The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 11, 1868, Image 1

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Penisylvania Legislature
ItlltRIKEttP.O, Feb. 10, MIK
Mr. RIDDLE, of Allegheny, ti an
II:nlit. the School Directors of Hampton
tosiuthip to refund to John Grubbs sot
Willistif Williams monies advanced for
'bounties. , -
OLIO froni Pittshurgh and Di:gnome
borough for a steam ferry from Caryl
street ta Herres Island. • •
'Also, one from RoblesonisidChartiers
titenihips agotost - the repeal of the act ta
.preveitt horses, cattle, /be., from runuloy.
At large. •
'Mr. WILSON, a remonstrance against
tire puzsgs of a sup plementfor the Simi.
ongahels Valley Rail Mad.
Abe, against the_Peoples Passenger
• Also, a pothlon fora change to
faces Pielispectioa of platform scales In
Allegheny county. i . •
. Hr. —RECKERT, one from: eight
kundred citizens and miners of Alle
gheny and Westmoreland, °dolma th ,
one of largo scresad;l and .11DjIlit
Measures of coal and 0 : oh&
„Mao, from Duque?n• do ough for on.
aeration to All•phany city.
Mr. 'RIDDLE, of Allegheny, changingan
the came of George Glenville Tuck td
George Glenville Tack Jeremy.
Providing for the sale of franchisee 'of
turnpike companies to_pay indebtedness.
'Authorizing the appointment et tarp
arlditionel Notaries Publlc,for Allegheny
'lli:tabling the School Beare or the Fitt b
ward, Allegheny city, to borrow thirty
.- thousand dollarafor school purpose;
Mr. W1L507. 4 1, of Allegheny, an act
iztabliog Feat Birmirsgbarn to issue our
Relative to VVestern 40E1E4 of Refuge,
obliging counties to pay costs of children
Incorporating tho Witkinsburg Gun
Mi. JACKSON, of Armstrong, extend
ing.the act reistive to livery stable hoop
oe* In Allegheny to Armstrong and Bat-
:Changing the name Back street in
Kittanning to Grant avenue.
Authorizing the State Treasurer to'cx
amine into the' claims or Genifie W.
- Casa, Wnsitingt?n McClintock and Addi
man Leech, In consisquencOof the
tionininit 44 the Western Division of the
Pennaylvz . inin Canal.
To take the . aeroocrf -the people of Free
_ port Borough. Anastrong county, upon
• the question of at prohibitory liquor law.
- • Exempting persons attendingfunernis,
schools, semibaties, military parades.
tin; from payment of tolls on the ferry
. tear the Kiskimin etas . at Leechburg.
NICHOLSON. Beayer, preventing
Seines and net,:rivers
creekis In Bearer county. • .
• Authorttiakt: the appal:An:tent of tin ad
dlttonal Notart.ttalla et Beaver .Falls,
Mr, DEIHE, Clinton, prohibiting th
renfintincient.of poraonsittAsylnoits with'
coat judicialhrtuzlinotton.
Mr. MEEIC, Centre, proildlng a pin
ally for cairying_ofl or fluids on cars an,
.sourpelllng railroad companies to pre
ride Beata forpamenners.
31r. BECICERT, Atlbighany;islcarborat
ing the Pennsslv-sale Chaise Company.
..,Annexin: a pertion of Duquesne bor
ough to Allegheny . City.
- - -111. r. MUSE, Clinton, extending
nal trump/isles the nrieliegae of railroad
co:ninnies to deepen, widen and int ;
prove canals and Increase facilities for
the transportalon of purport:l-.
-Jar. HERB; Dauphin, establishing u
penitentiary for the htiddlo 'District of
, .
The CQmmttto•; on Pensions intro
&molt blli Zirlho - notymont of panstoits
to soldlOrnot 18L2 and their widows,
Adjouzzfed at half pan ten orclock p. m
_ • • etzatoarernancita. '
108 EitHETT,eiAllegheny, present
ed serrionatrance from Town Council, of
Drulitiene heriugh, egalna: the lose of
a radian or its territory..
dlao, - eitahnat the pa>.ege of an act au
- &mtg:peg compensation at School' Word
of.; Elisabeth _ for serviette sa bounty
Air:TAYLOR, of Balmer. P 4 ititl
wkintfor an ea tang= of the Atte of
Bridgewater borough.
' Mr. ERREIT, incorporating the Con
smildation Savings Bank of Pittsitirgh.
incorporating the Pittsburgh and Col
undo Silver Mining Company.
Incorporating in. Liberty Dr ring
Brad Company. for a turnpike between
.Mmt . Llbarty and Pittsburgh.
Authorising Hampton tole) turbip to
Ivry a tax to reimburse Wm.. Williams
and John Grubbs for bounty money ad-
[By Tologropti to tlto rim►ireb tioonto. 7
WAranrcrray, Fob. 10, ly.A.
• Mi. musty presented • petition of
citizens of Colorado, asking admission as
a Stale. Referrel
Mr..CONICLLNG presented • petition
for the impriiremant of -tho harbor of
Mr. YESSERDEN offered a reseletina
of laquiry Into the ri/C1.% regarding the
foreible ejectment from • horse raltrOmi
from Wasidigton to Georgetown,
' of a
colored employe of the Senate on . Sat
last. :
Mr, SITCRALENY objected and it went
Mr. POMEROY introduced a joint
resolution reJative. to the ocean mail
Meassishlp sersic• betimes' the United
Slates and. Chins. Referred. •
Mr. DAVIS offered a rasolutibn ask
ing information from the Secretary of
War relative to chartering and hiring
vessels durbig the war. It was discuss
ed without action until the expiration of
the morning hour.
Mr. llENDERSONintroduced a bill
toast apart the Indian-territory le Ress-.*
Slit and otter territorisN also, enthcrrjz
ing the distribution of tho surplus of
condemned property among the Indians.
Tbosopplisp.entaii reconstruction bill
Hama up,
Mown. 13 ikAi N and TIPTON . li'poke
In aid of the 'Galen Pacific Railroad,
Eastern branch. •
• :To revide , for unzunieslon to Inves
tigate the cleims on account-of Indian
To allow respondents In criminal 'pro
ceedings to testify In United Staten
Oriarts bald in States—where die same
was idlewed by statute.-
To_provide for the erportation cite
tilled spirits in hood.
lo provide for the gradual return to
apecle payment by the ',orchid° of legal
tenders on dialing wed* for gold, sem
manning on Ithe Oral of December, and
that on and after the find of June, 1871,
the United States pay all legal totelens
dollar for-dollar In gold. - •
To equalize °entracte hereafter made
lbr thelotylneet of gold. • •
For retiring Gaited Staten notee and a
free nations banking system. - ,
rEgtendingisrovielons of the set for the
geutectfon of olllcere of the reve
nue to all civil and military officer* for
ass done dexhigtherebellion tinder the
'authority of Executive Government of
the United States. •
_ Au th orising salon and r•E•galstione by
•the Stierstary of the Trimmers , for. tho
registration of certain remela on eastern
and northern lake., in payment of Inter
nal Revenue tax. `\
In reference to continuaime 'or Treed ,
mons Derma la Tineimme. -
To grant, relief to Indiana soltiateer. at
1. •
to additional bounty.
To regulate terms Or United Statai
Courts in the Western District. of aro. •
In aid of the Atlantic and raclfio Rail
naiads* to payments °Cl:adopt:re to
dratted men.
For rise and inspection of atentedmat
boilers Made of material edit le than rev
tint plates of wrought Iron;
Asking for correspondence • relative to
the imprisonment of Antonio Pellitier, a
citizen of the United State., and addle
eation of his proved, la
Relative to the amendment of the
bankrupt low to the effect that a majoil
ity of the creditors mild petition beibrit
s debtor nen be compelled to go- littoin-‘
voluntary bankruptcy.
To print 10,004 extra copies of the car
rimplivildelde between the .President and
Orneral-Grant. '
nequesting the Committae on ReCon
airnetiou t )'roport *bother further lee:t
in:let to neogasary- to *rule the temo
speedy restoration of the late rebel
States to full political rights with guff!.
elent guarantees.
Daelariox it Inexpedient to bare
limy champe or minutia* of the banking
Mr. PAINE. otiorod •a ,xxisolcilloi do
.64 the seat Of isMeranient
ought to be renieved to the I. alley of the
Slimilealpoi. Rejected—yeas, seventy
eeven; sty., niamy-soven.
The iiP.E.LKER presented several Ex.
telltiVe documents, including on ex
tract from the proceedings of the Ilia.
tax ei
b ppi Convention nanny°
r to the oaten
ng. applied to tho ata' of t h e
poor, end rasolutiens of the Georgia
Convention asking s loan of thirty mil
lions at dollars to Southern planter..
The House next drew for seats, after
The SPEAKER prevented a message
from tIM Prezidant In reference to the
trial and conviction of American citi
zens la Great Britain, with a,partial re
port, and en. other subjects, which wise.
appropriately referred,
Dlr. PAIRS, by unanimon\s trestmat,
introduMil a nosolution relative to the
Kock Llama Bridge, with the risaurk
that It was simply atplanatOry of the
law sod-had no money in it.
Mr. SCOFIELD said be to ok lane
with the gentleman from I vra as to
Roots being no money in the b 1, -Thera
woe not only roomy In is, lo t a good
deal of money: It we, neithe more nor
leas than a plan to build a uri ger across
the Mlitsisti pp!, bat fat this ex nut of the
Government; and to done t it to the
railroad. The next thing w uld be to
give siobaldies to a new railre . aruil 'be
might come in saltier from agrem an
appropriation to build a bridg acrosa the
rallegkeny ricer at Wilma.
Mr. PRICE remarked the speech of
Mr. Scofield was a good' on , if ft con
tained one 'thing, which it dl not eon
tain, that was a very alllllllspi of truth.
When the reationirus elate d i was pro
posed to build a bridge aceostatim Min
iieippl and dnnnts It to a railroad, Le
aimed what had uo fituaLlatloa to fact.
EN did not babas* in gaatletnen indulg
ing In biz talk of reform and economy
and ibiaing a bowl about this being a
railroad bridge:-
The SPEAKER notified Mr. Price the
expression about "raising a howl" was
not parliamentary.
Mr. PRICE said be would withdraw
the "howl," and substitute some ether
dictionary werd—"noise" would proba
bly do. By the jointresolutioa thisown
grahip of this bridge would remain in the
government and not go to any railroad
company. If tho gentleman (Mr. Sco
field) mane his speech as attorney of the
Railroad company, it might., be all very
wall, hscausa this sat was not what the
railroad man liked, but what the govern
meat wanted.
Mr. SCOFIELD rejoined, therthoegh
the gentleman (lidr..Prico) had charged
Lim with nahatating feels. its had waxed
noteo at all, but wrested the Ileum to •ego
it blind."
