liiiii 4 tti Eitt slll 4 l!taiittr CITY AND. 13133311N8AN. = Two good; steady newspaper composi tor" ma obtain situations in this office by making immediate application. ANOTHER. EXPLOSION. Illatiar -•axplaitest as .ansaissteara— ass Nam Milled add . AllasilACT Itatal itr utlarett—Cor•otees Inqaess. - A boiler explosion on:erred yesterday • =emir g about fire o'clock at Franks town, in the works of Mr. John D. Gray, resulting In the death of Soho I:lnert:l,Mo engineer, and fatally -Injuring his son, who was - employed as fireman. - At the time thedent occurred there was no . , one press pet the engineer and fire man, co neatly it to Impossible to give any I ormation in regard to it,-ex, rapt ittat learned from persons who en -ranralthe Ore after the anident. The Millaris noteonning Tuesday; and coa -1 mtehr ( l.lllit m there was no e, evening n o d t r i r the ea tuday morning, and mitt , had Len enturlng but a short time who the ex plosion occurred. Ono of the' employes of the mill bad jest arrived '• when the explosion took plane, and tm running in to see the muse found Mb fireman lying some ilbstanm from the furnace larrittly braised and amides!. ii Handled assistance and Carried the Injured man to his house, which was but a short dia.- .., tapas otir,-and returned to the mill for the parpose of getting tom oil to dress Ida wounds; when he hc-a I the groans of the eagineer, and upon . gag- to the spot _ when. the groan proceeded, ' found him under the pitman in an almost lifeless condition. flu was removed at mos, and conveyed to kin residence, • wbarehe died in about twenty minutes ",. afterward. The building end machinery were but slightly damaged by the Led - dent, the only injury being the derma don of the shed which covered the boll ara,and the partial destruction 'of the tonnes ' Dr. ../... • Arthara wait - sum moned and rendered the injured man all the attenti al possible, but his "recovery i not at all prolieble. Coroner Clawsou was notified of the affair and summoned a jury. Several winterises were examined relent. to the cause of the expleelon, adman agree that • . litres attributable to en insufficiency of .water in the boiler. The Inquest eras adjourned to meet at the Mayor's office . at one o'clock, to-day. '.The deceased i was 'about flirty-five years of ege, and leaves a family of five children, three girls and two'lmys, one of whom is • married; and the other; who was in pared, la about twenty-one years. Illuii The Allighe — riy_Connty Prison Society net in „the rooms of the Young hien's althalltt Association, on . Tentedity after noch; Zoneptt Nair" tight, President, In the chair, . Mr. R. C. Miller Secretary. prefer was offered by Dr. Clerk. Dlr. Ogden offered the following row- • Resaiont, That the thenini of the Soci sty bet .tendered Mesere. Miner, Gil denfermy, Pittock end Alkeo,Jur paver. and magazines furnished; aloe, to the Weetern Tract and lipok Society for sim ilar favors; aloe,, to-the-Young ifem's Christian Adsociation for papers and the use of their rooms. , "- . - On motion, a committee °minting of • Dr.. Reli.end illerk - e and Mr: R. C. Mil ler,,,ess appointed to inquire' Into the man of an, leas' poi soner in the Penitentiary, who. Lad been returned from Dlxmont as incurable. ' Mr. In reported that a bonze bad bean provided with -beds, stoves, an., in which the destitute may. obtain food and lodging,"and' requested the Society to take ehtroa of it. • On motion of Rev: Clark, a committee consisting of Messrs.. R. C. Miller, J. D. . Cerbsie and Dr Gray was appointed to 00-operate with the parties who have 1 . provided. the hone, and report at the nett xtrntirut. !_" Rey. McLaughlin. gent of the Sc. Airily,. presented" his A first report, being ihr the month ending January glet, He reports that he wee gladly received by the prisoners. many of whom evinced a willinirs t ttal i t.on subtect of re . • 1 0. th Dr. McSely a v, the n an t ew c° pt l ysician of - the /all, who la very willing to CO-OPer ate*lth the Society to !promote the in timate of the Priconers: Re reported. " too, that - be was received kindly and courteously by the prison officials. Thomas 11. Rabe, Esq., was unfurl inanely defied a member or the Society. • After- an extended 'conversation on lir:ions setters, the Society adjourned to meet in the same: place on the Ann Tuesday of March, at four o'clock in the P Not temporary, but lasting and effec tive, are'dispierd ill' a mod wonderful degree by that potent life renewing corn pountisold under the name of Dr. Bey area Blood Searcher. -We have publish ed in the Gazer= during the last 'week some of-the most astounding cares ever recorded of any niediCine: That of Mr. Tined, of Allegheny City, published in 'day before yesterday's issue, is oniot - them. In his am the whole system wee worn to a Skeleton with hardly the power ot tlfe. end -motion- The use ot Dr. Ryser's, Blood Se dcher, imparts tone to the atiimach and fall pow to the digestive system, and hi that way imbued the needed material to repair tht westing frame. The deaiyed bones were ellacharged and their place .applied with now,and each tissue and organ , put on renewed and wholesome vigor. Di. Keyser does not claim tor hie Blood_l3eareber any secret. Amy PhY• alcisit who desires to investigates lie po tency will be made acquainted withto compolitlefi. Ere dose claim that i dle the twat nude alterative ye/discovered. for he has been able to cure with it when . sigtdeen 'hundred pages of the Mapes rev. d id; net disclose a remedy. Et tern , for the discovery of the roots and, bran of which It a composed the coon - - phnest .00mbination of valuable blood remedies within human knowledge. It realty mast i seem strange that under the action, if Dr. Keyser'. -Blood &umbel the whole body ehnnld alert to newess of life and 7lgor, but it la-no stranger than the fact that oat of the name blood that circles in the vain; bone and brain. snaLbsi; and muscle; andoventhe finger. and .toe nails, ere recreated and repro " duckol. The many extraordinary cures performed by it here, within almost speaking distance, entitles it to the ap pellation of themostironderfulmedmine _ at modern times. • Sold by the gross, dozen or bot , H.; at the Doctor's Groat Medicine Depot, 140 Wood street. „De. Keyser's mutrultell'ori rooms. , for troubleeome chronic diseases, 120 I'enn dent, fmnia in. to 4p. m. C;MMENWiii - Thep Itepublicari County Tam:dive Committee held a meting yesterday. al their rooms on Fourth street, the Chair man, Jicob Falb presiding. ,-On motion, it . , Rosolied,•Thstrbetltepubilaur voters of: the various weeds,..boroughs and toentsitips be' requested to meet at their usual places of holding primary eine timg, Satarday r the '-*th lust, tooled. two deLegates to meet in Convention on - the following Monday. . - • - A diger:salon took place on the question sato whether the delegate or the .Craw gad Onnady System". atiould - he wielded albs -primary elections. which tenni ' mated by the appointment of A Commit ting, oonainting of General .A.L. Pearson. Captain C. W. McHenry and Mr. W. N. • Ogden, to correspond with Wiser County Committees as to.tbe mode of carrying on oleetions,snd report ate subsequent On =text adjourned to meet on Wed nesday; lath Met. ; •=:M=l pie rouoi,ing figures - exhibit the . , _ Imuituit of malt 114nors manufactured ad • bola. irk the District durbm the . . Vols. I".•acturxxi. PSG: Sold. January 1,£021 4,0E0i • February. - 9,5 , 31 5 , 750 1 March pee, . - 6,4894 C.,643i• 9,974 Jorke...t ....... 6,473 . 9,6133 July . ..• •k• 5.517 E 8,48., Arighst 6,0°4 rreio September.... .... 2,050 °sulker ... 6,14 a . 7.7331 • - November 14.7eiri 7,977 i • Dm:ember 7.0 W _• • 7,..V71 .... . . 5q,243t Serious ileellieese . ' . accident•oceurredyelterday about" Olefen o'clock A. et., at the corner "of - reds* and Ohio streets, by which Mr. _ "Jamb Borer, a resident of Ross town . ship, was seriously riJtund. Mr. Bore r, who is , quite an old 'man; I company _ " with. We son-In•law, moo to the City to srapring waitron, and when turning the Wrote , earced one of the front wheels. .name-off throwing "them • both • out. bed struck" one of the rills of " the An:reek. railway with "such force as to • =War blot aoconeelorow for a time, and Ain/ a severs swat °tutu, aide of his bead Mayo - the right ear.. Ile tree taken up - .544 tarriai to Bepler's tavern, where be d immed proper attention. li te 8013-01 - , law fortunately escaped with but alight lionorigahela Valley 'Unread Weedig. basen o'clock next Saturday morolog irffieeting or that teem& of the different rendes . pro for .the Monongahela Vallee !bad will be held st the office of J. '94". - Briggr, on Water etroet. Mapa wfittbesi bernady forilistribut4on. IrNt DeaC.