...TEEL DAIL •= METH, Otm=l acacm) -ramilwr, REED do CO, 7. a. rciatruar,:.:o,"+„ —anus ulna. Mom lastnen Nartair. 71318rnaz, emorrzx sulunse. ' SiNlSsi. Salmi Si SIBS STAB* La:lit:Aka ka mete:shim:l*s eteinam , mar i p a rsea aan CAM Alid? mad 21112" 74MILY as ousantzozur. ALPER Is Us Mat; tams 01 rag DAILY. yer week...• IS ••• r gh e elr..r per Arlareag.. CIAZEI•77; prrmuscia. FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. Pen itraniaLegislature - 11811/12OaDas laaagela Cool Some"Hi - =sham la 111.firor Crosaff—Plll•- tank *stir Worio—Tesanes far for Sloidlor. Sr /11111-74* larasorol Sonars Ilewars. for Mardsranta—oar. s :osesallarrliasims—Torar for omits— Olt loopratlea 15111 PAWN Lilt the - ,loasso=saarotara ha ramils7. Molds slekendiassilsfaiallosite.o. ALII•Ibe.7 Illooks7-sLiesfinallOa er liraparles, OIL, 1 Beater coaaty—*urea.. AO) LEO fur. Zavalld aoldloro—feso ofialitlaro a 1 113maditabla. h AIM. osergia:4losasganals Valley nfitiftlyph merairoarza rassual niranommo, February 10.1103. •YERETT, of . Allegheny. from selest hundred minors of Allegheny -aninty, fort Change Lithe law as to mai . Mr. TAYLOR, of Bearer, one to pre vent alehlag with seine in Bearer ootusty. Ales, costar the repeal of the art ex.:, - 4nedlag the limits of Beaker Borough. Mr. COWLES, of McKean, a general fee bill, being the samosa passed by - the Renal lad modem Idr.F.IIII.ETT, of Allegheny, anthori. sing this Oily otßittabnrgh to borrow ..me minion dollars' for turmeric% and, 'extending the safer works. • ' Also, one exemptingAlloOony county eteriithe . provision, of the net Of May , 811 , 1 B8 8 ornmpellIng railroad coinpentea and other corporations to pay 'Counsel fbeinf plaintiffs la certain cum.- _ Bin .PlBllffff, of Lan....mnae, a general ' pension law for all soldiers of 1812, and ~widows, not - ii - erth over Ave hundred africasr, noa atennewens' . Mr. IrlßßEff,of Lanzaster, offered the ' , !Whoring Jernfrowdatbea : WHXIISAII, Druintitie hewing of evi -dence" In the teas of ,I. K. Robinson not Elezdnel ff. Sha gs . one of the lambent of the &nate, from the Twin -ftraiSeniitorlal• District, a certain W inik.ey ' 'Joint wax examined as witness on • behalf of kalo , .I'..K. Robinson. cantos tent, and said Cosy, alter 0,"9” gee werreylald in - the-county of Clearfield __ _..... suidreitZisTtiniThri7s ZlnCe -r dled; . - 'ffissoitsca .d at the Governor bs and is ,lier rewat eby d "or two -thous a nd an endred to offer ll ars for .rnek irterznation as will lead do to dm - sr , - nor and =Mad= of.thopercoror per . emuiestramilllng said offenee,snd that the Traaattne of the Commournalth be sri .;-„. tbarfzed and required to pry said sum. PrOad ' • - FlEUpat said . that three persons lieetWarreaued, but were thechurged leiterduclulgabeas e.rEug 'atoll WWI . itt at /ivy* ' , Vird_LIAITZ, , Ciesulteld, said the !prime wu as Jesuit= CONNp.L, - of Ildladalpkda a blit'ptiddidting, Corot& fronainharrea g Una naines of corporations..- (maticium Costrozamcm imoss. Mr. IacOONAIIGHEY,- of Adams, a jatatrarroirdlon rtrgislrCaparrees lunteci *madam artiani a heiriier tariff on fordo pictured and arttata rostoriala. • CAL INIUIIOI3OA 7ILU PAS11:11.. • The parole= Oglespection bill was Xr. ERRE= moved- amend' by emillningsalettfter,oimdszonstlon solely for Pedistifission of expert- 'Adopted. Mr SEARIGHT moved tit amend by redacting the term, of inspector from 'bar to' three years. Adopted. . Tb• bin 'was paned substan tially is agreed by the etnatittaa Stilts "mum natal-pr . . • BeeginkSeiefon.—Amtherizing comity, to - borrow I,llnee thousand , kre hundred dollars for eau-ging oohed haus% lielatie to election precincts in dile- 140triatir to. Mt,. Witahloran, Alla. essaY coma]. the Wade" now= Law of • - Thnnisfor Zzixput 2%uco . 71IIA LLY. 'Prohibiting the hunting or game In Findlay. Robinson and Poott townahlps, Tembattie deltniictlon - or Injury of goopolvtoos,- 11:nut4alm, !u, Soave „ Alepesling the set inotnpattteg the cpettyitntrg Anylum for brralld Salamis. Snseaaing the fres of - Justices sad tldatahka - 'ns Armstrong county to . 4unoolna named in the act of BIM - O One TALLEY BalL2loll-0. The bill authorialleg the Monongshida Taney italinesa courpanj lobelia a road from Pittsburgh to Monongahela City by arbateriroute a =Verity of the dinett e= may_ determine, thence to B.101, • 5 /smiling. and to extend the main line to Went Virginia, Ism taken up. Mr. - FORD, Of Allegheny. rimed Id areindnient confining the route to the hanks oftheMonongshala river: Mr. WILSON, of Allegheny, and Mr. -PLATFORD, of Payette, spoke for the andeskinsett,"ead Messrs: WWESI/ and DAY, of Washington, opposed it p • _ amendmentarcs defeated mid the over fora third reading. /Aram: HICSMAN'S Ckrostlintkilud stnezidnients were deteled until very late. Melo/Mier erarecrowd ed. The disposition of a majority of Re polikaus is to Indefinitely postpone the At,. quarter past eleven o'clock the quertlentwas postponed Mal Tuesday twain and made the special erdee, pendingmotion of Mr. STRANG, of 'Toga,to recommit to the Judiciary Corn ndUee, 'with imilzuctlana to inquire Into the expediency 51 reporting a bill to all a Oonstltutional Convention. - Xr.I3ICBILLIt was wezy swan oo lhopublloiii: who had opposed his mossdossohl,". ablliog It "dodging, ,, l'a t unkli r 109? 'll3tE'S.!l°. '..*AkUNGTON. 11721ifirtilit ie Ow Muslim), assist& F•b.,lt, l~tY~sna Calla AT GEOIACICA. . antrum to* lila nOt rg Pro 'asaneod askopinion• on'the mottles to dlo. - ads tae MeArdle casofor wait of parts Testerdiri. after the Georgisand hi:s =cans were disposed of, Judge ffiedinerbillintatudf oftbsEitats of Georgia, against - Gene. Grant, Meade astßuserat al. It is understood this bill Seeks to avoid all difficulties el3tollll - inibe foram arscamaat and rases dlatinatly a question of property. to wit : the Treuitul of,the State eorgia. An Wendt= -to 'protect tide of is G praed fw 3ffie rl foe hearing the argant y est not7adseinixtned aemclamrt acres ow. .Tbe Smite miailrmal John 11. Pen. alarm Welted Maim Attorney for Dela .ware, and rejected the follerdo eaten= Wm. Ir. Ingham Cote of Yates:* John Johnson, rotted - M ai m dimabal, of Virginia: Ladle *tonal, :United States Mer,Wl . Kan. tuak'r eo . o = . - Maguire, one of the mu to settle the claims of raglans far McMullan., equipping and aeWtedajftroop to. aid in suppressing , ''"'lmomrsArtimeamrr This Priatilent 'Dent in the followtag atnninstinar. • Ohm,ltahnient. of Vir- Meaning , at. Arnhem 'Heart' L. Collector of. Customs,--George town, Carolina; Wm...Fitahlaa, Ilarenne, .in the ilerenth Dlstriet,-1111nols, 'IIIC2I WAS IMXOI3II 2tf =MECO. ", The ARNIE ..Ikopannuant has authantio -inibniundan'than the :anon of mosso- Inn fraKbetwodnaCiantsnualn and Maxim aro williontiubatantial foundation. FROM EUROPE. Death of Sir David Brewster Another Attack on the Po in Cork. Attempt to Lynch an Infoimor !rial fad Convict's* if a Fealaa British Ina-clad Ship Mimicked Banque" io A cloths" Tearoom". Count 13b3thark Siok SI TVNIM•aI. I* W ruzsbarn 12121L2 11111T.UN.. LONIXFX, ,Februaa7 Brewster, the calibrated Engnett physi cian wad distinguished 'scientific discov erer and antler, died last evening, aged eighty-seven. • The Withal Iron clad alp of war Bart miss, said to be the 'Brevet la the world, was atemiesfolly launched at Chatham dock yard. Cour, February 11.—Another attack was made upon the Police to the street geeterday by a mob, who petheil them with atones and bricks.. The Polloe,who were. armed with - .musket., flied bayonets and Sehaired - _on the swami. A short and desperate tight followed In which several of the rioters wars' bayoneted. The ,ansallants then fled' in all directions, lessring.tire wounded 'on the ground. During the day an attempt was made to seinen well know, informer and lynch him„'leut the appearance of a pollotipatrolpnerented the Marne from being carried out.• A deputation from loyal Irishmen of London yesterday waited upon Hen. Gartherne Hardy at the Home Office, and presented him an addrese„ exprout . l tug their devotion to the mown. The Home Secretary replied to their address in an appropriate speech,' thanking them fartheir nuszdss as loyalty. Diming, Feb, 11.—The trial of Len non, which nommeneediresterday. end ed lasday..with a verdict of guilty of murder, felony and treason. Mr. Sulli van. ef the Dahlia Zrteiniast, his been Indicted by - the grand Jury fob. Publiahl Lug mealtime libels. Matz* will corn- CM Fp:mama, February 43.-01 ; grand I q boa net info be gine' hen. to Admiral farragat by the raerabampf the Italian Parliament and oaken of the Italian ar !My and nary. Pregaratialui ar th. &f -air bare commenced, but th• day la net GIZAZWIL . . -Bloom', Februnizr IL--Conni Els - • is sick and miable to loam Bit -4::. envailllinnalf of his lean of at.% No clasp In the Primulas at. •et la proposed. •- , ~ - - 0....-- 411111111111. 'Cum, Tsbroory Rslobo:rant has reaosembled and-t otorososorgoolz: ed for busbies% IFI . EARC I wo..: .L A aA t) CORREIMILL. ngola tpaaxirroirr Pah. 11.—Jhanuark--13. B. bonds 75a. I si.: An:rerwar, Elds. - closed ataady at. an egvancee stand white 42 franca. • . ci7 :t fn i roan, February 11—ittenogr.— , closed baoyans a 'foram ad. lance or id, making the total during ther day oT xnaddllag winds' WOK do Orleans INGald; the Was toot up 5:),060 balm. Butadatutre—Whaat 2 rad Id higher, closing at las ad. Miranda w4ltn - Alwat. oboists ar. - 16a 10d. Oat. *oak atlas 10d. Corn steady. at 42a 61. Barley and Peas unahangeet. Fleur staedy at rig Provision—Boor 117 a W. Pork 72s Id for now. Lent lye 6d. Chaco tgla. Bacon 35a Pioduco— Sugar gobs& aid atanty.. - 46111114 NEWS BY SEM r-Negetlattona ter anew trunk route through Nicaragua. hare haled. -.Prof. Bleholoson, of tit, vaiiiiiity oflffnekeiterOT: Y., died 'yesterday.. Chas branch of the knensaldaLeeli: places Asa pulsed a YU Isailiecapital olakment for moan at the&swat— ea afithointy. , =Mho Cleveland Paper 001111121r11 atli wardainaged by tire to" the extant of +boat PPP*. mayday =wan, ric is covered by kunzsoes. the Bask of klentool, fknada . . Min —in dayrreolag, a fro kroksent, , sod thelntoner was wanly' datrufgal burrs =a , "ext Two woman, esz , J-The radon Ikettny at rein; Ind ; t was destroyed by triryeetenksy attar ao}n. Lux $50,000; folly Insured. Tkki nasi this_ largest finery •In -Indiana Mesas. Mug wan theproretebon. 