After tome. further dismissies; from
which it appeared that the bridge in
qtaretieee.Lete-he telilt"at the isist ex
pense of the Government end Railroad
Company, and that this act is necessary
for the regulation, of the right of mar.
to., the Joint resolution passed—Ten
eighty-flee, nays forty-five.
Mr. STEVENS; of Pennsylvaufa,
asked leave to offer a resolution that the
evidence taken on Impeachment by the
Judiciary - Committee be referred to the
Committee. on Retainstraction, and the
Committee have leave to report M say
obJested : .
Mr. ELDRIDGE suggested there
would be no objection, If the gastleman
would ososeut that fifty thousand copies
of that 'testimony be printed for as use
of the public.
The SPEAKER remarked all motions
ter prskting extra copies of documen.s
must be reterredjo the Committee' on
Mr. ICLDRITIOE went onto nay be
thought the verdict of the people would
have been ccucluelve on that teedinony.
The SPELKER asked Dlr. Eldridge
whether be desired to offer each resolu
lien forrerereecee •
Mr. 'ELDRIDGE aaidho dld.
The SPEAKER said awe being no
objection, the resolution of Mr. Eldridge
was referred to the Committee on That-
Mr...BROOKS said he world not object
to Ur: Stevens' reselution, If a roodu
[len be admitted and adopted directing
the GenSral of the Army to sand a copy
of the "Presidant'S last letter to him to
the Secretary of War to send to the
Mr.EiTETMiSS übi tie agreette that.
There being ao objection that roman
tics waa adopted. and then all objections
having been erithdrawn, Mr. Stevens'.
resolution was adopted. • .
no Hausa then went Into Com m ittee
of the Whorl On the state of the Vision.
Mr. W1L507.8,-of lowa. In the and
resume the rats:Mend:lon of the-beglaba-
Use, eternise and judicial approptia
tion hill.
Mr. •LAFLIOO, Chairman of the Henze
Printing ommithee, stated the oast of
prlntiag for tire year- 1606 and 1867 at
6451,3., currency, soder .855,1:10 ip
163tem1 1650, en a gold bars—
The twenty per mat. additional com
pensation vas added to the salaries of
employes of the Congressional Library,
and female employee 'in the Public .
Printing Ofilee.
♦ diacurlin arose relative to so ap
propriation of $lOOOOO for thie payment
ofjudgmeat. which may be rendered by ,
the C. urt of Claims.
Without decision the Committee reae.
Mr. FLEE made a manta! explana
tion In . referent* to. Mr. • Johnson's
remarks enameling himself on Friday.
and reftentted that thelatter's reaolnUee,
before mentioned, was a "burlesque on
gammon sense," end his smith was a
burlesque oaths rssolidlom Mr. PILE
expressed pride at kis reoerd both in the
churth anctarmy, and passel Mr. John
son's personal remarks In silent am
Mr. JORX..:SON asked a =Mote to re
ply, bat MX WASHEIIENE, of Mine*
ohjecikte, 'said he would take the dear
to-morrow. •
The SPEAKER Rented a commint
cation from the Secretary of the Navy
tranamlttisig the papers in the Court-
Martial ease of Second Enginetri Sagyer
far n peaking. disrripectfully of the Pres
ident of the United States, and 'impended
for ono -rear.
311 r. VitILIENCIi", - while admitting. that !
diamspect to a superior °facer Mould be
punished. be characterized the action of' ,
the Informer in the case ma poor, mean,
dirty, pimping business. ,
83210 debate ensued, during which
Mr. SCHENCK added it wen conternitt
-ble for the Secretary of the Nary Yard
to watch over Le conversation °fon:gra.
The testimony weold show the witness
la the on.. bed spoken as disrespectfully
of Congress as Mr. Sawyer had done of
-of the ?resident, end, therefore, he mint
ed it printed.
Mr. Eta Bald he was Informed cm
ployea at the Portizoonth yard were Ms
rammed because they had impressed Ps
political sentiments,. and he hoped all
appropriations for detectives and spies at
ro :CairT Yard would Ye !Waken oat,
After farther. debate thO papera were
referred to tip, Naval Committee.
Soleznitt to Ibo rnut.tss a lone.;
. Febnaary 10, 1500.
The trial of Roy. el. 11. rynlf. Jr., for
vioLatiou of on Episcopal (Anon lo
preacldnz In a dtmenting church, com
menced to-day. ,`
. .
=Neff 'srAntur
A llamas special says: Dr. Larraimbal,
author of (Amaral Simon Boilvar's lifr,
I had arrived at. the Mexican capital and
was interesting himself In favor of the
liberation of Cuba from Spanish rale.
There are rimers here that raids are
taking place In Mexico againzt the par
sow} and property of the Spanish resi
dent, in retaliation for Cuba's barbering
of General Santa Anna.
.I. . .
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Continued • Fenian Etaitement.
Patrolmen Attacked in Cork.
Grand Jury Meeting at Dublin.
litUs /band against Fentafts.
Prizes to American Inventors.
Oultoma Conference in Clammy.
The ' Rebellion in China.
Earthquake Shocks at Shanghai
lDr retepaph to Um ritu.mrsh aits.
silisat 'tartan
Lunen, Pobruary 10.—The Marquis
D. Anglin, 'Ambassador of Italy, luss
moat his rusliimatlen to this King of Italy,
and nquesta l te be recalled from Liondon
at an early day.
Ltvnaroot., February 10.—ble, pro
truded strike bf the tat:Moen has ended.
The men have all returned to their
stands and cabs am now miming. through
the streets a*usual to the great relief of
the people.
tonietters, February In—The guars, of
constables and soldiers In and 'around
Warwick jolt; when the Fenian prisoner
Burke is still confined,hare been
doubled andmanyadditlisuilprecautions
taken, inconsequence of reports' that
the Fenlaca threaten to reactietheir lead
er by force. blnch excitement exists' in
Warwick, and the citlsens rolunteer in
large numbera to &erre se special' con
stables I
IfcCorculck fa - a perste dis
patch dated 'Paris to-day, reports that
en the sth that. an official repOrt was
pahllshed of- .be trial of Improved agri
cultural implements on -the Imperial
farms last year, and awards flnally
nude to successful Inventors by the
special commission appointed by the
Emperor. A grand prise is giren
CormlcY for hie reaping machine, and a
gold medal, together with an object of
alt,to Wood, of Bootle Falls, Nes
York, for his ,mowing machine, Upon I
both these gentlemen the Emperor has
conferred the decoration of Clieraller of
the Legien 'of Honor. Other grand
prima worn wititaded to the Emperors at
France, Austria and Rawls.
Coax, February 10.—Lait night a
squad of policemen who were patreling
the city wereLconfronted by a crowd of
men in the' u eat, who commenced' an
attack with stones and clubs. The po
liceman befog) greatly outnumbered, fall
back on the helmet station and were
chuoed alms distance by the mob; several
of whom, durieg tie flight of the poling.
.uponthern with pistols and other
fire arms. - Sane of them were hurt.
As soon as they reached the neighbor
hood of the station the purauiti ceased;
Iliad woes tae police, relnformd,•sallied
out the creir, had tin
night warrderld and thick none of the at
tacking party!, could be . distlnetly
seen or recognized, end though the
°dicers are actively searchtng for tlac
suspected ring leaders they have not 3e:
been able to sabot any armata. •
Coax, Feb. 10.—The police succeeded
in arresting may persons win wire sus
pected of hating taken part in tke riot
ous attempt to resale Capt. Mackay. l
is reported that among the arrested two
men have been!identifted as the Men who
shot the two policemen on that occasion,
but as no a - ran : titration km vets taken
place nothing cietwts is known as to the
charges or evidence against them.
game p•noar were ' also arrested on
suspicion' of h ! yin& been concerned, in
the assault on the police last night.
The recent *old disturbances of eh.
peace have caused the Gerona:neat °fa
cials here to redouble their exertions.
Felireary 10.—Eresing.—Thr
Grand Jury to !whom the cases of Mu se
emed Fenian Low in prison in this nitJ
are to be presented, assembled at
the Court HooSe. Lord Fitzgerald, Chin
Justice of to. Court of Appeals, deliver
! the chugs to the Jury, In whioh be
deplored In strong language the out
rages 'which had been perpetrated and
%Se tupelo= !agitation and lawless
spirit now 'prevailing in Ireland.
138 -Grand ! Jury then withdrew
to their chamber and commenced
their labors. Two Indictmante have
been Toned &pleat the prisoner leaner,
one for treason' the other fey murder, he
being charged with shooting a police
man at Stepaslde. This prisoner Figot
had ono Indicted on a charge of sea
Ig '-''
LONDON February W.—Dispatches
from Chin; and news to the latest date,
ricelyed, state that United Stateallthis
ter Burlingame left Pekin on his aniaslon
for the Emperor of China, and arrived at
alianghalarent which place he , was to
proceed direct to the United Stitee.
- Shocks of an sarthqnake ware 'felt at
Shazighni, Ningpoo and the earroundhig
districts. No destruction of property or
loam of life Ls reported. The oscillatienn
were not violent, but the untuthatoecor,
ratios aimed Ora coneternallen 'among
the Chinese, and wherever the phenome
non was felt the wildest panic prevailed.
Intelligence in regard to the rebellion
In north China'. is net very definite. The
Imperialists report a battle had taken
place ulnae the conflict at Shinting, and
claim that the rebels were defeated In
all these enoanntsre, and Imperial arms
are rapidly tridning ground they had
•Baxmar, Fehruary 10.—The Natlonal
Customs Conferenne, witch will norm
assemblelutre,ila regarded .nok.eiii,y, ea
Important to ttw intereate of commerce,
bet as likely to advance In ne smelt de
gree the progress of - I:termer' unity.
The Maternal party, taking adrantago of
the opportunity, are aitskincrealylaying
planet° give a political character to the
approaching Conference, which It fa ex
pected will embrace repreesontatirea from
nil sections of the Fatherland, •
LoNDo,r, Eqb. ic—lhening.—comols
934; 5-29 s quiet at 714; Illinois Gmtral
371; Erie 474. I
• .
Lemma, Feb. lik—Earnine.—Linseed
cab...declined to 10 pounds ss. Linseed
oil 88 pounds 101. •
Awrwear. Feb. 10.—Erming.—Petro
loom closed better; letaniard white 41
num:rear, Feb. 10—United Mateo
bonds 78i.
Ltvzsreor,lFebmary 11.—E 0 eniag.—
Cotton closed at oa advance of id; mid
dling upland, ,
81(681; do. Orleana 0f49
81; min 18;000 bales. Breadstnffe—Corn
hav advanced to Ole Cid; Wheat 1111 154 far
California white, 141 84 for red western;
Barley, Osts sad Peas unchanged. Pro
visions—Pork' dull at 73; Lartadvanced
to lib Od for fine American; oilers no
changed. Produce—Spirit, of Turpen
tine advanced to Ws ed. Refined Petro
loam le 11411; Batas giddy. •
ea GaLhne, .2. Kentucky,
Ignatien as United State.
