The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 12, 1868, Image 6

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1 ....._
GEORGE F. IdcFanthan, Esq , Super-.' eitl lo of at , S..ttremt , Court of the lint
intendent of the Soldier.. Octhaa', , 1.0 l er:a:cs„ I,: rnotrzcoa' by Chief duo-
Schools of Is,,picsylp l e.',, furnist.i.4 u-3 ieO T.,NEY, is :Le Rhode Island cast,'
with his annual report h.r1667, made to ;:dirntt l t. Il•itrltistr-0 it as iiich the law
the Governorin pursuance of taw. Ike 7ett• laid dawn to be titai is political
law provides for the dare, maintenance : matters the :tenth had no jorisdiction,
and et:kcal:co, fit the expense of the the Coutitution devoiving on Congress
State, of the destitute orphan child:Lai:l' , exolusively the right and duty of ad
all 'Leh deceased soldiers sad suitor=, jud i Fier, oolm'lrer the Siete organizations
citizens of Pennsylvania, and soldiers - wen- republican in form and cribttance.
who fi ave , r ,.., 4 i n p ese 4l,-, th i n reg i. . Thlt was demonstrating that the power
meets as have tiled in the service-of the 1 new claimed by. Congress for itself, - of.
United States in the late war to sztp;•reti . re.a.kinting the governments of the
the rebellion. Owing to thelneideque.ey i Satllittrn States, and denied to the Su
of the first appropriation much eitticalty I Oreille Court, Wel,.not revolutionary or
was experienced - in dlspoaing of •all the ; ereo novel, but strictly In eccordance
applications made for admission into the I with the organic law as expounded by
schools, and, indeed, in provirling for thel highest judicial tribunal. It was,
thcem already received into the schools. wise, ahawing inferentially that the
After mature d e tti rwra q ted th e n e p er i e _ Damocrate, under calor of zeal for the
tendent resolved to retain el-the seliol•:„ 001 h 0 ti 1 3 - and dignity of the liapreem
1 are, to admit only the o'dest and need- ; lie° ilt were bixthiS to debauch It iota
au instrument of partizan contentions.
'eat applicants, to discharge promptly I
_-_7 all the scholars arriving at the age of •; The Post read this decision with pro•
Tau re - roocista sou, . sixteen, and in traevent to allow the ''found amozement; cogitated tips° it for
nsmussuse• len . ll . l3ll6 .exPendinares to exceed 4450,000 per
. 1 th e I teu.ainder of the week; took It for
500. Gazer:tr.-The edttorLal to to-ders - ohilv -meditation; and, destry, on
Oszrrre.„ relative to Yr. Connell. and allot- year, th a ISOM voted by the iloese - Houle. its "'
wilierlook to prove that the
,• 'g a l°, t t ' ase " h f l tl,T h it' w e as i e lt f r i t o of Prey/d ar ted , : Daring the loot seven months of the - 11 "' j 'i
' ail bili, doe. Mat Sename • Cruel wren, year-one hundred and eighty-one pit Ica : Amiges were egrei3oualy ignorant of the
!that such • report 'ragout in ctrcuLation
concenito g bleu, our sinturid' snot/W. u m ', were added to the acattota, a•- ; -1 , -, ' ' '' l 4 '
as cirearamanees. slime Ativre are always thou g h t h e n ew l etent i ent e ff„.„,,, „ -al,at of filch: powers--opd, all this, an•
person. to te round in eery commUutty
" der miler of replying to our reflections
ready to implite toe beget] or motives to I change in the grade of scholarship Vidal
raw set they disavrimve oft. brit the pre's, i.v/11 the drci•Lion.d its a licabilir to
tenet or such reports dly. amounts to a i fail,- compensated ki this adattonnl 1: t „ • • PP Y
l t r&at t l i gt r t n 1,1 , ...k,2n t Tho u ri: 1 111.
m existiog situation. so, then, our
oestee one 0 eta e.Lea 'mu, pur e :MI:PI 111 the State there ore twelve schools ' c ' s. ti li iP-s'Y is equally at l'Arianee
other Senator would es a done for any rub • . ' . with' Cop - and the Supreme court.
eg ,,,,, jm , ~,,,,,,,,, 1 ,,, 1 ,, ~, in bi . 00r ,..,,,,,.. far the more advanced echolars, contain-
Peciliala'y it agres Just es little with the
•vicy. It was welt ender ,tvad ham ws,l Mk; leg 1 , 041 made and 726 female pupils;
fact wee known to the Ittsburwe oil amen
ateeldiv,e as with Legialative and Judi.
1 whams. here tolook a r throat , that Mil there arc three Primary- l Eolo°hr contain-
Adam. muted brit was I tended tor a Phil l, ~,. • • `cal I) ."L triturate If it coul d only run
100 rules and 158 females. 'lure , , - t - •
a adentaituon no way e acted With Mr. I ...
all three of co or:llrue brooches to suit
Connell That gentleman had not tee I are 26 Baines and other institoitions
slightest interest In the Matter, one way or
.leedl it YE ght be satirtled, but it would
theorem, ; whichedmit 636 males and 413 femilcs•
xr es .
0,. 50cr0,..u 0
m ette l. bi t ti po.n was e g .. ? L . rte:L rn tire . e . d 1 at rho Home foe d ' estitnte n ,, t i oredeehiid : . prod l ce a government nia good citizen
; wouy be vrilling tie five under.
lentil teams near tram the oil metier &Ile- I ren there are 15 make and 7 11 femsle‘.
sherry empty, and ha plomptly compiled - - .-
TO the grief of the Port,
With my reque s t, refusing peremptorily to Those figures giro us 1,874 male and . 1 doubtless,
- yield to any imagestton from PtilleAlelphia * • i lilt Supreme Cour, on yesieulay morn
-1,-06 female scholars, affording a grand • . 1
in cut it up; end. when the Committee of
8.180 orphans supported , main. ; ter, ie,ffirmcd lip ind sketches% dismias.
. Pittsburgh oil teen arrived here. he eon- total of
aenum at once to such • Mptilllcatinti or it ea I'
State out of l lag d i m Georgia 'anti Miasiazippi Rooth.
would completely remove al/ their obJer- tamped and educated by the
• I of har tilt Immiled to Make thi s ...... 1 gratitude tar the services performed by ',- 7truc• ton eases- Toe Dernecrats will now
;eel elike con teropt for tice Court no for
.men in anon Jusuee 7 ....... a I their fathers on tho field of bc.ttle. La 1
:eel sere the Oscar's will t refuse me the I •
privilege of patting b right berme its '•1867 the whole number of accepted ap- i C'ugless-
readers. As no eta everytntes that wee niinato„. received ~..„1 09- Lein 60e I 1 --------- '7 -- ••• --- - --
• posande to give oar men amu oesaine so t --- -—r a. en - . Conentes has been accused, alike by
the matter, ano to ricalreZe bill newly se- less than in 1066, and 753 lees than in 1 D I • '
ep:able to thein It was due from m• to emocrats and Conservative Ilepubli
- aim that 2 Should It testimony to re- 1865; the number ororders issued 739,
- h 4. gait 4sf mti ping authority in its Seeps!,
ileve nun from tee mermen.. so unntortir being 1,040 less than en 1666, ant, .
cut opon him. gespeCtruilv,
gruction Polley not conferred. on it by
stossunlEmearr. less - than in 1665; the number of•adruis- , , he t
, o ; •
; .._ ~..." as:Retina. The Supreme Court
; • lin l liuthiet-+alix thin chi', and where-v- :ions 636, being 945 less' than in 1506
er eliellt Ennirri to itilbwhi his state' and 412 less than in 1665; thenum • bcz.
o ' r , i , i, taut .cogrcis Lice exclusive. mlinohad this quest ton btforn it, and has
meat Will be received as I reliable twthe discharges, %be., 125, being 7 more than `recededu
ihneat degree, atut will exonerate - Me- in 1666, and 104 more than in 1E05; while 1 titcritt' in 'he premiers, rely political
year was
pr l
Constant. from the charge of soelthlg to the number in school at the close of the I
topics being involved. Kant is more;
earklihimself by means Of the l'etrole- only 495 greater this 4 cision confor m s to the doctrine
um Inspec orship bill. ater than tel the
close of theevious year, before "chid,
tell by the Court on this class of not
t -- ' ;
tern ft
m the foundation. of the govern-
While Mr. Eanyarr maguudinoasly the schools were not fairly irt'opeiation. I
• strictly within the limits of its beeomes thenhamplon of !Mr. CONNELL, Theselgures show conclusively that
runt. Congre as has been, and is still
- even he is constrained to admit that the the maximum number in 'school at any octingl
imputation . " - wes natural lender the cir- one time has now been, or is being preyed atives; and it. assulants wish to
curnstancea." : Mr. Cos, ax.r. says he I reached, end that hereafter it will de- , niakenew rules, in conflict with ell past
, wanted "to protect the hies of his bon- ere.. The decrease from discharged ltrccetls„ dectsiorria Lais to Bait their
the moos consequen
ti rat y e?ill
• ntltnnuttl from accidents&Thing from the 1 o - a age alone will bo 374 in 1568, 329 in Tiii
be ettise ithas been understood for
use - of 'adulterated oils That is his I ism, gigl,
a in -„i.O, 403 In 18,4 479 in teal
representation of ; his motives. /fr. - 1872, 460 in 1873, 416 in 1874,./ontbg that a nattjerby of the Judges,4, 341 in
-Ewan.= resist:els defence On the ground
.1575, and 807 in 1876, when the number i° their private " I ' l ' i ' i ' , do not con '
that he "merely wanted 14 ehlige on• of will haVe been. reduced to the capacity 'eat to what Congress has done and
his nonstltuenta”" Thili is another view. of a single institution of ordinary sizes is doing. It they had toe power they
In either ciere,lo imPese a yearly tax or The entire cost ot clothing 1,098
0r ,.. ; would not do ac Congress'is dating, but
.4100,000 on the oil., dealers was going phase in the advanced aohooia for the , racy are constraiee dto adjudge that the
, quite beyond the , requireMents of per- eleven months ending December Ist discretion is not with them,
_but with
tonal friendship or public sty.. ' t the Sena t e and Rouse' After this, It
lth 1867, was $45,538 57, or 2,90 for each ; ~ ,ecome •
the Dernecrate is abate
- ' Bat. while Mr .' Corm n. will t affirms Le orphan
; b
was attested - only by a anthroplc .
i $2
The schools will enter the new year I '''''''''' toes t, of their wild talk
• desire to preve l ft his constituents from with a fair supply of good clothing, all' I'/Ott qic of Cdpgress.
. being killed off by kerosene explosions, Provided .at the average raostof twenty.
-. hirt - Exxxxx tells us that the °thee eon' , live dollarsfor each arid per annum. ,
tetapisted was :Vended 1 - 4. a- Philadel- 1 The milarles paid during cloven
piston. A. annglofflea, worth $lOO,OOO al months amounted to 44,1/74.98; other I
..X O - 0 ; manufactured to order, might or general expenses of the Department, I
might not operates* a suretrotection to 1 such as postage, Stationery, blank books,
people who burn oil,that „ mold surely printing, advertising, funeral expense, I
be an excellent thing for any man who az, amounted to 41,606.62. I
should fall into it. Nose, it is possible While the number . of el - Ili - rep atlas'. I
that' so many eggs mayble, put into a ly in eelcool on the tint of Dem . enter,
assn', baaket, even in IthrnstetreMi-upon 1667, was 8 , 180, the number of out- I ;
principles of disinterested etttleheer 1 standing orders, which entitle the hot ;;,
and with so einderstandin thit those dem to admission whenever preseated, I I
0,40, end the number of applications on
1 - HOrith IBtroot.
r. R. 'pricer - m.4.x, ,?
innwrcni, fnor.
J..&11.11 XING, 1'
• Ilre• CePler, per yEer. by mall tarb.....sE so
. 1.•....123
. re ar Sore copier, to irtie Me
t !ewe oerptto .• a
Palmed by center, (per 18
F.. entrettbers. roes 0.00.
Ltbeeel reelweloe• to Newsboys end Ageots.