1 -The Now York Node Assanday yes. hi* yesterAiyrequiatedthiflettotintana Bapoolattatives In Oaagrinstessaarsents law prorktleg, for the 'intspktytoont of dlsoblad soldiers sod sallorala Cretans Hansa; Light Houses; Arsenals one 4The 4110 - :lsrivr ionej Tegtolature of the donstneiloast stain& man and joint reeelattino wllkdravriog the anent of Now JorasztO Mid amend mat, has ban postponed tor Insalay next, In oonseeturnos orthir Manes of 4Dbe Atalanta Censtitution,. ;tactical candidate Malt, kw been-..datenotL The vote Is lass than the ,riqulred este kalf, and is vartotudy estimated at bank to t i to , twenty-three - thottanad. The w to vote does not 11X.COMI OW toivory one hundred amitlfly negrosa —The 3llssourt State Ehtstniay named . theiron Mciontalu Mathis& bill. it *unarm Thomas -Allies title to tke road and provides Allen's title shall not offset eny suit that EMT be brayed against McKay. Read & Co. the original purthasara. This is mod an sko muddy, however, by several lawyers to the ISensts, as Allan . derives s title from - McKay, Reed & Co., Ad sd their 'Ude falls Allan's will fall with - it. —A letter front Lexington, Mo., Ilya Banditti D. Howell, known as the month ern I pedestrian, martved them ' last weekfrcom liansfishi, - Tabett, en hisyway tdConntil leWa: Prom Mans field to Lexington, eigAt hundred and thirty-five miles, was made in sixteen days. Thu emirs trip, twelve hooded and Sixty-four Wien, be expects to an comphsh injwanty-four days. Howell was In fi ns condition, and..eattfidenr Of sacceedlng in hie undertaking. —The Parts correspondent of the 130.- tanArst sayer “Meanwhile, the alarm felt by all cla ss es In Ammo orneerning what Is celled to philomphythe Immo dime • future, tar at its* higher.- - Straftge ra are ideal commas the sodden " wi d th r ildem kich tbe utabl. gmperar -sPall" has bant er lt se r "ited r reni . of 1 Aft °Mem &Ids Majesty's sta bles has circulated the report that ever sister the Emperor's return =' teem It. Cloud a canine with four harms, all ready to start et a momently notioe, is always kept night and day standing in the coschyard of the palms fig - argent or. the Emperor's Aminzturds on Mb petnt that the coachman I. always Bested I oft the box, and thopotallbin *draw by the tenders, while it an linty 'ars stationed' behind Me I • ready to jump. into the rumble as the- sigma should be gives; P the Wary is exaggerated that the pi'ot , thlreartlage ramtained tour ravolirsts, always kept keeled, and MIS the &taperer levant to lisle theftaach yard it the lIIOSiZ xf =. hears, and to am* by his n - 2presence the servants on their Theme duty, mew ttmete weft dmiag f her Mall Airlanft of the n tt l i t ,r ll c : amerce is so mach dreaded Se Jr MWI4 as it it( dananslastad in porter's Igre of the Tailleries, and tbs. poor harassed grooms and Iwo •tmemt.-ano literally 'WWII out with the anftlefr more than from ,Ikedatigtis of the position. The Empress, where daty nerril l : umerw k" 4etul' ot .w w . A uelis tbiserrur th. anXillt, liritlaia bi 11l a symptom, is greatly pitied anscrapt the 1 , .., 44t .,..iii - ii- --- ----- • . . - . . . . . . , 1 . . , . . ~. AV ,: s * "ALD. jig .„..- . , . 4 1 1#51: 1 11 , c • 4 , ! f i 1 . . . ' ` 7- '• ..- '4 . 4;C" . isi:;,--- ;,('NE7./.7. -. . ' .)- r '' . r.. ---.-,---20,...,____,—.__ •_.: ....„••••••••_:,_ _.„,..„..,.....•_..„____ •- , :„ 1 , . • . , , ,L •. . t ~ . . . . . . • , . • direction of the Prefident. For inch or sEcoND I Emig) - 20-2,ixereg,-,:-.....atd u t te 'n rat a an h c? . what they are bears giving madirec - ' V Lion. Mr. Stanton, in his letter of the 4th . instant, wkich e a Orls- THREE. O'CLOCK A. M. ed corropoadenoe,moomp says sal k es e thO had bita na communication with the Proldent since the 12th of Angrier, last, and he farther. says that alas ha resumed the duties of , the aloe he, has contended to discharge them wlthotit any personal or written communication with the President. and , he • adds "no orders have been ' Issued from this Departmeut in the Same of the President with my knowl edge. and I haverecelyed no orders from him." It thus some that Mr. Stanton I now discharges the ;duties of •the . War 1 Department without any reference to the President and without wing his mane. My order to.you. had only reference to orders *unwed to be Issued by the Pres ident. It would appear from Mr. Sten ton's letter that yon • have received no sack ordersfrom him. Inyour not to the President of the Lath stfL, ha which you acknowledge the receipt f the writ ten order of the 29th,' rot es that you'' have been informed by r. Stanton that he has sat, ved any order limiting his *inherit to Janson. dem to i the army Ratio rdiag to the p,ac ties of ithe Department, d state that I 1 "while this authority to . e War De. piedmont is net counterman ed, It will be satisfactory evidence to me that any orders lamed - from the War Department by direction of the President are antho riOd by the Xxecutive." The President taittell an odor to yen to obey no ardor from the-War Departinent, purporting to be' made by direction of the Problem% I until yen have refarred it to him for his approval. You reply that you have received the President s order and will I not obey it, but will obey an order pur• porting to be given by h is direction if. it I cots from - the War Department- Ton will obey "- no direct or- der of the President, but will *bey his Indirect order. If, as you say, there has been a practioe in the War Department to issue orders In the name of the President without. his direction, l deo not the precise order you have re-' quested and have recoDed change the practice to the General of the Army?' Could not the President connterenemi ' any such ordor issued in the name of the President to do a special act, and an or der directly from the President himself I not to do the act?. 'ethers a doubt which I yen are to obey? You answeranswer the nue,- Mon when you say to 'the President, in your letter of the 3d inst., "the Secretary ' of War is my superior and your aubor- I diode," aad yet yen refuse obedience to the superior by an act of deference to the subordinate. , I ,Without further comment on the in. mabordlnat• attitude which ,you have' as atuaad,l am ate lose te kilo, how yen can relieve yourself Don the orders of the President, who la made by the Con- Oltution the Commander-let-Chief of the, erne and navy, and la therefore the of ficial superior as well of the General of the Army is 0 the Secretary of War. Itespeittfally, yours, AJMIIIO, Juiryo.Kut: General U. S. Grant, Commanding Ar mies o I the United Statee,Wathington, D. C. PRBSIDEAT GRIM' idditional 6rrespondence Lettere from the President and Five 'cabinet Members. Grant Accust4l of I~nbordlaatlan Another Letter . from Grant. ter rteersca to tae Museum Barrel Wsurixerwri February 11, 1563. The'Preddent this afternoon esitt the folloiring letter. to the Hear of Repro-. andatlres, in accordance with the revolu tion adopted yestaiday . Mangles, Febt to, 1663. of"6en& The e x traordi n ary charao ler of year letter of the Sd lost. would seam to preclude any reply on my(part, but the manner in which publicity, has been given to the correspondence, of which that letter forma • part, and the grave questions which 11111111T0iVed.' in= duce meta take this mode of girls& as a *roper sequel to the communications which have passed between tts, thereto meats of the ftve members of the Odd , net who were present en the occriler of our conversation on the 14th ult. Copies of the letters which they have addressed to me upon the enhjeat are accordingly herewith soolmed. ..Yettepeak of my letter of the let p ereiterettan of the many and gross utiarepossentatlone contained In caftans newepaper articles, and reassert the cor rectness of the staurnente contained in your communication of the 28th Mag. (and here I give, year own weds.) Anything in veuralln reply to Itle the contrary ` norelthatandlag." When • controversy open Matters of far reecho. the reins to which this haaboen brought, further &amnion or denial between the Immediate parties should cease, especlat , ty when upon either - sid t it ;lord. the the character of the respect! ul disonseien required by the parties atandien to each other and degenerates In tong and temper. In each a case, if there is`hoth• tog to rely open but the opposing state: Muth eoneduakess most be drawn from those statements gene an d fromotteT er intrinsic probabilities they favor of or agalnet either of the parties. I should not slunk front the contipror my; but fortunately, it is not left IV this test alone. There mans five Cabinet eft , ors present at the cosivereatiea, the de -1 tails of which in My Uttar of the 78th ult. you allow yourself to' ay contain , Many and great nthreproientatlonm These leadsmen heard that enversation and have read my statement The speak for themselves, and I I leave the prow without& word of oentment. I doem It proper'' been 'ifonchading lidseinenturcnuteasetki meats &moiler the statements contained I. your letter. Ton say tint a performance et` the promises alleged to have bean mods by - you to tbs.