IE! 11 II ES Eittsfruillf Gay* 6,J Off! AND SUBURBAN. TEES COURTS. Vallee 111 . 1 0. bfSgrt.g 430 . , i—X•de• Bredusinos. B.A.TIIIIDAY, Feb, S.—William A. Thempson, convicted of robbing the Pltabargh Poatettice, was called up for sentence. John ti. MCCIOTI7, counsel 'fur defendent, presented several witnesseswho testided to 'the - fact that they had known:the defendant • one or two rare sinco, and that he was then industrielhe mad bore a good character. Before parsing sentence Judge. 11cCand leas referred to the enormity. of-the of fense, and remarked that If the defendant, was a 1101.1 CT, ha had certainly tuadentpld progress towards be-timing au expert nanionr, His Hon' r also stated thitt let tent had been missed from the Pestellics gtLLW frequent y during a peried of nearly six months prior to the urpeet -Of the prisoner, and that the matter bad been mode the subject of most diligent examination by the Penton:ice Depart ment. Suspicion, naturally, enough, rested, in a measure, upon the employee in thoothee, but the arrest of the prisoner, and thq plan of operations pursued by him, an developed oath, trial, Melee. Dared them from the odium and unjust 'suspicion - which attached itself to them. The Court further remarked that the amttence would lie severe, but If tt o de. 'resident had teen tried mid couvieted, - a. he might have been, fur each separate letter stolen, the term of imprisonment might probably have embraced nearly his lifetime. The ilefeudatiV was then eantenced on the tir count of the indict mentnpon which lie mu convicted to undergo tort years Imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary. On the second count sentence was au,pended.• • - Edward P. Darling, Eeri., of harre, was, cit motion of .!itarctis A. Woodward, E4q., duly admitted and qualified to practice at the. bar of this Uncut • The trial of Michael Thicken, which had-occupied the Court for two days, was then resumed. I DlAltriet Cocrri—indffe WllUssa. • • - Februar. , o.—lnl the case 'of J. C. Patterson d. Co. •ys • Allegheny Savings Bank, .the jury found for the Plaintiffs the sum of $2671.62i, after al lowing the defendants' claim of set off for the nOn-complebon of the :banking roam and - of the entire building at the times the same ought to haverbeee dens undek the contract—making due allow ance for the delay ocaisioned by the default of tho defendentir and they fur ther found that the altuat damages sus tatned by the defendants for tile non. eompletton of raid banking-room and building an equivalent to die per diem amount of tinny dollars, stipulated to be pald by the said plaintiffs from tho tear the saidthankieg-room • and building ought to have been tinished• until the same wawfmaily esnplided. Followitaz is the list for Monday: 29. hillier .t Fuller vs. Eastman. • 30. Steamer Dolphin sa. MeCloy Bro. 1 1.- 1161(ein K 00, for 1150 - Ta James Benny, Jr. U. Scot t.- AJlegkeuy Sariago .13.1111k 1 TX. It. 56. Dltman & Co 118. & jEnlaer. 59. ( 1 1. W. Irwin I.e. Ft.. H, SruitO. 61. A. )felice's errs. ye. P. - Ir. De aorset. • 71. Wm. klumei lonatbaal Darig Common rless—lntlge E•l/•a: SATUISDAT, Feb. &—The case of Ever son, Preston & Co. vs. Pittsburgh ;ant Oonnellevillo Railroad Company (re ported yesterday) wan resumed end oe copied the entire 640iion without beinz concluded. George Vandernaenliu vs. Irandermealin. Ist divorce, grotuad of adultery. Subprena to be loaded. Following 1s the list for Mends 70. Riebel et uz vs. Hare. 76. Gillespie &Mitchell vg, Wacb M.' 801 l va. West. Transpoitationi 87. Sobmoll vs. Reeling. 89. West Branch Insurance Co. Ea Same vs. Flucits. ' 911, Purvis a al vs. Gold. 92. Garrison S Fuller vs. Fisher 93. Williams vs. Burris. DC Lord vs. Florence. 97; Wandlois vs. FlorenCe. 911. Same vs same. =:IIM!M! . and Stowe. •SATURDAr, Feb. S.