, 1 Governor, on amount of
ildozasea and Inability to
• and th e Lees Ware
to electe biz succenor on
C•tia inst. at eleven o'clock
Senator to the
Mx cautioned
go to Virstahli,
The . supreme . Court and
• Reconstruction.
The Geoigia ,Bill ,Diemiased.
The Question a Politic al Qnr.
Court Has no Surisiiiction
S'tspre ins 'Court Of cleans!
. _
TlNlrfr Lands for !caul Purposes
. --- •
Nominations Made and Aced Upon
The Staatow-Grant Matter
Tteteraph h. the ...eerie ti ;
WistrrstoTow, Feb. In, lea.
In the Sahirehte Court of the !initial
States to-darcAssocialei Justice Nelson
announced the opinion in the case of the
Stettil'ofi'aergie tisiiit Hon: E. M.
Stanton, • SeorstarY of War, General
Grant and Major General Pope.
The last named at the time the bill
was filed was corilmandleg the Third
Military Riend ' dr, iomfterred of Georgia,.
florida end Alabama, designated by tho
act of Cong.*, approved Slarchild. 1E 4 37,
entitled "An act to tirrielde for the more
efficient got - err:intent of the Rebel States,'
and the act staPpleinental thank, paa.sltt
the LW of the genie month. The bill
filed by the State of Georgia prayed
for an injunction for the purpose of
restraining the defendants from carrying
into effect the lostetel provisions of these
acts and set forth the existence of Geer.
gig a,on• of, the State. of the Union,
and Pdrilser that on the surrender of the
Confederate army in 106.5, at the clove of
the' civil war, that State wad ht the pos
session end enloyment of ail the rights
helms „ing to a - State in the Union under
the Censtrtution end lawn et the United
States, and as such was entitled to rep
reeentation Iry both Timms of Congress.
The bill further istes forth that the listen.
don and designs of thawed, of Gangrene
were apparent on , their face and by their I
term.. yin the overthrow of tho existing
State Government and theeroction in its
place of another Oct authorized by the
Constitution, and that in furtherance of
thin Intent the Secretary , of War, Gen
Grant and Major.Generel Popo, acting
under orders from the President, were
about setting in motion a portion °title..e
statutes, to lake military poimession and
mbrert the Government of Geergia,
thereby subjecting the people theme( to
military rule; that the State sus wittily
to resist the power of the sev
eral departments, and therefore insisted
protection ought to be afforded by a de
cree of- the Supreme Court In the pro.
raises. -
The bill next prayed: Forst-That tie
:indents might be restrethed from is.
ruing any order or doing any eel or
thing within e the State of Ceoegia juju
sinus to said. State which might he re
qtaired of them be act of Congress.
.I.cond-To muse the defendants to de
lay registration .in Georgia a.
proscribed in the last named ' act.
lehird-Te retrain them from termini.
:.ring or causing to be arbninistered tie
oath provided for in that act. Fourfli-
To prevent an election or returns -0:
such election from being received ac
oardlng to
* the acts In . quisetion
Fifth-Fromm holding or routing to 'te.
hold any convention as prescribed there-
Amoebae Justice Nelson, having ar t
forth the premises, but at greater length
than above given, veld in eubstence.
a motion end been made by amens' for
defendant. to dismiss the cane fur wont
of jurisdictioo, and as one wi heist pre.
oedent. It wa. 'claimed the Court had
no jurisdiction in the tear, either of the
subject In the bill or over Gut patter
presented. The! Host ground was aup z
ported by the argument that it wawa po
litical.end not • Judicial question, thero
fore it sea not a subject of cognizance by
this Court. The distinetienbetweenj -
ciarand politicalquesti•ns reaultel train th rerC•nlzatima of Usegovernreent, el.:-
Wive, legislative and judicial, end (TOM
the limitation cribs pewit= of tech un
der the Constitation. j edictal pow
er was vested is thy judicial depart
went, and the politics/power In the to.
other departments. The distiection be
twoonjadicial and political power was
so generally admitted that the Contt
Ceased It necessary I. de nothing mons
than te reler,to some of.the authorltier.
on the subject. They were slew. theli
direction. Amocig them thew of Rhode
Island against the State of Mansachueetto
It had been 'opposed this case afforded
authority for hearing and deciding as on
&question co.nected with a hill !. equity.
but ors close exiclainatlon• the we-aid
found a mistake. There we. a question
of boundary - .between these two States,
and not meet a politiesl character. in
theesse of Florida a,gainst Georgia the
United Staten Rat allowed to intervene.
being the proprietor. ore Largo portion et
lands eituated within_ r ! the dirputel
boundary ceded to the United States by
Span; Sae Stat. of Florida also being its-
Wrested as a proprietor. The - cats bear
ing moat directly on this one to thatut
the Cherokee Nation against the Sego of
! Georgia. A bill was filed in this cane
and an Injunction preyed for to prevent
the execution ot certain ante of Georgia
against the Cherokee Nation. The latter
claimed the right to appear In Court an
foreign patio.: The acts of the ferteole
tare, If -caroled lath execution, would
have destroyed the tribal condition "(the
Cherokees and subjected them to the au
thority of the State. It' wee, therefr.,
decided that the Cherokee, were not a
foreign nation in the acne* referred to in
the Conetltntion of the United States.
Jostle* Marshall said the" was
untenable on another ground, ninety:
it Involved a political question.
JustiosiNelson referred to several high
authorities In support of the above view.,
and showed that the political power did
not belong to the Judiciary, and Unit the
mart could have no right to cromounth
merely an abstract opinion of the Con.'
stitutlon or of State laws. It might,h so •
ever, deolde on all statutes properly
leg under judicial authority. By the
second section of the third article of the
Constitution of the United States, it ie
provided the judicial power elosit extend
to all caves In law and equity arising
under this .Constitution, the law of this
United States and treaties made or w bleb
shall be made under their authority, !
all those affecting ambaossadore. other !
put:ilk:ministers and consuls, to all cases
of admiralty and maratime jurisdic
tion to controversies •to which the
United Suites shall te a party,
to controversies between two or
mere Steers, between stings, and citizeris
of another State. logween citizens; of dif
ferent States, between cuizeiss of the
gams State claiming lands under grants
of different States, and between a Stith
er the citizens thereof end foreign States,
citizens or aubjects.
The lOU filed by the State of Georgia
nrays for an injunctinn to restrain de
fendants front executing certain part. of
the acts of Congress, tieing apprehensive
VIAL Injury to the State would thereby
result, bat according to law and pre
cedeot, In order to entitle the parties to
Mae muit properly preset:turd
the use moat refer to Vie rights of per
sona and property, and not to
questlens merely which do not
! belong
'to the Judiciary titter in law or equity.
In view of the principles under the Con
getudon and stattitseeehich the Court Wei
endeavored to explain, tie question was
whether th e court could take cognizance
of the quietists new before% The Court
was called on- to -restrain defend
ant', who represented the Executive
Department, from putting into execu
tion certain aces - of Congress, which It
was Maimed would overthrow the ex
isting State gereratnent df Cleerght, and
establish a dB/Greta one in Its stead. In
other words, destroy the corporate exis
tence of theletate. 'Suck is the Rehm-sues
of the bill. It called for the judgmont
of the Court en a political question, and
net one inVeleing pers . 's - amend property.
No question of person yt property, or
threatened danger to them, was present
ed In the bill in -a form j tostifyingjedl-
Mal action by the Court. It was true the
bill rot forth political rights as in dan
ger, and among other thing's Get
Georgia - owned certain property, the
Stale Capitol,- Ex•coltlvo Mansion, and
other real and persotal property, and
that by patting those acts of Coogres
Into execution the State_ would be de-
butof the poasessicat of each property;
but It was apparent this reference was .• -
only incidental sad pot speciflo minter —Tlie C 10,4.1111.4 Revolt( sim
of remedy. The relief asked would cell George Francis Train affair res;i
fora bill different from the one now ho- nett into this: ono ;passenger
fore the Court. • Stotts Lad too long a tongue,l
Haying for the reasons stated arrived bad too long *are, and the ant
at a conch:idols, II was immigrant to no- who seed., the arrest had too lout
amine the natation of julirsidialJnri In The one thing neoded he all part
connection with the de The corned was common acme."
1 Court di.trataini ato Litl fo b <rant or
joriadietinn. This det•iNlon, Itho Indg•
rt•ntarlted, dispo•ed or t he ease of .
the Slate or 11l ,t sora t. r y
Stan:pa, General Grant and Major Gen•
oral Gni, involving a anntl,r question.
Chia Justice Claaa, said be did not
concur it. all the reasona, , but 'assented 44
lbu coneluaion, balierlaglian 'Court bad
najurr«lietian in the case. • I
In the Sispr.,mc Court tho fo
to-ring opinions won, kleilVvilki:
No. • 77. Lowry, oppelant, vereue
I,4:,•pher, nd tuinbarittrix of Koine; appeal
I,from . Ctreitit Court Os the Trulted Stele*,
',dhst.ria of lowa. itoitice Ilittls deliv
ered thoopiniou of the Court' creaming
tun decree of the Circuit, lourt with
bc , 1.11.
( No. N. cti . or, vs.
nirt Wayne ,t CI, icago
;nad Co.; in Circuit Court of tho
United Zitate. fir, the IVeatcrill I.,:xtri,l of
.pennsyircuic tleilverect
the , opinion 'of the Court, aftirniing the
fud ,, ment .I'o4 Circuit Court' withtusta
No. 01. West ot. plaintilre in error,
4 el' nieeo, ; error to Circuit
Court of Lite United State, [Sr the Dia-
Inlet of Imliana. Chief Justieti Chase de
!learnt iho opinion qf the Ceiirt,
td¢ the Judgtteni of the Cucult Court
with coote.
The Chi,
Leo Vh. JuNtiee I mounceil the Court
mill adjourn for the term oil the Ana
Monday ,tOO.
- .
Tho Prealdent Iseult • message to the
Llouso fo-dsr.en.doime einumanica
don front the Secretary of tho Navy rela
tive to the depredations'aponjand future
CAR, of reservations of lauds for the pur
pose of supplying timber for it he navy.
Tho lends ants reserved vorelVlgetd
derthecontrolof he Navy Department,
and are scattered through Florida, Goer-
gin, Ilissialappi and Louisiana, embra
cing 11t11,04.10 acres. Secretary IYellosaars
if thew land: tiro lobe retained for the
purpose to which they have' been pro
tected for half a century on appropria
tion of S.:o,fiun for gala:lva ,aud other
neomiary expenses will be required.
