i 1 *..f.g.*.wgi c t,.:i.*-1 CITY A.NP SUBITRBAN, Any . otour rt.-10E1's basin a copy] of tie WEEKLY GAZETTE of ill 4th of De tvniber will confer a favor pan us ,by mailing it to our address DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. Englleb & re's Boob EstabiletdoeaS Coodeopeo—Tbroe rottelogellaroed ' 8200. , 00—YeetiaIty Covered by 1. surastee--Tbr:etorli of4en 10- renalcry; • 4, Otte ti the mod' tlestrnetive . fires ;that has occurred in thecity for several pears took place yr•aterday morning. between • three and four out eh. Tama !Ina buildings . odPourth street, among iviaicla WOO A. 11. lingllsh ,t 1: Ca's Doak - Bindery 'and Printing establishment, were left in ruins, involving loess of at lariat two hundred tisonsand dollars worth of prop erly. • • • About one CiCIOK in the morning • Lleutenant.Wilmot, of the police force, who web en duty at the time, discodered awoke issuing frem the pre-e; room • which was in the bssement of English ik Co.'s catehindiment, and at once CAT.' municated the Lira to the Central omee of the Fire Alarm Telegrepb,.from which the alarm WAS hounded. The Fire De -1 in pertent answered the call promptly, t and in a few momenta the lire wag tinguisiied, alter which. the Asslsiant Engineer of the Fire Department, now in ppled by the Fire Marshal anti three policemen, made a thorough examine lion of the lower portion of the building, and were sent-tied that the Ere hail been thoroughly extinguished. Mr. McElroy. the -Assistant _Engineer, then lett the place In charge of the .Fire Marshal end police, with instructions to the police to remain and keep watch over it until the proprietors arrived. • • IE3E3 , . Between three and four. o'clock the policemen who hod remained inl. the building. hewing an unusual nolee, Went to the frootsloor when they &woe ; ered flames issuing, from tbe third story of this -Wilding adjoining, which l'was jalso occupied by English t Co ' I and 1 about. the same limo the operator at the Central ante discover - cal the lire, and gavetho alarm; but before the engines cupid get Into service, We !imam had made Such rapid progreas that it wee a matter of impossibility to save; the build ', tag. From It the flames were coati:cunt mted to the main building of the tirm, width was a four Wiry- am • iron front, the basement owhich was occupied ; press room, the street floor by George F.Rnott et Co. as a whole - sale shoe erbare.the remainder by Engliati • , at Co., as a book binding and printing 'establishment, and in less than Ell( an hour the entire building wag a GIaSS of mina. The next house that fell s prey to the,devouring element was that Own- ed by C. 11. Paulson and cecupled by John B. Bailey. real estate agent, as onetime anti dwelling, a three Story . -brik aoining the book establhment, wh c ich w dj as totally destroyed. So is rapidly did the Baum, advanco that Mr. Bailey • was barely enabled to get his wife and children from the handily; building, not even allowing them time to dress them . " seivai. By this time. the flames bad reached the building neat adjoining Mr. Bailey's, which was occupied by Mrs, • , Thorn, and owned by Mr. Paulson, • burning everything in the second and third stories, including a fine piano. The 'adjoining building, owned and occupied •• by MM. lirucklocher, tailor, wasslightly damaged. The hntidiug on the opposite side of the street, incepted by Dr: King, . • and ihaoneadjoiningir, owned by It. C.G. Sproul and occupied by Mrs. Fulton • an a boarding house, were slightly' dam aged, • . tbeilmelv dieing of the window. abut tens. Tire building adjoining, maned by IJ Mrs. Stevenson, and occupied by Gen. Sweater, C. D. Arnsthal raulDr. James 'Orr; was considerably tuna:seed, the roof baring been burned off and the building J. flooded With wetter. • . ENGLISH &CO 8 to:eats. , In addition UT thei destruction lof the • two buildings, which were valued- at . • • 10.000. the losses of Messrs. 'English at Co.will not fall abort of 076,00. ' Their Klock of • boob, paper was very henry. and was estimated at.F2.1,- •" COO, while their machinery, consisting of • three firstela.sa Adams presses. two im pression presses, one bydroulic pram, j - ;worldling machines, three folding me chines. 0130 cutting machine, land a 'j large- quantity of other valuable tna -• . ebtnery. Meloding the engineovatiworth fullytio,ool =A The firm of 'A. H. English k. Co. are Insured to the amount of 011,000. !in the I 'following aumpanimi Nara, Hartford, l 112,000; Putnam, Connecticut, 0i,500; Gt rard, Philadelphia, t 1,50.0; - Government. New York, 53,0e0; Altrany, New York, Ti°l',Wer.rrl.reiTr'l7(;rT.ialr' • berLand Valleysoo- , Pa., 00 •s i lir. John. D. lialley was insured to a w Pi i =b...7.,mParly for $.1.500. Ills lore .1 that a mot:at oonsldera bly. a lames on the rein-tinder of the ElL=y destroyed are fully wvered by co, TIIE °etc:Ls' or Titt: rtttii.• • There is a diversity of opinion existing I .as to the itemediare .origin or the tiro, •• • I but nilxgree that It was the work of en incendiary., It is quite evident from the • -•..• irtatemente of all who examined. the • I premises after the first fire that it at least was nit the result of accident. as the stoves; furnace and every plate about • ' the budding where there hud been fire the day " • previous were found ti he per. .