The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 10, 1868, Image 1

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    TEE .DAILY • G=TE,
rcraussED EVERY 3LLIUSM - Ci.
la-SD/LT4 stacintco.)
IR.o.reprgoz - lerterris,
. B.l7iesast.t.iers.
LINIELS Diana Plptt of Vedas Peltsjimia.
&AZOXIM. cßx4rxst mut BEST 74111L7
mut COXIINSCIAL tA. &au,
iZire ' gre,T rrlen per weer...
gan asinse-r.e... per .... • .
iittsbittijh 61-rtti
AT A ICRATING of the RepaLlican
Committee of Crawf,ird connty, held'
on Saturday last, delegates
,were se
leited to the State and Senatintal Con
ventions, and instrneted to sclpost Gen.
-Grant for President and ainsha A.
Grow for Vice President "- 11
ANOTIrill Fenian demonstration 1.111
been made in Cork, the mpmlsers of the
order taming in contact with the police
'authorities endenzoring to re°Me a Wil
mer. The British Government has a
large contract on hens in dealing with
.this powerful and mischievous organiza
cieved leave of absence, and will en•
deavor to recruit bin builds by several
months of travel in the countries of E r n•
rope. If he • eculi be prevailed upon r ic
croon the oxen, he would receive in tbis
country a welcome befitting his . nalic
and fame.
'ltismco, the mother of rerufutioniets,
le 'gain threatened with civil war, if in
deed she lee over enjeye3 immunity
from internatetrife. The news by the
Havana eable,• this morning, portends
a serious conflict betwe!n the govern
mentand dissatisfied factions. Society
is fearfully demoralized there, .crime
holding high carnival in all f actions of
the „country.. "
Court, in session at Philadelphia, 3117::
Jana G. Sußassi-it, of this city, recov
era real estate to the "value of Borne
860,000, which had beau illegally tnme
ferred by her husband from whom eho
was divorced. Hrs. S. hoe battled this
cue for some time past, and her many
friends will be pleased , to note the Ansi
decision in her favor...,
Tag CAIvADIAIsa are taking alarm a:
the reorganization of the Fenian broth
erhood in this country, and, in view of
possible contingencies, a forced' regu
lars will be stationed along the Niagara
coast as soon as navigation is resumed.
This piece of . prudence may be very
well, but as we take it. there need be
alarm felt by our cousins across the bor.
der; es the leaders of the Fenian! have
lost all faith in schemes for the invasion
of Canute, and in the future will confine
their operations to the soil of Ireland.
►Xew Illssoale Temple.
Philadelphia rejoices now in the pos
session of ono of the firieet Masonic
Temples in America, but the members
of that order have in contemplation the
enaction of a - new edifice which will
completely overshadow the present on
in point ofelegance and grandeur. Or
next St. John's Day the corner stun
/will be laid on the site sele,ted,
and Filberts reefs, and the temple
be completed free .yeare from that date,
at a coot of $77i0,000.
The new hall will be of granite, and it:
the Borman style; the massive character.'
of this order of arenitecture, however/.
being well relieved by the arrangement
of the buttresses, balconies, balustrade:,
and gracefurpinnavies which form part
of the design. The four sides of
bUillialglifin be of granite, the only dif
ference to thh design bell: in the trout
'Oa Broad street; which will present one
of the meet ruagnitidnt features of this
thoroughfare. The labilding will be
three stories in height. The front so
Broad street will present two towers,
on. at each corner, the intervening opace
being composed of a handsome portico,
running to the second story, and above
which will le two inches for statues Mee
of Silence,) the whole surmount.' at the
apex of the roof with a small tower, at
the summit of which -will bo a statue of
Charity.- On the lace of Lids main frost,
In addition to the ornamental windows,
will be (In relief) emblems of the Order
—the square and compass, ,te.
"The tower at the southwest corner of
the building will be the great feature.
.It will be. three hundred feet (vim the
ground bathe top of' the spire, or one
hundred and four feet higher than eerie.
Church steeple. The four owners of thie
tower will be surmounted by pinneeld,•
while the buttresses, extending up a con
siderable distanop, the balcontes at the
windowe d and the balustrades and gen
. eral ornamentation of this portion of the
drachm will add greatly to the beauty
of the whole design. The remaining
three sides of the building will be re
- Bared be buttresses between the win
dows,...and the whale effect of the exterior
will be. at once massme and graceful.
-The portico at the front, being twenty
feet in advance of the line of the build
ing; will still farther add to the beauty
of the design. . -
The building - throughout will be Ore
' proof; Iron girders being used at the sto
ries, and other preesetines. are being
'adopted to guerd against the destruction
of-the edilid. Veetnkitioh of the most
complete kind has been provided, the
steam apparatus to be used for heating
the bulling being also designed to drive
a fan to keep up a circulation of fresh Mr
in all of the rooms. Provision has. also
been made for a bountiful supply of
• water at every etery. The entire build
ing will be devoted to Masonic puree!.
sea, and, therefore there will be no restt
deuce within the hall. as heretofore.
- -
• . —Mr Eelitey, of New York, has re
vived the airline railroad project be
tween New York and Watitingtott. lie
hai introduced the name bill pa rod by
the House of Depreweatatiyes during Die
float session of the thirty-ninth Con
, with new cerporators, viz: Simon
- Cameron, Thomas A. Scott, John Me
' Manne, - Dayld K. Jackman,. W.Meliyoy,
James Daffy, Jam. Andrews, William
. H. Willey. James D. C•tton, - ; Cameron,
and John Edger Thor:Arista, of Misfit:ate,
William T. Wolters, of Maryland, E. H.
. Nichols, E. IL Wadden, Richard Fran
; . abet, en4 d Erastos Corning. of New York,
H. M. ir.i, of lowa,
.and Ch les A. Sherman, of W.itlogten,
D. C. ,he bill was referred to the Com
; . =Mee Railroads and Canale, which is
t tinders to be favorable to it. "
• . Cantors litituthe ennons
murder trial laaif tat been concluded at
= • lonia, Mich. it 'Appears that John
Brown and William Morse had fre-pient
-Ij, quarreded, and the former had sworn.
he wonldklll Morse on the first upportu
,, nity. One morning MOne went to his
barn, and some lime . afterward web
found there, banging by the bock with
satrap taken from nts ri Nu harness. The
jury Tithed the premises, and from the
• .. position in which the body was found,
- cam* to the concision that he tonot kayo
. be skranglvi, and then plated in that
,-"position, to make It appear that he done
the died hiumlf, and stnelg, eimum
' • steams pointed to Brown as the murder
; er. He who COATiCteti. • , -
: •.•
Pala Paint, carp
bla ßunions. , • I
Pain Ain: liiiins.." - I
Pain Paint, ures leavean C o stain. • ••.. • • ,
7 - Pain Paint It harmless., . •
' - Pain Paint la oertain •• ..: '- • •
i - . Pain Paint is quick. .
1 Pain Paint endorsed by . Ilf..D'a.
Pain. Paint suits everrtxrJy:
Pain Paint cures old ilicer. • .- -
Pain Paint curets fresh_ szoLintbs. ,
- Pain Paint cures Bruise..
1 Pain Pnint outset broken Bibs.
Pain Paint closes frozen Feet.
Pain Paint ruins all Liniments. •
.1 •
Conte and teat Pain l'atrit free of cm(:
at 62lArch street, :Philadelphia, in the
I drug - store. : The arowd • its big; ovule
• i early. . . . .
—A highly incceasful OfTart has been
Made at Iluntingdon,'l l / 4 ., to raise fonds
by subscription-for the -establishment of
a normal eabool forthoSerenth district,
composed of the nonntles of, Cumiper-;
' land, Adams, Franklin, Fulton, 'Bedford,
Huntingdogrand Thhtir, under the net of
20th May, 15,57. , The sum of nearly Mir
, ty thousand dollars hivibecn subscribed.
If the state Mears the same liberality ti
this institution that it 'hgs to others of
• the won kind, the school rill not only
- be a grand success but nn ornament to
Huntingdon and the other COltlltiVi of
thu normal
—The-Washington Chronicle prociouncv!
Tennessee • "Ma most perfect itepublie In
missionary . herons Jong.—.l 7 oe o a
Poe. ' _
• •
—Mr Dickens's description of tho ship
wreck, in b is resdio: from David Copper
. field, In New York, was so naturally
impressive that his auditors pet their
• over-shoes oa 'to prevent, wetting their
-I feet. • •
Impeachment Qcteetion Revived.
Trial Cur Conspiracy litecomni end eg.
National 'Financial Matters.
The. Kew Whisky Committee
Public Debt Statement
By TelCtlirh to the I%W:oath Wattle.]
WAstetsaroN, Feb. 8, IRIS
The Cbmnattee on Reconstruction had
very strong sosmion to-day. Rapro-
seutatives Stevens mid Boutwell urged
the adoption of a resolution for the im
toisclucnt and removal of the President,
lint the Committee finally referred the
Prealdent'e letters and Gendral Grant's
ton sub-committee, composed of Memos.
Itingiun, Barnwell and Beek, with au
thority toinvestigato and report on the
impie.chment queistion. It is the opinion
of leading, membersthat the President
has rendered himself liable to indictment
for vonepiraev.
The Cornalttee adopted a bill reruov-
Lug, the political disability from Govern
ors'Orr and Holden ' and, General Long
etreet. ' Mr. Brooks moved to include
General Beauregard, hut the Committee
refused. I -
Commodore John A. Winslow has
been ordered to report at Washington an
Chair:Mos M the Baard•to appraise cer
loin iron clad vessels under the act of
Congress. Captains John Almy and Fox
hall A. Parker, and Chief EngmeersJno.
King and E. Senton, are ordered to re
port to Commodore Winslow as mem
bers of the Board. They will visit all
the ports where Iron clads are stationed.
The following ie a correct statement o
the Public Debt on the tiretof February
1.964, •
Debt Searing Ogta /Merest.
FIT* percent. Honda.— t =.711.:X1 It
per cent. Roads of 1.347 awl 1.4 vx.a.ast
:An per Ceti, l'ontic. ..... n3.675,5A
tin per cent 5-C• • ...... 1.3%./SLUD CO
Penston Pant ' 11. tVI.I[Om
Debt Bearing. Currency Interest.
Js per cent. Hoods $ .4,473.503 e 0
"[het, y ear roe dto tered_t Notes 45 :14.71.0
Three year 7-45 p'
Notes fa
Three per Cent. etruecales • 3.051 N 0 dd
iralure'd Dr& SOl PMentedfor Itrrouni•
I To. 7..T).N0te5..d . .
Cla. ' 4ll d
3e , A
tern ',l e*.Ur.“ tea.
IS. and 1...0ber .a.