.Thel"mident fa-day snot follow
fag uothinations to the Senate : Charles
I".'t'uekermhn', Na, York, Minister res
ident to firecix; Captain Greeve; Com
modore in the Nary pa active list, vice
Commodnro Cieerol-'rice, retired; Com
modore John Cooper, Cantaiti on active
list, vino Captain Green, nominated- for
pnunotion. •
The Satiate confirmed the 1 folloWiug:
T. Scott Etewart, Pa.. Consul of .0-ala
and Ilisstre hates W. - 11vnderaun, Iteg•
tater of Loot ! d ire •at IlittabLddt, Cali
fon:ll,n L,S. Webb, Superintendent of
Indian 111 - sira, J.
Briton, Assessor Intermit Revenue First
Mimksippi; Felig fi. Clark,
Register Lind Cirti, at Dna M0t0...
Iowa; Georg, M. Ilaliett, Receiver of
Public Manny In Coloradod Irwin G.
Stanton, IteLtistor of Land Office at Cen
tral City; Col. Ambnete Csmnbell, Reg
ister of Land Glues at Marquette,: Mich
igan; W. IL Trower. P.2attentster;
byviile, \ 1. Porters,
Postmaster, Monut Vernon, lowa.
.7l4)llnuTtux or cyrtz6NlS liaissako.
The Secretary of Nixie; itt Imply tri* a
resolution. sent to the. tn-day au
iinnionso moss of doctunvni.i relative to
the protectom of 'American citizens
abroad. Soma of the paparS and daieds
two year. prorniNev
Another issrtiun nn the subj.,. at 11-4 in
(ally give all information nn the files in
his department up to this date.
documents are vompossil for, the greater
part of repoirud arri protieticlitigv of meet
ings In thiv country, sod )tildrairies to
ltl.l Ro,3l7llllent on thatasking
relief for estundizsil citiren, abretail.
VNION ri,aetria nattinnith,
• • •
The lintrd of birorttora oil the i:41101
Panifiii ft:inroad entnnany, at w Ine , ettn•
on Frolic, vnind to plane the. manbint
•lintin,. ON+ ite i et,. for tin . , in,' east o
the mountains and for the atntintain df
vision at i:ltnt•intin, and [make ilia
point a grand torning nt the ea,
sue of tite men vital ht. The decision 1,11 i
rims.. an napetiniturn of a lat'ge acnotin
of mutiny. a, tilt. are r o On a
!aria a seals an any in tar. U tied. Staten,
.ma will tei a rreitit to the real!. •
1111L•rANikri-t•HANT .17•111..
The sulireammittes Re nistruotton
this forming rseitnosi the examination
ad Mr. tittilson, mirrespostint ths
New York World. with rots einas 'to his
exinrsriatiens with the Presiii•nt on the
imitiset sit the Stanton mid Or matter,
not is controtion nil thei President
tail Grant ceirrespondrio, whieh was
referral this Borinet” the i i ianttnittre ;
12u,SUL r./If J AP .
Thslaic/ant ro:n ' -tilses Chafing Wit Brssk• C.ln•ulof .I , ton. at San
OATCNTS to in 111110.0. ;
The ratent U.Mee wiU iscir two Lon
end nlOl loyeety elz pit:ooo4 ter the
week ending the 1811 inentut.i •
—ThP al I,
Vermont, np burned en Sun
-John Hut]. omit of
riterchtints in riillittl.llllllA, ii
thy aged rerrntc•enue
Prms, Mo
noon, the high school but ;tilt
troyrd by lire. Lot., 121,09 ,
a tl . n 1,
Ile) Ight.
t►a of Ir.
etl on 101
la. Go rr
fully In
11nrlinzt•n, !tun ,
Miss Grrenonghotged sema ,
eras burned to death t.p I t or
Inefire from t explosion el
clay night
oc•rt rear..
lottles t.tic
—A show case' otantling in
entrances of the Jewelry stn.
her At Tires., at the tionthernl
Louis, and rnbbed no Salon!
ono thousand dollars worth
and jewelry.
—Jahn S. Plait, messenger
chants Union Express Com
arrested at St. Louis, SaturdsL
hozzling savant hundred th: ,
that Company.
one of the
• f Von
S .
o of •bout
o otebee
I tha Mar
tr ems
I arm treat
—.The City;Couoell of 3tetoptlll ye..
terday passim - 1 areseluiton ahLilighloir the
lire department after th• gist of moat
Mare', In eoneeiluoaee of th: coltdltlou
of Om City Treasury.
—At Salem, Indiana, last
Traitor B. Rodman, Jr, kll:e+!
Wright, .nizty,fiva yearn ok
hiring his no with the butt
Thetruurder was inexcusable
—A Are broke nut at Matt.n, Illinal.,
yesterday morning, In is but ding 01,n
pied by Mitchell Bro., saddler., de
stroying It, together with. Pit adjoining
building*. Loss, twenty-fou'r thousand
dollars. lo.ured for fourteen thousand
dollar. In Illinois companies,
—The fire in John street, .!N
on Saturday night, prove+ to
ad a lona or over bairn mill
Menem. Joisaiip h re, were It
of the building, , and tit I. nit
in the 141.11,4, valued at IL:S
wan destroyed.. Poll• In•rira
to.. is' voimmo to
AI xolocn
by frar
of a pm
ewe Intl..
no &Alan,.
.k or etctl
I. A. 1%,
god to 111.
!era . iltzdt.
C. Greer, herdwure, darns
amount of $:0,000. Perk 'Broth
ilanunrirl to the otnennt of CO
en buildinc, 45,0011; Ineur
ether parttes loaf minor aruou,
Qt TeellllMb (4 MR ntisbarie NY
Nil lA...tut:l,z, WIN.; Fehrtiar, ,
rather fe Intensely
y 10.—The
r, he lb.,
motneter here et norm o'clee• n. m. ill.
Melded nix teen degree* ',Anti zero. Al
Winona, Arlon., It wax i limy- lye below;
Madison, Wlsconeln, thirty-7 below;
/tasting.. and Wobeelin, Mtn .. thirty-
Aix below, and St. Paul ferly
.01. w.
OS ICAUO, February 10.—DImpatelso.
from 11117.11 . 00 t point. in Minni • nod the
{Vest Indicate lent night tho co dent orthe
AORIOn. Tho thortnntneter at eight
o'clock thin tnornism Mood nt Rock Is-
land, tlreetreight deem*. beitoty mire;
at Dixon, forty brlor. - ; tit Freepert,twert
ty.eight oehirr; Cherry Vallee,thlrtv-nix
below: Qiiloey, eight below:
tweelty. below; Iles Moines, lowa,
lereaty-four below; Duborie tWetity two
Wow: littmailer., thirty-CT" below;
17.eskuk, ton blew.
—Thorp are CTOlOrif.ri Or thel rant that
the eccentrle reinfures,nr wide OLISIION
nro to be all tho rage this measoit; and on
them, arthae ere wern , tho lirgest and
roost rayon/ ornaments of agree and
gilt. Anehorm, . lute., hat —queer
shaped thing. ' large and ouruhersorne -
dangle behind the belles. Some yenta
eine° the ernauiente I rotor to would
have beau deemed (land at beet for the
squaws of the Ilatfeat or tbe Stutz, not
to mention the red bead add brittlit
flannel laving, thick. lipped Aliyesinlan
females; but Fadden, having oxhatuded
the realms oftsete, le forced n•tt• to enter
that of show, and her diacitdes must
obediently rush.stter her.—f aria Cbr.
Ise: "1 he
'elves lin
r on the
e; nose..
'tlee eon-
tovemillsallett ut the Catise4—The Fire
Dopettswettl Vlsdleated.
The faOt of the disastrous fire on
Fourth street 'occurring to the same
and but a few hours after
the drat bail been extioguielied gave
rise to the opinion thilt tlis fire depart,
mint, which was under the charge of
Assisiant Engineer McElroy at the
lime, Lad Loeb negligent or direlect to
their duty, ea it was believed that the
first fire had not been extinguished
! thoroughly cad as a conesquence the
second - reignited from il. 'Flit im-
Prossion, we believe, originated with
001115 of the firemen, who it appears were
chegrined dud llidehtsfinted bliekuse
they were not pehmitied, as has been
iho custom, to tleod the building with
%hatch; Mr. McElroy allowihg but 0011
Stream to be not In the building, which,
under the eitisimstances; was dmply
sufficient to estiaguish the fire. These
reiorta, which reflected twaisiderebly
uhoft the ebtopeteney ! of a faithful and
o sisal officer, hams blooms gener
ally circulated, In order to place the
facts beftre the public Chief inginetor
Hare ordeied. as. inyeathgation it the
matter yesterday, which took piece be
fore lits Honor; Mayor Riackmore,
three o'clock P. 21. The following testi- '
usurts was, .
Seth - n mb!,, tterthinent of the pollee,
testified that be wan on duty' the night of
the tire; wee the first to discover it, and
gave flip alarm ; was in the building
*heti the engine left 14 was Retitled that
the fire wax affischirdlywitingulehedi and
thought the second fire broke out In
! building adjoining the eno In which
tlio tire finet occurred.
• ()Ricer north, of the, pollee, had alio
been present at. the Are; oetarednect
the lower part of tbe,bnllding after the
iira, and was frilly whistled that it was
thoroughly put out. He Int dienovered
the wood tire In the third and fourth
•storien. , The first fire IVY not DOW apar-
Wien. bh Ataletant Engineer left a
bucket and tub or water, In case the Are
sheuktbreak oat again before be loft the
Jobe 1).11 . 41y, N. Grafton Morphs., Fire
Marshall: Ikeorge TVHaan of the .,
William }lentil; Jemee
Shtllen andiWillietrt Lynch. or the De ,
querne. nod John Matiern.• all testified
that itviy Ong been. at the fire, and were
fully satisfleal before leaving.that It WAS
thoroughly. .eitinsulshed, and that the
.t.siNtent Engtneei had .101141.64 duty
eire,tua _
Chief Englneei Ham stated that h.
was fully !AI istled that tha AasWant h.
performed hia duty fidhfolly, and tha n
001,110110 ottarhod to'hint whaMst.r.
.Ilvettes et the •teemee'e •seeeletlee
A regular imarterly meeting , of the
Firemen'. Association wan held Monday
evening, February , iUgh , at the roots of
the Association. in City Building.
in the absence of President McCarthy,
00 motion of Mr. To'rley, Joseph Irwin,
of the Niarsia, was called to the chair,
mid Col. W. D. Nenper, of the Vigilant,
appointed Secretary pro tern.
:Members priment , —Meurs.
Wilson and Kee:wolf the F.sgle; Sims
ant Wail, of Ito Allegheny: Han dl, of
the ituquesne; Johnson, Irwin and Cup.
the Niagara; Tetley, Neeperand
of the Vigilant; Swint and Lit
tle, of the Belief, and NoLbe and McKee,
o the Indepondao .e.