1TZD1515DA7,17.193,111.11,7, 12;11101.
chiefly instrumental in the beneficence
. shall have the private sucking of any of
( I ,
them_ It is posaible—nay, probable— ,
. for a member of a legitirdiv body to in
troduce trodu
or stranger, having a large sized snake
In it, without stopping t scrutinize
deadly what was contained therein, or
how_it would operate in - p ctice; and
when such a snake moo to disclosed
the.leg,islator would be AN tad unjust
ly to injurious imputations, as now in
the case of Mr. Cossets,. 1
But we beg to call Mr. ONNELL'a
-. • attention to .the second sec on of ale
bill, commencing at the ten line and
dose, going to the wherein it s provided
that. if the Inspector shall d any oil
. with a fraudulent brand or na rk of in
spection, or adulterated after I spection,
he shall wino It, - and procee to sell it,
pocketing a part of the pro ds, and
turning the remain'der over to the trews-
my of the Association for the relief of I
disabled firemen. Doyoa call it protee. ,
ting to the lives of your con • vaunt? to 1
pat edit - I:grated or fraudulent on the
market, under solar of Law, ii2g them I
to the highest bidder? Mat say yon,
Mi Conners? If such is year motive,
_._wealtlyon not hare provided that each 1
fraudulent and impure oils should be re
__ distilled I Bach a provision w4nld com- I
pert with yourprofemion. The existing
provimiXdoes not.
• N ow,; we will tell Yr. Zlonnut.x.
whittle he has done us tninstee. The
eecimation against him did not 6riginate
in oar columnit nor did we endorse it as
' ' well4onatied, It • had been ' running
Dough the newspapers three or four
days before we referred to it at ill. Two
of, AejmurnalSof this city had; given it
faith Circuladon and endorsement We
then vote of it as a report; for Which we
amid not vouch, and oragAatMl that he
should saake . denial, if he had denial to
make. - Hereupon, he pounced down
upon as as kis accuser, charging us with
impertinence and lying ; bat he said not
, a word of or to those journals that pub
lished the atatemcnt - originally end
voneluid tor Its accuracy. Will Mr.
Gortaxis, while his hand is in, explain
he:ay . :this happened ?
- . .A. few words with ML LoWax. He
wets that .the newspapers otthls city
are "common scolds." It mini bo ad-1
tatted that they have at times exhibited
mach impatience and heat at the course
of laglalation at Harrisburg. . They
Would hive demonstrated the possession
oryirtua more than human it they had
net Agood deal of legislation, touch
ing most important interests Within city
'hid Vegloo has been of a character to
slake even a saint- swear.
But; It enes not become M. Lows!
to put hits:mit forward as a - ce.nior of the
poses in general or of any settled thereof :
If any ten journals in the Demmon•\,
Wealth /Lave done as much - violent end
eearaa sco'dlng in their coluMns as he
has done from his seat In thel Be.nate,
daring the seven years he has occupied
IT , ` they deserve to . be abated a's public
.:::7-)."Itlille men, - ....
when Irritated tiy strict
*viol the press, are wont to express a
degree of contempt for journalists and
ionnislions. they do not feel. CCintempt
does not fled expression in thei furious
manner adopted by some of, the members
Of the Senate; Why - , gentlemen I lash
yelieelves into fury, and dm:4d Into
the iielths - of Wacknoardiszot if .4°4 only
moan to - signify that you are unntoyocl
and regaiuless of the censures t 4 Witch
you nor subjected 1 A sane man ayes
like a pugilist to brash a tly
hls fate. Xels do not weigh, /n
the 'pot, to - show_
that boiling Water is
pleuaat to them.
- s'4l4rnfeel warranted In aIIIIOIIIICi gthat
Arkistri;thlrty.daytthe week requisite to
komplett:reit OonneThrrille ltatlroe4 will
14 4 -.Alaigrt* for letting, and that the
whole will tes inlakai probably in the
eo f ee l of a rAri or, as -farthest, rata
txtorli few days weishall
inskirsaltion to givethe getausor the
t Pinnsylva' ziti_Cal
legei held an important Conreniion st.i
Harziatnirg, which we shell 130tke in de
!lllf4hertl7' :
die awaiting orders, :AO, makingn total •BY A ItecE 1 I,,CISION of the Supreme
of 4,060 children to be provided for, en I • M-Ats,inn at. Philadelphia, Mrt,
Caddie of the additional applications re. I S ANL - B ; iwi , sztEtu, of Lids city, 'recur
solved after December 1, 1E67; yet the rt , •i Ett.tE to ( kir ' , mitt. of some
di sc h arges w ill °cone rsp id!, so d t h, E;0,000 , vrhichtiSdbeen a:legally trans , -
be grod„ by her huolizel Dune wbom she
ually, that the number aMnally in school,' divorced. Mrs. S battled this
may be kept. from exceeding 3,500, •,e fur 1, - . 1:14 time her many
the let of June, lEGS, and 3,61./0 'rier.. - !eviill be ph-Are:Li to nuts the *eat
the following year, or by the let of.Tane, in hm
1669, before which the maximum
hive been reached, and the decreare
have commenced
Thus_resixinted, the average 11111:11XT
is school will not differ materially from
3,400 for the six menthe ending June 1,
1868, and 3,500 for the year ending June
I, 1869.
Assuming that no provision will be
made for no more than the numbers here
I'edit:sled, the Superintendent estimet eo
'-e average cod per pupil for the year et
k 142.9& Tids contemplates ,only the.
adrausion of , the friendless and deal
t lute, and the Superintendent strongly
Icages the Legislature to make a more
lliSerarappropriation, so as to provide
the recce:ton of fully five hundred
o ore pupils, and as the maximuns'num.
I b_r will be reached thin year, the gran:
now asked will be the heaviest that wit
ever be required.
The Sacerintendentls not Particularly I
pleased with the character,-style and ac
c•lnmodatiork of the advanced and re
-vary; schools, and sets there down :a ;
.a;iproachingl failures when corsoarq
with Model institutions of the character.
dowever, he congratulates himself that
most of the schools show steady and en.
C.-waging advance towards the required
The report concludeakey paying a just
tribute to the patriotism of Gov. Cute.
- rue, to - whose sympathy, wire and far. I
, ting statesaudislalp is due the easel,-
.•kanent of the Boldiera' Orphans' school!
in Peartsylireuria.
, - -
• OrmT one thing ilo we core to friy is
r< ply to the Harris:burg Telegraph, and
that In short metre. Member,' of the
I,giaLsture, or oda; may think it legit
imate to introduce bills, with or without
.li-elimination, striking seriously at large
indnatria' 1 or commercial istereste; tend
to put thou) Interests under =tel
-1 billion to slayers, on pretenso of pro•
tenting the public welfare; throwing,
Clore Interests into temporary tweet
t:inty; and taking men aincerned therein
away from their-homia and atfitisa, on
e yens., to explatilt or counteract, bet
Losinass men take a different rice . of the They hold that legislators aro
Wand to know what they are shout, and !
not, with eyes open or ahnt, , strlke at
'whole 'classes or whol onimanities. i
They will resent finch b as promptly
as legtslatons dog caper s neon ,their
integrity. At the opening or the ses
sion, 'some lessons were Inculcated, on
this bead, that ought not aeon to be for- ,
gotten. Other lessons, of like charac. ;
ter, will follow in due-season, from this i
section 'of the Commonwealth. . 1
Tug Beaver Conaty . Republican Cen
tral Committee met in /Seaver on !Satar•
day and elected Ilesars...J. 8. Ratan end
J. C. Boyle as delegates to the State
Convention. Hamra. Banimain Wi!de,
U. C. Barker, Ron. X. S. Quay, D. L.
juibrie and D. Weyann were appointed
eonferrees to meet with contemns trona
other counties of the Dlstrictlo select
delegate; to the National Convention.
Resolutions Were adapted instructing
for Gen. Grant for President, cx=oOc:
Andrew 0. Curtin for Vico President,
Oen.. Hsrtntift for Auditor General end
Compbell for Surveyor General.
Tart ReppbScans of Wayne and Pike
counties have appointed Kr. lohn Shona;
delegate to the State Cuuvention. In
structed for °mutant' Cattle.
Col: Samuel Knorr has been 'selected
as the Senatorial. delegate from the CO.
bitable Dietlid to • the Republidan State .
'Conveittlon. • The Representative dele
gate has been conceded to Montotir
, .
in Clarion the Bashlimns have made
G. W. Lathy and B. T. Bald delegates to
the fitati Convention, and instructed for
Grant and Curtin.
Tug are taking alarmat
~ i i: rcorganintien of the 'Fenian broth
:rhoe:id b thii country. and, in View of
zoisibl owaingericies, a force of regu
lar, wil b.: stationel along the Niagara
AM/ t 1 3 15,3011 19 navigation is resumed.
This phre rt,f prudence may be very
vell, bu l l ; as we take it there need be no
,lerni E t by oar cattalo+ across the bor.
as the leaders of the Feniins have
!'tit Xll fiith in ecLernes for the inuaton
,f Cant, ind in the th , trrevrill confine
heir operutionr to the toil oT Ireland.
GEN. Iti.UON Lis (-trued the ap-
I l , !.ice. oral} considerate rata in protesting
Nrtinat :le employment of scoot agents
'ay the State Oro/natant. Such agents
.ialong to a by tern of diplomacy the
[ 'world it. fast air:growing. Otte honest,
frank 3EI expiica Ire:tot:a:or it worth a
is hole army of aacsk3 and . epics.,
Sr 1 lunarlso of the Republican
Committee of Crawford coaxal', bold
•.a Saturday bit, delegates were se
locted to the State and. Senatorßl Con
:ention., toad instrce.ed to support Gen.
Urarit for President and Oalush' A.
?:row for Vice President.
Allew [Teenage Temple. '
Philadelphia teieicus now in the, pee
... of, one of lb° f t.- ]laconictel
rotten in Amerlea. but the members
f that orler bare in contemplatmn the
'ront;on . f a new eilinee which will
..,tnpletely overshadow the preleht one
In point ri f l eleganee _and grandeur. On
reext. SG John's Day the earner steno
will be hull on the site treloetol, Broad
And I , lll;ert•s . ree;s, nod the temple will
be elmißlett,l tire yearw from that ale,
.... a Emir or 57:A.,,,t0.
The newiltall w:11 bo of granite and fa
tbe Norman style; the 171051/iVei character
-,t t.l.ta order of tireriltoeture, however
m•ing well'lreileveti by Lim arrangement
~ f Om buttl', bab,nies, balustrade 4
oml grareftil lennaelo4 0 - itieb form 'part
~ ,r the de-dlgn. The four hitll.o '.cif . the
building wilt be of granite, the only lit
;'.e. 11,0 10 the design being in the front
in lll, l lolrlirei I. 3illolll will present ono
; the mestitriagnincent fo stems of: ibis
erougnfare. The 'building will be
three singlet height. Tim front on
I;road str•et will Present two towers,
.a.: at caelie,rner, tw o s tun-reviling space
I wing eop,sed of liatelaomo portico,
r 0n.1t4: ~, :tie- ~ , ,..:1, Fu,ry, ant itimve
t-hide will 170 two ine/tes Mr statues toms
of.Sllcare.) the nliblel sti riuounted kni the
apex of tb.) roof whit a small tower, a:
she stironerof which will bee, staluo of
t'aerity. Up rite 1.14.43 of this Main front,
to athilLiall to dm ornarneutal-wincLowa,
will bo tin dello() elriblell. oil the Order
-.tire ',quern and compass,eke-
e The tower at 4. be 09111.11 wad, corner.of
i tile building will let tho great feature,
lt.will be three himilr“i test front the
ground to Lb,• top of the spire, or 040
borelrevi and four fist higher than C riot
Church steeple. Tito nm r celrners This
wer will bk. Kurtmetnted by pine...lst,'
1 o bile lb, bei it ete,fli extending up a rota
sitlerstile dieters..., t h e b e im- miss ar e the
tvintloa.s. niii3 the iisiteocuilea and hew-
tirod om:lll.sta:tien t iii* ILI. portion of the
structure eriß add greatly to the twouty
Ht• too whole dee•igot. Tim remaining
I ilitre elde of the banding will be ea
. tiered by Inottre , sett between the' win
dows, rind tlll.l li hole effort of the exterior
will is, at niter' massive and grwedhl.
The portico lit lb, front, being twenty
fort in iII , IVIIII, of the line of tho build
ing, null ~ .till further odd to . the beauty
of the dedgu.