Z 11.103
1100 e. Texas triae,ri. y , __
Tre•sar• "Notes. •e... 4 tr;11.1 ,,
LiN4 Pr , there.
dsof o w r pril LIM
711,4111", NOle, /1.. Id, 0437..
D.LC Bearing , no Inierat,
V. F. Notes
Fractional CurrenC7
Geld Cartldeates al 1 , <P , F4 , ---
T 014 3 e au C . ,t,11t5 6
619.7. IC
3 t 1.411 ,
tt G"3. ln 1
too.. of debt, leee cash in the
S. M. 'Kean, disburning clerk el' the
• Tri.tUry Department in the Seemtnry'e
ogice, died thin morning in his 71nhymr.
TIM fractional currency printed during
the week amounted to $3M,500 ; ship
meted slfl,o ; national bank currency
twitted $114050 total in circulation Mt;
60:1;• tractional cumency destroyed Ei7,-
The new commissioners of whisky
metres, axe Lieutenant Green, of the
-Navy; General Poe, of the Light House
Board; John White, of Buffalo; Wel. E.
Corley, of Tray; Chan M. 600, Pratessor
Ennuy and Professor Illiyard, of Wash
ington. They will meet hare on. Tues
day bent.
A special to the Nets'York l'ribitae says
it in believed the ?resident's letter d:111
be delivered to Gen. Grant to-day.
Thl;4 Day's ■easlsa.
ler Stumms to the elasenrgb Vaaest..l
nosToN, Feb. &—The Commercial
Convention opened this morning with
prayer by Rev. R. L. Collier, of Chicago,
Gen. Walbridge., of New Tork, offered
a scrim of reselnttoes, which he moved
should lie on.the table and be the order
for the action of the .Convention next
year. The resolutions arum the duty of
Conerem to foster all waled* far the We
provementof the present line. of 'corn.
munimtion and of those which shall be
Fl'Vween 4 the tlang . ley 11 fi s sa r rasipp;
and Pacific, and that facilities. as far as
possible be afforded to enable through
lines from north to south and oast to
west, to have doable tracks.
Another resolution recommends
obtrusion ef railroads to secure a uni
,rm system of freight for through
trains or connecting trains at a speed of
ten Mlles an boor, and favors them* of
the mme tracks for psaseegers and
light and costly freigh'e l and of others
for heavy freights.
The currency and ;inane report was
then called up for discussion.
The report was warmly and ably die
eusssesL Two autendmerits - were accepted,
the Mat recommending Congress to for-
bid National banks freers selling any
gold received as interest for bonds
pledged for their circulation until. snots
time us the entire amounts reserve d . by
law to be kept by the banks shall_ be
made u by coin; the vschnd, that the
bonds op f
United Skates already termed
are exempted by law from taxation, and
having thus been tasired, it would be
violation of law to impose taxa...upon
them now, ends breach of faith on the
part of the Government. The report ,:of
the Committee was then adopted.
A resolntiOn was nrsaulmouslyadaprted
re-alarming the adherence of the Om
vention to the principles of national
boner as indicatvd in the report of the
Finance Committee.
Three rousing cheers. were given for
national honor.
• "V otrs of Manna were is
to the
omens of the Convention, the Boston
Rotted of Trade, and the State and city
authorities for attention and hcapitalc.
ties, and after an eloquent closing ad.
dress Ly President Fox. the Convention
adjonrned -sine dlr.
Traoquillly lleligered la re.e-Enal
elegem PRO.. le Ceill-Japeate•
alealtor Oteoewall.
(BY Telegraph to the Sit tabarah tlesetee.l
Kerr Yong, Febanary 9. Tho steamer
!tieing Star, from Aspinwall, brings
$1,255,= of Callferuis treasure.
Is limes end Central AMerlcan news
Lima advice% to Janninay224 slate drat
President Cameros had arrived at Callen
end would weaved to the tspltal that
day, where be would have a cordial re
ception. -Some 'miner fights occurred at
the South, but . tranquility wan restored,
rati the whole Republic recognized{{oTeillellelle.
The United States steamer Wateree
'was at Bolivia. The revolution there
proved .-mere local outbreak and was
mteily suppressed. • .
Talpantiao dates to ,Tatitutry Nth" elate
that 'agents aro to leave in March for -the
United Staten, °mitt Britain, fie., to et,
tate emigrants for tne aouttiona portion .
of Chill. Salt works on a large wale
1011 noon establishednear Valparaiso.'
The 'hige monitor Bt°ne r an or-
S. Loma, February 9.-The weather
rival nt Valparaiso January 6th, In dux
ty-as. days treat Ifonterlerlo. changed very suddenly between
night and thin morning, and has aeon
- growing colder4 t rer t aluLe. ,.. T ri tettig rn ist e le
Est ecearars to Pit
the rlitaberiel Sessile 1 ono of the cold of be , the r•
cury sinking nearly to zero,
BesTos,February tare .
early thin moonlit ' g In the g
. ranSe build
1ng.113 and 116 Commercial street, en.
Seedy cattouraed. tha two upper4tor :s . ,Tetegeaoh to the PI tteleateh en
Sesette se .l
The b erg, salte-occupied ship TosoSTe, February 6 . reported
that strong force of regular troop, are
c b,, E diers, commLuion merchants, eta. ,1.17
whose atocks were were niacin: Injured to !galleried along aCeraree
by tire and water. Lasses pretty heavy, ttecon the opening of narlgationi. with a
but all Ole sufferers were hasuretL view to possible Fenian movemep
. . ,
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QT Tel essaTh to thr rltie , Wg '
OS/ ToMane% to the rltUbatlhGaante.t
Ht;c1IllONI., February 6.iLln the Con
vention today • ae,tion authorizing the
Legislature to create a Ftu'remu of Agri
culture and Immigration Wad adopted.
Along debate occurred ttu the irmilgra
tloti part o f the section. wthch wee both
opposed arid urged on 'the lienuSiliteta". A Conservative uiemleer ;urged
legislation barring immigration, because
the antagonism between the laboOre of
two room was calculated io Inaugurate
a war of race. A colored 'delegate, in
reply, wild if each a war rums it - would
never be inaugurated. by the blacks.
.a Wats' CASOLIN&. t •
RILEIOII, Fah. 8. —The Contention
proceedings to-day won of little Interest.
The Committee on Privilszes and V.,
bans reported in favor of _oustraz Mar
tin, of Yadkin, a Causerratire. The bill
. of rights Iras discussed; but wit host t deft;
nite action. . •-- ..
. . -
Nauru emikuLuis.
CdAtscurrox, Feb. S.—The Canyon.
lion is still ditoussing the Rill of Rights.
Nothing of publio iinportanos has trims
pirod. •
ATL•NTA, Feb. s.—ln the Conv•ni
Floss today an ordinance, was paused to
provide for defraying the expenses of
,Convention by a tax of one-tenth of
one per cent_ on.all taxable property, to
be collected en or before the let of May,
Ib6S - .
The resolution to expel A. A. Bradley,
negro delegate,' was made the special
order for Tuesday'.
The second section of tiie report of the
Committee an Franchise're adopted rec
ognizes no distinction between the ramie
and provides that all voters shall have
naid their taxes—ifehallenged they shall
swear that their VOlO is not affected by
any reward revolved or- expected nor
that they have given or. presumed any
reward or made any threat to prevent
any Person from voting.
aw OxixAN., February 5.-v The Cen
motion to-day adopted an ordinance
providing for an election for, the ratitica ,
tien of the ,Constitutioe imemilatery
after adjournment, laming Ake date
Walk- Another ordinance provides that
electloas for State, judicial, municipal
and pariah officers mud State Legislature
Representatives be Yield at the same time.
as the election for the Constitution.
An ordinance was adopted providing
that registered electors may vete In any
parish they may happen to be on Um
day of the election upon the presentation
of their re;tiatration papers.
Of the new appolatmeaa to the City
Council by tien.liaavach live are law
yers. Of three, Duplat lora and Leauaront
are now Judean in the District Courts.
The other three have be on thennch.
They are ail eittzens or the it cc
apectability and all whites.
Tatarstasstr., February s.—A. minor
ity Convention held three smaions to-dos
in secret. Five more haves igned die
Constitution. Many of them have done
no 'reluctantly, having come to the con
clusion they have been pnxweding re-,
gardless or law and precedent. The
Convention hoe coucludsal not to adjourn
until they hear from , General Meade.
They bare 'nominated a State ticket, con
sisting Of Mr. Billings ler Gevernor, Mr.
Saunders colored fez Lieut. Governor,
and Mr. Gibbs(colored) for member of
A regular RepubliCan Nominating
Convention is called by 4 the state Coat
imine* for the ilth inst.;
Slenneegers were Kent lest night to the
neighboring piantatiees ceiling the no.
groento attend a mans meeting favorinu
the minority, which nos held this after
seen. About VA) attended. In e
npebell by a colored minority delegate ho
callesilfor the banging of the i.cceding .
members by , naran o. the crowd. TM
seaker raid burn them. The portion
a toile the majority will probe
blv assemble on Monday and proceed as
if ihere bad been no interruption.
JACK SO, - , Febrllnry the Conven
tion to-day tJe report. of tha Printing
ComMittee, received I Name days. ago.
were adopted. • •
. A resolution requiring all uomnittere
to report by the 14th inet. was referred.
• resolufien requiring the report ot
the Committee en Destitution se adopted
yesterdny forwarded to Ceeneraftlillem,
with the request that Lc issue the neces
sary order, was adopk.J.
3101424011ZAT, Febritary L—Tile full
vete of MontgONOO-T,hieconsb, Lee,
Ehnen, Tellehease, ellsinbers, Bullock
and Coosa counties foot up 13.159, of
wLteb ell were negrome but 77. The Tote
cast on the Convention questies was
17,W0, The registered vote ie 39,043. It
is too soon to tatintrate, but the indica
tions are that the Constitution will be
defeated; ,
- 11 Feb. S.—The election °on
eluded yesterday. It pawed - off quite
orderly. The Tots Of this city eons:
whilesA9, colored 4,916.
;By Teistootal to tho Mut.. res unsure
" • . WASISIWatoW, Feb. 8, 1863.
Immediately after the reading of the
Journal the Douse went Into COW - -
matte of the Whole on the State of the
Linton, Mr.' DAVI.EIS In the Chair, for
general debate on the Free dent's annual
Mr. 111.7NTED. eirlidreased. the /louse
on the financial suesition. De argued
that the true cause of the present deprec
ates in Leafless arose, first from the
partial failure of croPe; second, from the
Chet police tho Secretary of
the Treasury third. from the action of
the Democratic party In delaying the re-.
conatzudlint of the .eteceded Stales. Ile
believed that. repudiation wee not .only
the desire but the intention of n ex tem cratic party if It carried the elec. '
tion. Die own remedy for the dilficulti 1
was as follows:
• First—That only Loxes enough should'
be loyied to pay the] interest on the pub
lic debt and the current expenses of the
Government, leaving the principal until
the country shall be in% prosperous con
&wed—Thew lessee should not be
levied ca as to melee (em' man paw ac
carding to his worth, but exclusively on
luxuries, the &rated claimer sod the
wealth of the country,
retnorlng taxa
tion from the laboring and producing
Interests of the country.
