
to the same is expressly reso,eal to the
Congress of the United State. The
time for holding the election for mem
bers of the Legislature and •for State ca
lkers to be not later than sixty days
from the Itasaage of this bill, and toe
time for the meeting of the Legislatare
net more than thirty days alter the elec
tion. ,
Information in Conservative circhu.l.l
to the effect that considerahte progress
has been quietly made throughout the
country, by those prominent In the Phil
adelphia Convention, toward lb. Mann
unition of a combined movement look-
. _
ing to AU" formation of a third party
upora:the former planet that Convention.
Hostility both to Grant, and ouch Dom
aerate aa Pendleton as Seymour, will
• - •
mark the action taken, and thename et
Genetal Dix, which fa constantly used
by Menem. Indicate* the kind of par
ty organization mixteniplatel. There
have been numerous private meetings of
sub-Oemmitteee. In various pans of the
country, and It is expected that the Na
tional .Comrsitten, appointed at Phila
delphia, will assemble here.
rnruntextes scatat!.
The order, disoontinnlnu the 1 .1
_;7 l
men'i Bureau in Maryland, Kent eso
end Tennessee on Saturday neut. : wit
probably be carried Into effect. Seer
tau Stanton has declined to revoke o
Impend it, probably because hedoe• no
, are to Interfere while matters at th
War Office are la such an uncertain eon
oltion, and Gen. Grant can't now anon
the order he made as Secretary of we
ad inferus. The manerhas tern norugAtt
before Congreea, tut that body hes Co
yet indicated • disposibon to do any
thing the creeds.. Every oftloer o
standing In the three States named, ROA
hundreds of other prentitier.t indield tt
at have sulked for a .spenslon of th
order, and it Is represented that the Itu
roan should not be withdrawn bet",
The Suprema Court, In an opinion on
a will ease, derided tia.t. a citizen or thla
District or of aTerlitory doom not cntm•
under the elaoae of the Coostitniinn r
sdreto the power of the January.
;nines nswa lawnrno4rvix.
The Uonse Judiciary Committee writ
hold ;their nest meeting to-day, and tak
testimony in regard to- charges wain.
Justice tlc4.
Major. B. A. French, formerly .Com
misatonar of Puhlio Buildings, has hem
appointed to shear-Is mass clerkship. s
• Wary of $1,1400, in Treasury Deport
went, Tine Samuel McKean, Jullorsin
elacklof the Departsnent, deceased.
Thy .Corninisoton appointed under
Joint resolation or Congress to *zone
the • spirit metros and other rnadee of
Walling tax span distilled sprits ore
holding their *merlon to this city. •
COOTT 111• XII /J., ♦RMvxr•
The action of the curt-martial at Fort
Wayne, bflcblgan, dlamimina from m•
min °. Brevet Captalli E. L. Palmer,
First Lieutenant Forty44lrd Coital
State@ Infantry, for eorelnrs ualreconting
an time.; and rentleman, bast born •p.
proved and that Milner dlizainterl.
GLATT J 0114302.1 cos.suaroxlDlCNCY.
Tim liaostaatruatlon Corm:minas ar1:1
hold another sneottag to-morrow and
tams the rmarsilnatlon ooneroralog
the Johnsorn.Grant Corroapondantre.
General Grant hay not -yet bean aabrwr
awn:canna CONYIPMZT.
The Sweats Iva teenfirmed tha nom
nation of General Noah L. Jeffrlaa.
Maryland, ae Itagiater ado Treanae:
IT Telornplk to U. Irtilitsnk &WSW 1
11/241011& IDONIVIC WHIM.
RICISICONP. February 12—Retrench
went was the order of the day la th
Convention. •
A resolution wes adept.' diwlareins
all committee clorka. Another was
adopted dispensing with eteriegrapic re.
porta of debates after Saturday, it ha y -
ins cosi over tour thousand dollars.
E. M. Scofield, brother of the Com
manding General, has bees eppolntc d.
Amartser of tile city.
Artarrra, Feb. the Convention
to•day, Aaron Alponia Bradley, a colored
member . , was, by a unanimous vote, ex
pelled, '
for gram Insults offered to the
ton • tie The third section of the
fmn v e-deat ' zr - dirianest, which proposes to
disfranchise until January let, IMM, all
who cannot register under the dherman
bill, was defeated by the adoption of Mr.
Miller's witiatitute. The latter disfran
chises only theme convicted of treason.
embezzlement of public roads, malfea
sance in office, crime punishable by law
with imprisonment In penitentlw r y, or
bribery and also Idiots and insane per
sona. it was adopted by yeas one hun
dred and fourteen, nays sixteen, four
fifths of the negroes voting In the affirm
1001111 0•1110L1NA 00 110 X.
MLULICIII, February L2.—ln the Con
vention today, in Committee of the
Whole, the question of abolishing all Ma
th:tenons between Cumin of law and
Courts of equity wan dincussed and the
Committee Instructed to report In fever
of abolishing such distinction..
()guars! Canby and melt arrived yes
terday and_ limited the Convention to
04ornor Wotth's council on yester
day recommended the appointment of
Colonel C. A. Cactly,of Caldwell county,
and L o
t. of the United States Army, to
fill the triton:key on the Superior Court
bench, occasioned by the resignation of
Judge Fowler, . I
• - -
soma cumuli& couvairnow.
Cruzisrron, l'abivary 12.—Tbe Con
vection to day adopted ten more Fee
tions'oftite bill of rights.
TALLAXAMA Fell 11.—A majority of
the convention met lent night and entered
their pretest 'Oust the action of the ml.
nerity. The couventlim then deposed Mr.
Richards fr.m the ichair and elected
Morello JankLee President, The con
vention, reorganlrel and appointed a
new 'committee, deposed the ear
gorset-at-armi, and Sleeted .M. Mar
tin la blspiace. A rmalutten wan peened
declulag that the convention has power
to compel the attendince of absentees.
Int.u.sttemme, 24brusxy 12.—1 n the
COLIVOIIIIO II twenty-bine delegates were
present. A reseintiOn asking Congress
to repen t the cotton tax woo adopted,
The was directed to
notify the minority members of the reg
ular sesaion, and that their presence was
required. Only three of the minority
haretakou their nents since the return of
the majority. f
It in Itrinerstood Geueral 31t,
tierieral Mead,
the !subject of eligibility to the Cortven!
Ulm: •
....tenon was adopted Paling for
-.. investigation of the conduct of a
colored delegate,. charged with making
an incendiary speech at a maim meeting
on the 6th inst., in which het encourag
ed riotlous proceedings against three
delegates who had goon with the ab
sent niajority, proposln ate tar and feather,
hang or burn 'them. The Convention
went into secret session to consider
the matter. Gov. Walker land Judge
Randall were called as witneenes to the
proceedings. Soute of the minority say
they Intend to meet on Saturday, and re
sumo pursuant to theiratlJOurument, but
it is considered unlikely.
l 5 111 l IPPI 0051•61 . 110‘.
JAcKsort, February 12.—The Conven
tion Treasurer reported that many col
lectors declare themselves pOwerleas to
collect tax, and requested a resolution be
passed asking General (intern to 'issue
an ceder compelling payment. A reso
lution to that effect . was Introduced. A
member said General Gillemiold him he
would not comply with it, Unica.. it be
changed, whereupon an amendment was
offered requesting General Gillam tore•
ply to the Convention immediately what
be would de. Adopted withdhe amend
ment and sent to Gen: G diem, .