1 - lia - building throughout will be firr
(root, iron gliders to-lag mood et the sto
ner[, and other prevention" 'are' being
adoliied to guard aga Met the destruction
of the °dill,. Ventlletion of tho moat
complete Ithiti has been proVitittt the
strain apparatus to be ivieh for beating
Lilo bulb hitt; behig also cifelignitti to !rive
a fen to keepnha c irculation of 1r hair
in idiot the rooms, ProviAnn ha. glen
been 1111010 foe a bontiiirtil P.uPP y of
wales at overt story.' The entire build
ing will he .rievoted to Siaannie purpt,
see, ate% thert , foro there' writbe 004 rent
donee within 'the hilt, as heretofore
, ,
Cumors 31.citrixr. TII I / 1 .1..—A rufous
murder trial lu o j tst bt.rll concluded et
ivma, Mli i., It ..iipia•ars . that John
Bros - nand William MorsiL had friluent
ly qua r. fed flthl the former had.sworn
he wooldkill Mors» bit the first opportn.
nuty. (me uMrnittg r Morse went to his
barn, :and tv.ino time afterward• was
found there banginr, by the net* with
u .tray taken front nix 1.. t. harness. The
jury visited the promisee; and from the
position In whirl: the body RA* found,
some tot tbeeonelslon that he must have
LYGIMI strangled, and then placed in Butt
position, to Make it appear that ho done
ills deed himself; and strong circum
stances pointed to Brown as the murder
er. Ile was etinviette.l. : .
—Tho ,Antoricsn Ibtard of' Foreign
Minion oorreets n jibe laiprts.lon of
the expense goltint; fonds to the
heathen station, Inttead 'coding
et venly-dire ernts to get a dollar to the
heathen, sus hit+ been said, only is little
mon , lima , s; per new. of •We income
-La speut.ln raising funds; anal:act:Whig
all expenert of adzultdetnnioni the coat
' Is only . eigtd end threareigine'per cent.
-.And -In the .Alty-ttert yews of Its exist
ent-own one dollar bee over been List
by unfsithfultites, Incapacity, er - negli,
pnee in the Board.
From the glowing accountant' the . pa
ma, the Forty.ninth Arteirersary of the
missionary Society of the Methodist Epis:
copsi Church, just held at Albsny,
I N. T., must have been a grand cffair.
Sunday, the day before the arrive:Amy ,
proper took place, was devoted to hold:
rag epeeist services in the various
churches of the Capital. Varied semi.
cea took place also is one or two churches
Monday morning and afternoon. In the
evening the crowning service was held,
in Tweddle Hall, His Excellency, Gov.
Fenton, presiding. After the opening
religious • eervices, the Governor dells
erecl a brief address, In which he stated
that he wad glad to bo relieved a moment
from public cares to rpect the represen.
tatiVel of Methodism. A missionary
spirit, he remarked, had prevailed from
the planting of Christianity, and ho was
thercforeglad to hall ttor aosembir there
convened to help on this great move•
meat He then referred In strong terms
to the patriotfam of the H. E. Church
in thetiour of our country's need, and
of its existence . on this continent.
Among the diatirignithed speakers who
participated were Bishop Janes, Dr. liar.
via, one of the Miasioncry Secretaries,
Dr. Sewall,' the .eloquent Brooklyn
preacher, Rey. R - W. Clark, of,the Re-'•j
formal, Church, and Judge Wright, of,
Pennsylrenia. By special invitation, I
Rev. G. Douglass, of Canada, was prey.
eat and delivered an address of great
power. He is represented as perhaps
the moat eloquent speaker la the Meals
, ion of Canada. Dr. Sewall's closing
' words had a thrilling effect. He affirmed
that he believed Jesus Christ will get
the world, and when ho does, ha said ho
should like lobe permitted to take part
in the hallelujah chorus of the great
English composer. The doctor then re
d the following Incident: It is said
that-the privacy of his solitude was In
terrupted by a visitor, who found him at
his desk writing .hla music . to the seer.
Tattoos words, "He shalt reign forever
and ever, Mallelejahl Ile shall reign
forever and ever!" and the streaming
tears were rolling down the rood mane
cheeks as he repeated the language and
wrote his manic. "Ile shall reign for
ever and ever, ever &adorer, I
Ile shall reign forever and ever, Haile.
!rajah! The Lord God Omnipotent reign.
nth I
The United Pre.ilterijn of this week
contains an editorial entitled "Reform
in Church Music," in which It argues
that a want of proper knowledge of
mule, by the cultivation of the voice,
calla for a reform in this respect, anti
that God is entitled to the best offerings
we can give, and thsrefere every means
should be employed to• cultivate oar
powers to render acceptable praise. Re•
form is urged in the practice of haring
such artistic and elaborate made as to
silence the praises of the tongregation;
and-designedly so, that the sweet bar--
monies of professional 'singers may not
be disturbed by less cultivated voices.
Severixstrictures, and very justly too,
are made against the course or some
churches for employipg ungodly men
and women to sing, taken from the the
atre aed opera. It is gratifying to note
Hest this evil practice does not obtain in
this part of the country that we are
aware of, at least 'not in the offensive
form It exists In some eastern cities.
Rey. John 11111, D D., of New York,
latelj from Europe, daring the Este Sue
day School Institute in New Tort,
brittle spoke of the means that should
he employed for the conversion of schnl.
ors. Re uld to this end teut ere should,
1. Try to deal personally with the .
children. Teich simply, intelligent
ly, and without effort to display; there
should be la high Sown clouds of
rhetoric or rhapsody In the enumeration
ofGesd's troths. t. The scholars should
ho truly loved: 4 Teachers should be
holy persons before their children. as
elsewhere—not severely saectimonlons,
but cheerfully religions. 3. Set Jeans
forth, distinctly, kindly, and fully, be
fore the children, with the ell' of the
Holy Spirit. Attention to these sug
r;estioni would, be thought, secure the
conversion of Sabbath schools.
Recent Intelligence from Johnstown,
Penis, represents the churches all
aglow with revival power. Considers.
ble Interest prevails in the- Presbyterian
said United inathren Churches. •.4
iiturnter of baptisms by immersion, ad
ministered by the minister of the Disci
ple's Church,. took place last Sunday.
Marked lumen crowns the efforts - at the
special services la the Methodist Epieco
pal and Methodist (Protestant) Church.
es. Toe Evangelical Lutheran Church,
under the pastoral CATO of our friend,
Ray. R. A. Fink, his enjoyed great spir
itusi prosperity. On a recent Sunday
seventy-two persons connected them.
selves witir that Church. Of theaetigh•
teen adults were baptized. Meetings
still contbune. .
According to the report of the treas
urer of the . American Bariat Missionary
Union, at a special meeting of the Huard
of Managers, held In :few York city,
last week, the expenditures of the Union
for the Year, Including the balance
against the Society last year, will likely
be $230,000. Daring the ,quarter end
ing March tlat, the, receipts ought to
reach, from all mucks, cot •less than
$162,000, to ',meet te viants of the
Union. -
Roy. 8. C. Faris his been employed
bythii . First Presbyterian Church, Rev.
S. P. Bernet, pastor, of this city, tolahor
as city miasionary. We believe one or
two other of oar city Churches have al
resdy initiated this new movement, in
connection with the work of the respec
tive congregations. •
The project of planting Coegrrgu.
tionst churches In the South, under the
auspices of the American Home Mis
sionary Society, Is so greatly hindered
bribe obstacles interposed by the unto.
constructed condition of society in the
late rebel States, that only one now
church, the Independent Church at
Belem, illls been occupied
during the year. The general. poverty
which prevails, produced by the rebel
lion and the failure of the crops, has
compelled most of the churches to fall
back upon the Society for support.
• Rev. Thomas L Beecher, of Elmira,
New York, has commenced holding 9.111-
day evening meetings at the Opera
flocte, for the reason that a regular
chinch edilics, with rented pews, I. too
exclusive, and repels the marees,Thsteed
of attracting theut, While under this
plan all may feel free to bear tee Gospel
presented, "without money and wltliotit
The Independent says that two Heath.
diet, the Congregational; and the Second
Baptist churches, at Newport, R, L,
units,' on a resent Sunday everderrln
partaklue or the Lord's Supper. Tim
Baptist pastor, Rim. Charles H. Mai•
man: It thinks thewourss 01 this ;Astor
of the Biptlst,Charch Is mach preferable
to that of Mr. Earle, who Is holding
mectluge at ISnitou
The Christian Dlociplea' Church of
New . Castle, Pa., last ready for ma-
pancy, Is a very beautiful eqtßee, of' Ibe
English Gothic style. It Is staled It
'was built by the liberality of •Phillips
Brotbersjottr gentlemen or fortune, rc•
siding In that piano. Its oost, when
(Idly furnished, will be about ninety
thousand dollars. It is most likely tho
handsoMest church Galileo belonging to
the Catnpbelllte body hi theVelted
The Prasbyteriatt states' that the
Church babel:as In tha Eplacopal Diocese
of Pennsylvania are prospeting, and
show sia Wangler in numbers and
strength. Am:IOMM College °Dent with
twelve or fifteen more scholars thee
hitherto, the Allentown Academy :hez
over nu hundred, St. Mark's /madam'',
at Manch Clinek, ban Itty, while new
iinditutions lure been organised In the
wishes of 3lsho
lid elsewhere.
ney City, White listen
The Pcaocay
tlona!) CArch
thULIELL.:I dui:.:.,
beic¢ furciohej
w dedicated to
quite recont!y.
the NJ:m.o:: Efyll
In lie Tillage, an
CO:i(2 ~cuouz:
by • Mr. Peabody,
O the worship of Gad
It Is built of brick, in
to want, aC ornioniust
in will seat six hundred
A nen Epieca ,
be ettattliihed oa
of Fifth Aveuue,
r‘ol Church is about to
or near the upper part
Nero York.
Tito CAFisaan
byte:lßn) tssors
vexation in this nit,'
day of Much nei
forincil Penal - I:et
consider question
Union of those:
of Union goes foi.
niirable spirit MI
torians, the day ii
when a easer ash!)
only by Ilio tr.,' bill
other members of
Witness, (United Pres
na the third 'rues:
lions, with a view to
a d e : nra ' n l , l : : e :„. l b e hnw. b .: h ie Y ol ] a 3 ls . t ' r n T lU bn l d ba lh : jo l g it p i a : et s ff e hwai l i do dter t :
i pf h t n bi le dt l a n n dri
n o d ll ab t a o t
b h r onyd n' y t e tt: :
I the Presbyterian'fain-
L-Itivival Interest
the Prdshyteriart e
At Bargaehanba
Han church CDjdy.
vrork. Thus for
quested prayer,
fifty have expree
The church nt Al
with a reviral of
-day night of last w
tiered fifty.
Too lecture rr
villa church, Rev.
will lid frrinally
ship on next Babb
!Horning hour, Dr.!
proval la in runny of
'Lurches in this State.
Dapot, the Preabyta,
quite au interesting
over aixty have re•
and, of this'nu'mber,
ed a holie in Jeans.
cone, Pa., is favored
eat power. Thurs
,ok the inSialrers nuin.
1m of - the Luivrence•
J. d.Mi!ler, pisior,
mica for public wor
th, the PM. At the
H. Minerva!! preach.
Wolff will
rier - vines will be held
Bimpion will
fining, at 7 o'clock,
in the services. No
;Eimply , a basket col
luritution is extend
alio It convenient to
Iu the afternoon It
°coopy the pulpit.
it three O'clock. I
be inn,ont in the e l
end will Ileirtleipat
sub!criptiona takeal.
lection. A cat
ed to all who coo
—The robtrins ol the , forth have liven
"riven South Ity the, evenly of the
weather, and the profile of l'ensacola
are shouting and eating thorn.
—Ainouttetent th l s ineinnri of the
Into venerable filght Reverend Iliahop
Dorkins, of Vermont, to be raised in
Trinity church, Ntw T x. rtt.
—The B 'snt Atinert • dr Bays: "Some
people thins that P i tttsburgh, done up in
January, is an answer to 'Does it pay to
arnokir propounded in February."
—A petroleum w i ell has been disco's.,
ered Ito Finglaini, and, the FOultneper•
matting, we may !oil for a repetition of
the petroleum exittement in that island
of frogs and spleen
—Count Tank, a
Austrian Cabinet, Ir
Nothing can agent
tiom in turning up it
often Just when wet
member of the new
itt Irkeh Viscount.
the men of that. ea
n queer plate., 'Sxid
—Nova Scotia noI having receded ac
et, is going to do so In driblets, sad
also to .-11sniz. See Zealand. A ship
load of bite acres is going Ina co-opera
tire way from rixilfix shortly. .
is stated that Ih.tring the put two
Years about iwo thessand persona have
bren murdered In iex**, with bowie
k ai:e or revolver,arid that none of the
murderer. hare been Judicially punished.