-President Would have In. volved "a resistance to the law sad an inconsistency with the whole briery of my connection with the etrpension of Mr. Stanton." You then state that you Malian the Proudest Mudd as the re moval of Mr.iltantan appoint some ene in his arm rite would . =therms the army inearrying oil tire nbenstruction self, and add ' it was to prevent such in appointment that I op:opted the ernes 01 . Secretary of War ad intone, and sot for the purpooe of enabling you to get rid ef.lllr. Stanton by my withheting it from him in oppeeltlonr to the lets , or not doing so myself, surrendering it to one h o, se the statement' and asantorths9 laragitge h- TA, " 074.1,,v3it here ad mit that from the veryboginning of what yen term' the whets; history of your connection with Mr. Stanton'. agape°. Idea, you istended to circumvent the President. Awes to carry out that in.. tentthalyett &scepter the appointment. This eras in your mirth at the time of your acceptance. It was net, thee, in obedient* Us the order of your superior. as beretssaits Ind beset supposed, dust yen anatteled tha duties of the *Slew Ton knew It was the irresidart's pur pose-. to , prevent Mr. Stanton free resuming the • ogles of Secretary ol War, and you lauseded to defeat that Yen sesepted the once, not In t r tr e' arest of the President, bulef Mr Ittentem!' If Wet purpose aesstartathed by you had been eentlind to yomealf, when accepting ,thecdaos you hidden. no wide' mental iseervation to frustrate the President. it would have toia & do• °option in the ethics 'of emu persons. Each-courser, allowable, but yea csanot stand. even • open that -quotkosible ground. The key erica oenneetiee with this transactions, se writtea by,yent• self, plans en: in a different pridlos: meat and shows that Yon not only eon aired' design from the President, bug oar I.hism to frlPPeer that Yon would arty out Ma r aupose to keep Mr. StantonertnroMee retaining llv our self, after an attem restoration by the Sensate, re as to require Mr. Stanton to establish his right b . Sadler' skeleton. - I now give that pm of this history as widen by ventsqin you; letter of tfts 2251 nit • - "Se Polleste edit I rimmed the duties of War ad illiertn the Pr..- ; of my views ea je the course Mr. Stanton would have to pursue, In asp the literricalundd sea amour, in his scurrevaien, 'to'obtain permeates of the aftlea - Llfy.reply was inward:taco that Mr. Stanton would have to appeal to the Contra to retastate him, Illustrating my perdue by citing thogrouedl had take& Lathe meld the Pethienore Police Com missioners'. IL—Sir Darla Ire st shallots Asan admit In your Isaac, theta inst., you held the oak* for the very obits: of defeating an Nal to, this Courts.- Is that lather you say that In accepting the alike one mo tiro wait toprevad the . President from ,appeadiug eissadithespersosstio would retain posseudia, sad thus make judi cial prosiedings Necessary. Tea knew thir President was unwilliag to tallith hit ado* with any ono who could not, by holdingth compel Mr:Stanton to resort to the Courts. • You!perfectly undsr stood that la th is I interview, oomiS time arts you accepted tho dor, 'that. tha 'Preshleat, - net • con tent% with your . .allestes, distred emersion of •yeur ,views.and yea an awsmothim that tir.fitatitou would haat to Kneel co -the Cm:ate. If thorresident had ritpemd confidenos before he know =dr.a sedi and - that confidence had it might' tom boon aid lie made a mistake; but fight ' tatt o o of con /dams .inipostel; after that outman dos wax 110 mistake of his nor yours. It to t he Act only, that needs be stated; that at, the dais of this COUTCIII22II,II you did not Intend to bad the edits with the purpose of forcing Mr. Stanton • into Court, but did helint than sad socepted It to prevent—that _coarse from being, caraid , out,. In ether word., you said to the Trinidad • that, is the proper . course; end you add to-, raped , r hors this *Moe and now bold it to de= course. The eXCIUGY O U =he IA a web" lisquestpuspaph of th at letter of the ult.; that aterwards .you changed your Mena. to What would be a prop er ,coures, Mut nothing to do • with tha nt nen,tinder mtidamtlen; The ps tls that before lon chinged your views port bad alcretly determined to do "the very thing which at last you - did, amender thetedithe la Mr. littauton.,Tottmay biro changed your views AS to URI ISINV bat gcertainly did not change your-views sato the canonry.= lust' marked eat for yommif from the beginning. • •• I Ellen], ninths anti more statement In your letterer the Si inst.; dad the per fon:canoe of the promises, which It is 111. lead ware made by you, would have in volved you In the reelstance of low.d 2 how or no statute that, would have Wen wirdabid,,hadysittoirrial out your prom las I. good win, Lot tendered your rm. *nation when yen concluded not to to made a Flirty at any legal proceeding*, Tea add: sou Ina meatus incs. ' lamed in thloconclosieu by - ymurrianit *slims directing me to dtsobeyttnierdors from the l.cretary of War, my superkir aid your• inheres/AS. without hayloft countermanded his authority to issue or- ders I am to disobity.i'r I. On the 24th nit. you. addressed a nits to thiPtuident, rupsioding ta writing, as order, gluts to yea rabidly floe dm. bakes to disregard-orders--from Mr. Stanton in Ikeritat7 WSJ'. labia YOU knew freak*, IPnishisialilluself.that they were hie or dere.l Oa the 2ith, In committal* with ,yette'requitat, I did • give you Instructions In wallas not to obty enT'order frear'ths. War. atestdusumsd to ini• Inroad tu n = don of thoPieddest, urgent such order wits known by - the General ouninand- Ind this.armies of tlita United Matsu to have bees authrelted , by the Tamales There are aaltordorawhich a Secretary of Waratlif . fiNall4iFilltilattile authority ° me p°}4 There arm Others Which be . wns: y the - agent of the heeldear, eridittr;putport lobe by _ . The letter of the Pniddent iv ItOCVM. panisd by letters fneuVthe Secretariat of the Navy, Treasnrv, Interior, State, and Peninsular Causal: supporting. his poelt. tloas. EX3Crtene Waliallama, D. Li, Foh, 5, 1 5 68. -,Pan—The Chronicle of this morning contatus • correspondence between Um President and Getters] Grant, reported frost the War /Deputises% to answer to *resolution of the Dowse of Represent airs.. I beg to • call your attention to that correspondents, and especially in that part of It which robes to tke maser sadist between the President and Goo. Grant at the Cabinet meeting on Toes day, the 14th. of Inning, and to request you to state what was .steld to that con. rerestlen. • ray ristAxtfuniyoun, ASPRZI. Joingscor WAIRINCITOX, rebrlllry 1, ifed. 4 • . faVela7tare. l ily recollection of the coriyareallira at die Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, the 11th of January, corns. pond. with your statement of It In thr Nair of the alet nit., In the published correspondence. The three pante spec ified in that letter, siring your moiler ilea of the reseeniatten, are correctly stated. - Very rteepertfu Ily, tlnfszon Wsm.ss. Tazumar == = l , MI . . Bra—l have noshed :your set. of the Ith MM, calling my stlistlen to the *or. respeudesuse betwesa pinned( sad Gen eral Great es published to the Chrusuck stymie:tiny, especialirta that part of it which Maim to mht Orcurndla the COMM. sleeting as Tuesday the 14th flit, end requestlag me to mato what .wes Mid MVOS, cearersatied• referred to. 1 cannot tuidertake I. Mats tae piracies Improve used, but TIM. no Imitation In saying year soconst at that Converse , ties as gives la your letter to Ortnetal Groat on Mallet alt, substantially in all Lmmas. particulars of socords with my molted/cm lt. Alai groat mood, 'Tour ebullient suret, Hoax Mcetua,ocz To Ms Prosidont. • • Porreenc*Dmmtrtraerr. 1 Wancorarreet, I'd,. 6, GM'. j liim-1 amln receipt of your letter of tioath of February, ceiling my atten tion to thectereepondmen published in the afrowtde between the Presidt sad General Grant, end especialn to that part are tt which refer to the novena- Um between'. the President and Omer.' Grant at the Cabinet anetiag en the 14th of ,Tannery, with a recent that I state what was mid In that conversation. In _reply I have the honor, to state that-I bare read oar-golly the lorrrespondeno• be question, and particularly the bettor of they Presideate to 'General Grant, dated January 11, IML , The following extract from your letter of the Mat of January I. General Great Is according to my recollection of the conversation that fink place between the President and General Grant at the Cabinet meet beg en the 14th of January last, in the presence of the Cabinet , "The PreableateakedGMOrant wheth er, la the conversetleni which tusk place after Ideeppelatmentas ilecretary of War ad interne, he did not agree either to roman at the head of the War Department and abide any judicial pro se:Mince that might fellow the non-ome lette:name of the Gnat be Mr. Stamon'e nurposeton, or Mena he wish not to ho come imalred in male controverm to pm the Preedent • is the mune position with respect to the AMC* as he occupied previous to Gm. Grant's appointment, by rettitelog It to the Preddeat lertime to anticipate such main by the Senate. This Gmeral GraM adMitted. The Pres- Identthen Raked amend Great it at the contemn en the preceding Saturday be had not, to avoid mieunderetandinif f re 'ggaated Cteceacal Grant to state what be -Wended te do, and futtber, if IA reply I to that Inquiry - he (General Grant) bad not referred to their, former converse- Um; „mayn't that Dom them the Pried dent understood hispetition. and th at • bbe (Gem Grant's) adfene would he con ' 'latent, with the undentandlug width had beennadnd. To these gqmottona Gen. Grant replied in the dlDrmative. The Prey dent asked Gen. Grant IG at the concluidokef their interview en Bator day„it wes not the ttenerataeding that they were to have another conference on Monday, before final 'action by the 81111.