—A - tiaras ettaeped to a car, 1 on the Oakland and tail ?h , - , 4•M/1 1 . fs. Bid.lway tell dead law vax=d, - TeNdey, from azhanattan. . . Esteems fusee... In a person whose growth is stationary Pennsylvania Legislature. the quantity or food taming into the • body in a Overt time is exactly equiva lent to the quantity of matter passing away in the various excretions. The whole of the food is dissolved in the body, and the greater pqrtion Is ab sorbed into the bloat to : renew the tisanes, the nourishment, ict the bode being dependent upon this quility of the blood. . . , blood favors - nutrition and growth, .whilst a diseased 'quality of blood deprmsm and destroys that which is alreadyformed. Whilst the - tdood thns gives out to each organ or pert. of the body the means of repairing itself, by furnishing it with material of growth, at at the name time 47115111e.laway, es it were, -whatever elements of their tissues that have be. COMB diseased, - worn-nut or useless. These are passed nff In the exeretione, I end in healthy adults exactly eorres r pond in amount with the quantity of food taken.. When the ,body become) - diseased the urinary- excretion gives out these die , eased particles In exam while the de cline of the body is golidg, on. The =-same when any organ or paid, of : the body only becomes disea r sed; the , urinary excretion gives out an excess t,r, duieased particles from thatpart, when a decay of that organ Is going nn. ' These Urino-Pathological facts aro so apparent, mpg - dingy in chronic diseases, that every physician having the welfare of his patient at heart should, in pre scribing remedies, watch their influence , upon me slime, and'pentei - cre, in that I particular remedy. which - Pniances the I most healthy condition of-that. fluid, for It points tint with certainty the changes made in the condition of any and every organ of thebody. These nrinoeberuleal investigations of the urine have been our , oanstant practice for more than twenty years. And we would - just nay, that it hoe revealed to as the existence of many serious diseases long before other modes of investigallonhad been able to indicate them, and has thrown a good of light upon the cause, progress and treatment oi many chronic, diseases which would.' otherwise hays- been involved In mach obscurityst least, and perhaps never have been cured without. , - Herders, IVanyof you have incipient Consumption, organic disease of the Liver, Kidneys or Spleen, Heart Dia -1 ease, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsy or Scrofula; or should your complaint be at all otmeure in its character. or nhoald you be in any doubt us CO the true ramp, of • decline m year health, or of the aches..pelps„.dcrirevenients, and wee-kite-saes ender which you mav,he laboring ante decay, have the exaMlim ties scientifically made, and securelbe remedies thus selentiflallly prescribed. L. Oxneitos,A, D: ' . Propesei /bar agate Maid. A bill bat beeci introduced Into the Legislature providing for the laying out of, a State road from a point In Union township,' Pi'askington,eounty, to the.' Mad leading from Farleyvllle to Can nenahurg, bear the house of John Boyer, M a point on the road landing from the Brownsville and Pittsburg° mid to Stewart's Mill, on the land of Mines Serbold, In Allegheny county. It ispro- Posed that the ;aid road shall be coin; plated by the first of next August, shall be lorty-five feet wide, and shall over remain a public highway, to be' kept In rc h ipidr.b eL y the respective townships along a t 'p e d Job ifohnston li atid M f g, o l f•Vas tp ! itigtan, are the named C,omnattitoners to view out and mark the line of the raid. The bill has putted the Monte. • Skull Frzetared.—A little boy, aliOnt nine yearn of sae, sari of Mr. Shure, of LaWll3llCfffilia, through the malicious• neon or Inexcusable tboughtleastiess 01 John. White, of that place, aged fourteen years, had his" skull fractured Tuesday, and it is feared will not survive the in jury. The boys were playing together on an embankment near s pond, which wen covered with ice, when White fast ened a rope around the neck of hie com panion and-jumped from the bank drag theng the boy alter him, hls bead striking tas and fracturing his skulL Legßret ett.—Janses E Ease, 11417011.12 matt connected with the Sword Bri Nfachins. while enmod Ma window in the second story of the - building occupi ed by the company,eg the corner _of Ca al Wreet and Spring alley, fell to the sidewalk, & distance of twenty-rive feet, and broke his left leg below the knee. Dr. Reiter reduced the fracture, and the young man was removed. to his real. denoe In the Eighth ward. Dead Body Vouod.—The body of a man Ives found on the track of the Aliettherly Palley Railroad, near FreePurt, Sunday. The body was horribly mutilated, oneor more trains having poised over it, and life had evidently been extinct several bourn, to the body Will quite cold and stiff. It was not identified. - Chappailtands. floe and all roughodes of the akin. certainly cured by lasing the Juniper or Soap, made fry Caswell. lilazardA Co., New York. It surpasses ♦ll other remedies, as it will prevent roughness of the skin, if used domino sold weather. It is conveniently applied, avoiding all the trouble of the greasy umnpormds now in use. It esn be used by ladies with the moat tender skin, without irritations or pain. making it son and clear. Sold by the Anaggista gen: orally. The Bat and original Tonic .of Iron, Phosphorus, and eaHaupt, known no Caswell, Hack Co.'.& Ferro Phosphors led Zlistr of Calbsays - Bark.- The Iron melons color to the blood, the Phcepbo. rue renews wants of the nerve tissue, and the Callsass gists a Natural health• ful tuns to the digestive organs, thereby awing dyspepsia in its sari-us forms. Wakefulness, Deanna Debility, and De bression of Spirits, _Manufactured only y Caswell: Hazard Co., hew 'York. Sold by all druggisis. sawF . . 'Caostitatles Vaster is s certain "ewe Jar Diabetas and all diseases of the qeys. For eats by all druggists. .1. • POLITICAL. Haw gest seem Nesselableem Velma. sess...weame Peeresses for Skosstase, —restos rep Wee reessesset. ter menses ie uterinseareaUsseuot Ponexcai, N. V., February Republican Stale Gonvantion met to day. Joshua M. Vaneott, of Brooklyn, was chosen temporary Chair Man. The seals of delegates from 'New York City were -feantested.:', 51,1ter telong crotion, In which considerable acerbity wsa.eliown; the Radical delegates were 'admitted as members by a vote of two hundred and fittysts. to filly-four, and the Conservative delertm,, tea Invited b• The repose on Permanent Omani =don was appointed, who, after recess reported Gen. Charles II Van Wycir Sr President, with listof Vie s Presidents, Including Horace Greeley, Waldo Hutch ins and others. - 'The Proaident toads along 'Poch:in support of . the Cungreasional policy of re public a n .m 3 the measures of the republican party. He denounced Freed dent Johnson's rebellion, alluded to Stanton - se one of the purees. of American .patrintasnd one of the sided /merlon delasmen, and to Grant arthe grad Cap. tam of the age. He condemned &ward's 'purchase of•lrldisn villages find icebergs near the areith-ralei and the ,home of ILoode and earthquakes. He l&ped !or the deliverance aGgatult. denouuced Conservatismin, fiwayaitood in ak the .way of the wOrl 'et preforms en. ingtwd rrtlieldhlush - and .eoncluded ' alth the cleats,' wards of Lincoln-at Gettys but if faithfully and fearieselly d g our du mayin oar time. rejoice the NI fruit ion q-, on and the co o piate resilmtion thal the government or Rep to by the people shall not perish: A Committee or" 'Resolutions was sp.. V=lneludlng•Horace Greeley,. John and Lyman TIMM eine, who, at ter a fumed,- from Mr. Tremaine, re ported resolutions roallirming devotion, to the prialtiplegof justice, equality and nationality, approving the reconstruction measures of Cmgresehdeciaringan tenhle purpose to maintain untarnished and Inviolate the pu blie faith and nation. al credit, to lessen the hoiden of Lain don by gutting off-all useless expendhl hares,declaring their preference for Omni icysit and Penton for Tice Preis , inatnicting the delegates to won, ass mast Chicago' and to employ all honorable - anti proper means' to -secure thoseinernieratimo, and giving thanks of the soldiers ;Ind sailors for the Sups premien of the rebellion. The resolui dons were adopted by social:nation. -ACommittee previously appointed to select delegates to the National Convert. don f d :p. ortod a full list and the report , was - opted, f, Sr if &lega J e u atla n rg g es Dan e lS n ck e e s o , r p he r roses Tromaing• Charles Andress, D. P, &Brown. . • • Horace Graely wisa ailed for and Id a few remade' warned' the Convention aminst 'the danger of over:a:mildew* He said there were formidable obsureice to overcome, do his part in the canrtsas, urged an to werk with it wilt and Rhea they would win. • Tbt Convention adjourned nor CALIFORNIA. ~ • . , . lirlielsoooto ' for P•lor itztttioa— • /Ivor sod TO,heoll Espors.- • 1 tev l*lerrsi.a to am rlitatranth Ban FRaltaK2o. Febrnnr s.—Thng. Chandler, arrested for participating to the rbra ill gin •svitts - Doonay in April hat, use released in ono thousand dollars ball. The authorizing, of Contra Costa contemplate indicting. about be thomenek citizens cif fdr the earn. effendi. — ' The schtist - exportrfOrWiellerrliAls twenty:tnn, thonasud twin, value. one million tworhun• thbusand ,dollars; nineteen bargees, a/sham of which wore for Europe.. flour sbipmentit, thousand four hundred bans*. velne, lbarhundred and seven:thoutend. pectat t) !ha rtalbargta Flaaruanrao. February 4,1564. ISOM HILL. IN YLACE. Mr, TAYLOR, or Beaver, one auil.Wr ining the School Directors of Rocheatet borough, Beaver county, to borrow_ monkey. Mr. ERRETT, of Allegheny. one inaS nexing a portion of Duquesnu borough to Allegheny city. Also, one changing the name of the 'Pittsburgh Newspaper and Printing Company, to Commercial Company, end incorporating the sumo. Mr. ERRE PI% of Allegheny, offered tho following rev - anti.) Resottyd, Thin the Committee on Edu : onion be requested to inquire ,intw the expediency of reporting a bill sutboriz- I tug the Satool I.loards throughunt' tint IState' with zurßns bounty funde to. transfer the satti . o, to the school funds. An net authorizing the Rule of property of any incorporated company upon bends secured by mot, cage given by lt, with likoefTect as if sold upon the Mort , age, WAS defeated. An act giving win. c. Fisher ; and Elijah Barnes tho.rigbt to establiah terry over the Ohio at Vaneort, ptkel finally. Th. afa inonria,rating the Artesian De pocif Bank - , of Pittsburgh, paseel The act iucorporating . the borough of 1 - Nflllvale, Allegheny uouuty, passed 116 USE OF nEPRESE.NTATIVES I= Over ono hundred hills on U. pilule ralvitlar wero ,need finally; among tb.m tho'follartifi;;:. Increasing the number of °M ears in Red Bank township, Armstrong county, to tour supery i.ors; and authorizing the election of ToUrnehip Treasurers in Arms strOng. - • Authorizing owners of the look and dam at Franklin, N'Unaugo muoty, to tbo look and build a sehute In the dam fur the paseak - e of Data. Authorhsinii the sprointment of an ad ditional-Notary Public in Beaver county. Fixing the standard weight of ooal al tighty, pounds pat bushel in Jefferson County. • -_ • • - Incriuwing the fees Of Surveyors or Al legheny county, when employed as w t- I leases in land w.lis, to five dollars per day and three cents mileage. : Exempting Pithele City fromllye per "Mt zex ou taxable property imposed by act of February lith, 15136. Incorporating the Penneylvinis Sod. ty for the YreventiOu of Cruelty to Ad male, being a Phil:Wei phi. corporation. Empowering the officer% and corpora tore of the Greensburg Masonic Fund to ort. as wituessea for and against said cor poration. . Authorizing the appointment •f two additional Notaries 'Public in Allegheny county. •. Authorizing the anthoritles of Wayne.