Third—All the ;live -twenty Banda
which are payable et the pleasure of the
GoVenunrnt, tiveyearn afterdate, should
be declared due and payable at thln
time, and payable in the lawful currency
of the United Mateo, or exchangable at
the pleasures cf the holder Into sax per
cent. longbow* payable, principal and
Intereet„ In coin, untie:able, but with k
deduction of one per cent. to be distrib
uted to tne States according to popula-
Mr I
- STEVEN:3, I of New Llempehlre,
next eidressed - the Committee on the
question of general_ poll/ •
lie de
-1 (dared that the majority Co greewswoo
not resporetiblit for the presen dlsterbed
condition of the country nor fir the bur
dens now resting on the people. The
rewponelblllty ley. on the people of the
South, and their Whet be the .orth. The
reboilloct had been a Democratio robed.
lion, the opposition to the army had
been a Dernocratie one, and the (allure to
restore, the rebel State. wee In mese-.
queue. at Democratic apposition.
MY. CLAIM, of Ghia, addreeaed the
Committee pn the Subject of national
Ira:like, the currency, public debt, &a
Ile ihvcred paying the principal of the
live-twenties In lairfn I currency and the
eubstitetion of greenbacks for national
bank niece, but in such manner as not
I. do wrongor Injury to the bankawhlch
he thought could not be wound up with
out great evil to the country. /le - was In
favor of the restoration of the free bank
frig system, bet would have no banes of
Issue, the currency . being •limiuxl . to
greenbacks and some.
Mr. JOHNSON next addressed the
Committee on Cleo general political. eje.-
tio7 em
o L t i h" l7.4
The row, and thellou. ad
Attempt to Rescue a Fenian
Count Diquirck Golog to Trove)
New Ministry in Greece
The Heir of the Mexican Royalty
Change of French Policy.
.t•'apoteoa sad the Holy See
Spanish Fapal Legion Dissolved
tionori to Admiral Farrapit
Advance of Abyssinian Fxpedition
iiieletium to tee rittebur,h Our tt
5010810u9FESLAN cirri:FULD —nr.tirEle,
ATM ..A.rtinitr AT 11ESCCIL
• Lonnoit, February B.—A notorioti4 re
nnin, Captain Ituakay, no. capture! in
Cork boat evening by • the police of thet
city. While the officers were ell nwF t.
ILo jail, with their prisoner kin frivol
rallied In great force, and for a time
desperate tight prevailed. The mob cc.,
dually twaten down and the. prisone
lodged in jail. The guard.• around tio
Jail were doubled during the night
prevent a miscue.
tosport, February 9.—Selwyn is sun
to succeed Sir Wrri. Erie as Opel J 1u tip.
of the Court of Common Pies:.
pnderstood American Minkte
Adams will take his departure fun
England neat. April.
The Fenian Captain Mackay, arrest ,
en Friday at Cork, In charged with lea.
ing the attack on th• Siarteilo tower •
Duncan non.
BERLIN, Feb. o.—Count Bismarck h.
obtained leave of absent , e from his r .
as Prime Minister elf the North (fermis
Confederation, and will devote floor
months to travel through the countri
of Europe. Ells health, which hos n.
been good for a lona time. haa at h•nt
compelled him to ,seek relaxation fro
his arduous duties. It is announced tl
present Minister or Finance , will repla
the Fruitier.
BERLIN, February o.—At an intervi
Last week Count von Bismarck toll
Carl Sebum that it wee the most earn.
desire of his royal master, the Ring
Prussia, to cultivate this good will of t
people of the 1:n1ton/3tate, This fee
able dlspnition of the King of rru
is regarded by Americans here as ni
important, in view of the necessity wh
may arise in-the selortion of some Et
peen power at+ umpire in'tbe iwuding
reran:e between the [;aired Stat-w
Ghat Britrun.
ruts; February IL—louse 'turbid
heir of the "late Empersr yesiminer
re,ently sulleted Su the Papel Zs
• . . -
The Jlerraff..• ittble dispatch aye Na
poleon has altereci bin policy toward the
Pops and Italy in
. a audden and remark
able manner..' Be ectucee a disposition
to abandon his pOsitiou of champion
the Rely `SOB- Assured, It to MLitt, at the
exiatenee of Bourbon intrigues rad iatln
from Rome, the Imperial thplomacy
with Borne btu beueuto ! alder,' whileth,
friendly relations hitherto existing with
Victor Emanuel are to be removed.
Queen laabella Is forced to dissol re he
Papal Legion, recruited under her o
rant in Madrid, so Napoleon flatly ob
)ecru to aortic iC the caageof the
ten 1.11[1.1
Fanny February 9.—The bIU fnr the
'regulation of the prim le atilt under dis
caseion la She Corps Legialatil. Las
week the Liberate proposed as an &mond
meat, to bleed a .claurke specially previa
tag for the trial by Jury of all often
cr. of the'oresa. Atter • bested debate
veto eras taken yesterday on the amend
meat andlt iriu defeated by Mu hunare ,
nays to thlrty•fire yeas.
. .
sianovmusa norrn cm.
The Frenek government has eon..
'to expel: the Ilanoverlan refugee" Jr.
the POU of Fraaoe.
APVASCT. OF BRIT/111r . Fend.
Advice Abysaints state that n
ntrong ter of British troopn wan ad.
yenned f !knee towards the intvrior
on the . Zlth of JEMlllay. Pinter han been
bored for according to the American
plan andlound in abundance, near the
English lino of march. The boont aboro
hod been lightal by the Englinh for naval
purposes. Comp ftiliowers from lartla
were being returned borne. The Egypt
ian G9Viritar of gramma woo mewlied
with, lble add, the approval of the Prit
' authorities,
Lowazilf, February 9:—The feeling or
uneasiness crested by the threatealog
appearance in Northern Tnrkey has
somewhat subsided. The report of trou
bles on the Daaube prove to 'have. been
greatly augh-irate&
!rim cAmierr VORSIEP
Lesvos, Yetwhary 6 W.spatehee
from Athens state that anew Cabinet
has bees formed with Bulgaria se 'Presi
dent and Minfeter of the Interior.
Admiral Fatregut iwianilin 4 Florence
a'much hor.oreil vieltor. „lite fleet kf at
Specula. '
FLOMILNOE, Febrile?! tee
stay, of Admiral Parfait, till in Italy the
fleet under biz commend will. be sta
lleiled on thu count between Gow, anti
Civita.Yeecht.. .
/161111ILD our
HOUTILLIKTTON, F•brtlify B.—Th •
ntoamer flenumkt, from New Yi,rk, La
Q uE v orowa, FehrUSX) , B.—Theateum
ir Sum, frsra New York, arrivnl:her
today. .
rarstaiscraL Alin tons:at lay
LONDON. FIL013311) , o—Afearn9•
CO/1401.1,1):1Vg,V3i. Elve-Tiveutles,7W.,
711. Illinois Central; 711. Erie, 'Ca ,
.Airrwitnr, F shrew, 8-.411ern01..-- , -
POtrolol33ll 33: 4 1.frunes per one hundrall
kilammes. •
FM1123130gr#07LT,Y•b131313107 8-.-Aft3ollooo,
Coiled Liondr.7ll67ll.
11111lartaroo7; rebroary 8-4fterneon.‘..
Cotton *cite% Maio 18,0u0 halos middling
uplands 033 spot at 841114, and lo arrive
at Id; cribidUng Orleans SI f&Sid; Strand
stuffs—Corn .45e . mixed weeder°.
Wheat las Bilfor White California, and
lie 3d for Igo. 2 litllwankce red. 'Eterloy
fi 61 for American.: Oen fa WI for.
American. Peas 431 for Canadian. Flour
378 for wasted:, irroelalana.A2weg 1170
dd. Pork dull at 173 a.. lard Tie 3d.
Cheese s.U.lllacon 39a Gov Cumberland.
Prodnoe—llliagar 244 W. Tallow 420 tld.
Spirits Tnipentlite to. TetrOlebm
for refined.
.- g'~LIS
Pronnneintnt.ntor Agvls• t
rn metrl A
— t nt#ll,r ne..1.1401 3 ;
t 7itte.b , zr.r . .l2 l ..•ictte.7
XL," Yong', r(41,1,16 . S.—The lief
~r t't Mt. ,es, via Ilat'atta cable
sLit I t ionanaiathentos against the got . -
ernhient nuittlitalylng,ato.l genera:l
t • nroal:a Inn I lttlten nailer tnnspiiiion.
A fool ct,onhail liroisan nut in SW.'
I lan. Sonol' In9n4 had .been
happ4ii. tune fin. by bin ea pi , an on WI
111111 r, leipti reit ransom. t
A naval enttapiennat 1, repiiited
at SI
" ittitti . 'nati tit San Louis r0t0...i .
have bean tale otati . flout prit;nn . nuil the
in rtioil tit:tat:lotto heen reduitel hieoloa
ne tt Orin Harald, tin (tut - erne. ,
rt t:rnf.r.ll Mythic, had been
.4en. Jtmannit, in ,t toorreria,
hot •Ivaitit too ta heed the ih.troinianii
of i4 , •ainal .varothettt, annul tit:LA-pro
pariati to to :tie iit,puto with AlA : iiret
by anßrno , illtonded to
\ ,Iplll .
,; 'vb. —1 . 11 , e reail of
Mocittait nt ItrownsYllio,
muds illow lag nett:: Another t rio ,
litaketi out uudn-r Valdest.
A tiatrualtutotti or ittiverttialud troops had
binni rated fnc favalutieeinta.
Au it Irani the onyttnim. raft
o' tine Stttri of Ttit , a,ii tool iitarted
ditir.ohn tti Mention In re
riarteti lt. 6.• the rouver. General
t.hvc Othott, :id Ortogaint, lull ,iivou
arrenl ^ ti. unit inipritintle 4 t at See :lints
. ,
ttoteeno.ol IS on fota..lo. the Stato of
Vera fiat. eti theta -11 MPY•1111 vitlattee
l'tom that ti , ato urd form aneer. One.
F parti t 110 litYt tor vettee re
p. rte of t,l , t,ritt kitinattpitlit ttief,rnitr-
WA, CrieCIRA GoVermor
id Inn aio.o.
• l•fe p •Iny eI Por.111:1 llins ordered
uppv•-•••ineti , r pereone uuoLir to
•;eir doh,.
A niori ne II:11 : 11,1Coolc and Pillow
ter Ttli.iiii•eu o - ;•re tourtlercd Tie, were 011W:11110
drum NV , ,t(tril
1 , 2 army. end Carvagal ere or.