—l.euirvire pad s grand rat kiiiisg
excitement Ike biller! day. A "celebra
ted deg Sack" killed one hundred rats
in.tive and a half minutes Coon draw
ing was also ohs of the amusements lof
the evening.
'---7-vidently the con airy is going down
Lill alter Isttaln as fast as It can. Louis
ville iv to-have the honor, however, of
triartgarattn; Abe late:st eymgt inn of the
fall. There in w butt fight In that
I Iltudy town. • ' •
—ltnght, Carlyle and, Bismarck all
1 1-moke, and their intellect dent, to ewe
moo ot.,rvers to be u trilllant as Is
I that of Mr. Parton, w r t 'io holds Mansell up
so a shining example lii greet men who
do not indulgc 19 diii "pleasant weed."
—Ertgiisar. Toung.lthe rope effoty.
gardists, hoe ramenstrated. _with hit
salute an the subject 6r phyricisna He
' abjeets at to their employment;
and helieau that people will get well, if
they are going to at ail, without any irs.
I tefference by. the faculty. ,
—.l party of Eaglisti ferules profess
to hare found the identical pillar of gait
where Lot's wife so ildughtlesaly turned
in, leasing her husbaild and fatally to
, hunt up otherlodglegt These English
1 discoverers -were pla lurians and .ate
I part of the Lol. with Lard. boiled
—We are sorry to hear that Mr.,
Grant Is affeced. Nothing Is more die
agreeable to the gen, tit public than if.
I 'gelation in pcuoas ra,rupying high an
-1 Hal positions. The futon Pot: is Opr
authority for thin statement`, It says
"Mrs. Gen. Grant alrects....4.lnk silk."
—When 0. F. Train Wes asked - for his,
autograph In Cork, daring his arreal, be
wrote fur one man, I
^Whnthrr on the la alLora GI ,b.
. Or In tan nati,:e's van. •
‘ lll Os! place fir man to rile,
For another he wrote, "ray Alabama
claims or fight.• Re!mu l e American citi4
WU! In Engliati jails, or war Is certain."'
—A. fair hall Won opened, In London
to guise money for the relief of the
earring dogs of thatl city. A. more
worthy charity coLildl..not be !multi if
there Tete no starringlinen in London,
or the world; but it wer perhips ber:er
In let all the doge, thourh they are noble
and true, enure married! , If by so doing
onn men's life could be kept in him. -
—A van of on Irish menagerie, Con•
turning a pair of lionesses and a lien,
wag overturned recently on the road.
The:lion and the lionesses were con.
fined In separate compartments, but the
fall broke down the partition between
them,.whlch altogether enraged the for
est'smonarch eo much' that be ert upon
and clew the twit females,
- - The Bolton Poet Is encouraged at
the terrible lashlue . General • Grant bas,
given to Mr. Johnston dot it says In Its'
wrath that Washburtit and Stanton
wrote hlalettertifor him. For our part
we can't ace how that: betters the thing.
Stanton - has been; If posSible, treated in
a note disgustingly, rude manner than
L3EI Grant, and, therefofo, luis,s, better
right to thresh the l'resldent, whole
Plague la °Peri too thick Ito thresh with.
• -•
—The proclamation 'Men wu posted
on tile facade of the Maimlon House In
London, a couple of wa•ka ago, and
which catmed much Indignant exelte- .
'hectic the Aldermanla 'circles of bon
don read as follows: {•The Irishmen
of America are naltedl Triehmen of
Eneland, follow their example! :•Unlte;
foreraril, ye fearlese, sods of Ireland.
!Rand for the old coantey At the head
of this was a harp; the with; "God gyro
Ireland," and the leleis T. E.
young men in,New /Jana "do
serve a great dear of mint". for_ their
Inventive faculties. They hare impror•
od on the fesblons of England twenty
years ago amazingly. Then the flub.
seeable swell would go males to be - ahle
to find, wrencleoff and Ikea' a unique
knocker (Toni the deed of a private
house. I.w the gay young men °Mew
Three, whware moat fashionably tuella.
ed;ateal and carry of the gatca Weal•
solves, thus emulating Barnson la their
sportive mood& '
—The ancients - were not intimately
acquainted with zoology. 1" We remem
ber that in ono of their fables a fox Jeers
the lionois fur bringing forth but one
cub, wlufrais she, tho for; had it whole
Imo. or pupa, and *a royal bout re
marked that that one horeTer
.was •
Hon. • The moral. ofwiq,w aiyery pain
ted, but the were not facts.
The tlonou to the zoological 'gardens at
Dublin has loot given birth to Ms cubs,
and four or fire is by no moans na
common number.
. 2
rkitil, 6,1101,N c:.e: iior•Eipi,v, 11,F. The general treatment of .. gram
loads in this respect is moron; and ex
new 1.• Wier, . ::.!..r, I !pentode, and should bie abandoned ICI a
Winter has long Leen upon nein geed ' smatter. 4 of profit and eiononty.— Wilco,
earnest, ta.l all otinele of stook, and par - an Farmer. ' 1 „__,
ticularly !snail., ~ITIS nod ~1:, .r.o..ii , . Tar , Heeell as • !flea' , Pialal..
gaol! shelter, good cor , o tored l':eoly 'lf I nttioed your anklet in the Poem . ,
X1.n . '131 l r irla tln the um, of tan
, ~,,, o. .... ~ Ae • ,
g OO O f o ' l3 . TILy '''''''''. v-"l ''''' ,l . .1 . bcceh la- I hedge plan I thick le may
guerelog sinter weather !Ike: Oder ante.. be ac, ,'„ aith . 4 , aaccaaa, mak.iag
male. TM.). ,l t en l Jlke fi,.., dry '6.1, , besel Ledge, Hoare is used' in short.
and tome's they lllITIII:Sr,12,.;.11 1,41 , 2. will -.ening .0. `l' - taw many hedges of this
' ' hihol n ST, i:i.erimad, `Eastern France
fall awa37, and Pa ' aal).l not 0."." tal.)- ' and Pkesis find moat struck with lee
spring. i • '.
.. adapts:ion ot ; the berels fora thin but
But it was upon the cite of low!:; tiolt 'of ectiVe hedge. .It brknches little, is
we began thin Ortocho. ',icy thoidel Lb ' riff:end here. its placed ' I now but little
.withot .
n tla u a r, T, s. w_ L a , s kTed_or . in
nif jerg
I hy rt dr r y re,
separated from the older sheep
fail. • Sheep nover do well in l : . . - ,:il fior d s I ' I .
_ „ __LI
at btst, and ths weake..,,t cud .pur,:cAt ,
t. Vileriexv ion Ibizte.A. correspondent
suffer the most. Lambe, it lett :with lion', ~ „ . _i ,_, c,,,a,ti,e,
older sheep, will to pushed abut IJ- ; :'__'`"_-'''
onve was over.rnn with rats, says a aer
their; sure rior stren e,th—ni rl v. n cud ke.i. • '
1 'MIS zirl, who had sec the effect. of
away from the feel, nti win l' a A
a - 4 ---‘-' -7, : whisky on bipeds, rho ght she would
die. ; Tory need hetter toed cad belw .
L . try an experiment ' upon rate. Accord.
care than old sheep. Sheaf oats Ore !....
,tingly she took a entail quantity, made it
celleat for !ambs; Out loci:n by teedit I- . ,
, , ,e ; very s eel with sugar, crumbled in bread
lied: and Increase the amount '''' .7a ''''''''' noug for the crowd,. and sat the dish
ly to what they ought to hare. Coril
;in the rtßar. A few hours after she
should be fed, if 0 ,re are not IC be isle /
went dwn and found several r ate gloxi.
Corn meal is better than ungronnd ours 1
oa . ty , faddlad,„ engaged In throwing
anti ahead corn r than ,:ersbnlbli I
( potato vringlyand heeling one another
ear—but Hyatt have not toe alt, 3 n the
' 1- ----t up to drink. These were easily disposed
other. '
Good, bright, sweet hay el:could e4o . b: °l , i"mrt;_na4,d‘jailb..9a.?, nut killed tefirlo ton
from e
a Fre a r.l ay M
provided in sufficient. quantity toed ino 't. „ ca n' t.
a i ie. ''''J '
ety. Clover htly,ll4Vlll With Iliol,l'fartl I. , . -....-.-
is greatly r,.;b , ,,b by 'holt", Obi, la.; Muck Son POTATUES.—Thu editor of
deed,-by nil holds of :es k. I. to .triegej i the Mains Farmer finds from an cape
that bunters don't nii,1'1.1.101.., Cov , rh , yriesen pr many years that muck does
and less timothy. Clover is more fatten • well lei, potatoes on dry land. He ad.
Ida and butte: reliaLcel I.y all :Ands 01.1 vista 4ll)ll:lg.outnack in the winter on
stock. Intlce'l, stock will keep bit au!' sandy or gravelly pasture, and there al
e-haver alt foul poor on tito,thy 01000.1 i towel ti, lreeze; them in the spran
H" g -
fed nu limo ihy, they nol.t have ocOlii, ply a pip,opplp rindel, ma a hilt w ith &p a
also. nut n variety 1,1 bay o.ottbllell table,plourul of plaster, Thin course,
produced—timothy for won king animals I he nays; w ill ki n seee d , ew „.4, pe t it .
—clover, or:,,:avt! ;antes; Lerw , grab.,!i the!, otithl at least a fair crop. Potatoes
etc , and thetc niern for a dom.?u sstelt, le Mame the past season were st"small
particularly to lambs and other young crop sad poor In quality.
No met ahnuld pretend to 1.1.,p !Lr ep
without Laving r;o:L. from (hay
are to
. le,d. i. m0re 1 . 1 , ,..111ki in tn.
climate than tiltiher anti im, bocnuou
have so tu'uth \ rain aud thud here. It
thrown upon the ground, the feed gets
trampled into the ihu.l wartell—
wretched economy, when a low dallars
would' LuVe Im:ranted acy anco waste.,
It the luck of !mulls is large,' they
should be sub-divided and the puny
ones separated and gl rca stili better er•.ra,
Anexperirnee of twenty•lire year. , with
lambs has taught us the corralatnesa of
these directiona.
. . .
-At Ay r aterfortl, Erie county, on !tfol,
• i day inight, tee thi.rmonutter Indicated
. . 11 thirty din.treer helot,- zero, the 'coldest
Lid 1131.1,,, ' , ' %vex tic in that locality this reigon.
A very simple, I 2'6,6 ive and gniek ~. , y .. -kll the igroatnr in the northern port
of fastening feur.foot wood hi ,. h s k i . , ,: of the Stile are now go strongly het/Art.4
' • : I w 6 h 11,,.. 1, - 1,1110.. 1111! frkl4,lgo of the
not in general etc, is 1 tidier or wintilkia „..„..,, t e . ..., ....,, „.,, , ,, t he „ i i ) .. 10 ., 0 , 1.
at . the: back end et the pied. An Int' it i wagon, '
and a -halt or twolnch hole Fa bored bor. -1 -Six hundred eopies of moth Mostra-
Loatally into the rack or ladders behind Foil trtir.. no thtl• loiter I iaI.CUN are
the bank,alake hoick,' Olen Oil, • mood p..-6.1 in Meadville
i every week. A ploy
hard Wired stick, (our tor tied ii.6fier in .i.lifol .',lj o and r crime :mmmorality • will
. -
fitamettr, tank. a gudge e nn etch end'i ,", 'hi' r, al:-
ofit to fit the holes istNal in. tlie rack or 01, -hr. 1 U 01 , of Connwtotville, recently
ladder - a; or inslctid of istritig 4.,1rs iron .ilimie'icd unto named _Klumit for elan
staples can la nerd on the :inner hil.4i 01 . ,I'. h.r ` .Idl '''' . " l°4l : i . " 1 "....thg 5 7 9 4
We rack or s i til body, whirli wiii liold . '''''',". 4, ,e o fir iiiiin"i'r"A xiiik-' . ...
the time when Dr. Lunn Has
the roFer. It. re two or throe loch and. i''''''''''' t.