Uu merlon, the reading of the minutes
Wa.dirrensed with.
• Mr. Reran waved that the namcrof the
.lelesates from 'he Good Intent Company
be atri,dien from the relic, and that the
i.otop.y be ruled out of the Associa-
.Mr. Turley moved to amend by refer
irt: lbw matter to • special committee
with inetructiona to report at the nes,
; Tba arnanimiint wrai not
and the question recutrnt to lb« origins
motion, which Vrlli adeptfol.
Ort' motion of Mr. , lofiee the Inde
pendence, whirls wee'No. F in the Afteo
cottion, took thephsre rth•6ood Intent.
.whivb lea% Yo.
, Engineer John H. Hare pre-
Rented Lis quarterly retort, anding Feb
tuare nth, Ita;+3, to the Aasoelati•n,
whir/, .b. following i• a roeapitulation
, .raatfer of nret—November, 12; De
a,eniber. January, 13, and one false
larm: February. 5. Total number o
False &lama I.
• Accabintl.—Duringi a tne quarter they.
ere eighteen pent:oda" ktiled or fattaly
irtiti.reil, end tea wounded.
motion of Mr. Torley, the roper
icen . rei.eived end ordureii to bo tiled.
The bill of James McCaffrey, janimr,
tor Al wan read and ordered to be paid.
, Mr. Torley prevented the credential*
of Me‘sra William C. Brown, Gen. A. L.
Prar*en, and Samuel W. Stern°lda, as
aelenatea from the Lawrence ?ire Com-
Pany,eleettel respectively for one, two
and three ybare, and.moyeti that they be
admitted na nieMbern of the Association.
Mr. Swint said that itccordlnn to the
Convfitution they could not he admitted
until the company wan organized and In
The Motion waa laid on the table.
Mr. Neoper vend. a communication
man Thorn. U; Rabe rvivernmendlnt:
that the firemen be furnlatted alth hot
coffee at fires. The entntutualeation Nes
received. •
M. Torley called the attention of the
members to a patent clamp for the per
pone of atoppina leaps In hose, for.w bid)
lir. John -Floyd to agent„ and mined
that the lesocistion reeolmmend its
air. ("apples ntnentled by referrimr it
to the l'etn mate* on 'Enginin and Bose.
The amendment wax adopted. '
tit, mutton of Mr. Swint, the Chief En.
klueer was mitigated to use all hhi inilia
gurn to' mown the Lawrenceville 'Fire
company In perfeclititt their orgaisisa
lieu and procuring as apparatus. •
Mr. time offered a resolution pro . rld-
In; for the alteration of article second,
sr, as to pruvid• for the election of four
as,istaut Eeglncera• • Laid user.
_I in viatica, adjourned.
This cane, JuaL tried lu the Quarter
*redone, ha. elicited More tiara ordina
ry in , rreat, from the Tory largo number
eitlsens concerned 'ln Its determina
tion Toll lorallt,X, popularly known as
Ilutebers' Run, somilimes called "Sea
igoap Run," fromsike developmetita mado
on the trial, must c ''be little shiirt o! n
random's box OG-the vilest stinks or
noxious hmelli. accutste, turner
wtut mad• of ale narrow ravine through
blob this lantern paws, and • plot ex
ibit.l showing the location (within Al
leghony City lam It.) at twitsty aLaughter
h0t...1,1110n tannorlea', four oil refineries.
Oro soft..oap and Woe lxglerlos corn
bloct, rams eoft•semp factories, and ono
phatbilery--or a total of forty-eight estab•
1434 marts, within the distance Sr ■ lade,
from which unpleasant smells proceed.
Too defendant has been e,gaged in hone
boiling soil also In the manufacture of
glue, and it was claimed that while other
establishments of s kindred character
tillqht else be snore or lea. offintive,br
. .
cuntributed the stench In the valley,
(defentisat's) !Ave was the worst In
the lot. The defense contended that the
other establishments wens equally nui
sances, if the deferidant'• was claimed to
'be sued. Thie, it. was conceded, might
all be, but it did not relevethe defendant
from respouelbiliti while the proprietors
of other factories were equally responsi
ble end sheuld•be indicted. Then it was
urged that it we. o serious matter to the
defendant, in eimaidering the capital he
had invested in the busts.... That eon
aiderailon the:Court thought had nothing
to de with the cue. The defendant had
no mere 'Vita than the man who owned
property to the • flaunt of ens hundred
dellara; resident in the neighborhood,
and claiming to be disturbed by the de;
feidatit pursuing his !nions of bona.
belling, dc. For a better understanding
of the came ; or appreciation of the scented
It...entity in our sister, city, we refer the
render to extracts from the charge-Judge
Hterrett delivered in the use, given in
another oultunn.
Isdlvlduallly . v.. Imitation.
Into postponed lecture of Rev. Alexen
ruidOrtlerk, on Um above subject, Mader
tho notices end for the benefit of the
"Boldlers. library Anoclation," will be
40livona this evening„ at No,
cock street, Allegheny. The lecture la
°neat !dr. Clark'.-beet efforts, which to
earlng a great deal; and Independent
of the object Is denerelng of public pat
ronage. The to/Idlers only ask money
for money's worth, and their efforts In
Ills cause should be heartily Bewailed.
!latent Accident —Mrs. Cieley. wife
of Mr. Thomas Cieley, Deputy Sheriff,
was seriously bruised and otherwise In.
Jared en Saturday evening, by an exile.
eine, caused by throwing* paper of pop.
dor in *Stove. She was cleaning oat' a
drawer and burning the' neatest. arttelot
it contained, end among other things
She throw the powder. in the stove, not
knowing whet it was.' It is feared that
her MIN., which were reverely burned,
will he permanently affected.
} -
tinfoilst eteettox—n.port of the rem.
=Ogee en the Ott ',nape... Etre,
nee.l • I
A amidst meetiu of the Ilitteiburgh
Petroleum Association was held at Room
No. 4 batzelPs'Hulblitig, Duquesne Way
and If win Street; nt two o'clock p. m.
ycsterry. The -mooting was called to
order y the Presideno IL AI. Long, A.
F. Brooke officiating as Secretary.
Theindnutem of he preceding meet
ing ware read and a 4pEolnd.
The I-Prealdent Forsythe in the
chairl Ftad the report of the special mei
initteelappotnted tojetelt garrieborst to
defeat the Oil Inspector bill Introduced
bi fferisieor Cctnnell.l •
Oal , totlrin, tnit iepott wen accepted
and th • bill of aspen.. reform' to the
Ficanengenimittee, with instruellone co
ply the some If found correct.
Mr. W aring ofinted the following who
lution,lsWhich was adopted: -
Rene fillify That the thanks of the Pitts
burgh etroleurn,Aasociation be tender
ed to pelmet Thorium A.:Setitt, Vice
Prosidemt of the Pennsylvania P.afiroad,
for favors extended; to the Pittsburgh
Press, Indio genator.hirrett.and Repro
eentatites Ford, Miller. Heckert and Bid
dle, fed theta timely assistattee resuktreil
to our Comusilthee - .4it defeating the gate.
sags of the Pediadelphlainspectoen
Introduced into the Parineylyazda -Legts-
On minion •Iltavld Eno, the
thanks pf the Aasocialion were lendarel
to the Committee for the able monster to
which Yhey attended to their duties et
Ilarriahrirg. I
The Committ. on Bonded %trend:news
r r To rt -41 1 g et
in h i: d en* r an . d ° l7l:l l . from u ! -
the information they, had' reeeived they
were disposed toexempt the Dranantsnan
agement from blame. The Committee
asked to be continued for more 'definite
Inreettgatlon. Ore motion, the report
was reeelted rod the Committee con
tinued. I•
Mr. Waring moved that an additional
amesarnent of ten dollars be placed on
each member of the Amociation for the
porpoosliof defraying the expanses of
committees. "-
Mr. Kirk moved to amend by r‘ferring
the matter to a committee of three to re
' port an , ipiiitsible mode of assessment.
The amendment was adopted, end the
Chair appointed Memow. kirk, Warden
and Waring so mid comnlttee.
On motion of Mr: Kirk, John A. War
den, Esq ~ was added to the committee
to visit IVashingum City to repiment the
interests kif the oil trade of Pittsburgh,
and el:Adorer to secure, If poseible, a v.-
ductlon cif the tax on oft.
Mr, Kirk offered the followiag resolu
tion, which was adopted:
Re4olre4, That this A/mutation' do
hereby cionderan the practice of pollti.
. 3.
clans andlegislative" honed" of Intro.
during b ill's calculated toinJure branches
of Indus ,•anti evidently to "bleed" or
extort nney from persons engaged in
business without regard to the common
welfare. 1
AdJonnhed to moot at the call_ of the
Tam, Bailee awe
• sent* blears—l
eV agreemesa.
Heine far' weoita ago wer published a
rumor, ullalch erne then Current on the
street's, to the affeht that a promlnept
Republican gentleman was engaged with
a ,elique !It enttar, to remove General
Thus. A.: linwley from the Deice of rnired
Staten Marshal, In lordcr to provide for
krimaelf Mad others a comfortoble sad
lucrative position. Our alirmion te the
rumor drher forth t . card limn Vie gen
tleman referred to, in which all Inow
lodge or •lurtuplicitv in the scheme was
pointedly butted, 'pt lewder, however.
has succeeded in unearthing tiro fellow
nig . article .al agreement, whirl goes to
sLow two thint.^s—the part played by our
Republican friend hatho tranatct lon, and
the manner in Which Governmental'
neon in Otte distelet aro made to bring
grist to the juill of 4..ertatu operators.
Mere is the, deco merit:
M111e;•et Cevve.
“AnTictat CC A.011,1=1117.14T. mode thi,
4th day Dtroemper. A: D. 1567, be
to4en I. 4. C.... and J. H. 8”., both
of• the eltY Fnlaburgh„ oounty of
A nr i gheny I and 'State of Pennaylvanitu
IT'uness, that. the Rahn. C.'• hereby
Kamm thit In eases he stall be al,
poilattodMarshal of the United
States for tho IVestern District of the
Stets of Fenasylvoula, ho afll, after. all
the sivouson attending the fulfillment et
the dories qtaald odic* of Marshal have
been paid—tOcludblit the salary Of him
coif, t'ot. J.l I'. ti. end one ebork; 'to
appolturtdot lG sungestion of, end to
naufiDd by eel. S...—tho ~aid
11l ply orns to th sold C`± - .• thirty-three
par cent or ontoldrd oral! mon•ya re
-oeived and helonglhg to said I. N. C'”
Maishal for nova named district.
Settlenteab, to bo Made monthly.
In autos} scherecf, the Laid paittea have
hereunto wet their hands anti seals, tho
day and. yahr above written.