—The to criminal business tr. transacted Jaillas Carson, convicted of acing - 'Ann E. Graham under promise oil mar _ rage woe sentenced to pay a dne 1 . firs un hdred dollars and• to undergo fi fteen - months imprisonment in the Pen•entia ry. --The maximum punishment for the offense is a finenot exceeding 55,040 and imprisonment for a period not limiter than threvyears. The parties resid• In Versailles township. . ' __ II Thomas Scanlon, of Lawrenosy lle, a man pastunddlelife, convicted of un lawfully cutting other Thomas W. No- Lie, was next sale* for sentence. The circumstances of this rus e were: • The , - defendant was found in the Ninth ward very much Intoxicated and was arrested for disorderly condum Ori Great treat. near Seventh, as - the cancer all gad, . Scanlon desired to go into a silo n to getidrink, bat was not permitted, w ere larni'eenitsy.thilikailfee'd rno W t ° r n m il ' l i ef ~,,, having a knife on the occasion. e The Court mid it was likely; from hta i tull User, that his memory was diffectler. Scanlon rePlied that he had I, distinetree . enaction of the Miser demanding Lee dollars from him. The Court checked i4ezdsoner, remarking the trial had developed Gm fama. The wound. in meted on the promcntor did not appear to be of a serious, nature: is the language of one of the attmedinephysiciam It "did not amount to a row of pins" Owing to the pri.....ea a g e, end the aircamstaacei of-the no.. a sentence would be ern tterni which tinder a diffsrent state ed Awns might be considesed light. Scanlon was a sentenced to pay a fine of one bun -- dollars and to undergo three ruotinue imprisonment in thessounty jail. ' Thomas Davis was Indicted for the se - deletion Of sate Dennison under prem. lee of marriage lost wee allowedto, plead guilty of fornication - and bastardy. He was sentenced to pay a tine of thirty dol lars' to the Guardians of the Poor, thirty • densest° the.prosecutriz -for - lying in" expenses, and dye dollars per week for Ave vearstor the rapport of the child - to give security in the aura .f fdeee for thelidthful performance of the -require- - manta ot.the sentence and to appear at the end of fire years to abide the Intriber order of the Court. . Aindrew Mailman and Frederickilltarr, convicted of meat& and battery on oath of Jame. Wiggins. were sentence to pay a tine Of thirty dollars' each. The par nag had also: been unlisted for larceny, oft oath of the same prosecutor, for ap nrepriatitia, or attempting-to `appropri ate ate to their o wn use article: lost ;14r. W. while sleigh riding.- The Jury, how ever, failed to agree upon a verdli. and subsaquently a note ,prolequi we, en- . .John' Nelasner, convicted of adeanit and battery, woo nentened to pay a line of one dollar and the teats I _Ann Patton, convicted or - "lining" i pair of hose lit the steno of inacrilm ii: Myths; was se , otenceil to twenty days Ms ' prisonment. 'She has been in Jai four months . - - Thomas Sullivan woo called to be-sen tenced upon an indictment for an =Fault and Nang* On 'Michael Donahoe. There were moos-suits, but Donahue was acs . Quitted.: The Court thought nothing 'could be said - in commendation of either ef theparties. Although :Sullivan', was ),udly need : having hie throat cut With a raribeiareording to the Lynch code ho . had .proroked the assault made upon hint. The appearance of - the. prisoner I vpis_apprep9a in the consideration ol the ease, haying a black eye, e i the result of a sweat plinth-idle bent, and the . tof lib" generally was_ indicative of an as pirations to caret In the Lein aremr..l -He was sentenced to pay a tin. •of twenty-. flee dollar. audio udergo eighty. leoprisonment. -. lkrl 7.4114.18 Transfer& - The followink deeds were loft the fteeorder'S 011Inei Feb. 7, 13445 - : • P7lntim Cu'ir - to Lake E. _Day n, Jal7gg, 1866, kt Ia Wilkins tewnsbip. No. alba Reese and Cutting's plin 66 James E. iisto ThomasForges.