L 1
Lirrix Roca, Feb. 12..—Tbe Arkansas
Convention - proceedings to-day were un
imixirtant.Longly, Ithdical, sup
ported a resolution in favoi of Aussie
suffrage. Mr. Cyport offered an araerui
meat that lithe wife voted the husband
should not. Tabled.
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 12.—the Corwin
him to-day only disposed of .a tow minor
financial matter., and disculssed the mc.
Lion to authorize the ComMittee on the
subject to report isuch verbal amendments
to the Constitution as It thdught proper.
An effort was made to repeal article
eighty-six. relative to Judicial Depart
ment. It was filially referred.
—A letter from ibo Intertal Revenue
Mika at Washington to the 11/Red litotes
Assessor DULY., St. Louis .Mo.) , Dlstrlet,
notifies him that the Ramie CoMmittee
of Ways and Mean% are unianimonsly of
the opinion that the tax upOn cigars can
best be secured ny affixing a stamp to
each cigar and requesta blitz to obtain an
opinion of the trade upon' the subject.
With thin view, Mr. Pepin, the Auessor,
submittal the letter to an Informal meet-
.. . . ..
ing of cigar makers, red there was an
alumet unanimous opposttlen expressed
to the plan, on the ground of tremble
and inconvenience; hot another and for
mal meeting wlll leo held Ina few dayn,
at which the parties interecied will give
a more careful and partirtlr expreeston
of their opinions.
—Among other propial.tons made to
the Cong. - visional Comini :wt. of Way.
and 'Menne, is one froma w i tater!, tlelegs.
Men of smoky men, to a low them to
case the two dollar ta'x i retained, a
drawback, it is termed, tot the coat ol
freight n o un every Wane' of whisky
sent to Me eastern city, The Committee
is conihler mg this proptiathon seriouely,
an they have determined to keep up the
tax. Another proposition leto place the
tax at tiny rents on thewhisky sold at
wholesale and retail „ and the tyro dollar
tax 4. shot is iiieleeed hf by the ye
' taller.. . .
—iiiivertior Itrownlow, f Tenneestee,
sent a message to the Legislature yester
day relative to the strike rin the kfem•
phi., Clarksville and Lo i nisvllle Ikea.
',ed. Ile deciarivi the reerlution of the
strikers to prevent the running of trains,
except the mad train, iztil all arr.! ,
Agee lire paid. a ronspt „V against the
Slate, al,a re1....a, artloll 1111
the illihje.. lie Sine recemmeuda ,that
the alTalri of tha road to -I ,, und up
the road sold to artutre th Slate interest.
—A train lahleh left Ot slut at eleven
o . itkia t on Monday morning for Chirage,
mat will a serious maudelnt about mid
night- Soon aner distuting Marshal,
lows, three miry were thrown frost the
trael MIA pro-IN:abut iloirn a atiwp am
bank ment_ Tau cans tatik, Ilk 000
ete,t, ens wholly detitroyeil. The train
.3114.111.1 Very faardtaaweastent, Um moat
of whom aidatatuad .light Injuries. A
broa•n rail was the cauna id the anndetit.
—At Buffalo, yarateriny nlhighway
rotinra were aantimeed 'to Auburn
S,aft• tt vm rliir an aggregate/ term ,if
.llty.lolyenra and sin monthr, :
Wm. Moat-Am , . nineteen years nu
three Innathe; Wm. Andermni' t,. 7.a.
and tato! mouth.; Fella Ilia:sake/a nine
yeare awl three mentaxi Michaelabiti
t'el.cct Wheion, nine years and three
[110[1 , 14; Janice lialleatmk, a unto, One
years am! three menthe.
intlow ii•nerat
tyrant in thermatreivervy lI witb the Pres
ident, ancrMailartng bled .tbe c1.i•14 nt
Tenuraaen fur the Fraisiilecicy, flute
laptol by the lower htaben of tho Ton.
Logiolaturo yesterday, A *atoll.
law farnrlng Gonoral 11. Tbowaa
Aol t0i11 , 11 4 1.
—At St. Albano, Vet wont; Tuesday
• tight., Augustus !twangy. a roardizeg
house keeper, fatally .hot John Alatio,
who, with mom. comrade*. had scuashsti
la the windows and attemptwl to eater
the boo.. of Manango.
A telegram wee reoetytel yestenlay
from the Mayor of Halifax, Neva &tootle,
thanking the MU:gnat:of Toronto, Cased.,
for donations for the benefit of the dn.-
Usenetl fishermen. end :staling : that no
further contrlitutlona wero required.
—The new Vern Seritanget Antestla.
lion' of Toronto. Vona*, has •frawwd
reenluUane a...horsing the narrow guar
railway .Tote m.
—The 11/..bornpion, charts,
1,11 (be
election oft I o.nnoer.aii.• 3laoor and City
—The qerruan Sa•lois Instltntlon of
Memphis auspet,ded y.estarday. Liabil
ities foursPell tlifllloAnd 1 ditUirk. Alise4a ,
•inty thousand d o llars. 1
—AFrench ...elan, Nal g In tb• gu•
trorhe of I%lorophl4, was 1r rishod by two
negro., a few days ale . The pollre
are alter them. I .
I 1 Telegraph v. the ElLtatogreb 411144
N.ltVe Yong; FA,. I'2, ItAn.
efrlgNel: OF WILD:AN Tlerel/1/re.
The World fe •IlLiiiiTi7.ll by Missies
O'Connor to Web) ihst be received no
letter. from Serretery Sowerd requesting
him to pr 0.4,11 to Ellgiatill to defend the
Americans 011 trod Mery rharged with
Ferilnol•m. j •
(boring January iweety.elt. thousand
',emelt', In thle vity, eonght relief from
the Amseteishoh for impinettig the onn.ll
- of the poor.
Tyr o d I rectoni of the Shawmut Xatianal
Bank, Boston, halo latoly had mi inter
view at FlaYana with It. F. Henry, for
mer teller of that 'bank, who ran sway
with $BO,OOO belonging to IL Henry mot
tled with thorn by paying nyer,Sll,ooo,
and in now on hie way to California.
• wrEAlern ♦nntveo.
Tha steamer St. Laurent, train Havre,
arri•ed to-day.
flay. Fenton has nontlttetod for Molt
for of the Quad Department Col. J. It.
McKean, In place of N. B.l3enton, the
preeent Incumbent.
Tll RSA UMW E. • ' -
The famous' I.lnliod Staten steamer
arsargo, which destroyed the Ala
bama, sailed from liuston for the Pacific
on Tuesday.
ins Teterrsee to muter/ma setts.;
Morroonxnt, Fehroury/11..—1n thir
ty-rour counties lb° vote for .Conatltu.
Ilan stands (.7,711. Registration in tame
o . ounties 111,2 ) 9. Tisia ineindt all the
negro murales, but Hale and Marengo.
The twenty-six remaining murals. have
white renJoritien, . To terry lb* Coosa,
lotion 86,000 votes 'null be polled.
—The London Mar le witty: "The land
in England in said to be owned by-seuso
thirty thensand"men. We base beard of
a person who was awfully.unceir in his
mind lest thes° t hi rt y thousand, out of
patience with 'strikes, disgusted with re•
form, worried 'by railroads, shacked at
the Increase or population, should ono
day combine and give the whale British
nation notice to quit."
—The Contineataljoit . raWs have teal
quarrelling for none time pit about ti do
question: "Riot European country ran
boast the • largest number of beautiful
women?" It la plurally conceded now
that Austria la the 'lend of bloantY."