- burg, Greats Fatality, to collect • spectra ter of twenty mllla en the dollar for the payment of Indebtedness. Authorizing_ a Enate roid from John county, to Stew art's Dltllo, Allegheny 'comity. Authorizing Alexander Giffin to erect a ferry over theiAllegheny River from a point betwsen Walnut and Ciutsnut strcets„,Phlllittsourg, Clarion county, to a pointjn Bogez Creels township, Butler county. Adjourned at FL% until half-past seven o'clock. thla evening. il•11111.11[ 780 , Fabruary 5, Pro& SENATE. 311.1.4 INTRODUCED. By Mr. ERRETT : ltrantlog a pension to William Dioht, sttltlit, of 1512. Extending to the borough of Monet Washington the ♦ehicle lleerute law of Starch ZO, 156+-1. . • Also, authorizing Appeals .to the Su preme Court from decisions of Quarter .4assions in pauper eases. BILLS PASSY-D FINALLY. [ 1 Changing the name of the Pittel4gh hiescrpaper mud Printing ,CoMpany of IFecti,teirgh to Commercial Printing Com pany of Piir.+LuiFli• - anir ineoithrallng the tame. After the pnuage of several mnimpor tant local hills, the Senate adjourned. . HOUSE, OF-REPRESENtATIVEN. Mr. HICKMAN'S prop...sett Constitu donal amendments, reducing the nay of Legislators to seven 'hundred dollars, striking the word "white" from the COn entution. and introducing the intfli genre test for voters, were discussed till after dark.. • The Committee had reported the first amendment with a neratire recommen dation, bat inserted one thousand dol• Inns instead of seven hundred. _Pending the discussion the.llouse ad loutned. Thoacirject iemsde the ripecial order Cor Tneedsy *Toning next. = An art to Incorporate the Pennsylva nia Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals palatsl the House on Tues day. It is a Philadelphia organiiatiou, the corpmators maned - reveling there. Among other corporate rights given the Association •re allowed to receive legs. etas and hold real eget. The object is to provide effective A1f11.19 for the pre vencion of:enmity to animal. throughout the State,. and for the enforeement of all low. enacted for the protection of dumb snimaLs. FROM EUROPE. 24Leglapti to the Iltcatron OM= LEA111:1 1 0 carrAs Tuar.s 1S r. 06 or As OZIATION TO 0 ?MEM TiOeb received at Witallington from Crete, to the lith of January, .tote that the Turks nektualerlged that All Falb& entirely failed in his nilasion, and it was believed be wee ordered to return to Constantinople. Many of the Cretan Tarim were beginning to express them selves favorably on the suijiect of an eventual annexation of Wel island to Saba Pasha, the ne‘rly'naMed 'Porktab Gereernor of Sobakle, was t. 4 1 6 / 3 attacked by the people of the Province while pro ceeding to take possession of Ms COM. Trlarldclithi IVlN . COM:pelied to Tense s kill steps after losing Endo of hie fo !low e Seven more Provinces had votod for • union with Greece. • The Cretan* have et this day declared then:Meter, by*Aoo votek; freefrom the Snltan, forining a part of the dominion of Seg,CitMrge..„' the Russian vessels 'retie engngeCt In NvOmel, and ehlidteil DOM lke leallity of the soldlors. — 0 • wucticogrr eer savvrebttr DiestaUerrlON' OF LIFE AND pito EisTr. Feh. 3.—The gale which nes. oanier Engltual bstt nlgy Instavue sexy destructiVo to life .propettY this city and Liverpool. Ch imnoye and elsrus were blown down 1 houses un— Mated: histry. - peaple vjarte • struck. by Ilatillig.obJacts,and iterforrly ltsj tired and In some instance: , killed Autrlght. - , . rORTIONOF A cram: . ItrACUED—TERRI era: ttuEruntue,. f4tutur:rUlt, January 31.—Vbe egdfatt . _ Aid twitaelleiftiff thirftWortheiehoriciwe Mown Warring, Which foundered at sea, woro nmounch on the 13th-!ult.. by the bark Minnie , Gordon, awl brought to this port. They . , feed been,seven day, without focal • To anataln Ilfo they were obliged to !effort to t . be float of the mate, who died from ishanatlen. Whew picked" up the men Were hardly able, to more or speak, beet they imfoyering. I= 011)&11 or 21111 roes coUrrrzumiverA. • - F7oUwen, February 5.!--Tbo Popo haOng recently Ordered -the Catholic Mori,. to have - the To Dfaet ming In all the churebru in Italy for the 'victory or the Papal aroma Meniana, Ring Victor ! Emanuel Isaura a proolamation prohibit- Mg the holding of roligiOna service.' ter such parro...e within the kingdom. TOETs OPENED von constsaca. Lam:ors, Feb. t.—Disptaciato from as peiniis Hang Ifinsir. anon 61.10 the *iris of Mogoi!nd Oeska wore, at the. begin ning of the year, thrown open to foreign_ with - irk* in =cordoned with tile Convect-, Ho:annuli withtheCominleolonere of for, eigh poisons. ' • L PrITSBUIdH WEEKLY GOErfE: WEDNESDA.X * . - FEB4I3A*Y 12. 1 STANTON IMBROGLIO. forrespendence Between General Grant and President Jehnson. Grant Charges with Violating His Engagements. Be Brutes any Breach or Fail!). A Question of Veracity (1.7 1 - ,ltompt, to tho Pittuhnran Untetto.l WASHINGTON, February 4,1933. • The Speaker laid before the 'louse u coMlSHlntealiOn from the War Depart ment, dosing with the following docu ment: Wan I/SPAM ueur, Feb. 4, 166S—Stn: In answer to the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 8111 alt, 11.1131.- mit herewith copies furnished me by General Grant of the correspondence be tween biro and the President relating to the Secretary of War, - which he reports to be all the correspondence he had with the President on the subject. I bare bad no ;,orrespentlence with the President since the 12th of August last. After the notion et the Senate on. his alleged reason, for my suspension front the of fice of Secretary of War, I hive resumed the duties of that °film as required by the act of Congress, and Mien contmued to discharge them withoht env personal or written rommunicationeritit the Pres ! ident. Na orders Bove been Issued from SAN Itepartnient he the name of the Pres ident with my knowledge, end I hare rectivett no orders from him. The cor respoudence sent herewith (=braces all the correspondence known to me on the subject referred to in the, resolution of the House of Representatives. I have the honor to., Sir, with great respect, your obedi t servant, Eow M. SrAnrole,' Secretary of War. 1:1011. Schuyler Colfax, Speaker of. leto 11011110 of ROpfal3C/IWITUS. Ilgenucateretre Ann or Tun/701-1 TED SUITES, WAstIINOTON, I/ (1.,1 January, nth, 1001.'- . Iris Excellency Arnireor Johnron, Tres bier.: of.the United mates. Sint - On the 24th inst. I requested yet to give me, in writing, the metrileilona which you hid previously given me ver bally, not to obey any order flom Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War, unlaces I knew it came from yourself. To this written request Treeeired a moulage that has left no doubt in my mind of Tour intention. To prevent any potedble mte understanding, therefore, I renew the request that you willgive use written In structions, and until they are received will claimed action on your verbal ones. I am compelled to mk thono imtruc linen in writing to consequent* of tire many gross rulsrepreernhations effecting my personal honor circulated through the press for the loot fortnight, purport ing to come from the President. -or eon-. vereatione which occurred either with the President, privately to hbi tidier, or in Cabinet meeting, hat In written admits of no misenderstanding. In view of the misrepresentations referred to it will be well to state the forte in the case. Some time after I assumed the duties of Secretary, of War ad interim' the President asked my views es to the course Mr. Stanton would . have to , pursue, in twee the Senate should' not concur In his saspendon, 1 to obtain possemion of ills office. My reply wee, in substance, that Mr. Suitt ton would have to appeal to the Courts to reinstate hint, illustrating my position by citing the grounds I had taken In the ease of the Baltimore Police Commis shiners. In that case laid not doubt the technical rightof Gov. Swann to remove the old Commiesloners and appoint their successors. As the old Commissioners termed to give up, however, I centeu led that no resource was Lett but to appeal to 1 he Courts Finding that the President I was desirous of keeping Mr. Stanton oat 1 of °Moe,' whether euetaMed in the sus pension or not, I stated 1 had not looked puilculerly Into t be