• • teeny cold. •A - window leading to the • basement was found open, raid about -twenty feet from the Have was &lacer , ered a bundle of paper, some wood sad a quantity of coal. which. had evidently .'i been Warning for sorrrotime,ond'directly over It a hole was burned thrciugh the floor. It I. the opininn'of many that the - • second fire originated from the Mat, but the fact of the fir^. hreakir , out in the 4 third story of the adj,ining building to which the first fire w.or In would seem to : -l• indicate differenttheerr. '2dr. English '• informs us that, he a sot 'through the L ' L building Saturday night before closing up and saw that alt the fires were az rhDP&"lvr:asErsoot i &e fo r ll e y still , t ti f s fi'd id th en 't t. l This, we bedleve, is the third time this _ .; I firm have been burned out,: - . • . , rallaYstoorn Explosion—Widget • of Ibi - Mirooes . . Jury:. • The Gnisrie?s Jury impaneled to inv.:stag' ate tho mate of the explosion of the boilerin the tin works of lir. J. D. Gray at Frankstawn, which resulted In ! he death of John Harris, the engineer, met pursuant to adjournment at one oxiock. yesterday, when the following todemorry was iteardi • James Thom, hailer makere tmtilled that he • bad examined toe exploded • boiler and thought the accident oval mused by low dater. The water line was below the tines, where the boiler gave way. The iron was goodttlse safety 111 : valves were In good order; bat the gauge ce4is were vet, much aut of ordor and have been for some tlme; only one A being . In working order. John D. Ocsy; the proprietio of the will, testified that he had always ermsld eral the engineer competent; his 'Mame . tar eras good; he had been employed there since last year; never beard the engineer complain sent the injector; the usual . pressure Of stem was eighty ponuds; the s engine had started when the• explosion • °marred:l4lm exploited toiler hod not been used sinee Monday last. -: Wm: F. Turner tescitled Met h. had ; . loin practical engiceer for nineteen years; had, examined the boiler. and thought the explosion Was caused by an -.lnaatlielent Supply of water. ..• "The e iury; atter a brief delik.e.mtion, re ---letumetif the following verdict: •• ' That .kcln Harris came to his death by eellapseof tine et the rotting m ill of Job n D. Gray,.altaatrdat leaututown..llle; gkony emitter, Pa., on t.tto:itit day of t•'l, ruary,lsSs, caused by an inenificiency. of wider in the boiler. • : Thajary also unanimously adopted thgTotlowing as a statement of. their sen timents: • • ,e!ln view of the fact that exploeions of leallersin manufacturing establishments hovel:ice:oath so frequent, read attended wltle bush feadnF eonsegoe naex wo would call the attention of citizens of this community to the fact that five times out of via disasters can be tented to the engineer, Will has been either Ittoompetent or carelem In the dis charge oflits duty. Aed we woule ear nestly xeconameOd that the proper steps he immediately taken to have a law en acted aniberimng the proper authoritiee toappobot an Mepeetor 'creme May it shall be to cumin.' and inspect oil butlers within thellmieS of the' -y ex cept thosOnow subject to inspection of tiro United States limps...ter, and that be) eerson shall be tiermitted., to act as engineer who Les not undergone exami nation and taken out n to du ea We can ire no. reason silty bee:bar:les and workingmenempleyeciin nounitsse haring establishments ehould not' have the Mame protection:which ta extended to hands and Tia,K,enperi; en VOLF,ciLE propell ed Ity steam; and we , do think, and the history of the lost few years in out own city will sustain no in oar Opinion, that alaw might to be named event:Mug the Intipeckert of holiem land the qualities lions of engineers on bald, ttiudlar to the oseeebleh row exist, compelling the in spection of dime implied I, nasrine par poem ged.thoonatifimtions or engineers 'lending them." . Ell - The body found on the Allekbetty Val • ley 'Railroad, Sunday 1314, art account of which wo published recently-., hus been identified as that of Jeremiah Crosmun,' watchman on road. Ile was walks log oath's:trunk, on ie supposed, when that,rain,.weli rounded hour behind t suddenly. 's sharp curve. and - iitrnele Mtn. Ile reuldod near the Soda s mid.Workleases a wife and tun children. fie wane embersnd ezetnpla ,- ry man, as ire eie inforcned. le remains hese been- interred in the SC Ilary'S Cemetery of this city. Trxmat Wlre-tea ZlOpenliesi Elopements under semecirmonstanors may be nieusable, but wkeni a mum at tempts 'to' .skedaddle" Wl* another I mans wile, he amaze-its an act which, 1/11 our humble opinion, is without an ex- cone: but, notwithstanding our opinion I In the matter, such things are done, and we preiume will be so long as old men I are foolish enough to Marry young Witee. I We heard of a case yesterday, the facts I lof which might be of interest to at least a portion or our realism An old. man, a rlisMent of Tomperanceyille, by in dustry and economy has amused enough of this world's goods to keep him com fortably through Ms declining year.. After retiring from his occupation, that of a river mon, and settling down in a cart, little home, the old gentleman became lonesome and resolved to marry. In fact he was in lote, and the object of his ate°. tion,abloominglassofeighteensumniere, not being blessed with an overatock of wealth, feadtly consented to Join handYwith der ancient lever, and about six - months ':store they ; were married. Fora time "ill want merry -as a mar-1 riage bell,'' But in time 'the old gentle man became dissatisfied ;with the quiet life he was fending, and determined to take to the river again. Some two weeks since be left home, expecting to be Mb. sent two or three weeks, but something occurred by Which his absence was cur tailed to two or three days. He return , ed home one night at a late hour, and on, repairing to -his residence found hfif piece occupied by another man. It appears- that a young French man.had for, same time past been' on Intimate terms, perhaps too intimate, with the old man's wife, and was improving the cpportunitles xfforded him by the old gentleman's lib score, by takbig lodgings in his house. The matter was settled between them el ler a little bluster on the part of the in- J Emd husband, and the Frenchrnanits he supposed, left the community_ never to' . return. But such. was not the. ease, as the sequel will show. Thursday morn- Iftg the forgivinghusbandhadoccasion to' come to the elty, and during his absence the sanctity of his abode was again vio lated by the