Among Ma Sclayonic nowtint number
of baantifal women ourpritingly
4 `,
ObJaet•f th•Oenvamtlan—Tampaanal
oraaalzailan—Perwasoma ullemra
Eloased—De'wake Elation—nesela
11.1m, Ito., *a.
Tim delegates elected at the Deritiocrat,
is primary meettnes held in the several
districts of the county on Saturday last,
usseitibled in convention, at the Court
Mouse yesterday morning, at eleven
o'Click, for the purpose of electing dee
gala w the State Convention, to be held
at lierrishurg, on tho 4th of March next,
which Convention, in addition to nomi
nating a State ticket, r elects delegates to
represent the State at the National Deui
°cute Convention. -
T meeting, like' Democratic Meet;
Mot generally in this county, wan eri
thoalastie and boiaterams, and was con
ducted In a modem democratic manner.
Tho several Courts of the county Wig
In semelon, the delegates assembled In
the License Court room, on the oeconel
floor of the Court, no ose, where the
morning asesien wan conducted.
The Convention was called to order by
T. J. Keenan Esq., - Chairman of the
Democratic Co untyi Krazutive Commit
tee,-who, In a brief address, stated the
eb*l, of the meeting; and after referring
to the recent victoriaaof the party, etc., he
said that according to. the usages of the
party It would be nnneoesaary to elect a
temporary chairman, as the Chairman of
the Itzecutive Committee acted in that
rapacity. In order to perfect the tempo
notary organization, however, It would
boinecesaary to elect temporary piecrete
that, in accordance with which C. B.
Strain, John S. Murray, John C. Barr
and J. 0. Lambert were appointed Sec
then requested to
The delegate. Were --
hand their credeo Hale to the Secretaries.
preparatory to a cormanent organtzatieu,
and the request was Complital with by
those having cradeotials. Quite on timber,
however, reported verbally. not having
been provided with the article. In call
ing over the list of districts It appeared
that twelve were not repnatented, &rutin
three districts the seats were contested:
'On motion of John A. Elder, a Com-.
mitts. on Centested, Beals was appointed
by the President as followe Masora
John A. Elder, Wen. T. Farley, Jame.
P. Whits, of , hfulf eesport, Wm. lima and
John ltPickirb
0n motion of D. D. Drum, &Committee
of five wait appointed on Permanent Or
ganization sa followe t D. D. Bruce, J. IL
Kerr. Stamm Johnston, John R. Large
and J. A. Strain.
On motion, the Convention adjourned
to meet at half-paid one o'clock in Com
mon Plows Court room.
The Convention re-assembled In the
Common Ineas Court room at half.pant
one o'clock, and wascalled to order by
the Chairman, who elated that several
delegates had arrived, who were not
.present at the morning see ion, and" re
quested that their names be added to the
Tie Committee on Contested bests re
ported in favor of admitting the follow
ing delegates: Oakland, A. W. Foster
and J. C. Barr, Eighth ward. P. O'Brien
and Wm. tiridin: First ward, Allegheny,
Woltindale'end S. It. Johnson.
Mr. Sawyer moved to amend lite re
port by autstituting . the names of Wm.
M. Murray, in pine° of that of.. C Barr,
in Oakland township, Wm. It. Stimple
and It. f:. Dunn, In the Eighth ward, and
J. K. Murphy kll.l William Phillips, in
the First ward. Allegheny.
J. 11. Sawyer sated that he had been
inforund the gentlemen whose IllUlleA
he proposed an delegates had nut
been heard before the Committee,
and be was informed that; one of the
gentlemen admitted: b 7 the' Comuntlew
was not e molest of PO district which
he was admitted to represent..
Mr. Barr said if the gentleman referred
to him he had been rulainfor,ned.
Mr. sawyer—You are the men.
Theamendment was v And down - and
the retwol of the Committee adopted..
TAt cmanater on Permanent Organi..
ration was then called upon to report,
and presented I.ll.,fullowing list of MA •
ter* :
ii.•K arr. —W. D. lfoorn, Tb.
Donnall.r. ileary.?lonald, John Markin
4- D. Fedor: litnebinson, A. W
F.dr.r J. C. IlnCum, Jam. Irvin, II
B. Cochran and Barnes Ford. • •
.-.- • ,
Laarrwut and J. O'llkionellt M. laanbirt
Gamic alwoot uie oaccke. of W. IL Itafforty
waa auhatitatad. ••
The report wee adoptel.
Mr. Kerr nun teJratg the chair pr*
dared two atteete of “ftadecep" ,
rerttten with matter:orbit...lly Intended
for "Itrulutionr, hut his election to the
their preventing his ertlog ea the e 'to
mato., on reerri.dloha the manuaatipt
was read tutu "manual' . addrou, ud
loudly app coded by the . 'no terrified"
and bolster-us' throng.
cm ziotlare 3:9/11111i.l. of Mee 111.4
appntetral Xgni. chair ha draft sunlit.
tiotie • cpreamye of the M 012241 of the von-
J. U. rlserTer trotted know
whether, after the committee had made
t boar report ree,lutuina us:d be offered.
Th• ,hairtuart said: "or coarse, um
tnrm cent, , 0104 the Cenventien."
Mr. StrllO moved that when thy COP.
. .
T•ritoist pr... Tied ter .eta fey delnin ea,
to the Stele ronT.lti4e, that the Toting
by mayking.
Mr.Orry marmite atue•d by adillog
••en.l the di.triet eyetton M tathrivil
town as as' amelidspent and prorefoUed
rut t 1 motico, which. ca
hi• t111111(.106. The,mutins p
•atle.L •
Mr. Murry roissred lea asoliaa. lad it
was Total
Altai "saint important motions, upon
'thirds thsrs WWI loud, holiest . .. sad pro.
longed dlorassloia, the' Chair announced
,that rho COurantion W.. 11 DOW ready to
reeelvs natatrations fur &Legal*, to tbs .
Stars Convention.
This annoancornant crostiala .win. of
•• ,
wrest ceefueloa. ea &knee •very clelegote
to Ole 0114•011110111 had r friend whew be
wished to woa to Ilaretaburg. • .
The Chair declined. to maintain any
• ominatiosis until enter was motored.
. .
A delegate, morod,Ona "all doing.
•t •I•ete‘t to - Conn.:awn bo •
After some lime ord•rwas motored and
the darrotary mid over the nomination'
when another was of the wildest von
fusion euirood.
Mr. Brute reeved that a oommitten of
thirteen be appi.lnt«l to whom idiot:o4bn
referred the notnleation of delegates to
. .
the State Convention, :to be afterwards
submitted to the Coareation. The mu-
dor. met with little ,or mad was falsity
lald or. IN table.
Mr. illtrata thou tiore,l.tiala the nom!.
Ma I :L. e
Tho Secretaries were etude required to
read over the hat .t raudidates, when it
•ppearrel that there were thirty sank
aut. for the honor •r repreeentlng the
vountyla the State Conveation.
• It wax then moved that the eight can
dliates receiving the highest uunsber of
votes should be declared thscholmuf the
Convention. •
A ilelnate objected, Baying ha wonted
no tulnoritydelegates.
The molten wax last.
• Mr. Tavlitr said that, he mane of Mr.
O'Donnell waa ibln wan rnentton od,
and ho'appeared near thefoet of the list.
U. thersiore Chaired to withdraw his
same frerll the 11.1.
p ill request M.
.The Convention then proceeded to bal
lot for delegates, which resulted In Me
sole.:tion of the following named gentle
men: It. JI. Kerr; John A. Strain, J. C.
Darr, Jos. Ilepkine; Mackin, R.