= ,18113.• lot 2,0. 34 In C. Bauman Lora' to Omnbef mer, July 1,1383, nett of lot .3.& . 259 Wood'a-plon of lots on Second ethrec rittsburteb, 13 by. CLet feet. —3lOO C. Cheingr to )tars F• 4, 1534 1 : tract ofland In enmities . Ship, contahtingls nom ' 1400, Ephraim and Win Ittuthey to Josopti Berearingee, Jan. 20, 133:3, lot oei mut ;tient, Sixth:wad, Alleglasny, 10 by L1ifeet....4... • UAW John Stewart to John rbtri:ord-nodano. Titreelgoltl; . Feb. 7,-.1568, lilt er CW.etawnship, on the Blradeit- Nun reed; G 6 by_le -reet.••••;•4 .100 HeltsorJoseopitAlta*k* Jaen 13tnirtrti .1.13, 1967, lot on' th e Birnnni -r is (*Eimer-Bt. Stair t•wlmaa , by Ail -feet Asian addllat „ tery.,-Georg• Brattier made Inforamticm Lem AldermsuaTed - 7 for on Sattuda y Polar,Edinger with asimult and tautery. 'fbe rarales. were stapleyedai ilasftry„,t wine spec! Work) La 3116 Ndat.h. ward, where leap pima; ,a fight -txxcuaed I,etweca Mein, lusla .08c8xid : ewe arrested, and heldifor —dntineldn'tniminselertily• perpetra ted a mat John et. the expense of Ws teacher - the 'other day. The lady Was annomming , to her panne the holiday on • the 2:11 day of February, and asking them inane questions amour:dog its id.. aeryance- - -ammtg ethers why the birth day az. Washington ibonld. be celebrated more than that of arcr one elan. "Why," *heralded, "more than mine? Yon may tell - me,•!• ehe added to a little fallow emir to -ex plait/. " "-Bnottlnio."- ax . chinned; w ith grant rlyttrity, '!ne-Fanse he neves tobinlie." - E9EI. 211EIR 9i7Z, RINKE 110 BROKE, 118 Wood St. noar oortt or of Fifth Government Securitiel Goad, Silver, Ind Collptrii *at: •17,4 cht snail Vag priactral cltlerat Z“:uo, • (ONVERSION OF 1-39'S. or. ,are4l ton vtri azdTIII.Y.D NE2IIEI46I' .1 E: X- MEM New 1967 5-20 tio!d Coputi JAMES T. BRADY & (Al, Dealers in Government Securitiv. Como, Fourth& Wood hteocto. FINANCE AND TRADE 01nole 0/ tan Prgyalonsit Gaxame,, Sairintnsw. Fclarusry t, A, (enteral SupPantlon prevails that tt.• course of gold will be tomb Lithe: than eh. present quotations, which may be correct, inn la certainly ascribed to causesentirely deg,- eat from thma that ma prlsaltied ail other,. (Mr *tap:e export hitherto Ine horn cotton. Tha amount produded Intl rest la very conehlarable, but prows are abdut It per tent Imo than What they were a year •e:•, wheili large amounts of old cotton went t• Eu. rope to addition to the hamming crop. Th. head'' , decline in the value of this attlate the actual ion of ZS per centime the cost ve production, will force planter. to hold oee• and ;dint but little for this mmoo, there!, hoping to aaransa the mine next fall. Now. 'with nothing available far export, and whs . we hare Europe cannot pay for, on account re the hopoverlidred Donation or tbe Igo, • ware eonstrained to let nue bonded, to Emop• for what they will bang, provide I the market will take an unlimltad quantity, c we hare to part with a large quantity of pre. Mom Meta/a. -The alas In gold has checked the investment demand for bonds, which are sunniblvered at a task premium. even on an dm; woneit Matketi. Th. approach of cprtne uelle open up new channels for industry and Can.. a demand for moltsl that ha. hitherto be.,. tdle'll bask ratan dr been used fur steel jab bins purposes. Another gauss for lover! Pew. Mast be sought In the diminlshei amount of saving. of the people In general, It fact the demand for bonds has only come due. Ins the lest font suns from the lower , aso• middle classes who had no better way• of em ylodtng their' mislays than in govern:men• bonds, but who are now compelled to pito with them. The stock market reflects the mere teth. , feeling pervading boldness generally. Th. satisfactoty