Frenchman. He did not rs , mainlong,howaver, as it appears there was an understanding between him and the truant wife, who after packing her clothing, milecting all the valuables about the house. and live hundred dol lars In card, loft with Frenchy," as she then supported never to return again. The guilty pair repaired to the Union Depot, intending to take thellirst train east. In -the meantime the. husband returned bomd, and finding the braise In disorder, kis money and wife missing, made inquiry of the neighbors, from 'whom he learned that the Frenchman had been there again. and that his wife had departed with him. Ha at once Marten for the depot; and er arriving there found the objects of hi. search just in the act of getting abeardthe - esatarn hound train. Jietltreatened toprosecnte them both, but finally agreed to say no more about the matter If the Frenchman would. , leave the city for good, and 'lds wife go home with him. Of course Frenchy was willing to make any motnise that would keep him out of the clutches of the law, and the with was equally lavish in her promises to behave herself' in the future. "With ell her Souls he levee her stilt" The French; man having a ticket for Philadelphia. which had been porehased with a - portion of the five hundred aollars; left on the train, and the husband end wife returned to their home in Temperanceyille. A Cleveland Seesatles—Noedeir will Oat—A Weave than Chiseler Tensed/ —A warm tbarged shim v01....1ag live Drainer to entails lIL newer. Cleveland was startled yesterday by the publication of a murder by poison just hronght to light but committed twelve months ago. The chruniatiothes 'attending the revolting mar era as fel lows:-About four months since. • widow, Mrs. Gray, went to Judge Til den and asked advice. Her brother, she meddled in February, 1867'; there was au insurance on his life of about and he had a piece of propaity to Eu clid and some ether effects; her sister, Mrs. Sarah W. Victor, living on Webster street; bad taken. all this property by virtue of a will alto claimed to have, but which she (Mrs. Gray) had saver seen. .firs Gray had always underarms:l from her brother awl others that ether was to share his properly, bat now found it all telten by her sister. Mrs. Gray 'wanted advice. mberlif Nicola woe c.u.cuiyu.d. became satisfied shortly, frornithst BIM Gray mid there and what 'she had said oisewhere, that it was a case demanilag investigation. Mrs. Gray had raid, in brief, that her brother was taken sick after eating a pious of pia in his sister's (Mrs, Victor's) house. Other people, too lathed about the affair of his death; say ing that a poet mortea examination was proposed at the time, and objected to by Mrs. Victor, that there were surp•clom circumstances about it, Am Sheriff Ni cola at once set about the investigation of the case, and since that time has, with hid asoistanta. been carefully aad'closely following it. The brother and supposed vietifof the' wino/ming was named William eirquet; La served three, years in the 16th Li. S. Infantry dniiett the war; came home, worked at Fenner'a tavern la Euclid for a year; then went to his sister's home, whore be remained until hid death. Ho was, according to' the sister's testimony, ordinaryintelligence,but could neither read nor Init.. Last week the body was °shunned and the stomach subjected to careful cheat sumlyals, which resulted in the dis covery of large quantities of whit* ants, .A.t the Coroner's exaboinatiton the accused woman, aleolsabonst thirty years of age, evinced great mental exclteinirat. She testified to having effected an bun 2. ethos herself on the life of her brother for k 2,030, which amount she collected after his death. She admitted keeping arsenic, to poison nits with, in Mr hone*, and also havinga. quantity of carrredm hlinasto for Mr complexion, - bah of whirls poisons she aMtedwould bells:nod nuder the carpet is her bed chamber. The evidence not yet educed is said to be of a very paeltim character against the prisoner. She is mid Lobe a church member, and active in her society.' She bass ;pleasant voice,spenks low, and during the cram ; insilth wag very much - distreopect most of the time. shedding (cars copbously, mpecledAy when arrested. She mere to • the inquest without the knowledge that ' She was to be held to answer the terri ble chargeof murdering her Maher, bat she know that the manner of hid death I was the subject of Investigation. Oil Praktaation , taw Iresingit•aa ==l - - The total production of the .Tenango 0:1 Region, lays the Oil City Bcpubticee, is elleltingconaiderahle inquiry suncieg dealers and operafors. Canaille:gametes ace the amount at 3, "riOo,oao beards. : and earnest - en is high as 4,000,000 bar- I rata Tame wain:mien are about es: near the amount moan be samba. The foreign shipments of Pet:Claim far Jairaulr, ISret, bare been greater than the IMMO month, 1557. The excess or =plus of Petroleum at'. the commencement of held at the place of. production, in all other points. in this country 'and in Europe, and anent, is mitimat atm:or thing over a million and a half of bar rels. The largestock ea here reptheented hat had anything but an unfavorable elTect at the place of production- • Price ' have steadily advanced attire the com mencement or the new rear, and continue firm. The Indications for keeping up the present daily I production—About 10,000 , barrels ' admits of no quretion... We.: give it ts cur opinion that for all future "ttine the 91210Unt of Petroleum produndonef the Pennsylvania Region will be ample for the demand. The prospecrthriseiropans very fairly, and although ; the prices of former years are out arias question, producers can look forward -WWI coed arm* to a remunerative season. In or• der to guard against thelluctuations that ore incident to the trade, they obould call their product as rant am. produced... The( large inerrant of empty tankage hereand in the principal . Petroleum markets of the country; as well as the. erection oil such a large amount of new tinkaws as hi uow under oonstraMlon, are the rem- !One adduced for the above predictions. No need for 'whom Amu-amnia= In • re- gxrd to the large surplus reported. The, trade i s Rarely strong .enougds to tarry, Cock of a million or so of barrel* With. outeerious detriment. • • ,The Pennirylvanla 011E/glen is the only reliable source from whew* the world can depend for Its eripply, and we have no fear that the supply will Oyer materially exceed the demand. • City Mortality. . Ur. A. G. MO:audios; Physician or the Enatd of Health, reports the follow- log interments . from January 25th to February' 2d, ItCS . • Fever, 1; Puerperal Pglitrostlisi 1; yopl , exy I; Chromuliyeentery, D . Paralo psis. 1, Consumption, 1; °erica Enteri , tie,l; Disease of Spine, 1; Scrofula, I; Covololorm,l.O, Hoortatina. 