Tenneco( OM. bill, hit th at what I had stated wee a general principle, and if I ehould change my mind in this particulate case I would in farm him of the fact. linbeequently, on reading the Tenure of Office tell closely, I found I could not, without violation of low, refuse to vacate the office of Secre tary of War the moment Mr. Stanton wee - .imitated by the Senate, even though theiPrealdent ordered, me to re [min it, (which he never did.) Taking this view of 1 A subject, and learning on . Saturday, the 11th nat., that the Senate had taken up the subject of Mr. Stanton's I suspension, - alter some conversation , with Lieutenant General Sherman and some members of my staff, in which I ' stated the law loft mono discretion la to my action should M, Stanton be rent- 040 Led, AIM MILL / MlOlOl,lO. in.. to 000 PrellalOni, I went tel the President for the sole purpose of making the decision known, anti I did make it no known. In , this I fultilled the promise made In our last pre...citing onnvenation on the enh• pet. The President. however. instead of , accepting my view - of the requl nementaof 1 the tenure of office bill, contended he had u spended Mr. Stanton under authority 1 given by the Constitution, and that the same autticeity did not preelede him , from reporting. as an not of courtesy, his reasons for the suspension to the I Senate. That having been appointed limier authority given by the Conatitu. ' tion, and not under an am of Onngrows, I amid not. be governed by the act. I mat ed Hae law was binding in me, Con- siltation or not: until . net, . aside by the proper tribunal. An boor wan constuded, each reiterating hie views . an WM eubject. until, getting le, lite Pres ident said he would see me, asin. I did not agree to, call amdu ma • Monday, nor at any-other dentine time, nor :reef sent for-by the President until the follow log Tuesday: From the , 11th Inst., to the Cabinet meeting on the 11th hue., a doubt nearr entered my mind about. the President fully understanding my potation, nem y, that. If the Senate re- p c , fueed to conct r to the em n' pensio of Mr, Stanton, my were as Secretary of War 1 ed interim w mid come, and Mr. Sten. ton's right to noun. at onee the func tions of his ounce wouli.L under the law, be Indisputable, and I acted art•ordingly. With Mr. Stanton I had run contronnies. limn, direct or Indirect, On The subject of his reinstatement during his suspension. , I. know it 'hail been recommauded to the President to send the name of Governor Cot, of Ohio, tor Secretary of War, and thus save all embarrassment, a propostit ton that I elnnerely hoped be would entertain favorably, General Sherman 1.10/111( 1110 Proddeut at my Particular request to urge thin. On the 13th, on Tuesday, Mr. Stanton re-en tered the °Mee of the Secretary of War. General Comstock, who had carried my official letter announcing that by. Mr. Stanton's reinstatement by the Senate I had ceased to be Secretary of War, ad teterna, and who saw the Pteni dent open and read the own menhaden, brought back to mo fihm the President a message that he wanted to eon me that day at Cabinet meeting, after I had made known the fact that I wan no longer Secretory of War nut intern'm. At this mesing, after r petting it eui though I were. member of his Cabinet, when reminded of the no. tiflantlon atready given him that I wee no longer Secretary of War ad interim, the President gave a version of the conversation alluded to already in this communication. It was asserted that to both oeuvernations I lad agreed to 'bold on to the take of Secretary of War nni,llelephmed by the Courts or resigned, Intrust to place the President where 'be Would have been had I never 'accepted , the office. Atter hearing the Prealdent through. I rented our conversation sub stantially' as given In thin letter. I will mil that coy conversation before' the Cabinet embrseed'othee manere not perunent here, and is, there're.' left out. I in no wine admitted the correetnem of the President's statement of our conver nation, though to noßon the endiletat con tradiction of my !statement, I mid. allud ing to our first converestlon on L/10 Isola. feet, the Preiblent might have under somel me the way be said, 'namely, that I had premised to resign., if I did ant re sist the relmstateraent. I mule nn ouch statement. • I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, .., t Year obedient eierv't., U. S. Unercr, General, IllnAnCgrAnTEnn Anti' OP Inn IIniTED STATTni; January 14 18ati—Mis Excel lenee Andrew Johnson, President: of the United Suttee-131r: I have the tumor very respectfully to requwit to hare in writing the order which the Prenident gaTe tne verbally, on Monday, the 19th Lost, to disregard the orders of the.llon. F. NI. Stanton as hiceretary of Var . , until I know from the Prevalent himself tbet they were his cairns. • 1 bare the honor to be, Very reapeetfully, • I Tour obedient eery.' t -U,M. GRANT, General. Tbe following to this endOnennent on Lae above note:. . As requested In ads communication. Gen. Grunt to inotriwted iu writing not to obey any order from tbe War D epart ment assumed to be homed by tbo lion of the President. miles. such order la known ,y the. Goners:l Commanding the Armies of the United States to hare been authorised by the Exismtire.• ANDISEW lonn MOP, January llh, 156 . 3. • licanutrarransAlUtYCOr TILO UNIITYO STATVA, WAIIIII7IOTON, U. C.. January 184:7:-111 1 IliCellerney Andrew' John. eon, Prewidont of the Untitel Stotes—tdr.t I have the honor to acknowindge tho re• turn of ow note of the 34th Met, with your 'endorsement tbertem that 1 e not to obey nor order from the Wet Depart ment awnimed to he tuued by order of thorreakient,unleits such order Is known by me to be authorlud by the Execit t toe, and In ttrply thereto to bey that I ant it,fortned by the Becrotiry of Wor that he Wu not received from the Execution any order or inetrootions Limiting or twt pairing hit authority to Issue orders to the army; es heretofore bee been hie practice nadir the law- aud ettatondi of . . . . the Ilepartment: While his authority to I fully read the article of which you spoke the War Department ho not vaunter-' and found its statement of the under mended it will be eatbfaCtory Pvitienen I slan.llng . h-loAntlnt Its waS ,Altrititntially I to mo that anyordera issu,d from the i e,rreet.. On the 17th L caused It to be War -Department by 'direction of the! read to four of the five members; who' President are autherir.s,l by the Execn.l wore present at our conference od the tire. . I lith, mod thry concurred In the general I have the honor to he very. respect- - e antntr , ./,‘ oftho hie:en:meta respeeting fully year obedient iervant, - ^l.onr•,ts.ttion tql that .1,,,,1i0U. U. S. 6 Rani. General. I In reply In 3 . oar - nom En unit...lnto I j have deemed it proper to prevent further , ini,:antierntan/littp; to unit, this simple ' re,otal ,:1-1-.W.La. i Gory r.enc,t runs:your, ~ ...iNfll 1..," 315[15,4PN. then. L.". :".... Grant, Cot truanotng V. S. Aruty. . I .._ EXECITTIV4MANMO:q, J:6l. 31:1,3,. Cir.NETtAL:— . I have recoived r vcnm urur»aallnn of lb., dpi !nal rrnowim: your request of . that l sOnl.l repeat, In. Written form, my p••rbot in strUctions of O. Pith root., cite That you obey uo order from ihe Iron. Nt. Stantoo, Secretary of %Var, mite,. you hare tuf - irrnation that it ‘v:Ls I,sae.l by the Prender-Ve direction. In silbmittin.„.• this request, with ‘, hhh I complied on the OCeaSioli to allude to ro , eiti publhntion., in 1 . ...T..1A1, to the, w,, b Va, . - tion by yourself of the, otli.s3 of tioc yof War c.t/ interim, .1,1 - witb - of. correetiug the - etatstoeut , you termmisrepreseniatintis, tutu givont!leogthi your own recollection oil the facts n u des which, without the sanction of the President, from whom ' you, hot recciet.i .mOl i aecepted the tippeintment, s.ou yielded the Deport:nem of War to the ' , resew In cuinbent. All elated in Your ....Muni cAtion some time after - yim had ttic.umed the duties as Secretary of War f'd i uteroa, we interchanged Views rtett , etding the j coUrte that Amnia lie por,eind in the event of the ni,u.coneurronoi by the Son ate In the suspension or Mr. :Climb , . weight that interview, rolling myself in the Wur Department. My sole iihjecit in I then bringing t tie out toyour afloution Wee to ascertain what would he your own artiou ,11,112,1 Slid/ an atieramt be made. forAiiiire , toritlion to the War De- I partuteutt Mat I,lljek't, W6l" i1,01.1 . 10i 4 / 1 - ell, for the interview tertninated with the fli•tioctundurstanding that if under reflection you should prefer nit to Lie .l.llo ❑ party to the C,ntrritrenty, ur should conoltide it would lie your - fluty to surrender tie Depsruneut to Mr. Stanton, upon action in ills favor by the Senate, you Were to return too (Wilco to Me prior to a decision Mr the limn:aeon order that ; If 1 • desired ID de WI might doilfznate nou, one to lweeo.l you. It anwit have been apparent to you that had nut alts nnders!ntnling netted, it wao myiturpoot rolho on from thn forth, ,11% , 11nrge of 'little, '.l.eretary of War gut fern to, anti to of hor totrson in that canny ty. Ocher cum...11..111mm an the subloot nound, 01 having tin my put tho sent, bject and lending to the ..ulato canclu ion an the iirsf. it ht not netvevkory, towtoftr, to ' .rotor to nny of them, ox- • enpttstg that of the 11th ife,L, metttimmd la yen, - cernittntileniion. Aw it wae.then kn - own that the Senate had fq.a.l=6:fleil iu the lase of Mr. ,Stanton, 1 a ita arta feu. to learn rour de:ensile:dint]. After protractea 4ltt.rVien during whieli the prorlaleng of the Tenure at 011ieo tat , were fully disenased, yon maid that nail had tiara agreed upon In hat ron "ream you would either return thaottlao taraataisiou In titan to 1:0'040 me to It o :auccoiour before final an by the Senate upott Mr., Sutra auspeusioh, or would 1 . 