"Wittfea, , (scat...)
! ' I LaEai"
1:41144,14J. agreement wav the
annexed guarantee for Ito • falthfurper
formanee on the ;tort of the gentleman
to be app - 4t.41 Ilarahal :
'1 AORISE to be reaponsir
blo to J. or his analgna, for U.
true and faithful' performaneo of the
above-named contr./et en the pan of the
maid I. N.:r•—• I •
In trifne'ea trherrit, I hare'hereauto ace
rny - hand And aeal the 4th day of Nn-em
ber, one thousand eight hundredand
nitty-eeiert. rM6A1..1..
=inll g.imate Treaasteirs..
The following aiee‘la were left at tho
Reoordor'4,oßioc. rob. .
Robert Cempboll let al. to John Ft lee,
Decemb+r vt 11•;:,, tract of land in
North '.yette townehip, 'containing
101tacteaand 15r:emboli ......
Thomas 1 Fort vto 'Thomas .Thom Mel re,
Deccan rill, IF•15, lot 011 MsrearstrOet.
In the Sixth worth l'ittaburgh. b• 173
feet .:.. • t5OO,
Henry Third to Thilman McKee. Nov. N'
hell% le.thn Mercerntreet. it. the ISlztli
. .
. . ..
ward, Pittsburgh, 25 by7s feet. 12.,
Jacob Geyno et al. to Alexander Alcilll
may, Arigust 13.1007, lot in the Sixth
ward, Allegheny city, fronting nu
Beaver Street PO
Thome. Jlllreretnif to Jamb lfarri‘on,
December 31, 1867. lot in Pine Mien
chip, frentlug on Itavlo• atrial. 24 het
aud extending back 126 f05t....r412,50
Anthony Whlttlgker to John UMW, Feb.
7, 1538, itvo loin in Braddock'. Field,
:Nos. 10 and Il lo liellcru'a•plan....r4
11l argstet iNlerionnsli tO.Alexander Mc.
G !busy, thane Lib, 1887; for lot No. 147
In the • Hart of the Borough of Alan.
cheater, 14 by CO feet $lO
Ft. Biddle, Roberts, administrator of
Cotharin Guthrie to J , li
11001 Crawford,
July 3.1, 1417. (or I _tract of land In
'Robins° to'wriskilh r containin g, 15
Heirs of Jciseph ALlenooi, ScitOol • Liirec-
tor. off wer St. Clair township, Aim.
• 12th. 1$0,; fur n lot. lit eald township,
lot No. 7 In MeLanioand Maples' sub
division f Boyd and Allen's plan of
lots. L .... $l,lOO
John Nolan to Mary Moore, Februmy
Nth, 1.561 for jots NC4 o. and 07, on Sec
ond at ,in the Borough of Bloom
field; 40 by 100 feet.......',.........51,100
1 Tneuixteeg
prorceelenale who wroth., 'llrumy"
„ 1 ,
sadlse • heye It 6ppeare are again at
work. lttrdaY tided the wiroe gore of
Englehe A Co., In the npper ender the
Zillah t'i), was entered by burglars
ead'reb it el ebb worth t 1300 of tot*lx.
.The Iron doer wa deublylocked,..being
locked like*rdirinry doers and addition
ally fastened with*, heap and padlock.
The midi**. wa* broken ofr, and the
door unlocked. After the robbery the
door was radbalted; except with the pad
lock. The tstlice are after the perpetra
tor*. ,
Assee't dlitaitety„—Walton kin Night
mode infoi - coadion before Alderman
Donaldson, 'Saturday, charging George
Free and -unit Small with sunsuit and
battory. TAO parties nre boys fourteen
or Ilfteea plate °rage, and it In alleged
by te prosftuto that the mmed way
laidh r
him and Nri
at hlm shamefully,
knocking two, of kis teeth out. The de
fendants mbre &mated yeatenlay and
had a hsaribg when they were botd to
ball far their &pommel:ice at Court, to de
fault of bpi Small was ocinunitted to
An OM Prightene4,—John McMa
hen, con table of Utilon township, in at
temptln to' make a levy on tliegowb, of
Mrs. Le D ann yesterday, was fright
ened nw y from the promises by that
lady and hepaon, who he allege* threat
ened to do tum bodliyhatru, TAe fright
ened man, flaring his life was in danger,
repaired to We oMce of Alderman Mo.
Masters sad made two Information.
against the Parties; ono for interfering
with an *Ma i er and the other for surety
of the pwicel A wimnt was honed.
Mat Barbed,—An 01l btrat• belonging('
to the Natitinal Redning,_and tinning
Company, lyinglri the Atiaghany
near Lawevacavllle, wait burned on Sun
day (wooing. The boat woo valued at
right hand . dollars. The lire nag ac
The Frenchman to whom we alluded .
In a former lawn as having afteitiplod td
mope with another man's wife, It apj.
pears left the Oily In good time, as is war=
nuat:was issued for his canal Yertartilly
01.1 a charge of reduction under promise
of marriage. Yesterday a young woman
of appearance, who reaidee
with her meats In McKeesport,
canto in company with her father to
Alderman Monastery onliw and
[ made
Informatlen against the rFrenefuninl
She alleges that the sycnsed` had
•betin paying attention to, her for 'time
time, dud in duly last, under promise
of a speedy miragge, effected her min:
Ile rhantinued hie attentioffe until Sep,
tembar, when he left the town, since
which dine wile heard nothing of hini
until her attention was celled to the all
tempted elopement pubftsbed In the
morning papers, of this city, and upon
inquiry found that he was the identical
"lrog eater" Wild had deceived her. A
warrant was issued, had_
31rnsieur hat
not boon heard from pet.
The Slagadfd, ismaty and iariety of
the large stock of &aim found at Bates
R. Belro, No, 21 Fifth street, to say both.
Ing of the 'very reasonable. prices at
which offered, are attractione enetioient
to throng their salesrooms with prirchai
sera. . The arm have determined to elesse
onttheir„entifo sleek preparatory to the
openingof life sprlag trsde, and all kinds
of dress and generSl dry goods are offer-,
ed to' patrons at decided bergeinsi The
chopping plibileare invited to call In and
eximine the goods and law:tire the pri
Phre In tralestewn.'-• Bbeut,..four
o'clock yest-rday morning the dwelling
and geo.st7 stars of Peter K reemer, our
fluor Main [MI Steno etrests, UnlonL
town, !a., was destroyed by fire. The
family were all asleep whell the flat
broke out, and the building being a'
fame one, the, flames made such rapid
progress that they had no Uwe to get
anything out of it, and the fatally them
selves barely escaped bodstelng a prey
Or the devouring element. , We are not
InforMedas to how the tire originated.
A Videos rioter.—Joseph ftedraan
yesterday made Information before Al
derman Humbert against William Co-,
hen; charging him with assault and bat
tery. Ceihert. It appeara. Is 'a tinker, or
Miner, and the prosectitetr alleges that
be want into Cohen's shop to light a
cigar', when the defendant, who was
working with a hot soldaringiron, barn.
ed his, the prosecutor., fi nger with it,
and then struck him laths thee. A war.
rant was Issued for his arrest.
Fresh Groceries, in large quantity',
.'holes quality and splendid variety, et
the popular house of Mcßride d George,
No. 164 Federal street, Allegheny City.
The firm are determined that while their
stock will prove Inferior to that of no
other home in the same lino of trade,
their prices will be kept exceedingly
reasonable and within the reach of all.
A purchasing. visit will ends(. our read
ers of those truths. . ,
There will be a grand skating mates
at Canonsburg, Washington county, to
morrow atterdnoii. Prima et an elegant
character will be tiwarded to the best
lady and gentleman skater. Contestanti
from the city are invited to enter, and a
good time to vialtora in prowilawd.
New Sete.—At a meeting of the COED ,
Witle4 on,Eegines and nose, held laet
evening, lt was resolved to order four
thousand feet of heat`-five hundred feet
for each oompany.
Mosta, Shots and Galters—Of the very
latest etyle, an Mtwara be bad at Mr:
Robb'., BP Market area. Me keeps a
. splendid atodk slaw. on hindhnd gene
at the lotreat
The City Councils will weed this after.
noun at two o'clock In their respoctivd
chanaberri City Building.
We have received from Mr. W. A.!
Gildentenny 111►ckwood'e Magazine for
—The Repuhlieans if Mifflin county
hsie adopted the elraw fool county. eyal,
,torn of nomination ,
—ln the Datipb ncounty court, to
suit of the Comm rairealth against the
pennsyleanta Railroad and. Canal Cona4
hotly, for not opening wave for fish to
ascend the dams was deckled against thd
Cohapaay. The cane will go to the 9n4
preme Court to teat the 'osnatltutionallty
of tbo act. . I
—The coon Commismieitere of Ifer•
oer have purchased the lotand reeldenoe of
the late General Porker, located on the
diamond, .oth of the Court Rouse, and
otottesuplate entail's thereon a newiail the
coming summer. This is a needed in=
prnvetnnit, one. recent meaded time and
again b 7 the Grand Jury. .
—On Tuesday, the 4th inst., at abouL3
p. en., the dwelling of H. If. Role,
flange county, was commuted by fire.
The tire broke out In the upper story eta
was breaking through the roof when dls
revered, Mrs. Role was nick and entirt4
ly helpless.. Her husband succeeded in
removing her and the bed she lay on:
She seas taken a the residence of his
lather, G.M. Dole, Esq., without injury.
Nearly everYthlng to the hone was de,
tarty's'. .
—Culver, Penn t. Co,have issued a
circular ander date of February let to
their creditor., advising them that the
Rene Company on that day entered into
the prosesudon and management of the
tends formerly owned by 'The Reno Oil
and Land Company " They Mato that
“the Directors of the Repo pow pan) hay,
'leg poseeesion, are taking active mead
ures for tin develepement" They p o
pose al once to let twenty leases upon
the territory immediately adjoining the
Leastawana and Hessen wells, which
have been so largely productive, during
'the past year, and will, so the Means at
their. hands will permit, overhaul the
wells of the Oempany now la operation
and complete those heretofore com
Tut Ili:Ansa in Eacitaxri.—Of all
carriagen, perhaps, that were. ever. In•
vented, the hearse Is the most hideous,
and there really le no propriety about lii
build or decorations whatever. It to
simply very . unseemly cupboard; and
_why it should be surmounted with
plumes, of all conceivable things, no one,
we pressure, Is prepared to explain.
These plumes again appear on the head.
of the hones, without apparently any
murie or suitability; and they, be it
ooseried, to be buried in anything like
style you must have four horses. There
le something grimly absurd in the Idea
of stonier honest oily man, who has gene
to his daily leak for years In a cab or au
omnibus, taking his last public,drive,
whon he to beyond enjoying it, in ■ four
in-band. Ue would have astonished his
friends with a vengeance if ire bad ever
sported • drag co e dwe IT NI living, and
why should he be ale begin ouch exS
travagance, and in a line so diligent from
his taates, when he is dead and helpleas?