1; licalmO, 1; Drnproy . of Heart, I; Ceplllai7 BrencAltls, 1; Unknown, 1; Debility, I. • Of the above there worm Under one year, 6; from ono to two-years 2. from two to nveleare, 2; from tan to flare* yearn, I; from twenty to thirty lamb 2 ; from thirty to forty years, 2; from sixt y to seventy years,l. Males, C; Females, V; Toted, 17. " oi hlie the Ism? Bates Ont to Bane , there - is a chance for reetoration of, health. If, therefore, the constitution has been weakened by disease or eaten —the nerves shattered—the stomach weakened—the appetite gone, and all the world appears gloomy—potir some fresh oil into year lamp, in the shape of Plan tation Bitters, which will make the flame of life agAin bunctrightly, and illuzeine ate a once wretched existence. • Mar - dim it la an el ',egant and gentle admit.. lard. exactly es they require. Maury ;families will notbe- without it. It has Ilan immense sale thrOugbent.'the 'Magnolia Water,—A delightful toilet a Hole— toiperlor to Cologne, and &Ault - • Pensylvaiia Legislatare. lOUs Paasob—Sorpplaasent I. irtur baraf Alsessafos Nairlogo manic, Normal MOSS' to InotTOW NIFININ— DIAArderts. Pomona fa Molioeoposs— Loorroooerwii Cass Coos posit —PM.- bona Do nolo,: and savlows Aso:. etallon—ilehool Dtreesors of lOollsoe to Horror asisof —oalaslos so Judges —BM ego oyes too akto at Pins bares. tsposo DlspacbtAPlSlAbarsk GassaLe.l f.i..urfasstriso, February 7, MIS. • MOUSE. ' FILLS FANNIN:, FINALLY. Supplement for Mechardo Saving's Dank of Pitiebnrigh, which authorize' Investment In Slats and National' mead tire. Authorizing the South-weetern Nor mal College to {borrow fifteen thousand dollars for buAding ➢hrposei. Empoweringthe inthorillee of.lleKces port to commit illaorderly persons in de fault of lino. Inoarporiting I the Y.s.wrencoville Gas Company, Allegheny county: =pital one hundred and lilty thousand dollars. Incorporatlng'ybe Braiding nada:Ting Msocistlen,oi ..ittebtargh, capital tiny th 0111511111.1 dollars. Authorizing the School Directrirs of Be Allog4eny. :county. to Lorre* money. SALAMI:3 or Amon: 41. r. NICE. of Schuylkill, offered a res olution requesting the Stale Trammer to report the number 'and names of nil President Judgers. with amount received by snob in 1a67. Adopted. ELLiS BLIVISTYD The bill for a bridge over the Ohlo from West Pitbiborgli and Tempereneevllleto Allegheny City! was reported affirma tively. , Incorpurating Me Pittsburgh awl Tent veranceville Pamenger Also, for a atm= fa in the Allegheny River. from Clutal street to Ilarcia I eland. Tho postage account of the Home for Jan wiry was fotir thoileanal nine hundred nd fifty ; erz.dollarn. Adjourned till Monday evening ILLasusuusci, Feb.lo, MS. HOUSE OF-BEPRESEHTATIVFI.3. rorrnows. Mr. RIDDLE, of Allegheny, to au thoriso the SchOol Directors of Ilairipton township to refund to John Grubbs and Virplam monies advanced for bounties. . Oue from PlDabargh and Duquesne borough for a ones= ferry from Canal street to Herr's! Island. Also, one frorit Robinson end Chartlers townships against the repeal of the act to prevent horses,'eattlei, dm., from running at large. • Mr. WILSON, a remonstrance against the passage of s supplement for the Mon ongahela Valley Railroad. • Also, againit thayeoples Passenger Railway.. • Alio, a pelltirin for a change In the free for inspeetien of platform wales in Allegheny county. ' Mr. RECKER% one from eight hundred citizeim and mlnare'olAll•- gherif add Westmoreland, igiintd. the, I!MMiM Also, horn' ihnquesno bo oogh for an noxation to' A4eslacirly city. • , lIILLS MTEODIICED. Nir. RIDDLE of Allegheny, changing the name of George Glenville Tuck to George Glenville Tuck Jeremy. Providing for the sale of franchises of turnpike campmates to pay indent:editors Authorizing the appointment of two additional Notaries Publicfor Allegheny city. Enabling the School Board of the Fifth Ward, Allegheny city, to borrow thirty tlamsand dollars for !shoot purposes btr: WILSON, of Allegheny, as let enabling East liirnaingbana to Inane ono hundred !herniated dollars in bonds for funding. Relative to Western House of Refuse, obliging counties to pay coats •f childivit admitted. Incorporating the Wilkinaburg Gas Comparry. Mr. JACKSON. of Armstrong. extend ing the sot retatiTe to livery.itabla keep ers In A.llegheny to Armstrong sad Rut . 1 Changing the name Sack street In Kittanning toSrant avenue. Authorizing the Slate Treasurer to ex amine into the claims of Geerge W. Cass, WenhinntenMeCantock end Addi son Leech, InVonsequeies of the alma deruseutt of the Western Divhdon of the Peruarylvardi Canal: To takethe'smise of the people of Free port Borgne, I.rmetroog county, upon the question of • prohibitory liquor Inn. ExempUni persons adendlag funerals achodtr, senilrusales, military parades frem payment of tells an the ferry over the Sisidniinetas at Lesebburs. 