01113i1l nt head awaiting a denkhn by judie:al meeetilligq. It was then •undentoeil .hero would'he a fuittier eonterenve an Mender, he. whielt nine 1 ponnoacel you ',old lie r• - revaren to Int,rrinte.of yfalr I decision. You faded. however.' to GM MZe/M=M=Sl political too m s]. rain]; in the re, 11,c ro our notilmatiou I do action of .II e Cenato in ref.•renee Mr. Stanton, and at tin ti :c inf , rmed sun that ao. artful., h. the regulating the tenure of .•ei tam out onions your for tino..of ‘tia o itea of Nt r, at/ inter i m ceased love the mono tit receipt of notice. I you time, in tiara-' gent or the understanding botivetm tie, matted the Mlle. without ham,: glyen native of your letbra to do to It Is hitt I Just to say, how over, over, that to sour Lotn momentum von claim you 1111 Mown] me of vet purpose, and thug fultilled the promise made in our last pre ceding conservation on the anti's The tact that etoth a promise existiel is evidence or an arrangement of the kind I base mentioned. Y.. 11 hid toil ndtn oltr Inart ennterence that the President was dextrous of keeplag Mr. Stanton out of office, - whether cher sustained in OA ..11Iipen• elon or not. You knew what meu, had induced the President t i sulk from ou a prounsc. Yost the I.llese teat In east. your N . :cm a of duty.did not second with, his own eOltro Lou., it setof his purpows to MI your place by another appointment. Fiver ignormir the existentwef a positive underiaindi tin between us, the DOnelUslons were lOaltlly iledttelbla'trout our %anon% et:pos . l:r , " tious. It in certain, however, that 'even Undor Weis einimnstartorai you did t e st offer to return the place to my peasewilon but a Tonllng to your on II stallment placard unmet? In a tswithin where, mild I have non ,- Itoved , your action, I world lime been ...Impelled to all of yam as I won com pelled to ask.of your predeceator I o the War Department, a letter of resignation, or to resort to the mole Aitotarecahlo expecimut of susiendlng yon I thosostololosant 01 a enc. c-ww. as stated It your tut , r, the nom Motion of Got eni , r Cos - , of Ohm, for Secretary of it or scat stuge,,,sl tome. • title apissintenent. as Mr. "lan lon'S InerseaSor, was urged in tiler natne add it Scala said OW 11/a.ti on 'At last ',dicer I ahould he trammelled hv sash considerations. I most prepsred to tea the rstwousintitty of de]. dm.: me yule -, that In iferut , l. , 0 with toy oltset or .on "lllumine! &mew and having deterall It eti upon la rt,Urso which I decnte]l NOht and proper was anat.,. to learn We sten. I You nm id lake, .51105111 the powiession or the 14 ar Department he demanded by Mr. 'wanton. lied %our action Leon in conformation et tat the un derattladtug bete eori OS, 1 do not !Mies, o that the erulairrasetnent would heroitt tabled ite prasent tIIVIA,IIOII 4 , ter that the prob.] olity of its reps utiou would have beenao great- L knee' that Ss Olt sins to an early I.llllllomo of a awe of niftily so detraucco al to the nubile interaus, you voluntarily offeresi. Loth on -Monday, the I ]th and on the succeeding eion.Ls, upon tall upon Mr. Stanton and urge upon in.]] that the, goes! or the ...Prete! , reglitrel hi. reelgnahon. I confess I Coon.teret your proposal of I tort of reparation for the failure On Your part to Sot in aeeer , dance with en otoleortnntling more Wan once repeated, and which thought raceised your hill assent, and under which you oould have returned to me the °aloe which I had e. nferrtal upon you, thus saving a uirself from col harratement arid leaving rim responal• ball)• where It • properly Irlanced, with the President, who no stecasuntahle tot the faithful execution of the law. I have not yet boost locum s! by you whether. et twice proposed by yourself, you had enlist! Mr. S]antort and made an. effort to soli...slum to voluntarily reign from the War Department. Yon coat-hula }our atone with a reference moor con versatten lathe meeting of the cabinet, hil•1 on tin 14th toot, In yottr siceount of 'What liters ne enrred you ear ... that after el .President had given bin version of cur pre. tun. concertos:ion, •ou atawsl, euhscantialiv Its given In your latter, and that Jon in no wove ednitttedl the en•ve. moo. or Ills statements, though to w3fien tin avid' n t tome ',ln tont my scahminnt tondo, 1, o.l]..'ling is first cornmorth Viols on the aelleet, the Prasident might lists toolvrstoesi In the wny he said, namely, that I hats stool lust to resign if I del not covet the rein ataletnent. I 111141. no euth Ottni.. ids rocolie , tiro] of what then I,ra...spited Is thantitrinilly - the reverse of okur narration in the presence of the Cala ste- I Naked you first If, In a conversation which took place shortly otter your ap pointment as Secretary of War oil laze Yon, you did agree to remain at the head ] of. the War Department cad abide env Judicial protwellnus that rniglit - follow the ooreconeurrence of the Senate to Mr. Stanton'a aunpenston, nr ahould yon tint wish tobte"omeluvolvoci In suet controversy, put Ma ht the name position with reference to the °aim pr. violists roar anpolnlment by returning Into too in time m anticipato such action by the Senate. This you admitted. Nevond. I then sicked you It at rho Unto of the oonforenoo on tho nrcowling Sat urday I had net, to avoid misunderstand ing, requested you to stale whet you in tentledlo do, and, further, Lr in reply to that inquiry you bad net reforred ttf my fOnnareOriVeratttions, Baying that tram them I natteratoott your position, and that your notion would le] eunniatent with the understanding which had been reached. To those questions you also replied In the aflirmstlvo, Third. I next asked If at the conclu elon of our interview en fzaturday It wan undernuad that we wench] horn au Cher continence on Monde!, batons land no tion by the Senato in tho ease or Mr. Stanton. You replied that ouch was the Understanding, but that you did not mop prow the Senst•would not HO awn; that on Monday you had been engaged to Con rerence with lienerstShrrinets, nod were occupied with many little matters, and asked if General Sherman bad not celled on that day. What reloyancy Ueaenl Shermen ' s visit to toe ott Monday a n d with the purpote rut - which you were to hate (Idled, I am nt a Iwo] to parcels e, as he certainly did not inform lan whet her ' you had determined to retain the office or td afford MO opportunity napoi sit suctesabr in advance of any attempted redostatement of Mr. Stanton. This amount 01 what pitesed betas/en us at the Cabinet meeting on the 14th !natant widely differs' from that run talued In your communication, for it shown that Instead ol having slated cum VOnyereatttnin an Alien In ] the totter Which has Made fhb' reply tomessary, you admitted that my recital or them was entusly *worsts. blots:well ] ens hortervof , to bel.rorroet In Illy Shea nistila, I hare tetchy mad this narration or what no] erred vet the 14th last, to the member. of the l'ahtnet who wow] then Keaton, 'I hey alt hoot ezeeptlon rgrea In Its iteMlrerY. Ifln randy hosene'f7lniuld doctor' Wed parlay tnnflllnd,i tau 7.111, yOu celled nn main uoutpony with 1.1,14 t, Oen. mat.Atter emu. y e 'preliminarcooler - Nation you remolded thin an al. le in the Nutionnt 111telflprheet s Or that dote did you utuob Mulch*, I replied I hal ant road the /stet/veneer of that morn ing, You OW ma It wanyour intention to Urge Mr. Stanton in resig l Ids office after you had wltluirguru. care- 11E/11QU-11:T14. 1 Moir OF. /SE li SITED et %TEM, Wahllinon, Pell. 6E= I=l2= President of the Citited States--Sir : .1 have the it:ltnir to acknowledge tile re• eipt of your communication of the 31st ult., in answer to mine of the 2aili tilt. After a .re ul reading laid comparison of the oracles over the initialS of J; B. S. in the N. Y. 11 - v rid of tile 27th ult.:, pur ot•r; ilia to bo based !won your otaternesit and that '.l the meatusesof the Cabinet the: tin flawed, I hod it only to be but a reiteratit ti. only somewhat more In do tail, of the many and gross nalslepro sentiolons contained in therm" at tielos sad a: in la toe statenicnt or Cods set firth in my letter of,tho I.ltit ult. was intended to ocert , l, and heroin I eciovvert the cOrreet -110,4 Or Uly 14.111,111 . 1119 in that ;letter. only thion• in you, ill - reply to the coil,. trar) - - o 'twill:standing. 1 confess my ••:irt•iisa- that the Cabinet olllocre rOlCrred I to .humid so greatly niisaltpreltend the , iota in the emitter of admissions alleged, to have ics:n mail.. by too at the Cabinet meeting ::ii the 14th ult, unto stiller their nano , . • to be mad:: tho ba.sin of, tine charges in , the mwmplper :article referred to, •a• to agree, le the. accuracy, es you iirlirtn titer d,,, br your account - Or What occurred at lio:I fleet s frig. You know that we parted on Ow I I tli tilt. without any proinivie on soy ; r i ir implied, i to t e elleet that ''y I would huh d on to theolllca l of See , rctary of War art In (erint agithistlttni net lion of the Senate, or declining to ..10 MO, Wrinill surrender; If to you before moth netion woo had, I or that I world non you again lat any ! nixed tin,. on tire subject. 