• AU In the ewe of Mn, Otaaton. Goa.. Gnat replied that mach was the. under- Mandbm, but that he &dint supMfee the Senate would act so goes; that - ,on Mon day he bad been engaged In a onference laillalten.: Sharman, -endless oecoplad with nesayllttle matter; and aaksi If Gen. !therm= had. not called on that I take. this mode of replyng to the request contained be the Proint'a let ter, bemuse my attention bad been call ed to the subject when the CAA VargathAl between the Prodded and Gen, Grant was we*, cenableratlon. • • fen obedientmural, • Jima. W. Itaximit, TO the Freebie:at • Postmaster Gen. DERANSICINT Or 111 M, iNTII I IOI4 Tigiangirro xo.,C.Orob. 4 MB. I ins In receipt crime 'of yeaterillay, calling my attention to a corrarpondanco between yourself and Gyn. Groat pub-. listed lathe Chronicle, and especially to UM part. et VAX correspondence which refers to the. ontronaulcat between the President and Gen. Grant at the Cabinet meeting on Toseday, tbsltds *fluttery, and regninding_ me to Mato what Irma said liii*that conversation. In reply I submit the following Mettionsat: At the Calideset meeting, Tuesday, Jan uary 14th, GISAGen., Great appeared and took his ',rewarmed seat at the board. When lie hod been reached in the order of buranims, the President asked him, u usual, if he had anything to present. fa reply, the Chmeral, after referring to a nobs whichho had that morning ad dressed to the' President, enclaing a espy. of thermal:Wan otitis Senate refusing to concur In the means Air the suspension or )4x. Stanton, proceeded to say he re gsrded his diarlesiut Secretary of War ad Interim terminated by that; resolution, and that ho could not lawfttlly exorcise , • - such duties fora moment after the adop tion of the resolution : that the rceolu iron rescued him last night, and that this Merging he had gone to the WaiDepert-. went, entered the Seeretery's rctom ed one door on the insidre looked the other on the outside, delivered the kov _to the Adjutant General, and siromedee !to the Ileadonartere of the A rmy,aati ad dressed the note above mentioned to_the President, informing hire that he ethane longer Secretary of War ad interirn, The President expreered great eurprisoat the course which General Grant bad thou- ht proper.: to pursue, and addressing huneolf to the General, proceeded to say', In 'substance, that he had antler paled such action of the Senate; and being 'very desireus to have the coustitution &thy of the Trnure of Ofacef hill Listed, curl hie right to suspend of remene a member of the Cabinet decided hs- the Judicial tribunal of the country,' he had some time non, 'and shortly ;after Ben. Grant's appeiutment as Secretary of War tad into-sin, raked threiGaueral what his action would be to the event that the Senate ahnuld refuels tb concur in the 'suspension of. Mr, Stanton, and tint the Osmond had then !speed either to reroute at the head of the War e Depart ment till a decision could be obtained I from the Court, or reeign the ottice Into the bands of the President before the case R. acted upon by the Senate, so as to place the President in the same situa tion he occutiled at the time ofi Grant's . , appointment. The President farther said that the conversation was resumed on the proceeding titaturday, ei which time he naked tLe General what he In tended to do if the Senate should,undari take to reinstate Mr. Stantoh. In reply to which the General referred to their former conversation upon the barna subject, and said you "understood , my ' position and my conduct will tio con formable to that undoratandinm"lthat Lo (the General), then expressed a Caere (xi being made a party to a- udtcull ' proceeding, haying that he wouldlexposie himself to dee'and itnprisonment by doing so, as his sentinuing to diseharge the shunts ofSecretary of War act interior after the Senate should have refused to concur in the suspension of Mr. Stanton, would be a violation of the Tenure of Offlos • bill; that in I reply' to Gals the President informed Genera Grant he had not suspended Mr. Stanton under the Tenure of Office bill, bat •by virtue of power conferred on him by the Constitution, and as to the fine and lin-, orison:nerd the President would pay whatever fine was Imposed and submit to whatever imprisonment might be ad judged him (the Generals) that they- continued the conversation for some time, discuming the leer at length; cad rieallT separated with ent having recched k definite conclusion, and setth the nuderstanding that the General would site the President again on' Mon day. In reply, Gnu Grant admitted the conrerassione had ec 'erred, and acid that at the drat oesseersaiion had given it as his opinion to the 'Presi dent that in the create( nort-concurrisnee by the Senate in the action of the Presi dent irk respect to the Secretary of War the net •stlon would heroin be decided by the Court, that Mr. Stanton would have to appeal Gs - the Court to reinstate hint is office, that the ins Would narnainth they could be diaploced and the 0 , 4(.4 pot they legal prececri lam and that he then ught so and bad agreed that, if he abould change his mina he would notify thp President In time to eatable him to malts &netherappointment: but at the ' time of the tint - eonversistlnn be bad not looked very cloudy Into the law: that it had recently been discussisrl by the newspapers and that this bed ied:l -ced him to examine it mere carefully. and that he bad rem@ to the ooneltnion , that if the Senate semilii refutes to eon- I car In thesespeesiont MieStantorterould thereby be reinstated Ind tilt be ',Gem Gram) contd not costume thereafter to act as Secretary of War ad iarrrurr [with , I oat subjectieg birneolf to floe and rm. prtsenments that he cane over ea Seim-- duly to inform the Prehitletn', of this change ire hts , 11,411, and d i d so ioform him; that the.- .President replied that he had ant sussonded Mr. Stanton under the Tenure of ()Oki bill, but under the_t:oustiteltlsm 4 Andated,ami! -rteut vtiir corral itzt tins, 4e; that they continued to disrupt I the Matter some time, Finally hl lett without any ,ttrlneion baring j been reached, expectiee to see the Pressideta • again en Moridnin t Ile then proceeded to explain why he had bet reified ea the President on If outlay, saying he tale long interview with General She, mai, that various little matters had occepled his Urn* until late, end he 'lid not think the Senate would art So *con,' and asked, .Did not General Simmers call on you en Monday?" Ido not know what pawed between the President rod General Grant on lesturdse, •aorpt se I Married it from the conyeraation bites*eo them at the Cabinet messing on Tom dar, and the foregoing is se hatanilally what than eon rreeL 'The precise words used on the occasion an. 0 , 4 'is: coarse given exactly In the order to which; they wet • spoken, but the. Haul iglu's...4 sad dicta statot ar• thilhtelly preserved and preeersted.' • • I - have Ike boner to be, sir, e With great respect, • • Your Obedient aorrai3t. O. M. Sheers lao, To the President- DZIPAISTIMIrr nT STATIC Wunilinos, Feb. 8, Ltvli. j •St it—The meeting to which you Velar in your letter wee a regular . Clique!. romitieg. While the meinbere' veer* amembling, and before the President had entered the Connell - Climber, General Urns; en Nosiest in, cold to me that he wee not in attendants, as a member of the Cabinet, but upon Invitation, led I replied by the Inquiry whether there was a change in the War Department. After the President had taken his seat. tinsiares went on In the limit war of bearing outer. anbmitted by the l eer; oral MerTehlriel. Whoa the time come for the Secretary of War, Gen. Grant laid that he was cot there ea lieretare of- War, bat UDOli the Preildent'e invitetion; thht he had retired fret, the War Department, • A engin difference then appeared about the soppurd invitatioe, General Grant pay ing. that tie officer who had horal his letter to the President that moving; iro nies:nein hit retirement from the War Department, had told him that the Prea- Went desired to me him at the Cabinet meeting, to which the President Ammer. .4 that when General Grant's, runtin ration was delivered to him, the Pried dens simply replied he supported Gen. Grant would be very peon et the Cabinet muting. I regarded the renv4t i l i tur thus begun u incidental. sn qualnformally, acidanulated of a la ment on-your part of your view. III; re gard toyour uederefeedi mg of the tenure upon which Gen. - Grant had assented to hold the War Department ad (uterine, and of his replies by way of answeeand explanation. It was newer:trot and wore teou on bath Welt WIT in the ssl2Vlr iiintonal form. As details could only have been preavattel by a verbatim repart, and so terse I know na anch report wee nude at the time, I car give only the general effect of the rionvematlon. Curtainly•yen stated that althougp you had reported the nmentor for aft,, Stan: Mies anapension to the &nate, von nev ertheless held be would not be entitled to doom* the office of Secretary of War, sew If the Senate should - disapprove of his nuspensien. and that you had pre mised to have thew:Legion bated byl ju dicial proems, to be applied 'to the pep son who should be the incndihenta! the Department under. your delfts:dims of Secretary of War ad Ottariis • In I the plarnor Mr. Staiton.:You eciateided this was well understood between youinelf , and General Grant. That when . he "en tered th e department ad interdni I he expressed his eoneurreece in a belief Mat the question of Mr. Stanton'a restorutfon. weald be &question for the Courts; that in a subseqaent.Mavereation -rsiDij the: Gwent, you had adyexted to the Under 'Handing thus bad, anti that General. Grunt expressed his -eolicurrynea in It; that . at . the same. conversation which • had been pnryloosly Mild General- Grant-said he ., • ' still -at:Dared to the lindle construction Of the brw, jbut said if he sheuid change ids opinion he . would give reasoriahle notice- of 1 y• so you could to any ease be placed 1 the same. position to regard to the:War De . partment 'that you were while Gen ml Odin! Feld It. I did not 'understand 'General Grant as denying nor as ambito Ply admitting thew statements - In , the farm and to the full extent toldilokkou Made them. Ille admission of t dm tai was rather Indirect and circiuna - MI, though I did not - understand: It' to be an .evasive 0110. Ile •saltl hat reasoning front what occurred - In the ceased the pellets in Maryland, whi he regarded as a parallel one, be was of ! opinion, and se augured • you, thSt it I would be hie right and duty tinder your inetruntiona to held the War ettlee - -after, the Sass." should disapprove oUildr.