,t_inininx •
,tap Argo. in lamnu.lpre,
preparatory to a revolution. ; Their in. Itrowneville purchneing
arm, and orwar; nnd troape
here , fPII
H• sent from %dialler... ,;
An expe•litiii • which et-tried under
Felix I ' . .;rti 1.. itIV.IIIOI
Owing to •lesertii•ii.
Co:linos ht. ILr, eteurel revolution
nf uan
• . •
G 007.1 lrt. 110 t. cicen 1/051.09,7,011/
h. (3,tl , ornatori.ll , no of Tunntalltta.
biro he Lxvinz 1 , ..;.n In the Ine.
The t/'t. AptCtal Fe
n. evoinionlete ore
ot ,ig their fur , es to attack tlerVert:Pr
lot in 1:1 th• mountain:l
welt, hundred TOMO. Tries had one
glai, alit a de , . arn nattio was dally no
:.,l.tiove.rnor: it nan thought.
.ionlii hi..tlntalno:l by the foreen
• ,irtlet 01 Mai tin, prUCIA:tIOod ta113041 r
itovernor ot Sun. ilea on thin Ititb. an ,1
Alltel-for !van of a Minilred thimson
. oral et Segular troop. to la. favor
A ray, o a in hailtinen implireeneni.
An A merii• tn I,llllan TS its found
to 1.•{1 trx, bitn neves stll
-1em.n..11 3 1 *M:titer brew.: nod
to Febraarr In% Irani 1-inaloa ntate that
wi t • rauard by the Leigia.
lamer itiq. in inv.: of item I.omlurro
:mot ti ioern,. The Atrtullittl Gov
ann.:int taionnile the
ow...tante, not inifiere the int:len:nut
taloa. it irint oval teoillt,l
AnlttdalAjArA a i Latada:
mlnirentnin jeciar .1 the elan
uni•ori•tatintakal argil iota:used Ott,
1.100,1 irooniiii Varatlan. gone of
teem. movoa and uo:hxye;
, o tat, AvAptAit, Rub:was:O.
co:wool:A a'llinitiiant men. Marti
fort, r.Ae smaller. bat kilter tor-
No Tbn foreign
mer,betite Mor.Al:,in favor Nartlnei
nab ••1..• ot lam to
dtoi "dined Tiie
itY At. tineeir
et...lli:nectar. et Joatitic
—ln 0.. Fr .
Joo lk p•rirucwl 'went
( . 31.0nal ilk :I r:l7
jaLve.ry to v tan, of $13,0 , 0, LoaLla
oil with o n.; . ; . 4,1 by, a Mae,.
ra.A.hor,stn.l tlot Nonerty rh,tratati,
w 411 the es rt.;, , r. ....afoot! w•rtb
of •Lantorhb., h.... 11 n ,tri , 'L. - attertitl iti thn
. 11:0 :h.:" wax 4,131 . 1,1,.. bat hi.
e, naarxt
bolo.; la a Lo L;;!, crre•••••ti tk—yapta
—Alira in N•t• lot'n,Satnr , Lay
kl aAtroyeol •ho >traet, o. 1.11•
im1.12:, \V. .t I.nip glum,
fay:, r.r., Itzkotedi. Alm, by
A. LAithvarfAtail
narr, ,Wert , ;.
"I"..ry i”.
it ChAvri.,..;, nhaeting h.. tows
held. and a saeng or ,^,l nth,
'tee orp,nted to pro••eed to Wail:ng:4w
itto the etject of se••uellog the hohlun
the San I Doni , cram, C 41.1,1110611 g
t I:lerehtud. The Inihicumetita ofrovel
--Bishop Willt. Qf the: CaAllelic
Dicexe of Nla , cgachuacti..., Al:v.1100d to
Low hiAll re.ittlein raaa.fse in Worcester
fur tbo 54.,,0, of. Airco, faikin and
—The oorpnrrlion or Drown UnLvaral.:
tv, Nor - Vorn. Lao. r!rottrl Roo. Mriii•
Onsvoril, D. U., Drerdrol, in risco of
Iles. Dr. bintru.rokignirt.
-11. I.:. 'lnward, carllifir of the !Shrine
Bank at Dna and voll knnirti
died on Sarin - Any, rifer
Short flinen.r. -
1.T.,114 , ;6 , 1 , ry In SAnwhog..
bnrnesil on Vriklny.night, th
7th 414. t. t.u.4 lusuranco
Tel,. I:oldest sat ten Poises.
:11.1 , ./.l4(tiSrA o tae rtt.s.burv, •
ALI., T. Fel7rMa":'..--TO-daly wan th
...01,1,t tbo ill, 'all. hurt
tion . mortipter rR. twenty 1.
" , "^”ty - tnur Ll , ktrkfn below zero; ut nimo ,
twelTo uad off, TO this Itrtnillo
twelve toovo. .
It. raloallne's ScbAtb.cbe.—Wo be,
rooolvo4 boat the puhlinbar,*-Mr. C. C
Mrll7, No. 51 NVced •Irect, copy of
brilliant . nobottNclao coin wooed and - c ur
ranged far tbc•olono by our
Inw eiclzen (41lb:emote . : It to beau
Drolly printed, and will prove a volt .
blo In•sical 11.1. 1
of Our friends, and nu a Yalentin..'n K.l Da,
offorin4 100 keno of nothing setter to
neleetioe.• _ _
Plinth Ward 31eiting.-9at Friday
night laavtaa larva meting of :tla• cialeen•
of the Ninth avant woo held in the
Salton' 00 to.
u TV, oily panaven ger len Liberty'
garnet. Aft, fif•Veral speeviaes In favor
•f 1118 net aunt e, tllO re , o 111{10 11.1 eptal
- at the Lam envevalle ancvaing the even
ing. prev .l, avoae aannuiinuanaly tap
. -
Surety roaco.—Amanda
Khoo 1.11.11 itit,•llej',:tViel'oraporanl la
dioa n r ldlng In la n)ilull,.l,n lnd u t a h, q n u en a t r alledalen . daysl
Kola ~.1 Inedaunglongo m ge. a Ammo-
Al outdo Mitt - anoints bore)* Alderman
Tavforagal md her lot MI v.ty. or thit p•stro.
rho ;melon,' ono. arrested and hold for
Innading. '
Eaten Pretence.—lieurae Ty lac and Ida
wife eonota , l h•fnro Aldartatan Milier
nt; obtaining trotter under Mae pie
trace, ou oath of A, tindery, had a hear•
tor 01.1 Saturday end trace• bald to ball
for their appearance at Conit.
Abandonment.--Mal - Mt n:IL Ikle 4 Tur7
mach infmnMitm, bernrii Alderman
Strain, Satnr‘lay,,harrlngMer husband
with a3Andoorpmit. The oartirw ratide
In Small Piuehm Kb. 3leliwr7 Ar
rraiml and held rm a 11oarm4. , • •
IgereldoC.-11.111en. nt
tho Mayor's
omen .ppeurrt In In on 1.110
Dimity :stnyer„llilorman: Butler, ins
-110,4.3 or Neventeones ymitiirdity
Flrenea , a aoraerlnitan,c—A regular
monthly' meeting of the Firemen's Al
soiatlon will bo held iu thu Mall or toe
ut, i u'elnols. thin avenlug. A
full 'alto:lLl:ince •
Itacclpts'at .thef 'Lodes 011ie,.—The
reteull , t3 at the Mayor's offlile yesterday
morning, norrnlnc from Ones and far
fe/ urea, aut,,ltuNtl to ,seer one hundred
61Ippery.—The uldevvullea were ran
tiered uuusually allupory yesterday by
thu heavy rain,. malting' IV .estremeLY
perilous for pedestrlaue. -- , •
.Clly nclJouroott meotttot . ,
of CiteCnoncllK wk.!! ho told to morrow
twu o'clock r. a.
. . sew Church •peniaa.
The formal opening of the elegant, new
1 ,...,,,.. A , c .,. .... E. i . . 1. ,....., 1 1 , :hurch edlficts,Jint erected by the Ism
;Dm 000000 —Three nottalnaa Pained renceville M. . Church congregation,
—,..." . 200 .. " — "" 1.117 c" ..r.4 took place yeste day . Notwiihstandin
{ ha 1 nnnnnn eo--the Work of ask.-
lc dieugreeabl weather which prevail-
One of the moat destructive tires that ail through cat t it; clay,"the interest was
in occurred In the city for several years vif the moot g owing character. The
took place ymterday morning, between opening of thittructure la but one of j
three fine and four o'clock. Them . the many avid nees of the progressive
buildings on Fourth street, among which stepl of thin part o f our new cousolidid- 1
~ ,1 15 .1. It. English .t Co's Book Sindery ed city. tindel the excellent borough ,
land Printing ostablishment, were left In government, isteeets have been laid out
'mine ' involving a loan of at Meet two, with great reglarity, and the improve-
liuncir , d thousand dollars worth of prop., meats of late h ye been la marked con
treat to former -roars. Witli thi perm.-
nanny and progressive improvements
taking place, :the necessity of having
better churches, of matter. style, was fall,
and the result lit ohurches aro springing
up here and them of it higher grade.
- Methodism, like other derionlinations,
had to wonterulw hit many 'linden...,
growing out of the el°. proxintity f tho
plece to the city oroper. Residents o were I
disposed to retain a son with old
church emsociadium, aud einiply holds
momma' ninnies to those lu their Imme
diate neighborhood. This was the case ,
in regard to the acetate here. though in I
some reepsete It was quite ruttural, as the
society enlylmmed'one appoilatmeat of
eaveral In a clecult. But as the popular
lion Increaser 4 and improvements of a
better class wells made, the Methodist
society gradually .grew etronger, and
for neverat years fan been able to sustain
wall a mintontir. Full quarter of a cen
tury ago the Methodist society wor
&hipped in a, one story unpretending
brick building, nn Butler street,
now occupied nes private dwelling. The
next etep was ;the ,:, , cuparioy oS a budd
ing on eloVatted ground near the perc
ent structure, now known an the Law
renceville Academy. Believlng aehange
would he bottiu, an eligible lot was pur
chased on CoVington duvt, opposite the
Arsenal grounds, and a frame structure
ofgood proportions was erected. Here
the church grew ictrong and prospered
.with the prosperity around it. The Ger-
Man MettiodUrteatteving perch:seed the
- prepoily.,:thisl toe& Mil possession yiss
terdav, and e ler with tine prospects for
the future. ,
During the Centenary year the congre
gation resolved to borer God and cam-
memorate that event by taking Weal
tires to build an edifice with all Um mod
ern a:envoi:depp •. of the ago. This move
ment was inaugurated under the direc
tion of ROY. 4. Vv. linker, now of Alle
gheny, In MIN at which time an eligible
lot was purchased On the earner of Bin
ler and Covington atreeta, and
partly paid tar. ".k liberal subscription
was also received for the building.