'file' per. tormanee of tile Mona rses aliegadto Itac.i boon outdo by ale would have Involved 1 a resistance or thb law, and an ineonotat' eney' L leatii the whole history of my rant 1 neetion with the suspension ;of Mi. 1 S•initiiii. I , roiti, our ' ronvereation, and are veritten protest of August lab; Ixl7, nuninst • the mutt/Val Diff Mr. •• Manton' you ' tonstl hat' , k nowt" it; greatest objection: to :nit: removal Ives the fear Mat sumo on would bat upplented in' Ills *tend whb • would by opposition to VIM laws Irelatiok to the restoration of lire Southern State, • in their proper ; relation: , to the lloverd-" itOittAlllurrit.o the army in the perform -1 il ad•c of thedoties especially imps I upon it by the bite,, and that it tv.s lb prevent :Loch au-appointment that I. .+ 1 eoptid the upptintutent of Sncrelery t/f I War, :el oitercla, and not for the, purp;me I of enabling you to got rid of Mr. Starr too by withholding it from hint :in ePl l , el tlon to the law, or not dotal , : •••!: myself, AU rrender It 111 one who, an Mt. et:nen:eat and amumptions In your warn lin uniontio i n plainly indicate, was sought. I And It as to avoid !this clinger. as Wein au lc relic's, you froM thn i , ,, ,0.141 embarrassment Sal whinh , Mr. 5 . ,111/1( 2 !1 .4 reins:Ate:nerd would pines I ... ou, that l unied the appointment of i I i.iverncr Eux, believing it. WoUld Ire i ageecable I, .kil mid ales 1.3 Mr. UMW ' Ton, •Stlslirot 'as I Was rho good at .1.0 i n•nud...., and cot the oftlae, the latter desired. On the I :th ult., in the prep. vitro of General Ft:err:lan, I Mated to Iyeti 1 thotlitht,,,„,,Mr. Stanton n - otld resign. bet del not say I would advine 1 hint to do so. lilt the mitt 1 did agrrn , with Lamer.,; Sherman. nitli go, add ad , v :so tout 10 1.1,'. VOUrse, and on; the 1.141 I liwl an leterciew With Mr.. Stanton ",111:•11 tell me to conclude that slay advice would be tiseless and so Infortlind GM:L. :Therm.. Ilefi.rer coot:erne:3M alt eel Mr. Stanton to rmign, I toadeisitood (rum , Mir: inn eon, enadiott on th 4 bllbjelt„, itliniestititely on hie reinstatement. it was ; his nointon that tile act of Congress, dot' : tiles; an net temporarily to aupvga-I vies in tire Executive; rb-, meat in e, Main canoe approved ; Eeneortry :Mtn, 1.0, was! repeoled hy subsequent logislatiou, which male-: Its Tally iricluenced toy action. : l'revitria .. thin Limo 3 had flu doubt dial the] w d It:O.1 Welt kill in foetus, and notwitht I .taridin; may artem a hiller esluoloaton l i, I 'f : the low' leaves a griebtion hi my mind whether It is or uot repealed. 7'llte be og the ran, 1. (olid not new Stirlen liS 1 rcsign aline 1:-.I. the tonne denr 1 ap:onthended in thin drst removal mtklit I follow-. Ttt:' eon rse, pot hero I M under... stead I ; agn-ed to pursue coos in violation of I.sW, sini that by orders: from lip u . wbde Me cOUrso t did purene. ' r nd w ;eh I never doubted. you Ilitiy Undenstoirid, I tti iu a::::oniso.* with the late and of I It: di-obedience to any orders bf my us penors. • ~ ~ . i • And Slow, Mr. Ercaident, [when y ; honer iv, n soldier and integrity an a iU,a, 1,,V0 been to vielently asnailud, Par, Icri ko for saying that I can hot engird i 1 eli.,,lrtioie ,enate. r, from beginning to calve no idlempt to Involve me In i the , is..ancei of the law for shish you 1 hssdaltel to has-time the rentionsdbility. I in ..nii, Tao, to destroytit.s , ritneaker Ibele, ilie iv.ontry. 1 out to a cues:Core in,.: :sod:rine:l in di'. ceiscineion by, map re ntl:s orders - dire:lira, me to disobey I or :leis :root t he Seere:ary of War, toyl ea ts•rfor and :Finn vulionlinata. Withollb ; I...viim counterrunn.led his atithoritY; I ant to disobey. With the, menorah., Mr. President, that nothing less thin ,a ' N in•f ic.C'on of me personal I honor tid ieli ancter emild 11111,1 Induced thin ~ tr eel-I:amino:3' on my parr, I LAYS Oro hula, b. - . lei, - very resin:nu:l rs ily, .- • ' Your rdeelient se'inat, • ' , 1.7. S. l 3 nas - r, eneral:. COISIDIERCI/LTA G . ; . rynainviauts MAILIKET III . ' - . • - I 1 il Linton ye vela Prereatinganmammi 1 4' ; i . Triterver, Febraltry O. Ike. 1 i . The general markan are Olin and null; and devoid of any . hew :enures virorthl of .;'matt, liaetne. Ter tome few Inmate*. there Its • snotty improrel dimacit and /limn Menai. Ia consequence or limited atooko, but tile la 1 the a xneenen tad sat the deans! rule. I lie Stl/1411111.1eit,nuvigattOn lands Very unit lie wirne produelog the pineal Itireetlol4 tel non/ it is agate. meterlal Imbrove• ' wens lead be elDwltird. , Li IiIa:RUA ES-Toe ozone. ladold had, pro- I damn • nee result tnOodeinanlll 01005*,! and New Melee.% Sagan are a 1..• inane lil him, wbieb may be attributed to the intone •of n•rtgatioo. In other &MOM than I. ne on.ger. and the market is pair modentelf 114111Ve. .. I ' Brea:AY-New Oilcan., 14cPalle; (Mtn. • lailt3Y. Porto /ties. I.llieglliteb; entelnal ta11.41" Coign. ritual "B" do,: lf).(et ,pnr.l. "C." leriel.C.:" Yellow. lee. , . ;... Merin-Prime Rimirdialdel good. Mot falr, loa l Old onveritsest Java, Ines Lianas:re, tr. - Mer.•4llloi-New Orteltar, Karel 01,114,6161 ma tPr•rto Rim. senses. i Srarra-iil.overtag t e, o $1; ' , heath /6 ~ Ed. gar." nit ./imber... Me; "Dellis," ores. gide. ermn-thaseta. bedlik; /nevem sped p.p• par. antAllselee, Ur; ri ntmerp,im,te. ! • Mir-Rangoon. Ili, 51aro110e, 1/41. 1 It.e.arn.:4ns4Dion. !pi.; mar.r (I ta... ar,o, end (torn Sterol, 11.0., , .1 Fectvw-Layer Retsina, 11-1,60 iii boot Table. tis ;Sec per rontd, ,Pranee, ILO; Olsrrantvee rot Set, , if/ • 33• st tat•ii-Vet 53:et, $l,OO per bag. ; ,Scira-iiitalinitt`L . 13e: ..oaltley'el 1113ia •110s1e, 41/4ital../holiblits.” Its. ' •. ' • Car otme-ohlould, leijoi; Stsr;:ai. • i .' con. , i &&& o 1,,..-17,61 pit Gan. , ; • MCA.. 0005-1e.5. per M. ! I '• OlLt IN-Winter Wheat -is mm and • at, ady damned bat untrimmed:we wattage to /loom at 1051/42,62 far lied, and 41.1104141,41 tor White. Darin in *cane wad le temend. at 1'..1 ler prime Motor. Onto Merely. but no ell ringed, .ales en Creek, It 660•10, end 14 store mid/crib. 11101. unsliangml at 41. 66 0 1 . 46- iniall'lote in wagon will not tommaad !abort, cow. Gala I. plenty and dull but unabellgod at meRlll. . I - YLOVII.rie doll bat unobanded; we ;Moto at tithmailmi for Spring' Wheat; 11201460 for Winter Wheatland Illafitte for Lanai k , ...i. Ityo ltionr . le doll and drooping, and enenest,be quaint ebnre 11 9 12 6 .1. Buckwheat Is dial Mad oeciemed at 1114. ' PILUVLSIONS-Plecodle eolet and itoildll but sumbensed at lelrie, 100 Sh O 4 IB VVI tul66 We hibtost Sides, tad .16a for limakfeat sane sod ietagligl46 far Sugar Cored lumina Lard In arm at 14. In Unreel, and lle la keep. , lgled Reef, 40e. Blase Pork, L.M%. BUT4RII-Tam I. no Improverant to nate , to the darned. And with tat:reined arrivals, ' the mu:set le very doll and pricey an tweak and nroettne. Primo Roll le held al pf.lll6e, but tl•ere are very few buyers at than agureei P.CILIS-,lst fair demand but unchanged; WI hoot. at Ma fur fresh packed, and Illagba for lined. 11A7,1a coming from the gauntry gulls .fieelyi bet eillh • steady &wand. brine' ars unhinged, (*Ogler, from an tops. ' APPLES-Sainte and la demaedi we eon ttnoe 'to quote nt vow:slow ft" bbl, fad fate to, choice. • . rornror..s—Hall and ono/tuned; I, small sane In 'tom el 4 1 44 10 1 w bushel, and AMPS kW per nal, ee to qualtty. ' I PlilElt IPIIIJIP-tlonthaseivorydolltin6 en. ennead, I re• conSinte to anoto Posehna at vote for quarters, end 1000 w for 'Loire.. and.APPlee 617 . 016 i i . LARD, OIL-Is Ire and untuumbili we eontlouebiL quote at 906 for No. fi, and Olin (iv Nu. 1.1 1/8./bIINY-la dull but unattended; gales to the trade et toogo,do, and lo • retell ; Wa i f. at el. nEEDS-Ulevereet4 la quiet and unhinged; emelt eel. at 61.1001. Pt waned le wanted at gLae. PM movemont to Thnothe. I ___ . New- Mime. Markel. ; By I.ll , grash to the etttsbargli Wadi.) ' New OaLeana,Yebroarr 6. - .4.1 , it10n &Attlee; middilnu 11112IS}Lei sale+ of 3630 betel; expurti. 4240. The Sugar and Malmo. crops Ira nearly all to boa tbse rr. eetnte gotta 1.4014 aod prices adranoedi attest 13013 , 0. prime to thcnna 1401414. Idol/mon 930 for orlon, to oboleo.' floor Arent .cloortlna semen and bent at thead• am, treble cum 111'2.30. Corn .tiriNcelLon. Oats steady atatadOe. York Arm at 04,93011,07. Bacon 4 . l3ltonlders clear sassos S ; h O ie u s r s° 4c 1 1 ;L 0 tis 1 .Mlo st l ' 4 1 0. sn ht t . at ard o ls . Ste‘ll.l 0.4i003%.• Uc>dV-1440140. ; El I OZdTILLL xxvx-erroca nesaisr. '''''''gr7strlTWO4:4" l 4lein .carets. The transactions In g/attle were again very ine•gre thin week, that repotted sales. In the aggregate, falling ale./ behloid noise In Alle gheny. Indeed, for several Wee. pct the operettons in cattle al these yards have been tialgolgeast, and at pretest Eut Liberty Seems to be more of * transfer „depot than • cattle mutate the great Proportion of the ye. weir ...wasted to-day, and the ph...fourths of the Pettis arriving b•re are shipped on eat. ` There were some foie eastern Outer, In ea desolator, but they were unable to get the kind 'of cattle they wanted'at their price., and hold ete had no other alter-att., but to ehly their ottoek east, and tide, ,as • general I.e.', was done. Prime to extra butcher, cattle may be tploted atg to 834, Arid eves e:, tree. while Coltish butchers stock brought 7 to 134. 'As be noted below, there were .areal head of premium bull..` on sale, eurne of whdet, were the *nest offered at theme paid., but vast of them up to the time we have left had hoes cold, audit Is probable that they, too. would have to be ehipped. east. Nearly all .cf the 'Philadelphia dcalerCo are .w getting their supplies to Ines. of coming out here; lola alleged tl:at they ins buy to boater advantage to that essricot, and, tesidee,..