• I Stanton's suspension and the tpleation i weuittbe decided by the court.; that 116 , !wielded until very- nil . s i lt . l , i m . of-'t hat th P e in agin a i i ir meet t ln o g n it ait c ' e B nvereatroil be 'w ro ta re held between yoursenand him In which the subject. was generally disci:m ed.. General Grant's atatemeet - War that In that conversation he hid eta td to you the - legal difficultlea which might ariwinvolving tine and„lnciiria• eitimmt under the' civil tenure blll, and that he did not care to subject hlmself thoseb penalties; you replied' tot s• remark that you regarded the civil ta d-, rare bill as unconstitutional' and did not think it. pesaltiee were to be feared, or that you would voluntarilyamume them and you instated that Gen. Grant he re eitherr retain the office until - lieved by yourself according to what yen claimed was the original un derstanding between yourself and or by seasonable node° of change of pur pose on his part nut you in the same sit uation which you would be in if he ad hered. You claimed that Gen. Grant linallV said in that Saturday's conversa tion that yen understood bla - views and his promedings thereafter would be con sistent with what had been so under.' Mood. Gen. Grant did not controvert, nor can I say that he admitted hie last statement, Certainly Gen. Grant did not at any time in the Cabinet meet ing imust ,that • he had in the Saturday conversation either dis tinctly er finally advised you of his determination to retire from the mumps of the War Department otherwise than' under your own subsequent direction. Ith'acqulesoect 1111 yourstamment that the Saturday conversation ended with an ex pectation that theth would he a subse quent conference on the subject, which he as well as yourself •nalicwed could seasonably take place on Monday. Yon Men alluded tothel'act that Geri. Grant did not call upon you on Monday,ee yo u had expected from the conversation. Gen. Grant admitted that it was hia ex ••ctation or purpose to era upon you on Monday. Gem Grant assigned reasons for the omission. He said he was in• sionfennoe with flea. Sherman;- that there were many little matters to be at tended to: Ile hadtainversed upon the • matter of the incumbency of the War Department' with Gen. Etherman,and ex pected Gen. Sherman would call upon Monday. My own mind suggested a further explanation, but I do not re member whether it was mentioned or not, namely: It was not supposed by Genitirant on Monday that the . Senate would decide the question so prompt ly sot to anticipate any further explanation between yourself and blna, If delayed beyond that day. General Grant made another explanation, that he won engaged on Sunday with General Shorn:an, and I think also Monday, in regard to the War Department, with a , hope, though be did not any in an effort, to procure au amicable settlement of the glair of Mr. Stanton, and stall hoped it would be brought about. . I have the honer to be, , With great rsapect, Your obedient eervant, ; Witt. H. To th, President ANOTIBLII tsrnt riOX GRANT. The mom ponying letter from General Grant, nod since the transmlsaldu to the nous." of Rep resentati yea of my commu nication of ti do date, Is oubmitatet to thn floes., a rat of the nom soontlenro r/1- furred to In. the resolution of the 10th Inst. (Signed) • ..i3narsr Jou:anon. • EttAD4Crllrreas Aar[ or TUE L. 9. . _ . W.LosttmeroN, February 11, TA. fru Srect/rlttvi I ',dr.!. Jahnatrn t SIR—I hove the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your. communicatien of the 10th mat., accompanied by* the state ments:of AIM Cable* ministers, of their recollectiotiof what occurred in the Cab inet meeting on the 14th of January. Wlthoutedinlttlag anything contained In those eintements, whore Vary differ Conn anything heretofore stated .by me, • I propose to notice . only the portion of your ! eimmtnn•lostion wherein P. nrs charged With imultordi nation. .1 think it will be plaits to the rooter of my letter of the 30th January that./ did not prepese to disobey) any legal order of the Prerldent disitinctiy ! given, but only to airs an interpret.. tom of what would he regarded as satis factory evidence of the Praaident'e une ort to orders or °enamel:deade n. by the Secretary 'of Nar.. I will Boy that your letter Lot' the 15th inst. COM./ no the first' intimation I have hall that yep did not accept that Interpretation, nor the roam, fer giving that inter pretation. It was clear to roe before tnireg, ,- She - paratie won* seareirdene lousiness to transact with the Socretary of War than any other of the President's subordinates, on the only one who had been instructed to disregard the authorl. ty of Mr. Stamen, where els authority tree dells./ ea an nisei of the Presi dent Ott the '.re.tit or January I re• oeurol o letter friun the Secretory of War, (copy herewith) direct meips; to furnish an moult to µsettle tremors from the Sin Grande to Yew Orleans, it,,. at the regneat of lie Setritary of the Tressary to him. I Ad en mad two other Incloeures showing the reconnitlon of Mr, Stanton aa Secretary ..f War by both the Secretary of the Treoeurr and Ale Postmaster threinal, ot all of which cases: the Secretary of Wet had to call upon ma to make the orders requested or ere the Information desired, and where his' authority vs do so le derived in my view as agent of the President. With an •eler no , 11141rly ambiguous, so that of the ! harereferred tn; It sem my duty to loforus tan President or my, interpreta tion of it and to abide by tbOt inUirpriaO- Oors until f received 'further order: Diegleirnioli any !Mention new, or here tears: el dioebeyletelly /lista order of the President distinctly ,ctiseneohicoteds rernaineery reeleeethilly, Your ehedieet servant M=== FORTIETH CONGRESS by To:woe to the rpm easette.) WATllLetCreo).). Feb. 11; 11161. SENATE. • Mr. WILE V,front tie Committee on Pitalite,‘roported without amendment a Lill requiring woos* opplyioi 'for pat. ante to give public notice of the same. Mr. WILLIAMS coiled op atufoffered milattititto for tie bill in rolation to cm toli pnblio laude In Origosi. which, after WMI4IIIIOII trust ever PM to-morrow. ' Ou motion or Mr..IIOWE, the DIU for Um relief of thehelrsofthe late General J. D Rieherdsonorpprop dating to them four hundred dellera for horses !Wien ' from him by I odium while la the ..wino of Use United /tats*, um taken up. • Dermal /Mentors eldeMed on account of t h e principles Involved. TO morning hour espirtinr, the bill Went over. Mr—MORRLLIA than the Commit:es 011 Arpproprietionn asked to bo'dischart front U. furtheroassideration of noonl petition risking to be included la the twenty per coot. Increase of pop, and re commended their reference to - Om Com mittee on District of Culumbla. Tb.y Rea .o rearm!. • Mr. TIIAYER presented a petition of citizens, of Nehmen., praying that lands along the lON of the Onion Pacific Railroad be opened for homesteads and 'pretentption, and that ,prtremptors may enter landla along that lirl• at one dollar and twentrilve cent. per acre. On motion of Mr. STEW...MT, the bill to nice effect to the art It regard to grant. of pnblle land' In Nevada wee diactattwal till 11:%. p. m., when Mr. DAVIS declined to yield the floor any further. and proceeded .to address the Senate on the linpplemenUu7 iteeon=. struction bill. ; • Mr. DAVIE moved to Wino out all after the word,"lnetructed" in Doolittle's amandment, and Insert the words "with the recommendation that this bill de not pane," and also a bill entitled, "as act further to provide for the ;'rare Mllclent government of the rebel Statett,T putted March VI, led; and all acts supPlemen. tary end amendatory thereto, be rie Mr. DAYIS, at neii, ' , lidded to an Ex. 'cnies settelen,' and after a 'abort time therein' . ; Senate adjourned. , • ROUSH OF RE PRESENTATIVtB Mr. VAN TRUMP pronntal a peti tion froni Marano of -Ron - county,' onto, of all parties, praying Comm. to an 4 tborke tho. Was of legal lender notes sufficient to pay tho bonds of tho United fltates,,wlUl due refereisoo to not produ cing an over expansion of oirmilating hoodlum. - .Reforratt to Use Committee of Mayo and Munn. The Homo procened to the oonilder- Salon, in tho morning tour, of the bill reported front the Committee oet Foreign Affairs conooralug the rights of Ameri can citizen In foreign Mates. After abandon, at the expiratton,of Rio Morning hour, the bill went over. The SPEARICIi 'submitted a musagis from the President, transmitting his la ter to Grant and it was read, when Mr. GINGHAM Mond Rs reforean to tho Reconstruction Committee, and that It be Mr. LOGAN stated there was reply from Oturaral Great to that letter. irhleh be dastred famished to Magoon. The iiPRAICER intimating there were some errors hi thw norrespondeace as printed, Mr. BlLAllLA.M.tuestided the motion to refer to the Committee on Re constructioo, which was agreed to. Mr. LOGAN'S resolution, making for all - farther correspOadeace, was Mao adopted. • ' The House IJmuit want into a Com mittal" ma the legislative, executive and JudkilaCrerlation bui..The amend ment ro yesterday was rtihmterl. Elt moved to strike out As Item rem temporisation forAssistaittgee rOtnry of flork of Pordono, Mut three clerk, of the fourth? elms employed by the President of the united State., which, after debate, *ea adopted. On motion Of Mr. `LOGA.N, the Itom for the salary of SeDeitor for the Internal Revenue Department was struck out. Mr. WOODWARD moved to cancel the appropriation for the Mike of 241111, tare Justice.. !Dejected. The Committee roie and the SPEAK ERpresented jaome Fmnimportant com • mualeadlons, and one from the Secretary of War m to the project of constructing a railroad on the weal bank of the Miha • lasippl, ' from 1 Bt. Prancli river, sad a statement of ?contracts made by the Quartermaster'. Department in January. The SPEAKER alio presented a mes sago from the: Pr...dont trananuttinx a copy of Gen. # meet Jut letter to hum, which Irllll, read , ordered tote printed, and referred to the Committee on Recon etruction. Mr. SCHENCK, frOm the Committee on Ways and IMearte; reported a hill to facilitate the collection of • direM Gz In Delaware. The; bill I'maketi the assess. moot of April 19, leeff, a lawful &SWIM,- meet for that imrpose. Passed. Mr. LOGAN. asked lime to offer a re solution calling on the Secretary of too Treainry for the dormspoodenos of the Commissioner of Internal Doyenne, re lating to the inoval or appointment et asseersonter oolloctors, but Mr. WOOD