~ ~ , in the art ty :
• half lever 1101 E, loth, r 011... Iltlll 'PM!! . Tl,F,' w .li, , th e • thi t tra r r
hero a Wind/sea similar to those. need sty
. . 1 . 7
..'i. i . e ' n ,'..„ .. - . ;
..,,,,:, h .r .
i n rod . ..„T ii i
blacktulltlis in alining earl:. When r...111,ird Carrels per t isk , 'f or ag e w,'
the wood is pincnd upon the s'ied, fasten II nee past VOIIItIII.I3CCIJ 10 IIUIT MI 'No,-
the -binding chninly nre t ly te the troot I play lag. and the production la three
end Of the tied, sod pIP., d user the ntid.. iihundrett ',arta* per day.
die of the into, tastenis t : the other end it _...k ,„„„ who hail b een nt work .2; We
to the windless, arni6ii b e ing turned, ;minter or he NI:Vr .t'ro'y Coograny, lu
draws the chain wnli crest tot, span :111,.n., , ,, war found frozen to death on
the w'rsol, so that co; a 'tick rap 'move.;Smarter morning, with lik bottle by
hat it t h e ei e d,i t ,;'set, or Sr. wi n do w ,;ili,sitle. Ile and WlllO4,Vd front the
I.:peened. I- the bar tang ensile lootomes i6t-ti k Pit /tie , way 1., Id` Itto:trAiug Itoof.e.-
1 .... h) .. 1 thing el th , i i ona tin Fin. road, r .. , iilitli.talt i trre R , cord 1,1 M. lonier.
you here only. to ;urn th e te inji h r• a lit- ji .-I in I IP/al-night. the 17th Met.. Relit.
tie, me , the chat. i, tigibt a.b. f„,.. ,IY011I1C . :11 xl wife, now tiring in Ilarcuos,
Tale is the roichest and nine thorongh ,'..iiv.2
.." I ''"T t n ...l' i ' ir lT - y:!.. rn 1 .',. ° . ,,, " , 4 °
. 1 7..7:,7
way of laentag loser efany kind i t i ,,,., .4., in tit ... enrt rei . nt to
wagon cir alnd, sod
°lion 6.l"ref - tit,. kind i !, T n ., ~,,,i . ,.hi in ~,,,,,i t win, 10001...., „ ire .,
ikoM turnirg o•Pr, liS I,o iiint: i' lk iil'ii , ' 'them out I hr.skim. Mr.,Young's collar
Whell'01;l slarding pacts,-V'. E. 'llava • !i,,,,,...-I:',, (~,,,,
• ,, --The contract for bulitting the Marino
• •1 il liiillilii ill he erected on the northweb
,,,,ll,ll,,•irts of this city. lulu been let
4- Yttlrsiel I: ing, liiiki., .111 other parties.
_NI'. hint' to now Inapoetlng various
tot hit, 1,6 ;4:04 lOs so 10 be the Better en.
o marled to •fotet mine 1.11.1 /110 plan.-Erie
- p-L T rir , -1,1 .
--11 l lill. Rlllphin enmity °twirl, tiro
s'' ttli
tit :if thit Common weal against the
; 6 erylv ittia Railroad and Canal Corn
1a.,. it.i [not etening 1)111 for fish to
i i,...4n1 ttei tinto a n:,4 decided against the
i - ,,,,,,,,,hy,i Tii,,sss 01111 go to the Su
{ ....tle Coen. to led tiro eimatitutlonality
: 6' the itet.l
i't '--The County Committal/mere of kis,
i to have pnrelnitatill [helot unit realtlenreof '
ilia late tienerst l'orker, Iticated on- the
tatu nito.l, tenth of the Court nottarn'and
5..,u , en: pl ate orret I eh. therism a new Jail the
4.'.1112g •lnonee. Mir 14 a ni•eded lrii- '
~ ono ,m, ~,,, tottded time lend'
}irate by filo ti rand Jur y, o I
-A Peel - lecke nut in George P. rtleFt-i
iml's now Three story brisk building, iu
l'iyinetithi on Mt.n.tay 1.4', entirely d e .
1,63 g:0 It was 3et notintsbell, ands
' ise ere net-limited hya pile et shaving,. ,
I, 6.64 pear tee store It:toting when no I
i , ,, ...4 16-ar. 1....., .I.:htaX). No Insu-
.11111 n.- n ee '. r ef ~/ if, Vone-s. 1
I .-,A •sis.ri ,, r arti,loof granite, admit-
.gily toluptied for latildiug purport.. lass I
Feeentl y Ikon diro.vered -- ratur Fitony
, I
l'idni, te I Itocklanil Inuittahlp, Iterkal
6..ittge. Tee supply la apparently Inez- I
~ ,,, it:o the Stifle is pnnioun,sd I
4 u I,riur,t,4;kx for beauty and tolerability. 1
iii., •k• mar he otititined from twenty to ,
•,,itrty fat n, length.
-A fuert, 6 ityttsgindurlng than progress
•if au auctidtt h:/1011/ /LW sere ~, IL Ili
rim, elf Fres.linrg, Snyder tramty,
tile Ili tor save way, and a large 'nu ober ,
1' men :Ail women WRY . precipitated I
i o the cellar. A large afevo Altai
a all horning 66.41 aloe went down 'with ~
q 11,0 .1
F 11.! Fifty or sixty persons were
1,..,y . t..11y hurtled, ltrunied and nthc r i
se n
, Fitjutol, and it le fared that eone
tit them will tog survive. '. - ,
The Oil Cit 3 enrersylentlenn of the Pit
: , 6tt 1:..' I I .34 014 propeety of the,
••1111 Oil ItT2AI lArld Cituapitny has parsed
lan the hatitir of Hon. C. V. Cnlver,who
Nave, to 6perato It In - ttr• ;Interest of
1 'II, er, liege A. Co, itisreral applimgions
r 10,1.0, rjr toning purpiete• hare al
Pi -air 'l , ell hula, and tllf.ritYlKli 1/1 tOll..
I! , 1111.1 1 / 1 1,'bmiritnry ill 4111741 W. possible,
'fift,re I. ho denim of this beingaraltodole
t.11',4[1•1, from lla proximity to the flow
ig well 'of I liasattni..t on Shaffer
13on. ----1 • 1 Co.,
. , o
rim Mr'yleollrwrjr—Pyros a ro.l ifoit•
• The mountaima and YJC:Cyi 4 , 1 Griiislt
C.linabla over which fire has. strips,
clutoming all the and leaving
• Lothian standing after Its departure, are
covered with • growl!, of yooog popinea
nerd the ocrvien berry
not attai n any I:rea a: although although I
have seen them ten and mere feet In
helglst, tint rarely PlCrrtlirkg TOFU,. and
four ftwt.' Tie t:errtra are ripe ,• Aug.-
oat and hang On Until Ir roe I.lars
revel ardor g 'Lem to Os tans cf the
year. of bughela ripen end fall
to decay. {
L•xdon any, Cle grat'tink of this
or IMISINCC i`;;• up Pr
im:en the comm.. limn;, re,:de:r. it
one of the truly or,,nerts.l *rubs.
s rue Jests vice. 1 rtrulr.,l non: It P.
solar plants git ♦ dwarf .
variety of the bertice berry , which pier
♦ p:raglat !it.te fruit; !our Its want of
chatiefer,c• It, own ird Inc to
. neg.ent it, and I have :net It, As
oily sod an artscaen,al sirti , 1 notlea ,
this stow that our growers may.tail
hold of and intro-lure E It E
Thera is ear:omit rind in lb, 11,2.. , 11,
when the Imtk may Le • whal:y
trona the n trunks of spri:e truer, witheet
.!coloying them. li rung he at a time ,
wuen soma new hark Las teen just formed
beneath the old, thus lorietne a satli. i , Ckt
e.aup; for It LeTT .r,vrth. It is I.leCrl
oar, that the old burn he 141,L0n Cff.,
oat rubbing or clone; the new curiae,
We Irately examined on Old orchard-in ;
I the town of Arighton, near Itece, , er,
part of the trees of 'eiblch had hi en di..
vr cod ot, their bark about • ycar ate,
•Tstey were found to s tariity, I,,ea:thy
ceaditlen,.the trunks . hrleg tea ,
's smooth new beck of a unitorrn thick
nets of about one sixteenth of nn leek.
We are unable to say how ion; the
seuon CeralltUtO, WhCli ta., operation
nosy be performed with .area, Lor
what degree of benefit or injury ie likaiv
to result. In the present case,. rho trues
were certainly unfelt Improved in
smoothness of appearance. flora say
of our retderi.had any decided er'-oatit
factory experience in this respect
Country Genatroan
Almost every locality has air own
aYatem, hut I may divert to of-w facts
on thia sub,lect: poultry, when tiled to
death, is much whiter in the tech. I
should advise the following plan, as the
very hat, Catitlng instant death wltuent
pain or dirliguiiimenti
Open the:heSk of the fowl, then with
a pointed and . riarrow kiwi., nigh° au
Incisslon atidbe back of the .roof, whisk
will divide the verteline and eaffic im
mediate -diatb; after which 'hang the:
fowl up by :the legs. tilt the lilrediria
ceases; then rinse the beak out with vie.
egar and niftier, Fowl/ k!ilitl la this
manner kecp longer and do nut present
the unsightly external marks a. theie
killed by the ordinary 'poem of wring
log the neck. When the entraiis are
drawn Immediately after death; and the
'low! stored, as they do In France' with
paper shavings or short ruccionlit ti hers
to preserve their shape, they will keep
mach longer treats. ynr,.e breeder. Crblll
ihalr poultry hticlre, killing to Tusk,
them appear heavy; thiaiii a most 'tops- I
dictum plan, as the undigested leod
own enters !into fermentation; and pit
trefsction takes place us to tivincell by
the quality lit greenish, putrid looking
foils that no secu In the mork.els
Giyfin'a Poultry llTenling. Publa7lect by :I
4.. Co., 1.10,?an, Mesa, •
.D. 'D. Waleh, of ' Rock
well kilown' an an entomologier, love
that all hie iranfluelanna 'have resulted
tri the opnvicilort that tho hack toot ou
the Ono trerfle the (Pr. of a tongue.awl ti not a Lib:case nor a gall. Ho
thinks the spores or reds are formed
about the end or July ‘ lu latitude 40 deg,..
00 vela., and Therefore l(the excrescence'
be all cut off and .destroyed by this early
pirt ofJuly, as effectual stop will be put
to their farther epread.
C. R. Wilson, Tiogi county, Penney!.
eagle t writes the Prarie Farmer. Phila
delphia, on the comparative productive
ness of three srarierien of potatoes
he tested the pant ammo.' There were
sent to him, from Ohio, two Harrison,
three Euly I Seine, and tight Early
Hoellrich potatori f Three were cut to
single - eye* and ;denied In drills eighteen
.11sehes smut lit Tiny were
dog In September. Thu Schee yielded
s bushel; the UGOliriell gm five lrthels;
and the Harrison about we and a lira
bushels.' About half the Sit e e died out
after haying made a considerable growth.
Two Matteis or iheilicason were plant.
od se an experiment, cut Ilk° the others,
and produced about forty-nine bushels,
or-nearly twenty-Arc to ono.
Mow to Weep ap Your hey Crop,.
A farmer who had been in the habit of
selling hie hay for many yearn in arc
cessfon, being tithed Low ho kept to his
hey crop without manuring or cultiva
ting hie hued, replied, "I Never altowed
the after swath to be cut:" If this rule
wan generally followed thoro would be
led laid abaut:running otitorgran fields
or &lion Crops of hay. Some farmer,
feed of every green thing and compel
their cattle to pull up and gnaw eff the
roots Of the graze. Cutting rowan. la
while death to hay crops. • farmer
bad better bey hay at forty dollars per
tea thu rasa hie hay fold by close gra-
Thn Ropololivalot of Mifflin eouory all, opl.tho Char:fora roouty
—lt k Oren' not that John M. Coopvr,
, ar Chanthersburrr, Into beam Cop
pvrheatl v.indit,litto for Surveyor Gen
county ha, elected a del,
pan to t State Couvontioli lit Phila.
:tt t
doLliba, and imtrurded for tirant and
t. • ,
, ',-1 1 11 Ttle , f,l,LY, the Ili inst.. at about 3
p; la., the doelling of 11. 3a. 11.10, in Vo
%lingo county, was rensinnesl by fire,
TlO tire limit, out in the ripperstory and
sr. lir, al ink through the roof n bon ills
,. semi. ?dr. floe was tick and entire.