Alootit ten m aths ago the building was
commenced, and has so for bees corn
pitted as to penult the lecture roc= to be
formally opt ol yesterday. The build-
Mg le nine by sixty, with a lantern'
etreple Ina h mired and elate feel above
the groned. The style of architecture Is
a modeled gothic, with a slight blending
of - the greet.. Thor - main audience
chamber, with end gallery, will
modate eight, hundred to ens thousand
percons. The interior In to be elegantly
tilted up, anto be lighted with a sun
burner •fee 'Womble focus. Net being
lady composted we omit any further
disci - 10ton Of this part.
The leeturb ram Is completed in ele
gant etyle. ;It is doubtful if there in a
more malcontent and well arranged let
lure room Id the cap. Bin large, nearly
Lilly seventet opmre, doe height, and
Well lighte with double framed win
, down. 'llis ells ere of a highly colored
orange tint,:with a rich creamy ceiling.
The wood Work of the building in heavy
mold, and beautifully caked, see the seats
, and pulpit. I . Flour covered with rich car
peting, undde house admirably heated.
Tho provisems for lighting wim gm are
adjust y fd. The leetareroom may be
entered I, , the mannive front doer way,
through a Short ball, with a chow room
,I .
on both idol.; but the entrance from the
aide street amore convenient and sotto
ble. In th rear is a library room, front
which a p, ivate stairway leads to the
pulpit of the audience chamber.
Tne fornial opening yeateniav was
crowned with antpleiene etrroansiangea.
The fact that nothing but a basket col
lection wan taken betokened a healthy
mate of'thb !Werke... At the morning
hour "Seri Dr: IL Miller, of Smithfield
Strait Church.tliseourteni on the glorious
ilospal of dhria . .. In the afternoon Rev.
It. I. Miller, of Birmingham, occupied
its pulpit:, in which he set forth the
of the Gospel to the massed.
Rev. S. P. Wolfe, Presiding Elder.
preached it night on the Resurrection of
the Righfoons. It is milky; little to
affirm tluit dame discourses were well
received and highly appreciated by the
throng egg audiences at each servim.
Baldee these ministers named, there
were airtelerment, reeddenta In the neigh-
borbood, Itev. John Martin, formerly
a Member of Conference, Rev. John
WilkinsOli, Chaplain bf the Pittsburgh
Poor flothe. Rev. W. McCracken, sad
two local ministers, Messrs. Clews and
Great prelim is awarded the Building
Committee for their herculean labor.,
namely, Rev..l. Wilkinson, W. A. Chap
man, S. Mit T. B. Stewart and .1. Med
calfe. Ir. Joeeph Bender, the Supeuita
tendent f the Sunday School, is spoken
of highl for his labors. /tad, as usual,
the ladle" rendered eignal servies. Al
though the movement was inaugurated
during tie pestorette of Rev. L W. Baker.
yet the unmeecement of the building,
and its p ogress and partial completion,
devolved upon Rev. Jainew A. Miller,
the present pastor. Ills buccal mother
prefects lot a alwithe character was a
pledge of what mold be done in this,
and which has been Coliummated so
very. will. Re in quite popular us a
preatheX and pastor, wad merits all the
good words mid la hie favor. .
Abi.ut " - ono eiolee.a In the morning
Lieutenant Wilmot, of the, pollee force,
who wan oil duty at the time, discovered,.
smoke lesuing frem the 'proles room,i
which was in the basement of Englieh it
iMts blislunent, and at once com-I
inunimied the feet to the Central office!
of the Oro Alarm Telegraph. from whiehi
rho alarm was- rounded. The Fire Psi
pertinent answered the call promptly,
nud iu a few momenta the tire was ea{
tingaiahed, after which the Aseletant
Engineer of the Fire Deportment, accomi
panted by the Fire Marshalsend tyre
nolicetrien, made a thorough' exainina,
thee of the lower portion of the bulidingi
and wore satisfied that the fire bad toss
thoroughly extinguished. Mr. McElroy,.
the Assiatant 'Engineer, thed ten. the
[dam is charge of the Fire Marshal and
police, with instructions to the pollee t.O
remain and keep wash over it until th
proprietors arrived.
Between three end funr o'clock t. 4
policemen'. who had remained in. the
buildjr.g, hearing an unusual noted,
went If fi lhe front door when they discos 4
trod It Issuing Issuing from the third stor'
of the s- ti aiding adjoining, which win
clot ociMpied by English at. Co., sail
about the Fame time the operator at the
Central wilco discovered the fire and
gave the alarm; but before the engin4o
,null get into. service, the dames had
made such rapid progress that-St wawa
matter of impossibility to save he build
ing. From It the flames were ceommum
:keel to the nialn building of the firth,
which was a four story brick'. with 'an,
Iron front, the basement of which was
occupied as ; press room, the street
noor by George 1.c., Knott k Co. aswhili'r
ssle shoe shirt, the remainder by Englieh
A. Co., as binding and printia:
establishment, and In less. than half en
hour the entire building wan a
rums. The next 1400.50 that fell a prey
to the tlarim rim; elernant x s flint oali
e.l by C. If. l'auluon and occupied by
.tour, li. Ilailoy, real cantle agent,
as an nith,e and dwelling, a three sly
brick adjoining the book retablishrne
which vs . ..totally destroyed. So talndlY
did the dames :vivant, that - Mr. Bailby
wu baruly.enabled to get his wife aid
children from thehorning building; not
even allowing them time to tress Mein
-wive, •By this time the llamas had
coached the adjoining r
Nitiey• N which Was Orrtlpted by Mrs.
Thorn, and own.' by Mr. Piulsen,
burning everything , in the second end
third stories, ineluding'a fine piano. ate
adjoining building, owned arid occUp)ed
by It. D. Brucklocher, tailor. waaelighti,
damaged. The building on the oppoene
side of the etreet. occupied b• Dr. AA
and the one adjoin digit, owned by R. lASI.
' , pronl and ocimpied by Mrs. Folio"
as a bearding house, were elightlyidiim
a.,l. and only, saved from destruction . by
citing of the window shut
ter& The'bnilding adjoining, owne,. by
Sirs... Stevenson, and occupied by . lien., C. D. Acnetbal Anti Pr. James
ore, was considerably clamaged, the roor
ha: inc beiM burned ~tr and the bnildaig
deeded with water. • I
gicottew .h,co'e Louse. I .
la addition to the destruction of "the
buildings, which were valued - at
513,000, the loeses of Mccore. Eugl
t. will net short of $71.000. 1
act of troika, paper ,Wll4
ven henvy, and wee rant:sated at,
ay whlh. Weis machinery, isonalating of
three lint Oasts Adams preside., two '
rye-elan presses, one hydraulic 'press,
Inc ruling limekiln.% thisa foltlng dua
ch in.", one cutting noichiue, .14
large quantity of .Miter valtiabledlrna
chinery. Including the engine, wen worth.
rut: ttrarnaften.
The flrrn of A. H. I:agllab h Cu, are
inured to the amount of Sti,ooo, id the
following companies: ..V.tua, Hartford,
$12,n00: Putnam, Connecticut, git,sl Gi
rard,Yo Philadelphia, t3,:aa. , ; Govern aut.
New rk, $5, a}'; Albany, New lork,
s3,Oout $ .00;
Albany Cdr. N•w York, 8=,t..0.1, 0-4unt
bot, taator, New York,,•?4,srat,
Inutrnati,mal, New York, 310; Cam
berland Mutual, Pa.., e:,50();
Mr..1..1an D. Bailey waa Imureal in a
•Itiunburplr company for V.WO. .11tia
will overreach that amount consillers.
hi v. 'fbe.toesieri on the remainder 4f the
pn.rrtedesun!yed are fully eovertd by
. -
T 313 00.1 , 111 3 or Toe 111113.
There le a diyoraity of opinion ex sting
sr to the inarnedlate origin of tht. lire,
but all agree that it was the work of en
tricentliary. It te quite weldent traps the
statements of " all who examinell• the
premises liner the brat fire that it al lout
wait n it the of accident, as the
furnace nn] every place wienut
the building, where Wore bed bean tire
the day previous wore found to n&per
fectly mid. . A wlndew. leading Au.tho
basement was found open, nod .!about
twenty feet from the !ante 1313 dlscor,
end handle of paper, 301310 330.1311 and
a quantityi.f reit, which had evidently
been burning forsome.time,and directly
over it a' IMIe wait •leurned through the
flog,. It is the opinion of many that the
waved tiro originated from the flmt, but
tine Lel of the tim breaking ont'l,lu the
third story of the adjoining 'building to
sr Inch the first tire was lit would seem to
indicate a different thoort. Mr. Engliah
infulus• us that ho weltt through the
building Saturday night before...losing
upend maw that - all the tlree wire •n
-titiguiabed. He le fully satisfied that
the. lbw was not the result of acjoldent.
This, w• bellestale the third Alme,this
firm have berm burned out. .
' me St UM.' c ' I
IM ring the entire. day reurtb * skeet to
tito ‘ letnity of the ruins, wa n c owded•
with poople, and about noon. tho crowd
heoluno RIO deetto that tint police had to
Ito called into service to clear the old*.
'troika, so ss to enable porton, tp pass.
Prom finslthbeld street, the. .llbt wart
ratherl novel one, no lIMMIIit lOf the
MILD! , ^ of ambrellax, whil wore
brouglfi,4 . nto requisition In °ono nem , *
Of the coalition rain. Th. wi re{ f the
A. et P. Telegraph Company 'rem' broken
down lay' the falling wall, brif, hands
wero eel to work at one to rep r:thoro.
--- --
■tolnlit-Tbampoesa Catamplf•ay ...
'rho, cues, Of which our reeders mut
have a &intact nicollectlon, c4 mo
rigaitx in the quarter Sessions I twe
.lutireve delivering the iiiiinion
the Co . rt on the motion of lA '[ 'lSwart.
welder, , Eng , in arrest, of jodgmeni
The COurt decided four of the criunta '
the indictment were bad, ant the
insisting :two good. Alexendtir Mel
Itirsucrly a resident of Drowns:l Ile,
indieted with Wm. Dawson foe curial
tiny ttrvharge Alexander Than:lpso',
Washington county, with painilisg coun•
terfoli'l; nits& States currency. i Iliewarirt:
who 'nod. the oath before 110 United
Stains Commissioner. eodl which
Thompson woo arrested a d he 41 to au
stye r.aleiconded before - the case could be
1.1 a .l. ppon by grand Jury; and bag
never mince appeared in the , ighber
hood.where he resided et the thine of the
I .
proSiecutio,o., htoflitt won tried wine, the
i'ort arresting Judgment and: warding
a new tent in the that inetance. 'The ar
restor judgment on four - OMNI of the
Indlchineat, is the elscond inetitice, - pear
thnily, as' 'far en the dereddent Storni!
ht concerned, mounts' to nothing, the,
two good county being sufflelett at least
to bold him reoponsible for tit 'Nista to
the case, which amount to upwards of
two thousand dollars. ills pi eof reel.
d eenro at the tine of the trial , a Wash
ington city. ! •
The' a:Mellen. disappeanknee of
Antboar Froyyogel, the Liberty street I
nterobant, continue!" to atolls ninth
speonlation, but as yet nothing bee been
!earned of his 'thereabout.. Ate friends!
are -confidant that ha has Udell foully
dealt *ill:l r ma' watertein no 144 that he
either made away with hinnselli or took
departure for any other citiely country.