Kant), J. 11. Sweitser and Robert Morrow.
C. 13. Strain moved that a committee
of Moen ho appointed-to conduct the
campaign. Adopted. • :1 4 .
'llte report of the Conunittere on Res..
lotion:smut then read by Cal. J. K. Kerr,'
who afterwards made a. rogular Demo.
cretin speech, abusing the Republican
party and recommendirlg the adoption
of the resolution.
Tpe following are the reccelutioner
which were unanimously adopted:
The Democratic. party of Allegheny
county met liConvention, believing that
thicy owe It to themeelves and their fel
low Democrata throughout the land, SS
well so to the °emanative citistus of the
whole country, not to be mlatuideretood
on the vital banes presented to tho peo
ple of the United States for their =Judi
ration, publish the following declaration
wo recognize with' pro
(*end gratitude to Divine. Providence
the clone of a bloody, sectional and nui
tidal war and give our hearty thanks
and admiration to tho heroin valor and
patrietienn of the ciusen soldiery whose
precious blood, shill on many a battle
field, made peace and U•ion possible, we
denounces. treachery to thaliving and
to the dead of thin great nation the ma-
Himont, cruel, bpproolive and unlawful
legislation by which that puns bas been
virtually destroyed, and that Union, for
which so many bled and died, Indefinite
ly peetpenemL.
n,*caltd—We declare our unalterable
s or y ttlen n t n o ttru tho c c uo w . hole seri ,
as ee d. of iv ala
primarily ba retain In power, in dolmas
o(tha freeman of the North, an unscrn
pule= faction through the inetrumental
itY of an ignorant, acclaim and semi-bar-
barons race, and dmigued incidentally
to deirade, humiliate and destroy the
Sonti,by substituting for the chrattlan
civilization of the white race the Tice,
the igierance and the bloody anti brutal
superatitions of a race which front the
earliest period of human' history boo
shown'itaelf leant susceptible, of .cultiva-
Hon and Impinvement...
Thiid-We declare • our hostility to
the triode Of executing these laws as
cqually.dangerons to the civil liberty of
the manor, Inhumanly oppressive to the
objects of this legislation; laws confided'
to men accustomed to command and not
.... .._ .
to reaffori; withdrawn from the wrothsy.
of Cosine and juries. excluding all ap
peal and review; enacted in defiance of
the organic law of the land; euperceding
the judiciary and deposing the Execu
tive; rot : emitting the liberty, - the prop
erty inddives of eight millions of people
to the irresponsible control of a military
dictaar and erecting on the ruins of
constitutional freedom the most theme
leas, idea:dot" and atrocious despotism
upon earth.
Fourth—We recognize the obligation of
the gOvernment to meet allitgobligitans
according to the letter of the law Creat
ing . them. More than this would aim
ply'be robbing of the poor and humble
for this benefit of the rich and powerful,
and to all discrimination°a in the mode
°f rg n g is t r t'r'c ; theun
or paying
isesfor the support ok
the government, whether in the case of
bondholders, national banlp or any
other corporations or • we
Ihilh—Tlist. we deem It premature and
Inexpedient at this time to Indicate any
choice of candidates, and pledge our
selves to the support of any man who
shall be designated by the proper Demo
cretlif Convention, State and National,
and Instruct our delegates to tabor for
the inanean of our principles, in the way
which shall seem beet to their judgMehat
after conference with the repreentiativee
of the Democratic party from the whole
Conimonwesalth. ,
Mr. Sawyer attempted to oiler the fol-.
lowing resolution, but was choked off by
cries from the Convention for Mr. Moore;
Resolved, That it is the' duty of every
true and oulightened friend ef Collllthli-
Usual Liberty to sanction the President
of the United States in lila great effort to
penierve the Constitution, and maintain
the lJnion of the State*, Ind oral nghts
of the people against Corigereenonal usur
pation and revolution. ge baseurvlved
the patriotism, statesmanehip and Ines ,
rity sof -the abolition party, and while it
has degenerated into a penionate, wick
ed,.;wariton: and remelting faction, ex
arcisink power in' impud ent defiance of
the I Conetiestion and a rights of the
States andl people hstands confi
dently, proudly anti hopefully repelling
their desperate fuseaultal
Mr. Moot* took the :eland and har
singed the convention !with a tirade of
abuso upon the Republican party, which
was received with land applause by the
delsigatea, and outsiders;
At the cencineion of Mr. Moorea re
cast,' Mr. Sawyer again attempted to
et I
g resolution before the Convention,
butlwafs prevented by a' motion to ad
journ, which was entertained by the
chairmau, notwithstanding he had prom
ised Mr. Sawyer that he should be
. A itedell Dental Depee.
yesterday we paid a Malt to our ca
tmints] friend, 1)r. Geoir,e W. Spencer,
at his great steam dental establishment,
ffo 244 Penn street, add found him as
burly as over 4.1113 g rill a throng of
patrons. Perberts rho cnprata and chill
tiM of nu other profetjlonal gentleman
in th e fitate are better 'demo or appte
risial by the masses than those of Dr.
Sptincer. With the prictical,experience
of nearly to whole fife ,time, large and
varefulettidy, and inquiry sad that ougb
exiintinstiMt tuto the mysteries of the
tee/h . sisti the Ifeletico et dardititry, we do
not wonder et: the general recognition 41
Dr.i Spencer's claims au the confidence
of the community. His laboratory Is
tam of : the meat emnplee in the country,
*AO in torontlers,.i. delicate machln
er3', tto cheruleals, naafi umenenuan in
strinnente and hundreds of other nor.
nii4itnl , chariatii the tr ha tor let th admiration
and Intered. The Meth manufactured
hale are In their, way, and when
inearted tit to nature , nnit ant equal to
tt,d old fashioned ones whose plasm they
tillL The Doctor emplum a large fore* of
&killed artists,. who th - oroughlv under•
stintl every department of the business,
end ;them work will stand dose exani•
end' eninparmon. with the best
futnished by the /111114,11 4 1 Parisian labo
rst:orlm.. Teeth are extracted 'without
pain at this j establis h ment, and are
pins:gel in the mrat' ekillful Manner.
0013444V1211 thin 'veil cond noted dental
depot: of 1), iipL44oMe . In the heartiest
terms to our readers, and trust Its entimis
will' bet fully understmid by. all contem
plating having their teeth •xtrat
phtgged or new once fureieltedt
Abend eleven ecienli yeetenbay morn
ing /dr. Cochrsue,commistion merchant
on Liberty street', met .with a uriona sr •
eilektit while out lid In. Is creasing
tie Pittsburgh, forteyrie and Chicago
at , l.renelen Pena street, bis bar e, toot
frlet et ah approachieg locomotive and
stetted , i 4 run. At the corner of Carnal
ltreet thee agon . cants:tn andel with a
eaded 'el:title, and I the abaft* were
broken off. thereby Illi.erating the hone:
Mr. C. still held firmly lo the rains and
wilt pulled violently to the ground. hav
ing first been thrown; some dietaece In
tho air by the forms of the a)Illelon. 114.
SA dragged aleno the ground for .1111 e
distance by the reme end when picked
op was found to be inunalble. lloo"wram
carried by officer Bolster, of Allegheny,
late the .commlsalen I stun of Scott et.
elisal, where lire. Cowley and McCune
alluded him. Ile wu found to have
received i severe sitotk. which confused
hie mind very meterielly, but his id-
Judea are oat thoeght to be dartgeroute,
:..lo bones were brobeit, sad it Is hoped
no nalevuel injuries have been eustained.