13 lielplees. Her hosband suesasslr.d in
iitositig he and 1111. I.d she lay on.
/sae eras takrn to the residonvo of his
nulicr. P. it, Pale, nisi.. without Injury.
Niewly everything in too hotise was id.
~.tryrd. i ,
The Wa nosburg - „Ife,cagee. revs:
IN r/Trer in earn that mr. Ephraiml4v-er y, of Iliin4iird towvoihip, leis county.
1, n
h bitted; We believe, or... Monday, the
+, Itui LW ryt lie was engaged In repair-
li toils roof i" hi, house, and 'sidle go.
ireup'is ladder It 'broke and threw hint
li, ,the
.j[rmts.4, ahem, alighting ini Ida
[wail, he sr. Iv, seriously Injured that br
illy t.urclved a few hems:. The do.
eeased w. a I very worthy citizen:, sod
le.lves inanyi relative. mid friends In
iw,iiril ink sudden donut. Mr. Evenly
wax agent elm it iio years. „ • ...- .
.1-'1'66011 C 6' . .. Ronne/Icon pave; Malty
of ',the forme 'residents of cur dty no.,
tod In oilier
_places ditring the last
rune rears, trili 'ecinilsig , back again.-
a iNvrii, the...esva snarly who are largel.r •
in In 41°4,11 regl,l,ll,in vscae
ill it wealth s.been derived. All speak'
,1 rho 1 ,1 1+11113 . 11,1111,AX031 presented by'
Oi City and the cartoon other points of
tint 1.-ality i+i , possessing lialurementn
foil the prod[ tile Investment - of capital
that are norm eel by no ether section.ol
tins country.. They intend to locate lie,rel
permaneutly, 'lid are pureltaider; homes
I Irl that par - t - We welcome them I
bask again,. 't f
—A Idirlaly ,sitreeasritletfort max Leen
intido at /I a ntknadon, Ft, to robe rondo
by isiih,cripttriti fbr this - oslabliribinent of
a lairinnisithoil for the Seventh. district,
iNlllll,olNett Of he twenties of Cumber. 1
land, Admits, 1 mobile, Fulton, Iledfont 1
-II eitttioctlon and .11bilr, tinder the bet ot 1
'rot b btay, 1e31.1 Tiar,eum of nearly thir--
ty thousand dellan. /no been subscribed.
II the State thaws the srunifltberailty to
tied - institution -that it haste - others of
tliSkllli, killd,i the selaid will not only
no a anoint Nlll, l / 4 `ll W 1 !At 11/1 ornament to
111.1411bitnlon nail the tither .enuntlea of
lids normal dif4rlet. ,:.. . . .
-.lCulver, 'Tian Jr Co:have issued 'ii.
circular inalorrdato of February let to
their creditore:' advising thent that the
.Rona ttotnpattyl on t bat day caterett into
Ow:is/Jaw...dun,Ruid management of the
lands fornnirly Owned by ~r holtilin Pit"
'and, Lend IC?)nlprins" , 'they. ,atato that
"the DI rectore of tbeltanoCoutpany luta
ingl.p,e.e.nalon4.ure Inkling neflve rue..
urea for its iloyrliip. , inint , - They p. tet
p coS -n-tonce te let twenty .leaSes , upon
the acrritory iniuteillatolyeatiotning the
I,lll•KhlWania triO Ileason- wellOt, ' which
have berm so Inigtay• - pniduettve during
tie pant year, Arid !sib, as the, rums in
their hands WI I permit, 'overhaul the
well , . of the Cninpany . now lu operatlon
se thaw. 'heretofore earn
-klilittimniin tie urging die, hit:glen
at .bat place of I tin proposed nets limn ne
nsyliim Yee Northern Pennsylvania. - At
a rneetiog of thel,yeoming County Med.
I.l . (iuclety, held id Williamsport retstrit
ty,i -ley reitnl
imended that one additional
aayl Du lovueti In a twrceeniont mut cen
tral kissility witldis a tlietrict formed. of
thel . ooinitles or Wayne, Susquehanna,'
Wyifiling, Lot:erne. Orflumbis, 'Mon
tour, Sullivan,. Bradford„. Lvsonling,
Clinton Coutre,lChaurtleld, F.llr, Caine
ron,l id:ill - eau 'otter 'and Forest.'. The.
p hysic/snit prleletit . Wel* tumultuous' In
its. [Onion Unit, Williamsport prtnouterl I
solve iihiges possessed livr. no other-toad, 1
its r,tin snob ain inetltution. In - thole
oplahm they wet* austalned .by, a aunt.'
bet of-the most prominonteltisetia of [lib
otniblif, who wore rrome; for consulta.:
Lion; on the at:axiom ' • ' '
1 The Nupreme Court and
The Georgia Bill Dismissed
The Question a Politic xi tile.
Court ; gasi no Jurisdiction
WAinINOTON, Feb. In, il..e.i.
In the Supreme Court of. the United
States to-dsy Associate Jtistbst Nelson
announced the opinion in the case of the
State of Gergin against lion. E. M.
Stanton, Secretary of Wile,. General
Grant and Major General Pope.
The last named 'at..the time the hill
] was cired w:s commanding the Thirst
Military District,. eomposed. of Georgia,
Florida end Alalitann, designated by the
act of Congress,approved March 2d, lie:i7,.,
entitled "An act to provide for the more.
ellielent government riffle Rebel States,"
aria tho act supplemental thereto, passed
'the tad of the same mouth.] Tito, bill
tiled by the State of Georgia prayed
for an injunction for the purpose of
restraining the defendants front carrying
into client the several provisions,id these
eons and sot forth the existence of Geor
gia nit olio of the Stalest of the Cnimi,
and farther that on the surrender of the
Confederate army in beifl,,. at the close of
the civil war, that State was In the pox.
session and enjoynient of till the rights
beton]. ing to a State In the Union under
'the Constitution and laws of the United
States, anti ao such was entitled to rep
resentation in botir Rouses of Congress.
The bill further sets forth that the inten
tion and designs of those acts of Congress
were apparent on their fore and by their
terms, slat the overthrow of the existing
Slate Government and Weems-ion I who
plats, of another not atiltoriaeil by this
Constitution, and that in .1 - uriberauee or
this into. the S...eratary of War,:l ten.
Grant and lfajor-General Pope, acting
under orders trom the President, were
ahent setting In motion a portion of these
statutes to take military possession and
subvert •the Government of Georgia,
thereby subjecting the people thereof to
military rule.; that the State was wholly
inadequate to resist the power of the sev
eral departments, and therefore insisted
protection ought .to he afforded by a de
cree of the Supremo Churl In the pro
' nibs,.
The bill next prayed: Pima-That de
fendants might] be restrained fromis
suing any •order or dding•any. not or
thing within the State of Georgia 'inju
rious to nail State which might be re
quired of them my we of Congrs.s.
.Yeeencl—To ionise the defundantatode
lay . registration In Georgia ns
preserilasl in the last named act.
Third—To entrain them from aomjnis•
tering or causing to be administered. the
oath provided for in that net. Fourth—
To prevent an election or returns of
w:tett election from being received as•
carding; to the ions in guns.
./A/ 1 / I —From holding or causing to
held any convention as prescribed the
Associate Justice Nehion, having set
forth the premises but at greater length
than above given, said in sulegarice, teat
.a minion tied been made lay counsel for
defendants to.disinbet the - case for want
of jurisdiction, and an one wi bout 'pre
cedent. It wan claimed the Court had
no Jurisdiction In the Esse, either of the
subject in the bill or over the parties
!preteded. The first ground wax amp
toe - tell by the argument that It was a po- .
htieal and not a judielal question, there
fore if wits not a subject of cognizance by
this Court. The distinction betweenjedi-
Mal and political questions resulted from
the orgaeiration or thegovernment, exec-
utter, legislative and-judicial, and tram
the limitation of the powens of each un
der the Constitution. The judiciel pow
er was vested lu the judicial depart.
moot, and the pntttival power in the two
other departments The distinction be
twee., judicial and political power was
generally admitted that the Court
deemed it neceesary to do nothing more
thus toreler bh some of the authorities•
mi the subject. They were alone their
direction. Among them tiro case 61 Rhode
!eland agairest.theState of Massachunece.
It had teen supposed this ease afforded
authority fir bearlag and deciding as on
a quest iin nionechal with atilt! inequity,
but on close exmaination 'this would be
found a mistake. There wail a question
of boundary between these two States,
and not one era political 'Character. In
thee... of Florida against: Georgia the
United State, were allowed to intervene,
tieing the proprietors ore large portion of
land. situated within the disputed
hnotelary ceded to the Culled, States by
Spain, the State of Florida also being ira
terested es a proprietor. The coon be Most directly on this one be thet of
the Cherokog Nation against the State of
Georgie_ A bill wan tiled in thiserase
and air Injunction prayed for to 'Prevent
Me execution of eertalit not-. of Geo9kla
against the Cherokee Notlmit.. The la,.er
maimed the right to appear In Court as a
foreign online. The nets of the leetinlai
ture, if carried into °amnion, would
!owe tleetroyeal the tribal condition of the
Cherokees and atthieeted them to the nu
thority of the Stale. It was, therefore,
doe...foil that the Cherokee* were not a
foreign nation In the sense referred to In
the Constitution of tee United States,
J nuke laterals:all mid the hill Was
omen/able on another ground, namely;
it luvoleo4l a political questlen •
lostrereNelson referred to several high
euthoritios in impport of the above views,.
and showed that the political newer did
net helium to the Judiciary, and that the
i'oert eoillit have no right tq pronounce
,nterely an abstract opinion of the Con
"esti tin leo or of State laws It might, haw
...ever, decide on all !detente properly fall
ing under judicial authority. By the
seismal seetiou of the third articie of the
t'onszitinion of the Tithed Satan, it is
provided the judiehal power abet! extend
to all rates atl law and equity arising
ender this Constitution, the law of the
Coifed States and treaties made or which
shall be Matt . ender their authority, to
all eases affecting atubassadors Other
blicau inistere and consult, to all rams
ef adiniralty and maritime Jeri:stile
lion, to rontroversim to whirl' the
Coked Sus; shall to a party.
.1 eo
,between two or
More Stitteshntween a State and citizens
of another State, betweeneitizeua of dif
fer.. Staten, between citizens of the
same state claiming lands tinder grants
ef dill rent States, and between a Stand
or the chimeras thereof and foreign Staten,', -
sell/elle or Selleets. • • •
The bin. me, by the State of Georgia
mem for an Injunction to restrain de-
Jettilanta from executing certain Darla of
the acts of Cougrese, being apprehensive
Pull Minty to the State would thereby
result, but ansording to law and pre
crdent, in order to entitle the parties to
relief, a ca. must be properly presented
for the exercise of judicial power; and
the ease must refer to tire rights of per
sona and property, and pot to ethical
.questions merely which do not belong
to the judielary either in law or equity.
In view of the principles under tate C:on-
Atha,. bon rand ritauntes,which the Court had
endeavored to explain, the queetion was
whether tile Court amid take coguirance
of Um qtwerionpoix Ireton:lt. The Court
was called on to restrain defend
ants, who represented the Executive
Department (rum • potting , - into, execs
thin certain nets of Congress, which it
was claimed would overthrew the ex
lining State government Of Georgia, and
establish a different one in Its stead, In
other . words, desteoy the corporate exis
tence of 11mStatezSuch is the ettbstance
or the bill. It malted for the judgment.
of the Conned a political question, and
not one involving person, and property.'
NO question of 'lemon el property, or
threatened danger to 'thorn. was pneent
ed in too eiti in a room peear,ra a jo.n.
plat ;ellen by the Court, It was true the
bill set forth" palitical rights as in dun
ger, and among other things .that
Georgia owned etjtatn jiroperty, tho
State Capitol, Executive Manelon, and
other real and personal property, and
that by putting dime acts of Cungresa
Into 'execution. the State would be de,.
mile of the pe...wou et each property;
but It wins apparent this reference Wes,
only.inettlental and not speelau matter
or rermely. The rolier, naked would call
for u WI differeht (rem Abe one now be
fore the Court. • '
Having for the seasons 'dated arrived
tit n corielteilmi; It was Important to ex
endue the question of jurisdiction in
coeneetion. with the defendants The
Court dismiesed the bill for want of
jurisdletion. Thin derdalon, the Judge
romerked, alito disposed of the Case of
the State of llpasiY Ippi against Secretary
Stanton, General Grant and Major Gen
eral Ord, I liVolVing a similar question.