Diligent search hoc been mile for hint
lu this wed other cities all tb no avail,
and hie dissposaranee daily gtows more .
mysterious. • . •
The Ileum for ibis Prisadletstablial
ed 'on Penn street Is death!. to work
great goof, aid the credit or Its organi
zation to due tattle enterpriselsuel exer
tion of. Mr. Thomas Rabe and Mr. and
Mrs. Joins Watt. The Fajen hoods,
Con to nisuoperating in the' Movement.
and has appointed a commit* to waft'
on 'our citizen. to MUM anhscriptiona,
and wilt renamenee operatlOns 'tcydsw
. We trait their efforts will)*
' edYsintied by large contributie %ft
' • rirarit:da
1 „ --.... •
al lesiessey Amoilreessaw.
Cbrietj M. E. Church set apart Teeter
• or '
day missleaary purposes, an "vestal
considerable Importance to title claire
gation ; 'indeed, to all the, Methodist con
vect/Attlee in the city once each year, in
accordant» with the direction of , the
Church, authorities. For years Christ
Churchlhas given largely to this interest.
The edict Aspen _other church has al
ways "Nen marked and lasplring In'
view ofi what the congregation bad done]
hereto( re for this noble 4010541, consider-',
able i tercet prevailed axaong them to
imetain their geed; name, netwlthstand- I
lag the adveree times that exist and from
ether (Muses.
NotiVithsnindiag the fact that Ilishop
g mania was not-able to be precool, ac-
c rding Di announcement, ea account of
t le dangerous (Hoene of hie eldest sea,
and the disagreeable weather whiLti pre-
veiled; throughout the emirs day, the
cengregetion entered upon the day in
good opiritii and reedy to do their part,
Rey. E. F. Merges, D. D.; the homorwl
. pastor', delivered a Mercurio, of great
power, raid one admirably culled to Um I
'''' occasion. At tie elece of - the sermon
IIP the congregation quietly • placed their
y e r
tic, offerin In the hands of collectors.
In th gs e
afternoon the usual anniversary
, exercises of the Babbathscheol took place
r '''''' in the chapel of the church, an cieension
,ent. clunaiii of great Intermit , ilvraulua sfall• .
is in inderible sum La always contributed
. ii ,- [Mout: this channel, instead of at the
~,, atomic tag service. The spirit of cruel..
mtt , tits,, is rife among the clause to ca
nes eel each ether. Then the exercises are
,pi r . ...tried and interentmg. The poster, Dr.
or M o r gan CiL7lYderl
North M. E.Luml.-aie
- wale with the enperftdondente, Mown.
Herder nod ]iter, on the platform. Ad
drawee of much interest' and Inetruction
wereldelivered by Revs. - Mersey,..Locke
and ilnyder. Dr.Morganalso Wide Berne
happy and well timed remark*. Thee -
ercises wore interspersed through
out i with . noul-stirritryr eon" iti,..
eerneanied with the elollful , mon
igyblie", d l ' :o d th soda' df t tti d e 4 ' l. 3 = i n at ; . a 'c. l4 p r :
ltal liaderchip of 'Pref. G. M. Alexander,
chorlater of the Church. The grand
rinisT of the afternoon service. Levees
er, es the offerings e( the ectriel—the
tine lineament of which wan sonde by
our voting friend, Mi. John 0. llolmes,
son or. the Into lamented _Nathaniel
Bel nies, as follows: By chinas and
spa '.',..6!viiif i sbilti.„ .. ,g4ritt,ewrnett ' 1
cos ribations after WM corning marmite
eif t 1,771, made the grand total of fire
theilsond eigAty.two dellara and ninety-
'Wel ernfs, an increase of several- bon
tio dollars over last year's contrihu-
M ark credit la awarded, cod justly too,
to the Auperintendente of this well-or. ,
dared scheel, Mr. Joseph HOCIMIand Mr..!
Samuel M. Kier, for the nfts;tion are' split t I
wit eh prevails wc largely 111, - .the echood..!
Th kaolin
e gentlemen are well pc two
of ur most enterprising merchants, and
-1 aloe for their princely gifts t a educattenat
and benevolent -object& -
ih- • '
4areredeleil.--Charloaaidte made
information before Alderman Taylor on
salnrday, charging Ernest• litockhart
with obtaining geode. under' 01,14.5 pre
tense. It appeared that the defendant
bad purchased * ,pair of toots from the .
prbaecutor for twelve dofare, and Wed
to pay for - them at the appointed time
Stack hart watt ariated• rind itOttete toll,
S. /Merman's office, whim Eh. cme vas
he f compromised by payment of the bill and
coats by the accused.
separate ledebissfewhe of Ike Coaxal.
meted Easy Comentesionere hp.
Pointed. -
.1. F. Slagle, City Attorney, in the
Dlstript Court, on Satuntsy, presented a
petitinn in the matter of the apnointnient
of Commissioners to ascertain the sepa
rate indebtedness of the several fiistricts
included within the city as consolidated
under the act of April 6th, 1667. !The
.petition reads: '
• To the .11smorttble the Judges of tAd Dis
trict Court of A llegheny musty:
The petition of the city of Pittsburgh,
by J. P..l9lagle, Attorney, respectfully
rope events.
That under and by virtue of an act .of '
the General AssiMbly of Pennsylvania,
approved April 6, 1847, entitled a i"fur
trier supplement to the act incorporating
the city of Pittsburgh, extending its
boundaries, enlarging its corporate pow
ers, perfecting Its municipal organiza7
lion and submitting the proposed oon
eolidation to a veto of the people," the
first Or Centrist District, composed of the
city of Pittsburgh, the borough of Taw
renciiville, and the townships of Pitt,
Conine. Osklend, I,lberty and Veebles,
.wasit consolidated and tecorporated /1-4
the laity or Pittsburgh, and a new city
gor rnment has been organized under
the i provision s of said act; that
by I the thirty-third section of
said act It If provided that *commission,
emsistethagllegheny of three disinterested freehold
ere of A comity, ehall be B ,
pointed to ascertain the amount of sap
pirate indebtedness of each city, borough
and township included within the:boun
daries of the city of Pittsburgh as cen
rolidated, as aforesaid, and to lix a rate
of eierclal tax to he - separately !levied
and pollecteci in each of said cities, bor
oughs and townships, for the payment
of the separate indebtedness of each;
your petitioner would therefore pray
your - Honors to apimint three Imitable
persons as Commissioners for that pur-
J. City Attorney.
The Court granted the petition; order
ing as follows:
And now, February Bth, 1888, the fore
going petition having been presented in
open Court, do hereby appoint David N.
Mlle, of Sewickley, Alexander Gordon,
of Wilkins townehip, and John Walker,
Jr., of West Elizabeth, as Commission
ers under the provisions of the 334 sec
tion of the set of April 6th, 1667, and do
constitute them a commimton fur the
purpose and with all the powers sod do
les therein prescribed.
" Poll CVIIIA.M.
A Deserted Fain'l7
Yesterday morning a roan, accompa
nied by a little girl about live !years of !
age and an infant but a few months old,
arrived at the Union Deptit froth Man , - I
'field, Ohio, on his way East. related
a sad story, which was calculated to en
list the sympathies of all who heard it.
It wan as follows: About two years ago
be married a young widow In Mansfield,
whose husband bad been killed in the
army. The widow was at that: time the
mother of One child, the little girl which
accompanied hlm. Sem. months since
she gars birth to the infant referred to.
Their he said,. bad been la happy
one, not a single cloud having intervened
to darken the sueshine of their happl.
nose from the tints they were married '
until -within a few days. , He had n
younger brother, who had, for a long
time, been quite Intimate in his family,
hut do never had the least muse to sus
pect him guilty of any Improprieties
with his wife. A few mornings lance,
however, he awoke to And himself and
children deserted. His wife and broil
er had disappeared. He ascertained that
they had gone West. Ills first duty, he
wa, woe to the children, which he wen
taking to his relatives, and after seeing
them properly cared for he [would go
in search of the guilty pair, and
punish them as their conduct I deserved.
rise .unfortanate .man appeared to be
greatly attached to the children; the one
by the former husband as much as his
own, and the child was equally attach
ed to bini. flow could so
basely desert her helpless childiren, and
leave them to the care of strangers, is
more than we can device She must be
destitute of all the finer feelings which
constitute a mother's, love, as well as
void of ell self respect. She Iriehly 11°-
serves all the misery her infamous con
duct is sure to entail span her.
Deka - ales Elected to am lllemsoesstio 4
toss.ty Ism
At thei Democratic primer'' , rrlostines
held Saturday - evening the the election of
delegates to repreacut,the various die',
tricts in the County Convention, to be
held next Wednesday, the following
named gentlemen were chosen : .
• .• rtmantrnoll. I
First ward — John A. Elder, Ed. Sul
livan. • I ,
• SeCond ward--Simon Johnson, James
Third ward—Charles B. Strain, Wm.
C. Rafferty.
' Fourth ward—Joseph O'Brien. •W. R.
5f editing. . 1 ---
Fifth ward—First precinct—Jams H.
Taylor, Dr. J. AM; Sec and inreelact—C.
O'Donnel, Peter Gelecheimar. •
Sixth ward—First precinct—john Say
n., D. Keefe; Second preeinet—Benje
min Byrne. Charles ILlifewry. I
Eighth ward—William Griffin, P. 0.
Brien. I
Tenth ward—Jeha A. Strain, Felix
Laverty.. ' I
Second ward—Lawrenceville—Thomas
R. Sill, M. McCullough, Jr.
Colilus • District—John IL! Sawyer, T.
Dennehy. • •• - • I •
ALLEGEnNt grey. • •
First waril—Wm.. Wolfendale, Thu..
R. Johnson. I .
Second ward —Wm. T. Farley, John R.
Urge. •
Third ward—First priminet—Thoe. Far
, lisvoEugene MlJery. . I
PR 'Peoria ward—First precinct—Wm. H.
Reel, P. Fethemtois. ,
Fifth ward—First precinct—WM. Lev
John Gordon. I
South Pittsburgh—Jim. Murray, Thor.