“ Is much more convenient, the .distance i. ce botwee the point. two; much less. (base. 1.411,tv A Po. cold tT bead Fowl caaa averaging IV 0, to later Klonten at T.W. ,• Undies AtO 17 he. of (alt. WI steers, avolog tigo, at 'psi In heal u. ..,ten aame, aging 1100, at 714; It Grad of common coys tool aetteta 10 1•0.. e. at 6; IT hod lot llocubSugh to blyere h Nat.!) head to Ault tOo.tS 7,be; 2do co : airabbs to Anil A 00. ignead of eolamordsh cattle, Weigh.r.a , at O. 0,01,0 to H 0... 08 bead of enminoo cattle, Weighing . .10,t.,6. at qua Moss PI heal fair ish outellase cattle, wcigtang 01..0, at 8; c•coso to eame, To head, uot ea good ; welgbleg at 7. littlat 1. Ault 30 bead, areiatalo.g 17.2 0, at •3; Mal to .0000006 or, head, Weighing rya., et Ohl , Seott 3lattict had I hea.l extra show but. locks on sale, the hen even offered at Shale ,ardo. nay Wets bought Swim Anderson Dewitt, of rayette4ouety. Ohio, and averaged about twenty hundred young* They eost 80500 for the s head, or cco each. • Thamsa Lamb had two very :1:.0 00.4: but •• sm.. lahllll , am. probably 01 gc eta 10050 01 Stitt d. PlOlllO. et. dot nnt lnesent aa good at fki.i.earancn. and were woo . as Lae • qualltY.! - , lattlar• There was •or U 1,1111,919 of Sheep this Week, bat with a good ismatod, 'her. What • pretty full Attaidance of buyers, the market • was • stiff oar, sod, eon pased with Putt week. pages have atilt 'farther advanced. We now punt. facto good's! i toe. and prime to extra • at 6% to a',!. Tue , follOwing I. a 'natty full I ',Port of ILe saltsd slum. I.olortr hlin. raid to bead for 'Chomp. Sou to Scotland at 4%; tel lord to Lloyd. iL .WaighA 11.00, Is.o. Stcromager.tllllett 1 Co. gold 33 head for 'Morrell to Parham', at 877 e. t Karnes& bought ill head at A; 01 from Smith Talmsge, averaging to 6 Pounds. at 041 6 4 it K 0 at Sig; 111 lions Snider at 0%, • ' l ase bought lou Oral frong•Winainis at SSD; '2lll firm tame. at 16,0: 116-from Staloson AS 4_e6 from Smith I Ch. 6. 52 %; 111 from it] erch .1 Po. st 4 ft Hedat.l 1 Taylor sold 17J head for lireauan Deteleh et/; ' : AT for Noble to Palogolvt at 3,10 Si for Marshs% to IClala-at ate. smith /a TalmJga sold. rehouse{ 3.15 haul • gas,' fat Sheep. •egtsglog tat. at Kat • ' Grove. mild 17a head to Rattle, averaging 14 t-4,421 ligltrleh to Klllll9 31 head at $3 per bead, Stahl to Wants 177, Averaging SS Inn, fit 4%. Lloyd bought 121 Rom Roth, averaging 43, at Kis; lan from. IL Myers, averaging 12, at 3,901 in (torn Ktadrlnh. avarileaae 3 . lo 'SOS !tom Thorp, arctaglag at 6; 111 from . Era., avert/tag it at S. PI Avoca ft (le. IJOuaht 113 from Heart at 11,60; 111 .dire; ddon at 6,47, 176 fro hIoll1ov• k t,0.1a1 Irtha Saitclard at 6,41, and 110 front same at alt. Paneoast bought ILI from Barton at Per head, 132 from flialnard at per head; 166 (tom I.:anti/ball at Sieg; 111 Leon Short from bor.aht as from 37111er at 4 1 41 from (Islas& at 4tg%lel from tioultar at 4%. Thompson 1. our.nt el from. W. Oampbell at 6•• (ten John elnalth at 6; 00 from 0. Say der at aSS. W. (James sold 163 io Bochum. at 6.71;0•1'. rard to Kraut Ire at 41 Masud to Ilystartaim 171 at 0,40; IL IL Brook. Ls Uwe: 166 at Old. There wee eatiniderable exsitassent In the Bog market. this week, gni with n brink de mand sled ummeNlY hint errlrele. Priest. nog wlttateadin• It wee thought were extremely high lot week,lhave still leather wissneed thin ,week.. As Will De see• by refers.. to solo . , prima to bode) avarsgoa Monett 111.41390; and ono done of Oloßat, avfraging lig ;gonads, bc tight 9.lo—the ttlighat prim reported -at tbs. yards for ayes, or sacra. Ilona aro ma tatniy grotty ...yr miceo, tm4 H. done appear Maus* to sea almost 'astarythlag dull and 'drooping. while ill kinds of stook, Cattle and Sheep aa well as Hogs, klatror. Thus was a fall attendance , al aurora from ghiladalplllo, sad Now York, too, nu pretty well ropreant ed. and with •p7oßy strong conapitltlon mad wiry nett orroials, lla adv... above noted was Inevitable. ; Olak Lafferty A Co. did 174 lead for Tooker to E. Sailth at Ilia S lot rime to Toter at el; tot for Hgtoler to Smith at 7671104 for I Hudson to Crooks [merlon i VA a 7.61; 111 tor Hougbarty tit soma at 7,49; II for t gaud to Singer a Imof or. f,VI; al tor Woo to Crouse . 0... vi, h 100 for 111•10 do Crouse lo 00. ad. and 13a over.= or Sturapdf to Lloooly at 714; 114 for Hoots tor Pladtoclo a. Oa. at 7,60.. Ibtaanaltr, Gillett Ir. Co. bought 103 hood from Clawson a 7,60; ilt from Comae. Emellsk • Ors at TAN TO from Mara lion -00 TAO; 9 from Miller a 7ao; Eli from timatok g Co. at 7,00; 116 from lloosor at 7,11. Rorke. a Toelar sold 10 hood for Mars hall to Roast 7 ob; lifor Clawson to..lleameasr, t 1111 l at_ a Co. at 7,k0. 49077 Bann; to came at 7,17;14 for R..nbacgo to 6.006 at 7. SMgar I. bear' bonght 1 , 71 load from smith i at I; la him firs a imbed' at 7%; 113 . hoot at amo a 7,ttit M from L•gorty. ovalatng Mk sad ins ,11‘iity .1 1,104 IP; from M. Johomon at 060;10 from awn at 466;146 Pont Remy at MOO Ma loon 11. Jo/Baton ad CO: 41 Rom Dmkrr lot nil Sold la to Coati. ACo for int. k 07. at I,:go; 119 Or sow. to ante at 7... I Croon Estate], di Co. bought PHO bad la •o, emelt' g 1.400 71y for Yoroora, to 1.1/0 for PhOwirlattio. ' [ • ti it throat • , ',' 07 bonabt 171 bad trock. Rob loson at Ty,' 7 from Harrell !Ram... . 0...• al hoe, {.Rest] It 0;110 horn lorry at , van; 40 rm.• W..•il. Raga. a 6. 10 ; lad foal ORotre m CO, .. ... 010.01715; 10 from lb Roan at o, , Emerick a d' . tonglt lihead from INdottair. It Co. at 7,15 t• Own A. Johnston at 1; Pi from Ala.-oder a 711; 40 from Orr 1 1.0000 at 11f, Plata bought St head from Crowe a Co. st i 11%.% It from I MISSY at 6.lgt 17 from at Co; fa front Hairlogton at 11,717:71 from 0.000 C 0". •t fie; ISO from Hurt' 11 1.36. Yolcook at CO. bought 167 brad ttok Rhoodei 1 Mite; 090 trosalMtllar at 71t1 from C. health at 7.P; 11 from Dlemengar k Ca. at 114;0 from alma 417,44 I • Bartell a. Joluilton sell 7so load to Dr 1665 a Stockton at 16,75. .Harrlogt on a Ca to Soma • Whig • Ra ars' 64 head at 1.60; sad thom Soma buyers paldlla far utolher - b.di • e~r.etraun prraoLzmi stsitEm - - ' tiestca or ;Tow 1 1 ,v-oilman EllattiTa.' 1 • Itcasnat. Tabraan a INS. C&l3oE—Tke (hod* market treathattaathlei tad rauar dull, theath nortafthatathliarc the transaetiont are veri maim, Interco are at thar.f.d. We am repent, sale of lilt bbly, on .pet at 710, and NOG ht.!. for all this month at . I. We are eanalittot of an safer So sell /COO taw lot aay Ore* teeth. It LICS, lb ra de -1 beered at th rate of ea* theasaml each tenth, at eau. Nat* tad Aptil ate .1111 quo ts* at 7!4 to 73,0 °Tared. sod ha eked—aellot'a option, cad Kay Is quoted at it 'Oared. and ON* eked, tams aitlon. Tor all the year, "baret r a optata, the tail 'averted—ma. weak, Chas.—mkt atallfe. Feteato telakrawa tram Ott Cita report the market staltaafert. ILEFINE.II;There li no lethroteetent to Data to the central! tone of the Market for beaded oft, either talragaTCl Itsrand or potter. ' and entices dullseth Is still the lead!. tea. Lan at the trade.. We ate report a sale of 10.*) beta tar the let half of libretti nt4340.1 100. for .September at tilftr .../ ..".. , M . P. ,1040 tall to be datharact Mau.. Snail ISt ..a December WO at 14e. sada deltas per b bl. Non en le notolant at ^'Q= l!.( , . Cable tale. gram. ;today [ report to shah (rant.TAO steady ihorttaa la t h at marks ur Data ties past IS attrlbotei to the fallaread eastern ...ceulat ere who half oil In that au kat, wthl of, stars. was Waco apart tha market aci et a to the 0 1:tabula bidder.. . ~ attARTPWILP LAT PTV IN e.l. •. .• NaLltsl.Cia.llo Obis tar to w r. /AM k Arm, rhilulalphls. • . . tibialtite ll•Fket• .• Tetouan to the rlttsbarra (Wetted emoaad. Vebroary t -.near Mil at ta,so 010. 60 for anring Stick' Wbitat. , .•Ela I on. nettledl at••C Deonently Irdproved and e ad Tartay.* at CLOS and Haler* at IMMO No I 4 101 6t fitt0702.00.1 t.'ortretede 10 more noticsaad rmer and Nehlio bleier; salts at SI%O dndet eloakna wad, 61301.2e4 odd - fa .14 moot noretekl at et , io. uala-4ao lesrket IS armor Minimn aenven at Idifitaeo; Mostar geed at WO °Moldy. idle,. Mrs quiet at 11.6"101,111101 No li Ao aeraltdd •at '0:550 ' 1,61. Barley Is more active batllito lower; ealas of Yboat 10.0501,011 01001.5 at VP& Port—salon nt standard brand's% 4111prIme moos atemdtiat alt. Lap* llrtsen oayarade grime ate aM at 1630; WIWI" at ' o. /1121 k meat* are bald Arm totter* of 'dr/ WWI ahooldera !Won Beller. at 4e.,lobeetCusb barlands,ll+,4o, /ooze; short ribbed . Middles, leo. Sweat plekled barna annul) , at 11Notor, city; Ito Int cottotty ended.' Green. hates firm at 114 e. • Drained tn. Ilrm and to Maher, closing at nt,e34l9.os,dlvelleg On 70 4 1 Dela 110U1110,7O3Imut Wheat; 'NAM bush corn ; 18,400 btiek nate; 7,00 bead. drookaad hoga. 8111mot•-1,400 doer; 1.760 bush wheat, e,400 b oo t wart 0.01 0 'toad drmaed bona. New Torre Dry (Aeons 'Market: Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Wattle.] Saw Tong. Tobin.", 6 , -7Tha Mahn , Mar , Ivan buoyant arid ginner, land tribitiss a tendency to Impart • more strength In the dry goods market, with honorer a future advanoc Dean , Scowls Sheeting, are In light supply and limner at letillOtO for, the beat =flu." , Lilo saccade are selling at 1.58 ls:tio Prlnting Cloths are Marge sad' firm, at Mc. Printed Vallecas, in chola, assort-. man t, at lialttie tar all the standard makes excepting Merrimack ti and Cost:moo. L, winch Ming 131.03. The Merrimack W's com mand IgSo for bac lee, Lad Ito tor pin kit and purple.. Mons Detainee ammteady at Phi for new styles of Pamela bat Hanoi m and otter thmapaulea aro indifferent aboutotfer. Mg their best Myles at snob unprofitable pricy VI °alerts are beginning to Mere terra freely but price. rule very low. gm. Cl emalmare• to wootand silk era ranging Onicura.Cassilit larbekt (SY Ttlenartk to the rittstssr4P . Colo Aso,' Yobroary 6—Deep 66.14 6 . ,. 