objected. • On motion or Mr. DABER . ;.the Com mittee of Wayd and Means was Distract ed to- faquirol -Into, the expediency of amending the Ibtornil Reiman, law so as to proyide for the distribution of or ernutent .tamps thrdugli Postollices or otherwise. Oa motion ofj Mr. JP.NCHS, the Secre tary Of the Nary, Attorney General and Secretary of State were directed to fur nish a statement of the fees paid yearly tines, IMO for legal seeriees in addition to tie amounts paid td salaried officers. Adjourned. • • . . an AfID SUBURBAN. THE DOUBTS. COUWI iisaleis 1 Mallet Owni—Jwlgss llaCsnasa was. Thetcase of . idirhael 'Tkieken, Indicted for failing to ke l ep proper record of malt liquor's brewed ' !gni for naing cancelled stamp*, which h e ad beeto•on trial for nev em] days, was concirided. The fury found Stwerdiettf not guilty. The cm* of the United S m trea ea. Charles llyriag on watt neat taken up. The derandant ..breWer, and, resides lu Birmingham.' la la in d icted for sell ing lager beer W r ithotliselog the proper revenue stamps affix On trial. ====l In the can oI Irwin * It. H., Smith imported yesterday, the' Jury fond for the pishatilf.. Tlio 'case of I F . C. ysrs vs. Jacob Shrtierr, was Mat t @ n up, Thts wits an action In sisitment For a small lot or ground I.4.lleserre tosfaship. Verdict for plaintiff. J. S. Liggett 4 Co. re. l Jns. Craig.' Ac tion on book sikicorst. I - enlist for plain. Follstiog is this list lot Wedussday. SS. S. McCleary ow T,l...Nostisy. U.:Thos. Fawhett oiL N. J. Elev. lifts for &NO' I 114! IV.' Andam of al. vs. Shepley.. 115. J. 'ea T .J.. 1 &MM. It!!!ME 4.7.4**1 , •••tatinki.—Jildse Ilierteee. TI.R3D4Y, FA: 11.-John Whaler, of ! L Perryerilie, Ind ried fo'r selling liquor on Bunchy, was mind nit guilty. John Hobbies .pleatisal .guillp to an assault, and lieu/fry en 1 rands 1 orner ut the 11.11 lleuse; etc:ashes deferred. John S. I: i :dirtied ;for assault. and hatters. no oath _of Jars.. Soul., w ee ro , teirt;d.pr u Sur to ipay the pests. !setae was nlae complained offer sure ty of the pea. tit the same prosecutor. who w.direetell:to pay the coati, and in default noturnitted to, ail., Ann Blatt, charged IN ith sauna and Itztrurnrcerpaythe tots . • - • • ' 1 Jeha 'Appel Wes placed on trial on a I charge etaggranited wraith end battery, via oath of tiotieth Plinth/ Parties reside In I:Mon tew.liip. The ease waa on trial at adjournment. I , • g . e (Sans..sa leleae—Jedgenew. In the owe of d Erevan, Premien .t Co. es. the Intteburgh & Cohnellaville Rail. reed Compees, Previalialy reported, the Jury toned !.wilts plailitlffs in the sum of 84,0191.341. • Id. I W. Acheson for plain 'tiffs; G. Entree, lr., and T. 11. B. Patter .. (or •detandarde. .' The nu, of C. lickmoll vs. Jos. Sleeting, Sr., Sian sari talten up. The jary found for the plaintiff In the sum of PS.6O, sub }Wl to the *pinion of the Court on was tines reserved. I ' II Gillespie t.t lhfitylel, Tn. .Nichetaa Wachter, a ner4 and J. Lindsay, car, tractor.. ~&ctierr an rdoehanica lien • '•rdiot .far ■layyrfff far 1111150. ciarrlsan To.. E. IL Fisher. Ia this rasa tL• Joryf•otid '..or plaintiff In th• alias of Vai 4U. megneeste sinseesse. vellums* Meettar. The Council off Duquette porongh net on special ail MOndayeaning, Febrenry lux • On !notion of lr. Rab i n, en 'additional tie of am mid on the county valuation woe levied for borough purposes. On motion Mr. Brum the entire revenue of the ;borough! for the present year wen sprregliated to Improvement of Busk lAne. pretending that-Sher , ought.» from the encreistunettts of the river. . The contract fee Ile ye ng and grading of MoPedden 'Mac Bridge street, Pine street, Union alloy and Win street, won awarded to timittelhOrr. The contact for grading end paving of-Baok.• Lane a y awardwi to P. F. 'fowler dt Co. . Mr. Wilhelm resented the following realution, whl wan addpied Reaolved, Mali the Burgeon and Town Council of the illereinth of Duquesne consent to the extension at the boundary lineal Adeline teelty toga eastern ter. coleus of the Borough of Duquemeoa provided by en; Act of Amorally old tledVen act stillexing 119 tough!, of 'desolater to Allegheny City." opprored the 12th day of March, IttiC ! DrawnPrea sited this following is,- cdutlon,which waanerlintUntalY adored t Resetred, By the Su -gem and "own Diurnal of Duirissne Borough, that. , onr Representatives 'me earstutly agnate" to at • once pane "the ElexteM bill creating the borough of Millvale. On motion of .Ir. Brenrn, the Bar= pas, with Mears; Wilhelm• end ...Cabs were appointed CoriornittrO to inform the Altoghany City Connolly of. the an nexation of the borough to nebi city. • 1.f14111•1111*, • • between !ilk and seven e'clock• yester day morning, a new born child was dis covered lying in a private alley between Cherry alley wedtlrent, en Third street. The allay leads dlrootlY to the tear of the residence of one .of our oldest and most respectable caimans," who notified the „favor% pollee of thliabo¢e'rent. An of ficer wont to the spot immediately.. Upon arriving. at the spot Indicated, It was fonadiropeasible intoning° the body of the infant, (which^ wet- frozen to the Ice,) without the sid of The bodt - which Wes ;hat' monied to the Mayor's office was efterWards taken to Mr. Aiken's. thanttdartaker, WlereCor otter Clawson hald.an. lord upon it, FM= the testimony of e physician summoned' thorn faxi, - ; lpt,no doubt but the child,. which was newly born,. had bean alive. Vern:two circuimetanpes War ranted tbtlbellef Mutt it, had been tarried to the place whore It was found. The Jury returned a verdict Ins accordance with the above fide. news, l losetee lawert, Dueness. : iteronwts.: Elizabeth Knttopp . msde inforanation againetlienry tradcL fer.assaint and tuUtery—etriklng her In die face—corn. Mined while . Ordering blin out of ,her house. Defendant woe given n hearing mid hold In s:..;o' to uppear it Court. CLudatopber Runkel was arrested on elonduy on a wariant leaned on an Infer. mallon mode by Barbara Kunkel Am desertloo. They wore married the even log previous, and defendant Named to remain with hia*lfe. .Upon a bearing /the &faculty ban amiably :settled Bride aged forty. years, 'poem twenty ansaallelhal Aunt Wllbelia.Balier were 'outvoted= tho information at .Leonard - Green, for throwing - atones at him while :walking bu the West Pennsylvania Railroad track h i Allegheny city. Held In $5OO ball. al, guava ■ plairmat cluarou,guagnm, • Tits Pariah la greatly la naod of a ohturi edifice, attot among tie 0../Plldb/111111 ror riglalig the marred means for Ih arootlaln Suiladlas will hold a Coatival sad talrat tha Sunday School room of Trinity Church, on Sixth atroet, commandn; dayand continuing through tha at , ternoon and availing for three days. The meetings., It la' upOctedi 'MT Arians.. , .,The oljem tort' laudable, and it , h e le no m ed there will be a .ryiry nor oral ettihaod by he poop a* and othgra: lorgat^the plAce. Don't toilet We WOW -REISGIOUS • lateral llat A.elversary C. 1.1. Int Pre•byterlas thumb. On Monday evening the Central Pres byterian Church, Rev. Dr. race - bus, pas tor, celebrated its tenth anniversary, in their edifice on Smithfield and Sixth iiiirets. Shortly after seven o'clock the heinte was well tilled by the congregi- Con, and the choir, after a voluntary on the organ, gave a very line, anthem, will Praise Twee My God." 'The choir well sustained Its excellent repute under the lsadershlp of Georges. Bryan, Esq., an Elder of the church. Atter the singing, Dr. Jacobus offered Praise to God In a brief address to the Throne of Grace. After which he made a condensed Itatement of the church's progress during the past ten years. It 'was organised with nineteen members. The total of membership received during the decade was 448. A comparative view shows the three older charcbets of the Presby,tery as ha v trg rocelved434, .03, 379, and theOentrel 'The deaths In the membership for the ten years were only thirteen. The pastersinted an interesting fact brought lately 'bible notice, that during a former pastorate in doe city of Brooklyn, these- cession. for _the first ten years were' within- one of the same number as nere. The baptisms during this period were one hundred, of whom nineteen were adults. The monies raised amount to over forty thousand dollars, including the payment of a church debt of moven.thousand dollars on the house when this congregation took it. Two sittings of the Sabbath School, averaging nearly three hundred In all—A. M. Mar shall. morning Superintendent, and J. P.. Smith, afternoon Superintendent. The Ladles' Church Sociable hoe contributed dome tic missionaries in poxes of clothing, dc., 442,283.07. . nmriont or Tim ormerrizemon, • The iodide:sof the late Fitch Presbyte rian Church baring been destroyed by fire, was rebuilt in the Summer of 1351, mostly by demotions and collections from the seismal congregations of the Presbytery of Ohio. At the dissolution of the church and congregation, In 18457,11 beinsiargoly in.debt, the Trustees trans ' ferred their title, to a committee of the Prombytery, cenditleeal on a reorgani sation of the church, or devotion of the proceeds of a node of the property to come other church enterprise of the Old School Presbyterian Church In Pittsburgh: The Presbytery appointed a commit tee conoistingof Messrs. Wm. Eakewell, M. W. Jacob. and David McKinney, who "Peeolved, That early announce ment be made of the desire and. plan of this Presbytery to organise a Presby terian Church in the late Fifth Church. edified, and that we hereby appoint Rom Doctor Jacobus to preach stolidly, with a view to ouch organization." Public notice was given from the pul pits of the Finn and recond Presbyte Amu Church., and also in the .Prestive rams Banner aid Advocate. and in ill . . the city daily papers, that Dr. Jacobus would eonenenuce elated services In said ecinlos on flalabsth afternoon of January ditty with $ vlew,to orgarda• - r Presby- . !whin Church. . The attendaaoe °nth. Lint and "Mbar quent Sabbaths was seeneouraging, that on habliath, February, 7th, nonce was given that the Committee of the Presby tery