Vie Geonqua VINO I ire. '
Thodtreenoner the German most
which hab been for lite lait Mx mouths
anything but aatlafactern lust fallen
into the bands of Mr. Zerboni, a gentle
man of experience and ability. Me is
distinguished actor and Ikea gained in
that capacity a high plaos amen; our
stage contributors. The! game of Mr.
ierbont • assoetated—with the manage
ment revives hopes that the public eon
rman Theatre his re
turned with new strength, and ea eg
premien of grateful feeling may he con
fidently looked for. My. Zerbent has
Just gone to New York, (rem whence he
expecte to return with ia considerable li
number of selected actors, with whom he
desires to make the German theatre of
Pittaburti a first class place of resort for
the intel ligent portion of the population,
both Germanand English. We congrat
ulate the thy open 6>ni acceasien, and
especially ear 'Teutonic friends, Mid'
wish for the German Theatre anecomand
prosperity. The Academy of Moak" has
been leased and .the opening, with the
entire new cottmany, willtake place
next Wednesday evening. Provided the
arrangement!' can be completed by that
time, •
The new system of pollen duty inaugu
rated by Mayordllackmore and the . Po
lice Committee reo for is working well
and meets with almost universal fa
or:'f Indeed Of the Penner method of
having the day midnight force neparate,
the whole tercels now Quo,. and alai
dell into three - veliets, Ithe night relief .
being equji in numbers to both' tho day
relicts'. I ord that tbe uight turri may
boequall4 born by all; the night force
°fleet week b msshe day force of the
Present week. The erne ls under the
supervision-of e sht ioutenants, four of
whom are ou d 'the day—two with
each relief, mid! the t inniug form at
.night. The city hag. been divided into
thirty-sin baste—more than there are
mon on either of the day. relief,. They
are all property manned at night—soma
of thelargor ones having two mu on
them. 'rho mon am; to be uniformed,
and it is probable that the style worn by
tiro litstropolitan • PoliOe wilt be adopted.
The citizens of MA:Clime township. or a
portion of them, ousel to becoming citi
zens of Allegheny, tied ea tßinturdaj
evening they held an eati-musexatlon
meeting at the echoed house.. The meet
ing organized -I?y catfiug Mr. William
Walker to the chair, and appointing
Thomas Payette. Elecretary. Aeozansittee
of five woe appointed to draft moo
bilious, who retired and alter a short ab
sence reported resoltitions remonstrat
ing against being a/sassed. to the elk)",
end asking the LogleLiture to protect
I them. The report - cif the committee woo
adopted and a copy of it, accompanied
by renolntlen unanimously signed, or..
dared to be forwardedllo the Usgbibiture.
The meeting then adjourned.
Allest.—lirs., Martin, who :Ides on
Elm street, at thefoot of Decsatti.i: street,
on entering her dining remit yitsiterday
morning found' her furniture afloat iu
about twojevt of . water. The! dining
room floor is below the laved of the
street. and the volume of water witch
.mm 011 0 , 1 ,1 Decatur street being greater
than the, gutters on Elm street would
carry away. it wits forced areas the
street Into the 'house. The family
wervcttot only deprived of theV
thot, but were kept badly at wqrk until
I nearly dinner time .balling Slut” the
dining mem.
A dmitted.—Our talented andliateeinect
friend .Mr. J. McKelvey. was, el molten
of Major A. M. Brown, on tilatultslay loot,
aduattted to practice law in tls3 Court of
Common. Pions. In enteringthato pro-,
tensional life Mr. McKelvey brit our ear.
'nest for his sumeas an prosper
ity. Ito it thoroughly Tersel In lead
lore end cannot fail to advanq• rapidly
to the front tank of hie protection. •
Eightslen.—Bet wean eleverisind twelve
clock Saturday night en exActelon oe
trred at-the Clinton Iron fforkn, in
onongahela borough. The veld Mono of
le forum,' had jun tocsin stoped• -with
• ot clay when. tho rumen. expoded with
loud report and Rill torcao , atom
-04 man, whose cants, we dlitnot tear
'ca *seemly injured.
A meeting or the CatboSat Of tole city
was nald yesterday 'SA • lturt; Convent
Chapel, on Webeter target, ferrthe pnr
pose of subscribing aid-of the Slaters
of Merry to enable them to rebuild St.
Xavier's Academy. qtiit• a ;land/time
amount was rislized.Nj
CITY iliErds4
The Public will fled it 112 gederal St.,
Allegheny city, Carmen Fruid and Veg.
etublos as cheap as at au - houle in either
ity; also, all kinds orPickl4e, Sauces,
Catnaps, Prepared Cocoa for Pies.
Condensed Milk, JellieseXesch and
Quince Jams, Spiced iiialmon,linest Bor•
deaux prunes, London .Layrir Eakins,
Citron, Pranollos, Cocoa,
Broma,:Corti Starch, Arrow foot, Gela
tine Extracts, Virgin Oil of extra
tine Cream- lion .13ons,,crearn Candies,
At..., ke. • Cinoiroz;.Saavart. -
loots. Shoes ant Galtari.-0' the very
karst style, ninny!, bead at Mr.
Rebb's SD Market street.keeps u
solendkl. Stock always on baclO and sells
at the lowest:prices. • .
qflow Can fa Sidom ae.:Fresh and
Nair I" goes.the old licotch . nag. Bow?
Why, those who show the blooin el health
on/their cheeks, hake Plantation Bitters,
which has the power of fortifying the
system against diseiise, and oil„regalating
the digestive apparatus. Ana you dys
peptic, weak, void of energy? gavo
you little or no appetite, headache, con
•tinued Isomtude end depression et spirit&
Take S. T.-18130—X. and %loon and
beauty will return. 'The /litters , have
become a household friend. •
'MACINgLIA. WATER,—A d ghtful
let article—eoperlor to Cologne, and at
teat the price. F. strrtriF
An Old and Well-tried Rehiedy—Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Slowelilleirgn•
teelhing • hen stood the tee; Of ninny
yell - , Million of motherstn testify
Ma it in reliable and perfect [{ safe in all
cas S. Relieves the child idrom pain,
set tens the gums, regulates 'the bowels,-
sires. an infant, trouble4with oelic
pains, quiet sleet, and its gamut. un
broken rest. Price. AS nen • bottle.
Ile sure-and all fer "Strei,, s =Whaslew's
Scothing Byrne," having SO Jae-simile
of "Curtis. ck Perkins" on the outside
wrapper, other, are pas.
• • •
• - -
Beets, SUFs mod Clattersla . 0,, Pike very
latest styLe_ can always bel , had at Mr.
Rabb's. Mar,ket streetrs keeps a
xploadid stock h
always on d and sells
at the lowest piles.
Fine City luvellinca; Ferry and
Vitra ntreets,--Thos two One dwellings
NOR. 33 and 35 Ferry street,ltt the corner
or Third, will be ISOld on 614 end floor of
Nlcllwaine'a auction roan* 106 Smith
hold street, next Tuesday efenlng. They
are inn pleasant nelghborhtfroi, mad cpalte
convenient to markets, chttrehee, ecLeed•
and business part of the city. These are
very desirable houses: 6e0.1; auction ad
Fine Jewalry.—The Yeryne aelecilon
of ass Jeivelre found at thil isakionable
headquarters of Reineenaid Ileyran
Saidle, No. 29 Fifth street,„,feensiating of
gold and silver watches, Wiegant tinge,
pixie, brooches. btacteleta, ggazifs, chains,
garnet, diamond and othsr:Stsue sets, -at
greatly reduced rates. .:Nki charge fer
showing goods and telling trice., ani all
aro invited to call. . • •
Dry 6seds at Whelesalel--Wsi are of
terlug full lines of and brown
muslins, prints, ticks, ejliaglaastut, ud
other staple cools, maklig_ the lamest
stock in the Weat, and at Dna than out
ern prices. ' •
J. W. 11...aselh a co.
• sg-ftrket strsiet.
The purest and sweetost-Cod Liver Oil
in the world, manufacture] from fresh.
healthy livers, upon the maa shore; it is
perfectly pure lad sweet.k•Putlents who
have once taken it can Me no ether.
Ask for "Hazard and ensweirs Cod
Liver Oil," mannfactured by Caswell,
Hazard k Co., liow.Yerg. Sold by all
druggists. ■
Boots, Shots and Galterie- , ' Of this very
'latest atylo, can always,
e ts had at Mr.
Robb's, an Market size - keeps a
splendid sleek always onisatiefutd sells
at tn. lowest Prima Li.
= Sec the greed baysratss 4u celled bias
kets at Barkeea.
Constitution Water is 4 pertain care
r Diabetes and all dimities it the kid
eye. For tale by all d re*gbes. YWT.
tho I 2 coots Shiiiing MOdino.,
Wet Toweling at ..*:ker'a, very
Wet Table Linea, at. Miter's. 'Great
Wet Sheeting at Barkac'a, cheap
(MAT—JOYCE:43a the eLI tett, by the
I. Dalian. Yr. 6011F.8.T P 4 tiltAT led Mee
ANNIE Z. JOYCZ. eJl•figigbes amatty.r..
Iffr * M7 • W‘ . :
reann smet: Mutant , ...
COPPINS, of all kind.; %VMS, OLOTI L.
ereir descrlyttoa of Poo Iforolsblaf Goad.
foroishod. Boom open doOsol Witt. Um*
sod coffin. melded.
IC sawocsa—Rav flootA , Kerr. D.D.,uir.
M. W. Jacobus, 11 U Z. 1.8. LW .
JalVb U. Miller. Le. it
of Sandusky street and Cam: as Allegtip
't,y City, whore tholO CORBIN ROOMS nod oat.
supplied with xeallind Saltation Rorer
wood. Mahogany 'nod Walat Coax., at 'srleee
On= Si tatted. RlBles'PrOD•rod for
terment. lienzeio and rlls*Onisc
aloo, laPktods or /Dorn* 000.1.,10 reordred.
Waco open .1.11 ont. klArAnd Men. •
RI °BEET . 1100NET4nd et.
raw'. ism aut.**, we. a•creso
Allegheny, tad lie. eo Iblaseennl Square, (1:0
Jobe glleon • lieve,llteeibebYblnbn lAna
best Meta, llowelood, kilnet zed tnattalla
11xerreod CloalAs. Welnit? Cella. from CS bb ,
wards. Bosemead Calms gip upwards' atgotber
03fles to proportion'. *Mtge ao. Reor•Gl
forollbed . .lll low Woo: If y . allw, II et.
and Leglarlng furnlehed gorle. one . dint
end nigh, •
IYEILTAISZtt. QIYIneeT-,h1./..341 Me, UM.,
Allegheny. NetAllte, Relo ydler4 . ether Vol
Irlth seventeen otoelye ,, t
flesnml lajaleNtu
h. 4 M 4 r.dit. Morten Salon:
nt prle . te s , Y a le arel' Livery Iltabllillolos -
nee . et' ran .4 11.1441fi. Mmes. Vartlageo,
Beggien.'snco Rams. an., Ile:,
feeble. . 'ejj
IN r:
ANTD--A6l TS, for L lfffig
• " pcitt-paATs, 1 ho• they:L.l.A.