e.ratpge of the railroad. dude, 1567, the improving corrilthon of the enamor> of the hurling Witepanies sou the Cettlf rativ , tietemof tesaagement imsuguratial upon err tole prominent lines are attracting the alter. Men of aubetanilal capltaliste to natl.. , elates: The present eoniillou of the markt , Is owing to the lugs amount of ratites.' stocks held by wealthy capitalists who are able t. early their lowl of Mocks over a penal of sr vere monetary etringency; three. the =ark, attract an investment demand for necks at, anent:Tajo accedence purstesta. • • ellctee shares are steadily lemproslos on al the cheap stocks. the old clique sleek are co wasted. • Molts/ New York quotstlon.s. resell - on, Ph. B. Meru. ere as follows: , °ed. 14231: 113/11 1 4. 111; 1-my., 18t% 111% 3144, 10431; Mk 14471; tkutsols, 107%; lu eTt 1045„ 7-ens, 14734. • Cleveland t Plttaborgh E. 10.. Vershenta llnloa Exprau 411. Western taloa Telegraph Erie PlUatargh Fort Reyna h. Chicago lett; Northwestern Ileilroad—cocoon ' orthweatera—pretelve4---. ..... • I . l'. New York .... Ohlo and 211441salppl C=tllleatos •-• Michigan 501.02.19 9:s r lacobla on Cho ordereo L0rYd0..... quint tlnlekzilver antheonlintetlea . hill, which has nosi beeome a law by the enplrailen of the ten dm allowed the' Preaident to approve or Maar' prove It, prevents the farther withdrawal 0 greenbacki at the option of the Secretary of the Tremnry. which is a policy approved Pi the almost nelrereal demand, of the poorly. It does net authorise' any bastion of the co.- am, which would he extremalirmierLievie4e. and would defeat its cwn purpose; If adopte:!. the general opinion of Mt. bill Is that it wits release the hominess meehiaery of the canner; front the armour., of an lneubm which share •ethet last has more hindered it. free tirity and hai imparted • more cal-Maim, n— eer:Pude to Sts movement. t h an was tor_ plaice,' et sense the lith of April, liCe, whe: the eentractio• UM was first paned. —Amen. the cartons schemes proposed fez the redemption of specie payments Is roe 11, 0. D. Ashley, which Is remirlos corsliei• able attsuilea, especially in New Toe. Lir would hare an so:. passed by CaLtroce, rro• citing, amen. other things, the fodlowlog At - yangemenis: I. Oh and altar July 16tH. the tiscretatt shall exchange at the rate of one dollar sold for axe dollar - Sad natty' Cents la legal tender not.: - - - Oa tad Jaw Jan. 1, 1149. Oa sad altar July, 1, On and after July 1, 1170 Oa and attar July 1, irr.. Oa sad altar July 1,1172.. On and afterJn/y ‘1811... On and after Jan. 1,1174.. 2 After the pthease of thn aet , an cola paid into the Treasury from custom., or her. tiller soutses, .hall be retained by the Seth thry of the Trethury; frt., for the p rant: o: ieterest on the public debt; second, for the rt demptioa of legal tender currency..l aho, provided, Lad ail authority hitherto tie en t. the Secretary h. aell gold oath shall erase trot. ;ha passage of thin ath. ' . - 3. The legal tender notes ouch/loges: or re. deemed nutlet the totegelog 'manners. oh.; not b• canceled' but resaLeed to the Treasury irt be paid out for creveranunt extorndrintat whenever regelred. or to exclaage ler Nd tonal /teak notec,. .as hereinafter pro vided. -4. Leyal tender notes of _the Salted Stetyi Vill Bo eiekaaged-. by the Sursiary ot egans, ter National Beak note., dolls, etheerrer presented by tes benic• Is• mina mad emtea, atter Apell 1, I Us, to tke e. tent or tete legal timer antes le tbe ?ream" - the Secretary retaining the bonds pledged lei the redendidoen of tbe •id fen:lout Bub totes a. .county for the legal tender nett , Mu. exylianged. Xt. Sahlora atheist -(cija tha Clanisnats Gatellt) la acid' to be founded ell the principle orals. orals Rabat Peelle far tts gradual resumption of. specie payntects by Lc Bank of