Am V516..17' Train.
yas te rday morning a train en the Al
legheny Valley litalitteid, freighted with
oil, from Franklin to this city, when
neaelogatoport ran upon 'a broken
throeins six, cars froth the tree', each of
whire, contained two tank.
ing.the core, and destroying the tank..
The - remainder of the rain after- some
delay proceeded; on lie way until it
arrived opposite the Soda Works, when
another 'broken nil jiaterfered with Its
F.Tag F .
Th fi hi ot l y li t t r w re ° l tank: O r S ad the .
other one having • sleety barrel bolter
•vrpre thrown from the trsek and
precipitated - over an; embankment into
the Allegheny river. The heed of the
long tank was broken out and the oil
Weide& The forty barrel tank• are ly
lig en the ice n•lnJored, and the care an
s! perfect' wreck. No person. were in
jhred by either of the accidents.
' At • meeting of the East Birmingham
Council, Monday evening, Mr. C. Fold
called attention la the feet that more than
three.fourths of tho people of Browns
temp, hower dt. Clair township, am do-
Meow. to consolidate with Fast Birming.
bath. This step they woad prefer to
that of creating 'a new thorough, which
wah mooted monolog them/ Mr. Fold
'thieved therefore; that -the Burgeon be
authorised to cull a public mooting of
the citizens •of East Birmingham and
Brownstown to arrive at the feeling of
the people on the aubject
Burgess PALO stated ho understood
there woo a {indeed on foot tooonoolidate
all the. Boutheide boroughs into ono city.
The question was put on Mr. -Feld's
motion, which was carried. Sattirdety
evening, at half past 61‘011 o'clock, was
timid for tho meeting, to be hold to the
NValton Edglne Mouse, Sarah street.
. ,
PO11111•Ii111111011• NO04111••<1.
The fallowing colurnianienn have been
received et inoltocorder'e oglce. and will
he delivered to Me persons to whom they
are leaned when the rentllrements of the
law have been complied with:
John J. Herman, Jostles of the Peace,
- Duquatto it
,Abralaam Baile y , Alderman Fire
ward, Allegheny. I
B. heater., Aiderinau Seventh want;
Lam Ste
Allegheny:" I
wart, Aldermen Filth ward,
Alderman Fifth ward,
WED. Bowden.Alderman Second ward,
Allegheny. I
Pcreeaal,—Our sanctum wen gladden
ed yesterday by the familiar and Jovial
countenance of our. malued Mead hikes
Tindlo Eel., the polite and anoempllsh
ad business agent of the groat LOgrelliii.
Minas Is in excellent health, and will
remajn here emong the itietllls of Ma
boyhood throughout the present - AMY
neat week.
, Very lice —le thei diaplay of fancy sr
tie's& at the Fair and very choice and
savory are the v iands saved attheeven
log featioali baba chntinued this and to
morrow coating, at . Trinity Sunday
School house, Sixth street, In aid of Bt.
Paul's Episcopal Church, Lanyoille.
seal Easels Transfers. '
The following deeds were left ,pt thO
IteconleCri office, Feb. 11th, 186 c :
Hugh C. Heineman to John Schuler, Jan.
26th, 1860; lot on Spring Hill, h, Re
serve township 51.000
Patrick 3.fcGradj to Mrs. Jane Cook,
November 11th, 1.65; lot in the Seventh
ward, Allegheny, on Pasture Lane, 20
by SO feet...—. 81,1.110
S. B. Cluloy, Sheriff, to A. G. Cochrane,
Jan. 4th, 1861; interest of JOseph S.
Butler to three lots In 'Liberty town
ship, Nov. 21, 22 and 23 in Merrick'e
plan of lots ............ ............ 875
Alexander G. Cochran to John Scott..
Feb. -Ph, 1868; the above lota.. .51,030
Win. 11. Danner to' Isabella Powell,
April 70th, 1865; lot No. ,44 in Letilles
plan of lots in the Second ward, Alle
gheny, on Federal street, ...V by 100
feet $1,500
James 31eKain to Wm, Leers. Dec. 9th,
1067; lot on Grant street, in McClure
township, being No. 21, 21 and 25 In
Lackey's plan of 10t5.... ........$1,500
Bernard Mc 3oriald to Dr. Geo. McCook,
Jan. 28th, 1868, tract of land In Char
tiers township, containing 121 acres
• 83. 5 06
Samuel H. Kellar to Christopher Hughes,
Jan. 21, 1965. lots No. 53 and 54 In /Col
leen plan of lots In Lawrenceville, 40
byloo feet......... ... . . ...... $675
Helen N. Brown to Edward ' Perrin; Feb.
11th, 1868, lot No. 37 in McFarland's
Grove -on Centre street, 25 by 100 feet
$ 250
Richard Nntall to Sarah Addy, Feb. Ist,
1868, , lot on Esplanade street, _ Third
ward, Allegheny, 22 by 67 feet.••• 1 13 .000
Heirs of Joseph Allen to George Nicho
las; October 13th, 1867, lots No. 31 and
22 In Boyd and Allan's pliirof lots in
Lower St. Clair township, fronting on
Third !street. 91 by 125 feet ...... —.1690
Tnn BLACK CROOK.—ThIe grand spec
tacular drama continues •to draw im
mense audiences to the Opera Hones. and
we imagine that since lie first produe- .
don the coffers of that worthy place of
amusement have been placed in a pie
thorie condition. The play is put on the
stage with decided effect, and is calculat
ed to entertain the audience from the
rising of the curtain to the telling there
of. It shows good signs of runnina 'a
week longer, but it is not probable that
it will be permitted to 'remain on the
boards longer than Saturday night next.
It is certainly worthy the large measure
of auctetelt enjoys.
Nlastiorto Ilar.t.—Breaking from the
worn dist and thread bare line of trick,,
in the art legerdemain, Logrenia„. the
a gr ll con eate jurerst of g, held enraptured
and epell
bound. at Masonic Hall, last night, one
of the largest and most appreclative aud
iences we have ever sees drawn togeth
er in. this city. Hie brilliant reputa
tion was more than suetaleal, and ovary.
both , in attendance was delighted the.
they had been deluded, and deluded so
cleverly as to defy detection. The fame
'of Anderson, liambuler and the
Fakir or Aye grows dim hefore this new,
star that has flashed upon the boards to
amuse, entertain and deceive the intel
ligent - But the manipulating abilities
of the conjurer are not the only attrac
tions offered at Masonic Hall. The won
derfully well trained birds, and cats, and
rata, and mice, a truly happy family,
excite ab unusual burst of applause as
they perform antic feats which an Aga,
sir would hardly credit them with being
able to perform. Readers who would
enjoy an hour or two of rational amuse
ment should favor Masonic Hall with
Allngultleent Instrument.
The well known music dealers, Mass
Hammer h Teorge, Nn.f.O.4eventh street
base reneired the mole agincy for West
ern Pennsylvania, Northwestern
ginin and Pastern Ohio, of the ■tagoiti
cent initruments known as the Portabi
Pipe ()mane. There organs have beet
awarded the highest pm's° by the mow
eminent artists and amide-al authorities
of the ntry, and are discla'red to be
unrivalled by any other instrument
suatained sound now before the public.
Its advantages are patent to soy person
ekilled In muaical matters, and may-he
briefly 'stated. In them you have the
genuine pipe tone with wonderful range,
sweetness and valuate; is portable end
takes up no mere roomtban the ordinary
parlor organ of reed wsunde; Ls very
cheap, being furnished at one.half the
coot of the organ built on the old plan.