1.47C.130L50N. Beaver. pressriUsg .11iditoi• with: seines and nets is rivers and cricks Id Beaver county. Authottzieg the appointuenst of en •d -dtttoul Notery Public at Beaver peewee . C011113t7. Ur. Deisp, 1211413, prohibiting fie Confinement of persons in Asyliame with out judicial lesemie Hon. Mr...11,ET-rn, Centro, providing, pen alty for carrying ail or fluids on cara and, compelling }'ailment companies to pro vide seadaltgr; Mr. BECk.ERT, Allegiaany,lneorPoin, inif the Psoanylesola Chaise Compet,e. Annaxlig a portion of Dogmas:l4ot. -ought to Allegheny City. / Mr. DINE, Malan, •Xt•lllniNi to co rat COITIFIZIISII the *Adler* of railroad rampant". Ito deepen, vide* and Im prove mud" sad Intros* AWllltles for the truntsp?rtalion of yrs:Tatty. . Mr; HERR, Dauphin, establishiag • penitentiary , for the IlLidlo Nark., of Pertirsyleards. The Conimlttra en 'Powder* intro. dared a kill for the payment of parutious. to soldiers of 1812 and their widows - . Adjourne"l at hell past tan o'clock p. m - 1 BZSATE. • ." -Itesiolentiunerst MR. ERRETT, of Allegkerry, present. el remonstrance from Town Council, of Doquarte b,raugb. spina:. the loss of portion of its territory. Also,i agalnatthe passage of an act au thorizing compensation of school board Of -.ElLosisoth for services *s booty ba.d. I. ' Mr. TAYLOR, of Beaver, a petition risking for art extension of the limits of hrhigeweter borough. orrxotrocisr. • Mr. CRREPT, locorperating the Con solklation Itkavinp Rank of Pittsburgh. I ncorporoling the Pittsburgh and Col erado'Silier Mining Company. ' Incorporating the Liberty Dr.vitig Reid Campany'ferr a turnpike between Psetilberty said Pittsburgh. ;Anthorliing gar:Upton 'township to keys tax to reimburse 'Wm. lifilliame sad John Grubb, for bounty snowy id veaeed. sou AIKEBIOA. • imineattlts Baasscsa ra asern—gmit. usotwo ,ruktowt la .41•111—JaPwww• oloatior tar calemsaa muss Mitstrarart thimitsl ' Nuw Ycian,rabanary 0.-4'bl/simmer Ming. Bear, frem • Aspinwall, Uri ego 81,2 ,33341 California tremors. ' Is limas and Central ..kincriimn news unimportant. - Lima advice* to January =Ai eats that Preildenti Canasta bad arrived at Callon sad would proceed to the capital that day, where hs would bus a cordial caption. Soma miner fiesta occureiet the Sautb; but traugallity was r and the whole Baunblici recogni,us 'Commas govornmont. , The. United Slats Itittalir Matadi* was at Bolivia. The revolution thine proud a. wen keit outbreak and was easily suppressed. • ' , . Valparaiso datee to Jan.cisty 10th Mate that agents am to leave in March for the United' States, Great Britain, fan, to ob tain ermigraaLcair toe miothint portion of ChilL Salt works on, a large sails will noon be ostabltaidtour Valparaiso. The Japanese monitor Stonewall ar rived at Valparaiso Janarmy Gth, in this. tysilz days trout Yoshio i.do. —ln Cleveland, 0., Friday rolghtlest, Joe Lod an experienced thief, won't to the jewelry ge, attire of Herten 4k, Wad*, and captoring4lra t i ,.. ign im tal: f tra o, diautc n ild w a off with It, but was stopped by a Attest parent:wee, and the property' »moored, with the ottoeption of about Slob worth of diamonds, whirl widest:attend the snow. The thief wu secured; but Tds confederate, who was waiting. neer.st hand In snatch ser,nned An• swap& .. Samara Legislature; on' the 6211, an act - wra passed allowing is pt. *OA:. 'without regard to ars or rotor. to practice law ln tbe Courts; If powwow of the recittlalte qtudiflestion. PITTSBURGH WEEKLY GAZE] : PROM EUROPE. CB/ kxgraya t. the Plttatsr,rh Ga.matc.l =3==lll M= LONDON, February 7.—The resigna tion 6f railed States Minister Adam; has been, anniounce..l. Tue titroulard has an editorial highly com plimentary to Mr. ...Minh., exproioong regret - at his approaching retirement from t h o poAition he so ably Llted. T0R10175 DENIAN CAPTURED -3,1,1'E1l Tl'; ATTEIIYT AT RESCUE. Lonnorr, February 5—A notorious Fe nian, Captain Mackay, was raptured in Cork last evening by the police of that city. Whilethe oflicera were en route to the Jun with' their prisoner his friends rallied in great farce, and for a time a desperate tight prevailed. The mob was finally beaten down and the prisoner lodked in jail. The .guards around the Jail wore doubled daring the night to prevent a rescuer LONDON, February 9.—Selwyti is sure to succeed Sir Win. Erie an Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. It is undendood American Minister Adams will take his departure from England next April. • The Fenian Captain Mackay, 'arrested on Friday' at Cork, is charged with lead ing the attack on the Martello tower at Duncantion. • =EI = BEBLIX, February 7.—Eveniny.—lt has been officially given out by Count von Bismarck that negotiations for a commended treaty between the United Slates of America and the Confederation of • the North • German States have com menced and are progressing with the prospect of a speedy and ,set , sfactory conch:Won. 15M==O:=1:iil Bent.u.r, Feb. S.—Count Bismarck has obtained leave of absence from bin post. as Prime Minister of the North German Confederation, and will devoto several mantas to travel through the countries of Europe. Ms health, which has not been good - for a long time, has at length compelled him to aeek relaxation from hlsardnens duties. It Is announced do present Minister of Finance will replace the Premier. VSZ.LING TOWARDS TIIE UNITED STATES. Baum, February 9.—At an interview last week Count von Bismarck told Gen. Carl Sebum that It was tho most earnest doslre of his 'royal master, the Bing of Pamela. to cultivate the good Will of the people of - the. United States. This favor able dispdalUon of the Bing of Prussia 'regarded by Americans here as mu Important, in view of the necessity which may arise in the selection of some Euro pesos power as umpire In the pending di f ferenur between the United Stolen and Gresi Britain. I=lZl ixsoolisAatNct ADVIORS. LONDON, February 7.