Leaden Leader;
—The funny moo of the Boston Chair
menial Bulletin sties meant trainable
hint, to persons who aro about to give
presentk. For your washerwoman 'or
laotblack,buy some elegant trifle of Bric
e-One. It is their affair If they haven't
got a marble bracket or whet-not to pot
them no, and no , you... If you •have
any strong Calvinistic friends, a pack of
playing cards or an opera glass will bo
a very lively surprise for them; and a
gift of a good heavy volume of dry ear:-
mime to your tuhionable young friend.
who delighti In the theatre and ba4
masque, will very likely cameo :YOU to tie
remernberod with strong expreseloni of
some kind, If not of gratitude, In 'tiny,
ing books for children, petronlxo 'thees
gloomy caroms In Cornball, from which
the literary wet blankets of Ohildhood
are issued, and select a good dismal
story of au unnatural child, who puts his
spending money la am missionary box,
Mike ilk* a moral handkerchief, and le
wally rewarded by Wing shipped off to
Boarloboelah Otis as a mlaaioaary.
PAIN PAINT ante In one mints.
Pain Paint makes se delay.
Pain Paint proved without oast.
Pain Paint la beet for the peer. '
Pain Paint la beat (or the rich.
Pain Paint slope all pain right off,
Pain Palat in every city. .
Palo Paint in New York.
Pain Paint in Roston. •
Pain Paint in Philmilolphle.
PAM Paint In the West.
Pain. Paint spans the Ocean.
Pain Paint In every Drugstore.
Palo Paint all ever..
Come and leah,Pain Paint free of rest
at o.= Arch Bina, Philadelphia, in the
Drug Store. The erbwd la big; come
—To all who would be racing
Judy offers a word of advice. Backlog
homes to a dar.aerous same f It was only
the other day that a young man backed
berso=r-intn n shop-front, and It coat hint
no end of mosey.
Lansaw, float xtrarrillOl47 Cr. of
In drtaill ng n history of the foihrleing
.eure, we ffelearl•unted in doing.eo Kota
the fiet that it in not of the common ran
o( ouch mien, and therefore warrants us
in making special allusion to it. It ie
that of a young man in Allegheny City,
named John who, for more than
six year*,' had been entitled with edia
ease whit' threatened not only one of
'bin ba,,lout eyou hle lifo
In the case of piling nicell no pains
had 6-en spared to eradicate' from his
body the disease which seemed to bay'
taken hold of hlt vitale. The wholes's
torn hail mink tinder the fatal throes ifs
disease which, until Dr. Rigger's Mead
Searcher was need, was entirely uncon
trolled and unmanageable. Tho leg of
the patient had been cat spell from the
knee to the ankle, the bens bad beta
scraped, lamed and partly entswey,vilth
the view, to eradicate from the - system
the cense- of so much - eionatitutionid
chain rte.nee, which - loft barely Shops Of
recovery. 1 Six years had been wasted ik
the application of fruitless remedies, and
when Dr. Keyser wee called I. see him
in January last, he wax barely able to
win, as niter end complete wog the
prostration_ •
Tie friends and neighbors of. John
Titrell know well enough, that we hare
not ever. stated the ease. He was
confined entirEilr to his ro o m, - with no
prospect before him but to await the fa
tal Imam of his disease. Pale and 'Masi
nted, with 'army day adding to the pose
er et the Came, with no hope of recov
ery, no wonder that the cure of young
Torch is regarded os etre of extraordlna
ry mark.. and worthy to be aspedelly,
noted for the benefit of others. After,
this extreme prostration young Titan is '
again able to walk about every where,
aver a double handful of decayed bones.
hod been °Spelled from the deceased leg.
Many of these bones can be aeon at Dr.
Keyser'. edged We have haretotore had
malaise to record similar cases to the
one now under ourslderstlon, made by
Dr. geyserand his great Bleed &archer,
and the Only matter of surprise to tts is,
that it as not used in all mums where the
blood is disordered, or where the ordina
ry outlets of Nature are obstructed, orba
a toreld seadition.
• The cure of the young , man above 20-
lorrd to was effected - almost exelnaLvely
by Dr. Keyser's mood gearcher,althengh
the Dotter visited the case every two
week 4 Until the patient, through the ae•
.LOll of the mertleine. was able to visit
his Mace.
Dr. Keya'M'e resident odic* for hung
Clllllil3lltieliS and the treatment of ob
ennata chronic dLseasea, N 0.120 Penn
street, I , 9lehurgb, Pa. Ofßce hours
from 9 a. 31J until 9 r. x.
Itt nese Se Bey.
The question, ''where shall I pur
chaser is oho of vast Importance to the
o- mmm~lty . and 'should be earefullY
',untied before it fa answered. To deter..
mine whereto make yourpurehasee,you
thould final ascertain where yen can get
the best article for your money, or In
other worthi, where th e beet article am
be had for the least money, and when
ever you have done that trio question is
answered.. Snodgrass' Item, at No..
Hi. Clair street, dealers in boots, shoes
and gaiters, are ceiling as cheap so the
i a ch
qualify of goods whi' la ma—
mrpasseci n this or any othermarket, as
the purchaser will readily ascertain by
a vie& to their estahlisheamit. Their
,lock comprises a fall 'assortment of
everything warrally kept In a drat class
,hoe bears, and the SILIONSOIi are-gentle
manly and obliging. • .
The C.■u.estal••et.e..
Neither tho extreme held weather nor
the dull itrile have the slightest. effect on
husinesi et the Continental Baleen.
Mr.Firolicheimor, the gentlemanly pro
prietor, Le equal to every emergency, and
no matter what the state of the weather,
hr condition of the:markets, he always
keeps his entabLehment supplled with
the best the•seaaon offers. • This fact Is
apparent to all who call at the Continue
lel, on Fifth street, next dear ta the Pest
ofliro. Mr. Refit heinaer'e corps of at
tendants are gentleasutly and efficient,
and always attentive to the 'wants of =l
imiters. And in addition the high style
of art in which ilande are prepared at
this ostablichmknt. the =loon and its up
partments are kopt ins mostperfectstato
of neatness.
At Joseph A. Bobinson's old *stab.
Hebei/ tea mart, No. 27Fittb atnet,
housekeepers and others will find 'a
fresh importation of the cheicest fragrant
teas and delicious arematio cram, at
prices in keeping with the recent decline
In the markets. I.ailles who have eat
yet visited Mtn establishment, and who
aro ignorant of , the great advantages
they can obtalo by making Mak, pur
chases there, would do well to favor,lt
with a visit. The sleek of inset/ gro
ceries, pure spices, table condiments,
earned fruits, ,tc.,-is Tory superior asd
a/grew/Ivo and St prima:which will com
mend themselves to the economical.
City • Csyellings this Evening. st Atm
tion.—Tho two city dwellings , nt iYe
earner of Ferry and Third Erects, ere
to Lit sold at •Mcilwaine's second door
auction rooms, this's:ening, are partici:l
-lady deirable in eyery. point •rkqulred
for comfortnble homes. Thole style of
finish, pleasantuoes of location; and con
venience to business and for families,
cannot be • surpassed In the city: Bee
Mcllwalna'e, auction sdyortittement for
particulars. The houses are Not. 83 and
.15 Ferry street, corner of Third.
Ponta, Mare. sad Gaiters- : Or the 'refry
latest style, ran always be' bad at Mr.
Robb's, •S 9 Market street. He keep. a
splendid sleek always on band and sells
at the rawest prices. ,
The Public will find at ICJ Federal - St.,
Allegheny city, Canned Fruits and Veg.
etsblei as cheep as at &ay house in either
city; also, all kinds of Pickles Sauces,
Contorts, Prepared Cocoa tint for Pies,
Condensed Milk, Jellies, Peach and
Quints Jams, Spiced Salmon, finest Bee.
deaux Prunes, London2gar Raisins,
Citron, Preinellos, Chocolate; Cotes,
Brame, Corn Starch, Arrow Root, Gela
tine Estrum, Virgin Oil of Mx, extra
fine Cream Bon Boas, Cream
be., Gx.onori BEATMC'
Boots, Sheen and Gadert—Of &seer).
steed style, can always be had at Mr.
tohlie, S 9 Market etrM. Hs keeps a
rtork always on hand and sells
t the lowest prices. ,
Dry Deeds at Wbeleaale.—We are of
fering full lines of bleeds:xi and brown
mtmlins, prints„, ticks, gingham; and
other staplegeode, making the lr
etock ln.tho West, and'
ern pricm.
J. W. It
No. 5'
At Moorhead's Nerd
ter for gentlemen's 1
No. 81 Markat street,
very reasonable prime
drawers, undershirts, spa( collars,
cuffs, sleeve buttons, de./111 the Weal
styles introduced at this/house almialta
inanely with' thefr/ppearanco in 'the
eastern cities. ,
— Chung= Dtnirig elabson.—Ellewhere
will be found the . advertisement of the
Champion Dinlim Saloon, Mr. M. P.
Icy,nroprle N 45 o. Fifth street. This
in one of 146 brte'r,
at managed metauranbrrn'
the city, and we commend It to the pat
ronage 9if our friend& It Is never closed,
remaiying open day and night.
41Moarheat's fashionable retail trim-
Ming sine notion house, No. 51' Market
. rest, a fresh ',lock of rich laces and um
pm b embroideries has juat been received
and will be offered • the trade .at great
At Meorbeee's fashionable retell trim
ming end notion bowie. No.. SI liarket
street, a full line of faeldonable
ban just been openrd, and will bo dr is
clot et sem. reasonable prices;
- WA Ta
WANTED-11131111iii TELT, a
pa 1 80/RUING rLAca, for a 'Ural.
Wife sail and. Trlrsta Wally prafraradotad
arm. We T. L It. Crater Dept. Alamo or sr.
ply to. Tiro tar t VW. Tt lIIIALD, Outer De
r.e, p. ILL- • •
lILUX.COAn, end bow thel " Lheds
Pelted and Dled ter V. Unit*, with Seen. luta
Incidents to the (treat Beheld.. It centa,s
over IM doe Znasetiete end to attils
the *eldest and cheapest war beet published.
Pale, eels PM tor tropy. The Watt are can.
timed united Wetter, WOOLS with a similar
title. See Shit thAtoloit See hey neletalas ores
i.weetses uld 103 pages. re.o for Circe,
lam Address JQNP.B ZIWIZIEB2I • Cl"..P111-
adelplatr. Pa. dal' •
MEN. jgy,yl•l3•Tit, Gr(l4o to Oa eal•
ef world-renowned, sall•yecon. Mine
pateiL BOX , I3I;TUNEIL Never his As artlelii
been offered to the publis pat lu Irttb ankh
universal mutes Ana valoty. Anplyln of od- ,
&w. f.. J. LOCKIIMMA CO.. Demme". Way,
ritiabbrgb. ' • -
-THE WEEKLY ainialf,
2 : wo =non,
'T anisuouar
• 4mi. art. Nostatatme 411 . 01171; 001.