Thuy are adapted to a whirr lance of
music than the piano, and as an accom
paniment to the human voice in singing
are vastly superior to any_lnetrument
ever Introduced, while they are equally
well adapted to harmonising with the
piano, harp, violin, flute, elarionet, or
any .musical Instrumeat. When the.,
organs are- generally known they. will
bars large Sale, as their high merits over
all other Imtruinents cannot fail to be
10.611•• Krick lambi...
In - bringing this, invention to the no
tice _of the ptibilo, the proptieter says:
that It is considered by those competent
to judge to be the mast parer/ ul and el
feria, of any brick machine now in ex•
IStili3M, and withal, the perfect embodi•
meet of simplicity in construction and
positire stetum.
Those requisites have heretofore never
becn found combined In any one ma
chine; and while it will bl• universally
conceded that power and simplicity are
es...shots, there are many other saran
izi b,.. mpossessesi by this invention which
griirmi by lhs practical man
. . „
on szamination.
Auy information, as to the machine or
purr/ owe of, rights, will be fornished by
addressing R. A. Douglass,
I'South Fourth street, Philadt.lphin.
stress theories. Ors Ws.
Our, readers, one and all, wiao are in
need of anything in the way of dry
goods, bests; shoes, de., are Invited t.)
visit the Mammoth Masonic Hall Auc
tion Roos of Messrs. Smithson, Can
hook d liVelelland, Nola 15 and 57 Filth;
street.. Tho firm have on hand a very
larsostook of goods, including the lines
mentioned above, and are determined to
close them out at price. which cannot
fall to attract oil buyers; ktoneysaved
is money earned, and this house Is the
place to buy to save money.- Goods aro
advancing in the East, but notwith
standing this firm in offering the most
extraonithary Inducements to buyers.
Everything In the line of dry goods,
booth, shoes, gallant, slippers, Re., can be
had there.
An information was made before Al-.
derutan McMaster* on Townley, by two
of the stockholders of the Pittsburgh and
Monongahela Coal Company, egainat T.
Walter fey, Secretary and Treasurer of
thecomranv, charging him with embez
zlement tieveral weeks since the sus
picions of the stockholders wetearoused,
it — being thought the affairs of the
coMpany were not properly non
ducted. An Investigation resulted, by
which ItiVIS discovered that s deficiency
existed of 10:,000, for which Mr. Day WWI
accountable. It to said that the fraud was
skillfully managed-by making false en
tries in the books. The Rammed was Ow
lented by Aldermen dtoMaeteni and
held to ball In the sum of $lO,OOO for his
appearance at Court.
A Nice Lady:—The Cincinnati o:im
minent has the following item Minnie
Grey, the st.vliah female, recently greet
ed as a profrasional confidence woman,
was to have been examined yesterday in
the Colima Court, but owing to the ab
sence of witnemee her case wan continu
ed one day. When she appeared In
Conrt she adopted the old plan of wrap
ping her evil cloely about her face, no ne
to hide her features. She succeeded in
this, with the exception that oho foiled
to mamma the very-prominent aquiline
nose that somewhat detracts from her
beauty. Not desiring to appear in strik
ing colors, she had modestly turned her
bandeau,* velvet cloak so am to exhibit
the plain brown 'of the ituide. This Is
the some woman who victimised one ef
our charitable citizens a few days ago.
On a bleat cold night last week a
wealthy landlord turned from a misers
.ble tenement a miserable occupant, who
had failed to make payment of rei n
The 'I/Sant is on old man, past three
poor*, blind and decrepid, and had living
th him a little eon of sight summers
and a kelpies" daughter but few yeare
older. Thu landlord not only turned
him out of house and home, but seized
on his scanty effects to secure the paltry
sum due for rent. Some charitable-Ma
sons took/ Om old man in out of the cold
and provided for the children. Verily,
such afliny hearted landlords will hav
email Mc laid up is beacon.
t tot a kin at very reasimo
ble prices, may be o btained at Holtzhel
, mar's COMinental Dinin g Filth
atreei, next door to the l'oetotilee, of any
hoitr.of the day.
Call at Batesll'a, No 21 Filth
drool, for bargains In foreign and Amor
!can long and sgurzoshawli, place goods,
dream patterns, to-, &A.
c . L
COMO] o ger SO.
• Aro human bet ttp silly °nought° bawl.
bellow, scream, yell, groan, or grunt With
pain and torment, whoa they can, freo
. .
of copollbo, have all pain of any name or
nature, instantly removed? Ny . in they
lay, dollar after_atallar to doctoryi, and
•ei constantly suffer misery; Wi , tinoir
otter. and facta prove to cite avntrax:i.
Dr. Wolcott's o ffi ce is crowded with pa- it- - -----
rictus, at No. 171 Chatham *mare, New 411141111 LIES & PEEHLEv. Under.'
York, and 622 Arch street, Philadelphia, TAKERS 'AN I / 4 STALKS. comae
from sunrise till nine 'o'clock at night. L _ot Sandusky street and Church ermine, Alliiitse-
The doctor accepts of pay from no per- oir Mir, where tliitr CoinN gooXS
son, yet, with nis mintenlous remedy, tialaatly supplied srith nal end imitation Roses
Paih Paint, lie gives a full release from [;w000. stsasasar sad walnut Cots., St prima
pain Instantly. Thousands of hel ploss, • ',:warrtair from II to CIO. Bailee prepared tor le
liquileso invalids send to the druggists torment. Ileums and Carriages forolitted:
for the PAM rata!, 'and thus at their 7aisa, an made OP Mo9lllliol. Goods. if rirtfottiad.
quiet !mines apply theilouid. Druggists =vele,. °pea at al boom. day and night.
are apt to urge off and sell the small 25 -
- 01101 T T. HODNEY . Under
cent bottles, if possible, when they know - .:11 6 .
that. for all Im; standing and chronic . Ensar•ww. Ito. 43 OW. fits. -
ailments the patient ought to have the •
_'•tl!ithoer• sad N. 80 tin
largo size, or F., bottles. The large bin- - Yet. Wthee • Dow , / lust. alwsrseetwinktbe
ties boll eight of the dollar bottles. dJet :Pen-Meta. Romi wood. Walont and Uottation
the largo bottles or send to the doctor'a qttaewoos cos.. wa.t Cantu rune $23 - vo,
office for thorn. :wares. norunstioe Comm WO minarets; all other.
Idiot the doctor hoc another remedy ,]o9.leas pronorumt. Carrtaiste nos neit , oos
which has been established and to in fart sue •1 I°.
the only real standard medicine for Ca. z sue Kaaravtasforahhed gratis. COM. %MP day
tarn: it is the instant Pain Annihilator. nghL
alOrmi. no.
Over 100,000 bottles are sold each morita.:I•VDWARD CZAUFIECILI, VA.
Over 2,00 U signatures from medical men, .La Oinne, 11..131. Milo Writ s
of the highest standing attest its virtues., 1,1,0.7. 0t t tar
The dneter says that more than ene5ni n „,..... m .,... d ,
third of the entire poprdation rim flet.llns.
to Ilia loathsome disease of the head.. •
C.dtarrh he affirms to be an ulceration oft 3;;;.'',4,;;;rm:
the bead. The phlegm and matter form;, a... I t,
this filthy :tore drops in the throat, arid . ;
causes the patient to hawk and !pit, unity.
at night, while asleep. It steals down the , :
throat into the stomach. And. In they
morning the patient finds his siomacir
choked up with the phlegm and matter
that falls into his throat while aisleeo, - .
and endeavors to clear his throat of the
nausea log mucous. Bat it shortly un,
dermtnes the constitution, finally end-;
ing in consumption. Bronchitis is the ,
legitimate child of catarrh In every in 4;
stance. Trochee and all palliatives can
not in any ease reach the fountain, I .'
the bead, 'where the polluted' festering;
corrosive pus or matter Manes. Snuff or.
dust of any manufacture aggravates mkt
- never, never cures this disease.. • • I
A aoeeze is nature's emphatic No, .
al -
ways, and is produced in tonsequenei
or an irritation of the membranes of the .