—Lider advice, from the British army now operating In Abyssinia are sery discouraging, and twbide the hopo or a succeisful or safe Movement thi■ awed. ADVANCE OF lIIIFIIIIII FORCFS. Adriees from Altysanna state that e strong force of. British troops was ad- Tanned from Senate towards the Interior ou the Mk of January. Wnter has been bored for according to the American plan and found in abundance, near the Esglisit line of March. The mast shore hod been lighted by the English for naval purpuseet. Camp GAITMEVI frOm•india ere belog returned home. Thellzyp. an Governor of QUlLasoing wa.s neatt Ilk, It la said, the approval of the lirl ,ah authorities, ' Gl= =I Lona:sae, February T—Lic ening. —Ad s mfral FaCragut *Tried to ciay from t:anoi and wan received with especial liorw•rs try the 34h:tiger of Marine. CONTiNC - CD HONOR. TO FAILItAurT. Adisdral ?armpit remains; at ?formate a much honored 'curter.fleet Is' at Spent*. Etta AND QULEN AITACII4D. Lunt:or; Feb. 6.—The King and queen ' Portugal and suite, whil#returnioic ..:om a hunting party - roar Brass, Irmo tired on from the roadatde. The gnarle returned the dre, acme of the ea sallanta and "rounding other, The royal party then rode rapidly Into town. The King end Queen are unhurt. rincrosAk =3 = Loxpox, Febivary. S. ➢Lpa/rho" from Athena state that a now Cainfilet hn Men formed with Bulgaria as Prtai• &at and Minister or the Interior. IOTA"- III:1E LI:QS...2i. Paws, Fibraary S.—Yonne Bushel Iris. of the lase 'Emperor ?Zealand:an has reosidly enlisted In the Papal 'Les 1111 Rams. 14 th• IleralSe cable dlepatch %eye N . - liana:sham altered hie policy toerani the 7• eve and Italy in a euddeu awl remark at' to manner. Ile cder. a diepoeition to abandon late poaltlorr of champion of the Holy See. J.:eared, It le est& of the •risCanee of Bourbon intrigues from Roma, the Initnorlal diplomacy with Borne has become colder, while the friendly relations hitherto etztating with Victor Emanuel are to bo renewed. - • Queen . .baballa la forced to dlasol re Ler l'apal-Lssflon, rocrnited under her war rant In Madrid, as Napoleon flatly ob krt. to service in U. mow of the lluly Sea. ntmUCO at 7•lo4ratta b Lie rlttabstrita liattAtts , l l`trw l'aiesc.. February H able Mexican now* TS liaratia. cable says: Pronahcianseatta mane the goy ornmentwowe multiplying. and guieral retook% had felled under liahrpl , lon. A' revolutions had broken out• la Sion- - lea Senor Morales. who had - bred kid napped, wait shot by -Mt captor. on hie faller. to obtain the required ransioi. • A nand engagement is reportOd $l. ad. The merchenta at Ban Louie Fatal bare bewi. noliateed from prison sad the forced twat havk bean reduced. hinolna elected Ottrtho Motraletas °overlain. 'rbe noingnatloo of General Mendez had been aricopted. Oen. l /Immo in fluerreric. bed &sided not to heed ihe Ingructloos Ot tie general government, and was pre. rarrlngt• Nettie 14. disputa with Alvoree ill an appeal td arms. lie Intended to marr,ll molest Act.palco. • Liazyseroa.lF eh. S.—The Thoreau of Meehan Intelligence , at Brownerllle, reds the follownig p out un d er. rev , eltion hoe s brriken out Vaideet. A detachmomt Of government trocpe hod, I.been routed by the revolutionise. An expedition Item the northeon pert of the State of-Tabasco had started ion. der one Bastin to march. Mendez is re po be Um ;mime morer. General Banes Oats , so, moi l, had been I arrested and impkisonat at Ban Lula PotoeL A movement in on 1 . 00 in th.Sta,to of Vora Crux to detach several riling°. I from that State and form ,a new one. From all-parts of the Interior come re parts of re bberliceol, kidnapping and mur der.. ' . . Francisco nitwit was elected Governor of the State of Dunuago. ' Tb. life polity of Puebla has ordered the suppressment of poreux unable to .paytheirdebta. .Two americans oss cniod Cook nod Pillow ' ea route for Tehencan were murdered by Moolcana. • They were emigrants Item tern Texas alp QUOTOgian4 Carragal are or goodzihrr near Campargo, in Tamwall preparatory to s revolution. Their Kande . are in Brownsville purchoolog arms and moulders of war, and troops here been sent from Matamoros. as expedltio n which started under Felix P. Ilan to invade Galena felled, owing to desertion. Cortina , bits threatened a revelation ofJoart &Mee& . IA Gouts has net given' pentrealon of the Oubernatorisl seat of Tarnauliw, which he claims having won In the last election. , The Ite•rea , Mazatlan special of Feb ruary let, 'aril the revolutionist/I,ms onling their Careen to attack Alerts:par Muhl, who Is to the mouutolue !Oth twelve hundred , men. They • had*ne fight, sada fleabites battle was daily - ex. pooled. The GoVerner, It *ea thought, would -be instaintel by the forces pf Perahlent Jnarezi General Martha*. proetaimed blrotelf GOVernOr .of Sinaloa on the loth, and I milled for sisal of a hundred thousand ' dollars: Beyond bodies of regular troops ' declared in Ids favor, A riotin Durango hadbeensu founppMesed. Au American Worn= Was d Wino -diced near 0 aslideßulto *llh wren sill- - Jet° .tab ooetsht her:brim/ sod heart. - FROffi WASfNGTON. • . . -- . Geri , . ce Nen Pyrrearenan 3ansi - re. • Jo •I.ig, ...CU, ; , L B 1 Bonner, February 10, 1968. I - lr 7 nr - I'l. , . '. ijn, -.•...- 4 . Tbe - geneznl market. ire quiet and rather IT an d'lNe7 (o o , , Fcbli ll ` r , ', l '" '. etul, the dperatlons In all of the leading nerd- YEITOIR lIINI,TEn lIECEITEP. , MOO/Alex being cobslderably rem:doted, th ugh Ti, , new - Itritimil Minlater, it r. Thorn- in Lose. there arena Important change. GRAlN—Whitt: Wheat 11 scares and In de. • ..end but unchanged; we' neat:nue to quota ru C ,P.r.to In the IGII, W., mil , jucei to the Pt'os.i , lent to- i. day by the s••••-" , •"-: °- -•-- • . Red at 50,404 - 0,44 an'il whits al 102,6002,0.:- Co II reo of I, ' , , TiY . ' to • M r. T i ' ll ' ll ' a ''..l Rte is In steady Iteal•ittiu•nd at 1,1541,40. Pleie.int :oldies, tin, Prtsidout said: j Born is !stet sad Untiollielnl at 9Oeo $1 on "The people of the United Statoc wilt track, and giendt,lo to More. Barley ls liellere that her Ifaltsty . ii entirely sin. e=ase and in demand, at IPA. In Almada, Pere in Ili , kindly ille , sa . 