of Ohio would meet on the follow- . . log Wednesday, evening, iFen. 10th,) to organize the Central Preebyteriaft Church of Pittelinzgh. The. Committee met at the Church on Smithfield street, Wednesday evening, February 10th, 1958. After a sermon by Rev. Jacobite, the gamine of organizes Oen tv. opened with • prayer by Roc. Wm. id. I'azton. Nineteen per sone promoted their certificates, which Leiria in due form, they were received., menders of the Church. On carom. inendation of Dr. Jacobi., the members' proceeded to complete the organization of the Central Preabyterfon Church, by the election or officers as Luke Loom. and John S. Davison were nanaitutod_fne D., wax nominated for the office of Dea con, and no other name being submitted he wee nrumilmonely elected. The per sons elected having grevinnaly held these were duly metalled. After pray er by Rev. David Meßbiney, D.D., the meeting was dismissed; . On the 17th of February, IBA_ at a meeting regularly convened, Dr. Jaco bus was unanimously balled to be palter. Ile was formally installed January 11th; 1652, end since that tithe has labored as.' 111 tic ugly in the interest of the church and for the spiritual impretement of the' memben of the congregation. Dr. Ja• mhos is one of the must eminentdivines connected with the Presbyterian church, and' maintains a high position not only as • an author anti contr. veraallst, but also no a Prefeciaer In the TheologiMil Seminary in Allegheny, and MI an able and eloquent epenker. In. labors 'hate been crowned with Success. Helms gathered around him a large and intelligent congregation, and by his abil ity and earnest efforts has endeared him self to all. Among others of the meniP b•ra, we notice the naming of Drs. King, Ffalleck; Foster and lifeelelland, Hon. James Teech, S. Schoyer, Jr.. Req., and Thomas Ewing, Esq. • . ALTra . vated Asaaall sad Raiser,. Green Campbell, a colored stevedore, as before Mayor Blackmon. yesterday, • ou a charge of ruggriesied assault and battery preferred against him by smother clolored man framed Tlioroas Penny. The prosecutor works on the steamboat . 'llludeon" where the difficulty occurred and aroused himself by running affair the defendant witha red hot poker, a red hot gam...which Campbell did net relish. The latter, and - Ntr. Penny labored under the Impression that he had left tho host, there being no light. but that reflected Mutt the sumo. Mr. Penny had ecarcelf seated himself when the tarpaulin was raised by Green who hurled a heavy wrench at him. The weapon struck Mr. Penny Mile face, inglettag severe cuts and bruises In the region of theright eye and the aide of the nom. If the wrench had struck batten inch higher ft would undoubtedly have proved fatal. Am it Is, his injuries are very ugly and painful. After hearing severul NFAMISSOIL, who cor- Mborated the above statement, Ilia Gon er required C.tiup bell to give bail for trial, falling to procure whielt .he was com mitted. Pair sae rentlyaL The Church Fair and Festival now being held at Lafayette Ball I. an entire success, and thous desiring to enjoy a prool dinner or aupper,logether with a pleasant evening's entortalament, abould not fall to call. Dinner served from twelve to two o'clock, and rapper from six to nine. We are Informed by the ladles having charge of the dining de partment that they, purpose serving up oyster pin to-dsv for dinner. The voting Air the silver set for the meet popular county °Miele is being contested for by Samuel 11. -- Cluley, Sheriff, John.G. Brown, Clerk °rem:ins, and Joseph H. Gray, Register, in which our worthy Sheriff is leading. In many ther very vnlintble articles the - rtlnp arei the XI probably be hotlyy mi ticlnu ted: 'Mini Open voting on the clerk, book-keeper and salesman's witch will close on PM daysivenlng at nine o'clock, alter which time 'sealed votes will bo received, and the followlog gentlemen are selected to take charge of the same: D. 11. Frallch; FlerenceKramer and J. C. Gray. = We have an abiding 'intemst In the welfaro of the induatrioun sons of ounny Italy, who turn an honest penny out of pea-nuta and foreign Crud; and as admi rem of theciasslc race cannot load Ourself I to commend any movement on the part of the authorities which lards to weaken, or injure tote all-Important branch of trade. Mayor Ittlackmoro has decided to Inaugurate war upon the race and to WM te boat - -diono to sat- - fro& thr bin..exertioni to sweep trot._ Lne Ihir face of tho Fifth otreet pavement tho multitude of wholesale and retell oafish, linitiviente of .the character which shed Iro much glory on that proud thoteughbMe. This le all wrong, and wo trust thatltaly will be treated with more COMnili and rfopeet than to havo the means or cub-. Instance of her noble army of rearmenta. lives cat off by municipal abeam. We respectfully refer their coma to the State Senate, and oak that the necensary pro tection to amble them to monopolize the pavetoent of the principal tkittroughEaree bo afforded. Obscene Publicallons.—Ata meeting c;r . the United Presbyterian and Reform Church Sabbath School AZIPOOhiiOII, bold recently In the Second Presbyterian Church, • Sixth street, committee of three wee appointed to call on the Mayor end request aim to prohibit the sale of obscene publiestious In this , Howlea zed Loh In Allegheny at Atm- Leggsto, Auctioneer, will sell ads (Wednesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Mr room house and lot, No. PM San. dusky street, end at 3 o'clock the seven morn house end lot, on Mlddlo AUey, In view of 171 Federal Street.. •_, FOURTH PAGE.—Precoodlnvi, of Mb • `Pittsburgh Councils; Ro Amiesation Meeting, ke. i I= . - In Pernalns our articles • pnblisbed from timo In tilUi3 in this paper it Will be observed. that . Imr syetem is founded upon the.ri-cedfact., of the Medical Sc:l.' mice; and we would just say that. In our idoetter we have endeavored do be got erned by the fundamental principle. of right, rule; late and order. • Our interests have been identified with the interests of ritlisuurglsand the sur rounding Country, both generally and professionally, for Moro than 'twenty yearn. We have been sustained in our princi plea by the community, and liberally lattrrauzed In our profession by all class es of citizens. 1 Wo have 'mule every effort to relieve and cure our sotTeringpatients whenever it was in oar power, and shalt continue to do so with our patrons, leaving no source unesplored fit the discovery of. the true nature of every disease, and Sparing rib' aims in the selection of the appropriate remedy in every case. This we Mu afford to 'do upon tho reit sintablo terms of a resident physician,' without rtabrting_to the high charges of itinerant mictors, whose exorbitant foes to Pic patients would nettle the accounts of stony. IWe treat all kinds of Chronic diseases, from a common cold to consumption, a common bail tat &neer ' the most invet erate scrofula, the meat troublosome dye- pepsin, the: most lingering liver 'com plaint, th e Most _painful riaburnittiam or nottralgia, the moat difficult asthma, the worst dropsy, the weakest nervous de !Ally, the most violent spasms, the most aritioal female complaints, and the se- Verwit of kitintiv atioctiona, and many othortliseasea oltich we have not named our romodien are propared - ntim sub stances That will assimilate with 'tho or ganic body; land oar prescriptions aro nut up under our own Immediate super vision; and when these are administered in aceordanee with their really medical' virtues and tho true nature, of . the dis ease, they seldom fall to remove the morbid condition of tho system and to invigorate and improve the health of. the . patient, nod fi nally effect a cure when a cure is at all, to be had. Our charg C. for extuninations,tirescrip iiins and medicines tarnished, ranges corn three to ton dollars. L, coLosztur., M. B = Thd great clearance stile in progress at the Masonic Hall Amu lion Rooms by Messrs, Smithson, Vanhook to Mcdlel land, will be continued until .the im mense stock of boots end shoes now on hand is disposed of. From the amount of goods sold yesterday, and the unusu ally low prim at which the were sold, it will not take a groat while to exhaust the stock, large as It is, and we would advise RUM need of boots and oboes to. attend thil sales and purchise whale the oppor ttigi.tiy is atfo a r t il a ed .c. the w n i t , ltibtitnigailsgreern composing this firm we take rescue In recommending them to the public as' worthy °Maar confidence suid patronage. Sales at 10 a. m., 2 and 7i o'clock p on. Remember the elate, ' Smithson, Van hook a: McClelland , Masonic Hall duo. tion ROOMS, Tim street. " . Pain Paint played on the stage... Pain Paint noticed editorially. Pain Paint) nishos pain. • Pain Paint cures eruption. Pain Paint note Invalids at work. Pain Paint curies sac Rennin. Pala Paint disturbs Beetling Syrups. Pain Paint good fur the black man: . Pain Paint good for the elite man. Pain Paint good for everybody. Pain Paint sold by the Druggiats. Pain Paint in as. a Bottle. • Pain Paint fe eta. a Bottle. • • Pain Paint sl,oo a Bottle. Pain Paint 5r.,00 a Bottle. Come and test Pain Paint free of oast, at 622 Arch Street, Philadelphia, In the Drug Store': The crowd , to big; come Sioy Injures:l.—About fent o'clock yee• terrier evening, Robert Richardson, sop of Timm. Richardson engineer at Kelly Co.'s planing mill, on Saistith street, near Grant, was severely injured by being run ever by a • buggy. The hnggy belonged to Dr. 13ergher, and the driver, i•iippears, hod his attention di- . reeled too team to (root of higu, - and the Mlle boy, who is only four years old,. ran into Rio street in front of the buggy and-was rndmver, He was sewsnely bruised about the „head and body. Dr. Burgher 11 attendhig him. • Charged with Theft. —Yestairdaymcrra ing Lan information was made bekire Mayor Di mu, cbarging a colored man named Jelin einiith with 'the, iflreakr .o f fifty dollars and a 'valuable dregs, the property of a female domestic to • the nom," of Mr. William Smith, of McClain townehip. John Smith was employed ell domeatic in the same family. He had enly been-co 8 week in the employ of Mr. Smith. The mono—, wee In • pocket hook to the stoles dress. . Held io Sail:—Yeaterday jlndrew and Aunt Yolk were bold to ball for trial; by . Jostive Heise, on a .elunge of ms - belittle nitachief, preferred by Henry Brankman. The parties axe realdatits of Meant Washington, and it taidleged by be intosecnter that the deferalante taeliod his house with stones and other ruisalles, endangering the lives of the In mates. The atfair occurred on tbe2din- Assault and'llatUtii..