Chief Jingles Chase said he .did not
concur in all the reaanns, lint assented to
the conclusion, believing the Court had
no jurnalletion lu the case • • •
SUPAJOISIt COllng orteroeft.
In the Supremo Court today the ful-
I looting °Malone were
N 0... 17. Loa - rye s'appolant, versus
Sypher, tulatinistratrlx. of Ensue; appeal.
from Circuit Court of the United States,
dietriet of lowa. Justine Davie deny ,
prod theophilon of the Court atferiniog
the , decree of the Circuit Courtlwith
. -
No. mt. Haight, plaintiff ins error. YE..
Pittsburgh,Tort WAyno R Chleago-Rall
road Ca; hi error to Circuit Court of the
United States for the Weeiern District of
Penns - Steatite Jointer, Grier delivered
the opinion of the CoUrt, affiriningthti
Imighient of the Clreidt Court. with costa
and intertet. • -
- No. 61. West et. al,plaintillit In error,
VS. City of Aurora; Ind; error ltsCireuit j
Court of toe United Staten tar the Dia
triut of Indiana. ChletJuetice Chase de-
livered the opinion of the Court affirm
ing the jodgment of 'the Circuit Court,
with cods
The Chief. Justice announced the Court
will iuljourn jets the term on the find
Monday in April.
- The President sent a tnettge to the
/fOlifie tordav, enclosing a couirnunica-
OM from thi Secretary
i tat tbeNavy Ma
gee 10 the deprnitatiene Upon and future
rtteef reeervations of lands for the par.
Pose of eupplylng timber for the navy.
The land:tame reserved Were plated an-
der the control of the NevyiDepartmenti
... _ .—.—
I and are scattered through Florida, Geer- i . . . .
' , gia. \[ pi and Lou , l9l.lna,ientilta- ,' . . : sir : Ass Anit..l.ll.
eing :gird f. .. , acres. Seeretary W‘Ressayyr.-,, ,,. .. -..--.;.
• if the land, are ....., bo rebtined.. for the :‘ •The shape alone let Others rinse, .. . • ..,„
~.. T hafeat area or-the tale;
, • -
purpose for which Lath Lave 1,.n. pro- I . I Illairtor spirit le her eyes,
teens( if half. a .century an itts , ropria- „ And me „,„t,,, , t r .:bor.!.
tion of i l, ld.t/ell for ....alaries and fah, 1 •
~,,,.„,,,,,,,,,„.,•,,,,,, w ilt 1 : ,,, r , 1 ,: 5 ,.,, d., 1, A . 4IA re n ks pe k , : t O m tek ;.. r .b l e ior . 4 , 417, . -- • k
Non/NATIONS IIIAI4I .1 vn Art' i'j UPON. [ 6 ,,...ft. ri. 5.... r....., : .
The Pres.itiont to-day soot 1111 ,. .; follow- , . "'" e p . `" r, to
lug noinivations to the emote :11 , ,Caarles . A Nee le nere ',MI boner shlisee.
F. Tuekerman, -Now Nork, tare.Minl..l4l . l et. .1...W s lt..M.i...'tta MM.'. -
n... sheet Innoc ence refines
ident. to Grc,.ee; Captain GreeVie,. Coop Th., t„„,,,,,,„„, 0 , 1 ,, -„,
rutYlorc in the Navy on ta:tive Ast, vie° I
Commodore Cicero Priee, rctirni: Coin- 71 , 1 ,.,° „ =„ 1 ° °::. 1 1 1 1b „ Vr i rt.V'S tramp ' ...
Dello:shed ell nor features teem;
ribsioro John Cooper, Captain 0 netivo
list; vice Captain . Green, nominated fur And MI her roe...deed..
p . l:
romotio_ e
, , tii ' gut • ail: where both Moir charms unite,
The Semite confirmed [no ~ , ggiwing : Hoe perfect Is the view t
T. Scott Stewart,' Pa., Consul 4e,r IJeala - With every Image of delight, •
and kliage; Janie+ W. Ilengersoß, Reg , With graces ever new 1
inter of Land 0:11ce at Ilum huh% Cali- 0: noleer to char m the deepest ;nos,
fornia: L. a. Webb, SuperintbtOelit of . Toe wildest re ' s. eoetrel—
Indian Affairs, No :s Mexico: William J. I Dttfustne mildness °Wale brow•
itritan, Assensor Internal Iteyenqt First An o renter. thron?. 010,901. ,
Distrist, 'Mississippi; , Felix G.r:*7lark, Their nOIVIIr but fatally to express
Register Land 011 in, id Des Itifqinen, I All I.rue/to tenet, despair:
fosse; George IL Ibillett.. noc4Tver of Dot go. h0h01d.L.M.11..• Wil t
Piddle Money in Colorado; le:Win G. I An'd real It P" /°. " 11 oro.
Stanton, Register of Land (Mice ktCon-„„,
teal City: Col. Ambrose Canipbeli,.
inter of Lund 011 Ice at Marquett.e l . l ,llielb
"gnu; :W.ll. Tremor, Postimieter, Sher
lwville, Illinois; William G. igowers,
Postmaster. Mount : Vernon, Iowa:.
PROTErryMN no crrignxs .tnit.ts o.
The Sevretary of Suite. in ropily to a
resolution, sail to the Irons, to-clay an
Immense mans of documenta-rehiiive V.
the protection of Aincriwin , ' l .:dir. tin
abroad. Some orthe papers itroi7dated
two yegrabaeli. Te....:il'eretary pMlllise.
:Milt her portion on Cie subjset, .:4, rt., to
fully give all information on i hrt piles in
itie department cap tl,r till. MM.; The
document/. Are com Posed for the greater
part of reports awl proceedings oldneet..
Inv In this country,. and ruldreS3es to
the government on that mnbicet, Asking
relief for naturaligsd citireitS ahmeltl.
The Board of Directors of the talon
Pacific Railroad Comtwny,atn trijetlng
on Friday, voted to-place tho . inachitio
iihops, depots, fur ithe tient tint of
tho niountains and for tholnuuntiein di
yision at (7boyenne. and to nial:lx that'
a : grand turning I point t eaNt
ba , ,o of the mountains. 'A he iloeiNitt. svi it
01,1100 an expenditure ofl a large anion tit
of money, as tho shop . are to Leimilas_
largo a scale as any In the United
and will boa credit to the road.' • •
The suli•Committee on Reconstrcretien
'this morning restuned the e.xtuninlition
of Mr. „Stills., mrrespondent' tit, the
How York WorM, with refer,nce his
- einiversetions with the President of tho
subject of the Stanton end Grant nigtter,
end in 'connection with the President
and Grant correspondence, whichliwas
referred hr the House to the Coundittee.
CONSUL, FROM 1.11`.11.
The Pr?sident recogniieli Chru-lesAVal
e-dt Brooks Cownil of; Japan, et4Sen
, '-
The Patent Office will lwitie too Ann
red and seventy six • ti.atents far .lz the
"eel: ending the 18t11 instant.
."—A Paris ladv with an Italian litle„
who moves In the first society, owe% all
hor good fortune, to an accidental tin:bible
i•tto a plt. The story is romantic, It not
creditable. Some years ago a Priitch
nobleman, hunting In the foresta; of
Brittany, fell -into one of the pits tised
for str ing • winter . vegetables. Unable
to get out, he temained there unfit a
band of peasants approached, to viltom
he appealed fornasistanoo. They rectuir
ed that he shouldnrat hand oat hie v..14a-
Miles, and while ho was implying wdh
this outrageous demand, a young Or!,
leaning forward to - lake something from
his hand, fell into his arms, - Ho ]tell
liar ns a hostage, but the peasants ged,
finding themselves outwitted. The
.Marquis and his companion spent three
days in the pit before assistance reached
thorn, in winch time ho discovered that
the girl ,was pretty. intelligaht And
agreeable, and when released Ito thole
her to Paris, educated her anti at this
death loft hers millionaire.
• - -An English mechanic, maned 'Nat.-
boy, is said to linen calved a prol4om
which has no long foiled ,the edbrt.a% of
engineers and scientiti ; men, in cilsur,
ering a certain menus of detecting The
alteration In the texture of • lron,inr•
erscls,*or minute defects Invisible tothe
eve, wliiehliitv'e been a fruitful canna - Int
the breaking of railway axles ands other
machinery. itr. Berkey, it Is Said, Was
found that when an iron - bar is bonio
geneous, the magnetic needle riot
bo suddenly displaced from • its ,
n being slowly moved to. endfro, 'its, a
direction perpendicular to the Magna - fie
tneridan, of the locality, hot if there beidn
the bar any unsound Mace, a fault , r
(law, the oscillations of the needle t i ll.
bosoms very Intense as It passes • r
these 'defective points. In slew nr the
joss of life and property resulting fika
flaws in the iron work of machinery, cue
discovery of such a test
. of Iron mint
prove of great value.' .
A Besrog Joan.—Some silly and i
pedant persons In . Boston attempted le
make Mrs. Harrison Gray . Otis the butt
of - a practlealjohe lestweek. They forg
ed rands iFr havitatinu fora reception ;at
her honer, sent fictitious orders to traueal
men and dealers of all sorts for goods 46
bo delivered at thot.ine bows, and final
ly advertised in the Boston fferehi rod i
nii•ober of cats, also for. Mrs. Otis. Mts.
Otis wag not at all disturbed by the nigh.
ter, but quietly recoil-rod the unexpected,
guests, and, with the aid or two lion'ip.
Men, detailed for the purpose, turni,,ki.
spay the V.ioll.llvictimized tradespeople
att, fast as they arrived, thoreby_tturnik
the tables on the loners. Moreover, lire
efildr has been put in thelandelf , detteiti.
an that hers is a great , pro abilit&
of thefoke turning out no Jake t all t
the idiots whose shallow • brains coneoi
—Mr Kelsey, of Near York; has - .tin
vived.'t he air lion. railroad- project be-:
tween New York and' Washington. dte
intnidueed the same , blil passed tt
the Houso of Itepre , entallves during thn
first session of tho thirtpnintts I;t4
grass, with new eorporators. viz Sim , *
Cameron, Thomas . N. 'Scott, John 111 - 6
-Manna, David R. Jae %MUM, W. 31nEvor.
James Duffy, James Andrews,. Winos
13. Willey; 7amea D. C•Don,") Cameron',
end John Edgar' Thomps in, of this Stati-
William T. \Valiant. of MttrYittali
Niehols, - E. fit. Wailann,../tichard _Frans
idiot, arid Erasion Corning, ofNew York;
Nt. Itslgn, of lowa, and.T. , C. Renbeity
and Charles A. Sherman, ofWeshingtors:
D. C. The hill was referred:to. the Cosp
mitteoon Railroads and Conant, which:is
understood to be fatorable to it. -
• —.A. Faris journal catalogues tto3
tit of the l'riuccnis do Mellun3lciu—"epii
which have the 1.w...eth05.% of a" Gerntati
reverie; teeth of brlgh twit . euarne!;- is fotiC,;:
head smooth and clear aeon infant'!; big
and widows that of a thinker; atiabunitc,
not silky -brown hair; the form of hour.
a 3 Greek ea that of the . vents .of
her ear like a pink. shell; the bewail - nil
fall of her uhoulders; the expilsite fond::
of her arm; the tong aristocraticiha
and. the. narrow;, dajatr foot. Be she
drosud iu blue. red or yellow; he, lOW
coifed With her tootle Over ber eyes., oi"
evltlta sergent-diville'Neeptasheappearii
ed one day et the - Tuileries,aho. 13. and;
remalrut a el:meas." ,
—A 'rich• and fascinating 'Kentucky;
widow- was wooed Eby. two colonelni
one formerly belonging to thit national;
and tho ether the rebel army. Rile ¢nall,
coneltuled to take the rebut, and arraingetk
that the/mm.1.30 shoo] 0 take place at thr
in. Thfn was tory eit*
agreeable- to . ' the • Union • colonel, • wh6
picked alight with his stiecessfut
and challenged hint to a duel, The - Coot
federate eotonel had two'darrghters . hr 4
'former rife, 1 , 410 dhi not want • theit
father ~ to. marry,. again, andpert,"
Funded the widow to ern' him op unit
take the loyal matt. Sho'dtel no, uud tit*
nuvl ullAsuat ramp, nit
—The llopublivaus at Columbus had el -
Florioun meeting 'Wednesday night to
interchange congratubitiors over that'
cheering success itt the Eighth Distrito
Judge Thrall presided,. and speetiab*
were made by ideal. Goy: Lee, - Generith'
Potts, General gimlet., lion. G. W.