Zagbuid, and the yr-cisLoan cf Lis bill are essentially its lan* Incliaractar; Let as our National Bark curienrY is in some H. afoot. asidogena to country bask; and bank. am In Great &Mill at Lbat tine: and ilealrie: Ul avoid the eels trklen ',waned from to, tied applioncloitof ‘ that oct s tut ragged to the rederaptios of :cational Bank currency an Introduced to . przrant tbe May coon oft t. method of reatunptian from eaueing commarale.diitraes and [animus:neat tf boot P VI 11 PL - vzoListri a ARR 6I ipso ow era Perreatmoir Gazarra, • SA:razor, rehire:9 k ISSIL • CZUDEThe Crude market has been re aarksblr utast dodos' the paat week, the Ulm.. In the eilPetete, kilns . usesuallrlisht, out plies heve undergone no quotable cheese. Spot oil to held at 'lie, arlt/s 7 toylis anted, and learolb and at 134 to This sacred, and se asked:, 'We no sport a select lone tibie; on rpot t let sad 114 Pb!. for rforember at /%e. We are itecalsl6ot of to herbs been of Weil for Key dull= the early Dart of fl. , week, but these annirio seller. below /i34c. lc latltestal that there hare "been tome sale. luring Os week which the psrues lotereate,! for reoroas,best Una to . Ititakiliei, declined to) report-one brokarileformed 'cLi that he alone bad sold ten Wroosand temaklo, we onetime, for Inter* delivery, on private u'rmt Fe , WI the 3Wer, .I?alers option, there en not been • elegle! traneeetlort .tor ~rest weeks—the last one was reported 0. 1 Oily telegrams report the market unchanged at 10,2142,40. . • tuvrED—rn. aerkel for banded oil hes , seen more salve duet the port two daye,th2 Wee yesterday sd Seeley reaching over ten thousand Outels. trastaotions are main ly Ist Alias* Mirky., eltewthrt that the movement •to outlzt,ly spocolttno. and theta Moo to ti lOUs or oe demand fee vet od: aye MeallgeOile leg WE tar Nei at 2 40440 .qtr.s"..of tOOO, at "follows: follows: too foi May, et Vie; 600 for Joao, at 2514 e:; 603 Ode July, et ate; too for Angost. at WKetteo for Septet, her, at 27.; We Ur ()debar, at 2l*; 620 foe ria. iekber. at Motand 600 ter Tleeember. et 1.1%0. Spot ell le doll and ...sisal It =estv,o, nod ill tie smolt, trtilreese aptiou In the *Deface • et Wee, may be quoted at 22 0e07ii. thutng FazfiVirt mf tb. Welk there was but little or nothing deas, and 11 WWI only yes:splay . rid Le-03y, tbst Imam bad riles of any . portantte to inord. - • AIigIIFLT...S-1:14 Yellowtail are tie arrivals. eat IT - ea alfaltbanYTanst Raittes4 , dar ing the We& antis' to,dsyr • . .• Lseatuit t tress:JlM I rtsbar wt Clara i Susast... Sit Y: D. KaTtaa . -.. let BtoOr B. a U 0.... ea 11111,mtb i 8r0...1NA atnaasll... 71 . 11 Yaw nett Rm.:— and _ • . Total reeelide ' DAM goalrecetpta onto Jan. ' N.Y orAsamorniKAAT in A. 7.1. L 'Llothart 'Allow: die bbla echoed In War der", Frew It Co.,Philadelptua, • S. W. Morin' a ca... tea do do to Warden, It.. 6 Co.. Philadelphia, P. Walwashorgar, lea dodo to Watiog, Klee 'el Ca,' Philadalithta. ' • • _li. Kookier Co.. SO do hantole, Waring, King Co., Philadeletdo.• " • _Baru 1 p. w 4300 and - Pilers if Birley Para latlass. from Jassy at If.. York, gala tbst the ronlyta of ban.r at thstrolot for tha TEM was TANA* hluhar; for ktektOO basher. Tha.toarjsuba Imo. of dealers Is as . -truth akolb.rou mad sta. St Wawa*. of I. yr.. labst Intl* batboy Is saw . the market is is Imo. of ayeaslstora, Who an bola. at min; bochar Mom Frei Ili as= aetlna at Sof- Isle It U stated that so ban.? of sossmnenes I. held Is /non tee sal b and my. Intla U ar- Hying by lull. T. ssalaters ars saaerslly shetb of balcor." Laren liblyment. lava be. am. to Plttsbora . Vnnta tan ulna. ua saw* Ith Chisarer int t that the stook In that any Is .918,0110 bnabsla ton than tut 'par. Smola lota areattliciw Innen,:s pa bath of lartpatala pounds. e prim In t: Lodi an! PAIKKAtner btithaL SOl9l, ter Street, ACM thM, _IJE/L11:7L11.11 Li' sad I,API iL teize Ob. ebyl o tbe Le.