Lead. Nature speaks out load and slept,
No at every sneeze. Site also opens the,
water duct. and floods the nostrils with'
water to drown out the intruaer, just an:
the &lets of the eye aro open when dust'.
,inlets that ems. Taking Snuff
produce catarrh. Doctors in generat
know hardly - anything about or under.
stand thin universal complaint, Catarrh
and they are honest enough to admit
The patient I...lndult, heavy - arid sleepyi_ .
having seldom any pain, his fears are
not aroused until perhaps to. late. •
Ile catches cold constantly In the heed::
sometimes running et the nostrils, eyee
often weak, nostriLs inflamed. breath
sometimes reveals to bin neighbors the:
corruptionth: se as,
within; whileo smell. patientthe
often len t
ease advances cautiously, while ringing
noises in the bead, or deafness misuse,
Paln in the cheat, lungs, or bowels startle
him; hacks and coughs, has dyspepsia;:
thinks he has liver complaint; want. to
take a blood purifier. er coo liYer
Bons! The foul ulcer in the head cats ,
riot be reached, by such noetrums.
becomes nervous, his voice Is harsh and,
nuat ural, he feels disheartened, raemort!'
'tones her power, Judgment her put;
gloomy forebodings seem to lhan
overhead like a pall. Iltmdrods, yeas
thousands, seek a rope, a river, a reset+ ,
ser e or ruor, cot themselves the misere,
the thread of life. The world looks Of
and wonders; that a man surrounded hy
all the charms and opulence that gohl
'em give, should deliberately chooses
quiet grove, wherelhelmary are et real;
others drug _on a weary life and sink
under lung complaints by inches. m.fy
hire some miserable scamp or item, hig,
soundingeharlatan, havingsuckt a atria*
of promotions from Europe and else
where that they actually bewilder anh
dazzle their victim, who at once census
down with tire dust, pay Si for a untie*.
eadiuta.hlon, sro mere as nart payment
(or the job ewe. Of coarse the depots
'not silly *nom& to pay the balance, but
thanks God he was not killed outright
by the outrageous treats:net I. The vil
lains coolly Writs a flaming certhleide
and attach thereto the victim's name.
• Dr. 'Wolcott tries to use common slate.
He tells his patients, who have Catarrh.
to linen pint bottle of his Instant Eein
Annihilator in seven days, according : : to
directions. If benighted, continuo in
use a pint each week until cared. '
Ordinary mind, ran comprebendplaln
truth, and his statement will be backed .
up by all who love commercial hones*.
We would advise our readers to cut thin
nut, as it is the plainest statement , they
hare had the plensare to read cot:horn
tug a disease universally prevalent,el
if not alfuleted themselves, to sand it
any friend who may have Catarrh. Dr.
Wolcott most emphatically cautions cite
public against purchasing any of hie
preparations unless to pure white out
side wrappers. Touch none io brownbr
tinted wrappers at any price, it &Tonal
by druggists. Look twiceat the wrap
per when von bay, and get the genuine,
or most to the Doctor's Mills, for it,.;at
No. 170 Chatham square, New York.
r •
gime. Ha FerroM Miusimoss,
The Paris correspondent of the Beaten
eUturday Freeing Gazelle gives the al
lowing glowing account of a hoesOAttge.
de Paisa bee built in Para. Me gays I
She has built in tkeavenue dos Champs
Firers oar of eke most splendid men-
'ions in Pura. The stops are of the coat
liest marble, the bannisters areofbrouse,
and the molds were broken alter the
bronze was made. The doers =amen
tel-pleces of draw log tooms are snide
of malachite. .This scene Is sio °astir
(although net reckoned among the pre
cious stews( as to be worn quite fre
quently as a breastpin. You may hay*
heard the stery of outset our banker:lend
Prince Diseidelf, who 01•13% the quarries
whence malachite is drawn? The lbarther
saw the Proses admiring hie breast-Pin,
and, ignorant of the history of the stone,'
"It Is. beautiful, isn't It? Do you
know the meterial!-is exeeedieg,ly
costly." FrineeDemidolYnsplied„'"Yes;
I am quite familiar with it; my mantel
pieces are •matie of it," to the confaelon
of the banker.
The walls of the drawing room t!en.
lain pictures, one by Mons. Fauteuil.'
representing Catherine of .Ruda artest
log by a smile Turkish Relaters, another
by Mons. Ell* Deanne) exhibits Mina
Poictiers presenting Jean GonJori ond
other great artists of her day. to Henry
II ; another • still - by Mons. Comptls
scene in the life of Louis XIV anti - bane.
de Italutenen ; the fourth •is by Mqns.
Levy. and rsTproeents Cleopatra's trot
interview with Anthony. One maY're
member Mote de Pella ordered ftbrn
Mons. Gerome a picture with the first
interview-between and Cetus.
fur its subfect. He nted the plettire.
but they failed to on the. pricesishe
thinking eight thousand dollars tee , Atch
for it, offered to glyei dye thousand . .zlolz
Mrs, which Mons. GOMM° direllnect imAt
found at once a purchaser M his pike.
The drawing reeve dolling to painted by
Mons. Gerome ; the theme is the kipcirs
of dawn, stuariseozoon and sunset.
•e• • • •
Her estate is now immense. She *ens
the almost royal Chateau de Ponqhar-
I rain, where she keeps an imettense'i-ret
(nue of semuuts; her gardeners and limit
lers are English; her laundresseymnd
lalry-maids are Dutch; she hoe Italians
for macaroni end ices
emit French, for.
peicry,i d.c., lu her kitchen, and . 'piss
guard her estate. She has tried in , :vain
to get into good society; but as "tale Is
"very particular" whom she receives,
her only female company Is reci*ted
from decayed homilies of the Faubourg.
St. Germain, who are only too glad to
get a good dinner. • ik
Such men as .Metars. •date Bettye,
Hisard, reuillet de Conches Tisesq;thile
Gauthier, Philarete Cheslee, Renanr sad
Prosper Merimeeareher habitual silents.
--Some one bai written three iskovi'and
pithy eenteaces to the Loudon
that hove en application to other llitles
also, as follows: “They are thetwagds of
hungry men out of employ at theßrist
and. There ere miles of isfasenslffilthy.
mmeets, and pathways at tle - Westand.
Are there no means of bringing the. two
• —Desperate efforts are to be Min.: Dn
methately to replenish the empty ceirere
of the Holy rather we as to enabler: him
to pay his rouayes nod gene d'airnes.