4e which, under j and 12 in store. Oat. steady, but thenesd her i tun nittoil, you Inivoilelive.roil to me. at 100/14, on track, and In stool at 0110 e. • rurid this belie( will encoura g e them to j! FLOUR-1s quiet azd uneksuged. We con hope for a speedy and iimicable iiiijrist. j dens to quote at iiii,viaiim r Spring meta of the matters in difference beivn.eon j wheat:ll2lll2,EO kr 'Fluter Wheat and 11140 her liilliosty I l ~ overtibilent rind the lio- is J.. for fancy brands. 1151 Flour Is . II but un- Lriimetit or the Cubed Slimes!' - . J J ange. 4 .men L I c h ange .; ante, In store at SS ~ Buido NATIoNA CONVENTION AT CINCINNAII. i ribimt is dull but unchanged at I A movement to being mediamediafor a nil i PROVISIONS—Bacon le gale ', nod, steady fir a Nolinual Contention at, Pincinmiti I but unchanged ni iii , int snanid n• 1//401314t0 present the produrong ItOMitries lit 1 tor ninprii sod gip,. spina; tip r Bpgggpnpp the Unitoil States. The character or thp , Bison, sad 1 9 0 ip4 far eager tippggi app.. C‘nirill ion wlll.rilhably 1,01 somewhat i _ L.e .ir. olLs . grmer and a elands Wylie ; kettle • ossr 'oolitic-al ea well ns material, it. Doing the p:diey under the control of tbo producing i tea In kegs. p . . p .... mire:Lion to Min, the Geverilnientkud Bel ni ' ' I / now quoted iu nt gg /li ggo e M g , dttgint.t..4.l% Pork, interests. Tho (:eitLention will Ise eallesllo.ll4. • under the itliEpieell of the National Ch I eap BEED.O--cioreyeeed is lo so ak,. 4.b o ttoe d o . Freight Itailwity I,tigue,andrktelidates I mend, and may now S. quotild at 2110016 n. for President and Vice President, to rely- 1 (heated l o i o d em and i t ii,a,s.. Timothy Seen recent the interests Of lirodiiCtion, will J may be quoted In • retell may at n 14601 without doubt he pal in nomination. • Iwi. I CRAYOKV."i i In consequence of th, frequent feiturea lately - on the mail route via Lynchburg and Knoxville, t h e Ptodorlice Denart- Metal has to-day it sued orders to forward the New York, Philadelphia,' BaltimOre, and Washliyaton mail, for and from New Orleans via Louisvilio. tCvsu't`iaros, Feb. y, ISCOI lIIMACILIcENT nests En. The Committee dn Ihxsnistructlon had a very strong session to-day.. Repre sentatives Stevens' and 'tont:well urged the adoption of a resolution for tho Im peachinent and removal of the President, but the Committee tinatiy referred . the President's letters and General Grant's ton sub-committee. comPosod of Messrs. Bingham, Boutwell and Beck, with au- . thorny to invedigate and report on the Impeachment question. It Is the opinion of loading members that the President has rendered himself liable t.t. indictment for conspiracy. • 'rhe Committee adopted a bill remov- Inc the political disability from Govern-. em tier and Holden, and General Long street. Mr. Brooks. moved) to include General lituauregurtli but the Committee refused. PUBLIC 1)0115 sTATEMI:NT. The following is a Correet, anitement of the Public Debt oti tho first of February. 15413 Dad Bearing Cbin Indere.2. rite p,t Vc. hity 4 , 1. C7lllra~Nt ll4 . ialsr=6 . rlttaD.rit , sollta . • - - ?) /61 , ..1 • z,l No. 37 TIPTR STREET, P.ITTIOUVEGH. ra. • TIAVE NOW to ANNOUNCE.' to oar nomaroaa Salton. and ratais Do pubic Won of • rivers BrEw ■roiEf or Boob 'Keeping, - 1 sPLENDIDLY _LIITNTED IS COLOIM. bT Utltl'bSl2 ,2 o ,4 R.R . . Nev. Yort. PO. 0.11.0 $2:2: 12.2swite$1mans. tot •ale Itoot.ellen, thus lk :4414 wort In a. al all late :22prcv -sant/ ltd latot is Jill f0..7 lai Mordants' L Manufacturers' Books, t h ree U la l W tmt b e ! d So h od mo r le t stofDoekH • DUFF'S NATIONAL B4NI. BOOTS ; •• leash. Line • tell eel Of :TWIthiTY:FIVL atmnt.a. pesehdally doeatheme seem e trawl sztion. ham th e Welsh. et the tenet:env to the d •claretletk of the drat dtahhud: ezw► the Cashforme of eheseeeft lag .14 Pl7l/fir Cush .13,01t5, Deee.lt Ledger• •m These Sr. followed be' utlls ilroad Accountel .• t7btlil . n. l l ' l , l l ,gf L!l . B b = e d . ta7leg . e ' fs ' a l . Si dalldlog sad IrOsaaadah g .I.lllBairlittlta Old ORVAIPIJ .lit ta• Slat ui. Idt ad. atm neat sr* . Burs Pirrate Bank! Hoohr ir . Illustrated the rriran Planter's tutaeu, la d s• minded ',Wren paper, exchaarier mw o}. nelleetioas.. an. exemplified la Tea Parlous nooks. In tale wart all nesters Mao r es are rejected, and =llea 114.• and Important matter, (Auld la'ae_pre-e..1.1DX work, le sieb. th e kind " 1;Isto newt work. lon the kl Ina le• nemmenuatlnn e[ g z" teen..., wham. education It el./when.then, f re eamove with It In tillitesoy. Van fun . iadeets are elf mat...tend, wllboat Cr unte e Ire • .• HeatWs New Counterfeit Dant Note Detectoi, `bendrreo by authority or the United %tater cd7 Department. set ran Clow d by hank. •ra expertor to any le ere Ttte Celle re Terre. and a to t dreellptton of the abode wore. are glren In new 18 nos Downs Quirio animus, MAILED PEEL la. D 1717 St 01, Principals, =I 1= PRICE ADVANCED . Pit AND INTEREST.. - Central Pacific Railroad Tbe betrud pelselpa oottla..f NITIOLI ?OM 1151 ACUII SI1001111117; la be inspiptal y carried forward by au 'abr... 'Jetted working force ; Sad It la rearougrly err- lain that the coarnacoaa Gram...USD sAILIOAD cOuNICTIOrr r 4 ow }faro Tsai SJ Ila■ rail{. CI too WILL as WADS IX ISM b. Called gates Covernmentforalatta.opra • autordlaa.