‘ promee 7 • :J ',EI,. ruts. , esbnot be . , -.,;1':-".=_t7° ~ .;:o`.;:'')'.. -td tr."' :rl ~. ~. i't i'_.._: :S.~Yi'BZn. I', '4 r's tuna,i beaTbitbay, February 8, az. c. Tiro mseasts tars Laen dull as usual .turiagto putt week, tee operatious la all or •he lead!oE c ,, tbsodltb,s belay, or an ualropor tar, Ay th• listed purer w‘redratd. lu !SATE or PAYMENT, ON PILL. ed ay al 1a1.1,10, 011)1a: C4O. Caaao.wk.lti,t, • 11.crc. E. bee, ea,•w hor las masts". •.c.c...c ' . ' BF-NTATION AT TEM • , W. 5 At 0.2111 std tel 011.44 4.1 go,olten w(1, _ thrown tnarboar.l. The laltir lees wattled, and , . • wised at $4,900. 'The enfold 1,1,11 at about ... . , .11,101. Totea/nage 1zi;...... s. , . . , A St. Louts paper or IV:renew/4v Iwo c -. lib . ' a. nirrn , ' anti Inechanics , Th.. w•s a curie:4 du tbe ststeCe It,- I 4 • Lordly elan Wiest., gat centerprtme co s.toco. post. A so, 11, polies .01t , 1.c...wi wall 0.0.4 our Mac. New el - kat.s pa cuser memo., We emceo• vv./. ..r St. trulb, 9,,t gaol, Al ' : s' s: t" teePt '.' s. 7: . Z .el .Jchs 11a Li. ie , , h s o eac it.c;e. oral htway p.: a rush T" S t . I'" n''' . . , '" 1. . ,.. : E. ' , '',. 1.; - .1.....0r. :a: X-•ALl=ll3;_. - .:2 ELIA., agreel4 pt.:hat:Ng a ilearit ear VS Call u 01.1 el • b .Al as N: I. The hcArcaleht ct the ice et z.t. Louie, u• • {7.2 I 'Feder, ai etchths, cruilts, tl.e wreathe r. • . • Aho• White iv, bad, that it4o I. cunalderri. 1 I , . talk, low lief stern la la eltele.• feet wale% . .14 her how ur. the Ice. bee wa s ail( .: L CIA- , /LIMO 41/1 ftifirCh 27th, 11.839, - due ritual, •14d waa formerly t.!. , n tir. etwl lioSat I Lo•e; The boat was ...of LI": lat h Taylor ',,, •15 late. valt,) at 3.3..... nal/ lu atv , ed :Ur 1,00, gltjet Illc 4,..:i, - ,:y,: e•S woste‘fh.. • MIMS. ' I ()sent the must estrawAllicry ircaas of ow , lure tecorsca a. :he .114•41.141ki ea./ey czur se4 rests:Os- . • stemuSo•t I,flaw -r. I,outa, Ate..a :I on tbc e t ..g Atikce Js:•ts, auf, 1 liippeccic, etalarat..g Witt, her 1.....t.Ww1 !raw ciercusty , 5••• c.c. th' tsar child/ea— s,. tcovs mad ~ h el.c•'-,' •....c.-c) 11acochericra at Ice destacettloc, •wd ell•wc., clews. wail m is•C ilteauLle.:l Pie Awe •nzaliaa<4 ail ',rival ..f •he le• Jam. ca. Ns w ccriem.o.4 cecer,..... la 1.1: ,eIIIGS egrouswl et 1...1,1 . 1,11.• Vte•shcasc Tanks of the sic. twa te, Ilh , .Acwistr.. AS whit:, If. will We 4ase tem 1 . •,.:•:11',..h, a capes,: Ac rew.2weicewes. la ~, the ....has iLt i ri. Iza,tuLta, rolesipa /rimylst d•agerous sat:wk., • . 1,0.10t tht o•rl. T. the ca[dal oLy,Yrer ft,l. ?el te.t,l% . eeek.ityr,. .10 «i s us, .1,9. Fr.a, Loy, nlctra LLIIIIC Itobe:t 1, 'Lei, 00,14 ••ouct •I Led come two %lour. ',Y.., L4i% tan yea.% wa• lormeti, audoard'or larYialn Met, La . E. Sral at L. , L,Loc• rya:y:4, L17:1 J . r..e.ary• Lia ca; .‘• ,rat to cifyet Ler trle•ae rwithoot ii,ecrao LITOrIAIL, 'uptsiol.s4ooa StWX 0ta,,,0f tin Ift.IILLA •a oaeel, ea. o,oy; - I yoOlorronot elOr“ V, •e ht - . 'ter ream L., :Le gala. de0k1,,,, %•:••artlti of IxoeL he: Col I, • yow.o Lea% of slea'ar. guttoo, OyoL4yL, !me:. • Yoo twe,yiL f eetY tn• Lee L iloL • stoic aL itOY lire iatilax• inowaJ. Mutt ao.yibLo . , ses• roony.itair, oul.l have .10, RI. satoe •ouYl.‘" •L her la • tlila rr,q, ayal LAC tho LoYLIL.,'L eogiora IL,o+co to. yLoy , ti ulayle , %'fint.J az, mod, wilt. in, L,.L.L0,10t, /St ,•tt 1/111 /St /ISt 1//1./ 1,1 cat,', lit 4 ./1111, ILc.l ~1/1 t0!..1 llrtth v.: th, ~et ,estlyse.l..e.ssel renahfiii . •• Warr, ••1.0 Weetthr.r.. 5.17 "_••• i leLlu.zy —lttvur waif ; fee' to thr can.: be fen,k“ Ine:akombter es, Lor ,A. c2ou.:y A 1:1k 21,11cat•Icras Jr • t•T. .ft am. Wl , l I, IL. •ol /1.44.:0, • For 1 losutorav .1. 1.. 1•• /.1.1,N11 1),.11/. FO le NAN .............. ...._•. yap,. !