- One hundred new canvassers, mostly lay
iwiests, will be rent to the United States
to sellcit centrillations for St rotors
Toney. •
ILadles will ilnd at Baton t Bell% lip,
21 Fifth nttaot, n leery em parlor atpck of
dress goods of all descriptions, seldett are
roilered nt greatly reduced rates. •
lILIIE-CUATP. and bow they !:41ead.,
Fought and Died foe the trulon. with Buielea and
taildents in the (treat It reads
ore: IEO finarnsravlnies and 300 Pagea,Yrind
the sploteat and cheapest war boolt peli lobed.
nom. only $l. lO Per Thi public Ira ea
Cloned asalast leaner Worki with 641/nlllr
title. See that the boca 'yen trof nonfat.. over
tot eugravlns. and 501 pasta. Send PieCima
lan. Address JONES BISAPIVIPP3 a 14. PlM
adalphil, P. "' - • 7 - ?". ear
rye artman.
sibem. essistatag 74132 T OUL
Vl[Ba et tairostlag readlna auttioz maw:MU
ti - pues Zdelefials, Lassa News be 7aielfralftleo 4
Wall. voluble Seeelat Wafer for the Mann
Sid tenon sad most fellable ltassetal sad Coma
Bavaria ere. b 7 faly "
lee on/. arner, Ofeellaulle O.
Awl./ be willooot
t o Bonder Mot
000 00P1 , the pore= ' , nth,
tOO dab. Addlttoas to °lobo am bo mode • t
`oil tlaut, n Nub rata.
,:!tons to IlalSCanasa — la massing was
4per, be we sad slassitr slat •41Sloa 70.
is salaams • Waimea:ls, sdltlas for as.
"kifiretra hafts: lssloss mall • alai.
'espy by Drat. VW," NMI esdsla
&wad LaMar,: may Ds seat at °mak
1171131311103}1. Plasea•
Fount. stmt, rittaienrgh, V.
7 :q1 , 712:8, oral kinds: CRAPVB, ULOVILit.
rr dewtouan of lanaral Famishing Goods
%Meshed. Room ohms day and night.
tad tanur.
,41insmatatche—Iter..Lhasid Kars D. M.D.'.
Vie. Ja c o b us. D. D., Moss. Fain. 144.,..
lanob H. Miner. Zvi.
, THIRD STORY ROOMS, at No. let radar*
Watt, Allegbeey City. The Oahu are auliablei
far tight manufaetertep parlatee• araa
Per term. apply as McBRIDE a GEORUE'II
el roux,. ewe. No. PH radar I St.. Allegheny.
FOR RENT—A Fraine Dwell-
IN°. seven rooms on diatland tbrU oni ew
cod door. • la. a TZICANTI 110118 P. or two
rooms, al/ la good •nbstantlai order. SWIM&
and carriage boas. El: acres bf ground. nearly
all planted In choke froit4eaches,
cherries. grape. •e. 611.10 1 , 0 the bill Imme
diately above the On tor Depot, la Pitt tonn•blp.
Enquire It JOHN WATE4 2:ll.Peon •10001: or of
WATT & WILSON, Liberty divot. '
To LET—A area Frame Dwell
-MG, e.t.a:Mug MITA rooms, ,onto tgni
sorra if Mad and otoldo. wee sot with fruit
tram and In • good of ndtfratlgn, situate
on Neeeer street. In the Borough of Sewickley'
end vitt.ln live tolintes..glk of Ittc.egatloo.
ro eeeee ton given fioodlatoly. if desired. Fa
terror. de.. Inquire of WM. RANKIN, on ate
•- ROOMS la tlae nom building ereetad by the
Keyitoaelaaataga Haat, 22I3LIBERIT STEIZET.
CORM, of Garyt.oa alley. la.mealats posmaloa
rivaa. For tams. ge.. apply at THE 1117i/E.
T 0 LET.—The Fourth and halt
Ito. Ise Liberty Stroat. Enquire of T. ' L J. _
TO LET—A' Aarge . and substan.
WASISHOINIE. on WsPer Prod. near
Motet. Bat inoiforatri. l'Otoroolon {lran op
April itt. Inquire of OLO. A. BOOBY. Olt
tens National llonki
FORIELERT.Iever al flue, large
good Dem. eau be had. Apply 01 . 0 0 ,01 th.
111 BEWICELZY.—A fine mitt dwelling,
haat la the west meat...UM manner, with Com
plete arrugements for Au; bet and cold water;
ast, Alta. not' alr Ones. An. Plena one to three
acre, of ground. Very near Quaker Valley Ma
Ilea JOHN WAY. Jr.. aewleklerrUle P. O.
FOR SALE-A Yep desivable
three-story BRICE ROUSE, nearly nror;
pressed brick Rant.-marble mantle.; pi and
water throughout; house erotaros roren room
and antsr.e4 garret. No. ft ELI STREET. near
Wylie. SUM ward. PaClanfOrl OE Aprtl Ist,
IraiValre at "ha Dean. -
,We oder for sale MAO Acres of Land In .
Ine tract, aboit Hulls. above the elt. of AP.-
andeole, The lend I. improved and under eel.
ttmtleo. and L iumurpessed for richness of ofl
and productlveness of Southern staples. eels
semi cans. anion, rtes. sweet potatoes and or•
ange throe with superior grazing ler cattle and
vetoing begs. an the nue modes. The boot of
yellow phis Umber In &Mond/meth with Oral rate '
watt - Epos, for site nails, with depth or
for steamboat. to run labor tub the
Meer, where It em be loaded Into large Teasels
land .hipped North. There are ten good frame
'houses on the proud.... The waters abound
.with bah, geese. dock.. and; the wood* wet. ell
Mud. of gamerben. Mier, torten, quail, etc,
Toe reentry Is entirely free from those diseases
engendered by odastuatle Men... !Doyennes,.
'ln the South. GM will tell thi. lend at the Lone
prise of SIM Per ems;
Also, a tract of MOW monk 'Moll/ oolloProsw
ed, cermet with the finest iellew pins timber,
'nth every facllltrlbr sawing then, navigable .
airman to run thalumber Into the elver. TOL
tract Um mar the Ant waned. Moe Moron
Also, MIMI acne In Georgia. et pole.. ROMP
cents to re per acre.
, For further Informallon send or tail foe our
I Southern Lund Circular. SILL A SEITITIIIILY.
Real Petals 'lead Inautanee Agent.. Pltlstowith.
itormsrly Iceerraneentle.l
FOB andA@Lola
terser et Iltealtstiza liatl Ads= streak-
atallaray. Lot 44 by 1:f. kW.
Howe fame, coatalalag 7 roans sad good na/L,
4440 Igannood. Ploasosad Lot 0a9b401444 Yag
514041 Mott. Alletkong Ctt►. Lot
root: loan tram. contd. osll 4 ago mow and
good calm water ad gm.' Also, mrSaral kola •
Limon and Lots la good loostloa. Dmlnlot4.
000010 a 00.. 1400040 a tart, sow Cansanal.
HOWLIDII Llvery said Bee Stab
HOZ= three BLACK MUMS • 1.0 'OMIT
YAM . MIST ITRENT,'sear Moaasp.
satiable Mose , larses; one TWO
MUT. W 1.0014 • and A doubts se of BIER
aas malty seer. Itmalt• et the 1.21117. X.
Dolma= ntisimrrs,
11. a W ATOH
for ale by {b! Arnim • •
GUEAT rukvet,emsTs
TO mon wAxivice currirtsvo.
/0/1141/1111113, VIESTINOS.
. Asa 01///100A.71:1149,
Watch will be awls tO order la the latest stlifa,
tally $5 Pill 441 M. vase 7214.1 i orransi,
Tills ar..16021r. Call sad exasalas "
,toot a 4
8111T0; Merchant Tailor,
iisrinruts NT.. comer of Wed '
- I -
Merchant Tailor,
for. Peim and, t . Clalr BRc~ti`
?Arson or rHZ RISI
Can Nerara Costume pacts up to (and
atter)lllMlPAiT ATUWIOON. 2VUR
- •
beruaral ltsaager'