Fgal and Dled Tor the tied, riflblkene• add
Ideldents In the liroat balllon. It toatate
over 1/0 Sine raaraolereaad SCO 1 . .4.5. ~.
the . snidest 'sad chasm* evar board addti.old.
Trice, only OL Ed air roar Tbe Irdhlid ... i..."
tlone4 agalaat . Inforlor/irorts alth; a alsallar
Ulla.: `See that the hooallda ho] ‘.. ,41..., ~.. t .
:to enaraotnas and red Mei: • deal ter .Clren•
tare. Addeo-4..105E1 IrAoltrEns I C0.,71111-
atrial. r... • . , i": _ '. Aar •
FIEF. smao . a the ass
s oar's-ta -n n:4c a ttalsoastssaistocoutw
word . dir girritit. l l2lever lit 4 'au, iirttele
noes alircrilri to the pabittial as. trietlirlth Stab
universal tonnes+, and,i Amax, to or od.
dress L. J. LOCKH LUTA CO:, Duititeitio WWI.
Pttlabareli. r .;;,7; :.•
NOTICE. -Pa T i,cE.,-ratrt es kiagnmrlng
. ienceratin Age hits it' 1.11
Negll4,ll“Utling, X3ll kitiacAnkem
Once. THIS Dklr..t o'cliec T i z z . ,
J. ug
C 1.!.! iFlitra Yin D•putaut.
ja m i;
11111:DIEBDA7 JiD , Winn Y.
• a••• modal:LW Tom 'cow
17KEll fatensiteg rsultaz =OM Isatlidbil
Iluatait Ltlierlikls, Wirt Ncws wt*lsemidbas 4
Mal= f tt•FILIBWri
awl falleat awl mat rellabla numb! sad tion.•
martial Market itsporta elves lir shy pager At 1
the atty. X. lanalttr. Yeebehlet er Merlitelt
molar wtshoat
Maul FOR To Wicion.Y4ll4.2aMa
Single j
C.D.s et
Cleoof 1.14
copy of pg..r )o. W. palp.p(Upg I,
¢p the dab, Addirlsoi tOettbaaa to maglik•
at elab SSW.
NOTICI TO BerTICTULEILL—Ia enligrhts 3Tpur
mar. be or, od amur .1111. Toe • ;
wsat, ma TM lose • tradadmday olitlea torah.
mrldenlaybaz bat aa• Man•• weet.
SrMailol by Drat. /1.1. 4 % 140.0 °A mu-
B.liststated Leib." limbo molt al °ambit
WU, satin roman on drat tel three nuns?
nod door. Also. • TANANT HOVEL. of Png
oar, all to Rood sabstanitat order. Stabling
td tarring, bollso. Bilr,cf• ror , gra tuu!...rli
NI planted In cinolon frnll . °Pooloen, •Pilidn•
ebeiTtrn impel,. de. !Rusin on the bill Imo.
diately abort the outer Depot. In Pitt township.
inquiry of JOHN WATY. Patin HMI: Or OS
RATS A WILSON. Llberty Went.
TO LET—A g God Frame Damen
ING, conGainlng Nivea rim., with WI
et land and stable, wall. set with %Mt&
Univ., and in a gaol Gala at cultivation, Maas
on Beaver Greet. to Gal Borough at glawickgall.
and' within are rolouica watt ,of 'SUM..
Ponwolon era. I.medltteiT..'l6 l eand. let
torn.. le., lanolin at WM. ItAtiXIN, o.
BOOMS ln the new banding meted by CM
Krptete els•lngs Haat, =LIBERTY lirralCr4
ally. Ifr*Ddlate reweenetalt
te. e.. apply at Tent 111.711 L,
- -
To LET.—The nuirth •nd bidt
or THIRD STORIES of the new treldlsie
ine Liberty Street. Enquire , etX. a J..T.
To I ET-4 large and aribalalw
ttal WlllllO/01313T.. erti 1110er street. sat
Market.. Beat gliedarats. Milieulow gni OR
April Lt. Laqqra vt 6/(0..A. Bllft/Y. CUIO
menclintlanal Baak::e • 1 .
, ,
prt o illEl!T.--Seves.all ue, Leos
zoomslo t e aAzirrte EttILDINGOKIPi
food 11413. esta b 1.14. Apply it pia at.lbe
OAZCbTI corarmu Boum. .
FOR sm.p.
• IN SNATCH/MT. — A fine /aril* 4.00.4
built ld the most substantial manner, with non.
plata arranges:testa for it.; het and cold water;
ash plts, bet alr nos, /b. Nunn este GI Um&
.res.of around. Vary near {poker Vane/ trig
Mon. JOHN' WAT. Jr., bireicklerrllle P. 0.
looped. Onds. Ftlestanoin GOODS 5T1)81.. ,
No. tte Smithfield street. 1, offered for We o$
great bagain. Best of reasons Air Bentsti., Apo'
pO at the iitore et once.
toR SALE-A very desivabil•
three-story BRIM /100 BE. nearly m 0•
rested brick [robes marble tomstleat
hoer threagbeatt haw, costal. amen Mali.
at4ltalsbe4 retret,Ne.'l4 /11.11 IMRE LT. IWO'
BLath ward. PeaYYtan Cram Aprlllat,
:Me Enquire al Mahon..'
—w. Weer for sal* lat Oil Acres of Lead
one twat, about la =Su above the eas of Apo:
lanai.... The laud Is Intwored 004 ender dal.
Wail°. and V man rplaied ...richness of *oft
And predowloeness of Southern stapissomeao."
sugar ease, cotton. rig. matt gotstow gad or
too., with sopetior insist fOo gottli tad
nista. hogs. on the pine rang.. Tim hest Of
yellow pate Utah. In abundance, with lost rola
lister pow, Wr saw wills. with depth of water .
*umiak:ter suramboate to run lember Into the
Fiver. when Mesa ae leaded Into large gammas
and shipped tairla, There are ten good grata..
beams on the premises. The waters otownsit
with SA. gems. /lanai. and ills woods .wilto nib
Linde of-game—War, deer. tooter,. snail. eta
The atonal , le antirely freg front thoweilliguee
eeeee dared boats...tie toasigurgs soprerilise
In the loath. W. will .011 this land at the low .
priest per acre.. ; • •
tract - .C1140:0 sans: wholly 6121IIVIVT.
04, cowered with th• finest yenew alas timber.,
with every facility for sowln g amber, oall.oolo
strew.. to one the lumbar Into the river.
tisot Ilea a•ar the ant glanied. Price alegata
two acre. •
• ..
id,,WO•eris In Georgia. at Flew (mfg.
.anti. raper sere. ' •
Tor further toforsnation wad or WI for one
Southern Lane Circular. BILL it SI/ 1:1711MT.
11001Ena...4-1.100.000 Aiwa. PittWoulth•
tfonogol7Lowre.entlle.l ' '•
poie SALE,4lonto and Lot on
F °o
owner of Mealiettaa sad Adams Meet%
neer Pesseater BAllway. ,Lot 41 by ill rent.
Ilene* rime. eenteleinir 7 room sad good ha.
vial' improved. Hone. and Lot onSbeileld.segr
Bidwell street. Allegheny QM Lot 72
feet; lease true& OM Was lan. ITS hams add
geed Wier: weber and ye.. Aleo, wand mesa
Ileum mad Lou in good loenlion, 144.104 ed
RtleH & 00., Bearer 410144, a r e.
14 , 01 t BALE--BOREIES.—AT
gowAiurg Lfterr aid - Sala BUM. OW
TIWLT 110Balt CBay); Om DAMS.
GU= 1101813, ow LAZGIS . DRAUGHT
HOELSZ: .11nbe . BUDS MUM; two MKT
KABUL inzar Waring.
W. House.
inrilenes toosht ud soli on oommtudos..
mailable !Mom or Me bones . ; om TWO..
BOEHM 111.430 N. mAll • dmbis is of ELLZ•s
marly mw. Empire at the ricsawr.
11. a W.A.TOlit
IS PROVING L rnmor soccras.
bi 41.1 Uinta.
se rim Emmet
To Titoisz wANTiactm.orauffi.
cuserszszek TOTING%
And 0VN1C01.713011.
inks, ata4o warder L tNLWtettlq
pally m
THIS lON. Coil and sala. 'tack a I
11.8111T6,Neretant Tailor,
10. .ss inrus ST.. motes .c Itteleept.
.Hll2llll s. SLIM,
. •
Merchant Tailor,
Oor. Claii.Otroirra s
. .
*wanton/ birlaltit. SlQUlltple. 477 Ospre
Watt. imam. ' f - .. •
luta/amp ban Una. lry • vennir ann.. ft:/k ,
Cram tin axons stalkall %Imp , tlasmiably four/
saints th• p.m • Bask gall at Um same elan lt
Le mule t. ask* np alms* slmalll7lOr pinitri.....
napes neat.) It ta to thU latter-substance Oat
it eleally owed Vs aeottilanalolln• - •eltaatag tbea'.l
ow; ~...siNg aly-loomplettem..nras•ntlas.r.
elipplas gad tar papiaasant ranghatas expert
<need la ..w mattal, ' It Is tonna moat aural' '
la ahrAsttag Joe InitlV,les prodeleedlry 1 Hate.:'.
of the skis. Oa acnital oflls frial - 'Witt It:
nommen/a limit to all para.i that sterol , Alm
tin uses/ cm. em hatted: Da /*lints Mosta Is ~
4....17 6•SPtbn MS Ni tOlClllak n la par.
alealsety asetnlioe a:Umtata, dhow* Alai,
mimeo the Initattoae4Odand try" ordlaarn Boys,
WIMI De rzliik laesimralmmi. It lb Ike at•ln
iembilaawa•la 2.4:that um nomad. la. , t•r .
tba a1...n gad comfortabl e: TA•Se•P•amLI7-
.116 as Ofrestinalloans ...tan . Wile in volly ,
eailan. lib natelanam7 JO •Pste litti...o.
to Um 1 artan ass Mu .b!"I. :.
gall/Mite fin moot Wt.. , - , ' .
/seat. totem JOIIIISTON, /.ant a awii..
awla anaaaa. Ain, mint foriIabrIVTIMILII a,
1 °"°C- 1 ---- r - 1
Torusssoky zvul•o istb;
um.. SIMI% '? I
"Cask toe prOCIPA . 4 11 as r,tartsst tlio,ll,ll3rp
•It4/51)kr, - irrlr,iustooir."
tn. •
•a Q. Bs:vnr.
Osmond Mugu,