•`..c10 yvn. cl ',tr.'. I'. Joif,f Yi.nch. ).?‘ - 1 4 'ete ciNCINNATI'aiid syluAlallMar , xt,l•lt rnm, • 4T .... ItiNruN op•.n:u ; , , of " '' ‘" PM/ r• tta, bteLger Oat. Jc La mean. 17 , 11 Ie•v• at 30. an upon , ,,lnt t./Vgstiom. lf.2r ur yunargs• 4,3 boarour • 71.1 , it .6 WyJY. Re.irbi. o .l. . 1. MEM 'MX2 nTita r is::. ~ -~' • TO GLASS TUE: 17NDElligiONIED havinX telor.l the Bute oucf , f .2 celebrator , • COPI.ET POT CLAY. &tallow {trepan,' to feral. It In aty quantity to :tole arl.llllo bprocurn Itl. sopeeorattklo. Iturbas Caron year. , us. of &hit eltof two taro at el r.l at tact proportion... believe wax • bet;er art lele Intl *lmo SOT lu tte vot haute, aororc•l .0 •rtraut , eta tot of s'a mouth. Ireach oot, and torte Isotlo, :tait Le ft stall sadeteutts• We .111 (atop!.o proportlon cf stun a tb:: I C z, 0 . 477.2 yorrntv!pft. tUut. tt out!, ''"!'" hus, _ . fun 1 . :t1. Ulm {perk:; WOUthillelOn I.l.Ahoret. VAL 1 1:1E A_ XI lEVW .A.l l I. WOLF, M., 15;f.72-, Etrilt - qicren eS6 4111= An Dor: ,el.nine wI/Sch Is 0,70,1 Cortes !,111,7ty rsrtl tit: v 13,, 10. a PIC CIA otreell.ll/72tfitI8Eetf, Ilfercers .. l:. /,,,:'.i...7r.:1,11/14,1 R9I3FMT Ait'rllti.llB, ' AoriTcbrlLZlTEnr, - Sa its soon= ay., enetwitiiich. • „ Spent‘` Attentltt, Is ,Its- 10 tern unttzt toe Court. to 5t.1,4tr,,,, P r lit: - es to d Inove.••• te • gnunzt ,ct Osposlttep 7, glen for. Sal trottsltatas. • /Mtn, • TriFISURY DEPIRTMENI UZI Ism PENNSYLVANIA = _NrC:o'ZILCM lb! ilitilitS 0? IEI LO.LNS MEM Commonweap of Pennsyl- vaniti, Din July 151,11868. THE FOLLOW INt/ 0 , 4 I VS, Due July Ist, 1868, National Bank, July tit, ISO& tnam cif July 19th, 1939, due 31 11 Y Ist, HOP, INTLIA.,TOS AIWYE L 06318 WILI =I ttalt.‘, Beey of flat NT.I P. 1110,110 AR Std. &writ Rate Imam, = !F(0 - WtiEtiT GROWERS. t.!!).:2:H4 01,10NliTED BONE S6per-t,'hosphate of Lime, =Ell THE ,ILi EaHENT FERTILIZER CO., 5.4 A e: 'BELL PA .:burgh, ra FM • al ?frt . lT:, to ur. end I , rorefamibi ,14L• xlyen o. It .tryn WMtna 1 ynnti.pniet raT7OVtlrg: rnr . ... - aILIIO- ..i. 1 5.a1.44 . 1ncatt thl• Yyr ti• .• r. s ..ent ITT, tn any r. !lap .a WU' 4lfrua. rrrr. ;3 VII IIiFOLFIWG HOUSE .!jillitllD'ir . &.FitiDAY, ILILVOIFIZEF OF °ERMAN; FRE CH AND SPANISH MS AND LIQUORS, 440 Penil ti.reet, Plitsborgll. • . Que . ,46. ,161111:iT baying returned Ran Ea rol, Imams, la,o purammid. and iisTfactad arrang , mows 1.6.12 thy folleittax grit cm. f.114 . 11 5 1 , 1 4 1.1[8., !.• 1 al e ellatarygia . , • Y- S 1 ? “ Ift If Cric7ao rt::: 1•010 1 0. 1 ,.11 1 16 0 1,114FI : (mu. ' 116 " 116 .0 1 5 0/ .6 1',1 l1 0 517t) - r ' , 4 1t u ' et a b l o s t . a. A Optic. A. flab au6 .1,161 Ct • •1 .10., Crcats.cb., BylartliAt 1., • os t 4,.. nerfloh Ales. 116:•1100 bear!. Alei. A cO.. amnlaueut o. 01)1Z 01.43 RYE W111•It %LI constant. on laa66. ttayl6e oritugeirieuti.rllb tbitabcri hot arus6Ls I. 06.6 . 110 chokes , 5100.1 or WINES ur.l LTQCOArI. Itiamitnatlos qualtLY sod v.quparlauu of yitacaaoltelLed. MEIN, HOPPER & CO. ' '" v. to L. 31 , .2.111.tar41. • .1011,2i.U/AXTUUZ33 V' XIX ITURE Evory DeocriptioF,, actlool, AN!) OFFICE FUISITUDE iis,?, 4.5 . 101 itilield *reel; vizzaniman, .t.;47;4._ tud ” rgl aartucla of XILLO artn et.liallnlttly an W. at LOAROT 1)4,11 'ii. C. IT 0 B. WILT. FOR FRAGRANT HIS COFFIE, PURE SPICES, ROBINSON'S, •No. - 20 .p . lith Street. -15,36 T - 7. - t*,,v„vg7F-T4 T HE TENE;FOR RECEIVING ANTI 01..t.141Ne hr Benilig la Irertig it Emit UM, Two High Service and Two Low Service ramping Engines, 1$ r2...211N1/11D Werth 12 9.01,09 c, ioolr, o' Fat urdai, F2eb. 16th, 186 i. = Aix's_ moms, ART 1868 1133 GREAT r I I •IfO I E OF ASTIFILS. • • R lefeel Soltself under ohllsstlons lo you, as troll • Ls • duty j owe to o:befits]. lure beet like terse! with myself. In order that they may know ",f it their e... Get ousel. I had bees 'ablest:to --'•- ' elltent. eon tinned etter:t . of ASTRIAA for more U.. a hli genre, aa 1 I.e•l bean In treat axpenae - - . . . . ant Kivu - lons metre's' men or experlenel with _, 1 . 