A 111313 tassnwitsx nisdaa . a. 13 0 ,4 a+.“ 0 4 1
Ittmetws.latioSNinta by Reisig Ht
valeabl• Naallaz Matt= Tor
:nett Man awl mosS nolialge Plasaaftl aeC o=4
...dal Mutsu Bepario . jinx 11 WI ps iI .
.':ta• isTar, meanie et Kustont
rz. tabu Ina sicx Iniscur gran* .•'
, thencitmi
Clatvl Te% LI4
iniUkaolit OW or mar r tMle renieSilaboll
iiptle db, '14411M. te BMW!
l imy Um. Yetis rat..
3 Name To lecrascarms.-11 eniertie 711.'
443. r: la we aid emit , Mid settles trie:
+muse intleseea Woleirday ealuaalersiti
11.thea bet ass mall west. '
aarksitay by niati, Zelda... Mew *dial ,
il , laltartmered Leafs. suite mat at moor
rrristuasti. Padre '
fo•O•y.. Irobt.:l7J9. Ot
Ittd.VIEGIN if .iinpr• 114
a Icl of Ea' ,
nrt Lafdy,den•ason, .tno Cid
ioor of her qv.
; The funeral orni tato Woe.. ft.. her 1 1 ,, a
• Tonte en tenalinton Meet, It loth IratA'itt
ioile4.ll.artartliciow. 11th iest. , nul l', *WI
,s,f lh. Satoh/ ato;retpnetfulty Invited to >Wall,
? lb* UM►tnat.. at 1:13 eclt /6:
Ventral from M. Leif residturo, No. flittor
j•orry onty, Allestunty C:47. 16 t.m , T3. 1, 007.,
o'clock, retradt of the 11 , 7 ,11 1 aro rospoft
1.14 laTitt lo attend. "
t a tinstaillak ,
( . ..7 . 4A n :; tatTlll4ll ` , ° l . P.jaa thinr
!'aavot 4 year of her Ego.
/*amoral fnrca le. maid..., laci:VallotilliATar
/Wait:my. exhlrkastiithaa, at -I o'clock 7*
to ireeto4 to Allashaay Cataateri;
. ;,Ftioattio at tau hazily areavopaclially laths/ SO
:a/Jest. :
1 1 J+10:4:14.1:41:4: 1 :1
,Y* MI InttsberpiP.' rm.
of ski ,kindst CRAP/13. *MOM. as.
I pPery description of /spend' lernishind panda
jicretzled. Ealfil• OMR 41 .7 and nilti• Eat".
aad Curiae= =lulled;
Itparnmasa , -.ller; David Kerr. D. Ji..itsars
Japans, D. D., Thom. Ywlaj. f•Pi•
lamb E. Millet. zgi; 1
Bandaany nit et and Clara are ane..A.ll4lat .
Cltt, when lien , 00/Fl! ROOMS are oca,
alantly sapjaled-win yrs! , nil Thalia:lda Sea
*add, /Wawa, and Wallaot'Calllna. an
"larded from/lin &CM Bodice preparsd ferja.'
Bunn Cartlidea fandabadl .
all Made at Noaralag Ganda, If
Cnica spas at all balm. day and alibi... •
.lUD ilereALYlas..K.Ali Obi*
and No. el DlassonA Spun k
. (61 ,
1021171 u. k Eros,' ie.rps idete7l hmad Us,
Suit klellll. Nownrood, *alma ud ailutsor.
Useweed CANA.. lrabrat Cole.i. fres SS up
c.a. ettot
q.lllnt fa ioreskyrtlea: carriage. -
'ollll.lseed at lee rate. Craw, Glen", Asia
?lad Ingrwelnirpralshod gratts. Oaea oo.a 4es
Webs. ' •
DICUTANZA.• OAoO. Re. 1.44 'Stews,
31.0 to itosawood ua otDer Ll*
tua, 11111 omplete stock °lnland ranslaNne
11..1.. on lund and !Sandaled at iennen *RUM
,1 r• lowest prime. ,kto ..d Limy IltsiOnisi ox.
er'ef runt. uf Middle litrents
Osznonions. norm, _On.. AG"
THIED ETOM7EOOIO,4I re. lel Viagra
i4rost., Allegbesy Olt7. The rams ars sEtablty
A., neat Mono hemming Darin.. or ddlld!dillili•
Mor torus apply at PlcilliDE. t GEOEIIM'S •
lJnotery Blom Mo. 104 glidoral Bt., •Ilatltagn
von RENT —A Franie Duren.
2 4 ISO. saran reams.. List and in:Pesti,. '
tied door. Also, • TILNANT aouer:w 0.. I:
Oosaa. all I • good substantial order. I!ltattliag I
aid ear - Made louse. Blz sews of gionad. surly
plAntlid hi 'chair* fralt — Vrarban.',APlNlSt
Aerztes. gray., de. Plums. In tie PM Immo-
ditately above the Outtr Depot, I. rut taingbly,
kigni re of JOMN WATT. =Pram strest; or of
ITATT ; it WILSON, Lanny stmt. ' '
TO LET—A g nod Frame Dwell.
out4lllilt SeTali rooms, trttli the
Are* et had aid .table., w.O eet with . froth
lihr sad th hoed inst. of eultlvollon;altuage.
ore B• 11•0 1. Is the Borough et mortals,
sad wlthlh Ire ratiute• wallk of the : Statieu.
ellefoorion hit oh thouedlately.. If duffed. hot
04ray, he., Inquire of. WV. RABBI* on Os
ROOMS Is the se. banding erected try haw
roasted. haring, Bask. SULIBLICIT WITIELT,
Felraer or Gerrtsii angry. Lc am/We primal*
eirev. Ter terns. de.. apply at THE 111/141L
TO LET.—The Fourth and Lilt
~, DP THIRD ITTORIEII a th e new tmilltHigt.
3•;. tta Lay Itesno. R•CIuR• of T. • a.• T.
LET—A lane and dandan.
ARICHOI7IZ, . WaUr atn. new
. &tat pion.
Dll ht. Elwin of GIO. A. 1111723';•-atl•
irrau Nationalßant. - • , • •
iH SZWICILLILT.-41 fine brink direWng.
bent larks swat subanntlal mutar. filth oeni-
Diets arrazgementa far gar; 1.4 .d gala Watar:
se,l pita. got ale Burk en. Frans one to three
rn.• arnr.ana. Ve , 7 tear Valleg Bin
'JOAN WET, Jr.. SawiellegrMe P.O.'
per" dribsip%
0 ,„ thret-atery MUCK. HOOSI. nearly :..:
sMsod arta frost. amble mallet; gai aart
OartaransttaM Douse cantatas' morimars
ad Italshad gatiot..N. 94 SI. II ISTIMILT, eau
gyllo, Mtn ward. rormalon fim Attortt Ist,
OM Impels at W. brow;
pon esug 7 L -FLonips- LANDS.
.. ,W 1 ore+ for sale 11,011 Arriiri of Loa/9a
iria traet.:abOat . 23 ralloo almovit 1110 Ott of Apo-
Lfoldools. Th. load is taro - fid . mug under ooL
ikrailoo. arab ansorganod for rttlinen of son
ON productive:mu of Boonton lltaPIM , Mal Ili
ea., oottos..loll. roost morals awl ra.
Arm, villa sopulor grulog for nattla nag
- log hogs. O. tion pit. Ileum - Rh o bort of
glom tlaborlooboaganeo, milk 1 oos oolg
Mier pew, far mer aUle, with depth ef miter
dimagb for stemmbosta to rue lumber late the
if-rer. when It can b. Notlett tufo lerg• Metes'
Lod .lipped Mora. Than ere ton good frame
hisses es the preMlemt. The waters aliesod
4001 la. mum Midi.; and the weeds :Mtn at
hide of game—hear. dmr, torthyri twill; ete..
litarmtatrtle estirrly trel from them,dledmen
oi l ead•rod biesteratatlelollatame ea prmileat
1031.5.te: RI will iell at. Med at ihji
..4/eo. • trees of MOM sere. wheal' hditePrero
dd. mrered with the Attest yelleer hthstimbedi
mitleery facility ter sowing timber, strtgable
iktease to nu the lemberheto the Ayer. Mao
t our the Int _named. Prtie:loOhnte
, 41•••,1l0M70acenbilfierr . a, u pricestre. •
r - Yer fizethar Inforsall.. read er eslfibr essr.
era Lana Circular. SILL a. ILIIIITTMILY.
aFu4 Ystata wad lainrasea Agana.. 11.7.1ainargb,
(„Carmarty L1•r..nr117..1 • •
4 8/LLF.—Bons• ;Li ad Los on
coiner of .114ahatis44 Ads* retreats.
irr r 444 4 ,4444 Itathray. Lot 44 b 7 ID MIL
gnuo• Mow m.441341=7. ivess 404 irOod
44111saltroved. Moue x4milLot 0n1244414141.44ait
# : 4 d 44411 street: Allesluml CRT. /*VW DIP
Rot: 144.4 frame, 44.itans t••• 10111115 4134
'10041:4112.11 Vat. WWI gr.. Also, 1444041444414. -
44mm ant Lots Ili good Walla.. licisdniel
firm a CO.. 11e14 414141, new Mown,
POll SALE-41 OltilEFle•dkT
• 710114.1D111 Urery sad la. 5I•14. •••
W 1 . 4.1 MY 801 3 / 1 6 iE , nl ww pa.PrLa lIONSLIS, ow I LABOR DILLOWEr
itOBSZ; time ILA= 1 / 1 .1/X73: Ivo OUT '
fuss& num Inzzaro... uw, Yoarimr ,-
ills Mu*.
• ••
I e . L 3l Ea
fsr tics 'ln , two ken.; ei. TWO
'pa= WLOOM, .ada row.
-Ess, manly Ihiq•ln M tElp 111.21i1MF-
Learr. '
11. & WATCH
raovrza A via/weir
.roe W ti the
11 TO mufti W/Vrillie, ' CL OT HI N G .
r saw *Ca ',toter./ at,
castINSIUS, viarnsoe,
• ^l , Ait 0 1 / 1 1200Allios.
t• , lea wit I* ;ids towedlar tbOatia
pus sZ,ABON. C/1 and ..I.4lthui Melt a /
7 B. slur% Nerekszt Tager,
Itmai 0. aux,
Mirchant Tailar,
gee. Penn auldlet.cialr4ltrefitil'
L mmiumlitni