6 004 - toot:mm.Bbl mos hoarse flintlOttler tradell quiet, at 000,73 for lair to' =Olden seYetey SICIPLIS for stssl to choice do.' Missy .04. Hosenottyn or twat srseley. at 1•104. 40 . Hoes dra.and bOOTsol 44.164Ked ZOO 1ightti6,7688.613 for lair to extra sosoOtb. Receipts-4,9;1100tt hogs. Shipments -4W has hog 4 ‘P,hiladolritlas!shell. ply ToleoSpn to the Slttisstia min , 10.3 • re tx.evueure rehouse e —Petroleurn Is In lirtiltsdi densamll snuffs 1.5016!111. island In bond sIIISSISII46.• ?lour Mown tro.. IT WKS cows ftersvard slowly; salesol livntnn/ryl whits, at 0,00. .itys Cora In tots dnrould, with !mos of 3.e 00 noahnia nt OWLS foe nalsod westorn. Olt aWM SA 7 7 /8 7taLarall4SllSHo: ' : =1:1 !Lob to tba Pitote,trait la, February 1,410ur la.rtenhdy. Wady. WltitAbOla rtralpte. Corn nixed vastest,. Oats 730. nye ••1.60. •Cloyar Beset dull ,P • lons firm sad eettrlL' SW* aturnblerl , EC= BALTIM Whitss to MAO far dal at I A M. ii dal 310 • New Teric Produce lletinet. IS7 Seism - rapt, to the Pit:share , dawfleteeT Sow Foal. Feb. 6.—Cmtna more active anti UK , }pa better• ; sales 3 21) baled at 1 at 931 013!50 for mleftldng uplands, eledng 15'4 0 . FlOne—rweapts 5.121 Las and that and' its 100 lower reales 4,0.0 ails at 62.561,11 a for aupertne etude and western; 49.2.54110,1 1 5 tar eXtra states 19,50011,10 for extra western: 11120 0 1215 for white , wheat entre, 12750 13,7 S for Et. U. C.: 110.50312 for common tO good St. fouls; 4124115.60 for good 10 Choke extra do:, closing heavy . California floor Witte out any change: sales I,IS, seeks at 412,0 0 0 1313 It ye Our sueulyassdassu, hbls atl7A 01,25. Whisky nottanst: No receipts of wheat and dull and drooping; sales 7,600 bu oho Toe whit. dflebtgan at 0,63 to go to Al lbot edo n Pe t n h n e ey ope tm ni l ng a o t f Itlh4el:4riv I n fer ior whits Califon:or , et 41,40. „Eye quiet; sales bu Eta, at Marley uiet. Milt In fair reuu:st. sales 2.500 bit at q ILK). Corn-. recolpts32ss) ha and a shade firmer: vlw null a moderate business; sales P , ..tabn at for for pew marred western alloar,6l 25 for 01,1 do. dyilvt rya; 111,2101. M for white southern; yel:ow Jersey; 111. v for southern yellow. Oats—eipts .1,0 , 11 In'lull; salve 1. - Lo:s1 ha at 03 40 for western . In etore. Mice Ern,' Coffee firm; sales , XX , hogs 1110 at private terms. Sugar active and nigher: yule, fet,31.10 Cuba at 124.11,1%0 Masseyr quiet; salve of 711 toble New Or leans at E.551:00. Mops quiet and unchanued. Petroleum steady at 10 , 00 for crude and 14'4 for refined bonded.. Pork bond and errant:. Mr: ss.los of IV, ebte at 411,25021 31 for old myee, cleslns at $21,0'4 cash, t 2 ,450.12, 45 for - now do, closing at f2!,40 for regular ,617,250 11,15 for prism, and 1115,504k0 for prime mow, also, 11 , ea be:a now Mass at 12`.750'22.07. Deli: rs tor ap•ll. and seller for Marsh atloi v e ale terms. Beet drat: aldos of tat , Obis at pryvioss prices; 325 Marne, at 112.504234.2 5 for oriole mess, and 157,50030 for India tools. Beef halos costa; sod. of 350 bbleat eted3S. Cut treats more !salve; sales of f. 50 Pkg. , at Wye for shoulders, sod I 1! jOlO4 for hams. DMllB , lli bogs firmer at Wildio,4o for western, chiefly 10, am! 1101140 for aye, Ilaeou dru, abet In fair denoted; sales of 30 buxes at 101E(011 , go for Cumberland cnt, 1 1% for long ribued,ll , 4olly, for short ribbed, .n. 1130134 for short eieer. Lard irregnlarl sales or tio tools at 13NCMS`Xe. Butter dro• Al 40650 c for 'State. Cheese dull at 1101 x: Freights to Liverpool area nhaAlvirenor; ..-tig.genixots-pore.ceno. o.tigfor oorn and 9; s tor .rD'oo Albany racille Market. .;Etr Tele araph to Me klttstmoda 41ette.) Afa MIT, February U.—Cattle - m.o4ft dull 'folders analog an saran°. of iikk. :to for tnOetly fair co good dealltr. Receipts hebe bead: rale. about.bead. at 70 common, e rr) for good to prime, and 9%Q 9,4 for tnedium to extra. Sheet , In good rm 9nest, 4 , 4917; reeetPfn MAO need; pale. awn bred. Iloga—po Fab , . of Ice reporrd ; sales , OU hued dressed at tty44llo!.a, • • • Yew Turk Cattle Market. l • Tmetrtaph to the Plttotamettasetta: , ?; Now Toni. Yebruary 6.—Cattle lastket; the erns - ale thus far hate hoe a I,io beeves. TIM demand wao mo imtirei and remained unehangesit s daleserately at 101917Weisted In taw at Ito. Sheep active with a thug apply; tho price, were main ly ypoor so ye tower, except for the choicest. kings firm with moderste tales at , B!.‘tjetio Mt the est. The corn fed - Supply Is = ',Bo . To legraoh to toe nu onane,..u..) rebroarr 11.—Floor ditll and nouleally unchanged; tomcod. shrine Oztra. C0,C0Q10:43. mOdlela to ebolee. 0,75810.00. common to wetllorn 4870.33,13. Wheat ad vsneed to $1,C5',4 for No 1. and $11,91.4 for No. Osts firmer at 141 , ..1c for No. u. Corn firm Kt 3te fur new shelled. live Otto at $1,30. Nerelpta.-1,200 bbt• flour. NOW hush wheat. 2,lotonsh oats. 400 hush corn. hhipments— Dsd Obla flour, 1,10) bush wheat. CM= CAEVLIT.—LENT.-7,nrodey evening. Jan. Ilte. at St. Church. by Iter..Tboinas ‘Ccalelt, of Klaus.. Ohio, Sr. J. L. CAYVKIL of fiber... resins., awl .11Iea.5C15LE P EleT i of irseblogton. D. C. • • awn: • P LER.—Thetamale. of the late J. 1. rAe LB. who Cal . N hit., In Octo. her 143, w ho at the Onion Depot lan night. AFT.Cf:V.S ° . J ' AVZlL!'zilmt N trlit t ht? , tear efoln age. ttl.l l aroCi;tl4 "1 21.tja aged 8370.4. Villtsiclowno4taiDizl airctinnv NORMAL INSTITUTE WSW TSUI WILL. EVILTi ON 1111. lEIT MO 41r OW /AIM/MY T. 4,14 iKeztalzg Du a. osnlo n Win fame is tie 3ozinl Endin =I IarDAVIDIAGE AND CELD3A; EASIV far 10 - all Ma. at tk Vales. of aalltudr, and tb Olaft& sad Off 11000 it errata. bapedlanauta Salt blattb. aura or rellef. 010% la l it rtilladelbtia, ?a. * twat', IRON CITY COLLEGE. PMSBUROH, PA. - • air pructleal Bat *ors Collet* la nos .7t.sos • /run 0111.0314 ,1 g. coutalroua full la forsaarl.. oatllne or Course of MUT. alaurl - et rat' COVVI raill ad Ctrumatil teuiliship. Vilna of the dlOtrent DtPalltatola. 05eaus Hanka. at.; coaaerted wl4 the Inalltoala.eall ".• CoUrtot or arldroaa SMITH aft COWLEY. /Prlaalpals. II: 1 ITTSUlTheill. .11111, 0N5......... ............. 014213 T CROFT & PHILLIPS, Beal Estate dc Instasatoe - Bvkers, .131 TOCIITat NT, PITTERITheIIft. We Lee • a PIIISTP.D RNA!. r.S.A.TE 1110111. Itsoontanstor a fall Conflation. lecellon. OM sad Car= .t el the propene ttataltaten to Oar cue let gala. Thu ta 810 VI • Farms, Grist liills, Houses, urn, mils, coat..l , rus, COAL WON ALIS, COIL VITAILASTO. , VASIL CA LAND, ILOCALA. CAA A SALLIk ctrr tin>tUßDEsa9 norsarr This Solider • thee* tithe* hie.. oh first of Ma. copwootwo sod .ilastaagi !wiles wishieg is Duo.? ccllllcal ULAN; D. matter then the lotallohi Wt • • sot 11.11 to cohlralt saehoe. ter, • .pic i. 2 which can ho had IT /Ys root ofhleac. .400.11 hialltl..lo4l . toad. REDUCTION •-. CARrETI3, OIL CLOTHS, MITTINGS, WINDOW SII&DES., &c, Mill BOVARD, ROSE lc CO'S, - 21 Filth Street, 3•1!:11.1w • ii7LLL.S.) -VALUABLE ~.PROPERTI . FOll f 5 ILE.-111. well !known 'tter.,sampa— n/I. Pfsin Itne thfleilig off Y•bagald, es the P.O. ft atolf. d. The tolosa•la • twoortuff Combo.' of S nots 1001ati las isitta• bolo% bltilling-nt•ot ed. UM turf Der, Alba or Is us c,oulated for • aloo or owns rte. Pollux as fem. long anti= leniwiSa. Toe lows • stun is to thos• 124,t...j, 0 ted for bacorgatup, ate s alcouand Ord Store •Iss, • sbablb 11. , c0i by Yt. saat.!•e'.lsool4 :4 hones sod $ • r t.n 1 nsCf l ptt tot. Prob•rtf wt 171V1frtroelhilgiip. f o r fonteksgtrit fiend toren& roe •Wmef y • D. , • •• • • • 11d. properly Is oe•sf olocalasfil for eltoPfltg i Atrd: SW bor. on the pletalstn, Fenn volt' SAIS. Th.••• , •••kiltemill•1141. at Tirt•ata Yl•lb AP••ll , n7 •.!•••I. W•••• esatematl t••• o~ed R talt :alias from ertnlo Md.. 'Ma taa u.. eentatntag AORES,;' Ilehler..thrleon met 'too.l•Leee nentee reemi r.bwerae.l taro !ramie LW, Whether wt. the t eet hear , oat ultdiase," Thte laen la well re mete I. nutlet. n. ot thelleht eehntY• ltaavenlene uhaose et heel school. • for further peetieetars °again' e{ the toter. ttt&ea. on the pretelter. " 841.111:1ZL FOR Ohio need, d m &La Slain ell 4 ° d there t" ltr, Acres ot Melee f!‘ Jta cho'ee Urea of Twenty acre.; e lade here, 11050 deneltre poem ftre . of *meted -end , P esselan glees itenitelettly. ine etre of If LAY, XII, on, the to cabs', or 11.0118. Ito.lo /earth, bard,. fes:kid: • w ? ..:0..4 . %411111,t51etitt grab, Ellll 'reed ant , Bale a Bay, =I 'PITT6HIId[iiY.~P~ bpeami. EON, titter:c.rzairliz'osivxr:iira • aquaßris . . . Llmo, isuatistaniars Of floalag nut at Ta.k Ventit, Bata:Med VW% and Lunt Nitrogu, 0 . 11 ‘..4 IXDSKAL 111,IXT. Aga. ..1 , 1117 Olrf. erdarapetinplly NEW Ad , IPro 742000.7 E stVell. ate Acres. tri 37004... loshanythow, sm. 51rce1 • 211.1.4.. Mita from... Mt. ente.aMt rl/61.1 , 10 hl.{ land, andiwartl all wilable. b. Imbrothma U say a wremeryalchbossa ofila wmaul. Italia. wham • VAN EDNA MIK ler• ham and.. alga mutmllalistat • t . 01 well of tower at We dcor. fate.* 6 00 . 6 7 g 024.100. Wily send almrae lodsum. Dube. DM tempest) Who( Meted bear law Nos of Ws • owneilmilla luercka, stollt ooc. half wilt of the M att., at kilts.!.,d .4 lam good we6si,t 0 • Oa • MUM, "ptath. q." Drarst ri ltle r, rar ." gare b' en h tg r e r' r ' te .l . llll Var r' Dos t he lala leetre Lugo 11.0taoselthallh Net.. becoagn of Ish.4abolD. 0 a DM:" woncat. These MA are lormatton Ide Due t Miring ODOM. a ll als.llllloo Otte PedwrilmatiattallMall nr. W. ammo 117.170 am Sao roma despeb fo • now ntemd lor falaal, Was 0 0 207 . ma. will be w OT the who %mom; 11.411 r