—lnstleo Helsel yesterday badi before hire • Joins Sem, charged on oath of Ad= (letter with summit and battety. It is alleged that . the defendant come to the house ot the prosecutor and cormusetteed, $ general herald ng.up of articles In the house, and not eattelled . with destroying inanimate things, want to work aigoronaly upon the prosecutor. . Fete Pretense.—Jain ea Johnson yes ierdey morning charged S. X. Freeman, before Alderman 3io3isaters, with false pre -terms In obtaining boarding" to the amount of twenty-five dollarivepresent ing that Cheap John waaindebted to him, which was nerved to bunntrtie. alleged Peritary.—.Alderman Mega► lets maned a warrant yesterday - morning for the arrest of Abraham Klmlbler, on a charge of potnry.s. The defendant fa charged with falsely en/earn:4. that the proneuutor obtained cider on Sunday from a party to McKeesport. ' 'DIED: ovoolet i Tlntana a r t - lobjiltroN•,la s. the seeut..lyestot• ber•at* y. - • roporal rrom tt4t4slde net, No. 171.11oatt Mo no*. Mirthear. irags..Day. if S oreleel r. 111.. to procoed to , Alletbattl - Cemetery. TM tilted. or tbo WWI* aro respect/4;4y lattt eel to •. attend. son Stoning. as n'elenn. SWIFT. Intent son or Andres sail Malin weans sad Ire days Tamura/ tau tWellaeogan Apitosllpse t 121)5 twit, at 3 olclack, fhint * tits resldeneit of hi. pt. wenn Close street. Ylltstrurelt.' Mrs!' eine holly are respectfully Incited (*attend. ' le 110 i)-:4:11 • ALEX. AIREN, I.I3IDEIRTAILIM 40. 116 Irodtt6 . Plitsbired, Pa • COP ITN% of ad kta3d:CElPl2l.Ol.O7O5. d even description of Punissi Tereldtbedtlaidt tursitshod. Boom open ddylnd and Carting. [.rubbed. ' ' , Birvay.csie—Rov. Davttl Atm IX D.. 1 gm P. Jatel.ns, U. D.. Thomas Itvlag, fIUARLCII tr, , PEEIILIES. trader. TinICSILS AI3'D.LIVERY.ISTA.I7,IOODennt of Sandusky ulnae anatelkarch &vane s Salted. ay city, viler., Sinn ,COSSIN llUndlti are cons stantly antopliad wish: nal and lintailos Inns *nal, u 44441 4314Watant cat ita a.." 4 Vint varying 04 to SRO. Anne. nd testa ttnaent. lenses ind - Catnip, holnind: also, 'lOl ktuda at Montane Gnu% trylit"itit. Inns+ bnen at %finnan. tny and night. ROBEUT T. 1101:01 . /EIG taa. Ann ,Easatagat.ll4a Oblo allethetty. lao. ,ta Diamond kw% (ba Jab. 35'4%. 11.%-ake.a.4.11. calm:data, best. Dletal, Itoaawoo4, ' fr atm% .4 toltalka Zaasaaal (Nanna. w.Dme ContnaltmllM in 'ram. Tyvartood Cala.= aVaardatialath, me n . to progenies. cainull ed• n,, • . flanaliba4 as law tat.. gape, 01.48, - rite .4Eagravlas rutalalittilgrat/o. Cleo %WI 40 RDWATIEF' CZAUNrECRII,,, VS thcciwrxti. Moe: N0...H.1,0M0 . &Foot. Allesbeey. Votallithltape,kos eta otbartni• Inc tf'inaeomplaln.looknet'na.aa' Goodin on hand and nannslonl at fannled ROOM at 'mien price. 13.1 n nnelt.lnin7 EMstohis.Oon. nu of Firpt.and WILMA neoet... Chonnbeni, Bannteks% loeialt.. gnaq. wen WANM. WANTVD—AGENTS, foe' • THE BLur.-coats; • aid !ma they tta • Toasta sad Wed ter t*a Union. AIM Ames aad /acid.. ta halla Prakt .Retrallloa. IL contai.s• arm ItO due Xaaraateg! aad 400 PagaNl and, ic ttie'aDkle.t and aaaainat war book, Pitea.Anhilltatl taaraelry. The 'Mho are eau. %Jiang Aaataat Wirier Warta Niala A aladlat tille...fiee that Me poet Y.., bay, coitalaa *lac aaa eagrartag• 40:a int es: !mad - tor Clry lar. Mamas J0NC5,711107112.18 sdalphl. P. • alp I'HE WEEKLY GAMTTE • , Two =nazi ~ • iFinrIEDAT ILITUIDAZ A Wye Asia, eastaidag OUlsi lab et tsSanstbsy manna nab.; laandlet lastesa Zdtanisla by_Tabisespbaed vs.brablalcassmw Matta /br Lbs lbadlr: And fatless sad beet ssbabla I7aaastsl sad Um. .iiisr.l4 Market Itapcatt it.. al' a+ a Mae 3 • 10.• eery. M. Tamar. ll•ebsals sr Ylerelssat Orald be alabsw.,tt. •4 mai you sax RIMML7IIIIO4IM2 WA; Oat., of 1.13.. • I O•ad one Copy. of paper to tae.P.l.ll VAUD( Sb the club, Axbiltlests to Ono sea b• nabs • .• . • Ltem ss slob masa ..„ . ,Ncrcta ao Zbrs•cat33l2l...-Ia eree ytr rpoir taper. bs ears and spdadry .list .41.1 a• To. Linat. ad vs Isnot Wiitss•dayM* t•Saidh , V rtb•ni hula:bat =sand' • moot .14// . .1d0w by Di•2l, Napalm, /lanky Orden, l?i la basistared rattan, may be run it...wrist AQdw.n• - 014.1r.T714 • 541 pn-rantriuni, IrwrivA• F9R__RENT,. LET-TOE sECONR , AND . TADID STORY ROOM'S, at No. 11l Yoder. yeet. Allegheoy City. 'The rooms 4,pg ....taetar., purposes or 1.4,51111 n. r. tartar apply at Nellll/DE CiAtllttllTl W.lorery Store, No. 1/14 !Wend SI.. Allegbetay. OR RENT— , A Fraime ING.'hereurnoms tat Ant and throe Oaten-. door. - Also, • TENANT nom. or Ma Onto, all isagned substantial eider. i Stabling and carriage hoes.. 11. 'acres of Arena.. neatly pl.ted In choke' trallneschee enerrah. ;rebel.; ae. Situate en the hill trams telt elurouthe enter Depot. In PI. nmenslllp. quire of lbw+ WATT. Peon 'atrial: or og WATT A' WILSON. Ltberly street.' _ • LETr-A good Female Iliciren- • SNG. containing oores rooms, t. • wit.. of laid aid itablo. oolV•ot'w,ltb fti!4, and Ma good slate of colihmUott. sittzto &Mikan:. 'envoy laths Iforouffirof flikletior • Irltblet 0,0 soLoutio walk of the; r#susalon idles himedtotely. if deolrct. Yoe tiro., 00., tosolft of WM. ItANHLI4, an Ma • R QEN T- - -OFFACES AND 4 ,. l l oo e. .ll9la nf ite i Laer k.. .bal t id l ig , areet s ;la the of Garrison alley. Id mediate. I:stemma'. 'Oen. Yoe term.. fie. , applyet THE i.tA.N2C.. - O LET.—The Fianna and hall OF IVIED STORMS alhi now ttUdlor. 111 Liberty StrooL Eagolre of T.J. T. 10OARCE. - - To7.ET—A large and.sultntan . itlal WoBEHODITC. oa . Ira . et areal. near erket. Cent anodarato._ Comsat'. Oran on Agttl lot. Enecira or peo. A. HERBY; CII irna Nation/418.k. ' • ' p - ba r al fine.laige ' ; '8.001119 la the IiAZZTTE BVILDING;acIIIa 01 , 1 /laba eaa be bad. Apply at amal• at the 14u:17v. OUTINTLICO FOR SALE. MALE--TWO COWS.—Fin . t .l be sold..en kivrunpiir, the =el teletext, .ten o'clock o. S., on al premise* of the ow. 'deepened, Is YeOtore lownehto, O.V; rftEnt mttel - C0w...2 (nix rratrtr.n. Da PALE-NINE DWELLING • A 11V9ZITIOELE7.--A nee brink Meanie. built is tho moat subnantlal sallnner, arlin cont. Ate artanginnenti for tar; bet and eoldwater-, tahrolik het ale Ante. A.- from onaln three mita ornround. very near Q aaaaa Valley nos Unn. 700 N WAV, Jr.. newlekleynllle P. 0. VOIR. SALE74..ies7.•desiisible three-story BRIGS . HOLIN, noarkf orrr PM4MtI - to* front, marble morales: .gor oad mriffir Mmostrout: boom tontalos Moeiroooso aorMlutabod.garret. No. M EI.M.NTIENNt . noir rommolert from Apill . lB. trOfij Esquire alba boum. ; . ROB SALE-FLORIDA LAND& —We oder for salti•lo,See Acres of Land 10 one:Watt, shan't/3mile) lbw, the eltr of Ape— leetti-eole. The land ,Ls bemired wtd. ender eta.' tlrttilon. and Le 1211•611p4.11,04 for - rtchnear Of soli enOrosittettreness of Southern 'atseles. tech as angur ease. cotton. hoe; sweet Dottwei and dr atted twee, sortth sneer'sr grazing for cattle and natter Dora.. en the Wee ruse.. The test of rts(m . pine Umber In abundance, with. dart rate wirer petreribr roar tellheorltlrdepthof !water eniseash, for steamboat. to run towhee trio the ' rivet, where can De leaded Into large inneLa . stalahlyped North: Alien:rare •ten good frame zs ho4a on the preatteir.' , The wetooo abound , oi*Oat, gee., decks, and the 'roods irttss all tl~fq of : getnebeir.'deer, turkeys , ' 9aalf, etc. ThO o,toy 4 entireirtrea from thole dine.. eatf6dered t7mlassaatle tottneneess ea preralent to (He Mouth. We will melt Ude land at the how prtdi of sl.o7per sari: Attetzt . nuet of I.o.ooeacrevutudl7 unlmprevo edastoured 01130 the Attest sretlow.ttlne ;Leber. wittfurery fatality for sawing thator.uartnable. wigsoo to run the briber into the olter. - Thie verities near the Ana otantessL,! - Priet 60 tents I.r:stere. ! I We. 10110:00 ecru to Georgie. et Dews nrosk /4g farther leformatlon seed O 0011 for oar llot:106erly tiorrate•6lll6.l • . ' • . • Ron ELLLE.--Ilonso and Lot o* DOriC af Maabattan.aid Adams atraoLa atraaddltor Railway. Lot 44 by, tII oLt Ile tram!. goatalated7 roam. sad good walkiaPartaL Home and Losoatbadadd.atay Bldlielt istreet,- . .allaabasy 'OP. Rat RI ;RR Z . ' bat &mu. aoatalaa Iva maw. tad Maer and dam. Mao; aovarA3 Rasa sad Lab la goal location. lagedelltd a. HU& a'oo.. Be.. Ifitealit, BALE_ /I _ BES T kowmartv Uniei aad Ma* Stab* ate dne,'SAMTLY HCite.tatryi than EMMA oat,* mass& op.; LAJLOS INLIMGITT LtollIEC: three BLAZE' 1:8; two WILT Itstta.. rime Erraxst,...i grosOim,s. •••••"; • - . . _ ilfir .. ..)!torsee Wised and gold on ooto*Vg.l'" ilitt . SALE—One .C.ILBUTAGE, Oiettable tam sr two Wafts: ersiTWO. FOR WAGON, sad a Iftebes .•• of NUL =surly ism.; raTetels se the PE:6MM. SII, ,, CTACLES, OV ALL !MID* AT *ni.raimm mmaxism; IMMIM E tviercni - • • prwvare A. pa:inapt AtroOrss. DEMEMTH . ' & -111111LETZ M== Gn 4T OrpIi.reVIKENTS ... t. 7 THOSE WiMTIAO CWrin".- We ao.roilionrodookot, owns. a. .C 4 1 . CAMECIOZWIt . VEIPMIGS. I - '-.- " 4 OTZBC O ,,"/N9S• W 01 4 .3.111 toomagetserder lathillatesiri;/0. 1.117 PEE clan. mugs wax 071111 ED THIS:AMASON. OW sad finathis "st.k' • a Zir. illereltaat Tiller, 141 wriaa's.r.„osamer 'fot HOLM HMS,: liffercliant taildr; Cor;',Oenn andl6t.:oa4 - Stieet • • • PfITSBUROII 'PO itYCKRINE TOILET ,80e;'• I ma.up,, k t.... by izries 890184 IlliCt:ifbyt Tliboap Lab...m.lH t peculiar proem& bred Dom dill merits of alkali bleamt ferfartabt, Nana eras tbiberml6b abelb l / 4 e6b u, the mat ttme 1t no • I.E. qmetatne_r eirme.r , V (63 ieriiteat.) utts latter 11.111•Xel , I t11.4*.C.V.-191.00d44.02.11t1,1?n111110,11,4141 alto, temente!' tbe brareatitub. cbmptes old tea mbletamat to 5... 'export.. eume tit6l4l weather. ,lt Sr Mend moat umbel W In ag tbie,tba trete , tois j)ro