• aid coilloaent 1t.., ball thi mutte for coaattuttlag tblfalnatkraLltatial treed... abseate grist et Shia pablie lamas Der =IA, the Cantral run. FaltroLa Complay ear• reettral from Callfer. !Ow's...cm doaatleas ea/ reacesaletio Worth mare than 83,0CO 3 are i,Dla Kaaren. of this Complao ere - therefore isbakaaat•torilie pupa.. amoaatlng to ir7,050 Mos taeiSts tabs.. the Liar. leeludiagLoaus secured by a trot Mortgage opea the whet. bropaztyr to Us lame am 000000 It sa the U. a. Wald, Beads... rho revolts arramly inflamed. aisle ugh coriparattralf vafaverabla elremasta•res, lord .a►.tsaUal grozad for talterias :be um- CAOLTIO to be the ' ' Mixt ib.v.r.l.Preklinatty• sami bun b.bi.sead gassorwriab 1t Abel 1. commute. of I.l* bus 056 551151T15. uvulae tutu.. Om tortes .1 Zeus 10ad.r... toren advaued, aai On COMPRI] Aft SW Oftla , 1E g for W. a 11511.4 knealt 011505 First Mortgage Six Per Cent, scaci s, pusequi.ssisolinur usu.:. a 501.017010, . worm of 111,100 sant. at Dar SAO eeenet 10.50 , est fro. Jusur 10455 . .007. I Mina Mond., It I. believe.. pease. tha'.le. tents al' term, retie:My ma Pen!, granter llesre.. than... 7 atnar ease of C.a... rats Ilerarttlea nay °nera ea Sr. there. far, deliabli far .1.147 tenement. .lii e 1571151. In Teton 1:211 tree Inlet/ the fan. sdrastaxe.: 1. Iluty aro Me lest ineehtn• of O.a of tO. most valoelle and pettenallee lint Of rouss/ le the world. • ' . • IL The cols &I •srolags tram Leal &mails& lat ?wire are an few tbsu toe uoital gggg menu. . zemt Is Rots dolts. all 1.1.• prospesta ist rstplitampl•Ltes &raltccaz. able. ' I V. 7 ha Domapuy lava Inual wb.Lit“. Wkla. et ati.• tt.a to pro.oat• 'the wart with grass. V. The anaassusat eu less szessollissly Pssd.ost sad frssrsi. VI. intro Is alreulr -"lslas list, s. Zane laws- I 7 ..large ddd itemala as Um maple:ad aad graded nasal VU. Tha laada ;minim; to to of laaaaas• vs,no, MAO San 1.... 1 . 54 7 . 0 4 ' VIII. Roca prlaclpal .1 loam*: ars ...Foli c-10y nada palatal. go:d solo. - I Boca the aairegaso ammat of Isiaa sad tarty ccasedac la Zozopo will rams I taaa co Minot actlvilyud a 1151 rasa azaaairrad arlatcartfle.. =I G==;Eli;NO lioldar•••I likiVerll93lllt ltaatttlplara •1•)• peritaltT at urabsagtng Clem for lantral •P. alto trnis, burls( nn equal' rite of istarmi. ...I the pttsMpal straalstar ••eluld. d el reallalit a pildt of tts.to 11.11e•sztmt Mt, urdara mat .Ith tka hush lltroaklt rsosentl- We guts or imam. - elaranalscanll reealva tonarat Mantles. Beads seat a7'ntalaßa press, to sly aalma LD M. tralta4 Instr. at oer mt. Informiloa. DamortptS4 I'Maa}M , Map.. a.. taratoutaa apiamaLlaa at tasellea of tlisna.l.lz.d Ccap..7, t IVEM2iS3OII ilaak•ri ua D.lets V !EWA? . lallnat BeIrAM.I4:II. suall PIitILACIAI •state ettt. OS 2. twit: " , A WA of V.0•011110111&12.0I.: • P. NoOLICAViOO..aaa , E;S2l:2iMil pEOPLESP SAVINGS BANK; . Capita/. - $lOOOOO INCORPOILLSZD AGENTS WANTED FoR RLUE-COAT'S, Awl tie', ably Lliest,Weiaglit and bled' the oblate. WINE SIMMS Mid Id. atdents la sloe Omit Netreatet: ••••.• _. t. tatalataa aver AD Ina IGnatantn.. and MI ptstlo4 to the taint... totd natant.% vat toot Inkatteled. ran, oaly 62.15 per *copy. • t • • aurrtoN.-ISeems ortoo• Artois Iwo .taltelt.. ado/ultra . ..or it. trot. popularity trod. !Arta clock cr tre.• art rtiso the ode' to TAO rod L Sit ova opy: Theo roue berolry. tattled ttst , U. to , . Immo wo rts lista to looker or wortltorportltur to be or .oltollaV ebme er to "Thu . ott , .1.11Lo1:041. 1 11,” are bete. ' co .oltreci, sad cos tliarolOrrodatknioltriltArittt, tal.the palate moot Lost %bobcat - lbw TroY4o4l, es Girt ISO too 0;41.1120pp} ice pop. • nordrrs, fat IlitOTHiSt & O, . ooIttLUMT rtillodelttlot, FAWN FOB' BILE.-W. :8111: ;ITS doves of Lam • -,,,,. arblelt ar• eltamea oarlaarlla. berire. Attar' flYale r lril= " r raltin E lriattrire l a tarlralrop, sad taut.. aratuat.a 'apatite la 10- °melt tawaselo. lam 1r Moat lanrea miles tri Plttraaralo.- lams at/00111m Saar ac raaasoa • 11111.000.4. Otle lasaaraa Ala an, acre. zre e earet an. to • halt •;11.01' hairirt aa atmaaaaace of valor Imam . / aaa 011 •k.tt Lau, la • toad arcoant. Mir "III•illtIft if b the Ow lane al my loft 1.4 eras Yes, .....mdmeesed., tat►o thought erlak glint CM* mad tle peremerrome la teem of Ur medigheale ward get Ls U. Um* lealled Mapes ;11syrarr my palsgeres over one head:red.& tinge 'SY heirs tasmtaste.; .41 0000 gsacrallY Wale trtted..4 bad to ermA Sled .4 407. ..X.M.10 ;mermen the Dearer.. tristasmat In Odobeee wing • amble. tarotaa emastAtatlas.:and contiased rtaltefelly rartri thilisseent time. The D0e401114 m .11 • 11.0 helped eta Atom. the yeey . stAlherul con.d gradually feel lalsat littftft and my eoun and Vsernoratloa tassealas. / use gala. vsetlyis AWL mad ectradderr me. I NU went all the rattling of OrY Imis lee earesad. and my general health le la eve* ma' good: All nalttlieasad. Sta , de liana th e sdianceel Ilia: of shAlseeme awr extesonnamyteempe ary. Onsof the mediae. Elves gm by Al. Karam.eloo a moderns sued LUX CMIZ; / whin amiasetton filth tee olhey reser sent. • e ' n "XaNiri Pralmarrman. eures M. 1167: • •• ' • Alto - nibs Cl= 9T coaannirtiti2l2r , amnwasemyr ov sons a.wraosak. eV Taira liras disabused Yana tle United Rates Salm M J• 111417, UM, al agranst of st mom' Ulna - mad e trop s ale d% is a ellsoasowldr.a Maar, Amdelsaa pronassided CONSITMETIOId.'; I bill talsible masa aad to away la yUyatstaqsall lade awl was modals% do salaams: leldwavale ter say Mara &oath* mom Sande mrolleatlon to *pan te. of ail Wilidtborlead ande.WAste wards, to another la Plitsburall ankh feints. elan, whom ismedSti Imade taltiatal far are moathm 'Mons say bowls witatevere bateau. as Mew worse. sad tatted la IWO. sad stmosnat 1,07 day. Angut. El mother 11 , 044kik to DOOTtal Satlrtsall. at no NiCiateset;lrlakai .110- mated sarb mews aka atm, bad. Own - 4 .1,4 at and ma roma' mass his losamanne Tb. exasOcketl lay lukgs very ntatillty wits biss,trans 130111111, and told me than wry eft tuna'wu nom, dtssimat at tae uuar OMR bat tt I was casaba be Mesita he =ablate Ma by tollowtag ids dlawslons Moiety. Ed&V did tree Mat asy Is Oda. I avadnally anprovatetne 'dm DM Semeass madletwas lesentbe arse weadiL adatmadwa to We term. and 111 i soma halal aer P.V.lft 4 4 . 4 ,2 1 dimae , Witera ttyrsa 41. M.IV• and I ChM la patasdi asi bas *Siam AU tad mralkg end teat arom Oda: cilia* do afellillen wake =deans • da l. covastartemlwmr tb tarot of DM Nansures treatamat aad ZU • - JO= G. Wpm, Yr"I'IZON.Aatn Ink luu• EIMPs rim .- • • • • --kEvstra LUN cull am babia MIL e3ZAT imioura %go wow) rriarc...oftnitatiot room. mw ISO Milk :Wm szaaftsilmitormi 11 , 47conattL 4.1%1C urr : •.-. MEM U H II NJ II MM