Inson, General Schneider; lion. Senna*
Galloway and lion. }. E. White.' A rvie,;
ohation of 'sympathy with •shith
Samuel. Shellabariker, and I - vine:444
him tint to return to public duties unith
fully restored to health, WWI passed, andi
another renewing the nomination by tint
Columbus. Union Club of Gen. Grant for,'
tbo Presidency, , • • -- - it•
—B. B. Iran Valkftburg„ Minister
Japan, informs the citizens of tho United
States, that be mid his eolloigues hav4
mado arrangements. With thopapaneen
Government by which theeity,of Yedd4
the WWII dr IS ' estato. on, tho West-cos*,
and the Harbor at Eldsurnenato, on the
island of Sado, will be open to them h - p
trade and residence, pursuant, to treat}
stipulation, on the firm' , day of Apv4
—A. riot occurrixl at Vayettorillo, Lip
_Coln county, 'tennonace, laat tonday 1,1-
f .', hitting from four o'chack. oral
dark; and causing great excitoment.
wrong man named PAnaphliu was
y• n piatul shot, mot a number orothe
wounded, some with' knives aad otho.*
with atones. The riot was .cateed hyrfa
druukonfellow Inkq n crowd
!saying he could whip any person ln .
—Lain .fitizonia advice+ state th'it
General Palmer's Pacific Rai!Toad at&
Toying party woo ITardyaville riga
January Tho lineof . atirvii4
oroscon tho Colorado river, 'twcitty-fivit
mato below Fort Wino.. MT; rout. ht
unexpectedly . favornblci. The ongino:Pa
on the thirty-second parallel wore recall',
ed and Prom stopped In that direetlon.:!:.
—.The }Manly.° -and .Latikatcan4
Railroad Conniany have bean loaloi
nay tone efeaal pot month, and trialil
to know what bocamo of It, mot
which resulted In the arrest of 1
.ona h the guilty partice„ at CCU nig!:
}lamina° Junction N. J. ,
Diakeino dew riptlou orate
wreck, lo bla rearllnghornilayid copprak
gold; lu_Ziair Tork,
,waa, ao naturally
impresalyns Wit' his auditors 'put tluAr
ovar4hoea cut le! prevent wetting ttuitr,
THE 211?0Y BE/Illlollll= !LILL.
I mitoticd last night no tieing moon
Upon a foreign Strand.
'Till monocles crime, illtellowers &Jane, '
Ol home end let her I . •
I a runlet I wain aailll ones Moto,
beside the rippling 0111.
. :Whore ilisrtsaw,in deye of yore,
Tho moo,ihubled the bill,'
It brorightle book the .1010.,., grand' •
That rounded boy hood'. drums ;
4 s youthful loves, its happy land,
•,, lirbibt s 1 mornins'e bums, . I
. It brought me beck my own sweet Yore; - '
Th. Castle uti the Mill, - . • . .
Untili my ayes could Sao 00 mare
Thu moon behind the hilt.
. .
It brought mu back a mother. love,
Until la accents wild,
prayed her, from her home above, :
To guard her lonely child i' . • ' '
t brought me ons aarOaa UlaltaVo
To live in memory stin—
t hrrmylittoe hack my Yettilecnes grayt,
Ito moon•betand the hill.
0 In the tiohlan Summer
I To elle.° the hills Is rare,
When the cuckoo blithe new-comer, '
I Calls through the sultry
And pleasant %lain AULIIIIIO,
All dro.oo In any apparel
In search of the grouse to use your nous
lint there ar o f whod do mt l ae
Winter tids the ....
moat cf the year.
when the suowd.r/tm Ile and Ike skaters tir •
• in their marvellous career. l -
. • _ .• • ..
,The racer's joy on the toot ls -
I No greater than we feel-
Las we cot the MY - surface
! With the sharp keel of *eel:
And after breathless skating ' •
Who heeds the alut•lors spllntera. '
When your spirit high may welidely -
I The Ice of a thousand Winton 1
Anti If the holy of your love fis out upoe'L ,
that hour.
0 follow her swift over feeand drift, and' ' '
speak the words of politest
[Echoes /ram the atter.
—The Young Mn'es ClanstianAssocl
tlon of Mansfield has just dedicated. a .
flew mom,
—Nolley's Islanders. non. cross on the Era
to tho main land *Rh" double teems'-•
and heavy loads. • '
—A meeting of parties Interested In a. ,
illroad from Sandusky to Akron arid
ltla.etil Inn or Ctudon, Is io be held at El y rid en Lha.l3lL.
—The grount Vernon Republican stays:,
Soox county has 2,440 dogs and last
year they kllled'4lB sheeo, worth $0 65 : .
and injured 570 more, _ ' .
. -
IA s ur v ey
—. of two routea from Toledo
to Mossiion 1., I going forward. On Mon
lay a rommitao meets at Norwalk. And'
dr.:ides upon 'which route the rood to to
bo built. . • . ' -
e Warren (Trumbull county,.
Ohio,) Chrenicie save a new vein of coal, •
sic and one-hair feet thick, has tunny •
struck ; that neighborhood. It hsthe
thickest ever discovered Inlhat section:
—The flantilton ( 0 111o)mithorities bays.,,.`.'
been lining railroad men for running:, •
through their village faster than (our
miles an hour, and the officers 'ot the •
road talk of moving the trick ontaldp
the corporation limits. • •-• • •
Unkin epnbli_ean inemisarrtOV,
the. Ohio Legisla ß ture /aye Issued an id-:: ;
dress ta the ftspublinitni of the State, in,
c iliac them. to-be pmetirici large hers at the State Convention,. to be hold
on the 4th or March, next.
—A total disease sarong the awing .
reported in screral parts of Ohio.
Hocking county mine fanners are los. ,
log from fifteen 'to twenty, 'hogs h day.,
Tho disuisseis said to be an . affection of
the throat. 'Chas also prevailed to some''
extent among the tarkeys. The Fayette .
county Herald reports the diseaseatnong .
thr hogs in that county.. .
—The few Olio.etatisths given below
are culled froth an able and lengthy at
nate on Ohio, in 1817, in the Omen/014U
Of oral there were prodtmed 42,130,021
ltushels, and ef pig iron 31,700 tutts—a,
slight increase over 1.911:
There are, In .the State, 100 private - ,
banks, with an aggregate rotate of
1",523,051. National Banks, 137; with,
capital of $22,347,803. State Banke,
with $1,309,0711 capital. Aggregate, :114
banks, with k. 10 ,479,0c0pita1.
The number of marriages in ,1637,.
2U:2M. a decrease from the number in
.1056, which era, 30,479. 'Number of di.. -
comes in 1.015,T17; in 1656, 1,150; in 1867; '
There are some !lilacs almost barber.'
one in the treatment of people in some:-
m . ole shaving and hair-firming shape.
There is ne need that a • barber should
plater you all over thellps or on the halt,
or nearly dislocate your neck, take hold
of you by the none, .or pull yourthutont
of shape when he is eltavingyon. There'
Is no need that; he' should - make your
face burn amf .tingle with' some zin,•
pleasant,,ftnid, or spat your theek with --
hie wetand dirty hands. Meryl, nil need".
that ho ftkould tlelugs your : tisk- with...
some tonic so that a stream of It runs
down your 'neck' ' or besmear [rivals' .
g - mase, so that it feels -soggy; heavy
odrusive, and so that you dare not touch
it with poor• hands - without - washihe
them 'afterwards. There is nee neetitilut
he should. twitch little tufts. of, your
hair nearly out in frizelog It; ooropend
so long a time in placing a few hales on
your temples when he must know they
will cerbualy be„disariagged by year n
hat. There 'ls 'no need thkt he should
lariate you mentally by erolmitattorus ter"
buy eilstuad invigoration% 'and by war-
1 Rums that you have waideugleilte dan
druff end baldness which imp• iltnlyl-be •
checked-by them:. .
. Undoubtedly in this country the toil-
Sort:d'art hue been brought to the highest
perfretion, and there are many who real
-1y enjoy a barber's manipulations, what: -
his towel is clean, his lather perfumed ,
and creamy, ilia touch like the touch of '
a summer- braere;t leaving your cheek. -
soft and fragrant, the nibbing and brush:
lug of yo ur heir either by his hand or by
inaeltinerY 'real - pleasure, and then you
The Rug of the Cannibal leasallis.
A number of year; ego the Fettle 1,. 0
!finders American' ate up three Amecan' sailors.
The United Snares government,' It seems;
made a demand for indemnity,. end - one.
Of the two kings of reciee now aindtrto
tho "greet father" at - Washington ati
enortheow tooth. Liana to be • taken la
that his Xfatesty of . Feejee . would.
likolo "cut and come again?"' or to it a'
testimony that -American sailor egrets
with the i.eejoe digestion? -
must bo regarded ttenictephorleal
tooth, dental figure of 'Speech, . for leis
not a Fesjeo's tooth, bat a sperm whale's ,
tooth. Our governmeaVe demand .for
indeally might here 'been' met by a
ttift of teeth, but they- should , bare been'
the teeth or. the 'taxi:alone fellows who
dined elf our seamee..• That would have
txamtiot tioly indemnity forth° part,lint
eeisurily for tbe future. -
Japaome government Once bor
e:tied ou American CoMmOdere with the'
preterit or e% maq's hood, hy way of In--
demnity. When Contmodoralliddlolay.
in Jeddo Ifay, In the Columbus, jet
ho ettempted to' Belt one der n FOraft-'
eso war Junk, lint es: he clambered over
her Etilwarke a sentry prediod him back
into he 'sig. Tho Commodore returned'.
in n rage to his ithip, and seats pereinp
tory doirtand for in tipolot#,and tedtint
ntty for the insult.' Withi n,guarter of
an boor Came back an answer that 'the
metre rotted elthoot °niers, and That
his hesdliad boon promptly cut off, ?and...
was novitt the aenqco of the_ CoMmoe
• —/e , n , 106 .h.eeh thus makla merry
over Oil lid re r tisentent ' .
. - .
19, and u very prod idea, too:
.1 “The 13-stop garmoidant, with Swell,
Thirty Guloww. Full Lists spat on
Why ahouidn't a Swell do something •
for h,tmaelf in this . i.ray 2 Of course„ in
applying for the 134 a t opper you'd ask the'
follownhaquaations:. , • -
I. Doi. treo Swell ploy.the harsuoalitm?,
... 2. It Po he require much pressing?
3.• If ho won't play awing sulky, or not •
well, for tustanco).what may you do to
him to make him go? Of coarse; ^lf
had a do" donkey what wouldn't, every one
known Mt about that,. bat in. the =se eta,
Sn UM mode of treatment la acareply
I • 4. If a fondly 'laris a harlioniuna, will`
the •Swell take- his meals wittithern, or.
by himself in hisown harmonium?, ..
Can the Swell be let out? .;Let out
with safety—aid', If so, .May he be de
pended upon to come tatckl , . .
Many more' Interrogatories - might be
pat to the' enterprising advertlears, hut
In any case we' have dame our duty.M.
making thcalapvpsugrotiona,andOcimat
—An ambits:unconsciously perpetra..
ied n crest loke nt: the,
~expense of ble
leacher the other Any. -The „wns ~
announcing Veber pupils the not on
the 22.1 day -of February , and asking;',
theta sense antmtlona concerning Its' ab-:
serynnetrosong othein *try-the birth%
Ass. otiVaelltngton:aboulti be celebrated.
intro than. that of any one else. .'Why,"
she addect,.`'lnorolhan mind - "Town:wk .
tell MC , ,,.' alio added In a little Maw
°agar 'ICI - axplatn.....l3eannay.,. hO. ex.„
olaln;ed, with greet ytvaci ty,..bnianse
lag stevaclold a lie: ,
...,,,,... ........,.. ;li. :.•-, 1 . Z.:;. ; .-. 4: .t,l,