4,,, b , .rav1r ne7 Permanent relLef. relleven less•t a ll. 1 es bed that I never. anew Irks I : . er,* to be her fni= the dlAcc44. I hm4 to .it Ia Ledeveiy nle6t for wee). and :set,, 'elate out./ prospect or Lope of cure. My condition wai /inch rn•u 1 felt Me • c•rwen, in/ wiltn / nutl •n •ll .97 010. wt 1 Alt In daogar of sctrecAtlni blo terrible tad bben ay •neeo- mottei up that she to teen ma So Ingithu CC rno. that 1 wan nearly black la the Mg we deiverate efforta made to get MIZE the euttl winter hhthu, ltttlr algta, RI L throvr'n I dang the doors enOwlo4ovro of ate none e Open. I/3 order to bthafir the apps ' l r of ftTan,s4J•tloo. In tbls condi- urn! on tb 11th of October, 144. lartnl Loud T.`E.R.S 81.111 to ciules sets disease leafed o lodapplo 1te.14 cogspaely Irma my hullnad. Ewa! E=! Dr.lll Ttl i , 3 lan 5 4 12 wit Witt hit •kR ytzmlncl me carefully, sad my , wab his. LI:NU SOVNU.Aadtobl • cate I •• oul,•1 let I pernsTered Moines for over • ye r, tud to to day also Yuan health. and ILITALLY" FREE 'IIIZ A.BIII.ILC and U. to rlbly alas • I areaible atteadaata. I nave had, once In awhile. 11./liht .trick of the dhow., but' I nee eat la al entirely. re-cttabile.aed. as it I to hare, any attack, a ten daaea •t the Doctot, medial. Immedletuly reale. IL 1 rAnnot feel tea bantrial for the eiemptlen from a itheas. .61..1 nand to me whole week* ad month. Of lon of sleep. healdee 'enie ring whivli tn. , iI ' g bet those who ye manna itei s ttils dlselie can . . I follY J PPrec l steer g !ieet Ike' • r NANO I at TIXIMI, . 1 . )(Aar 110 GUT JOY. (her Mother.) I, tlgilkteilAli 1 t louLth. • . ISlTlnghato, Dec. 0. Ivii,. • Thviin e e t m,.. Mecca, foaled aleive. large of or. m Inah ..dinar) Importgovv, benaum et the Ylolinee .1 the anent* their rot Mu el length. and the great Proetratlon of al the vitaltvisrera •tiendi g the Meyer-. Any hoe who ice. her daring the time the 'Oil IL our. freer 'rum the disc.< of which .he erne curet% IMO will 1.05 at ter , n0..,—{00 ye-) imeture cl reireMLealth. cannot but Alum t - that Mincer* in nova/ ethen arethery cheramor, leseneheb WI weear of Amtimerveiy dayof periling, be• d di toe a !mime of an Incurthie eater. Let them who °Alm I nveetigate for th.seeelves. Diti ICLYSLIVA }Mall/LAT COYAULTISU ”yritlr. LUA LULU ILLAItiIeATI.Unti AND Tint kit/CALM ANT of tItIyTINATt f.'ll /lONIC DidgyiAL!, „No. TM LYthili ATEILET, from 13 A. le. ntil Ivi. m. - • _ 1 -i----- LI arsess, .112 LED 11EA111.511./, . Sh.eherree from the Y Polypaa 'of the Lt., ( c atarrh. Oteqs, Onset Sys., Innanted ttyee, Every /peelers of Sore ./Jeep and leneeeeofolly , Treated by De. it eyeer,l2o Penn strap*. =I • ?he rue to..ol^lr wo alluded souse wt eke ato, of Chistlana tither, of B county, la now entirely cohtrnsed by the appearance of Mill in the i bers,et. who today called en 111. ,E E I- Ift eslt II pert . to thank hies fdrM 's kfuenew and 41.1.1 n tutoring her to IL NTS dr. •PILS P Lit ricT s oil?. Ulu IP ltber hal beers near. 1 ly bled for f nr month, rim was se blind that a eciu/d n t distinguish any object mate Oct ... tlt lest. "hetet< Is rvintriable, is hundreds et cases The Lerb are doe ed to t hat daftness, on the tinny ereert that iba , ie Is no cure, lad netting tan be done. !be wri node: I)St. KEYSIL/Ve • treatetent for too month. I and before she needled to bins. thrwvaih her broth,. eistbN P. ithkilf.B., alight hop" were entertained of her 'ever setting her eft ht. I Her ease is well known ID the belabor. bred Whose.,, resbles, 1113.121.• butt reauded as .Of Wf es teaorell a try recovery. ' • note r re eel. know of tetra of lilts nth